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 What is the Mathematics lab:-

The mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody can

experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where
one can find a collection of games, puzzles, and other teaching
and learning material. The materials are meant to be used both
by the students on their own and with their teacher to explore
the world of mathematics, to discover, to learn and to develop
an interest in mathematics. The activities create interest
among students or in anybody who wants to explore, and test
some of their ideas, beliefs about mathematics. It is a place
where a math teacher can demonstrate a lot of concepts
through various interactive physical tools.

 What is the need of a mathematics laboratory?

 Apply concepts learned in class to new situations.
 Better appreciate the role of experimentation in science.
 Develop critical, quantitative thinking.
 Develop experimental and data analysis skills.
 Develop intuition and deepen understanding of concepts.
 Develop reporting skills (written and oral).
 Exercise curiosity and creativity by designing a procedure
to test a hypothesis.
 Experience basic phenomena.
 Learn to estimate statistical errors and recognize
systematic errors.
 Learn to use scientific apparatus.
 Practice collaborative problem solving.
 Test important laws and rules.

 The functions of mathematics laboratory:

The functions of mathematics laboratory include the
followings: – Permitting students to learn abstract concepts
through concrete experiences and thus increase their
understanding of those ideas. – Enabling students to
personally experience the joy of discovering principles and
relationships. Moreover:-

 Arousing interest and motivating learning.

 Cultivating favorable attitudes towards mathematics.
 Enriching and varying instructions.
 Encouraging and developing creative problems solving
 Allowing for individual differences in manner and speed at
which students learn.
 Making students to see the origin of mathematical ideas
and participating in “mathematics in the making”
 Allowing students to actually engage in the doing rather
than being a passive observer or recipient of knowledge in
the learning process.

General Pedagogy for Mathematic Lab

The pedagogy must be developed in such a manner that it
helps in the all round development of a learner at the same
time it is easily understood by all. That is why, in developing
the mathematics pedagogy following must be specified -

 Content to be made more relevant to the children’s life

and experiences.
 Effective approach of teaching learning process of the
subject must be specified as activities based, learner
centered, load free, stress free, enjoyable and effective.
 It should be aimed at the learner’s 100% competency
development and making her/ him a competent person
covering her/his total mental growth, which can be,
reflected in the day to day actions and whole life
 Mathematics Pedagogy must be more realistic, practical,
useful, suitable and justified upto the learner’s mental
ability according to its level rather than stereo type,
theoretical and traditional.
 Scope should be there for removing “fear psychosis”
among the learners on the subject with proper
instruction for creating interest and love for the subject.
 Scope to be provided for the use of the essence of
mathematics against the success of any type of
programme at home as well as outside.
 To make mathematics more understandable, enjoyable &
permanently retained in the mind of the learner more
use of fun and activities .

 Activities in the Math Lab

 Activities in the Math Lab have a great role in
mathematics learning and developing various skills in
solving problem as well as developing creative and
logical thinking. Activities in the Math Lab is also a
pure mathematics . The pedagogic value of activities in
the Math Lab is now widely recognized which in turn
help the low achievers of mathematics and converting
them into a lover of mathematics by removing fear-
psychosis from their minds towards the subject. For a
lover of mathematics, there is all beauty. One finds a
huge treasure of pleasure after getting success in the
solution of a Mathematics problem. It was the reason
why Pythagoras sacrificed hundred oxen to the Goddess
for celebrating his discovery of the theorem that goes by
his name. In the same way, Archimedes had also
forgotten his nakedness after discovering his principle.
 The activities in the math’s lab should be appealing to a
wide range of people, of different ages and varying
mathematical proficiency. While the initial appeal is
broad-based, the level of engagement of different
individuals may vary. The maths lab activities listed
here have been done with students and teachers of
different grade levels. The activities are intended to give
children an experience of doing mathematics and not
merely for the purpose of demonstration.

 Procedure:
 Aim of The Practical Work: The teacher clearly states
the aim of the practical work or experiment to be
carried out by the students.
 Provided materials and instruments: The students are
provided with the necessary materials and instruments.

 Provide clear instructions: Provide clear instructions as

to the procedure of the experiment.
 Carry out the experiment: The students carry out the
 draw the conclusions : The students are required to
draw the conclusions as per the aim of the experiment.

 The advantages of having a Mathematics

 Based on the principle of learning by doing.
 Based on the student’s self pacing.
 Child-centred and therefore it is a psychological method.
 Develops in the child a habit of scientific, enquiry and
 Develops the self-confidence and teaches the students the
dignity of labour.
 Helps in making clear certain fundamental concepts,
ideas etc.
 Is psychological as we proceed from known to unknown.
 Presents mathematics as a practical subject.
 Provides opportunities for social interaction and co-
operation among the students.
 Stimulates the interest of the students to work with
concrete material.
 Children learn the use of different equipments, which are
used in laboratory.
 Helps the students to actively participate in the learning
process and therefore the learning becomes more
meaningful and interesting.

 Disadvantages of a Mathematics Lab

 Is not possible to make progress quickly.
 All mathematics teachers cannot use this method
 An expensive method. All schools are not able to adopt
this method.
 Can be used for a small class only.
 Has very little of theoretical part in it.
 Requires laboratory equipped with different apparatus.
 Requires a lot of planning and organization.
 Suitable only for certain topics.

It is important to note that while in science experiments
provide evidence for hypotheses or theories, this is not so in
mathematics. Observed patterns can only suggest
mathematical hypotheses and conjectures, not provide
evidence to support them. (Sometimes, they may help to
disprove a conjecture through a counter-example.)
Mathematical truths are accepted only on the basis of proofs,
and not through experiment.
In conclusion we can say that this method is suitable for
teaching mathematics to lower classes as at this stage
teaching is done with the help of concrete things and
examples. Math lab makes teaching and learning activity
based and experimentation oriented at school stage. It
exhibits relatedness of mathematics concepts with everyday

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