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2019 18-Day Campaign to End

Violence Against Women

Violence Against Women (VAW) & Girls
• The United Nations defines VAW as
“any act of gender-based violence that
results in, or likely to result in,
• physical
• sexual or
• mental harm or suffering
to women, including threats of such
acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation
of liberty, whether occurring in public
or private life.”
Violence Against Women (VAW) & Girls
• Is not just a major public health problem but
also a grave violation of human rights.

• It extremely manifests gender inequity,

targeting women and girls because of their
subordinate status in the society.

• VIOLENCE and the threats of violence can be

experienced by every woman of any age, skin
color, gender identity, ethnicity, religion,
disabilities, economic, and social status.
1 in 3 women (35%) worldwide have
experienced either physical and/or
sexual violence from intimate partner
or non-partner in their lifetime
World Health Organization

1 in 4 Filipino women, aged 15-49, has

experienced physical, emotional or sexual
violence from their husband or partner.
National Demographic Survey 2017/PSA
As mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006
2019 Campaign Theme
The campaign
• emphasizes everyone’s
commitment and
contributions on ending VAW
• presents an ideal picture of a
VAW-free community, thus
• inspiring the general public
to make a personal
commitment to end violence
against women and children.
2019 Campaign Objectives
• Underscores the significant role of individuals, especially the
youth, in fighting violence against women and girls within
various institutions
• Focuses on Primary Prevention to reduce incidents of VAW
across the country, which can be achieved by empowering
individuals to know and claim their rights, and to educate them
where to seek help in cases of violence.
• This campaign aims to:
– Promote awareness on the forms of violence women and girls
– Provide information on laws protecting women and girls;
– Feature VAW-related services that people can access and avail; and
– Gather public support for the campaign
Starts with Me
1. Empower yourself. Know
your rights and available
courses of actions in case
these rights are violated.
2. Speak out and report to the
authorities in case your
rights are violated.
3. Encourage others to fight for
their rights.
Starts with Me
4. Respect women and girls in
your home, workplace, and
5. Join male groups promoting
Anti-VAW efforts and
participate in discussions to
broaden your awareness on
the advocacy.
6. Enlighten/advise perpetrators
to seek help and join the male
Anti-VAW supporters.
Starts with Me
Government Agencies
7. Equip yourselves with apt trainings
and capacity development sessions
to improve service delivery for your
8. Develop monitoring and evaluation
strategy to assess the service
to your clients supporters.
9. Let people know that you provide
the services! We need to inform the
public that there are government
offices that they can turn to and
trust to assist them towards healing
and seeking justice.
Starts with Me
Academe/Training Institutions
10. Include concepts of VAW and
women’s human rights in lesson
plans/lesson guides of your
teaching staff
11. Continually conduct/spearhead
anti-VAW advocacies in your
campus, and if possible, to your
immediate community through
extension programs.
12. Setup a Committee on Decorum
and Investigation (CODI) where
students and employees can
seek help
Starts with Me
13. Ensure that your Barangay VAW Desk is
functional. You can use the Barangay VAW
Desk Handbook developed by PCW and
DILG with partner agencies to guide you
on what to do.
14. Establish linkages with local and national
government agencies, as well as other
organizations near your barangay where
you can refer victim-survivors of VAW for
needed assistance which the barangay is
not able to provide.
15. Promote harmonious family and
community relationships in your barangay
which is grounded on mutual respect for
human rights, and take proactive steps to
attain a VAW-free community.
Some Suggested Campaign Strategies
Some Suggested Campaign Strategies
• 18-Day Campaign Online Advocacy
Everyone is encouraged to share their
advocacy activities online through
the following: Use of official hashtag:
#VAWFreePH and making their posts
public to generate traction online
– Use of 18-Day Campaign to End VAW
Facebook Profile Frame available
through the PCW FB page
– Feature the 18-Day Campaign to End
VAW in agency websites and social
media accounts
– Sharing the social media cards that
PCW will release through its official
Facebook and Twitter accounts

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