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A Review on The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion

The Alabaster Girl is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. It is a book
about a seducer, and how he came to be a woman’s fantasy, and had countless
memorable experiences all over the world. It is a book about being a modern-day
Casanova, and how you can learn the subtle secrets of being the kind of man that women
adore. Not only that but it is a philosophy of life. It paints a picture of beauty and
motivates and inspires us to go out and find it. So many men have boring, drab lives
nowadays, and Zan Perrion explains why, what we're missing, where it went, and how to
regain our adventurous, passionate, masculine spirit. It's funny and surprising, and you'll
be shocked at some of the things this ladies’ man gets away with saying to women. And
it's heartfelt and coming from a place of true love. The UK newspaper, The Independent,
reviewed Hermann Hesse's novel, the Prodigy, in the following terms:

"It is unusual for a writer to begin with sincerity alone and to advance to a more complex
apprehension of life without surrendering his pristine innocence..."

While Zan, I think, is too honest throughout the Alabster Girl to describe himself as a
man of "pristine innocence", it strikes me that his new book resonates with a sincerity he
has refused to surrender to experience. His views are subtle at times and evidently
heartfelt. So much so that he presents his attitude in all of its contradictions. That, for me,
is the primary benefit of this book: it is awash with contradiction and that makes it real.
Unlike the theories that Pick up Artists (PUAs) present, which seem to aspire to a
seamless, systematic, logically coherent superstructure, Zan writes as though he were
talking to a friend, presenting his darkest doubts as well as his wisdom.

There is barely any advice about what to do in any given situation, though Zan does
present some diary-like passages where he seems to recount interactions he's had. These,
I must say, are well written and pretty cool interactions. I found myself thinking "I wish I
were that smooth." But the point of this book is much deeper than a presentation of lay
reports, kiss close reports or what have you. The point is to invite you to consider how
you view yourself and your relation to the world. And that is powerful. I do not believe
you could read this book and suddenly come away a changed man or be any better at
talking to women. It requires some serious thought, because, if the book is actually taken
seriously, its invitation is to radically alter your life. And that is not something which I
think should be done lightly.

Zan peppers the book with apposite quotes and alludes in passing to a number of
theories, which I thought was helpful and represents his high ambition. The Alabaster Girl
collates those of Zan's views which he has presented before in seminars and videos. Only
in book form, they are even more carefully thought out.

Nonetheless, that's the point: it is guidance - subtle and sincere guidance - not instruction
or templates. But this book is just about a deep understanding of women and how to
really love women. It's about being a devoted man and really loving the beauty of women -
diving into the feminine energy. This book changed me - in a lot of ways. Just reading it
and thinking about it made me totally transfer how I look at women and women can really
feel it. Now I am coming from this place of completely loving the beauty in women and
besides when I am getting off track I always remind myself that "I am enough" cause I am.
And YOU ARE ENOUGH as well. Everybody is enough.

To summarize, it is an excellent book diving deep into the mindset of a living harlequin
romance lover. While other books from the 'pick up and dating' community focus on
models, ideals, and techniques, Zan Perrion's book goes in depth into the thought
process and over all frame of reality that comes with being a lover of women. A must read
for anyone who enjoys women, intimacy with women, or who just wants to experience a
truly romantic life style. Written in a poetic style all its own, the book flows well and is
hard to put down once started. As captivating as its subject matter, you may well feel like
you're being seduced as you read.The Alabaster Girl was a life changing moment for me, I
had previously read in the stories of Casanova and the Ideal Lover archetypes but I never
thought they were really present in today's world. Whether you are a woman trying to
recognize the different types of men to find true love or a man who is searching the lost
art to know what it means to be a man and love and be honest, for love sometimes is not
confined to only one person. We may disagree but we know in our hearts that we have
loved more than one person in our lives. I am a hopeless romantic since the day I can
remember but I never thought that it was possible to be a true lover of women and yet be
accepted by the society without ridicule and scorn. There are men who truly love women
and are constantly mesmerized by the beauty of their presence and their enveloping
female energy, without which we as men are incomplete. These kind of men would live and
die for their women like the knights in the medieval era, who would go through
excruciating pain to shield their women. They never lie or deceive their women and give
no lofty promises but yet when they love, even for a moment the woman they are with, she
would know in her heart that his love is the greatest she will ever feel from anyone in her
life. The book is so beautifully written like a well versed poetry or a masterpiece painting
by an artist. I found in the Alabaster Girl something that modern society kills everyday –
romance, love, truth and beauty. Loneliness of beautiful women, but also loneliness of
men, lies that we tell every day to pick up/hookup, connection that is sadly lost, lost
romance and happiness, inability to feel a real man, a real woman - all of these is not what
we destined for. I would recommend this book to any man who doesn't have the lightness
and flow with his interactions with women that he'd like to have, and I'd recommend it to all
men who do have great relationships and want to enjoy and have even more fun. This is
also a Must-Read for women, where the author reveals all the secrets that have you give
your hearts and your beds to this particular kind of man.

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