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Portfolio Project Management Plan

PM Group #2

T​EAM​ #2

D​ATE​: N​OVEMBER​ 18, 2019


The Scope Management Plan provides the scope framework for this project. This plan
documents the scope management approach; roles and responsibilities as they pertain to project
scope; scope definition; verification and control measures; scope change control; and the
project’s work breakdown structure. Any project communication which pertains to the project’s
scope should adhere to the Scope Management Plan.

The PJ Enterprises Training Project consists of training/education for the telephone operators,
delivered prior to each catalog mailing, with the goal of improving quality and customer service.
The ultimate goal of the training project is to effect the change that will help the company reach
next year’s catalog sales goal - which will include improving customer reviews of telephone
operators as well as increasing telephone operator job satisfaction to decrease staff turnover.
Training has been agreed upon as the main method to achieving this goal, with the target
audience being the customer service supervisors and telephone operators. IT and Human
Resources will also be involved in the development of the training solution. No external
resources or outsourcing are anticipated for this project.


For this project, scope management will be the sole responsibility of the Project Manager. The
scope for this project is defined by the Scope Statement, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and
WBS Dictionary. The Project Manager, Sponsor and Stakeholders will establish and approve
documentation for measuring project scope which is covered in the Scope Management Plan.
Proposed scope changes may be initiated by the Project Manager, Stakeholders or any member
of the project team. All change requests will be submitted to the Project Manager who will then
evaluate the requested scope change. Upon acceptance of the scope change request the Project
Manager will submit the scope change request to the Change Control Board and Project Sponsor
for acceptance. Upon approval of scope changes by the Change Control Board and Project
Sponsor the Project Manager will update all project documents and communicate the scope
change to all stakeholders. Based on feedback and input from the Project Manager and
Stakeholders, the Project Sponsor is responsible for the acceptance of the final project
deliverables and project scope.


The Project Manager, Sponsor and team will all play key roles in managing the scope of this
project. As such, the project sponsor, manager, and team members must be aware of their
responsibilities in order to ensure that work performed on the project is within the established
scope throughout the entire duration of the project. The table below defines the roles and
responsibilities for the scope management of this project.

Name Role Responsibilities

Dr. Paul Sponsor - Approve or deny scope change requests as
Coverstone appropriate
- Evaluate need for scope change requests
- Accept project deliverables
Judie Thompson, Project Manager - Measure and verify project scope
Catalog Director - Facilitate scope change requests
- Facilitate impact assessments of scope
change requests
- Organize and facilitate scheduled change
control meetings
- Communicate outcomes of scope change
- Update project documents upon approval of
all scope changes
Ann Leonard Team Lead - Measure and verify project scope
- Validate scope change requests
- Participate in impact assessments of scope
change requests
- Communicate outcomes of scope change
requests to team
- Facilitate team level change review process
Nicole Morgan Team Member - Participate in defining change resolutions
- Evaluate the need for scope changes and
communicate them to the project manager as
Katie Brown Team Member - Participate in defining change resolutions
- Evaluate the need for scope changes and
communicate them to the project manager as
Caitlin Hahne Team Member - Participate in defining change resolutions
- Evaluate the need for scope changes and
communicate them to the project manager as

Gary Clark Team Member - Participate in defining change resolutions
- Evaluate the need for scope changes and
communicate them to the project manager as
Table 1.1, ​Scope Management Roles and Responsibilities


The scope for this project was defined through a comprehensive requirements collection process.
First, a thorough analysis was performed on the company’s current customer service practices,
employees’ scope of product knowledge, and overall customer satisfaction surveys. From this
information, the project team developed the project requirements documentation, the
requirements management plan, and the requirements traceability matrix for what the new
training must include.

The project description and deliverables were developed based on the requirements collection
process and input from subject matter experts in product knowledge and customer service. This
process of expert judgment provided feedback on the most effective ways to meet the original
requirements of providing a training solution from which the company can reach sales goals
through improved customer service and increased employee satisfaction.


The project scope statement provides a detailed description of the project, deliverables,
constraints, exclusions, assumptions, and acceptance criteria. Additionally, the scope statement
includes what work should not be performed in order to eliminate any implied but unnecessary
work which falls outside the of the project’s scope.

This project includes the design, testing, and evaluation of employee customer service and
product knowledge training. The deliverables for this project are a completed training of all
customer service employees on the telephone system; a completed training of all customer
service employees on soft skills for working with customers on the phone and increasing sales;
and human resources documents to facilitate the training modules. This project will be accepted
once all deliverables have been completed and approval/sign-off from appropriate personnel has
been received. This project does not include the purchase or configuration of a new telephone
system; training for human resources; project team contact with the merchandising company;
responsibility for hiring decisions made by human resources; and responsibility for the training
of new hires that human resources conducts. Only internal personnel and resources may be used
for this project. Additionally, the project is not to exceed 24 weeks (168 days) in duration or
$400,000 in spending. Assumptions for this project are that support will be provided by the
project sponsor and all department managers and that adequate internal resources are available
for the successful completion of this project.


In order to effectively manage the work required to complete this project, it will be subdivided
into individual work packages which will not exceed 40 hours of work. This will allow the
Project Manager to more effectively manage the project’s scope as the project team works on the
tasks necessary for project completion. The project is broken down into six phases: project
management phase; analyze training needs phase; design phase; development phase;
implementation phase; and evaluation phase. Each of these phases is then subdivided further
down to work packages which will require no more than 40 hours of work and no less than 4
hours of work (see WBS structure below).


As this project progresses the Project Manager will verify interim project deliverables against the
original scope as defined in the scope statement, WBS and WBS Dictionary. Once the Project
Manager verifies that the scope meets the requirements defined in the project plan, the Project
Manager and Sponsor will meet for formal acceptance of the deliverable. During this meeting
the Project Manager will present the deliverable to the Project Sponsor for formal acceptance.
The Project Sponsor will accept the deliverable by signing a project deliverable acceptance
document. This will ensure that project work remains within the scope of the project on a
consistent basis throughout the life of the project.

The Project Manager and the project team will work together to control of the scope of the
project. The project team will leverage the WBS Dictionary by using it as a statement of work
for each WBS element. The project team will ensure that they perform only the work described
in the WBS dictionary and generate the defined deliverables for each WBS element. The Project
Manager will oversee the project team and the progression of the project to ensure that this scope
control process if followed.

If a change to the project scope is needed the process for recommending changes to the scope of
the project must be carried out. Any project team member or sponsor can request changes to the
project scope. All change requests must be submitted to the Project Manager in the form of a
project change request document. The Project Manager will then review the suggested change to
the scope of the project. The Project Manager will then either deny the change request if it does
not apply to the intent of the project or convene a change control meeting between the project
team and Sponsor to review the change request further and perform an impact assessment of the
change. If the change request receives initial approval by the Project Manager and Sponsor, the
Project Manager will then formally submit the change request to the Change Control Board. If
the Change Control Board approves the scope change the Project Sponsor will then formally
accept the change by signing the project change control document. Upon acceptance of the
scope change by the Change Control Board and Project Sponsor the Project Manager will update
all project documents and communicate the scope change to all project team members and


Approved by the Project Sponsor:


Communication Objective of Medium Frequency Audience Owner Deliverable Format

Type Communication
Kickoff Meeting Introduce the project • Face to Once • Project Project • Agenda • Soft copy archived
team and the Face Sponsor Manager • Meeting on project SharePoint
project. Review • Project Team Minutes site and project web
project objectives and • Stakeholders site
management approach.
Project Team Review status of the • Face to Weekly • Project Team Project • Agenda • Soft copy archived
Meetings project with the team. Face Manager • Meeting on project SharePoint
• Conference Minutes site and project web
Call • Project site
Technical Discuss and develop • Face to As Needed • Project Technical • Agenda • Soft copy archived
Design Meetings technical design Face Technical Lead • Meeting on project SharePoint
solutions for the Staff Minutes site and project web
project. site
Monthly Project Report on the status of • Face to Monthly • PMO Project • Slide • Soft copy archived
Status Meetings the project to Face Manager updates on project SharePoint
management. • Conference • Project site and project web
Call schedule site
Project Status Report the status of the • Email Monthly • Project Project • Project • Soft copy archived
Reports project including Sponsor Manager Status on project SharePoint
activities, progress, • Project Team Report site and project web
costs and issues. • Stakeholders • Project site
• PMO schedule
Feedback Discuss and review all • Face to Monthly • Project Project • Project • Soft copy archived
Meetings deliverables to ensure Face Sponsor Manager feedback on project SharePoint
they are within scope • Conference • Project Team • Signoff site and project web
Call • PMO site

Assessment Discuss and review • Face to Monthly • Project Project • Assessment • Soft copy archived
Status Reports assessments to ensure Face Sponsor Manager data results on project SharePoint
they align to learning • Conference • Project Team • Signoff site and project web
materials Call • PMO site
The PJ Enterprise
Training Project Change Request
Project Name Change Number
Requested By Date of Request
Presented To

Change Name

Description of Change:

Reason for Change:

Effect on Deliverables (including a list of any affected deliverables):

Effect on Organization:

Effect on Schedule (including Estimated Completion Date for this change):

Effect on Project Cost:

Hours Dollars
Item Description
Reduction Increase Reduction Increase
Analysis 0 $ 0.00
Development 0 $ 0.00

Total Net Change in Cost: $ 0.00

Effect of NOT Approving this Change:

Reason for Rejection (if applicable):

Page 1 of 2 November 21, 2019

Project Change Request Template v3
The PJ Enterprise
Training Project Change Request
Functional Project Manager

Approved Signature:

Rejected Title: Date:

Decision Maker

Approved Signature:

Rejected Title: Date:!Avo969zdSuygtk9LkhljzZp-rJ83?e=19IurO

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Project Change Request Template v3

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