Genesis Brass Book 2020

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Genesis Brass Program

“How we breathe is how we play”

“All the air, all the counts”

“Consistency creates success”

“It doesn’t count unless its on the move”

Dear Genesis Brass Ensemble Candidate,

Welcome to Genesis Drum & Bugle Corps!

This packet is designed to summarize the philosophy and approach to teaching, learning,
rehearsing, and performing within the 2020 Genesis Brass Line. Please become familiar with
this packet as the information it contains will be the foundation to our success in the 2020
season and beyond. The information contained in this packet will not only help you on your
quest to join Genesis, but also be a benefit to you in your day-to-day life.

2020 Genesis auditions will take place at all full and satellite camps spanning from November to
February. While we will accept video auditions, attendance at one of these camps is mandatory
before you are given a contract. If you have any questions concerning the Genesis Brass
auditions, Genesis Brass, or anything within this packet, please reach out to​.

It is our mission at Genesis Drum & Bugle Corps that we offer everyone a great and educational
experience regardless of outcome; whether you are with us for one camp or the next three
years. We are excited and look forward to working with each and every one of you.

Genesis Brass Staff

Jared Kaufman
Caption Head

Ryan Lovell Dillon Watkins

Assistant Caption Head Assistant Caption Head
About Genesis Brass 2020

Goals for 2020:

At Genesis, we do not focus exclusively on competitive goals. Instead, we seek to look inward and focus
on the development of the performers that call Genesis home. To that end, our goals for the 2020 season
are as follows:
● Develop each performer, meeting them at their level and elevating them to the highest point
● Teach and develop life skills that apply both to
the drum corps activity and their professional life.
● Set new standards for Genesis Drum & Bugle
○ As the largest section, it is entirely up to
us to “drive” the corps and organization.

Our Philosophy:
1. Fundamentals of Musicianship:
Fundamentals of musicianship are the most basic principles of music performance that are applicable to
all types of musical ensembles. Students and staff will continuously reinforce these skills and concepts in
every rehearsal. The goal of Genesis Brass is to develop active musical performers who make calculated
and informed musical decisions at all times.
2. Fundamentals of Brass Performance:
Skills related to brass performance are vital to our success at Genesis Brass. This can be broken down
into several simple tenets that we will utilize:
● “How we breathe is how we play”
● “Breathe, Set, Play”
● “All the air, all the counts”
● Flow/efficiency
● Consistency creates success
● It doesn’t count unless its on the move
● 3 variables of brass playing
○ Amount of air
○ Speed of air
○ Size of the aperture
3. Team Concepts:
Genesis is a family. Not just within our caption, but within the drum corps and organization as a whole.
Every member of our team is a cog in the giant machine that is Genesis Drum & Bugle Corps. We will
discuss and develop skills that allow us to work within our caption, the corps proper, and as responsible,
positive team members.

Basics of the 2020 Genesis Brass Approach

At Genesis, we utilize a “​Count Air​” system as a way to ensure equal contribution and interpretation from
all of our members. The goal is to be empty by a defined “count”. As such, different defined dynamics will
have a corresponding “air count”. As our unified approach becomes more ingrained, we memorize these
physical feelings and apply them to the phrases or definitions demanded within our music.


FFF+ 3 count air

FF 4 count air

F 8 count air

MF 12 count air

MP 16 count air

P 20 count air

PP 24 count air

PPP- 28-36 count air

Listening Levels
1. Self ​- Do I have a
characteristic sound and am I
meeting the definitions of my
musical responsibilities?
2. Section​ - Am I matching my
sections interpretation of our
musical responsibilities?
3. Ensemble​ - Am I matching
the hornline or musical ensembles
musical responsibilities?
Every athlete or performer must strive to create a level of consistency in his or her performance.
Throughout everything we do, we will strive for the use of the correct “approach” regardless of outcome.
Approach comes first! Results come second. In everything we do, be it rehearsal, chunks, smaller reps,
sectionals, ensemble, performances, etc, the approach must be consistently maintained in order for
consistency of our performers performance to occur.

This concept will dominate our brass approach for the 2020 season. Our goal is resonance and relaxation
in everything we do, be it pianissimo or stadium-shaking fortissimo. Relax, let the air do the work, and
learn to find the best results for the least amount of exertion.

Audition Information

Audition camps are held from November through February. Please check our website to determine the
best date for you. For audition camps, please plan to bring your own instrument as we will likely not have
enough for everyone.

“There is no way I’ll make it, im just not good enough”

We hear this constantly, year after year. Many talented potential members fail to audition every year
because they don’t believe that they are good enough. They might assume that with VETS returning there
won’t be spots for them. Let’s dispel a few audition myths:
1. Every spot on the field is open every year.
a. VETS must re-audition like everyone else and prepare. We want the best pool of talent
each year.
2. I'm not talented enough
a. At Genesis, we want the right type of member; and that is not always the most singularly
gifted individual. We want to see how you handle rehearsal, take instruction, move, and
handle yourself. While your audition is important, as is your skill level on your instrument,
we will always take the more complete member.
3. A “call-back” is the same as being cut
a. Receiving a call-back is NOT the same as being cut.​ It means we want to see your
growth and get more time with you to better ascertain your abilities and potential fit within
the ensemble. If given a call-back, we strongly encourage you to come back and show us
the growth between camps.
What we are looking for

You ability on your instrument and your ability to move are paramount to your success and are very
important within the selection process. Equally, staff will be looking at your growth camp to camp and
checking in on your video assignments.
Chemistry is vital to the success of the ensemble. We are looking for brass section candidates with
positive, work-first attitudes that are relentless in their pursuit of their personal, and our collective
ensemble goals. Being in an ensemble that shares these attitudes and goals is incredibly fun and
All brass members MUST bring their long term personal calendars to camp. We will ask you in auditions
for any potential conflicts. Attendance is required at all rehearsals throughout the camp season
(November-May). Occasionally, we understand that school, personal, or family conflicts may arise. In
order for an absence to be “excused”, it must be communicated at least one week in advance to Jared
Kaufman at ​​. All candidates and members who miss camp must take it
upon themselves to make up any missing video assignments before the next camp occurs.
***Note: any no-call, no-show candidates will be removed from our roster and will no longer be
considered for membership within the corps.
Drum corps is a long, strenuous grind. Being healthy, and maintaining healthy habits are vital to our corps
success. You must be physically capable of withstanding the requirements of rehearsals, performances,
and travel. Maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is vital to a positive summer experience.
The Ideal Genesis Candidate:
Our ideal Genesis member is someone communicates effectively and responsibly, has mutual respect for
their fellow members, is accountable at all times and in all things, has a high ability to collaborate, takes
instruction well, and is an active participant in all that we do.
Audition Preparation Recommendations

BE PREAPRED: ​Preparation is the key to success. Be sure to practice prior to coming to camp. Take
the opportunity to play for as many friends, teachers, and directors as you can. Their feedback and the
repeated sensation of playing for another individual will greatly improve your preparation and comfort in
the audition environment. Recording yourself can also be a great option as it provides you with an honest
assessment of your performance. Video doesn’t lie!

Nerves: ​You will be nervous. This is entirely normal! Don’t try to fight or bury your nervousness. Accept it
for what it is and breathe. Remember that our staff are there to help you and we are ALWAYS your
biggest fans. We want more than anything for you to do well.

In the event of a nervous moment in your audition, KEEP GOING! DO NOT apologize for your audition,
and NEVER give an excuse.

Audition Requirements:

First Camp:
1. Prepare a solo or etude of your choice. This should
be technical in nature and should demonstrate your
best technical abilities such as rapid articulation,
style, and finger technique. ​(All-state or District
etudes make a great option for this portion of your
2. You will be asked to play “Thirds #3” (from this
packet) while marching forward 8, back 8 at a tempo
of quarter note equals 144

Call-Back Camp:
1. Prepare and perform the given solo (you will receive
this upon your call back status)
2. You will be asked to play “Thirds #3” while marching
forward 8, back 8 at a tempo of quarter note equals

Video Auditions:
Initial auditions may be submitted through a video recording and sent to ​​.
All video auditions should be for the FIRST CAMP requirements ONLY. Any call-back must be
done in person. In order for a potential member to be offered a contract, they must attend at least
(1) camp and be paid in full for any camp or audition fees that may apply.
Audition Outcomes

I = Outstanding Audition and Camp:​ ​You will likely be given your contract at the end of camp.
II = Good Audition and Camp: ​We would like to see you for a call-back camp and monitor your
growth. Your chances of being in the hornline are good.
III = Fair Audition and Camp:​ ​We would like to see you for a call-back camp and monitor your
growth. We will need to see significant improvements before you will be considered a candidate for the
brass ensemble.

Remember: the audition

process does not end after
the first camp. Final decisions
for the brass ensemble will be
made after the February
camp. Preparation, attitude,
growth, visual ability, physical
conditioning, and section
ranking will all be determining
factors for awarding a

Equipment for the 2020 Season

Brass ensemble members are required to have all listed materials for ALL rehearsals:
● A Purple 1-inch Three Ring Binder with page protectors
○ This will keep track of your 2020 Brass Packet and all additional music
○ Please be sure to place a cover sheet or sharpie your name to identify your binder
● A Mechanical Pencil
○ Required to have on you at all times. Any changes should ALWAYS be marked.
● Gloves
○ Anytime we handle Genesis instruments we will be wearing gloves. This protects your
instrument from wear throughout rehearsals.
● Black Towel
○ Your instrument is in one of three places at all times: in your hand, on the ground on top
of your towel, or in its case. The black towel is placed on the ground to protect the
instrument on hard surfaces such as asphalt or concrete.
■ Finding a friend who can add a metal grommet to your towel will allow it to be
hung from your backpack when not in use.
● Baseball Hat
○ Anytime we are outside you are required to wear a hat. This is to shade and protect your
face and lips when rehearsing.
● Athletic Shoes
○ All brass rehearsals will require movement and therefore athletic shoes are required at all
times. Sandals or non-athletic shoes of any kind are never acceptable. Always protect
your feet!
● Rehearsal Clothing
○ Please wear clothing that allows for easy movement such as sweats, shorts, t-shirts, etc.
NO JEANS!!! Movement will occur at every rehearsal so be prepared and dress

Mouthpiece Requirements for the 2020 Season

● Trumpets
○ Leads (as determined by audition) will stay on their current mouthpiece.
○ All others - Hammond 5MLH
● Mellophone - Hammond 5MPH
● Baritone - Hammond 12L
● Euphonium - Schilke 52E2
● Tuba - PT-48
Trumpet in B b
Genesis 2020 Brass Book
Kaufman, Lovell, & Watkins
How we breathe is how we play

4 www œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ #˙

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Thirds #1

œ œ

& œ œ œ œ œ œ
Thirds #2

w w œ w

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Thirds #3


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œ œœ ˙˙˙ œœœ œœœ
Intonation Partials

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2 Genesis 2020 Brass Book

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52 The Watkins Progression

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In the Bleak Midwinter


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Genesis 2020 Brass Book
Kaufman, Lovell, & Watkins
How we breathe is how we play

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bœ ˙ œ
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&b œ œ œ n˙ ∑ œ œ œ
Thirds #1

œ w œ

w œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Thirds #3

&b œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ
Thirds #2

œœ œœ
Intonation Partials

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27 Schwarma

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2 Genesis 2020 Brass Book

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50 The Watkins Progression

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57 322

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71 In the Bleak Midwinter

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Baritone (B.C.)
Genesis 2020 Brass Book
Kaufman, Lovell, & Watkins
How we breathe is how we play

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? b b 44 w œ w


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14 Thirds #1

w œ

? bb w œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ
21 Thirds #3
Thirds #2

? bb œ œ œ œ w w ˙
Intonation Partials

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27 Schwarma

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2 Genesis 2020 Brass Book

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49 The Watkins Progression

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56 Bach 322


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69 In the Bleak Midwinter

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Genesis 2020 Brass Book
Kaufman, Lovell, & Watkins
How we breathe is how we play

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w w

? bb ∑ ∑

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14 Thirds #1

œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ n˙ œ w w œ œ œ

? bb œ œ œ œ
Thirds #3

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21 Thirds #2

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w œ œ

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27 Schwarma Intonation Partials

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2 Genesis 2020 Brass Book

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51 The Watkins Progression

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59 Bach 322

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71 In the Bleak Midwinter

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