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413 Diversity Soloetion a Combining Techniques Ja a brosd ene hers are shrue ajo genie diversity sgraprocesing tees, nd they ae known a een deat (3D). eat got comb wg OCR and maine rte cooing QAR). The Rake iechuique ef Avesty acne ue deed a des a Suton 9.3.5, ean be sve Wigpw of thor EGC or MRC, depending en 1 inplemeration. The Sesion of Rake diversity expen ergloyed i the 1993 sre MIRC inthe the sg eufpa compensa by the revive" unl pssian ky soporte eevee “Enger” ave combined Fase on “emai tio combining osmcgl In ths eton, we go to the dts Dives election and cembiring ecsques ard pete fr epining, hem. 9.2.1 Soletin Bizersity emir a) Lf divi wovanion ca, which an use tne Seery, equeney very, or spe vers Rega ef the pe of vets ete must be Fevers i the sea Uist each of the Zane tnsons must be tecved separately nth ewe af op [fed ime diversity itn, the vier aan be angle mower soe repestely ties F wed Ieejuoey. ae cpaesvertytramimisons, seperate reeves rus be aan dnt pen th al dary ego yah rected wil highs Si shot fo spl denen nd ecmamieg EL componens ar gored. “The skein ofthe al tongorem may be peda oc potas, mening et eh actin {any Leaman he LAE rcp sore rie procenng o song cher “Bor thy hee ben dard to hens bacaed ds areas nthe 25 Acie er eas cee Gere rtestion onic poe tr nye Svs ee an ised tthe deg of poveing 9 ch compen Helo SMbSisTannur enguetng choco epeieney! Some procesig, SEA ompencuts i seco fo drm whieh Dae 1 wk sh desciina the seus TA pane dvesty presosing nents the ston af more thn on spa tonpbnetfoeprncep oben vs nL conponeie cat | i “The wx of Lofeldivesnty iy 2 i scp signal ade, and there se namersnn cs seleense inthis fl, [ ‘jue to cite ese ‘The prion cl spinal divesty bas she hace itd in the Liertire fer vaiges types af avesiy Ue] The apgleatens af Alverity schemes in mobil comanniation ae abo ueated inthe Htermere [8-9}, and che S55 eynor ha inpleminted several of there verity seri, inciding selection versty For example election divonty i ssed on the revere nk to lect the srongen forward ik sigeas from shakiple eel sis. nelson diversi, the deus channel (he path) with the bighes SNR ischosen ase salt be decanted In eer co deere histor ofdvesty, weeasarayze wlecien dverst for any pt of modlton ve Seah. We conte: Mozy onngonl(oatcheead model, wih BPSK 9 pec cue and or Uinry spre inching BOSE, DPSK, an Aierercily encod quatature PSK >7ALOISK) In al exes, ese (old diversity rams. Fipwe 9.2 dep a vleion dlversiyseeptan sche fora fold versgy rnc eyrn, Basins ths sletion ofthe cael to bs proces wed on the maximal SNR we ist eet find the pl af the Susinal INK. Todo thin we sume the flioning eons Jronarad method of ccmbating Te rand sural amplusde and cours phaw ate const di the period in wick sng ected und dense The noise in sch slivers reser indepemlere and has the sie +The moe inca of the Muy syn channels independent 2s he SNR at the ih cversty channel receiver he denoted “o.ia where the {ac} ats indepden Rayleigh ater factors wih the pl FMok pay i pag) where e219 eas) Tm The probity tht tho SNR at any ofthe E vecevesis blow the val dine rine) = [nso 09 Te rb tha SNRaa lL ns abo Ma tanete aa fMves =e eas Tow, the probity tha ll che SNA ate mio tha he gu eval nas tte pry tha the lagon of dh i ales than he ge oo rf eee) = Eft ey Ngai pay Z tr i) = Ea eagle {io he palfof the marimal SNR over Every pith, tigi dived B Sines 3], We cn we th pit avenge the sole alee tro, sten thet ones ~ 8, for any expe nodlation ule Loa ee wah iusicerdverety wcreion 83.141 Mneaherent Wary Frequeney Shift Keying MCMNESH) Te alan schane tobe aalyred uncer action very region i he MESK orem For May cctesosl saan the potion yu teteed in Chane 7. Chrasnat vi te rciver adel of Bence theconaitional pratabitty fsyrabal jordin een thatthe ane rmacima SNR of 2 dive recetions b pe pen by Plt 8) = CME) EO (58) Ze Pse = (Nolan — (2 Ea/ LNa ge, = 3b) Zs anccntonal probability of ero i crane by averaging 0.3 over ihe vite the sv vale ofthe RV whowe pls gre be Ga eat bane Oe re: 1) = Puerane 1) [POL Poe Meal — tanve | [iron Henkin D nih 2 ser Lina a Tee Gos a a aieeas OR He eA Bale ee un ne omtof 3 8 ‘Altes 38 nies (Ho) Cee where, asus pmol ica bi vaetn= (87!) Ct pecan f Peo i BAT /LN = Bilt an $3.12 Nonooherant Binary Frequency Sit Hoying(UCEFSH F Tis eres abit f te BES msn ove Ld deay wih stony meopien ie pond’ Hoe sae ena ah thet evr ob Gaby ENR | 43.13 apsu toatn BE one | Fer489K ym comb err pretty gen by “Thereultin Penne hind dry bparengogthe owen ctf clsliy af eee for binary nanechoron arhogeral madelason (NCRSE ce dees INCGHDy, which 2a shee in Cngter tobe ps) Prctcel ene = 9)= Prcputelome= A= He#® 05) the enor roby one Ell dey wih aomedrcy ‘eave fiom > Scat eet Arann 59 ver th vl othe RY who pl given by 29, we gee Para: = Preaotes £)= f“Precaote | omer Pat PI48 Now kta =1- 29%, Thea (8) becomes 30) Prcackes L) = Preresxle: £) » 6 2 8 @ BYN, cB) Far 89 Poaityet wr BSartist dry hess agin asin syle BE Fe Eytan = Btn, ewe The deals of eps fom (65) 10 (2) ave dhown in Appenlic 98.1, We plowed (in Figure 2.4. We aga nee that the nctembarleersty gua ‘leer fr amall eres of ene 83.14 14 DOFSK tnogultion System With Differential Dotection he ei itn eed DGPS any a Mareen’ Qubnstion dssuaed in Sesto (53, shove sat) at ths prokaity can he sitet one Gasca Q ane which is veay sane ia Gea to Presa) Ie be, ae fuged i his appresisatiny 1/4 DQUER oa Bhsk System Inthe exe of Rapeigh fafing fr shown i [If] at the BER fs 'sDQPSK sath deni Papsxde; L) EYN, (4B) Figo 4 Gs perma FBG aL By analogy with (24 pet It the ae probably for W/4 DQISK abe shel by 20h SINK wth respect othe BPSK scion daversy ces Both €.7) and (0.7 ar poned in Figure 5, showing ea the appro sion is wal within Lab of dhe enact te, The appensimiton, Reeeesr At as eoie fr the Guus channel Ths eh ices Ut ve aod he (70 rather shan 97) for Raglan We abo olsere tat the BPSK seletion-lvoiy rn) ha he ‘amo feresional fore a shat for 9/4 DQPSK in 79). That sm ach oe the selection diversty rate for Z> 1 ean be calted wag the cree probailey equation lor Z'= {and spprepcinly sealing E/N a none This suggeas that che formula (E7e) can be tppied'e abe hana odultions, wih Pyx(il) replaced by the appropriate Reyhgh fag srroe peobubiliy. ‘This save ype of “uaiveral fom” wal sls fe served forte cae of agua gain divert in Seeton 9.9.2 8.3.2 Equal Gain Diversity cert me tary Woreaherort Orthogonal Maéuetion System We considera ssution in ick ae Efold dnetsiy heme implemented foc an Mary omchogoal sytem to combat che Rayeigh lodged, ta we fre wish w evdte is ever pefonmance shen thee fn fing, OF vane, if dhe chanel is asuned to be noting, one normally woul ee tmply seth adverstysourme Our stim ayetine sw uit the cor pformae of thesystem wing the deatey seme a asl faing nd cy ee 4 5 order dvarsily g at 494 epprox. —— evant | 10° ts tela wo? both oc 8 oe a a BY, (4B) (P30 da) geal vase " Lane abl wi ot at wore ithe vain of he sro nena Gani ais in Svs desl {torsprbel aed wt qi tothe the lgenent nt re ache eaher symbol sd cversty chan Te roncentaiy parecer foe the cape an which the ih symbol yas ani equal va ewe SNR Giver ebirneJjy 2p, suring that te aeage gual ie cya Soe al deerty enamels ectse the sum of tadesendest. equally weighted dhiseuned RVs 6 sho a chisquared RV, for L‘6ld divers and equal pin combining we hve B2AGH), apolar nese ‘ ee 99) Now, without Ins of generality, let sme ha the fst symbol i er sited fa = 1) so Uae che fis sno! chanel in each ofthe divesioy ecivees contuine sual pas iar, whe the eer ayebol chanel ace sem tha the wlne of 2 in he probaly of Pures £2 12a

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