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Pondicherry Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the main occupation of the people of the Union territory of
Pondicherry. Paddy, form a major crop of Pondicherry agriculture. Some of the other
crops grown in the region are condiments, chillies, spices, pulses, coconuts, groundnut
and arcanuts. During 200-01, rice was cultivated on 27,972 hectares of land.

Modernization in agriculture sector with the introduction of new and uniform crops in
the fields has adversely affected the diversity of local varieties of crops. This has led to
very severe undesirable ecological effects. Several varieties of paddy such as
Vaigunda, Seeraga samba and Kuthiraival samba are on the verge of extinction due to
these unhealthy practices. If these varieties are conserved, it will help in the positive
growth of Pondicherry agriculture in many ways.

About 45 % of the total population of Pondicherry is engaged in agriculture and other

related pursuits. The irrigation facility of the Union Territory is very developed as 90 % of
the cultivated area is irrigated. Pondicherry is mainly irrigated through tanks and tube
wells. There are 84 tanks in the region which helps to irrigate 6,765 hectares of land with
a capacity of holding 46.4 mcm of water.

Pondicherry agriculture is facing certain setbacks due to the regular use of chemical
fertilizers resulting in the depletion of soil nutrient and also inhibiting the natural growth
of micro-organisms. The Department of Agriculture has been taking certain initiatives to
solve these problems.

The crops grown in the Karaikal district are pulses, coconuts, cotton, chilies, vegetables,
sun flower and ground nuts etc. The district of Mahe is covered by typical red lateriate
soil. Yanam district grows ragi, paddy, fenugreek, jowar, pulses,coconut, coriander,

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