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Received: 31 October 2018 Revised: 10 July 2019 Accepted: 14 July 2019

DOI: 10.1002/rnc.4701


Disturbance observer–based adaptive boundary layer

sliding mode controller for a type of nonlinear
multiple-input multiple-output system

Gurumurthy Gandikota Dushmanta Kumar Das

Department of Electrical and Electronics

Engineering, National Institute of Summary
Technology Nagaland, Nagaland, India
In this paper, a disturbance observer–based adaptive boundary layer sliding
Correspondence mode controller (ABLSMC) is proposed to compensate external disturbance and
Gurumurthy Gandikota, Department of system uncertainty for a class of output coupled multiple-input multiple-output
Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology
(MIMO) nonlinear systems. To show the effectiveness of the proposed ABLMSC,
Nagaland, Nagaland-797103, India. a traditional adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) is also designed. The sta-
Email: bility of the closed-loop system is examined by using the Lyapunov stability
Dushmanta Kumar Das, Department of
approach. The proposed control approach is implemented for a class of non-
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, linear output coupled MIMO systems. For real-time validation, a coupled tank
National Institute of Technology system is considered for study. Finally, simulation and real-time results show
Nagaland, Nagaland-797103, India.
Email: that the proposed ABLMSC gives better performance such as reduced chatter- ing and energy efficiency than that of the ASMC and some reported works in the

adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC), adaptive sliding mode controller
(ASMC), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)


In most of the control problems, there exist mismatches between real-time plant dynamics and its mathematical models.
These mismatches are due to perturbations of plant parameters, unmodeled dynamics, external disturbances, and dis-
turbance via coupling path in case of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, etc. Nowadays, control design for
such type of systems attracts researchers.1,2 The controller designed for the mathematical model may not perform well
in real time because of the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. It is always a difficult task to design a suitable
controller to achieve the desired performance in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. To address the issue,
the designer needs to design a robust controller that makes the closed-loop plant to overcome mismatches and makes it
run in the desired manner. One of the popular robust control techniques is sliding mode control (SMC). SMC schemes
are invented in the early years of the 1960s. Since then, SMC has been a more effective control method to handle mis-
matches in the system with strong robustness.3-6 SMC techniques contain two phases: (1) A sliding surface is considered
on which the states of the system provides desirable performance; and (2) using Lyapunov stability criterion and SMC
theory, a control law should be designed such that the states of the system slides on the sliding surface.7 Both these
phases make the system to guarantee the desired performance. The SMC scheme is one of the efficient robust control
techniques for compound nonlinear systems. It is comparatively easy to apply SMC for complex dynamical systems. It
has a distinctive stand in control theory due to its extreme robustness character, accuracy, implementation flexibility, and
fast response for mismatches.8-10 Since late 1970s, SMC has been widely implemented in different real-time engineering

Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2019;1–27. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

problems such as industrial control problems,11,12 for underwater vehicles,13,14 for robotic manipulators,15,16 for
unmanned aerial vehicles,17,18 for aircrafts,19,20 in power systems,21 and for nonlinear time-delay descriptor systems
and singularly perturbed systems (SPS)22,23 etc. With the progressive developments in mathematical tools and control
technologies, SMC methods can also handle the higher order systems,22,23 nondeterministic systems24 and time-delay
descriptor systems25 effectively.
In real time, to have further improvement in the tracking performance, the unknown disturbance needs to be estimated,
and estimated disturbance need to be considered in the control algorithms. Nowadays, many research works are focused
on this concern.22,26-28 In the work of Lu et al,29 a sliding mode disturbance observer (SMDO) is used to estimate unknown
disturbance. In the work of Besnard et al,30 a disturbance observer (DO)–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC) is
designed for a quadrotor vehicle. In the work of Cui and Yan,31 observer-based SMC is designed for robot manipulators.
However, from the literary works, it is observed that the chattering in the control signal is undesirable for actuator and
real-time systems. Chattering may lead to system instability and undesirable large variations in the control signal.32 In
the work of Chen and Chen and Wu et al,33,34 DOs are introduced to reduce the chattering phenomenon in SMC. It is
observed that the designed SMC approaches in these papers are not suitable for mismatched uncertain systems. In the
work of Yanget al,35 DO–based adaptive SMC is designed for maglev suspension system to compensate for the mismatched
uncertainty of the system and to reduce chattering. In the work of Ginoya et al,36 an extended DO is designed for the nth
order system with mismatched uncertainties. However, in these papers, there are signum functions in the designed SMC
control law. The discontinuous signum functions are bound to cause the chattering phenomenon. In the work of Hall and
Shtessel,37 a supertwisting SMDO–based SMC is designed for the reusable launch vehicle. SMDO-SMC is implemented
for missile control applications in the work of Zeng et al38 and for launch vehicle attitude control in the work of Stott and
Shtessel.39 However, it is observed that the signum function in the DO may cause unwanted chattering in the closed-loop
From the above motivations in the literature, in this paper, an adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller
(ABLSMC) is proposed based on the output of a DO for an output coupled MIMO system. The proposed ABLSMC ensures
further reduction of chattering as it has no signum functions in its control law. A DO is introduced without any discontinu-
ous signum function in its dynamics. The introduced DO estimates the disturbance without causing any chattering. From
the above motivations, an ABLSMC based on the DO is designed. The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section 2, the
novelty of the paper is discussed; in Section 3, system description and problem statement are described; and in Section 4,
a DO is introduced. In Section 5, control designs are presented, in Section 6, results are discussed via simulation and real
time, and finally, conclusion along with the future scope is presented in Section 7.


In the present work, a design methodology of an ABLSMC is proposed for an output coupled MIMO system to compensate
for external disturbance and system uncertainty. The proposed control scheme consists of two stages. In the first stage, A
DO is introduced to estimate the unknown disturbance. The DO does not consist discontinuous sign function in its dynam-
ics. Therefore, the DO does not cause unwanted chattering phenomenon while estimating the external disturbance. In the
second stage, the ABLSMC is designed by incorporating the output of the DO to improve the tracking performance. The
ABLSMC consists of a continuous function in its control law instead of a discontinuous signum function, which guaran-
tees a nonchattering effect. ABLSMC is designed using the output of the DO to have a robust performance in the presence
of external disturbance and system uncertainty. An investigative comparison is presented to show the effectiveness of
the ABLSMC than the traditional adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) and existing reported works. The designed
control algorithms are implemented in real-time coupled tank-MIMO (CT-MIMO) system.


Let us consider a type of a nonlinear system:

x = F (x, t) + G (x, t) u, (1)

𝑦 = x + d, (2)
where x ∈ Rn and x = [x1 (t) , x2 (t) , … , xn (t)]T is the state vector; F (x, t) ∶ Rn → Rn and
F (x, t) = [𝑓1 (x1 , t) , 𝑓2 (x2 , t) , … , 𝑓n (xn , t)]T is the state function vector; G (x, t) ∶ Rn → Rn×n and G (x, t) =

[g1 (x1 , t) , g2 (x2 , t) , … , gn (xn , t)]T is the control gain matrix; u ∈ Rn and u = [u1 (t) , u2 (t) , … , un (t)]T is the con-
trol input vector; d ∈ Rn and d = [d1 (t) , d2 (t) , … , dn (t)]T is the external disturbance vector; d ∈ Rn and d =
[d1 (t) , d2 (t) , … , dn (t)]T ; and 𝑦 = [𝑦1 (t) , 𝑦2 (t) , … , 𝑦n (t)]T is the output vector of the system. In the output coupled
MIMO system, the variation in one output will act as a disturbance on the other output and vice versa. The disturbance
enters into the output via a coupling path.
It is admirably known that the disturbance and the system uncertainties need to be counteracted to stabilize the system
and to guarantee the desired tracking performance. In these circumstances, a well-known robust controller, ie, a sliding
mode controller, is well suited. The objective of the current work is to estimate the disturbance with DO and to design a
robust SMC that makes the output to track the desired bounded signal. In addition, the main drawback of the SMC is the
chattering effect. Hence, the objective of the present paper is to design SMC such that chattering effect can be attenuated.


A disturbance observer plays a vital role in the controller performance. To guarantee better tracking performance, a DO
needs to be used to estimate the external unknown disturbance. It is wise to include DO output in the control law to
ensure the stability of the closed-loop system.35,40 In the work of Hall and Shtessel37 and that of Lu29 and Besnard et al,30
a supertwisting SMDO and conventional SMDOs, respectively, are used to estimate the disturbances. Although the above
methods are reconstructing the disturbance, they have signum functions in their estimation laws that may cause discon-
tinuous disturbance estimation. It causes unwanted chattering in the DO performance and thereby affects the controller
performance. In the present work, a nonlinear DO is introduced. The DO does not have a discontinuous sign function
in its dynamics. Therefore, the DO does not cause an unwanted chattering phenomenon while estimating the external
A DO to estimate the disturbance in (1) and (2) is introduced by using the one by Chen.41 The DO is as follows:
( )
p = −𝛼p − 𝛼 𝛼 𝑦+x , (3)

d̂ = p + 𝛼 𝑦, (4)

where p is the internal state of the DO, d̂ is the estimated value of the d, and 𝛼 is a positive constant. In the output coupled
MIMO system, the variation in one output will act as a disturbance on the other output and vice versa. The disturbance
enters into the output via a coupling path. To represent the same, the unknown external disturbance (d) is added with the
available state vector (x). Therefore, the apparent output dynamics of the system with external disturbance is described
by (2).
Assumption 1. Let the disturbance d (t) be continuous for .
t > 0. When the disturbance d (t) varies slowly relative to
the dynamics of the observer, it is allowed to take limt→∞ d (t) = 0.27,35

Theorem 1. The estimated disturbance d̂ (t) of DO ((3)-(4)) tracks the external disturbance d (t) of systems (1) and (2)
asymptotically for 𝛼 > 0.

Proof. Let the estimated value of (2) be as follows:

𝑦̂ = x + d. (5)

The tracking error between y and 𝑦̂ is defined as

e = 𝑦 − 𝑦̂ = d (t) − d̂ (t) . (6)

From (6), one obtains

. .
ė = d (t) − d̂ (t) . (7)

From (6) and (7), one obtains (. . ) ( )

ė + 𝛼e = d (t) − d̂ (t) + 𝛼 d (t) − d̂ (t) . (8)
By invoking (2) and (4) in (8), one can derive that
( ( ))
. . .
ė + 𝛼e = (𝑦 − x) − (p + 𝛼𝑦) + 𝛼 (𝑦 − x) − p + 𝛼 𝑦 (9)

by substituting p value from (3) in (9), one can obtain

. .
ė + 𝛼e = (𝑦 − x) . (10)

From (2) and (10), one obtains .

ė + 𝛼e = d (t) . (11)

Lemma 1 (See the work of Chen41 ). Suppose Assumption 1 is satisfied; then, the disturbance estimation d̂ of the DO
can track the disturbance d in (2) asymptotically for 𝛼 > 0. Equation (11) becomes ė + 𝛼e = 0, and it infers that the DO
described by (3) and (4) is global asymptotically stable for any 𝛼 > 0.
However, if disturbance exists in the state Equation (1), then the state equation with disturbance dx is represented as
x = F (x, t) + G (x, t) u + dx . (12)
To estimate the disturbance dx in the state equation, the following DO is proposed:

p = −𝛼p − 𝛼 2 x − 𝛼 [F (x, t) + G (x, t) u] , (13)

d̂ x = p + 𝛼x, (14)

where d̂ x is the estimated value of dx , p is the internal state of the DO, and 𝛼 is a positive constant.

Theorem 2. The estimated disturbance d̂ x of DO ((13)-(14)) tracks the external disturbance dx of the system (12)
asymptotically for 𝛼 > 0.

Proof. Let the error between dx and d̂ x be as follows:

ex = dx − d̂ x . (15)

From (15), one obtains .

ė x = dx − d̂ x . (16)
From (15) and (16), one obtains (. . ) ( )
ė x + 𝛼ex = dx − d̂ x + 𝛼 dx − d̂ x . (17)
By substituting the derivative of (14) in (17), one obtains
(. ) ( )
ė x + 𝛼ex = dx − (p + 𝛼 x) + 𝛼 dx − d̂ x .
. .

By substituting (13) and (12) in (18), one obtains

ė x + 𝛼ex = dx + 𝛼 (p + 𝛼x) − 𝛼 d̂ x . (19)

By substituting (14) in (19), one obtains .

ė x + 𝛼ex = dx . (20)

Disturbance and estimated disturbance


−4 d
0 20 40 proposed DO
d with 60 80 100
5 d with the DO of Besnard et al

FIGURE 1 Disturbance and estimated disturbance curves. DO,

0 20 40 60 80 100 disturbance observer [Colour figure can be viewed at
Time (s)]

Assumption 2. Let the disturbance dx be continuous. for t > 0. When the disturbance dx varies slowly relative to the
dynamics of the observer, it is allowed to take limt→∞ dx = 0.27
When (20) satisfies the Assumption 2, one remains with ė x + 𝛼ex = 0. It infers that the estimated disturbance d̂ x
tracks the dx asymptotically for 𝛼 > 0.

Example 1. To evaluate the performance of DO ((3)-(4)), the state dynamics of the nonlinear system are chosen as
x = −0.1795x1∕2 + 0.1944u, (21)

𝑦 = x + d, (22)
with x (0) = 0 and u = 3.5. The design parameters of the DO are chosen as 𝛼 = 15, p (0) = 0.1, and 𝑦 (0) = 0.
The performance of the introduced DO is compared with the DO in the work of Besnard et al.30 From Figure 1, it is
observed that the DO can effectively estimate the unknown disturbance. Numerically, DO's performance is evaluated
by defining root mean square (RMS) error (ERMS ) between d (t) and d̂ (t). From Table 1, the proposed DO is giving
better performance than the DO in the work of Besnard et al.30 In addition, from Figure 2, it can be observed that the
DO effectively estimating the fast time-varying disturbance.

√ M[ ]2
ERMS =√ d (𝑗) − d̂ (𝑗) , (23)
M 𝑗=1

where j is the sample number with a sampling interval of 0.1 s and M = 1000 (total number of samples).

Example 2. To evaluate the performance of DO ((13) and (14)) while estimating dx , the state dynamics of the
nonlinear system are chosen as
x = −0.1795x1∕2 + 0.1944u + dx , (24)
with x (0) = 0, u = 3.5, 𝛼 = 15, and p (0) = 0.1. From Figure 3, it can be noticed that the designed observer effec-
tively estimating the disturbance dx . Numerically, from Table 1, it is observed that the proposed DO is giving better
performance than the DO of Besnard et al.30

TABLE 1 Performance analysis of the disturbance observer (DO)

ERMS Sinusoidal Square
Proposed DO DO of Besnard et al30 Proposed DO DO of Besnard et al30
ERMS while estimating d 0.0215 0.3071 0.2654 0.3990
ERMS while estimating dx 0.0597 0.1112 0.2494 0.4504

Disturbance and estimated disturbance (cm)

0.5 d
FIGURE 2 Disturbance and estimated disturbance curves 0 2 4 6 8 10
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)


Disturbance and estimated disturbance


−5 d with proposed DO
0 20 40 60 80 100
4 d with the DO of Besnard et al

FIGURE 3 Disturbance and estimated disturbance curves. DO,
disturbance observer [Colour figure can be viewed at 0 20 40 60 80 100] Time (s)


SMC deals system uncertainty and external disturbance effectively.3-6 It is always a difficult task to stabilize the system in
the presence of external disturbance. It is wise to include DO output in the control law to deal with the stability. From the
reported works,35,40 it is known that the chattering is one of the major disadvantages of SMC. To deal with system uncer-
tainty, external disturbance, and chattering, an ABLSMC is proposed. To show the effectiveness of the proposed ABLSMC,
the performance of ABLSMC is compared with an ASMC and existing reported works: DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36
and nonlinear DO–based SMC (NDO-SMC).27 The controller design approaches of DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and
NDO-SMC27 are described in Appendixes A, B, and C, respectively. The controller design and stability of the closed-loop
system are as follows: In the present work, the objective of the controller is to make the output y of the system to track
the reference signal (𝑦r ). Let us consider the tracking error be
e = 𝑦 − 𝑦r , (25)
where 𝑦r = [𝑦r1 (t) , 𝑦r2 (t) , … , 𝑦rn (t)]T is the reference signal. Taking the derivative of (25), one obtains

. .
ė = 𝑦 − 𝑦r . (26)

To make the tracking error zero by means of the sliding mode controller, the sliding surface is taken as follows:

𝜎 = Ce, (27)

where 𝜎 = [𝜎1 , 𝜎2 , … , 𝜎n ]T , C = diag [c1 , c2 , … , cn ], and c1 , c2 , … , cn are positive constants. By taking the derivative
of (27), one obtains
𝜎 = Ce. ̇ (28)
By substituting (26) in (28), one obtains
. . .
𝜎 = C (𝑦 − 𝑦r ) . (29)
. . . .
By substituting 𝑦 (from (2), 𝑦 = x + d) in (29), one obtains

. . . .
𝜎 = C[(x + d) − 𝑦r ]. (30)

5.1 Adaptive sliding mode controller design

From Section 4, it is known that the proposed DO estimates the disturbance effectively. Now, an ASMC is designed by
incorporating the output of the DO.
Lemma 2. Suppose 𝜎 ∈ Rn , ie, 𝜎 = [𝜎1 , 𝜎2 , … , 𝜎n−1 , 𝜎n ]T ; then,
[ ]T
[ ]T |𝜎1 | |𝜎2 | |𝜎n−1 | |𝜎n |
sign (𝜎) = sign (𝜎1 ) , sign (𝜎2 ) , … , sign (𝜎n−1 ) , sign (𝜎n ) = , ,…, , .
𝜎1 𝜎2 𝜎n−1 𝜎n

[ ]
|𝜎1 | |𝜎2 | |𝜎n−1 | |𝜎n | T
Thus, 𝜎 T sign (𝜎) = [𝜎1 , 𝜎2 , … , 𝜎n−1 , 𝜎n ] × 𝜎1
, 𝜎2
, … , 𝜎n−1
, .
∑n 𝜎n
Therefore, 𝜎 sign 𝜎 = |𝜎1 | + |𝜎2 | + − − − + |𝜎n−1 | + |𝜎n | = i=1 |𝜎i | = ‖𝜎‖1 .

Theorem 3. The nonlinear system described in (1) and (2) is stable by means of the robust SMC law:
[ . ]
u = −(CG (x, t))−1 CF (x, t) + Cd̂ − C𝑦r + w𝜎 + 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ ‖𝜎‖ 2 sign𝜎 ,
. 1

with an adaptive gain

𝛽̂ = 𝛿 ‖C‖ × ‖𝜎‖ 2 ,
where w > 0, 𝛿 > 0, Cn×n = diag [c1 , c2 , … , cn ] and ci > 0 for i = 1, 2, … , n. As G (x, t) ∶ Rn → Rn×n is the nonzero
measurable gain matrix, (CG (x, t))−1 always exists.

Proof. Let us select a Lyapunov function

1 T 1
V= 𝜎 𝜎 + 𝛽̃2 , (33)
2 2𝛿
to investigate the stability of the closed-loop system, where 𝛽̃ = 𝛽 − 𝛽̂ and 𝛽̂ is the estimated value of 𝛽. The derivative
of 𝛽̃ is as follows:
. . . .
𝛽̃ = 𝛽 − 𝛽̂ = −𝛽.
̂ (34)
By taking the derivative of (33), one obtains
. 1 .̃
V = 𝜎 T 𝜎 + 𝛽̃𝛽.
By substituting (34) in (35), one obtains
. .
1 ̂
V = 𝜎 T 𝜎 − 𝛽̃𝛽.
By substituting (1) and (30) in (36), one can derive
[ ]
. . 1 .̂
V = 𝜎 T CF (x, t) + CG (x, t) u + Cd − C𝑦r − 𝛽̃𝛽.

By substituting (31) in (37), one obtains

[ (. .) ]
. 1 .̂
V = 𝜎 T C d − d̂ − w𝜎 − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ ‖𝜎‖ 2 sign𝜎 − 𝛽̃𝛽.

From (38), one obtains

[ . ]
. 1 .̂
V = 𝜎 T Cd̃ − w𝜎 − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ ‖𝜎‖ 2 sign𝜎 − 𝛽̃𝛽.
Substituting Lemma 2 in (39), one obtains

. ‖.‖ 1 .̂
V ≤ ‖𝜎‖ ‖C‖ ‖d̃ ‖ − w𝜎 T 𝜎 − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ ‖𝜎‖ 2 − 𝛽̃𝛽.
‖ ‖ 𝛿

Assumption 3. Let us consider that d̃ is continuous. The derivative of the disturbance estimation error d̃ is. varying
. . .
̃ ≤ ‖𝜎‖ 2 𝛽, where 𝛽 > 0, d̃ = d − d̂ and d̃ = d − d.
̂ It may
with a bounded rate of variation. The bound is defined as ‖d‖
be noted that the bound ‖𝜎‖ 2 𝛽 value is not required to know as 𝛽 is estimated adaptively by using (32).
By substituting Assumption 3 in (40), one obtains

. 1 .̂
V ≤ ‖𝜎‖ 2 ‖C‖ 𝛽̃ − w𝜎 T 𝜎 − 𝛽̃𝛽.

By substituting (32) in (41), one obtains

V ≤ −w𝜎 T 𝜎. (42)
Hence, V ≤ 0. Therefore, V is decreasing with time. Hence, the stability of the closed-loop system is achieved. Decreas-
ing V infers that the sliding surface 𝜎 is bounded. As the 𝜎 is the function of error e, the error is also bounded. Thus, the
control objective is achieved with the ASMC based on the DO. The ASMC control law is associated with the discontin-
uous signum function. ASMC causes chattering in the control input. To eliminate the chattering effect, an ABLSMC
is proposed for the output coupled MIMO system.

5.2 Adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller design

Theorem 4. The nonlinear system described in (1) and (2) is stable by means of a robust adaptive boundary layer SMC
law as follows:
[ . ]
u = −(CG (x, t))−1 CF (x, t) + Cd̂ − C𝑦r + w𝜎 + 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) , (43)

with adaptive gains

( )T
. [ ]
−1 T 𝜕𝑦
𝛽 = 𝜌1 𝜑(𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) (CG (x, t))
CT 𝜎, (44)
( )
. [ ]T 𝜕𝑦 T T
̂ 𝜅,
𝜅̂ = 𝜌2 𝛽𝜓( ̂ 𝜎)T (CG (x, t))−1 C 𝜎, (45)
where 𝜌1 > 0, 𝜌2 > 0, w > 0,
𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) = [𝜑1 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎1 ) , 𝜑2 (𝜅, ̂ 𝜎n )]T ,
̂ 𝜎2 ) , … , 𝜑n (𝜅, (46)
( )
1 − exp −𝜅𝜎 ̂ 𝑗
𝜑𝑗 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) = ( ) (47)
1 + exp −𝜅𝜎 ̂ 𝑗
is a continuous function of limits [−1, 1] and j = 1, 2, … ,n, and

𝜓 = [𝜓1 , 𝜓2 , … , 𝜓n ]T , (48)

𝜎i exp(−𝜅𝜎
̂ i)
where 𝜓i (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) = 2 and i = 1, 2, … ,n.
(1+exp(−𝜅𝜎̂ i ))

Proof. Let us choose the Lyapunov function as

1 T
V= 𝜎 𝜎. (49)

Differentiation of V can be depicted as follows:

( )
. 𝜕V 1 𝜕V 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ 𝜕V 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 k̂
V= = + . (50)
𝜕t 2 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ 𝜕t 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜅̂ 𝜕t

Equation (50) can be written as

. 𝜕V 1 𝜕V 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ 1 𝜕V 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 k̂
V= = + . (51)
𝜕t 2 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ 𝜕t 2 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜅̂ 𝜕t

Let us define
. . .
V = V 1 + V 2, (52)
. 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ . 𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 k̂
where V 1 = 12 𝜕V
𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝛽̂ 𝜕t
and V 2 = 12 𝜕V
𝜕𝜎 𝜕e 𝜕𝑦 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜅̂ 𝜕t
. From (49), 𝜕V
= 𝜎 T ; from (27), 𝜕𝜎
= C; from (25), 𝜕e
= 1; and
𝜕u . .
from (43), 𝜕𝛽̂ = −(CG (x, t)) ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎). Considering the first part V 1 of (52), we obtain V 1 as follows:

. 1 T 𝜕𝑦 [ ] 𝜕 𝛽̂
V1 = 𝜎 C −(CG (x, t))−1 ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) . (53)
2 𝜕u 𝜕t

Equation (53) can be written as

. 1 𝜕𝑦 [ ] 𝜕 𝛽̂
V1 = ‖C‖ 𝜎 T C −(CG (x, t))−1 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) . (54)
2 𝜕u 𝜕t

By substituting (44) in (54), one obtains

{ }{ ( ) }T
. 𝜌1 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦
V 1 = − ‖C‖ 𝜎 C (CG (x, t))−1 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) 𝜎 C
(CG (x, t)) 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) .
2 𝜕u 𝜕u

From (55), one can write

. 𝜌1
V1 = − ‖C‖ 𝛾 2 ≤ 0, (56)
𝜕𝑦 .
where 𝛾 = 𝜎 T C 𝜕u (CG (x, t))−1 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎). Let us consider the second part V 2 of (52), by substituting the derivative of (49)
with respect to 𝜎, the derivative of (27) with respect to e, and the derivative of (25) with respect to y and (43) in V 2 ; we
obtain V 2 as follows:

{ [ . ]} ̂
. 1 T 𝜕𝑦 𝜕 ‖ ‖ 𝜕k
−(CG (x, t))−1 CF (x, t) + Cd̂ −C𝑦r + w𝜎 + 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,
V2 = 𝜎 C ̂ 𝜎) . (57)
2 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜅̂ ‖ ‖ 𝜕t

Equation (57) can be written as

{ }
. 1 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) 𝜕 k̂
V 2 = ‖C‖ 𝜎 T C −(CG (x, t)) 𝛽̂
. (58)
2 𝜕u 𝜕 𝜅̂ 𝜕t

From (47) and (48), one can derive that

𝜕𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) 2𝜎 exp (−𝜅𝜎)
𝜕 𝜅̂
=[ ]2 = 2𝜓 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) . (59)
1 + exp (−𝜅𝜎)

By substituting (59) in (58), one obtains

. 𝜕𝑦 [ ] 𝜕 k̂
V 2 = − ‖C‖ 𝜎 T C ̂ (𝜅,
(CG (x, t))−1 𝛽𝜓 ̂ 𝜎) . (60)
𝜕u 𝜕t

Substituting (45) in (60), one obtains

{ }{ }T
. 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦
V 2 = −𝜌2 ‖C‖ 𝛽̂2 𝜎T C (CG (x, t))−1 𝜓 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) 𝜎T C (CG (x, t))−1 𝜓 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎) . (61)
𝜕u 𝜕u

From (61), one can write

V 2 = −𝜌2 ‖C‖ 𝛽̂2 𝜇2 ≤ 0, (62)
where 𝜇 = 𝜎 T C 𝜕u (CG (x, t))−1 𝜓 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎). From (52), (56), and (62), one can observe that
. . .
V = V 1 + V 2 ≤ 0. (63)

Thus, the Lyapunov function (V) is decreasing with time. Hence, the stability of the closed-loop system is obtained.


To analyze the effectiveness of the proposed controller, the controller is implemented for the level control problem of the
CT-MIMO system. The real-time layout of CT-MIMO system (manufactured by Feedback Instruments, UK (Model. No
33 − 230) is shown in Figure 4.

6.1 Modeling of CT-MIMO system

Every control problem starts with modeling. A state observer42 is used to estimate the unknown states of the CT-MIMO
system. As shown in Figure 4, the CT-MIMO system consists of two cylindrical tanks (Tank 1 and Tank 2). It has a reservoir
tank. Two DC motor pumps are kept in the reservoir tank to pump the liquid into the tanks. To model the CT-MIMO
system for liquid level control, the liquid level in the tank is considered output and the voltage signal given to the DC
motor pump is taken as input. The nonlinear dynamics of Tank 1 and Tank 2 are governed by the following relations43 :
. a1 √ 𝜂1
h1 (t) = − 2gh1 (t) + u1 (t) , (64)
A1 A1
. a √ 𝜂2
h2 (t) = − 2 2gh2 (t) + u2 (t) , (65)
A2 A2
where hi , ai , Ai , and 𝜂 i are the liquid level, outlet area, cross-sectional area, and pump constant of the ith tank, respectively.
ui is the input given to the ith pump and i = √ 1, 2g is the acceleration gravity (9.81m/s2 ). By considering h1 (t) = x1 (t),
a1 √ 𝜂1 a2 𝜂
k1 = − A 2g, k2 = A , h2 (t) = x2 (t), k3 = − A 2g, and k4 = A2 , (64) and (65) can be represented as follows:
1 1 2 2

. √
x1 (t) = k1 x1 (t) + k2 u1 (t) , (66)

. √
x2 (t) = k3 x1 (t) + k4 u1 (t) . (67)

FIGURE 4 Real-time coupled tank–multiple-input

multiple-output system layout [Colour figure can be viewed at]

A state estimator42 is used to estimate the states (66) and (67) and the unknown state parameters k1 , k2 , k3 , and k4 . The
estimation procedure of the state Equation (66) is as follows.
Let the estimated state Equation of (66) is as follows:
. √
x̂ 1 (t) = k̂ 1 x1 (t) + k̂ 2 u1 (t) . (68)

Let us consider the regressor form of the state Equation (66) as follows:

x1 = 𝜑k, (69)
[ ]
√ k1
where 𝜑 = [ x u ] and k = k . To estimate k1 and k2 , estimator dynamics are taken as follows:

. [ ] }
x̂ 1 (t). = a x̂ 1 (t) − x1 (t) + 𝜑k̂
[ ] , (70)
k̂ = −𝜑T p x̂ 1 (t) − x1 (t)

where x̂ 1 (t) is the estimated value of x1 (t). k̂ is the estimated value of k and a, p ∈ R. The stability of the estimator is
achieved by the Lyapunov stability criterion.42 Using the same procedure, the state equation (67) for Tank 2 can also be
estimated. The performance of the state estimator is shown in Figure 5. From Figure 5, it is observed that the estimated
states accurately track the actual states. The estimated curves of k1 , k2 , k3 , and k4 are shown in Figure 6.


Actual and estimated states (cm)




2 x x x x
1 1 2 2

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 FIGURE 5 Actual and estimated responses of states [Colour
Time (s) figure can be viewed at]


K1 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

K2 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

K3 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

K4 0
FIGURE 6 Estimated curves of k1 , k2 , k3 , and k4 . CT-MIMO,
−0.2 coupled tank–multiple-input multiple-output [Colour figure can be
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (s) viewed at]

6.2 Effect of coupling path

The schematic of the control scheme to control the liquid levels in the CT-MIMO system is shown in Figure 7. From
the real-time layout of the CT-MIMO system (Figure 4), it is observed that there is a coupling path between two tanks.
The coupling path causes an interaction between the two tanks. In the schematic of the control scheme, the dynamics of
coupling paths are represented with C12 (s) and C21 (s). C12 (s) and C21 (s) are defined as follows44 :

H1 (s) ||
C12 (s) = , (71)
U2 (s) ||u1 =0

H2 (s) ||
C21 (s) = . (72)
U1 (s) ||u2 =0

In practice, the CT-MIMO system finds the application in many real-time industries such as water purification plants,45
chemical plants,46 food processing,47 nuclear power plants,48 boilers49 etc. In these industries, liquid levels in the tanks
are required to follow a time-varying reference signal. To track the time-varying reference signal, the controller generates
a time-varying control signal as an input. The time-varying control input applied to a particular tank affects the output
(liquid level) in the other tank through the coupling path, ie, indirectly, a variation in the liquid level in one tank will
cause variation in other tank. Therefore, a variation in the liquid level in one tank will act as a disturbance on other tank
due to coupling path. From Figure 7, d1 (t) is the disturbance entering in Tank 1 through coupling path C12 (s), and d2 (t)
is the disturbance entering in Tank 2 through coupling path C21 (s). By considering disturbances, the apparent output
dynamics of the CT-MIMO system is as follows:
[ ] [ ]
𝑦1 (t) x1 (t) + d1 (t)
𝑦2 (t) = x2 (t) + d2 (t) . (73)

Estimation of x1 (t) and x2 (t) is described in Section 6.1 and

[. ] [ √ ]
x̂. 1 (t) k̂ 1 √x1 (t) + k̂ 2 u1 (t)
= ̂ . (74)
x̂ 2 (t) k3 x2 (t) + k̂ 4 u2 (t)
√ √
Equation (74) is analogous to (1) by means of F(x, t) = [ k̂ 1 x1 (t) k̂ 3 x2 (t) ]T and G (x, t) = [ k̂ 2 k̂ 4 ]T . Disturbance enters
through the coupling path. By considering initial conditions zero, the dynamics of the coupling paths are obtained as44
x1 (t) = −0.0255x1 (t) + 0.0462u2 (t) , (75)

FIGURE 7 Schematic of the control scheme [Colour figure can be viewed at]

x2 (t) = −0.0202x2 (t) + 0.0499u1 (t) . (76)

6.3 Simulation analysis

To evaluate the performance of the proposed ABLSMC controller, the performance of ABLSMC is compared with ASMC,
DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 To evaluate the tracking and control action performance of designed con-
trollers under the external disturbance entering in the output side, we considered the dynamics of Tank 1 as follows:
. √ }
x1 (t) = −0.1795 x1 (t) + 0.1944u1 (t) . (77)
𝑦 = x1 + d1 (t)
A reference liquid level (78) is applied to Tank 1 for the simulation study.
10 cm, 0 ≤ t ≤ 87.33 s
𝑦r1 (t) = 10 + 3 sin (0.15t) cm, 87.33 ≤ t ≤ 150 s (78)

An external disturbance is injected at the 50th and 100.12th seconds, respectively, as given in the following:
1.5 sin (0.014t) , t ≥ 50 s,
d1 (t) = 1.5 + 1.5 sin (0.014t) , t ≥ 100.12 s. (79)

For the simulation and real-time study, the parameters of the controllers are chosen as in Table 2. The tracking per-
formance of ABLSMC, ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC27 under the disturbed conditions are shown
in Figures 8 to 11, respectively. The behavior of the control inputs of ABLSMC, ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and
NDO-SMC27 under disturbed conditions are shown Figures 12 to 15, respectively.
The performance analysis of the designed controllers is given in Table 3. From Figures 8 to 11 and Table 3, one can
observe that the designed controllers are giving good tracking performance with small steady-state RMS error (ss_eRMS ).
The ss_eRMS using ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 NDO-SMC,27 and ABLSMC are found to be 0.0713 cm, 0.0701 cm,

Controller Parameters TABLE 2 Control parameters of

ASMC C = 0.1, w = 1.1, 𝛿 = 10.15 and 𝛽̂ (0) = 0.5. controllers
DOB-SMC35 C = 5 and 𝜔 = 10.5.
DOB-SMC36 C = 10.5, 𝜔1 = 0.5, 𝜔2 = 5.5 and 𝜆 = 0.9.
NDO-SMC27 C = 2.5 and 𝜔 = 10.25.
Proposed ABLSMC C = 30.5, w = 0.15, 𝜌1 = 0.05, 𝜌2 = 0.12, 𝛽̂ (0) = 0.5 and 𝜅̂ (0) = 0.5.
Abbreviations: ABLSMC, adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller; ASMC, adaptive sliding
mode controller,; DOB-SMC, disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller; NDO-SMC nonlinear
disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller.

Reference and measured liquid levels (cm)



y with ASMC
2 y with ABLSMC FIGURE 8 Tracking performance with adaptive sliding mode
y controller (ASMC) and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode
0 controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at
0 50 100 150
Time (s)]


Reference and measured liquid levels (cm)



y with DOB−SMC [35]

FIGURE 9 Tracking performance with disturbance 2 y with ABLSMC

observer–based sliding mode controller and adaptive
boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure 0 50 100 150
can be viewed at] Time (s)


Reference and measured liqiud levels (cm)



FIGURE 10 Tracking performance with disturbance 2

observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)36 and adaptive
boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure 0
0 50 Time (s) 100 150
can be viewed at]

Reference and measured liquid levels (cm)



y with NDO−SMC [27]
2 y with ABLSMC
FIGURE 11 Tracking performance with nonlinear disturbance
observer–based sliding mode controller and adaptive
boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure 0 50 100 150
can be viewed at] Time (s)

0.0752 cm, 0.0771 cm, and 0.0690 cm, respectively. It infers that the proposed ABLSMC gives relatively better tracking per-
formance than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 The steady-state RMS error (ss_eRMS = RMS(𝑦r − 𝑦))
is calculated during 10 s-150 s. In the control action aspect, we analyzed the energy efficiency for control action and
actuator saturation chances. Energy consumed for control action is approximately proportional to the 2-norm of the
control signal (‖u‖2 ). From Table 3, it is observed that the energy consumption with ABLSMC is 23.1318%, 88.534%,
27.5004%, and 129.197% less than that of ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC,27 respectively. It infers that



Control input (V)




−60 u with ASMC

u with ABLSMC FIGURE 12 Control signals with adaptive sliding mode controller
−80 (ASMC) and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller
0 50 100 150
Time (s) (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at]


Control input (V)


−40 u1 with DOB−SMC [35]

FIGURE 13 Control signals with disturbance observer–based
u1 with ABLSMC
sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)35 and adaptive boundary layer
−60 sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at
0 50 Time (s) 100 150]



Control input (V)


u with DOB−SMC [36]
1 FIGURE 14 Control signals with disturbance observer–based
u with ABLSMC
−60 1 sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)36 and adaptive boundary layer
sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at
0 50 Time (s) 100 150]

the proposed ABLSMC is more energy efficient than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 From Figures 12
to 15, one can observe that the chattering is effectively attenuated with the ABLSMC than of the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35
DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 The higher magnitude of control signal during the transient period will cause the sat-
uration of actuator. From Table 3, it is observed that the maximum absolute value of control signal (max (|u1 |)) with
ABLSMC is 26.7272% less than that of the ASMC. It infers that the ABLSMC has fewer actuator saturation chances com-
pared with the ASMC. Whereas, the ABLSMC has 24.8343% and 48.5484% more maximum absolute control signal value
than that of DOB-SMC35 and NDO-SMC,27 respectively. It infers that the ABLSMC has more actuator saturation chances



Control input (V)



u with NDO−SMC [27]
FIGURE 15 Control signals with nonlinear disturbance u with ABLSMC
observer–based sliding mode controller (NDO-SMC)27 and adaptive
boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure 0 50 100 150
can be viewed at] Time (s)

TABLE 3 Performance analysis under disturbed conditions in Controller ‖u𝟏 ‖𝟐 (V ) max (|u𝟏 |) (V ) ss_eRMS ( cm)
simulation ASMC 209.9953 78.2190 0.0713
DOB-SMC35 430.8764 46.5721 0.0701
DOB-SMC36 219.5290 59.7621 0.0752
NDO-SMC27 773.9251 36.4252 0.0771
Proposed ABLSMC 166.4554 59.7777 0.0690
Abbreviations: ABLSMC, adaptive boundary layer sliding mode con-
troller; ASMC, adaptive sliding mode controller,; DOB-SMC, disturbance
observer–based sliding mode controller; NDO-SMC nonlinear disturbance
observer–based sliding mode controller.

compared with DOB-SMC35 and NDO-SMC.27 The ABLSMC has almost same actuator saturation chances compared to
the DOB-SMC.36 From the simulation study, it is observed that the proposed ABLSMC is giving good tracking and control
action performance than the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27

6.4 Real-time analysis

From the simulation results, it is clearly observed that the proposed ABLSMC is performing better than the ASMC,
DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 To validate the performance of control algorithms, a real-time CT-MIMO
system is used. During the real-time experiment, the CT-MIMO system is run in an open-loop configuration for 40 s by
applying appropriate initial voltages to maintain water levels around 1 cm. After 40 s, we activated the desired water lev-
els of the tanks. We changed the configuration of tanks into closed-loop configuration by applying the following desired
water levels for Tank 1 (𝑦r1 ) and Tank 2 (𝑦r2 ), respectively.
10 cm, 40 ≤ t ≤ 179.4 s,
𝑦r1 (t) = 10 + 5 sin (0.035t) cm, 179.4 ≤ t ≤ 538.28 s, (80)
10 + 3square (0.03t) cm, 538.28 ≤ t ≤ 980 s,
𝑦r2 (t) = 5 cm, 40 ≤ t ≤ 980 s. (81)
Real-time tracking performance of the designed controllers for the CT-MIMO system are shown in Figures 16 to 23
for Tank 1 and Tank 2. From Figures 16 to 23, it is observed that the ABLSMC tracks the time-varying reference signal
better than the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 This is because of the attenuated chattering effect
in ABLSMC input than that of the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 Control inputs to Pump 1 and
Pump 2 with ABLSMC, ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC36 and NDO-SMC27 are shown in Figures 24 to 27. While per-
forming the real-time experiment, the coupling path between the two tanks is opened around the 179th second. The
variation in water level in Tank 1 will act as a disturbance on Tank 2. The disturbance entering into Tank 2 through the
coupling path is shown in Figure 28. From Figures 17, 19, 21, and 23, it can be observed that the proposed ABLSMC
controller makes the Tank 2 water level to track the desired water level better than the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36


Desired and measured water levels (cm)



Measured water level with ASMC
2 Measured water level with ABLSMC FIGURE 16 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 1 with
Desired water level adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) and adaptive boundary
0 layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s) viewed at]

Desired and measured water levels (cm)

Measured water level with ASMC
1 Measured water level with ABLSMC
Desired water level
FIGURE 17 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 2 with ASMC
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 and ABLSMC [Colour figure can be viewed at
Time (s)]


Desired and measured water levels (cm)



2 FIGURE 18 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 1 with

disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)35
0 and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

and NDO-SMC27 in the presence of external disturbance. To evaluate the real-time performance of designed controllers
numerically, ‖u‖2 and ss_eRMS ( cm) (calculated for 40 − 900 s) values are analyzed.
From Table 4, it is observed that ‖u‖2 is reduced in case of ABLSMC by 10.4437%, 4.6389%, 4.7799%, and 12.4838%
for Pump 1 respectively, than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27 ‖u‖2 is reduced in case of ABLSMC
by 15.8627%, 23.7965%, 23.278%, and 8.536% for Pump 2, respectively, than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and
NDO-SMC.27 It infers that the ABLSMC is more energy efficient than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27

Desired and measured water levels (cm)


Measured water level with DOB−SMC [35]

FIGURE 19 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 2 with 1
Measured water level with ABLSMC
disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)35 desired water level

and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)



Desired and measured water levels (cm)



FIGURE 20 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 1 with 2

disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)36
and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)

Desired and measured water levels (cm)

FIGURE 21 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 2 with
disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)36
and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)

The steady-state RMS error (ss_eRMS ) is 61.3459%, 60.6963%, 60.6963%, and 65.0658% less with the ABLSMC than that of
the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC27 for Tank 1, respectively. ss_eRMS is 58.4504%, 76.1792%, 78.2778%,
and 76.5705% less with the ABLSMC than that of the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC27 for Tank 2,
respectively. Hence, in real time also, the proposed ABLSMC is giving better performance than ASMC, DOB-SMC,35
DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC.27


Desired and Measured water levels (cm)



0 FIGURE 22 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 1 with

nonlinear disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller
−2 (NDO-SMC)27 and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s) (ABLSMC). [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Desired and measured water levels (cm)

FIGURE 23 Real-time closed-loop response of Tank 2 with
nonlinear disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 (NDO-SMC)27 and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller
Time (s) (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Control input to Pump−1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s)
Control input to Pump−2

0 FIGURE 24 Real-time Control inputs to Pump 1 and Pump 2 with

adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) and adaptive boundary
−2 layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s) viewed at]

Control input to Pump−1


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s)

Control input to Pump−2


FIGURE 25 Real-time control inputs to Pump 1 and Pump 2 with 0

disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)35
and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC) −2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)

Control input to Pump−1


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s)
Control input to Pump−2

FIGURE 26 Real-time Control inputs to Pump 1 and Pump 2 with 0

disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller (DOB-SMC)36
and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller (ABLSMC). −2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
[Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)

Control input to Pump−1

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Control input to Pump−2

FIGURE 27 Real-time Control inputs to Pump 1 and Pump 2 with 0

nonlinear disturbance observer–based sliding mode controller
(NDO-SMC)27 and adaptive boundary layer sliding mode controller −2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
(ABLSMC) [Colour figure can be viewed at] Time (s)


Disturbance (cm)



200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time (s) FIGURE 28 Disturbance entering into Tank 2

Controller ||u||2 (V) ss_eRMS (cm) TABLE 4 Performance analysis in real time
Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 1 Tank 2
ASMC 397.2781 322.9859 1.1068 0.2852
DOB-SMC35 374.8411 349.9343 1.0989 0.3484
DOB-SMC36 375.3704 348.0994 1.1229 0.3571
NDO-SMC27 405.4935 300.0833 1.1535 0.3500
Proposed ABLSMC 357.8467 275.5167 0.5872 0.1562
Abbreviations: ABLSMC, adaptive boundary layer sliding mode con-
troller; ASMC, adaptive sliding mode controller,; DOB-SMC, disturbance
observer–based sliding mode controller; NDO-SMC nonlinear disturbance
observer–based sliding mode controller.


In this paper, DO–based ABLSMC is proposed. The developed controllers are implemented for the CT-MIMO system
in both simulation and real-time environment. Simulation and real-time results show that the proposed ABLSMC gives
better control performance than that of the ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and NDO-SMC27 in the presence of
external disturbance and system uncertainty. The proposed ABLSMC gives better control performance such as better
tracking performance, reduced chattering effect and energy efficient than that of ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36 and
NDO-SMC.27 Hence, ABLSMC further enhances the control performance compared to ASMC, DOB-SMC,35 DOB-SMC,36
and NDO-SMC.27 To implement the proposed adaptive controller, all the states should be measurable. However, as future
work, one may use T-S descriptor models25 to implement the proposed scheme, which may make the control scheme not
to rely on the complete information of system states. It is noticed that 𝜅̂ decides the smoothness of continuous function
̂ 𝜎). Hence, the smoothness of the proposed ABLSMC control law is accomplished by 𝜅. ̂ Therefore, as another future
scope of this paper, designers may focus to improve the smoothness of the control law.

Gurumurthy Gandikota
Dushmanta Kumar Das

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How to cite this article: Gandikota G, Das DK. Disturbance observer–based adaptive boundary layer sliding
mode controller for a type of nonlinear multiple-input multiple-output system. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control.



To track the output of the system (1)-(2), a DOB-SMC35 is designed along the sliding surface as given in the following:
s = Ce(t) + Cd(t). (A1)

Derivative of the (A1) becomes

. ̂̈
̇ + Cd(t).
s = Ce(t) (A2)
By substituting (26) in (A2), one obtains
. . . ̂̈
s = C(𝑦 − 𝑦r ) + Cd(t). (A3)
By substituting the derivative of (2) and (1) in (A3), one obtains

. . .
s = CF(x, t) + CG(x, t)u + Cd(t) − C𝑦r + Cd(t). (A4)

To track the output of the system, the control law is designed as follows:
( . )
̂ − C𝑦. r + 𝜔sign(s) ,
u = −(CG(x, t))−1 CF(x, t) + Cd(t) (A5)

where 𝜔 > 0. To investigate the stability, the Lyapunov function is considered as follows:

1 T
V= s s. (A6)

By substituting (A4) and (A5) in the derivative of the (A6), one can derive that
[ (. . ) ]
V = sT C d(t) − d(t) ̂̈
− 𝜔sign(s) + Cd(t) . (A7)

Assumption 4. Let us consider that the derivative of .

the disturbance estimation error d̃ is bounded and it is defined
‖ ̃. ‖ . .
as 𝜈 = maxt>0 ‖d (t)‖, where d̃ = d − d̂ and d̃ = d − d.
‖ ‖
From (3)-(4), it can be derived as follows:
(. . )
d̂ (t) = 𝛼 d (t) − d̂ (t) . (A8)

From (A7) and (A8), one obtains

. [ . ]
V = sT C (1 + 𝛼) d̃ (t) − 𝜔sign (s) . (A9)
From (A9) and Assumption 4, it can be derived that
V ≤ − (𝜔 − ‖C‖ (1 + 𝛼) 𝜈) ‖s‖ . (A10)

By choosing the switching gain of control law (A5) as 𝜔 > ‖C‖ (1 + 𝛼) 𝜈, the system will be stable. Thus, the control
objective is achieved under the designed controller.



To track the output of the system (1)-(2), a DOB-SMC36 is designed along the sliding surface as given in the following:

s′ = s − s (0) e−𝜆t , (B1)

where 𝜆 > 0 and s = Ce (t) + Cd̂ (t).
s = Cė (t) + Cd̂ (t) .
By substituting (B2) in the derivative of (B1), it can be derived as follows:
. ̈
s′ = Cė (t) + Cd̂ (t) + 𝜆s (0) e−𝜆t . (B3)

By substituting (26) in (B3), one obtains

. ̈
s′ = C (𝑦 − 𝑦r ) + Cd̂ (t) + 𝜆s (0) e−𝜆t .
. .

By substituting the derivative of (2) and (1) in (B4), one obtains

. . ̈
s′ = CF (x, t) + CG (x, t) u + Cd (t) − C𝑦r + Cd̂ (t) + 𝜆s (0) e−𝜆t .

To track the output of the system, the control law is designed as follows:
( . ( ))
u = −(CG (x, t))−1 CF (x, t) + Cd̂ (t) − C𝑦r + 𝜆s (0) e−𝜆t + 𝜔1 s′ + 𝜔2 sign s′

where 𝜆 > 0 and 𝜔1 and 𝜔2 are the linear gain and nonlinear switching gains of controller, respectively. To investigate the
stability, the Lyapunov function is considered as follows:

1 ( ′ )T ′
V= s s. (B7)

By substituting (B4) and (B5) in the derivative of the (B7), one obtains

. ( )T [ ( . . )
̈ ( )]
V = s′ C d (t) − d̂ (t) + Cd̂ (t) − 𝜔1 s′ − 𝜔2 sign s′ . (B8)

From (A8) and (B8), it can be derived as follows:

. ( )T [ . ( )]
V = s′ C (1 + 𝛼) d̃ (t) − 𝜔1 s′ − 𝜔2 sign s′ . (B9)

From (B9) and Assumption 4, it can be derived as

. ( )T
V ≤ −𝜔1 s′ s′ − (𝜔2 − ‖C‖ (1 + 𝛼) 𝜈) ‖ ′‖
‖s ‖ . (B10)

By choosing the switching gains of control law (B6) as 𝜔1 > 0 and 𝜔2 > ‖C‖ (1 + 𝛼) 𝜈, the system will be stable. Thus, the
control objective is achieved under the designed controller.



To track the output of the system (1)-(2), an NDO-SMC27 is designed along the sliding surface as given in the following:

s = Ce (t) , (C1)

C = diag [c1 , c2 , . . ., cn ], c1 , c2 , … , cn are positive constants. The derivative of the (C1) becomes

s = Cė (t) . (C2)

By substituting (26) in (C2), one obtains

. . .
s = C (𝑦 − 𝑦r ) . (C3)
By substituting the derivative of (2) and (1) in (C3), one obtains

. .
s = CF (x, t) + CG (x, t) u + Cd (t) − C𝑦r . (C4)

To track the output of the system, the control law is designed as follows:
( )
u = −(CG (x, t))−1 CF (x, t) + Cd̂ (t) − C𝑦r + 𝜔sign (s) .

To investigate the stability, the Lyapunov function is considered as follows27 :

1 T 1 ( )T ̃
V= s s + d̃ d. (C6)
2 2

The derivative of the (C6) becomes

( )T .
V = sT s + d̃ d.
By substituting (C4) and (C5) in the derivative of the (C7), one obtains

. [ ( ) ] ( )T .
V = sT C d (t) − d̂ (t) − 𝜔sign (s) + d̃ d.
̃ (C8)

From (3)-(4), it can be derived as follows: . ( )

d̂ (t) = 𝛼 d (t) − d̂ (t) . (C9)

Let us define d̃ (t) = d (t) − d̂ (t). Equation (C9) becomes

. ( )
d̂ (t) = 𝛼 d̃ (t) . (C10)

From (C10), one obtains (. )

d̂ (t) = 𝛼 d̃ (t) . (C11)
From (C9) and (C11), it can be derived as follows:
(. ) (. . )
𝛼 d̃ (t) = 𝛼 d (t) − d̂ (t) . (C12)

In general, when d (t) varies slowly and relatively to the DO dynamics, it is allowed to take d (t) = 0. Therefore, (C12)
becomes (. ) ( . )
𝛼 d̃ (t) = 𝛼 −d̂ (t) . (C13)
By substituting (C10) in (C13), one obtains
. ( )
d̃ (t) = −𝛼 d̃ (t) . (C14)
By substituting (C14) in (C8), one can obtain
. [ ] ( )T
V = sT C (d (t) − d (t)) − 𝜔sign (s) − 𝛼 d̃ d. (C15)

From (C15), one obtains

. [ ] ( )T
V = sT Cd̃ (t) − 𝜔sign (s) − 𝛼 d̃ d. (C16)
Assumption 5. Let us consider that the derivative of d̃ (t) is bounded and it satisfies 𝜈 ≥ ‖d̃ (t)‖. From (C16) and
Assumption 5, it can be derived that
. ( )T
V = − (𝜔 − ‖C‖ 𝜈) ‖s‖ − 𝛼 d̃ d. ̃ (C17)
By holding the switching gain as 𝜔 > ‖C‖ 𝜈 and 𝛼 > 0, the Lyapunov function becomes V ≤ 0. Hence, the system is



In the present section, finite time convergence of ABLSMC is described. From (43), ABLSMC control law has the reaching
phase w𝜎 + 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,
̂ 𝜎). Using reaching law to reach sliding surface,50 we have

𝜎 = −w𝜎 − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ 𝜑 (𝜅,

̂ 𝜎) . (D1)

From (D1) and (47), one obtains ( ( ))

1 − exp −𝜅𝜎
̂ 𝑗
𝜎 = −w𝜎 − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖
( ) . (D2)
1 + exp −𝜅𝜎
̂ 𝑗
Let us consider that, at a initial point of time ti , 𝜎 (ti ) ≠ 0 is the initial value of 𝜎 in (D2). Let us consider that the system
moved on to sliding surface at time point ti + tr , where tr is the reaching time. On the sliding surface, 𝜎 (ti + tr ) will remain
in the small neighborhood of 0, ie, 𝜎 (ti + tr ) ≈ 0. tr is calculated as follows.
From (D1), it can be derived that
( ( ))
𝜎 (ti + tr ) − 𝜎 (ti ) 1 − exp −𝜅𝜎
̂ 𝑗 (ti + tr )
= −w𝜎 (ti + tr ) − 𝛽̂ ‖C‖ ( ) , (D3)
(ti + tr ) − ti 1 + exp −𝜅𝜎
̂ 𝑗 (ti + tr )

but on the sliding surface 𝜎 (ti + tr ) ≈ 0; therefore, (D3) becomes

−𝜎 (ti )
≈ −𝛽̂ ‖C‖ . (D4)

From (D4), one obtains

‖𝜎 (ti )‖
tr ≤ . (D5)
‖ ̂‖
‖𝛽 ‖ ‖C‖
‖ ‖
Therefore, the control law in (43) will drive the system to sliding surface in finite time and will keep it on the slid-
ing surface thereafter. From (43), it is noticed that to implement ABLSMC control law, (CG)−1 should exist. As Cn×n =
diag [c1 , c2 , … , cn ] and ci > 0 for i = 1, 2, … , n and G (x, t) ∶ Rn → Rn×n is the nonzero measurable gain matrix,
(CG (x, t))−1 always exists.

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