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Principals of Instructional Design

Instructional Design Project

Report 1- Pre-Instructional Components
By: Kedralyn Folk
Instructional Analysis Context
I will conduct a one-hour professional development workshop with the third-grade
professional learning community. There are three classroom teachers (including myself) and one
administrator in the community. The purpose of this workshop will be to acclimate teachers and
administration on the uses of This website allows students to become digital
storytellers by allowing them to narrate and publish their writings. This will be conducted at
Denmark Olar Elementary school during a professional learning community meeting in the
conference room. This workshop will be conducted since this grade level received grant funding
to use new Chromebooks and document cameras to enhance student’s writing experiences.
As a member of the third-grade team it is important I share my knowledge of
VoiceThread .com and its beneficial uses with my team. Each of us must know how to use the
website to fully implement our writing project. Each classroom is equipped with desktops and
Chromebooks that are accessible to the internet. Each device is paired with a headset. Each
classroom has a laptop connected to a projector and a document camera.
The 2018-2019 school year is the first time the third-grade team has received grant
funding and is tasked with implementing the writing project. Each year third graders in South
Carolina take an end of the year exam in writing. The exam will be taken on a computer. We
want to increase writing scores. With the desktops, Chromebooks, document cameras and
VoiceThread .com we will achieve our goal.

1. To enhance the integration of technology in the classroom.

2. Appeal to the diverse learning styles of students by using Digital Storytelling as a
presentation media.
3. Generate interest, attention and motivation for the "digital generation" children in my
4. Capitalize on the creative talents of my students as they begin to research and tell
stories of their own.
5. Develop communication skills by learning to ask questions, express opinions,
construct narratives and write for an audience.
6. Increase their computer skills using software that combines a variety of multimedia
including: text, still images, audio, video and web publishing.
This workshop on how to use VoiceThread .com will assist in teachers preparing learners to
achieve the above goals.
Description of Context
 VoiceThread .com is a presentation tool that allows students to become digital
storytellers. It is great for grade levels kindergarten and above. Students have the
opportunity to not only create slides but they can add commentary. VoiceThread provides
a way for students to narrate their writings. In the book, Untangling the Web it says, "As
a teacher or student provides the voice-over to a slide, their marks on the screen will be
displayed in time with their comments.” VoiceThread can also be used for annotated
journaling and for work at home.
Description of Learners
Learner Gender Age Experience Technology
(Scale 1-5)
W. J. Female 45 25+ years teaching 3

S. G. Female 34 10 years teaching 4

L. T. Female 42 15 years teaching 5
2 years administration

Through an interest survey conducted, all learners are eager and ready to learn. Each learner
believes the presentation tool will enhance writing for our students. We will
work collaboratively in the workshop. A variety to of learning styles will be considered. Visual
aids and hands on practice will be done.
Performance Context of Learners and Implications for Instruction
The three learners who will be taking part in this workshop are faculty of Denmark Olar
Elementary school. Each learner has experience with technology and will be capable of using This workshop must be done if the grant project will be fulfilled and
successful. None of the learners has experience with using but they are
familiar with using presentation tools in the classroom. At the conclusion of the workshop,
learners will have created and set up accounts for themselves and students. They will know how
to narrate and publish a writing. Learners will continue to be supported by me after the workshop
is complete.
Instructional Goal Statement
The third-grade team and an administrator at Denmark Olar Elementary will be able to
utilize to 1) have their students narrate their writings 2) publish them to the
website and 3) share these narrations with others (classmates).
Goal Analysis
Based on the instructional goal, learners will be able to do the following:
 Create a VoiceThread account using school email
 Teach their students how to login and narrate their writings
 Teach their students to save and publish narrations
 Teach their students to share their narrations
 Assign projects using VoiceThread
Subskills Analysis
Based on the instructional goal, learners will be able to do the following:
 Create a VoiceThread account using school email
o Click on register and follow directions on screen
 Teach their students how to login and narrate their writings
o Know how to login and narrate writings themselves
 Teach their students to save and publish narrations
o Know how to save and publish narrations
 Teach their students to share their narrations
o Know how to share narrations
 Assign projects using VoiceThread
o Click create on the homepage
Entry Behaviors Analysis
 Navigate an internet browser: locate
 Use directive buttons on homepage
 Create narrations for student examples
 Register an account
The third-grade team and an administrator at Denmark Olar Elementary will be able to utilize
VoiceThread .com to 1) have their students narrate their writings 2) publish them to the
website and 3) share these narrations with others (classmates).
Learning Domain Skills Needed
Intellectual Skills 1. Create a VoiceThread account
2. Create a writing
3. Narrate the writing
4. Save and publish the writing
Psychomotor Skills 1. Write a narrative (handwritten)
2. Click on icons
3. Record narration
Attitudes/Behavior 1. Eager and ready to learn about a new
presentation tool
2. Using professional learning
community meeting to receive one-
hour professional development
Verbal Information 1. Listen to presentation in workshop
2. Collaborate with grade level and
administration to learn a new way to
enhance student’s knowledge of

Dembo, S., & Bellow, A. (2014). Untangling the Web: 20 tools to power up your teaching.

Moorabbin, Vic.: Hawker Brownlow Education.

J, W., G, S., & T, L. (n.d.). [Survey]. Unpublished raw data.

VoiceThread. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2018, from

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