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1.1. Background
The buying and selling of goods and services socioeconomic, and experience factors on
through the internet with the help of an consumer behavior online. The findings
interface is termed as e-commerce. Online strongly demonstrate the importance of
financial transaction is considered to be one various socioeconomic and behavioral
of the most basic and comfortable source to factors and their significant influence on
purchase product from online seller. All the consumer attitudes towards shopping online.
four major market segments- business to
(Owens and Sarov, 2010)
business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C),
consumer to consumer (C2C) and consumer 1.4. Hypothesis
to business (C2B), can use e-commerce to
sell goods or services. 1. Consumers preferences on different e-
commerce business methods.
1.2. Justification
2. E-commerce is advantageous to consumers
As the e-commerce business is growing
rapidly in Bangladesh, the acceptance, 1.5. Objectives
preferences, attitudes, behavior, views and
1. Determine the problems which the
opinions of consumers toward e-commerce is
consumers and businesses of e-commerce are
important to know in order to boost the
currently facing.
business of electric commerce in the country.
It is notable that in order for e-commerce to 2. Estimating the demand and preference of
be a truly successful medium, the retailers consumers on different online selling
have to identify the consumer behaviors strategies.
portrayed towards the same in order to
encourage customers to buy online. 3. Estimating consumer’s responses on sales
offers & discounts on online shopping.
1.3. Literature Review
consumer attitudes towards a product or
service will affect consumer behavior or 2. MATERIALS & METHODS
action against these products or services,
2.1. Research Design
marketers need to know the attitude of
consumers towards the products it markets, I. Secondary data from journals, newspapers,
and then formulate strategies to influence surveys done previously by companies, etc.
consumer attitudes. (Ramdhani, et al, 2012). will be collected and analyzed. This would
prove helpful in estimating the cumulative
A research on Determinants of Consumer industry size and the seriousness of the
Attitudes towards E-commerce where they problem.
investigated the influences of various
perceived risk, demographic,
II. Now, primary research will be conducted 4. RESEARCH BUDGET
by sample online survey.
The predicted expenditure to be incurred in
III. Consumer study – Consumers taste and order to execute the research is given below:
attitudes toward online shopping and their
experiences will be studied. NAME OF Amount
IV. Current practices of the prices will be Printing expense 200
examined and sensitivity analysis will be
Internet and electricity 300
conducted in order to know how pricing
strategy effects consumers buying decisions.
Transportation 500
V. Data processing will be done by using Total 1000
appropriate software analysis.
2.2. Statistical Analysis 5. REFERENCES
Sample survey will be done from around one Ramdhani, A., Alamanda, D. T., & Sudrajat,
hundred people and collected survey data
H. (2012). Analysis of Consumer Attitude
will be statistically compared and analyzed
Using Fishbein Multi-Attributes Approach.
into processed information which will help to
International Journal of Basic and Applied
accomplish research objective.
Science, 01 (01), 33-36.

Owens, T. R., & Sarov, M. G. (2010).

3. TIME TABLE Determinants of Consumer Attitudes
The research shall take a total duration of 21 Towards E-commerce. Issues in Political
days. The schedule given below shows Economy, 19, 29-31.
activity wise duration required for
conducting this research:
No. Activity Duration
(in days)
01. Secondary data 3 days
collection and study
02. Generating primary 4 days
03. Price sensitivity 2 days
04. Consumer survey 4 days

05. Data processing 2 days

06. Data analysis 2 days

07. Final research report 4 days

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