Recruitment Selection Process BB

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Assignment on

Recruitment and Selection Process of Bangladesh Bank

Shafi Abdullah Hauque (18164080)
Moumi Binte Mostakim (18164087)

A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the course

HRM 502: Human Resource Management

MBA Program
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

July 2019
Table of Content

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... ii

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
The general recruitment process of officers is as follows ...................................................... 1
i. Job Circular .................................................................................................................... 1
ii. Preliminary Exam....................................................................................................... 2
iii. Written Test ................................................................................................................ 2
iv. Viva Voce ..................................................................................................................... 2
v. Medical Test ................................................................................................................ 3
vi. Primary Police Verification ....................................................................................... 3
vii. Issuing Offer Letter .................................................................................................... 3
viii. Final Appointment ...................................................................................................... 3
How Bangladesh Bank outsources for recruitment purpose ................................................ 3
BANGLADESH BANK ................................................................................................................ 4
1. Little use of Background Specialization of the candidates............................................. 4
2. Lengthy process .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Very traditional Syllabus .................................................................................................. 4
4. Quota System...................................................................................................................... 5
RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................................. 5
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 6
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 6


Central banking activities are always crucial for a country as it formulates the monetary policy of
an economy. This report contains about the recruitment ans slection process of the Bnagladesh
Bank. here we have discussed thoroughly about recruitment and selection process – job circular,
priliminary exam, written test, viva voce, medical test, primary police verification, issuing offer
letter and final appoinment. After that we have mentioned about the problem regarding the
recruitment process in Bangladesh Bank. we found out four major problems regarding this
recruitment and selection process, those are little use of background specialization of the
candidates, lengthy recruitment process time, traditional syllabus in written and viva exam and
quota system. We tried to find out some possible solutions in recommendation part. Here we
included that shortening recruitment process time, upgrading syllabus that will actually judge the
candidates’ ability for the position, doing proper background check before giving offer letter would
be a good solution for upgrading the recruitment and selection process of Bangladesh Bank.

Human Resource Department (HRD) 1 & 2 of Bangladesh Bank is responsible for practicing
Human Resource Management of the organization. HRD-1 is responsible to formulate and
implement HRM policies and activities relation to administration of human resources while HRD-
2 is responsible for performing welfare related activities of human resources of the organization.
The major activities of these departments are to centralize the manpower of the organization
through resourcing, manpower forecasting, training, placement, performance, discipline,
compensation, manpower planning etc. These deepartments emphasize on strategic and value
added activities of Human Resource which involve designing, updating and amending HR policies
and procedures for continual improvement.

The Central Bank is the highest authority employed by the government in order to formulate and
implement monetary policy. So, efficient employees are like the blood flows of a central bank.
The Human Resource Department of Bangladesh Bank assures this employee quality maintenance.

Since Bangladesh Bank performs the key roles of making key economic policies, it requires more
efficient employees than commercial banks. So, the authority that right people work in the right
places must ensure it. In order to do that, Human Resource Department of Bangladesh Bank
recruits and posts employees very effectively.


Recruitment and selection of Bangladesh Bank is performed by one of the wings of Human
Resource Department which is Recruitment and Outsourcing Wing. For the positions of officers
and Assistant Directors, the recruitment is entirely done by Bangladesh Bank. However, stuffs are
often recruited by the companies that Bangladesh Bank outsources.

The general recruitment process of officers is as follows

The general recruitment process of officers is as follows

i. Job Circular

At first, the circular of the job is published in the official website of Bangladesh Bank which states
the number of vacancies for the particular job and the process that is going to be followed till the

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final selection. This circular is also published in the newspaper. Once the circular is published,
applicants can apply from the website of Bangladesh Bank. After a few months, the date for the
preliminary exam is announced in the website. Also, the seat plan for the exam is published in the
website by one week after that.

ii. Preliminary Exam

Preliminary exam consists of 200 marks multiple choice questions. The syllabus for the
preliminary exam includes Mathematics, Aptitude Test, English and Bengali and General
Knowledge. Preliminary exam is only for the officers who apply for the general side. For the
officers who apply for the special sides do not require any preliminary exam.

iii. Written Test

After the preliminary exam, a number of applicants are selected for the written test. The syllabus
includes English, Bengali, General Knowledge and Mathematics. The total marks that carry in
written test is 200. While qualified applicants from MCQ test seat for the written examination, the
areas consisting applicants’ names are torn out from the scripts. Each of those areas have a script
codes which is also found in the main scripts. The reason behind doing this is to ensure that the
script checkers do not understand which scripts of which applicants they are evaluating. For the
sake of fair evaluation, those scripts are checked twice. After the evaluation of the written exam is
done, scripts are compiled based on the codes. Then, a certain cut marks is determined to select
how many and which applicants will be called for the viva. Usually, the authority reviews the
applicants who have managed to score ten marks less than the cut-up marks.

iv. Viva Voce

Once it is determined which applicants will be called for viva, a certain time is fixed for the
interview sessions. Usually, the number of interviewees are found three or five times more than
the posts vacant. However, there are four viva boards which are determined randomly by the
honorable Governor around fifteen minutes before the viva sessions. For each viva boards, there
is one chairman which is the Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank. Under the supervision of
Deputy Governor, each viva board consists of an Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank, one

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civil service officer from the Ministry of Finance and a professor from the public university. The
total marks allocated for viva voce is only 25.

v. Medical Test

Candidates having cumulative high scores from written and viva voce are called for the medical
test before the final appointment is given. Usually, there is not much rejection rate in the medical

vi. Primary Police Verification

After the medical test the primary police verification is processed. The police verification is done
to the permanent address of the candidates.

vii. Issuing Offer Letter

After passing the police verification the employer send mail to the candidates’ address or email
him about offering the position.

viii. Final Appointment

After passing the medical test, final appointment is done by Human Resource Department of
Bangladesh Bank. Candidates who would soon to become employees are given appointment letter.

How Bangladesh Bank outsources for recruitment purpose

Generally, Bangladesh Bank outsources security guards, gardeners, data entry control operators,
desk officers and receptionists. Usually, ORNATE Securities Services Ltd. helps Bangladesh Bank
recruit these kinds of human resources. Final appointments for these human resources are given
by Bangladesh Bank authority. Two ways of outsourcing done by Bangladesh Bank are-

 Regular Outsourcing
 Contractual Outsourcing

The general tasks regarding outsourcing activities involve -

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✓ Publishing advertisements to attract potential third party recruiting agency and then lowest

bidder is chosen with some specific criteria.

✓ Bangladesh Bank authority has to form a contract with the agency selected.

✓ Physical fitness of the selected people are checked up.

✓ Final Appointment is given.


The recruitment is traditional and the system has hardly changed in past years. The candidates are
facing some problems regarding the recruitment and selection process. The organization is also
suffering in Human Resource Department for this old system.

1. Little use of Background Specialization of the candidates

The background check for the candidates is very little of the candidates. They only do primary
police verification occurs in the permanent address given by the candidate. Besides there is no
further verification is done by the Bangladesh Bank.

2. Lengthy process

The exam process is lengthy and whole recruitment process takes nearly 2 to 3 years. It is very
much time consuming for the candidates and also for the employers. The value of time is wasted
with this recruitment process.

3. Very traditional Syllabus

The exam syllabus is very traditional. The written exam and interview focuses on Bangla and
English literature, Bangla grammar, General knowledge about any topic which are absolutely not
important for judging the candidates for the position. This process is making it difficult to judge
the candidate what he is capable for that position.

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4. Quota System

There is a quota system like other government organizations and that is more than 40%. So it
lowers the possibility of taking more merit candidates.

There are some general recommendations regarding the recruitment and selection process of the
Bangladesh bank.

First of all the syllabus must be updated and the candidates must be judged by aptitude test like
Business related knowledge, Financial Knowledge, English Grammar, Mathematics and logical
reasoning. That will help to find the candidate what is actually needed for the position. For ITS
department they can use engineering questions, Mathematics, programming related questions to
get better candidates.

Secondly the recruitment process must be faster and be less time consuming. Longer time
recruitment process makes the candidates demotivated for the position and also it is costly for the
organization. It also consumes unnecessary time of the employers and become problematic for
decision making. So making it less time consuming the organization can get more suitable

Besides Bangladesh Bank needs to do proper background check before appointing the candidates
in the company. As it is a central financial institution in Bangladesh so the security is one of the
most important issues in Bangladesh Bank. There are recent fraudulent incidents in Bangladesh
Bank and the HR managers should take initiative regarding this problem. Only doing primary
police verification in permanent address of the candidates is not enough to check the background.
They should take initiatives like checking their personal information, character certificate, taking
information from the referral persons and taking look in their social networks.

Also the quota system should be banned or a little quota system can be available for the minorities
and that must not be more than 7 percent. As quota system is a huge issue in government jobs so

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government must take initiative to solve this problem in a proper way so that the meritorious
candidates can be benefited.


Success depends on recruiting right person for the company. So recruitment and selection is an
important part. As a central bank of a country it should be more upgraded about the recruitment
and selection process and also they should take fastest way to solve any kind of hindrance in this


Yakut, M, (2016). Internship Report on HR Polices of Bangladesh Bank. BRAC University. pp.

Haque, S. A. (2017). An overview of the Human Resource Management Practices in Bangladesh

Bank & Foreign Exchange Transactions in Bangladesh: The role of Foreign Exchange Policy
Department of Bangladesh Bank. BRAC University. pp. 9 - 11

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