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Notebook: Final Activity

1-What were the notebook activities that made you think differently about a project,
or about your writing (or research or revisions)?
The majority of all my notebooks were connected to the local issue I had chosen.
I choose discrimination in school. I pick this topic because it was interesting to find
more about this issue and also how to approach the matter moreover where to go to
stop the discrimination in school. I think all the notebooks where really interesting
and helpful because it did made think and research a lot while do it them. With each
notebook I learn something different each week further more it help me to practice
on how post my assignments on e-porfolio that I rarely had use.
2-were notebook activities were the most interesting or fun?
The notebook 7: 6n. I never created a meme so for me creating a meme was totally
different and interesting the creation making connection to my topic and images
was really fun.
3- Which notebook entries do you like the best now?
Notebook10: 3f I is the one I like the most because while researching for resources where
students who has being victims of discrimination can got to if their school doesn’t do
solve their issue I learn that they can got to U.S. Department of Education. This research
gave me the opportunity learned about school equal right in education.
4- Which notebook activities might you try again, in other writing circumstances?
I would do the Notebook Week: 6 6e. again because it did help me a lot with the
organinizationof my ideas, pagraphs and as well as categorizing my main points before
start to write my essays.
5-Name three new tools or strategies you now have as a result of doing the notebook
activities, ones that you can use with some confidence going forward.
1-The first would be choosing my topic.
2-Reasearch and write about my issue while learning at the same time about my topic.
3-Find time to committed to do the notebooks each week.
In another words the notebooks were beneficial for the process during my research on my
local issues and at the same time help me practice-writing techniques in addition gave me
more information about my topic while improving in my writing skills.

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