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When it comes to my classroom setup, this is the set up I have in mind, but of course I am

willing to make a couple changes as my teaching career and style progresses. I chose round
tables because I have the King Arthur mentality that we are all equal here so we are all to be
equidistant from one another. There would be four students to a table, and at first I had my desks
set up in a circular pattern, but I wanted to make sure that my students would be able to see the
front of the classroom and I didn’t want my table setup to complicate how my students would
see. Also, it would be easy for me to navigate around since my students are in the middle of my
classroom and I wouldn’t have to act like this is American Ninja Warrior to pass out assignments
and use proximity if they are getting a little off topic. The kidney table that is shown will be
where students can pick up assignments and handouts if they are necessary to have before class
starts. I know I will mostly hand out assignments, but that will probably get old after some time
so the kidney table will be where they’ll pick up graded assignments, new assignments, bell
work, etc. The student table next to me will be where my peer tutor and interns will sit to help
me grade papers, lesson plan, run the class, etc. The white blob on the top represents my white
board, and with my setup students can move if necessary to adjust their needs to see me and the
white board. There is also a great amount of space in front of the class so we can put the chairs in
circles for days we have discussions or have to act out scenes for Shakespeare. I have two
shelves for books for my students to read if we ever have a free day and the two storage blocks
will be where I have cabinets to hold school supplies and snacks for my students who didn’t have
much to eat. I am a firm believer in having a decorated classroom because a classroom with no
decorations is bland and isn’t stimulating to the students. I will be sure to have Game of Thrones
posters, Star Wars memorabilia, photos of me and my adventures, quotes about diversity, and of
course puns about English that way my classroom is cozy and engaging. The bean bags are a
plus too to make my classroom the “cool” class. My teacher’s desk is in a corner because I want
to be able to see all my students, and it’s close to my students’ desks that way I can see a hand
raised and if I can’t, they don’t have to walk too far to ask me a question when I’m sitting down.

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