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Project Charter for Team 2

Date: 11/16/2019

Project Information: The PJ Enterprises Training Project consists of training/education

for the telephone operators, delivered prior to each catalog mailing, with the goal of
improving quality and customer service. The ultimate goal of the training project is to
effect the change that will help the company reach next year’s catalog sales goal -
which will include improving customer reviews of telephone operators as well as
increasing telephone operator job satisfaction to decrease staff turnover. Training has
been agreed upon as the main method to achieving this goal, with the target audience
being the customer service supervisors and telephone operators. IT and Human
Resources will also be involved in the development of the training solution.

Project Name: The PJ Enterprises Training Project

Project Sponsor: Dr. Paul Coverstone
Project Owner: Judie Thompson, Catalog Director
Stakeholders & Impacts

Stakeholder Impact (Involvement)

Final sign off. Need to Know
Dr. Paul Coverstone, Project Sponsor throughout project.

Will be involved at all stages.

Judie Thompson, Catalog Director Will sign off on all stages. Will
(Project Owner), Training SME, be a vital source of input and
Important connection to other divisions information from other
divisions to help us know who
the SMEs are and how to
work through the company
Important connection to the
Sheena Perez, Tie-breaker, SME for catalog and to past trainings.
Catalog content, Training SME

Guide Project Team on
Judie Thompson and Sheena Perez, correctness of content and
Reviewers point out items that should be
Provide valuable “real world”
Telephone Operators (Process and information.
Problem Analysis SMEs)

Hiring, training, and

Director of HR, SME of hiring and management of new hires,
training and management of telephone and their latest policies, and
operators and of new policies just the monthly meeting policy,
created. should be reviewed.

Provide content for new

IT Representative (Telephone SME - equipment.
automatic call distribution features and
activity reporting features, SME on
proposed new equipment)

Creation of deliverables.
Project Team Members:

● Caitlin Hahne
● Ann Leonard
● Nicole Morgan
● Gary Clark
● Katie Brown

Description of Work:
The Project will deliver training to all customer service staff (operators and supervisors),
which will consist of:
1. Knowledge and skill with new telephone system and the catalog item retrieval
system (including catalog descriptions for telephone operators and customer
service supervisors
2. Customer service soft skills training for telephone operators and customer
service supervisors, according to policies and best practices for customer service
3. Review Process, Procedures, and Questionnaires for the purpose of a 360
degree feedback loop (customers to operators, operators to supervisors,
supervisors to HR, and HR back to operators)
Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create a learning program for PJ
Enterprise telephone operators to expertly describe each catalog product to customers,
including product features and benefits. It will develop staff members by providing a
path for advancement and promote employee engagement with a recognition program.

Business Objectives
● Focus on quality and customer service with 10 percent improvement on
customer-service scores
● Focus on quality of work environment and staff development and recognition
(increase employee retention rate)

Project Deliverables
1. A completed training of all customer service employees on the telephone system
a. Training plan
b. Training documents (all scripts, videos, job aids)
c. Assessments and assessment results
2. A completed training of all customer service employees on soft skills for working
with customers on the phone and increasing sales.
a. Training plan
b. Training documents (all scripts, videos, job aids)
c. Assessments and assessment results
3. HR documents to facilitate modules
a. How-to guide
b. Remediation instructions
In Scope:
● Training related: Customer service training module(s), all training related
● Non-training related: HR how-to document to facilitate modules; remediation
instructions if employee scores poorly on training.
Out of Scope
This project will not include:
● Purchase or configuration of the new telephone system
● Training for HR
● Project team contact with the merchandising company
● Responsibility for hiring decisions made by HR
● Responsibility for the training of new hires that HR conducts (unless we want to
add that to the scope of our training? Will it fit our budget? HR could totally non-
people people which our training may not be able to effect?? Are we somewhat
responsible for HRs hiring and training decisions?)

Project Completion Criteria
All deliverables have been completed and approval/signoff from appropriate personnel
has been received.
Project Milestones
Training and Non-Training Dates
Project Management 11/27/2019 1 week
Establish Project
Analyze Training Needs 12/06/2019 3 wks
Design Training 01/10/2020 5 wks
Develop Training 02/14/2020 5 wks
(inclusive of HR
Complete How-to 02/14/2020
Document for HR
Complete Remediation 02/14/2020
Instructions for HR
Implement Training 04/04/2020 6 wks
Evaluate Training and 04/31/2020 3 wks
Closeout Project
Dec 24, 25, 26 and Jan 31 Add holiday differential
and Jan 1 – No Work 05/07/2020 - 1 wk.
Total Weeks 24 weeks

Risk Area Low, Risk Owner Project Impact- Mitigation Plan
or High
Employee High HR Turnover during the phases of the
turnover project will effect outcome metrics.
Communication with HR about
continued turnover risks is important.
Market crash Medium Project A market crash could suspend training
Sponsor activities before completion.
Mitigate by keeping Project Sponsor in
the loop regularly.
Budget Medium Project Maintain regular updates from team
Manager members (scope, timeline, risks) to keep
tabs on budget.

Upgrades to Medium IT New equipment is vital to the training; no
telephone work on training on system can continue
equipment are without new
not completed system installed.
in a timely

● The budget for this project will not exceed $400,000.
● The timeline to complete this project will be before the first spring catalog is
● All upgrades to equipment will be complete before training begins.
● The SME will be available to Project Team for 5 hours each week.
● 10 hours per week of operator’s time for 1 week for gap analysis and for 3 weeks
once training commences.
● HR will make 1 employee at manager level available to project team for weekly
meetings and for 5 hours per week of other communication

 Employee turnover during project – hitting timeline
 Communication difficulties with stakeholder groups – hitting timeline
 Changes to company or catalogue departments’ expectations - hitting scope
 Unforeseen changes to project – hitting timeline, scope and cost
External Dependencies
Software upgrade; HR hiring and training expertise
 2 weeks of project management (first and last week) at $50/hour
 5 instructional designers’ rate of $45/hour for a total of 21 weeks
Formula for contract instructional designers: (# weeks)(Hours/week)(# of contractors)($
Category (time allotment from Cost/Hours Estimate
Milestones chart)
Project Management 40 hrs.($50/hr) = $4,000
Analyze (3 weeks) $27,000
Design (5 weeks) $45,000

Develop (5 weeks) $45,000
Implement (6 weeks) $54,000
Evaluate (2 weeks) $18,000
Total Project Cost Estimate: $193,000

Vendor Assistance Required

Videographer; graphic designer

Project Team Members & Roles

Name Role Responsibilities Est. Time
Caitlin Hahne Individual Perform gap analysis with SMEs 4 mos. full -
Contributor Develop training content time (640
Design solutions for training hours)
Ann Leonard Individual Perform gap analysis with SMEs 4 mos. full -
Contributor Develop training content time (640
Design solutions for training hours)
Nicole Morgan Individual Perform gap analysis with SMEs 4 mos. full -
Contributor Develop training content time (640
Design solutions for training hours)
Gary Clark Individual Perform gap analysis with SMEs 4 mos. full -
Contributor Develop training content time (640
Design solutions for training hours)
Katie Brown Individual Perform gap analysis with SMEs 4 mos. full -
Contributor Develop training content time (640
Design solutions for training hours)

Role Signature Date

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