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{"name":"Scifi_Spirit (Armorsexual)"},"240849028852482050":{"name":"Dante Sparda
{Devil Hunter}"},"605832399258910730":{"name":"Zwei"},"344895018433249290":
{"name":"Special K (Waifu Collector)"},"489424763765391360":
Jasmine"},"437316011621089290":{"name":"Raven Branwen"},"334820952812814336":
{"name":"AndrewPappas99"},"455442701765181472":{"name":"Winter Spam Queen
{"name":"やる ZealØus"},"520974997993553938":{"name":"Black
User"},"414922437407277059":{"name":"Liam Funnyman"},"443559887348432917":
{"name":"Yangy Xiao Long"},"487817153249017856":
2917","487817153249017856","514459760305897472"],"servers":[{"name":"RWBY // RIP
Plus Community","type":"SERVER"}],"channels":{"500040359796277249":
{"647120205901856768":{"u":0,"t":1574355879999,"m":"_Ruby nods, linking her Focus
channel to his._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Rog', I'm en route to the ISEV
now, setting up positions in five.\n\n_Nikolai then gave her a thumbs-up as she
leaped off the aircraft, flying to the ISEV mockup with her Semblance. As she
flies, Alex flashes her a series of codes with his IR strobe. She replies back,
using a different string of flashes and lands on the restaurant within the tower.
Now inside the restaurant she radios Yuri of her
position._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo to Hotel Six, prepping
gear now. \n\n_Yuri replies from the radio, the sounds of water sloshing can be
heard._\n\nYuri: Da, I'm on my way now\n\n_Turning to Price, he shuts off his IR
strobe as Price disposes his cigar, connecting an Odradek unit onto his vest.
Giving the team a thumbs-up, he and Soap jump into the water, moving down the
sewers, the men look up to find True Sons soldiers rounding up captured Argus Naval
Base soldiers, preapring to execute them._\n\nPrice: Hold up.\n\n_Soap aims his
rifle up at the men above him._\n\nSoap: They've already taken prisoners. They're
moving fast.\n\nPrice: We need to be faster. Keep it tight, lads. Use the boxes
above us for cover.\n\n_Ready to move, they check their surroundings and move
quietly through the sewers, exiting from a substation they scan their sectors and
move on, keeping cover behind the boxes of SDC relief supplies sent in for the
naval base._","te":1574356129448},"647120488681701377":
{"u":1,"t":1574355947419,"m":"Captain Gift - Uncle Price, is it a one way
ticket?"},"647124478618238976":{"u":0,"t":1574356898694,"m":"Price: Only if we
fail.\n\n_Looking at his tracker screen, Alex's team is seen setting up positions
around the hotel with Weiss' marker launching out dots at escape routes marked
along the hotel. He contacts her, requesting a sitrep._\n\nPrice: Bravo 0-6 to
Romeo 2, sitrep.\n\n_Weiss replies with a video feed, showing her and Alex setting
up claymores and proximity mines at possible reinforcement routes. In the feed, she
is seen summonning Grimm and sending them out to intercept points with the last
Grimm summoned being a giant Nevermore. Price
chuckles._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Just to be safe, we can't let her
get away.\n\nAlex: She's damn smart, I'll tell you that.\n\n_Looking at Blake's
marker, her video feed shows up, showing her carrying three RC drones armed with
RDX explosives. She then attaches them to launch racks as Yang sets up an airdrop
beacon for an IAV drone unit. Finished, she tosses Hadir his Scroll and joins Yang,
running down the road and linking up with Alex's team as Farah moves in with three
ULF militiamen._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> This is Romeo 3 to 0-6,
charges set, drones are online. Moving to regroup with Romeo 2 at grid GRG-4-5-6-7-
1. \n\nPrice: Negative, stick to your positions, Romeo 3.\n\n_Blake stops, Yang
turns around and jumped up the building back to Alex's sniping
position._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> ...Roger.\n\n_As she ran, a
speaker plays a recording at full volume, its horn pointed directly at a group of
POWs._\n\nSpeaker: Attention all perisoners! There are traitors among us! These
people put peace and order that we, the Sons wants to restore at risk! Surrender
them, and you will not be punished!","te":1574356922477},"647125140072824855":
{"u":1,"t":1574357056397,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, stick together with me.\nLt. Gift
- Got it, do you have suppressor?\nGift - Here.\nLt. Gift - Thanks mate.\nGift -
Keep silent, we must regroup with everyone."},"647127461187944479":
{"u":0,"t":1574357609794,"m":"_Switching his feed to Ruby's, he finds her position
clear of hostiles, however, as he panned his camera view around he finds four
sentry turrets set up around her by a stray Atlesian Knight AK-200 mechanized
infantry unit. Turning the feed off, he switches to Penny's feed, scanning the
hotel for threats._\n\nPrice: Move behind the boxes. All that shooting and yelling
will keep us quiet.\n\nGarrick: Rog',\n\n_Moving after the captain, Garrick looks
up to Penny, finding her covering his sectors with targeting lasers from her arm-
mounted tactical laser cannon. As they move behind the row of boxes, gunshots rang
out asthe Sons execute some of the POWs._\n\nTrue Sons Soldier 1: Everyone on the
ground! I said get down! \n\n_Staring at the soldier, Penny watches as the soldier
kicks an Atlesian Marine private's head and followed up with three shots to the
head, sickened and shocked, she prepares to fire her laser as her Combat AI locks
her weapon systems. Denying her the laser system._\n\nTrue Sons Soldier 2: Kill the
prisoners! \n\n_But as the team moved, a sentry notices a trail of Dust leaking
from Garrick's Dust magazines. The guard notices this and shouts for another guard
to assist._\n\nTrue Sons Guard 1: There's someone there, check the Dust
trail!\n\n_Penny then warns the team of the guard's presence in their
AO._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Bravo, hold. Someone's caught wind of
Garrick's Dust trail.\n\n_They hold, waiting as Penny locks onto the guard and
hijacks his powered exoskeleton, forcing him to run into Price's knife waiting for
him._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Guard is down, go now!\n\nSoap:
Roger.\n\n_Two more guards move in, but finds nothing, they then execute several
more civilians huddling around the Dust trail and then walk away._\n\nPrice:
Okay.... Go... This way.\n\n_With Penny disintegrating the guards into fine dust
with precise, high-powered laser discharges they move out from the boxes past a
friendly waypoint marker._","te":1574357668158},"647128120884985876":
{"u":1,"t":1574357767078,"m":"Gift - One in the room, i will take
it.\n(takedown)\nLt. Gift - All clear.\nGift - BT, how far between my position to
rally point."},"647131440596647956":{"u":0,"t":1574358558559,"m":"BT: Half a klick
to Ruby's Marker, general.\n\n_With Penny marking a waypoint for the team to
another sewer. They move past vehicles and reach at the other side where the Naval
Base's Resistance, led by Kamarov and Cordovin, are waiting. As they enter the
sewer access, two Atlesian Marines run up to them and handed them surplus
ammunition before leaving._\n\nKamarov: What took you so long?\n\n_Helping Yuri up
with her powered AST unit, Cordovin puts him down before grabbing Price and Soap
up. She then picks up Garrick and a U.S. Marines soldier up, putting them down next
to Price._\n\nSoap: Your intel was off, Cordovin. You said this area would be
clear.\n\n_Cordovin spun around with her AST and peeked her head out of the
protective head shell._\n\nCordovin: I'm sure it was nothing you couldn't
handle. \n\n_Kamarov adds, pointing his rifle to three of his men, injured and
lying on the floor._\n\nKamarov: Do you know what had to be done to get you and
your girls this far?\n\n_Price steps in, cutting the chatter as he tosses a decoy
mag onto the ground, silencing the two._\n\nPrice: Enough chit-chat. Soap, Yuri,
best get on your way. We'll meet you at the rally point, flash Ruby with an IR
strobe or she'll fire on you. Garrick, you're with me.\n\n_Slapping the forward
assist on his M8A2-G, Garrick shoulders it and runs out of the sewer after
Price._\n\nGarrick: Yes, sir.\n\nSoap: Let's go, Yuri.\n\n_Nodding, Yuri takes out
his RSASS attached with a Singuard Arms suppressor, a variable-zoom scope and a
canted RDS sight. The two head through the tunnels and up the stairs to the
streets, running towards the ISEV mockup. From Ruby's view, she notices Soap's IR
strobe flashing at her, she flashes hers back, giving them the all-
clear._"},"647132013295566849":{"u":1,"t":1574358695101,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant,
hold on someone come out from sewer.\nLt. Gift - That's Soap and
Yuri."},"647134742634037271":{"u":0,"t":1574359345826,"m":"_As the two move up the
streets, Ruby flashes them another IR strobe code, warning them of hostiles in
their area, she turns around and finds the speaker's horn now pointed at her. Its
announcement blasting her ears._\n\nSpeaker: Citizens of Argus! The True Sons army
greets you in New Kingdom
of Mistral! We are sorry for temporary inconveniences caused by our staying. Our
mission here is to protect people of New Mistral and to serve
it!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Soap, hold. Enemies moving in, stay
put.\n\nSoap: Roger, Rubes.\n\n_Moving past two guards, they take a turn and move
into an alley, avoiding another patrol. As they move into the alley, they see a
True Sons outpost up ahead._\n\nSoap: Hold up. Got contacts. Twenty meters
ahead. \n\n_Ruby contacts him again, warning him
further._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Stay low. No need to wake the city up
here.\n\n_Following her command, the two go prone in the shadows of the alley.
Keeping their rifles as close to themselves as they can, from Ruby's point of view,
she tags five patrols standing in front of the alley and marks them as potential
targets for Penny, the android pinging her by tagging another sniper on the roof as
well._\n\nSoap: Five guys on foot. Snipers on the roof. Any
ideas?\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Sit tight. We'll see what they
do.\n\n_Four of the Sons on foot split away from the last guy and his dog. Giving
Ruby more room for error._\n\nSoap: They're splitting up. Must be our lucky day.
Ok. Take the snipers first. They'll alert the others if you
don't\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, I'll take out the guy with the dog.
\n\n_Still in prone, Yuri aims his RSASS at one of the snipers on the roof and
takes him out. Soap gets up on a kneeling position as Ruby takes out the guard and
his dog._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sorry, pooch."},"647135163511341093":
{"u":1,"t":1574359446171,"m":"Gift - All clear, let move.\nLt. Gift - Got
it."},"647137872087875585":{"u":0,"t":1574360091946,"m":"_With Ruby taking out the
guard and his dog, Yuri gets up and runs after Soap. He then tries to drag a body
into a shadowed corner but Soap stops him._\n\nSoap: No time to hide the bodies.
Let's go.\n\n_The door of a house in front of him bursted open as two guards aimed
their guns at them, ready to fire. But as the guards raised their rifles up they
are immediately taken out as their heads exploded, Soap looks over to the mock ISEV
and fins Ruby flashing him a series of IR
strobes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That was close, a bit slower and you
two would be gone. Now move.\n\n_From Ruby's scope, she watches as Yuri stalled
Soap by attempting to drag a body into a corner. As he drags it two guards bursted
through a door and prepares to engage them, but Ruby takes them out with two clean
shots to the head._\n\nSoap: That was sloppy, Yuri.\n\n_They come to another gate
arch and stops, looking up at Ruby's strobe flashing again, warning them of more
Sons ahead._\n\nSoap: Hold your fire.\n\n_As they watched, the Sons are taking more
civilians prisoners, rounding them up in groups and ushering them to a holding
area, as Soap watches, he notices two familiar figures amongst the prisoners and
upon proper ID tagging, the figures are tagged as Saphron and Terra, both of them
taken prisoners by the Sons._","te":1574360136644},"647138222165458946":
{"u":0,"t":1574360175411,"m":"Soap: Bloody hell, they've got Saph and Terra
in!\n\n_Ruby gasps, watching the two being marched into a house, a guard peeks out
of the door and shuts it tight. After the guards shuts the door, more screams are
heard. Disgusted and shocked, she kept aim at the house and prepares to fire, but
Price stops her._\n\nPrice: Hold, Hadir and Weiss are going in. Keep Soap covered,
they'll handle it.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> ... Roger.\n\nSoap: they'll
get them out. Ruby, they're locking down the city. We need to get ahead of
this.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy, you're clear for now. Move
up.\n\n_Soap gets up and Yuri gets up as well, the two then make a run for a
sidewalk ahead of them._\n\nSoap: Follow me."},"647138426201702421":
{"u":1,"t":1574360224057,"m":"Gift - Watch your step."},"647140603905441792":
{"u":0,"t":1574360743262,"m":"_WIth Ruby providing them cover, they move across the
road to the other sidewalk, brushing past Team JNPR and Hadir. Ignoring the group,
Soap sees a two-man patrol._\n\nSoap: Patrol up ahead. You get one, I'll take the
other. On you...\n\n_Taking a deep breath, Yuri stabilizes his shots and fired at
the first guard, taking him out, and Soap kill the second guard. Their bodies
slumping onto the roof._\n\nSoap: He's down.\n\n_Ruby stops him, this time radioing
him directly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hold, you've got a sniper ahead
of you. \n\n_Soap stops and watches, following Ruby's IR laser, as he followed the
laser, a sniper is seen on the roof. With care, they keep under cover of the shade
coverings. In the restaurant, Ruby keeps prone and sets her sights on the sniper,
intent on taking him out. Another sniper walks in but turns away, leaving the
roof._\n\nSoap: Another sniper. Don't draw his attention.\n\n_Placing her finger on
the trigger, Ruby prepares to take them out, radioing to
Soap._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll take him. \n\n_Pulling the trigger,
she takes out the sniper as the man fell to his knees, his rifle's muzzle jabbbing
his chin and keeping him up._\n\nSoap:
{"u":1,"t":1574613184240,"m":"Lt. Gift - I see Ruby now.\nGift - Roger.\nLt. Gift -
We will follow them, let's go!"},"648201263254863884":
{"u":0,"t":1574613624157,"m":"_Giving the men an all-clear, Ruby points her laser
to an empty clearing, marking a location for Penny's threat grenade. From the sky
came two red trails of light as the grenade touches the ground, covering the area
in a bright red flash._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Threat G's out, area is
clear for now\n\n_Moving up, Yuri prepares to run but stops, diving behind a
dumpster as the sounds of a helicopter is heard. He looks behind him to find
Jaune's team running out from the house, headed for Alex's marker. Soap stops, the
two then hears a chopper incoming._\n\nSoap: Chopper! Quick, through
here!\n\n_Getting up, they sprint across the road into a store, following Ruby's
laser. Now inside the store the two hdes behind a shelf. Soap contacts Price
through the Focus._\n\nSoap: Wait here. Price, you copy?\n\nPrice: Go
ahead.\n\n_Uploading a scan of his area to Price, Soap peeks from the shelf and
sweeps the street outside with his personal radar._\n\nSoap: Lot of movement on the
street. Keep your eyes high, there are snipers everywhere.\n\n_Inputting the feed
into his Focus, Price nods and rallies up Team JNPR, the group then move along
Penny's waypoint to the hotel._\n\nPrice: We'll keep an eye out.\n\n_He ends the
call as Ruby's ID shows up on Soap's HUD. He looks at it, the to the mock ISEV with
his Focus' augmented reality visor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You're
clear for now, move!\n\nSoap: Let's go.\n\n_Getting up from prone, they move out of
the store and come to a street when they hear a BTR. In the tower, Ruby signals
them to a corner on the street._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Got a vehicle
in the open, get to cover!","te":1574613639687},"648201938478825475":
{"u":1,"t":1574613785143,"m":"Gift - One in the alley.\nLt. Gift - I got him. (Shot
suppressed Desert Eagle)\nHe's down.\nGift - Let move, we have to reach to our
vantage point ASAP.\nLt. Gift - Not too quick Gift."},"648209804413632523":
{"u":0,"t":1574615660528,"m":"(sorry for the offline part, I was in a voice
{"u":0,"t":1574616067261,"m":"_Giving the men an all clear, Penny guides them out
of the corner, they move out of the store and come to a street when they hear a
BTR. From the ISEV, Ruby points to a cover, the men follows the marker, avoiding
the BTR._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Convoy! Move, now!\n\n_Following Ruby,
they run to the corner, remaining hidden. Weiss watches them from the view of a
loiterin MQ-99 drone, ready to launch a stun projectile at the BTR. In the corner,
the two stays within the spot, trying their best to avoid being seen by the
vehicle._\n\nSoap: Stay low. There's too many of
them...\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> They're past, move!\n\n_With Weiss
giving them the all-clear, they enter the store and go prone. Hiding themselves
amongst the enemies around them._\n\nSoap: Get down.\n\n_Still prone, they crawl
under the view of the windows, moving past the guards outside. As they crawl, the
guards move around with flashlights patrolling the area. A door opens and True Sons
walk in. Soap then reports his curren situation to Ruby._\n\nSoap: 1-1, they're
inside the building.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, keep moving. Don't
let them get wind of you.\n\n_With Ruby's advice, they remain hidden as they move.
Outside, a dog jumps at the window._\n\nSoap: Don't move...\n\n_As the dog barked,
they stay still. Yuri then launches a fly drone as it flew outside, spying on two
True Sons arguing with one another at the window._"},"648211861233205258":
{"u":1,"t":1574616150912,"m":"Gift - Almost there.\nLt. Gift - Hold.\nGift -
What?\nLt. Gift - See that dog? That mean Soap is near.\nGift - Okay, we will wait
for them."},"648215355113734165":{"u":0,"t":1574616983918,"m":"_As they wait, Jaune
and Nora breaks off from their team and runs for Soap and Yuri, as they move, they
listen in on the two soldiers._\n\nTrue Sons 1: Goddamn dog, I almost shit myself!
Get it the hell out of there!\n\n_The second soldier replies, agitated at the first
man's inability to keep himself under control._\n\nTrue Sons 2: You get out! This
is a good dog!\n\n_The Sons leaves the store. Soap and Yuri move forward, but two
more Son enter and they stop, from the scope Ruby kept her sights set on the two
soldiers entering the area. Sweeping
her scope down she sees a soldier standing next to a wounded civilian. On the
ground, the Sons see a wounded civilian crwaling his way to safety, his child
pulling at his arms._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I've got a civilian in my
sights, damn, he's got a kid too.\n\n_Ruby puts her finger on the trigger, ready to
take the soldier out. But Hadir stops her._\n\nHadir: Negative, 1-1. We can't risk
our cover. Sorry, but it's for our mission's sake.\n\n_Muttering to herself, Ruby
keeps the scope locked on the man as she watched the Sons harass the man and his
daughter._\n\nTrue Sons 3: Hey, stop! I wanna kill that guy!\n\n_The group stops,
looking back at the soldier. The soldier gave them a disappointed look and executes
him. Leaving his daughter alive._\n\nTrue Sons 3: Ah! Satisfied now...\n\n_Another
soldier speaks up._\n\nTrue Sons 4: Yeah, you're just crazy. What about the
kid?!\n\n_The soldier then takes the man's daughter in his arms, carrying her
bridal style. Unsure of what to do._\n\nTrue Sons 3: Shut the fuck up, or there
will be more than one corpse! Just let her go, we don't kill children, only men and
sometimes women, if we have to."},"648215925387952129":
{"u":1,"t":1574617119882,"m":"Gift - Damn.\nLt. Gift - We can't risk.\nGift - You
right, I can sense it C-4 on our vantage point.\nLt. Gift - Where?\nGift - I don't
know but i will find it."},"648220167779909652":
{"u":0,"t":1574618131347,"m":"_Still watching the soldiers, Soap and Yuri stuck
behind their cover as the fourth soldier let the kid go, in cloak, Jaune and Nora
ran up to the kid and took her in before moving into cover. Reporting back to Price
as they do._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> 2-1 to 0-6, child is secure. Moving to
vantage point C-6. \n\nPrice: Roger, just get her to Kamarov.\n\n_As they run past
the soldiers, Yuri looks at their visual cues before returning his attention to the
soldiers._\n\nTrue Sons 4: Right, right, don't worry. It's like shooting targets!
So you said, you're a sick man.\n\n_Getting irate, the third soldier points the
muzzle of his rifle at the soldier scolding him for his actions._\n\nTrue Sons 3:
If you don't shut your fucking mouth right now, I will \"like\" to shoot you, got
it?\n\n_Soap and Yuri, still hidden, move towards the exit, following through
Penny's marker. They then stack up at the door, still in prone._\n\nSoap: Ok, we're
going to have to do this sharpish.\n\n_Looking up, he sees Penny's threat grenades
lighting up another area, marking more enemies for the two. They get up, ready to
move under her call._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Area ahead is clear for
now, go.\n\nSoap: Get ready. Go!\n\n_Under Penny's watch, they quickly sprint to a
car and then sneak by the BTR into a fenced alley. Ignoring the vehicle they climb
up the dumpster and over the fence. Yuri, now getting down from the fence sees
Ruby's IR laser pointing to a different direction, he shudders, wishing for Ruby to
turn her rifle to his direction._\n\nSoap: Stay close.\n\n_A guard walks by and
sees them. But before he can react, Soap lineed up his shots and kills him with a
silenced shot to the head. With the guard eliminated he quietly drags his body into
the alley._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Good kill,
- OK, there they are.\nLt. Gift - Let's go!"},"648222953510666310":
{"u":0,"t":1574618795517,"m":"Soap: Good night.\n\n_With the guard taken out, they
move near the street. Watching from her spot, Ruby activates the console
controlling the entire observation deck to turn to Soap's current position. She
then orders for the rest of her team to keep watch for Cordovin's resistance
fighters._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Adjusting position, all units, keep
an eye out for Cordovin. She'll begin the offensive any minute now.\n\n_On the
streets beneath the ISEV, Price orders Ruby's group to break up, having finished
their duties. Alex then fires a waypoint marker drone for the group, giving them
waypoint data for his position as he moves to join Hadir and Farah._\n\nPrice:
Alright, phase one is over. Move to your teams and regroup at the ISEV. We'll call
you when we need you.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> <:excitedyang:501512724291911704>
Roger.\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> <:ren:519719201699790870>
<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Roger.\n\n_The teams then move to the mock ISEV,
they look up, finding Ruby waving at them from the observation
deck._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Over here! Use the ropes!\n\n_She then
kicks the ropes she'd hooked up on the railings down for the group below her.
Watching them climb up she retreats to her sniping position. As she watched the
group climb up, she thought better of it and orders them to take positions under
the ISEV instead._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wait, hang on... I want you
to take up positions under the elevator, use the lower
deck!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Really?! After we'd climb up here?
REALLY?!\n\n_Groaning, she drops off on the deck undernath Ruby's, Blake and Yang
follows as they, too, took up positions on the deck, watching Team JNPR spread out
under them. Back on the streets, Soap stops, noticing a laarge convoy moving ahead
of him._\n\nSoap: Hold up. Thirty plus on foot, and they're bringing in
armor."},"648223216246063115":{"u":1,"t":1574618858158,"m":"Gift - Hold, Full of
armor.\nLt. Gift - What are we gonna do?"},"648224223768084521":
{"u":0,"t":1574619098370,"m":"_Gift's clones, now stuck with Soap and Yuri stays
with the two, taking their weapons out._\n\nPrice: Soap, what's your
status?\n\n_Sending Price a video feed, Soap keeps watch of the convoy
ahead._\n\nSoap: In position, but there's a bloody army in front of
us.\n\n_Flashing Ruby an OK sign, Price's team moves from the elevator, sneaking
past the convoy under cloak._\n\nPrice: We're coming in from the west. Watch your
fire.\n\nSoap: Roger.\n\n_Price and his team then stop as they make their way up
the roof of a building, Soap and Yuri move to a small fence, stopping as a sniper's
laser is seen from the roof. Pointing to the ground._\n\nSoap: Scout on the
rooftop. Take care of him.\n\nYurri: Da.\n\n_Taking a deep breath, Yuri aims at the
two men on the rooftop, but before he can get a shot, Kamarov kills the scouter and
Price knifes the sniper. Anothr soldier tries to fight back, but Gift takes his
HK433 out and knocks the soldier out with the stock._"},"648224555327815701":
{"u":1,"t":1574619177420,"m":"Gift - Ha, Good night
motherf<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> cker"},"648227026901270529":
{"u":0,"t":1574619766689,"m":"_Soap stops, watching the three men work on the
snipers on the roof._\n\nSoap: Wait! Nice timing, old man. \n\n_Behind him, Yuri
points to the convoy ahead of him with his rifle._ \n\nYuri: Well one's down, but
we've got just a squad, and they've got an army waiting for us.\n\n_His Focus then
displays Cordovin and Price's IDs. From the rooftop, Cordovin climbs onto the roof,
arming her AST's shoulder-mounted rocket launchers._\n\nPrice: Don't worry. I've
brought some friends.\n\n_He turns to Cordovin, she smiles, readying her rocket
launcher._\n\nCordovin: Let's give them the proper Argus
welcome.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Go loud!\n\n_Upon Ruby's command,
Cordovin's Resistance fighters come out on the roofs of the surrounding buildings
and upper windows and fire on the Sons with everything they have. With the fighters
emptying their weapons onto the streets, the Sons begin their counterattack but are
overwhelmed when Cordovin and three Deathbringers smashed through the building,
blasting the enemy with gunfire._\n\n_The Deathbringers then aim up to a True Sons
Warden gunship, before its pilots could react the gunship is hit and the BTR is
dropped and destroyed. Exploding in flames. With Cordovin's fighters raining fire
on the enemy, Price radios his unit._\n\nPrice: All units, move with the rebels and
get to the ISEV! We'll cover you as best we can!\n\n_Taking his twin autopistols
out, Ren readies up as he and Nora charged at the hostiles alongside Jaune and
Penny._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Copy that! \n\nSoap: Yuri, let's go!
\n\n_Locking the enemy in, Penny readies up her twin tactical laser systems mounted
in her chasses as her arms transformed into two receptacle-like devices bearing
semblance to Gipsy Danger's Plasmacasters. With the laser system ready she sweeps
the street with green laser, forcing the hostiles to run for cover. Suppressng the
hostiles, she moves forward._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Moving up to the
ISEV, cover me!"},"648227336222670880":{"u":1,"t":1574619840437,"m":"Gift -
Lieutenant, Open fire.\nLt. Gift - And finally we must go out
loud."},"648229745435082763":{"u":0,"t":1574620414838,"m":"_Running along the roof,
Gift and his clones take out enemies ahead of Penny and Jaune, giving them cover
fire from the roof. On the ground, as Cordovin and her Deathbringers lay waste to
the True Sons, the Deathbringers then ran out of ammunition._\n\nCordovin:
Deathbringers are Winchester! \n\n_Still moving up and sweeping the streets with
melting laser, Penny stops behind a destroyed truck and switches to a mimetic
Rubinoalloy self-forming MAWPS platform printer. She tosses the printer onto the
ground as turqoise smoke billowed from the printer, the smoke clears and reveals a
Space United Hawk mobile airborne weapons
platform._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Hawk is up, Lieutenant! You're in
control!\n\n_The Lieutenant then jumps onto the Hawk's hull and jacks into its
systems, using the twin missile launchers for cover. He locks onto the hostiles
below and wipes them out with a swarm missile barrage, destroying any vehicles
moving into the area._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
I see smoke from the streets, it must be them!\n\n_Watching from the ISEV, Ruby
and her team watches as the green hue of Penny's laser residue is seen in the air
followed by multiple loud booms, back on the ground, with Lieutenant controlling
the Hawk Team JNPR moves to the ISEV's base and provides cover fire for the
advancing fighters with erected maching gun mounts built by the fighters
beforehand._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Any ideas on what to do with
these?!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Keep them pinned down!\n\n_Blasting away with
the machine gun, the area is cleared and Soap and Yuri move to the elevator,
stopping for cover behind Pyrrha's memorial statue._\n\nSoap: Move up.\n\n_With
Lieutenant giving them cover, they move up the street but stops as trucks with
reinforcements and helicopters arrive. Giving Lieutenant more targets for the Hawk
system._\n\nSoap: Truck incoming! Helos
{"u":1,"t":1574620531404,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, we need fire support here.\nLt.
Gift - Copy, on my way now."},"648232261614960640":
{"u":0,"t":1574621014742,"m":"_Lieutenant then turn the Hawk around, moving to
Gift's position at the memorial. From there, he locks onto more targets below as
the weapons platform let loose its precision guided cluster munitions and more
cannon fire. Saturating the entire memorial with fire._\n\nTrue Sons 5: How are we
supposed to defeat that thing?!\n\nTrue Sons 6: Just shoot it until it
dies!\n\n_Grabbing a rocket launcher, the soldier loads it with a caustic warhead
and launches it at the Hawk, but it intercepts the rocket with a tactical laser
system. The two soldiers then try to retreat, but are killed as Lieutenant kills
them with anti-personnel rocket fire._\n\n_With the two soldiers killed, the
memorial park is cleared and Soap and Yuri move to the statue, hiding behind
it._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Move up.\n\n_Looking up to the Hawk, they
move up the street as trucks with reinforcements and airships arrive. They dug into
cover and return fire._\n\nSoap: Truck incoming! Airships inbound!\n\n_Garrick
radios them through his Focus, warning them of thee Warden airships carrying stolen
Atlesian Army Paladins._\n\nGarrick: Get to cover, they're bringing in
armor!\n\n_As Soap hid behind the mobile cover drone, an idea suddenly came to his
mind. With it, he gets up and took with him three anti-tank drones. Setting them to
explode prematurely._\n\nSoap: Penny, I'll try and draw their fire! Take them
out!\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Copy!\n\n_He gets up and launches the
drones at the Paladins, the Paladins then try to intercept the drones but are taken
out as the drones exploded before them, showering their exposed opto-electrical
sensors. With the Paladins disabled the Sons call in for more reinforcements as an
Infantry Assault Vehicle rolls into the
{"u":1,"t":1574621158008,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, They bring IAV in the
battlefield.\nLt. Gift - They don't know my flying skill.\nGift - Then let them
see...."},"648235013602803722":{"u":0,"t":1574621670867,"m":"_Flying his Hawk
platform closer to the IAV, Lieutenant locks it in with a Maverick missile and
launches it at the vehicle, the missile weaves through the gunfire and speared
through the vehicle's hull, impacting the street behind the vehicle and exploding
thanks to the IAV's thin armor._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> IAV is down,
good kill!\n\n_Moving up alongside Price, she kept up her laser fire as she swept
the street clean of the Sons, but as she prepares to charge for another shot her
arms give out, the plasmacaster barrel assembly taking the place of her hands
billowing with steam._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> My lasers are out! Cover
me!\n\n_Quickly engaging her self-repair function, Penny taps into her Light Energy
reserve and floods her now-transformed arms with the energy, quickly repairing the
overheating damage. But as she repairs them a True Sons IAV takes notice of her and
prepares to fire at her with its cannon._\n\nSoap: Yuri, grab a Stinger and take
that IAV out, hurry!\n\n_Smashing a crate open, Yuri sees a Stinger missile
launcher and grabs it._\n\nSoap: Now take out that armor firing on
Penny!\n\n_Shouldering the missile launcher, Yuri locks in the IAV, fires the
Stinger and the IAV is destroyed. With the vehicle destroyed Penny recharges her
internal core, switching back to the integrated repulsor laser system grafted in
her arms._\n\nSoap: Alright, it's down! Good work! \n\n_Switching to her repulsors,
Penny fires a blast of laser at three True Sons, killing
them._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> More tangos inbound! Fall back to the
building! Go!","te":1574621738988},"648235431858798642":
{"u":1,"t":1574621770587,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, i will send BT for auto pilot, you
rally with me.\nLt. Gift - Got it pal."},"648237239796629535":
{"u":0,"t":1574622201633,"m":"_Tapping his Focus, Gift sends BT's AI over to the
Hawk platform as it begins to engage enemies on its own accord. The Lieutenant then
hopped from the mech and lands next to Gift._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595>
Engaging hostiles, cover me!\n\n_As Penny engaged the enemies, her repulsors begin
to malfunction from overuse, ignoring the warnings she reroutes her internal Light
Energy flow to her vital components and stalls the team. Price yells at her and
drags her off the road._\n\nPrice: Penny, get off the bloody road!\n\n_With her
combat AI taking over the repair duty, Penny, Soap and Yuri run into a gated alley.
Avoiding another IAV firing at them._\n\nSoap: This way!\n\n_Stepping aside, Penny
rips opens the gate and they move into the alley. Watching from the ISEV, Ruby
tracks Penny's movement until she moves into the gated alley, causing her to lose
contact._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Penny, I've lost visual contact!
Penny, come in!\n\n_Under fire, Penny replies to Ruby, dodging gunfire and
returning the hostile the favor with her
repulsors._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Can't talk right now, Ruby! We're
busy!\n\n_Price then uploads a waypoint to the team's HUDs, marking them a path to
the ISEV._\n\nPrice: Alright, we're going to cut through the buildings and find our
way to the ISEV.\n\n_Cordovin's escort fighters, including Penny then breaks off
from the group, moving away from them._\n\nArgus Resistance Fighter 1: Copy. We're
on our way to the hotel. Good luck.\n\nSoap: Through here, let's go!\n\n_With Penny
leaving the group and joining the fighters, they move up a flight of stairs through
the building. Resistance soldiers are firing out the windows as they pass
{"u":1,"t":1574622340540,"m":"Gift - Soap, are we almost to vantage
point?"},"648238029596655632":{"u":0,"t":1574622389936,"m":"(Sorry, Gift. But I
have to pause here, we'll continue tomorrow.)"},"648241068017582083":
{"u":1,"t":1574623114352,"m":"(Got it)"},"649271772369387530":
{"u":1,"t":1574868879278,"m":"Lt. Gift - I think we almost there to vantage
point."},"649273323976523776":{"u":0,"t":1574869223351,"m":"_Watching Penny's group
leave the combat zone, Soap rallies up his group and holds for Yuri, the man now
scanning the area for Grimm presence._\n\nSoap: Hold your fire. Take point,
Yuri. \n\n_Outside, the area ahead of them is cleared as Ruby lays down long-range
sniper fire, taking out enemies from afar with a HDR rifle. With Ruby taking out
enemies for them, Soap gets up and runs after Yuri._\n\nSoap: Yuri, scout
ahead!\n\n_As Yuri moves through the building, armor shells blast through the
halls. They flinch, dodging debris and shrapnel._\n\nSoap: The building's not going
to take much more of this. Might get rough out there, mate, you ready? \n\n_Yuri
flashes him a thumbs-up, he looks behind him as Gift and his team ready
up._\n\nSoap: Ok, let's go!\n\nArgus Resistance Fighter 3: MOVE!\n\n_The Resistance
fighter runs outside, the team then follows as they sprint through the halls under
armor fire, they then go down the stairs and out to the street as the fighter
stops, shouldered his PILA launcher and fires at a True Sons APC, the APC is then
destroyed but more armor and machine gun fire rain down on the Resistance fighting
the Sons._\n\nSoap: Two gunners! Across the street! Second
- They are on my sight."},"649274686538121220":{"u":0,"t":1574869548211,"m":"_Gift
then takes a Strela-S launcher from a weapons cache next to him and set his sights
on the gunners firing down on the fighters at the corner building. A resistance
fighter moves in, supplied him with more recoilless guided shells._\n\nArgus
Resistance Fighter 4: Take out those turrets!\n\n_On Yuri's count, Gift and Yuri
takes out the machine gunners at the corner building, the two of them firing their
guided shells._\n\nSoap: They're down!\n\n_Putting the launchers down for surviving
fighters, they move up the street and make a right, running into a mob of
Resistance running down the street. Gift scouts ahead and finds a weaponized
Goliath firing missiles at them._\n\nSoap: Goliath! Get to cover!\n\n_Jumping away
from the Goliath's targeting lasers, Gift narrowly dodges a missile, the missile
detonates as the explosion shell shocks him. The Goliath then stomps the ground in
anger, sweeping its lasers around the area. Not finding its target anymore, it then
rolled forward towards the Resistance firing its missiles at them._\n\nSoap: We got
to get out of this courtyard! This way!
1574266547089,"m":"Gift - Yare Yare daze, what happen
again."},"646746644838088704":{"u":0,"t":1574266816101,"m":"_With Gift making his
presence known amongst the pilots, the four men quickly stood at attention and
saluted him._\n\nMarauder 1: General on deck!\n\n_Getting up, Ruby rested against
the wall, removing her cape and roughly folding them into a crude
square._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> All I did was listen on these guys
talking to Gargoyle! They spooked me out first!\n\n_Inside her room, Weiss rips off
her earbuds and stormed outside of her room, stomping her way to the common room
with Myrtenaster in her hand. Now at the common room, she prepares to launch a
Hardlight Dust projectile at the pilots but is stopped as the PA system denies her
weapons usage privileges._\n\nPA System: Weapons detected, all weapons will be
locked until deployment!\n\n<:Disgusted_Weiss:634430992471293952> Oh, shut up, damn
you!\n\n_Turning to the group, she stares them
down._\n\n<:Disgusted_Weiss:634430992471293952> Can't I just listen to my songs in
peace?! What on Remnant's gotten to
- Nikolai, what happen?"},"646747616360792075":
{"u":0,"t":1574267047730,"m":"Nikolai: Nothing out of the ordinary, they're talking
to a pilot when Ruby eavesdropped them. Hate to say, but I had a good laugh when
they screamed.\n\n_Blushing hard with embarassment, Ruby picked her cape from the
floor, running away from the common room to her quarters and leaving the men and
Weiss behind. As Ruby left, silence befalls the room as the pilots stared at one
another awkwardly, unsure of what to do
next._\n\n<:Disgusted_Weiss:634430992471293952> Ugh...\n\n_Groaning in annoyance,
Weiss retreats to her quarters, leaving Gift and the pilots to
themselves._"},"646748093349625856":{"u":1,"t":1574267161453,"m":"Gift - Yare Yare
Daze, if there are nothing, i will get back to my room to rest, STAR PLATINUM ZA
WARUDO!!!!!"},"646749807213281322":{"u":0,"t":1574267570070,"m":"_Leaving to his
quarters, Gift bumps into Riley, still in her combat suit. Riley grabs him by the
arm, stopping him in his tracks._\n\nRiley: Gift, Overlord just contacted
ATLASSOCOM a while ago, he needs us at his office now. Go get your girls and
Juniper, I'll be waiting for you at the tram.\n\n_Vanishing before him in a flash,
Riley disappears, leaving behind white, glowing particles. Sighing, Gift enters his
room, unfolding his scroll he calls Team RWBY in a group call. Waiting for the team
to answer, Ruby's icon appears._\n\n_As Ruby's voice channel opened, the sounds of
water running blared through thr speakers. In the shower and covered in soap Ruby
shouts at the Scroll to pick up the call._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Answer! \n\n_The Scroll answers the call as Ruby washed soap sud off of her face.
She gestures for the camera to open, revealing the steamy shower and Ruby, still
covered head-to-toe in soap suds._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, what is
it? I'm in the shower right now!","te":1574267717412},"646750226224381952":
{"u":1,"t":1574267669970,"m":"Gift - Riley just told me that Overlord have
contacted with ATLASSOCOM and he need us to the office."},"646751436385812527":
{"u":0,"t":1574267958495,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Overlord?! Didn't
Riley said her forces left Remnant already?\n\n_Quickly turning the camera feed
off, she sits down on the shower cubicle, letting the hot water clean the soap off
of her body. Despite the camera feed turned off, the camera turns back on,
revealing Ruby to him again. Riley joins the call, her camera feed activated as
well._\n\nRiley: Rubes, get yourself cleand up and get here fast, just wear your
PJs, no uniforms needed. \n\n_With Ruby's body in full view, Riley turns the feed
off, blushing hard._\n\nRiley: ... Just get here fast, and tell your team to do the
same. Riley out.\n\n_Reaching up to the scroll dock, Ruby shuts off the camera feed
again and switched over to voice-only
{"u":1,"t":1574268040767,"m":"Gift - Not all, just get here, Brother will wait for
you and your team."},"646753423626076210":
{"u":0,"t":1574268432290,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay, I'll be
there.\n\n_Ending the call, she turns the shower off as the cubicle blasts her with
hot air, drying her. The cubicle opens on its own, Ruby walks over to the bed and
with her Semblance quickly dressed herself with her pyjamas. Now dressed, she calls
her teammates starting with Weiss._\n\n_The call goes through as Weiss' caller ID
appears on the screen._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, tell Blake and
Yang to get dressed, Riley needs you two at the elevator now!\n\n_Groggily, Weiss
replies, taking her VR headset off._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Why..?
What for?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's Overlord, he just made
contact. \n\n_Upon the mention of Overlord's name, Weiss' drowsiness wears away
fast, jumpin off of the bed she runs to her closet, putting her nightgown on as
quck as she could._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Overlord?! I thought he
left already!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I thought so too, but now he needs
us at Ironwood's office. Just be here, okay?\n\n_Ending the call, Ruby opens the
door and ran for the elevator past the common room, knocking a Maurader pilot onto
the floor._\n\nMarauder 1: AH! What the--"},"646753925793579010":
{"u":1,"t":1574268552016,"m":"Gift - Not all of them have leave, some still with
us, good soldier won't left their teammate behind."},"646755323322957834":
{"u":0,"t":1574268885213,"m":"_After ending the call, Weiss unfolds her re-issued
Scroll out and contacts Blake. Blake, now reading her book finds herself
interrupted as her Scroll rings, curious, she picks it up as Weiss' shrill voice
pierced her ears._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Hello--\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Blake, get suited up and meet me at
the elevator right now!\n\n_Confused, she places the scroll on top of her book,
already walking for the closet._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Why now?
What's going on?\n\n_Before Weiss could reply, Yang joins the call, kicking Weiss'
channel off the group._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Get dressed, Riley's callin
us in for a briefing. Meet me at the elevator.\n\n_Nodding, Blake walks for the
door, already in her nightgown. She opens the door as the Marauder pilot Ruby had
bumped into earlier drags her out to the hallways._\n\nMarauder 1: No time for
lady-walk! I'm taking you to the elevator!"},"646755376003284992":
{"u":1,"t":1574268954691,"m":"Gift - They should be here in 3 2 1
and....."},"646757085647863831":{"u":0,"t":1574269305384,"m":"_As he stood by and
waited for Team RWBY to arrive, the Marauder pilot sets Blake down in front of him
and ran back to his quarters. The team, now assembled waits for the elevator to
arrive, behind them Team JNPR stumbles their way to the group, having been woken up
from their much-needed sleep._\n\n_Walking to the elevator, Nora yawns loudly as
Jaune and Ren carried her by her arms. Dragging her to Riley._\n\nRiley: Finally,
now that we're here we'll be heading to Ironwood's office.\n\n_Raising her arms in
the air, Riley projects two beams of light from her palms and shone them onto the
group. Closing her eyes, the floor beneath her begins to shake much to the group's
surprise._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What's going on?!\n\nRiley: The
elevator's too slow, I'm sending you all to his
office.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What--\n\n_Suddenly, the group is then
blinded with light as Riley teleports them all to Ironwood's office, at the office,
as Ironwood sat and waited he notices the dust on the floor rising up to form
multiple anthromorphic figures, then followed by blinding light as Riley teleports
the group into the office._","te":1574269321216},"646757328359653376":
{"u":1,"t":1574269363251,"m":"Gift - I have my way, STAR PLATINUM ZA
WARUDO!!!!"},"646758999374692387":{"u":0,"t":1574269761652,"m":"_With everyone in
the office, Ironwood lowers the shutters on the wondows as the table in the center
of the room rises up, locked into position and casted a holographic
display._\n\nIronwood: Thanks for coming, please, get yourselves sorted out.
Overlord will be online soon.\n\n_The group, now recovering from the sudden
teleportation sits on the flloor, rubbing their temples as the spacetime distortion
caused by Riley disturbs their cochlea. Getting up, the group stands around the
table as Ironwood descended from the stairs, the remote in his hand._\n\nRiley:
What's the ETA on the secure channel, James?\n\nIronwood: Not sure, Comms are still
trying to get through the US.\n\n_Watching the blank screen, the two steps back as
Overlord's insignia appears on the screen. Sighing in relief, Ironwood steps back,
allowing Riley to identify herself with her dogtag._\n\nOperator: Caller, please
authenticate.\n\nRiley: Authentication Atlas Bravo, get me a secure channel to
Overlord."},"646759418154713088":{"u":1,"t":1574269861497,"m":"Gift -
Authentication Black viking, get me a secure channel to
Overlord."},"646760518123782144":{"u":0,"t":1574270123750,"m":"_The Operator
accepts the two's ident codes and provides a secure channel to Overlord. In his
office at the Pentagon, Overlord contacts the team, making his presence known in
the office._\n\nOverlord: Glad to have you all back on the grid, especially to you,
Romeo.\n\n_Ruby smiles, saluting the general. Overlord waves at
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Glad to have you back too,
sir.\n\nIronwood: Overlord, we need to talk, information from multiple SCF Aurelian
Gleipnir aerial vessels indicates increased hostile forces activity
in Menagerie, any ideas why?\n\n_Overlord chuckles, displaying a readout on the
Aurelian air fleet's status._\n\nOverlord: The Aurelians pulled back, they left the
moment their air force recalled half their units back. James, be honest with me,
are you having any plans in secret you didn't let me know
of?","te":1574270149503},"646760876908740629":{"u":1,"t":1574270209291,"m":"Gift -
Jame, tell us if there anything important."},"646762149322162248":
{"u":0,"t":1574270512658,"m":"_Nodding, Ironwood takes his Focus off and inserts
the chip onto a docking interface. With the Focus docked in, data from the device
is then transfered to the Pentagon through Space United's intrauniversal
communication network. Overlord raises an eyebrow upon reading the sent
information, then turns to Ironwood._\n\nOverlord: Amity Tower, huh... James, this
is a crazy idea. Earth can develop Dustless satellite technology and send them over
but you denied every single requests from NASA! Now let's get to the point, Space
United's been pegging our forces to return, but with our circumstances similar to
that of Remnant's, our return to Remnant will be detrimenal to Earth's
safety.\n\n_Taking a short break, he continues._\n\nOverlord: Not only that, we
have a more serious matter at hands. Two of Salem's subordinates infiltrated an
abandoned Marines FOB last night and stole back almost everything they could,
weapon plans, battle data... the lot.\n\n_As he went on, Price and Sandman's feed
appears on the screen stopping Overlord's rant._\n\nPrice: Overlord, that... we can
settle later. Our recent target, Carmine, evaded capture and is now in hiding
somewhere in Mistral. Our only options to stop her from escalating the situation,
sadly, is to assassinate her,","te":1574270611246},"646762532228563004":
{"u":1,"t":1574270603950,"m":"Gift - Did you know who did this? I want a
name."},"646763652346675227":{"u":0,"t":1574270871007,"m":"Overlord: Recent intel
from an RCIO operative, callsign Rose reports that the targets are still in hiding
within Mantle, however any attempts to raid them will be judged by the Government
Councils of Remnant as an act of war, only direct action operations are
permitted.\n\n_Interrupting him, Ruby steps up to the console, facing the
general._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If I may ask, sir. Who is this
operator?\n\n_With a pause, Overlord takes a deep breath and answers Ruby's
question._\n\nOverlord: Operator Rose... is your mother, Ruby. \n\n_Eyes widened,
Ruby falls to her knees, her mind shrouded in total
shock._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She's still... alive?! After all
this?\n\nOverlord: Thankfully, she is. She's stationed permanently in Menagerie
assisting local forces in cleaning the place up as best as they
could."},"646763989593882627":{"u":1,"t":1574270951413,"m":"Gift - I also know
about this already but i didn't told you Ruby, I'm sorry."},"646766222200930324":
{"u":0,"t":1574271483708,"m":"_Getting up, Ruby tries her best to keep her
composure, focusing her attention on Overlord's
briefing._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's alright, Gift. I knew she would,
after all, she had the treatment. Didn't she?\n\n_She turns to Riley, staring the
commander in her eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She had the treatment,
right? Riley?\n\n_Returning Ruby her firm gaze, Riley replies to her._\n\nRiley:
She didn't, she's a repatriate. She can return to the land of the living as often
as she wants to. Or, to be clear, _was_ a repatriate.\n\n_Ruby's ears twitched
lightly upon the term 'repatriate', she walks closer to the commander and took her
hand._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She... didn't? \n\nRiley: Yeah, she gave
me her profile, it has everything she didn't tell you and Yang about. I'm sorry,
Ruby. I should've told you sooner, but I didn't. But what's good now is that she's
still alive and well, just that she can't be here with us for the time
being.\n\n_Turning to Overlord, she sends him a data packet requesting for
information of Carmine's current whereabouts as Price joined the call. On the
display, Carmine's \"passport\" and a photo of her during interrogation are pinned
on the display._\n\nPrice: Did our woman talk?\n\n_Sandman chuckles, showing the
group a photo of Carmine's battered face._\n\nSandman: They always talk. We got
names, dates, locations. She gave us everything, even the rogue SDC factory
front.\n\n_The SDC distribution center is circled and marked as \"rogue\" by the
{"u":1,"t":1574271557598,"m":"Gift - What's this?"},"646769069730562059":
{"u":0,"t":1574272162612,"m":"_With the photos shown, the group huddled around the
screen as more information of the True Sons mobilozing across Remnant is shown on
the display, with Carmine's location tagged as \"SEARCHING\"_\n\nSandman: It seems
your hunch was right, Captain.\n\n_Another screen shows a spy recording of Carmine
meeting with a local arms dealer somewhere in Vacuo, in the video, she is seen
carrying multiple suitcases containing Lien and canisters labeled \"AGENT
MANTICORE\"_\n\nPrice: Carmine's already making friends.\n\n_Ironwood presses a
button on the remote, switching the feed to a laptop video's feed. In the feed, a
laptop shows video feeds of the True Sons occupation of Argus. Another shows
Carmine's convoy on the way to the city, counting down six hours. Ironwood nods,
and turns to Winter._\n\nWinter: Any status on Carmine yet, Sandman?\n\nSandman:
She's meeting her top advisors six hours from now. Location is the Hotel Ustio.
It's in the center of the city, near the ISEV statue. That statue's got observation
decks on them, makes great sniping positions\n\n_Zooming in, the map shows the
Hotel Ustio in Harling Avenue, and images of the surrounding area. In the map, the
ISEV honorary statue is marked as a potential sniping position._\n\nIronwood:
Sandman, do we have any groups in the area as of now?\n\nSandman: We have Tier One
groups assigned to handle this, but I don't think they'll make it in time... ...but
you're close. Also, the Ace-Ops might want in on this, ask them if they want to tag
along\n\n_Ruby steps in, zooming in on the
hotel._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll go.\n\nSandman: Very well, I'll
ask the Aces if they want in.","te":1574272205640},"646769348572086332":
{"u":1,"t":1574272229093,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i will go too."},"646771817637347329":
{"u":0,"t":1574272817764,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> We'll go too, the more
the merrier.\n\n_Ironwood nods, closing the connection and leaving Overlord's
channel open. Outside the office, Price and company look up at the wall of intel in
a hangar. Watching closely, Yuri snorts, humoring Carmine's audacity to group up
the Commaders of the Sons in one place._\n\nYuri: The Sons' council all together in
the middle of a warzone? Sounds convenient.\n\n_Hadir laughs, looking back at
Garrick's group. He turns to the screen._\n\nHadir: Overconfidence makes you
careless, like how the Fang's leader died.\n\n_Walking closer to the wall, Price
pins a photo of the mock ISEV across the hotel and draws two routes on the map to
the ISEV and Hotel Ustio, at the same time, Garrick broadcasts the feed to
Ironwood's office, re-opening the connection._\n\nGarrick: Alright, you seeing
this? This is our infil plan. Cap, you're up.\n\n_Price takes a marker from Garrick
and draws out four lines from the ISEV mockup to the hotel._\n\nPrice: We'll
infiltrate along two separate routes. Soap, you and Yuri head for the church and
provide overwatch. Team RWBY, you split up and form an element with my team if
Carmine breaks for it. Ruby, you'll play the marksman, team up witn Soap. Weiss,
you stick to Alex and layer every possible escape routes with traps, summons,
whatever you can do.","te":1574272938762},"646772410661470219":
{"u":0,"t":1574272959152,"m":"_Ruby nods. Watching Price with
intent._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Wilco.\n\n_Price continues, this
time drawinng a yellow and black line to the mock ISEV's base_\n\nPrice: Yang,
you'll team up with Blake and Hadir, plant explosives along escape routes marked by
Alex. \n\n_Ren speaks up, pointing to his team._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> What
about us?\n\nPrice: You will provide support, Jaune, if things go south and someone
gets hurt you're the medic. Nora, I want you to cover Ruby's target with your
launcher, I've ordered special rounds for you. Penny, you're on air support. And
Ren, if all else fails, I want you to team up with Jaune and cover our
retreat.\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Roger!\n\nSoap: The city's locked down
tight. We'll need a back door.","te":1574273024054},"646772517259706381":
{"u":1,"t":1574272984567,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo team, we will sprit in two team,
Lieutenant, you come with me provide a sniper support, Cap and Sarge go with
Price.\nCaptain Gift - On it."},"646774504122482701":
{"u":0,"t":1574273458272,"m":"_But before everyone leaves, Ironwood clearh his
throat. Stopping them._\n\nIronwood: One more conditions to add, I want this
mission to end with a one-hundred percent survival rate, anything lover than that
then the mission's a failure regardless of Carmine's status.\n\n_Winter chimes in,
adding in to Ironwood's talks_\n\nWinter: The Ace-Ops will not be joining you for
now, but later, they will. We've received reports of the OADF's Long-Range
Strategic Strike Group already attacking the Dust mines within the Kingdom's
outskirts in preparation for your next mission after this. Good luck and godspeed.
You're dismissed.\n\n_Unlocking the door, Ironwood returns to his desk as Winter
leaves, following the team behind as they make their way to a Space United
Hyperion-class megacruiser._"},"646774918251413514":
{"u":1,"t":1574273557008,"m":"Gift - Yeah! Golden M14.\nLt. Gift - Safe some M14
ammo for provide a support.\nGift -
Got it."},"646777140548862003":{"u":0,"t":1574274086845,"m":"_As the group made
their way out to the landing pad, three Manta airships fly down and landed before
them , their port doors open. From one of the Mantas came Nikolai, running across
the pad to meet the teams._\n\nNikolai: Is everybody here?!\n\n_Riley flashes him a
thumbs-up, Nikolai nods, waving for the group to board the airships._\n\nNikolai:
You will resupply on the megacruiser, I called the academy's quartermaster and he
told me they don't have enough time to prep for anything, so no fancy weapons.
\n\n_At this, Ruby's eyes widened, not in fear, but in
surprise._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So we're using Earth weapons
now?!\n\n_Weiss groans, slumpin into her seat._\n
\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Why didn't you telll us sooner?\n\nNikolai:
Because Ironwood cut the call too early, that's why!\n\n_Blake and Yang shrugs,
climbing in after Ruby and Weiss had boarded the airship. They then settle in their
seats as Gift and Riley found themselves sitting on the port side of the
airship._\n\n_As Nikolai climbs into the cockpit, the teams settle down in their
seats and wonder of what they wll be issued once they reach the megacruiser. With
Team RWBY, Rilry, and Gift in the lead Manta piloted by Nikolai Team JNPR and
Price's team then board the second and third Manta airships respectively._\n\nSpace
United ATC: This is Tower to Manta Six-six, flight is clear. Megacruiser is in
range, godspeed. \n\nNikolai: Roger, Tower! Manta six-six moving
out.","te":1574274159414},"646777460247232522":{"u":1,"t":1574274163067,"m":"Gift -
Check your weapon and ammo.\nLt. Gift - Green light."},"646779657987031057":
{"u":0,"t":1574274687049,"m":"_With the push on his throttle stick, Nikolai brings
his Manta airborne as the wingtip-mounted Dust engines bursts to life. Sending the
ship flying high in the air past the numerous Manta airships patrolling the skies
of Atlas._\n\nNikolai: Alright, this trip will be long, so get some sleep. You'll
need to focus on killing soon.\n\n_Looking out the window to the dark, starry sky
Ruby couldn't help but dwell in the fact that Summer had not been given Riley's
experimental treatment since her first arrival, but instead labeled a 'repatriate',
something she couldn't quite understand._\n\n_As she watches the city lights turn
into the white, snowy lands of the Kingdom's outskirts she finds herself snapping
out of her thought as Riley pats her on the back, sittin next to
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, uh... You're not going to
sleep?\n\n_Riley replies, her breath fogging in the cold air of the
kingdom._\n\nRiley: No, but you'll need some. \n\n_Noticing a change in her
demeanor, Riley's smile fades away, she frowns. Putting her left hand on top of
Ruby's lap._\n\nRiley: Hey, you sure you're okay? You look...
sad."},"646779925617049630":{"u":1,"t":1574274750857,"m":"Gift - Are you Okay,
Ruby?"},"646783107479109671":{"u":0,"t":1574275509472,"m":"_Taking a deep breath,
Ruby felt a teadrop streaming down her cheek, but she didn't care. She answers him,
staring out into the dark._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I... I'm not really
okay right now.\n\n_Sighing, she wipes her right eye as the clear streak quickly
freezes, casting s small, frozen streak of tears. She gets up and shuts the port
side door._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I just don't understand, why didn't
mom get the treatment like I did?\n\n_Feeling Ruby's emotions surging through her
mindspace, Riley's eyes welled up with tears, instead of wiping them she lets the
tears fall to the metal floor, streaking down her cheeks._\n\nRiley: When I was in
the Delta, a package came to me. Cosette told me it was sent by Summer so I opened
it, at first I didn't really cared much, hell, I almost ordered it to be destroyed!
But then I listened to it and, well, she told me you need to listen to it,
{"u":0,"t":1574276951236,"m":"_Presenting Ruby an audio recording, Ruby takes it
and listens through her Focus. Closing her eyes, she dives herself into yet another
trance, allowing the soothing voice of her mother to fill her ears._\n\nSummer:
RCIO Personnel recording 665310, Operator Rose. This recording is to be sent to my
daughter, Ruby Rose only. Should this data packet be intercepted, the imminent
destruction of any traces of my records is to be initiated. \n\n_Getting back to
her seat, Ruby puts the recorder on her lap as its screen turns blue, taking a
moment to control herself._\n\nSummer: Timestamp is plus point zero-zero-one, begin
recording.\n\n_The recorder stops, its timer clicking twice before Summer's
recording begins to play._\n\nSummer: Ruby, I want you to know that the reason why
I refused Riley's program was that I'm a repatriate, or used to be a repatriate, to
make it sound... more updated. Now you may wonder what on Remnant is a repatriate?
Well, to put it simply, a repatriate is a person who can come back from the dead,
regardless of how they died. They'll come back just like respawning in a game,
though there is a chance one could be stuck in this place called The Seam, where
the dead goes. \n\nSummer: I refused only to be fully infused with the energy, all
I had was just half of what this Light Energy stuff could enhance me. Which was a
decision I regretted, I went to her and asked if I could have the full infusion, to
which she denied, she told me it was too late...\n\n_Another
{"u":1,"t":1574351721106,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, prepare a weapon.\nLt. Gift - Got
it.\nCaptain Gift - Hey! I can feel that the building that is our sniper position
have a C-4.\nGift - Change position?\nCaptain Gift - I don't know, if you can
defuse it before it too late.\nGift - I
Gift readies his weapons, the recording comes to another pause. It then contines
the playback._\n\nSummer: ...but I pushed for it anyway, so yeah, I guess I'm just
like you now, Ruby. A guardian angel, just like your team. Also, me being a
repatriate was given with risk, I could be stuck in The Seam forever, but now,
that's no longer a concern after I had this infusion. The Seam, repatriation,
visions of strands all over me... they're gone, like the wind. Though I can't be
with you, I'll always try to stay in touch. \n\n_Another pause, this time Summer's
voice begins to crack. Slowly breaking down to a sob._\n\nSummer: And please, don't
be mad at me. I wish I could tell you about all this sooner. This godforsaken war's
taking a toll on us all, but still. I want you to stay strong, okay? Be strong, not
for yourself but your friends, for the people you love. \n\n_Summer's recording
playback is paused as the recorder beeps twice, a monotonic voice blaring from the
speaker._\n\nRecorder: Battery almost empty, this device will destroy itself after
battery depletion. You have FIVE minutes to remove the data chip.\n\n_The recording
continues its playback after warning Ruby of its imminent battery depletion, Ruby
wipes her tears, prying the battered recorder's data chip port open._\n\nSummer:
Goodbye, Ruby. I love you, tell everyone I said hi. Okay? \n\n_The recording stops,
having finished its duty the recorder's battery begins to billow with smoke. Ruby,
having taken the data chip out opens the port side door and chucked the recorder
out of the ship, it then plummets away from the ship and explodes in a small ball
of smoke and flames._"},"647105336846581760":{"u":1,"t":1574352334940,"m":"Sargent
Gift - Have anything like this?\nGift - Yes, it been a long time, when i try to go
at another universe, I have friends there, There is my best friend Neptune (From
hyperdimension neptunia) But sometime i call her Nep, When i finish the final
battle before i can get back to base, she have give me this.\nSargent Gift - What
is it?\nGift - Something that can make me remind to her, Pudding, Nep's favorite
food.\nSargent Gift - That's your first try?\nGift - Yes, and that make me think
there so many universe in this galaxy that i never know, also Alternate
universe.\nSargent Gift - Nice story, have a picture?\nGift - Yes, this when i met
with Nep first time, and this......."},"647109405208215562":
{"u":0,"t":1574353304913,"m":"Riley: Who's Nep?\n\n_Looking at her partner, Riley
takes her Scroll out, ready to run a name search on Nep. In the second Manta,
Price, and Garrick both facepalmed, trying their best to keep their attention
focused on the mission. Breaking off, the second Manta carrying Price's team and
JNPR begins to descend onto Argus._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> This is Juliet
2-1 to Romeo 1-1, we're descending now.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Romeo
copies all, good hunting. \n\n_As his Manta descends to the city, Price, Soap, and
Yuri check their weapons, looking at Nora, Yuri finds himself staring at a small
mark in her armor, he reaches for her, but thought better of it and went back to
his position. The pilot then brings the airship on stealth and hovers above a
townhouse._\n\nManta Pilot: Alright, this is it! Good hunting!\n\n_Getting up from
their seats, Team JNPR then fast-roped down to the townhouse, followed by Price's
team. With the teams deployed, the Manta takes to the sky, leaving the war-torn
city behind._\n\nGarrick: Welcome to Argus, gents.\n\n_Everyone take out their
weapons, looking down at his gear, Jaune finds himself using an MK3F Riot Stallion
shield and an M19FG auto pistol, Nora switches to her SCAR-H, equipped with a
Trinity Arms DDG4 combat scope, slinging an MGL launcher on her back. Ren takes out
his twin X-16D machine pistols equipped
with under-barrel ballistic knives and Penny takes out her SDC-built MCX Virtus-F
assault rifle, equipped with Ace-Ops SOPMOD attachments._\n\nSoap: The Argus base's
resistance unit is expecting us half a klick to the north. \n\nPrice: Let's get
this over with.\n\n_The team nods, chambering rounds into their weapons, Price
{"u":1,"t":1574353433065,"m":"Gift - It long time before i met you, Riley, I have a
dream that i can go to another dimension, that's my first time that i can go to
another dimension."},"647111520215498753":{"u":0,"t":1574353809170,"m":"_Watching
Team JNPR and Price deploy in the city, Riley nods and folded her scroll. She
pockets it in her combat suit and walks to the port side door, sliding it open as
sunlight enters the ship._\n\nRiley: Looks like we're here, alright, everybody
up!\n\n_Waking up from her slumber, Weiss yawns, stretches and gave herself a slap
to the cheek. Getting up, she looks down to her clothing, finding herself now
wearing her newly-issued combat suit. She walks up to Riley and gave her a punch to
the stomach, angrily._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> You told us you'd
wake us up when we get to the ship! How am I in my new suit already?!\n\n_Putting
her hands up, Riley dodges yet another punch, parrying a third coming her way and
pushed Weiss back down on her seat._\n\nRiley: Look, Nikolai's searched for the
Delta while you were out cold! It's gone from the radar for a maintenance check, I
had to summon everything for you except your weapons, techs told me they're not
ready yet, now gear up and quit your
{"u":1,"t":1574353957325,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, when we get to sniper position,
wait at the first floor, if i say clear you can go.\nLt. Gift - Rog' I got
it."},"647118503358234633":{"u":0,"t":1574355474081,"m":"_Getting up from her seat,
Ruby inspects her gear, looking down to find her old combat dress replaced with a
new one, smiling, she reaches behind her and took out the HK417, atatched with a
myriad array of attachments. She flips it around, admiring the custom red-black
camo painting._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Nice!\n\n_The rifle itself
modified with a Marksman's Special attachment set being a Singuard Arms P-9A
variable-zoom smart scope system plus canted sight, a Hospitaler Armory \"Deus
Vult\" Impact Compensation stock, Temporal Arms Systems collapsible bipod and two
AN/PEQ5D Dust-powered laser pointers. Slinging it on her back she hooks herself to
the rope and prepares to jump._\n\n_Weiss inspects her gear, finding herself using
an Atlesian Army-issued MCX Virtus-FD attached with Ace-Ops SOPMOD atatchments.
Blake, now checking her weapons finds herself using Garrick's Kilo 141 rifle,
attached with it being a Faunus Militia-issued SOPMOD attachment kit. Yang grins
widely, happy with her weapons being an Origin-12 shotgun loaded with FRAG-X
explosive incendiary rounds._\n\n_The three then hook themselves to the ropes and
prepare to deploy in accordance to Price's plan, Gift and Riley looked at one
another before jumping off the ship, flying to a pre-desingated LZ. On Ruby's HUD,
an information update reads:_\n\n_Operation Hunting Party_\n\n_October 10th –
21:55:59]_\n\n_[Ruby Rose]_\n\n_[Beacon Academy Task Force 141 - Special Force
Operational Detachment Unit Delta]_\n\n_[City of Argus, Kingdom of
{"u":1,"t":1574355566093,"m":"Gift - It too dangerous to strike, we have to sneak
in."},"646078387814662146":{"u":0,"t":1574107491211,"m":"BT: November 18th, 1955
Atlesian Standard Time, General."},"646078642215977000":
{"u":1,"t":1574107551865,"m":"Gift - Is there any dorm
here?"},"646078779038367760":{"u":0,"t":1574107584486,"m":"BT: Prior to this, Atlas
Academy had automatically assigned you a dormitory room, however you are prohibited
from leaving at this time.","te":1574107607640},"646078911259607041":
{"u":1,"t":1574107616010,"m":"Gift - Got it."},"646079985961926669":
{"u":0,"t":1574107872239,"m":"_With the commotion stopped, Ironwood begins heading
back to his desk. Taking with him the remote device and Alex's detonator. Opening
one of the shutters he throws the detonator out the window._\n\nIronwood: Without
him here to guide us, all I can do is use my best judgment.\n\n_Behind him, Oscar
shifts uncomfortably. As if sensing something, Ironwood stops and looks back.
Garrick points to Oscar._\n\nIronwood: What is it?\n\nOscar: Actually, Oz isn’t
completely gone.\n\nQrow: Uh, Oscar here is… is the next Ozpin.\n\nIronwood:
Oz?\n\n_Smiling, Ironwood quickly and eagerly approaches Oscar, who looks nervous.
Reaching for his pistol, Garrick takes it out and prepares to aim at Ironwood, but
stops. Instead he puts it back in his holster._\n\nIronwood: I’m so glad you’re
here. I didn’t think you--\n\n_Oscar puts his hands up and interrupts Ironwood, as
the latter crouches to Oscar’s level. Garrick moves in close, putting his right
hand over the holster._\n\nOscar: Not quite. He’s kind of, um, gone... at the
moment.\n\n_Ironwood’s smile fades, and he lowers his head._\n\nIronwood: That’s
not normal. \n\n_He looks back up._\n\nIronwood: How did
he--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We don’t know.\n\n_Ironwood, Qrow and Oscar
look at Ruby. Riley, once again tries to come up with an explanation but stops,
realizing the futility of her explanations behind Ozpin's
disappearance._"},"646080282008748075":{"u":1,"t":1574107942822,"m":"Gift - Yes, we
don't know."},"646081727046877205":{"u":0,"t":1574108287346,"m":"Riley: If I were
to explain, it still won't make sense to you. Ruby knows all about it, after all,
she's the one spared from getting knocked out in that damn
crash.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We were in a train crash, and ever
since, well… suddenly, Oz wasn’t there anymore.\n\nIronwood: That’s the worst news
yet. \n\n_He gets back up, rising to his feet._\n\nIronwood: Did you learn anything
from him about the Relics before…?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> He told us
the lamp can answer three questions. But all the questions were used up
already.\n\n_Blake and Yang look at each other. Then to Price. Returning the two
his stare, he shrugs and mouthed \"like I could make that lamp talk
again.\"_\n\nIronwood: Right, right.\n\n_Ironwood walks back behind is desk and
stares out the window. Riley approaches him, carrying with her the data in her
Focus but he steps out of her way._\n\nIronwood: Ozpin told us that too, once upon
a time. \n\n_He turns to face them_\n\nIronwood: At least we have you, Oscar.
You’re safe here in Atlas. Maybe together we can figure out how to bring Ozpin
back.\n\nOscar: _grinning_ Thank you, sir. \n\n_Now face-to-face with the general,
he stands at attention_\n\nOscar: I mean, uh, general. Uh, Ironwood? \n\n_Ironwood
picks up the Relic of Knowledge, walks over to Ruby and offers it to
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You’re giving it back to me?\n\nIronwood:
After what happened with the Ace-Ops, I don’t want you to think I’m keeping
anything from you, especially something as important as this. For the time being, I
think it’s safest with the people who brought it here.\n\n_Taking the Relic from
him, she hangs it on her belt as her Focus reacted to the sudden energy burst from
the Relic's glow._"},"646082116626415627":
{"u":1,"t":1574108520291,"m":"Gift - Jame, have any thing for
us?"},"646084237677821973":{"u":0,"t":1574108885927,"m":"_The Relic, now in her
posession continue to glow as she shrinks the Relic and hooks it onto her belt,
exchanging a look with Oscar._\n\nIronwood: We must work together if we’re to fight
Salem and win. Now, if you’re all on board…\n\n_Ruby thinks it over for a few
seconds, then looks at Ironwood._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Tell us how we
can help.\n\nIronwood: Good, because getting the Amity Tower ready to launch won’t
be easy. \n\n_WIth Ruby willing to help, he starts walking back to his desk, his
Focus uploding the latest data feed to Spirit._\n\nIronwood: But first, I think we
need to get those weapons of yours up to our standards.\n\n_A hologram screen
appears, showing footage of Blake drawing her broken katana before their fight
against the Sabyrs in Mantle. Blake reacts with embarrassment but Hadir pats her on
the back, assuring her._\n\nHadir: Relax, I once fought a squad with my broken AK
before, ended up using the gun as a bat. It wasn't fun but hey, as long as it
works.. \n\n_Smiling, Winter tosses Hadir a new Focus, he takes it and wrongly
wears it on his chest. Upon seeing Hadir wearing the Focus as a badgem Yang snorts,
walked over to him annd yanked the triangular chip from his plate carrier, putting
it on his right temple._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Focuses aren't badges,
Hadir. Wear it on your head, not your chest.\n\nHadir: Alright, alright, I'm just
not used to all this high tech. \n\nWinter: Remember, this is Atlas. While
assisting the military, we will provide you with the best equipment our scientists
can devise.\n\n_Clapping her hands, Riley smiles, looking to her back at her now-
broken handmade claymore-light machine gun hybrid. She looks to Ruby, who returns
her the smile._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
Ooh!","te":1574108990785},"646084822053290044":{"u":1,"t":1574109025253,"m":"Gift -
Seem like we have to return to battlefield again.\nSargent Gift - Seem right
mate."},"646086051034693635":{"u":0,"t":1574109318265,"m":"_Before the group can
leave, the room suddenly dims as the light on the ceiling goes into low-power mode.
Wondering what was going on, Riley activates her suit-mounted flashlight to find a
team of soldiers dressed in full spec ops armor striding towards her. The lights
come back on again, revealing the soldiers
as Sandman, Frost, Grinch, and Truck._\n\n_Now exposed in the light, Sandman and
the three men jokingly drops their weapons and fell to their knees,
chuckling._\n\nSandman: Oh, no... you've caught us!\n\n_Holding back tears, Riley
tries her best not to cry as she picks Sandman up from the floor, hugging him
tightly. Truck, Grinch, and Frost got themselves back up, stretching and dropping
bits of encrusted tar on the floor._\n\nRiley: Where the hell have you been,
Sandman?! I thought you left!\n\n_Sandman pats her on the back, reassuring
her._\n\nSandman: Just cleaning up things in Menagerie is all, word got out you
guys came here so we fought our way from there to here. \n\n_Letting Riley go, he
spun around to find Ironwood waving at him, he waves back in return and walks up to
Gift, smacking the general on the back._\n\nSandman: Hello,
{"u":1,"t":1574109430691,"m":"Gift - Hey Sandman, it been a
while."},"646088614240845850":{"u":0,"t":1574109929381,"m":"_Grinning, he pulls
Gift in for a hug, but as Gift hugged him he looked behind Sandman's back to find
more personnel coming in. Letting the Master Sergeant go he walks up to the group
approaching him, accidentally bumping into a group of Space United
personnel._\n\n_Over at the group, now being led by Penny, they group themselves
together around the door to Ironwood's office as it opens, revealing the innards of
the academy's administrative areas to then._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
Really?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _fist in the air_ Yeah!\n\n_With everyone
grouped, Sandman and Riley took the lead alongside Penny, taking the group for a
tour around Academy grounds. Accompanying them, the Space United Security Team
tagged along for the tour as they, too, are headed for the dormitories._\n\n_Upon
exiting Ironwood’s office, the group encounters the Ace-Ops once more._\n\nMarrow:
So, that was the second time I got banned. Then there was the third time
when--\n\n_Taking notice of the group, Clover stops his group from
taalking._\n\nClover: Alright, cut the chatter.\n\n_On one wall in the room, a
hologram displaying Atlas Academy News is seen, displaying a looping video of a
Spearhead bot smashing a wall to rubble with its hands. The looped video disappears
and bulletins soon came up, taking the place of the looped
{"u":1,"t":1574109997756,"m":"Gift - Let me see my room."},"646090646028943376":
{"u":0,"t":1574110413797,"m":"_A personnel dressed in an unmarked suit approaches
him and forced a dormitory card into his hands along with a small jar filled with
small, eight-legged creatures resembling tardigrades. The personnel drags him in
close, whispering into his ear._\n\nUnknown Personnel: Enjoy your stay..\n\n_The
personnel lets go of him and vanishes into nothingness, leaving behind the
dormitory card and a jar labeled \"A CRYPTOBIOTE A DAY KEEPS HUNGER AWAY - THERE IS
NO TIMEFALL NOR STRANDING IN REMNANT.\"Tucking the jar back in, he keeps the card
in his shirt pocket. Back at Riley, she continues to read through the contents on
the bulletin board as it periodically updates itself with news._\n\nRiley: What's
this...?\n\n_Interested, she reads the first bulletin, it explains that the
administration restroom is closed due to flooding from a “decimated toilet”,
followed by instructions to use the upper barracks restroom instead while the
administration restroom is being repaired. Price, having read the article lets out
a hearty chuckle._\n\nPrice: _chuckling_ Pft, must be fun for the
custodians.\n\n_The second bulletin shows an upcoming “monthly all hands meeting”,
during which they will honor Penny as employee of the month and show the results
for a competition that was held. The bulletin also says that Ironwood holds open
office hours once a month and to reach out to Stephanie Santiago to schedule a 15-
minute slot with him._","te":1574110503421},"646091186867535872":
{"u":1,"t":1574110542743,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey Gift, Are you there?\nGift - Yeah,
come in.\nSargent Gift - I just get outside to buy a birthday cake, Chocolate cake,
your favorite.\nGift - Nice job Sarge."},"646091906815623219":
{"u":0,"t":1574110714392,"m":"_Sending Sarge a like through the Focus, Gift smiles
to himself, walking along with the group. Unbeknownst to him, during his debriefing
with Winter, she'd broadcasted his birthday out to the Academy's personnel Focus
network, and Space United's as well. Looking at the dormitory card, he finds a
message written in her handwriting._\n\n_\"Enjoy yoyr birthday,
General!\"_\n\n_Eager for more bulletins to read, Riley swipes to the third
bulletin. The third bulletin reads as follows:_\n\n_“ELECTION WATCH PARTY_\n_Come
join to watch the results of Robyn Hill versus Jacques Schnee_\n_Free food and
drink in the Main Atrium of the Academy”_\n\nRiley: Really? Of all the man Atlas
could chose, this d<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>ckbag gets to run a campaign
for himself?! Give me a damn break...\n\n_Groaning in disappointment and closing
the display, she rejoins the group. Now on their way to their dorms, as Ruby and
her friends walk down the stairs, the Ace-Ops approach them. Stopping them in their
tracks._\n\nClover: I’d like to sincerely apologize for the miscommunication down
in Mantle. We didn’t intend to--\n\n_As Riley approaches him, suddenly, Elm Ederne
pushes her way past Clover and Marrow and begins frantically shaking Ruby’s hand,
accidentally flailing her about in the air. Unbeknownst to her, Riley had gotten
herself entangled in Ruby's cape as Elm flailed Ruby in the air._\n\nElm: I feel so
bad, honestly! If we had known who you were, we’d be laughing over a hot meal right
now and--\n\n_Part way through her second sentence, Elm drops the now-dizzy Ruby on
the floor, the cape, seemingly gaining a concisousness of its own spits Riley out
at Elm's direction, but she catches her mid-air and sets her on the floor
gently._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I understand. You were just following
orders.\n\n_Ruby gets to her feet, groaning, only to be spun around by
Weiss._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I mean, you could have asked us some
questions first.","te":1574110799887},"646092402163056663":
{"u":1,"t":1574110832492,"m":"Sargent Gift - Wanna eat it?\nGift - It not okay if i
eat it alone.\nSargent Gift - Oh! i see."},"646093721812860939":
{"u":0,"t":1574111147121,"m":"_Pushing herself back up with her broken claymore,
Riley stumbled around, feeling the world aroud her slowly deconstructing to globs
of unrecognizable colours, only to come to her realization that she'd suffered from
G-induced loss of consciousness from Elm's powerful flails._\n\nRiley: A G-LOC?
No... it can't be. I, hurgh--\n\n_Falling to her knees, she begins to retch the
contents in her stomach out onto the floor as the group rushed to her help. Taking
notice of a notification on his Focus, Marrow shuts it off and focused his
attention at Weiss, trying his best to numb out the sounds of Riley retching her
innards out._\n\nMarrow: Questions are for the weak. But we’re all on the same team
now. Not that I’m happy about it.\n\n_Marrow crosses his arms and soon realizes
that his tail is wagging. He reaches back and grabs it, much to Harriet’s
amusement. Taking notice of Marrow's tail, Price whistles causing his tail to wag
again despite his grip. He gives the captain a death glare, but stops._\n\nClover:
We just wanted to say we’re sorry. And that we’re looking forward to working with
you on our next mission. You might be students, but you’ve been fighting just as
hard as we have, if not harder.\n\nHarriet: Exactly why I’m looking forward to
seeing what you kids can do.\n\nVine: Not everything’s a competition, Hare.\n\n_As
if on cue, Penny enters the room and slides in front of Ruby, throwing her hands up
in excitement_\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> C’mon! Let me show you around
campus.\n\n_She enthusiastically marches away, with Ruby and friends following her.
Ironwood exits his office just as Qrow begins to walk away from the stairs in front
of the office, trying his best not to look at Riley, now being hauled away to
medical by Elm and Clover._\n\nIronwood:
{"u":1,"t":1574111296055,"m":"Sargent Gift - So, who want to eat with?\nGift -
Specially Ruby, but now she might be with her friend.\nSargent Gift -
Yes."},"646096253998071818":{"u":0,"t":1574111750841,"m":"Frost: How about we make
one huge party just for you? C'mon, everybody's know of your birthday now, thanks
to Winter. \n\n_He turns to Truck, winking at him._\n\nFrost: Ain't that right,
Truck?\n\n_Truck replies, carrying with him two tubs of Earth-imported ice
cream._\n\nTruck: Damn right, Frost. She did it.\n\n_Back at Ironwood's office,
Qrow stops and turns around, and Ironwood descends the stairs and approaches
him._\n\nIronwood: I meant it when I said it was good to see you again.\n\nQrow:
awkwardly Uh, yeah, you too.\n\n_Ironwood steps forward and hugs Qrow, who looks
confused at first but then hugs back with a smile and an eye roll. Elsewhere in the
school, Penny leads Team RWBY, Team JNPR and Oscar through various hallways, while
the group becomes more and more tired as the tour goes on. With Price's team barely
bringing themselves to walk propery while the SecTeam clung on to their last bits
of strength their enhanced bodies could give them._"},"646096357966217217":
{"u":0,"t":1574111775629,"m":"<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> So that way’s the
cafeteria, and that way is the training rooms. Oh, and over there are the
classrooms!\n\nSpace United SecTeam Member 5: How... much... further...?\n\n_As
enthusiastic as ever, Penny replies to the private with a
Just a few hundred metres, and you'll be at your dorms! Just kidding, we're just
SIXTY metres away!\n\n_Intentionally over-emphasizing her voice, Penny startled the
tired private awake as Ruby stretches, yawning loudly. The group comes to a stop,
with everyone looking exhausted. Nora leans against Ren, asleep on her feet. Hadir
stops, putting Riley, now half-conscious on the
floor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This all looks great, Penny. But where
are we staying?\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Remember, you’re in Atlas now.
As the most well-funded school on Remnant, every teen at Atlas Academy gets their
own room! And if that wasn’t enough--\n\n_Ren cuts her off, showing her his
assigned dormitory access card._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> So we’re staying in
the dorms?","te":1574111825830},"646096851401048084":
{"u":1,"t":1574111893273,"m":"Gift - Thanks Frost.\nSargent Gift - See? everyone
have do this for you."},"646097774752038932":{"u":0,"t":1574112113417,"m":"_With an
excited dance nd hop, Penny exclaims loudly, her voice resonating within the barren
cafeteria._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> It’ll be just like Beacon
again!\n\n_Upon hearing the word \"Beacon,\" Nora collapses to the floor followed
by the Security Team, down in Mantle, it has begun raining. Ironwood and Winter’s
broadcast videos continue to play on screens around the city. Seemingly never
coming to an end._\n\nIronwood: The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it
will remain safe. That is my promise.\n\n_Carrying a bag and an umbrella, with a
set of new rings on his fingers, Watts walks along a sidewalk while talking to
Tyrian through a hijacked Focus, hooked to an earpiece in his ear._\n\nWatts: For
the last time, a singular hideout makes us susceptible to discovery.\n\n_Gesturing
in the air, Watts hacks the traffic post across the street to change it to allow
pedestrians to cross as he walks across the street._\n\nTyrian: But what if we’re
seen? What if we’re recognized?\n\nWatts: We stay mobile.\n\n_The sound of multiple
stabbings can be heard over the communication device. Watts ignores it, instead he
strides further down the street to another designated True Sons
{"u":1,"t":1574112607513,"m":"Gift - So, can we begin now.\nSargent Gift - Not
yet."},"646101154706751509":{"u":0,"t":1574112919261,"m":"Tyrian: We’re walking
around a city with a thousand eyes.\n\n_Watts changes another traffic signal and
crosses the street without pause, causing cars to come screeching to a halt,
instigating some rather harsh comments from bystanders and driversa
alike._\n\nWatts: While cyber security has been stepped up in Atlas, as usual,
none of the code was updated in Mantle.\n\n_He walks across another street, hacking
another system to make a blockade of posts rise up from the road, which a car
crashes into as it swerves to go around him. Looking back at the car, he chuckled
as a woman runs in to check in on the driver._\n\nWoman: Oh no! Gosh! Are you
okay!?\n\nTyrian: _chuckling_ That certainly sounds useful.\n\nWatts: It should
be.\n\n_Watts pauses and presses his thumb to one of his new rings, which glows
cyan. All nearby security cameras power down as the ring emits a deactivation
frequency, shutting down all cameras within the area._\n\nWatts: I helped write
that code, after all.\n\n_Muffled screaming is heard from inside a building, while
the camera next to its door powers down. The door opens, and Tyrian steps out,
shutting the door behind him with a happy sigh._\n\nTyrian: Well, I suppose we all
have our talents.\n\n_Finished, he walks away down an alley, while a pool of blood
flows out from under the door. The blood slowly makes its way into the view of the
hacked security camera. The camera feed flickers before cutting to black, retuning
Gift to the real world. Up high, in the Kingdom of
{"u":1,"t":1574113029928,"m":"Gift - Hey! Everything ready?\nLt. Gift -
Yes.\nSargent Gift - Double check, we don't need a problem."},"646102399618121738":
{"u":0,"t":1574113216071,"m":"_With the cafeteria vacant of any occupants, the
group, along with Sandman and Price's team rushed to get the cafeteria turned into
a large partying area._\n\n_Pushing in the last microdetonator into a small
cupcake, Frost puts it back on top of a a fondant cake, hollering for
Gift._\n\nFrost: Gift, we're ready!"},"646102561044299824":
{"u":1,"t":1574113254558,"m":"Gift - On my mark 3 2 1"},"646103790084292618":
{"u":0,"t":1574113547584,"m":"Alex: Fire in the hole!\n\n_With the press of a
detonator, Weiss' spent Dust cartridges bursts into a massive, colourful display of
flames as the Dust residue burned. Amidst the flames, white trails of burning
Hardlight Dust spells out \"Happy birthday, Gift!\"_\n\n_Cheering loudly, Ruby,
Penny, and Riley tossed more flares into the air lighting up the hall with more
Dust flames. Amidst the flames came short poems written with controllable Hardlight
Dust trails._\n\n_Running from the hallway, Winter carried with her a small Dust
flare. She twisted the cap and tossed it right into the cafeteria as it explodes,
blinding the room with light._"},"646104060092612618":
{"u":1,"t":1574113757994,"m":"Gift - No need to throw if i have flare
gun."},"646734794780180500":{"u":1,"t":1574263990827,"m":"Before midnight, Ruby is
going to her room, she have pass her brother's room and see he writing diary.\nGift
- Another year of birthday, i can't believe that this only a short time, but it
important for me and i will never forget."},"646736234034495498":
{"u":0,"t":1574264333972,"m":"_Stopping in her tracks, Ruby spun around and back-
tracked to Gift's room taking with her a small, red envelope. With care, she tucked
the rose-red envelope into her hip pouch and crept up behind him. Trying her best
to not make any noise._\n\n_Gettling closer, her Focus begins to scan on Gift's
diary, transcribing the handwriting into a document. Gift, still engrossed in
writing his diary remains still in his seat, scribbling into another blank page.
Taking the envelope out, she prepares to put it down on his table. Grabbing it in
her left hand._\n\nBT: General, incoming at your six!\n\n_In one quick motion, Gift
sprung from his seat, grabbrd Ruby by her coat and pushes her to the floor. His
training kicking in, Ruby yelps, not expecting him to tackle her
down._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> AUGH!"},"646736521705029632":
{"u":1,"t":1574264402558,"m":"Gift - Do you think i don't know that you are
here?"},"646737855644696597":{"u":0,"t":1574264720594,"m":"_Now pinned to the
floor, Ruby tries to wriggle herself out of Gift's hold, but as she moves, the more
he puts his weight down on her. Giving up, she smacks the floor with her free hand.
Knowing what she meant, he lets her go, getting up and setting her free from hos
grasp._\n\n_Rubbing her sore shoulders, Ruby winces in pain and with her right hand
took out the envelope she'd intended to give
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You don't have to be _this_ harsh...
Anyways, uh, Commander Spirit gave this to me before he left. He said it's for
you.\n\n_Taking the ennvelope from her, Gift puts it over his unfinished diary
entry, smiling, he sat back down on his chair as Ruby grabs herself a stool,
unfolding it and sittig down in front of him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Y'know, that envelope's supposed to be a secret, personnel-eyes-only thing, but
well, you've foiled it. So why don't you open it up?"},"646738136495554598":
{"u":1,"t":1574264855534,"m":"Gift - Oh! Thanks little sis."},"646739804410871848":
{"u":0,"t":1574265185216,"m":"_Lifting the red envelope off of his diary, Gift
scans it with his Focus as BT analyzed its contents._\n\nBT: General, the envelope
contains five individual papers written with the handwritings of Team Romeo's
members. \n\n_Smiling, Ruby watches as Gift took out his combat knife and jabbed it
on the glued seal and opens it with one swift cut. With the envelope opened, he
rips off the seals and took out the letters, placing them on the
table._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We wrote these letters back on that
airship before we went to Menagerie. Almost costed us the deployment window but it
was worth it, go on, read them!\n\n_Happy as ever, Ruby picks her stool up and
folds it back to its stowable form and stuffed it back in a cabinet next to his
desk. She walks to the door, unlocks it and leaves Gift to himself. Not wising to
interrupt his free time._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Anyways, I've got
myself AARs to write, so I'll leave you be, I'll keep touch over the Scroll as I
write them though.","te":1574265299164},"646740365361283095":
{"u":1,"t":1574265318957,"m":"Gift - (Patting on Ruby's head) Thank you, to always
stay on my side, No always stay with Onii-chan and never left me
alone."},"646741239168761905":{"u":0,"t":1574265527289,"m":"_Replying to him
through the Scroll, she smiles at him in return as she enters the Student's
dormitory section, finding it separated from the barracks she'd left
earlier._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Like I said, I won't leave you. Nor
everybody else will."},"646741536910082059":{"u":1,"t":1574265598276,"m":"Gift -
Onii-Chan will also not leave you, my little sis."},"646743068992733194":
{"u":0,"t":1574265963553,"m":"_Upon the mention, her smile quickly fades away, she
sighs, tracking a surveillane drone making its way down the dormitory
Yeah, right. I know you won't, Gift. \n\n_After a good fifteen minutes of making
her way through the empty, brightly lit hallway Ruby finally reaches the common
room, finding the place occupied with four Space United Air/Space Fleet Marauder
Squadron pilots huddled close to a telecast talking to Gargoyle
Squadron_\n\nMarauder Squadron Pilot 1: So, by the way, what else did you guys do
beside doing CAPs for Winter's fleet?\n\n_Another pilot replies, Ruby stops,
listening in on the conversation._\n\nGargoyle 3: Nothing much, although someone
launched a rocket at her ship, shit went 100% real quick, we flew around the
airspace looking for shit but all we got was baby Nevermores and no
missiles.\n\n_Another pilot recorrects him._\n\nMarauder Squadron Pilot 4: They
weren't Nevermores though, they're just
{"u":1,"t":1574266163095,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey, did you have something with
Ruby?\nGift - No no no, you don't know i and Ruby only brother and sister.\nSargent
Gift - I know, but i want you to not forget today.\nGift - I will, Sarge. I
{"u":0,"t":1574266472070,"m":"_Laughing, Gargoyle 2 shot back at the
pilot._\n\nGargoyle 2: Man, I don't know, I think you need a check-up. They were
real Nevermores, man! Anyways, after that shitshow we hauled ass back home quick.
No more rallying the people, no more searching for stranded units. We...
left.\n\n_The telecast warns them of their data limit, to which Gargoyle 2 responds
to it by swatting away the notice._\n\nGargoyle 2: Anyways, it's been nice talking
to you all, really. My quota's almost dry so I gotta go, next time I'll use roaming
instead even though it'll cost me hundreds. Fair winds!\n\n_The connection cuts
away, showing a blank screen and the Kingdom of Atlas' insignia. As the call ends,
the four pilots turned around to find Ruby standing right behind them. Upon taking
notice of her, the four pilots all scramed in shock, not expecting to be
eavesdropped._\n\nMarauder Squadron Pilots: WOAH!
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> AH!\n\n_As the pilots yelped, Ruby jumps back
and falls onto the floor. Watching from the ScrollCast, Gift got up from his chair
and runs for the common room._","te":1574266507843},"646016209380179969":
{"u":1,"t":1574092666717,"m":"Gift - Keep your eyes open.\nCaptain Gift - I'm right
behind you."},"646017937068654601":{"u":0,"t":1574093078630,"m":"_As Gift takes out
his MG5, the security team withdrew their weapons, chambering Hardlight rounds into
their service-issued AG-F6M Hardlight Pulse Rifles. Blue lasers then lock
themselves onto Gift's chest armor as the security team began barking orders to the
general._\n\nSpace United SecTeam Leader: Stand down, General! Blue!
Blue!\n\n_Still keeping his aim, Gift stares the team leader down. Behind the team
leader, his subordinates slowly began to move closer to the leader, keeping their
guns aimed at Gift._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Gift, what are you
doing?!\n\n_Ignoring Yang, he kept his aim at the team leader. A member of the team
laid down his rifle, putting his hands up._\n\nSpace United SecTeam Member 1: Sir,
put the gun down! We mean you no harm! \n\nSU SecTean Member 2: Put it down now, or
we'll open fire!\n\n_Looking at Gift, Ruby activates her semblance as she snatched
the light machine gun out of his hands, tossing it over the team. The gun, now
thrown in the air lands on the ground barrel-first, bending it out of commision.
With Ruby disarming Gift, the security team move closer to the group. Angrily, Ruby
turns to face her brother._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's wrong with
you?! Are you out of your mind??\n\n_The team leader speaks up, this time putting
his rifle down as well._\n\nSU SecTeam Leader: Sir, we're friendlies. No need to
point guns at us, General Ironwood personally ordered for you, and your team to be
escorted to his office. Come with us,
{"u":1,"t":1574093354543,"m":"Gift - I'm too much worry.\n(Thinking to himself)
What wrong with me? Am i going to make my birthday is the worst birthday
{"u":0,"t":1574093926057,"m":"_Reluctantly, Gift sighs ti himself, angered at his
irrational decision. The six-man team then spreads out, covering the group from all
possible directions, with the security team escorting them the group heads up to
the school while Forest watches in confusion and curiosity from the
airship._\n\nSpace United SecTeam Leader: Very well, follow us, sir. We'll take you
to General Ironwood's office.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> So, what do we
do?\n\nSpace United SecTeam Member 3: Sir, let me--\n\nPrice: No, I'm no cripple.
I'll do it myself.\n\n_Stopping in front of an elevator, a member of the team tries
to press a button only to be pushed away by Price, he waves the sergeant away and
inputted a six-key combination causing the elevator to ascend. The group finds
themselves riding a rising elevator inside the academy with their wrists still
restrained, accompanied by guards. Their security escorts surrounding
{"u":0,"t":1574093930035,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don’t know yet. But
we should be careful with what we say.\n\n_One of the guards looks over his
shoulder at them, the team leader steps in front of him, blocking his
vision._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _quietly_ We’ll follow your lead,
Ruby.\n\n_Giving Blake a light smile, Ruby turns away from her as her expression
changed to worry. The elevator beeps as it arrives at its destination, and the
guards escort the group out into a hallway and down a flight of stairs. The escort
team advancing ahead of them with their weapons stowed._\n\nSpace United SecTeam
Member 4: Follow us if you would, miss.\n\n_Weiss nods, following the young
corporal closely, they arrive in a room just as Ironwood walks through, speaking to
a Space United Company Commander and a Council member._\n\nIronwood: I swear, if I
have to sit through one more council meeting like that…\n\n_The hologram feed of
the Council member and the Commander cuts away as Ironwood ends the call, his
Scroll pinging him of an \"Urgent\" meeting. He turns toward a small flight of
stairs on his way to his office, accompanied by Winter and Penny. The latter
notices the group and stops with a gasp._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Yay,
you’re here!","te":1574094110013},"646022939183153162":
{"u":1,"t":1574094271227,"m":"Sargent Gift - Calm down Gift, I know what are you
thinking.\nGift - Yeah, I almost make this worst....\nLt. Gift - Hey hey hey, keep
quiet, i understand your feeling.\nGift - Yeah, too much is not good, not enough is
also.... (Tear coming out from his eyes)\nLt. Gift - (wiping Gift tear and
telepath) Now i understand your wish, i know they have their way to care you, but
this seem make you think that they abandon you, Right?\nGift - (Telepath) Yes.\nLt.
Gift - (telepath) I hope your wish will come true.\nGift - (telepath) Yeah, i hope
so."},"646024733137174538":{"u":2,"t":1574094698939,"m":"After having hovered for
long enough, the shuttle outside landed on the landing pad, its side doors opening
up to reveal four Spearhead cannon droids and one modified MAWP, colored in a shiny
white and black, the occasional blue lines, exactly like the Atlas scheme.\n\nAll
five units left the shuttle and began walking towards the nearest door, the loud
thumping of their steps could even be heard from inside at this point! \n\nThus,
once inside, the thumps echoed all around until all five units were within view of
those already within the academy, all of the units at full halt, the four spearhead
units giving their salutes. \n\nSH-#1: \" Presenting, Commander Spirit! We bear a
gift for the General. \" \n\nThe unit said with its almost radio-like voice, static
in between words, its form sleek and almost shiny. The MAWP itself visibly had one
person inside, and would become more visible as the cockpit's visor deformed into
liquid metal, the Commander in its seat, arms crossed. \n\nHis outfit was that of a
charcoal black, red lines down the sides, sunglasses on his face and hands with
metal gloves\n\nCommander S: \" Well, General, you wouldn't believe the traffic we
had to go through. Heh. \""},"646024992194297856":
{"u":1,"t":1574094760703,"m":"Gift - I don't what will gonna happen, but i'm ready
to face it."},"646026055207092228":{"u":2,"t":1574095014145,"m":"With the
introduction in, Spirit exited the MAWP, the spearheads looking around the area
before centering on the group in front, their Commander letting out a
chuckle\n\nSpirit: \" Now then, did you really have to make a welcoming party for
me? \""},"646026308723277825":{"u":1,"t":1574095074588,"m":"Gift - We will do that,
for now we have an important thing to do."},"646028637916889125":
{"u":0,"t":1574095629911,"m":"_With the arrival of the Spearhead droids, the group
looked outside to find five towering mechas parked just outside the academy, the
droids, combined with Penny's celebratory greeting catches Ironwood and Winter’s
attention, causing them to stop and look. Weiss steps out from behind Ruby and
approaches them._\n\n_Outside, as the five mechas parked themselves at the
clearing, a convoy of six Space United armored personnel carriers quickly entered
the clearing, the vehicles' exhaust bollowing with burnt Fire Dust particles.
Slowing down to a halt, the rear doors on the carriers open up as armored troops
moved from the vehicles and onto the clearing, taking up positions around the
Spearheads._\n\n_Inside the office, the group turns to meet Ironwood, the escort
team having left for the Spearheads._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Winter.\n\n_Winter gasps lightly
in surprise, and the sisters’ reunion is quickly interrupted by Nora leaning in
and holding up her bound wrists, grinning and waving her
fingers._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Anyone wanna give us a hand with
these?\n\n_Garrick chimes in, raising his now swollen hands._\n\nGarrick: For God's
sake, just take these bloody cuffs off! My hands are dying!\n\n_Looking at
Garrick's swollen hands and Nora's restrained wrists, Winter takes a moment to
collect herself, returning to her usual stern demeanor and addressing the
guards._\n\nWinter: You have ten seconds to take those off before I start hurting
you.\n\n_The guards looked at one another in confusion, then to Garrick's hands and
the group's restrained hands._\n\nGuards: Huh?\n\n_Finally understanding the
situation, the guards frantically begin removing the bolases from everyone’s arms,
while Ironwood watches with a smile. Now freed from the bolases, Garrick yelped in
pain as blood flows into his pale hands. Meekly, the guard apologizes and tries to
help the sergeant, but Garrick kicks him away._\n\nGuard 1: Sorry!\n\nGarrick: Keep
your hands off of me, you nonce!","te":1574095642129},"646029235688833024":
{"u":1,"t":1574095772431,"m":"Gift - Sarge, after this meeting, can you give me a
hour with myself?\nSargent Gift - Sure mate.\nSargent Gift - (telepath) What is he
thinking again? Huh!!! Is that...."},"646030556093612033":
{"u":2,"t":1574096087240,"m":"Commander Spirit casually walked towards the group,
eyeing them before looking to Ironwood, a smile on his face as he removed his
sunglasses. His mechanical optics shining bright!\n\nSpirit: \" So, friend! How
goes everything? I see you have other visitors here of course. I would ask for you
to introduce them to me, but I believe I know of them already. Team RWBY,
correct? \"\n\nHe said with his arms crossed behind his back, his units all eyeing
the group before looking at each other. Team RWBY? Here? What a
sight!"},"646031179731959856":{"u":1,"t":1574096235927,"m":"Sargent Gift -
(telepath) Is he heart broken again? Now from what? Let me
see."},"646032155029405696":{"u":0,"t":1574096468456,"m":"_Stepping forward, Ruby
tries to salute Spirit, but stops as the bola denies her freedom of movement.
Meekly, she looked down at the floor. Admiring her attempt, he reaches to her
restraint and with a single twist on the bola's opposite end the restraint falls to
the floor, its rope retracting back into place before beeping. Now freed from the
bola Ruby rubbed her wrists, looked at Spirit again and
saluted._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Tier-One Huntress-in-Training Ruby
Rose, reporting for duty, sir!\n\n_As Spirit watched the guards work on freeing the
group from their bolases, he couldn't help but smile at the profuse apologies said
from them. Walking closer, he yanked a bola from a guard's hand and throws it
outside the office._\n\nGuard 2: Please, let us help you!\n\nGuard 1: Forgive
us!\n\n_With the group freed from their restraints, the bolases fall to the floor,
giving off a purple glow and retracting the ropes before emitting a beep noise.
Marking their deactivation. Seen ahead of the group lies Ironwood himself, greeting
the group, and the Commander._\n\nIronwood: Please, come
Gift - (telepath) i think there are no one will celebrate his birthday, so he sad?
Huh!!! even his sister don't know about this?"},"646033215773212682":
{"u":2,"t":1574096721357,"m":"( Please stop that. At this point it doesn't even
feel like you're replying to the actual roleplay here, it only feels like you're
trying to force your own thing. I heard its your birthday, happy birthday, but
please wait until later on in the roleplay and maybe THEN we will celebrate it.
Until then, please focus on the actual roleplay at hand. )"},"646033492081115138":
{"u":1,"t":1574096787234,"m":"(Alright....that....fine� �
� )"},"646033701024563211":{"u":0,"t":1574096837050,"m":"(Hey, later on in the
mission you'll get your chance, now we focus at what's at hand, i don;t mean to
offend you and neither does Spirit. Okay?)"},"646033831475806209":
{"u":2,"t":1574096868152,"m":"( Don't take this as me disregarding your feelings.
I'm just saying to keep in mind how others view it, and feel, alright? There comes
a time for everything. )"},"646033897838346240":{"u":0,"t":1574096883974,"m":"(I
know it's your birthday and that you wanted a scene with the girls of Team RWBY,
but please, we're just getting started into V7...)"},"646034077421404160":
{"u":0,"t":1574096926790,"m":"(Now, are we good to go? I promise you'll get your
scene as soon as we're done with this
{"u":1,"t":1574096967592,"m":"(Alright.....Okay....� � )\nSargent Gift -
(telepath) No No, It not time, i need to know about our
mission."},"646036320640172063":{"u":0,"t":1574097461615,"m":"(Very well,
thanks.)\n\n_Now done with their tasks, the guards leave the office and the group
behind. Waiting for them Ironwood stands next to the door to his office, waving at
them. Walking to the office, Riley points to the door as the group follows
Ironwood, Winter and Penny into Ironwood’s office. With everyone inside, the door
closes on its own, locking them in._\n\nIronwood: It is so good to see all of
you.\n\n_Massaging her wrists, Yang looked around for Spirit but finds him gone,
with Penny taking his spot instead._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Our reception
didn’t really convey that.\n\n_Ironwood sighs, typing in commands to his
holographic Focus console._\n\nIronwood: I sincerely regret how you were treated
by my team.\n\n_Qrow rolls his eyes with a small huff. Ironwood walks behind his
desk to sit down, and Penny and Winter take positions standing at either side of
the desk, the door to the office opens again as the Space United SecTeam Leader
walked into the office, a camera attached to his helmet's NVG mount._\n\nSpace
United SecTeam Leader: Sorry to interrupt, sir, madam... But Commander Spirit wants
this broadcasted to all of Space United's upper echelons and Earth. For psoterity's
sake.\n\n_Tapping at his helmet, the camera begins to record everything within the
office as Ironwood began to speak._\n\nIronwood: When a rogue airship entered our
airspace, it raised some… red flags. We assumed the ship was
stolen.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Stolen?\n\n_Appaled, Riley facepalmed
before sending a data packet from her Focus to his workstation._\n\nRiley: Then
explain this \"immediate withdrawal order,\" why'd you make my forces return to
Earth when they're not supposed to?!","te":1574097511299},"646036523120066560":
{"u":1,"t":1574097509890,"m":"Gift - What does it mean?"},"646037494374334515":
{"u":0,"t":1574097741455,"m":"Ironwood: That, we'll talk about it later. Now we
need to talk about how you got yourselves here on a stole ship.\n\n_Ruby laughs
awkwardly, before taking an apologetic tone. Riley backed away from Ironwood,
taking with her the data packet._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay, yeah, it
was stolen.\n\n_Ironwood’s eyes widen in surprise. He then smiles, and his
shoulders move a tiny bit with a silent chuckle. Winter, meanwhile, finds no humor
in the situation and begins scolding Weiss. Fuming, she pushes Gift out of her
way._\n\nWinter: You stole an Atlas airship?\n\n_Rushing to Weiss' defense, Farah
tries to stop Winter, but finds herself pushed out of the way, cursing under her
breath she watched as Hadir drags her away._\n\nHadir: No, let them talk.\n\nFarah:
She'll hurt her!\n\nHadir: Farah, no!\n\n_Farah slips out of Hadir's grasp and
tries to approach Winter as Price grabs her by the arm, stopping her._\n\nPrice:
Stand down, Farah. She won't.\n\n_Weiss watches with a frown as Winter approaches
her. His fear growing, Gift reaches for his pistol but Alex stops him, pushing the
pistol back into its holster._\n\nAlex: Gift, tap the brakes.\n\nWinter: What were
you thinking!? You might’ve been shot down! How unbelievably irresponsib--\n\n_The
SecTeam Leader takes out his rifle as well, taking aim at Winter, but Weiss
surprises and interrupts Winter by hugging her. Silence befalls the room as the
group watched the sisters in awe. Surprised, the SecTeam Leader lowered his rifle
down and puts it back on his suit._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I’m
sorry I worried you. But we did what we had to do.\n\nWinter:
I…","te":1574099664995},"646038067114934285":{"u":1,"t":1574097878007,"m":"Gift -
(Hold his hand on his chest) I want this end ASAP, They don't have responsible
about this, if you want to punish only me, not them."},"646039583779192852":
{"u":0,"t":1574098239608,"m":"_Winter sighs and hugs back, calming down. Price lets
go of Farah, leaving behind a red handprint on her forearm. Fara wincesm rubbing at
the print in pain._\n\nWinter: I suppose I understand.\n\n_But as Price is about to
retreat to his spot, she then turns her head to glare at Qrow. By instinct, he
withdrew his pistol, keeping the muzzle aimed at the ground._\n\nPrice: Winter,
they have to do it, or else they won't be here!\n\n_Silencing him, Winter walks up
close to the captain and drew a vertical line from the tip of hos nose down to his
mouth, sushing him. She turns to Qrow, glaring at him._\n\nWinter: But I cannot
believe that you allowed this to happen, Qrow.\n\nQrow: You try stopping these kids
when they have their mind set on something. Speaking of which… \n\n_He looks at
Ironwood. Riley taps her Focus again, reminding Ironwood of the data packet sent to
his workstation._\n\nQrow: We have some important information for you that’s…
confidential.\n\n_Letting her go, Price allows Winter to return to her position
beside Ironwood’s desk. Moving beside Ironwood, the processing LED on her right
temple glows green, her quantum datacore processing
Oh, is it about the Relics?\n\n_Winter moves to Ironwood's other side, flanking
him much ti Qrow's surprise._\n\nWinter: Or perhaps the Winter Maiden?\n\nQrow: You
told them?\n\nIronwood: Hm.","te":1574098279606},"646040000659456051":
{"u":1,"t":1574098339000,"m":"Gift - Okay, Jame what a situation
here?"},"646041544129773574":{"u":0,"t":1574098706992,"m":"_Looking at Gift,
Ironwood stands from his desk and retrieves the Relic of Knowledge from a drawer,
making it grow to its normal size as he holds it up._\n\nRiley: Huh...\n\nIronwood:
Did you really think you were the only one who got to work on a new plan after
Beacon? WIth Ozpin gone, I needed my own team of people I could trust. So yes, I
told them. The Ace-Ops too. Which is why I’m so glad you’re here… with this.
\n\n_He gestures to the Relic and moves it closer to the SecTeam Leader's
camera._\n\nIronwood: Until now, I believed it was impossible to truly turn the
tide against Salem. Oz has pushed her back, has kept victory out of her claws, but
she will keep returning stronger and stronger… unless we destroy her.\n\n_He places
the Relic atop his desk, while Ruby looks deep in thought, the SecTeam Leader nods,
scribbling into his pocket note as well._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> But…
what about the Atlas Relic?\n\n_Ironwood's Focus lights up, the device autonomously
sending a schematic of the Staff of Creation directly through Space United's
encrypted network straight to Spirit's command deck, and to everyone's Focuses as
well._\n\nIronwood: You mean the Staff of Creation?\n\n_Penny chimed in,
smiling._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> It’s safe inside the Vault!\n\nQrow:
And the Winter Maiden?\n\nWinter: She is secure and in stable condition.\n\n_Upon
the phrase 'stable condition,' Riley logs it down to her memo as the SecTeam
Leader's scribbling becomes faster, going page-by-page._
\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Stable condition? What does that--\n\nQrow: She’s,
uh, not exactly a spring chicken.\n\n_Tapping his Focus, Ironwood displays to the
group a connection interface linking the Atlesian Military to Space United, the
blank screen showing only the insignia of the Kingdom of Atlas._\n\nIronwood: I
know how this all looks. Recalling my military? The embargo? I probably don’t seem
the most trustworthy right now."},"646041885168631818":
{"u":1,"t":1574098788302,"m":"Gift - You still have us
Jame."},"646043988368818188":{"u":0,"t":1574099289744,"m":"_Ironwood sighs,
bringing the connection between Space United and the Academy to full power, from
the screen, Spirit is seen swiping gestures at a holographic command interface.
Surrounding him are a multitude of Space United personnel scrambling to positions
within the unnamed ship's command deck._\n\nShip Comms Officer: Alpha-Alpha,
standby for data transfer. Tango and Romeo keys are hot. Authentication Foxtrot-
Tango-Lima. Time is 51 from T-Hour.\n\n_Ironwood replies to the Comms Officer,
accepting the data transfer._\n\nIronwood: Roger, India, send it. Romeo key is hot.
Channel is green. Authentication Foxtrot-Tango-Lima. 51 from T-Hour.\n\nShip Comms
Officer: Roger, Alpha, packet inbound hot.\n\n_Initiating the transfer, Ironwood
leaves the console to itself as Blake shot him a
question._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Then why continue it?\n\n_Joining
Blake, Nora points out Mantle's conditions to the
general._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> The people of Mantle are
hurting!\n\n_Glancing at the transfer screen, Ironwood replies to the
girls._\n\nIronwood: I needed to ensure Salem couldn’t infiltrate Atlas. And I
wanted my military here, protecting my people.\n\n_Yang shoots him her retort, this
time joined by Price and Hadir._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> But it’s not
protecting them! It’s making everyone hate you.\n\nPrice: Blocking everyone out
will only bring this kingdom to its knees faster, James.\n\nHadir: I must add, the
embargo is affecting local Earthborne militia units as well, you must rethink
{"u":0,"t":1574099700972,"m":"<@481693633951694848> Hellooo"},"646068404112982058":
{"u":1,"t":1574105110911,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, what are we gonna
do?"},"646068508249161758":{"u":0,"t":1574105135739,"m":"(Did you see the
letters?)"},"646069329300946963":{"u":1,"t":1574105331493,"m":"(Yes, i see
it)"},"646070782765826061":{"u":0,"t":1574105678026,"m":"Price: Don't know, we
listen to James, he knows what to make us do.\n\n_Ironwood sighs, glanced at the
transfer screen again as the Comms Officer contacted him, warning him of the
successful data packet transfer._\n\nIronwood: It’s a price I’m willing to
pay.\n\nShip Comms Officer: Alpha, this is India. Packet transfer complete, data
integrity is in the green. Tango key is cold. Standing by for
disconnect.\n\nIronwood: Roger, packet is good. Disconnecting now, thanks
CommO.\n\nComms Officer: Much obliged, General.\n\n_With his connection to Spirit
cut, Ironwood reaches over to a glowing panel of buttons on his desk and taps a
button that resembles a table emitting light from its surface, he then transfer the
data packet to the Academy's central network. Archiving it._\n\nIronwood: Just as
you all have been entrusted with the knowledge of Salem’s existence, I need you all
to trust me. I have a plan.\n\n_With the data packet sent and archived, shutters
come down outside the windows, darkening the room. A circle in the center of the
floor bearing Atlas’ emblem begins to rise up, prompting Ruby and Oscar to step off
of it. As Ironwood talks and makes his way over to it, the circle continues to rise
and transforms into a table._"},"646070820963090459":
{"u":0,"t":1574105687133,"m":"_The circle, now risen and transformed into a table
projects a blank screen, showing only the Kingdom's insignia along with a message,
it reads \"PACKET TRANSFER COMPLETE, RDY FOR PRESENT\"_\n\nIronwood: Ozpin believed
the best way to fight Salem was to do so in secret. Whether that was the right
choice or not isn’t for me to say. But we find ourselves in a position of needing,
well, a new approach.\n\nQrow: And what do you suggest?\n\nAlex: This better be
good, we can't risk pooling all of our assets, now that we no longer have access to
Dust refineries thanks to the embargo. Also, mobilizing military cargo, especially
that of Atlesian origin will be misjudged as an act of war...\n\n_Ironwood brings
out a tiny remote and presses a button, activating a hologram display of Amity
Colosseum, which hovers above the table. The group stares at the display in
surprise, Riley, Gift, and the SecTeam Leader steps closer, eager to watch the
display._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> That’s… Amity
{"u":1,"t":1574105801562,"m":"Gift - Can't be..... Amity
Colosseum."},"646073701560745995":{"u":0,"t":1574106373921,"m":"Riley: Damn, we're
seriously using the Colosseum?!\n\n_She tries to zoom in, but the display won't
budge, giving up she steps back from the display as Oscar tries to spin it around,
but it remains immobile._\n\nOscar: Where the Vytal Festival is held?\n\n_Nodding,
Ironwood continues with his presentation._\n\nIronwood: Indeed. When Beacon fell
and everyone on Remnant lost contact with one another, I knew our current system
was outdated. Amity was built to bring the nations together, and it will serve that
purpose once again. \n\n_He presses the button again, and the hologram Amity
Colosseum gains an antenna atop it. Ruby and her friends stare at the hologram and
look at each other. Zooming into the antenna model, five Posture Control System
trusses span out from the antenna's base, digging deep into the rebuild dome shield
system._\n\n_From Liberty Delta, Cossette and the rest of Strider Squadron all
watched in awe, their mouths agape._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Isn’t it
great? We’re not going to just replace Beacon Tower. Building a new tower on top of
Amity Colosseum will re-establish global communications!\n\n_Swiping the display
away, the tower's launch simulation is shown. The tower, now sitting atop the
Colosseum lights up as blue flames bursted from the PCS trusses, followed by the
ignition of solid Dust boosters covering the entire arena with
{"u":0,"t":1574106437631,"m":"Winter: By launching the tower high into the
atmosphere, our scientists believe we can create a sort of… satellite out of reach
of the Grimm and capable of maintaining global communications even if we were to
lose another tower.\n\n_She pauses, clearing her throat. Riley tosses her a
WaterGel pack as she took it and bit onto it, gushing water onto the floor and the
console._\n\nWinter: Ugh... anyways, with the support of Osean orbital space guns,
Gravity Dust tethers will be deployed to stabilize the antenna assembly.
Essentially rendering the antenna system a satellite. Space United _Deimos-class_
warships capable of maintaining long-period suborbital flights will also be used as
backup communication arrays, ensuring total planetwide coverage should the loss of
the antenna assembly occur.\n\n_The simulation ends with the tower being launched
to suborbital altitude, purple lines from the SOLGs then latch onto the antenna
assembly and stabilizes the massive 35-ton assembly. slowly dragging it into the
Andersen Line, the border between Remnant's atmosphere and
space._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That is great.\n\nQrow: James... you
don’t need the entire military for this.","te":1574106598811},"646074634545922096":
{"u":1,"t":1574106596362,"m":"Gift - To don't make that happen again, chaos that
time i still remember it."},"646076487954595841":
{"u":0,"t":1574107038249,"m":"_Ironwood moves
from the table, then to Gift. Pointing the remote at him._\n\nIronwood: Gift, you
may think this is a crazy plan, but to ensue the readiness of what's left of your
allied forces, we have to do this. \n\n_He turns from Gift to Qrow, the remote
still in his hands._\n\nIronwood: I will for the next part, where I finally tell
the people about Salem.\n\n_Upon the mention of Salem's name, the room fell silent.
The only sounds heard being the mechanical whirr of the air handler unit. Breaking
the awkward silence, Qrow speaks up._\n\nQrow: Huh, so that’s why you withdrew your
troops, to handle the panic that would break out in Atlas.\n\nIronwood: Yes, panic
is inevitable, and panic brings Grimm. But I believe we are ready. Once Atlas has
come to grips with the fight ahead, I’ll use Amity Tower to spread the message to
all of Remnant.\n\n_Bringing up a contingency simulation she'd taken from Remnant
Zero Dawn's archives, Weiss displays it on the holoscreen, the simulation depicting
mass riots and Grimm attacks ravaging Kingdoms after Kingdoms. A message above the
dots representing Remnant's population reads: \" Simulation 1600-Bravo, Total
Breakdown of Society, post-reveal._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> But
everything will fall apart. Grimm will be everywhere!"},"646076878289109038":
{"u":1,"t":1574107131312,"m":"Gift - No, if we have backup
plan."},"646077185458831400":{"u":0,"t":1574107204547,"m":"_Shutting off the
simulation, Winter deletes the archive with her Focus._\n\nWinter: You’re right,
but Atlas is willing and prepared to assist.\n\nIronwood: Trying to hide the truth
from the world will eventually kill us all.\n\n_Ironwood presses a button on his
remote, and the hologram disappears, the table transforms and recedes into the
floor and the shutters pull away from the windows. Allowing light to enter the
office._\n\nQrow: Oz spent his whole life, many lives, keeping this
secret.\n\nIronwood: I know. But since Beacon, things have changed.\n\n_Before he
can continue, Riley interrupts him._\n\nRiley: James, you're the one with the most
pragmatic ideas but risking the planet just to lure her out will bring an end to
everything! If she wins, we all die. You just can't pit your army against hers! You
simply don't have the manpower, not after you made Earth take back ninety percent
of MY forces which made up half of your reserve troops!\n\n_Price joins her, taking
his hat off._\n\nPrice: There's no way we can win Salem in a war of attrition.
Guerrilla tactics works best for now, hit and run. No direct attacks.\n\nFarah: I
can arrange for secret routes, but what if Watts had control of the system? What if
he turns the orbital guns against us? We'll all die before we can do anything.
\n\n_Putting his rifle down, Alex walked to the console and brings it back up with
a small detonator._\n\nAlex: See? This damn table just got activated with this
flimsy detonator. James, you need to up your cyberwarfare game. Tell your tech to
pull that Polyphasic protocaol from RZD and make it standard-issue!\n\n_As everyone
argued of the possibilites of Jame's plan failing, Gift, having had enough of the
argument slammed his fist down on the table, silencing the room once
{"u":1,"t":1574107459918,"m":"Gift - BT what time is it
now?"},"642835164661153792":{"u":0,"t":1573334246555,"m":"_Putting the newfound
pistol into his holster Gift secures it as the robotic chair Pietro is sitting in
begins walking out from behind the desk. Taking a step back, he moves out of his
way as Pietro makes his way to Maria._\n\nPietro: Yes, with the cybernetic optical
implants! I adjust them every ten years or so.\n\n_He offers his hand to her and
leads her to an examination table. Riley follows her, intent on recording the
adjustment and re-calibration process of Maria's optical implant, standing next to
the examination table, she holds her Scroll out and clears her throat, catching his
attention._\n\nRiley: Uh, do you mind if I record this for posterity
purposes?\n\n_Pietro laughs, allowing her to record the process._\n\nPietro: Ah,
yes, feel free to record the things I do in here, but please. Don't post them on
whatever network you have.\n\n_Turning to Maria, he begins to work on recalibrating
Maria's \"eyes\"_\n\nPietro: _laughing_ Oh wow, has it been that long
already?\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Ah, I know. I age like a fine wine.
Would’ve been here sooner if I hadn’t run into these jokers. At the time, I thought
they might need my guidance while fighting a little old Sphinx.\n\nPietro: Oh, did
they?\n\n_Typing in a series of codes into his holoscreen, Pietro continues to
recalibrate her implant._\n\nMaria: No, no. They had much more complicated
issues.\n\nQrow: _clears his throat_ And this is?\n\n_Maria groans, waving for
Riley to move back. She complies as Qrow steps closer to the table._\n\nMaria: So
impatient. I didn’t think I’d need to introduce one of Atlas’ finest
minds."},"642836237002211349":{"u":1,"t":1573334502221,"m":"Gift - Hey Lieutenant,
if you got anything, tell me.\nLt. Gift - You call me at right time, Here!\nGift -
P90, long time i didn't use this gun.\nLt. Gift - Less recoil, fast fire
rate.\nGift - Many Golden Gun we found today.\nLt. Gift - I don't know is it have a
ability.\nGift - Soon we will found it."},"642838102959980549":
{"u":0,"t":1573334947100,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Working in a place like
this?\n\n_Riley stepped aside as the building creaks, and a ceiling tile falls to
the floor. She bends over and picked it up from the floor before de-materializing
it into fine dust, with it she fixes the missing tile using the de-materialized
tile. Sending the dust up to the missilg tile and reconstituting a new tile from
it._\n\nRiley: There we go, the entire ceiling's fixed. Now you don't have to worry
about tiles dropping on your client's heads anymore.\n\n_Riley's comment stifles a
laugh from Pietro, causing him to almost mistype a line of
code._\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> He likes to keep a low profile.
Something I’ve come to realize none of you know anything about.\n\n_Catching his
breath, Pietro giggled before introducing himself to to the group._\n\nPietro: You
can call me Pietro.\n\n_Listening in on him, Alex, Hadir and Farah nods in
understanding as Price and Garrick stood by, waiting for
them._\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Finest heart, too. This pharmacy is
just where he volunteers when he’s not building the future of Atlas alongside
Ironwood, up in the clouds.\n\nPietro: Oh, it’s stuffy up there. Down here, I get
to help the locals and have a little fun. I’m currently working on shoes that make
you dance. Wanna try ‘em on?\n\nGarrick: Wait, dancing
{"u":1,"t":1573335029251,"m":"Gift - Great, can we get this
{"u":0,"t":1573335074967,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> excitedly YES!\n\n_Yang
steps in, stopping both Garrick and Nora from approaching
Pietro._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> stepping in Before we get to that, we were
wondering if you could help us. We came to Atlas hoping to talk to General
Ironwood, but um…\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What exactly has been
happening here?\n\n_Above him, the sounds of a couple arguing is heard as a loud
thump causes the dust on the tiles to fall, Pietro inhales them in and
coughs._\n\nPietro: coughs Well, the Fall of Beacon took a toll on all of us. James
was no different. I couldn’t tell you exactly what it was he saw there, but it
changed him. He’s…\n\nQrow: cutting in He’s scared."},"642838837151662100":
{"u":1,"t":1573335122145,"m":"Gift - After that?"},"642840129920172045":
{"u":0,"t":1573335430365,"m":"_Finishing his last line of eyesight-enhancement
codes, Pietro pauses, giving Gift and Yang their answer._\n\nPietro: Paranoid would
be the more appropriate term. You have to understand, it wasn’t just the Grimm.
Someone completely dismantled Atlas security code, made it their play-thing, and
made us look like traitors to some and buffoons to everyone else. Whoever managed
to do that is either a genius or one of our own. I fear the answer may be both, and
so does the general.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Maybe Atlas isn’t as safe as we
thought.\n\n_Speaking up, Oscar remained in his spot with Price and Garrick
flanking his sides._\n\nOscar: After we came all this way, we can’t just leave, can
we?\n\n_Weiss steps forward, tapping on her Focus as it begins recording the
conversation._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _stepping forward_ How does
the council feel about all of this? Or Winter Schnee? Do you know anything about
her?\n\n_Pietro resumes typing in more codes, answering her._\n\nPietro: Well, the
council’s so scared, they’ll agree to whatever he wants. Though, some
representatives from Mantle… \n\n_He stops at the sudden realization, making a typo
in his code._\n\nPietro: Wait, you’re… You’re Weiss Schnee!\n\n_Weiss gasps and
steps back, with her friends looking nervous. Riley, Price and Gift then withdrew
their sidearms, staring at him. Yang steps forward with her prosthethic arm
outstretched._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Wait, what was it that you were trying
to say about Mantle?\n\n_Taking a close look at the prosthetic arm, Pietro gazes at
the strike marks caused by Adam's attack._\n\nPietro: You painted it.\n\n_Yang
withdrew her arm back, confused._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
- Pietro, What does it mean?"},"642841954811510794":
{"u":0,"t":1573335865453,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is everything
okay?\n\nPietro: You’re Team RWBY!\n\n_The Team RWBY girls look at each other in
confusion. Behind them, Hadir lets out
a snort, then a laugh._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You know
us?!\n\nPietro: Oh, my girl, I do. I most certainly do. And I feel like such a
dunce for not recognizing you sooner. My daughter’s told me so much about
you.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Your… daughter?\n\nPrice: Daughter? Who
then?\n\n_Before Pietro could answer, their conversation is interrupted by the
sound of an alarm and people screaming. Outside, civilians are running, and the
lights from the street lamps have turned red. With their weapons readied Price's
team ran outside to deal with the threat. Jaune
groans._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ah, trouble.\n\n_The group, joined by Riley
an Gift runs outside as Pietro reaches out to them_\n\nPietro: Wait!\n\n_Now
outside, everyone in the group draws their weapons. Upon drawing her katana, Blake
looks at the broken blade, exhaling sharply before folding the blade down to wield
it as a gun. Pumping the charging handle grip of her claymore hybrid Riley tosses
out a threat grenade, scanning the area for threats again._\n\nAlex: Grimm, as
usual.\n\nGarrick: You sure? They could be the True Sons.\n\n_Price shuts the two
up, sweeping the area with the laser beam from his M13._\n\nPrice: Hold your mud,
they're Grimm, Sabyrs."},"642842188476317800":{"u":1,"t":1573335921163,"m":"Gift -
Have a plan, Uncle?"},"642843641148342292":{"u":0,"t":1573336267507,"m":"Oscar: I
guess the city defenses aren’t doing much.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _glancing
at Ren_ Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me.\n\n_Silencing the two, Riley raises a
fist and aims her claymore, now in its LMG configuration at the street ahead. Down
the road from them, growling is heard, and an Atlesian Knight-200 is thrown against
a lamp post, its robotic squeal echoing down the
road._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hm?\n\n_Another mechanized infantry unit is
thrown, and three more back up into view, shooting at Sabyrs, which tackle and
destroy them one by one._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Well, we didn’t come
this far to fail now!\n\n_Ruby changes Crescent Rose into scythe form and aims the
sniper barrel toward the Sabyrs, which finish destroying the Atlesian Knight-200s
and charge toward her and her friends. Everyone readies their weapons. Yang charges
forth using recoil from her gauntlet, followed by Ren launching himself
forward._\n\nRiley: Engage!\n\n_Jumping forward, she conjures three Light Energy
projectiles with her left hand and sends them at the Sabyrs, creating a stunning
shockwave explosion. Spreading out, Price's group begin to open fire at the
creatures, with Garrick and Hadir using their Model 680F shotguns at close range
while Farah and Price peppered the other with their respective weapons. Price using
the Sig Sauer MCX Virtus and Farah with her AKMC-E, E for Enhanced._\n\n_Joining
Price, Gift and his clones bring out their \"Golden\" weapon variants and begin to
engage the Sabyrs._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _gasps_ Hey!\n\n_Noticing her
fellow teammate's disappearance, Nora remains at her spot trying to look for
Pyrrha's contact, but the Scroll returns \"Contact not found,\" frustrated she
collapsed it and focuses on the battle._","te":1573336312776},"642843898875740160":
{"u":1,"t":1573336328954,"m":"Gift - Okay, Let see what is golden gun can
do."},"642844694820290591":{"u":0,"t":1573336518722,"m":"_Getting an idea, Nora
looks at Jaune, who looks startled. She uses Magnhild to pole vault toward Jaune,
who puts up his shield in response, allowing her to land on it. She then kicks off
from his shield, launching herself._\n\nPrice: Gift! Focus fire on that Sabyr
attacking Yang!\n\n_Nodding to his command, Gift rushes up to Yang and subdues the
Sabyr attacking her with multiple shots to its body with his Golden AK-12, dumping
an entire magazine onto its belly before \"reloading\" by pulling at the charging
handle. Taking the shot, Yang quickly finishes it off with a powerful boosted
uppercut with her right arm._\n\nGarrick: Bloody nice shot, Yang!\n\n_After Yang
uppercuts a Sabyr, Ren lands on another one’s back, stabbing his guns’ blades into
it, and it leaps into the air to knock him off, only for Nora to slam it to the
ground with her hammer. Jaune beheads a Sabyr, and when a second one leaps at him,
he blocks with his shield and stabs it just above its collarbone. Mistaking the
disintergating Grimm bits for grenades, Farah fires into them, her shots missing
completely as the bullets simply whizzed through the black smoke._\n\n_Qrow slices
two Sabyrs in half, leans back to dodge a third as it attempts to tackle him. He
transforms Harbinger into scythe mode and uses it to hook the Grimm as it makes
another attempt to tackle him. Riley jumps in and sends a shockwave blast at it,
knocking it to the ground._\n\nRiley: Gotcha covered!\n\n_As he finishes spinning
his scythe, he plants its blade into the ground and punches another Sabyr in the
head, then uppercuts it into the air. He then kicks Harbinger upward, catches it,
straightens the blade, impales the Sabyr, and slices another one that leaps at him
from behind the deceased Sabyr’s smoke._","te":1573336573608},"642844969220046858":
{"u":1,"t":1573336584144,"m":"Gift - Gold Eagle, let use
it."},"642847105853161521":{"u":0,"t":1573337093557,"m":"_Switching from his AK-12,
Gift takes out a golden .50 GS pistol, takes aim and fires at a Sabyr charging at
him, as it charged, he continues to fire more rounds into its skull, shattering it
and eventually killing the beast as its skull shatters completely. Giving way for
more .50AE-F rounds to penetrate through its head._\n\n_While Qrow shoots at more
Sabyrs, another one turns its attention to Oscar. It charges him, and he leaps into
the air and stabs at its skull with Ozpin’s cane. While he watches it die, another
one leaps at him from behind, only to be sniped by Ruby, who smiles and nods to
Oscar._\n\nPrice: More incoming, stay alert!\n\n_Riley then tosses a magazine
loaded with propulsive ammunition at Ruby, she takes it, reloads her sniper-scythe
with it and pulls the charging handle back._\n\nRiley: Go! Take them out!\n\n_With
the rounds loaded she transforms her rifle back into scythe mode and runs forward.
As a Sabyr leaps at her, she does a flip and slices it in half. She continues
running, fires Crescent Rose, and begins using her Semblance to speed down the
street, before appearing to split into three blurs of red that go around a Sabyr,
which splits apart with a roar._"},"642847115969691671":
{"u":0,"t":1573337095969,"m":"_Assisting Ruby, Riley switches her claymore to melee
mode, launching herself at the blurs. Raising her blade high she locks onto a Sabyr
attempting a cheap shot at her and kills it with a quick stab to its torso.
Piercing its heart. With Riley assisting Ruby, Price and Garrick pulled back and
focused on taking out a Sabyr taking Farah head-on._\n\n_The blurs converge and
transform back into Ruby, who stabs the tip of her scythe into the asphalt,
swinging forward on it and landing on the ground. She fires Crescent Rose and lets
go of it, sending it spinning through a Sabyr and into the air. Aiming down his
sight, Hadir tries to take out the Sabyr with his sniper rifle but fails as the
rounds missed it._\n\n_Ruby then leaps onto and kicks off of another Sabyr,
spinning and catching her scythe. She fires Crescent Rose to keep up momentum and
slams the blade into the ground, sending out a shockwave that takes out two more
Sabyrs. With the Sabyrs airborne, Lieutenant and Cap takes out their golden M4
rifles and begins to fire at them, peppering them with bullets and killing them as
they disintegrate into smoke._"},"642847593176760329":
{"u":1,"t":1573337439073,"m":"Gift - Yeah! i need to stay
alert."},"642850935101718528":{"u":0,"t":1573338006521,"m":"_Taking his .50GS from
the ground, Gift holsters it and jumpa back into the fight, ready to take on more
of the Sabyrs. Landing on the ground after assisting Ruby, Riley disintegrates her
claymore hybrid for a replica of the revered M61FS \"Virtuous Treaty\" heavy
katana. Swinging the blade around, she casts waves of Light Energy at the Sabyrs
charging forward to attack her, knocking them down._\n\n_With the threats taken
care of, she switches to the M68FS \"Virtuous Contract\" katana and quickly
distpacthed them with strikes to their bodies, taking them out._\n\n_After Weiss
slices through a Sabyr, four more come running toward her from another street. She
casts four black glyphs, using them to levitate the Grimm. As they flail helplessly
in the air, Ren leaps from Sabyr to Sabyr, cutting each of them in half. Cap jumps
in alongside Farah, tossing more threat grenades, scanning for
stragglers._\n\n_Meanwhile, another Sabyr attempts to run up behind Yang while she
finishes one off, only to be shot by Blake, who smiles and nods to Yang. Running up
to her, Garrick shouts as the shot-down Sabyr gets up and tries to attack her only
to be repelled back by Alex, killing it with a shot to the head from his Model
680F_\n\nAlex: Shit, behind you!\n\n_Suddenly, another Sabyr leaps into the air
behind Blake, who gasps and turns to face it. Before she can fight back, a green
laser fires from the sky, cutting the Grimm in half. More lasers shoot from above,
striking down the remaining Grimm. Surprised, the group stops fighting as the green
lasers sweeped the ground clear of the
{"u":1,"t":1573338074608,"m":"Gift - (Equip Golden Eagle) Get
down!"},"642851245413105677":{"u":0,"t":1573338080505,"m":"Riley: What
the...\n\n_The alarms throughout the city stop, and the street lamps change back to
their normal color. Everyone watches as a figure with long hair flies into view,
with green jets coming from her feet. She twirls in the air and slowly
descends. Pietro and Maria walk outside to join the group, while Ruby stares at
the girl before gasping and gaining a look of
recognition._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Penny!\n\nPietro: Darling, why
don’t you say hello to your friends?\n\n_To her surprise, Riley drops the Virtuous
Contract and falls to her knees, not expecting such a sight despite having
predicted it beforehand. Price does the same, but he remains standing, watching
Penny swestruck._"},"642851324303638538":
{"u":1,"t":1573338154778,"m":"Gift - (Equip Golden M4) More incoming, stay
alert."},"642853255222788157":{"u":0,"t":1573338559681,"m":"Alex: Put that gun
down, Gift. It's her.\n\n_Pushing Gift's rifle down, Alex puts his shotgun on his
bacl as Penny turns to look in the direction her father’s voice came from. Upon
seeing Ruby, she gasps and her eyes shine with joy. Ruby smiles and puts her weapon
away. Penny leans forward a little._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595>
Sal…\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _confused_ Huh?\n\n_Penny lowers to one
knee as a high-pitched charging noise is heard. On her HUD, she begins to rerout
power from her experimental Light Energy core to her leg thrusters as green aura
shrouded her legs. With the engines on her legs charging to power, her HUD begins
to tremble._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595>
U...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _nervous_ Uh…?\n\n_With her thrusters
reaching their pre-programmed power level, Penny begins gleefully sprinting toward
Ruby at high speed. Her experimental powercore discharging excessive energy in the
form of green electrical sparks all over the
street._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Tations!!!\n\n_Penny leaps and
activates her jets, rocketing forward with green exhaust trails and tackling Ruby,
who flails her hands around in front of her and screams, eyes wide. Upon crashing
to the ground, Ruby groans in pain. Everyone else puts their weapons away and
approaches the pair. Penny pops back up onto her feet, while Ruby slowly rises with
her hand on her head._","te":1573338635074},"642853554935300116":
{"u":1,"t":1573338631138,"m":"Gift - (Lower his gun) Yare yare
daze."},"642855204848664577":{"u":0,"t":1573339024508,"m":"_Recharging her
thrusters, Penny gets up and runs a quick inspection of her powercore. With self-
assesment under way she smiles at the group, then to Ruby. Taking notice of Gift,
she greets him as well._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> It is such a pleasure
to see you all again! And you too, General Gift!\n\n_Tearfully, Ruby stares at her
resurrected friend in total shock._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _tearfully_
Penny, I… I-I thought you…\n\nPietro: Died? \n\n_He rides his chair over to Penny’s
side as other stood by and watched._\n\nPietro: I guess, in a manner of speaking,
she did. But we were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it had made its
way back to Atlas. It took me some time, but…\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595>
I’m as good as new! Better, even! And now I’m the official protector of the
city!\n\nGarrick: That's... nice, I guess. \n\n_Her post-engagement self-assesment
now complete, Penny's powercore then adjusts itself to normal operation parameters
as she shuddered from the sudden change in core power output._\n\nPietro: That’s my
girl. We’re not going to let a little ripping to shreds stop us, are we? _laughs,
then coughs_\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> No sir! \n\n_She knocks on her
head with a clanking sound, her internal shock absorbers still stiffened from the
rapid firing of her arm-mounted tactical laser
systems._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> This
is…\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Strangely
wholesome.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Sounds like Penny to me.\n\n_As the group
watched, Penny excitedly grabs Ruby’s
shoulders._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> We have so many things to catch up
about. I cannot wait!\n\n_Just as Penny finishes her sentence with a grin, the
city’s alarms begin blaring again. The group takes to their weapons againas Farah
and Hadir both groaned in frustratation._\n\nFarah: Can't we have a break from all
- Hadir, check the area."},"642857270375350292":
{"u":0,"t":1573339516968,"m":"_Without changing her demeanor, Penny's combat AI
takes over, rerouting all power into her combat systems installed within her
rebuilt chassis._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> It seems we will have to
wait.\n\n_She bounces backward and salutes, her comabt AI now taking over her
personality construct AI as she charges her jets and then rockets off into the sky,
she continues speaking quickly to Ruby. Her personality AI still in
control._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Let’s talk more later. I can’t wait
to hear about all your adventures! I’m very excited for the whole
experience!\n\n_Her voice quickly fading away, Penny now gains altitude as her
combat AI overrides her personality AI completely. Now activating her optical
scanner, she scans the surface of Mantle for more targets, making contacts with a
Marine Raiders unit marked in her HUD as \"Demon
Dogs\"_\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> This is Penny to Demon Dogs, standby
for support. I'm on my way to you, distance is 2.5 klicks from your position. Hang
tight.\n\n_A Demon Dogs operator replies, the roars of Sabyrs mixed with the
operator's voice._\n\nDemon Dogs Operator: Roger that, Pathfinder! We're
strongpointing a monument! Get here ASAP!\n\n_Back on the ground, Nora looks up the
green trail of Penny's thrusters._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I can’t tell if I
completely understand what’s going on or have, like, a million
questions.\n\nPietro: _on his way back to the pharmacy_ And thankfully, I have
about a thousand answers. But let’s get out of this weather first.\n\nMaria:
_following Pietro_ I have absolutely no idea who that child was. Is she important
somehow?\n\n_Clenching her fists, Riley brushed past Maria and wated for her in
front of Pietro's pharmacy._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> That was
unexpected.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Never a dull moment.\n\nQrow: But I
wouldn’t say unwelcome. I was honestly expecting things to go a lot
rougher."},"642857589444444161":{"u":1,"t":1573339593040,"m":"Gift - Bravo team, On
me."},"642858997572960286":{"u":0,"t":1573339928764,"m":"_The group begins
following Maria and Pietro. However, as they walk, Ren senses something behind
them. Before anyone can react, several bolases wrap around Nora, Oscar, Jaune and
Ren, the spheres at the ends of the ropes locking into place with Gravity Dust.
Blake turns to look back at the commotion, just in time for all of Team RWBY to be
caught._\n\nRiley: Hey, what gives?!\n\n_Falling to the ground, she tries to remove
the bolo restraints but they constrict further onto her. Giving up, she stops as
the bolo restraint locks its rope in. Next to her, Price, Gift, Hadir and Alex, too
are caught off-guard as the bolo restraints wrapped around their arms, locking them
in._\n\nGarrick: Fucking Atlesians! I thought we had a deal with Ironw--
AH!\n\n_Garrick tries to run for an Ace-Ops operator but is stopped as the
restraint knocks him to the ground.As Ruby lands, the Relic of Knowledge comes
unhooked from her belt and clatters to the ground. Qrow draws his sword and looks
for their unseen enemy, before being captured himself. Five uniform-clad people
come out of hiding and surround the group. Riley looks up to them, fighting against
the restraints._\n\nClover: Good work, team.\n\nOscar: Hey! What’s going
on?!\n\nQrow: Hey, pal! I’m a licensed Huntsman! Just helped save
everyone?\n\n_Clover looks down at Qrow, twirling a horseshoe on his finger. He
puts the horseshoe away and picks up Qrow’s weapon. The other uniformed operatives
begin gathering everyone else’s weapons, while Atlesian Knight-200s approach, and
the operatives hand the confiscated weapons to the robots. Clover then approaches
Ruby, picks up the Relic, and looks at it._\n\nRiley: No, don't! \n\nClover: Just
stay put, will ya?!\n\n_Clover points to Riley's restraints as it unleashes a
shocking blast of electricity, stunning her. Screaming, Farah tries to fight
against the bolo, but is forced to stop as he points to the restraints on
her._\n\nFarah: How could you do this? We're people from Earth, ready to
- What are you planing?"},"642860628062634003":
{"u":0,"t":1573340317503,"m":"_Clover ignores him, instead he studied the Relic and
hangs it on his belt. Ordering his subordinates to free the group of their leg
restraints and loading them onto an Atlesian-made UAZ-A APC on standby._\n\nClover:
Hm. Let’s get them loaded into the next transport.\n\n_Struggling to get the
restraint loose, Ruby pleads for Clover to release her, but he ignores
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Please! We were just trying to
help!\n\nPietro: What is the meaning of this? (coughs) What are the Ace-Ops even
doing down here in Mantle?\n\n_To her surprise, she looks up to
Clover._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ace-Ops?\n\nClover: Doctor, good to see
you. Well, we heard a report of an unauthorized ship making an unauthorized
landing, followed by an unauthorized use of weapons by unlicensed
Huntsmen.\n\n_Riley screams at him and finally snaps the bolo restraint loose.
Flinging them off of her._\n\nRiley: Ace-Ops or not, I'll put you down right
now!\n\n_Expecting Riley to launch herself at him, he grins and knocks her to the
ground with the same restraint she'd gotten loose. Falling to the ground, Riley
groans as the restraint split her head open, blood seeps from the wound and onto
the ground as Maria turns and walks away._\n\nPietro: If we could
just talk this out--\n\nClover: _tossing the Relic from one hand to the other_
They’ll be able to talk this out once they get to Atlas. Let’s move out!\n\n_The
Ace-Ops split up and leave the area. Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Oscar and Qrow are
forced into the back of a secure van with their wrists bound. Price's group and
Gift's clones, too are forced into the already cramped vehhicle. Outside, three
civilians threw bottles at the vehicle only to have the APC turn its turret around,
scaring them away._","te":1573340538312},"644152564119633930":
{"u":3,"t":1573648339062,"m":"(You guys are still going at it
jeez)"},"644167569170759680":{"u":0,"t":1573651916545,"m":"(Well, this saga ain't
over until it's \"over\" over.)"},"646004359192379402":
{"u":1,"t":1574089841412,"m":"Gift's birthday\nGeneral Gift\n18 November 6:00
AM\nTask force 141 base"},"646006122989486080":
{"u":0,"t":1574090362931,"m":"_After their capture by the Ace-Ops, the group, now
locked inside the police airship awaits their arrival at the Kingdom's aerial
docking ports. Ruby gazes out the window of the police airship as it flies over
Mantle, then turns and looks at her friends. Nora chews at the bolas restraining
her wrists, while everyone else sits silently, the only sounds being Nora’s
growling and the muffled chattering of the guards piloting the ship._\n\n_Rubbing
at her throbbing forehead, Riley winces in pain, willing the particles within her
to begin their healing process. Next to her, Hadir, Farah, Alex, and Price all
looked at one another, unsure of what to do
nect._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Where do you think they’re taking
us?\n\nQrow: I’m gonna go with jail.\n\n_Garrick scoffs, spitting a glob on the
floor. The pilots turn to him but Riley stares them back, forcing the pilots to
focus._\n\nGarrick: All this just so we can be jailed for nothing. Bloody
Atlesians...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I still can’t believe that fishing pole
guy took us out like it was nothing.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Welcome
to Atlas. Those were Ironwood’s Ace Operatives.\n\n_Disgruntled, Riley gets up as
an unfamiliar man sitting with the group finally speaks up. His voice exacerbating
her headache. Searching for the source of the voice, Gift spun around to find the
man speaking towards his direction._","te":1574090416803},"646006749811179530":
{"u":1,"t":1574090411380,"m":"Gift - BT, What day is it?"},"646007125142667275":
{"u":0,"t":1574090500866,"m":"_BT's avatar appears on his wrist computer,
displaying with it the current date/time._\n\nBT: November 18th, your birthday.
\n\n_Nodding at BT's reply, Gift turns around, looking at Forest. He ignores
him._\n\nForest: Hmm? You guys had a run-in with the Ace-Ops? Ironwood must really
have a bone to pick with you.\n\n_Weiss rolled her eyes, annoyed. The rest of the
group remain silent save for Nora, still trying to set herself free from the
restraint._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> They’re not that big of a
deal.\n\nFarah: Until they wrapped us in these damned things, that is..\n\n_Shaking
her wrists, the restraints binding Farah's wrists glow brighter, the Gravity Dust
locks tightening their grips._\n\n_Price's group turns to him, looking at Forrest.
He returns them their gazes, eyeing their uniform._\n\nForest: Not that big of a
deal!? The Ace-Ops are the elite-of-elite military Huntsmen and Ironwood’s personal
attack dogs.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> So they got you too, huh?\n\n_Forest
scoffs, replying to her even louder._\n\nForest: Pfft! I wouldn’t let myself get
caught by them. I’m here because I’ve been speaking out against Atlas’ exploitation
of Mantle, and General Ironwood is trying to silence me."},"646007533173080084":
{"u":1,"t":1574090598148,"m":"Gift - I must prepare myself.\n(Thinking to himself)
I have to keep quiet, try to test them are they know my
birthday?"},"646009703314358285":{"u":0,"t":1574091115550,"m":"_Calling up Forest's
latest criminal record, a message line typed in all capital letters showed up,
handing his scroll to his copilot, the copilot takes it and smacks the device
against the metal mesh screen separating them from the captives._\n\nPilot: You
threw a brick at her ship!\n\n_The copilot laughs before handing the pilot his
Scroll back. Grabbing his flight sticks he resumes control of the police airship.
Forest proudly boasted his cause, grinning as the group watched._\n\nForest: It’s
worth it if it gets people talking about our cause!\n\n_The pilot sighs in
annoyance. Blake looks ati him, her Focus device scanning through his Scroll's
data, revealing his true identity as a Space United sleeper
agent._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> “Our cause”?\n\nForest: Yes, the
fight for better conditions in Mantle! Lead by the charismatic, talented, lovely
Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses!\n\n_Upon hearing the unfamiliar name, Price
chuckles, looking at the man._\n\nPrice: Happy Huntresses? Doesn't sound fitting
for a combat unit at all. Would it?\n\n_The main pilot presses a button, causing
the bulletproof window between the cab and the back of the ship to begin slowly
closing. Forest notices this, stands up and begins frantically shouting to the
window so the guards can hear him. Pushing his way past Price and
{"u":1,"t":1574091400562,"m":"Sargent Gift - Are we got company?\nGift - I don't
know.\nSargent Gift - (telepath) Hey, Happy birthday.\nGift - (telepath) Thanks
Sarge."},"646011376627744797":{"u":0,"t":1574091514499,"m":"_Noticing Sarge's
telepathic wave, Riley joins him in as she wished her partner birthday
wishes._\n\nRiley: _telepathically_ Happy birthday. We'll celebrate soon, but not
now.\n\n_Finished, she concentrates on Forest, watching the man move-for-
move._\n\nForest: They were all top Atlas Academy graduates, who could’ve signed up
for the military, but Robyn and the Huntresses chose to stay in Mantle. She’s
gunning for a seat on the kingdom’s council, and when she gets it, she’s gonna put
an end to Ironwood’s tyranny!\n\n_The bulletproof window closes completely as his
voice now resonates within the reinforced cabin._\n\nOscar: Happy…
Huntresses?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Is that their real
name?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Don’t you think “tyranny’s” a little
dramatic?\n\n_Forest turns around to respond and looks surprised upon realizing who
had just spoken._\n\nForest: Easy to say for a Schnee heiress, living comfortably
up in Atlas.\n\n_Angered, Riley walks up to him, pushing Forest down on the cab
floor. Hadir picks him up despite his restraint and sets him on an empty
seat._\n\nRiley: You watch your mouth, Forest. You don't know who, or what we are,
so keep that damn mouth shut!\n\n_Sighing sadly, Weiss watched as Riley berated
Forest before retreating to her seat._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Not
{"u":1,"t":1574091599671,"m":"Gift - Ready yourself.\nLt. Gift - Sure
thing."},"646014455817175041":{"u":0,"t":1574092248635,"m":"_Flying past a
formation of Space United \"Hawks\" Heavy Airborne Weapons attacKer System mechas
and a myriad of Osean MV-22 Ospreys, the airship finally makes it up to the City of
Atlas, and Ruby looks out at the city in awe, while Nora is once again chewing her
restraints. Getting up again, Riley walks to one of the windows, looking out at the
city._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Whoa, it’s gorgeous up here!\n\n_Ruby’s
comment causes Jaune and Nora to leave their seats and look out the window with
her. Joining them are Price's group and Forest, all of them watching the city, and
Space United troops moving into positions all across the tarmac ahead of
them._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Don’t let that fool you.\n\n_Forest
looks at her, Hadir joins him as they stand up from their seats and look
outside._\n\nForest: Hm?\n\n_Looking down to the tarmac disassembling into a small
landing pad, Forest's eyes widen in surprise._\n\nForest: This isn’t the police
station.\n\nQrow: It’s… Atlas Academy."},"646014492534112286":
{"u":0,"t":1574092257389,"m":"_Inside the cockpit, the pilots fire their IR beams
from the nose-mounted Dust-powered crowd control dazzler unit at a Space United Air
Fleet ground crew, the ground crew reaches to his back and produced two IR guidance
batons, waving a series of semaphore letters to the airship._\n\nSpace United ATC:
This is Tower to APD airship Zulu-6, you're cleared for landing at pad 13-
Delta.\n\nPilot: Roger, Tower. 13-Delta, Zulu-6 landing.\n\n_Lowering the throttles
and pulling the thrusters into VTOL, the ship docks on a landing pad in front of
Atlas Academy and is met by a pair of guards, who open the ship’s rear double doors
to let Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Oscar and Qrow exit. Ruby gazes up at the towering
academy while more guards line up along the path leading to the building,
accompanying her, Price's team, Gift, and Riley exited the ship, gazing up the
towering academy as well._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I guess we will be
seeing the General. For better or worse.\n\n_A Space United security team then
emerges from the academy's entrance, running to the group. With the group in their
reach the team leader stops, stared at Ruby's family emblem for a moment before
saluting her._\n\nSpace United SecTeam Leader: Welcome to Atlas,
{"u":1,"t":1574092350119,"m":"Gift - I don't know how it worst, i will stay on your
side, Ruby. (Equip HK121/MG5)"},"646015795930988579":
{"u":2,"t":1574092568143,"m":"The faint sound of roaring Hyperion engines could be
heard, louder, louder, a triangular ship breaking through the clouds, its design
being that of a prototype Space United shuttle,
one with the bright red symbol of a shield. \n\nThis shuttle was coming in rather
quickly, slowing down as it got closer to the landing pads, now halting above the
pads as it hovered, its passengers now watching the
scenery. . ."},"646015883323637771":
{"u":0,"t":1573323506525,"m":"BT: Close to 1600 hours, Atlesian Standard Time.
General, Riley is attempting to make contact with UNSA, I believe a dose of
Adderall can help you stay awake. \n\n_BT then administers him a dose of
Adderall,waking him up almost insatantly, walking to the cockpit he listens on
Riley. Hearing her shouts through the closed door._\n\nRiley: I don't care if he's
in a meeting, get me a secure line NOW!\n\n_With emphasis on her last word, Riley
slams the headset down and switches to her Focus. Already activating a secure
channel with the UNSA admiral, waiting for the admiral anxiously she sits down on
the copilot's seat. Sensing her anger radiating off of her, Nikolai immediatley
locks the controls on the copilot seat._\n\nNikolai: Just to be safe, I don't want
us to crash and freeze in that snow.\n\n_Keeping her temper in control, Riley nods
in understanding as Gift walked in._","te":1573323641846},"642790684402778114":
{"u":1,"t":1573323641635,"m":"Gift - And getting a bad situation again,
Great."},"642793020265070652":{"u":0,"t":1573324198548,"m":"_As she waited, Raines'
face appears on the HUD. Almost immediately Riley tore into the admiral, ignoring
her formality._\n\nAdmiral Raines: Alright, what is it this ti--\n\nRiley: Look,
Raines, my forces are leaving Remnant as we speak. What the hell did Ironwood told
you to have them do this?! Our war isn't over yet!\n\n_Raines sighed, he takes a
sip from his flask as a U.S. Marines colonel walked in, as he got closer to the
camera Riley's Focus identifies him as Colonel Norris of the Marine Raiders unit.
Sitting down, Norris speaks to her,_\n\nNorris: I hate to say this, Riley, but the
POTUS wants everyone back except 141 and the guys from Strangereal. Also, the
governements of Earth decides they want nothing to do with Salem, you're to
continue your crusade against her on your own.\n\n_At this, Riley slams her fist
down on the copilot seat. Behind her, Team RWBY, Sandman and Frost all watched in
awe at Norris' words._\n\nSandman: Wait, you're cutting us off?! What about the
Army!? I'm not getting a single word from the Army about this!\n\n_Norris chuckles,
he then shows everyone statistics of casualties on the course of the
war._\n\nNorris: As of now, the number of casualties are far too great. We're low
on manpower after Salem laid waste to Earth, now, you may think that we're cold-
blooded for doing this but we have to do it for our survival.\n\n_Yang cuts in, her
eyes red and burning with flames._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What about
Remnant? ***What about us?!?***","te":1573324205443},"642793156387274754":
{"u":0,"t":1573324288034,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"642795144298627102":
{"u":1,"t":1573324704957,"m":"Gift - WHAT THE MEANING OF THIS? AH!!!!!!! (Activate
Spartan Rage)"},"642796790667542528":{"u":0,"t":1573325097482,"m":"_Unfazed by
Gift's rage, Norris continues._\n\nNorris: Now, calm down. Even if I ordered them
to pull back, it's not that everyone pulled back either. The ones leaving as we
speak wanted out, the Mairnes, Army, Navy... They all wanted out, though some
stayed behind, which Raines here allowed them to. But, you still have local forces,
maybe you ca--\n\n_Ruby stops him, pushing Gift out of her
way._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Fine, if you don't want to help, then
we'll do this on our own, we still have our allies.\n\n_Pushing Norris aside,
Raines replies._\n\nRaines: Not everyone pulled back, most of them refused our
orders and stayed. Norris only ordered the ones who wanted to return to go back
after D.C. fell again to the Grimm. I'm sorry, both of you, but this may be our
only option. I'm sure Space United can help.\n\n_As Raines leave the room, Spirit,
the leader of Space United appears on the camera._\n\nSpirit: I get it, you're all
distraught and in need of answers, but Earth suffered too. They need our help as
much as Remnant does, and for that, I'm giving you full access to Space United
weaponry, I'm leaving the Imagination for you, Riley. Use it.\n\n_As Spirit leaves,
the Imagination's insignia appears on the screen as its operational command AI
speaks to her._\n\nImagination AI: _Spirit of the Stars_ to Atlas, standing by for
tasking at High Remnant Orbit.\n\n_Disgusted at Norris' words, Riley disconnected
the feed, walking out of the cockpit and retreating to her seat. Outside, the Manta
airships broke off from the Sea Knight as their pilots are ordered to return to
- (sigh) So many allied are gone."},"642797577405988904":
{"u":0,"t":1573325285055,"m":"_Cutting the connection, Price's feed appears on
screen._\n\nPrice: Bravo 0-6 to Gift, come in."},"642797698411659274":
{"u":1,"t":1573325881234,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, are you already heard
{"u":0,"t":1573326227028,"m":"_Price chuckles as he sat outside a bar on Mantle
drinking from his mug._\n\nPrice:I I've heard of it all, gave Norris an earful. I'm
waiting for you in Mantle, someone here wants to see you. Meet me at The World's
End. I'll ping it on your locator, 0-6 out.\n\n_Cutting the connection again, Price
takes another swig from his mug as he watches Nikolai's radar signature approach
Mantle airspace. On the Sea Knight, after having heard the news, everyone settled
onto their seats and waited for Mantle to come into view._\n\n_In an attempt to
nrighten the mood Nikolai plays another song from his player for the teams to
listen, now arriving in Mantle he brings his Sea Knight to land on a helipad but is
stopped as three Manta airships fly in alongside him._\n\nManta 2-4: 2-4 to
incoming Sea Knight, you are to land on Atlas. Please divert your course and raise
your altitude.\n\n_Ignoring the Manta, Nikolai curses them through his
radio._\n\nNikolai: Go f<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>ck yourselves you suka!
_Черт, жаждущий власти, тормозит..._","te":1573326238983},"642801883525808148":
{"u":1,"t":1573326311714,"m":"Gift - Got it Uncle Price, I'm on my
way."},"642804126887182371":{"u":0,"t":1573326846573,"m":"_The pilot of 2-4 then
tries to chase down the Sea Knight, but his copilot stops him._\n\nManta Copilot:
Stop, General's orders are to stop them, not chase them! Just let them go, our Ace-
Ops teams are waiting for them.\n\n_Outside, Manta airships patrol the skies around
the City of Atlas, keeping in communication with each other over radio. Taking
notice of a Valean Warbird approaching him fast, Nikolai stops, pulling the Sea
Knight into hovering mode. His radio comes to life._\n\nValean Warbird: This is
Knigt 5-5 to Nikolai, do you read!? Over.\n\n_Nikolai's ears perked in surprise, he
brings his ship closer to the Warbird as Ruby gets up from her seat and ran to the
port side window, staring into the Warbird's opened side doors she finds Qrow,
Oscar and Maria facing her. She waves at them, they waved back._\n\n_Inside the
warbird, its pilot hails the Sea Knight again as Nikolai stops him._\n\nValean
Warbird: This is Knight to Nikolai, do you r--\n\nNikolai: _да, да,_ I hear you
loud and clear. Who's there on that ship?!\n\n_Maria's voice is then heard all
throughout the Sea Knight's interior._\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Indeed,
it's me, Maria Calavera in the flesh! Just where are you going off to
exactly?\n\nNikolai: I will bring my friends to Mantle, are you going to Mantle
too?\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> And what else do you think we've been
doing since those big birds came and wiped that island off of Remnant?
Hm?"},"642804620472614929":{"u":1,"t":1573326964253,"m":"Gift riding his
hoverbike.\nGift - I need to find information about this, it have many to
know."},"642805974444277792":{"u":0,"t":1573327287065,"m":"_Before Nikolai can even
reply, he looks back to find Gift already parachuting for Mantle, shrugging, he
turns back to pilot the Sea Knight as an Atlesian air traffic controller contacts
him over the radio._\n\nAtlas Air Traffic Female: Viking 3-1. Welcome home. Please
continue your approach to Atlas docking bay Omega-12. A security team will meet you
there. Over.\n\n_Nikolai doesn't reply, instead he keeps on piloting the Sea Knight
on its pre-programmed path as Ruby and the others aboard Nikolai's Sea Knight, now
named Viking 3-1 look around at the large military air fleet surrounding the
kingdom’s capital._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don’t understand. What’s
happening here?\n\n_Replying from the Warbird, Qrow stares at the fleet of Atlesian
Alicorn-class aerial battlecruisers surrounding the kingdom accompnied by Osean Air
Defense Force Arsenal Birds._\n\nQrow: I don’t know.\n\n_From the Little Bird,
Jaune chimed in, his radio signal unstable as the helo flies after an MQ-101F
guidance drone._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> But we are here. We got the lamp to
Atlas, so I guess we land and get some answers.\n\n_Joining them, Weiss taps her
Focus as she braodcasted her voice throughout the two aircraft's radio
network._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I’m not so sure. I’ve never seen
our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in this way, there’s no way
the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. They might even take me back
to my father.","te":1573327362404},"642806506672357376":
{"u":1,"t":1573327413958,"m":"Gift - Don't worry Weiss, if someone going to take
they have to pass me first, i will stay on your side Weiss, i
always."},"642808138768318464":{"u":0,"t":1573327803080,"m":"_Sitting next to
Riley, Blake gains a saddened look, while Ruby and Yang look at each other,
uncertain of what to do._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> So…\n\n_Weiss,
having gotten an idea, suddenly looks up. Causing bits of concrete ejected from the
ISEV's destruction to fall on the Sea Knight's
floor._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Winter!\n\n_Weiss brings out her
Scroll, tapping at the golden diamond as it scans her thumb for fingerprints, the
device then immediately takes her to Winter's contact as her profile picture is
shown, with it, she walks up to Nikolai._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
_to Nikolai_ Put some distance between us and the fleet.\n\nNikolai: Will
do.\n\n_As Weiss walks to the back of the ship, Nikolai steers the Sea Knight
toward Mantle, on the ground, Price stares up the sky looking for the Sea Knight's
airborne warning lights. Around him, as people wander the streets of Mantle, the
group looks over the city through the Sea Knight's windows. They fly past a giant
screen on the side of a skyscraper. Ironwood’s voice comes from the screen,
catching Ruby and Yang’s attention._\n\nIronwood: ...cannot express our
appreciation enough. Many describe these as uncertain times, and while that may be
the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain. The Kingdom of
Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe. That is my promise.\n\n_Ruby and
Yang look saddened, they turn to Riley, finding the commander staring at the
screen, her silver eyes giving out a faint glow._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
General Ironwood. He looks…\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Tired.\n\n_From the
Warbird's radio, Qrow adds in, looking at Ironwood's telecast._\n\nQrow: James,
what have you been doing?","te":1573327871654},"642808279017193482":
{"u":1,"t":1573327925023,"m":"Gift - BT, Can you find information about golden gun?
i have one, it Golden AK-12."},"642809826488877116":
{"u":0,"t":1573328205464,"m":"BT: General, I have updated your Compendium with the
weapon's information, check your HUD.\n\n_BT then displays the golden AK-12's
characteristics for Gift to see, taking over the hoverbike's control._\n\nBT: This
particular weapon is Space United's attempt to create an \"eternally-functioning\"
weapon system that requires next-to-zero maintenance with the use of a miniaturized
spacetime manipulator. The magazine has been fitted with a 3D printing mechanism
allowing for ammunition to be infinitely supplied to the weapon, although
a \"reload\" is required. \n\n_The blueprints for the rifle is then shown for him
to see._\n\nBT: Its golden decoration is added by a contributor to the weapon
project, a ULF Lieutenant Hadir Karim to be a joke weapon, as the weapon is
comically overpowered and is deemed not worthy of fielding to Space United's armed
forces. However, it finds limited uses by factions operating for the organization.
Further details will be explained in your
{"u":1,"t":1573328379703,"m":"Gift - Hadir, that remind me my uncle friend, Farah
Karim."},"642811234248294420":{"u":0,"t":1573328541100,"m":"_Putting his bike to
park, Gift walks over to the bar for Price, finding him drinking with a Sergeant
from the SAS, tagged in his HUD as Sergeant Kyle Garrick of the SAS Anti-Terrorism
Unit._\n\nPrice: Ah, I'd thought you'd left for somewhere to stay already, come,
have a seat. Farah's getting you a drink. She'll be here soon, her brother's...
well, wasted on his arse.\n\n_He points to Hadir, now vomiting into a trash can.
Garrick then slides a chair for Gift, he takes it, and sits next to the
Sergeant._\n\nGarrick: I've heard a lot about you, Gift. Said you wouldn't leave
your girls to themselves for one second.\n\n_Price then shuts Garrick up, angered
at the Sergeant teasing Gift at first arrival._\n\nPrice: Sort yoursefl out,
Garrick. Or I will.","te":1573328611499},"642811596598411264":
{"u":1,"t":1573328627491,"m":"Gift - It okay Uncle, and yes it
true."},"642812546734096396":{"u":0,"t":1573328854021,"m":"_Garrick then hands him
a folder, opening it for him._\n\nGarrick: Here's a list on how to live like
Atlesians, there are files of our next target inside it. When you're done reading
it, hand it to me.\n\n_Taking the folder from Garrick, Alex and Farah emerge from
the bar's door carrying with them two mugs filled with Voslagian ale. Taking notice
of Gift, Farah asks._\n\nFarah: Who's this?\n\n_Price replies, taking his now empty
mug down._\n\nPrice: He's a partner of mine, Gemeral Gift of Task Force 141, or
what's left of the force.\n\n_Farah smiles, sliding a mug to him. Alex settles down
on a seat across the table, eyeing Gift from head to toe._\n\nAlex: Looks like a
nice guy, I take it he's the Valean Big Shot? The man who saved that red girl from
the Fall of Beacon? What was her name again...?\n\n_Chuckling, Garrick helps Alex
answer his question._\n\nGarrick: Pyrrha, her name is Pyrrha Nikos. Peoeple here
said she's one of the Aces of Beacon, the creme de la creme, so they
- I never think that make they know me."},"642814736940924928":
{"u":0,"t":1573329376207,"m":"_Hadir puts his head out of the trashcan, wiping his
lips. He stumbles over to Gift and sits down on an empty seat._\n\nHadir: The
world's full of possibilities, my friend. I'm Hadir, and this is my sister
Farah.\n\n_He drunkenly points to his sister and tries to reach for Alex's full
mug, but Garrick stops him._\n\nGarrick: You've had enough, I'm not letting you go
back to that hotel drunk on your ass.\n\n_Gift reads through the file to its last
page and places it on the table. Finished with reading the file, Alex takes it back
from Gift and summarizes it for him._\n\nAlex: You done reading? Good, as of now
we'll operate on Remnant using guerilla warfare tactics. We'll be hitting two big
targets currently residing within Mantle but we need to have your girls sorted out,
Price wants them on board for the 141 so you better get them cleared for action
fast.\n\n_Sipping some of the ale, Alex continues his summary._\n\nAlex: Now, we've
got two target sent straight from Atlas' intelligence office, our sources, a
Specialist Winter Schnee tells us we have two big pieces of work on our hands.
They're \"The Butcher\" and \"The Wolf\", as of now they're not here in Mantle yet.
But sources says they're live right after that big elevator
crashed."},"642814999554687016":{"u":1,"t":1573329438819,"m":"Gift - Have any intel
about them?"},"642816203055824897":{"u":0,"t":1573329725756,"m":"_Garrick adds in
to Alex's summary, ripping a few pages from his notes and handing them to
Gift._\n\nGarrick: None so far, sources say they may not even exist. But who are we
to judge? We lost all our satellites just an hour ago, now we need to rely on the
guys from Strangereal, especially that Cosette girl for access to the big guns
flying on orbit over this planet as surveillance platforms.\n\nPrice: They're
SOLGs, orbital space guns. And that woman's name is Rosa Cossette
D'Elise.\n\n_Garrick nods, owing to his mistake._\n\nGarrick: Right, what I'm
trying to say is that now we do what the Atlesians say they want us to do, and work
on our own when the time comes. Ironwood gave us a deal, either we work for him or
be labeled traitors and hunted down, same goes to your girls. But I doubt they'd
let them work, they're still young and Atlas documentation systems are a pain in
the arse.\n\n_Farah stops Garrick, summarizing everything he's said._\n\nFarah:
Basically, we work under the shadows. Bend the rules, not break
them."},"642816599534993439":{"u":1,"t":1573329820284,"m":"Gift - What are we gonna
do now?"},"642817022312579082":{"u":0,"t":1573329921082,"m":"Price: Now we wait for
your girls, tell them to come here when they land. \n\n_Gift nods, getting up from
his seat. But as he prepares to leave Hadir grabs him by the arm, stopping
him._\n\nHadir: One more thing, we met a girl who said she knows eh... what's her
name? Ruby Rose? Is that right? Did I get her name
right?"},"642817214348787713":{"u":1,"t":1573329966867,"m":"Gift - Yes, you
right."},"642818476783960065":{"u":0,"t":1573330267855,"m":"_Hadir scratches his
head, angy at his forgetfulness._\n\nHadir: Right, Ruby Rose. Tell her someone
wants to meet her, okay?\n\n_Letting go of his arm, Hadir lets Gift go as he turns
to his allies at the table, discussing their next moves. Next to them, four
Atlesian Knight-200s are seen walking past them while civilians around them
complain about their presence._\n\nCivilian 1: Ugh, not these again.\n\nCivilian 2:
Why can’t they just leave us be?\n\n_A small Belkan-made drone floats along a
sidewalk, while a pair of small children hide in an alley. One of the children
picks up a rock and throws it at the drone, which spins around to look, prompting
the children to hide against the wall. On the Sea Knight Weiss sadly stares out of
its window with her Scroll in her palm. Her Scroll is set to call Winter, who does
not answer._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> This isn’t right. None of this
is right.\n\n_Once again, the Sea Knight receives contact over the radio much to
Nikolai's annoyance._\n\nAtlas Air Traffic Female: Viking 3-1, we’ve noticed a
detour in your route. You are to make your way to docking bay Omega 12 immediately.
Do you copy? Over.\n\n_Muttering to himself, Nikolai tuns to Weiss and the group
warning them of the air traffic controller._\n\nNikolai: Better hurry now, we're
out of time! \n\n_Replying back to the ATC in Russian, he curses them before
cutting his connection with the ATC._\n\nNikolai:
Я не переворачиваю их, иди трахни себя! (I'm not turning them over, go
{"u":1,"t":1573330350596,"m":"Gift - Ruby, meet me at my location, someone want to
meet you."},"642820425788817428":
{"u":0,"t":1573330732534,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> We need to ditch the
ship.\n\n_From the radio, Qrow places his hands over the Warbird's pilot sticks as
he locks the Sea Knight in with a decoy missile. Ready to fire it at the
ship._\n\nQrow: Agreed. Get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time. I'm
bringing the Sea Knight down and feign a crash while we go in stealth.\n\n_Running
through a checklist, Qrow puts the Warbird's cloaking system online as the aircraft
disappears from the ATC's radar. With the decoy missile armed he launches it at
Nikolai's shiip. The missile then emits a radar-jamming wave causing the ATC's
tracker to lose contact with \"Viking 3-1.\"Appearing on the scope as an AAF EA-18G
Growler. Standing behind Nikolai, Weiss begins to protest, showing him her
Scroll._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I’m telling you, my sister can take
us to Ironwood.\n\n_Blake, who has been staring out of a window, looks over her
shoulder and speaks up. Pointing to a holographic
jumbotron._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Uh, Weiss?\n\n_Weiss walks over
to Blake’s side and looks out the window with her as a familiar voice plays from a
giant screen. Staring at the holo-Jumbotron._\n\nWinter: A
reminder.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Huh?\n\nWinter: Failure to
cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is
under lockdown…\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _shocked_
Winter?\n\n_Shocked, she steps back from the window and quickly collapses the
Scroll. Turning to the Warbird's visual cue on her Focus, she stares at it as Qrow
contacts her over the radio._\n\nQrow: No offense, Weiss. I’m not sure that’s a
good idea anymore.\n\n_Weiss tenses her shoulders, keeping her gaze at the visual
cue, fists clenched._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> There’s obviously
something very wrong. If we can just talk to her, then we--\n\nQrow: Look, I’m not
even sure we should be talking to Ironwood until we know exactly what’s going on
with Mantle.","te":1573330832787},"642821127885815839":
{"u":1,"t":1573330899927,"m":"Gift - I can sense they are might be in trouble.\nLt.
Gift - Gift, i check our armory and i found this.(Throw Golden M4A1)\nGift -
Another Golden weapon?\nLt. Gift - Yes, i just found it."},"642822798246412328":
But--\n\n_Throwing her hands in the air, Riley stops the argument, making her way
to the cockpit._\n\nRiley: Just calm down, I just got a ping from Price, said he's
got a place for us.\n\n_With Nikolai's signature changing to an Atlesian Air Force
EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft, the ATC officer amplifies her radar
power, eventually \"un-jamming\" the decoy missile's frequency and revealing both
the Sea Knight and the Warbird on radar._\n\nAtlas Air Traffic Female: _angry_
Viking 3-1 and Delta 2-0, you are to make your--\n\n_On the Warbird, Maria shuts of
the radio and puts the stealth system back on._\n\nMaria: Geez, lady, take a
hint!\n\n_Onboard the Sea Knight, Nikolai follows through as he, too, disabled the
radio. But before shutting the radio off completely he swears at the ATC in Russian
again._\n\nNikolai: Черт возьми, просто заткнись, раздражающая сука. (Goddamnit,
just shut the f<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>ck up, you annoying
bitch.)\n\n_The two aircrafts then fly in formation, setting their bearings to a
designated landing site set up by Alex and Hadir. After landing in Mantle, Maria
cautiously exits an alley by slowly shuffling along with her cane. Behind her,
Riley, along with Jaune's group tosses a threat grenade onto the street, scanning
for soldiers._\n\n_When she sees the coast is clear, she picks up her cane and
walks normally, turning back to Riley and giving her an OK sign. Everyone else
exits the alley with her. In the distance, a small group of Atlas soldiers run down
a street in the direction that Maria and the others came from._\n\nSoldier: It
landed over there, let’s go!","te":1573331332090},"642823188870594613":
{"u":1,"t":1573331391304,"m":"Gift - When you found it?\nLt. Gift - 5 minutes ago,
when i check our armory.\nGift - Any ammo?\nLt. Gift - Sure
thing."},"642824872313225286":{"u":0,"t":1573331792668,"m":"_Surprising the group
with his presence, Gift parks his hoverbike in front of them and joins them in
their trip through Mantle. The group begins walking through Mantle together. Trucks
drive past, and Atlesian Knight-200s stand on various sidewalks. A small child
places a poster of a white-haired woman on a street lamp. As the group walked, a
hologram board is seen displaying news articles with the following
headlines:_\n\n_”Missing Journalist Found Slain”_\n\n_”Election Imminent: Mantle
Hometown Hero vs Atlesian Tycoon”_\n\n_”Embargo: The Right Call? Pressure and
Criticism Continues to Mount on Council”_\n\n_”Outer Wall Damaged: Resources
Stalled”_\n\n_Five new headlines appears on-screen, Riley steps closer and looks
into it._\n\n_\"Allied Forces Retreat: Earth Wants Their Heroes
Back!\"_\n\n_\"Phase Three Of Operation Eternal Liberation Soon To
Begin\"_\n\n_\"Was The Battle Of Menagerie Worth One Woman?\"_\n\n_\"Lighthouse's
Fall: Menagerian Space Elevator Destroyed In Battle\"_\n\n_\"Who Are The
Strangereal Coalition Forces? Interview With OADF Big Shots Reveal The
Truth!\"_\n\n_More headlines appear, most of them related to the sudden retreat of
Allied Forces on Remnant, Riley ignores them as the group walks past a garage with
graffiti art reading “Show Your Teeth”_\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Come
on now, hurry! It shouldn’t be much of a walk.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Is
this many soldiers normal?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> No. At least, I
didn’t think so.\n\n_At the back of the group, Yang notices a whirring sound and
stops to take a look. To her surprise, a Belkan-made surveilance drone
seemingly \"nods\" its camera mount at
Gift - Load your gun.\nGift - Got it, get ready.\nLt. Gift - I
{"u":0,"t":1573332306322,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Huh?\n\n_The drone nods
its camera mount again and focuses it on her. Yang shrugs it off and resumes
walking, the drone follows her. She stops again and looks at it in surprise and
confusion. Gift takes aim with his Golden M4 rifle, ready to take it out. As she
leans in to take a closer look, the drone takes a photograph of her face with a
bright flash, which Yang recoils from. In response, Yang kicks the drone, knocking
it out of the air and causing it to tumble into the street, where it is struck by a
car._\n\n_Tumbling from loss of balance, the drone is destroyed by the car, its
high-pitched robotic squeal attracts the attention of bystanders. Causing the group
to stop as Yang cringes at the drone's destruction and its \"death\"
throes._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _cringing at the drone’s destruction_
Ooh…\n\n_Yang turns to see everyone else in the group staring at her. She awkwardly
shifts her posture with a sheepish smile. Riley
groans._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Maybe we should pick up the
pace.\n\n_Everyone resumes walking. Behind them, Gift and his clones puts their
rifle down, slinging them on their shoulders._\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403>
You have to remember, the Kingdom had just lost the Great War. The people of Mantle
needed a sign of a brighter future, and that sign was Atlas. After all, a home in
the clouds is as bright as it gets."},"642827510970712084":
{"u":1,"t":1573332421773,"m":"Gift - And this place seem chaos have increase, Right
Hadir?"},"642828823972282406":{"u":0,"t":1573332734817,"m":"_Hadir replies over the
radio, the sounds of drunk people fighting and screaming is heard through
it._\n\nHadir: Yes, but can we blame them for losing?\n\n_They look up at the City
of Atlas, while the earlier broadcast from Winter plays once again nearby. A pair
of trucks drive by with miners, covered in black material, sitting in the beds.
Posters depicting a white-haired woman are plastered across one of the buildings
that the trucks pass, with the text “PROTECT MANTLE” printed on them._\n\nWinter:
We are here for your safety. Thank you for your cooperation.\n\n_The telecast ends
with the Kingdom's insignia plastered in the middle of the screen. A marquee on the
bottom scrolls along the screen's length displaying various news and information.
Blake and Nora watch the second truck as it drives
by._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _crossing her arms and looking away_ Unless
you’re the one having to look up at it.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> This
whole city, it just seems awful.\n\n_A drunken voice calls out from nearby, the
group spins around to find the man drinking from his flask before drunkenly staring
at them._\n\nDrunk Mann: Yeah?\n\n_The drunk man comes stumbling down from a porch.
Placing his hand on his left pocket while struggling to hold his flask
up._\n\nDrunk Mann: You don’t like it here? There’s plenty of space out in the
tundra.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _sighs_ Sorry, I didn’t mean
to--\n\nDrunk Mann: Atlas is the greatest Kingdom in the world,
alright?!\n\n_Angered, Ruby steps forward to confront the man, already taking with
her the M19 pistol in her left hand. She tries to raise it, but Blake puts it
down._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _stepping forward to confront him_
Hey!\n\n_Blake steps forward ahead of Ruby, speaking quietly to her. Unbeknownst to
her, Price's group are already standing behind them,
watching the drunk man._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We can’t cause a
- Let him, for now we got another problem, i will let my friend tell you,
Alex."},"642830391245537283":{"u":0,"t":1573333108484,"m":"_Gift and his clones
stood by and watched as the drunk man’s equally drunk buddy speaks up. Stifling a
reaction from Riley. He turns to her finding Riley facepalming, her right hand
placed over her concealed carry holster._\n\nDrinking Buddy: The embargo... The
embargo’s got us in a rough patch. But it’ll blow over, you’ll see.\n\nRiley:
_reeling from the drinking buddy's alcohol stink._ Christ, do you even
shower?!\n\n_The drunk man ignores her comment, instead he loudly yells his
retort._\n\nDrunk Mann: _loudly_ We try and help the other Kingdoms, and this is
what happens? I say let ‘em rot!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
_disingenuous_ I apologize. I didn’t mean to insult you.\n\n_The drunk man spits on
the ground, glaring at Blake._\n\nDrunk Mann: Stupid Faunus like you wouldn’t
unders--\n\n_He looks down to unscrew his flask and pauses when he sees a black
glyph beneath his feet. His glasses hover off his face as his eyes widen in
surprise. The glyph flings him into the air, and he falls into a dumpster in the
nearby alley, his glasses and flask accompanying him soon after, stifling a hearty
laugh from Riley._\n\n_Yang, Nora, Blake and Ruby stare at the dumpster, then turn
to see Weiss pointing Myrtenaster where the man had been standing. Behind her,
Price and his team rush in, surrounding the
{"u":1,"t":1573333255051,"m":"Gift - Don't do anything stupid in front of me.\nLt.
Gift - Garrick, i need that intel you gave to Gift."},"642831672617730108":
{"u":0,"t":1573333413987,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _with a shrug and
a smile_ It was worth it.\n\nPrice: _angrily_ You don't get to make a scene, I
do!\n\n_Taking her by the arm, Price takes off as the group flees while a pair of
Atlesian Knight-200s investigate. The man’s drinking buddy hurries down from the
porch and looks around in thought, before reaching out toward the
girls._\n\nDrinking Buddy: Hey, wait! _running after them_ You’re-- That
was--\n\n_The drinking buddy trips and collapses to the sidewalk. Winter’s
broadcast is heard playing once again, the drinking buddy then tries to get up but
is forced to the ground by Hadir and Farah, the two of them making quick work of
the man by hogtying him and tossing him to the Knights._\n\nHadir: _in Arabic_
‫( !استمتع بمشروبك يا صديقي‬Enjoy your drink, my friend!)\n\nWinter: We are here for your
safety. Thank you for your cooperation.\n\n_After fleeing the scene, the group
approaches a building with a glowing green plus symbol above its front door. The
side door opens, and a Faunus with a prosthetic arm exits, waving cheerfully to the
man who speaks to her from inside. Garrick turns to Gift, catching a
breath._\n\nGarrick: I'll tell you about that later, but right now we need a place
to hole up.\n\nFarah: He's right, us being given permission to operate doesn't mean
they get to do what we do,","te":1573333569937},"642831958203957269":
{"u":1,"t":1573333482076,"m":"Gift - Sure thing Garrick."},"642833175499898960":
{"u":0,"t":1573333772302,"m":"Pietro: _to the woman_ And no more heavy-lifting, yah
hear?\n\n_The group piles into the office, standing within the empty space making
up most of the room._\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Ah, it’s good to see you
again, old friend.\n\n_An older man is sitting behind the desk, shuffling things
around in a drawer. Maria clears her throat, startling him, and he lifts his head
to look at her, shutting the drawer. Maria smiles at him. Ignoring the two, Riley
surveys the man's office, looking through items around the place. At his desk,
Pietro pushes a stack of record paper aside._\n\nPietro: Ah, yes, yes. Have we
met?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _as he enters_ Well, this is off to a fantastic
start.\n\n<:Mariara_ara:609246751123046403> Cybernetic optical implants. You adjust
them. Every ten years or so?\n\n_She points to her eyes, he stares at her for a few
moments before throwing his hands cheerfully into the air._\n\nPietro:
Gift - Hey! Another one.\nGift - Desert eagle?\nLt. Gift - That should call Gold
Eagle.\nGift - Nice name Lieutenant."},"642401316022255626":
{"u":0,"t":1573230808979,"m":"_Locking the helos in, the gunner looks at his
ammunition counter as the counter's number marking the remaining 40mm Tracker
rounds goes up to 35, grinning, he destroys a True Sons Hind with a 40mm
round._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: That hind's toast.\n\n_Reloading Magnhild, Nora
dives down to her seat, fumbling with the grenades as the Humvees turn into the
ISEV base access gate, but the front Humvee gets hit by a tank round and flips
over, with King 6-4 stopped the convoy stops short of the access gate._\n\nSandman:
Whoa! Stop! Stop! Stop!\n\n_Looking over at the crashed Humvee with his reticle,
the TV Operator marks it with a green triangle._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: One of our
vehicles is down. \n\nAC-130 Gunner: Yep, I see em.\n\nAC-130 FCO: One of the
humvees has just been hit.\n\n_Jumping off of the turret, Ruby contacts the gunship
as gunfire and explosions filled the pilot's headset, tuning the gunfire out, he
replies. Keeping his plane on orbit._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Warhammer,
convoy is stalled. Hostile armor on the ISEV access gate! I need you to hit it
now!\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Romeo 1-1 , any ordnance on that gate is gonna prevent you
from getting to the LZ.\n\n_Glancing at the gate's distance to the unfinished
ISEV's external structure support trusses, the pilot denies Ruby's requested fire
mission, but she cuts in, stopping the pilot._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Warhammer, we need rounds down here right
{"u":0,"t":1573230937934,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"642747255618666515":
{"u":1,"t":1573313287406,"m":"Gift - Commander, Where are enemy?\nCommander Gift -
Don't know.\nGift - Keep your eye open, I can sense they might ambush us.\nLt. Gift
- Everything you sense, it always true, and it will happen
soon."},"642749589765750785":{"u":0,"t":1573313843910,"m":"_Looking at the
barricaded gate, the pilot tries to speak again but Sandman interrupts
him._\n\nSandman: Too late. This is the LZ now.\n\n_Falling back to an abandoned
cordon, the teams dug themselves in and begins to hold their ground for Liberty
Delta. Its massive airframe visible from miles away._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Crew, you
are cleared to engage the armor on the bridge.\n\nAC-130 FCO: Hit that
armor.\n\n_Gripping his control sticks, the gunner fires a 105mm round at one of
the three tanks at the bridge and switches to the guidance camera. The guidance
camera zooms in with the shot and switches back to Frost's feed, who gets out of
the Humvee, entending his arms out, Ruby runs up to him and drags him out of the
vehicle._\n\n_Setting Frost on his feet, she runs off to join her friends repelling
the hostiles from their LZ, walking over to Sandman, the master sergeant barked
orders at him._\n\nSandman: Get a Javelin from the Humvee and finish off those
tanks!\n\n_On the gunship, as the gunner prepares to fire the pilot locks his
targeting systems, running a fast re-assesment and calibration._\n\nAC-130 Pilot:
Standby, making adjustments.\n\n_On the ground, Frost grabs a Javelin missile,
shoulders it and prepares to fire, next to him Gift and his clones arm themselves
with the launchers. Ready to enegage the tanks and Mobile Burrow gun
{"u":0,"t":1573313846872,"m":"Sandman: Use the javelin and take out those
tanks!\n\n_Running up to an outpost Frost aims the Javelin, locks on a hostile
mobile gun system, and fires. The missile travels straight up, arcs, and streaks
down on the Burrow, destroying it. Next to him, Yang launches herself into the air
and rains down shotshells at the enemies below her, peppering them with white-hot
Fire Dust/white phosphorus mixture shrapnels._\n\nSandman: One down! Now get the
other one! \n\nRiley: Take out that other tank!\n\n_Gift and his clones fire their
missiles at other vehicles around the LZ, destroying them. Frost aims, fires again,
and destroys the other tank. Eliminating the current enemy armor
{"u":1,"t":1573313972377,"m":"Sargent Gift - Here! (Throw M2 Stinger)\nGift -
Thanks, your armor now is USELESS!! (Fire missile)"},"642751683344203797":
{"u":0,"t":1573314343058,"m":"Truck: Tanks are down!\n\n_With Gift's Stinger
missile eliminating the last Mobile Burrow gun system, the teams engage the enemy
and moves forward on the bridge. LEaving the first cordon line behind, holding
position for the rest of the teams Ruby and Weiss hid behind a mobile cover drone
as their teammates ran by._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Let's go! Let's
go!\n\n_Running up to the second cordon line, Nora reloads Magnhild with a full
smoke grenade load, ready to mark targets for the Erusean gunship._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Juliet 2-2, mark targets with smoke and we'll give you some breathing
room.\n\n_Aiming her grenade launcher high, she launches a smoke grenade at the
enemy as Frost tosses a smoke grenade as the team moves up. Adding to Nora's lit
grenade, behind them Pyrrha gets up from her cover with Grinch and Carmine, running
for the teams._\n\nGrinch: Movin' up! Cover me!\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Got
you covered!\n\n_With Nora and Frost's grenades billowing red smoke, the pilot
transfers the visual data to the gunner's
scope._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Roger that. Taking out targets ahead of
you.\n\n_Switching to the Nighthawk guidance system the gunner locks onto the
hostile below and sends three cluster missiles at them._\n\nNighthawk OrdCo
Officer: Roger, Warhammer. Missiles loose!\n\n_The missiles come into range and
drops onto the hostiles, eliminating them in a series of explosions._\n\nSandman:
On me!"},"642751841494630411":
{"u":1,"t":1573314421503,"m":"Gift - Let's move Bravo team, Nikolai where are you?
We need exfil."},"642754487731355668":{"u":0,"t":1573315011676,"m":"_From the
Liberty Delta's deployment bay, Nikolai prepares his fleet of Manta drones but
Cossette denies him launch permission, pointing to the radar screen showing
Menagerie's airspaace dotted in red triangles._\n\nCossette: I'm not sending you
down there, you'll be dead before you can get them out of there!\n\n_Nodding to her
warnings, Nikolai taps his Focus and radios Gift, telling him of his current
status._\n\nNikolai: I can't fly to get you now, I'll be dead before I can land.
I'm sorry, my friend.\n\n_Swearing under his breath, Gift takes aim with his M4
rifle and engages enemies as a fiery True Sons MiG flies in and crashes on the
bridge. Engulfing the area ahead with flames as the jet's external fuel tanks
ruptured from the explosion, adding to the chaos befalling the ISEV access
bridge._\n\nTruck: Incoming!\n\n_Ducking down for cover behind a concrete
barricade, Jaune taps onto his Focus and sends out an emergency beacon for the
Liberty as Sandman radios his commanding officer, requesting for immediate
extraction._\n\nSandman: Overlord, this is Metal 0-1! Black LZ at grid 2, 4, 4,
0!\n\n_Turning to the teams, he shouts into his radio amidst the
gunfire._"},"642754496933527633":{"u":0,"t":1573315013870,"m":"Sandman: Hold this
position! We got three minutes until CAS gets here!\n\n_Reaching into their LBEs,
Ruby and Frost throw more smoke grenades ahead on the bridge. Marking targets for
the gunship, with the grenades thrown they grab their weapons and rain fire against
the advancing hostiles._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Warhammer! Targets
marked, you're cleared hot!\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Romeo 1-1, engaging target. Danger
close.\n\n_Keeping his eyes on the column of enemy armor, the gunner fires ahead on
the bridge, taking out targets. Rallying the teams together Riley takes the lead
and move forward onto the bridge, encountering more enemy troops. Behind her,
Sandman tosses his last smoke grenade over the abandoned checkpoint
ahead._\n\nSandman: Red smoke on the LZ! Need you to service targets north of that
location! \n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Mark the targets,
Frost!\n\n_Digging into his vest Frost tosses his last smoke grenade, ahead of him
helicopters fly in and drop more troops and enhanced Grimm
{"u":1,"t":1573315145972,"m":"Gift - I understand Nikolai, LZ is too hot for
landing, Alright then tell me when enemy is coming and type of enemy, Got it
Nikolai?"},"642757649334534145":{"u":0,"t":1573315765461,"m":"_Running up to the
Delta's command deck, Nikolai sits down on the Radar Officer's seat, using his
credentials he gains access to the Delta's radar system, with it he begins to mark
targets for Gift, but a flight of True Sons EA-18G Growlers fly in and jams the
radar system, denying him his radar access._\n\nNikolai: My radar is down, I can't
mark them for you!\n\n_On the ground, the teams, now forced to hold position until
the arrival of the Delta takes up positions across the checkpoint, with Team RWBY,
Gift, and Riley spearheading the attack in the middle of the bridge while JNPR,
Metal and Gift's clones surrounded them._\n\n_Seeing more True Sons airships fly in
and drop reinforcements Sandman makes contact with the gunship, requesting for fire
support._\n\nSandman: Warhammer, we have enemy air support coming in! Need you to
take care of 'em.\n\n_Using the last of his remaining 40mm rounds, the gunner
selects the targeting scope's mode to multi-lock and fires all of his ammunition at
the helicopters, taking them out, but as he prepares to fire his 35mm cannon the
FCO locks his weapon systems in._\n\nAC-130 Gunner: What the-\n\nAC-130 FCO: We're
bingo on fuel, can't give them any more support."},"642757657807290400":
{"u":0,"t":1573315767481,"m":"_Radioing Sandman of his status, the pilot looks at
the billowing smoke from the grenades, then to his fuel gauge. Sighing to himself,
he replies._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: 0-1, we're bingo on fuel. CAS support will be here in
thirty seconds. Just hold on.\n\n_Not taking his eyes off of the enemy, Sandman
replies to the gunship, then to the teams._\n\nSandman: Roger! Thirty seconds,
gentlemen!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I don't think we'll last that
long!\n\n_As Riley kept up her plasma barrage, a large group of armor roll in from
the ISEV's surface access gates. The Delta team hold their position alongside the
students, fighting to keep their position from the enemy. Looking at the armor,
Truck shouts into his radio._\n\nTruck: They got a ton of armor rollin' in from the
tower!\n\n_Rapidly firing Crescent Rose at the enemies, Ruby tosses away the spent
magazine and reached into her belt pouch, taking out her last magazine she calls
out her remaining ammunition before reloading her sniper-
scythe._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Last
{"u":1,"t":1573315920087,"m":"Gift just know that he have a personal air
strike.\nGift - Maybe, Cap give me a laser maker.\nCaptain Gift - Here! what are
you planing to do?\nGift - You will see it."},"642760375372087331":
{"u":0,"t":1573316415399,"m":"_Taking a targeting device from Cap, Gift runs up to
Riley's position, slapping the device's activation switch as a green laser beam
emits from the device's operating end. On the Delta, Nagase, now manning the
plasmacaster targeting system locks onto the laser beam as she feeds her console
with data from the device. But as she stared into the reticle, enemy signatures
soon filled her scope, confusing her._\n\n_Still placing her hands on the targeting
sticks, she radios Gift._\n\nNagase: Delta OrdCo to Bravo. Can't tell who's who
down there. Need you to mark the targets!\n\n_As Gift kept his lock on the enemy
armor, a stray shot hits his right hand causing him to drop the targeting device,
with her partner injured Riley quickly drags him into cover, injecting him a dose
of liquefied Light energy. Sandman, having listened to Nagase's call shouts back at
her._\n\nSandman: Gift is down! Metal to OrdCo, we have nothing left to use!
\n\n_Shouting to Nagase with her radio, Nora fires a flare round from Magnhild at
the enemy armor column in an attempt to mark targets for the Arsenal
Bird._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> We're dead center on the ISEV bridge! Hit
anything north of us with everything you've got!\n\n_Behind him, on top of an
outpost Team RWBY now hides behind a mobile drone system, their Dust ammunition
emptied. Looking up to Riley, Weiss jumps out of her cover and tries to summon the
Arma Gigas but is shot in the stomach. As her aura runs out she collapses to the
ground, wounded._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> 1-2's hit! I'm going for
her!\n\n_Activating her semblance, Yang runs out from her cover absorbing the
gunfire, taking Weiss by her arms she carries her back to the cover drone,
injecting her teammate with a dose of Light Energy. Turning to her sister, she
takes out her right gauntlet's ammunition cell and tosses it to
her._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Last cell, make it count,
- Come on,Come on!\nLt. Gift - We don't have a chance.\nGift - Wait, Our supply
still here, that mean we still have a chance.\nSargent Gift - But Gift, Our ammo is
running out.\nGift see True son's AK 47.\nGift - I will get that AK, Cover
me.\nCaptain Gift - If our ammo is out, you're on your own."},"642764605701095465":
{"u":0,"t":1573317423988,"m":"_Taking the Dust cell from Yang, Ruby takes her last
magazine out and jams the orange cell into the magazine, to her surprise, the cell
perfectly fits the magazine and slides into it easily. Smiling, she reloads
Crescent Rose with the reloaded magazine and vaults from her cover, running up to
Sandman._\n\nRiley: More incoming! \n\n_Conjuring two plasma whips, Riley swings
them around, deflecting incoming projectiles and driving away the enhanced Grimm
creatures. Behind Ruby, Gift and his clones arm themselves with True Sons AK-12
rifles and rushes up to Sandman, giving Ruby cover fire as she takes out enemy
armor, stopping their advance and buying time for the group. Next to her, Sandman
switches to his pistol and opens fire at a True Sons grunt running up to him,
eliminiating the threat._\n\nSandman: Ruby, watch out!\n\n_Engrossed with taking
out enemy armor, Ruby finds herself grabbed by the throat by a True Sons High
Commander, fighting back, she grabs her M19 pistol and presses it against the
Commander's throat, firing a round into a seam within the armor and killing
him._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> No, Ruby!\n\n_Using the last of her
strength, Weiss pushes herself up on her feet, taking with her Riley's M91A light
machine gun-claymore hybrid. Shouldering the hybrid weapon she opens fire at the
enemies ahead, killing them. But the recoil is too great for her to handle.
Dropping the hybrid, she switches to summoning but is dragged into cover by
Blake._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I'll take them out, just stay
Blake running into the fight, Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren takes the battle to themselves
as they join Blake, providing her suppression fire as Ren and Nora keeps the
hostiles suppressed with looted True Sons weaponry._\n\n_Dumping her magazine on a
group of True Sons grunts, Blake reloads her now-broken Gambol Shroud, folding the
snapped blade back int position. On the Delta's command deck, Nagase contacts
Overlord as more True Sons threats continue to advance up the bridge. Closing in
fast on the teams' position._\n\nNagase: Overlord, plasmacaster discharge is going
to level everything in that area including the ISEV. Requesting
clearance.\n\nOverlord: Delta, you do whatever you have to, to get them back
home.\n\n_Tearfully, Nagase accepts the order and locks onto the ISEV access gate
with the reticle. As the reticle turns blue, she warns the ground teams of an
imminent discharge._\n\nNagase: Metal 0-1, this is Delta. Discharge
imminent!\n\nGrinch: The elevator's not gonna take much more that!\n\n_Joining
Nagase, Arsenal Bird Justice flies into combat airspace and locks onto the Elevator
with its laser cannon._\n\nJustice: Justice OrdCo, bombs away, bombs
away!"},"642765164684378174":{"u":1,"t":1573317557260,"m":"Gift - Our support is
coming.\nLt. Gift - Retreat!\nGift got shot at the back.\nSargent Gift - Hold on
Gift, We will go home together."},"642769065705996304":
{"u":0,"t":1573318487336,"m":"_With the ISEV in their reticles, the two Arsenal
Birds fly in and bombard the bridge with directed-energy weaponry, obliterating
everything near the International Space Elevator. Wiping her tears away, Nagase
prepares to fire more, but Cossette stops her._\n\nCossette: That's enough, OrdCo,
let Justice mop up the rest.\n\n_Still wiping her tears, Nagase reluctantly gets up
from her seat, walking over to Cossette. Crying as well, Cossette takes the
distraught Ordnance Control officer in her embrace. Consoling her._\n\n_On the
ground, the group dug into cover as more projectiles from the Delta bombarded the
bridge, destroying the ISEV access gate and half of the bridge. Banking away from
the elevator the Delta leaves combat airspace as Justice flies in and sweeps the
area with lasers from its nose cannon._\n\nSandman: Get down!\n\n_The Justice's
nose-mounted laser system then emits a large, pruple beam of laser instantly
incinerating everything within its range, taking out True Sons forces and damaging
the ISEV's core structues._\n\n_Having sustained a lot of damage before, the
plasmacaster projectiles, along with the Justice's laser discharge damaged the
elevator's Posture Control Systems enough to cause it to tip over and crash into
the city, its PCS structures destroyed._"},"642770309530910748":
{"u":0,"t":1573318783887,"m":"Truck: It's coming down! Get into cover!\n\n_Justice,
now finished with the bridge moves onto eliminating hostiles beneath the elevator
as its laser beams blasted the ISEV's PCS structures, conjuring a large cloud of
dust billiwowing dust from the ISEV's core crumbling to the ground._\n\n_As Justice
sweeped the ISEV, the group then shield themselves from the blinding light of
Justice's laser system, a thundering snap is heard as the elevator's main shaft
tips over from the imbalance caused by the destruction of the Posture Control
Systems, snapping the carbon cable in half as the gigantic structure crumble under
its own weight._\n\n_As the main shaft falls, the sky above it lights up as
Earthborne communication satellites are destroyed, re-entering the planet akin to
meteor showers. Tapping her Focus, Nora tries to transmit the live feed of the
ISEV's destruction, but finds the CCT network marked \"out of commision\" by the
Focus AI._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Woah...\n\n_Looking up to the
crumbling ISEV, Ruby's eyes teared up as the dust from the elevator's destruction
irritates them. Falling on her knees, she looks up to the sky, staring at Justice,
the destroyed elevator, and the burning satellites. Stil trying to get the feed
out, Nora repeatedly taps her Focus interface, the device still returning the same
error she'd received._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> What's wrong with the CCT this
time?!\n\n_Joining her are Weiss, Blake and Yang, all three of them injured and
tired. Next to them Team JNPR sat with their backs against a friendly IAV, looking
up to the falling elevator as well._\n\n_As the group sat and waited for
extraction, a thundering boom is heard as the elevator's main shaft crashes against
the ground, creating a large shockwave and billowing dust from its impact. A large
flight of Osean Air Defense Force Black Hawks, Little Birds, and Sea Knights fly in
to the LZ alongside a fleet of Atlesian Manta
{"u":1,"t":1573318920727,"m":"Lt. Gift - Hey Gift, What happen with your gun? It
glowing.\nGift - It golden weapon.\nSargent Gift - Ability?\nGift -
Unlimited ammo.\nCaptain Gift - Nice, more?\nGift - No overheat, less recoil.\nLt.
Gift - AK 12 now is gold.\nGift - And this will make us have a chance to win this
war."},"642773302754017320":{"u":0,"t":1573319497527,"m":"_As the flight of OADF
trasnport helicopters fly in, the Mantas spread out and commence gun runs on areas
within the former ISEV's clearing, taking out stranded enemy units. Landing his Sea
Knight, Nikolai radios Gift._\n\nNikolai: All units, this is Nikolai. I'm here to
take you all home, da?\n\n_Smiling, Sandman waves at Nikolai, he waves back,
putting his Sea Knight into landing._\n\nSandman: Sounds good, Nikolai. Anywhere
but here.\n\n_With the Sea Knight landed, Ruby walks back to her team and leads
them out of their cover. Getting on her feet, Weiss loses balance and falls to the
ground again, wiincing in pain. Picking her friend up, Ruby carries her by the arm
bridal style, walking for the Sea Knight. Accompanying her, Gift and his clones
board the Sea Knight, settling down into empty seats._\n\n_Behind her, Jaune's team
then board a Little Bird waiting on standby, clambering onto the seats, Nora shouts
to the teams below as the helo lifted off._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Meet us
in Mantle, folks!\n\n_Waving up to her, Riley walks to the Sea Knight with Carmine
and Grinch. She pushes Carmine back from the Sea Knight as Grinch takes her,
forcing her on the ground._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What about
Carmine?\n\nGrinch: I'll take her. Make sure she gets on the next bird.\n\nSandman:
Alright, do it! ...and Grinch, we need her alive.\n\n_Grinch smiles, taking a sip
from his canteen. He waves at the Sea Knight as Nikolai brings its engines up to
power, ready to fly back to Atlas._\n\nGrinch: Have a nice ride,
gentlemen.\n\nSandman: Let's go! We're getting the hell out of here. Frost, get on
board!\n\n_Taking Frost with him, he drags Frost into the Sea Knight as the aft
door closes. In the cockpit, Nikolai smiles to himself as he brings the helo to
altitude, flying his way back to Atlas accompanied by his Manta fleet
escorts._"},"642773489207738368":{"u":1,"t":1573319541981,"m":"Gift - Nikolai, send
us to base."},"642774743149182986":{"u":0,"t":1573319840944,"m":"Nikolai: Da, my
friend, I'll have to call Mister Ironwood, tell him we're on our way.\n\n_Nikolai
keyed his radio, hailing Ironwood, but gets no response. He tries again, this time
receiving only a pre-recorded transmission. Shaking his head, he takes his headset
off and turns the speaker on, gesturing for Gift._\n\nNikolai: Gift, you might want
to listen to this.\n\n_Gift walks in and listens to the pre-recorded
transmission._\n\nRadio: To all incoming allied forces aircraft en route to Atlas,
you are to land at a pre-fabricated airfield in Mantle. Failure to comply will
result in your death, General Ironwood, over and out."},"642775010137735197":
{"u":1,"t":1573319904599,"m":"Gift - Nikolai, Do you know what the meaning of
this?"},"642776171049648138":{"u":0,"t":1573320181382,"m":"_Nikolai shrugs, putting
on his headset._\n\nNikolai: I wish I know, my friend. Maybe he will give an
explanation later, for now we fly.\n\n_Turning to focus on his helicopter, Nikolai
reaches to a music player installed on the Sea Knight's controls and plays a song
from his homeland over the radio. Not wishing to interupt him Gift leaves the
cockpit and returns to the interior, sitting next to Ruby._\n\n_Sighing through her
nose, Ruby lowers her head and increases the volume on her Scroll's music player,
drowning out the engines. Taking a closer look to her Scroll, Gift finds her
listening to \"Leave Out All The Rest\" on repeat. Placing his hand on her right
shoulder, she turns to meet him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, it's
you. \n\n_Taking her earbuds off, she pauses the song, waiting for
- Ruby, I...I don't know now, i don't know what will
happen."},"642777568407191558":{"u":0,"t":1573320514538,"m":"_Ruby furtively wipes
the corner of her left eye, replying to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Me
too, Gift. \n\n_Grabbing the Relic of Knowledge, she stares into it, its blue glow
seemingly staring back at her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sometimes I ask
myself when all this will be over, and when I do it, it feels like no one could
answer it better, not even Jinn.\n\n_Hanging the relic back on her belt, she puts
her earbuds on, but takes the right one out and hands it to
Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Maybe some music could help, I've
listened to this over and over, and I just can't get enough from this song. Wanna
listen?\n\n_She puts the right earbud in his hand, placing her left thumb over the
Scroll's play button._","te":1573320556822},"642777864151891968":
{"u":1,"t":1573320585049,"m":"Gift - Yeah! and i wanna rest, i'm so tried
like you to listen to the song too, for immersion's
sake.)\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay, well... here goes!\n\n_She places
her thumb on the seeker bar and drags it back to the beginning, re-playing the
song. Putting the earbud in, he leans onto her as the song plays. Looking at the
screen again, he reads at the song's title._\n\n_\"Leave Out All The Rest [Live at
Milton Keynes]\" it reads, looking at the scrolling lyrics, he reads along with it,
his eyes following the closed captions bar._\n\n_\"I dreamed I was missing, you
were so scared_\n_But no one would listen 'cause no one else cared_\n_After my
dreaming, I woke with this fear_\n_What am I leaving when I'm done
here?\"_\n\n_Letting his imaginations run wild, he begins to imagine a vision of
Ruby singing the song to him, her teammates, and her allies. The lyrics continue to
scroll. On the screen, Yang and Blake's profile pictures appears on the player
screen as they join Ruby's channel. Listening to the song
{"u":1,"t":1573320947396,"m":"Lt. Gift - He is tried.\nSargent Gift - We
also.\nCaptain Gift - Hey, we don't know what will happen, we must ready
yourself.\nLt. Gift - Yes, We must."},"642780124990668830":
{"u":0,"t":1573321124075,"m":"_Ignoring the two, Gift leans onto Ruby as he falls
asleep, the song, combined with his vision dragging him into a dream. Staring at
the lyrics, Ruby reads along with it, imagining a vision of herself singing the
song to her friends._\n\n_\"So, if you're asking me, I want you to
know.\"_\n\n_With a pause, her eyes welled up with tears as the first chorus comes
up. Staring into her screen, Yang smiles, copying the lyrics and pasting it on her
Remnet profile page._\n\n_\"When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've
done\nHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missed\nAnd don't resent me, and when
you're feeling empty\nKeep me in your memory, leave out all the rest\nLeave out all
the rest.\"_\n\n_The chorus ends, Ruby wipes her left eye again as Gift leans his
weight onto her._\n\n_Across the seats, Weiss opens the music application and
looked at her Scroll, she then joins in on Ruby's channel as she listened along
with her friend. Smiling to herself._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _to
herself_ Never knew she liked these songs
{"u":1,"t":1573321197216,"m":"Gift - (telepath) Me too, i never know that
before."},"642781651855736842":{"u":0,"t":1573321488108,"m":"_Weiss doesn't reply,
instead she reads the lyrics as the second verse comes up on the player's lyrics
screen._\n\n_\"Don't be afraid, I've taken my beating\nI've shared what I made\nI'm
strong on the surface, not all the way through\nI've never been perfect but neither
have you\"_\n\n_Listening to the song, Weiss begins to recall moments prior to
Nikolai's arrival, thinking back to a vision of herself wielding Riley's claymore
and using it to drive back enemies until Bllake dragged her into cover. Focusing on
the lyrics, she blinked her eyes and reads the scrolling lyrics._\n\n_\"So, if
you're asking me, I want you to know...\"_\n\n_The pre-chorus comes up, Ruby
recalls memories of the engagement back to a moment under the High Commander's
grasp._\n\n_\"When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done\nHelp me leave
behind some reasons to be missed\nDon't resent me, and when you're feeling
empty\nKeep me in your memory, leave out all the rest\nLeave out all the
rest.\"_\n\n_The chorus ends, Ruby takes her eyes off from her screen and looks
over to Weiss. Finding her friend bobbing her head lightly to the song as
{"u":1,"t":1573321618638,"m":"Gift - (telepath to himself) Again? i understand, and
this song is almost same as my life.","te":1573321762452},"642783372891914285":
{"u":0,"t":1573321898435,"m":"_Focusing on the lyrics, the song's seeker bar then
indicates the bridge section coming up as the lyrics changed as well. Reading them,
Ruby thinks back to when she took Yang's Dust cell, using it to repel the hostiles
until it runs out completely. Over at Blake's seat, she, too, copied the lyrics and
pasted them on her profile page._\n\n_Posting the lyrics, the song muffled as the
application selection screen switches back to the player. Smiling, Blake presses
her earbuds in further._\n\n_\"Forgetting all the hurt inside\nYou've learned to
hide so well_\n\n_As Gift listened, he thinks back to the showdown at Argus Naval
Base, thinking back to his clones and him assistting the teams in fighting their
way to Atlas._\n\n_\"Pretending someone else\nCan come and save me from myself\nI
can't be who you are.\"_\n\n_With a pause, a teadrop streamed down Ruby's left
cheek and falls onto the Scroll as she thinks back to her first activation of her
Silver Eyes. The chorus plays again._","te":1573322110003},"642783794700746753":
{"u":1,"t":1573321999002,"m":"Gift - (Telepath to himself) If i'm not here, we
can't come this far, there is no turning back now."},"642785243597766658":
{"u":0,"t":1573322344446,"m":"_Crying to herself, Ruby tries her best to keep her
sobs as quiet as possible, but fails. Taking notice of her sobs, both Weiss and
Riley got up from their seats and sat next to her. Accompanying her._\n\n_\"When my
time comes, forget the wrong that I've done\nHelp me leave behind some, reasons to
be missed_\n\n_Patting Ruby on her back, Riley wipes the young Huntress-
inTraining's eyes with her gloved hands, consoling her as the chorus continues.
Ruby closed her eyes, not wishing to be bothered._\n\n_Don't resent me, and when
you're feeling empty\nKeep me in your memory, leave out all the rest\nLeave out all
the rest.\"_\n\n_Opening her eyes as the chorus ends, and to her surprise Ruby
finds herself being embraced by her team, Sandman, Frost, and Nikolai. The pilot
having put his helo in autopilot. Putting his hands on her cheeks, Nikolai calms
her down as best as he could._\n\nNikolai: Hey, this will be over soon, trust me.
Just keep up the good fight and it'll be over, _да?
{"u":0,"t":1573322564486,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"642787451341111306":
{"u":1,"t":1573322870813,"m":"Ruby can feel that her brother wiping her tear.\nGift
- It alright, this song have remind me in the past, that i all alone, no one stand
on my side, no one care, no one..... (His tear coming out from his
eyes)"},"642789053628022801":{"u":0,"t":1573323252828,"m":"_Sighing to herself,
Ruby puts the song on pause, turning to face him as her friends retreated to their
seats._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Atleast, you still have me, us, everyone
here. We all cared about you.\n\n_Chiming in, Riley takes her headphone off and
puts it on her neck._\n\nRiley: You may think nobody cared for you, but that's not
true at all, we all cared, but we have our own ways. I, for one wouldn't leave you
behind if you... well, get injured or KIA. And neither does Team RWBY nor JNPR
would.\n\n_Pulling her pertner into a hug, she channeled him vitakinetic energy as
Nikolai poked his head from the cockpit._\n\nNikolai: Everyone, we'll land on
Mantle soon. I called Ironwood and that suka hung up on me. \n\n_Pushing Gift off
of her, Riley runs to the cockpit and takes the radio from him. But before she can
call the general Nikolai forces her to look outside._\n\nNikolai: Not just that,
our friends are leaving as well. Look!\n\n_Outside the Sea Knight, multiple Space
United carrier ships took to the sky as they carried the allied forces back to
Earth, with it, Riley takes the radio from him and immediately contacts Earth
through a UNSA secure channel._\n\nRiley: This is Atlas Six-Two, I need Admiral
Raines on the line, right now!","te":1573323327197},"642789393144348693":
{"u":1,"t":1573323356664,"m":"Gift - BT, what time is it
now?"},"641308196979605539":{"u":1,"t":1572970189090,"m":"Gift - There it is, They
will coming soon, so get ready."},"641310112459390987":
{"u":0,"t":1572970645776,"m":"_Cutting the connection, Ironwood turns to his
command console as he watches Delta Force Team Metal and Riley's party move from
Carmine's capture point. On the ground in Menagerie, with the efforts of the two
teams, their target remains in their custody and are now waiting for extraction. An
Erusean Air Force V-22 Osprey flies in at the LZ past the gunfire below._\n\n_As
the Osprey comes into view, Yang drags Carmine along with her team as everyon moves
into position, waiting for their transport to land._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
There's our ride, let's go!\n\nTruck: Move! Move!\n\n_Looking at Carmine, Yang
takes off her captive's bag and ungagged her, allowing Carmine to breathe normally
again. With the gag removed, she screams at Yang._\n\nCarmine: Get your hands off
me, you bastard!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Let's go! Come on!\n\n_Sandman,
Truck, and Frost move towards the V-22, but it gets hit by a rocket. They stop and
the teams stops too as they watch the plane's tail burst into flames from the
rocket impact._\n\nEgin 2-4: Whoa! This is 2-4, we're hit! We're going down! We're
going down! Brace!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Move back! \n\n_As the
Osprey gets closer, Weiss, along with the teams move away from the LZ as Egin 2-4
crashes into a pile of cars, its right rotor smacking into the ground, sending
debris at the teams. With their transport destroyed Sandman immediately reports his
unit's status to Overlord._\n\nSandman: Overlord, primary LZ is compromised. Egin
is down. Moving to alternate.","te":1572970701635},"641310551074537482":
{"u":1,"t":1572970750350,"m":"Gift -
Warhammer this is Bravo 6, we need air support, over."},"641313171034079266":
{"u":0,"t":1572971374997,"m":"_Watching the teams below him, the captain of the
Nighthawk destroyer commands his subordinates to deploy an Erusean AC-130 stowed in
its ventral deployment bay into the battle._\n\nNighthawk Captain: Drop Officer,
chop them that gunship!\n\nDrop Officer: Roger, gunship is deployed!\n\n_Dropping
from the deployment bay via phase-shift, the Erusean gunship descends to its
operational altitude as its pilot links up with the Nighthawk's standoff missile
batteries targeting systems to his gunship._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Descending, crew.
\n\n_The AC-130 decends to its operational altitude. The pilot then warns the crew
of the targeting system's status as the FCO and gunner mans their stations._\n\nAC-
130 Pilot: Targeting system online. TV, verify you see our friendlies.\n\n_The TV
operator pans his camera down to the teams holding their position on the ground,
marking them in white diamonds._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: Roger that. Friendlies are
marked with white diamonds.\n\n_With the friendlies marked, the pilot warn the crew
of their current rules of engagement._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Just to, uh, confirm crew,
we are not clear to fire on the buildings. We suspect there are civilians still
inside at this point.\n\n_Staring at his gunner, the fire-control officer taps the
gunner's hand and warns him of the current ROE._\n\nAC-130 FCO: Do not engage the
{"u":0,"t":1572971377146,"m":"_Syncing with the friendlies on the groun, the pilot
warns Team RWBY of his current position. Alerting them to their presence as he
contacts Ruby directly._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Romeo, established in orbit over AO
Victor. Request mark, over.\n\n_On the ground, Ruby looks up to the sky to find the
Erusean gunship in orbit above her. She radios the gunship, requesting for fire
support._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, I got red smoke on the LZ! Need
you to engage targets north of that location! Everything else except danger close
is clear to engage, over.\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Copy that, Romeo. We gotcha.\n\n_Locking
the hostiles in with the Nighthawk's missiles, the gunner of the AC-130 fires down
on the large groups of infantry, tanks, and helicopters in the roundabout,
providing air cover for the teams to move through the streets of Menagerie with
Carmine in custody. As the hostiles below are decimated from the missiles, the TV
Operator comments on the gunner's clean shots._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: Good kill.
Good kill.\n\n_The gunner locks onto a tank and destroys it with another missile
shot._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: Yeah, that tank isn't going
{"u":1,"t":1572971778826,"m":"Gift - Clear to go?"},"641318283173298216":
{"u":0,"t":1572972593826,"m":"_As the gunner continues to engage targets, the
gunship's targeting systems begins to loose their predefined calibraion parameters.
Prompting the pilot to begin a quick re-calibration of the targeting
systems._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Recalibrate azimuth sweep angle. Adjust elevation
scan. \n\n_As the pilot recalibrates the targeting system for new bearings, an OADF
EA-18 flies close to the gunship, its ECM systems intefering with the gunship. With
the Growler's ECM affecting the gunship's targeting system the pilot orders his
Copro copilot unit to \"clean up\" the Growler's interference._\n\nAC-130 Pilot:
Clean up that signal.\n\n_Sighting an Ursa pack with his 105mm cannon, the gunner
locks them in and fires a 105mm round at them, eliminating the Grimm threat. With
the cannon fired, he calls out the shot as the crew within the weapons bay reloads
the cannon._\n\nAC-130 Gunner: Shot out!\n\n_The 105mm is reloaded for another
shot, locking the breech in another gunner warns the FCO of the gun's
status._\n\nAC-130 Gunner: Gun ready!\n\n_Seeing more threats advancing into the
AC-130's vicinity, the pilot warns the FCO of his new ROE._"},"641318291813433357":
{"u":0,"t":1572972595886,"m":"AC-130 Pilot: Crew, you are clear to engage any enemy
personnel you see. Keep fire south of the red smoke.\n\n_Nodding, the gunner
continues firing at targets all over the roundabout. Sending rounds downrange and
eliminatinf hostiles. As the threats around the teams are taken out, Ruby signals
for her team to push forward as the path ahead of her is
cleared._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Warhammer, targets destroyed. Thanks
for the assist!\n\n_The pilot acceps the compliment, nodding to himself. He then
reports the situation back to Overlord and Ironwood, the two generals tracking his
gunship through their consoles._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Solid copy, Romeo 1-1. Overlord,
Romeo is clear. Greenlight bomb run on target area West to East. I repeat, West to
East.\n\n_Acknowledging the report, Overlord calls in a flight of two Erusean A-
10s, permitting them to bombard the roundabout._\n\nOverlord: Copy. West to East.
Ilios 6, you are cleared for bomb run TRP 5, 2, 1, 5."},"641318666293477396":
{"u":1,"t":1572972685169,"m":"Gift - Standby after carpet bomb, we will move,
{"u":0,"t":1572973276918,"m":"_Looking into his radar screen, the pilot sees three
signatures approaching him from the south, marked on the screen as A-10s. With the
attackers entering his airspace, he warns the gunner of the A-10s._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Crew, hold fire to the south. Friendly birds are entering the
airspace.\n\n_Watching patiently, a flight of three A-10 Warthogs fly in and bomb
the entire roundabout, wiping out the remaining enemy tanks in the area, resulting
in a massive display of explosions. On the ground, as the teams remain behind cover
Yang jumps from her cover, screaming with joy as she watches the hostile vehicles
get destroyed in the resulting explosions from the
bombs._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Woo!\n\n_Onboard the gunship, the TV Operator
shielded his eyes from the screen as flames from the explosions lights up the
screen._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: That's one hell of a fireworks display.\n\n_As the
fires from the explosions died down, Gift and Riley pushes forward with Team Metal
covering RWBY from hostiles while JNPR splits up, Jaune and Pyrrha flanking their
right while Ren and Nora flanks their left. The pilot contacts Ruby again, warning
her of incoming hostiles pooling into the roundabout._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Romeo,
we're seeing enemy activity headed your way. Recommend you hold your position until
we've swept up, over.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger.
Wilco.\n\n_Signalling for the teams to stop, Gift and Riley hold position as the
AC-130 starts flying in orbit along the streets, clearing the area of more enemy
infantry, tanks, and choppers. Sending more rounds into the battlezone below. On
the Nighthawk, missile batteries remain open as the ordnance officer launches them
in anticipation for the gunship._\n\nNighthawk OrdCo Officer: Warhammer, missiles
launched on standoff range. Clear to pickle
{"u":0,"t":1572973279026,"m":"AC-130 FCO: Nighthawk missiles are up, cleared to
engage all those guys.\n\n_The gunner selects the missiles and prepares to fire
them as a formation of four True Sons BTRs smashes through the piles of burning
cars on the roundabout. Its turret gunner firing his machinegun wildly._\n\nAC-130
TV Operator: There's a BTR moving down the street ahead of 'em.\n\n_Without
hesitation, the gunner launches two missiles from the Nighthawk at the BTR,
destroying it. With the BTR taken out of commision, Gift signals for the teams to
move along the street.As they move, more hostiles enter the street, responding to
the threats Blake tosses another smoke grenade at them, marking targets for the
gunship._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We've got smoke on the targets!
You're cleared hot, Warhammer!"},"641321546325032969":
{"u":1,"t":1572973371822,"m":"Gift - Keep firing!\nLt. Gift - I'm firing
now."},"641323225032425483":{"u":0,"t":1572973772057,"m":"_Engaging the hostiles up
ahead, Gift takes out three soldiers with his rifle. Taking them out with accurate
bursts, behind him Weiss and Riley provides long-range fire support as they
launches Dust projectiles onto the area ahead, suppressing the enemies. The AC-130
flies into position and clears the street ahead of them with missiles from the
Nighthawk destroyer._\n\n_Taking down the last man, Jaune rallies his team together
as they push up the street with RWBY falling in behind. Trailing after them,
Sandman keeps their rear guard clear, sweeping the area with target enhancing beams
from their Focuses._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Alright, they're falling
back! \n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Move up, move up!\n\n_As they move, three True
Sons infantry assault vehicles move into the street firing their cannons at the
teams, forcing them to stop and find cover. Sighting his cannons, the gunner fires
again as 40mm rounds rained down on the vehicles, damaging
them._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> IAVs!\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Neutralizing
targets, danger close. Repeat, danger close.\n\n_Having disabled two vehicles, the
gunner sets his sights on the third vehicle and fires off a 40mm round onto it, but
misses, the shot lands close to an office building causing the pilot to immediately
warn the gunner of their current rules of engagement._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Crew, we
are not authorized to fire on the
{"u":1,"t":1572973841303,"m":"Gift - Watch out for sniper, i can sense
it."},"641325924117381170":{"u":0,"t":1572974415569,"m":"_On the ground, the last
remaining IAV is destroyed as Yang directly engages it, firing shots from her
gauntlets at its damaged armor. Boosting herself
into the air, the gunner on the IAV abandons his controls and mans the machinegun
mount, firing up at her in an attempt to take her out but Yang lands on him and
stomped on his hands, breaking his fingers as the gunner screams in
pain._\n\n_Smirking, she grabs the IAV gunner by his collar and tosses him onto the
streets, she removes a belt's worth of shotshells and tosses them down the opened
hatch an drops in a live Fire Dust grenade. With the grenade dropped she jumps off
the vehicle as it explodes behind her, sending her back to the
teams._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> IAV's down!\n\nSandman: Enemies on our
flank!\n\n_More enemies move in and fire at the teams, in retaliation Weiss leaps
into the air and switches to a Hardlight Dust cartridge, summoning a line of white
glyphs launching Hardlight projectiles at the enemies. From the sky, the AC-130
takes out a group of enemies behind Metal 0-1 and more ahead of them._\n\n_As the
AC-130 engages the enemies, the FCO locks onto the hostiles below, directing the
guided shots away from Weiss as far as he could, the gunner having switched from
his standard 40mm ammunition to precision-guided 40mm Tracker rounds, with the
Tracker rounds picking off squads of True Sons, Sandman orders the teams to move
up._\n\nSandman: Good work, Warhammer. We're Oscar Mike, let's move!\n\n_Moving
forward, Gift calls out more enemies ahead of him, marking the targets ahead with
smoke._\n\nAC-130 Pilots: Romeo 1-1, we're engaging targets ahead of you. Hold your
position.\n\n_The teams dug into whatever covers available to them as the True Sons
begin to fire their guns at their general direction, suppressing them. Two
helicopters fly in at the fork._","te":1572974740308},"641325934229848074":
{"u":0,"t":1572974417980,"m":"AC-130 FCO: Two enemy birds in the center of the
fork, there.\n\n_Marking the helicopters, the gunner takes out the helicopters.
Eliminating them as they crash onto the street, engulfed in flames._\n\nAC-130 FCO:
Vehicles neutralized.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Warhammer, we've got
some enemy armor moving in.\n\n_Marking additional enemy armor, Weiss warns the
gunship of more threats halting their advance to their secondary LZ._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Copy that, Romeo 1-2. Engaging enemy armor."},"641327306115383296":
{"u":0,"t":1572974896039,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"641332097788936213":
{"u":1,"t":1573053372324,"m":"Gift - Laser? SNIPER!!\nSargent Gift - From
where?\nGift - 12 O'clock, Red building."},"642029549734985739":
{"u":0,"t":1573142172989,"m":"_Locking onto enemy armor on the ground, the AC-130
clears the area of armor. Raining 40mm rounds onto the street. Clearing the area of
armor, the pilot warns friendlies on the ground of their current status._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Romeo, looks like you're clear to move up. We'll keep an eye on
you.\n\n_Picking up her custom-made M91A claymore-light machine gun hybrid from the
ground, Riley runs for the area ahead, tossing out a threat grenade painting the
area with radar pulses marking enemy positions as her teammates
followed._\n\nRiley: We're going to keep left at the fork, over.\n\n_Following
Riley closely, Blake taps at her Focus as it sends a video feed up to the AC-130,
from the feed, Riley is seen moving up the street with Ren and Gift, firing their
guns at the area ahead, moving into cover, Weiss prepares to summon again but RPG
fire suddenly rain down on them from the building in the middle of the
fork._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: Woah!\n\n_Flinching at the RPG's sudden explosion
behind the group, the TV Operator switches to a target enhancing scope, painting
enemies inside the building and feeding the sensor data to the gunner, on the
ground, Riley radios the gunship of the threats stopping her advance._\n\nRiley:
Warhammer, we got RPG fire from the building in front of us! I need you to hit it
now!\n\n_Locking the RPG wielding soldiers in, the FCO feeds the current data
packet to the gunner's console._\n\nAC-130 FCO: Copy that, we got smoke trails from
RPG fire to the northwest.\n\n_On the ground, as more RPG fire rains down on them,
Weiss emerges from her cover again, this time summoning the Arma Gigas. With the
summon active, it runs for the building using its broadsword to deflect the rocket
grenades. Looking down to the summon, the pilot contacts Overlord, requesting
permission to engage targets within the
{"u":0,"t":1573142267283,"m":"AC-130 Pilot: Overlord, we're seeing small-arms, RPG
fire from the corner building to the northwest. Request permission to
engage.\n\n_As the pilot's voice comes through the speakers, Overlord turns to
Ghira, handing him a newly-printed message card. Taking the message card from
Overlord, Ghira reads it and nods before handing the card back to him._\n\nGhira:
Tell them they're clear to destroy any structures containing enemy personnel. I
want them, and my daughter out of here alive.\n\n_Overlord nods in return and
inserts the message card into a slot on his console, giving the gunship the
permission to engage targets in structures across Kuo Kuana. The console, now
reading data from the card then permits the Erusean gunship of its requested
permission, the gunship's marker turning blue._\n\nOverlord: Copy. Standby...
Affirmative, Warhammer. You are cleared to fire on any buildings with enemy
personnel."},"642030111301828628":{"u":1,"t":1573142306877,"m":"Gift - Alright,
Here it come!"},"642031778525216788":{"u":0,"t":1573142704374,"m":"_WIth Overlord
giving the gunship the permission to fire down on buildings with enemy personnel,
the pilot turns to the gunner, addressing him of the new rules of
engagement._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Crew, you are cleared to engage the corner
building.\n\n_Sighting for a sweet shot, the gunner stalls as he zooms in on his
targeting scope. Feeding data into the ballistics CPU as more RPG fire rained down
on the teams on the ground. Unable to endure any further damage, the Arma Gigas
drops to the ground as it disappears into fine blue particles allowing hostiles to
pin the teams down with overwhelming
firepower._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Summon is down, repeat, summon
is down!\n\n_On the gunship, the TV Operator warns the gunner of the friendlies
under fire. Feeding guidance data into the guided shell._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator:
Switch to the 105. We need to hit it with something big.\n\nAC-130 FCO: Hit that
building.\n\n_Locking the building in his sight, the gunner fires a 105mm round on
the building, on the ground, as the True Sons keep up their RPG fire on the teams a
soldier looks up to the sky to find the guided shell bearing down on his position.
He tries to run as the shell rams into him and explodes, destroying the floor with
its explosives._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: That building is done.\n\n_With the threats
inside the building destroyed along with it, Sandman emerges from his cover as he
signals for the teams to follow him. Running their way through the piles of rubble
for a hotel ahead of them._\n\nSandman: Thanks for the assist! We're gonna cut
through the hotel across the street!"},"642031998847942657":
{"u":1,"t":1573142756903,"m":"Gift - Bravo Team, Let's
move!"},"642034233090506802":{"u":0,"t":1573143289588,"m":"_Onboard the gunship,
the pilot looks into his radar screen as cannon fire and missiles streak past the
AC-130, causing the gunner's video feed to fuzz. Gripping his flight sticks, the
pilot loos outside to find two True Sons MiG 1.44 fighter jets fly past him. Seen
chasing the two MiGs are Trigger an Count, both of them flying in their ADF-
11Fs._\n\nTrigger: MiG inbound! Ten o'clock!\n\n_The lead MiG turns around and
fires missiles at the gunship, prompting the pilot to drop flares._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Incoming missile!\n\n_As the lead MiG launched its missiles at the gunship,
it breaks off as Count landed a missile lock, breaking his radar lock._\n\nCount:
Shit! Broke lock!\n\n_As the crew scramble to brace for the missiles, the screen on
the gunner's seat turns red as a missile warning alarm blares: [MISSILE WARNING].
The screen briefly fuzzes as the AC-130 takes evasive action, barely dodging
incoming fire from enemy MiGs._\n\nAC-130 FCO: Flares, flares!\n\nAC-130 TV
Operator: Flares away, flares away.\n\n_Outside the ship, Trigger continues his
chase after the lead MiG and takes it down with a close-range pulse laser burst,
sending the jet crashing to the ground. The AC-130 pops flares and banks hard right
to dodge the missiles llaunched by the second jet. As the second jet breaks off
from the gunship, Trigger immediately banks left, following the bogey and giving
chase._\n\nTrigger: Strider 1, breaking away! In pursuit!\n\nCount: Stay on
him!\n\n_Sweetening for a missile lock, Trigger eases off the throttle handle as he
lowers his airspeed for an MPBM launch._\n\nTrigger Air speed 300. Going for Mike-
Papa lock.\n\n_Following his flight leader, Count looks into his screen as more
bogeys appear on his radar. With the bogeys closing in fast for him and Trigger, he
breaks off, warning the gunship before doing so._\n\nCoun: Warhammer, TGTP is
pinging all over the place. We need to clear
out!","te":1573143388025},"642034661832261635":{"u":1,"t":1573143391808,"m":"Gift -
Damn, We got suppress fire from embassy."},"642036797693624330":
{"u":0,"t":1573143901037,"m":"AC-130 Pilot: Copy that, Strider Two.\n\n_With
Trigger and Count giving chase after the hostile jet, the gunner aims down at a
bunch of enemies dug in the embassy across the hotel where Metal 0-1, Romeo, and
Juliet are pinned down. Locking ono enemies below with his 105mm cannon. On the
ground, Nora fires off her last smoke round to the exposed embassy balcony,
marking targets for the gunship._\n\nSandman: We're taking more fire from the
embassy! Give us a hand!\n\n_Glancing on his remaining fuel count, the pilot looks
at the enemies below an gave the gunner a thumbs-up, permitting him a one-pass
striking run._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Metal 0-1, we can give you one pass and one pass
only. Okay. Go ahead and hit 'em.\n\n_Grinning, the gunner fires a 105mm round at
the embassy, switching to the guided shell's camera, he watches as the shell dives
down to the embassy as its feed cuts to black. The shell having impacted the
embassy balcony and exploding. Tearing the structure apart, however the shot misses
as the gunner prematurely cuts the feed away, causing the shell to air-
burst._\n\n_More enemies rush in to replace the fallen as Riley requests for more
rounds on the range, however the pilot denies the fire mission, his gunship having
taken damage from the jets._\n\nRiley: Building across the courtyard! Give me a 105
right through it!\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Negative, Atlas. We're under heavy enemy fire.
Give us six mikes to circle back around.\n\n_Pushing the commander away, Ruby
gathers the teams around, huddling themselves behind the metal support
truss._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright. We'll draw fire. Truck and
Frost, flank the gunner so we can keep moving, Jaune, you hold here and keep Grinch
and Carmine there unti we take that gunner out. Get ready. Go! \n\n_Running ahead
of Frost and Truck, Ruby sprints up the stairs and into a hallway with her team,
now in the hallway they engage True Sons soldiers within the hallway and pressed
on._","te":1573143954858},"642037213437231111":{"u":1,"t":1573144000158,"m":"Gift -
Sarge, Cap Hold here until we take the gunner out, Lieutenant on me.\nLt. Gift -
Rog' Let do this!"},"642039120704700447":{"u":0,"t":1573144454886,"m":"_Having
watched Team RWBY take on the enemies within the hallway, Gift and Lieutenant got
themselves up from the truss, pushing their way into the hallway as Sandman stays
behind with JNPR and Grinch. As they stayed behind, the gunner suppressing them
aims upward as rounds flew over the truss and onto Jaune, knocking him to the
ground as his aura shimmered._\n\nSandman: We're taking heavy fire! Get that MG
down, now!\n\n_After clearing the hostiles in the hallway, Truck and Frost come to
a balcony with the courtyard in view. Gesturing for Ruby to move over, Truck points
his gun at the gunner, marking a target for Ruby._\n\nTruck: Alright, tag him.\n\n
_Switching to the Crescent Rose's sniper configuration, Ruby shoulders her rifle,
aims and fires at the machine gunner at the center of the courtyard. Decapitating
the gunner with a clean shot to his head as the gunner's lifeless, twitching body
collapses onto the gun. With the gunner down, Sandman gets up, ordering JNPR to
follow._\n\nSandman: Alright, he's down! Let's go! On me!\n\n_With Ruby taking the
gunner out, the team moves out of the hotel and into the courtyard. They take more
enemy fire as they move forward, Gift sets up a Wheelson vehicle and deploys it,
the vehicle then begins to launch grenades up to the hostiles on the balcony as
JNPR hung back, giving Grinch extra protection._\n\nSandman: Move! Move! C'mon!
Grinch, Juniper, keep Carmine behind cover!\n\nGrinch:
{"u":1,"t":1573144766298,"m":"Lt. Gift - Gift, i see one on MG.\nGift - Let me show
you that everything can be sniper. (Equip Throwing Knife) Alright, Steady...Here
goes! (Throw knife on MG gunner and get direct hit)\nLt. Gift - Wow! Direct
hit.\nGift - You see it."},"642042884715184130":{"u":0,"t":1573145352296,"m":"_With
Gift taking out the gunner the courtyard is now cleared, the reinforcing True Sons
retreating as the AC-130 re-enters the airspace. With the gunship in orbit above
them, Riley regroups the teams and rushes to the monument ahead of her._\n\nRiley:
Let's go! Let's go! We're gonna strongpoint that monument just ahead! \n\n_Looking
back at Grinch, Pyrrha tosses him a spare magazine for his EBR-14A, a non-
transforming variant of Pyrrha's Milo. Grinning, he takes the magazine and reloads
the EBR, all while pinning Carmine to the ground with his
knee._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Grinch, bring Carmine up when we're
secure!\n\nGrinch: I'll be right behind you!\n\nTruck: The convoy will be here any
second!\n\n_With Jaune, Nora and Ren sticking along with Frost and Truck, the teams
move to the end of the courtyard as a captured Atlesian Mobile Burrow gun system
appears. Firing a round into the building behind them and raining debris onto the
teams with the missed shot._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Tank!\n\n_Readying Magnhild, Nora swaps out a round from the hammer's grenade
launcher configuration, replacing it with a smoke round. She takes aim, ready to
fire as per Sandman's command. With Nora taking aim, Sandman radios the
gunship._\n\nSandman: Talk to me, Warhammer, where we at?!\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Metal
0-1, we're back on station and available for ten mikes.\n\n_With Sandman pointing
to the enemy mobile Burrow gun system ahead of him, Nora nods and launhes the smoke
round at the mobile gun system marking it for the gunship._ \n\nSandman: We have
enemy armor right in front of us! We're marking with smoke!\n\n_As Nora's smoke
grenade round lands on the gun system's heat ejection port the gunner sighted his
105mm cannon and fires down on it. However, the round ricochets off of the gun
system's Hardlight armor, with the round deflected Sandman calls in for another
fire mission._\n\nSandman: Negative, Warhammer! Shot
{"u":1,"t":1573145441292,"m":"Gift - (Firing RPG) Tank defence is lower, take the
shot!"},"642045657544130572":{"u":0,"t":1573146013390,"m":"_Gift takes aim at the
gun system's exposed Hardlight projector system and fires an RPG round at it,
scoring a direct hit at the projector causing the shield to shimmer and disappear.
With the Burrow's shield offline the gunner locks a Nighthawk missile onto the
tank._\n\nAC-130 Gunner: Nighthawk shot out!\n\n_Cutting to the missile's control
screen, the gunner guides the loitering cruise missile into range and send sit
diving at the Burrow's turret mount, destroying it as the feed cuts to black.
Taking his eyes off of the missile's guidance scope, he spots a friendly Faunus
Militia convoy entering the battle zone._\n\nKing 6-2: Metal 0-1, Romeo and Juliet!
This is King 6-2. En route to your location.\n\n_Running for the convoy, Riley
responds to the convoy's callm her teammates following behind closely._\n\nRiley:
Copy that! We're almost at the intersection! One minute out!\n\n_Emerging from the
monument, combined forces team move out of the courtyard and make their way to the
intersection. Large groups of enemy infantry, tanks, and helicopters surround the
area, filling the TV Operator's screen with hostile signatures._\n\nAC-130 TV
Operator: Enemies crossing in the open.\n\n_Giving the gunner a thumbs-up, the
fire-control officer permits the gunner the permission to eliminate hostiles on the
ground._\n\nAC-130 FCO: Go ahead and take em out before the convoy gets
there."},"642045669510610969":{"u":0,"t":1573146016243,"m":"_On the ground, two
Humvees drive into the intersection chased by a marker drone, however, the marker
drone is quickly taken out as Trigger's UAV shoots it down. Overwhelmed by the
sheer number of signatures, the gunner accidentally discharges a burst of 35mm
rounds onto a building close to the Humvees._\n\nAC-130 FCO: Do not fire on the
humvees, those are our guys.\n\n_Addressing the crew of the convoy's position, the
pilot updates them with data from a surveillance drone._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Crew, we
have friendly vehicles on the ground. West of the fountain. That's west of the
fountain.\n\n_As the pilot calls out the convoy, more enemy signatures move in to
surround the convoy, stirring a joke from the TV Operator._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator:
Lots of guys movin in. We've stirred up a hornet's nest. Heh. I think we got their
attention.\n\n_The FCO shot back, keeping his eyes on the screen._\n\nAC-130 FCO:
Like hell they'll let Carmine go
{"u":1,"t":1573146128801,"m":"Gift - Did you see that Humvee?\nLt. Gift -
Yes.\nGift - That our exfil, let's go!"},"642048121018384434":
{"u":0,"t":1573146600728,"m":"_Back on the ground, the combined forces team is seen
moving towards the Humvees. Behind them, Ruby an Weiss keeps up their support as
Ruby takes out snipers on the roof while Weiss keeps the Delta team safe from
hostile fire with her Hardlight Dust shields, occasionally firing a Fire Dust salvo
up into the air, using them as makeshift mortars._\n\n_Finally reaching King's
convoy, Ruby and Grinch forces Carmine into the lead Humvee and jumps into the
turret, manning the minigun mount as her teammates piled into the vehicle, behind
her, Team JNPR piled into the second Humvee as a Faunus Militia APC arrives in
time, picking up Sandman's team and Riley, Gift, and Gift's clones._\n\nKing 6-2:
The LZ is two clicks north of here. Let's get a move on! \n\n_Replying to King, the
pilot reminds her of his status._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Going as fast as we can,
crew.\n\n_Stepping on the pedal, the third APC, going by the callsign King 6-3
takes off for the secondary LZ as the AC-130 clears the intersection, giving the
convoy a clear path. Rushing to get a struggling Carmine into the vehicle Weiss
punches the HVT in the face, subduing her. With Carmine finally in the vehicle the
driver of King 6-2 turns to Riley._\n\nKing 6-2: We secure?!\n\nRiley: Secure!
Let's roll!\n\n_The Humvees leave the intersection and move out, driving close
after King 6-3, on the gunship, video feed shows Sandman in the Humvee as it
drives._\n\nKing 6-2: Warhammer, this is King 6-2! We're moving
out!\n\n_Acknowledging the convoy's status, the pilot replies, banking his ship to
the convoy's direction._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Copy that, 6-2.\n\n_As the convoy moves
through the streets, a pair of MiGs drop rockets on them, barely missing them. The
driver of King 6-2 then shouts into her mic out of fear._"},"642048334680555534":
{"u":0,"t":1573146763343,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"642392012422643732":
{"u":1,"t":1573228719226,"m":"Lt. Gift - Gift, Man MG 34.\nGift - I'm on
it.\nSargent Gift - Warhammer this is Bravo 6-4, i'm scanning the area, sending a
radar transmission now."},"642394478241513538":{"u":0,"t":1573229178725,"m":"Truck:
Damn that was close!\n\n_As the MiGs flew past the convoy, two hostile RFU27
fighter jets flies in and drops more rockets at them but misses. With the jets
landing their shots dangeruously close to the convoy, the driver of King 6-2 orders
Ruby to take out hostiles with the turret mount._\n\nKing 6-2 Driver: Ruby, get on
that turret!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On it!\n\n_Switching to the M2HB
machine gun, Ruby pulls the charging handle back , chambering a round into the gu.
She then grips the gun's trigger with both of her hans as she opens fire at
hostiles chasing after her, her focus sending a video feed showing a first-person
view of her manning the Humvee's machine gun, firing at vehicles ._\n\nAC-130
Pilot: Romeo 1-1, you have two enemy vehicles on your six,
over.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, Warhammer!\n\nAC-130 TV Operator:
This should be interesting...\n\n_Swinging her gun at another APC, she rips into it
as API rounds pierced through the vehicle's armor, disabling it and causing the APC
to crash into a building and exploding._\n\nKing 6-2: Get these guys off our
tail!\n\n_Feeding the gunner's targeting system with signatures, the TV Operator
calls out the targets chasing after the convoy below._\n\nAC-130 TV Operator: Go
ahead and take em out.\n\n_Nodding, the gunner selects the 40mm cannon and fires
rounds behind the Humvees, taking out enemy vehicles and helicopters chasing them.
On the ground, as the gunship provides them cover fire they turn left at an
intersection._\n\nSandman: Going left! We got enemy armor behind us! Take em
out!\n\n_Nearly crashing into a tank, King 6-2 makes another turn avoiding it, the
convoy follows, turning to avoid a column of hostile tanks pre-firing their main
guns at them._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Making a hard
{"u":1,"t":1573229338641,"m":"Captain Gift - Turning left, Hold on!\nGift - Sarge,
Help me clear them out.\nSargent Gift - Got it, Commander look at radar and tell us
where enemy come.\nCommander Gift - I'm on it."},"642397422546583571":
{"u":0,"t":1573229880702,"m":"_Shouldering his M3E1-A missile launcher, Commander
sets his sights on a hostile vehicle, marking it in his personal radar. With the
vehicle marked he sends the data over to Gift and Sarge, marking them a target. On
the gunship, the FCO marks another column of enemy armor setting up a blockade
ahead of the convoy and gives the gunner permission to engage._\n\nAC-130 FCO:
Enemy armor up the road there. Clear to engage all those.\n\n_With Commander
marking the vehicle, Gift and Sarge locks onto it with their M3E1-As and launched
two missiles at it, stopping the vehicle as they cut through a couple demolished
buildings. Avoiding a ZSU-armed technical._\n\nRiley: Going left! They're right on
us! Take care of em!\n\n_Struggling to keep her machine gun on target, Ruby, in a
fit of rage rips the gun mount off of the turret and replaces it with her rifle,
having collapsed it into its sniper form. Rocking Crescent Rose's charging handle
twice, she activates the internal chain motor, spooling it up and opens fire at the
vehicles behind her. They make another left._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Making a hard left!\n\n_On the gunship, the gunner locks his last 40mm Tracker
rounds onto three tanks at a intersection firing at the Humvees and fires a 105mm
round at them, following up with the Tracker rounds, obliterating them._\n\nAC-130
FCO: Yeah, direct hits right there.","te":1573229900534},"642397620655882271":
{"u":1,"t":1573230013603,"m":"Commander Gift - More incoming, 6 o'clock.\nGift - 2
enemy vehicles incoming.\nSargent Gift - You know what to do?\nGift - Ha! I already
know that."},"642398498636955668":{"u":0,"t":1573230137262,"m":"_Reloading their
launchers, Commander takes out his MDL launcher and loads it with precision-guided
rounds, but Nora pushes him out of the way and open up Magnhild's magazine,
launching all six grenades at the vehicles. The grenades them home in on the
vehicles in groups of three, destroying the
vehicles._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Thank me later!\n\n_Having made themselves
a distance between the enemy, King 6-2 and the Humvees make a right. Pulling into
the ISEV access bridge, as they drive into the bridge three Erusean MiG-31s fly in
low and drop Dust bombs ahead of the convoy, clearing them a path._\n\nSandman: Go
right! Go right!\n\n_As the fires from the Dust bombs cleared, enemy helicopters
fly towards the convoy. Ready to intercept them, the TV Operator locks into them
and feeds the data to the pilot._\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Enemy birds inbound.\n\nAC-130
Gunner: Copy.\n\n_Sweeping his scanner beam across the bridge, the TV Operator
marks enemy helos for the gunner, marking them with red diamonds._\n\nAC-130 TV
Operator: Multiple enemy birds are engaging the convoy.\n\nAC-130 Pilot: Wait for a
clear shot. We don't wanna hit our guys.\n\n_The gunner nods, keeping his reticle
aimed at the convoy, the Humvees continue to drive along the bridge as enemy helos
continue their chase, firing unguided rockets at them._\n\nSandman: Get these
choppers off our ass, Warhammer!","te":1573230205237},"642398751616401428":
{"u":1,"t":1573230197577,"m":"Gift - Ha! You always crazy,
Nora."},"638065403779874817":{"u":1,"t":1572197046943,"m":"Gift - I can sense more
than that, Ruby watch your focus.\nExo suit AI - UAV online.\nGift - Multiple
Contact Inside the building, From my UAV i got it
whistles, loading high explosive incendiary shotshells into her gauntlets, with her
gauntlets armed she pushes Sandman out of the way, walking over to
Gift._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I'll take care of them, Weiss, stay back. Get
to Ruby.\n\n_Weiss begisn to protest, raising her
voice._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Why?! \n\n_Shaking her head, Yang
pushes her out of the building as Sandman drags her back to Ruby's position behind
a wrecked car._\n\nSandman: She's using ordnance shells, her shrapnels will burn
through you, just stay close to me."},"638067263773343744":
{"u":1,"t":1572197490400,"m":"Gift - Fire in the hole!!! (throw Incendiary
{"u":0,"t":1572198325056,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Shells in hot!\n\n_Jumping
into the fight, Yang braces herself against the first gunner's supprressive fire as
her aura nullifies the damage, absorbing them. Activating her semblance, she
punches the first gunner clean on his stomach as the explosive incendiary round
detonates on his armor, blasting through his torso._\n\n_The gunner's death throes
are then quickly silenced as Weiss puts an end to his suffering with an icicle shot
through his head, grinning, Yang fires off a propulsive round from her left gaunlet
as she flies over to Gift's incendiary grenade, grabbing it mid-fall and tossing it
to the second gunner._\n\n_However the gunner had anticipated the move and deflects
it to Riley, only to have her deflect the incendiary grenade back to an incoming
group of hostiles. Screaming his head off, the second gunnr runs back to his allies
in an attempt to save them from the grenade but fails as the grenade explodes,
releasing a shower of white-hot white phosphorus shrapnel burning through the
hostiles._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Thanks for that, Gift! I'll take the third
man, you push up and flush the stragglers! \n\n_Pushing a dead grunt off of her,
Riley shrugs and gave Yang a questioning look. To which she replies._\n\nRiley: Are
you trying to be like me?!\n\n<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> No? I'm trying to
get us a clear path!\n\n_Shaking her head, Blake puts an end tothe two's argument
as she fired a shot to the third gunner's head, stunning him briefly, staggering,
he flailed his weapon around only to be subdued by Jaune ramming his shield onto
the gunner's head, knocking him out._\n\n_As Jaune takes out the gunner, silence
fills the streets again as everyone stopped in their tracks. Staring awkwardly at
one another._","te":1572198459332},"638071055151267947":
{"u":1,"t":1572198394335,"m":"Gift - That's the last one, Is area
{"u":0,"t":1572198432696,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Clear. Let's
move."},"638071460757241866":{"u":1,"t":1572198491039,"m":"Gift - Mata, We coming
from six o'clock, watch your fire."},"638073519409856544":
{"u":0,"t":1572198981860,"m":"_Replying to Gift, the private lets out a huge sigh
of relief. Gunfire continue to burst through the speaker as he keeps the channel
active._\n\nMata: Roger that, Bravo! We'll hold position and wait until you get
here, Firestreak Six out!\n\n_Ending the call, Riley rallies the team and they make
it to the first floor and move out of the building. Now on the streets, Sandman
runs up to Ruby and Weiss, pushing the two forward as Frost joins
them._\n\nSandman: Ruby, Weiss, with me!
Hit the bookstore! Juniper, hang back and root out the stragglers!\n\n_Now
assigned with their own objective, Jaune rallies his team together as they fall in
behind Team RWBY and Riley. Their first team leading the assault on the bookstore.
Behind them, Gift switches from his Vulture to the EBR-14 rifle as he takes out
hostiles in front of Ruby._\n\n_Pushing their way inside, Ruby, Weiss, and Frost
engages hostiles inside the bookstore. They move inside and Ren spots hostiles on
balcony. Marking them with a threat grenade._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> On the
balcony! Threat grenade out!\n\n_Ren's grenade then covers the area with red light
as hostiles are marked in his HUD in red, taking StormFlower out, he takes out the
hostile on the balcony, allowing his team to push into the store as RWBY continues
their engagement, driving the hostiles away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Marksman team on my twelve, engaging!\n\n_Over at Ruby, she takes aim and fired a
close-range shot through a two-man True Sons marksman team, killing them, however
as she is about to reload Crescent Rose a True Sons rifleman caught her by surprise
and fired three shots at her, knocking her to the floor as her aura flickered.
Absorbing damage._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Ruby's hit! Hostile on my
{"u":1,"t":1572199083244,"m":"Gift - I got you Ruby.\nExo suit AI - Sentry gun
deploy.\nGift - (Healing Ruby) You will be alright."},"638076080363667458":
{"u":0,"t":1572199592439,"m":"_Crawling her way into cover, Ruby smiles at Gift,
giving him her compliments._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Thanks, Gift.
\n\n_Feeling her health coming back to normal, she gets up, picked Crescent Rose
from the floor and reloads it. Jamming a new magazine into the magazine well and
chambered a new round into it. Spotting three more hostiles coming her way, she
calls them out to Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, I got three more
coming in, they're all yours!\n\n_Getting up from his cover, he deactivates the
sentry gun, switching from his EBR-14 to his M13, taking aim, he locks onto the
three infantrymen and unleashed a full-auto mag dump onto them injuring two and
forcing the third man to flee from the store, with the third man running for his
life, the store is clear._\n\nGrinch: Clear! Blake, check the
door!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Roger.\n\n_Blake stacks up in front of
Grinch as he pushes open a metal door. Behind her, Ruby, Yang and Riley stacks up
after her while JNPR and Weiss stacked up behind Gift. Sandman stands in front of
the door and kicks it open as the teams press on._\n\nGrinch: The restaurant's at
the end of this alley.\n\n_With Mata's beacon in his sight, Sandman warns the
private's team of his position._\n\nSandman: Firestreak, this is Sandman. Watch
your fire to the north. We are coming to you.\n\nMata: Copy that. Damn, we're glad
to see you.\n\n_Moving into the alley, Yang spots more True Sons entering the alley
but Riley takes them out, firing three plasma projectiles at them._\n\nFirestreak
Six-One: In here, hurry up!\n\n_A member of Firestresk peeked his head from the
corner, shouting over to the teams._\n\nGrinch: It's the Militia!\n\nFirestreak
Six-Three: Go!\n\nRiley: That all of
'em?","te":1572200226783},"640942977350500352":{"u":1,"t":1572883113945,"m":"Gift -
I think that all of them."},"640944586105028612":
{"u":0,"t":1572883497502,"m":"Firestreak 6-1: Check, we're it.\n\n_Checking the
radar scope on her Focus, one of Mata's surviving squadmate confirms the status of
her unit, flashing an ok sign. They run into the restaurant where Mata and his men
are waiting, some are wounded, others are dead. Walking up to the operator, Riley
asks him of his status._\n\nRiley: What's your status?\n\n_Mata turns to his group,
finding them standing next to a door._\n\nMata: Seven men standing.\n\nSandman:
Where's Carmine?\n\n_Mata calls up a map of the ISEV's subterranean access tunnels,
marking outposts in red._\n\nMata: The Sons launched the chemical attack from a
staging ground somewhere in the elevator access tunnel system. We believe Carmine
is still there.\n\n_Moving to the door, Ruby stands next to Firestreak 6-3, waiting
for her teammates._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We got your six. Lead the
way. \n\n_Behind her, Weiss contacts Overlord and briefs him in on the mission
status. Uploading another data packed to the command center in
Vytal._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Overlord, this is Romeo 1-2. Link-up
complete. We're en route to the HVI's location now.\n\n_Moving from the kitchen,
the teams move into the dining area and are engaged by True Sons outside. Ducking
into cover, Riley disengages from her primary weapon to firing energy bolts from
the rings on her wrists, suppressing the enemy._\n\nSandman: We gotta get across
the courtyard! Frost, Yang, lay down cover fire. Move!
Gift - Gift, Catch! (throw MG42)\nGift - Thanks Lieutenant."},"640948317458530343":
{"u":0,"t":1572884387126,"m":"_Taking the machine gun from his teammate, Gift pulls
the charging handle back, chambering a round into the MG42. He moves forward,
setting up position on top of a table and opened fire at the troops ahead of
him._\n\n_Flanking his right, Weiss launches out three Hardlight glyphs, launching
a flurry of Hardlight projectiles at the group, suppressing
them._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Keep them suppressed! \n\n_Using the
Hardlight projectile storm to her advantage, Ruby takes aim through the scope,
firing a precise Fire Dust round to a group of True Sons hostiles in front of her,
engulfing the men in flames._\n\n_Taking cover behind Jaune's shield lies Nora and
Ren, the two picking off hostiles with their weapons. But as they remain in their
spot a hostile Wheelson UGV denies them their cover, blasting them with cannon
fire._\n\nGrinch: Moving!","te":1573497168563},"640948525856718859":
{"u":1,"t":1572884537998,"m":"Sargent Gift - I'm tracking their radio, there is a
secret base at the sewer.\nGift - Possibility of Carmine.\nSargent Gift - High
enough.\nGift - We must head to the sewer."},"640951612734701569":
{"u":0,"t":1572885172781,"m":"_Noticing the hostile Wheelson unmanned ground
vehicle peppering Jaune with 40mm grenades, Riley marks it for Yang. Shouting its
position over the gunfire to her._\n\nRiley: Yang! Got a Wheelson harassing Jaune
on your eleven, take it out!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> With
pleasure!\n\n_Reloading her gauntlets, Yang jumps into the vehicle's firing path as
she activates her semblance, absorbing the grenade impacts as she bursts into
flames, ready to take out the UGV. With the offending vehicle in sight she lands
her right fist onto it, smashing the armor in and breaching the ammunition pouch,
detonating them and destroying the Wheelson._\n\n_With the Wheelson destroyed she
calls it out for her teammates, deactivating her semblance as the fires burning
within her dies down, her eyes returning to its norma
lilac._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Wheelson down! Move out!\n\n_Picking Crocea
Mora up, Jaune and Nora joins Sandman and his team as they move outside and engage
more True Sons at the street. Jumping up the roof, a trail of white smoke flies
past Pyrrha, marking the use of RPGs. Calling out the rocketeer's position she
fires a tracker round into the building ahead of her, marking the targets for
Sandman._\n\nSandman: Copy! Go! Go! RPG! Top of the
stairs!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Copy, enegaging!\n\n_Leaping into
the sky, Weiss removes a Fire Dust catridge from Myrtenaster and tosses it inside
the building as it explodes, killing the rocketeer. They clear the area and push
forward to the stairs. At the next street, an autonomous SDC truck remains crashed
against a sedan, spilling chemicals from its
{"u":0,"t":1572885174876,"m":"Mata: Follow me!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
This way! Move!\n\n_The teams turn into a building to the right. Across the
building, they engage more True Sons, but Riley sweeps the area clean with a
devastating energy barrage. They move down the building, out to the street, and
down another set of stairs. Ahead is a large group of additional True Sons. Grinch
calls them out._\n\nGrinch: Boss, we got bad guys inbound.\n\nSandman: How many we
got?\n\nGrinch: Looks like Beacon down there! We're gonna need air
support!"},"640951896370053180":{"u":1,"t":1572885240405,"m":"Gift - I have a smoke
marker, Ruby use it, aim at the tank."},"640953598364090416":
{"u":0,"t":1572885646192,"m":"_Gift reaches into his LBE, taking out two smoke
grenades. He tosses them over to Ruby as she takes it into her LBE. Taking one out
and gripping it tightly in her left hand, with the targets in sight she radios a
Menagerian Air Force AC-65 Calamity gunship on station, requesting a fire
mission._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Skyfall, this is Romeo 1-1. Request
fire mission, over.\n\nAC-65 Pilot: Roger, Romeo 1-1. Established in orbit at
12,000 feet. Full load. Mark your targets.\n\n_Without hesitation, she pulls the
smoke grenade's fue off and throws it towards the True Ssons. Marking targets for
the gunship. Aboard the gunship, the FCO marks the targets with his IR scope and
relays it to the gunners. Giving them the permission to enegage._\n\nAC-65 Pilot:
Roger, spot. Danger close.\n\n_As the teams remain behind cover, the ear-piercing
whistles of burst missiles and cannon fire comes within their earshots as the
projectiles rain down on the street, wiping out the True Sons in a series of large
explosions from the burst missiles' explosives._\n\nMata: Down the
Let's go!\n\n_With the streets ahead cleared, they come around the alley and up to
a plaza, Nora smshes down the door allowing the teams move inside to engage True
Sons chopper troops and a Bulwark airship._"},"640953850601275412":
{"u":1,"t":1572885706330,"m":"Gift - Up ahead, 12 o'clock."},"640955600133423115":
{"u":0,"t":1572886123451,"m":"Riley: Roger, hostiles on our twelve. Smoke 'em,
Ruby!\n\n_Deflecting bullets away with the Crescent Rose, Blake runs up to Ruby and
takes out her last smoke grenade, pulled the fuze and tossses it over to the
advancing hostile troops ahead of her. With the grenade thrown, she returns fire
with Gambol Shroud only to be forced into cover by suppressive fire from the enemy.
From the radio, the pilot warns the teams of their status._\n\nAC-65 Pilot:
Established overhead. Ready for targets.\n\n_Despite her poor throw, Blake tosses
the lit grenade as far as she could, unwittingly sending it straight into an
automatic trashcan. The troops below then duck for cover, but finds the grenade
landing right inside the automatic chute, stifling laughs from the True Sons
troops, pausing the fight momentarily as the soldiers tries to catch their
breaths._\n\nGrinch: Sons roping from the choppers!\n\n_Looking over to the grenade
she'd thrown, Blake curses under her breath as the grenade she'd tossed lands right
inside a still functioning automatic trashcan, its automatic lid blocking smoke.
Jumping from his cover, Frost tosses another smoke grenade to the troops, this time
marking the targets for the gunship._\n\nFrost: Smoke out!\n\n_With the grenade
tossed, more whistles is heard as three burst missiles smashed through the roos
before breaking up into sub-munitions, saturating the plaza with bomblets. The
bomblets guide themselves to enemies within their vicinity, sparing the friendly
teams from being casualties as they explodes, eliminating hostiles in the
area._\n\nSandman: IFV destroyed!\n\n_Seeing more targets in her view, Nora fires
off another smoke grenade from Magnhild, marking more targets for the gunship. The
AC-65 wipes out the infantry, flying in close and strafing the ground with 57mm
cannon fire from its ventral turrets._","te":1572886241452},"640956062887051295":
{"u":1,"t":1572886233780,"m":"Sargent Gift - The sewer that lead us to their secret
base is near.\nGift - Clear the enemy before we get
Carmine."},"640958596355719206":{"u":0,"t":1572886837806,"m":"_From the sky, Riley
calls out successful hits for the gunship until the bomblets explodes, forcing her
to fly back to her teams._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Multiple hits
confirmed! Good work, Skyfall!\n\n_As the explosions from the bomblets stopped, the
plaza is cleared. The teams rally up at the reception kiosk checking their
remaining Dust ammunition._\n\nGrinch: We're clear!\n\n_Uploading waypoints for the
team, Mata marks the manhole ahead of him as the entrance to the elevator
maintenance systems underground._\n\nMata: The entrance is up ahead.\n\n_As the
teams move out, the gunship contacts Ruby, warning her of its status._\n\nAC-65
Pilot: Romeo 1-1, I am bingo on fuel. Give me fifteen mikes to gas up and rearm,
over.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy that. Thanks for the assist,
Skyfall.\n\n_Mata points to the manhole, its locks blown apart by breaching
charges._\n\nMata: Over here. The entrance to the subterranean network!\n\n_The
teams come to a manhole as Yang bends over and removes the manhole cover on her
own, tossing the cover aside she points to the access ladder. Mata goes down the
ladder into the subterranean network._","te":1572886863254},"640958920235417603":
{"u":1,"t":1572886915025,"m":"Sargent Gift - Here!\nGift - Open the entrance, we
gonna get in."},"640958963847790602":{"u":0,"t":1572886925423,"m":"Sandman: Romeo,
get down the ladder.\n\n_Nodding, Ruby gets in the manhole and climbs down the
ladder followed by her teammates. Reaching the bottom she stops and waits for JNPR
to descend into the tunnels, her teammates standing by. With the teams inside Weiss
takes out a device to scan the air for chemicals. Mata's fellow Militia agent,
Rorke, keeps a lookout nearby._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Checking for
toxins. Standby.\n\n_Looking into its screen, the device beeps clear of toxins.
Satisfied, she takes the device back into her belt
pouch._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I've got negative contamination in
this area. Masks off – but keep your eyes open.\n\n_Rorke nods and they remove
their gas masks save for the teams, their bodies protected by their enhanced Auras
from the infusions given into them._\n\nSandman: We need to minimize our signature.
One light source only.\n\nMata: Understood. Follow me. Stay
- Mata, what about the rest of your team?"},"640959966991220757":
{"u":0,"t":1572887164591,"m":"_Not answering Gift's question Mata turns on his
helmet flashlight, takes point, and the team move through the sewers. Sweeping his
beam around the vast tunnel network and accidentally blinding Weiss with his
flashlight beam, to which he apologizes before focusing his beams on the path
ahead._\n\nOverlord: Metal 0-1, Blue Force Tracker dropped the fix on your
position. \n\nSandman: We're in the tunnel network. Proceeding to possible target
location.\n\nOverlord: Roger, 0-1. We're sending a Ranger QRF to your location.
Mark your route with IR flares so they can locate your position.\n\nSandman: Roger
your last. 0-1, out.\n\n_Following Mata closely, Team RWBY provides him with close
protection as the girls scan their sectors, checking for hostiles. They move down
the stairs further into the sewers. As they move, Sandman mark flares behind them,
Jaune follows suit, dropping flares after him as well. Taking note of the strong
stench, Grinch dry heaves._\n\nGrinch: Smells like shit down
here.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Yeah, but at least it won't kill
you.\n\n_Mata comes to water way. He looks both ways and moves right. Pushing his
right arm forward._\n\nMata: All clear. Move
up.","te":1572887204516},"640960173451640832":{"u":1,"t":1572887213815,"m":"Gift -
Check the corner."},"640962063568732211":{"u":0,"t":1572887664454,"m":"_Breaking
the tense atmosphere, Ruby speaks up, asking Mata the status of his
allies._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If you don't mind, where's the rest of
the Militia?\n\n_Listening in on Ruby, Sandman lights a flare and puts in on the
ground. Jaune does so, dropping another stick of IR flare after him. In the front,
Mata speaks up, answering Ruby._\n\nMata: A chemical strike hit our barracks at the
elevator, or what used to be Kuana's redlight district last night. Most of my men
died within minutes. I made it out, but was forced to go back and retrieve what's
left of my forces. If you're wondering, the street's called Pleasure
Street.\n\n_Riley speaks up, having recalled meeting her childhood friend at the
ISEV's construction sites years prior to the beginning of the conflict. Then to
seeing a report of her death on her Focus._\n\nRiley: A friend of mine was at the
elevator, name's Meg. \n\nMata: I'm sorry....this is why Carmine must pay for what
she's done.\n\nGrinch: She will. I'll see to that.\n\n_Sandman lights another flare
on the bridge above the water, Ruby does so, but instead of using flares she
activates her silver eyes, lighting the area ahead of her. They continue through
the sewers until they see a door marked “Danger.” Rorke takes a crowbar and yanks
the lock off as Mata kicks opens the door_\n\nMata:
{"u":1,"t":1572887749125,"m":"Gift - (Think to himself) I ask same as Riley but he
only answer for Riley not me."},"640963762173640714":
{"u":0,"t":1572888069433,"m":"_Hearing Gift mutter to himself, Mata apologizes to
the general, still keeping his eyes locked at the substation entryway._\n\nMata:
Sorry, I didn't catch your words clearly.\n\n_With Ruby lighting the dark place
with the light from her eyes the teams now move into a tunnel past the substation.
The teams makes their way through a narrow crevice and move under a bar and
continue to look for Carmine. They go left. An explosion above ground shakes the
tunnel._\n\nMata: This way. Approaching suspected location of HVI. 100
meters.\n\n_Pushing the door open, they come to a dungeon like room where the walls
are made of hundreds of skulls and skeletons. Sandman lights another flare, Jaune
reaches behind him but finds his flares empty. He groans, taking his eyes off of
the walls made out of human and Faunus skeletons._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
How many bodies do you think are buried down here?\n\n_Shaking his head, Sandman
kicks the flare stick closer to a broken skull, lighting it up._\n\nSandman: Don't
know. Let's make sure we don't join them.\n\n_Moving from the dungeon-like room
they move to a hall. As Mata moves up, a True Sons grunt slams down a gate onto
Mata, but he kills him as he was about to fire. Mata pushes away the gate and they
engage the Sons at the other end of the hall._\n\nSandman: Let's go!\n\n_Readying
herself, Ruby and Frost move up to the next room as a flashbang rolls past
them._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Flashbang!\n\n_The flashbang goes off,
blinding everyone. As Ruby recovers her eyes Carmine is seen running away from the
teams, firing her sidearm at them._"},"640964124322431016":
{"u":1,"t":1572888155776,"m":"Gift - There Carmine, we need
alive."},"640966431558860800":{"u":0,"t":1572888705864,"m":"Grinch: We got a
runner! It's Carmine!\n\n_Returning fire, Sandman reports his status to Overlord.
Hailing him through the radio._\n\nSandman: Overlord! We have a positive ID on the
HVI. In hot pursuit!\n\nOverlord: Roger, 0-1. Remember we need Carmine captured
alive. He holds the only actionable intel
on our next lead to Target Sierra.\n\n_Dodging the gunfire, Sandman dives into
cover and switches to his M17 pistol, quickly taking down three hostiles with clean
shots through their heads. Behind him, Ruby and Weiss tosses incendiary Fire Dust
grenades into safe rooms, denying the True Sons any possible retreats and driving
them out to te open. They engage the Sons in the room._\n\n_Taking the shot, Blake
moves in for the kill as she stabs the grunt in his chest, kicking the dead man off
of the blade. She folds it and with Gambol Shroud in its pistol form opens fire at
another team of hostiles, but Pyrrha swiftly takes care of the group, taking them
down with shots to their chests._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Move!
Move!\n\n_Rallying her team, JNPR and RWBY move up the metal stairs as they come to
another hall, before them, Carmine, in an attempt to escape jumps up the
{"u":0,"t":1572888707886,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> She's heading up
the ladder!\n\n_Summoning a Manticore summon, Weiss clears the area and pursue up
the ladder with Riley, Ruby and Gift folowing behind. They run up the stairs and
out to the street meeting Yang, Blake and Sandman's group. Ahead of them, Carmine
is seen getting in a grey car which drives away, escorted by two True Sons
technicals._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Carmine's getting in the grey
sedan!\n\n_Pointing to the blue van, Jaune pushes Ruby inside the van and shuts the
doot behind her, his team having commandeered an M6A3
IAV._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Get in the blue van! Move!\n\nMata: You go!
I'll cover you!\n\n_With their combined efforts the teams clear the street of
hostiles and run to their vehicles while Mata and Rorke provide cover for them from
the building. Ahead of them, True Sons choppers are seen dropping more
{"u":1,"t":1572888767006,"m":"Gift - More enemy incoming."},"640968499077840897":
{"u":0,"t":1572889198799,"m":"_Now inside the car, Ruby takes the driver's seat
forcing Sandman to take shotgun, the rest of his team having took off with Nora in
the IAV._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yang, hurry! She's getting
away!\n\n_As Yang climbs inside the van, Ruby takes the wheel, Sandman rides in the
back, and Frost climbs into the passenger seat pushing the barrel of his rifle
close to the windshield. He pushes out the cracked windshield, the glass shattering
onto the hood of the van._\n\n_Behind him, Weiss tries to launch out Hardlight
proojectiles but is forced to switch to conventional firearms, her position denying
any freedom of movement needed for
summoning,_\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Keep laying down fire!\n\n_Frost
fires at the True Sons on the street as Ruby works on starting the engines, after
three attempts the engine comes to life._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Gun it!\n\n_Determined, Ruby goes pedal to the metal and drives the van. At the
intersection, she drives between two True Sons IFVs trying to roadblock their
pursuit, a body tumbles on the hood of the van, but Weiss sends it off of the car
with a mini Arma Gigas summon. As Frost kept up his fire Weiss calls him to the
back, being fired upon by IFVs giving
chase._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Frost! I need you back here
now!\n\n_Frost gets to the back of the van and kicks the doors open. thrusting a
spare magazine into Sandman's hands, he, Sandman, and Weiss then make their stand
as they fire everything they have at the enemy vehicles in front of
them._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Enemy tank coming out of the
alley!\n\n_In the back of the van , Weiss keeps up raining various Dust projectiles
at vehicles until a True Sons battle tank comes from behind and begins chasing them
down the streets._","te":1572889283954},"640968838028197908":
{"u":1,"t":1572889279611,"m":"Gift - RPG inbound."},"640970725645221908":
{"u":0,"t":1572889729654,"m":"_Looking behind her, Ruby sees three RPG trails fly
past her as two ASTs gave chase after her vehicle, but are quickly dispatched by
Riley's lasers blasting them to oblivion._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
They're targeting us!\n\n_Just as the tank fires, Ruby drives the van down a set of
stairs, making it miss. Still going pedal to the metal she swerves, dodging another
RPG fire. She bumps into a store, the tank fires from the left but misses again,
this time thanks to Riley spamming its optical targeting system. Frost holds off
the True Sons, and Sandman shoots one attempting to enter the van, kicking the dead
grunt away from Weiss._\n\nSandman: Step on it!\n\n_Pulling the gear back, Ruby
gets the van moving again. As armored vehicles chase them, Frost takes out the
drivers causing the vehicles to swerve out of control and crash soon after. A True
Sons Fighter Mmanta appears behind them, flying above the river, its nose cannons
locked onto the van._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Manta incoming!\n\n_As
Blake calls out the Manta. Ruby pushes her pedal deeper into the metal, the van's
engines speeds up as fast as it goes, but the van takes heavy fire from the fighter
airship's nose cannon. Yelling at her incoherently in fear of getting shot, Sandman
turns around to Ruby but is quickly dragged to position by
Weiss._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Drive!
Drive!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Taking a shortcut!\n\n_Ruby drives down a
ledge down to another street. As they drive through a hall of stores, the Manta
fires its guns through the glass ceilings. Its rounds missing the van by
inches._\n\n<:Disgusted_Weiss:634430992471293952> That helo's making another run at
us!\n\n_Looking ahead, Ruby sees Carmine's vehicle out in the distance, closing in
fast._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Got her!\n\nSandman: Weiss, ride
{"u":1,"t":1572889935528,"m":"Gift - Target in sight."},"640973813089304578":
{"u":0,"t":1572890465758,"m":"_Dropping her spent M91 machine gun Weiss moves back
into the front of the van. Sandman shouts at Ruby again as he sees Carmine's
vehicle getting closer._\n\nSandman: We're gaining on her! Floor it!\n\n_Making a
sharp turn to the right Ruby drives out of the stores into the street and catch up
to Carmine, with her target insight she calls out the vehicle to
Weiss._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Target is dead ahead!\n\nSandman: Weiss,
take the shot!\n\n_Taking aim with Myrtenaster, Weiss fires four icicle shots at
Carmine and takes out the car's back tires. The car starts to veer out of
control._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She's hit! She's hit!\n\n_Losing
control, Carmine's car veers to the right and hits a wall.Still keeping pressure on
the pedal, Ruby rams the van to the side of the sedan and pushes it through the
street. Weiss takes out the gunmen in the rear seat of the car and stops as they
crash through a fence and the sedan is thrown toward a garbage bin. The van hits
it, pinning it in, and stops. Smoke billowing from its burnt out
radiator._\n\n<:Disgusted_Weiss:634430992471293952> Rabbit vehicle is down! Get
out!\n\n_The team gets out of the van. Sandman runs to the car and pulls out
Carmine through the shattered windshield, punching her and slamming her on the car
and drags her out. Keeping her in handcuffs._\n\nSandman: C'mere, asshole!
\n\n_With Carmine captured, Blake reports the situation to
Overlord._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> This is Romeo 1-3! Jackpot!
Carmine's secure! \n\n_She glances at Carmine's bloodied face, then to a destroyed
SDC cargo van and back at her again. Overlord contacts her back._\n\nOverlord:
Bring her in for interrogation, 1-3. We'll extract any intel she has on
Sierra.\n\n_Staring into Carmine's eyes, Ruby calls out her status to Truck,
letting him know of her successful capture._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Truck, we've got Carmine! We're on our way!\n\nTruck: Copy. Symphony 2's spinnin'
up now.","te":1572890505547},"640974468730060814":
{"u":1,"t":1572890622075,"m":"While Gift and his team wait for exfil, the feeling
in the past have come again, he feel neglected."},"640975586885369856":
{"u":0,"t":1572890888664,"m":"_Pushing Carmine down on the ground, Ruby gets up and
walked over to Gift, taking him by the arm she drags him to the van, sitting him
down on the bullet-ridden rear._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hey, we're not
leaving you. Remember what we said?\n\n_Lying on her back on the ground, Weiss
takes a sip from her emergency water ration, giving Gift a thumbs-
up._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> We won't leave you, just like what
we've said back on the ship.\n\n_From the sky, Riley lands next to Blake, her
combat attire completely torn up. Nonchalantly, she rips them off and snapped her
fingers once as the attire regenerates themselves onto her._\n\nRiley: Stay
focused, we still have to get Carmine out of the AO, and now every single one of
the True Sons freaks are going to eat us alive if they caught us here.\n\n_She
hands Gift a photo of him dragging Ruby into cover, but Gift doesn't take it.
Instead he stares at it thanks to combat tiredness taking
- Just promise me that you will not leave me alone, every
{"u":0,"t":1572891463555,"m":"_At this, Yang groans in frustration, propping her
back against the van._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oh, come on, Gift. Have we
ever let you down?\n\n_Getting up, she crawls on her knees over to a cold water
faucet close to the van and cusped her mouth over the leaking faucet, drinking in
the cold water._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We should be ready, looks
like Sandman's about to leave.\n\n_She points to Sandman and Grinch carrying
Carmine by the arms over to Truck
and Frost. Biting her lips, she gets up and stretches, feeling her muscles going
numb._\n\n_From the abandoned cafe, Truck waves over to the team, hailing them
through the radio._\n\nTruck: Get over here! This cafe's still got stuff in here,
we'll hold here until Command calls.\n\n_Riley waves back at him, Ruby follows
suit, and replies to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sounds good, Truck.
We're coming."},"640988321048428544":{"u":1,"t":1572893924725,"m":"His heart feel
freezing and cold."},"641302561726398475":{"u":1,"t":1572968845541,"m":"Sargent
Gift - I don't know what happen with him now?\nLt. Gift - Don't you remember his
mental state is very low, if he get ignore once, his heart will ready to break
apart.\nSargent Gift - Should we give him a time?\nLt. Gift - For recover his
heart, yes, but don't let him alone too long."},"641305533655023636":
{"u":0,"t":1572969554104,"m":"_Upon hearing Lieutenant's words, Riley's expression
changes. She frowns, shaking her head and walks up to Gift and squats down in front
of him, staring the young general in his eyes._\n\nRiley: Gift, I know what's going
on with your heart, but right now you need to stay focused and get Carmine off the
X before the Sons get here.\n\n_She places her right hand on his chest, conjuring
beams of light from her palm. Sarge tries to stop her but she ignores him. Pointing
her left index finger to his chest, she speaks._\n\nRiley: You keep your girls
there, and keep your head clear, okay?\n\n_Stopping her energy transfer, she lets
go of his chest and gets back up on her feet, extending an arm out for Gift. Gift
looks up to her and takes her arm, getting up on his feet. As she gets him up, a
transmission shows up on her Focus as the holospace projects a live battlespace
data showing True Sons forces continuin their advance into Menagerie._\n\n_Watching
the transmission, Overlord connects with Ironwood, the Atlesian war general
commanding his forces in the Government Council Headquarters., which is now
recovering and being rebuilt from the Sons invasion a few weeks
earlier._\n\nWinter: Overlord, you're now online with General Ironwood and the
Remnant Security Council.\n\nOverlord: Ironwood...\n\n_Ironwood is connected with
Overlord from a war room bunker under the west wing of the damaged Government
Counil Headqurters._\n\nIronwood: General. Have you found Salem's location
yet?\n\nOverlord: No, but we received actionable intel on her bomb-maker. The
situation is developing.\n\n_Ironwood stares into the screen, inhaling deeply he
slams the console's keyboard._\n\nIronwood: Developing? Do you have her or
not?\n\nOverlord: A combined forces team just took her down. I'm sending you the
footage now.\n\n_Overlord taps his screen, sending Ironwood a live footage of U.S.
forces holding the Sons back. Frost's footage shows Carmine being captured, bound
and bagged._\n\nIronwood: What's their
{"u":1,"t":1572969700300,"m":"Gift - Going to exfil, but i can sense that Carmine's
troop will going to attack us soon."},"641307727012036608":
{"u":0,"t":1572970077041,"m":"_Gift's avatar appears in his screen, Ironwood then
selects an Atlesian Nighthawk aerial destroyer on standby and slides its marker
over to Ruby's position on the tracker screen, giving them the support from the
aerial destroyer's armanents._\n\nIronwood: Understood, Gift. I'm sending you a
Nighthawk, use it. \n\n_With Ironwood speaking to Overlord, he stops, waiting for
the general to finish. With Gift's avatar blurred he replies to the
general._\n\nOverlord: Ironwood, they have Carmine in custody, but their OP-SEC's
been compromised. \n\n_Groaning at Overlord's use of American war terminology,
Ironwood keys his mic._\n\nIronwood: Simpler, Overlord. Please.\n\n_Showing
Ironwood the team's location and their designated exfil point, Overlord prepares to
elaborate his terminology but Winter interrupts him._\n\nWinter: They're gonna have
to shoot their way to the extraction point. \n\n_She takes over and zooms in on the
Nighthawk's marker as a live aerial footage of the destroyer is shown, surrounded
by Fighter Mantas and Strangereal Coalition fighter jets. Ironwood speaks up,
pushing Winter out of his way._\n\nIronwood: General, I want Carmine alive. I don't
care what it takes. You bring those men home, and her back in one
piece."},"633004689364877353":{"u":0,"t":1570990478603,"m":"_Taking the mask from
Gift, Soap quickly replaced it as he threw the old mask away. Now donning the new
mask his vision clears up as the visor clarifies his view. Moving on, Team ECHO
contact Price through their radio, their live feed appearing in the team's Focuses
again._\n\nEcho Team: We've located Nikolai's airship. It's a half click north of
your position.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy that, Echo! We're
inbound!\n\n_Running through the fog, a group of militia run across the street
right past them. At this, Price goes prone, ordering his team to do so as
well._\n\nPrice: Get down!\n\n_Estimating their possible direction, Soap throws a
threat grenade at the militia group. Highlighting them in red._\n\nSoap: They must
have found Nikolai.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Let's move
out.\n\n_Exhaling, Ruby lines up the three militia and fired off a single shot, the
gunfire echoing throughout the village much to Soap's surprise. The three men fall
to the ground, their chests carved a gaping hole from the .50 caliber round tearing
through them._\n\n_Pulling the bolt back Ruby reloads a round into the chamber,
keeping the magazine locked in._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hostiles
down._\n\nSoap: That was easy.\n\n_With the three hostiles dead, the team gets up
on their feet and continues to search for Nikolai as Echo Team contacts them, from
the radio, gunfire and incoherent yelling is heard._\n\nEcho Leader: Price, we've
reached Nikolai, but we're under heavy fire! Militia's all around us!\n\nPrice:
Hang on, we're almost there!","te":1570990503126},"633005108086571047":
{"u":1,"t":1570990578434,"m":"Gift - We almost there.\nLt. Gift - I see them
now.\nCaptain Gift - Got heavy fire from 1 o'clock.\nGift - All unit, Enemy 1
{"u":0,"t":1570991359825,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Looks like they're
headed for Nikolai.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Drop 'em!\n\n_Opening fire,
Blake sends five rounds of explosive Fire Dust at the militiamen as Yang launched
lexplosive Fire Dust projectiles at them, adding in to the chaos, their combind
effort proves to be more than enough as the advancing enemies ran off in fear,
regrouping themselves at Nikolai's crash site._\n\nSoap: We're clear.\n\n_Pushing
through, they come to another street as more hostiles appeared. Throwing in a smard
grenade, Yuri denies them cover from their technicals as the vehicle explodes,
knocking them away from their cover as Ruby cleans up the street and eliminate more
hostiles. Nikolai's downed Manta lies ahead._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> There's
Nikolai's airship!\n\n_Tracers and stray rounds whizzed past her as the militia
fired at the team, driving them to cover. In retaliation Yang jumps out of her
cover with her Semblance activated, she rushes through the gunfire, absorbing
damage. Leaping into the air, she slams her right fist down on the street,
delivering a strong shockwave blast at the militiamen._\n\n_With the hostiles
cleared out, more rush in to take their fallen members' place, keeping Team ECHO
pinned under enemy fire. Not saying a word, Riley takes to they sky, using herself
as a target._\n\nPrice: Echo Team's pinned down! Let's
{"u":0,"t":1570991383996,"m":"_Flanking their position, Price leads his teammates
to the south, far away from enemy fire thanks to Riley diverting their attention
from the crashed airship. Ruby warns the team of their current
position._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Echo Team, we're approaching your
position from the south! Stay alert!\n\nEcho Team: Copy that!\n\n_Blue flashes
appear within the fog as Riley takes down the fleeing hostiles with her energy
attacks. With Price taking the lead, they reach the crashed airship. Nikolai sits
with his back perched against the hull, clutching his stomach._\n\nPrice: Good to
see you mates! Where's the convoy?\n\n_Showing him a projection of two weather-
resistant Condors approaching the crash site ECHO Team's leader points to the
warning lights of the planes ahead of them._\n\nEcho Team: We've got two Condors on
standby 50 meters to the northwest!\n\n_Turning to the group, Price barked orders
to everyone._\n\nPrice: Alright! Ruby, grab Nikolai. Everyone else, suppress and
fall back!\n\n_Collapsing Crescent Rose to its compact form and storing it on her
back harness Ruby lends Nikolai a hand, picks him up, and carries him. The team
moves out._","te":1570991601868},"633008765725179914":
{"u":1,"t":1570991450483,"m":"Gift - Go Ruby, i will cover you.\nLt. Gift - Convoy
50 meter ahead."},"633011176413855744":{"u":0,"t":1570992025236,"m":"_Relaying his
position to another exfil team on standby, Price transmits his location to the
team, his blue marker showing up in their HUDs._\n\nPrice: Sea Goblin, we've got
Nikolai! We're heading to the exfil point! Move out!\n\nSea Goblin Team Leader: Sea
Goblin copies! Our airships are on standby!\n\n_Bearing Nikolai's weight on her
shoulders, Ruby continues tunning through the street as tracers fly past her, the
militia having caught wind of her location. Spinning around, Weiss conjured a line
of orange glyphs, firing fireballs at the hostiles. With Weiss suppressing the
enemy, they move through the street to the exfil point._\n\nSoap: Follow
me!\n\nEcho Team: Sea Goblin!, we're approaching the exfil point!\n\n_Struggling to
keep up with the rest of the team, Ruby loses balance
an trips over. At this, Yang picks her back up and hoisted Nikolai up for her to
carry._\n\nPrice: Come on, Ruby!\n\n_The teams come to a small ridge, ahead of
them, the Condors of Sea Goblin lies ahead with their engines running on full
speed. Fighting against the strong
winds._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331>There's Sea Goblin!\n\n_Screaming into
his microphone, Echo Team's leader marks the location of Sea Goblin for their
allies._\n\nEcho Team: Let's go! They're just past the ridge!\n\nPrice: Ruby, this
way!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We have to keep moving!\n\n_As she ran, tracers
fly past her again. More rounds fly close to her as the militia locked in on Ruby's
location, running as fast as her feet would allow, she screams out in pain as two
rounds struck her left thigh. Losing balance, she drops Nikolai down the ridge as
she, too, slides down the ridge leaving behind trails of her own blood streaking
across the sand_\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Ruby's hit! She's
hit!\n\nPrice: Let's go! Come on! We gotta
- Ruby, i got you.\nSargent Gift - I got minigun, i will cover you, come on!\nGift
bring Ruby to the airship, and he use his body to protect Ruby until they get to
airship.\nLt. Gift - Come on!"},"633013970319573049":
{"u":0,"t":1570992691355,"m":"_Putting Myrtenaster back into its belt scabbard,
Weiss took off running for her friend through incoming fire up to Gift. She takes
her by her left shoulder as Gift flanked her right, carrying Ruby over to the lead
Condor._\n\nJD: Covering fire!\n\n_Taking out a Tri-Shot autocannon, he and Kait
lay down covering fire for the three as they make their way back to the Condor.
From Ruby's view, her vision begins to fade as blood continue to flow from the two
bullet wounds on her thighs. Staining the ground under her dark red._\n\nKait: Keep
them pinned down!\n\n_Jumping off of the Condor, Price raced through the field of
fire as he pushed the three inside the Condor's cargo bay as fast as he could. JD
and Kait continue their suppression fire, keeping the advancing Militia pinned
down._\n\nPrice: I got you!\n\n_JACK, taking notice of Nikolai fires a inactive
override grappling hook onto him, mustering all of his strength to drag the injured
pilot inside the Condor. As they reach the cargo bay, Fahz and Soap took to their
feet and dragged the three further inaide while JACK puts Nikolai on a stretcher.
Now in the Condor, Del shouts at its pilot to take off._\n\nDel: They're all
aboard! Take us up!\n\n_The Condors take off as they fly away through the
Windflare, their airframe protected by Trophy APS
{"u":1,"t":1570992825339,"m":"Ruby see her brother tried and get injured from
getting himself to protect her.\nLt. Gift - Gift you got shot.\nGift - I can hold
it until i get on board.\nLt. Gift - Keep it up,
{"u":0,"t":1570993636255,"m":"_Pushing Gift off of Ruby, Riley conjures two white
energy rings on her wrists. Preparing to channel vitakinetic energy onto her as the
Light Energy infusion within Ruby fails to keep up with her extensive
injuries._\n\nRiley: I got you, Ruby! Stay with me!\n\n_Kneeling down next to her
friend, Weiss clutched Ruby's right hand tightly, tears streaming down her cheek
and onto the Condor's metal floor. Blake and Yang hovers right above her as they,
too, watched anxiously while Riley works on healing her back to
normal._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Stay with me! Ruby,
please...\n\n_Channeling vitakinetic energy onto Ruby, the rings on Riley's wrists
projects two beams of light onto Ruby's chest, activating the energy particles
inside of her. As she does so, Weiss lets go of Ruby's hand as a jolt of
electricity shocked her hand._\n\n_As Riley continues to channel vitakinetic energy
onto Ruby, the view of the outside world changes into Ruby's vision. Darkness
surrounds her mental vision as the sounds of wind roaring, running engines and
pained sobs assault her ears. She tries to wake up, but finds her strength too
weak._\n\n_Fighting against the darkness, Ruby forces hersefl to wake up, feeling
the warmth of light Light Energy within her slowly invading the cold, dark realm
surrounding her. Slowly coming to consciousness, she opened her eyes as blinding
light shone into her eyes. Raising her right arm to shield away some of the light,
she groans._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ugh, what is this...? Where... am
I-- UGH!\n\n_As Ruby regains consciousness, Riley stops channeling vitakintic
energy onto her as Ruby;s body begins to glow with red aura, indicating a
successful healing. With joy, Weiss pulls Ruby up to an embrace, holding her friend
in her grasp as tight as she could, crying into her shoulder. In shock, Ruby tries
to push back, but is stopped as Weiss holds her even
{"u":1,"t":1570993720559,"m":"Gift - (Heavy breathing) BT, how many bullet that i
take?"},"633020061845815316":{"u":0,"t":1570994143688,"m":"_Bringing up a
projectile pattern, BT displays it on Gift's holospace. His simulated body being
protected by a thin blue layer deflecting red projectiles away._\n\nBT: Body damage
analysis shows you have received zero gunshot wounds, General. Your willpower to
save Ruby has caused your aura to absorb all incoming projectiles. This is a great
sign marking your recovery.\n\n_Still holding Ruby in her arms, Weiss continues to
sob hysterically on her shoulders. Calming her down, Ruby pries her left arm out
from her friend's hold and pats her on the back, consoling
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm here with you now, calm down... Just
calm down.\n\n_Rubbing her friend's head, Ruby leans in close as she gave Weiss a
soft kiss on her left cheek. Feeling her friend's chest slowly stopping its spasm
from crying._\n\n<:Sad_Weiss:630061362785157120> Just promise me you'll be okay,
Ruby? Please...\n\n_Reassuring her, Ruby pried Weiss' arms off of her, setting them
down on her laps. Her silver, gleaming eyes meeting with her friend's reddened,
blue eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I promise, Weiss. I'll always be
with you, with all of us.\n\n_Blake and Yang stays put at their seats, giving the
two their private time, watching from their spot. Pulling her in for another hug,
the two girls embrace one another in a warming hug as ECHO Team's leader watched
from afar. Getting up, he walks over to Gift and Nikolai._\n\nECHO Team Leader:
Glad you made it, General! That was a hell of a feat you pulled off
- That's normal day for me.\n(Thinking to himself) I'm glad Ruby is alright, i'm so
happy.\nThen tears have coming out from his eyes while he see that happy
scene."},"633021285735071748":{"u":0,"t":1570994435486,"m":"_Raising his eyebrows
in surprise, the team leader sits Gift down next to Nikolai._\n\nECHO Team Leader:
A day in the life? That's it?! Damn, sir, you are one hell of a brave bastard to
get through that Windflare with them Charlies peppering you.\n\n_Nikolai glanced to
Ruby and Weiss, then up to Gift._\n\nNikolai: I will have to give Ruby my
compliments, if it weren't for her I'd be dead out there."},"633021657002541056":
{"u":1,"t":1570994524003,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Am i still not got a
credit?"},"633023692804194326":{"u":0,"t":1570995009376,"m":"Nikolai: And to you,
too. For running through all that _дерьмо_ to get me here. \n\n_He yawns, resting
his head on an extended headrest._\n\nNikolai: I'll sleep now, wake me up when we
get to the Delta.\n\n_Closing his eyes, Nikolai falls into slumber as he slumped
onto the extended headrest. Over at Price, he and Riley continue to discuss their
next move with Soap._\n\nSoap: So if Carmine's in Menagerie, how are we getting in
there in the middle of a bloody war?\n\n_Riley points out of the window to the
Liberty Delta, the massive Arsenal Bird's airframe visible in the
distance._\n\nRiley: We rest and rearm in the Delta. Once we're in the green we'll
drop in with Sandman and JNPR. Delta can't fly into the ISEV's airspace so the only
way to get to the space elevator without tripping ISEV defense laser grids is to
deploy from a standoff range.\n\n_She brings up a hologram depicting the Liberty
Delta flying fifty kilometres outside of the ISEV's defensive laser
grid._\n\nRiley: We deploy with the Goblins again, their Condors are large enough
to accommodate three teams. My team, RWBY, and JNPR. You guys hang back at Atlas
and wait for your next deployment. We'll fly in under Trigger's
protection.\n\n_Blowing a puff of smoke from his cigar, Price snubs it and throws
it over to a spent ammunition box._\n\nPrice: That's fine, good luck hunting
Carmine out there. Heard she's become their hotshot.\n\n_Riley chuckles, taking a
swig from her hip flask._\n\nRiley: We'll get her, and extract everything she knows
of Salem's plans.","te":1570995155627},"633024228958011392":
{"u":1,"t":1570995137205,"m":"Gift - Uncle Mac, Can you hear me? what about the
situation in Menagerie?"},"633025254498762803":
{"u":0,"t":1570995381713,"m":"_Baseplate's insignia appears on his
holospace._\n\nBaseplate: It's hell on Remnant out there, son. You'd better be
prepared for that. Intel from RCIO says the local Faunus Militia are fighting to
take back the ISEV while the True Sons rush to secure Carmine for extraction.
Sandman will fill you in on more, this is all I know.\n\n_Baseplate ends the call
as Sandman's ID appears on the screen. Gift connects him through as the Comms
Operator on the Delta picks up the call._\n\nOperator: Caller, please
- Code Black viking, Request to contact with Metal 0-1."},"633027515379744779":
{"u":0,"t":1570995920749,"m":"_The Comms Operator apporves of Gift's call as his
call is connected to Sandman. The Master Sergeant's face showing up on a live
feed._\n\nSandman: Gift, thanks for the tip on Salem. We'll be on standby for
Romeo.\n\n_From the holospace, Carmine's profile is shown, where she located
somewhere in Menagerie. The scanner zooms in to reveal her exact locaton being
under the Faunus Militia's networks of underground shelters built by Remnant-
Grunder Industries._\n\n_As Gift is about to speak, Price butted in._\n\nPrice:
Salem's bomb-maker, Carmine, is in Paris. We need to act before she bolts and I
can't make the window. \n\nSandman: I'm on it.\n\n_Sandman calls up a scanner scope
from a surveillance SOLG platform, the satellite shows the assembling of WMDs
stored in SDC shipping crates._\n\nPrice: The bastard used one of the SDC's
production plants as a front to produce and distribute the WMDs, I'm en route to
their HQ in Mantle.\n\n_Data from the satellite locates the local Faunis Militia
force, Sabre, trapped in a building somewhere in Menagerie_\n\nOverlord: Militia
special forces have located Carmine. The Militia tracked her deep behind enemy
lines, but they're pinned down.","te":1570996046623},"633027891273138216":
{"u":1,"t":1570996010369,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, We must make sure that our weapon
is ready."},"633028805534941214":{"u":0,"t":1570996228346,"m":"Price: I won't be
joining you, though.\n\n_After hearing what Overlord had spoken through their
channel, Blake speaks up._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> And you want us to
unpin them?\n\n_From his HQ in Vytal, Overlord locks the trapped Militia unit in
with a blue diamond._\n\nOverlord: Prosecute the target as needed, but Carmine
comes back alive.\n\n_The scanner's view zooms in on Kuo Kuana, its streets and
buildings damaged from airstrikes as several parts of the capital are marked as
contaminated from chemical attacks. The connection ends as the feed cuts to
black._"},"633029103070740512":{"u":1,"t":1570996299284,"m":"Gift - Alright then,
so BT where are we now?"},"633031034824425502":{"u":0,"t":1570996759850,"m":"BT: We
are approaching the Liberty Delta. General, I have received messages coming from
the Kingdom of Atlas, I will play it back for you.\n\n_His holospace displays a
message playback sent from Ironwood, the title of the message reads: FLASH SECRET,
DESTROY AT ONCE AFTER FINISHED._\n\nBT: I will read it for you.\n\n_BT reads the
message out loud for Gift to listen._\n\nBT: \"General Ironwood to General Gift,
this is an urgent message. The Kingdom of Atlas has decided that the use of Atlas
Academy as an active base of operation for Task Force 141 is determined too risky
for the Kingdom's safety. As a result, your task force will be relocated to a
forward operations base located in Mantle itself to decreas the risk of the
Kingdom's defeat by the hands of the True Sons. However, members within the
Military Council, including myself have objected to the relocation of the
base.\"\n\n BT: \"I know that this may sound ridiculous, but with the increase in
True Sons attacks directed at the kingdom we can no longer put the kingdom's safety
into jeopardy. The location of the base will be revealed after the end of your next
deployment by Riley. For now, I wish you good luck, and good hunting. Should there
be further updates in the relocation, I will let you know. Ironwood,
out.","te":1571075989936},"633033021821419541":{"u":1,"t":1570997233587,"m":"Gift -
This is getting worst.\nGift is thinking that his heart is getting
freezing."},"633033479516586014":{"u":0,"t":1570997342710,"m":"_As he stared into
the holospace, Ruby snaps him out of the trance. Bumping her waist onto his
shoulder. Gift looks up, feeling the warmth driving away the freezing sensation in
his heart._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hey! We're about to land on the
Delta. Get switched on!\n\n_She winks at him,
{"u":1,"t":1570997412778,"m":"Gift - (hug Ruby) After this over, we will stay
together, Right?"},"633034576473882652":{"u":0,"t":1570997604245,"m":"_Ruby returns
the hug as Weiss, Blake, and Yang joins her. Huddling together around
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We will, Gift.
\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> As long as we're in this
together.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> To the
end?\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> To the end.\n\n_As the four girls embraced Gift,
the Condor lowers its altitude. Approaching the Delta's deployment bay as four MQ-
105 arrester drones fired their gravity slingshots onto the Condor's airframe,
pulling the aircraft up into the bay as the door closes._"},"633034662708510751":
{"u":0,"t":1570997624805,"m":"(I gotta go now, we'll continue
{"u":1,"t":1572191182445,"m":"Gift - Make sure that your ammo are
ready."},"638043600005103647":{"u":0,"t":1572191848518,"m":"_With the Condor
secured within their gravity slings, the four arrester drones flew up the Delta's
ventral landing bay as four mechanical arms locked onto the engines, pulling the
cargo airship inside. Now inside the landing/deployment bay, the aft cargo ramp
lowers itself to the floor, allowing the girls to leave the aircraft._\n\n_Inside
the cockpit, Avril feathers the propellers as the meechanical arms locked
themselves on the engines, reaching above her head she purges the Condor's
recirculated oxygen reserves, flushing out possible contaminants out to the Delta's
sophisticated CBRN filtering system._\n\nArsensl Bird ATC: Condor Six-One, drones
locked, cut engines and prep for refuel. \n\nAvril: Roger, Tower. Ship is
locked.\n\n_With a loud hiss, the rear cargo ramp lowers down to the floor,
emerging from the cargo bay came Ruby, her right side flanked by her teammates,
Gift, and Riley. Now inside the Delta's landing bay an intelligence officer jumped
down from the catwallks landing before the group._\n\nDelta Intel Officer: Get your
Focuses switched on, we'll debrief right here. Menagerie reports fifty percent of
its combat forces lost so we need to get you guys in the city fast.\n\n_Raising a
finger to her Focus, Ruby turns it on and links her data feed with her
team's._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Feed is up, hit it.\n\n_With the press
of a button on the wrist computer, the Intelligence officer links up the team
directly to Overlord._","te":1572191902205},"638043975009435668":
{"u":1,"t":1572191937926,"m":"Gift - (Equip 1911) Thanks for this pistol, Uncle
Price, Soap."},"638046002343051293":{"u":0,"t":1572192421280,"m":"_As the team
waited, Overlord's data feed appears on their holospaces, showing a large map of
Menagerie's combat zones._\n\nOverlord: Glad to have you guys back here in the
grid, Romeo.\n\n_Ruby replies, zooming her map in as the space elevator's map shows
up on-screen._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, we're glad to be here,
too. What's the status on Metal 0-1?\n\n_Overlord updates their screen with the
latest data obtaind from a surveillance drone orbiting within Kuo Kuana's airspace.
On the feed, Metal 0-1 is marked with green dots, their positions surrounded by a
sea of green and red dots._\n\nOverlord: They're holding on you at grid MNG-0-5-6-
8-2, your Focus will mark it as Point Victor. Get there fast and assist the local
forces. As of now, your deployment in Menagerie remains a top priority.\n\n_Raising
an eyebrow, Weiss interrupts Overlord, sending him an encrypted data packet over
the network._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Hold on, who are we supposed
to be? Do we take Carmine, or Metal takes her?\n\n_Overlord replies, correcting his
mission objective._\n\nOverlord: You will assist Metal 0-1 in capturing Carmine
before hostiles can secure them. However, there have been reports of White Fang
troops operating within the city, so watch yourselves."},"638046365783425055":
{"u":1,"t":1572192507931,"m":"Gift - What? New update? Lemme see.....Oh!
Interesting."},"638048258953838592":{"u":0,"t":1572192959298,"m":"_As Overlord
continues his briefing, a large explosion rocked the ship, causing the group to
fall to the ground. The lights in the bay turns red as a loud whirr is
heard._\n\nArsenal Bird AI: Missile impact detected, rerouting all power to APS
system. Entablishing power link with ISEV Delta.\n\n_Getting up, Ruby helps her
teammates on their feet as they find themselves surrounded by men and women alike
rushing to their positions, jumping from the landing bay catwalks came Team JNPR,
the four members shouting at Ruby._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Get moving,
Ruby!\n\n_Taking her by the arm, Jaune drags her inside the Condor she'd just left
as Pyrha, Nora and Ren pushed Weiss, Blake and Yang into the ship. Jumping into the
Condor's cargo bay came Riley and Gift, carrying with them ammunition
crates._\n\nRiley: We'll resupply on our way to Menagerie, get yourselves geared
up!\n\n_Running to the cockpit, she shoves Avril back into her seat, handing her an
aviation headset._\n\nRiley: Get us to Menagerie now! \n\n_Rapidly flicking away
switches and typing commands into the flight interface in front of her, Avril nods
as she brings the Condor to full power, the mechanical arms locking the engines in
having detached from the ship prior to the sudden explosion. With the slight push
of the throttle stick she brings the Condor's engines to full power, its engines
roaring within the landing bay._"},"638048530296078360":
{"u":1,"t":1572193023991,"m":"Gift - On my way!\nHe keep continue reading his exo
suit update manual."},"638050144524435457":{"u":0,"t":1572193408853,"m":"_Now
settled in his seat, Gift reads through his exosuit's updated manual as the rest of
his team get thenselves
ready for the mission in Menagerie. Arming themselves with ammunition and gear
from the crates he and Riley had brought into the ship earlier._\n\n_In the
cockpit, Avril swears under her breath as the landing bay doors slowly opened due
to the sudden reduction in power, turning to Riley, she screams over the roaring
engines._\n\nAvril: If that gate isn't open, we'll all die before the mission even
began! Do something!\n\n_Swinging her arms down, two translucent blue rings
conjured around Riley's wrists as she forces the large doors open with telekinesis
creating an opening large enough for the Condor to leave the Liberty Delta and join
forces with its fellow formation of combined foreign allied forces. Seen flying
close to them are three Osean C-5X Super Galaxy transport aircrafts and two 160th
SOAR Ch-47s flying alongside them._\n\n_Looking out to the blue sky, Ruby stares
into the massive formation of planes as the view changes to somewhere in Menagerie,
Sandman, Frost, and Grinch jumps on a rooftop from their Little Bird. The
helicopter emerges from a cloud of green toxins and flies away. Protecting
themslevs from the chemicals the team don their gas masks, scaning their
surroundings for hostiles._\n\n_Taking care not to step into the green resudies
which are still spilling from the attacks the previous day the team moves
cautiously into a clearing within the rooftop. In the skies, transport planes are
parachuting allied foreign force reinforcements to help the Menagerians repel the
True Sons._\n\nODA 595: Any station, any station, this is ODA 595. All civilians at
Point Echo are dead. Requesting decon units and
{"u":1,"t":1572193799256,"m":"Gift - Oh! Support power, let's see...UAV, Hunter
Killer Drone, Care package. Wait! it same as airdrop but different it will
random...Interesting, next Predator missile, Sentry Gun, Counter UAV, Stealth
Chopper. All interesting, i will try it on battlefield, and operator skill? Vulture
the Minigun, War machine Grenade launcher, Sparrow Explosive bow. I will also try
it start with Vulture, all set ready for battle."},"638053070680621057":
{"u":0,"t":1572194106503,"m":"_Aboard the Condor, Avril slows her aircraft down as
Sandman's beacon appears on her radar. With the data, she calls out their position
over to the teams waiting inside the cargo bay._\n\nAvril: Heads-up, Metal's
holding out for you at Point Victor, I'll slow down for a low-altitude drop! Green
light in thirty seconds!\n\n_Flashing Avril a thumbs-up, Riley exits the cockpit
returnin to the cargo bay, finding its rear door open. She walks up to the door's
edge and raised a fist, holding the teams back from their jump as she ran through a
mental countdown. Standing next to her, Gift readies up his exosuit, checking his
loadouts._\n\n_Looking down to the ground, green clouds cover the streets as the
toxic Dust compound continues to sublimate into smoke. Readying themselves, the two
teams activate their enhanced auras as they tap into the Light Energy infusion they
had received from their days in Beacon from Riley's experimental enhancement
project._\n\nAvril: _over comms_ Standby! Five seconds to
- M4A1 Ready, Standby for deploy."},"638055761997463605":
{"u":0,"t":1572194748163,"m":"_Looking up to the red light above her, Ruby finds
herself hyperventilating as anxiety clouds her mind. Shaking her head, she tries to
divert her attention to the battle below. Looking to her friend, Weiss placed her
hand on Ruby's shoulder, reassuring her._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Hey, we'll make it. All of us.\n\n_With Sandman's beacon directly underneath hers,
Avril permits Riley the drop as the red light filling the interior turns green,
allowing them to drop. With the light turning green Riley turns back to her
teammates, flashing them an ok sign._\n\nRiley: Green light! Go, go,
go!\n\n_Jumping off the airship, she spreads her arms and legs wide, slowing
herself down, she looks behind her as Team RWBY follows her closely, next to her,
Team JNPR flanks her right, their aura trails signifying their arrival on the
battlefield. From her radio, Ruby listens in on Overlord's call responding to 595
over the friendly combat radio network._\n\nOverlord: 595, this is Overlord actual.
Negative. All forces in Menagerie are engaged. Triage the civilians and move your
team upwind of the plume.\n\n_Sandman's team lands on the roof, once landed they
begin to scan the sky for the two teams, around them, aerial transports deploy
their troops into deginated zones, as well as AA and rocket fire. Frost pulls out
his M8A2, pulling the charging handle twice. Delta gets off the chopper, and the
Little Bird flies away._\n\nSandman: This area's still dirty from the chemical
attack. Keep your masks on. Truck, we're on the deck, holding for Team Romeo and
Juliet.\n\nTruck: Roger. I'll meet you at the LZ in one hour. Good luck.\n\n_Truck
jumps down from the roof to the floor below and begin to move through the building
which is filled with toxic fumes. Running his way to the designated LZ as the rest
of his team waited for the arrival of the two teams._"},"638056567576592394":
{"u":0,"t":1572194940228,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"638058393306791946":
{"u":1,"t":1572195375516,"m":"Gift - What the mess, most of people die because this
chemical weapon."},"638060343746232381":{"u":0,"t":1572195840537,"m":"_With
Sanman's beacon in sight, Riley lands right in front of him as the two teams landed
close to Grinch, spreading out and covering any possible exposed spots. Taking her
rifle from her back, Ruby expands it to its sniper configuration, shoudering it and
aiming down the streets ahead._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Romeo to Metal,
we're waiting on you. \n\n_Looking at him, Blake flashes Sandman an ok sign as he
and his teammatesmove down the building, meeting the team. Overlord contacts them
again, warning them of the Menagerian unit's status._\n\nOverlord: Metal 0-1, the
Militia unit is pinned down at Point Romeo. Get there fast or we'll lose the only
shot we've got at finding our next lead to Salem.\n\n_Casting a defensive wall of
Hardlight shields with her glyphs, Weiss covers her flank, protecting Jaune, Riley
and Gift from possible ambushes._\n\nSandman: Roger wilco.\n\n_With their sector
clear, Ruby and Blake leads the team up, a civilian is seen dead at the end of the
hall, lying against the wall. Putting Gambol Shroud back in its sheath Blake checks
for his vitals, but gets nothing. They move
left._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> He's dead. The gast got to
him.\n\n_Commenting over the 595's status, Grinch whistles._\n\nGrinch: 595 sounds
like they got hit hard. Lot of rooks in that unit.\n\nSandman: No one's a rook
today.\n\n_They move towards the edge of the building where a hole is blown out on
the wall, the street down below littered with dead civilians. Yang readies up her
left gauntlet and punches off a piece of debris and they slowly make their way
across the edge of the building. Looking down, Frost sees multiple dead civilians
littering the ground, as well as clouds of the Dust-infused chemical
agent._\n\nGrinch: Watch your step.\n\nOverlord: 0-1, be advised, Militia is taking
heavy casualties. They won't last long. You'll need to double time it to make the
RV.","te":1572195870949},"638061059739222037":{"u":1,"t":1572196011243,"m":"Gift -
We almost there, Overlord."},"638063412739440692":
{"u":0,"t":1572196572242,"m":"_Taking over the call, Weiss requests for an open
channel to the Militia unit._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Overlord,
patch me through.\n\n_Typing codes into his console, Overlord patches Weiss through
to the Militia unit holding their position at a restaurant marked within Point
Victor._\n\nMata: This is Mata! How much longer?\n\n_Gunfire and explosions bursts
through the Focus' speakers as Mata calls for the teams' assist. Weiss
replies._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Two minutes out. Just keep your
perimeter secure. We're almost there.\n\nMata: Please just hurry!\n\n_Ending the
call, she projects a waypoint marker onto the ground, giving the team the
directions to Mata;s unit holding out at an unnamed restaurant within Point
Victor._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Let's go. This way!
Move!\n\n_Running their way along with the waypoint markey they move down and up a
slope of rubble. As they move down the stairs, gunfire from across the building
shatter the windows as Dust rounds blasted the walls to bits, denying the teams
their cover._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We're compromised! Contact! Building
across the street!\n\n_Chambering a round into Crescent Rose, Ruby begins the
engagement as she fired off a high-power Mk211F Raufoss-M Dust round at a group of
hostiles ahead, stunning them with the initial blast from the projectile's
impact._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Go loud!\n\n_Jumping down the street
Riley takes the fight to the hostiles as she and Weiss engaged their shields,
deflecting away the gunfire and sending them back at the hostiles. They briefly
engage the hostiles and continue their way down._\n\nSandman: Down the
{"u":1,"t":1572196629472,"m":"Gift - Ruby, Can you see the
enemy?"},"638064077368852480":{"u":0,"t":1572196730702,"m":"_Looking through her
scope, she marks out three hostiles firing their machine guns into Weiss' Hardlight
shield, suppressing her. With the three gunners marked she calls them out to
Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Three gunners suppressing Weiss on your
eleven, take them!\n\n_Pullin the bolt back, she chambers another round into
Crescent Rose and fired off another shot, this time blasting away a wall and giving
Gift an oppening. As the
round destroyed the wall before them the three gunners ceased fire, spreading out
to scan for Ruby. Gift jumps down the building, rushing into the bulding ahead of
him with a Vulture minigun at the ready._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
They're spreading out! I'll take one on the right, you take out the
- Target ahead, Engage Engage!"},"632610867195936768":
{"u":0,"t":1570896584081,"m":"Nikolai: Missiles away. Romeo is on
standby!\n\n_Locking the missiles onto two ZSU-23-4 turrets Nikolai fires two
missiles at them, destroying them and the entry point. With their disposable
jumpkits powered on, Ruby steps back and jumped off the
ship._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Romeo Team
deploying!\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I'm right behind you!\n\n_Leaping
off of the airship, Team RWBY activate their jumpkits, slowing them down mid-jump
as they fly over to the destroyed entry point. In the sky, after providing Nikolia
the protection from incoming shells Riley disables the shield dome. Flying down
alongside the team._\n\nRiley: Atlas Six-Two, on station!\n\nPrice: Targets ahead.
Engage! Engage!\n\n_From the Minotaur, Yuri pulls out his M4A1 and fires at Shay's
militia units. The militia attempt to close the gate, but the two trucks break
through the gate and they enter the docks. Looking up to the sky Soap finds Team
RWBY's jumpkit trails closing fast on the
{"u":0,"t":1570896741613,"m":"Soap: You're right on time!
Romeo!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just keep pushing forward, we'll hit them
when you get off the trucks!\n\n_Stopping at the checkpoint Price gets out of the
truck, pulls out his Desert Eagle and kills two enemies. After free-fallng to the
ground Team RWBY begins their engagement as they land at the gate. An alarm sounds
throughout the compound as the teams spreads out and engages the militia._\n\nSoap:
Slot these bastards fast!\n\n_Switching to the pistol configruation, Blake fires
rounds into a mobile cover drone, forcing three hostiles to stop and run as their
cover is destroyed from the rounds hitting their battery
packs._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Moving up, cover me!\n\n_As she moves
up to engage the fleeing hostile, multiple plasma projectiles rain from the sky as
Riley takes them out. With the hostiles cleared she regroup with her team as they
push forward through the compound._\n\nPrice: Shay's compound is at the end of the
road! Move!\n\n_Running up at a militiaman, Weiss rakes out a refined Wind Dust
catridge and tossed it at him, using the catridge as a concussive grenade. As the
Dust catridge detonates she takes him out with a fast strike to the chest, plunging
the rapier deep and killing the militiaman._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Soap! Heads up!\n\n_Kicking the dead enemy off of her weapon she runs off to Soap
and fired two Lightning Dust discharges at him and a group of Nikolai's Loyalist
team, with the charges fired off she summons glyphs under them. Slowing down time
around them and allowing the group to quickly engage targets ahead._\n\nSoap: Nice!
Sweep under the docks and clear them out!\n\n_Using the time dilation to his
advantage, Soap takes out a belt of fragmentation grenades from a dead militiaman
and pulled off all the fuzes. With all the grenades armed he throws them outside of
the glyphs' coverage, sending the grenade belts over to a group of Shay's
militiamen. Killing them._\n\nSoap: Hostiles down!"},"632611804765356052":
{"u":1,"t":1570896807615,"m":"Gift - They are keep coming, Nikolai we need air
support."},"632613506193031188":{"u":0,"t":1570897213267,"m":"_From the sky, after
pulling away from the ZSUs Nikolai brings his ship into position, switching the
flight mode on his Manta to VTOL as the twin nose cannons fall under Ruby's
control._\n\nNikolai: Moving into position now, Ruby. Take control of the
cannons!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On it!\n\n_Moving into cover, Ruby
takes out her Scroll as Nikolai positions his Manta over the compound, readying the
nose cannons. With the nose cannons ready he radios her again, this time letting
her know of his gunship's status._\n\nNikolai: Ruby! You're up!\n\n_Crouching next
to her, Soap yells at Ruby to activate the remote sequence on the Manta's nose
cannons._\n\nSoap: Ruby, you've got control. Light 'em up!\n\n_Without hesitation,
Ruby controls the nose cannons on Nikolai's Manta and fires it down all over the
the compound, firing down onto a group of militiamen below. Moving onto the mortar
pits, she zooms in and delivered precise shots to the mortar pits, destroying them
and killing several militia surrounding it._\n\n_On the ground, as her position
becomes compromised by a militia fireteam carrying heavy antipersonnel weaponry
Blake tossed a smoke grenade over to the, marking the targets for
Ruby._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Ruby! I've tossed green smoke ahead of
our position. Take care of those guys!\n\n_Moving on as Nikolai positioned his
Manta for Ruby she targets hostiles on the roof, gunning them down as rounds
penetrated the roofs into buildings. After killing the hostiles on the roofs she
focused her fire on militiamen surrounding her team. Delivering precise bursts onto
them._\n\nNikolai: Nice shooting! Keep it
up.","te":1570897318568},"632613848406556702":{"u":1,"t":1570897294857,"m":"Gift -
Target destroyed, Well done Ruby.\nLt. Gift - Technical from the
north."},"632615959835836436":{"u":0,"t":1570897798261,"m":"_As Ruby continued to
control Nikolai's cannons the militia fire RPGs in an attempt to shoot down
Nikolai. Causing him to pull the ship to a hard left, breaking her
aim._\n\nNikolai: That almost hit me! I hope my luck holds out!\n\n_Still in
control, Ruby keeps up suppressive fire onto a squad of ASTs emerging from a field
hospital. Destroying them as Nikolai finishes his pass over the compound, shutting
off Ruby's control over his turrets._\n\nNikolai: I'll fly back for another
pass.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy that, Nikolai.\n\n_Taking the Scroll
back into her belt pouch Ruby gets up, picking Crescent Rose from the ground and
rushed into the combat. Following behind, Price shouts over to the rest of his
men._\n\nPrice: Don't get pinned down! Shay'sjust
ahead!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Copy! Moving!\n\n_Taking with her a
box full of catridges Weiss ran up the road with Blake and Yang as two technical
trucks drive down to the main compound, firing their guns onto them. Responding to
the technicals firing at her she switches to Fire Dust, swinging Myrtenaster
horizontally to the left as a wave of fire blasted the vehicles._\n\n_Catching up
with the girls, Soap and the three girls dug into position as Weiss keeps the
vehicles suppressed, summoning a line of orange glyphs and shooting fireballs from
within at the technicals._\n\nSoap: Technicals coming in from the North!\n\n_With
Weiss suppressing the technicals, Ruby and Riley move in as they engage and
eliminate the technicals, giving the attacking force a clear path up to the main
building within the safe zone._\n\nPrice: Let's go! We have to get
Gift - Gift, Flank left.\nGift - Got it Flank left.\nLt. Gift - Find the way to get
the high ground."},"632618671214428181":{"u":0,"t":1570898444704,"m":"_With their
path cleared, the teams move past the broken ship and move up to the prefabricated
buildings More militiamen appear, running out from the buildings surrounding the
main compound._\n\nNikolai: Additional forces closing
in!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I see them! Up ahead!\n\n_Rocking the
charging handle, Ruby raised her scythe high as she leaped into the midst of the
firefight taking the militiamen by surprise. Jumping on the first man she swings
her scythe down on the man's battle rifle swatting it out of his hands, with the
man disarmed she rammed the muzzle onto his stomach and fired a round into him as
the muzzle blast knocks the dead man back._\n\n_Breaking off from the first man,
she prepares to take on the second militiamen as Yang sends her prosthetic arm
flying at him, knocking the man out cold. Crossing over the knocked man Ruby
continues her attack, this time swinging her scythe down on the third militiaman's
legs, sweeping him off his feet._\n\n_But as she tries to attack the fourth man,
the militiaman anticipates her movements and attacked her in retaliation, dodging
Ruby's blow and firing bursts from his rifle into her chest. The rounds impacting
her on the chest and knocking her to the ground, lying on her back._\n\nYuri:
Ruby's hit!\n\n_Jumping into the fight Yuri takes the rifle from the militiaman's
hands, throwing it away. With the man disarmed he punches him clean in the face
before slamming the man's head onto a wall. Staggeringly, the dazed militiaman
tries to fight back but is knocked to the ground by Yuri, using the stock of his
AK-12 to do so._\n\n_On the ground, recovering from the burst fire Ruby picked up
her weapon and ran for cover. Huncing as low as she can as the rounds hitting her
at close range drained some of her
- Ah! I got hit.\nCaptain Gift - From where?\nSargent Gift - Sniper!\nCaptain Gift
- Drag him to cover.\nSargent Gift - I'm on it.\nCaptain Gift - Lieutenant, we need
med kit.\nLt. Gift - I got suppress, clear them out so i can get to you, Cap hold
his wound until i arrive.\nSargent Gift - I will clear them.\nCaptain Gift - Hang
on Gift.\nGift - I don't know how long can i hold this.\nCaptain Gift - Hurry
Sarge, If Gift didn't got heal, he might die.\nSargent Gift - So that why i have to
I got you!\n\n_Landing close to the general, she knelt down next to him and
conjured a white ring of energy from her right hand. Projecting vitakinetic energy
onto Gift's body, healing him._\n\n_Recovering from the militiaman firing at her in
close range, Ruby dug into her LBE as her Focus screamed warnings into her ears,
taking out a Light Energy autoinjector and jabbed the needle into her chest as the
injector pushed the white liquid into her bloodstreams._\n\nFocus AI: Injection
complete.\n\n_Removing the injector needle from her chest, she throws the spent
injector away as the Light Energy solution took effect. Her impact wounds glowing
with white light. Feeling her strength returning she picked Crescent Rose up from
the ground again and ran over to Gift._\n\nRiley: He's hit, I'm taking him in.
There's sniper on the roof, I need you to take it out so our teams can advance!
Go!\n\n_Nodding to Riley's request, she spun around running to her teammates taking
cover behind a deployed mobile cover drone._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Glad you're here, Ruby! There's a sniper in that building ahead of us killing off
our guys! \n\n_Looking up the building ahead, the sniper raised his rifle up and
fires down the street, pinning the team down. Rising from her cover, Ruby takes aim
as the militia sniper aims his rifle at her. Exhaling, she steadied her aim and
squeezed the trigger as a Fire Dust round exited the muzzle, leaving behind a large
ring of orange muzzle flash._\n\n_Before the sniper could react, the cover in front
of him bursts into flames as the Fire Dust round exploded, showering him with
flaming Dust shards. Screaming in agony, the sniper trashes around his cover,
evantually falling down from the balcony as he dies from the fires burning throgh
his body._","te":1570899455831},"632623619435921433":
{"u":1,"t":1570899624452,"m":"Lt. Gift - All clear, moving in.\nCaptain Gift - He
got hit.\nLt. Gift - Med kit here.\nGift - Thanks (Healing himself) I feel like
there is a barrier around me.\nLt. Gift - I have upgrade it to build a barrier
after you heal and it will protect you until it break.\nGift - Great, Can i have
that?\nLt. Gift - Here!\nGift - Uncle Price, what your
status?"},"632626541158989825":{"u":0,"t":1570900321045,"m":"Price: We're moving up
the perimter with Romeo. Keep up!\n\n_Price and his team move up further alongside
Team RWBY, on the Manta, Nikolai stands by for his gun run as he switched over
controls to the remote system linked to Yuri's Focus._\n\nNikolai: Price, the
remote gun is online. I'm in position for another pass.\n\n_Transferring controls
over to Yuri, Ruby takes him into cover._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get on
that gun, Yuri! We'll cover you!\n\n_Nodding, Yuri taps into his Focus as the
targeting reticle of the nose cannons appears in front of him. Now in control of
the remote turret he opens fire on the ground. Tearing militiamen to shreds with
the cannons, as Nikolai flies above the buildings, militia fire more
RPGs._\n\nNikolai: Their aim is getting better.\n\n_From the left hand side of the
targeting reticle, Yuri spun the gun turret around and destroys a technical,
turning the vehicle into a ball of flame._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Good
effect on target!\n\n_Looking out to the tracers flying down to the ground, Yang
stood by and watched as Yuri lays down destruction upon the enemy. Taking down
militiamen after militiamen. Swinging his ship outside of the remote turret's
coverage Nikolai finishes his pass._"},"632626552235884545":
{"u":0,"t":1570900323686,"m":"Nikolai: I will swing back for another
run!\n\n_Pushing Yuri out of the cover, Ruby and him begins to engage hostiles
aling their way as Weiss, Blake and Yang stuck to Price. Providing the captain
additional protection._\n\nPrice: Lay down covering fire so we can move up the
road!\n\n_Inside the compound, Shay rounds up his remaining militiamen, ordering
them to suppress the teams with machine gun mounts on the balconies._\n\nShay: Keep
them pinned down! Don't let them through!\n\nSoap: Bloody hell, those MGs are
tearing us apart.\n\n_Now healed by Riley, Gift boost-jumps over to the teams,
finding them being held back by enemy machine gun fire. As MG fire held them back,
Ruby taps into her Focus, calling up a simulation system as she reads into the
patterns fo bullets fired from the machine guns._"},"632627073260847117":
{"u":1,"t":1570900447908,"m":"Gift - I hope this barrier will work, there a cover
that MG can't fire that position, I will get there."},"632629519655895090":
{"u":0,"t":1570901031174,"m":"_Activating the man-portable Trophy system, Gift
prepares to storm the gun emplacements as Ruby stops him. Grabbing him by the
arm._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll do this together. \n\n_Turning to
her allies, Ruby transmits her simulation out to everyone. Showing up on their feed
as a \"live feed.\"_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Listen up! We'll assault
the building altogether. Price, you get your team inside the building as fast as
you can, my team will take the gunners. \n\nPrice: Good plan. We'll infiltrate the
building while you clear out the hostiles,\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Alright Riley, You're up!\n\n_Flashing an OK sign, Riley masks Price's team as she
projected light from her right hand down on the team. Their bodies blending into
the environment around them._\n\n_Rising from their cover, Team RWBY vaulted over
the mobile covers they had erected. Standing in clear view, the gunners, at the
sight of their enemies seemingly refusing to fight lets go of their guns. However,
as they do this they fail to notice Price's team moving into the building
underneath them, their bodies masked by Riley._\n\nMilitia Gunner: What's up with
these people?! Are they having death wishes?\nMilitia Gunner 2: Looks they're
giving up... no, wait! THEY'RE COMING U--\n\n_Before he could scream, Ruby jumps
onto him, plunging her combat knife deep into his throat and killing the gunner.
Pushing the dead gunner off of her she landed on her knees in a crouching position
as the rest of her team took out the
gunners._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Balcony clear! \n\n_Getting up,
Ruby collapses Crescent Rose into its rifle form and jump down to Yuri's spot. Now
regrouped with the rest of their allies the team stacks up on the
{"u":1,"t":1570901169862,"m":"Gift - That's the last one, Uncle Price, Courtyard
Clear."},"632632108690440232":{"u":0,"t":1570901648448,"m":"_The teams, after
having eliminated the hostiles in their area prepares to ener the
building._\n\nPrice: Bravo Team, secure the perimeter. Ruby, Soap, let's find this
bastard.\n\n_Altogether, the team enter the building. Moving up the stairs to the
secnd floor, as they moved Price radios Echo team of their current
status._\n\nPrice: Echo team, we're entering the target building.\n\n_From his
airship, Nikolai stares into his camera scope as the pod's tracking loses sight of
Price's team. Having entered the building. His radio comes to life again as the
assault force's second team contacted him._\n\nTeam Two Leader: Nikolai, prepare
for exfil. Echo team is standing by.\n\n_Moving up, Ruby and Price kept watch of
their surroundings, looking around the place for hostiles._\n\nPrice: Clear left.
Watch those corners.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Clear right.\n\nPrice:
First floor clear, moving to second.\n\n_Updating his status to the second team,
Price and Ruby prepare to move up the stairs, waiting for the rest of Ruby's
teammates and Gift to keep up with them. As they arrive, Team Two's leader contacts
them, permitting them to move up the second floor._\n\nTeam Two Leader: Copy.
Proceed to second floor.\n\n_They go up the stairs to the second floor as Shay's
Militia run in the halls, carrying with them assault rifles and improvised
combination weapons with one of the soldiers carrying a poorly made Crescent Rose
replica._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Enemy!\n\nPrice: Contact
front!\n\n_Calling out the hostiles, Price, Soap and Gift pushed forward as Team
RWBY hung back, keeping their six secure. From his Focus, Nikolai warns him of
Shay's location within the second floor._\n\nNikolai: Possible visual on Shay.
Second floor balcony.","te":1570901861807},"632633146474758192":
{"u":1,"t":1570901895875,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, Cap guard here, Sarge Come with
me.\nSargent Gift - Mask ready?\nGift - Uncle Price, In that room there are toxic
smoke grenades, make sure that you have prepare a gas
Two Leader: Copy that. Possible on Shay, 2nd floor.\n\nMilitiaman: YOU!\n\n_The
entire floor goes silent as the militiaman makes his stand, failing to notice Price
and his team moving up to him. As Price kep his pace however, his path is blocked
by the militiaman carrying a Cresent Rose replica made entirely out of weapon
parts. The militiaman stands in their way, raising his scythe high. At this, Price
steps aside, giving way to Ruby._\n\nMilitiaman: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! YOU AIN'T
GETTING PASS ME!\n\n_The militiaman screams, shakng his scythe as loose bolts come
loose and dropped to the floor. Price chuckled audbbly as Ruby walks up to the
soldier, expanding Crescent Rose to its full form._\n\nPrice: _chuckling_ Sounds
like he wants to fight you, Ruby. Go on, teach him a lesson.\n\n_Raising her scythe
high, the militiaman's threatening demeanor quickly turns into fear as Ruby swings
her scythe down, its blade streaking a red glow in the air. Still keeping his
weapon high the militiaman charged at her, swinging his scythe \ndown onto Ruby's.
Pulling back, he tries to swing again, but
misses._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Nope! Too slow!\n\n_Using her
Semblance, she brings her scythe down
on his replica of her signature weapon violently, shattering the poorly made
scythe apart and sending the militiaman pinned to the floor. Walking up to him, she
drops Crescent Rose to the floor and picked up what's left of the militiaman's
scythe. Dropping them in front of him_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just stay
out of our way.\n\n_Kicking him in the head, Ruby knocks the militiaman out cold.
Picking up Crescent Rose from the floor she compacts it to its rifle form and
walked back to Price._","te":1570902778382},"632636386520072213":
{"u":0,"t":1570903076195,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ??"},"632640191730941953":
{"u":0,"t":1570903575595,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ???"},"632971980173475850":
{"u":1,"t":1570982680124,"m":"Gift - Seem they all clear except, That
office.\nSargent Gift - There are another exit, back door behind this office.\nGift
- Okay, Cap, Lieutenant regroup.\nCaptain Gift - Roger that.\nLt. Gift - Solid
Copy."},"632975230582915105":{"u":0,"t":1570983455082,"m":"_As the short-lived
battle between Ruby and the militiaman ended, the team regroups as they spread out
throughout the floor. From the sky, Riley looks out to the approaching Windflare,
warning them of the storm advancing on their position._\n\nRiley: Quicken the pace,
Romeo. That Windflare's going to hit the compound soon.\n\n_Looking into the data
feed, Price rallies his men into position._\n\nPrice: Copy that, Atlas. Bravo-1,
get in position.\n\n_Bravo-1 then move up the stairs across the hall as they flank
the hostiles moving into the floor._\n\nBravo Leader: Flanking now. Multiple
hostiles entering second floor room.\n\n_With Price's team behind them, Team RWBY
brings the fight to the miliitamen as they fight militia near Shay's office. Taking
cover behind Weiss' Hardlight shield, Ruby returns fire with her Mk12 rifle, taking
down hostiles as Yang fills the room with ricoocheting Fire Dust shrapnel
rounds._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> More hostiles moving in!\n\n_Taking
aim, Blake switches to Gambol Shroud and launches it across the hall, pinning a
Militia gunner to the wall with it. She recalls the weapon back as its internal
Gravity Dust recall device launches the pistol-katana combination weapon back to
its owner. Disengageing the shield, Weiss pushed forward with Ruby protecting her
six._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Move up! Move up!\n\nPrice: Shay's
office is just ahead. Blake, take point!"},"632975238510149633":
{"u":0,"t":1570983456972,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Copy.\n\n_Moving
on, Blake spots a militiaman running out from an alcove as Soap kicks him off the
second floor, sending the miliitiaman down to meet his demise. With the soldier
killed they eliminate the rest and stack up at the door._\n\nPrice: That's the door
to his office. All right, weapons tight. We need him alive. \n\nSoap: Yang, get the
door.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Breaching!\n\n_Readying her prosthetic arm,Yang
loads an explosive Dust shotshell into it and punches through the thin wooden door
as the round explodes, blasting it to unrecgonizable
bits._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Move!\n\n_Running inside, Ruby switches
to her pistol and opened fire, taking down the two men standing close to Shay while
Yuri and Weiss takes out the fleeing hostiles._\n\n_With his men killed Shay takes
out his revolver and returned fire in an attempt to run, Ruby takes aim again and
shoots him in the leg, causing him to stumble and fall on boxes.. The room is
cleared and Price, Soap, and Yuri enter the
- Mask on.\nBravo 6 unit have wear a gas mask.\nGift - Uncle Price, Here their
toxic smoke grenade."},"632979527005503498":{"u":0,"t":1570984479429,"m":"_Gift
tosses the Manticore canister over to Price, the captain takes it, holding the
olive green canister in his left hand. As Bravo Team donned their masks, Team RWBY
stands by, also wearing their masks._\n\nRiley: They're like me,
remember?\n\nPrice: Gasmasks on.\n\n_Donning his mask, Price gives Shay a kick. He,
Yuri, and Soap put on their gasmasks and Soap tosses Price a canister containing
the chemicals used in the attacks all across Remnant. Waving the canister in front
of him, Price stares him down._\n\nPrice: Look familiar?\n\nShay: No! No!
Please!\n\n_Ignoring his pleas, Price opens the gas canister with his Desert Eagle
pistol and throws it to the side of the room. Stopping the gas canister with her
foot Ruby stomps it, rupturing the canister as the room begins to fill with the
gas. Price pulls out a spare gas mask._ \n\nPrice: Where's Salem? Tell me and it's
yours.\n\n_Feeling the gas' poisonous effects affecting him Shay reaches for the
mask, but Price keeps it away._\n\nShay: Our contact was a woman named Carmine! We
never met Salem!\n\n_Shay gasps, struggling to breathe as the gas affects him
further. At this, Ruby steps in and presses her foot on Shay's wounded leg,
spilling some blood on the floor. Shay groans in
- Where is Carmine?"},"632982490004324413":
{"u":0,"t":1570985185863,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Where's this Carmine?
Time's running out!\n\n_Shay struggles to answer, screaming Carmine's location out
loud, sputtering blood with every breath._\n\nShay: Menagerie! She oversaw the
delivery in Menagerie!\n\n_Satisfied with the answer, Ruby nods at Price and walks
out of the office, rocking the charging handle on her rifle again and tosses Shay
the mask. Before leaving the room, she spun around, having recalled the reports on
the numbers of casualties in Patch she'd watched after the briefing._\n\n_The
longer she stared into his face, her Focus played back a list in the casualty
report with Tai's name marked as \"wounded in action.\" then to a list of former
Signal Academy students Ruby had trained with included in the report as \"killed in
action\"_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Right, then. This is for my friends at
Signal.\n\n_Coldly glaring at him, she aims her pistol. At the sight of Ruby's
pistol aimed at his face, Shay begs for mercy._\n\nShay: Wait!\n\n_Squeezing the
trigger, Ruby executes Shay, shocking her team. Despite their shock they move out
of Shay's office, running out to the open. Radioing Nikolai, Price reports him of
Shay's status, calling in an exfil as well._\n\nPrice: Nikolai, Shay broke. We have
what we need. Ready for exfil.\n\n_From his airship, Nikolai turned the Manta
around as his radar warns him of the approaching storm._\n\nNikolai: Almost there.
The LZ looks clear but that wind-storm-thing is moving in fast.\n\n_Looking up to
the sky, the Windflare grew larger in size as it closes in on the captured safe
zone._\n\nPrice: We see it. Meet you in 20 seconds.\n\n_At the distance, the
sandstorm is seen blowing closer to the safe zone compounds, Soap marvels its
impressive size, prompting Weiss to push him along._\n\nSoap: That storm is
massive.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> The last thing we need is to get
caught in that. Let's move.","te":1571584032843},"632982975985877022":
{"u":1,"t":1570985301730,"m":"Gift - Get out from here before we
getting....Ah!\nLt. Gift - SNIPER!!!! \nCaptain Gift -
AMBUSH!!!!"},"632984767826231348":{"u":0,"t":1570985728938,"m":"_With Gift being
hit by a sniper round Riley blasts him with a vitakinetic beam, healing him
instantly. Leaving the safe zone, the teams move up the hill and head to a village
nearby, marked with a tactical beacon relaying the LZ coordinates to
Nikolai._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> So you think Shay is telling the truth
about Carmine? \n\nPrice: He was telling the truth. I'd bet Salem's life on
it.\n\n_After running for the village past its derelict checkpoint the teams reach
reach the LZ. Nikolai flies in his airship as a Loyalist team surrounded the tacan.
Team RWBY takes up position on the street, keeping the perimeter secure._\n\nPrice:
We'll start...\n\n_One of the Loyalists is killed by a sniper round. Soon, gunfire
rained into the landing site as the surviving militiamen rushed the LZ, firing
their guns wildly at the group._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Sniper!\n\nSoap: Ambush!\n\n_Despite the militia swarming the LZ, Nikolai flies his
Manta in but is stopped by an RPG round flyin past his ship._\n\nPrice: Nikolai,
get out of there!\n\n_With the RPG round missing him by inhes, Nikolai flies the
airship away from the LZ. Dumping flares as he takes off._\n\nPrice: Take cover!
Contact right! Contact right!","te":1570985773403},"632985173989785603":
{"u":1,"t":1570985825775,"m":"Gift - Cap, Drag me to cover, i will cover
you.\nCaptain Gift - Got it, Hold on tight Gift, You will not die
here."},"632988082945261588":{"u":0,"t":1570986519324,"m":"_Yang drops her shotgun
as she switched over to her gauntlets, running across the line of fire to Gift and
drags him into cover. Administering him a dose of Sansufentanyl-
B._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> You'll be okay! Hold on!\n\n_Over at Ruby, she,
too discards her Mk12 and switched to Crescent Rose, spinning the scythe around as
she deflected incoming rounds back to the militia. However, as she pushed forward
the visibility decreases, the Windflare's outer ring advancing onto the street
ahead of her._\n\nPrice: Get outta the open!\n\n_Screaming at her, Price runs up to
her and dragged her back to him. Engaging the hostiles ahead, Weiss calls out
militiamen on the roof._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> They're on the
rooftops!\n\n_Taking notice of the muzzle flashes, Riley sends a large beam of
concentrated ionized plasma down on the building ahead, demolishing it to rubble
much to Yuri's' surprise. Moving on, he engage more militia as Team RWBY caught up
to him.
The four girls switching to their signature weapons._\n\nPrice: Nikolai, change of
plan! Head to the secondary LZ!\n\n_Replying from his ship, Nikolai struggles to
keep his Manta balanced as strong winds knocks him off-balance._\n\nNikolai: The
storm is coming in fast. I won't be able to touchdown when it
{"u":0,"t":1570986523269,"m":"_Ignoring his warnings, Price yells back at him.
Marking the LZ for Nikolai through his Focus._\n\nPrice: Just be there!\n\n_As the
teams moved on, multiplle bright flashes appear within the advancing storm cloud as
Riley clears the path ahead with plasma projectiles and energy-based attacks. The
teams clear the LZ of hostiles and push
forward._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We've got to push through to the
secondary LZ before the storm hits! \n\nRiley: Keep moving! I'll clear the
path!\n\n_Continuing her air support, Riley fired more beams and projectiles down
to the ground, suppressing the advancing militia. As they move down the road, a
technical appears a technical appears._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> I'll
take it down!\n\n_Swinging Gambol Shroud around, Blake tosses it at the technical's
windshield, taking out the driver and causing the vehicle to crash into a building.
They push on and eliminate more hostiles as winds start to pick up._\n\nNikolai:
Price, the winds are getting stronger.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Just hold on,
Nikolai. We're on the way.","te":1570986612241},"632988858530791435":
{"u":1,"t":1570986704238,"m":"Gift - Area clear.\nLt. Gift - Quickly.\nGift is
healing himself with advanced First Aid Kit.\nGift - Fully Health with Barrier, now
good to go.\nCaptain Gift - Hurry! Before storm have get to
us."},"632990982480199700":{"u":0,"t":1570987210627,"m":"_With Riley keeping the
militia uner constant fire, the team moves on, as they turn left, two militia push
a burning car down the road and it explodes. Nearly taking Ruby and Blake
out._\n\nSoap: Contact front! Look out!\n\n_From his airship, Nikolai warns them of
more enemies moving on their position._\n\nNikolai: Multiple enemies are closing
in.\n\nPrice: More of them on the roof! Riley, take them out!\n\nRiley: Roger,
engaging!\n\n_Flying behind the building, Riley conjures three translucent white
rings around her, launching a storm of plasma projectiles down on the militia below
her, taking them by surprise as the building is deatroyed from the plasma barrage.
Despite the barrage, stragglers recover from the blast and continue to engage the
team._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Keep pushing through!\n\n_Taking out the
last straggler running away from the fight, Ruby eliminates the last remaining
hostile in the area., Rallying her team
together._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> The LZ is close. Keep moving! Don't
let them get to you!\n\n_Running through the storm the teams go around the
buildings to a derelict pre-fab building under construction. The winds get
stronger, tearing a tarp cover off of an inactive transmitter unit. Nikolai brings
his ship through strong winds as he fought to keep the Manta flying down to the
team._\n\nPrice: Nikolai, the LZ is in sight\n\nNikolai: Move fast. I don't know
how much longer I can fly in this storm. My systems are in the red!\n\n_As the team
huddled around the building, the building's wall tips over from strong winds,
crushing two militiamen. Before they can move out, more walls collapse around them
as the pre-fabricated buiding loses integrity, tearing itself apart in the strong
winds._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> The wall! Watch
out!","te":1570987229965},"632991689677733899":{"u":1,"t":1570987379236,"m":"Gift -
Weiss, look out!\nGift activate Barrier and run to Weiss and Get himself protect
her from building wall."},"632994442839719977":
{"u":0,"t":1570988035641,"m":"_Activating his barrier unit, Gift deflects the wall
away from Weiss, saving her from being crushed under the prefab wall. Getting up,
she smiles at him briefly before running off to join her
team._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Let's move! The storm will tear us
apart!\n\n_Regrouping with her team, they enter the building. Followed by Price,
Soap and Yuri. Gift and his clones soon caught up with them thanks to the storm
sending debris from damaged buildings down to their path. Once inside, Price takes
the lead, leading the team up the building._\n\nPrice: We need to push to the top
floor. Let's move.\n\n_From the sky, Riley maintains her balance, keeping the
building in sight._\n\nRiley: I'm on station, Price. Need targets.\n\nPrice: The
building's the target! Fire into the windows!\n\nRiley: Roger! Danger
close!"},"632994461600710656":{"u":0,"t":1570988040114,"m":"_With Price's order,
Riley aims at the building with her hands and fired precise beams of white plasma
onto the building, taking out the militia as the teams moved on, assisting Riley in
eliminating militia in the building._\n\nPrice: First floor clear! Move!\n\n_Having
eliminated the hostiles on the first floor they move up the stairs to the second
floor. Outside, the winds topple some junk and debris onto the
building._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Watch it!\n\n_Punching a container box out
of her way, Yang clears a path for the teams, allowing them to push up the second
floor. From the Manta's cockpit Nikolai begins his approach, switching the cockpit
windshield over to its IR configuration as it marked the teams on the screen in
black._\n\nNikolai: Starting my approach to the
LZ.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll meet you at the top,
Nikolai.\n\n_Kicking the door down, Ruby moves in and with Riley's help clears the
second floor. Taking the last hostile down with a quick sweep to his legs. Her
teammates move in, following after Price._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Second floor clear! Keep moving!\n\n_With their path ahead clear of hostiles they
reach the roof of the building. Once again, Yang punches the sealed door open as
strong winds and hail blasted the teams. Raising his IR marker up in the air, Price
radios Nikolai of his position._\n\nPrice: Nikolai, we're at the LZ. Where are
on, I'll be right back.)"},"632994880527794204":
{"u":1,"t":1570988372773,"m":"Gift - We on the rooftop, Nikolai where are
you?"},"632998068135919616":{"u":0,"t":1570988899979,"m":"Nikolai: Almost
there.\n\n_As Nikolai approaches, the air is half filled with hail as the storm is
close. Taking notice of Nikolai's airship the militiamen aimed at the Manta and
opened fire. Gunfire and RPGs fire around Nikolai's Manta forcing him to
divert._\n\nNikolai: The site is too hot! I can't land!\n\nPrice: Yuri, get on the
remote turret and thin them out. Riley! Blast them away!\n\nRiley:
Roger!\n\n_Flying over to the hostiles firing up to the Manta, Riley finds herself
doused with gunfire as the militiamen focused their fire onto her while Yuri
controls the turret and fires down at the militia, taking some of them out as a
rocket manages to hit the Manta's tail. Nikolai starts to spin, his avionics losing
power from the impact._\n\nNikolai: I'm hit! I'm hit!\n\n_Over at Riley, she
absorbs the incoming fire with a conjured Vortex Shield and returned fire at the
militiamen, wiping them out as small-arms rounds and RPG warheads are deflected
back at the hostiles. Killing them._\n\n_With Nikolai spinning out of control Riley
flies over to him and launched a gravity sling at him, but she is too late. The
sling misses the ship completely as Nikolai continues to spin out of
control._\n\nPrice: He's out of control. We've gotta get off this roof! Go! Use the
ropes!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Jump!\n\n_Team RWBY jumps off the roof
and lands on the ground in their bracing position, on the roof Price and his men
jump off the roof and grab ropes and safely slide down the building as Nikolai's
Manta passes over them. The Windflare falls over the village, darkening the skies
and the streets. An explosion is heard in the distance as Nikolai crashed somewhere
in the village._.\n\nPrice: Nikolai? Nikolai, do you
- Bravo team, Equip mask.\nBravo 6 unit have equip a mask.\nGift - I can see though
storm.\nLt. Gift - Nikolai still alive, but he is behind enemy line.\nGift - We
must help him."},"633001805302857778":{"u":0,"t":1570989790989,"m":"_As they
searched the village for Nikolai, their Focuses displays a live feed from Riley's
Focus, on their holospaces a friendly Valean Army special forces unit is seen
assisting her search for Nikolai, the team in their holospaces marked in their feed
as Exfil Team ECHO._\n\nSoap: What the bloody hell are we gonna do
now?\n\n_Reloading Crescent Rose, Ruby answers
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We find him, and get back to
Delta.\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Likewise, Ruby. Let's find him before
Shay's men does.\n\n_Now in contact with Team ECHO, Price radios them._\n\nPrice:
Echo Team, Nikolai's bird is down and the Windflare is on top of us! We need
emergency exfil!\n\n_The team's leader makes contact with Price as he rummaged
through wreckages for Nikolai's airship._\n\nECHO Team Leader: Roger. We'll contact
you when we get a fix on Nikolai.","te":1570989801727},"633001861531697153":
{"u":0,"t":1570989804395,"m":"_Regrouping at a locked gate, Ruby slices the locks
open as Price kicks it down, the team then move out to the streets._\n\nPrice:
C'mon, lads! We've got reach Nikolai before Shay's men do! \n\n_As they move,
multiple technicals drove past them, oblivious to their presence, nevertheless
Price orders the team to remain hidden
within the storm, using the thick fog as their cover._\n\nPrice: Vehicles coming
through! Stay low and keep moving!\n\n_As the team moves through the fog Soap ran
past a burning pile of garbage, its stench assaulting his nose despite the mask.
Struggling to breath he adjusted his mask, still keeping his bearing in sync with
the rest of his team._\n\nSoap: _cough_ I can't see two feet in front of
me.\n\n_Taking the lead, Ruby sees militiamen at the intersection, their
flashlights waving around in the fog, exposing themselves to her team. As the
militiamen try to regroup, she calls them out to her
team._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hostiles dead ahead. Take 'em
out!\n\n_Opening fire, Ruby takes down a militiaman with a clear shot through his
torso, sending the man flying. Soap moves in and takes two more dowm as he fired
bursts into the fog. Rushing forward, Weiss, Blake, and Yang engage and eliminate
them up,close._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> We're clear.\n\nPrice: We gotta
move. Echo Team, what's your status?","te":1570989924865},"633002397802823682":
{"u":1,"t":1570990016117,"m":"Gift - Soap, Here! (Throw mask to Soap) This mask can
see clear though the storm, With this, we got upper hand."},"631929155063250995":
{"u":1,"t":1570734051243,"m":"Gift - Don't worry, until we get to academy, there is
nothing to worry."},"631931014566117376":{"u":0,"t":1570734494583,"m":"_Driving up
to the dormitory blocks, Riley pulled over to the side of the road as rhe Humvee's
doors opened on their own accord. Leaving the car behind, she walks into the lobby
as Frost, wearing only his boxer shorts greets the team._\n\nFrost: Hey, where'd
ya'll gone off to?\n\n_Showing him a Barnes & Noble pin, Riley takes a book out
from her backpack and handed it to him. Frost takes it, putting it down on the
coffee table._\n\nFrost: Thanks, how much is this book?\n\nRiley: 325 Atlesian
Lien, but you don't really have to pay me unless you want to. This one's on
me.\n\n_Taken aback by her offer, Frost takes out his Scroll and opened his mobile
banking application._\n\nFrost: Nah, nah, nah, Riley. I ain't letting anyone give
me handouts, I'm paying you the Lien! How much is it again?\n\nRiley: Alright, if
you insist. It's 325 Lien like I said earlier, hit me.\n\n_Tapping the number into
his app, he confirms the transaction as the Scroll beeped once. Confirming the
transfer._\n\nFrost: There ya go, thanks for the book again Riley! Appreciated
it!\n\n_Waving him goodbye, she walks up the stairs for her room. Now at the fifth
floor she stops at the common room wishing everyone good night. Done with wishing
her friends, the door to her room opened as she entered it, never to return until
the next morning._","te":1571584748021},"631931539604635648":
{"u":1,"t":1570734619762,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Everything is better for
me now, i gonna sleep but seem i miss one thing (Exhale) I hope Ruby will do it
tonight."},"631931886729560064":{"u":0,"t":1570734702523,"m":"_Overhearing Gift,
Blake stops in her tracks. Looking at the general with her eyes
squinted._\n\n<:WTF:605029961459433474> Do
- Um? Nothing just planing for tomorrow."},"631933629869588501":
{"u":0,"t":1570735118120,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Huh, well then.
See you in the morning!\n\n_Entering her shared quarters, she closes the door
behind her as Gift retreated to his room. Walking to the closet, he takes off his
attire, taking with him a towel._\n\n_Over at Ruby's quarters, taking the books out
of her bag she puts them on the bedside table. Putting the books down she takes her
clothes off on the spot, wearing only her lingeries._\n\n_Taking her Scroll out,
the time reads close to midnight. Sighing, she reluctantly got up and entered the
shower, forgetting to shut the bathroom door behind her as Weiss glanced at the
door, her eyes \"accidentally\" locked onto Ruby's bare naked rear. Unable to take
her eyes off of Ruby, she bury her face into her hands, trying her best not to
scream._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _ ..............\n\n_Placing her
Scroll on an AtlasCom Scroll Dock, the Scroll instantly activated JamStation as it
played a song from her shared playlist. Playing a song she'd crossed over from
Riley's playlist as Linkin Park's The Catalyst blared through the
{"u":1,"t":1570735236564,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Phew! That was close
call, before i sleep i need um...\nWhile he thinking, his face turn in red.\nGift -
(Thinking to himself) Um........"},"631936609608007721":
{"u":0,"t":1570735828545,"m":"_From his Focus, Riley's voice blared through his
earpiece, startling him._\n\nRiley: Whatcha thinkin', huh? Are you... thinking of
her being in bed with you?\n\n_Suddenly appearing outside of the shower in her
lingeries, Riley tapped the sgteamy showering cabinet, rattling the glass and
scaring the general. Causing him to shriek._\n\nRiley: I, for sure almost had a
heart attack when I heard you thinkin' of what you'd do to her. But hey, she's got
her mom's genes so I don't blame you for that. Hell, I sometimes can't stop
thinking about her either.\n\n_In the shared quarters, as Ruby dried herself the
door to the bathroom swings wide open as Weiss stormed into the room, locking the
doors behind her and placing a mute charge._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Weiss...? What are you doing?\n\n_Blushing hard, Weiss stammered through words,
trying her best not to break as Ruby stared at her,
confused._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I... uh,
I-\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What is it? What's going on?!\n\n_Unable to
find the right words, Weiss gave up, opened the door and jumped back on her bed,
screaming into a pillow. Leaving Ruby to herself wonderin what had gotten into her
friend. Muttering to herself, she walks out of the shower, drying her head with an
extra towel._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's gotten into
- Let me guess, Did she think like me or something."},"631938287145189396":
{"u":0,"t":1570736228501,"m":"Riley: Weiss did, she just did. Fact, she's screaming
into her pillow as we speak. \n\n_Wiping blood from her nose, Riley throws the
bloodied tissue in a trash can before conjuring some more, packing her nose with
it. Rubbing at her temple, her face turns to a deathly pale, realizing that during
the sudden thought spike, she'd inadvertently \"broadcasted\" Weiss' vision of Ruby
out to everyon within the Academy._\n\nRiley: Sorry, I might've
just \"broadcasted\" that image of her to everyone in this entire Academy by
now...\n\n_Bursting through the door, Soap, Fahz, JD and Kait collapsed on the
floor, all four of them breathing heavily as Riley broke to a laughing fit. Jumping
over the four Sandman tackles her to the floor, his nose bloodied and screamed into
YOU... GOD!\n\n_Raising her arms up defensively, Riley blocks away Sandman's
punches while still laughing her lungs off._\n\nRiley: I'm sorry, I'm really
sorry-\n\nSandman: GOD-F<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>CKING-
DAMNIT!\n\n_Frustrated, he stomped out of the room, leaving Riley with Gift and
JD's friends on the floor. Raising his right hand from the group, Fahz gave Riley a
thumbs-up and pushed his friends off of
- Um.... I gonna sleep now, see you tomorrow."},"631939909493719060":
{"u":0,"t":1570736615299,"m":"Riley: Yeah, just... just sleep it off. I'll see you
in the morning-\n\n_Running out of his room, she leaves the three men and a woman
behind. On the floor, Kait gets up clutching her head. Her face flushed bright red.
Pulling his friends up, JD and Soap carried an incapacitated Fahz in their arms,
hauling him off to his room._\n\nKait: Sorry...\n\n_Meekly leaving the room, she
stumbled her way back to her quarters as well. Back in Team RWBY's quarters. All
Ruby could do was to watch her team bleeding profusely from the nose, their minds
having been flushed with Riley's unintentional telepathic boradcast of what Weiss
had seen earlier thanks to their DNI connection..._"},"631940342807134219":
{"u":1,"t":1570736718609,"m":"Gift have replay tape that Lieutenant give him
earlier.\nGift - I should check my heart."},"631940819040862219":
{"u":0,"t":1570736832152,"m":"_Checking his heart, expecting it to be covered in
white cracks Gift's eyes widened in surprise as the cracks on his heard healed
themselves, leaving behind only a few small cracks on the surface._\n\nBT:
Congratulations, General. Your heart is now recovering from its cycle of heavy
damage endurance. I recommend co-operation with your team to strengthen the
integrity of your heart."},"631941037622951966":{"u":1,"t":1570736884266,"m":"Gift
- How am i gonna heal it?"},"631941780262223882":{"u":0,"t":1570737061325,"m":"BT:
Keep up a healthy relationship with your allies, your encounter with the God of
Light and the effects of the lake's waters had healed most of the damage. But
regression of healing effects can happen if you put yourself under extreme,
unnecessary risks. I will now assist you with calculating the outcomes of future
altercations\n\n_Dimming the lights in his room, BT prepares to go into sleep
mode._\n\nBT: I will power down to sleep mode, I suggest you do the same.
General."},"631942161474256928":{"u":1,"t":1570737152213,"m":"Gift - Yeah! i
will.\n(Thinking to himself)\nI don't know is there a morning kiss, but i will see
it tomorrow."},"631943119985836034":{"u":0,"t":1570737380740,"m":"(I gotta go now,
we'll continue later.)"},"631943198687625246":
0810235038,"m":"_Falling into slumber, the lights in his room shuts down
completely. From the bedside table BT powered down into sleep mode, shutting down
non-essential components in the Exosuit._\n\n_Ouside the dormitory, Frost, still
sitting on the couch read through the book he'd gotten from Riley. Turning to the
last page he yawns, looking down to his Scroll._\n\nFrost: Just one more
page...\n\n_Finished with the last page he snaps the book shut, got up from the
couch and left for his room. Taking his Scroll with him. As he walk up the stairs,
a fly drone lands on the Scroll's charging port. The drone, now latched onto the
device inserts a data probe into the charging port as the screen turns red,
transferring an unknown virus into the system._\n\n_From the Evernight, Cinder
typed commands after commands into the console, taking as much files she can get
from Frost's Scroll._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> You sure this will work? The
last time you did it the virus was intercepted, sent to a fake
network.\n\n_Sighing, Cinder rattled the keyboard with her Grimm hand, the claws
poking into the soft rubber keyboard buttons._"},"632248702471241738":
{"u":0,"t":1570810237282,"m":"Cinder: If it doesn't work, I'll personally get there
myself. \n\n_Emerald protests, bringing up Cinder's flight data from the downed
Berkut._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> You can't risk it! Riley's still there,
she will kill you before you can even get there!\n\n_Stomping the floor, Cinder
angrily stared into Emerald's eyes as fire spewed from her human eye._\n\nCinder:
Bring her up again, and you'll be doing my dirty work. I want to do this on my own
if whatever Watts cooked up in his lab fails! Now get out, go get yourself
something to do and leave me alone.\n\n_Not wishing to protest further, Emerald
leaves Cinder to herself, retreating to her quarters deep in the Evernight's
growing complex. Reaching a surface access elevator Mercury greets her, waving over
to her from the elevator's door._\n\nMercury: Over here!\n\n_Walking past True Sons
soldiers and cybernetically enhanced Grimm she reaches the elevator as Mercury
pulled her inside, already pressing a button on the command screen._\n\nMercury:
Just got intel from Watts, he's got access to the Kingdom's network.
\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> What about Zero Dawn? Can he hack it?\n\n_Shaking
his head, Mercury shows her an encrypted data block from his Scroll. Looking into
the entangled waveforms Emerald squint her eyes, trying to find a hidden message as
Mercury stops her._\n\nMercury: See this? This stuff, Polyphasic Entangled
Waveforms or whatever that is, is impossible to crack. Nobody on this planet can
hack into it. Not even Watts.","te":1570810416973},"632248870411173889":
{"u":1,"t":1570810338554,"m":"Gift have sleep for a hour and scene switch to next
day."},"632251214498627585":{"u":0,"t":1570810836196,"m":"_Waking up to find
himself audibly assaulted by an alarm clock next to him. He picks it up, put the
alarm into snooze and fell asleep again as the effects of BT's medications begin to
take effect. From the door an AK-200 enters the room, its visor a turqoise
blue._\n\n_The AK-200, now under BT's control walks up to the side of his bed and
pulled him up._\n\nBT: General, it's 0800 in the morning, recommend you begin your
daily routine. \n\n_Gift wakes up, blinking as the light temporarily blinds his
vision, rubbing his eyes free of rheum he gets up and walked for the bathroom. The
AK-200, still under BT's control simply stood at the bed, awaiting further
instructions from the AI persona controlling it._\n\n_Entering the shower, the door
behind him closes on its own as the shower turned on, a Scroll Dock next to a
soapbox instantly plays one of Gift's personal playlist as he walks into the shower
cubicle. Cleaning up, the dock's music playback pauses as Ruby's call came
in._\n\nScroll Dock: Incoming call from Ruby Rose, say \"answer\" to answer to
answer the call."},"632251412419706880":{"u":1,"t":1570810883384,"m":"Gift -
Answer."},"632253944420106262":{"u":0,"t":1570811487060,"m":"_Accepting Gift's
voice command, Ruby's voice reverberates within the shower
cubicle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, where are you!? We're already at
the main building, meet us there. \n\n_Outside the Academy's main building
dormitory accessway, Ruby looks up to the announcement screen displaying a warning
message scroling along its length. From her holospace the message
HOUSE.\"_\n\n_As she read the message, a humvee parks in front of her, its rear
passenger door open. Shouting from inside the vehicle Weiss jumped out of the
humvee and dragged her in._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Where've you
been all this time?! Ironwood wants all of us at the council-- wait, where's
Gift?!\n\n_Still in the shower, the Scroll Dock hangs up the call as Gift finished
drying himself. Donning his uniform BT syncs in with the Focus. His Datacore avatar
appearing in the upper right coner of the holospace projection._\n\nBT: Gneneral,
General Ironwood requests your presence at the Atlesian Army Special Operation
Command center immediately. Follow your waypoint.\n\n_A blue line projects from the
floor, leading out to the hallway. Taking his exosuit Gift runs out of the room and
down the hallways to the first floor. On the first floor, Frost grabs him by the
shoulders and pushed him inside a humvee._\n\nFrost: Took you long enough to get
here, man! Ironwood just reported that the entire kingdom's lost its defense
systems. We're shipping you to the command center at the council. Ruby's already
- Alright Frost, send me there.\nWhile he take a ride, he got a call from
Lieutenant.\nLt. Gift - Hey Gift, we got a bad news.\nGift - I already know that,
hang on, I'll be there.","te":1570811725248},"632256808785805351":
{"u":0,"t":1570812169978,"m":"_Ending the call, Gift looked out of the window to
find Atlesian Army soldiers scrambling into positions along the Academy's defensive
lines. From the sky, multiple Nighthawk-class airships remain stationed directly
above the Academy, their onboard cannons armed._\n\n_Taking a left turn, Sandman
nearly crashed into a vehicle as the car got too close to the humvee, scratching
the camouflage painting off. Ignoring the near-miss he drove on, pedal to the
metal, racing into the main highway. On the highway, Overlord contacts the
team._\n\nOverlord: Metal 0-1, have you reached the council?\n\nSandman: Negative,
Overlord, we are fifteen mikes out.\n\n_Tracking his unit's position on the tracker
system Overlord uploads them with a waypoint to the Government Council as the
humvee's autopilot system takes over. Pulling the car into the right
path._\n\nOverlord: Waypoint updated, once you've arrived at the council report to
the general right away. Overlord out."},"632257101825179648":
{"u":1,"t":1570812239844,"m":"Gift - Frost, Punch it, i will cover
fire."},"632258731186323509":{"u":0,"t":1570812628314,"m":"_After driving at full
speed for what seemed to be an eternity, the humvee finally arrives at the Council,
its streets lined up with Paladins, AK-200s, Manta airships and various Atlas-built
combat vehicles. Driving through a checkpoint Sandman stops in front of the
entrance, already jumping out of the car._\n\nSandman: Everybody out!\n\n_Running
for the Special Operation Command headquarters, Sandman links up his waypoint to
the rest of the men, including Gift as they made a beeline for the ATLASSOCOM
Headquarters ahead of them. Moving inside the building, Ruby jumped off the
mezzanine above them to the team._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Finally,
you're here. I'll take you to the Debriefing Center, c'mon!\n\n_Following her, the
men ran further into the bulding into an elevator platform. Taking the elevator up
the team ascended to the sixth floor of the HQ where Ironwood waits for them at the
Battle Command Center._\n\nIronwood: Get inside, Overlord will be in contact
{"u":1,"t":1570812922121,"m":"Gift - Jame, this is worst, Our defence is down.\nLt.
Gift - I know who behind this, the system got hack, Only one who with Cinder,
Watts, i see him though the security camera, he come and hack our defensive to shut
it down and open the way for True son to attack our base."},"632264183374807067":
{"u":0,"t":1570813928217,"m":"_A security detail takes him inside, inside the
command center Gift sat down on one of the chairs surrounding a holographic
projector. Taking the projector's controller in his hands Ironwood begins the
briefing._\n\nIronwood: Thank you for coming. As you have heard, at 0205 Atlesian
Standard Time, a member of Salem's faction gained access into our defense systems
and had disabled all of our assets. However, with the assist of Master Sergeant
Aloy and her artificial intelligence subordinates, we are steadily regaining
control of our systems as we speak.\n\n_Switching from the holographic projection
of Atlesian defense systems being disabled. He brings up multiple information
windows containing the information of a high-value target
codenamed \"Wildfire\"._\n\nIronwood: This, is one of the perpetrators behind the
attempt to gain access to our systems. Also, he is the man behind the chemical
attacks that devasted Mistralian, Valean, Menagerian and Vacuan cities just months
ago.","te":1570814104493},"632264533779546129":{"u":1,"t":1570814011760,"m":"Gift -
We must capture alive, Right?"},"632264962827354112":
{"u":0,"t":1570814114053,"m":"_Pulling Wildfire's
infobox up, Ironwood expands it to fill half the screen._\n\nIronwood: According
to information from a Faunus double agent operating within the True Sons' White
Fang Division, we have ID'd him as a High Commander operating within their
ranks.\n\n_From an infobox, the High Commander's face is shown on-screen. Noticing
the similarity of the HVT's face to the face of a target he had captured in Paris
prior to his redeployment on Remnant, Sandman whispers into Frost's
ear._\n\nSandman: Ain't that guy Volk? The guy we'd taken in when we're in
Paris?\n\nFrost: No, doesn't really look like him. His nose is almost caved in, not
like a Russian.\n\n_Continuing the briefing, Ironwood switched ths screen to a
battle plan schematic, marking both Team RWBY and Metal on the screen at two
separate locations. One being in Kuo Kuana and the city of Vale._\n\nIronwood: At
this time, we have decided that a joint operation between Beacon's Special
Operations Command and the Atlesian Special Operations Command would be best to
ensure our chance of eliminating Codename
{"u":1,"t":1570814154589,"m":"Gift - Okay so what the plan?"},"632267915361779715":
{"u":0,"t":1570814817992,"m":"_Replying to Gift, Ironwood takes a photo of Codename
Wildfire out from his suit and handed it to Gift._\n\nIronwood: You'll initiate a
field interrogation of Codename Wildfire in Vale, after that you'll execute him on
the spot and be rerouted to Menagerie to assist Metal 0-1 in capturing a Division
Commander codenamed Sighthound.\n\n_As Ironwood continues his briefing, he brings
up a live feed of Menagerie under a chemical attack. A telephone next to him rings
as an operator picks it up, answering the call, nodding, the operator hands the
wireless phone to Ruby._\n\nAlas Intel Officer: We've got a caller with a lead on
the chemical attacks and Codename Sighthound. Says he'll only speak to
Romeo.\n\n_Taking the phone from the officer;s hand Ruby answers it as the
connection is established between her and the
caller._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Identify yourself.\n\nPrice: Ruby, it's
me.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Price?!\n\n_Surprised, she puts the phone
down on the projector as Price's ID and her own ID appears on the screen, on the
right hand side of the screen the True Sons' movement across Menagerie is shown as
Fanuus Militia casualties are listed._\n\nPrice: _sigh_ I've returned to Vale,
preparing an approach and landing site for your team. You've been briefed of what
you'll be doing, right?\n\n_The High Commander's profile is shown._\n\nPrice: It
was that high commander. The bastard slipped through my fingers in Sumire. What
does VCIO know?\n\n_Taking over the conversation, Ironwood answers him. Images of
the designated landing site are shown._","te":1570814918114},"632268328114585619":
{"u":1,"t":1570814916400,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, is everything
alright?"},"632271093301772332":{"u":0,"t":1570815575672,"m":"Price: I'm alright.
Landing site is prepped, I'll see you in Atlas.\n\n_Taking over the call for real
this time, Ironwood interrupts him._\n\nIronwood: You weren't permitted the
permission to operate within Valean soil! Why were you even there?!\n\nPrice:
_angered_ Don't give me that! You still owe me for Feldspar. I'm calling it in.
Ruby will get here with her team.\n\n_As if on cue, Baseplate joins the conference
call. Calming the captain down._\n\nBaseplate: Easy, son. And Ironwood, just let
him do what he wants to do, as long as it helps bringing us a step closer to ending
this war.\n\n_In the holographic projection multiple shipments' paths are traced
from an area within Crucible, then to the safe zone which they were delivered to
cities throughout Vale, Mistral, Menagerie and Vacuo, all of which originating from
an unmarked area in the ruins of a safe zone. Located fifty miles outside of
Vale._\n\nBaseplate: Alright. We've traced the delivery freighter to an outfit in
Area B8A, Vale. It's run by a nasty piece of work named Shay. Shay D. Mann, to be
precise.\n\n_Shay's profile is shown. As Shay's face is shown Yang gasps,
attracting the attention of people within the command
center._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's Shay, one of my mom's men. But
why...?\n\n_Disgusted, Yang turns away from the presentation as Ironwood brings up
pictures of pre-fab buildings sprawled throughout the safe zone, most of them being
simply taken by Shay's henchmen. Focusing on the mission Ruby points to one of the
buidings armed with SPAAGs._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's the security
look like?\n\n_Baseplate replies, showing a simulated image of the main
compound._\n\nBaseplate: Strictly second division. Local triggermen and elements of
the reformed White Fang Division guard the
{"u":1,"t":1570815690939,"m":"Gift - Look like we have to kick the front door, tell
Nikolai to ready his men."},"632274111795560462":
{"u":0,"t":1570816295337,"m":"Price: Gladly, I'll watch from Atlas. Call me when
you need an extra hand, or an interrogator...\n\n_Price hangs up his call as
everyone stared into the empty screen. Taking in the information they'd been
briefed with, getting up from their chairs Team Metal leaves the center for the
airstrip._\n\nSandman: Have fun in Vale, Rubes. That guy's a real piece of
work.\n\n_Sternly looking at him, Ruby gets up from the chair as her teammates
followed. One by one, they leave the center for the armory. Gift follows them,
having exchanged goodbyes with Ironwood. Now at the armory, Ruby begins to sort out
gear and ammunition required for the mission as Riley walks into the room, carrying
with her nothing but a can of OseanStar._\n\nRiley: Nikolai's men are ready, we'll
be joining his flight of fifteen extended range Mantas. Trigger will provide
frontal cover with his squadron and Cossette will team up with Nikolai on air
support. You guys ready for this?\n\n_Smiling, Ruby picked up a .50GS pistol from
the racks and tossed it over to her. Taking the pistol mid-air she stuffs it inside
her belt holster._\n\nRiley: Sounds like you're ready, meet me at the
airfield.\n\n_Running outside to meet Nikolai's men on the airfield Riley stops at
the lead Manta airship, its twin nose cannon painted in red._\n\nNikolai: You and
your girls will be riding with me to Vale. Are they ready?\n\nRiley: Give them two
mikes, max. They'll be ready. \n\n_Looking to the Special Operations HQ, Ironwood
waves down at her. She waves back, smiling. From the armory, Team RWBY ran from
across the vast clearing into the Manta with Gift taking the
lead._"},"632274476154748928":{"u":1,"t":1570816382207,"m":"Gift - Alright, get
in!"},"632275844152164352":{"u":0,"t":1570816708363,"m":"_Climbing into the
airship, the four girls strap themselves down on their seats as Nikolai brings the
Manta up in the air, contacting the ATC for permission to take off._\n\nNikolai:
Manta 2-6 to Tower, requesting permission to depart.\n\nAir Control: Roger, 2-6.
You are clear to take off. Godspeed.\n\n_Waving the control officer, Nikolai
chuckles to himself as he brings the ship high in the air. Flying alongside the
fleet of Manta airships carrying Team RWBY's support element. Looking back to the
passenger compartment he shouts to them over the sound of roaring
engines._\n\nNikolai: Are you doing okay back there?!
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're good, just a bit nervous. How long until
we get to Vale?\n\n_Looking into his Focus, Nikolai mentally calculates for the
entimated time to arrival. Turning back to her, he replies._\n\nNikolai: With our
current speed, we should be there in six
hours.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Can't we get this ship to fly any
faster?!\n\nNikolai: Not unless someone straps a rocket to this ship. Get some
rest, I will fly you there."},"632276294205308938":
{"u":1,"t":1570816815664,"m":"Gift - I....(yawn) i don't know that can i still
awake until LZ, I...will.\nThen Gift fall to sleep."},"632278892178178094":
{"u":0,"t":1570817435069,"m":"_After six hours of flight, Ruby wakes up as sunlight
shone into the interior through the windows, unstrapping herself, she glanced down
to her wrist computer as the time reads \"1344 VDT\", yawning, she walks to the
cockpit to find Riley piloting the ship._\n\n_Looking to the pilot's seat she finds
Nikolai snoring loudly, tapping at his shoulder, he wakes up._\n\nNikolaI: Ay,
_Блядь!_\n\n_Suddenly awoken from his slumber, he quickly takes control of the
Manta, sending Riley off to the passenger compartment._\n\nNikolai: Go, I'll fly
you in like I promised.\n\n_On the ground, Shay's henchmen look out to the distance
as the faint silhouettes of Nikolai's fleet of Manta airships appears in the
distance. On the airship Weiss, Blake, and Yang ready themselves as Nikolai flew
the Manta in closer to the compound._\n\n Riley: Get ready, team! Ruby, get the
door!\n\n_Pulling the door's manual handle, the airship's starboard door slides
open revealing the compounds to her. Preparing for jump, she tapped commands into
her wrist computer as the impact compensation system in her boots are activated.
Next to her, Weiss stands close to a deployable machine gun mount, grabbing at the
red instant deployment stick._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Think we'd find Shay
and get something out of him? \n\n_Speaking to Ruby, Yang stares to the ground
below as the Manta flies deeper inland. Ruby
replies._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll have to find him, he's the one
who bombed Patch with Manticore. \n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Wait, he bombed
Patch? I didn't even hear it on the reports.\n\n_Sighing, Ruby kept her gaze to the
ground below and replied to her sister._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That's
because Dad drove those guys off island with Mom and refused to report the place as
You didn't even know about that?!","te":1570817529921},"632279863117742090":
{"u":1,"t":1570817666559,"m":"Lt. Gift - Oi! We arrive.\nGift - Thanks Lieutenant,
you are my best friend, when i have nothing left.\nLt. Gift - Easy mate, take your
risk isn't thing that warrior do, but soldier it is, time to fight as
soldier.\nGift - Okay then, Let move."},"632282874548322344":
{"u":0,"t":1570818384540,"m":"_From the ground, as Shay looked up the sky through
his binoculars, he takes notice of the incoming airships and immediately sounded
the alarm as sirens blared throughout the compound._\n\nShay: Get to your
positions! Don't let them get in!\n\n_Bursting out of the main building two
captured Valean M163 Vulcan air defense systems rolled out from the garage and
positioned themselves on marked lots. Locking the lead Manta in their sights, the
gunners of the two anti-aircraft vehicles opened fire as two streams of 20mm rounds
flew for Nikolai._\n\nNikolai: incoming! Hang on!\n\n_Jumping out of the ship Riley
conjured two translucent energy rings from her wrists and casted a large dome
shield for Nikolai, protecting friendly ships from anti-air fire as Weiss stared at
her in awe. Keeping her eyes locked at the
glyphs._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> She... can summon?!\n\n_Replying to
her, Nikolai shouted from his cockpit._\n\nNikolai: Much better than that, it's
manifestation! She makes things out of thin air, that's her true power! Making
dreams come true are just the desserts! \n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What
do you mean by \"just the desserts?!\"\n\n_Standing up, Ruby walks over to the open
door shouting at her team._","te":1570818636288},"632282889530245127":
{"u":0,"t":1570818388112,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Standby for
drop!\n\n_On the ground, Price is seen driving a Valean Minotaur with Soap and Yuri
along the road in Area B8A making their way to the safe zone. Shouting at the
radio, he ushers Ruby's team to begin their insertion._\n\nPrice: Ruby! Just move
quickly and we can snag Shay before he bolts.\n\n_As he drives, a massive Winfdlare
formulates in the distance. Growing in size._\n\nSoap: The Windflare's moving in
fast! We only have one shot at this.\n\nPrice: Delta Team, take point through the
gate!\n\nFahz: Roger! Going in!\n\n_Another Minotaur driven by Delta Squad drives
along the left. Yuri gets up in the Minotaur's gun mount. They drive off the
secondary road onto a main road and accelerate towards the gate. As he kept his
gaze at the open gate Soap looks up and sees Nikolai in the Manta airship flying
above them._\n\nSoap: Nikolai, soften 'em up and get RWBY down there
{"u":0,"t":1570818594190,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"631561323955879947":
{"u":0,"t":1570646353473,"m":"_As they move up, shadows appear up the stairs. Behin
Ruby, Weiss prepares to toss in a raw Hardlight Dust shard, but Sandman stops
her._\n\nSandman: No, the light will blind us too.\n\n_Peeking from a corner, a
True Sons grunt opened fire at the group with her Enforcer submachinegun, forcing
the gunner of Rhino 1 to dive into cover._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner: Contact!\n\n_They
enter the building on the left and go up the stairs as True Sons radio chatter
comes within earshot, moving up the third floor, a True Sons soldier is seen
quickly closing the door and two gunshots are heard. At this, Frost quickly plants
a breaching charge at the door as Yang held her right prosthetic arm high, ready to
breach._\n\nFrost: Yang, breach the door! \n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Breaching!\n\n_Punching at the door, the prosthetic arm fires a shotshell from its
internal gun as the charge explodes, allowing the two to move inside. Once inside
Frost kills the True Sons just before they could execute a seated hostage. The rest
of the teams enter and secure the room. Sandman immediately checks on the seated
- Treat Grenade. (scanning the area) Clear!"},"631564367607103569":
{"u":0,"t":1570647079136,"m":"_Helping the seated hostage up, Sandman removes the
bag from his head, revealing the Atlesian Vice Governor's bruised face out for the
teams to see. With the bag removed, the vice governor weakly tries to resist
Sandman as Ruby takes over, pushing him out of the
way._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Look at me, look at me. \n\n_Tapping his
face with her right hand, the governor blinked twice as tears streamed from his
eyes down onto his bruised cheeks. Crying with joy._\n\nAtlesian Vice Governor:
Finally, you're here! \n\n_Turning back to the teams, Ruby confirms his status as
their intended target._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's him.\n\n_Turning to
face the governor, she pulls him to his feet, but the governor falls to the floor
yelping in pain._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sir, are you
alright?!\n\nAtlesian Vice Governor: No, they broke my legs before you guys got in
here.\n\n_Walking over to the vice governor Jaune placed his hands down on the his
shoulders, trasnferring his aura into him as Sandman helps up the Atlesian Vice
Governor._\n\n_With their objective fulfilled, Sandman contacts Overlord, alerting
him to his status._\n\nSandman: Overlord, P.I.D. on the Vice Governor. We're ready
for extraction.\n\n_From the Gyges-class aerial warship, its escort Nighthawk-class
airships broke off, descending to the surface of Argus._\n\nOverlord: Solid Copy,
0-1. Great work. Blue Four is arriving on scene now.\n\n_With the vice governor
secure they move up to the balcony where a Manta airship awaits them, hovering on
the side of the building, from the sky behind her, Ruby looked back to find OGDF
Black Hawks deploying more troops and Valean Apaches overlooking the area._\n\n_His
objective fulfilled, Sandman contacts his two teammates._\n\nSandman: Truck, Grinch
– we got our guy. We're on our way to LZ Sierra. Meet us there.\n\nGrinch: Nice. I
guess the first round's on us","te":1570647264612},"631884158754488333":
{"u":1,"t":1570723323287,"m":"Gift - Nikolai, Mission Complete, Request for
Exfil."},"631885328080175109":{"u":0,"t":1570723602076,"m":"Sandman: Right then,
meet us at the base in debriefing.\n\n_Clinbing into the Manta, Sandman and his men
stood by at the side door as they wayted for Team RWBY. Walking past him, Ruby
climbs aboard the airship followed by Weiss, Blake, and Yang. Now, standing next to
him lies Team JNPR._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Guess we're taking the second
flight home.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Well, evidently we are.\n\nNikolai:
Da, I'm on my way.\n\n_From the radio, Nikolai replies, bringing his Hind down
close to the building as the Manta took off for the Academy. Inching his helo
closer to the building he opens the Hind's rear cargo doors, allowing him and the
team to climb inside._\n\n_From the radio, Overlord contacts Gift
again._\n\nOverlord: Bravo Six, come in.","te":1570723630446},"631885516672991272":
{"u":1,"t":1570723647040,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6, getting back to base,
Over."},"631886453533835305":{"u":0,"t":1570723870405,"m":"_Tracking Gift's
position through his command screen Overlord commanded six MQ-101 drones to escort
the ship back to the Academy as his aide stares into the screen
blankly._\n\nOverlord: Good, go get your well-earned rest. Ruby will take things
from there when she arrives, Overlord out."},"631886984842838036":
{"u":1,"t":1570723997079,"m":"Gift - Roger that.\nLt. Gift - Hey! Gift about
that....\nGift - Open it.\nLt. Gift - Okay.\nLieutenant have open a tape that he
have record.\nIn voice tape\nCommander Gift - Hey Lieutenant, i check his heart now
and we got a bad new.\nLt. Gift - What is it?\nCommander Gift - Look at this, the
crack on his heart almost get to the bottom.\nLt. Gift - His heart almost
broken.\nCommander Gift - That is our bad news.\nLt. Gift - What about his mental
state?\nCommander Gift - Very low, he want this over ASAP.\nLt. Gift - He feel like
it not same anymore.\nCommander Gift - He want it back.\nLt. Gift - He want
everything to come back.\nCommander Gift - Like Ruby, She focus on mission, nothing
left for him, not only her everyone in team also same."},"631890398897373184":
{"u":0,"t":1570724811053,"m":"_Flying through the urban areas, Gift looks out to
the window to find Sandman's Manta transport flying right next to him. From the
window, he faintly makes out Ruby's cloak from the tainted windows on the airship,
but as Nikolai banks the Hind to the right the airship disappears._\n\nNikolai:
Sorry, had to make a shortcut, we'll be landing on the far side of the academy. The
main airstrip is full of planes carrying refugees to livable zones.\n\n_Looking to
Team JNPR. he gave them an apologetic look as Jaune returns it,
smiling._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> It's alright, at least we'll be enjoying
the view. Isn't that right, Pyrrha?\n\n_Smiling, Pyrrha moves closer to him,
brushing her right shoulder against his left._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> If
only there were some flora for us to see, all of Atlas is just... concrete and
metal. \n\n_As Nikolai brings the Hind closer to Academy grounds, radio chatter
soon fill his cockpit as units on the ground guide him to an allocated landing spot
in the midst of parked cilvilian volunteer aircrafts awaiting orders from the air
traffic control tower._\n\nAir Control: This is Atlas One to incoming Hind, land
your aircraft at LZ Sigma, coordinates will be provided by ground
controllers.\n\nNikolai: Much obliged, Tower. Thank you.\n\n_Thanking the ATC
officer, he waves at the man standing in the tower before pulling his ship to a
hard left, bankin over to the desginated landing
Gift - (patting on Gift back) One day, They will come back to you Gift, Only you
give them a time and they will come back to heal you back or be
better."},"631892272375660544":{"u":0,"t":1570725257725,"m":"_Looking over to Gift,
Jaune gets up from his seat walking over to the general and sat down next to him.
Patting him on the back as well._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Just give it time,
we're all tired of this. But if we don't fight, then who will? We'll make it
through this, all of us will.\n\n_Joining him, Pyrrha reached into Milo's stock,
taking out a small photo of Ruby and her in a selfie, placing it inside Gift's
empty LBE slot._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Maybe this would help, that
picture's been with me for a while now, but I think you'll need it more than I do.
Besides, it's saved on my Scroll.\n\n_Shouting to the group, Nikolai brings his
ship to land as a ground crew ran out to the landing spot waving two semaphore
lights._\n\nNikolai: We have arrived, go back to your
seats!"},"631893537943978043":{"u":1,"t":1570725559460,"m":"Gift - (Think to
himself) Even i'm not abandon by other but got abandon by Team RWBY is the worst,
like they are my world, my life, or easily to say, they are everything in my life,
without them? Ha! You know already....\nScene change to black screen.\nGift - I can
not live."},"631894879760416788":{"u":0,"t":1570725879374,"m":"_Diving into his
mindspace, he looks around him to find nothing but darkness surrounding him. As he
kept looking around, a quiet whisper calling out his name is heard._\n\n_Searching
for the source of the whisper, he begins to run as the darkness slowly fades away
into light. The further he kept on running, the brighter his surroindings grow.
Finally, the environment around him turns white._\n\n_Stopping in his tracks, he
looked down to find himself walking under piles of golden leaves, looking up to the
sky, he stares up to find the sky's color azure blue. Confused, he looked ahead of
him, finding the Tree of Life in the middle of the dimension. Behind him, the God
of Light emerges from a realm tear._\n\nGod of Light: Are you looking for me?
\n\n_His voice echoing in the open space, Gift spun around to meet him._\n\nGod of
Light: Don't be alarmed, I mean no harm. I brought you here only for you to return
to your true self.","te":1570725969480},"631895271038517288":
{"u":1,"t":1570726040864,"m":"Gift - Change myself back like the
past?"},"631896490360569887":{"u":0,"t":1570726263371,"m":"_Chuckling, the God of
Light sits down in front of him, inviting him to sit down as well._\n\nGod of
Light: Just sit. I'm not going to make sudden changes to who you are or what you
were, for I have no control over your life. I brought you here because I... want to
hear you out.\n\n_Now sitting with his legs crossed, the God of Light waits for
Gift to open up his feelings to him. Gift, however rufeses to speak. Prompting the
golden god to speak again._\n\nGod of Light: Please, do speak. I am here to help,
not to belittle.","te":1570726272675},"631897699578413056":
{"u":1,"t":1570726614586,"m":"Gift - I feel like i have abandon from someone who i
care most, i want the relationship between me and team RWBY
back."},"631898818878636060":{"u":0,"t":1570726818533,"m":"_Listening to him, the
God of Light stared into the young general's eyes. Reading his thoughts._\n\nGod of
Light: I see, do tell me more.\n\n_Waiting for Gift, the God of Light remains still
as Gift struggle to hold back his tears. His hair being swaayed around in the light
breeze flowing within the realm._\n\n_As he waits, the God of Light reads into his
memories, looking into the events he had gone through._"},"631899301676843019":
{"u":1,"t":1570726933641,"m":"Gift - I have pass everything because of them, always
care, always help, not leave behind, until the time have pass, our relationship
seem not same anymore."},"631901465710952459":{"u":0,"t":1570727449587,"m":"God of
Light: I see your point, you care for them, look out after them and even tried to
sacrifice your life to them. But have you ever stopped for once and take a good
look at your own state of being instead of having your allies remind you of your
ailments?\n\n_Standing up, the God of Light takes him by the arm to the Tree of
Light, the tree with the golden leaves standing in the middle of a large lake. Its
surface sprinkled with golden leaves._\n\nGod of Light: While you were taking your
time to tell me of your hardships... I had read into your memories.\n\n_Placing his
right hand on Gift's chest, the God of Light projected light onto him as the skin
around the chest turned transparent, leaving only his beating heart. Its muscles
riddled with white cracks on its surface._\n\nGod of Light: Your heart has suffered
more than it should, I understand that you wish to see your allies safe. But to put
yourself in harm's way is rather unwise. \n\n_As the God of Light projected golden
beams of light onto Gift's chest, muffled radio chatter interferes with the sounds
of wind blowing within the realm. At this, the God brings him closer to the lake's
edge._\n\nGod of Light: Putting yourself in unnecessary risks isn't what a warrior
does, Gift. You have done more than enough to show them of how loyal you are to
them , now it's time for them to show you of what they are capable of. Take heed of
what I say.","te":1570727531092},"631902028431622145":
{"u":1,"t":1570727583750,"m":"Gift - I will remember your word, i promise, and i
don't know what will happen next."},"631904348821127169":
{"u":0,"t":1570728136974,"m":"_Letting go of his chest, the God of Light showers
him with leaves from the Tree of Life, curing Gift of his failing heart._\n\nGod of
Light: Remember what I have taught you, it will help you become better. Are you
ready to return to the real world? If you are, then jump into this lake, its waters
will heal you further, for it is the fountain of all life on this planet.\n\n_Gift,
now standing over the edge prepares to jump into the lake as the radio chatter grew
louder. Without hesitation, he leaps into the air and fell down into the clear
water. As he sinks down the lake, he is blasted with light as the God of Light
brings him back to the real world._\n\n_Waking up in the Academy, Gift finds
himself lying down on the bed in his dorm. Gettin up, he finds a note written in
Ruby's handwriting. Picking it up, his Focus transcribed the handwriting out to
him. The note reads:_\n\n_\"Wakey, wakey!_\n\n_Debriefing is over, we're allowed
access to the Academy's database but Relic access is still denied. Ironwood says
it's locked away in a \"\"\"Zero Dawn\"\"\" site. By the way, Riley took us out of
the academy to a place called Barnes & Noble. Says it's got tons of interesting
books sent from Earth. Check your Scroll and meet me there, I've sent you the
coordinates!_\n\n _From your dearest 'sister' with love, Ruby.\"_\n\n_Smiling to
himself, he folds the Post-it carefully and tucked it into his LBE, but as he takes
it in the Exosuit detaches itself from his body, from the Focus, BT pings
him._\n\nBT: General, I believe a recreational activity may help ease off your
stress. I have updated your Waypoint with Ruby's
{"u":1,"t":1570728252488,"m":"Gift - (Hop on hover bike) Thanks BT, I'll be there
soon."},"631905372306800651":{"u":0,"t":1570728380992,"m":"_Walking down the
stairs, Gift reaches the dormitory's reception floor, but as he hopped on his bike
Fahz stops him. Blocking his path._\n\nFahz: Oi, where're you goin'? You've been
gone all day! And where are you heading off to?"},"631905748330217486":
{"u":1,"t":1570728470643,"m":"Gift - To Barnes & Nobiles, Ruby have write a letter
and want me there."},"631906767655141389":{"u":0,"t":1570728713669,"m":"_Smiling,
Fahz lets Gift go as he stepped away from the hoverbike._\n\nFahz: Alright then,
enjoy digging through the books there. \n\n_Revving the throttle on his hoverbike,
Gift rides it to the Academy's front gate where a guard stops him. Asking for his
IDs._\n\nCpl. Ross: Hold it, sir. State your intentions and ID number,
please.\n\n_Taking notice of a silver rose emblem on his right shoulder, the
corporal instantly realized of who the person he stopped is and raised the
checkpoint barrier, allowing Gift to pass through._\n\nCpl. Ross: Sorry, General.
I'm supposed to let you through, Enjoy your break,
sir!","te":1570728730973},"631907127304257566":{"u":1,"t":1570728799416,"m":"Gift -
Keep it up mate, you did well."},"631908266825482260":
{"u":0,"t":1570729071099,"m":"_Driving through the checkpoint, Gift makes a left
turn, bringing himself away from academy grounds. Now out in the streets, he takes
out his Scroll, plugging it on a dock as the waypoint to Barnes & Noble. Setting
the Scroll to auto-navigation mode he twisted the throttle handle as the hoverbike
speeds up. Moving out to the main raod._\n\nScroll: Turn left at Intersection A-32,
after that, head straight for 500 metres. \n\n_Following the directions, he rides
down the road, stopping at the marked intersection. As he stops, he finds
pedestrians and passer-bys watching him and his bike down. With some even waving at
him. Ignoring them, he waits until the traffic light turns green and moved
on._\n\n_Riding further down the road, Ruby's call comes in as the Scroll's
ringtone played back through his Focus._\n\nScroll: Incoming call from: Ruby Rose.
Say \"answer\" to pick up the call.","te":1570729112247},"631908497776312320":
{"u":1,"t":1570729126162,"m":"Gift - Answer."},"631910430599807007":
{"u":0,"t":1570729586983,"m":"_Answering the call, Gift's hoverbike goes into
autopilot as it takes in the navigation data from the Scroll. The steering handles
turning on its
own accord. From the Focus, Ruby's voice comes through the
speakers._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, where are you? We're almost
done buying books at the store! If your Scrolls says we left, find us at the
theater, we'll wait for you there!\n\n_In the store, as Ruby resumed looking for
more books to buy from the shelves Weiss takes the call over as her Scroll joins
Ruby's chanel. From Gift's Scroll, the caller ID changes to her profile
instead._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Just hurry, Ruby and Blake are
still in the store. I'm waiting outside, I'll wave when I see you.\n\n_The call
ends, however the autopilot function remains in effect as the hoverbike makes a
right turn at Junction A-62, driving into the street, Gift looks around him to find
arcades, gaming centers and merchandise stores lining the streets._\n\n_As he moved
on, the hoverbike slows down, pulling over to a vacant parking space next to an
arcade._\n\nScroll: Due to zero parking spaces available at Barnes & Noble, you are
required to walk for TWENTY metres to the store.\n\n_Getting off the hoverbike and
taking the keys out, Gift walks for the store. Over at the store, with Gift in her
sight Weiss waves at him and pointed to the store's automatic
door._"},"631910668391415808":{"u":1,"t":1570729643677,"m":"Gift - I see you now
Weiss, I'm coming."},"631912392061878293":{"u":0,"t":1570730054632,"m":"_Walking up
to him Weiss takes him by the arm and dragged him into the store, inside, the clerk
welcomes him, introducing him to the store's selection of books from both Remnant-
born writers and Earthborn writers._\n\nClerk: Welcome to the first Barnes & Noble
on Remnant! Follow the path on the floor to find books of your liking, enjoy yor
visit!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Ruby's in the Fiction aisle, Yang and
Blake are outside, said they have to 'use the bathroom.'\n\n_Nodding, he followed
the path on the floor to the Fiction aisle where he finds Ruby, sitting on the
floor and reading through a book, from his Focus the book's title reads: Inside
Out: The Esssential Guide. Kneeling down to her he taps lightly at her shoulder.
Startling her as Ruby drops the book on the
floor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ah! Oh, it's you.\n\n_Picking the book
from the floor and getting up on her feet she puts it back to an empty slot in the
shelf, carrying with her three books._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Please,
don't scare me like that again."},"631912745297772544":
{"u":1,"t":1570730138850,"m":"Gift - Okay okay i'm sorry
{"u":0,"t":1570730649731,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's alright, I
should be sorry for not letting you know where I am. Have a look around the store!
I'll wait for you at the cashier.\n\n_Taking the books with her, she drops them
into an civilian variant of an AK-200's hands, the mechanized infantry unit
responds, walking to the cashier with the books. From her Scroll, a notification
appears on screen as the device reads it out._\n\nScroll: Transaction complete,
your Lien has been deducted from your account.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Alright, if you don't want to have a look around, follow me. I'll show you
something.\n\n_Taking Gift's hand she walks him to the Stories of Legends zone,
where he finds various autographs of legendary soldiers of Remnant and Earth placed
neatly on a golden shelf. Running to a book with an azure blue cover she takes it
down from the shelf and handed it to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Check
this out! It's Riley's book!\n\n_As Ruby thrusted the book in his hands, Gift takes
it and looked into the cover. Flipping the azure cover out it reveals a picture of
Riley engaging an unknown combatant with energy beams fired from her palms. The
title reads: \"Stories of Legends: Commander Andersen, Earth's Battle
{"u":1,"t":1570730736565,"m":"Gift - I don't know that she is a writer
{"u":0,"t":1570730997910,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Not just that, half
the Fiction aisle had her books too. But it only said they were all from her
concepts and not really her own work. By the way, she didn't write this but her mom
did.\n\n_Putting her arms around Gift's neck, Riley takes him by surprise as he
spun around to find his partner smiling, her silver eyes gleaming under the lights
of the store._\n\nRiley: Impressed? There's a book about you, too. Clerk says it's
one of the best sellers aside from mine.\n\n_Handing him the book Gift reads the
title, finding no changes on its cover, but as he turned a page the book's title
comes up written in golden letters. The title reads: \"Stories of Legends: General
Gift, The Intrepid Warrior.\"_","te":1570731042262},"631916743534575626":
{"u":1,"t":1570731092104,"m":"Gift - I'm impress, my journey
story"},"631918218675748907":{"u":0,"t":1570731443805,"m":"_Leaving the Stories of
Legends zone, Gift walks around the store with Ruby accompanying him, recommening
him books from every aisle possible._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> And that's
it for this store, there's more bookstores out there but this place tops. It really
does!\n\n_Taking him to the checkout, a clerk hands her a bag filled with the books
she'd picked earlier. Waving her goodbye._\n\nClerk: Thank you for buying at Barnes
& Noble, enjoy reading!\n\n_Leaving the store, the two walk out from the door to
the open street. Finding Weiss standing next to a vending machine waiting for
them._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> It surely took you a while to get out
of that store, did you find anything you like, Gift?"},"631919858220531723":
{"u":1,"t":1570731834703,"m":"Gift - When i see this book, i always think to the
past, the nice memory."},"631922224894312479":{"u":0,"t":1570732398962,"m":"Riley:
Me too, every time I see that book all I can do is read through it over and over
until I'm bored with it. Then I repeat the cycle.\n\n_Looking out to the street
ahead Riley adjusted her backpack, its weight pulling down on her
shoulders._\n\nRiley: C'mon, let's get ourselves some... \"recall\" to the real
world before we need to fight someone again.\n\n_As she says this, Weiss turns
around at her, staring up at Riley with a death
glare.._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> No, not again. No more. I don't
want to think of anything anymore...\n\n_Patting her shoulder, Riley looks down to
the pavement. Blowing a cloud of steam from her mouth._\n\nRiley: Me too, sometimes
I just want to live a normal life without having to fight anyone, but then there's
people like Salem who have nothing to lose. And unhinged people who only fought to
become stronger. Like Cinder.\n\n_Looking up to the night sky, Riley walks further
down the street as an arcade flyer handler gave her six pamphlets. Reading into one
of them, she chuckled. Not expecting arcades to remain operational in times of
conflict._\n\nRiley: Here, check this out. Says they have the best arcade games in
all of Remnant."},"631922846657937458":
{"u":1,"t":1570732617060,"m":"Gift - Know the name of it?"},"631924301456474122":
{"u":0,"t":1570732894053,"m":"Riley: Ace Arcades, it says in the card.\n\n_Yawning,
she glanced down to her watch, the time reads 2343HRS AST, with it she turned
around to the girls and Gift._\n\nRiley: We should go back to the Academy, it's
getting really late and I need sleep.\n\n_Yawning as well, Blake chimed in,
stretching her arms out to drive away the
drowsiness._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Me too, I can barely keep my
eyes open, if it weren't for the books I'd be sleeping on the
floor.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Let's just go, Scroll feed says lockdown will
take place here until morning. If we don't get out fast we'll have to sleep
somewhere in here, and it's not going to be nice."},"631924945466949632":
{"u":1,"t":1570733047597,"m":"Gift - At least i have relax.\n(Thinking to
himself)\nGift - Did they not abandon me? i glad that my little sister come back to
care her brother."},"631926749390831653":{"u":0,"t":1570733477686,"m":"_Hearing his
thoughts, Riley smiles as the team marched down the streets back to a Humvee parked
in front of Ace Arcades. As they walked, streetgoers soon began to run back inside
any buildings they can find. Taking notice of the people running way from them,
Weiss takes out her Scroll, reading through its feed fro
updates._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Weird, why are these people
running away from us?\n\n_Sensing an imminent threat, Riley takes out her .50GS
pistol out, holding it with her right hand._\n\nRiley: Stay alert, there could be
anything ready to ambush us.\n\n_Scanning the street ahead, she finds nothing ot of
the ordinary, save for a stray cat running past them. Looking into her Focus'
threat detection radar, Ruby finds no threat in her
vicinity._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Got nothing here, this is
weird...\n\n_As they cautiously stepped down the street, the metallic \"clip-clop\"
of Atlesian Knight infantry units walking into the street can be heard, seen
leading the Knights are Ethan, armed with an EBR-600 sniper rifle. Taking notice of
Riley and her group, he orders his bots to stand down, running up to
her._\n\nEthan: Ma'am, what are you doing out here? Lockdown is in effect! You need
to get back to the academy.\n\n_Swatting his hands away and hosltering her pistol,
Riley pushes him out of the way._\n\nRiley: And what the hell do you think we've
been doing, Tin Man? We're trying to get to our
{"u":1,"t":1570733591777,"m":"Gift - Let get back quick."},"631928137890136065":
to their Humvee, Riley climbed into the driver's side and turned the keys on
ignition as Team RWBY stepped into their seats while Gift broke off to his
hoverbike. Driving out of the street, Ethan waves them goodbye as Gift trails after
them back to the academy._\n\n_Inside the car, as they ride back to the academy
Ruby lets out a sigh of relief. Clutching her books
tightly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> At least we made it out there, that
was... creepy.\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> It really is, it's as if
someone's watching us...\n\n_Driving further down the road, Riley retraced the
route she'd driven from the academy back until reaching its entry gate. Presenting
her ID, Cpl. Ross the guard lets them in as the gate closed behind
{"u":0,"t":1570554941560,"m":"BT: Copy, assuming control of AST.\n\n_With BT's AI
persona taking control of the AST, he begins to rain down rocket fire at the pack
of Sabyrs rushing forward against BT's minigun fire, as the Sabyrs get closer to
Rhino 2, the driver of Rhino 1 readies up his tank, preparing to use the tank's
weight to run the pack over._\n\nRhino 1: Steer clear of my path, Rhino 2! I'll run
these fuckers over!\n\n_Revving the gas turbines to maximum power, Rhino 1 charged
head-on against the pack as the lead Sabyr bit into the explosive reactive armor
layer on its front, only to be dragged under its 70 ton chassis and crushed to
death. Emerging from the tank turret lies an Atlesian Knight unit commandeering the
minigun, spraying wildly into the rest of the
Sabyrs._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are they out of their minds?!
\n\n_Looking at Rhino 1's tank crushing the pack away, the tank seemingly gains the
upper hand as its immense weight crushed most of the Grimm away, however, a stray
one leaped into the air and brought itself down on the Atlesian Knight, tearing the
infantry unit in half with its powerful
{"u":0,"t":1570554951814,"m":"Rhino 1: Shit! We've lost our gunner!\n\n_Swerving
unpredictably, the driver of Rhino 1 attempts to get the offending Sabyr off of the
turret, but alas, it is too late._\n\n_The Sabyr, having destroyed the Knight unit
crawled into the tank as its driver screamed in agony. Seconds later, the Sabyr
emerged from the turret, its face covered in the driver's blood with bits of flesh
hanging from its lower jaw._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Rhino 1 is down!
\n\n_Looking to Rhino 2 and forming up a plan, Ruby gets back on her feet and
unfolds Crescent Rose into its scythe form, preparing herself. As she does so,
Weiss walked up to her, blocking her path._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
You're not going out there, Ruby! You almost got yourself killed back when you
fought the Manticores! I'm not letting you die because you wanted to prove to Gift
of how strong you ar-\n\n_Ruby, not wishing to listen to Weiss' rambling raised a
finger to her lips, Silencing her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know, just
listen to me, I have a plan.","te":1570554981473},"631179031819059210":
{"u":1,"t":1570555207925,"m":"But before she could think the plan, Ruby see her
Brother got shot.\nGift - Ah! I'm hit.\nLt. Gift - I got you.\nGift - Get me to
cover fast!\nLt. Gift - Alright here should safe.\nSargent Gift - Come on, let me
heal you.\nGift - Thanks Sarge, listen There are sniper in the building front of
us, clear them off.\nCaptain Gift - Got it, I and Sarge will clear them out.\nLt.
Gift - I will make sure that he got recover."},"631181559118037002":
{"u":0,"t":1570555810480,"m":"_Rushing up from behind Rhino 1's tank, Jaune knelt
down next to Gift, placing his hands over the general's
chest._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You're going to be alright, hang
tight!\n\n_Activating his Semblance, Jaune begins to boost Gift's aura, healing his
injury as Sarge and Cap moved out to engage the True Sons sniper hiding in the
building ahead of them. Back at Ruby, as the Sabyrs move closer to her team, she
collapses her Focus holospace._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Screw the plan,
we'll improvise! Yang!\n\n_Shouting over to her sister, Yang assumes her combat
stance, raising her fists high to a guarding stance_\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
What is it?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I need you to team up with Rhino 1
and hit them as hard as you can, single out the one with the bloody jaw.
\n\n_Grinning, she flicked her wrists as her twin gaunlets charge themselves with
Light Energy, sparkling with yellow electrical
sparks._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Sure thing! Got anythin' for
Blake?\n\n_Looking at Blake, Ruby tossed her a 9-banger as Blake took it mid-fall
and stuffed it into her pocket LBE._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Blake, I
want you to spray them with rounds from Gambol, keep them overwhelmed while we move
in. Use that nine-banger to stun them if you have
to!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Got it!\n\n_With Ruby's plan in play, the
four girls spread out as the two Sabyrs roared, dashing forward against them. From
Ruby's view, she jumps in on the second Sabyr, its jaw agape, and stuffed a frag
grenade into its jaw using her Semblance. Quickly drawing her hand away from its
mouth as it bit down on the frag rgenade._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Eat
this! \n\n_Breaking away from the Sabyr she lands behind it as the grenade
explodes, severing its lower jaw and causing the frozen skin on its back to become
brittle from the force of the
{"u":1,"t":1570556177258,"m":"Gift - Wound is gone, Thanks Jaune.\nWhen Gift
thinking what he gonna do next, he hear his heartbeat.\nGift - Not again.\nLt. Gift
- Damn, even she see you get shot in front of her, there is nothing change.\nGift -
My hope will gone?\nLt. Gift - Hey hey hey, don't lose your hope.\nGift -
Lieutenant, Physical wound can be healed, but Wound in a heart, it hard to get
healed.\nHis voice have came though Ruby radio.\nLt. Gift - Hey Come on stay with
us, Okay?"},"631187389813096448":{"u":0,"t":1570557200626,"m":"_Overhearing Gift's
voice through her radio, Ruby screams into her Focus. Calling him
in._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Bravo, get switched on! We're taking the
Sabyrs!\n\n_Dodging the second Sabyr's tail swinging at her, Weiss quickly
retaliated with a series of melee attacks, slashing away at its exposed torso
flesh. The Sabyr roars, backed away, this time climbing onto a building and
launching itself at her, catching her by surprise._\n\n_Missing her by inches, the
Sabyr roared again as Weiss backed off from it, swicthing to Hardlight Dust,
forming up a six-glyph straight line formation in front of her as cyan projectiles
fired from the glyphs, peppering the Smilodon-like beast with Hardlight
projectiles. Launching herself from Rhino 1, Yang punches the Sabyr clean on its
thick skull, forming a small crack on it and sutnning it greatly with the brute
force of her punch._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> How's that feel?!
Huh??\n\n_Despite getting punched in the head, the Sabyr prepares to attack Yang
only to screech in pain as the light projectiles pierced through its exposed skin,
at this, it tries to run away only to be intercepted by Blake launching Gambol
Shroud at it, its blade folded into a
kusarigama._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Second Sabyr is down! Ruby,
how's your status?!\n\n_Over at Ruby, as the Sabyr attempted to score a hit on Ruby
she kept up her constant evasion using her Semblance. Tiring out the Sabyr, as it
slows down, she raised her scythe up high, jamming the blade deep into its torso.
With the Sabyr pinned in the blade, she swings the scythe along with the Sabyr onto
a CCT terminal box, slamming it hard on the box. Despite the hit, it gets back uo
and tries to attack her again._","te":1570557734821},"631187436696895508":
{"u":0,"t":1570557211804,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Not doing so good
over here! I could use some help right now!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Standby, I'm coming to yo--\n\nRiley: ***CANNONBALL!!***\n\n_From the sky, the
three Rangers and Riley dive down into the battlezone, grabbing Nora by her legs.
Grinning maliciously she raised Magnhild even higher as the hammer accumulates more
kinetic energy in its compensation unit. Getting close to the ground, she launched
herself away from Riley's grip, bringing Magnhild down to smash the second Sabyr
with a devastating blow._\n\n_As Nora brings her hammer down on the beast, the
shockwave from the hit stirs up a large cloud of dust covering much of the
intersection. Silence ensues as the Sabyr pinned down by Blake finally succumbed to
its injuries and died. The sounds heard being the tired breaths of Riley, Ruby and
Weiss._\n\n_Putting his rifie down, Sandman and his team are all but awestruck as
they watched Nora nonchalantly getting up from the ground, carrying Magnhild over
her shoulder._","te":1570557382587},"631189937563238412":
{"u":1,"t":1570557808057,"m":"Lt. Gift - It not over, Come on!\nGift stand up with
his hand hold on his chest.\nSargent Gift - Are you sure that you will go like
this?\nGift - Our mission is not end...Ah!\nLt. Gift - Hold on, i got an idea, i
will bring him to cover for providing support.\nGift - Sound good!\nSargent Gift -
I and Cap will get a sniper point.\nLt. Gift - Roger.\nCaptain Gift - Hang on Gift,
hold your wound.\nGift - But this wound is hard to hold it off.\nCaptain Gift -
When you feel pain, Use this RG Green will heal you and Red will make this more
effective.\nGift - Thanks Cap...Ah!\nCaptain Gift - I don't know when it over, but
soon will end.\nGift - Alright, Let's go!\nGift have try to switch cover from one
to another with his hand is still hold
his chest that can tell his heart got damage."},"631192087382982657":
{"u":0,"t":1570558320614,"m":"_Seeing Gift moving from cover to cover, Ruby drops
her weapon, dashing over to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You're hurt!
Here, let me help!\n\n_Reaching into her LBE, she took out an autoinjector loaded
with Compound B, an experimental Light Enrgy-based drug and injected it into his
bloodstream. Pulling the injector away, she pulls him back on his feet, dragging
him back to Rhino 1's tank._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I heard you over
the radio, just hold on, Riley's called in a Titan for you.\n\n_From the tank,
Riley runs up to Gift with her hybrid sword in her hand. Taking him by the arm she
sets him down next to a CCT terminal box. Placing her hands on his
chest._\n\nRiley: Just stay put, BT's alerted me to your condition. I've called you
a Titan.\n\n_From the Liberty Delta's deployment bay, BT, now in his Vanguard Titan
chassis picked up a Predator Cannon from the weapons rack, stomping his way to the
deployment bay he looked back at Cossette and Avril, his blue scanner \"eye\"
flickering twice._\n\nBT: I will now deploy to assist General Gift, thank you for
your cooperation.\n\nCossette: Don't thank me, thank Avril for getting your Titan
in shape. Now go, he needs you.\n\n_Standing over the deployment bay's edge, BT
leaped into the sky, beginning his field deployment into the City of Argus. Falling
through the swarms of MQ-101s defending the Arsnal Bird from True Sons aircrafts.
As he falls, he contacts Gift through the radio._\n\nBT: General, I am on my way to
you. ETA: 20 seconds."},"631192811164794970":{"u":1,"t":1570558493177,"m":"Gift -
Copy that BT.\nLt. Gift - (In his mind) Don't lie your feeling Ruby, if he know it
you might lost him forever and hard to bring him
{"u":0,"t":1570559892611,"m":"_Pulling Gift up to his feet, Ruby looked up to the
sky, ignoring Lieutenant's thoughts pushing its way into her mindsspace through his
neuro-link. From the sky, BT braces himself to land as his altitude drops
drastically. Now almost on the ground he simply allowed himself to land on the
ground. His feet absorbing much of the impact._\n\n_With BT landed, the cockpit of
the Vanguard-class Titan opens, revealing the pilot's seat inside. Letting Gift go
without saying a word, Ruby retrived Crescent Rose from the street and walked back
to her team as Gift climbed inside the Titan's cockpit._\n\nBT: Welcome back,
Pilot.\n\n_Scanning the streets ahead of them, Sandman relays the data from his
Focus to Rhino 2 as its driver asked him again of the streets' status._\n\nRhino 2:
Are we good to go?\n\nSandman: You're good, Rhino 2! We'll take the right
flank!\n\n_Regrouping with Team RWBY, they begin to move to the right to get around
and allow the tanks to move up. Rhino 2 moves up, crashing through barricades set
up by corrupted Atlesian Knights._\n\nSandman: Going right! Stick to the right
flank!\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Copy! Moving
they move away from the intersection, the group finds themselves standing in the
middle of the City's central park, above them, a street sign reads: Argus Central
Park, enjoy your visit! Ignoring the sign, the group moves into the park where they
find more friendly Valean Mechanized Response Brigade units repelling the Grimm
from the city._\n\n_Standing on top of a Metal Devil, Aloy spots the group arriving
from the park's main gate, with the group in sight she commands the Metal Devil to
launch its tentacle at the gate, ripping it away and allowing U.S. Army ground
vehicles to enter the park alongside the teams._\n\nAloy: Get in, restock here if
you need to! Move!\n\n_As the group moved in, a True Sons Su-25 Frogfoot enters the
airspace, launching missiles from its wings. After dropping missiles the Frogfoot
breaks away as a Glinhawk takes after it._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner: Incoming!\n\n_As the
missiles fly closer to the group, a friendly Corruptor is taken out forcing the
teams to split and run for cover throughout the park, a Mistralian Apache attempts
to give air support, but is shot down. Another one that hung back over the park is
shot down as well as a Sphinx takes it
Gift - Alright, let clear them out and back to base, Gift?\nLieutenant turn back
and see Gift tear coming out from his eye.\nLt. Gift - About your personal problem,
after this, Okay?\nGift - Okay."},"631203385416351745":
{"u":0,"t":1570561014275,"m":"Sandman: Move! Move!\n\n_Screaming for the teams to
move out of the park, Rhino 2 aims to one of the Sphinx standing on top of a
bulding lobbing chunks of concrete down to the soldiers below it._\n\nRhino 2:
Arming! Armed! \n\n_With the main gun armed Rhino 1 begins searching for the Sphinx
_\n\nRhino 2: Acquiring Target!\n\n_As Rhino 2 is occupied sighting its gun on the
Sphinx, two Golaiths emerge from the ground with a swarm of Centinels. From a
pilotable Deathbringer's cockpit, its pilot warn Rhino 1 of the hostiles ahead of
{"u":0,"t":1570561016207,"m":"Starfire 2: Got two Goliaths and a Centinel swarm!
Left side!\n\n_Firing its autocannons at the Centinels, the swarm is quickly taken
care of, however, the Goliaths continue their march, flattening IFVs and tossing
obstacles out of their way. Sighting the Goliaths the gunner of Rhino 2 loads a
self-forming cluster munition round into the gun._\n\nRhino 2: Alright stand clear.
We're gonna get some grapeshots in that direction.\n\n_Moving out of Rhino 1's line
of fire, the Deathbringer flanked Rhino 2, arming its missiles. Inside the park,
Team Metal moved cover to cover, dodging incoming fire as Team RWBY cleared the
path ahead of them. JNPR however hangs back, keeping Sandman's rear guard
safe._\n\nStarfire 2: Copy that, Rhino 2. I'm right behind
you.\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Move! Move!\n\n_Finally reaching Team
RWBY's location they move into the city and engage the invading Grimm forces.
Moving along the Deathbringers, RWBY takes out incoming infantry, while Rhino, JNPR
and Metal shoots at the enemy Goliaths._\n\n_Taking to the sky, Riley hangs behind
the teams shooting laser beams from her palms while saturating the area ahead of
her with plasma projectiles. They push forward for about 150 meters before turning
left at the corner of the street. After pushing forward about another 50 meters,
the tanks and the Deathbringer stop at a small
barricade._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What's the hold up?\n\n_Pointing to a
parking lot building, Carter climbs out of the Deathbringer's Reserve Pilot
cockpit, carrying with him a Sniper variant of the Crescent Rose._\n\nCarter: The
only way through is in to that parking garage and out the other side! We're going
to have to take it slow – not sure if it can handle the wei-\n\n_As he explains the
situation, Carter is shot and killed by a sniper round._\n\nSandman:
gotta go now, we'll continue later. Put your lines n here so I know where we left
{"u":1,"t":1570561564328,"m":"Captain Gift - I'm on it.\nCommander Gift - Hey
Lieutenant, i check his heart now and we got a bad new.\nLt. Gift - What is
it?\nCommander Gift - Look at this, the crack on his heart almost get to the
bottom.\nLt. Gift - His heart almost broken.\nCommander Gift - That is our bad
news.\nLt. Gift - What about his mental state?\nCommander Gift - Very low, he want
this over ASAP.\nLt. Gift - He feel like it not same anymore.\nCommander Gift - He
want it back.\nLt. Gift - He want everything to come back.\nCommander Gift - Like
Ruby, She focus on mission, nothing left for him, not only her everyone in team
also same.\nLt. Gift - Let get this over before his heart will break
apart."},"631519557520982016":{"u":1,"t":1570636395579,"m":"Hard Operation and a
broken heart\nGeneral Gift\nTask force 141"},"631522080059555840":
{"u":0,"t":1570636996999,"m":"_Moving out to engage enemy unites ahead of them,
Team RWBY pushes up the street as Cap and a friendly OGDF fireteam ran up the
parking building's entrance, their weapons raised high. Inside the tank, Rhino 2
scans the sector in front of them, relaying enemy positions to units
outside._\n\nRhino 2 Driver: Relaying targets! \n\n_Scaling up the parking building
walls, Ruby jams a pre-cooked fragmentation charge into a crack within the wall as
it detonates, revealing the enemy sniper hiding behind it. With the sniper in her
reach, she quthdrew her M17 pistol, pumping five rounds into the sniper's chest,
killing him._\n\nStarfire 2: Where are the targets?\n\n_Still looking for targets,
the pilot of Starfire 2 kept his gaze locked in the scanner scope, from Sandman's
view, more True Sons units rush into the blasted wall, taking Ruby by surprise and
forcing her to jump free from the building. As the hostiles appeared on her Focus,
Pyrrha calls them out to Starfire._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Top floor of
the building in front of you! Hit it now!\n\n_Starfire 2 locks its cannons at the
front building and fired a long burst into it, killing the additional hostiles.
With the hostiles eliminated Ruby flies back to the tank column with her Semblance.
Now reunited with her team, Sandman quickly ordered Frost to take Starfire's
reserve pilot position._\n\nSandman: Frost, get up on that
Deathbringer.\n\n_Complying, Frost climbs up the Deathbringer's side railing into
the reserve cockpit, clambering his way inside the small pod. The pod locks him in
as the screen in front of him gave way to an AR feed of the battle outside. As the
Deathbringer moves over the barricade,
Frost sprays at incoming Grimm with the autocannons. Two Griffons appear behind
the building._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner:
{"u":1,"t":1570637185750,"m":"Sargent Gift - Sniper support on the way.\nLt. Gift -
Thanks Sarge, Hey Sarge, did you know this?\nSargent Gift - What is it?\nLt. Gift -
About Gift, i have record when i talk with Commander, i will open to you when we
are going back to base.\nSargent Gift - Got it, For now focus on the
mission."},"631525140873740289":{"u":0,"t":1570637726754,"m":"_The Griffons, having
emerged from the building flew for the tank, from the driver's cab Rhino 2 goes in
reverse, dodging it, from the Deathbriger Frost engages them with the autocannons,
spraying shells wildly at them._.\n\nStarfire 2 Pilot: APS online!\n\n_Irritated by
cannon fire, the Griffon flies down to the Deathbringer, ramming itself onto the
mecha, causing Frost to lose his tracking on the monster. Without the data from his
AR HUD, the autocannons spun around their emplacements, spraying shells in all
directions._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get down!\n\n_Locking the lead
Griffon in her sights, Weiss barely ducks into a mobile cover when the Griffon
charges in front of her, missing her as it dived straight into a building. Shell
shocked, she recovers from the Griffon's impact blast. Getting up from the street,
two Rangers rush to her side, pullingher back up._\n\nPvt. Fenix: Get her up!
Lanza!\n\nPvt. Lanza: On it!\n\n_As the two Rangers get her standing, the pilot of
Starfire 2 calls out to the three._\n\nStarfire 2: You guys okay?!\n\n_Flashing the
Deathbringer a thumbs up, Weiss picked up Myrtenaster from the ground, slid it back
to her hip scabbard and ran for her team._\n\nRhino 2: Alright, let's
roll!\n\n_Regaining his lock on the Griffons, Frost thrusted the controlling sticks
forward as the autocannons responded to his controls. From the street in front of
them, large groups of Grimm creatures and a True Sons T-740 hovertank appear
ahead._\n\nRhino 2: Got more inbound! Twelve
{"u":1,"t":1570637907178,"m":"Captain Gift - Alright Gift, we got an enemy
hovertank incoming.\nGift - Have any idea to destroy it?\nCaptain Gift - I will try
M2 Stinger.\nGift - If it not work...\nCaptain Gift - Weapon
free."},"631528480697483295":{"u":0,"t":1570638523030,"m":"_Running to the
frontline, Cap takes out an M2 Stinger multi-launcher from a weapons cache, locking
the missiles onto the tank with the command-launch unit. As the missiles gained
their target, high-pitched growl soon filled his ears as the missiles lock onto the
hostile tank._\n\n_And with the pull of its trigger, six RDX-A2 missiles launched
from the launch tube, soaring high into the sky and plummeting down onto the tank,
penetrating its Trophy System cleanly and destroying it as the missiles speared
through the turret, destroying it in a large explosion._\n\n_With the hostile
hovertank destroyed, the tanks move up with the teams and Frost covers them with
the Deathbringer's autocannons. As they move up, the True Sons retreat, the
Griffons having been eliminated by Riley's plasma barrage, as they moved three
Valean AC-65 Calamity gunships fly into the zone, saturating the area ahead with
missiles._\n\nStarfire 2: They're falling back to the lot.\n\nRhino 1: Yeah,
they're scared shitless.\n\n_Moving up the with the tanks, Team RWBY finds their
path surprisingly clear of hostiles, nevertheless, they keep up their awareness as
they switched over to theit tactical loadouts, scanning their sectors for threats.
Behind them, JNPR keeps their six guarded from Grimm and
occasional \"jumpers\"_","te":1570638623000},"631528912727572480":
{"u":0,"t":1570638626034,"m":"_One of the Calamity gunships fires missiles into the
garage causing the True Sons inside to escape into the clearing, as they try to
escape Frost mows them down with the autocannons. The tanks reach the intersection
and enter the parking garage._\n\nRhino 2: Let's move in. They ran further down in
to the garage.\n\n_Getting close to the garage, the Deathbringer stops. Its reserve
cockpit door wide open._\n\nStarfire 2: Alright, Frost, I can't bring my unit
insidde the garage. The weight will collapse the garage.\n\n_Climbing out of the
cockpit, he jumps back down on the street, regrouping with his team._\n\nRhino 2:
Just move fast. Don't let 'em swarm you. Godspeed, Starfire.\n\nStarfire 2:
Starfire copies, returning to City Park.","te":1571586285658},"631529034030776320":
{"u":1,"t":1570638654955,"m":"Captain Gift - Come on Gift, It almost end.\nGift -
They're retreat, maybe they might ambush us ahead.\nLt. Gift - Keep your eyes
open."},"631531363794681866":{"u":0,"t":1570639210414,"m":"_With the Deathbringer
falling back to the City Park, the teams continue their progress as they move into
the interior of the garage, from a maintenance door three Creeps bursts out to the
open, shrieking at the teams._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Rhino, hang back!
We'll take care of them!\n\n_Switching over to their standard loadout, Team RWBY
jumps into the fight as the Creeps raised their tail, ready to swipe the team down
on their feet. However, as they raised their tails up high Yang smashes her right
fist onto the ground, sending a shockwave blast to them. Knocking the monsters on
their backs._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Rhino, now!\n\nRhino 1: Hold
on!\n\n_Pushing his throttle to the max Rhino 1 drives right through the Creeps,
smashing them under the Abrams' hull. As Rhino 2 drove at full speed, it crashed
through a security office, startling a group of True Sons soldiers._\n\nRhino 2: I
got True Sons in the office, RWBY, they're all yours!\n\n_Rushing into the office,
Ruby takes on the first man, punching him clean in the face. Next to her, Weiss
overpoweres a grunt with quick strikes from the Myrtenaster directed at the grunt's
armor. As Ruby and Weiss worked on beating down the two grunts Blake stabs the
thrid man clean in the chest, kicking him off the
blade._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Get! Off! Me!\n\n_Repeatedly
punching the grunt in the head, Weiss finally takes down the grunt as his arms went
limp, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Pushing the grunt to the floor she
walks away from him back to Ruby, finding her team leader pushing a dead grunt
away._\n\n_Finishing off the last surviving man Yang sends a flying kick to the
grunt's right knee, shattering it. From behind, Frost takes him out with a shot to
the head. With the hostiles taken care of they come up to a tunnel, not big enough
to allow Rhino 2's tank through. Through his scope, Cap marks more enemies to the
team._\n\nCap: Saw another group headed through
- Alright, Lieutenant Ready?\nLt. Gift - We will clear them.\nGeneral/Lt. Gift -
Hasta la vista."},"631533994495836170":{"u":0,"t":1570639837622,"m":"_The two
clones ready up their missile launchers, but as they locked on the group the floor
under them begins to crack from Rhino 2's weight gradually wearing down the ramp's
integrity. From his view, the driver of Rhino 2 looks down to his AR feed of the
outside view, seeing a large crack forming under them._\n\nRhino 1: Woah! Woah!
Wait!\n\n_Behind the tank, Frost screams into his radio, calling for Rhino 2 to
back away from the crumbling ramp._\n\nFrost: Back it up! Back up! Rhino, back
the ... up!\n\n_Pulling back as fast as they could, Rhino 2 begins to back away
from the growing crack, but alas, it is too late as th floor breaks underneath
them._\n\nRhino 2: Oh shit!\n\n_Staring at the optical sensor on the tank, Weiss
stops dead in her track, giving the driver a death
glare._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Are you seri--\n\n_The floor beneath
them fully gave away as it crumbles into debris and mangled rebar._\n\n_Rhino 2,
along with Team RWBY falls through three floors of the garage, smashing through
weight compensation barriers, after plummeting through the floors, they finally
landed as cars from above floors fall down around the tank._\n\n_Looking up to the
floors above her, Ruby crawls away from the tank as a burning car falls down,
smashing onto the tank and bouncing off onto a car next to it. Getting up just in
time, the car explodes, stunning her as the shockwave blasted her, sending her
flying to a wall._\n\nSandman: Ruby!\n\n_Stunned greatly from the explosion, Ruby
looks around her dazedly as the Marine crew inside the tank quickly climbed out of
their disabled tank over to her._","te":1571586262933},"631534981407047700":
{"u":1,"t":1570640072920,"m":"Lt. Gift - GIFT! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?\nGift - YOU SEE ME
ALRIGHT?\nCaptain Gift - HERE!\nGift - THANKS FOR MED KIT, CAP.\nLt. Gift - GET OUT
UNCONSCIOUS, ALMOST DOWN.\nGift - I WILL GET HER."},"631536850795757588":
{"u":0,"t":1570640518617,"m":"_Pushing his way through the Marine crew, Gift runs
up to Ruby. Kneelin down next to her, he takes her by the arm pulling her up and
carrying her in a fireman's carry. Speaking through her in a private channel, he
tries to wake her up to no avail._\n\n_From Ruby's view, the world around her turns
to black as the car's explosion blasted her with shockwave. Barely conscious, she
finds herself being carried over Gift's shoulder, her limbs hanging down,
limp._\n\nFocus AI: Warning, heavy injuries sustained, Light Energy regeneration in
process...\n\n_As Gift carried her alongside the tank crew and the rest of her
teammates, her body begins to glow with white-red aura around her body. From the
Battle Control Station onboard a Vacuan Gyges-class aerial warship, Summer hails
the team from her position._\n\nSummer: This is Goliath 5-1 to Bravo Six, are you
,"631537147005894668":{"u":1,"t":1570640589239,"m":"Gift - Yeah! we alright, and
that make me almost dead."},"631539437209124869":
{"u":0,"t":1570641135266,"m":"_Tracking his position through the battle control
screen, she zoomed in on Ruby's marker, finding her status still active she
breathed a sigh of relief before resuming her tracking on Gift's
marker._\n\nSummer: Good, just keep moving, Goalpost is half a klick away from your
position.\n\n_Back on the ground, Pyrrha looks down to Team RWBY and Gift, flashing
her lights down to the team. Not noticing Team Metal jumping down to the team
below._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ruby, are you alright?! Ruby! Come
in!\n\n_Replying back to her, Rhino 2's gunner takes the mic of his radio closer to
his mouth. Prompting his Focus too readjust the frequency as Pyrrha's voice becomes
clearer._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner: She's okay, Gift's carrying her. She should be up by
now.\n\n_Next to him, Frost and the rest of his team run away from the wrecked
tank. From the first floor, he looks up to Pyrrha and flashed her an OK sign. Still
checking on the Abrams' self-destruct system, Rhino 1's driver looks to the wrecked
tank solemnly as his gunner takes him by the arm, dragging him off to a weapons
cache._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner: C'mon, man. Let's get out of there. Systems are
dead...that shit was crazy, man...\n\n_Finally regaining consciousnss, Ruby tapped
at Gift's right clacivle, stopping the general on his track as Team JNPR drops down
to check on them._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You guys
ok?!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Yeah. We're good.\n\n_Looking to the
crew of Rhino 1 inspecting weapons they'd taken from a cache, Blake runs up to the
crew, grabbing them M4 rifles from the crate and stuffing them into their
hands._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Can you shoot?\n\nRhino 2 Gunner:
Yeah, I can hold my own.\n\n_Grinning, she brings the three men over to her team,
once with the team Riley briefs them in on the basics of combat._\n\nRiley:
Alright, basics fellas. Find cover, return fire. Let us know if you need any help.
Now we move fast, so keep your heads up. Let's
go!","te":1571586131035},"631540107056381952":{"u":1,"t":1570641294970,"m":"Gift -
I still use a homing bullet on my back.\nCaptain Gift - We will cover you.\nGift -
Thanks Cap, Ruby, Brother hope you're alright."},"631543458552741898":
{"u":0,"t":1570642094029,"m":"_The teams regroup around the weapons cache, re-
arming themselves with whatever they needed. As they move out, they are engaged by
more True Sons, but Riley swiftly takes care of them, unleashing laser beams onto
the group, killing them instantly._.\n\n_After Riley's laser discharge died down
the hostiles are eliminated, and the team moves on. From their radios, Overlord
updates them with more information, showing a live feed through their
Focuses._\n\nOverlord: Romeo, Metal 0-1, ISR has spotted the convoy half a click
from your position. Get there fast and secure a perimeter around that site. Be
advised that a convoy of friendly Corruptors are inbound for
support.\n\n_Responding to the call, Ruby jumps down from Gift's back as the Light
Energy infusion within her rejuvenates her to health, picking Crescent Rose from
her back she unfolds it into its scythe form. Ready for
combat._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Solid copy, Overlord. We're on our
way.\n\n_Taking the lead, she leads the teams up the ramp and out of the garage.
Ahead of her, a Valean V-22 Osprey is seen getting chased by a Nevermore. Ignoring
the Osprey the teams press on as they come under fire from a captured Atlesian
Marines Paladin mecha surrounded by Ursai._.\n\nRhino 2 Gunner:
Incoming!\n\nSandman: Take cover!\n\n_Casting a deflective wall of Hardlight with
glyphs, Weiss deflects most of the Paladin's missiles away from the group, from
behind the shield she calls out the Paladin to the
teams._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Paladin, dead
- (Injecting RGB) Ready yourself.\nLt. Gift - Hey, Commander have tell about your
heart to me.\nGift - What happen with it?\nLt. Gift - I have record the
conversation between me and Commander, i will open it after this mission end.\nGift
- Got it."},"631546073621594153":{"u":0,"t":1570642717510,"m":"_Taking cover behind
the Hardlight shield, Ruby, Yang, and Blake form up a combat maneuve as they stood
behind her. Tapping her Focus, Ruby's holospace syncs with her team's as combat
data shows up in their feed._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright, we'll do
this as we used to. Listen up!\n\n_Turning back to her team leader, Weiss stares
into her holospace as Ruby's combat maneuver shows up with four markers surrounding
the Paladin._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What's the
plan?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Same as before! You and Yang will mask
its IR with Freezerburn, after that, break off and engage Checkmate then take out
its hydraulics. When you're done you and I will pepper it with Ice Flower. JNPR
will keep up support!\n\n_Nodding, Blake lookes into the holospace, disabling the
feed and reloads Gambol Shroud with a new
magazine._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Good plan, let's do it!\n\n_From
behind BT's Titan, Sandman and his teammates take out their Javelin launchers, next
to them, Jaune and his team rush into positon around the Paladin, overwhelming its
pilot with targets._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Standby!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> This is JNPR, we're moving in!\n\n_Team
RWBY move into postion around the mecha as Weiss and Yang prepare their team
attack. From the ground, Sandman locks onto the Paladin and launches a missile at
it. Marking the beginning of their engagement._\n\nSandman: Romeo, go
hot!","te":1570642795928},"631546395467186186":{"u":1,"t":1570642794244,"m":"Gift -
OPEN FIRE!!!!!\nLt. Gift - Together Gift.\nGift/Lt. Gift - HASTA LA
VISTA!!!!"},"631548652065652736":{"u":0,"t":1570643332259,"m":"_Gift and his clone
break out their M2 Stingers, launching a myriad of missiles at the Paladin, however
most of them were intercepted as the mecha responded with activating its APS
system. Nullifying missiles from penetratin through._\n\nSandman: Gift, missiles
are ineffective! Switch to EMLs!\n\n_On command, the Javelin launchers he and his
teammates have been carrying transformed into man-portable electromagnetic
launchers. From the ground, Yang and Weiss took to the sky as Weiss launches an
icicle from the Myrtenaster, the icicle meeting with Yang's Fire Dust shotshell in
mid-air_\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Freezerburn is in play! JNPR, Metal, go
hot!\n\n_As the Fire Dust reacted with the icicle, a large cloud of fog covers the
area, blinding the Paladin's IR systems as its scope turns blue. Breaking off from
their team attack, Weiss jumped off of a lamppost, already firing a Lightig Dust
discharge onto a pre-summoned glyph on the ground._\n\n_From their position on top
of a building, Pyrrha activates her Semblance as she sends metal debris directly at
the Paladin's cockpit door, knocking the mecha off-balance with a direct hit to one
of its optical sensors._","te":1570643387986},"631548893892444160":
{"u":0,"t":1570643389915,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Checkmate in
play! We're going in!\n\n_Landing onto the golden glyph, time around them slows
down as Checkmate's effects took place. Raising Gambol Shroud high, Blake swings it
down on the Paladin's left leg, severing a hydraulic connector with a precise slash
to an exposed junction._\n\n_From across her side, Weiss rammed Myrtenaster's blade
deep into a hydraulic fluid discharge port, gushing hydraulic fluid all over the
place, but as she prepares to strike the discharge port again the mecha's pilot
swung its left arm cannon directly at her, swatting her away from the leg and
sednding her crashing against a lamppost._"},"631548965455921163":
{"u":1,"t":1570643406977,"m":"Gift - Okay try again.\nLt. Gift - Yeah!\nGift - HERE
WE GO!!!!"},"631551148540690443":
{"u":0,"t":1570643927465,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> WEISS!\n\n_Seeing her
friend injured, Ruby shouts into her radio, her ear-piercing scream bringing Weiss
out of unconsciousness almost instantly. Getting uo and retrieving her weapon from
the ground, she runs for the mecha, stopping next to
Ruby._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I'm fine, just a hit is all. Gift,
rain down EML fire at the joints!\n\n_Gift takes out his EML, charging up for a
full-powered shot as Sandman's team peppered it with constant EML fire, suppressing
the Paladin with ease. Getting into position, Ruby rams the scythe blade onto the
ground and takes aim through Crescent Rose's
scope._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ice Flower, engage!\n\n_Summoning a blue
glyph underneath them, Weiss readies up as the Paladin's lasers locked onto
her._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> It's locking onto us!
Hurry!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I got this!\n\n_Taking aim, she pulled
the trigger as the first M882A1 Extreme-Penetration Multipurpose Dust rounds exited
the muzzle at sub-light speed, passing through the glyph the rounds turned blue,
covered in ice._ \n\n_Whiizzing through the air, the rounds fired from Crescent
Rose gains more speed as the rail-boosted barrel gave them the velocity required
for the rounds to penetrate the Paladin's tough armor._\n\n_As the Paladin's pilot
stuggled to get his mecha up, his cockpit becomes breached as the rounds pierced
through the protective armor, killing the pilot as he screamed in agony, from the
balcony, Pyrrha slams the wreck of a True Sons T-90SM tank onto the mecha as it
explodes, destroying it._\n\nRhino 2: Threat neutralized. We're moving
up.","te":1571586175513},"631551409363353658":{"u":1,"t":1570643989650,"m":"Gift -
Target terminated,
Let's move!"},"631554509855785000":
{"u":0,"t":1570644728865,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> The path ahead is clear,
push forward!\n\n_Jumping down from the rooftops, JNPR regroups with Metal and
RWBY, they push on through the street as they engage the Grimm and True Sons. As
the engagement pressed on ,Javelin rockets rained down from the rooftops on the
other side of the street, stopping the advance of the friendly
Corruptors._\n\nSnatcher 1: This is Snatcher to Romeo, we have Javelin missiles
coming our way, we can't get through! Deviating course to support units in need,
out!\n\n_Angered, Ruby fired a round at one of the Corruptors, hitting them in its
supporting spine holding the cockpit assembly high. Running back to her team, she
jumps onto the roof as Riley followed in close, providing Ruby with fire
support._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo 1-1, engaging enemy
missile troopers on the roof!\n\n_Shouting into his radio, Sandman orders Ruby to
return to the group._\n\nSandman: Negative, Romeo! Get back down here! Riley can
take care of them!\n\nRhino 2 Gunner: Incoming!\n\n_Swearing under her breath, she
jumps off the rooftops and lands in front of Sandman, running inside the building
in front of her._\n\nSandman: Get inside! Go!
arrived at their marked checkpoint the teams get into an office building and engage
more True Sons inside After clearing room after rooms they reach the end of the
building, from the sky, a Gracemarian Air Force F-15 flies in, strafing the
rooftops ahead of the teams._\n\nThunder 6-5: Thunder 6-5, engaging targets on the
capital building. Danger close!\n\n_The Gracemarian F-15 strafes the True Sons on
the roof across the street, wiping them out and stopping the artillery strikes,
with the rooftops clear the team presses on running through the
street._\n\nSandman: Rooftop's clear! Let's move! The convoy should be at the end
of the street!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Infantry incoming!\n\n_Taking out
StormFlower, Ren fires at the group of soldiers ahead of him, driving them away as
an Erusean Army LAV gunned them down, allowing the teams to run past them. Having
ran across the street, they come out of the building and engage more hostiles in
the streets. They reach the corner as Overlord contacts them._\n\nOverlord: Romeo,
Metal 0-1, Juliet. Have you reached the convoy?\n\n_Replying to Overlord, Ruby
takes Sandman over, ushering him inside the
corner._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Affirmative, Overlord, but we can't get
to it yet! \n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Watch the left
side!"},"631555043321053205":{"u":1,"t":1570644856053,"m":"Gift - Clearing
left.\nLt. Gift - There keep coming.\nSargent Gift - So we must keep
{"u":0,"t":1570645515288,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> More coming in,
engaging!\n\n_Running ahead of the teams, he then turned the conr, wallrunning up
high and taking the True Sons by surprise, raising his twin autopistols at the
first man he fired a short burst into his head, killing him._\n\nTrue Sons Grunt 3:
Take him down!\n\n_The rest of the grunts returned fire at Ren, but his speed is
too fast for them to land accutare shots, taking on the second man he strikes him
with the underbarrel blade of his left autopistol, moving on to the third man he
takes him out with the same manner. Stopping at the fourth man, the surviving grunt
dropped his rifle and ran away, leaving the corner._\n\n_With Ren taking on the
four-mann fireteam singlehandedly, Ruby and Nora move in and engage more True Sons
taking cover behind several vehicles, ending the fight Nora unloaded all of her
grenades at the vehicles, taking them out along with the grunts._\n\nRhino 2
Gunner: We're clear!\n\n_With the street clear, Sandman orders his teams to search
the Atlesian vice governor's motorcade._\n\nSandman: Check the vehicles.\n\n_They
arrive at the Vice Governor motorcade, infront of them four heavily-damaged SUVs,
horns blaring, are scattered across the road._\n\n_Inside the vehicles, the bodies
of several Atlesian Secret Service agents are still in the vehicles, but
codename \"Goalpost\" is not among them. One of Rhino 1's gunners lifts the driver
off the steering wheel of one to stop the horn._\n\nRhino 2 Driver: Nothin'
here!\n\n_Reporting their situation back to Overlord, Yang puts her right hand
close to her ear, activating the Focus radio._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
They're not here... Overlord, negative precious cargo. I say again - they're not at
the convoy.\n\n_From the Gyges-class aerial warship, Overlord
replies._\n\nOverlord: Copy. Check the area for any sign of the delegates, but be
advised - Blue Four will be on station for exfil in twelve minutes,
over.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Copy your
- Tell me that we can get back to base.","te":1570645620341},"631560046219624490":
{"u":0,"t":1570646048837,"m":"_Providing aerial support, Riley answers Gift's
question, a tone of annoyance in her voice._\n\nRiley: We'll RTB when we find the
Vice Governor.\n\n_Checking the area around, Ruby looks down to the ground, taking
notice of a a bloody trail from the vehicles leading into the building. Whistling
to get her teammates' attention, everyone soon gathered around her as they all
followed the trail with their eyes into the building._\n\n_Walking into the
building, Weiss points out a pool of blood splattered all over the
stairs._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Hey! There's a lot of blood over
here. It's going up those stairs.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Then we follow
it, keep it tight. There's still hostiles around here.\n\n_Retracting Crescent Rose
to its sniper form, Ruby cautiously stepped up the stairs as the rest of her
teammates, including JNPR and Metal moved up the stairs._\n\nSandman:
- Keep your eyes open, we don't know are they ambush us."},"630432130765422622":
{"u":1,"t":1570377459730,"m":"Gift - Their movement is fast, it hard to guess,
Anyways let get some rest and i hope there no have a problem again.\n(I gonna go,
this is last day that i will sleep at this time, tomorrow it will be
long.)"},"630433614995128334":{"u":0,"t":1570377486705,"m":"(Roger, and it's fine.
Take your time.)"},"630793183256641553":{"u":1,"t":1570463214459,"m":"Feeling is no
kidding\nGeneral Gift\nTask force 141\nWhile Gift walking to his room, he hear his
heartbeat is beating slower.\nGift - I don't know why my heartbeat getting
slower."},"630797547748851713":{"u":0,"t":1570464255035,"m":"_Walking into his room
at the dormitory column, Gift's Focus begins to warn him of \"body ailments\",
looking into the holospace display, he finds his vitals still in the green._\n\nBT:
General, resting will help. I have updated your waypoint.\n\n_The holospace display
before him changes, switching over from its vitals screen to its usual \"standby\"
screen, marking the floor with a blue line leading up to the fifth floor. Sighing
to himself, Gift walks up the stairs, headed for his room._\n\n_Back in Feldspar,
as Team RWBY and Price continued to assist the evacuation of Osean forces in the
settlement, Coco comes up to the captain, pulling him to his
feet._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Sir, an Osean transport just arrived, get your
team back to Atlas. I'll take care of things from here.\n\n_Nodding, Price tossed
away his cigar, rallying his teammates._\n\nPrice: Alright, Romeo, Atlas needs us
back there. Get on your feet.\n\n_As the team prepares to leave, their Focuses
begin to display a live feed from their holospaces, this time showing a video feed
from an off-world GIGN HQ located in Mistral._\n\nGIGN Commander: _coughing_ This
is GIGN HQ. My men are dead or dying! \n\n_The commander coughs more as the toxic
gas worked on breaking down his lungs. Desperate for help, he reached into his suit
taking out a tactical transponder unit, pressing at its activation switch._\n\nGIGN
Commander: _coughing_ I've been exposed!","te":1570464416642},"630797565083779072":
{"u":0,"t":1570464259168,"m":"_From a functioning SOLG platform, the platform's
radar continue to sweep the planet beneath it for friendly bases. Marking
Menagerie's International Space Elevator security sector being under attack by True
Sons forces. As the SOLG continues to track the elevator platform, the view of a
Predator drone interrupts the SOLG feed._\n\nMenagerie ISEV Operator: This is
Pathfinder Alpha! We're under attack!\n\n_The ISEV Operator, manning his emergency
console contacts Overlord through a secure line as his subordinates defended the
console from hostile forces. Overlord replies._\n\nOverlord: Roger – we are aware
of the gas attack and are sending decon units your way. Hang tight.\n\n_Screaming
into his mic, the Operator cuts from his voice channel to a live video channel,
panning a security camera over to a True Sons fireteam attacking his security
Atlesian Knight units._\n\nMenagerie ISEV: Not the gas! We're under attack by True
Sons ground forces!"},"630798164714061834":{"u":1,"t":1570464402131,"m":"When Gift
almost get to his room, his body is getting week and send him down on the
floor.\nGift - Come....On......Almost.....Get...It."},"630803724352094240":
{"u":0,"t":1570465727652,"m":"_Falling on the floor, Gif's body turns limp as his
heartbeat continues to slow down thanks to BT adminsiterinf him a high dose of
Sansufentanyl-A, as the drug's effect begins to work on him an Atlesian Knight unit
emerged from a closet, picked the genral up from the floor and placed him on the
bed._\n\n_As the administered Sansufentanyl continues to kick in, BT begins to
take over the Exosuit's regenerative medical kits, administering Gift with various
onboard medications the Exosuit has to offer._\n\nBT: Just rest, Gift. You'll be
combat ready in no time.\n\n_Back at Vytal Command, Overlord ccontinues to maintain
contact with the ISEV Operator in Menagerie. At the same time, his aide commands
the main console, ordering an immediate re-route and deployment of Ruby's team,
changing their flight path. But as he does so, another emergency update appears on-
screen._\n\nOverlord: Say again, Pathfinder. What True Sons
forces?"},"630804186300416000":{"u":1,"t":1570465837789,"m":"Gift - Thanks
BT.\n(Thinking to himself)\nAll the time i sleep, i...i never get a good night
kiss, Ruby, i want it from you."},"630804499975634975":
{"u":0,"t":1570465912575,"m":"_From the SOLG's tracker system, the satellite tracks
the True Sons' armadas of airships homing in on the elevator. Onboard the
satellite, Nagase and her crew continue their work on getting the gun system back
online, its systems damaged from the high-altitude detonation it endured weeks
earlier._\n\n_Back in Vytal Command, Overlord's aide prepares to send his feed to
his commander, waiting for him to finish his contact._\n\nMenagerie ISEV: The
entire True Sons army! Request immediate assistance.\n\n_A Predator video feed
shows a Goliath moving into Kuo Kuana and more video feeds of the legions of Grimm
invading Mantle. On the ground, Lisa continues her live broadcast with her crew,
this time in the city of Argus._\n\nLisa: Eyewitnesses are now reporting True Sons
tanks rolling down Sanctum Academy's defensive lines alongside the legions of
Grimm. \n\n_As she continues her feed, a Beowolf jumps her crew causing Lisa to
drop her camera, switching to her M4 assault rifle she'd looted from an abandoned
supply drop. The camera feed switches to her helmet camera, showing Lisa
effortlessly taking the Beowolf down with shots to its
head._"},"630805229105053736":{"u":1,"t":1570466086413,"m":"Gift is dreaming about
him living with Team RWBY peacefully and he got good night kiss every time he
sleep.\nGift - (Thinking to himself) Is it possible? I don't know, i hope i will
get it, if that make me feel better when i sleep."},"630809997273726977":
{"u":0,"t":1570467223233,"m":"_Reading into Gift's brain waves, BT responds to his
thoughts, drawing power from the Exosuit's battery._\n\nBT: Until this war is over,
Genral. Then maybe. I believe.\n\n_Staring into the main screen in front oh him,
Overlord wached Salem's legions of Grimm continue their advance into Argus and
Menagerie, as he watched, a live frrd from an Atlesian Knight mechanized infantry
unit appears on the screen._\n\nBattle Captain: Sir, you might want to see this.
Team Onyx of Sanctum Academy' 33rd Quick Reaction Regiment reports one of Salem's
HVI is in play. Target Charlie, however isn'.\n\n_Surprised, Overlord brings the
Knight's video feed up into the screen. Shown from its point of view, the Knight,
operating under the callsign Zulu-Six-Alpha opened fire at a pack of Alpha
Beowolves with its twin Tri-Shot autocannon, finishing off the pack with a Javelin
missile._"},"630810013681713163":{"u":0,"t":1570467227145,"m":"_But as it finished
off the pack, an Ursa Majora armed with twin MRLS launchers on its back jumps onto
the mechanized infantry unit. Tearing away its weapon systems. The feed cuts away
briefly before resuming its connection, showing Alpha's head camera poining at the
Argus City Hall, from the camera's view, Watts' grey coat comes into view before
the camera loses connection._\n\n_With the feed lost, the Battle Captain brings up
the Liberty Delta's flight path onto the screen, its blue line projecting onto
Atlas._\n\nBattle Captain: What shall we do now, sir? Team Romeo's onboard an
Arsenal Bird an will arrive in fifteen minutes.\n\n_Tapping a command into the
screen, the Liberty Delta's flight path refreshes as the blue line curved back to
the City of Argus' Naval Base. Satisfied, Overlord turns to his aide, staring the
captain into his eyes._\n\nOverlord: This was no act of terrorism. Salem's attacks
were intended to cripple our defenses and pave the way for an invasion. We need to
hit her now with everything we've got.\n\n_From another friendly Atlesian Knight's
view, the infantry unit runs into the hall, its chassis covered in RDX-B Fire Dust-
infused fuel-air bombs. As it ran inside, it prepares to detonate its explosives
only to be tossed out into the open by a hostile Paladin unit._ \n\n_From the
screen a video feed shows the Argus City Hall under attack as True Sons forces
swarm the building alongside the Grimm. Looking to the Delta's flight path, the
Battle Captain sits down on his console, transferring more data into his
commander's console._\n\nBattle Captain: Sir, we've lost contact with the Knights
Legion in Argus.","te":1570467372585},"630811084252643328":
{"u":1,"t":1570467482389,"m":"Lt. Gift - This is worst than i thought.\nCommander
Gift - Hey Lieutenant, Can you hear me?\nLt. Gift - Commander? What about
Gift?\nCommander Gift - He is getting week and resting.\nLt. Gift - What
happen?\nCommander Gift - When he walking to rest, i can hear his heartbeat is
slow, i don't know what happen with him.\nLt. Gift - Anyways, keep him
safe.\nCommander Gift - Got it."},"630814827622826009":
{"u":0,"t":1570468374878,"m":"_Joining the clones' channel, BT chimed in,
displaying Gift's vitals._\n\nBT: Gift is fine, I have administered him with
medications required to get him into action as fast as possible.\n\n_Inside Liberty
Delta's deployment bay, Team RWBY and Co. prepare themselves for immediate ingress
into battle. From the armory, Ruby works on installing attachments onto Blake's
rebuilt Gambol Shroud, taking the replacement blade off and inserting a new one
back in._\n\n_Grabbing at the blade's Insta-Snap connection point Ruby looked into
the hollow Dust projection system channel built into the blade, smiling, she takes
the magnifier unit off of the Dust projection port and zooms it on the yellow strip
connecting the Dust projection system._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Just
tell me it'll work, Ruby. We'll be deployed soon.\n\n_Sighing, she turns to Blake,
handing the blade to her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No can do, Blake. The
blade still neds more Rubinoalloy coating, besides, no weapons will go unfinished.
Not under my gloved hands!\n\n_Taking the blade from Blake, she dips it in a vat of
protecitve coating, pulling the blade out from the murky liquid she grabs it by the
yellow connector strip and jams it back onto the pistol hilt. As the blade
connected, Gambol Shroud's internal AI warns her of the weapon's condition. Its
monotonic voice coming out of Blake's Focus._\n\nGB-3A: Gambol Shroud status,
Condition One. Ready to use.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Here you go, she's
ready. \n\n_Smiling, Blake takes her weapon from Ruby's hans, inserting the blade
back into its sheath._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Thanks, you're the
best!\n\n_Nodding to the compliment, Ruby walks away from the weapon station back
to her teammates. Looking over to the sealed deployment bay door she activates her
Focus, reading into news updates. Reading through an article, Overlord hails her
through the radio, interrupting her._","te":1570468465747},"630814849651179550":
{"u":0,"t":1570468380130,"m":"Overlord: Romeo, Metal 0-1, this is Overlord actual.
You are being re-routed for Argus. We've got a principal level hostage
rescue.\n\n_Swiping away Watts' target card, Overlord works on locating the World
Peace Delegation in Argus, tapping commands into his screen, Delta Force, Team RWBY
and JNPR are given an immediate mission order “Hostage Rescue Order: Atlesian Vice
Governor, codename: Goalpost”_\n\nSandman: Who is it?\n\n_From his station,
Overlord prepares to break his data feed with the teams, replying back to
Sandman._\n\nOverlord: The Atlesian Vice Governor."},"630815284663681044":
{"u":1,"t":1570468483845,"m":"Lt. Gift - Gift, I hope you will not feel
abandoned."},"630819429684609034":{"u":0,"t":1570469472095,"m":"BT: He won't, as
soon as he's combat ready I will make sure he will be deployed with Team
Romeo.\n\n_Continuing his regimen of treatment, BT keeped tabs on the amound of
medication the general needs to recover from his ailments, at the same time, Gift's
Light Energy infusion begins to work on healing injures no ordinary medication
could. From the Knight unit on standby, its visor glows bright as Gift's body
becomes engulfed in light,_\n\n_Onboard the Liberty Delta, Ruby and her teammates
board the Valean Warbird VTOL as her allies boarded the VTOLs adjacent to one
another. With the group now in their respective aircrafts the deployment bay door
opens, exposing the deployment bay to the scene of combat outside._\n\nCossette:
Godspeed, Romeo. I'll keep up support from the bird, call me when you need
help.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, Delta. We're deploying now.\n\n_As
Ruby ended her call, the three Warbirds drop into the battlezone below, flying
straight into the City of Argus. From Overlord's feed, Delta Force and Valean Army
Rangers are being sent to Argus on Black Hawks, UNSA Ravens, and Osean Navy LCACs,
taking fire from flak and anti-air fire._\n\n_Bringing his Warbird closer to the
Hardlight defensive walls, Cordovin's mecha is seen in the distance saturating the
sky with missiles, denying flight-capable Grimm creatures of air superiority.
Flying close to Ruby, a flight of six Valean Mechanized Response Brigade Stormbirds
fly past her, chasing a two-wing flight of Nevermores._\n\nHelix 2-3: This is Helix
2-3, we're one minute out."},"630819442103812096":
{"u":0,"t":1570469475056,"m":"Overlord: Copy that, 2-3.\n\n_As Helix 2-3 moves
close to Ruby's transport, an alarm sounds as a Manticore flies close to a frienly
Osean Black
Hawk, whacking its tail onto a Black Hawk's cockpit. Helix 3-2 gets hit and goes
down._\n\nHelix 3-2: This is 3-2, we're hit, we're hit!\n\n_Reporting his situation
back to Overlord, the pilot of 2-3 hails Vytal Command through the long-distance
network._\n\nHelix 2-3: Helix 3-2 is hit, he's going down!\n\nHelix 3-2: Stay with
it!\n\n_Struggling for for control, Helix 3-2 goes under Helix 2-3 and crashes into
the sea. Its engines failing to keep the helicopter in flight. From JNPR's flight,
Jaune makes the call back to Ruby, reporting his status as he and his team begin to
storm the Naval Base's runway._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ruby! We're at the
naval base, holding perimeter for you. We'll mark your LZ with
flares!"},"630820079524642826":{"u":1,"t":1570469627029,"m":"10 minutes
later.\nGift - BT, Mark deploy position, i feel better now, when you complete with
marking, tell me, i'm preparing weapon."},"630820623916073014":
{"u":0,"t":1570469756822,"m":"_Reading into Gift's vital signs, BT commands the
internal medical system embedded with the Exosuit to cease their administration of
drugs. Feeling the needles of microinjectors pulling away from his skin Gift gets
up from his bed as the Atlesian Knight unit wakes up._\n\nAtlesian Knight: Welcome
back, General Gift. How are you feeling?"},"630820829709467658":
{"u":1,"t":1570469805887,"m":"Gift - Much better, i'm ready to
action."},"630821850447872031":{"u":0,"t":1570470049250,"m":"_The door to his room
opens as Fahz kicked it down, storming into the room he drags Gift outside into the
hallways, reuniting him with JD's squad._\n\nFahz: Get switched on! Your girls are
in the heat!\n\n_Pushing Fahz away, Kait takes Gift by the arm, dragging him down
to the first floor, once there she pushed him up onto a Minotaur's box where fe
finds JD, Del, Cole, Marcus an JACK waiting for him. Now on the Minotaur, Marcus
pulls Gift to his feet._\n\nMarcus: How's the sleep? You feeling
better?"},"630822128798793729":{"u":1,"t":1570470115614,"m":"Gift - Yeah! More than
better, JD, My Lancer GL."},"630824141267796001":{"u":0,"t":1570470595424,"m":"JD:
Here!\n\n_Picking up a Lancer GL from the floor, JD cocks its charging handle,
chambering a round into the rifle before tossing it over to the general. Picking it
from the air Gift grabs it by its grip._\n\nJD: Now, with that settled. Where are
we going off to?\n\n_Rolling her eyes, Kait slaps a Focus onto JD's right
temple._\n\nKait: Read it, also, the Focus is yours. Don't lose it.\n\nJD: Right
then.\n\n_Reading into the reports in the Focus, JD's expression changes from his
usual self to solemnly lookg at the sky. Causing Fahz to nudge him on the
cheek._\n\nFahz: Oi, these girls are tough, they'll wipe put half their army before
we even get there.\n\n_Shrugging, JD sits down on the Minotaur's floor, reading
into his Focus feed._\n\nJD: I know, it's just that I hate seeing them going out
there risking their lives when they can just... y'know, be students. Live their
lives free of worry.\n\n_From his Focus, Riley's voice comes clear through the
speakers, making her presence known to Delta Squad._\n\nRiley: It's what they
signed up for. Get ready, you'll be sent to Argus through phase-shifting.\n\n_In
confusion, Fahz raised his eyebrows, folding the skin on his forehead to a perfect
three-fold line._\n\nFahz: I'm sorry, the what? Phase-what?\n\nRiley: Phase-shift,
just hang tight.","te":1570470629766},"630824476522840064":
{"u":1,"t":1570470675355,"m":"Gift - Hang on Ruby, Brother is coming for
help."},"630828148371488778":{"u":0,"t":1570471550792,"m":"_The Minotaur truck
carring Delta Squad suddenly vanished as spacetime around the truck bends into it,
forming a small tear sucking the vehicle inside. With the Minotaur gone, the
Predator drone switches its tracking to Ruby. Marking her transport in
blue._\n\n_In Argus, Ruby's Warbird begins its final approach to the naval base,
flying through flocks of Ravager bats, baby Lancers and even Nevermore hatchlings.
Raking down the Ravagers with the onboard minigun, Ruby looks out to the marked LZ,
finding Jaune and his team defending the position from the Grimm._\n\nRaptor 2-4:
Raptor 2, rollin' in ETA 30 seconds.\n\n_A flight of three Carrier Stormbirds fly
in, dropping more troops in support of JNPR holding the LZ for incoming LCACs and
other transports. Behin the three Stormbirds, a Metal Devil stomped its way through
Argus waters, its giant metal tentacles raised high, projecting plasma storms from
the tips._\n\nRaptor 4: Roger. Raptor 4 inbound.\n\n_As Raptor 4's Metal Devil
continues to hold the line for friendly forces, Ruby's Warbird flies deeper, moving
into land on Jaune's marked LZ._\n\nChopper 3: Chopper 3 to Juliet, keep the LZ
secure. We're coming in!\n\n_As Chopper continues to fly into the base, Blake
looked out from the airship to find three Fire Bellowbacks hung under a C-17 flying
into view. Looking to her left, she finds more Atlesian troop transports
inbound._"},"630828196362846209":{"u":0,"t":1570471562234,"m":"Starfall 2-6:
Starfall 2-6, troops are on the deck. Going into holding pattern.\n\n_On the
ground, as Jaune and his team continue to hold position for Chopper 3, another
Metal Devil crawls over them, shielding them from gunfire and incoming mortar
briefly._\n\nChariot 1-5: Infantry we here see some Avlon-class Grimm still
approaching, starting at the LZ, picking up large heat signatures.\n\n_From Chopper
3's Warbird, the pilot hovers the airship a few metres short of Jaune's position as
Team RWBY prepare to jump into the battle below._\n\nChopper 3: This is as far as I
can take you, jump now!\n\n_Ruby looks to her teammates, smiling at them. Looking
back at her team leader Weiss returned her smile back at Ruby, preparing herself to
the combat._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On me! Three, two, one,
jump!"},"630828538207141898":{"u":1,"t":1570471643736,"m":"Gift - Lieutenant, i got
your location, teleporting to you.\nLt. Gift - Roger, Ruby hang on a second,
someone is coming."},"630830716199895042":{"u":0,"t":1570472163010,"m":"_Jumping
down to Jaune's LZ, Ruby engages Crescent Rose, taking it out from behind her as
the compacted weapon unfolds into a sniper-scythe, next to her, Weiss landed close
to a fellow Ranger, using a black glyph to slow her
down._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : We're ready, where's Blake and
Yang?\n\n_Behind her, Blake plummets to the LZ below as a baby Lancer awarm tries
to attack her with its stingers, dodging the Lancer the pilot of Chopper 3 brings
his Warbird close as the rotor blades sucked in the swarm, turning them into fine
black dust._\n\nChopper 3: Gotcha covered.\n\n_With the Lancer swarm eliminated
Blake landed on the ground in a kneeling position, her arms spreadd wide with
Gambol Shroud free from its sheath, next to her Yang brings herself down to the
ground, landing with a thundering smash forming up a small crater on the
runway._\n\n_With her team ready, Ruby took to her feet running for JD's squad
phase-shifting into the battezone. The truck, having endured damage from being too
long in the shifting phase disintegrated into chunks of shattered metal
bits._\n\n_As JD and his team arrived, Sandman's team lands right next to JNPR, the
four men jumping out from the Black Hawk running for the
{"u":1,"t":1570472329653,"m":"Gift - Alright, Let's go go go!\nLt. Gift - Good to
see you back to the battlefield.\nGift - Okay Lieutenant, No abandon again.\nLt.
Gift - I promise Gift, I will make sure no one will abandon you.\nGift - Alright,
Let's move!"},"630836953436258325":{"u":0,"t":1570473650083,"m":"_Rallying the
group together, Sanman, Ruby and riley take the lead as they begin to advance deep
into the naval base. Around them, friendly Mechanized Response Brigade units
continue their offensive against the Grimm as Corruptors, Metal Devils and
Deathbringers utilized their biomatter conversion system, effortlessly \"eating\"
their way into the battle._\n\n_Their position deep inside the base, Team RWBY and
Metal groups up from JNPR, the two teams being tasked with rescuing the Atlesian
Vice Governor._\n\n_Moving into the base's cafeteria, the two teams encounter a
swarm of Centinels, centipede-like Grimm capable of biting through the toughest of
infantry armor. With the swarm in sight, Ruby calls out the creatures to her
{"u":0,"t":1570473653385,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Centinels! Dead
ahead, take them down!\n\n_Jumping forward, Ruby and Riley team up with their
weapons, marking the first two Centinels in their sight. With Riley's sword cutting
through the first creature Ruby brings her scythe down on the other, dispatching
them. Moving further into the cafeteria more Grimm bursted through the walls,
intent on intercepting the team._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> More
Centinels! They're coming throug the walls!\n\nJD: I got this!\n\n_Firing his
grenade to the Centinels, the grenade splits into cluster munitions raining down on
them. Obliterating the centipede-like creatures into dust. As the fires from JD's
grenade died down the cafeteria remain clear, much of the Grimm outside having fled
the scene._\n\nSandman: Our objectives are simple, fight our way through and get to
Goalpost.\n\n_The teams, now on their way out of the base takes down the gate
keeping them blocked from the rest of the city, with thegate taken down they find
Delta Force, Ranger soldiers and tanks moving deep into the city as an AH-64 Apache
flies in, firing Hellfire missiles onto a Death Stalker. Looking over the Apache's
cloud of smoke, a friendly Valean Abrams tank rolled in, shielding the teams from
stray bullets fired from True Sons units._\n\nRhino 1: Rhino 1-1, we're rolling
out.\n\n_Moving along with the tank, the
group takes notice of a Geist in possession of a Deathbringer pinning an OGDF
fireteam. With the possessed Deathbringer in sight Blake calls it out to the
friendly tank._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Rhino 1, you've got a Geist
on your left side!","te":1573240267029},"630837422690664459":
{"u":1,"t":1570473761962,"m":"Gift - Cover me.\nLt. Gift - What are you
doing?\nGift - Support from above.\nLt. Gift - I think that only have death from
above.\nGift - That's my new plan."},"630840205376487424":
{"u":0,"t":1570474425406,"m":"_Tapping into his Focus holospace, Gift calls up a
Harbinger gunship on station as his HUD turns into the Harbinger's FCO
scope._\n\nHarbinger: This is Warhammer, on station and fully loaded. Ready for
your mark.\n\n_WIth the Geist-possessed Deathbringer in the Harbinger's scope Gift
locks onto it, tapping at the fire button. From the Harbinger, three missiles
droped from its all-direction, multi-purpose missile pods on its wings. The
missiles, now deployed homes in on the Deathbringer._\n\n_Looking up to the sky,
the Geist-possessed Deathbringer locked its CIWS cannons on the incoming missiles,
intercepting them with gunfire._\n\nHarbinger: Bravo, be advised, our missiles are
ineffective. Re-positioning for another pass.\n\nRiley: That Deathbriner just
intercepted your missiles, I'll soften it up while Romeo takes care of
it.\n\n_Taking to the sky, Riley leaped into the air conjuring two plasma energy
beams from her hands, firing them onto the Deathbringer's armor melting some of it
away, behind her, Ruby and Weiss take position on top of Rhino's
{"u":0,"t":1570474601023,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, remember our
training? We'll use Ice Flower on that Deathbringer's core!\n\n_Grinning with
delight, Weiss readies up Myrtenaster, pointing its blade tip at the Deathbringer.
Taunting it, she then rams the blade onto Rhino's turret as a blue glyph formed
underneath them._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Ice Flower coming
up!\n\n_Ruby takes aim at the Deathbringer's exposed CPU core revealing the Geist's
face. With it, she racked the charging handle on Crescent Rose, pulling the
trigger, she opens fire at the mecha. With Ruby opening fire Weiss conjures a large
blue glyph in front of Crescent Rose's muzzle brake, turning the Dust bullets into
icicles._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Keep firing! Don't let up!\n\n_The
Deathbringer, now being fired upon shields its CPU core with its left arm cannon,
but it is too late. The Icicles penetrated clean through the Geist's face, injuring
it and causing the Deathbringer to freeze. With the Geist suppressed by Ruby's
constant sniper fire Rhino's gunner readies up the main cannon._\n\nRhino: Gun
ready, fire!\n\n_The tank shakes violenly as its 120mm rail-boosted cannon launched
its M880A4 Dust-infused Multimission Projectile point-blank at the Geist, killing
it and destroying the Deathbringer._","te":1570474616863},"631153123200729117":
{"u":1,"t":1570549030829,"m":"Lt. Gift - Gift, I know you can do this, now you are
commando.\nGift - Not just Commando Lieutenant, I'm terminator. (Equip
Deathbringer, its chassis obliterated from the rail-boosted round impact goes limp
as its systems shuts down, collasping to the ground. From the CPU core, black smoke
billowed from the socket as the Geist' body decomposes in the air._\n\n_With the
offending mecha destroyed, Team RWBY continue their advance into the city alongside
Rhino 1 and 3, their tanks flanking the teams providing them with sufficient cover
from incomin fire._\n\nRhino 3: This is Rhino 3, we're
moving.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy, push forward with your main gun.
We'll stick right behind you!\n\n_Moving along the tanks, Ruby kept up her Focus'
scannr unit as its blue holographic beam sweeped the street ahead of them, scanning
for hostiles. On top of Rhino 3's turret, Yang looks out into the street through
her Focus target enhancer unit, feeding the tank's gunner with constant updates on
Grimm formations._\n\n_From behind Rhino 1 and 3, Rhino 2 remains at the rear,
providing the two lead tanks rear guard cover as Team JNPR provides support,
keeping their tank safe from potential threats around them, as they moved a flight
of three Manticores appears out in front of them, flying low and strafing the
ground with fireballs launched from their mouths._\n\nRhino 2 Gunner:
Manticores!\n\n_Calling out the Manticores, the tanks pressed on with the teams,
moving deeper into the city._"},"631157019667333121":
{"u":0,"t":1570549959819,"m":"Sandman: Move with the tanks! Keep
going!\n\n_Ushering his teammates, Sandman continued his march into the street,
behind him, incoming friendly tanks gets hammered by mortar fire. Rhinos 4, 5, and
6 are destroyed before they can join Rhinos 1, 2, and 3. With the tanks destroyed,
Weiss spun around to her back, calling out incoming mortar
fire._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Mortars!\n\nRanger 2: Shit, man,
we're getting pinned down with mortars!\n\n_Jumping down from a building, Riley
conjures a dome shield covering the tank column from mortar fire, absorbing
incoming rounds with the impenetrable energy shield._\n\nRiley: Keep moving! Stay
inside the shield!","te":1570550207242},"631158594376826902":
{"u":1,"t":1570550335259,"m":"Lt. Gift - Alright Gift, They try to abandon you
again.\nGift - I have nothing to lose, at least AST have Manticores Protection, I
will get to the frontline.\nLt. Gift - Godspeed Gift.\nGift - You too Lieutenant,
They will not abandon me again.\nLt. Gift - Go Gift, I and Sarge will cover
you.\nSargent Gift - Go ahead, Build the Bravery that they will not forget.\nGift -
I will Sarge, My bravery will not
{"u":0,"t":1570551359350,"m":"_Taking notice of Gift's AST moving out of the
shield's coverage, Riley flies down to intercept him, taking the AST by its rocket
pod and placing the mecha behind Rhino 1._\n\nRiley: I'm not letting you go out
there, stay with the column!\n\n_As the teams continue to push deeper into the
city, they reach the main street leading to the naval base mainland connection
bridge. Continuing their advance under the dome shield, the teams proceed to city
ground safely, but as they reached city grounds. A Nevermore takes notice of Riley
charging the dome shield with her powers._\n\n_Screeching as loud as it could, the
Nevermore dives down on Riley, its beak agape and ready to take her out. However,
as Riley focused on keeping the shield up she fails to take notice of the Nevermore
approaching her._\n\nRiley: Okay, we're at city grounds, I'll disable the shield.
You guys push along with the ta-- AH!\n\n_With Riley in its sight, the Nevermore's
beak rams into Riley, swatting her out of the sky, as she falls, the flying beast
dives down again and picked her up mid-fall, swallowing her
inside._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> RILEY!\n\n_With Riley taken out of the
battle by the Nevermore, the Manticores dismount from a True Sons A-jak cutter and
flew down for the teams, aiming their guns up to the beasts the tanks of Rhino
begin to attack the Manticores with their main guns._\n\nRhhino 2: We'll take care
of the Manticores! You guys go on ahead an take cover behind the
rocks!"},"631163546050494482":{"u":1,"t":1570551515830,"m":"Gift - Everyone take
cover, i will deal with nevermore.\nLt. Gift - More incoming!\nSargent Gift - But
Gift, You are gonna risk your life.\nGift - If i am nothing for everyone, i will
take this risk even i die."},"631166095880880144":
{"u":0,"t":1570552123757,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No! I'll take them
down myself!\n\n_Jumping to the sky, Ruby prepares herself as the lead Manticore
screeched at her, its ear-piercing scream stunning most ground units. Now flying in
close to the flying creature she raised Crescent Rose high, firing off a propulsive
round as she spun in the air, bringing the scythe down on its back and tearing away
a sizeable chunk of flesh from it._\n\n_The Manticore spun around to meet her as
Rhino 2 fired at it, stunning it with a low-charge Plant Dust round as the green
shell detonates, unleashing a shockwave burst._\n\nRhino 2: Romeo, knock it off!
You'll get yourself killed!\n\n_Ignoring Rhino 2's pleas, Ruby activates her
Semblance, transforming into a red ball dashing through the air. Gettling herself
close to the lead Manticore again, this time slamming onto it, sending the
Manticore down on the ground. Its wings broken._\n\n_Raising Crescent Rose high in
the air, she leaps forward, delivering a devastating strike on the downed beast's
wings, cutting them away. Activating her semblance again she attacks it with a
series of frenzied strikes on its body, overwhelming the Manticore._\n\n_As she
attacked the downed Manticore, Weiss looked up to the sky as another Manticore
brings itself down to the street._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Ruby,
knock it off! There's another one right in front of you!\n\n_Shouting out to her
friend, Weiss jumped off of the tank's main gun, dashing into the fight as Ruby
finished off the downed Manticore with a high-powered shot to its head. Blowing its
skull into bits._","te":1570552263199},"631167030594240522":
{"u":0,"t":1570552346610,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"631167699027886120":
{"u":1,"t":1570552505977,"m":"Gift - I know your relationship between you and your
teammate is much than me.\nLt. Gift - Gift! Another Nevermore.\nGift - Got
it.\nGift fire his miniguns at Nevermore and end up with missile, but before he
fire missile, he say one word.\nGift - Hasta la vista Baby."},"631170332992208921":
{"u":0,"t":1570553133963,"m":"_Taking down the Nevermore with his miniguns, Gift
activated the rocket boosters
on his mecha, jumping over to Ruby's position. Landing with a thundering crash, he
gets up to find Ruby and Weiss engaging two Manticores while Rhino 2 and 1 keeps up
its cannon fire at the beasts._\n\nRhino 2: Glad you're here, general! These girls
could use some help!\n\n_Looking at the ensuing battle, Gift readies up his rockets
again, locking onto the two Manticores. With the Manticores locked on he mashed his
right-arm trigger as the guided rockets homed in on their targets, injuring the
beasts and drawing their attention to him._\n\n_Fending off the second Manticore
with her rapier, Weiss kept up her chain attacks as she slashed away at the
Manticore's exposed wounds, switching over to Dust, she spun the chamber to a Fire
Dust chamber._"},"631170340730699776":
{"u":0,"t":1570553135808,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Ruby, break off!
Fire incoming!\n\n_Swinging Myrtenaster horzontally to her right, the rapier's Dust
ejection ports bursts into flames as a wave of fire blasted the offending
Manticore, burning away its skin and forcing it to back away. With the Manticore
jumping off to retreat, Ruby broke off her attack on the third Manticore, jumping
to meet the last one surviving._\n\nRhino 2: Target acquired! Firing!\n\n_Lobbing a
high-charge Multi-Action Dust round at the second Manticore, the round explodes,
obliterating it with a bright explosion. Jumping to assist Ruby, Gift lights up the
last Manticore with his minigun, peppering it with .50 caliber rounds. Taking
notice of Gift firing his guns at the beast, Weiss dashed out of his path leaving
the general with an easy kill._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> It's all
yours, Gift! Kill it!","te":1570553168879},"631171125791031317":
{"u":1,"t":1570553322981,"m":"Gift - Hasta luego!\nGift have firing missile, blow
it body apart.\nGift - This will be the same with my heart if i got
abandon."},"631174025426763796":{"u":0,"t":1570554014308,"m":"_Walking back to
rejoin the surviving Rhino tanks, Gift jumps out from his AST, taking a Lancer GL
rifle from his back into his hands. As he reached the tank column, Weiss stomps her
way up to him and angrily thrusted a piece of Ruby's cloak into an open pocket on
his LBE._\n\n_Not saying a word, she walks away from him, running up to meet with
Team Metal, now on their way into an intersection. Shrugging, Ruby looked at him in
the eyes before taking him by the arm as Rhino 2 and 1 resumed their advance into
the intersection ahead of them._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just keep up,
or you'll be lost. \n\n_Inside the Nevermore's stomach, Riley wakes up to find
three Rangers imprisoned inside as well, bewildere, she asks them of their
callsigns and affiliation._\n\nRiley: You boys were caught by this fucker too? What
unit are you from?\n\nPvt. Lanza: 75th, Fenix and Dick too. We were fighting the
Grimm when this big bird tossed us in the air and now? We're here. \n\n_Conjuring
her go-to weapon, the CV-3M battle rifle-claymore hybrid Riley takes it by the
hilt, ramming its blade deep into the Nevermore's heart, placed right above her
head._\n\nRiley: Shoot through the wound! I'll take you guys down when it
dies!\n\n_On the ground, as Gift moved along with Rhino, Team RWBY, JNPR and Metal,
Rhino 1 stops, its gunner having seen a Grimm formation moving up to their
position._\n\nRhino 1: We're going to need your teams to sweep the area ahead of
us. Make sure we're good to move up.\n\n_Rocking the charging handle, Ruby takes
aim through Crescent Rose's scope, aiming at the Grimm creatures ahead of
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy, we'll clear you a
path."},"631174473864839189":{"u":1,"t":1570554121224,"m":"Gift - BT, Control AST,
Clear the path and support us."},"628977117446537228":
{"u":1,"t":1570030230629,"m":"Gift - So lucky that MCV have deploy at LZ, let build
the base, MCV DEPLOY."},"628980651512561674":{"u":0,"t":1570031073216,"m":"_From a
contained airdrop care package, its dodecahedron shell explodes, revealing a
compacted mobile construction vehicle unit inside. With its protective shell
discarded the vehicle assembly splits out as four large prongs protruded from the
vehicle's wheels. Spraying liquid mimetic Rubinoalloy around the care
package._\n\n_The mimetic alloy, now spread on the ground begins to dig into the
ground, forming up a pre-fabricated concrete platform for the vehicle assembly as
the MCV's core structures ejected from the carrier chassis, deploying various pre-
fabricated units._\n\n_Back at the Arsenal Bird, as the Manta lands inside the
landing bay multiple airship personnel rush to the ship, pulling the aircraft
further into the bay as the bay doors closed._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
We're here.\n\n_Jumping off of the Manta, Ruby sets off for the command deck
accessway as Price pulls her away from it, dragging her to a debriefing
room._\n\nPrice: Not now, you still have to get comfortable with what's at
hand.\n\n_Walking into the room, Ruby and her teammates sat down on a round table
as a projection is shown on a screen._"},"628981584732618760":
{"u":1,"t":1570031295713,"m":"Gift - Alright Base Complete, Need reinforcement?
Call me, i will send to you."},"628982480661250069":
{"u":0,"t":1570031509319,"m":"_From the screen, the insignia of Vacuo's militia
force appeared, identifying them as the 9th Vacuan Infantry Battlion. The insignia
disappears, this time showing Feldspar's battlespace, its grounds marked with red
arrows._\n\nPrice: Listen up, our mission is not to fight anyone but to track down
one of the hostile agents within the settlement. \n\n_A picture appears on the
projection, showing the face of a True Sons High Commander codenamed \"Akula\", the
commander is seen wearing a balaclava, his hazel eyes exposed. Below the picture, a
description of him is scribbled onto a piece of paper._\n\n_Watching the team take
in the information, Price grins, turning the projection off._\n\nPrice: I'm sure
your Focuses have already updated his info, now get up. Go get yourselves sorted
out, we'll land at Feldspar in five._"},"628982848845774878":
{"u":1,"t":1570031597101,"m":"Gift - Bravo 6 call Alpha 6 LZ is in our base,
over."},"628984575087083581":{"u":0,"t":1570032008669,"m":"_Tapping his earpiece,
Price responds to his partner's update. Adding the data into his Scroll._\n\nPrice:
Roger, start the clock when we're there. Alpha out.\n\n_Ending the call, Price
looks out to the open sky from a viewport. Watching the Kingdom of Atlas disappear
into the distance as the Liberty Delta gained speed, its engines roaring with
power._\n\n_Back at the war room in the Academy, Gift watched Price's radar
signature move towards Vacuo as the Liberty Delta begins its flight to the
continent. Next to him, Ironwood keeps watch on his station, watching the Delta
leave Atlesian airspace into internation airspace._\n\nIronwood: You're doing
great, they should be arriving at Vacuo in two hours from now should the flight
path remains clear. I'll keep watch, you have fifteen minutes to get yourself a
breather.\n\n_Relieved, Gift gets up from his terminal, setting off for the break
room. Walking past military officers into a small room labeled \"BREAK ROOM\",
opening its door Gift moves in to find Winter sitting next to a coffee
machine._\n\nWinter: That was just the easy part.\n\n_Not taking her eye off from
the mug of coffee she had been drinking for the past five minutes, she blurted out
a comment as Gift takes a paper cup from the machine and filled it up with coffee.
Taking the cup with him, he sits down in front of
to play your part, Gift)"},"628987627298881599":
{"u":0,"t":1570032736373,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"629330670904147972":
{"u":1,"t":1570114524342,"m":"Gift - EVA, Check battle control system
status."},"629332025350029342":{"u":0,"t":1570114847267,"m":"EVA: Initiating BCS
pingback.\n\n_From his Focus, the virtual battlespace before his eyes flashed green
as EVA updates the data feed, the green flash disappears, marking the end of the
status pingback. Revealing the Liberty Delta's marker bearing close to Vacuan
airspace._\n\nEVA BCS pingback complete, no enemy movements detected at this
time. \n\n_Satisfied, Gift scrols his marker over to Feldspar as a data tag
appears. Not caring of the data tag he swipes it away. From across the table,
Winter kept her stare at Gift's holoprojection from the Focus as she reads into its
parameters. Shaking her head, she puts the mug down, moving her chair close to
Gift._\n\nWinter: No movements? Then what's the True Sons doing all this time?
\n\n_Waiting for EVA to update more information, Gift taps another command into the
holographic battlespace controller._","te":1570115063847},"629332280330027008":
{"u":0,"t":1570114908059,"m":"(more lines pls)"},"629332769742389271":
{"u":1,"t":1570115024744,"m":"Gift - Alright, we don't know what are they doing, we
must prepare our force if they try to attack, Lieutenant what your status?\nLt.
Gift - Regroup complete, now Cap is scouting at the frontline.\nGift - Solid copy,
Lieutenant."},"629335602520915969":{"u":0,"t":1570115700131,"m":"_Onboard the
Liberty Delta, Price and Team RWBY prepare for HALO, standing with their full gear
close to the launch bay doors. Awaiting orders._\n\n_As everyone prepareed
themselves for a high-altitude jump, Price pulls dow the bay door switch as the
vast chamber began to decompress as air begin to rush out to the open air before
them. Taking with them a few loose items within the deck._\n\nPrice: Alright,
listen up. We jump down to the settlement, track down the HVT and bring him up to
the Delta, understood?\n\n_With their jumpkits ready, the four girls flashed Price
an OK sign with their gloved fingers. Nodding, Price walks to the edge of the bay
door, ready for the jump, he reached
down to his ankles as the parachute flares ignited, bollowing with red
smoke._\n\n_Knowing what to do next, Ruby reaches down to her ankles, lighting up
her parachute trail as well._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Dust-powered trails? For
what?\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Mid-jump navigation, you don't want to get
lost out in the blue.\n\n_With their parachute trails lit up Ruby and Weiss walks
up to Price, standing over the edge of the bay doors. Behind them, Blake and Yang
stands close to one another as they prepare to jump after Ruby._\n\n_From a gantry,
Cossette keeps her right hand over the deploymen light switch, looking over to the
team._\n\nCossette: Ruby, verify status for
drop.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Team Romeo is hot, we're ready. \n\n_From
the bay doors, Ruby flashed Cossette a thumbs up as the light above her turns
green, permitting the team to initiate a HALO jump._\n\nCossette: Green light! Go,
go, go!"},"629335914593910814":{"u":1,"t":1570115774535,"m":"Gift - Romeo, Alpha 6,
If you need backup tell me, i will send to you."},"629339694945271832":
{"u":0,"t":1570116675841,"m":"_Falling headfirst into the blue sky, Ruby takes the
lead as she leaps into the air leaving the Delta behind. As she begins to fall, she
looks behind her to find her teammates initiating their jumps as well. Turning back
to the view ahead of her, her Focus warns her of an incoming call._\n\n_Answering
the call, she commands her DNI implant to take over as the call comes clear through
her radio._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, Command. We'll call you when
we need you. Romeo out.\n\n_Continuing the fall, her altimeter begins to emit a
series of beeps warning her of close proximity to the ground. Looking into her
radar, however, she finds her position still remaining high in the sky. Ignoring
the altimeter warnings she looked ahead of her to find a massive Windflare storm
spinning towards her path. Turning back to her teammates, she warns them of the
storm ahead._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Heads up, we got a Windflare up
ahead! \n\n_Looking into her Focus' flight path, Weiss commands the device to find
alternative flight paths to avoid the storm. But as the Focus sweeps the vast sky,
the screen in front of her displays a message: \"ZERO ALT-PATH AVAILABLE.
ALTERNATIVE OPTION: FLY AHEAD.\"_\n\n_With the device advising the team to fly into
the storm, she passes the data on to Ruby, a tone of concern in her
voice._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ruby? We have no alternative paths, we'll have
to fly into the storm...\n\n_Popping into the channel, Yang butted in, tapping
commands into her wrist computer._\n\n<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> Then we fly
into the storm! How strong could it be?"},"629340538751025162":
{"u":1,"t":1570116877020,"m":"Lt. Gift - Price, Can you analyze it?\nGift - That
storm, Oh! that from weather control, if you in it area it will improve your weapon
to be stronger and deal a damage to the enemy.\nLt. Gift - Support power?
Great!"},"629341671640924170":{"u":0,"t":1570117147122,"m":"_From the Liberty
Delta, Cossette takes her radio mic close to her lips, speaking into
it._\n\nCossette: No, it isn't. It's a Windflare, a large one too. I'm diverting my
ship to a safe path but I'm not sure about them... wait--\n\n_From the far corners
of the command deck, a weatherman rushed from his console up to the deck. Shoving a
pile of reports onto the main console._\n\nWeatherman: Ma'am, status report! SOLG
_Virtuo_ reports five heat signatures have entered the Windflare, it's
- Riley, What effect if someone enter the Windflare?"},"629344963616047126":
{"u":0,"t":1570117931990,"m":"_On the ground, Riley looks up to the sky, focusing
her vision into the storm as she searched for Ruby's parachute trail._\n\nRiley:
With their near-limitless aura given by Light Energy, they'll be fine. It'll feel
like being in a washing machine on spin cycle for them.\n\n_Inside the storm, the
team finds themselves bracing winds at extreme speed as they dive through the storm
while their radar guided them to the settlement below them. From Ruby's altimeter,
the warning disappears as normal readings resumes._\n\nAltimeter: Altitude, 9600
metres, jumpkit prep in progress.\n\n_Through the storm, as the team dived through
extreme winds a piece of debris strikes Yang at her oygen line, cutting it in half.
WIth the oxygen line ruptured, her Focus immediately warns her of the sudden loss
of oxygen, beeping warnings into her ears._\n\nFocus: WARNING, OXYGEN FEED LOST.
WARNING, OXYGEN FEED LOST._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Yang's hit! She's
losing oxygen, Ruby, what's our distance to ground level?!\n\n_Looking into her
altimeter, Ruby shoits back at Blake. Calling out her altimeter
readings._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're at four-thousand! Jumpkits
should be up by now! She'll hold!"},"629346007389438002":
{"u":1,"t":1570118180845,"m":"Gift - Commander, Control it.\nCommander Gift - Where
are you going? Oh! your power is coming up.\nGift - I know what am i doing.\nLt.
Gift - Your energy have restore?\nGift - I can't get stress from those radio, it
make me worry, i don't know are they alright."},"629347765821898753":
{"u":0,"t":1570118600088,"m":"_Before Gift stood from his station, Ruby's radar
signature disappears from the screen as her radar signal begins to fade. However,
her radio remains active._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We lost our radar,
altitude is three-thousand and decreasing. Jumpkits are on!\n\n_The sounds of
rushing wind can be heard as the jumpkits activate themselves, slowing the team
down. From the radio, Yang's disoriented grunts comes through before getting cut
away by Ruby's voice._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sorry, that was Yang,
she's uh... still holding. We're at two-thousand now! Feldspar is in sight!\n\n_As
Gift watches the screen intently, Ruby's signature reappears on the screen.
Revealing her altitude being lower than a thousand. Next to him, Ironwood pushes
him out of the way, taking the mic from him._\n\nIronwood: Romeo, confirm status!
Have you landed at Feldspar?\n\n_The radio turns to static as the jumpkits' engines
roared, from the screen. The signatures of Team RWBY disappears from the screen as
the battlespace updates its data, changing from the sky to the settlement in
Vacuo._\n\n_With the data update, silence takes over the war room as everyone
waited anxiously for Ruby's \"pingback.\" As they waited, garbled, fuzzy voice came
through the speakers inside the room. Taking the mic from Ironwood, Gift taps into
it, hailing his team._"},"629348298259693580":{"u":1,"t":1570118727031,"m":"Gift -
Alright, there is a abandon MCV, i still can use but no signal, you need to
activate it.\n(I gonna go now)"},"629348517890097238":
{"u":0,"t":1570118779395,"m":"(Sure, next time do try to add more part when your
turn comes.)"},"629695597909377054":{"u":1,"t":1570201529720,"m":"Lt. Gift -
Understood, Alright Gift said there is a MCV down here, we must activate it and
send the signal to Gift so he can control it."},"629699316855865344":
{"u":0,"t":1570202416386,"m":"_After bracing through thr storm, the team emerges
from the dark clouds of the Windflare, their suits visibly damaged with cuts into
their clothing. Now far from the danger, Ruby taps into her
radio._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo to Command, be advised, we
have arrived in Feldspar.\n\n_As Ruby's voice comes clear through the speakers in
the command center, personnel within their consoles cheered and celebrated,
embracing one another and jumping around in their spots._\n\n_Taking the mic from
Gift again Ironwood acknowledged Ruby's status, this time updating her with a new
objective._\n\nIronwood: Copy, Romeo. You'll be advancing towards the settlement
using the flares deployed by Team Charlie. Once you reach the settlement, link up
with Major McOnie. She'll brief you in on your nect objectives. Command,
out.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, Romeo out.\n\n_Turning to her team,
the jumpkit on her back detaches itself from her back. Falling to the sand, now
free from the device restricting her movements she reaches behind her for Crescent
Rose, pulling it free from its harness as the weapon unfolds into its scythe
form._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright, listen up! We're only a few
hundred metres away from the settlement. Get moving.\n\n_After retrieving their
weapons and equipments from a friendly Condor the team begins to advance through
the desert lands to the settlement under the scorching
sun._"},"629699715713204245":{"u":1,"t":1570202511481,"m":"Lt. Gift - Gift, i
almost there.\nGift - Try to activate the MCV, if you can, i can build a strike
force there.\nLt. Gift - Understood."},"629702000065642527":
{"u":0,"t":1570203056113,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> How.. much
further?\n\n_Staring blankly into her Focus holospace, Weiss tries her best not to
collaspe into the scorching sands of the desert. Feeling her consciousness fading
away Price quickly ran up to her, snatching her by her collar._\n\nPrice: Hang
tight, we're almost there!\n\n_As the team continues to march through the desert,
Feldspar's defensive walls slowly comes into view. Appearing in the horizon as a
faint dark line. With the settlement walls in her sight Ruby, despite her parched
throat rallies her team to press on. Her raspy voice being the only sound breaking
the dull grainy footsteps of the team marching in th
sands._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just... keep... mvoing...!\n\n_From an
outpost, two guards look out to the ground ahead of them through their binoculars,
as they sweep the bleak desert, from the first guard's binoculars a red dot appears
on his scope. Looking into the red dot, he taps into the
binocular's built-in magnifying unit._\n\nGuard 1: Hey, look at
this!\n\n_Disgruntled, the second guard walks up to the first guard._\n\nGuard 2:
What is it?\n\nGuard 1: Look! There's people out
Gift - I'm inside MCV.\nGift - Try to activate it.\nLt. Gift - I'm
trying."},"629703213553025024":{"u":0,"t":1570203345431,"m":"_His annoyed
expression fading away, the second guard snatches the first guard's binoculars
away. Looking over to the horizon to find Team RWBY and Price marching in the vast
desert. Shocked, he quickly drops the binocular, jumping down to the
gate._\n\nGuard 1: Where are you going?!\n\nGuard 2: To get the gates open! We
gotta let them in!\n\n_With their distance to the settlement only a few metres
away, the team continues their march up to Feldspar's haphazardly constructed walls
despite their Focuses warning them of extreme heat and dehydration. Stopping before
an outpost, two guards sprung to their feet, running to the team._\n\nGuard 1: Who
the hell are these people?!\n\n_The second guard, taking Ruby into his arms looks
down to her emblem. From his Focus, the emblem's data shows up in his virtual
holospace identifying her as a member of Price's recon team._\n\nGuard 2: They're
friendly, Atlas sent them here to find out what's in those toxic green cloud. Get
them inside.\n\n_Nodding to his comrade's orders the second guard runs inside the
settlement as McOnie and an OADF security team ran past him for the outpost.
Brushing past the team, the second guard slaps his forehead in annoyance, running
along with the security detail back to the outpost._"},"629703873849720875":
{"u":1,"t":1570203502858,"m":"Lt. Gift - Activated, did you get signal?\nGift -
Yeah! I get it, watch out there toxic gas out there, wear gas mask.\nLt. Gift - Got
it, moving to rally point."},"629705759957057537":
{"u":0,"t":1570203952541,"m":"_From the settlement grounds, the MCV's
antenna \"spire\" rises above the walls of Feldspar, marking its location on the
battlespace control screen. With the MCV erected, a team of personnel seated on the
far side of the command center pings Gift's radio._\n\nMCV personnel: General, MCV
Delta Six reports fully operational. Team Romeo has entered the compound. Repeat,
Team Romeo has entered the compound.\n\n_Looking into his console, Gift continues
to scan the settlement's surroundings for threats. As the radar scope updates,
three red triangles appear on the upper left side of the scope._\n\nIronwood: Red
triangles? BATTLECOM, scan that sector!\n\nBATTLECOM Officer: Roger, scanning
now!\n\n_As the Battle Commander scans Feldspar's grounds for threats, JD's voice
blared through the PA system within the center. Freezing everyone in their
spots._\n\nJD: Command, this is Delta. Our UAV spotted three wrecks of True Sons
APCs, Price and Ruby are on their way to the vehicles. ETA... hold on.
\n\n_Glancing to his watch, then to Ruby and Price sitting on the floor recovering
from dehydration, JD speaks into his radio._\n\nJD: ETA, five mikes. They'd just
been taken in. Delta out."},"629706159082962974":{"u":1,"t":1570204047700,"m":"Gift
- MCV Delta Six deploy the base."},"629710033269030943":
{"u":0,"t":1570204971378,"m":"_Outside Feldspar's walls, the MCV begins to deploy
its sub-components finalizing its full deployment as the main working hangar
expands to its full capacity, next to it, a crane tower erected from an auto-
deployment base unit. Springing into the air as its claw swung around in the
air._\n\nMCV Delta Six: Deployment complete, awaiting orders.\n\n_From the screen,
the MCV's beacon appears on the battlespace, tagged with \"Complete,\" with the
vehicle fully expanded into a small constructions site Gift begins to select units
from his command screen. Scrolling through the list for viable units to
deploy._\n\n_At the settlement, after recovering from dehydration Ruby and Price
ready themselves for the heat outside the infirmary, as they prepare to leave, a
guard stops them._\n\nFeldspar Guard: You ain't going nowhere, it's scorching out
there. If that commander lived he'd probably end up dead somewhere in the desert.
No use getting anything out of a dead
{"u":0,"t":1570204973433,"m":"_Before the guard could finish, Yang knocks him to
the ground. Taking a biomonitor out from her pocket she thrusted it into his
hands._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Then explain this! His vitals are still
green, he's out there. We'll get him before their men arrive and take him away from
us.\n\n_Getting up from the floor, the guard threw the biomonitor back to Yang as
she takes it mid-air. Stuffing it in her pocket. Shaking her head in annoyance she
walks away from him for the door, joining Price and
Ruby._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Let's go alredy, Gift's got a pre-fab base
outside, we can restock there.\n\n_Standing outside the infirmary with Blake and
reading through articles in her Scroll's web browser, Weiss folds the device back
to its compact form, putting it into her hip pouch as Ruby, Yang, and Price emerge
from the infirmary's door walking out to the open, surrounding them lies tents,
shacks and repurposed miltary vehicles taken from various factions._\n\nMcOnie:
Alright, the wreck is two klicks away from the settlement, luckily the cars are
smack right in the middle of our pre-fab runway so it should be easy for you
guys.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Thanks, Major. We'll bring what's left of
him back here if he... well, died."},"629710454650044426":
{"u":1,"t":1570205071843,"m":"Gift - Delta Six, construct Allied Barrack and War
factory."},"629712625621794861":{"u":1,"t":1570205589443,"m":"(I gonna go
now)"},"629712637109731359":{"u":0,"t":1570205592182,"m":"_From the expanded base,
Delta Six's skeleton crew rush to get their DeeBees ready to initiate a pre-fab for
an allied barracks ready. From the outside, a crawler unit ejects itself from a
flue stack, diving into the ground as it began to erect core structures of a mobile
war factory._\n\nDelta Six: Barracks and factory is underway. \n\n_Looking into his
radar scope, Delta Six's crew commander looked to the scope's signatures. Staring
into the three red triangles on the OADF airbase he brings the scope's
magnification scale up as the triangles break into solid circles._\n\nBase
Commander: What's their deal?...\n\n_As he stared into the scope, the command deck
turns red as alarms rang throughout the base. From the screen, the management AI
warns the base commander of incoming artillery projectiles._\n\nDelta Six AI:
Incoming artillery barrage! Repeat, incoming artillery barrage!\n\nBase Commander:
ENGAGE CIWS NOW!\n\n_Switching from the scope, the base commander screams into the
screen as he commands the AI to erect CIWS turrets, but it is too late. As the
first rounds struck the base's hangar, the hangar collapses under the force of the
impact._\n\n_Looking out to the window, the erected CIWS turrets begin to fire
wildly into the sky, intercepting incoming artillery rounds as much as they could.
Outside, from Feldspar's eastward walls Ruby looked over the horizon to find
Delta's base under attack._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Artillery barrage?
From where?!"},"629712690805342228":{"u":0,"t":1570205604984,"m":"(frick, sorry for
taking too long.)"},"630059849614491648":{"u":1,"t":1570288374094,"m":"Gift - Nice
work Artillery Unit, Watch your fire, there are friendly unit in there.\nLt. Gift -
Thanks For Support Gift."},"630064083621773322":
{"u":0,"t":1570289383560,"m":"_Pushing Gift aside, Ironwood locks the cursor on the
battlespace control screen to the wrecks on the airfield to find them gone.
Switching from the cursor he sweeps the settlement with a search band as the screen
turns white._\n\nIronwood: Someone's attacking the settlement, but from where?!
BATTLECOM, pinpoint the hostile artillery unit now!\n\n_From his station, the
Battle Comamnder turns the knob on his console to the left, commanding an over-the-
horizon radar unit to scan Feldspar's grounds for signs of the enemy artillery
unit. As the green beam sweeped the screen in front of him the three triangles
representing the vehicle wrecks disappears._\n\nBattle Commander:
What...?\n\n_Looking into the screen, the triangles change their form into
diamonds, as the marked targets change their designation the Commander transfers
the readouts on his screen up to the main command console, alerting Gift to the
sudden change._\n\nBattle Commander: General, enemy signatures have changed!
They're active! Closing in fast on the settlement!\n\n_At Feldspar, as the team
prepare to move to the airfield the dreaded whistle of an artillery shell falling
through the air is heard._"},"630064095542116372":
{"u":0,"t":1570289386402,"m":"Price: Incoming!\n\n_The team runs back inside the
settlement as the artillery projectile impacted the wall before them, penetrating
it clean, leaving behind a sizeable hole. As the warhead impacted the wall, it
splits into two, dropping multiple green canisters onto the sandy grounds of
Feldspar. Raising her head from the wreck of an Mi-28, Weiss cautiously began her
approach to the canisters, taking one into her
hand._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : What's this?\n\n_Shaking the
canister, a metallic clang is heard. Curious, she popped the canister open as a
Vantage chip falls onto the ground. Picking the chip up from the sand she taps at a
red button on the chip as a message playback is heard._\n\nChip Playback: To whom
it may concern, this is True Sons High Commander Riah. If you've found this chip,
consider yourself lucky, for you will be the first to taste the power of
Manticore's effects. A suggestion before you drop this after choking on the gas, I
suggest you leave whatever place that you are in. The personnel
of Delta Six are all but dead, and you... sadly, are next in line.\n\n_At the
command center in Atlas, Ironwood and Gift took to their stations as they begin to
trace the message's origin point. Typing in commands and swiping gestures at the
holographic screen in front of them._","te":1570289441485},"630064380129837066":
{"u":1,"t":1570289454253,"m":"Gift - Private, tell me is teleporter still
working."},"630066001165287474":{"u":0,"t":1570289840738,"m":"_From the ruins of
what used to be Delta Six's mobile base, a DR-1 climbed its way up to the destroyed
command deck. Taking an emergency radio from the base commaner's body it replies to
Gift, its robotic voice filling the silence befalling the Academy's war
room._\n\nDR-1: Negative, the loss of Delta Six negates all teleportation
abilities. The Manticore canisters will detonate in... thirty minutes.\n\n_Still
tracing the message's origin point, the Battle Commander gets up from his station.
Running up the stairs to the main console with a message in his hand. Now at the
main console he puts the paper down, sliding it to Gift._\n\nBattle Commander:
General, you better read this. \n\n_Gift turns to Ironwood, taking the printout
from the commander. With the paper in his hand he begins to read through the
contents as Overlord radios him._\n\nOverlord: Overlord to Bravo, comms check. Do
you copy?"},"630066209596899351":{"u":1,"t":1570289890432,"m":"Gift - Bravo 6 to
Overlord, i hear you."},"630068160904822795":
{"u":0,"t":1570290355660,"m":"Overlord: Good, listen up. Multiple units from Vale,
Vacuo and Mistral reports chemical attacks all across major cities and settlements.
The mission to Vacuo was a ruse, get your team back in Atlas. \n\n_Upon hearing
Overlord's report, all activities within the Academy war room stops as every
personnel stared into the main screen above them. From the screen, major cities and
settlements across Remnant are covered in red circles, tagged with informations of
casualties and units in response._\n\nAcademy Personnel: First, the attacks on
Atlas. Now THIS?!\n\n_Angered, the personnel smashes the keyboard on his console
before leaving the room, as he leaves Overlord's voice comes through the speakers
again._\n\nOverlord: As of now, your mission is to provide support to every
settlements and cities in need, get your response units sorted out and begin decon
procedures. Once again, Team Romeo must be returned to Atlas. Overlord, over and
out."},"630068767233146919":{"u":1,"t":1570290500220,"m":"Gift - Roger Overlord,
Romeo, Overlord have order to retreat back to HQ."},"630069022288904255":
{"u":1,"t":1570290561030,"m":"(I gonna go now)"},"630425653627584517":
{"u":1,"t":1570375588567,"m":"Massive War\nGeneral Gift\nTask force 141\n2 Hours
after mission\nGift - Okay this is going crazy, they attack four place in one
time.\nCaptain Gift - I can't believe that they will do that.\nGift - But it
already happen.\nCommander Gift - You seem not alright now, i will control this
Warlord, you get some rest Gift.\nLt. Gift - Yeah, Get some rest, i just record
that you haven't sleep around 2 weeks.\nGift - 2 Weeks, Alright Alright, i will get
some rest.\nGift have walk back to his room with his last remaining
stamina."},"630430922503880725":{"u":0,"t":1570376844765,"m":"Ironwood: We'll take
care of things from here, just rest.\n\n_Sending Gift off to the dormitory areas,
Ironwood and the Battle Commander return to their stations, resuming command over
the mission. From across the planet, multiple news channel and independent
broadcasters report on the attacks by the True Sons, on the command screen within
Mt. Glenn Complex, Lisa Lavender and her crew are seen reporting the attack within
Vale._\n\n_Shown more on the screen, major outlets continue to report on the
attacks as Glynda switched off most of the screencasts, keeping up only Lisa's
feed._\n\nLisa: At 6:22 Valean Mean Time, chemical attacks were triggered across
Remnant, casualties are estimated to be in the millions. Stay tuned to VNN for
further updates.\n\n_Switching over to the command screen, one of the chemical
attacks is located in Mistral. Zooming into the battlespace over the city, the
system reports more info to the personnel within the complex._\n\nBattlespace AI:
Chemical attack, Mistral, 6M contamination radius.\n\n_As the AI reported more on
the attack, Walcroft's data feed appears on the screen, showing a live feed of the
city of Mistral clouded in green gas._\n\nWallcroft: _unintelligible_ ...street is
within the contamination radius, over!\n\n_Switching from Mistral's scope, many of
the cities and their intelligence defenses go offline as a result of the chemical
attacks. On the streets of Vale, Lisa continues her broadcast, moving down the
street as Valerian Army personnel continue to engage local True Sons forces and
Grimm._\n\nLisa: As you can see, multiple Valean Army units are engaged with local
hostile forces and Grimm, this terror attack by the True Sons is by far is the
worst terror event in the history of Remnant after the White Fang bomb attacks
three decades ago!","te":1573239937469},"630431233234567169":
{"u":0,"t":1570376918849,"m":"(Sorry for taking too long, my connection went
{"u":1,"t":1569599972636,"m":"Gift - Hm..... Where can i get a pillow for rest?
Hm... I don't know where."},"627175282461245440":
{"u":0,"t":1569600639692,"m":"_Fifteen minutes into flight, the Stallion flies over
damaged buildings, houses and Gravity Dust regulator spires. Inside the helo, Gift
looks around to find most of his allies fast asleep._\n\n_From her seat close to
the rear door, Riley gets up and moves to the front of the ship, sitting next to
Gift._\n\nRiley: Hell of a day, huh? I've called the guys at the Academy, you'll be
sent straight to your dorms while I deal with debriefing. Just hang tight, we're
almost there.\n\n_She pats him on the shoulder, straps herself into the seat and in
mere seconds, she falls into slumber despite the engines roaring into the interior.
Over at the pilot seat, Avril turns to Penny, tapping into instrument panels ahead
of her._\n\nAvril: Penny, once we get there I need you to do one thing for
me.\n\n_Penny snaps her head to meet Avril, her green eyes glowing as she processed
post-battle information transferred from Riley's
Focus._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> What is it?\n\nAvril: I want you to put
this ship as close to the dormitories as you can and airdrop Gift straight to a
room. \n\n_Nodding, Penny's LED indicator light on her right temple changes to
orange, adding Avril's request to her mental list of
tasks._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Okay, I'll get to that. \n\n_She turns
back to the instrument panels in front of her as the Academy's campus comes into
view, multiple buildings are seen damaged by long-range missile strikes. Flying
closer to campus grounds, multiple personnel on the ground begin to wave flares at
them, marking their landing location._\n\n_As the Stallion flies into the Academy,
the main building comes into view as its rooftop MANTIS anti-aircraft gun systems
locked onto the helicopter. From the radio, a JTAC contacts them from the
ground._\n\nJTAC: This is Dagwood 5-1 to incoming Stallion, state your
callsign."},"627175895681204239":{"u":1,"t":1569600785895,"m":"Gift - Dagwood 5-1,
This is Bravo 6 from Task force 141, we coming after drive the true son
back."},"627177531857961021":{"u":0,"t":1569601175990,"m":"_On the ground, the JTAC
officer looks up to the Stallion. Inside, Avril and Penny begin to bring the
helicopter down to land, taking care to avoid hitting makeshift utility poles with
the blades._\n\nDagwood 5-1: Roger, you're clear to land.\n\n_As the Stallion
lands, Riley unclips a sonic detonator device from her LBE and tossed it onto the
floor. The device detonates, waking everyone up as its loud bang reverberated
within the Stallion._\n\n_Yawning, Ruby unstraps herself from the safety harness
holding her to the seat. Freeing herself from the spot she looks around to her
side, finding most of her friends up and awake as well. Drowsily, she gets up from
her seat, walking to the rear door._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're...
here already?\n\n_From her seat, Blake gave herself a slap to her face forcing
herself to wake up. She gets up, walks to the rear door and stands next to her team
leader._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> It would seem so.\n\n_As his clones
prepare to leave the aircraft, Gift remains seated. Trying his best to not fall
asleep until Riley drags him up on his feet._\n\nRiley: On your feet, Gift. I've
got a ride waiting outside."},"627178139453358101":
{"u":1,"t":1569601320852,"m":"Gift - Ha! whatever you say, mate.\nLt. Gift - Make
sure you have rest enough for incoming mission, i don't know what it come, you must
prepare.\nGift - Thanks Lieutenant."},"627180848877273090":
{"u":0,"t":1569601966829,"m":"_After waiting for a whole minute straight, the rear
door opens, dropping down to the ground as Ruby and Blake steps out from the
Stallion, once outside, she is struck by gusts of freezing wind blasting the
makeshift airfield. From the Academy's main building, three Strykers drive out from
the building to the airfield._\n\n_Breathing in the freezing air, Ruby looks around
the airfield to find much of the place covered in snow, with the sky being azure
blue. The sun shining overhead. She looks to her back, finding most of her friends
standing outside of the Stallion and waiting for their transport._\n\n_As the
freezing air begins to chill down her combat suit, internal protective thermal
layers activate themselves, warming her up._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
It's really cold out here...\n\n_Riley walks up to her, embracing herself. She
glanced down to
a holographic projection from the Focus as it reads: OUTSIDE TEMP: -4 DEG.
CELCIUS._\n\nRiley: It is, must be the Dutch Boy freezing the air around the
continent. Normally Atlas wouldn't be this cold unless there's a
Windflare.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What's a \"Dutch Boy?\"\n\n_Wondering of
what Riley referred to, Weiss reaches into her suit, taking her Scroll out. Its web
browser opened at the ready as Riley points up to the sky, marking faint grey spots
with her Focus._\n\nRiley: See those grey dots? That's the Dutch Boy weather
modification satellites sent from Earth. Originally they were supposed to be used
to turn Menagerie more habitable than it usually is but now we, or to be exact, the
Atlesians use the system to keep Grimm away from much of
{"u":1,"t":1569602072407,"m":"Ruby see Gift without his coat.\nGift - That why it
feel cold, and almost freezing."},"627183346648088597":
{"u":0,"t":1569602562344,"m":"_From the distance, the Strykers finally reach the
airfield as personnel from the Academy emerged from the vehicles. Saluting every
member of the group._\n\n_With the vehicles arrived, Gift and his men are ushered
into the lead vehicle, followed by Team RWBY. Inside the lead Stryker, Ruby is
seated next to Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Finally, it's about
time!\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Time for what?\n\n_Rolling her eyes,
Ruby reaches into her LBE, taking out a small energy bar. Tearing the fast-open tag
away she quickly devours the energy bar, answering Weiss'
question._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Right...\n\n_Outside the vehicle,
Riley contacts Gift from her Focus._\n\nRiley: Rest well, Gift. Don't let the
microbots get to you!\n\n_Standing in front of the now closed door of the lead
Stryker she smacks it twice as the vehicle takes off for the dormitories, with Gift
sent off to the dorms she walks for the second vehicle, boarding it along with JNPR
and Hunter._","te":1573241777849},"627183995876016178":
{"u":1,"t":1569602717132,"m":"Gift - Ha! Soldier never serious, anyways let's get
some rest.\n(Thinking to himself)\nI hope they won't abandon me
again."},"627188496435511332":{"u":0,"t":1569603790149,"m":"_As if reading his
mind, Ruby placed her left on top oh his. Surprised, Gift looks up from his Focus'
data feed to find her smiling at him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We won't
leave you behind, trust me.\n\n_Turning back to his data feed, Gift continues to
read through its content being mostly general updates and nws around the planet.
However, somewhere amidst the data flow, a red marker is seen on a minimap marking
the location of Vacuo, zooming closer, the marker is placed within
Feldspar._\n\n[Feldspar, Day 7]\n\n_From Coco's suit camera, she begins to film the
surroundings of the shabby settlement's walls made out of vans, abandoned trucks
and disabled military vehicles. With one side of the wall being made entirely out
of destroyed M1 Abrams tanks._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> This is Huntress-in-
Training Coco Adel, reporting to BeaconCentCom, we have arrived in Feldspar and
things... aren't lookin' so great. \n\n_In front of her, Velvet continues to take
photos of the walls of Feldspar as Coco moves behind her and yanked Anesidora out
of her hands, much to Velvet's surprise._\n\n<:velvet:501551929235865600> Hey, give
it back!\n\n_Coco shakes her head, causing the camera to shake as
well._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Nope, what good could Anesidora make out of
these walls anywway? We're here to give the Oseans a place to stay, not...
- What happen at Feldspar? Hm.... I will let BT check the situation and write the
report, (Yawn) I'm so sleepy(Yawn).\nIn his mind is think only he could sleep with
the Stryker arrives at a dormitory cluster, Gift begins to step out of the vehicle.
But as he opens the rear door, his surroundings turns into a red blur, unbeknownst
to him Ruby had engaged her Semblance flying him to an open room._\n\n_From the
ground, her teammates look up to her, watching after the trail of rose
petals._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Guess he really needs sleep, Ruby wouldn't
do this unless someone wants her to.\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Which is exactly
why she used her Semblance...\n\n_Blake, being the last to leave the vehicle
stumbles out from the Stryker to the dormitory courtyard. As she stepped away from
the vehicle three Atlas Academy security guards ran from their posts over to the
three._\n\nAtlas Guard 1: Welcome to Atlas Academy Dormitory Cluster Lima, follow
us. We'll take you to your dorms.\n\n_Back at Feldspar, the team approaches the
wall as two guards sprung to their feet, snapping out from their
slumber._\n\nFeldspar Guards: Hold it! Stay where you are and show us IDs.\n\n_Coco
shrugs, reaching into her bag and taking out her Scroll, behind her, Velvet, Fox
and Yatsuhashi stood close to the second guard as they, too, presented their IDs to
them. From the wall's gate came Major McOnie, meeting the group in her civilian
attire._\n\nMcOnie: Welcome to Feldspar, or what's left of it. \n\n_She turns to
the guards, whispering into their ears. The guards then lower their weapons as they
returned to their posts. Allowing the team to move in._\n\nMcOnie: Sorry, these
guards are still new.\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> It's fine, I've dealt with
incompetent guards like this back in CentCom
Gift - Did you guy need blanket?\nCaptain Gift - I going to ask you like that and
yes, i need it.\nSargent Gift - I need too, i gonna write the report.\nCommander
Gift - I also want it, why are we stay in this pillbox?\nLt. Gift - Remember? We
have to make sure that Gift have rest enough.\nSargent Gift - Yeah!\nCaptain Gift -
I worry about him, is he will get abandon again?\nLt. Gift - No, he won't because
he got apologize from his sisters, so he will be fine.\nSargent Gift - Yeah! His
heart is getting very weak now, i don't know did he got sleeping hug from
Ruby.\nCaptain Gift - If you ask me, so who i gonna ask?\nCommander Gift - I don't
know, i hope he will get it."},"627196614947373076":
{"u":0,"t":1569605725753,"m":"_At the dormitory cluster, after flying straight to
the fifth floor Ruby puts her brother down on the bed. With Gift on his bed she
begins to work on removing his exosuit._\n\n_Tapping at his suit's wrist computer
she browsed through its pre-shutdown checklist, with the checklist items verified a
window with two text bars appears on-screen. WIthout hesitation, she taps
at \"SHUTDOWN\" as the clamps on his wrists and ankles come loose. Separating the
suit from his combat attire._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> There we go! And
now, time to take it to storage.\n\n_Yanking the exoskeleton free fom his suit she
puts it on the floor, bending over to the suit, she grabs its arm attachment limbs
and folds them back into the suit's powerpack. Watching Ruby folding his
exoskeleton, all Gift could do was to smile and watch as she works on keeping the
exoskeleton in shape._\n\n_With the arms folded, she grabbed the legs and folds
them into the powerpack's leg attachment storage pocket, with the limbs stored the
skeleton's powerpack LED indicator light turns red, marking its status as shutting
down._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> And we're
- Thanks Ruby, I so tired now, not normal tried, Very Very
tried."},"627199377714315266":{"u":0,"t":1569606384448,"m":"_Ruby gets up, taking
the folded exosuit in her arms. She walks to a closet, slid its door open and
stuffed the powerpack inside. Closing it. Turning back to Gift, she winked at
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Why wouldn't you be? After all, you fought
for hours with us.\n\n_As she replies to Gift, she takes off her cloak, folding it
into a neat square and placing her family emblem on top of it. She looks down to
her tattered combat attire and begins to walk for the
bathroom._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I gotta change, just wait.
Okay?\n\n_Winking at him again she closes the bathroom door and works on removing
her attire starting from her skirt, pulling it free from her waist as her Focus
warns her of \"battle damage\", ignoring the warning she takes off the leg
harnesses, placing it on the sink._\n\n_With the skirt and leg harnesses removed,
she taps at her tactical belt's release button as the belt instantly snaps free.
Curling into a neat roll, moving on to the corset she pulled away at the harness
straps locking it to her skirt._","te":1573241901282},"627199570845237258":
{"u":1,"t":1569606430494,"m":"Gift - Okay Ruby, I can wait."},"627201894720471061":
{"u":0,"t":1569606984549,"m":"_With half of her attire removed, she works on
removing the corset as she pulls it up, removing it and revealing the underlying
Rubinoalloy mesh underneath. Pulling the mesh away, all that remained of her attire
are only her shorts, combat bracers, boots and the cotton blouse
underneath._\n\n_Removing the bracers first, her Focus warns her again of a \"major
loss\" in essential combat suit component. Rolling her eyes, she rakes the
triangular chip from her temple and tossed it into a small box on the sink.
Snarling at the chip-like device, she pulls away her left
bracer._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If that won't shut you up, I'll smash
you to bits...\n\n_Moving on to the right, she slips it out, putting it next to her
underlying mesh. Looking down to her blouse, she begins to unbutton it as her Focus
screams out a high-pitched series of beeps._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Ugh, what
now?!\n\n_Taking the small device out of the box, it projects a hologram of an
emergency message sent from Vacuo, using her right finger to swipe the message box
away, a recording playback starts as Coco's voice came from the device._\n\nFocus
Playback: THIS IS _unintelligible_ NINER-NINER, REQUESTING IMMEDIATE _cough_
stops, as the data stream becomes corrupt. Swearing under her breath she hastily
re-buttoned her blouse, picked up her attire from the floor and kicked the door
open, running out to the hallway for her
Gift - (From Radio) Hey! Are you get well with Ruby?\nGift - I don't know, but i
hope something better will happen to me.\nLt. Gift - (From Radio) Alright then,
Rest well Gift."},"627205426936676363":{"u":0,"t":1569607826695,"m":"(i gotta go
now, continue later?)"},"627205533341843456":
{"u":1,"t":1569771842105,"m":"Captain Gift - I gonna get some coffee.\nLt. Gift - I
hope Gift will have a good night.\nSargent Gift - Yeah, he
will."},"627896274003165208":{"u":0,"t":1569772537471,"m":"_While the three men
stood by next to the coffee machine in the dormitory's commmon room, Ruby continues
to run for her team's quarters with parts of her attire in her hands. As she ran,
personnel poked their heads from the doors of their rooms, looking at her._\n\nCpl.
Dunn: What's gotten into her? Isn't she supposed to be on crew rest by
now?\n\n_Behind him, Foley pushes the corporal aside walking out to stop Ruby. He
pushes her to the floor, stopping her frantic running._\n\nSgt. Foley: What's going
on?! Why the hell were you running like that?\n\n_Breathing heavily, Ruby taps her
Focus, projecting a hologram screen._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just
listen, it came directly from Vacuo. \n\nSgt. Foley: Alright, fine.\n\n_Reaching to
the holographic projection of Ruby's Focus Foley swipes the main screen away as an
audio log appeared. Reading the log's tags and timestamp, he tapped at the play
button as the emergency message repeats itself._\n\n_Listening on the message,
Foley's expression change as his eyes widened. He swipes the audio playback screen
away as the screen returns to the device's \"home\" screen. With the playback
screen shut down the sergeant ran back into his room, leaving Dunn to himself with
Ruby._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Quadrant 6B5A? That's the new Strangereal airbase in Feldspar!
\n\n_Picking Ruby up from the floor, he gathered around her attire and jams it into
her hands._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Go get your team, meet me at the common room in
five!"},"627896620515721216":{"u":1,"t":1569772620086,"m":"Gift - (Think to
himself) Ah!! God damn it !"},"627898295326605313":
{"u":0,"t":1569773019392,"m":"_The door to his room opens as Riley walked inside,
wearing her uniform. Walking up to the bed she tossed him a message log._\n\nRiley:
Read this, this one came in just a while ago.\n\n_Propping up on his back, Gift
takes the message log and reads into its contents. Shaking his head, he crumpled it
into a ball and throws it across the room, sending it down a trashcan._\n\nRiley: I
get it, you're tired of getting into fights. The good news is, this time you're
going to play the warlord, you're staying here in Atlas watching the operation.
Ironwood will fill you in shortly, as of now we're still preparing a mission
package.\n\n_She looks into her Focus' streams of mission updates, scrolling down
until the latest log. She swipes it to the main projection spot as the log spreads
out on the holographic screen._\n\nRiley: Another good news, Charlie's on their way
to Atlas. They were hit hard from the chemical attacks, but as of now they're
stable. Get some rest, Ironwood will call you to ReSOCOM in an hour from
now."},"627900528734502913":{"u":1,"t":1569773551878,"m":"Gift - Right Right
Right.\n(Think to himself) Why there always have a trouble when something good
going to happen with me?"},"627903058533416963":
{"u":0,"t":1569774155029,"m":"_Hearing his thoughts, Riley pats the general on his
left shoulder, reassuring him._\n\nRiley: It's not that the world hates you,
sometimes things just happen. Now c'mon, get yourself some rest. Ironwood will have
his men pick you up.\n\n_Getting up from the bed, she leaves the room as her body
transformed into fine particles before his eyes. Sighing to himself, Gift lays down
on the bed and closed his eyes. Pondering over the end of the seemingly perpetual
war against Salem's factions._\n\n_Outside of his room, Riley reappears in the
dormitory common room where she finds Team RWBY waiting for her as personnel within
the dorms began to prepare themselves for deployment. Walking for the door Ruby
runs up to her, passing her a deployment order._\n\nRiley: Glad you warned us to
Charlie, Rubes. \n\n_Taking the order from her hands Riley begins to read through
the messages in the paper, reading it down to the end of the message she folds it
up and tucked it in her suit pocket._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> My
pleasure, anyways, where's Gift?\n\n_Looking into the hallway, she turns back to
the team, shaking her head._\n\nRiley: He's not coming, this time Atlas wants him
to play the warlord.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What's a warlord?\n\nRiley: He's
going to guide us into battle today.\n\n_As she and the team stood by for Foley's
team, a message notification popped up in her Focus. She taps it as the message box
unfolds, revealing Foley's message to her._\n\nMessage dialog: Foley to Riley, meet
me at the main building. Bring your girls here too, JNPR's sitting this one out.
\n\n_"},"627903353682133070":{"u":0,"t":1569774225398,"m":"(gotta go now, i'll
continue later)"},"627903698319835147":{"u":1,"t":1569774307566,"m":"(Aw!�
Ok...ay � � � )"},"627903758436925461":{"u":0,"t":1569774321899,"m":"(I'm sorry,
I've been ill for the past days, forgive
me.)","te":1569774346213},"628246944464240640":{"u":1,"t":1569856143824,"m":"Gift -
Alright Ironwood, what is Warlord? is it like AC-130?"},"628248427465146390":
{"u":0,"t":1569856497399,"m":"_Now at the Academy main building, Gift sits down on
the battle control station taking Ironwood's place on the console. Behind him,
three Atlesian Army personnel move in from the door, carrying clearances for Space
United superweapon systems._\n\nIronwood: Please, call me James. And no, Warlord
isn't a combat asset, it's our callsign for anyone who's in charge of an operation.
And this time you're it. You're running your own operation like a true
general.\n\n_Finishing his explanation, Ironwood finds himself a seat next to
Gift's battle control station. Sitting down on a console labled \"Secondary Battle
Control Station.\"_"},"628248641181581322":{"u":1,"t":1569856548353,"m":"Gift -
Hey! it feel like my battle control system."},"628249397871771648":
{"u":0,"t":1569856728762,"m":"_Watching his console screen boot into activation,
the Atlesian Army's insiginia appears on the screen as a blue bar pops up
underneath._\n\n_Waiting for the system to boot, Ironwood reached into his suit and
took out his Scroll. Wiping its connector he attaches the device onto a slot next
to the battle screen._\n\nIronwood: One final step, Gift. Plug your Scroll in. Once
you plug it in you'll have control of assets in Vacuo, I'll keep things under
control while you run the operation."},"628249553585307650":
{"u":1,"t":1569856765887,"m":"Gift - Alright, Here we go!"},"628250128867655710":
{"u":0,"t":1569856903045,"m":"_Taking his Scroll out, Gift inserts the device into
a dock next to the screen as the system boots into the main interface. With his
device plugged in the screen sweeps its virtual combat space with a green
line._\n\nBattle Station AI: Combat space initiated, standing by for
orders."},"628250378437394507":{"u":1,"t":1569856962547,"m":"Gift - I see my MCV,
And that mean.... I can control it?"},"628251733818343455":
{"u":0,"t":1569857285695,"m":"(Sorry, Gift. I won't be able to continue for now, my
stomach is acting up again.)"},"628251851258593300":
{"u":1,"t":1569857313695,"m":"(Oh! O k a y)"},"628608876794740746":
{"u":1,"t":1569942435216,"m":"Gift - I don't know that can i control the unit, like
my battle control system."},"628610432805896234":
{"u":0,"t":1569942806198,"m":"_Tapping at the screen, Ironwood marks the MCV's
marker within the screen as it turns green, marking its status as ready for
deployment. He zooms out from the vehicle's marker and swipes over to the virtual
battlespace at Feldspar, marking the location for an airdrop._\n\nIronwood: You can
control individual units and friendly groups as well.\n\n_Grinning, Gift sits down
on the console as he begins to take control of the virtual battlespace. In
Feldspar, multiple Osean Federation aircraft carriers begin to arrive at a
shoreline. Deploying aerial assets inland._"},"628610657272725505":
{"u":1,"t":1569942859715,"m":"Gift - Alright, let see where are we now? Oh! near
our LZ, i will build a base there."},"628613429284044800":
{"u":0,"t":1569943520614,"m":"_Zooming in on Feldspar's marker, Gift taps into the
blue cursor as an inventory wheel appeared. From the inventory wheel he selects a
flying Condor's inventory system, commanding it to drop a care package._\n\n_At
Feldspar, multiple Osean Federation C-17 Globemasters flew overhead, dropping care
packages into the settlement, the packages, now freed from their cargo holds deploy
their retrothrusters as they land into open spaces within the settlement, with one
landing next to a house._\n\n_Crawling from a pile of rubble, Coco pulls herself
away from an awning collasped onto her during the chemical attack. Kicking a metal
rebar away, she gets up and dusted her aviators before putting it back on. Looking
around her, she finds frightened
civilians running amok, rooting through every building for
hostiles._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> _cough_ What happened here...?\n\n_As she
stood amidst the rubble, Velvet's cries echoed through settlement grounds, snapping
her out of her trance. Looking down to her waist, her minigun remains intact.
Compacted in its bag form. Sighing in relief she takes it by the handle and swings
it down as the bag transformed into its minigun
form._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Now we're
{"u":1,"t":1569943655657,"m":"Gift - I see LZ site, prepare for base construction,
Romeo, we are preparing a base, when you get there, meet with Lieutenant, he have a
plan."},"628615793323671576":{"u":0,"t":1569944084245,"m":"_From the Academy's
armory, Ruby taps at her Focus, answering Gift's
call._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, we're gearing up for deployment.
Will link up with Lieutenant once we land, Romeo out.\n\n_Letting go of the device,
she turns to the door as it opens, exposing her to the freezing air outside as an
Atlesian Manta airship landed in front of the door. From the ship, the side bay
door opens as Price jumped down from it, walking to meet the team._\n\nPrice:
Alright, seems like you're ready for action. Now, listen. Feldspar's been hit by a
chemical attack by the True Sons, our mission is to track down the ones who gave
them the toxins. Get on board.\n\n_Nodding, Ruby takes her backpack from the
ground, putting it on. With the backpack secure she begins to walk for the airship
as her teammates followed, walking through the snow-covered tarmac to the
ship._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Let's hope this one will be an easy one, Price.
\n\n_Responding to Weiss, Price smothered his cigar and throws it out of the
ship._\n\nPrice: No mission is ever easy, lass."},"628616022324150285":
{"u":1,"t":1569944138843,"m":"Gift - Ruby, are you recognize your
{"u":0,"t":1569944465343,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I see you on the
screen, we're on our way to Vacuo now.\n\n_Looking down to her wrist computer,
Gift's marker appears on her personal radar as a green blip. Breaking off the
connection between her and Gift she taps the Focus again as it beeped once, cutting
off comms briefly as the ship begins to lift off for an Arsenal Bird on
station._\n\n_At the command center within the Academy, all Gift could do was to
watch Ruby's signature slowly move towards Liberty Delta, stationed five miles from
Atlas' airspace._\n\n_Inside the Manta, as she ends the call Ruby looked down to
the floor. Pondering over what she had seen on Cap's Scroll until Soap pats her on
the shoulder, snapping her from the thoughts._\n\nSoap: Oi, stay focused. We're
close to the ship now.\n\n_Outside, as the Manta approaches the Liberty Delta,
multiple drones ejected from the wings and flew for the airship as they escorted
the Atlesian airship into the lower landing decks._"},"628617672698888201":
{"u":1,"t":1569944532323,"m":"Gift - Almost there.\n(i gonna go now, you can
continue for a bit)"},"628617710837956618":{"u":0,"t":1569944541416,"m":"(Sure
thing.)"},"626469876084768788":{"u":0,"t":1569432457706,"m":"Cpl. Dunn: What's the
hold up?\n\n_Ruby doesn't reply, instead she points to a disabled Russian
Federation BTR parked in the middle of the street. From the BTR's view, a Russian
Spetnaz soldier spots Ruby from the top of his vehicle as his teammates try to free
the Russians trapped inside due to the BTR having its electronics shorted out by
the EMP blast. The Spetnaz soldier reaches into his vest and produced an IR
flare._\n\n_Twisting the cap open the IR flare burns brightly in Ruby's view from
her scope as the Spetnaz soldier waved his flare at her. She then uses Crescent
Rose's strobe to flash a Morse code over to the soldier, to which he
responds._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _in Morse_ FRIENDLY, NOT TRUE SONS.
TEAM RWBY.\n\n_The soldier flashes his strobe back at her._\n\nSpetnaz soldier: _in
DOOR.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Got a Spetnaz waving his flares to us,
should I make the call?"},"626470473672163328":{"u":1,"t":1569432600182,"m":"Gift -
Hold! Got enemy contract from two o'clock.\nLt. Gift - Clear the area, Cap go help
them.\nCaptain Gift - Solid Copy. (Radio to Spetnaz Soldier) Hang on! i'm coming
for help, we got enemy on your nine, we will help after we secure this
area."},"626472567456137227":{"u":0,"t":1569433099379,"m":"_The Spetnaz takes his
radio close to his ears and replies back to Gift in perfect English._\n\nSpetnaz
soldier: Thank God! We've been stuck here for hours after the nuke went off in the
sky, my friends are stuck inside this vehicle. If you have secured the perimeter,
come help us!\n\n_Ruby smiles, relieved. Another soldier hails her, this time in
Russian._\n\nRussian 1: Привет! Это ты?! Серебряноглазый воин? Было бы здорово,
если бы вы могли вытащить нас из этого дерьма. (Hey! Is that you?! The Silver-Eyed
Warrior? It'd be great if you can get us out of this hunk of crap.)\n\n_From the
radio, the Spetnaz takes over and cuts the soldier from his channel. Apologizing to
Ruby._\n\nSpetnaz: Sorry, that was my friend Anatolin. By the way, I am Master
Sergeant Sergei Dyatkov. Pleasure to meet you.\n\n_Dyatkov hangs up as Ruby runs
back to her team, findinng them taking up positions on a downed Condor. Sandler
calls out the hostiles below them to her, to which she responds by reloading
Crescent Rose._\n\nPvt. Sandler: Got a visual on three tangos.\n\nSgt. Foley: Stay
low, move into position. Ruby, get to the Spetz, we'll take them out.\n\n_Ruby nods
and ran back for her team while Gift and his men move up to assist
Foley._"},"626473041714479115":{"u":1,"t":1569433212451,"m":"Captain Gift - I will
go to help them!\nGift - Take care yourself, Cap.\nLt. Gift - Alright, standing
by."},"626475006154768404":{"u":0,"t":1569433680810,"m":"_Gift, now with his team
move up and take aim alongside Foley, aiming down at the men with a Longshot
single-shot, bolt-action sniper rifle as Sandler calls out the targets
below._\n\nPvt. Sandler: Clear shot.\n\n_Cap takes aim at the group, locking them
in with a grenade with his Lancer GL._\n\nSgt. Foley: Smoke 'em.\n\n_Upon Foley's
call came the shrill scream of Cap's grenade flying into the air and breaking into
separate munitions, raining down on the True Sons below. Taking them by surprise,
as Cap stuns them with the grenade Gift takes out a gunner with a clean shot to the
head while Foley, Dunn, Sandler, and Ramirez takes the battle to the
hostiles._\n\n_Jumping down to meet the rest of the hostiles Ramirez rams the stock
of his rifle against a rifleman's head, knocking him to the ground. As the rifleman
begs for mercy he stomps him on his head, killing him._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Two more from
the north!\n\n_As two ASTs rush in to fight against the team, Gift drops his
Longshot and switched over to his RL-4 Salvo multilauncher, he locks onto the ASTs
and lets it rip as missiles streaked past Ramirez and into the two mechas.
Obliterating them and ending the fight._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Clear!"},"626475406433976330":{"u":1,"t":1569433776244,"m":"Gift - Alright, go to
help our teammate, we will not left anyone behind."},"626477838303887371":
{"u":0,"t":1569434356047,"m":"_Finished with the hostiles, Gift and his team fall
back to the BTR. At the BTR, Ruby and Yang works on breaking through the vehicle's
doors as the soldiers inside tries to break the door open from their side as
well._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yang, your full punch will get them
killed! Hit the hinges!\n\n_Yang looks down to her gauntlets and stepped back from
the door, powering up for another punch._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Alright,
here goes nothin'!\n\n_Ready to break the doors in, Yang sends a powerful haymaker
to the right door's hinges, punching them in. As the hinges caved in the right door
comes loose as Riley uses a gravity sling to tear it apart and revealing yet
another protective layer. With the layer coming into view Riley groans, perplexed
at the unnecessary protective layer._\n\nRiley Are you... kidding me?!\n\n_Inside,
the soldiers scramble to get the layers open._\n\nTrapped 1: Эй! Меня кто-нибудь
слышит? Есть там живые? Эй! (Hey! Can somebody hear me? Is there anyone alive?
Hey!)\n\nTrapped 2: Заткнись! Голова раскалывается! (Shut up! My head
hurts!)\n\n_Outside, Dyatkov yells through the Rubinoalloy layer to the soldiers
inside._"},"626477847229235201":{"u":0,"t":1569434358175,"m":"Dyatkov: Слышим,
держитесь! Мы вас вытащим! (We hear you, hold on! We'll pull you out!)\n\n_Another
soldier curses loudly, his voice reverberatin within the BTR's hull._\n\nRussian 2:
Еп тебя, как откроем этот люк? Тут же электронный замок! (Damn it, how do we open
that hatch? There is an electronic lock!)\n\nRussian 3: Заткнись и помогай! (Shut
up and help me!)\n\nTrapped 1: Выпусти нас! (Let us out!)\n\n_Raising an eyebrow
and smiling, Ruby jams the scythe blade in a seam between the protective layer and
begins to slash them away, rocking the entire vehicle._\n\nTrapped 2: Ну что так
долго? Давайте, пошли! (What's taking so long? Let's go!)\n\nDyatkov: Сиди тихо и
не паникуй! Мы вас вытащим! (Sit quietly and don't panic! We'll get you
out!)\n\n_Inside, as Ruby slashed the layers away a soldier crawls to the partly-
damaged layer and begins to tear it away with his Lancer's chainsaw attachment. As
he does so, he yells for his comrades to help._\n\nRussian 2: Руби разрывает слой,
давай! Мне нужна помощь здесь! (Ruby's tearing the layer open, c'mon! I need help
here!)"},"626478309982601266":{"u":1,"t":1569434468504,"m":"Gift - Dyatkov, tell
him we trying to help."},"626482640295428098":
{"u":0,"t":1569435500931,"m":"_Straining to get the door open, Dyatkov yells
through the layer
to shut his men up._\n\nDyatkov: Все заткнитесь нахуй! Мы тебя вытащим! (Everyone
shut the fuck up! We'll get you out!)\n\n_At las, the protective layer rips itself
away from the blasted door as troops within the BTR poured out into the open,
rejoicing over their freedrom from the disabled
BTR._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> There we go! \n\n_With Dyatkov leading his
group, they continue their way to the SDC Building. As they pass the BTR, a Russian
soldier turns back at it and gave the disabled vehicle a middle finger as Sandler
moves in to provide rear cover._\n\nPvt. Sandler: I got our six.\n\n_Looking out to
the street ahead, it remains clear of hostiles. Ruby then gestured for the group to
move up as they approach the building._\n\nCpl. Dunn: It's clear. I don't know
what's worse, man- dodging falling airhsips, rescuing thr Russians or freezing my
ass off in this \"wonderful\" Atlas weather.\n\n_Weiss chuckles, playfully pinching
at the private's arm._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Really? Summer weather's even
worse than this, trust me.\n\nPvt. Sandler: Hooah.\n\n_As the group approaches the
building, a group of people are seen on the street in front of the SDC Building
entrance, Foley stops them and quickly ushered them into any cover available to
them on the spot as he and Ruby scans the sector ahead of them._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Quiet - I think I see something. Hold your fire.\n\n_Dunn looks ino his target
enhancer sight, failing to tag them as friendlies due to missing data from the
SOLG's scanner array._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Are they friendly?\n\n_Foley
shakes his head as Ruby rose from her cover, already yelling over to the group of
people ahead._","te":1569435584747},"626482655587860480":
{"u":0,"t":1569435504577,"m":"Sgt. Foley: I don't
know...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Star! \n\n_As Ruby yells the countersign
Foley throws a flare towards them, lighting up the street. Dunn takes aim as his
target enhancer marked the people ahead in red. Wishing for the soldiers to be
friendlies._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Say Texas, dammit...just say it.\n\n_When the flare
reaches said group, it is actually True Sons soldiers. As the flare exposes them to
the group they turned around and engages the group only to be wiped out by... JD
and his squad on an Assault Derrick._\n\nJD: Cheer up, team! Cavalry's
Gift - I see you not better.\nGift - Yeah! it feel like, i got abandon.\nLt. Gift -
Like you are not in the world.\nGift - Yes.\nLt. Gift - Hey, at least Ruby have
call you Onii-Chan.\nGift - Yeah! it good, for a minute.\nLt. Gift - Hey! If they
abandon you, that mean they abandon us, we are the same person, Gift.\nGift - Yes,
i still remember.\nLt. Gift - Even they abandon you, you still with us, anytime
anywhere.\nGift - Thanks Lieutenant."},"626813987333341222":
{"u":0,"t":1569514500221,"m":"_As JD and his squad eliminates the hostiles before
them, Gift and his team prepare to move into the building as three Atlesian Marines
soldiers ran out from the front door, greeting the group._\n\nSgt. Carmine: Hey!
You're Bravo Team, right? Get inside! General Ironwood's preparing for an
assault.\n\n_Behind Gift, Sandler continues to scan the streets for hostiles.
Finding none, he runs up to join his sqaud._\n\nPvt. Sandler: Street
clear!\n\n_With the streets cleared and his teams regrouped, Foley and his men move
into the building whilst Ruby and the Atlesian Marines kept the entrance
secure._\n\nSgt. Foley: We're Oscar Mike, let's go! Watch for movement. Move
up.\n\n_Now inside, they move up and into the SDC Building's lobby, as more
surviving Atlesian soldiers emerged from their makeshift
cover._"},"626814572161925150":{"u":1,"t":1569514639655,"m":"Gift - Thanks Carmine,
Bravo Team, Let's move!\nCaptain/Commander/Sargent/Lt. Gift -
Roger."},"626816723470778379":{"u":0,"t":1569515152567,"m":"Pvt. Sandler: Feet
dry.\nCpl. Dunn: Hooah.\n\n_Inide the building, the three Marines rush to get the
door behind the group closed, masking the building from the eyes of the enemy
outside. Annoyed with the unnecessary chatter Foley turns to the two and shuts them
up._\n\nSgt. Foley: Cut the chatter. Ramirez, take point.\n\n_Ramirez nods as he
and Ruby move down the stairs into a basement. Behind them, much of the team tagged
along, with the exception being the Spetnatz soldiers staying behind to secure the
building for friendlies. The group enters the basement where they find a massive
blast door with the Kingdom of Atlas' insignia on its central lock._\n\n_In awe at
the uncanny resemblance of the blast door's design reminding him of his past
deployment in the States, Dunn pokes at the door's exposed wires, trailing them up
to the main switch._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Whoa, check out the seal on this door... I
thought the Atlesians would be keeping things stealthy, now? I don't think so.
\n\n_From the door's intercom came Ironwood's voice, blaring and echoing within the
vast underground area._\n\nGen. Ironwood: This tunnel system serves as a part of
Zero Dawn's global network of underground shelters and facilities. Open that door,
it will lead you directly to the Council's East Wing
entrance."},"626818442523312128":{"u":1,"t":1569515562421,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey!
We got a bad new.\nGift - What is it?\nSargent Gift - Atlesian army have prepare
for bombing run to clear the city, their operation will begin in 3 hours.\nLt. Gift
- Just preparing?\nSargent Gift - Yes, now they are finding a survivor, we must get
to the rooftop and light green flare.\nCaptain Gift - That's mean.....\nSargent
Gift - Their operation will delay because helping survivors.\nGift - We still have
a hope.\nSargent Gift - And that area, didn't get effect from EMP.\nGift - We don't
have much time, we have to hurry before bombing run are
ready."},"626821118925209613":{"u":0,"t":1569516200525,"m":"Cpl. Dunn: Ruby, get
that door open.\n\n_Ruby nods, walking up to the console. The console activates
itself as the Kingdom's insignia appears on-screen with a blank slot, above it, a
CREDENTIALS\"._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Proper credentials,
hmm...\n\n_Grabbing her family emblem, she rips it from her cloak and presents it
to a scanner hanging right above the door as laser beams locked onto the emblem. As
she held the emblem up, the blast door shakes as its gears spun around, splitting
the door into two as air rushed into the chamber._\n\n_The blast door continues to
open until stopping with a loud bang as they stuck to their magnetic locks. The
console's screen shuts down as a shrill voice came from its speakers._\n\nConsole
AI: Credentials approved, please proceed.\n\n_With the blast door open, she runs
back to her team, Crescent Rose at the ready._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Door's open, let's move!\n\n_The group begin to run into the other siide of the
tunnel system, folliwing a sentient JACK module guiding them to a surface bunker
where they find themselves inside the bunker's deployment bay. Now arrived at the
bunker a fellow Ranger greets Ramirez._\n\nRanger: Hey, you made it! Ironwood wants
you guys to lead the battle, you're up.\n\n_Ramirez nods, walking back to the team.
The rest of the group move to the front door, where gunfire and explosions come
within earshot. The door opens as Ironwood walks down from a sloped entryway to
meet the teams._\n\nGen. Ironwood: Congratulations in making it up here, I'm
impressed. Now listen, the Council still has power thanks to the nuclear warhead
missing it completely, but enemy troops still remain their foothold within the
buildings. We need you to charge into battle and lead the Rangers outside into the
council buildings.","te":1569516270529},"626821553140531201":
{"u":1,"t":1569516304050,"m":"Gift - Understood, Alright task force, Let's
move!\nCommander Gift - I will keep update about bombing run
{"u":0,"t":1569516802708,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, let's
move!\n\n_As everyone prepares for battle, Ruby takes the lead, running up the
sloped entryway out into the open with her teammates behind her. The team reaches
the Airship Landing pads where Glynda and Summer are leading a group of Rangers to
retake the Council, which is under True Sons control._\n\n_Seen standing on top of
a disbaled MBT, Summer screamed orders into her Focus device, using a dead Ranger's
Lancer GL rifle to take out enemies in front of
her._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Pathfinder, keep hitting 'em with the GLs!
Get more men moving on the left flank! Glynda, get Team Romeo up here
now!\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> I'm on it!\n\n_Glynda jumps down from a Kestrel
and lands in front of Team RWBY, her stun baton in hand. Foley meets up with
Summer, who is overlooking the Council through her binocculars._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Summer, what's the situation here?\n\n_Deflecting a bullet away with her wrist-
mounted plasma blades, she replies to Foley. Screaming over the
gunfire._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> You're lookin' at the 'high ground'
Foley! There's still power in the Council! That means we still have a way to talk
to Central Command if we can retake it! Now get your squad moving up after Glynda!
GO!\n\n_In the sky, Riley is seen providing close air support using her abilities,
sending laser beams and raining down energy projectiles at the hostiles below as
Foley leads his team down the left flank. Machine gun fire and RPGs rain down all
over the Landing Pads._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Engaging
{"u":1,"t":1569517208376,"m":"Gift - Sargent, RPG second floor.\nSargent Gift - Got
it. (firing M14 EBR)"},"626826002072469505":{"u":0,"t":1569517364758,"m":"_Running
within the trenches, an enemy soldier runs up to Weiss and knocks her to
the ground with the stock of his rifle. Getting back up from the attack she stabs
the soldier in his crotch with the Myrtenaster._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Say
goodnight.\n\n_After being stabbed in the crotch the soldier screamed in pain, not
wishing to be left behind Weiss moves out of the trenches, climbing onto a disabled
MD turret. Behind her, Ruby jumps into the air, spinning her scythe around wildly,
deflecting incoming fire back at the machine gun positions._\n\n_On the ground,
Nora lobbed grenades into the balconies with Magnhild's grenade launcher form,
forcing the True Sons above to abandon their positions. Behind her, Pyrrha picks
them off one by one with Milo in its rifle form, shooting the fleeing hostiles
down._\n\n_Emerging from the trenches, Blake uses her sheath to deflect incoming
bullets and returned fire with Gambol Shroud's pistol configuration as Yang takes
out an enemy MD turret, throwing its wreckage at a group of riflemen with the
resulting shockwave from her punches._\n\n_On the right flank, Ren and Jaune slash
their way through the general infantry units, disabling them. As Ren is about to
finish off a DR-1 an Atlesian Knight grabs him by the throat and prepares to kill
him. Saving his friend, Jaune grabs an EMP grenade from his belt and throws it at
the DR, destroying it and causing the bot to let Ren go._\n\nSgt. Foley: Work your
way to the left! Ramirez, let's go!"},"626826564180508712":
{"u":1,"t":1569517498775,"m":"Gift - Keep moving!\nLt. Gift - I almost there, see
multiple contract.\nGift - Cap, Flashbang standby.\nCaptain Gift - Flashbang
standing by."},"626828442415005706":{"u":0,"t":1569517946581,"m":"_Over at Ramirez,
he and his team move further towards the East Wing, Ramirez takes out another
searchlight positioned on the roof as Gift and his team contnue to lay down
suppression fire at the remaining machine gunners above them._\n\nSgt. Foley: We
need to punch through right here! Take out those machine guns!\n\n_Yanking
a \"Sniper\" variant of the Crescent Rose from a dead True Sons' body Ramirez takes
out machine gun positions on the roof as the team moves forward to the East Wing.
Behind him, Team JNPR continues to push to the Wing's
entryway._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> C'mon! Push up the entryway!\n\n _Back at
Team RWBY, they continue to engage hostiles within the trenches. Ruby leaps ino the
air again and brings her scythe down on a hostile Manta'port wing, cutting it in
half and causing the ship to spin around in distress. With the enemy ship disposed
she lands next to her mother, already reloading Crescent Rose with a fresh
magazine._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's the plan, Mom?!\n\n_Summer
turns to meet her daughter, reloading her wrist-mounted energy blades with new
batteries._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Retake the council, that's all we have
to do. JNPR's already inside the Oval Office, on me!\n\n_Ruby runs after her
mother, from then, Weiss, Blake, and Yang fall in behind her as well as they move
up to Team JNPR's position at the Oval Office. After running through stray bullets
and stragglers they make it into the office as Dunn moves a painting to listen to a
speaker behind it, which is transmitting a message._"},"626828449134149632":
{"u":0,"t":1569517948183,"m":"_Tossing the paining away Summer yanks the speaker
from Dunn's hands and listen in on the broadcast. In the air, from Trigger's
cockpit he begins to transmit his pre-recorded message. Priming his load of B61C
cold-fusion cruie missiles._\n\nStrider One: This is Strider 1 to any friendly
units in Atlas, Hammerdown is in effect. I repeat, Hammerdown is in effect. If you
are receiving this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure.
\n\n_He pauses, looking to his right to find Cossette's X-02S preparing its cold-
fusion missiles as well._\n\nStrider One: Deploy green flares on the roof of this
structure to indicate that you are still combat effective. We will abort our
mission on direct visual contact with this counter-sign. Repeat, deploy green
flares to indicate that you are still combat effective. Strider One,
{"u":1,"t":1569518054251,"m":"Commander Gift - Strider One, when it going to
fire?"},"626830903804559390":{"u":0,"t":1569518533422,"m":"Strider One: Two minute
to weapons release.\n\n_As the transmission ends, Summer throws the speaker onto
the floor as Trigger's voice is heard in her Focus. She readies herself, preparing
for close-quarters combat. Shocked, Dunn picks the speaker up and throws it to
Foley._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Sarge, are you reading this?!\n\n_Shaking his head at his
teammate's inability to remain focused, Foley retorts._\n\nSgt. Foley: That's why
we gotta go! Now get the door!\n\nCpl. Dunn: Roger that!\n\n_Ruby steps away as
Dunn shoots the door open and moves out of the Oval Office. Outside, Team RWBY
switches over to their \"Tactical\" loadout as Ruby brandishes her Mk12 Mod 0
Special Purpose Rifle._\n\n_Weiss reached to her back and brings out the Kriss
Vector, modded with an exteded barrel plus compensator, a holographic sight,
extended magazines and a foregrip._\n\n_Blake reaches into her suit and swpas
Gambol Shroud to the M4 rifle, attched with SOPMOD attachments, Yang, choosing to
retain her gauntlets keeps them attached to her wrists, brandishing the AA-12
shotgun. She cocks the charging handle, preparing the gun for combat._\n\n_Behind
them, Team JNPR changes to their tactical loadout as well as Jaune's shield turns
into a Mk3M \"Montague\" Mobile Shield system, in his right hand, he grips the M17
pistol tightly. Pyrrha taps into her wrist computer as her rifle trasnforms into a
Falkor Petra, attached with a close-range IG4 Combat
Scope._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Sweet!\n\n_Ren's StormFlower remains the
same, with the only change to his apparel being extra load-bearing vests and an
LBE, Nora's Magnhild changes into the Milkor MGL launcher much to her amusement,
with the two teams ready Foley takes the lead, kicking a barricade away._\n\n_With
the team armed an ready they begin to engage True Sons forces inside the
{"u":1,"t":1569518671861,"m":"Gift - Double time Task force, We don't wanna die
here.\nLt. Gift - Because we gonna make in time.\nCommander Gift - Bravo team,
Weapon will release in two minutes.\nGift - We must hurry."},"626833651572932629":
{"u":0,"t":1569519188541,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Spread out and
attack!\n\n_With a hostile in her sight, she guns him down with a rapid four-shot
salvo into his chest, knocking him to the floor, Weiss rushed forward and tossed
two threat grenades into the Press Office and sprays the True Sons with bullets
from her Vector._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Switching
positions!\n\n_Blake takes aim and guns down a hostile grenadier with accurate
shots to his helmet, finished, she switched targets to the Press Office's door and
pumped three rounds into an opening. A gurgled scream is heard as the door open to
reveal a True Sons specialist crawling from the door, dying._\n\n_Using her
Semblance to its limits, Yang takes incoming fire from all directions and returns
them in the form of explosive fragmentation shotshell fired from her AA-12, mowing
down hostiles and tearing the broadcast equipments
away._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Move up! MOVE!\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Covering Nora!\n\n_Jaune uses his mobile shield to absorb a True Sons grunt's
inaccurate shots as Nora hides behind it. Ren and Pyrrha then takes down the grunt
with shots to his body. Killing him._\n\nSgt. Foley: We got less than two minutes
before they flatten the kingdom! We gotta get to the roof and stop 'em! \n\n_Done
with the Press Office, the teams move into the cafeteria, where more troops rush in
to meet the team. In the air, Trigger's timer counts down to 90 seconds, he then
broadcast the time out to troops below._\n\nStrider One: Ninety seconds to weapons
{"u":1,"t":1569519297009,"m":"Lt. Gift - I found the shortcut.\nGift - Get to the
roof now!\nSargent Gift - Cap, green flare.\nCaptain Gift - Standing
by."},"626836679071760394":{"u":0,"t":1569519910353,"m":"Sgt. Foley: 90 seconds! We
gotta push through!\n\n_Gift and his team rush to a shortcut only to find the
breached wall collasped, frustrated, he runs back to Ruby as Foley kicks open a
door, allowing JNPR to move in first. Team RWBY soon caught up with Hunter and JNPR
as they ready their flares._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Clear! Move up! \n\n
_The group move up a slope of rubble to the Command Floor. From there they engage
more hostiles. Ruby pushes a hostile down to the ground and stomps him in the head,
killing the grunt. Taking aim she begins to take down hostiles across the floor as
her teammates spread out and engaged hostiles upon
sight._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> More incoming! Yang, toss a cluster
frag!\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> On it!\n\n_Yang reaches into her LBE and ripped
six cluster fragmentation grenades bundled into one and tosses it over her cover as
the grenades split into sub-munitions. Detonating across the floor and eliminating
enemies within the floor. Her radio comes to life again as Trigger's timer counts
down to one minute._\n\nStrider One: One minute to weapons
release.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> One minute! GO!\n\n_After Yang's
cluster grenades wiped the floor clean, all True Sons soldiers are eliminated, the
teams then push into an accessway leading to the rooftop as Trigger's timer counts
down even faster, this time beign at thirty seconds._\n\nStrider One: Thirty
seconds to weapons release.\n\n_Looking back at her teammates, Weiss shouts for
them to push into the accessway, already making a run for
They're going to bomb the Council, let's go!\n\n_The team continue to pile into
the accessway as they make their way up to the roof, the sounds of fighter jets
flying overhead coming within the teams' earshot._\n\nSgt. Foley: 30 seconds! We
gotta get to the roof now! Go! Go! Get to the roof! Move!\n\n_Blake kicks the door
down as the teams frantically run up the stairs to the rooftop. From her radio,
Trigger's chatter comes in. Not caring of the transmission she stood guard at the
rooftop access door as her allies ran up to her. In the air, Trigger and Cossette
begin to mark their targets for the cold-fusion bombs._\n\nTrigger: Standby. Target
package Alpha Whiskey Hotel Zero-One has been authorized. Standby.\n\nCossette:
Roger. Standby.","te":1569519960020},"626837045985280060":
{"u":1,"t":1569519997832,"m":"Gift - Ah!!! (feel pain)\nLt. Gift - Hang on! it
almost over, Come let me help you."},"626838771094126612":
{"u":0,"t":1569520409130,"m":"_Hearing her brother grunting in pain, Ruby turns
back and ran for Gift. An autoinjector in her hand. She runs up to her and carried
him by the arm, plunging the injector's needle into his
chest._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hang tight! Stay with me, we're almost
at the roof!\n\n_Behind him, Jaune and Pyrrha break off from their team and helps
Ruby carry Gift up to the roof._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We got you,
Gift! \n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> C'mon! Move!\n\n_Ruby and Jaune carry Gift
by his limbs as they hoisted him up the roof. Foley and his team arrive at the
rooftop's broken door as Trigger's squadron flies into view._\n\nRamirez: USE YOUR
FLARES, NORA!\n\n_Ramirez shouts into Nora's face as he forced a flare into her
hands, Nora takes it and without hesitation twisted the cap off as it begins to
burn green. Done with helping Nora, Ramirez and a Ranger who has popped his green
flares run up a slope of rubble, gaining more ground._\n\nSgt. Foley: Use your
flares!\n\n_From their suits, Ruby an Jaune also pops their flares, taking care to
set Gift down on a clearing close to the two. In the air, as green flares come into
view, Trigger immediately aborts the bombing run, pulling the cold-fusion bombs
back into safe mode._\n\nTrigger: Countersign detected at Whiskey Hotel! Abort,
abort!\nCossette: We got a countersign, abort mission! Repeat, abort
mission!"},"626839313799184385":{"u":1,"t":1569520538521,"m":"Gift - We make
it.\nLt. Gift - Yeah! we make it.\nSargent Gift - It over, right?\nGift - I don't
know, at least we can drive them back."},"626842231680139274":
{"u":0,"t":1569521234198,"m":"_In the sky, Trigger's squadron flies over the
Council, their bombs deactivated._\n\nCossette: Aborting weapons release. Rolling
out.\n\n_As the two jets leave Atlas airspace, more green flares begin to appear
from rooftops across the buildings ahead of the council. Relieved, Ruby drops her
flares and fals to the ground, sobbing into her palms as Summer consoles
her._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> It's over, it's finally over.\n\n_Weiss drops
her weapons and sits on the dirty ground as Blake and Yang followed suit. The three
of them stare off into the orange sky of Atlas as the sun rises, brightening the
city._\n\n_The team regroups at the roof with relief. Ramirez and the other Ranger
drop their flares and turned to their side to meet Team JNPR, Jaune looks back at
them. Smiling._\n\nRamirez: At least we made it through this shitstorm, for
now...\n\n_Jaune doesn't reply, instead he turns away from Ramirez and walks to
Pyrrha. Seen ahead of them are other similarly hardened structures in the distance,
green smoke emanating from their roofs and marking the end of the Battle of Atlas,
with the Rangers, Atlesian Army and other friendly forces winning the
battle._\n\n_A Ranger sits next to Summer, smoking a cigarillo he'd gotten as
contraband from a fellow Ranger of his, lightin one between his lips he handed
Summer a lit one, to which she took it from his hand and placed it between her
lips._\n\nRanger: So when are we goin' to ice Salem and her goons?\n\n_Summer
smiles at the Ranger, puffing smoke from her
mouth._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Unil Riley can get Space United... united.
Her forces are in shambles after the Fall and Salem's attack on Earth's
forces.\n\n_Dunn walks to her and sits with her. Tossing his spent flare
away._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Not soon enough, man. But I know we're gonna smash her to the
fuckin ground when we get there."},"626842727807582239":
{"u":1,"t":1569521352484,"m":"Gift - Hey Lieutenant I....\nLt. Gift - Don't worry,
forget your abandon feeling.\nGift - Yeah, i...wi...ll."},"626843875230744586":
{"u":0,"t":1569521626051,"m":"_Calmin herself down, Ruby gets up from the ground
and staggered her way to Gift, clutching her stomach. As she got up, her teammates
get back on their feet as they, too, walked their way to their commander._\n\n_Upon
the sight of Gift's tattered armor, Ruby knelt down next to him, pulling him up
into an embrace._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just rest, everything's going
to be alright.\n\n_As she embraced him, Weiss takes out her Scroll and begins to
scan Gift's vitals. Not amused with its results she brings up her Scroll's spectral
scanner unit and scans his heart to find the cracks on its surface healing.
Astonished, she taps at Gift's shoulder, breaking the news to
him._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Hey, I... don't know what's happening, but your
heart. It's healing...","te":1569521632077},"626844873693331456":
{"u":1,"t":1569521864103,"m":"Lt. Gift - Because before this, he have tell
everything about some area, but nobody listen, so his mind was began to negative
way, like he got abandoned, no one care about him, but less of us are care him but
seem not enough."},"626847940065099786":{"u":0,"t":1569522595183,"m":"_As
Lieutenant says this, tears begin to well up in Weiss' eyes, putting her Scroll
back inside her pouch she listens in on Lieutenant's words.
Trembling._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Yeah, I've been excessively harsh on him
too...\n\n_Struggling to keep her tears down, she wipes her eyes with her gloved
hands. Ruby lets go of Gift as he sits upright on his own, feeling his heart
healing from its damage. Before Weiss could begin with her apology Blake interrupts
her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I... just wanted to say that I'm sorry
for not being with you when you need us. \n\n_Yang chimed in, placing her weapons
down._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Me too, I don't really know what to say, but
all I know is that... I'm sorry.\n\n_From the sky, Riley lands gently next to
Weiss. Casting beams of light onto the girls and Gift. As Yang and Blake finished
with their apologies, Weiss, being the last to speak begins her
apology._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I know that since the Fall, or even before
the Fall I've been harsh on you, but after all you've done for me at the Mansion,
at Haven, here... \n\n_As she stares into Gift's injuries and his healing heart,
tears stream down her face on their own accord._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> After
all these times, I really wished I wasn't such a jerk to you. I really
am...\n\n_Gift nods, extending an arm out to reach her. As Weiss cried throgh her
apology, she regains her composure, stopped herself from sobbing uncontrollably and
stared into Gift's eyes._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I'm sorry for everything I'd
done to you, and for that... I would like you to forgive
me."},"626848374175301674":{"u":1,"t":1569522698683,"m":"Gift - Yes Weiss, I
forgive you. (kiss on Weiss left check)"},"626850823720271886":
{"u":0,"t":1569523282700,"m":"_Gift leaned in close, and gently kissed on Weiss'
left cheek. From Lieutenant's scanner, the cracks on his heart begins to steadily
heal themlseves as Riley broke the strings of light on the girls' backs. Keeping
Gift's intact as she continues to mend her partner's heart._\n\n_At Hunter's spot,
Foley looks out to the city in flames as he, Summer and Ramires stared into the
open. Having burned through the Ranger's cigarillo he tosses the unburnt end to the
ground below as radio chatter resumes its normal flow._\n\nSgt. Foley: _sighs_ When
the time is right, Corporal. When the time is right.\n\n_Having said his words, he
look out into the distance at the city in flames._\n\n_At Salem's Keep, the
Evernight, she watches the city and its green flares on rooftops from a Seer's
projection. Clenching a fist, she smashes the Seer's orb, causing it to scream and
fly away from her._\n\n_From a True Sons High Commander's Focus, Cinder roots
through the Commander's past engagements and his encounters with Ruby, intenti on
killing her as Watts yanked the Focus away from her and crushed it in his hands. At
this, she gets up from her seat, took the Commander's Snub pistol and aims it at
his face._\n\n_Unfazed, Watts smirks, pushing his forehead close to its
muzzle._\n\nWatts: Go ahead, if Miss Rose's, and my death makes you feel
better."},"626851667341737987":{"u":1,"t":1569523483835,"m":"Sargent Gift - Ha! He
deserve this, for messing with us."},"626854498563784705":
{"u":0,"t":1569524158851,"m":"_Cinder growls, pushing the muzzle even closer as
Watts raised his right han, slapping the pistol away. He then tackles her to the
ground, pressing a knife to her throat._\n\nWatts: For a Maiden, I expected more
than just resorting to weapons. Go back to bed and cry, child. Your attempts in
getting even with Ruby only proves to be detrimental to our cause.\n\n_The
Commander laughs as he picks the broken Focus from Watts' pocket and takes out a
new one._\n\nTrue Sons Commander: You can't even pilot a jet to save your life, how
else would you kill that girl? Cry? Pft.\n\n_Laughing, he walks away, leaving
Cinder with Watts as Salem stands up from the throne, a Light Energy crystal in her
hand._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Our threats
have evolved, if we continue to bicker like children our mission will end soonr
that we thought. They are getting even, and we, too... Must be
even.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> How?\n\n_Salem walks closer to her, raising
the energy shard to Cinder's face._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Not
only Ruby has mastered her power, she has three more of her kind in her assistance.
I'm going to make you better...","te":1569524406962},"626855204012425237":
{"u":1,"t":1569524327043,"m":"Sargent Gift - I'm boring to see those thing, (Turn
back to Gift) But i'm glad that you happy Gift, If you didn't hear that word, we
haven't come this far."},"626856353830535168":
{"u":0,"t":1569524601181,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Look! It's Cossette!
She's here!\n\n_Hearing Ruby's shouts the team spun around to find a fleet of
Erusean CH-53 Sea Stallions flying into view. From the cockpit, Cossette hollered
over to the teams from her radio._\n\nCossette: Look up, everyone! Your Uber ride
to Atlas Academy has arrived! \n\n_The lead Stallion lands before Ruby, its rear
door open. From the interior, JD and Kait emerge from the copter as they pull Ruby
and her teammates in._\n\nJD: Thought you guys were toast out there, sorry if we
didn't stop by and help you retake the Council!"},"626857395989250083":
{"u":1,"t":1569524849651,"m":"Gift - Hey Lieutenant, don't mind if you.....\nLt.
Gift - Yeah! i will help you, now here your rest time, take your time Gift.\nGift -
Okay, put me sit here.\nLt. Gift - Right.\nGift - Today is crazy.\nLt. Gift - Yeah,
it crazy, non stop mission.\nGift - I can rest now?\nLt. Gift - Yeah, until we
reach Atlas Academy."},"626857684045660162":{"u":0,"t":1569524918329,"m":"_From the
pilot's seat Avril shouts to him over the sound of the engines._\n\nAvril: Don't
worry, you'll get as much rest as you need. The Academy's hit pretty hard too,
though many areas were spared, and that includes the
dormitories."},"626858305469546517":{"u":1,"t":1569525066488,"m":"Gift - I gonna
sleep now, but did anyone have pillow?\nLt. Gift - No, i don't have.\nSargent Gift
- Me too.\nCaptain Gift - I also.\nGift - Alright, where did i get a pillow for
rest now."},"626858378358161429":{"u":0,"t":1569525083866,"m":"(I gotta gonow,
continue later?)"},"626858444888211458":
{"u":0,"t":1569169129258,"m":"(Roger, will input more lines to continue
from)"},"625724079806087208":{"u":1,"t":1569254646017,"m":"Captain Gift - King
Tajitu, I never think i will see it again.\nCommander Gift - Have you seen it
before?\nCaptain Gift - Yes, But i don't know it come for ally or foe, i can talk
with it.\nCommander Gift - If we don't try we will never
giant snake stares Gift's team down as Cap approaches it, smirking at the team it
moved its head down to the ground to meet the captain. Its crimson red eye glowing
in the dark. Cap gets closer to the monster, but as he gets close the Tajitu rammed
its tail head into the ground and dives into the subterranean tunnels, never to be
seen again._\n\n_As the Tajitu makes its escape within the underground tunnels, it
continues to traverse the vast tunnel systems until coming to a halt at a defense
ring depot. Curious, it approaches the defense ring as the gigantic ring's set of
blades begins to rotate, whirring loudly within the underground hangar, suddenly,
the ring launches itself at the Tajitu, ramming its full set of blades onto it and
tearing away the giant snake._\n\n_At the crash site, with Ruby taken out of the
fight the rest of her team continues to assist Foley's team in defending their
position as more hostiles moved in from airships. With additional airships
breaching their last line of defense Foley calls out to Sandler, ordering the
private to sound off the new target._"},"625727173378048026":
{"u":1,"t":1569255383582,"m":"Captain Gift - Tajitu, It me Cap, Can you remember? I
know you miss me, No need to hide, i know you come to help us, Please Tell
me.\n(Camera switch to Gift)\nSargent Gift - Here! (Throw Special RGB) I know your
heart beginning crack, Use this to heal yourself.\nGift - Thanks, You also really
good at psychic.\nSargent Gift - Feeling and Emotion, These things can't
lie."},"625730444503154738":{"u":0,"t":1569256163479,"m":"_Sandler, now burdened
with covering Ruby from enemy fire scans his sector for more targets as a hostile
airship flies into view, he takes aim at the airship and prepares to fire as his
sergeant shouted at him again for the airship's location._\n\nSgt. Foley: Sandler,
sound off!\n\n_Breaking his aim, he lases the airship with his dazzler attachment,
disorienting its pilot and causing the ship to sway off its course. He calls out
the ship to his team, still keeping his dazzler unit locked onto the ship's
cockpit._\n\nPvt. Sandler: New target, range, 80 meters!\n\n_From a pile of rubble,
McCord acknowledges the new target as he and Weiss popped up from their cover and
prepare to engage the airship. McCord locks onto the ship with his suit-mounted
targeting device as Weiss readies up Myrtenaster, casting flames out from its Dust
ejection ports, with the ship in her sight she jumps into the air amd swings the
rapier horizontally as a wave of fire burns through the ship's armor._\n\n_Having
launched the fire wave at the airship she conjures black glyphs around the airship
and prepares to pin it to the ground as the airship's gunner aimed his starboard
gun emplacement at her and opened fire, forcing her to withdraw. As she flees from
the incoming fire, a stray bullet ricocheting off of a car hits her on the back,
breaking her balance and sending her plummeting to the ground._\n\n_With Weiss
injured from the airship returnin fire, McCord runs up to her and drags her into
cover, pushing her next to Ruby. He then hollered her condition to the rest of his
team._\n\nPvt. McCord: One-two's hit!"},"625730933668184115":
{"u":1,"t":1569256280105,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gift, Quickly heal yourself, Before
your heart can't heal."},"625732763831500800":{"u":0,"t":1569256716450,"m":"_Seeing
another teammate of his injured Dunn swears under his breath, switching his aim
from the ground troops to the airship. Firing at the airship, his rifle runs out of
ammunition. He reaches into his vest for more ammunition to find all of his
magazines empty. Angered, he curses at the enemy and calls out his ammo
count._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Tracer! Three rounds left!\n\n_McCord, having taken Weiss
into cover reaches into his LBE, taking out a QuickClot injector. Twisting its cap
open he jams the injector's needle close to her torso wound, pumping hemostatic
chemicals into her bloodstream. Pulling the injector out he throws it away, running
outside and assisting Ramirez in their last stand against the enemy._\n\n_However,
as he moved in a True Sons AST lights up the area with machine gun fire, forcing
the private to dive for cover. Now behind a mobile cover, he calls out the mecha
for his teammates._\n\nPvt. McCord: AST ahead!
\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Copy, I got incoming ships dead
ahead!\n\n_Blake ditches her position on the Black Hawk's tail and runs up to Dunn,
the corporal then provides her covering fire as she moves from cover to cover. Now
at Dunn's position she yanked a dead True Sons grunt's Embar rifle and begins to
fire back at the enemy as McCord is shot and wounded._\n\nSgt. Foley: Private! Hang
on!\n\n_Foley turns to the private and back at the advancing hostiles as more
continue to pour into the crash site. He turns to his left to find Ramirez, Sandler
and Yang still in the fight and providing him additional firepower. Crawling his
way inside the Black Hawk, McCord succumbs to his injuries as he laid down next to
Ruby, grasping the young Huntress' hand for
{"u":0,"t":1569256718393,"m":"_With McCord out of the fight, Dunn looks to his
right, a Tri-Shot gatling cannon lies within his reach. Its barrel perched up on a
car wreck. Grinning, he dives out from his cover for the cannon, running into the
AST's line of fire. As Dunn ran for the cannon Foley yells over to his men,
ordering them to provide the corporal covering fire._\n\nSgt. Foley: Dunn's going
for the gun, cover him!\n\n_Back inside the Black Hawk McCord continues to crawl
his way to Ruby, grunting in pain with every motion. Finally reaching the young
Huntress he rested his head on her lap as Ruby's eyes welled with tears, taking the
dying private's hand to her chest, pressing it close. As she pressed his hand she
begins to feel his heartbeat fading away. Looking down to the private, her eyes
soon locked with his as the private spends his final moments staring up into her
eyes._\n\nPvt. McCord: I'm... sorry...\n\n_McCord shakes as he coughs up coagulated
blood, sputtering it on her face. Mmustering whatever strength he has left he
raised his left hand and tries to wipe away the blood only to have Ruby pull his
hand away. From across the fyselage, Weiss crawled up to the private on her knees,
a morphine injector in her hand._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's
okay...\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Here, let me help..\n\n_Injecting him with a
lethal dose, Weiss throws the spent injector away as McCord croaked his dying
wishes to Ruby and her, struggling with every word._\n\nPvt. McCord: Tell my
friends... _coughs_ I'm glad to have-- fought with them...\n\n_Shocked sppechless,
all that Ruby could do was to nod and watch McCord's life slip away before her eyes
as she felt his hand grow cold. After holding onto his last breath McCord finally
dies as his breathing slows down to a halt. Eyes
{"u":1,"t":1569256848897,"m":"Captain Gift - Tajitu, Our EMP is in your, I need it
to protect my teammate."},"625734358149627905":
{"u":0,"t":1569257096565,"m":"_Closing the private's eyes, Weiss sat next to Ruby,
her back propped up against the fuselage of the crashed helicopter. Staring outside
the ship to the battle, as she stared at the fires burning on the streets, tears
begin to stream down her face, sobbing over McCord's
death._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's okay, you did the right
thing.\n\n_Embracing her friend, Ruby pulled Weiss in close, shielding her eyes
from the scenes of destruction around her. Outside, as Blake continues to engage
the enemy she looked to her side to find McCord missing. Running up to the
sergeant, she asks him of the private's
status._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Sir, where's McCord?\n\n_Solemnly,
Foley turns to her, shaking his head._\n\nSgt. Foley: He's dead, Blake.\n\n_Not
receiving any telepathic responses, Cap looks into his scanner as he scans
frequencies for the EMP emitter's tracker device. The scanner pings as it warns him
of its last known location. As the device beeped he looked into his scope, the
screen reads: TARGET LOST, NO FREQUENCY DETECTED._\n\n_From behind, JD and his team
runs up to him, their battle gear damaged beyond recognition. From the group, Kait
walks up to the captain with a sad look on her face._\n\nKait: You're not going to
like this, but the emitter's gone. That Tajitu ran into a defense ring, it...
killed itself.","te":1570265258591},"625734645346074624":
{"u":1,"t":1569257165038,"m":"Captain Gift - Even Without Emitter, i still can use
hands him a data chip containing a surveillance video obtained from a defense ring
deployment bay, showing the Tajitu staring at the gigantic ring contraption. The
video buffers and skips to the Tajitu's remains being splattered all over the
camera lenes._\n\n_Hearing what Cap has said, Kait shook her head an
sighed._\n\nKait: There's no way you can do this alone, listen. I just got a report
that a nuclear warhead is on its way to Atlas airspace. If you can get it to
detonate in high altitude--\n\n_Del interrupts her, clearing his throat_\n\nDel: A
high altitude nuclear explosion can and will deny the enemy... and our ability to
use any air, naval, or space assets. Combined with Atlas' unstable electromagnetic
fields emitted from that giant gravity Dust keeping the city afloat...\n\n_Marcus
intervenes, stopping Del from speaking up._\n\nMarcus: The city's electronics will
be destroyed completely, anything that runs on electricity will be permanently
{"u":1,"t":1569257662831,"m":"Captain Gift - And i know who shot that Nuclear
Missile, Lieutenant Gift.\nLieutenant Gift - Yes, Cap sorry for coming
late.\nCaptain Gift - No, You come on time Lieutenant.\nLieutenant Gift - I have
set that warhead to detonate itself when it got on target location, and Yes, No
effect to friendly unit.\nCaptain Gift - Alright, Gift need help, i want you to
help him.\nLieutenant Gift - Sure thing! (Use Blizzard teleport to Gift
location)"},"625739499720278023":{"u":0,"t":1569258322411,"m":"_With news of the
nuclear warhead on its way to Atlas, Cap, Lieutenant and Delta Squad rallied
themselves and begins to push through enemy soldiers to the crash site._\n\n_At the
Mt. Glenn Complex, a surveillance satellite tracks the nuclear missile launched
from a Scinfaxi-class submarine by Captain Price, the satellite then begins to
track the warhead's trajectory as a simulation of the warhead is displayed on the
main screen._\n\n_With the warhead within the satellite's scan range, it then
analyzes a nuclear shelter nested deep under Atlas' underground contingency
complexes where General Ironwood, Glynda and Riley discuss their next course of
action. As they sat in their seats, the United Kingdoms of Remnant Secretary of
Defense gets up from her seat and displays the simulation out for personnel to
see._ \n\nSecDef: As of now, the missile's vector puts it en route to the Atlesian
East Cost. We will lose the Mansion FOB and the Council if the warhead makes direct
impact. All restoration and re-population efforts will be next to
impossible.\n\n_Ironwood frowns, tapping a slide into the display
unit._\n\nIronwood: If it comes to that, we Atlesians can... and will rebuild
{"u":1,"t":1569258487630,"m":"Lieutenant Gift - Did i come on time?\nGift -
Lieutenant!\nLieutenant Gift - Yes, i come here for help.\nSargent Gift - Hey
Lieutenant, Need some help here.\nLieutenant Gift - Solid
Copy."},"625741033904406568":{"u":0,"t":1569258688189,"m":"_The Secretary of
Defense turns to Glynda as the Valerian general hands her a folder. Taking the
folder the Secretary clears her throat and brings up a simulation screen, turning
to Ironwood._\n\nSecDef: Casualties?\n\nIronwood: Possibly 70,000 to 250,000.
Depends on the exact location of the detonation. All systems will go down, but
hard-light APS domes may weaken the initial blast.\n\n_The Secretary allows a
teardrop to stream down her right cheek. Lamenting over her supposed
fault._\n\nSecDef: General, you warned us. We should've listened.\n\n_Ironwood gets
up from his seat and walks to the console, his revolver raised high._\n\nIronwood:
When the future children of Remnant speak of this moment, we will be remembered as
the ones who stood guard to save the world. A common enemy hiding behind shadows is
responsible for all of this, Salem must be brought to light.\n\n_Forcing herself
not to cry, the Secretary handed Ironwood a golden Lien card marked with the
insignias of all four Kingdoms merged into one._\n\nSecDef: Whatever you need, sir.
You've got a blank check and... Space United ready to help.\n\n_Riley smiles at
Ironwood and nods. She adjusts her suit collar and leaves the shelter for the
surface as Glynda teleports herself back to Beacon. Turning to the main screen the
satellite now tracks Tier-One Honorary Huntress Ruby Rose in the Kingdom of Atlas.
Marking her with a red diamond._"},"625742910519771167":
{"u":1,"t":1569259135609,"m":"Lieutenant Gift - They keep coming.\nSargent Gift -
Hold them off, i will help Gift.\nLieutenant Gift - Got it.\nSargent Gift - Come
on, let me check you. (Checking) Gift, I know how you feel, you want this war over
quickly, Right?\nGift - Yes, before this war, i want to build a house to stay with
Team RWBY, i want it much.\nSargent Gift - Come on, let me heal you, if the wish
come true, you will have time with Ruby much as you want.\nGift - Yeah, that's what
i want.\nSargent Gift - You run out of stamina, Rest for a bit, I and Lieutenant
will hold them off.\nGift - Thanks Sarge."},"625744752611950634":
{"u":0,"t":1569259574798,"m":"_Just in time, Riley's trail of light cuts through
the murky skies of Atlas much to the surprise of enemy units. As she appears in the
battlezone all hostiles on the ground begin to focus fire on her only to have their
bullets, missiles and miscellaneous projectiles simply deflected off of her body
and onto the enemies below._\n\n_With Gift, Team RWBY, and Hunter Two-One in her
sight she hails them through her radio. Flying clser to the ground._\n\nRiley: This
is Atlas 6-2, coming in hot!\n\n_And with her presence came the skies suddenly
clearing itself of smoke from burning buildings, revealing the starry skies of
Atlas to surviving friendlies on the ground, from her radio, friendly radio
transmission poured into her Focus like waves._\n\n_Flying even closer, more radio
transmissions flow into her device with one such frequency being Yuri's Loyalist
battalion._\n\nLoyalist soldier: Ебена мать! Это боевой ангел, которого боятся
враги?! (Holy shit! Is that the Battle Angel the enemies are scared
of?!)\n\n_Another soldier responds to the call, crying into his radio._
\n\nLoyalist solidier 2: Это действительно она! Она идет, чтобы спасти нас! (It
really is her! She's coming to save us!)","te":1569259582876},"625745155617456159":
{"u":1,"t":1569259790767,"m":"Lieutenant Gift - She come on time.\nSargent Gift -
Gift will restore stamina for next battle, so don't look like he gonna
die.\nLieutenant Gift - Oh! He not die."},"625747833584091136":
{"u":0,"t":1569260309359,"m":"Riley: He won't, nobody dies under my command unless
I say so!\n\n_Landing right next to Gift, she blasts him with a point-blank blast
of vitakinetic energy. Instantly restoring him back to fighting conditions once
again. Finished, she runs over to the wreckage where the Black Hawk crashed and
rips open the jammed doors to find Ruby and Weiss sitting on the helicopter's floor
holding McCord's lifeless body in their arms._\n\n_Shocked at the gruesome sight
Riley knelt down next to Ruby and begins to pry the private's stiffened hands off
of Ruby's. As she does so, Ruby's silent whimpers becomes clearer to her hearing,
she stops. Looking into the young Huntress' silver eyes._\n\nRiley: Hey, hey...
It's alright, I'm here.\n\n_The two girls let go of the private's body as Foley and
Dunn takes McCord outside, leaving them be. With McCord's body removed Riley
embraces them into her arms. Casting strings of light around their
bodies._\n\nRiley: Close your heart to it, don't let his death be your undoing.
Remember him for what he has done, not how he passed away...\n\n_Focusing her
healing powers on Ruby and Weiss, the strings of light grew brighter and brighter
to the point of blinding everyone withn the site, over at Team JNPR. After
following the Black Hawk's spent casings they stumble upon Riley;s blinding light
marking her location for the team._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Look,
there!\nDagger Two-Two: They're still alive, c'mon! Let's regroup with
them!\n\n_Using the spear of her rifle she points out
Riley's location for her team to find as Dagger Two-Two sets off on his feet and
ran for the site with Team JNPR following
{"u":1,"t":1569260745639,"m":"Sargent Gift - Lieutenant, care him.\nLieutenant Gift
- Got it, Hey Gift, Do you have a plan for your house?\nGift - Yes, but i haven't
draw it yet.\nLieutenant Gift - Here a paper, Draw it, let me see your house in
future.\nGift - I plan this for a long time. (He don't know that Ruby is watching
Gift drawing his house)\nLieutenant Gift - After this, you will have it.\nGift -
Ha! Sure it is."},"625751888079486986":{"u":0,"t":1569261276026,"m":"_Watching Lt.
Gift drawing the house plan, Riley smirks, gets close to him and snatched the plan
out of his hands. She points to her temple, the house plan in her left
hand._\n\nRiley: Why bother drawing a plan when you have your ability to manifest?!
\n\n_As Gift and his Lieutenant stares at her, her smile fades away as she meekly
gave him back the house plan._\n\nRiley Well... okay.\n\n_Team JNPR finally arrives
at the crash site, but as they prepare to rest, enemy soldiers begin to advance to
the crash site. Promting Ruby to open fire at the lone soldier leading the attack
as Dunn swears under his breath again._\n\nCpl Dunn: Oh shit...\n\n_As the lon
soldier's head is obliterated from the sheer power of the Mk211 round, a columns of
True Sons Centurion tanks begin to move in to the battle zone as Foley rallied his
men for combat._\n\nSgt. Foley: Tanks incoming! Defend this position!\n\n_Together,
Team RWBY spreads out and begin to attack hostiles from all directions while JNPR
remained within the safety of the Black Hawk's fuselage, providing support as Jaune
makes use of his Light Energy infusion to amplify his semblance to extreme
levels._\n\n_Firing at the hostiles with his X-55 Ramirez runs out of ammo. A
Bulwark with a searchlight blinds him as a BTR approaches the crash site from down
the street on the right. Screaming, he charges at the BTR with his twin Ember
Celica gauntlets he'd \"borrowed\" from Yang._\n\n_On an orbiting SOLG satellite in
low Remnant orbit, a Valerian astronaut is on a space walk, looking down on the
half-lit planet of Remnant. The bright East Coast is visible on the dark side of
the planet with the moon remaining perpetually stuck in its usual
{"u":1,"t":1569261464462,"m":"Sargent Gift - Damn, they bring a bigger
gun.\nLieutenant Gift - Copy this plan and continue drawing on hologram.\nGift -
Got it, i have write a word in it.\nSargent Gift - What is it?\nGift - You will
know, (Watch at Ruby) They also."},"625755179798757389":
{"u":0,"t":1569262060833,"m":"_Onboard the orbiting satellite, Mission Commander
Kei Nagase looks over to the dark side of the planet from her suit camera as the
Retribution Alpha's SOLG Control Division hails the station. She responds, tapping
into her radio console on her wrist._\n\nSOLG Control: Come in, Pilgrim. This is
SOLG Control. Atlas Space Command's requesting a feed from your helmet cam, over.
Uh... they want you to look over towards the dark side of Remnant. It should be
cresting the horizon about 15 degrees east of the starboard TLS arrays.\n\n_Nagase,
however does not respond, instead she stares into the \"blips\" of explosion as
Riley wreaked havoc against hostile forces planetside. SOLG Control hails her
again._\n\nSOLG Control: Uhh, Pilgrim. Could you rotate a bit more to the right,
will ya?\n\n_Feeling the data latency disappearing Nagase looks to her right. With
her camera aligned properly the ICBM is in sight as it orbits towards the East
Coast. Seeing the missile's trajectory her expression changes from calm to anxious.
Wondering where the missile has been targeted to._\n\nSOLG Control: There it is,
we're getting your feed Pilgrim. Come in, Command, are you getting this?\n\n_From
the Atlas Sapce Command's headquarters located deep within the kingdom, Command
responds with a clear voice coming through her helmet._\n\nAtlas Space Command:
Copy that, SOLG, video feed from Pilgirm is clear. Pilgrim, keep tracking the
bogey. We're looking into it, standby.\n\n_Scanning his checklist, the personnel at
SOLG Control queries Command of its scheduled orbital launches._\n\nSOLG Control:
Command, we're not scheduled for any launches today are we?\n\n_Realizing of the
missile's true nature personnel within Space Command's HQ scramble to their
positons, hailing every major launch sites across Remnant for its recent launch
histories._\n\nAtlas Space Command: SOLG, Command. Standby. We may have a problem
Gift - Almost there.\nGift - Standby."},"625757919748685841":
{"u":0,"t":1569262714088,"m":"_Watching the orange trail of the warhead's engines
Nagase continues to track the ICBM as it begins to arch down to re-entry. From his
console aboard the Retribution the SOLG Control officer hails Atlas Space Command
of the launch queries._\n\nSOLG Control: Command, this is SOLG Control, uh... any
word on--\n\n_To her surpise, the missile suddenly explodes in space over the East
Coast, a dark radius blacks out over Remnant as the warhead's electromagnetic pulse
destroys all electronics on the eastern coast. Bracing hersefl for the impending
shockwave blast Nagase straps herself onto a Rubinoalloy tether._\n\nNagase:
Command to Pilgrim personnel! Engage APS now!\n\n_As the personnel within the SOLG
system rushed to their positions to get the APS system online, the shockwave from
the explosion reaches the gun system and destroys the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun.
Knocking Nagase away from the tether and sending her flying towards Retribution.
She slams into the air traffic control tower on the ship, causing a rapid
decompression._\n\n_Back as Ruby, an explosion is seen in the sky. A rush of wind
comes down on the city as the warhead detonates, the shockwave from the ICBM blacks
out the streets and electronically knocks all aircraft out of the sky, turning off
lights in the buildings, and shorting out traffic lights and the BTR's electronics,
disabling it._\n\n_As the electromagnetic pulse from the warhead destroys all
electronics, Riley conjure a large dome shield protecting herself and everyone
around her from the blast and the EMP wave._\n\nRiley: Stay inside my
shield!\n\n_As the shockwave dissipates, the choppers go down and a captured Manta
is seen crashing into a building. Sandler kicks open the chopper door then Ramirez
steps out to meet the rest of his group, safe inside Riley's dome shield._\n\n(I've
got to go now)","te":1569262799351},"625758826536239113":
{"u":1,"t":1569262930283,"m":"(Roger, But i gonna continue for a bit)\nLt. Gift -
It working.\nGift - Everyone inside?\nCaptain Gift - Yes.\nCommander Gift - Almost
didn't get in time.\nSargent Gift - I'm Here!\nGift - If we are inside, our device
will not effect from EMP.\nLt. Gift - Correct, and we will get a upper
Gift \"Bravo 6\"\nTask Force 141\nCouncil, Atlas"},"626444452281581619":
{"u":0,"t":1569426396199,"m":"_Inside the dome shield, debris continue to rain down
on the group as more aircrafts are knocked out of the sky from the EMP blast. From
a Papillon Project satellite, Camilla covered her eyes from the explosion as the
light shines into her canopy._\n\n_Back on the ground, the debris rain ceases as a
downed friendly Arsenal Bird sweeped the sky above them clean of the downed
aircrafts, as it falls, frantic radio chatter can be heard._\n\nArsenal Bird pilot:
We're losing altitude! Drone officer, drop all drones and tell the _unintelligible_
to put all power into engines now!\n\n_The flaming Arsenal Bird continues its fall,
flying past the team and away from the kingdom as its trail of smoke and flames
disappears from sight,_\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What the hell's goin'
on?\n\n_Suddenly, Riley's dome shield deactivates itself. Exposing the group to the
scene of destruction around them, despite the Arsenal Bird sweeping the sky clean
of debris, more debris from the SOLG's destruction rains down on the flying kingdom
as a trail of light is seen in the sky, at this, Foley rallied his team as then
begin to run into a street._\n\nSgt. Foley: Get off the street now! Go!\n\n_As
debris from the SOLG rain down the streets, Riley, Sgt. Foley, Cpl. Dunn, Ramirez,
Pvt. Sandler, Team RWBY, JNPR and the Ranger run for shelter, dodging falling
helicopters and disabled drones raining on the streets like hailstorms, including
Wardens, Little Birds, and even friendly jets. One Little Bird crashes right on top
of a injured Nevermore, killing it._\n\nCpl. Dunn: This isn't good, man!
Whoa!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Don't stop! Keep
{"u":1,"t":1569426498920,"m":"Sargent Gift - Holy Shit!!!!\nLt. Gift - What the
hell was that?\nGift - EMP!!! RUBY WATCH OUT!!!"},"626446674876825610":
{"u":0,"t":1569426926107,"m":"_As more debris continue to rain down the group, a
slab of reactive armor send flying from a friendly Manta flies into view, the armor
slab flies close to Ruby as its jagged edges missed her completely, only tearing
away a sizeable tear into her cape._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Holy shit!\n\n_Screaming for his
life, Dunn ran as fast as his tired legs can as he and his team frantically dodged
the debris rain._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Go go go!\n\nRanger: What the
hell's goin' on?!\n\n_Frightened and confused, the Ranger screams out his question
as he, too, ran alongside Team JNPR. Not missing a beat Jaune turns to his side and
yells into the Ranger's face._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> EMP!\n\nSgt. Foley:
Just keep moving!\n\nCpl. Dunn: Look out!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Incoming!\n\n_Another piece of
reactive armor from a downed Manta launches itself at Team RWBY, as the debris
skidded its way across the streets over to the team, the girls all jumped into the
air in-sync, dodging the slab of armor._\n\nSgt. Foley: Go! Go!\n\n_After running
for their lives, the teams reach a bookstore just as a Little Bird crashes near the
opening, shell-shocking Weiss, and blocking the opening with flames. Recovering
from the shock Weiss injects herself with an adrenaline autoinjector and kicks a
window open. Allowing the rest of her team to run
inside._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Inside, inside!"},"626447047163379712":
{"u":1,"t":1569427014867,"m":"Gift - Bravo, Check your gear.\nLt. Gift - Green
light, everyone have EMP Protection.\nGift - We are upper hand, for
now."},"626451377912152064":{"u":0,"t":1569428047398,"m":"Riley: Mobile armory
coming up.\n\n_With everyone inside the bookstore Riley conjures a mobile armory
unit, placing the unit conveniently close to the smashed window. The unit's lids
open as a weapon rack erected from within, showcasing ammunition and guns for the
team to see. With the unit activated Ramirez finds some spare ammo, reloads his M4,
and grabs an M9 pistol from the rack._\n\n_Ruby, having made a mental list of the
equipments her team will need runs over to the unit and sorts out items using her
semblance, conjuring four large piles of Dust ammunition, additional armor and
field medical kits for her teammates._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Woah.\n\n_To
her surprise, Weiss begins to grab gear from her pile of equipments, stuffing them
into her hip pouch. Finishing up, she walks over to Blake and hands her a surplus
fragmentation grenade, to which her Faunus teammate takes into her hand and hangs
it on her suit. Over at Yang, she continues to load shotshells into her gaunlets
using speedloaders as Sandler and the Ranger gets her gear in place._\n\n_Team
JNPR, having waited for RWBY to finish up walks for the crate as Riley tossed over
their required gear for them. Smiling, Jaune takes his bag and begins to root
through it as his teammates followed._\n\n_Taking their time, the two teams
finallly finished arming themselves as Foley peeks his head out to the streets
before returning back inside._\n\n_Looking down on the floor, Dunn's hands begin to
shake vigorously , fretting over the fear that the chances of him and his team
making it through the battle is next to
Dunn: What the hell are we gonna do now, man? The Sons got us out numbered, shit's
falling from the sky, SOLG's gone! We're screwed, man! We're totally-\n\n_Shaking
her head in disapproval Ruby walks up to the corporal and slaps him on the face.
Reeling back from the pain Dunn looks back at her in surprise, still clutching his
red cheek._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get a grip, Dunn! Our weapons still
work, our Auras aren't gone yet!\n\n_Yang speaks up, joining her
sister._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> That means we can still kick some
ass."},"626452203472683008":{"u":1,"t":1569428244227,"m":"Gift - Sarge, Show them
that our gear is still working.\nSargent Gift - Got it, Cap Scanner.\nCaptain Gift
- Rog' (Scanning surround area with their teammate surprise) Area clear, it
over.\nGift - I'm gonna check outside."},"626454022274023444":
{"u":0,"t":1569428677863,"m":"_Gift walks outside the store as a passenger plane
crashes on the street. One of its engines slides into a piece of wreckage, blocking
the street between the bookstore and Dagger Two-One's crash site. Fires begin to
burn on the engines as they leaked flame, after the plane crashed, all becomes
quiet. The only sounds heard being the fires from the jet and Ruby's laboured
breathing._\n\nRanger: What the hell was that?!\n\n_The Ranger peeks his head
outside, finding the fires burning on the jets put out by a broken fire hydrant
spewing water onto the streets. With the fire put out Foley and Ruby nods and
begins to walk outside._\n\nSgt. Foley: Stay here. I'm going to scan our
sector.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Roger, gotcha covered.\n\n_Dunn begins
to protest, running up to his sergeant as Weiss drags him back inside._\n\nCpl.
Dunn: You're goin' out there? Are you nuts? \n\n_Ruby and Sgt. Foley goes out of
the building and scans the area, finding no threats within their permieter. The
chaos from the EMP is over. With the streets clear, Ruby turns back to the
bookstore and gestured an OK sign as Team JNPR and her teammates move out from the
store._\n\nSgt. Foley: It's over. Come on, we still have a war to
fight.\n\n_Looking at the crashed jet, the Ranger whistled and poked at the open
luggage ejected from the fuselage._\n\nRanger: What the hell happened
here?\n\n_Dunn inspects his weapon, aiming down its sight to find his Holographic
sight still working. Surprised, he turns to Pyrrha, grabbing Milo by its barrel and
staring into its sight. Finding her sight still emitting its IR scanner beam he
turns to ask his fellow Ranger._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Oh, man it's quiet. Hey is your red
dot working? Pyrrha's still working somehow.\n\nRanger: Mine's working too. This is
weird, bro."},"626454516098793472":{"u":1,"t":1569428795600,"m":"Gift - Before
explosion, You are inside EMP barrier, so you not get effect from
EMP."},"626456271175811073":{"u":0,"t":1569429214043,"m":"_The Ranger slaps himself
with the butt of his rifle, angered at his failure to notice Riley's dome shield
protecting him from the EMP blast. Checking his sight, Ramirez look through his
M4A1's Holographic sight to find its red crosshair still up, spared from the EMP
blast._\n\n_The group begins to move down the quiet streets of downtown Atlas,
walking in a single-file line on a footpath as they avoid stepping over the remains
of their former allies strewn out all over the street. They then move inside a
building, finding its shelves and vending machines ransacked of its
contents._\n\n_Inside the building, Blake turn to her right and finds an M4A1 rifle
with an underbarrel grenade launcher attached to it. She picks it up and tosses it
over to Ramirez, the private taking it into his arms and slinging it
crossbody._\n\n_Foley inspects his exosuit, finding much of its subsystems still
active._\n\nSgt. Foley: Our optics are still up, comms too. \n\n_Moving out from
the building, the team finds themselves standing in front of the front end of the
severed passenger jet's fuselage. Its cockpit shattered to bits._\n\nCpl. Dunn:
Wow...check it out, man. \n\n_In front of the group, a Ranger lays dead before
them. Noting the dead Ranger, Ruby runs up to the Ranger and takes his dogtags into
her hip pouch as Sgt. Foley checks another downed Ranger._"},"626457094668943363":
{"u":1,"t":1569429410379,"m":"Lt. Gift - Alright, we are upper hand now.\nGift -
Yes, but i feel not good here.\nSargent Gift - What is it?\nGift - Gimme a sec.
(Use Treat Grenade) Like i thought, building up ahead on second floor, detect enemy
around twelve, And i see friendly unit."},"626459420876079125":
{"u":0,"t":1569429964990,"m":"_The area around the group flashes red for a second
as enemies are marked in their separate Focus devices. Cpl. Dunn moves up to a
large building ahead on the left past another broken fire hydrant. From the
building, a person is seen coming out of it._\n\n_As the person runs out from the
building Ruby takes aim and prepares to fire at the incoming person. Her Focus
taking its time in scanning his IDs. Unsure of the man's status, she shouts a
countersign._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Star! \n\n_The soldier doesn't
respond, instead, he stops in his tracks. Ruby shouts
again._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Star, or we will fire on you!\n\n_Her
Focus finally IDs him as a member of the Faunus Militia's 33rd Special Operations
Regiment, the Faunus Militiaman shouts back at her and raised his hands. Dropping
his weapon onto the street._\n\nPvt. Vaughan: Hey! I don't remember the damn
countersign, alright? I'm just a runner! Don't shoot!\n\n_As her Focus tags the
Ranger as friendly Ruby lets Vaughan go as she puts her rifle down, the person, a
Faunus Militiaman, Pvt. Vaughan, armed with an Atlesian M8A2 assault rifle, meets
up with Foley and his squad. Ignoring Team JNPR. As Vaughan approaches Foley, the
sergeant tells him of the proper countersign._\n\nSgt. Foley: The proper response
is 'Texas', soldier. What'dya got?\n\n_Vaughan taps into his Focus device as a
hologram of the Government Council appears in the air, showing multiple friendly
units entrenched in bunkers and foxholes around the Council. Inside the hologram,
the Council is tagged with two bracketed letters: [WH]._\n\nPvt. Vaughan: General
Ironwood's assembling a task force at the Council, objective code is Whiskey Hotel.
You guys need to keep heading north, if you see any Ranger, Militia or Strangereal
guys, tell them to tag along. Atlesian forces are already at the
{"u":1,"t":1569430038912,"m":"Gift - Hey! Private, Where are you
going?"},"626460530172887079":{"u":0,"t":1569430229467,"m":"_Vaughan prepares to
leave as Nora grabs him by the arm, stopping the private._\n\nPvt. Vaughan: To tell
everyone else! Get to Whiskey Hotel! Go!\n\n_He shrugs Nora's grip off of his upper
arm and takes off on his own, accompanied by a JACK. Running further down the
street he disappears into the piles of crashed aircrafts, disabled vehicles and
rubble._\n\nSgt. Foley: You heard the man. Let's go.\n\n_As Pvt. Vaughan moves on
to look for more friendly troops and pass on his message, the group makes their way
to Whiskey Hotel. They move into another building as Ren taps into his Focus,
activating his radio._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Our Focuses are still
active.\n\n_Foley taps into his, linking the group's devices with his as he
Foley: We'll use it, they can't hear us over this frequency but we'll still have
to whisper."},"626460753364254732":{"u":1,"t":1569430282680,"m":"Gift - Remember
there are enemy on second floor of this building."},"626463752048476191":
{"u":0,"t":1569430997622,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy.\n\n_Tapping her
device, Ruby acknowledges her commander calling out enemy positions on the floor
above her. She readies hersefl, pressing Crescent Rose's stock close to her right
shoulder as she and Dunn moved up the stairs with the Faunus Militiaman following
the two._\n\nSgt. Foley: Dunn, you're up.\n\n_Dunn slaps the bolt catch/release
button on his M4, locking the bolt in. Moving up the stairs enemy chatter comes
within earshot._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Hooah. Clear.\n\n_Sandler and the Militiaman
continues to provide the two with cover on their six while JNPR trails after
them._\n\nPvt. Sandler: I got our six.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Copy
that.\n\n_As the two move up the stairs. Clatter is heard from behind the door. At
this, Ruby's teammates stack up behind her as Foley unclips a flashbang from Ruby's
belt, already flicking its pin out of its lock. At Foley's signal, the Militiaman
opens the door and hails the men inside with the countersign._\n\nFaunus
Militiaman: Star--"},"626464339896827935":{"u":0,"t":1569431137776,"m":"_Before he
can shout, a True Sons rifleman shoots him square on the head, sending the
Militiaman falling on his back. Dead._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Son of a...\n\nSgt. Foley:
Contact!\n\n_Ruby and Cpl. Dunn kicks down the door while Foley tosses in a
flashbang grenade, with the enemy stunned she rushed into the room and engages
Crescent Rose's scythe form and begins to slash away desks and workstations,
denying the hostiles their cover._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Engaging!\n\n_Weiss moves in from behind as she sends fireballs at a True Sons
juggernaut from Myrtenster, she jumps onto the juggernaut using her legs to lock
his head in while her crotch blocks his vision. Screaming in anger she rams the
rapier's blade down to its chamber deep into the juggernaut's head, killing
him_\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> You're dead! \n\n_As adrenaline coursed
through her systems, Weiss stomps at the juggernaut's chest plate, denting it with
the soles of her shoes. A grenadier runs up to Blake, lobbing grenades from his
launcher._\n\n_Deflecting the grenades away with her sheath Blake switches Gambol
Shroud to its kusarigama form and sends it flying at a grenadier's belt, locking it
in. She drags the grenadier to him and tossed him over to Ramirez, who pumped five
rounds into his chest._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Hostile
- Enemy down! Alright check the corner."},"626466508662636564":
{"u":0,"t":1569431654850,"m":"_With their room cleared, they move on to another
office room as Team JNPR rushed inside to meet a True Sons AST firing its machine
gun wildly at the team. Forcing them to cover._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
What's an AST doing out here?!\n\n_Using his shield to block away the AST's
gunfire, Pyrrha gets up from her cover and launches Milo in its javelin form at the
mecha's chest plate, jamming it deep as its pilot screams out in pain from the
javelin stabbing into his chest._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Nora,
go!\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> On it!\n\n_Leaping forward at the unfortunate
mecha, Nora raises Magnhild high and brings it down against the AST's head,
smashing it into its torso as blood, machine oil and bits of its microrockets
splattered from the mecha, showering her in a slimy, tar black liquid. Ending the
threat._\n\n_With the AST destroyed, their surroundings become quiet once again.
Dunn reloads his M4 before looking around at his surroundings, asking nobody in
partucilar of the AST's status._\n\nCpl. Dunn: That AST's dead, right?!\n\nPvt.
Sandler: Clear!\n\nSgt. Foley: Room clear! Let's
Gift - Now i understand your feeling, Gift.\nGift - Thanks Lieutenant.\nLt. Gift -
Here! (Inject Special RGB) This should help you.\nGift - Thanks again,
Lieutenant."},"626469131432230912":{"u":0,"t":1569432280167,"m":"_They move out of
the building and out into the streets, looking into his Focus's hologram projection
of Whiskey Hotel. He marks it on his waypoint marker and calls out the
Council._\n\nSgt. Foley: There's the SDC's main building. Whiskey Hotel's on the
other side.\n\n_Dunn groans, slumping onto his knees. Lamenting over having to walk
his way with the group to their objective._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Aw man, we gotta go out
there?!\n\n_Already taking the lead, Team RWBY moves up the street to find a body
of a Ranger lying on his back. Dead._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Got
another Ranger, he's KIA...\n\n_Ruby knelt down next to the dead Ranger and with
care she reaches into his suit and snaps a dogttag free from its chain. She puts
the dogtag in her belt pouch again as Dunn walks up to her._\n\nSgt. Foley: Dunn.
Check for vitals. We'll cover you.\n\n_With Ruby out of his way Dunn checks him.
Placing his index finger on the Ranger's nose, finding no warmth he grabs his rifle
and stands up. Turning back to report his sergeant._\n\nCpl. Dunn: He's a
goner.\n\nSgt. Foley: Keep quiet.\n\n_As the group moved along, Team RWBY stops in
their track as Ruby raised a fist in the air, confused, Dunn walks up to
- Roger that, Overlord.\nSargent Gift - let finish this so we can rest for a
while.\nGift - Yes, Sarge Let's do this!"},"624265088798425091":
{"u":0,"t":1568906795454,"m":"_From her position manning a C-RAM turret emplacement
came Ruby's voice, shouting over thr cacophony of
comabt._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't think we have time for that!
Atlas Command reports serveral Titan-class Grimm inbound, they're Wyverns with
railguns and missile emplacements grafted on them!\n\n_Upon the information, Weiss
lets go of the detached Tunguska anti-aircraft gun controls, looking at Ruby with
total disbelief._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Seriously?! We just took a Feilong
down and now what? WYVERNS!?!\n\n_Ignoring the two girls' chatter Foley and his
team man their Hammer of Dawn and SOLG designators, ready to take down the flying
armada of Wyvern detected from their radar units._\n\nSgt. Foley: Roger that! We're
sittin' on a stockpile of friendly munitions! We'll dig in and burn through their
ammo! Out! \n\n_Foley, having grabbed himself a targeting device for the Hammer of
Dawn satellites shouts for Ramirez to commandeer a SOLG beacon._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Ramirez, get on that beacon! Scan for targets to the south of the Great War
Monument!"},"624265632359383080":{"u":1,"t":1568906925049,"m":"Gift - We will cover
you, Ramirez."},"624268057694437376":{"u":0,"t":1568907503294,"m":"_With Ramirez
manning the targeting beacon, he locks onto the lead Wyvern and mashed the beacon's
firing switch as an orange beam of laser shot down the sky and onto the flying
Grimm dragon, severing the dragon in half. With the lead Wyvern taken care of the
satellite goes into recharge while Foley an Dunn locks onto the rest of the armada
with the SOLG._\n\n_But before they could fire, the SOLG's signal goes offline.
Frustrated, Dunn slams the targeting device onto the ground._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Damnit!
We lost the SOLG!\n\n_With the SOLG lost and the Hammer of Dawn still in recharge,
the evacuation site is strafed by the surviving Wyverns as railgun rounds and
missiles barraged the site, forcing the civilians to hide under whatever cover they
can find. The radio operator at the site then reports his situation over to Foley,
warning them of the damage they have taken._\n\nEvac Site: This is Evac Site, the
enemies are still firing on us and our combat effectiveness is down to sixty-
percent! Request immediate sniper support on targets West of the Monument,
over!\n\n_Ruby, upon the call for support discards the C-RAM's console and unfolds
Crescent Rose into its full scythe form, with her weapon unfolded she rams the
scythe blade onto the floor and sighted for the war monuments, marking targets with
the scope. With enemies in sight she opens fire at the advancing horde of Grimm
creatures._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo 1-1 to Evac Site
Delta, providing sniper support!"},"624268621308493844":
{"u":1,"t":1568907637670,"m":"Sargent Gift - Solid copy Romeo 1-1, this is Bravo 6-
4, Providing sniper support.\nGift - This is Bravo 6, I will tag target for you,
Romeo 1-1, Bravo 6-4.\nSargent Gift - Thanks mate."},"624271487410372649":
{"u":0,"t":1568908321002,"m":"_As Ruby provides sniper fire to the friendlies at
the Monument, Sarge and Ramirez busts open a weapons cache to find Sniper variants
of the Crescent Rose, built without the melee scythe under the barrel. Grinning,
they both grabbed the rifles and ran for Ruby's spot. Gift rummages through the
ammo cache and finds himself a Javelin launcher. With it, he runs along with the
two men and take up positions._\n\n_Now standing over the balcony the men began to
open fire down to the evac site as the Wyverns break off, satisfied with their
attacks and leaving behind black pools of tarry
liquid._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Keep firing into the pools, pull that
trigger until they don't get up!\n\n_Ruby and Sarge continue to provide cover fire
to the friendlies at the evacuation site until Gift launched a \"Hellstorm\"
cluster munition missile from the Javelin. The missile, having left its launch tube
takes to the sky and splits into numerous guided warheads, with the warheads
launched Gift commands them to rain down on the advancing armies of Grimm.
Obliterating the creatures._\n\n_With
the evacuation site now cleared of hostiles, Manta airships begin to land as they
load up the civilians, satisfied with the results Sarge and Gift stowed their
weapons as Overlord updates them with more inormation._\n\nOverlord: Hunter Two-
One, Romeo Actual, be advised, you have enemy foot mobiles converging on your
position. Stay frosty.\n\n_Ruby runs back to her team as a squad of True Sons
henchmen rushed into the rooftop, at the sight of advancing hostiles, the students
take up positions and with their anti-aircraft weaponries still functional they
begin to open fire at the hostiles._\n\n_Weiss, now commanding a C-RAM turret uses
it to rip apart a hostile mortarman and his support package while the rest of the
group used what's left in their emplacements to fend off the attackers._\n\nCpl.
Dunn: Hostiles in the perimeter! Open fire! Open
- Lance GL ready."},"624273307155562516":{"u":1,"t":1568908754863,"m":"(i gonna go
now)"},"624273313924907008":{"u":0,"t":1568908756477,"m":"_As the anti-aircraft
emplacements tore down the hostiles breaching the perimeter, they al stopped firing
after having ran out of ammunition. Frustrated, Jaune angrily punched at his AA
cannon's controls, shattering its screen as his teammates discarded their spen
systems as well._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We're out!
\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> What's the plan now?!\n\n_Nora looks up to the sky,
desperately scanning the murky clouds for Riley's trail of light, finding none she
looks back down to the team as Overlord updates them again._\n\nOverlord: Hunter
Two-One, Romeo Actual, recommend you clear outta there...I see a mass of foot-
mobiles converging on your position. Be advised that Atlas 6-2 is tasked with heavy
fire support and will not be available for some time. \n\n_As Overlord urges the
group to leave the Reserve, Foley objects to the call. _\n\nSgt. Foley: Negative,
negative! I have eyes on enemy armor and helicopters advancing on the evac site
from the north and southwest!"},"624273406489001994":
{"u":1,"t":1568992299916,"m":"Gift - Foley, Report your
status."},"624626275415490560":{"u":0,"t":1568992909054,"m":"_As Gift contacts
Foley over the radio, his radar warns him of multiple tangos inbound as Foley
responds, his voice blending in with the sounds of gunfire._\n\nSgt. Foley: Our
position is still active but we're in danger of being overrun, I've sent Romeo out
to secure an LZ for Dagger, do whatever you can to get your ass over here!
Out!\n\n_Foley ens the call, running back to Team RWBY's position close to the
northern edge of the rooftop as Dagger Two-One and Two-Two flies into view. Its gun
mounts firing wildly into the ground below them. With Foley running \nfor the
students Ramirez and the rest of his team grab Javelins and fire on enemy
helicopters and BTRs, providing support for the evac site._"},"624626542202454066":
{"u":1,"t":1568992972661,"m":"Gift - Alright Team, This is danger, Get out from
here and rally with Foley."},"624627315313213459":
{"u":0,"t":1568993156985,"m":"_Right next to Gift, Pyrrha readies up her shield's
kinetic ramming unit, preparing for the experimental powermove they'd just learned
two hours before the battle._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Nora! \n\n_Nora
responds, still firing cluster grenades onto anything she can send her munitions
off to. Finished with fending off the wave of vehicles she turns to Pyrrha. Finding
her teammate poining over to the flight of Griffons and Mi-
28s._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> See those hostiles up there? I want you to
take them down, I'll boost you up!\n\n_Knowing that her new powermove will get its
first use, Nora gleefully jumps onto the shield, Pyrrha then braced herself for the
kinetic backblast as the shield violently launches Nora towards the flight of
Griffons and Hinds. Getting close to the flight group she swings Magnhild down on
the lead enemy Hind's tail rotor, causing it to spin rapidly and collide against a
Griffon and exploding._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> TASTE THE POMEGRENADE, YOU
UGLY DREGS!\n\n_Using the shockwave from the ensuing explosion she dashed mid-air
towards the second Hind and slams her warhammer down on its cockpit, sending the
entire craft ramming into another Griffon, but as she prepares to take down the
third enemy chopper a Manticore slams into her, sending Nora flying back to the
Reserve building's rooftop._\n\n_Despite crashing into the roof, Nora nonchalantly
gets up as her aura shimmered lightly. As the adrenaline rush kicks in, she yells
out loud for everyone to hear._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> That was... THE
CRAZIEST THING I'VE EVER DONE!","te":1568993234944},"624627517852090430":
{"u":1,"t":1568993205274,"m":"Gift - Clear the path and rally with Foley
ASAP."},"624629154100543500":{"u":0,"t":1568993595386,"m":"_Over at Ruby's position
on the south side of the rooftop she keeps up constant sniper support until Weiss
drags her away from the spot, taking her team leader back to meet the rest of the
group. Upon the sight of addidional enemy carriers incoming Blake, Yang and Ramirez
runs for Foley as Overlord's call comes in._\n\nOverlord: Hunter Two-One, Romeo
Actual, you've bought the evac site valuable time! Well done! Now get your ass to
the LZ ASAP, you are in danger of being overrun!\n\n_Foley responds as his team ran
up to him, providing the sergeant with more manpower and fire support._\n\nSgt.
Foley: Roger that, we're headed to the LZ! Everyone, move out! Get to the flares
and RV with the Osean SEAL Team! Move! Move!\n\n_With Foley calling the evac they
begin to evacuate from the crow's nest on the rooftop as a Ranger blows down the
rooftop access door with a shotgun, with the door breached Team RWBY moves in
first, followed by JNPR, JD's team and Hunter Two-On._\n\n_Inside the hallway they
head up the stairs leading to the desginated LZ. At the second set of stairs, a
True Sons rifleman crashes in from the door and attacks as Ruby knocks the man down
with the stock of her rifle, killing him. The team moves around the balcony and
climb up the rubble to the roof as True Sons radio chatter becomes clearer, marking
the presence of the hostiles._\n\nSgt. Foley: We're out of time!
Go!"},"624629547186257940":{"u":1,"t":1568993689105,"m":"Gift - All unit, Get to
evac zone Now!!!\nSargent Gift - Moving out.\nCaptain Gift - Our exfil have come,
let go!"},"624630435514810398":{"u":0,"t":1568993900899,"m":"Cpl. Dunn: Hostiles
closing in!\n\n_Dunn shouts, turning back to fire at the advancing True Sons,
forcing them to back away. With the hostiles discouraged from chasing after them
briefly he books it up the stairs an joins the rest of his team, after climbing a
flight of stairs they reach the rooftop where an Osean UH-60 Black Hawk is waiting,
behind the group True Sons soldiers are seen coming up from below._\n\nDagger Two-
One: Hunter, Romeo, this is Dagger Two-One. We are in position at the LZ on the
rooftop, what's your status?\n\n_Ruby replies to the team as she busts the door
open with her bare hands, punching straight into the locks. With the door opened
she lets her teammates pass through first, having saw the True Sons chasing after
her she withdrew her M17 pistol and returned fire to the advancing soldiers.
Forcing them to back away._\n\nSgt. Foley: We're on our way. Hostiles following
close behind. Where's Ruby?!"},"624630819637559308":
{"u":1,"t":1568993992481,"m":"Gift - Wait! Where Ruby?\nSargent Gift - I'm at LZ
on rooftop, Scanning the area."},"624631912081915907":
{"u":0,"t":1568994252940,"m":"_Foley looks over to Team JNPR and and Ruby's
teammates, finding their team leader missing. Swearing under his breath he runs
back for the access door to find Ruby attacking the advancing hostiles with an RPK
light machine gun, dumping rounds down the stairs. With Ruby within his reach he
grabs her by the coat and drags her out from the door. Shouting over to
Gift,_\n\nSgt. Foley: She's keeping hostiles from getting in the LZ, I got
her!\n\n_Now within Dagger Two-One's reach Weiss extends her arm out for Ruby to
grab hold, with her team leader in her hand she pulls Ruby into the Back Hawk's
interior._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What were you thinking?! You could've died
back there!\n\n_Ruby doesn't reply, instead, shakes her head and grabs the
minigun's trigger._\n\n_With the two teams boarded in the helicopters they take
off, across from them, a True sons Mi-28 helicopter fires its missiles but misses.
From a pile of rubble a Ranger fires a Stinger and shoots it down. As the Hind
crashes Dagger Two-One takes off and flies towards the Great War Monument._\n\nSgt.
Foley: Overlord, we've linked up with the SEALs on the rooftop and are heading out.
Interrogative - has the Great War Monument site been evacuated, over?\n\n_From
Overlord's screen he updates Foley with the aerial view of the Monument, showing
multiple enemy vehicles and light infantry sprawling throughout the
Monument._\n\nOverlord: Negative, Two-One! They're still pinned down by infantry
and light armor from the Fort Castle Memorial. Doesn't look good from here,
over!\n\n_Ruby interjects and spools her minigun for action, with the first enemy
vehicle in her sight she lets it rip as rounds after rounds of M885A2 Dust-infused
rounds fired from the minigun rained down on the hostiles
{"u":1,"t":1568994341495,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gotcha!\nGift - Thanks mate.\nCaptain
Gift - Nikolai, what your status?"},"624633006371635219":
{"u":0,"t":1568994513839,"m":"_From his cockpit in the Antonov An-225, he replies
to Gift, scanning his radar for enemy jets._\n\nNikolai: I am fifty miles from
Atlas and carrying two hundred anf seventy souls on board. I wish I can
help, but I cannot do it now. \n\n_As he replied Trigger's squadron flies past his
jet towards Atlas._\n\nTrigger: Don't worry, old man. We'll get the job done.
Strider, it's go time!\nCount: Copy.\n\n_The rest of his squadron turns full
afterburners as they begin to fly towards the flying kingdom under assault from
True Sons assault carriers. Back in Atlas, Ruby keeps up fire support from the
minigun, taking down targets as she
- Foley, we are here.\nSargent Gift - It seem not looking
Ruby sends rounds down the ground Overlord updates the group with sitrep on the
evacuation effort._\n\nOverlord: First wave of civilian transports are delayed.
Reaper Two, proceed with second-stage evacuation. Authorized personnel only.
Dagger, get to the Monumoent as soon as you can!\n\n_Still firing the minigun Ruby
feels her fingers becoming stiff and hard to move, struggling to get the minigun to
aim at targets she grips the trigger even tighter, swaying the barrel to meet the
Fort Castle Memorial. From Trigger's radar scope, Dagger Two-One and Two-Two are
seen carrying Hunter Two-One and Romeo Actual towards the memorial._\n\n_As the two
helos fly, missile streaked past them as a True Sons SAM site locks onto the helos.
From there the pilot of Dagger Two-One warns his wingman of the missiles
incoming._\n\nDagger Two-One: Dagger Two, SAM launch! Break left break
left!\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> We got incoming! Break, break!\n\n_More SAM
missiles are launched from the Memorial, homing in on Dagger Two-Two carrying Team
JNPR, as the missiles get close the pilot of Little Bird Dagger Two-Two fails to
put the chopper into evasive maneuvers and is shot down with the last transmission
heard from the Little Bird being Pyrrha's terrified screams._\n\n_As Ruby tries to
take down the missiles, the Little Bird of Dagger Two-Two explodes before her eyes,
with the second helo down she desperately tries to contact Team JNPR through the
radio, getting nothing in return but static._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
This is Romeo 1-1 to Dagger Two-Two, do you read?! Jaune? Pyrrha? Do you read
me?!\n\n_Getting nothing but static, tears begin to strem down her cheeks as she
laments over the loss of Team JNPR. With JNPR's transport shot down Foley
immediately informs Overlord of the status._\n\nSgt. Foley: Overlord, Dagger Two-
Two is hit and going down! Juliet, do you
- Sarge, Ember miniguns.\nSargent Gift - Here! (Throw Ember Silica Arm with
Miniguns)\nGift - Thanks."},"624637395580747797":
{"u":0,"t":1568995560308,"m":"_Sarge tosses him Yang's twin gauntlets as Gift takes
it and grafts them onto his arms, the gauntlets then begin to extend their barrels
out as they spun rapidly. With the gauntlets ready he jumps down the Black Hawk and
flew for Dagger Two-Two, flying his way past incoming rounds and opening fire on
the hostiles below._\n\n_With Gifrt jumping down for Team JNPR Dagger Two-One flies
over and around the Fort Castle Memorial, at the sight of the lone helo ground
unite begin to fire up at the Black Hawk as Riley flies in to assist despite taking
heavy concentrated fire._\n\nRiley: Sorry for coming late, this is Atlas 6-2 coming
in hot!\n\n_With Riley flying into view, hostiles on the ground begin their retreat
imemdiately upon the sight of the god-like hero flying in to bring them to their
fate. Upon seeing the first AD tank firing onto her she fires two beams of white
laser onto the tank, cutting it in half as Dagger Two-One's pilot warns Riley of
the RPG team at the memorial._\n\nDagger Two-One: 6-2, RPG teams at the Castle
memorial! \n\nRiley: Roger that, Dagger, engaging now!\n\n_The pilot turns to Ruby
and yells over to her._\n\nDagger Two-One: Rose, pull that trigger till they don't
get up!\n\n_Ruby fires the minigun and obliterates everything at the Memorial,
spraying at RPG teams and light armor vehicles with more rounds as Riley adds in
the chaos with her ultimate strike \"Plasma Storm\". Firing plasma projectiles at
sub-light speed at everything below her._\n\nOverlord: Manta Two-Three, Two-Four,
and Two-Five are on the way. Ground units at LZ four-Echo, fall back
now.","te":1568995636873},"624637766877052959":{"u":1,"t":1568995648832,"m":"Gift -
You come on time Atlas 6-2."},"624640138953228333":
{"u":0,"t":1568996214379,"m":"_On the ground, Gift runs over to Dagger Two-Two
crash site. At the site Pyrrha uses her semblance to dig out her teammates from the
wreck of what used to be Dagger Two-Two. Seeing Gift in the distance Dagger Two-
Two's pilot shouts over to him, waving his flare._\n\nDagger Two-Two: Over here,
sir! We're still alive!\n\n_Back at the Black Hawk, an enemy Havoc takes off from
the Memorial as Ruby tears into the gunship's armor with constan minigun fire.
Causing the Havoc to spin out of control and crash onto the ground. With the Havoc
taken care of the pilot warns Riley of an incoming captured Arsenal Bird
dropship._\n\nDagger Two-One: 6-2, enemy dropship incoming, twelve o'clock, Castle
Memorial.\n\n_With the dropship in sight Riley takes it down with a well-placed
gravity sling pull on its engines, ripping it out and tossing it at a columns of
True Sons T-90SM tanks. As she takes down the tank column Manta 2-5's transmission
comes through her Focus._\n\nManta Two-Five: This is Manta Two-Five at LZ Delta-
one! Engines at twenty-three percent! We can't carry any more people! We're gonna
have to leave some of them behind!"},"624640146800902163":
{"u":0,"t":1568996216250,"m":"_Adding to the chaos, the Evac Site joins the call,
requesting fire support from Dagger._\n\nEvac Site: Dagger Two, the War Monument is
taking fire from the main road! Give them whatever you got!\n\n_Ruby turns the gun
around and sprays the minigun at enemies behind cars all over the main road as
Trigger's ADF-11F flies into view launching its twin weapon UAVs at the road. The
UAVs then circle around Dagger before firing their laser down on the road, glassing
enemies._\n\n_From his radar scope Overlord picks up his radio as he and Glynda
tapped at a blue switch on the console, with the switch activated the screen reads:
sent out he warns all friendly forces over the radio._\n\nOverlord: Overlord to all
units, Evacuation Order April, I repeat, Evacuation Order April! Everyone get the
hell outta there! Hammerdown will be in effect shortly!"},"624640851141853184":
{"u":1,"t":1568996384178,"m":"Gift - Hey! Sarge, have you ever seen Rambo?\nSargent
Gift - Yes, Are you going to do like him?\nGift - Ha! Yes, Him with Dual M60, but
mine Ember Miniguns."},"624643697795006474":{"u":0,"t":1568997062873,"m":"_Gift
sets up a defensive perimeter for Team JNPR with his twin modified gauntlets as the
team ready themselves for the upcoming onslaught._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
This is it, the only way we make it through this is to fight.\n\n_With the first
wave of True Sons infantry advancing on ther position Pyrrha takes the lead soldier
down with a clean shot to the head, soon, the rest of the advancing hostiles catch
up to the dead soldier, opening fire on the team as they move up._\n\n_Back in the
air SAM missiles are launched from the Nicholas Schnee Department of Justice,
shooting down Little Bird Dagger Two-Three and damaging Dagger Two-One as a missile
exploded close to the tail rotor, damaging it with shrapnel._\n\nDagger Two-One:
Incoming! Incoming!\n\n_More missiles streaks past the Black Hawk as Ruby tries to
shoot them down. As she aims on the missiles shrapnel from the rotor overhead
pierced into her left shoulder as she screams out in agony and dropped the minigun.
With Ruby getting hit Weiss takes her place on the minigun, opening fire down on
the SAM sites._\n\nSgt. Foley: Overlord, we're hit, but still in the air. We've got
a massive SAM battery at the Department of Justice, we're going in! Be advised that
Romeo 1-1 is WIA. Over!\n\n_The pilot of Dagger Two-One hovers his Black Hawk along
the fourth floor of the Dept. of Justice as Weiss sprays the minigun at RPG teams
all along the floor. Joining her effort in taking down the RPG teams Yang and Blake
fires their weapons at the teams, obliterating the floor as the helicopter loses
altitude, drooping down a floor lower._\n\nDagger Two-One: We're losing attitude
{"u":1,"t":1568997184684,"m":"Gift - Cover them, Give it all you
got!"},"624645895597588480":{"u":0,"t":1568997586870,"m":"_From his spot, he tries
to lay down suppression fire as much as he can for Team JNPR until his twin
gauntlets gave in to the overheating and melts down. Frustrated Gift flicked the
gauntlets away and brings out his dual M60 machine guns and fired them akimbo at
the incoming hostiles._\n\n_Jaune and Pyrrha stand their ground back-to-back as
Pyrrha covered her field of fire with rains of metal debris while Jaune reaps
through waves of hostiles with SFFS self-forming fragmentation system pods launched
from Count's F-15EX. But as he keeps up the support a pained scream echoed
throughout the battle zone._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
What...?\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> It's Nora! She's hit!\n\n_Breaking off their
attack the two run over to Nora, finding their teammate's clothes drenched in
blood. Nora looks up to the two, whimpering in pain an clutching her stomach as
Dagger Two-Two's pilot runs up to her with a field medical kit while Ren keeps
their sector safe, masking them from the hostiles with his Semblance._\n\nDagger
Two-Two: She jumped
off to fight a Paladin head-on. I told her to sta back but she went off
{"u":1,"t":1568997642236,"m":"Gift - Don't mind her Dagger, Sometime she is
crazy."},"624648424934866944":{"u":0,"t":1568998189911,"m":"_Angered, Pyrrha looks
up to Gift, her hands still applying firm pressure on Nora's
wound._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I know she is, but I didn't expect her to
take a Paladin head-on...\n\n_Back at the Black Hawk, the pilot of Dagger Two-One
brings the helo up, struggling to get the controls to respond._\n\nDagger Two-One:
Tail rotor's fucked, but we're still flying. \n\n_Delighted, Foley orders the pilot
to bring the helicopter up to the roof of the Department of Justice as Yang, Blake,
and Weiss prepare themselves to engage hostiles on the roof._\n\nSgt. Foley: Take
us up! If we're going down, we're takin' those SAM sites with us!\n\n_The pilot
nods as Dagger Two-One flies over the roof of the building. With the hostiles in
sight Weiss fires at the SAM battery, but the True Sons have launched their
missiles, with the missiles coming straight for the helo she conjures a horizontal
row of white-blue glyphs as summons of the AC-65's ventral turrets emerged from
within an opened fire at the SAM batteries._\n\n_Amazed, Foley stares at the
summons in awe as the pilot cheered on, yelling into his headset._\n\nSgt. Foley:
My god...\n\n_As Weiss keeps the summons locked onto the batteries, the summons
begin to flicker as she felt her aura weakening from focusing too much. Struggling
to keep the summon up she fights against the \"aura drain\" but as the True Sons
fired more missiles at the turrets she gives in as they flickered and disappeared,
fading away into nothingness as the glpyhs retracted._\n\n_With the glyphs
retracted a SAM battery fires onto the Black Hawk, scoring a direct hit as the helo
spins out of control._\n\nDagger Two-One: SAM launch! Hang on!\n\n_As Dagger Two-
One spins in the air, more missiles struck the fuselage causing the Black Hawk to
spin even faster to thr ground._.\n\nDagger Two-One: We're hit! Mayday mayday, this
is Dagger Two-One. We are going down at grid square Papa Bravo
2...","te":1568998232245},"624648770008776734":{"u":1,"t":1568998272183,"m":"Gift -
Dagger 2-1, repeat your location."},"624651609405915156":
{"u":0,"t":1568998949148,"m":"_Inside the Black Hawk's fuselage, everyone stuggles
to grab hold onto whatever they have as Dagger Two-One continues to spin out of
control, strapped to the seat Ruby's vision becomes blurried as the disorientation
blurs her vision. After spinning in the air for a minute straigt thanks to the
pilot fighting to keep the Black Hawk as stable as it could, it crashes as Ruby's
vision blacks out._\n\n_From the Mountain Glenn Complex in Vale, Overlord stomps
the floor angrily as the screen reads: DAGGER TWO-ONE DOWN AT GRID PAPA BRAVO 2-
[DATA CORRUPTED], as he stares into the warning, Glyna pats him on the shoulder,
reassuring him._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> They'll make it, Riley's still
there. She can help them.\n\n_She returns to her position on the Battlefield
Management Systems console, scanning allied frequencies for Romeo Actual. Overlord
yanks the microphone up close to him as he begins to hail Hunter Two-One and
Romeo._\n\nOverlord: Dagger Two-One, this is Overlord, do you copy? Over. Dagger
Two-One, this is Overlord, how copy? Over.\n\n_Coming to her senses after the
crash, Ruby wakes up shell-shocked to find the helicopter's fuselage in ruins,
shaking herself free from the loosened straps she grabs Crescent rose by its
extended stock and crawls out of the wreckage to meet her teammates, now standing
on her feet she grabs Weiss and Blake by their hands and pulled them
her two teammates on their feet she walks over to Yang and grabs her by the
prosthethic arm, pulling her sister back on her
feet._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On your feet, sis. \n\n_Dizzied from the
crash, Yang eyed her surroundings before looking into the eyes of her
sister._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What
happened..?\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We crashed. That's what
happened.\n\n_Ramirez wakes up shell-shocked in the wreckage and crawled outside to
meat Team RWBY. Outside, Sgt. Foley, Cpl. Dunn, Pvt. McCord, Pvt. Sandler, and Pvt.
Wade gets on their feet as True Sons radio chatter grew louder, marking their
presence._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hostiles incoming! Fend them
off!\n\n_With their weapons at the ready the two teams fend off hostiles from the
crash site. Ramirez looks at his hands, which have sustained major injuries. His
gloves are torn and his watch is damaged and no longer
{"u":1,"t":1568999030835,"m":"Gift - (walk behind Ruby) Don't you dare, AHHHHH!!!!
(Firing Ember miniguns)"},"624652655851077642":{"u":1,"t":1568999198640,"m":"(i
gonna go now)"},"624652709336842260":
{"u":0,"t":1568999778813,"m":"(Lines will start from here)\n\n_Gift runs up to the
team and begins to fire at the hostiles with his enhanced Ember Celica gauntlets
he'd copied from Yang's original gauntlets. Firing trails of Fire Dust rounds into
the incoming waves of hostiles._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Sandler, target 2 o'clock!\n\n_Dunn
shouts over to Sandler as he provides Ruby with additional fire support from his M4
rifle, from her scope, Ruby aims at a group of hostiles and fires off a gravity
round as the black projectile flies at the group, tearing them apart._\n\nPvt.
McCord: Two mags left!\n\n_McCord calls out his remaining ammunition as Weiss
summond three jungle mags for the private before returning to summoning orange
glpyhs, sending firestorms at the enemy. Surprised, he takes the mags from her
hands and stuffs them into his vest pouches, muttering to himself._\n\nPvt. McCord:
Holy shit, if only we had people like her in the Army...\n\n_Over at Yang's spot
next to the downed Black Hawk she slams into a group of True Sons gunners and with
her gauntlets ready she disorients them with a flurry of punches at their armor,
finishing off the group she raised her right fist high and punched the ground as a
ring of shockwave blasted the gunners away._\n\nSgt. Foley: Dunn, talk to me!\nCpl.
Dunn: I'm okay!\n\n_With Blake running up behind him, Sandler turns to her and
warns her of hostiles flanking her
Sandler: Blake! Watch your flank!\n\n_Blake turns to her left and finds three True
Sons infantrymen running up after her, she unsheaths Gambol Shroud and jumps into
an infantryman, driving the sword blade deep into his chest. She removes the blade
from the infantryman's body and jumps away as the second man fires his weapon at
her._ \n\n_With the second man firing at her she folds her weapon into its
kurisagama form and extends the ribbon from its magazine and swings it at the two
men, slashing the blade through their light armor and taking them down._\n\nPvt.
Wade: Target 9 o'clock, range, 50 meters!\n\n_Having took down a stray Beowolf Wade
turns around and hands Ramirez an M4A1 anf four jungle mags he had taken from
Weiss._\n\nPvt. Wade: Take this and stay down!\n\n_As Wade hands him the last
jungle magazin he is shot in the back of the head and killed, Foley turns around to
find one of his team member dead, and with Wade taken down Ruby runs up to Foley
with Crescent Rose collasped into its rifle form._\n\nSgt. Foley: Wade's
down!\n\n_With Ruby coming up to him Ramirez cocks the M4A1's charging handle twice
and locks his M4A1, with his rifle ready he begins taking out targets from inside
the wreckage with Ruby by his side while her teammates covered his
group._"},"625356195749691432":{"u":1,"t":1569166935623,"m":"Gift - Bravo, rally on
me.\nCaptain Gift - It too many, Damn it not want us to rest.\nGift - Yeah, it
is.\nCaptain Gift - What are you doing?\nGift - EMP, No effect with friendly
unit.\nCaptain Gift - If it can stop their attack, we have nothing to lose.\nGift -
On three, 1 2 3.\nCaptain Gift - Hope it will work."},"625360040949186574":
{"u":0,"t":1569167852390,"m":"_As Ruby and Ramirez continue to hold off hostiles
from their flank, Gift and his men rush to get a field EMP emitter unit ready. Back
at the crash site, as Sandler shoots at the waves of True Sons soldiers his looted
Lancer GL rifle runs out of ammunition, its internal speaker screaming at him of
its status. Swearing under his breath he reaches into his vest for a fresh
magazine._\n\nPvt. Sandler: McCord, reloading, cover me!\n\n_McCord, having
finished off a hostile juggernaut with Yang ran over to his teammate's position,
tossing him a new mag. Sandler thakes the mag and jams it into his rile, already
cocking the charging handle. _\n\nPvt. McCord: McCord covering! \n\n_As McCord
reloads his rifle, a herd of Dromedons rains down acid rain upon his position,
forcing him to back away from the hazardous rain. With the herd of camel-like
creatures spitting acid at the group Yang \"reloads\" her gauntlets, swinging her
arms down to the ground as spent shells ejected from the ejection/reload ports.
Finished, she reared her right arm back and jumps over to the
Dromedons._\n\n_Getting closer to the Dromedons she punches on of the creatures in
its head, casuing it to scream in pain as the punch tore its lower jaw off of its
mouth. Injured, it screeches as acid flooded from its mouth. Causing Yang to
cautiously step back and approaching it from behind as another Dromedon spits acid
at her, scoring a hit on her back an melting away her combat
attire._"},"625360049170284545":{"u":0,"t":1569167854350,"m":"_Turning back to meet
the second Dromedon she dashes forward, grabbed
a metal rebar from the ground and rams it straight into its head. With the camel-
like beast killed she jumps back to meet the Dromedon she had injured only to find
it pinned to the ground by Blake, having sacrificed her weapon to pin the beast
down._\n\nPvt. Sandler: Last mag!\n\n_Firing the last of his remaining ammo in the
previous mag he'd taken from McCord into the two Dromedons he reached into his vest
only to find the last mag remaining, with it, he calls out his remaining ammo out
to his team. as Foley throws a mag at Ramirez._\n\nSgt. Foley: Ramirez! Last mag!
Make it count! Team, ammo check!\n\n_Knowing that her new ally needed more ammo
Weiss conjured five more jungle magazines out for the private before jumping off to
assist Ramirez., finding the private holding a Creep at
- I hope it will work.\nCaptain Gift - It working.\nGift - In 5 seconds.\nSargent
Gift - Out from here and help Romeo.\nGift - Roger that. (Running at super
speed)"},"625364755925827625":{"u":0,"t":1569168976528,"m":"_Over at the EMP
emitter, a King Tajitu launches itself to the ground from an enemy airship and
swallows the emitter whole as Gift and his men jumped back from the street where
the emitter used to be. The Tajitu roars defiantly, taunting the team as it
launches the mangled emitter unit up the air with its tongue and swallowing the
contraption back in its mouth._\n\n_Having swallowed the emitter the giant snake
chews on the emitter and spits out bits and pieces of the contraption out onto the
streets. It then stared the team down, as if expecting for a fight,_\n\n_At the
crash site, enemy airships drop off more troops as they fast-roped down to the
street before the site, with the soldiers in her sight Ruby prepares to fire her
rifle at them. Bracing for the recoil she pressed the trigger to find nothing
coming out of the barrel, she pulls the trigger again as more clicks came from the
rifle. Knowing that she had run out of her remaining ammunition she calls out her
status._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm Winchester on ammo! Switching to
secondary!\n\n_Snapping Crescent Rose back to its holster on her back she swaps to
her Mk17 Mod 0 rifle and fired back at the soldiers, taking down some of them. As
she continues to engage the enemy an enemy marksman takes her down with a shot to
her left clavicle, sending Ruby falling to the ground groaning in pain. Clutching
her left shoulder, she shouts_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm hit! I'm hit!
\n\n_Foley turns to Ruby, finding his ally lying on the ground. He drops his rifle
and runs over to the young Huntress and drags her into cover, injecting a QuickClot
penetration wound stopper device into her clavicle._\n\nSgt. Foley: Stay with me,
Ruby! You're going to be fine. \n\n_More enemy soldiers continue to advance on the
site as Dunn turns back to his group, calling the soldiers out to them._\n\nCpl.
Dunn: There's too many of them! Dead ahead, twelve
{"u":1,"t":1569169102321,"m":"Gift - No No No don't want to lose anything and
anymore.\nSargent Gift - I will clear them.(Equip RPG) Hasta la vista, Baby.\n(I
gonna go now)"},"623197544725479434":{"u":1,"t":1568652273113,"m":"Sargent/General
Gift - Yare Yare.\nGift - This will be mess up.\nSargent Gift - Sure.\nCaptain Gift
- Here we go!"},"623198312148762634":{"u":1,"t":1568652456081,"m":"(I gonna go
now)"},"623198338883387412":{"u":0,"t":1568652462455,"m":"_Gift, Sarge, and Cap ran
up to the convention building as four Valerian VTOL-capable Arsenal Bird dropships
flies into the battlezone with their protective shielding in full power, encasing
its surroundings including the convention building in its near-impenetrable
sphere._\n\n_From the lead dropship came Full Band and Tabloid, the two men waving
at the refugees, yelling from their megaphones._\n\nTabloid: DROPSHIPS HAVE
{"u":1,"t":1568731430255,"m":"Gift - More incoming!\nSargent Gift - Take em
out!"},"623530787643326464":{"u":0,"t":1568731724416,"m":"_As Full band rushed to
get the civilians inside the dropships, a volley of Nimbus missiles struck against
the lead dropship, obliterating the aircraft and killing a portion of the civilians
rescued._\n\nTabloid: HEADS UP! WE GOT INCOMING!\n\n_More missiles fly into view as
a trail of white light flew after it, ramming into the missiles as it intercepts
them. Destroying most of the incoming warheads and sending one flying off-course
into open sky. The trail of light reveals itself to be Riley, having took down the
offending Aigaion aerial warship launching its missiles at the
dropships._\n\nRiley: I got the missiles! Gift, get those dropships in the air,
now!\n\n_Gift nods, rushing to his clone as he and Sarge rounded up the civilians
before sending them into the remaining dropships all at once using their kinesis
modules. With the civilians secured they wave for Full Band and Tabloid to run for
the lead dropship, giving them the all-clear for takeoff._\n\n_From the lead
dropship, Tabloid rings up Gift's radio, sending the general his
gratitude._\n\nTabloid: Thanks for the assist, General! We're lifting
{"u":0,"t":1568732115237,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ??"},"623532591215149057":
{"u":1,"t":1568732154421,"m":"Gift - Alright task force, let push them back to
where they come from."},"623534603285823508":{"u":0,"t":1568732634136,"m":"_With
the dropships flying into the sky under protection from surviving Atlesian Air
Force fighter jets, Gift and Team JNPR move from the Monument for the Department of
Dust Reserves building, along the way they encounter friendly units holding back
their last defensive line keeping the hostiles at bay. As they run past a point-
defene anti-aircraft tower they run into Ranger 3-4, an Atlesian Army fireteam
holding the tower for an incoming supply ship._\n\nSgt. Adamson: General! Sergeant
Foley left us a message while you were at the convention centre. Team Romeo and
their support package has moved in to retake the Reserve! \n\n_Shaking his head,
Jaune runs up to the sergeant and slaps him in the face much to his teammates'
shock._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You let them leave without us?!
WHY??\n\n_The sergeant slaps him back and pulls his pistol out at Jaune._\n\nSgt.
Adamson: They left after Overlord commanded them to take the Reserve. Now go,
they'll need your help."},"623535128332730398":{"u":1,"t":1568732759317,"m":"Gift -
Okay, Come on Bravo.\nSargent Gift - Hey! Who will guard here?\nGift - Don't worry
Deebee will hold this position.\nCaptain Gift - Wise choice,
mate."},"623537529206865920":{"u":0,"t":1568733331730,"m":"_From the sky, an AC-65
Assault Archelon gunship flies low to the ground as it airdropped three large
dodecahedron rapid deployment packages onto his position, the pods then crashed on
the ground as they deployed a full company's worth of heavily-armed DeeBee
mechanized infantry units. Now deployed, the lead commanding DeeBee runs up to
greet Gift, saluting._\n\nDeeBee: Sentinel Guardian DeeBee Company ready for
actions, requesting orders.\n\n_Without hesitation, Jaune pushes his way past Gift,
now standing in front of the mechanized infantry unit he sticks a data drive into
its chest receptor as the DeeBee's eyes glitched for a moment before returning to
its standard blue._\n\nDeeBee: Command accepted, good luck with your mission, Team
Juniper!\n\n_Jaune removes the drive from its chest as he walks for his team,
sheathing Crocea Mors and switching to a Lancer assault
rifle._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Let's go, the bots are briefed of their
objectives with whatever's in that drive I yanked off of a dead grunt. \n\n_Pyrrha
smiles, grabbing Milo by its stock. Nora readies up Magnhild as she loads fresh
grenade ammunition into it while Ren twirls StormFlower in his
hands._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Let's not keep Ruby waiting, move!\n\n_The
team took to their feet on their way to the Reserve building, running across a
clearing of what used to be the automated Dust feeding lines. Gift turns to the
sergeant and nodded to him before running after the students as he, too, joins them
in their run to their destination._"},"623537984100368385":
{"u":1,"t":1568733440185,"m":"Gift - Come on! Let's go! Romeo this is Bravo 6 we
coming for assist, Hang in there, ETA 4 Minutes."},"623539863559471119":
{"u":0,"t":1568733888283,"m":"(Never mind, I can still
continue)"},"623539946959011861":{"u":1,"t":1568733908167,"m":"(Good, Let
add more details in your reply please)"},"623541309281402890":
{"u":1,"t":1568734232970,"m":"(Got it)\nSargent Gift - Hey! today is so many
trouble.\nGift - Yeah! Don't have time for break.\nSargent Gift - Don't worry after
this, we can have a break.\nGift - I hope so."},"623545036209913897":
{"u":0,"t":1568735121539,"m":"_Siwtching over to Team RWBY, the view from Ruby's
suit camera comes into Overlord's view as she takes the lead, breaching the large
door blocking them entry into the Reserve building clear with a point-blank shot to
its locks, with the door free from its locks Yang punches it away as it slams into
a swarm of baby Lancers, crushing them into black
sludge._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Door's breached! Move in!\n\n_Moving into
the main floor, a True Sons rifleman opens fire against the team, landing a shot
right onto Ruby's combat dress and hitting her on the torso. Taking the hit, her
aura flickers lightly as it absorbs the round's impact, unfazed, she presses on and
with the rifleman in her view she
fired a close-range gravity shot at the rifleman, ending his life._\n\n_Blake, now
forced to remain behind a pillar activates her semblance as she leaves behind a
stone shadow of herself, jumping over to Weiss. In mid-air, she aims Gambol Shroud
at the corrupted DeeBee firing at her with the Tri-Shot and sends Gambol's blade
down its arc core, disabling it,_\n\n_With the DeeBee disabled and the room cleared
of hostiles foley rallied up his allies deeper into the main floor. Yelling over to
a group of Faunus Militia riflemen as a Ranger team rushed to their help. With the
Militia fireteam taken care of he turns to his group._\n\nSgt. Foley: Get that
Militia out of the killzone! We gotta buy some time for those casevac birds!
\n\n_Before he could report his status to Overlord, Ruby takes over as she taps on
her Focus device._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Overlord, This is Romeo
Actual! We're moving into the Reserve building! Requesting additional mechanized
infantry support, over!\n\n_From his HQ in Mt. Glenn, he swipes his cursor over to
a Condor support aircraft flying into Ruby's airspace, marking it with a supply
run._\n\nOverlord: Roger. Brigade Combat Team One has already peeled off an LAV to
provide suppression, additional inantry support is on its way,
over","te":1568735210961},"623545572451811358":{"u":1,"t":1568735249389,"m":"Gift -
We almost there.\nSargent Gift - Same plan, I and Commander will sniper, You and
Cap rally with Romeo.\nGift - Roger, Come on Cap let go.\nCaptain Gift - Got
it."},"623548283104657448":{"u":0,"t":1568735895659,"m":"_With the request for
additional support approved, a Condor flies above the building as it deploys five
dodecahedron deployment pods onto the battlefield, ths time deploying a squad of
DeeBees armed with Tri-Shot autocannons onto the Department's inner floors. With
the DeeBees deployed its commanding infantry unit syncs in with Ruby's datalink,
alerting her to their deployment._\n\nCommanding DeeBee: Heavy support squad Argent
2-4 ready for tasking, engaging hostiles at inner quadrant 6B3, dispatching three
friendly DeeBees to your position.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Solid copy,
Argent 2-4, we're moving in to retake the building, out.\n\n_With the DeeBees
laying waste to the hostiles, Team RWBY, Hunter Two-One and an Osean SEAL team
moves in further into the building as they climbed the stairs to the second floor,
meeting the DeeBees sent in earlier as Overlord's call comes through
again._\n\nOverlord: Hunter Two-One, Romeo Actual. This is Overlord. Osean SEAL
teams are maneuvering into position on the northwest corner of the target building.
Link up with them on the top floor and eliminate enemy fire teams, over. Be advised
that Team Juliet has been tasked to provide support to Brigade Combat Team-One,
over.\n\n_As they move up to the second floor an M2 Bradley IFV is seen firing at a
swarm of Lancers, suppressing the creatures from flying into the building and
taking Team RWBY by surprise._\n\n_The IFV continues to fire at the swarm until
they eventually break off and fly away, with the Lancers cleared from the building
the team enter the Department of Dust Reserve's second floor safely._\n\nSgt.
Foley: Move up! Go! Go!","te":1568735914714},"623548878154891284":
{"u":1,"t":1568736037530,"m":"Gift - Alright, here we are, Clear the area and watch
your fire.\nCaptain/Sargent/Commander Gift - Roger.\n(I gonna go
now)"},"623549139258703897":{"u":0,"t":1568736099782,"m":"(Roger, I'll write up
more lines so you can pick up on)"},"623553956408328231":
{"u":0,"t":1568737248280,"m":"_Now in the second floor, the three-man DeeBee
gunners opened fire at a team of True Sons hostiles moving into engage the team,
suppressing them and forcing the enemy to reman behind an erected mobile cover unit
as the DeeBees kept up their fire._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Hostiles incoming!
Slot 'em!\n\n_The DeeBees stopped firing as they reached behind their backs for an
estra ammunition pouch, allowing the suppressed enemy fireteam to rise from their
cover only to be pushed away by a roaring Winged Beringel, the hulking gorilla-like
Grimm then slams its two fists on the ground before pounding its chest, taunting
the team._\n\n_As the Beringel roared and pounded its chest, Ruby smirks,
chambering a round into Crescent Rose in an act of intimidation, the Beringel stops
and began to run for her as Yang jumps forward and punched its head, stunning
it._"},"623553963907612682":{"u":0,"t":1568737250068,"m":"_With Yang having stunned
the Beringel Weiss swings Myrtenaster upwards as a wave of extreme cold emitted
from its Dust ejection slits on the blade impacts the Beringel's hide, freezing it
and causing the monster to scream out in pain as its skin chipped off from the
frost to reveal dark, pulsating flesh underneath._\n\n_The Beringel continues to
scream and howl in pain before rushing up against Weiss only tofind itself running
straight for Ruby's scythe blade swinging down on its chest. And with precision
Ruby sends the scythe blade deep into its chest before pulling it out without
firing a round to assist thanks to the blade being coated in plasma._\n\n_With the
scythe blade removed she begins to violently strike the monster rapidly with
Crescent Rose's scythe blade fully extended, inflicting various injuries onto it
until the Beringel manages to grab onto the scythe blade, but as it grabs onto the
blade it disappears from its hands. _\n\n_Confused, it looked around to find Blake
peppering its wounds with Gambol Shroud firing in full-auto. Enraged, it roars and
turned to its right to meet Weiss blasting it with fireballs at close range, with
Blake and Weiss damaging it enough Yang sends another forceful punch at its spine,
pinning the gravely injured creature onto the floor as the lower half of the spine
snapped, paralyzing its legs._\n\n_Putting the Beringel's life to a gory end Ruby
swings Crescent Rose's scythe blade down on its head, splitting it into halves.
Finally killing the creature and causing its body to break down into
{"u":1,"t":1568819586161,"m":"Sargent Gift - Alright Bravo, Open fire.\nGift -
Roger, Cover Romeo.\nCaptain Gift - Roger that."},"623903568306634762":
{"u":0,"t":1568820602252,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> More hostiles moving
in!\n\n_Ren shouts as three hostile ASTs stomped their way into the floor, opening
fire with their machine gun at the students, Jaune readies his shield as the lead
AST locked its guns onto him, blasting the shield with a full rocket salvo. But as
the lead AST engaged Jaune, Pyrrha creeps up behind its back and yanked its suit's
emergency ejection stick as the suit ejected its pilot out to meet Nora's warhammer
slamming onto his head._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, engage
Checkmate!\n\n_Firing back at the second AST with Crescent Rose, Ruby shouts over
the deafening gunfire commanding Weiss and Blake to engage their team attack
maneuver. With the AST weakened from the constant impacts of Mk211 rounds fired
from the sniper-scythe, the second AST backs away to meet with the third as the
floor under them becomes marked with a blue
circle._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Copy, Checkmate!\n\n_Confused, the
hostile pilots looked over Ruby's shoulder to find Riley marking them with a target
designator, and from behind two pillars came Weiss and Blake, their bodies
sparkling with white Light Energy particles, with sheer speed they both
simultaneously approach the ASTs and begin to engage them._\n\n_-
_","te":1571014946529},"623903578808909865":{"u":0,"t":1568820604756,"m":"_From her
point of view, Weiss conjures a golden glyph from her left hand and \"launches\" it
to the ground under the mechas' feet as time begins to slow down. With time slowed
down she strikes the first mecha, ramming the tip of her rapier deep into its
exposed power core, from Blake's side, she engages the second mecha with a series
of powerful strikes from Gambol Shroud's blade and sheath on its exposed wiring and
damaged armor, wearing down their defenses and overwhelming the two
pilots._\n\n_Halfway through their combined attack, Riley jumps into the fray as
she sends two sub-light plasma projectiles at the two mecha, blasting them with
even more damage. As Riley dives in to finish off the hostile mechas Weiss breaks
off her attack, disabling the time dilation glyph as it retracts and fades away.
With time resuming its natural flow Blake crashes into a pillar, unware of the
sudden deactivation of the time glyph._\n\n_Having crashed into the pillar, she
lookes up from the floor to find the two hostile mechas exploding violently,
showering the room with shrapnel from its armor and the mushy remains of its
pilots, having perished in the explosions._"},"623904281187319810":
{"u":1,"t":1568820772216,"m":"Gift - Sarge, I need sniper Support.\nSargent Gift -
Copy that.\nGift - Come on Cap, Time to enter the battlefield.\nCaptain Gift -
Yeah! Let's go!\nGift - AHHHHH!!!!!"},"623908133596823572":
{"u":0,"t":1568821690702,"m":"_From Gift's view, he recklessly jumps into the
chaos, reaching behind him for his Lancer assault rifle, with his rifle loaded with
ammunition he takes aim and fires away at a herd of cybernetcially-enhanced Ziraphs
laying close-range artillery fire at an evacuation side with its main guns attached
on its body._\n\n_As Gift opened fire upon the herd, a Ziraph turns one of its head
around to meet him as its main gun locks onto him, but before it could fire another
SOLG projectile instantly vaporized the herd away, to his surprise, he stares up
the burning skies of Atlas to find Mobius flying his F-22X in close, its nose-
mounted tactical laser system pods lasing on various ground targets._\n\nMobius:
General, I got these suckers covered. You go back to your team.\n\n_From Foley's
he and his men continue to push up the floors as Team RWBY remained at the floor,
keeping the building secure. As they move up they engage foot-mobiles in the
building with JNPR following behind._","te":1571336508863},"623908189011705876":
{"u":0,"t":1568821703914,"m":"Sgt. Foley: Use your grenade launchers! Move
in!\n\n_Reaching the fourth floor, they pass the lobby into the hallway as an Ursa
Majora smashed through the wall, knocking Dunn down with debris, with Dunn knocked
out of his senses and on the floor, Foley readies up his M4 and fired a salvo of
accurate shots at its exposed flesh, but as he fired the Ursa shrugs off the
bullets and continues to advance on his position, forcing him to call for Nora's
assistance._\n\nSgt. Foley: Nora, I need you to knock that bastard on its knees,
we'll provide cover fire!\n\n_Nora nods, grinning maniacally as Jaune, Pyrrha, and
Ren rush forward. Taking the Ursa Majora head-on._\n\nSgt. Foley: Overlord, this is
Two-One Actual, be advised, we're inside and are engaging biological
hostiles.\n\n_Overlord responds, chopping Foley more ADF-11s to his
position._"},"623908539643199538":{"u":1,"t":1568821787511,"m":"Gift - Deebee Check
the area, watch out for allied."},"623909098764763136":
{"u":0,"t":1568821920816,"m":"Overlord: Roger, Overlord copies all. A squadron of
heavily armed ADF-11s is on its way,\n\n_As Foley and his team rushed to get Dunn
out of JNPR's way, Pyrrha rips off a downed Kestrel's rotor blades and sends them
at the Ursa's torso as the blades penetrated its unprotected stomach clean. She
looks behind her to find Jaune leaping into the air with Crocea Mors raised high,
having anticipated the move she raised her shield high with its kinetic ram unit
ready._\n\n_Jaune winks at Pyrrha, knowing what the move meant as he lands on
Akouo's Kinetic Ram, sending him flying at the beast in breakneck speed, as he got
close he drives Crocea Mors' blade deep into its lef tchitinous collarbone hide,
plunging the blade deep enough to sever its left arm off completely._\n\n_Ren runs
in with StormFlower firing wildly at its exposed stomach, he gets close to the
beast and begins to slash away its dark flesh from its expxed woun until Nora
unleashed a salvo of cluster grenades onto the Ursa Majora, ending the beast's
rampage as the grenades blasted its chest away, leaving behing a gaping hole as it
collasped to the floor, fading away into smoke._"},"623909521160404992":
{"u":1,"t":1568822021523,"m":"Captain Gift - Wait! Did you play Gear 5?\nGift -
Yes, and i got their technology for our operation.\nCaptain Gift - Nice Nice, Very
nice, Gift."},"623911028203454486":{"u":0,"t":1568822380830,"m":"_Finally reaching
the Dust Reserve, Cap and Gift looked up to its fourth floor as pink flame bursted
from the floor followed by billowing black smoke. Gift grins, realizing what
happened to the offending Grimm he had heard from Foley's radio earlier. He turns
to his clone and nodded, running into the building._\n\n_Now inside, they push up
the floor until reaching the fourth floor where they find Nora and Pyrrha re-arming
themselves with ammunition while Jaune and Ren rested close to Riley._\n\n_Noticing
the two men approaching Riley waves to them before hollering over. Letting them
know of her location._\n\nRiley: Over here! JNPR's just took out a Majora, we're
going to push up to the fifth, how's the status on your side?\n\n_Finished with
revitalizing Ren of his injuries she puts her hands away as strings of light
dissipated into the air. Ren gave Riley her thanks and walks away from her to his
team, smiling._\n\n_Cap and Gift, now being asked of the situation on their part
begins to answer, putting their weapons behind their
backs._"},"623911501127745565":{"u":1,"t":1568822493584,"m":"Gift - Clear, But
Overlord have order to support you.\nCaptain Gift - About that way Gift have
command Deebee to hold that position."},"623914031165603851":
{"u":0,"t":1568823096792,"m":"_Riley snorts, checking in on her radio as JD and his
squad moves into the building with Kait, Del, Marcus, and Cole ran after him,
stopping once they saw Team RWBY and their support group still intact._\n\nJD:
What's the status on the Reserve?\n\n_From her team, Ruby gets up, her rifle at the
ready. She responds to JD's question as she inspects her weapon for
defects._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We took down a Majora just when you
arrived, we'll be commandeering the anti-aircrat emplacements on this building and
use them to buy the evacuation units time. \n\n_JD smiles, impressed at Ruby's
professionality and her composure. He walks over to the rest of her team, admiring
their combat attire until Kait clears her throat, forcing him to step back and
rejoin his squad. Without further ado they move up a pile of rubble up to the fifth
floor along with their newfound allies. The damaged Kingdom Security Council
Building is seen out in the distance._\n\nCpl. Dunn: That's the freakin' Sec
Council Building, man.\n\n_His radio comes to life as Overlord barked in more
orders and sitrep._\n\nOverlord: Hunter Two-One, Romeo Actual, Delta-One, be
advised, hostiles throughout the fifth floor are hammering the evac site, multiple
aerial Grimm inbound. Over.\n\n_Riley anwers the call, accepting the mission
order._\n\nRiley: Solid copy, Overlord. We are Oscar Mike to the fifth floor with
Delta-One. Out.\n\n_Reaching the fifth floor, the group stacks up behind the door
as they begin to plan their assault to retake the captured anti-aircraft
systems._\n\nJD: We should rush in and attack from all directions, Team RWBY can
use their powers to wipe the floor clean off the Grimm while us, Hunter and JNPr
keep up overwatch.","te":1573393463199},"623914333193240599":
{"u":1,"t":1568823168801,"m":"Gift - Alright JD, Let's do
this!"},"623915704822792212":{"u":0,"t":1568823495823,"m":"_The rest of the group
nods in unison as they ready themselves to engage hostiles sprawling all throughout
the entire floor. Ruby and Kait then stacked up behind the door as they begin to
count down._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ready?\n\nKait: Always, on your
call, Rose.\n\n_Ruby chambers a new round into Crescent Rose, sighing. She prepares
to kick the door open as her teammates stacked behind her while JNPR stacked behind
Marcus._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay! Three, two, one. Go, go,
go!\n\n_With a powerful kick to the door, the group rushed into the exposed rooftop
of the Reserve building as they spread out to engage hostiles._\n\nCole: Get some!
Get some! WOO!\n\n_Cole, hyped for action wildly fired his Lancer into a squad of
True Sons heavy gunners, over at Ruby, she and her team spreads out in all
directions as they begin to take down SPAAGs, hostile soldiers and Grimm alike.
Feeling the adrenaline coursing through his vein, Cole unintentionally slams into
Ruby as he screams out profanities at the hostiles._\n\nCole: Delta Squad is in
your house, bitch! You hear that shit? Your dark, grimy-ass bitches are going down!
Like, way down! Dead down! So down you ain't gonna know which way is up! Your
mutant asses are gonna be crying to your skank-ass Queen, 'Oh Mommy, don't let them
girls with magic powers hurt us!' Fuck you! We gonna whoop yo momma's ass to
fucking dust! WHOO!\"","te":1568825223776},"623916128715931648":
{"u":1,"t":1568823596887,"m":"Gift - Alright Team, take em out.\nCaptain Gift -
Copy."},"623917657959170048":{"u":0,"t":1568823961487,"m":"_Gift and his team moves
further into the rooftop's defense lines set up by the enemy as the True Sons'
presence on the floor are slowly ridden off by the efforts of the groups'
combatants, and with the last hostile downed by Yang's stray Embr Celica shell JD
and his team rushed to get the anti-aircraft weaponry online as Del and his flying
drone hacks into the controls._\n\nDel: I got the guns, jacking in now!\n\n_Weiss,
unsure of Del's flying companion's ability keeps guard as she stands close to him,
covering her spot with defensive gravity glyphs. Ruby, Kait, Marcus and Riley ran
up to an Arsenal Bird target designator rig and begins to work on its frayed wiring
and damaged circuitry while Blake, Yang, and Foley worked on the SAM
missiles._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I need a spare bolt for this gun system!
Nora, hand me that torque wrench!\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Who needs a torque
wrench when you have me?!\n\n_Nora jumps over to Jaune and with force, she twisted
the damaged bolt off and inserts a new one back in as the gun system he had been
working on comes back online. Soon, all weapon systems across the floor falles
under Allied Remnant Forces control as they began to rain down annihilation on
incoming Grimm, True Sons assault carriers and hostile aircrafts
{"u":1,"t":1568824051747,"m":"Gift - Hey! Cap do you have stinger?\nCaptain Gift -
Here!\nGift - Thanks."},"623919718687965257":{"u":0,"t":1568824452803,"m":"_Gift
takes a Stinger launcher unit from Cap's hands. With the launcher in his posession
he locks onto a Sea Feilong flying into view and fired off four missiles at it, he
smacks the spent launcher catridge away and jams a new one back in as an airdropped
Mistralian C-RAM system fired its Gravity Dust rounds at a Sphinx._\n\n_From
Foley's spot, he gain control of the Hammer of Dawn's target designator device, and
with it he begins to mark targets for the orbiting ion laser cannon satellite to
fire down orange beams onto the hostiles below them, wiping out swaths of the
incoming waves of enemies effortlessly._\n\n_With the anti-aircraft weaponry under
their control the group continues to bring the pain upon the enemy as Excalibur
laser beams, SOLG projectiles and Hammer of Dawn discharges ravaged the enemy,
clearing away much of the hostils within Atlas airspace until a warning from
Overlord comes through._\n\nOverlord:
All units, be advised! Vytal Air Command has detected multiple nuclear warheads en
route to Atlas airspace. Target Sierra is in play, repeat, Target Sierra is in
play!\n\n_Confused, Marcus looked up from his hammer of dawn targetin
scope._\n\nMarcus: What's target Sierra?","te":1571336408024},"623919986582224896":
{"u":1,"t":1568824516674,"m":"Gift - Here! I will mark for you
Marcus."},"623921286598492203":{"u":0,"t":1568824826622,"m":"_Suddenly, the team's
Focus devices shows Price's live feed bradcasting from Crucible, showing Salem's
cybernetically enhanced legions of Grimm advancing onto Atlas. Amongst the armies
of creatures Salem is seen standing before her armies, staring Price
down._\n\nPrice: You know you'll nver win this war, as long as we're here, we will
fight until we can't.\n\n_Salem grins, walking up to
Price._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Oh, I'll be delighted to put my
army to the test against yours. If you expect me to come fight your people in
Atlas, you're wrong. I won't do it, not until your people are really... ready. In
fact, I prefer to witness a showdown, your army versus mine.\n\n_Price bites his
cigar, tremblling with anger._\n\nPrice: What exactly do you
want?\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> I want... to see you and your army
perish. But not now, I have my subordinates already doing my bidding.\n\n_Shaking
his head, Price turns away from Salem. Not noticing a portal above the legions
sucking the armies back into the Land of Darkness. The feed cuts into an Atlesian
submarine firing nuclear missiles up into the sky before breaking up and
disappearing into a \"NO SIGNAL\"
{"u":1,"t":1568824944924,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price? UNCLE PRICE!!! Damn it, Salem
got him now.\n(I gonna go now)"},"623921908794130443":
{"u":1,"t":1568905409584,"m":"Captain Gift - What going on?\nGift - Salem.... She
got my uncle.\nCaptain Gift - Damn it, do you know what happen?\nGift - I don't
know."},"624260888081334312":{"u":0,"t":1568905793925,"m":"_After disabling his
live feed, Price turns to face Salem's legion of Grimm to find them gone, including
Salem herself. Feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned around to face Cinder,
holding a phase-shift device in her hand._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You're
free to go, for now. If I find you here again, you'll never leave this place
alive.\n\n_Price ignores her threats, istead he reached into his pocket and grabbed
a cigar out from it. He puts it in between his lips and lights it up with a Fire
Dust shard, blowing a puff of smoke, he retorts._\n\nPrice: I'm sure you and I will
meet here when the time comes.\n\n_Cinder smirks at the captain, placing her thumb
above the deivce's activation switch._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Ready to go
back and fight your pointless war?\n\n_Price throws his cigar away, having smoked
enough. He tucks the dust shard back in, tapping commands into his wrist computer.
Without saying a word, Cinder pressed the device's activation switch as Price
disappears from the dark realm in a flash._\n\n_As Cinder pressed the activation
switch Price finds himself being brought back to Atlas, kneeling close to Gift.
Finding himself sent back into the heat of the battle he gets up and readied
himself for battle much to Gift's surprise._"},"624261136333930496":
{"u":1,"t":1568905853113,"m":"Gift - Uncle! What happen with
you?"},"624262049475723279":{"u":0,"t":1568906070823,"m":"Price: Just paying the
witch a little visit.\n\n_With his weapons ready, Price taps more commands into his
wrist computer. As the captain inputted codes into his wrist computer Gift's
expression changes, realizing what the captain intends to do as Price looked up to
face his ally._\n\nPrice: You know what I'm going to do, right? \n\n_Gift nods,
allowing the captain to tend to his matters until Overlord's call comes through
again._\n\nOverlord: Overlord to all units, the evac site at the Great War
Monument reports several transports away, but they are still vulnerable. Additional
transport from aerial warships are inbound for CASEVACs, can you provide support
from your position, over?"},"624262625823555628":
{"u":1,"t":1568399958215,"m":"Captain Gift - No hope for him to hear that
word."},"622139614853070848":{"u":1,"t":1568400042976,"m":"Sargent Gift - We're not
so lucky.\nCaptain Gift - I hope Ruby will call Gift Onii-Chan, Once in his
life."},"622140899027189761":{"u":0,"t":1568400349147,"m":"_Ruby lets him go, but
hesitates, she sighs, closed her eyes and leaned in close enough to Gift's ear.
Pondering over what she'd heard from Cap's open radio channel._\n\n_Watching
anxiously, Weiss keeps her distance frm her, watching her from across the
deployment bay._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Don't say it, don't say it,
don't say it...\n\n_Ruby hesitates, takes a deep breath, exhaled and leans in even
closer, her nose now poking at Gift's temple. As she leaned in close, Gift finds
himself assaulted by the strong scent of roses emanating from her body. Trying his
best not to break, he listened in on what she has to
say._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know that you've always wanted to hear
this, and well... being the good girl I am, I had to say it. Here goes.\n\n_Gift
anxiously waits for the \"magic word\" as he
trembles._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll alway be with you, _onii-
chan._\n\n_Facepalming, Weiss smacks her head against a collapsible table.
Screaming into her hands._\n\n_In her mind, emotions began to mix and churn as she
pondered over what she had said, until Ruby commanded her mind to cease its endless
train of throught by focusing on her task at hand. \"I said that just to let him
know I'll be with him as his friend after all this madness ended\" She said to
herself, the words echoing in her
{"u":1,"t":1568400541583,"m":"Gift - Ruby! Did you really....\nCaptain Gift - There
it is!\nSargent Gift - He much Surprise."},"622142640309403680":
{"u":0,"t":1568400764301,"m":"_Ruby smiles, backing away from
Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yep, I did! \n\n_Inside the MCV, Riley
laughs to herself, facepalming as Weiss groans out in annoyance. Blake and Yang,
too, broke into laughing fits as they all watched Gift's reaction from the MCV
surveillance cameras._\n\n_As the students laughed, Dave watches Gift from afar,
wondering over what the students were laughing about._\n\nRiley: Oh, boy. She did
it.\n\nDave: Did what?\n\nRiley: The oneechan thing? Yep, she
did.","te":1568400797427},"622143211103846499":{"u":1,"t":1568400900389,"m":"Gift -
Ruby, I never feel better like this
{"u":0,"t":1568401140383,"m":"_Ruby nudged his cheek playfully before running for
the MCV, her weapon at the ready._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Save your
compliments, we have a world to save! Let's go!"},"622144409424887808":
{"u":1,"t":1568401186091,"m":"Gift - Okay, Let's Go!"},"622144887579607041":
{"u":0,"t":1568401300092,"m":"Cpl. Dave: Very well, hop on in! I'm sending you all
straight to the Council."},"622144924795666437":{"u":0,"t":1568401308965,"m":"(I
gotta go, we'll continue later)"},"622145047743430656":
{"u":1,"t":1568473744697,"m":"Clam back the base\nGeneral Gift\nTask Force
141"},"622449379386720287":{"u":0,"t":1568473896596,"m":"_As the team rested inside
the MCV, Dave jumps back into the piloting deck as he and his second man activated
the defene systems onboard, driving through the debris-riddled courtyard. Finally
taking the team on their way to the government council, now under siege under the
hands of the True Sons._\n\n_Inside the troop deploymen deck, Riley turns to Gift,
finding her partner smiling from ear-to-ear, she taps his shouder as he turns
around to meet her._\n\nRiley: Hey, you feeling better?"},"622449695146377267":
{"u":1,"t":1568473971879,"m":"Gift - Yeah, feel much better.\nCaptain Gift - Ruby,
i have some thing to talk, personally."},"622450351550758913":
{"u":0,"t":1568474128378,"m":"_Sitting from across Cap's seat lies Ruby, inspecting
her weapon for combat. She slides the bolt back twice as two rounds ejected from
the ejection port and dropped onto the metal floor. With the rounds ejecting
properly she picked them up from the floor and loads them back into the magazine,
she attaches the magazine back on Crescent Rose and chambered another round in
before stowing it next to her._\n\n_Finished with inspecting her weapon she looked
at Cap, staring into his eyes._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> What is
it?"},"622451851924602880":{"u":1,"t":1568474486095,"m":"Captain Gift - I know what
are you thinking, i'm the best at physic power, If about Gift when first time he is
in SAS, He have strong heart to do his duty, But when he face with much ignoring
and so many bad thing, His heart is getting weak, Until now his heart is in danger
zone, If he got ignore or have bad thing at least one, his heart will break
instantly, If you want to know what happen when it happen, i have a video to see
his behavior after his heart already break, After you watch it you will
know."},"622455364306206767":{"u":0,"t":1568475323512,"m":"_Raising an eyebrow,
Ruby takes the Scroll from his hands as the device unfolds into it standard
configuration, showin a simulation of Gift, sitting in a padded cell surrounded by
cameras, instruments of unknown origin and a personnel standing by within the
cell._\n\n_She taps the play button as the simulation runs, at first, Gift is seen
sitting on the floor tending to his own business. As the timestamp runs past the
first minute, the sound of glass
cracking is heard in the room despite the windows remaining intact, the personnel
standing in a far corner runs in to check in on Gift but is pushed
away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What...?\n\n_The simulation continues,
this time Gift's contidion worsen as the timestamp ran past three minutes, Gift,
now on the floor writhes in pain as a simulation of his heart is shown in the upper
right corner, showing multiple cracks tearing into his heart._\n\n_As the timestamp
ran past minute five, the sounds of glass shattering is heard as his body twitched
lightly for a moment before stopping completely. A flatline is heard, and a team of
medical personnel is seen running into the cell, carrying him away on a stretcher.
The simulation cuts to black as the Scroll snaps back into its compact
form._"},"622455852644958210":{"u":1,"t":1568475439941,"m":"Captain Gift - I got it
from his room, so that's why he don't want to get ignore or mad at
him."},"622456689794351125":{"u":0,"t":1568475639533,"m":"_Shaking her head in
disapproval, Ruby tosses the device back to Cap. Cap took the Scroll in his hands
as he watched Ruby's reaction closely. After a minute of observing her, he finds
her reaction impassive._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Look, I understand,
combat stress takes a toll on him, me, Riley, Weiss... all of us! But this? This
is... absurd! I get that he needs care, but this just isn't the time for it. Not
when we're going into battle!\n\n_Weiss, having watched the simulation along with
Ruby interjects, pushing her aside._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I know that he's
been through a lot. And that he needs care, but have you ever really focused your
attention on all of us? Not really, you dumped it all on Ruby, and look what's
happening to--\n\n_Blake cuts her off, standing in front of
her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Cap, she _will_ be there for Gift. Like
what Ruby said, this just isn't the time to discuss about any of this! We have
people out there begging for our help and this is what we do?! Bicker over
heartbreaks!?\n\n_Yang, annoyed by the cacophony of the argument fires a round from
Ember Celica up into the ceiling, silencing everyone within the
deck._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> SHUT UP! We have a kingdom to save, and this
is how we act!? GET IT TOGETHER! \n\n_Jaune stomps the floor hard, denting it with
sole prints from his combat boots._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> She's right, we
need to stay focused, Foley and his men took off for the council just a while ago.
We're the only ones still here in this vehicle. If you guys can't keep it together
Ruby, Riley, and I will take command, any
{"u":1,"t":1568475861783,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Have a quarrel about me?
I understand that is unacceptable but soon they will understand my little heart
that weak and can't get anything bad. (Tear coming out from his
eyes)"},"622459940157653003":{"u":0,"t":1568476414480,"m":"_As the students readied
themselves for combat, Riley gets up from her seat and walked over to Gift. She
takes Gift by the arm and embraces him, casting beams of light from her chest and
projecting them upon his._\n\nRiley: Hey, hey. I know, I went through this before.
I'm not saying that I had it worse than yours, but, there's gottaa be a way for you
to keep it together until this ends. I'm sorry for what I said to you over the past
months, and for my actions.\n\n_The students then turned to Riley as they watch her
calm Gift down._","te":1568476428863},"622459950077313025":
{"u":0,"t":1568476416845,"m":"Riley: They're young, being in combat and facing
scenarios that can kill them if they're not aware puts a great toll on their minds,
and that is exactly what's happenng to them, to me, right now.\n\n_As she embraced
him, tears begin to stream down her face as she began to take in Gift's mental
trauma into her mindspace as the beams of light grew brighter._\n\nRiley: It's
tough living the life of endless fighting, suffering and war. I know, but now we
have to stay focused on our task at hand. Look, if you need to talk to me you can
tap right into my mind. I'm here for you, okay?\n\n_With her thumbs she wiped away
her partner's tears as she takes in Gift's mental trauma even further._\n\nRiley:
Wanna know why my callsign is Atlas? That's because Atlas the god had to carry the
weight of heavens on his shoulders, and that's exactly what I'm doing, carrying the
weight of every man on this deck under my shoulders including yours. Yours is the
heaviest, but do I complain? No. I didn't, because what I did before I met you,
long before I came here was worse than any other thing one man could have ever
done.\n\n_She pauses, sniffling as tears poured down her cheeks and onto the
floor._\n\nRiley: I led my friends to their deaths, and for that I was punished for
it, I was ripped to shreds. And when my parents found what's left of me, they
rebuit my body from what's left of it. I was reborn, body built from Light Energy,
and had to live on immortalized, undying and facing nothing but pain and sorrow
everywhere I go But that's just matters of the past now, what I want from you, is
for you to stay focused until we make it through
- (wiping tears) Alright then, You might already know why my callsign is
Bravo."},"622461867419500545":{"u":0,"t":1568476873975,"m":"Riley: Yes...\n\n_She
lets go of him, wiping her tears away as the students watched her solemnly. Taking
in what they had heard. Ruby remains silent, tears streaming down her face and onto
the floor, her friends, too, cried to themselves._\n\n_Over at Team JNPR, Jaune
sits back on the seat he'd gotten back up from as he held Pyrrha's hand tightly,
trying his best not to break down into a crying mess. Only allowing himself to cry
in silence as tears streamed down his face._"},"622462248509505586":
{"u":1,"t":1568476964834,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Thanks Sarge, to create
this program to check my heart."},"622464999948025906":
{"u":0,"t":1568477620828,"m":"_Riley pulls her partner in again, embracing him even
harder as the beams of light on her chest disappeared. Marking the end of Riley
melding her mind with Gift's. She lets him go, walking back to her seat as her
Focus lights up as a radio transmission is heard throughout the deck._\n\nStalker
2-1: _over comma_ Goliath, Goliath, this is Stalker 2-1. Standby for report 2-7,
over.\n\nGoliath: Stalker 2-1, this is Goliath, send traffic, over.\n\n_From the
Valerian Central Command compound within Mountain Glenn, Overlord is seen
commanding the main console as he sweeped the scanner scope on the Atlesian
Government Council's main building, finding the entire complex taken over by
hostiles._\n\n_As a personnel haned him a pad of notes Overlord takes his mic as he
scans through Goliath's frequency, jotting down information as he
listened._\n\n_Back on the council, Private James Ramirez is seen sleeping in a
bunker before being awakened by General Ironwood as the general kicked him on the
shin._\n\nIronwood: On your feet, Ramirez. You're to wait until Team RWBY and the
rest of their support package arrives.\n\nRamirez: Hooah, sir!\n\n _He salutes the
general and pulls out his X-55A Grenadier heavy machine gun. As he walks through
the bunker explosions shake the room and soldiers are seen overlooking electronics
and wounded soldiers. He looks to his right, finding a medic \ntending to another
critically injured soldier on a hospital bed, performing CPR on the injured
{"u":0,"t":1568477626640,"m":"_As he waited, Foley and the rest of Hunter Two-One
rushed into the bunker with their weapons at the ready. Ramirez turns to the medic
again to find him looking at his watch, taking note of the time of death as the
soldier coughed up blood before going motionless. Another medic is carrying a
wounded soldier on his back as a conversation between two Rangers comes within
earshot._\n\nPvt. Alan: We've got wounded!\n\n_Another Ranger shouts, pushing
fellow rangers out of the way._\n\nCpl. Devon: Wounded man coming through!\n\nPFC.
Jamison: Is he alright?\n\nPvt. Alan: Yeah, he got hit by a mortar and bit in the
foot by a Beowolf when we dragged him through Quadrant 5A2, fucker tore his right
foot off, but mortar hit's not too bad.\n\nSSgt. Sanders: He'll be alright, but he
needs treatment now.\n\n_A Ranger waks past Ramirez, throwing his weapon onto the
floor and slumping next to a wall._\n\nLt. James: I need to rest, man. It's too
much up there.\n\nPvt. Lucio: We all feel the same way,
{"u":1,"t":1568645559745,"m":"Missing heart\nGeneral Gift\nTask force 141\n5KM away
from Council"},"623170521609142327":{"u":0,"t":1568645830300,"m":"_With the MCV
closing in fast on Ramirez' bunker, multiple Atlesian air units fly into view,
providing the MCV with substantial cover from incoming enemy fire as Dave engages
the APS shield, covering the entire vehicle ina protective enrgy dome as it
effortlessly deflected incoming rounds away from it._\n\n_Inside the cargo deck,
the students remained still in their seats as they waited for their eventual
arrival at the bunker as Overlord's call came in, pinging everyone's
Scroll._\n\n_As Ruby sleeps, her Scroll buzzes, waking her up. She yawns, rubbed
her eyes and pulled the device out of her belt pouch as its screen unfolds.
Onscreen, his logo is shown along with a simulated battlespace environment marking
her position._\n\nOverlord: This is Overlord to all units, standby for immediate
mission update."},"623170743559127050":{"u":1,"t":1568645883217,"m":"Gift - Update
information for us, Overlord."},"623173322007379970":
puts his notes down on the table, sweeping his targeting scope over the council
again as a SOLG targeting drone flies into view. He taps at the drone's strategic
AI controls before transferring it over to Gift, giving him full control of the
massive space gun orbiting the planet._\n\nOverlord: Bravo, you now have OPCON of
the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun, a targeting drone is currently in Atlesian
airspace and will be available once you land at the bunker. \n\n_The MCV violently
shakes as a direct shockwave missile rams against the APs shield, however, the
shield sphere shrugs the explosion off as it absorbed much of the shockwave
emitted. Having taken a direct missile hit, the MCV comes to a halt five hundred
metres before reaching the bunker. From the piloting deck, Dave sprung from his
seat and ran to the cargo deck._\n\nCpl. Dave: UP! UP! GET OUT! MOVE!\n\n_Pushiin
Ruby out of his way, Dave rushes over to the deck's manual door controls as he
forced the aft door open, exposing them to the scene of destruction surrounding
them. From Weiss' Focus, her position is marked in what's left of the council's
security outpost._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Let's move! \n\n_She jumps out of
the aft door with Ruby following her, Riley conjures her twin chainswords again as
she takes to the sky, flying ahead to assist troops within the bunker. From the
mobile armory unit came Blake and Yang, rushing to get a mobile armory crate set up
for an incoming friendly brigade combat team._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I got
the left side, Blake, keep that side up! Don't spill anything!\n\n_As she and Blake
continues to carry the armory unit out, Gift uses his kinesis module and drags it
out of the MCV for them, placing it next to an intact traffic
{"u":1,"t":1568646616489,"m":"Sargent Gift - Alright Gift, Focus on mission, About
your heart keep that later.\nGift - I know what i'm gonna
do."},"623175687695630347":{"u":0,"t":1568647061991,"m":"_With the armory crate
secured, Blake and Yang dashed away from it as the lead IFV of the incoming brigade
combat team drives into view. They run over to Ruby, finding her waiting for them
at the bunker's entrance with Gift, Weiss, Team JNPR, and General
Ironwood._\n\n_Ironwood, having waited for Gift at the bunker personally greets him
as he takes him inside, soon, the students all moved into the bunker where they
find Ramirez and his team waiting at the bunker's main exit. As Ruby approaches
where Cpl. Dunn is resting against the wall, a barely audible transmission comes in
from Overlord to Sgt. Foley, she picks up the signal from her Focus, logging it
in._\n\nOverlord: Ensure all weapons are Condition One and get topside to provide
support. Casevac birds are taking heavy fire. Report status on Team Romeo once they
have arrived.\n\n_Ramirez quickly ends the call as he ran back to Ironwood, meeting
up with Sgt. Foley, Cpl. Dunn, Superteam RWBYJNPR and the rest of his team at the
entrance. A Ranger tosses Dunn his X-55 Grenadier with a thermal sight attached,
walks away and tosses Ruby a smart grenade._\n\nRanger: On your feet - we're Oscar
Mike. \n\n_The Ranger points to Yang with his pistol, gesturing her to
- Alright Bravo team, I and Sarge will find the high ground and support from there,
Cap and Commander Stay on ground, stick with Ranger.\nCaptain Gift - Copy.\nGift -
Alright Sarge, Let do this.\nSargent Gift - I'm waiting for this
time."},"623178573389496320":{"u":0,"t":1568647749994,"m":"Ranger: You from Romeo?
Good, get out with Hunter. Go!\n\n_The group rallied at the exit as Riley lands
before them, her body covered in cuts, bullet impacts and other wounds._\n\nRiley:
It's hell on Remnant out there, civvies are getting torn up from all directions. We
need to get out of there and buy the evac helos some time!\n\nSgt. Foley: Roger,
listen up, teams! This evac site is getting hit hard and we need to buy 'em some
time! Hooah?\n\n_The students of both teams screamed along with Foley, readying
themselves for the battle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
<:mph:501493565981982743> <:AngryBlake:578213315763896331>
<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> Hooah!\n\n_Over at Team JNPR, they, too screamed,
ridding themselves of the fear clouding their
minds._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> <:Nora:501530069282586646>
<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> <:ren:519719201699790870> Hooah!\n\nRangers:
{"u":0,"t":1568647755027,"m":"_Ready for the battle, the teams move out of the
bunker through a trench as the chaotic cacophony of combat assaulted their ears.
Not caring of the sounds of combat the teams pressed on through the trench. As they
ran by, surviving Rangers and civilian enlistees alike all cheered and hollered,
some of them firing their guns up the sky upon the sight of the teams moving
through the trench._\n\n_Finally moving through the trench, Ruby looks to her back
to find companies of surviving troops, civilian enlistees and even members of the
Faunus Militia running after her with their weapons raised high. As she looks back,
Overlord's transmission came through her radio again._\n\nOverlord: All callsigns,
the LZ is under heavy fire. Uncover enemy positions and engage any potential
targets.\n\n_Moving along with Team RWBY Ramirez comes out of the bunker to find
the damaged Great War Memorial Monument, in the sky, Atlesian evac choppers are
evacuating the wounded while under support from UNSA and SCF aerial assets of
various kinds, with an Arkbird entering the airspace and laying waste to every
potetial enemy hotspots with its asteroid defense laser systems._\n\n_Despite the
aerial assets True Sons forces continue to maintain their foothold within Atlas,
occupying various buildings including the Department of Dust Reserve. From the
balconies and mezzanines of captured buildings the True Sons begin to rain gunfire,
RPGs, and mortar fire down on Allied Remnant ground forces in council
grounds._\n\n_The team heads towards the Department of Dust Reserve as a Javelin
missile is seen fired from the top corner of the building and flying down towards a
T-740 hovertank on the street._","te":1568737480499},"623179204451762177":
{"u":1,"t":1568647900451,"m":"Sargent Gift - Here! (Throw Lancer) You might be
use.\nGift - New toy? Thanks, Here! (Throw M107) You are sniper.\nSargent Gift -
I'm on it."},"623181486799192064":{"u":0,"t":1568648444605,"m":"_Gift quickly takes
the Lancer assault rifle as he inserts a fresh magazine into it and racked the side
grip, activating the underbarrel chainsaw unit. He racks the side grip again as the
chainsaw attachment turns into a cluster grenade launcher. Satisfied with his new
weapon he slings it crossbody, keeping the chainsaw attachment active._\n\n_With
Ruby taking the lead with Foley, she runs up to a group of True Sons grunt taking
them by surprise. She smirks, and with a single tap on the trigger she sends the
scythe spinning into a flurry of split-second strikes into the bodies of the
unfortunate grunts, tearing them down. With Ruby taking care of the team of grunts
Ramirez, Weiss, and Foley runs up to a hostile fireteam._\n\nSgt. Foley: Weiss, you
take care of these guys with Ramirez, I got a SOLG tracker. Sarge, use
it!\n\n_Foley tosses Ramirez the targeting device at Ramires, who quickly tosses it
to Sarge. Weiss glances at the fireteam as she swings Myrtenaster at them,
conjuring a wave of fire burning at the hostiles' armor, forcing them to run
directly into a friendly air defense tank's autocannon
fire._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Fireteam disposed, moving to engage
targets!\n\n_Yang continues to run for an enemy combat vehicle when a T-90SM shows
up, firing its main cannon at her. She braces herself for the incoming roun as her
body glows bright yellow, her irises changing to a burning red as the round hits
her point-blank. As the dust cleared she jumps to the sky and slams her right fist
down the tank's turret full force, causing it to buckle and crush into the tank's
chassis and exploding._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Tank is
{"u":1,"t":1568648854394,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey Gift, One below you, take em
out.\nGift - On it."},"623186341328584746":{"u":0,"t":1568649602015,"m":"_Gift
engages the Lancer's grenade launcher attachment as he locks the cluster grenades
onto an enemy infantry fighting vehicle and with the vehicles locked on he launched
three grenades into the sky as they broke up, split themselves into cluster
munitions and rained down on the vehicle, engulfing it in a large
fireball._\n\n_Jaune, now leading his team into combat readies himself as he
engaged his shield's kinetic ram attachment, bracing for a hostile AST running for
him. With the AST close, he rams the shield's kinetic emitter onto the mecha's left
leg, sending the entire powersuit flying away from him as Pyrrha follows up with a
rapid semi-auto salvo of M889A2 \"Tracker\" Delayed-action explosive
rounds._"},"623186349226197003":{"u":0,"t":1568649603898,"m":"_Having peppered the
mecha enough she commands the rounds to detonate as the powersuit rips itself
apart, killing the pilot. Over at Nora, now forced to hide behind a destroyed M1
Abrams tank she turns to Riley, waving at her._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
Riley! Care for a little boost?!\n\n_Riley nods, conjuring lightning bolts on her
left hand._\n\nRiley: Here you go!\n\n_She discharged the bolts onto Nora, striking
her with millions of volts of electricity. With Nora being struck by Riley's
lightning the enemy tanks stopped firing, amused at the sight of their enemies
committing friendly fire. Now charged with electricity
Nora smirks, raising Magnhild high._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Say hello to my
little friend~!\n\nLead Tank Driver: _from radio_ Shit, back up! Back u--\n\n_As
the lead tank prepares to fire, Nora bring her warhammer down against the ground
full-force as the ground rippled before her, forming a wave rushing towards the
tank column. Inside the lead tank, its driver cursed out loud before being tossed
around inside his vehicle as the tanks are flipped upside down from the force of
the impact._\n\n_With the tanks dealt with and the Magnhild's supercharged kinetic
impact visible to much of the hostile fighting force within her vicinity, incoming
enemy vehicles turned around and drove away in fear of being destroyed. But as they
drove back they are met by Weiss' gravity glyphs holding them in place as a SOLG
cluster projectile rains down kinetic rods upon the vehicle columns, destroying
them instantly and giving the Allied Remnant forces a breathing
{"u":1,"t":1568649739851,"m":"Sargent Gift - One near you.\nGift - They got no
chance."},"623187498960420874":{"u":0,"t":1568649878016,"m":"_Gift turns to an
incoming BTR-80 APC and launches three more grenades directly at the vehicle,
destroying it. With the vehicle taken care of he runs over to Ruby's position,
finding her hiding behind a wrecked car with Blake, Dunn, Ren and a civilian
enlistee named Remina._\n\n_Remina, upon the sight of Gift running up to her
quickly aims her Retro Lancer rifle at him, screaming at the general to identify
- STAR!!! (Think to himself) If he know, he will say
Texas."},"623193686586556426":{"u":0,"t":1568651353261,"m":"_Upon hearing the
countersign, Remina lowered her rifle, slinging it on her left
shoulder._\n\nRemina: Should've yelled over the gunfire, sir. I could've took you
for a True Sons grunt right there...\n\n_As the two stood and watched hostiles move
out from their current location, Blake pops up from her cover to find an incoming
evac chopper coming into land. With the chopper in sight she twists the ignition
cap on her flare as it bruns bright, with the flare burning she waves it for the
pilot to see as he brings the Chinook down to land._\n\n_Over at Ren, now assisted
by Jaune, Riley, Wells and Pyrrha he is now tasked with masking the emotions of
thousands of civilians seeking refuge a convention building close to the Great War
Memorial Monument, now standing in front of the gate Pyrrha quickly barricaded the
main entrance with piles of metal debris drawn over from downed jets and
vehicles._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Y'think you can handle this? Riley and I
can boost you, just give us the call!\n\n_Ren looks over to the crowd of refugees
and nodded as sniper fire snapped through the air and shatters a window right above
his head. Pyrrha quickly flies up to him as she slams him onto the floor. With Ren
on the ground another sniper shot pierces through the thin concrete wall, missing
Jaune's chest by inches. At this, Jaune gets up and drags Ren out of Pyrrha's arms,
standing him up._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, I'll boost you and Riley
will amplify the effects further. \n\n_Riley nods, conjuring two blue orbs from her
palms. Now taking a shooter's stance behin a radio set Pyrrha wears the rig and
broadcasts her status over to the rest of her team at the Department of Dust
Reserve._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> All units on this net, be advised, we are
taking heavy fire from the west. Enemy infantry and Grimm spotted west of our
location, requesting immediate civilians evac.
{"u":1,"t":1568651494301,"m":"Sargent Gift - Infantry!\nGift - How many?\nSargent
Gift - Two, can use bicycle kick to take them out.\nGift - Got it, MUDA MUDA MUDA
MUDA MUDAAA!!!!!"},"623197039819358229":{"u":0,"t":1568652152734,"m":"_Gift and
Sarge sets out to take down two spotters and a baby Death Stalker out with their
combined spam attacks, knocking them out of the fight as Pyrrha watches from her
window inside the convention building. As Gift took down the two hostiles, he turns
around to find a large columns of True Sons APCs carrying Grimm creatures and enemy
soldiers coming in to storm the convention building._\n\n_He turns to Sarge and
nodded as the two brings out their rapid launchers and launched missiles at the
incoming vehicles, casuing the grunts to bail out while the APCs carrying Grimm
drove against the missile until they exploded into oblivion. Leaving behind a
gravely injured Manticore._\n\n_Back at Ruby, she and her team follows Foley as
they begin to move into the building ahead of them as an Abrams tank provided them
visual recon of hostiles within the building._\n\nM1A2 Abrams Tank Commander: They
got eyes on us. Snipers, RPG teams, and heavy arms fire, top floor, 12 o'clock due
west of our position. Romeo, proceed with extreme caution.\n\n_As her team rallied
next to an LAV-25AD Ruby collapses her rifle into its compact form and switches to
semi-auto, preparing to storm the building as her teammates stacked up behind her,
their weapons ready._"},"623197059930914816":{"u":0,"t":1568652157529,"m":"Ranger:
Move your men up! Go!\n\n_A Ranger yells at her, ordering her team to fall in
behind another Ranger squad._\n\nRanger 2:
Hooah!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Movin' in!\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
Roger, I got your six!\n\n_As Team RWBY moves into the building's courtyard they
are met by True Sons grunts firing down at them, taking a Ranger team by surprise
and killing one \\in the ensuing bullet storm._\n\nRanger 3: We're taking too much
Fire!\n\nRanger: Incoming! Take cover!\n\n_Blake and Yang hit the dirt as rounds
grazed past them, angered, Yang prepares to jump into the building as Dunn holds
her back._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Let me go! I'm taking them down!\n\nCpl.
Dunn: No, Foley just ordered them to use Ice Flower!\n\n_Yang stares at Foley, a
look of confusion on her face as the sergeant eyed her down._\n\nSgt. Foley: They
have the range, you don't. Stay put.\n\n_Ruby takes aim with her rifle and fired
multiple rounds into the building, taking down some of the hostiles guarding the
building. From behind, Weiss encases Ruby's Crescent Rose in glyphs as she
transforms the bullets fired from the rifle into ricocheting icicles. And with the
first icicle shots fired into the building came the grunts' pained screams as the
ricocheting icicles raked down much of the hostiles guarding the balcony, allowing
Foley's team a clear path into the
{"u":0,"t":1568214744845,"m":"Riley: I'm fine, I swear!\n\n_Riley jumps down from
the bed, inspecting her attire before walking for the infirmary door as everyone in
the room eyed her down, surprised at what they'd witnessed._\n\nRiley: _turning
back to meet the group_ What? Didn't I tell you I'm
immortal?"},"621362617893781516":{"u":1,"t":1568214792465,"m":"Gift - Seem like not
only me that immortal."},"621364570656866304":{"u":0,"t":1568215258040,"m":"_Riley
smiles, turning away from her partner as she opens the infirmary door and walked
out into the main hallway. Once out and away from the infirmary her Scroll buzzes,
alerting her to an incoming message. She reaches into her pocket, pulling the
device out._\n\n_With the Scroll in her hand she flicks it down as the device
unfolds into its standard form as the screen lights up with a textbox
displaying \"IMMEDIATE ACTION NOTIFICATION\", curious of what the message is she
taps at the screen as Baseplate's icon appears on screen followed by his
voice._\n\nBaseplate: Atlas Six, come in, this is Baseplate.\n\n_Recognising his
voice Riley immediately replies to him as Gift walks up behind her. Listening in on
the call._\n\nRiley: This is Atlas, I hear you loud and clear. \n\nBaseplate: Good,
it's nice to hear from you again. Is Gift with you, I need to speak to him, and
Team RWBY. \n\n_Riley turns to Gift, handing him the Scroll._\n\nRiley: He's all
yours."},"621364810319396894":{"u":1,"t":1568215315180,"m":"Gift - Hey! Uncle Mac,
What going on?"},"621366963767345182":{"u":0,"t":1568215828602,"m":"_From his
headquarters, he swipes at his screen, bringing up a list of recent Space United
engagements. He uploads them to Gift's Focus as it appears on his holo-
HUD_\n\nBaseplate: Annual comms check. The U.S. Government sends them their thanks
to you for retaking the Atlesian council. Now listen, I've got news in regards with
your recent engagement with Cinder. Our team of SIGINT operators have deciphered
the data stream they'd picked up during her battle against Ruby. And from the data
it reveals that the Land of Darkness is masked, hidden in the heart of
Crucible.\n\n_Riley, having tuned in on the broadcast begins to note down the
contents as Baseplate went on._\n\nBaseplate: However, the area remains sealed the
rest of the world by the use of an interdimensional spacetime manipulator similar
to the ones ued on the Imagination. As of now, there is no way to enter the realm,
in regards with Grimm activity all across Remnant, there have been increase of
sightings of \"radicalized\" forms of creatures around Atlas and much of Mantle
itself. As fof now, your directives are to assist the Kingdoms of Remnant in their
attempt to restore order. DO NOT, under any circumstances attempt to mount an
invasion on Crucible until you have received approval from Space United Central
Command.\n\n_Riley continues to note down the messages, stopping as Baseplate
pauses. Gift's expression remains impassive as he listened in on what his superior
has to say._"},"621367522406563840":{"u":1,"t":1568215961792,"m":"Gift - Got it
Uncle Mac."},"621369631650611200":{"u":0,"t":1568216464675,"m":"_Baseplate
pauses, sipping from his mug before resuming his transmission._\n\nBaseplate:
Good. Your team have been informed, I saw them joining in on my channel while I
spoke earlier. \n\n_Riley intervenes, taking the Scroll from Gift's
hands._\n\nRiley: Right, Baseplate. In regards with the Relics, we managed to only
obtain one and are now waiting for the Atlesian government to approve of our
request to transfer it to the Imagination.\n\nBaseplate: Good, keep us updated,
Baseplate out.\n\n_Baseplate cuts his connection as the screen goes blank before
returning to the home screen as the wallpaper appears onscreen, showing a selfie of
Riley and Master Sergeant Pam standing in front of an Arsenal Bird's main gun
emplacement. She then folded the deivce back in its compact form, pocketed it as
she walks into the mansion's reception hall, finding much of the \"improvements\"
to the mansion intact despite the multiple invasion attempts it has
endured._\n\nRiley: So, now we wait until something comes up, how about we kill
some time with a good sparring session?"},"621370033712529408":
{"u":1,"t":1568216560534,"m":"Gift - That's good, Now i don't know what i will
gonna do."},"621371812051288064":{"u":0,"t":1568216984523,"m":"_As the two walked
up the stairs to the upper mezzanine, an alrrm rang throughout the mansion as
personnel began to scramble into positions. Confused, Riley taps at her Focus as it
brings up an emergency action message._\n\n_As the alarm rang, Riley facepalmed in
frustration, groaning loudly._\n\nRiley: Goddamnit, not this again...\n\n_At Team
RWBY's quarters, Ruby's Scroll buzzed vigorously as an alarm rang throughout the
room, causing Blake to drop her book onto the floor and reaching for her Scroll. In
the bathroom, as Weiss cleans herself up from her recent sparring session she
screams out in terror as the dreaded alarm siren's shrill digital shrieks bursts
into the room._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Scramble, scramble! Gear up,
now!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> SERIOUSLY?! WHILE I'M TAKING A
SHOWER!?!?!\n\n_Blake picks up her book before hurriedly stuffing it under her
pillow before running for the closet, she rips its doors open and with one swift
motion instantly changes into her combat suit in record time while Ruby and Yang
wrestled Weiss out of the bathroom, trying their best to avoid being kicked or
slapped in the face._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just get dressed and be
ready!\n\n_Weiss screams into her friend's face, sputtering foam and smearing soap
into Ruby's combat dress._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> NO! NOT WHEN I'M SHOWEING!
{"u":1,"t":1568217044753,"m":"Gift - Ah! Gimme a break."},"621373197584957468":
{"u":0,"t":1568217314860,"m":"_Gift and Riley looked at one another, nodded and
took off for the east wing as they ran for their team. Bumping into various
personnel scrambling to their positions. As they fight their way against the
troopers they slam into the East Wing's entry gate, forcing it open._\n\nRiley:
Gift! Get to Team RWBY! I'll scram and get Hunter ready!"},"621373214496522252":
{"u":1,"t":1568217318892,"m":"Gift - (thinking to himself) Why there are much
trouble today, Just give me a break."},"621373268812759052":
{"u":1,"t":1568217331842,"m":"Gift - Got it."},"621375693024133170":
{"u":0,"t":1568217909819,"m":"_Gift pushes his way past an Atlesian Marines
fireteam, running down the hallway to find Team RWBY already waiting for him in
front of their quarters._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift! You're here!
C'mon, we need to get to the courtyard!\n\n_Ruby then takes him by the arm as she
drags him along with her, running to the mansion courtyard followed by Weiss, Blake
and Yang. As they ran down the walkway the screams of incoming missiles are heard
as the mansion comes under fire from a True Sons airship._\n\n_Waiting at the
mansion's reception hall Riley looked up the mezzanine to find Gift being carried
by the arms by Ruby, followed by her teammates. She then jumps up to him, landng
just right in front of Ruby._\n\nRiley: Listen up! The Council's reported multiple
True Sons units making land at Quadrant 5-A-2, that's the area right next to Atlas
Academy, our orders are to evacuate the Academy of its students and repel the
incomi--\n\nWhitley: INCOMING!\n\n_The sound on an incoming warhead is heard as
Whitley emerged from the accessway leading to the armory sprints up to her and
tackles her to the flooe as said warhead crashes through the mansion, missing her
by inches._\n\n_Riley pushes the boy off of her as she readies herself for combat,
swinging her arms down as twin GD-2 plasma chainswords conjures around her
wrists._\n\nRiley: Thanks, Whitley. Now let's get to Sea
Goblin!"},"621376240120627200":{"u":1,"t":1568218040257,"m":"Gift - And take them
out, so i can take a break, my stamina isn't fully recover."},"621378330909868043":
{"u":0,"t":1568218538740,"m":"_Ruby runs up to him, injecting him with a Light
Energy infusion autoiinjector. She then keeps the injector firm on his right arm as
the injector continues to pump its content into his bloodstream, instantly
revitalizing his stamina._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I got you! \n\n_As
her teammates ran up to her, she pulls the spent injector off of his arms and threw
it away before running to join her team, not forgetting to turn back and smile at
him._\n\nRiley: Let's get moving! Move!\n\n_He, along with Riley ran out of the
mansion and into the courtyard, finding themselves standing in the midst of combat
personnel scrambling to get various mansion defense systems up and running. From a
columns of LAV-AD air defense IFVs lies Hunter Two-One, arming themselves with
whatever they can scrounge up from surplus crates._\n\nSgt. Foley: You're just in
time, Sea Goblin's about to lift us off for the Academy, hop in!\n\n_After Foley
and his team jumped into the Warbird, Ruby and her friends them hop inside, finding
Team JNPR already waiting for them. Riley and Gift soon jumped inside the Warbird
as its pilot takes the airship to the sky._"},"621382180366712835":
{"u":1,"t":1568219456522,"m":"Gift - This is gonna mess
up","te":1568243007220},"621382305071759368":{"u":0,"t":1568219486254,"m":"(I gott
go now, we'll continue later)"},"621917917352820736":
{"u":1,"t":1568392259311,"m":"Gift - Alright team Let go go
go!!!"},"622110037023784980":{"u":0,"t":1568392991072,"m":"_Now inside the Warbird,
Riley gets up from her seat and brings up a holographic projection of Atlas Academ
with much of the academy riddled in red dots marking enemy assets. With the
projection up Riley swipes it as the projection enlarged in size._\n\nRiley: Listen
up, we have orders coming directly from Atlas Central Command to rescue survivors
within the Academy and secure the Relic chamber, intel from our drone feed reveals
multiple sectors of the academy under enemy hands, our objectives? Storm the
academy, kill the bad guys and make sure the relic chamber remains safe.
Clear?\n\n_Ruby nods, inspecting Crescent Rose's carrier group for any
indentations. Finding none, she puts the rifle back in stowage as she slings it
crossbody Rambo-style._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Clear!"},"622110303286460447":{"u":1,"t":1568393054554,"m":"Gift - Clear, Alright
Everyone ready."},"622111130562854913":{"u":0,"t":1568393251792,"m":"_Weiss
continues to stare into the projection until Riley shuts it off, she then looked to
her side, finding Hunter Two-One sitting on the far side. She turns her attention
to the outside as the Wabird's protective doors opened, exposing much of the team
to the sounds of combat outside. As the Warbird airship gets closer to the academy,
the pilot brings up his radio, contacting an escort fighter group._\n\nPilot: We
have visual on enemy paps in the northern airship landing yard. Alpha has engaged
multiple targets at GRG. Grid Tango-one-niner.\n\n_The escort fighters then reveal
their ships out to the open as they disabled their stealth shielding, revealing
Trigger as the lead fighter leading the escort squadron with Cossette flying his
left flank while Count flies on his right. Next to him, Mobius, Cipher, Wit, and
Reaper flew into positions._\n\nRiley: Get in position! \n\n_ With the Warbirds
door opened Riley hooks up to a fast-rope attachment unit. Ruby gets up, fastening
her belt with the attachment, soon, her teammates and Team JNPR hooked themselves
to the device. In the escort squadron, Trigger briefs his team of fighters of their
current rules of engagement._\n\nTrigger: Disengaging stealth shielding, Count,
understand we are still operating under a restricted ROE, over.\n\n_Count replies,
tapping into his COFFIN interface on his newly issued R-101 Delphinus._\n\nCount:
Negative on that restricted ROE, we are free to engage. \n\n_Riley turns to her
group, a Phantom cigar in her mouth. She blows smoke out of it as it quickly
disappeared in the air thanks to wind rushing into the Warbird._\n\nRiley: Gonna be
a good one, just like Beacon, but less worse than what we went through.\n\n_The
Warbird's interior suddenly turns red as three SAM missiles streaked past them and
into the escort squadron. Prompting the pilot to drop flares._\n\nPilot: SAM!
Twelve o'clock! Deploying countermeasures! Hang on tight!"},"622111547665416212":
{"u":1,"t":1568393351237,"m":"Gift - AA! Hold on!!!"},"622113507369943041":
{"u":0,"t":1568393818467,"m":"Riley: Hold on!\n\n_More missiles continue to streak
past them as an Osean AC-130 gunship beside them is destroyed from direct SAM fire.
With the gunship down, Trigger and his squadron deploy their experimental nanoscale
Rubinoalloy cloud as they projected blue glows surrouding the ships, providing them
protectiom from anti-air fire._\n\nTrigger: Experimental
shield deployed! Count, break off and engage those SAM sites! I'll fly in and
provide cover for Gorgon Two--Three!\nCount: Copy, do your best. Breaking
off!\n\n_Count banks away from the rest of his squadron as Mobius follows him
behind. With the Warbird flying into the designated drop zone, True Sons grunts on
the ground begin to fire up at them with small-arms fire as a Ravager swarm flies
in, adding to the chaos._\n\nTwo-three: We've got hostiles in our LZ! Clear them
out!\n\n_Ruby chambers a round into Crescent Rose as her teammates prepare for
combat. Weiss gets up from her seat, already summoning a glyph in her right hand,
Blake readies up with Gambol Shroud out of its sheath, she takes aim at the
soldiers on the ground and with them in her sight she fires off the first shots,
Yang braces herself for the incoming fire as she immediately leaps from the Warbird
to meet the hostiles with a shockwave slam to the ground, sending them flying
away._\n\nRiley: No, wait! Damnit-- Ruby, get down there with her! Weiss, Blake,
you're with me! Keep them clear from that Ravager
- Alright, What the plan now?\nCaptain Gift - We have to push forward to academy
and make KVA retreat.\nGift - Right, Let move."},"622117268909981696":
{"u":0,"t":1568394715288,"m":"_As more True Sons rush into the LZ, Ruby enages
Crescent Rose in its scythe configuration, boosting forward and tearing a soldier's
torso away with a swift cut to his body, with the soldier killed she runs off to
another grunt firing his Ak-12 at her._ \n\n_Unfazed by the rounds impacting her
body thanks to her near-limitless Aura boost given by her Light Energy infusion she
rushed foward, raised her scythe high and wth a quick slash tears off the grunt's
arms away._\n\n_With the gruts disposed off she dashes over to Yang's position on
top of an AC unit, finding her sister firing shrapnel rounds up at the Ravager
swarm surrounding her, up in the airship Weiss readies up her glyphs as she
projects them onto the swarm, casting a poweful gust of wind strong enough to send
the swarm into a pile of metal debris, tearing the swarm apart and clearing the LZ
free of hostiles._\n\nRiley: LZ is clear, go! Go!\n\n_Given Riley's order, Blake
jumps off the ship, landing next to Yang. She folds Gambol Shroud's blade back into
its standard configuration, already running for a mobile cover drone. Weiss and
Riley then jumped off the ship as Jaune and his team follows after them, landing
close to Ruby._\n\nSgt. Foley: We'll be dropping on the flank! Meet up at the
entryway to the academy!\n\n_With the two teams deployed Riley brings out her
Service Weapon, an Object of Power resembling a revolver. With the weapon in her
hand she conjures another similar pistol and switched them to their Spin form.
Readying the pistols for combat._","te":1568394745636},"622117295468314673":
{"u":0,"t":1568394721620,"m":"Riley: Alpha, we're on the ground! Coming to you on
three o'clock!\n\n_An Atlesian Marine soldier runs up to the team, guiding them the
way out of the security post they'd been landing in._\n\nAtlas Soldier: Hustle to
the target! They're dug in deep!\n\n_With the soldier guiding them the way, the two
teams took off for the courtyard as they all ran towards the main entry gate,
finding the gate riddled with hostiles, Ruby deflects incoming rounds with
Crescent Rose as her teammates spread out and begin to engage targets across the
vast area._"},"622117932188827658":{"u":1,"t":1568394873426,"m":"Gift - Incoming
contact.\nCaptain Gift - Here! This herb will make you invincible for a
while.\nGift - Thanks Cap."},"622120488306606090":
{"u":0,"t":1568395482852,"m":"_Cap, now behind a cover drone tosses Gift a can of
enhanced RGB First Aid spray as his clone took it and pocked the can into a vest
pouch, with the can srcure he pops out of his cover and returned fire at the
incoming True Sons, taking three man down as Riley pushed forward with constant
Service Weapon fire, driving the rest of the combatants away from her,
dissatisfied, she stows the revolvers away and conjured her go-to weapon, the AR-
17X Delphina longsword-battle rifle hybrid._\n\n_With her new weapon in her hands
she jumps into the sky as a True Sons Grunt armed with an FIM-116 Skystreak MANPADS
launcher took aim and launched a missile at her, she slashes the missile into half
and lands next to an MD turret as Pyrrha, Nora and Jaune runs up to her._\n\n_As
True Sons grunts picked up on them, the three students quicken their pace as the
grunts begin to fire at them, with one of the hostiles lobbing a frag grenade over
to them only to have it shot down by Blake, using a dead soldier's Longshot
precision rifle to do so. She points over to a mobile turret and calls it out to
Gift._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Gift! That mobile turret is still
functional!\n\n_Rushing into combat, Weiss screams back at her as she summons white
glyphs on the sky before using them to emt beams of light onto the surface using
her Light Crystal shard on the Myrtenaster. With the light emitted and cutting
through whatever items passing into it, the True Sons halt their advance._\n\n
<:mph:501493565981982743> Then someone get on it!\n\n_Gift, listening on Weiss'
command gets in the turret as he links iup to its neural controls, already sending
a missile away at an incoming Kestrel light combat aircraft. Exploding it and
causing it to crash._","te":1568455233187},"622120833959329812":
{"u":1,"t":1568395565262,"m":"Captain Gift - Alright mate, Wipe them out!\nGift -
That what i gonna do."},"622122738026545183":
{"u":0,"t":1568396019227,"m":"<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> I got three more
coming for us! Moving in!\n\n_From her spot behind the wreck of the recently shot
down Kestrel aircraft Yang jumps out of her cover up to meet Weiss launching an
icicle at her, knowing what the move meant she punches the icicle hard as the punch
caused the icicle to shatter into bits, releashing smoke out to cloud the entire
combat zone._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Switch to thermals! We'll hit them when
they can't see us!\n\n_Gift, now inside the turret uses all of its onboard weaponry
to rain down destruction upon the grunts while the mist remains in effect. Ruby
switches over to thermal vision as she runs up to a Creep, tapping its tail before
stabbing her scythe blade down on its head, killng it._\n\n_Over at Blake, she
switches from long-range strikes with Gambol's pistol form and engages a group of
enemies with her \" Shadow Dance\" powemove, rapidly slashing into the group of
bewidered soldiers wiith both the Gambol Shroud itself and its sheath. Killing
them. With the hostiles dispatched, she runs over to Yang again as the mist cleared
to reveal an Atlesian MD-640 superheavy battle
tank._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> That's not good...\n\n_As the tank
advances, it stops in its track as missile launchers on its turret began to launch
missiles up the sky, the missiles then explode, deploying submunitions in the
air._\n\n_Blake stares at the incoming submunitions in confusion, but as she
watched the warheads get closer to thr ground she turns around and ran for her life
back to her team, shouting along the way._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
RUN! TAKE COVER!"},"622123263237029888":{"u":1,"t":1568396144447,"m":"Gift - TAKE
COVER!!!"},"622126120598241281":{"u":0,"t":1568396825695,"m":"_As the first
warheads touched the ground, they simply impacted into the ground, marking the
already shattered concrete grounds with craters. With the missiles launched, the
battle tank remains in its position as its driver emerged from the battered turret,
waving a white flag. At the sight of the driver raising a white flag, much of the
remaining hostiles in the area soon dropped their weapons as they all knelt down at
where they stood._\n\n_Ruby, her teammates, and Team JNPR all but watched the
enemies surrender in surprise, not expecting them to give up that easily. With the
soldiers surrendering Ruby collapses Crescent Rose into its compact form before
withdrawing the Service Weapon from its holster, aiming it at the driver._\n\nTank
Driver: We srurrender! The students are inside! Just go in, we don't want to fight
you!\n\n_Another solder standing before Ruby breaks into tears, sobbing as he
shouts._\n\nTrue Sons grunt: I surrender too! We didn't even want this! None of my
guys here did!\n\n_As the soldiers surrendered their weapons, multiple Atlesian
airships are seen flying out from the main campus building. At the sight of all
hostilities seemingly coming to a stop Gift jumps out of his
{"u":0,"t":1568396883767,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> How can you be sure
that they're inside and not dead?\n\n_The soldier replies, still crying into his
knees._\n\nTrue Sons grunt: We kept them locked inside the main campus, they're
still alive. But...\n\n_He stands on his feet, prompting Ruby to aim her pistol at
him and screaming for the soldier to step back._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Step back! Now!\n\n_The soldier gets even closer, ignoring her command._\n\nGrunt:
I swear, they're alive! They're still there!\n\n_As he got even closer, Weiss,
Blake, and Yang ran up to their team leader as they withdrew their weapons at the
soldier. The soldier stops crying, smiles and reached inside his pocket. He then
jumps on Ruby, struggling to drive the needle of a Manticore autoinjector onto her
as Ruby resisted, using her left hand and feet to keep him off of her as she
reached for her Service Weapon._"},"622126669829767191":
{"u":1,"t":1568396956642,"m":"Gift - If you try to hurt my sister, you will not end
Get off!\n\n_With her Service Weapon in reach, she quickly grabs it and before her
teammates could even jump in to help, she presses its barrel on the grunt's
forehead and fired off a Scatter shot at point-blank range, blowing the man's head
away and showeing Ruby with a disgusting rain of brain matter and blood._\n\n_Blake
backs away at the sight of the dead grunt collapsing his full weight on top of
Ruby, not wishing to touch the blood on his armor. Weiss, however steps in and
kicked the man's body off of her before picking her up from the ground._\n\n_The
Scatter shot then reverberated throughout the entire area, the gunfire itself being
the only sound silencing the cacophony of surrendering troops talking to one
another._\n\n_Traumatized, Ruby threw the service weapon away as the soldiers
around her all remained on their spot, looking at her solemnly. With the grunt
dead, Weiss picks the Service Weapon up and thrusted into Ruby's belt holster as
she hugs her team leader._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Easy, I'm here. You did the
right thing, he tried to kill you.\n\n_Ruby sobs into her friend's shoulder,
ignoring the world around her. Blake, Yang, and Team JNPR then took off for the
tank as they rush to get its personnel carrier section access door open to find
students of the Atlas Academy still alive and
{"u":1,"t":1568397386198,"m":"Gift - I told you, you will not end well if you try
to hurt Ruby."},"622128616867758110":{"u":1,"t":1568397420852,"m":"Captain Gift -
Keep your eye open, there might be an ambush."},"622130171868348427":
{"u":0,"t":1568397791593,"m":"_Behind the tank, the students inside of it are all
ushered out of the tank and into a C-65 Archelon airhsip waiting on standby. As the
students are pushed into the cargo hold, Riley's Scroll buzzed, alerting her to an
information update._\n\n_She unfolds the device, finding an alert shown onscreen,
she taps into it as the alert reads out to her:_\n\n _\"IMMEDIATE ACTION WARNING -
RECALL ORDER\"_\n\n_Suddenly, the radios of every member of the group comes to life
as Overlord's voice came clear through the speakers._\n\nOverlord: This is Overlord
to all units, do you read?","te":1568455007893},"622130410071261195":
{"u":1,"t":1568397848385,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6 to Overlord, hear you loud and
clear."},"622131522467790848":{"u":0,"t":1568398113601,"m":"_Overlord sighs, a
liquid slushing in the background can be heard._\n\nOverlord: You're not going to
like this, recent reports from Atlas Central Command has reported that Forward
Operations Base Sierra, or the Schnee Mansion has fallen under the hands of the
Grimml. However, the Strangereal Coalitions are retaking the mansion as we speak. I
also received reports that the Atlesian Governmen Council has been sieged,
additional True Sons forces are advancing through Atlas as of now and are en route
to your location.\n\n_Overlord takes a swig from his flask. shaking his
- Damn! This is worst than i thought."},"622133430381051924":
{"u":0,"t":1568398568483,"m":"Overlord: From now on, the Atlas Academy will be used
as the second base of operations, a transport will be en route to your
location.\n\n_After hearing the report, Weiss falls to her knees, shaking her head
in disbelief._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : So, all this rebuilding
effort was for nothing...\n\n_Angered, she punched the ground, reeling her hand
back as she winced in pain. Ruby, on the other hand simply stared off into space.
The Service Weapon still in its holster. Blake walks along with Yang and a group of
students volunteering to be part of the fighting group, the two of them brandishing
their weapons out for others to see._\n\n_After processing what they've heard,
Jaune and Pyrrha sat down behind Gift's MT turret, sighing. Nora and Ren however
walked off to an MCD and managed to kick the drone down together in one, well-timed
kick._\n\n_Taking in what she had head, Ruby turns to her team. Resting Crescent
Rose on her left shoulder._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You guys might not
want to do this, but, I'd say we fight for the
{"u":1,"t":1568398641181,"m":"Gift - Cap, Send MCV here.\nCaptain Gift - Sure
mate."},"622134835737264131":{"u":0,"t":1568398903546,"m":"Overlord: A transport is
on the way, from now your mission directives will remain off-records. This means
that you are now free to operate as a fighting force no matter the number of
members. Godspeed, Overlord out.\n\n_Overlord breaks connection as he got up and
walked for a coffee machine, staring off into the sky at dawn from his view from
the Pentagon._\n\n_Back in Remnant, an MCV arrives as Cpl. Dave exited the vehicle
to meet the team. Over at the team of students, after having heard what Ruby said,
Jaune walks up to her, resting Crocea Mors on her right shoulder.
Smiling._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm with you, as long as we're together,
we'll make it through this.\n\n_Yang walks up to her sister, loading her twin
gauntlets with fress ammunition, Blake soon caught up with Yang as she, too, rested
Gambol's blade onto Jaune's._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Me
too,\n\n_Weiss follows up, placing her hand on Ruby's upper
arm._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Forget what I said earlier, we're gonna make it
through all this. No matter what Salem throws at us, we'll beat
her.","te":1568399080921},"622135066860191754":{"u":1,"t":1568398958650,"m":"Gift -
Give me a few minute to stay with myself."},"622136219697938432":
{"u":1,"t":1568399233508,"m":"Captain Gift - Sarge, You hear?\nSargent Gift - Yes,
Cap, Seem like he missing one thing, Still remember at Beacon?\nCaptain Gift - Yes,
at Beacon Gift and Ruby is always together and take care each other, But now it
doesn't.\nSargent Gift - That's because we have much mission, so they don't have
time to stay together.\nCaptain Gift - Yes, and it seem getting
worst."},"622137908949942274":{"u":0,"t":1568399636257,"m":"Cpl. Dave: Oi! The
Cavalry's 'ere! Get in! We're going to storm the Council.\n\n_As Dave strided over
the students, everyon quickly withdrew their weapons and kept them to themselves as
he stood and watched in awe._\n\nCpl. Dave: Oh, we're knights now, aren't we?
\n\n_Ruby replies to his remark, a look of disapproval on her
face._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You can joke all you want about what we
did, but now our mission is the Council.\n\n_She bumps past him and into the MCV
as Weiss gave him a disappointed look before following her friend. Soon, Team JNPR
and the rescued students hopped into the vehicle's deployment deck, with Gift being
the only man left on the outside. Ruby stows her weapon before jumping back out to
drag Gft back inside, only to have him refuse to move._\n\n_As Gift resisted, Ruby
stops, and embraces him. Hugging her commander
tightly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll be together, we're always
together. After all thisn, you'll be with me, with all of us
forever."},"622139090468470804":{"u":1,"t":1568399917953,"m":"Gift - Yeah! We
will."},"620662789392039946":{"u":1,"t":1568047940348,"m":"Gift - It beautiful,
Right Ruby?"},"620663624490549248":
{"u":0,"t":1568048139451,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It is, I wonder what
it's like up there. In space, surrouned by stars. \n\n_She turns to him, failing to
notice Weiss and Riley sitting right behind them. Riley conjures the mug of ale Wit
has given Gift earlier as it appears in front of her. With the mug conjured she
takes it before tossing down half the mug's content in before placing it back on
the table. Answering Ruby's question._\n\nRiley: Space is beautiful, and dangerous.
To me, it feels... like home. I've always wanted to be in space, actually when I
was just like you I hoped to be an astronaut. Not
- But we can see star from here."},"620665157365923875":
{"u":0,"t":1568048504917,"m":"_She raised her arms up as her veins briefly shone
bright with white light as her Light Energy begins to undergo a cycle of \"total
regeneration\" healing herself back to healthy condition._\n\nRiley: Not in space.
You can't see stars in space unless you've been close to one. \n\n_She gets up,
taking with her the mug she had drank out of and walks into the
clearing._\n\nRiley: If you've never seen a star, this is what it looks like.
\n\n_From her palms, two beams of light shone out from them as they melded into one
in the center, forming up a large ball of white light before its color begins to
change to orange as Riley thought of the surface of the Sun. Responding to her
thoughts the ball of light transforms itself into a miniature sun._\n\nRiley: THIS,
is what a star looks like. It's beautiful, always full of energy. It incinerates
anything it touches, it burns as bright as it can be and... frankly it reminded me
of someone here...\n\n_As if on cue, Yang jumped from her seat. Staring into the
miniature sun before her. Proudly, she pointed to herself with her prosthethic
Me!","te":1568048541399},"620665528280940554":{"u":1,"t":1568048593350,"m":"Gift -
But for me, star is around me, to help me to keep going, and always tell me don't
give up."},"620666977534607380":{"u":0,"t":1568048938879,"m":"_Riley laughs, the
miniature sun spweing out corona discharges as she does so._\n\nRiley: If it's
about Ruby, then, you're right. She's the brightest star among us.\n\n_Yang smiles,
back to her seat as she sat next to Blake._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
You know, for the first time in my life I've never felt this... relaxed. It's as if
someone stripped away all the worry, fear, suffering and sadness away and sprayed
this place full of happiness.\n\n_As she speaks, Blake's cat ears perked up as if
to tell everyone watching her that her mood has improved._\n\n_At the sight of her
partner's cat ears naturally perking up, Yang's smile grows wider as she switched
her prosthethic arm over to her flesh arm. Snapping the prosthethic arm into
several pieces._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Me too, this feels just like a
picnic party. And that I'm happy to see everyone safe, especially... you.\n\n_She
turns away from Blake, trying her best not to blush as Cossette walks by, passing
her a cup filled with a clear, sweet-smelling liquid._\n\nCossette: Consider this a
gift from Erusea. It's just grape juice, but it's the finest one I could order form
my country.","te":1571014259861},"620667375955607572":
{"u":1,"t":1568049033870,"m":"Gift - (laying on floor) Yes, i never feel relax like
this."},"620669148443443241":{"u":0,"t":1568049456464,"m":"_Gift, having finished
his mug of ale lies down on the cold runway ground as he stared up into the night
sky. At the sight of Gift lying on the ground Ruby follows suit as she lies down
beside him with Weiss on her left flank. Riley then \"wooshed\" the star away as
she snapped her palms. Seemingly causing the star to vanish before their
eyes._\n\nRiley: Man, I wish I'd lived here in Atlas. The skies are just... so
clear.\n\n_Smiling to herself, a teardrop streaked down her left cheek as she laid
down next to Yang, making her left flank with a bright glow-in-the-dark green X
symbol, reserving a spot for Blake._\n\n_Over at Trigger's squadron, Trigger lies
down with Cossette by his side as they held hands under Atlas' starry sky. Seen
lying next to them are Avril, Major McOnie, Huxian, and Brownie. The four women
having found themselves a spot close to the two._\n\nBrownie: Y'know, Remnant's
really beautiful without all the wars plaguing it.\n\n_McOnie responds, finding
Avril fast asleep under the cold breeze._\n\nMcOnie: It is, it's really
beautiful."},"620669457148149819":{"u":1,"t":1568049530065,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i see
you now, You are so cute."},"620670582538633256":
{"u":0,"t":1568049798379,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Aw, thanks!\n\n_Ruby
blushes, the red hue on her cheeks visible to the men sitting on the picnic table
despite the darkness of the night around them. From the picnic table, Long Caster
is seen talking with Mihaly, Wit, Seymour and Count with Reaper and Mobius having
left the party for an immediate deployment to the Sea of Vytal._\n\nLong Caster:
So, what do you really feel when it come to pulling insane maneuvers? I heard you
commenting over Ruby's fighting maneuver and I had to agree that she really went
out of her way...\n\n_Mihaly chuckles, drinking from his mug before placing it down
and replying to the controller._\n\nMihaly: I only told her how to fly and how to
fight in a plane. I didn't tell her how I flew, all I told her was how to become
one with the aircraft, to use it as a companion. Not as a machine to rely
on.","te":1568049811694},"620670997502361610":{"u":1,"t":1568049897314,"m":"Gift -
Every time i see you, you always cute Ruby, since first day we
met."},"620673632980434952":{"u":0,"t":1568050525661,"m":"_As Gift went on, the
blush on her cheeks slowly disappears as she felt Weiss taking her by her right
hand. Still paying attention to Gift, she listened to him. Ignoring Weiss in the
process._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, really? There were people who
looked better than I did. But thanks.\n\n_She felt around with her right hand for
her friend'shand until feeling the coldness of Weiss' hands rubbing against hers.
Having found her hand Ruby quickly squeezed it tightly as Weiss grunted out in
pain._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ngh!
Ruby--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just wait, now's not the time!\n\n_She
angrily whispers over to Weiss before resuming her attention to Gift as he went on
telling his true feelings out to her. Over at Trigger, he and Cossette soon made
out under the night as they ignored the world around them with their lips locked
into a deep, loving kiss._\n\n_Over at Yang's spot, Blake ran out from the hangar
over to the marked spot as she laid down on it. Now on the ground, the two looked
into the eyes of one another, smiling before returning their gaze to the starry
sky._\n\n_From the picnic table, seen lying just a few metres away from it are Team
JNPR, with Jaune and Pyrrha lying on an aircraft apron area right next to
Trigger's F-35X as the two held hands, staring into the night. Right next to them
are Ren and Nora, with Nora having fallen asleep from the cold breeze blowing
against them leaving Ren to himself. HE inched close to Nora as he put wrapped his
arms around her, warming her from the coldness of the
night._"},"620673935855452213":{"u":1,"t":1568050597872,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to
himself) Heartbeat is getting faster."},"620676404022870020":
{"u":0,"t":1568051186329,"m":"_Gift's heartbeat continues to rise, as Ruby stares
into the night, tears streaming from her eyes down to the concrete paving of the
aircraft apron they're lying on._ \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I really
wished Mom was here...\n\n_She cries, keeping her sobs silent as she continues to
stare into the night, looking at a series of blinking lights marking the appearance
of Arsenal Bird Justice's flyby, from the Arsenal Bird's flight deck Summer looks
down to the airfield from one of the downward-facing cupolas in the deck as she
watched Ruby stare up to her._\n\n_Finding her daughter safe from harm, she begins
to cry as tears dripped from her cheek down onto the cupola as it instantly snaps
shut, mistaking the teardrops as ground fire._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> _to
herself_ If I can, I'll be there for you, Ruby. \n\n_Having whispered to herself
she retreats from the closed cupola to her crew quarters as another flight crew
takes over flight operations alongside Penny._\n\n<:smilepenny:501515033709379595>
Here wo go again! Another day in the life of an android pilot.\n\n_Lehmann, the
Arsenal Bird's weapons officer smiles at Penny as he manned his position on the
air-to-air missile launcher cooridnation console._\n\nLehmann: Just another day in
the life. Shouldn't you be down there?\n\n_Penny turns to him, her smile quickly
fading away into a scowl._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> If I'm down there
i'll just be on their way, I can't fight anymore! Not like this!\n\n_She points to
her original cyborg body taking the Berserker body's place as tears streamed down
her face and onto the cyborg body. Lehmann apologises._\n\nLehmann:
Sorry..."},"620995790730428416":{"u":1,"t":1568127334054,"m":"Gift - (Yawn)BT what
time is it now?"},"620996394391568395":{"u":0,"t":1568127477978,"m":"_BT replies
through his virtual AI space within the exosuit's computer, appearing as a small
avatar of his datacore._\n\nBT: It is exactly midnight,
General."},"620996514109718548":{"u":1,"t":1568127506521,"m":"Gift - I think why i
almost fall asleep."},"620997177807732746":{"u":0,"t":1568127664759,"m":"_Gift
looks over to the pilots around him on the ground to find nobody except for Ruby,
Weiss, Riley, Trigger and Cossette. He gets up from the ground and walked over to
the picnic table to find Long Caster still sitting at the table, a cup of Voslagian
ale in his hand._\n\n_As Gift got closer, Long Caster turns to his side to meet the
general, looking at his fellow comrade with an impassive look on his face._\n\nLong
Caster: They left, most of them did. Why aren't you leaving? It's midnight!\n\n_He
swigs down the rest of his ale before placing the cup on the table, wiping his
mouth with his wrist._","te":1568127705390},"620997848154112000":
{"u":1,"t":1568127824582,"m":"Gift - I think i will go to mansion to rest.\nSargent
Gift - I will send you there, i have a patrol that time.\nGift - Thanks
Sarge.\nSargent Gift - Come on, time aren't wait for us.\nGift - Because they don't
have break."},"620999407441018909":{"u":0,"t":1568128196345,"m":"_Gift solemnly
looked at the control officer before walking away to join his clones, preparing to
leave the airfield for the mansion. Over at Ruby, still lying on the ground
continues to gaze upon the stars, locking her eyes on the Arsenal Bird's aircraft
warning lights as she watched the giant aerial carrier fly away from her
view._\n\n_Weiss, now sitting on the ground takes out her Scroll as it instantly
opened the camera as she activates the night-vision filter, aiming it at Ruby as
she snapped a photo of her team leader._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _to herself_
Another one for my collection~!\n\n_She puts the Scroll back into her hip pouch as
Riey walks over, twirling a OADF keychain in her hand. She looks at Weiss, finding
her still trying to put the Scroll back in its compact form as she reached down to
it, took it out of her hand and with one swift motion snaps the screen back in its
compact form._\n\nRiley: For your collection? NV mode on Scrolls doesn't look good
on her, it makes her outfit contrast with the lights around
her."},"620999993909575680":{"u":1,"t":1568128336170,"m":"Gift - Sarge, i forget
something, I'll be back by my own.\nSargent Gift - Up to you.\nGift - You have a
patrol duty.\nSargent Gift - That's right, See you at
mansion."},"621001934840791061":{"u":0,"t":1568128798924,"m":"_Gift stops in his
tracks as he began to run back to the airfield, feigning that he had forgotten
something, but in reality, he intended to run back for Ruby._\n\n_Over at Riley,
she now stands on her feet as she looked at the night sky, finding the shattered
moon being covered
by a small clump of cloud, she looks to her back to find Gift running up to her,
having read his mind she groaned in frustration._\n\nRiley: _muttering under her
breath_ This again...\n\n_She walks away from him and sat down next to Long Caster,
but as she reached for a can of OseanStar on the table a hand reached out to it,
took it before she could and passed the can over to her._\n\nRiley:
Huh?\n\n_Surprised, she looks to her right to find Master Sergeant Pam handing the
can out to her, the master sergeant's blonde hair glowing under the dim light from
the moon. Pam smiles, handing Riley the can._\n\nMSgt. Pam: That can was supposed
to be for Caster, but he left, so it's for you!\n\n_Riley smiles, taking the can
from Pam as she snaps the lid open, taking a swig before putting it down on the
table._\n\nRiley: Thanks. Still stargazing just like the girls over there?\n\n_She
points to Ruby and Weiss, the two girls still on the airfield looking up to the
sky._\n\nPam: Nope, just dropping by, patrol duty."},"621002333257465886":
{"u":1,"t":1568128893914,"m":"Gift - Hold on Gift, I must get back to that point
before i fall asleep."},"621002993009164289":{"u":0,"t":1568129051211,"m":"_Gift
finally reaches the picnic table, finding Riley and Pam sitting at the spot. Not
caring of the two he ran past them, scanning the ground for the Rose family emblem
he had dropped._\n\n_Having watched Gift running for the spot, Cossette gets up
from the ground as Trigger follows suit. They then walk up to Gift, holding their
Scroll out with the flashlight on._\n\nTrigger: Dropped something,
Gift?"},"621003152996696074":{"u":1,"t":1568129089355,"m":"Gift - Yeah,
Thanks."},"621003528084783105":{"u":0,"t":1568129178783,"m":"_Trigger reaches into
his pocket, feeling around for the emblem he had picked up from the ground. He
hands it to him, trying his best not to break into a laughing fit._\n\nTrigger:
Here, you dropped this when you ran off for your guys."},"621003741692297216":
{"u":1,"t":1568129229711,"m":"Gift - (Laying on the floor) I am so sleepy
now."},"621005192107786270":{"u":0,"t":1568129575517,"m":"Trigger: Hey--\n\n_Before
he could press the emblem onto Gift's hand, the general falls down on the ground.
Snoring. Cossette, having heard the general slamming onto the ground quickly ran up
to him as she took him by his legs. Ordering Trigger to hold him by the
arms._\n\nCossette: Trigger, take him by the arms! We'll lift him to his
quarters.\n\n_Trigger nods as he lifted the general up by the arms while Cossette
lifted him up from the legs, they then began to walk for the airfield gate, walking
past Ruby and her friends._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Really..?\n\n_She
rolled her eyes, yawning as she does so. Weiss, Pam and Riley then catch up with
her as they came running for Gift._\n\nRiley: He's off to dreamland? Wow...\n\n_She
shakes her head in total disappointment as she walked away from Ruby, leaving her
behind with Weiss and Pam._\n\nPam: I'd never seen him this worse
before..."},"621006552337350666":{"u":1,"t":1568129899821,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey
Sarge, How are you doing?\nSargent Gift - Alright, nothing wrong here.\nCaptain
Gift - I think Gift's Mental state is getting low everyday, every hour, if there
nobody to recover him.\nSargent Gift - You mean Ruby?\nCaptain Gift - Yes, i hear
him said that he want Ruby to call him Onii-Chan.\nSargent Gift - And it
failed?\nCaptain Gift - I don't know, but i think his mental state is not good
now."},"621009531333378078":{"u":0,"t":1568130610069,"m":"_As Gift is being carried
away by his clones, Ruby begins to walk for the airfield gate as she joins Riley,
Weiss, and Pam on their way to the mansion. As they reached the gate, a Manta
airship lands before them as its side door opened, allowing the group to board the
aircraft._\n\n_The door slides shut as the pilots brings the Manta up into the sky,
flying for the mansion._\n\n_In the ship, Riley looks out to the city below, taking
nootice of the teams of combat engineers moving around and repairing buildings the
best they could, arming strategic locations with anti-air weaponry. From the seat
across her lies Ruby and Weiss, fast asleep, their heads slump._\n\n_At the sight
of the two girls in deep slumber, Riley smiles to herself as the ship's interior
lit up as the pilots bring the airship into landing,_\n\nManta Pilot: Alright,
we're at the mansion.\n\n_The side doors opened as everyone in the ship jumoed down
onto the landing pad as a team of paramedics moved in and hoisted Gift on a
stretcher before hauling him away into an infirmary._"},"621009940189937669":
{"u":1,"t":1568130707548,"m":"Captain Gift - I don't know why he found only bad
thing or something isn't what he want.\nSargent Gift - I also don't
know."},"621010774302654494":{"u":0,"t":1568130906416,"m":"_Now in the infirmary,
Riley ran along with the medics as she followed them to an Autodoc pod, the medics
then placed him within the pod as it locks him in, projecting a beam of vitakinetic
energy at him as his physical injuries are then healed._\n\nRiley: _telepathically
replying to Sarge_ That's because he makes it awkward when he wants what he
want. \n\n_Riley tapped her Focus as she replies to Sarge and Cap. Sitting next to
Gift's Autodoc pod._"},"621011141526814750":{"u":1,"t":1568130993969,"m":"Sargent
Gift - This will restore your mental state as normal.\nGift - Alright,
Good....Night."},"621012774759432192":{"u":0,"t":1568131383362,"m":"_As Gift falls
asleep, he finds himself being dragged into Riley's mindspace. Floating in the air
above an empty space within the web of interconnecting glass tubes leading to a
tower in the center of an abyssal sinkhole, he looks down to find the structure
surrounded by various \"islands\" built with themed structures._\n\n_From the
Headquarters, Riley and Joy took to their feet as they ran up to thw windows behind
them, brushing past the personnel manning various subsystems within the HQ. As Joy
bumps into a Mind Worker, he yelps as he falls flat onto the floor._\n\nJoy:
Sorry!\n\n_The Mind Worker gets up, readjusting his badge as his ID shows up on her
Focus, identifying him as Light Energy Regenerative Systems Controlman 2nd Class
Devin._\n\nLERSC. Devin: Just don't do that again...\n\n_Joy, having apologized to
the worker runs for Riley, finding her standing at the windowpane waving at
Gift._\n\nRiley: _telepathically to Gift_ You'll land on Light Energy Weapons
Procurement Island, a Train of Thought will pick you
up.","te":1568131430350},"621013188657545227":{"u":1,"t":1568131482043,"m":"Gift -
(telepath) Riley? Where am i now?"},"621013880709316608":
{"u":0,"t":1568131647041,"m":"Riley: You're in my mind, of course. \n\n_A gravity
beam locks onto Gift before enveloping him with its bubble, it then drags him into
the HQ as hos body simply went through the wall before landing right before Joy,
the blue-haired, golden emotion watching the newcomer eagerly. Grinning from ear-
to-ear._\n\nJoy: Welcome to Headquarters!"},"621014169407324170":
{"u":1,"t":1568131715872,"m":"Gift - (thinking to himself) This is gonna kidding
me."},"621016485137088552":{"u":0,"t":1568132267985,"m":"_Riley laughs, picking
Gift up from the ground._\n\nRiley: No, this place is real. This _is_ my mind. You
have a place just like this in your head too. Same goes to Ruby, Weiss, Blake,
Yang... Everyone has a place like this in their heads.\n\n_As if on cue, all Mind
Workers within the Headquarters got up from their seats except for the designated
skeleton crew left behind to keep systems in check._\n\n_Riley runs over to the
main console as she tapped various codes into it as the main projection screen
projects Ruby's mindspace onto the screen, her mindspace resembling Riley's with
the exception being the long-term memory storage units being neatly stacked,
arranged into towers and the HQ being Beacon Academy's spire._\n\nRiley: This is
her mindspace, it's just like mine, but more organized. Here's Weiss'
mindspace.\n\n_The mindspace switches to Weiss', with the Headquarters being the
Arma Gigas itself standing in the middle of the Memory Dump surrounded by Islands.
The screen then switched to Blake's, the mindscape resembling much of Menagerie's
popular landmarks with the Belladonnas compound taking the HQ's place._\n\nRiley:
Just wait, here's Yang's mindspace. Yours will be shown later.\n\n_The screen
changes to Yang's mindspace, the skies within the space being mostly orange and
filled with multiple flying contraptions resembling Manta airships, the HQ being
Ember Celica grafted onto the Memory Dump. Riley turns off the projector as she
turns to Gift, smiling._\n\nRiley: Wanna see yours now? Yours is... quite
complicated but it's worth seeing.","te":1568132291732},"621016776456667174":
{"u":1,"t":1568132337441,"m":"Gift - It alright, I'm ready to see
it."},"621017893261410331":{"u":0,"t":1568132603708,"m":"_Riley turns the projector
on again as Gift's mindsppace comes into view, she zooms in on the projection as
Gift's Headquarters appears on-screen, showing up as his Room within the STEM
system, she pans the camera over to the Islands surrounding the HQ to find most of
the islands greyed out._\n\nRiley: You're missing a lot of Core Memories, this
isn't good...\n\n_She pans the camera over to an Island bearing the statue of Team
RWBY's members. From all the islands she had seen, only the island bearing the
statues of Team RWBY remains active and not greyed. Riley turns off the projector
and leaves the console to a worker before walking up to Gift._\n\nRiley: Gift, your
mind is worse than I thought it'd be...."},"621018187361681409":
{"u":1,"t":1568132673827,"m":"Gift - I must fix it, how can i find Core
Memories?"},"621019399910064128":{"u":0,"t":1568132962921,"m":"_Riley shakes her
head, looking at him solemnly._\n\nRiley: There's no way to find them,
they're just... there. In the Core Memory rack inactive.\n\n_She turns to Joy,
nodding at her. Joy walks to the main console as she reached into the underside
cabinet and produced a Mind Manual before handing it to Gift._\n\nJoy: Here, this
manual helped my deal with this before. I'm sure it'll work on you, too.\n\n_From
the sleeping quarters came Fear, Anger, Sadness and Disgust. The four emotions
sporting similar clothings resembling Riley's attire being a zippered hoodie,
combat trousers and Salomon running sneakers._\n\nAnger: You read that damn manual,
and fix yourself. Riley took you here because she wants you to be better, you
better promise me that you won't be a pushover to your
{"u":0,"t":1568133030576,"m":"_Anger shouts at him, her head now emanating ember
sparks from it before bursting into flames. She turns away from Gift and retreated
to her spot on the main console._"},"621020076585385994":
{"u":1,"t":1568133124253,"m":"Gift - If this can help me, i will read this
manual."},"621021736028078140":{"u":0,"t":1568133519895,"m":"_Gift opens the manual
as he felt a sudden surge of data rushing into his head, and in the blink of an eye
he and Riley suddenly vanished from the Mind World as they are brought back into
the real world. In the real world, Riley is seen lying down on the floor bleeding
from her nose as Gift is seen standing outside the pod._\n\n_The door to the
infirmary opens as a medic walks into the room to find Riley on the floor, at the
sight of the commander on the floor he immediately shouts into his radio, hailing
his team of paramedics._\n\nMedic Anderson: I need a team in here, right now! We
have a Code Seven situtation!"},"621022186282418232":
{"u":1,"t":1568133627244,"m":"Gift - (Getting Up) Am i out from that
place?\nSargent Gift - Leave your question later, for now help Riley
first."},"621023108471455775":{"u":0,"t":1568133847111,"m":"_Sarge storms into the
room with Team RWBY after him, they then surrounded Riley as Ruby and Weiss lifts
Riley up and onto a patient bed, taking notice of a white glow coming from her
chest Weiss rips Riley's zippered hoodie off and tugged her tank top up to find a
large gaping hole on her chest._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ugh--\n\n_At the
sight of Riley's missing heart, she turns away as she tries to hold back her vomit
while Winter and Glynda pushed away the team of medics around
her._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Oh no... This is bad. She'd just gave Gift
the last remaining bit of Light Energy in her. But
{"u":1,"t":1568214040298,"m":"Gift - Now it my turn to safe her. (Activate Healing
Aura)"},"621361294246936593":{"u":0,"t":1568214476883,"m":"_As Riley laid on her
back on the patient bed, Gift stood next to her and begins to conjure vitakinetic
beams of energy from his hands, with the energy beams present he projects it onto
her chest as her eyes opened, she jolts up on her back, staring at Gift._\n\nRiley:
What the hell are you doing?! \n\n_She stares at her partner, a look of total
confusion on her face. With Riley waking up normally Winter yelps as she jumped
back, crashing into a medic carrying Light Energy shards, sending the medic flying
at Glynda, who stepped aside as the unfortunate medic slams into a
wall._\n\nWinter: HOW?! Your heart's missing-- wait...\n\n_Winter stares into
Riley's chest, finding it completely intact and free of any visible injuries.
Glynda, having dodged the medic runs up to Riley, taking the shards of Light Energy
crystals with her. Now at Riley's bed she handed her the crystals only to have
Riley put it down on the bed, leaving the crystals to themselves._\n\nRiley: That
was just an illusion, I passed out when I synced with Gift. The nosebleeding and
missing heart is definitely NOT what happened to me."},"621361851313160214":
{"u":1,"t":1568214609698,"m":"Gift - No matter is real or not, Good soldier won't
left their teammate.","te":1568214623784},"619933075870318622":
{"u":1,"t":1567873963087,"m":"(i gonna go now)"},"619933613865173025":
{"u":0,"t":1567874091355,"m":"_At the hangar within the airfield, Trigger and his
wingmen all surrounded the radar screen as they continue to watch the battle
between Ruby and Cinder progress. Cossette gazed at Ruby's radar signature, finding
herself reading her movements maneuver-by-maneuver until Avril lightly nudged at
her cheek. She turns around to meet the Scrap Queen looking at her in the
eyes._\n\nAvril: Enjoying the fight? \n\n_Cossette blushes, turning away from her
partner's gaze and onto the radar screen._\n\nCossette: No, I'm just worried that
Miss Rose couldn't finish this fight...\n\n_Avril chuckled, nudging the Erusean
princess at the cheek again._\n\nAvril: Silly you, she'll win! Just look at how
_wild_ her maneuvers are. Hell, I don't even think her jet can take that much
punishment but hey, when you're on a planet where magical crystals literally turns
mundane stuff into WMDs, things like this are quite the
{"u":0,"t":1567874540291,"m":"_Mihaly suddenly appears from behind Avril's back,
causing the mechanic to scream out in fear._\n\nMihaly: That's because I took her
under my training, these maneuvers however are not of my nature. They're wild,
fast, unpredictable and extremely violent. Only a drone can pull off such maneuvers
even with their specially designed aircrafts.\n\n_Cossette nods, looking back into
the radar scope. Now in the air, the battle between Cinder and Ruby grows in
intensity as the two jets are now locked into a cycle of CRA'ing one
another._\n\n_With Cinder after her tail, Ruby instantly dived for the ground
causing Cinder's lock on her jet to break. In the cockpit of the F-15, multiple
warnings continue to scream out at her, ignoring the warnings, Ruby turns to her
right before bringing her jet back up to meet Cinder's fireball salvo as the
fireballs rammed into her jet's aura shielding, tearing the shielding away
completely and causing external damage to the Rubinoalloy
airframe._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Let's see how you'll handle
this!\n\n_With the fireball salvo damaging her adversary's aircraft Cinder mashed
the trigger on her right-hand stick as the provisional conformal gun pod bursted
into life as it sprayed rounds into Ruby's airframe, damaging the jet even
further._\n\n_In her cockpit, Ruby calls up the jet's Rubinoalloy regenerative
mimetic layer as she allowed her jet to brush against incoming rounds while
feigning her status as being severely damaged. She looks to her left wing to find
the painting scraped away from missile shrapnel regrow into place. At this, the
Copro unit calls out the fighter's status to her._\n\nCopro: Rubinoalloy
regeneration in progress, pilot aura channeling in progress. System regeneration
underway.\n\n_Ruby turns to her F-15's Integrated COFFIN system interface, tapping
codes into her AR feed as she feigns her jet's
status._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Mayday! Mayday! I'm hit, I'm going
{"u":1,"t":1567953245071,"m":"Captain Gift - Count, Onee-chan that you say that
mean Big sister."},"620265813202698273":{"u":1,"t":1567953293849,"m":"Sargent Gift
- Actually it should say Onii-Chan, that mean Big brother."},"620267061729296394":
{"u":0,"t":1567953591521,"m":"_From the radar scope, Cossette locks her cursor on
Ruby's radar signature as it tracks her jet plummeting diwn towards the ground
through an artificial cloud created by Weiss, having launched weather-modifying
warheads to intercept Ruby._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Missile loose!\n\n_With
the weather modification missiles fired, she pulls up to Cinder through the clouds,
commanding the ECM pod within her aircraft to fire off a jamming wave. Causing the
Su-47 avionics to freeze for a moment._\n\n_With the Berkut now frozen and under
the Typhoon's control, Weiss calls out to Ruby as she immediately pulls away from a
rogue missile headed her way._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Luna, this is Romeo 1-
2, target is incapacitated. Clear to engage!"},"620267341292503070":
{"u":1,"t":1567953658174,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gift, ready yourself, i can sense
something bad happen."},"620267393406730281":{"u":1,"t":1567953670599,"m":"Gift -
Standing by."},"620269686931718144":{"u":0,"t":1567954217418,"m":"_Cinder, having
called up predictions from the Copro unit dives into the cloud as she sweeped her
airdpace with IR searching beams. She continues to dive down until she reaches the
edge of the artificial cloud, finding Ruby's F-15 in her
sight._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Gotcha.\n\n_With the press on her right
hand stick's trigger came a salvo of fireballs sent at the F-15 in front of her.
Ruby's radar warning receiver then warns her of incoming missiles as she turned to
her six to the sight of fireballs hurled directly at
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She's on me! \n\n_Pushing her throttle
stick to full afterburner, the twin engines on her jet instantly responded to the
sudden increase of power as the F-15 joolted forward, flying away from the storm of
fireballs. But alas, one of the flaming projectiles scored a direct hit on her left
wing, blasting it away as the cockpit turns red, screaming warnings at
REQUIRED!\n\n_Ruby screams as sudden change of mass tossed her jet around, sending
it into an uncontrolled spin-dive falling for the city
ground._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm hit! Left wing damaged! Systems not
responding--\n\n_Suddenly, the F-15 disappears in an explosion, seemingly vanishing
from the clear sky._\n\n_At the sight of Ruby being taken down, Cinder grins to
herself. Flying towards the airfield._"},"620270008513331236":
- (feel pain) Ruby, Onii-chan coming for ya, BT Control T-47, i have a
plan."},"620272076275580938":{"u":0,"t":1567954787082,"m":"_BT appears in his HUD
as Gift climbs into the cockpit of his jet. Closing the canopy down before reaching
for the console in front of him, tapping at a red switch as he brings the fighter
back online._\n\nBT: Query: what is the plan to stop Cinder?\n\n_From the screen of
Long Caster's radar scope, he slumps into his seat, a tear streaming down his left
cheek and onto the floor. Despite Ruby's signature disappearing from his scope, he
keeps up his attempts to communicate with her._\n\nLong Caster: Luna, this is AWACS
Long Caster! Respond! Do you read me?! \n\n_On the ground, Trigger bolted for his
jet as his fellow pilots soon scrambled to their jets. Failing to notice Ruby's
radar signature reappearing right above Cinder's._\n\nTrigger: Listen up! Our
objective is simple, we get up there, find that Maiden and take her down.
Clear?!\n\n_Count responds, looking to his right to find Sol Squadron having taken
to the sky already. He looks to Cossette's fighter jet, a look of concern on his
face. Seen lining next to her jet lies Mobius One, Reaper, Talisman, Bishop, and
Avril. With Mobius and his fellow wingmen in their advanced jets except for Avril,
who chose to fly in an F-104 Starfighter._\n\nCossette: Copy.\nMobius: Mobius
copies all.\nCount: Copy. Let's go already!\nReaper:
- BT, did you see Cinder? Above or on ground."},"620272859985739786":
{"u":0,"t":1567954973933,"m":"_BT then fed Gift with a live feed of the Maiden's
position, finding the damaged yet operational Su-47 still airborne._\n\nBT: Our
target is in the air, I am picking up another radar signature...\n\n_BT then scan
the incoming radar signature as his avatar goes \"offline\"briefly before
reappearing._\n\nBT: Pilot, I have great news. Luna Rose is still in the air, she
activated Lightspeed prior to being shot down."},"620273051434745866":
{"u":1,"t":1567955019578,"m":"Gift - Copy that, Keep scan for that
bastard."},"620274766892498944":{"u":0,"t":1567955428575,"m":"_Above Cinder's
canopy, her cockpit is dazed with white flashes as she looked up. Finding nothing,
but as she resumes paying attention to assessing the damage done to her ship, her
Copro unit warns her of an incoming hostile._\n\nCopro: INCOMING! INCOMING!
INCOMING! ENEMY LOCK DETECTED!\n\n_Cinder groans, looking back on her six to find
nothing chasing her. She turns to her instrument panel, shaking her head and
dismissing the alarm._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _talking back to the AI
unit_ I shot her down, what else is left of her--\n\n_Suddenly, the Su-47 shakes
violently as Ruby's F-15 flew close to it at sub-light speed. Leaving behind
shockwave rings as the resulting shockwave rocked the Berkut's airframe. Causing
Cinder to lose control of her jet._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> WHAT?!\n\n_She
stares at the F-15 in total confusion, her eyes following the trails of white light
coming from the wingtips as Gift pulls in and fired three standard missiles at her,
peppering the fuselage with explosive shrapnel._"},"620275191171252234":
{"u":1,"t":1567955529731,"m":"Gift - This power all friendly unit can move freely
but the enemy will freeze but to get result of damage time must continue
first."},"620277302068248597":{"u":0,"t":1567956033008,"m":"_From her twevle,
Trigger's independent squadron flies in. With Trigger himself, Mobius and Mihaly
leading the squadron into battle._\n\nMihaly: I have eyes on the target, engage at
will.\n\n_He calls up a SASM missile and locks it onto the Berkut, sending the
missile free as it flies its way to the intended target, disappearing in a bright
orange flash as the missile scored a direct hit._\n\nMobius: Don't start the party
without me!"},"620277447262208000":{"u":1,"t":1567956067625,"m":"Gift - Standby for
\"Time breaking\" Plan."},"620277470251450369":
{"u":0,"t":1567956073106,"m":"_Mobious gunned the engines, flying headfirst into
the fight as he peppered the Berkut with cannon fire from his M61 autocannon on the
F-22._\n\n_With the Berkut peppered enough he follows up with a close-range missile
shot to the right wing, this time causing the aura shielding on the jet to flicker
even more._\n\n_From Ruby's position in the sky giving chase to the Berkut under
heavy fire, she locks her pulse laser pods in before firing a full salvo at her
enemy until the laser emitters overheated._\n\n_As the laser emitter overheated and
under cooldown she switches over to her main cannon as Weiss and Blake flies in to
provide support._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Target locked! Fox
three!\n\n_With Cinder in her sight, Weiss launched a barrage of 8AAMs from the
glyphs under her wings as Blake sends five Atlas-D Dust-infused active radar homing
air-to-air missiles at Cinder. Sending the missiles to their intended target as
Yang teams up with Talisman in their combined attack, with Yang firing the TLS in
full discharge at the Berkut._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> TLS is hot!
{"u":1,"t":1567956264400,"m":"Gift - Plan start, ZA WARUDO, TOKI WA TOMERO.(The
world, Time stop)"},"620279782432833546":{"u":0,"t":1567956624373,"m":"Trigger:
Copy!\n\n_Time within the battlespace slows down to a halt, causing Cinder to
remain stuck within the time-dilation field while the rest of Gift's allies moved
freely within the field._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright, now
what?!\n\n_In confusion, Ruby circled around Cinder's heavily damaged Su-47 as
Trigger and his wingmen, now being only Mihaly and Count conducts visual runs on
their adversary's seemingly invincible jet._\n\nTrigger: Sure, you stopped time.
But what are we going to do?!\n\n_Out of nowhere, Riley appears on his left
wingtip, taking a missile's place on the wing station._\n\nRiley: Fire everything
you have at her, once Gift disengages this field... just think of it as Hoffnung,
but on a lone jet instead of a city.\n\nTrigger: What's \"Hoffnung\"?!\n\n_Riley
groans, detaching herself from his wing._\n\nRiley: Just fire everything at her and
leave the timespace!"},"620280328950382613":{"u":1,"t":1567956754673,"m":"Gift -
Alright my final strike, MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDAAA!!!!! (firing gun and missile)
Toki wa toki desu. (Time moving again)"},"620280632765055006":
{"u":1,"t":1567956827108,"m":"(I gonna go now)"},"620282180849106967":
{"u":0,"t":1567957196200,"m":"Trigger: Fire, fire! \n\n_Trigger begins his full
salvo of indiscriminate weapons fire as he emptied all of his remaining missiles in
store as well as his special weaponry ammunition. Sending missiles of various types
at the Berkut._\n\n_Mobius, Mihaly, Reaper, and Count soon followed as they
launched all of their remaining munitions on the jet before breaking away, giving
way for the rest of Ruby's independent squadron to
engage._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> 1-2 engaging!\n\n_Weiss taps a series of
commands into her AR feed af her fighter jet launched its remaining missiles in
store through the glyphs until the ammunition counter goes blank, alerting to her
that her jet has ran out of ammo._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Launching
missiles!\n\n_The ventral weapon bay under the Black Widow opens wide as four
STDM-N2 self-forming cruise missiles dropped from the bay and into the time field
as they began to conjure into four large cruise missile before flying towards the
slowly intensifying explosions created by the masses of launched
{"u":0,"t":1567957217747,"m":"(Roger, but I'll continue to write to avoid
confusion.)"},"620283611316486155":{"u":0,"t":1567957537250,"m":"_Yang, still
prepping her laser pod to fire gave up on restarting the cooling pumps within the
TLS pod as she gripped her right-hand stick tightly, placing her thumb over the
master switch as the nose-mounted autocannon dumped all its ammunition into the
intensifying explosion._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Guns, guns, guns!
\n\n_Suddenly, the TLS pod emits a large laser beam at the Berkut, now enveloped
within the growing fireballs from the various types of munitions impacting
it._\n\n_With the pod firing properly, she moves her prosthetic thumb over to a
secondary master switch, commanding her remaining missiles to launch themselves at
the explosion. Disappearing into the growing flames, shockwaves and
shrapnel._"},"620633898661183510":{"u":1,"t":1568041052261,"m":"Gift - Time field
will disable in 5 minutes.\nCaptain/Commander Gift - AA support upcoming. (Firing
AA Gun) DORARARARARA!!!!!! (Again Jojo reference)"},"620635859393314827":
{"u":0,"t":1568041519736,"m":"_Ruby, shielding her eyes from the explosion flies
away from the violent explosions. Commanding her jets into re-arm as the internal
cannon, missiles, and pulse laser charge are restocked from the Rubinoalloy
airframe working on the weapon emplacements._\n\n_With her weapons restocked she
turns her jet around towards the growing explosions, selected the 4AAM from her
master-arm switch and locks them onto the explosions engulfing Cinder. The
targeting reticle appears on her HUD and flashed green, marking a well-aimed
missile lock. With the target in her sight she pressed the trigger as four AIM-16B
Hornet missiles dropepd from the wing stations and flew for the
explosion._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Launching missile!\n\n_With the
missiles launched she switches over to her pulse laser pods, locking the discharge
lenses on the delayed explosion. She takes aim through the targeting reticle and
with the press of the trigger several blue beams of laser shot out from the
discharge lenses towards the Berkut, blending into the fires created from the
missile._\n\n_On the ground, Cap and Commander are
seen driving 2k22M Tunguska self-propelled AA guns as they aimed up the sky and
fired their cannons at the cloud of orange flames marking Cinder's location within
the air as tracer bullets whizzed past the friendly jets and into the
fire._"},"620636120472092693":{"u":1,"t":1568041581982,"m":"Gift - 4 Minutes
left."},"620637732972265502":{"u":0,"t":1568041966432,"m":"_With the cloud of
explosions growing more intense, Trigger breaks away from the rain of shrapnels
slowly marching their way over to his jet. Flying away from the time
field._\n\nTrigger: Nope, my jet can't handle getting rained shrapnel on. I'm
pulling out! \n\n_Having exhausted all of his ammunition, Mihaly sighed, pushed his
flight stick to the right and dived for the ground, leaving the time field as
well._\n\nMihaly: I'm leaving, this should be more than enough to teach her a
lesson.\n\n_With Mihaly leaving the field, Mobius and Count remains silent as they,
too, turned away from the rain of shrapnel slowly advancing on them. At the sight
of the leaving jets, Ruby turns to Gift, gesturing to him as she brings her radio
channel back online._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, I think we should
break off. This should be more than enough."},"620637978137722900":
{"u":1,"t":1568042024884,"m":"Gift - Zero. (Time continue moving
again)"},"620638559887687681":{"u":1,"t":1568042163584,"m":"Captain Gift - Hell
yeah!"},"620640140502499330":{"u":0,"t":1568042540432,"m":"_The time field
disappears from the sky as the purple hue fades away, allowing light to reenter the
battlespace as time resumes its natural flow. From the Berkut's cockpit, Cinder
stares at the jets leaving her behind, runnin assesments on her systems as the
explosions surrounding her ravaged her aircraft violently as the missiles detonated
one after another._\n\n_All she could do was to scream as the Berkut's fuselage
finally loses its structural integerity and breaks apart into unrecognizable parts.
With the jet's airframe disintegrating into the explosion before her eyes Cinder
blasts herself away from her flight seat, leaving the explosion behind with trails
of fire behind her._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Until next time, Gift! \n\n_As
she flies away from the explosion, barely keeping herself in the air a portal
conjures before her as she dives into it. Escaping the battlespace as the portal
suddenly vanished into a cloud of red-black smoke._\n\n_At the sight of Cinder
managing to escape from being killed in the amassing blasts Yang angrily stomped
her right pedal, sending her Terminator slightly off-balance before regaining
altitude._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No! She got away...\n\n_Ruby pulls up
close to her sister's fighter jet, running external damage assesments on the
Terminator's fuselage. With no visual damage done to it she gave Yang a thumbs-up ,
banking away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hull looks clean, you're still in
the green. \n\n_She flies down to the ground as Weiss watches from her cockpit,
sweating profusely. She opens her visor, wiping sweat from her forehead before
taking the helmet off completely. Staring into her radar scope as Cinder's
signature no longer appears on radar._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> The next time
we meet her, it'll be her last.","te":1568042633056},"620640771397255168":
{"u":1,"t":1568042690849,"m":"Gift - Yes Weiss, Regroup to Airfield. (Thinking to
himself) I hope Ruby will call me Onii-Chan."},"620643938176335902":
{"u":0,"t":1568043445868,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> Roger.\n\n_Still grippin
the flight sticks, Weiss commands her jet to pull away from Gift's Thunderbird as
she flew down the ground to the airfield where Trigger and his allies waited.
Watching from the airfield's control tower lies Avril, standing on the ATC's
console as she tracked Ruby's F-15 flying into view finding the F-15 approaching in
high speed._\n\nAvril: Luna 1-1, you're coming in too fast, lower your
airspeed.\n\n_Ruby glanced at her airspeed counter and groaned, she eased off the
throttle as the F-15's airspeed slows down enough for landing. With her jet bearing
closer to the ground, she allows the rear landing gears to ram onto the runway as
her nose landing gear makes contact with the runway. The jet continues to slide
across the runway until slowing down to a halt._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Luna to Control, landing confirmed. Taxiing to hangar five. \n\n_She looks behind
her to find Weiss' Eurofighter Typhoon flying for the runway as it touched down,
sliding fast enough across the runway as it made its way to Ruby's position within
the runway._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> 1-2 to Control, landing confirmed, moving
to hangar five."},"620643946082861056":{"u":0,"t":1568043447753,"m":"_As the
Typhoon lands, Blake's YF-23 flies into view, flying past Ruby and Weiss as the
Black Widow instantly snapped around towards them before landing nimbly right next
to them, the stealth jet having left behind a cast of its entire airframe at the
spot it snapped around to land at the right
position._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> 1-3 has landed. \n\n_With Yang
being the last to arrive, she dives for the airfield, ramming the Terminator's
landing gears onto the runway as it slows down with loud screeches coming from the
wheels. The Terminator continues to slide past Ruby, Weiss, and Blake as it stops
before crashing into a tanker on standby, its Pitot tube stopping before the
tanker's fuel tank in mere inches._\n\n_In the cockpit, Yang punches the canopy
open, causing it to rocket up the sky and shattering on the concrete
runway._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> This is 1-4, I have landed at the
airfield."},"620644795668234271":{"u":1,"t":1568043650310,"m":"Sargent Gift - Nice
plan mate.\nGift - Thanks my friend, long enough since we are in air
force.\nSargent Gift - Yes, long time.\nTwo have whispering.\nSargent Gift - Still
hope for her to call you Onii-Chan?\nGift - Still, but not much.\nSargent Gift -
That day will come to you mate.\nGift - Sure it
pops her canopy open as she disconnected her flight suit from the COFFIN system
lcoking her into the seat as electrical wires linking the suit to the flight system
snaps away from the connection ports on her suit. With the wires disconnected she
jumps down onto the ground as the flight suit disappeared into a cloud of red
smoke, the smoke clears as it reveals her old
outfit._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift!\n\n_She runs across the airfield
to meet Gift emerging from his fighter jet's cockpit as she climbed up the
Thunderbird's cockpit access ladder and embraces him in a warming
hug._"},"620647904289488916":{"u":1,"t":1568044391463,"m":"Gift - Ruby! (hug Ruby
with love)"},"620650149504352257":{"u":0,"t":1568044926764,"m":"_As the two
embraced one another, Trigger and his friends walk out into the open as they
marched up to Gift, smiling._\n\nTrigger: At least we taught her a lesson she'll
never forget. Ain't that right, Count?\n\n_Count looks at his squadron leader and
playfully threw a fake punch at his chest as Trigger swats it away._\n\nCoun: Nah,
we kicked her ass into oblivion.\n\n_Brushing past the two, Cossette ran up to
Gift, a document in her hand. Seen following her lies Mihaly, Mobious 1, Reaper,
Avril and Brownie. All of them carrying emblems of the OADF in their hands.
Marching up to the veteran pilot and the new ace in unison._\n\n_Over at the three
jets, Weiss tossed her sweat-drenched flight suit away as her combat dress takes
over. Now in her usual attire she begins to run over to the group of pilots
marching up to her only to be stopped by Long Caster, finding the man carrying
boxes of rations with him._\n\nLong Caster: You're not going anywhere! After that
fight, you'll definitely need something to fill you up.\n\n_Weiss stares into the
officer's eyes and begins to protest, breaking his grip on her left arm. But as she
walks away from him she finds herself being carried bridal style by... Ruby, having
snuck up behind Long Caster after letting go of Gift. Long Caster shot a glance at
Ruby carrying her friend and allows himelf a hearty laugh._\n\nLong Caster:
_shouting over to Weiss_ That wasn't supposed to be a double entendre, by the
way!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Put me down, you dolt! I can walk for
myself!\n\n_Ruby rolled her eyes before blowing a raspberry back at Weiss. Still
carrying her friend by the arms._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No, you were
shaking in that cockpit! I saw you land, that's not
- Cap, Report situation.\nCaptain Gift - Everything clear.\nGift - I have something
to do here.\nCaptain Gift - Okay, i gonna get you some snack.\nGift - Okay
mate."},"620653350731513896":{"u":0,"t":1568045689996,"m":"_As Long Caster brings
his boxes of rations over to the jets, Brownie and Avril ran up to him as they
snatched the boxes from his hands, tossing them on Ruby's F-15 on its right wing
much to his conusion._\n\nLong Caster: Wait, what's with all this tossing?
\n\n_Brownie looked into his eyes, staring the controller down before breaking into
a laughing fit. Hunching over as she laughed hysterically._\n\nAvril: It's just
that you forgot to bring us tables...\n\n_Upon hearing Avril, Weiss jumps down from
Ruby's arms as she tossed her a Rubinoalloy field fabricator canister over to the
mechanic. Avril then took the canister, catching it in mid-air as she snaps the
safety cap off of the canister and tossed it at the ground. The canister then
creates a cloud of smoke before revealing a large picnic table out in the
open._\n\nAvril: Thanks! Where'd you get that from?\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
You dropped it. I saw that can falling out of your pocket.\n\n_She walks away from
leaving her behind. With the table set up Long Caster quickly gathered his rations
before running up to it and laying down the contents onto the table._\n\nLong
Caster: Alright, this might not be much but it's all I can scrounge from what's
left on my plane. \n\n_The girls of Team RWBY all but stared at the plethora of
canned foodstuffs the controller had laid out for them, wondering how he managed to
stock so much food on his aircraft without his superiors being suspicious to his
actions. Long Caster himself then took notice of Yang's confused look before
breaking the truth out to her._\n\nLong Caster: Just so you know, these rations are
all from Osea, not Atlas. \n\n_Gift walks up to him and grabbed away a pack of 12-
hours MRE as he walks away from the group, sitting right next to
Riley._"},"620654999487119360":{"u":1,"t":1568046083090,"m":"Gift - Good work
team.\nCaptain Gift - That because you not lost your determined.\nGift - That's
right.\nSargent Gift - Before he get back to the battlefield, he worry about
Ruby.\nGift - Hey!\nSargent Gift - Is that true?\nGift - Ummmm....Yes.\nCommander
Gift - He is Ruby's brother right?\nSargent Gift - Yes.\nCommander Gift - So why
don't she call him Onii-Chan or something.\nGift - Hey! That what i
want."},"620657199060090900":{"u":0,"t":1568046607509,"m":"_Overhearing the
conversation, Riley begins to giggle as she heard what Gift had said, she gets up
from her spot and walks over to Ruby, finding the girl wolfing down much of her
rations as her friends watched her in awe._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> She really
_is_ starving....\n\n_Long Caster gets up from his seat and slides over a can of
OseanStar soda to Ruby as she caught it with her left hand, not looking up from her
can of beef stew. His eyes widens in suprise, shocked at her sudden reactions as
Count and Trigger laughs at the sight of their AWACS officer staring at Ruby with a
look of total surprise on his face._\n\nCoun: I guess he's really that shocked,
heh.\n\nTrigger: His mind's blown to bits like an FAEB on a oil storage tank. If I
were her I'd shotgun that can for the laughs.\n\n_The two then heartily laughed as
Long Caster slowly sat into his seat, resuming wolfing down his MREs. Over at
Cossette, she is seen sitting next to Riley, having found herself a spot close to
the commader._\n\nCossette: How'd you find these... ready-to-eat meals? I saw you
eating it as if you... never mind...\n\n_Cossette tries to break the ice, but as
her eyes met with Riley's gleaming silver eyes she begins to blush red. Unable to
stop herself from blushing she looked down at the table, watching herself blush
{"u":1,"t":1568046782297,"m":"Captain Gift - And he just..... want to protect
Ruby.\nSargent Gift - When he hear her refuse for his assistant, his heart is
getting break apart.\nGift - Feeling is not kidding.\nSargent Gift - I know how you
feel mate."},"620659144923283466":{"u":0,"t":1568047071439,"m":"_Over at Ruby's
spot, still sitting with her team, she quickly finished what's left of her MREs
before packing up the emptied containers into the burn bag as she tossed it to a
trash can. Having disposed of the trash she wiped away sauce smudges on her lips
with a handkerchief before tucking it into her hip
pocket._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That was the best meal I've ever eaten.
But still, nothing tops my mom's home-cooked meals, if only she was
here...\n\nMihaly: If you don't mind, I'd like for you to try out my wingman's
special drink. He said it's for you.\n\n_Mihaly then passes her a mug filled with
Wit's Voslagian ale, to which she took it and sipped from the mug as she tasted the
ale's slightly sweet tinge. Surprised at how tasteful the ale was she tossed down
the whole mug before passing it back to the ace
pilot._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wit, that was just... the best of the
best drink I've ever had! What's in that thing?!\n\n_Wit laughs, filling his mug
with a second servin of his homebrew Voslagian ale._\n\nWit: It's ale, I mixed some
of your OseanStar in it so you can drink it better.\n\n_Ruby raised her left
eyebrow, smiling at him as she tanked the pilot for the
drink._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oooh, well, thanks for the drink!
\n\nWit: My pleasure, Ruby.\n\n_Having drunk the ale, Ruby sighed to herself as she
sits back down on her seat, she glances over to Gift finding him still sitting
alone to himself next to his clones. She excuses herself, getting up and walks up
to him. Taking a seat next to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hey, how's
the food? \n\n_Gift, still staring into space instantly snapped his head at her,
finding Ruby's face mere inches away from
- Good, feel like i have this meal at home."},"620660987044823061":
{"u":0,"t":1568047510635,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That great, huh?
\n\n_As the two chatted, Wit takes notice of Gift and gets up from his seat, taking
with him the same mug he had given Ruby his ale. He walks to the General and placed
the mug down in front of him before walking away._\n\nWit: Enjoy, sir. It's from my
home country!"},"620661444190535700":{"u":1,"t":1568047619627,"m":"Gift - I so much
enjoy this meal. (Thinking to himself) Ruby is come closer to me, my heartbeat
getting fast."},"620662376340914216":{"u":0,"t":1568047841869,"m":"_Ruby moves
closer to him, still staring off into space._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
You should've met Mom a bit earlier, she would've cooked up some of her recipes
from her \"secret book\" just for you. IF, only she was here.\n\n_She looks up,
staring into the dark, starry sky as the shattered moon moves into view. Gift, now
done with his MREs tossed the empty containers into its bag as he tossed it away to
a mobile incinerator nearby before joining Ruby in stargazinf as the two looked up
the night sky of Atlas._"},"618832919095410700":{"u":0,"t":1567611665272,"m":"_From
the Nighthawk's command deck, the ship's captain stared ino his screen as he
watched Ruby's squadron prepare to take off. He turns the screen's scope to
Trigger's squadron flying in to join Ruby in their first aerial battle against
Cinder._\n\n_Over at Gift's position, he prepares to take to the sky only to find
himself become engulfed in light as his surroundings fade away into nothing but
whiteness. Now in the whitespace, GIft turned around to find nothing but whiteness
in his sight until a golden figure emerged from the blinding light._\n\nGod of
Light: I'm sorry, but I'm not allowing you to help them this
time."},"618833585549344768":{"u":1,"t":1567611824167,"m":"Gift - I know it not my
war or their war, this is Our war, i will not let them worry about me again, i have
promise with them, so i will not break their promise."},"618834914485207041":
{"u":0,"t":1567612141010,"m":"_The Gof of Light shook his head, this time he holds
up a finger, silencing Gift._\n\nGod of Light: No, even if this is your war. You
must allow them to fight on their own this time. I understand that you want to
protect them, but your past actions says otherwise. I hope that you will learn from
what you have done to them by watching this battle unfold.\n\n_The God of Light
then conjures a nullification field around Gift as the field begins to siphon away
his aura._\n\nGod of Light: You will watch them , and nothing more. You can help
them after they've won, or that they are defeated.\n\n_The God's figure disappears
into the light as Gift is sent back to the surface of Atlas, his body now
translucent with a field of white aura covering him. Gift then tries to use his
powers but find nothing coming out from his hands, he then switches to his weapons
to find them intact, but as he tries to attack, his attacks go unnoticed by Cinder
as she simply flew his jet through him._","te":1567612222615},"618836741285216256":
{"u":1,"t":1567612576553,"m":"Gift - It can't be, every thing that i done, will be
nothing?\nCaptain Gift - No, it won't.\nCommander Gift - You alone can't break this
barrier.\nSargent Gift - If we combine our power.\nGift - We can break this
barrier, My heart is already gave to Ruby, If she hurt, i will also.\nSargent Gift
- Nothing can stop us now, we have come this far, we can not fail.\nGift - Let's do
this!\n(All Gift in every timeline have combine their power with determined to
protect Ruby)\nGift - Hold on, Brother is coming, My punch is too slow, if i have
combine maybe..... (Jojo reference again)\nGift - AHHH!!!! ORA ORA ORA
ORA!!!!"},"618837804922830849":{"u":1,"t":1567612830144,"m":"(I gonna go
now)"},"618837844051492872":{"u":0,"t":1567612839473,"m":"_Gift's clones then began
to fight against the energy field surrounding him by sending rapid, indiscriminate
punches at the field , causing it to flicker and shatter into shards of light
crystals. At this, the God of Light allowed himself a light chuckle._\n\nGod of
Light: Very well. I understand, that was simply just a test. I'm... curious of this
power. That is all."},"618837876855013376":
{"u":1,"t":1567695548758,"m":"Gift - We gonna find the way to help Ruby and her
teammate.\nSargent Gift - There are T 47 Thunderbirds, at the airfield.\nGift -
Good, Sarge come with me, get another T 47.\nCaptain Gift - Hey those T-47 are
special, their engine can make it to stay still, and equip more weapon, example,
Homing AP Bullet, Homing missile.\nGift - Good, Cap, commander, Get to AA
Gun.\nCaptain Gift - Sure thing."},"619188034830598171":
{"u":0,"t":1567696331461,"m":"_Now freed from his improsonment within the energy
field, Gift climbs into the cockpit of a T-47 Thunderbird heavy strike fighter,
sitting himself down on the COFFIN cockpit system as the seats began to fill with
water, engulfing him
as he prepares himself to take off._\n\n_From her cockpit, Ruby stares at Gift's
T-47 lifting off vertically and grins to herself as Cinder's Su-47 flew close to
her prompting her to send the F-15 into a high-g evasion maneuver, dodging Cinder's
gun run by mere inches._"},"619188050471157770":
{"u":0,"t":1567696335190,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Shit, enemy on my
tail!\n\n_Ruby sens her F-15 into full afterburners, taking to the skt in breakneck
speed, evadiing Cinder's EML shots sent towards her._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Target in sight! Lima's up!\n\n_Yang switches from her missiles to the Tactical
Laser Systen, locking Cinder onto her sights before mashing the fire button as a
stream of red laser projected from the emitter assembly and onto the Su-47's left
wing, grazing the paint away. With her jet under fire, Cinder pulls her Su-47 into
post-stall maneuver, dodging Yang's laser attack and putting her jet into position
before locking her EML onto the Terminator's cockpit and firing a second
shot._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You're quite the entertainer, aren't you?
Let's see how you handle this!\n\n_Cinder switches to her QAAMs, locking on Yang's
Terminator as Blake's Black Widow flies into view and launched a salvo of 6AAMs at
her, at this Cinder breaks off her lock and braced for the missiles to impact her
jet. She slows down, allowing the missiles to score hits on the
47._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> She's on my tail-- wait, she killed
herself?\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> No, she's letting my missiles ram into
her! She's crazy!\n\n_As the smoke cleared, the Berkut emerged from the black cloud
leaving behind wake turbulences before turning around to meet the
team._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Not bad at all. Heh.\n\n_The wingtips of the
Berkut glows as two beams of fire shot out at Yang's Terminator, scoring a direct
hit on the cockpit as the fires burned the paint
away._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I'm hit! 1-2 breaking away!\n\n_Yang breaks
away from the firebeams as Gift's Thunderbird jumps into the action, diving towards
Cinder's Su-47 as he fires off Homing AP bullets at her. Scoring multiple hits on
the jet._","te":1567698002477},"619188463249653760":
{"u":0,"t":1567696433604,"m":"<@240849028852482050> (RWBY x Ace Combat
timeeeee)"},"619188660813955097":{"u":1,"t":1567696480707,"m":"Sargent/General Gift
- We will not let you away,(Firing Homing AP Bullet)Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda
MUDA!!!! (JoJo Reference again)"},"619192171257659392":
{"u":0,"t":1567697317662,"m":"_Sarge joins the aerial battle as he launched three
AIM-9DX Super Sidewinder missiles at Cinder's Su-47. At the sight of incoming
missiles the Copro unit taking Neo's place in the WSO's seat instantly activates
the ECM pd as it unleashed a wave of electromagnetic signal, disrupting the
Sidewinder's flight surfaces and causing the missiles to simply plummet towards the
ground._\n\n_Trigger and his squadron closes in on Team RWBY's position as he
pickled off the two weapon UAVs under his wing before gunning his jet in full
afterburnrs. Speeding into the fray as he locks onto Cinder's jet, launching two
standard missiles at her._\n\nTrigger: Strider One, engaging!\n\n_Cossette's X-02
then banked close to Trigger's jet, following his flight path before breaking off
to meet Weiss' Eurofighter Typhoon circling around the battlespace, her weapon
mounts glowing with glyphs assuming the role of
missiles._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Romeo 1-2 to Rose 1, I could use a little
help here!"},"619192183655890966":{"u":0,"t":1567697320618,"m":"Cossette: What's
the gameplan?\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I wantt you to keep Cinder busy with
your EMLs, I'll fly in an join my team. \n\n_Cossette nods, giving Weiss a thumbs
up from her cockpit._\n\nCossette: Good plan.\n\n_She pulls away, flying into the
battle. From Cinder's point of view, she is chased by Ruby's Luna Rose matching her
move for move. She strains, pulling multiple high-g maneuvers in quick successions
as she tries her best to avoid Ruby's constant Pulse Laser fire. As she tries to
break her lock, she is met by Weiss' Typhoon flying close to her side as her left
wingtip conjured a an ornage glyph, the glyph then launched fireballs at the
Berkut's fuselage, denting it with multiple impacts._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
1-2 engaging! Fox two!\n\n_Another glyph on the Typhoon's left wing conjures an
MPBM, launching the large missie at the Su-47. Weiss breaks off her attack as the
burst missile got close to Cinder's jet as three small pantographs emerged from the
burst missile's fuselage before discharging electricity onto the
{"u":0,"t":1567699266944,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ??"},"619272177899798538":
{"u":3,"t":1567716392732,"m":"(I have been summoned?)"},"619548483933831189":
{"u":1,"t":1567782368308,"m":"Gift - Sarge, AP ammo.\nSargent Gift - Roger, and
Hey! Don't leave your determined to protect your sisters.\nGift - Yeah, i will not.
(Firing Armor piercing bullet)"},"619550180613816331":
{"u":0,"t":1567782673744,"m":"_With Weiss initiating another attack on Cinder's Su-
47, Ruby follows through with a burst of cannon fire from the M61 autocannon
mounted on the right engine intake as the rounds impacted the fighter jet's
fuselage, causing the aura aroud the jet to flicker, in the cockpit, Cinder yells
out in pain as she felt the impacts. Angered, she pulls her trusty Berkut into a
Pugachev's cobra breaking away from Ruby's cannon
fire._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I'll get you for that!\n\n_With her jet now
lined up with Ruby's, she commands the Berkut to engage its \"Close-Range Assault\"
autopilot system as the Copro unit takes over, forcing Cinder to fly after Ruby's
F-15EX, matching the rose-red fighter move for move._"},"619550458348044297":
{"u":1,"t":1567782739961,"m":"Gift - Not this time. (firing Cinder's plane
{"u":0,"t":1567783103222,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hostile's on my
six!\n\n_Cinder, now lined up with Ruby mashes her right hand stick as the EML pod
underneath fires off a round striking the F-15's rear intake, but as she fired,
Ruby instantly dived down for the ground, barely missing the incoming
round._\n\n_Grunting against the G's she's pulling , Ruby pulls her jet up to find
Gift's Thunderbird chasing after Cinder, its twin guns firing wildly at the
fuselage causing the aura surrounding the jet to
flicker._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Bravo, I told you to stay out of this!
This is our battle! Our fight!\n\n_Enraged at Gift butting in at the wrong time,
Ruby pulls the F-15 up to rejoin her teammates. She pulls close to Yang's battered
yet flying Terminator as a standard missile drops itself loose from the left
wingtip station._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Standby, 1-4. I'm giving you a
boost.\n\n_Yang stares at the missile in confusion as its warhead glows white
before emitting sparks of electricity onto the Terminator's fuselage, repairing the
damage it had taken. With the damage to her jet repaired, Ruby gave her sister a
thumbs up before banking away. Diving down into the
fray._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Woah...\n\n_Over at Weiss' Typhoon, she
continues to make multiple attempts to lock onto Cinder's Su-47 only to have her
lock broken every time she got too close. At this, she yells out in
frustration._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Damnit! I can't get a
- I have determined, so i will not leave it, i can't stand this point without you
Ruby, you make me to stand this point."},"619554673493409806":
{"u":0,"t":1567783744930,"m":"_At this, Ruby says nothing. Banking away from Gift's
Thunderbird. She flies up the blue sky of Atlas, searching for Cinder until a
hailstorm of fireballs whizzed past her followed by three EML
rounds._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Looking for me? Huh?!\n\n_Cinder
aggressively pulls her jet into full throttle, trying to overwhelm Ruby's flight
systems as she intentionally pickled away missiles on her wings. From Ruby's
cockpit, the Copro unit behind her then warned her of another incoming
missile._\n\nCopro: MISSILE! MISSILE! MISSILE!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I
know! \n\n_Ruby breaks away, pushing her throttle stick to the max as the F-15's
engines roared against the Berkut's engines howling throughout the sky. At this,
Cinder smirks, placing her thumb over the right hand stick as she prepares to lock
the EML's targeting reticle onto the F-15 only to have the reticle disappear from
the HUD._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> What?! Where'd she go??\n\n_Bewildered,
Cinder reaches for the control panls before her as Cossette's X-02 and Mihaly's Su-
30SM flies into view, firing a volley of SASMs at her._\n\nCossette: Target in
sight! Engage at will!\nMihaly: This will be fun.\n\n_Reacting to the incoming
missiles, Cinder commands the Copro unit to launch flares as she turns her jet away
from the incomong missiles, pulling the Su-47 into a series of violent high-g
turns, desperately avoiding the missile until one manages to score a hit on the
engines. Sending shrapnel against the aura field protecting the
fighter._\n\nCossette: Target hit, repositioning for another attack! Trigger, fall
in!\nTrigger: Copy, Rose 1!\n\n_Trigger takes after the Berkut, gunning hus F-35X
in full afterburners as he gave chase after Cinder. Pickling off two more UAVs
after her._","te":1567783766667},"619555034257948714":
{"u":1,"t":1567783830943,"m":"Gift - Hey Sarge, long time since we are in air
force.\nSargent Gift - Yes, let bring that memory back."},"619555987376046090":
Long Caster's radar scope, he sees Trigger's squadron and Ruby's engaging Cinder
from all directions until a warning appears on his scope. The alarm reads out:
EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION FROM LUNA 11, at this he jumped from his seat and ran for
Summer, finding her manning the radio system._\n\nLong Caster: Summer! What's going
on up there?!\n\n_Summer shrugs, still staring into her
scope._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Nothing, Ruby's pressed the wrong button,
it seems... Wait, she's.-- GET TO YOUR STATION!\n\n_Surprised, Long Caster protests
against Summer's orders._\n\nLong Caster: Why?! What's going
on??\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> It's Ruby! She's fading from our radar scope!
Cinder too!","te":1567784073438},"619556448678051860":
{"u":1,"t":1567784168167,"m":"Gift - Sarge, Control this air space, i will go for
Ruby.\nSargent Gift - Got it.\nGift - Cap, Commander did you see Ruby?\nCaptain
Gift - I see her, Your 10 o'clock."},"619558512548249616":
{"u":0,"t":1567784660232,"m":"_Long Caster immediately ran back to his station,
bringing up a live feed from Ruby's feed. From the feed he finds Ruby breaking away
from both Trigger and her teammates. Confused, he keyed his mic. Directly
contacting Ruby._\n\nAWACS Long Caster: This is Long Caster to Luna 1-1! You're
fading from our radar! Say status, over!\n\n_In the cockpit of the F-15, Ruby
continues to fly away from her teammates with Cinder's jet traling after her. She
turns to her back, glancing at the Su-47 before pullin up even higher as she raised
her altitude to 15000ft AGL._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Come get me,
Cinder! \n\n_Cinder looks up to Ruby's F-15 flying up high, her hands gripping the
flight sticks tightly._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Don't test me!\n\n_Cinder
follows through Ruby's flight path, gunning her Su-47 into full afterburners,
raising her altitude to meet Ruby's. Now up high in the clear skies of Atlas the
two jets made multiple close-ups as the two began to taunt one
another._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is this all you got? From a Maiden, I
was expecting more.\n\n_Cinder retorts, flying close to the F-
15._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You couldn't take me down while we're down
there. What's the difference between down there and up here? You can't win!
\n\n_Long Caster then tunes in on Ruby's radio as he requested another sitrep. With
his call coming in Ruby responds. Swiping the notification away from her AR
feed._\n\nLong Caster: Luna, you're getting too far from our radar's coverage!
Return to the battlezone!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Negative, Long Caster,
this fight's just for the two of us. Either I die, or she dies.\n\n_Ruby dives
close to Cinder, catching her off-guard with a close-range cannon fire. She pulls
away, dropping flares to taunt Cinder even
- (thinking to himself) I'm not useless, i will sacrifice my life to safe her, even
it not enough, but i will, to protect my sweet heart, i need to do
this."},"619560706206859280":{"u":0,"t":1567785183241,"m":"_From her radar scope,
Gift shows up as a blue blip closing in fast. At the sight of Gift forcing himself
into the fight Ruby groans before turning off all comms connecting him with her.
She then begins to bank away from the AWACS plane, ignoring Cinder's
unintelligible remarks. But as she is about to turn off all comms with Gift, she
keeps a channel open momentarily._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gfit, this...
is a battle between aces. Let me fight on my own, please? Just this
once...\n\n_Cinder, upon hearing Ruby's transmission immediately teleports her jet
close to Gift's as she launched three missiles at the Thunderbird, the missiles
then airbusted into a cloud of rainbow smoke engulfing Gift's cockpit and denying
him the view ov the air around him._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You hear that,
Gift? She wants to fight with me. And me alone, you should stay out of
this.\n\n_She turns her attention to Ruby's F-15, now hovering in the air as three
plumes of light conjured from the landing wheel bays, keeping the jet levitating in
the sky._\n\nAWACS Long Caster: This is Long Caster to Bravo Six, I hate to say
this, but you should stay out of the battle. Return to Atlesian airspace or you'll
be determined as hostile.","te":1567785191190},"619561481934995456":
{"u":1,"t":1567785368189,"m":"Gift - Long caster, I have suffer enough in my life,
i know you don't care about this, i will end this suffer by my
own."},"619561855022792714":{"u":0,"t":1567785457140,"m":"_Long Caster stares into
his scope until Summer pushed him aside and sat down on his seat, taking over his
position as the airborne controlman._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Gimme that,
I'll knock some sense ino him. Ahem, Bravo Six, can you hear me? It's
Summer."},"619561964514836500":{"u":1,"t":1567785483245,"m":"Gift - I hear
{"u":0,"t":1567785792834,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Great, now listen, I
understand that you want to help her. But she's _my daughter_ and that there's only
so much you can do before you break. Your heart's in pain. I know, but it doesn't
mean that all you can do is to fight for everyone. You can't do that, no one can.
Not even me, not even Riley...\n\n_Cinder puts her Su-47 into VTOL as well, waiting
for her eventual battle against Ruby to begin as she listened in on Summer's radio,
smiling to herself as she felt Summer's soft, soothing voice consoling her in a way
she can't explain._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I know that you really want to
see Ruby safe, but she's not a baby now. You've done a lot for her already, in
fact, you've done so much for her to the point you don't even know you're
destroying yourself. That fragile heart you're having? It's... just your mind
begging for you to tone down your actions. \n\n_Trigger and his squadron all but
circled around the AWACS plane before landing at the Schnee Mansion, from each jet
the pilots al disembarked and gathered around in the main hall as they watched Ruby
and Cinder levitating in a standoff._","te":1567785993557},"619563772767371284":
{"u":1,"t":1567870550552,"m":"Gift - Fine.... BT Auto pilot.\nBT - Where should i
send you?\nGift - Airfield, while you took me to airfield, i need to stay alone for
a while.\nBT - Yes sir."},"619920939454562325":{"u":0,"t":1567871069540,"m":"_Gift
breaks off his connection with Summer, commanding BT to put his jet under the AI's
control as the Thunderbird breaks away from the battle zone, flying towards an
airfield._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Wait-- Damnit!\n\n_Turning back to Ruby
and Cinder, after having put their jets into VTOL in a standoff waiting for the
battle between them to begin Cinder takes notice of Gift breaking away from the
sky. At the sight of Gift leaving her behind she grins, grabbing her flight
sticks._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> That's better, now I can concentrate on
taking you down.\n\n_She stares at Ruby's F-15 in front of her, already locking a
semi-active missile at her. From the F-15's cockpit, Ruby stared at the Berkut's
gleaming canopy, locking her twin pulse laser pods onto her adversary's
fuselage._\n\n_In the AWACS, Summer leaves Long Caster to his seat as she walked
back to her position on the radio unit within the aircraft. Long Caster then takes
his chair as he donned the VR rig, pulling himself into the battlespace._\n\nAWACS
Long Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to Luna 1-1, standby, you're being locked
with a SASM.\n\n_Ruby, not caring the SASM locking onto her puts her jet out of
VTOL, flying past Cinder's Su-47 leaving behind trails of red
aura._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Luna to Long Caster, requesting
permission to engage outside of AWACS coverage."},"619921457308237834":
{"u":1,"t":1567871193006,"m":"Gift - (talking to himself) Maybe Summer is right,
She no longer baby, and maybe this will be end for me to be her Onii-chan.\n(Onii-
chan is big brother in Japanese)"},"619921804424642573":
{"u":1,"t":1567871275765,"m":"Gift - If it better that sometime she not call my
name, but call me Onii-Chan Instead."},"619924587945263162":
{"u":0,"t":1567871939408,"m":"_Long Caster stares into his scope as worry and
stress clouded his decisions. He then taps into his scope's radar system, disabling
the tracking on Cinder and Ruby's jets, officially 'kicking' them out of the
battle._\n\nAWACS Long Caster: Luna, be advised that you are now off the radar. You
will receive no support unless your emergency beacon is activated. Good luck and
Godspeed. Out.\n\n_At the sight of Ruby disappearin from her scope, Weiss screams
out for Ruby through her radio as tears streaked down her cheek and onto her oxygen
mask._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> RUBY! ARE YOU INSANE?! \n\n_Ruby doesn't reply,
instead she opens up a pre-recorded message and transmitted it for the rest of her
team to listen. Including Gift. Now at the airfield sitting beside his
jet._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _crackle_ This is Luna Rose to Romeo
Squadron, I'm sure that after you've heard this message you'll probably scramble
Trigger and his team to come for me. But, for your sake, please don't...\n\n_From
the Terminator's cockpit, Yang stares at Ruby's trails of afterburners, crying into
her mask as well. Blake banks her jet close to Yang's, deploying an ECM unit as the
pod masked their location from friendly jets. The two then fly for the ground,
landing next to Cossette's X-02S._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Why...?\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I don't know, but I do hope that she's
going to make it.\n\n_In the sky, the two jets continue to make brief passes with
on another until
Cinder begins the battle by firing the first EML shot at Ruby's F-15, missing her
jet by inches._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Viper 0-2, engaging target at
Angels fifteen."},"619924880149839872":{"u":1,"t":1567872009075,"m":"Gift - I just
wanna hear her call me Onii-chan, that's it."},"619927935566086144":
{"u":0,"t":1567872737543,"m":"_The recording continues to play as Ruby pulls her
fighter into a high-g turn, avoiding the EML shot before breaking off from three
SASM missiles launched at her. At the sight of the three missiles missing her
completely she grins to herself, instantly turning her F-15 into a large, rose-red
ball streaking at sub-light speed at Cinder before reforming into the F-
15._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Target in sight! Engaging!\n\n_Ruby mashes
the trigger, firing the autocannon along with the laser pods as multiple rounds
impacted the Berkut's fuselage, with the cannon fire peppering the external aura
shielding, she follows up the attack with the lasers fired from the PLSL pods as
the blue projectiles ablated away the titanium plating on the aircraft's right
wing._ \n\n_Still in range for a missile shot, Ruby calls up a 4AAM salvo lock as
the four missiles under her wings launched themselves at the jet, flying close
before detonating as the proximity fuze within the missile warheads activated.
Peppering the jet with even more shrapnel._\n\n_As the explosion cleared, Ruby
pulls away from Cinder, finding the Berkut's aura shielding flickering momentarily.
The recording continues..._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You're probably
wondering why I want to fight her alone, and I have just one reason. And if you
guessed vengeance, you're wrong. I want to fight her only to bring her to justice,
and for her to face the consequences of what she had done to my friends, my allies,
and this planet. \n\n_Cinder, being taken by surprise from Ruby's sudden attacks
screamed at her Copro unit before sending her jet in full throttle, she then called
up the Close-Range Assault unit as she flies close to Ruby's F-15 as the AI unit
warns her of a possible close-range Firestreak shot as the wingtips burns bright
with flames._","te":1567872787144},"619927947297554462":
{"u":0,"t":1567872740340,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You're good, I'll give
you that. This shot will take you down!\n\n_The wingtips bursts into flames as two
streams of fire shot out to the F-15, but thanks to the Berkut still flying in
afterburners the flames fail to reach her target, simply falling short and
dissipating into the air. At this, she tries to call up a SASM missile only to find
that she had ran out of the current missile load._\n\n_With the SASM missiles in
reloading she switched over to the standard missiles, pickling two of them off of
the wings as they immediately picked up on Ruby's heat signature, flying close to
the nozzles before detonating into a shower of
shrapnel._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Missile on my tail! Flares,
{"u":1,"t":1567872810485,"m":"Gift - At least once in my life, nobody call me Onii-
Chan since Beacon."},"619929718850060338":{"u":0,"t":1567873162711,"m":"_Gift prays
to himself as Count stares over to him, a look of total confusion on his face. He
turns to Trigger, tapped at his squadron leader's collar, startling
him._\n\nTrigger: What?! \nCount: _poining over to Gift_ Sounds like he wants Ruby
to call him \"onee-chan\" or something, hmph..\n\n_Trigger sighs, faceplaming as he
walked away from Count. He then makes his way over to Weiss, Blake, and Yang,
finding the girls watching the radar feed from Excalibur's Over-the-Horizon radar
system locking onto the two jets fighting over the city of Atlas._\n\n_Trigger
steps close to Weiss before patting her shoulder, reassuring her._\n\nTrigger: Hey,
she's gonna be alright, you've seen her fight before. I'm sure she'll win this
one.\n<:mph:501493565981982743> How can you be so sure?!\nTrigger: Her simulator
hours is a definite guarantee. Also, she had Mihaly as her mentor, I... only helped
her with being an aggressor for her to beat up with things she... y'know.
Wants.\n\n_Weiss wiped her tears, staring into the radar scope as Ruby's blips
rapidly circled around Cinder's red blip. At this, she turns to him, embracing the
ace in her arms._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Thanks."},"619930128763453461":
{"u":1,"t":1567873260442,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! That word is Japanese, that mean
brother, seem like his heart is going to break again."},"619930504753315886":
{"u":1,"t":1567873350085,"m":"Captain Gift - Sound like he want it very
much."},"619931715879698442":{"u":0,"t":1567873638840,"m":"_Back in the battle over
the city, Ruby continues to circle around Cinder's fighter using her superior
maneuverability to overwhelm the sensors on the Berkut's sensor package. Cinder
continues to scream into her mask as she begins to indiscriminately fire the
remaining rounds in her electromagnetic launcher. Exhausting the ammunition as the
Copro unit screamed \"EML AMMUNITION ZERO\" at
her._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!\n\n_Out of the
blue, Cinder flies straight into Ruby's fighter jet circling around her as the
Berkut's fuselage rams into the F-15's aura shielding. Causing Ruby to scream out
in fear as the force of the impact sends her off-balance. Tumbling in the
air._\n\n_Struggling against the tumbling, Ruby finally regains control of her
fighter jet before launching another 4AAM salvo at the Berkut, enraged, she flies
close to Cinder, discharging her PLSL pods at the enemy fighter jet's fuselage as
the laser beams damaged the aura shielding further, with some shots penetrating
through the self-sealing components._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Firing
missiles!\n\n_She calls up another standard missile as she launches them at the
jet, bombarding the Berkut with even more explosions. She pulls up, breaking her
relentless attack as she flies off to run an immediate assesment of her fighter
jet's conditions._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copro, run an immediate
assessment!\n\nCopro: Copy, assessment in progress. Hull integrity at sixty-five
percent. Aura shielding at twenty-eight percent. Recommended Action: Activate
Silver Storm protocol.","te":1567873660059},"619932243346849792":
{"u":1,"t":1567873764598,"m":"Sargent Gift - You want it, right?\nGift - (On T-47)
Yes.\nSargent Gift - Maybe after this battle, or in one day, i guess.\nGift - I
hope Ruby will say it after this battle."},"617751674748141581":
{"u":1,"t":1567353876531,"m":"Gift - Stay behind me. (Use imagination power)
BARRIER FIELD!!!"},"617754210175549452":{"u":0,"t":1567354481024,"m":"_Gift
conjures a protective barrier over the entire battleground, protecting his allies
from the blinding light. Five seconds later, the \nlight fades away as the skies
over Atlas is cleared of all remaining True Sons aerial units. The Excalibur laser
system having decimated both the Wyvern and much of the True Sons' air
fleet._\n\n_As the light goes away, Ruby opened her eyes, blinking them
twice._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is it... over? \n\n_She looks to the
pacifying Grimm, the sky at dawn and to her stomach, finding a large laceration
wound streaking across her torso, At the sight of her wounds, she falls to the
ground, breathing raspily. At the sight of her team leader succumbing to her
injuries Weiss drops her rapier and runs over to Ruby, stopping her from smacking
on the scorched ground as she sets her down slowly._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
Ruby! Stay with me! I'll get medical! \n\n_She turns to Foley's team, resting at a
wrecked tank._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ruby's down! She need help,
now!\n\n_Foley got to his feet, dragging Wells with him. the two runs up to Team
JNPR as they, too. gathered around Ruby. Jaune then projects his aura onto Ruby's
wounds as he starts on stabilizing her. Feeling her heartbeat through the aura
projection._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> C'mon, stay with us! \n\n_Ruby grabs
him by the hand before pushing it away, Jaune's eyes widens in
surprise._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Wait, what are you
{"u":1,"t":1567354546619,"m":"Gift - (Hear Glass breaking) No, My heart
Ahhh!!"},"617756441867976838":{"u":0,"t":1567355013101,"m":"_Ruby, having pushed
Jaune's hands away rested her hands on the wound. With pain, she pushes herself
sitting upright with her right hand, grunting in
pain._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just watch...\n\n_White strings of light
begins to cast from her right hand resting on the wound as Ruby closed her eyes,
focusing her concentration on utilising the healing powers of Light Energy to bring
herself back to normal as her friends watched with a look of total shock on their
faces._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What is
this?!\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Woah, I didn't know she could do
this...\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Holy.... \n\n_Blake and Yang watches Ruby heal
herself, their mouths agape while Riley cried tears of joy. Gleefully watching Ruby
mastering Light Energy to its fullest potential._\n\nRiley: She's the
one...\n\n_The strings of light on her wounds fade away as the laceration on her
torso is healed to normal. Ruby opened her eyes, sighing in relief as she let go of
her stomach. She then raised her left hand as the metal clanging is
heard._\n\n_Wells looked behind him, finding Ruby's -sniper-scythe flying at him in
great speed. He screams in sheer terror before jumping out of the scythe's
path._\n\nPvt. Wells: WATCH OUT!","te":1567355064999},"617756695392681990":
{"u":1,"t":1567355073546,"m":"Gift - Ruby, Please don't make me worry again, you
know my heart almost breaking apart.","te":1567355086792},"617757772620234774":
{"u":0,"t":1567355330377,"m":"_Gift, however fails to
notice the scythe bearing down on him until Blake drags him ou of its way as the
scythe blade clipped away his Focus unit. As the sniper-scythe got close to Ruby it
slows down as she grabbed at the barrel before jamming its spear stock onto the
ground._\n\n_With Crescent Rose back in her hands, she looked over to Blake, still
keeping Gift pinned to the ground. At this, she collapses Crescent Rose back into
its compact form before running over to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
You okay? I saw you fall before I... healed myself.\n\n_She glanced at his right
temple, finding his Focus missing._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wait,
where's your Focus?"},"617758102799777792":{"u":1,"t":1567355409098,"m":"Gift -
Here, i keep it in my suit inventory."},"617759072292306955":
{"u":0,"t":1567355640243,"m":"_Gift reaches into his pocket and with it he produced
a new Focus device. He then snaps it onto his
temple._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You sure you're okay? It sounds like
you're stepping on glass. Here, let me have a look.\n\n_Ruby pulls Gift into a hug,
she then pressed her ear close to his chest and with it she heard the sounds of
glass crinkling from inside. At this, she yelps and literally launched herself away
from him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> AH! What--\n\n_She stared at his
face, finding his face impassive. She got up on her feet and walks over to him
before hugging him again, this time whispering into his
ear._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hey, I'll always be with you. You've seen
what Riley did to me, to my friends. If I die, I'll just come back to
life..."},"617759599356805139":{"u":1,"t":1567355765905,"m":"Gift - I just don't
want to lost you."},"617761444485660723":{"u":0,"t":1567356205818,"m":"_Ruby pulls
away from him, wiping a teardrop away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know,
I don't want to lose you too. \n\n_The sounds of incoming mortar rounds then
interrupt their moment as a formation of enemy Mi-26s flies into view._\n\nSgt.
Foley: Heads up! We got incoming to the north!\n\n_Weiss groans, picking her rapier
up from a pudle. She shakes it vigorously as mud sloughed off of its protective
waterproof coating._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ugh, more?!\n\n_Foley stops in
his tracks as Price's voice came clear through everyone's radio. At this, Gift's
ears perked up. Yang, Blake and Pyrrha stares at the incoming helo fleet in
confusion while Ruby remains still, standing at where she'd fell._\n\nPrice:
_through comms_ Heard you people were having a hard time fighting to get a guy out.
Standby, we're coming to you.\n\n_From the view of a friendly Vacuan F-5E reveals
the incoming Mi-26s badge as the Faunus Miltia's 33rd Tactical Helicopter Squadron.
The F-5E then banks away from the lead helo as it flew for Trigger's F-35X. The
helicopter fleet then begins to land on the parking lot as Price and Soap jumped
from the helo's cargo bay, he strides over to Gift, handing him a cigar._\n\nPrice:
Here's for you.","te":1567356274018},"617761764263591936":
{"u":1,"t":1567356282059,"m":"Gift - Thanks Uncle Price."},"617763683808051221":
{"u":0,"t":1567356739714,"m":"_As the helo fleet lands, Foley and his men took off
for an Mi-26 landing right in front of a Humvee._\n\nSgt. Foley: The convoy's here!
Everyone on me! We're getting the hell outta here! Let's go, let's go! \n\nCpl.
Dunn: Ramirez! We gotta get to the convoy!\n\n_They reach the convoy south of
MunchieTown and begin to evacuate the area, leaving Team RWBY and JNPR behind, but
before they board the helo Foley sprints back to Ruby before saluting
her._\n\nSgt.: Foley: It's been a pleasure fighting with you, Ruby. I wish I could
stay here but I've got to go.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's alright, just
go. We'll handle things here.\n\n_She salutes Foley as the sergeant ran back for
his helo. Now on the Mi-26, Overlord contacts his team._\n\nOverlord: Hunter 2-1,
this is Overlord, gimme a sitrep, over.\n\n_Foley replies, sitting down on an empty
seat._\n\nSgt. Foley: Overlord, Hunter 2-1. Be advised: precious cargo is secure,
repeat, precious cargo is secure. We're oscar mike. En route to
Mantle.\n\nOverlord: Overlord copies all. Good job. Out.\n\n_Foley then brings up a
holographic projection of Mantle's settlements in disarray. He then turns to his
team, showing the projection._\n\nSgt. Foley: Squad, we still got over 6,000
civvies in Mantle. If you got anyone you know there, it's your lucky day - we're
gonna go save their lives! \n\n_The helo's bay door closes as it began its ascent
to the skies of Atlas at dawn. Flying past the incoming fleet of additional
military and humanitarian support from Space United._"},"617764773756403712":
{"u":1,"t":1567356999578,"m":"Gift - Ruby, Don't make me worry
again."},"617764999422541865":{"u":0,"t":1567357053381,"m":"_Ruby turns to meet
him, looking him in the eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I won't, trust
me."},"617766139442888707":{"u":1,"t":1567357325183,"m":"Gift - (Hug Ruby) Well, We
gonna stay together, Right?"},"617768648123088910":
{"u":0,"t":1567357923299,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We will.\n\n_As she
hugs him, Weiss joins him as she hugs him from behind. Soon, Team JNPR, Riley and
the rest of the combatants tagging along with the group join in on the hug as they
gathered around Ruby and Gift._\n\n_From the sky, Cinder flies over the group in
her Su-47, looking down at the group. Her eyes burning with fires of vengeance as
she noticed Pyrrha's ID tag on her target designator._\n\n_She turns to Neo, still
sitting in the WSO's seat._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> We'll call it for now,
Neo. This should be more than enough for the Sons to prep for an assassination
attempt. You sure you got clear shots on Ruby and that girl?\n\n_Neo sticks her
right hand out, giving Cinder a thumbs up. At this, Cinder smiles to herself before
bringing her jet back up to meet Markov's Su-57._\n\nMarkov: You have everything
you need?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Yes. Now all we have to do is wait until
they take the bait.\n\nMarkov: Sounds good, but I won't help you kill that girl in
red. I help you only because you asked me to.\n\n_Cinder groans, banking her jet
away from Markov's_\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Fine. See you in hell,
Markov."},"617769137921589296":{"u":1,"t":1567358040076,"m":"Gift - Ruby, Remember
what i said that time, i will protect you with my life."},"617770783095390218":
{"u":0,"t":1567358432316,"m":"_Ruby turns to him as the group breaks off from the
hug, returning to whatever spots they can carve out of the scorched
battlegrounds._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yeah. I remember, I'll do it for
you, too.\n\n_She fist-bumped him and walks away to meet Weiss taking a seat in
MunchieTown, the diner miraculously intact despite the carnage set forth upon it.
She sits next to her as Blake and Yang soon entered the diner, Team JNPR traling
after them._\n\n_Outside the diner, Qrow, Oscar and Glynda are seen sitting right
outside with their backs against the wall._\n\nQrow: All this just to hold off for
the big laser to wipe the skies clean...\n\n_Glynda groans, reaching into her
tattered and torn dress for her baton._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> If you say
anything more, I'll have you shot. Just shut up and rest."},"617771415319347325":
{"u":1,"t":1567358583050,"m":"Gift - BT, What time is it
now?"},"617771775350276106":{"u":0,"t":1567358668888,"m":"BT: 1850HRS, Atlesian
Standard Time."},"617771881633808412":{"u":1,"t":1567358694228,"m":"Gift - Almost
night?"},"617771975389085701":{"u":0,"t":1567358716581,"m":"BT: Affirmative, a
convoy will arrive in... two hours."},"617772225654947840":
{"u":1,"t":1567358776249,"m":"Gift - If any Update, Report to
me."},"617773466220888188":{"u":0,"t":1567359072023,"m":"BT: Roger.\n\n_Over at the
diner, Riley pushes the door open and found herself a seat on the bar, she sits
there and brings out her Scroll, the phone already running Remnant Royale in the
background._\n\n_Noticing Riley entering the diner, Glynda gets up and follows
after her as Qrow and Oscar soon follows. Soon, the three find themselves a seat in
the corner table, resting as they waited for the convoy to arrive._\n\nOscar: So,
what happens next?\n\n_Glynda, dead tired from all the fighting drops her usual
polite demeanor and nonchalantly dug into her breasts much to Qrow's surprise. He
stares at her in total disbelief, not believing what he'd
saw._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> What? Not used to seeing a woman dig into her
breasts for stuff?\n\nQrow: No, uh, it's just that you're not... you.
\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Oh, please. You should've seen me after the Fall
of Beacon. I was a goddamn mess back then."},"617773641509240835":
{"u":1,"t":1567359113815,"m":"Gift - Ruby, I so tried for that
{"u":0,"t":1567359393784,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Shut it, Gift. Save
that for when we get to the mansion...\n\n_Ruby yawns loudly before going into a
deep slumber, snoring. She slumps into her seat, and soon enough her teammates take
up after as they too fall into their slumber as well._\n\nRiley: They're just
tired, let them sleep.\n\n_She walks up to him and drags him over to the bar,
sitting her down on an empty chair._"},"617775267842097230":
{"u":1,"t":1567359501563,"m":"Gift - But you fall asleep? What a cute Ruby, Okay
then i will let you rest on my lap, if convoy arrive i wake you
up."},"617775688195506189":{"u":0,"t":1567359601783,"m":"_Gift, despite Riley
telling him off walks up to her seat and sits right next to them, having dragged a
chair along._"},"617775798056779786":{"u":0,"t":1567359627976,"m":"Riley:
_goroaning_ Oh, boy...\n\n(i gotta go now)"},"617775851554996234":
{"u":3,"t":1567388846044,"m":"(**claps** bravo you
two)"},"618460817859280896":{"u":1,"t":1567522949424,"m":"Gift - (patting Ruby
head) So cute!"},"618464614975275009":{"u":0,"t":1567523854727,"m":"_Gift inched
closer to Ruby and pats her on the head, outside the diner, multiple Atlesian
airships fly into view, moving into positions as they deploy what remains of their
war assets. A Nighthawk-class \"winged\" destroyer-carrier flies over the intact
mansion as its ventral bay doors underneath opened, airdropping troops down upon
the ground of what's left of the outdoor field encampments Space United has set up
earlier._\n\n_Three similar ships flies close to the Nighthawk, breaking off to
different parts of the flying kingdom. Seen trailing after the ships are unmanned
Vacuan F-18Fs providing rear guard action._\n\nNighthawk 1: This is Nighthawk 1 to
Magni and Modi, pulling into defensive positions. Drop what you have for the base
and depart.\n\n_The Magni's captain replies, a tone of anxiety in his
voice._\n\nMagni: Roger, Nighthawk, commencing airdrop. You got anything in your
scopes beside our own ships?\n\n_The Nighthawk's captain then orders his radar
operator to run a sector sweep on the airspace around his ship._\n\nNighthawk
Captain: RO, give me a sector sweep. See if skies are clear.\n\nRadar Operator:
Copy, commencing sweep.\n\n_The radar screen on the Nighthawk's bridge is then
sweeped by a thin blue line running down its length horizontally, as the line fades
away the screen refreshes to find two red dots approaching Atlesian airspace. At
the sight of the two bogeys, the operator yells for his captain._\n\nRadar
Operator: Got two unidentified bogeys incoming, bearing 0-4-0
west!"},"618464641210646528":{"u":0,"t":1567523860982,"m":"_The captain's face
turns pale, he then looks to his ship's remaining available fighters to find
nothing in his console. He then turns to the Vacuan Hornets finding them breaking
away from the three ships._\n\nNighthawk Captain: Roger, RO. Ordnance, do you have
anything left in our reserves?\n\n_The ordnance control deck beneath the bridge
responds._\n\nOrdnance Control: Negative, we have no remaining fighters availa--
wait, we still have four jets in our hangar. They're an F-15EX, a Eurofighter
Typhoon, an YF-23 Black Widow and an Su-37 Terminator.\n\n_The captain then askss
the ordnance control officer of the four fighters' statuses as the bridge goes into
lockdown._\n\nNighthawk Captain: OrdCo, confirm statuses on these jets. What
squadrons do they operate under?\n\nOrdCo Officer: They're an independent squadron,
but operate under Trigger's command.","te":1567523942587},"618465201838227458":
{"u":1,"t":1567523994646,"m":"Gift - So cute my little sister, even she sleep is
more cute. (Kiss on Ruby cheek)"},"618467268833050624":
{"u":0,"t":1567524487456,"m":"_Back on the Nighthawk's bridge, the captain looks
out into the clear sky to find Trigger's squadron flying in hot._\n\nTrigger: This
is Independent Squadron Trigger to Nighthawk. These jets belong to Team Romeo.
Romeo for RWBY.\n\n_Out of the blue, the four jets within the Nighthawk's hangar
autonomously started their engines startling much of the maintenance crew working
on the jets. Avril jumps away from Ruby's rose-red F-15EX as the twin Pratt &
Whitney F100-PW-220 engines bursts to life._\n\n_Soon, the Typhoon, Black Widow and
Terminator's engines brings themselves to power as the four jets taxxied their way
to the catapault elevator. The jets then lock themselves in on their holddown
clamps on the elevator system as they are raised to the Nighthawk's runway
platform._\n\n_The AI in Ruby's F-15EX activates itself as it contacts the
Nighthawk's ATC._\n\nLuna Rose: This is Luna Rose to Control, requesting permission
to take off.\n\nNighthawk ATC: Negative. You are not permitted to lift off at this
- BT, When the convoy arrive?"},"618468829441556501":
{"u":0,"t":1567524859534,"m":"BT: The convoy are reported to have been taken down
in an airstrike, General.\n\n_Gift looks outside to see a burning Humvee rolling
down the streets and crashing into a dumpster. At this, Riley jumps from her seat
and ran outside to find Cinder's Su-47 flying down for the diner firing her pulse
laser pods at the convoy and pulling up in full afterburners, waking Team RWBY
up._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What--\n\n_As Cinder pulls up, raising her
altitude she looks behind her to find the Vacuan F-18s flying after her jet as Neo
activates her Su-57's ESM pod, asserting control to the ships and forcing the
drones to follow Cinder instead._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Very well, Neo.
Now it's time to meet our Little Red.","te":1567525886906},"618469006067630082":
{"u":1,"t":1567524901645,"m":"Gift - Not this time, Cinder."},"618470424891621396":
{"u":0,"t":1567525239919,"m":"_Having saw him on her previous strafing run, Cinder
pulls away from the diner and slows her jet down, circling around the diner. She
taunts him over the radio, commanding the Vacuan jets under her control to spread
out and engage indiscriminately at targets in the
air._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I'm not here for you, I'm here for
_her._\n\n_She continues to put her jet in a right-hand pylon turn. Watching over
the diner. From the Nighthawk's runway platform Ruby's F-15 disengages the lockdown
clamps, gunning its engines as it began to take off for the diner. Soon, the three
jets all took after the F-15 as they fly into formation, meeting Trigger in the
air._\n\n_The F-15 banked close to Trigger's F-22, marking its arrival._\n\nLuna
Rose: This is Luna to Trigger, verify and read-
- If you want, You have to pass me first."},"618470608249815051":
{"u":1,"t":1567525283635,"m":"(I gonna go now)"},"618470676462043147":
{"u":1,"t":1567609450232,"m":"Gift - This time, i will not let you touch
her."},"618826057532964874":{"u":0,"t":1567610029348,"m":"_In the cockpit, Cinder
smirks, reaching for the ESM pod controls. She then tapped a flurry of sequence
codes into the ESM system as the pod comes to life. Bringing the internal jammer
packages into startup._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Really? You should stay out
of this. You can't even make \"your\" girls love you.\n\n_She dives close to the
diner again, this time slowing down as she brings her jet to another strafing run.
Launching two Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles at a column of OGDF heavy infantry mechas,
destroying them. She pulls up from the dive attack and breaks off her attack on
areas close to the diner._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I can't wait to see you
die, Gift. \n\n_As she pulls up, the Vacuan F-18 drones fly into view as they
pickled off the bombs on their wing racks. Sending them plummeting for the
diner._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Drones incoming!\n\n_As the bombs
launched drop close to the diner, they explode in the air right before impacting
the diner as the four jets launched from Nighthawk flies innto view with Ruby's F-
15EX firing laser pulses from its twin wing-mounted pods at the bombs, splitting
them in halves._\n\nLuna Rose: This is Luna to Operator Rose, we're coming in
hot!\n\n_The Copro unit on the F-15's WSO seat deactivates itself as six plumes of
light emitted from the wings, the jet then slowly descend to the parking lot,
landing as nimble as it could. In the air, the Typhoon makes an attack run on an
enemy armor column before rejoining Luna at the diner. Soon, the Black Widow and
the Terminator lands adjacent to the two jets before
{"u":1,"t":1567610133929,"m":"Gift - Are you sure about that? STAR PLATINUM ZA
WARUDO!!!!!! (Time stopping)\n(Jojo's reference)"},"618829215973900311":
{"u":0,"t":1567610782379,"m":"_Gift taps a series of combination codes into his
wrist computer, calling up \"The World\", an attack protocol capable of stopping
time in brief moments. Time slows down to a halt as he stood next to the F-15,
watching Cinder's jet stopping slowly, but before the energy field emitted from The
World's activation can reach her Cinder mashes her left stick as the ESM unit
emitted an omnidirectional blast of Time Crystal discharge, nullifying the energy
blast._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Let's make this a fair fight. You get
yourself a jet and take me out. No more magic, no more playing the hero.
\n\n_Cinder banks away from Gift's position as the ESM pod continues to unleash
blasts of Time Crystal discharge._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, we'll
take her down. The jets are ours.\n\n_Ruby runs up to Gift before pushing him away
from Luna as its canopy opens up, allowing her access into the pilot seat. She then
hops into the cockpit as her combat dress disintegrated away into her G-
suit._\n\n_On the ground, Weiss, Blake and Yang all but stared at Ruby in
confusion, unsure of their plans to engage Cinder._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
She's a Maiden! How are we going to stop her?! \n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Even with out jets, we can't--- wait...\n\n_Blake squinted her eyes, noticing the
wings of her jet emitting Aura particles, she turns to Weiss' Eurofighter Typhoon
finding the jet emitting similar particles as well. At this, she grins before
walking for her Black Widow, snapping her finger as her combat attire transformed
into her G-suit._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Our jets can tap into our
Aura and Semblance. C'mon!","te":1567611699474},"618829629943185418":
{"u":1,"t":1567610881077,"m":"Gift - Come on! She is no longer
{"u":0,"t":1567611346181,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> That's... where you're
wrong. Terribly wrong.\n\n_As Cinder brings her jet into full afterburners, trails
fire spouts from the wingtips as the Su-47's fuselage becomes engulfed in flames.
Essentially turning itself into a massive flying
fireball._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Like what Ruby's said, I, too, can do
what she just did. This fight... isn't yours to take part.\n\n_She dives into
Gift's position, pickling off two FAEBs at him as the bombs transforms into
gigantic fireballs before explodinng right in front of him, blasting him away from
the diner and into a Dust charging station._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Gift!\n\n_With Cinder having made the first strike, the canopy on her F-15 closes
and locked themselves tight as Ruby brings her jet to action. Tapping into consoles
and holographic projections on the cockpit screen. Weiss jumps into her Typhoon's
cockpit as she begins to go through pre-flight checklists, Blake and Yang does the
same as they, too jumped into their own jets. After preparing their jets for
takeoff they gave one another thumb-ups._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Alright, listen up! Cinder's jet can utilise her powers into her attack moves. But
not just hers, ours too. She's only one. We're engaging her in four so don't let
her have any chance of getting into a dogfight. We have the numbers, use it to our
advantages. Clear?!\n\n_Weiss nods, still tapping codes into her AR
screen._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Clear. \n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Clear, copy you, Luna.\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Let's get up there and take her
{"u":1,"t":1567611428783,"m":"Gift's body is full of unknown armor.\nGift - To beat
me, this too fast for million years."},"617397299634503708":
{"u":0,"t":1567269386920,"m":"_Weiss leads her group into battle as she ran for
Frost's Humvee, crashed next to Ramirez'. They get out of their Humvee and follow
Sgt. Foley behind some houses, out of the fire of the BTR, which destroys their
Humvees, killing the Rangers in the lead one and wounding Ramirez lightly, having
stood too close when his Humvee exploded._\n\nSgt. Foley: Team, this way! Let's go
let's go!\n\n_Ruby takes the lead alongisde Foley as they move along the street
behind the houses. Ramirez pulls out the new SCAR-H with a Red Dot Sight and
Shotgun attachment while Riley ditches Starfire Fury for a Dust-infused Zweihander.
Relying on her manifestation powers for long-range
engagements._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Overlord, this is Romeo 1-4, requesting
air support, over!\n\n_From Overlord's position at the Strangereal HQ, he scans his
sector for available units, fining none he quicly replies to Foley._\n\nOverlord:
1-4, all air support is already engaged. Additional ground support is en route to
your position but has encountered heavy resistance, over.\n\n_Yang kicks away a
trash can in frustration, unintentionally sending it to a True Sons grunt, knocking
him down._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Roger that Overlord. Be advised, we've
encountered enemy armor and are proceeding on foot, over.\n\nOverlord: Overlord
copies all. Good luck. Out.\n\n_She rejoins her team as they continue down the back
way until they reach a street. Out in the street, Blake turns to Foley, eyeing Yang
down._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Did Overlord just tell us to fight on
our own?!\n\n_The nubuck guard and his team of combat engineers soon caught up to
Blake's position, crouching behind her._\n\nNubuck Guard: It would seem so, the
sky's full of fighters.\n\n_Gift rushes into the open as a BTR opened fire, Glynda
caught up to him and with her powers she quickly disables the APC as the vehicle is
crumbled to a ball of metal along with the crew
inside._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Vehicle is down!"},"617397659530952751":
{"u":1,"t":1567269472726,"m":"Gift - That will down for a while, We have to
move."},"617400281830916146":{"u":0,"t":1567270097931,"m":"_Glynda looks to her
back as she scanned the alley she'd just left for her team, being comprised of Team
RWBY themselves, Riley and Sandman's team._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Let's
move! \n\n_Another True Sons BTR approaches from down the opposite street, blowing
up houses as it goes with its heavy auto-cannon. It then locks onto Weiss, standing
behind a glyph she'd casted._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Eat this, you
bastards!\n\n_The glyps she'd summoned soon glows blue as a flurry of icicles shot
out from the glyph, penetrating through the BTR's hull._\n\nSgt. Foley: Hold your
fire! Don't engage the BTR - they haven't acquired us! Hang right and stay behind
it!\n\n_Foley and his team run behind another backyard to the right of the BTR,
using Weiss' icicle storm to their own advantage as they attach a C4 charge onto
it. As he leaves the vehicle behind, it explodes._\n\nSgt. Foley: I got a visual on
smoke coming from the crash site. That's where Raptor went down!\n\n_The crash site
of a VIP target is then uploaded to everyone's Focus. The group then follow Sgt.
Foley up the road with ease, the BTR having been destroyed. But as they pushed
another True Sons vehicle appears from a house. This time being a hijacked Atlesian
T-600 all-terrain main battle tank._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Tank
incoming!"},"617400534877339679":{"u":0,"t":1567270158262,"m":"_She narrowly avoids
the T-600's rocket barrage and the troops coming out of it and run into a side
alley. Forcing the tank's driver to move the tank around to meet Pyrrha standing
rignt before the tank. Inside the driver's compartment the tank's driver laughed at
the sight of her walking slowly towards the tank, seemingly unarmed._\n\nTank
Driver: She got a death wish or something?!\n\n_Saying nothing, Pyrrha smirks at
the driver through its onboard camera. Angering the driver._\n\nTank Driver: Fine,
I'll make you re-- AAAH\n\n_Pyrrha then spread her arms wide as the tank becomes
engulfed in a magnetic field from her semblance. She then trears the tank's gun
turret off, threw it away before returning to ripping the missile launchers from
the tank's hull. She then drops the remaining bits of what used to be the tank.
Leaving the driver unharmed._","te":1567270176100},"617400885982658586":
{"u":1,"t":1567270241972,"m":"Gift - Get in to alley, i will lead and got every
damage that they do."},"617401868427198494":{"u":0,"t":1567270476205,"m":"_Gift
then ushers every member of his team into an alley as he braces for an incoming
truck, behind him, Qrow and Oscar caught up to him from a hijacked BTR, with Oscar
manning the anti-personnel rockets and Qrow driving the vehicle._\n\nQrow: YOU SURE
THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY, OSCAR?!\n\n_Oscar screams from his scope as Ozpin
intentionally 'loses' control of him momentarily._\n\nOscar: IT IS THE RIGHT WAY!
YOU'RE CRASHING INTO THAT TRUCK!\n\n_Qrow ignores his frightened screams, bringing
the BTR to full speed. He then sends the BTR soaring to meet the incoming truck as
the vehicle slams into the truck crushing the troops in it along with the truck
itself._\n\n_All Gift could do was to watch in awe as Qrow and Oscar clambered out
of the BTR's rear door, their weapons at the ready._"},"617402751491506197":
{"u":1,"t":1567270686744,"m":"Gift - Okay, Stay behind me, every bullet that they
shot, i will get it."},"617404298187243534":{"u":0,"t":1567271055505,"m":"_From
behind the same dumpster the guard and Whitley had been taking cover in, Whitley
pops up from it as he salutes Gift shakily._\n\nWhitley: Thank you for saving us,
sir!\n\n_Over at Ruby's party, Riley, now with the Zweihander in her possession
uses her manifestation powers to project enlarged beams of plasma at the fighters
in the air. Essentially turning herself into a micro-Excalibur. From the sky, Count
stares at Riley turning herself into an anti-aircraft laser system with Weiss
providing her close-in support in awe through his HUD._\n\nTrigger: Enjoyng the
view, Count? We still have orders though. We're to get to the Excalibur site in
Vytal, bring it to full power and aim it at Atlas' skies.\n\n_Cossette banks her X-
02S into view, forming up an element as Mihaly, Mobious, Reaper, Talisman and
Cipher flew their respective jets into view. Intent on bearing towards their
objective._\n\n_On the ground, Team RWBY continues to push down the street into a
suburban neighborhood, having dealt with the hostile MiGs hampering their
progress._\n\nSgt. Foley: On me! Go! Go! Go!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Sarge, go! We'll cover you!\n\n_Ruby then moves into cover behind a disabled T-740,
Weiss and Yang then clambers into the tank's turret, finding it operational despite
combat damage, she then calls out to Ruby of the tank still in
action._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ruby, the tank's still good. How about I and
Yang use it to keep Foley safe?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get to it! Blake
and I will stay out here.\n\n_The team cross the street and into the parking lot of
A Simple Wok, as another BTR fires on Wok with its auto-cannon as it circles
through Munchie Town's parking lot, damaging the roof and killing some of the
Rangers on the roof. Ramirez stacks up with Foley while Team RWBY moves in to
provide cover.They approach a downed helicopter, where Pvt. Wells is fighting off
True Sons forces at SDC Financial from behind a wrecked police
- There are MG, Alright I will go and clear MG, maybe i will come back with some
wound but i will."},"617406004145160203":{"u":0,"t":1567271462237,"m":"_Finding a
True Sons MG nest right in the middle of the parking lot Gift smashes the nest's
sandbags away with his bare hands and began tearing into the soldiers inide.
Throwing them out of the nest to meet their demise in the air._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Private! Gimme a sitrep! Where's Raptor?\n\nPvt. Wells: We moved him to the meat
locker, it's practically bulletproof!\n\nSgt. Foley: What's
his status?\n\n_Wells then checks on the VIP's vitals, he looks into his
biomonitor as all vitalc checked green, he then gave Foley a thumbs up._\n\nPvt.
Wells: He's still unconscious, you got a medic?\n\nSgt. Foley: Corporal Dunn, Nora,
check it out! What else?\n\nPvt. Wells: We got a supply drop on the roof with a M-5
sentry gun! What about that team of Huntresses you said they were coming,
sir?!\n\n_Foley points over to Team RWBY taking up positions in the partially
disabled hovertank. Silencing Wells and answering his questions._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Ramirez - get to the roof and check out the supply drop!\n\n_Nora and Dunn then
clamber their way up to the Wok's roof, finding it loaded with
supplies._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I got just about enough grenades to kill
every Grimm here!\n\nSgt. Foley: What about anti-tank weapons? Air support?\n\nPvt.
Wells: We're all out. That hovertank's all we got until you showed up. \n\n_Wells
then calls out to Pyrrha._\n\nPvt. Wells: Pyrrha?! Where are
got shot around 4-5 shot but he feel nothing.\nGift - FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!
(Throwing grenade)"},"617408777347399765":{"u":0,"t":1567272123420,"m":"_Gift, now
done with clearing out the MG nest lobs a grenade into it before turning away from
the ensuing explosion. Over at the Wok, Pyrrha, upon Wells' call runs out from her
cover behind a dumpster out to meet him._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I'm gere,
what do you need?\n\n_Wells looked into her eyes, then to her hands emanating black
aura._\n\nPvt. Wells: Can you rip away enemy tanks into bits if they get too close?
Will it kill you?\n\n_Pyrrha shrugs before nonchalantly ripping the plate carrier
in his suit off and replacing a new one for him. Using her Semblance's display as
an answer. _\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> That... should do the trick.\n\n_Over
at Team RWBY, they continue to hole up at the disabled hovertank until Foley calls
out to them of incoming vehicles._\n\nSgt. Foley: Heads up ladies, we got trucks to
the south.\n\nCpl. Dunn: They're using smoke to cover their advance!\n\n_Ruby
sprung to her feet as she readies up Crescent Rose for combat, reloading a fresh
mag. She looks around her after reloading to find Weiss already running for an
enemy truck with Blake and Yang accompanying her. At this, she allowed herself a
smile._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _to herself._ Always on the edge,
huh?\n\nSgt. Foley: Squad, this is Hunter 2-1 Actual. Switch to thermal optics if
you got em. Incoming from the south! Two dozen plus foot mobiles!\n\n_Jaune, now on
the roo with Ramirez picks up an M14 EBR with Thermal Scope, he takes aim and takes
out the incoming troops from the south as Team RWBY ran for the additional incoming
trucks. From his scope, he saw Ruby slicing through two trucks with her Semblance
before turning a fireteam into an unrecognizable mess of white mushy paste. He
looks over to see Weiss and Yang using their \"Freezerburn\" combination attack to
instantly freeze an advancing group of
hostiles._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Hostile team down!
\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Incoming! Right behind
us!","te":1567337566833},"617409156151902213":{"u":1,"t":1567272213734,"m":"Gift -
I will take the damage, even i die, at least i have die in
duty."},"617410109194240038":{"u":0,"t":1567272440957,"m":"_From behind the two,
three True Sons Bradleys are seen braching through Pvt. Wells' meticulously placed
anti-tank mines. The advancing IFVs having disabled the mines with their EMP
emitters._\n\nSgt. Foley: Our perimeter is breached! Take them out!\n\n_Ramirez
takes out the troops climbing the two ladders to the roof eliminating the hostiles
in his vicinity. From his scope, Gift rushed in for the attack headfirst, ignoring
the constant barrage of 25mm fire against him. As he got close to one of the
Bradleys, he is met by a TOW missile detonating at point-blank range sending him
flying over to Ruby's position at the south, startling
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _kneeling down next to an unconscious
Gift_ Gift? Gift! Why did you even-- ugh...\n\n_Ruby begins to tug at his combat
suit, finding her brother still unconscious. She rears back, slapping him in the
face once._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> WAKE!\n\n_She slaps him again, this
time binging Gift back to the fighting around
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> UP!\n\n_Weiss runs up to him, smacking him
in the face, angered._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Why did you do that!? You
could've just called us over and we'll get that tank
{"u":1,"t":1567272593191,"m":"Gift - (coughing) As i say that time Ruby, I care
about you more than myself."},"617413195447140402":
{"u":0,"t":1567273176777,"m":"_Yang grabs him by the collar, shouting into his
face. Her eyes then burns red with rage._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> THIS IS NOT
CARING! YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF! GET IT TOGETHER! \n\n_She lets him go as her eyes
turns back to her usual lilac. Apologizing to Gift for her sudden
outburst._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Sorry... I just don't want to see you die,
not today, not anytime soon...\n\n_Ruby then looks up to the sky, staring at a
singular beam of light shone from a location far away from the kingdom. Sudeenly,
her radio comes to life as Strangereal HQ pings the radios of her
allies._\n\nStrangereal HQ: This is Strangereal HQ to all fighting forces, be
advised. Excalibur is in our control, standby for incoming laser
discharge!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wait, what--\n\n_The combat around
them begin to die down as the True Sons began to pull back from their area, taking
notice of the blue beam of light swerving around, lasing hostile aircrafts. The sky
flashes briefly as a large beam of laser sweeps across Atlesian skies, then
followed by a series of rapid explosions sprawling all throughout the sky as
hostile True Sons aircraft are instantly destryoed by Excalibur's gigawatt-class
laser discharge._\n\nStrangereal HQ: Primary discharge! System cooling in progress.
Second discharge is underway, all units, standby! \n\n_At the sight of hostile
aircrafts falling from the sky like dead birds, Foley turns back to his
men._\n\nSgt. Foley: Looks like the Sons' had enough. Corporal Dunn, gimme a sitrep
on Raptor, over.\n\n_Pyrrha and Jaune are seen tending to Raptor, injecting the
unconscious man with various Dust-based field
{"u":1,"t":1567273291474,"m":"Gift - It okay, i suppose to get mad from
other."},"617416376520409174":{"u":0,"t":1567273935204,"m":"_At the sight of
hostile jets falling from the sky, Yang doesn't respond. Leaving Gift to his words
until Ruby replies._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Still, that's not a smart
move. Gift.\n\n_Over at Dunn, Pyrrha and Jaune back off from Raptor as the man
coughed, waking himself up. The man then looked around at his surroundings in total
shock._\n\nRaptor: What is this?! Where am I?? I'm supposed to be on the
Aigaion!\n\n_Ren sits him down on the roof, resting his hands on Raptor's
shoulders._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> It's better to stay calm than panic. We
will get you to where you need to be.\n\n_Dunn chuckled, not expecting the VIP to
react in such ways._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Raptor is secure and stable.\n\n_Now don with
watching the jets fall from the sky, Ruby jumps onto the roof followed by Weiss,
Blake and Yang. The four then land next to a supply box where they soon restocked
their Dust ammuntion._\n\nSgt. Foley: Roger that. Everyone check your weapons and
ammo. They'll be back. Two-One-Delta, be advised, two BTRs coming in from the
north.\n\nCpl. Dunn: Roger that."},"617416387178266679":
{"u":0,"t":1567273937745,"m":"_Despite the Excalibur's discharge, a hostile
Gleipnir aircraft flies into view as it launches shock missiles at the team, the
missiles missing them by mere inches and exploding in the parking lot of A Simple
Wok._\n\nCpl. Dunn: What the hell was that?!\n\nRiley: Shock missiles! Someone's
got a Gleipnir under their control! You won't be fighting with me for a while, I
got a ship to kill and a score to settle!\n\nCpl. Dunn: Hey, wait!--\n\nRiley: Too
late for goodbyes now!--\n\n_Riley takes to the sky as she rocketed up high leaving
behind two blue trails of ionized plasma. She then flies towards the Gleipnir,
getting herself close enough for the shock missile to cause damamge to their own
ship should they fire upon her. Now close to the aircraft's external hull her body
begins to glow white as she rams into the ship's armor._\n\nSgt. Foley: Get off the
roof! Get the ... off the roof!\n\n_As more missiles soon follows despite Riley
distracting the Gleipnir Ramirez, the two teams and his own team jump down the
ladder into the kitchen. Finding Team RWBY already running for the restaurant
across the street alongside Gift._","te":1567273998794},"617416880134815764":
{"u":1,"t":1567274055275,"m":"Gift - Predator Missile Control Panel, it might be
useful."},"617417055775490068":{"u":1,"t":1567274097151,"m":"But He forget that he
got pain after that time.\nGift - Aw! How did i forget."},"617419046937427968":
{"u":0,"t":1567274571881,"m":"_The pain takes over him for a moment, but as his
gaze met Ruby's gleaming eyes, the pain seemingly goes away on its own as Gift
feels his heart melding itself back. At this, he smiles,
relieved._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Breaching! Breaching!\n\n_Ruby, now
taking the lead in storming the restaurant where the missile operator had been
hiding in uses Crescent Rose to breach the barricaded door, slicing the metal bars
in halves. Weiss and Blake then breach the restaurant as a True Sons soldier rose
from a couch only to be stabbed in the neck by Blake's Gambol Shroud. Killing
then takes on the other man by punching at his head twice before jabbing
Myrtenaster into his chest, pinning him to the floor. From the roof of A Simple
Wok, Foley shouts order over to the team despite his distance._\n\nSgt. Foley: Get
behind something solid! You're gonna get yourselfves killed!\n\n_A BTR approaches
the restaurant as Ramirez hides from it and makes his way into the diner. There he
engages True Sons soldiers inside alongside Gift and Team RWBY._\n\nCpl. Dunn:
Incoming! Back door!\n\n_More True Sons enter the diner from the back door to meet
Yang's devastatingchockwave fist slam sending the breaching soldiers out the way
they came from. Together wih the help of one another the two teams clear the diner
of hostiles. Dunn notices Whitley and the guard rising from their cover behind a
counter. An idea soon forms up in his mind as Dunn grabs the rig and tossed it over
to tbe boy._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Whitley - get the control rig for the UAV!\n\nWhitley:
You want me to take _this?!_","te":1567274737184},"617419541009399808":
{"u":0,"t":1567274689677,"m":"_Whitley protests much to Weiss' annoyance, she
storms over to him, snatches the console out of his hands before tossing it over to
Ruby, who mans the rig by connecting the helmet gear through her Scroll. Its screen
now displaying the rig's targeting reticle and number of targets in the
area._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> She'll take over, you go to the Wok and join
Foley there! He'll keep you safe, now stay out of my way!"},"617419907214213141":
{"u":1,"t":1567274776987,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Why i hear heartbeat
with crack glass? That mean i can't take any word that seem mad, one thing i will
hear is glass breaking and that's mean my heart will break
of the blue, Ruby tosses her Scroll over to Gift, who caught it before the device
fell on the floor. He looks to her in confusion, Ruby, however smiled at him.
Nodding in approval._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Take control of the
missiles, Gift. We'll cover. \n\n_Gift takes control of the missiles as Ruby and
her friend spread out to provide him cover. With Ruby standing at the front door
with her scythe raised high, ready to slasy away anything getting too close. From
her Scroll, Weiss begins to call out targets for Gift to send his missiles down
upon._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Gift, I got three BTRs, two Paladins an an
Arthur mecha coming to our three O'clock, send it!\n\n_Gift mashes the fire button
as the Gleipnir's missiles launches from their verttical bays into the air before
breaking up into small independent warheads programmed to home in on anything his
targeting reticle is pointing at. He then sends the first three warheads at the
armor convoy as the warheads detonated with a large flash, followed by a ring of
lasting shockwave. The armor convoy are then destroyed by the ensuing
detonation._\n\nSgt. Foley: Good effect on target. That's a kill. One more to
go.\n\n_The second set of warheads become available as Gift locks them onto a
formation of True Sons An-225s dropping heavy armor into the batte zone, destroying
the aircrafts._\n\nSgt. Foley: Nice work team. Regroup over here.\n\n_They move out
of the diner with Ruby taking the lead alongside Foley. Her teammates catching
up._\n\nSgt. Foley: Enemy fast movers! Take cover!\n\n_Team JNPR then jump from
the roof as two Su-25s fly overhead and bomb A Simpe Wok. Sending the sign flying
off before crashing to the ground on the curb across from the wrecked
restaurant._"},"617422929189142578":{"u":1,"t":1567275497482,"m":"Gift - If i turbo
missile to get that target, maybe it can....."},"617425450255253515":
{"u":0,"t":1567276098551,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Get behind me and
Pyrrha!\n\n_Jaune and Pyrrha then uses their shields to provide protection to Nora
and Ren respectively from the debris falling down on them._\n\n_As Gift locks onto
the two Frogfoots strafing the restaurant, Ruby rose from her cover and takes aim
wih Crescent Rose, keeping the lead Frogfoot in her sight. As the targeting
compiuter in her scope compensates for Coriolis effect and other factors Gift sends
the first warhead after the second Frogfoot as the warhead detonates close to its
tail, severing the unfortunate jet in half._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I
got the lead!\n\n_She fires a round into the lead Frogfoot's cockpit, killing the
pilot with a single well-placed shot to the head as the attack jet plummets to the
ground. Disappearing in a fireball of exploded munitions. Withthe offending
Frogfoots downed Dunn hails his commander for status._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Two-One-Actual
you still there?\n\n_Under a pile of rubble, Foley still managed to get a reply out
despite the weight of the debris pressing down on
Foley: _coughs_ Roger that. Everyone listen up - new plan. Ramirez! _coughs_ Take
your team and secure MunchieTown! We're gonna move Raptor over there! This location
has been compromised! Everyone else listen up! We're moving Raptor ASAP! Stack up
by the south entrance of Wok's! We need to get the hell out of this building before
more of those fast movers make another pass.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Squad! On me, let's go!\n\n_Ruby and her teammates rally up and ran for Munchie
Town , finding Jaune leading his team there._\n\nSgt. Foley: Ramirez! We still got
hostiles near the MunchieTown, we have to move!\n\n_As if on cue, Ramirez, Nora,
Jaune and Yang rushed into the second diner as they begin to eliminate hostiles
from within, just mere minutes later the tangos inside are killed._\n\nSgt. Foley:
Squad be advised, we’re gonna move Raptor from Wok's to the MunchieTown as a group!
On three! One! Two! Three! Go go go!\n\n_Sgt. Foley and his team, carrying Raptor,
make their way over to MunchieTown, under protection from Gift and Superteam
RWBYJNPR, having formed themselves into a full squad._"},"617425830376767548":
{"u":1,"t":1567276189179,"m":"Gift - LET GO LET GO!!"},"617427921916788736":
{"u":0,"t":1567276687841,"m":"Sgt. Foley: Team, this way! Let’s go let’s go! Keep
these guys off me!\n\n_The superteam then engage hostiles positioned at Dust-To-Go.
With Ruby and Pyrrha literally crashing into the joint and throwing everyone inside
out to the open parking lot where they find themselves picked off by the rest of
the team._\n\nCpl. Dunn: Tango down.\n\n_Riley, having disturbed the Gleipnir's
pilots enough hy simply circling around the ship until the pilots simply gave up
later rejoins the group as Sgt. Foley secures Raptor in a meat locker inside
MunchieTown and shuts the door locked._\n\nSgt. Foley: Squad, I've made it to the
MunchieTown meat locker. Raptor is inside and secure. The door is shut - you guys
keep Sons out. Friendly convoy is oscar mike.\n\n_With Riley's arrival came waves
of hostiles dropping on various locations, from his command console at the Pentagon
Overlord advises the group of their presence._\n\nOverlord: Be advised, Romeo and
Hunter, you have an enemy patrol by that bank to the north, over.\n\n_Another group
of hostiles prepare to airdrop only to be instantly vaporized by Excalibur firing
off another discharge, silencing the sky brielfy as all air combat units pulled
away from the superheated line of air created by the Excalibur's laser
system._\n\nStrangreal HQ: Excalibur discharge confirmed, that'll scare them away
for ages.\n\nSgt. Foley: Gift, we got hostiles! Use your Gleipnir missile control
rig to protect Raptor.\n\n_Gift takes out his Scroll, now synced with the
Gleipnir's missiles begins to take out targets with the guided independent
warheads. As the first warheads made land Overlord remarks his
performance,_\n\nOverlord: Five plus confirmed kills. Nice work, Bravo
Six."},"617428500260847637":{"u":1,"t":1567276825729,"m":"Gift - More
incoming!"},"617432913310384131":{"u":0,"t":1567277877882,"m":"_Aother wave of
hostiles rush in to storm MunchieTown, taking Team RWBY by surprise as three
missiles whizzed past Blake, nearly taking her out. Blake looks down to her thigh
noticing a piece of shrapnel jutting out from it, she stares at it briefly before
an excruciating pain takes over, forcing her to stip and kneel. Tending to her
wounds._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Jaune, go!\n\n_Jaune sheaths Crocea
Mors and ran over to her as Ruby provides cover, firing rounds downrange. Now
kneeling next to Blake he projects his aura onto hers, boosting it and allowing her
to recuperate from the pain._\n\n_Blake then grabs the shrapnel, gasping in pain as
she tries to remove the shrapnel out, but as she does so a stray warhead from
Gift's botched aim on a True Sons convoy sends the two flying back to MunchieTown's
doorsteps, dazed from the shockwave Jaune eyed his surroundings. Wondering where
he'd been knocked back to._","te":1571013346803},"617432926195548191":
{"u":0,"t":1567277880954,"m":"_Blake dazedly gets up, struggling to keep herself
upright. She then uses Gambol Shroud's sheath as a crutch before looking at her
thigh, miraculously free of the offening shrapnel. She looks over to Jaune, finding
him tending to Pvt. Chung, mistaking him for
Blake._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _wincing at the pain while struggling
not to laugh at Jaune_ I'm right here, Jaune! I'm okay!\n\nOverlord: _over comms_
That was a bad aim but you scored ten plus KIAs. Good hit. \n\n_As the fourth wave
arrives the Gleipnir missile drone gets shot down from a True Sons 2K22 Tunguska
self-propelled anti-aircraft gun crashing through a neatly stacked barricade made
out of wrecked cars._\n\nRanger: Someone just took out our Gleipnir drone! Be
advised, the Gleipnir drone is offline! I repeat, the Gleipnir drone is
offline!\n\n_With the drone offline, Ruby jumps into
the fray with her teammates as she and Blake pull off their signature \"Ladybug\"
attack, raking hostiles down from both directions. Over at Team JNPR and Riley,
Pyrrha and Nora are seen using their \"Pomergranate\" attack with Pyrrha using her
shield to launch Nora towards an incoming light tank while Riley once again turns
herself into a micro-Excalibur, sweeping the sky clean off of air units. Despite
the waves of hostiles they manage to hold them at bay without the Gleipnir
{"u":1,"t":1567349852482,"m":"Gift - Remember Gift, Don't get my sister mad at me
again, if this happen they will hear glass break instead
heartbeat."},"617735450970423307":{"u":1,"t":1567350008481,"m":"Gift - And that
mean my heart have break apart."},"617738516839006208":
{"u":0,"t":1567350739441,"m":"_Despite the drones being destroyed and the
relentless waves of hostiles piling into the Wok's parking lot, the group manages
to hold off much of them, eventually driving the invading True Sons away from the
lot._\n\n_However, a True Sons MiG-29 flies into view and launched three standoff
missiles at the group, the missile then plummets to the ground before splitting its
fuselage into two, revealing a teleporter device. At this, the group watches in
awe, wondering of why the device was deployed._\n\n_The other two standoff missiles
then break away from the lead missile, flying off into the
sky._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What's wrong with these missiles? Why aren't
they hitting us?!\n\n_Ruby sholders Crescent Rose, aiming at the glowing device,
now implanted into the ground. The device then extends three prongs outwards into a
Y-shape as an energy field conjure from the device's center emitter probe. The
energy field brightens, causing much of the group to shield their eyes from the
light._"},"617738526385111062":{"u":0,"t":1567350741717,"m":"Cpl. Dunn: What the
hell is it doing?!\n\n_The energy field flickers away as a black mass is spawned in
the device's cradle, black tar-like sludge then sloughed off from the fleshy mass
onto the teleporter revealing itself to be a swarm of Ravagers, their bodies
reeking a stench so strong causing most of the advancing hostiles to back away from
the teleporter unit and even inciting a disgusted comment from a grunt._\n\nTrue
Sons grunt: Goddamn, what was that goop witch thinking when she cooked these bats
up?!\n\n_The Ravager swarm screeches, trashing around the teleporter's cage,
destroying it.The swarm then breaks out from the wrecked teleporter as it dashed
for the group. At this, Ruby swings her scythe at the swarm of bats only to become
overwhelmed. She dashes out from the swarm using her Semblance before running for
her group. Warning them of the srawm._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Watch
out! It's coming for us!\n\n_The Ravager swarm flies closer to the group as Riley
opened her palms revealing a glowing ball of plasma from within, she rears back
before launching the balls at the swarm as they begin to emit beams of light from
then before spinning into a frenzy blur, driving the swarm into
confusion._\n\nRiley: Now! Take them
- This will be quick. (Firing RPG)"},"617741529251053599":
{"u":0,"t":1567351457656,"m":"_Gift shouldered his RPG, having swapped its warhead
into an air-burst Manticore warhead. He takes aim at the swarm converging on the
balls of light Riley had conjured earlier as distraction and fires the RPG, sending
the airburst munition at the swarm._\n\n_As the RPG's warhead got close, its
proximity fuze detonates as an algae green cloud of Manticore anti-Grimm bioweapon
is released, causing the Ravager swarm to scream out in agony before dropping from
the sky, dead._\n\n_Gift slung the RPG onto his back, having finished off the
Ravager bats. He walks back to the group, finding them seeking refuge behind a wall
within Dust-To-Go. Ruby, upon the sight of Gift walking for her team gave him a
thumbs up as she stuck her arm out from her
cover._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That was a smart move, Gift! \n\n_But as
he rejoins his team, Overlord alerts them of incoming enemy air units converging on
their positions._\n\nOverlord: Romeo 1-1, this is Overlord. We got a visual on
enemy aerial formations headed for your area, over.\n\n_The skies ahead of them
clears itself of rising smoke as three True Sons A-jak cutters and a destroyer
tagged \"Icarus\" enters Atlesian airspace. Launching a myriad of standoff
munitions at the team._\n\nSgt. Foley: Solid copy, Overlord. Team! Take down the
formations! Go! \n\n_Ruby, being the leader, jumps from her cover as she ran out of
the diner to meet the destroyers much to Yang's surprise. At this, she calls after
her sister._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Wait for us!\n\n_Ruby continues to run
out in the open, raising two flare sticks up. Distracting the enemy aerial fleet.
As she ran, however, she hails the Strangereal Coalition Forces' HQ for long-range
support from the Excalibur._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Vytal HQ, this is
Romeo 1-1 requesting immediate Excalibur fire support! Coordinates follow: Zulu-
Lima-Alpha-0-0-9-8-2-3, over!"},"617741999813951489":
{"u":1,"t":1567351569847,"m":"Gift - (Equip M1 Garand) Thanks for this riffle,
{"u":0,"t":1567351959896,"m":"_The HQ in Vytal responds to Ruby's request as
personnel scramble to their positions within the main laser tower's conmmand
platform._\n\nExcalibur Personnel: Standby for discharge! Target Officer, verify
and call out targets as follow! Zulu-Lima-Alpha-0-0-9-8-2-3! \n\n_The targeting
officer manning the Excalibur's \"Golden Stick\" firing switch stares into his
scope as he scanned the airspace over Atlas for a targeting drone. Finding none he
turns to the Systems Controlman, calling out a request for manual target
relay._\n\nTarget Officer: Negative, SysCom. I have no eyes on the target, a blind
discharge will destroy Atlas. We need data from a ground unit!\n\n_The fire-control
officer punches his console in anger. He turns to the targeting offcer, handing him
a pre-discharge checklist._\n\nExcalibur FCO: Then make Romeo send out targets for
us! She's got a designator somewhere out there! TCO! Hold fire!\n\n_Back in Atlas,
Foley and his men took to their feet after witnessing what Ruby had done. They then
depart from the diner as they ran after her along with Team JNPR as Weiss, Blake
and Yang had opted to stay behind. Finding themselves forced to find cover from the
standoff munitions ravaging their position._\n\n_Foley turns back to the three
girls, calling out to them._\n\nSgt. Foley: Hey! I saw a laser targeting device in
that diner to the west! Use that device to lay out targets for the
{"u":1,"t":1567352009658,"m":"Gift - I will get it."},"617744880843751464":
{"u":0,"t":1567352256738,"m":"_The Excalibur's fire-control officer mans his radio
as he calls out to Ruby over the radio._\n\nExcalibur FCO: Romeo, this is
Excalibur. We have zero eyes on the target requested. Be advised that we have eyes
on a designator on your positions. Over.\n\n_From behind a supply crate, Ruby digs
through ammo boxes, grenade LBEs and rifles for the designator. Finding none, she
angrils slams the lid shut. Replying to the
FCO._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Negative, Excalibur. I have no designators
within reach!\n\n_Gift emerges from the hovertank Weiss had used earlier, a
desginator in his hand. He jumps over to Ruby and drags her into cover behind a
wrecked Atlesian Bradley IFV._"},"617745129859448852":
{"u":1,"t":1567352316108,"m":"Gift - Foley, Give me an enemy
position."},"617747456154796032":{"u":0,"t":1567352870740,"m":"Sgt. Foley: HQ's on
the line! Talk to them!\n\n_Gift's radio comes to life again as the FCO contacts
him over the long-distance radio._\n\nExcalibur FCO: This is Vytal HQ to Bravo Six,
we have received a fire support request from Romeo. Use your designator and mark
targets for us.\n\n_With the enemy aerial fleet coming in even closer, the three
lead A-jaks destroy themselves as a Wyvern emerges from the fires created from the
A-jaks destroying themselves. It roars at the group on the ground before unleashing
a storm of black tar over the battleground as Grimm of various kind are spawned
from them. Adding to the chaos._\n\nPvt. Chung: We got Grimm on the ground! Someone
lase that dragon and call out Excalibur!\n\n_As the first wave of Grimm spawns from
the sludge, the Wyvern flies away from the battheground, pulling itself into a
left-hand pylon turn, orbiting over the group as they hold off the
creatures._\n\n_Yang reloads her twin gauntlets with ZA-X3 high-power Dust
shotshells before punching a Creep away from her, sending it flying to meet Weiss'
Myrtenaster stabbing through its head as it disintegrates into smoke. Over at
Ruby's side, she is joined by Ren, Nora and Pyrrha. Spreading out to attack a horde
of Ursai advancing on Dunn's MG nest._\n\n_Nora delivers a smashing blow to an
Ursa's head as Pyrrha slams her shield full force into another Ursa's chest,
knocking it back as Ren takes to the sky firing StormFlower down below, peppering
the Ursai with gunfire before throwing the two pistols down at the creatures
knocked down. Pinning them to the earth._"},"617747793187962880":
{"u":1,"t":1567352951095,"m":"Gift - Cover me, I will mark the target for
{"u":0,"t":1567353696030,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> How long until Excalibur
fires? If the Grimm overwhelms us, we're dead!\n\n_She removes Milo from the body
of a True Sons grunt before running over to Gift, still lasing the Wyvern with the
designator. Ruby, having
finished off a Griffon with a decapitating blow to its head flies over to her
brother._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll hold them off! You keep lasing
that Wyvern!\n\n_She jumps to meet Death Stalker, utilising her Light Energy
infusion to supply herself with near-limitless Aura as she puts her Semblance into
overdrive, tearing the Stalker's armor away in a frenzied blur. With every strike
she lands on the Stalker it roars in agony, trashing around in a desperate attempt
to get rid of her._\n\n_Over at Weiss' position behing Chung's MG nest she summons
the Arma Gigas, commanding it to provide suppoer for Foley's team as she turns to
Gift, findinh him still lasing the wyvern with a
designator._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What's the status on Excalibur?!\n\n_Back
at the Strangereal HQ in the Sea of Vytal, the FCO grins with delight as he locks
the Excalibur's lenses onto the Grimm dragon, lasing it with low-intensity
laser._\n\nExcalibur FCO; Target Officer! Prep or
{"u":1,"t":1567353762934,"m":"Gift - Excalibur, i got the
target."},"617751305234022421":{"u":0,"t":1567353788432,"m":"_The targeting officer
grabs hold of the firing switch as the Excalibur's protective shielding on the
lenses opens to reveal a massive Dust reactor. Its lenses converging the light
emtting from the hard-light Dust into one singular beam as a \"bolt\" mechanism
slides a gigantic Light Energy shard to meet the Dust shard. Causing the Excalibur
to emit an EMP blast as the two crystals emit white light, projecting it to the
focusing lenses._\n\n_Inside the command platform, the FCO calls out the countdown
to discharge as site personnel brace themselves for the blackblast._\n\nTargeting
Officer: Standby for Excalibur discharge! T-minus ten, nine, eight, seven...\n\n_In
Atlas, the Wyvern continues to orbit around the battleground as its chest is lased
with a large blue dot. Marking Excalibur's firing sequence in the
ready._\n\nTargeting Officer: Six, five, four, three, two, one....
DISCHARGE!\n\n_The officer yelled at the top of his lungs as he mashed the firing
switch, time slows down briefly as the two crystal shards reacted to its sudden
activation. Discharging a stream of superconentrated plasma laser at the focusing
lenses within the laser dome, the focusing lenses then converge the beam of light
towards the main discharge lense as a beam of blue laser streaked through the sky.
Leaving behind rings of superheated air._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
Look! There it i---\n\n_Weiss yells out to the team as she points to the sky before
finding herself blinded with light as the Excalibur's laser blazedthrough the sky
into the gigantic dragon. Instantly incinerating the Wyvern into fine ashes. The
Grimm creatures below the dead Wyvern ceases their attacks as they simply dropped
to the ground, whimpering at the loss of their
{"u":3,"t":1567096918888,"m":"(Oh shit. Rwby Sentai)"},"616674034569969698":
{"u":0,"t":1567096947091,"m":"(How'd you find the _Ace Combat_ segments so
{"u":0,"t":1567097030491,"m":"<@240849028852482050> ?"},"616678384486973441":
{"u":3,"t":1567097984192,"m":"(I really like your style, and I really look up to
the accuracy and detail of your segments and your RP)"},"616678983949615137":
{"u":1,"t":1567099925912,"m":"Gift - Well seem we have much time, i
{"u":0,"t":1567100862628,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We do, in fact, we
just woke up.\n\n_Having washed Gift clean, Ruby walks for the door and tapped at
its lock as the door slides open._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're going
for our training now, meet me in the mansion grounds. \n\n_She leaves the room,
later joined by her teammates. As she steps outside she finds herself surrounded by
base personnel and officers alike giving her team a round of applause._\n\n_From
the crowd came Sandman, stomping his way over to Ruby, his uniform smeared with
machine oil and frozen refrigerant._\n\nSandman: Congrats on getting him cleaned
up, Operator. Now get to Sim Hall 3A, I'll be there.\n\n_He walks away,
disappearing into the crowd. From the view of a base personnel's helmet cam, the
personnel is seen standing on guard at a landing pad as an airship flies into view.
He then raise his two guidance probes high as four arrester drones flies to
intercept the incoming airship, later designated from his HUD as the UNSA
Retribution Alpha, coming in to land._\n\nAtlas Command: This is Control to
Retribution, your ship is too large to land at the city, please divert your course
and change bearing to Alpha-Romeo-3-1-4. \n\n_The thrusters on the giant ship
ignites as they all fired to provide Retribution the thrust needed to change its
bearing. As the ship banks to its right, three Raven transport ships can be seen
deploying from a deployment bay as they fly for the mansion._\n\n_Inside his room,
Gift's HUD lights up as a call screen appears. He taps at the screen as the generic
profile placeholder fades away to reveal Glynda's RCIO tag._\n\nGlynda: Gift, you
there? Hello?"},"616690830748680193":{"u":1,"t":1567100951612,"m":"Gift - This
voice, Glynda is that you?"},"616691397910724639":
{"u":0,"t":1567101086834,"m":"_Glynda sighs in relief as her signal came through
clear, from there she brings up a live feed of her ship coming in to land for Gift
to see._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> It's good to have you back on the grid,
Gift. How are things going on in Atlas?"},"616691639049650180":
{"u":1,"t":1567101144326,"m":"Gift - It fine, and will better, i
{"u":0,"t":1567101189336,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> That's good to hear, I'm
coming to you now. Tell your girls to call off their training, I need to speak with
them. Glynda, out."},"616692020152369165":{"u":1,"t":1567101235188,"m":"Gift - Got
it, over and out."},"616694511829123083":{"u":0,"t":1567101829250,"m":"_She cuts
the connection as the ship closes in on the landing pad downward through the
arrester drones, the ship then comes into the landing pad's gravity tether system
range as three beams of concentrated gravity locks onto the transport, slowly
forcing the ship to descend to the pad._\n\nRaven Pilot: (unintelligible) 3-1,
tethers locked. Descending.\n\n_The ship finally lans as its landing legs touched
the ground, causing the gravity tethers to disengage. With the ship laned Glynda
gets up from her seat as the harnss snaps back ino its pouch. The side door opens,
allowing her to leave the aircraft. With the door open she jumps down to the
landing pad, a folder in her hand._\n\n_Across the landing pad, Ruby observes the
transport jet from her binoculars._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is that...
Professor Goodwitch?!\n\nRiley: I would say General of the Army Goodwitch. She's in
control of all of Vale's army.\n\n_From the landing pad, Team Metal runs to greet
her, saluting Glynda. She stops, saluting the soldiers back in return._\n\nSandman:
General!\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> At ease, Master Sergeant. Formality's out
of the question when we're the last bastions of Remnant.\n\n_She walks away from
the team, making her way into the mansion. Once inside, she stops, observing the
various emplacements of heavy defense units._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> If it
wasn't for Beacon falling, I'd say the Atlesians are damn paranoid. But they're
right, we're fighting a war now. A war we can't afford to lose.\n\n_Ruby waves to
her, noticing the revered General's hair shining against the
light._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _yelling from the balcony_ PROFESSOR
GOOTWITCH!"},"616695341559054346":{"u":0,"t":1567102027073,"m":"_Glynda looks up to
the balcony, she then commands the lenses on her eyeglasses to zoom in on the
source of the voice calling out to her to find Ruby waving at her from the balcony
in front of her._"},"616695696858546196":{"u":1,"t":1567102111783,"m":"Gift -
(patting Ruby head) I know you miss her too, Ruby."},"616697764419600385":
{"u":0,"t":1567102604728,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> How can we not miss
her? We haven't seen her in ages!\n\n_She turns away from him, geetting back to
waving at Glynda standing on the ground._\n\n_Watching from the grounf, Glynda
looks up to Ruby, smiling as tears of joy stream down her face. She wipes them away
before continuing to walk for the main door to the mansion as three Atlesian
Special Force members ran to her side. Escorting her up the stairs to the second
floor._\n\nMSgt. Pam: Follow us, ma'am. \n\n_Pam leades the way up as base
personnel froze in their tracks at the sight of Glynda and her escort walking up
the stairs. Now at the second floor she turns to her left, stopping by at a
Focus \"Save\" station. Allowing Glynda to walk past her._\n\nMSgt. Pam: Operator
Rose will be waiting for you at... huh? Where'd she gone off
to?\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Use your scanners, then. Maybe she's gone off
to the main office.\n\n_Pam looks into her Focus' scanner for Ruby's DNI tag,
finding zero traces of her. Concerned, she reaches for her radio as Ruby crashes
right into Glynda, sending her crashing down on the floor._\n\n_As Ruby crashes
into Glynda, the escorts, along with base personnel laughed in unison, not
expecting Ruby to meet her in such
- You alright,Ruby? (laughing)"},"616699902268932125":
{"u":0,"t":1567103114431,"m":"_With Ruby's weight plus her gear crushing down on
her, Glynda struggled to get her off and away. Pushing her up with all of her
strength until finally lifting Ruby up high._\n\n_She
continues to push her up before using her powers to keep Ruby levitating in the
air before getting up and letting her go. Sending Ruby flopping on the
floor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ow...\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462>
_struggling to catch her breath._ Don't... ever... do that... again.\n\n_She
snatches Pam's pulse rifle out of her hands before using it as a crutch, supporting
herself as she continues to struggle to catch her breath. After breathing in and
out heavily, her breathing slows down._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> It's great
to see you again, Miss Rose. Or should I say, Tier-one Operator Ruby Rose.\n\n_She
grabs Ruby by her arm, pulling her up._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> On your
feet, Operator!"},"616700149707702281":{"u":1,"t":1567103173425,"m":"Gift - Come
on, Ruby."},"616704052432207892":{"u":0,"t":1567104103907,"m":"_Now in the main
office, from the holoprojector embedded in Glynda's eyeglasses a map of Remnant is
shown with millitary installations marked with red diamonds, she zooms in on Atlas
itself as the holographic planet gives way to the city's diagrams, from the city
diagrams is shown Atlas' Relic of Creation tagged as \"LOCATIONS OFF-
LIMITS\"_\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> In our efforts to buy time for our
combined forces to recuperate from Salem's coordinated attacks, we need to launch
strikes at these locations shown without using major confrontational
forces.\n\n_Weiss, staring into the map raises her hand, asking for a
question._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> How are we supposed to stop Salem
without \"major confrontational forces\"?\n\n_Glynda takes her glasses off, wipes
it before putting them back on. Resuming the projection. The map changes into the
formation of UNSA-Remnant ships in orbit._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Orbital
drops will take care of that, we have the SCF's strategic orbital weapon systems
capable of stopping the Grimm on their own accord.\n\n_The map locates two
Strangereal superweapons in active duty, one being the SOLG linear gun and the OLDS
orbital laser syste,._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> As of now, modifications are
being made to the SOLG system to allow for rapid deployemt of troops into the Land
of Darkness, however, with the near-constant assault on our supply lines in Vacuan
waters, the SOLG is out of the equation for the moment.\n\n_The map marks a a
series of Stonehenge railgun network emplacement built all across the
planet._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What are these?\n\n_Trigger gets up
from his seat, walking over to the projections._\n\nTrigger: Stonehenge Spaceguard
Network. They were my planet's asteroid defense system but now we use them as anti-
aircraft guns. These cannons WILL eat Leviathans for breakfast, lunch, and
gotta go now, we'll continue later)"},"616705451752685581":
{"u":1,"t":1567263673535,"m":"Gift - Okay and then Ha! Perfect. (He looking himself
in RPD Outfit and Ruby have see him)"},"617375774902845442":
{"u":0,"t":1567264255024,"m":"_As Glynda moves on with the debriefing, Ruby glanced
over to Gift, now in his new RPD outfit. She smiles, admiring his suit's ability to
swap outfits on the fly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wow, that outfit fits
you a lot! \n\n_Turning back to Trigger, he walks over to the projector and
'spawned' a simulacrum model of his squadron, the Atlesian Air Force's 313th
Aviation Regiment and the SCF's 221st Direct Action Support Group. Placing units
around Remnant's soon-to-be Stonehenge construction site located in
Vale._\n\nTrigger: If there should be any further deployments, I want my team to
be... here.\n\n_He taps at the green spire marking Beacon Academy's location. At
this, Glynda quickly swats away the spire, marking the target as \"OFF-
LIMITS\"_\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> We can't send in your squadron and the
221st DASG into Beacon airspace, part of the agreement is that we still have
control over our soverign airspace!\n\n_Trigger shook his head in disappointment
and retreats to his seat._\n\nTrigger: _muttering_ Air superiority,
- Thanks Ruby, So how do i look?"},"617377576595488788":
{"u":0,"t":1567264684581,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Good, but stay
focused. She's not done yet."},"617377614545420293":
{"u":0,"t":1567264693629,"m":"_She points over to Glynda, now preparing to display
another set of slides she'd taken from her temporary office in Vale As she put the
slides down, the office shakes._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What was
that?!\n\n_Yang groans, smacking away Count's buzzing
Scroll._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's this guy's stupid Scroll not shutting
up, that's why.","te":1567264729707},"617377798020923404":
{"u":1,"t":1567264737373,"m":"Gift - Let me see what the
problem."},"617378892138938378":{"u":0,"t":1567264998231,"m":"_Angry, Count gets to
his feet as he reached ino his pockets and produced another similar
device._\n\nCoun: At least you could've asked...\n\n_Suddenly, the office shakes
again, this time with greater intensity. Explosions soon follows as multiple loud
booms roared across mansion grounds. As the explosions ravaged the streets of
Atlas, the entire mansion goes into lockdown as the projector's screen turns red.
Displaying an emergency transmission._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> _looking at
the screen_ This can't be... Multiple Excalibur LaWS systems destroyed, OLDS system
under True Sons control--\n\n_At the realization of being under attack, she picks
up her earpiece, jammed it into her right ear before warning the base of an
attack._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> All stations, all stations! This is
Guardian One, Code Black, repeat! Code Black!\n\n_Over at one of the Excalibur
sites, a satellite tracks three 12-triangle formations of bogeys approaching around
Atlas, with one group over the laser system site at Fort Castle._\n\nStrangereal
HQ: Excalibur Romeo, we're reading 340 bogeys in your sector, please verify. Send
code Delta for false alarm rectification.\n\n_Over at the site's command center,
multiple personnel are seen tending to their consoles, oblivious to the bogeys
approaching their sector._\n\nExcalibur Site Romeo: Very funny, Station. That's a
big negative, calling Delta on this one.","te":1567265367879},"617379271828307998":
{"u":1,"t":1567265088756,"m":"Gift - Excalibur Site Romeo, Report your
personnel in the background comments over the glitching radar output._\n\nExcalibur
Site Personnel: Yeah, it might be a glitch on one of the ACS modules on the
OLDS...\n\n_He wears his VR rig, calling up a deep system diagnostics of the
Orbital Laser Defense System's ACS modules for any errors. His screen reads out:
[\"Running A.C.S. diagnostics...\"] as the system continues its self-
assesment._\n\nStrangereal HQ: Excalibur Romeo, be advised, running diagnostics to
scan for network malfunction.\n\n_An OLDS ground station joins the call, reporting
his own status as well._\n\nOLDS Station Sigma: The skies are clear, Station. You
got yourself some phantom dots, could be SOLG test
{"u":1,"t":1567265380199,"m":"Gift - I feel bad about this."},"617381859613212682":
{"u":0,"t":1567265705732,"m":"_From a SOLG ground site's radar scope came another
large group over the Sea of Vytal, from an MQ-101's POV, multiple True Sons
frigates are seen bombarding an Arkbird with missiles. Over at the HQ, radar
officers scramble into position as they scanned their radar scopes for
bogeys._\n\nStrangereal HQ: Zulu Delta 1. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys
across Anima, please advise.","te":1567265714268},"617382143684902943":
{"u":1,"t":1567265773460,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i will get some gear, i feel bad about
this."},"617384301310509056":{"u":0,"t":1567266287878,"m":"_At the office in the
mansion, everyone remained frozen on their seats as they watch their allied forces
descend into chaos, finding themselvs ambushed by the True Sons._\n\nVale AFB:
_joining the call_ Negatory, Station. Scopes are clear. I dunno what to tell ya.
Comms interference? Heavy SOLG data activity today.\n\n_Unaware of the OLDS system
being hijacked, the SCF HQ commander continues to check in on all of his stations
for bogeys._\n\nStrangereal HQ: Convair Delta, uh... we may have a minor ACS data
relay fault here. Do you have anything on your scope? Over.\n\n_From his scope, an
Atlesian air traffic controller interrupts the call. Frantically yelling into his
microphone. In the background, mutltiple personnel from the ATC's site can be heard
shouting orders to units._\n\nAir Traffic Controller: _yelling_ THEY'RE
EVERYWHERE!\n\n_The projector's scope then displays a massive group of bogeys
approaching Atlas' Eastern defense walls, with troop transporters parachuting
hostiles all over the recent;y re-taken government council._\n\nStrangereal HQ:
Convair Delta, repeat!\n\nAir Traffic Controller: I'M LOOKIN' AT FIGHTER JETS OVER
Standby! Attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector. Hailing Atlas
{"u":1,"t":1567266353214,"m":"Gift - Strangereal, What going
on?"},"617386037991440388":{"u":0,"t":1567266701935,"m":"_The projector suddenly
turns itself off as the HQ breaks its live feed connection, switching over to
voice lines. Ruby's Scroll buzzes, prompting her to pick it up. She picks the
Scroll up as the screen expands itself to display the HQ's coat of
arms._\n\nStrangereal HQ: This is Commander Harling of the Strangereal Coalition
Forces hailing Atlas Command, please respond!\n\n_Ruby answers the call as her
friends watched._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> : I read you. This is Valean
Armed Force Fifth Battalion, 28th Ranger Regiment, Operator Rose, acting commander
of Team Romeo. Do you copy, over?\n\n_Over at the Excalibur site located in the Sea
of Vytal, the radar operator's scope returns [\"A.C.S. Diagnostic Complete:
HIJACK\"], from low Remnant orbit, an OLDS satellite fires its thrusters as it
turned towards an Atlesian space probe, firing a beam of laser onto the probe,
destroying it. Another OLDS satellite then fires its laser down onto the planet as
the beam impacts the SOSUS arrays beneath the Sea of Vytal. With the SOSUS arrays
disabled the beam disappears._\n\n_Having destroyed the SOSUS arrays, the OLDS
constellation fires another series of laser beams down onto the Pave Paws array in
Argus, destroying the radar array. At the loss of the two primary radar sites, the
Strangereal HQ commander mans his station, broadcasting the status of the
arrays._\n\nStrangereal HQ: All stations, be advised! Satellite surveillance has
been disabled! SOSUS and PAVE PAWS arrays are inoperative at this
- We got a trouble now, Right Ruby?"},"617390283067359232":
{"u":0,"t":1567267714040,"m":"_Ruby doesn't reply, instead, she unsheaths Crescen
Rose into its scythe configuration._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll take
every one of them with us. \n\n_She rocks the charging handle as the sniper-
scythe's barrel lit up with red glow coming from within the barrel itself. Marking
the rail-booster lining's activation as Weiss keeps a firm grip on Myrtneaster's
hilt. A teardrop streaming down her left cheek. Blake and Yang reveal their
respective weapons as Blake reloads a new magazine into Gambol Shroud while Yang
switches to her custom-made shotshells._\n\n_Team JNPR then reveal their weapons as
well as they ready themselves for another major battle. Jaune then opens the
office's door leading the two teams outside to the damaged hallway. Riddled with
the injured and dying, most combatants having already left them behind to defend
what's left of the mansion._\n\n_Down the hall, Ruby and her team walks over the
dead, taking care to not step on any of them. As they continue to move down the
hall, the soldiers within the mansion began to cheer, having found their \"guardian
angels\" coming for them._\n\nPvt. Damien: Go, Team Romeo!\n\n_Ruby turns to the
private, nodiding at him, she then turns away from him. Forcing herself not to
mourn over the injured and the dead._\n\n_Weiss, having noticed Ruby's demeanor
changing entirely pats her on the back, reassuring
her._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Hey, we'll make it throgh this. All of us
will.\n\n_Riley, Gift, Glynda and Ironwood then emerge from the armory, taking with
them a squad of ASTs._\n\nIronwood: We'll make them pay for what they've done to
us.\n\n_Outside the mansion, Private James Ramirez, Sgt. Foley, Cpl. Dunn, and Pvt.
Morgan start off in a Humvee together driving their way back to the mansion. As
they drive through a small neigborhood, radio chatter is heard of Atlesian forces
unpreparedly engaging the True Sons Army._"},"617390753051836429":
{"u":1,"t":1567267826093,"m":"Gift - (Equip AST Skin RPD) I wear RPD outfit, so it
seem change skin from my suit, but we have a mission to do."},"617390851534094345":
{"u":3,"t":1567267849573,"m":"(:0 Excalibur?! You guys are
fucked)"},"617393637374033948":{"u":0,"t":1567268513769,"m":"Riley: This operation
will be a major air-ground decisive battle, it's either we win to see Atlas live
another day, or the Kingdom dies.\n\n_Now outside at the courtyard, Team RWBY, JNPR
and Sgt. Foley's team are seen standing before the surviving combatants of the
Schnee Mansion, amongst the crowd of armed men and women Whitley can be seen
standing behind the Nubuck Guard who'd turned Weiss and her friends back from
entry to their base in Argus._\n\nWhitley: What am I supposed to do now?!\n\nNubuck
Guard: You stick with me and do whatever these people in front of us says.
Especially that girl in red. Stick to her team if you can but DON'T be a liability.
Help them if you can.\n\n_Ruby stands before the combatants, tears of vengeance
streaming down her face._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You heard what
Commander Andersen said, this, is a decisive battle. Either we win, or we die.
That's it. \n\n_An Atlesian Army private chimes in, raising his assault rifle
high._\n\nUnnamed Private: At first, I used to hate this place. This very place I
was born in, but now? I don't, not after having seen what happened to it. We're
here to fight, and we will fight to our best. Even if we die, we will be remembered
as heroes.\n\n_Hhe plays the Focus' radio transmissions out for the combatants to
hear as friendly fighter jets flew
{"u":0,"t":1567268516045,"m":"Radio: The True Sons have everything east of defense
line Tau! My sector's gonna fall within the hour! We've lost contact with the SDC
HQ, where's the Strangereal air support!? Tell _unintelligible_ prepare to engage!
Enemy mecha paratroopers are infiltrating our position. We are cut off, I repeat,
we are cut off! Sierra, look out! Drop that MPBM on the red smoke, now! Get 'em out
of here, get your Mantas to take out the interchange at A-331 and ATL-50!\n\n_Up
above in the sky, True Sons MiGs are flying low and fast as transport planes are
dropping paratroopers and armored vehicles. Flying precariously close to mansion
grounds._\n\n_With the first paratrooper jumping from the IL-76 carrying them. The
front Humvee's gunner spools his minigun at one paratrooper attempting to land on
the roof of a house._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On my mark!\n\n_From an
interchange Sandman and his team drives down the street until they approach some
roadblocks. A True Sons BTR-80 is at the end of the street, appearing from behind a
tall hedge to catch the convoy by surprise._\n\nFrost: We got a BTR! Bail out, bail
out!","te":1567268579996},"617394256977592334":{"u":1,"t":1567268661494,"m":"Gift -
Ruby, I got you! (Jump out from AST and Dash to get Ruby out from car before it
destroyed)"},"617397106839388191":{"u":0,"t":1567269340954,"m":"_Gift snatches Ruby
out of harm's way as the BTR comes crashing down on Frost's convoy, slamming onto a
ramp and flying right over a Javelin operator's head._\n\n_The BTR then disappears
in a fireball as Trigger's F-35X Super Lightning flies into view launching missiles
at the damaged vehicle. Taking it down._\n\nTrigger: Gotcha, this is Strider 1,
breaking off to regroup with Mobius and Rose. Over.\n\n_Trigger pulls awaw from the
combatants on the ground as he flies to join his independent squardon. On their way
to assist every fighting units still active._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Contact! \n\n_At the sight of a True Sons grunt Ruby jumps for the man and with
precision she delivers a swift cut to his waist, splitting the man in
half._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Spread out! Move!"},"617397285248303106":
{"u":1,"t":1567269383490,"m":"Gift - I will lure them."},"616309454488469534":
{"u":1,"t":1567010024426,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, how long until to
operation?"},"616309633581056010":{"u":0,"t":1567010067125,"m":"Price: It'll take
years, until we finally secure all the relics then we should be given the
permission to call in Earth's military forces."},"616309907221905409":
{"u":1,"t":1567010132366,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, Make sure that all unit is ready,
this is gonna be a hard year, i guess."},"616310786855272577":
{"u":0,"t":1567010342087,"m":"Price: Oh, believe me. It will...\n\n_He breaks off
his connection as the students all stared at the Scroll, now projecting the slides
as ususal. Jaune turns to Ruby, tears welling up in his
eyes._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We'll make it through this, aren't
we?\n\n_Ruby takes the Scroll from its dock as she collapses it before tucking ti
back into her pocket._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> As long as we keep up the
fight, we will.\n\n_Gideon then clances to his watch as the time reads
out \"1200HRS AST\", he then walkes for the door, intent on getting himself some
rest._\n\nGideon: It's late. I'll go get some rest. I suggesst you all do the
same.."},"616311055416557690":{"u":1,"t":1567010406117,"m":"(in Ruby room)\nGift -
Are you tried, my sweet heart?"},"616312080445865986":
{"u":0,"t":1567010650503,"m":"_Now inside her room, Ruby stares into the night sky,
ignoring Gift's question._\n\n:mph: Y'know, you better leave her be... jusy
saying....\n\n_Weiss gets up from her chair as she helps herself to her third cup
of Ruby's coffee, pouring it into her mug. She picks it up from the table and walks
back to her chair, sitting back down on it._\n\n:mph: _taking a sip of her coffee_
Aren't you tired of watching over us alll like a hawk?\n\n_Tossing down the rest of
her coffee, Weiss stared into Gift's eyes, her blue eyes emitting a faint glow in
the dimly-lit room._","te":1570293452718},"616312366228832260":
{"u":1,"t":1567010718639,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself and feel pain to his
heart) No, No, not again"},"616314153170239541":{"u":0,"t":1567011144679,"m":"_As
Gift holds his chest, Weiss placed her now empty mug back on the coffee machine and
got up from her chair. Walking over to Gift._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> There it
is again! Every time any one of us asks you literally ANYTHING to why you're
playing the guardian this happens!\n\n_She picks up the mug and angrily tossed it
the sink, shattering it._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I just wanted to know what
is it that you have in mind for Ruby. That's it. You talk to her with phrases
like \"my sweet heart\" and other thungs but did you really asked her if she wanted
to be with you that way? Being told to play a lover's role wi--\n\nRiley: Weiss,
that's enough!\n\n_Riley briskly walked over to Gift before administering him a
dose of Light Energy._\n\nRiley: I get it, you don't like the way he act, and I
understand. But f it weren't for him then--\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> No! That's
not why I brought that up.\n\n_Riley's eyes then burns with white flames, her anger
overtaking her logical reasons._\n\nRiley: Then I'd like to know why you're lashing
out on him.","te":1567011761456},"616314586240516097":
{"u":1,"t":1567011247931,"m":"Gift - (Start crying) I understand now, i'm not good
enough. (Go to his room)"},"616315607364927488":
{"u":0,"t":1567011491386,"m":"_Riley turns to her buddy as she watched him leave,
forcing the locked door open with his bare hands before stomping his way back to
the room._\n\nRiley: _muttering under her breath_ Goddamnit...\n\n_Once outside, he
contiinues to walk down the hallway, stumbling into Cossette._\n\nCossette:
Oh--\n\n_In shock, she drops her luggage onthe floor as clothes spilled out form it
along with her personal amenities._\n\nCossette: Sorry, I, ugh...\n\n_She pegins to
pick uo after her mess, kneeling down to pick up her items as she felt Gift's
teardrops dripping onto her left arm. Confused, she stands up, leaving her items on
the floor._\n\nCossette: General? What ahppened to
- I think today will end good but it not, Why Why my life is so
bad."},"616316462021214222":{"u":0,"t":1567011695152,"m":"_Cossette then wipe his
tears with her thumbs, feeling the General's rough skin rubbing against her soft
thumbs. She continues tio wpie the tears away, drying his face._\n\nCossette: How
about we talk about this in my room? Trigger's there too, we're just about to set
up our nightly radio show. Would you like to join?\n\n_Cossette takes Gift by his
right arm, waiting for his reply._","te":1567013662935},"616317275192164353":
{"u":1,"t":1567011889027,"m":"Sargent Gift - His wound now is hard to restore, He
got heart broken. (Equip Scanner) This call depression, it will happen when he got
refuse, ignore his mind will think to negative way instead positive
way."},"616317610732158990":{"u":1,"t":1567011969026,"m":"Sargent Gift - Seem like
he don't wanna talk about it, it will make his heart getting more
crack."},"616319875857645578":{"u":0,"t":1567012509074,"m":"_Cossette angrily
smacks Sarge's scanner away before calming down and taking Gift by the arm
again._\n\nCossette: If you don't want to, then it's fine. Sorry for butting in at
the wrong time.\n\n_She let his arm go and knelt down to pick up her amenities
before packing them in an ordrerly manner in her luggage. With her items taken care
of, she walks away from him, giving him an apologetic look as she leaves him behind
with his clone._\n\n_Back in Ruby's room, Riley restores Weiss' mug before placing
it in the cupboard. She turns to Weiss, her eyes still burnign with white
flame._\n\nRiley: Why did you have to bring that up?1 We had that talk
before!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> That stupid talk only HE agreed on! He
admitted to loving Ruby, which he did. But did Ruby really love her romanically?
No! She didn't! She's told me before that of why she only did cared for him was
that he was the one who sent Jester to save her at the Fall! \n\nRiley: But, why?
Why do this to him? Can't you just give him a break?!\n\n_As the two continues to
argue, Ruby remains oblivious to the arguments as she finds herself stuck in a
trance. Diving deep ino her mindspace as she sought for peace and solitude within
her Room maniefestation being her house back in Patch. She sits on the couch in the
living room with everyone she'd known since her days at Signal and Beacon, until
feeling her connectio with the manifestation break away as her DNI slowly pulls her
out of her trance._\n\n_Ruby blinked twice to find Riley and Weiss in a heated
argument. totally bewildered she turns to the two as they soon stopped arguing at
the sight of Ruby coming back to the real
world._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh, what happened while I was in the
trance? And why were you two shouting?!\n\n_With Ruby still waking herself up, the
two returns to their argument once
{"u":1,"t":1567012637435,"m":"Gift - (inside his room and crying on his bed) I not
good enough, i found only bad thing, nothing lucky for me."},"616322307790733320":
{"u":0,"t":1567013088892,"m":"_The door to his room hissed open as Qrow drunkenly
stumbled his way into the ruum, fumbling for the low-dim lights._\n\nQrow: Say, you
pissed these ladies off again, didn't you?\n\n_The low-dim lights in the room comes
to life as they provide little illumination to the room, allowing Qrow to make out
the items in Gift's room. He reaches into his pocked and pulled a spare hip flask
filled with booze before putting it on his bedside table._\n\nQrow: Here, I brought
this for ya. Finest booze from Earth."},"616322498585428034":
{"u":1,"t":1567013134381,"m":"Gift - Never mind, it your
anyway."},"616323109724618774":{"u":0,"t":1567013280088,"m":"Qrow: Nah, just take
it. It ain't mine in the first place anyway, I stopped by at Junior's place while I
was called back to Vale to do some clean-up direct action task. So I bought this
just for you and filled it with the finest stuff that man could ever give.\n\n_He
makes himself comfortable at Gift's bedside chair, crossing his legs before taking
a sip from his flask._\n\nQrow: Say, what's gotten into you and these gals? Heard
they were jabberin' 'bout something. Something involving you \"wathcing over her
like a hawk.\"\n\n_He waits for Gift to reply, sipping some more out of his
{"u":1,"t":1567013370968,"m":"Gift - Leave me alone for a
while."},"616324216068767873":{"u":0,"t":1567013543861,"m":"_Qrow shrugs, getting
up from the chair. As he walked for the door he turns back to find Gift fast asleep
on his bed. He sighs to himself._\n\nQrow: Right then, I'll leave you be.\n\n_He
steps out of the door and into the dimly-lit hallway, walking for Ruby's room. as
three intoxicated guards stumbled past him , muttering soemthing he can't make out
of, Not caring of what the drunk guards are saying he continues to walk for his
niece's room._"},"616324710069698560":{"u":1,"t":1567013661640,"m":"Gift still
crying, But this time Ruby hear it loud and clear"},"616326359622615040":
{"u":0,"t":1567014054924,"m":"_Ruby winced in pain as she felt Gift's surge of
anger, resenment, hatred, and despair rushing into her mind. She takes a deep
breath, concentrating for control over her emotions as she begins to feel Gift's
influence over her fade away into nothingness._\n\n_She gets up from her bed and
pushed Riley and Weiss away from one another, heading for the door despite being
only in her black tank top and her rose-red boyshort panties patterned with white
burning roses._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Let me guess, Weiss ticked him
off again and he went back to his room?\n\n_Weiss stares at her in total disbelief.
Not expecting Ruby to overhear everything she'd screamed at
Riley._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> How did you--\n\n_Ruby shook her head
in disappointment before leaving the room._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Don't even ask. You were so loud I can hear you in my
- I hope something good will happen soon."},"616331855322415291":
{"u":0,"t":1567015365201,"m":"_Ruby, now out of her room runs for Gift's room as
she brushed right past Cossette, startling her once again and causing her to drop
her bag of CDs._\n\nCossette: _groaning in anger_ Ugh, not again...\n\n_The full
moon shines over the lights of the recaptured Edelweiss, and in the vast hallway of
the east wing, the door to Gift's room opens and Ruby's shadow is seen against the
hall's light. Stealthily she crawls over to Gift's bedside table and with speed,
she drags a chair over to the side of the bed and sat on it, waiting for him to
wake up._\n\n_In Team RWBY's quarters Blake is sleeping under the covers, Yang is
spread out on her bed and snoring, Ruby's bunk remains empty and neatly folded
while Weiss' remains a mess of a crumpled ball of blankets and other clothes._
\n\n_Weiss stares up to Ruby's bunk as she conntemplates over her drastic,
illogical and hasty assumptions she'd made. Pondering over Ruby suddenly leaving
her for Gift and what she had said to
Gift's room, Ruby slumps into her chair as she falls asleep, tired of waiting for
her brother to wake up. Weiss then kicks the blanket away as she got to her feet,
walking for Gift's room down the hallway. Now out into the open hallway she begins
to walk for his room but stops in her tracks, changed her mind and returned to her
room instead._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I shouldn't have said that...\n\n_Her
eyes well up with tears as she steps into the shower, closing the door tightly and
sending the bathroom into \"Silent Mode\" as the sound-suppression walls begin to
block out the noise. Weiss reached for the shower's hot water knob and cranked it
to a waterproof tag labeled \"SAD GIRL HOURS\" and cranked the knob to the right as
steaming hot water pours out of the overhead shower nozzle, showering her with hot
water._\n\n_With the shower turned on, she strips herself of her nightgown, tossed
it out of the shower and rested
against the shower wall, dousing herself with water. As she sat on the floor, she
begins to cry, covering her face with both of her hands._"},"616332295225344008":
{"u":1,"t":1567015470082,"m":"Gift - (wake up) Huh!?
wakes up to find Ruby, asleep and slumped in the chair she'd been sleeping on. He
then got to his feet and picks her up bridal style before running out of the room
and into the hallway._\n\n_Ruby, now being carried by Gift groans in her slumber as
the light from the moon shines against her
eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Now's not the time, Weiss...\n\n_Gift
quickly shushed her as he opens the door to Team RWBY's room to find Blake and Yang
carrying Weiss out of the shower, naked, her body reddened from being soaked under
hot water for too long._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I woke up to use the
bathroom and found her lying in the shower. She's all but boiled, we gotta get her
to the infirmary!"},"616335000585109534":{"u":1,"t":1567016115090,"m":"Gift - Maybe
what she done to me that time.","te":1567016128171},"616336103737262084":
{"u":0,"t":1567016378102,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Now's not the time
for that! Help me set her on the stretcher!\n\n_Ruby, upon the sight of her friend
being hoisted onto the stretcher leaped from Gift's grasp as she rushed to Weiss.
Already picking up her friend lying in the stretcher by her
head._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get her up! Move!\n\n_A team of
paramedics rush in to help as they carried Weiss, still in the stretcher to the
mansion's infirmary._"},"616336290887106563":{"u":1,"t":1567016422722,"m":"Gift -
You gonna be alright Weiss."},"616337590982934537":
{"u":0,"t":1567016732689,"m":"Paramedic 1: Out of the way, move!\n\n_Screaming at
the onlooking crowd of personnel and soldiers, the paramedics continue to move
Weiss down to the infirmary, pushing their way through the people._\n\n_As the
medics carry her to the infirmary, they continue to push through more people as
personnel around the base caught wind of the events at the east wing the night
before, not caring of the crowds the medics press on. Taking her down a flight of
stairs._\n\nAtlas Soldier: What the hell happened in that wing?\n\nSSgt. Frost: No
idea, all I know is that Ice Queen stirred up some bad stuff there, and now? Look
at her.\n\n_Turning away from the soldier, Frost kept his gaze on the medics,
watching them carry Weiss away to the infirmary. The paramedics then reach the
infirmary as they set her down on a cryopreservation bed only to have Riley shove
them away and fire off a beam of vitakinetic energy at her, healing Weiss back to
{"u":1,"t":1567016765505,"m":"Gift - Weiss, Can you hear
me?"},"616338306648637452":{"u":0,"t":1567016903317,"m":"(I gotta go now, will
continue later.)"},"616338417198039072":
{"u":1,"t":1567091223927,"m":"Gift - Weiss, Can you hear
me?"},"616652344829935618":{"u":0,"t":1567091775854,"m":"_With the paramedics out
of her way, Riley walks over to Gift and with a forceful tug at his shoulder she
sends him sprawlin on the floor._\n\n_Gift tries to get back up but is pinned to
the floor by Price, the cigar-smoking captain pinning him down with his
knees._\n\n_With Gift out of her way Riley reaches the cryopreservation bed and
conjures a taser pen, its electrodes jutting out from the tip. She presses the
pen's activation button causing it to spark with electricity. She then presses the
tip against Weiss' upper arm as the pen discharged a small jolt of electricity onto
her, waking her up screaming in pain._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> AH!
What--\n\n_Now awaken from bring knocked out in the shower she looks around the
room in confusion, wondering how she'd gotten herself in the infirmary, now
surrounded by officers, medical personnel and her friends._"},"616652899618914334":
{"u":1,"t":1567091908126,"m":"Gift - Weiss, I know you feel bad about thing that
you done, So for your happiness i will not say that word again if it make you feel
better."},"616656163215507456":{"u":0,"t":1567092686228,"m":"_As Gift walks over to
her, having gotten back up from the floor Weiss stared at him, a look of contempt
on her face._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I should've said more than what I did
earlier. Did you even know why Riley pushed you onto the floor? She's getting tired
of this whole \"big brother loves his little sisters\" thing. We're not babies, and
though we do need someone to look after us... this, just isn't how you should pull
it off.\n\n_She turns away from him, lying back down on the bed._\n\n_At this, Gift
hunched over as tears welled up in his eyes. Ruby then appears next to him,
reaching up to the general and wiping his tears
away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's not that we hate you. But, we don't
really need to hear everything coming from your mind. Here's why.\n\n_She points to
Weiss' Focus still on her temple, Gift then looks closer to it as the device status
light's usual blue turns red. Blinking rapidly, Ruby then reaches for her device as
her Focus displays similar lights as well._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We
have been hearing every single detail of your thoughts ever since you started
speaking into my head. And that's been making her angry. She can't block your
intrusive thoughts yet, but I can. \n\n_Nora walks from the crowd, her device
projecting a warning, it reads: \"DNI INTRUSION
DETECTED\"_\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I can't even get a good night's sleep
anymore! Please, just stop spamming us with things in your
{"u":1,"t":1567092979796,"m":"Gift - Yes, for your happiness, i will not use my
physic power anymore, i try to use it for better way, but i not think the result is
worse."},"616658948690411520":{"u":0,"t":1567093350337,"m":"Riley: You should've
seen me crying my eyes out after you left, Gift.\n\n_Riley shoved him away from the
bed as she reached to Weiss' Focus, yanked it off her temple and placed a new one
back in its spot as the device's status light turns blue._\n\nRiley: You definitely
need more training. \n\n_She leaves the infirmary, following after Nora as the two
returns to the east wing. Eager to get their much-neded rest. Ruby and the rest of
her teammates, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren all remained in the infirmary until a medic
urges them to leave the room._\n\nLCpl. Ross: I'd suggest you all leave this
chamber now, she'll need to stay in the cryo-bay for two more hours before her
release.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright then, we'll leave. C'mon, let's
go back to our dorms.\n\n_She begins to walk for a tram car waiting at the
infirmary's open door. Intent on returning to her quarters. Soon, Jaune, Pyrrha and
Ren began to follow Ruby as they all climbed into the
car._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Aren't you coming with
us?!","te":1567093363434},"616660033039499304":{"u":1,"t":1567093608866,"m":"Gift -
I will go to sleep, no need to aggravate me, i did a big mistake. (Getting in to
his room to sleep and scene change to next morning, but he still think that he is
cause of this mistake)"},"616662776483545137":{"u":0,"t":1567094262954,"m":"_The
next morning, Gift wakes up to the sight of Ruby, fully suited up in her old combat
dress sitting right next to his bed, smiling._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I
thought you wouldn't be awake. It's late!\n\n_She pulls him up before walking him
into the bathroom, once inside, he finds Weiss standing in the shower. Her hand
already grabbing on the shower knob. He looks to the right to find Blake sitting on
the toilet, its lid closed with a cattle prod in her left hand. Bewildered at the
sight of such absurdity he looked to his left to find Yang standing behind Ruby,
her metal arm now grafted with a brush atatchment._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Last night, you stank the entire wing with your stench thanks to the air system
mistaking your spilled Dust canisters for bioweapons. And for that, we're going to
LIKE GUNPOWDER!\n\n_She reaches for his Exosuit controls and tapped at the screen's
interface, disabling the suit as it falls onto the floor. With his suit now
disabled she rips away his battered and torn uniform down to his boxer briefs
before shoving him into the shower._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss!
You're up!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> On it!\n\n_Weiss readies up Myrtenaster,
pointing the blade's tip at his chest as azure blue glyphs begin to appear all over
him. She then commands the glyphs to slowly pull him into the shower's stream of
water. As he gets close to it a droplet of water from the showerhead makes contact
with the glyphs as white foam soon gushed from them, covering him
fully._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> This is what you get for making us sweat
oceans! \n\n_She jumps onto him as her prosthetic arm's brush attachment vibrates
violently, Gift initially tries to resist but is forced into submission as Yang
laid down the scrubber head onto his dirt-smeared chest, scrubbing grime
- (Exhale with sadness) Why this feeling is coming back, No one love , Everyone
hate, I'm not in sight, like see me as
{"u":0,"t":1567094808486,"m":"<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> Stop jabbering about
and get yourself dry! Ruby! Go!\n\n_Weiss then doused Gift with copious amounts of
water, washing away the dirty foam. Blake then latched the grapple attachment on
her rebuilt weapon onto his right arm as she drags him out of the shower with one
well-timed pull._\n\n_Now out
of the shower dripping wet, Ruby unfolds Crescent Rose into its scythe form,
angling the blades into a fan and begins to twirl the scythe with great speed,
blasting him with gusts after gusts of strong
winds._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Dry, baby! DRY!\n\n_She twirls the
scythe even faster, blasting him with an even stronger gust of
wind._"},"616665566270193784":{"u":1,"t":1567094928091,"m":"Gift - Alright, they
don't hold back."},"616667712613253158":{"u":0,"t":1567095439819,"m":"_Ruby slows
down as she commands Crescent Rose's blades to feather back into combat position
before folding it back into its compact form, storing the weapon back on her rear
harness. Satisfied, she observes Gift with hands on her hips. Eyeing him frm head
to toe._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Welcome to a clean, new you! \n\n_Weiss
puts Myrtenster back into its hip harness, walking out of the shower, her clothes
drenched in water._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I'm sorry about last night, I
shouldn't have said it to you, but I did anyway. And for that, I...\n\n_She takes a
deep breath, closing her eyes. She opens them again, this time looking into Gift's
eyes._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I'm sorry.\n\n_She then pulls him into
a hug, Ruby soon follows as Blake and Yang joined in
later._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Just don't speak your mind out too much,
that's all.\n\n_Blake's cat ears perked up upon Yang's
words._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Was that a pun?\n\n_Yang chuckles,
pressing Blake's head deep into the hug._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Naaaah, and
even if it was, I didn't mean to say it."},"616668425011331084":
{"u":1,"t":1567095609668,"m":"Gift - I forgive you Weiss. (Kissing on her check
with love)"},"616670086660358234":
{"u":0,"t":1567096005836,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Oh--\n\n_She gasps,
not expecting him to kiss her. Over at Riley's room, Riley stares off into space as
her mind filled with delight. Using her powers to mentally tap into Gift's mind and
feeling the warmth of the girls of Team RWBY around her until she felt Gift's kiss
on her left cheek._\n\nRiley: Ugh, what the---\n\n_She slaps at her left cheek full
force, causing it to bruise badly. Having slapped herself, she sprung from her seat
and began to run for Gift's room._\n\nRiley: _to herself_ I'm icing the
bastard...\n\n_Over at Gift's room, the four girls let go of Gift as they walked
him out to his room, cleaned of its mess. Blake then ran for the bed as she scooped
up Gif's refurbished Exosuit, the metal gleaming under the room's
light,_\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> While we were givin you the shower of
your life Penny stopped by and told me to give this to you."},"616670785729462304":
{"u":0,"t":1567096172507,"m":"_She hands him the exosuit as he takes it and straps
himself in. Starting from getting the suit's back harness to lock into his spine
and then inserting his arms onto the lockdown bracelets. The bracelets then conform
to the girth of his arms as the anklets soon straps onto his ankles, whirring as
they adjust themselves to the shape of his ankles._\n\nBT: Suitup complete, ready
for outfit selection."},"615965040566075392":{"u":1,"t":1566927909748,"m":"Gift -
Tango down, i will not use Chicago typewriter until we can get inside that
ship."},"615967477200846883":{"u":0,"t":1566928490687,"m":"_With the two soldiers
killed , the sounds of footsteps are heard as more hostiles moves into the bridge
accessway, already firing their guns at the team. Sandman then leaps to a console,
using it as cover and from there he returns fire at the hostiles. Frost falls in
behind, unclipped a contact grenade and threw it at the soldiers as the grenade
explodes. Sending much of the hostiles to their demise._\n\n_Despite the grenade,
more KVA continue to pour into the accessway, forcing the SEAL team to fall
back._\n\nSEAL Leader: Romeo, go! We'll hold them
off!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No! We'll get to the bridge
together!\n\n_She jumps into the fray with Crescent Rose fully unfolded as she
caught the hostiles by surprise before slashing them into bits. Taking the first
man down with a devastating strike to his chest, tearing away the armor and
splitting the unfortunate grunt in half._\n\n_Weiss pushes up against the incoming
fire as she launched Ice projectiles at a KVA gunner, pinning him to the wall,
Blake, upon being fired at by a KVA shotgunner avoids the shot as she activated her
semblance, leaving behind a \"shadow\" of herself made entirely out of ice. She
then delivers a kick to his legs from behin before stabbing him in the back with
the blade._\n\n_Yang, finding herself being doused with suppression fire from three
KVA juggernauts activates her semblance as she sprung from her cover, rushing into
the fight as she absorbs the kinetic impacts of the shotshells fired at her before
deliveing a devastating shockwave fist slam on the ground, sending the juggernauts
flying away._"},"615967705937477664":{"u":1,"t":1566928545222,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i
will go too."},"615969163151933452":{"u":0,"t":1566928892649,"m":"_Gift runs over
to Ruby, kicking a soldier away from her before delivering a point-blank shot to
his head. Killing the soldier._\n\n_Riley, now with her path cleared of enemies
jumps over to Ruby to find her position cleared of hostiles too. From there, she
commands the bridge accessway doors to open as SCAR-1 enters the accesswya from one
of the doors._\n\nCmd. Reyes: SCAR-1, friendly!\n\nRiley: Where thhe hell have you
been?!\n\nCmd. Reyes: Been busy cleaning up the ordnance bays. How's the situation
here?\n\n_Riiley shakes her head before pointing Starfire Fury at the bridge access
door, its holo-lock bright red._\n\nRiley: Bridge access is locked, someone's
gotten the ship into lockdown."},"615969436528148480":
{"u":1,"t":1566928957827,"m":"Gift - We must find the way to get
inside."},"615971637896019970":{"u":0,"t":1566929482674,"m":"_Suddenly, the
bridge's door opens as more KVA move in to intercept Team RWBY, SCAR-1 and
Metal._\n\nSandman: Hatch opening! Contact coming out of the hatch!\n\n_A few KVA
engineers climb out from the hatch as they are forcibly dragged out by Weiss'
glyphs to meet Ruby's scythe swinging down on them. Taking them down._\n\nSandman:
Frag out!\n\n_Sandman then tosses a frag into the bridge as another KVA fireteam
ran in, the frag then explodes as the KVA team is eliminated._\n\nSandman: Clear.
Get inside!\n\nTruck: Deck secured. We'll hold topside.\n\nGrinch: Deck secured!
Head Inside!\n\n_Sandman, Frost, and Team RWBY moves into the bridge, facing zero
resistance. Ruby once again enters the bridge first followed by Weiss with Blake
and Yang sticking with SCAR-1, falling in behind once Team Metal entered the
bridge._\n\nSandman: Alright, sweep and clear. All unknowns are hostile. Rendezvous
downstairs.\n'\n_Ruby and Sandman opens a hatch door and they enter the bridge's
first sublevel, marked in their HUDs as \"Ship Navigation and Control.\" As they
enter the sublevel, they encounter hostiles._\n\n:mph: Contact front!\n\n_Weiss
takes out two enemies in the hall while Sandman and Ruby goes right. As she goes
downstairs, Sandman beats down an enemy with his rifle and kicks him in the head,
killing him._\n\nSandman: Stairs clear. Take left.\n\n_They move down to a breached
hall and encounter more heavilu-armed hostiles, Ruby unclips a smart grenade and
tossed it downrange before running away from the hostile fire as the grenade
explodes, causing another breach. As they go up a stairway, the PA speakers balred
as an announcement is heard and an alarm begins to blare._\n\n_Over at JNPR, Pyrrha
looks up the ceiling in confusion._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What
now?","te":1570704039914},"615972201165750275":{"u":1,"t":1566929616968,"m":"Gift -
From our intel, there are some warhead that KVA try to attack us, so we will change
target to attack them.","te":1566929628591},"615974822807339009":
{"u":0,"t":1566930242016,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _over the radio_ That's
what I've heard, but what about thi--\n\n_Sandman takes over and shouts into the
mic._\n\nSandman: They're going to scuttle the ship. We gotta move, now! Ruby,
Weiss! Take point.\n\n_They engage more hostiles through the sublevel, as more
hostiles continue to pour in Ruby curls herself into a red ball as she flew for the
soldiers ingressing into the sublevel, she then disengages from her semblance
activation and with five fast slashes, the group of hostiles are reduced into
nothin but bodies split in halves._\n\n_Sandman ignores the corpes of dead
soldiers, running over them to a door labeled \"ORDNANCE SYSTEMS SUBLEVEL 1 -
HELIOS VLS SYSTEM\"_\n\nSandman: We have to get to the
{"u":0,"t":1566930244083,"m":"_Together, Sandman, Ruby and Weiss reach the end of
the hall and move up to the door to the sublevel. From there, he stops as Weiss
conjures a black glyph on the locked door._\n\nSandman: Hold position at the door!
Weiss, get us in.\n\n_Wit a quick, grasping motion Weiss forces the door to
crumble as the glyph retracts around the door, crushing it. She then tossed it out
of her way by sending it flying overboard through a window._\n\nSandman: Area
secure.\n\n_Ruby runs into the room as Sandman takes a pair of keys from one of the
dead bodies. He and Ruby then go to the control pad lit with targets._\n\nSandman:
Alright, I got the launch keys. Overlord, this is Metal 0-1. I send checkpoint
Apollo, over.\n\nOverlord: Roger, 0-1, copy Apollo..\n\nSandman: I have the missile
key and I'm accessing the launch codes now.\n\n_Ruby then jams the key into one of
the activation switches as the missiles within the VLS bays are
activated._\n\nOverlord: Grid coordinates follow: Tango Whiskey 1 1 3 6 0 8
9.\n\nSandman: Coordinates confirmed! Firing
on KVA fleet in 30 seconds! Ruby, Weiss, get on the console!\n\n_Ruby gets on the
right side of the console. while Weiss takes the middle. Sandman tosses her and
Weiss the launch confirmation keys as the two girls took them and inserts them into
the console._\n\nSandman: 3, 2, 1, Turn!\n\n_They turn their keys and Ruby presses
the launch button. She then looks to her right as the window panes open to reveal
the Edelweiss missile bays launching their missile at the KVA fleet, destroying
much of the fleet and causing surviving ships to flee the combat
- Nicolai, Objective complete, Going for Exfil."},"615975486161682444":
{"u":0,"t":1566930400172,"m":"Nikolai: Da, I got an airship
waiting."},"615975766819078196":{"u":1,"t":1566930467086,"m":"Gift - Roger that
Nikolai."},"615976173570359316":{"u":0,"t":1566930564063,"m":"_Outside the
Edelweiss, a Gleipnir combat aircraft flies close to the ship's bridge as Team JNPR
is seen egressing from the ship in a Raven transport
ship._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We gotta get to Ruby! She's still on the
ship!\n\n_Pyrrha sends the Raven into a quick left-hand turn, bearing for the
bridge's Ordnance Control sublevel as three KVA jets gave chase afte
them._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We have
incoming!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>_ groans_ Ugh! Will they even
- I will go, Everyone Go to exfil !","te":1566930828288},"615977287241695236":
{"u":0,"t":1566930829583,"m":"_She runs to the back of the ship with Magnhild at
the ready, she locks the smart grenades onto the jets before firing a full salvo at
the jets forcing them to break away._\n\n_Inside the Ordnance Bay, Sandman, Team
RWBY and Frost begin to run for the Raven coming into pick them up._ \n\nSandman:
Overlord, missiles armed and launching!\n\nOverlord: Roger. Team JNPR is in
position for exfil. Be advised that the SEAL team has left the AO.\n\nSandman: Go!
Go!\n\n_Sandman and Frost climb up the ladder and out of the bay followed by Team
RWBY. As Frost comes out, two F-15s fly above him and crashes into the
ship._\n\nSandman: Grinch, Truck, let's roll!\n\nGrinch: Amen to that!\n\n_They,
along with Ruby's team slide down the side of the ship and board a maintenance pod
and begin to make their way for exfil. Flying for the
{"u":1,"t":1566931618163,"m":"Gift - Alright, Get the hell out from
here."},"615982645888679936":{"u":0,"t":1566932107184,"m":"Sandman: Ruby! Punch
it!\n\n_As Ruby begins to pilot the maintenance pod and follow Grinch and Truck,
the missile baydoors open and launches its burst missiles on the KVA fleet
stationed at the airspace around Will's Edge._\n\nSandman: Missiles launching! Keep
up with the Raven!\n\n_All throughout the sky, KVAships are firing cruise missiles
on Will's Edge, and KVA Hinds and IUN-PKF F-15s swarm the skies. Ruby tries her
best to avoid stray debris and missile sfired at her ship, pulling the small,
maneuverable pod into evasive action._\n\nSandman: Gun it!\n\n_As Ruby drives
between two KVA corvettes, two of the launched missiles destroy them. Exploding in
a large blue fireball._\n\nTruck: Missiles coming in!\n\nSandman: Keep on going,
Ruby!\n\n_A third KVA ship on the left is also destroyed as a missile rams into it.
As Ruby comes up to the listing USS Argo, a KVA Super A-Jak pushes the pod up the
Argo's wingtip flight deck._\n\nTruck: Look out!\n\nSandman: Shoot the
mines!\n\n_Ruby engages the pod's bolt guns and shoots at the airborne mines,
destroying it, and the pod slides back down into the Raven's flight path. She
resumes piloting the pod and goes under the carrier's engines. As she continues to
follow Grinch and Truck, two Mitsubishi F-2As are seen flying past them to meet
them at the exfil point. Firing missiles at incoming KVa
jets._"},"615982871089512448":{"u":1,"t":1566932160876,"m":"Gift - There's our
bird, let's go!"},"615984582512082947":{"u":0,"t":1566932568911,"m":"Sandman:
There's the Raven!\n\n_Ruby sends the maintenance pod's engines into full power as
she flies into the Raven's flight path, lining up with its rear door._\n\nSandman:
There she is! Go! Go!\n\n_Jaune keys his mic as Pyrrha and Nora opens the rear
door, ready to take in the maintenance pod flying after
them._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Metal 0-1, we are on standby! Ready to
receive!\n\n_Ruby flies the pod into the back of the Racen as Pyrrha uses her
semblance to keep the pod from falling out. Nora then drags the pod further inside
before stopping, allowing the pod to finally slow down to a halt._\n\nSandman:
Overlord, mission complete. All Eagles accounted for.\n\nOverlord: Roger, Metal 0-
1, missile strikes confirmed on multiple KVA hard targets in your AO. All primary
aerial threats neutralized. Good work, team, that's one for the books. \n\nSandman:
Easy day, Overlord. Sandman out.\n\n_Sandman cuts his connection with Overlord as
he kicks the cockpit door away, getting out of the pod. Ruby an her team soon
followed as they, too, bring themselves outside of the small pod and onto the cold,
metal foor of the Raven transport they're in now._"},"615984885991211009":
{"u":1,"t":1566932641266,"m":"Gift - Where are we going next? Our
{"u":0,"t":1566932676841,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> That's right, Gift. We're
going back to out base."},"615985526926737427":{"u":1,"t":1566932794077,"m":"Gift -
Well then, i got another outfit, but i haven't try it yet."},"615985711421587476":
{"u":0,"t":1566932838064,"m":"Sandman: You'll have all the time in the world to try
out whatever you want back at the base, Gift."},"615985918800691211":
{"u":1,"t":1566932887507,"m":"Gift - Okay, there is a long way, so we gonna
CUT!!!"},"615986035985481730":{"u":0,"t":1566932915446,"m":"(I gotta go now, we'll
continue later)"},"615986874795819078":{"u":1,"t":1566933115434,"m":"(Roger
that)"},"616290843371765760":{"u":1,"t":1567005587190,"m":"Gift - Cut to here, we
have arrive to our base."},"616292926036770826":
{"u":0,"t":1567006083736,"m":"_Having completed their mission, the skies over Atlas
soon clears itself of smoke and dust as KVA ships begin to leave the flying city
behind. The Manta, having flew deep into the city sets its course for the mansion's
private airstrip, the ship being under escort by six OADF F-
35s._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're here.\n\n_Ruby looks out from the
window pane, watching the runway lights whizz past her at breaknck speed as the
airship begins its descent on the runway._\n\nAtlas Command: This is Control to
Manta 5-1, welcome home. OADF escorts, break off.\n\n_The escort fighters pull away
from the Manta, flying away from the airstrip. The Manta's pilot then sends he ship
into full retrothrusters, slowing the ship down to taxiing speed._\n\nManta Pilot:
Welcome to Atlas, folks.","te":1567006099234},"616293204727169024":
{"u":1,"t":1567006150181,"m":"Gift - Here we are."},"616295115123851278":
{"u":0,"t":1567006605655,"m":"_With the airship landing, three arrester drons flew
from their ground deployment bays and flew for the landed ship. As the drone got
within reach they fired three grappling cables at the ship with the first two
cables latching on the wings. The final cable then locks onto the main grapplin
latch hook on top of the cockpit._\n\nAtlas Command: Drones locked, beginning pull
process.\n\n_The drones then begin to lift the airship up as they dragged it into a
hangar. Now inside the hangar the drones then slowly places the airship down on a
landing pad as they detached their cables before retracting them back into their
wing-mounted pods. With the ship finally landing Weiss gets up from her seat,
pulling away safety harnesses._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Let's go! Off this
ship and into... debriefing....\n\n_She slouches, walking with a zombie-like gait,
dead tired from all the fighting she'd been in._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Hey--\n\n_Ruby runs over to her friend as she puts Weiss in a fireman's carry,
intent on carrying her to the crew quarters in the east wing. Outide the ship, Team
JNPR, Blake, Riley, and Yang are seen standing next to a vending
machine._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> With the Council's taken back,
what's our next move?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's gotta be whatever the guys
on Earth tells us to, they took us in now..."},"616295358758125569":
{"u":1,"t":1567006663742,"m":"Gift - My outfit is dirty, i will get another outfit,
Give me a second."},"616296414053400626":{"u":0,"t":1567006915344,"m":"_Gift taps
into his exosuit computer, calling up a portable closet. With the system called in
he selects his old outfit as the dirty mafia suit he wears turns into the same
exosuit he'd worn since his arrival on Remnant. With his outfit changed he runs
over to the vending machine to find the team gone, he then looks to his right to
see the hangar door wide open with Team RWBY and Co. walking down the
hallway._\n\nRiley: _yelling from the hallway_ No debriefing for us today, Ruby's
got it all covered. Recorded everything from her Focus since the
beginning!"},"616296806061703184":{"u":1,"t":1567007008806,"m":"Gift - Okay, Which
outfit i'm gonna wear next? Ah! Maybe this. (Wear RPD Outfit) This maybe
alright."},"616297053856858112":{"u":0,"t":1567007067885,"m":"_Gift's suit then
turns into his RPD outfit, he continues to follow the group down the hallway as
they walk into the main base's underground sections._"},"616298213657280525":
{"u":1,"t":1567007344403,"m":"Gift - Have anything update?"},"616298446646804481":
{"u":0,"t":1567007399952,"m":"BT: None currently, although there have been reports
of Cinder being spotted at different locations within atlas during the
battle.\n\n_As they walk
into the underground sections, Ruby splits from her team as she ran for the
surface access elevator. Curious, Gift runs after
her._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Wait, where are you going?!\n\n_Ruby stops and
points to her Focus HUD system. Asnwering Weiss'
question._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gotta get the footage to debriefing.
And, if you're planning onsetting a TDM room on Royale then go on ahead!\n\n_She
resumes running for the surface access elevator._"},"616298740688486406":
{"u":1,"t":1567007470057,"m":"Gift - BT, Check my outfit for
sure."},"616299390843486229":{"u":0,"t":1567007625066,"m":"BT: You have changed
your outfit, and I see zero benefits of tactical advantages you gain from it.
Though, aesthetically it looks pleasing."},"616299634071175169":
{"u":1,"t":1567007683056,"m":"Gift - And one more thing. (Equip RPD Vest) Complete
outfit."},"616301053624975380":{"u":0,"t":1567008021504,"m":"_Over at the surface
elevator, Ruby, now standing in the center platform taps at the holographic screen
as the platform brings her up to the surface, where she meets her friends
there._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Wait, how did you get access to that
elevator?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's there, you guys walked off to a
tram station!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Did I? Oh, wait--\n\n_Weiss takes out
her Scroll, digging through notifications and finding a notif box alerting her to
the reactivation of the underground hangar access elevator platform sent out by
Overlord himself._\n\n_At this, she sighed as she collapses the Scroll ino its
compact form and stuffs it back into her hip pouch._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I
should've known. You said you were going to IntelCom,
right?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> The Inelligence Command Division? Yeam,
I'm going there, see you around!\n\n_Ruby leaves Weiss be at the elevator platform,
continuing her run for IntelCom's office located at Jacques's former office. She
flies up to the second floor with her Semblance before dashing to the
office._"},"616301431900733458":{"u":1,"t":1567008111692,"m":"Gift - (Grab Matilda
Pistol) I know you use this gun for long time, Right Leon?"},"616302116298031105":
{"u":0,"t":1567008274865,"m":"Leon: I was wondering where I'd left it,
thanks.\n\n_He grabs the pistol out of Gift's hand, holstering it into his vest
hoslter. As he and Leon chatted, Gideon emerged from IntelCom as he jumps down to
the ground floor, interrupting the two._\n\nGideon: You boys won't like this, but
Ruby's got something to show you."},"616302261928198152":
{"u":1,"t":1567008309586,"m":"Gift - Let's Go Leon."},"616303486958829569":
{"u":0,"t":1567008601656,"m":"_Now at the office located on the second floor, Ruby
locks the door to the office as she brings up her Focus' combat footage, projecting
it to a screen with her Scroll._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay, Gift.
While you were down there doing what you do Gideon and I reviewed my footage and
with it, we discovered multiple \"tears\" within the skies in the combat zone.
\n\n_From a desk, Sebastian swiped at her Scroll as it brings up a slide of a
close-up shot of the \"tear\" shot by an Su-63 Fracture UCAV. He zooms the tear in
close as the blask speck covers up most of the whiteboard._\n\nGideon: IntelCom
guys suspects that these tears could be Salem experimenting eith her powers to try
and possibly destabilize the weather in Atlas, or even experimenting with creating
dimensional tears to allow the instant deployment of Grimm creatures onto any
battlefield she wishes to.\n\n_Seen on the slides, a simulation of a battlezone is
shown with Salem's beacon in the center of the virtual battlespace surrounded by
blue lines on the sky pouring red circles into the battlespace._\n\nSebastian: Next
- Salem's new magic?"},"616304276691484674":{"u":0,"t":1567008789943,"m":"Gideon:
_to Sebastian_ Go, please.\n\n_Sebastian then swiped again, bringing an MWIR photo
of an experimental stealth aircraft bearing Salem's mark on its wings._\n\nGideon:
We've also suspected that Salem may now have control of oe of Vacuo's Advanced
Automated Military Asset Procurement Plant, if this is true, then our fight to stop
her will be difficult since the plants allow her full access into every sing
weaponry available on Remnnant. As of now no evidences of full-scale production
commands are being sent out, yet."},"616305337796001862":
{"u":1,"t":1567009042930,"m":"Gift - What is situation
there?"},"616305926915489804":{"u":0,"t":1567009183387,"m":"Sebastian: To put it
simply, Salem is getting stronger, but infighting amongst her legions of
mercenaries and terrorist cells indicates that possible collapse of her chain of
commands can happen. But with the plants still in her control, she can declare war
against all of Remnant and even destroy the planet without needing the
Relics.\n\nGideon: But we all know that what she's after are the Relics. If she
combines them all she can bring the Gods to wipe us all
out."},"616306654840881230":{"u":1,"t":1567009356938,"m":"Gift - We can't let this
happen.(His body glowing) No matter how risk it is, We will stop her at all
cost."},"616307869129637890":{"u":0,"t":1567009646447,"m":"_The door to the office
opens as Team JNPR, Blake, Weiss, Riley and Yang walks into the room before closing
the door._\n\nRiley: We're not going to let that happen, I've managed to round up
Earth's mercenaries into one giant coalition force alongside special Anti-Grimm
forces on Earth.\n\n_Price appears in te room as a holographic projection from
Ruby;s scroll._\n\nPrice: As of now, we're not just a task force. From now on we
are Joint Task Force 141.\n\n_The slides, along with Price's projection from the
scroll fades away as Baseplate's logo appears onscreen._\n\nBaseplate: From now on,
Earth and all of its remaining armies will soon form up a major counter offensive
against Salem and her armies of Grimm. Your missions however will remain unchanged
and its effects still in place. Gift, I'm trusting you with taking the lead on the
upcoming counteroffensive. Godspeed, over and
{"u":0,"t":1566833196782,"m":"_Having flown fast enough, she rams herself against
the balcony. Penetrating deep into the Council building, piercing through the armor
plates embedded within the walls, leaving behind large holes with every
impact._\n\n_The last standing KVA soldier then screams in terror, fearing for his
life as Ruby slams into him full force, sending him crashing through a press
conference room until stopping at a row of broadcast equipments._\n\nSandman:
Inside the Council! Let's move! Go, go!\n\n_The rest of the team begins to storm
the barren courtyard, finding their path absurdly clear as Ruby's shockwaves blew
much of the debris away. Rushing headfirst into the lobby lies Yang, her face
contorted with an expression of fear and anxiety. The team rallies at the lobby of
the Council as they all begin to move down the penetrated walls, beginning their
search for Ruby._\n\nGrizzly: We'll secure the lobby while you hit the inner
perimeters."},"615568056705613847":{"u":1,"t":1566833261420,"m":"Gift - I know how
to find her, Give me a second. (Telepath to Ruby) Where are you, Ruby my sweet
the wrecked row of broadcast consoles, Ruby comes to her senses, feeling the weight
of the soldier she'd slammed into pressing down on her chest. She opens her eyes,
grabbed at the dead soldier's corpse and pushed it away from her as his body slid
off of her onto the floor._\n\n_She then reaches over to Crescent Rose, somehow
remaining miraculously intact despite the heavy slam she'd just went through. She
grabs her weapon by its extended stock, cocked the charging handle once as the
high-caliber sniper-scythe glows red again, signifying its activation. She then
breathes a sigh of relief as Gift and the rest of his party rushed into the room
through the hole she'd made._\n\n_Ruby takes aim with Crescent Rose before being
tackle-hugged by Gift, sending her crashing on the floor
again._"},"615569588519829504":{"u":1,"t":1566833626633,"m":"Gift - I'm sorry Ruby,
I just um......"},"615570959142748181":{"u":0,"t":1566833953415,"m":"_Ruby hugs him
in return, feeling her pain fading away as her aura quickly regenerates itself back
to normal._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's alright, Gift. \n\n_She lets
him go and grabbed her rifle back up from the floor and transforms it into its
scythe configuration._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll be fine, and I'm...
getting the hang of this.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Please, don't do that
again. \n\n_Weiss runs up to Ruby before slapping her in the face, at this, Ruby
winced from the pain as she rubbed her right hand over her left cheek, staring at
the former in total confusion._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ow! What was
that for?!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> That was stupidly reckless, and it could've
killed you!\n\n_She pulls Ruby into a hug, gripping her team leader tightly. Crying
into her shoulder as she does so._","te":1566833969896},"615571675051720713":
{"u":1,"t":1566834124101,"m":"Gift - At first i worry about you, as your Brother i
must protect you by all cost Ruby, as you seen in the past, i have risk my life to
keep you safe."},"615575060928790528":{"u":0,"t":1566834931357,"m":"_Sandman, not
wishing to have his mission delayed rocks his M4's charging handle as the party
then resumes to assuming combat poses. Standing by for hostiles._\n\n_Ruby pulls
away from Weiss before giving her a light kiss on the hand she'd just slapped her
with earlier._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What are
you--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Don't ask. Now let's get back
to business.\n\n_As the party readies themselves for contact, Ren reloads
StormFlower with two new extended quickdraw
magazines._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> It's about time we finish our
mission.\n\n_The team leaves the press conference room out to the hallway, then up
the escalators to the command floor. There they encounter more KVA hijacked
Atlesian Knight-200s._\n\nTruck: Contact!\n\nSandman: Charge to contact! Let's keep
moving!\n\n_Riley withdrew Starfire Fury in its sword form as she sends a
horizontal wave slash, conjuring a large band of blazing plasma energy wave cutting
through the combat androids, destroying them. She then swicthed over to channeling
plasma energy from her Light Energy infusion, firing beams of concentrated plasma
at any KVA soldier unfortunate enough to be taken down._\n\nGrinch: Providing cover
fire. Move up!","te":1566835034116},"615575084383600659":
{"u":0,"t":1566834936949,"m":"_Grinch yanks an MG-11A heavy pulse rifle from a dead
Atlesian Army infantryman's hands before firing indiscriminately into a group of
KVA reinforcements while Team RWBY advanced deeper into the command floor, fighting
their way over to Jaune's position at a console labeled \"J-STAR COMMS CONTROL\",
noticing Ruby taking down a KVA juggernaut with a swift strike to his head Pyrrha
shouts down from the console to her._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ruby! Over
here!\n\n_Sandman, Gift, and Price then ran up to Team RWBY as they provided Ruby's
team with suppression fire forcing KVA reinforcements to retreat._\n\nSandman:
Go!\n\nGrinch: Gotcha covered!\n\n_As Team RWBY continues to push up to the
console, Price saw Yang dashing in for a slamming attack only to be dragged back to
her team by Blake. From there, he calls out to her over the sounds of
gunfire._\n\nPrice: Yang! Stay with your team!\n\n_They manage to get across the
floor and finally reaching the console, They head up the stairs leading to the
mezzanine holding the badly-damaged console in place._\n\nSandman: Up top. Go, go,
go!"},"615576049840947200":{"u":1,"t":1566835167132,"m":"Gift - Give me a second.
(Change outfit from His military suit to Mafia Outfit) That's will alright, Okay
Fire at will. (Firing Chicago typewriter)"},"615578245550702592":
{"u":0,"t":1566835690630,"m":"_Now in his Mafia outfit Gift took up position on top
of a disabled console as he fired rounds back at the KVA soldiers moving into the
hall, forcing them to find cover. Over at Jaune's position, he annd Pyrrha soon
began their work on restoring the J-STAR communication system back online with
Weiss providing them with tactical frequencies to restore into
functionality._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, which channel do I bring back
first?!\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Bring back the entire system. Select, \"AUTO\"
and have the system run on its own.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Got it!\n\n_Jaune
swipes away confirmation boxes appearing on the console as the console's screen
turns green, displaying a text box reading: \"J-STAR SYSTEM REACTIVATION CONFIRMED,
EST. REC TIME 3 MINUTES\" At this, he groaned in frustration as Team RWBY falls
back to their position._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's the status on
the console, Jaune!?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> It's
working!\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> What's
working!?!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> THIS!\n\n_He angrily points to the
console, now counting down to two minutes, Gift, now forced to fall back to Jaune's
spot gave away an opening allowing more KVA to rush in. At this, Grinch call out
the hostiles to the two teams.._\n\nGrinch: Incoming! They're in the hall! What's
the status on that console?!\n\n_Still firing from her cover behind the reinforced
console, Pyrrha shouts over the sounds of gunfire to
Grinch._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> TWO MINUTES! WE HAVE TO HOLD HERE FOR TWO
{"u":1,"t":1566835790117,"m":"Captain Gift - Gift, I got another P.R.L 412,
Here.\nGift - Thanks."},"615580076720914537":{"u":0,"t":1566836127215,"m":"_With
the first group of KVA soldiers breaching the command floor, Riley jumps dow from
the mezzanine to meet the enemy infantrymen up close, brandishing her claymore out
for them to see. The soldiers then responded by charging up to her only to be
thrown out of the command floor as she unleashes a shockwave blast at them._\n\n_On
the mezzanine, much of Team JNPR remains on the console as they continued to watch
over its progress._\n\n_At Ruby's position, she continues to deliver strikes after
strikes at incomin KVA hostiles, slashing them into unrecognizale remains until
only one is left standing. The last soldier throws his rifleaway as he approached
Ruby with his fists raised high. At the sight of the soldier's attempt to win a
fair fight. Ruby throws Crescent Rose, still in its scythe form at Claire. With her
weapon thrown away she tucked her right arm back in, leaving only her left arm out.
She smirks at the soldier, slowly steppingover to him._"},"615582658956886030":
{"u":0,"t":1566836742868,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If you're asking for
a fair fight, then you've come to the right person.\n\n_All hostilities between the
KVA and Ruby's party stops as the two adversaries dropped their weapons, watching
Ruby and the unnamed soldier standing in the middle of the command floor, their
fists raised high, Ready to strike._\n\n_The soldier, still raising his fists
quickly steps in close, trying to cause Ruby to flinch. Ruby, however doesn't
flinch, still keeping her right arm tucked behind her back._\n\nKVA Soldier: Are
you trying to challenge me? Put that arm out and fight
me!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Nope, I won't. What are you waiting for? Hit
me!\n\nKVA Soldier: If you wish...\n\n_The soldier begins the fight as he delivers
a haymaker at Ruby's face only to have his blow blocked away. Ruby slaps away his
fist as the soldier reeled back in pain, flicking his now uncurled fist._\n\nKVA
Soldier: Holy, you got iron for fists or somethi--\n\n_Ruby delivers a spinning
kick to the soldier's head, sending him flying to a console. He crashes onto it,
stunned from the force of the kick and from being instantly tossed across the room
to where he is now. Nonchalantly he gets back up from the console only to be met by
Ruby's rapid and violent blows to his chest, face and stomach as she combines her
Semblance into her fighting style. Overwhelming his defenses greatly and causing
the soldier to immediately go limp. Severely injured by the sheer tenacity of
Ruby's punches,_\n\n_After locking the soldier in a flurry of violent jabs to his
body, Ruby stops and draws her fists back, assuming a standing position as the
soldier collapses to the ground, gurgling blood from his mouch._\n\nKVA Soldier:
Hurgh... what... are... you...?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Don't ask.
\n\n_She kicks the soldier in the head, ending his life as he collapsed to the
floor. Dead._"},"615921984689274883":{"u":1,"t":1566917644427,"m":"Gift - You try
to defect me by over number?"},"615923934092722176":
{"u":0,"t":1566918109201,"m":"_With Ruby defeating the soldier, the rest of the KVA
soldiers soon begin to drop their weapons. Giving up._\n\nKVA Soldier: No, we're
here just to distract the main force. \n\n_He taps at his earpiece, staring Gift
down._\n\nKVA Soldier: This is Avalanche 0-2 to Charlie 6-6, be advised. I've
located Target Romeo. Over.\n\n_Frost runs over to the soldier as he knocked him
down to the floor, hitting him in the head with his M4's stock._\n\nFrost: Who the
hell did you call?!\n\n_The soldier chuckled and withdrew a pistol from his vest
holster. He then points it at his temple._\n\nKVA Soldier: I'm not telling.\n\n_The
soldier shoots himself in the head, killin himself as the rest of his remaining
squadmates simply watched their fellow comrade die before
them._"},"615924266600235019":{"u":1,"t":1566918188477,"m":"Gift - You did a big
mistake. (Fire P.R.L 412 at KVA Reinforcement, None of KVA
survive)"},"615927167645384714":{"u":0,"t":1566918880140,"m":"_Gift locks the KVA
soldiers on with his PRL and fired off a heat blast, instantly incinerating them
to ashes. Silence befalls the damaged command floor as everyone, including the two
teams remains silent until Sandman coughed, breaking the silence. The console's
screen turns green as a textbox appeared, it reads: \"J-STAR SYSTEM RESTORE
ZONES.\"._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Guys? J-STAR's back
online.\n\n_Sandman then reached into his vest as he pulled a jammer out from an
open pouch and tossed it over to Ruby, who caught it with her left
hand._\n\nSandman: Ruby, put that jammer on the console. It'll jam enemy comms so
they can't take over.\n\n_Ruby nods, attaching the jammer onto the console. Marking
its activation. With the jammer installed she jumps from the mezzanine down onto
the main floor, followed by Team JNPR, her teammates, and Gift's party. Once on the
fllor, Sandman once again reached for his earpiece, hailing Atlas' military bases
within the flying city's sublevels._\n\nSandman: Atlas Command, this is Metal Zero-
One! We have control of the council! Do you read me?\n\n_With the J-STAR system
back online tons of radio chatter can be heard as combined friendly forces now have
comms back online and begin to request each other various help and
support._\n\nAtlesian Army: This is Skyfalll 2-3! We've got a man down! We've got a
man-\n\n_Another friendly Atlas unit joins the channel._\n\nDelta 1-3: We hear you
infantry, we hear you. Sending additional supp--\n\nAtlesian Army: If you don't
mind us, help! We need help! Now!\n\nDelta 1-3: This is Delta 1-3 , requsting
bombing run on TRP 5 2, 3, 9. Got you, affirmative. We've got you loud and
clear.\n\n_From Earth, Overlord contacts Sandman as he informs them
of situational updates from his command console._"},"615927171260874762":
{"u":0,"t":1566918881002,"m":"Overlord: Roger, 0-1. All systems are operational.
We're sending a Manta to your location for exfil, ETA 4 minutes.\n\nSandman: Roger,
we're standing by.\n\n_The party then moves up the stairs to the rooftop, once on
the rooftop. A team of heavy KVA infantry across the building on other rooftops
took notice of them as they began sending various ordnances from their captured
Paladins at them._\n\nGrinch: Contact!\n\nOverlord: ISR is back online. We are
detecting multiple hostiles on the rooftops in your area. You now have OPCON of a
fully armed Stormbird.\n\n_A Stormbird launches itself from a Gleipnir combat
aircraft as it flies down the sky to the council, its wings loaded with heavy
weaponry._"},"615929311479857162":{"u":1,"t":1566919391270,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey!
Predator Missile is online.\nGift - Commander, Predator Missile is online, Use it
to support us.\nCommander Gift - Copy, Send me the enemy
location."},"615931880318959627":{"u":0,"t":1566920003729,"m":"_Cap then takes
conrol of the Stormbird as he readies up the giant machine's Thunder lightining
missiles, from its HUD he loks the missiles onto the team of KVA infantry firing at
him and launched two missiles at them. He then switched over to the machine's
lightning cannon as he conducted a strafing run at another KVA fireteam moving in.
Decimating them._\n\n_A Glinthawk formation dives in as Frost fires an AGM down on
a Death Stalker advancing towards the council, killing it as the missiles speared
through its chitinous hide and detonated their warheads from within._\n\nSandman:
Multiple targets down! Good effect on target!\n\n_More KVA are firing down at them
as three Bullhead airships flew in and airdropped much of the automated infantry
units down on the team;s position._\n\nSandman: Hit 'em again!\n\n_Over at Ruby's
flank, she continues to fire at low-flying KVA attack jets with Crescent Rose's
sniper form, using the scythe blade component as a monopod. Weiss takes to the sky,
conjuring yellow glyphs in the air as they emits heavy blasts of electromagnetic
pulses sending any aircrafts flying too close to the glyphs to crash,. Blake jumps
over to Cap as she picks up a dead KVA's DMR, firing away at a hijacked Glinthawk
while Yang uses a Stryker's main gun ammunition as makeshift mortar rounds, using
shockwave rounds fired from her prosthetic arm as ppropellants, sending shells
downrange._\n\n_Over at Team JNPR, Jaune continues to provide cover for Pyrrha
using his shield as she picks up disabled KVA vehicles with her semblance before
launching them at a formation of KVA Bullheads, destroying them. A Hind shows up,
preparing to fireits missiles at Ren only to be intercepted by Nora, using
Magnhild's rocket boosters to fly over to the attack helo. As she got in close she
swings the warhammer down on the cockpit, destroying it and causing the Hind to
crash._\n\nSandman: Hind is down!","te":1566920164658},"615932209148198923":
{"u":1,"t":1566920082128,"m":"Gift - Nice shot, Cap."},"615932264924315650":
{"u":1,"t":1566920095426,"m":"Captain Gift - Thanks."},"615934603819089920":
{"u":0,"t":1566920653062,"m":"_As the team continues to fight as long as they could
the Manta arrives to evacuate them. Coming in hot as it lands right in front of
Ruby, its side doors open and ready to receive the two teams back._\n\nSandman:
Here's our exfil! Load up! Load up!\n\n_The helicopter hovers next to the edge of
the roof as stray KVA fire causes the pilots to shift their aircraft out of the
stray rounds. The team jumps off the roof and board the helicopter with Nora coming
in last._\n\nManta Pilot: Confirm, two teams on board, exfil complete. Heading to
Sierra FOB.\n\n_The surviving KVa soldiers on the ground then aimed their guns at
the Manta airship, with the ship in their sight they fired up at it. Denting the
external armor with bullet impacts._\n\nSandman: Hold on! We're going vertical!
Multiple contacts, lower rooftop! Ruby, get on it!\n\n_Ruby retracts Crescent Rose
into its compact form and mans the minigun, spraying down on the KVA on the
rooftop. Weiss follows suit as she mans an M3M gun turret on her starboard.
Spraying down at threats underneath her._\n\nOverlord: Atlas 6-2, standby for new
mission directive, over.\n\n_Riley picks up her earpiece, responding to Overlord's
call._\n\nRiley: Roger, Overlord. Send it.\n\nOverlord: We have multiple KVA
hostile aerial ships near our ports. We sent the Osean 444th Tactical Fighter
Squadron to assault the command vessel. Proceed to Harland to assist.\n\nRiley:
Copy your last. We're heading there. 6-2,
out.","te":1566920758853},"615935479828971521":{"u":1,"t":1566920861919,"m":"Gift -
This will be the long mission."},"615937245819699201":
{"u":0,"t":1566921282964,"m":"_From his console and live feed of the Manta, he sees
multiple KVA Hinds flying into view. At this he warns Riley of the incoming
hostiles._\n\nOverlord: Atlas 6-2, be advised. We're seeing multiple enemy rotor-
wings in your airspace.\n\n_Ignoring the sitrep Ruby and Weiss continue to fire at
the Hinds giving chase. As the Manta flies through the city, multiple enemy Hinds
show up and fired missiles at it causing the pilot to take immediate evasive
action, launching flares and pulling away._\n\nTruck: Enemy bird, incoming!\n\n_A
missile warning sound is heard. The Hind fires missiles, but misses as the flares
flew to them, intercepting the incoming warheads. Ruby fires her minigun to keep
the Hinds away._\n\nTruck: Stay on him! Stay on him!\n\n_Ruby continues to shoot at
the first Hind. Taking care to not hit the Manta's obstructive wings._\n\nSandman:
Ruby, down that KVA bird!\n\n_Ruby fires at another Hind hovering between
buildings, which fires its missiles but misses as the Manta flies away from it in
full throttle._ As the Manta flies to evadd the Hind Weiss is flung back into the
ship's interior, crashing into Jaune._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _dry heaving_
...why?\n\nManta Pilot: Tally target, Romeo! Right side, high!\n\n_Two Hinds
attempt to shoot down the Manta. They move close to the helicopter as Ruby keeps
firing._\n\nTruck: Two more, two more! We're taking heavy fire!\n\n_One of the
Hinds manage to land three 23mm shots at the Manta's port conformal fuel pods
lining its wing, causing the ship to leak fuel._\n\nManta Pilot: We're taking hits!
Taking evasive action, hang on!\n\n_Ruby continues to spool the minigun, she then
aims the gun and shoots down one of the Hinds through its cockpit, sending it
crashing down the street below._\n\nGrinch: Enemy bird is down!\n\n_The duel
between the Manta and the surviving Hind continues aas the two aircrafts circle
around a skyscraper under construction. Ruby finally takes out the other Hind as it
explodes in the air._","te":1566921398954},"615938444157517864":
{"u":1,"t":1566921568670,"m":"Gift - Tango down, Stealth Fighter
incoming.\nCommander Gift - Don't worry, I will take it down. (Fire Predator
Missile)"},"615941983441125377":{"u":0,"t":1566922412501,"m":"_From Cap's radar, an
F-117 Nighthawk flies close to the Manta as it fired three air-to-air missiles at
the ship only to have the missiles fail to lock onto the rapidly evading airship.
Cap then launches a Predator missile from a Glinthawk only to see the F-117 he
intend to destroy crash into a building. Unsure of where to target his missile
next, he commands the missile to fly for an incoming Hind only to have the missile
run out of fuel._\n\n_With the Hind taken down, Ruby maintains a firm grip on the
minigun's trigger. Swerving the gun around to search for hostiles._\n\nGrinch: Good
work, Ruby! \n\nThe Manta hovers next to the building, its pilots scanning for
hostile aircrafts._\n\nSandman: Keep scanning your sectors.\n\n_Pyrrha looks into
the Manta's target detection scope as another Hind flies up towards them and begins
to shoot at the Manta, with the Hind coming for the ship she shouts over to
Ruby._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Incoming Hind!\n\nManta Pilot: Hold on!
Banking left!\n\n_The Manta attempts to lose the Hind around the building as the
pilot sends the engines into full power again, evading the Hind.
_"},"615942321233592320":{"u":1,"t":1566922493037,"m":"Gift - Hold
on!"},"615942696334393392":{"u":0,"t":1566922582468,"m":"_The Hind's pilot then
swore under his breath as he brings his atttack chopper around the building, Intent
on intercepting the Manta despite his low ammunition._\n\nGrinch: He's behind the
building! Behind the building!\n\nSandman: Ruby, can you get a bead on him?
Fire!\n\n_Ruby ditches the minigun and deploys Crescent Rose's sniper form to meet
the flying Hind and fires between the frame of the construction building at the
Hind. The helicopter and the airship then hover upward as Ruby concentrates her
fire on the Hind's cockpit finally damages the offending helo enough to cause it
to spin, flames shooting out from its engines. The Hind flies upward, but then
starts to spin towards the Manta._\n\nTruck: Look out!\n\n_The pilot tries to pull
away as the Hind's tail collides with the Manta, now causing the Manta to spin in
distress._\n\nSandman: We're hit! We're hit!\n\nGrinch: Hang on!\n\n_As the airship
spins, Ruby loses her grip on the minigun and is flung out of the ship, however,
she manages to hold on the gun's emplacement and strains, barely holding onto the
side of the airship. She looks behind her to see the Hind finally appearing into
the skyscraper in an explosion._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> RUBY!\n\n_Weiss
latches herself on a safety harness before jumping over to Ruby, finding her friend
barely holding on the side of the ship._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I GOT
YOU!\n\n_She takes Ruby by the hand, trying to pull her friend back inside with all
of her strength. Straining over the ship's
spin._\n\nTruck: Shit! We're going down!\n\nManta Pilot: I've still got pressure
in the pedals! \n\n_He grunts, forcing himself to fight for control._\n\nManta
Pilot: Come on, you son of a bitch!\n\n_The Manta continues to spin as Weiss
finally manages to pull Ruby back into the airship. An alarm is sounding and a red
light is blinking throughout the ship. The Manta almost collides into a building as
it attempts to hover back up into
{"u":1,"t":1566922776164,"m":"Gift - Where is it?"},"615946797730496513":
{"u":0,"t":1566923560317,"m":"_Ruby climba back into the ship, her right cheek
bleeding as a shrapnel from the Hind's explosion dug deep into it. Feeling her
wound for the shrapnel through her torn glove she finds the shrapnel stuck
precariously close to her right eye. She leaves the shrapnel be and walks over to
Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hind is down. \n\n_She turns to the
pilot, giving him a thumbs up._\n\nGrinch: Hold on!\n\n_The Manta flies up and
begins to level as the conformal fuel tanks begins to seal thelmseves from tthe
damage they'd taken._\n\nManta Pilot: Torque feels okay! Wing engines effective,
hydraulics holding. Collective and pitch sat'. Fuel 62 percent and holding. No
leaks.\n\n_With the airship level and gaining altitude rapidly Sandman quickly
broadcasted a sitrep over to Overlord._\n\nSandman: Overlord, this is 0-1, we're en
route to Harland, over.\n\nOverlord: Roger, 0-1. The skies are clear. Good luck,
out.\n\n_The Manta flies out of the city towards Harland, Atlas' only connection to
Mantle's plethora of ghettos and shanty towns. Ruby settled down on an empty seat
and tends to her injuries, conjuring a small beam of white light and projecting it
at the shrapnel stuck close to her eye as the offending piece of metal
disintegrated into fine dust. The wound then sealed itself as Ruby continues to
heal her injuries until the last speckle of her blood fades away from her
{"u":0,"t":1566923563146,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ow, that damn
shrapnel...\n\n_Regaining her composure, Weiss quickl rushed over to Ruby's seat as
she settled down on the floor. Kneeling to meet her team
leader._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ruby, are you
hurt?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Physically, no. Mentally? I'm scarred for
life.\n\n_Weiss breathes a sigh of relief before hugging Ruby tightly. Holding her
in close. Riley looks over to the two girls hugging one another and smiles to
herself. Reliefed to see them both safe._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> So, where
are we going?\n\nRiley: Harland, Atlas' only connection to the shanty towns that
made up Mantle. Certain parts of it.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oh.\n\n_Nora
slumps into her seat, dead tired._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I thought we'd be
back at the mansion.I'm so, so tired....\n\n_She loudly yawned, startling Pyrrha
out of her slumber._\n\n<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> Ah! Who-- Oh...\n\n_She
looks over to Nora, fast asleep in her seat._"},"615947294298210304":
{"u":1,"t":1566923678708,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Did they forget i also
{"u":0,"t":1566923875957,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Nope!\n\n_She
playfully smacked Gift's sholder. Standing right next to
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss too, but she's piloting our
ship.\n\n_Weiss peeks over to Gift from her pilot seat, smiling at him. She then
turns back to controlling the airship. Blake and Yang looked over to him from their
spot, sitting close to a minigun
emplacement._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We're here, if you need
us."},"615948345319489565":{"u":1,"t":1566923929291,"m":"Gift - I know you never
left me behind."},"615950248522547256":
{"u":0,"t":1566924383050,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Nah, we're not going to
leave you. Not unless we're... eh, we'll still be here.\n\n_As she turns her back
at Gift, the holographic projector in the Manta lights up as the Atlesian Army's
coat of arms appeared, soon replaced by a live feed of the Atlesian Government
Council under the Atlesian Army's control as an IUN-PKF F-22 flew into view._\n\nF-
22 Pilot: This is Stormy-4-4. Guidance systems are back online. Standing by with a
full payload of LWSMs. Requesting clearance.\n\nOverlord: Stormy 4-4; you are
cleared to engage.\n\nF-22 Pilot: Breaking the hard deck. T.O.T. 5 seconds. Weapons
away.\n\n_Stormy 4-4 then launches airstrikes on a SAM site on a rooftop as the
shockwave missiles detonates. A formation of F-15s fly into view as they soon
followed through Stormy's strikes at various threats. Overlord turns to his aide,
dragging a Glinthawk's holofeed into view._\n\nOverlord: Verify initial strikes on
the Glinthawk feed.\n\n_The Glinthawk feed screen shows destroyed
targets._\n\nBattle Captain: Sir – appears all sites have been neutralized.\n\n_The
Captaion's battle analysis shows the KVA have been pushed back to the Will's Edge,
Atlas' \"miracle mile, composed of rows of vertical Helios missile battreries,
which is crowded with many KVA war ships. The holofeed then zoomed into Harland,
the miracle mile's entry port._\n\nOverlord: Good work, Sandman. We've regained air
dominance over Atlas and pushed the front line back to the miracle
mile.\n\nSandman: What's our next target?"},"615950508359811082":
{"u":1,"t":1566924445000,"m":"Gift - Hey Ruby, can you gonna wake me up when we
arrive to target location? (Lay down on Ruby's lap) I've tried for a
{"u":0,"t":1566925016166,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sure, I'll wake you
up when we get to Harland.\n\n_She allows Gift to rest on her lap, with Gift now
resting she turns her attention to Overlord's holofeed as the rest of her friends
are briefed of information of their next objective._\n\n_From the feed, a satellite
tracks a KVA-boarded airship, later designated on the feed as the Edelweiss
hovering above Mantle. Further analysis shows its payload of 256 burst missile
silos on its side, plus six inline runways and various point-defense guns, armory
and deploymen bays, including the ship's bridge._\n\nOverlord: The Edelweiss
command vessel is an Overseer-class airshipcarrying enough burst missiles to level
the entire continent of Mantle. We need to strike fast before they can launch a
counter attack.\n\nSandman: Roger, what's the mission?\n\n_The satellite simulates
missile trajectories on the Edelweiss' missile silos._\n\nOverlord: Infiltrate the
vessel, take over the bridge, then turn our former weapons against their own fleet.
I need you to link up with the OGDF SEALs and get it done. SCAR teamss are onboard
commandeering Edelweiss' subsystems as we speak. Good luck.\n\n_The Manta carrying
the team of students makes its way to the Will's Edge entryway infil point where
the OGDF SEALs are waiting. Ruby taps Gift's cheek, waking him up. She is then
later joined by her teammates, gearing up for their new mission._\n\nSandman: Kit
up, boys.\n\nGrinch: Where's our infil point?\n\nSandman: Will's Edge entryway. We
fly our way to the ship in separate crafts then board the Edelweiss.. OADF boys
will provide us cover. SCAR teams are on the ship.\n\nTruck: I thought the miracle
mile collapsed.\n\nSandman: It did.","te":1566925148045},"615953403209580554":
{"u":1,"t":1566925135186,"m":"Captain Gift - I will get some gear for
{"u":0,"t":1566925565786,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> No need for that, Ruby's
got it done.\n\n_She takes Cap by the hand, walking him over to Gift. Now fully
geared up with Ruby giving him final checks on his
armor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _tapping at Gift's helmet._ DNI is
green, suit power in the clear. You're good to go.\n\n_She reaches behind him for
the ship's door switch, pulling it downwards as the door opens to reveal a heavily
modified U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook flying right next to the Manta with a field-
deployment infiltration pod hanging under the cargo chopper._\n\n_With the Chinook
closing in on the Manta to take in Team JNPR, Ruby pats Jaune's shoulder,
reassuring him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll be okay, Jaune. Now
go,\n\n_Jaune nods at her in return as he rallies his
team._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Team Juniper,
standby!\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Copy. \n\n_The Chinook gets even closer,
providing Team JNPR a safe jumping distance._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
GO!\n\n_The deployment pod's side doors slide open, ready for Team JNPR to jump in.
Jaune steps back before running full-speed out into the open sky leaping for the
pod. He lands inside the pot safely as Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora jumped after him. With
the team now in the pod, the door slides shut as the Chinook sped up for the
{"u":1,"t":1566925665777,"m":"Gift - Ruby, Are we arrive?"},"615956455044153346":
{"u":0,"t":1566925862800,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No, we fly in with
this ship and assault the bridge. Juniper will link up with SCAR-3 and SCAR-1,
they're to fight their way to the Edelweiss' ordnance control bays.\n\n_She walks
over to the cockpit, finding the Manta piloted by the same pilot that saved her
team from imminent death atthe flying city._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> How
far are we to the ship?\n\nManta Pilot: We're three minutes to arrival. One you're
there I'll fly around for CAS.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy.\n\n_She
runs back to Gift, finding him accompanied by her teammates, Riley, Sandman's team
and Price's._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're three minutes to hitting the
ship's bridge."},"615956776461926416":{"u":1,"t":1566925939432,"m":"Gift - Thanks,
My sweet heart. (Kiss on Ruby's right cheek before continue to
drags Gift up to his feet. Waking him up._\n\nPrice: We've no time to rest. Eyes
sharp.\n\n_The Manta begins to approach the Edelweiss as multiple friendly OADF,
U.S. Air Force, and Atlesian aircrafts fly into view. Providing sufficient
protection to the Manta. As the Manta gets even closer to the ship's bridge they
begin to encounter incoming tracer rounds from the Edelweiss' point-defense guns
firing up at them briefly before being neutralized by Trigger's ADF-11f Raven.
Flying in close deploying the weapon UAVs at them._\n\nSandman: We're one minute to
landing.\n\n_An OGDF SEAL team then wave at the Manta, notifying it pilot of their
arrival._\n\nOGDF SEAL Leader: Copy that.\n\nGrinch: Just don't start the party
without us.\n\nOGDF SEAL Leader: No, not without our Little Rose.\n\n_At this,
Sandman looks to Ruby before chuckling to himself. Replying to the OGDF SEAL tteam
leader._\n\nSandman: Almost through.\n\n_The Manta finally lands at a clearing as
Team RWBY, Riley, Gift and Team Metal jumped from the ship, landing on the
clearing._\n\nSandman: Primary entry point is open, stay tight, easy to get
separated up here.\n\n_The teams readied their weapons as they began their advance
to the bridge, they turn left and enter an access shaft single-file. With Sandman
coming in last. Grinch looks over to the pile of dead Edelweiss crew, lamening
theit death._\n\nGrinch: Damn. Think anyone got out?\n\nSandman: Nothing we can do
for them now. \n\n_Ruby takes the lead as she ran down the shaft into a sleeping
bay, she then withdrew Crescent Rose and with it she takes aim and scans the bay
for hostiles. Finding none, she turns back to her team and flashed an OK
sign._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Bay is clear, OGDF's not far. They're
just... right here?\n\n_The OGDF SEAL team leader emerges from the bay's lavatories
followed by his teammates._\n\nSEAL Leader: Welcome to the Edelweiss, Romeo 1-
1. .","te":1566926612422},"615960196774363155":{"u":1,"t":1566926754898,"m":"Gift -
Cap, is my gear ready?\nCaptain Gift - Yes, Your little sister have prepare and
check it already.\nGift - Sarge?\nSargent Gift - I'm ready.\nGift -
Commander?\nCommander Gift - Green light.\nGift - Alright Bravo team, let do
this."},"615962021137088514":{"u":0,"t":1566927189860,"m":"_Gift's team then
rallies up with the SEAL team, heading for the access door to the
bridge._\n\nSandman: Let's move\n\n_The group of teams then file into the access
door as they leave the sleeping bay, finding themselves moving into the mess hall
under the bridge._\n\nSandman: SCAR teams should be above us a level
higher.\n\nGrinch: I see them.\n\n_They link their datalinks to the SCAR teams
covering the bridge landing bay then return their attention to the mess hall,
scnaning the place for hostiles._\n\nSEAL Leader: KVA's left the bridge an hour
ago, this is weird...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's as if they're waiting
to ambush us...\n\n_Ruby leads her team as they move past a row of flipped tables
and chairs, pushing towards the open door leading directly to the bridge. As she
got closer to the gate, enemy chatter soon echoed down to her position. She stops,
and raised a fist, forcing the team to stop._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Got tangos in the bridge, stay frosty."},"615962314792763406":
{"u":1,"t":1566927259873,"m":"Gift - Easy."},"615963584215646223":
{"u":0,"t":1566927562527,"m":"SEAL Leader: Watch your radar. They're setting up
claymores.\n\nSandman: Eyes on your radar.\n\n_Weiss looks into her radar as she
sees multiple blinking red blips appearing on the screen of her Focus. She grips
Myrtenaster's handle tightly, stepping up to Ruby's position slowly. Trying her
best not to alert the hostiles to her presence._\n\nGrinch: Steady...\n\nSandman:
Keep it steady.\n\n_As Weiss got close to Ruby, she stacks up behind her as a KVA
soldier walks towards the open door. Blake unsheaths Gambol Shroud from its sheath
as she readies up to take the soldier down. Luckily, the soldier walks back up to
the bridge, unaware of her presence. The team continues on. as Ruby begins to walk
up the stairs, closing in on the soldier before driving a kife through his head,
killing him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> He's down.\n\n_She drags the dead
soldier and sets him behind a trash can before moving up._\n\nSandman: Right,
right!\n\n_Another soldier walks ino view as Ruby surprises him with a strike to
the head with Crescent Rose's stock._\n\nSandman:
- Let's move and watch your step."},"615964687208677389":
{"u":0,"t":1566927825501,"m":"_Finding the path ahead clear of hostiles Ruby begins
to hasten her pace, moving ino the bridge first. She takes aim an scans her sectors
of hostiles as a KVA soldier runs ino the room and fires at
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Contact! \n\n_She deflects the bullets
away, twirling Crescent Rose to keep up with the KVA soldier frantically shooting
at her until running out of ammo. He tries to reload but finds his magazine
missing, he then looks to his right only to have Weiss stab Myrtenaster deep into
his forehead, killing him._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Target down. 1-1, you
good?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Never better..."},"614500414603132959":
{"u":0,"t":1566578715707,"m":"Overlord: Be advised that Team Metal will be
providing you escort to the Coouncil. Over and out."},"614501974284697605":
{"u":1,"t":1566579087564,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo Team, Rock 'n
away from the east wing and at the courtyard, Ruby and her party find themselves
standing in the middle of the scorched courtyard riddled with burnt debris and
corpses. From the entrance gate to the mansion, a convoy of Humvees are seen
driving through the gate, running over the burnt debris._\n\n_Gift walks for the
gate headfirst, helping the injured along the way._\n\n_Surrounding Team RWBY, the
recently reformed Team JNPR, Riley, Gift, and Price's team are now the mass of
armed personnel from the mansion itself forming up immediate defensive positions
and heavy weaponry in anticipation to the upcoming assault of KVA and Grimm
hostiles._\n\n_Ruby, after having listened in on what Overlord had assigned her
team with turns to her teammates._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright,
team. Listen up! Our objectives are simple, we fight our way to the center of Atlas
and retake the governemnt council. Sitrep shows that key leaders have been
evacuated, so we are to engage any hostiles on sight. Grimm or KVA. \n\n_As Ruby
continues to brief her team on the objectives, Jaune does the same, turning to face
his reformed team._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Our orders are just like Ruby's.
We follow her, take down the bad guys and save what's left of the council!\n\n_Now
having briefed their teams, Riley runs up to them alongside Team Metal, led by
{"u":1,"t":1566579223969,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i will suppress the enemy while we
moving, don't worry my ammo are not empty easily."},"614503671396302849":
{"u":0,"t":1566579492187,"m":"_Ruby looks to her brother,
smiling._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Save some for me!\n\nRiley: You ready
for this, Sandman?\n\nSandman: Always, we're born to kill.\n\n_The party continues
to stand and wait for the convoy as the lead Humvee stopped in front of Riley, its
doors opened._\n\nUniform 3-2: We're your ride to the Council, Atlas! Get
in!\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Right on.\n\n_As the party piled into
their respective Humvees, an AC-16M Apollyon gunship is seen flying overhead
providing them cover. Now piled in the Humvees, the lead vehicle's driver sounded
off each vehicles before gunning the engines as he set off their trip to the
Council._\n\n_As the convoy makes their way from the council, three incoming
missiles are launched from a hostile Bullhead, air-bursting just above each Humvees
and causing the convoy to scatter._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Everyone
hang on!\n\n_As she held on the metal bars in the vehicle for dear life, Weiss'
safety straps locking her in place snaps free as she lands right on top of Ruby,
knocking her senses out._\n\n_The only sounds heard was the sounds of gunfire and
chaos..._"},"614504091652980766":{"u":1,"t":1566579592384,"m":"Gift - Ruby, see how
special is my gun. (Equip Chicago Typewriter and find the
enemy)"},"614506093200015379":{"u":1,"t":1566580069590,"m":"(I gonna rest
now)"},"614506120165457976":{"u":0,"t":1566580076019,"m":"_After the crash, Ruby
wakes up in the tipped over Humvee. Gunshots and police sirens can be heard in the
distance. As she comes to she sees Weiss cutting her seatbelt, freeing
her._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Get switched on, Ruby! We gotta move,
now!\n\n_Ruby gets herself free, picking up Crescent Rose and climbs up the Humvee,
and pushes out the door. Now outside the burning Humvee she sees the sky filled
with helicopters as two missiles fly into the Downtown SDC building._\n\n_Pieces of
debris fall onto the street as Yang climbs out of the Humvee followed by Blake. she
turns to Ruby, and tosses her a loose mag which she loards into Crescent Rose and
locks it ready._\n\n_Now far away from the van, Ruby looks into the scope to find
Gift firing away at the incoming Grimm, driving most of them away and taking some
down._\n\n_Riley then drags Gift away from the winged Beringels, taking him back to
Ruby's position_\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _looking into her Scroll_ The
council is two klicks up north! Without our convoy we'll leg it from here. Jaune,
are you okay?\n\n_Jaune wipes dust away from his shield, coughing as he does so
before giving Pyrrha an OK sign_\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm good. What
about Nora? Ren?\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> They're on their way to the
council!\n\n_Having regrouped, the party begin to make their way on foot to the
Atlas Governent Council, supported by Delta Force team members, Sandman, Truck,
Grinch, and a Stryker named Goodfellow. Traling after them lies Price's team
providing them rear guard action._\n\nAtlas Soldier: _on radio_ Any station, any
station — this is Cutter Actual in the clear. Sixty percent casualties, four combat
outposts overrun! Winged Beringels inside the perimeter! Our lines of communication
have been compromised! We are out of options — conducting a tactical withdrawal to
supplementary positions,
{"u":1,"t":1566658588488,"m":"Gift - I no need for addition ammo, if you ask why,
you will see."},"614837390363852846":{"u":0,"t":1566659056989,"m":"_Gift then
presented his new weapon, the Chicago Typewriter out for the party to see before
joining Ruby, following her closely as she and her teammates lead the rest of their
support down the debris-ridden street. Over at Ruby's position, multiple
Strangereal MQ drones fly into view as they dive in for a strafing
run._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're moving up the street, keep your eyes
open, team!\n\n_As they continued pressing on to their objective through the
remains of what used to be the Atlas International Exchange Hub, the dreades snaps
of incoming rounds crackle through the air as Ruby dived to the ground for cover.
Emerging from a partially damaged wall came a squad of KVA grunts accompanied by
two Griffons._\n\n_As Ruby hit thr ground for cover, Weiss withdrew Myrtenster and
reeadies it for combat while Blake opens fire against the hostiles. Yang, on the
other hand jumps in with a devastating punch to a Griffon's head, sending it flying
away, its head instantly pulverized from the sheer force of her prosthetic arm's
punch._\n\nTruck: KVA inbound, return fire!\nFrost: I'm on
it!"},"614838330680541221":{"u":1,"t":1566659281178,"m":"Gift - I will not miss
this AH!!!!! (firing Chicago typewriter)"},"614841018940129280":
{"u":0,"t":1566659922109,"m":"_From Blake's Focus came a red indicator pointing to
an incoming hostile vehicle, with the information she reloads Gambol Shroud, now
rebuilt, with a magazine loaded with experimental \"Long-Endurance\" Dust
ammunition, tossing the spent magazine away. She rise from her cover, scanning her
area for hostiles as two KVA grunts rushed up to her._\n\n_With the grunts running
up to her, Blake fires rounds downrange at the two as the experimental rounds
penetrated clean through their armor, killing them. Having took down the enemies A
captured Atlesian IFV arrives as it launches unguided rockets at her, forcing her
to withdraw._\n\n_Gift takes aim with the Typewriter and fired away at another
Griffon, tearing much of its flesh away as Ruby flew through the air homing in on
the unfortunate Grimm, now close enough for a strike she swings Crescent Rose down
on its bullet-ridden body cutting it in half. Killing the monster._\n\n_Still using
her Semblance, Ruby's Focus alerted her to an incoming gunship. With the alert, she
flew over to Weiss, picking her up._","te":1566660081751},"614841025390968833":
{"u":0,"t":1566659923647,"m":":mph: Where are you taking
me?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> See that gunship? We're taking it.\n\n_All
Sandman could do was to watch Ruby and Weiss take to the sky, their bodies turned
into one amalgamated twirling ball of red and white streaks headed a Warden
gunship. As he watched, however, Grinch slaps him out of his trance, dragging the
master sergeant to cover._\n\nGrinch: Hey! We're here to kill those freaks, not to
watch these girls fight!\n\n_Sandman responds by slapping Grinch in return, now
having slapped his teammate in return he takes aim on his M4 and fired three well-
placed bursts at an enemy AST's rocket pod, detonating the pod and destroying the
mecha._\n\nGrinch: KVA armor incoming!\n\nTruck: Take cover! Take cover!\n\n_Before
Yang could react to an incoming APC, Frost takes out the truck gunner as its driver
begins to sway, trying to dodge Frost returning fire at the gunner. As she jumps in
to take the truck down, Blake activates her recently rebuilt Gambol
Shroud's \"Superheated Penetrator\" mode causing the sword blade to glow bright
blue. With Gambol Shroud now in its sword configuration she throws it at the
vehicle's roof armor, sending the superheated blade through the armor, impaling the
driver through his head, killing him._","te":1570705149722},"614842275515858944":
{"u":1,"t":1566660221700,"m":"Gift - I'm on it, Chicago Switch to explosive
ammo."},"614844391512604743":{"u":0,"t":1566660726193,"m":"_Before Gift could
return fire, Yang intercepts the disabled IFV as she sends her prosthetic arm
flying at it, the arm then crashes against the IFV's external armor as the force
from its joint-mounted plasma boosters slows the vehicle down to a halt before
disappearing in a large explosion._\n\n_With the IFV taken care off, Yang proceeds
forward with Blake and Sandman's team as they continued to march down the street.
At the gunship, Ruby and Weiss latched on to the aircraft's tail thrusters,
clambering their way up to the cockipt. Now at the cockpit Ruby punches the
cockpit's glass windows clean, shattering it. With the cockpit window shattered
Ruby pushed herself in as she drove a throwing knife through the pilot's forehead,
taking his life._\n\n_With control of the gunship, Weiss pushes the dead pilot away
before kickng the gunner overboard, sending him down to a fiery death as he landed
on the burning IFV._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Okay, now
what?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We destroy this hunk of metal and
regroup.\n\n_Ruby removes an explosive Red Dust round from a spare magazine before
jamming it on a missile's exhaust nozzle. She then programs it to detonate as she
kicks Weiss overboard. Sending her down to the groun, screaming in
fear._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> THIS ISN'T PART OF THE PLAN,
RUBY!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _yelling back_ REGROUP WITH THE REST OF
OUR TEAM! i'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS SHIP!"},"614844813203996712":
{"u":0,"t":1566660826732,"m":"_With the round programmed to detonate, Ruby sends
the ship on autopilot, commanding it to fly towards a KVA-captured Atlesian T-740
hovertank. As the ship homes in on the tank Ruby disembarks from the smoking
gunship as she flew back down to the surface, flying over Riley's head before
landing right next to Weiss._"},"614845064509915137":
{"u":1,"t":1566660886648,"m":"Gift - (Telepath to Leon) Is that.... Programmed to
change type of ammo?"},"614848112174825492":{"u":0,"t":1566661613268,"m":"_From
Leon's position standing on the rooftop of a burger joint, he launches an anti-tank
missile at a Goliath as the behemoth ran up to intercept the warhead only to have
the missile air-burst right in front of it, showering the elephant-like monster
with caustic shrapnel._\n\nLeon: Experimental smart Dust rounds, courtesy of SDC's
Weapons Research division.\n\n_Ruby, now havin rejoined her team looks over to see
Jaune and Pyrrha take on a mutated King Tajitsu head-on with Jaune taking the he
monster's first head, stabbing Crocea Mors into its left eye while Pyrrha sends
indiscriminate slashes from Milo's Xiphos configuration at a wound it took from a
stray missile. As Jaune moves in for another attack the Tajitsu screams in agony as
Nora sends an earth-shattering blow on its body with the Magnhild's rocket-
boosters. Severing the giant, double-headed snake into two. Instantly killing
it,_\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _heavy breathing_ Just stay dead, will
you?!\n\n_With the Tajitsu taken care of, she joins her teammates as they all
regrouped on Team RWBY's position at the entrance to an office building. With the
party now regrouped they move on further down the street and into a vast clearing
riddled with the debris of what used to be the SDC's Weapons/Dust Procurement
Division headquarters._\n\n_At the sight of disabled weapon systems, Atlesian
Paladins and other carmaraderie Ruby groaned with
disappointment._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Aw, look at all the weapons we
could use...\n\n_The party then leaves the clearing as the they come to the
Willerman St. intersection, two Strykers, Fenrir and Menhir, and a small group of
Delta/Rangers join in from the left along with three soldiers from the Atlesian
Army's 33rd Heavy Infantry Regiment._\n\n_At this, Saandman raises a fist, stopping
the party from advancing._\n\nSandman: Friendlies! Hold your fire!\n\nTruck: That
means don't shoot 'em, Grinch.\n\nGrinch: No
- I will try to use this signal, ICE PICK. (whisper to Frost) If they know, they
will answer Phoenix."},"614849974248669194":{"u":0,"t":1566662057221,"m":"_As Gift
whispers to Frost, a gunner emerges the lead Stryker, yelling over to the
party._\n\nStryker Gunner: We're friendlies! No need for authentication!\n\n_With
the gunner identifying his convoy as friendlies the party stops as the lead Stryker
stopped to allow the party to restock themselves with ammunition. With the crates
of Mobile Field Armory units deployed Ruby quickly gathered ammunition for her
allies, Taking care to provide them with surplus ammo._\n\n_Still at the crates,
Ruby tosses Gift an MDL-4 grenade launcher as he took it, the launcher instantly
snapping onto his back._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Claire told me this
one's for you. It's a Smart Launcher,
{"u":1,"t":1566662396186,"m":"Gift - You mean infinite
Yup. Enjoy using that!\n\n_As the party finishes restocking themselves with
ammunition, the lead Stryker took off as it cleared a burning car off their path by
simply running over it. Ruby then gestured for her team to assemble as they
continue to advance towards the Atlesian Stock Exchange, unbeknownst to them, from
the sky, Cinder's Su-37 Terminator flew in close to the ground as she conducts a
visual recon for the KVA troops awaiting for the party within the stock exchange.
Taking enough care to not fly too close to the Strykers' anti-air APKWS rocket
pods._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> WSO, set scan range to one-fifty-six. Make
sure out targeting pod stays locked on Little Red.\n\n_All Neo did was to nod as
she activates the Terminator's targeting pod, commanding it to lock on Ruby's party
as it fed guidance data into three KAB-500L smart bombs for deployment._\n\n_On the
ground, as they move up Willerman St. they see the damaged Stock Exchange with
fires burning from the upper floors._\n\nSandman: Eyes on the Exchange! Dead
ahead!\n\nTruck: Roger, I see it!\n\n_As the Strykers and Ruby's party got close to
the Exchange, they are met by the sight of KVA hostiles and a pack of mutated Alpha
Beowolves. With the party in their sight the Beowolves opened fire with their
machineguns grafted into their shoulders. In return, Weiss defensively summons a
large azure blue glyph as it absorbs incoming rounds from the two Beowolves,
deflecting them back to the KVA
{"u":1,"t":1566663077906,"m":"Gift - Time to send them to hell. (Switch to Flame
Round."},"614854517850374146":{"u":1,"t":1566663140500,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1566742702028,"m":"Gift - This battle is getting
hot."},"615190712979554321":{"u":0,"t":1566743295665,"m":"_With more hostiles
incoming to intercept the party Gift readies up his Smart launcher, already having
loaded it with flame rounds. He aims down the launcher's targeting scope and fires
off a volley of guided smart grenades at the soldiers firing at him as the grenades
bursts into flames, engulfing the hostiles with fire. Forcing them to retreat. With
the soldiers succombing to the flames the parto moves forward as they continue to
advance towards the Exchange._\n\nGrinch: Contact front! Hostiles in the
open!\n\n_But before they can go any further, a formation of Winged Beringels
appears from the street ahead and fires down on the team using their arm-grafted
rocket launchers, taking out one of the Strykers and stoppin the party from
advancing any further._\n\nTruck: Heads up! Beringel incoming!\n\nSandman: Get off
the street! Go right! \n\n_With the hailstorm of unguided rockets fired down upon
them, Ruby and Riley looked at one another and nodded before taking to the sky with
their weapons raised high through the formation of flying Beringels. As they got
close the winged beasts began to fly away only to be caught in the two fighters'
flurry of indiscriminate slashes struck against any Beringel getting too close to
them._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Go right! C'mon, Gift, let's go!\n\n_Gift
stalls, causing Sandman to run over to him and dragging him along to a
pillbox._\n\nSandman: Gift, quit dragging ass! We gotta
- Roger that Metal."},"615192818922684655":{"u":0,"t":1566743797761,"m":"_With the
formation of winged Beringels taken care of, the two girls then regrouped with the
rest of the party as they quickly moves into the exchange's Eastward entrance.
Piling into the exchange's reception lounge._\n\nTruck: So what's the
gameplan?\n\n_With Leon coming in last, Ruby quickly shuts the door as stray Dust
bullets ricocheted off the metal platings._\n\nSandman: Same as before. We push to
the Council. Kill everyone there.\n\nGrinch: I like it."},"615194014257250359":
{"u":1,"t":1566744082751,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo Team, as sandman said we will
push forward to the Council, i hope your weapon ready.\nSargent Gift - Yep, Hand
cannon ready, I also got it from Leon.\nCaptain Gift - Yeah, and also this Powerful
weapon P.R.L 412, i will use it if there are too many enemy.\nCommander Gift -
(From command console) I will try to send reinforcement.\nGift - Alright Team, I
and Sarge will suppress enemy, Cap if enemy is too much, i will tell you.\nCaptain
Gift - Got it."},"615195250738331651":{"u":0,"t":1566744377551,"m":"_As the party
continued to remain within the recepton lounge Ruby's Focus projects a live
holofeed of a TV screen on her left broadcasting the news of the \"Battle For
Atlas.\" At this, Weiss angrily swipes Ruby's holofeed away, not wishing to watch
the broadcast._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Just turn the damn thing off, will
you?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _deactivating the feed_ Okay, okay!
Sheesh... \n\n_Gift, after rummaging through a crate of supplies found himself the
Hand Cannon revolver and an experimental Hard-Light Dust laser weapon system
prototype labeled \"P.R.L. 412-B\", satisfied with the loot he quickly integrates
the two weapons into his mobile inventory system as he joins the rest of the party.
The team moves up stairs, taking care to check every corner for cybernetically-
enhanced Grimm or KVA hostiles._\n\nSandman: Up the stairs! On me! Grinch, Truck,
hold here till my signal. Pyrrha, with me.\n\nGrinch:
Rog'.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Copy, moving.\n\n_Pyrrha moves up the stairs,
joining Sandman as she and him took the lead in guiding the party up the stairs.
They move up the stairs and come to a door at the end of the hall. Sandman kicks
open the door, sending the already battered door flying off its
hinges._\n\nSandman: Let's keep moving!","te":1566744394660},"615195735146758171":
{"u":1,"t":1566744493043,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo Team, Cover Team
Metal.\nCaptain/Sargent Gift - Roger."},"615197760504856588":
{"u":0,"t":1566744975926,"m":"_Jaune, now ordered to stay behind with Nora and Ren
then moved down the stairs as they set up claymores and \"Bouncing Betty\" anti-
personnel mines along the stairs before moving up to join the rest of their
teammates above them._\n\n_Traling after Jaune's team are two Spetznaz squads
hastilly running up the stairs past Sandman as they piled into the breached
hall._\n\n_As they move up a pile of rubble Pyrrha aimed down the sight of Milo's
rifle form as her targeting scope alerted her to hostiles within the building.
Having detected the hostiles she unclips a threat grenade from her LBE before
tossing it down the hall as the grenade highlighted KVA soldiers within the
hall._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Threat grenade
out!\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> I see hostiles, dead ahead! Twelve
o'clock!"},"615198013333176333":{"u":1,"t":1566745036205,"m":"Gift - Soap, Use your
sniper to support Team metal."},"615200461279985755":
{"u":0,"t":1566745619841,"m":"Soap: Roger, firing.\n\n_From the upper balcony Soap
and Yuri took aim with their Mk12 Spr, opening fire down on the KVA soldiers hiding
behind piles of rubble, driving them out of their covers._\n\n_With their cover
blown, the KVA soldiers sprung to their feet as they opened fire at the party only
to be met by three large fireballs sent from Yang's twin Ember Celica gauntlets,
decimating much of the hostiles. With most of the KVA soldiers downed Team Metal
soon began to push up thehall as they firedi their weapons into piles of rubble,
forcing more soldiers to flee and be met by rains of bullets, sending them to their
inevitable demise._\n\n_Jaune, with his shield up high braced himself against a
hostile gunner's PKM fire until getting close enough to the gunner and knocking him
down by ramming his shield at him. Seen behind him are Riley, Gift, Ruby, and Weiss
pushing up to Sandman's position as they cleared out hostiles along their way. As
they come up to another junction they take out a couple of KVA soldiers on top.
Finally putting an end to the KVA's foothold within the Atlas International
Exchange Hub._\n\n_Before the party could advance, a captured ADFX-01 Morgan flew
in close only to crash against a support pylon, creating a large impact crater
behind the party as the unfortunate fighter crashed into the ground._\n\nSandman:
Threat, 12 o'clock high!"},"615200468926464003":{"u":0,"t":1566745621664,"m":"_With
the Morgan down an F-35 flies in on VTOL as Frost moves past the hovering jet and
takes out a couple more KVA behind a couch. Frost follows Sandman through the hall
and down a set of stairs to find much of his allies waiting for them at a breached
wall._\n\nSandman: Grinch, Truck, tighten up. Maintain the timeline, we need to hit
the Council.\n\n_At the bottom of the stairs, Sandman hears muffled KVa comms
coming from the other side of the door. At this, Weiss quickly ran up to him,
stacking right next to it as she unclips a Nine-banger from her hip pouch, ready to
throw._\n\nSandman: Multiple voices, alley behind the door. Weiss, toss a nine-
banger.\n\n_Sandman slowly opens the door as Weiss tosses a 9-bang into the alley,
a device similar to the Flashbang, but explodes in a series of nine small bursts.
The 9-bang blinds and disorients the KVA as Ruby, Jaune and Pyrrha rushed in to
flush out the soldiers._\n\nSandman: Move! Move!\n\n_The party moves in to find
Ruby stabbing a KVA soldier in the throat, ending his life. She then tosses the
dead man away at a wall, his body crashing against it with a sickening
crush._"},"615200951707369472":{"u":1,"t":1566745736768,"m":"Gift - Metal 0-1 What
your status?"},"615204488495628317":{"u":0,"t":1566746580004,"m":"Sandman: Alley's
clear.\n\n_He turns to Gift, eyeing his fellow buddy wearing nothing but a tuxedo
and a fedora into battle before turniing away._\n\nSandman: This route
should takes us back onto Willerman Street.. Council's not far. Watch the windows
and doors - double-check the shadows. And keep your eyes peeled for Grimm.\n\n_The
team moves up the stairs, finally reaching the top floor. Yang kicks the door open
and ran to the outside finding herself standing in the middle of the
street._\n\nGrinch: Truck, you getting anything on your comms?\n\nTruck: Nothing
but KVA sitreps. Friendly Atlesian comms are still dark.\n\n_The party soon come
out to the street as they all gathered around, staring into the distance over to
the Government Council. Behind them, an Arsenal Bird flies into view, its wings
empty of all drones and missile batteries barren of anti-air missiles._\n\nSandman:
Hold up. Quiet.\n\n_Ruby freezes in her track as her teammates followed suit, soon,
the entire party stops as they all stood in combat poses, their weapons at the
ready._\n\nGrinch: Shooters and Grimm in the building up ahead. Switch 'em
off?\n\nSandman: Roger that.\n\n_Stealthily the party move up on the building ahead
of them, infiltrating the building as they made their wau up the second floor and
begin engaging KVA and Grimm below. From below a Nuckelavee tries to shoot its arms
up only to have the arms cut off clean by Ren's StormFlower as it is soon peppered
by Gift and Truck's rain of bullets from their guns with Gift firing away with the
Typewriter while Truck aimed for its weak spots with his
M4._"},"615204496582246414":{"u":0,"t":1566746581932,"m":"Sandman: Grinch, take up
overwatch while we clear the building!\n\nGrinch: I'm on it.\n\n_Sandman, Frost,
and Truck move downstairs. More KVA appear and enter the building through a hole in
the wall. Nora, having preprogrammed her remainin grenades to home in on the
hostiles took of her grenade belts before throwing them directly at a swarm of baby
Death Stalkers, taking them by surprise as the grenades soon exploded, decimating
the swarm._\n\nSandman: Contact! Take cover! Frost, throw some frags!\n\n_Frost
tosses a frag grenade at Pyrrha, who deflects it with Akouo, sending it at a
Griffon as the grenade detonates, taking out several enemies and forcing the
Griffon into retreat. The party soon clear the building of hostiles._\n\nSandman:
Head north to the street! Go!"},"615204990822383649":
{"u":1,"t":1566746699768,"m":"Gift - Sandman, How many
contact?"},"615207447010738186":{"u":1,"t":1566747285369,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
now)"},"615207456720683139":{"u":0,"t":1566747287684,"m":"_Before Gift could get
his answer a group of Delta come in from the right, followed by an Atlesian armor
convoy._\n\nSandman: Hold fire! Rigel team approaching!\n\n_Sandman joins up with
an Atlesian Paladin named Grizzly. Team RWBY then splits up as they join up with a
T-740 hover tank named Hellbringer while Team JNPR is seen riding on top of an Arma
Gigas' left palm summoned by Weiss._\n\nSandman: Anybody hit?\n\nGrizzly: We're
good! What's your status?\n\n_Riley yells over to Grizzly as she continues to
provide overwatch for the convoy from the sky above them._\n\nRiley: We're doing
good on ammy, gonna need some more firepower down our way.\n\nSandman: What's the
sit-rep on mid-town?\n\nGrizzly: The KVA have it locked down. They're kicking our
ass! We can't get through! Grimm's bearing down on our downed troops
too.\n\nSandman: Any word on air support?\n\nGrizzly: Still nothing! Atlesian
guidance systems are fucked up to hell. The only systems unaffected are the Osean
backup systems.\n\nSandman: Then let's move!\n\n_The convoy continues to move up
Willerman Street and encounter several KVA behind cover. From the sky, two Cyber-
Manticores fly into view only to be intercepted by a large formation of Stormbirds
and Glinthawks sent from Aloy's Machine Legion. As yet another engagement on the
ground begins between the KVA and Ruby's party. The Stormbirds in the sky continue
to lay waste into the Manticores, killing
{"u":1,"t":1566831175584,"m":"Gift - Alright Cap, ready?\nCaptain Gift - Charged
up, Ready to fire."},"615561523997442088":{"u":0,"t":1566831703901,"m":"_On the
ground, Gift readies up his man-portable laser system as Cap prepares to fire pen
flares up into the sky. Over at Team RWBY, with the Stormbirds assisting them in
pinning the Cyber-Manticores down on the ground Weiss reaches into her hip pouch
again. This time pulling out an entire rack's worth of Dust speedloaders and
tossing it at a Glinthawk, who picks ithe rack up by its beak before dropping it
over the two Manticores as it explodes into a brilliant display of Dust
discharges._\n\n_With the Manticores taken care of, the team pulls back from their
spot, returning to the convoy. As they moved on they continue to encounter more KVA
ans Grimm alike, however, with Aloy's machines bearing down on the armies of Grimm,
the KVA are left to fight on their own as a large team of soldiers piled into a gun
tower. At the sight of the hostiles retreating Nora and Frost withdrew their
weapons with Nora using Magnhild in its grenade launcher form while Frost uses an
XM-25A launcher._ \n\nSandman: They're dug in! Frost, get on the XM25 and flush 'em
out!\n\n_Frost takes aim with his XM25 and fired three airburst rounds into the
tower, followed by Nora's grenade barrage, destroying the tower's support
structures and causing it to topple over. Crushing the main gun platform and
killing all soldiers inside._\n\n_Over at Grinch's position, he spots another KVA
heavy armor convoy moving in from the alleyway behind a hospital, later tagged in
his HUD as MSF Memorial._\n\nGrinch: Contact! Memorial building to the
north!"},"615561762514796546":{"u":1,"t":1566831760768,"m":"Gift - Grinch, How many
contact?"},"615563888548904960":{"u":0,"t":1566832267654,"m":"Grinch: Two IFVs' a
heavy tank and an MRLS. Looks like... hold on, I see something coming after them!
It's the Valean Air Force!\n\n_As Grinch looked over to the convoy, seen giving
chase to the group of enemy armor are three Valean Air Force A-10 Thunderbolts
bearing down on the armor column. The A-10s then dived down onto the armor column
as they fired their cannons down at the column, taking down the IFVs and disabling
the heavy tank. The MRLS vehicle then swerved to the right before crashing against
a destroyed Stormbird as it disappeared into a large fireball._\n\nSandman: Target
building up ahead! Push forward!\n\n_Sandman points to the Council Building 's
entrance gate right in front of the team . At this, he uploads the feed from his
HUD for the rest of the team to see._\n\nSandman: Feed's up! Entry to the Council
is right in front of us!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You heard the man,
let's move! Move!\n\n_Ruby runs over to Blake, rallying her team together as Yang
and Weiss dismounts from a Nevermore, landing right next to her. They then team up
with Team JNPR, preparing themselves to storm the Council entryway. From the sky,
Riley flies right into the Council as she discharged beams of plasma energy at
anti-air emplacements on the Council rooftops, disabling them. With the AAA systems
disabled she flies back to Sandman, landing right in front of him._\n\nRiley:
Concil's clear from the outside, I got the triple-As down. Hostiles are dug up
inside the building.","te":1570704735429},"615564341617492023":
{"u":1,"t":1566832375674,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo Team, let's
go!"},"615567566374699018":{"u":0,"t":1566833144516,"m":"_As the party, alongside
the Atlesian convoy rallied up at the breached gate the snapping sounds of incoming
rounds are heard as KVA soldiers within the building ran to machine gun
emplacements on the balcony facing the Council courtyard. As the party find
themselves being fired upon, Ruby's combat dress soon begins to glow as she readies
up her integrated systems to further enhance her
Semblance._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I got an
idea!\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What is it?!\n\n_Ruby then looks over to the blips
of muzzle flash coming from the balcony before jumping out of her cover, exposing
herself to enemy fire as her aura begins to soak up incoming bullets. Hissing away
with every round hitting her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What is she
doing?! She's going to get herself killed!\n\n_Without further hesitation, Ruby
takes flight with her Semblance as she flew straight for the balcony at supersonic
speed. Leaving behind a large ring of shockwave marking her flight. Bearing close
to the balcony the KVA soldiers begin to concentrate fire at her only to have the
shots harmlessly phasing through her._"},"612689993722494996":
{"u":0,"t":1566147077733,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know... and I
forgive you.\n\n_Without second thoughts, Ruby pulls him in as she gave him a deep,
loving kiss on his lips._\n\n_With the touch of Ruby's lips meeting his, the tears
on Gift's heart are covered in light as they healed themselves to normal
conditions, casting a bright glow from his chest._\n\n_As the three girls kept
their arms locked around Gift, Blake reached over to Yang, tapping on her
prosthetic arm gasping for air as her chest pressed against Gift's
exosuit._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _gasping for air_ ...can't
breathe...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oh... right.\n\n_She lets go of Gift as
Weiss soon followed. Allowing Blake to breathe normally again. As the three got to
their feet, they are met with the sight of Gifr and Ruby giving one another a
kiss..._\n\n_From the far corner, the same surgeon who was knocked to the ground
earlier by Gift yelled from her spot over to the two._\n\nSurgeon Hailey: ARE YOU
{"u":1,"t":1566147198933,"m":"Gift - I have do what i must Hailey, as Their
Ugh, fine. Just don't cross-contaminate my operating table with your saliva.
\n\n_She leaves the operating room as Ruby got to her feet, extending her hand down
to Gift as he grabbed her hand, using it as leverage to pull himself up._\n\n_She
smiles at Gift as her DNI immediately cuts off its connection before more data from
Gift's DNI overwhelms her mindspace. At this, her eyebrows twitches slighy to the
sudden connection loss._\n\n_She helps Gift to his feet before walking for the
door. Now at the door she stops in front of it, turrned around and gave him a wink
before finally leaving the room with Weiss, Jaune and Riley walking after her.
Blake and Yang already having left the room to the mansion's office located in the
west wing._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>"},"612693003550720008":
{"u":1,"t":1566147795332,"m":"Gift - (Telepath to Ruby) Thank my sweet heart, to
make me know i'm not worthless."},"612694961602953226":
{"u":0,"t":1566148262168,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _telpathically_ Oh,
cut it out. I've heard you talking to Joel back in that Room of his.\n\n_She
continues to walk for the west wing as Jaune leaves her to Riley, running down the
stairs for the armory._\n\nRiley: _to herself_ Better make yourself worth that kiss
she gave you, Gift...\n\n_As Riley continues to walk her way to the west wing, she
finds herself stopped by a masked figure. The figure's voice masked with a
vocoder._\n\nMasked Figure: I don't mean to be rude, but is this the Schnee
Mansion?\n\n_Riley defensively stepped back as she withdraws Starfire Fury from
its scabbard, aiming the massive chain-railgun greatsword at the figure. Ruby
follows suit as she withdraws Crescent Rose in its rifle form, aiming down the
sights at the figure._\n\nRiley: Identify yourself or I will open fire!\n\n_From
the first floor, all activity whthin the mansion stops as everyone watched Riley
apprehend the mysterious masked figure._\n\n_From the stairs came an SDC security
team running up to Riley, their weapons at the ready with the lead man aiming his
Mk23DF SOCOM pistol at the figure, followed by four of his
{"u":1,"t":1566148402721,"m":"Gift - (Stare to the mirror to teleport to Joel room)
See? i have make everything right, also i think the crack in my heart have
recover."},"612696064251789333":{"u":0,"t":1566148525060,"m":"Joel: That's...
great. Want some coffee to go for some celebration?\n\n_Joel hands Gift another
steaming mug of coffee as Sebastian got up from his seat at a desk placed close to
the coffee machine._\n\nSebastian: I knew you'd do it. After all, all you needed
was just a kiss."},"612696246456418314":{"u":1,"t":1566148568501,"m":"Gift - That's
better more than suffering.","te":1566148580208},"612696870749470734":
{"u":1,"t":1566148717344,"m":"(After celebration)\nGift - I feel so sleepy, i need
some pillow, it almost midnight. (He don't know ruby have hear what he
{"u":0,"t":1566149076031,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _telepathically to
Gift_ Midnight? It's still 2100 at night though...\n\n_She activates her Focus
device as it displayed local Atlesian time to her, being six hours behind Remnant
Universal Time while still keeping aim at the masked figure._\n\n_Riley then
advanced closer to the figure with her greatsword still in its railgun
form._.\n\nRiley: I say again, stand down and identify yourself!\n\n_From Gift's
Focus came BT's avatar showing up on his holoscreen along with a live feed from
Ruby's Focus device._\n\nBT: General, we have a situatuon within the
mansion."},"612698787852582912":{"u":1,"t":1566149174417,"m":"Gift - Oh! My watch
stop working? Never mind, I'll be there. (Stare to mirror for teleport to Riley)
What going on?"},"612701041741529097":{"u":0,"t":1566149711786,"m":"Riley: We've
got an intruder within mansion ground, SDC teams are on-site to apprehend whoever's
behind that mask.\n\n_Riley puts Starfire Fury back to its scabbard as Ruby folds
Crsscent Rose back to its compact form as the SDC security team apprehended the
figure, taking her away to a brig. All that's left of the SDC team was Pavel,
standing next to Riley._\n\nSSgt. Pavel: That freako sounded like someone badly
pissed them off. By the way, I'm staff sergeant Pavel Gorbachev, 13th Earthborne
Mercenary Division, 4th Quick Reaction Regiment. Schnee Dust Company. I take it
that you are--\n\n_Riley cuts him off. Preventing further comments._\n\nRiley:
Commander Andersen, 146th Deep Space Interdiction Squadron, North American Sector.
U.S. Air Force. \n\n_The two then stare at Gift, havung arrived right after the
figure was apprehended. With his appearance came Riley slow-clapping him, mocking
his late arrival._\n\nRiley: Don't tell me you're still drunk from Ruby's kiss,
Gift. That figure's been taken to the brig, will be interrogated in three hours
from now.","te":1566149759560},"612701422978465821":
{"u":1,"t":1566149802680,"m":"Gift - Oh! I'm sorry, General Gift, Task force 141
leader."},"612701734086901811":{"u":0,"t":1566149876854,"m":"_Gorbachev then
salutes Gift before running after his squadmates. Leaving Gift to Ruby and
Riley_\n\n(I'm gonna rest now, will continue later)"},"612701900638388226":
{"u":1,"t":1566227624056,"m":"Gift - and if you ask about that, Yes, that's the
good feeling which hard to find."},"613029154912337926":
{"u":0,"t":1566227940062,"m":"_Riley playfully punched at Gift's exosuit as he
reeled back, avoiding the punch._\n\nRiley: Sounds like she gave you a good one,
huh? \n\n_With the figure apprehended and taken away, all activity within the
mansion's main hall resumes as personnel and troops went back to their tasks at
hand. While the two are standing at the stairs, their radios beeped, alerting them
to a situational update._\n\n_Gift touches the earpiece in his right ear as Riley
tuned in on her Focus. Both of them listening for whatever their devices has to
update them with._\n\n_As they listened to their respecrive radios, Ruby's voice
came through their radios. Her sharp voice coming clear from the speakers in their
devices._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo 1-1 to Atlas 6-2 and
Bravo 6, requesting personnel support at detention zone Alpha-3, East Wing. How
copy, over?","te":1566228016727},"613029383015497770":
{"u":1,"t":1566227994446,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6, on my
way."},"613030740204060703":{"u":1,"t":1566228318025,"m":"(I'm gonna rest, sorry i
can't stay this long.)"},"613030971637366805":
{"u":0,"t":1566228373203,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Romeo copies all.
Out.\n\n_Riley puts her hand away from her Focus as she began to run for the East
Wing._\n\nRiley: C'mon! East wing's not far.\n\n_She takes off for Ruby's position
as her Focus outlined a path on the floor as she ran. Gift then took to his feet as
he followed Riley's holoprojection on the floor. Running for the east wing as
well._\n\n_At the detention unit in the mansion's east wing. Jaune, Ren and Nora
presented their Scrolls as a guard permitted them entry to the detention zone, now
having entered the vast underground hall lined with rows of cells and interrogation
rooms. They are greeted by Penny and Ruby, the two girls leaning on a water cooler
waiting for Jaune and his frends._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You're late,
Jaune. Get to cell C302, it's where she's staying.\n\n(It's okay, we'll continue
{"u":1,"t":1566401499243,"m":"Gift - Are we late?"},"613758925656817674":
{"u":0,"t":1566401930966,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yep, she's moved to
cell C302 at sublevel 32.\n\n_She activates her Focus' radio, replying to
Gift._\n\nRiley: Is this \"she\" the figure those SDC guys took in at the
mansion?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Can't deny that, Riley. It's
her.\n\n_From the hallway leading to the detention zone entrance gate came Gift and
Riley running for the open gate. They both kept running until they reach the
entrance gate checkpoint where they are stopped by a guard standing in front of the
gate._\n\nPvt. Sorenson: Hold it, sir! We need to check your clearance.\n\n_Now
stopped by the guard, Riley pulls a pendant out from her combat suit's collar,
presenting it to Sorenson. Gift does the same as he presented Sorenson with an SAS
badge._\n\n_With their proofs of identity and clearance given, Sorenson nodded
before swiping a gesture at the seeker unit above the gate as the holographic
caution symbol turned blue before disappearing. Permitting them entry._\n\nPvt.
Sorenson: You're to go right in. Miss Rose will be waiting for you at the
accommodation deck."},"613759216062038027":{"u":1,"t":1566402000204,"m":"Gift -
Alright let....(Yawn)"},"613761210210582558":{"u":0,"t":1566402475646,"m":"Riley:
Really? After _fifteen_ cans of Battery energy drinks?! REALLY? Ugh...\n\n_As Gift
yawned, Riley rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm before dragging him into the
detention zone. Unbeknownst to her, Sorenson had fired a tranquilizer dart into
Gift's back as he walked into the gate. Now past the gate the two are then lead
past a firing range, where prisoners are then shot to death much to Riley's
dismay._\n\nRiley: Damn, all those prisoners could've been turned to penal
units...\n\n_As they continue their entry into the detention zone past a holding
cell where prisoners are held sedated in rows of small square boxes. Further down
the vast hall they take a left to a door where they are greted by Ruby, standing
just right above an observation mezzanine._\n\n_With Riley in sight, Ruby calls out
to her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Psst! Riley, over here!\n\n_She then
ran down the stairs, skipping steps until she reached the gorund floor. Now having
made it to the groun floor she smiled briefly before
eyeing Gift down, finding him fast asleep._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Wait, what happened to him?\n\nRiley: No idea, he just... dozed
off."},"613761607805435915":{"u":1,"t":1566402570440,"m":"Sargent Gift - He just
tried after this long day, Yare Yare I will bring him to his room to
rest."},"613763728504258585":{"u":0,"t":1566403076054,"m":"Riley: Fine, he's all
yours. I'll stream my POV to him.\n\n_With Sarge coming to his clones's rescue
Riley and Ruby then took off for the holding cell where the masked intruder is held
captive, walking into yet another vast hall lined with rows of holding cells,
interrogation rooms and firing chambers._\n\n_As the two continued their trek
through the vast hall to their destination, Ruby looks to her back, feeling
suspicion. Having found nothing worthy of suspect she turns herattention back to
leading her commander to Interrogation Cell C-302, where the intruder is held.
After walking for ten minutes straight the two finally arrive at the interrogation
cell as a guard sprung to his feet, waking up from his slumber._\n\nPvt. Nikita:
Ma'am! Sorry, I uh... you two are to go right in.\n\n_Riley allowed herself a smile
as she waved Nikita away._\n\nRiley: It's fine, at least you're getting yourself
some rest.\n\n_The cell door opens as the masked intruder is seen sitting on a
chair, Riley enters the cell first followed by Ruby, who turned around and closed
the door before joining Riley at the table where the intruder is sitting at, now at
the table Riley puts her hans down on the cold steel table, staring through the
intruder's mask._\n\nRiley: So, care to tell us who you are? Since your records
already showed where you came from and your place of birth. But somehow your name
is redacted...\n\n_The intruder stares Riley down, refusing to
{"u":0,"t":1566403632601,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"614469430075981835":
{"u":1,"t":1566571895118,"m":"Captain Gift - What happen with Gift?\nSargent Gift -
He is tried from this day.\nCaptain Gift - I hear that they are trying to get the
information from that intruder, i will go.\nSargent Gift - Got it.\n(After Captain
have gone)\nSargent Gift - I know you want to stay with Ruby.\nGift - Yeah, but i
have some thing to prepare.\nSargent see Gift's tommy gun\nSargent Gift - Is
that.....\nGift - Yes, Chicago typewriter, Leon have give this to me, i just want
to make sure that it ready for battle.\nSargent Gift - As you
will."},"614473925744656391":{"u":0,"t":1566572400271,"m":"_At the interrogation
cell, the intruder continues to stare Riley down before turning away from her,
staring off into space instead. Riley gets up from her chair and from her holster
she withdrew her standard issue M17 pistol out, twirling it in her hand._\n\nRiley:
Staying silent won't help me know who you are, hell, your records are clean. You
studied at Beacon and... wait. Are you...?\n\n_Riley drops the pistol, letting it
clang against the metal floor as she came up to a shocking conclusion. Recalling
her memories from the Fall of Beacon. At this, the \"intruder\" tapped at a button
on her helmet as it collasped into her gorget. Revealing her true
identity._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _sighing_ Now you know. I--\n\nRiley:
How...? I, uh, HOW?!\n\n_Riley, trying her best to remain her composure stammered
through her words as her mind begins to overflow with memories from the Fall.
However, Ruby, standing in the far corner of the cell is seen sobbing into her
knees._\n\n_Outside the cell, Nikita, annoyed by the sounds of Ruby's sobs opened
the door to the cell to find Pyrrha embracing Riley and Ruby, kneeling on the
floor. At this sudden revelation he smashed an alarm button as the entire floor
turns red while an alarm siren begins to wail. Echoing its high-pitched wails
within the floor._","te":1566572450901},"614475310322417675":
{"u":1,"t":1566572825180,"m":"Gift - Alert alarm, i must go.\nSargent Gift - Wait
but you say......\nGift - I will told her i have drink coffee.(Equip Chicago
{"u":0,"t":1566573350261,"m":"_Gift, awaken by the alarm sprung from his bunk bed
as he jumped down from it, landing on the floor. He then gets on his feet and took
off for the detention zone, brushing his way past bewildered personnel and soldiers
alike._\n\n_At the interrogation cell, the three girls are now standing on their
feet and outside the cell, making their way up the underground prison sublevels and
onto the surface. Emerging from an elevator. Now up on the surface Pyrrha stepped
forward only to be stopped by a team of elite SDC Security forces aiming their Dust
rifles at her._\n\nSDC Sec soldier #1: FREEZE! ON YOUR KNEES, NOW!\n\n_At the
sudden act of hostility Pyrrha freezes on her track,
shocked._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Wait, I'm not--\n\n_The same soldier
steps closer to her, his rifle still aimed at her head._\n\nSDC Sec Soldier #1: I
said... ON. YOUR. GODDAMN. KNEES!\n\n_With Pyrrha held at gunpoint, she remains
stuck in her spot as Riley and Ruby are also held back from helping her by another
SDC Security team. From the mezzanine, Weiss, Blake and Yang are seen staring down
onto Pyrrha with their faces expressing total confusion and
shock._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> How is she even
alive?!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _shocked speechless_
\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _sharing similar expressions with Blake._\n\n_From
an entry to the elevator access hallway came Jaune, Nora and Ren. The three of them
being summoned by the same team of security soldiers holding Pyrrha, Ruby and Riley
at gunpoin._"},"614478297522241543":{"u":1,"t":1566573442584,"m":"Gift - How did i
forgot. (Wear Mafia Outfit) Perfect! now let's go!\n(Thinking to himself) I hope
Ruby will like this look.","te":1566573493334},"614480786091147274":
{"u":0,"t":1566574035905,"m":"_After half an hour of brushing his way past
onlookers and teams of combat personnel, Gift finally arrives at the underground
access elevator finding Riley and Ruby held at gunpoint, however, he fails to
notice Pyrrha standing in the middle of the teams of SDC Security soldiers._\n\n_As
Jaune pushed his way through the crowd, he finally reaches the empty space in the
middle of the sea of personnel to find his fallen teammate being held at gunpoint
standing before him. And with a glance into each other's eyes came tears streaking
down on Jaune's cheek. Crying._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Am I... dreaming?!
Is this really you?!?\n\n_Pyrrha tearfully replies to him, wiping her tears awat
with her gloved hands despite the soldier holding her at gunpoint. Behind him, Nora
and Ren are seen walking closer to the soldier as others moved away from their
path._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> It's me, Jaune. I--\n\n_She pauses, taking a
deep breath._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I'm here.\n\n_The soldiers then moved
away from the two as they lowered their rifles down before disappearing into the
onlooking crowd as they got even closer._\n\n_At Jacques' office, Winter watches
the two in surprise, not expecting such events, she continues to stare into the
monitor as she watched Jaune and Pyrrha embrace one another
passionately._\n\nWinter: So she really isn't gone..."},"614481942490120195":
{"u":1,"t":1566574311612,"m":"Gift - SDC, Low your weapon
NOW!"},"614483772737585163":{"u":0,"t":1566574747977,"m":"_Gift aims the Chicago
Typewriter at the soldier keeping his aim on the two. Forcing him to lower his
weapon._\n\nSDC Sec Soldier: Roger...\n\n_With his weapon lowered, he stood and
watched as Jaune, now reunited with Pyrrha contined their much-yearned embrace
until someone coughed from within the crowd. Stopping them. The crowd part ways as
Soap, Price and Yuri walked into the circle created by the team of SDC security
forces._\n\n_With his presence, Jaune quickly lets go of Pyrrha before saluting
Price, only to be stopped by Price himself._\n\nPrice: No, formality isn't needed
when we're not fighting. \n\n_He stares at Pyrrha before averting his gaze tp
Jaune, patting him on the back._\n\nPrice: I'm happy for you, son. \n\n_He leaves
the circle walking into the crowd. From amongst the crowd came a man's yelling over
to Pyrrha followed by Sgt. Foley's team running for her through the crowd._\n\nSDC
Personnel: Somebody get this girl a place in this FOB!\n\n_With his yell, the crowd
quickly disappeared as the onlooking personnel returned to their tasks as Foley's
team arrived on time._"},"614484267384438795":{"u":1,"t":1566574865910,"m":"Gift -
Hey Ruby, How do i look with this outfit?"},"614486308143890442":
{"u":0,"t":1566575352465,"m":"_Ruby, still wiping tears of joy with her right wrist
shot a glance at his outfit before turning
away._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You look great, but now's not the
time.\n\n_She walks over to Pyrrha, taking her by the hand as she lead her down the
hallway to the mansion's east wing where much of the crew quarters are. As they
trekked down the vast, bustling hallway Jaune quickly caught up to the two,
followed by Riley, Blake, Yang, Nora, Ren, and Gift. Seen ahead of them is Weiss,
running for the east wing, leading a team of escort personnel to the wing while
tasking them with instructions._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _speaking to a
personnel_ Now, I need the east wing clean, not spotlessly clean but clean enough
to accommodate her.\n\n_The personnel nods before turning to his coworker who came
up to Weiss with a pad of notes in his hands._\n\nPvt. Davidson: What are my
orders, ma'am?\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Make sure the east wing remains on
moderate security at all times, personnel changes are to be
logged by each rotation, I want your team to keep an eye out for... Hold
on.\n\n_Weiss activates her Scroll as it showed Cinder's information out for
Davidson to see._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> She is an HVT on escape, you are to
keep watch for her presence around the wing and report to CentCom right away if any
traces of her presence is here!\n\n_Davidson simply nodded as he took off for his
team, leaving Weiss behind. Now at the entrance to the east wing, she stops at a a
checkpoint waiting for the rest of her teammates to catch
up._","te":1566575402558},"614487497950363795":{"u":1,"t":1566575636137,"m":"Gift -
I know Ruby, it not a time, but i seen this..... That remind me that
time."},"614488686460928011":{"u":0,"t":1566575919500,"m":"_Ruby turns around to
Gift, frowning at him angrily._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Of what?!
Beacon? \n\n_Realizing that she had been allowing her emotions to get the best of
her, Ruby calms herself down, taking a deep breath. Now having regained control of
her emotions she managed to put up a smile for her brother to
see._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know, it still hurts. But she's here
now.\n\n_She walks away from him for the checkpoint, turning back to him with a
smile on her face._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Let's get Pyrrha a room for
herself.\n\n_At this, Pyrrha interrupts her, rushing over to
Gift._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I could stay in Jaune's quarters, it's what
he would've wanted after all."},"614490824473837629":
{"u":1,"t":1566576429242,"m":"Gift - Let back to our room, Wait! Where my
{"u":0,"t":1566576909838,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Right here, you dropped
it.\n\n_Pyrrha hands him his fedora before walking into the checkpoint. Now past
the checkpoint she continues to proceed further down the pathway leading to the
east wing's crew quarters._\n\n_Gift wears his fedora before joining Riley and the
rest of the party on their walk down to their respective quarters until the
distinctive whistle of incoming mortar rounds is heard as the quarter hall turns
red as alarm strobes flashed their lights._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
What's going on?!\n\n_Remembering her training, Ruby withdrew Crescent Rose as it
unfolds into its scythe form while Riley conjures the CV-3M \"Arthur\" conductive
Dust-channeling claymore/railgun as it unfolds into its claymore form, the blade
sparkling with plasma energy while Pyrrha withdrew Milo and Akouo, with Milo in its
Xiphos form and the shield at the ready._\n\n_Still at the checkpoint, Weiss,
Blake, and Yang engaged their respective weapons as they, too, stood at the ready
alongside Nora and Ren. Failing to take notice of Jaune standing with Pyrrha, side-
to-side._\n\n_As the party stood at the ready, the east wing begins to shake as the
first waves of incoming KVA mortar rounds impacted the mansion's protective APS
- Damn, Everyone Get to the battle station, Ruby don't worry about my ammo it have
special modify, and it is infinity ammo."},"614496223805702180":
{"u":0,"t":1566577716543,"m":"_As the mortar impacts continue to ram against the
APS dome shield, it begins to flicker as the party's Focus devices are updated with
a live feed of one of the Arsenal Birds on orbit being bombarded with incoming
hostile Grimm._\n\n:Announcer: Warning, APS integrity below fifty percent, all
units engage to battle stations! \n\n_And with the final fireball from a formation
of Sphinxs came the Enduring Revenge's inevitable plummet to the ground as the
Arsenal Bird's APS dome is destroyed by a KVA Warden airship crahsing against it.
Disrupting its power supply to the shield as the APS dome flickered before fading
away. Causing another incoming wave of mortar rounds to impact the mansion's
courtyards._\n\n_As Ruby and the rest of her party stood on guard, a portion of the
east wing becomes demolished as a mortar round penetrated the roof and landed prior
to detonation. With the mortar round landing on the floor Weiss summons blue glyphs
on it, freezing the warhead to the point of
fracturing._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I got the warhead, let's get to
the courtyard!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> GET OUT OF HERE, MOVE!\n\n_She
takes to her feet, running for the locked checkpoint. Now at the checkpoint she
engages Crecent Rose's plasma coating system as she slashed away the gate with
ease. Allowing the party to move out along with the rest of the remaining
personnel within the wing._"},"614497015706943508":
{"u":1,"t":1566577905347,"m":"Gift - Sarge, is that.....\nSargent Gift - Yes R.P.D
Vest, I wear it for this time.\nGift - Let go!"},"614498114119925770":
{"u":0,"t":1566578167229,"m":"_From Earth, the U.S. Department of Defense accesses
InterSys.Sat Systems and tracks the Schnee Mansio from their inter-system network,
seen on the feed is a friendly Atlesian X-02S Strike Wyvern under fire from a
winged Beringel._.\n\nPilot: This is Lightning 1-1 in the blind. We're hit, we're
hit!\n\n_An Inter-System satellite tracks the Schnee Mansion under attack as
Overlord overwatches the operation from U.S. Central Command, surrounded by his
subordinates in the main War Room._\n\nOverlord: What's the sitrep on
Atlas?\n\nBattle Captain: The KVA jamming rigs have neutralized their air support.
As long as they maintain air dominance, it's a losing fight. Their APS systems are
down, rendering the entire kingdom under risk of invasion from Salem's
faction.\n\n_At this, Overlord slams his fist down on his
workstation._\n\nOverlord: We can NOT lose Atlas!\n\n_With a swipe on his
holoscreen the satellite scans and searches the Mansion for available units,
including the 75th Rangers and 2nd Marines currently deployed on Atlas. He then
zooms in on Team RWBY's position within the East Wing._\n\nOverlord: Are there any
Special Mission Units in the area we can
{"u":1,"t":1566578262957,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6-1 Copy, Need a mission
objective."},"614499169142571048":{"u":0,"t":1566578418766,"m":"Overlord: Glad to
have you back in the Grid, Bravo. You are to lead your party to retake the Atlesian
Government Council located within the center of the flying kingdom. You will be
escorted by remaining assets of the Atlesian Marines."},"614499433916399616":
{"u":1,"t":1566578481893,"m":"Gift - Copy, No one can stop us, i will give them a
present, And that's a bullet."},"612313740339183682":
{"u":0,"t":1566057371936,"m":"Riley: Sure thing, gearing up for the never-coming
tram...\n\n_With the snap of a finger, Riley's combat suit disintegrates into fine
dust as it is replaced by her casual clothing, being a black tank top screned in
orange with \"WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER\" on it and a pair of
hotpants._\n\nRiley: I prefer going into battle this way rather than wearing those
clunky suits.\n\n_As the party waited, an empty tram piloted by an android arrives
at the platform. Slowing down to a screeching halt. With the tram stopped and its
doors open, the android driver shouts into his microphone._\n\nTram Driver: TRAM
\n\n_Ruby turns to her friends, her go-bag now slung on her two
shoulders._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Tram's here! Let's go!\n\n_She
enters the tram, making her way to the first row of empty seats as Weiss sat next
to her seat, followed by Blake and Yang. From the opposite site of the tram lies
Jaune and his teammates, sitting on a row far from theirs while Riley made herself
a spot on an empty, untaken seat as Gift found himself a seat next to the tram's
door._\n\nTram Driver: Seats are full, to the folks out there, I'm sorry. A new
tram will arrive in sixteen minutes tops.\n\n_The door hissed shut as the tram
driver pushed the throttle stick forward, sending the tram to its
destination._"},"612314352707567645":{"u":1,"t":1566057517936,"m":"Gift - (Radio
calling) Joel, if we have a time, we will talk about it
later."},"612317336954863616":{"u":0,"t":1566058229436,"m":"_From the medical
deck's radio came Joel's reply, his voice full of concern._\n\nLt. Joel: Fair
winds, sir. Also, if you can, do try and call up to my deck when you're
free.\n\n_He hangs up the call as he watched Gift's tram arrive at Deployment Deck
661, he shakes his head, muttering to himself._\n\nLt. Joel: What's it with Gift
and his failing heart...?\n\n_Now, at the deployment deck, Gift and his part depart
from the tram as they all headed for a C-210 Stratotransporter cargo jet, standing
by on an electromagnetic runway, its aft door ajar._\n\n_As Ruby and her friends
got close to the ship, two Air Force Security personnel got to their feet as they
saluted the party. At this, Ruby salutes them in return._\n\nSrA. Kimmel: Miss
Rose, you are to board this plane right away. Control has cleared up a safe path
clear of hostile fire for you. \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _smiling_
Thanks."},"612317344974372864":{"u":0,"t":1566058231348,"m":"_She turns to her
friends, finding them making their way inside the cargo jet's vast interior. As
they all settled down to their seats the aft door locks itself shut as the cargo
deck turns red momentarily before returning to its usual white. From the PA
speakers within the deck came the captain's announcement._\n\nCpt. Dave: This is
your favourite Captain Dave speaking. The flight to Atlas International Exchange
Hub will depart... now! Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for sudden
acceleration. Should you find the cargo deck ripping itself apart from enemy fire,
please do not worry, Your Light Energy infusions will save you from all forms of
damage, if you concentrate enough. for now, please enjoy your flight.\n\n_As Dave
finishes his announcement, he
turned to his copilot, both of them pushing tthe throttle stick to full thrust as
the cargo jet shook violently much to Weiss' chagrin,
again._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Not this again...\n\n_As the cargo jet's
engines come to full power, the lockdown clamps holding the jet in place detaches
as the electromagnetic catapult system forcefully dragged the jet forward at
breakneck speed. Combined with the engines on full thrust, the jet soon leaped into
the air, soaring into the clear blue sky._"},"612317791680331789":
{"u":1,"t":1566058337851,"m":"Gift - Ah! Here we go again."},"612321313083621402":
{"u":0,"t":1566059177419,"m":"_As the jet rocketed to the clear skies, it is then
surrounded by a formation of sixteen MQ-101X Phoenix drones providing them
protection from possible AAA threats on the surface of Atlas._\n\n_From the
cockpit, Daves then pushes his flight stick forward as he sends the 325-ton
superlifter cargo jet down towards the surface of Atlas at extreme speed. From
inside the cargo deck, Ruby and her friends held onto their seatbealts for their
life as the vibrations from the aerodynamic stress Dave has exerted upon the
frieght aircraft began to damage its overall structural integrity._\n\n_As he
continues the dive, the airfield finally comes into view as Dave fired the
superlifter's retrothrusters to full power, slowing the gigantic airlifter down to
stable speed as the excessive vibrations soon died down._\n\nCpt, Dave: To those in
the cargo deck, I'm sorry for putting you all through that, I got three Helios
launcher locking onto me so I had to do it on else you'd be HALO'ing to the Schnee
Mansion.\n\n_With the airfield now within approach, the escort drones broke away.
Now with the drones away from his airlifter Dave begins his final approach to the
airfield as he brings the jet down slowly with extreme caution. Taking enough care
to not bring the jet down on a puddle of molten snow._\n\n_As the first rows of
landing wheels touched the ground, the engines then bring themselves to full
reverse as they directed their thrust against the airlifter's direction. Slowing
the 325-ton heavy airlifter down to a smooth stop at the runway._\n\n_From the
cargo deck, much of Ruby's friends all remained in their seats in complete shock.
Trying to come to terms with what they'd went through._"},"612321597864542209":
{"u":1,"t":1566059245316,"m":"Gift - Sound like company."},"612323712347144201":
{"u":0,"t":1566059749448,"m":"_The aft door release themselves from their locks as
three Atlesian Air Force officers entered the cargo deck, freeing Ruby and her
friends from their seats. Among the three officers lies Tier-3 Specialist Winter
Schnee, overseeing her subordinates working on freeing the frightened students from
their seats._\n\nWinter: Welcome to Atlas, everyone. And, my sincere apologies for
the unnecessarily bumpu flight...\n\n_Riley, having freed herself from her
confinement within her seat glared at Winter with a dazed look. Binking her eyes
twice._\n\nRiley: Oh, you again...\n\n_She dazedly pulls herself up from the seat,
covering her mouth with her hands. Holding back whatever contents her stomach tries
to violently expel while looking around for a trash can. Ruby, now standing on her
feet inside the cargo deck showed similar conditions to Riley as she, too, tries to
force herself not to projectile vomit inside the already crammed cargo deck.
Bustling with ground crew and Atlas security
forces._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oh god, I'm not feeling so good... _hurgh-
_\n\n_He hunches over a bucket convieniently placed right next to his seat as his
stomach expelled whatever he has eaten while on the Retribution down into the
unfortunate receptacle. Filling it to the brim with an indescribable white-yellow
watery goo._"},"612323946775445530":{"u":1,"t":1566059805340,"m":"Gift - Long time
no see, since Beacon."},"612324627439419414":{"u":0,"t":1566059967623,"m":"_Over
Ruby's side, she is seen sticking her head out of the aircraft from an open window
as she, too followed through Jaune's steps. Spraying her vomit down onto a running
engine's exhaust as the indescribable goo is instantly atomized into fine mist from
the engine's sheer idle thrust._\n\n_Gift walks over to Winter, greeting the
specialist. She returns him the salute, looking over to Ruby's friends projectile
vomiting into whatever containers they can find in the cargo deck._\n\nWinter: It's
good to see you, too. How've you been? You went out of touch since the Fall. All I
heard from you were just mission reports..."},"612325070303526984":
{"u":1,"t":1566060073210,"m":"Gift - I have pass many thing since i am SAS
specialist."},"612326503081967645":{"u":0,"t":1566060414811,"m":"Winter: Save your
breath on bragging rights, Gift. When you're done watching over your students, a
ride will pick you all up to the Mansion. Just an hour ago before you arrived the
Atlesian Government Council declared a state of emergency thanks to a KVA chemical
attack. I'll update you when you're at the mansion, see you there.\n\n_She leaves
the cargo deck while her subordinates stayed. Providing help to Ruby and her
friends as they recover from effects of high-g despite their given energy
infusions._\n\nRiley: _walking over to Gift_ Time to get to the mansion, I'll just
heal them all to full health. Don't wanna waste these three dudes' time.\n\n_Riley
then raised her arms up as two balls of light conjured from within her palms as
beams of light branched out to Ruby, her friends, then to everyone within the cargo
jet's vicinity as she heals them all of their ailments back to full
health._"},"612327017630924802":{"u":1,"t":1566060537489,"m":"Commander Gift -
Okay, seem i'm back to my old mission area.\nGift - Still remember?\nCommander Gift
- Yes."},"612330608609198080":{"u":0,"t":1566061393645,"m":"_Now outside the cargo
jet, the party finds themselves standing in the middle of the vast runways of the
Atlas International Exchange Hub, the runways devoid of any aircraft activity save
for a few airships coming in to land._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So, this
is really Atlas.\n\n_Weiss, stressing over the fact that she had to return to the
place she had left behind lets out a sigh of stress. Blowing a cloud of steam from
her mouth as her warm breath cools down in the freezing air of
Atlas._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I'm just hoping that maybe... just maybe, my
father would be long gone by now.\n\n_She walks away from Ruby, leaving her behind.
With Weiss leaving her behind all Ruby did was to sigh, blowing another cloud of
steam into the cold air. Jaune walks up to her, hugging himself tight as he tries
to keep warm._","te":1566061407805},"612330621108224030":
{"u":0,"t":1566061396625,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm sure she's gonna be
alright. But this place is _really_ cold! And I mean it too!\n\n_The two then began
their walk into the exchange hub's terminal, following after their friends. Now
inside the terminal the internal heater fans installed within her combat dress
ceases to function as it sensed the heat within the terminal. Ruby rubs her hands,
warming them up._\n\n_Emerging from a kiosk came Riley, carrying with her four
supply crates labeled with the names of Team RWBY's members with each crate colour-
coded as well._\n\nRiley: Now that we have arrived in Atlas, the Atlesian Army's
Weapons Laboratory came up with new combat dresses made to withstand the cold of
Atlas, since your Light Energy infusions haven't fully kicked in yet except for
Ruby.\n\n_And with each delicate push of her right foot came the crates being
slided across the floor over to Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. With the crates given
to the girls, Riley tears away her old combat fatigue as a new one came to replace
the old. Being a teal blue fullbody combat suit made entirely out of mimetic
Rubinoalloy. The suit then begins to conform to Riley's body shape as various
weapon attachments materialized from the suit before fusing back to the suit
again._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> How did you even do THAT?!\n\nRiley:
It's the same metal that made up your dear Crescent Rose, Rubes. Your new combat
dress, too is made out of this metal. But you'll find out soon enough on your
suit AI - Upgrading Exo suit, Standby.\nGift - Great."},"612332462911258638":
{"u":0,"t":1566061835745,"m":"_Soon enough, Gift's exosuit begins to undergo a
series of radical upgrades to its components, being primarily the weapon systems
and the mobile armory subsytem._\n\n_As his exosuit whirred and clanked, more
upgrades begins to register into the suit's AI systems as well. With one such
system being \"Glory Kill Subsystem for Combat Proficiency\", and \"Immediate Time-
Reversal Module\"_\n\n_After waiting for the upgrades to finish, Gift's old suit
breaks free from his body as a new one took its place. Being an assault-specialist
combined-class exosuit. With the upgrades complete Gift stretches himself as the
upgrades begin to work on his body as well._"},"612332761360891965":
{"u":1,"t":1566061906901,"m":"Gift - Nice, no need to switch mode
anymore."},"612333266875318276":{"u":0,"t":1566062027425,"m":"_With the upgrades
complete, Gift proceeds forward as he, alongside Ruby and her friends made their
way to an APC convoy standing by outside the entrance to the Atlas exchange hub.
From the lead APC's driver door came the voice of... Deacon St. John._\n\nDeacon:
Hey, General! Thought you wouldn't make it here. Hop in! We're going for the
mansion."},"612333741494239234":{"u":1,"t":1566062140583,"m":"Gift - Hey! Long time
since Mt.Glenn."},"612334562550480916":{"u":0,"t":1566062336338,"m":"Deacon: It's
been quite a long damn time, actually. How come you get here to Atlas
- Ha! It a long story."},"612336293996789762":{"u":0,"t":1566062749147,"m":"_As
the two chatted, the party are brought to various parts of Atlas, finding much of
the buildings in pristine conditions despite the KVA attacks on the floating
city._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Winter's said the city was attacked, how
come there's no damage to it?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> That's because
much of the attacks are directed towards Mantle, not Atlas.\n\n_Ruby turns to
Blake, eager to know more._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So, Atlas remained
safe but Mantle takes all the attacks, why?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Lower defenses, poor protection, what else? The deliberate decision to use the
citizens of Mantle as human shields...\n\n_Upon the relevation, Ruby nodded in
understanding before turning away from Blake, resuming her gaze on the streets of
Atlas._"},"612336679063257212":{"u":1,"t":1566062840954,"m":"Gift - And that how we
are here, i must pass many thing before to stand in this
point."},"612339173940134112":{"u":0,"t":1566063435779,"m":"Deacon: Hate to break
it to you, but here we are. \n\n_Deacon brings the APC down to a halt as he stopped
right before the entrance gate to the Schnee Mansion, armed to the teeth with
tremendous amounts of weaponry._\n\n_Seen within the courtyard are columns of
randomly erected clusters of field resupplý depots, command and control units, SAR
gearing stations and more._\n\n_The entrance gate opens as two Atlesian guards
donning their AST combat suits permitted them entry into mansion grounds. With the
last of the convoy entering the mansion the gate hissed
shut._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> What the...\n\n_All Weiss could do was to
marvel over the impressive display of firepower and advanced weaponry shown before
her as the APC doors are opened. She peeks her head out to find the two Nubuck
Guards she had met back in Argus giving her a warm welcome._\n\nNubuck Guard 1:
Welcome\n\nNubuck Guard 2: To the glorious Kingdom of Atlas!\n\n_The two guards
then spoke in unison._\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: Allow us to assist with your
accommodation to the Schnee Mansion. Or, as we call it now; Forward Operations Base
Sierra. Sierra for Schnee, of course!","te":1566063463104},"612339620885037067":
{"u":1,"t":1566063542339,"m":"Gift - Don't worry Weiss, i know this suit, AST heavy
armor arm with machine gun and missile."},"612341704577515526":
{"u":0,"t":1566064039130,"m":"_Now out of the vehicle, Weiss stepped around the
courtyard cautiously as soldiers within the courtyard all laid thier eyes down on
her and her friends._\n\n_Ruby then walks up to her side, locking her right hand
with Weiss' in a tight grip._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Remember what I
said? That I'll never leave you alone?\n\n_Yang and Blake soon caught up to the two
as they, too walked side to side._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _winking_ Together
'til the end.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> To the end.\n\n_Weiss then
allowed herself a sigh of relief, clutching on Ruby's hand with hers as they
continued their walk up to a plastic tunnel blocked with an electronic
gate._\n\n_From the gate, the same guards that introduced themselves to the party
presented their keycards to the seeker unit above their heads as the gate slides
open, permitting them entry._","te":1566141902543},"612341925013487811":
{"u":1,"t":1566064091686,"m":"Gift - Those technology, i have seen it
before."},"612343388846686219":{"u":0,"t":1566064440691,"m":"_With the gate open,
Ruby and Weiss stepped into the tunnel first, followed by Yang and Blake then Riley
and Gift. The two of them being the last to make entry as the gate slides
shut._\n\n_Now inside the plastic tunnel the party are subjected to decontamination
procedures as per Atlesian wartime regulations._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
_yelling at a decon personnel_ EW! WHAT IS THIS?!\n\n_The decon personnel allowed
himself to a groan before hosing Weiss down with a stream of MassCon-B
decontamination foam._\n\n_After nearly an hour of decontamination Ruby stepped our
of the decontamination tunnel into the mansion's main hall. Finding herself
surrounded by officers, civilian volunteers, enlistees and
more._"},"612343501367017472":{"u":0,"t":1566064467518,"m":"(I gotta go now, will
continue later-)"},"612343602902990878":{"u":1,"t":1566064491726,"m":"(Sure
thing)"},"612668454297796608":{"u":1,"t":1566141942334,"m":"Gift - Joel, did you
see that old mirror? I will appear in front of that. (Looking though his old mirror
that teleport him to Joel room)"},"612669405221879808":
{"u":0,"t":1566142169052,"m":"_As he stares into the mirror, somehow appearing out
of thin air before him Gift finds himself inside Joel's 'room', being the
manifestation of Joel's mental safe space. He walks over to a desk, grabbed a chair
and sat down on it as he waited for Joel to manifest within the room._\n\n_The
mirror's light brightens as the sound of a door opening is heard, Joel, now inside
the Room walks down the hallway before making a right turn to meet Gift waiting for
him in the main office._\n\nLt. Joel: General, I wasn't expecting you
here...\n\n_As Joel finds himself a chair, a black cat emerged from a dark corner
within the main office, meowing loudly._\n\nLt. Joel: I'm not supposed to be here
either, but well, since you're here I've got news for you. Which one do you want to
hear? The bad news or the good news?"},"612669595907784724":
{"u":0,"t":1566142214515,"m":"_He reaches into his suit pocket as he picked out two
communicators, each devices painted in black and white
respectively._"},"612669919556927592":{"u":1,"t":1566142291679,"m":"Gift - Up to
you, after this we will talk about that, that question that i try to answer but
Ruby have come."},"612670771591905280":{"u":0,"t":1566142494820,"m":"_Joel then
placed the two communicatos down on the table, sliding them over to Gift._\n\nJoel:
Sorry, what was the question again? I was thinking about it when you breached
through my mindspace.\n\n_He scratched his hair, trying to recall the question he
had asked to himself earlier while on the Retribution. After multiple fruitless
attempts at recalling what he had asked Gift, he gives up. Letting his right hand
fall down on the table with a loud smack._\n\nJoel: I can't remember a damn
thing..."},"612671314997542944":{"u":1,"t":1566142624378,"m":"Gift - From check my
health, i told you that about psychology, and you ask \"Did someone broke up with
me?\""},"612672098816753699":{"u":0,"t":1566142811255,"m":"_With his forgotten
question repeated, Joel slaps himself in the face. Angered at his
forgetfulness._\n\nJoel: Ah, damn. Yeah, that was the question. But if you don't
want to answer that, it's fine.\n\n_He reaches over to a coffee maker, grabbing two
full mugs from it as he placed it down the table, taking enough care to not spill
out the first mug as he slid it over to Gift._\n\nJoel: _taking a sip from his mug_
I was just curious, I mean... you don't look like the kinda guy who'd love anyone.
No offense, though."},"612673236626571274":{"u":1,"t":1566143082530,"m":"Gift -
Anyway i must tell you (Some of this are Base from my real story), Many days that i
stay with team RWBY as Brother, i record everything that i do in everyday, from my
sight seem they ignored me, for some reason, that make me feel bad, after that i
have try to improve myself but there's nothing good, this pain is hard to recover,
not wound, Like i'm worthless in their sight, That's it.\n(He don't know that Ruby
have listen everything that Gift said)","te":1566143153036},"612675362660548608":
{"u":0,"t":1566143589416,"m":"_Outside Joel's Room placed within his mind space,
Ruby falls to the floor covering her ears, streams of tears running down her face
as waves of pain shot through her head as Gift's surge of emotions overloaded her
DNI interface._\n\n_Seen kneeling down next to her are Weiss, Jaune and Riley,
checking in on Ruby as Winter and Nora got to their feet running for a
medic._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ruby! Stay with me! \n\n_Weiss tugs at Ruby's
cloak, worsening the pain in Ruby's head as she swats her hand away. She reels back
and reached into her hip pouch, searching for a neurosuppressant
autoinjector._\n\n_In Joel's Room, Joel continues to listen to Gift venting his
mind out to him as the lamp above him flickered._\n\nJoel: Huh? That's... odd. To
be damn honest with you, General. I think your way of care is a bit too protective.
You've seen them fight for themselves before, but what they needed is someone they
can confide to, someone they can _talk_ to. Not just a guy armed with superpowers
whose only task is to steal kills."},"612675951116943368":
{"u":1,"t":1566143729715,"m":"Gift - Are you trying to tell me i'm not good? (His
tear come out from his eye) It's okay, i know it. (Ruby now can feel how hurt is
Gift got)"},"612678089213739044":{"u":0,"t":1566144239477,"m":"Joel: I'm not saying
that you're not good, you are the creme de la creme of Space United! But
emotionally you're a bit numb.\n\n_Outside the Room, in a hallway within the
mansion. Ruby is now surrounded by a team of medics as they lifted her up on a
stretcher._\n\nMedic #1: Operator Rose is locked, sending patient to Medical
now.\n\n_The medic then turns to Weiss as he handed her two neurosuppresant
injectors._\n\nMedic #1: She's undergoing an episode of extreme psychological
overload, those who can deal such pain on her must've had their DNI synced to her
somehow.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Is she going to be okay?\n\nMedic #1: She
won't until we remove the DNI out of her and recalibrate it with new parameters. Or
that someone with vitakinetic powers can heal her right this instant...\n\n_The
medic turns to Riley only to find her gone, at this, he lifted hid helmet visor up
in surprise._\n\nMedic #1: Huh... \n\n_As the first
medic tries to comprehend what had happened to Riley Jaune grabs him by the arm,
dragginh him over to Ruby, now lying on the stretcher bleeding from her
nose._\n\nMedic #2: We're ready to move her to Medical. \n\nMedic #1: Good, let's
move. Tell SurgOp they'll be dealing with a DNI case."},"612678548393820161":
{"u":1,"t":1566144348954,"m":"Gift - (Headache) AH!! Ruby, i will make it right, i
promise. (Stare to the mirror to teleport back to mansion.)"},"612680373876424751":
{"u":0,"t":1566144784183,"m":"Joel: Hey, wait!--\n\n_He tries to stop Gift from
leaving only to find the general disappearing into the blinding light. He retreats
to his chair, grabbed the mug and placed it back on the coffee machine, sighing to
himself._\n\nJoel: Damn it, I was gonna tell hem what he needs to do...\n\n_Back in
the Mansion, Gift teleports himself into the medical ward, finding himself eyeing
down the three medics carrying Ruby on a stretcher._\n\n_Over at the medics, they
lift Ruby up before placing her down on a surgical table as the surgical robot unit
unfolded its instrument arms. Ready for an operation procedure._\n\n_Gift quickly
ran over to the surgical table as he pushed a surgeon away from the surgical robot,
sending the unfortunate surgeon down sprawling on the floor as Weiss and Jaune
watched in awe. Behind them, the door to the surgical room opens as Yang ran
inside. Her eyes burning flames of anger._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What the
hell is going on here?! And what happened to Ruby!?"},"612682085165039650":
{"u":1,"t":1566145192186,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Everything i pass, at
first i don't know how to do, but i know little bit, i have lose many thing in my
life, my ailed, my friends, and now i will not lose anymore, i have suffer enough,
now it time to end this suffer and begin a better life. (Return to normal, he using
healing magic to bring Ruby back)\nI will end this suffering, and we will begin a
new life and better, Brother Promise from my heart that have much pain, i will be
anything that you want,(Crying) In the past, Brother know that i always do
everything wrong, but i promise i will make it right."},"612683038165303354":
{"u":0,"t":1566145419399,"m":"_As Yang ran up close to Gift with her prosthetic arm
raised high for a punch, she stepped back as Gift applied his vitakinetic powers on
Ruby, watching in awe as she witnessed her sister being healed almost
instantly._\n\n_Gift continues to apply vitakinetic beams onto Ruby as he went on
to clear her minds of tragic memories only to have Ruby herself wake up and grab
his hands, disrupting the streams of vitakinetic energy._\n\n_Ruby blinked her eyes
as she felt the effects of Gift's healing magic working on her. From there she
lowered his hands down before letting go._"},"612683946370662418":
{"u":0,"t":1566145635932,"m":"_As she let go of her hands, tears begin to roll down
her face as Ruby begins to cry, sobbing out loud for everyone within the room to
hear._"},"612684174783938613":{"u":1,"t":1566145690390,"m":"Gift - (Still crying)
Ruby, everything that you hear from that, is my real story, i'm sorry, (Down to
kneel) I have wrong from start, i know that can't be forgiven, Will you forgive me,
{"u":0,"t":1566146511957,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _between her sobs_
I...\n\n_She reached down to embrace him as her DNI once again drifted with Gift's,
this time not sending anything but simply creating an interconnecting mind
meld._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know that all the things you've done
for us was all from your love for us... You didn't do anything wrong, Gift. The
fault's on me. \n\n_She embraces him even
tighter._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I've looked over everything you've
done for me, for Weiss, Blake, and even Yang... It's all my fault,
really...\n\n_Yang begins to protest, only to be silenced by
Blake._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We know that you wanted to see us
safe from harm. And for that, we're grateful.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> And not
just that, you've done enough for us. Now it's time we return you the
favor.\n\n_Weiss begins to walk close to Gift, followed by Yang and Blake. They
soon surround themselves around Gift, locking him in._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
Group hug, everyone.\n\n_The three girls soon followed Ruby as they jlined her in
embracing Gift. Unbeknownst to him, as the three girls embraced him Ruby mived
herself closer as she gave him a light kiss on the cheek much to his
surprise._"},"612688268261064860":{"u":1,"t":1566146666351,"m":"Gift - (Sob on Ruby
left shoulder) No need to blame yourself, Ruby, Only if you understand me, that's
alright."},"611232984208506890":{"u":0,"t":1565799699595,"m":"_Nora notices Gift
wiping his eyes furtively, she gets up from her seat and with care she slowly drags
him back to the seats at the back of the airship._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
Sometimes it's better to not... y'know, do what you just did earlier. We'd just put
ourselves through this whole crazy fight and angering her isn't going to work. Just
let her do her thing, I'm sure she still needs you.\n\n_She pats him on the
shoulder._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Keep it tight, Gifty-
man!"},"611233576016412692":{"u":1,"t":1565799840693,"m":"Gift - Ha! I will, but
still.... Don't know Am i good enough to be Their Brother."},"611234979325673492":
{"u":0,"t":1565800175268,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oh, you will! You already
are!\n\n_She laughs before walking back to her seat. With the airship returning to
its course. Everyone recovers from Weiss' show of maneuvers before Qrow speaks
up._\n\nQrow: Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't wanna
miss this.\n\n_Ruby and her friends walk up to the cockpit window. Staring off into
clear sky._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is it weird that I'm sorta
nervous?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No, I'll believe we've made it to Atlas when
I see it.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Well... believe
it."},"611234991740944386":{"u":0,"t":1565800178228,"m":"_From the clear sky, an
airship comes out of the clouds, and the floating city of Atlas is seen coming into
view. The city being surrounded by various ships from Space United's endlessly
growing fleet of Earthborne ships being commanded by Earth's United Nations Space
Alliance._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Wow!\n\nMaria: You know, you make the trip
up to Atlas over and over, but you never get used to that view. _her prosthetic
eyes start to act up again_ Oh, come on!\n\n_Weiss leans forward and has a nervous
look on her face. Ruby notices this._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss,
what is it?\n\n_Everyone looks up, and notice above the city of Atlas many Atlas
Airships. However, one ship stood out among the other. Its hull bearing a
completely different design from the rest of the airships. From the Manta's HUD,
Riley calls out to the group._\n\nRiley: Heads up, everyone. Retribution's setting
up for a landing course for our ship. \n\n_With the landing course on display,
Weiss reached over to the screen, tapping at the confirmation window sending the
airship into autopilot._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> The Atlas air
fleet... I knew all of our ships were called back, but...\n\nQrow: They're set up
like they're expecting an attack...\n\n_Suddenly, the radio turns on, from the
Ret's shipboard runways came four UNSA Jackal heavy air-to-space strike fighters
flying for the Manta._\n\nAtlas Air Control: This is Atlas Control to Manta 5-1,
glad to see you back here in one piece. Welcome home. You are to land at the
Retribution and be transferred into the city, be advised that the city has
sustained damage from past hostile attacks. Expect delays in your transfer to
surface. Atlas Control, out."},"611235352232853553":
{"u":1,"t":1565800264176,"m":"Gift - Alright, We almost AH!!! (His hand hold on his
{"u":0,"t":1565800325584,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Not again...\n\n_She
pushes her way past the students admiring both the city and the airships to Gift,
holding his hand on the chest._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> What's gotten into
you, huh?"},"611236112819683328":{"u":1,"t":1565800445514,"m":"Gift - I don't know
what happen to me, Or maybe..... Give me a second, Huh?! Not
{"u":0,"t":1565800625200,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Damnit.\n\n_She carries
him by the shoulder back to the seat rows before giving him a light slap on the
face, bringing Gift back to his senses._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> If it's
about Ruby, she's still busy gawking over these Space United airships. But, if
you're really sick, how about a lethal dose of morphine to put you
out?"},"611237370368360551":{"u":1,"t":1565800745337,"m":"Gift - That's can hold my
pain for a while, Bring it to me, after we have landing, I gonna use x ray to scan
why am i hurt at my chest."},"611239127232413697":
{"u":0,"t":1565801164206,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Hmph, fine.\n\n_Summer
unclips a Dust injector labeled \"MORPHINE-DUST MIXTURE, 25MG. USE WITH EXTREME
CAUTION\", twisted the cap off and injected the contents into his chest, she then
pulls the spent injector away. Tossing it
overboard._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'll get a medical team for you when we
land, just hang tight.\n\n_She walks away from him as the airship began its descent
onto the Retribution's runways._\n\nRetribution ATC: This is Retribution to 5-1,
standby for drone assist.\n\n_Ruby, now in the pilot seat transferred all controls
to her side as she sends the ship into full manual guidance mode. Aliging her ship
with the incoming arrester drones._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> 5-1 to
Tower, drone and ship is locked. Bring us in.\n\nRetributuon ATC: Copy, drone is
locked.\n\n_The drones then latch themselves to
the Manta's engines as their rocket thrusters ignited, firing against the ship's
thrust slowing it down. With the ship slowed down to docking speed the drones
killed their engines, simply letting the airship slide into an empty docking bay.
The ship, now slowed down to a crawl finally stops right under a carrier crane.
Locking into place._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> 5-1 to Tower, docking
procedures complete.\n\nRet ATC: Copy, 5-1. Welcome aboard."},"611239431541751808":
{"u":1,"t":1565801236759,"m":"Captain Gift - We have landing, hold on my
friend."},"611240553501294602":{"u":0,"t":1565801504255,"m":"_The ship's side door
opens as Ruby and her friends clambered their way out of the ship and onto the
Retribution's flight deck. They are then welcomed by the ship's captain and his
aide, walking over to them through the criss-crossing mass of flight crews and
pilots alike._\n\nCMDR. Reyes: Welcome aboard the Retribution, Team Romeo.
\n\n_Riley runs over to Reyes before embracing him in a hug._\n\nRiley: Haven't
seen you in years, Reyes! How's my ship doing? \n\n_The two pull themselves away,
starting their conversation._\n\nReyes: Still in mint condition, though external
shields did took a beating at the Fall of Beacon. Anyways...\n\n_He glances over to
Ruby and her friends, then to Riley with a surprised look on his face._\n\nReyes:
Didn't thought you'd be bringing so many guests here, c'mon, I'll show them to the
mess hall."},"611240784016179230":{"u":1,"t":1565801559214,"m":"Captain Gift - We
arrive, come on.\nGift - Right Right."},"611242883969712141":
{"u":0,"t":1565802059882,"m":"_Without further ado, the party are then escorted by
the ship's quartermaster Evelynn Sotomura, introducing herself to the party as she
walks them through the ship's compartments and levels._\n\nEvelynn: You're going to
stay on this ship for a day and a half before going down to the surface. The
effects from last night's attack is still... rather large in scale. But the mansion
is safe. \n\n_Summer, still carrying Gift by the shoulder raises her hand as
Evelynn looked at her with surprise._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Is there any
way we can get Gift to a sickbay? He needs immediate medical attention.\n\nEvelynn:
Oh, I'll get them here right away.\n\n_With a tap on her wrist computer, a combat
medic team is seen running down the hallway to Gift. A medic deploys a stretcher
while the other three are seen helping Gift lie down on the deployed stretcher.
With Gift secured, they all hoisted the stretcher up before running for a
sickbay._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is he going to be okay?
\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I... I don't know. But I hope he gets well
soon.\n\n_Without further questioning, Evelynn continues to guide the party to the
Retribution's crew quarters, personally showing Ruby and her friends their own
personal quarters._\n\nEvelynn: This right here will be your quarters for the time
being, until General Gift is back to health, your return to the surface will be
delayed. My condolences for the
inconvenience.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> It's alright, ma'am. At least
he's gotten his help.\n\n_Evelynn prepares to leave the party to their quarters,
but not before stopping to wait for further requests._\n\nEvelynn: Is there
anything else you need? \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _shrugging_ No, we're
fine for now. Thanks for showing us the way,
{"u":0,"t":1565802115117,"m":"Evelynn: Very well, should you need anything, please
don't hesitate to ask."},"611243955899858965":{"u":1,"t":1565802315450,"m":"Captain
Gift - Okay we are in, let see,Ah! i got a X ray Scanner, let me see what
wrong.\nGift - Go ahead.\nCaptain Gift - Let see, Oh oh!\nGift - What
happen?\nCaptain Gift - Look, Your heart.\nGift - Like it prepare to
break.\nCaptain Gift - About that, we will talk later.\nGift - After long battle, i
must rest.\nCaptain Gift - Now your chance."},"611245089284685826":
{"u":0,"t":1565802585670,"m":"_Gift, now being given medical care is left to rest
within the sickbay while the rest of his party remained in their quarters. Resting
after a long day of battle._\n\n(I gotta go, will continue
{"u":1,"t":1565883670289,"m":"Few moment later\nGift - (wake up) what a nice
rest."},"611587176106557445":{"u":0,"t":1565884145524,"m":"_Having rested well
enough, Gift wakes up to find himself in Ruby's quarters, surrounded by her
teammates. He rubs his eyes, clearing them of rheum. With a single, well-placed
kick he kicks away the blanket covering him as Ruby walked to his bed, startling
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Finally, you're awa-- Oh!\n\n_She jumps
back, dodging Gift's kick while her friends laughed._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
Didn't know he'd wake up this way, odd...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> At least
he's up. \n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I thought he'd be sleeping for days
after what he did back in Argus. I was wrong.\n\n_The door to their room slides
open as Retribution's Drop Officer Yetide walks into the room with a humanoid
robot._\n\nDO Yetide: General, you are to report to the bridge right away. And,
sorry for pulling you into work this early but the bridge needs you there
now.\n\n_The humanoid robot walks in, pushing his way past Yetide, Weiss and Yang.
Making a beeline for Ruby. It stops before her and extended its arm out, hands
open._\n\nEthan: Miss Rose, I'm Ethan. Petty Officer First Class Ethan. You, too
are to head to the bridge right away. Please bring your freinds as
well."},"611587511684300800":{"u":1,"t":1565884225532,"m":"Gift - Got it, i'm on my
way."},"611589372680339476":{"u":0,"t":1565884669228,"m":"_At this, Ruby stares
at \"Ethan\" in confusion._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't mean to be
rude, bu who are you supposed to be?\n\n_Upon Ruby's question, Ethan lets out a
hearty laugh before regaining his composure._\n\nEthan: I'm a tactical humanoid.
Enhanced Tactical Humanoid, third revision. Eth.3n. But, do call me Ethan. I like
it better than my project name.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, well... How
can you talk like us? \n\nEthan: I'm programmed with an enhanced tactical
intelligence processor made for combat, born to kill.
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ah, that's good to know. You sound just like my
friend Penny. If you know her...\n\n_Ethan's \"head\" then projects a confused
emoticon from his LCD screen much to Ruby's surprise, raising her
eyebrows._\n\nEthan: Penny? As in, Penny Polendina? If you're talking about her,
well. I have good news. She's alive, and on this ship as we speak.\n\n_Gift, not
wishing to listen to the conversation any longer pushed his way past the two as he
exited the room, headed for the bridge. At this, Yang stares at the General, a look
of anger on her face._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What's his problem? Can't bear
seeing Ruby talk to this robot dude? Pft.\n\nEthan: _turning to Yang_ I'm actually
here for all of you. If you want to head to the bridge, please follow
me."},"611590106482081817":{"u":1,"t":1565884844180,"m":"Gift - Maybe i could this
to access. (Bring Exo suit control unit to Scanner for access to the
bridge)"},"611592562029101069":{"u":0,"t":1565885429628,"m":"_Now at the bridge,
Gift and Ruby's team proceed through the scanner checkpoints before finding
themselves at the Retribution's refurbished bridge. Around them are officers of
various roles tending to their assigned stations managing shipboard systems while
some are seen directing Jackal fighters outside to their desginated
targets._\n\n_Ruby, being the first to enter the bridge walks to the command
console, placed within the center of the bridge. As she got close to the console,
an engineer sprang to her feet before pushing Ruby away from the console, aiming a
taser at her._\n\nMaCallum: Step away from the console! You're not authorized to be
here!\n\n_Weiss, upon seeing Ruby being held at gunpoint by the engineer ran up to
her before withdrawing Myrtenaster from the hip scabbard. Pointing the tip of the
blade at the engineer._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> How about _you_ stand down and
put that thing away before I turn you into another casualty?!\n\n_MaCallum gazes
into Weiss' eyes for a moment before loweing her taser down. Holstering it onto her
belt._\n\nMaCallum: I'm... sorry. You should've told me who sent you here.
\n\n_Reyes then stepped out of his office, its door hidden behind the communication
console._\n\nReyes: Stand down, Mac. I made them come here. \n\n_Ruby quickly ran
back to her team as Mac kept her taser
holstered._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I should be the one apologizing, I
should've told you Commander Reyes sent us here.\n\nMac: It's alright. Now, go on.
Reyes wants to see all of you.\n\n_She turns away from the team as she went back to
fixing a broken console._"},"611594395514306560":
{"u":1,"t":1565885866765,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey, Wanna talk about that?\nGift -
Keep it between us, Okay?\nCaptain Gift - Got it."},"611598144647462915":
{"u":0,"t":1565886760628,"m":"_As everyone piled into the small office, Reyes
dimmed the lights down as a projector comes to life projecting a presentation onto
a board._\n\nReyes: Thank you for coming. Since we've all losy contact after the
Fall of Beacon. Getting the RCIO to update you with objectives has been next to
impossible. But with the comms down from the Fall until now despite emergency
systems in use, it's been... a hell of a task getting here.\n\n_He taps a button on
the remote as the slide changes to a page riddled with photos of Cinder, taken at
various places within Atlas._\n\nReyes: As of now, RCIO's Deep Furrow has been
sending reports of Salem's right hand man Cinder operating within Atlesian grounds.
They believe that she may have gotten a hold of a Deep Furrow agent and tortured
information out of him.\n\n_He allows the slides to run on their own, this time
changing to a page showing multiple damaged buildings within Atlas and a picture of
a KVA soldier holding the severed head of an Atlesian citizen._\n\nReyes: Last
night prior to your arrival, the Atlesian Army, combined with the U.S. Army's Third
Infantry Division managed to repel yet another one of the KVA's attempt to seize
the Schnee Mansion. As of now, friendly ground forces have maintained security
within the mansion and are setting up a forward operations base from
within.\n\n_The slide now change to a page titled \"Sightings Of T1-HIT Juliet 2-
2\"_\n\nReyes: We've been receiving reports of sightings of this particular woman
wandering around within Atlas grounds. ISR has come up with an assumption that the
woman could be the student who had fought against Cinder at the Fall of
Beacon."},"611598596810342400":{"u":1,"t":1565886868432,"m":"Gift - Wait! Cinder
not dead?"},"611600181028323339":{"u":0,"t":1565887246139,"m":"_Reyes eyed the
general down, expecting his reaction._\n\nReyes: ISR confirms her status as alive.
And I have bad news. She's been hunting down anyone whose eyes resembled the color
silver. \n\n_He glanced over to Ruby, finding her staring at the screen. Fists
clenched tight and trembling._\n\nReyes: _turning to Ruby_ Miss Rose, please don't
be afraid. If she ever finds you, we'll--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll
make her pay for what she's done to us. To Pyrrha...\n\n_Ruby clenched her fists
even tighter as her nails dug into her palms. Blood drips down from her palms onto
her skirt, then to the floor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Please, move on.
If we have to fight her again, I want to know what I have to do to stop her once
and for all.\n\n_At this, Weiss, Blake and Yang placed their hands over Ruby's
clenched hands._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Hey, we'll make it through this.
\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We've seen what you did to that Leviathan.
After all, Cinder's crazy enough to put Grimm parts into her.
\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We won't leave you. Trust me."},"611601085726982281":
{"u":1,"t":1565887461836,"m":"Gift - Cap, Result of X ray?\nCaptain Gift -
Everything okay from outlook, but after you have x ray scan, i see your heart have
a bit of cracking.\nGift - What does it mean?\nCaptain Gift - I don't know, but i
will check that later."},"611602797150076928":{"u":0,"t":1565887869871,"m":"_Reyes
taps the same button on the remote again as the slide ends. The projector then
folds itself back into storage on the ceiling, having done its job._\n\nReyes: For
now, you are to descend to the surface of Atlas then link up with Badger 3-3, they
will escort you through supply lines to the mansion where you will be in contact
with Specialist Winter Schnee. She will update you with further information.
Dismissed.\n\n_He leaves the office, walking out to the bridge for the main
console._\n\nSalter: You told them everything?\n\n_Reyes swallowed, stress clouding
his mind._\n\nReyes: I told them what they need to know.\n\nSalter: Did you tell
them about Pyrrha? She made it out of the Fall, didn't she? Despite Cinder
'killing' her.\n\nReyes: Salt. They will find out for themselves if she's
alive.\n\n_He puts his hands down on the holographic screen, causing star
projections to give way for his hands._\n\nSalter: That's... good. I've prepped
them transport. Should be ready by 2100
{"u":1,"t":1565888264104,"m":"Captain Gift - From my research, it seem you almost
heart broken.\nGift - More detail Cap.\nCaptain Gift - It happen when you are try
to do something for anyone you love or know but they refuse, this will create a
crack in your heart, when i hear this first time i was surprise, Only one way to
help you from this is kiss from anyone who love.\nGift - Ruby?\nCaptain Gift - Yes,
if you got that, the crack on your heart will disappear.\nGift - Thanks Cap, No
Doctor Cap.\nCaptain Gift - Still funny huh!? and no
problem."},"611606952560033965":{"u":0,"t":1565888860598,"m":"_In the office, Ruby
gets up from her seat, leaving bloody handprints on the leather as Weiss looked at
her friend's hands marked with nail gouges. From there she quickly grabbed Ruby's
hands before looking at them up close._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss?
What are you doing?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : Why'd you do
this?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Do
what?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : This!\n\n_Weiss points at the wounds
on Ruby's hands with her right finger, taking enough care not to touch
it._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : See those wounds? I'm taking you to
the infirmary. \n\n_Ruby begins to protest, but is cut off by Weiss. Raising her
righr finger up._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, I
don't--\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> : No buts! Even if we had those
infusions Riley gave us it'd take-- \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Watch
this.\n\n_Ruby slowly pried Weiss' grip on her wrists away as she begins to
concentrate on activating Light Energy's regenerative powers. As Ruby kept her eyes
shut, the wounds on her hands begin to project light from them as they began to
heal._\n\n_All Weiss could do was to watch Ruby heal herself in awe as the light
from the wounds fade away. The wounds having healed themselves to normal. Ruby
clenched and relaxed her hands with the wounds healed, much to her friend's
Wha--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _shushing her friend_ Shh, better use what
she gave us than rely too much on medics. Saves time. Works faster
too.","te":1570716192530},"611607751914815492":{"u":1,"t":1565889051179,"m":"Gift -
Okay Gift, Try to not get refuse, or my heart crack will bigger and break
apart."},"611608762314260498":{"u":0,"t":1565889292077,"m":"Riley: I'm sure Ruby
would give you that one kiss you need, but hey, you've got me and that Light Energy
in you. Shouldn't be that hard to heal your-- never mind.\n\n_She shakes her head,
walking away from him to her quarters. Gift watches his partner walk away as Ruby
reached up to him and taps him on the shoulder._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Hey, we'll make it through this. All of us. Also I've heard of what Cap said to
you, you said the only way to fix you was a kiss from someone you love, isn't
it?\n\n_She smiles at him, putting her hands on her hips. Gift stares at her in
surprise then to Weiss, standing by at an empty virtual shooting range
booth._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I'll... leave you be.\n\n_She
hurriedly walked away from the two, making a beeline for the
{"u":1,"t":1565970066738,"m":"Gift - Yes, and that's you
Ruby."},"611949536109395976":{"u":0,"t":1565970538881,"m":"_Ruby's eyes widens in
shock, not expecting her commander to say such a thing. She blushes, quickly
averting her eyes away from his._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh... well,
I...\n\n_As if on cue, Summer emerged from the bridge's asset mobilization deck,
pushing her way past officers and shipboard personnel to
Gift._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Gift, I understand that you needed someone
to... you know, love. But Ruby's not quite up for this kind of love. I mean, I've
seen her hanging around with Weiss a couple times but I don't thunk
she's \"ready,\" ready.\n\n_Waiting for his reply, she crossed her arms, staring at
Gift. From the same spot Summer left earlier came Riley, her combat suit drenched
in Turnersalite coolant._\n\nRiley: I don't mean to be rude, but you gotta give her
time, Gift. I mean it. She's seventeen and what are you? I mean, I don't even know
how old you are! \n\n_The crew within the bridge all turned their heads at Riley,
now standing up close to Gift. Steam coming off from her body as the coolant
evaporates. From the command console, Gator, the ship's Navigation Officer talked
into a handheld communicator as the bridge's door locks itself shut._\n\nGator:
Ret, this is Bridge. Lockdown in progress. ETA to lockdown release is ten minutes
tops. Nav out."},"611949702820265994":{"u":0,"t":1565970578628,"m":"_Gator then
turns to Gift, smiling._\n\nGator: Now, you're free to do all the talking here.
Nobody will hear anything from the bridge until the lockdown's
over."},"611950251535892491":{"u":1,"t":1565970709452,"m":"Gift - Thanks. (Thinking
to himself) I know, i will give her a time.\nSargent Gift - (telepath) You should
mate, she still young and not ready for this.\nGift - (telepath) I will wait until
that day have come."},"611952701085057037":
{"u":0,"t":1565971293470,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Good. That's way better.
\n\n_She hurriedly leaves Gift to himself, walking for the already unlocked bridge
access door with Riley. The crew then went back to their tasks at hand, restoring
the usual controlled chaos within the bridge. Gift leaves the bridge, hunching over
as the pain from his chest flared up before dying down to a light, constant
tinge._\n\n_He walks for the elevator, waving gestures with his free left hand as
the elevator's haptics screen recorded his movements before sending him down to the
ship's fourth floor, where the crew quarters are located at. Having arrived at the
fourth floor the pain from his chest flares up again, slowing him down to a crawl
as two marines from the UNSA's First Regiment rushed to his help._\n\nGySgt.
Connery: Sir, you okay?\n\n_The gunnery sergeant picks him up from the floor as
another marine came to his help, carrying him by the shoulder._\n\nLt. Joel: You're
in bad shape, gotta get you to the infirmary. Did you got
yourself a shrapnel to the chest or something?!\n\n_As the tro carried him off to
the infirmary instead of his quarters, Gift began to protest as Lieutenant Joel
dismissed his vain attempts._\n\nLt. Joel: Nope, can't let you stay in that room of
yours unless you want to be a casualty."},"611953103247245325":
{"u":1,"t":1565971389353,"m":"Gift - Oh! i see, alright have a good day
lieutenant."},"611954117140807715":{"u":0,"t":1565971631084,"m":"_Joel, having
taken Gift to the infirmary sits him down on a bench as he unclipped a handheld X-
ray scanner from his belt. He then twisted the scanner probe's protective cap off
as the scanner whirred. Marking its activation._\n\nLt. Joel: I should let you
know, Sir, that I'm a medic. Sorry that I didn't call you by your rank earlier but
damn, you were dying by the time you crawled out of that elevator.\n\n_He presses
the scanner's probe right on Gift's chest as he rubbed it around in a circle before
taking it away and shutting it down. With the scan complete, Joel looks into a
hologram of Gift's chest scan, frowning._\n\nLt. Joel: Sir, your heart looks like
it's trying to rip itself to bits.."},"611954790708150282":
{"u":0,"t":1565971791675,"m":"_Joel then takes the hologram up for Gift to see,
from the hologram, he saw his own heart riddled with tears on its muscles. Not
wishing to bear the sight of his failing heart he swats it away._\n\nLt. Joel:
You're lucky the heart didn't explode right away or else you'd be dead. Did you get
punched in the chest by a Beringel? 'Cause injuries like this only happens when you
pissed off a Beringel so bad it wouldn't kill you right
{"u":1,"t":1566055876985,"m":"Gift - Joel, if you want to talk about this, it about
psychology."},"612309105926733825":{"u":0,"t":1566056267006,"m":"_Joel raises his
eyebrows in confusion, he thn turns off the holographic projector on his wrist.
Keeping it away._\n\nLt. Joel: If I may ask, sir, did someone broke up with you?
\n\n_As Gift is about to answer, the door to the medical deck hissed open as Ruby
entered the deck. Now inside, she turns to the door and gestured at it as it slides
itself shut. She walks over to Gift, now sitting on a couch with Joel standing at
the reception desk._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift! You're... here again.
Riley just told us to start packing, we're to descend to Atlas in an hour from
now.\n\n_She then walked over to Joel at the reception desk, talking into her
earpiece._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _over comms_ Riley, are you sure
about this?! \n\n_From her quarters, Riley replied through her earpiece. Sorting
through her go-bag as she does so._\n\nRiley: If you're up for it, then I'm sure
your mom would allow it. For his sake, Rubes.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
No, you... ugh, never mind.\n\n_She breaks her connection, letting go of her
earpiece. With the call ended she turns to Gift. Smiling at
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> C'mon! Atlas is just right under our feet,
it's go time!"},"612309464086741004":{"u":1,"t":1566056352398,"m":"Gift - Alright,
let's go."},"612310873662554162":{"u":0,"t":1566056688467,"m":"_The two leaves the
medical deck as they headed for the Retribution's shipboard tram system, after
fighting their way through the mass of soldiers awaiting deployment from their
respective decks on the ship they finally reach Tram Station Sigma, where they are
greeted by Weiss, standing next to a vendor machine. Leaning onto
it._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> It definitely took you a while to get here. We've
been waiting here for the tram for hours.\n\n_She rolled her eyes at Gift before
turning away to the incoming tram, the two then walk over to Blake and Yang,
sitting right next to Jaune, Nora and Ren. All of them holding on to their luggage
as they waited for the tram to arrive._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Will the tram
ever get here?! This is worse than Argus!\n\n_Nora complains while her friends
simply waited for the tram. From across the platform Gift's eyes caught onto a
personnel wearing a peculiar armor, with the armor's spine marked in blue vertical
lines running down the length of the suit's upper piece. Curious, Gift hails BT,
querying the AI for identification._","te":1566056719058},"612311264215171120":
{"u":1,"t":1566056781582,"m":"Gift - (gear up) Anyways, we must prepare
ourselves."},"610866857276080157":{"u":0,"t":1565712408132,"m":"Manta 2-1: None, so
far. The only way to stop it is major saturation attacks!\n\n_He turns to his
copilot, the latter shrugging before resuming his control guiding a swarm of
Helios-A shockwave missiles, directing them to home in on the
Leviathan._\n\nCordovin: This is your fault! Do you hear
me?!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Ruby!\n\n_Yang and Blake can be seen running out
of the helo to rejoin the group._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yang! Blake!
Are you okay?\n\n_Yang and Blake notice the disabled mech. They then look to the
sky, now filled with Strangereal fighter jets, Atlesian Mantas and aerial
fortresses and warships of various designs._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
What happened?\n\n_The group then hears the Leviathan roaring, followed by the
defiant roar of the Mechagodzilla._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Was that a giant
Grimm?\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Yes... and we just ruined the only
thing capable of stopping it...\n\nRiley: _over comms_ Not really. I, and that
giant mecha are trying to keep that sucker away from the shields!\n\n_The group
wastes no time boarding the aircraft. It begins to fly away. Ruby watches with pity
as Cordovin continues to struggle to move the mech, failing to realize that the arm
had been severed clean. Cordovin herself yells out in
{"u":0,"t":1565712438928,"m":"Cordovin: This is your fault!! YOUR FAULT!!! This
is... \n\n_She gives up, oblivious to the severed arm freeing the Jaeger from its
imprisonment on the ocean. From the conn-pod, an Atlesian Army strike team hails
her radio once again._\n\nStriker 0-3: _over radio_ Ma'am, what's your status? We
need an answer, over!\n\nCordovin: ... your fault... _looks down sadly_\n\n_As Ruby
and her teammates fly close to the battle zone, they all looked to the starboard
window to find the Leviathan being stopped dead in its track as it is forced to
fight against Gipsy Danger and Mechagodzilla, the two toweing mecha heavily
injuring the Grimm._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Is Riley driving that...
thing?!\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Holy--\n\n_The two watches in awe as Riley
engages the twin plasma chainsaws, popping them fron Gipsy's forearms. With the
chainsaws ready she dived in for a stabbing strike, plunging the flaming chainsaw
down the Leviathan's chest as Mechagodzilla followe with its Convergent Neutron
Cannon, discharging a giganic purple beam of neutron energy, sending the Grimm away
from the shields and back into open
{"u":1,"t":1565712519878,"m":"Gift - Pandora Box?\n(Flashback when he open Pandora
Box first time)"},"610869029783207961":{"u":0,"t":1565712926098,"m":"Unknown Voice:
This, is no time to tinkle with your toys!\n\n_Gift finds himself being dragged
back into the battlezone, manning the minigun._\n\n_On the airship, Blake slumped
to the floor. Worry and fear overwhelming her
senses._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I'm so
sorry...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Don't be. This isn't on
you.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> But--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
You're safe, that's all that matters.\n\n_Blake smiles at her leader and the two
hug. Ruby looks to Yang and the two share a smile._\n\nMaria: I suppose I have to
be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and
right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get
another chance like this.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No
way!\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> We can't leave, not like
this.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> It's like you said, a Huntress is
supposed to protect others to the bitter end.\n\n_Maria looks to Ruby, who just
shrugs and smiles. Maria smiles back and continues to fly. Guiding the airship even
closer to the battle zone, now being close to the erected hard-light
shields._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We need to head for the Leviathan.
Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I
think we can manage. And with Riley and whatever that thin is subduing the Grimm, I
can make it happen.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Got a few
ideas?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I've got one.\n\nQrow: Eyes up,
everybody. It's back."},"610869284348100618":{"u":0,"t":1565712986791,"m":"_The
Leviathan swims for a bit before resurfacing above the water, letting out a
terrifying roar. Then again, it is punched back into the water as Riley sends an
earth-shattering body slam with the full weight of her Jaeger down upon it. Pinning
it deep unter the water._\n\nManta Three-Four: Argus Base, this is Manta 3-4!
Leviathan has hit the shallows and resurfaced! We need those shields up now, over!
Wait, it's down in the waters! Something's fighting it!\n\n_From the city, a large
crowd gathers as they look out to the ocean with concern. Terra is seen making her
way through the crowd, eventually reuniting with her wife Saphron and their son
Adrian, before looking out to the ocean again in concern._\n\n_Under the murky
water, Riley sends indiscriminate rocket boosted punches from her jaeger to the
Grimm, unintentionally resurfacing the towerin Grimm titan back to the surface. It
flies up
the air with trails of tar-black blood from its wounds before landing in a huge
splash just right before the shields._\n\n_As the Leviathan reared its head up, a
hard-light Dust barrier is erected, halting its progress. At this, it growled in
frustration as it turns to face Riley, having fused herself into the jaeger as her
head replaced the conn-pod._\n\nRiley: You are _not_ getting into Argus.\n\n_Riley
swung her arms downwards, activating the twin plasma chainsaws once
again._"},"610869456402382849":{"u":1,"t":1565713027812,"m":"Gift - I see it,
Miniguner standby wait for my mark."},"610871234560917523":
{"u":0,"t":1565713451758,"m":"Osprey Gunner: Roger, wait, are you going down there
to fight THAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!\n\n_The gunner looks at Gift in total surprise
while still keeping his gun aimed at the Leviathan. Back down at the battle zone,
the Mechagodzilla, having depleted all of its railgun ammunition retreats to the
return line. The towering mecha being escorted by a formation of Aigaion-class
aerial warships._\n\nManta Two-One: Target stopped! Engaging, over!\n\n_A pair of
Manta aircraft are seen firing shots at the Leviathan. Suddenly, the Leviathan
unleashes an energy beam attack from its mouth. It shifts the beam over to one of
the poles powering the hard-light Dust barrier, destroying it. The Leviathan roars,
then fires another beam at Riley._\n\n_Anticipating for the beam attack, Riley
raised her twin chainsaws to block away the beam attack as flares of energy
sputtered from the twin chainsaws and onto the energy shields. Destroying them as
Ruby and her friends watch in horror from their aircraft._\n\nOscar: It tore
straight through...!\n\nAir Control: All squadrons, fall back to evacuation
procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage!
Over!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No, wait!\n\n_Ruby runs up to the radio.
Snatching it from its hook._\n\nQrow: Ruby!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We
can stop it!\n\nAir Control: Who is this? Identify yourself!\n\n_The controller
answers Ruby's call, a look of worry and confusion on his face._\n\nRuby: I'm a
Huntress. Tier-One Huntress-in-Training Ruby Rose. My team and I are heading to the
Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack! Requesting status on remaining
units. Over!\n\n_Everyone looks at Ruby in shock. Outside the ship, the Leviathan
continues its beam attack on Riley. Burning away the twin plasma chainsaws as the
energy overloaded their structural limits. The bits of the chainsaw then fly down
into Argus as they rammed into buildings, causing civilians to run from the
debris._"},"610871554309357580":{"u":1,"t":1565713527992,"m":"Gift - I see Pandora
Box, i will get it, Sarge control minigun.\nSargent Gift - Got
it."},"610871811009413130":{"u":0,"t":1565713589194,"m":"Gunner: NO,
WAIT--\n\n_Gift kicks the rear door down as he jumped for the Pandora Box. Leaving
the gunner in total disbelief._\n\nGunner: That crazy
bastard..."},"610872105294233630":{"u":1,"t":1565713659357,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to
himself) The power to save everyone. (Opening Pandora Box)"},"610875869925474360":
{"u":0,"t":1565714556915,"m":"_As he opened the box, the inside of the box blinds
him with light as the box dissipated into fine particles. They then began to cover
the entire battle zone as the particles infuse themselves onto its surroundings
before fading away._\n\n_Back in the ship, Ruby remains standing. The radio still
in her hand. Outside, Riley falls to her kees before collasping to the city as her
jaeger shell is depleted of its nuclear energy. With her jaeger shell damaged, she
began channeling her powers onto it as she felt the controls respond to her
commands. With her powers channeled into Gipsy Danger, the twin chainsaws return to
their places on the forearms, with the chainsaws restored Riley uses them as
leverage. Pushing herself back up._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We
can?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _I_ can.\n\nMaria: Ruby, when I
said \"trial by fire\"--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I did it at Beacon and
at the farm.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> You really think you can do it
now?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't have a
choice."},"610875885897252865":{"u":0,"t":1565714560723,"m":"_The controller, still
sticking to wartime laws flags Ruby's ship as hostile before returning to his
position on the radar system._\n\nAir Control: Manta 5-1, your ship is currently
flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over.\n\n_Ruby, upon hearing the
controller's reply simply places the radio down, but not before replying back to
him her retort._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Fine, we'll do it alone if we
have to. Over and out.\n\n_From her mech, Cordovin overhears Ruby's radio chatter,
still running through emergency checklists._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We
can hit it while it's stopped at the next barrier. Ren, you're up! \n\n_Ren and
Jaune proceed to combine their Semblances, masking the airship as it weaves between
the air battles between Grimm and Atlas forces. The Leviathan makes its way to the
next barrier and charges its energy breath again. At this, Riley deactivates the
twin chainsaws as the nuclear vortex turbine on her chest glowed intense blue.
Marking the activation of Gipsy's nuclear plasma vent. As Ruby's eyes caught up to
the blue glow from Riley's nuclear turbine she picks the radio up
again._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _to Riley_ Fire, NOW!\n\nQrow: We're too
late! Pull up!\n\n_The Manta aircraft pulls up out of the way as the Leviathan
fires its breath only to have its breath blocked by Riley dumping her nuclear core
at its full power. The blue beam of concentrated ionized radiation fighting back
against the Leviathan's energy discharge. But as the two beams met, the resulting
shockwave topples a cupola on one of the buildins in Argus while Ren and Jaune
collapses to the ship's floor._","te":1565714649656},"610876289166868501":
{"u":1,"t":1565714656870,"m":"Gift - The power in this box might help me in this
battle."},"610878204554641420":{"u":0,"t":1565715113534,"m":"_Gift continues his
free fall, the Sword of Remnant now in his right hand glowing with energy. He flies
close to Riley before landing right next to
Saphron._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Damn it...!\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
That's all I've got!\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> It's on the move again! We
need to stop it!\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What do we do?\n\n_Ruby thinks for a
moment, before to looking to Weiss. She glances out to Riley, still unleashing
Plasma Core against the Leviathan's energy discharge. The Leviathan, still firing
its breath ceases its attack as Riley's plasma beam finally overpowered its
discharge. The Leviathan continues to approach Argus, but suddenly, the aircraft
carrying Ruby's group opens up its hatch doors._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Eyes
on us, ugly!\n\n_Nora and Yang fire their respective weapons at the Leviathan much
to Riley's confusion._\n\nRiley: _shouting over to the airship_ WHAT THE
F<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>CK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!\n\n_Nora and Yang cover
their ears as Riley's screams penetrated their eardrums. Ceasing their attack on
the Grimm._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Is it working?\n\nMaria:
Unfortunately, yes! Hang on!\n\n_Blake runs over to Weiss, who is maintaining a
Glyph she activated. Ruby is seen riding on the back of Weiss' Queen Lancer
summoning, now on her way to the Leviathan._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _to
herself_ Okay, okay, you can do this... You have to do this!\n\n_Eventually, Ruby
stops in front of the Leviathan. She closes her eyes and begins to concentrate, the
noises all around her slowly muting out. Having anticipated Ruby's next move, Riley
disengages her fusion with Gipsy as the Jaeger breaks down into fine dust. Now in
mid-air Riley flies close to Ruby and levitates herself right by her side. Her eyes
already projecting white flames from
- I could do this.(Flashback since first time he arrive at Remnant)\nGift - We stay
in forest for a week, we better moving."},"610880706217902267":
{"u":0,"t":1565715709977,"m":"_As Gift begins to revel in memories of his past,
Ruby continues to concentrate. However, she fails to do so as her earpiece sends
out indiscriminate beeps before cutting to Yang's
voice._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Ruby? Ruby, hurry, something--\n\n_Ruby takes
out her earpiece and tosses it into the water below. She closes her eyes again to
concentrate. As she concentrates, Ruby thinks back on various memories: She thinks
of her father and sister, when Zwei first arrived at Team RWBY's dorm room, when
she and her team are about to start a food fight, and when they get noodles after
their victory in the tournament._\n\n_She then thinks of Penny Polendina, then to
when she first saw Jaune, of Team JNPR, of Pyrrha..._\n\n_Suddenly, Ruby starts to
frown as bad memories start to flood her mind: the night when Jaune trained alone
with a recording of Pyrrha, when she saw her friends wounded as Beacon was being
evacuated, when Yang sank into depression over the loss of her arm._\n\n_Ruby
whimpers upon remembering the deaths of both Pyrrha and Penny..._\n\n_Suddenly,
Ruby opens her eyes again and notices the Leviathan standing face to face with
What?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Why'd it turn away?!\n\n_Ruby then remembers
she has the Relic of Knowledge on her belt, which caused the Leviathan to have its
attention on her. At this, Riley shifts closer to her, taking the relic from her
belt and hanging it onto hers instead._\n\nRiley: We'll do this, _together._ After
all, our eyes shared the same color since...
who knows?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are you...?\n\nRiley: Hey, you've
heard of what the God of Light told you, right? Light Energy?\n\n_Riley closes her
eyes as she begins to concentrate, diving deep into her mind space as memories of
her past flowed into the mindspace like waves. She thinks back to her first
deployment with her squadron, the 441th Enforcers of the Air Force._\n\n_She dives
deep into her mindspace as more memories flooded her mind, she thinks back to her
first interplanetary deployment with Space United. She then thinks back to her
first battle against a Slayer. Users of Light Energy who had used it to commit
atrocities..._\n\n_Riley whimpers as tragic memories soon appeared: the death of
her parents at the Battle of San Francisco. Her teammates being slowly killed off
one by one after the battle, the fall of the United States..._\n\n_She suppresses
the memories as best as she could, still aloowing fragments of them to enter her
mindspace. She thinks back to her good memories again, this time being her arrival
on Remnant with her new allies. Her first meeting with Summer's team._\n\n_She
continues to revel in the good memories as she thinks back to her first official
recognition as a citizen of Remnant, then to her first official deploymen with Team
RWBY alongside her new teammate Gift._\n\n_As she continues to concentrate, more
tragic memories soon floods her mind
{"u":1,"t":1565715984673,"m":"Gift - (telepath to Ruby) No matter what we found, we
will pass it together, Right my sweet heart?"},"610882101910306826":
{"u":0,"t":1565716042736,"m":"_Ruby ignores his telepathic call, intent on
concentrating on her power. Gift then levitates close to her as he, too, begins to
concentrate his power. Diving deep into his own manifestation of his
mind._"},"610882902288367648":{"u":1,"t":1565716233561,"m":"Gift - (Telepath to
himself) If i can kill it with this sword, i see on every Grimm that i use this
sword to kill, it die in one shot, but this maybe two shot."},"610883510583951525":
{"u":0,"t":1565716378590,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No, no, no,
no!!\n\n_Suddenly, the Leviathan opens its maw and lunges toward Ruby. Upon the
sight of its maw, she reels back in fear._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_reeling back_ J--JINN!!!\n\n_Suddenly, time stops. Everything slows down and
freezes, even Yang who calls out her sister's name. Riley opens her eyes and looked
to her side to see Ruby cowering in fear, then to Jinn. Havin already been summoned
on her own._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Ruby!\n\n_Ruby then breathes a sigh of
relief as she hears the rattling chains of
Jinn._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm sorry... I don't have a question for
you. I just... I just needed a little more time...\n\n_Ruby looks to Jinn, who has
a stern look on her face. She then looks to Riley apologetically, the latter
returning her a reassuring look._\n\nRiley: It's alright.\n\nJinn: I know... and
while you don't seek knowledge, just this once, I shall give it freely. I will not
allow you to use me without a question again... _smiling_ Even if this was
{"u":0,"t":1565716381265,"m":"_Ruby nods at Jinn. She then turns to face the
Leviathan again and closes her eyes to concentrate once more. Time slowly starts to
go back to normal as she, Gift and Riley altogether began their
concentration._\n\n_In her mindspace, Ruby thinks back to when Team RWBY decorated
their dorm room, when Weiss gave her coffee, when Blake cheered for Weiss in
Professor Port's class, when Yang was training her before leaving for Beacon, when
Team RWBY celebrated their victory after saving Vale._\n\n_Ruby smiles as she
thinks back to the Beacon Dance and Team JNPR again, and then to when Qrow arrived
at Beacon, to talking with Oscar, and then to Maria, and to Penny
again..._\n\n_Riley smiles to herself, thinking back to herself cheering Team RWBY
on at the Vytal Festival, her dancing with Ruby before having to leave her be at
the Beacon Dance, her times of providing Ruby and her teammates care and training
in their times at Beacon..._\n\n_Gift also smiled to himself as he thinks back to
what he had done to keep his friends safe._\n\n_And finally, Ruby thinks back to
her mother, her white cloak blowing in the wind as she overlooks a cliff watching a
sunset. She then turns around, offering a warm smile. Her own Silver Eyes reflect
back to her daughter's..._","te":1565716507495},"610883923492339743":
{"u":1,"t":1565716477035,"m":"Gift - KRATOS MAY SPARTAN BLOOD GIVE ME
STRENGTH!!!!"},"610885856512966677":{"u":0,"t":1565716937903,"m":"_Gift screams
into his mindspace as he felt his pusle rising by the seconds. The Spartan blood
flowing through him and incorporating its power into his pair of silver eyes as
well._\n\n_Tears stream down Riley's face as she braces herself for the eventual
release of her powers. Feeling the desire to protect her allies even stronger than
before._\n\n_Ruby remains still as she felt her connection between Riley and Gift
growing stronger. She, however also sensed her mother's power calling out to her as
well..._\n\n_On an E-767 AWACS jet, Summer is seen standing on the jet's left wing.
Her eyes shining similarly to that of Ruby, Gift, and Riley's._\n\n_Riley and Gift
opened their eyes as white flames spouted from them into Ruby's eyes. Further
enhancing the power of the resulting discharge._\n\n_Ruby's own eyes then shine
bright, the brightest it has ever been. A massive white light engulfs the area,
turning the Leviathan to stone. Soon, Riley and Gift's eyes exploded into a
brilliant symphony of blinding light, increasing the destruction power of the
trio's eyes further. On the AWACS jet, Summer flies down the battlezone with her
eyes also shining bright, appearing in the sky as a large white fireball._\n\n_The
citizens of Argus and the Atlas military cheer as the Grimm threat has been
nullified. Ruby's friends give proud smiles and Maria breathes a sigh of
relief._\n\n_The light retracts back into Ruby's eyes, and she turns around to look
at the city of Argus still standing, she looks over to her two leaders, sighing in
relief. Suddenly, Ruby hears a stone crackling behind her. The Leviathan's head
manages to move and tries to aim at
- Let finish this AHHHHH!!! (Equip Sword of Remnant)"},"610888298965106782":
{"u":0,"t":1565717520229,"m":"Riley: LET'S DO THIS, TOGETHER!\n\n_Riley reveals the
Sword of Remnant, its white blade covered with black engravings, she raises it over
her shoulder as she rocketed herself flying for the Grimm. Gift soon follows with
his own blade._\n\n_Ruby unfolds Crescent Rose into its war scythe form, flying at
supersonic speed up to the Leviathan's gaping maw. As she flies upwards alongside
Riley and Gift, she looks to her scythe, finding the entire weapon completely
white, with black engravings running along the scythe blade._\n\n_As the trio
closes in on the Grimm, the citizens of Argus, Ruby's allies and the Atlesian
soldiers all watched in awe upon the spectacular display of powers. In the air, re-
activating her Silver Eyes once again Ruby raised her scythe high gleaming against
the sun._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> ON MY COUNT! \n\n_Next to her, Riley
and Gift raise their blades, waiting to strike the Leviathan alongside Summer. The
three of them waiting for Ruby's call._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> THREE,
TWO, ONE, MARK!\n\n_Flying head-on, she brings her scythe down on the Leviathan's
head as Riley rams her sword down to its hilt, embedding the blade deep into its
head as the giant Grimm shrieked in pain. Gift finds himself flying alongside
Summer. The two brandishing their weapons with Gift's being the Sword of Remnant
while Summer brings her scythe down on its skull, shattering it with a powerful
hit._\n\n_As Ruby, Riley and Gift unleash their attack on the Leviathan, friendly
units on the ground and in the air begin their saturation attack, firing every
weapon they have against the towering monster. From a standoff range, Liberty
Delta, Vindictive Vengeance and Justice mass-launched their drones at the
Leviathan, adding more to the mass of munitions launched at it._\n\n_Jumping off of
the Leviathan, Summer pulls back from the attack as the trio rained down
destruction upon the giant Grimm with their
{"u":1,"t":1565717568891,"m":"Gift - JUST DIE ALREADY"},"610890712099192883":
{"u":0,"t":1565718095565,"m":"_With her mecha reactivated, Cordovin waits for the
explosions caused by the mass of incoming munitions to die down, as she waits the
three Arsenal Birds break off as their drones flew back for resupply. The drones
out of her path, she begins to run for the Leviathan in her conn-pod._\n\nCordovin:
I'll take it from here!!\n\n_Getting in close, Cordovin shows up in the Colossus,
its arm cannon now detached. Everyone looks in shock. Without the weight of the
cannon, the Colossus begins to run toward the semi-petrified Leviathan with its
left hand transformed into a gigantic drill bit._\n\nCordovin: _smiling_ After all,
I was sworn to protect the people!\n\n_The Colossus' left hand then transforms into
a giant flaming drill. Cordovin uses the drill to destroy the Leviathan as she
reared her left hand up inside the drivesuit and bringing it down on the
Leviathan's chest wound, causing it to dissipate as the drill tore away
its \"heart\". The people of Argus cheer while the Arc family looks on with
stupefied expressions._\n\n_With the Leviathan killed, the Colossus then walks over
to Ruby. Its breached conn-pod opens up revealing Cordovin herself standing in a
stern military manner in her drivesuit._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Thank you. And... I'm sorry.\n\nCordovin: The Atlas military can handle the
stragglers.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What, uh... What are you
saying?\n\nCordovin: _smiling_ I'm saying I don't think anyone would notice if one
more ship went missing in my lengthy report.\n\n_Ruby smiles back at Cordovin
before saluting the Specialist. Upon the show of respect Cordovin returns the
salute, then turns the mech around and runs off to join her men in taking down the
remaining Grimm..._","te":1570707752637},"610890727802667008":
{"u":0,"t":1565718099309,"m":"_From the sky, all Long Caster did was to stare in
awe. Speechless from the amazing display of powers he had witnessed._\n\nLong
Caster: Oh, my Lord...\n\nTrigger: _over comms_ Holy hell, now _that_ is what I'd
call... ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION! WOOO!\n\n_Trigger launches all remaining flares on
his jet as he breaks away from the AWACS._\n\nCossette: If I could show Miss Rose
my compliments, I would. But we have targets to destroy.\n\nMobius: What are you
implying?\n\nCossette: It means, we have Grimm to kill. Let's go!\n\nReaper: Right
on, woo! All hail the legendary ace, RUBY ROSE!!\n\nMihaly: _to Cossette_ I've
already gotten that handed out for you. \n\n_Reaper sends his jets to full
afterburners as he, and the rest of his new squadron headed towards the formation
of Sphinxs and Manticores ahead of them. Flying their way past the fallen ones fore
breakin into separate ways as they all began their engagement against the remaining
Grimm alongside the Atlesian Air Fleet._"},"610891299956195369":
{"u":1,"t":1565718235721,"m":"Gift - We....Make....It.(Almost fall
{"u":0,"t":1565718659680,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I got you!\n\n_Ruby
catches Gift, now unconscious in her arms as Maria brings her airship close. Its
side door opened wide._\n\nMaria: Hop in!\n\n_Riley jumps in first, then followed
by Ruby, having tossed Gift into the ship with Summer being the last. As she
clambered her way to the back of the airship, she looked at Ruby with a smile on
her face._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Normally, I wouldn't congratulate you
for people to see, Rubes. But today's an
exception.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh, what are you--\n\n_She gets cut
off as Summer pulls her daughter in for a hug. Crying into Ruby's
shoulder._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> _crying_ I'm so damn proud of
gotta go, we'll continue later-)"},"610893462191210518":
{"u":1,"t":1565718751238,"m":"Sargent Gift - Um... can you let this later, for now
we must save him.\n(Got it)"},"611217408279052289":
{"u":1,"t":1565795986004,"m":"Captain Gift - Hurry, get him to the
bed."},"611219006375985181":{"u":0,"t":1565796367020,"m":"Riley: I got him!\n\n_She
picks him up by the arm before setting him down on a row of empty seats on the
airship, now escorted by a formation of seven Strangereal Coalition Aigaion-class
aerial warships. The airship Ruby and her friends are in flies through the night
sky alongside their escorts._\n\n_With Gift now lying on the seats, Summer rushes
to his help, an autoinjector in her hand._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> He's out
cold, a shot of Sansufentanyl will wake him up.\n\n_She twisted the injector's cap
off and jabbed the black end down on Gift's exposed forearm as the injector began
pushing its contents down into his bloodstream. With the injector depleted of its
drug, she pulls it away before tossing it
overboard._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> There, he should be up by two minutes,
tops.\n\n_With Gift being taken care of, she walks over to Maria, piloting the ship
with Weiss in the copilot seat._\n\nMaria: We should have just enough fuel to make
it.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Thanks, Miss Calavera.\n\nQrow: Hey, Ruby.
You did great out there today, kid. Just don't go giving me heart attacks like that
again.\n\n_Qrow is about to take a drink from his flask, but ultimately decides not
to, stuffing it back into his pocket. Ruby hugs her
uncle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I love you, too."},"611219850240458752":
{"u":1,"t":1565796568213,"m":"Two minutes later.\nCaptain Gift - He awake.\nGift -
Aw! Am i run out stamina?\nCaptain Gift - Yes, when your final attack.\nGift - Ruby
might worry about me.\nCaptain Gift - Yeah, i read her mind and i see she thinking
only you."},"611221801497919520":{"u":0,"t":1565797033429,"m":"_Gift pushes himself
down from the seats. Getting himself on the ship's floor. He then walks over to
Ruby, finding her looking out the window down to one of the escort ships._\n\n_He
reaches over to her, tapping her by the shoulder and getting her attention as he'd
desired._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> Oh! You're awake!\n\n_She smiles
at him, reaching her arms out to meet Gift's as the two embraces one
another._\n\n_Qrow smiles at his niece as she continues to embrace Gift._\n\nMaria:
You weren't half bad yourself today, Qrow.\n\nQrow: _smiles before sighing_ I feel
like they did all the heavy lifting.\n\nMaria: But you were there to help when they
asked for it, and you were there to catch them when they fell. Literally, if I
recall.\n\n_At this, Riley sprung from her seat._\n\nRiley: You were the one who
screamed at me to \"get the goddamn Coalition here at once\", and so I did. These
ships out there came because you wanted them to.\n\n_Qrow raises his left eyebrow
in surprise, he then turns to Maria. Prompting Riley to roll her eyes._\n\nQrow:
Thanks. You know, it was pretty incredible getting to see the Grimm Reaper in
action.\n\nMaria: Ha, you should have seen me when I was your
age!"},"611221809727012865":{"u":0,"t":1565797035391,"m":"_Qrow smiles as the two
of them look out the cockpit's window to the night sky. In the back of the
aircraft, Weiss, Blake and Yang sit together with
Price._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I'm sorry you went through that
nightmare. But, I'm glad Yang was there for you in time.\n\n_Blake and Yang smile
before the latter takes the cat Faunus' hand._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We
were there for each other.\n\n_Price blew a huge cloud of smoke from his cigar
before turning to the three._\n\nPrice: But still, remember to not leave your
friends behind even if they're dead. You bring them back, or make sure they...
\n\n_He pauses between his words as Weiss, Blake and Yang stared at him._\n\nPrice:
...won't die in vain.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Took the words right out of my
mouth.\n\n_Everyone then looks to Ruby. Their eyes locked to hers._\n\n:Ruby: Hey,
stop it!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> You petrified a Leviathan... after diving
down the barrel of a cannon!"},"611222376197128204":
{"u":1,"t":1565797170448,"m":"Gift - i know you worry about me, right?
(laughing) I know you think that."},"611225252264935445":
{"u":0,"t":1565797856156,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Of course I'm
worried! But at least you're safe.\n\n_She playfully slapped at his exosuit before
walking away to join her friends. She turns to Ren, finding him eagerly waiting for
her reply._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _laughs_ Don't act like you all
haven't done crazy stuff before! I mean, Oscar made a successful crash landing!
He's a fourteen-year-old farm hand!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> That was
seriously impressive.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We'd have been stranded
without you.\n\nOscar: I... thanks, but... I've been meaning to tell you guys... I
didn't land the ship on my own.\n\n_Oscar thinks back to when the airship was about
to crash land. Fighting for control, desperately pulling the flight sticks back
towards him with all of his strength, suddenly, he lets go of the sticks before
reaching over to a button labeled \"EMERGENCY FLIGHT SYSTEMS OVERRIDE\", he taps
the button before grabbing the flight sticks again. This time feeling the airship
respond to his controls smoothly._\n\nOscar: We're gonna crash! We're gonna
CRASH!!\n\n_Despite having control of the ship, Oscar screams out in panic, forcing
Ozpin to \"override\" his mind briefly._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Stay calm,
it's going to be okay.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ozpin took control?!\n\nOscar:
No, he guided me... And then he was gone again...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Does that mean he's been watching us this whole time?\n\nOscar: I don't know,
but... it at least means he was looking out for us."},"611225910695165962":
{"u":1,"t":1565798013138,"m":"Sargent Gift - This airship seem like F-16, maybe i
can control it."},"611226975851511812":{"u":0,"t":1565798267091,"m":"_Weiss looks
at the sergeant in confusion._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Are you sure about
this? I mean, the controls are similar but--\n\n_Maria interrupts her as she got
out of her seat, walking away before being yanked back to the seat. She looks to
her seat to find her headset's wire still connected to it. From there, she reaches
over to the wire, yanking it loose._\n\nMaria: Do take over, I'm getting tired of
piloting this thing.\n\n_Sarge nods, climbing into the pilot seat. The moment he
settled down on it the seat's high-g compensation layering sloshed around as it
deformed to match Sarge's body._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> The seat keeps doing
this to me every two minutes, so, enjoy getting crushed by the
layering."},"611227825747525651":{"u":1,"t":1565798469722,"m":"Gift - Do not
underestimate myself from another timeline, I have been a part of Strike Air
unit \"Hammer 3-1\", If i pass this, that mean myself in alternate timeline will
also pass it too."},"611229483508301828":
{"u":0,"t":1565798864963,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> I'm sure Ruby would
disagree, she, too had been investing hours in working on her flying
skills.\n\n_Weiss simply rolled her eyes as Gift bragged to her of his
achievements. And with
the slight push of the throttle stick she sends the airship's engines to full
afterburner. Sending the airship flying at rocketing speed and away from the escort
ships._\n\n_With the airship away from the escorting ship, Weiss violently stomped
the right rudder pedal as she turns the flight stick to the right. Prompting the
airship's internal computer to interpret her movement as a rapid-motion missile
evasion maneuver. Sending the ship banking to near vertical before jolting up the
sky much to her friends' shock._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _straining
against the heavy g's Weiss is pulling on the ship_ WHAT'S GOTTEN TO YOU, WEISS?!
ARE YOU CRAZY!?\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _straining over heavy g's as well_ I'M
SHOWING HIM MY FLYING SKILLS!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _yelling over to
Weiss_ YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US ALL! STOP!\n\n_Outside the formation, Trigger looks
over to Weiss' airship pulling evasive maneuvers in total confusion._\n\nTrigger:
What's gotten to our lovely Ice Queen...?"},"611230060736675869":
{"u":0,"t":1565799002585,"m":"Mihaly: Showing off to her commander, it seems.
She'll kill her friends over high g's if I don't stop her.\n\nTrigger: Wait, what
are you--\n\n_Mihaly sends his Su-30SM to full afterburners, giving chase to Weiss'
airhship. As he got in close he switches over to the Su-30's IEWS pod before
sending off an electromagnetic wave jumbling the airship's control. Forcing the
Manta under his control instead._"},"611230260792524801":
{"u":1,"t":1565799050282,"m":"Gift - Ha! Control panel, i could use it, Gotcha!
Hold on tight, I will save your life."},"611231250216255553":
{"u":0,"t":1565799286179,"m":"_Before Gift could gain control he felt the ship
leveling itself before slowing down to nominal flight speed. He looks to the
cockpit window to find Mihaly's Su-30SM flying right above the Manta._\n\nMihaly:
_over comms_ Miss Schnee, it would be wise for you to stop showing off to your
commander.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> He started it first! He bragged to me, so
I'm showing to him how good I am!\n\n_Mihaly allowed himself to a light chuckle
before disengaging the IEWS pod's lock on the Manta's controls._\n\nMihaly: Very
well, you pulled an impressive maneuver. I'll give you that. Soon you'll get to
show me how good you are in a dogfight. Now, return to your formation. Sol One,
out.\n\n_Mihaly breaks his connection with Weiss, pulling up and away from the
{"u":1,"t":1565799419041,"m":"Gift - Weiss i try to tell you, Before i could ride
airship well, i have get a trouble sometime, but if you improve yourself, you will
be better."},"611231838207213569":
{"u":0,"t":1565799426367,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> _groaning_ Ugh, fine. I
give up. \n\n_Weiss banks the airship to the left, returning back to the escorting
formation._"},"611232307768197149":{"u":1,"t":1565799538319,"m":"Gift - That's
doesn't mean i hate you, but i try to take care all of you (Tear coming out from
his eyes) Or maybe i don't have enough responsibility."},"610500363703025694":
{"u":0,"t":1565625029255,"m":"_Ruby pulls the trigger, sending one round into the
air flying for the missile launcher, but suddenly, the missile launcher retracts
back into the arm cannon causing the smart round to unfold its grid-fins as it
guided itself to the missile launcher. Impacting only the launcher's external
protection armor dealing superficial damage. Everyone gasps in shock._\n\nCordovin:
You thought you could fool me?!\n\n_She readies the arm cannon again, this time
about to fire a lightning Dust attack. Ignoring warnings from the Jaeger AI warning
her of low Lightning Dust ammunition._\n\nOscar: Pull up!!\n\n_Cordovin fires at
the ship as Maria pulls up the airship, sending it rocketing up the sky, but it
still gets partially caught in the blast. The rest of the group on the cliff move
out of the way as the lightning attack released a strong shockwave blast. The
airship is affected by the electricity, and Maria screams in pain as her prosthetic
eyes close shut._"},"610501381580914688":{"u":1,"t":1565625271936,"m":"Sargent Gift
- If i don't save her in this timeline, my timeline will not have her too (His eyes
burning), I understand now."},"610504011719639062":
{"u":0,"t":1565625899010,"m":"_With Cordovin firing off the Dust attack, the
Valerian Arsenal Bird Vindictive Vengeance dropped all of its 80 drones in one
succession. The drones homing in on the Colossus on their own as their AI's updated
themselves with one objective: destroy the Jaeger, then Cordovin. The drone
formation is seen being led by two ADF-11s named Huginn and Muninn._\n\nHuginn:
_over comms_ This is Huginn to all friendly units, commencing major saturation
attack on the Jaeger for total target destruction. Requesting permission from Bravo
6-3 for final confirmation. Distance to target is six miles. Over.\n\n_On the
airship, Maria struggles to reactivate her optical implants as the ship spins out
of control._\n\nMaria: I can't see! My eyes!\n\nOscar: No, no, no!!\n\nMaria: Take
control!!\n\n_Oscar grabs the flight sticks as he barely gains control of the
airship. Pulling poth sticks towards himself in panic._\n\nOscar: We're gonna
crash! We're gonna CRASH!!\n\n_The rest of the group emerge from the smoke on the
cliffside, coughing._\n\nJaune: Look!\n\n_With the ship damaged beyond control,
Oscar drops the flightsticks as the airship crashes into the ground, its fuselage
skidding across land until coming to a crashing stop as it slammed against a
boulder in the forest while the group watches over from their safe location. As
Weiss gasps, Qrow runs and transforms into his avian form and flies over to the
crash site. Riley follows suit._\n\n_At the crash site, the engines can be heard
shutting down._\n\nOscar: We're... we're still in one piece!\n\n_Suddenly, Oscar
hears the stomping of Cordovin's mech. Ruby, still unconscious finds herself
awakened by hot hydraulic fluid dripping down on her face. She gets up, pushing
debris away from her as she stumbled her way out of the ship on her knees. Outside
the ship, Riley reached her hand in to grab Ruby's, pulling her out of the wrecked
far from the smoking wreckage, Ruby stands herself back up with Crescent Rose,
feeling her body recovering from injuries she'd sustained from the crash as Light
Energy's regenerative healing powers worked on her._\n\nCordovin: _laughs_ Very
clever, but even the smartest apes can't compete with the intellect of
man.\n\n_Finding herself losing balance Ruby uses Crescent Rose to stand herself
back up. She looks over to the airship to see Maria repairing her prosthetic eyes
as Oscar watches in concern._\n\nMaria: Come on, come on!\n\n_Ruby then looks
toward Cordovin with a determined expression and walks forward. Suddenly, Qrow
appears and takes his niece's hand. Stopping
{"u":1,"t":1565626032108,"m":"Commander Gift - This is Bravo 6-3 to Huginn, You got
the permission."},"610506492600123425":{"u":0,"t":1565626490498,"m":"Huginn: Huginn
copies, commencing attack. Danger close.\n\n_As Cordovin continues to stomp over to
Ruby, her conn-pod flashes red as her radar screen warned her of a massive
formation of drones advancing towards her. She turns towards the drones to find
herself faced against a gigantic flurry of incoming missiles of various
types._\n\nHuginn: Target in sight, ordinances deployed. \n\n_The drones commence
their unified attack as they launched all of their onboard missiles at the Jaeger
then breaking away to not destroy themselves from the ensuing blast. Cordovin
prepares to ready the auxiliary shield generator as the first missiles exploded
directly at the arm cannon, then followed by another series of large explosions as
the missiles continues to rain down destruction on the Colossus._\n\n_Inside the
conn-pod, all Cordovin could do was to watch her Jaeger's systems fail from the
missiles attacking the jaeger._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> My
lord...\n\n_From the cliffiside, Weiss gasped in awe, witnessing explosions from
the missiles damaging the Jaeger severely. As the last missiles did their job in
ravaging the Jaeger, exploding in a bright flash. The flash clears itself to reveal
the Colossus still intact, but barely standing on its own as its internal systems
are damaged from the storm of missiles._","te":1565626510339},"610506954116169729":
{"u":1,"t":1565626600532,"m":"Sargent Gift - Keep firing!\nCommander Gift - Hey
Cap, Anything update?\nCaptain Gift - Gift is almost out of
control."},"610507153161060352":{"u":1,"t":1565626647988,"m":"Sargent Gift - I know
him, and he know what is he doing now."},"610509712273702917":
{"u":0,"t":1565627258128,"m":"_As the smoke from the explosions cleared, Ruby
continues to walk towards the severely damaged, yet functioning Jaeger. Qrow calls
out to her._\n\nQrow: Ruby, stop!\n\n_Ruby looks back to her uncle, still bearing
her determined expression. Qrow gasps._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I need
you to trust me.\n\n_Qrow closes his eyes and ultimately relents as Ruby pulls her
hand away. She walks to the edge of the cliff and stands face to face with
Cordovin's mech. From the sky, Trigger circled his jet around as he watches Ruby
slowly advance to the edge of the cliff with Crescent Rose fully unfolded and
crackling with red electricak sparks._\n\nCordovin: Surrender for your crimes, and
accept your punishment.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _defiantly_
No!\n\n_Cordovin gasps in shock as Ruby's friends look to
{"u":0,"t":1565627260099,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're going to Atlas.
Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be
on the same side! We're
supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down
on everyone!\n\n_Cordovin ponders Ruby's words. Ignoring the AI's constant flow of
endless warnings after warnings._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We didn't want
to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving
you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.\n\n_The battlezone remains
silent for a moment. The only sounds heard are the jets of Trigger's squadron
flying by._\n\nCordovin: I've heard enough...\n\n_Cordovin then aims her arm cannon
at Ruby. Ruby's friends run over to her in panic, however, Ruby remains standing,
staring the Jaeger down as her body now emanates red-white particles. She closes
her eyes, mentally commanding the Light Energy particles within her to \"embrace\"
themselves into individual cells within her body._\n\n_Ruby shudderes slightly as
she allows Light Energy to fully consume her body as it encapsulates her in a white
chrysalid, shimmering with red aura._\n\nCordovin: What is happening to
her?!\n\n_The chrysalid encapsulating Ruby tears itself apart as Ruby thrusted her
left hand outward, breaking it. She collapses to the ground, coughing up tar-black
liquid. At this, Weiss runs up to her but finds herself being blasted away to the
cover she'd ran out of._\n\n_Ruby stands herself back up using Crescent Rose,
wiping the liquid from her lips with her hand then smearing it on the
cloak._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Then,\n\n_She takes a deep breath, held
it then exhaled._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So be
it..."},"610510182283345940":{"u":1,"t":1565627370187,"m":"Sargent Gift - (Equip
Cyro M1014) I will go too.\nCaptain Gift - What the hell are you doing?\nSargent
Gift - No sacrifice is too great."},"610512023041867786":
{"u":0,"t":1565627809058,"m":"_Ruby stares up to the Colossus one last time as she
readies herself to fight the Jaeger on her own. Qrow gains a look of horror on his
face as Cordovin fires up the arm cannon. Ruby, still standing, screams into the
sky with all of her might before using her Semblance to fly up into the sky at sub-
light speed, leaving behind her shockwave rings from the sheer speed of her
movements. She flies up the sky, then down to the cannon. Flying straight into the
barrel._\n\nCordovin: WHAT?!!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> She's NUTS!!\n\n_Ruby
continues flying into the arm cannon, leaving behind two trails of white light from
her eyes._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> The missile launcher springs out... but
the raw dust gets locked in!\n\n_Landing inside the arm cannon, Ruby plants
Crescent Rose into the ground and takes aim at the buildup of Dust, spooling
Crescent Rose's chain gun assembly to full speed. With the chaingun assembly in
full speed she fires rounds after rounds of experimental ammunition directly at the
Dust buildup, shattering it. With the buildup shattered into pieces, she flies back
out of the cannon, but before she could make it out a series of explosions from the
ruptured Dust magazines erupted as they began to catch up to her._ \n\nCordovin:
What?! No! NO!!\n\n_Ruby finally makes it out of the cannon as the shockwave from
the explosion knocked her out of her senses._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
NO!\n\n_Weiss aims Myrtenaster at Ruby, summoning black glyphs all over her,
slowing her team leader down. As Ruby flies backward, her Aura runs out and falls
unconscious. Her fall is slowed down by black Glyphs from Weiss, and Qrow catches
his niece in his arms. Weiss collapses in exhaustion as Jaune, Ren and Nora run
over to her._","te":1565627834498},"610512406535208962":
{"u":1,"t":1565627900490,"m":"Sarge got control by Gift mind.\nSargent Gift -
RUBY!!! i got you, Breath my sweet heart Breath."},"610514907280179221":
{"u":0,"t":1565628496714,"m":"_Sarge takes Qrow over as he tries to wake Ruby up,
Riley drops down from the sky landing next to him, discarding her weapon. She
rushes over to Ruby. Using her vitakinetic powers at her._\n\nQrow: Ruby?
Ruby!\nRiley: I got you, Ruby! Wake up!\n\n_Riley channeled more vitakinetic energy
into Ruby before gasping over the realization that she had used all of her Light
Energy infusion in the attack she'd made against the jaeger. From there, Riley
concentrated in channeling raw Light Energy particulates from her body into Ruby's.
Upon the immeidate channeling of raw particulates Ruby opens her eyes and smiles at
her uncle. Then to Riley, Sarge and her allies._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Told ya I'd make it, didn't I?\n\nRiley: _chuckling_ You sure did, Rubes. You used
it all up, didn't you?"},"610515237535481859":
{"u":0,"t":1565628575453,"m":"_Knowing what her commander implied, Ruby gave out a
light chuckle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, I definitely did. Thanks for
the recharge though!\n\n_The Atlesian airship's engines can be heard coming back on
as it hovers lightly above the ground. Maria managed to fix her eyes. Looking over
to Ruby giving her two thumbs, now standing on her feet._\n\nMaria: Oh, don't tell
me I missed it!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You didn't! Riley's recorded it
all!\n\n_From the sky, after recovering from the uncontrolled Dust detonations,
Trigger reforms his squadron as Mobius, Reaper, Pixy, Mihaly, Brownie, Cossette and
Count all brought their jets flying alongside his._\n\nTrigger: _looking into the
targeting pod_ She made it! That tough girl, woo!\n\nCossette: I knew she would,
her sheer will, combined with the energy was what pushed her through. I'm sure Sol
One would agree wholeheartedly, wouldn't you? Sol One?\n\nMihaly: She's an ace, a
rightful one. To fight her would be a great honor.\n\nCount: _over comms_ Oh, cut
it out with the honor thing, will you?! At least she's not dead!\n\n_Mobius rolls
over to Trigger's left side._\n\nMobius: She's the ace for all of us. Ain't that
right? Reaper?\n\nReaper: She _is_ an ace, just that she's not a pilot.
Yet..."},"610515344662200361":{"u":1,"t":1565628600994,"m":"Gift - (Telepath to
Ruby.) Ruby! Thank god you alright my sweet heart."},"610515444004159617":
{"u":0,"t":1565628624679,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _telepathically to
Gift_ I'm alright. What's going on over at your side?"},"610515655007141890":
{"u":1,"t":1565628674986,"m":"Gift - (Telepath) I try to take out that bastard who
cut your sister arm."},"610516963491577929":
{"u":0,"t":1565628986953,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _telephatically_
Adam? Gosh, hope she's... never mind.\n\n_She breaks off her telepathic connection
with Gift, walking over to the airship._\n\n_Meanwhile, at the
waterfall..._\n\nAdam: You knew you couldn't win two-on-one at Haven. What makes
you so sure you can win now?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I don't have a
choice. I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I'd never leave
them again. So I'm not dying now.\n\n_Yang smiles at her partner's words before
glaring back at Adam. Her prosthetic arm;s glow becoming brighter by the
seconds._\n\nAdam: You know, she made a promise to me once. That she'd always be at
my side. Heh, and look how well she's kept it.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Did
she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to
be?\n\n_Silence._\n\nAdam: So I wasn't just good enough for
you?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> You know it's so much more than
that.\n\nAdam: I know you've made your choice... and I've made mine.\n\n_Gift
braces himself with Sword of Remnant now in his hands, poised for an
attack._"},"610516972546949121":{"u":0,"t":1565628989112,"m":"_The four combatants
then take defensive stances as they resume their battle. Blake and Yang rush
forward together. The two of them work together to strike at Adam with a series of
back and forth blows and slashes. Blake grabs the bottom portion of her broken
Gambol Shroud katana and throws it at Adam, but he deflects it back at
her._\n\n_Gift then follows up with rapid punches from Balrog, using the shockwave
blast from his left foot to keep Adam stunned and lockd in the flurry of punches
that followed through._\n\n_Adam fially breaks off Gift's relentless attack using
Wilt to deflect away the final punch, staggering from the force of each individual
punch. He then jumps over to Blake, beginnnng his attack on her again._\n\n_Yang
notices this and grabs the pistol and uses the ribbon to swing Blake around. Blake
uses her cleaver to clash with Adam's sword, but he sends her flying back. Blake's
back hits the cliffside of the waterfall, depleting her Aura. She nearly falls off
the ledge and hangs on for dear life._"},"610517741144899594":
{"u":1,"t":1565629172360,"m":"Gift - Alright, you start first. (Transform to
Inferno Scorpion)"},"610518874852425789":
{"u":0,"t":1565629442657,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Blake!\n\n:She then turns
around and angrily glares at Adam._\n\nAdam: Moment of truth, Yang. Do you think
you're faster than you were at Beacon?\n\n_This causes Yang to gasp and tremble
slightly. Adam notices this and chuckles, twirling Wilt in his right
hand._\n\nAdam: Me neither.\n\n_Adam rushes forward. But finds himself being
dragged away by Gift's Inferno Scorpion spear skewering at his clothes, furious, he
fires Blush at Yang in an attemtpt to knock her out but Yang manages to dodge most
of his attacks, but she is then knocked to the ground from a stray round._\n\nAdam:
Your Aura's bound to be running lo--\n\n_Gift punches him clear in the face, then
followed up by a frenzied attack from all directions, greatly overwhelming his
defenses. Yang pants for breath as she watches Gift attack Adam in a frenzied
manner, before rushing over to Blake's help._\n\n_Adam tries to break free from the
attacks by using Wilt to absorb the damage to no avail, Gift's power is simply far
too great for him to endure as he is sent flying at a towering boulder. Creating
a large crack from the force of his
{"u":0,"t":1565629530480,"m":"Adam: That's it!\n\n_He anticipates Gift's Fatal Blow
before raising Wilt up defensively, allowing himself to embrace his adversary's
final attack with ease as the fires from Gift's blow died down to reveal Adam
himself still standing and the blade glowing bright
- Ha! Your luck is over. (Activate Chosen warrior might) Try to attack
me."},"610520129972994088":{"u":0,"t":1565629741901,"m":"Adam: No, but I _will_ get
back to you when I'm done... with her.\n\n_Instead of retalitating right away, Adam
breaks off and targets Yang instead much to Gift's surprise. With Blush in his hand
he fires three rounds at Yang. The latter intecepting them with her prosthetic
arm._\n\nAdam: Hit me already!\n\n_Yang dodges to the side. Her prosthetic arm
still glowing yellow._\n\nAdam: What does she even see in you?!!\n\n_Yang gets
knocked back as Adam strikes her with Wilt, still not unleashing the damage he'd
stored in it. Blake continues her climb._\n\nAdam: You're just a coward like
her!!\n\n_Adam unleashes an attack with his Semblance toward Yang. However, at the
last second, Yang's eyes turn red. The attack hits Yang, creating a cloud of dust.
Adam rushes forward and swings his sword down. Yang anticipates for the move as she
raised her prosthetic arm up, her hand reaching for the glowing blade._\n\n_When
the dust clears, Adam looks in shock as Yang has caught his sword with her
prosthetic hand. Her hair burns bright, activating her
Semblance._"},"610520400031645698":{"u":1,"t":1565629806288,"m":"Gift - (Telepath
to Yang) Let say together."},"610521271322673152":
{"u":0,"t":1565630014020,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> _telepathically_
Wilco.\n\n_With Wilt in her grasp, she kept a firm grip on the blade, staring her
adversary into the eyes._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> / Gift: Gotcha...\n\n_Yang
then cocks her left arm's Ember Celica. She pulls Adam toward her and punches him
hard enough to disarm him and send him flying back. The force of the attack
depletes Adam's Aura. Adam stands back up and tries to fight again, only to realize
his sword is missing. Yang still has it in her hand._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
I may not be faster... _her own Aura depletes_ ... but I'm smarter.\n\n_Yang then
throws Wilt over the bridge. Gift walks over menacingly to Adam, the flaming spear
now ready to be launched at him._\n\nAdam: No!\n\n_Adam fails to reach his sword in
time as he watches it fall. Suddenly, Blake reappears and uppercuts Adam as she
jumps back on to the bridge. Adam stumbles backward. Suddenly, he notices one half
of Gambol Shroud's katana on the ground. He and Blake rush forward to pick it up,
but Blake grabs it before he can. Yang then runs forward and grabs the broken blade
of Gambol Shroud, calling out to Gift, the flaming spear in his
hand._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _to Gift_ NOW!\n\n_Both girls, including Gift
then impale Adam from the front and back, each with a piece of Blake's weapon
simultaneously while Gift stabs the flaming spear into his spine, severing it and
sending the spear down into his heart. With Gift's spear impaling him at the heart.
Adam looks down at his bleeding chest as he
{"u":1,"t":1565630116263,"m":"Gift - So this sword, I will get it, And this for
myself AHHH!!"},"610522117141823516":{"u":0,"t":1565630215679,"m":"_Gift pulls the
spear out of his back as it transforms itself into the Sword of Remnant, raising it
high before sending it down upon Adam's head, killing him instantly._\n\n_Blake and
Yang both pull their blades out while Gift simply let go of the sword and watch
Adam stumble towards the edge of the bridge. He falls to his knees and his eyes
start to roll back. He slumps forward and falls off the bridge. On his fall down,
his body hits the cliffside with a sickening crunch, before disappearing into the
water below._\n\n_Adam Taurus is finally
- At least, i got a new weapon."},"610522709067300904":
{"u":0,"t":1565630356805,"m":"_Suddenly, Blake starts to sob and falls to her knees
as she breaks down crying. Yang runs over to hug her along with Gift. Blake hugs
back._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _tearfully_ I... I am not going to
break my promise, I swear.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I know you won't. \n\n_The
two girls, and the battle-hardened general continue to embrace as Blake continues
to sob._","te":1565630370558},"610523476352303110":
{"u":1,"t":1565630539740,"m":"Gift - You will be alright when you stay with me, now
forget about him, don't let him haunt you."},"610523728996073484":
{"u":1,"t":1565630599975,"m":"Then Gift hug Blake.\nGift - Until this mission end,
We will stay together, OK?","te":1565630612365},"610524416283246605":
{"u":0,"t":1565630763837,"m":"_The three continue to embrace until the sound of a
helicopter is heard. From the sky, an Estovakian Mi-17 Hip transport helo lands
behind them. Running out from the helo came Sea Goblin's team fully armed._\n\nSea
Goblin team leader: General! We have orders to send you back to Cliffside Alpha. We
need you, and those girls to come with us now."},"610524643966582795":
{"u":1,"t":1565630818121,"m":"Gift - They are my sister now, and Alright get us to
the position."},"610525084255256586":{"u":0,"t":1565630923094,"m":"Sea Goblin Team
Leader: Roger, step in, sir. We're lifiting off.\n\n_The men of Sea Goblin then
helps Blake and Yang get on the chopper as Gift jumped in. With the three now
inside the helo the pilot gave them a thumbs up before lifing off. Flying their way
back to the cliffside._"},"610525436782313475":
{"u":1,"t":1565631007143,"m":"Sargent Gift - There he is."},"610525608300249098":
{"u":0,"t":1565631048036,"m":"_He points over to the incoming Hip with his M1911 as
it comes to land right next to the Manta airship._"},"610525996231426053":
{"u":1,"t":1565631140526,"m":"Gift - Everything clear?\nSargent Gift - As you see
mate, maybe you should regroup with your...sisters.\nGift - That is what i'm gonna
do."},"610526537887776769":{"u":0,"t":1565631269667,"m":"(Sorry, but I gotta go.
We'll continue later, okay?)"},"610526640677847051":
{"u":1,"t":1565631294174,"m":"(Got it.)"},"610858652445966352":
{"u":0,"t":1565710451948,"m":"_Back at the cliffside, with the Jaeger's arm cannon
out of action thanks to the Dust detonations. Cordovin reached for her right-hand
console as she ran through an emergency checklist. Priming the Colossus' backup
weapon systems. However, with the arm cannon anchoring the entire structure to the
ocean floor and leaking plasma energy from the reactors the AI controller gave out
warnings, to which she ignores._\n\nCordovin: _struggling to pick up the mech's arm
cannon_ No! No, no, no, NO!!! You! You're never getting to Atlas! Do you hear me?!
NEVER!!! \n\n_She presses a button on the controls, hailing Argus Base personnel to
action._ \n\nCordovin: All forces converge on my position and eliminate these pests
at once!\n\nOscar: Crap!\n\nMaria: Everyone on board! We're making a run for
it!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What about Yang and Blake?\n\n_Back in the mech,
one of the screens read \"ARGUS BASE CHANNEL OPEN\". With the screen open, Cordovin
flicks the red switch on as the radio comes online._\n\nAtlas Soldier: Ma'am, we've
been trying to reach you! Argus is in danger!\n\n_Cordovin's expression widens in
horror._\n\nCordovin: What?\n\n_At the Argus base, various Atlas personnel all rush
to their battle stations as they prepare to fight against the incoming threat
they'd just seen in their radar screens earlier. A pair of guards are seen looking
out at the ocean. In the distance, a towering Grimm can be seen stomping in the
water towards Argus. It lets out a terrifying roar. Marking the arrival of the
Leviathan._\n\n_The Atlas guards then turn around and notice a massive legion of
Manticores and Sphinxs in the air above the city of Argus. However, at somewhere
within the ocean, the Mechagodzilla can be seen decimating much of the legion of
Sphinxs and Manticores with its railgun emplacements on its arms, dorsal plates and
body._"},"610859144311865354":{"u":0,"t":1565710569218,"m":"_In the city, various
Strangereal aerial fortresses can be seen airdropping troops down into major urban
zones as they began the evacuation of Argus in anticipation for the inevitable
battle of the Leviathan against the Mechagodzilla. Now mere miles away from
approaching the towering Grimm titan._","te":1565710579219},"610859404799246357":
{"u":1,"t":1565710631323,"m":"Gift - Alright Team, listen up, civilian are in
danger, we must protect Argus, If you ask what about cordovin, we will clear later,
but now city is under attack, we must protect it."},"610861156285808640":
{"u":0,"t":1565711048910,"m":"_Gift, Yang and Blake jumped down from the Estovakian
Hip, landing right next to the airship. He then rallied up his men for an immediate
update of current objectives._\n\n_In the sky, multiple AWACS planes fly into view
as they all prepared their squadrons of fighter jets for combat with Long Caster's
plane taking the lead. Guiding the flying fleet of AWACS jets into Argus
airspace._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to Strangereal Coalitions
fighter squadrons, stand by fo an immediate mission update. \n\n_Trigger banks to
the right as he pulls his craft close to Long Caster's, followed by the rest of his
allies. They then link up with an unmarked Hresvelgr airship and a Kottos-class
aerial warship._\n\nTrigger: I'm all ears, Long Caster. Let's hear it.\n\n_Long
Caster then tunes his radio communicator to ground units as well. On the ground,
Ruby and her allies all
looked up to the sky as their radios alerted them to his presence._\n\nLong
Caster: This is Long Caster to all combined units, we have an immediate mission
update. You are to hold back the hostile Grimm and provide enough time for troops
within Argus to evacuate civilians. Be advised that a friendly Jaeger unit will be
fighting the Leviathan alongside Experimental Project Mike. Long Caster,
out."},"610861405213687838":{"u":1,"t":1565711108259,"m":"Gift - Nikolai, did a
chopper have miniguns?"},"610863115814436865":
{"u":0,"t":1565711516098,"m":"Nikolai: Da, the guns are loaded with special ammo.
Just enough to kill every single one of them\n\n_Nikolai brings his MV-22FS Strike
Osprey down to land as Gift hopped onboard, manning the main minigun while the rest
of his teammates remained on the ground. He then gave Nikolai a thumbs up as he
brings the Osprey to the air, joining the fleet of Manta jets and Strangereal
Coalition Force fighters._\n\n_In Argus, multiple Manta aircraft engage in
dogfights against Manticores and Sphinxs above the ocean. The Leviathan itself
slowly trudges through the water approaching the city, however it stopped in its
track, turning back to see incoming railgun rounds from the Mechagodzilla impacting
its tough hide, shearing chunks of Grimm flesh off clean. It turns to the right to
meet a rocket-boosted supersonic punch from Gipsy Danger the Jaeger, being piloted
by Riley herself._\n\n_The force from Gipsy's punch sends the Leviathan flying
close to the city's columns of hard-light shield projectors, as it rose from the
waters it shook its head in confusion only to be met by a gigantic blade launched
from Mechagodzilla's Blade Launcher. The blade pinning it further down on the ocean
floor._\n\nRiley: _over comms_ This is Gipsy Danger to all units, be advised. I am
engaging hostile alongside Poject Mike! Over!\n\nAWACS Long Caster: Long Caster
copies, will transfer data to Argus Control. Standby.\n\n_As the battle presses on,
some aircraft fly by for a gun run on the towering Grimm. The Leviathan manages to
break free from the blade and dives below the ocean and swims. At this, Riley and
the Mechagodzilla gave chase to the Grimm._\n\nAir Control: All units, be advised:
Leviathan-class Grimm has submerged but is still on approach. Preparing hard-light
shields, over!","te":1565711717044},"610863390184964098":
{"u":1,"t":1565711581513,"m":"Gift - Nicolai, Scanner."},"610865311868125217":
{"u":0,"t":1565712039678,"m":"Nikolai: Scanner is up!\n\n_Nikolai then brings the
scanner system up for Gift as it scanned the Leviathan for major weak points. After
scanning for a minute straight it returned Gift with zero major weak points.
However, the scanner then warned him of its major weakness being saturation
attacks, anti-Grimm weaponry and... Silver Eyes._\n\n_Elsewhere, Ruby and her
friends overhear the radio chatter with looks of horror on their faces. Cordovin
continues to struggle to get the Colossus' arm cannon out of the water with it
being covered in ice and rock Dust. As she does so, a downed Su-34 crashes onto the
shoulder joint, instantly disconnecting the arm from the blast._\n\nManta Two-Two:
We're getting slammed by hostiles out here! Where is
Cordovin?!"},"610865486300839986":{"u":1,"t":1565712081266,"m":"Gift - Anyone found
it?"},"609774373896978432":{"u":0,"t":1565451939797,"m":"_Gift appears right next
to Blake, his weapon at the ready. At the sight of the General, Adam simply
smiled._\n\nAdam: It's nice to finally have time to ourselves. Don't you think?
And, you too. General.\n\n_On the Hind, Yang phase-shifts out of the helo and onto
the ground right below the tower._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Leave me
alone!\n\n_Blake fires at Adam, but he blocks and absorbs the bullets with his
sword, Gift, however does nothing as his newfound power briefly took over, sending
him into a deep trance._\n\nAdam: But I've waited so long, for you to be away from
them.\n\n_Blake runs over and uses a cable to zipwire herself down, but Adam cuts
the cable with his Semblance, causing Blake to land on the same platform he's on.
The two proceed to clash blades, until Blake kicks him back a distance. Gift snaps
out of the trance as he began his attack on Adam, firing at him with the M4 then
following up with a consecutive four-hit slash with his sword. Adam deflects the
bullets away but fails to block the moves as he is struck by the sword at his
torso._\n\n_Unfazed, he gets up, smirking at the General, turning his attention to
Blake._\n\nAdam: Easy there, General, you and I will fight. But I'll have to deal
with her first. \n\n_He now turns to face Blake with Wilt at the ready._\n\nAdam:
Why did you have to come into my life and ruin
everything?!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> You _stalked_ me across Anima! I
don't want anything to do with your
- The path you choose, Vengeance, you will get only pain and
suffer."},"609777492554940433":{"u":0,"t":1565452683343,"m":"Adam: All that talk
won't be enough to stop me, Gift. \n\n_He raised Wilt up and pointed the blade at
Gift, trembling with rage._\n\nAdam: I, will make her pay for what she's done to
me!\n\n_Adam proceeds forward and clashes swords with Blake again. Blake leaps up
and uses her Semblance to land on the platform above. She looks over the rail and
points her pistol down. Suddenly she looks behind and gets hit with hilt of Wilt.
Blake swings around and clashes with Adam again._\n\n_Gift withdrew the Sword of
Remnant from its scabbard on his back as he brought it to clash with Adam's blade.
Creating a shower of sparks flying everywhere._\n\n_With Gift joining the fight
Blake lands on the rail and dodges out of the way of Adam's Semblance, landing on
the platform above. Suddenly, Adam reappears and grabs Blake by the throat. He
pushes Blake to the edge of the railing, but Blake stomps on his foot and both of
them fall over the rail._\n\n_Gift, now given a window of attack conjures a
lightning bolt from his suit's electric smoke launcher, firing it at Adam, the bolt
then impacts his bodt as it sends him crashing through the tree branches along with
Blake. The two crash through multiple tree branches, breaking their fall back to
the ground. The two slowly get back up._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Let
go of the past, Adam. Do it for yourself.\n\nAdam: Just forget it all? Is that what
you did to me?! You just threw our memories
away?!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Adam!\n\nAdam: I let you go once
already, Blake. I'm never making that mistake again...\n\n_The two former partners
take defensive stances, and prepare for battle against each
{"u":1,"t":1565452822516,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) For Task force, For
myself, For Remnant, For Better Future.\n(Back to Normal) GIVE ME STRENGTH
AHHHHH!!!"},"609781028504207391":{"u":0,"t":1565453526379,"m":"_Gift raised his
sword high as it glowed of blue plasma, with the sword raised high he brings it
down on Adam, who, once again managed to block away the attack with Wilt, absorbing
the force of the attack into his semblance._\n\nAdam: _defiantly_ Your pain is my
strength, Gift. Keep that in mind.\n\n_He launches himself at Gift, slashing Wilt
onto his adversary's armor as he delivered the full force of his semblance back at
him. Sending Gift flying away shortly before crashing down on the ground. Gift then
uses the sword to slow him down as he jabbed it on the ground, creating a streak of
broken ground until finally stopping right in front of the landed Estovakian
Hind._"},"609781039270723604":{"u":0,"t":1565453528946,"m":"_At the cliffside,
however. Cordovin controls the giant Atlesian mech, which trudges through the
ocean, and goes after the airship Maria and Weiss took
before._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> You're joking, right? You want to
fight this thing?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We've fought giant monsters
before. This is just a tiny old lady... with one very big robot.\n\nCordovin: You
little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way to Atlas?! Well, let's see
how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military!\n\n_Riley
defiantly raised the Starfire Fury up high, its blade sparkling with
energy._\n\nRiley: If you want to stop us that bad, then don't expect us to not
fight back. \n\n_Cordovin prepares to take down the airship with a missile that
pops out from a slot on the arm cannon. The missile fires, locking onto the
airship, but suddenly, it explodes harmlessly just right behind it. Cordovin turns
to see Ruby with her Crescent Rose. Ruby lowers her weapon and glares at Cordovin
while the others get ready to fight._\n\nCordovin: _growls_ SO BE IT!!\n\n_Cordovin
prepares to shoot the missile at Ruby and the others. Weiss and Maria sees Cordovin
doing so in shock. She brins the airship ino full afterburners, her eyes locked
onto the missile launchers as the twin guns now set their barrels at it. From
there, she made no hesitation and mashed the trigger. Firing two streams of 35mm
rounds at the missile launcher, disabling it as the rounds impacted against the
launcher assembly, tearing away much of the protective armor._\n\n_At this, Long
Caster commands Trigger's squadron to commence their attack on Cordovin's
mech._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to Strider, commence the attack.
NOW!"},"609781267722141696":{"u":1,"t":1565453583413,"m":"Sargent Gift - (Equip
Rapid launcher) TAKE THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!!"},"609783581015015426":
{"u":0,"t":1565454134945,"m":"_Sarge fires off a volley of guided missiles from the
rapid launcher at the mecha, the missiles breaking off into different targets and
doing their job as expected. Detonating themselves against the layers of protective
armor surrounding
the mecha's legs._\n\n_With the first volley of missiles fired, he changed
positions as Cordovin responded by firing three Helios-C compact shockwave missiles
at him, the warheads air-blasting above ground. From the airship, Weiss unbuckles
her seatbelt and gets off from her seat while Maria took over and dives for the
{"u":0,"t":1565454137833,"m":"_As Maria heads to the others, Weiss approaches the
airship door with Myrtenaster in her hand. She jumps off and raises her weapon
creating a rock wall and protecting the group from Cordovin's ice Dust attack. With
the airship landed, Salter, Reyes, and Ethan scrambled for the airhsip as they
threw three Trophy system emitters close to it, forming an invisible protective
dome for the airship._\n\nOscar: That was close.\n\n_Ruby rallies her team as they
all huddled around her. Eager for a plan._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We
need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airhsip until we
do.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Let's give her more targets to focus
on.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> You mean us, don't you?\n\nRiley: I can switch
over to using long-range attacks with my powers to keep her away from
you.\n\n:aune: Look at that thing. It's not designed for small enemies. It's
probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters. We can turn our
size into an advantage. We just have to be smart.\n\n_Ruby nods in agreement,
looking to the cliffside to see Riley flying for the mech, firing pulses of
concentrated plasma energy at it._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Maria, can
you keep the ship out of harm's way?\n\nMaria: They can take my driver's license,
but I won't let them take this ship!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _deadpan_ Very
reassuring...\n\nOscar: I'll be more useful if I go with her. From up high, I can
try to spot a weakness.\n\nQrow: Well, he's not the only one who can grab a bird's
eye view.\n\n _He smiles, grabbing Harbinger by its
handle._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _to Ruby_ You said you needed me on
the ground?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Not exactly. \n\n_She smiles
nervously, gripping Crescen Rose tightly, looking at Trigger's squadron and Riley
attacking the mecha._"},"609784645923504140":{"u":1,"t":1565454388839,"m":"Camera
switch back to Gift.\nGift - Not only you can do this."},"609785355809587226":
{"u":1,"t":1565454558089,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"609785441109016620":
{"u":0,"t":1565454578426,"m":"_Gift switches over to Royal Guard, rearing back with
his sword and striking Adam in the chest with it. The force of the impact sending
Adam sprawling on the ground briefly as he used Wilt to support himself back up
from the hit._\n\nAdam: Not bad, Gift. Not bad at all, but I'm not here to fight
you!\n\n_He withdrew Blush and fired at Gift, the bullets impacting his combat
suit. Gift then uses the Sword of Remnant to once again block away the incoming
shots._\n\n(Roger!)"},"610118174414733323":{"u":1,"t":1565533908228,"m":"Gift - I
will not let you hurt Blake, i will protect her with my
life."},"610122025574465536":{"u":0,"t":1565534826416,"m":"_Gift raises the Sword
of Remnant high, charging up for another attack. Back at Ruby, the battle between
her allies and the rogue mecha continues._\n\n_As the team strategizes, Cordovin
keeps an eye on their location keenly. Suddenly, her eyes widen as the group splits
into three: Jaune, Nora and Ren run down the left path along the cliff, Maria flies
the airship to the right, and Ruby and Qrow fly straight up into the air using her
Semblance and his corvid form, respectively._\n\n_Riley transforms to her \"Battle
Angel\" form as two translucent wings projected from her combat suit, flying up
into the sky, launching spheres of concentrated photon energy as deterrence against
the mecha. Ruby reforms from her Semblance and fires Crescent Rose, cracking the
mech's windshield and causing Cordovin to growl. She fires a volley of missiles to
Ruby's location. Riley, with the deterrence spheres set up commanded them to fly
into the missile's direction as they intercepted the incoming warheads. Exploding
harmlessly._\n\n_Cordovin continues to launch more missiles at Riley's direction
until she ran out of ammunition, forcing her to retract the missile launcher back
into the cannon arm._\n\n_Ruby lands on a tree branch and uses her Semblance to
dodge the missiles. She eventually reforms and runs and jump along the missiles
before freefalling down to the ocean. An incoming wave is frozen by Weiss as Ruby
slides along it._"},"610122522696089600":{"u":1,"t":1565534944939,"m":"Sargent Gift
- (Still firing Rapid launcher) Where the hell is Gift?\nCommander Gift - He got
company.\nSargent Gift - What?\nCommander Gift - He try to prove himself as
Brother."},"610123278258012161":{"u":0,"t":1565535125079,"m":"_Sarge continues to
fire missiles at the shield while Riley continues to conjure more spheres from thin
air._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Let's go!\n\n_Weiss also slides off the
frozen wave before using Myrtenaster to freeze small patches of ice for her and
Ruby to leap on toward the mech. As Cordovin keeps her attention on them, her mech
is suddenly struck by a volley of pink grenades and three Javelin missiles fired
from Sandman's team._\n\nSandman: Keep firing the missiles! Nora, make use of those
grenades I chopped you.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Roger!\n\n_Nora reloads
Magnhild with more smart grenade rounds as Frost and Grinch knelt to their firing
positions, launching two more missiles at Cordovin, Jaune then fired a flare at the
mecha's broken windshield._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hey! Over
here!\n\nCordovin: What?!\n\n_Cordovin looks over to Jaune's group as they keep
running._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _to Ren_ And you said it wasn't beach
season!\n\n_The three then take cover behind a boulder for each of them. Nora fires
off more grenades from Magnhild, but suddenly, a hexagonal shield pattern appears
protecting Cordovin's mech, doing no damage to her. At this, Riley responds by
commanding the conjured swarm of energy spheres to siphon energy from the shield
and transferring it to Trigger's squadron, now reduced to Trigger himself, Count,
Cossette and Mobius One._\n\nTrigger: Wait... is that... an APS?!\n\nCossette:
Normally this shield would only be used in aerial warships, how come she managed to
get one for her... mecha?","te":1565535173367},"610123846468763680":
{"u":1,"t":1565535260551,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hurry Gift, i don't know how long can
we hold?\nGift - Give me an hour Sarge, i have a duty as Team RWBY's
Brother."},"610125992719155230":{"u":0,"t":1565535772257,"m":"_At this, Sarge
nodded in understanding as Price rushed to his help, his teammates carrying similar
launchers. The men then set up a new position behind the same boulder Jaune, Nora
and Ren had been taking cover in._\n\nPrice: Focus fire on that mecha, Soap, Yuri!
Make sure the mech stays distracted!\nSoap: Have I ever let you down, old
man?\n\n_The three men aimed their sights at the mecha as they mashed the
launcher's trigger. Sending a massive volley of missiles at the mecha, greatly
overwhelming the shield's defensive capacity and with Riley siphoning energy from
it, the shield shimmers as its generator fails to keep up._\n\n_Inside the conn-
pod, Cordovin growled angrily as the mecha's AI warned her of the shield failing.
she reaches over to a console, tapping commands into it. Outside, the shield
continues to shimmer before coming back to full power, sending a shockwave blast at
everything within the shield's protective vicinity. Riley reeled back as the
shockwave swats her out of the sky sending her tumbling down towards ground. She
then thrusted her hands outwards as she pushes herself back into the sky. Regaining
balance._\n\nCordovin: _laughs_ Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light
Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?\n\n_Cordovin charges up
her mech's arm cannon again, this time firing rock Dust, forcing Jaune's team to
abandon their cover and causing Price and his men to move
positions._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Cordo just activated shields!\n\nOscar:
I saw that. We need to find whatever's generating it.\n\n_From the airship's
interface, Oscar links Ruby up with a live feed, revealing the mecha's heat spots.
At this, Ruby's eyes widened in surprise, an idea formulating in her
mind._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You know, in video games, the weak spot's
usually on the back of the giant boss!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> This isn't a
video game!"},"610126628798070784":{"u":1,"t":1565535923910,"m":"Sargent Gift -
Ruby is right, There is a shield Core at the back of this Mech, Do you mind me if i
shot some missile at the back of Mecha?"},"610127868277817344":
{"u":0,"t":1565536219425,"m":"_Sarge prepares to launch himself at the mech. His
exosuit thrusters now in full power._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm just
trying to-- LOOK OUT!!\n\n_Cordovin's mech is seen stomping at a part of the ocean,
on the ocean surface, Cossette dived in on full afterburners launching missiles at
the mech's leg, shearing off a hydraulic joint with the missiles' impacts.
Unbeknownst to her, Qrow flies around in his avian form._\n\nCordovin: You are
ants! You are lower than ants!\n\n_As Qrow flies through the clouds, he transforms
back into his human form and takes out Harbinger's scythe form. He propels himself
forward and grapples onto the giant mech._\n\nQrow: _over comms_ Hey, Sarge! Now
might be a good time to do some serious stuff to this hunk of junk.\n\n_At this,
Sarge fires his thrusters, launching himself onto the mech's back._\n\nCordovin:
Ah! What was that?!\n\nQrow: Until the shield's down, we're gonna have to get up
close and personal with this thing.\n\n_Qrow starts to
fire at the scratch he just made. Suddenly, he notices the mech's giant hand start
to reach for him. Qrow dodges out of the way, transforming back into his avian
form._"},"610128177062215690":{"u":1,"t":1565536293045,"m":"Sargent Gift - And did
ant can fire RPG?"},"610129465514917920":{"u":0,"t":1565536600236,"m":"_Sarge
latches onto the shield generator, and with his left hand he withdrew his trusty M4
rifle and fired into the scratch Qrow had made before being forced to pull
back._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> That's easier said than
done!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss and I are on it!\n\n_With Cossette
saving them from imminent death, Ruby and Weiss land on a patch of ice on the ocean
together._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Hold on!\n\n_Weiss stabs
Myrtenaster into the ground, creating an ice attack that knocks Cordovin's mech off
balance for a bit. Cordovin let's out a frustrated yell. As the airship flies by,
Oscar realizes something. Prepaing his interface for another data transmission
until a warning is heard._\n\nOscar: Wait, that's it. When she...\n\n_Suddenly,
Cordovin aims her cannon at Ruby and Weiss._\n\nOscar: _gasps_ RUBY,
MOVE!!\n\n_Cordovin fires a volley of missiles at Ruby and Weiss, creating a large
plume of water. From it, Weiss and Ruby emerge unharmed as they ride Weiss' Queen
Lancer summon. Ruby leaps off and uses Cresecent Rose to propel herself onto
Cordovin's mech, embedding the scythe's blade into it. Riley, having regained
balance joins Cossette, Count, and Mobius in attacking the mecha even further, with
Riley sending indiscriminate blasts of supercritical plasma energy from her palms
and the three jets firing all of their special weaponries at it,_\n\n_Maria cheers
Ruby on. The force of Ruby's strike, combined with Riley's and the friendly jets
knocks the mech back into the cliffside, the tremors being felt by the citizens in
Argus. Cordovin let's out an enraged scream. Trashing around in her
drivesuit._"},"610129910132113458":{"u":1,"t":1565536706241,"m":"(Camera switch
back to Gift)\nGift - I will not give up easily."},"610131221887844352":
{"u":0,"t":1565537018988,"m":"_In the forest, Blake and Adam continue to fight each
other intensely. Their blades clang loudly as they clash back and forth. As their
blades lock, Blake hears a distant explosion from behind her. Blake's distraction
causes her to dodge quickly from Adam's attack. Blake uses the kusarigama form of
Gambol Shroud to grapple and swing from tree to tree. Adam gives chase._\n\n_With
Blake running off to safety, Gift swung his sword down as the blades gave way,
splitting them into two revealing a crystalline third blade. Sparkling with bright
light. He jumps into the attack as Adam responded by clashing Wilt against the
Sword of Remnant's enhanced form._\n\nAdam: Can you do anything besides run?! And
you, why would you devote your life to protect her?!? \n\n_Adam then jumps onto a
tree trunk and leaps off of it as he continues to pursue Blake, who continues
leaping from branch to branch. Adam then fires Wilt and it crashes into Blake's
kusarigama just as she was about to grapple onto another tree. Gift gives chase
after the two, his sword now clinging on his back._\n\n_Due to her loss of
momentum, Adam manages to catch up and slash at her, but he merely just slashes
Blake's trench coat off. Blake then kicks off Adam, knocking him back. As Blake
lands back on the ground, she fires at Adam, who blocks some of her shots but some
manage to still hit him. The two then leap out of the forest and find themselves on
a natural stone bridge in front of a
{"u":1,"t":1565537167602,"m":"Gift - Because YOU are not good enough to take care
of her, AND YOU WILL NEVER GOT HER AGAIN!!!"},"610133031293812737":
{"u":0,"t":1565537450384,"m":"Adam: AND WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?! YOU'RE JUST LIKE
ANY OTHER HUMAN! FILTHY AND ARROGANT!\n\n_Adam then brings Wilt to clash with
Gift's Sword of Remnant, switching to Blush as he backed off and fires at
Gift._\n\nAdam: JUST STAY OUT OF MY WAY!\n\n_With Adam distracted, Blake reloads
Gambol Shroud with a magazined loaded with Light Energy rounds and fires at Adam's
back. The two then clash again, with Blake evading Adam's attacks with her own
Semblance. Blake manages to catch Adam's sword with her own cleaver/sheath, leaving
Adam to defend himself with Blush. Eventually, Adam catches Blake's wrist and
blocks her katana with Blush._\n\nAdam: I wouldn't have to be doing this if you
just behaved!\n\n_Suddenly, Adam grabs his sword and flings away Blake's cleaver,
before knocking her in the side of her head with the hilt of Wilt. Blake gets
knocked back several feet. Gift, stunned from the rounds fired from Blush uses the
sword to regain balance before joining the fight again._\n\nAdam: But you're
selfish!\n\n_Adam knocks Blake back again._\n\nAdam: You're a coward!\n\n_Adam
again knocks Blake back a few feet._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> You're
delusional...!\n\n_Adam then points his sword at Blake's abdominal scar that he
gave her before. Adam then uses his Semblance, which causes Blake's katana blade to
break in half. The broken weapon clatters a few feet away from
{"u":1,"t":1565537520926,"m":"Gift - Ha! You don't know me well, that you are fight
with Chosen Warrior."},"610134991644655626":{"u":0,"t":1565537917768,"m":"_Back at
the cliffside, the fight between the students, their allies and Cordovin's mech
presses on with Jaune taking command of his teammates and Team
Metal._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Go! Team Metal, keep up the fire!\n\n_Jaune,
Ren and Nora proceed forward. Ren leaps onto the mech's arm and runs along it,
while also using the blades of StormFlower to hang on. Jaune uses the twohandler
form of Crocea Mors to slash at the mech's hip joint, while Nora uses the hammer
form of Magnhild to smash at the arm cannon. From the ground, Sandman and Frost
mans their airdropped Vanguard titans, the two titans brandishing Predator cannons
as they locked onto the mech and fired at it._\n\n_Cordovin manages to stand the
mech back up, causing Ruby to be lowered down into her view on the windshield. Ruby
hangs on to Crescent Rose as she nervously smiles and waves at Cordovin. As she
heard the loud burr of the Predator cannons firing, she dived for cover, pressing
herself against the metal hand as the rounds finally impacted the windshield,
forcing Cordovin to turn around to meet more incoming standoff missiles, 8AGMs,
lasers and railgun rounds from Trigger's squadron._"},"610135003069677601":
{"u":0,"t":1565537920492,"m":"Cordovin: Get off of me!\n\n_Cordovin tries to grab
Ruby with the mech's left hand, forcing Ruby to let go as she uses her Semblance to
fly downward. Luckily, Weiss flies by on her Queen Lancer summon and catches
Ruby._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Heh. Thanks for that, 1-
2!\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What if I hadn't caught
you?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I knew you would. _grins widely_\n\n_Weiss
just groans. As they fly around the mech, Ren lowers himself down along the mech's
back. He notices a panel with a humming machine sound coming from it. Ren uses one
of his blades to pry the panel off, but almost falls as the mech keeps moving
around. Fortunately, Qrow appears and catches his wrist. Qrow looks to his side to
find Sarge still firing into the scratch with the rifle._\n\nQrow: Gotcha. What'd
ya find?\n\n_Qrow tosses Ren back up as the both of them look at the panel he just
opened. They see a whirring machine with the label \"AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY,
SHIELD GENERATOR\" written on top of it._\n\nQrow: Well, alright then.\n\n_Qrow
taps at Sarge's shoulder as the man looked up. Qrow and Ren draw their weapons and
shoot at the machinery, disabling the mech's shields while Sarge planted C4 charges
inside the generator's empty coolant tank. Cordovin watches her screen as the
shields are reduced to zero._\n\nMech AI: Warning, shields malfunctioning. Power
level: zero percent."},"610135466565697543":{"u":1,"t":1565538030998,"m":"Sargent
Gift - Ha! Gotcha!\nCamera switch back to Gift\nGift - And it doesn't matter who am
i, but i'm the person who will FINISH YOU!!!"},"610137534336598038":
{"u":0,"t":1565538523993,"m":"_Gift prepares himseilf to attack again as Adam stops
to remove the blindfold from his eyes, stopping Gift in his tracks as he watched
with a confused look on his face._\n\nAdam: People hurt me long before we met...
All sorts of people in all sorts of ways... \n\n_Blake looks away sadly upon
hearing this_\n\nAdam: ... but no one hurt me quite like you...\n\n_Blake looks
back up to Adam as she sees his own eyes: his right eye a healthy blue eye, his
left eye scarred permanently with a brand labeled \"SDC\"._\n\nAdam: You didn't
leave scars, you just left me alone.\n\n_As Adam continues talking, Blake hears a
certain motorcycle and a gunship drawing close._\n\nAdam: So... tell me, Blake...
how does it feel to be alone?\n\n_Blake doesn't pay attention to what Adam says as
she hears the noise get closer. Suddenly, Adam raises his sword and lets out a loud
yell in fury as he stabs Blake in the abdomen. Suddenly, her form disappears,
another Semblance clone. Adam then looks behind him as Blake picks up her
cleaver._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I'm not alone.\n\n_Suddenly, from
above the waterfall, Yang drives off the cliff and hurls her motorcycle, which
crashes into Adam, knocking him down, before falling off into the river below. She
is then joined by the Estovakian Hind, flying in hot._\n\n_Yang lands a few feet
away from Blake as she stares down Adam. Gift joins her with his sword still on the
back._\n\nAdam: You...\n\n_Yang fires a shot Adam, which he blocks. Yang then
curled a fist from her prosthetic arm. Flinging
the arm downward as it broke into pieces, the pieces disintegrating away in a
cloud of yellow particles before reforming into her flesh arm with the Ember Celica
attached to it._\n\n_Watching from a tree, Nero yelped out loud happily as he
jumped down to the ground. Fist-pumping Nico at the same time._\n\nNero: Woo! Go
get that son of a bitch, Yang!"},"610137836137742356":
{"u":1,"t":1565538595948,"m":"Gift - NERO!!! You come on
time."},"610138690731245651":{"u":0,"t":1565538799699,"m":"_Nero eyed Adam down,
swaggering his way to the bewildered Faunus._\n\nNero: You look tough, and a bit...
rusty. I'll give you that.\n\nAdam: Who are you!?\n\nNero: Me? I'm just like that
gal who you'd just chopped her arm off back in Beacon.\n\n_Nero frees Red Queen
from its scabbard on his back as he playfully twirled it around before pointing the
blade at Adam's scarred eye._\n\nNero: You're not worth my time. I'm better off
fighting that old hag who's trying her best to kill Miss Little Red Rose, emphasis
on 'trying.' I'd say she's struggling."},"610138894670757899":
{"u":1,"t":1565538848322,"m":"Gift - Ok Nero, Let do this."},"610140163913285633":
{"u":0,"t":1565539150933,"m":"Nero: No, I want to see these gals chop this guy up,
I'll leave him to them.\n\n_He walks away to the van. Opened its door and climbed
inside. He then closes the van's door as Nico popped her head out of the driver's
window._\n\nNico: Make sure she uses that arm until it breaks!\n\n_Done with her
encouragement speech, she drives off._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Yang!\n\n_Suddenly, Blake falls to her knee as she holds her stomach in
pain._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's okay. Catch your breath for a second. I
can hold him off.\n\nAdam: She's right, Blake. It's okay, we have... unfinished
business.\n\n_The two combatants stare each other down. Adam makes the first move,
delivering a series of quick slashes and Semblance arcs that knock Yang back a
short distance. Eventually, Yang starts to strike back, managing to land some hits
on Adam that he wasn't able to block. She uncurled her fingers on her flesh arm as
the prosthetic arm reformed. With her fingers uncurled, from the fingertipe she
commanded the arm to spray liquid thermit onto Adam's clothes._\n\nAdam: What
the--\n\n_With the snap of a finger, the liquid thermite on his clothes bursts into
flames as Yang simply watched her adversary's aura begin to shimmer from the
flames. From there she jumps in and landed three punches on his torso, sending him
flying to Gift, who slashes him with the Sword of
{"u":1,"t":1565539231193,"m":"Gift - This for what you done with
Yang."},"610142568193458213":{"u":0,"t":1565539724158,"m":"_Cutting back to the
battle at the cliffiside, Cordovin struggles to reroute the power from the Dust
reactors into the mech's surviving components as the shield generator is destroyed
from Sarge's satchel C4 charges._\n\nCordovin: No, no, no, no!!\n\n_Cordovin then
feels a tremor as Nora fires a volley of grenades at her. Then an intense shockwave
blast as Cossette's railgun forcefully impacted the mech's external
armor._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> You get back here with _my_ man!\n\n_As Nora
continues firing at Cordovin, Weiss and Ruby fly by to Ren and
Qrow._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Jump on!\n\n_The two men do so. Nora
continues to fire until she runs out of ammo. Suddenly, Jaune notices Cordovin
lifting up the mech's arm. He runs over to Nora. Riley watches as she eyed the
mech's arm rearing up for a slam._\n\nCordovin: I've had enough of you
ingrates!"},"610142744416878593":{"u":0,"t":1565539766173,"m":"_Cordovin slams the
mech's arm into both Jaune and Nora as Riley fires her gravity sling at it,
severely slowing the arm down to a mere touch. However Cordovin launched three
Helios-C missiles from the arm cannon, knocking them back and breaking their Auras.
The two struggle to get back up._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> No!\n\n_Suddenly,
Weiss gasps as Cordovin fires the mech cannon at her group at point blank range,
destroying the Queen Lancer summon and knocking herself, Ren, Qrow and Ruby back
over to the cliff. Cordovin then locks onto Riley's heat signature as she charged
the cannon to full power before firing a lightning shot up close at her. Blasting
her out of the sky and over to the cliff._\n\n_Ruby uses her Semblance to fly back
over to the cliff, but falls short. Ruby embeds the blade of Crescent Rose into the
cliffside and holds on for dear life, struggling to get her boot thrusters to work
from voice commands. She notices Cordovin approaching her._\n\nCordovin: This is
what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in
charge!\n\n_From the airship, Oscar notices Ruby in trouble and runs over to Maria.
Distching his position from the targeting pod controller's rig._\n\nOscar: We gotta
do something!\n\n_Maria reaches for the master-arm switch, priming the remaining
missiles on the controls and flies back over to the mech. Just as Cordovin is about
to fire her arm cannon at Ruby, Maria flies by and fires a missile. Suddenly, the
mech grabs the missile with its hand, causing Cordovin to turn the mech around to
Maria's direction._\n\nCordovin: Calavera...\n\n_Everyone watches helplessly as
Cordovin fires the missile toward the airship's direction despite the flares
launched. The missile explodes in front of the airship, causing it to rattle and
veer towards the ground, badly damaged._"},"610143316482326569":
{"u":1,"t":1565539902564,"m":"Commander Gift - Sarge! I will destroy missile pot on
right.\nSargent Gift - Got it, Left is mine.\nCommander Gift - Ready.\nSargent Gift
- FIRE!!!! (Firing Dual Rapid Launcher)"},"610144853191426130":
{"u":0,"t":1565540268944,"m":"_Commander and Sarge took aim with their launchers,
locking onto the mech's weak points. With their targets locked, the two nodded to
each other, and with the pull of their triggers came a flurry of missiles
bombarding Cordovin's mecha from all directions. Overwhelming the mech's external
armor and causing loose plates to fall off into the ocean._\n\n_At the waterfall
Yang knocks Adam back a good distance before firing at him. He blocks and absorbs
the shots with his sword. Adam then quickly runs in circles around Yang before
letting out another Semblance attack that causes Yang to slide back a short
distance. Her prosthetic arm now glowing with energy as it channeled the damage
she'd received into its kinetic energy accumulator
system._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> His Semblance is like yours! He
absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back when he's
ready.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> He gets to dish out damage without having to
feel it? _sighs_ That's just cheap...\n\n_The two proceed to trade blows again.
Yang lands a series of punches and kicks on Adam, but he manages to send her back
when she punches his sword. Yang gets knocked back next to Blake and the two share
a glance with each other. Adam notices this and lets out an angered growl. He
readies his Semblance once again. This time, Gift raises the Sword of Remnant high,
ready to receive the blow for Yang._\n\nBlake: YANG!!\n\n_With a loud yell, Adam
lets out a devastating attack with his Semblance as Gift dives in to intercept.
When the smoke clears, Yang is still standing, though her prosethetic arm has some
small scrathes in it and her foot barely hangs off the edge of the bridge. She
lowers her arm and glares at Adam, clenching the prosthetic arm into a fist before
disintegrating the arm away. Restoring her flesh arm back._\n\n_Gift defiantly
stands next to Yang, his sword now bearing engravings similar to
{"u":1,"t":1565540362318,"m":"Gift - We are not done yet. (Use Scorpion's spear)
GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!!!!\n(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"610146304768868383":
{"u":0,"t":1565540615027,"m":"_Gift prepares to launch Scorpion's spear as Yang
pushes it away._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Gift, stop. This is our fight
now.\n\n_She turns to Adam, her flesh arm's gauntlet now glowing with accumulated
energy channeled from her prosthetic arm._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Leave. Us.
Alone. This is your last chance.\n\n_Adam stares back at the two as he grips the
hilt of his sword again. Yang's left arm trembles slightly. She shakes the arm as
it reformed into the prosthetic counterpart as yellow electric sparks bursted from
it._\n\nAdam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me
away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?\n\n_Yang, angered, prepares to
fight him again despite her hand still trembling. Suddenly, Blake takes Yang's hand
with her own. Gift reluctantly lowers the spear down, his left hand placed on
Yang's right shoulder._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> She's not protecting
me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her.\n\n_Adam glares back at the two of them
angrily. Then to Gift, anger burning in his
eye._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We're protecting each other.\n\n_The
two partners stand hand in hand in solidarity as they glare at Adam
{"u":1,"t":1565623157671,"m":"Gift - NO, IF I LEFT YOU.... MY LIFE IS
WORTHLESS."},"610494517337915415":{"u":0,"t":1565623635373,"m":"_Gift prepares
himself to rush in for another attack alongside Yang and the friendly Estovakian
Hind._\n\nEstovakian Hind: This is Ghost 0-2 to Bravo, mind if I get to keep this
guy's ear for my collection?\n\n_The Hind flies close to the ground, hovering just
metres above ground as its gunner turns the gun turret on the nose to face Adam.
The Hind fires, prompting Adam to block away incoming rounds from the cannon but as
the stream
of fire kept up, he gives in as four 23mm rounds impacted his body, tearing away a
portion of his aura._\n\n_At the Argus base, the Atlesian guards watch the screen
as Cordovin's Colossus Jaeger is seen trying to swipe at the airship Maria and
Oscar are in. Not noticing the Arsenal Bird's drones flying towards them from the
radar screen._\n\nCordovin: You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us, could
you, Calavera?! You had to rope in children to fail with you!\n\n_The guards cheer
on their boss as she fires another shot from the mech's arm cannon. Unbeknownst to
them, a red dot appears on one of the radar's screens approaching Argus. Fifteen
miles outside of Argus' waters lies the Mechagodzilla trudging its way through the
ocean to the city, the towering mecha being accompanied by six Valerian
Arkbirds._\n\n_Back at the cliffside, Ruby is still holding onto Crescent Rose for
dear life. Oscar notices this from the airship, however he fails to notice Riley
already flying for Ruby amidst the chaos._\n\nOscar: Ruby!\n\n_Ruby eventually
makes her back up to the top of the cliff by using Crescent Rose's blade to climb
back up, as she reaches the top of the cliff Riley extends her hand out for her to
grab. Pulling Ruby up. She regroups with Weiss, Ren, and Qrow, Price's team and
Team Metal._"},"610495000211619882":{"u":1,"t":1565623750499,"m":"Sarge can feel
Gift's Rage.\nSargent Gift - His rage is getting high.\nCommander Gift - What does
it mean?\nCaptain Gift - That mean He is very angry now."},"610496983865753663":
{"u":0,"t":1565624223439,"m":"_As the battle at the waterfall pressed on, Sarge and
his clones regroup themselves before re-arming at an airdrop. They then rejoin Ruby
and her teammates at the cliffside._\n\nOscar: _over comms_ Ruby, can you hear me?
Are you guys okay?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are _we_ okay?!\n\nOscar: I
know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen! I think I finally found a
weakness!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Well, we're all ears.\n\n_Oscar mans his
position on the targeting pod controller again as he ran his fingers through the
holographic controls, uploading the Colossus' schematics for his allies to see.
Ruby and her friends notice Nora helping Jaune over._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
_relieved_ Guys!\n\n_Ren runs over to his teammates as his Focus displayed Oscar's
schematic upload._\n\nOscar: The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a
giant Dust cartridge every time she changes attack
styles.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> We noticed. What's the
target?\n\nOscar: Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out!
Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're
still in the launcher!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We could destroy the entire
cannon... Oscar, that's brilliant!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Can you... make
that kind of shot?"},"610496990874304552":{"u":0,"t":1565624225110,"m":"_Nora turns
to Ruby, now loading a magazine painted in black, stenciled in white with the
CALIBER. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION.\"_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We'll only
get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the
barrel of her cannon.\n\n_She pulls back Crescent Rose's bolt handle, chambering a
new experimental round into it._\n\nMaria: Well, I've got a way to guarantee
that.\n\n_Maria flies the airship back over to Ruby's group. She stops with the
hatch doors open. Ruby runs forward as Riley took to the sky again, leaving behind
her a trail of white particles._\n\nQrow: Ruby, what are you doing?!\n\n_Ruby hops
into the airship and heads off to do her part. The others watch the airship heading
towards Cordo's mech. Ruby smiles at Maria and Oscar. In the mech, one of the
screens has a popup message saying \"ARGUS BASE, INCOMING TRANSMISSION\". Cordovin
notices this, but her attention is then drawn away with Maria's ship now
{"u":1,"t":1565624369521,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gift's feeling, What do you want me to
HER!!!\nSargent Gift - I'm on it."},"610500340911046676":
{"u":0,"t":1565625023821,"m":"_While Gift continues to battle Adam alongside Yang
at the waterfall, the Estovakian Hind pulls away from them as the pilot decided
that fighting them would be a simple waste of ammunition. He turns his gunship
around, making his way to the cliffside._\n\nHind Pilot: Hey, Vadim. You think that
the General can take that guy on?\n\n_Vadim, the Hind's gunner sets the weapon
systems to arm as he replied to his pilot._\n\nVadim: He'd eat that guy for
breakfast, Sergei! \n\n_The two reached over to fist-bump one another as they begin
to close in on the cliffside. Now, with Ruby on the airship and Riley providing
them protection from the sky Maria takes off for the Jaeger._\n\nMaria: Hey, Cordo!
I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!\n\nCordovin:
_chuckles_ One missile you say? That's a shame, Maria, because I have
plenty!\n\n_Cordovin reaches over to her left-hand control panel, tapping another
series of commands as the missile launcher pop out from the mech's arm cannon while
Maria continues flying toward her._\n\nOscar: ARE YOU TWO CRAZY?!!\n\nMaria:
Sometimes the best approach is simply the most direct!\n\n_As the airship moves
closer, Ruby gets into position and aims at Cordovin's mech cannon through the
AN/PVS-331B Ballistics-Enhanced, Long-Range Targeting Scope System, feeding
ballistics and guidance data into the bullets in the magazine. Cordovin gasps as
she pulls up a screen, noticing Ruby and catching on to her plan._\n\nCordovin:
You!"},"609051140172021779":{"u":1,"t":1565279507440,"m":"Sargent Gift - This is
strike team Bravo 2 to Alpha 6, Request for attack over."},"609052879336243201":
{"u":0,"t":1565279922089,"m":"Price: You're clear to strike. Send it.\n\n_Soap
fires off the first shots as his teammates followed suit. Striking down the guards
with the M116 guided, discarding fin-sabot rounds. In another area, Yang is
driving Bumblebee with Blake sitting behind her, Yang slows down as the guards are
flung back from Bravo 2's sniper support. Blake has her Scroll out receiving
instructions from Terra, occasionally glancing at the radar array for more
hostiles._\n\nTerra: Okay, remember: one, the scanner array cable is seperate from
the rest of the communications equipment. So if you disconnect it properly, it
won't take out comms for the rest of the city., then you'll have to disable the
array's long-range ballistics detection system to avoid being seen. Two, this
conversation never happened.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Don't worry,
this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.\n\n_Terra stares back with
an unamused look._\n\nTerra: Never. Happened.\n\n_Yang arrives at the drop off
point as Blake steps off the bike and proceeds forward. Her weapons at the
ready._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> You sure I shouldn't come
with?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> More intruders means we're more likely
to be seen. Besides, stealth isn't exactly your, um...\n\n_Yang stares back at
Blake with her arms crossed. Behind Blake's back, a SCAR strike team is seen
advancing up the hill with Sebastian leading
them._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I mean, you're great! And I'll hurry
back.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _softening her expression_ Romeo Three,
Go.\n\n_Blake smiles back at her before heading off. Joining the strike team as
they continue to advance uphill._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _over
comms_ All units, this is Romeo One-three, heading in on foot. Be advised that a
friendly SCAR team has joined as well.
{"u":1,"t":1565280016372,"m":"Sargent Gift - This is Strike team Bravo 2, open
fire.\nGift - Copy Bravo 2, Sniper team ENGAGE!!!"},"609053299601047552":
{"u":0,"t":1565280022288,"m":"_Chambering rounds into their sniper rifles. The men
of Bravo 2 targets the security detail around the site and takes them out from afar
with their rifles._\n\n_From her view, Blake watches as the security details are
knocked out by the concussion rounds, but as she moves out of cover a group of True
Sons soldiers rappel down from a stealth airship. With the airship in sight she
calls out the hostiles ahead to the rest of her
team._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> 1-3 to 1-1, I got hostiles on my
twelve. \n\n_Behind her, Salt takes aim with her EBR-800 rifle, locking the
fireteam in her sights as SCAR-1 moves into position. The team ready to strike the
{"u":1,"t":1565280168118,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"609054228966670345":
{"u":0,"t":1565280243866,"m":"_After the transmission, Blake, along with her escort
team find themselves being fired upon by a True Sons fireteam. From Ruby's radio
the sound of gunfire and chaotic yelling can be
heard._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> This is Romeo One-Three to One-One!
We're compromised! Hostiles on our twelve, requesting sniper suppor--\n\n_Her radio
gets cut off as she is dragged into cover by Reyes._\n\nReyes: Don't radio when
you're being shot at, do it when you're behind cover. Salt, return fire!\n\n_Ruby
unfolds an assault drone, throwing it into the air as its rotors unfolded. She then
assumes control of the drone, flying it to Blake's position on the radar
site._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> One-three, this is one-one! Sitrep!
\n\n_She zooms in on the gunfire beneath the drone, finding Blake tagged with a
blue diamond while the SCAR escorts are marked with green diamonds with the
hostiles tagged with red-white squares._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> One-
I say again! This is Romeo One-Three requesting immediate fire support!
Over!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Copy, One-Three. Air support is on the
way. Hang tight!","te":1570981230277},"609058160208248832":
{"u":0,"t":1565281181147,"m":"_From her position in the sky, hovering over Blake's
escort and the True Sons henchmen lies Riley. Firing beams of light downrange,
forcing the hostiles to run for cover and allowing Blake to move forward as two
SCAR team member tagged along. Their rifles at the ready._\n\nTrigger: Rose,
Blake's in trouble. Requesting permission to engage targets with standoff missiles,
over.\n\n_From her position in the Arsenal Bird's command deck, Summer takes over
Cossette's task as the former Erusean princess-turned-pilot scrambled to her jet.
The F-35X Super Lightning. She climbs into the cockpid as the COFFIN system linked
up with her neural implant. Locking her in as the figter deployment bay opened
wide._\n\nCossette: This is Rose One to Fighter Control, requesting permission for
squadron deployment. Over\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Fighter Control copies
all, you are clear to deploy and engage targets with discretion. \n\nCossette:
Copy, launching now.\n\n_The holddown clamps surrounding her fighter jet released
themselves as the Super Lightning drops down the bay into the blue sky, joining
Trigger, Count, and the rest of Strider Squadron while Mihaly's squadron waited in
the hangar._\n\nTrigger: Strider One, detachment successful, en route to target.
ETA fifteen minutes.\n\n(Roger.)","te":1565281233963},"609401672820588544":
{"u":1,"t":1565363080936,"m":"Gift - Copy, Cap on me, we will help Yang and Blake,
Soap, Yuri stay here to support Bravo 2."},"609401927498727444":
{"u":1,"t":1565363141656,"m":"Captain Gift - Got it mate."},"609403934863392769":
{"u":0,"t":1565363620249,"m":"_Cap rallies his men as they all ran for the hill,
charging alongside a friendly Yuktobanian MIG-21 flying close to them for visual
recon._\n\nYuktobanian Pilot: This is Fulcrum Four to Bravo Six-Three, commencing
visual recon on Grid GRG-six-zero-two-five-seven. Be advised that Romeo One-Three
has made it to the radar array.\n\n_At Jaune, he anxiously watches the mission
devolve into chaos as his teammates watched._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> One-
Three, come in! I'm not getting through!\n\n_Jaune then looks to Ren and Nora, who
just stare at him with worried looks._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _clears
throat_ I say again, One-Three. You're not getting through!\n\n_Ren and Nora
exchange a brief glance while rolling their eyes at their leader. Oscar notices
Ruby looking over with concern to Qrow, who is leaning against a tree with an
uneasy look on his face._\n\nOscar: _to Ruby_ Hey, this is gonna
work.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> As long as Blake's not... down. We'll make
it.\n\n_At the radar site, after finishing off the hostiles the SCAR team moves up
the primary scanner array as Blake scrambled for the array data cables, grabbing
them by their connectors and forcefully detaching them away from the junction
boxes._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _through radio_ One-One, this is One-
Three. Primary array is down, moving to
{"u":1,"t":1565363706016,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6 and 6-2 we will support you 1-
{"u":0,"t":1565364185691,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> 1-3 copy. Moving
with the secondary now.\n\n_On the airship, Weiss sits in a passenger seat. She
looks down at her scroll and notices her friends' signals slowly going out of
range._\n\n_She glanced at the radar screen as it displayed six blue blips marked
as friendlies. Having read through the OPLAN, she knew whose fighters the blips
marked them as. Strangereals, she thought. Turning away from the screen._\n\n_She
brings up her HUD from the Focus as it reads out her distance from her teammates,
upon this Weiss makes her move. She gets up and heads toward the cockpit. The two
guards turning back to her._\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Miss Schnee! For your own safety,
we must request--\n\nNubuck Guard 2: What?!\n\n_Weiss can be heard activating a
glyph as Maria sprung from the luggage, already clobbering the first guard with her
cane._\n\nNubuck Guard 2: Traitor!\n\n_Weiss grabs the second guard by the arm.
Putting him in a choke hold. With the guard knocked out of his senses she tossed
him to the back of the jet as Maria tied the two guards together then to a
{"u":1,"t":1565364278241,"m":"Sargent Gift - This is Strike team Bravo 2, we can
reach to airship over."},"609407113457958914":
{"u":0,"t":1565364378085,"m":"Trigger: Negative, 6-1. Romeo 1-2's still dealing
with the guards.\n\n_Grunts from the guards are heard. The airship is seen flying
by as the two guards are tied together by a black glyph as a parachute slows their
descent. An Osean F-18 flies close to them. Nearly ripping the parachutes
away._\n\nBrownie: Serves them right. Stupid Atlesians...\nMihaly: They're only
following orders, after all.\nReaper: I disagree completely. To me, they're just
assholes.\nMobius One: Can't agree more...\n\n_The four jets breaks away from the
Manta as they fly back to the radar site. Preparing for their second strafing
run._\n\nNubuck Guard 2: This parachute won't excuse you of your treachery!\n\n_The
glyph deactivates, causing one of the gaurds to hang onto the other guard for dear
life. At this, Pixy brings his ADFX-01 Morgan even closer to them, firing a short
burst of laser from the tactical laser system pod._\n\nPixy: Shut up.\n\n_He
circles around the guards as they made their descent to the cliffside, landing
safely right next to Ruby._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> You
{"u":1,"t":1565364594765,"m":"Gift - Cap, Stay here, i can sense something bad will
happen to Ruby. (Thinking to himself) If i think where i want to go that mean i
will teleport to wherever i think, Okay try this I want to help Ruby in
{"u":0,"t":1565364828259,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You don't have to,
Gift. They're the same guards we met when we were at the base.\n\n_Ruby walks over
to him. Behind her being the two guards tied to a grappling hook attached to the
Crescent Rose._\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Miss Rose, I and my partner can assure you of
proper treatment if you are to let us go.\n\nNubuck Guard 2: I can make sure that
your treatment in prison will not be as harsh as other prisoners get! \n\n_Ruby
angrily spun around at them. Unholstering her pistol and with it she fired a shot
onto the ground close to the first guard's legs. Silencing any further
{"u":0,"t":1565364868990,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just shut up, and
maybe I'll reconsider tossing you two into the sea!"},"609409293548257281":
{"u":1,"t":1565364897859,"m":"Gift - Wait! i can talk to her, it might be
telepath."},"609410623855394842":{"u":0,"t":1565365215029,"m":"_Ruby freezes in her
tracks as Gift spoke to her directly through telepathy. She returns her pistol back
to its holster, regaining her composure._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_mentally_Gift? What are you doing?!\n\n_Gripping at Crescent Rose's extended
barrel and stock she continues to drag the two guards by their legs to her team
leader. After nearly fifteen minutes of ordeal she finally reaches the shed he'd
been using as a comminucations outpost._\n\n_She then frees the guards from the
grappling hooks tied to their legs as Ren and Jaune got to their feet, walking over
to the guards and pushing them into the shed._"},"609411049396895754":
{"u":1,"t":1565365316486,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) I can read mind?\n(Back
to normal) Maybe my new power, Ruby."},"609413094942310511":
{"u":0,"t":1565365804182,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _mentally_ Oh, that's
great to hear.\n\n_Back on the airship, Weiss walks over to the controls with Maria
taking the pilot's seat. She sits on the copilot's seat, putting the headset on as
she ran through the jet's armanents checklist. Activating them for
combat._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> This is Romeo 1-2 to Strider One and Bravo
Six. Be advised that I now have control of a Manta jet. \n\n_She turns to Maria
with a look of concern. Noticing Maria fiddling around with the glass cockpit
interface._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> You're sure you could fly
this?\n\nMaria: Missy, I was the Grimm Reaper! What part of \"best Huntress of her
generation\" don't you understand?\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Right, but your
eyes.\n\n_Maria chuckles as she notices a small device plugged in the controls. She
takes out the device and plugs it into her goggles. Text on one of the screens read
\"TRANSMITTING SENSOR ARRAY DATA\" as Maria's prosthetic eyes grow more
wide._\n\nMaria: You were saying?\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> That you
said your eyes were in desperate need of repair!\n\nMaria: _holding a finger out
at Weiss_ Bup bup bup.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
But--\n\nMaria: Bup!\n\n_Weiss ultimately relents. Taking the jet's control over to
her side as she gunned the engines to full afterburners straight for Mobius One's
F-22A_\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> This is 1-2 to Mobius One, coming to your six
at Angels six.\n\nMobius: One copies all, you sure you can fly that jet?
\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> My simulator hours would say otherwise. But I can
hold my own in a dogfight.\n\n_At this, Cossette immediately banks away from a
Stratotanker. Rapidly descending until she reached Weiss' Manta jey heading
inland._\n\nCossette: Rose One to Romeo, say objective.
Over.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> 1-2 is en route to Team Romeo, I need you to
return to 1-3 and provide air support. She's still in trouble.\n\nCossette: Fine.
One, breaking away.","te":1565365830836},"609413744627286045":
{"u":1,"t":1565365959079,"m":"Gift - Cap, Everything clear?\nCaptain Gift - For
now.\nGift - (Use communicator) Here he come.\nCaptain Gift - Who?\nGift - Adam,
prepare for payback."},"609416027373305886":
{"u":0,"t":1565366503328,"m":"Sebastian: The damned bastard...\n\n_He pushes Blake
away from the console she'd been using to disable the radar array as the sharp snap
of incoming bullets are heard throughout the site. Sending Blake crashing into
neatly stacked rows of concrete barriers._\n\nSebastian: Don't pop out of that
cover unless you want to be dead, Blake!\n\n_Back on the ground, Ruby watches her
scroll as Weiss' signal disappears from Argus
airspace._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright guys, this is it. _placing
her fingers on her ear_ Blake, you're up.\n\n_She pings the radio. No
response.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Blake?\n\n_Ruby looks back to her
friends in worry. A few seconds later her radio comes to life as Brownie spoke to
her directly from her cockpit._\n\nBrownie: Ruby, your friend's in trouble. We're
going in hot, 1-2's joining us, too.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _inhales
deeply_ Make sure Blake gets every support from the air, it won't be an easy fight
for her, that's for sure.\n\nMihaly: Only a destructive man like Adam will dare
himself to fight fighter jets with bare hands. We will get him, Miss Rose. Count on
us.\n\n_Ruby looks up to the sky as she saw Trigger and Count's ADF-11s flying past
her. Joined by Mihaly's Su-30, Brownie's F-18, Reaper and Mobius' F-22 with
Cossette in her F-35X and Pixy's ADFX-01 Morgan with Weiss' Manta flying after
Pixy. The squadron of jets all headed towards the site with one collective
objective in mind. Taking Adam down._","te":1565366694407},"609416937943859221":
{"u":1,"t":1565366720425,"m":"Gift - Soap Come here, hold this position to support
us, i and Cap will help Blake."},"609417643010818070":
{"u":0,"t":1565366888526,"m":"_Next to him, a CH-47 Chinook lands before him as a
team of Osean infantrymen streamed out of the rear cargo door._\n\nSea Goblin:
General! We're Sea Goblin. Our orders are to take you to the radar site. Step
onboard!\n\n_Gift boards the Chinook as Soap and Yuri remained at the shed while
Price and Nikolai sat on the seats within the chopper's interior._\n\nPrice: You
got any ideas when Adam's down on his knees, Gift?"},"609418434639560726":
{"u":1,"t":1565367077265,"m":"Gift - I will payback him to make my sister, Yang
lose her arm."},"609418854371950592":{"u":0,"t":1565367177337,"m":"Price: I'll skin
that bastard alive.\n\n_The men of Sea Goblin, too, went back inside the chopper's
interior as it took off for the radar site. At the entrance to the radar site Yang
sits on the ground next to Bumblebee as the sounds of jets flying overhead is
heard._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Huh?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _over
comms_ Yang, what's going on?\n\n_Yang gets up and looks over to the relay tower as
the loud roar of 25mm rounds impacting the earth is heard reverberating throughout
the entrance. Followed by the sounds of various standoff missiles and munitions
bombarding the site. Reducing the scanner arrays to rubble._\n\nMobius One: Mobius
One, bombs away, bombs away!\n\n_The weapon bays of his F-22 opens wide as standoff
dispensers are launched to their targets. On their way to the radar dishes while
Cossette followed through with her constant 25mm fire from the starboard autocannon
on her F-35X._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I don't know...\n\n_Yang looks to her
scroll and sees Weiss' signal coming back on. The signal blip being joined by eight
similar blips._","te":1565368228573},"609419680289128451":
{"u":1,"t":1565367374251,"m":"Gift - This might be the last signal that i receive
from Blake."},"609422373464309760":{"u":1,"t":1565368016354,"m":"Gift - She might
be around here."},"609422551474634753":{"u":0,"t":1565368058795,"m":"_The Chinook
lands at the entrance as the menof Sea Goblin departed the chopper alongside Gift,
Price and Nikolai. They then rushed over to Yang, finding her loading shotshells
into the left Ember Celica while her right prosthethic arm breaks away, revealing
her flesh arm with the right gauntlet loaded with
ammo._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We need to get up there, our plans are all
FUBAR. \n\nPrice: Let's move, up the hill!\n\n_Back at the base, Cordovin watches
her men working the terminals. A beep is heard, shown on the terminal screen is the
large triangular blip identified as an Atlesian Arsenal Bird. Then at the radar
site's satellite imagery lies the site being bombarded by the same jets Ruby had
seen on the ground._\n\nTerminal Soldier: Ma'am, we've got no responses from our
radar, our radar site is compromised!\n\nCordovin: And who would be foolish enough
to destroy our radar site?!\n\nTerminal Soldier: Apparently... us and the True
Sons, ma'am.\n\nCordovin: WHAT?!\n\n_At the radar site, much of the radar arrays
have been either disabled or destroyed thanks to the jets commencing ground
attacks. Battling against the True Sons hostiles swarming over the
site._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> 1-3 to Raider, I need rounds up that
radar dish! Someone's got a launcher locked on u-\n\n_A bullet whizzed close to her
ear, causing her to flinch as Reyes picked up a lit smoke grenade and tossed it at
the radar dish. Marking a target for the jets up above them._\n\nCossette: Target
in sight, it's all yours, Sol One.\n\nMihaly: Sol One copies. Strider One and
Mobius, press on and keep up the pressure.\n\n_Not saying a word, Trigger and
Mobius lased the radar dish for Mihaly's Fuel-Air explosive bombs as they flew
their jets close to the ground beforw pulling up. From the ground, Gift and his
team continue to advance to Blake's last known location with Yang leading them
amidst the ensuing chaos._","te":1565370325126},"609422900646117407":
{"u":1,"t":1565368142044,"m":"Gift - It up there, on the
{"u":0,"t":1565369067474,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> I see them! \n\n_She
stops, raising her fist high._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Sea Goblin, hold
position. We'll push up the tower.\n\nSea Goblin: Are you sure about this? We've
heard of what happened to you..\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I'll be fine. Just
hold here.\n\n_She gestured for Gift and his team to push up to the tower as they
ran through the vast clearing that used to be the auxiliary radar arrays. Leaving
the badly damaged main array behind for the primary scanner tower._\n\n_Back on the
airship with Weiss and Maria, they break off from the rest of the squadron as they
set course back to the rest of their teammates._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> This
is 1-2 to Sol One, breaking off to RV with friendlies on standoff range.
Over.\n\nMihaly: Copy, 1-2. \n\n_At this, Weiss pulls away from Mihaly's Su-30,
once again sending the jet into a breakneck speed as she flew back to the cliffside
for her team as her radio came to life._\n\nTerminal Soldier: Manta 5-1, this is
Argus Base. We see you circled back. What's your status, over.\n\n_At this, she
switches comms over to internal, disconnecting her channel from the base
momentarily._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Why can they see us?\n\nMaria: Somebody
dropped the ball. Don't worry, I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their
jargon.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> No, I'll handle the comms. Old jargons don't
work.\n\n_She resumes her connection with the base's radio channel as the headset
once again comes to life._","te":1565369227774},"609427623063584828":
{"u":0,"t":1565369267956,"m":"_With the headset up and running Weiss picks up the
radio. Tapping at the headset's PTT button._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> This is
Manta 5-1, we're under heavy enemy fire from True Sons forces. Requesting immediate
retreat to standoff range, over.\n\nTerminal Soldier: Manta 5-1, we see no direct
enemy fire to your aircraft from our sat feed. Return to base now or you will be
treated as hostile.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Negative, Argus Base!
Friendly Strangereal coalition forces are storming the radar site. We are low on
ammunition and fuel and require imemdiate field re-arm. I say again,requesting
immediate return to standoff range. Over.\n\n_At this, Weiss brings up the feed
from the Manta's targeting pod showing the chaos at the ground they're circling
above to the terminal soldier. The soldier hesitates, unsure whether if he should
regard the Manta as hostile thanks to the radar site being out of
commission._\n\nTerminal Soldier: _breathes deeply_ Roger, Five-One. Permission to
RTB to the standoff line is permitted. Godspeed. Argus Base,
out.\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Copy, 5-1. Over and out."},"609428014480228363":
{"u":0,"t":1565369361277,"m":"( <@240849028852482050> I see you popping up in the
chat.)"},"609428683110875136":{"u":1,"t":1565369520691,"m":"Gift - (Use his
detective skill) She just got attack by Adam and head to the north east that way go
to Damn, the cliff near waterfall."},"609430783035179048":
{"u":0,"t":1565370021352,"m":"_Back at the base. Cordovin snatched the mic from the
terminal soldier._\n\nCordovin: Give me that! I'll do the talking. You thought you
could undermine my authority? If you don't return my ship this INSTANT, I will make
an example out of you. I will show you the true might of Atlas!\n\n_Over the radio,
a crunching sound is heard. Weiss turns to her side to see Maria snacking on
cashews for Cordovin to hear._\n\nMaria: You hear that, Cordo?\n\n_Cordovin's
expression slowly turns enraged. Back on the airship, Maria munches on cashews with
her mouth open._\n\nMaria: That's the sound of me not caring! \n\n_She laughed
maniacally over the radio. At this, Weiss cringed as the shrill laughter broke her
_putting her fingers to her headset_ Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and
Maria isn't helping! The radar site is down but they still got us in their
satellite feed!\n\n_Back on the ground. All hostilities ceased at the radar site as
Argus military personnel, alongside the Rangers brought the True Sons at the site
to a stop._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Why is the scanner tower still
up?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We don't know, Blake isn't
responding.\n\n_Pixy breaks away from his squadron as he conducted a visual reccy
of Blake's estimated last known location being the waterfall close to the radar
site. As he does so, he finds Blake in a standoff against Adam on thr ground, in a
clearing. Their weapons at the ready._\n\nPixy: _over the radio_ Rose, you're not
gonna like this. But someone's crashed the party.\n\nOscar: What do we
do?!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _over comms_ Keep the ship in one piece. I'm
with Gift and his men. We're going after
gonna rest now.)"},"609430996659601449":
{"u":1,"t":1565448238935,"m":"Gift - Over here, i can sense
it."},"609759485053108225":{"u":1,"t":1565448390020,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to
himself) I hope you will save Blake."},"609763100253487145":
{"u":0,"t":1565449251951,"m":"_Gift taps into his newfound ability, unwittingly
teleporting himself straight to the location marked on his HUD._ \n\n_The sky above
the radar site remains within the Coalition Force's control as Trigger continued to
circle around the disabled radar array, the rest of his squadron having left for
the standoff return line. On the ground Yang is seen revving her motorcycle. She
quickly zooms over to the ballistics scanner tower, joining an Estovakian Mi-28
helo as the two makes their way to the tower._\n\n_Back at the cliffside, Nora
loads her weapon with smart grenade rounds while her teammates
watched._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Maybe we should fly over to help Yang and
Blake first?\n\nQrow: Damn it! Cordo's gonna scramble her fighters. We've got maybe
ninety seconds before they're in the air, and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all
my fault...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What are you talking about? Your
Semblance?\n\nQrow: Every choice I've ever made has led me here, and I've dragged
you along with me. Oz, myself, the others... We're responsible for the mess the
world's in now. I shouldn't have come, shouldn't have let any of you come... What
was I thinking?!\n\n_At this, the team fell silen save for the sounds of fighter
drones flying overhead._"},"609764707234218004":{"u":1,"t":1565449635085,"m":"Gift
- Wood have scratch, that mean Blake come this way."},"609765620602372116":
{"u":0,"t":1565449852849,"m":"_Gift continues to follow the trail of spent bullet
casings, making his way up the hill to the waterfall, not noticing Yang and an
Estovakian Hind following him close._\n\n_Back at Ruby's position, she readies up
Crescent Rose, inserting a new magazine into it. With the magazine inserted she
pulls the charging handle back, chambering a round into the sniper-scythe rifle
system. She turns to her uncle, having finished loading her weapon with fresh
ammunition,_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We're all in this together, and
we're all going to do the best we can. That's all anyone can do. And I know it's
what you've always aimed for. We would've come whether or not you'd let us, so stop
talking like we're your responsibility! We're not! But we could still use Qrow
Branwen on our side. \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Or, if you'd like me to
keep things official... You're still an official unit, Harbinger Zero-
Four.\n\n_Qrow ponders his niece's words._\n\nQrow: Hm... How did you grow up so
fast?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I had good role
models."},"609765652646985740":{"u":0,"t":1565449860489,"m":"_The two share a
smile. From the sky, Weiss keeps her jet circled around the Combined Naval-Land
Base as she kept the targeting pod onboard locked onto the floating runway
platforms, keeping an eye out for scrambled Atlesian F-18s. After circling around
for three passes she finds zero activity on the ground. From there, she turns the
targeting pod off as it transmitted the recorded feed back to her
teammates._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _over comms_ Guys? She's not
sending fighters...\n\nRiley: Pft, what?\n\n_The group looks over to the Argus
base. Suddenly, the mountain at the base retracts, revealing a colossal mech that
overlooks the city of Argus. Inside the mech's conn-pod, Cordovin stuggles to keep
a stable neural drift with the controls, after re-calibrating over five times she
finally maintains a stable drift. Feeling the mech's primary motion controls and
weapon systems coming online._\n\n_She raised her right foot as the mech responded,
doing similar movements as the physical rig linking her to the conn-pod interpreted
her movement data. From there she began walking for the vast ocean for the
cliffside, where she finds Weiss' Manta jet flying just above her._\n\nCordovin:
Clearly the people have forgotten that they live in peace thanks to the awesome
might of Atlas!\n\n_Weiss readies the jet's weapon systems as the twin cannons
responded to her eye movements, she then ran through the rest of the automated
checklist, priming the missiles for combat. With the jet's weapons coming online
she kept her sight on the mech, the twin autocannons responding to her
command._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _over comms_ This is Romeo 1-2 to
Strider One, be advised. Hostile has activated a mobile bipedal weapon system.
Over.\n\nTrigger: Strider copies all, we're coming to you.\n\n_In the sky, Trigger
pulls away from the Arsenal Bird, sending his jet to full afterburners joining the
rest off his squadron. Now on their way to neutralize Cordovin's
mecha._"},"609766513544658954":{"u":1,"t":1565450065743,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gift,
hurry we must rally our team.\nGift - I almost get Blake now.\nCommander Gift -
Cordovin have bring her mecha.\nGift - That mean i need to hurry.\nSargent Gift -
Yes."},"609768733270867989":{"u":0,"t":1565450594967,"m":"_Ruby and her group look
over to see Weiss and Maria fly in, with Cordovin in her mech following close
behind. The mecha being chased by Trigger's squadron of heavily armed
fighters._\n\nTrigger: _over comms_ Cordovin, the first time I saw you. I thought
you were crazy, but definitely not _this_ crazy! Stand down or we will be forced to
open fire!\n\nCossette: It's no use fighting them, you'll just waste your
resources, or even get yourself court-martialed for your actions, think. Is your
life worth th--\n\n_Cordovin responds by firing two missiles at the jets, forcing
Trigger and Cossette to break away._\n\nCossette: Incoming missiles! Break!
Break!\n\nCordovin: It's time you asked yourselves, children... Do you truly wish
to defy me?\n\n_Weiss keeps her jet's guns locked, her right thumb now above the
right hand stick's trigger. Ready to fire._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Hurry back, 1-2. I need you on the ground if we're gonna take this thing down.
Strider will provide support.","te":1570981713680},"609768749758808065":
{"u":0,"t":1565450598898,"m":"_Meanwhile, at the comms tower, Blake's scroll is
seen on the ground, at his way up the hill, Gift pauses in his tracks as he turned
his back to find Yang and the Estovakian Hind gone. From there, he looked into his
personal radar to find her and the friendly Hind approaching the scanner tower,
with their locations updated and with the snap of a finger Gift disappears, having
teleported himself to the tower he'd just left._ \n\n_At Weiss, she fires off a
burst of warning shots close to the mech's
visors._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Cordovin, stand down! If you'd let us
through then we wouldn't have to fight our way through!\n\n_Cordovin responds by
raising the mech's cannon assembly on its right arm up, locking it to the jet's
movements. She looks to her left to see Ruby standing on the ground with Riley
standing by her side. The two brandishing their signature weapons for the
specialist to see._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We don't want to fight you
either. But if you're going to make us fight, then we will.\n\n_At the scanner
tower, someone steps on the scroll as they run. Blake is seen running behind cover.
She looks next to her, only to discover a motionless body of a SCAR team member.
Blake reels back in horror. Blake is forced to take cover again when a gunshot is
heard. She looks to the floor below her, with Adam sheathing Wilt into Blush. He
has discarded his Grimm mask and now wears a black blindfold to cover his
eyes._\n\n_Behind him, Gift rushes to the fight with Yang taking up a gunner's
position on the Estovakian Hind._","te":1565450720375},"609770089029566464":
{"u":0,"t":1565451454654,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"609772724490993667":
{"u":1,"t":1565451546548,"m":"Gift - Hang on Blake, I'm coming for ya.\n(Use
imagination power) If i can help her in time."},"608326239408619530":
{"u":0,"t":1565106677630,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I want to hear her
out. \n\n_She turns to Riley, noticing the woman's body shimmering with aura. Her
Focus then alerts her of one of Riley's \"breakthroughs\" being the ability to turn
her own imaginations and wishes real. From there she walked over to her and laid a
hand on her shouder._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I know, it'll be hard on
you to do that, but I know that you can, and _will_ do it for us.\n\nRiley: Ruby, I
don't think you--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You just did, Riley. Try and
think of something. Anything!\n\nRiley: Hm... okay.\n\n_Upon this,
Riley's mindspace enveloped the entire house as everyone within it looked at her
in confusion, then rubbing their ears as they heard Riley's true thoughts echoing
within their heads._\n\nRiley: _in her mindspace_ I wish for Cordovin's fighters to
not detect us...\n\n_She repeats the thought over and over... until she finally
opened her eyes to see her allies looking at her._\n\nRiley: You guys heard me,
right?"},"608326315279515658":{"u":1,"t":1565106695719,"m":"Gift - Alright, Gear up
team.\n(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"608326415787622499":
{"u":0,"t":1565106719682,"m":"_Wincing in pain, Ruby rubbed at her temples, feeling
the psychic eof Riley's imagination assaulting her brain in pulsating
waves._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yeah... We heard you...\n\n_As everyone
tries to sooth the pain from Riley's intense wave of psychic energy, Qrow begins to
speak up, but as he raised a finger he stops. Looking down to the floor yet again.
However, Jaune notices this and walks up to him, taking him by the arm and pulled
him to the group._\n\n_Shaking his head, Price walks away, but Nora stops
him._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Hold on, where are you going?\n\nPrice: To get
things ready.\n\n_Qroe tries to speak up again as Jaune protests, this time
stopping everyone from leaving to their quarters._\n\nJaune: Wait! You haven't
heard of what Qrow has to say yet!\n\n_Taking a deep breath, Qrow stares Riley
down, in return Riley squinted her eyes at him. Mocking his gaze. Qrow speaks
up._\n\nQorw: Just, stop this. It's not worth the risk. What happens if Riley mess
up because of me?! What if whatever people Cossette promised to have them come are
not here in time!? What if--\n\n_Angered, Riley slaps him in the face. Tears
streaming from her eyes down her reddened cheeks. Once again, the room fell silent.
The only sounds filling the room being Riley's pained sobs._\n\nRiley: WE'RE NOT
down, she wipes her tears and cures Qrow of the bruise she'd inflicted on his
face._\n\nRiley: Just... give us a chance, we're not going to fail all because your
semblance got to me. I can control my thoughts, of what I think and what outcomes I
want to happen. I just need a little more time, and you, can help me do that.
\n\n_Retreating to the couch, Riley buries her face into her hands as she cried.
Cossette prepares to leave, but is stopped by Qrow. Holding her by the
{"u":1,"t":1565190313636,"m":"Gift - Just prepare our gear, not yet
mission."},"608679532873908243":{"u":0,"t":1565190909356,"m":"_At this, Cossette
stops in her tracks._\n\nCossette: Can't I just go back and have my squadrons
scramble for deployment?!\n\nTrigger: Let her go right now or I'll make you regret
it. I ain't kidding either.\n\n_Once again, Ruby withdrew her standard-issue pistol
from its holster as she raised it high, stopping any further conversations and
silencing the room as Saphron watched them from the balcony, Adrian in her
arms._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We all heard what Riley said, she can help us
and she will. Just give us a chance. Besides... I've got a few more things to
add.\n\n_Rubbing his right cheek, Qrow protests again._\n\nQrow: I told you, we are
NOT going to--\n\n_He stops as Ruby stared into his
eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I want to hear him out.\n\nQrow:
Ruby...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I want to hear him out! I know you're
trying to protect us, that you're afraid we can't do it, but right now, I don't
really care what you think!\n\n_Qrow gains a shocked expression upon hearing this.
Ruby lowers the pistol, returning it to its holster, from the couch Riley gets up,
having calmed herself down_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just because you
don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell
us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad
situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to
do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. \n\n_At this, everyone
smiles. Riley nods in approval as Sandman walked for the
door._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> And if you think you can keep up with
us \"kids\"... we'd be happy to have
you.","te":1570999807260},"608680676220338176":{"u":1,"t":1565191181951,"m":"Gift -
Long time i didn't hear his voice, Sebastian, i hope you
ready."},"608681494403350538":{"u":0,"t":1565191377021,"m":"Sebastian: I'm ready.
Who's naming this mission?\n\n_As Ruby's speech ends, Riley archives the entire log
as she uploads it directly to Overlord. His insignia appearing on her
Scroll._\n\nRiley: I just did. \n\n_Finishing her log upload she turns to the
group, inhaling deeply and exhaling. Everyone listens, waiting on her call. From
his HQ in the Pentagon Overlord watches through his battle control screen while his
aide typed commands into the keyboard._\n\nRiley: _sighs_ Okay... Listen up, team.
Operation Swift Egress is a go, launch in five.\n\nSaphron: _Swift Egress?
_\n\n_Smiling, Riley looks up to her. Adrian looks back down to her,
grinning._\n\nRiley: Yep, Swift Egress. We go in quick and get out quick, that's
what we're doing. It's what we _have_ to do.\n\n_Having waited long enough, Jaune
speaks up._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, before we actually do this... I
just wanted to point out that maybe, if possibel, the True Sons might have been at
the radar site already. Probably waiting to hit us, I saw a couple of them walking
right past me when I headed for the memorial park...\n\nRiley: _chhuckling_ Oh,
please. I'll wipe the floor with them in no
- What is this bottle?\nGift see the Green gel bottle and collect
it."},"608684510145544193":{"u":0,"t":1565192096030,"m":"Sebastian: Green Gel?
Never thought I'd see it here...\n<:mph:501493565981982743> That's not green gel,
it's liquefied Wind Dust. Don't swallow that stuff in unless you want to tear your
lungs apart and cough it up.\n\n_Having listened to what Ruby has said, Qrow looks
down sadly as the students, save for Ruby herself all headed for their rooms.
Preparing whatever gear they have for combat should they be engaged by Cordovin's
units._\n\nMaria: _laughs_ Looks like you didn't give her enough credit
either.\n\n_Qrow doesn't say anything, he looks back to Ruby while she looks back
at him determined._\n\n_Finishing their gear prep, Jaune, Nora and Ren stepped out
of their room to find Team RWBY, Riley, Gift and the rest of their fellow teams
geared up for combat. He gave Riley a reassuring glance as he sat down on one of
the couches while Riley sets up a hologram projection from her Focus._\n\n_Finished
with the setup she bring the hologram projection to full scale. The projections
covering the entirety of the living room._\n\nRiley: Alright, is everyone seeing
this? We will be split up in two teams with us being the first team to sneak past
the base's defenses. Our collective callsigns will be Granite while the second team
will be Onyx."},"608684574737825828":{"u":0,"t":1565192111430,"m":"_Yang nods in
approval as she and Blake looked into eachother's eyes then back to the
projection._\n\nRiley: Yang, you will take command of Team Onyx. Your objectives
are simple. Disable the over-the-horizon radar array's Diversive Multiband
scanners. These scanners are designed to regard anything that's not in their
database as hostiles and should Team Granite, or us be detected by it then the
mission's going to fail. But with Blake's expertise in disabling Atlesian tech, I'm
sure your task will be relatively easy.\n\n_She turns to Ruby, the latter looking
at her with determination._\n\nRiley: Ruby, you are to act as our eyes on the
ground with that attachment I'd gave you on the Crescent Rose. You'll scout for a
safe, undetectable path for Weiss should she successfully take control of a Manta
jet. Maria will act as a decoy using the optical implants while Saphron...
\n\n_Turning to Saphron, Riley struggles to hold back her laugh as Adrian looks up
to her again_\n\nRiley: ...will be using Adrian's cries to distract the two guards
accompanying Weiss.\n\n_Adrian smiles, giggling and waving his arms
around._\n\nSaphron: Roger, roger!","te":1570979383382},"608684897816674305":
{"u":1,"t":1565192188458,"m":"Gift - I will another sniper point with Soap and
Yuri."},"608685075575472138":{"u":1,"t":1565192230839,"m":"Gift - Sarge, you try to
get inside.\nSargent Gift - Got it."},"608685745028464642":
{"u":0,"t":1565192390449,"m":"Riley: Good. Sebastian will be deploying a man-
portable jammer system once Ruby locates a safe location outside of the Scanners'
range. \n\nSebastian: _nods in approval_\n\n_Zooming out to the simulated airspaces
of Atlas and Argus, Riley brings in the Arsenal Birds' marker close to the standoff
deployment line, marking the emergency fallback option for the designated
teams._\n\nRiley: Should any team be compromised, we will be forced to call in the
Arsenal Birds to begin their offensive on the military base. In which, it will be
our absolute final option. \n\n_Watching from the kitchen, Trigger nods in approval
as he noted down every bit of detail he can get from the hologram._\n\nRiley:
Should we successfully obtain transport we will have to sea-skim most of our flight
until we finally leave Argus airspace, and from there we will meet up with Strider
Squadron somewhere within Solitas' airspace. \n\n_She looks at Summer, finding the
Huntress logging the briefing detail into her Scroll._\n\nRiley: Summer, you'll be
assisting Long Caster in C2C, establish datalink with Weiss one she gains control
of a Manta airship. Jam their fighters if you have to.\n\nSummer: Acknowledged, is
there anything more you'd
like me to do?\n\nRiley: None for now, as the situation updates I'll let you know.
Your flight to Liberty Delta will take off at 0050, now go.\n\nSummer:
gonna rest now)"},"608685844789723147":
{"u":1,"t":1565273144810,"m":"Gift - Cap, come with me, Commander go with
sarge.\nCaptain Gift - Got it.\nCommander Gift - I'm on it."},"609025036098994186":
{"u":0,"t":1565273283744,"m":"_As the students retreated to their rooms to rest,
the only people left in the living room are now Riley, Gift, Saphron and Terra.
Summer having already left the house for a flight back to the Arsenal Bird,
assuming her role as the AWACS for Trigger's squadron._\n\nRiley: _to Gift_ This
isn't going to be easy at all, any mistake will make the Atlesians cry for
war.\n\n_Having listened in on Riley's briefing, Terra brings up a diagram of the
OTH radar array built within the comms tower site._\n\nTerra: I've got a question,
though.\n\nRiley: Shoot me.\n\n_Terra glanced at her scroll, then to
{"u":1,"t":1565273397182,"m":"Gift - Wait! What are you
doing?"},"609025698534916115":{"u":0,"t":1565273441681,"m":"_At this, Terra jumps
to her feet._\n\nTerra: She's letting me ask her a question! I'm not going to
literally shoot her!"},"609026768816308276":{"u":1,"t":1565273696856,"m":"Gift -
Okay then, Are you sure about this Riley?"},"609027048320663552":
{"u":0,"t":1565273763495,"m":"Riley: I'm sure of it. It's just a slang,
Gift!\n\n_Chuckling to herself, Riley calms herself down before allowing Terra to
rephrase her question._\n\nRiley: Okay, Terra. Go on, I'm ready to
answer.\n\n_Terra catches her breath, having laughed to the point of not making any
voice at all._\n\nTerra: _still catching her breath_ Okay, I... it's just that,
uh...\n\nRiley: Take your time, you just laughed your lungs out.\n\nTerra: It's
just that the Atlesians have been putting tighter security around the scanner
sites, and that even with my credentials, I...\n\nRiley: Couldn't persuade the
techs? Don't worry, the radar arrays are built with Earth technology. Raytheon, to
be exact.\n\nTerra: How did you...?\n\nRiley: _looking into her eyes_ A side effect
of unlocking my ability to manifest imagination is that I can read minds to a
degree.\n\n_Looking confused, Terra asks Riley yet another questions, to which she
answers._\n\nTerra: By the way, if you don't mind... What's \"Raytheon?\"\n\nRiley:
They're defense contractors , to put it simple they make weapons for armed forces.
But mostly they deal with missiles, warning systems and radars like the one we're
about to disable.","te":1570980303121},"609027481110052914":
{"u":1,"t":1565273866680,"m":"Gift - If you do this that mean, it also can unlock
my ability too."},"609028099048472596":{"u":0,"t":1565274014008,"m":"_Taking in
what Riley had explained to her, Terra leaves, leaving Riley to herself again. Gift
emerges from the kitchen, holding a can of energy drink._\n\nRiley: Which you
_just_ did. You wished for Ruby to sleep well, didn't you? Well, your wish is
granted.\n\n_She turns to her partner, looking at him in the eyes as her irises
shone of white aura. Reading into Gift's mind she finds out that he, too, had
unlocked similar powers as she did._\n\nRiley: Better get as much rest as you can,
Gift. Tomorrow's going to be a long day, and that I'd like to talk to
- Got it. (Thinking to himself) I want to sleep with my little
sister."},"609030793209184286":{"u":0,"t":1565274656346,"m":"_The sound of howling
wind can be heard as Gift finds himself lying on the floor in Ruby's room. Not
noticing Weiss sitting at the workbench applying modifications into her combat
dress and weapon. She turns around to see him on the floor,
confused._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> How did you get here? I didn't even hear
you coming up the stairs."},"609031198550786058":{"u":1,"t":1565274752987,"m":"Gift
- Maybe i sleep lately last night."},"609031316683489301":
{"u":1,"t":1565274781152,"m":"(Thinking to himself) Maybe
{"u":0,"t":1565275056706,"m":"<:mph:501493565981982743> Oh, huh...\n\n_She turns
back to the workbench, bringing a magnifier up close to her left eye as she looked
into the streak of torn Zylon armor layer on her
dress.._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _muttering to herself_ Nicht schon wieder
diese Scheiße...\n\n_Frowning, she reaches for a liquefied Light Energy crystal
vial, popped the cap open and poured the glowing white goo onto the streak of torn
armor, spreading the goo evenly. With the goo spread, she disconnects the
magnifier's plug from its outlet as she set the dress on the workbench for the goo
to set in._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _to Gift_ You really should make a sound
when you come up here..."},"609033037250035723":{"u":1,"t":1565275191367,"m":"Gift
- How this possible? Imagination power?"},"609034036454752286":
{"u":0,"t":1565275429596,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _groaning_ What's
with all the noise out here?!\n\n_She trashed around in her bed, finally waking up
to see Gift sitting on the workbench, Weiss having walked downstairs to one of
the \"emergency\" bedrooms hidden under the stair._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743>
_cursing_ Schlafen Sie für diesen Kerl vor einer Mission zu
viel?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _to Gift_ Y'know, it's five past midnight
and we're just... trying to get some sleep. You should do the same too,
{"u":1,"t":1565275761972,"m":"Gift - Okay, i just... want to sleep with you
{"u":0,"t":1565275923197,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> By all means, then
sure! There's a bed just next to mine.\n\n_She points to a bed close to hers,
yawning as she does so._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'll just head off to
sleep first, good night.\n\n_The moment her head made contact with the pillow she
falls asleep. Leaving her \"brother\" to himself._"},"609036484326195201":
{"u":1,"t":1565276013214,"m":"Gift - (head to bed) Good night
Ruby."},"609037561993625600":{"u":1,"t":1565276270150,"m":"(kiss on Ruby cheek) I
love you."},"609037569023410181":{"u":0,"t":1565276271826,"m":"_As the two went to
sleep, in a junkyard five miles outside of Argus lies Riley, slashing away
manifestations of her past enemies away with the modified Screaming Angel
greatsword-railgun, named the Starfire Fury._\n\n_She continues to lay down
destruction to the manifestations until the only manifestation left was the
Alcatine, a XK-class entity capable of destroying entire worlds, only to be
defeated by Riley herself. Having been imbued the power to manifest imaginations at
will._"},"609039448008818688":{"u":0,"t":1565276719811,"m":"_She lands the final
strike on Alcatine's manifestation, the greatsword cutting straight into its head,
splitting it in half. Causing the manifestation to disintegrate into
dust._\n\nRiley: Time to stay focused. Dwelling on the past will only bring me
pain.\n\n_She leaves the junkyard behind, heading to the house..._\n\n_On Earth, at
the UNSA headquarters in Geneva, the main screen on the HQ's Interplanetary
Missions Command hall lits up with a single line of message. Attracting the
attention of every personnel within the hall._\n\n_\"OPERATION SWIFT EGRESS HAS
COMMENCED AT 0600HRS RST\"_\n\n_Soon, the militaries of the world received similar
messages as they began scrambling to get their armies ready to repel the invading
Grimm. At the SAS HQ in Hereford, Baseplate stared at the screen in awe, then
scrambled to his positon on the Interplanetary Network communicator
station._"},"609039787550310400":{"u":1,"t":1565276800764,"m":"Sargent Gift - Mac,
can you hear me? This is Bravo 6-4","te":1565276821558},"609040756501643283":
{"u":0,"t":1565277031780,"m":"Baseplate: I hear you, son. We got Riley's message
and now the world's up in arms ready to fight back the Grimm. America's leading the
battle alongside China. Now, listen. The geeks at UNSA made a special request for
all of you. You are to head to Atlas no matter what they throw at you, reports from
three hours ago indicated a total loss of communications with all branches of the
Atlesian military; to put it simple, three factions led an all-out assault on Atlas
and managed to take down half of their Government's chain of command while you are
stuck in Argus.\n\n_He pauses, looking into the reports he'd been
given._\n\nBaseplate: Once you get to Atlas, your primary objectives are to secure
the second relic then to ensure Atlas's continuity of government. The U.S. Army's
75th Regiment are storming the Schnee Mansion as we
{"u":1,"t":1565277129678,"m":"Sargent Gift - Got it Uncle Mac, i will tell Gift
about this."},"609041428097794048":{"u":0,"t":1565277191901,"m":"Baseplate: Roger,
Godspeed. Baseplate, over and out."},"609042618479017985":
{"u":1,"t":1565277475710,"m":"Sargent Gift - Bravo 6-4 over and out, We have
mission in tomorrow, I gonna rest now (Yawn)."},"609045055939805184":
{"u":0,"t":1565278056846,"m":"_After resting for hours, the students find
themselves being woken up by Riley, screaming at them to get up and be
ready._\n\nRiley: GET UP! OFF THE BED AND INTO YOUR GEAR NOW! \n\n_She does this to
every room, not sparing Ruby from the ear-piercing scream._\n\nRiley: IT'S TIME TO
scrambled getting into their gear as if they were being initiated in their first
days at Beacon. And in record time, the students are all geared up and ready for
We're ready to go, Team Granite, on me!\n\n_Ruby and Oscar then hopped into an AH-
6 Little Bird as the chopper flies off into the distance while her allies boarded a
Chinook. The two choppers headed off to different targets._\n\n_Daytime in Argus.
At the Vincent A. Tiedemann Combined Naval-Land Base, various soldiers and guards
work on their jobs. Weiss is seen walking with Cordovin and Saphron, who is holding
her son Adrian in her arm. They are also escorted by the two Nubuck Guards. Weiss
drags a large luggage case behind her, her left hand digging into her hip pouch,
feeling her way inside it for a transponder. Finding the transponer she felt it for
a button then mashed it hard as the transponder's signal appears on Ruby's wrist
computer marking Weiss' location._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is
Granite One to Six-Two, be advised that Granite Two has entered the base. \nRiley:
Copy all, Granite One. Be advised that once Granite Two has commandeered a jet we
are to switch back to our original callsigns.
Over.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> One copies all,
out."},"609046227597918208":{"u":1,"t":1565278336191,"m":"Gift - Alright Bravo,
Listen up, Remember the plan?\nSargent Gift - I and Commander will get inside with
Granite Two.\nCaptain Gift - I will go with Gift for sniper support.\nGift - Okay
Ready?\nCommander Gift - Ready since i have birth.\nGift - Alright, This is Bravo
1, i will support you from long range, Bravo 2 will come to assist you, Granite
1.","te":1565278375083},"609046735037267992":{"u":1,"t":1565278457174,"m":"Gift -
(Use communicator) White fang, Around here."},"609046979758129152":
{"u":0,"t":1565278515520,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Granite One copies
all, landing now.\n\n_The pilot of the Little Bird then drops her and Oscar off at
an abandoned shed, from there she is joined by Qrow, Jaune, Ren and Nora. Their
weapons by their sides, ready for combat._\n\n_Ruby then jumps up to the shed's
roof as she unfolded Crescent Rose into its scythe form, aiming down its sight at
the base's runway. Scanning for Weiss' transport. At the base, the two guards
accompanied Weiss as she makes her way to a Manta jet on standby, its twin nose-
mounted autocannons still under re-arming._\n\nCordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear
that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard
you would be attending... _with disdain_ Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be
returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.\n\n:mph: _pretending_ It was... time to
get my act together and go back to my roots.\n\n_She glances at the engineers
rearming the jet then to the guards._\n\nCordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you
follow in your sister's footsteps.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _with an
unenthusiastic smile_ Absolutely...\n\nCordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards
to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part. \n\n_She
winks at her and walks away._\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Allow me to assist you with your
bag. \n\n_The guard hups over to pick up Weiss' luggage, taking notice of its heavy
weight._ \n\nNubuck Guard 1: My, what a heavy bag!\n\n_At this, Weiss applies a
firm grip on her luggage._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I can take care of
it by myself!\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Nonsense!\n\nNubuck Guard 2: Allow me to assist as
well!\n\n_As Cordovin walks away, she overhears Weiss and the Nubuck Guards
conversation. She stops in her tracks and gains a suspicious look on her face.
Saphron notices this._","te":1570980583767},"609047382294003722":
{"u":1,"t":1565278611492,"m":"Gift - Sniper team, get in position.\nCaptain Gift -
Roger."},"609048780930547712":{"u":0,"t":1565278944953,"m":"Sebastian: Jammer's in
place. I've got Weiss on the transponder. She's still in the base.\n\n_Finished
with unfolding the portable Stable Field Emitter-turned-jammer, he sets it on the
ground as the emitter cones lit up with purple rings. Back at the base, the two
guards remain in their argument over whose turn it is to take care of Weiss'
luggage. Causing Cordovin to be more suspicious and walking close._\n\nSaphron:
_whispering to Adrian_ Just like we practiced.\n\n_Adrian nods at his mother. The
baby then lets out a loud wail that can be heard throughout the base.
Adrian \"cries\" as he fusses in his mother's arms. Distracting the
guards._\n\nSaphron: _pretending_ Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you
so much! You should hurry on out of here!\n\nNubuck Guard 1: A crying
child?\n\nNubuck Guard 2: We must console it!\n\n_The two guards hup over to Adrian
as they perform weird poses to amuse him. Cordovin continues walking with an
unamused look on her face. While they are distracted, Weiss quickly gets onto the
airship with the luggage behind her._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> That was
close.\n\n_From Ruby's position on the shed's roof, she is joined by Price's team,
the four men brandishing their M82 rifles and aiming at the
runway._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Granite Two, this is Granite One.
Sitrep, over.\n\nMaria: _from inside Weiss' luggage_ Call me heavy... It's all
muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about
heavy!\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Granite Two to Granite one, be advised
that we're on board."},"609049262046576652":{"u":1,"t":1565279059660,"m":"Gift -
Alright, Strike team Bravo 2, Ready for attack.\nSargent Gift - Standby for
{"u":0,"t":1565279409144,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Granite One copies
all, switching over to main frequency now.\n\n_She back away from Crescent Rose,
tapping a series of commands into her wrist computer as her Focus's projection
warned her of a change in frequency. Without hesitation she swiped the warning away
as her radio shifted its frequency back to her
team's._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo One-One to Granite Two,
switch over to our channel. Now.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Two copy,
switching now.\n\n_Onboard the jet, Weiss inputs the same commands Ruby had used
earlier into her Focus as her frequency changed back to her team's channel. Ruby
jumps down from the shed as her sniper-scythe folded itself back to its compact
form while Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Qrow wait along the cliffside between the
forest and the ocean._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Alright, we'll all watch
our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's
out of range of the radar too. \n\n_From her scope on the AWACS jet, Summer locks
the Manta in as its blue marker appears on the scope. Tapping at the screen, she
establishes contact with the airship as Long Caster took over._\n\nSummer: Long
Caster, datalink established. Target callsign is Manta Five-One.\n\nAWACS Long
Caster: Five-One, got it.\n\n_Hailing the ship, he wears his headset and spoke into
the mic._\n\nAWACS Long Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to Manta Five-One,
datalink established. You're out of the radar detection
zone.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _over the radio_ 5-1 copies
all.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _over radio_ And that's when Blake steps in. Be
advised that we're almost at the drop-off. I got two guards in sight, requesting
non-lethal support from Bravo 2, over.","te":1570980853149},"607238400856031257":
{"u":1,"t":1564847316708,"m":"Gift is quietly wake up and prepare for his
plan.\nGift - (Talking to himself quietly) Okay when Ruby sleep, i will use cloak
to sneak in her room, and wait for a chance and then POW i make
walks down the stairs into the living room to find Ruby already sitting next to
Weiss on a couch while Yang sits on the opposite side of the room with Blake. Their
faces clouded with worry. On the far side of the room, at the entryway to the
pantry lies Jaune, Nora, and Ren. Theirr faces showing similar expressions Team
RWBY has._\n\n_The main door opens as Saphron entered the house, finding the team
of_ _de facto_ _Hunters and Huntresses all worried._\n\nSaphron: Uh, what's going
on?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _sadly_ I'm glad you asked., it's Oscar.
He's missing.\n\n_Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and Ren become shocked to hear Oscar went
missing as Ruby and Jaune look at each other with concerned looks on their faces.
From upstairs, Sandman and his teammates promptly jumped from the stairs down to
the living room dressed in full combat gear while Price and his comrades emerged
from the pantry._\n\nPrice: Do you know where he went off too? I saw him with you,
Blake. At least before he wandered into a memorial. \n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
What memorial?\n\nPrice: _sighing_ Lad, you're not going to like this at all.
Remember your second man? Your teammate? Juliet Two-
Two?","te":1564847768915},"607240759988715571":{"u":1,"t":1564847879169,"m":"Gift -
Uncle Price, i feel weird when i check a picture in my photo album,(Hand his photo
album) Here."},"607241648719527966":{"u":0,"t":1564848091059,"m":"_Price took the
photo album as he gazed into it. His facial expression then changed from that of
his normal impassive expression to confusion, then to regret._\n\nPrice: _turning
to Jaune_ It's Pyrrha. That memorial was built for her. \n\n_As he was about to
hand Jaune the photo album, he stopped in his tracks, and gave Gift the album
back._\n\nPrice: I'm sorry. The boy still needs time to cope.\n\n_He walks out of
the house, puffing smoke from his
{"u":1,"t":1564848302769,"m":"Gift - Sarge, can you find Oscar?\nSargent Gift - Not
yet, i have put a tracker on him, i could me a signal from it now.\nCaptain Gift -
I see it, Location A20, what is he doing there?\nGift - I don't know, Where are we
now?\nSargent Gift - Location A15.\nGift - Got it."},"607243869746364418":
Gift continued his search for Oscar, having left the house before his teams does,
an AR feed cuts in, its signal sent from one of Penny's stealth drones, having
survived the shockwave blast. In the Land of Darkness at Salem's keep, Emerald is
sitting on the floor while Mercury is training around the room with punches and
kicks._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> I hate being kept in the dark like
this...\n\nMercury: Yeah, Cinder was a pain, but at least she kept us filled
in.\n\n_He continues training, sending targeted punches an kicks at a flying target
being an old target drone painted bright red with a small rose emblem on its
fuselage._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> Can I ask you something?\n\nMercury:
You're gonna.\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> Why did you come with us, the night
Cinder and I found you?\n\nMercury: Why are you
asking--\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> Just answer the question.\n\nMercury:
Just made sense.\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> It made sense?\n\nMercury: All my
life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments
after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills.
Just felt like it was meant to be."},"607244186026115074":
{"u":1,"t":1564848696000,"m":"Gift - Information Update, Thanks
{"u":0,"t":1564848981628,"m":"<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> No problem, Gift.
How's the feed? Stable enough?\n\n_With the drone linked under her conrol, she
commands the drone to deploy six fly drones as they flew into the keep, the drones
forming up a compound-eye view of the keep._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818>
_incredulous_ That's it?\n\nMercury: Hey, what's your
problem?\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> I mean, there has to be something you
want from this, right?\n\nMercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this
thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you
want?\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> I just... _sighs_ Cinder was the only family
I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't
know if what we're doing--\n\nMercury: Wake up, already...\n\n_Emerald looks at him
in shock upon hearing this. From a piloting seat aboard the Edelweiss, Penny
commaned the fly drones to zoom in on the two._\n\nMercury: Cinder doesn't care
about you! She doesn't care about either of us!\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818>
You don't know what you're talking about!\n\nMercury: You're in denial. And if
you're gonna start having a crisis of identity or some crap... keep me out of
it.\n\n_At this, Emerald angrily jumps forward and starts to attack Mercury with
punches and kicks, but he dodges them and catches her wrist. Causing a fly drone to
be swatted. Its feed cut off as the drone is destroyed._"},"607245657698336806":
{"u":0,"t":1564849046874,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Ugh, I hate
this...\n\n_She switches the compound feed to the remaining fly drones, commanding
the stealth drone outside the keep to retur to the Retribution, orbiting just above
the Land of Darkness's entry portal._"},"607246078064066571":
{"u":1,"t":1564849147097,"m":"Gift - I see it clear."},"607247692485099551":
{"u":0,"t":1564849532005,"m":"_The feed from the fly drones clears up as the drones
boosted their connections._\n\nMercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that
loved you, but I had a father who hated me!\n\n_Mercury shoves Emerald back a bit.
She takes a defensive stance as he slowly approaches her._\n\nMercury: He never
went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my
Semblance, he stole it with his! \n\n_He throws a punch and a kick at Emerald, who
dodges them, while he quotes his father's words._\n\nMercury: \"This is a crutch!\"
\"This makes you weak!\" He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I
got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get
where I am. You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where
I'm supposed to be!\n\n_Suddenly, the two hear a certain laughter. Tyrian Callows
steps out of the shadows with his new metallic scorpion tail._\n\nTyrian: _mocking_
Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others.
_laughs_\n\nMercury: _growls as he angrily walk over to Tyrian_ How long have you
been standing there?!\n\nTyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and
now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.\n\n_Penny then commanded the fly
drones to break off, sending them to a \"Spy's formation\" positioning the drones
at undetectable spots while still maintaining the uplink._\n\nMercury: You don't
know me!"},"607247948195037184":{"u":1,"t":1564849592971,"m":"Gift - Try to get
more information."},"607250014636343306":
{"u":0,"t":1564850085649,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> I'm on
it.\n\nMercury: You don't know me!\n\nMercury tries to kick at Tyrian, but he
dodges and kicks Mercury back. Tyrian holds him down to the ground by keeping his
tail at a short distance away from Mercury's face.\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818>
Hey!\n\nTyrian: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I want to tell you both a little secret.
Your question is all wrong. laughs\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818>
What?\n\nTyrian: \"What do you want from this?\" Children, please, if you're not
loving what you're doing, then you're in the wrong
field.\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> So, what? Are you saying we should just
leave?\n\nTyrian: gasps Oh no, no, no, no. chuckles You can't do that!\n\nMercury:
Then what did you come here for?"},"607250027873697792":
{"u":0,"t":1564850088805,"m":"Tyrian: To say farewell. There's been a change in
plans. Her Grace must act swiftly if we are to prevail. If General Ironwood comes
to his senses and calls for a ceasefire with Vacuo, all may be lost for us! And so
the good doctor and I are being sent to Atlas... to prepare.\n\n_Upon this, Penny
allocated a special memory slot as she spliced the particular bit of data of
Tyrian's recording, archiving it in a SecureCom
drive._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Gift, are you receiving this?\n\n_She
sends him the data packet along with the recording, resuming the data
stream._\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> Prepare for what?\n\nWatts:
Tyrian!\n\n_Arthur is seen at the end of the hallway leading into the room. Waiting
for Tyrian, unaware of the fly drones._\n\nWatts: It's time.\n\nTyrian steps off of
Mercury, who gets back up on his feet.\n\nTyrian: Do what makes you happy
children... please? I'm begging you... _smiles evilly_\n\n_Tyrian holds his new
tail out threateningly, with purple liquid venom dripping from the stinger's tip.
Tyrian walks away towards Watts letting out a little chuckle. Emerald and Mercury
watch him leave with disgusted looks._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> I'm
going to cut the feed from here, Gift. Godspeed. Penny,
out.","te":1564850130644},"607250116109271100":{"u":1,"t":1564850109842,"m":"Gift -
Roger that."},"607251561067970564":{"u":0,"t":1564850454347,"m":"_The feed from the
fly drones cuts away as the drones destroyed themselves. Bringing him back to
Argus. He finds himself standing at \"Location A20\" marked in his HUD as Delverson
Street._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oscar!\n\n_Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Saphron
are walking down a sidewalk at night. Brushing their way past people working night
shifts at the Street's plethora of nightclubs, arcade centers and small
theaters._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _calling out_
Oscar?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> This city's enormous, he could've gone
anywhere.\n\nNikolai: I got nothing on my radar, not at
all.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> This is all my fault... I overreacted.\n\n_At
this, Price pats Jaune on the back. Reassuring him._\n\nPrice: You acted out of
anger, not out of spite. We'll find him.\n\nSaphron: I still don't really
understand what happened. Was it about the mission?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
It's... kind of hard to talk about.\n\nSaphron: I know, I know, \"top secret\". Did
he... do something wrong?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> No... he didn't. We just
got some new information and... it's going to be a lot harder than we
thought.\n\nSaphron: I mean, if it was easy, then it wouldn't be important.
Right?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I think we're all just a bit unsure of what to
do next.\n\nSaphron: You could... stay in Mistral, get your licenses at Haven, and
come back to Argus. There's a lot of good you can do here. I know your mission is
important, but it's not like you're the only ones who can do it. It's not the only
mission that needs doing.\n\nJaune: It's... not that simple.\n\n_Saphron lingers a
bit behind while Jaune, Ren and Nora walk forward, before turning around to look
back at her. He glanced into the minimap as five blue blips marked the locations of
Team RWBY and Riley. Still searching for the missing boy._"},"607254441934061580":
{"u":1,"t":1565015333761,"m":"Gift - Alright Fellas, we have to spread out for a
while.\nSargent Gift - I will search to the West.\nCaptain Gift - Mine is
South.\nCommander Gift - North is mine.\nGift - I will go East, keep
updating.\nSargent/Commander/Captain Gift - Got it."},"607944677374558237":
{"u":0,"t":1565015706152,"m":"Riley: I'll look around this zone, he can't go that
far.\n\n_Saphron lingers a bit behind while Jaune, Ren and Nora walk forward,
before turning around to look back at her._\n\nSaphron: Well, uh... I should go
pick up Adrian from daycare. I'll let Terra know what's happened, and we'll meet
you later. Good luck.\n\n_The three Team JNPR members watch Saphron leave before
looking down sadly. At this, Yuri pats Jaune on the back._\n\nYuri: We will find
him in no time, my friend. Just
you wait.\n\n_He walks away from the three before running into an
alley._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Hey, there's a cafe over there. Why don't we
get something to warm up?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm okay. You two go on
ahead.\n\n_Ren and Nora watch Jaune walk away with sad looks on their faces. Jaune
takes a seat on a nearby bench._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> You don't want
anything?"},"607944712279687198":{"u":0,"t":1565015714474,"m":"_She and Ren then
exchange a brief glance. Behind them, Nikolai calls out to the two over the
crowd._\n\nNikolai: Hey, you two! We're going to find that boy,
da?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We'll be right back.\n\n_Ren and Nora walk away,
leaving Jaune alone. Jaune keeps his head down while the wind blows, and a dried
maple leaf flies in in front of Jaune. He notices this and follows the maple leaf
as it flies in the wind. Jaune follows the leaf into a nearby park. Suddenly, Jaune
stops in his tracks and notices something. Not noticing a cloaked figure trailing
after him._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _looking at his back, stopping in his
tracks._ Huh? \n\n_As he followed the dried maple leaf, his wrist computer's
minimap then displays a small, blinking blip. He glanced at it, then at the leaf,
seemingly moving on its own accord. As he tries to keep up with it, he finds
himself running away from Delverson Street and into Harling Ave._\n\n_The leaf
stops at a statue of the late Pyrrha Nikos is standing solemnly on a stone
pedestal, with her head down, eyes closed, and shield in her hands below her waist.
Jaune slowly approaches the statue and looks up at his fallen friend and teammate.
He then kneels down and notices a plaque with Pyrrha's respective symbol and words
inscribed on it written:_","te":1565015735853},"607945587505233921":
{"u":0,"t":1565015923144,"m":"_IN HONOR OF PYRRHA NIKOS, ONE OF MANY STUDENTS WHO
FOUGHT VALIANTLY AT THE FALL OF BEACON_\n\n_Having read the inscribed words, Jaune
sadly closes his eyes and stands back up to look at Pyrrha's statue again. He
starts to walk away as footsteps are heard approaching._\n\nPrice: It's never easy
to forget her and just walk away. Stay here, someone wants to meet you. Says she
knows her.\n\n_Price took the cigar off from his mouth, pointing its lit tip at the
statue, then at a woman approaching him. As the woman got closer he leave Jaune to
himself, inhaling deeply from the cigar before blowing a cloud of smoke. He then
tossed the cigar away, having smothered it with his gloved
hands._"},"607946364592324609":{"u":1,"t":1565016108416,"m":"Gift - Cap, got
anything?\nCaptain Gift - Nothing here.\nGift - Uncle Price, got
anything?"},"607946678619602964":{"u":0,"t":1565016183286,"m":"Price: Found Jaune
at the Memorial. He's talking to someone who claims she knows... Juliet Two-Two.
Gift, it pains me to say her name every time."},"607946964486717444":
{"u":1,"t":1565016251442,"m":"Gift - I understand Uncle Price, it can't
forget."},"607948090607140875":{"u":0,"t":1565016519930,"m":"_At the statue, Jaune
stands before the statue as the woman stood next to him._\n\nRed-Haired Woman: It's
really beautiful, isn't it?\n\n_Jaune stops and turns around upon hearing her
voice. A woman with short, red hair and spectacled, green eyes in a brown coat
reminiscint of Pyrrha's armor looks up at the statue with a bouquet of red flowers
in her arms. Jaune also looks back up to the
statue._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Yeah... uh, why here?\n\nRed-Haired Woman:
She trained here, Sanctum Academy. Everyone was crushed when she chose Beacon over
Haven. No one wanted to see her go, but... it was where she wanted to be. I'm just
glad she was surrounded by such amazing people.\n\n_Jaune looks to the woman with a
surprised look on his face. Tears start to well up in his eyes. Price simply walked
away, not wishing to listen in._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> She should be
standing here...\n\nRed-Haired Woman: She is.\n\n_Jaune looks back at her in
confusion. The cloaked figure slipped her hood away, revealing her masked face.
From Jaune's wrist computer, it buzzed as a red blip is seen blinking, tagged in
the blip as \"Juliet Two-Two\",_\n\nRed-Haired Woman: She understood that she had a
responsibility... to try. I don't think she would regret her choice, because a
Huntress would understand that there really wasn't a choice to make. And a Huntress
is what she always wanted to be."},"607948794625261591":
{"u":1,"t":1565016687781,"m":"Sargent Gift - I can't find any track here.\nGift -
Keep finding, we will found it soon."},"607950232025563155":
{"u":0,"t":1565017030484,"m":"_Jaune turns to face the woman. Slapping at his wrist
computer causing the tagged red blip to disappear. From the shadows behind an
alleyway, the masked woman angrily slapped at her wrist before slipping a tracker
drone and throwing it at Jaune's feet. Missing him by mere inches, but allowing the
drone to launch marker spikes onto his armor._\n\n_She then checks in on the status
of the marker spikes as they appeared on her Focus as three green blips marked with
Jaune's callsign, from there she slipped the hood back on again and emerged from
the alleyway as she blended in with the crowd, never to be seen
again._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Pyrrha never got the chance to graduate...
But she was a Huntress. _smiles_\n\n_The woman smiles as tears start to well up in
her eyes._\n\nRed-Haired Woman: _wiping a tear_ Thank you.\n\n_She prepares to
leave, placing the flowers down and brushing past him. However, as she brushed past
him she slipped in a tracker chip into his pocket. Having slipped the chip in, she
walks away, leaving him._\n\n_Jaune smiles back at
her._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Jaune?\n\n_Jaune looks away from the woman upon
hearing his name called. He sees Ren and Nora looking for him while holding hot
drinks in their hands. The two notice Jaune in the park and walk over to him. Jaune
looks back over to the woman, but suddenly finds her gone. The flowers she was
holding are left behind on the pedestal of Pyrrha's
{"u":1,"t":1565017563379,"m":"Commander Gift - I can sense he around here(Equip
scanner goggles) Ha! Gotcha!"},"607954652104884269":
{"u":1,"t":1565018084313,"m":"Gift - Commander, Did you got....\nCommander Gift -
My 6th sense have told me he around my section.\nGift -
Good."},"607957000373927956":{"u":1,"t":1565018644184,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
now)"},"608310238948622356":{"u":0,"t":1565102862823,"m":"_The Commander wears his
scanner goggles as he scanned the statue to find no traces of the woman he'd saw in
the photos Gift had sent him. He accompanies Jaune walking out from the statue's
base as they regrouped with Nora._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Jaune, why did
you-- _gasps_\n\n_Nora and Ren look up and notice the statue of their old friend.
Team JNPR stands together once more, only with Pyrrha immortalized by her
statue._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm sorry. I've been a terrible leader, and
a terrible friend, and I--\n\n_At this, Ren thrusted a cup into his
hands._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Jaune, this has to
stop.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> We... heard what you said to Cinder, at Haven.
You're not being fair to yourself. We love you, just like we loved Pyrrha. We're
teammates, family.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We don't want to lose you
too.\n\n_Jaune ponders his friends words before looking back up to Pyrrha's
statue._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I think... I think she knew she wasn't
going to win. That she might not come out alive. But... she also knew she was the
only one that could try.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> So she
did.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Maybe we should
too.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Yeah, we
{"u":0,"t":1565102878432,"m":"_The three smile as they look up at the statue
together, unbeknownst to them, Pyrrha watches them standing through the view of the
\"maple leaf\" drone. Smiling to herself amongst the bustling
crowd._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Pyrrha may not be by our side anymore, but we
can fight like she is.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> And in a way... she will
be.\n\n_Nora hands Jaune a hot drink. Stopping in her tracks as she'd realize that
he has been given one by Ren, she looks down to her hands and finding a cup
missing._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We should check back in at the house. Come
on.\n\n_Ren and Nora start to walk away. Jaune lingers for a bit to take one last
look at Pyrrha._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Thank you.\n\n_Jaune walks away and
joins his teammates as they head off. A maple leaf can be seen blowing in the wind,
passing by Pyrrha's statue._"},"608310327527997546":
{"u":1,"t":1565102883942,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6 to all unit, I found someone,
My old friend, Sebastian Castellanos, He might help us to find
{"u":0,"t":1565103045876,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> _tuning on his radio_ I
hear you loud and clear, Gift. Where are you? We're on our way back to the house.
Ruby just pinged me a while ago.\n\n_He continues to walk alongside his teammates
as they made their way back to the house._\n\n_From Gift's spot, he finds Sebastian
tinkering with his Communicator device he'd been using to lock onto Oscar's nerual
frequency emitting from his aura._\n\nSebastian: He's close, real
close."},"608311407972450327":{"u":1,"t":1565103141540,"m":"Gift - Thanks, my
friend, i never thought i will see you here."},"608313207995498527":
{"u":0,"t":1565103570699,"m":"Sebastian: At least this place 's better than Union.
All the people here had to live with was the Grimm, terrorist factions and an
immortal, yet stoppable being. In Union, it's just The Lost, and twisted
monsters.\n\n_He continues
tuning for Oscar's neural frequency as the communicator's screen displayed three
numbers separated by a decimal point. The number reads out: 036.8. At this, he ran
for the entrance of Saphron's house much to Gift's surprise._\n\nSebastian: He's in
the house!\n\n_He and Gift then bolted for the house, however, at the house. Ruby
is looking down with a look of disapproval on her face. She lets out a disappointed
sigh._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I've never seen him this bad.\n\n_Ruby, along
with the rest of Team RWBY, Riley and Maria, find Qrow passed out on some stairs
leading up to a house, reeking of booze._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Come
on, let's get him up.\n\n_The two sisters grab their uncle's arms and sit him up.
Qrow groans and rubs his eyes as Riley forcefully backhand slapped him in the face.
Bringing him back to his senses._\n\nQrow: Why am I on the
stairs?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Probably because no one's home, Uncle
Qrow. We've been out looking for Oscar.\n\nRiley: You were drunk. D-R-U-N-K! The
fact that you've made your way here without getting in a car crash just goes to
show how lucky you are.\n\nQrow: Oscar?\n\n_The group hears footsteps. They turn to
see Jaune, Ren, Nora, as well as Saphron and Terra, who is holding Adrian in her
arm, walking towards them. The two mothers look at Qrow. Followed by Price's team
and Sandman's._","te":1565103588860},"608313635164389387":
{"u":1,"t":1565103672544,"m":"Gift - Sebastian Where is he? Upstair or this
floor."},"608314824325332993":{"u":0,"t":1565103956062,"m":"Sebastian: Right behind
this door, if he's not a Lost then he would have enough sense to open it
himself.\n\nTerra: _sarcastic_ I'm sure this looks great to the
neighbors.\n\n_Saphron lightly elbows her wife while Jaune and his teammates walk
up to the group. Standin far from the students Price and his men chuckled to
themselves. Sandman already walking for the door._\n\nSandman: Let's just get back
in the house...\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> No
luck?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> No, you?\n\n_She glanced at Sebastian
the newcomer working on unlocking the door, being accompanied by Sandman as they
try to unlock the biometrically secured door to no
luck._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Don't worry, we aren't going to Atlas without
him.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We?\n\n_The three Team JNPR members share a
smile._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _to Saphron_ Sorry we won't be
staying.\n\nSaphron: _smirking_ No you're not.\n\nTerra: How about we get out of
the cold?\n\n_The door to the house sprang open, everyone gasps in shock as a
familiar voice is heard._\n\nOscar: Oh, I was wondering when you'd get
back.\n\n_Oscar Pine stands at the doorway, now wearing a fancy green coat.
Surprising both Sebastian and Sandman._\n\nSebastian: Holy f-\n\nEveryone:
OSCAR!!\n\n_Nora screams in joy as Oscar initially has a confused look on his face,
and then one of absolute terror as the seven students, including Riley all leap
forward and tackle hug him. Now inside the house, Ruby helps Oscar up as everyone
shares a laugh._","te":1565103993657},"608315150281474058":
{"u":1,"t":1565104033776,"m":"Gift - Oscar, What happen?"},"608316557050904597":
{"u":0,"t":1565104369176,"m":"Oscar: I'm not telling. Come inside and I'll tell you
what happened.\n\n_He chuckled, pulling Gift inside by the
arm._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> We were worried sick! Where have you been? We've
been searching for you for... HOURS!\n\nSebastian: And I wasted a lot on my
communicator's battery too.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are you
okay?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _grinning_ What are you wearing?\n\nOscar:
_smiles and rubs the back of his head_ Uh...\n\n_The rest of the group steps into
the house. Once inside, Terra sniffed around as the smell of food struck upon
her._\n\nTerra: Is something cooking?\n\nOscar: Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys
would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me,
apparently.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> It's my fault we were all out there in
the first place. Oscar, I am so sorry for earlier. I was way, way out of line, and
what I said--\n\nOscar: No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the
same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did
some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with
whatever time I have left.\n\nPrice: We'll make it through this no matter what.
\n\n_Price then turns to address the students, his teammates, then to his
comrades._\n\nPrice: _jokingly_ Under my command, nobody is allowed to die until
our mission is complete!"},"608317133461651482":{"u":1,"t":1565104506603,"m":"Gift
- Sebastian, There is a communicator's charger in my room, You can use it to
recharge your Communicator."},"608319574726934572":
{"u":0,"t":1565105088646,"m":"Sebastian: Thanks.\n\n_He then tossed the
communicator to Riley, who then phase-shifted up to Gift's room. At his room she
tossed the device onto the bed as it bounced into the bedside charger, with the
communicator now being charged she jumped down the stairs back to the living
room._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _smiles_ Good. This team isn't the same
without you, Oscar.\n\n_Everyone shares a smile. Suddenly, a smoke alarm goes
off._\n\nOscar: _gasps)_ The casserole!\n\nSaphron: _giggles_ We're on it,
chef.\n\n_Saphron and Terra step into the kitchen to take care of Oscar's
cooking._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh, combat gear looks good.\n\n_Ruby
and Oscar share a smile. Then, the group notice Qrow walking up the stairs. Then
Riley, now sitting on the floor dead tired._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_sternly_ Where are you going now?\n\nQrow: I don't want to get in the way of your
celebration.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You've been gone all day! Just sit
with us.\n\nQrow: _sighs_ Look, Ruby, I'm glad you kids worked out, uh, whatever
all that was. But the fact is, we're not a single step closer to
Atlas."},"608319590446923796":{"u":0,"t":1565105092394,"m":"_The door to the house
bursts open as Trigger, Cossette, Count and Avril entered the house with Reaper
standing outside with Mihaly and his wingmen._\n\nTrigger: Sorry for crashing your
celebration, I've got good news.\n\n_He glances at the group, then to
Qrow._\n\nTrigger: _sighs_ I'll just let you guys do what you gotta
do...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Actually, I think I have an idea. But... it's
sort of a \"no-going-back\" kind of idea.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Well,
let's hear it.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> With Cordo on watch, only Atlas
airships have the clearance to leave for Solitas. So... we... steal an Atlas
airship. \n\n_He nervously shrugs at his last statement, Trigger on the ther hand
looked into Cossette's eyes and smiled. She, too smiles back at him as she withdrew
a folder from her go-bag._\n\nCossette: Ready to hear the good news?
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm all ears, Cossette.\n\nCossette: Okay, here
goes. The Osean Air Defense Force, working in an alliance alongside my country's
air force has agreed to provide you cover should Cordovin send fighters after you.
Arsenal Birds will launch drones marked as Grimm as distraction while you
commandeer a Manta. Then, Trigger, me, and Mihaly will act as decoys should the
Manta jets go after you.","te":1570977683495},"608320714394828828":
{"u":1,"t":1565105360364,"m":"Gift - Anyways, Sebastian, These is my teammate
Jaune, Nora, Ren and my sisters Ruby, Weiss, Blake and
Yang."},"608320931995189248":{"u":1,"t":1565105412244,"m":"Gift - Everyone, this is
my Friend, Sebastian Castellanos."},"608322643657228301":
{"u":0,"t":1565105820336,"m":"_The students then turn at
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Welcome to Remnant, Sebastian. We're happy
to have you here.\n\n_She then introduces her teammates to him, using an expandable
baton to point at each of them._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> First of all,
I'm Ruby. Or, to be official, Tier-One Huntress-in-Training, Ruby Rose. Although
I'm now officially recognized as a Huntress, and as an
Operator.\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yang Xiao Long, in the flesh, same rank and
tier as my sister. Nice to meet you!\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Tier-One HiT and
operator, I'm Weiss. OR, if you need my full name. Weiss
Schnee.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I'm Blake. My rank and tier are also...
same as Yang.\n\n_Done with introducing themselves to Sebastian, Jaune follows
suit._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Jaune Arc, same rank and tier as these girls
are. _he points to Ren_ Here's Ren, and here's Nora. \n\n_He points to Nora as
Sebastian nodded in understanding._\n\nSebastian: So, what are we now?
Soldiers?"},"608323247812902923":{"u":1,"t":1565105964378,"m":"Gift - Maybe
that.\nCaptain Gift - Yes, i think so.\nSargent Gift - Remember Cap, we have work
to do.\nCommander Gift - Alright, Everyone are here, i hope we will ready.\nGift -
Sure thing, Commander."},"608325968746250260":{"u":0,"t":1565106613099,"m":"_As
Sebastian leaves, the room fell silent as everyone heard what Jaune had addressed.
Everyone gets shocked looks on their faces. Adrian giggles in Maria's
arm._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> That's not just breaking the law.
That's... that's definitely worse.\n\nCossette: We've made arrangements with the
Atlesian Air Force. Should they shoot us down despite our requests, we'll be forced
to take direct action.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> How would we even get onto the
airfield?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> That part I haven't quite figured out yet.
But I--\n\nRiley: I can get us in, remember what I showed you back in the crash?
What Jinn showed you? I can use my imaginations, then force the entire base to not
notice our group. Or that I can just simply cloak all of you.
Wait, I remember you telling us that your powers are only limited in extreme
cases. Then how would you get us in with your imaginations?\n\nRiley: Oh, right.
The imagination part sadly, is available in _extreme_ cases. And by that I mean
_world-ending levels of extreme._ So, yeah... I'm sorry. There's only so much I can
manifest from my thoughts before I black out. \n\n_As Riley elaborated the limits
of her powers, everyone listens. Taking in her explanations._\n\nRiley: I mean I
can make wishes, dreams and imaginations come true but I need to be _really_
focused, or else I'd accidentally wipe half this planet clean, all that, from a
wrong thought.\n\n_After hearing what Riley had said, Qrow threw his hands up in
the air in frustration._\n\nQrow: Okay, stop. Just... stop! Look, if this thing
goes south, it's not something we can just fight our way out of. This is the Atlas
Military we're talking about. _sighs_ For your sake, just drop this.\n\n_Everyone
looks down with discouraged looks on their faces. Ruby notices this and turns back
to Qrow with a determined look on her
{"u":0,"t":1564764242985,"m":"Cordovin: _sighs_ If Miss Schnee has truly come to
her senses and wishes to return to her family, then, of course, the Atlas military
will escort her home. But the kingdom will not be responsible for her \"friends\"
of... questionable character. _glances at Blake specifically upon saying her last
statement_\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _in a hostile tone_ What's that
supposed to mean?\n\nCordovin: It means we're done here. You have Miss Andersen
who'd just showed me how powerful she is, maybe you can convince her to bring
yourselves into custody.\n\n_Riley stares at Cordovin with a deathly glare,
silencing the annoyingly arrogant operative. Cordovin walks away as the gates to
the base are shown closing quickly, leaving the group outside once
again._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oh yeah? Well, your face looks... like a big
dumb boot!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _deadpan_ Way to show her,
Nora...\n\n_Ruby, Blake and Yang look to Weiss. Then to Riley, already puffing
smoke out of a Phantom cigar._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I
don't...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss. I told you we wouldn't leave
your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together. \n\n_She places a hand
on Weiss' shoulder. Then walked over to Riley, giving her a hug._\n\nRiley: What?
I--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Don't ask.\n\n_Weiss smiles and nods back at
her friend, now already embracing her commander. Qrow starts to walk
- (His voice change back to normal) I will always with you, even it not possible to
take care all of Team RWBY but i will do, you have my word since we are at
Beacon."},"606892001920811020":{"u":0,"t":1564764728766,"m":"Riley: _tossing her
cigar away_ We'll be with you, always. Even in times of
despair.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So... where are we going
now?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Yeah, what's the plan?\n\nQrow: _bitter_ The
plan? The plan just got shut on our face three times over. I'm going for a
drink.\n\n_Riley unholstered her Mk23 SOCOM and fired a shot at between his feet.
Stopping him._\n\nRiley: Going for another drink again? You're not going this
time.\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> _running over to her uncle_ Uncle
Qrow, I really think we should try and come up with something... \n\n_Qrow groans
and walks away before she could finish_\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456>
...together.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What's his problem? It's not your fault
we can't go on.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> If he's gonna be a jerk then we'll
just come up with something without him. I mean, we've got Ozpin with us! He
usually knows what to do.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Oscar looks down sadly, and Weiss,
Blake and Yang exchange troubled looks. Riley's eyes then welled up with tears
again as she holstered her pistol back in its place._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
_noticing this_ What is it?\n\nRiley: You're not going to like
this..."},"606892372260945941":{"u":1,"t":1564764817062,"m":"Gift - We must get
back to safehouse for planing what to do next."},"606895032783339530":
{"u":0,"t":1564765451380,"m":"_Back at Saphron's home, Jaune punches the wall,
leaving a very large crack in it. Causing Riley to
flinch._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Jaune!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Everything we did was for nothing!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> That's not
true.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _angry_ Really? Cuz it sure does sound like
it.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I, um...\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> If
Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?\n\n_Everyone remains
silent. Except Riley, who stood from the chair she'd been sitting on for the past
hour._\n\nRiley: You still have me, the Light Energy infusions in you! You're given
the same powers I was given before, though yours will continue to evolve and adapt
to your fighting style as time goes on! We still have a chance, right now Earth is
under attack but with the records of supply runs being made by the HOURS goes to
show that my planet is still ready to help!\n\nSandman: We will stop her, but to
kill her is out of the fucking question. We were briefed of everything before we
even got here.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _sarcastic_ Wow... Great plan
everyone! It's not like stopping her will make her truly quit either. Especially
with you carrying your big guns around here.\n\n_He points to Sandman's rifle then
to his teammates._\n\nSandman: _staring back at Jaune angrily_ You watch your
fucking mouth, rookie. You haven't seen the slightest of the true horrors of
war.\n\nFrost: Dude, I get it. We wanted to ice that bitch as bad as you do, but
with Remnant still in pieces and needing stitches it'll take years! All we can do
for now is gather our forces up and when wer're really ready we'll fuck her up bad.
And I mean it, too.\n\nOscar: Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not
the bad guys here.","te":1564853420112},"606895956306427911":
{"u":0,"t":1564765671565,"m":"_Upon this, Jaune snaps his head at
Oscar._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _hostile_ Are we sure about that?\n\nOscar:
What?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> He's in your head, isn't he? Did you already
know about this? (\n\n_He angrily walks over to
Oscar._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> He didn't know any of
it!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _grabs Oscar and shoves him against the wall_
How much longer can we even trust him?!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Jaune!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> How do we even know it's really him?! What if
we have been talking to that liar this whole time?!\n\n_As Jaune kept Oscar pinned
to the wall, Ruby unholstered her M17 pistol and fired off a round up intoo the
ceiling. The gunshot reverberating witin the room, silencing everyone and causing
Jaune to let Oscar go. With the room silenced Ruby raised the pistol high, walking
around the room slowly and staring into the faces of her teammates, then to
Jaune._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If I'd known that it will eventually
comes up to this, then I would have never signed up to be a Huntress. Ever.
\n\n_Ruby then field stripped her pistol before throwing the completely
disassembled pistol onto the floor. Its components crinkling
loudly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If we're going to just... act like
children, not as the Hunters and Huntresses we dreamed to be and fight among
ourselves like this. Then I wouldn't even be here, because why would I bother to
fight when nobody wants to help me or even try,
{"u":1,"t":1564765832530,"m":"Gift - We must stick together, no matter how worst
have we found."},"606898293011775550":{"u":0,"t":1564766228679,"m":"_Ruby then
breaks down crying on her knees as her teammates watched. Jaune turns away as
feelings of guilt soon clouded his mind._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If I
had known, that all the things we went through, all the things we did would come up
to this. Then why do I even bother anymore? \n\n_She stands on her feet, wiping
away tears._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> If you're not going to help, that's
alright. 'Cause I'll bring the fight to Salem even if I have to do it alone. If I
die, then I'll die happily having known that my efforts are NOT in vain. \n\n_She
walks over to the spot where she'd stripped her pistol apart, picked up the pieces
and reassembled the pistol back in one piece before rocking the slide back and
inserting the magazine back in. This time locking the slide into
position._\n\n_Finished with reassemling her pistol Ruby angrily glares at Jaune,
who glares back at her. He looks back over to Oscar, who is cowering in fear.
Jaune, realizing what he has done, lets go of Oscar with an apologetic look on his
face._\n\n_The door to the house opens as Summer barged inside before slamming it
shut._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Sorry for coming late- wait... What the hell
just happened here?","te":1564766291557},"606898751226904580":
{"u":1,"t":1564766337926,"m":"Gift - Calm yourself Jaune ,don't let me have no
choice."},"606900090241810432":{"u":0,"t":1564766657172,"m":"_Not saying a word,
Jaune goes upstairs stomping his way to the room he'd been living in for the past
week. A door slamming shut can be heard._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Is he...
gonna be okay?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I don't know! \n\n_She gets up and
leaves._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I think it would be best if we had some time
to ourselves. \n\n_He leaves and heads upstairs as well, but not before leaving
Riley's Phantom cigar on the coffee table. Team RWBY, Riley,
Gift, Summer and Oscar remain in the living
room._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Maybe we could all use some
space.\n\n_Everyone stays silent. Oscar looks down sadly as Summer got to her
feet._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Well then... I'll guess that some shitstorm
happened while I was out there trying to cut you guys up a deal with the Atlesians
in the base, am I correct?\n\n_She picks up the Phantom Cigar, turned it off and
pocketed it for herself._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Crying and whining over
how Salem's all unstoppale and stuff won't help. I've seen how she fought against
others like me before, I almost died too but thanks to Riley. I made it out of an
encounter with her, though barely alive.","te":1564766679235},"606900639934709771":
{"u":0,"t":1564766788229,"m":"_She them slumped on the couch, sitting with her legs
crossed._"},"606900769907539990":{"u":1,"t":1564766819217,"m":"Gift - No matter how
much damage i got, i will keep fighting to complete the mission, Spartan will fight
until last breath, is that right Kratos?"},"606901480951250944":
{"u":0,"t":1564766988743,"m":"_All of a sudden, Kratos, Atreus and Mimir emerged
from a Bifrost gate conjured out of thin air, surprising Weiss, Blake, and Yang as
the gate dissipated._\n\nKratos: A true warrior never gives up until death makes
them. \n\n_With care, he unhooked Mimir's head from the hook on his waist armor and
set him down on the coffee table._\n\nKratos: Head, tell him what the woman we met
have told you.\n\nMimir: Lads and lasses, I can't promise if you'll believe what I
said. But foreign magic, when combined with the magic of this world can bring an
end to Salem's path of destruction.","te":1564767251789},"606901722891288583":
{"u":1,"t":1564767046426,"m":"Gift - That is true Mimir?"},"606902262652207155":
{"u":0,"t":1564767175115,"m":"Mimir: Can't say it was a lie either. I got this from
a woman Kratos and I met when we were passing through the Fountain of Life. Or the
Yggdrasil of this world. She told me that Riley's foreign magic can, and will be
more than enough to kill her. But to kill her will bring forth this planet's
downfall. We have to stop her, but not to kill her."},"606902817093058570":
{"u":1,"t":1564767307304,"m":"Gift - So the magic are gonna use is not too strong,
Right?"},"606903416073093134":{"u":0,"t":1564767450112,"m":"Mimir: You need to
combine the four relics together, then I shall make arrangements to see that the
powers of the relic will be imbued upon the warriors who you will accompany into
the Land of Darkness. Once the relics are combined, I will handle the rest. Killing
her is not the end to this, but stopping her and making her see through what she
had done is the answer.\n\n_He pauses, forgetting to add in more detail._\n\nMimir:
And another thing to keep in yer mind, the gods will be watching since the
activation of the four relics will bring them here. So you'll have to be careful of
how you plan this out. But maybe, they may not be here at
- Thanks for advise, BT what time is it now?"},"606903831187423271":
{"u":0,"t":1564767549083,"m":"BT: Midday, General. Be advised that members of Team
Juliet and Romeo are out of the house for recreational
{"u":1,"t":1564767591928,"m":"Gift - Their Objective?"},"606904118589653025":
{"u":0,"t":1564767617605,"m":"BT: Just to get food and relax from the tension
that's been taking the toll on them. Gift."},"606904299489984563":
{"u":0,"t":1564767660735,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> It'll take them a while
to come to terms to what they'd been told. Trust me, I lived through it
before."},"606904407942234112":{"u":1,"t":1564767686592,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"606904529409277953":{"u":1,"t":1564767715552,"m":"Gift - Anyways, i must
check my weapon."},"606905970832179270":{"u":0,"t":1564768059214,"m":"_Later on,
Ruby heads outside onto the backyard porch with her Scroll to her
ear._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Come on, please...\n\n_Ruby takes away the
Scroll from her ear, looking at the screen with Qrow's portrait on it and text
above it in red letters saying \"NO ANSWER\". A bracket within the messages
displayed the number of calls she had made to him, amounting to ten
times._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _frustrated_ Where are you?!\n\n_She
throws her Scroll into the yard, the device bouncing off of the ground and
ricocheting off the wall into a trash can._\n\nMaria: You know, I came out here to
avoid the yelling. That pistol you fired was a bit too much, but I'd say it
worked.\n\n_Ruby notices Maria sitting next to a small table with a plate of fruit
on it, a loud singing can be heard from upstairs. Listening closely to it she
recognized the voice's owner. Riley's at it again, she thought._\n\nRiley: _muffled
singing_ Oh! Like memories in cold decay, transmissions echoing away. Far from the
world of you and I, where oceans bleed into the
sky~!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sorry. The others went to get food for
tonight. Didn't Riley told you that she was going to join them? Why is she still
here?\n\nMaria: Why not go with them?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't
know... \n\n_She sits down on the
{"u":1,"t":1564768213812,"m":"Gift - (Heading outside for Weapon chest) \nRuby, did
you see my weapon chest?"},"606907104950878268":
{"u":0,"t":1564768329609,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's next to that
bench, Gift.\n\n_She points to the bench, and turned back to
Maria._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't know anything... What do I tell
Jaune and his team when we don't even have a plan? Qrow's out drinking, Ozpin
hasn't come back and even if he did, I don't know if I could trust him. And there's
always Jinn, but... we only have one more question we can ask her. I feel like I'm
letting everyone down...\n\nMaria: You know, you don't give yourself enough
credit.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh... _chuckles_ Thanks.\n\nMaria: That
wasn't a compliment.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh... what?\n\nMaria: If I
have to explain it to you, it will just defeat the purpose. But if you're tired of
not knowing anything, how about we discuss those eyes of
yours?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh! _stands up_ Yes, ma'am, I would be
honored!\n\nMaria: Sit back down, for Pete's sake.\n\n_Ruby does so. Not noticing
Riley, now standing just next to her._","te":1571009681732},"606907667507838980":
{"u":1,"t":1564768463733,"m":"Gift - Okay let check this.....Good! Wait! Where
this come from? Sword of Remnant? Interesting."},"606909484002050085":
{"u":0,"t":1564768896819,"m":"_Gift continues to rummage through his mobile armory
while Ruby began her training with Maria._\n\nMaria: Let's start with what you do
know. Tell me.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh... Silver-Eyed people are
supposed to be legendary warriors. Or something. And at the Fall of Beacon, I
turned a giant Wyvern into stone.\n\nMaria: _shaking her head_ Oh,
boy.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Look, if I already knew everything I
wouldn't be asking for help! \n\n_She crosses her arms and huffs, not hearing Riley
laughing in the background._\n\nMaria: Yelling...\n\n_Ruby looks back up with a
sorrowful expression on her face._\n\nMaria: It's not your fault. I had my father
to teach me, and even he didn't have all the answers. But what he told me makes
sense, given what I've seen.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Was he a Huntsman
too?\n\nMaria: It wasn't really an official title back in his day. I only knew him
as an old soldier and an excellent teacher. I never attended one of those fancy
academies of yours, but I scored higher on the license exam than any other Huntsman
or Huntress that day.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _smiles_ You must've been
proud.\n\nMaria: Heh, he would've scolded me for showing off. He'd never been able
to find much information about our abilities. Just legends of warriors whose eyes
shone like mirrors, reflecting the light of the world onto darkness. He found so
little, in fact, that it made him cautious. How could such powerful bloodlines be
so rare? Unless something was actively seeking to destroy
them.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Salem..."},"606909505170571315":
{"u":0,"t":1564768901866,"m":"_Upon this, Riley interrupts Maria. Apologising
before doing so._\n\nRiley: I hate to break this to you, but, the real reason why
Salem is afraid of people like you, Ruby, Summer, and_she points to her eyes_ me is
because... well, ain't it obvious? She's afraid.\n\n_Riley then conjures a claymore
out of thin air, however the claymore is completely white with only the hilt and
blade having engravings on it._\n\nRiley: While you two were busy trying to get
started, I took the liberty of being able to create pocket dimensions on the fly
and used that to master my newfound power of the Silver Eyes. And I believe it
would be best for Ruby to start her training througb direct combat.\n\nMaria: Oh,
please. Can't I just get to know this young lady before we get to the killing
part?!\n\nRiley: _in a mocking tone_ As you wish, Ms.
Reaper!"},"606910032453566464":{"u":1,"t":1564769027580,"m":"Gift - Alright, i
never seen this sword before."},"606912225806123018":
{"u":0,"t":1564769550516,"m":"_Riley then proudly presented the claymore to Gift,
Maria, then to Ruby._\n\nRiley: I made this sword by combining my ability to turn
imaginations real with the power of the Silver Eyes and ramped up the intensity by
over a hundred times higher than normal. And since I've fused this, _she points to
her silver, glowing eyes again_ with this. _she points to her glowing heart_ It
means that the power of Silver Eyes is not only locked to work just against the
Grimm, but it will also
work against any adversary you come across. \n\n_She pauses, catching her
breath._\n\nRiley: So, bascally I just turned Silver Eyes into something more than
just the desire to preserve life, but to turn it to a power it really was destined
to be. A force to be reckoned with, a force to be revered by those who have
witnessed it. A force to be used only by the people who desired to upkeep peace...
A better iteration of itself.\n\n_At this, Maria shook her head in
disagreement._\n\nMaria: I wouldn't call what you made to this power as a way to
upkeep peace. After all, the evil that plagued this planet was just the
Grimm.\n\nRiley: I disagree completely with that, but I understand that you only
wanted to just antiquate this power and leave it be. Just to be forgotten instead
of turning it into a power that can inspire hope for the people of this planet and
tell them, that Silver-Eyed Warriors EXISTS FOR REAL, and not just in storytales.
You woudn't want to live the rest of your life a forgotten legend, would
you?","te":1564769626207},"606912732381577216":{"u":1,"t":1564769671293,"m":"Gift -
BT, more information about sword of remnant."},"606913172305215503":
{"u":0,"t":1564769776179,"m":"BT: The sword Riley is holding is a form of the
radical enhancement of a silver-eyed warrior's signature weapon in the event of a
sudden activation, they are to be used only by those who have truly mastered the
power, in which, Riley had became one. The sword will appear as your primary weapon
when you activate your Final Form, the Warrior's Rage.\n\n_Gift listens as BT
continues to elaborate._\n\nBT: Bear in mind that the weapon will only activate
when you have reached your limit. To which, the activation of Silver Eyes will
initiate a \"limit break\" allowing you to channel its energy into your weapon,
hence the radical enhanement resulting in a completely new weapon
- Thinks for detail."},"606915719350845458":{"u":0,"t":1564770383442,"m":"_Maria
then pondered over Riley's word, for a moment she stared into Riley's burning eyes
and saw through the person she had truly wanted to be, a guardian, a protector. Not
a killer._\n\nMaria: Well, I would say your reasons are sound. After all, you've
finally became what you wished to be, didn't you?\n\nRiley: Yep, now you know. I
didn't sign up to be a soldier for my planet just because I wanted to kill or hurt
things. But when I'm fighting in a hot zone and there's civilians all over the
place. The things that come into my mind was what I'd done to save them from the
dnager that's out there to get them. And how I would devote my life to protect
those I couldn't. Like...\n\n_Yet again, her eyes welled with tears, memories of
her tragic past re-emerging._\n\nRiley: I failed to protect my parents, my family,
my friends. That's why I've longed for this power, so I could turn it to what it
was meant to be. Now, if you don't mind... I'd like to stay and watch.\n\nMaria:
Very well.\n\n_She turns to Ruby. Now eager for the training._\n\nMaria: I tried to
keep my powers a secret, but as you know, it wasn't enough. I owe my life to my
training, and my Semblance. At the end of the day, those are still your most
powerful tools.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What is your Semblance?\n\n_A
lemon is shown dropping from the tree, which Maria catches before it could hit the
plate of fruit._\n\nMaria: \"Preflexes\"! A silly name I came up with. Hard to
explain, but I can sense everything better than most and react to attacks almost
before they happen. Combine that with my training and secret ability to turn Grimm
to stone, or blind them, or vaporize them. _clears throat_ And that's how you
become the Grimm Reaper! _smiles_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> So, how do I
laser beam monsters with my eyeballs?\n\nMaria: _smacks Ruby on the head with her
cane_ First, you stop thinking like that! I want you to think of all the times
you've triggered your powers. What did those moments have in
{"u":1,"t":1564844339979,"m":"Gift - (smiling to see Ruby happy) Ha! Her imagine,
If it can do, i don't even think about it."},"607228562222612545":
{"u":0,"t":1564845412299,"m":"fucking clyde bot"},"607230698046226452":
{"u":0,"t":1564845480215,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> rubbing her head I...
was scared, and stressed. Is it emotional? Like unlocking a Semblance?\n\nMaria:
It's emotional but more focused than that. Think, what is it you wanted? And,
Riley. Does your desires fall within the thoughts of what you've gone
through?\n\nRiley: _clenching her fists, shaking slightly_ I first wanted revenge,
but then I felt that instead of outright destroying evil, I wanted to at least be
useful to those who can't protect themselves.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_clenching her hands_ I wanted to protect my friends.\n\nMaria: Precisely! It is
the desire to preserve life which fuels the light inside you. And to make no
mistake, it is light. Preservation is an extension of creation, or, at the very
least, an enemy of destruction. The Creatures of Grimm were made by the God of
Darkness, but your light comes from his brother.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
How do you know that?\n\nMaria: I always knew how to use the light, but never why
it only worked on the Grimm. Then, Jinn showed us her vision. Were you paying
attention?\n\n_Riley conjures the Relic of Knowledge and tossed it to Maria, who
caught it with her cane now unfolded into its sickle form. Ruby closes her eyes and
thinks back to when the God of Light destroyed all the Grimm in the Land of
Darkness. The God of Light transforms into his dragon form, revealing his own pair
of Silver Eyes._\n\nRiley: But not until I've been told that the God of Light used
my planet to turn this power into something entirely new, of what it should have
been. \n\n_The relic's cyan glow then briefly turned white before resuming back to
its usual glow._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> The God of Light... His eyes!
stands up Okay, where do we start?","te":1571010284371},"607230790761316359":
{"u":1,"t":1564845502320,"m":"Gift - (yawn) I am so sleepy, no i must conti....
(yawn) if someone could give me a lap pillow, i can rest for a
while."},"607231656897806376":{"u":0,"t":1564845708823,"m":"_Noticing Gift becoming
progressively sleepy, Maria gets up from the chair, walking over to him._\n\nMaria:
Maybe you'd need a rest, Riley and I will take it from here.\n\n_Ruby jumps to her
feet, then walked over to Gift as she carried him by the arms into the house. She
then carried him upstairs into the upper corridor. Stopping at a door
labeled \"Gift's Room.\" Maria helps her open the door as Ruby carried her \"big
brother\" in._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Get as much rest as you need,
Gift.\n\n_She lays him down on the bed, giving him a light kiss on the cheek before
leaving the room._","te":1564852933909},"607232073002123265":
{"u":1,"t":1564845808030,"m":"Gift - (Thinking) Huh? Surprise heart attack? My
heartbeat is so fast."},"607233470065803264":
{"u":0,"t":1564846141116,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _noticing Gift's
rapid heartbeat, chuckling lightly._ Pf, I thought you wanted to get some
rest.\n\nMaria: Leave him be, maybe he really needs
it.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _jokingly_ Wilco, Reaper One!\n\n_Confused
by what Ruby just referred her as, Maria's optical prosthetic implant lits up to a
bright shade of cyan._\n\nMaria: What did you just call
me?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Since you're with us now, you need to have a
callsign of your own! Mine's Romeo One-One. And his, _she points to Gift_ is Bravo
Six. Riley's callsign is Atlas Six-Two.\n\nMaria: Callsigns, huh. I've never had
any of those fancy names. People would just refer to me as the Reaper. Anyways,
let's get back to our... training. I'm sure Riley had already made us both a place
where I can help you use that beautiful eyes of yours for the greater
good."},"607234256069984286":{"u":1,"t":1564846328514,"m":"Captain Gift - Ah! Come
on Gift.\nSargent Gift - He always like this, every time."},"607234311376338965":
{"u":0,"t":1564846341700,"m":"_Back at the courtyard, Ruby and Maria find
themselves surrounded by the Creatures of Grimm. Varying in kinds. All of them
being bizzarely dormant, with a Beowolf wagging its tail upon seeing Ruby walk down
the courtyard. Noticing the duo, Riley twirled her claymore around, the blade
leaving behind a trail of white light with every swing._\n\nRiley: Are you sure
you're up for this though? From the looks of it, I can't force you to go through my
way of mastering this power, but I can give you tips and be your target. I can
manifest Grimm with my imaginations and let you use them as training dummies. Like
these dummies I've just created.\n\n_An Alpha Beowolf snaps its head at Riley as it
barked at her. Riley then sheathed the claymore back in its scabbard on her back,
deactivating her power as the claymore disintegrated into fine dust. Reforming into
the Screaming Angel combination weapon she'd been using._"},"607234820421976064":
{"u":1,"t":1564846463066,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to himself) Ha! Trying to surprise
me huh? If i have a chance i will do the same like you did, my sweet
heart."},"607237323884855368":{"u":0,"t":1564847059938,"m":"_Glancing at the
Creatures of Grimm surrounding them, Maria shook her head again as Riley destroyed
the manifestations she'd made with the snap of her finger._\n\nRiley: Eh, maybe
later. IF you do want to use these baddies as targets just let me know. I'll be
more than happy to get to use my... uh, Semblance? If my power is even a
Semblance...\n\n_She leaves the duo to themselves,
walking back into the house._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Looks like we're
not going to train here.\n\nMaria: Well, not here. The light will only work in the
presence of Grimm. Meaning the only practice you'll get will be a trial by fire.
But, what you can do is focus on creating a state of mind that you can tap into
when you need it. Don't think about your light as a means of destroying evil, but
as a way to protect the people of Remnant. \n\n_At this, Ruby objects Maria,
searching through her Scroll's lists of recorded combat footages from her suit-
mounted camera._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> But, that can't be
right.\n\nMaria: Hm?"},"607237395997524028":{"u":0,"t":1564847077131,"m":"_Ruby
then scrolled down the list to a combat footage video titled \"Operation Haven's
Fate: DEP-ORDER 222610-D, JRSOC. SFOD-D, VAF.\", tapped the play button and fast-
forwarded the footage to a whited out moment. Marked in the timestanp as 4:21:35,
she then scrolled the seeker bar two minutes back. Stopping at the moment where the
camera picked up heavy electromagnetic interferences._\n\n_She then scrolled the
footage forward to when the camera's view picked up Cinder struggling to remain
standing just as Ruby fell to unconsciousness, being struck in the back of her head
by Emerald._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _showing the footage to Maria_ You
said the light only reacts to Grimm, but... I used it during our battle at Haven.
It reacted to Cinder.\n\nMaria: Interesting... Perhaps there was something that you
just weren't seeing?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I... don't know.\n\nRiley:
_peeking her head through a window._ That's because she had Grimm modifications
made to her. Also, that's what Silver Eyes shoud've been used for. To stop freaks
like her.\n\n_Riley then pops her head back into the house, teleporting back to the
couch._ Yang walks past her as she commanded the doors to open through
{"u":0,"t":1564678609839,"m":"Maria: To this day, I still remember that fight. It's
always there no matter how I try to keep it down.\n\n_she activates the
neuroprojector as her implant responded to it, resuming the stream of neural
data._\n\nTock: Well, that's a fancy trick now, innit? 'Fraid it comes with a price
though, love. \n\n_She crushes a small piece of the petrified Nevermore in her
hand. Maria turns around to face Tock, while the three men ready their
weapons._\n\nMaria: I don't think you realize who I am.\n\nTock: Course I do. _She
takes out an alarm clock, setting the timer and placing it on her belt._ You're the
Grimm Reaper, and these... are the last sixty seconds of your life.\n\n_Tock hits
the button on her clock, starting the timer's countdown. She then draws a pair of
saber swords and activates her Aura. The ticking clock can be heard in the
background as the battle begins. Tock rushes forward and clashes blades with Maria.
Maria attacks back, but Tock's Aura knocks her sickle out of her hand._ \n\n_Tock
kicks Maria back, with the latter summoning her other sickle back to her hand. She
then proceeds to fight the three men, deflecting their bullets. She cuts down the
rifle-wielding man, knocks out the machete-wielder, and dodges out of the way of
the hammer user before cutting him down. She then blocks another attack from Tock,
who manages to push Maria back, causing her Aura to
{"u":1,"t":1564680503004,"m":"Gift - I gonna rest for a while but, (putting her
head on Ruby Lap)\nGift - I can't sleep, without you
{"u":0,"t":1564680561258,"m":"(Sorry, gotta go. We'll continue this
{"u":0,"t":1564680593311,"m":"(Rest well!)"},"606848334480670723":
{"u":1,"t":1564754398982,"m":"Ruby surprise to see Gift sleeping on her lap.\nGift
- Without you, i feel i have lost something in my life."},"606849865284190209":
{"u":0,"t":1564754682609,"m":"_At this, Ruby's face turns to a bright shade of
red._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uh...\n\n_She stammered through words,
trying to say the right words until Maria slapped her cane down on the floor.
Causing Gift to jump away from Ruby's lap._\n\nMaria: You can confess your love to
her later, but now you'll have to watch this.\n\n_Stiles reached for the
neuroprojector only to have Maria jab her finger on a holographic pause button.
Resuming her memory recall playback as her implant's protective lids opened to full
position._\n\n_Maria's sickles then circle around her due to the gravity Dust,
before combining together to form a double-edged scythe. Tock and the machete-
wielder rush forward to attack, but Maria blocks them. The Grimm Reaper then takes
down the machete-wielder before proceeding to clash with Tock again._\n\n_The two
lock weapons with each other, before Tock uses her razor-sharp metal teeth to chomp
through Maria's weapon. The crocodile Faunus headbutts the Grimm Reaper, shattering
her skull mask in the process. Maria briefly opens up her silver eyes for a bit,
when suddenly, Tock slashes at her eyes, permanently blinding Maria._\n\n_Silence
for a moment, before Maria screams out in pain, her eyes bleeding. She continues to
cry out as Tock's alarm clock rings. Tock presses the button on her clock as her
Aura deactivates._\n\nTock: It was a close call, I'll give you
that."},"606850494987632645":{"u":1,"t":1564754832742,"m":"(Flashback to Maria's
past)\nGift - I should do something. (Equip leviathan axe) Maybe this. (Aiming and
preparing to throw)"},"606851265648918561":{"u":0,"t":1564755016482,"m":"_Finding
himself standing within the mountainous region Gift readies himself, the axe raised
high and ready to be thrown at Tock._\n\n_Tock walks over menacingly to Maria, who
continues to cry out in pain as she holds her blinded eyes. Maria manages to grab
one of her sickles and tries to fire at Tock, who nonchalantly dodges out of the
way. A clicking sound can then be heard from Maria's sickle, indicating her weapon
is out of ammo._\n\nTock: You know, the only reason my master wants you dead is
'cause of your eyes. (laughs) But seein' as you ain't got 'em no more, you might be
able to convince me to spare your life.\n\n_In response, Maria tries to throw her
sickle at Tock, but she dodges that too. Gift saw the sicke flying at him before
catching it with his free hand. The sickle now extended to a kama._\n\nTock:
_chuckles_ Well, I respect that, a fighter to the end.\n\n_Tock readies her saber
to kill Maria, but Maria manages to find her other sickle. She clicks the switch on
it, calling the other blade back over as it launched itself out of Gift's hand. He
then throws the axe along with the sickle as well. Tock, in its path, gets the
blade of the other sickle embedded into her back while the axe falls short and
slashed through her legs instead, causing her to fall forward. Maria then uses the
sickle in her hand to slash at Tock as she falls
forward..._"},"606851762984583199":{"u":1,"t":1564755135056,"m":"Gift - Okay Come
here, my boy. (Calling Leviathan axe back to his hand)"},"606853065617965075":
{"u":0,"t":1564755445628,"m":"_Back in the present day, Gift finds himself staring
into Ruby's eyes as Weiss waved her hands before his
eyes._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Time to bring yourself back to the
present, General.\n\nMaria: But I wasn't... I went into hiding soon after.\n\n_The
now elderly Maria is seen finishing her story to Team RWBY, Qrow, and Oscar who all
have wide-eyed expressions save for Riley, looking at Maria, her face showing
little to no surprise at all._\n\nQrow: _astounded_ I can't believe it. You...
You're the Grimm Reaper, you were a legend! And then you disappeared...\n\nOscar:
How exactly does a legend just disappear?\n\nQrow: You never used your name, never
showed your face. Lots of us thought you were just layin' low. Eventually, we just
came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my
weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.\n\nMaria: Well,
I'm nothing but a disappointment, so you're well on your
way.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> How can you say that?\n\nMaria: Child, a
Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes,
I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery, I was too afraid to fight.
Afraid someone would find me again, finish what the others started. You shouldn't
aspire to be like me, especially when some of you are clearly stronger
already.\n\nRiley: At least you're not like me, I spent a good portion of my life
being a total waste after I'd lost my boyfriend. Especially after I'd gotten this
and not knowing what it was until now.\n\n_She unsheathed a knife from her pocket
and brought it close to her right eye, the blade mere inches close to her pupil.
She then retracts the knife back and tossed it
- I just remember, on exploring mission, i have pass that mountain to explore
terrain and make a map, until the thing that maria said have
{"u":0,"t":1564756166428,"m":"_Upon hearing this, Yang looks down sadly._\n\nRiley:
Forget it, it ain't helping if I'm here just to lament over my partner's death. And
Maria...\n\nMaria: What is it?\n\nRiley I'm really sorry to hear what's happened to
you.\n\nMaria: It's alright. It's quite... comforting, seeing that your generation
seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm just sorry I didn't do more to
leave it in better shape.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Well, maybe you can do something now. Teach me to use my powers the way you
did.\n\n_Riley gets back on her feet, walking over to Maria._\n\nRiley: _jokingly_
You mind if you help me use my new pair of eyes too, Maria?\n\n_As Maria looks back
at Ruby and Riley, a Scroll's ringtone can be heard along with a series of alarms.
Ruby pulls her Scroll out and gasps in excitement, Stiles already running for the
MCV command deck's entrance door._\n\nMCV Announcer: To all passengers in the mess
deck, this is your captain Dave speaking. We have picked up a hailing signal from
Argus.\n\nStiles: Rubes! Command just picked up signal from a naval base, it's
Argus! They're hailing us!","te":1564756233249},"606856444653994117":
{"u":1,"t":1564756251253,"m":"Gift - Stiles, What the hell is going
on?"},"606856784069656578":{"u":0,"t":1564756332176,"m":"Stiles: See for yourself,
General!\n\n_As Stiles opened the entrance door, Team RWBY, Maria, Riley, Gift,
Oscar and Qrow bolted for the door, piling into the command deck. Once inside they
hear the radio coming to life._\n\nRadio: This is Juliet Two-One transmitting from
Argus to Mobile Construction Vehicle Avalon Six, do you read?
Over.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's Jaune!\n\n_Yang stops in her path to
a vacant radio console, looking back in surprise. Everyone says \"Huh?\" as they
wonder how Jaune contacted them._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
How?\n\n:Ruby: _answering Jaune through the radio_ Uh,
hello?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _voiceover from the Scroll_ Ruby! Oh, thank
you! I've been checking my Scroll for your signal since we made it to the
city!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> The city? Wait...\n\n_Ruby looks to her
Scroll, her contact name for Jaune being \"Vomit Boy\". She looks at the little
signal symbol under Jaune's portrait then at the minimap, watching it get better as
she points her Scroll toward the road ahead from behind the MCV's mirrors. The
group sees a hill where the snow ends. Yang, now in a vacant piloting seat drives
the MCV up the hill. At the top of the hill, the group sees a walled city in the
distance along the ocean._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _smiling_ Ladies and
gentlemen, we have arrived in Argus.","te":1564756352925},"606856958515085334":
{"u":1,"t":1564756373767,"m":"Gift - AH! FINALLY."},"606858727366066256":
{"u":0,"t":1564756795494,"m":"_After passing through the City's scanner arrays at
the entrance to the city of Argus, the MCV parks itself right outside the gigantic
walls surrounding Argus as Space United soldiers surrounded the vehicle. Some of
them performing security checkups._\n\nSpace United Soldier: You're cleared for
entry, Miss Rose. Thank you for your cooperation.\n\n_Ruby leaves the soldier be,
saluting him before parting ways and rejoining her team. She walks over to Riley,
now in her casual clothes being a t-shirt with the combined coat of arms of the
four Kingdoms screened on the chest._\n\nRiley: This city reminds me of a city I
left from Earth. \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Mind if I ask where you came
from? I mean, it's been a while since I've been with you but I don't even know
where you came from!\n\nRiley: No big deal, Rubes. San Francisco's where I came
from. \n\n_Ruby's eyes widens in surptise._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Ooh!
Is it a... Kingdom just like Vale? \n\n_At this, Riley spat her coffee through the
nose as she laughed hysterically. Hunching over as she does so._\n\nRiley: Oh,
Ruby! Earth doesn't have kingdoms! We have countries, states, provinces, what else?
FREAKING INDEPENDENT STATES!\n\n_Having realized that Earth do have kingdoms, she
recorrects herself. Ruby nods in understanding._\n\nRiley: Sorry, we DO have
kingdoms. Just like Remnant.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh,
- That's right, like i have come back home."},"606860160039649295":
{"u":0,"t":1564757137070,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _chuckling along with
Riley_ Oh, well. I guess that's one more lesson I've learned today!\n\n_After
departing from the MCV Yang inputs a code, \"4-5-8\", to lock Bumblebee and the
trailer in a garage. Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, Gift and Maria take the time to admire
their surroundings. Through the crowd, a certain bubbly ginger-haired girl in pink
zooms in._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Cute! Boy! OZ!!! _points her finger to
the group_\n\nRiley: _groaning_ Oh my god, no.\n\n_Oscar looks over in confusion,
only to get tackle hugged by Nora._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oh, come
here!\n\n_Jaune and Ren also arrive, bringing with them a team of Space United
soldiers as well. From their implants Riley's DNI designated them as a mix of three
Russian soldiers, two Chinese combat engineers, a British intelligence officer
and... Team Metal._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Are you all okay? \n\n_He walks
over to Yang, embracing her in a hug._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We were so
worried! \n\n_Jaune follows suit as he does the same to
Blake._\n\n<:yang:501512573959798804> It's been kind of a crazy
trip.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> That's an
understatement.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _noticing Maria_ Wait, who's the old
lady?\n\nRiley: She tagged along when we found her after the train
crash.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I'm so glad you're all
Seriously...\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ah! You're gonna love this
place!\n\nRiley: I'm already doing that, Nora...\n\n_As everyone else engages in
their own conversations, Ruby and Jaune walk up to each other and give each other a
big hug. After parting from the hug, Jaune looks down and
frowns._"},"606861223383793693":{"u":1,"t":1564757390591,"m":"Gift - Anyways we
have arrive before night."},"606863173592809512":
{"u":0,"t":1564757855557,"m":"Sandman: You did, and... you owed me that magazine of
_Weapons Daily_ when you used it as a baton to whack some recruits back in
Beacon.\n\n_Sandman walks over to Gift, hands on his
hips._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hey. I promised, didn't
I?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _smiling while tears well up in his eyes_ Yeah,
you did. _wipes his eyes_ It's good to see you guys.\n\n_The two share a smile
together as Riley watches, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. Upon noticing Ruby
looking at her she furtively wiped her eyes._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Are you really that _happy_ to see us both together like that?\n\n_She smiled
awkwardly as Riley once again laughed in hysterics._\n\nRiley: God, no! I'm just
glad you're happy, that's it!\n\n_Later on, the group is seen traveling through the
city on a trolley._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's a lot bigger than I thought
it'd be.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> It's actually one of the largest non-capital
cities in all of Remnant.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _gasps_ No way! But
wait, wouldn't it be harder to settle something this big away from the main
Kingdom?\n\nDante: All that will take to build such a place like this is
willpower.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well, it was, until Mantle showed up.
Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well. But colonists from Mantle were
able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that Solitas couldn't
provide.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> The two nations worked together to create a
hybrid city. While it falls under Mistral domain, Atlas keeps a military presence
here to help keep the people safe and keep trade between the two nations
steady."},"606864239273181221":{"u":1,"t":1564758109635,"m":"Gift - (Grab Camera) I
want to take a picture and collect it in my photo album, but i think it too
early."},"606866532462624797":{"u":0,"t":1564758656374,"m":"_Ruby snatches the
camera out of his hand as she yelled for her team to gather
around._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Photo time,
everyone!\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Lovely.
\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _nodding in
agreement_\n<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> Woo!\n\n_Riley then offered to keep
the camera afloat in midair using her telekinesis as she set the camera's timer to
five seconds. She then pressed the shutter button before sending the camera
afloat._\n\nRiley: Group photo time! Say whatever you want, do whatever pose you'd
like! Ready!? \n\n_Gift jumps into frame as Maria is dragged into view by Nico.
Nero, Dante and Vergil having found themselves in the camera's view._\n\nRiley:
Three, two, one... Cheese!\n\n_The camera's flash fires off in series of rapid
flashes as it took snaps of Team RWBY and their allies frame-to-frame. With one
particular frame showing Weiss and Ruby in a deep kiss, the second being Yang
getting punched in the face by an agitated Ruby after she'd photobombed her little
sister, and the third being Riley getting doused by Jaune's energy drink thanks to
Nora slamming into him full-force._"},"606866859501027328":
{"u":1,"t":1564758734346,"m":"Gift - (Looking at his photo album) This will be a
good memory."},"606867673816760320":{"u":0,"t":1564758928494,"m":"_As he looked
through the photos, he began to notice the figure of a red-haired woman in every
photo. Wondering who it could have been he submitted some of the photos with the
woman in clear view to BT. Only to have the AI return an unexpected answer._\n\nBT:
Gift, the woman identified in the photo is one of the casualties back at Beacon.
You will not want to hear this, but Private First Class Pyrrha Nikos of the Beacon
Special Force is identified as the woman in the photos you have submitted to me. I
can run a thorough analysis if these photos are to be sent to the
- I see, I will find the answer later, for now what time is it,
he could make any comments the trolley makes a stop and everyone hops
off._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We should probably start looking for a
ship.\n\nOscar: _to Jaune_ So, where have you guys been
staying?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Uh... _cuckles nervously_\n\nSaphron: There
you are!\n\n_As the trolley leaves, a blonde woman, Saphron Cotta-Arc, with her
baby son, Adrian, in her arm is seen on the other side of the street waving to
Jaune. Standing next to three androids dressed in
plainclothes._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Is
that...?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hey, Saph. _smiles and waves back_\n\n_Ruby
then zooms in, all starry-eyed. She looks back and forth between Jaune and Saphron,
and gasps upon realizing who the woman is. The group later reconvenes in a living
room at a home._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I can't believe I'm meeting
your sister! I have so many questions.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oh, I can give
you the rundown later!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Will you guys knock it
off?\n\nSaphron: What? I love telling stories about my baby brother. \n\n_She
squeezes Jaune's cheek._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _groaning while also
flailing his arms at his elder sister_ I am not a baby! That is a baby. \n\n_He
points at Adrian, who huffs back at him. Riley, Yang and Weiss get all wide-eyed as
they fuss over Adrian. Both of them make baby talk at him while Riley made funny
faces at him._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Aww, you're so cute! Yes you are! Oh,
look at your little face!\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Aww, coochie-
coochie! Aw, baby! Oh my!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> So Saphron, you're
the only Arc living here?\n\n_A picture on the bookshelf of the Arc siblings all
together can be seen, with the young Jaune at the center with pigtails and a
deadpan expression while holding a sign that says \"HELP\" on it while his sisters
do various crazy things around him._","te":1564759204943},"606868990895194163":
{"u":1,"t":1564759242510,"m":"Gift - BT, What time is it
now?"},"606869516760383550":{"u":0,"t":1564759367886,"m":"BT: Five in the evening,
Mistralian Standard Time."},"606869630853578792":{"u":1,"t":1564759395088,"m":"Gift
- Okay, we still have some time."},"606871380960477195":
{"u":0,"t":1564759812346,"m":"Saphron: Yep! Moved the second I could. Jaune and I
are the only two living away from home. _in a teasing voice_ I guess he just wanted
to be like his big sis.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I, uh...
_groans._\n\nSaphron: _teasing_ Aw, you didn't deny it!\n\n_The two siblings play
fight with each other by pulling each other's cheeks. Then, a door is heard
opening. A dark-haired woman with glasses is seen walking in with bags of
groceries, following after the woman is Team Metal, already in their plainclothes
carrying boxes of supplies._\n\nSaphron: Everyone, this is my wife, Terra
Cotta.\n\n_Everyone greets Terra while Sandman and Frost put away the
supplies._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Hello!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
Hey there!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Nice to meet you.\n\nRiley:
Hi!\n\nTerra: _chuckles_ Why, hello there! Wow, quite a party, you weren't kidding.
Hun, can I get some help please?"},"606871401302851642":
{"u":0,"t":1564759817196,"m":"_Saphron quickly runs over to help Terra in the
kitchen. Later on, Jaune, Ren and Nora are seen preparing sandwiches for everyone,
Riley is seen helping the trio prepare sandwiches, using her powers to toast some
of them instantly._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> And you're sure it's
alright if we stay with you?\n\nSaphron: Of course, we're happy to house Huntsmen
and Huntresses.\n\nTerra: You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's
the least we can do. _turning to Qrow_ Especially for such an elite Huntsman like
yourself. Although, I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping
you. Is that even... legal?\n\n_Qrow, not paying attention, gets his arm bumped by
his niece._\n\nQrow: Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission.
Trust me, I was a professor. Even went to the same academy as them. Let me tell ya,
these kids are way better than we were at their age.\n\nRiley: _yelling from the
kitchen_ Eyes up, everyone! Chow's up!\n\n_Jaune, Ren and Nora walk back into the
room with plates full of sandwiches. Ruby gasps happily upon seeing them, Gift, on
the other hand is still looking at the photos._\n\nQrow: _continuing_Well, not
better than me specifically, but a lot of
students--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Shut up, there's food!\n\nRiley:
_addressing Saphron and Terra_ The moment Space United made land at Beacon, I took
the liberty of reforming Vale's special forces units to incorporate highly-skilled
students to participate in special missions to their liking. But for Team RWBY?
They're in for a different case. They personally signed up to be an official
unit.\n\n_Riley sets the first plate of toasted sandwiches down, then the second
plate adjacent to it as she grabbed one and launched another at Gift, who took it
just before it splattered on the house's wall. Everyone heartily eats the
sandwiches. Saphron and Terra share a look with each other, before the latter's
Scroll is heard buzzing._","te":1564759956209},"606871901960404995":
{"u":1,"t":1564759936562,"m":"Gift (patting Ruby head) Seem you hungry huh? Okay
then...."},"606874059904516098":{"u":0,"t":1564760451056,"m":"_Gift chows down the
sandwiche, patting Ruby's head as he does so._\n\nTerra: _sighs_ Excuse me, I'll be
right back. \n\n_She answers her Scroll and walks out of the room_ \n\nTerra:
Hello? Yes, this is Radar Officer Terra
speaking...\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Is everything okay?\n\nSaphron:
Oh, yeah, it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower.
Unfortunately, the military's radar system linking to the giant gun floating in
orbit is also housed there. _making baby talk at Adrian_ Guess what's been on the
fritz lately and who's getting falsely blamed.\n\nTerra: _peeking back into the
room_ Me.\n\n_She returns to the alcove she'd been speaking to an officer on the
other end in._\n\nRadar Officer: Terra, we need you here right away. Security's
been on my ass telling me about this red-haired gal scouting our radar site and
they're worried that the gal could be a hostile. But you're the only personnel
allowed to have guns, so we need you here now!\n\n_Back to the living room. After
having tore through the meal everyone laid down on the couch. The plates have been
mostly empty save for a few burnt sandwiches remaining._\n\nSaphron: So, what's
your plan for tomorrow?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _mouth stuffed_ Well...
_takes a gulp_ We're trying to make our way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the
military base.\n\n_Nora and Ren share concerned looks. The room shook slightly as
the distant drone of an Aigaion aerial warship is
heard._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _nervously_ So, we kind of already tried
that, and... it didn't go... super great.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Come on, it
couldn't be that bad...\n\n_The next day, Team RWBY walks up to the Atlesian
Military base on the island off the coast of Argus, only for the gates to abruptly
close on them before they could even enter._\n\nRiley: This...\n\n_Seething with
anger, she punches the gate bending one of the metal bars._\n\nRiley: _calming
down_ Is what I hate most."},"606877280551043109":
{"u":1,"t":1564761370777,"m":"Gift - From outlook, i don't know is it
lock."},"606879901840310282":{"u":0,"t":1564761843882,"m":"Riley: That's because
it's locked from the inside...\n \n_Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, Riley, Gift and Maria
are seen standing outside of the gates to the Atlesian Military base on the island
off the coast of Argus. Yang puts her hands on the bars of the gate to speak to the
guards._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Come on! You didn't even hear us
out!\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Our orders are clear: The Mistral-Atlas border is
closed!\n\nRiley: Your orders are ineffective the moment Space United assumed
control of most of Remnant's military forces!\n\n_The guards however played deaf,
choosing not to hear what she'd said._\n\nNubuck Guard 2: Please!\n\nNubuck Guard
1: Have a good day!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> But--\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: A
good day!!\n\nQrow: Hey, if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with
Ironwood--\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: General Ironwood!\n\nQrow: Yeah, General
Ironwood, then fine. But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get
her home safely.\n\n_Weiss looks down with reluctance upon hearing Qrow say that.
The two guards look to each other before turning their attention back to the group.
Not noticing Riley, now enraged in the background._\n\nRiley: If you won't let us
through, I'll make you let us through!\n\n_She activates her full powers, flying up
into the sky as her body is surrounded by a halo of light energy, her palms
conjuring balls of light sparkling with electric bolts. Ready to attack the base if
needed be._\n\nNubuck Guard 1: Acts of aggression against an ally of Space United
will be counted as treason, Commander Andersen!\n\nRiley: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT
YOU THINK!\n\n_She reared back and fired a series of light beams down at the guards
only to deflect them away when the gates opened by itself._"},"606880303671148577":
{"u":1,"t":1564761939686,"m":"Gift - It open, i will check
inside."},"606881331518898216":{"u":0,"t":1564762184744,"m":"Nubuck Guard 1: Stay
where you are, General!\n\n_The first guard then turned to his second man as they
both turned towards the cavernous area behind them then back to Gift._\n\nBoth
Nubuck Guards: Approach!\n\n_Weiss shares a look with Blake, who just shrugs. Weiss
then walks up to the gate and
the two guards step up and bend down to inspect her. After a moment, both guards
stand straight back up as three fighter-variant Manta airships flew close to the
base, launching flares as they do so._\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: Very well!\n\nGuard
Nubuck 2: You may speak with our commanding officer!\n\nGuard Nubuck 1: We will
fetch her at once!\n\n_The two guards turn around in sync, and chant \"Hup hup
hup\" and \"Atlas Atlas Atlas\" as they run to get their superior. Confusing Riley
and the team._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> They were... kind
of--\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Super weird? Uh, yeah.\n\nMaria:
Hmm..."},"606881753461686364":{"u":1,"t":1564762285343,"m":"Gift - I don't know
what will happen, Ruby Stay close to me."},"606882581320957963":
{"u":0,"t":1564762482720,"m":"Oscar: What's wrong?\n\nMaria: Well, I... may know
this commanding officer...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That's good, isn't
it? If she's your friend, then maybe she'd be more willing to help
us.\n\n_Reluctantly, she walks closer to Gift, placing her right hand on the
Crescent Rose's stock as she does so._\n\nMaria: I wouldn't exactly call
us... \"friends\".\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Acquaintances?\n\nMaria:
Not quite.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Colleagues?\n\nMaria:
Warmer.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Enemies?\n\nMaria: That's the one!\n\nOscar:
Wait, what?\n\n_At this, Riley drops herself on the ground with a loud
thud._\n\nRiley: Great... this is just great. An Atlesian officer holding a grudge
against a famous Huntress...\n\nMaria: Oh, yes. I come through here about once
every ten years to get my eyes checked up in Atlas. You bring outside cashews on
one flight, and suddenly you're placed on the additional screening list for
life!\n\nQrow: You've gotta be kidding me...\n\nMaria: Now, now, let's not give up
hope yet. _beat_ Maybe she's dead!\n\n_Suddenly, the gates open up quickly, and the
two guards return, this time being accompanied by six Atlesian-built ASTs_\n\nGuard
1: Introducing!\n\nGuard 2: Special operative!\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: Caroline
Cordovin!\n\n_Footsteps can be heard approaching before the camera lowers down to
reveal a short-statured elderly woman around Maria's age wearing the standard
Atlesian officer uniform. Cordovin steps forward and glares at Maria._\n\nRiley:
Seriously?! A goddamn midget!?!"},"606883250920751121":
{"u":1,"t":1564762642365,"m":"Gift - (His Leviathan axe and Blades of chao appear
to his back) We need to talk, not personal."},"606884479503564803":
{"u":0,"t":1564762935282,"m":"Cordovin: No. We talk, here.\n\n_She stomped the
ground with her left foot, kicking up dust. She then resumes her glare at
Maria._\n\nCordovin: Witch.\n\nMaria: She-devil.\n\nCordovin: Hm. I've seen you've
chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time.\n\nMaria: Oh, Cordo. You know they
say time changes people, but I see you've still got that stick right up
your--\n\n_Not wishing to escalate the tension any further, Ruby interrupts the two
from arguing as she pushed Maria aside before stopping in front of Cordovin and
saluting the Special Operative._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Tier-one
Operator Ruby Rose reporting for duty. Ma'am!\n\nCordovin: I've already heard what
your other little friends had to say, Miss Rose. \n\n_She looks behind Ruby,
noticing Jaune, Nora, and Ren standing a little ways away behind the group. Then
Riley, whose body still remains shimmering with aura._\n\nCordovin: What are you
doing back here?! I thought I told you to
- It not easy to command us."},"606886583064592417":
{"u":0,"t":1564763436810,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> _tries to charge forward,
only to be held back by Ren and Jaune_ And I told you we wouldn't rest until you
let us through!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _nervously smiling and waving_ Nice to
see you again as well!\n\nCordovin: You civilians are clearly incapable of
comprehending the importance of our mission here in Argus. So allow me to say this
slowly, with smaller words: This base, that relay tower, the very safety of Argus
are all gifts from the glorious Kingdom of Atlas!\n\n_A backdrop showing the
Atlesian flag waves behind her_\n\nCordovin: And it is my duty to uphold them, as
only I have the wit and tenacity for such a task.\n\nGuard Nubuck 1: Such
wit!\n\nGuard Nubuck 2: Such tenacity!\n\nMaria: Or maybe Atlas just wanted to get
you as far from the kingdom as possible."},"606886584893046824":
{"u":0,"t":1564763437246,"m":"Cordovin: _growls_ You're just like the rest of these
Argus ingrates! This city wouldn't even be here if it weren't for our Atlesian
ancestors, and what do we get in return? The entire world is ready to put a knife
to our throats!\n\n_Having enough, Riley brushed her way past the group as she
reached for Cordovin, encapsulating her in a gravity bubble._\n\nRiley: Cut the
bullshit, you traitor! You were the only base that did not send any assistance when
the Fall of Beacon happened. I lost a good deal of my men, all because they waited
for YOUR support! If you wanted to help, then you will have to let us through to
Atlas.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Please, we know your kingdom had nothing
to do with the Fall of Beacon. We were there.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
No one's happy about the Atlas borders or embargo, but I know General Ironwood is
just worried. It's why we need to talk to--\n\nCordovin: The General is no coward!
Atlas is strong. If all the kingdoms plan to make us their enemy, then so be it!
Atlas will prevail!\n\nBoth Nubuck Guards: Atlas will preva-\n\n_Riley then slams
Cordovin on the ground, creating a massive crater._\n\nRiley: You know what,
Cordovin?! Fuck this talk!\n\n_She then casted a large holographic circle as she
conjured a large ball of condensed light energy from it, preparing for a \"Plasma
Core\" discharge._"},"606887455471435776":{"u":1,"t":1564763644808,"m":"Gift - (His
voice change to Kratos) You're not, not give us cooperation, no support, you only
keep your best men, that's not suppose to call yourself as strongest
army."},"606889956584980593":{"u":0,"t":1564764241120,"m":"_Riley continues to keep
Cordovin imprisoned within the gravity bubble as the Operative struggled to break
free from it only to have the bubble constrict itself around her as Riley clenched
her fists. forcing the bubble down on her._\n\nRiley: So what's it going to be
then, Cordovin? You left my people to die while keeping that damned experimental
Anti-Grimm Jaeger you've blatantly ripped off of the designs from the PPDC, you
stow away your experimental Manta jets and gave my men shit gear, yet you expected
them to fight as hard as your glorious Atlesians do.\n\nNero: Ever wonder why
people hates your guts? That's because everything you do always has some underlying
tone that says \"DANGER\".\n\n_Seeing Cordovin slowly losing consciousness from
being trapped in the gravity bubble Riley sets her free, dropping the operative
onto the ground at the same crater she was slammed into._\n\n_Upon her freedom from
the bubble Cordovin coughed and gasped for air. Taking her time in bringing herself
back on her feet._"},"605829126062080012":{"u":1,"t":1564511319414,"m":"Gift -
RUBY!!! Are you alright?"},"605829664619102208":
{"u":0,"t":1564511447816,"m":"Riley: No, we need to get to Atlas and maintain our
objective!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What? The Grimm
might--\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> They'd find it eventually, sure, but bury it
or just throw it down the well, it would take years. It might not even happen in
our lifetime. But we could be done with it now.\n\n_Ruby detaches the Relic of
Knowledge from her belt, glancing at it before looking up at her teammates, who
appear to all have dazed looks as if they were in a trance. Ruby stares at the
Relic one more time before walking over to the well._\n\n_Riley engages the
Screaming Angel to its railgun form as she charged a shot and aimed at Ruby, her
finger on the trigger ready to fire._\n\nRiley: _in a commanding tone_ Ruby, drop
the relic on the ground now!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I am... really...
tired...\n\nRiley: Drop it now or I will shoot you!\n\n_Ruby ignores her warning
and holds the relic above the well._\n\nRiley: This is your last warning, Ruby!
DROP THE GODDAMN RELIC!\n\n_Her pupils dilate as Ruby starts to have the same dazed
look on her face as she holds Relic out above the pitch-black darkness of the well.
However, instead of dropping it immediately, Ruby hesitates for a bit before
composing herself._\n\n_She starts to pull the Relic back, but then notices a pair
of glowing red eyes at the bottom of the well, startling her and snapping her out
of her trance-like state and returning her pupils to their normal size. In her
fright, she accidently drops the Relic into the well. Ruby helplessly watches it
fall into the darkness below._","te":1564511525681},"605830112377831455":
{"u":1,"t":1564511554570,"m":"Gift - We don't what down there, but we must get the
relic first."},"605831250166546462":
{"u":0,"t":1564511825840,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No! No! No! I didn't
mean to!\n\n_Her teammates continue to stare at her with dazed looks. Riley however
jumps down the well, going after Nero for the
relic._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ruby, it's
okay.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No! No, there's something down there! I
saw it, it was looking at me!\n\n_Ruby looks back inside the well, only to notice
the glowing pair of red eyes are gone._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _putting a
hand on her sister's shoulder_ Hey, it's okay. You just said you're tired. It's
probably nothing. Now let's go.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _swatting Yang's
hand off_ What's wrong with you?! We can't just leave, we have to
go down there! We have to get the lamp back! Oh, what was I thinking?!
_facepalming_\n\nQrow: All we have to do is fix this trailer. Hey, farm boy, check
the shed for a spare.\n\n_In all of a sudden, Ruby's aura shimmered as her eyes
bursts into white flame. Signifying a Light Energy \"Limit Break\", startling her
team and even her uncle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> ***I'm not leaving
without the lamp!***"},"605831694045413404":{"u":1,"t":1564511931669,"m":"Gift -
No, Ruby i will go and get the relic back."},"605832111768862731":
{"u":1,"t":1564512031262,"m":"Captain Gift - I will go too.\nGift - Cap, you not
suppose to.....\nCaptain Gift - I will not left my teammate behind.\nGift -
Alright."},"605832355000614922":{"u":0,"t":1564512089253,"m":"_Her teammates
continue to dazedly stare at her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _sighs_
I'll go down with you...\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> We'll go down
together.\n\nQrow: Fine! _getting up_ Get the stupid lamp. Oscar, fix the stupid
tire.\n\n_Price then slams Qrow onto the ground as Yuri kept him pinned
down._\n\nPrice: Shut it, the more you talk the less luck we're going to
get.\n\n_Qrow pushes Yuri off of him and heads to the house, passing by Maria on
the porch._\n\nMaria: Where are you going?\n\nQrow: Where do you think? \n\n_He
shakes his flask and walks back into the house. Maria just looks down._\n\nMaria:
Stupid...\n\n_Maria takes a seat on the porch steps and continues to read another
volume of Bartleby's diaries._","te":1564512107822},"605832925124100169":
{"u":1,"t":1564512225181,"m":"Gift - It dark down here, Switch to Night
vision."},"605834424587780123":{"u":0,"t":1564512582681,"m":"_Having discussed
their search plan Team RWBY hop down into the well together, into a vast
underground waterway system. Ruby and Yang then switched to night visions as the
waterway's interior turns green._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> NVGs on,
spread out.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Maybe the current carried it
away.\n\n_Team RWBY proceed forward cautiously. Weiss notices more tunnel openings
along the path._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> This is scary...\n\n_Back
above ground, Oscar works on fixing the tire while Maria continues to read. She
turns a page, and the words \"I did it! I found my solution\" are
visible._\n\n_Back underground, Team RWBY continue sloshing through the waterway.
Meeting up with Riley and Nero's team along the way._\n\nRiley: You got anything on
your NVGs, Rubes?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> No.\n\nNero: I found the
monsters who did this to them, but I don't know where they're hiding
at...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, come on, where is
it?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Turn off your lights and just look for
the glow? Or maybe switch to
thermals.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _nervously_ Okay...\n\n_Ruby and Yang
turn off their NVGs and set them to low light mode, and Ruby pulls out Crescent
Rose and proceeds forward with caution. Slowly sloshing through the murky, tepid
water._"},"605835410324717573":{"u":1,"t":1564512817699,"m":"Gift - I think i see
it."},"605836925584277505":{"u":0,"t":1564513178965,"m":"_Back above, Maria
continues to read, with the words \"The huntsman pointed them out to me the other
day.\" visible on the page. Maria narrows her eyes, reading more
intently._\n\nMaria: What in the world is this man thinking...?\n\n_Underground,
Team RWBY continue their search._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> There.
_points at something ahead_\n\n_Ruby looks to the direction Blake is pointing
toward and notices the blue glow of the Relic of Knowledge coming from a tunnel
along the path._\n\n_Rembering her training, Ruby raised a fist ordering her team
to stop. From there she shouldered Crescent Rose and slowly advanced towards the
relic as Blake, Weiss and Yang watched._\n\n_Not seeing any threats present Ruby
turns to her team and signalled to them an OK sign and runs forward by
herself._\n\n_Above ground, Maria turns a page, revealing an illustration of a
humanoid-looking Grimm with its name on the adjacent page: \"The Apathy\". Maria
gasps._\n\n_Underground, Ruby arrives at the tunnel, and finds the Relic of
Knowledge on the ground. She runs over and picks it
up._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Guys, I--\n\n_Ruby then looks up behind
the Relic, adopting a horrified expression on her face. Multiple humanoid-looking
Grimm of different sizes are bunched together._\n\n_They turn their heads toward
Ruby, reaching their arms out to her. Ruby lets out a terrified scream, and her
teammates snap out of their trance-like states, their pupils returning to
normal._\n\n_Regaining her composure, Ruby rocked the Crescent Rose's bolt back
twice as the rifle's chaingun drive motor spun up. With the motor spun to its
firing speed she pressed the trigger, sending over twenty rounds of IV-CX Devil
Breaker Mk.II rounds at the horde of Apathy. Taking some of them
down._"},"605837583229911040":{"u":1,"t":1564513335760,"m":"Gift - Stand
back."},"605839232094961675":{"u":0,"t":1564513728880,"m":"Nero: RUBY! STAY BACK,
NOW!\n\n_From behind, Nero engages his MAX-ACT supermove as he unleashes three
heavy spin-slash strike against the slowly advancing horde to little effect as the
fallen Apathies are replaced by their brethren._\n\n_Riley opens fire, sneding a
storm of plasma projectiles at the horde, slowing them down to a crawl. The attacm
giving Ruby enough time to run to safety._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _gasps_
Ruby?!\n\n_Ruby backs away and runs out of the tunnel. Gift, Yang, Weiss and Blake
see her run out and approach her._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What is
it?\n\n_The rest of the team notice the skeletal Grimm slowly trudging out of the
tunnel. Ruby takes out Crescent Rose and fires multiple rounds at them. One of the
Grimm lets out an ear-piercing scream, causing Team RWBY, Gift, Nero and Riley to
struggle to stand._\n\nRiley: _dropping to the floor clutching her head_ Ngh! Damn
these... agh!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What is
this...?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> My weapon... feels
heavy...\n\nMaria: Run!\n\n_From behind, Team RWBY notice Maria appear, escorting
Nero and his team to safety_\n\nMaria: Now!\n\n_Maria turns around and runs. Team
RWBY watch the Grimm start to move toward them._\n\n_Riley and Gift then followed
after their team, returning fire at the advancing
{"u":1,"t":1564513800215,"m":"Gift - More incoming."},"605840659437453431":
{"u":0,"t":1564514069185,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Go, go!\n\n_Team RWBY
turn around and run, catching up with Maria. Riley still staying behind providing
rear cover. They see daylight coming from the well, but more of the Grimm appear
and block their path._\n\n_Another ear-piercing scream is heard, affecting the six
women. Ruby notices another tunnel entrance next to
her._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This way!\n\n_Team RWBY and Maria run into
the tunnel. They continue to run through the complex underground passages while
avoiding more of the Grimm's kind along the way._\n\n_They then make their way to
an underground room. However, Team RWBY and Maria notice a much larger group of the
Grimm at one end of the room. They make a run toward the other way, but one of the
Grimm lets out another scream, causing Team RWBY and Maria to collapse on all
fours._\n\n_Riley managed to push the advancing horde back far enough before
finally succumbing to the increasingly overwhelming waves of psychic
attacks._\n\n_Gift valiantly stands his ground against the Apathy only to end up
writhing on the floor in pain as the waves of psychic attacks proved to be too
strong for him to handle._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I can't... do this... I
can't...\n\n_Maria gets back up, using her cane to support herself before
collapsing again. On her fall, she feels a set of stairs in front of
her._\n\nMaria: An exit. An exit!\n\nDante: _staggering to Riley_ I got you,
girl! \n\nVergil: Really? Now!?","te":1564514082782},"605841459618381915":
{"u":1,"t":1564514259963,"m":"Gift have flashback.\nGift - (voiceover) No, i can't
defeat like this, in the past, i have come this far, i can't let it end like
this."},"605842114714009611":{"u":0,"t":1564514416150,"m":"_In his flashback, a
drill instructor is seen yelling into his face as he lay on the ground face first
against the hot sand._\n\nDI Carlson: What's with you lying on thr ground! You're
here to become warriors, nor weaklings! Get up, now! UP!\n\n_Gift is then dragged
up by his collar as three more drill instructors surrounded him, one of them being
Price himself._\n\nPrice: So you're just going to stop here!? YOU ARE A DAMN
DISGRACE TO OUR UNIT!"},"605843349320106022":{"u":1,"t":1564514710503,"m":"Gift -
No, I WILL NOT AHHHHH!!!!! (Activate Devil form)"},"606500370478530571":
{"u":1,"t":1564671411175,"m":"Riley wake up and see a demon and that demon is her
teammate, Gift."},"606503670997319720":{"u":0,"t":1564672143459,"m":"Riley:
_struggling to get back on her feet, bleeding from her nose_ What
the...\n\n_Fighting against the waves of psychic energy, Riley pushes herself
standing up with her greatsword-railgun hybrid while the rest of her allies succumb
to the Apathy's intense psychic attacks. From Ruby's spot she looks up and notices
the stairs leading up to the cellar door. Ruby crawls forward to Weiss, brushing
past a downed Nero._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Come on!\n\n_Ruby then
hears a weapon drop behind her and notices Blake collapse to the ground, while the
Grimm continue to inch toward her. Upon this Riley spun around as her mental powers
soon began to counter the effects of the Grimm's attacks bringing her back to
normal. She aims at the Grimm
advancing on Blake and fired off a supercharged railgun shot at it, the sub-light
projectile instantly destroying it and taking down its brethen in a precise single
file line._\n\nRiley: Ruby, I got you covered! Go for her,
now!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Blake... get... up!"},"606503681671692376":
{"u":0,"t":1564672146004,"m":"_Ruby crawls closer towards her as she felt warmth
from behind, she glanced back only to find Riley's body completely covered in white
aura channeling her near-limitless aura to her allies. But as she does so, the
Apathy fires off yet another wave of psychic energy. Taking Riley by surprise and
eventually breaking her psyche as she collapses to the ground, pupils
dilated._\n\nRiley: No...\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _pupils dilated_
It's fine...\n\n_Blake starts get her dazed look from before. More Grimm emerge
from the entrance Team RWBYand Maria came from. Ruby looks on in horror and in her
desperation, crawls and attempts to reach out towards Blake, who continues to lie
down motionless. The Grimm reach their hands down to the cat Faunus..._\n\n_Gift,
now in his demon form tries to move towards the Grimm as he gets struck by the same
wave of psychic energy that took Riley down._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
***BLAAAAAKE!***\n\n_Upon yelling out her friend's name, Ruby's eyes start to glow
brightly, causing the Grimm to back away in pain. Blake gasps and snaps out of her
trance, her eyes back to normal. Ruby helps her up while Weiss, Yang and Maria also
get back up._\n\n_Vergil, impervious to the Grimm's attack took Ruby by the arm and
dragged her off to safety while Nero and Dante rushed to Gift's
help._"},"606504050095292421":{"u":1,"t":1564672233843,"m":"Gift - Nero, Dante Let
clear this up. (Equip Devil sword Gift)"},"606506633635561482":
{"u":0,"t":1564672849807,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I've got
her!\n\nMaria: What just happened?\n\n_Weiss runs up the stairs and tries to get
the doors open, but they do not budge. At this, she backs away from it and reached
into her hip pouch producing a small FRB charge. She unclipped the charge's safety
cap off and tore the fuse away before slapping the charge on the locks. With the
charge set she activated her wrist computer, priming the
charge._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Charge is set, gate's locked! I'm
going to blast it open!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Out of my
way!"},"606506639989800981":{"u":0,"t":1564672851322,"m":"_Gift then equps his
Devil Sword and jumped at the Grimm alongside Nero as Yang runs up the stairs.
Weiss prepares the charge to detonate as the Grimm recover from their
incapacitation, and another scream is let out. Team RWBY and Maria collapse once
again. Causing Giftm Nero and Dante to back away from the sheer intensity of the
psychic attack's effects on their mental state._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
_reaching for the cellar door_ No... No...!\n\n_As the Grimm inch closer, Maria
crawls toward Ruby, only able to see the world in shades of cyan. She then finds
herself also crawling towards Riley as her optical implant malfunctioned briefly,
from there she carefully lifted Riley's eyelids up to find her eyes being silver as
well. Upon this revelation she gasped before crawling back to Ruby._\n\nMaria:
Ruby... what color are your eyes?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> They're...
silver...\n\n_Maria lets out a gasp of excitement, she turns to Riley, finding the
woman struggling to get back on her knees as well._\n\nMaria: You! \n\n_She calls
out to Riley, the former looking at Maria in confusion._\n\nRiley: What is it?
\n\nMaria: _looking at Ruby, then to Riley_ You have a family?
Friends?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What?\n\n_Understanding what Maria
implied from the question, Riley's eyes burned of white flame, signifying the
activation of another one of her abilities gained from her stay on Remnant. Gift's
eyes also bursted into white flame as well as his subconscious forced the
activation of his powers._\n\nNero: _looking into Gift's eyes_ What the hell are
you?"},"606507742181720067":{"u":1,"t":1564673114105,"m":"Gift - I feel angry with
these thing done to us, you two go, i know what to do, i will use my power to
create Fire wall to hold them off, i will be the last one who out from
here."},"606509917330735116":{"u":0,"t":1564673632701,"m":"Vergil: _rushing up to
Gift_ Hey, your eyes! They're glowing, maybe you could use it to hurt those
things.\n\n_He then pushed Gift to Riley and Ruby. The two of them preparing to
unleash the power of the Silver Eyes._\n\n_Ruby looks up to see the Grimm getting
closer, but Maria lays her head down and covers her ears. From Ruby's perspective,
Maria's next words sound slightly muffled. At this, Riley mentally mumbed away the
sounds of the Grimm's noises as she prepares herself to use the powers the Gods had
bestowed upon her, though not directly by the Gods themselves but from Light Energy
crystals._\n\nMaria: Don't think about them. Think about the people who love you.
Focus on the thought of them, the way they make you feel. Focus!\n\n_Taking Maria's
advice, Ruby closes her eyes and concentrates. While Maria speaks, Weiss tries to
budge the doors open, and Yang reaches out in desperation before falling under a
trance, her eyes even more blank than before. Nero and Dante then finds themselves
fending off the Grimm, pushing them away from Ruby as far as they could while
Vergil works on detonating the FRB charge._\n\nMaria: Life... is beautiful. It is
precious. And it must... be protected.\n\n_Riley and Gift stands up as the two
opened their eyes, filling the room with light and unleashing a massive blast of
energy at the Grimm. After focusing, Ruby opens her eyes, the silver gleaming. She
sits up and her eyes glow brightly once more, joining Riley and Gift as the three
of them unleashed their power. Driving the Grimm back and disintegrating them all.
Maria and Ruby stare in awe while Weiss, Blake and Yang
{"u":0,"t":1564673638922,"m":"Riley: _blinking her eyes_ They're... gone! The
Grimm's gone!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I got the door! Stand back!\n\n_Yang
crawls up the stairs and punches the doors open with her prosthetic arm while
firing from its gun. Nero's team bolting for it as Team RWBY, Riley, Gift and Maria
run out and find themselves in the basement that Ruby and Weiss discovered the day
before._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We're back in the house?\n\nNico:
_exhaling smoke from her cigarette_ Damn right you are!"},"606511506800246785":
{"u":1,"t":1564674202765,"m":"Captain Gift - There they are, OUR MCV.\nGift -
Finally, they have arrive.\nCaptain Gift - What happen with you?\nGift - I will
explain when we get inside MCV.","te":1564674296861},"606515458115502100":
{"u":0,"t":1564674961639,"m":"_The sky clears as the snowstorm died down, allowing
two Strangereal Coalition aircrafts to enter the farm airspace._\n\n_With a snap of
her finger, Cossette's crew uniform changes into her flight suit as she phase-
shifted to her personal F-35X stealth fighter waiting for her at one of the manned
fighter deployment bays. She climbs onto the pilot seat as she linked her COFFIN
implant to the jet's controls._\n\nCossette: This is Rose One to Vindictive
Control, ready for flight.\nAvril: Roger, Rose One. Waypoint is marked, go
flight.\nCossette: Copy, go flight.\n\n_Her jet is then lowered down the deployment
bay as its engine lights up. The engine pushing to full power. From then, the
holddown clamps unlocked themselves as Cossette's jet rocketed away from the bay.
Joining Trigger's squadron._\n\n_At the farm, Riley ran for the front door and with
a single close-range plasma shockwave blast destroyed the entire front of the
house, sending debris all over the courtyard._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_runs over and shakes her uncle_ Uncle Qrow, get up!\n\nQrow: _slurring his words_
Hey! Get off me! What are you doing here?\n\n_The sounds of Trigger's squadron
flying close to the ground then caught Yang's attention, from there she ran off to
the outside, aimed her right prosthethic arm's gun and fired off a flare up into
the sky._\n\nMaria: We're leaving, you idiot! Come on!\n\n_Maria runs out of the
room, with Blake following her. Weiss looks back towards the basement
entrance._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Not yet...\n\n_She unsheathed
Myrtenaster, switched to a Fire-Wind Combination Dust chamber, pointed the rapier's
tip at the door, then fired off a stream of fire directly at the open door down to
the waterway access below. Keeping the rest of the Grimm that survived the trio's
silver eyes at bay._","te":1564675046348},"606515794452414474":
{"u":1,"t":1564675033916,"m":"Gift - (Open MCV door) Come on, Get
inside!"},"606516946036588555":{"u":0,"t":1564675308475,"m":"_Outside, Oscar has
replaced the tire for the trailer and is filling it up with air. The noise from the
air machine muffles the sound of people crying out his name. He looks up the sky to
see a flight of six MQ drones flying in and dropping a convoy of MCVs before
breaking away._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oscar! Oscar!\n\nMaria:
Oscar!\n\n_Oscar looks behind him to see Yang, Blake and Maria run out of the house
before being dragged inside one of the MCVs by Yang._\n\nOscar: WOAH-\n\n_Back
inside, Weiss grabs a few of the alcoholic bottles from the shelves and throws them
towards the basement, shattering them and adding even more fire to the flames
burning away the wooden frames holding the door up._\n\nQrow: _still slurring his
words_ Hey... Hey! What are you doing?!\n\n_As more of the Grimm slowly start to
come out from the basement, Weiss uses Myrtenaster
and a glyph to send fire toward the cellar doors. Using the spilled alcohol, she
sets the Grimm on fire, having ran out of her Fire-Wind Combination Dust
catridge._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Now we can leave!\n\n_Weiss helps
Ruby grab Qrow's arms as they drag him out of the room and to the
outside._\n\nQrow: Stop it! Stop! What's wrong with you?! What's...\n\n_As Qrow
looks up, he sees the Grimm on fire still walking towards them. Qrow looks on in
shock as he is dragged out of the house by his niece and her friend. Outside,
everyone sits in an MCV's cargo bay while Yang pushes her hoverbike into storage.
She wastes no time calling the intercom for the MCV pilot to drive away from the
now burning house being bombarded by the Arkbird's laser
cannons._"},"606517194612015124":{"u":1,"t":1564675367740,"m":"Gift - All in, let
go!"},"606518021141430310":{"u":0,"t":1564675564800,"m":"_The MCV's wheels dug into
the ground as its engines revved up, driving away from the house. Yang continues
tending to Bumblebee while her teammates rested._\n\nMaria: The Apathy. They're not
strong or ferocious. They drain your will to go on. Bartleby's estate was
hemorrhaging money towards the end. He wanted to cut costs on Huntsman protection,
but in order to do that, he needed everyone calm... always.\n\nOscar: _reading from
the book_ \"Managed to get two away from their pack. Hike back was miserable, but
got the bastards in the cellar. Wife thinks I was out sealing the waterway
entrance. I'll do it tomorrow and tell her the truth once these things take the
edge off of everyone. I'm tired.\"\n\nMaria: The next page proves that he did, but
not before the rest of the pack followed their missing pair all the way home. My
guess is they made their way beneath the estate through the water tunnels that
Bartleby sealed up the next morning. Bartleby's plan worked. \n\n_She takes the
book from Oscar_\n\nMaria: No one was angry or sad or scared. No one was anything.
And then... no one was left.\n\n_Maria takes one more look at the final page of the
diary, the last words written down being \"I'm tired\". She then closes the book
and tosses it out into the snow, the cover having \"VIII\" on it, while the group
continues to rest within the MCV cargo hold as the door leading to the inner rooms
of the vehicle opened._\n\nCpl. Daniels: I thought you people wouldn't have made it
here...\nSgt. Pierson: Welcome aboard the train to Argus! Toot
toot!"},"606518412574851075":{"u":1,"t":1564675658125,"m":"Gift - Ruby are you
alright?\nGift forget himself that he still in devil from."},"606519467597627395":
{"u":0,"t":1564675909662,"m":"_Ruby, upon looking at Gift's devil form simply
smiled._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm doing okay, thanks. What about you?
You stood against those things back there until we...\n\n_Ruby blinked her eyes
rapidly before stopping. Shutting her eyes tightly and rubbing them with her gloved
hands._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I'm... sorry for what I said... about
giving up.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Yang stops tending to her
hoverbike._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Me too. We can't quit until the lamp is
safe.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> It's not your fault. It was those...
things.\n\nRiley: They did a number on all of us. Those damned things...\n\n_She
clenched her fists. Angry at herself for not using her powers when needed
most._\n\nMaria: I should have known. The signs were all there, but I'd never seen
an entire settlement withered away like that. I suppose my mind just isn't what it
used to be.\n\nRuby: Miss Calavera? How do you know so much about the Grimm? And in
the tunnels, you knew exactly what to say to make me... to make my eyes do that.
How?\n\nMaria: _smiles_ Well, isn't it obvious, girl? I had Silver
- I also, my sweet heart. (Deactivate Devil from) See?"},"606521358821883934":
{"u":0,"t":1564676360565,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I see. Nico's told me
a lot while you were busy trying to make contact with your men.\n\n_The scene
changes to the Vault of the Spring Maiden under Haven Academy, the sound of a
weapon clanging is heard. Neo Politan stares at the door that once guarded the
Relic of Knowledge; the door itself is now a stone wall since the Relic has been
taken out._\n\nCinder: Now you understand.\n\n_Cinder is sitting on a boulder,
flicking her dagger and changing its form. Standing next to her are two KVA
soldiers with their guns slung by their shoulders._\n\nCinder: I've got to get the
Relic before it can be secured in Atlas. It's the only way that Salem... _sighs
before she finishes_ It's the only way we can accomplish our goal.\n\n_Neo looks
back at Cinder, then at the grunts. Holding a Sentinel-issued micro tracker in her
hand._\n\nCinder: You're not the only one who wants Ruby dead. But unfortunately,
Salem does not feel the same way...\n\n_Neo places her umbrella on her shoulder and
walks toward Cinder, the tracker still in her grasp._\n\nCinder: I've been...
instructed not to kill her... _melts her dagger in her hand_ But you... You have no
such orders. You can do as you please.\n\n_Cinder's dagger disintegrates and she
stands up to walk towards Neo. The latter eyeing the Fall Maiden down to the
feet._\n\nCinder: Help me get to Atlas, help me find her... and the rest is up to
you.\n\n_Neo ponders Cinder's words for a moment before smiling at her and holding
her hand out. Cinder takes Neo's hand with her own, sealing the deal with a
handshake, oblivous to the near-silent shlick of Neo's micro tracker implanting
itself into Cinder's Grimm arm._","te":1570720295759},"606521944854233108":
{"u":1,"t":1564676500286,"m":"Scene back to MCV.\nGift - Ruby, I see you rub your
eyes, That mean you don't know what happen with me, Right?"},"606523957012725760":
{"u":0,"t":1564676980022,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> To be honest, I
didn't know. Not until we met Jinn.\n\n_She looks away from him, staring into space
through one of the windows within the MCV's mess deck. Riley gets up from her seat,
walked to Ruby and placed her right hand on her shoulder. Assuring her._\n\nRiley:
Neither do I. Rubes, I still don't know if Light Energy was the God of Light's plan
to turn the militaries of Earth into a unified legion of Silver-Eyed Warriors, but
after having used it myself. I guess I could say that I'm just like you and your
mom now.\n\n_Overhearing Riley, Summer sprung from her seat, snapping out of her
slumber._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Great, now we have one. No, three more to
add to the roster of surviving warriors including me. \n\n_Ticking a checkmark into
her pocket list, Summer finished ticking away all of the checkboxes and promptly
tossed the incomplete list into an incinerating
trashcan._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Y'know what? Screw marking the
survivors. As long as the four Kingdoms are not involved in a full-scale war, ISR
from the RCIO will still keep us updated with people we can send into the Land of
Darkness, including us when we're ready.","te":1564677005679},"606524557289062419":
{"u":1,"t":1564677123139,"m":"Gift - As i tell you Ruby (Suddenly he hug Ruby
tightly) Until my last breath on Remnant or Earth, i will always with you Ruby, I
love you."},"606525609635741696":
{"u":0,"t":1564677374038,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _returning the hug_ I
love you too, we all do.\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Can't agree more with
you, Ruby.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We're all in this together now, no
turning back from this.\n<:yang:501512573959798804> We're always
ready.\n\n_Finishing her drink, Maria gets up from one of the seats and walked
towards Team RWBY hugging Gift and Riley in a group hug._\n\nMaria: Well, if you
all are really ready...\n\n_She slams her cane down on the floor._\n\nMaria: Are
you ready to listen to what I have to tell you about me? Of who I
am?"},"606526041732677704":{"u":1,"t":1564677477058,"m":"Gift - Alright, Get
it."},"606527042267381760":{"u":0,"t":1564677715604,"m":"_As if on cue, Stiles
activated a holographic neural projector as he linked the projector to Maria's
optical implant. Causing the entire mess deck's surroundings to change to an
unknown mountainous area._\n\n_Wind is heard howling. In a mountainous region, a
lone, cloaked feminine figure with a skull mask concealing her face crosses a
rickety bridge. Halfway across the bridge, she hears the screech of a Nevermore.
She turns to her left to see the Nevermore appear from the fog, and she draws her
weapons - a pair of sickles._\n\n_The young Maria Calavera backflips off the bridge
just as the Nevermore rams through it, splitting the bridge in half. She throws one
of her sickles at one of the Nevermore's wing and uses the gravity Dust imbued in
it to pull herself back up, while also dragging the Nevermore down._ \n\n_She grabs
her other sickle on her way back up, getting above the Nevermore, and uses the
recoil of her weapon to spin and grapple onto the Nevermore. She then throws one of
her sickles to a mountain, pulling the Nevermore with it. Causing Riley to flinch
from the sickle flying right into her face, harmlessly passing through
her._\n\n_The Nevermore crashes into the mountainside, losing its balance, before
crash landing to the ground. Maria's other sickle is called back and lands on the
ground in front of it._\n\nPierson: One hell of a show, Maria.\nMaria: Just
{"u":0,"t":1564678137959,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"606528918651928596":
{"u":1,"t":1564678162969,"m":"Gift - Okay, let continue."},"606529531012055063":
{"u":0,"t":1564678308967,"m":"_Maria takes out the sickle from the Nevermore's
wing, catching her breath. She looks over to the Nevermore's head, whose eyes stare
back at her, causing her to gasp. The Nevermore
tries to snap its beak at Maria, forcing her off._\n\n_It swipes at her, knocking
Maria back and forcing her to drop her sickle. The Nevermore charges forward, but
Maria's eyes glow brightly, engulfing the area around her. She stands back up and
notices the Nevermore petrified in midair, before dropping down and crumbling.
Maria walks over to her sickle to pick it up, using the gravity Dust to call her
other sickle back to her._\n\nRiley: _admiring the sicke's design_ Hooked rear
blades for added lethality, internal gun built into the handles. But where's the
trigger...?\n\n_Suddenly, Maria deflects a bullet aimed at her. She notices three
men - one with a giant hammer, one carrying a rifle, and one with a machete - come
out of hiding. Another woman, a crocodile Faunus named Tock, then walks up behind
her._"},"606530250377134083":{"u":1,"t":1564678480477,"m":"Gift - 1 VS 4
{"u":0,"t":1564417607425,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> This is Pathfinder
One to Bravo Six, do you read. Over."},"605436162429157387":
{"u":1,"t":1564417629583,"m":"Gift - Loud and clear Pathfinder
1."},"605436779406950476":{"u":0,"t":1564417776682,"m":"_She sighs, the comfort of
hearing his voice momentarily taking over her prorammed directives. She then
receives a notification from a WASP drone marking its location outside the meeting
room before swiping it away._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> By the way, is
Ruby there? Is she doing okay? \n\n_A Nevermore can be seen flying towards her as
she engages her stealth module, causing her synthetic skin to blend into the
environment, hiding her from the Grimm._"},"605437600383107102":
{"u":1,"t":1564417972418,"m":"Gift - Ruby is with me, and she is
{"u":0,"t":1564418226963,"m":"<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Ah, that's great to
hear. I'm here in Area Alpha-3-Delta spying on Salem's meeting with her
subordinates, the feed should be linked to yours and Riley's now. I was told to
link your teammates to it but, I thought better of it and decided to send the feed
to you instead.\n\n_Back inside the meeting room, Hazel remains standing while
Emerald and Mercury are stuck at their spots at the end of the room._\n\nHazel: I
take full responsibility.\n\n_Suddenly, Salem flips the table over, knocking Tyrian
off his chair. Watts hastily stands up from his seat and backs away. Outside, Penny
commanded three more drones to the room's front windows, zooming right into the
hall._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> _angered_ But that wouldn't be
fair now, would it?! We all know who's truly to blame...\n\n_Salem walks forward
and menacingly holds her hand out in front of her._\n\nHazel: I don't--\n\n_Salem
motions her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appears underneath Hazel. Multiple
Geist hands come out from it and grab Hazel, forcing him down on all fours and
suffocating him._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Emerald...\n\n_Salem
looks over to Emerald, who is still staring down with a fearful
expression._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> I want you to tell me
whose fault this was.\n\n_Salem slowly walks over to Emerald as she breathes
heavily while Penny anxiously watches from
Now.","te":1564418754846},"605782747583348757":{"u":1,"t":1564500261923,"m":"Gift -
Penny, did you got any intel?"},"605784071590772741":
{"u":0,"t":1564500577591,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Stream integrity is
green, latency is at acceptable levels. Yup, Space United is seeing all of
this.\n\n_Back inside the hall from a drone's view, minor lags and interruptions
appear as Penny shifted through data streams. Trying her best to get the live
footage uploaded directly to Space United's Main Command Ship
Imagination._\n\nEmerald: _closing her eyes in fear_ Cinder! We failed because of
Cinder...\n\nSalem: That's right. _placing a hand on Emerald's shoulder_ I want you
to understand that failure. I want you to understand why Cinder must be left to
toil in her isolation until she redeems herself.\n\n_Salem walks away from Emerald.
Both her and Mercury look up in surprise. Outside, Penny reacted similarly as well,
nearly causing one of the stealth drones to crash._\n\nMercury: You
mean--\n\nEmerald: She's alive?\n\nWatts: You're joking, how could you know
that?\n\nTyrian: Are you questioning our divine savior?!\n\nWatts: _reels back_
I...\n\n_Salem looks over to Watts and glares at him._\n\nWatts: _chuckles
nervously_ Of course not, forgive me.\n\n_Salem proceeds to address her
subordinates, oblivious to Penny's presence outside the hall. Scaling from window
to window under her cloak._"},"605784413195730955":
{"u":1,"t":1564500659036,"m":"Gift - Alright, keep watching and try to send the
{"u":0,"t":1564501019170,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Copy, I'll keep the
stream going so you can send it off to Baseplate as well.\n\n_She jumps down from
one of the window panes onto the ground as her cloak disabled itself, the three
stealth drones still keeping their cameras locked onto the hall as she hurried off
to safety._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> It's important not to lose
sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence... but the moment you put your
desires before my own... they will be lost to you.\n\n_Salem releases Hazel from
her grasp and walks back to the other side of the room. Hazel catches his
breath._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> This isn't a threat, this is
simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me.
\n\n_Finished with addressing her subordinates. She turns her head to glare back at
them as Hazel stands back up, Tyrian lets out a small chuckles, and Watts
straigtens his coat. Salem looks outside the window and watches the Nevermores fly
before looking down._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> And so we must
press on. _turns around to face her subjects_ The sword under Vacuo's academy,
Shade--\n\nHazel: Ma'am. \n\n_Everyone looks at him._\n\nHazel: I have... more to
report.\n\n_Salem glares at Hazel for interrupting her, and has the Grimm arms
ready under him. Hazel looks down at them in fear before explaining
himself._\n\nHazel: Qrow and the children are taking the lamp to Atlas.\n\nTyrian:
_laughs_ Not if I can help it.\n\nHazel: And they're being led... by Ozpin.\n\n_At
this, everyone slowly looks toward Salem with fearful expressions on their faces
and Mercury notices the windows starting to crack. One of the drones outside then
panned its camera onto Penny, seen on the ground planting tracking devices onto a
dormant legion of Grimm-infused Atlesian-made
ASTs._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> This is Pathfinder to Bravo, planting
trackers onto ASTs now."},"605786093379649536":
{"u":1,"t":1564501059623,"m":"Captain Gift - This is Bravo 6-2 Roger
that."},"605787775727304723":{"u":0,"t":1564501460726,"m":"_As Penny continues to
plant trackers on the ASTs, she turned to her back only to find a Sphinx standing
just behind her, its mouth glowing orange as it launches a fireball at her. The
former activating her internal phase-shifting module as she teleports herself back
to Atlas._\n\nTyrian: So soon?\n\nWatts: He's the only man with a chance of getting
through to Ironwood. If that happens...\n\n_Watts suddenly stops as he and everyone
else notice the windows cracking. They then look to Salem, and dark smoke emanates
from her._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> _furious_
Leave...\n\nTyrian: Your Grace, I can...\n\n_Salem glares at Tyrian, causing him to
reel back. Emerald looks on in fear before Hazel puts a hand on her shoulder.
Outside, the three drones flew up the sky as they finished their duty, however the
lead drone diverted off of its flight path back to the hall leaving the other two
behind._\n\nHazel: Come on.\n\n_Everyone quickly proceeds to exit the room as the
windows start to crack even more. Emerald takes one last look behind her as the
doors close. Salem, left alone, seethes with anger before calming herself down.
Everything is seemingly quiet, but then all of a sudden, Salem yells out in rage
and the windows shatter, following the windows shattering came a shockwave blast
swatting the lead drone out of the sky as its live feed cuts to black. Ending the
transmission._"},"605788757182119995":{"u":1,"t":1564501694723,"m":"Captain Gift -
I can't see anything.\nGift - Transmission might be end.\nSargent Gift - I think
so, anyways you take some rest Gift, we have a long way to go.\nGift - You're
right.\n(Inside Gift's room)\nGift - (Shaking on his bed) Even i have blanket, that
won't warm enough."},"605789456523460616":{"u":0,"t":1564501861459,"m":"_As the
team arrives, a snow storm appears at Brunswick Farms, making visibility nigh
difficult. A wind howling is heard. Riley's dome shield grew smaller as she, too,
is affected by the freezing wind._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _sighs_ I
don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished.
But this place looks... fine.\n\n_Gift, Riley, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, and Maria
arrive at the porch of a residence. Weiss is shivering as she wraps her arms around
her to keep herself warm. Looking up the walls, she activates her Focus, scanning
the structure for signs of deterioration._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?\n\n_From the van, Nico
launches the house key over to Qrow, he takes it and tries to open the door, only
to notice that the key's combination was wrong._\n\nQrow: Hmm. Stay on
guard.\n\n_Stepping aside, Riley kicks the door open, everyone proceeds forward
with their weapons drawn. They cautiously look around the place. Outside, Nico's
music faintly overpowers the howling wind._\n\nMaria: Close the door
already! It's cold enough in here as it is.\n\n_Maria walks into the house.
Afterwards, Blake and Oscar push a nearby drawer to block the door only to have
Riley push it away, the herione conjuring a doorstopper device. Blocking the entire
door._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I saw a chimney from the outside.
Maybe we could get a fire going?\n\n_Looking down at the fireplace, Weiss grins,
using her right hand to cast a holographic waypoint mapping the entire
house._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Please. I'll look for some
blankets.\n\nQrow: Yang, go with her.\n\n_Yang leaves, Ruby lingers by the entrance
hall for the bit while the others look around. Oscar can be heard opening a
door._\n\nOscar: Looks like a study. Or, a
{"u":1,"t":1564501925989,"m":"Gift - Aw! What happen?"},"605790622485446676":
{"u":0,"t":1564502139446,"m":"_Ruby walks forward to notice a group of pictures on
the wall of the family that owns Brunswick Farms. Blake walks up next to
her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What do you
think?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Something doesn't feel
right.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Let's look for some--\n\n_Suddenly, a
high-pitched scream is heard from the upper floor._\n\nRuby: Weiss!\n\n_Ruby and
Blake head up the stairs and run into the room Yang and Weiss were in. Qrow also
arrives. They look on the bed to see a pair of decomposing corpses, running to
Gift's room Yang kicks the door open and ran into the room before collasping on
the floor, breathing heavily._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We.. ugh, Gift! You'll
have to come with me, now!\n\n_Behind her, Nero, Nico and Dante ran inside the room
as the three literally lifted Gift off of the bed and threw him on the floor, much
to his anger._\n\nNico: It's Weiss, she's up here searching through room until
she...\n\nDante: She found corpses, _literal_ corpses.\n\n_Having reported what he
had seen, Dante leaves the room._\n\n_Outside the room, Nero and Ruby can be seen
sitting next to Weiss, crying on the floor traumatized from what she'd
seen._\n\nNero: At least they weren't demons, or else you'd see me max-acting the
shit out of them.\n\n_Unamused by his attempt to lighten up the mood, Weiss gets on
her feet and made her way downstairs to the living room and sat right in front of
the fireplace. still shaken from what she saw earlier. Blake wraps a blanket around
Weiss before sitting on the couch Yang is on. The group hears the door open and
close, and Qrow walks back in brushing snow off
{"u":1,"t":1564502387193,"m":"Sargent Gift - As Nico said, i don't how to calm her
down, it seem only you can do that.\nGift - Okey mate, I will go to calm her
down.\nSargent Gift - That the thing that Brother should do right?\nGift - Yes. (He
walk to Weiss and hug her)\nGift - Alright Weiss it okey, Calm down calm
{"u":0,"t":1564502646540,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _looking at Gift
with tears in her eyes_ Will we even make it to Argus? \n\n_She looks down on the
floor solemnly, pondering over her next moves, what she had been told by Jinn and
the fact that she had to return to the place she'd abhored since she could
remember._\n\n_We're just pawns inside this endless war, she thought as she felt
her way inside her hip pouch for her fidgeting cube. Not finding the cube anywhere
inside it she sighed heavily and threw the blanket
away._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Why can't Cossette just fly in here
with the Arsenal Bird?!\n\n_Staring blankly to the burning wood, Weiss watches it,
still shaken from what she saw earlier. Blake wraps a blanket around Weiss before
sitting on the couch Yang is on. The group hears the door open and close, and Qrow
walks back in brushing snow off himself. Following behind him is Riley, also
covered in snow as well._","te":1571007670860},"605793324602753026":
{"u":0,"t":1564502783681,"m":"Qrow: It's the same in every house.\n\nVergil:
Nothing but bodies, it's as if something sucked their bodies dry and left them to
just... rot away.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What?\n\nQrow: Bodies. Every bed in
every home. It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke
up.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Then we're not staying here,
right?\n\nQrow: _walks over to the fireplace to warm up_ We don't have a choice.
Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it
anywhere.\n\n_Standing guard next to the door leading to the living room lies
Riley, her hands resting on the hilt of the Screaming Angel._\n\nRiley: If I could
use my full potential and send you all to Atlas, I would've done that. But I
just... can't. It's as if whatever that made me this way has been limiting my full
powers and will only let me use it when there's a fight. Especially after when I'd
seen the gods, it felt like they've been... ugh.\n\n_She lets go of the Screaming
Angel's hilt as it craned slowly to the left. Stopping in place as it struck
against a cabinet._\n\nRiley: _looking down on the floor, a teardrop falling from
her left eye_ I just don't want to rely on my powers too much.\n\nMaria: Well,
might as well get comfortable. \n\n_She walks over to a bookshelf, reached into it
and oulled out a book before tossing it to Riley, who took it with
telekinesis._\n\nRiley: Thanks.","te":1564502937257},"605793788891234314":
{"u":1,"t":1564502894376,"m":"Gift - Weiss, forget about that if you still remember
that, it can be your nightmare.(Hug Weiss again) No matter how worst we take i will
always with you.","te":1564503142900},"605795302871662642":
{"u":0,"t":1564503255337,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Hm, well...
\n\n_She returns him the hug, letting go after she'd felt her fidget cube prodding
against her thigh. Sitting on the couch lies Yang, groaning in annoyance after
she'd heard what Maria and Riley had said._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yeah, fat
chance. And Riley,\n\nRiley: Hm?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> If I were you, I'd
rely on my powers as much as I used to.\n\n_Angered by Yang's remark, Riley stomped
her foot against the floor with a loud bang before punching straight through the
Rubinoalloy doorstopper, causing cold air to rush in. Rendering Yang speechless by
her sudden reaction._\n\nRiley: _yelling from the distance_ You went through the
same thing I went through, Yang! But I had it worse than you do!\n\n_Finished with
her retort, she runs off into the snowstorm much to Nico's surprise._\n\nNico: _to
herself_ What'd that blonde girl do to piss her off this
bad?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _muttering to herself_ I'm
sorry.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> : Okay, then, let's do something. If this
place wasn't abanodoned it might still have supplies we could use.\n\nOscar: Hey,
yeah. Maybe even a car.\n\nQrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else
goes anywhere alone.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Yang and I can search
the other buildings for vehicles.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _annoyed_ Fine,
whatever gets me out of this house.\n\n_Yang and Blake leave, with Ruby removing
the destroyed doorstopper to let them exit. Afterwards, Ruby looks over to see
Weiss at the doorway to the living room with a melancholic look on her face. Gift
having left her for the supplies stashed down in the wine cellar by
- Alright, Cap search for supply, i think there are more.\nCaptain Gift - Got
it.\nGift - Sarge and Commander, find the way that can modify our Humvee.\nSargent
Gift - You ask the right person.\nCommander Gift - About modify, We on
it."},"605798380328845324":{"u":1,"t":1564503989060,"m":"Gift - Good, if anyone
found something, report to me.\nCaptain Gift - Got it.\nSargent Gift - Da
{"u":0,"t":1564504302224,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Food always makes me
feel better.\n\n_She chuckles nervously, unsure of Weiss' reactions to what she had
said._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just
saying.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Right...\n\n_Suddenly, Weiss' scroll
buzzed as she picks it up from her hip pouch, the device's screen instantly
expanding to its standard configuration. Shown onscreen is the location
of \"potential supplies\" marked with white diamonds. Ruby and Weiss leave the
room, leaving Oscar and Maria alone together._\n\n_Gift and his clones then spread
out as they set off finding ways to leave the farm grounds and on their way to
Argus._\n\nMaria: I'll tell you what. You keep that fire fed... _finds a book with
an \"I\" on the cover_ ... and I'll find us a story to read before bed.\n\n_Maria's
pun stifles a laugh from Nero, to which she smiles at him. She sits back down on
the couch and begins reading while Oscar sighs. Outside in the snowstorm Riley
braved the increasingly violent storm back to the house, having unintentionally
broke free from her limitations Light Energy had been imposing on her as a result
from her lashing out at Yang._\n\n_She staggered to the door, pushing it open with
all of her strength before collapsing onto the floor, the snow on her body melting
off of her body._\n\nRiley: I. Hate. Snowstorms.\n\nMaria: Can't I just read in
peace without being disturbed for once?!","te":1571007891138},"605801474118778894":
{"u":1,"t":1564504726677,"m":"Gift is talking with Cap while they walking for
supply and Ruby hear the conversation.\nGift - Hey! Cap, What about your timeline?
Is it better or worse?\nCaptain Gift - Same like you, You know we are from
alternate timeline, everything might be same except our rank, You are the highest
rank in four of us.\nGift - Everything isn't always same, Only if we chose the
right path.\nCaptain Gift - How possible that i have
a sister.\nGift - Maybe 50/50, i'm not sure about that.\nCaptain Gift - Anyways
mate, I hope you will happy with your sisters.\nGift - I hope
{"u":0,"t":1564505013350,"m":"_Outside, Blake and Yang walk through the snowstorm
toward a nearby shed. They enter it and find rows of shelves full of supplies on it
and a tractor as Blake gasped in surprise As Gift himself emerged from the tractor
covered in machine oil._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _looking at the
tractor_ Something tells me that's not street legal, and what on Remnant are you
doing under there?!\n\n_The two of them continue walking through the shed as they
left Gift to tinker with the tractor for parts._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What
do you think happened here?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> There's that well
in the square. Maybe water contamination?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yeah,
maybe.\n\n_Yang stops and puts a hand on her forehead as Gift turned around just in
time to see her holdin her forehead. From then he dropped his tools running for
her._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Hey, are you
okay?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yeah... I mean, no. But, I don't know. I'm just
tired.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Yeah.\n\n_Yang continues walking
forward, kicking away empty gas canisters along the
way._\n\n<:excitedyang:501512724291911704> Hey, I found something.\n\n_Yang sees a
flatbed trailer next to a window. Through the window, Yang sees a figure of Adam
Taurus unsheathing his sword. Yang gasps and reels back. Blake runs up to her. Gift
does the same, his M4 rifle now aiming at the window._"},"605803382120120320":
{"u":1,"t":1564505181580,"m":"Sargent Gift - What is that
{"u":0,"t":1564505601584,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> A trailer, maybe
you can hook it up to the humvee you've brought along from that
bunker.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> That humvee will need to keep us covered with
its turret, I can attach it to Bumblebee and take us to Argus while you watch our
six.\n\n_From there, she looks away from
Blake._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Blake: What is
it?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I...\n\n_Yang looks back outside and sees a tree
in the place where Adam stood, she then looks at Sarge, whose rifle's aim still
locked at the tree._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _sighs_ I was just seeing
things. I'm sorry. I still get flashes from that night.\n\n_Blake sees Yang's flesh
hand shaking uncontrollably before she composes
herself._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Do you think Adam's still out
there?\n\n_Her radio comes to life as Riley's voice came through it
clearly._\n\nRiley: He's still on the run, the White Fang's broken apart but
remnants of the organization reformed themselves into the KVA, they're working with
the True Sons. Too.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Yang puts her radio into silence as she
disconnected her comm line from Riley's
channel._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I don't know. If he went back to
the White Fang there would have been serious consequences. But, he never really
liked people telling him what to do. Adam's strong, but his real power comes from
control. He used to get in my head, make me feel small. But now I see he just
wanted to pull me down to his size. \n\n_The both of them, including Sarge look at
Yang's prosthetic hand._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _grasping Yang's
hand_ Hey, I'm not leaving. And if we ever see him again, I promise I'll be
there.\n\n_The two share a smile._","te":1564505608438},"605805899533254667":
{"u":1,"t":1564505781778,"m":"Sargent Gift - Me too and your brother is also with
you, Right?\nGift - (From radio) Yes Blake, Yang, i will always with
{"u":0,"t":1564506006491,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> And I'll protect
you.\n\n_At this, Yang's eyes widen and her expression turns into a frown. Sarge
lowers his rifle._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
What?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> _oblivious_ What?\n\n_Awkward silence
soon followed, in the distance Nico and Ruby can be heard cursing as they argued
over whose turn it is to guard the house._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _pulling
her hand away_ Forget it. Let's just head
back.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> But what
about--\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> We're fine. We can hook that flatbed up to
Bumblebee in the morning. Should carry everyone. Mission accomplished.\n\n_Yang
walks away while Blake looks down sadly, Sarge walks by her and rested his right
hand on her shoulder._\n\nNero: _through radio_ You'll have to give her time,
Blake. She's still trying to cope from what that bastard did to her, at least
that's what I heard from Ruby...","te":1564506046441},"605807314733236280":
{"u":1,"t":1564506119188,"m":"Gift - If we have a chance, it payback
{"u":0,"t":1564506451752,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oorah, Gift. \n\n_Back
inside, Ruby uses her scroll's flashlight to look around. She finds alcholic
bottles on the shelves. Weiss uses Myrtenaster to send small flames to light up the
candles in the room. Behind the two girls, Riley scanned her sectors with her M17
pistol, having found nothing but a plethora of canned foods of different sorts she
holstered it, raised her right hand curling her fingers to a fist as she commanded
the cans to float in the air._\n\nRiley: I'll take these up first, you got anything
you want to hand-pick for youself? Weiss?\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> :
There.\n\n_The three look around the room. Shelves are full of alcoholic bottles
and a bar is seen as well except the middle shelf, empty from Riley using
telekinesis on the cans._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> On second thought,
maybe we should keep this room closed.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
Huh?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I'm just... Not sure how well my uncle's
taking all of this.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>Oh.\n\nRiley: Speaking of
booze, you mind if I take some of these for the guys up there?\n\n_She prepares to
command three bottles of wine to levitate, waiting for Ruby's
approval._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Suit yourself, Riles. You'll need it
more than my uncle does.","te":1564506472260},"605810598386597889":
{"u":1,"t":1564506902072,"m":"Gift - Okey Cap, That's enough.\nCaptain Gift -
Finally.\nGift - I could take some rest but my room isn't warm enough.\nCaptain
Gift - You need hug huh?\nGift - Yes, but maybe that's not
easy."},"605810871528194181":{"u":0,"t":1564506967194,"m":"_With Ruby's approval,
Riley commanded six bottles of wine to levitate alongside two 24-can packs of
assorted alcoholic drinks with her left hand before warping back to the living
room. Taking good care to slowly place the plethora of alcoholic drinks and canned
food down on the floor._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Come on, we'll never
get to Atlas on an empty stomach!\n\n_Ruby walks forward, though Weiss lingers and
sadly looks down. Ruby then opens up another door, her left hand now holding the
same pistol Riley'd used earlier._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ruby? Are
we really still going to Atlas?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Why wouldn't we
be? We had our orders, _our own orders._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I
mean... you heard what Jinn said. If there's no way to kill Salem, then what's the
point in all of this?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, you can't be
serious. I'm sure Riley can bring her people back, but she can't do that when
Salem's painted Earth as her next target.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
_sighs_ Sorry, I- I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just really tired and I really,
really hate this place.\n\n_She walks up to enter the room with
Ruby_\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Anything in
there?"},"605810943334678548":{"u":0,"t":1564506984314,"m":"_Ruby turns around and
uses her fpistol-mounted flashlight to look around. She sees more alcoholic bottles
arranged on a shelf on the right side of the room. The occasional clang of glass
bottles reverberating down the cellar as she searches the
room._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _annoyed_ More alcohol... At least we'll
never have problems starting a fire.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What's
that?\n\n_The two notice a large, metal cellar door in the ground. Its handles are
chained together._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> A wine cellar?
Great.\n\n_Ruby then looks up to her left and lets out a yelp before zooming over.
Nearly causing a deteriorating water pipe to burst
outwards._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What? What is
it?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Food!\n\n_Ruby holds out a can that
says \"THREE BROS. BEANS: SHRIMP FLAVORED, EXTRA SODIUM\" in her right hand. Her
left hand holding the same can of beans, although with a different
flavor._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _incredulous_ Canned
food?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh trust me, you put enough salt on
anything, and it will taste juuust fine.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Well,
I guess it's better than nothing.\n\n_The two share a smile. Weiss walks over and
helps Ruby grab a few cans of food left behind by
Riley._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> But I still seriously hate this
place...\n\n_The two then walk out of the room. Unbeknownst to them, the metal
cellar door opens slightly, before shutting again with a
clang._"},"605811724221677578":{"u":1,"t":1564507170492,"m":"Gift - If we not
destroy Salem.(Ruby and Weiss see his tear come out from his eyes) My family, My
friend, Will be lost."},"605813458444746752":
{"u":0,"t":1564507583963,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She can't get rid of
us either, remember our first days at Beacon where we all signed up for Guardian
Angel? \n\n_She walks
up to him, hands on hips. Smiling at him._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048>
That project won't make us kill her, but maybe, if we fight as hard as she does we
_might_ stand a chance at defeating her. Isn't that right, Riley?\n\n_Maria nudges
Riley by the cheek, waking her up._\n\nRiley: Ah! Oh. Well, yes. The fact that all
Beacon students are required to go through Guardian Angel and Eternal Protector was
just to give Remnant a fighting chance. A damn good one at best.
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> And we wouldn't be here in one piece if it
weren't for you and your clones, Gift!\n\n_She steps even closer to Gift. Extending
her arms out to him._\n\nPrice: This is the part you've been waiting for, eh? A hug
from your little sister.\nSoapL Go for it, she's all in!\nYuri: Сделай это, мой
друг! (Do it, my friend!)"},"605814326527393814":{"u":1,"t":1564507790930,"m":"Gift
have hug Ruby with Tear.\nGift - I love you Ruby."},"605815584483180598":
{"u":0,"t":1564508090850,"m":"_Ruby returns him the hug,
tightly._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I love you, too.\n\n_Time passed by as
hours turned into days while the party waited for the storm to die down._\n\n_Ruby
stares at the moon through a window, sitting on the staircase. Snow is drizzling
outside. Ruby checks on Blake , Weiss , and Yang , who are sitting on the rug and
staring at the fire from the fireplace. Maria reads a book while sitting on the
sofa and Oscar is pacing back and forth. After checking on the others, Ruby stands
up and walks toward Qrow. Qrow is sitting nearby the window, looking outside with
his feet propped on the drawer._\n\nQrow: Storm's cleared up for now. We should be
able to leave by morning.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> That's good. Riley
just made contact with Cossette, said she's carved us a convoy of MCVs but she
can't guarantee when they'll arrive.\n\nQrow: No... I don't have a good feeling
about this place, especially with me around...\n\n_Ruby looks down at a wine bottle
on the floor with Qrow's hand hovering near it, then looks at
him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are you... okay?\n\nQrow: _scoffs_ Sure.
Tell everyone to get some sleep. I'll wake you guys up just before
sunrise."},"605815599519498254":{"u":0,"t":1564508094435,"m":"_Ruby walks away as
Qrow drinks from the wine bottle. Ruby pauses and looks back at him before
narrowing her eyes downward. Riley then teleports inside the room as she slapped
away the bottle Qrow had been drinking out of._\n\nQrow: What's your damn
problem!?\n\n_Riley says nothing and looked at him with disappointment. She leaves,
joining Ruby on the couch. Back in the other room, the fire continues to burn. The
book Maria is reading has a \"III\" on the cover, with the other two volumes on a
nearby table._\n\nOscar: It's a diary?\n\nMaria: The head of this household,
Bartleby. Apparently, he and several other families founded this little settlement
to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a
spell.\n\nOscar: Grimm?\n\nMaria: Just one of many hardships. Slowed down their
farming, made everything harder... It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the
ambitious fellow, always thinking of new schemes to overcome the
- (Sitting next to Ruby) Watching for the view huh?"},"605817975102242827":
{"u":0,"t":1564508660818,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yes, and no. It's my
uncle that I'm worried.\n\n_She yawns, glancing at her watch. The time reads
1135HRSZ - MST_\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> It's getting late, we should
really get ourselves some sleep...\n\n_She gets up from the couch as she headed for
the living room, where most of her teammates and comrades
are._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _walking back into the room_ Hey guys.
Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early
tomorrow.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Thank goodness.\n\n_Riley gets up
from the floor, grabbing the Screaming Angel by its hilt walking for the door. Ruby
stops her in her path as she tries to push Riley back to the living
room._\n\nRiley: Ruby, what are you doing?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I
know that you're... enhanced, but that doesn't mean that you don't need sleep
either. C'mon, Vergil will keep watch while we sleep.\n\nVergil: I'll wake you all
up when the sun rises.\n\n_Everyone gets up to get ready to sleep. Maria hops off
the couch._\n\nMaria: Hmph, the last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some
kid tell me what to do. _in a mimicking voice_ \"Go to bed!\" _scoffs_\n\n_Maria
sits on an armchair, turns on the lamp next to it and continues reading from the
book. Ruby shrugs and smiles before going to sleep herself, as she tucked into her
sleeping bag. She sits up and looked over to Gift, getting up, she walks to him,
embracing him before leaving to her spot. The fire continues to burn in the
{"u":1,"t":1564509081240,"m":"Gift - (Whispering to himself) So warm, Hug from
Ruby, like she have get my heart already, If this more longer, my heart will
getting melt from her cute, Ah! If this happen
{"u":0,"t":1564509137379,"m":"_Satisfied and feeling beloved, he lies down on the
bed as he goes to sleep..._"},"605820241599135766":
{"u":1,"t":1564509201193,"m":"Gift - Good night and have a good dream, Ruby my
sweet heart."},"605823623395278858":{"u":0,"t":1564510007476,"m":"_By next morning,
the fire is out. Sunlight seeps through the curtained window while Team RWBY and
Oscar sleep on the floor. Maria rests on the armchair, still holding the book she
was reading. Qrow sleeps on the chair by the window, still barely grasping the wine
bottle in his hand. Nero and his three teammates are also sleeping in the
background._\n\n _A couple other wine bottles are also on the floor. The bottle
slips from his hand and clatters on the floor, causing Ruby to wake with a start.
She looks around before rubbing her eyes and getting on her feet. She walks over to
the window and opens the curtains, waking Riley
up._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> _muttering in her sleep_ Close the
window!\n\n_Ruby walks over to the entrance hall and picks up the empty bottle Qrow
dropped before walking over to her uncle, brushing past Riley who is now already in
her sports garments._\n \n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Uncle Qrow. Come on, get
up. \n\n_She shakes Qrow's shoulder, trying to wake him up_\n\nQrow: _groans_ Leave
me alone...\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> We overslept.\n\n_Qrow, still
groggy, just lightly shoves Ruby away. Ruby looks at the empty wine bottle, and
after a moment, her hand starts shaking. She angrily throws it against the wall,
shattering it before reaching down for another bottle. Raising it over her head,
ready to toss it against the wall again._\n\nQrow: _waking up startled_
What?\n\n_Qrow looks around, seeing Ruby stand before him and then to the shattered
bottle._\n\nQrow: Oh, right. Sunrise.\n\n_Ruby's angry expression softens, and she
hugs her uncle._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You know, you can talk to me
about stuff. Yang too.\n\nQrow: _hugging Ruby back_ Let's just get outta
here.\n\n_Qrow gets up from the chair, with Ruby following him. Outside, Riley
yells from across the clearing, waking the rest of the house up._\n\nRiley: RISE
- Ah! New day, time to move.\n(Whispering to himself)\nWhile i sleeping my
heartbeat is very fast like Ruby's cute have attack my heart
directly."},"605827173412241418":{"u":0,"t":1564510853866,"m":"_Later on, the group
moves outside. Weiss is seen using Myrtenaster to weld a metal ball to a makeshift
trailer hitch attached to Bumblebee. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Qrow, Riley and Oscar's
pupils appear to be dilated, while Ruby's and the rest of Nero's group are their
usual size._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> There.\n\n_Oscar and Blake can be
seen sitting on the porch steps with Vergil sitting next to them._\n\nOscar: Can we
just go back to bed?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> If we're all so tired,
maybe we should make breakfast?\n\nOscar: You wanna make
it?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Not really.\n\nVergil: You kids seems
tired, is it from all the noise Nico's been making since last night?\n\nOscar: No,
I feel... _really_ tired.","te":1571008337186},"605827187706167325":
{"u":0,"t":1564510857274,"m":"_Ruby and Qrow push the flatbed trailer behind
Bumblebee. Once it's in position, Ruby walks up to Yang while Gift stands next to
it alingside his clones._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> You guys got the bike
ready?\n\n_Yang just gestures to it. Sparking some degree of suspicion in
Ruby._\n\nQrow: Well, it's done now. So let's hook this thing up and--\n\n_Qrow
rests his foot on the side of the trailer, and the tire on the opposite side goes
flat. He groans in frustration before checking on the tire. Riley rolled her eyes,
threw away her last bottle of Gatorade and walked for the trailer, firing white
beams of light onto the tire, fixing it._\n\nMaria: You people are just beacons for
bad luck, aren't you?\n\n_Frustrated, Qrow just walks over to a nearby fence post
and sits on the ground. Yang also sits on the ground by the well. Dante took notice
of the sudden change in behaviour, prompting him to stand up and stretch before
walking for Yang._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I'm starting to think the universe
just doesn't want us getting to Atlas.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _sighs_
It's just a flat tire, I'm sure there's a spare. Also, Riley's fixing it
too.\n\n_As she says this, however, Riley's pupils dilated as her strength
weakened. The beam of light healing
the tire's surface suddenly snapping away into nothingness._
\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> It's not just that, it's everything. Storms,
crashes, monsters... _sighs_ I'm so tired..."},"605827799713841157":
{"u":1,"t":1564511003188,"m":"(inside Gift's mind)\nGift - What does it
mean?\nScorpion Zero - I think it is the test.\nGift - Do you think that?\nScorpion
Zero - I hope so."},"605828695612981278":{"u":0,"t":1564511216787,"m":"Nero: No,
it's the Apathy, I read one of the diaries. These Grimm feeds on psychic
energy.\n\n_As he says this, he continues to see the Apathy's influence grow
stronger._\n\nNero: This is bad, we have to leave. Now!\n\n_Ignoring Nero's
warnings, Blake droned back at Yang._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Me
too. It feels like we're always having to fight to get
by.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yeah. But that's what we signed up
for.\n\nOscar: We signed up to try and save the world, not just... delay the
inevitable.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Last night, I... _putting a hand
on her arm_ I couldn't stop thinking - why are we even going to Atlas?\n\n_Everyone
shares troubled looks, save for Nero who has already jumped down the well with
Vergil and Dante._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Weiss, we _have_
to.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Why? _standing back up_ Ozpin hid the Relics
behind giant doors under enormous schools, but... how long would it take Salem to
find a lamp in the middle of nowhere?\n\n_Upon hearing this, Riley's pupils returns
to their normal state as she regained control of her
{"u":0,"t":1564328534757,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _groaning_ Oh, boy.
Here we go again...\n\nJinn: That was hilarious, Gift. Just pointing it out, by the
way I'm almost done. Just a few more scenes is all."},"605062855104135218":
{"u":1,"t":1564328626181,"m":"Gift - I'm just kidding (laughing with happiness)
Alright Alright, let continue."},"605063457166983201":
{"u":0,"t":1564328769724,"m":"Jinn: _laughing out loud_ Very well, Gift. Here I go
again.\n\n_Ozma reincarnates into a man with a tanned complexion and pale blonde
hair, who had just stabbed a Beowolf with a pitchfork, causing it to disintegrate.
Ozma takes the time to come to terms in his new body and surroundings. He looks up
and sees people screaming and running into the forest he is in away from a burning
village in the distance._\n\nOzma: Where am I?\n\n_Ozma hears a man scream, and
looks over to see him flailing a sword at a Beowolf, which swipes at him to the
ground, disarming him. Ozma's pevious soul takes over and runs forward, grabbing
the man's sword and slaying the Beowolf. The man gets back up._\n\nMan:_ relieved_
Thank you. Please, tell me your name. Who are you?\n\n_Suddenly, Ozma's newest
reincarnate has trouble speaking, and throws the sword to the ground in horror.
Oscar watches the scene before him with Price and Soap standing by his side, thw
two men looking down at Oscar with sympathy in their eyes._\n\nOscar: He didn't
know...\n\nPrice: But he can make a choice and live with what he's destined to
be.\n\n_As Jinn continues to narrate, Ozma walks down a street, seeing along the
way Faunus locked up in cages, and a pile of Dust crystals on top of a
table._\n\nJinn: Ozma had found himself in a world completely unfamiliar to him.
Cities looked different. Creatures known as the Faunus bore fangs and claws and
were locked away in cages. And without the blessing of the gods, no one could
perform magic like mankind was once capable of, no one but himself and woman known
as... the witch.\n\nRiley: Salem...\n\n_The environment around Ozma changes from
the city to a forest as he comes upon a lonely, dilapidated cottage in the
woods._"},"605063813058002954":{"u":1,"t":1564328854575,"m":"Gift - Something bad
happen?"},"605064073427812372":{"u":0,"t":1564328916652,"m":"Jinn: _to Gift_ No,
not yet.\n\nJinn: During his years of travel, he heard the same frightened whispers
that spoke of a terrifying sorceress who commanded dark powers in the wilds among
the beasts and monsters. Ozma was convinced that this witch was Salem, and decided
he needed to see what she had become.\n\n_Ozma stands at a distance from the
cottage. The front door opens, and from the darkness beyond, Salem emerges, wearing
black robes this time. She gives an angry glare while exiting the cottage, but
suddenly, her expression softens upon seeing her visitor. Ozma likewise smiles back
at her._\n\nJinn: Call it magic or call it something stronger, but in that moment,
the two knew exactly who it was that stood before them.\n\n_Ozma and Salem walk
towards each other, the two hold each other's hands, interlocking their fingers
affectionately._\n\nOzma: What do we do
now?\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Whatever we like.\n\n_As time
passes, the scene shows the cottage changing from its dilapidated state to a much
better condition, following with Salem and Ozma conversing with one another at a
table on the front porch._\n\nJinn: As Salem and Ozma recounted the events which
had brought them back together, each withheld parts of their story. Salem, fearing
Ozma would reject her, blamed the end of the world on the gods. Ozma, still unsure
of where the truth lay, kept his task and the Relics a secret. Though time passed
and all seemed well, Ozma's conversation with the God of Light still lingered in
his mind. He had found happiness, but humanity seemed more divided than ever
{"u":1,"t":1564329057315,"m":"Gift - What does it mean?"},"605065253876793371":
{"u":0,"t":1564329198093,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Please, just let
her tell it all by herself...\n\n_Salem and Ozma head back inside the cottage,
still talking to each other._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Are you
surprised? This world is quite literally godless. These humans have no one to guide
them. Perhaps that's all they need.\n\nOzma: What are you
saying?\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> We could become the gods of this
world. Our powers surpass all others. Our souls transcend death. We can mold these
lands into whatever we want, what you want, create the paradise that the old gods
could not.\n\n_Ozma is troubled at first, but then smiles in agreement with Salem.
The two of them look each other in the eyes as Salem places an affectionate hand on
Ozma's shoulder. Behind them, Riley and Summer looked at them with a look of
disgust on their faces._\n\nRiley: I'll say this once, love prevails. No matter
what.\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Can't agree more.\n\nJinn: The hearts of
men... are easily swayed.\n\nRiley: Called
village is shown under attack by a Nevermore. Suddenly, a purple energy surrounds
the Nevermore, causing it to be bent and folded into unnatural positions. The
Nevermore disintegrates, and the villagers watch as Ozma, once again wielding his
scepter and wearing regal robes, and Salem levitate into the air side-by-side above
them. They all bow down to the couple in reverence. Weiss and Yang are shown
walking up to two statues of Ozma and Salem that are then erected._\n\nJinn: The
two amassed a following. That following grew into a prosperous kingdom.\n\n_A
castle then appears, the camera pans into a large room with a painting of Ozma and
Salem together._\n\nJinn: And at the head of that kingdom blossomed... _four little
girls then appear in the painting_ ...a family.\n\n_Ozma and Salem watch their four
daughters playing together, the little girls all wearing colors on their dresses
similar to that of the Four Maidens. One of their daughters comes up to the two of
them, playfully tugging on Salem's robe. The two parents smile at her before
smiling at each other._","te":1571006605631},"605065681922293760":
{"u":1,"t":1564329300147,"m":"Gift - Weiss, there are so many question that i need
to find the answer."},"605066488163860520":{"u":0,"t":1564329492370,"m":"Jinn: Your
questions will be explained, just give it time. \n\n_Blue smoke transitions the
scene, showing a massive conflict between people that is being observed inside a
crystal ball by a smirking Salem. Ozma stands a short distance away from her
looking outside the window._\n\nOzma: _troubled_ Are we sure this is
right?\n\nSalem: _looking over to Ozma_ You said we needed to bring humanity
together. In order to do that, we have to spread our word, and destroy those who
will deny it.\n\n_Ozma gains a shocked expression on his face upon hearing these
words. He turns to see his reflection on the window, which suddenly talks to
him._\n\nOzma: What are we doing?\n\n_Ozma reels back in horror seeing his
reflection ask him that question, briefly becoming his original incarnation, before
looking over to Salem._\n\nOzma: This isn't what he asked of
me...\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> What did you say?\n\n_The two then
hear a door open, and their eldest daughter enters the room excitedly._\n\nEldest
Daughter: Mother, father, look!\n\n_Their daughter then conjures multicolored wisps
that fly in circles in front of her. Salem has a proud expression on her face,
while Ozma looks on in surprise, before looking down with his troubled expression
again._\n\nJinn: It was a miracle, their children could perform magic. But what
should have been a joyous occasion was short-lived.\n\n_Smoke transitions the scene
again, this time showing Ozma telling what he knows to Salem in his
study._\n\nJinn: Ozma told Salem everything, the true reason the God of Light had
brought him back, the Relics that they scattered around the world, and the day of
judgement he had been told to prepare for.\n\n_She then turns to Gift, now sitting
on one of the chairs within the room._\n\nJinn: Here... is your answer, or a part
it I would say. I cannot answer every question that pertains the
{"u":1,"t":1564329621247,"m":"Gift - At least i have know some,
Thanks."},"605068816845635606":{"u":0,"t":1564330047571,"m":"_Ozma finishes his
explanation to Salem._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Don't you see?
None of that matters anymore. Why spend our lives trying to redeem these humans
when we can replace them with what they could never be?\n\n_Salem offers her hand
out, but Ozma hesitates to take it, backing away in disgust. Smoke transitions the
scene again showing Ozma quietly escorting his daughters through the quiet halls.
The youngest daughter looks down the hallway, noticing something._\n\nYoungest
Daughter: Mommy?\n\n_Salem stands at the end of the hall menacingly. Ozma
protectively stands in front of his daughters. Salem, realizing what he is doing,
angrily conjures a red beam from her hand. Ozma uses his scepter to counter Salem's
attack, launching a green beam. Their attacks clash, engulfing the area into a
bright white flash. Ruby and Weiss watch in horror as Ozma and Salem fight
throughout the castle as Gift watches the two battle one another to the death._
\n\n_Their battle causes the castle to collapse and be destroyed in the process. A
charred plush toy is shown, implying the daughters were killed in the fearsome
battle. Ozma weakly crawls on the ground, blood dragging from behind him. Salem
then reappears behind him undamaged thanks to her immortality, and angrily walks
over to Ozma. She kicks him over onto his back and holds him down with her
foot._\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> We finally had
freedom...\n\n_Ozma weakly looks up at her._\n\nOzma: I--\n\n_A blast of fire from
Salem engulfs Ozma, killing him once again._\n\nJinn: Thus began a long and painful
cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma.\n\n_A montage of Ozma's various reincarnates
are shown, including a frail man weakly walking by many gravestones, followed by a
despondent man walking in the rain, who would rather drink his problems away.
Followed by a man in full body armor holding an Earthborne M1A carbine in his
- That for another question."},"605069472788643852":
{"u":0,"t":1564330203960,"m":"Jinn: One of his reincarnations somehow made it to
Earth, thanks to his grievance over Salem straying him from the soul he's meant to
be bonded with, and so, he had to immediately find a host to live in, or his soul
will wither away."},"605069650707087363":{"u":1,"t":1564330246379,"m":"Gift -
That's why i see...."},"605070170641137664":{"u":0,"t":1564330370341,"m":"Jinn:
Anyways, moving on...\n\n_She conjures a tumbler out of thin air and sipped from it
before throwing it away and continuing the story._\n\nJinn: Some lives were spent
in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all.\n\n_Finally, Ozma
reincarnates to a dark-skinned man with glasses who starts off slouching, but then
eventually stands straight up and determinedly walks forward._\n\nJinn: But no
matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened
with.\n\n_Ozma's newest reincarnate is shown serving a meal to his wife and two
children, both of whom interestingly have silver eyes. Summer, having watched the
scene transition between events finds herself dozing off until Ruby nudged her
cheek, waking her up._\n\nJinn: And as the centuries went on, Ozma began to learn
the importance of living with the souls with which he had been paired.\n\n_Ozma
then hears screaming outside. He opens the door and sees villagers running around
in panic as Grimm attack._\n\nJinn: But no matter where or how he lived, her
presence was always felt.\n\n_Ozma looks back to his wife, who nods in
understanding, before going out with a mechanized cane into battle._\n\nJinn: If
humanity were ever to stand a chance at being united, one thing was
clear...\n\n<:Rubyapproved:519720463123873806> _knowing the answer already_ He had
to destroy Salem...\n\n_Smoke then transitions showing Ozma's reincarnation many
years older now, tinkering with his cane in his workshop._\n\nJinn: Knowing he
could never rid the world of her through any mortal means, Ozma sought out the
power of the Relics.\n\n_The elderly tinkerer then places his cane inside a metal
cabinet, closing the door on it. The door opens again showing Ozma's newest
reincarnation, a well-dressed man, picking up the cane where he last left it in his
previous life._"},"605070730601824290":{"u":1,"t":1564330503846,"m":"Gift - Now i
got it, Almost end?"},"605071767081582602":{"u":0,"t":1564330750962,"m":"Jinn:
Almost, just a couple more scenes. You won't like what I have to say this
time.\n\n_She conjures yet another tumbler, drank all of the contents within it and
threw it at a beowolf's head._\n\nJinn: Armed with my knowledge, he believed he
could fulfill his promise to the God of Light.\n\n_Ozma is next shown holding the
Relic of Knowledge, summoning Jinn for the first time. All of Team RWBY can be seen
with him as they walk towards Jinn._\n\nOzma: Where are the other Relics?\n\nJinn:
He asked me his questions.\n\nOzma: What powers do they possess?\n\nJinn: And
though I gave him my answers...\n\nOzma: How do I destroy Salem?\n\nJinn: ...not
all of them were to his liking.\n\n_Team RWBY watches as Jinn gives her answer to
Ozma._\n\nJinn: You can't, but with enough effort. You... can bring her to a
stop.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Ozma falls to his knees in despair, Ruby, Weiss and
Blake all have shocked expressions, and Yang closes her eyes in anger. Ozma remains
on his knees as Jinn disappears before him. The camera pans out, transitioning Ozma
to his current reincarnation, Oscar, who lowers his head in sadness as the snow
falls once again. Standing next to him, Riley shuts her eyes, angered by the truth.
Not wishing to lash out she inhaled and exhaled deeply until she felt herself
calming down to normal conditions. Her body now covered in a white aura._\n\n_The
environment around them then turna back to the abandoned bunker, now repaired of
all its damaged by the still functioning MRVNs_\n\nMRVN #1: Welcome back to Outpost
Epsilon! Please make yourselves comfortable while help is on the
way!","te":1564330848239},"605072216362844180":{"u":1,"t":1564330858079,"m":"Gift -
The truth have reveal."},"605073736361836545":{"u":1,"t":1564331220475,"m":"Gift -
(Yawn) If there is a problem, we will clear it tomorrow, but now i'm so
{"u":0,"t":1564331279399,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> So, she can't be
destroyed...\n\n_To make matters worse, Riley presented to everyone a sheet of
GUARDIAN\"_\n\nRiley: The United Nations just ordered an immediate withdrawal of
almost all of Earth's coalition forces, as of now, the only ones remaining are Task
Force 141, The United States Armed Forces, and other armed forces of NATO
members...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Salem can't be killed... you all heard her
too, right?\n\n_Team RWBY all angrily glare at Ozpin, whose head is still down. He
looks up, with tears streaming down his face. Qrow just looks away while Price took
out a cigar, lit it up and tossed it to Ruby, who then tossed it away into the snow
as Price puffed smoke out from a lit cigar he had been smoking for the past
hour._\n\nOzpin: I--\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _enraged_ There was so much you
hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!\n\n_Oz doesn't say anything, he
just hangs his head back down in shame._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456>
Professor... _Oz looks up at her_ What is your plan to defeat
Salem?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I... don't have one...\n\n_Suddenly, Qrow
punches Ozpin in the face, sending him into a nearby supply crate, prompting Riley
to fire off a concussive plasma blast at him, sending Qrow to a collasped bunk
bed._\n\nQrow: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because
you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some
good...\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _tearfully_ But, you are!\n\nQrow: Meeting
you... was the worst luck of my life...\n\n_Oz stares back in disbelief upon
hearing Qrow say that, before looking down
dejected._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Maybe you're right...\n\n_Ozpin's eyes
glow as control is transferred back to Oscar Pine. He holds his cheek in pain from
the effects of Qrow's punch._","te":1564331296837},"605074423669719059":
{"u":1,"t":1564331384342,"m":"Gift - I just say, we will clear this tomorrow, now
this is already dark.\n(I'm gonna rest now)"},"605074456020254762":
{"u":1,"t":1564413523927,"m":"Gift - Alright, Any question?"},"605420353120108564":
{"u":0,"t":1564413860350,"m":"Riley: I... have more to report.\n\n_She reaches into
her go-bag and produced yet another mission statement report._\n\nRiley: I've been
reported that as of now, Remnant's kingdoms are already preparing for war. They're
not fighting the Grimm, but among themselves. The Kingdom of Vacuo declared war
against the Kingdom of Atlas thanks to Atlas's embargo on almost every shipment of
supplies necessary to Vacuo's sustainability. However, our directive remains the
same. We get to Atlas, secure the second relic and transfer it to my ship, then we
stop this war and unite the kingdoms back.\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456>
But... how? How are we going to to all that?! Didn't you just said that your
people'd left Remnant just a while ago?\n\nRiley: They left because they're under
attack. ISR reports indicated multiple entry events all across the Earth. Salem's
bringing the fight to Earth and Remnant at the same time."},"605421052574826516":
- Thanks for report, Okey let see what time is it. (Watching the clock) 11:00 PM
that's already late now, get to the room and take some rest, we have a long way to
go."},"605422023765917727":{"u":0,"t":1564414258663,"m":"_Suddenly, the lights
within the bunker goes out as alarms rang througout the hall as the bunker doors
blasted themselves open, allowing the freezing cold air outside the bunker to rush
in._\n\nBunker AI: Alert, supplies empty. Nutrient stores depleted, power
generation systems offline, shelter self-destruct sequence engaged. Inhabitants of
this bunker are to leave in t-minus FIVE minutes.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oh,
great. First we get told Salem's can't be killed and now
THIS!?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> : What happened?\n\nPrice: It's time we
get out of here, NOW!\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> What about the outside?
There's a snowstorm out there and we don't have the MCVs to help us
anymore!"},"605422416612556802":{"u":1,"t":1564414352325,"m":"Gift - We will find
supply later and the blizzard is too heavy, We must rest for tomorrow, and tomorrow
we will moving again."},"605422570485055528":{"u":1,"t":1564414389011,"m":"Gift -
This Blizzard will end at morning."},"605424546777923605":
{"u":0,"t":1564414860196,"m":"Price: We've got no options left now. The bunker's
kicking us out.\n\nRiley: I've found a trail leading to somewhere
called \"Brunswick Farm\", Nero's marked the trail with flares. I'll form up a
protective dome and proceed there on foot until we get there. \n\n_Having told the
group her plan, Riley turns to Oscar._\n\nRiley: Oscar, where'd Ozpin go?\n\nOscar:
He's... gone.\n\n_Yang curled her right hand into a fist, trembling with rage
before smashing an empty supplies crate with it._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!\n\nOscar: No, this is different. He's
gone. It-- It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head? \n\n_He
grunts as he holds his head in pain_\n\nOscar: I hate this! I want it to
stop!\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> He just left
us?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What are we gonna do now?\n\n_Yang growls
in anger._\n\nMaria: Enough! We need to get move on. That storm out there will grow
stronger before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity!\n \n_She
helps Oscar up with her cane_ \n\nMaria: There's a trail over there, trails usually
lead somewhere.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Lady, I don't know who you think you
are but--"},"605424552020934658":{"u":0,"t":1564414861446,"m":"Maria: _slamming her
cane_ No buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms
with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we
die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the
cold!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She's right. Come on.\n\n_Everyone grabs
their belongings and whatever Dust they can carry with them, hurrying out of the
shelter to the outside, where they all huddled within Riley's Trophy protective
dome. Maria sits on Bumblebee as Yang walks her bike. Ruby walks over to Oscar and
hands over the handle of his cane._\n\nOscar: _grabbing the cane_ I'm just going to
be another one of his lives, aren't I?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> : _puts
her hand on his_ Of course not. You're your own person.\n\n_As she said this, her
uncle walks by with a flask in his hand. Drinking from it before taking it back
inside his shirt._\n\nQrow: Don't lie to him, Ruby. We're better than
that...\n\n_Ruby and Oscar look down sadly before walking to join the others.
Summer, on the other hand withdrew her standard-issue M17 handgun and fired off a
shot at Qrow's flask, knockng it out of his hand as liquor sprayed from it all over
his clothes._\n\nQrow: Hey, what'd you-\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Keep your
damn mouth shut, then I'll buy that damn flask back for
you."},"605425309986062339":{"u":1,"t":1564415042159,"m":"Gift - (Use his Exo suit
terminal to spawn the coat) Ruby Here, this will keep you
warm."},"605426759390986268":{"u":0,"t":1564415387724,"m":"_Ruby takes the coat
from her brother, putting it on as she walks._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Thanks, Gift. \n\n_As she walked alongside her teammates, she spots a series of lit
flares floating above a partially obscured sign. From there, she deploys a fly
drone, setting it to autonomous flight mode as she sends it out to scout the area
further ahead._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _to her teammates_ Guys! I found
something, it looks like a farm. But where's...
Dante?\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ruby, he's... hold on. He's on top of the
house waving at the drone.\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> ...\n\n_As Ruby and
her two teammates huddled around the video feed from her wrist. Yang calls out the
distance to the farm from her right arm's distance estimation
kit._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Distance to the farm is six hundred metres out,
Ruby.\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _replying to her sister_ Copy all, Yang. Six
hundred metres."},"605427622599720981":{"u":1,"t":1564415593529,"m":"Gift - Roger
that, alright Team move out.\nRuby see her brother still in his combat suit without
coat, She worry and ask him a question."},"605427820784779294":
{"u":0,"t":1564415640780,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Gift, aren't you cold
or something? I mean, we're safe from the wind in Riley's dome but it's still
freezing cold out here."},"605427971427401779":{"u":0,"t":1564415676696,"m":"_She
asks, hugging on her coat's internal heater packs
tightlly._"},"605428077488767011":{"u":1,"t":1564415701983,"m":"Gift - Ruby, as i'm
your brother i worry about you more than myself."},"605428861769089027":
{"u":0,"t":1564415888970,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Well, you don't
really have to anymore since we're all together.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Yang
scoffed as she sets Bumblebee on its autonomous hovering mode with Maria still
sitting on it and programmed it to follow her as she let the bike's handles go. Its
wheels transforming into propulsive thrusters._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oh,
please. we're out here freezing in the snow and all you're caring is... Gift? Are
you s-\n\n_Not wishing to listen in on Yang's poorly worded retort any further
Summer cuts her off._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Stow it, Yang.
\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _looking back at Summer_
Fine..."},"605429217412513802":{"u":0,"t":1564415973762,"m":"_Amazed by the display
of technology, Maria finds her cane a spot on one of Bumblebee's weapon stowage
pouches and took control of the bike in its safe tethering mode. Pretending to ride
on it as if she was speeding down the barren, snow-covered
road._"},"605429541615304705":{"u":1,"t":1564416051058,"m":"Gift - Okey, how far
from our position to Nero's position?"},"605430732084477972":
{"u":0,"t":1564416334888,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Not that far,
actually. We're just a hundred metres away.\n\n_The scene cuts to the Land of
Darkness, five Nevermores are perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple
crystals. They fly away when an airship flies by them heading towards a large
purple structure in the distance. The airship lowers down to an outcropping that
serves as a dock, and Hazel , Mercury , and Emerald hop out alongisde five True
Sons personnel._ \n\n_As they proceed forward, they notice Tyrian Callows leaning
against the entrance at the bottom of the stairs. His scorpion tail now has a
spiked, metal tip covering it from where it was cut off._\n\nTyrian: _laughs_
Welcome back, welcome back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed
you.\n\n_Emerald and Mercury glare at Tyrian as the True Sons personnel behind them
laughed along with Tyrian._\n\nTrue Sons Grunt: It's sad that your precious maiden
still failed, even with all that fancy magic shit she's got. Haha!\n\nHazel: Let's
go.\n\n_The three proceed forward past Tyrian._\n\nTyrian: Speaking of which, where
is our Fall Maiden?"},"605430896270770197":{"u":0,"t":1564416374033,"m":"_Emerald
stops upon hearing this, prompting Tyrian to giggle, causing Emerald to growl. The
grunts behind her now silenced as they watch._\n\nMercury: Emerald, come
on.\n\nTyrian: _in a mocking tone_ Don't tell me something happened to her?
_laughs_\n\nEmerald: _turns around and draws her weapons at Tyrian_ I will cut off
more than just your tail.\n\nTyrian: _chuckles as he slowly walks toward Emerald_
Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore.\n\n_The same grunt
who jeered her promptly withdrew his Bulldog shotgun and aimed it at her._\n\nTS
Grunt: If you wanted to live, then you'd put these fancy blades away.
Girl...\n\n_Tyrian gets close to Emerald's face, causing her to back away. Tyrian
intentionally cuts his cheek with the blade of Emerald's weapon. Emerald has a
disturbed expression on her face upon seeing this, and Mercury steps up to hold
Emerald's shoulder and scare Tyrian away from her._\n\nMercury: _glaring_ Back off,
freak. \n\n_He turns to the grunt with similar expression._\n\nMercury: And you,
too.\n\nTyrian: Oh, don't misunderstand, I am in mourning just as you. Because it
appears you've failed our Queen, and that is a tragedy.\n\n_A moment later, Tyrian
drops his sympathetic facade and starts to laugh maniacally. Mercury looks back at
him in disgust while Emerald has a fearful expression on her face. The two of them
and Hazel turn around to proceed up the stairs as Tyrian continues laughing. The
grunts having made themselves a spot to relax on the
stairs._"},"605431429941428247":{"u":1,"t":1564416501270,"m":"Camera view back to
Gift\nGift - Ruby i don't need a coat because you and your teammate are warm my
heart, there is no blizzard to freeze my heart and my body."},"605433329071685642":
That's adorable, Gift. I really appreciate what you've been doing, especially
after the Fall.\n\n_She walks up to him, slipping the same emblem she'd took from
his coat back into one of the empty mag pouches on his vest._\n\n_Back in the snow,
Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria proceed on the trail alongside Gift, Summer, and
Riley. The snow starts to pick up even more as Riley's protective dome shield
shimmered._\n\nRiley: Jesus, it's damn cold out here...\n\n_In response to the
cold, she puts more power into her dome shield as it filled with warmth much to
everyone's surprise._\n\nQrow: _sighs_ Doesn't look like this is gonna let
up.\n\nRiley: I ramped more power from me to the shield, hope it's warm enough
until we get to that damn farm.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Just wanna
get this stupid Relic to Atlas.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Let's hope we
don't have to walk all the way there.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _to Maria,
sarcastically_ I thought trails led somewhere.\n\nMaria: Do you have nothing better
to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?\n\n_Everyone stops in their tracks. A faint nu
metal music can be heard. A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings
back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads \"BRUNSWICK
FARMS\". Everyone arrives at the gate, meeting Nero, his two comrades and Leon's
team._\n\nNero: Thought you guys would'nt make it here, but I was wrong. Damn
wrong, too.\n\n_From one of the barns, Nico's van bursts from its doors as the van
screeched to a halt before Gift._\n\nNico: _popping her head out of the driver's
window_ WELCOME TO BRUNSWICK FARMS!"},"605433697591623717":
{"u":1,"t":1564417041920,"m":"Gift - There have a supply?"},"605434190917271554":
{"u":0,"t":1564417159538,"m":"_All of a sudden, V teleports himself out of the van,
appearing before him as Vergil._\n\nVergil: No, but Nico's brought a lot for the
trip.\n\n_He walks to Riley, a look of concern on his face._\n\nVergil: By the way,
uh... Can you summon a portable generator or something? Dante tried to fix one but
it blew up in his face."},"605434329316851712":{"u":0,"t":1564417192535,"m":"Riley:
I can do more than that, you're literally talking to a
through her words, Riley points to her team._\n\nRiley: Actually, _we_ are all
_demigods._ If you've heard of Project Guardian Angel, you'll know
why."},"605435018424221696":{"u":1,"t":1564417356831,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey mate,
there are lots of supplies.\nGift - Thanks Cap, we could rest
here."},"605435866860748801":{"u":0,"t":1564417559114,"m":"_The scene then cuts to
the Land of Darkness from the view of Pathfinder-One, later designated as Penny
Polendina from one of the orbiting Space United surveillance modules installed
onboard the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun system._\n\n_The camera then zoomed into
Penny's poin of view as she synced up her feed to a WASP stealth drone's VR feed.
In the meeting room, Salem opens her eyes and glares at her subordinates. Tyrian
and Arthur Watts are seen fearfully sitting at the table while Hazel, Emerald and
Mercury are kneeling at the other end of the
room._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> I would like you to explain to me...
how it is you failed so spectacularly?\n\nHazel: The Faunus Militia split our
forces--\n\n<:Grimm_Salem_Gyate:586325353329328138> Stop.\n\n_Hazel remains silent
with a fearful expression on his face, outside the meeting room Penny can be seen
scaling up the wall as she scanned for a viable vantage point for drone
deployments._\n\nSalem: Let me rephrase the question - who is responsible for your
defeat?\n\n_Emerald and Mercury stay kneeling as Hazel stands up to give his
answer. Salem listens intently. Unaware of Penny's presence
{"u":1,"t":1564067262101,"m":"Gift - Stay back Weiss, my uncle is always focus on
everything that important."},"603967679791104000":
{"u":0,"t":1564067516039,"m":"_Oscar tries to reach for the relic as Ruby threw it
to Riley, who picks it up from the floor and stuffed it away in her go-
bag._\n\nRiley: Stop. We need to know.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> So all these
times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was for... just everyone
else?\n\n_She stared at Jinn sternly as the latter returned the gaze with similar
expressions._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Jinn?\n\n_Suddenly, the lights within
the bynker goes off along with the instrumental panels._\n\nQrow: What?\n\n_Ruby
then lets go of her fists as Jinn yawned, stretching once again._\n\nJinn:
Wonderful.\n\n_Everyone stares in awe at Jinn._\n\nJinn: Tell me, what knowledge do
you seek?\n\nRiley: What we all wanted to know."},"603968096671236139":
{"u":0,"t":1564067615431,"m":"Nero: Yeah, and I want to know why me and Dante were
sent here. Too.\n\n_He stared at Oscar with contempt, Dante however sighed as he
continues toying around with Ivory & Ebony while V watched the being in awe._\n\nV:
This being... she contains such powers no man could
imagine."},"603968532161626135":{"u":1,"t":1564067719260,"m":"Gift - Maybe Jinn
have an answer about our question."},"603969797507645473":
{"u":0,"t":1564068020942,"m":"_Suddenly, an environment manifests, showing a path
leading to a castle in the distance. A woman humming can be heard in the
background._\n\nJinn: Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower...\n\n_Smoke
envelops Blake, and Qrow appears where she was. He looks behind him as Riley
observed the environments around her in awe. Followed by Gift, then Price, Soap,
Yuri and Nikolai. Nero and his two comrades are seen wandering off to the
grasslands._\n\nJinn: ...that sheltered a lonely girl.\n\n_A rather beautiful woman
sitting in front of a mirror then appears. Ruby is seen walking up to
her._\n\nJinn: Named... Salem.\n\nRiley: _scoffs_ Okay, what?\n\nJinn:
_sarcastically_ Well, you asked me to tell you the truth. And here I deliver what
you seek.\n\nRiley: Ugh! Just get on with it, will you?!\n\nJinn: As you
wish...\n\n_A blue smoke appears, revealing Salem staring from her window of the
tower, her arms crossed. A woman humming can be heard in the background._\n\nJinn:
Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing:
freedom.\n\n_Salem walks away with sadness as Ruby watches her do so when Salem
passed by her._\n\nJinn: She lived in a time when kings and their kingdoms were
plentiful, when men and women were capable of greatness, and magic was a gift from
the gods that all could wield.\n\n_Salem sits down and leans against the vanity.
She holds her left hand, using her magic; four magical spheres with a magic circle
in six basic colors appear over her hand while Riley and Price both watched the
woman perform magic before their eyes._\n\nPrice: So there really is
magic...\n\nJinn: Please, listen..."},"603970897145102366":
{"u":0,"t":1564068283116,"m":"_Finishing her response to Price, she
continues._\n\nJinn: And yet, there she sat within her tower.\n\n_As Salem looks
down, the blue smoke reappears and envelops Salem to the next scene. It reforms the
castle Salem resides in. Nero and his two comrades watched as they witness the
truth reveal itself before their eyes. In the background, Weiss, Ruby and Nikolai
are seen wandering deep down the castle's dungeons where all the monstrosities that
had slain the countless warriors who dared challenge them are kept away. Waiting to
be unleashed upon the next warrior._\n\nJinn: Until one day, a legendary hero came
to brave the challenges within the tower's walls.\n\n_A young man in armor and a
cape wielding a scepter appears standing proudly in front of the tower. Qrow can be
seen walking up to the man with Soap accompanying him._\n\nJinn: The people of the
lands knew him as Ozma.\n\n_Qrow waves his hand in front of Ozma's face, but the
latter proceeds forward unfazed, simply phasing through Qrow's hand._\n\nSoap: It's
all an illusion, mate. \n\nJinn: Unlike those who had come before, this warrior was
not driven by the prize of the young maiden's hand. He fought only for
righteousness, and his pure heart and courageous soul prevailed.\n\n_As Ozma walks
up to the tower, other warriors are shown falling in battle. Blue smoke reforms the
scene once again, this time showing Ozma using his scepter to strike down a dark-
armored figure, destroying it. Ozma then opens up a door leading to Salem's room,
where she stands up and offers a grateful smile to him. Blue smoke reforms the
scene of them battling side by side with their magic powers._\n\nJinn: They escaped
the wretched fortress, and yet something bound them together.\n\n_Smoke reforms the
scene showing Ozma and Salem running away from the tower holding hands together.
Once at a safe distance, the two stop to catch their breath before looking to each
{"u":0,"t":1564068664353,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"603974125412810776":
{"u":1,"t":1564069052795,"m":"Gift - Is this the past?"},"603974596638801920":
{"u":0,"t":1564069165144,"m":"Jinn: Ozma had been ready to give his life for
justice countless times, but now saw a woman worth saving it for. And Salem, to her
surprise, found her freedom, not in the outside world she had yearned for, but in
the eyes of the man that had saved her.\n\nSalem: So, where should we go
now?\n\nOzma: Wherever you'd like.\n\nJinn: The two fell deeply in love, planned
adventures around the world, and lived happily ever after.\n\n_Smoke envelops the
environment around Ozma and Salem as the two hold hands. The two disappear into a
bright light of white space._\n\nJinn: It is the past, Gift.\n\n_She continues,
having finished replying to Gift._\n\nJinn: Ozma, the infallible hero of legend,
ill. And where all the beasts and blades of the world had fallen short, a single
sickness prevailed.\n\n_Ozma's body disappears in smoke as Salem continues sobbing,
holding his scepter in her hands. Weiss can be seen behind her watching alongside
Riley, visibly saddened._\n\nRiley: Damn...\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301>
How could the gods let this happen?\n\n_As Riley and Weiss continues to watch in
pity, she looks up to notice two spheres - one bright yellow and the other a dark
purple - circling above her head._\n\nJinn: The gods, brothers of light and
darkness, creation and destruction. Salem prayed they would see the injustice that
had befallen her love and make things
- I have seen it before, in my dream."},"603975331300376586":
{"u":0,"t":1564069340301,"m":"_The two orbs encircling above lower down, with Blake
Belladonna watching the two conjoin in front of her. Bright light and blue smoke
transitions the scene, showing a brightly lit place with a stairway leading up the
mountain._\n\nJinn: The Domain of Light was a sacred place.\n\n_Salem approaches
the stairway, offering flowers. She holds Ozma's scepter in her hand. Behind her
lies the whole group, secretly following after her._\n\nJinn: It was here the elder
brother dwelled beside his fountain of life and creation. It was here... where
mankind would fall to ruin.\n\n_Weiss watches Salem walk up the stairs as smoke
transitions the scene, with Salem now at the top of the mountain as she looks upon
the Domain of Light, valley filled with flowers with a pool of water and a tree at
the center. Leaves blow from the tree and encircles above the water, and from it,
the God of Light rises from the pool. He walks forward to Salem._\n\n_Ignoring
Gift, she simply allowed events to tell itself as she watches him observing
Salem._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> _falling to her knees_ Please...
Please, bring him back to me.\n\nGod of Light: I understand your pain, but you
demand of me that which I cannot make so. Life and death are part of a delicate
balance.\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> So... you won't do it then?\n\nGod of
Light: To disrupt the cycle of--\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> But that's
not fair... That's not fair!\n\n_Salem's voice echoes throughout the Domain from
her last exclamation._\n\nGod of Light: _sternly_ Let. Him. Rest.\n\n_The wind
picks up, causing leaves to blow around Salem. Suddenly, she finds herself back at
the bottom of the stairway leading to the Domain of Light. She looks to the scepter
in her hands before looking up angrily._\n\nSalem: No.\n\n_Blue smoke transitions
the scene, this time showing a dark, foreboding environment with a stairway leading
up the mountain, similarly mirroring that of the Domain of Light's._\n\nJinn: The
God of Darkness…","te":1571005863412},"603975945552134185":
{"u":1,"t":1564069486750,"m":"Gift - This is last place that i met with them in my
dream, and they left me one word, They said until that time come we will come back,
the chosen warrior."},"603976837504172033":{"u":0,"t":1564069699408,"m":"Jinn: The
God of Light already made you the _chosen one._ But you just don't realize it.
\n\nDante: Just let her tell her stories, will you?\n\nJinn: _to Dante_ Thank you,
moving on...\n\n_She turns to Ruby, now standing next to Riley._\n\nJinn: None dare
to enter his home, as men knew what monstrosities emerged from his blackened pools
of annihilation.\n\n_Salem proceeds forward, approaching a blackened pool of tar-
like liquid similar to that of which the Creatures of Grimm spawn from._\n\nJinn:
And so you must understand the Dark Lord's surprise when he found a lone woman
kneeling before him.\n\n_From the blackened pool, the God of Darkness emerges, his
body twisted and contorted. Yang Xiao Long is seen standing a few feet away from
Salem, gasping in fear at the sight. The God of Darkness crawls toward Salem in an
unnatural position. Grimm can be seen inching closer to her._\n\nJinn: Salem
understood it well. She told him of her loss and professed that she knew only he
could answer her prayers, all while careful to make no mention of his
elder.\n\n_Salem is seen telling her story to the God of Darkness before offering
Ozma's scepter to him._\n\nGod of Darkness: Rise, child, and let your faith in me
be rewarded.\n\n_Salem does so. The God of Darkness then conjures a purple sphere,
and from it, Ozma's body appears. Salem approaches him, and Ozma gasps back to life
much to Price's shock._\n\nPrice: What...?\n\nOzma: Where am I? What is this?!
WHERE AM I?!\n\nSalem: _smiling_ It's okay! Everything's going to be
okay!\n\n_Suddenly, the God of Light appears with a sound of thunder at the top of
the stairs leading into the God of Darkness' domain. The thunder attracting
everyone's attention._"},"603977343580766228":{"u":1,"t":1564069820066,"m":"Gift -
This is not good."},"603978020398825493":{"u":0,"t":1564069981432,"m":"God of
Light: _angered_ What have you done?\n\nGod of Darkness: I have done what I please,
brother. You may bask in the powers of creation, but you do not own them.\n\nGod of
Light: _This_ is not creation.\n\nGod of Darkness: Do not lecture me!\n\n_The Grimm
can be seen slowly approaching the God of Light, prompting Riley to assume her
combat stance._\n\nGod of Light: I will do what I must to maintain order.\n\n_The
God of Light puts his hand out, and an orange aura surrounds Ozma's body, before he
disintegrates in Salem's arms._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> No! No! What
did you do?! BRING HIM BACK!\n\nGod of Darkness: You dare enter my domain and show
such disrespect!\n\n_The God of Darkness makes Ozma's body appear again. This time
stifling a light chuckle from Riley herself, who quickly cusped her hands over her
mouth._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> Ozma!\n\nGod of Light: I am abiding by
the rules we agreed upon!\n\nGod of Darkness: Rules that I now see are ever in your
favor. And yet the day a mortal comes to pray at my feet before your own, so do you
arrive to lay your judgment upon me!\n\n_The God of Darkness transforms into a
nightmarish, dragon-like form that snarls at the God of Light. The Grimm proceed
forward and attempt to attack him, but a bright light emanates from him, destroying
all the Grimm in the area. He transforms into a bright, beautiful oriental-looking
dragon._\n\nGod of Light: I know we have our differences, but I have not come here
with the aim to control you. The same, however, cannot said for her. This woman
came to you only after I denied her pleas – pleas that would have disrupted the
balance that you and I created. Together.\n\n_All that the group could do was to
watch the two gods argue..._","te":1564418654066},"603978554996162571":
{"u":1,"t":1564070108890,"m":"Gift - That's is the past of them, before i met
them."},"603979579270627359":{"u":0,"t":1564070353096,"m":"_The younger brother
ponders this revelation as Gift continues to admire the two gods' draconic
forms._\n\nGod of Darkness: Then it seems I owe you an apology. Allow me to correct
my mistake.\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> No!\n\n_The God of Darkness fires
a purple beam from his dragon form's mouth, disintegrating Ozma once again. Salem
watches as Ozma's ashes blow away out of her
hands._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> You… You monsters! Give him back to
me! GIVE HIM BACK!!\n\n_Salem activates her magical abilities. Suddenly, the God of
Light rushes forward and devours her causing the group to yelp in fear, only to
realize that no harm was done to them at all._\n\n_Salem then wakes up falling from
the sky. She is then submerged in the God of Light's pool, drowning as an aura-like
shimmer covers her body. Suddenly, she finds herself on the surface of the water,
catching her breath. She looks up and notices both of the God Brothers standing
side by side._\n\nGod of Light: When you first came to me, I did pity you. But it
is clear now that your selfishness and arrogance have led you
astray.\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> _standing back up_ What did you do to
me?\n\n_The aura-like shimmer is seen on her hands._\n\nRiley: _whispering to
herself_ That light...\n\nGod of Light: I have made you
immortal.\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> Immortal?\n\nGod of Darkness: You
cannot die. You cannot be with your beloved.\n\nBoth Gods: So long as this world
turns, you shall walk its face.\n\n_Having finally understood the real reason why
Salem was made immortal, Riley rolled her eyes and looked down on her arms as they
shimmered with similar aura-like projections._\n\nRiley: _sighing_ Now I
know...\n\n_The God of Light then turns to her, startling her._\n\nGod of Light:
Not quite...\n\n:Weiss: Wait, did the god just _spoke_ to
- That is why she not die, is that correct?"},"603981677420609540":
{"u":1,"t":1564070853334,"m":"(i gonna rest now)"},"603981693447307274":
{"u":0,"t":1564070857155,"m":"_The God of Light now turns to him._\n\nGod of Light:
We simply punished her, there is nothing more simple than that. But to that woman
next to you, however...\n\n_He turns to Riley, who stared at him in total
disbelief._\n\nRiley: What have you done to me!? Didn't Light Energy came from my
own planet? Are you trying to say that you did this to-\n\n_The God of Darkness
cuts her off as he groaned in frustration._\n\nGod of Darkness: Child, you simply
are clueless. Your planet is also one of our creations, this planet... is just
another one of our expriments.\n\nRiley: Are you... serious?!? WE WERE YOU TWO'S
CREATIONS!?!!!?\n\nGod of Light: I believed I have made it obvious when you first
discovered Light Energy, but you, again are clueless to why I've bestowed your
people with such powerful creations of mine. My reason
is that your planet has grown out of our control, yet your people stands united
even in times of conflict.\n\nRiley: So, the major World Wars, everything... was
all from the two of you?\n\nBoth Gods: Yes...\n\n(Roger,
{"u":1,"t":1564323422032,"m":"Gift - That's the reason that the earth is in crisis
since i'm been SAS Specialist."},"605043519463096320":
{"u":0,"t":1564324016205,"m":"God of Light: Your world, too, was indeed our
creation. But it is built differently than Remnant was, for the planet itself was
created naturally while the humans simply evolved far enough to understood of how
they came to be.\n\n_The God of Darkness interrupts his brother as he shifted into
his humanoid form, much to Riley's dismay. Her comrades simply watched as they
witness the truth they had sought after unfold before their eyes._\n\nGod of
Darkness: Earth simply was built from the wretches that once lived on Remnant, the
humans I've killed all have their souls sent there to die, but they lived. And for
that, I, and my brother have made a pact that we... \n\nRiley: What's with the
goddamn pause!?\n\nGod of Darkness: We... do nothing, and wait until your people
knew of this planet from the help of this man.\n\n_He points to Gift, who stood
with his twin blades in his hands._\n\nGod of Darkness: He, and his men knew of my
brother's existence.\n\nGod of Light: And he came to me personally to seek help,
for he had seen the evil that now plagued Remnant become a threat to his people's
existence as well.\n\n_Having heard enough, Yang tries to run away from the scene
only to find herself being brought back to her original spot standing on top of a
crate by Gift._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> So what's this whole conflict's
supposed to be? Aren't we just the pawns of the two gods standing just right
{"u":1,"t":1564324273230,"m":"Gift - I don't know Yang."},"605046447372763158":
{"u":0,"t":1564324714273,"m":"_The two gods then tried to speak only to be stopped
by Riley, raising her fist up._\n\nRiley: I've heard enough, after all these years
I've spent my life fighting for peace... in the end I'm just another pawn. Just
like the rest of my people.\n\n_Her eyes then swelled with tears as a single drop
dripped down her left cheek._\n\nRiley: You two took my parents, my friends, and my
beloved away from me. Didn't you?\n\n_Astonished by the accusations, the God of
Light transforms into his draconic form._\n\nGod of Light: I, and my brother will
never go such lengths to bring you here. They died, not by our hands, but simply by
their destiny.\n\n_Enraged beyond control, Riley conjures the ICX-13A Screaming
Angel Mk.II greatsword-railgun in its melee configuration and pointed the blade at
the draconic god's head._\n\nRiley: By fate!? They died because they WANTED TO!?
ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!? YOU TOOK THEM AWAY FROM ME!\n\n_As Riley's emotions go out
of control, Ruby intervenes by flying at her with her semblance and snatching the
greatsword away, the shockwave from her sheer speed sending Riley flying away from
the God of Light._"},"605047084030230559":
{"u":0,"t":1564324866064,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _angrily, at Riley_
Even if they died, you can't bring them back any more! You've told me to 'keep
moving on' since the day we met and now you're turning back on your own words!?
\n\n_She ran over to Riley, now lying on her back, face covered in
tears._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> by Please... just stop, remember what
you've told me. What you've taught me, my friends, my
{"u":1,"t":1564324951109,"m":"Gift - If i was you, i also feel like that but
vengeance can't help you to find the peace."},"605047491238428722":
{"u":1,"t":1564324963150,"m":"Gift - Right Kratos?"},"605047750186369024":
{"u":0,"t":1564325024888,"m":"Kratos: You are right, vengeance will only lead to
nothing but pain and sorrow. You must find peace, and close your heart to your
tragic past."},"605048794333052938":{"u":0,"t":1564325273832,"m":"_Now kneeling on
the ground, Riley allowed herself to cry out loud as her sobs echoed throughout the
Fountain of Life._\n\n_Having cried enough, she stops, wiping away her tears with
her hands before pushing herself up off the ground. She then looked into Ruby's
eyes, then off to the rest of her comrades in arms._\n\nRiley: _sighing_ Fine. I'll
do whatever it takes to stop her, and finally bring an end to this madness.\n\n_The
God of Light then returns to his humanoid form as he backed away from
Riley._\n\nGod of Light: Very well, if you want to hear what Jinn has to say,
please do not hesitate to make her do
so.","te":1564325281518},"605049140610596877":{"u":1,"t":1564325356391,"m":"Gift -
I also remember what are we talking about since i was at
{"u":0,"t":1564325660350,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Now's not the time,
Gift. You can save that for later.\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> She's right,
what we need now is the truth behind all this. \n\n_As the group waited for Jinn, a
portal conjures itself from the sky as a woman fell through it. From Gift's HUD,
the woman is identified to be... Summer._\n\nBT: Gift, Agent Rose is
incoming!\n\n_Before he could react, Summer engages her exosuit's boot
retrothrusters slowing herself down and landing safely amidst the group. Having
landed, she catches her breath as her body re-adjusted itself to the foreign
environment, she then removes the hood as her rebreather unit fell off of her face
and onto the ground._\n\n_She turns to Gift, reached for the Rose family emblem on
his suit and yanked it away._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'm taking this back,
- I remember that time you gave this to me."},"605052217493291010":
{"u":0,"t":1564326089977,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'm sure you do, have my
girls been told of- wait....\n\n_She looked at the two gods, a look of confusion
and surprise on her face._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> What's with the gods
doing here!? Aren't you guys supposed to be told of all of this
already??\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> We were about to, until YOU showed up
and interrupted everything!\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I know you... Romeo One-
Two, you will address me as either Rose One or Agent Summer Rose. Do you understand
me?!\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I don't care what your callsigns are, what
I care is... \n\n_She points to Jinn, now sitting on the ground dozing
off._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> This right here!"},"605052946891145223":
{"u":0,"t":1564326263879,"m":"_Startled by Weiss yelling at her, Jinn snaps from
her much-needed nap as she shot to her feet. The chains and other ornaments
crinkling loudly._\n\nJinn: Oh! Uh, where was I?
\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Finally, you're awake. You still haven't told
us why Salem wants to literally kill everything. \n\nJinn: I'm sorry, I must've
slept while I waited for the God Brothers to tell Riley of the truth behind her
planet's existence."},"605053338668761089":{"u":1,"t":1564326357286,"m":"Gift - And
now i know,(Grab leviathan axe) Why i am a chosen warrior."},"605055015807221770":
{"u":0,"t":1564326757147,"m":"God of Light: Very well. I... shall continue the tale
of how Salem came to be, although not directly.\n\n_He steps aside as Jinn
levitated towards him as Team RWBY and co. moved aside. Waiting on Jinn._\n\nJinn:
Salem was a prisoner once again. Her fruitless attempts to reunite with Ozma
eventually became nothing more than acts of spite and defiance against the
gods.\n\n_Ruby is seen back in Ozma's room, watching a shadow of Salem as she
fatally stabs herself. Ruby covers her mouth with her hands in horror. Salem's
suicide attempt fails due to her immortality, from behind, Summer is seen with her
Scroll recording everything she'd seen._\n\nJinn: But perhaps the gods were not as
powerful as they seemed…\n\n_Ruby watches Salem walk to a window, who is still
holding the sword she attempted to stab herself with._\n\nJinn: She had lied to
them, turned them against one another, they… were fallible.\n\n_Salem sets her
sights on a castle in the distance._\n\nJinn: If she were to turn humanity against
light and darkness, she could rid herself of their curse, or at the very least… she
could make them suffer.\n\n_Salem then throws the sword toward Ruby's way. Ruby
yelps in panic as she disappears in a puff of smoke just as the sword was about to
strike her. Smoke transitions the scene, showing a king standing up in surprise as
a bloodied ax is thrown to the ground._"},"605055025005199375":
{"u":0,"t":1564326759340,"m":"Jinn: Salem traveled from one kingdom to another,
telling tales of how she stole immortality from the gods, welcomed any swordsman to
cut her down, and demonstrated her powers.\n\n_Salem is shown speaking to various
leaders of kingdoms, including the aforementioned king from before, an oriental-
looking empress and her subjects, and finally to a savage-looking warrior king. And
finally to Earth, where she is seen allowing a U.S. Army fireteam to gun her down
with M2 Browning machine guns only to rise back up from being shot and even
bombarded by a formation of B-29 Superfortresses._\n\nPvt. Matthew: What in the
hell are we seeing here?! \nCpl: Andreas: How is she still alive?\n\nJinn: With the
kings and queens in awe, she pulled them deeper into her scheme. She painted them
pictures of a time when they would no longer have to watch their loved ones wither
and die, when they could claim the powers of their creators for themselves, and in
turn, perfect their own design. However, the Humans of Earth did not fall for her
of force, for they have firmly rooted their beliefs in
{"u":1,"t":1564326942859,"m":"Gift - What about those two
soldiers?"},"605056598271852573":{"u":0,"t":1564327134436,"m":"Jinn: These two
soldiers? Well... Let's just say that they were reprimanded for their reckless
actions.\n\n_Back on Remnant, as Salem finishes telling her story to the warrior
king, she kneels before him. The warrior draws his weapon and let's out a proud
battle cry, with his people cheering along with him. The combined forces of the
kingdoms are then shown launching an all out assault on the Domain of
Light._\n\nJinn: All they needed to do was destroy their old masters.\n\n_As the
warriors run in, the God of Light emerges from the pool in his dragon
form._\n\nJinn: The gods had hoped that Salem would learn from her eternal curse,
and she did. She learned that the hearts of men are easily swayed.\n\n_The leaders
of the kingdoms Salem had spoken to stand in front of their people approaching the
God of Light. The God of Darkness, also in his dragon form, then appears alongside
his elder brother._\n\nGod of Light: Who has led you down this path?\n\n_Salem is
then seen walking through the crowds of warriors as she makes her way to the front
of them. She glares at the gods._\n\nGod of Darkness: You... \n\n_The God of
Darkness roared at Salem and in response, Salem launches a magical attack, and the
warriors follow suit. A barrage of attacks are launched at the God of Darkness, but
he easily catches them all into his hand, absorbing them into a purple sphere of
energy. Everyone looks in shock._\n\nGod of Darkness: My own gift to them... used
against me.\n\n_The God of Light looks away in disappointment as the God of
Darkness squeezes the sphere within his hand, creating a massive shockwave that
envelops the world, smiting everything and everyone in its path. Humanity has been
turned to dust, only Salem remains due to her
immortality._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> No... no...\n\n_Salem gets
knocked back when the God of Darkness stomps his foot in the
{"u":1,"t":1564327260123,"m":"Gift - I know she not die, but it might have a way to
destroy her.","te":1564327274069},"605058161430495232":
{"u":0,"t":1564327507122,"m":"_Jinn allowed herself to roll her eyes back in
annoyance before continuing with her story._\n\nGod of Darkness: You thought there
was no greater punishment we could bestow upon
you?\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> I'll come back. I'll tell the rest of the
world of this massacre! Build a new army!\n\nGod of Darkness: You do not
understand. There is no one left. You are all that remains of humanity.\n\n_Salem's
expression turns shocked at this revelation. Riley's facial expressions remains
impassive as she had witnessed the God of Darkness's destruction before, although
they were not from the god himself but from nuclear weapons._\n\nGod of Light: This
planet was a beautiful experiment, but it is merely a remnant of what it once was.
We will learn from this failure. I hope that you will learn from yours.\n\n_The God
of Light disappears into a bright light of
dust._\n\n<:Salem_Gyate:586324192639713301> No! You can't leave! You can't leave!!
COME BACK!\n\nGod of Darkness: Still demanding things of your creators...\n\n_The
God of Darkness also disappears into a beam of purple light that shoots up into the
sky and out of the atmosphere. In the process, the moon is shattered. Moon
fragments rain down like meteors back onto the planet's surface. Salem falls to her
knees and lets out a scream of despair that is muted out by the crashing
meteors._\n\nJinn: Once again, Salem was alone...\n\nNikolai: To be fair, she
deserves it. \n\n_He takes out a cigarette, lights it up and blew short puffs of
smoke out after having inhaled it._","te":1564418512992},"605058884532699163":
{"u":1,"t":1564327679523,"m":"Gift - You could say that
Nikolai."},"605059301312167956":{"u":0,"t":1564327778891,"m":"_Salem is seen
walking alone. She walks by a pair of deer eating grass, as well as abandoned
villages that are now inhabited by Grimm. In the background, Team RWBY and Co. can
be seen wandering around as they observed the destruction the God of Darkness has
done._\n\nJinn: She cursed the gods. She cursed the universe. She cursed
everything, everything but herself. She wandered the face of the planet, awaiting a
death that would never come...\n\n_Salem then stands on the edge of an overhanging
cliff in the land once inhabited by the God of Darkness. She looks down at the
blackened pool below her._\n\nJinn: Until fate led her back to the Land of
Darkness. This was it. This had to be it, the brother's Grimm, the pools of black
that continued to give rise to horrific nightmares. If the fountain of life granted
her immortality, then surely, the pools of Grimm will finally take it
away.\n\n_Without hesitation, Salem falls forward and is submerged into the
blackened pool._\n\nJinn: She was wrong. This force of pure destruction could not
destroy a being of infinite life.\n\n_Salem is thrashed around by an unseen
force._\n\nJinn: Instead, it created a being of infinite life with a desire for
pure destruction.\n\n_Salem crawls out of the pool, this time, her skin deathly
white as well as her hair. She opens her eyes, irises red with black
sclerae._\n\nJinn: And in time, she would find her adversary...\n\n_Ozma is shown
awakening in a white space. He takes a look at his surroundings. Team RWBY all
watch him walk around aimlessly, before a voice can be
heard._"},"605060000511033356":{"u":1,"t":1564327945593,"m":"Gift - Everything
isn't always good, Right Kratos?"},"605060651022417920":
{"u":0,"t":1564328100687,"m":"Kratos: No, it never will.\n\nGod of Light:
Ozma.\n\n_Ozma turns around seeing the God of Light in his dragon form, before
turning back into his regular form._\n\nOzma: Where am I?\n\nGod of Light: We are
between realms. I'm afraid a tragedy has befallen your home at the hands of my
brother. We have chosen to depart this world, but in our absence, I would like to
offer you the chance to return to it.\n\nMimir: Between realms...? What foreign
magic am I witnessing!?\n\nOzma: I... don't understand.\n\nGod of Light: Mankind is
no more, yet your world remains. And in time, your kind will grow to walk its face
once again. However, without our presence, they will be but a fraction of what they
once were.\n\n_Suddenly, the God of Light conjures four objects: a staff, a sword,
a crown, and a lamp._\n\nGod of Light: Creation, destruction, choice, and knowledge
were the ideals upon which humanity was made. Now I leave them behind with the hope
that you will learn to remake yourselves."},"605060662615605252":
{"u":0,"t":1564328103451,"m":"_The four objects are conjoined together into a
yellow sphere of energy._\n\nGod of Light: If brought together, these four Relics
will summon my brother and I back to your world, and humanity will be judged. If
your kind has learned to live in harmony with one another and set aside their
differences, then we shall once again live among you, and humanity will be made
whole again. But if your kind is unchanged, if you demand our blessings while still
fighting amongst yourselves, then man will be found irredeemable and your world
will be wiped from existence. Until your task is complete, you will reincarnate,
but in a manner that ensures you are never alone.\n\n_Ozma falls to his knees as he
comes to terms with this ultimatum. Oscar watches him alongside Riley._\n\nOzma:
I'm sorry, but... that world just isn't as dear to me without her. If I may, I'd
rather return to the afterlife to see Salem.\n\nGod of Light: You will not find her
there.\n\nOzma: _eyes widening_ You mean she isn't gone?\n\nGod of Light: Salem
lives, but the woman you hold dear in your memories is gone. Heed this warning...
where you seek comfort, you will only find pain. So, will you--\n\nOzma: I'll do
it.\n\n_The God of Light looks in surprise at Ozma's immediate answer._\n\nGod of
Light: Very well. Our creation rests within your hands.\n\n_The God of Light then
disappears as the white space fades away into nothingness, then back to the land
the group has been standing on._"},"605061521298554926":
{"u":1,"t":1564328308177,"m":"Gift - When this finish, now it already
dark."},"605061795513630752":{"u":0,"t":1564328373555,"m":"Jinn: Time, in this
dimension flows differently from the outside world. In here, time is... stopped
until I'm done."},"605062171784773632":{"u":1,"t":1564328463265,"m":"Gift - In the
end? (Breaking the 4th wall) I know what are you thinking, you thinking about
Linkin Park song."},"601069448924758016":
{"u":0,"t":1563376523954,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Now!\n\n_Nora gets Ruby's
message and gives the okay to Jaune and Ren. The two boys combine their Semblances,
with Jaune enhancing Ren's Aura to the point where the entire front half of the
train is grayed out by Ren's Semblance._\n\nAurelian Corporal: Sir, we're being
cloaked by... two boys.\n\n_Another fellow Corporal then slaps the first man in the
head. Knocking his helmet off._\n\nAurelian Corporal #2: THAT'S JULIET FOUR AND
ONE, YOU IDIOT!\n\n_Oscar watches the train as it disappears into the snowstorm,
before being attacked by a Manticore. He manages to fend it off temporarily while
team RWBY take out several Manticores one by one._\n\nRuby notices Oscar's struggle
and takes _advantage of Weiss taking one down in order to send it crashing into
Oscar's Manticore. Meanwhile, Qrow is seen struggling against the Sphinx. Ruby
notices this and she and her team go to assist him._\n\n_Having seen Team RWBY and
their fellow comrades fight against the threats. The unknown, towering mecha then
disabled its cloaking mechanism revealing its true nature as the
Mechagodzilla._\n\n_Through its HUD,
it locks onto the Grimm swarms as the railgun emplacements lining on its
nanometal hide opened fire at the airborne creatures, effortlessly disintegrating
them into fine dust much to Ruby's surprise._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Woah,
what's that thing!?\n\nRiley: Experimental Project Mike, M for Mechagodzilla. One
of Space United's Flash Secret project."},"601069772339413003":
{"u":1,"t":1563376601062,"m":"Gift - That might be help us."},"601073802583080960":
{"u":0,"t":1563377561947,"m":"_The Mechagodzilla defiantly roared at the Sphinx as
it continues its non-stop railgun barrage at it while Team RWBY, Qrow, the three
DmC protagonists, Oscar and Jaune's team watched in awe._\n\n_As it roared,
however, it also caused the railgun's lock on the Sphinx to break as the
emplacements began firing shells at lightspeed directly at the rails._\n\n_Ruby,
being the first to see the peak of Harling Heights become instantly turned into
fine dust then screamed in terror as the shockwave from the shells' impacts
shattered the mountains, sending a multitude of debris down upon
them._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's coming down! That big thing leveled the
heights!\n\n_Yang takes out a Manticore before launching off it and runs towards
the Sphinx, ducking under it. Blake spins her weapon, with Yang punching it back
and forth, the ribbon wrapping around the Sphinx's torso. But before any further
attacks could be made the Sphinx is then killed by a stray railgun
blast._"},"601077455792635959":{"u":0,"t":1563378432940,"m":"_From her position,
Weiss focused her concentration on her semblance as gigantic black glyphs soon
materialized throughout the remaining train cars as she pushed her powers to its
limit. Fighting against the increasing levels of pain, and bleeding profusely from
her nose, mouth and ears as she tries to \"stitch\" the train cars together with
the glyphs._\n\n_The Mechagodzilla, still oblivious to the Sphinx being destroyed
continues to fire until its remaining ammunition depleted. From there it roars
again as it activates the two plasma repulser thrusters on its feet, flying
away._\n\n_The debris continue to pour down the train as Ruby held onto Riley for
her life while her teammates relied on Weiss' semblance._\n\nRiley: _yelling over
the general sounds of destruction_ EVERYONE HANG ON!\n\n_As Weiss continues to
drive her semblance to its limits, she finally gave in as she lets go of the
Myrtenaster, screaming in pain from the extreme levels of overusing her semblance.
The rapier clanging on the metal roof before returning to the hip pouch-mounted
scabbard by its internal gravity Dust retriever._\n\n_Having dropped the rapier she
continues to scream until finally succumbing to the overwhelming weakness engulfing
her as she landed on her knees, and faceplanting against the roof, splattering
blood all over the it._\n\n_The world around her faded away as the train
{"u":3,"t":1563392664559,"m":"(damn I just changed from Dante too
{"u":0,"t":1563546200614,"m":"( <@481693633951694848>?)"},"601782558568480810":
{"u":1,"t":1563546542542,"m":"Gift - Hold on."},"601782975931088926":
{"u":1,"t":1563546642049,"m":"Gift - Damn! Up ahead, the rail is
broken."},"601785843769933824":{"u":0,"t":1563547325795,"m":"_Fifteen hours passed
by as Ruby comes to find herself lying in the snow, the extreme cold surrounding
her._\n\n_She gets up, brushing snow off of her suit befote yelping in pain as she
had brushed her fingers against her broken nose. She looked around, finding the
rest of her team stranded inside a cargo car severed in half from the
crash._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _to herself_ Nose can wait, my team comes
first...\n\n_She picks up the Crescent Rose, buried under the snow and somehow
landing right next to her after the crash and gave it a thorough inspection. Having
found only minor scratches she puts it back on her back strap._\n\n_,With the
weapon secured, Ruby scours through the train wreckage and picks up Dust bullets,
before looking to see the Relic of Knowledge slightly buried in the snow nearby.
Yang can be heard complaining as she struggles to get Bumblebee out of the
snow._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we
lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!\n\n_With one
final heave, Yang manages to extricate Bumblebee, but falls over to the ground,
with her motorcycle following suit as she's partially covered in snow._\n\n_Nearby,
Riley, now on top of an intact cargo car launched four flares up the sky as Weiss,
Blake, and Oscar sat next to a mangled portable tacan.._\n\nRiley: This is Atlas
Six-Two to Baseplate, do you read!? Is anyone receiving, over?!\n\n_All she got was
static..._\n\n_Back to Ruby, she is seen digging through the snow for her teammate
Gift as blood seeped from her broken nose onto the snow._\n\n_She kept digging
until having felt a warm sensation grasping her left hand, prompting Ruby to put
all of her remaining strength to pull him up from the
snow._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _grunting_ C'mon, we need
you!"},"601786567706673191":{"u":1,"t":1563547498395,"m":"Gift - (cough) What
happen? (shaking) Why am i at this cold place?"},"601787454466555904":
{"u":0,"t":1563547709815,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We crashed, the mecha
thing Riley called in destroyed the rails.... and the Sphinx as well.\n\n_She pulls
him up on his feet and puts him in a fireman's carry as she hoisted Gift to a
makeshift campfire Weiss had made for survivors of the crash, including her
teammates to warm up._\n\n_Having took him to the campfire, she rubbed her broken
nose wincing in pain as she tried to feel for a \"sweet spot\" to push it back in
despite having Light Energy's regenerative abilities kicking
in._"},"601787867634728963":{"u":1,"t":1563547808322,"m":"Gift - I remember this
place, there might be a bunker nearby, because this place have been an Atlas
military outpost."},"601788202113564688":
{"u":0,"t":1563547888068,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ngh...\n\n_After nearly
two minutes of meticulous fondling of her nose, she finds the spot, cusped it with
her hands and with all her strength forcefully pushed it back in with a sickening
crunch._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _visibly disgusted_ Ugh,
Ruby...."},"601788740494688256":{"u":1,"t":1563548016428,"m":"Gift - Hey! Cap i
found Bunker.\nCaptain Gift - This must be an old Atlas Military Bunker.\nGift -
Call everyone inside, maybe there something useful there."},"601790090733158469":
{"u":0,"t":1563548338350,"m":"Riley: _to the group of survivors_ Gift's found a
bunker, let's hole up in there and think of our next move before the cold gets to
all of us.\n\n_Having marked the shelter with a flare, Riley personally escorted
everyone, including the three protagonists of DmC inside the bunker before sealing
it shut as the interiors lit up on its own accord._\n\nBunker AI: Welcome to Bunker
Omega, a team of MRVNs have been summoned to provide aid. Please rest at the main
hall.\n\n_As the AI spoke, the old lady following after Yang yelled her
retort._\n\nMaria: My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a
little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of
repair. \n\n_She taps on her prosthetics, which open wide and close, before opening
narrowly again._\n\nMaria: Okay, I'm starting to see your point.\n\nQrow: _grunts_
Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting even
more Grimm.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Does that even matter? Apparently,
we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121>
Oh, and how could I forget about that? \n\n_She turns to Oscar,
frustrated_ \n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> What happened to \"no more lies and half
truths\"?\n\nOscar: Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation...\n\n_Oscar's
eyes glow as control of his body is switched to Ozpin, who furrows his brow at
Yang's accusations._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _I did not lie to
you..._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Well you certainly didn't tell us
everything about the Relic.\n\nNero: And why are they so gung-ho on chasing after
us!?"},"601792322857992223":{"u":1,"t":1563548870530,"m":"Gift - If have anything
interested call me, i want to be with myself for a while.\n(After Gift get to the
room)\nSargent Gift - What happen with him?\nCaptain Gift - I don't know since
Beacon's fall, everyone have change much, he think that old feeling have missing, i
think Ruby have focus on mission too much, so she don't have time to care
him.\nSargent Gift - I think so, i worry about him now.\nCaptain Gift - Yes, we
must help him, if we not, his heart will break apart.\n(But They don't know that
Ruby have hear all)"},"601792947205177364":{"u":0,"t":1563549019386,"m":"_Having
readjusted her nose and eavesdropping on Cap, Ruby excused herself to Gift's
quarters. Wiping tears along the way.\n\n_She then knocked on the door to his room
while the rest of her team rested outside. After waiting for a whole minute
straight, the door opens as Gift stood before her, his face not displaying any
clear emotions _"},"601793538296119326":{"u":1,"t":1563549160313,"m":"Gift -
(whispering to himself) Why? Am i not good enough to be their brother?\nRuby see
his tear fall on his table.","te":1563549187839},"601794720619954221":
{"u":0,"t":1563549442201,"m":"_Not saying a word, Ruby pulls him in close to a hug,
crying into his shoulders._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I just wanted you to
know, Gift...\n\n_She sobs, trying to find the right words to say. But none came up
in her mind space._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I...\n\n_She sobs again as tears
streamed down her cheeks and onto his combat outfit._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
just wanted to say that even if it seemed like we've been ignoring you, we all
still needed you...\n\n_She lets go of him, slipping Gift's scroll out of its case
in the process. From there she opened the scroll's incoming messages log. Showing
over hundreds of unread messages sent out from Ruby herself, Blake, Weiss, and even
Yang._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We still loved you, we've tried to get a hold
of you. But... nothing came back."},"601794980326932510":
{"u":1,"t":1563549504120,"m":"Gift - At least, my heart is not break
{"u":0,"t":1563549801714,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, we _love_ you, even
if we don't show it. We all do.\n\n_The door to his room then opened as Weiss and
Blake walked in, save for Yang who chose to stay in the bunker's main
hall._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Not only that you've ignored my messages, my
calls didn't even came through. They're just... turned away. As if you didn't want
to talk to me anymore.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Your clones were here for all
of us, but what about you?! The _real_ you?? Why weren't you there for Weiss? You
sent your clones to watch over all of us save for Ruby, and that's good enough.
You've focused all of your care onto Ruby, without even asking if she wants it or
not! And what about Weiss!? It was just the \"Captain\" that only parroted your
actions, your thoughts and everything you've done! And me? It was \"Sarge\", but at
least he had a personality of his own that reminded me of you.\n\n_Having heard
what Blake has said, Ruby breaks down crying._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I...
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-\n\n_She curls her right hand into a fist as she
punched a gaping hole in the metal wall. Silencing Weiss and blake as the two
watched their team leader effortlessly smashing a hole into a metal wall with her
bare fist._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _frustrated_ Damnit!\n\n_Not wishing to
endure the pain any further, Ruby stormed out of the room sobbing tears of anger.
The emotion not directed towards anyone but
{"u":1,"t":1563550458897,"m":"Gift - It okey Ruby, Weiss Blake as you know i can't
go two place in time, I sorry i know that can't be
{"u":0,"t":1563550733497,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> I know, but at least what
you could've done was to just be... _you._ No more playing the \"big brother\", no
more overbearing, just... be you.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Like what Weiss
said, all you have to do was to be you. Your clones, on the other hand, are not.
\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _popping her head through the door_ And, please...
you don't have to always try and protect _everyone._ We'll be fine. Trust me, I
know how it feels to watch someone you cared for do something risky, but I _almost
got Ruby and myself killed when you showed up to help us._ And for that, I'm
grateful."},"601800644067721217":{"u":1,"t":1563550854461,"m":"Gift - When that
time Ruby have accident call me Brother, From that i don't know what to
do."},"601800655816097803":{"u":1,"t":1563550857262,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
{"u":0,"t":1563551138389,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> All you have to do was to
show her that deep down, you just wanted to see her grow up. Just like me, it's
just _that simple_. You don't have to be the guardian, but be the
_companion._\n\n_As she prepares to leave, she adds in one final
advice._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Just let Ruby decide if she wanted to count
you in as her brother, but to me? I think you're a pretty decent one. \n\n_She
takes a deep breath, getting the words out._\n\n<:excitedyang:501512724291911704>
She just needed time, after all, time's the only thing that will prove to her that
you can be a brother, a _damn good one. Too._\n\n(Sure!)"},"602872737580711947":
{"u":1,"t":1563806461473,"m":"<@412222248192049162> (I will left this for head
start)\nGift - Yeah, i will give her a time, anyways it's time to know the truth,
Sarge Tell them.\nSargent Gift - I'm on it mate, I, Commander and Cap are not
clone, we are also him but from another timeline, Your brother have a power to
travel though the time and universe, that power called Bifrost, he have come to us
and call for assistant, That why I, Commander and Cap are
{"u":1,"t":1564063499904,"m":"(I have put some head start for a few days
{"u":0,"t":1564064104393,"m":"_Upon hearing Cap's truth, the four girls of Team
RWBY found themselves staring into his eyes
dumbstruck._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Wait... what? Different
timelines!?\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> That's why you all looked like one
another, but acted... differently. \n<:Blake:501507066595246101>
_speechless_\n\n_Amongst the girls, Ruby pushed herself from her three teammates
and made her way for Gift. Her two hands now clenched into fists as she trembled
with anger, her mind turmoiled with mixed feelings._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
So that's what you've been trying to let me know...\n\n_All of a sudden, she froze
in her tracks as her teammates all watched in fear as Ruby's quiet sobs became
clearer by the seconds._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You didn't tell me this, not
at all...\n\n_She remains frozen in her tracks, trying her best to keep her anger
in control. But as she stood she finds herself becoming more irate
until..._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> NO!\n\n_She raised her fists high and
slammed them against the bunker's control deck with all of her strength, causing
the deck to crush inwards from the force of her two fists as it caved in with a
loud \"CLANG\", startling Yang and causing Blake to run out of the main hall in
fear. Outside the bunker, as Qrow leaned against the wall the sound of Ruby's
angered screams and a metallic clang echoed down the vast entryway to his position,
causing him to drop his flask and run inside the bunker for his niece._\n\nQrow:
_heavy breathing_ What the hell happened!? Why-\n\n_As he arrived at the main hall,
he is greeted by the sight of Ruby laying waste to every imaginable piece of
machinery inside the derelict main hall as Riley, Yang, Gift, and Weiss tried their
best to stop her rage-induced rampage. Oscar, however is seen hiding inside a
locker out of fear before being forced out of it as Ozpin took over._\n\nOscar:
_under Ozpin's control_ STOP HER!","te":1564064180881},"603954339580608566":
{"u":1,"t":1564064335485,"m":"Gift - CONTROL YOURSELF!!! (Activate Spartan rage) I
{"u":0,"t":1564064522788,"m":"_Ignoring his words, Ruby kept up her rampage until
she is stopped by Riley striking her against the chest with one of her power moves.
Causing Ruby to instantly lose her aura and crash on the floor, her body
extremely weakened._\n\nRiley: _to Ruby, now lying on the floor_ Please, just stop
and listen to what he has to say...\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> She's right,
getting angry now isn't going to do you any better. \\"},"603955529408315393":
{"u":1,"t":1564064619162,"m":"Gift - Control panel have broken, but i will fix it.
(Use Bifrost to reverse the Control panel back to normal)"},"603955548576153620":
{"u":0,"t":1564064623732,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _raspy breathing_ F-
fine...\n\n_She pushes herself up on her knees and knelt before Gift, who has now
activated his Spartan Rage prior to Riley draining away her
aura._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _defiantly staring at Gift_ What do you have
to say? Why didn't you tell me your true feelings?"},"603956574888919040":
{"u":1,"t":1564064868424,"m":"Gift - (Deactivate Spartan Rage) Maybe i know now,
i'm not good enough to be your brother.\nCaptain Gift - Calm down, my friend, i
know you have make the wrong thing but we will make i better.\nGift - Thanks Cap,
but if i.....\nCaptain Gift - No need to blame yourself.\nGift -
Alright."},"603956920805621801":{"u":1,"t":1564064950897,"m":"Gift - Ruby i know i
make a mistake but i do the thing that i need to do, but in the past i have do by
duty not by heart."},"603957003722686530":{"u":1,"t":1564064970666,"m":"Gift - Am i
not good enough?"},"603957492900429834":
{"u":0,"t":1564065087295,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Just tell me, Gift.
\n\n_She kept her eyes locked with Gift's as she got to her feet, using a broken
chair to support herself. Having got herself back up she strided slowly towards him
as her aura slowly regenerated itself._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You don't
have to hide it from me anymore... \n\n_Weiss intervenes as Gift stood still with
Price patting him on the back._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> You could've told us
back in Beacon, back in Haven. Or even here, 'cause after all... We still needed a
guardian.\n\nPrice: Don't beat yourself up, mate. Ruby's been through more than she
can handle, and now? She's breaking.","te":1564065098181},"603958345145253908":
{"u":1,"t":1564065290486,"m":"Commander Gift - Come on man! Tell her before it too
late.\nGift - Ruby, i sorry that i didn't tell this (Warp out the bandage off his
arms)\nI have nothing to hide, No matter where am i or how am i but i always love
you, until my last breath."},"603960120262656032":
{"u":0,"t":1564065713707,"m":"_Having heard what he said, Ruby's eyes swelled with
tears._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I...\n\n_Not saying a word, she jumps onto
him, wrapping her arms around him and crying into his plate carrier. Her nerual
implant transmitting a data stream on its own accord into his, causing Gift to
blink twice as his implant
processed the data transmitted from Ruby's DNI._\n\n_From his mind space
interconnected with Ruby's he saw through her memories, from her birth until this
very moment of the two embracing one another. As he sifted through the streams of
memories, he stumbles upon a particular memory. Curious, he poked his index finger
against the orb as it exploded in a brilliant display of colored
particles._\n\n_From the particles he saw Ruby, sitting on a chair and writing a
note onto a post-it paper. He stared at her handwriting as the letters became
clearer until..._\n\n_The handwriting reads,_\n_\"This may not be much, but I hope
it helps. _\n_From your \"little sister\" with
through the shifting particles, he looked into the contents of the box the note has
been attached with and saw two small packs of dogtags, the left tag bearing the
Rose family's emblem with the right tag bearing a quote from Summer._\n\n_The quote
reads out to him as \"Keep moving forward, even when you fail. Get back up, and
finish the fight.\"_\n\n_As he reached for the tags, he felt his neural connection
with Ruby drastically weakening in strength as the particles recreating the memory
fades away into darkness._"},"603961303681204234":
{"u":1,"t":1564065995856,"m":"Gift - I see it clear now."},"603961414809288704":
{"u":1,"t":1564066022351,"m":"Gift - I know you also love me, i can feel
it."},"603961964103860259":{"u":0,"t":1564066153313,"m":"Riley: She's been trying
to let you know that she accepts you as her brother, though you two aren't
genetically related in any way possible.\n\nNikolai: You see, my friend? She loves
you, but not as in \"throwing you on the bed\" type of love. \n\n_He gave Gift a
light tap on the back of his neck, shutting off his neural connection to Ruby
completely as they let go._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> So, now you know...
Gift."},"603962217456730112":{"u":1,"t":1564066213717,"m":"Gift - Yes, i know
now... My sweet heart."},"603962926772256803":{"u":0,"t":1564066382831,"m":"_As the
two remained locked into a hug, the Relic of Knowledge activated itself as the
entity living within it emerged from the relic in a cloud of blue, translucent
smoke._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> What now?\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Just
what am I looking at?\n\nOscar: Oh no...","te":1564066399134},"603965063027752971":
{"u":1,"t":1564066892154,"m":"Gift - What is that?"},"603965113694814211":
{"u":0,"t":1564066904234,"m":"_The blue cloud of smoke fades away as the entity
within the relic materialized itself into a gigantic female goddess, identified by
Gift's HUD as Jinn, the Relic's \"god\" of knowledge._\n\n_She stretches her arms
out as if she had been awakened from her sleep and drowsily gazed at the frightened
group down below before finally coming to her senses._\n\nJinn: Oh... pardon me.
For I have remained in my sleep for eternities prior to this...
activation.\n\nRiley: It's time to tell them the truth, Jinn. \n\n_Having heard
Riley's words, Ozpin took over Oscar's mind as he jumped to his feet and tried to
command Jinn to return._\n\nOzpin: Please, now's not the time-\n\nRiley: No, Oz.
We're past that now, I send my people here to fight your war, and now I want to
know why you've been on the edge lately. Remember, fighting and upkeeping peace is
what we do, but we can't do it without knowing _why_ we have to.\n\n_Yang chimed in
as she brushed away the dust away from her clothes._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121>
Now I want to know why you're not telling us everything, I signed up for this not
because I wanted to-\n\nPrice: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT JINN HAS TO
SAY!"},"603965769876766751":{"u":0,"t":1564067060680,"m":"_Price then raised his
Desert Eagle high in the air, stopping Weiss in her tracks as she tried to speak.
Riley, on the other hand, had to drag a frightened Blake out of a locker and
sitting her down on one of the chairs on the bunker's control
deck._"},"598896648826912773":{"u":0,"t":1562858488042,"m":"_Down in the vault,
Yang Xiao Long faces Raven Branwen as the soldier remains completely still, his
hands resting on the camcorder's mounts._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I
warned you, Yang. I gave you every opportunity to walk away from Qrow and Oz. So
you can believe me when I say this wasn't personal.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
_glaring_ You opened the vault.\n\n_The Erusean soldier then zooms in on Raven as
he marked the timestamp as \"IMPORTANT FOR DEBRIEFING.\" He then returns to
recording the two._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Thanks to the chaos you and
your friends caused upstairs. I knew you could handle it. You're my daughter after
all.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Qrow and Oz told me how the Maiden powers are
transferred. The girl you found... she would've had to have trusted you if you were
in her final thoughts - cared about you a lot.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
I'm sure they told you plenty, and you just sat and obeyed.\n\n_Yang deactivates
her prosthethic arm as it disintegrates into fine dust. Fading away into the air as
Raven watched in surprise._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No, I'm starting to ask
questions like you said. So tell me... what happened to the last Spring Maiden? Did
she die in battle? Was it sickness?\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> What does it
matter to you?\n\n_Yang's eyes widens, the soldier lets go of his camcorder as he
now held his G36C rifle high, aiming it at Raven._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I
can already see the answer. It's all over your face. How could you?!\n\n:Ravencup
She was scared when we found her! Weak. No matter how much training I put her
through, she never learned! She wasn't cut out for this world! And with those
powers, she would've been hunted her entire life! What I did--\n\n_Yang cuts Raven
off, quoting her mother._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> \"Wasn't
personal.\"\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> It was
- Be quick, i have something to tell team RWBY, i will tell until everyone have
regroup."},"599251740256239767":{"u":0,"t":1562943148436,"m":"_At this, Yang
clenched her right hand into a fist as orange sparks spouts from various platings
on the arm's external armor._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Which is it, mom? Are
you merciful, or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you
knew I could handle it, or because it meant you could get what you
wanted?!\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> It's not that simple. You don't know me,
you don't know what I've been through, the choices I've had to
make!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> You're right. I don't know you. I only know the
Raven dad told me about. She was troubled, and complicated, but she fought for what
she believed in, whether it was her team or her tribe! Did you kill her
too?\n\n_Raven eyes widen and looks away, before turning back to face her daughter
again. The soldier steps even closer, the muzzle of his rifle almost touching
Raven's back._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I've stared death in the face over
and over again! _in her anger, her Maiden powers activate_ And every time I've spat
in that face and survived, because I'm strong enough to do what others
won't!!\n\n_Yang angrily retorts, this time staring Raven in the eye as Riley
jumped down from the access elevator and onto the vault
clearing._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Oh, shut up! You don't know the first
thing about strength! You turn your back on people, you run away when things get
too hard, you put others in harm's way instead of yourself! \n\n_She balls her hand
into a fist, shaking_\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> You might be powerful, but that
doesn't make you strong.\n\n_Enraged, Raven screams into her daughter's
face._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _enraged_ ***Who do you think you are,
lecturing me?!*** Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl?!\n\n_The
Erusean soldier then aims his rifle at Raven's chest, its laser pointer locked at
the heart as he prepares to engage her should she became a
{"u":1,"t":1562943225153,"m":"Gift - Cinder have dead for now, Yang is getting the
relic she will be here soon."},"599253659930329100":
{"u":0,"t":1562943606122,"m":"_Beneath them, the argument
continues._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yeah, I'm scared. But I'm still standing
here! (begins approaching Raven) I'm not like you, I won't run, which is why you're
going to give me the Relic.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> And why would
I--\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> ***Because you're afraid of Salem!*** And if you
thought having Maiden powers put a target on your back, imagine what she'll do when
she finds out you have a Relic. \n\n_Raven turns away, seething, meeting the
Erusean soldier in the eye. She stares him down as the private now locked his
muzzle on her head._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> She'll come after you with
everything she has. \n\n_Raven's expression then turns
solemn_\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Or she can come after me. \n\n_Raven's eyes
widen when she hears her daughter say that, before turning back to her. Pushing the
soldier's rifle down as she turned back to meet her
daughter._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> And I'll be standing there, waiting for
her.\n\n_After a tense moment, Raven deactivates her Maiden powers. The soldier
lowers his weapon as he walked back to the camcorder, detached it from its tripod
and pocketed it before jumping up the vault
elevator._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _somber_ You don't want to do this,
Yang.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Nope. But I'm gonna do it anyway.\n\n_Yang
walks forward, bumping her mother out of the way as she passes her. Raven looks
down before turning to see her daughter approach the Relic chamber.
A tear drips from Raven's eye, she looks around to find the soldier missing,
finding Riley standing guard next to the vault's
door._\n\n_Topside,_\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Then what's the plan
now? \n\n_Behind her, Hunter-Two-One moved in as they discarded most of their
damaged gear onto the ground. Wearing nothing but the bare minimum of protective
{"u":1,"t":1562943669050,"m":"Gift - I don't know Weiss."},"599254316951535637":
{"u":0,"t":1562943762768,"m":"_Back down in the vault. Raven is seen holding her
arm as tears well up in her eyes_\n\n <:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I... I'm
sorry...\n\n_Tears well up in Yang's eyes as well._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
Yeah... Me too.\n\n_Yang then hears the sound of one of Raven's portals as well as
the sound of flapping wings from behind her. She looks behind her and sees a black
feather fall gently to the ground. Yang then proceeds forward and enters the Relic
chamber as Riley stepped aside, permitting her entry._\n\n_She approaches the Relic
of Knowledge - an ornate, gold and cyan lamp - as it rests on the stone pedestal.
Yang grabs the Relic by its handle, and small, indistinct whispers can be heard
when near it. Tears then stream from Yang's eyes, before she falls to her knees as
she breaks down crying. Riley walks over to Yang, kneeling next to her as she pulls
her into an embrace. Holding her in close._\n\n_From there, Riley ran off the
platform for Ruby as she finds her standing on guard duty watching over two White
Fang combat engineers. She then took off for Weiss, finding her resting at one of
the pillars inside the hall. As she searched for Blake, she finds her inside a
field latrine responding to nature's call. Not wishing to interrupt her time she
leaves Blake for Yang. Finding her sitting on the elevator platform looking
tired._\n\n_Riley then picks Yang up by the hand as she gets her on her
feet._\n\nRiley: On your feet, Yang, we're going to group up here in the hall.
\n\n_As Gift reached into his pocket for a Phantom cigar. A call from Baseplate
came in through his radio._\n\nBaseplate: This is Baseplate to Bravo Six, and...
Team RWBY. Verify and read back.","te":1568066434709},"599254544840654860":
{"u":1,"t":1562943817101,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6, hear you loud and
clear."},"599255730041782292":{"u":0,"t":1562944099675,"m":"_After nearly three
hours of cleanup and rebuilding. The friendly forces then retreated to their bases
located inland. Leaving behind only the Osean Air Defense Force, Task Force 141 and
the Rangers._\n\n_As the soldiers regroups, amongst the crowd lies Team RWBY,
resting with their weapons by their sides. From the far corner of the amassing
crowd, Jaune stood still, watching over the mechas with Nora and
Ren._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> This is Romeo One-One, I hear you. Loud
and clear.\n\nBaseplate: Good, listen up. The Atlesian Government has been on the
edge in getting you a clear path to the continent but thanks to a series of heavy
attacks from the True Sons, they are forced to direct you to Argus. From there on
out you will have to make your way to Atlas, but with the Atlesian Air Fleet still
on high alert, you will be transferred to the Mistral-Atlas International Exchange
Hub. \n\nBaseplate: And once you get to Argus... do expect an old teammate you'd
knew back in Beacon to find you there, Baseplate
out.","te":1568067258057},"599258891573919757":{"u":1,"t":1562944853443,"m":"Gift -
Copy that."},"599260231561642021":{"u":1,"t":1562945172921,"m":"Gift - look like
there is a long adventure."},"599262265497223171":
{"u":0,"t":1562945657849,"m":"Riley: Let's kit up.\n\n_Picking her backpack up from
the floor, she puts it on and walks for the door as Mistralian Army personnel moved
in, securing the academy as they take up positions within the hall. Preparing for
another possible retaliation attack by the White Fang's special operations company,
the True Sons._\n\n_Donning her Go-Bag, Ruby waits for her team to finish up,
resting against a pillar. Staring into space, she feels herself becoming
progressively drowsy until a sharp pain struck her in the face. Opening her eyes,
she wakes up to find Weiss pinching her in the left
cheek._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Get switched on, we're
leaving!\n\n_Reeling back from the pain, Ruby rubbed her left cheek and walked away
from the pillar to the outside. Passing through a makeshift
checkpoint._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> There's our transport!\n\n_But
before the team could leave, they stop in their tracks as two OGDF soldiers carried
Emerald by her shoulders, forcing her to kneel down before them. As she knelt down,
the soldier standing to her right slaps her with the stock of his rifle, busting
her lips._\n\nCpl. Ronson: We've found this rat hiding in the woods, ma'am. What
should we do with her?\n\n_Starin into Emerald's eyes, Riley finds herself trapped
within her illusionary vision as a dark figure emerged from the ground from a pool
of black liquid. The vision tears the vines away before unleashing a high-pitched
scream, assaulting her mind with Emerald's illusionary power._\n\n_The two
soldiers, too, screamed in agony as Emerald's vision assaulted their minds. Finding
themselves inside the vision, Team RWBY stares up the twisted vision of Salem, the
envisioned figure then breaks itself down into a red-black, pulsating mass of flesh
before slamming itself into them. Knocking them out and sending them to the real
world. Blinking her eyes, Riley rubbed her temples, feeling her blood trickle down
from her nose onto her lips._\n\nRiley: What the hell was
{"u":1,"t":1562946311226,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i need some.... Private
talk."},"599265099466670080":{"u":0,"t":1562946333520,"m":"_Recovering from the
sudden psychic assault on their minds, the two soldiers frantically searched the
area for Emerald, but finds her gone. Shaking their heads, they leave the teams be
as a Raven airlifter flies into view. Wiping the blood away from her lips Riley
walks up to Ruby, placing her hand on her left
shoulder._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Was that... Salem?\n\nRiley: I'm
afraid it was, she got us real good.\n\n_Touching her nose with her right thumb,
Riley stops the bleeding as she applies vitakinetic powers on herself. Sitting next
to a crate of field rations lies Weiss, the two soldiers and Blake. The four of
them tending to their aching heads._\n\nCpl. Ronson: Goddamnit, what was in that
rat's mind?! \nSgt. Marvin: I wish I'd knew, Sarge. \n\n_Picking the two up from
the ground, Ronson and Marvin carried Weiss and Blake into the Raven airship,
sitting them next to Yang. Outside the ship, Riley, Gift, and Ruby enters the
airship. Finding themselves seats on the empty interior. As Gift nudges her on her
right shoulder, she turn to him, surprised._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
Hm?","te":1572551961051},"599269651268108302":{"u":1,"t":1562947418754,"m":"Gift -
I have something to tell you."},"599272128222724107":
{"u":1,"t":1562948009306,"m":"Gift - When i got damage from that spear, i'm not
feel anything because my heart is your."},"599272196107534337":
{"u":1,"t":1562948025491,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"599613224693792768":
{"u":1,"t":1563029424998,"m":"After Ruby hear Gift's word, her face is turning
{"u":0,"t":1563030116992,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, well...\n\n_Not
expecting Gift to say such things, she glances over to the row of Jackal jets
awaiting deployment outside the airship, then at the safety harness locking her in
place onboard the Raven. Weiss groans, having heard of what he'd
said._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Please, Gift. Just... just focus on
what we have to do. \n\nGround Personnel 1: Fuel feeders detached, ammunition is in
the green, you're clear to launch!\n\nPilot: Rog', Ground. Standby, we're deploying
in five... four... three... two... one... Launch!\n\n_From outside the ship, three
ground personnel disconnected fuel lines and ammunition feeders from the Raven
before giving the ship's pilot a thumbs-up permitting him the take-off clearance,
and with a push on the throttle stck the airship takes off into the night sky,
headed for the exchange hub._\n\n_Looking outside to the ground, the ground below
her turns into a green blur as the Raven gained speed and altitude, flying away
from ground and on its way to the hub. Gaining altitude, the Raven stabilizes
itself as the structures on the ground becomes indistinguishable from the flora
surrounding it, signifying their altitude._\n\nPilot: Alright, we should be close
to the Hub from here. I'll land you on Terminal 2, your train should be waiting for
you there.\n\n_As the Hub's runay lights come into view, the Pilot brings the ship
into retrothrusters as two arrester drones fired their grappling hooks onto the
ship, slowing it down to landing speed as it approached the Hub's Terminal 2. After
enduring a whole minute of being rocked within their seats the Raven stops at the
terminal's landing pad, its starboard door
{"u":5,"t":1563030193252,"m":"(This is interesting)"},"599617047441309706":
{"u":3,"t":1563030244456,"m":"(FBI OPEN UP)"},"599617079565484032":
{"u":1,"t":1563030329564,"m":"Gift - Alright team let go go go!\nSargent Gift -
Roger.\nCommander Gift - Got it mate.\nCaptain Gift - Here we
go!"},"599619080869117952":{"u":0,"t":1563030729263,"m":"_Jumping from the ship's
starboard door came Team RWBY, JNR, and Riley, Gift, Oscar and Qrow. Tagging along
with their luggage while Jaune and his two teammates made their way to the Hub's
As they walked into the terminal entrance, the PA speaker above them comes to
life, playng a pre-recorded announcement._\n\nExchange Point Announcer: Welcome to
the Mistral-Atlas Intercontinental Exchange Hub, you are to proceed to Train Depot
Number 642, a train is waiting to take you to
Argus.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Depot 642... got it.\n\n_Marking the
depot's location on her Scroll, she sends the location to her teammates. Alerting
them of the depot's location. Exiting the terminal, the teams find themselves
surrounded by a plethora of kiosks and passengers and couriers moving around in an
organized chaos. Rushing to whatever depots they're assigned in their
tickets._\n\nRiley: I'd never thought it'd be so busy at this time of the
year...\n\n_Overhearing Riley's comment, Weiss turns to
her._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> You've been here before?\n\n_Riley
shakes her head, instead, she shows her a page showing the Hub's history and its
lists of events._\n\nRiley: No, I just looked the busiest seasons up, this place
reminds me a lot of my hometown.\n\n_Butting into the conversation, Yang points to
a poster of Riley pointing at a drone captioned with \"Enlist Now! Remnant Needs
You!\" on it._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Then explain this, how long have you
really been here?\n\nRiley: Let's just say I've stayed here longer than you'd
{"u":1,"t":1563031094190,"m":"Gift - While we take this train, Cap and Sarge guard
the train, i gonna sleep for a while.\nCaptain Gift - Got it
mate."},"599621253015273485":{"u":1,"t":1563031247143,"m":"Sargent Gift - You
tried from that battle huh?\nGift - Yes.\nSargent Gift - Take some rest, i don't
know when Ruby come but it think she will come while you sleeping.\nGift - I think
so."},"599621679819259926":{"u":0,"t":1563031348901,"m":"_Now inside the main area.
People go about their business whether they be buying a train ticket, going
shopping, eating food, and more. Holographic screens show different locations,
amongst them are Argus, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, Shion, and Vale, the latter shown to
be crossed out with an \"Out of Service\" message next to it. Qrow can be heard
narrating a letter he wrote to James Ironwood, detailing recent events through his
Focus._\n\nQrow: It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report
states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira
Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some
students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some
assistance. \n\n_He pauses, waiting for his recoding quota to buffer. It loads
successfully, but charges him fifty Lien for \"extra bandwith usage,\" he groans
before pressing the pause button, resuning his recording._\n\nQrow: Unfortunately,
Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those
responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess,
there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for
now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a
good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need
you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon,
Qrow.\n\n_Qrow places the disposable Focus unit in a mail box. Suddenly, his niece
runs by and bumps into him._","te":1572553431944},"599622212902715412":
{"u":1,"t":1563031475998,"m":"Captain Gift - What is Ruby playing?\nSargent Gift -
Maybe Remnant Royale, it seem like PUBG or maybe Fortnite.\nCaptain Gift - I think
so mate."},"599622570878304276":{"u":0,"t":1563031561346,"m":"Qrow: Hey, what's
with the running?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> And what's with the standing?
It's almost time!\n\n_Looking over her shoulders, Riley waves at her with a brown
bag. Ruby sees the people chattering in the station lobby and Riley's yellow hoodie
standing out in the crowd. Using her semblance, she flies to her, snatching the bag
out of her hands and fly through the gate. She then emerges smiling and humming,
approaching the benches where her companions, minus Blake and Gift, are
waiting._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> And?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763>
_shows them a bag she'd taken from Riley_
Ahh!\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What an absolute waste of
time--\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What did you get
me?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _singsong_ You'll have to wait and
see!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No fair!\n\n_After Ruby sticks her tongue, Yang
attempts to snatch the bag from Ruby, who recoils; then Nora jumps from between
them._\n\n_Staring at the two sisters and the rest of the others, Riley finds
herself admiring them as the station's view zooms into her eyes, now, she finds
herself sitting in the team's cabin abaord the train looking out to the open.
Carrying an envelope of Summer's messages with her. Gazing out into the snowy
forests, she recalls moments prior to boarding the train. Her encounter with the
two Hunters, seeing Sun and Ilia depart. And nearly getting defeated in a Remnant
Royale match._\n\n_She smiles to herself until Ruby bumps into her, snapping her
from the trance._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Are you... okay?\n\n_Smiling,
Riley shrugged, quickly tucking the small envelope into her pocket._\n\nRiley:
Nothing, just enjoying the view.","te":1572553862274},"599623012534321162":
{"u":1,"t":1563031666645,"m":"Captain Gift - (laughing) I have play battle royale
many game, and sure i up for it."},"599624448500301854":
{"u":1,"t":1563032009006,"m":"Gift - Ruby have change much, much than i
thought."},"599624725769224212":{"u":0,"t":1563032075112,"m":"_Ruby retreats to her
bed, leaving Riley be. The four girls are all on beds reminiscent to their old dorm
room from Beacon. Weiss is reading a book, Ruby plays a Remnant Royale match on her
Scroll, Yang is reading a magazine, and Blake is looking out the
window._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> All right, girls, I think it's time for
an official team exercise. Who wants to play video
games?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I mean, if you want me to kick your butt, yeah
sure. Let me grab my scroll.\n\n_Yang goes to grab her scroll from her bag. But
Riley stops her, having sensed a threat outside the
train._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Hey--\n\n_Suddenly, the train jolts, causing
her to drop his scroll. Passengers can be heard screaming in
fear._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What was
that?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Exactly what it sounds
like.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Just my luck.\n\nQrow: It's not
yours... grab your weapons!\n\n_Riley, having heard the screams teleports herself
outside, assisting Dee and Dudley in their attempt to fend off the Grimm. Qrow runs
out of the room and Team RWBY follows suit, grabbing their weapons on their way out
the door._\n\n_Qrow climbs to the top of the train and notices a group of
Manticores approaching from the back. Dee and Dudley are already up top and prepare
to fight the Grimm._\n\n_A much larger Grimm, a Sphinx, lands on the train and lets
out a loud roar. A few train cars down, Team RWBY join Qrow as they arrive on top
of the train with their weapons out. Gift reaches into his inventory and produced
two Rapid Launchers. Dee charges his weapon, an electrical spiked club, and charged
forward to attack. The Sphinx roars and a Manticore flies by to snatch up
Dee._\n\nDudley: Dee!\n\n_Dudley watches helplessly while his partner is dragged
down to the forest to his death. The Sphinx roars again and the Manticores fly
forward to attack. Riley responds to it, discharging a wave of plasma energy,
driving them away._","te":1572554982809},"599625273616367651":
{"u":1,"t":1563032205729,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! Gift wake up, we got
company.\nGift - Damn! When i gonna take some rest why there always have
company?"},"599626090503471135":{"u":1,"t":1563032400490,"m":"Captain Gift - We
don't have much time, we must protect this train and civilian in this train.\nGift
- Where's Ruby?\nSargent Gift - On top.\nGift - Got it. (Use hellfire
teleport)"},"599626832362471449":{"u":0,"t":1563032577363,"m":"_Gift then fires off
a volley of guided missiles from the launchers as they exploded at the Sphinx,
knocking it off-balance as the missiles targeted its
wings._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> What's the plan,
Ruby?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _determined_ Don't let anyone else
die!\n\n_With that, Team RWBY and Qrow charge forward into battle alongside Gift
Down below in the train, Oscar opens up a window to see the commotion, a Manticore
being chased by three Yuktobanian jets barely missing
him._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Shall I?\n\nOscar: No, I'm keeping
control.\n\n_Oscar walks out and bumps into Jaune, with Ren and Nora behind
him._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What's going on?\n\n_Oscar tries to answer,
but is interrupted by another jolt as passengers scream in fear. Jaune's expression
then turns determined as his radio interceptor then transmitted the messages from
the three Yuktobanian jets._\n\n_Back outside, Team RWBY and Qrow get to work on
cutting down Manticores with Riley turning herself into a CIWS firing off plasma
bolts at any Manticores getting too close. Dudley runs toward the front of the
train and takes his scroll out, activating the train's defense systems._\n\nDudley:
Come on, come on.\n\n_The train's armor activates, with reinforced plating
covering most of the train while metal bars criss-cross on the windows. After that,
a series of CIWS turrets rise above the train and begin targeting the midair Grimm.
A group of Manticores get shot down as a trail of high-explosive incendiary shells
blasts them into pieces._\n\n_Gift then teleports to the
turrets as his Scorpion combat form takes over. He then jumps onto the first
Manticore as he pummeled it with a barrage of flaming punches. Killing
it._","te":1572555078187},"599630633282568203":{"u":1,"t":1563033483573,"m":"Gift -
More incoming!\nCaptain Gift - Gift! Take this! (Throw Laser Rifle)\nGift - Thanks
Cap."},"599631941767004160":{"u":0,"t":1563033795540,"m":"_Gift takes the rifle
from Cap as he slapped at the rifle's forward assist, pushing the stuck bolt back
in place._\n\n_Meanwhile, Qrow engages the Sphinx with Riley, using the scythe form
of Harbinger to attack. The Sphinx tries to crush Qrow with its paw, but Qrow
manages to transform into his avian form before changing back to land an attack
from above as Riley pins it down with her gravity sling._\n\n_The turrets fire
trails of tracers at the Sphinx from behind, causing it let out another loud roar.
Two Manticores fly down, one does a tuck and roll into a turret, destroying it. The
other evades turret tracer fire and spits a fireball at one, destroying it before
being destroyed itself by one of Riley's stray plasma shot._\n\n_The passengers
inside the turret's train car scream as it jolts from being destroyed._\n\nQrow:
_to Dudley_ Hey! What are you doing?\n\n_Oscar and Team JNPR climb up to the top of
the train to join the battle._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Why is it always
something?!\n\n_Oscar runs over to Qrow, who is shooting at Grimm. His cane now
erected in its baton form._\n\nOscar: How can I help?\n\nQrow: You can get that
idiot to shut off the turrets. They're just drawing the Grimm toward the
passengers!\n\nOscar: Right!\n\n_Oscar runs forward, dodging Grimm attacks along
the way. He manages to approach Dudley, who is firing at Grimm with his own rifle,
oblivious to the occasional blue flashes coming from Riley's concentrated ionized
radiation blasts._","te":1572555128896},"599633142395174933":
{"u":1,"t":1563034081792,"m":"Gift - I will try to hold them
off."},"599634747270103062":{"u":1,"t":1563034464424,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
now.)"},"599635465037152281":{"u":0,"t":1563034635553,"m":"_Gift continues to jump
from Manticores as he sends them down to their deaths using his abilities, bur as
the Sphinx roared, more Manticores simply flew in and replaced their fallen
comrades._\n \nRiley: If this keeps up, we're going to die before we even reach
Argus.\n\n_She locks onto a swarm of flying Manticores as two gigantic beams of
plasma discharge is fired at them from her palms. Destroying them and diverting the
rest of the Grimm creatures to her._\n\n_Suddenly, she takes notice the Sphinx and
the rest of the Grimm fly off the train, keeping their distance._\n\nDudley: Where
are they going?\n\n_Oscar, realizing something, quickly turns around as the
assisting Yuktobanian jets broke off._\n\nOscar: TUNNEL!!\n\nDudley:
Huh?\n\n_From her positon on the train car before Oscar's, Riley tries to slow time
down only to disengage the ability and ducking for cover as three Manticores fired
a salvo of fireballs at her._\n\n_They take notice of the fast approaching tunnel.
Oscar quickly gets below the train. Dudley does the same, but inadvertently leaves
his arm stretched out as it impacts the wall of the tunnel. Prompting Ruby to
engage Lightspeed, flying for him and pulling the Hunter in as the sound of a bone
snap and Dudley yelling in pain is heard._\n\n(Roger,
{"u":1,"t":1563373554187,"m":"Gift - Everyone alright?"},"601060246861119518":
{"u":0,"t":1563374330011,"m":"_Outside the train, the earth-shaking roar of an
unknown mecha echoed throughout the air as it shook the train, stopping Dudley's
pained groans as he turned to one of the still open windows._\n\nDudley: What
the...\n\nQrow: I said, turn those damn things off! \n\n_He picks up Dudley and
shoves him into the wall as frightened passengers watched._\n\nDudley: _groaning
in pain_ Those things are keeping us alive!\n\nQrow: Us, sure, but they're putting
the passengers in danger!\n\nDudley: I'm the one they hired for this job, okay?!
I'm in charge here!\n\nQrow: Forgive me if I'm not exactly reassured.\n\n_While
the two argue, Ruby looks out the window and notices the Manticores enter the
tunnel, continuing their pursuit of the train._\n\n_Riley, not wishing to endure
the two argue any longer rips open one of the armored window panels with her bare
hands. Stopping the two from arguing any further._\n\nRiley: I'll keep them away,
be advised that Experimental Project Mike is on its way.\n\n_With the armor panel
torn away, Riley jumps outside as Gift followed. Meeting the protagonists of DmC
outside as Dante wasted away the Manticores with his Devil Trigger form, Nero
picking off lesser Grimm with the Blue Rose and V using his Familiars to keep the
Sphinx at bay._\n\n_Ruby then looks behind her friends at the passengers, a baby
can be heard crying as passengers murmur among themselves. Ruby then walks forward
to her uncle and Dudley._\n\nDudley: Get off me!\n\nQrow: Look, if you bozos had
been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers, maybe we wouldn't be in
this--\n\n_Ruby stops her uncle and walks up to Dudley with her M17 pistol in her
left hand. She raised it up, and pressed the muzzle against Dudley's chest, pulling
the slide back while staring him in the
eye._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Please just shut off the turrets, Riley's
out there keeping them away. Now, we need you to do as we say. Our fight, our
rules.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Trust us, we know what we're
- Yes, we know, i and my team will find the way to protect this train and passenger
in this train."},"601064235702812693":{"u":0,"t":1563375281025,"m":"_With Riley
outside the train, Jaune activates his Semblance to heal Dudley's arm. Dudley
looks to the students before giving his answer._\n\nDudley: Fine.\n\n_Ruby nods
and lowered her pistol down and slipped it right back into its
holster._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ren, could you use your Semblance to mask
everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose
track of us!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Hm, I never attempted to affect this
many people.\n\n_From the outside, Riley struggles to keep the seemingly invincible
Sphinx away from the train as she kept sending shots after shots of plasma
projectiles at it. Dante soon falls back as he saw the Sphinx tear off an automated
turret as it tossed it to Nero and V, causing the two to break off._\n\nRiley:
_through radio_ Do what you have to, but do it fast!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Well, you've never had Jaune's help before.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> He
could amplify your Aura!\n\nQrow: Yeah, that's an alright
plan.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do
this!\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _mentally_ May I?\n\n_Oscar's eyes glow as
Ozpin takes over, he then activates the cane's contact
plasmacaster._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I'm afraid there's one
complication... The Grimm are also attracted to this. \n\n_He gestures to the
Relic of Knowledge on his hip._\n\nDudley: What's that?\n\nQrow: None of your
business. Oz, are you serious?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Why wouldn't you tell
us that?!\n\n."},"601064291675668490":
{"u":0,"t":1563375294370,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I--\n\n_Ruby cuts Yang
off as she reloads Crescent Rose with a new magazine loaded with experimental IV-
31GX \"Fast-acting Multipurpose Ammunition\" causing the sniper-scythe to instantly
glow bright red, sparks occasionally spewing from the muzzle
compensator._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It doesn't matter right now.\n\n_Yang
crosses her arms, but is immediately dragged away by a Yuktobanian
soldier._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Every second we're on board this train,
we're putting everyone else in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll
still mask the emotions and kill the turrets... we just can't come with you.
\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on
them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it
safely to Argus."},"601064988785901634":{"u":1,"t":1563375460574,"m":"Gift - Sure
thing my sweet heart."},"601067347318669332":{"u":0,"t":1563376022892,"m":"_Upon
hearing this, Jaune finishes up healing Dudley's arm and walks over to Ruby with a
conflicted expression._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Only if you'll promise
you'll meet us there.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _smiling_ Promise.\n\n_She
chambers a fresh round into Crescent Rose as it glowed with energy. Occasionally
discharging electric sparks from its magnetized
barrel._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _whispering to herself_ I love Space
United.\n\n_With that, Team JNPR begins evacuating all of the passengers to the
front half of the train. The elderly woman from earlier is seen walking, taking a
look behind her._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Move! Get everyone up the front
cars! \n\n_An Aurelian strike team is seen ushering a frightened couple into the
front bogey._\n\n_Outside, the turrets are shut off. Blake jumps down and decouples
the train, allowing the front half to continue forward. When she looks up, she
notices a hooded figure resembling Adam in front of her on the next train car.
_\n\n_Blake prepares for a fight, but then realizes that no one is there and it was
just her imagination._ \n\n_From the far side of the train, slowly from car to car
lies Riley and the three protagonists battling the Sphinx as they desperately
attempted to keep it at bay._\n\nRiley: Dante, you!\n\nDante: What?! \n\nRiley:
Keep that big bastard away, I'm going to fall back to
my team!\n\nDante: Sweet...\n\n_Blake sighs before jumping back up to the top of
the train. Ruby is seen a few train cars down looking at her scroll, which shows
portraits of her teammates and Nora, the latter's signal low compared to the rest.
Ruby looks back up and notices the Manticores and Sphinx exiting the tunnel and
taking flight once again. The Sphinx lands on the train._"},"601067831219453963":
{"u":1,"t":1563376138263,"m":"Gift - I will go for Ruby, you take out that giant
monster."},"597815138858434581":{"u":1,"t":1562600635972,"m":"Sargent Gift - Claim
our base back. (His eye have fire)\nGift - Sarge! You make it, i and (Go to hug
Weiss with Scorpion form) I'm glad you still alive.\n(I'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1562682106339,"m":"Weiss see Gift crying with happiness.\nGift - I'm
glad you still with me.","te":1562682234680},"598161344121929768":
{"u":0,"t":1562683177739,"m":"_Seeing her commanding officer running from the
elevator to meet her, she stops in her tracks as Gift boost-jumped over to her,
stopping right in front of him. After an awkward moment of silence, the general
breaks down into tears, relieved. Consoling the distressed general Weiss apporaches
him slowly, pulling Gift in._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I'm here,
Gift. I'm here...\n\n_Pulling the general into her reach she gave him a light kiss
on the cheek before running for Ruby and Yang, the two sisters having finally put
down and apprehended Emerald and Mercury, their wrists restrained by Riley's
gravity sling. With Hazel out of the fight, Oscar retracted the cane's baton as he
regrouped with his squadmates, having already gathered around Ruby._\n\n_From the
sky, with the combined saturation attacks from the plethora of aerial units the
White Fang finds themselves severely outgunned as the Strangereal Coalition forces
advanced to their final line of defense being the academy's CCT tower._\n\n_Despite
heavy White Fang resistance, the combined friendly forces emerged victorious as
they captured the twin towers along with most objectives. On the ground, an Osean
Ground Defense Force sergeant launches a series of flares into the air as another
private moved in, his megaphone repeating a message._\n\nPvt. Ronson: To all White
Fang and KVA units, surrender your weapons and you will be treated properly.
Failure to comply will result in your death. I say again, surrender now and drop
your weapons!\n\n_In the sky, Trigger flew his ADFX-01 Morgan down towards the
battleground with Cossette on his six. Her jet trailing smoke from a White Fang SAM
detonating against the fuselage._","te":1572544922163},"598161749845344266":
{"u":1,"t":1562683274471,"m":"Captain Gift - You have been
surrounded."},"598163564838125584":{"u":0,"t":1562683707199,"m":"White Fang grunt:
_yelling at his squad leader_ Chief, this ain't what we asked for! You said we were
going to win but... this!? We LOST?!?!\n\nWhite Fang Squad Leader: Just shut up and
do what that man says, we're prisoners now. No negotiations.\n\n_A team of Rangers
then moved in as they took the two men away. Trailing behind them are two squads of
Erusean infantrymen ushering prisoners into an Il-76 airlifter on
{"u":0,"t":1562683712917,"m":"_Back down in the vault, Vernal, Cinder, and Raven
walk towards the Relic chamber. Suddenly, a symbol on the ground glows bright, as
well as the circle enclosed around it._\n\nPrice: Soap, keep watch. They're going
to open the gate soon.\n\n_Whispering to his partner, Price kept watch at the trio
through the scope of his EBR-14, on the ground similar circles with symbols in them
also glow leading up to the Relic chamber's door. The tree's flowers then glow even
more, and it's petals gently fall and float around the vault. One petal falls into
Vernal's hand._\n\nCinder: Having fun?\n\n_Vernal glares back at Cinder as the
petal in her hand dissolves into particles._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
Vernal, stay focused.\n\nCinder: Oh, come now, Raven, let her enjoy this. It's a
once-in-a-lifetime experience.\n\nVernal: How does this work?\n\nCinder: Once the
Spring Maiden places her hand on the door, it will open. For you - and only you.
Then I will walk into the vault, and retrieve the Relic. No one else. Is that
clear?\n\nVernal: Yes.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> It doesn't matter to us.
Let's get this over with.\n\n_Vernal approaches the vault, dangling from the cave's
ceiling above them the two kept watch as they transmit the live feed to the
{"u":1,"t":1562683844428,"m":"On surface\nCommander Gift - Plan?\nGift - I will go
down there with Yang, you and Cap guard the area.\nCaptain Gift - Got
it."},"598165472520699933":{"u":0,"t":1562684162026,"m":"_Gift teleports down into
the vault entrance bridge, appearing behind Soap's
team._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Alright then. Vernal, when you're
ready.\n\n_Vernal approaches the door. While she does so, Raven slowly reaches for
the hilt of her sword as Soap puts in more pressure on the trigger of his M1A, but
stops when Cinder speaks._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You know, I've heard so
many stories about you, Raven. They say you're a cunning leader, that you're
strong, that you're clever.\n\n_Vernal hovers her fingertips close to the
door._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It's a shame that they're
wrong..."},"598167781766201354":{"u":0,"t":1562684712593,"m":"_Cinder then lets out
a blue, frost-like projectile from her hand as Soap fires off a shot from his
rifle. The bullet ricocheting off of her
back._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> VERNAL!\n\n_Raven reaches out, but she is
too late as she is frozen in place from Cinder's attack. Vernal takes her hand away
from the door and takes her weapons out on Cinder, but she is stabbed by something
in her stomach. She looks down and notices an elongated Grimm hand coming from
Cinder's left arm._\n\nCinder: It's nothing personal, dear. \n\n_She approaches
Vernal as Soap disabled his cloak, followed by Gift, Price, then Yuri._\n\nCinder
You're just not worthy of such power. But I am...\n\nSoap: Open fire!\n\n_Pulling
the trigger, Soap fires off the first shot at Cinder as Vernal is then pushed to
the ground, and she screams out in pain as she struggles to get the Grimm hand out
of her stomach. The ice coating Raven is shown cracking as muzzle flashes sprung to
life behind her. The sounds of gunfire now reverberating throughout the cavernous
chamber._\n\nCinder: So I will take... what is mine...\n\n_Oblivious to the
bullets impacting against her back, she kept firm pressure on the Grimm hand as the
extended hand continues to scour through Vernal's body for the power she had sought
after. Struggling to get the Grimm hand off of her, Vernal reaches into her hip
pouch searching for her pocket knife, but it is too late. The Grimm hand had
damaged her vital organs in its search for her Maiden powers, killing
her._\n\n_Eventually, Vernal stops struggling and goes motionless and quiet. Cinder
smirks as she looks down on Vernal's body, but then realizes that something is
{"u":1,"t":1562685252002,"m":"Gift - Hey uncle what happen?"},"598170466515157002":
{"u":0,"t":1562685352687,"m":"Price: Cinder's trying to extract the maiden powers
from Vernal. We're doing everything we can to slow her down, Gift, tell your girls
up there to maintain their positions and get your arse down here
fast!"},"598170844518416450":{"u":1,"t":1562685442810,"m":"Gift - (Using Power
Scanner) No need uncle because Vernal don't have maiden's
{"u":0,"t":1562685590138,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Wha-- what is this?
Where's the power?!\n\n_Cinder hears ice crack from behind her and sees Raven free
from her frozen prison._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> You won't find it,
because Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden... \n\n_She takes her mask off as Gift
stands by her side, accompained by Price's
teammates._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I am!\n\nRaven opens her eyes, with a
red flame-like effect glowing and trailing from them, from there, Price threw his
M1A away and switched to his M4 as he fires off an explosive round from the
underslung launcher._\n\nPrice: Open
- Roger. (Equip Dual M60)"},"598172121331662860":{"u":1,"t":1562685747226,"m":"(I'm
gonna rest now.)"},"598172149659992065":
{"u":1,"t":1562768224207,"m":"Gift - Give it all we got."},"598521377686814740":
{"u":0,"t":1562769016430,"m":"_As Soap, Gift, and Price opened fire at Cinder Riley
teleports herself before the team, casting an energy shield she blocked away the
bullets much to Price's confusion._ \n\nRiley: Let them fight.\n\n_Soap, confused,
took aim as he prepared to fire again but Gift pushes his rifle down._\n\nSoap: And
why would we do that?\n\nRiley: Because they're meant to fight one another.
\n\n_Topside, as the friendly armed forces continue to surround the remaining White
Fang soldiers, Adam emerges from the middld of thr crowd as he headed straight for
Cossette, having landed her battered jet next to a destroyed Scarab
mecha._\n\nCossette: The only way that you're getting out of here alive is to
surrender. \n\n_She aims her standard issue survival rifle at Adam, but he ignores
her, he turns his back to his followers._\n\nAdam: Stay focused! Our friends are
almost done here.\n\n_Adam and his followers then prepare their weapons to fight
their way out, but then they hear a voice call out to
ADAM!\n\n_They all look up and see Blake standing proudly on top of the roof of a
nearby building with Ethan and Commander Reyes. All of them brandishing their
guns._\n\nAdam: Blake?\n\nHazel: Who is
that?\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Stand down!\n\n_The White Fang
soldiers aim their firearms at her as Ethan jumps down from the building and landed
his full weight on top of an unfortunate grunt as his metal legs crushed his ribs
in. Killing him._\n\nAdam: Wait! \n\n_He puts his hands up as the White Fang
soldiers stand down, before laughing evilly._\n\nAdam: To think that I went through
so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to
me.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> This isn't what's right for the Faunus!
Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully.\n\nAdam: You're wrong,
Blake, and you can't stop us.\n \nJaeger: But we
{"u":1,"t":1562769622356,"m":"Captain Gift - (Use Blizzard teleport) We will stop
you, no matter how risk we take"},"598526139291402250":
{"u":0,"t":1562770151685,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> No, I can't. Not
by myself.\n\n:sun: That's why she didn't come alone!\n\n_Adam and his followers
turn to the left in surprise, seeing Sun standing in front of a massive legion of
Faunus all armed with rifles, shotguns, assault rifles and even heavy man-portable
weaponry, their armor bearing the old White Fang symbol. Behin the legion of
Faunuses, more American C-17s fly into Mistralian airspace, airdropping combat
vehicles and troops into the Kingdom._\n\nAdam: What?!\n\nWhite Fang
Soldier: Who's there?\n\n_They then turn to the right, and see Ghira leading
another massive legion of Faunus Militia units, this time accompanied by multiple
Vanguard-class Titans carrying heavy weaponry._\n\nGhira: Your brothers and
sisters.\n\n_One of the White Fang Soldiers lowers his weapon, recognizing one of
the Faunus in the crowd._\n\nWhite Fang Soldier: M-- Mata?\n\n_Mata is seen in the
crowd holding an Atlesian M8A1 and a spare magazine. He drops his weapon upon the
sight of the soldier._\n\nMata: _pleading_ Please... stop this...\n\n_Adam and his
followers look all around them assessing the situation as the Faunus Militia moves
closer, blocking his escape._\n\nAdam: Make no mistake, brothers! These are
our enemies! And we will not let them ruin--\n\n_Suddenly, Adam is interrupted when
a Mistralian Army Air Force Hresveglr skyfortress shines its searchlight down on
Adam and his group. The Mistralian Airship captain is seen on the airship with
Kali. Looking down at them through their screens._\n\nAirship Captain: This is the
Mistralian Army, surrender now and turn yourselves
Gift - Surrender or deal with me."},"598528436734263327":
{"u":0,"t":1562770699438,"m":"_More Mistralian airships arrive alongside the
Hresveglr. Back inside, Ruby knocks Emerald back a few feet. Emerald then hears the
sounds of the Mistral airships as their searchlights shine through the windows.
Everyone stops what they are doing. Taking notice of the bleeding wound, Jaune sets
her down against a pillar, healing her as he channeled his aura onto
hers._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What's
happening?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm not sure. How are you
feeling?\n\n_She pushes herself up as she casts a glyph in her hand and gave Jaune
a thumbs up._\n\n:Weiss: Thanks for that,\n\n_She takes a deep breath, reached for
her weapon and made her way for the main gate._\n\n:Weiss: _exhales_ ...Juliet-Two-
One.\n\n_Back outside, Blake lands to the ground from the roof._\n\nAdam: How?!
How did you do this?!!\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Adam, it's
over.\n\n_Adam looks around as the crowds of Faunus Militia get closer to him and
his group. He then pulls out a detonator as the armed personnel jumps back,
withdrawing their weapons._\n\nAdam: Then it's over for all of us.\n\nFemale White
Fang Soldier: Hey wait!\n\n_Adam's followers hold up their arms as they brace for
the impending explosion. Adam presses the button, but nothing happens. Silence
ensues._\n\nAdam: Huh?\n\n_He presses the detonator button a few more times,
nothing happens. Behind him, Connor smirked as he kept his grip on the real
detonator's \"DISARM\" button. Angered at his leader's attempt to \"win\" their
battle, a White Fang Soldier angrily approaches Adam with his rifle aimed at his
head._\n\nWhite Fang Soldier: What are you doing? Trying to get us all
killed?!\n\n_Suddenly, Adam grabs his collar._\n\nAdam: _enraged_ I am
making humanity pay for WHAT THEY'VE
{"u":1,"t":1562771328945,"m":"Captain Gift - (laughing) How fool are you, i have
switch your detonator to Disarm the bomb."},"598532114710921226":
{"u":0,"t":1562771576336,"m":"_Letting go of the soldier, Adam turns to face Cap
but the Faunus Militia moves in even closer. Denying him of any chance of escape.
Coughing, the soldier retrieves his weapon from the ground and meekly pushed his
way into the crowds, deserting his allies._\n\n_Having realized that his detonator
had been swapped out. Adam said nothing as he reaches into hos pocket and presented
to the crowd an electric smoke grenade. He then pulls the pin and threw it on the
ground as the grenade detonated, releasing a cloud of electric smoke._\n\nConnor:
Everyone step back from the cloud! \n\n_The cloud of electric smoke then generates
a localized lightning storm, electrocuting the remaining White Fang soldiers and
forcing everyone to back away. As the smoke cleared, all that's left of him was a
single spent shotgun shell and a pile of unconscious White Fang
{"u":1,"t":1562771799890,"m":"Captain Gift - They gone, anyways Blake go and rally
with your team, i will go too."},"598533180970106893":
{"u":0,"t":1562771830552,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Roger.\n\n_Back
down in the vault, Cinder looks to the motionless Vernal as the team observes them
from a spot above them._\n\nCinder: Vernal was a decoy the whole time. _turning
her attention back to Raven_ The last Spring Maiden must've trusted you a great
deal before she died. I bet that was a mistake...\n\n_Readying herself, Raven
growls and shoots her sword out of her hilt, and the two Maidens begin their battle
against each other. They strike at each other with a flurry of vicious sword
strikes. The two eventually clash, the strike breaking Cinder's weapon and the
shrapnel hurting her Grimm arm. She holds her arm in
pain._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Aura can't protect your arm, it's
Grimm.\n\n_Cinder pulls the shrapnel out of her arm and faces Raven
again._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> You turned yourself into a monster just
for power.\n\nCinder: _conjuring another weapon while glaring_ Look who's
{"u":1,"t":1562771894983,"m":"Gift - Uncle, My Chaos of Remnant is telling me
something."},"598533945314770965":{"u":0,"t":1562772012786,"m":"Price: What is
it!?\n\n_Price yells over the sounds of gunfire and the two maidens battling one
another as he kept up his pull om the rifle's trigger. Sending rounds downrange at
the two._\n\n_Ignoring the gunfire, the two proceed forward to clash again. During
their bout, Raven quickly switches between the various colored blades in her hilt
to counter Cinder's various weapons that she conjures. Continuing her relentless
attacks in an attempt to overwhelm Raven's defense Cinder maintains her focus on
attacking her adversary as powerful as she could, but is stopped when a large
plasma bolt strikes her in the face._\n\n_Angered, she looks up to find Riley's
distinctive blue glow lighting the cavern's ceiling. She tries to attack her, but
misses as Riley phase-shifts out of existence, dodging the fireball attack. Seizing
the opportunity Raven strikes her with a close-range Lightning Dust slash, stunning
her greatly._\n\n_As their battle intensifies, Cinder conjures a giant flaming
sword while Raven uses her Maiden powers to create a massive ice sword. Their clash
creates a massive shockwave that shakes the cavern, with the combatants above
ground also feeling the tremors._\n\n_Indulging herself in enjoying the battle
between the two maidens, Riley finds herself a spot up high on a slab of rock
jutting out off of the cave's structure. Her right hand holding a tub full of
popcorn._\n\n_Due to their battle, the giant stalactites hanging from above start
to drop. Both Maidens jump back to dodge out of the way. As Raven prepares for her
next strike, Cinder's Grimm arm elongates through the dust and grabs Raven's
neck._\n\nSoap: NO!\n\n_Despite his orders, Soap takes aim an fires a volley of
shots at the two. Prompting an OGDF fireteam to follow suit as they opened fire.
Sending rounds at the Maidens below._","te":1572547582652},"598535094054944789":
{"u":1,"t":1562772286667,"m":"Gift - It said if Cinder is tried, that our chance to
take fall maiden power out from her."},"598537716560297984":
{"u":0,"t":1562772911921,"m":"_As the Grimm arm slowly drains her powers, Raven
notices something and smirks. She sends out a frost-like attack from her palm and
freezes Cinder's feet in place as more boulders from the cave in crash down on her.
Raven, now free from her grip, does a massive leap into the air and lands on top of
one of the falling stalactites. She looks down and notices Cinder survived the cave
in, using her fire powers to fly up to her._\n\n_Looking at Riley, she winks at
her, thanking her for the sudden plasma attack on Cinder giving her the chance she
needs to stun her. Riley returns the wink and jumped down from the slab of rock,
this time blasting the Fall Maiden with two concentrated beams of plasma energy
adding more damage to Cinder's remaining aura. Pulling out of the fight she return
to the rock slab, watching the fight unfold._\n\n_Muttering to herself, Cinder
dashes around the falling stalactites, locking Raven in her sights._\n\n_The two
fight their way around the falling stalactites. Eventually, the stalactites land
back on the ground, and both Maidens are on their knees, panting in exhaustion
while their Auras shimmer as they are about to
break._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _standing back up_ Had enough
yet?\n\nCinder: Shut up!\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> If you were stronger or
more clever, then maybe... you'd remember to watch your back!\n\n_Cinder glares at
her, wondering what the Spring Maiden is talking about, but then gasps as she looks
behind her. She notices the dying Vernal aiming one of her weapons at her and
fires. Cinder blocks the attack, but Raven quickly dashes up behind her and lands a
devastating lightning attack on her face, shattering her mask and revealing the
heavily scarred left side._\n\n_From Gift's spot, he rears up and with all of his
force threw one of the Chaos of Remnant's blades at Cinder as the blade penetrates
her back. The blade's pommel then glows orange as her Maidem powers then channeled
itself directly into the blade._","te":1572547834951},"598538004952252419":
{"u":1,"t":1562772980679,"m":"Gift - Your day will end
HERE!!!"},"598538368313196575":{"u":0,"t":1562773067311,"m":"_The sheer force of
the attack sends Cinder over the edge of the vault's walkway and above the abyss.
She stares back up at Raven, who uses her powers to freeze the Fall Maiden into an
ice statue._\n\n_Gift then retracts the blade, having finished its duty back to its
scabbard as Cinder's frozen body falls down into the dark depths of the abyss,
fading from view. Raven looks down as she watches her enemy continue plunging,
before deactivating her Maiden powers and
sighing._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _solemnly_ Thank you, Vernal.\n\n_She
then turns back to Gift._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> And to you,
too.\n\n_From her spot, Riley threw her now empty tub of popcorn as she gave Raven
two thumbs up._\n\nRiley: I knew you'd get her, and uh... Sorry about
Vernal.\n\n_Raven sadly looks over to the now-deceased Vernal, whose eyes remain
open on her lifeless body. Raven walks over to Vernal's corpse and gently closes
her eyes. Raven then proceeds to the Relic chamber's doorway. She activates her
Maiden powers again and begins the process to unlock the chamber. Watching closely
from the rock slab, Riley calls in an Erusean SpecOps team, marking the Vault's
location for the team._\n\nRiley: Echo Team, HVT is neutralized, you're clear to
move in. Over.\n\nEcho Team Leader: Roger, Atlas. We're moving in
gonna rest now.)"},"598538627840081930":{"u":0,"t":1562773129187,"m":"(Sure!
l"},"598881027179675649":{"u":1,"t":1562854763551,"m":"Gift - What is that
{"u":0,"t":1562855035560,"m":"<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I didn't even finish
unlocking the cha-\n\n_She gets cut off by Riley, having warped inside the chamber
and retrieved the Relic contained within. From there she tossed it to Gift. But as
she tosses the relic to him, it disappears as the ornate lantern returns itself to
the chamber._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Oh.\n\n_An Erusean Royal Army
special ops team then moves in to secure the area, rappling down the elevator shaft
and onto the ground. Amongst the soldiers, Yang pushes them aside as she made her
way to her mother, her right prosthetic arm regrown as its mimetic Rubinoalloy
worked on healing the damaged arm back to
{"u":0,"t":1562855364574,"m":"Erusean Army Soldier: Ms. Branwen, \n\n_The soldier
apporaches Raven, his G36C rifle now hanging on his shoulder._\n\nErusean Army
Soldier: Your daughter requested that we secure this chamber until you leave, and
that she wanted to have a \"civil\" discussion with you. Do you mind if we. uh...
record the conversation for debriefing? \n\n_Raven tries to speak before she gets
cut off again by Yang._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> No, do what you have to.
\n\nErusean Army Soldier: Roger that, Operator. I'll uh...\n\n_He glanced at
Yang's regrown arm, then to Raven's sword before reaching into his vest and
producing a camcorder from one of the open pouches. He then sets up the camcorder
as he extended the tripod and slapped the device onto the latch locking it in. He
presses the record button on the camcorder and stood by it. His left hand resting
on his pistol's holster._\n\nErusean Army Soldier: You're good to go, ma'am. It's
recording now."},"598884765155983360":
{"u":0,"t":1562856008502,"m":"( <@481693633951694848> ?)"},"598887106626060299":
{"u":1,"t":1562856213004,"m":"Gift - I will take care of
{"u":0,"t":1562856373676,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> No, get to Ruby. I'll deal
with her, alone.\n\n_Approaching her mother, three more Erusean soldiers descend to
the vault, all three of them carrying heavy weaponry. Setting up camcorders, the
soldiers rush to get the camcorders connected to their secure network, preparing to
bradcast the stream._\n\nPvt. Sabre: Set up Cam #3, make sure it stays locked on
the two.\nPvt. Almazov: Done, camera three is up, how's the rest of the
cameras?\n\n_Not replying to Locke's question, the soldier standing guard at the
first camcorder plugs in a data probe, looking to the team of soldiers, he walks up
to them._\n\nSgt. Ilya: Go, get out of here. I'll stay and watch the
cameras.\n\n_Nodding, the three soldiers quickly ran back to the elevator,
ascending back to the top. Leaving Gift to himself. Looking to Raven, he thought
better of it and leaves the vault, standing on the elevator as it ascends back to
the top._\n\n_Reaching the main academy floor, he walks from the elevator to a
pillar, sitting with his back lying against it. From afar, Soap ran over to him,
his rifle now slung cross-body Rambo style._\n\nSoap: You going to be alright,
- I don't know, I don't know why i'm not feel anything."},"598893362594054145":
{"u":1,"t":1562857704543,"m":"Gift - I want Ruby to hear this, Weiss
also."},"598893550834286598":{"u":1,"t":1562857749423,"m":"Gift - And don't forget
Blake, or should i say i want team RWBY to hear this it
better."},"598895596371312682":{"u":0,"t":1562858237117,"m":"_Knowing what Gift
meant, Soap radios Riley. Outside, as she worked on grouping surrendering White
Fang soldiers into aircrafts, she replies._\n\nRiley: What is it this
time?\n\nSoap: It's Gift, he wants to see everyone.\n\n_Pushing a resisting White
Fang combat engineer into the interior of a C-130, she replies, holding the
engineer still with a gravity sling._\n\nRiley: I'll get it done, regroup at the
hall in five.\n\nSoap: Got it.\n\n_Breaking the connection, she grabs the
engineer's shoulders and forced him inside onto a seat. With the engineer seated
the C-130's jumpmaster soon worked on strapping him
{"u":1,"t":1562858241340,"m":"Captain Gift - That's right mate.\nSargent Gift -
Hey! at least we have reunion again."},"598895730257559554":
{"u":1,"t":1562858269038,"m":"Commander Gift - Got it, on my
way."},"598896603914436649":{"u":1,"t":1562858477334,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
now)"},"597085325050773564":{"u":0,"t":1562426634801,"m":"_Back at Weiss and
Vernal, now standing in front of one another with their weapons brandished and
ready._\n\nVernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means.\n\n_From the
balcony, Soap yelled out amidst the gunfire and chaos at Vernal._\n\nSoap: IT'S
SNOW, YOU STUPID BI-\n\n_He gets cut off by a stray bullet coming at him, forcing
him to cover._\n\n_Vernal draws her weapons, while Weiss holds Myrtenaster en garde
as the blade glows blue from a plasma cell contained with the weapon's Dust
chamber._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> I'm more than a name.\n\nVernal: Hm, prove
it.\n\n_Weiss activates a glyph below her and projects herself forward to fight the
Spring Maiden. Meanwhile, Oscar sneaks up the stairs to Lionheart while Hazel
confronts Ren and Nora, who hold up their weapons defensively. The Rangers standing
by their sides, guns ready to fire. Up on the balcony, Price and Soap switches to
their M14 EBRs as they took aim and fired at Cinder, now resuming her attack on
{"u":1,"t":1562426689427,"m":"Gift - (Come in Sub zero from) I will prove it to
you."},"597086360259788802":{"u":0,"t":1562426881614,"m":"_Vernal freezes in her
track upon the sight of Gift's Sub-Zero combat form. She kept her weapons raised in
a defensive stance before slowly dropping them and reached into her pocket,
producing a Division Agent tag she had kept since her initiation as an
Agent._\n\nVernal: I'm not supposed to fight you, General. But orders are
orders...\n\n_From there she waits, picking her weapons back up again as Weiss
stared in confusion._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> She's... an
{"u":1,"t":1562427023396,"m":"Gift - We will find the reason later Weiss, but first
We must clear the area, Don't let this over you, Focus on the battle
first."},"597088798907695114":{"u":0,"t":1562427463033,"m":"Vernal: _to Gift_ I'm
sorry.\n\n_Vernal engages her weapons as she fires a dust-activated laser beam at
Weiss, who dodges it by phase-shifting and striking Vernal in the back with a rapid
six-hit slash combo and jumping back as her aura
shimmered._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Phase-Shift, works when it's needed
most.\n\n_She taunts
Vernal as she \"reloads\" the Dust loadout into a set of Light Energy infused Dust
crystals as she braced for her opponent to attack, Gift saw the chance and blasted
Vernal at close-range with a freezing wave, hindering much of the woman's movements
as the cold slows her down._"},"597089248763445248":
{"u":1,"t":1562427570287,"m":"Sargent Gift - I will support you with Alpha 6.\nGift
- Roger that."},"597089786657767425":{"u":0,"t":1562427698531,"m":"_At Lionheart's
spot, he is forced into a standoff against Oscar, unofficially becoming a part of
the fight within the hall._\n\nLionheart: (eyes widening) Ozpin?\n\nOscar: Not
quite.\n\n_Oscar then proceeds forward as his attacks force Lionheart on the
defensive. He manages to whack Lionheart back a few steps as the plasmacaster unit
cools itself down._\n\nLionheart: This can't be... I knew you would be back, but...
you made it here! You found Qrow! How?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _mentally_
Leo... what happened to you?\n\nLionheart: Wait. You can't have had this form for
long. You're... not really Ozpin right now. Boy. Child. If I deliver you to Salem,
she'll have to be pleased with me, and I can finally get out of all of this! I can
finally be free!\n\n_Lionheart, now determined, preps his weapon again as Oscar
fumbled with the cane's plasmacaster attachment._\n\nOscar: What do I
do?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _dryly_ Fight.\n\n_Oscar proceeds forward,
thrusting his cane forward as it is covered in electrical sparks from the
plasmacaster's magnetic plasma containment field. Forcing Lionheart to rely on
ranged attacks as he found himself being shocked by the electrical
field._\n\n_Meanwhile, Weiss leaps around on her glyphs, dodging Vernal's weapons
as she throws them like boomerangs. Weiss is then forced on the defensive and
creates a large ice wall. She then stabs Myrtenaster into the ground as her Arma
Gigas summon crawls out of her glyph. Suddenly, a large beam destroys the ice wall
as well as the Arma Gigas before it could be fully summoned. One of Vernal's
weapons knocks Weiss back several feet._\n\nVernal: _mentally_
Sorry..."},"597090884038688798":{"u":1,"t":1562427960167,"m":"Commander Gift - Help
her at all cost."},"597091109876793388":{"u":1,"t":1562428014011,"m":"Gift - Got it
mate."},"597092217588416532":{"u":0,"t":1562428278110,"m":"Vernal: _catching her
weapon_ Don't think I'm going to let you take the easy way out.\n\n_Elsewhere,
Jaune is knocked to the ground as Cinder holds her flaming scimitar close to his
neck._\n\nCinder: _chuckling_ I'm starting to remember you, you're the dense one
that can't tell when he's out of his league.\n\n_Jaune gets back up and clashes
blades with Cinder again. Ruby watches them fight but is snapped out of her
distraction by Emerald. She then transforms her weapons into their revolver forms
and fires at Ruby, who twirls around Crescent Rose blocking Emerald's shots. Her
Lightspeed Protocol now forced into
cooldown._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> Why are you doing this?!
Salem's--\n\n<:Emerald:501459540726775818> I don't care about Salem! But I owe
Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.\n\n_Emerald then
activates her hallucination Semblance, creating a wall of fire which Cinder emerges
from and charges at Ruby. Suddenly, Cinder's form disappears, while Emerald trips
Ruby. Ruby fires a bullet that narrowly misses Weiss, who is blocking Vernal's
shots with Myrtenaster._\n\n_Weiss attempts to summon, but Vernal is too quick and
prevents her from doing so. Forcing Weiss to switch from her main weapon to her
secondary \"tactical\" set as she unholstered her twin .700 Nitro Express revolvers
and unloaded twelve shots at Vernal point-blank. Sending her adversary down on the
floor as her aura shimmered again._\n\n_Eventually, Weiss manages to launch Vernal
out of the way and prepares to summon again. Suddenly, Vernal appears in front of
her and lands an attack that depletes Weiss' aura. Weiss lets out a pained scream.
Jaune hears this and looks in her direction as tears well up in his
- (Flying kick to Vernal) Stay away from my sister."},"597096387884220427":
{"u":0,"t":1562429272386,"m":"_Gift kicks Vernal away with a flying kick as he
grabs her by the collar, his fist raised high as he punched away at her
{"u":0,"t":1562429557196,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Are you going to let her
die too?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Stop messing with
me!\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> If that's what you want...\n\n_Cinder then
ignites her scimitar, which is now fully coated in flames. Cinder and Jaune proceed
forward to clash. Ruby looks behind her and notices this. She briefly thinks back
to the moment when Pyrrha died, and her eyes start to shine bright again, from the
far side of the hall, Riley, upon hearing Ruby's scream flies towards her as her
eyes begin to glow again. Same goes to Gift's._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!\n\n_A bright light engulfs the area but dies down when Ruby is
knocked unconscious by Emerald. Suddenly, Cinder falls to her knees, holding her
arm in pain. She looks up, and barely misses Jaune's attack as it chips her mask
that conceals the left side of her face. As Cinder moves out of the way, Jaune
trips and falls. Cinder gets back up enraged, activating her Maiden power while
doing so. She then steps on top of Jaune to hold him down, before she could attack
Riley appears from behind her and sends a flying kick to her back, sending her
sprawling on the floor._\n\nRiley: You...\n\n_She forcefully kicks her again in the
stomach as Cinder's aura slightly shimmered, indicating damage._\n\nRiley: You're
not goin to leave this place alive. Wanna know why?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009>
_groaning, clutching her stomach_ And what make you think than I'm not leaving?
Huh?"},"597098065832181781":{"u":1,"t":1562429672440,"m":"Sargent Gift - Because
you are gonna die here."},"597100408992956426":
{"u":0,"t":1562430231093,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _deadpans_ Great
talk.\n\n_With the blink of an eye, she disappears as she teleported herself away
from Riley and Sarge and in the middle of the hall. Her body completely ridden of
any signs of injuries. She looked around at Sarge's comrades defiantly, not
noticing a red dot on her forehead._\n\nPrice: Sarge, permission to fire?\n\n_From
his position he kept aim on Cinder's head, not moving an inch. On the ground, as
she looked around Cinder finally took notice of Weiss, kneeling before Vernal, her
aura depleted._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Y'know what, Sarge? I'd just
thought of something that I should have done earlier. \n\nVernal: What? Have you
lost your mind, Cinder!?\n\n_Vernal gets to her feet as she aimed her two weapons
at Cinder, her finger placed on the trigger, ready to fire. But before she could
react, she finds herself being dragged away by Ramirez and
Pierson._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Better turn away, Vernal. This is going
to be... painful.\n\n_She smirked as she conjures an obsidian spear in her right
hand, raising it high in the air._"},"597100750975270912":
{"u":1,"t":1562430312628,"m":"Sargent Gift - That's spear is flying to Weiss.\nGift
- I will take it."},"597102300145778688":
{"u":0,"t":1562430681979,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _chuckling_ Playing the
hero again, General?\n\n_She throws the spear at him instead as she conjures
another spear similar to the one she had thrown at Gift earlier and sent it flying
at Weiss._\n\n_Before Gift's eyes, he saw the first spear impaling into his chest
as his momentum instantly changed, he finds himself falling towarda the floor with
his feet high in the air as the spear's heat burned through its entry wound on his
suit's plate carrier. Ignoring the spear impaling him he turned his head to the
second spear as he saw its tip impales Weiss through her abdomen, followed by a
short cry of pain, then silence..._"},"597102667449499664":
{"u":1,"t":1562430769551,"m":"Gift - (In his imagination) If i have a chance, i
will take that damage instead of Weiss.","te":1562430942814},"597105194546888709":
{"u":0,"t":1562431372058,"m":"_The world around him fades away as he lost his
consciousness..._\n\n_Outside the academy, all fighting and acts of hostility of
the White Fang and the Strangereal Coalition Forces, Space United Peacekeeping
Force and the U.S. Army Rangers ceases as Weiss' cry of pain echoed throughout the
area._\n\nCossette: Oh, no...\n\n_She falls to her knees as she jumped out of her
battered X-02S Strike Wyvern, its left aileron finally detaching from the wing.
Similar events soon followed through as the four forces stopped and turned towards
the source of the voice._ \n\nAWACS Long Caster: How could she...
damnit!\n\n_Enraged, he slammed his fist down the desk as he switches his frequency
over to ALL. transmitting his message to all friendly combatants regardless of
types._\n\nAWACS Long Caster: This is Long Caster to all friendly units, storm the
academy. I repeat, storm the academy!\n\nCount: Righto, let's show that firegirl
that we Oseans are NOT to be messed with!\nTrigger: I'm with you, Count. Let's do
this!\nMihaly: For once, we now have something we can all agree with.\n\n_Mere
moments after his command, the three friendly armed forces all pooled their assets
directly at the academy as they moved in formations with only one goal in mind.
Destroy the hostiles around the academy and eventually
Cinder._"},"597158812998172673":{"u":3,"t":1562444155693,"m":"(that's so cool. I
wonder if reaper could also be in here)"},"597436085852831744":
{"u":1,"t":1562510262693,"m":"Gift - You will not get any damage Weiss, but i will.
(Suddenly the spear now not at Weiss but it at Gift
the academy, aerial units continue to rain destruction down the academy's
courtyard as the White Fang called in their KVA branch. From an F-22A cockpit lies
Reaper. Targeting a columns of KVA battle tanks with his onboard enhanced radiation
JDAM munitions._\n\n_As he continues to lase the tank column, a distress call from
a ground team, Avalon Four comes through his helmet radio._\n\nAvalon Four: We're
pinned down on sector GRG-six-six-three-four-zero and taking multiple casualties!
Please assist! We're taking heavy losses!\n\n_Inside the academy, Gift, now lying
next to Weiss laid his right hand on top of the spear's entry wound. Disintegrating
it as the spear reappeared on his armor, its tip jutting through the external
plating's circuitry._\n\n_Cinder is shown smirking. Jaune quickly gets up and runs
past Cinder as Oscar watches Jaune approach and pick up the unconscious Weiss
from his position. He then looks over to the unconscious Ruby Rose._\n\n_Angered,
he smacks Leonardo with his cane, causing him to fall down the stairs and
into Hazel Rainart, who remains unfazed as Lionheart falls to the ground. Oscar
quickly runs over to Ruby, with Nora joining him._\n\nOscar: Ruby, get up! Get up!
We need you!","te":1562510826716},"597438836615806984":
{"u":3,"t":1562510918526,"m":"(I'm fanboying pretty hard
RN)"},"597439155978633216":{"u":1,"t":1562510994668,"m":"Sargent Gift - Damn!
GIFT!!!\nCommander Gift - What happen?\nSargent Gift - Gift got hit.\nCommander
Gift - How his wound?\nSargent Gift - Deep wound, i will check how can we help him,
Cover me.\nCommander Gift - Got it."},"597441410538668034":
{"u":0,"t":1562511532197,"m":"_The Commander then unclipped an IFAK field surgical
kit as he laid out the tools and grabbed a plasma scalpel, its blade spewing golden
sparks as he pressed the tip of the blade down on the skin next to the
spear._\n\n_As Commander assisted Jaune in healing both Weiss and the General.
Multiple loud booms of a JDAM strike is heard in the background as Reaper's
munitions package devastated the KVA tank column._\n\n_Having seen Jaune struggle
to keep his newfound semblance in check, Riley pushes him away as she spread her
arms wide open, conjuring streams of Light Energy into the two palms of her hands
and firing off an energy blast._\n\n_As soon as she fired the blast, the downed
members of Gift's squad, including himself, Weiss, and Ruby are then healed of
their injuries, their wounds sealing themselves into normal while Cinder watched in
awe._"},"597441916107358230":{"u":1,"t":1562511652734,"m":"Gift - Sarge...(cough)
Only this can heal for a bit, i need the true feeling of Ruby with me, i want to
know what she think with me.\nSargent Gift - Got it, hang on
there."},"597443699055525889":{"u":0,"t":1562512077822,"m":"_Ruby, now healed by
Riley slowly gets back on her feet, using the Crescent Rose to support
herself._\n\n:Ruby: Ow...\n\n_She groaned as her insides began resuming their
nominal functions as her implants. Including the direct neural interface comes to
nominal parameters. She looked at Gift, still on the floor before tossing her
sniper-scythe away and running over to him._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> :
Gift? Wake up!\n\n_She tugged at his exosuit. No
response._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> : C'mon, wake up! We need you!
Please!\n\n_She tugged at his exosuit harder, still getting no response. From
there, her eyes swelled with tears as she continues to bring Gift back to
consciousness._\n\n:Ruby: _sobbing tears of sorrow_ Please... just wake
up...\n\n_Still getting zero response from her guardian, Ruby pulls him up as she
hugged him tightly. Now crying into his
shoulder._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just wake up,
{"u":1,"t":1562512382277,"m":"Ruby see his wound have heal.\nGift - Ah!!! Huh?
Ruby?"},"597445560403755018":{"u":0,"t":1562512521602,"m":"_Gift, finding himself
being hugged tightly by his teammate taps on her shoulder twice. Much to Ruby's
surprise._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> ...huh?\n\n_Having realised that she has
been locking him in a hug for too long, she jumps away from him, literally. Causing
Jaune to nearly trip over his shield as Ren took him by the arm. Stopping his
fall._"},"597445833926901761":{"u":1,"t":1562512586815,"m":"Gift - This feeling is
so warm, I know now you really want me so much my sweet
{"u":0,"t":1562512789269,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I thought you were gone,
Gift! Please don't do that again...\n\n_She looks down, wiping tears from her
eyes._\n\n_Hazel picks up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.
Shielding his eyes from Riley's light._\n\nHazel: You're lettin' that boy make a
fool of you. \n\nLionheart: That's not just a boy! It's Ozpin. _Hazel's eyes widen
when he says this_ He's already reincarnated!\n\n_Hazel drops Lionheart and looks
over to Oscar, who is now on his feet. He then notices Ozpin's cane being held in
the young farm boy's hand._\n\nHazel: Ozpin?\n\n_Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor
of Hazel slowly turns infuriated. Having foresaw the ensuing fight Riley steps away
from Oscar. Shaking her head as she mumbled to herself._\n\nRiley: _groaning and
rolling her eyes_ God-fucking-damnit...\n\nOscar: Riley!
Wait--\n\nHazel: OZPIN!!!!\n\n_Oscar looks up._\n\nOzpin: _mentally_ Oh
no...\n\nHazel: You thought you could hide from ME?!!\n\n_Hazel rips his coat off,
and then grabs a pair of lightning Dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his
legs._"},"597549194030481418":{"u":3,"t":1562537229784,"m":"(oh look. Snake vs the
man in red before he was. Well red)"},"597794961383096350":
{"u":1,"t":1562595894228,"m":"Gift - (Hug Ruby) I sorry to make you worry but i do
what i must."},"597796880897933324":{"u":0,"t":1562596282935,"m":"_Not saying a
word, Ruby lets go of him as she pulls him back on his feet, her teammates
following suit as they rushed for the elevator platform only to find the platform
gone._\n\n_Meanwhile, Cinder, Raven and Vernal are seen riding the platform down to
the vault. Oblivious to Price's team sneaking behind them in full
cloak._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _to Vernal_ Are you nervous, girl? The
first Maiden in - why, I'm not sure anyone knows how many years - is about to open
a vault. I would say it's quite an exciting time. Don't you feel
honored?\n\nVernal: No, I'm not concerned with any of this. All I care about is my
tribe - my family. This is a burden, not an honor.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009>
_chuckles_ You've conditioned her quite well, Raven.\n\n_As the three continue to
ride down the platform, they see the vault under Haven Academy - a massive cavern
with a large tree that has glowing orange flowers. The platform reaches the bottom,
and the gate protecting the vault is lowered into the ground. Behind them, Soap,
Price and Yuri get into positions as Sandman's team trailed after
them._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hm, it's certainly grander than Beacon's. I
wonder what the extra effort was for.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Can we
please not linger?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> After you.\n\n_Vernal steps off
the platform first, followed by Cinder, and then Raven, the latter putting her mask
back on._","te":1562596355765},"597798181861851147":
{"u":1,"t":1562596593109,"m":"Gift - Back for action. (Transform to inferno
Scorpion)"},"597801002531553300":{"u":0,"t":1562597265609,"m":"_Back above ground,
Hazel and Ozpin fight each other intensely. Lionheart tries to intervene by
launching another attack from his weapon, but is stopped by Qrow. The two of them
fight each other, with Qrow blocking Lionheart's projectiles. Ozpin and Hazel
engage against each other again. Hazel tries to smash him with his fists, but Ozpin
is too fast for him._ \n\n_Eventually, Ozpin manages to knock Hazel down on all
fours. Ozpin then twirls his cane and prepares to deliver the finishing blow, but
Hazel roars and smashes his fists into the ground, creating another lightning
shockwave. Meanwhile, Weiss starts to gasp and breathes normally again as the white
aura encoating her continues to glow as Riley kept up her vitakinesis channeling.
Topping off her aura._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Huh? Wha- what's
happening?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Weiss!\n\n_Nora helps Ruby up on her feet
as she picks up her weapon, who then quickly runs over to her teammate's
side._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What happened? What's going
on?!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _smiling_ I think she's going to be okay! She
seems to be stabilizing, after all, Riley and Jaune did their
best."},"597802774142648321":{"u":1,"t":1562597687994,"m":"Gift - I will help her,
clear the area."},"597806706784862228":{"u":0,"t":1562598625609,"m":"Riley: Better
start marking your kills now, 'cause Hazel's mine.\n\n_Riley snaps her finger as
her signature weapon, the IG-2MS \"Rodan\" Dust claymore-battle rifle hybrid
materialized itself in her right hand, its blade sparkling with plasma energy as
she channeled her Light energy into it. She crouched, took aim at Hazel and fired
off a series of plasma shots as the projectiles struck his back._\n\nHazel: What
the-\n\n_As he turned, he meets a faceful of fire dust projectiles barrage as Riley
swicthes her claymore back to its standard form and with her left hand, she fired
off a time-dilation energy blast as she delivered ten consecutive strikes to his
chest as the time dilation effect fades away, resuming the nominal flow of time and
sending Hazel flying off to the front gate of the hall
entrance._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Oscar, say status!\n\n_Oscar, recovering
from Hazel's torrents of attacks yelped as Nora stood next to him alongside Ren
and Jaune. Their weapons locked and loaded._\n\nOscar:
Woah-"},"597807520513392700":{"u":1,"t":1562598819617,"m":"Gift - Sarge go and
help them, Use my scorpion form.\nSargent Gift - Got it."},"597807831176970250":
{"u":0,"t":1562598893685,"m":"_Ruby stands back up, transforming Crescent Rose into
its scythe form and flips over. She lands to her sister's side, knocking Emerald
back. Emerald's Semblance copies of Mercury then disappear, reforming back into the
main Mercury. Ruby then ireached into her belt pouch and produced a vial of
liquefied Light Energy as she tossed the contents down her mouth. Swallowing
it._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Thanks, sis. _standing back up_ You
okay?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> No, I'm angry.\n\n_She tosses away the vial as
she chambered a round into the Crescent Rose. With the sniper-scythe ready she
proceeds forward as Gift stood next to her. His hands now up in flames as he
activated gis Scorpion form while Sarge breaks off to protect
Nora._"},"597808221435985921":{"u":1,"t":1562598986730,"m":"Gift - (in Scorpion
Form) This fire just light up a bit, but it will
{"u":0,"t":1562599493970,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ready to dive down into
the deep, Sarge?\n\n_She readies up Maghnild as Ren reloaded StormFlower with two
extended 75-round drum mags while Jaune recharged his shield as he pushed Oscar
behind him. Sarge providing them protection from frontal attacks as they pressed on
to the elevator platform, having returned from its descent down into the
vault._\n\n_From Riley's side, she keeps up her relentless attacks on Hazel,
switching from slashing his Dust crystals away to firing plasma blasts from her
hands, and using her claymore-rifle form to pick away Dust shards on his
arms._\n\nHazel: _slowing down due to his injuries_ Wha... what the hell are
you?!\n\nRiley: Just call me... Riley. \n\n_She wraps him in using her gravity
sling as she tossed him up the air and with great force, smashed him against the
ground, sending a shockwave blast that reverberated throughout the hall, stopping
Nora and her teammates in their tracks and even Ruby. Her scythe reared up and
ready to strike Emerald down the length of her body._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Whaaaat?!\n\nEmerald: Did she just... smashed him on thr
ground!?"},"597810779768619070":{"u":1,"t":1562599596684,"m":"Gift - Feel the power
of vengeance!!"},"597812325314985984":{"u":0,"t":1562599965171,"m":"_Gift delivers
his final blow on Hazel's back as he sends him finally crashing through the
entrance gate and landing in front of a White Fang Deathbringer unit much to its
pilot's surprise._\n\nDeathbringer Pilot: Where did this guy even came
from!?\n\n_From the sky, Reaper locks onto the Deathbringer as he pickled off three
JDAMs and lased the target for his strike package. Behind his F-22 are Cosette's
squadron, nicknamed the \"Princess Advocates\" swooping in with their mixed fighter
jets, with Cosette's being a souped-up \"repacked\" FX-35A Super Lightning._\n\n_On
the ground, much of the Osean Ground Defense Force, the Erusean Army and the
Rangers gained control of the Academy save for a few battalions staying
behind._"},"597813388659130427":{"u":1,"t":1562600218692,"m":"Gift - What happen
outside?"},"597813472256065557":{"u":0,"t":1562600238623,"m":"_Marking Hazel with
his IR designator, Wit keeps up his lock on the main hall's entrance, ready to
pickle off a JDAM strike package at the academy._\n\nWit: I'll admit, that
shockwave blast from the assembly hall was not from a shockwave missile.\n\n_Still
engaged in a chase, Cossette replies to him, her voice filled with strain as she
fights against the g-force taking its toll on her._\n\nCossette: That's because it
was NOT a missile, use your IR and you'll find that man lying in front of the
Deathbringer.\n\n_Looking through his targeting reticle, Count finds Hazel lying on
the ground face first, smoke billowing from the shattered shards of Lightning
Dust._\n\nCount: My, my... That guy's toast. Ain't that right, Trigger?\n\n_An
unmarked Saab Draken drone flies past him as Trigger, now locked in a chase against
a White Fang Su-35 fires off his last QAAM missile at the jet, destroying it. With
the hostile jet taken care of he returns his wingman his remark._\n\nTrigger: Like
he's going to walk for you, Count. He's a goner.\n\n_Banking away from his wingman,
Trigger sets course for resupply as he keyed in coordinates for the Copro unit
taking the WSO's seat. Programming it for automated landing and take-off. Shaking
his head, Count pulls his jet close to academy grounds scanning the area below him
for threats as friendly Estovakian jets flew past the main hall marking the ground
with IR designators._\n\n_Back inside the hall, Sarge continues his attempt to
bring Weiss back to consciousness, failing to notice his wrist computer warning him
of her active vitals sign. Groaning, Weiss opened her eyes to find the sergeant
shaking her vigorously, causing the recently healed wound to split and bleed again.
Angered and annoyed, she pushes the sergeant's hands off of him, but his grasp on
her is too strong, keeping her under his hold as others stood by and
{"u":1,"t":1562600373830,"m":"Sargent Gift - Come on Come on.\n(He almost losing
hope but he think one word to make Weiss wake up)\nSargent Gift - If you gone how
your brother live, he will feel like his lost one thing in his
{"u":0,"t":1562600512662,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I'm not down yet,
you dolt!\n\n_Finally getting the sergeant's attention, Weiss pushes him off of
her, getting back on her feet an shurprising the sergeant. Looking down to her
bleeding wound, she squinted her eyes at him as more blood seeped from the wound
onto her dress, staining it with a bright shade of
red._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Look at what you did to my dress, you
jerk!\n\n_Now standing on her feet, she pulls the sergeant up and slaps him in the
face. Instinctively, she reached down and grabbed Myrtenaster from the floor,
taking it by the hilt as she inspected her weapon for damage. Not finding any
visible damage she sheathed the rapier back and ran for Riley, with Sarge trailing
behind._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Sorry for slapping you, what's the
gameplan, Sarge!?","te":1572544586719},"596018670363344927":
{"u":0,"t":1562172324506,"m":"_Elsewhere, Blake and Ilia stare at each other
from their positions, both holding their weapons._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101>
Did you come in here to hide?\n\nIlia: I told you, I didn't want
this.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> But you're still here! And you disavowed The
Division!\n\nIlia: I don't have a choice!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Of course
you do!\n\n_Ilia doesn't say anything, she just looks away as her Division tag lit
up red. Marking her status as a Rogue._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Just...
stay out of my way.\n\n_Blake puts Gambol Shroud on her back and starts walking
away. Suddenly, Ilia leaps and charges at Blake but her form disappears. Blake then
reappears a few feet away behind Ilia._\n\n_Blake holds Gambol Shroud in a
defensive stance, while Ilia begins to attack with the whip form of her weapon.
Blake dodges and rolls. She runs along the desks and chairs in the room as Ilia
tries to use her whip to hit her._\n\n_ Blake manages to dodge and block Ilia's
attacks, and uses her ribbon to wrap around Ilia's wrist. Ilia is pulled toward
Blake, followed up with the latter kicking the chameleon Faunus to the ground. The
two then lock blades with each other._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Why do you
feel like we have to hurt people to get our way?!\n\nIlia: _grunts_ Because it
works!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> That doesn't make it
right!"},"596019503737995285":{"u":0,"t":1562172523198,"m":"_As Ilia sprang back on
her feet, from the study's balcony Sandman took aim with his 25mm Atlas rifle and
fired three rounds into her general direction as the rounds air-bursted into a
cloud of nanomachines that quickly formed themselves into micro-bomblets.
Detonating themselves point-blank at Ilia and sending her flying away._\n\n_The
second round then released its payload as the bomblets exploded aginst the first
round. The shockwave sending Ilia flying back inside and crahsing through the
window into the study itself._"},"596019809993359382":
{"u":1,"t":1562172596215,"m":"Captain Gift - Blake Get down! (Fire
M1911)"},"596021708436013086":{"u":0,"t":1562173048839,"m":"_Blake jumps into the
study hall as Sandman recalled the third 25mm round and detonated it at a column of
bookshelves as they bursted into flames._\n\n_Cap then fired his M1911 at an
isolated cloud of smoke as his thermals revealed Ilia's whereabouts within the
room._\n\n_With camouflage not an option anymore, Ilia engages Blake in combat. The
two start off with a mixture of sword clashes and hand-to-hand._\n\n_Blake dodges
out of the way of one of Ilia's attacks and starts shooting at her with the pistol
form of her weapon. Ilia deflects the shots with her whip._\n\nIlia: Quit taking
potshots and fight me like you mean it!!\n\n_Blake dodges another one of Ilia's
whips and lands on the balcony above her. She takes cover behind the railing as
Ilia rants at her._\n\n_Sandman and Cap looked at one another as the two produced a
close-quarter version of the M82 as they took aim at Ilia, still ranting away at
Blake._\n\nIlia: You used to see things the way I did! The way Adam did! If no
one's going to do anything to stop the humans that attack us, then the only choice
we have left... is to attack back!!\n\n_Blake loads another cartridge in her pistol
and begins to fire at Ilia again. Ilia deflects the shots, but when she goes to use
her whip again, her weapon
is frozen in place. Suddenly, a ribbon is wrapped around her weapon as Blake pulls
it away and she leaps from the balcony to kick Ilia to the ground. Blake holds Ilia
down._\n\nSandman: Damn it.\n\n_He sighed in disappointment as he almost fired his
first shot._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> You're wrong, there's always another
choice.\n\n_Ilia struggles to get up as Blake continues to hold her
down._"},"596022831868018746":{"u":1,"t":1562173316686,"m":"Captain Gift - Sandman
back to the front line, i will deal with her."},"596022899752566840":
{"u":0,"t":1562173332871,"m":"Sadman: Roger."},"596023351437295638":
{"u":0,"t":1562173440561,"m":"_Sandman then ran back to the main building as his
teammates does so. Leaving Cap behind._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Ilia...
please. You're a good person but you're making all the wrong
decisions!\n\nIlia: SHUT UP!!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Is this really what
your parents would've wanted?!\n\nIlia: _voice breaking_ I don't know what else to
do!! \n\n_Suddenly, Ilia ceases her struggling and her eyes start to well up, her
Division tag turning into its standard orange. Signifying her status as an official
Agent._\n\nIlia: _sobbing_ I don't know what else to do...\n\n_As Ilia continues
sobbing, Blake hears a rumble. Corsac is thrown through the wall, dropping his
weapons. Ghira jumps into the room as he growls at Corsac. He then notices his
daughter pinning Ilia to the ground._","te":1562173456925},"596023771203108864":
{"u":1,"t":1562173540641,"m":"Captain Gift - Gotcha!"},"596024816088383488":
{"u":0,"t":1562173789761,"m":"Ghira: Blake!\n\n_Suddenly, Fennec stabs Ghira in
the back, who cries out in pain and slumps toward the
ground._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Dad!!\n\n_Cap wastes no time and assumes
his combat stance, as flames spews from both of his hands. Ready to
fight._\n\n_With Blake distracted, Ilia gets her off her and kicks her into a
nearby chair, knocking Blake out momentarily. Ghira then gets Fennec off his back
and tosses him away as Corsac runs to him. Ghira pulls the dagger out of his back
and clashes fists with Corsac._\n\n_The two then struggle to push each other as
their hands interlock. Ilia just stares in disbelief at what's going on around her,
before a voice snaps her out of her trance._\n\nFennec: Ilia! What are you doing?!
Fight!!\n\n_Fennec pulls out another dagger and charges at Ghira. The chieftain
manages to push off Corsac and dodges Fennec's swipes as he begins to fight both of
them at once. Fennec gets tossed away for a bit and begins to charge his weapon
while Corsac and Ghira continue exchanging blows. Fennec then charges in again,
giving a loud battle cry._\n\n_Cap intervenes, firing fireballs at Fennec and
forcing him to withdraw as the fireballs home in on him._\n\n_Cap moves in on
Corsac as he fires out the chained spear sending it plunging straight into Corsac's
back. Piercing the heart and killing
him._\n\nFennec: BROTHER!!!"},"596025214597464085":
{"u":1,"t":1562173884773,"m":"Captain Gift - 1 down, 1 to
go."},"596026421277622283":{"u":0,"t":1562174172468,"m":"_Fennec tries to attack
Cap, but Sun jumps in and kicks him away. Sun sees Blake struggling to get back up
and angrily glares at Ilia. From there Cap shouted at him to help Blake, which he
does so. _\n\nSun: On it!\n\n_Sun pulls out Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang and engages
Ilia in combat as Cap pulls out his M14 EBR amd fired directly at Ilia. He delivers
a flurry of attacks with his shotgun nunchucks that overwhelms Ilia and disarms
her, Cap's stun shots slowing her down. She is then pushed against pillar by Sun.
As she struggles to get out of his hold, the pillar she is getting pushed against
starts to crack._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Stop!!\n\n_Sun and Ilia stop to
look at Blake._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Please... _tears start streaming
down her eyes_\n\n_Ilia manages to push Sun off her and falls to the ground.
Suddenly the pillar starts to crack even more, Sun moves out of the way quickly as
the balcony above Ilia starts to give way. Ilia yelps as the balcony is about to
fall on her._\n\n_Suddenly, Ghira is shown lifting the broken part of the balcony
with his own strength as Cap pulls the balcony up with all of his strength with the
grappling hook while Ilia stares in
awe._\n\nGhira: Go!!","te":1562174267397},"596026995163529238":
{"u":1,"t":1562174309293,"m":"Captain Gift - (Use Sub zero's Ice blast to Balcony)
This can hold for long."},"596028216138006549":{"u":0,"t":1562174600396,"m":"Ghira:
Thanks\n\n_Ilia quickly gets out of the way as Ghira effortlessly lifts the now
brittle and chilled balcony away. Sun uses his Semblance to summon two light clones
that go and help Ghira lift._\n\n_Blake grabs her katana and transforms it into her
kusarigama form. Unbeknownst to them, Fennec gets back up and sees his brother
still unconscious. He grabs both of their daggers and runs towards
Ghira._\n\n_Blake sees this and quickly uses her weapon to wrap it around her
father's torso and pull him out as Fennec lands just below the falling balcony._
\n\n_Cap stands in front of Fennec as the subcooling effects of his powers spreads
out towards rhe fire burning un the room. He extends his hands as he unleashes a
wave of icy cold blast of Blue Dust point-blank, freezing the younger Albain as he
delivered a forceful kick to his frozen body, shattering him to million
pieces._\n\n_Afterwards, Kali enters the room dragging an unconscious Yuma, who has
his hands tied behind his back._"},"596028522070278153":
{"u":1,"t":1562174673336,"m":"Captain Gift - Everyone
alright?"},"596028819337510920":{"u":0,"t":1562174744210,"m":"Kali: Yeah, we're
good."},"596031374721548347":{"u":1,"t":1562175353461,"m":"Captain Gift - Good,
Metal 0-1 Report your status."},"596032075165990932":
{"u":0,"t":1562175520460,"m":"Sandman: We're all okay, be advised, I just caught us
a sly fox.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Mom!\n\n_Kali drops Yuma as her daughter
comes up to hug her. Their embrace is cut short as a voice gets their
attention._\n\nCorsac: _darkly_ What have you done? _standing back up_ You ruined
everything... _inhales_ EVERYTHIIIIIIING!!!\n\n_Frost then smacked Corsac's head
with the stock of his rifle, knocking the lights out of him._\n\n_The Belladonnas
and Sun take defensive stances as Frost worked on getting Corsac out of the
compound. With the battle over, Ilia starts to cry and falls to her knees as she
breaks down, with the Belladonnas and Sun looking on._"},"596032826261110815":
{"u":1,"t":1562175699535,"m":"Captain Gift - Nice shot
mate."},"596034700511019028":{"u":0,"t":1562176146391,"m":"Frost: At least he won't
be talking for a while now....\n\n_Outside of the Belladonna's home, a large crowd
of Faunus gathers outside, noticing the smoke coming from the
building._\n\nGuard: Back! Everyone, stay back! We've got people inside doing their
best. Team Metal will be here soon l.\n\nFaunus: Look!\n\n_From the smoky doorway,
Ghira walks out carrying the motionless bodies of a White Fang soldier and a
Menagerie Guard on each of his shoulders. He hands the bodies to two guards as
Saber Rodentia arrives._\n\nSaber: Get in there! Search for any
stragglers!\n\n_More guards walk out keeping Corsac restrained, followed by Blake,
Kali, Sun, Ilia and others. Team Metal then stands next to them, with Cap in the
middle._\n\nSaber: _to Ghira_ We came as soon as we got the call. _he notices
Corsac being forced to his knees_ And Fennec?\n\n_Ghira sadly shakes his head.
Saber walks over to Corsac._\n\nSaber: _snarkily_ Was it worth it?\n\n_Corsac looks
down, defeated. As the commotion continues, Blake shares brief looks with Sun and
Ilia. Blake takes a deep sigh as she goes down the steps. Ghira notices his
daughter walking away._\n\nGhira: Blake!\n\n_Before Ghira could go any further,
his wife stops him, and both look on. Blake then stops at one of the steps as she
begins to address the crowd._\n\n_She turns to Cap ant Team Metal as she gestured
for them to come closer._"},"596035252883816555":
{"u":1,"t":1562176278087,"m":"Captain Gift - The truth must be
{"u":0,"t":1562176424337,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Humans didn't do
this.\n\n _She points at the smoke coming from her house and the casualties being
laid out next to her in body bags._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We did
this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence
as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that
out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?!
\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> By doing nothing and staying silent, we let
others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make,
then we have no one to blame but ourselves. \n\n_As she speaks, four Osean Arsenal
Birds and an Arkbird flies close to the ground. Deploying various combat units
around the island._\n\n<:AngryBlake:578213315763896331> This is the message that
Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him! You
have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very
complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go
away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution.
\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I understand that to ask you to leave your
homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's
what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have
Gift - To complete this operation, we need help as much as we
can."},"596036861349199904":{"u":0,"t":1562176661575,"m":"Ilia: I'll stand with
you!\n\n_Blake turns around with a surprised look on her face as Ilia stands up.
Her pained expression
then looks down._\n\nIlia: If... if you'd have me.\n\nMale Faunus: Isn't that
the White Fang girl?\n\nFemale Faunus: I thought she hated the
Belladonnas.\n\n_Despite some of the crowd's murmuring amongst themselves, Blake
smiles at her old friend. As Ilia proceeds forward, Saber suddenly stops
her._\n\nSaber: You're not going anywhere!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Let her
come.\n\nSaber: Huh? You're just going to forgive her? After everything she
did?!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> I am.\n\n_Saber looks to Ghira, who nods to
let Ilia go. Ilia continues to walk down the steps to stand next to her friend. In
the background, a column of Osean Ground Defense Force APCs move in alongside three
GDI MCVs._\n\nSaber: What does she think she's doing?\n\nGhira: _smiling_ She's
learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in
forgiveness.\n\n_Blake puts a hand on Ilia's shoulder, sharing a smile
together._\n\nMata: I'll go!!"},"596037282402664469":
{"u":1,"t":1562176761962,"m":"Captain Gift - Next location Haven academy, Our
second base."},"596038944651739159":{"u":0,"t":1562177158273,"m":"_Mata the ram
Faunus steps forward and raises his hand, followed by many more._\n\nFemale Aquatic
Faunus: I'll go too!\n\nVarious Faunus: I'll stand with you! I'll go!! Yeah!! Me
too! Let's go! Yeah, let's go!!\n\n_As more Faunus start to give Blake their
support, Sun walks down the steps to join her and Ilia. The crowd is heard cheering
as a majority agree to volunteer. They all smile at the
crowd._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Looks like we've got work to
do.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Thank
you.\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> _pointing to Ilia_ You stabbed me.\n\n_Ilia looks
down sorrowfully._\n\nIlia: I-- _Sun playfully pinches her arm_
Ow!\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> There. Let's just call it even.\n\n_Ghira and Kali
then walk down the steps to join their daughter and her friends as the Faunus
Militia commamder greets them._\n\nFaunus Militia Cimmander: Commander Jaeger , at
your service. Sir! The Arsenal Birds have set up a forward operation base just
three olicks outside of Kuo Kuana. We are ready to receive civilian enlistees and
train them from now.\n\nGhira: Good. We have about two weeks before Adam's attack
on Haven. We're going to need shields, training, whatever we can do to protect as
many people as possible.\n\nKali: We'll need transportation too. For
everyone.\n\nGrinch: The Arsenal Birds can take care of that, besides. The Osean
Governmenr has given you full permission to use the Arkbird as your mobile command
and fire support platform.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _smiling_ Great, we...
are an army now. A formidable one too.\n\n_Sun grins and nods in agreement before
the screen cuts to black._"},"596039887946383397":
{"u":1,"t":1562177383172,"m":"Gift - Cap, status.\nCaptain Gift - I'm going to move
to haven now.\nGift - Good, Commander and Sarge are already on their way.\nCaptain
Gift - Got it."},"596041233680302090":{"u":0,"t":1562177704020,"m":"_In Mistral,
the full moon illuminates the night sky above Haven Academy. On the school
grounds, Qrow takes the lead as the currently present members of Team RWBY, the
remaining members of Team JNPR, and Oscar follow close behind. Ruby stops and
looks up to admire Haven's CCT tower, before following the rest of the group to a
nearby building as Gift and Riley stood guard._\n\n_They enter the building and are
greeted by Leonardo Lionheart, who is standing on a terrace at the top of the
stairs that is being held up by a statue._\n\nLionheart: Why hello. Thank you
for... coming. _nervously_ There... seems to be more of you than last time.
_nervous chuckle_\n\n_Qrow and the rest of the group stop to look up at Lionheart.
Riley visibly shaking her head as Gift toyed with his pistol _\n\nQrow: Eh, you
know what they say, \"The more the merrier\". So what's going on with the
council?\n\nLionheart: Why... did you bring your weapons?\n\nQrow: What? Leo,
we're Huntsmen. You okay?\n\nRiley: According to situations during times like this,
carrying weapons openly would be semsible. Besides, we're here to save this
place. \n\n_The roar of a fleet of Arsenal Birds is heard throughout the entire
academy as they airdropped supplies by their ventrsl dropships._\n\nLionheart: Of
course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.\n\nQrow: Look, it's
nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or
not?\n\n_While the two talk, Yang notices from the corner of her eye a black bird
perched on a balcony
railing._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Mom?"},"596041534302847028":
{"u":0,"t":1562177775694,"m":"(I'm going to pause it right here, gotta go. Rest
well, and we'll continue the next time we
{"u":3,"t":1562293630085,"m":"(that's cute. You use the little
{"u":1,"t":1562337683560,"m":"Gift - Sarge, what does she talking about?\nSargent
Gift - I and Commander have seen this before we get here.\nCommander Gift - I saw
her transform herself to Raven, i mean bird.\nGift - I see."},"596714852223811584":
{"u":0,"t":1562338307196,"m":"_Everyone's attention is turned to the bird. It flies
away just as Qrow shoots at it, but he misses. The bird flies down behind
Lionheart, transforming into Raven Branwen, donning her mask. Everyone glares at
her, except Riley._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Raven...\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> They... they really are
magic...\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _taking her mask off_ f you're going to
shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting.\n\nQrow: What are you doing
here?!\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _walking down the stairs_ I could ask you
the same thing. You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own
sister.\n\nQrow: Leo... what have you done?!\n\nLionheart: I...\n\n_His truth
being exposed, Lionheart stammered as Riley steps closer to him with a combat knife
in her right hand._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Leo did what any sane person
would in his position - he looked at all the information he had in front of him,
assessed the situation, and made a choice. And it seems you all have
too.\n\nQrow: _angry_ You have the Spring
Maiden.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I do.\n\nQrow: Then hand her over and
let's work together! We can beat Salem!\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> All that
time spent spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with.
There is no beating Salem!"},"596715305561096192":
{"u":1,"t":1562338415280,"m":"Gift - But i still believe that we can beat, No
sacrifice is too great."},"596719613899833366":{"u":0,"t":1562339442468,"m":"Riley:
_rolling her eyes_ Oh, please. You've got a literal god right here who can take on
the four maidens, even Salem head-on.\n\n_She spreads her palms as blue plasma
flames bursts out from them. On her shoulders came two blue translucent angel
wings. She levitates up into the air and lands on the ground as a ring of blue
shockwave blasted away the dust on thd floor._\n\nRiley: I'll even wipe the floor
with her bare as-\n\n_Ruby cuts her off. Having witnessed
enough._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You're wrong. We've done things that most
people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is
because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had
each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try
together, and like what my... brother has said. No sacrifice is too
great."},"596720719778283520":{"u":1,"t":1562339706130,"m":"Gift - Every second we
have waste, we do for safety of Remnant, if we don't This world will be
destroy."},"596723863547805696":{"u":0,"t":1562340455663,"m":"Riley: And with the
fact that this planet being humanity's \"shield world\", to have it destroyed would
set forth the fall of humanity all throughout this... universe.\n\n_Ruby holds her
hand out. Raven glares at it, then at Riley. Now assuming her combat stance, both
fists raised up and balled._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> You sound just
like your mother.\n\n_Suddenly, Raven draws her sword and creates a portal with
her Semblance. From the portal, a fireball is launched as Riley snapped her
finger, stopping time as the fireball nearly hits Ruby. From there she grinned
maliciously as she stuck out her left index finger and drew a large circle in the
air as the circle forms into a large portal. Her right hand still reamining frozen
in its snap._\n\nRiley: _to Raven_ I'm going to bring the party here, save your
Semblance and use it for other things.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> What the
hell are you-\n\n_Saying nothing, Riley eased her fingers' clench as time resumed
its natural flow. The portal above her flickers as Cinder, Vernal, Emerald, and
Mercury fell from it and onto the floor._\n\n_Ruby defensively raises the Crescent
Rose, fully engaged as she braced for the firebal to find...
nothing._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _in awe_ Woah...\n\n_Yang snaps out of her
trance and runs to her little sister, on thr floor, Cinder summons her scimitar
and uses it to push herself up from the floor._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009>
Hello boys and girls.\n\n_She is then joined by Vernal, Emerald and Mercury as
they too step up from the ground with Vernal visibly sick and nauseous from the
effects of Riley's powers._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> glaring_
Cinder...\n\n_Cinder and her group line up alongside Raven, while the rest
gasp._\n\nMercury: C'mon guys, is that any way to greet your old friends?\n\n_Yang
growls at him, her twin gauntlets sparkling with yellow sparks of
Gift - Is that her? Who on the top of beacon tower that time?\nGift - (His eye is
on fire) Yes, There she is.\nCommander Gift - I can feel there are not only
them.\nSargent Gift - White Fang is here.\n(In radio) Captain Gift - Yes, From
record they will do the same like at Beacon.\nGift - Haven's Fall?\nCaptain Gift -
Yes mate, like that.\nSargent Gift - Where are you now?\nCaptain Gift - Almost
there ETA 5 minutes.\nCommander Gift - Roger that."},"596726699555553281":
{"u":0,"t":1562341131820,"m":"_From the sky, a fleet of Osean Air Defense Force
Arsenal Birds, lead by an Arkbird flies close to Haven's airspace as Trigger's
squadron deploys from Liberty alongside drone swarms. All of them linking into
Trigger's ADF-11F Raven._\n\nTrigger: This is Strider One, commencing attack run on
grid GRG-Bravo-two-four-six-six-one. All drones, engage ground targets. Make sure
nothing comes out of the smoke alive.\n\n_On the ground, the Strangereal Coalition
Force troops, composed of Erusean, Osean, and the Belkan armed forces moves in
alongside the GDI and U.S. Army Rangers. All of them storming the exterior of the
academy and taking the White Fang by surprise._\n\nWhite Fang grunt: What the- how
come they'd get here so fast?! Where's our support?!\n\n_The grunt's position gets
quickly overrrun as the 75th Rangers stormed the Academy's left wing. Taking the
two Trophy towers under their control._\n\n_From the sky came a multitude of ranged
standoff weapons bombarding the courtyard, clearing it of White Fang units and
allowing the Faunus Militia to set up defense lines._"},"596727444761870366":
{"u":1,"t":1562341309491,"m":"Captain Gift - The bastard like you are not deserve
to know this."},"596730524874047501":{"u":0,"t":1562342043847,"m":"_Inside the main
hall, tensions arise as the sounds of the combat outsode grew louder._\n\nQrow:
Everybody, stay calm.\n\n_Suddenly they hear the doors behind them open up as
Hunter-Two-One ran through it and spreads out as another platoon moved in._\n
\nOscar: Oh no...\n\n_Hazel is seen closing the doors behind him as he enters
along with the Rangers. Posing as one himself._\n\nHazel: The White Fang is
prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no
one's getting out. However, they failed to accomplish their main objective and are
taking heavy losses.\n\n_Outside, a White Fang soldier is seen placing a bomb on
the CCT tower before being shot down by Cossette, her rifle locked onto the tower.
The camera zooms out to show tje warzone being overran by friendly forces as
Adam looks on, anxiousness clouding his mind._\n\nAdam: _shouting from his command
post_ YOU!\n\n_A White Fang sergeant turns to his attention._\n\nAdam: I need you
to chop off some of your men and send them to the towers! Haven must fall by
tonight or else this operation is lost!\n\nWhite Fang sergeant: Copy, sir!\n\n_The
sergeant runs out of the command post for his men only to find an A-10 Thunderbolt
firing its guns at him, tearing him apart with its cannon
fire._"},"596731754522476601":{"u":1,"t":1562342337018,"m":"Nikolai - Target down
Comrade.\nCaptain Gift - Nice shot."},"596733620064878592":
{"u":0,"t":1562342781798,"m":"_Back inside, everyone watches Hazel slowly approach
them. They turn their attention back to Cinder._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
This was all just a trap?! \n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> It appears
so...\n\nQrow: Raven, tell me... how long have you been with
them?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _mocking_ Aww, don't take it personally,
little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand...
Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem
all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right,
professor?\n\nLionheart: _shamefully_ Stop it...\n\nQrow: It was you... you sit on
the Mistral Council. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in
the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?\n\nLionheart: I--\n\nQrow: I couldn't find
any of them, because you let her kill them!"},"596733638897434627":
{"u":0,"t":1562342786288,"m":"_Lionheart doesn't say anything, only still having a
sad expression on his face. Riley projects a beam of light on Lionheart's forehead
as he falls to his knees, bleeding from every orifice._\n\nRiley: I've heard
enough.\n\n_Having seen Riley killing the professor in cold blood, Cinder shuddered
lightly as a wave of fear rushes through her. She shakes her head lightly as she
kept her posse in check._\n\nCinder: _thinking to herself_ How...? She killed him
without even touching his body...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What is wrong with
you...? \n\n_Face seething with rage, Jaune slowly strides towards Cinder. His body
glowing with aura from his Light Energy._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _seething_
How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and
rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud
Jaune...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _enraged_ All with that damn smile on your
face! _ ears stream from his eyes_\n\n_The rest of the group, including Hunter Two-
One and Price's squad draw their weapons. Riley, on the other hand simply waited.
Yawning._"},"596734562256814100":{"u":1,"t":1562343006434,"m":"Gift - Standby, we
don't know what happen next.\nCommander/Sargent Gift -
{"u":0,"t":1562343413442,"m":"_Cinder just glares, shuddering again as yet another
wave of feae surrounds her._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm gonna make you pay
for what you did! Do you hear
me?!\n\nQrow: Kid!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well?! SAY SOMETHING!\n\n_After
a short pause, Cinder says her response._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Who are
you again?\n\n_At this, Jaune gains a look of shock, and then of anger. He
transforms Crocea Mors to its two-handler form and advances forward. Cinder
summons an obsidian scimitar and blocks Jaune's
attack._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Jaune!\n\n_Ruby leaps into the air, but a
chain wraps around her and she is pulled to the ground by Emerald. Riley begins her
engagement as the rest of her comrades follows suit by firing a volley of plasma
bolts directly at Cinder, the impact sending her flying to the far side of the hall
and crashing at a pillar._\n\nEmerald: You're not getting near her.\n\n_Ruby
reaches for her wrist computer as she activates the Light Energy particles within
her to their fullest potential as her body emanated red
aura._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Engaging Protocal Lightspeed!\n\nEmerald:
Wha-\n\n_With sheer speed and accuracy, Ruby warps out of the chains holding her in
place and with thw Crescent Rose she delivers a barrage of slashes against
Emerald's body, wearing her aura down._\n\n_Emerald reacts by switching her weapons
to their revolver form and firing wildly at Ruby, now turned into a red blur thanks
to her Semblance being boosted by Light Energy._"},"596737949878583297":
{"u":1,"t":1562343814106,"m":"Gift - Here the peasant for you to come back.(Equip
Dual M60 and fire barrage at Mercury and Emerald)"},"596741329640226826":
{"u":0,"t":1562344619904,"m":"_Still recovering from the force of the blast, Cinder
finds herself being forcefully dragged by the leg to the main area of the hall by
Riley._\n\n_Jaune walks closer to her, his sword now in its two-handle
configuration._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You're not leaving this place
alive.\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Try me.\n\n_Jaune is then pushed back by
Cinder and the two begin their duel. On the right side of the hall Mercury tries
to block Yang's path only to be met by a barrage of 5.56mm PIE rounds fired from
Gift's twin machineguns, forcing him to cover._\n\n_Yang growls and uses Ember
Celica to project herself forward._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> _to Vernal_
Take out the heiress. Don't bother wasting your power, she's not worth it.
\n\n_Raven then draws her sword as Qrow uses Harbinger to lock blades with his
sister._\n\nQrow: Running away was one thing, but this... you've crossed the
line!\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Sorry, brother. Sometimes family
disappoints you like that.\n\nQrow: We're not family
anymore.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Were we ever?\n\nQrow: I thought so, but
I guess I was wrong.\n\n_The two then proceed with their fight, while Vernal
confronts Weiss._","te":1562344654416},"597082021789040640":
{"u":1,"t":1562425847242,"m":"Commander Gift - You take care of Weiss with Sub zero
power, i will care Ruby.\nGift - Got it. (Use Blizzard teleport to
Weiss)"},"597083753923346442":{"u":0,"t":1562426260215,"m":"_As Gift uses his
teleportation abilities, Cinder spots him through her Grimm-corrupted tactical
radar and broke off from Jaune, leaving him behind as she thrusted her left hand
out, casting a swarm of fireballs and sending it to his
direction._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Not so fast, Gift!\n\n_The fireballs
fly close to Gift only to vanish away into nothingness as Ruby, still in her
Lightspeed Protocol blasted them away with the ensuing shockwave from her
instantaneous movements._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
{"u":0,"t":1562083158361,"m":"_The Nuckelavee's left arm shot out at Gift as its
claws struck him straight in the chest. Knocking him down as the fingers wrapped
themselves around him._\n\n_The next thing he knew was him being thrown around the
town, crashing into buildings and eventually being slammed against the ground with
a sickening thud._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> No, Bravo!\n\n_Ruby tries to use
her semblance to fly to her guardian only to have Riley drag her back. Having
anticipated yet another one of its moves._\n\nRiley: Keep up long range fire in a
circular motion. Don't let him get to you.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
takes aim with the rifle as Riley shot up the sky and fired beams of plasma down
at the Nuckelavee._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Guys, keep moving, go in a
circle!\n\n_The team follows this plan, and Ruby gets distracted when Jaune sheaths
his sword after landing a strike._"},"595646480803561475":
{"u":1,"t":1562083587600,"m":"Gift - This battle is getting more hot. (Transform to
Inferno Scorpion)"},"595646760685404161":
{"u":0,"t":1562083654329,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What are you
doing?\n\n_She smiles when she realizes that Jaune is using his upgraded Crocea
Mors to land strikes on the beast. From the far side of the town, Ramirez and Foley
kept up sniper support with their M82 rifles, sending rounds downrange._\n\n_The
fight continues and Ren ends up pinned to a building by the Nuckelavee's extended
arm._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ruby!\n\n_Ruby nods, and she uses Crescent Rose
to launch Nora in between Ren and the Nuckelavee's would-be fatal strike with its
other hand. Magnhild is pinned to the building above Ren, with Nora dangling from
it._\n\n_Ren looks up at Nora._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _pulling her skirt to
hide herself_ Stop looking!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _covering his eyes_ Ah-
ugh.\n\n_Nora grins to herself. Down on the ground, the fight continues as Gift
fires three fireballs at the beast, the fireballs blasting away its flesh as he
launches the spear at it. Only to have the spear blocked and sent back at
him._"},"595647033524617238":{"u":1,"t":1562083719379,"m":"Gift - I will get Ruby,
All unit keep firing."},"595649167255142419":{"u":0,"t":1562084228100,"m":"_The
Nuckelavee flings Nora around until she is knocked to the ground with
her Aura depleted. Ren uses StormFlower to give himself leverage to pull the
Nuckelavee hand off of him._\n\n_He repeatedly goes after the creature, exhibiting
reckless behavior, his eyes wild. His wild attacks disrupting Ramirez's aim and
even getting to close to Foley's shot._\n\nFoley: Juliet Two-Three, knock it off!
You're getting in our way!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ren! Knock it
off!\n\n_Ren ignores him and ends up on the ground beside Nora, separated from
StormFlower and his Aura also depleted. The two partners rise together, Nora first.
Ren's eyes are only on the creature, and Nora tackles him and drags him under a
building._\n\n_The Nuckelavee advances, but Jaune blocks it with Crocea Mors. Ren
attempts to rejoin the fight but Nora holds him back by the wrist, her head
down._"},"595649830538444813":{"u":1,"t":1562084386239,"m":"Gift - We must find the
way to kill it."},"595650508832768000":{"u":0,"t":1562084547957,"m":"_Pierson
emerged from his cover as his men spreads out and fired their gund wildly at the
beast. Distracting it until they themselves are struck._\n\n_Gift continues to
launch fireballs at the creature in an attempt to bring it down. The creature
anticupated his next attack as its human torso grabbed a boulder and tossed it at
Gift's torso, breaking into smaller chunks. The force of the impact finally
knocking the sense out of him._\n\n_Outside, Riley desperately blocks the
Nuckelave's attacks move for move as she searched for an opportunity to strike.
Having found one she thrusted her right energy blade forward into thin air, the
beast having already scuttled itself right behind her._\n\n_She turned around and
was met with a deafening shockwave roar, and a fist flying at her
face..._\n\n_Riley crashes against the roof of a lodge, her body now limp from the
sheer force of the impact._\n\nRen: Nora, let go! Nora, they're going to get hurt
if we don't—\n\n_Without even looking up, Nora slaps Ren. He stops and turns to
face her, and she finally lets go, putting her hands in her
lap._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> No. I won't let you kill yourself like this.
After everything we've been through, I won't let it end.\n\n_She raises her head,
but Ren sees his memory of Nora as a scared little girl before blinking and seeing
her normally. Like back then, she has tears in her eyes._"},"595651102272389121":
{"u":1,"t":1562084689444,"m":"Gift - I have a plan, hold it's hand, it will not
attack us."},"595652237183680514":
{"u":0,"t":1562084960028,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Not like this.\n\n_Ren
sighs and pulls the knife his father gave him out of his boot. He holds it in both
hands. Nora places her hand on the hilt with his and closes his fingers around it.
She looks at him with a fierce, determined
expression._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> We can do this.\n\n_Ren looks at her
with big eyes before nodding in agreement. Together they step out from under the
building. Nora picks up Magnhild and the two are promptly joined by Ruby and Jaune.
Pierson and Ramirez's squad also joining them._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ren.
Jaune and I can take care of its arms. Pierson, you let loose and pin it down with
what you got left. Ramirez,\n\nRamirez: I'm
listening.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Show that beast how the Rangers
fight.\n\nFoley: That's more like it, hooah, squad!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
I'll take care of the horse.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> And I'll take care of the
rest.\n\nRiley: I'll slow it down with my gravity sling.\n\n_Nora heads to a
rooftop. Ruby uses herself as a target until she manages to pin an arm to the
ground with the tip of Crescent Rose._\n\n_Ren's knife is flung and embeds itself
into the body of the Grimm. Jaune is positioned to be the next target as Ren uses
Jaune's shield to pin down the other arm. From his six, Ramirez and Pierson both
opened fire as their fellow squadmates followed through, saturating the Nuckelavee
with heavy fire._","te":1562085009950},"595984581665095690":
{"u":1,"t":1562164197127,"m":"Gift - If it use arm to attack but if we......Ha! Got
it."},"595986388541898801":{"u":0,"t":1562164627920,"m":"Riley: Gift, now!\n\n_With
the weapons of Team RNJR, the constant fire of Ramirez and Foley's M82 rifles and
Riley's gravity sling. The creature is pinned to the ground as it roared in
pain._\n\n_Jaune strikes his sword through the Nuckelavee's arm into the ground.
The two men on the rooftop nearby having ceased fire._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
Nora!\n\n_Nora freefalls from the roof to land a killing blow to the head of the
horse. Ren retrieves his knife and walks before the trapped Grimm._\n\n_He raises
the knife high in the air, ready to strike._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _in his
thoughts_ For my mother.\n\n_He cuts off the Grimm's left arm, causing black fluid
to gush out of the wound._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _in his thoughts_ For my
father.\n\n_The Nuckelavee's human torso twitches as he cuts off the Grimm's right
arm. Causing it to scream out more in pain._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _in his
thoughts_ For all those that you've slain.\n\n_He strikes a gash into the flailing
torso, exposing its orange heart, spitting black ooze with every pulse. Ren closes
his eyes._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _aloud_ For myself.\n\n_He opens his eyes
and swings with the knife, beheading the grimm. It dies in a pillar of black smoke.
Ren drops the knife and breathes out a sigh of relief only to be tackled by a
giggling, triumphant Nora. He hugs her back and gives a single laugh._\n\n_Ruby
runs into the alley where Qrow was left during the fight. She breathes a sigh of
relief that he is still alive._"},"595986807372644352":
{"u":1,"t":1562164727777,"m":"Gift is almost fell unconscious.\nGift - We make
it."},"595989335241916426":{"u":0,"t":1562165330468,"m":"_Riley rushes to his aid
as Ruby emerged from an alley with her Uncle, carried by the shoulder._\n\nQrow:
It's quiet. Good job, kiddo.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _blushing_ If it weren't
for our support we wouldn't have made it this far.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Guys! I think I hear something!\n \n_In the courtyard two Estovakian Gyges-class
aerial warships are coming in to land; Nora points in Qrow's direction._\n\n_From
the Gyges-class aerial warships came three rescue ships._\n\n_A man in a brown
flight suit with an air tank on his back carries Qrow on a green stretcher with
Ruby walking alongside them, her hand on Qrow's shoulder._ \n\nCpl. Cole: Alright,
everyone on board. Move!\n\n_The two rescue ships take off, everyone on board. The
team settles in their seats on the ship as Jaune went for the
cockpit._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> How did you find us out
here?\n\nEstovakian Pilot: We were on patrol and saw the smoke. Nobody's been out
here in this zone for years befote this place was even demilitarized, thought
something might be wrong.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _crouched by Qrow and
holding his hand_ What if we don't make it in time?\n\nEstovakian Pilot: Just be
glad that we came for you, Operator Rose.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Ruby.\n\n_She looks up and sees the flourishing city before
them._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We made it, Uncle Qrow.\n\n_Nora and Ren sit
on the edge of the open rescue airship, their legs dangling. Nora is looking out at
the city, feeling happy. Ren is watching her, begins smiling and puts his hand on
hers. She gives a slight start but turns her hand over to hold his. She looks at
him and gives him a smile, and he smiles back._\n\n_Nora scoots closer and rests
her head on his shoulder._\n\n_The airships fly in to the city, the two aerial
warships orbiting over the city in the background._"},"595989791787450379":
{"u":1,"t":1562165439317,"m":"Gift - Ruby, we will find the way to help your uncle,
but listen to my heartbeat my sweet heart."},"595990484640333854":
{"u":0,"t":1562165604506,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Eh, why?\n\n_Confused, she
stares at him blankly. Riley, on the other hand simply groaned and stepped to the
edge of the open airship._\n\nRiley: Meet me at the hotel. \n\n_She deadpanned as
she jumps off the ship, leaving a trail of blue sparks behind
as she flew on her own towards the hotel she had informed the operators of Task
Force 141 beforehand._"},"595990870495461395":{"u":1,"t":1562165696501,"m":"Gift -
Ruby about my heartbeat, if you listen carefully you will hear one
word."},"595991779288023047":{"u":0,"t":1562165913174,"m":"_Ruby listens on his
heartbeat, finding not a single word. Still confused at what Gift has been trying
to say, she asks him again._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Uh, I don't really get
what you're trying to say...\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Just tell her, Gift. It's
killing me to see her being... y'know, curious.\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> C'mon,
say it!"},"595992462959312982":{"u":1,"t":1562166076174,"m":"Gift - (Exhale) I love
you Ruby, you are not only my sister but you are important for me, without you i
can not do anything, or maybe i can not live."},"595994320276946954":
{"u":0,"t":1562166518993,"m":"_Ruby, having heard Gift's confession blinked her
eyes for a momenr as she processed his words._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
Well...?\n<:ren:519719201699790870> This is not going to end
well.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oh, no...\n\n_She takes a deep breath, exhaled
and moved in close to Gift as she embraced him in a wam, affectionate
hug._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I love you too, \n\n_She pauses as she tries to
find the right word to say._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> As a big brother, though
it's not uh... romantically. But platonically! \n\n_Her words silences her
teammates, and even the two pilots. All of them expecting Ruby to flat out turn him
down or friendzone him. Which she just did..._\n\n_Jaune breaks the silence as he
intentionally dropped Crocea Mors onto the ship's metal
floor._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ahem, we are... scheduled to arrive at the
hotel in a minute. Let's gear up and be ready."},"595995414264676409":
{"u":1,"t":1562166779820,"m":"Gift - Sure thing."},"595996653052362752":
{"u":0,"t":1562167075170,"m":"_Before Gift could get up from his seat, Ruby pulls
him close and gave him a big kiss on his left cheek much to his
surprise._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ohhh boy....\n<:Nora:501530069282586646>
_whisper cheering_ Woooo...!\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _dry-heaving_ Can't watch
this...\n\n_All Gift could do was to remain frozen as Ruby kept her lips locked
until she finally let go. Leaving behind a single, near-invisible strand of saliva.
She wipes it away with a handkerchief as she slowly backed away from him, still
deep in a trance._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _thinking to herself, pondering
over her actions._ If Riley was here she'd frown at him, but at least he's
happy."},"595997603611541505":{"u":1,"t":1562167301801,"m":"Gift - (Thinking to
himself) This is more than i expect, i think she only accept my word, Did she
have.....Kiss....Me?"},"595998191355297830":{"u":1,"t":1562167441930,"m":"Gift -
(Still thinking to himself) My heartbeat is very fast."},"595998507731517451":
{"u":0,"t":1562167517360,"m":"_Still deep in his trance, he finds himself being
slapped in the face by Ruby, now concerned._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift,
wake up! We're at the hotel!\n\n_As he snaps out of his trance she drags him by his
plate carrier down the rescue ship and set him down on a bench as Jaune handed him
a large wad of tissue paper. Stuffing it into his hand as he does
so_\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You're nosebleeding, Gift. That's not
good."},"595999151901245441":{"u":1,"t":1562167670942,"m":"Gift - Thanks, Well this
is my first time of that, all the time as i am a soldier, i was all alone, no one
have kiss me like this before."},"596000174086553650":
{"u":0,"t":1562167914650,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hey, at least you've got
someone who deeply cares for you. She'd done this to-\n\n_He gets cut off by Riley,
her right hand covering his mouth completely as he continues to speak, his words
muffled to the point of being completely unintelligible._\n\nRiley: Let's just say
that she... well. I walked in on her when she was getting intimate with... One-
Two.\n\n_Riley, not wishing to expose Ruby's deepest secret refers to Weiss by her
callsign instead as she lets go of Jaune and walked for the reception
lounge._"},"596000396590186526":{"u":1,"t":1562167967699,"m":"Gift - Yeah let's
go."},"596002303442419753":{"u":0,"t":1562168422328,"m":"_Cutting to nighttime,
Ruby walks into a double bed accommodation. It has barren furnishings: two beds, a
large desk and a nightstand. Qrow sleeps under the blankets of one of the
beds._\n\n_Ruby sets the collapsed Crescent Rose on the empty bed and walks over to
Qrow, putting her hand on his head._\n\n_She walks over and sits at the desk,
picking up her reissued Scroll, its signal operating within the partially restored
Cross-Continental Emergency Communication Network._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_in her thoughts as she spoke into the Scroll's microphone as it records her
speech._ Hey sis, I hope my letters have been reaching you and Dad. Hand-written
stuff's never been super reliable, but I guess it's all we've got these days.
Anyway, in case you haven't been getting them, I want to say I'm sorry for leaving
the way I did.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I know you told me it was a reckless
idea, and after everything I've been through, I can definitely say you were right.
It's been hard, on all of us, and I'm not just talking about the monsters we fought
out here.\n\n_An Osean pilot guides Weiss and Yang to his personal helo. Team
Sentinel having took to the skies already._\n\nOsean Pilot: Okay, you can ride
along. I'll take you as far as I can with this hunk of crap, but I'll make sure to
get Cossette to pick you guys up to Haven if this thing runs out of fuel.\n\n_Weiss
nods affirmatively and begins walking forward as Ruby's narration
{"u":1,"t":1562168515786,"m":"Commander Gift - I hope so."},"596003755225514020":
{"u":0,"t":1562168768460,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Every step we made took
us further and further from the things we knew. And every morning we woke up
wondering, if just over the next hill would be something good or something
terrible.\n\n_In Menagerie, an airship takes off, and the scene changes to Blake
in Ghira's office. She places a small chest on the desk and opens it. Inside are
various objects, including a flag with the new White Fang emblem, a spiral notebook
and a book._\n\nSandman: Looks like we got ourselves targets to kill.\n\nFrost:
Amen to that.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ It's scary not knowing
what's going to happen next. And the things we do know now—just how bad it can get—
it almost makes it all worse.\n\n_Yang, now on the helo stared intently at the
photography of Team STRQ with Weiss sitting on the opposite side of the ship,
sleeping soundly as the droning sound of the engines
{"u":1,"t":1562169126256,"m":"Commander Gift - Hey Sarge can you feel it?\nSargent
Gift - I think Gift have found his true love, i think.\nCommander Gift - He is
alone all the time but now.\nSargent Gift - He is alright
{"u":0,"t":1562169145009,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ You told me
once that bad things just happen. You were angry when you said it, and I didn't
want to listen.\n\n_Taiyang stares at a framed photo of Team STRQ with Summer
standing next to him._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'm sure Rubes will be fine,
last reports said she's headed to Haven on an Estovakian
ship.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ But you were right, bad things do
happen, all the time, every day. Which is why I'm out here, to do whatever I can,
wherever I can, and hopefully do some good.\n\n_Zwei barks at Tai, and he smiles,
looking across the room at a framed photo of Team RWBY. On the photo, \"New
Friends!!!\" is written with a heart shape drawn near the
writing._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ We've all lost something, and
I've seen what loss can do to people.\n\n_Jaune is in his room with a frustrated
look on his face as he stares at Crocea Mors propped up against the wall. Memories
of the Fall of Beacon clouding his mindspace._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_voiceover_ But if we gave up every time we lost, then we'd never be able to move
forward."},"596006541518176266":{"u":1,"t":1562169432764,"m":"Gift - (voiceover)
but now we have move to pass the problem, problem that we have face
it."},"596006835098484737":{"u":0,"t":1562169502759,"m":"Riley: _voiceover_ And
that we will stick together and leave no man behind, even if our allies are
dead. \n\n_Nora and Ren open the door. Jaune smiles as Ren sets his father's dagger
next to Crocea Mors. Nora sits beside Jaune and leans on him, while Ren sits on the
bed behind them and rests his hand on Nora's
shoulder._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ We'd never have a chance to
see what beautiful things the future might have waiting for us. We'd never have the
strength to change; whether it's ourselves, or the world around us.\n\n_Weiss,
sitting on top of her suitcase in the helo's cargo hold, gazes out into the sunset
and smiles as the airship flies over the Atlesian mountains as Trigger's squadron
provides combat air patrol._\n\n_In Menagerie, Blake puts down the current White
Fang flag and picks up the old white and blue flag. She lowers it and smiles
at Sun, who is sitting in a chair with his arms behind his head in a relaxed
position. Sandman having left the room for
preparations._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ And we'd never be there
for other people who might one day be lost without us. This is what we were
training for, Yang, to become Huntresses, to be the ones to stand up and do
something about all the bad in the world.\n\n_From the helo's rear door, Yang
airdropped from the aircraft as she sat
on Bumblebee's seat. Gripping both handles tightly as the air brushed violently
against her. Falling down towards the ground, into Mistral as Weiss follows suit,
her guidance flare burning bright red._","te":1562169553432},"596007543961157637":
{"u":1,"t":1562169671765,"m":"Gift - (Voiceover) And i never thought my sisters is
not good, but i want to improve their skills, as i'm their Big
brother."},"596009416906506264":{"u":0,"t":1562170118310,"m":"_In the Land of
Darkness, Cinder snaps her fingers, having defeated at least the two Beowolves
disintegrating on the ground in her continued training. _\n\n_Mercury is leaning
on the wall with his arms crossed. Emerald puts two fingers on her head,
concentrating as she generates a hallucination of Ruby begging for mercy. Cinder
focuses a large stream of fire on the hallucination from her right hand, glaring at
it with her eye glowing. Nearby, Salem is watching, looking
pleased._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _speaking_ But we have to try, if not for
us, then for the people we've already—\n\n_Ruby stops and edited out the pause as
she alters her statement. _\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _speaking again_ Then for
the people we haven't lost yet.\n\n_As Ruby finishes speaking, the Scroll's screen
lit up as it saved the recording and uploads it to Yang's Remnet
account._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _starts her second recording_ I miss you so
much. I miss Weiss and Blake too. But I think you'd all be proud to know that I
made it to Mistral. All of us did, and we even ran into Uncle Qrow along the
way."},"596010033439965212":{"u":1,"t":1562170265303,"m":"Gift - Yes my sweet
heart, they will be proud, I'm also proud that you have come this
{"u":0,"t":1562170357726,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, you better go,
it's late. I'll record some more stuff and get myself some.\n\n_Qrow pushes himself
over with one arm and grunts while propping up his head with the other hand. Ruby
stops recording to check on him as Gift leaves the room._\n\nQrow: Hey, aren't I
normally the one saving you?\n\n_Ruby wipes tears from her right eye and smiles
down at Qrow. The narration of Ruby's recording resumes as the corner where Qrow's
Weapon and Ozpin's Cane are resting is shown._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_voiceover_ He's going to take us to see Professor Lionheart, the headmaster of
Haven Academy. And he told us some things that you're gonna wanna hear, things I
can't trust will make it to you in this letter. But maybe, if you join us, he could
tell you himself. \n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> With Beacon gone they'll need Dad
at Signal more than ever, and I know you need to focus on yourself before I can
expect you to come out with me. But it sure would be great to get Team RWBY back
together again."},"596011208616968212":{"u":1,"t":1562170545487,"m":"Gift - Ruby my
sweet heart, Remember, every trouble we face, we will pass it together Right? (Kiss
on Ruby right cheek)"},"596011287067230228":
{"u":0,"t":1562170564191,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Likewise. Gift,
likewise."},"596012252952526898":{"u":0,"t":1562170794476,"m":"_The scene
transitions to Yang riding down a path on Bumblebee, before coming to a stop at a
crossroads and looking at a sign post._\n\n_The signpost points right for Entry
Point Delta and left for Mistral-Atlas Transcontinental Exchange, and the sign for
the Exchange has \"WRONG WAY, WE ARE AT THE HOTEL\" spray painted across it in big,
red letters._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> You are in so much trouble when I find
you.\n\n_From behind, Weiss brings her hoverbike to a halt as she scanned the sign
fot directions._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Better follow the one to the Entry
Point.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _voiceover_ Until next time, your loving
sister, Ruby Rose, signing off on Channel 315.0\n\n_Yang smiles as she continues to
ride her hoverbike._"},"596012551863795731":{"u":1,"t":1562170865742,"m":"Commander
Gift - Come on.\nSargent Gift - Got it."},"596013044526481429":
{"u":0,"t":1562170983202,"m":"_As Team Sentinel falls in after Yang, the scene
transitions to Cap, still stuck in Menagerie._"},"596013300299595836":
{"u":1,"t":1562171044183,"m":"Captain Gift - (Exhale) Congrat Gift, You found
it."},"596014415061450762":{"u":0,"t":1562171309963,"m":"_In Mistral, Gift smiles
to himself as he lies down on his bed._\n\n_In their safehouse, Sandman opens the
door to the living room as he tossed Cap Ilia's Scroll._\n\nSsndman: At first we
thought that the Scroll was filled with garbage data. But after we'd dug in we
stumbled upon a goddamn operation plan. \n\nTruck: Their next target is Haven, and
that they have been targeting the Belladonnas long before we were here, and that
our presence here only helped them get closer. Remember that night when Ilia came?
She had a tracker implant in her wrist and that the tracker exposed our compound to
them through her."},"596014749972561922":{"u":1,"t":1562171389812,"m":"Captain Gift
- Sandman Did you got this news?","te":1562171607340},"596015763077201923":
{"u":0,"t":1562171631355,"m":"Sandman: Been there, done that. Also, I rounded up
four battalions from the Faunus Milita and positioned them around the city and this
compound. I've got a sense that they will soon storm this place to get rid
of-\n\n_He gets cut off as a sharp explosion came from the main compound. Soon,
alarms rang out as the guards within the compound all ran for the main
building._\n\nFrost: What the-\n\nCpt. Tom: You from Team Metal?! Get to the main
building! We got White Fang trying to breach this
{"u":1,"t":1562171699106,"m":"Captain Gift - About that news later, but now we
under attack."},"596017673167568902":{"u":0,"t":1562172086756,"m":"_The team runs
to the main building where they find Kali and a security guard taking cover behind
a table topped over._\n\nKali: You! _She points to Sandman_ Get to the study, my
men are setting up a second cordon th-\n\n_A bullet sent from a White Fang rifleman
whizzed past her ear as it clipped away a bit if her hair. From there she emerged
from her cover brandishing her carbine-converted P8M pistol and returned fire at
the rifleman. Killing the hostile._\n\nKali: _to Sandman_ Just get to the study
hall, bring Cap and your guys with you! Ghira and I will hold the front
door."},"596017906261819403":{"u":1,"t":1562172142330,"m":"Captain Gift - I will go
for Blake."},"595289110240034840":{"u":1,"t":1561998383818,"m":"Gift - This
Scorpion will burn you."},"595290560932347905":{"u":0,"t":1561998729690,"m":"_Gift
unleashes a firestorm and sends it towards Tyrian as the flames engulfs him.
Burning away his aura and disabling the stimpack injector on his right wrist-
mounted gunblade._\n\n__He continues the attack as the flames died down by once
again firing the spear and impaling it through his chest, finally bringing Tyrian's
relentless fight to a halt. But alas, the stimpacks have already took effect as the
wound heals itself again._\n\n_He senses something is up and loses his mirth. With
a determined, satisfied grin, a now upright and supercharged Nora rushes Tyrian
from behind, moving over his right shoulder and coming before him just in time to
hit him with Magnhild._\n\n_The blast from the contact has the other four covering
their eyes from the backwash of dust and air, Jaune actually taking cover behind
his shield._\n\n_The air clears to reveal a perfectly fine Tyrian in a crouch,
using his now unveiled scorpion tail to block Magnhild. He giggles and curls his
fingers at Nora._\n\nTyrian: Surprise.\n\n_He kicks Nora twice in the face before
leaping backwards and upward onto a roof, leaving his coat
{"u":1,"t":1561998819670,"m":"Gift - (Use Scorpion's spear) Wait! We not done here,
GET OVER HERE!!"},"595291525559222300":{"u":0,"t":1561998959675,"m":"_As the spear
impales Tyrian clean in the chest again, Gift drags him back to the ground as he
ends the fight by delivering a devastating haymaker to his head. Knocking him out
as his aura absorbed much of the damage._"},"595291960671993859":
{"u":1,"t":1561999063414,"m":"Gift - It end now."},"595295907713515570":
{"u":0,"t":1562000004462,"m":"_As Tyrian falls onto the ground, a crow flew from a
derelict house as it transforms into Qrow. Landing on the ground with a loud
thud._\n\nQrow: Goddamn...\n\n_He looks at Tyrian's bloodied face, the cuts on his
body and the burn marks inflicted by Riley's plasma chainsaws._\n\nTyrian:
_groaning_ This... won't be, over..\n\n_From his right hand came a needle grenade.
Upon seeing it a member of Ramirez' squad, PFC. Ramsey warned them of the live
grenade rolling towards Qrow._\n\nPFC. Ramsey: GET DOWN!\n\n_He jumps in as the
grenade detonated, sending poisonous metal shards all over the place as Team RNJR
seeked refuge from the needle storm within a house as Riley diverted much the force
of the blast up into the sky. The shockwave harmlessly rising into the air along
with the needles._"},"595295932061319178":{"u":0,"t":1562000010267,"m":"_As the
smoke cleared, Tyrian is nowhere to be found, having escaped as the grenade
detonated. Riley, her body now covered in toxic fragments of the grenade shakily
got up from the ground as Ruby kicks the door of the house her team has been hiding
in to bits and ran for her uncle._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Uncle Qrow! Are
you okay?! \n\n_She tugged the collar of his shirt, trying to wake him up but to no
avail. Ren, Nora, and Jaune stood by her side as they rummaged through their Go-
bags for antidotes to the chemical within the grenade._\n\nClaire: _emerging from
her cover_ That damned bastard, it's a toxic fragmentation grenade. We need to get
him to medical now.\n\n_She runs to Qrow, knelt down beside him and inspected his
wounds as Connor pushes her
away and produced a canister labeled \"Arklay Medical Herb Spray, RGB Type.\",
twisted the cap open and sprayed all of the contents into the gaping wound oozing
purple liquid._\n\nConnor: That was no ordinary toxin, it's a highly concentrated
scorpion's toxin. I'll carry him since I'm an android and that I'm never
tired."},"595296635869724736":{"u":1,"t":1562000178068,"m":"Gift - Keep him safe,
(Exhale) I'm glad you alright my sweet heart."},"595297700925407232":
{"u":0,"t":1562000431997,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We need to get him out of
here, NOW!\n\n_She runs off into the distance as she threw three microscout drones
up in the air. The drones, having been deployed pings their location and updated
the group with waypoints to the next checkpoint marked \"Checkpoint
Pathos\"_\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We'll move to Pathos, hopefully there'll be
survivors there and... enough medical supplies to-\n\n_She glances at her uncle
being fireman carried by Connor, and then at the
drones._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Keep my uncle alive. Let's
move!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'll watch our six just in case he comes back.
Ren, Nora, stick to Gift and do whatever he says!\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Got
it.\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Wilco."},"595298312987475982":
{"u":1,"t":1562000577924,"m":"Gift - I hope Commander and Sarge are
alright.\nCamera change to Sargent Gift view.\nSargent Gift - Alright we found
her.\nCommander Gift - Standby wait until Guard is gone."},"595299346661244928":
{"u":0,"t":1562000824371,"m":"_At the camp, Yang finally enters the camp, escorted
by a few bruised bandits who she had roughed up earlier. She notices more bandits
lining up along the path, giving angry glares at her. Vernal steps out of her tent
to see what the commotion is about. Next to her, Commander, Cormack and Ilona
stands close with their rifles resting on their shoulders._\n\n_At the cage, the
two bandits guarding Weiss are playing cards with each other, before joining the
rest of their tribe to see Yang walk in. Weiss notices this and once again summons
a small Arma Gigas, who begins to get to work on freeing her from her confinement.
Yang and her escorts arrive at the camp's main tent. Raven emerges from it with her
mask on, Commander's group having set up a phase-shift device
beforehand._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Mom.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
_removing her mask_ Yang. So, after all this time you finally decided to visit
me.\n\n_Yang feels her left hand shaking once again, but she uses her robotic hand
to calm it down. Gideon runs up to her, aiming his pistol at Raven but Yang stops
him, pushing the pistol down._\n\nGideon: Stop, you knew what happened to
her.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Gideon, lower it. \n\n_She turns to face her
mother._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>You know that I searched for you. I spent
years looking for you.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> And you've found me. You
were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well
done, Yang. But did you have to be so rough with my
men?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I didn't want a fight. They started
it.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Well, you certainly finished
{"u":1,"t":1562000954163,"m":"Commander Gift - I haven't know about that
{"u":0,"t":1562001325332,"m":"_Silence. The sounds of Weiss' Arma Gigas cutting
through the metal bars can be heard in the
distance._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Right. I'm sure this is all very
overwhelming. But I must admit that you've proven yourself. So any questions you
have I'll be happy to answer. You can stay with us tonight. I'll even have the
cooks whip up something for you.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> That's not why I am
here.\n\n_The bandits react to Yang's irreverence. Gideon lets out a light chuckle,
from the cages, Mitchell and Weiss sneaks their way past the guards to the main
area, hiding behind crates._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> What was
that?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I'm not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in
Mistral. She's with Qrow, and she's going to need my help. I just need you to take
me to her.\n\n_Yang shows Raven her tracking record of Ruby's Focus
coordinates._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> And why would I do
that?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Because we're family.\n\n_At this, Raven scowls
and mutters._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Family. Only coming around when
they need something. (projecting again) I have to say, I'm disappointed. After all,
you found me, didn't you? Why not take that drive and use it to find your little
sister if she means that much to you?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Because you're
going to save me time. Ruby was heading to Mistral, but there's no guarantee she's
made it there. Looking for her in Anima could take ages. But... Dad told me how
your Semblance works.","te":1572812924698},"595301952792035340":
{"u":1,"t":1562001445721,"m":"Sargent Gift - Sure we do.\nCommander Gift - As long
as under our protection."},"595304757460205569":
Tai...\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> You can bond with certain people. And when you
do, you could create a portal that takes you straight to them. You've got one for
Dad. One for me. And you've got one for Qrow. He promised me he'd watch out for
Ruby before he left. And I trust him. So, make a portal to my uncle and sister, and
I'll be on my way.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> You know, it takes real
strength to march in here and demand such favor of me. I've got to say, I'm
impressed. It's very noble to want to help out your sister. But if she's with Qrow,
then she's already a lost cause.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What does that
mean?\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> You don't want to get mixed up in all of
that, Yang. Ozpin is not the man you think he is. And Qrow is a fool for trusting
him. I would know, I trusted him once, t--.\n\n_Ilona butts right in, stopping the
two._\n\nIlona: Stop, I don't care if you're going to help your daughter or not.
But right now, if we fly, they shoot us down and come kill you all. You have two
choices, help her or put us all in jeopardy.\n\n_She walks away, leaving the two.
The scene cuts to Menagerie, at the Belladonnas' compound, lies Frost, relaxing on
the balcony with his teammates by his side._\n\nFrost: _sipping beer from his can_
Ain't this the life we all needed? This is a gazillion time better than
Earth!\n\nSandman: True that. By the way, Frost, you've been in touch with your
girl lately?\n\nFrost: Nah, she's a goner. Died when the Grimm got to the airbase.
Didn't make it.\n\nSandman: Damn, sorry to hear that.\n\nFrost: Nah, it's okay.
Anyways, where's Cap?\n\n_He looks around for Cap only to find the man sitting far
away from the group, he calls him out._\n\nFrost: Hey, Cap! Why don't you come over
here and have a seat? It's cooler over
{"u":1,"t":1562002178261,"m":"Captain Gift - I'll be there
Frost."},"595308036109762566":{"u":0,"t":1562002896097,"m":"_As he walks over came
the sound of footsteps directly above the group. Frost shot up from his seat and
withdrew his standard issue M17 pistol and aimed at the ceiling._\n\nFrost: Sound
came from our seven. Sandman, give me a boost.\n\nSandman: Gotcha.\n\n_Sandman
tosses Frost up the roof. Frost, now up on the roof finds Blake and the masked
White Fang member leap from tree to tree, Blake in pursuit of the other
Faunus._\n\nFrost: Get up! Someone's on the roof!"},"595308129294745614":
{"u":0,"t":1562002918314,"m":"_They both pause for a moment, gripping different
trees. A noise above the spy makes her gasp and Sun appears, dropping down along
with Frost's squad, fully geared._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Gotcha!\n\n_She
leaps on, out of his path. Blake pursues while Sun lands on a
branch._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Hey, wait up!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101>
Don't let her out of your sight!\n\n_The spy emerges from cloak. She continues to
run across the buildings, Blake right behind her. Sliding under some arching pipes,
she finally turns and stops. Using her weapon in whip form, she slices the pipe,
releasing steam to block Blake. It doesn't work; Blake moves right under the pipes
through the steam._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Why are you watching me?\n\n_The
girl smiles and lowers her weapon. Sun lands on the roof behind her, causing her to
turn around. This time being followed by the same group of men gared in full
armor._\n\nFrost: Stand down and lower your weapon!\nSandman: Drop it now!\nGrinch:
Sun, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid!\nTruck: On your goddamn knees
now!\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Give it up! I'm not above hitting a girl, you
—\n\n_He gets cut off when the spy's whip comes at him in an attack, which he
falls back to avoid. Blake takes advantage of the distraction to kick the Scroll
out of the spy's hand. Frost reacts as he ducked the whip and returned fire as
Sandman and the two men all dived for cover._\n\n_The girl is surprised, avoids
Blake's next attack, responds with a kick of her own and attempts to retrieve the
Scroll. Sun tackles her instead._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Grab the Scroll!
Seems someone thinks it's important!\n\nGrinch: I'm on it!\n\n_He grabs the Scroll
and stuffed it into an empty mag pouch._"},"595308888975343700":
{"u":1,"t":1562003099436,"m":"Captain Gift - Up there have a battle, i must help
them. (Use hellfire teleport)\n(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"595308966666305582":
{"u":0,"t":1562003117959,"m":"_Back in Raven's camp, as Ilona walks away Yang
sparks the argument again._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I don't care what you
think.\n\n_Vernal, holding Myrtenaster, looks on disdainfully, and places
her right hand on her hip. She looks behind her to find Weiss and Mitchell already
standing behind her. Looking over to the tent._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
Your choice is your own. All I'm suggesting is that instead of getting wrapped up
in something too big for you, for any of us, that maybe you take a moment to wonder
if you're already where you belong.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Save your breath.
You can spout off whatever you want, but nothing is going to keep me from my
sister.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Well, aren't you
stubborn.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> I get it from my
mom.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Well, if that's how you feel, then it sounds
like we're done here. Take her away.\n\n_The bandits surround and begin to move in
on Yang. Yang sees this, before turning her head back to
Raven._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Did you not hear me? \n\n_Raven turns back
around before she can enter her tent, Cormack looks at her with
worry._\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> I said send me to Qrow, damn it! \n\n_Her
eyes turn red as she spouts her last statement, provoking the bandits._\n\nBandit
Two: That's enough! You watch your mouth in front of our leader!
\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Make me.\n\n_Already assuming her combat stance,
Yang anticipates for the bandit as Bandit Two tries to attack her, she punches the
Bandit into a tent, revealing Weiss, now armed with Mitchell's
Yang?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Weiss?\n\n_Everyone else present is surprised
that the two girls know each other. Looking at the armed men and women around her,
Weiss mutters to herself._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Alright, well,
subtlety is out.\n\n_Weiss turns to her miniature Arma Gigas and makes it grow,
knocking down crates and tents in the process. She quickly makes her way towards
Yang, with the now giant Arma Gigas following close behind, the summon wielding an
XO-16 chaingun instead of its broadsword._\n\nArma Gigas: Pilot, hostiles detected.
Requesting permission to engage\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> What is
that?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _turning to the summon_ Negative, you
are NOT clear to engage. _she turns to Yang_ Don't worry about it. What are you
doing here?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _gesturing to Raven_ Well, that's my mom
and she can take us to Ruby.\n\n<:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
Ugh.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _incredulous_ Your mom kidnapped
me?!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _to Raven_ You kidnapped her?!\n\n_The summon
takes out its chaingun and begins to level the campgrounds as Yang, Weiss, and
Weiss' summon turn and run to fight the bandits, but a lightning bolt appears,
summoned by Vernal, stopping the fight. Mitchell, in a fit of rage, throws a
deployable Chronosphere charge into the air._\n\nMitchell: THAT'S IT! SCREW YOUR
ARGUMENTS!\n\n_The charge explodes, saturating the area with light. The light
dissipates as Yang's group vanished before everyone else to their shock, leaving
behind only a single bullet casing._\n\n_In Menagerie, Gift climbs up the rooftop
to find Sun, Blake, Sandman and the masked intruder. All of them aiming their
weapons at one another. The intruder remains standing, her revolver still holstered
on her side as she asses her situation for a possible escape
{"u":1,"t":1562077659355,"m":"Captain Gift - What do you
want?"},"595621619846610974":{"u":0,"t":1562077660286,"m":"Sandman: This is your
last warning, drop your weapon."},"595622202095960100":
{"u":0,"t":1562077799105,"m":"_Sandman, not noticing Gift kept his aim at the
intruder. _\n\n_The intruder strided close to the master sergeant and pressed his
rifle down by the barrel. She turns to Gift and winked her left eye as he
understood the sign she'd just made._\n\n_Blake, stunned at the sight of the now
apprehended intruder was the first to speak _\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101>
Ilia..."},"595622461911859210":{"u":1,"t":1562077861050,"m":"Captain Gift - You
know her?"},"595623903481692170":{"u":0,"t":1562078204747,"m":"Ilia: _turning to
Gift, keeping her gaze locked with his eyes._ It's me, Captain. Field Division
Agent Ilia Amitola, ID number five-oh-five-seven-eight.
\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> _getting to his feet_ Wait, you know her?! But she
doesn't even look like a d—aagh!\n\n_He gets cut off when the color-changing Ilia
strikes an electric hit near his shoulder with her weapon. Sun cries out and
falls._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Sun!\n\nIlia: Let's cut the bullcrap. If he
knows who I am, I'm toast. \n\nSandman: Why are you doing this? You disavowed The
Division. You're not one of us now. And who's this \"he\" that you're talking
about?!\n\n_Ilia changes color again._\n\nIlia: You shouldn't have come back, and
yes. I disavowed the Division just so I could have my Scroll stolen by...
you.\n\n_She points her weapon to Grinch, the latter groaning and tossing the
device back to her._\n\nIlia: The data in this Scroll is now sent to the computer
in the compound's study. Do what you
{"u":1,"t":1562078300309,"m":"Captain Gift - You have been but now you not,
Why?"},"595624571080671250":{"u":0,"t":1562078363915,"m":"Ilia: Look, I did what I
have to do to survive. I've done things I'm not proud of, and I... turned to the
Division and thought they could help until they sent me back here and left me
behind to be captured."},"595625231696265228":{"u":0,"t":1562078521418,"m":"_She
uses her weapon to create a rush of dust, which allows her to escape._\n\n_Blake
briefly acknowledges that Ilia has disappeared before rushing over to
Sun._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Sun! Sun!\n\n_Sun is lying on his back,
bleeding from the wound Ilia caused. Blake covers the wound with her hands as Truck
tossed her an Airhypo canister. The former grabbing the canister and injecting the
content adjacent to the wound._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> No, no, no, not
again, please! Help! Somebody! Hold on, Sun, just hold on.\n\nSandman: I got
him. \n\n_He fireman carries Sun and jumped down the roof into the room he climbed
out of._"},"595625496327225374":{"u":1,"t":1562078584511,"m":"Captain Gift - We
must get to medic ASAP."},"595625979817492500":
{"u":0,"t":1562078699784,"m":"<:sun:517179592516042772> No, I'm good. Believe me,
that's just a flesh wound!\n\n_He launches himself off of Sandman and onto the
floor, his wound now healing as the edges glowed blue, shocking most of the people
in the room save for Gift._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Well, Riley gave me the
treatment. Don't be surprised."},"595628015476539427":
{"u":0,"t":1562079185123,"m":"_Back at Mistral, the landscape is looking dreary
as Ruby can be heard breathing heavily, carrying much of Qrow's gear in her Go-bag
while keeping the stretcher balanced._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Just hold
on, Uncle Qrow.\n\n_Ruby and Jaune carry Qrow on a makeshift stretcher. Ren is
before them on the path, leading the way while Nora brings up the rear. Qrow is
groaning in pain and is a touch delirious. Trailing behind them are Ramirez' squad
and Pierson's. Leon's group having already made their way to Checkpoint
Pathos._\n\nQrow: Tai. She's not... coming... _grunting in pain_ Tai.\n\n_Qrow
coughs repeatedly, sputtering out small globs of coagulated blood and sending them
splattering all over his clothes._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> He's getting
worse.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> How much
farther?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> We've gotta be
close.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But
I feel like we're close to something."},"595628111555723274":
{"u":0,"t":1562079208030,"m":"_Ren holsters StormFlower, from the sky Riley calls
out a fork in the road ahead of them._\n\nRiley: We got a fork coming up, splits
into two. One leads to Mistral while one leads to the outlying villages and...
Checkpoint Pathos. \n\n_Directly ahead is a fork in the road with a signpost. They
are coming from the direction of Higanbana. Kuchinashi and Mistral are to the
right, where the land is mountainous. To the left is Kuroyuri, its name crossed
out. The path that way remains low ground._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Hey, hey!
Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh...\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Does it say
how close?!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> No. And it looks like the path takes us up
the mountains.\n\n_Jaune and Ruby set Qrow down as Pierson's squad surrounds him as
Zussman works on patching Qrow up._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Guys, I don't
know if all of us can make that climb.\n\n_Ruby looks at Qrow, concerned, before
rushing forward to the signpost._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Okay. Well, what
about this place? _pointing_ Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?\n\nStiles:
Rubes, that's Pathos for you. The place is still intact from my last set of
records.."},"595629185318518784":{"u":1,"t":1562079464035,"m":"Gift - Stiles, is
this city got a Grimm invader?","te":1562079474522},"595631337419833362":
{"u":0,"t":1562079977136,"m":"Stiles: Nope, but the place's demolished. Though
there are survivors. They're your guys, General. Epsilon.\n\n_Upon hearing what
Stiles had said, Ren intervenes._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> That village was
destroyed years ago.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> But if it takes us around the
mountains, it's the best bet we've got.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _sternly_ It
will take too long.\n\n_Upset, Pierson pushes Ren away as he produced a grappling
hook launcher and threw it on the ground._\n\nPierson: Then why the fuck do I carry
this shit around just so you could tell
us that he ain't going to make it!? We will climb the mountain, then jump that
garrison for supplies and set up a temporary outpost."},"595631371230249010":
{"u":0,"t":1562079985197,"m":"_He walks away as he picked the launcher up and fired
the grapple at the hill before them._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> The town would
have had a medic, right? Maybe we could scavenge for
medicine!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Right!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
_closing his eyes, lowering his head and shaking it_ We're not going to find
anything! We just have to press on!\n\n_There is just a brief moment of silence.
Ruby watches him, clutching her hands before her chest. Angered, she stomps her way
to the stretcher as she called Connor in to help
her._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Fine! Connor, you help me carry him to the
Checkpoint. Ramirez will fall in and provide cover while Pierson secures the
town.\n\n_Ruby and Connor carries Qrow away, heading up the low
path._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ren, why are you acting
—\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _cutting Jaune off and coming up beside Ren_ We can
split up.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _from her radio_
Huh?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _putting her hand on Ren's shoulder_ Ren and I
can cut through the mountains while you, Connor and Ruby take Qrow around through
the village."},"595631901784670218":{"u":1,"t":1562080111691,"m":"Gift - I will
find the safe place for Qrow to rest and recover
{"u":0,"t":1562080327420,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger, keep me updated
Bravo. One-one out.\n\n_On the path to Kuroyuri, Jaune and Ruby lift Qrow as Connor
provided rear guard cover. They turn to Nora and Ren, who are on the path through
the mountains to Mistral._\n\n_They nod and Nora waves. Ren starts to turn, looks
back one more time, and then runs. Nora follows._\n\n_Through an Atlesian MQ-4
Scout drone's camera shows the split Team RNJR going in separate directions before
the visual focuses in on just Jaune and Ruby._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_confidently, offering comfort_ They're gonna be fine,
Jaune.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You don't know that.\n\nConnor: The path up
aheas leads directly to the village. I'm hoping that there's still people there.
\n\n_Ruby turns forward, her expression saddening. Moving forward, her step leaves
an imprint on the ground, shortly after overlapped by Jaune's own. The visual pulls
back again, revealing that their footsteps tread over another, larger mark—the same
one discovered in Shion._"},"595634697422372890":
{"u":1,"t":1562080778223,"m":"Gift - I found the bunker, i hope there something
useful."},"595635535771598919":{"u":0,"t":1562080978101,"m":"_Gift stumbles upon a
bunker, damaged but still retaining much of the protective armor. From inside the
bunker the sounds of people can be heard. He stacks up next to the bunker door with
his Benelli M4 shotgun in his hands, ready to breach the room._\n\n_He kicks the
door open only to find Zussman aiming his M1911 point-blank at his
face._\n\nZussman: Goddamn, Gift. I could've shot you in the face!\n\nPierson: We
searched the town, nothing but dead bodies. Destroyed androids and more
casualties."},"595635848582660119":{"u":1,"t":1562081052681,"m":"Gift - Do you
think this bunker is safe?"},"595636589309460480":
{"u":0,"t":1562081229284,"m":"Aiello: It's clear. No hostiles, tell Rubes to bring
him in.\n\nStiles: _talking into his radio_ Ranger, you're clear to move him in.
Bunker is clear.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger. Moving now.\n\n_Ruby moves
into the bunker as she and Jaune set Qrow down on a bunk bed as Connor stood by his
bed. His rifle ready for combat._"},"595636944113762343":
{"u":1,"t":1562081313876,"m":"Gift - It almost dark, we will rest here, setup
patrol unit."},"595639511816339467":{"u":0,"t":1562081926064,"m":"Stiles: I don't
think we have the time for that...\n\n_Distant gunfire echoed throughout the town
as Ramirez' squad engaged a Grimm they'd saw during their climb up the
mountain._\n\nRamirez: This is Hunter Two-One, we're in contact with hostiles!
Repeat, we have contact! It's the Nuckelavee!"},"595639701692612614":
{"u":1,"t":1562081971334,"m":"Gift - Damn, Alright backup
incoming."},"595640412824272896":{"u":0,"t":1562082140881,"m":"_As Gift ran
outside, he is greeted by the sight of Team RNJR and Hunter Two-One engaging the
Nuckelavee. From behind, Riley leaped forward, her twin energy blades now erect and
ready for combat._\n\nPierson: Gift, just go! We'll keep him
secure!"},"595640599709745157":{"u":1,"t":1562082185438,"m":"Gift - Right, keep him
safe."},"595642318342586369":{"u":0,"t":1562082595192,"m":"_The sounds of thunder
and gunfire are heard against a black screen. A wide shot of Kuroyuri shows the
empty, degraded town. A billowing cloud of dust and pieces of wood rise in the
distance around the top of a tree that is barely visible above the town
rooftops. _\n\n_Jaune, Ruby , Ren and Nora all fall back by the dead cherry
tree. Qrow is still unconscious and propped against it as Pierson moved him out of
the bunker, now destryoed by a stray shot sent by Nora._\n\n_The Nuckelavee comes
into view, twitching its various body parts. It sends out a shockwave roar that
causes all four teenagers, including Ramirez and Pierson's squad to
flinch._\n\n_The Grimm looks at the teenagers and turns its head to look at Qrow
and begins running toward him. Riley, having anticipated its attack flies head-on
as she plunged the blade deep into its torso._\n\n_Jaune sheaths his sword and
makes a run for Qrow. The Nuckelavee lashes out with one of its arms, able to
extend it at a far reach. Jaune avoids it and gets Qrow upright, but the Nuckelavee
is heading right for them._","te":1562082610501},"595642677521940490":
{"u":1,"t":1562082680827,"m":"Gift - Time to take them out."},"594898665127018496":
{"u":0,"t":1561905294449,"m":"Price: Got it, I'll let the guys know.\n\n_He left
the channel, inspecting his rifle. From the infirmary deck, Riley comes to as she
pulled away the IV lines on her arms._\n\nRiley: God, I need to get in-sync with
the world around me... wait, where's Ruby?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> She's
outside, Gift's with her. Also, while you were out someone called McOnie gave you a
call. The news aren't great though...\n\nRiley: Just tell me what
happened.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _exhales_ Her transport got shot down and
she... uh... she's captured. \n\nRiley: Holy shit, are you serious!? Who got to
her?!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> They're a tribe, they call themselves the
Branwen tribe according to what Major McOnie reported.."},"594898934422306819":
{"u":1,"t":1561905358654,"m":"Gift - I hope Commander is
alright."},"594899970705063956":{"u":0,"t":1561905605723,"m":":Ruby: _snapping out
of her sullen mood_ Oh no, Weiss-\n\n_She flies to the MCV using her semblance,
leaving trails of rose petals behind as Gift flew behind her in
pursuit._\n\n_Switching back fifteen minutes earlier, onboard the AC-65, its
interior turns red as warning lights lit up in unison. the ship's pilot then warns
them of an incoming hostile as the cargo bay door opened to reveal a flying
formation of Lancers giving chase to the Gunship._\n\n_Running from the upper deck
is a team of gunners rushing to man the air-to-air guns installed within the ship
as Team Sentinel and Onyx manned their stations as well. From a weapon station
Gideon calls out to Weiss._\n\nGideon: Weiss! We'll take down these Laancers while
I keep them away from the ship as far as they can, you ready?!\n\n_A Lancer flies
up close as it tries to hook the alrcraft with its stinger only to be driven away
into retreat by a 25mm close-range fire. The injured Lancer beaks off as another
flies back to take its place, this time catching her off-guard. Gideon then tosses
her a pack of Dust speedloaders as she took them into her pouch and reloaded
Myrtenaster with a fresh load._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> Ready!\n\n_The cargo
doors open to its fullest and the battle begins as tracer rounds fly in all
directions at the incoming Grimm. Already marking the lead Lancer with a small
glyph Weiss slams the rapier blade onto the rear door as wakes of shockwave blast
sent from a row of glyphs lining the wings knocks the Lancer swarrm away. She then
singled out one of the hostiles with an icicle storm salvo, summoning a blue glyph
as it launched a storm of icicles at it, tearing wounds ito the monster, killing it
as its wings are chipped to bits._\n\n_Alongside Gideon manning the twin 25mm
cannons she eliminates five more while the pilot continues to do evasive maneuvers.
She gets knocked off balance when the gunship rocks thanks to an Erusean pilot
misfiring his SASM onto the ship._","te":1568062040407},"594900467566510081":
{"u":1,"t":1561905724184,"m":"Scene switch to Commander\nCommander Gift - Easy
team, we will find the way to help Weiss."},"594901456637788172":
{"u":0,"t":1561905959997,"m":"_Commander takes to his feet as he began to run for
an air-to-air station only to have an incoming F-18F drone fire its missiles onto
his deck, blowing it apart as the missiles rocked the ship off-balance even more.
With the drones damaging the craft, the Lancers then seized the chance as they
fired stingers onto the impact points._\n\n_The upper level of the gunsship has
Lancer stingers sticking in through the ceiling. At this, much of the gunship crew
along with its pilots bailed from the damaged aircraft as its controls are
destroyed from the missile run._\n\nSrA. Derwahl: Pilots bailed! We need to
eject! \n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> NO! WE CAN STILL DO THIS!\n\n_Weiss protests,
still keeping herself locked onto the black glyph she ahd been using to remain
standing until she saw Mitchell and his team ditching the destroyed aircraft for
the ground._\n\nMitchell: _through
radio_ Follow the flares when you land!\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> WHAT?! YOU'RE
ABANDONING ME!?!\n\n_Weiss turned around the cargo deck to find the senior airman
missing, she then screamed out in anger as she ran her way up to the gunship's
flight deck and took control of the falling ship. Pulling the flight stick towards
her with all of her strength she could muster._\n\n_From his view, Mitchell looked
up the sky to see the burning gunship plummeting towards ground as black glyphs
soon appears on the ship's nose cone, slowing the hulking airframe down enough for
a high-velocity crash landing._","te":1568062569127},"594901745205903367":
{"u":1,"t":1561906028797,"m":"Commander Gift - Go silence and stay
easy."},"594902890338975754":{"u":0,"t":1561906301818,"m":"_Still in the flight
deck, Weiss keeps up her pull on the flight stick as she felt the engines
responding to her again, but alas. The engines responded too late as the ship now
flies close to the ground. An idea forms up in her head as she jumped from the
pilot seat before summoning the Arma Gigas._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _to
herself_ Just work, c'mon!\n\n_With the Arma Gigas summoned she \"climbs\" into the
towering knight summon as she directly controls it from within, enlarging the armor
summon to match the ship's sheer size as she clambered her way to its nose cone
before commanding the thrusters on the summon's back to fire against the ship's
inertia as it crashes onto the ground, sliding._\n\n_The Arma Gigas, controlled by
Weiss, continues to hold its on in slowing the ship's burning wreckage down.
However, the gunship is too heavy for her to stop as Weiss felt her aura draining
to a critical level. She then tries to use her Semblance to slow the ship's
velocity down, but it's not enough to prevent it from driving her and her summon
against a large boulder, shattering the summon and knocking her out,_\n\n_From
Mitchell's position, he watches Weiss gallantly trying to stop the gunship's
wreckage until being rammed straight into a boulder. He turns away, shaking his
head._\n\nMitchell: At least we could've helped her.\n\nIlona: But she did stopped
the ship from killing her and the surviving crew, didn't she?\n\nGideon: Keep it
tight, I saw the ship's trail plummeting for a clearing She's still
alive.\n\n_Commander's radio bursts into life as Cormack's voice came from its
speaker._\n\nCormack: This is Two-One to Six-Three, I've found the crash
{"u":1,"t":1561906408046,"m":"Commander Gift - Roger that, find the way for us to
get inside over."},"594904441447120916":{"u":0,"t":1561906671631,"m":"Mitchell:
Let's move, people!\n\n_Leaving the hut they've been hiding in the team moves along
the trail of flares left behind by a gunship crew, having survived the crash. As
they followed the trails they find Dust traces alomg the way until they stumble
upon the body of the crew. Having died from a shot to the head._\n\nMitchell: Damn,
poor bastard got shot in the head..\n\nIlona: Still better than being killed by a
Grimm.\n\n_Commander's radio bursts into life as Cormack's voice came from its
speaker. This time warning them that they have stumbled into Branwen
territory._\n\nCormack: This is Two-One to Six-Three, locators are set. Be advised
that the guards within the compound walls are changing. Over. Also, you just
stepped into hostile Branwen territory.\n\nCormack: You're approaching a breach
within the wooden wall, that breach will lead to a row of holding cells. Weiss'
cell will be marked with an IR beacon. Check your HUD. Over and out.\n\n_As Cormack
cuts the connection, Gideon, having moved in close to the breached section of the
wall goes prone as three guards walked close to it._\n\nGideon: Incoming, get
down!\n\n_The rest of the team, including Commander does so. Now prone, he
unsheathed his combat knife as he braced himself for a potential stealth
kill._\n\nGideon: _whispering_ Let them pass, or take them down if you have
{"u":1,"t":1561906837670,"m":"Commander Gift - I will take them out quietly and
hide their body."},"594906766102364160":{"u":0,"t":1561907225872,"m":"Mitchell:
Roger, on my mark...\n\n_He raises his silenced Atlas-45 Auto pistol, his sight
aimed at the head of one of the guards as Gift readies up. Locking on the second
guard while Gideon took down the third guard as he walked too close._\n\nMitchell:
Mark!\n\n_He popped from behind the crate and sends three rounds into the
unfortunate guard's head. Killing him as Gift locked the second guard in a
chokehold, the combat knife already plunged deep into his chest, ending his
life._\n\n_Seen next to the dead man lies a disabled fly drone, curious, Mitchell
picks it up and jacked into it storage as a recording titles \"JACKPOT?\" is seen
on the holoscreen. He then brings up the recording as a video plays._\n\n_From the
video, the view is shot from the inside of the gunship theough Weiss' suit camera
as she is lying injured on the ground with clothes dirtied, surrounded by the
surviving aircrew as two bandits approach her. She groans, clutching her
stomach._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> : Help... please.\n\n_The view then changes
to a hostile fly drone as an aircrew is seen aiming a pistol down at the bandits
before being gunned down. His fellow crewmates are, too, massacred as the two
bandits killed them all in one wuick succession._\n\nBandit One: What do you
think?\n\n_From the shadows, Raven approaches from offscreen to take a position
between the two bandits and directly above Weiss._\n\nRaven: I think... we just hit
the jackpot.\n\n_Weiss' face turns to one of concern as she looks up at Raven, who
stomps on her face, causing her to lose consciousness and the scene to fade to
black. The live feed then cuts away._","te":1568063601498},"594907002543538176":
{"u":1,"t":1561907282244,"m":"Commander Gift - Tango down."},"594908743930478593":
{"u":0,"t":1561907697423,"m":"_From his radar scope, Gideon watches as Weiss' radar
signature turns orange before disappearing from the green gridmark. Looking up to
the clearing leading to the compound he gets up, activates his cloak and pushed
forward, Cormack and Ilona already taking up positions ahead of him._\n\nGideon:
Good kill, be advised that our target's signal fading fast..\n\n_Mitchell
activates his cloak as Gift follows suit while Ilona, Gideon and Knox spread out to
free the imprisoned gunship crew, their cages perched on top of a stack of crates.
Inside the compound and watching through her Focus, Weiss tracks down Mitchell and
his men as she is carried away to a holding cell. Scaling the walls, Cormack
flashes a series of flashes from his penlight to him._\n\n_Gideon flashes his suit
flashlight in return, getting a reply of another set of codes. Turning to
Commander, he reports._\n\nGideon: Gift, we're losing her, fast. The bandits are
locking her in. What's our ingress plan?\n\n_From the radio, Ilona
replies._\n\nilona: Full stealth, keep cloak on at all times. No kills.\n\nGideon:
{"u":1,"t":1561908007210,"m":"Commander Gift - If Yang on the way that mean Sarge
is also come, Got it we must help her ASAP."},"594910172648964096":
{"u":1,"t":1561908038056,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"594910233382617129":
{"u":0,"t":1561908052536,"m":"_Outside the compound, Mitchell and his team begin to
infiltrate the camp. Their cloaks activated. Waking up to find herself carried to a
cage by two bandits, Weiss looks around her for any chances of escape but is
stopped by a bandit as they pushes her into a cage._\n\nBandit One: Just stay there
and don't try anything stupid. \n\n_The guard smacks her in the face with the grip
of his revolver, knocking her to the ground. She tries to rub at her cheeks but
finds herself restrained, groaning, she sleeps off the pain. At night, Weiss
awakens to find herself still trapped in the cage and her wrists bound by rope, her
wrists swelling from the restrected blood flow. She looks around and notices the
bandits from earlier that took her. One of them is drinking, while the other
notices Weiss waking up._\n\nBandit Two: _chuckling_ Well, well, well, look who's
awake.\n\n_Getting up, she stumbled her way weakly to the cage door, staring at the
guards dazedly. The pain on her left cheek dying down to a numbing
sensation._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Wha... what's going on? Where am
I?\n\n_Emerging from her tent, Vernal approaches the cage._\n\nVernal: You know...
I never thought I'd see a Schnee in this
just spectate then. I see you guys are well informed)"},"595260552763146278":
{"u":0,"t":1561991575185,"m":"(You can join in if you want to lol)\n\n_The two
bandits suddenly stand at attention. Vernal walks over to Weiss' cage, holding
Myrtenaster in her hand. Weiss stands up, while her captor admires her weapon.
Unbeknownst to her, Mitchell and his team had already infiltrated the camp, waiting
behind her with their cloaks on. Weiss glares at her captor, noticing Mitchell's
strobe light faintly giving away his position through the
cloak._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What do you want?\n\nVernal:
Straight to the point. I like it. We don't normally deal in trafficking people -
not really worth our time. But, once we realized we had a Schnee, that
changed.\n\n_Grabbing Myrtenaster by its hilt, Vernal points the tip of the blade
at Weiss, but she stares it down. Unfazed._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
You're going to ransom me back to my father, is that it?\n\nVernal: It's a shame
you're a Schnee. You'd probably do quite well around
here.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> I would never sink to your
level.\n\n_Vernal's expression then changes to a frown. Failing
to notice the bandits around her reacting to their fallen comrades._\n\nVernal:
Just keep quiet and cooperate and you'll be back in your mansion before you know
it. \n\n_Vernal starts walking away from Weiss' cage, raising a finger to her Focus
as reports of fallen bandits begin to reach her._\n\nVernal: Don't make this
complicated.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What's going to make this
complicated is when my sister finds out I didn't make it to Mistral. You know my
sister, don't you? Winter Schnee? Special Operative of the Atlas Military? She's in
Mistral now, and when she hears I'm missing, it won't take her long to find me -
and you.\n\n_Suddenly, the bandits start laughing, much to Weiss'
{"u":1,"t":1561991607748,"m":"Commander Gift - Area clear, let's
{"u":0,"t":1561991920318,"m":"<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> What's so
funny?\n\n_Vernal turns back around. This time placing her right hand on her hips,
fidgeting the insides of her pocket for a Focus device. Still staring at Weiss, she
laughs._\n\nVernal: Oh, I don't know if it's more funny or sad, but you're clearly
out of the loop. Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No Atlas personnel are in
Mistral anymore. General Ironwood closed the borders and recalled all his little
troops and tin cans. No one is coming to rescue you.\n\n_Taking the Focus device
out of her right pocket, she tosses it into the cage as the bandits are once again
laughing, Vernal walks away from Weiss, who closes her eyes forlornly. But before
she leaves, Vernal turns back around, looking behind her to find the bandits gone.
She approaches the cage much to Weiss'
confusion._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Wait, what's this supposed to
mean?!\n\n_Vernal puts a finger to her lips. She reaches into the cage, grabbed the
Focus and puts it onto Weiss' left temple. The device activates, projecting a boot
assessment hologram._\n\nVernal: I'm not supposed to do this, but orders are
orders.\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Why are you helping me?\n\n_Vernal
presses the triangular chip-like device down on her captive's temple, securing the
device and stopping further questions. She backs away from the cage and quickly ran
back to the bandits, leaving Weiss to herself. Now inside the camp, Mitchell calls
out more targets for his teammates._\n\nMitcchell: Got three more tangos on our
{"u":1,"t":1561992011202,"m":"Commander Gift - Roger that.\nSargent Gift -
Commander, i wait for you at the vent entrance, meet you there.\nCommander Gift -
Got it Sarge."},"595262923786420224":{"u":0,"t":1561992140481,"m":"_Knowing his
duty, Sarge gets up from kneeling on the ground and quickly approaches the three
bandits making a run for a large tent, knocking them out cold with quick
tranquilizer shots to their chests. Signalling Ilona and Cormack an OK sign the two
moves up and joins him on surrounding the large tent._\n\n_But as they approach it,
Gideon stops as his Focus warns him of an active rescue beacon. Swiping on his
wrist computer the beacon's location shows up on everyone's HUDs, marking Weiss'
location within the camp._\n\nGideon: Got an active Focus beacon, it's Weiss. She
survived, locked in here somewhere. Sarge, Mitchell and I will go for her, you
three surround the tent and secure it. But don't deactivate your
cloaks.\n\nCormack: Rog', we're moving.\n\nIlona: Copy.\n\n_Splitting up his team,
Gideon, Mitchell and Sarge tracks the beacon down through their Focus as Commander,
Ilona and Cormack moves to secure Raven's tent. Tracking it down through their
{"u":1,"t":1561992229881,"m":"Sargent Gift - If you worry about Weiss, don't worry
mate, we will get her out from there.\nGift - Got it, Good luck mate.\nSargent Gift
- Ha! Good luck."},"595266471433601052":{"u":0,"t":1561992986306,"m":"_It is a
cloudy day, and RNJR is following a mossy stone tile path through the wilderness,
having split up with Mosin 2's MCV convoy. While walking, Nora stretches her arms
up wide._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Another day, another adventure!\n\n_Beside
her, Jaune reads a map while Ruby and Ren continue alongside them. Accompanied by
Riley and Gift._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> What's on the agenda today
aside from just walking...?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Walking!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> With a side
of...?\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Walking. Since we aren't allowed to fly
here.\n\nRiley: _groaning._ Tell that to Atlas,
Ren.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _sighs_ Haven is a lot farther away than I
thought.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Ruby? How long did you think this journey was
going to take? \n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I don't know! I grew up in a
small area; I've never been this far away from home!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Right but... how long?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Maybe like, uh... two
weeks?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _looking up from the map to glare at her, his
reactions unnoticed by most of the infantrymen around him_
What?!\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Okay, fine! Three or something! _not
making eye contact_ Look, whatever.\n\nRamirez: At this rate, we will be at Haven
in three and a half week's time. Now shut up, yapping isn't going to get any of you
places. Now move!\n\n_He yells at the group, frustrated and annoyed. Having saw
Ruby's sullen face, he softens his tone._\n\nRamirez: I'm sorry. Just... move, will
{"u":0,"t":1561993050492,"m":"_Ruby looks up again after a beat and notices
something ahead. From the distance she saw a MRVN bot flashing distress codes from
its head-mounted flashlight_.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Hey, what's
that?\n\nRiley: What the...\n\n_Nora jumps onto a slightly fallen post of a fence
to get a closer look at a wall and building ahead. Riley takes to the skies and
flew on ahead as Gift stuck to the group._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> That's...
strange. _checking his map_ I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a
few days.\n\nSgt. Foley: That checkpoint used to be a village, now it's a garrison.
\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Are those buildings... damaged?\n\n_From the group's
radio came Riley's distressed voice and a video feed showing the checkpoint, now
destroyed from an attack by an unknown adversary._\n\nRiley: Atlas Six here, the
checkpoint is destroyed.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We should search for
survivors!"},"595267054504771596":{"u":1,"t":1561993125321,"m":"Gift - I agree,
maybe there's have someone still alive."},"595268989408772098":
{"u":0,"t":1561993586638,"m":"_Jaune drops the map as the infantrymen pressed
forward running into the village-turned-garrison with Nora leaping onto the wall
and to a rooftop from there, knocking down an anti-Grimm turret._\n\n_They discover
the garrison to be empty. Ruby lifts a fallen plank of wood to find only plant
outgrowth underneath._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Anything?\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Nothing over
here!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> No one over here, either!\n\nRiley: I searched
the rest of the town, got nothing but dead bodies and... a ton of spent
casings.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> It almost seems like... the town was
abandoned prior to our arrival.\n\n_Ruby looks around while the others go deeper
into the garrison, feeling unease in the wind. As she walked she heard coughing in
the distance and the muffled screams of a dying marksman, his combat suit breached
by a cooked off acid round._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Hey, I think I found
something!\n\n_Ruby turns and rushes over. Nora, Jaune and Ren are looking at a
town sign. Nora moves the ivy growing over it to the side to read what it
says._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Checkpoint Epsilon - Oniyuri? Never heard of
it.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Me neither.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I
have.\n\n_The other three look at him, surprise on Nora and Ruby's faces. In the
air, Riley continues to watch over the group._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> You
might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years
ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the Kingdom was being
run. Until Mistral's branch of the Remnant Strategic Homeland Defense Division came
here and made... changes."},"595269282271854602":{"u":1,"t":1561993656462,"m":"Gift
- Is that all true?"},"595270837473509387":
{"u":0,"t":1561994027251,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> It is true, the Division
came and ordered the town cleared of all inhabitants and made the place theirs
until this...\n\n_He looks into the distance._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their
own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become
its own Kingdom. Many thought it would be the future. They even negotiated with the
local Division Commander only to have their request repeatedly denied. \n\n_Ren
walks away from the other four, Ramirez' team can be heard in the background as
they searched buildings and houses for survivors._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I
know my parents did.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What happened?\n\n_He brushes
some dirt off of the stone border of a low wall to reveal claw marks. The wall
crumbles away revealing the rusty grid of a high-voltage deterrence
fence._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> What always
happens.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> The Grimm.\n\n_Ren tightens his hands into
fists, from the sky Riley calls out to the group. Having found an injured
Huntsman._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Not just any, one.\n\nRiley: We got a
survivor over here!","te":1561994045143},"595271418317635594":
- On my way."},"595273207075045385":{"u":0,"t":1561994592208,"m":"_The team rushes
to the survivor only to find him dead, next to his lap lies a vocoder. Playing a
message on repeat. Curious, Ruby picks up the bloodied vocoder and listened to its
content._\n\nVocoder: _playing the dying man's recording_ If you're listening, a
lone Type-Six Grimm attackrd this garrison and killed everyone it comes across.
Nothing works against it, not even Devil Breaker rounds. Hngh..\n\n_The dying man
takes his last breath as he bellowed into the vocoder._\n\nVocoder: If you can...
roar of a Nuckelavee is heard as the dying msn screamed in terror, following his
screams are the sounds of the man's body being viciously torn apart by the monster,
then silence..._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _looking nauseous_
- (Headache) Damn Flashback, in this time?"},"595274590419157022":
{"u":0,"t":1561994922023,"m":"_The scene flashes back to the Checkpoint as his
surroundings changed to the village itself still intact._\n\nDivision Commander:
Welcome to Epsilon, General. Or as the locals call it... Oniyuri.\n\n_He greets the
duo, leading them to the village's square surrounded by soldiers, officers, and
villagers. Having lead them to one of the square's quartered section he sits them
down on a table presenting them two files._\n\nDivision Commander: These right here
are the reports of what we have done to the place before Phase One's deployment.
Suit yourselves to the report."},"595274863372009493":
{"u":1,"t":1561994987100,"m":"Gift - If anything wrong happen, Quickly report to
me, Got it?"},"595276061907091486":{"u":0,"t":1561995272853,"m":"Division
Commander: _jokingly_ Roger, General. Have I ever let you down?\n\n_The scene
reverts back to the present as Gift stood next to the dead Huntsman's
corpse._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> A Grimm came here... and _ravaged_ this
place all by itself? How...? \n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well, Grimm will be
Grimm. It's not like you can't do anything but kill them when they attack
you.\n\n_Riley, still hovering above the group snaps her head towards the direction
of a derelict building as she heard a series of distant crinkling of broken glass
being stepped on._\n\nRiley: Guys, _she points to the building, her head still
locked at the building_ I got someone trying to crash whatever it is that we're
doing- wait. No, it's... Leon, Ada, and Claire?!"},"595276308573847582":
{"u":1,"t":1561995331663,"m":"Gift - That's my friend."},"595277836911378475":
{"u":0,"t":1561995696047,"m":"Leon: Hey there! Heard you guys were going to Haven.
Care if we tag along?\n \nAda: After all, we're here to help. Isn't that right,
Claire?\n\nClaire: Yep. That's exactly why we... are here."},"595278191396913171":
{"u":1,"t":1561995780563,"m":"Gift - I'm glad we have met again, After Raccoon City
crisis."},"595278773104934912":{"u":0,"t":1561995919253,"m":"Leon: Yeah, at least
we made it. By the way, why are you guys stuck here? If you need a lift to wherever
you're going, I can give you all a ride."},"595278933306638366":
{"u":1,"t":1561995957448,"m":"Gift - Thanks but now we got a
problem."},"595279689610690561":{"u":0,"t":1561996137765,"m":"Claire: Atlas not
permitting vehicle usages? Damn... \n\n_Riley, not wishing to endure the sight of
the horribly mutilated man walks away. Followed by Team RNJR. Leaving Gift and the
three behind._\n\nRiley: We're moving on. Let's go-\n\n_As she walks, an Aura-
depletion round struck her chest as Riley falls onto the ground._\n\nRamirez:
CONTACT! TWELVE O'CLOCK, SECOND FLOOR!\n\nSgt. Foley: Roger, Ramirez.
Engaging!"},"595279946537107459":{"u":1,"t":1561996199021,"m":"Gift - I have to
help my sweet heart. (Use hellfire teleport)"},"595281986273148945":
{"u":0,"t":1561996685332,"m":"_Tyrian soon leaps high over the wall to engage them
in combat._\n\n_He immediately takes out his weapons in a seamless motion and,
laughing eagerly, moves to attack Ruby._\n\n_Ren intervenes, StormFlower clashing
with Tyrian's claw blades. Ren attempts to both kick and shoot Tyrian, but he
dodges. The two have a couple more attack and parries until Tyrian kicks Ren
several feet away._\n\n_Tyrian turns to go after Ruby again, who rushed forward
with Crescent Rose to meet him. Tyrian uses his blades to block the scythe and
kicks Ruby backward. She easily remains upright and they clash again. Tyrian
manages to land a strike on Ruby's right arm, causing her to cry out at the pain
and him to laugh._\n\n_She's doesn't break stride however and leaps back to take a
swing at him with her scythe. He dodges and then lands a moving blow against the
body of Crescent Rose, causing a red shimmer to cross her Aura in the area of the
strike._"},"595282211423518770":{"u":0,"t":1561996739012,"m":"_Riley, her body
trembling with anger projects twin plasma chainsaws from her wrists as she jumped
in and lands three heavy hits against his weapons as the saws clashed with the
blades creating a shower of sparks and even clipping out a small piece of the blade
much to his surprise._\n\n_Gift appears behind Tyrian as he sends Scorpion's spear
at his back only to have the blow intercepted by his scorpion tail._\n\n_Jaune
steps in at that moment and Tyrian shrugs off the spear and climbs onto his shield
and grins at him. Nora rushes in with Magnhild, but Tyrian just leaps from Jaune's
shield to her hammer and up through the top story of a narrow, rectangular
building._\n\n_Holding himself up with his feet on wooden frames to either side of
him, Tyrian looks down at Team RNJR._ \n\n_From the ground, Ramirez' team is seen
firing at Tyrian only to have the bullets diverted safely away from him thanks to
his weapons' built-in gravitational slingshots attachment he seldom
uses._"},"595283035595997194":{"u":1,"t":1561996935510,"m":"Gift - Scorpion vs
Scorpion Huh?"},"595285094848266279":{"u":0,"t":1561997426474,"m":"_Tyrian simply
cackled maniacally as he sends a torrent of Dust bullets at Gift only to have them
absorbed harmlessly into his body. He kept up his fire until the magazines depletes
themselves of ammunition. As the smoke clears, Gift, having took the bullets head-
on grinned at Tyrian's surprised reaction, not realising the invisible threat
behind him._\n\n_Riley holds the twin plasma chainsaws close to his neck, ready to
strike._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We're not looking for a
fight!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Who are you?\n\n_Tyrian leans forward, drops
from the tower, does a front flip, and lands on his feet in front of them. Riley,
still cloaked warps behind him, still keeping the twin chainsaws close._\n\nTyrian:
Who I am matters not to you. _points to Ren_ Or you. _points to Nora_ Or— _cuts
himself off and pauses_ Well... you do interest me. _pointing to Jaune_\n\n_Jaune
gasps nervously as Ramirez barked orders at Tyrian, his M249 machine gun aimed
directly at his head._\n\nRamirez: GET DOWN ON THE FUCKING GROUND OR I WILL SHOOT
YOU!\n\n_Uninterested, Tyrian rolled his eyes as he diverts his attention to
Ruby._\n\nTyrian: No, I only matter to you.\n\n_He points to Ruby, and the rest of
RNJR turn to look at her. She tilts her head in
confusion._\n\n<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> Me?\n\nTyrian: _breaks down into
laughter_ You, you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must
be.\n\n_Instantly, Riley appeaes right behind the hostile. Her plasma chainsaws now
mere inches close to his neck._\n\nRiley: Touch her, and I will send your lifeless
body back to whoever that got you here."},"595285561044893718":
{"u":1,"t":1561997537624,"m":"Gift - Stay back, if it have a scorpion's part, this
match will equal to me."},"595286722942861325":
{"u":0,"t":1561997814642,"m":"Tyrian: And why would it matter? Is it because of
your form's... name? \n\n_He cackles again._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What do
you want?\n\n_Tyrian begins acting dramatically in response to her tone of voice
much to Riley's anger._\n\nTyrian: Oh, the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm
here to whisk you away with me!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Well, what if she
doesn't want to go with you?\n\n_He stares for a moment with his lips scrunched up
before answering. Not noticing Gift's increasingly brightening aura._\n\nTyrian:
Well, I'll take her.\n\n_Jaune walks over and stands between him and Ruby, his
shield held in front of him._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We're not going to let
you do that.\n\n_Tyrian closes his eyes and inhales through his teeth. His eyes
slowly open, and he happily growls a single word with a dark grin._\n\nTyrian:
Good.\n\n_Delighted that they're willing to fight, Tyrian moves fast to attack
Jaune from behind only to meet Gift's fist flying at his face._\n\n_Gift attacks
Tyrian in a blind rage as he punches away into Tyrian's face and finishing off with
a powerful kick to the chest, sending him into a storage shack. He roars at the
destroyed shack as his ability, Spartan Rage overwhelms
him._"},"595287089810243624":{"u":1,"t":1561997902110,"m":"Gift - But first you
must past me. (Transform to Inferno Scorpion)"},"595288816919773184":
{"u":0,"t":1561998313885,"m":"_From the piles of rubble lies Tyrian, struggling to
get up as Riley drags him by the tail and tosses him across the clearing to Gift,
who promptly responded with a flying kick to the chest. Sending him down onto the
ground and creating a sizeable crater from the impact._\n\n_The rest of the
combatants watches as Riley and Gift worked on beating Tyrian down to a pulp...
literally._\n\n_Ruby steps in to face Tyrian as Gift and Riley backs away, but he
just kicks her to the side. She regains her ground by using Crescent Rose to steady
herself._\n\n_Jaune takes a swing with his sword at Tyrian,
but he simply dodges and kicks him away as well._\n\n_His next move is to run
toward Nora. From across the way, Ruby grins and shoots Nora with lightning Dust.
It passes just over Tyrian's left shoulder, and he turns as he senses it. Nora gets
knocked down when the bolt makes contact, dropping Magnhild in the
process._\n\n_Mistaking the move for an error on Ruby's part, Tyrian gives Nora a
baffled stare and laughs while Ren, Jaune and Ruby simply watch and
wait._\n\nTyrian: _wiping blood from his lips as his wounds slowly regenrates_
Well, if that isn't ironic...\n\nRiley: If you want her...\n\n_She looks to Ren,
Nora, Jaune, Ruby, Gift, and Ramirez' squad as she disengages her plasma chainsaws
as her fists burned with blue flame._\n\nRiley: You'll have to come through
That's... good. We will need all the help we can get, and that the path ahead will
be dangerous.\n\n_As the group stood outside the house, their gear ready for the
expedition. Tai yelled at them from the balcony much to Pierson's
annoyance._\n\nPierson: What's he got to say this time?!\n\n_From the balcony Tai
tossed Pierson a pack of Victory cigarettes before shouting over to Riley. Still
waving her goodbye._\n\nTai: IF YOU CAN, FIND SUMMER! SHE'LL BE WAITING FOR
YOU!\n\nRiley: _yelling back at him._ WE WILL, TRUST ME!\n\n_She turns to the
group, glanced at them and lead the way. Striding forward, her back held straight
as her palms now begin to glow with blue plasma._\n\nRiley: Let's move. Haven's not
going to walk for us.","te":1568059990902},"593826253245513728":
{"u":1,"t":1561649611532,"m":"Gift - Except we walk to it."},"593827745939849236":
{"u":0,"t":1561649967418,"m":"_The group follows after Riley as they marched
through the forest surrounding the house and into the bustling city grounds,
bystanders watched as they slowly moved on until they come across the mainland
linkage bridge, heavily barricaded._\n\n_Riley presented her St. Michaels pendant
she'd gotten from Zussman losing a bet to her to the guards, prompting them to
lower their weapons and allow them access to the bridge itself._\n\n_Time passes by
as hours turned into days, days into weeks and eventually into months. Now, at
Salem's mansion within the Realm of Darkness lies the mastermind herself surrounded
by her subordinates._"},"593828567565991937":{"u":0,"t":1561650163309,"m":"_In a
large windowed room, at the center of which is a long purple, crystal table. Four
people sit at the table with seven chairs. One of them is Cinder Fall. Emerald and
Mercury move away from the window as a True Sons guard brushed past them, grinning
from ear to ear._\n\n_There's a close-up of the man sitting across from
Cinder, Arthur Watts, his focus spent looking at his Scroll. Next is the man to
Cinder's right, Tyrian Callows. He sits in a crouch casually on his chair, resting
his arms on his knees._\n\n_Across from Tyrian is Hazel Rainart. His arms are
crossed, and he looks asleep._\n\n_Cinder sits quietly, while Mercury and Emerald
move to her side. Emerald nudges Mercury out of her way so that she can be directly
next to Cinder._\n\nWatts: Yes, yes, keep your posse in check.\n\n_Mercury grunts
and makes a move toward Watts, but Emerald holds him back, the same guard that
brushed past them stopped behind her, his combat knife placed close to her
back._\n\nWatts: You hear that? Silence.\n\n_Hazel gives Watts an unimpressed
sideways glance._\n\nWatts: I've half a mind to thank the little girl that bested
you.\n\nTyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down. _snicker_ Find her and, well, she
took your eye, didn't she?"},"593829440585465856":{"u":1,"t":1561650371453,"m":"The
camera change to Captain Gift is now he going for Blake.\n\nBrother always care
sister\nCaptain Gift\nCaptain Gift - Alright as i have plan with Gift, I must go
for Blake."},"593830050923675660":{"u":1,"t":1561650516969,"m":"Captain Gift - But
where is she now?"},"593830324396490788":{"u":0,"t":1561650582170,"m":"Sandman: I'm
with you, Cap. Anyways, here we are.\n\n_Their chopper lands at a dilapidated
airfield, its runway riddled with bomb craters and destroyed fighters. The men
departed their ride as the chopper took to the skies. Never to return._\n\n_A
Faunus Militia sergeant greets the team as he dropped his weapons before saluting
them._\n\nSgt. Ram: Sergeant Ram, 61st Enforcers, 3rd Infantry. I take it that you
are Captain Gift of Task Force 141, am I correct,
{"u":1,"t":1561650624937,"m":"Captain Gift - Yes that correct.\n(I'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1561817636702,"m":"Captain Gift - I have come by order of General
Gift."},"594532050279858177":{"u":0,"t":1561817886658,"m":"Sgt. Ram: That's great,
sir. You are to be transferred directly to Kuo Kuana, land transport only since...
well, the White Fang had set up drone swarms to intercept anything that
flies..\n\n_He leads Cap to a bus depot outside the airfield. Now at the depot the
men boarded a bus, settling into their seats as it drove for the de facto capitol
of Menagerie._\n\n_Having endured nearly five hours of near-constant stoppages at
checkpoints and repairs they finally arrive at the Belladonnas' compound as Blake
greeted them._"},"594532590111948816":{"u":1,"t":1561818015364,"m":"Captain Gift -
Finally we have arrive.\nGift - Cap report your status.\nCaptain Gift - I'm at
Menagerie Now.\nGift - Good take care Blake.\nCaptain Gift - Don't worry mate, i
will take care of her."},"594533678789689347":
{"u":0,"t":1561818274925,"m":"<:Blake:501507066595246101> Thought you'd never make
it here, heard you took a beating back in Beacon...\n\n_She glanced at him before
resuming her gaze at the ground, having greeted the Captain. From the main door
emerged Kali and Ghira, the couple carrying folders labeled with something he
couldn't read clearly._"},"594534064036380684":
{"u":1,"t":1561818366775,"m":"Captain Gift - What is this?"},"594535091015778305":
{"u":0,"t":1561818611626,"m":"Ghira: After Action Reports, this is the latest
report we have received prior to Airfield Sierra's siege. \n\nKali: I've set up a
safehouse within the compound, feel free to stay here as long as you want
to.\n\n_She points to a house built in the middle of a large pool, the pool being
covered with lotuses and other decorative carmaraderie._"},"594535168673316875":
{"u":0,"t":1561818630141,"m":"<:Blake:501507066595246101> It's safer than staying
outside this place, just to be sure..","te":1561818645596},"594537499653570580":
{"u":1,"t":1561819185890,"m":"Captain Gift - Hold on Blake i going to answer my
phone.\nGift - Cap can you bring your phone to Blake?\nCaptain Gift - Sure mate.
(Bring his phone to Blake) Blake someone want to talk with
Who?"},"594538653364256770":{"u":0,"t":1561819460956,"m":"_Curious, she takes the
phone from Cap as she brought it close to her ear, as she listened all she could
hear was the sound of gunfire, people screaming and
explosions._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Cap, nobody's on the line, all I hear
is nothing but gunfire."},"594538734414856197":{"u":1,"t":1561819480280,"m":"Gift -
Blake do you miss your brother?"},"594539015739277333":
{"u":0,"t":1561819547353,"m":"_The sounds of gunfire clears away as Gift's voice
came clear through the speaker._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> I do, how's Ruby
and others doing?"},"594539392517799939":{"u":1,"t":1561819637184,"m":"Gift - Ruby
is with me, moving to Haven. Yang is with Sarge and Weiss is with
{"u":0,"t":1561819851478,"m":"<:Blake:501507066595246101> That's good to hear, Cap
just arrived. Mom's taking him and his men into a safehouse.\n\n_As she spoke, the
whistling of an M7 missile whizzing through the air is heard as the line id
abruptly cut much to her shock._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Gift, can you hear
me!? Gift?! Damnit!\n\n_The scene changes to Gift's convoy, now being forced to
stop as the strike teams protecting the convoy are locked in an engagement against
a Geist-class Grimm._\n\n_Ruby Rose, now flying backwards from trees,
firing Crescent Rose in the direction she came from as Alpha Three, a member of
Strike Team Victor assisted her with his Stinger launcher. Firing a volley of M7
shockwave missiles at the collection of floating boulders with a Grimm mask moves
the trees aside, clearly chasing her._\n\n_The Grimm swipes a tree it plucked with
its stone hands at Ruby as she falls, crashing against tree limbs along the way.
From the ground, behind the hostile Riley kept up her constant volley of plasma
fire against it, slowing it down to a crawl and drawing its
attention._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Bad... landing... strategy!\n\n_Ruby
lands on her feet on a big tree branch strong enough to hold her weight. She uses
her Semblance to fly past the Grimm as three volleys of shockwave missiles launched
from Mosin 1's MCV impacted the Grimm to little effect. The missiles having either
their guidance units corrupted by the sparks of EMP sent out from a slab of
lightning dust embedded in its right \"arm\" or simply losing track._\n\n_Jaune,
Ren, and Nora look up as another strike team moves in to engage the
Grimm._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Let's get that thing off her.\n\n_Jaune runs
toward them. Ren jumps up into the trees._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Don't
forget me!"},"594540322185412609":{"u":0,"t":1561819858834,"m":"_Nora pulls
out Magnhild and shoots it at the ground, propelling herself into the air with
excited whooping. She lands right besides Ren in his branch. Next to her lies a
WASP drone firing at the lightning dust crystal._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We
need to draw its attention away from Ruby!\n\n_As a stream of rose petals, Ruby
flies past them._\n\nPrice: Gift, Soap and I will tean up with Alpha and draw its
fire away from her. You get her and make sure she's fine."},"594540696187305986":
{"u":1,"t":1561819948003,"m":"Gift - Got it. (Get Ruby) I got you little
sis."},"594544253917724682":{"u":0,"t":1561820796232,"m":"_He picks her up from the
ground as a stray missile detonated next to her sending her crashing on the ground.
Injured._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _groaning in pain._ Ow, that damn
missile...\n\n_She lets out a series of painful grunts as she tries to stand up on
her own, the effects of the shockwave missile's detonation still lasting._\n\n_Nora
shoots the Grimm in the back as Ren hops around on branches. The Grimm tries to hit
Ren as a strike team member threw a semtex pack on the offending arm before being
smacked away, taking the blow instead of Ren himself._\n\n_Ren runs up its rock
arm, flies into the air, and comes down upon the Grimm, striking at it
with StormFlower, the blades simply clanged harmlessly off of the boulder, it's
ineffective._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Gotta get in
closer!"},"594545137770692631":{"u":1,"t":1561821006959,"m":"Gift - It okey my
little sis, i will take it down.(Equip Rapid launcher)"},"594546170097827860":
{"u":0,"t":1561821253085,"m":"_Gift equips his rapid launchers as he lets loose a
salvo of quick-maneuvering shockwave missiles at the Grimm. The missiles, having
locked onto their target flew around the hostile resembling a drone swarm as each
individual missile detonated their warheads at its weak points much to the surprise
of the convoy combatants._\n\nAlpha Two: Woah, Markus! You seeing this shit?! This
is some kinda Titianfall shit right there! Flight
core!\n\nMarkus: ..."},"594548166129352747":{"u":0,"t":1561821728976,"m":"_Ruby,
having spotted a large crack made by one of the missiles threw an IR marker at the
Grimm through an opening within the missile swarm._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Everyone, listen up! Target that crack on its back with your IR
now!\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Wilco, Ranger One!\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
I'm on it!\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Targeting now!\n\n_Nora leaps into the air
as she brings Magnhild high up and slammed it down full force, shattering away a
layer of regenerated rock as Ren slashed away at the offending Grimm's mask,
getting black gooey matter all over his combat suit with StormFlower._\n\n_Jaune,
having regained controls on the gunship's cannon mount fired a continuous barrage
of rounds at the gaping crack, damaging it further and exposing the Grimm's core as
the last missile exploded. Enlarging the self-healing crack even
further._\n\nRiley: _yelling through her radio_ ENGAGING PLASMA CORE!\n\n_From her
chest, a blue energy ball forms itself up as the translucent ball grew larger.
Having accumulated ennough energy she thrusted her arms forwards, palms wide open
as three plasma beams converged into a large, singular beam._\n\n_The plasma beam
instantly burns away the Grimm's core as its death throes filled the air. She kept
up her constant fire as the towering collection of boulders crumbled into smaller
rocks, and into nothingness as the plasma beam obliterated it
{"u":1,"t":1561822011846,"m":"Gift - Enemy down."},"594551721951363083":
{"u":0,"t":1561822576750,"m":"_As the plasma barrage stopped, the only sounds heard
was the sound of rustling leaves..._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _almost
speechless_ Whaaaaat?\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _shocked beyond salvation_ Ho...
ly... cow...\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _grinning from ear to
ear_\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _just being his usual self, albeit a bit surprised,
raising only his left eyebrow_\n\n_Riley, still keeping her arms thrusted forward
opened her eyes as she lowered her guard down. She glanced around the space where
the Grimm used to be only to find nothing but a massive clearing made by her plasma
core._\n\nRiley: _shyly_ I... I'm sorry...\n\n_She looks down at her chest only to
find nothing but her sports bra and her booty shorts, both of them miraculously
intact despite the plasma beam she'd just fired._\n\n_The first person to speak was
Connor. Breaking the silence _\n\nConnor: That... was exceptionally impressive,
Commander Andersen. \nRiley: Thanks, Connor... anyways, _she looks down on her
undergarments again._ Ugh, goddamnit.\n\n_She walked away, making her way to Mosin
1's MCV as the men of Strike Team Victor and Alpha stared at her, all of them
locked deep in a trance._","te":1561822614216},"594552133915770894":
{"u":1,"t":1561822674970,"m":"Gift - It seem like my Ion
canon."},"594552666500235269":{"u":0,"t":1561822801948,"m":"Soap: Though she's more
powerful than them. That's like walking around with an on-demand Ion cannon, ain't
thag right, mate?\n\nPrice: _keeping his cool by smoking his cigar_ She yields the
power to turn the tides of war just by mere thought, this... is just the surface of
the person she really is."},"594553904948051999":
{"u":0,"t":1561823097217,"m":"_Price hands Gift a lit cigar as Soap and the others
regrouped at their respective MCVs._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _recovering from
her shock_ Gift! _she inspects his exosuit as she begins her barrage of questions
in an attempt to cover her embarrassment from having gazed at Riley's gorgeousness_
\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Are you hurt? Is there any malfunction? Did the
Geist get you? Are you good on ammo? Is there anything I can do to get the suit to
react faster?! What if-\n\n_Gift simply pulled her into a comforting hug much to
her surprise_\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oof-"},"594554157969702923":
{"u":1,"t":1561823157542,"m":"Gift - I'm glad you worry about me my sweet
heart."},"594554256221011980":{"u":1,"t":1561823180967,"m":"Gift - And yes i'm
alright at least."},"594557056317653041":
{"u":0,"t":1561823848562,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Aw, how could I not worry
about you? After all, you took care after all of us when we...\n\n_She pauses as
memories of the Fall of Beacon struck her. Shaking her head lightly, she forces
herself to repress the memories as she sighed
heavily._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _forlornly_ Forget it, let's get back to
the convoy.\n\n_Briskly walking away from him, shw allowed a single tear to run
down her right cheek. Having found herself a secluded area within the convoy's
defensive units coverage she knelt down and let out sobs of sorrow, crying tears of
sadness behind a herbal Cryonberry bush, its soothing smell filling the air as
Ruby's cloak brushed against its leaves._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _sobbing
quietly_ Why did it have to be her...? Just.. why?\n\n_As she sobbed, memories of
the events of Beacon's Fall rushed into her mindspace in gigantic waves. Inside the
command deck of Mosin 1, Riley falls to her knees much to Nora's shock. Her noses
profusely bleeding as she felt a heavy surge of negative emotions from Ruby
assaulting her mindspace._\n\nRiley: Ngh! It's her,
Ruby...\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ruby? What'd she do to you!?\n\nRiley:
_staring angrily at Nora_ Don't ask.\n\n_She grabs on the holoprojector, using it
as leverage to push herself up._","te":1561824492856},"594557898114203681":
{"u":1,"t":1561824049262,"m":"Gift - Riley my friend, What
happen?"},"594559570706169880":{"u":0,"t":1561824448039,"m":"Riley: It's Ruby, she
needs help. Fast.\n\n_She tries to walk only to have Ruby's devastating wave of
emotions send her unconscious, much to the MCV crew's shock._\n\nMsgt. Pam:
Holy-\n\n_Kara instinctively got up from her pilot seat as her programming sensed
immediate danger. She glanced at Riley once and dashed for her. Picking Riley up by
the arm and carrying the unconscious woman in her arms._\n\nKara: Help me take her
to the infirmary!"},"594559860075397140":{"u":1,"t":1561824517030,"m":"Gift -
RUBY!!! Hold on my sweet heart, You will be alright."},"594561404355215370":
{"u":0,"t":1561824885215,"m":"_Gift warps away from the cockpit out to the open as
he ran for Ruby's position being only just a few yards away from him._\n\nConnor:
Hey, wait! What about Riley?! Aren't you going to help her!? \n\n_Frustrated and
angry, Connor set foot for Gift only to have Markus hold him back._\n\nMarkus: Let
him go, Connor. \n\nConnor: Shit...\n\n_He helps Kara carry Riley to the infirmary
as they set her down on a patient bed. Riley, now on the bed moaned in pain as her
nose continued to bleed. Her bright red blood now running down her face and onto
the bed._\n\nMedic: We need to stop the bleeding. You, get me a nose pack
now!\n\n_Outside, Gift sits next to Ruby, still oblivious to his presence as
sadness overwhelms her._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _still sobbing_ Why did it
have to be you... why?! \n\n_Having understood who she has been referring to, he
pulls her close, letting her lie down on his lap._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Wh... what are you doing?"},"594561893478432779":{"u":1,"t":1561825001831,"m":"Gift
- I understand my sweet heart, Forget about it if it not alright.\n(I'm gonna rest
now.)"},"594561941297561611":{"u":0,"t":1561825013232,"m":"(Okies, rest
well!)"},"594575835470495775":{"u":3,"t":1561828325861,"m":"(No way. Is this an ace
combat RP?!)"},"594771703503257601":{"u":0,"t":1561875024439,"m":"(Think of this RP
saga as one massive mashup of everything that me and Gift thought it would
be \"crossover-eligible\")"},"594771856033316865":
{"u":0,"t":1561875060805,"m":"(Though there are parts where Ace Combat plays an
active role in the course of the story)"},"594894981655822347":
{"u":1,"t":1561904416241,"m":"Gift - and why am i doing this? Because I want you to
relax my sweet heart, maybe
in one day you might do this to me, in one day."},"594896560635117592":
{"u":0,"t":1561904792699,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _wiping her tears with her
left hand_ But still, I could have helped...\n\n_GIft sits next to her as Ruby got
up from his lap, now sitting on the ground._\n\nPrice: _through radio_ Gift, we're
set to move to Checkpoint Epsilon. How's your girl doing?"},"594896858799669268":
{"u":1,"t":1561904863787,"m":"Gift - (Exhale) She is fine but i want to stay with
her for a while."},"593093486442708992":{"u":1,"t":1561474906312,"m":"Gift -
I'm ....sor....ry."},"593095945093251229":{"u":0,"t":1561475492500,"m":"_Cinder
looses the arrow, which plants itself directly in the center of Pyrrha's chest.
Ruby watches in horror as Pyrrha gasps in pain, the wound in her chest emitting a
red glow, blood spills out onto the floor as the tip of the arrow cut through the
heart._\n\n_Cinder approaches her fallen foe and places a hand on Pyrrha's head,
using her Maiden powers to flash incinerate her much to Riley and Ruby's
dismay._\n\n_Pyrrha instantly ceases all movement and sound, her body glowing
orange and then scattering as embers. Her headdress remains in Cinder's hand, and
the villain drops it on the floor._"},"593095961828524042":
{"u":0,"t":1561475496490,"m":"_The scene is reflected in Ruby's silver eyes, which
widen in despair and become filled with tears. Ruby clenches her fists, curls her
arms to her body, and then suddenly flings her arms out to the sides, beginning to
levitate slightly off the ground._\n\n_Brilliant white light flows from her eyes as
she screams out the name of her dear friend, from behind, Riley let loose a cry of
rage, tears streaming down her face from her eyes, now turned silver._\n\n_From
Gift's spot, he levitates in the air as his eyes flowed with white light, the beams
of light then joins Riley's as it advanced onto Ruby's stream before coalescing
into one massive sparkling ball of light._\n\n_The three then screamed the name of
their fallen ally..._\n \n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>/Gift/Riley:
PYRRHAAAAAA!!!!\n\n_The ball of light envelopes them, spreading out to the Wyvern
and Cinder, eventually becoming a singular, massive explosion that spanned for
miles after miles after miles..._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _in complete
shock_ WHAT?!\n\n_Before she could react, the light evnelopes her as extreme pain
seared throughout her body. Yhe light working its way on damaging much of her body.
In Vale, survivors and soldiers alike find themselves taking shelter from the
shockwave that followed instantly from the light blast._\n\n_Aerial assets within
Valerian airspace find themselves in total comms blackout as the light blast
overwhelmed their systems, fighters soon find themselves stranded from their
command planes as the comms went down._","te":1561475558423},"593096759610179597":
{"u":0,"t":1561475686696,"m":"Trigger: This is Strider One transmitting in the
blind, is anyone receiving?! Over!\n\n_All he heard was static, nothing at
all..._\n\n_He searches through his channels until he found one channel
labeled \"UNSA RETRIBUTION\", from there he made contact with the ship, its systems
having withheld the damage from the light blast._"},"593096838949634083":
{"u":1,"t":1561475705612,"m":"Gift have unconscious again and wake up at Ruby's
House, before he wake up Ruby have hug him."},"593097673880633364":
{"u":0,"t":1561475904675,"m":"_A pair of voices echo from nearby._\n\nQrow: It's
alright. I got ya, General. I got ya.\n\n_Radio static can be heard in the
background._\n\nTaiyang: _Sigh_ Nothing.\n\nQrow: Just turn it off. Without the
CCT, there's no point.\n\nTaiyang: Communication down across the entire Kingdom,
no way to contact the outside world... and Ozpin's still missing.\n\nQrow:
Yeah.\n\nTaiyang: This is bad, Qrow.\n\nQrow: Yeah, this is bad.\n\n_Ruby, now
awaken on an unfamiliar bed, wearing gray pajamas. Birds are tweeting and sunlight
is streaming onto the wall behind the bed's headboard. After a few seconds, she
wakes up and looks over to see her father asleep in a chair. She sits up and sighs
quietly, causing Taiyang to stir awake._\n\nTaiyang: Ruby! _He gets up and runs to
kneel by her bed_ You're awake!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh... what
happened?\n\nTaiyang: Your uncle Qrow found you, unconscious. He got you out of
there, though, and brought you home safe. Gift and Riley... well, they're
awake.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _Looks down in thought for a split second,
then looks at Taiyang_ Wait! Yang! Is she alright!?\n\n_Riley steps into the room,
her face still covered in cuts and bruises alongside Pam._\n\nRiley: She's stable,
whoever took her arm off also ripped away a portion of her
{"u":1,"t":1561476602736,"m":"Gift - Ah!! (Wake up with pain) What
happened?"},"593100827653046274":{"u":0,"t":1561476656593,"m":"Qrow: Your men
dropped you right in front of the door. We took you in, Riley arrived an hour later
and worked on you, Rubes, and Yang.\n\n_As he speaks to Gift, a medical team sent
from McKinson Memorial moves into the room, setting a stretcher down on the floor.
With the stretcher deployed the medic approaches Tai, presenting him a document of
consent._\n\nMedic 1: Sir, we're a medical team from the Memorisl, Special Agent
Rose has requested Miss Rose to be transferred to the Memorial as of now. If you
wish to send your daugter over to our medical team, please sign this form.\n\n_Not
missing a beat Tai snatches the form out of the medic's hand and quickly signed the
consent form, with the form signed he hands it over to the medic as two medical
personnel move into the room._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Wait... why am I
going to the Memorial?\n\n_To her suprise, she asks one of the medical personnel,
to which he replies._\n\nMedic 2: Your father approved your transfer to the
Memorial, just relax, it's for your own good.\n\n_Ruby shrugs, stepping down from
the bed. She kneels down to the floor and lies on the stretcher as safety straps
begin to lock her feet, arms, torso and head in place. The medic walks behind her
and grabs hold of the stretcher's end as another grabbed the feet end._\n\nThe
Medics: One, two, three!\n\n_The two medics lift Ruby up and leave the room, taking
her outside the house as a Task Force 141 Warbird lands in front of them, its rear
door open. The men then carry her inside the Warbird as the rear door
closes._\n\nWarbird Pilot: Patient secure?\n\nMedic 1: Secure.\n\n_The Warbird
lifts off to the Memorial, leaving the island
{"u":1,"t":1561476669086,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"593100934612123662":
{"u":0,"t":1561476682094,"m":"(Sure thing!)"},"593449314743877652":
{"u":1,"t":1561559742390,"m":"Gift - That's mean i'm not dead.\nSargent Gift - Yes
mate you not dead.\nGift - RUBY!!! What about Ruby?"},"593449762695545046":
{"u":0,"t":1561559849190,"m":"MSgt. Pam: She's okay, still recovering. Tai had her
transferred to the Memorial,\n\n_Pam steps in the room, leaving the door open, her
right hand grabbing on a silver container labeled with something Gift can't make
out of. Confused, he got up from the bed and walked for the container still in
Pam's hand._","te":1569499415692},"593450803579322378":
{"u":1,"t":1561560097356,"m":"Gift - How long am i fall unconscious?\nSargent Gift
- Around 3 hours after Beacon's fall.\nGift - Hey Sarge Remember the plan?\nSargent
Gift - Absolutely mate, Cap and Commander are now process our plan.\nGift -
Good."},"593450936375050243":{"u":0,"t":1561560129017,"m":"Tai: Uh, Gift? What
plan? What have you been planning?\n\n_Confused, he reaches into his pocket and
produced a booklet titled \"VAF CONTINGENCY PLANS, 334TH REVISION.\" Diggint
through its contents he attempts to find Gift's \"special plan\" only to have Qrow
snatch the outdated booklet out of his hans and tossing it in a burn
bag._\n\nQrrow: That booklet is outdated, use your Focus.\n\nTai:
Oh...\n\n_Embarrassed, Tai taps into his Focus device as Gift's \"contingency
plan\" appears in front of him as a holographic
{"u":1,"t":1561560309498,"m":"Gift - Before the Fall of Beacon, I take care Team
RWBY like my own sisters so i still worry when they are not in my sight, for that i
have send myself from another timeline to take care of them, Cap have go to take
care Blake, Commander have go to Atlas and take care Weiss, Sarge will take care
Yang and I will take care Ruby."},"593453116826058781":
{"u":0,"t":1561560648877,"m":"_Having heard the plans, Tai stepped in closer as he
grabbed Gift by his left hand and dragged him out to the living room._\n\nTai:
Okay, that's a great plan. But I don't think that-\n\n_His Focus's hologram
becomes corrupt as Summer's Focus signal interrupts the current data stream. From
it, Summer's face comes into view, showing the Memorial's ICU ward filled with
patients lying in their medbays. However, Summer is seen standing next to Yang's
bed with Ruby by her side._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> _through radio_ Just
let him do what he has to do, in regards with Yang... She's still in McKinson
Memorial, Rube's with her. Riley too.\n\nSandman: You can't be serious, I thought
comms were still offline!\nFrost: Local backup stations and Arsenal Birds saved our
asses...\n\n_Having heard Summer's voice through their suit radios, the rest of the
men within the house all jumped as they find their radios still functioning. Not
caring of the radio, Gift turned his attention to a hoverbike painted bright yellow
sitting just outside the house._\n\nTai: Gift, that bike... was supposed to be
Yang's present, but I'm sure you're going to need it more than she does. After all,
I've just ordered a new one for her..\n\n_He
tosses him the key for the bike and ran back to the house as the distant sounds of
a helicopter approaching is heard._","te":1569498613961},"593453560071716867":
{"u":1,"t":1561560754555,"m":"Gift - I don't know what happen with Commander, I
hope he is fine."},"593453830746669066":{"u":0,"t":1561560819089,"m":"Qrow: I hope
so, he's going for a trip to Atlas, isn't he?\n\n_Taking a swig from his flask,
Qrow gets up from his chair staring outside the house. He takes out his Scroll and
contacts Summer again, this time using an empty channel._\n\n_Raising the Scroll to
his left ear, the unsettling dialing tone beeped eerily for a moment until it fades
into Summer's voice, coming clean through the channel. At the ICU ward in McKinson
Memorial, Summer's Scroll buzzed and causes a EKG monitor's LED tower to turn red.
Jamming her hand into her suit pocket she takes out her device and ran for the
exit, pressing the Scroll against her cheek._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> What
is it this time?! \n\n_From his end, Qrow chuckles, taking another swig from his
flask before replying._\n\nQrow: Just checking in, is Ruby still
there?\n\n_Switching to her Airpods Summer walks back into the ward, replying to
Qrow._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> She's still here, why?\n\nQrow: Just wanted
to wish her luck, if it helps.\n\n_Summer smiles, tapping away a blushing emoticon
on her channel log and sending it to Qrow, who replied with a GIF of himself
dancing with \"GODSPEED, YOU AWESOME FOOLS!\" in marquee. Not saying a word, Summer
hangs up the call, sending away a GIF file of her waving a poster with the
phrase \"ADIOS!\"_","te":1569498039763},"593454052252319794":
{"u":1,"t":1561560871900,"m":"Gift - Yes and now he is in Weiss mansion, I
guess."},"593454692848107542":{"u":0,"t":1561561024630,"m":"Qrow: Better get to
your two girls at the Memorial. I just got a call from Blondie, she's done fixing
up Yang. \n\n_He picks up his weapon, the Harbinger before transforming into a crow
as he took off flying for the sky._\n\n_As Qrow leaves the house, three OADF UH-60s
fly in to land with an MCV hanging from support cables attached to the three Black
Hawks. Now within range the lead Black Hawk prepares to descend, radioing his two
helos to prepare for drop._\n\nDagger 2-6: 2-4, 2-5, prepare to drop MCV on my
mark.\n\n_The MCV's retrothrusters come to life as blue jets of flame spouted from
the nozzles surrounding the package. On the ground, Tai waved flares, signalling
the helicopters to drop the vehicle loose._\n\nDagger 2-6: Roger, dropping
now.\n\n_The support cables holding the MCV's hulking mass snap free from lockdown
bolts on the vehicle package as the MCV begin its descent to the ground, firing its
thrusters. Watching the Black Hawk depart after deploying their cargo, Gift sighed,
turning away from the vehicle and climbs onto his hoverbike._\n\n_Looking back at
Tai, he waved his ally goodbye and turns the ignition key on as the bike's
thrusters sprung to life._","te":1569497499414},"593455304340013238":
{"u":1,"t":1561561170421,"m":"Far from home\nCommander
Gift\nAtlas"},"593455475312558104":{"u":1,"t":1561561211184,"m":"Commander Gift -
(in cloak) Finally I've arrive.","te":1561561220288},"593456191229657108":
{"u":0,"t":1561561381872,"m":"Mitchell: Hell of a weather, huh? Commander?\nGideon:
Keep it tight, we're just a klick away from the mansion. Ilona, status on our
agent?\n\n_Ilona tunes in on her radio, scanning for frequencies until she picked
one up. The frequency from her scanner reads out \"Kilo Zero-Two\", from there she
gave the two a thumbs up as Knox and Cormack broke off, heading for the secondary
entry gate._\n\nCormack: Bravo Six, this is Sentinel Two-Two, advancing to
secondary\n\n_From Cormack's position, he and his team moves into the mansion
through an emergency evacuation tunnel. entering from the tunnel they continue to
run down the length of the tunnel system until reaching an underground hangar, he
stops at the doot and tested its lock. He grabs at the lock and twisted it only to
find the door already unlocked. From there he kicks it open and moves into the
vast, empty hangar by himself._","te":1568057988952},"593456733557358596":
{"u":1,"t":1561561511173,"m":"Commander Gift - Roger that, be advise we will go
silence over."},"593456954391920650":{"u":0,"t":1561561563824,"m":"Knox: Copy all,
Six. Link up at the gate, over and out.\n\n_Knox slaps himself on the cheek,
readying himself as he begins to run for the courtyard gate, fdinding it and the
entire courtyard abandoned. He continues to run for the gate before tossing two
vials of metallic archaea at the gate as the casutic microorganisms began to eat
away at the gate's external coating, revealing a mimetic proto-Rubinoalloy
metalwork underneath._\n\nKnox: Damn, gonna need something more than just
archaea.\n\n_An idea pops up in his head as he saw multiple flashes of light coming
from the mansion's third floor balcony, at the flashes of light Knox hit the dirt
and took aim at the balcony with his MORS rifle to find Weiss singalling over to
him using Morse codes._\n\n_Knox, having saw the flashes raised his eyebrow as the
message sent to him is shown on his AR helmet._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> MOVE
IN NOW, DAD IS HERE. WHERE IS TEAM ONE??\n\nKnox: Shit...\n\n_Another message comes
through, this time being sent with a flashlight._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> SEND
HELP FAST\n\n_From his strobe attachment, Knox forces the strobe to link to his
trigger pull as he unleaded the MORS of its railgun round before sending out a
message with the strobe unit. The message reads: WE ARE HERE AT COURTYARD. WILL
MOVE IN, HANG TIGHT. From behind, his teammates moved in after him, taking to thr
ground as they saw Weiss' Morse messages coming in a steady flow until stopping
completely._\n\nMitchell: Goddamnit, you lost her.\nKnox: No, she just stopped.
Last message was \"DAD HERE, CANNOT
{"u":1,"t":1561561605583,"m":"Commander Gift - Bravo 6-3 over and
out."},"593457918192386076":{"u":0,"t":1561561793612,"m":"_The team moves up the
empty path riddled with broken tree branches and dilapidated benches, showing clear
signs of abandonment. They advance on until they reach Ilona's position on the
gate, working on the gate's lock lies Knox. Melting down the locks with
thermite._\n\nKnox: Gate should be open right.... now.\n\n_The gate, having endured
enough heat gave way as the locks break away from their spot. He gave the gate a
light shaking as it slipped off of the molten locks before turning into a tar
black, goopy mess._\n\nKnox: Metallic archaea. Works in all weather, even the cold.
Now move.\n\n_Knox files in, running his way into mansion grounds. Now inside the
courtyard he hides behind a statue. Peeking from his cover as he aimed his KF5
submachinegun down the area, finding no hostiles he turns to his teammates and
flashed them an OK sign, prompting them to move._\n\nMitchell: You think she'll be
in there?\n\n_Uncertain of Weiss' status after hvaing zero contact for hours, he
stares into his wrist display as Gideon slaps it away, dragging him
along._\n\nGideon: Just move, we'll find out what happened to
{"u":1,"t":1561561857504,"m":"Commander Gift - I hope Weiss is
Okey."},"593458882366668826":{"u":0,"t":1561562023489,"m":"_Up in the mansion, the
lights within the hallway flickered as multiple Atlesian aircrafts flies close to
it, landing at an airfield nearby. Inside the mansion, from the view of a fly drone
launched by Mitchell is seenthe interiors of the mansion._\n\nMitchell: Feed is
green, mark the targets for me.\n\n_Gideon then uploads a list of targets to scan
for through his Focus unit as the list appears in the drone's feed._\n\nGideon:
Datalink is good. Go.\n\n_The drone moves forward, flying into Jacques' office
finding nothing in particular. At this, Gideon sighs before taking over controls
from Mitchell as he guided the drone into Weiss' room. From there he sets the drone
on tracker mode as it tracks movements within the room, locking onto Weiss as it
used her as a primary \"target\" for observation._\n\nGideon: Drone is locked,
start the tape.\n\nMitchell: Copy.\n\n_Mitchell activates the drone's recorder
function as it begins to record everything within the
{"u":1,"t":1561562099133,"m":"Commander Gift - We are inside
now."},"593460079613837381":{"u":0,"t":1561562308935,"m":"_From the drone's feed,
Weiss sits on her bed in her room with her head bowed and her hands folded in her
lap whie Jacques paces in front of her. A stun ring in his right hand._\n\nJacques:
Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.\n\n_Jacques suddenly stops as he glanced
down on the stun ring, then turns and points at her. Weiss looks down on her lap,
not wishing to give out any response to her father._\n\nJacques: Do you have any
idea what your stunt cost us?\n\n_Weiss remains silent until Jacques slams his fist
down on the bedside table, shattering the missior on it. Weiss instantly snapped
out of her gaze on the fly drone as she looks up to
him._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I—\n\nJacques: _cutting her off_ And don't think
I'm just talking about Lien here! Our reputation! Our... our...\n\n_Jacques sighs
angrily and holds his head, unable to come up with the words to finish expressing
the gravity of her mistake, he readies up the stun ring, looking at the two prongs
on the ring as he adjusted it even tighter on his middle finger. Weiss waits for a
moment before speaking. This time reaching behind her as she conjures a small
tranquilizer pistol from a glyph._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I want to
leave.\n\nJacques: I beg your pardon?\n\n_He eyes her down, his moustache twitching
slightly._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> I said I want to leave.
I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay in Atlas
anymore!\n\n_Mitchell takes over the drone's conrols as he commands it to fly
around the room, recording its surroundings before commanding it to return to its
original spot on top of the doorknob._\n\nJacques: Young lady, I don't give a damn
about what you want! This isn't about you. This is about the Schnee family name and
your apparent insistence on dragging it through the mud!\n\n_Mitchell contacts
Commander with a message prompt, it reads: M to C, PROCEED WITH PLAN? IF SO, WHEN?
Gift - Yes because Gift have make this plan."},"593462569147039766":
{"u":0,"t":1561562902486,"m":"_The drone feed to his AR scope cuts off abruptly as
Jacques is seen raising his stun ring high threateningly as the drone loses
connection. Its feed turned to a mosaic blur before cutting to black._\n\n_As
Commander stepped forward the view changes to Yang's point of view. All around her
are nothing but darkness and the droning of medical apparatuses around
her..._\n\n_She tried to open her eyes only to be met by a searing pain on her
lower right arm, she tries again, and again, and again to move her body. But
nothing happened. She raged at herself, trashing around in her mind space in an
attempt to at least regain consciousness._\n\n_A strong force struck her left
cheek, followed by heat flashes and a small, temporary pain._\n\n_She moves her
right arm again, this time feeling the arm responding to her neural commands. But
as she does so she felt a heavy surge of digital data swarming their way into her
mind like waves against a seawall._\n\n_She finally opener her eyes as she looked
up to see her younger sister, dressed in her new combat gear. She turns her head to
the side to meet Riley, fast asleep next to her patient bed._\n\n_A deep breath was
all she took before forcing herself to speak..._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136>
_groggily_ Ugh... where am I?","te":1568058815842},"593462976887914516":
{"u":1,"t":1561562999699,"m":"Gift - There it is, I hope they
alright."},"593463570499633164":{"u":0,"t":1561563141227,"m":"_Gift dismounted the
hoverbike, sending it flying up to the parking lot as he flew to the 19th floor of
the Traumatic Recovery Center within the McKinson Memorial. He appears right next
to Yang much to her surprise._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Woah, I... it's...
it's really you! Gift, I-\n\n_She forced herseld upright from her confinement on
the bed as she hugged him tightly, crying tears of joy down his
shoulder._"},"593463984070328332":{"u":1,"t":1561563239830,"m":"Gift - I'm glad to
see you Yang, You too Ruby."},"593465009498226708":
{"u":0,"t":1561563484311,"m":":Ruby: Glade you came for us, Gift! You're always
here for us when we need you! \n\n_She gave him a light kiss on his cheek, her left
arm resting on Riley's head. Waking her up._\n\nRiley: Hey there, Bravo Six. Miss
me? \n\n_Upon her glance on Yang's prosthetic arm she literally jumped from her
seat and fist-bumped the EKG monitor, knocking it slightly over the bedside
table._\n\nRiley: It works, Gift! IT FUCKING WORKS! WOOOOOO!\n\n_Confused, Gifr
stared at Yang's metal arm as the prosthetic layering turned into fine yellow
particles revealing her right arm, completely intact before returning to the arm
and forming themselves into the prosthetic arm much to Yang's surprise._\n\n_Back
at the mansion, the drone feed cuts back to live broadcast again as Jacques is seen
raising his stun ring high, not making a move. Weiss defiantly stands up against
her father as she withdrew the tranquilizer pistol she'd conjured
earlier._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _stands up from the bed_ I have done nothing
but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that you married
into!\n\n_At this, Jacques slaps Weiss hard on her left cheek, sending her head to
the side as she gasps in reaction. She puts her hand on her cheek and turns to face
her father, without further hesitation she takes aim with the tranquilizer pistol
and fired a shot into his chest, the force of the round strong enough to send him
flying away from her a few metres back as Jacques lays unconscious before
her._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _tapping her radio_ Mitchell, you're clear. Move
{"u":1,"t":1561563907433,"m":"Commander Gift - What happen Gift?\nGift - Yang Robot
arm is working.\nCommander Gift - Congrat Gift, i going to Weiss now.\nGift - Got
it mate."},"593468709696176148":{"u":0,"t":1561564366507,"m":"_With Jacques laying
unconscious in front of her, Weiss steps away from him as she walks for her
bookshelf, removing a book from the shelf as it opened to reveal a fingerprint
recognition screen. She places her hand on the green screen as it lights up,
scanning her biometrics data before unlocking an egress tunnel access door as the
bookshelf splits into two. Giving way to an emergency egress hatch._\n\n_The door
to her room opens with Whitley being dragged inside the room by Ilona, followed by
Cormack, Commander, Godeon, Mitchell and Knox. Knox then closed the door before
sealing it shut with a thermite round to the doorknob._\n\nKnox: Ready to leave
now?\n\n_Weiss nods, throwing her tranquilizer pistol away, she grabs her suitcase
and snapped Myrtenaster onto her hip pouch as Jacques is bagged by Cormack before
being tossed into the bathroom while Whitley is put in handcuffs and chained to the
doorknob, out of mercy, before leaving the room Gideon leaves him a set of keys
used to unlock the cuffs._\n\nGideon: Here, use it and keep your damn mouth shut
about this or we'll come for you.\n\n_Whitley looked at Gideon, a look of fear on
his face as he turns away from him. Crying._\n\n_Now inside the egress tunnel, the
group began to run for an underground hangar used by emergency escape vessels.
Raching the gate, they are stopped by Connor, Kara and Markus. The three androids
scanning them for any traces of bodily fluids, pretending to be SDC
{"u":1,"t":1561564570203,"m":"Commander Gift - Thanks
Fellas."},"593470493072556061":{"u":0,"t":1561564791697,"m":"_As the gate to the
hangar opens, they are greeted by a team of U.S. Army Rangers taking them by
surprise. The men then lowered their masks to reveal themselves as Team Onyx, being
sent to escort the group to Haven._\n\nOnyx Team Leader: Operator Schnee! We're
here to send you to Haven.\n\n_The team leader then guides her into the AC-65's
cargo hold as he sits her down on an empty seat next to Commander Gift. Soon, they
are joined by the rest of Team Onyx and Sentinel. Seen waving thm goodbye is Klein.
Standing right behind the cargo bay door._\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _calling
out to the guards_ Thanks for not calling us out! If I can I'll make sure you guys
get to leave!\n\nSDC Soldier: No need for the appreciation, ma'am. We're just
grunts.\n\n_The gunship docks into one of the takeoff ramps as its jets gunned in
full throttle. The force of the thrust rattling througout the entire plane much to
Weiss' dismay_\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _shouting over the engines roaring_ IS
WILL !\n\n<:mph:501493565981982743> _still yelling_ FOR THE LAST TIME, JUST CALL ME
WEISS!\n\nConnor: I'M SORRY!\n\n_The gunship finally leaves the takeoff ramp as it
soared up high into the dark, star-speckled sky of
{"u":1,"t":1561564880741,"m":"Commander Gift - I will go for her. (Use hellfire
teleport to Weiss) Do you miss me Weiss?"},"593471566059405332":
{"u":0,"t":1561565047517,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> I do, you bet my a- _she
covers her mouth instinctively._ Yeah, I missed you..."},"593471720438890506":
{"u":1,"t":1561565084324,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"593471769508053002":
{"u":0,"t":1561565096023,"m":"_As the gunship flies off into the night, the scene
shifts to Yang, now at her house in Patch packing up for her
- Sarge stay here, i will go for Ruby.\nSargent Gift - Got
it."},"593824128352649217":{"u":0,"t":1561649104918,"m":"_Having took his time in
packing up for the trip, Gift walks for the front door only to be stopped by...
Ruby herself. She presented him with a sheet of paper stamped with a bright red
22301\"_\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You're not going to like this, but orders
came from Central Command that we are to proceed on foot to our target to avoid
attracting the Atlesian Military's attention and that Vacuan forces are now
engaging Atlesian naval bases in Vacuan waters...\n\nDaniels: Damn, I thought we
were going to use that big ship Riley's chopped up for us.\n\n_Not caring what the
order has stated, Riley strapped her Go-bag on._\n\nRiley: We proceed to Checkpoint
Epsilon, that's fifteen klicks from Patch's mainland linkage bridge and from there
we go on foot through designated paths out recon scout teams has prepped for us.
Are we clear?"},"593824785855938592":{"u":1,"t":1561649261679,"m":"Gift - Clear and
so lucky, there are some Epsilon's army there, they can help us on the
way."},"593825201020731413":{"u":1,"t":1561649360662,"m":"Gift - And they are under
my command."},"592012508412510208":
{"u":0,"t":1561217181066,"m":"<:sun:517179592516042772> _Walking over_ Hey. She's
gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to
Vale.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> But Jaune and Pyrrha are still
missing.\n\n_Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and
holding her side._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
What!?\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the
school! Even the White Fang are
pulling out! We all have to go, now!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> We're not...
leaving! _He stands up, but then falls to his knees_ Ugh!\n\n_Sun turns and casts a
worried look at Blake._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'll find them... I'll find
them, and I'll bring them back. We leave no man
behind.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> No! We will find them. _She turns to Nora
and Ren_ Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.\n\n_Ruby and Weiss run back
toward Beacon Academy, while Sun watches them go._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> You
better be! Idiots.\n\n_Trailing after the two girls are Riley and Gift. Deep into
the bowels of the academy..._"},"592013583861415946":
{"u":1,"t":1561217437473,"m":"Gift - Up there!"},"592013731140075520":
{"u":0,"t":1561217472587,"m":"Riley: Roger, anyone need a ride up to the
top?"},"592014538162044928":{"u":0,"t":1561217664996,"m":"_The two, along with Ruby
and Weiss arrive at the front of Beacon Tower as Jaune and Pyrrha run out of the
front door. The muffled sounds of Ozpin and Cinder's fight can be
heard._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, I think I have Glynda's number. _He
walks away, looking at his Scroll_ Oh, where is it?\n\n_Pyrrha turns and stares
silently at Beacon Tower. Jaune's voice soon breaks her concentration. In the
background, Riley are already taking Gift and the two girls up to the top of the
tower.._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Pyrrha? What was all of
that?\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _She turns to look at Jaune_ I...\n\n_Their
conversation is interrupted by an explosion, followed by Cinder using fire to fly
up through the elevator shaft. The two teens stare at the tower in
surprise._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> But...
Ozpin...\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> There's no time. _She shakes her head,
then looks at Jaune, quickly adopting a determined tone_ Go. Get to Vale and call
for help.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Huh? What are you gonna do?\n\n_Pyrrha
slowly turns her head to stare up at the top of Beacon Tower. Following her gaze,
Jaune realizes what she plans to do._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I'm going to
stop her...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> No... no, Pyrrha, you can't. You saw how
powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you do-\n\n_Suddenly, Pyrrha grabs Jaune's
head in both hands and silences him with a long kiss on the lips. After a moment of
hesitation, he gently pulls her in and returns the kiss, while Pyrrha slightly
raises her foot behind her. She then pulls away, ending the kiss, and stares into
his eyes, one hand on his cheek and the other on his
chest._"},"592015414645751829":{"u":1,"t":1561217873966,"m":"Gift - Wait! i Got the
phone call, (Answering call) Hello?"},"592015919891480578":
{"u":0,"t":1561217994426,"m":"_He answers the call only to be hit by a stream of
white sparks of lightning and finding himself blacking out..._\n\n_After a few
minutes had passed by, he wakes up to find himself now staring into a reflection of
himself. The only difference being his eyes, now turned silver from its usual dark
brown._"},"592016140008685568":{"u":1,"t":1561218046906,"m":"Gift - What happen to
me?"},"592016321860861963":{"u":0,"t":1561218090263,"m":"Unknown Voice: Soon,
warrior. You'll find out."},"592016428446646307":{"u":1,"t":1561218115675,"m":"Gift
- Who is that?"},"592016798619140142":{"u":0,"t":1561218203931,"m":"Unknown Voice:
Who I am is not important, what is important is that I have bestowed you the powers
that only a few on this planet deserved rightfully. \n\nUse it well, for it can
change the fate of this planet forever, like your partner. The blue-eyed woman with
the golden hair whose eyes are now silver."},"592017066190438450":
{"u":1,"t":1561218267725,"m":"Gift - Now it not only me."},"592017646111686657":
{"u":0,"t":1561218405989,"m":"_The voice fades away as Gift finds himself returned
to the top of the tower, now behind a pile of discarded gears next to
Riley._\n\n_From there, they felt the tower rumble as Cinder lands on the center of
the floor where Ozpin's desk used to be, followed by Pyrrha who landed right in
front of her cover._","te":1561218549458},"592017964555829261":
{"u":0,"t":1561218481912,"m":"_Meanwhile, Ruby and Weiss are on their way back to
Beacon campus, when Weiss' Scroll begins ringing._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
It's Jaune! _She answers_ Where are you?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _In the
street somewhere in Vale. There's panic in his voice_ Weiss! Please, you have to
stop her!\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> What!?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Pyrrha! She's going after that woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a
chance!\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Jaune, what are you talking about!? Where
are you?\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _He shouts into the Scroll's speaker_ Don't
worry about me! _He leans against a wall and speaks at a normal volume, his voice
full of sadness now_ Please, you have to save
Pyrrha.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> We will. Are you okay?\n\n_With one last
flare of emotion, Jaune screams and throws his Scroll onto the ground, breaking it.
He collapses onto his hands and knees, crying_.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Please...\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Jaune? Jaune!\n\n_The ground shakes,
alerting Ruby and Weiss to the danger that approaches them. The Wyvern flies into
view, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of
the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby draws Crescent Rose,
shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm spawning from the
ooze._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I have a plan.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
_Draws Myrtenaster_ You always do.","te":1561218503249},"592018147050127538":
{"u":1,"t":1561218525422,"m":"Gift - Ruby i will go too."},"592018865022566400":
{"u":0,"t":1561218696600,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift! Glad to have you
back!\n\n_Back at the still intact observation deck Cinder confidently strides to
the window across the room, a smirk on her face. As if sensing her presence, the
Wyvern climbs up to the top, peers at her through the window, and
screeches._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _With a gentle, comforting tone_
Shhhh... This is your home now.\n\n_The Wyvern stares at her and utters a shorter,
quieter screech. Cinder backs away from the window and holds her hand out to the
side, creating a fireball in her palm. The sound of sparks distracts her, and she
looks over her shoulder at the elevator, her fireball dissipating._\n\n_After a few
moments, the sparks come to a stop, and immediately upon the elevator doors'
opening, Pyrrha's spear flies toward Cinder, who casually leans to her right to
dodge with a smirk on her face._\n\n_The spear is soon followed by Pyrrha's shield,
backed by Pyrrha herself, and Cinder puts her arms up, blocking it and pushing it
away. While Cinder uses fire to hover in the air, Pyrrha calls her spear and shield
back to her with polarity, staring down her opponent._\n\n_Rising from her cover
lies Riley, her twin wrist plasma blades now erected and ready to
strike._\n\n_Cinder gains a fiery glow around her eyes and swipes her hand through
the air, attacking Pyrrha with an arc of fire. She then shoots a stream of fire,
which Pyrrha dives over. Riley saw the chance and sends out a barrage of plasma
bolts at Cinder, the latter defending herself from the bolts with a flame shield to
little effect._\n\n(Sure!)","te":1561218791565},"592019106090450975":
{"u":1,"t":1561218754075,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"592360055601496064":
{"u":1,"t":1561300042773,"m":"Gift - Ruby We almost there."},"592361722363510785":
{"u":0,"t":1561300440160,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What's the gameplan,
Bravo?!"},"592361899757404160":{"u":1,"t":1561300482454,"m":"Gift - I don't know
little sis, until we see what happen up there."},"592363519739953172":
{"u":0,"t":1561300868688,"m":"_Back topside. Six small fireballs form in a circle
behind Cinder, and she sends another streak of fire toward Pyrrha, who barely
avoids it._\n\n_Once again, the Maiden sends a stream of fire the young redhead's
way, but this time, Pyrrha blocks it with her shield. She leaps toward Cinder,
powering through the flame, and as soon as the fire stops, she spins around and
slashes Cinder's arm with her spear._\n\n_However, Cinder catches the blade and
pulls, turning Pyrrha around. Cinder slams her palm into Pyrrha's stomach, and fire
bursts forth, blasting Pyrrha away._\n\n_Pyrrha slams into a wall and falls to her
hands and knees. She then stands back up and faces Cinder with determination still
in her eyes. Cinder propels herself forward with flames jetting from her hands,
smirking once again._\n\nRiley: _through radio_ Gift, I could use some help up
- What is it Riley?"},"592363922842189824":{"u":0,"t":1561300964795,"m":"Riley: If
you can, I need you to distract thr wyvern flying around the tower. It's attracting
more Grimm into the academy!"},"592364056950603787":
{"u":1,"t":1561300996769,"m":"Gift - I will try Riley."},"592364333799833601":
{"u":0,"t":1561301062775,"m":"_Cinder simply watches as Riley emerged from the pile
of rubble she'd been sent in earlier thanks to Pyrrha slamming against her. Having
freed herself from the rubble she got up and raised an energy barrier as Cinder
moves in, ready to attack._\n\n_She attempts to slam into Pyrrha's abdomen, but
Pyrrha leaps into the air above her and wraps her arm around Cinder's. As Cinder
slows to a stop, Pyrrha positions herself to place her feet on the wall behind her
and pushes off, flipping herself over Cinder. She uses the momentum to flip and
toss Cinder across the floor._\n\n_Cinder lands on her front and, as she slides,
she pushes off the floor to get back on her feet and perform a back-handspring. Her
smirk turns into a look
of slight concern upon the sight of Pyrrha charging forward to slam her shield
into Cinder's abdomen and push her over._\n\n_As Cinder stumbles backwards, Pyrrha
hits Cinder's right hand with the blunt end of her spear, then slashes Cinder's
left hand with the spear's blade. She then spins around and slashes across Cinder's
abdomen and legs._"},"592364639069929472":{"u":1,"t":1561301135557,"m":"Gift -
(Preparing Flare Gun) I hope this will work. (Fire Flare
Gun)"},"592365248787382301":{"u":0,"t":1561301280925,"m":"_The flare's light caught
the Wyvern's attention as it roared and flapped its wings as it flrw towards the
flare. From the sky, four Nimbus missiles launched from an Aigaion flying fortress
impacted its hidr and detonated their warheads, severely injuring it and knocking
it off the tower's airspace._\n\nRiley: Good hit,
- Does it work Riley?"},"592365603155869729":
{"u":0,"t":1561301365413,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It
worked!"},"592365785830129670":{"u":1,"t":1561301408966,"m":"Gift - It only injured
not death."},"592366527328681996":{"u":0,"t":1561301585753,"m":"_Pyrrha spins
around to attack again, but Cinder performs a backflip whilst kicking Pyrrha, with
flames trailing behind her foot. From her back Riley kept up her plasma barrage to
little effect as her light energy infusion begins to fade away from
overuse._\n\n_The kick knocks Pyrrha into the air, and Pyrrha quickly rights
herself. She flips her spear in her grip, holds it back, and then tosses it toward
Cinder while firing the gun mechanism. Six fireballs appear around Cinder again,
but they dissipate when Cinder backhands the spear away. Pyrrha's shield then flies
toward her, and she hits it away, as well._\n\n_After being momentarily distracted
by the shield, Cinder returns her attention to Pyrrha and gains a look of slight
surprise, then annoyance._\n\n_Pyrrha launches herself toward Cinder and puts her
arms around her, tackling her. The two turn each other in mid-air, fighting to be
the one on top. Upon their landing, the room fills with a white cloud._\n\n_When
the dust settles, Pyrrha has Cinder in a choke hold, and Cinder is barely managing
to hold Pyrrha's spear away from her neck. The Wyvern flies away, and Cinder's eyes
begin glowing as she applies heat to the spear in her hands. Her grip tightens as
she heats the spear more and more, staring over her shoulder at Pyrrha._\n\nRiley:
You'll never take her, or what Amber gave to her....\n\n_She reared up as flares of
light emerged from the cracked floor of the tower's observation deck. From there,
Riley thrusted her hands forward as a stream of concentrated ionized radiation
struck against Cinder, forcing the former to let go of Pyrrha and find cover from
the extreme concentrated radiation._"},"592369158482690098":
{"u":1,"t":1561302213069,"m":"Gift - You will never get her. (Equip Hasashi's
katana)"},"592371631452717061":{"u":0,"t":1561302802671,"m":"_Gift teleports up the
tower, his right hand gripping the katana's handle tightly._\n\n_As he reaches the
observstion deck, still intact he made a beeline for Cinder as Riley's ionized
radiation barrage stopped. Pyrrha emerges from her cover behind a pillar as Riley
stayed behind, recharging herself as the particles within her cells work on the
damages dealt to her._\n\n_Having found her javelin rendered useless from Cinder
melting it within her grip Pyrrha throws it away as she reached into her belt
pouch, yanking a small attachment out from it._ \n\n_She slaps the attachment
module onto the shield as it crackled with blue electrical sparks, she had
installed an electrical battering ram unit onto it. From there she sprinted forward
to Cinder, following behind her being Riley and Gift._\n\n_But before neither of
them could attack, the tower shook violently as the Wyvern, having survived the
missile attack rammed its left wing against the deck's CCT transmitter unit,
tearing the roof off of it at the same tine and sending the unit falling down on
the ground._\n\n_In Vale, the Valerian Armed Forces alongside the U.S. Rangers find
themselves deprieved of radio chatter as the CCT system fails. Chaos reigns the
streets as combat assets are unable to communicate with one another..._\n\n_In the
sky, Strangereal fighter squadrons fall into disarray as they lose their
connections to their AWACS planes. Their system having relied heavily on the near-
limitless bandwith of the CCTS..._","te":1561302834168},"592374924815892492":
{"u":1,"t":1561303587870,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now.)"},"592374977060405273":
{"u":1,"t":1561471189687,"m":"Gift - There it is."},"593080680330821653":
{"u":0,"t":1561471853097,"m":"_Gift points to the injured wyvern as Cinder caught
him off-guard as she slashed her twin blades down on his chest, tearing a portion
of his aura away._\n\n_Nearly missing the Wyvern crashing down, Pyrrha jumps away
from its flight path, avoiding debris in the process. Having dodged the debris, she
crawled her way to safety behind the toppled table, looking down on her stomach to
find a sizeable rebar impaling her stomach._\n\n_Pyrrha crawls toward her shield,
while Cinder watches on from her position levitating off the floor with flame
jetting from her feet._ \n\n_While looking for a way to distract Cinder, Pyrrha
notices Ozpin's collapsed metal desk and uses her polarity to throw it at the
corrupt Maiden, knocking her to the floor._\n\n_She then quickly grabs her shield
and rolls across the floor, sitting up on her knees and holding the shield up, not
minding the blood spilling from the wound onto the floor. With a burst of flame,
Cinder throws the desk off of herself and levitates in the air._\n\n_Riley gets up
on her feet as she sends out indiscriminate beams of plasma at Cinder, most of the
blasts missing completely as Gift brandished his Albert-01 pistol, loaded with Db-
90M aura depletion rounds and fired at her._"},"593080954088587266":
{"u":1,"t":1561471918366,"m":"Gift - Gotcha!"},"593081928362491925":
{"u":0,"t":1561472150651,"m":"_Pyrrha rolls out of the way of two streams of fire
that Cinder sends her way and attempts to block a third. However, the force of the
third sends Pyrrha tumbling backward, and the floor momentarily catches fire while
Pyrrha rolls to her feet. _\n\n_From behind the wall of flame, Pyrrha throws her
shield at Cinder, who confidently backhands it away. She then looks up in surprise
to see a multitude of giant cogs floating in the air around her. Using her
polarity, Pyrrha directs her shield to knock Cinder's feet from beneath her and
then slams a cog down on Cinder's abdomen to pin her to the floor._\n\n_Having saw
the chance, Gift raised his summoned zweihander up high as the blades glowed with
plasma energy before slamming it down, pinning Cinder down further into the
floor._\n\n_She calls her shield back to her arm, then brings the cogs together
into a pile on top of Cinder. However, Cinder blasts them away with a powerful
burst of fire, sending them in all directions. One of the cogs flies toward Pyrrha,
who raises her shield to block, in vain._\n\n_The force of the impact slams her
into the remains of a wall, taking away the last of her Aura._\n\n_Riley, having
spent much of her remaining Light Energy finds herself progressively weakening. Her
attack now having little effect on her adversary._"},"593082215865253899":
{"u":1,"t":1561472219197,"m":"Gift - Riley what happen?"},"593083017572909063":
{"u":0,"t":1561472410339,"m":"Riley: My power, I've used it too much...\n\n_Gift
drags her to a cover only to have her push his hands away as she brandished a fresh
Light Energy crystal she has kept in her suit._\n\nRiley: _raspy breathing_ Just..
this... once...\n\n_She rams the crystal directly into her chest as the crystal
instantly breaks down into fine particles, being directly absorbed into her cells.
She stands up and jumped for Cinder as the crystal particles instantaneously
repaired her body._"},"593084098998829068":{"u":0,"t":1561472668171,"m":"_On the
ground below, Ruby and Weiss fight off Grimm alongside MSgt. Pam, in the sky, the
UNSA Retribution exhausted most of its onboard guns' ammunition thanks from
constantly keeping up fire support on the ground._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
We've gotta hurry!\n\n_Weiss looks around for a moment, before casting a series
of glyphs up the side of the tower as three Jackal jets flew close to it and
launched standoff weapon drones and breaking away._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
You can do this.\n\n_Ruby runs forward, then uses her semblance to propel herself
up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall, the glyphs propelling her
forward and keeping her from falling off. Rushing her way up the tower as the
drones flew up by her side. Their weapons armed..._"},"593084418550398977":
{"u":1,"t":1561472744358,"m":"Gift - Ruby i got you."},"593084866183168043":
{"u":0,"t":1561472851082,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I've got three air support
drones coming up, should be enough..."},"593085123130294302":
{"u":1,"t":1561472912343,"m":"Gift - I hope so, but we have to
hurry."},"593086904593809439":{"u":0,"t":1561473337077,"m":"_As Riley rushed into
the fight, Cinder, having found her weak spot forms up an obsidian bow and drew
back an arrow before sending it directly at her chest. From her point of view, the
arrow impaled deep into her chest as the wound began leaking white particles from
it instead of blood._\n\n_She collapses onto thr ground as the arrow penetrated her
heart, the world around her fades away as her heart slowed
down..._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _screaming as she saw Riley being struck in
the chest._ RILEY!\n\n_Ruby runs to her side as she unclipped an airhypo injector
and injected the contents into Riley's
chest, the wound's edges slowly heals itself as her Light Energy worked its way on
healing her._\n\n_Cinder, having finished Riley off forms up another obsidian bow
in her hand. As she raises it up and draws back an obsidian arrow, Pyrrha charges
forward, spins, and throws her shield at her._\n\n_Cinder looses the arrow, which
shatters upon impact with the side of the shield. However, as the fragments part
ways above and below the shield, they glow orange and rejoin each other on the
other side._\n\n_The fragments melt into each other and cool into the shape of an
arrow, which continues on its path directly into Pyrrha's ankle. Pyrrha collapses
in pain as the arrow's spear nested deep within it, severing her Achilles
tendon._\n\n_She attempts to pull herself to her feet, but the pain is too much.
Both ends of the arrow break off, making removal impossible. She turns over onto
her hands and knees as Cinder moves to stand in front of
her._"},"593087252670709791":{"u":1,"t":1561473420065,"m":"Gift - RILEY!! Hang on
{"u":0,"t":1561473730589,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _laughing maliciously at
the sight of Riley crawling for her life towards Pyrrha._ Pathetic, I expected
better..\n\n_She turns her attention to Gift as she sends a hailstorm of fireballs
at him, the fireballs then instantly exploded at him tearing away all of his
remaining aura and sending him flying at Ruby, who braced for his impact and rammed
herself against him, protecting him from the severely damaging crash against the
reinforced section of the deck's wall._\n\n_The three drones locked onto Cinder
only to be met by three streams of fire burning away at their sensor packages. The
extreme heat damaging their quantum core..._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It's
unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours. \n\n_She kneels
down and lifts Pyrrha's chin, staring into her eyes and smiling_
\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in
ways you could never have imagined.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _She pulls
away, sitting up and matching Cinder's stare_ Do you believe in
destiny?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _Frowns, narrowing her eyes_
Yes.","te":1561473769456},"593089908470710302":{"u":1,"t":1561474053257,"m":"Gift -
(Grab M1911) I must do something before it too late."},"593090554448052235":
{"u":0,"t":1561474207270,"m":"_As he felt his consciousness fading away, he aimed
his M1911 at Cinder and fired..._\n\n_The first three shots struck against her legs
much to her annoyance as four more rounds came flying and struck her left thigh,
her chest, and her head._\n\n_Unfazed, the wound heals from her powers as she
simply shrugged. Gift, having emptied the magazine falls into
{"u":1,"t":1561129366627,"m":"Gift - (Use hellfire teleport to beacon courtyard)
Every one alright?"},"591644754777735172":{"u":0,"t":1561129501767,"m":"Riley:
_still firing at the Grimm with the Screaming Angel_ We're
good!"},"591644980657782823":{"u":1,"t":1561129555621,"m":"Gift - What about
Ruby?"},"591646324726693898":{"u":0,"t":1561129876072,"m":"_Riley simply pointed to
Pierson's squad and resumed killing the Grimm. Ruby, now firing at the hostiles
turns to him and rushed for him._\n\n_From the rooftop Cinder allowed herself to
enjoy the scenes of destruction before her while her subordinates filmed the
chaos._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Beautiful.\n\nEmerald: _with a sorrowful
expression on her face_ It's almost sad.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It's
horrendous. Focus on the Atlesian Knights.\n\nMercury: Oh, I'm getting all of
it.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Good. Continue the broadcast until the
end.\n\n_Suddenly, a tremor rocks the three of
them._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> And do not miss what happens
next.\n\n_Cinder walks off as Mercury continues filming with an evil grin on his
face, while Emerald's expression only grows more worrisome._\n\n_Inside his office,
Ozpin watches the battle on three video feeds, one showing some buildings, the
middle showing a group of Atlas soldiers struggling a against a Deathstalker on
Beacon's main avenue, and the last showing civilians stuck on a rooftop waving for
help, while an Ursa slowly crawls up the side of the building._\n\n_Ozpin then
starts to walk away from his desk, grabbing his cane in the process, before
proceeding to the elevator. However, he is stopped in his tracks when a sudden
tremor shakes the ground._\n\n_Back in the city, Glynda and Qrow continue fighting,
before they too are shaken by another tremor. Qrow stabs his sword into the ground
to keep himself standing._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462>
No..."},"591646821563105280":{"u":1,"t":1561129994527,"m":"Captain Gift - Is his
earthquake?\nSargent Gift - Maybe Yes."},"591647162358693888":
{"u":0,"t":1561130075779,"m":"_Another tremor shakes Jaune as he battles an Ursa
Major, with Sage and Scarlet piggyback riding on it with worried expressions on
their faces._\n\n_Elsewhere, a mountain starts to violently shake and crumble, as
various body parts of a monstrous-looking Grimm are revealed, before the mountain
completely breaks apart, releasing a titanic Wyvern._\n\n_The Wyvern roars and
flies over the abandoned Mountain Glenn, heading towards Beacon. As it flies, it
exudes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale
and spawns various Grimm._\n\n_Ozpin approaches the window of his office, noticing
the Wyvern getting closer. The massive Grimm excretes more of the black substance,
which drops to the ground and spawns more Grimm near the base of the CCT._\n\n_As
the Grimm charge forward, the camera pans across the members of Team SSSN and Team
JNPR in a lineup as they prepare to battle the incoming enemies, with Jaune and
Pyrrha exchanging a smile with each other._\n\n_Before they could go forward,
Pyrrha notices Ozpin standing the entrance of the tower, while Team SSSN runs off
to fight off their enemies. Pyrrha then walks towards her headmaster without saying
a word to her teammates, much to their confusion._"},"591647455771361290":
{"u":1,"t":1561130145734,"m":"Sargent Gift - Stay easy Sarge you can do
this."},"591648258028470272":{"u":0,"t":1561130337007,"m":"_Sarge holds his
position on top of a building's rooftop as an evac helo landed in close. Its rear
door opens as two Marines moved out and ushered the survivors back in._\n\nOutlaw
2-2: This is Outlaw to Sarge, we're lifting off."},"591648619598315520":
{"u":1,"t":1561130423212,"m":"Sargent Gift - Roger that Outlaw 2-
2."},"591649119592906833":{"u":0,"t":1561130542420,"m":"_Right outside of Beacon's
dining hall, Blake Belladonna backs away from the shattered window, staring in
horror at her old partner. The sounds of general destruction drowned out by the
rapid beating of her heart._\n\nAdam: Running away again? Is that what you've
become, my love? A _coward?_\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Why are you doing
this?\n\nAdam: You and I were going to change the world, remember? _We were
destined to light the fires of revolution! _ \n\n_He draws his sword and prepares
to stab an Atlas student in the chest as the student trembled with fear._\n\nAdam:
Consider this... a spark.\n\nAtlesian Student: Please... don't..\n\n_Blake charges
into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as
she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked. The
student having ran free to the courtyard._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101>
I'm... not... running.\n\nAdam: You... will.\n\n_He kicks her away, knocking her
onto the floor. A nearby Creep runs toward her, only to be shot by Adam._\n\nAdam:
But not before you suffer for your betrayal, _my love._\n\n_He smiles and begins
walking toward her._","te":1561130675820},"591649794087452717":
{"u":1,"t":1561130703232,"m":"Captain Gift - Riley i need the permit to support
Blake over."},"591649834163765248":{"u":0,"t":1561130712787,"m":"Riley: Roger! Go
hot!"},"591650251274846221":{"u":1,"t":1561130812234,"m":"Captain Gift - (Use
teleport back stab to Adam) That only first hit."},"591651450019512321":
{"u":0,"t":1561131098037,"m":"Adam: Not so fast, Cap!\n\n_He instantly draws his
sword as it clashed with Cap's wristblades. From there he jumped back and fired
three shots from his shotgun and dashed in for a second attack as Blake took the
chance, beginning her attack with a salvo of seven explosive rounds from the Gambol
Shroud before switching to the weapon's blade._\n\n_Back outside the Beacon
grounds, Velvet Scarlatina groans as she struggles to get up, only to get knocked
back down when Coco Adel bumps into her after getting knocked away from a
Paladin._"},"591651525231771696":{"u":0,"t":1561131115969,"m":"_Now under fire from
another Paladin, Neon Katt and Reese Chloris dodge and weave between groups of
students fighting against the infected Atlesian Knights and Paladins. Yatsuhashi
Daichi is seen fighting a Griffon while Flynt Coal uses his trumpet to hold back a
Paladin. Weiss Schnee then arrives on the battlefield, but get knocked back another
Paladin._\n\nNeptune: _reaching his hand out_ Weiss!\n\n_Yatsuhashi tries to hold
back a Paladin's fist with his sword, but he gets knocked back. The Paladin then
turns to and starts approaching a distracted Lie
Ren._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Look out! _she pushes Ren out of the way of the
Paladin's incoming strike, taking the hit instead_\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870>
Nora! No! _he reaches out to her, but gets knocked back by the Paladin
too_\n\n_Coco and Neptune Vasilias fire their weapons at the Paladin, but it is
unfazed._\n\nNeptune: Uh, this is bad.\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Well, I guess
now's a better time than any. Velvet!\n\n<:velvet:501551929235865600>
_excited_ Really?\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Just make them count.\n\n_Velvet
nods. As she walks up to the Paladins, the two towering mechs pointed their
targeting lasers at her._\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> What are you doing!?
She's going to get hurt!\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Just watch. You'll find
{"u":1,"t":1561131434521,"m":"Sargent Gift - Don't begin without me. (Transform to
Cyromancer Sub Zero)"},"591653489004904455":{"u":0,"t":1561131584169,"m":"_Sarge
moves in as Velvet begins her attack while Coco fires a grappling hook at him from
her wrist launcher dragging him back._\n\n_With her weapon, Velvet begins to
replicate Crescent Rose, as she imitates Ruby's overhead spin, landing on top of
the Paladin as she dodges its cannon fire._\n\n_She then replicates Myrtenaster to
deflect the Paladin's punch and land a few blows before pushing it back with
the Ember Celica imitation._\n\n_Once after she lands a few shots, she slides under
the Paladin's fist, similar to Blake as she uses the Gambol Shroud copy and uses
its string to trip over the mech, before moving to the second Paladin by lopping
off its hand, and jabbing it in the head with the cleaver._\n\n_Before it can
react, it is immediately peppered with imitation bullets, thanks to copying Coco's
minigun. As it moves forward, Velvet switches to using Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang as
a reference, as she lands another few hits while landing a downward blow from above
with a copy of Magnhild, severing a limb._\n\n_As the first Paladin attempts to
recover, Velvet immediately copies Penny's swords, as she leaps off the second
Paladin and slices apart its legs before blasting it at full power. However, the
first Paladin sucker punches Velvet._\n\n<:velvet:501551929235865600>
Aah!\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Velvet!\n\n_At this, Coco, Neptune, Nadir,
Reese, and Sarge land suppressing fire._","te":1570833224029},"591653710887649281":
{"u":1,"t":1561131637070,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"591653957722439700":
{"u":1,"t":1561212617317,"m":"Gift - (Teleport at the back of Ruby) You alright, my
sweet heart?"},"591994489074221073":
{"u":0,"t":1561212884921,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm okay, where's the rest
of the support group?!\n\n_As she asks, Pierson and a Master Sergeant, later
identified as MSgt. Pam appears behind them followed by a team of soldiers, Task
Force 141, Valerian and Atlesian alike._\n\nMSgt. Pam: _We_ are the only ones
left.\n\n_Pam turns to Gift, her face covered in scratches and a mismash of fresh
and old cuts._\n\nMSgt. Pam: General, status of Papa Five-
One?"},"591994722529312808":{"u":1,"t":1561212940581,"m":"Gift - Lemme check them
of my minimap."},"591995673084428298":{"u":0,"t":1561213167211,"m":"_Gift checks
the minimap as Pyrrha's beacon indicated her last transmitted location being over a
hundred metres deep underground._\n\nPierson: She's under the academy, Daniels,
Pam. Take point, we'll push through the fight and get down deep. Ruby, hold
position here for incoming support.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger.\nDaniels:
On me, squad! Move!"},"591996897896431636":{"u":1,"t":1561213459229,"m":"Gift -
Daniels my friend, keep update to me."},"591998841142640642":
{"u":0,"t":1561213922535,"m":"Daniels: Wilco, General!\n\n_In the Beacon vault, now
surrounded by armed VERO personnel, an elevator opens up to reveal Ozpin, Jaune,
and Pyrrha. The three immediately sprint out of the elevator and down the
corridor._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What is this
place?\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> It's... a type of
vault.\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> You've... been here before?\n\n_Pyrrha looks
away from him as O'Brian and Deacon approaches her, the former's helmet removed
revealing his true nature as an intelligent
Freaker._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What would this school need to...
hide?\n\n_Finally seeing the modified Aura transfer machine, Jaune stops in his
tracks, gazing wide-eyed at the strange contraption and the team of technicians
standing next to it. Behind him, the vault access door opens as Pierson's squad
moves in, taking up positions down the corridor._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
What? Why all the guards?\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
Jaune...\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Pyrrha! Get to the
pods!"},"591998872667160594":{"u":0,"t":1561213930051,"m":"_Pyrrha looks at Jaune,
then runs to the second pod as Amber, now wearing full infantry gear stands next to
it with her rifle aimed at the pod's emergency discharge line._\n\nAmber: This is
it, all you have to do is to climb in and let the pod do its job. The power that
was passed on to you is still... inactive. The pod will bring it to full power.
Now, get in.\n\n_She resumes aiming down the emergency discharge line, as still as
a statue._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Mister Arc, if you'd like to help, you
can stand guard here.\n\n_Jaune looks at the two with uncertainty, then turns
around and gets into a guarding stance._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What do we
do now?\n\nO'Brian: What we're meant to do, we're resesrchers. After all...\n\n_He
bared his teeth as he sensed imminent danger, from there he warned Oz, now
engrossed in the console before him._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _Typing on the
machine's hologram keyboard_ We, do nothing.\n\n_The second pod opens, and Ozpin
turns his head to look at Pyrrha as Deacon stood guard alongside
Amber._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> You, Miss Nikos... have a choice to
make.\n\n_Pyrrha looks at the pod, then at Jaune, hesitating. Her expression
changes from uncertainty to sadness, and she wipes a tear from her eye, still
looking at Jaune. She then climbs into the pod, which closes._\n\nO'Brian: All
hands, stand clear of the transfer
{"u":1,"t":1561214011677,"m":"Gift - I hope Cap is alright."},"592001722038353940":
{"u":0,"t":1561214609394,"m":"_Topside, Cap is seen standing on guard with Price's
squad taking up positions down the courtyard._\n\n_Back within the Vault, armed
personnel now swarm around the entrance gate as O'Brian stood before it, his gloved
hands now pierced as talons grew from his fingers. His eyes glowing red as surges
of adrenaline rushed through his systems._\n\nO'Brian: _to Ozpin, breathing
rapidly_ Professor, is she ready!?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _looking at
Pyrrha_ Are you ready?\n\n_Pyrrha looks at him and gives a slow
nod._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I... I need to hear you say
it.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Yes. _She lays her head back, staring ahead as
the injectors within the pod surrounds her._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Thank
you, Miss Nikos.\n\n_Ozpin presses a few more buttons on the screen, and Amber's
Light crystal filled pod raises up. The orange glow travels along the pipes
connecting the two pods - first up to the ceiling, then down to Pyrrha's pod. An
orange glow surrounds Pyrrha, who begins screaming out in
agony._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _Turns around, surprised_ Pyrrha!\n\n_Jaune
runs over to Pyrrha's pod, moving his gaze back and forth between Pyrrha and
Amber's pod. While Jaune panics, trying to understand what's going on, Ozpin looks
away._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I'm... so sorry.\n\n_Suddenly, an arrow
pierces the glass of Amber's pod, striking the crystals breaking it into shards,
while the machine begins beeping an alarm._\n\n_Ozpin and Jaune turn around to see
Cinder Fall standing halfway down the corridor from them, an obsidian bow in her
hand. She lowers the bow, a tiny smirk creeping across her face._\n\n_All O'Brian
did was to let out a deafening roar as his true nature consumes him. He jumps
forward and sunk his left hand's talons into her chest. Tearing much of the flesh
away as they regrow instantly much to his surprise._\n\nPierson:
Engage!"},"592002039089856512":{"u":1,"t":1561214684985,"m":"Captain Gift - (Stay
with Blake) What do you want?"},"592002968002232332":
{"u":0,"t":1561214906455,"m":"_Cap, not realising that he had been holding an
illusion of Blake in his arms sent out from an illusion marker stood his ground as
Adam advanved towards the real Blake._\n\n_Adam, having deployed an illusion marker
draws his sword and stabs it into Blake's abdomen near her left hip, causing her to
shriek in pain. The cry catches Yang's attention._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121>
Huh?\n\n_Adam stands upright, pulling his sword from Blake's flesh and turning to
face Yang._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Get away from
her!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _Reaching out helplessly, whispering_ No...
please...\n\n_Adam sheathes his sword, smiling. Yang screams, her eyes turning red
and a burst of flame erupting from her. She leaps at Adam, drawing her fist back
with tears in her eyes. Adam swiftly draws his sword, swinging it through the air
at Yang, as his Semblance activates._\n\n_As Yang flies through the air, the lower
half of her right arm separates from her. Cap, stunned from sheer shock watched in
terror as said terror turns into pure, unadulterated rage from the horrific sight
before him._\n\n_Having sliced Yang's arm off clean, Adam simply laughed as Cap
dropped the illusion hologram fading away from his
{"u":1,"t":1561214978976,"m":"Captain Gift -AHHHHH!!! (Transform to Demon
{"u":0,"t":1561215164193,"m":"_Cap's transformation brought a moment of fear to
Adam as he jumped in for the strike only to be met by a barrage of
fireballs._\n\n_Having struck the fireballs head-on, his blade glows red as the
damage he took is absorbed into it. While Cap reared up for another strike he took
the chance and
unleashed his Semblance's full power. Instantly sending Cap flying away from him
as his wounds sputtered white Light Energy particles..._\n\nAdam: Adios,
Captain.\n\n_Cap crashes next to Yang, her arm now pouring blood from the cut where
her lower half of the arm used to be..._","te":1561215184491},"592004335437611018":
{"u":1,"t":1561215232477,"m":"Gift - (Come to take damage but no wound at him) Not
today motherfucker."},"592005034644996096":{"u":0,"t":1561215399181,"m":"_He rushed
into the devastated dining hall only to find Blake and Yang, the two of them
critically injured._\n\n_The kitchen door bursts open as MSgt. Pam ran into the
hall, her rifle raised up high. Following her are Connor and Marcus, the two of
them brandishing their respective guns._\n\nPam: General, he's... gone.\n\nConnor:
We checked the halls and rooms, but all we got was nothing.\n\n_He kicks away a
table, sending it crashing against a soda vendor machine._\n\nConnor: Damn it
all!"},"592005589123727369":{"u":1,"t":1561215531379,"m":"Gift - Cap, Are you
alright?\nCaptain Gift - (Transform back to normal) Yes mate, I'm Alright.\nGift -
Let take my sisters to the courtyard.\nCaptain Gift - Let's
go."},"592006143459590144":{"u":0,"t":1561215663543,"m":"Pam: I'll lead the way,
wait... Where's Blake?!\n\n_She prepares to pick Yang up in a fireman's carry as
she stared at the dried pool of blood where Blake lies injured._\n\nMarkus: Connor,
go get her. Make sure she's alive.\n\nConnor: I'm on it.\n\n_He jumps over the
piles of smashed furniture and dashed for the exit as Pam, Cap, and Markus tries to
keep Yang stable._"},"592006481692327948":{"u":1,"t":1561215744184,"m":"Gift - Try
to take the risk like me huh?!"},"592007265586905091":
{"u":0,"t":1561215931079,"m":"_Inside the vault, Pyrrha frantically beats her fists
against the glass of her pod as O'Brian laysdead before it, the orange glow leaves
Pyrrha and travels back through the pipes into the shattered crystals. The glow
then bursts out of Amber, shattering the glass in its way, and enters
Cinder._\n\n_She glows, begins floating, and gains long trails of flame around her
eyes, with orange energy swirling around her. Pyrrha beats even harder on the
glass, her stress increasing. Jaune raises his sword and charges toward Cinder
alongside Deacon and Boozer, the two of them firing their guns at
her._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Stay back!\n\n_Cinder casts a large fireball
toward Jaune, who blocks it with his shield and is blasted backwards, landing on
his back. Deacon narrowly avoids the fireball as Boozer pushed him out of the way
and rolled away to safety._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
JAUNE!"},"592007299648978956":{"u":0,"t":1561215939200,"m":"_Finally, Pyrrha uses
her Semblance to rip the pod's door off its hinges, throwing it at Cinder, who
knocks it away like it's nothing. As Cinder begins to descend to the floor, Pyrrha
leaps out of the pod and charges, calling her weapon and shield to her with her
Semblance. However, Ozpin puts his arm out, stopping
her._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Take Jaune and get out of here! Find Glynda!
Ironwood! Qrow! Bring them here right away! The tower cannot
fall!\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> But I can
help.\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _He slowly turns his head to stare Pyrrha in
the eyes_ You'll only get in the way.\n\nPierson: You'll be another casualty, we'll
move you out before she gets to you. Aiello, Zuss! Get O'Brian, we won't leave
anyone behind!\n\n_Pyrrha hesitates for a moment but obeys Ozpin, scooping up Jaune
and running away. While she does so, Cinder descends to the floor and watches them
leave, with the glow, the swirling energy, and the flames around her eyes all
disappearing. Cinder turns her attention back to Ozpin, her eyes still glowing for
a moment._"},"592007513122013231":{"u":1,"t":1561215990096,"m":"Gift - Pierson What
happen down there?"},"592007975674183691":{"u":0,"t":1561216100377,"m":"Pierson:
It's Cinder, she breached the vault. Ozpin's fighting her. We got a man down, it's
O'Brian..."},"592008128019693570":{"u":1,"t":1561216136699,"m":"Gift - Did he got
hit?"},"592008240741613578":{"u":0,"t":1561216163574,"m":"Zussman: He's dead. Took
a shot to the head."},"592010429543219230":{"u":1,"t":1561216685425,"m":"Gift -
Damn, Get the hell out of there first and rally at the
Roger!"},"592011016578269186":{"u":1,"t":1561216825385,"m":"Gift - Yang, This lost
is same like Mitchell."},"592011524151705625":
{"u":0,"t":1561216946400,"m":"_Outside of Beacon air buses are seen picking up the
last few civilians and students. Port and Oobleck oversee the
evacuation._\n\nPort: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory
evacuation!\n\nOobleck: A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain
calm and listen to Atlas personnel!\n\n_Weiss stares at what is in front of her,
in disbelief. As Ruby comes running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to
her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet
her._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Ruby!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oh, I
found you!\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Ruby, where have
you-\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going
on?\n\n_Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze
sadly._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Weiss? What is it?\n\n_Weiss steps aside,
giving Ruby a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground. Both girls have
bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them
sit Nora and Ren, who are too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reaches over
and places her hand on Yang's._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> I'm sorry. _She gets
tears in her eyes_\n\n_Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but
in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to
say._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _Curls up, closing her eyes_ I'm so
sorry.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yang..."},"592011734261301259":
{"u":1,"t":1561216996494,"m":"Gift - Hey Mitchell Remember
this?"},"592011859285114890":{"u":0,"t":1561217026302,"m":"Mitchell: _from his
Warbird_ Yep, I remember. Will..."},"590570172188721154":
{"u":1,"t":1560873301313,"m":"Commander Gift - I will take it down. (Fire fireball
at Nevermore)"},"590571917967360000":{"u":0,"t":1560873717539,"m":"_The Commander
sends a barrage of fireballs at another Nevermore crashing through the stands and
into the arena. Breaching through the heavy steel armor plating of the arena
effortlessly._\n\n_Inside the Observation Deck, now turned to a war room, Ozpin
keyed in the mic as he called for the activation of the Strategic Orbital Strike
Platform, an orbital space-to-ground mass accelerator cannon using the Moon's
shards as ammunition._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _gravely_ You brought your
army to my Kingdom, James. _a beat, then angrily_ Use it."},"590572058463961139":
{"u":0,"t":1560873751036,"m":"_Ironwood's worry turns to determination. His fleet
of ships are being attacked by even more giant Nevermores though to minimal effect,
Soldiers scrambling to enter commands inside the bridge around their commanding
officer._\n\nAtlas Ship Captain: Dammit! _speaking into his Scroll as he turns to
the screen of data_ This is Blue Four! Blues Two and Three, fall into defensive
position!\n\nBlue Three: _over the Scroll_ Roger! Blue Three, in position! Fighter
deployment underway, be advised that our cannons are armed!\n\nAtlas Ship Captain:
Blue Two, what's your status? _no response_ Blue Two, come in! Someone answer me,
dammit!\n\n_He doesn't know that the bridge of the last ship is wrecked, computers
sparking and men down as a pair of high boots walk through the destruction. Dressed
in an Atlas uniform and holding both a pink umbrella and dark cane with a feathered
hat on top, Neo Politan opens the door of a familiar-looking cell with a devious
grin._"},"590572624527228938":{"u":1,"t":1560873885996,"m":"Gift - Sarge,Cap find
the way back to defence Beacon, i will find the way to infiltrate the airship and
take down that hacker.\nSargent/Captain Gift - Got it, Good luck
mate."},"590573232038346762":{"u":0,"t":1560874030838,"m":"_Gift leaves the arena
for Blue Two as Riley stayed behind, gathering civilians and escorting them to
evacuation bays emplaced throughout the colosseum._\n\n_From the radar screen of
Blue Two, somehow remaining intact. Roman stared into it as a blue dot appeared.
Tagging the target as \"General Gift, Valerian Armed Forces. TF-141\"_\n\nRoman:
Well... it's about time... _leans out of the holoscreen, placing his hands on the
fire-control stick of one of the starboard railgun turrets._\n\n_Cut to outside the
Airships, where the furthest craft suddenly turns towards its allies and fires
several bright railgun shots at the engine of the one closest to it. The aircraft
is barely able to send out \"We're hit! What's going-\" before the flaming ship
crashes into another in a series of explosions and sends both of them tumbling
toward the waters below._\n\nRoman: _laughing manically at the controls as Neo
watches from the side_ Woo-hoohahahaha! Oohh, it is good to be back!\n\n_Finally,
at Beacon's cliffside landing platforms, three Bullheads arrive, the middle one
opening its hatch to reveal four members of the White Fang, and their
leader._\n\nAdam: Bring them to their knees! Leave no survivors!\n\n_Another
Bullhead opens its door, this time with several creatures of Grimm inside plus a
horde of Swarmers. A growling Ursa jumps from it and lands on Academy grounds. The
foreboding scene darkens as the Ursa's roar echoes, leaving only the burning red
eyes of the monster..._","te":1560874101176},"590573635001909249":
{"u":1,"t":1560874126912,"m":"Gift - Baseplate this Bravo 6 i think they have see
me in radar."},"590573888887324673":{"u":0,"t":1560874187443,"m":"Baseplate: I've
sent an Arsenal Bird your way, its callsign is _Vindictive Vengeance._ Three
drones will fly in and soften the guns on the hijacked ship.
Over."},"590574010019086371":{"u":1,"t":1560874216323,"m":"Gift - Copy
that."},"590575687325188107":{"u":0,"t":1560874616224,"m":"_At the fairgrounds, now
in chaos as civilians run away from the hordes of Grimm. Atlesian Knight-200s are
seen firing at the dark creatures, and a vendor hides behind his booth when a group
of Ursai run past._\n\n_Blake and Weiss areseen watching the surroundings around
them in horror of everything going on around them. Civilians continue to flee as
Grimm continue to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground starts to
dissipate._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> I don't believe
this...\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _Pulling out her Scroll_ Yang, are you
okay?\n\n_Cut to Yang Xiao Long running in the hallways of the dorms with
Zwei._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _responding to Blake through her Scroll,
loading shotshells into her gauntlets._ I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not
answering her Scroll.\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> No, she isn't. \n\n_At those
words, Yang stops in her tracks with a worried expression on her face_
\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She
can take care of herself.\n\n_Yang closes her eyes and curls her fist into a ball,
her gauntlets now sparking with yellow electrical
sparks._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _hesitantly_ Right.\n\n_Yang continues
forward with Zwei and turns the next corner of the hallways. Cut back to Blake and
Weiss at the fairgrounds._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> This can't be happening.
_pauses_ Penny..","te":1560874623448},"590575742182621185":
{"u":0,"t":1560874629303,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> I'm headed to the docks
near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the
school!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _alarmed_ The White Fang is here!? _through
her Scroll, Blake hears the sounds of Grimm growling, and her expression grows ever
more worried_ Yang!\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!
\n\n_She ends the call, running for Hunter 2-1's
position._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Blake, what are we going to
do?\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _pensively_We're going to the docks, and we're
doing our job. What we trained for.\n\n_Blake uses her Scroll to call upon her
rocket locker, which lands behind her and opens up to reveal Gambol Shroud. Weiss
gives one last look at Blake before nodding in agreement._"},"590576286141906968":
{"u":1,"t":1560874758993,"m":"Captain Gift - Alright Sarge you go for Yang, I will
go for Weiss and Blake.\nSargent Gift - Got it.\nCaptain Gift - I hope Gift will
safe."},"590577424861757450":{"u":0,"t":1560875030485,"m":"_Sarge pushed his way
through the crowd as he jumped on a hoverbike and gunned the engines, now on his
way towards Beacon._\n\n_Aboard Blue Two's airship lies Gift, Riley, and Price. The
three of them now advancing towards the ship's command deck as they fight their way
through the squads of Roman's Henchmen._\n\nRiley: Gift, to your right! \n\n_She
fires a beam of laser from her hands at the sight of two henchmen armed with MAAWS
launchers. Forcing them into cover behind a destroyed point-defense gun. The sky
around them now engulfed in a mix of human aerial units and airborne
Grimm._\n\nPrice: Move up, Riley. I got you covered!"},"590578071137157160":
{"u":1,"t":1560875184569,"m":"Gift - Area almost clear."},"590579552401489940":
{"u":0,"t":1560875537730,"m":"_Gift kept up his fire from the M4 rifle, pinning
most of the hostiles behind their makeshift cover made up out of crates and metal
plating as Riley and Price sweeped them clean. Sending the screaming men
overboard._\n\n_Back at Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore screeches as it continues
to weaken the force field that's keeping it from getting in. The MQ drones now
overwhelmed by the sheer number of Grimm._ \n\nWarning Announcer: Warning: Safety
Barriers Failing.\n\n_As civilians run past her in a panic, Ruby stays kneeling on
the ground with her head down, her expression in a mixture of shock and sadness
with Penny standing behind her._\n\n_As the Nevermore circles around the
colosseum, Pyrrha Nikos struggles to stand as she looks in shock at the now-
restored Penny Polendina._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _in the stands with the
remaining members of Team JNPR_ PYRRHA!! Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in!
You've gotta move! NOW!\n\n_Jaune, Ren, and Nora look up and see the force field
flash as the Nevermore rises back up before diving back in. Wasting no time, the
leader of Team JNPR jumps from the stands into the
arena._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Jaune!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _runs
towards Pyrrha_ Pyrrha, please snap out of it!\n\n_Suddenly, the Nevermore
completely breaks through the holographic barrier, and the force of it landing on
the arena floor knocks back Jaune, Pyrrha, and the pieces of Penny. The Nevermore
screeches and lunges towards Pyrrha._\n\n_The Nevermore is knocked back by a red,
twirling blur of roses, with the cause of the blur gripping one of Penny's swords
and stabbing into the Nevermore, before jumping back down in front of Pyrrha.
Raising the sword defensively, tears of hatred and rage flowing from her glistening
eyes._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ruby?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_Screaming at the wounded Nevermore, the sword still raised high, her face now
contorted in an expression of determination._ Leave her
{"u":1,"t":1560875655864,"m":"Commander Gift - Ruby, Your Brother is on Blue Two
{"u":0,"t":1560875987152,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> This is Romeo One-One,
copy all...\n\n_The Nevermore rises up and circles around the arena before lunging
back down. Ruby holds Penny's sword defensively. Suddenly, the Nevermore gets
pinned down by a barrage of rocket lockers, and screeches out in pain before going
unconscious._\n\n_The lockers then open up, revealing the weapons of various
students, including Crocea Mors, Storm Flower, Magnhild, and Yatsuhashi
Daichi's large sword. The respective owner of the sword pulls it out from his
locker, and is shown alongside Scarlet David gripping his cutlass and flintlock
pistol, Sage Ayana with his sword, and Neptune Vasilias with his gun in
hand._"},"590581516149588143":{"u":0,"t":1560876005924,"m":"_ Sun Wukong , now
reunited with Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, Ren and Nora carrying
their respective weapons, and the remaining members of Team CFVY, the members
of Team ABRN, as well as Flynt Coal and Neon Katt of Team FNKI, all gripping
their respective weapons._\n\n_The students are then suddenly shaken when the
Nevermore starts to get back up. Ren then leaps up into the air and uses the blades
of his weapons to slash at the Nevermore. _\n\n_Arslan Altan uses her rope dart to
swing down and grab the towering Yatsuhashi from the ground. Sage also leaps up
into the air, and Nora runs up to the Nevermore's head and hit it with Magnhild in
its hammer form._\n\n_When Arslan reaches peak height, she lets go of Yatsuhashi,
who is then joined by Sage, as the two broadsword wielders slash down and
decapitate the Nevermore, causing it to dissipate into black particles. As Arslan
lands back on the ground next to her teammates, Ruby looks over to the teary-eyed
Pyrrha._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _kneeling on the ground_ Ruby, I... _she
stops and holds a piece of Penny's torn cloth in her hands as her eyes continue to
well up_ I'm so sorry..."},"590581745833869324":
{"u":1,"t":1560876060685,"m":"Commander Gift - No need to blame
{"u":0,"t":1560876117666,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _forlornly_ Me too, _her
expression turns to pure anger._ But, it wasn't your
fault.\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> _raising her sword._ I'm still... combat
ready. \n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> She's right. _walks over to Pyrrha with Miló
and Akoúoo in his hand_ Whoever was on that microphone... they're the ones that did
this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.\n\n_Pyrrha stands back
up and takes her weapons back from Jaune, the two of them exchanging determined
expressions. They then look over to Ruby, who smiles at the impressive ensemble of
students. Their moment is cut short when they notice hippogriff-like Grimm land on
top of the colosseum. They fly towards the group of students as Ren calls the Grimm
species out by their formal
name._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Griffons.\n\nNeptune: Anybody got a plan of
attack?\n\nSandman: We fight, until we can't.\n\nFrost: I'm with you,
Sandman.\n\nDaniels: Oorah!"},"590582183811481612":
{"u":1,"t":1560876165107,"m":"Commander Gift - Ruby Go to your
{"u":0,"t":1560876378368,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Copy.\n\n_Penny tosses
Ruby her signature weapon, the Crescent Rose at her. Somehow creating it in the
blink of an eye._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Ruby, you go. We'll hold this
place and spread out.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Got it. Moving now.\n\n_She
activates her phaseshift module as she departed the arena to Blue Two's ship, now
cleared of enemies. From there she lands next to Gift, who immediately embraced her
tightly, much to Price's chagrin._\n\nPrice: We've got a crime lord to kill, Gift.
Let's go."},"590583349161099290":{"u":1,"t":1560876442948,"m":"Gift - That's the
moment i waiting for."},"590584162763669523":{"u":0,"t":1560876636926,"m":"_Gift
breaches the door to the command deck only to find it completely empty of hostiles
until a flare flew past him and detonated at Riley's head. The force of the
explosion nearly blowing half of her head off, yet, she still remain standing as
her now-carved head instantly healed
itself back to normal._\n\n:Roman: Welcome, fools! Welcome aboard the hype train
to hell!\n\nRiley: I'm making you pay for blowing my hed off, motherfucker!\n\n_She
leaped forward, her wrists now projecting energy leashes as she began her rampage,
slashing her way through the row of damaged consoles in a blind
rage._"},"590584518763610126":{"u":1,"t":1560876721803,"m":"Gift - I will not let
you away this time."},"590585594111983637":{"u":0,"t":1560876978186,"m":"_Gift
threw his M4 away as he unsheathed the Chaos of Remnant, its maiden power contained
within remains inactive as he throws one of the blades javelin-style at Roman, the
blade nearly penetrating his stomach as he deflected it away with his cane and
returned fire._\n\n_Riley warps to his side only to find Neo plunging her parasol
blade into her torso, only for Riley herself to effortlessly snap it in half and
send the broken blade back at her._\n\n_From the remains of a point-defense gun
lies Ruby, now prone and firing rounds after rounds of Wyrmstake-MP ammunition at
Roman and Neo alike as the rounds either detonated close to them or simply whizzed
past thanks to their rapid movements._","te":1560876999137},"590909758064558092":
{"u":0,"t":1560954264895,"m":"<@481693633951694848> (You
(Hey, you up!?)"},"591625980880093205":{"u":1,"t":1561125025721,"m":"Gift - Do you
think this will make you plan complete?"},"591626695325384742":
{"u":0,"t":1561125196058,"m":"Roman: _coughing_ You killing me won't make any
difference. My people are in the city, the continents and now they're doing their
job! \n\n_He taunts him as Ruby got up from her cover and rushed in for the kill as
Neo fired a shot from one of the still functioning point defense gun at her,
sending her flying overboard._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh-\n\n_She rams the
scythe blade down the port side hull, slowing her down to a halt as Price and Yuri
ran for her._"},"591627066064240651":{"u":1,"t":1561125284449,"m":"Gift - You will
go to the nether realm Roman.","te":1561125299048},"591627583225987073":
{"u":0,"t":1561125407750,"m":"Roman: _still taunting Gift_ Better go save your
little Red, Gift. She's going to fall, literally.\n\n_He unclipped a gas grenade
and detonated it as electric smoke covered him, forcing Gift to jump back avoiding
the sparks. As the cloud cleared, all that's left of Roman were the spent flare
casings..._"},"591628141647101983":{"u":1,"t":1561125540888,"m":"Commander Gift -
Don't worry mate, i got her.\nGift - Thanks Commander (Transform to Inferno
Scorpion) i have a Business with this bastard."},"591628818259902469":
{"u":0,"t":1561125702205,"m":"Price: Gift, he's gone to the far side of the ship.
Neo's blasted overboard, go get that bastard. I'll send Ruby off to the city, the
Rangers are overrun.\n\nYuri: Принеси этого ублюдка, Гиф (_Go get that bastard,
{"u":1,"t":1561125837069,"m":"Gift - Da Yuri, I will take this bastard. (Use
hellfire teleport to Roman and Neo)"},"591632067507388431":
{"u":0,"t":1561126476886,"m":"_Gift warps before Roman and Neo, still managing to
stay on board taking the fight to them. Back in the city, Ruby, now reunited with
Hunter 2-1 and the Students of Beacon makes their way through the chaos. Fighting
their way to Beacon Academy, now under siege from the White Fang._\n\n_Amidst the
fight lies Ruby, providing sniper fire support from the Crescent Rose as Jaune,
Ren, and Nora continues to push forward while Team CFVY provides rear guard
cover._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Juliet 2, you got a swarm of Creeps
coming up at you, twelve o'clock!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Roger, Romeo!
Twelve o'clock! 2-2, 2-3, move out and attack!\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Copy,
engaging!\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Roger! Eat this, you freaks!\n\n_Nora brings
her hammer down on the street as the Creeps advanced to them, the shockwave from
the hammer's kinetic enhancer unit sending them up the sky as the machine gun on
Hunter 2-1's Stryker shredded them to pieces._\n\nSgt. Foley: Juliet, you're clear!
Move!\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Coming behind! Coco, lay down suppressive
fire on that dropship behind us!\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> Guns out,
firing!\n\n_As a White Fang dropship flew close to the team, it is greeted by a
hailstorm of bullets sent from Coco's minigun. The rounds penetrating the engine,
armor plating and the pilots. Sending it crashing down againsy a
building._\n\n_Back on Blue Two, Neo attempted to block Gift's scorpion spear only
to have the spear's impact on the parasil send her
{"u":1,"t":1561126585973,"m":"Gift - Now only you and me
now."},"591634057507635201":{"u":0,"t":1561126951339,"m":"_Roman, now finding
himself going toe-to-toe against Gift launched a volley of ten explosive flares at
him, the flares harmlessly impacting Gift's near-invisible energy shield._\n\n_Gift
sends a sweeping kick down on Roman's right leg sending him sprawling on the metal
plating of Blue Two. Yanking on his collar and dragging him over to the edge of the
ship's armor plating._\n\nRoman: You can't win, Gift, this battle's far from over.
The fun's just getting started, the True Sons are mobilizing...\n\n_All Gift did
was to simply drop him down to certain death..._"},"591634396184838165":
{"u":1,"t":1561127032086,"m":"Gift - But you can not best the chosen
warrior."},"591636024078368773":{"u":0,"t":1561127420206,"m":"_In Starland Avenue,
as a squadron of Knights shoot down Grimm, they suddenly stop as their visors and
LEDs turn a dark crimson, and turn around, pointing their guns at Glynda and Qrow
as they continue to fight the Grimm, the realization shocking them as they see the
Knights now turned against two of their now former
masters._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> What!?\n\n_On the courtyards of Beacon,
Weiss and Blake are nearly caught off-guard by the local Knights also succumbing to
the virus and turning towards them, forcing the duo to duck from the volley of
fire._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Look out!\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
Goddamn-\n\n_Weiss and Blake manage to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights
surround them, forcing the Schnee and the Faunus to draw their
weapons._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> You got any ideas, One-
Two?\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Kill every last one of these bots, that's the
plan. You good on ammo?\n\n_Blake looked down at her wrist computer as it
screamed \"LOW AMMUNITION\" at her, she turns around as Weiss tossed her a summoned
pack of Dust ammunition._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Thanks, now let's take
these bots down.\n\n_Weiss starts the fight by summoning twelve golden glyphs as
golden lightning strikes ravaged the bots surrounding them, frying their internal
circuits to oblivion as Blake watched in awe, not speaking a
word._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Combat training, works every
time."},"591636437779349518":{"u":1,"t":1561127518840,"m":"Captain Gift - EMP
incoming!! (Fire M203 EMP round)"},"591637238375383080":
{"u":0,"t":1561127709717,"m":"_Cap moves in, firing EMP rounds from his M203
launcher at the Knights._\n\n_Weiss is seen taking down a few knights using a
combination of Myrtenaster's strikes as well as her using her Glyph Semblance,
while Blake fights off a group of White Fang soldiers, before using her Semblance
to dodge a dual sword-wielding soldier before getting overwhelmed by more White
Fang members, but they are all suddenly knocked back by
{"u":0,"t":1561127716051,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Blake! Back-to-
back!\n\n_Afterwards, Weiss and Blake stand back-to-back, but notice a group of
human Atlas Soldiers fighting off an Atlesian Paladin, which has also been affected
by the virus and turned rogue. The Paladin easily beats down the
soldiers._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Come on! Let's give these folks a
fighting chance!\n\n_Before Weiss and Blake could assist the soldiers, they notice
a Bullhead about to crash land. An armored Beowolf with two shoulder-mounted guns
is seen jumping out of it before it could crash with the aircraft._\n\nThe Beowolf
lands on the ground and starts to _chase after fleeing civilians, its twin guns
firing wildly at them. Weiss and Blake exchange one last look with each other
before parting ways._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Be safe, One-Three.\n\n_As the
two part ways, Blake is seen running just outside the dining hall. However, she
stops when the Beowolf from earlier latches onto the side of the building above
her. Her attention is then drawn away from the Beowolf when she hears a wounded
scream inside the burning interior of the dining hall._\n\n_She then gives a look
of horror when she sees a familiar figure throwing an Atlas
soldier._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> No... Adam?\n\nAdam: _grinning creepily_
Hello, my darling."},"591637876429815859":{"u":1,"t":1561127861841,"m":"Sargent
Gift - (In cloak) Who is he? Maybe this is Adam that Blake have told
us."},"591638152356298753":{"u":0,"t":1561127927627,"m":"Riley: _from the radio
still providing assistance to Ruby's group._ He is, but our orders are to escort
Hunter to Beacon. You are not to engage him right now."},"591638344023277568":
{"u":1,"t":1561127973324,"m":"Sargent Gift - Roger, Cap want to talk with
you."},"591638749767663628":{"u":0,"t":1561128070061,"m":"Riley: Make it quick,
we're closing in on Beacon. Fast."},"591638884966858752":
{"u":1,"t":1561128102295,"m":"Captain Gift - Riley, i and three of me have plan if
beacon have fall."},"591638948640456704":{"u":0,"t":1561128117476,"m":"Riley: I'm
listening, talk to me."},"591639466192535552":{"u":1,"t":1561128240870,"m":"Captain
Gift - I and three of me will spread out, i will go to Blake, Gift will
go for his little sister, Commander will go to Weiss and Sarge will stay with
Yang."},"591640092389539845":{"u":0,"t":1561128390167,"m":"_Upon hearing the plan,
she takes a deep breath and replied._\n\nRiley: Six-two copies all, be advised that
we're going to begin our engagement at Beacon. Out.\n\n_After battling their way
through the city, Ruby's party blows the gate to Beacon open as the 75th Infantry
moved in and attacked hostles within it._\n\nGen. Shepard: Rangers lead the way,
move! \nSgt. Foley: Go, go!\nPierson: Squad, move out and kill every one of those
fuckers! Make sure they're dead!\n\n_All across Beacon Academy, various students
battle the many Creatures of Grimm: Jaune is seen slashing at an Ursa, while Neon
rollerblades away from a Boarbatusk._\n\n_Coco opens fire on a Griffon, while
Arslan is seen fighting an Ursa Major before it runs off to attack Nora, who fires
at it with her grenade launcher, finishing it off withba devastating blow to its
head. Sending black matter all over the ground as they fizzed away into black
smoke._\n\n_Pierson's squad is seen standing ina Raj-Singh maneuver, their guns
firing at every direction raking down lesser class Grimm with ease._\n\n_Ren is
seen firing his guns at a retreating Beowolf before it drops dead. On top of a
building reveals Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury standing on the rooftop, the latter
filming the chaos with his Scroll._","te":1561128531322},"590182809922961409":
{"u":1,"t":1560780946952,"m":"Gift - Commander we need to talk.\nCommander Gift -
Sure mate."},"590183016622456832":
{"u":0,"t":1560780996233,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> s_haking her head and
sighing_ This is a mess, a big goddamn mess...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
_following the sound_ of an opening door as he peeks out of Team JNPR's room, with
his team peering around the edge in concern She doing
okay?\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> She's doing the best she
can.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _holding her hands up I heard_ Mercury and his
team rushed back to Haven to be with his family. So, until they land, no one can
really question him about what happened.\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> If there's
anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_looking down_ All right then. If that's the case... turns her gaze up again
Pyrrha?\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _looks to the younger girl as she gets
herself seated on on a bed_ Hm?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _holding her clenched
hands up as she tries to put on a grin_ You be sure to win one for Beacon,
okay?\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _nodding as she and Blake also smile sadly_
It's what Yang would want.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _turns her head away
before coming back with her attempt at a confident look_ I'll... do my
best.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _excitedly_ I'll be sure to watch tonight in
case you're picked!\n\n_Pyrrha's smile dips down into worry as she looks away into
the distance from the window._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Sorry but, I think
I've had enough fighting for one year.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _nodding
once_ Ditto. a moment _passes before she says_
Coffee?\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _smiling_ Tea.\n\n_The three members of RWBY
walk down the hall, and Jaune simply looked away when he sees Ruby disappear behind
the corner. Pyrrha continues to look forlorn, until the door leading to her team's
quarters slowly closed._"},"590183859568508984":{"u":0,"t":1560781197207,"m":"_Back
at the arena, Gift, now sitting on a row of empty seats with Commander turns to the
arena as his clone handed him a folder labeled \"Situational Update -
BBVTL2215\"_\n\n_He grabs it and opened the first page as he looked at the photos
of footages taken from the Arsenal Birds, Atlesian airships and Space United
Earthborne Coalition Force fighter jets._"},"590184785696260096":
{"u":1,"t":1560781418013,"m":"Commander Gift - What?\nGift - Yes, we are same but
from another timeline.\nCommander Gift - That's mean if beacon fall we must spread
out for a while?\nGift - Yes here the plan, i will with Ruby, you go to atlas take
care Weiss, Captain will go to take care Blake and Sarge will take care
Yang.\nCommander Gift - Good idea mate."},"590185093767888927":
{"u":0,"t":1560781491463,"m":"Sandman: Gift, there you are. Ironwood wants the
arena cleared out for another Singles match, we've got people down there and the
two girls up in the prep room ain't waiting."},"590185425822285828":
{"u":1,"t":1560781570631,"m":"Gift - On my way, Metal."},"590185513311272971":
{"u":0,"t":1560781591490,"m":"Sandman: Roger."},"590188016492871680":
{"u":0,"t":1560782188295,"m":"_As the audiences within the arena battlegrounds are
cleared out into the stands, the ring of spotlights returned as Penny and Pyrrha
emerged from the two entrances into the staging area._\n\nOobleck: _over the
broadcast_ Alright, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next
fight!\n\nPort: It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina,
from Atlas! And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos, from Beacon!\n\n_Ozpin seats
himself behind his desk and takes a sip from his cup as he stares at
the \"randomized\" fight to be. Oblivious to the multitude of reports of
the \"randomization\" being rigged. Down in the arena of Amity Colosseum, Pyrrha is
still looking hesitant and distracted while Penny politely salutes her
opponent._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> _hands on her hips in excitement_ Sal-u-
tations, Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honor to finally meet you!\n\n_The troubled Pyrrha
doesn't respond, looking at her hands as she clenches them in attempted
determination._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> _not noticing Pyrrha's reluctance_
This is going to be so much fun!\n\n_In the same structure behind closed
doors, Ruby is still facing down an up-and-standing Mercury Black, who's smugly
smiling at the younger girl's confusion._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Mercury,
what are you doing? You were hurt! Why... What's going on?\n\n _Mercury doesn't
answer, stillgrinning with malice._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Fine. If you're
not going to tell me...\n\n _She instinctively withdrew her M17 pistol, aiming it
at him. Her finger on the trigger and her left hand gripping on her right hand as
she took aim with her dominant eye._"},"590188024902451211":
{"u":0,"t":1560782190300,"m":"Oobleck: _over the announcement system to draw Ruby's
attention away_ Fighters, are you ready?\n\n_Mercury smirks, slowly advancing
towards her. Ruby gripped her pistol even tighter as she inched her right index
finger closer to the trigger, almost pressing it. Ready to fire._\n\n_Penny beams
widely in anticipation, but Pyrrha is still looking around as if in a daze, though
she manages a small scowl at her opponent, her weapons Miló and Akoúoo already in
hand._"},"590192790638428160":{"u":1,"t":1560783326540,"m":"Gift - Alright Sandman,
anything update?"},"590193384740618261":{"u":0,"t":1560783468185,"m":"Sandman: The
match's about to start, but you have to look at this...\n\n_He shows him a live
feed of Ruby and Mercury in a standoff. With Ruby aiming her pistol directly at her
adversary's head._"},"590194952605138966":{"u":1,"t":1560783841993,"m":"Gift -
Sandman read this, it was send from Bravo 6-4, it maybe a bad
new."},"590195517699522560":{"u":0,"t":1560783976722,"m":"Sandman: _reads through
the situational report_ Damn... I've always had a hunch on these people, didn't
knew they worked for them before. Gift, you stay here, I'll go help
Ruby."},"590195715033006111":{"u":1,"t":1560784023770,"m":"Gift - No, She is my
sister, i will go."},"590198370728017950":{"u":0,"t":1560784656937,"m":"Sandman:
Fine, you go.\n\n_He bolted for the exits as Gift broke off and jumped down the
emergency ladder._\n\nOobleck: _counting down as General James Ironwood calmly sits
to observe the fight, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren cheer for their teammate
while Jaune Arc simply watches anxiously, and Emerald Sustrai, now freed from the
guards and in her seat leans forward with a glare._ 3, 2, 1... _Oobleck leans
forward_ BEGIN!\n\n_Suddenly, Penny is surrounded by her floating swords, gesturing
them around to her command before launching a volley of them at Pyrrha, who runs
towards them and leaps though or deflects each aimed blade. The swords fly into the
air until they turn around and come back to the fight._\n\n--\n\n_Back at the
internal cargo transfer corridors, Ruby sparked the fight by firing the first shot
directly at his chest as he lifted his left leg up, the bullet harmlessly
deflecting away from it._\n\nMercury: _looking back at Ruby_ Showtime.\n\n_He goes
forward, blocking Ruby's path with his arms outstretched, restraining her movements
no matter where she moves._"},"590198396036579349":
{"u":0,"t":1560784662971,"m":"_She promptly ducked by phase-shifting away before
pumping six shots into his chest, knocking him down as his aura intercepted the
shots._\n\n_Panicked, she grimaces and spins forward, becoming a blur of red and
petals rocketing toward Mercury, only for the villain to kick her mid-dash with his
boots and knock her to the ground. Ruby got up and sent a volley of seven shots
into his chest again wearing down much of his aura. Causing Mercury to bounce back.
Avoiding the bulets._\n\n_He advances on her just as she switches to her suit-
mounted radio, calling for reinforcements before Mercury kicked the radio module
out of her wrist. Her last transmissions having been sent out to units all over the
arena._\n\nMercury: _lowering his leg from its kick_ Let's just keep this between
us friends.\n\n_He moves towards her as Ruby switched to her twin wrist plasma
chainsaw modules grafted into her suit._\n\n--\n\n_Pyrrha, now having returned the
shield to her back, twirls the javelin to block each sword swipe of Penny's,
dropping her weapon when she needs
to somersault away after being hit by a slash, only to magnetically return it to
her hand as Penny readies another wave of
{"u":1,"t":1560784754026,"m":"Gift - (teleport back stab) I think it not between
you and Ruby."},"590199531614765198":{"u":0,"t":1560784933714,"m":"_Gift appears
behind him as he drove his combat knife deep into Mercury's back._\n\nMercury: How-
how did you even get here!?\n\n_He slumped down as the knife is driven even deeper
into his body down to its grip. Ruby watches in awe as Gift waved at her to go and
transmit the \"Code\" to friendly units._\n\n_As Gift held Mercury in place, he
felt the warmth of his body fading away fast as he activated his phase-shift unit.
Teleporting himself away to safety._"},"590200090023690260":
{"u":1,"t":1560785066849,"m":"Gift - If you think i don't know about you, you are
{"u":0,"t":1560785412671,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> He's gone, Gift. And
thanks for coming in... brother.\n\n_She runs off for the arena as Gift looked down
at the pool of blood on where Mercury used to stand on._"},"590201557627305996":
{"u":0,"t":1560785416753,"m":"_Inside the arena, the two girls are now locked into
an intense fight. Stray plasma shots and swords rain down on the energy barrier as
the fight progresses._\n\nPort: My word! What a tremendous display by Miss
Polendina!\n\n_Fully glowering, Pyrrha rushes forward and jumps on an incoming
sword, swinging down on Penny, only to have the assault halted by a collection of
blades, though she leaps away from the retaliatory slice as Penny backs away as
well._\n\n_She tries to defend against the multitude of swords with the length of
her weapon, but is forced back regardless, prompting Pyrrha to roll the shield from
her back onto her arm with her polarity._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> _cheering
with her arms wide alongside a fist-pumping Ren and worried Jaune_ Whoo, yeah!
Goooo Pyrrha!\n\n_Despite the cheers, Pyrrha isn't doing well, looking down to see
her Semblance's black energy bend the weapons in her hands unnaturally for a split
second. Emerald narrows her gaze further, continuing to concentrate on
Pyrrha._\n\n_Pyrrha spins wildly as she deflects and dodges each sword, until she
gets close enough to Penny to deliver a few slashes with the spear, sending her
flying back as Pyrrha bats aside the blades called to their wielder's
aid._\n\n_Penny slides to a stop and makes a new series of motions, the weapons
folding up until she's circled by several laser rifles, a few of which open fire on
the approaching champion. Pyrrha avoids the blasts and fights off the remaining
swords with her xiphos until she slides into position to charge at Penny and knock
her back._\n\n_Pyrrha straightens with a victorious grin that disappears into
dizziness, just as she sees Penny rocketing forward, weapons firing behind her like
a jetpack so she can leap into the air, then come down as an energized meteor on
her opponent._"},"590202075410071562":{"u":1,"t":1560785540202,"m":"Gift - I am
your brother now Ruby, and that's what a good brother should
I've sent out the code, we've got units coming in to defend the arena should there
be an attack."},"590203280140009482":{"u":1,"t":1560785827432,"m":"Gift - I think
the chaos will begin soon."},"590204131667607582":
{"u":0,"t":1560786030452,"m":"_Rolling back to her feet, Pyrrha doesn't expect a
sword to knock her shield off, then another to do the same for her blade._\n\n_She
tries to get the latter back with her magnetism, but has to use the power to send a
flying sword back at Penny's side. It disappears behind Penny, only for her to grin
and raise her arms as several appear above her, aimed to strike._\n\n_With Emerald
still squinting down on the arena, the sharp sound of Emerald's Semblance is heard
as Penny's eight swords double, then triple, multiplying into an unreal thicket of
blades._\n\n_At the sight of this, Pyrrha unsteadily steps back, both in reality
where the eight swords are ready to go forth and in the hallucinated world, where
the cloud of weapons thicken to even block the crowds around
her._"},"590204153075335178":{"u":0,"t":1560786035556,"m":"_Penny sends them all
forward, few in reality and hundreds strong in Pyrrha's mind, who is left with no
choice but to spread her arms and send out a magnetized shockwave. Each blade is
sent reeling back to Penny, who is also unintentionally affected by the Semblance
attack._\n\n_Pyrrha only has a brief moment to understand what's happening before
Penny's arms are spread wide as she gasps, the strings attached to her own weapons
curling around her left arm and midsection, which are crumpled by the force with
the ease of an aluminum can._\n\n_There is a moment of darkness, cut by the wire
slicing through the electronics in Penny's torso to reveal a shocked Pyrrha, and
the entire stadium watching the now unmoving swords drop to the ground._\n\n_A
piece of fabric flutters to the arena floor, only to be pinned by the point of a
falling blade, away from the torn halves of Penny Polendina. Black nanobot internal
fluid leaking out from the severed tubes within her body._\n\n_Pyrrha stares in
abject horror, eyes wide and mouth agape._\n\nPort: _straightening in shock at the
revelation alongside Oobleck, and with Ozpin standing up from his chair back at
Beacon_ No!"},"590204612393304085":{"u":1,"t":1560786145066,"m":"Gift - Cap report
the status.\nCaptain Gift - Grimm incoming!\nGift - All unit Code black repeat Code
black.\nCaptain Gift - Roger Code black."},"590207657449881610":
{"u":0,"t":1560786871064,"m":"Ramirez: Copy Black, General!\nPierson: Roger, Ivy
Rose! Code Black!\n\n_From there, his radio bursts into life as the massive
plethora of friendly Earthborne units all responded to the incoming Grimm threats
as the Arsenal Birds filled the black sky with MQ-101M heavy fighter drones and the
Strangereal Coalition Forces' air assets. All of them taking the airborne Grimm
creatures head-on._\n\n_From the ground in Vale, the U.S. Army all deployed their
units all over the city alongside the Russian Federation's. With the outskirts
being guarded by Aloy's army of Metal Devils and
Khopeshes._"},"590207710729994253":{"u":0,"t":1560786883767,"m":"_While the remains
of Penny's missing arm spark with electricity from the exposed wiring inside, her
big green irises, now looking like camera shutters, slowly expand so her dark,
lifeless pupils take up most of her eyes with the sound of a machine shutting down
as her internal cybercore went into regenerative safe-mode preserving her vital
core subsystems._\n\n_In an Atlas laboratory, a balding white-bearded man watches
the live footage on the news, his hand gripping the armrest of his chair tightly.
The crowds are still terrified by the sight, and miles away in Mountain
Glenn, Grimm of all kinds turn toward the Colosseum, and begin to
charge._\n\n_Finally, Ruby turns a corner and emerges from the service tunnel, only
to see with her own eyes that she is far too late._\n\n_She dropped her pistol upon
the sight as she fell to her knees, sobbing
miserably._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Penny...\n\n_The levitating arena is
lowered back into place under the spotlights, and Mercury appears behind the
weeping Ruby. She tenses slightly as she hears his footsteps, but slumps forward
once again as the door noisily swings shut._\n\nOobleck: putting a hand up to his
ear Broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed!\n \nBroadcast Op: over the
earpiece Something's wrong! We don't have control of the cameras! We can't even
stop the broadcast!\n\nOobleck: What!? How is that
possible!?"},"590208300520308762":{"u":1,"t":1560787024384,"m":"Gift - (Grab Ruby
pistol) I'm sorry about what happen, but i will find the way to restore her back,
Brother promise."},"590208572160213057":{"u":0,"t":1560787089148,"m":"_Behind him,
Alita rushed by his side with a large toolbox strapped on her back._\n\nAlita: I've
got a Berserker Conversion Kit with me, her brain's still okay. Gift, Ruby. I need
your help!"},"590208749948502026":{"u":1,"t":1560787131536,"m":"Gift - On
it!"},"590209422609874957":{"u":0,"t":1560787291911,"m":"_She continues to run to
the arena and pushed Pyrrha away before throwing the kit on the ground as she
unclipped a canister of Berserker cells and poured them down Penny's mouth, now
forced open._ \n\nAlita: _tosses Gift a Berserker cybercore._ Here, stick this in
her torso! _She tosses Ruby another Berserker cell._ You pour this down her mouth
and give her three pumps every two seconds!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm on
it."},"590209714294489129":{"u":1,"t":1560787361454,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"590211972574871603":{"u":0,"t":1560787899870,"m":"_In answer, the background
behind the two teachers changes to the video feed of the sight before them, tinted
an ominous bright red with a black queen chess piece hovering over the scene. They
turn back to the arena as a familiar voice rings out throughout the Colosseum and
the rest of the world watching these events._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> This
is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over
your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians, but
are, in reality, nothing more than men. _seen standing on a rooftop, speaking into
her Scroll_ Our Academies' Headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one
was audacious enough to control both.\n\n_Ironwood, realizing who she's talking
about, grimaces and rises from his seat, marching up the
steps._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> They cling to this power in the name of
peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army,
mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil.
What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I
don't think the Grimm can tell the difference.\n\n_Pyrrha holds a hand to her mouth
in dread as she continues to stare at the remains of Penny being under repair by
the two, eyes watering, a single tear falling._\n\n_Back in the fairgrounds, a
gaping Weiss \n and glaring Blake watch the hacked screen of
the Shopkeep's stall._","te":1560787916383},"590211989863792643":
{"u":0,"t":1560787903992,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> And what, I ask you, is
Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and
Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed
neither.\n\n_The two teammates share a look before the last member of RWBY, Yang
Xiao Long, is seen hunching over her windowsill listening to the speech before she
straightens and turns as Zwei barks behind her._"},"590217230654898189":
{"u":0,"t":1560789153494,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"590559684436557834":
{"u":1,"t":1560870800838,"m":"Gift - How long are we done with
this?"},"590561448812478504":{"u":0,"t":1560871221498,"m":"Alita: Just a few more
seconds... aaand, here we go.\n\n_She inserts the final bits of cybercore
attachment cables as Penny got up to her feet, black Berserker Cell liquid spilling
out from the seams in her original cybercore now grafted onto the new Berserker
body._\n\n_Her green irises glowed brightly as her pupils slowly adjusted
themselves to the blinding light of the arena... She stepped forward only to fall
on her feet as Ruby yanked her left arm keeping her
standing._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> Ow... my head..\n\nAlita: Take it easy,
we'd just finished fixing you up. \n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530>
Ugh...\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You okay, Penny?\n\n_Penny blinked her eyes
twice as her internal systems finally adjusted to its normal parameters. From there
she commanded the swords to return to her as they dematerialized into fine dust as
they are sucked right into her shoulders._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> _taking a
deep breath._ Project Pathfinder Combat Unit Papa-Five-One, reporting status as
combat ready. \n\n_She turns to Ruby and embraced her in a hug, nearly crushing her
in the process._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> Thank
{"u":0,"t":1560871760795,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Hngh, my ribs...
Penny-\n\n_As Penny kept her mprisoned within her in a hug, she can feel her ribs
slowly giving into the constantly tightening grip of her metal hands. Now covered
in a layer of synthetic skin._\n\n_She mustered the last of her strength to give
the recently restored android a tap to the back of the head..._\n
\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> _ slams Ruby onto the ground, unaware of her true
strengths_ Oh! Uh, sorry...\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _sobbing in pain as she
coughs up a bit of blood_ Why..."},"590564043761254433":
{"u":1,"t":1560871840182,"m":"Gift - Sarge what going on outside?\nSargent Gift -
It like World War 3.\nGift - Keep updating.\n(Gift see Ruby coughs up a bit of
blood)\nGift - Ruby my sweet heart are you alright?"},"590565464296652800":
{"u":0,"t":1560872178864,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _slowly getting back on
her feet as her Light Energy's regenerative abilities began healing her._ I'm
okay.\n\n_Outside the colosseum, the aerial battle between human coalition forces
and the Grimm creatures grew closer to it as four MQ-101M drones flew close to the
dome shield, chasing after a Wyvern._\n\n_Back in the city, civilians evacuations
are under way as the Valerian Army, now aided by the U.S. Army Rangers did their
best to escort them to designated safe zones within the Gillenson Plains, located
just five miles from Vale._\n\n_Now, back inside the arena. Gift tends to Ruby as
the rest of Task Force 141's operators moved in._"},"590565834447912981":
{"u":0,"t":1560872267115,"m":"Soap: Gift, status?"},"590566431633047592":
{"u":1,"t":1560872409495,"m":"Gift - I'm alright Soap.\nCommander Gift - Hey mate,
our intel said Atlas military airship have been hacked.\nGift - Do you know who do
this?\nCommander Gift - It Roman Torchwick.\nGift - Damn he will use Atlas military
army to create this chaos.\nCommander Gift - You could say
that."},"590567054348648480":{"u":0,"t":1560872557962,"m":"_From an abandoned
building's rooftop, Cinder continues her transmission. Oblivious to the presence of
the military down below._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Perhaps Ozpin felt as
though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget
his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps
this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting
kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is
right and who is wrong. But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the
leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves.\n\n_Ozpin watches
the screen intently, cane at his side and Atlesian Airships hovering beyond his
window. Amid the silence over the Colosseum as they absorb the revolutionary words,
no one notices Emerald exit the stadium._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> As
someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is... equally
undesirable. Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left
in the dark.\n\n_Two blue Atlesian Soldiers watch the message on their Scroll, not
noticing the wave of Grimm coming out of the mist shrouded treeline until they turn
and open fire the best they can, with Cinder's voice still stirring up trouble from
her position with a malevolent smile._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> So I ask
you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?\n\n_In the
Colosseum, the screens cut from red and black to complete static._\n\nOobleck: _to
Port_ The feeds are all jammed! We can't get a message out!\n\nPort: _to the people
working behind the scenes_ Will somebody tell me what in the world is
happening!?"},"590567444561788934":{"u":1,"t":1560872650996,"m":"Captain Gift -
They have cut the communication."},"590567670236053514":
{"u":0,"t":1560872704801,"m":"Gaz: No shit, Sherlock! We need to scramble and get
the civvies in here to the Arsenal Birds, NOW!"},"590567859864993813":
{"u":1,"t":1560872750012,"m":"Gift - I will try to infiltrate the
airship."},"590569199760441345":{"u":0,"t":1560873069468,"m":"_The fighting in the
sky is now seen by the civilians with the sight of Strider Squadron giving chase to
a Nevermore and of a wailing alarm throughout the structure, with humans and
Faunus and even a Henchman holding a tub of popcorn looking up in alarm at the
orange flashing screens reading \"CAUTION\"._\n\nWarning Announcer: Alert. Incoming
Grimm attack. Threat level: Nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly
manner.\n\n_The crowds begin to flee, wild and screaming, through the exit tunnels,
while Ironwood enters the announcers' box and grabs the microphone from between
Port and Oobleck._\n\nIronwood: Ladies and gentlemen, please. There is no need for
panic."},"590569302604906517":{"u":0,"t":1560873093988,"m":"_With that said, a
Giant Nevermore appears atop the arena's domed force field, giving a series of
deafening screeches as it claws and pecks at the defense with its beak. A lone
ADFX-01 jet then rammed the unsuspecting Grimm in its torso at supersonic speed,
killing it._\n\n<:sun:517179592516042772> _standing up in alarm along with Coco_ A
Nevermore!?\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> _lowering her sunglasses_ How did it get
past the Kingdom's defenses!? And _who_ piloted that
jet??\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> _ppearing beside them as he states_ It wasn't
alone.\n\n_In the headmaster's office, Ozpin is gripping his cane tight, watching
the city come under attack with a horrified expression._\n\nQrow: _running in
with Glynda_ Oz!\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _turning to them_ Get to the
city!\n\nQrow: But-\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _resolutely_ NOW!\n\n_Qrow and
Glynda exchange a look before going back the way they came. Meanwhile, Mountain
Glenn is almost silent, as every monster lurking there
from Beowolves to Boarbatusks, Ursai and Nevermores, and even
lumbering Goliaths with wide red eyes rush forward._\n\nIronwood: _back at the
Colosseum watching the Nevermore attack the shields until he answers his Scroll,
stammering_ Ozpin, the girl... I-I can explain!"},"589123560467988485":
{"u":0,"t":1560528402202,"m":"_Grabbing Amber by her shoulders, Glynda tries to
stop the former Maiden, but her strength is too great. Amber slips off of her
grasps and with a well-placed kick to her stomach the headmaster collapses to the
floor, dry heaving._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> I can't stop her, Gift, stop
her!","te":1572816009377},"589124173612449802":{"u":1,"t":1560528548387,"m":"Gift -
Sure. (Transform to Thunder God Raiden)"},"589124950812655650":
{"u":0,"t":1560528733686,"m":"_Gift transforms into his Thunder God form and
projected two sparks of electricity directly at Amber, stunning her into
submission. On the other hand, Pyrrha is now sitting next to Riley as she
contemplated the fact that she had just been forced to accept the Fall Maiden's
powers.._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I... I just don't know, why would they
choose me? I'm not ready for this, not at all...\n\nRiley: What can I do? It was
_her_, \n\n_Riley points to Amber, now unconscious._ \n\nRiley: She did it to you,
somehow, the power chose you. Not her. This time it chose you on its own, too, this
is odd...","te":1572815750200},"589125301204680714":
{"u":1,"t":1560528817226,"m":"Gift - I think maybe some of it can be share to my
blades."},"589125353419702305":{"u":1,"t":1560528829675,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
- I mean my Chaos of Remnant is telling me something."},"589464501720711178":
{"u":0,"t":1560609688931,"m":"O'Brian: They're changing...\n\n_He looked closer at
the blade's pommel, now glowing bright orange. He then removed the blades from
their scabbards and threw them to Pyrrha, who took them before they landed on the
floor._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What am I supposed to do with
this?\n\nO'Brian: It has your power. Somehow, the moment when Amber initiated that
explosion the blades also received a portion of the powers and had, in a way, _gave
some of it back to Amber and transferred the rest to you._\n\nRiley: Damn, this is
serious.... \n\nO'Brian: It is, and with Amber still retaining her full abilities
along with Pyrrha. That means...\n\n_Amber suddenly gets back to consciousness.
Sitting with her back propped against a pillar within the chamber._\n\nAmber: I
did it, I _copied_ what the previous host of that power gave to me. That's why the
facility got exploded to hell. But, if you can, I want every single records of this
event erased. The woman who attacked me a few months back knew that the girl over
there...\n\n_She points to Pyrrha, still holding the blades._ \n\nAmber: ...will be
her next target. She can _sense_ this power with the monstrosity that took the
power from me.","te":1572815848197},"589466530660483076":
{"u":1,"t":1560610172668,"m":"Gift - I can feel it, it said \"Four power of maiden
is the power that seal in this blades and wait for the time to
unleash\"."},"589467350156181514":{"u":0,"t":1560610368051,"m":"Amber: Huh, that's
odd.. I never thought I'd say this before but, if you can, I'd like to act as
Pyrrha's body double.\n\n:pyrrha: What? Why?! Why would you-\n\nAmber: Because she
knows I'm still alive, and with you having received my powers without actually
inheriting it... The balance is broken.\n\n_She jumps from her patient bed and
headed for the door to the hallways only to be stopped by Cpl.
Daniels._\n\nDaniels: Hey, you sure about being her double? I don't know what the
hell happened but if you're going to do that you'll need some serious firepower.
And I know how to get it for you. Trust me, you won't last a fight against her in
this condition.","te":1572815898752},"589468621692993553":
{"u":1,"t":1560610671209,"m":"Gift - Daniels! Long time."},"589473402515881990":
{"u":0,"t":1560611811046,"m":"Daniels: If you need Pierson, he's in the mess hall
drunk on his ass. I'll take Amber down to the armory.\n\n_From there he escorted
Amber away to the armory leaving Gift and the infirmary behind. Unable to deal with
the surge od sudden changes Pyrrha storms out of the hall and down the bustling
hallway._\n\n_With the sound of a rapid heartbeat, at the Colosseum lies a
smirking Cinder Fall as she sits in one of the Amity Colosseum's seats along with
the rest of the cheering crowd, their screams being drowned out by the
announcements._\n\nPort: _over the broadcasting system_ Now, for the moment you've
all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!\n\n_In the center of the battlefield's
stage, Yang Xiao Long smirks confidently as the camera pans down the line of final
fighters, a few new faces mixed in with Sun Wukong, Penny Polendina, Mercury Black,
and the troubled Pyrrha at the other end of the line._\n\nPort: _back in the
announcer's box_ with his co-host Barty, why don't you explain the
rules?\n\nOobleck: Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each
round of the finals will be randomly determined before the match takes
place!\n\nPort: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to
prepare!\n\nOobleck: Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will
be!\n\n_The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the
roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. The \"random
selection\" is watched by the owner of the Crow Bar, a group of Human and
Faunus kids, the visitors and workers at the Cross Continental Transmit System,
before it gets back from the worldwide audience glimpses to reveal the first
showdown._"},"589473471210324019":{"u":0,"t":1560611827424,"m":"Port: Yang Xiao
Long and Mercury Black!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _cupping her hands to make
sure her encouragement is heard from her spot alongside RWBY, JNPR , and SSSN_
Break a leg, sis!\n\n_Cinder, still smiling, gets up from her place and begins
walking out, eyes on the battlefield._\n\nPort: Would all other combatants please
leave the stage!\n\n_The rest of the lineup does so, and Yang starts walking up to
Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of
spotlights rising up to fix their lights on the remaining
two._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _smiling_ You better not go easy on
me.\n\nMercury: _laughing darkly_ You wish.\n\n_Both brawlers face the crowds one
last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until
their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown
{"u":0,"t":1560612710221,"m":"<@481693633951694848> ?"},"589477795781017610":
{"u":1,"t":1560612858482,"m":"Gift - If there free solo match, i will
go."},"589477855780667410":{"u":1,"t":1560612872787,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
now.)"},"589477887628017707":{"u":0,"t":1560612880380,"m":"(Okay, sure
thing.)"},"589821020857303071":{"u":1,"t":1560694689717,"m":"Gift - Even i got
hurt, that the risk is brother gonna take."},"589821297660395531":
{"u":0,"t":1560694755712,"m":"_Looking to the ring below, Trigger points to a
formation of security drones circling the stage. Pointing them out to
Gift._\n\nTrigger: Sorry to rain on your parade but nope, Singles restrict any
outside assistance. Think of it as a battle to the death.\n\n_Watching from behind
the protective barrier, Riley keeps watch of the two as the timer in front of her
counts down from half a minute. Noticing an influx of True Sons aircraft within
Mountain Glenn airspace she reports it to her group, but finds the data packet
unable to be transmitted._\n\nRiley: Huh? This is weird...\n\n_Tapping at the
transmit button again, the data packet is finally sent throughout Remnant's
military intelligence network as American units surrounding Vale begin their
deployment into Vale, securing allocated safe zones and evacuation routes as
civilians watched with fear._\n\nCivilian 1: What's going on?! Why are they
here?\n\n_The man and his girlfriend points to a convoy of Valean Mechanized
Response Brigade Scarab mechas as a Marine calms him down, patting him on the back
and giving the man a spare sidearm with three magazines fully loaded, along with it
came a survival Go-bag and a Focus device._\n\nMarine 1: Stay calm, sir. Everything
is under our control, but do take these and link up to our frequencies as per the
manual inside the bag should we declare an immediate emergency, if you have any
loved ones please input their information into your Focus. Our SAR teams will mark
them as prioritized, thank you for your cooperation.\n\n_The Marine leavs the man
be with his emergency gear, rejoining his team. Back at the arena, Cossette watches
the two from her spot through her
{"u":1,"t":1560694860946,"m":"Gift - I tell you already if anything bad happen with
my sisters, i will respond by myself and i will take the risk by my
own."},"589822222563016714":{"u":0,"t":1560694976226,"m":"_Pointing out the rules
for the general, Cossette takes notes of the series of events. Recording them into
her Focus for debriefing as audience within the arena begin to cheer
louder._\n\nCossette: If you get in there, _she points to the two brawlers in the
arena_ they both will be immediately disqualified and banned from participating in
the tournament for five years. Do you want that to happen?\n\n_She stares him in
the eyes, her light blue eyes gazing into Gift's. From Price's spot, he notices
Cinder's row missing its occupants, reporting his targets missing he keyed his mic,
announcing their status._\n\nPrice: All units, this is Hotel Six, targets missing.
Requesting sitrep, over.\n\n_From the opposite side of the arena, Riley responds,
calling out the missing targets._\n\nRiley: Atlas here, they're gone, all of them.
Be advised, Marines and Army are mobilizing in Vale for possible attacks,
- I don't want it to happen, i know what are you gonna tell me, stand down and let
it be."},"589823376919625771":{"u":1,"t":1560695251446,"m":"Gift - I know i must
not take myself in because it might be destiny of her to enter this
battle."},"589823412327809025":{"u":0,"t":1560695259888,"m":"Cossette: Correct, I'd
say we let them fight to their best."},"589823719770292225":
{"u":0,"t":1560695333188,"m":"_As the two brawlers got close to the point their
hands touched, the countdown ends as Port starts the match._\n\nPort: Three! Two!
One! Begin!\n\n_Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to
meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back._\n\n_He
closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet with his boot, but she leaps over
it and fires off a shot of her Ember Celica that he rotates to avoid. They fight
fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the
cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury
shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and
smiling._\n\n_Yang doesn't relent for a second, launching shot after shot only for
Mercury to dodge each of them, sliding around the stage on clouds of air until he
attempts to come down on her with his leg._\n\n_She blocks and pushes away the
attack, but he goes under her shotgun burst and manages to land a kick on her,
though she still lands in a crouch, now grimacing.
She launches forward with a double blast and continues landing blow after blazing
blow on him, right up to when he roundhouse kicks her in the back and attempts to
hit her with his heel._"},"589825561875054601":{"u":1,"t":1560695772380,"m":"Gift -
BT tell me if anything wrong happen."},"589825630686674989":
{"u":0,"t":1560695788786,"m":"BT: Affirmative, the fight is progressing well thus
far."},"589826554901561564":{"u":0,"t":1560696009136,"m":"_Now back insidr the
arena, Yang gets out just in time and punches the ground trying to get him, but he
leaps out and twirls to get a hit on her. One of his kicks seems to pass over her,
but then he brings it down hard enough to shatter the steel underneath, which she
narrowly rolls backward to avoid._\n\n_They exchange kicks after this attack until
Mercury hits her backwards, and he rushes forward only to receive a fist to his
chin, then his torso, knocking him on his stomach._\n\n_He gets up right as Yang
starts raining down fire again, causing him to somersault back until one explosion
causes him to get knocked off of the stage. He saves himself by firing his boots
downward and flying back in front of his enemy, unleashing a series of kicks that
she deflects with her arms._\n\n_She ducks under one attack only to receive another
as Mercury jumps into the air to knock her back, and he follows it up with a shot
from his boots. Yang avoids it effortlessly, not noticing it still hanging around
behind her._\n\n_Switching tactics, Mercury starts shooting his foot out in every
direction, each kick into the air accompanied by a silvery blast that are barely
even aimed at Yang._\n\n_She dodges each one coming her way and gets in close
through the circling barrage of shots, fighting with their fists again until
Mercury kicks her into the air and knocks her right back to the ground, followed by
the dozens of swirling shots that now converge right on to Yang._\n\n_As the shots
converged towards her, her internal AI installed within the Direct Neural Interface
implant grafted inside her neck sends out commands to her gauntlets as a protective
energy defense dome formed up just in time only to be blasted away by the
projectile barrage from Mercury's boots._"},"589828955994062848":
{"u":1,"t":1560696581601,"m":"Gift - BT i feel not good about
this."},"589829785862144001":{"u":0,"t":1560696779457,"m":"BT: Rest assured, her
semblance will be his own demise.\n\n_With the shield disabled, the projectiles
then bombarded Yang, now forced to a defensive pose using her arms to intercept the
shots.\n\n_When the blasts stop coming down on his opponent, Mercury gets up from
his crouch and grins to himself, dusting off his outfit and seeming as happy as can
be until the smoke from behind him erupts into flames._\n\n_His momentary shock
turns into another smile as he turns around to see the red-eyed Yang slam her
knuckles together and come at him. Screaming, she lands a punch that sends him
back, and she rushes up avoiding each kick and even taking one with no effect to
pound at him with an unrelenting bombardment of left-right blows._\n\n_He has
enough time to let out a pained groan before she hits him in the stomach, his Aura
sparkling up to try and defend him from the last hit to the face by the upset
blonde. He lands on his back as the buzzer sounds over the roars of the
audience._\n\nPort: _as Yang lowers her fists and closes her eyes, breathing a sigh
of relief before opening them back up to her usual lilac and raising her arm in
victory_ What a way to kick off the finals!\n\nOobleck: _while the stage is
enclosed by the stadium floor again_ Yang Xiao Long
wins!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _splaying her arms in excitement_ Yeah! You did
it, sis!\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _giving a standing ovation as Weiss pumps
her fists_ Way to go, Yang!\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _wiping her brow with an
arm as she addresses the hunched-over Mercury_ Better luck next time.\n\n_She
starts walking to the exit, getting pretty far away before Mercury seems to get up
outside her peripheral vision._","te":1560696792148},"589830694314836021":
{"u":1,"t":1560696996049,"m":"Gift - illusion power, i can feel
it."},"589832253593616394":{"u":0,"t":1560697367810,"m":"_He stared at the opposing
side of the audience stands, from there he spots Price's squad and Sandman's
responding to a \"breach\" and saw Emerald, sitting on one of the seats._\n\nRiley:
Hold on.. that's her. Our target right there.\n\nMercury: _murderously angry_
There's not going to be a next time, Blondie!\n\n_A sharp sound is heard in the
sudden silence as Yang turns around just in time to see Mercury leap forward with a
kick to his unsuspecting victim. Yang scowls as she just manages to both bring her
gauntlet down on and shoot his leg before he hits her. The second she does so,
there is a sound of something breaking. The audience gasps in shock, and Mercury
reels back from the pain._\n\nOobleck: _getting up from his chair_ My
word!\n\nPort: _to a broadcast technician_ Cut the cameras!\n\n_The looks of
surprise, horror, and hatred at Yang cut to a view of Mountain Glenn, where
two Goliaths near a ruined campsite and a pack of Beowolves up in the construction
beams of an unfinished building all look towards the Colosseum floating near
Beacon._\n\nMercury: _still grasping his injured body part, rocking back and forth_
My leg, MY LEG!"},"589832272887414808":
{"u":0,"t":1560697372410,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> _trash talking_ That's
what you get, you little- Huh? _she stops just as she notices two Soldiers circling
the Huntress-in-training and raising their guns to her_\n\nSoldier: Yang Xiao Long,
stand down! Put your weapons into lockdown and get down on your
knees!\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _not having a clue what's going on_ What!?
Why!?\n\nEmerald: Mercury! _she rushes over to her partner's side, comforting
him_\n\nMercury: _crying hysterically_ Why'd she do that!? WHY'D SHE ATTACK
ME!?\n\n_Yang receives a disgusted scowl from Emerald, only now looking up at the
screens above her to see the footage of what just transpired: Yang circling the
crouched-down Mercury until the footage cuts to him just standing there and her
suddenly shooting him in the leg. The sound of something breaking rings out, and
Mercury screams and falls over in pain._"},"589832828833890329":
{"u":1,"t":1560697504958,"m":"Gift - It happen, i know this will happen, someone
use illusion power to create this chaos."},"589834860827508746":
{"u":0,"t":1560697989423,"m":"Daniels: _looking confused_ What happened?!
\n\nPierson: It's the green-haired girl. The bitch did this to her.\n\n_Pierson
took aim with his signature M1 as Zussman smacked it sway, angering
him._\n\nZussman: Have you lost it, sarge?! Look at the damn screen!\n\n_He looked
at the screen as the replay of Yang attacking a defenseless Mercury is shown until
it cuts away to the patch of Beacon Academy's 12th Armored Infantry
Division._\n\n_Mercury is still cradling his injured limb, Emerald kneeling beside
him and Yang in the center of a ring of security, all with rifles aimed at
her._\n\nEmerald: _distressed, calling out_ Please, somebody help him! _paramedics
come over with a stretcher, lowering it to Mercury_ Can you do
something!?\n\n_There is a rip in the leg of Mercury's pants, and skin and blood
are visible through the rip._\n\nParamedic: _exchanges a glance with his coworker_
We need to get this boy to a hospital. Grab a blanket and call the medevac jet that
we'll need a CASEVAC for one contenstant.\n\n_They get Mercury on the stretcher and
rush him off, Emerald following right behind. Yang looks on with a horrified
expression, her lilac eyes now almost colorless._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _to
the guards_ You don't understand! _points at him_ He attacked me, I swear!\n\nAtlas
Security Guard: _lifting their guns higher in response_ Stow it! You've already
caused enough of a scene! Now get on your knees and keep your damn mouth
shut!\n\n_Meanwhile, Emerald attempted to run alongside the two paramedics only to
be blocked by a squad of a Valerian SEAL team._\n\nValerian SEAL Team Leader:
Emerald, stand down and drop your weapons! Get down on the ground with hands on
your head, do it now!\n\n_Back in the stands, Riley, Gift and Daniels' squad all
jumped down on the arena as they rush to Yang's side. With Riley ordering the
guards away as Gift gazed at Emerald, a fierce flame of hatred burning through
- I know you do this Emerald, the power come out from you."},"589836380490825744":
{"u":0,"t":1560698351739,"m":"_Gift stepped closer to Emerald as she instinctively
withdrew her weapons, causing the security guards to point their gund at her
instead._\n\nEmerald: I swear, I have nothing to do with this at all!\n\nPierson:
Enough lying, I saw you from the stands. Through my binoculars your eyes were
locked at her, you made her punch him didn't you?!\n\n_He unsheathed his combat
knife and held it close to her neck, Zussman, not wishing to endure the crazed
sergeant terrorize her any further shot his knife away with his pistol. Angering
Pierson._\n\nPierson: Why the fuck did you do that? She made Blondie punch that
brat in the metal legs, didn't she?! I heard the punch, it sounded nothing like a
boy's thin legs at all!"},"589838916945707030":
{"u":0,"t":1560698956477,"m":"Zussman: You can't just kill her, sarge! Not unless
you wanted to be charged for war crimes.\n\n_As Mercury is being transported to a
medevac dropship, his legs emitted a loud \"Ping!\" as the regenerative nanobots
within began repairing them._\n\n_Another team of paramedics moved in as they got
him lying on his back in another stretcher.\n\nWoman: _gesturing the paramedics to
stop_ Here! We've got an ambulance ready to go!\n\n_Later, the back door closes on
the emergency airship they loaded Mercury in._\n\nParamedic: _sighing, then
talking with the \"other paramedic\"_ Hope they'll be okay, he took a hard hit from
those gauntlets.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _nodding under the white cap with
a red cross she's wearing_ We'll take good care of both of them.\n\n_The transport
flies away from the Colloseum, and Mercury is lying on a cargo box in the back,
still moaning and crying._\n\nMercury: Oh doc, tell me, will I ever walk again?\n\n
_He receives not a single word from the pilot sitting at the flight deck, Cinder,
on the other hand allowed herself to a slight
chuckle._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> ^calling back to him from the co-pilot's
seat_ Well, you all performed marvelously, driver included. Save for Emerald,
she's... stuck, at the arena.\n\n_The \"driver\", wearing a similar uniform as
Cinder, blinks her magenta eyes back to their usual brown and pink shades and nods
in silent gratitude._\n\nMercury: _as the airship continues to fly away_ So, you
think it worked?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> We can only
hope."},"589839261818159104":{"u":1,"t":1560699038701,"m":"Gift - I will take Yang
to clam down, Sarge find information about them.\nSargent Gift - Got it
mate."},"589839414046359552":{"u":1,"t":1560699074995,"m":"Sargent Gift - Come on
Cap.\nCaptain Gift - Sure thing mate."},"589843192963399680":
{"u":0,"t":1560699975959,"m":"_Tensions arise as Gift's radio chatter continue to
grow increasingly louder. Commands sent out to units operating within the arena
indicated that the defensive units placed along the Colosseum's aerial defensive
points are under siege by airborne Grimm creatures._\n\n_Back at the Dormitory in
Beacon, however, normal activity continues as Team RWBY were informed that they are
to be disqualified from Yang's spontaneous attack made on the unsuspecting
{"u":1,"t":1560699998007,"m":"Gift - Yang clam down, brother is here, i think this
will happen but i didn't tell you in time, I'm sorry Yang."},"589843525852594185":
{"u":1,"t":1560700055326,"m":"Gift - I must tell you quickly, for this mistake i
will take the responsible."},"589844014086488074":
{"u":0,"t":1560700171730,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> What difference does it
make? I got my team disqualified, all because I punched his
- My teammate is going to find the truth about this, they will report to me
soon.\nSargent Gift - Bravo 6 this is 6-4 we got a problem now.\nGift - What is it
Sarge?\nSargent Gift - Those three are Salem's agent.\nGift - That's it, that why i
feel not good.\nCaptain Gift - I hear that they gonna cut the communication, so we
can't send the SOS signal.\nGift - Set in Code Red if there incoming attack go to
Code Black immediately.\nSargent Gift - Got it, Over and
out."},"589845934243053572":{"u":0,"t":1560700629531,"m":"_All that she did after
listeningn to him was to wave him away._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> If you don't
mind... I'd like some alone time."},"589846146831089685":
{"u":0,"t":1560700680216,"m":"_Outside the room, with Ruby closing the door,
pausing only for a second to see Yang slump forward before opening it again to let
Gift leave and slowly shutting it completely. She joins Weiss and Blake in the
middle of the hallway._"},"589846188946096142":{"u":1,"t":1560700690257,"m":"Gift -
Take your time Yang.\n(I:m gonna rest now.)"},"589846256126394369":
{"u":0,"t":1560780824208,"m":"( <@481693633951694848>)"},"588749859138568212":
{"u":1,"t":1560439304862,"m":"Gift - Almost like me and
Ruby."},"588750858531897386":{"u":0,"t":1560439543136,"m":"Riley: Reminds of Me and
my friend Meg, wish she was here. But now, she's gone..\n\n_Riley chuckled at the
sight of the two sisters struggling to get themselves free from their confinements
with Winter slapping away at Weiss' thighs in an attempt to get her to stand up and
Weiss locking her older sister's head in her... privates._\n\n_After struggling for
a whole minute the two finally stood up as Winter, now dazed from the lack of
oxygen nearly falls down on her feet._\n\nRiley: Gotcha.\n\n_She fires a Kinesis
beam at her, keeping her standing._\n\nWinter: Thanks, and Weiss. Don't do that
again...\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> Ech, how can I not do that? You're
always gone when I need you most!"},"588751348099579943":
{"u":1,"t":1560439659858,"m":"Gift - I sorry about what happen to you Riley,
Anyways as i see it seem you have miss your sister much right,
{"u":0,"t":1560439946453,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _still blushing hard from
what had happened earlier_ Am I _not_ being obvious?!\n\nWinter: Uh, I'm actually
supposed to be reporting to General Ozpin, but since I'm here... maybe we can all
hitch a ride on my ship? Fuel costs and everything's on me."},"588753717793128448":
{"u":1,"t":1560440224837,"m":"Gift - Wait!\nStranger - Recognize me?\nGift - Bi
han?\nBi Han - Yes this is i.\nHanzo - (Hellfire teleport to Gift) You were kill
swallow in the storm of soul.\nBi Han - Darkness will not die easily.\nGift -
Hanzo, let me deal with him.\nBi Han - Quan chi unleash your vengeance, Without
him? You are weak.\nGift - You will see Bi Han."},"588753826245378061":
{"u":0,"t":1560440250694,"m":"Winter: Who... the hell was that
guy?"},"588754304614268932":{"u":1,"t":1560440364746,"m":"Gift combine Scorpion and
Sub zero power to defeat Bi Han.\nGift - My strength is more than
{"u":1,"t":1560440506707,"m":"Hanzo - You did well, you can find the way to combine
my power and Sub zero power to be another stronger power."},"588756988729753600":
{"u":0,"t":1560441004689,"m":"_Winter taps him on the shoulder, dragging him out of
his trance._\n\nWinter: Hey, you coming or what?"},"588757550502248448":
{"u":1,"t":1560441138626,"m":"Gift - If about him, he is Grandmaster Hasashi,
Grandmaster of shirai ryu."},"588757807646507111":
{"u":0,"t":1560441199934,"m":"Winter: Right.. Gift, save it. Get in the
ship.\n\n_She pushes him into the ship's crew deployment bay and ordered the pilot
to lift off._\n\nPilot: Roger, lifting off."},"588758091135320074":
{"u":0,"t":1560441267523,"m":"_After crisscrossing through drone swarms, patrol
jets and a plethora of cargo drones they finally land at Airfield Charlie, one of
Beacon's largest artificial floating airfield ever built._"},"588758361068011529":
{"u":1,"t":1560441331880,"m":"Gift - When i get to this ship that remind something
in the past, when i have a mission with Mitchell and his
team."},"588759635864059934":{"u":1,"t":1560441635815,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
now.)"},"588759685964759061":{"u":0,"t":1560441647760,"m":"Winter: I remember. June
31st, just a few years ago I met them. But that's not important now, I was told I
would be supervising this one student who is scheduled to undergo the Light Energy
Infusion process, just _who_ is this student?\n\nRiley: Private First Class Pyrrha
Nikos, she opted out when she heard rumors of how the project killed people, but
that's not true. The entirety of the Student Corps have all went through this
process. She, is the only person who hasn't been.. _enhanced._\n\n_Riley then
encapsulated the group in her dimensional bubble as she sends them up into the
Observation Deck. Startling much of the people inside including Ozpin and
Pyrrha._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Just in time, Commander Andersen. Are the
equipment ready?\n\nRiley: They're ready, are you sure she's
ready?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I have yet to ask
her..."},"588759744353665034":{"u":0,"t":1560441661681,"m":"(Sure, rest
well!)"},"589096101815123988":{"u":0,"t":1560521855549,"m":"( <@481693633951694848>
Oi)"},"589096699008647169":{"u":1,"t":1560521997931,"m":"Gift - I forget something,
I'll be back."},"589096967431258123":{"u":0,"t":1560522061928,"m":"Riley Hey,
wait!\n\n_She calls out after him as Gift teleports away from the
Deck..._"},"589097234382061568":{"u":1,"t":1560522125574,"m":"Gift - Kratos What
about my blade?"},"589097578059005972":{"u":0,"t":1560522207513,"m":"Kratos: Here,
you left it while you were in the arena.\n\n_He tosses the blades back at Gift, who
promptly catched them with his hands before returning them to their scabbards on
his back._"},"589097815758733318":{"u":1,"t":1560522264185,"m":"Gift - Thanks
Kratos. (Use hellfire teleport back to ozpin's office)"},"589098177685225473":
{"u":0,"t":1560522350475,"m":"_Now back at the office, He is greeted by the sight
of Pyrrha, now sedated and lying on a stretcher. Confused, he stared at Riley,
trying to comprehend the events that happened while he was
{"u":0,"t":1560522387209,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> I can assure you, that
Miss Nikos has consented to being given this permanent enhancement,
Gift."},"589098873621053477":{"u":0,"t":1560522516399,"m":"Ironwood: _suddenly
emerging from one of the columns_ She will be given the infusion once Riley has
finished her... preparations.","te":1560522524355},"589099555019161600":
{"u":1,"t":1560522678857,"m":"Gift - But we must sure the area is
safe."},"589101966177861633":{"u":0,"t":1560523253722,"m":"Riley: Forget about the
area, we'll do it _right here._ Pyrrha, are you ready to start the
infusion?\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _mumbling_ I... I'm ready, hit
me...\n\nRiley: Good, this will hurt like hell, but the price's worth the pain.
Here goes.\n\n_Without further ado, Riley shut her eyes and raised her arms as
golden particles emanated from her body, accumulating at the palm of her hands. As
the particles continue to accumulate, Ozpin, dumbfounded by the foreign magic he is
witnessing placed his mug of cocoa down and focused._\n\n_With the particles
having accumulated into a singular ball of energy she brought her hands around the
orb and cusped it, from there she slowly brought the glowing energy orb down onto
Pyrrha's bare chest as electrical sparks made contact with her skin. Beginning the
infusion._\n\n_As soon as the sparks from the orb made contact, Pyrrha screamed
with anguish as cells within her body rapidly made drastic changes to their
genetical compositions, fusing the golden particles into them. Her screams echoed
down the elevator shafts and down to the bustling cafeteria catching the attention
of students._\n\n_Back in the room, still lying on the stretcher she began
twitching erratically as the infusion makes it way into her body. Riley finally
pressed the energy orb onto Pyrrha's chest as it fused into the skin, its golden
glow lighting up her heart._\n\nRiley: Easy, easy... let it flow through
you.\n\n_The glow fades away as Pyrrha stood up from the stretcher, her body now
glowing bright blue as the Light Energy particles have made home in its newfound
- (His hand have lighting) I understand now."},"589102839893065770":
{"u":0,"t":1560523462032,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ugh... Ow, my head, I-
hurgh--\n\n_Feeling the contents within her stomach rushing up her throat, she made
a beeline for the trash can next to the emergency egress hatch and emptied her
stomach down into it._","te":1572816543642},"589103221860204554":
{"u":1,"t":1560523553100,"m":"Gift - Hold on, almost done."},"589104185367330842":
{"u":0,"t":1560523782818,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ow...\n\n_She spent the
last of her remaining strength keeping herself upright by leaning next to the trash
can, somehow being bolted onto the floor for \"good measure\". Riley rushed to her
help as she instantly healed her to full health as Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood made
their way toward the elevator before dragging Riley and Pyrrha inside, with Gift
literally jumping into it. Qrow simply shook his head when he saw Gift jumping for
the elevator._","te":1560524050725},"589104454423543828":
{"u":1,"t":1560523846966,"m":"Gift - She will be fine,
Right?"},"589105450209771530":{"u":0,"t":1560524084380,"m":"Riley: She _is_ fine, I
made the Light Energy within her to immediately adapt to her powers and only make
the changes it needed to make her powers better, and similar to me.\n\n_The
elevator autonomously lowered the passengers inside to a floor labeled \"MAIDEN
CONTAINMENT FACILITY - ALPHA\", startling Pyrrha the moment she saw the
{"u":0,"t":1560524466723,"m":"_Ozpin glances at Qrow, who nods his approval, before
looking into Pyrrha's eyes_ \n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> We are telling you
this, Pyrrha Nikos, because we believe you are next in line to receive the Fall
Maiden's powers.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _eyes grow wider and wider until
she realizes_ \"We\"?\n\n_At that moment, the elevator doors open, and she sees a
group of medics step out from the darkened areas of the containment
facility._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _overwhelmed, narrowing her eyes at
Ozpin_ Wait, what is this? Who are you?\n\n _Glynda steps forward with three combat
medics and a researcher, spreading her hands and trying to sound reassuring_
\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> You know who we are. We're still the same teachers
and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon.\n\nQrow: But we've got a little
part-time job.\n\nIronwood: We are the protectors of the
world.\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> And we need your help.\n\n_Pyrrha is shocked
into silence as everyone in the room looks to her as the medics all stared her
down, scanners in their hands aimed at her. One of the scanners pinged as one of
the researchers, O'Brian approached her._\n\nO'Brian: Miss Nikos, pleasure to meet
you. I'm Lieutenant James O'Brian, Executive Research Officer of Project Guardian
Angel.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _recovering from her shock_ Guardian Angel?!
What's- What's this?! \n\n_She turns around to Ozpin_\n
\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Professor, what's going
on?!","te":1572816497313},"589108249341591555":{"u":1,"t":1560524751745,"m":"Gift -
Lieutenant Are you sure this will work?"},"589108909147422753":
{"u":0,"t":1560524909055,"m":"O'Brian: It will work, but we need her consent,
without it our actions will be off-limits of our regulations and this project will
be... deprived of funds and shut down."},"589109212194537509":
{"u":1,"t":1560524981307,"m":"Gift - What purpose of this project
Lieutenant?"},"589109623030808597":{"u":0,"t":1560525079258,"m":"Ironwood: Aura
transfer through artifical means, we turn the Aura extracted from Amber into a
transferable form, the power of the Fall Maiden itself and fuse it with what Riley
has given to Miss Nikos. From there we can only hope that the fusion will give her
the power of the Fall Maiden.\n\n_He presses a button on the console interface,
calling up Amber's vitals onto the main screen. Inside the pod, Amber's eyebrows
begin to twitch as the life support pod shocks her with its power
{"u":1,"t":1560525406355,"m":"Gift - Can maiden's aura fuse with
weapon?"},"589111922297667617":{"u":0,"t":1560525627446,"m":"O'Brian: We've made
serveral fully functional weapons based off of that idea, but we've recently
discovered an ancient weapon dubbed the \"Chaos of Remnant\" they're special blades
that are capable of storing the four powers and using them in both offensive and
defensive ways.\n\n_He handed him the blades before rushing to Amber's chamber as
vital sign alarms rang throughout the facility._"},"589112693609332744":
{"u":1,"t":1560525811341,"m":"Gift - I think my blades have miss one
power."},"589114312942026777":{"u":0,"t":1560526197420,"m":"_Suddenly, the
facility's power cuts off as orange sparks bursted out from Amber's life support
chamber. The sparks eventually filled the room as researchers, along with Qrow,
Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda all ran for cover behind the support
columns._\n\nO'Brian: Someome get on the goddamn regulator! Boozeman, you! Get up
and run the regu-\n\n_A bright orange light bursts from Amber's life support pod as
O'Brian is sent flying to a row of oxygen tanks, sending them crashing down on the
regulator units. Missing Boozeman by inches._\n\n_Rushing to a running regulator
Riley ran for Pyrrha only to find herself being pinned against a pillar as the
shockwave caught up to her. With no one to her help, Pyrrha ran for the elevator
and found herself being dragged by her right foot towards Amber's Life Support
chamber._\n\n_Terrified, Pyrrha looks into the burning flames created by the sudden
power surge to find two orange beams of energy plunging into her chest, knocking
her out of consciousness as Amber's sudden discharge damages the chamber's
equipments._\n\n_The only sounds heard were the occasional sparks of electrical
{"u":1,"t":1560526401059,"m":"Gift - What going on?"},"589116328493973505":
{"u":0,"t":1560526677965,"m":"O'Brian: I guess we don't have to worry about
transferring the power anymore, heh...\n\n_He points to Pyrrha, now floating in the
air, her skin continuously emanating orange particles and Amber, lying on the
ground fully conscious and healed of her comatose._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462>
What in the world...\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> ...\n\nIronwood:
Fascinating\n\nQrow: _is rendered speechless from sheer shock and
confusion._\n\n_As the clouds of dust from the explosion settles, Riley is seen
being pinned to the wall, her clothes completely burned away save for her
lingeries. Buried deep within a crater caused by her impact against the
wall._\n\nRiley: Can anyone get me down from here?! It's getting really
uncomfortable right now...","te":1572816141826},"589117564983050240":
{"u":1,"t":1560526972767,"m":"Gift - I got you. (Use scorpion's spear to help
Riley)"},"589118710875422750":{"u":0,"t":1560527245969,"m":"_He frees Riley from
her predicament on the wall as she landed on the floor with a loud \"THUD\", as she
got up from the floor she saw O'Brian aiding the two girls in getting through the
debris made a while earlier from the spontaneous and unscheduled
transfer._\n\n_Amber apporaches Riley as she embraced her in a hug, sobbing into
her shoulder as she does so. All she could do was to rub the woman's head in
reassurance. From there, she escorted them up into the primary infirmary hall in
Tower Charlie._"},"589119409562583040":{"u":1,"t":1560527412549,"m":"Gift - About
my blades?"},"589120939061543027":{"u":0,"t":1560527777210,"m":"Kratos: _rushing
into the hall through a dimensional gate_ What happened to her while we were
gone?!\nMimir: Did my uh... magic worked?\n\n_Kratos immediately pushed his way
through the crowds of combat medics and nurses to Amber's bed. Laying the back of
his left hand on her head as she instinctively grabbed at it and forced his arm up
and away._\n\nAmber: I'll be fine... Anyways, what happened to me back there in the
vault? \n\n_Facepalming, Riley breaks the truth to Amber, expecting the young
Maiden to lash out. Of course, her prediction was right as Amber snapped a pulse
oximeter probe in half._\n\nAmber: They'd kept me here for YEARS?! \n\n_She lunged
from her bed, causing the IV lines to snap free, their needles still sticking into
her arms and caught an unsuspecting Ozpin by the throat, pinning him onto the
floor._\n\nAmber: Answer me, you bastard! What did you do to me? What's \"Project
Guardian Angel\"!?","te":1570838230299},"589121339948793879":
{"u":0,"t":1560527872789,"m":"_Having heard no satisfying answers, she raised her
arm and punched away at his nose, breaking it despite her recent recovery from the
spontaneous, unscheduled
transfer._\n\nAmber: Answer me! What did you do to me?!
ANSWER!"},"589122969721241600":{"u":1,"t":1560528261357,"m":"Gift have back with
Chaos of Remnant.\nGift - Kratos What's going on here?"},"587662781814407169":
{"u":0,"t":1560180125431,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Great... we're turning
this into a game now\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Isn't the competition _one big
game?_"},"587663085565902858":{"u":1,"t":1560180197851,"m":"Gift - Yes, to easily
to call we will call PUBG and yes, it a big game from my
{"u":0,"t":1560180447601,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Cool, I'll keep that in
mind\n\n_Weiss, now frustrated from Yang hogging the radio slaps it out of her hand
and screamed into her face._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> TALKING ABOUT GAMES
WON'T HELP US WIN THIS MATCH! EYES SHARP!"},"587664338635063326":
{"u":1,"t":1560180496606,"m":"Gift - Okey let see what area are you
{"u":0,"t":1560180674801,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> We're in uh, hold on..
We're dead center in Pochinki, hostiles are two klicks out. No traces, damn...
They're good.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> They're in that house, once we get
there the arena will drop all structures and leave us little to no
cover..."},"587665336346738719":{"u":0,"t":1560180734479,"m":"_She points to a
house, its balcony riddled with debris and discarded gear._\n\nFlint: Looks like
they're on time, let's give them a warm welcome.\n\nNeon: Time to have some
fun!"},"587665436829679616":{"u":1,"t":1560180758436,"m":"Gift - Pochinki!!! In
real game this area is dangerous because many people will go
there."},"587665618031870003":{"u":0,"t":1560180801638,"m":"_The two combatants
jumped down the house and landed before the girls. From there the structures began
to shrink away until all that's left are a few buildings, discarded vehicles and
empty loot crates._\n\nAnnouncer: Combatants, begin your
fight."},"587665955899965529":{"u":1,"t":1560180882192,"m":"Gift - Be careful My
sweet hearts, This arena have a trick names \"Red zone\" The bomb will drop on that
{"u":0,"t":1560181017710,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> _in the center of the
field with Weiss at her side, stretching out her arms_ Well, now it's our
turn!\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Just remember to keep proper
form.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Alright. You're from Atlas. What could we
expect?\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Well, seeing as their Kingdom, academy and
armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters
with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies.\n\n_At that very
moment, a rainbow zooms past the two surprised Huntresses-in-training, coming to a
stop opposite them, revealing a pigtailed Faunus girl with roller blades and a cat
tail swishing around her weapon next to a young man wearing a fedora and
sunglasses, holding a trumpet in one hand._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> ... Or
whatever they are.\n\nFlynt: Hey! _Weiss looks over to him as he gestures at her,
smiling_ You Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.\n\nWeiss: _bowing her head, smiling
at the recognition_ I am.\n\nFlynt: I take it you're pretty good with Dust,
then?\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _shrugging humbly_ I do my best.\n\nFlynt:
Yeah, my dad was good too. Owned a little Dust shop of his own. _nods his head,
eyes hidden behind his shades, until his smile turns into a scowl, tone turning
hostile_ Till your father's company ran him out of
business.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Oh. I'm sorry to hear
that.\n\nFlynt: _looks away sarcastically_ Sure you
are.","te":1560181030920},"587667521424064512":{"u":1,"t":1560181255442,"m":"Gift -
BT is can swap like someone can't fight and swap to another
one?"},"587668114951504055":{"u":0,"t":1560181396950,"m":"BT: Negative, General.
The girls must fight to their limits. Only care packages can be
sent."},"587668270921023508":{"u":1,"t":1560181434136,"m":"Gift - What is in Care
packages?"},"587668403586859009":{"u":0,"t":1560181465766,"m":"BT: Dust Ammunition
and Canisters, Medkits and Field Modification kits."},"587669285036490769":
{"u":0,"t":1560181675920,"m":"_Back in the arena, Weiss, after having been verbally
attacked by Flynt recalled her training with Riley and simply breathed deeply.
Gripping her weapon tightly._\n\n_Yang however, charged her gauntlets as they
sparked with energy. The Dust shotshells activatrd for
combat._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _raises her finger_ Hey! Why don't
you-\n\nNeon: Hey! Why don't you? _she drops her unflattering imitation as she
points at Yang, smiling_ That's what you sound like!\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121>
_not knowing how to react_ Uh...\n\nNeon: Hey! Where'd you get your hair
extensions?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> This is just my normal
hair.\n\nNeon: Ooh, really?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Yeah! Is that a
prob-\n\nNeon: _cutting her off_ You should try rollerblading sometime!
It's super fun! _starts spinning in place as she continues rapidly_ It'd probably
take you a while, though, since you're so... you know, top-
heavy.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _looks down at herself as the holographic
roulette begins_ Excuse me!?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _rolling her eyes from
the stands_ Oh, here we go.\n\n_The field opens around the four combatants, and up
rises the volcanic area, sandy desert, steaming geysers, and ruined
buildings._\n\nPort: _as both teams prepare themselves for battle_ Three! Two! One!
Begin!\n\n_Right as it starts, Flynt raises the instrument to his lips and blows,
issuing forth a sound wave that blows both Weiss and Yang back from the
force._\n\n_Weiss is able to create a glyph under her to stop sliding back, but
doesn't see Neon spinning into the attack and useing it to push herself forward so
she can charge at Yang in a rainbow burst of speed and push her into the city
portion._"},"587671020648005653":{"u":1,"t":1560182089722,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1560348847247,"m":"Gift - Airdrop ready waiting for
order."},"588371409261035560":{"u":0,"t":1560349075380,"m":"Announcer: Combatants,
standby for incoming Care Package.\n\n_As the four students battled against one
another, a crew of combat engineers moved in and deployed a Care Package launcher
unit before leaving the battle zone._\n\n_The care package deployment drone took to
the sky and launched three Dust ammunition packs down into the arena before ramming
itself against Neon. Missing her by mere inches._"},"588371915647746048":
{"u":1,"t":1560349196112,"m":"Gift - Airdrop have come try to get
Roger, pushing to supply dro-\n\n_Her radio gets cut off as the arena's array of
jammers jammed comms, somewhere within the arena Gift saw Riley, fully cloaked
moving towards the ruined city._\n\n_Flynt stops blowing as Weiss readies
her Myrtenaster, a second passing until the musician starts playing again. This
time, Weiss uses darker glyphs to move her forward through the cone of waves,
making another one to get closer and closer so she can land a blow._\n\n_Suddenly,
however, Flynt stops playing, and Weiss is forced to move forward, earning a kick
to the back as she slides past. She crashes through a red Dust crystal, and Flynt
grins when he sees her lying in the area now spouting pillars of fire._\n\n_Back in
the ruined city, Neon manages to roll ahead of every blast from Ember Celica,
skating on the railings and making faces at an irritated Yang. She continues to
flip and slide over any terrain in her way, all the while repeating a mantra to
herself._\n\nNeon: Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never
miss a beat!\n\n_As Yang kept up her fire, she runs out of her last \"ring\"of Dust
shotshells. From there she broke off her focus from Neon and went for a box of Dust
ammunition only to have it grabbed away and tossed outside the arena before by...
Neon. Still resuming her evasion from Yang's attacks._\n\n_She eventually comes
down to the ground and charges at Yang, becoming a rainbow blue while hitting the
blonde multiple times. Yang grits her teeth, unloading the spent shells in her
gauntlets, as Neon smirks and cracks her glow sticks, turning them blue. She comes
forward again, dashing past Yang before she even realizes that her right leg is now
encased in ice._","te":1571082707229},"588374884065738754":
{"u":1,"t":1560349903838,"m":"Gift - They're got jammer, Radio signal have cut
down, i will try to reconnect to them."},"588377622740729861":
{"u":0,"t":1560350556789,"m":"Neon: _giggles_ Hm-hmm! Look! \n\n_She smacks her
butt for emphasis_\n\nNeon: Now you're bottom-heavy, too!\n\n_Getting irate now,
Yang slams her foot down and frees her entire leg, but is unable to stop Neon from
freezing her left arm now. She sees Neon rollerblading on rails and through
archways, gaining distance until she speeds forth and kicks Yang back into a wall,
cracking it behind her._\n\nNeon: You should _cool off!_ Get it? Because you're
angry.\n\n_Not appreciating the pun one bit, Yang smashes her arm against the wall,
shattering the ice. Meanwhile, Weiss and Flynt are facing each other in the burning
section, Weiss gesturing all around her with the blade and spinning wildly to
summon four glyphs that shoot out an equal number of large ice chunks headed
straight for her enemy._\n\n_Flynt looks down and smiles, leaping forward onto his
knees and blowing his horn just as a column of flame erupts right in front of him,
diverting the fire to melt each of Weiss' frozen projectiles._\n\nFlynt: _getting
back up as he twirls his trumpet_ Too bad all that money can't buy you
skill.\n\n_Weiss grimaces at him before revolving her hilt to a chamber
marked \"DO NOT USE UNLESS I'M F@$!ED\". She took aim as a small beam of light
projected from the tip of the blade at Flynt._\n\nFlynt: What now? Fancy laser
beams?\n\n:Weiss: No, something bigger, and better.\n\n_The laser beam instantly
projected itself into a massive targeting reticle. After aiming the reticle at him,
she pressed the trigger, causing the hilt to revolve as the Myrtenaster's blade
reformed into a launcher barrel as a blue beam of plasma energy launched itself
from it at breakneck speed. Hitting Flynt straight in the face and sending him
flying at the energy barrier, impacting it with a loud \"CRANG\" as the shield
compensated the force of his impact._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> _amazed from
his spot watching the fight_ Whoa!\n\nPort: _turning to Oobleck in the announcer's
box, both equally shocked._ What's this?","te":1571083040850},"588377879381934080":
{"u":1,"t":1560350617977,"m":"Gift - That's my sis."},"588379975254540307":
{"u":0,"t":1560351117672,"m":"Riley: Now, that's what I call... FATALITY!
Ech...\n\n_She grimaced at the fact that most of her combat fatigue is in shambles
from the force of the plasma beam._\n\n_Back at Yang, Neon is still giving trouble
to her, using a ramp to outrun her now red-eyed opponent._\n\nNeon: _slowing down
to admire the change_ Ooh! Flashy eyes! Y'know, you're actually kinda pretty when
you're angry.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> _shaking her head, eyes going back down
to purple. She propels herself forward using her shotgun blasts_ Shut up, shut up,
SHUT UP!\n\n_Weiss is getting back up and sees her sword still engaged in its
plasmacaster form and promptly pressed the trigger again causing the chamber to
spin up as the barrel charged up with energy, sparks of lightning reaching out to
nearby structures. She takes aim again only for her HoloHUD to read out \"ERROR:
DUST CHARGE LOW\"_\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> No, no, no, no, no! Not
now...\n\n_Yang, still propelling herself with shotgun blasts remained locked into
a chase after Neon, calling out to her the moment she gets close to her target only
to have her lock broken again._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Get back
here!\n\nNeon: _rolling around Yang in a lazy circle_ I wasn't trying to say that
you should go on a diet, I was saying you really need to go on a
diet!\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> THAT'S IT!\n\nNeon: _one more quick
clarification for good measure_ You're fat.\n\n_Weiss manages to reload Dust rounds
into the chamber before deciding to focus her attention on Yang, once more charging
her weapon's plasmacaster form and ready to blow her away._\n\n_Weiss looks through
the reticle and sees Yang completely distracted, as well as a pool of lava bubbling
away right in front of her. Without pause, Weiss jumps up and tossed a nine-banger
into the air just as it detonated several feet in the air. Releasing nine smaller
charges, blinding Neon's vision._","te":1572816692932},"588380303114895370":
{"u":1,"t":1560351195840,"m":"BT - General, We have a report from Recon 1-4 that's
have someone come to visit.\nGift - Who?\nBT - Our intel said she is Winter, She is
Weiss's sister.\nGift - When she come?\nBT - After this match 5 minutes sir.\nGift
- Thanks for report."},"588387231757238282":
What?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> <:Blake:501507066595246101> Weiss!\n\nPort: It
appears that Weiss have just used one of the flashbangs from the Care
Packages!\n\n_Weiss's plasmacaster kit glows in intensity as sparks of electrical
discharge now cover the arena. She begins walking toward Neon, a look of pure anger
on her face._\n\n_Yang's cream of rage combining with the group of lava bursts from
the rocks, she punches out several shots at the last standing opponent who manage
to dodge the blasts._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> One-two, go!\n\n_She fires
again, this time sending out a massive electrical storm again and helps Yang rush
forward into the electromagnetic blasts, using her shots to keep her from being
pushed away as she attempts to get a hit on the girl._\n\n_Her blasts almost gets
Weiss, who's still unleashing the uncontrolled storm the direction of her
area._\n\n_Neon rolls up on a ramp made from the debris into the geyser biome. Yang
lands on the ground and tanked her way through the blast, searching for her
remaining opponent as Neon tries avoiding the blasts._\n\nNeon: Never miss a beat!
Never miss a beat! Never miss a...\n\n_At that moment, she runs into another rogue
blast, losing her balance and causing her to shed a few tears._\n\nNeon:
...beat?\n\n_Time catches up as she pitches forward, trying to roll up in a ball
only to get caught in the electromagnetic storm. She's helpless to do anything as
Yang fires off a shot and hits her target in an explosion of sparks and smoke, as
well as a third buzzing sound._\n\n_As the buzzer rang, Weiss, her finger still on
the trigger falls down as the last remaining Aura within her fades
away._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _continues to look enraged until she realizes
something_ Weiss! _she runs back into the fire section and kneels next to her ash-
covered teammate_ Weiss! Are you okay?","te":1560352871555},"588388815929081858":
{"u":1,"t":1560353225453,"m":"Gift - Only single hit to end this
{"u":0,"t":1560353526635,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _gets up and coughs some
smoke before weakly responding_ I may not be singing for a
while.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _looks both worried and relieved until she
breaks out into a joking smile_ You know, I'm not sure that was proper
form.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Oh, ha ha. _She suffers another coughing fit
as she breathed in ash from her dress._\n\nNeon: WHAT!? We lost? We lost? \n\n_Yang
and Weiss' attention are drawn to her, now devoid of color, as she freaks
out)_\n\nNeon: Team FNKI lost? That was... that was... _Her color returns to the
suddenly-overjoyed redhead as her eyes turn into rainbow sparkles for a
moment._\n\n ... amazing! Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should
definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?\n\nFlynt: _getting back to his
feet_ That was a gutsy move, Schnee. _he pauses_ I dig it.\n\n_Yang and Weiss smile
at the good losers and see the rest of their team, Gift, and Riley coming to the
injured heiress' side._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> Good job, you
two!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yeah!\n\nRiley: I saw you going for the Field
kit back there, Weiss! Never thought you'd make a cannon out of a goddamn
rapier!\n\n_The team stays in the arena cradling Weiss in their arms and soaking in
the cheers of the crowd as the rest of Task Force 141 and other Valerian Armed
Force personnel joined the celebration._"},"588390652316745728":
{"u":1,"t":1560353663282,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now)"},"588390712748408888":
{"u":7,"t":1560387196448,"m":"Cute couple"},"588531782287228929":
{"u":7,"t":1560387311289,"m":"So fucking precious"},"588531821382205470":
{"u":7,"t":1560387320610,"m":"Young love"},"588736542902845461":
{"u":0,"t":1560436130024,"m":"(<@481693633951694848>, you
up?)"},"588736865423589396":{"u":1,"t":1560436206919,"m":"Gift - I'm glad you two
make it my sweet heart."},"588737892340465671":
{"u":0,"t":1560436451755,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> If it weren't for
that Field Modification kit I wouldn't have made it, but thanks..\n\n_She blushes
as her teammates set her down on the ground. The arena's shielding deactivated as
audiences began throwing items down into it, celebrating her victory._\n\nRiley:
Look at that, you've got their attention now. But that doesn't mean you can let
your guard down.\n\n<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> I
know...q"},"588738263225991177":{"u":1,"t":1560436540181,"m":"BT - General, we have
detect one aircraft coming at beacon courtyard."},"588738799622684709":
{"u":0,"t":1560436668068,"m":"Riley: Any idea of where they're from,
BT?"},"588738887195820032":{"u":0,"t":1560436688947,"m":"Riley: Any idea of where
they're from?"},"588738987322245145":{"u":1,"t":1560436712819,"m":"BT - From Atlas,
Commander."},"588739518480384010":{"u":0,"t":1560436839457,"m":"Riley: Great. Must
be Winter, alright. BT, tell the pilot of that plane to head for the
Arena."},"588739671152918528":{"u":1,"t":1560436875857,"m":"BT - Understood,
Commander."},"588741505125056514":{"u":0,"t":1560437313110,"m":"_She walks away
from the crowd surrounding the girls and onto the stands. From there she tapped at
her suit's location beacon and had set it to transmit her location to the incoming
ship._\n\n_Back at Beacon Academy, on the headmaster's office of Professor Ozpin,
who is seated behind his desk across from Pyrrha Nikos, as the last rays of
twilight come through the clock-decorated windows._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760>
_chuckling as he gestures to her, his cane resting at his side_ Well, it comes as
no surprise that they've chosen you to move on to the final round of
the tournament. Your performance was exemplary.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
_humbly_ Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but I would have never made it this far
without my teammates.\n\nQrow: _from his spot leaning against a column in the back
of the room, arms crossed_ Personally, I think it's the other way
around.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _turns around and gets up from her chair,
trying to be formal_ I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced.\n\nQrow:
_still rather hostile_ Name's Qrow.\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Qrow is a
trusted colleague of mine.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _looks at Qrow for
another moment before addressing her teacher again_ Professor, if you don't mind me
asking, why have you called me here?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> _still smiling_
Please, take a seat. _when she does so, he puts his
fingers up to his lips, leaning back casually_ What is your favorite fairy tale?\n
\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _confused_ I'm...
sorry?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Fairy tales, stories from your childhood.
Surely you must remember some of them.\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> _put off by
the question, but answers with nostalgia_ Well, there's The Tale of The Two
Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower...\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760>
_leaning back forward_ What about The Story of the Seasons?"},"588743236114317326":
{"u":1,"t":1560437725810,"m":"(At courtyard)\nGift - How your sister personally
look like, Weiss?"},"588746259955843122":
{"u":0,"t":1560438446750,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> She looks just like your
typical military officer, although she's an Agent of the Strategic Homeland Defense
Division.\n\n_She sips through her third canteen bottle as she walks along the
pathway leading to one of the incoming aircraft docking bays with Riley and Gift by
her side. Her teammates having broke off to their respective quarters within the
arena._\n\nRiley: The Division, huh... sounds like one of the units back on Earth I
used to work for."},"588746526751457301":{"u":1,"t":1560438510359,"m":"Gift - About
The Division, i have heard a bit."},"588748256599605249":
{"u":0,"t":1560438922787,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Since most of Atlas'
military structures are based off of Earth's United States Armed Forces, it's
similar. Anyways, there she is!\n\n_An Atlesian airship flies into view as it
slowly approached the three arrester drones. The drones launched their gravity
tractor beams onto the ship and retrothrusted until the ship finally docked onto
the docking bay._\n\n_As the ship docked, its starboard fighter launching bay opens
as a V-44X Blackfish flew from it and landed before the group. Its rear door
hissing loudly as it opened. Revealing the person inside._\n\n_From the ship's
interior lies Atlesian SHDD Agent Winter Schnee, her right hand grabbing onto the
Fulton device racks._"},"588748595369607178":{"u":1,"t":1560439003556,"m":"Gift -
BT she's arrive.\nBT - Roger that, General."},"588749554791219201":
{"u":0,"t":1560439232300,"m":"_Winter leaped from the rear door, landing on the
ground as she looked up to see Weiss crushing down onto
her._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh...
_suddenly curtsies_ Your presence honors us.\n\nWinter: Get your privates off of
me, I can't breathe-\n\n_From Winter's point of view, she is greeted by the sight
of her younger sister's privates completely blocking her view of her
{"u":0,"t":1560093432773,"m":"Sandman: It's changing. I don't know why but that man
over there might be able to help."},"587299470874509313":
{"u":1,"t":1560093505353,"m":"Gift - Kratos? Long time i didn't see
you."},"587299700349075456":{"u":0,"t":1560093560064,"m":"Kratos: You fought well
out there, though your allies could use some help.."},"587299915634311267":
{"u":1,"t":1560093611392,"m":"Gift - Sure it is, but do you know what happen with
my blades of chaos?"},"587300443047067707":{"u":0,"t":1560093737137,"m":"Kratos:
Head. Tell him.\n\n_He holds up Mimir's head high and close to the
blades._\n\nMimir: It's absorbing... magic. A foreign magic that belonged to this
world, but where it came from? I don't know.\n\nRiley: Gift! You coming or
what?"},"587300755321651221":{"u":1,"t":1560093811589,"m":"Gift - This blades is
going to unleash new power."},"587300986738180109":
{"u":0,"t":1560093866763,"m":"Atreus: You should go, that lady just called
you.\n\nRiley: Call me Riley, Boy!"},"587301174387015700":
{"u":1,"t":1560093911502,"m":"Gift - Got it Atreus."},"587307429142724655":
{"u":0,"t":1560095402752,"m":"_Gift ran for his group walking towards the
fairgrounds. At one of the huts set up in the fairgrounds stringed with paper
lanterns with a sign overhead saying A Simple Wok, Team RWBY sits at the stools
outside, ready to order._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> I'll have a bowl of the
regular, please.\n\n_A large bowl of noodles slides in front of her, Ruby, sitting
next to her stared at the bowl as it slowed down to a stop at the
edges._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ooh... I'll take the same. \n\nRiley: I'll
have what she just ordered, sir.\n\n_Two large bowl of noodles slides in front of
her, Riley instinctively caught the second bowl while Ruby clasps her hands in
excitement._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _looking concerned_ Do you have
anything with a low-salt...? \n\n_A large bowl of regular noodles instantly slides
in front of her instead._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Um... okay...\n\n_Instead
of saying anything, Blake merely gives a nod and smile to the Shopkeep, who returns
the gesture as he rushes through one door of his shop and comes out the other to
leave a large bowl of noodles topped with fish in front of her. Blake's eyes light
up as she drools over her order. While Weiss looks strangely at her teammate, she
gladly offers her Schnee Dust Company credit card to the
Shopkeep._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Aw, Weiss! What's the
occasion!?\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Consider it thanks for sending me to the
doubles round. \n\n_Her joy is ruined when the card is flung back at her, and the
annoyed Shopkeep points to his register as it
beeps \"DECLINED\"_\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> What?! How can it be declined? I
was barely into my monthly allowance!\n\n_Still tearing into the noodles, Riley
raised her left hand and snapped her fingers once. The Shopkeep yanks the card away
from her and swiped at the register. Causing the register to show \"ORDER PAYMENT
HAS BEEN NOTED. ENJOY YOUR MEAL.\"_\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345>
Beacon Courtyard)\nGift - Let try this! (His Sub zero form have change from
Cyromancer to Grandmaster Sub zero)"},"587307952453713951":
{"u":1,"t":1560095527519,"m":"Gift - This is better."},"587308326212075537":
{"u":0,"t":1560095616630,"m":"_As he trained, his radio pinged as a call came in.
Its radio ID displayed \"Summer\" as the ping grew louder. He tapped his wrist-
mounted computer as his radio connected to hers._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625>
Hey there, Gift. Ya miss me?"},"587308479241388085":
{"u":1,"t":1560095653115,"m":"Gift - Sure, it almost 3
{"u":0,"t":1560095743891,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Three years, and I
haven't changed one bit. How're my girls doing? Heard Riley put them through
her \"Light Energy Infusion\" process just like mine. Rubes kept telling me she
hasn't aged a day since she got the fusion and Yang's been gung-ho
about \"literally kicking people's guts\" out..."},"587309185566244877":
{"u":1,"t":1560095821516,"m":"Gift - About Ruby? I take care her well like my
little sister."},"587310045994418207":{"u":0,"t":1560096026658,"m":"Summer: That's
good to hear. I'm in Safehouse Bravo, just six miles outside of uh... hold on...
\n\n_Her signal is intefered with static before coming back to normal._\n\nSummer:
I'm up here in Arsenal Bird _Starfire Fury_ orbiting just six miles outside of
Vacuo airspace. We're flying above Area J8D and are now heading towards a radio
quiet zone..","te":1570834334626},"587310245790089223":
{"u":1,"t":1560096074293,"m":"Gift - Got it, do you want to talk with
{"u":0,"t":1560096096119,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'd love to, patch me
through will ya?"},"587310557594386593":{"u":1,"t":1560096148633,"m":"Gift -
Sure\n(Through radio)\nGift - My sweet heart, your mum want to talk with
{"u":0,"t":1560096278896,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Mom? Is that
you?!\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> _spits out noodles_ What... the
hell?!\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Oh no.\n\nRiley: I'm not responsible for
water damages to this bench, Mr. Shopkeep."},"587312429244088357":
{"u":0,"t":1560096594869,"m":"_Ruby literally pressed her Scroll against her ears
as the sweet, soothing voice of her mother emanated from the speakers. Tears begin
to fall from her eyes as she sat down on the stool._\n\nSummer: _through radio_ Hey
there, Rubes! How's the tournament? Heard you went all-out back there.
\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> I.. It's really you! I-\n\n_Unable to deal with
the sudden influx of mixed emotions she handed Yang the Scroll as she cried into
her arms as Weiss and Blake stared at Ruby, unsure of what to do. Looking at Weiss,
Riley taps her on the shoulder, getting her attention_\n\nRiley: Give her some
comfort. She needs someone to be by her side when this happens.\n\n_Weiss shakes
her head, not wishing to follow Riley's
suggestion._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Why don't you do it yourself? I
don't know how to help her-\n\n_Riley cuts her off, placing her index finger over
Weiss' lips._\n\nRiley: Yes, you do. Weiss. I know you have feelings for her, but
you just can't admit it. I can see, and _feel_ your emotions and everyone else's,
y'know? I'm not saaing you guys should go kiss now or whatevs you wanted to do
besides that, but hey, give her some comfort. She'll need
{"u":1,"t":1560096828577,"m":"(through radio to Weiss) Gift - Yes like she said you
must admit it, this feeling that i want to have my own sister i know it maybe hard
but i admit the risk that i gonna take."},"587314580464730114":
{"u":0,"t":1560097107760,"m":"_Not wishing to see her team leader cry, Weiss
reluctantly agrees to console Ruby as Riley and Gift
watches._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Fine.. I'll help.\n\n_She moves
her stool closer to Ruby's meticulously, trying not to cause it to creak. After
nearly a whole minute she finally got close enough to her side, she then extended
her right arm and reached
for Ruby. Grabbing at her left shoulder._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840>
Well, I don't know what your uh... mom said to you or what made you cry this way,
but. Um.. if you needed someone to vent to... I, Riley, Blake, and Yang are here
for you. Okay?\n\n_Ruby, still sobbing into her arms managed to calm herself down
enough to utter a word before going back to crying
again._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _hic_
{"u":1,"t":1560097193181,"m":"Gift - (through radio) I'm also my sweet heart, as
i'm your brother i will always with you."},"587315693876150273":
{"u":0,"t":1560097373218,"m":"_Having calmed herself down, Ruby got up from her
stool and produced a large sheet of microfiber handkerchief before blowing her nose
into it._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _through suit radio_ Thanks, brother.
\n\n_She turns around to Weiss, and embraced her in a
hug._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> And to you too,
Weiss.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Aaaand we've just reached our happy ending.
Mom's still on the phone though, Ruby!","te":1560097387122},"587642803300073473":
{"u":1,"t":1560175362182,"m":"Gift - Maybe i miss something, i must go to her. (Use
hellfire teleport)"},"587643350115549225":{"u":0,"t":1560175492553,"m":"_Gift
appears next to Summer aboard the Arsenal Bird._"},"587645217759428618":
{"u":1,"t":1560175937834,"m":"Gift - I'm not forget you easily because this thing,
on my left chest."},"587646262086467594":{"u":0,"t":1560176186821,"m":"_He hands
her the Rose family emblem as she stared it down._"},"587646350691401748":
{"u":0,"t":1560176207946,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> What are you
implying?"},"587646689926578212":{"u":1,"t":1560176288826,"m":"Gift - That's remind
me that day, days that you are go to mission."},"587646852204068874":
{"u":1,"t":1560176327516,"m":"Gift - This always remind me to take care Ruby and
her teammate with my life."},"587648751066415144":
{"u":0,"t":1560176780240,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Right.. you better go.
The Duo battle will start soon."},"587649158874267659":
{"u":1,"t":1560176877469,"m":"Gift - Until next time, Summer. (Use hellfire
teleport)"},"587649536747372545":{"u":0,"t":1560176967561,"m":"_His body vanishes
as he teleported away from the plane and into the bleachers at the Amity
Colosseum._"},"587650688016842763":{"u":1,"t":1560177242045,"m":"Gift - Did i come
late?"},"587653351613923328":{"u":0,"t":1560177877096,"m":"Riley: Nope, the Duos
match is about to start. Weiss' in the arena with Yang. They're going up against
Flint and Neon."},"587653667352739841":{"u":1,"t":1560177952374,"m":"Gift - in duo
i can't send any assistance to them, they must do by their
own."},"587653887926861874":{"u":0,"t":1560178004963,"m":"BT: Affirmative. Althoufh
you can send in Care Packages."},"587654917796134926":
{"u":1,"t":1560178250503,"m":"Gift - I will send to them if they
Roger."},"587657579120033802":{"u":1,"t":1560178885012,"m":"Gift - I will watch the
situation here."},"587657869068075009":{"u":0,"t":1560178954141,"m":"_Now, inside
the arena, the two girls stood before their adversaries. Taking their combat
stances as they do so._\n\nAnnouncer: All combatants, be ready. Match will begin in
thirty seconds."},"587658162945916929":{"u":1,"t":1560179024207,"m":"Gift - I know
you can do it, Yang Weiss."},"587658487060889610":
{"u":0,"t":1560179101482,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> _waving to Gift_ We'll
show them the true might of Beacon Academy!"},"587658659333537810":
{"u":1,"t":1560179142555,"m":"Gift - Then Good luck in battle, my sweet
- Thing that i can do only send you air drop to help."},"587660904733081600":
{"u":0,"t":1560179677900,"m":"_Saying nothing, the two girls now turned their
attention to the arena's layout being... the recreation of
Erangel._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Ookay... what, is
this?"},"587661128482553856":{"u":1,"t":1560179731246,"m":"Gift - From Game in my
home, Playerunknown Battleground.","te":1560179741730},"586587886112210967":
{"u":0,"t":1559923850325,"m":"_The C-5 finally lands at the airfield on runway 34R
as the cargo ramp lowered. Allowing its passenger onboard to leave._\n\n_Riley
picked Ruby up bridal style and immediately made a beeline for the infirmary as
Weiss, Blake, Yang, Gift, and Team JNPR followed after
her._"},"586588176043343872":{"u":1,"t":1559923919450,"m":"Gift - Baseplate this is
Bravo 6 Mission Complete."},"586589384522858500":
{"u":0,"t":1559924207574,"m":"Baseplate: Roger that, Bravo Six. Intel from RCIO
indicated that the square has been cleared of hostiles and that the fusion warheads
did minimal damage to structures. Repairments to the area are under way by Aloy's
Machine Corps.\n\nBaseplate: Be advised that Phase Two of Operation Eternal Freedom
has begun..."},"586589664388055071":{"u":1,"t":1559924274299,"m":"Gift - Roger
that, Over and out."},"586590122309582857":{"u":0,"t":1559924383476,"m":"Baseplate:
Over and out. Good luck."},"586590311342538752":
{"u":0,"t":1559924428545,"m":"_Operation Eternal Freedom - Phase Two_\n_Vale,
Beacon Academy_\n_General Gift._"},"586591250476433418":
{"u":0,"t":1559924652452,"m":"(I'll be offline for now, we'll continue later,
okay?)"},"586591361646723123":{"u":1,"t":1559924678957,"m":"(Sure and
anytime)"},"586921391958261761":{"u":1,"t":1560003364315,"m":"In morning Ruby have
come to Gift's room to wake him up."},"586921553984487425":
{"u":0,"t":1560003402945,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Rise and shine!
Gift!"},"586922496683671573":{"u":0,"t":1560003627702,"m":"_Ruby gives him a light
kiss on the cheek, waking him up._"},"586922782873354240":
{"u":1,"t":1560003695935,"m":"Gift - Good morning Ruby, or should i say \"little
{"u":0,"t":1560003892635,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Call me what you want,
but; I wanna tell you that today is \"Round One!\" \n\nRiley: That means Ruby will
lead her team in the Vytal Festival's Combat Tournament. She will go against Team
ABRN. Hailing from Haven."},"586924036504944671":{"u":1,"t":1560003994824,"m":"Gift
- Alright little sis, let go!"},"586925361368137738":
{"u":0,"t":1560004310696,"m":"_The group makes their way to the airfield, where
contestants lined up on their respective planes. One such plane stood out among the
others. Instead of being an ordinary C-17 or other Earthborne aircrafts. The
massive flying wing remains flying in the air over the airfield, its nose cone
bearing Vale's coat of arms._\n\n_From the cockpit, Cossette mans the COFFIN flight
control system built into the massively over-sized modified Arsenal Bird. Bringing
it closer to the airfield, its rear docking gate ajar. Ready for incoming
transports._\n\nCossette: This is the Valerian Air Force aerial carrier _Justice_
to ground aircrafts. Be advised, rear aircraft receiver drones are on standby fot
incoming aircrafts."},"586925792123027510":
{"u":0,"t":1560004413396,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> There's our ride,
c'mon!"},"586925964529762313":{"u":1,"t":1560004454501,"m":"Gift - BT in first
round have allow for support?"},"586926397398974464":
{"u":0,"t":1560004557705,"m":"BT: Negative, Team Battles prohibits the use of
support units although there have been exceptions. You can participate in the fight
but your efforts will not count as viable for
Qualification."},"586926861536460830":{"u":0,"t":1560004668364,"m":"Pvt. Wade: Aw,
man. I was gonna help Little Rubes fight those punk-looking guys down
there...\n\nSgt. Foley: You can still go in and join the fight, Wade. \n\nCpl.
Dunn: Better not go in there, man. Shit's crazy."},"586928783555297281":
{"u":1,"t":1560005126609,"m":"Gift - BT can it send someone between battle? i know
it can not Right?"},"586929250507161610":{"u":0,"t":1560005237939,"m":"BT:
Negative. But, I have arranged a special match. You and Riley will assist Team
RWBY, but you will be unable to participate in Duo Battles and Solo Battles for the
rest of this Tournament's ring."},"586929418505682964":
{"u":1,"t":1560005277993,"m":"Gift - Understood, i will do my
best."},"586930285103415297":{"u":0,"t":1560005484606,"m":"After three hours aboard
the Arsenal Bird, Gift and his team landed at Air Bus Docking Bay #42. From there
they walk their way to the Colosseum Prep Room, where Riley has been waiting.\n\nAs
the contestants from different academies and continents settled down on their
seats, she stood up, inhaled deeply and exhaled before giving her speech.\nRiley:
Listen up. Drop your weapons, gears, Dust canisters or whatever it is in your hand
and listen.\n\nShe noticed that one contestant is stll reaching into his
bag.\n\nRiley: You! Yes, you. Drop that bag. Now.\n\n_The contestant drops his bags
reluctantly, muttering under his breath. Ignoring his remakrs Riley waits for the
contestants to settle down._","te":1572817376162},"586931786983014424":
{"u":1,"t":1560005842682,"m":"Gift - Who is trying to get your bag please listen
for a moment after this you can do whatever you want."},"586932372583481345":
{"u":0,"t":1560005982300,"m":"_As the contestant drops his bag, Riley clears her
throat, starting her speech._\n\nRiley: From now on, the moment you step out of
that door. You'll be fighting for glory and honour. But remember, you're here to
fight not only for yourself but also for your country. So, all I'm asking is for
you to fight your best until the end or, until you've been defeated. Being defeated
doesn't mean that you're worthless, it only says that you needed to be better. I
wish you all the best and for the odds to be in your favor. Dismissed.\n\n_Waving
the contestants away, she walks out to the arena entrance with Gift, carrying
with her a Go-bag filled with her
{"u":1,"t":1560006051096,"m":"Gift - Hey Riley when the first match
start?"},"586933107933052938":{"u":0,"t":1560006157621,"m":"Riley: At 1100, now
it's uh... 1055. We've got only five minutes and Team RWBY are already inside the
arena."},"586933345347174413":{"u":1,"t":1560006214225,"m":"Gift - I know the way
we can get to them, Stay close to me. (Use hellfire
teleport)"},"586935913452666907":{"u":0,"t":1560006826509,"m":"_Gift instantly
teleported Riley and himself into the arena as they both materialized before Team
ABRN, startling the contestants._\n\nArslan: Who... the hell are these
people?\nReese: No idea, heard they were the Valean Big Shots.\n\n_As the two teams
faced off before the match begins. The Jumbotron above the arena lits up, showing
Oobleck and Port inside a broadcasting booth._\n\nPort: For those of you just now
joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity
Colosseum! \n\nOobleck: Let's not forget that we're still NOT beginning our first
fight of Team RWBY versus Team ABRN due to minor setbacks. Particularly the request
of General Gift and his partner, Commander Riley Andersen of the Special Combat Air
Recon. That's a mouthful...\n\nPort: If this is your first time watching, allow us
to break down the rules.\n\nOobleck: The tournament is divided into three
distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are
irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested...
is skill.\n\nPort: Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their
members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that
round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then
fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for
their kingdom!\n\nOobleck: And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular
spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world
is going to disagree with me on that! \n\nPort: Ahh, and why would they? Now,
let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN,
of Haven.","te":1572817315632},"586936296677834773":
{"u":1,"t":1560006917877,"m":"Gift - See? Riley i know how we can get
here."},"586936674030977045":{"u":0,"t":1560007007845,"m":"Riley: Good idea.
Gift.\n\nAnnouncer: All comtestants, the battle will commence in... Three, two,
one... Engage!"},"586936960673906688":{"u":0,"t":1560007076186,"m":"Riley: Team
Romeo, go hot!"},"586939882006511619":{"u":1,"t":1560007772686,"m":"Gift - Let go
Let go!"},"586940408148525076":{"u":1,"t":1560007898128,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
Sorry...)"},"587280114673385472":{"u":1,"t":1560088890475,"m":"Gift - I will try
the way to flank attack."},"587280547030761473":
{"u":0,"t":1560088993557,"m":"Riley: Gift, you flank right! I'll take left, I got
Nadir in my sights!\n\n_Blocking most of Nadir's shots with her rapid flurry of
slashes, she switches from her claymore-rifle to manifesting energy-based weaponry
from her hands and foots. Sending a flurry of kicks at Nadir as a storm of white
plasma projectiles overwhelms her opponent._\n\n_Switching from her spam attack,
she switches to manifesting twin energy leashes from her wrists, slashing away at
Nadir with them._","te":1572817227747},"587281034794500099":
{"u":1,"t":1560089109849,"m":"Gift - Got it, After i attack right i will try to
attack them from behind."},"587282613937373189":
{"u":0,"t":1560089486346,"m":"_Dodging her attacks, Nadir dives into cover behind a
boulder, but Riley teleports to Nadir's spot behind it and unleashed six laser
blasts at it. Destroying his cover and sending him flying away and onto the energy
barrier._\n\n_From there, she moved inward to the battle zone, ready to face
another adversary as Gift prepares to fight again, scanning his surroundings for
the team's combatants._","te":1572817293740},"587283345478516756":
{"u":1,"t":1560089660759,"m":"Gift - I got one target in my sight, i will get him
(Use Scorpion's spear) Get over here!!"},"587284837820399636":
{"u":0,"t":1560090016561,"m":"_Gift sighted his spear and launched it at Arslan who
manages to dodge it before it could reach her._\n\n_Back at Riley, she sends a
hailstorm of icicles towards Reese's general direction, the icicles impacting the
ground and creating an \"ice lane\"._\n\n_Reese steers her board through the ice,
dodging the icicles. She twirls herself until the board gets launched at Blake, but
she's able to knock it away, only for Reese to direct it back at her
opponent._\n\n_Blake blocks it again, but the board rotates back to its wielder
just in time to defend Reese as Blake delivers several slashes and kicks. Reese
deflects each attack and spins her weaponaround until she can flip away and ride it
again, rushing towards a smirking Blake._\n\n_She collides with the frozen shadow
clone, and Blake uses his opportunity to slice the board in two, only for the
halves to become dual katars that in turn fold up into bayonet-bladed revolvers.
Reese manages to fire off a few green rounds before her tailbone collides painfully
on the cold ground. Blake winces with sympathy._\n\n_Meanwhile, Yang lands mere
feet away from Arslan, who backs away before being pounded by a flurry of punches
and kicks until she delivers her own hits, ending with the two smashing fists and
creating a shockwave of force from the impact._\n\n_Yang and Arslan are both thrown
back, but Yang reaches her and tries delivering more blows before Arslan uses
her rope dart to tangle up her blonde adversary and land a kick of her own to send
Yang skidding on the ground._\n\n_While Yang tries to get her balance back on the
slippery surface, Arslan rushes forward and knocks her back even
further._"},"587287188006240258":{"u":1,"t":1560090576889,"m":"Gift - If you want
to hurt her, you must past me first."},"587288353486012429":
{"u":0,"t":1560090854761,"m":"_Gift moves in for another strike, now going straight
for Arslan. Time slows down as his speed increases, as he got close to her he
raised his fist up high and punched her straight in the face, sending her flying
away to Ruby's general direction._\n\n_Riley swooped in, picked her up and blasted
her with a point-blank plasma shot. Instantly draining her aura to the redline.
Defeating her._"},"587290703546023946":{"u":1,"t":1560091415059,"m":"Gift - This
cold will slow you down. (Transform to Cyromancer Sub
engages his Cyromancer form and made a beeline for Reese, however, she manages to
escape from his attacks. Finding cover behind an erected A-Wall Ruby had activated
earlier._\n\n_Nadir, somehow being tossed back into the arena thanks to the energy
field firing off a discahrge joins the fight aiming his rifle at Weiss as she
summons another glyph and launches Bolin at him. The two teammates are helpless as
Weiss creates a whirlwind from underneath them and slamming the two together until
she forms a giant ice fist straight up from the ground to trap the two._\n\nRiley:
Gift, break off! Let's see how they end this fight.\n\n_It reforms itself into a
ball that rolls around the field, and when Arslan sees her team in this state, she
rolls her eyes, annoyed, before changing direction and sliding into the path of the
ball. She readies her stance and drives her hand into the sphere, which cracks
under her power and frees her allies._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Yang!
NOW!\n\n_Yang turns to look just as she creates a large frozen slide-like shape.
Knowing what to do, Yang blasts herself forward and skims over the wall of ice,
catching Blake's pistol as her teammate uses Ruby as a launch pad to jump off of
towards the remaining members of ABRN._\n\n_The three only have a second to look
horrified as Blake whips a screaming Yang around to land a devastating punch that
sends the trio flying into their elimination._\n\nPort: And that's the match! Team
RWBY is victorious!","te":1560092164390},"587295555517022248":
{"u":1,"t":1560092571859,"m":"Gift - Yeah! We make it."},"587296901565775892":
{"u":0,"t":1560092892782,"m":"Riley: Nice work, everyone. Now let's get back yo the
prep room."},"587297230340358202":{"u":1,"t":1560092971168,"m":"(preparation room)
Gift - You did well in that battle Ruby my sweet heart."},"587298560488374274":
{"u":0,"t":1560093288300,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, Gift... is anyone
else starving? \n\n_As the adrenaline rush fades away, hunger overwhelms her senses
as she hunched over._\n\n<:Blake:501507066595246101> _looking cool as ever, arms
behind her head_ I may have worked up an appetite. \n\n_The throes of an angry
beast from her stomach proves her statement, much to its owner embarrassment. She
walks away from the group only to have Ramirez drag her
back._\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _sarcastically shrugging her arms_ Gee, if
only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh, wait....\n\n_The
view zooms out to show a myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags
in a large extended artificial clearing as people mill about to experience it
all_\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _taking Weiss' shoulder_ It's okay, Weiss, I
forget about the fairgrounds, too.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> _knocking Ruby's
arm away_ I was being facetious?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _freaks out_ Gah!
Well if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Come
on! I know just the place.\n\n_Team RWBY starts to follow Yang, but Weiss suddenly
stops as she hears a ringtone on her Scroll. Pulling it out, she sees the caller ID
labeled \"FATHER\", and glares at the device, putting it back from where she got
it, unanswered._\n\nRiley:
So, where are we hitting? That shack over there or the \"Italian\" bistro just
right next to that... row of porta-potties..."},"587298998079979545":
{"u":1,"t":1560093392630,"m":"Gift - I don't know but what happen with my blades of
chaos?"},"586216100497326097":{"u":0,"t":1559835209727,"m":"_Having fought their
way deeper into the train cars, Ruby updates her team's objectives to \"Destroy the
engine unit\" as she hid behind a stack of ammunition crates before peeking out and
returning fire at the White Fang grunts._"},"586216482485305354":
{"u":1,"t":1559835300800,"m":"(In the battle)\nGift - Maybe you should go back to
the 90's."},"586217430007676953":{"u":0,"t":1559835526707,"m":"_He fights his way
through the defenses until he reached train car #2, where he effortlessly
devastated Banesaw the grunt, sending his lifeless and headless corpse overboard
and onto the rails. From there he pushes his way through to the Engine Car's fuel
tanker car to be met by Neo striking him in the chest. Lying on the ground behind
her lies Yang, injured and knocked unconscious._"},"586217823064555553":
{"u":1,"t":1559835620419,"m":"Gift - (Transform to inferno Scorpion) You have make
me angry."},"586218968637767700":{"u":0,"t":1559835893545,"m":"_Not saying a word,
Neo taunted him, raising the sword attached to her parasol's handle up high and
drawing an invisible line across his chest._\n\n_From there she made her first move
by ramming her parasol at his face, followed by a rapid six-hit slash combo on his
armor._"},"586219396007985152":{"u":1,"t":1559835995438,"m":"Gift - Do you
challenge my honor? Right! This will hurt."},"586219647469092864":
{"u":0,"t":1559836055391,"m":"_Gift unleashes his Fatal Blow onto Neo, who moved in
for a second strike. Now caught within the attack and incapacitated she instantly
teleported herself away to safety._"},"586219846048546829":
{"u":1,"t":1559836102736,"m":"Gift - (Go to Yang) Yang Are you
{"u":0,"t":1559836161789,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> No, three broken ribs and
a smashed right hand. Go get Blake, she's got the train
controls.."},"586220477245161493":{"u":1,"t":1559836253225,"m":"Captain Gift - I
will go for Blake.\nGift - Stay safe, i will heal Yang.\nCaptain Gift - If anything
happen, i will update for you.\nGift - Got
{"u":0,"t":1559836595574,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> This is One-One to all
units, the train cars have all detached and detonated. We have Grimm on our six,
repeat, enemies on our six! We're going to hit the sealed tunnel hard, brace for
impact!"},"586222076898050068":{"u":1,"t":1559836634612,"m":"Gift - Weiss build ice
wall."},"586222247530987520":{"u":1,"t":1559836675294,"m":"Gift - I will help.
(Transform to Cyromancer Sub Zero)"},"586223665633296409":
{"u":0,"t":1559837013396,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Roger, ice wall coming
up! Stay behind me!\n\n_She switches the Myrtenaster's Dust load selector to Ice
Dust and pulled at the trigger. Causing an ice wall to form up and encapsulate the
team, including Gift._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Brace for impact! \n\n_The
train rushes closer to the sealed tunnel as time slowed down. Riley, now in front
of the train fired three blasts of concentrated shockwaves at the sealed tunnel
exit, breaking down the barricades and softening the reinforced concrete to a
substantial level as the train rammed head-on against it._\n\n_The scene around
Ruby cuts to black and is followed by sounds of metal clanging and bending, the
sounds of concrete being broken and the screams of
bystanders..._"},"586225279996002417":{"u":0,"t":1559837398290,"m":"_\"Ruby, talk
to me! Wake up!\"_\n\n_Consciousness slowly re-emerged as Ruby tried to open her
eyes, but to no avail..._\n\n_\"Goddamnit, Ruby! You dolt, talk to me!\"_\n\n_The
shrill voice penetrated her eardrums, bringing Ruby back to consciousness. She
tried to open her eyes but instead felt a series of slaps to both of her cheeks
by... Weiss._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ah! What the-
oh..."},"586566238990368769":{"u":1,"t":1559918689249,"m":"Ruby see Gift
unconscious and accidental call him \"Brother\" (Again)"},"586567196575268864":
{"u":0,"t":1559918917555,"m":"_As Weiss and Gift brought het back on her feet, she
instinctively reached for the Crescent Rose, somehow remaining perfectly intact
despite being ejected out of the train. She unfolds the scythe and stuck the stock
blade onto the ground._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, Gift. Or... should I
say, brother?\n\n_With Ruby having said the word, Gift, struck by a wave of intense
emotions nearly brought Riley down on her feet again as she felt his emotions
overpowering hers._\n\nRiley: Tone it the hell down, will ya?! We got Grimm coming
in, fast!"},"586568563251478529":{"u":1,"t":1559919243396,"m":"Gift - You can call
me that after we clear the city, Ruby."},"586570728510586942":
{"u":0,"t":1559919759634,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Heh, sureee~\n_She
reloaded the Crescent Rose with her last load of Wyrmstake-MP Rounds and walked for
the center of Scylla S. DeMarco Square, the square where the monstrosities of Mt.
Glenn had breached through it once._\n\n_Followed by her are the rest of her
teammates, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. All of them brandishing their weapons ready for
the upcoming fight. Riley, on the other hand disintegrated her signature weapon as
her body's blue aura intensified in brightness. Charging the Light Energy contained
within her to a \"combat-ready\" state._\n\n_From the sky, Task Force 141 operators
dropped down into the battle zone from the C-5 Galaxy transporter carrying them
along with their gear. Landing next to Gift are Price, Soap, Yuri, and
Nikolai._\n\n_An AC-65 Calamity gunship flies into the battle zone and established
an orbit as its rear door opened, deploying Beacon's teams of students onto the
ground below. Landing right in the middle of the square lies Team CFVY and JNPR
alongside two squads of the Valerian Marine Corps' Quick Reaction Unit._\n\nRiley:
Brace yourselves!"},"586570990696267941":{"u":1,"t":1559919822144,"m":"Gift -
Prepare for incoming battle."},"586571948448940033":
{"u":0,"t":1559920050490,"m":"_The ground rumbled as the Grimm monstrosities moved
closer to the surface and eventually ruptured from the street. A King Tajitsu
emerged from the ground and roared defiantly only to have both of its head chopped
clean by... Riley, her wrists now engulfed in a pair of manifested energy
blades._\n\n_More monsters continue to rush from the sinkhole created by the
Tajitsu's death, spilling out onto the ground._\n\nPrice: Everyone, on my mark...
Three, two, one. Mark! OPEN FIRE!"},"586572287394709504":
{"u":1,"t":1559920131301,"m":"Gift - Commenting Attack."},"586573350680264733":
{"u":0,"t":1559920384808,"m":"_Ruby initiates the attack by rushing up close
against an Ursa, sending five rounds into its torso and followed by a clean
decapitation strike. Instantly killing it. On the far side of the square, Yang, now
facing a pack of baby Death Stalkers reared up her upgraded gauntlets as they
glowed bright orange. She then slams the gauntlets against the ground, sending a
massive earth-cracking blast of shockwave against the pack. Blowing them
apart._"},"586573598085349386":{"u":1,"t":1559920443794,"m":"Gift - Let do this!
(Transform to Cyromancer Sub Zero)"},"586576019872415754":
{"u":0,"t":1559921021193,"m":"_Gift instantly transformed into his Cyromancer Sub-
Zero form and launched a freezing wave at three Goliaths giving chase to Weiss and
Team JNPR, slowing them down to a halt and giving them a chance to strike
back._\n\n_Jaune raises his shield up high and moved in behind Pyrrha as she took
aim and fired away at the frozen Goliaths while Nora and Ren pushed down the square
closing in on Ruby's position._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> How many rounds
would it take to actually kill these things?!\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I don't
know, I've ran through five of my clips already!\n\n_Aboard the gunship, Cossette
continues her fite support as she sends three JDAMs right onto the path of a swarm
of Freakers closing in on Coco and switched to the second ventral turret, selected
the EML and fired three rounds at a Griffon. Tearing it apart._\n\n_Now on the
ground, Coco kept up her pull on the trigger as she blasted away the Beowolves with
her man-portable GAU-16B autocannon with Fox picking off the stragglers. Velvet,
having found no clear windows of attack sticked close to Riley, assisting her in
every kill until she is ordered to provide support to Yatsuhashi, wasting away the
Grimm monsters with his greatsword._","te":1572817694710},"586576587819057164":
{"u":1,"t":1559921156602,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price, i need some RPG Barrage,
Over."},"586577051356758060":{"u":0,"t":1559921267118,"m":"Price: Roger, care
package on its way! Out.\n\n_Riley appeared next to him and presented Gift with
twin \"Infinite Launchers\" RPG-7 launchers and flew away, blasting two Nevermores
down in the process._"},"586577341531160577":{"u":1,"t":1559921336301,"m":"Gift -
If my Cyromancer combine with Rocket, let see what is it
firing."},"586577882508165130":{"u":0,"t":1559921465280,"m":"_Gift infused his
Cyromancer powers into the launchers and fired away at a lone, unfortunate
Boarbatusk as the warheads air-bursted and released liquid helium with every
detonation._"},"586578172196421674":{"u":1,"t":1559921534347,"m":"Gift - Maybe this
will freeze those Grimm and it will........"},"586579386787168276":
{"u":0,"t":1559921823928,"m":"_The battle continues as the Grimm continue to pour
into the battle zone, forcing Team CFVY to fall back after Velver got herself onto
Riley's firing path and nearly died from being mis-painted as a hostile by three
ADF-11F Ravens while Fox broke off and attempted to save Ruby from a King Tajitsu
only to have
it slam the consciousness out of him. Yatsuhashi, on the other hand, finds himself
being critically injured after going up against a Goliath all by
himself._\n\n<:Coco:542066672362848278> This is Charlie Niner-Niner, we're pulling
back! We've suffered heavy casualties. Over."},"586579786739089422":
{"u":1,"t":1559921919284,"m":"Gift - Charlie Niner-Niner, i advise you to go at
Medic tent to recover."},"586580198775062549":
{"u":0,"t":1559922017521,"m":"<:Coco:542066672362848278> Negative, Bravo Six, we're
too far away from any medical support units. I say again, Charlie Niner-Niner
pulling back!\n\n_Dragging Velvet into cover, she fires away at Grimm with her
sidearm as three Atlesian Knights units moved in, providing her some cover fire and
driving them away._","te":1572817666891},"586580417981710336":
{"u":1,"t":1559922069784,"m":"Gift - Roger that Charlie, We almost clear the
{"u":0,"t":1559922095607,"m":"<:Coco:542066672362848278> Charlie copies all,
Godspeed. Over and out..."},"586581123799449621":{"u":0,"t":1559922238064,"m":"_As
Coco brought her teammates to safety abaord a Warbird. Team JNPR moves in and
covered their position on the center of the square as Team RWBY once again spreaded
out and sweeped every building for hostiles as Gift, Riley, Price, and the rest of
their friendly units stood ground against the last incoming
wave..._"},"586581388749307905":{"u":1,"t":1559922301233,"m":"Gift - This is it,
Here come final wave."},"586581889255604236":
{"u":0,"t":1559922420563,"m":"Cossette: This is Warhammer to Bravo Six, be advised.
BeaconCentCom has ordered a tactical use of the Cold Fusion strike package. Warhead
impact in one minute."},"586582053030592552":{"u":1,"t":1559922459610,"m":"Gift -
Roger that, tell all unit."},"586583908275978272":
{"u":0,"t":1559922901935,"m":"_Cossette switches her radio channel to \"GROUND\"
and began her broadcast._\n\nCossette: This is Warhammer to all units, be
advised, \"Hammerdown\" is in effect. S\nWeapon deploymenr underway. Immediate
evacuation advised. Sixty seconds to weapons release."},"586584106675208234":
{"u":1,"t":1559922949237,"m":"Gift - Team RWBY come to my position
{"u":0,"t":1559922987820,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger, we're moving!
Weiss, move! We're getting out of here!"},"586584996735746048":
{"u":0,"t":1559923161444,"m":"_Upon hearing the transmission, Ruby engages her
semblance once again as her speed gradually increased to the point time slowed down
momentarily as she picked up her teammates and split herself into four red
projectiles, ejecting trails of rose petals in the process._\n\n_She crash landed
at the C-5's cargo ramp, landing in front of Jaune. Unconscious._\n\nRiley: We're
up! Loadmaster! Up! Get us out, now!"},"586585297957945354":
{"u":1,"t":1559923233261,"m":"Gift - Meet at Beacon academy. (Use hellfire teleport
to Beacon Academy)"},"586585355843797020":{"u":0,"t":1559923247062,"m":"Riley:
Roger."},"586586194301943838":{"u":0,"t":1559923446966,"m":"_The cargo door closes
as the first of the Cold Fusion warheads detonated above the square, unleashing a
gigantic amount of energy in one blast as the second warhead followed in and
detonated. The third and fourth warhead were then disabled mid-flight and picked up
by the Ravens back to Beacon AFB._\n\n_With the warheads detonating, a large ring
of shockwave spans out for miles as the cold fusion package within the warheads
unleashed destruction on every single Grimm on the area, eradicating them from the
square._\n\n_The C-5 engaged its Trophy system the moment the shockwave racked the
aircraft. Despite the shield up in full power the force of the explosion is felt
throughout the entire plane as Weiss gripped her safety strap on for dear life as
the shockwave pounded her body.._","te":1572817549314},"586586727578075136":
{"u":1,"t":1559923574109,"m":"Gift - Hold on! ( Use Scorpion's spear to help Riley
and team RWBY) Get over here!"},"586586930448433173":
{"u":0,"t":1559923622477,"m":"Riley: Uh, you seem to forget that we're already _on_
the plane. Gift..."},"586587287156948993":{"u":1,"t":1559923707523,"m":"Gift - That
not what u meant i mean this. (Spear get to C-5 Warbird)"},"586587465330982942":
{"u":0,"t":1559923750003,"m":"Riley: Right..."},"585874470301073411":
{"u":1,"t":1559753758741,"m":"Gift is still thinking about his
sister."},"585874726438567956":{"u":0,"t":1559753819809,"m":"Deacon: Still thinking
about her? Riley told me you were... obsessed over her.\n\n_Continue they do, as it
cuts to Ruby cutting through the scene change, Blake slicing the previous shift,
and a random slash going to the view of Oobleck rooting through a plant as Grimm
parts fall around him. He is center in the faces of tired Huntresses Riley stands
behind him, tired as well._\n\nOobleck: Excellent work, girls! Unfortunately, there
doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well!
Moving on!\n\n_As they follow Oobleck, with Ruby sheathing her scythe and beckoning
Zwei to follow, Yang irritably asks._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Hey, Doc,
y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a \"pro Huntsman\" in action.
Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?\n\nOobleck: Ah, but I am in action!
Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! (\n\n_He
fully turns to the team, viewing Yang's reluctantly-accepting face_.\n\nOobleck:
Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism, girls. Sometimes it's just a
heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up
for it. I do hope you understand that.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Well, yeah...
O-Of course!\n\nOobleck: Hmm...","te":1572818591993},"585874883586686995":
{"u":1,"t":1559753857276,"m":"Gift - Yes Deacon i always."},"585875357383524362":
{"u":0,"t":1559753970238,"m":"Deacon: Well, it's not that I wanted to tell you to
drop the whole thing or just forget about it but, you'll have to give her time. And
do try your best to help her in every way possible.\n\n_He took a sip from his
canteen and snapped it back onto his magnetic tactical utility belt and sat down
next to the campfire. The scene changes to the view of another victory for RWBY and
their mentor amid the noise of fired shots, but switches again to Oobleck and Yang
away from the group._\n\nOobleck: Tell me, Yang: Why did you choose this line of
work?\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Huh? \n\n_Under Oobleck's gaze, she
answers_\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Well, to fight monsters and
save-\n\nOobleck: No, that is what you do. I want to know why you do it. The honest
reason as to why you want to be a Huntress.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> The
honest reason? I'm a thrill-seeker. I want to travel around the world and get
wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can. And if I help people along the
way, then that's even better. It's a win-win, y'know?\n\nOobleck: I
{"u":0,"t":1559754095042,"m":"_Inside the mall, at the furnitures section, with the
help of a bored sergeant Riley and Cossette had put all the remainind beds together
and managed to turn them into one massive bed. One by one, the girls laid down on
their \"allocated\" spot. Ruby being the first._\n\n_After laying down on the bed
and almost falling asleep, Ruby finds herself awaken by Oobleck giving her a light
tap on the cheek_\n\n:Ruby: Eh? What the...\n\n_Oobleck apologizes, having woke up
Ruby a good two hous too early._\n\nOobleck: Sorry, Miss Rose, I'm supposed to be
talking to Miss Schnee but I woke you up instead, I hope you don't
mind.\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Oh, it's alright, Professor. I was just
about to wake up.\n\n_Nodding in acceptance, he turns to Weiss._\n\nOobleck: And
you, Miss Schnee? A girl born into fame and fortune such as yourself certainly
doesn't need the extra work. So... why choose this over a cushy job in
Atlas?\n\n_Pouting, she nugdes a loose 20mm cannon round on the floor with her
right foot, kicking it off-screen._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> It's
exactly as you said: I'm a Schnee. I have a legacy of honor to uphold. Once I
realized I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would
do with my life. It was my duty.\n\nOobleck: _nodding_
{"u":1,"t":1559754163530,"m":"Ruby see Gift have guard her and her
teammate."},"585877021431693313":{"u":0,"t":1559754366978,"m":":Ruby: Ah, Gift! I
was wondering where you've been. I'm supposed to be on watch duty for tonight with
Deacon, right?\n\n_She got up and grabbed the Crescent Rose before strapping it
onto the back harness on her suit. From there she walks out of the furnitures
section and clambered her way onto the roof and took her position on an AC unit
with Deacon and Gift by her side._\n\n_Oobleck jumps down from Ruby's position on
the roof to Blake, where she slashes a door down and releases a swarm of small
Nevermores from a barricaded section of the mall which she back-flips under before
she shoots them all with her blade's pistol form. With Blake having took care of
the Nevermores, he examines the inside of the doorway._\n\nOobleck: And what about
you, Blake? You seem to carry yourself with a sense of
purpose.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> There's too much wrong in this world
to just stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption... Someone has to stop
it.\n\nOobleck: Very well. How?\n\n_Suddenly, she cannot
answer._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I, Uh...\n\n_Oobleck \"Hmm's\" to
himself, then dashes away, leaving Blake to bow her head in troubled thought. He
dashes up to the roof again, this time asking Ruby the same question he had asked
her teammates earlier._\n\nOobleck: Ruby, now. With you on guard duty, would you
mind if I asked you a question?
I've done the same to your teammates, now the onmy one left is
you.","te":1572819068113},"585877533006888960":{"u":1,"t":1559754488947,"m":"Gift -
(Deep breath out) This still in my mind for a while now since first time at
beacon."},"585878286987689984":{"u":0,"t":1559754668710,"m":"_Not paying attention
to Gift, she maintains her focus on the sight as Oobleck rambled his series of
questions until one such question stood out._\n\nOobleck: Now, have you ever
thought of the real reason why you've signed up to be a
huntress?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Well.... I, uh...\n\n_She turns to Gift and
mouthed 'please help' before resuming aiming down the sight, scannung her sector
below._"},"585878655251775498":{"u":1,"t":1559754756511,"m":"Gift - (Equip M82)
Area clear but it too quiet."},"585878883828629506":
{"u":0,"t":1559754811008,"m":"_Ruby turned around and mouthed 'i meant oobleck's
question, Gift.' And resunes aiming down the sight._"},"585879205724684294":
{"u":1,"t":1559754887754,"m":"Gift - Maybe same as me to help people to live with
peace and protect them with our life."},"585879894576070716":
{"u":1,"t":1559755051989,"m":"Gift - Even my life is lost but for peace of every
city every country, i must do it."},"585881259415437337":
{"u":0,"t":1559755377392,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> _whispers_ Thanks,
brother, wait- Did I-\n\nOobleck: Well, have you thought of an
answer?\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Yes, well... I have. I signed up is
because I wanted to fight for the people that I love and feel that they deserve to
be protected, even if they're my former enemies. Should I die in battle, let it be
known that I've died with pride, for I have fought for my kingdom... and for peace.
\n\n_Upon hearing Ruby's answer, he sighed audibly and sipped our of his thermos
for the fifth time before answering._\n\nOobleck: Very well, Miss Rose. Or should I
say, Tier-Three Operator Rose, your answer is indeed exceptional, though it is
similar to that of Riley's. Now, get back to guard duty, Operator. \n\n_He prepares
to hang up, but stops. He picks the radio up again looking at its screen to find
Ruby contancting him. Picking up the call, he
{"u":1,"t":1559755448969,"m":"Gift - Seem like i have hear one word that i want to
hear most."},"585881744767451158":{"u":0,"t":1559755493109,"m":"Oobleck: Yes, Miss
Rose, what questions do you have more?\n\n_Ruby stammers through her question, but
quickly formulates it mentally._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> A-Actually, I
was wondering... Why did you want to become a Huntsman?\n\nOobleck: Look around and
tell me what you see.\n\n_Ruby takes a look around through her
scope._\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Lots of old buildings, uh, empty
streets...\n\nOobleck: I see lives that could have been saved. As a Huntsman, it is
my job to protect the people, and although I am capable of doing it with
traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my
mind. As a teacher, I'm able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of them
all, and place it in the hands of every student that passes through my
classroom.\n\n_He stops, drinking from his thermos again._\n\n Oobleck: I look at
this wasteland, and I see lives that could have been saved, but I also see an
opportunity; an opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy, and
therefore become stronger. I am a Huntsman, Ruby, because there is nothing else in
this world I would rather be. \n\n_Back at the building, the team, along with their
search party has done as instructed, building a fire in the center of the room and
huddling around it or standing up. As Yang looked around, she overheard Deacon
speaking from across the floor to Gift._\n\nDeacon: She called you that, though it
was accidental. But hey, I'm glad she did
- I'm also."},"585882145843838977":{"u":1,"t":1559755588733,"m":"Gift - Finally
that day have come."},"585882919461978151":
{"u":0,"t":1559755773178,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> I can't believe we didn't
find anything...\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> We've always been fortunate
enough to be in the right place at the right time. I guess we can't always have
luck on our side.\n\n_Blake kept her eyes locked on a drone circling the building
in front of her, tracking its movements until Weiss speaks up. Breaking her
concentration on the drone._\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> _off-topic_
That's not what I meant.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864>
Huh?\n\n<:Dabbing_Weiss:630052490670243840> Earlier, about... upholding the legacy.
There's more to it than that.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Yeah... No, me too. I
mean... I don't know.\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> I don't know, either. I
know what I want to do, but I figured I'd always take things one step at a
time.\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> Well, it doesn't matter. We know why we're
here. Right?\n\n_The girls merely stare in silence. Pondering over their true
reasons behind their desires of becoming Huntresses, back at Gift's position atop
the abandoned mall rooftop he places his rifle down as a Valean Army private takes
over. Leaving his post Gift turned around to face Ruby but all he found was a
discarded box of generic sanitary wipes. Where'd she gone off to? He thought as he
strapped the M82 onto his back and walked down the roof._\n\nDeacon: Where're you
going? If you're looking for her, she told me she's going for the latrines but
Boozeman just called me that they're full so she went down behind the
- Thanks Deacon."},"585883966222106625":{"u":0,"t":1559756022745,"m":"_As he walked
down the street, he saw Riley's weapon, the Screaming Angel greatsword-railgun
sitting on top of a trash can. Echoing from the alleyway the massive sword is
placed within are incomprehensible bubbling sounds._\n\nRiley: _yelling from her
private spot within the alley_ She went down the alley, into Dennison's, it's still
got running water there. Go check it
out.","te":1559756044867},"585884124749758484":{"u":1,"t":1559756060541,"m":"Gift -
Got it."},"585885380663050240":{"u":0,"t":1559756359974,"m":"_As he leaves the
alley he heard Riley yelling \"Damn these stupid MREs!\"_\n\n_He continues his trek
down the alleyway into Dennison's, a soon-to-be fast food store. He pushed the door
open only to find that it had been forced open. He treaded through the piles of
broken glass and smashed tables until he reached the bathroom, he tried the door
leading to the Men's only to find it locked shut._\n\n_As he reached for the
Women's, he finds the door breached open with a Wyrnstake round after tracing a
trail of unburnt gunpowder.._\n\n_From the row of stalls, he looked under each
until he reached the final stall, he knocked the door leading to the stall only to
be met by Weiss' shrieking screams._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> GO AWAY! IT'S
OCCUPIED, YOU PERV!"},"585886617642860554":{"u":0,"t":1559756654893,"m":"_Outside
the store, Boozer, who had been following Gift the whole time moved past Dennison's
when he heard the scream. He howver had seen what had happened to the door and
walked right past it the moment he figured out whose scream it belonged
to._\n\n_Boozer continues to make his way down the street until he stumbled upon a
partially barricaded sinkhole with a pile of used Sanitex wipes, sitting next to
the pile is... Ruby's Crescent Rose and an ECHO scan of her final
moments._\n\nBoozer: What the fuck, Ruby?! \n\n_As the ECHO playback began, he saw
the disembodied figure of a woman in her early years squatting down in the middle
of the street behind a makeshift barricade. Switching to the next scan he saw the
street beneath her crumble up and give way, plus the freeze-frame of the girl, now
identified as Ruby sinking into the hole along with the
barricades._"},"585886772639301642":{"u":1,"t":1559756691847,"m":"Gift - RUBY ARE
YOU ALRIGHT?"},"585887239897088023":
{"u":0,"t":1559756803250,"m":"<:Weiss_Blush:586325456735830048> GIFT, IT'S ME!
WEISS! \n\n_She kicked the door open, revealing the carnage she had done to the
unfortunate stall. From there she pushed him out of the stall and outside the store
onto the streets._","te":1570834731393},"585887417043779586":
{"u":1,"t":1559756845485,"m":"Gift - Seem something bad happen with Ruby, i see her
weapon here."},"585887514557022223":{"u":0,"t":1559756868734,"m":"Boozeman: She
fell down the sinkhole. I'm calling everyone in, now."},"585887672128503820":
{"u":1,"t":1559756906302,"m":"Gift - Booze you back to camp and call everyone, i
will find Ruby by my own."},"585887928740478986":
{"u":0,"t":1559756967483,"m":"Cossette: No need. The moment everyone saw Ruby's
ECHO despite how disgusting it looked they all came here. They, did had to force me
out of a latrine for this though..."},"585887999305187330":
{"u":0,"t":1559756984307,"m":"Riley: We're going into the deep, use your
jets."},"585888133241896964":{"u":0,"t":1559757016240,"m":"_Riley re-materialized
next to Gift and jumps down the sinkhole with the rest of the unit following
behind._"},"585888247545331743":{"u":1,"t":1559757043492,"m":"Gift - Spread
out.","te":1559757051037},"585888408568594490":{"u":1,"t":1559757081883,"m":"Gift -
Everyone find your partner, but i will go alone."},"585888945368334367":
{"u":0,"t":1559757209866,"m":"Deacon: You ain't going alone, this place is crawling
with those White Fang guys you told me earlier, remember?\n\nGhost: Not a smart
move, mate. I wouldn't do it if I were you."},"585889469505339421":
{"u":1,"t":1559757334830,"m":"Gift - But there is some place that possible, Old
train station, there's a train there, maybe White fang might use this to perfect
this plan."},"585889923853451265":{"u":0,"t":1559757443155,"m":"Riley:
_from radio: This is Atlas Six-Two to all units, be advised. I've secured Ruby,
she's safe.\n\n_Gift and the team's HUD shows Riley untying Ruby from her
restraints and helping her clean up the best she could before giving her back her
rifle._"},"585890213407227905":{"u":1,"t":1559757512190,"m":"Gift - Hold on Atlas
i'm on my way. (Use hellfire teleport to Ruby)"},"585890982088671243":
{"u":0,"t":1559757695458,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh, these people...
ouch..\n_She rubbed at bits of her torn suit and at her exposed rear. Upon noticing
Ruby's rear being exposed Riley snapped her finger twice as she instsntly repaired
and upgraded Ruby's suit on the fly._\n\nRiley:
There.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks.\n\n_From the radio came Weiss,
panicked, requesting for assistance._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> This is Romeo
One-Two to all units, I need immediate assistance on train car number 15 right now!
Sending coordinates.","te":1559757705099},"585891434020864022":
{"u":1,"t":1559757803207,"m":"Gift - Got it, Ruby are you
{"u":0,"t":1559757977287,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _stretches_ I'm fine,
let's get to that train!"},"585893084651454471":{"u":1,"t":1559758196748,"m":"Gift
- You say alright but your body is not um.... Ha! Riley get Ruby on my
back."},"585894216966602752":{"u":0,"t":1559758466713,"m":"Riley: No need to, she's
healed to normal. \n_She jumps onto the train before wrapping the men down below,
including Gift within her gravity leash and pulled them up the train, now speeding
up steadily._\n\n_From there Ruby was about to set up a plan until Riley
interrupted her._\n\nRiley: No time for plans now, we will push our way on the roof
until we reach train car #6 and ingress through the hatch, Team One, you provide
overwatch and stay on the roof. We will go in as Team Two and push up to the engine
car, then we disable it. HOOAH?!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Hooah, ma'am! Let's
go! Move!"},"586209840800595978":{"u":1,"t":1559833717299,"m":"Gift - We must go
there quickly."},"586209944236458005":{"u":0,"t":1559833741960,"m":"Riley: Move it,
move!"},"586211073414397962":{"u":0,"t":1559834011177,"m":"_Riley jumped across
train cars to one another as Team RWBY and the rest of their supports followed in
behind until they are stopped at train car #7, its roof hatch guarded with two
squads of White Fang grunts and a Paladin mech._"},"586211657437413376":
{"u":1,"t":1559834150419,"m":"Gift - Let me handle this.(Use Sub Zero's power to
freeze Paladin mech and break apart, Oobleck have see Gift's
ability)"},"586213621659467806":{"u":0,"t":1559834618726,"m":"Oobleck: Great, now
what about those- look out!\n\n_As he began babbling a rocket flew past him and
exploded at the train car behind them, from the fly drone's view of the interior of
train car #6 arr multiple explosive devices rigged into it, upon seeing the feed
Riley shouted her team to rally up and take down the hostiles before them. Clearing
their way into their desired train car._\n\n_Now inside the bogey, Ruby picked up
the detonator of the rigged explosives and attempted to defuse them only to have it
shot out of her hand by Marline \"Reaper\" James, a notorious White Fang
juggernaut._\n\nReaper: Trying to take me lovely bombs apart? Not today,
nope!"},"586213888232521738":{"u":1,"t":1559834682282,"m":"Gift - But soon it
will."},"586214576589373475":{"u":0,"t":1559834846399,"m":"_Gift raised his
looted \"Deathbane\" M416 riflr and aimed down the uneven seam of Reaper's armor
and unloaded the entirety of the magazine onto it, sending a hailstorm of Cherry
PIE - Pyrotechnically Induced Explosive rounds to detonate on the armor and
eventualy breach the layering, sending the rest of the rounds into his flesh and
detonating within. Vaporizing his torso into red mist._"},"585490014398447667":
{"u":0,"t":1559662097311,"m":"_Now at the office, Oz presented a small folder
labeled \"Field Excursion Deployment Order - Swift Talon\"_\n\n_Riley grabbed the
folder from his hands and opened it, reading through the contents. Having finished
reading she placed it back on the desk._\n\nRiley: Operation Swift Talon,
Deployment Order 11457... You're sending Team RWBY into the
field?\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> It's what they'd asked for.\n\nRiley:
Fine."},"585490522765000735":{"u":1,"t":1559662218515,"m":"Gift - Location of this
operation?"},"585491335759396864":{"u":0,"t":1559662412348,"m":"(I'm gonna stop for
now, we'll continue later. Sorry...)"},"585491428839391233":
{"u":1,"t":1559662434540,"m":"(I understand)"},"585843096592318477":
{"u":1,"t":1559746300500,"m":"Gift - Where is location of this
{"u":0,"t":1559746435444,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Mountain Glenn, but they
will be waiting at the assembly hall prior to Deployment Selection Period-3. That
means-\n\nCossette: Deployment at 1600, copy all, General
Oz."},"585844153410125836":{"u":1,"t":1559746530631,"m":"Gift - Confirm location,
Cap ready for deployment.\nCaptain Gift - Roger that."},"585844263535771656":
{"u":0,"t":1559746556887,"m":"_She jumps down the emergency egress hatch. Landing
before Team CFVY in the process._"},"585844973132578856":
{"u":0,"t":1559746726068,"m":"_Now at the assembly hall, Cap, waiting for his team
at the entrance saw Riley waving at him from the podium. He walks through the
amassing crowd of students to her and looked into the screen labeled \"Select Depl.
{"u":0,"t":1559746770363,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We're locked, can't pick
anything but a \"Search and Destroy\" mission stage at Mountain
{"u":0,"t":1559746807415,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> She's been doing this for
the past fifteen minutes."},"585845709157433346":{"u":1,"t":1559746901550,"m":"Gift
- Our satellite have see many movement at Mt.Glenn, We must scout there.\nCaptain
Gift - Thanks for detail mate."},"585846469874024460":
{"u":0,"t":1559747082919,"m":"_Now aboard the C-1 Skylifter, piloted by Avril. Cap
sits next to Ruby with Riley sitting opposite of him. He glanced at the jumpmaster,
eager for her to grab at the rear door opening switch._\n\nCossette: Jumpmaster to
Operators, gear up! Drop in five!"},"585847890296176681":
{"u":1,"t":1559747421574,"m":"Gift - Standby for deploy."},"585849300270055444":
{"u":0,"t":1559747757738,"m":"_Cossette yanked the rear door switch to FULL DEPLOY
causing the rear cargo door to detach from its lock and slowly lower itself down,
extending out to the sky forming a downward ramp._"},"585849416271921162":
{"u":0,"t":1559747785395,"m":"Cossette: Door's open! Drop
now!"},"585849547159502855":{"u":1,"t":1559747816601,"m":"Gift - Here we
go!"},"585850200091000882":{"u":0,"t":1559747972272,"m":"_The team jumps out and
away from the aircraft as crates of cargo soon followed._"},"585850756461101076":
{"u":0,"t":1559748104921,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _through radio_ Romeo One-
Two, I need coordinates to our designated drop zone.\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630>
Wait, do I even have a callsign?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh... just, follow
me! We'll drop on that abandoned mall. Make sure Lieutenant Oobleck is linked to
us. \n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Copy, relaying coordinates to One-Three and
One-Four. Oscar Four-Six, copy on coordinates?\n\nOobleck: Copy on coordinates,
One-Two."},"585851829749940264":{"u":1,"t":1559748360813,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo
6 I have landing on marked location, Over."},"585852614483378201":
{"u":0,"t":1559748547908,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Copy, Bravo. I got you on
my radar. Landing now. \n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Target distance is five uh,
klicks out?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Nope, we're just a few feet above
Riley..."},"585852937285402634":{"u":0,"t":1559748624870,"m":"_Yang looked down and
saw Riley pointing a flare stick right underneath her posterior as she flew past
her and crashed onto a pile of neatly organized ammunition crate. Followed by the
crash, a loud groan is heard._\n\nCossette: I'd just set that ammo pile
up..."},"585853464169676836":{"u":1,"t":1559748750489,"m":"Gift - Keep your weapon
{"u":0,"t":1559749111130,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger that. Keep your
weapons up, everyone. Remember what we've trained and we'll make it through
this.\n\n_Ruby aimes down the sight of her sniper-scythe as Weiss took up position
on top of a building, her special-issue SMLE MKIII now aiming at the street
below._"},"585855254244098068":{"u":1,"t":1559749177276,"m":"Gift - If the intel is
right, there so many Grimm around here, keep your eye open."},"585856553383362580":
{"u":0,"t":1559749487015,"m":"_After the team had set up defense lines, traps, gun
emplacements and even repairing the abandoned mall with the aid of Riley's recently
summoned army of Microbots, special Dust-powered, sentient micromachines capable of
repairing buildings, resupplying units and even used offensively by creating weapon
turrets on-the-fly._\n\n_Oobleck, still walking down the lane of an abandoned
street noticed a trail of excrements leading into an alleyway. He followed the
trail until he'd discovered a pile of 2x4s and sticks piled against an entrance. He
peeked into it and shined a flashlight inside only to be met with a creature
screaming into his face._\n\n_He jumps back in fear as the creature gave chase to
him, the creature now revealed as a Freaker jumps high in the air before being
disintegrated into a pink mist thanks to Count covering Oobleck from the sky above
with his Ho-229F piloted flight-capable Mecha._\n\nCount:
Gotcha."},"585856776184791040":{"u":1,"t":1559749540135,"m":"Gift - Nice shot
Count."},"585859084541231124":{"u":0,"t":1559750090490,"m":"_However, back
at Ruby, things are... well. Terrible as multiple defensive positions are overrun,
forcing the team to find refuge within the heavily defended mall._\n\nRiley: You
got any plans to deal with the horde, Ruby?!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Well,
yes. But actually... WELL, I DO HAVE ONE, ALRIGHT?!\n\n_She rose from her cover and
sent one Wyrmstake-AP armor piercing round at an Alpha Beowolf, killing it
instantly as the sub-light round pierced its head clean before raking down six
Freakers._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Listen up! We're going to spread out and
take them in extreme angles. Weiss, you take position on the roof and pick away the
stragglers, once your spot is clean, get down and go after the fleeing ones. Yang,
you go crazy, and beat the life out of everything. And Blake, you stick with Riley
and do whatever she tells you to do.\n\n_Ruby took aim again and fired another
Wyrmstake round, this time killing a Baby Goliath._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Ready?! Go, go! Spread out and attack!"},"585859321099714614":
{"u":0,"t":1559750146890,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Roger that, One-
One!\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Copy, moving!\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> One-
Four, going hot! C'mon, you freaks!"},"585859535302819852":
{"u":1,"t":1559750197960,"m":"Gift - Don't begin without me. (Transform to Inferno
Scorpion)"},"585860347722727513":{"u":0,"t":1559750391656,"m":"Lt. Devon: Bravo
Six, this is Lightning Five-Two requesting immeidate assistance to take on that
Alpha Goliath sending balls of toxic shit down on BCT Four's IFVs at Havenia
Avenue! That's just thirty meters away from your spot! We'll hold here for the
{"u":1,"t":1559750556650,"m":"Gift - Copy that, it will be kill in a second. (Use
Inferno dash to Alpha Goliath)"},"585862130381619221":
{"u":0,"t":1559750816675,"m":"_Gift dashes to the Goliath and send three beams of
fire at its chest, instantly burning a massive hole through its flesh and killing
it. He moves on to deal with a Screamer screaming for more Beowolf but as he moved
close to its range, a Reacher launched itself at him and pinned him down.._\n\n_As
Gift struggled to get the Reacher's arms off of him, he heard three shotgun blasts
as the Reacher's headless body twitched and collapsed. Its corpse kicked away by a
man wearing a vest labeled \"Mongrels MC Club\"_\n\nDeacon: I got you, brother. Get
up! Boozeman, I need you to go over to the mall and give that red-haired girl some
help!\n\nBoozeman: On it, Deek. C'mon, Rikki! We're movinga"},"585863378975850527":
{"u":1,"t":1559751114363,"m":"Gift - Ruby.... She in trouble, I must help her. (Use
Hellfire teleport)"},"585865212243083275":{"u":0,"t":1559751551448,"m":"_As Ruby
kept up her rapid slashes sent at a Mutant Beowolf, three Swarmers grabbed her cape
and had her pinned down. Fighting for her life, she activates the twin plasma
wrist-mounted blades as the blades pierced the two Swarmers' chest. She then used
all of her strength to slash them from the chest up, splitting them apart and
killing them._\n\n_She jumps to the last unfortunate Swarmer as Deacon hoisted her
sniper-scythe and shouted at her._\n\nDeacon: You'll need this, catch!\n\n_With all
of his strength he threw the weapon as far as he could into Ruby's general
direction. Ruby, upon seeing the Crescent Rose unfold into its war scythe form
leaped for it and gripped the handle tight and with her semblance, she spun around
as the scythe blade moved close to the Swarmer._\n\n_The only sounds heard when the
fight ended was the Swarmer screaming in agony as the scythe blade ran through the
length of its body, then silence..._"},"585865444221517844":
{"u":1,"t":1559751606756,"m":"Gift - I think that it."},"585867408154165355":
{"u":0,"t":1559752074994,"m":"Riley: I hope so, Weiss ran through three hundred and
sixty one rounds of .303 Wyrmstake-MP rounds, three Dust \"Motherlode\" packs, and
a whole lot of smart grenades...\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> _still brushing
bits of dead Freakers off of her dress_ Sorry...\n\nRiley: Don't be sorry, be
better. The moment we get back to Beacon you and me have a lot more training to
do.\n\n_As the two bickered, Deacon stepped in and interrupted their
argument._\n\nDeacon: I don't want to be rude, but what the hell are we doing here?
\n\nBoozer: We coulda killed more of these freaks if it weren't for this cat-woman
jumping around and stealing my kills. Also, who is this guy swinging his goddamn
flask around and shooting fucking rockets out of it?"},"585867898250067989":
{"u":1,"t":1559752191842,"m":"Gift - BEHIND YOU!!!(Use Scorpion's spear) COME
HERE!! (And Fire swan off shotgun)"},"585868394277109795":
{"u":0,"t":1559752310104,"m":"Deacon: Jesus, fuck-\n\n_The Swarmer lays dead before
him as blood and brain matter seeped from its head._\n\nDeacon: Now, who the fuck
are you?\n\n_He withdrew his beloved shotgun, the Lil' Stubby sawn-off lever-action
shotgun he'd personally crafted through spare parts and aimed it at Gift's
{"u":1,"t":1559752540060,"m":"Captain Gift - Gift, Can you explain what the hell is
going on?\nGift - I don't know Cap."},"585870698367418368":
{"u":0,"t":1559752859442,"m":"Riley: I'll handle him.\n\n_She walks over to Deacon
and Boozer before whispering into both of their ears, the two men's faces lightened
up as Deacon holstered his sawn-off and stepped back from Gift._\n\nDeacon: Right,
uh, sorry... Gift. I'm Deacon, Deacon St. John, and this is my friend,
{"u":1,"t":1559752978738,"m":"Captain Gift - They like i have seen before.......
Oh! I got it from this. (Grab Days Gone PS4 Game box)"},"585871810331934720":
{"u":0,"t":1559753124555,"m":"Deacon: Now you remember us, right? So, what we're
doing here is to set up camp and stay here? Or do we explore this place and turn it
to a settlement or some stuff you military people are good at doing?\n\nRiley: No,
the reason we're here is because right beneath this ghost town there's a White Fang
cell built within the city's abandoned underground railway
system."},"585872169620340737":{"u":1,"t":1559753210216,"m":"Gift - There have a
possible to destroy the tunnel to Vale."},"585872272963797032":
{"u":1,"t":1559753234855,"m":"Gift - And bought many Grimm
there."},"585872628565409808":{"u":0,"t":1559753319637,"m":"Oobleck: But first, we
must set up camp and watch for any movements. Also, it's getting dark.\n\n_He takes
a sip from his thermos flask before handing it over to Boozer._\n\nOobleck: Try
this, I mixed a few shots of _Remnant's Finest_ in it. You'll love
it."},"585873054266032239":{"u":1,"t":1559753421132,"m":"Gift - Have anything to
light this campfire?"},"585874018566012938":{"u":0,"t":1559753651039,"m":"Deacon: I
got one.\n\n_He throws him a jet lighter he'd looted off of a White Fang grunt as
Gift picked it up, pressed the igniter twice as blue flame shot out the nozzle and
pointed it close to a strand of oiled wick Weiss had cut off of a torn bit of her
dress._\n\n_The campfire lit up brightly as three heat harvesters erected from the
ground and stuck their heat channelling nozzles into the fire. Transferring heat to
the water heaters within the mall's remaining water processing
units._"},"585874280202633226":{"u":0,"t":1559753713418,"m":"Riley: Everyone, go
get some rest, especially you. Rubes, you carried your team to victory
today.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Wilco, Six-Two.\n\nRiley: Please, just call me
Riley. We're not fighting anyone yet.."},"585140777764519936":
{"u":0,"t":1559578832809,"m":"Riley: How about we go in and train them all
together? That's pretty sure the best way to go."},"585140894416633866":
{"u":1,"t":1559578860621,"m":"Gift - Good idea, Let's go."},"585142330642923535":
{"u":0,"t":1559579203044,"m":"_At Training Ground Alpha, Team RWBY and sixteen
other teams are under training as drill instructors took over. Riley, now standing
before the team gives them her short speech._\n\nRiley: All of you, look at me
right now!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yes, ma'am!\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630>
Yes, ma'am!\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Yes,
ma'am!\n<:Yang:501508636879749121>Yes, ma'am!\n\nRiley: You're all here at Beacon
Academy Training Ground Alpha, Building 613 Sparring Company, from now on the words
coming out of your mouth are \"yes ma'am\" or \"no ma'am\", do you
understand?\n\nTeam RWBY: Yes, Ma'am!\nRiley: Good, now spread out and take your
positions on that firing line now! Move!"},"585142699296817188":
{"u":1,"t":1559579290938,"m":"Gift - Let's try this (Use Scorpion's spear) GET OVER
HERE (And Shot Swan off Shotgun) Nice Combo."},"585143769255378945":
{"u":0,"t":1559579546036,"m":"_Ruby, now paired with Weiss finds themselves going
up against Gift. Riley, on the other hand is now fighting Blake and Yang in a 2v1
fight. However, things at Team JNPR are getting worse..._\n\nSandman: Okay, now
grab your sidearm now.\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Yes, sir.\n\n_He notices that
Jaune's sidearm, the M17 pistol is nowhere to be found._\n\nSandman: Where- where's
your sidearm?!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> In the green bag, sir.\n\n_Sandman,
having realised that he did not yell at him instantly changes his tone of voice and
screamed into Jaune's face._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Uh, it's in the green
HOLSTER, NOW TAKE IT OUT!\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Yes,
sir!","te":1559579583523},"585144111183691776":{"u":1,"t":1559579627558,"m":"Gift -
Alright, Show me what you got."},"585145015400136721":
{"u":0,"t":1559579843140,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Bring it on!\n\n_She
chambers a round into the Crescent Rose and fired, the recoil of the supercharged
Mk211S .50BMG Wyrmstake sending her flying straight into Gift, she
raises the Crescent Rose in its scythe form up high and slashed right into his
armor, creating a large gash in it._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Moving in on
his six!\n\n_Weiss summons a time-dilation glyph and launched it at Gift, slowing
down his attack. She then plunged the Myrtenaster's blade into his suit's power
unit. Causing a monir electrical discharge._"},"585145254337052672":
{"u":1,"t":1559579900107,"m":"Gift - (Use Scorpion's teleport
attack)"},"585146369925447682":{"u":0,"t":1559580166084,"m":"_As the blade plunged
in even deeper, almost reaching his flesh he warped away, taking Weiss by surprise.
He launches Scorpion's spear straight at her belt pouch, ripping through it and
causing the Dust canisters to fall onto the ground._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
I'll get you for that!\n\n_She hip-fired five Wyrmstake rounds at the dent she made
earlier and used her semblance to its full potential thanks to Riley giving her a
minor boost prior to the sparring, time around her slows down as she moved around
him at sub-light speed. She continues the attack until Gift finally caught on and
sent three lightning bolts at her from his Thunder God Raiden
form._"},"585146649504907302":{"u":1,"t":1559580232741,"m":"Gift - I'm
impress."},"585148698187530252":{"u":0,"t":1559580721185,"m":"_Back at Riley, Yang,
having worn Riley's aura down by half viciously pummeled her armor until she felt
her body being sent up the sky. Time slows down as she finds herself speeding
toeards the ground at breakneck speed._\n\n_With Yang captive within the gravity
leash, Riley slams her against the groud beforr sending her flying back to Blake's
ruined cover. At Riley's six Blake fired a grappling hook at her right arm
controlling the leash and with all of her strengt pulled at the arm until she heard
the sickening crunch of a person's arm being torn from the shoulder and a series of
incomprehensible screams._\n\n_Blake opened her eyes only to find out that she,
indeed, had ripped Riley's right arm right off of her shoulder. On the ground lies
Riley screaming in pain and bleeding profusely._\n\nRiley: Nnngh.... it fucking
hurts, aaagh!\n\n_Desperate to keep the bleeding to a minimum she gripped the wound
with her left hand tightly as beams of light projected from the wound. The wound
slowy heals itself back to normal._\n\n_With the arm healed, Riley got up and
laughed hysterically at Blake's reaction being pure
horror._"},"585149210307985436":{"u":1,"t":1559580843284,"m":"Gift - I impressed
with your skill, keep improved your skill and don't stop."},"585149983800688642":
{"u":0,"t":1559581027699,"m":"Riley: Keep the arm, Blake. Training's done for the
day now. Scram and get to your quarters.\n\n_She deadpanned and left the sparring
hall. Leaving Team RWBY, JNPR and the rest of the teams awestruck at what they'd
just witnessed._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> I guess Blake's uh... well..
um...\n\n_She got down to her knees and vomited onto the floor. Followed by Jaune
and Pyrrha._"},"585150280023277570":{"u":1,"t":1559581098324,"m":"Gift - One day i
will have my own sister One Day."},"585150720160956427":
{"u":0,"t":1559581203261,"m":"_At their quarters, Riley headed straight for her bed
and fell asleep on the spot as Ruby and her teammates sorted themselves out before
resting in their bunks._"},"585151247737290762":{"u":1,"t":1559581329045,"m":"Gift
- (Sit at his table) Alright, Before i sleep i must check my weapons.\n(whisper to
himself) But i still think to have my own sister maybe not today but tomorrow maybe
that."},"585151348035682325":{"u":0,"t":1559581352958,"m":"BT: In time, General.
Just give it time."},"585151502209908986":{"u":1,"t":1559581389716,"m":"Gift - I
can't stop thinking about this BT."},"585151680379617300":
{"u":0,"t":1559581432195,"m":"BT: It's hard, but I'm positive that in time you'll
get to be her... brother."},"585151917399736357":{"u":1,"t":1559581488705,"m":"Gift
- I want someone to say that word, i can't stop to imagine about
it."},"585152385068826642":{"u":0,"t":1559581600206,"m":"Riley: Like what BT said,
Gift. In time, you'll get to be her brother. Now rest. We have a lot more to do
tomorrow."},"585152472222269440":{"u":0,"t":1559581620985,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now,
we'll continue later. Okay?)"},"585152594314526721":
{"u":1,"t":1559581650094,"m":"Gift - In one day......\n(Sure, Rest well
Commander)"},"585473679312551957":{"u":1,"t":1559658202723,"m":"At midnight Gift is
still thinking about sister.\nGift - Maybe in someday that time will
come."},"585474067579273268":{"u":0,"t":1559658295293,"m":"_The door to his room
opens as Mihaly, still in his flight suit walked into the room, turned around and
closed the door._\n\nMihaly: Still thinking about her, aren't
you?"},"585474581184380939":{"u":1,"t":1559658417746,"m":"Gift - Sure and it never
end until that time have come.","te":1559658461952},"585474952061255681":
{"u":0,"t":1559658506170,"m":"Mihaly: Really, hm. Why don't you tell me your true
feelings about her? How you actually feel about her, the things you want to do to
protect her, and her friends?"},"585475678745526272":
{"u":1,"t":1559658679425,"m":"Gift - Yes, i want to protect Ruby and her friend
until i die on duty.","te":1559658836258},"585477130121641985":
{"u":0,"t":1559659025460,"m":"_He reaches into his suit pocket and produced three
photo cards of his nieces Ionela and Alma and gave it to Gift._\n\nMihaly: I want
you to look into those pictures and tell me what you see."},"585477330105925664":
{"u":1,"t":1559659073140,"m":"Gift - Give me a second."},"585477708969148423":
{"u":0,"t":1559659163468,"m":"Mihaly: Take your time, Gift."},"585479638147399739":
{"u":1,"t":1559659623420,"m":"Gift - What is this feeling? (His heart feel
hurt)"},"585479662449459200":{"u":0,"t":1559659629214,"m":"_Having realised that
Gift has beem staring off into space, Mihaly snatched the cards
away._"},"585479881412837389":{"u":0,"t":1559659681419,"m":"Mihaly: Listen, what
you have to do is to be by her side when she needs you
most."},"585479920982032410":{"u":0,"t":1559659690853,"m":"_He gets up and left the
room_"},"585480032647118853":{"u":1,"t":1559659717476,"m":"Gift - That's what i'm
gonna do."},"585480387023601709":{"u":0,"t":1559659801966,"m":"_Fast forward until
morning. He finds himself being pecked on the cheek by...
Ruby._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Wakey, wakey, Gift!"},"585480532259766281":
{"u":1,"t":1559659836593,"m":"Gift - (Wake up) Good morning
Ruby."},"585480673096106024":{"u":0,"t":1559659870171,"m":"_Ruby drags him out from
the bed, sending him sprawling on the floor._"},"585481574590578713":
{"u":0,"t":1559660085104,"m":"Riley: We've got work to do, Gift. I know what you're
thinking about her..."},"585481794346942484":{"u":1,"t":1559660137498,"m":"Gift -
Yes, i use the time all night to think about this."},"585482293385101352":
{"u":0,"t":1559660256478,"m":"_Riley drags him out of the room and pushed him out
to the hallway. Literally dragging him around in a gravity leash before sending him
off into Ruby's class._\n\nRiley: Here we are, time to do some
supervision."},"585482581189853184":{"u":1,"t":1559660325096,"m":"Gift - Time to
go!"},"585482726019170304":{"u":0,"t":1559660359626,"m":"Riley: Since this is going
to take a while to run through, we're gonna... CUT!"},"585483005712400408":
{"u":1,"t":1559660426310,"m":"(A few moment later)\nGift - Okey cut to here at
almost end of class."},"585485006323843093":{"u":1,"t":1559660903293,"m":"Gift -
Class will end in 3 2 1...."},"585485388580126724":
{"u":0,"t":1559660994430,"m":"_As the class ends, Gift receives a notification sent
from Ozpin._"},"585485490321489922":{"u":0,"t":1559661018687,"m":"BT: General,
Ozpin need you up in his office with Riley."},"585485582235598849":
{"u":1,"t":1559661040601,"m":"Gift - On my way."},"585488323066462228":
{"u":1,"t":1559661694066,"m":"Gift - Come on Riley."},"585112621020217364":
{"u":0,"t":1559572119718,"m":"_Outside the office, Gift, still talking to the past
form of himself finds himself being dragged into the office by
{"u":0,"t":1559572128031,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I need you inside,
now."},"585112740499030017":{"u":1,"t":1559572148204,"m":"Gift - Come on
Cap."},"585113577044705290":{"u":0,"t":1559572347652,"m":"Cossette: Summer... she'd
just ordered the deployment herself. \n\n_She points to the console, rendered a
smashed and mangled mess thanks to Riley's uncontrolled anger. Having lashed out at
the unfortunate console she sulked in the corner of the office as she felt Ruby's
conflicting emotions striking her again..._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Summer,
what have you...","te":1572819442390},"585113721328762900":
{"u":0,"t":1559572382052,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Doing what I trained
for, Cossette, I need a transport helo to the outskirts of Sigma.
Pronto."},"585114307860103388":{"u":1,"t":1559572521892,"m":"Gift - I can feel that
something gonna happen.\nCommander Gift - I think so.\nGift - Commander?\nCommander
Gift - Yes, my friend, Cap also here?\nCaptain Gift - Yes,
Commander."},"585115291340636180":{"u":0,"t":1559572756372,"m":"_Price, having
watched the situation unfold into a crying mess placed his right hand on Riley's
left shoulder, standing next to her on her left. He pulls her into a hug,
comforting her._\n\n_Soap, Sandman, and the rest of Task Force 141's major
operators poured into the room as they gathered around Oz' desk, reading into the
deployment order. After a moment of silence has passed, Riley, having regained her
control over her long-lost ability walked towards the group, grabbed the deployment
order and signed it herself._\n\nRiley: Gentlemen, Operation Deep Furrow and
Directive 51-A is now in effect. Summer's deployment will proceed as followed,
Space United's Interuniversal Division will now begin their strategic force
into neigboring planets of Remnant, and that...\n\n_She points to the Red Button
placed on the desk, placed her palm onto it and gently pressed it down._\n\nRiley:
Space United and all of its members, including Earth's United Nations Space
Alliance will now have full control of Remnant's military
{"u":1,"t":1559573115461,"m":"Gift - Alright there are 3 of us now, do you think
there will be 4?\nSargent Gift - Always Gift.\nGift - Sarge!\nSargent Gift - Still
same huh?\nGift - Yes and always."},"585117701018484813":
{"u":0,"t":1559573330884,"m":"_Summer, having heard Riley's short speech left for
the airfield with Ruby following behind, Gift does the same along with the rest of
the men inside the office. Now, at the airfield, they all gathered around the
dropship entry/docking port of the Atlesian Air Force's largest air-to-space
supercruiser ever built, the Edelweiss._"},"585120484505681941":
{"u":1,"t":1559573994519,"m":"Gift - (Grab MP5) Remember this Cap?\nCaptain Gift -
Yes, i remember that, and (Grab M14 EBR) Remember this Commander?\nCommander Gift -
Sure (Grab Scar H) Remember this Sarge?\nSargent Gift - Yes, and maybe you remember
this Gift. (Grab M4A1)\nGift - Always remember that."},"585121494011740160":
{"u":0,"t":1559574235204,"m":"Riley: We're going to miss you a lot,
Summer...\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'll be fine, take care of Rubes and her
new friends for me, okay?\nRiley: I won't let you down. Now, go.\n_As Summer
stepped up the collapsible stair used for maintenace crews, Ruby gave Summer her
last tearful hug before jumping down from it._"},"585121744965074955":
{"u":1,"t":1559574295036,"m":"Gift - Before you go Summer, Do you have anything
that make us remind you?"},"585122162545786913":
{"u":0,"t":1559574394595,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Oh, right... Take
this!"},"585122362538590218":{"u":0,"t":1559574442277,"m":"_She threw him her
family emblem, made out of silver at Gift as the docking gate locks into
place._"},"585122544512663555":{"u":1,"t":1559574485663,"m":"Gift - I will remember
you Summer."},"585122736821764141":{"u":0,"t":1559574531513,"m":"Edelweiss Captain:
To ground personnel, stand clear of the blast. Ship liftoff in thirty
seconds..."},"585122848020889636":{"u":1,"t":1559574558025,"m":"Gift wear Summer's
family emblem on his left chest."},"585122987645206528":
{"u":0,"t":1559574591314,"m":"Riley: C'mon, Gift! We're going back
inside."},"585123094515941387":{"u":1,"t":1559574616794,"m":"Gift - I'll be
there."},"585123486473781259":{"u":0,"t":1559574710244,"m":"_As Gift went inside
the airfield's hangar, time fast forwarded until the actual start of Beacon's first
semester..._"},"585123579436466246":{"u":0,"t":1559574732408,"m":"\"Best Day Ever
(?)\"\nVale, Beacon Academy\nGeneral Gift"},"585124087274143770":
{"u":1,"t":1559574853486,"m":"Gift - (Wake up) Morning already?\nCaptain Gift - Yes
Gift, It's morning.\nGift - This will be the first semester at Beacon
Academy."},"585125087347343375":{"u":0,"t":1559575091922,"m":"Riley: True that,
today will be Ruby's first Field Excursion deployment, but to get to that she has
to go through _fifteen_ training sessions today fot
qualification..."},"585125324828704798":{"u":1,"t":1559575148542,"m":"Gift -
Anything coming (Lighting out from his eye) We will past
it."},"585125916338814978":{"u":0,"t":1559575289569,"m":"Ramirez: Amen to that,
General. Hell, Yang's all gung-ho about getting to beat street thugs. Let's see how
she'll go through how us Rangers train and...\n\n_He withdrew his M17 \"Joaquin\"
pistol and fired a blank round up the canteen's roof._\n\nRamirez: how we fight.
Have a nice day, General."},"585126068156104726":{"u":1,"t":1559575325765,"m":"Gift
- You too Ramirez."},"585127058015780895":{"u":0,"t":1559575561766,"m":"_Ramirez,
having finished his mean gets up from the table and headed for his squad. Back at
Ruby's spot, she is seen presenting a massive binder._"},"585127501978796035":
{"u":0,"t":1559575667615,"m":"<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Sisters... friends...
Hey-\n\n<:Ruby_Love:605027557712330763> Just four scores and seven minutes ago, I
had a dream.\n\n_Upon hearing this, Cossette chuckles, nearly spitting her morning
coffee out._\n\nCossette: This better be good, Miss Ruby. The last time you said
that, you almost singlehandedly destroyed a multi-million Lien ADA attacker
jet.\n\n_Putting his arm on her left shoulder, Trigger pats her, giggling
himself._\n\nTrigger: No need to be so harsh, Cossie...\n\n_From across the table,
Long Caster appears with a tray loaded with burgers he'd taken from the vendor to
the table much to Huxian's dismay_\n\nLong Caster: Who wants more
burgers?\n\nHuxian: NO. MORE. BURGERS.","te":1572819368579},"585127870129635328":
{"u":1,"t":1559575755389,"m":"(In diary) Gift - Oh! i almost forgot that time Rudy
haven't call me Brother."},"585128689784717313":{"u":0,"t":1559575950810,"m":"_As
Gift continues to scribble entries into his diary, Ruby went on with her
explanation of the binder's contents only to be interrupted by
Weiss._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Did you steal my
binder?!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _makes a peace sign_ Shush, I'm not a
crook!\n\nTrigger: At least you're better than my liar of a wingman.\n\nCount: I
heard that, Trigger Boy.\n\nTrigger: _flips Count off._\n\nMihaly: We're seeing
more students by the daily, why's that?\n\nIonela: Yeah, it's kinda
weird..."},"585129805410730004":{"u":0,"t":1559576216796,"m":"_Riley, engrossed in
willing herself from being overwhelmed in the invisble sea of emotions she finds
herself stuck within drops the conversation as time around her slowed down to a
halt._\n\n_All she saw was nothing but a sea of auras, varying in color and
intensity with Ruby's being bright yellow while Weiss' presented a deep shade of
green and a tint of red._\n\n_She continues to read through each studenr until she
felt something warm, squishy and soft landing on her face. A pie. Thrown at her
face by Count. She snaps out of her trance to find Nora standing on top of a
makeshift \"high ground\" built entirely out of benches. A food
{"u":0,"t":1559576288423,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> _in sing-song_ I'm queen
of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"},"585130347847614464":
{"u":1,"t":1559576346123,"m":"Gift - I'm Ready (Transform to Thunder God Raiden)
Let's do this.\nMCV's AI - MCV Ready for deployment.\nGift - Deploy here.\nMCV's AI
- Roger General."},"585131281134911488":{"u":0,"t":1559576568636,"m":"_As the food
fight begins, Riley rips away a baguette from a student's hand, carved out
the \"grip\" and stuck a rolled pie wrapper into the hole carved above the grip.
Creating a makeshift sword out. Gift, having transformed into Thunder God Raiden,
or in this case, Ice Shaving God Raiden rushes up the battle lane as Cossette,
Trigger, and his team of pilots all scrambled around the canteen looking for
weapons._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _Stomping her foot on a table and pointing
at Team JNPR._ Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! _She crushes a
carton of milk in her hand._ It will be delicious!"},"585131491009232906":
{"u":1,"t":1559576618674,"m":"Gift - Squad ATTACK!!"},"585131981906509824":
{"u":0,"t":1559576735713,"m":"Sandman: Move, MOVE!\nRamirez: RANGERS, LEAD THE WAY!
CHARGE!\n\n_As rhe battle begins, Ruby, her teammates, Gift, Riley, and the rest of
the friendly \"Alpha Team\" combatants all rushed towards Team JNPR's position on
the ramshackle hill of benches._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Off with their
heads!"},"585132373436399676":{"u":0,"t":1559576829061,"m":"_From Nora's side,
Trigger and his team spread out once he saw Nora moving in with a watermelon on a
stick. He ran down the lane alongside Cossette, Avril, and Count as they weaved
through slices of pizzas, rogue milk boxes and high-velocity french
fries._"},"585132744162672640":{"u":1,"t":1559576917449,"m":"Gift - (Transform to
Cyromancer Sub Zero) Let's see if you got this are you still
fast."},"585133876918222909":{"u":0,"t":1559577187519,"m":"_He launches a storm of
ice shaving into Nora's general direction as Pyrrha moves in and threw a plate at
him. Breaking his attack._\n\n_Yang, having found two roasted turkeys jammed them
onto her hands turning them into gauntlets and punched away at the melons coming at
her, sent by Alma's trashcan catapult._\n\n_Riley goes up against Pyrrha as she
swinged her baguette sword at her, sending her off balance and onto the floor. She
plunged the baguette straight into her chest only to have it crumble
away._\n\nRiley: Whoops. You're down, sorry.... NOT!\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
I'll get you for that..."},"585134126068269142":{"u":1,"t":1559577246921,"m":"Gift
- ICE STORM!!"},"585134902316367873":{"u":0,"t":1559577431993,"m":"_Gift sends a
massive icee storm directly at Cossette, sending her crashing against a pillar.
Knocking her out cold._\n\n_After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar.
The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses
around them._\n\nRuby: _Cradling Weiss_ Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me!
Nooo!\n\n_Sandman, having seen Weiss crashing against the pillar thanks to Nora
scoring a direct hit rushes to her help. Firing away at her with his two bottles of
ketchup._\n\nSandman: We have a man down, repeat. Man down! I need a medic over
here, now!\n\n_The fighting resumes, ending with JNPR slammed against a cracked
wall painted with soda and food. Team JNPR slides off the wall, leaving only their
{"u":1,"t":1559577512514,"m":"Gift - This will be mess. AHH!!! (Transform to
Inferno Scorpion) This time will be heavy attack."},"585135985013293057":
{"u":0,"t":1559577690128,"m":"Trigger: Screw you,
flyboy! Fight's on! Give me some boost, Av!\nAvril: Gotcha, here!\n\n_She throws
him a can of MAX-ACT energy drink. But before the fight could continue Glynda
pushed the food-stained door open and finds herself drenched with energy drink
thanks to Avril's poor throw._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> Children, please...
Do not play with your food!\n\n_She deadpanned as Riley managed to shrug Pyrrha off
of her back and got to her feet._","te":1559577755741},"585136249468092462":
{"u":1,"t":1559577753179,"m":"Gift - (Transform back to normal) Ha! What a
{"u":0,"t":1559578032543,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Ugh...\n\n_She groans,
raising her newly issued DC-2M Tactical Shock stun baton as Riley's Tabasco sauce-
drenched hand grabbed at it and yanked the baton away._\n\nRiley: Why waste your
aura away when I can clean this place in a snap? Watch this.\n\n_Riley raises her
right hand and snapped once as white light covered the entire hall. As the light
faded away, Glynda blinked twice to find that the canteen has been upgraded to
accommodate even more students, every bench armed to the teeth with food-bases
weaponry for any upcoming food fight._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> I... uh...
how?\n\nRiley: Light Energy, works every time."},"585137805043433493":
{"u":1,"t":1559578124057,"m":"Gift - I'm Also (Freeze mess on his suit and break
it)"},"585138299388035120":{"u":0,"t":1559578241918,"m":"_Riley gave him a high-
five as she leaves the canteen. Leaving the entire group struck in
awe._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> How did she
even...\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> Do the snap? \n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
Yep.\n<:ren:519719201699790870> ..."},"585139248412229642":
{"u":1,"t":1559578468183,"m":"Gift - I still have many thing to do.\n(Writing
Diary)\nGift - As i see my ability is not good enough for them, However i want to
have my own sister but it easy to say but it hard to do, i think that will not
happen in my life that anyone say \"i want you to be my brother\" I think it's will
never happen to me.","te":1559581716327},"585140324905517091":
{"u":0,"t":1559578724839,"m":"Riley: I know what you're thinking, Gift. It will
happen, just one day. Anyways, Ruby's training regiment will begin at 1300. And
that I, will personally train her. You'll take over Weiss amd the rest of her team,
can you do that? Or do you want me to switch places."},"585140536516804619":
{"u":1,"t":1559578775291,"m":"Gift - This is your idea, it up to you
now."},"584408611648831540":{"u":6,"t":1559404270804,"m":"*gets off my bike and
sees the blue light and walks to it*"},"584408989081534485":
{"u":1,"t":1559404360791,"m":"Gift - Alright Here i go. (Transform to Cyromancer
Sub Zero)"},"584409629560274964":{"u":0,"t":1559404513493,"m":"_The blue light
faded away as his transformation became a success. With the transformation finished
he walked to his quarters in the second tower adjacent to the
main \"Spire\"_"},"584410267841069056":{"u":1,"t":1559404665671,"m":"Gift - I
finally make it."},"584410614412345345":{"u":0,"t":1559404748300,"m":"_He falls
down on his bed as his desire to rest overwhelmed him..._"},"584410796021383173":
{"u":0,"t":1559404791599,"m":"\"Beacon Academy - Day One\"\nVale\nGeneral
Gift"},"584410916146380805":{"u":1,"t":1559404820239,"m":"(In Morning)\nGift - I
fell asleep last night? At least i can transform to Cyromancer Sub
Zero."},"584411306124247063":{"u":0,"t":1559404913217,"m":"Riley: You did, meet me
at the hall, I'll be there."},"584411398537478156":
{"u":1,"t":1559404935250,"m":"Gift - Sure."},"584411708156542977":
{"u":0,"t":1559405009069,"m":"_She leaves for the assembly hall, brushing past
recruits still groggy from the events yesterday. She pushes the door to Ruby's
quarters open and dragged her out of the bed, she sets her standing straight and
blasted her with a beam of light, restoring her back to healthy
Wha..."},"584411815568736268":{"u":0,"t":1559405034678,"m":"Riley: Wake up, Rubes.
We're meeting at the hall, team assembly."},"584412023882907660":
{"u":1,"t":1559405084344,"m":"Gift - This will faster. (Use Sub Zero's Ice
slide)"},"584412046909767700":{"u":0,"t":1559405089834,"m":"_She moved on and
walked down the walkway leading to the elevator and pressed a key combination.
Calling an elevator up to her floor._"},"584412199380975637":
{"u":0,"t":1559405126186,"m":"_Gift, on the other hand slided his way to his
destination at the hall on ice formed by his Sub-Zero combat
form._"},"584412229714182144":{"u":6,"t":1559405133418,"m":"*is in the
elevator*"},"584412442981957632":{"u":1,"t":1559405184265,"m":"Gift - I'm
{"u":0,"t":1559405285482,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Welcome back, Gift. Heard
you and your group wasted that radar site back in the
forest."},"584413148778594335":{"u":1,"t":1559405352540,"m":"Gift - I have rally my
team on that area."},"584414188957466637":
{"u":0,"t":1559405600538,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Good, now we're just
waiting for the recruits, ahem, students to get ready."},"584414318070595613":
{"u":1,"t":1559405631321,"m":"Gift - I guess they will arrive
soon."},"584415228373106729":{"u":0,"t":1559405848354,"m":"_Amongst the crowd are
Riley, her partner Hiro, and Cossette guiding the students into their designate d
rows. After nearly an hour of managing over thousands of students they managed to
organize them by their pre-assigned battalions with Ruby and her newfound teammates
being assigned to Alpha Battalion. Commanded by Riley herself. Her rank being
reassigned to Lieutenant Colonel after having made arrangements to the command
architecture._\n\n<:glynda:501544327403667462> All students, please remain in your
designated rows."},"584415476377976832":{"u":6,"t":1559405907483,"m":"*is away from
the crowd leaning against a wall*"},"584415594040918026":
{"u":0,"t":1559405935536,"m":"_As the students settle down, Ozpin stood on his spot
at the podium, and begun his speech._"},"584416678654378020":
{"u":0,"t":1559406194128,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Students, first of all,
I'd like to congratulate you all for passing the Initiation, for which, for the
first time in our history it was organized before we even got you all assigned into
our dormitories. Now, as Riley herself has said on her first day, you will train
and fight as a team. If you look to your right, you will see a roster board fo your
pre-assigned battalions. And up here on the stage is the screen where you'll be
able to see which team you'll lead or be assigned to. \n\nThe moment your name
shows up on that screen, that, is when your life will be changed forever. From that
moment forward every aspect of you will be assimilated into one among your
teammates who you'll rely on until your graduation and initiation as a certified
Huntsman or Huntress. I will now begin the selection process. Remain calm and
proceed to the stage once your name is called out."},"584419271858192419":
{"u":1,"t":1559406812396,"m":"Gift - Let's see."},"584420097565655050":
{"u":1,"t":1559407009260,"m":"Gift - This will be long so we gonna
CUT!!"},"584420655311618082":{"u":0,"t":1559407142237,"m":"_After nearly three
hours of yet another episode of organized chaos and Riley sending her partner back
to Earth, the two find themselves now relocated to Beacon Dormitory Column Delta,
their new quarters. But before they can even make preparations to clean up the room
the best they could, they are immediately escorted to Ozpin's
office._"},"584420693106753539":{"u":0,"t":1559407151248,"m":"Riley: Again with
this crap?"},"584420854776201229":{"u":0,"t":1559407189793,"m":"Pvt. Allison:
Ma'am, it's his orders. Can't break 'em unless I want to get kicked
out..."},"584420929606516872":{"u":1,"t":1559407207634,"m":"Gift - Another
Mission?"},"584421096309260299":{"u":0,"t":1559407247379,"m":"Pvt. Allison: Nope,
it's Agent Summer, sir."},"584421158179569680":{"u":0,"t":1559407262130,"m":"Riley:
Then we better get to see what he's going to make her do this
time..."},"584421292883705870":{"u":1,"t":1559407294246,"m":"Gift - Yeah let's go.
(Use Hellfire teleport)"},"584421747038879754":{"u":0,"t":1559407402525,"m":"_Now
at Ozpin's office, Gift brushes the dust still sticking on his exosuit off as Riley
read through Summer's deployment order with Cossette. As he was staring off into
space he heard the sound of paper being thrown throuh the air, he spun around and
saw Riley, now crying into Cossette's shoulder..._"},"584421957005737994":
{"u":1,"t":1559407452585,"m":"Gift - What's happen?"},"584422176661176357":
{"u":0,"t":1559407504955,"m":"Cossette: Summer's... going to be permanently
deployed in the field, and Riley doesn't want her to go. Anyways, where's
Ruby?"},"584422345721249807":{"u":1,"t":1559407545262,"m":"Gift - I'll get
her."},"584422759371636785":{"u":0,"t":1559407643884,"m":"_As he left the room for
Ruby, he heard Riley's enraged screams piercing through the hallway leading to the
access elevator attracting the attention of officers and students
alike._"},"584423194279018509":{"u":0,"t":1559407747574,"m":"Riley (echoed
screams): Why would you send her right into that goddamn area you sick fuck?! That
zone is off-limits and if anything happens to her we can't even send any
assistance?? What the fuck is wrong with you,
{"u":1,"t":1559407818782,"m":"Gift - I can feel that i can transform to another one
Thunder God Raiden."},"584423798237954057":
{"u":0,"t":1559407891569,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Save it,
Gift."},"584424212849098755":{"u":0,"t":1559407990420,"m":"_Summer brushed past him
with Ruby trailing after her. Her tears dripping onto the metal floor as she walked
to the door leading to Oz' office. She opens the door as Riley's ear-piercing
stunned her briefly._"},"584425335056105473":{"u":0,"t":1559408257975,"m":"_She
slowly closed the door as Riley's screams reduced to sobs, Riley, now stricken with
a strong wave of mixed emotions from her sudden activation of her long-lost ability
of empathy excused herself as she tries her best to block ou Summer's true feelings
towards Oz's deployment order. Locking hersefl away in a confined maintenance
- What is he thinking?\nCaptain Gift - I don't know mate.\nGift - Cap!\nCaptain
Gift - Long time no see.\nGift - Yeah! long time."},"584426499252158464":
{"u":1,"t":1559408535541,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"584426545049763858":
{"u":0,"t":1559408546460,"m":"_Summer continued to read through her deployment
files until she crumpled it up and tossed it into a shredder. From there she walked
over to Oz's workstation and tapped the \"DEPLOYMENT CONFIRMATION\" button
to \"ACTIVE, READY FOR DEPLOYMENT\" and simply waited for Ozpin to react to what
she had done._"},"584427062887055620":{"u":6,"t":1559408669922,"m":"*as I was about
to walk back to my bike and leave I stop in the middle of the parking lot*
something's wrong","te":1559408677488},"584431045235966040":
{"u":1,"t":1559572053001,"m":"Gift - How have you been Cap?\nCaptain Gift - Still
same.\nGift - You haven't change much."},"584397094085853196":
{"u":0,"t":1559401524803,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Okay, you... I'll need you
to hit it with what you've got. 'Cause that Nevermore right there is an
Alpha."},"584397826738356227":{"u":6,"t":1559401699481,"m":"Ruby take this *holds
out the watch*with this your power should be amplified"},"584397937275174922":
{"u":6,"t":1559401725835,"m":"It's power is some what to the people who made your
Thanks.."},"584398291093946399":{"u":1,"t":1559401810192,"m":"Gift - Let finish
this! (Transform to Inferno Scorpion)"},"584398294092873728":
{"u":6,"t":1559401810907,"m":"*gives it to ruby* just press the top
{"u":0,"t":1559401905442,"m":"_Riley, now airborne establishes an orbit around
Ruby's position as she kept up her stream of pulse lasers from her two hands.
Drawing the Nevermore closer to the ground, with the Nevermore's right wing
crashing into the ground she yelled into the radio._"},"584398728962768907":
{"u":0,"t":1559401914588,"m":"Riley: NOW!"},"584398740832387092":
{"u":6,"t":1559401917418,"m":"*pulls out card and puts it in the driver* \"Final
attack ride K-K- Kabuto\""},"584398792669921291":
{"u":6,"t":1559401929777,"m":"Press it now!"},"584399031585996830":
{"u":0,"t":1559401986739,"m":"_Ruby, having heard Sci'f order pressed the button on
the watch._"},"584399054218330152":{"u":6,"t":1559401992135,"m":"*plasma energy
forms from the top and of my helmet and goes to my leg*"},"584399328517554186":
{"u":1,"t":1559402057533,"m":"Gift - Let finish this
mission!"},"584399391952207873":{"u":6,"t":1559402072657,"m":"*ruby's eyes start to
glow and a bright blinding light engulfs her and she transforms* \"Agito\"","a":
{"u":1,"t":1559402136448,"m":"Gift - AHH!!!!! (His power now is
hellfire)"},"584400109865795594":{"u":0,"t":1559402243821,"m":"_Ruby begins her
attack as she struck the Nevermore headfirst alongside Gift. Riley, Weiss, Blake,
and Yang follows in along with Team Juliet as they all unleashed their attack on
the now defenseless beast. Killing it and obliterating its corpse into
dust..._"},"584400335267954730":{"u":6,"t":1559402297561,"m":"*the horns on top of
ruby's head fold up into 2* I knew it..."},"584400394214572053":
{"u":1,"t":1559402311615,"m":"BT - Fatality! Scorpion Win Flawless
Victory!!"},"584400466633293967":{"u":0,"t":1559402328881,"m":"Riley: Well... that,
was overkill."},"584400686104576030":{"u":6,"t":1559402381207,"m":"*puts my hand on
ruby* I knew agito's power would allow you to use it"},"584400776827240452":
{"u":0,"t":1559402402837,"m":"_As the dust clears, the remains of what used to be
the abandoned radar site comes into view. Revealing nothing but charred remains,
molten steel pylons and various craters..._"},"584400938882695197":
{"u":1,"t":1559402441474,"m":"Gift - We made it. (Transform back to normal) Nikolai
we need exfill."},"584401115765014556":{"u":0,"t":1559402483646,"m":"Nikolai: Da,
my friend. I'm on my way."},"584401136006725652":
{"u":6,"t":1559402488472,"m":"*stands right in front of ruby* are you
ok?"},"584401348599218235":{"u":1,"t":1559402539158,"m":"Gift - This maybe my new
power \"INFERNO SCORPION\""},"584401436658630657":
{"u":0,"t":1559402560153,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yean, I'm fine. Let's get
back to Beacon."},"584401565306060827":{"u":6,"t":1559402590825,"m":"*transforms
back*"},"584401656259805194":{"u":1,"t":1559402612510,"m":"Gift -
And \"HELLFIRE\""},"584401920404488194":{"u":6,"t":1559402675487,"m":"I will see
you all there *walks away*"},"584401947617132549":
{"u":0,"t":1559402681975,"m":"Soap: C'mon, get on board. We're
ruby"},"584402232859164672":{"u":1,"t":1559402749982,"m":"Gift - I'm coming, maybe
i should try this. (Use Hellfire teleport)"},"584402541630980116":
{"u":6,"t":1559402823599,"m":"Or should I say Kamen Rider
Agito?"},"584402612388888599":{"u":0,"t":1559402840469,"m":"_Gift teleports himself
aboard the Chinook as Ruby and the rest of the surviving recruits boarded the
plane. Upon verifying all the recruits on board Nikolai brings the transport
chopper up and on its way back to Beacon._"},"584402849228652576":
{"u":1,"t":1559402896936,"m":"Gift - Yeah! We made it! (Hi five with
Soap)"},"584403192889212943":{"u":6,"t":1559402978871,"m":"*walks back to where I
left my bike and gets on* yeah I think she is worthy of its power *drives to
One hell of a fight down there, mate. I could see the shockwaves coming from miles
away.\n\nPrice: If it weren't for Decker getting himself killed by a stupid
Beowolf..."},"584404191100010508":{"u":1,"t":1559403216863,"m":"Gift - Anyway i got
new powers Inferno Scorpion and Hellfire."},"584404765446766632":
{"u":0,"t":1559403353798,"m":"Soap: That's real nice, mate. Though I still prefer
using guns, it's better this way."},"584404981952675848":
{"u":0,"t":1559403405417,"m":"_After nearly four hours of flying back and forth
from the Academy to the Forest and back, the team finally lands with the rest of
the recruits the first rescue wave failed to pick up on their
positions._"},"584405220583538699":{"u":1,"t":1559403462311,"m":"Gift - This only
Scorpion, but maybe i will have Cyromancer Sub Zero."},"584405497759924236":
{"u":0,"t":1559403528395,"m":"Riley: Ugh, what a day... I'll be in my room with
Hiro, if you need me."},"584405591322132519":{"u":0,"t":1559403550702,"m":"_She
grabs her parter by the arm and flew to their quarters, leaving Gift at the
airfield._"},"584405763234070687":{"u":1,"t":1559403591689,"m":"Gift - Anyway i
must Transform to Cyromancer Sub Zero."},"584406125357563906":
{"u":0,"t":1559403678026,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> You better get to your
quarters, Gift. It's late out here and tomorrow's going to be another big
day."},"584406351640395795":{"u":1,"t":1559403731976,"m":"Gift - Got it, I might be
transform to Cyromancer Sub Zero."},"584407242715955237":
{"u":0,"t":1559403944425,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> If you really have to do
that, well... just, get to it. I'll watch."},"584407345690312715":
{"u":6,"t":1559403968976,"m":"*pulls into beacon*"},"584407500518850560":
{"u":1,"t":1559404005890,"m":"Gift - I always believe in myself that i can do
it."},"584408436561936384":{"u":0,"t":1559404229060,"m":"_Gift begins his
tranformation as his new comnat form fused into his body, emitting blue
light._"},"584384117001420800":{"u":0,"t":1559398430825,"m":"_As the group watches
the sky, Riley's radio bursts into life as the throes of a Death Stalker being
bombarded with explosives blared from it. Muffled and unintelligible screams them
followed as the explosions from the radio cleared. She holds her right index finger
against her, activating the two-way communicator._"},"584384371578896425":
{"u":1,"t":1559398491521,"m":"Gift - BT scan the area."},"584386097250041877":
{"u":0,"t":1559398902953,"m":"BT: Scanning, hostile is fifty metres away from our
location. I've detected an emergency beacon marking for fire
support"},"584386436535418881":{"u":0,"t":1559398983845,"m":"Riley: There's the
flare! Everyone, on me!"},"584386746062471171":{"u":1,"t":1559399057642,"m":"Gift -
Got it."},"584387364520984576":{"u":0,"t":1559399205094,"m":"_The team moves toward
the flare, as they moved closer the sound of gunfire and destruction of the
environment around it grew louder as they continue to advance to the Death
Stalker's position. From the ground, hanging on the Stalker's tail is Pyrrha, her
right hand raising a lit flare stick while holding on for her life with her left
hand on the spear._"},"584387412189249565":
{"u":0,"t":1559399216459,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> We need some help over
here, right now!"},"584387556003545127":{"u":1,"t":1559399250747,"m":"Gift - (Equip
Blade of chaos) Need help? Coming for ya!"},"584387614736384003":
{"u":6,"t":1559399264750,"m":"*hacks in your com system*"},"584387696814981120":
{"u":6,"t":1559399284319,"m":"Gift team can you hear me?"},"584388330305617920":
{"u":0,"t":1559399435355,"m":"_Riley sends three consecutive
plasma beam blasts at the Stalker's tail, severing it and causing it to leak acid
blood on the ground. Distracting it from Ren and his fellow team of recruits. Nora
jumps high into the air, charged the kinetic compensator unit installed within her
weapon, the Magnhild. she slams it down the Stalker's carapace. Shattering
it._"},"584388586590175233":{"u":1,"t":1559399496458,"m":"Gift - This can be stop
it. (Use Sub Zero's Ice blast to freeze Death Stalker)"},"584388827074920450":
{"u":0,"t":1559399553794,"m":"_Gift launches his blades at the Stalker's front
claws and in one swift motion, ripped it away as he kept up the attack by using his
Sub-Zero form to freeze the monster's legs, causing them to crumble and shatter
thanks to its weight._-"},"584389186484699136":{"u":6,"t":1559399639484,"m":"*comes
out of the sky* \"Final attack ride Kabuto\" *crashes into the death stalker and it
creates a big explosion*"},"584389689574948874":{"u":0,"t":1559399759430,"m":"_The
Stalker, managed to dodge the attack as its tail glowed brightly and ejected three
plasma projectiles out of it directly at Ruby, nearly missing the Stalker's attack
by mre inches. With the combined attack of all of the friendly combatants injuring
the beast to near-death, it lets out one last shriek and
died._"},"584389855371591681":{"u":6,"t":1559399798959,"m":"*gets up*","a":
{"u":1,"t":1559399850937,"m":"Gift - Alright no time for joking AHH!!! (Activate
Spartan's Rage)"},"584390290253676565":{"u":6,"t":1559399902643,"m":"*looks at
{"u":0,"t":1559399920832,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Uh, Gift? It's already
dead..."},"584390571448205329":{"u":0,"t":1559399969685,"m":"_She prods the
Crescent Rose's muzzle at its claw, still leaching acid blood before slowly
disintegrating into a black cloud of dust._"},"584390632680849418":
{"u":6,"t":1559399984284,"m":"*transforms back*"},"584390669011910664":
{"u":6,"t":1559399992946,"m":"Are you guys alright?"},"584390727509737563":
{"u":1,"t":1559400006893,"m":"Gift - Yes but There have another one it's
flying."},"584390846108139521":{"u":0,"t":1559400035169,"m":"Pvt. Anders:
NEVERMORE!"},"584391078866583582":{"u":0,"t":1559400090663,"m":"_Up the sky, a
full-grown Nevermore dived down at the team. Its talons snagging at Anders' suit
and dragging him away, screaming in terror._"},"584391121506140191":
{"u":6,"t":1559400100829,"m":"*looks up and pulls driver and card* Henshin! *puts
the card in the driver* \"Kamen ride J\""},"584391215349235742":
{"u":6,"t":1559400123203,"m":"*transforms and grows into a giant*","a":
24/Kamen_Rider_J.png"}]},"584391226824982558":{"u":1,"t":1559400125939,"m":"Gift -
We must find the way to take it down."},"584391382811279380":
{"u":6,"t":1559400163129,"m":"*swats at the nevermore*"},"584392893888725047":
{"u":0,"t":1559400523398,"m":"_Ruby, having found a clear aim sends five DX-
18B \"Devil Breaker\" rounds into the flying monstrosity's eyes as the rounds
detonated at close range destroying its eyes and exposing its brain. Weiss, on the
other hand is seen grouping up with the rest of the students fending themselves off
against another Nevermore. Seeing her group finally losing their ground she falls
back, leaving most of her teammates behind._\n\n_Pyrrha, now positioned at Jaune's
cover behind a boulder with Ren and Nora peeked from the boulder, scanning the
injured Nevermore for a clear shot into the exposed brain as her tactical micro-
radar pinged, alerting her of a friendly Beacon personnel approaching her
position._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> This is Papa Five-Zero to approaching
friendly, state your callsign or you'll be engaged.
Over.\n\n<:Weiss:501505450357817345> Look, I don't care what my callsigns are, all
I know is that my team is down and I need help, fast!"},"584393237515730968":
{"u":6,"t":1559400605325,"m":"Something tells me big solutions aren't going to cut
it"},"584393389412450304":{"u":1,"t":1559400641540,"m":"Gift - In operation
everyone must have your own callsigns but hang on reinforcement on the
{"u":0,"t":1559400701425,"m":"<:Weiss:501505450357817345> To whoever who'd just
responded, listen up. I'm moving to Romeo One-One. I, no, we; can form up an attack
plan while Papa hides in their cover."},"584393695978061841":
{"u":6,"t":1559400714631,"m":"Ruby your faster than us go help them we will catch
Roger, Sierra."},"584393954909487117":{"u":6,"t":1559400776365,"m":"And take this
*drops you a watch*","a":
{"u":1,"t":1559400785952,"m":"Gift - Roger that, BT can you identified to someone
who i have respond early?"},"584394099717832706":{"u":0,"t":1559400810890,"m":"_She
engages her semblance and \"flew\" to Weiss and picked her up before hauling her
back to her cover behind a radar mast._"},"584394172203663404":
{"u":0,"t":1559400828172,"m":"BT: Weiss Schnee, callsign... Whiskey Two-
Six."},"584394471920238593":{"u":6,"t":1559400899630,"m":"*slaps the never more
into the ground*"},"584394530258944020":{"u":6,"t":1559400913539,"m":"*and steps on
it*"},"584394697062219785":{"u":6,"t":1559400953308,"m":"Gift get that watch to
ruby"},"584394742624813075":{"u":6,"t":1559400964171,"m":"She might just be able to
use it"},"584394905137446928":{"u":0,"t":1559401002917,"m":"_Sci, having taken down
the injured Nevermore stomped his way to a Stalker Nest, leaving the rest of the
combatants to deal with an enraged and lightly injured
{"u":1,"t":1559401010333,"m":"Gift - Thanks for information
{"u":6,"t":1559401095304,"m":"Ruby how bad is it?"},"584396064703119395":
{"u":0,"t":1559401279379,"m":"_Ruby puts Weiss down next to a supply crate and
opened a holographic projector as she gathered her \"team\"
around._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Everyone, listen up! That Nevermore is
injured thanks to Riley nailing it on the wing, though it won't be enough unless
she uses her full power. Our plan, is to fire everything we've got. Team Juliet, or
JNPR got the beast's attention and now it's up to us to take it down. Yang, you
jump high, use the gauntlets and get to its head. From there you smash its skull to
bits, Blake, you're going to use your Shroud as a grappling hook and a makeshift
launcher, once Yang finishes pummeling its head she'll fly towards you.\n\n_She
looks at Weiss, now grabbing her weapon tightly on her left
hand._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Weiss, I'll need you to boost me up that hill
with the glyphs."},"584396336347086871":{"u":0,"t":1559401344144,"m":"Riley: Good
plan, Rubes. Be advised that there's a minor change of plans. I'm bringing the
party to you. Gift, heads up. Rubes will need you to attack it with everything
you've got.","te":1559401407300},"584396727155425285":
{"u":6,"t":1559401437320,"m":"Ruby I'm on my way I will be there in exactly one
second *pick up the watch \"Kamen ride Kabuto\" *transforms back to normal size and
form* clock up! \"Clock up\" *appears right next to ruby*","te":1559401506832,"a":
{"u":6,"t":1559229046495,"m":"*the crowd yells out* \"Yes
ma'am!\""},"583674049058701312":{"u":0,"t":1559229137435,"m":"Riley: I'm asking you
again, are you ready to fight?!"},"583674439443415050":
{"u":6,"t":1559229230510,"m":"*they yell even louder* \"YES
MA'AM!\""},"583675462845464599":{"u":0,"t":1559229474508,"m":"Riley: Good, from now
on, you will train, fight, eat, and work as a team. The
words \"I\", \"Me\", \"Myself\", will not exist. Because teamwork is crucial to
victory, and that no man can win a fight against the literal force of darkness,
your true enemy, The Grimm."},"583675907794010115":
{"u":0,"t":1559229580592,"m":"_The crowd of students continue to yell even louder,
with some raising their weapons high and screaming their pledge to the Academy. On
the spot close to the podium lies Ruby, standing at
attention._"},"583677287321436171":{"u":6,"t":1559229909497,"m":"*notices ruby is
up there*"},"583678396609986560":{"u":6,"t":1559230173972,"m":"*he thinks to
himself and smiles* Ruby rose, who would have thought you would be up
there"},"583678925339754497":{"u":0,"t":1559230300031,"m":"_As the crowd's yelling
grew louder, Glynda withdrew an M1911 and fired at the ceiling once, silence ensued
as the only sound heard is the 1911's casing bouncing on the metal
floor._"},"583679270061342721":{"u":6,"t":1559230382219,"m":"*the crowd became
{"u":6,"t":1559230988030,"m":"( <@412222248192049162>)"},"584020784838868992":
{"u":1,"t":1559311805687,"m":"While Gift training his ability Weiss that going to
the hall have see him"},"584021598055563274":
{"u":0,"t":1559311999573,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> What the...\n\n_She gazes
at the periodical flashes of light coming from outside of the
hall._"},"584022747932524557":{"u":0,"t":1559312273725,"m":"_Gift, still training
outside stops as the assembly hall's gate opened slowly as recruits walked out of
it brandishing their weapons. Riley rushes to his side and drags him to a
helo._\n\nRiley: Get switched on, we're going for the
Initiation."},"584023213386891314":{"u":1,"t":1559312384698,"m":"Gift - Okey my
sword....(see sword away from him) Again? Alright look like i might use this (Use
scorpion's spear) GET OVER HERE!!"},"584024880715137046":
Okay, with that settled. Let's get to the C-130. We'll be deployed deep in Emerald
Forest."},"584025075569787028":{"u":1,"t":1559312828677,"m":"Gift - Time for
action."},"584025900887179284":{"u":0,"t":1559313025448,"m":"_The two boards the C-
130 and strapped themselves next to Ruby and
Summer._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Hotdrop? To Pavel's Motel?\n\nRiley: No. A
hotdrop to that spot will get half this plane killed. We're dropping first outside
of the inner zone then we'll push to the tacan site. From there we'll hold position
and wait for recruits."},"584026162624200724":{"u":1,"t":1559313087851,"m":"Gift -
BT Objective of this mission?"},"584026296531681290":
{"u":0,"t":1559313119777,"m":"BT: Survive."},"584026445811286032":
{"u":1,"t":1559313155368,"m":"Gift - Only that?"},"584026665202614398":
{"u":0,"t":1559313207675,"m":"_From the far side of the seat rows, Jaune,
overhearing the conversation from the start yelled from his
seat._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> GREAT! WE'LL DIE BEFORE WE EVEN
LAND."},"584026811751596056":{"u":0,"t":1559313242615,"m":"BT: Affirmative. Once we
secure the tacan our only objective is to survive and regroup with other recruits
in distress."},"584027047324680233":{"u":1,"t":1559313298780,"m":"Gift - Roger BT
Drop zone Position?"},"584027331010625539":{"u":0,"t":1559313366416,"m":"BT: We'll
drop at Ruby's marked location. We drop at Tat Mok and find our way to the tacan
site."},"584027474673926157":{"u":1,"t":1559313400668,"m":"Gift - Copy
that."},"584027846746439685":{"u":0,"t":1559313489377,"m":"Jumpmaster: Recruits!
Chute up!"},"584028695874895882":{"u":0,"t":1559313691825,"m":"_The jumpmaster
opens the rear door as wind rushed in while the recruits get their jumpkits prepped
for deployment. After struggling to get her oxygen connector attacjed Ruby finally
gets the kit armed and ready._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Row one, up! We'll
drop at Tat Mok and secure the site for the second row. Prep for jump!\n\n_She
stepped closer to the rear door with Gift and Riley following behind, after
breathing in deeply and exhaling for a moment. She shut her eyes, and allowed
gravity to pull her out as she stepped away from the door. Falling down towards the
ground._"},"584029085978722365":{"u":1,"t":1559313784833,"m":"Gift - HERE WE
GO!!"},"584030158671970321":{"u":0,"t":1559314040583,"m":"_Gift launches himself
off of the cargo door as Riley follows suit. He looks behind and saw the
distinctive trails of jump kits falling away from the C-130 as it continues to
deploy recruits to various locations._\n\n_After free-falling for six minutes the
jump kits fired their retrothrusters, landing Ruby and her fellow recruits safely.
From her tactical personnel radar she saw Riley's marker tagged 17 klicks away from
her spot while Gift's is tagged 28 klicks away._"},"584030689322598483":
{"u":1,"t":1559314167100,"m":"Gift - Altas Status?"},"584031291079393291":
{"u":0,"t":1559314310570,"m":"Riley: Six-two here, I've located Price and his team,
they're engaged in a fight against Grimm. Ursas."},"584031536949493792":
{"u":1,"t":1559314369190,"m":"Gift - Got it, I will find the way to
Ruby."},"584031625638051849":{"u":0,"t":1559314390335,"m":"Riley: Roger. Six-two
out."},"584032093915447326":{"u":0,"t":1559314501981,"m":"_Her path miraculously
clear of hostiles, Riley continues to advance to Ruby's position, taking a group of
recruits along her way._"},"584032455665909778":{"u":1,"t":1559314588229,"m":"Gift
- Okey maybe there don't have any trouble."},"584033492007125028":
{"u":0,"t":1559314835312,"m":"_Gift, now paired with Summer sets up a sniping
position on top of a watchtower as a fireball struck against the roof, shattering a
portion of it away._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Agh, goddamn
Grimm!"},"584033673167241246":{"u":1,"t":1559314878504,"m":"Gift - I'll deal with
{"u":0,"t":1559315051584,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> No need, Rubes got the
beast down. \n\n_From her binoculars lies Ruby and Weiss taking on a pack of Beta
Beowolves slashing, shooting, and stabbing their way into the pack until the pack
is reduced into nothing but dust._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Six-one, is that
you? I can see you up there.\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> That's one hell of a
fight there, One-one. Nice job. I'm coming for you. Six-one
out."},"584035605604728881":{"u":1,"t":1559315339233,"m":"Gift - Summer, Find the
way to her, i have my own path to her. (Use scorpion's
Copy."},"584036644055810061":{"u":0,"t":1559315586819,"m":"_Gift launches himself
right next to Ruby's side with the spear as Summer phase-shifted to
her._"},"584038889606610944":{"u":1,"t":1559316122200,"m":"Gift - Okey how far from
here to tacan site?"},"584039174898843658":{"u":0,"t":1559316190219,"m":"_Riley
suddenly appeared next to him with her group of recruits. Startling Gift's
group._\n\nRiley: We're just... thirty metres away."},"584039343405137938":
{"u":1,"t":1559316230394,"m":"Gift - Good, we almost there."},"584041602968846337":
{"u":0,"t":1559316769116,"m":"_As the team moves closer, Yang spots them thanks to
Riley's blue aura emanating with every move. From there she yells into her
radio._\n\n<:Yang:502209217395163136> IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A TUH-CAN, OR WHATEVER
THAT IS. COME OVER HERE!"},"584041890576334863":{"u":1,"t":1559316837687,"m":"Gift
- There they are!!"},"584043165179183117":{"u":0,"t":1559317141576,"m":"_But as
Gift moved closer, a distant rumbling is heard throughout the
forest._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Uh, guys...?\n\n_She points to the sky as
three Arsenal Birds are seen firing their plasmacaster particle accelerator cannons
at the ground, the cannons ceased fire as a loud roar echoed. The painful throes of
a Death Stalker..._"},"584043415252107294":{"u":1,"t":1559317201198,"m":"Gift - Get
ready, we don't know what coming.\n(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"584043463536803841":
{"u":1,"t":1559398037450,"m":"Gift - Keep your weapon
ready."},"582939470014316575":{"u":1,"t":1559054000143,"m":"Gift - Got it Uncle
Price."},"582941262055866388":{"u":0,"t":1559054427399,"m":"_Riley, having found a
clear shot fired five plasma bolts from her hands only to have the bolts
intercepted by a force field. Ruby moves in, firing the Crescent Rose at the
gunship wildly damaging it._\n\n_From the side door a woman appeared and marked the
floor beneath Riley and Ruby's feet with glyphs._\n\nRiley: Ruby, jump!\n\n_The
glyphs detonates as Ruby jumped off to safety. Riley absorbs the explosion's
shockwave and sent it back at the Bulwark, damaging its flight controls and
engines. Glynda appeared out of nowhere and attempted to fire a grappling hook at
the ship only to have the ship phase-shift itself away to safety._\n\nRiley:
Damnit, they got away..."},"582941483502534683":{"u":1,"t":1559054480196,"m":"Gift
- Not yet (fire tracker)"},"582942582418440207":{"u":0,"t":1559054742198,"m":"_The
tracker module manages to slip through the warped space caused by the jump drive
and attached firmly to the Bulwark's rudder._"},"582942909947576320":
{"u":1,"t":1559054820287,"m":"Gift - We can track their location
later."},"582943467760517130":{"u":0,"t":1559054953280,"m":"Soap: Slippy
bastards..."},"582943696236969999":{"u":0,"t":1559055007753,"m":"Nikolai: Say for
yourself, _Soap..._"},"582944292465541232":{"u":1,"t":1559055149905,"m":"Gift - We
will hunt them but for now let back to beacon."},"582944766493458442":
{"u":0,"t":1559055262922,"m":"Soap: Right then, lead the way.
Gift."},"582945165472301066":{"u":1,"t":1559055358046,"m":"Gift - Squad on
me!"},"582946139951595566":{"u":0,"t":1559055590380,"m":"_Fifteen minutes later,
the team lands at Beacon Academy's Airfield Bravo._"},"582946962660130827":
{"u":0,"t":1559055786529,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Gift, debrief in my
office after you're done with things down here."},"582947886002864138":
{"u":1,"t":1559056006671,"m":"Gift - Roger"},"582950327503028234":
{"u":0,"t":1559056588770,"m":"_Now at the office, Ozpin presented Gift three
document forms, all of them originating from Signal
Academy._"},"582950451792838676":{"u":1,"t":1559056618403,"m":"(I'n gonna rest
now)"},"583298211918249994":{"u":1,"t":1559139530878,"m":"Gift - Our Intel is true,
they plan for robbery but their leader have escape, before leader have escape i
have fire the tracker on their airship."},"583298610133991435":
{"u":0,"t":1559139625820,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Any updates from
IntelCom? Heard they were busy making arrangements for the Coalition Force
deployments...\n\nRiley: No, but, the airship seems to be heading to an off-limits
dimensional realm marked as \"Area Sigma-Four-Yankee\""},"583299791174238218":
{"u":0,"t":1559139907402,"m":"_While Glynda, Gift, and Riley are busy anlyzing the
data. Ozpin emerges from the elevator and took over, ordering Riley out of the
office and down to the dormitories._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> I'll take over
from here, get some rest. All of you."},"583299948960022532":
{"u":1,"t":1559139945021,"m":"Gift - Sure, I will train my
power."},"583302734414086194":{"u":0,"t":1559140609125,"m":"_Gift leaves for his
quarters as Price and his men did the same._\n\n\"Beacon Academy\"\nRemnant -
Vale\nGeneral Gift"},"583303888765976607":{"u":1,"t":1559140884344,"m":"Gift -
Alright My power, let's train this!"},"583304423137083437":
{"u":0,"t":1559141011748,"m":"Riley: Here we go again.\n\n_She readies up as Gift
prepared to unleash yet another set of his powers when Ruby pushed the door to
their \"Dojo\" open._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> General Oz needs you up in his
office. Now."},"583306415838593044":{"u":1,"t":1559141486845,"m":"Gift - Alright
let's go."},"583309438157455362":{"u":0,"t":1559142207422,"m":"_Pushing
their way through the bustling hallway filled with officers and staffs prepping
the complex for new recruits. Along the way they saw members of Earth'
Interplanetary Peacekeeping Division operators moving around into
places._\n\nRiley: Welcome to the _real_ Beacon."},"583309802537484289":
{"u":0,"t":1559142294297,"m":"_After nearly an hour of navigating through
constantly shifting pathways and buildings they finally arrive at the Tower's base.
From there they are subjected to extensive screening and proper identification
procedures before they are granted access to the Observation
Deck._"},"583310753054982148":{"u":1,"t":1559142520918,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1559225688208,"m":"Gift - So is this academy?"},"583659955085639680":
{"u":0,"t":1559225777170,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Ah, Gift. I was expecting
that you'd be gere a bit early, but thanks to the chaos downstairs things have
been... quite erratic."},"583660099428679680":{"u":0,"t":1559225811584,"m":"_Ozpin
stood up from his chair, sipping from his BeaconForever
mug._"},"583660182932815883":{"u":1,"t":1559225831493,"m":"Gift - i see there are
so many people down there."},"583660976771956736":
{"u":0,"t":1559226020759,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Thanks to Space United
and Riley's help we've been receiving help from various factions. Currently there
are five major factions operating on Remnant soil. The first being yours, Task
Force 141, then the Strategic Interplanetary Peacekeeping Division, the Strangereal
Coalition Force, the U.S. Armed Forces, and the last being the United Nations Space
Alliance."},"583662753215152150":{"u":1,"t":1559226444296,"m":"Gift - This mission
will be hard without my taskforce."},"583663095776542728":
{"u":0,"t":1559226525969,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> It will, but, today is
the day where I will reinstate the Huntsman Corps Recruitment Program to provide
assistance to your task forces.","te":1559226538545},"583663272172191775":
{"u":1,"t":1559226568025,"m":"Gift - That's great news, i will go down and relax
for a while."},"583663723844206601":
{"u":0,"t":1559226675712,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Gift, the reinstation
begins now. And you're to be at the Assembly Hall to give a speech to our new
recruits."},"583663877347344437":{"u":0,"t":1559226712310,"m":"Riley: I'll handle
the speech, Gift can go and train since he's still have a lot to learn about his
plethora of powers."},"583664063033245726":{"u":1,"t":1559226756581,"m":"Gift -
Thanks Riley, I will go for relax."},"583664373147369482":
{"u":0,"t":1559226830518,"m":"_As Riley left the office for the hall, she links up
her vidfeed to Gift's holographic HUD unit._"},"583666037325824023":
{"u":0,"t":1559227227289,"m":"_She makes her way down the hallway, now clear of
personnel. After three minutes of running she arrives at the Hall's podium access
{"u":0,"t":1559227260555,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Glad you're here, Riley.
Oz gave his speech already, now it's your turn."},"583669452986515456":
{"u":1,"t":1559228041646,"m":"(At Beacon's courtyard)\nGift - Ah! Finally
Relax."},"583669980462317578":{"u":0,"t":1559228167406,"m":"Riley: Gift, I'm about
to begin the speech, wanna listen?"},"583670245437210632":
{"u":1,"t":1559228230581,"m":"Gift - Sure, BT i need a feed from
hall."},"583670600543764480":{"u":0,"t":1559228315245,"m":"BT: Feed from hall is
online."},"583671173368381441":{"u":0,"t":1559228451817,"m":"_The feed shows up on
his HUD, Riley, standing on the podium waiting for the crowd of recruits to stand
down. Price standing next to her with his M4 resting on his shoulder and a plethora
of Space United operatives._"},"583671443447873582":
{"u":6,"t":1559228516209,"m":"*scifi is in the crowd*"},"583672644629430283":
{"u":1,"t":1559228802593,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now, i have something to do in
tomorrow.)"},"583673012403044352":{"u":0,"t":1559228890277,"m":"Riley: Settle down,
everyone, settle down. I'm here speaking on the behalf of Space United and its
cooperative members, and for Task Force 141 itself for I am the organization's
second in command. \n\nWe all gather here today, for Remnant shall make history
again, not by the efforts of one man. But from all of us, and all of you standing
in front of me. All of you recruits here have potential, and I see it in your eyes.
You wanted to fight for your loved ones, for your people and for peace. In which
such reasons are commendable, but what good is a recruit without their mentors to
guide them? \n\nI'm here with my people not to invade nor cause any harm. I'm here,
to provide help to those in need, and protect those who cannot fend for themselves.
I'm here, to guide you. But, I can't do that without your cooperation. And here I
ask now, to you; are you willing to fight? Are you willing to be better? Are you
ready to become the greatest amongst the greatest of
heroes?"},"583673097438232601":{"u":0,"t":1559228910551,"m":"(Sure, but SciFi is
here so I'll continue the story until he leaves.)"},"582572473191759891":
{"u":1,"t":1558966501282,"m":"Gift - Okey i might see everything here.... Ha
Gotcha!"},"582573139247235072":{"u":0,"t":1558966660082,"m":"_From the scope, he
tags Ruby with a friendly indicator while scanning the area with the target
deisgnation unit built into the scope. Ruby, upon seeing the laser beam from the
desginator waved back at him and gestured for him to switch to thermal
imaging._"},"582573458542559234":{"u":1,"t":1558966736208,"m":"Gift - Intel said he
will rob here tonight."},"582573784071143434":
{"u":0,"t":1558966813820,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I saw his henchmen just a
while ago, what about Riley? Is she with you? And where's Price and his
guys?"},"582573978955022347":{"u":1,"t":1558966860284,"m":"Gift - I tell them i
will do this alone."},"582574079756730368":
{"u":0,"t":1558966884317,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger... Romeo 1-1 copies
all. Over and out."},"582574762740416522":{"u":1,"t":1558967047153,"m":"Gift -
Alright Gift stay easy."},"582575115590565898":{"u":0,"t":1558967131279,"m":"_Ruby
resumed reading the latest issue of Weapon Mastery, a magazine for weapon
enthusiasts, Outside the store, Riley, still hiding inside a dumpster slowly pried
the lid open and climbed her way out, allowing herself to drop down onto the ground
causing some loose garbage to fall off of her. She picks up her greatsword-railgun
hybrid and dematerialized it, turning it into dust and stuffing the now coalesced
dust grains into a capsule. Tossing it into an adkacent trash
can._"},"582575306012098587":{"u":0,"t":1558967176679,"m":"_Still aiming down his
scope, Gift marks three additional hostiles walking around the store pretending to
be interested in the plethora of magazines on the shelves._"},"582575459284418570":
{"u":1,"t":1558967213222,"m":"Gift - Atlas I got three tango moving to the
shop."},"582575739988082699":{"u":0,"t":1558967280147,"m":"Riley: Copy, moving in
for MMG coverage."},"582575893856256050":{"u":1,"t":1558967316832,"m":"Gift -
Standby Atlas."},"582576009480634369":{"u":0,"t":1558967344399,"m":"_She unclips a
Multi-Mission Grenade, a specialized smart grenade infused with Dust loads and
planted three on the street in front of the store. Setting them to detonate upon
contact._"},"582576077570834485":{"u":0,"t":1558967360633,"m":"Riley: MMG charges
in place. Romeo, sitrep,"},"582576184639094787":
{"u":0,"t":1558967386160,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Got three additional
hostiles in the store, they're still oblivious to my, uh...
presence?"},"582576587413913617":{"u":1,"t":1558967482189,"m":"Gift - Standby...
Standby."},"582577388488228885":{"u":0,"t":1558967673180,"m":"_From the scope, a
True Sons henchman approached Ruby as a video feed from her suit appeared on the AR
feed through the scope. Gift watches the feed anxiously as tensions arise, Riley,
still pretending to look for her desired Dust necklace continues to pick through
the items while using her clairvoyance to predict the henchman's
{"u":0,"t":1558967704990,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Um, is there anything I
can do for you?"},"582577674950803475":{"u":0,"t":1558967741478,"m":"TS Henchman:
I'm looking for uh... a girl in a red-black dress with a bright red hood. Hve you
seen her anywhere?"},"582578107920285706":{"u":1,"t":1558967844706,"m":"Gift -
{"u":0,"t":1558967883423,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Nope. But, if you're
looking for the latest issue of _Weapon Mastery_ I haveit right here. Wanna take a
look?"},"582578769366220830":{"u":0,"t":1558968002407,"m":"_The henchman, upon
having a clear look of Ruby's face and her eyes swinged his fist at her face only
to be met with a steel-toed kick to the face. Knocking the hencman
senseless._"},"582578808109137931":{"u":0,"t":1558968011644,"m":"Riley: Contact,
contact!"},"582578859279515648":{"u":1,"t":1558968023844,"m":"Gift - Open
fire!"},"582579625918726145":{"u":0,"t":1558968206625,"m":"_From their cover behind
a car, Price, Yuri, Soap, and Nikolai opened fire. Spraying the store full of
bullet holes, shattered glass and Dust vials and wood splinters from the woodeen
frames. From the distance an APC rushed in and attempted to ram Price flat only to
have Riley slice the vehicle in half with an energy wristblade she'd materialized
beforehand. Sending the speeding wreckage right into a second APC running over the
MMG charges; detonating it and destroying the veicle and killing all the henchmen
inside._"},"582580192422264852":{"u":0,"t":1558968341690,"m":"_Inside the store,
Ruby, now surrounded by five True Sons hostiles jammed the Crescent Rose's scythe
blade into the ground, grabbed the stock tightly and jumped for the first man,
stomping his chest and using him as leverage
to push herself to the next man. Stomping right into his left
clavicle._"},"582580405207695365":{"u":1,"t":1558968392422,"m":"Gift - I will got
one (Use scorpion's spear) Come here!"},"582581010496094208":
{"u":0,"t":1558968536734,"m":"_Gift drags the unfortunate henchman locked into a
fist fight with Soap with the spear and tossed him to Riley, she ducked and allowed
the man to fly into an alley. Crashing on a dumpster she'd came out
earlier._"},"582581811041796109":{"u":0,"t":1558968727599,"m":"_Back to Ruby, after
spin-stomping the men to their death launches herself out of the store as three
explosive flares flew close to her, impacting the wall and exploding in a
spectacular fashion, sending debris all over the store and forcing the frightened
bystanders to run for cover from the ensuing rain of
shrapnel._"},"582587489391345700":{"u":1,"t":1558970081423,"m":"Gift - I think
their backup is coming."},"582589657339002897":{"u":0,"t":1558970598302,"m":"Riley:
Got three more APCs moving in, moving to intercept."},"582589795541319680":
{"u":1,"t":1558970631252,"m":"Gift - RPG Coming for ya!"},"582590129756045312":
{"u":0,"t":1558970710935,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Hold on, they're not APCs!
They're Bulwarks!"},"582592947946651658":{"u":1,"t":1558971382844,"m":"Gift - I can
handle this.(Use Sub Zero's ice power to freeze Bulwarks)"},"582592996814487562":
{"u":1,"t":1558971394495,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"582593023150522378":
{"u":1,"t":1559052559024,"m":"Gift - This will break only single attack after i
freeze them."},"582934484773765130":{"u":0,"t":1559052811569,"m":"Riley: Roger, I'm
going after the Bulwarks! HVT is located on one of the vehicles, wait, he's off the
radar. Going after a potential HVT on the lead aircraft."},"582934883966648321":
{"u":1,"t":1559052906744,"m":"Gift - Where is it?"},"582935413933604896":
{"u":0,"t":1559053033098,"m":"Riley: It's right on the rooftop of a building
complex two hundred meters away from your position. Requesting long-range sniper
support from your rifle. Over."},"582936055192354853":
{"u":1,"t":1559053185986,"m":"Gift - Got it, Fire at will."},"582936368800595997":
{"u":0,"t":1559053260756,"m":"_As Riley, Ruby, and Price jumped their way over
buildings, the two Bulwarks popped their side doors as two machine guns popped out
and fired down at the three below._"},"582936436328759298":
{"u":0,"t":1559053276856,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We're taking fire, taking
fire! Need fire support now!"},"582936595423035424":
{"u":1,"t":1559053314787,"m":"Gift - Cyro Bullet incoming."},"582937508535599125":
{"u":0,"t":1559053532490,"m":"_As the Bulwarks kept up their fire on the three, two
trails of Cryo Penetrator rounds struck the two gunships, spraying liquid
Tunersalite cryogenic compound over the armor and causing the two ships to crash as
their engines died down from the compounds damaging them._"},"582937663510675489":
{"u":1,"t":1559053569439,"m":"Gift - Target down."},"582938293600256040":
{"u":0,"t":1559053719664,"m":"Price: This is Bravo Six to the Valerian Police
Department, intercept all vehicles outbound of Vale
Price's vidfeed are a convoy of True Sons APCs moving out of Vale being chased down
by three Valerian Army MD88F Hovertanks and three VPD
APCs._"},"582938813790158868":{"u":1,"t":1559053843687,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price
Status?"},"582939323360346122":{"u":0,"t":1559053965178,"m":"Price: VPD are going
after the convoy but the two girls are going for the lead
Bulwark."},"581877077704179735":{"u":1,"t":1558800706078,"m":"Gift - Get inside
{"u":0,"t":1558800857511,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Load up! Load up! We can't
stay here!\n\nCpl. Dan: Just go! Leave us behind, we'll hold your
runway!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm not leaving you behind! \n\n_Ruby
unstraps her safety harness and ran for Corporal Dan only to have him toss her back
inside the cargy bay._\n\nCpl. Dan: Just go! We'll hold this
position!"},"581878013097148426":{"u":1,"t":1558800929093,"m":"Gift - You have die
in duty, i'm honor with you."},"581878096148299806":
{"u":0,"t":1558800948894,"m":"Cpl: Dan: Roger. It's been an honor,
{"u":0,"t":1558800966818,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Loadmaster! We're up!
Get us in the air now!"},"581878414063960121":
{"u":0,"t":1558801024691,"m":"Loadmaster: Roger, relaying to pilot now. Pilot
Cossette, green light to launch!\n\nPilot: Roger loadmaster, Green
Light."},"581878540195201024":{"u":1,"t":1558801054763,"m":"Gift - Let get out from
here."},"581879195165130955":{"u":0,"t":1558801210920,"m":"_The Arsneal Bird's
rocket boosters lit up and shook the airframe violently as they are brought to full
power. Sending the massive aerial carrier up to the sky, away from
danger._\n\n_Ruby watches from the downward-facing cupola as the soldiers,
huntsmen, huntresses and the survivors fought to keep their position in a last
stand against the incoming hostiles._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We could've get
them up here..."},"581879418243514381":{"u":1,"t":1558801264106,"m":"Gift - He have
make his choice even he die his honor is still with us."},"581880064241696778":
{"u":0,"t":1558801418124,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> We'd all be dead if it
weren't for them holding the runway for us..\n\n_As the aerial carrier gains stable
altitude. The pilot took off her helmet and detached the oxygen feeder hose
connected to it and got up from her seat._\n\nCossette: Avril, take over and set
course for Beacon Academy. I'm going down to the cargo hold and greet the
survivors.\n\nAvril: Wilco. Setting course to Beacon."},"581880327459438592":
{"u":1,"t":1558801480880,"m":"Gift - I still have some power that i haven't
use."},"581881206883352586":{"u":0,"t":1558801690551,"m":"_The cargo hold's access
door opens as the carrier's pilot greeted the survivors individually. Fifteen
minutes passed by as Gift pondered over his future plans until the pilot herself
tapped ay his right shoulder. Snapping him out of the trance-like state he's
in._\n\nCossette: Hello, General Gift. It's been an honor to have saved you from
the carnage below, sir.\n\n_She salutes him as Gift did so in
return._"},"581881630411718676":{"u":1,"t":1558801791528,"m":"Gift - If we don't
have this evac vehicle, I don't know what gonna happen."},"581882060831195137":
{"u":0,"t":1558801894148,"m":"Cossette: It saddens me to have seen the red-haired
girl try to save Corporal Dan. Would you mind showing me her spot so I could at
least comfort her?"},"581882402138357770":{"u":1,"t":1558801975522,"m":"Gift - From
my vision maybe i can take care her, i think this is first that she saw
that."},"581882823657521182":{"u":0,"t":1558802076020,"m":"Cossette: If you wish to
help her yourself, I won't stop you. Mind if I come with you? It's getting quite...
tedious in the cockpit."},"581882998241099806":{"u":1,"t":1558802117644,"m":"Gift -
Sure, on me."},"581883799449632769":{"u":0,"t":1558802308667,"m":"_Saying nothing,
she follows him to Ruby's seat. Gift took a seat beside her and embraced her.
Hugging her tightly as Cossette stood by, admiring Ruby's beauty._\n\n_She found
herself a seat next to Summer and sat on it, tapping at her right arm as she does
so._"},"581884055432200193":{"u":1,"t":1558802369698,"m":"Gift - I have past this
before you, so much time."},"581884529564712960":
{"u":0,"t":1558802482740,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We could've saved
them."},"581884757097447435":{"u":1,"t":1558802536988,"m":"Gift - We can but he
make his choice by his own."},"581885454526447645":
{"u":0,"t":1558802703268,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What if it were me? Would
you leave me out there?"},"581885641957310464":{"u":1,"t":1558802747955,"m":"Gift -
I'm not and your mother also not leave you there."},"581886435217506314":
{"u":0,"t":1558802937083,"m":"Cossette: I wouldn't leave you, either. Back in my
world, the motto for my country's armed force is \"Nemo Resideo\", 'nobody left
behind' in English.","te":1570835395490},"581886546710626304":
{"u":1,"t":1558802963665,"m":"Gift - That's right."},"581886640587538473":
{"u":0,"t":1558802986047,"m":"Avril (through intercom): Entering Beacon Academy
airspace, engaging autonomous landing sequence. Arrester drones are now locked in
place."},"581886768555622401":{"u":1,"t":1558803016557,"m":"Gift - Got it
Avril."},"581887478609346575":{"u":0,"t":1558803185847,"m":"Cossette: Alright,
everyone strap in! This is going to be rough!"},"581887943690682368":
{"u":0,"t":1558803296731,"m":"_As the arrester drones ignited their engines, the
Arsenal Bird's propeller blades feathered, greatly reducing airspeed but also
causing the ship itself to lose altitude at an alarming rate. The onboard AI then
activates its ventral thrusters, providing enough thrust to keep the massive aerial
carrier floating until the arrester drones guided it to a special runway designed
for large aircrafts._"},"581888118441902164":{"u":1,"t":1558803338395,"m":"Gift - I
guess we arrive."},"581889791889768471":{"u":0,"t":1558803737376,"m":"Riley:
Welcome to Beacon.."},"581890550706470923":{"u":0,"t":1558803918292,"m":"_ Outside
the Arsenal Bird lies a multitude of similar aircrafts flying overhead, deploying
drones and fighter jets. On the ground, ground crews, in a controlled chaos swarmed
all over the vast airfield gathering suppiles and helping the injured._\n\n_From
the observation deck within the tower, the man standing in front of the holographic
screen jumps down the edge of the balcony and landed in front of Gift with a
ground-breaking thud._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Welcome to Beacon, you must
be Geneeral Gift.","te":1558803927486},"581890960611475457":
{"u":1,"t":1558804016021,"m":"Gift - Yes, i am."},"581891294792777749":
Pleased to finally meet you, I'm General Ozpin. Headmaster of Beacon, General of
the Army of the Valean Army. Meet me in the office, my escorts will take you
- Thanks."},"581892914024808503":{"u":0,"t":1558804481751,"m":"_Now at the
observation deck, Ozpin shows Gift and his team of intel he has gathered from the
Central Intelligence Organization._\n\n<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> As of now, our
priority target is the White Fang and their sub-factions, the Hyenas, and the KVA.
But, our primary target is Roman's faction. They call themselves the True Sons and
are operating within Vale."},"581893160431517707":
{"u":1,"t":1558804540499,"m":"Gift - Do you know where are they or what are they
{"u":0,"t":1558804828086,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> They're planning on
destabilizing Vale's government council through.... raiding Dust
storage"},"581894541750304772":{"u":1,"t":1558804869831,"m":"Gift - Do you know
where is their target?"},"581894602148282390":{"u":1,"t":1558804884231,"m":"Gift -
For dust."},"581894813880811551":
{"u":0,"t":1558804934712,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Their current target is
every single Dust deposits and retail stores, but one such store stood out. That
store, is _From Dust Til Dawn._"},"581897463020126211":
{"u":0,"t":1558805566316,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"581899321373360147":
{"u":1,"t":1558806009382,"m":"Gift - I will investigate that area.\n(Sure! Rest
well Commander)"},"582569527036870656":
{"u":1,"t":1558965873959,"m":"Gift - And scout that area by my
{"u":0,"t":1558966081657,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Good, your helo is on
standby on the courtyard."},"582570951288553472":{"u":1,"t":1558966138432,"m":"Gift
- I will go there Dust Till Dawn."},"582571176690319361":
{"u":0,"t":1558966192172,"m":"Pilot: Roger, be advised that Ruby is now on
location."},"582571472921559040":{"u":1,"t":1558966262799,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"582572279959912458":{"u":0,"t":1558966455212,"m":"_Passing through the night
sky, the chopper lands on an abandoned building's rooftop as Gift departed from the
helo, landed on the roof and withdrew his M82FD 25mm anti-materiel
rifle,_"},"581853397158723588":{"u":1,"t":1558795060196,"m":"Gift - Get down! (Use
Scorpion's spear) COME HERE!!"},"581853965638041621":
{"u":0,"t":1558795195732,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Agh! What the hell,
Gift?!"},"581854181367742464":{"u":1,"t":1558795247166,"m":"Gift - Mosin 2
Defensive status?"},"581854564165222400":{"u":0,"t":1558795338432,"m":"Mosin 2:
Defenses are still clear, no signs of hostiles."},"581854700446679066":
{"u":1,"t":1558795370924,"m":"Gift - Roger Mosin 2."},"581855462501384193":
{"u":0,"t":1558795552612,"m":"Mosin 1: Mosin 1 to Bravo Six, tactical scan of
defense lines are green. No signs of hostiles."},"581855701878702080":
{"u":1,"t":1558795609684,"m":"Gift - Copy Mosin 1, send some unit to investigate
the area that have a bomb sound."},"581856479913443349":
{"u":0,"t":1558795795182,"m":"Mosin 1: Roger, Recon Team Alpha is on its way.
What's with those guys running around with guns?"},"581861701541036042":
{"u":1,"t":1558797040115,"m":"Gift - They are going to check the area that have an
Okay..."},"581862125786628098":{"u":0,"t":1558797141263,"m":"_She headed for her
bedroom as her mom went off to her own quarters._\n\nRiley: Gift, Alpha reported
that two cloaked hostiles have moved in before their comms were cut
off."},"581862323619233833":{"u":1,"t":1558797188430,"m":"Gift - Do they know who
are they?"},"581862657263534120":{"u":0,"t":1558797267977,"m":"Riley: Negative.
They're cloaked, Mosin Two has reported that they've lost control of their
defenses..."},"581862909009985539":{"u":1,"t":1558797327998,"m":"Gift - Maybe they
are elite White fang."},"581863544199577600":{"u":0,"t":1558797479439,"m":"Riley:
They are...\n\n_As she took aim, the lights cut off as the house is shrouded in
total darkness._\n\nRiley: Shit. I knew this was gonna
happen..."},"581863707810725958":{"u":1,"t":1558797518447,"m":"Gift - No time for
stealth, only action."},"581864403826114614":{"u":0,"t":1558797684390,"m":"Riley:
Gift, you go get Summer, I'll take Rubes-\n\n_The living room's windows exploded
open as a squad of White Fang grunts breached the house. Riley withdrew her
recently bought Destiny's Ward handcannon-sword hybrid and fired at the men down
below. Injuring two and forcing the other three to hide behind a couch._\n\nRiley:
Gift! Get the MCVs up now!"},"581864629253177364":
{"u":1,"t":1558797738136,"m":"Gift - Got it!"},"581865827607773184":
{"u":0,"t":1558798023846,"m":"_Having forced the three grunts into hiding Riley
snapped her finger as her body emitted blue particles, forming armor plates. In
only three seconds she is now fully armored as her combat suit firmly attached to
her body._\n\n_From there she holstered the Destiny's Ward and withdrew the WS8A
Wayward Serenity, chambered a round into it and fired into the distance before
running upstairs and dragging Ruby out of her room along with her belongings and
teleporting her into Mosin One's MCV._\n\nRiley: Gift! Ruby's secure! How's
Summer?!"},"581866059066376192":{"u":1,"t":1558798079030,"m":"Gift - Also
secure!"},"581866258929156191":{"u":0,"t":1558798126681,"m":"Riley: Good, we're
getting the hell out of here! Price, what's your status at Signal?!\n\nPrice:
Signal's beat up! White Fang and Grimm crawling all over the
place!"},"581866363057078282":{"u":1,"t":1558798151507,"m":"Gift - Hang on Uncle
Price."},"581867335607123995":{"u":0,"t":1558798383381,"m":"_As the two climbed up
Mosin One's MCV it took off for Signal, leaving behind discarded gear and
ammunition. Now at Signal they are met with gunfire and the scenery of total
carnage and despair._\n\n_From their viewing port are the students, huntsmen,
huntresses and quick reaction forces of Signal and Vale trying their best to
evacuate the others while also repelling the hostiles at bay._\n\nRadio: This is
Hunter Two-One! Requesting immediate fire support at Grid Bravo-Three-Seven! Right
now!"},"581867568290332713":{"u":1,"t":1558798438857,"m":"Gift - Roger that
Reinforcement on the way."},"581868833506197504":
{"u":0,"t":1558798740508,"m":"Riley: Out the vehicle, now! Move, MOVE!\n\n_Riley
kicked the MCV's rear door open and ran out against the gunfire for Hunter 2-1's
position within the academy's courtyard followed by Ruby, Summer, Price's team and
a group of surviving Signal combatants._\n\nSgt. Raiden: What's the plan, Six-
Two?!\n\nRiley: We get to Two-One, and kill everything that's trying to kill them.
Survivors are to be escorted to the airfeld! \n\nCpt. Cole: Incoming! Right in
front of us!\n\n_Three White Fang AFVs crashed through the remains of a Warbird and
opened fire at the team. Forcing them to cover. Price brings out his Javelin
launcher, loaded a Hellstorm warhead into it and launched the missile as it soared
up the blackened sky, broke apart into three submunitions and impacted the AFVs,
destroying them._"},"581869133839204392":{"u":1,"t":1558798812113,"m":"Gift - One
white fang going to escape, not today.(Use Scorpion's Spear) GET OVER
HERE!"},"581869586883018782":{"u":0,"t":1558798920127,"m":"_The unfortunate grunt
is then dragged to Gift and killed with a shot to the head from Ruby's sniper-
scythe. The Crescent Rose._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Clear! Move up! Move up!
We've got only a hundred metres to go!\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Got your
six, Rubes! Stay frosty!"},"581870050261073931":{"u":0,"t":1558799030605,"m":"_The
tean continues to advance to Two-One's position. The soldier lowered his mask amd
revealed that he, indeed is Sergeant Foley._"},"581870310979272705":
{"u":1,"t":1558799092765,"m":"Gift - Now Those monster is going to gangbang me? Ha!
Not your chance now. (Use Kung lao's Tempest hat spin)"},"581870555385298955":
{"u":0,"t":1558799151036,"m":"_As Gift broke off to clear the team's path ahead.
Foley ordered his men to move for the airfield while Riley's team stayed behind and
began their search for survivors._"},"581870796146999300":
{"u":1,"t":1558799208438,"m":"Gift - Alright team we must find survivor and
evacuate ASAP."},"581871517122428987":{"u":0,"t":1558799380332,"m":"Cpl. Dan: Roger
that, General. \n\n_Soap and Dan took off for the interiors of the academy while
the others spreaded out to safe spots within the damaged main hall._\n\nRiley: Got
a pair of lovebirds in a bathroom stall, they're scared shitless. Bringing them
back to the main hall now.\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Just dead bodies in
Class 13-2. God bless their souls...\n\nNikolai: I got two groups of kids looking
for a way out. You got anything yet, Gift?"},"581871778935210014":
{"u":0,"t":1558799442753,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Noboby but dead bodies
here in the caf- Contact! Contact! Hostiles on the mezzanine, twelve o'clock!
Price, Cover me!"},"581871818235969536":{"u":1,"t":1558799452123,"m":"Gift -
Nothing but i can feel there are some student group around
here."},"581871928831377458":{"u":0,"t":1558799478491,"m":"Pvt. Decker: Sir! Got
gunfire in the cafeteria!"},"581872001417871360":{"u":1,"t":1558799495797,"m":"Gift
- Uncle Price Status?"},"581872214568337408":{"u":0,"t":1558799546616,"m":"Price:
Gift, we got ourselves hundreds of students inside the cafeteria! They were playing
dead until we've found them but now we've got White Fang all over the
- Hang on there Uncle, I'll be there soon."},"581873489519181834":
Gift, Decker, and the rest of the armed survivors breached the cafeteria door open
they are greeted with a hailstorm of bullets from three White Fang gunners dousing
the door with machine gun fire. Decker, being the reckless soldier he is rushed in
for a shot._\n\nPvt. Decker: Cover me! I'm moving in!
\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Damnit, stay back! Stay back!\n\n_As Decker
continues to press onward, killing hostiles along the way with his trusty M4 he is
shot in the left shoulder by a White Fang sniper hiding behind a table._\n\nPvt.
Decker: Agh! I'm hit, sniper on the mezzanine. Behind that table,
ungh.."},"581873944051843072":{"u":1,"t":1558799958957,"m":"Gift - Damn Man down,
maybe this gonna make their sniper suffer.(Use Raiden's lighting
strike)"},"581874621197058069":{"u":0,"t":1558800120401,"m":"_Gift sends a bolt of
lightning at the sniper behind the table, electrocuting him to death and causing
the three gunners to break off and run only to have Ruby turn them into bits with
her scythe._\n\n_The cries of the three gunners were the only sounds that came
after the gunfire stopped..._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> If you're still
alive, stick with us. We're taking you to the airfield. Arsenal Birds and friendly
evac aircrafts are waiting but they can't stick around too long.
Move!"},"581874899937787919":{"u":1,"t":1558800186858,"m":"Gift - Come on, Let
{"u":0,"t":1558800201887,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Get up!
Move!"},"581875231656771689":{"u":1,"t":1558800265946,"m":"(At Arsenal Bird)\nGift
- I will cover you until you get in all, GO!"},"581875497567256577":
{"u":0,"t":1558800329344,"m":"_After passing through debris-ridden hallways and
rooms, the party finally arrives at the airfield. From there they all ran for the
Arsenal Bird as Gift, Riley, Price's team, Ruby and Summer covered their
six._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Get to the airship! MOVE! ALL UNITS, HOLD THE
LINE! DON'T LET ANYTHING THROUGH!"},"581875852363694080":
{"u":1,"t":1558800413934,"m":"Gift - Time to use ability FREEFIRE!! (His M4A1 have
fire unlimited)"},"581876298675257394":{"u":0,"t":1558800520343,"m":"Riley: Time to
bring out the big guns...\n\n_She raised her arms up high, her palms glowing with
light. From there she fired two massive laser beams at the horde of Grimm
creatures. Annihilating them and turning them into dust._\n\n_Ruby picked off the
stragglers with the Crescent Rose while Summer kept up her chain kils with the M14
EBR. Gift, on the other hand is dualwielding two M4s and firing at a Nevermore's
exposed brain. Killing it._"},"581876469089959957":
{"u":1,"t":1558800560973,"m":"Gift - Inside all?"},"581876901560188963":
{"u":0,"t":1558800664082,"m":"Arsenal Bird Loadmaster: Roger! All survivors inside!
Get onboard, now!"},"581115112006352906":{"u":0,"t":1558619039299,"m":"Baseplate:
This is Command to Bravo Six, verify and read-back."},"581116039211909121":
{"u":1,"t":1558619421557,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6 hear you clear and now i'm
setup small camp at my position over."},"581117010142822403":
{"u":0,"t":1558619491850,"m":"Baseplate: Roger that, Bravo Six. Linkup with Summer
at the house and stand by for further updates. Be advised that White Fang activity
within the area is still high, proceed with caution."},"581117160483717123":
{"u":1,"t":1558619527694,"m":"Gift - Copy that Over and
out."},"581117999826731021":{"u":0,"t":1558619727809,"m":"_Gift breaks his
connection and began packing up his gear. Taking time to remove traces of discarded
items by either burning or burying. It took him five minutes to finally clean up
his hiding spot and move out of the forest and into the main road leading to the
house located two klicks ahead of him._\n\nBT: General, I advise we commandeer a
light vehicle to avoid attracting White Fang attention."},"581118473225109556":
{"u":1,"t":1558619840676,"m":"Gift - Thanks for advice BT."},"581119083471306768":
{"u":0,"t":1558619986170,"m":"_Gift activates his cloak, disguising his gear to
that of a traveler's. Riley appears next to him, brandishing her issued weapon, the
SC18GF Screaming Angel greatsword-railgun._\n\nRiley: So much for the cloak, Gift.
I've got us a ride.\n\n_She shut her eyes as a hummer materialized before him, with
the hummer summoned she blinked twice and climbed in to the driver's
seat._\n\nRiley: Strap in, Gift."},"581119370634461186":
{"u":1,"t":1558620054635,"m":"Gift - Thanks."},"581119917961510966":
{"u":0,"t":1558620185128,"m":"_With Gift having found himself a seat in the back
seat she gunned the engine and drove straight for the house._\n\n_After six
minutes, the duo reaches the house as she brought the hummer to a screeching
halt._"},"581120120722554900":{"u":1,"t":1558620233470,"m":"Gift - Are we
arrive?"},"581120237009895434":{"u":0,"t":1558620261195,"m":"Riley: From Summer'
shocked face, yup."},"581120445408083986":{"u":1,"t":1558620310881,"m":"Gift -
Alright here we go."},"581120532355874829":
{"u":0,"t":1558620331611,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> You don't have to come
in so damn fast, Riley..."},"581121375054331924":
{"u":0,"t":1558620532526,"m":"_Summer begins to push away the hummer keeping her
stuck in place at the door. Nearly crushing her in._\n\n_Riley fires a beam of
gravity from her left hand and effortlessly yanked the hummer away before tossing
it into the ocean surrounding the island. Freeing
{"u":1,"t":1558620620570,"m":"(In Gift's radio)\nMCV Driver - MCV ready for
order."},"581122686202282026":{"u":0,"t":1558620845128,"m":"BT: General, I've made
contact with the support vehicles. They will be on standby at a standoff range of
0.5 klicks from our location."},"581122846458118145":
{"u":1,"t":1558620883336,"m":"Gift - Thanks for update BT."},"581123298809610240":
{"u":0,"t":1558620991185,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Well, how about you guys
get out of that gear and get comfortable?"},"581124352276168708":
{"u":0,"t":1558621242351,"m":"_Summer tugged at Gift's gear jokingly with Riley's
gear already on her back. Although it tool her three attempts to finally convince
her to stash it away except her pistol._"},"581129835200380928":
{"u":1,"t":1558622549582,"m":"Gift - BT if any thing happen, keep
Roger."},"581130919763640331":{"u":1,"t":1558622808162,"m":"Gift -
Good."},"581131529271377965":{"u":0,"t":1558622953480,"m":"_As days passed by, the
locals of Patch have become used to seeing military deployments within the island.
On one particular night, while watching over the view out on the terrace, Gift
spotted two unknown individuals lurking around in the forest. He withdrew his
binoculars and set it to thermal mode before scamning the strangers only to
identify them as White Fang agents._"},"581131868213084161":
{"u":1,"t":1558623034290,"m":"Gift - Riley Get up Enemy
spotted."},"581132366991327263":{"u":0,"t":1558623153208,"m":"Riley: On it, got two
Tangos up ahead. White Fang, they're spies."},"581133383778828298":
{"u":0,"t":1558623395629,"m":"_Riley, instead of using binoculars whipped out her
Raging Hornet tri-volver, loaded it with two NX-38 lethal tranquilizer rounds and
fired at the two agents. Knocking them
{"u":0,"t":1558623413524,"m":"Riley: Agents down. They'll be dead next
morning."},"581136512033357824":{"u":1,"t":1558624141463,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1558791381432,"m":"In next morning Ruby wake up and come downstairs and
see Gift is prepare weapon but she don't know who is he."},"581838228546650123":
{"u":0,"t":1558791443717,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I don't mean to be rude,
but.. am I supposed to know you?"},"581838676871610378":
{"u":0,"t":1558791550606,"m":"_She moves closer, gawking at the plethora of weapons
he had just finished unpacking from his Go-Bag._"},"581839425940619294":
{"u":1,"t":1558791729198,"m":"Gift - (Checking M4A1) Green light, that's the last
{"u":0,"t":1558792255427,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Woah, what's
that?!"},"581842010164690964":{"u":0,"t":1558792345325,"m":"_Having saw the
delicate design of the rifle she reached for it and grabbed it right out of his
hands before pulling the charging handle. Chambering a round into the gun._\n\n_She
fiddled with the safety and almost fired when Summer smacked the gun out of her
hands, grabbed it mid-fall and handed it back to Gift._"},"581842714669088778":
{"u":1,"t":1558792513292,"m":"Gift - Thanks, I think this will be another hard
{"u":0,"t":1558792579791,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Sorry about her messing
around with your gear, she's been... quite the enthusiast. Anyways, I'll be heading
into town with my girls and Tai. Would you mind keeping the house in
check?"},"581843827132727297":{"u":1,"t":1558792778524,"m":"Gift - Sure, Mosin
1!\nMCV Driver - Yes sir!\nGift - Deploy MCV and prepare some defence.\nMCV Driver
- Yes General!"},"581844712319614978":{"u":0,"t":1558792989569,"m":"_As Summer left
the house, three MCVs sent from orbital insertions landed within minutes. From
there the crews of each vehicles scrambled to get defense systems up and running.
One of the MCV expanded itself into a micro-FOB. Allowing more defenses to be
built._\n\nMosin 1: General, defenses are up and running as ordered, sir. Be
advised that MCV Mosin 2 has reported multiple White Fang aircrafts within eighty
miles off of the island's airspace."},"581845832907620352":
{"u":1,"t":1558793256738,"m":"Gift - Get ready, we don't know what are they
doing."},"581847051508383744":{"u":0,"t":1558793547275,"m":"Mosin 1:
and Gift continue to prepare defenses for the house as best as they can until
nighttime._\n\n_Riley, now sitting in the living room enjoying herself watching A
Time to Remember, one of Remnant's hit series heard three loud bangs from the
outside of the house. From there she shut off the TV set, grabbed an M14 EBR from
her bag and ran for the balcony upstairs._"},"581849653767569417":
{"u":1,"t":1558794167702,"m":"Gift - Riley What happen?"},"581850052713250828":
{"u":0,"t":1558794262818,"m":"Riley: Explosions, fifteen miles outside. Must've
been those two agents we saw the day earlier. You got status on Summer and her
girls?"},"581850314211328000":{"u":1,"t":1558794325164,"m":"Gift - I'm trying to
call them, Gimme a second.\nGift - Summer can you here me?"},"581850418301108235":
{"u":0,"t":1558794349981,"m":"_All he heard from his radio was nothing but
static._"},"581852721682972682":{"u":0,"t":1558794899150,"m":"_While Riley keeps
watch over the balcony and down onto the land below, she sees a car coming up the
street, its headlight beam piercing the dark scenery._\n\n_She kept her aim until
her DNI implant identified them as Summer snd her two daughters, with Tai being
tagged as \"still at Beacon\"._\n\nRiley: Gift, they're
back."},"581852868013850625":{"u":1,"t":1558794934038,"m":"Gift - I will get them
inside."},"581853057319567456":{"u":0,"t":1558794979172,"m":"_Gift jumps down the
stairs and yanked the door open with his grapple attachment as Summer pushed the
door open._"},"579703860440989722":{"u":0,"t":1558282570706,"m":"_Salem, still
kneeling on the ground pondered over moments of her past memories, all the \"behind
the curtain\" acts she had committed to divide the people of Remnant, how she had
turned the four kingdoms against one another, the acts she had done to destabilize
Remnant to the brink of war until Space United and Earth's armed forces intervened.
After having took her time, she got up, brushed away the dirt on her knees and torn
dress and slowly walked towards Ruby._"},"579703952720003085":
{"u":0,"t":1558282592707,"m":"Salem: Fine, I'll stop. And end this
war..."},"579704307776225312":{"u":1,"t":1558282677359,"m":"Gift got headache and
breaking the 4th wall.\nGift - Player Alternate timeline is ready to play
now."},"579704756495187968":{"u":1,"t":1558282784342,"m":"(I'm going to rest now
and next time we will begin our new campaign Alternate
universe)"},"579705448723120138":{"u":0,"t":1558282949382,"m":"(Oh, sure! But can
we do the ending for this timeline before we head on to the
{"u":0,"t":1558282988069,"m":"(Good, now rest!)"},"580041996639666185":
{"u":1,"t":1558363188658,"m":"Gift - Ruby my sweet heart, is this the end? of this
{"u":0,"t":1558363214708,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It is
now.."},"580042333844930580":{"u":0,"t":1558363269054,"m":"_She looks up to the sky
of the Realm of Darkness as ships from friendly factions began their departure from
the realm back to their homeworlds._"},"580042381806796817":
{"u":0,"t":1558363280489,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> So, what happens
now?"},"580042538203873281":{"u":1,"t":1558363317777,"m":"Gift - War have end and
remnant is back in peace."},"580043181991919656":
{"u":0,"t":1558363471268,"m":"_From the horizon, the Imagination took off as it
leaves Remnant back to Earth. With the ships departing en masse, Ruby turned away
from the view and shedded a single tear, letting it run down her right cheek and
dripping onto the dry, blackened and scorched ground. A Warbird VTOL dropship lands
in front of her as the pilot opened the side door._"},"580043309737836554":
{"u":0,"t":1558363501725,"m":"Lt. Dave: Hey! Congrats to you, Rubes! You did
it!"},"580043474892619776":{"u":1,"t":1558363541101,"m":"Gift - Not only her, We
did it."},"580043993480429598":{"u":0,"t":1558363664742,"m":"Lt. Dave: Ach, knew it
woulda' been you. General! Hop in, sir! The ride's to the real world is ready to
go!"},"580044189795090432":{"u":1,"t":1558363711547,"m":"Gift - I hate to say
goodbye with my little sister."},"580045781646704640":
{"u":0,"t":1558364091074,"m":"_Sandman then came to his side as he gave him a
Remnant Identification Card, labeled with Gift's info and name on
it._"},"580045902073561106":{"u":0,"t":1558364119786,"m":"Sandman: No need to say
goodbye anymore, we're all citizens of Remnant since we came
here."},"580046071422648340":{"u":1,"t":1558364160162,"m":"Gift - From now on i
will stay with my four sweet heart forever."},"580046166545137675":
{"u":0,"t":1558364182841,"m":"Price: I've just ordered the guys back in Patch to
cook up a massive base just big enough for all of us. And, yes. She'll get to stay
with us forever."},"580046226880200710":{"u":0,"t":1558364197226,"m":"_He points to
Ruby before climbing aboard the Warbird._"},"580046320581214208":
{"u":1,"t":1558364219566,"m":"Gift - Our new home?"},"580046844113977344":
{"u":0,"t":1558364344386,"m":"Price: Damn right, Gift. It's our new home from now
on!"},"580047193524797477":{"u":1,"t":1558364427692,"m":"Gift - So let
go."},"580048114807734293":{"u":0,"t":1558364647343,"m":"_After nearly fifteen
hours of flight, the team finally arrives in Vale, at Beacon Academy instead of
Patch. From there they are met with the denizens of Vale showering them with gifts,
flowers and other camaraderie. While walking down the airfield they find themselves
surrounded by the airfield crew and the surviving soldiers of the Valerian Armed
Forces._"},"580048193350533150":{"u":0,"t":1558364666069,"m":"Cpt. Lance: Welcome
to Remnant again, General!"},"580048407658364951":
{"u":1,"t":1558364717164,"m":"Gift - I can't believe that i will come back here but
there i am."},"580049056181649410":{"u":0,"t":1558364871784,"m":"Cpt. Lance: Well,
you better believe your eyes, sir. Your men, and you have saved Remnant from her,
but the Grimm will still remain a threat. Y'know, can't have all the peace without
hardships. Sir. By the way, General Goodwitch wants you up at the
Arena."},"580049186364456982":{"u":0,"t":1558364902822,"m":"Riley: General
Goodwitch? Damn, promotions do come _fast..._"},"580049301078802432":
{"u":1,"t":1558364930172,"m":"Gift - I think so but Let's
go!"},"580049751983128576":{"u":0,"t":1558365037676,"m":"_Now at the Amity Arena,
Goodwitch herself led the team to one of the Arena's prep rooms used by contestants
during the annual Vytal Festival._"},"580050248504836099":
{"u":0,"t":1558365156056,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Welcome back to the land
of the living, Remnant Task Force One-Four-One. Although that was a bit mouthful, I
would like to congratulate each of you personally for saving Remnant from total
annihilation. Your pre-emptive strike have been effective and has brought discord
within the hostile factions supporting her."},"580050457788153994":
{"u":1,"t":1558365205953,"m":"Gift - Yes but it seem there still Grimm
{"u":0,"t":1558365343441,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> We'll discuss that later
at Beacon, but now, your moment has come. For all of you will be embraced as
citizens of Remnant save for certain members of your team."},"580051265476886559":
{"u":1,"t":1558365398521,"m":"Gift - I'm glad to stand on this point not alone but
with my four sweet heart."},"580051631589294091":
{"u":0,"t":1558365485809,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Ech, just get out of
this room and meet the people in the arena. They're
waiting!"},"580051808282476554":{"u":0,"t":1558365527936,"m":"_Glynda literally
pushed the team out of the prep room, sending them nearly sprawling on the carpeted
floor of the hallway._"},"580052564494516235":{"u":1,"t":1558365708231,"m":"(in
Gift's diary) \nGift - And that i was how i complete this
mission."},"580053288485912597":{"u":0,"t":1558365880844,"m":"_After enduring hours
of standing in place and receiving medals from the high-ranking officers of the
Remnant Armed Forces, the team is flown back to Beacon and are sent straight into
Glynda's office, situated at the top of the rebuilt Beacon
{"u":0,"t":1558365993407,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Settle down, this
information I've received from the Central Intelligence Organization have indicated
that there are over sixteen hostile factions from various systems across ours, but,
one such faction stood out in the particular. And they, are known as the
Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation."},"580053976033001473":
{"u":1,"t":1558366044768,"m":"Gift - What is their purpose?"},"580054897429446687":
{"u":0,"t":1558366264446,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> They're an incorporate
business group, but after they've managed to take on most planets within the Core
Systems, where the Earth is located. They have, at first attempted to destroy
Harmony, a planet residing within the Frontier. Now, they are targeting Remnant for
our limitless production of Dust. For which the wanted to ue to fuel their
perpetual war to conquer planets to their liking."},"580055601858609152":
{"u":0,"t":1558366432395,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Also. the True Sons and
the Hyenas have returned. As of now, the threat of the IMC targeting our planet is
at a non-existent level since they have somehow managed to destroy themselves while
operating an alien weaponry named the \"Fold Weapon\", now the focus shifts to the
True Sons and the Hyenas. For they are former remnants of the White Fang and a
plethora of international crime syndicates across Remnant. Their goal? The total
domination of Remnant itself."},"580057997745848352":
{"u":1,"t":1558367003619,"m":"Gift - I will sent some team to do this, about me? i
want to spend some time with my sweet hearts."},"580059908972478485":
{"u":1,"t":1558367459291,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now and next time let's begin
"m":"(Alternate will begin tomorrow, it like start back to
{"u":1,"t":1558618603534,"m":"New world New operation\nSAS
Specialist\nGeneralGift\nForest near Rose Family's house."},"579679863129112586":
{"u":0,"t":1558276849301,"m":"_Upon the officer's last words. The armies of
warriors all charged at Salem, firing away every weaponry they have in their
arsenal. The sky of the realm bursts into light as every aerial units, including
the Strangereal Coaltion Force's plethora of fighters, flying fortresses, and
superweapons all fired at the towering demon standing amidst the
battlefield._"},"579680572402565120":{"u":0,"t":1558277018405,"m":"_Ruby leaped
headfirst for the pulsating black mass on Salem's chest and landed a damaging blow
on it, her eyes fully engulfed in white light as she directed the power of her
ability to every blow she made on the flesh. Causing Salem to stagger, the
projectiles from the aerial units have also dealt massive damage to her exterior
armor plates, tearing them away. Weiss lands a fire dust shot at Salem's right
shoulder, taking out a sizeable portion of the armor._"},"579680797007806496":
{"u":1,"t":1558277071955,"m":"Gift - COME MY DEVIL SWORD!!! (Equip Devil Sword
Gift)"},"579681098041262080":{"u":0,"t":1558277143727,"m":"_Blake and Yang, still
finding no attack window decided to take Salem head-on alongside Cinder and Riley.
Launching attacks on the injuries the weapons of the warriors of Remnant have made.
Gift unsheathes his greatsword and stabbed it right into the pulsating flesh
covering her chest. Adding more to the heavy damage his allies have
made._"},"579681521233821709":{"u":0,"t":1558277244624,"m":"_Salem, now injured and
enraged summoned a massive spear made entirely of red crystal and smashed it on
the ground, killing a portion of the soldiers firing at her legs. She raises her
right hand and stared at the wounds inflicted by Yang, the wounds leaking black,
tarry fluid._"},"579681610841063425":{"u":0,"t":1558277265988,"m":"Salem: How dare
you strike me?! You will never defeat me!"},"579681695184322561":
{"u":1,"t":1558277286097,"m":"Gift - Soon you will."},"579682373768052746":
{"u":0,"t":1558277447884,"m":"_Ruby, still continuing her merciless attack on the
flesh, now joined by Summer is sent flying towards an Arsenal Bird as Salem fired
bolts of electricity at her. Injuring her._"},"579682422032039947":
{"u":0,"t":1558277459391,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Ruby!
NO!"},"579682809992445972":{"u":0,"t":1558277551888,"m":"_As Ruby has lost her
opportunity to attack, Salem raised the massive spear again and swiped it against
the swarm of fighter jets making attack runs on her, nearly taking down Trigger's
squadron in the progress._"},"579682882717614090":
{"u":0,"t":1558277569227,"m":"Trigger: Sol Three! No!
Goddamnit.."},"579682911821889538":{"u":1,"t":1558277576166,"m":"Gift - YOU
AHHHH!!!!!! (Activate Rampage of Silver Eye's Warrior)"},"579683633984569344":
{"u":0,"t":1558277748343,"m":"_As Ruby lay injured and unconscious on Starbreaker,
the Arsenal Bird she landed on, gunners left their respective turrets and brought
her down the ship and sent her to the medics waiting within the infirmary, within
minutes she is seen flying her way back to Salem and even landing a striking blow
against her head, sending her sprawling on the ground and shaking the earth with
shockwaves. Cinder, still on the Retribution Alpha's flight deck jumped into the
fray, sending beams of flame at the flying Grimm creatures targeting
her._"},"579683983344926720":{"u":0,"t":1558277831637,"m":"_On the ground lies
Pyrrha, injured from Salem's initial attack, now standing on her feet again rushes
to Jaune's position behind an AATIS cannon emplacement._"},"579684053549187090":
{"u":0,"t":1558277848375,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Is that cannon still
{"u":0,"t":1558277880425,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Yes! But the targeting
unit is.. uh... well, he's dead."},"579684293140545542":
{"u":0,"t":1558277905498,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What do you mean
by \"dead\"? Did the gunner die or something?"},"579684400237772821":
{"u":0,"t":1558277931032,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP
AND HELP ME KILL THOSE FREAKS!"},"579684566579806228":
{"u":0,"t":1558277970691,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> This again.. Incoming, six
o'clock! Behind, behind!"},"579684915595968538":{"u":0,"t":1558278053903,"m":"_As
team JNPR argues over who should be commandeering the cannon Salem stomps it flat.
Destroying it, the team manages to jump away just in time, almost getting
themselves flattened by the stomp._"},"579684991877775386":
{"u":0,"t":1558278072090,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Now there's no cannon,
aaand, more Grimm..."},"579685713973477407":{"u":1,"t":1558278244251,"m":"Gift -
Stay back (Transform to inferno Scorpion)"},"579686381853605899":
{"u":0,"t":1558278403486,"m":"_Gift sends four flaming chains at Salem's left leg
and pulled at it with all of his strength, tearing the leg away and causing it to
disintegrate into dust. Dante, Vergil, and Nero all made attacks on every major
weak spot on Salem's fused demon form. Finally shattering the crystal spear and
destabilizing her demon form, Ruby, now ready to fight took to the sky alongside
her teammates and her mother. Calling for Gift and Riley's support in the
{"u":0,"t":1558278556405,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, Riley! She's
breaking, our final attack should destroy her demon form and bring her normal body
back."},"579688931147120666":{"u":1,"t":1558279011285,"m":"Gift - Good idea my
sweet heart. (Equip Devil Sword Gift)"},"579692238188314624":
{"u":0,"t":1558279799745,"m":"_As Gift brings his sword to its full power, sending
sparks out from the blade Ruby dived in followed by her teammates, Summer, and
Riley. The soldiers on the ground still kept up their attacks despite their
comrades decimated. The Russians, in particular have all but charged at a formation
of Wyverns and defeated them. As the team made their final dive attack, Salem
rapidly sends out bolts of electricity, fireballs and a plethora of projectiles
only to have Riley singlehandedly absorb them all and infuse them nto her
{"u":0,"t":1558279817130,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117>: We're getting close!
Don't lose sight!","te":1558279825920},"579692446322262046":
{"u":1,"t":1558279849368,"m":"Gift - AHHHHH!!!!!!!"},"579693373103800320":
{"u":0,"t":1558280070330,"m":"_Ruby finally lands her final attack as she sends the
blade of the Crecent Rose down on Salem's head, jamming it deep down into the demon
form's \"brain\" as Summer rammed the blades of her wrist-mounted scythe blades
down the fleshy mass followed by Yang, smashing her way through into the demon
form's innards while Blake and Weiss lay waste to the interior organs. Finally
tearing Salem's body away from the tentacles holding her in place and sending her
flying down the scorched and bloodied ground of the
battlefield..._"},"579693901573521415":{"u":1,"t":1558280196327,"m":"Gift - I will
get Salem (Use Scorpion's spear) Get over here!!"},"579694178167160893":
{"u":0,"t":1558280262272,"m":"_Gift sends the spear through her chest and dragged
her to him as he sets her up to kneel before him. Salem, now weakened beyond
fighting and powerless remained still. Not moving or speaking a
{"u":1,"t":1558280774128,"m":"Gift - Game over Salem."},"579696660410662924":
{"u":0,"t":1558280854085,"m":"Salem: It's not over... My forces have already
scoured the lands of humanity, your world is invaded. This fight is just a
distraction, a decoy. You will never win."},"579696869492523021":
{"u":1,"t":1558280903934,"m":"Gift - You are wrong."},"579697810857787393":
{"u":0,"t":1558281128373,"m":"Salem: How can I be wrong? I watched over you, and
you people fight and strive for meaningless peace... The more army you throw at me,
the more I will destroy."},"579698003556827136":{"u":0,"t":1558281174316,"m":"_As
Salem continued to argue, Riley steps in and cut her off by setting her sword next
to her and kneeling before her._"},"579698267282079755":
{"u":0,"t":1558281237193,"m":"Riley: I hate to tell you this, but... Earth is no
longer \"destroyed\" or decimated or whatever you spew out of that mouth. It's
liberated by these lovely people behind me and up in that big ship I happened to be
its creator."},"579698604076302353":{"u":0,"t":1558281317491,"m":"_She points to
the soldiers standing behind her and at the Imagination, still firing blasts of
directional gravity at the shattered moon, piecing it back together. Upon
realizing the truth, Salem breaks down into a crying fit._"},"579698637857095681":
{"u":1,"t":1558281325545,"m":"Gift - Riley Give me some
second."},"579698754114945024":{"u":1,"t":1558281353263,"m":"Gift use his magic to
summon four maidens."},"579699641054920714":{"u":0,"t":1558281564726,"m":"_The four
maidens appears before her as Salem looked up at them in total disbelief. After
all, they... used to be her daughters until her eventual battle against
Ozma._"},"579699954835128340":{"u":0,"t":1558281639537,"m":"_One by one, the
Maidens all told Salem the story of how they were brough back to life and destined
to assist the people of Remnant in maintaining peace and order until the
battle._"},"579700249770196992":{"u":0,"t":1558281709855,"m":"_As they continue
with their story, Salem, still in disbelief tries to get up but is pushed back down
by Soap. He then pressed his USP pistol against her head. His finger on the
trigger, ready to fire._"},"579700607623888926":{"u":1,"t":1558281795174,"m":"Gift
- See? Your human
life is already good, why you not accept this?"},"579701026903293968":
{"u":0,"t":1558281895138,"m":"Salem: Not after the gods refused to help me. They,
have left me to rot in this world and have cursed me with immortality. How can I
ever accept this life? How, and why would I want to be normal
again?"},"579701431930454019":{"u":1,"t":1558281991704,"m":"Gift - I give you a
choice back to human and live peacefully or stay like this and still suffer with
your sin."},"579701705600532491":
{"u":0,"t":1558282164814,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's for the best, and,
even if you continue your... crusade against us you'll still be defeated. I, and my
friends won't kill you either. You still have some good left in you, but you've
brought yourself down this path of hatred and destruction all for nothing but
destruction... Please, stop this. End this madness, end this
war."},"579702461590142990":{"u":1,"t":1558282237194,"m":"Gift - Keep doing this
you will got nothing only more suffering."},"578958171721302017":
{"u":0,"t":1558104784661,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Here we are.. just like
old times.."},"578958305993555968":{"u":1,"t":1558104816674,"m":"Gift - Where are
we now my sweet heart?"},"578958441830416385":
{"u":0,"t":1558104849060,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Inside the command hall,
meet me there"},"578958494032461834":{"u":1,"t":1558104861506,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"578959395422076959":{"u":0,"t":1558105076414,"m":"_As he walked down the
bustling clearing, planes of different types fill the dark sky as deployments to
the front lines are in progress. Radio chatter fill the environment as each
Coalition Force commanders all directed commamds to their respective
units._"},"578960335726182431":{"u":1,"t":1558105300600,"m":"Gift - All unit is
signal clear?"},"578961986944237578":{"u":0,"t":1558105694281,"m":"Comms Officer:
Uplink is good, we're green on all channels. Frontline reported multiple
engagements with the True Sons, primarily the 1632nd Marauders and the 567th
Revenants.\n\n_As he scanned his frequencies, three fighter jets flew over his
field communicator hub, temporarily disrupting comms. Gift, satisfied, makes his
way to the base's command hall._"},"578963957885173781":
{"u":1,"t":1558106164190,"m":"Gift - Frontline have sent the
report?"},"578964879243739136":{"u":0,"t":1558106383859,"m":"Officer: Affirmative,
sir. They're clearing the path ahead and are securing a direct route to Salem's
hideout. Although they are- hold on... The Marauders reported that they request the
support of Task Force 141 immediately, General. It's go time, your team is waiting
at Airfield Bravo"},"578965622029811726":{"u":0,"t":1558106560953,"m":"_The officer
returns to his position on the comms set as four escorts guided Gift through the
bustling base._"},"578966019239051265":{"u":1,"t":1558106655655,"m":"Gift -
Thanks.\n(At Airfield Bravo)\nGift - Alright our allied have request for backup, we
must act quickly."},"578966909664624655":{"u":0,"t":1558106867949,"m":"Price: Our
guys down there are taking fire from Griffons and Nevermores, and what's worse than
that is Salem's already going into the battle.."},"578967349911224361":
{"u":1,"t":1558106972912,"m":"Gift - I don't know our force can hold until we
arrive."},"578967716124295170":{"u":0,"t":1558107060224,"m":"Soap: Enough yapping,
get in! We're going for a rumble."},"578967889147592704":
{"u":1,"t":1558107101476,"m":"Gift - You right Soap, Let's move
up."},"578968773759991834":{"u":0,"t":1558107312384,"m":"_Fast forward three hours
later, the team lands right in the heart of the battle as the Rakenthean covenants
of the 1632nd Marauders continued their relentless attacks on the incoming horde of
Grimm of different types._\n\n_Seen in the battle is Riley, slashing away at the
monsters with her recently reissued weapon, the SA-18 Screaming Angel greatsword-
railgun._\n\n_As she heard Gift's chopper coming in hot she blasted away the swarms
of Seers with gravitokinesis, creating a clearing large enough for the chopper to
land and deploy the team safely._"},"578969020351381554":
{"u":1,"t":1558107371176,"m":"Gift - Alright we landing Let Go Go
Move! MOVE! Spread out and attack!"},"578970534981795861":
{"u":0,"t":1558107732292,"m":"_Ruby, having scanned the area with her suit's
tactical scanner begins her engagement with a decapitating blow sent at an
unfortunate Griffon. Weiss follows suit by summoning the Arma Gigas before
commanding it to provide support for the Marauders while she breaks off and
assisted Yang in taking down an Ursa._\n\n_Price, Soap, Yuri, and the rest of his
men fired their guns at the oncoming horde. Taking them by surprise and even taking
down a Creep swarm._\n\n_At Team JNPR, they, fortunately were deployed within
Aloy's army of autonomous attacker machines. Pyrrha assumes control of a Horus unit
before commanding it to create five Super Stormbirds and sending it to engage
incoming aerial threats._\n\n_Jaune, having prepared himself rushes to Gift's
position with Nora and Ren following behind._"},"578970799365423105":
{"u":0,"t":1558107795326,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> There's too many of them!
We need to push through and.. hold on, the Imagination's firing
something!\n\nRiley: That's the spacetime manipulator in action. Literally turns
spacetime into a weapon."},"578971058913411072":{"u":1,"t":1558107857207,"m":"Gift
- I have another thing (Equip Ivory&Ebony) JACKPOT!! (Fire both
pistols)"},"578972170517217282":{"u":0,"t":1558108122234,"m":"_Gift, being the
weapon nut he is takes down a Lancer swarm with the Ivory and Ebony. Dante, Vergil,
Nero, Lady, and Trish all began their assault on the Grimm army defending Salem's
mansion._\n\n_As the fight moves on, more and more support units from the Coalition
Forces' plethora of armies from different universes all poured down into the Realm
of Darkness, greatly overwhelming the Grimm. The Russian Army in particular
complained of the lack of Grimm to fight with but then found themselves facing the
Wyverns and Sea Feilongs._"},"578972389778522112":
{"u":0,"t":1558108174510,"m":"_Over Gift's head lies a Kirov airship firing its
missiles at the mansion, tearing down the Dust Spires defending it from
projectiles._"},"578972476936028171":{"u":1,"t":1558108195290,"m":"Gift - Enemy
Reinforcement incoming.\nKirov Airship - Kirov Reporting."},"578973574598230046":
{"u":0,"t":1558108456993,"m":"_Suddenly, the dark sky of the realm brightened
slightly as portals formed. Soon enough, massive Grimm creatures spawned from the
portals, primarily being the Wyverns. One such portal spawned five Leviathans
before being taken down by the Imagination's Spacetime Manipulator system firing at
it._\n\nYuri: Gift, looks like the Imagination is in overtime! Hah!\n\nSandman:
Stay focused! I see three Wyverns on the horizon, twelve o'clock!\n\n_The battle
continues as flight-capable Grimm took the fight to the skies. Prompting the
Strangereal Coalition Force to respond with their immediate, almost instantaneous
deployment of ace fighters, flying fortresses and even massive space-based weaponry
such as the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun._"},"578973840126902273":
{"u":0,"t":1558108520300,"m":"Trigger: Strider Squadron, deploy and engage. Paint
all organic flying freaks as hostiles. But do NOT, under any circunstances shoot
down Rose One."},"578974036726513664":{"u":1,"t":1558108567173,"m":"Gift - Eva is
Ion Cannon ready?\nGDI Eva - Ion Cannon Ready General."},"578974903223713833":
{"u":0,"t":1558108773762,"m":"_On the far side of Area S4Y lies a column of GDI
survey vehicles providing data for the Ion Cannon built into the SOLG's weapon
systems. The SOLG's autonomous AI then targeted directly at a formation of sixteen
Leviathans and fired. Sending a giant beam of energy down on the combat zone and
glassing the area beneath._\n\n_Back at the Tower, the citizens of Vale all watched
the battle unfold anxiously. Similar events as the Tower itself also appeared at
the Amity Arena and the three remaining continents save for Menagerie as it has
forced all of its population to join the final offensive._"},"578975125945319424":
{"u":0,"t":1558108826863,"m":"Riley: This is Six-Two to Imagination, I want you to
fire everything you've got at the targets ahead of you, link up to SOLG and the SCF
for coordinates!"},"578975696706338817":{"u":1,"t":1558108962943,"m":"Gift - Eva is
all super weapons ready?\nEva - Allied,Soviet,GDI,NOD,Epsilon all super weapons are
ready General.\nGift - Use every thing we have.\nEVA - Roger all super weapons
activated."},"578976700415737873":{"u":0,"t":1558109202246,"m":"_The battle grounds
shook violently as EVA ordered all of the Coalition Forces' Special Weapon systems
to deploy at once. Completely annihilating the Grimm Army._\n\n_As the battleground
cleared itself of smoke and other debris caused by the fighting, all that remained
were the friendly combatants of the Coalition Forces and Salem, deprived of her
Grimm Army._\n\n_Ruby, upon taking notice of Salem puts herself into a fighting
stance, her scythe still dripping of decomposing Grimm
flesh._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Surrender, and stop your pointless crusade
against us.."},"578977048413077536":{"u":1,"t":1558109285215,"m":"Gift - You can't
win us."},"578977999844802578":{"u":0,"t":1558109512054,"m":"Salem: Never! I will
not surrender to you, and your army!\n\n_From there, she blasted Ruby away as the
liquid within the Pools of Darkness around her formed themselves into tentacles and
engulfed Salem. Transforming her into a Grimm monstrosity one had never seen
before.._\n\n_Upon witnessing Salem's transformation, Vergil, stunned with sheer
disbelief wiped his eyes twice. _\n\nVergil: No way... Did she... Did she just
transformed herself into Urizen?!"},"578978205743054875":
{"u":1,"t":1558109561144,"m":"Gift - You know how to defeat
Vergil?"},"578978903230644225":{"u":0,"t":1558109727438,"m":"Vergil: At this state,
there's no killing her. Not even.. hold on. See that pulsating black mass on her
chest? That's her Grimm part. \n\n_Vergil literally dragged Ruby, Riley, Gift and
Summer forward before Salem; now transformed to her Demon form._\n\nVergil: That
mass, is Grimm flesh. Silver Eyes can weaken her. The more you strike her, the
weaker she gets. And don't even think of getting me to fight _that._ No way. Don't
wanna end up having a cane-sword stabbed in the chest
l"},"578980267968954395":{"u":1,"t":1558110052817,"m":"(I'm gonna rest
now)"},"578980364874153987":{"u":0,"t":1558110075921,"m":"(Sure! Rest
well!)"},"579671847835140119":{"u":1,"t":1558274938306,"m":"Gift - Whatever it
happen, we will take it."},"579672049438425119":
{"u":0,"t":1558274986372,"m":"Vergil: Good, just so you know, Dante and Nero are
going to help."},"579672211451936779":{"u":1,"t":1558275024999,"m":"Gift - So let's
do this."},"579673867090395147":{"u":0,"t":1558275419734,"m":"_As Vergil walked
away, Salem, now fused into her own version of the demon king Urizen roared at the
team, challenging them to the upcoming battle._\n\n_One versus many, sounds like
fun. Riley thoughy as she readied herself, followed by Team RWBY and the rest of
their allies. The Imagination prepared its armanents for support against Salem as
the crew gets the four Relics prepared for fusion._\n\nImagination Comms Officer:
This is Imagination to Bravo Six. Relic prep is in progress, do not attempt attack
until Relic prep is complete."},"579674177523679285":
{"u":1,"t":1558275493747,"m":"Gift - Got it Imagination, if ready tell
us."},"579674396973727744":{"u":0,"t":1558275546068,"m":"Imagination Comms Officer:
Roger, stand clear of the engagement xone."},"579675432799174676":
{"u":1,"t":1558275793028,"m":"Gift - Copy that."},"579677696255066114":
{"u":0,"t":1558276332678,"m":"_Suddenly, the Imagination's command hall lit up
brightly as the crew manages to get the Relics fuded in time. The light from the
four relics then formed into a singular beam and shot up the sky, breaking into
four split beams as they do so. The four beams then landed at the four girls, Ruby
bring the first to be struck by the beam, followed by Weiss, Blake, and
Yang._"},"579678266848182272":{"u":0,"t":1558276468718,"m":"_The beams, after
having struck the girls, went on and passed through Gift, Riley, and the rest of
their allies. Bestowing them and the armies of warriors with everything the four
relics had to offer them. The beams of light faded away to nothingness as the
relics kept within the Imagination's command hall disintegrated into fine dust and
are blown away._"},"579678505810395136":{"u":1,"t":1558276525691,"m":"Gift - Oh
yeah! that what i ment."},"579679302237421581":
{"u":0,"t":1558276715574,"m":"Imagination Comms Officer: Relic deployments
successful, power distribution to all combatants at one-hundred percent and
holding, this is the SUCS Imagination to all units. Engage the hostile and fire
everything you got!"},"579679477135835156":{"u":1,"t":1558276757273,"m":"Gift - Got
it. (Activate Mega Devil Form)"},"576791531499814943":
{"u":0,"t":1557588217378,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh, get a grip.
Gift...\n\n_She hauls hum in a fireman's carry down the stairs and put him down on
the couch where Alita had sat on earlier._"},"576792250986790923":
{"u":1,"t":1557588388917,"m":"He patting on Ruby head\nGift - Ha Ha, So
cute."},"576793127076102184":{"u":0,"t":1557588597793,"m":"_Embarrassed, Ruby
groaned as she walked away from the couch and into the basement armory. Gearing up
for the upcoming emergency deployment to Mistral. The memory then flashes back to
the present time, Gift finds himself sitting in his office within the mansion with
Cinder by his side, typing in every bit of information she had about Salem and her
literal forces of darkness._"},"576793441086865443":
{"u":1,"t":1557588672659,"m":"Gift - So she have a large force at her
{"u":0,"t":1557588677852,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Damn, all this data I'm
typing wouldn't even be considered a Top Cat or even a Black Quartz. It's just...
_too sensitive to even be read by the entirety of Remnant's government
councils..._"},"576795017587458059":{"u":0,"t":1557589048526,"m":"Riley: Only Space
United and us has the permission to read what you just pulled from your brain,
Cinder. Luckily, I happened to be well connected since I'm the organization's
Second-in-Command.\n\n_She pings her radio for additional updates, after waiting
for roughly three minites she receives a Sovereign Saber notification. Indicating a
new deployment._\n\nRiley: Got something, this one came straight from Space
United's COLFORCENTCOM, that's Central Command for the United. This one's a goddamn
siege. But where..?\n\n_She scans the map attached within the message and
deciphered coordinates leading to a location within the Realm of Darkness itself.
Designated as Area Sigma-Four-Yankee._\n\nRiley: Area S4Y, the entry port to the
Realm. Heavily guarded. This is a provocation, a call for war. The moment we hit
that area there's no turning back for Remnant, there'll be war. A war where we
can't afford to lose..","te":1557589140384},"576795314665685032":
{"u":1,"t":1557589119355,"m":"Gift - Mac this is Gift, we found location of the
realm of darkness."},"576795901402677258":{"u":0,"t":1557589259244,"m":"Baseplate:
Roger, I've received the data. Space United have been working behind the scenes to
get the people of Remnant together. Ever wonder where the White Fang went? They're
history, destroyed.\n\nNow, the forces of Remnant will operate as one. Designated
as Remnant Coalition Task Force-315, or to put it simple, the Warriors of
Remnant."},"576795925364604967":{"u":1,"t":1557589264957,"m":"(I gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1558015960756,"m":"Gift - Got it, We are prepare for planing for
attacking plan."},"578586891926896661":{"u":0,"t":1558016264660,"m":"Baseplate:
But, we've received additional intel that two new enemy factions have formed right
after the White Fang has been brought down on their knees. The factions are the
Hyenas and the True Sons of Remnant. \n\nThese factions are trying to invade Vale,
and to enter the realm without alerting Salem to our presence is to utilize the
recently rebuilt Beacon Tower's Theocrystal Reactor Unit to create a superportal
that can link our world to hers.."},"578587813818400789":
{"u":0,"t":1558016484456,"m":"Riley: And, word got out that the True Sons of
Remnant are already _inside_ the Realm of Darkness. We have no other options but to
force ourselves in."},"578591015066402837":{"u":1,"t":1558017247693,"m":"Gift -
Understood, Have any thing to tell us?"},"578593813434466320":
{"u":0,"t":1558017914876,"m":"Baseplate: So far, n-\n\n_The communication line is
disrupted as multiple explosions outside the mansion is heard._\n\n_A siren is
turned on as ir sounded warnings after warnings. Alerting the personnel of the
mansion of incoming missiles._\n\nRiley: Get to your units now! This is not a
drill! We're under attack, hostiles moving in from the
north!"},"578593927884701698":{"u":1,"t":1558017942163,"m":"Gift - Maybe they jam
our radio."},"578594201806176266":
{"u":0,"t":1558018007471,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You heard her, Gift. We
need to move!"},"578594469964677130":{"u":1,"t":1558018071405,"m":"Gift - Alright
team, Defence our base."},"578595063781916672":{"u":0,"t":1558018212982,"m":"_As
the explosions grew louder and closer to the mansion she took off for the armory,
running into Riley, now in her full gear and carrying a massive gunlance before
pushing the door to the armory open._\n\nPvt. Jacob: Sir! Baseplate relayed his
last message for you right when the comms went offline. You're to get to Vale along
with your battalion."},"578595246053523466":{"u":1,"t":1558018256439,"m":"Gift -
Objective?"},"578595668101431309":{"u":0,"t":1558018357063,"m":"_Ruby, now inside
the spacious armory filled to the brim with weapons, ammunitions and various
devices of destruction finds herself amongs a crowd of quartermasters scrambling to
get munitions for the defense lines._\n\n_Outside the armory, Private Jacob is
still relaying Baseplate's last messages to gift._\n\nPvt. Jacob: You are to get
the Beacon Tower online and have your battalion move in. The rest of us will follow
with each continent's relics!"},"578595895164141603":
{"u":1,"t":1558018411199,"m":"Gift - What's about this
base?"},"578597160937979904":{"u":0,"t":1558018712983,"m":"Pvt. Jacob: Sir, just
go! We'll hold this base with the Coalition Forces!\n\n_The sky above Atlas rippled
as a massive armada of spaceships, all of them bearing the Mark of Space United
dropped into the atmosphere. One of the ships, the SUCS Imagination, Space United's
Coalition Forces Mothership activated its spacetime manipulator and fired three
gravity blasts at the incoming True Sons of Remnant aircrafts, destroying them all
at once._\n\n_The smaller ships then descended and hovered right above the flying
city as troops, mechs, and other support units all deployed and made
land._\n\n_Ruby drags Gift inside a C-130 as she sits him next to Weiss. Strapping
his safety harness as she does so._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Where the hell
were you, Gift? We ran all over the place looking for you!"},"578597701411930112":
- I don't know what happen with radio now my sweet heart, but now Jacob have tell
me that objective."},"578599675758641163":
{"u":0,"t":1558019312563,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> Cossette will fill us
in.\n\n_From his holofeed came Cossette's blurry face as the signal transmitted
into his suit is under heavy interference from the spaceships making
land._\n\nCossette: This is Beacon Command to all units. Your primary objective is
to secure the Beacon Tower and bring it to full power. Vacuo, Mistral, Vale, and
Atlas have all reported full clearance of troop deployment into the Realm of
Darkness alongside the Coalition Forces. \n\nBut there is one problem, to get
there, we need to land at Area S4Y, that's Sigma-Four-Yankee. Located just fifteen
miles from the coast of Crucible, the unofficial name of the dragon-shaped
continent.\n\nThe moment you land at Beacon you must set up the Tower's defenses
and prepare for a possible True Sons siege. Command, out."},"578600764428124161":
{"u":1,"t":1558019572122,"m":"Gift - Copy, Alright my four sweet heart prepare for
battle."},"578602562668724224":{"u":0,"t":1558020000856,"m":"_As the C-130
approaches the Tower, ground fire from the hostiles below begin to reach the plane
as the 'ptang' of the bullets impacting the plane's armor grew
louder._\n\nLoadmaster: Up! Up! LINES ON!\n\n_Ruby, being the designated 'First
Man' to drop turned around and gestured for her second man to put his line
on._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> LINES ON! LINES ON! Loadmaster, lines are
on!\n\nLoadmaster: Roger, three minutes warning.\n\n_She anxiously watches the
signal light as she gripped her stabilizer sticks on her jumpkit tightly. After
waiting for three minutes the light goes green as the aft bay door opened, allowing
wind to rush in._\n\nLoadmaster: Go for jump! Go! Go!"},"578602977619738624":
{"u":1,"t":1558020099788,"m":"Gift - Alright, here we go!"},"578603858369052682":
{"u":0,"t":1558020309775,"m":"_Ruby literally launches herself away from the plane
as her jump kit snapped free from the static line. Falling after her are Weiss,
Blake, amd Yang. On her left flank are Team JNPR with her right flank being Riley,
Gift, and Price's team._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Altitude, seven thousand and
decreasing. Adjusting speed, don't fall too fast or your kits will
snap!"},"578604088690999297":{"u":1,"t":1558020364688,"m":"Gift - Almost
{"u":0,"t":1558020521943,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Going in hot, two
thousand...\n\n_The jump kits snaps away as their parachutes deployed. Now
descending into the heart of the battle the True Sons finally took notice of the
special force units dropping right on top of them and returned fire only to be met
by Ruby's instantaneous attacks. Decimating most of the anti-aircrfat artillery in
the blink of an eye, literally._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> AA defenses are
toast."},"578605018962329631":{"u":0,"t":1558020586482,"m":"Riley: This is Atlas
Six-Two. I've landed with Strike Team Alpha and Charlie. We're now in control of
enemy antonomous ground assets."},"578605225087336448":
{"u":1,"t":1558020635626,"m":"Gift - (Activate Devil Form) Long time i didn't use
this."},"578606550789128222":{"u":0,"t":1558020951698,"m":"_With his Devil form
activated, Gift rushed headfirst into a column of tanks, the tanks fired at him
only to have its shells intercepted and send flying back at them, decimating them
in a series of explosions. With the tanks destroyed je finds himself surrounded by
True Sons grunts._\n\nTS Grunt: Now we're fighting freaks? Is this what Beacon has
in its might?\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Don't underestimate us...\n\n_Weiss
rammed her Myrtenaster deep into the grunt's head, killing him instantly. She drew
her bloodied rapier out of his head and slashed away at another grunt, inflicting a
Red Dust burn on his torso. She moves in on the kill at the next grunt, summoning a
glyph within his chest before sending a spear through the glyph. Penetrating his
chest and stabbing his heart. Killing him._"},"578607613860904980":
{"u":0,"t":1558021205154,"m":"_At Ruby's side, she swings her scythe at a rogue
Paladin's legs and pumped three explosive rounds into its cockpit. Destroying it as
she leaped for an AST. The AST fired at her wildly, using half of its gun ammo and
missiles._\n\n_She lands her scythe at its arms and pulled the trigger, tearing
away the arms and dealing great damage to the mech. Its pilot screamed in agony as
his arms are also ripped away with the blow._\n\n_The last round inside the
magazine ended his shrieks...._\n\n_Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha have already cleared a
path for the combat engineers as they stood guard at the entrance
gate._"},"578607781389795328":{"u":1,"t":1558021245096,"m":"Gift - (Equip Devil
Sword Dante) That group i will handle it."},"578608523462705152":
{"u":0,"t":1558021422020,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Got it, Vergil and Riley
are clearing out the area behind the tower.\n\n_Riley continues to fire at the
Wyvern with her gunlance as Vergil sent time-dilation orbs at the flying
monstrosity and leaped for its head. He stabbed the Yamato into one of its eyes and
gouged a large wound with it and jumped away to safety as Riley sends a fully
charged shot at the wound. Blowing half of its head away._\n\nRiley: Nice, Vergil.
Really nice."},"578608949218115623":{"u":1,"t":1558021523528,"m":"Gift use
Scorpion's classic fatality on group of TS Grunt."},"578610749803331607":
{"u":1,"t":1558021952821,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now)"},"578610817973485622":
{"u":0,"t":1558021969074,"m":"_The grunts lay dead before him as they are
unprepared for the sudden attack and its brutal nature..._\n\n_After hours of
constantly attacking and repelling enemy forces the Tower is finally cleared of
hostile as the Tower opened the superportal leading to Area S4Y, the primary entry
point of the Realm._\n\n_With the portal opened, the SUCS Imagination mothership
immediately made entry._\n\n(Sure.)"},"578955132000010240":
{"u":0,"t":1558104059935,"m":"_As the Imagination made entry into the portal, four
escort ships followed in, all of them bearing marks of the Continents of
Remnant._\n\nRiley: The ships will go in, then we move in once they are in
position. Imagination is now positioned at Area Sigma-Four-Yankee and have reported
engagements from both the Hyenas and the True Sons of
Remnant."},"578955286786867231":{"u":1,"t":1558104096839,"m":"Gift - Copy
that."},"578955455942885386":{"u":1,"t":1558104137169,"m":"Captain Gift - (in
attack chopper) Hey! let some for me.\nGift - Sure Cap."},"578956207344320523":
{"u":0,"t":1558104316317,"m":"_As the armada of ships continued their entry, Gift
made final checks on his gear and jumped aboard a Razorshark dropship. From there
he strapped in next to Ruby and her teammates as the ship lifted off for the
portal. Never to return._"},"578956412735062028":{"u":1,"t":1558104365286,"m":"Gift
- Alright Here we go."},"578957018090438705":
{"u":0,"t":1558104509614,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> No turning back
now.."},"578957860579442699":{"u":0,"t":1558104710479,"m":"_The ship shook
violently as the gravitational differences within the portal interfered with the
ship's controls. After being shaken around for a good five minutes they drop right
into a recently established forward operation base built by Space United's 516th
Combat Engineer Corps._\n\n_The ship landed with a loud crash as the engines ran
out of plasma reserves, causing the aft bay door to rip itself open from its sheer
weight._"},"576428102129811456":{"u":1,"t":1557501569064,"m":"Gift - Cap, Go and
help them, I will stay this.\nCaptain Gift - Got it! Stay safe mate.\nGift - You
too, Cap."},"576428998939377675":{"u":0,"t":1557501782880,"m":"_Price took off for
a chopper with Cap as Gift continues to assist Ruby, Riley, and Pyrrha in kit-
bashing parts gathered from a recently destroyed Atlesian Knight unit. After
welding the parts together and installing a new power core in her chest cavity.
Penny blinked her eyes twice and woke up._\n\n_As she woke up, the memory
fragmented again and reformed. This time, Gift finds himself fighting against
Cinder alongside Ruby, Riley and Pyrrha._\n\nRiley: Gift, she's locking you in.
Watch out!"},"576429375189418004":{"u":1,"t":1557501872585,"m":"Gift - (Dodge
attack) Miss!!"},"576429789842505729":{"u":1,"t":1557501971446,"m":"(I gonna rest
now)"},"576430037268430868":{"u":0,"t":1557502030437,"m":"(Sure! Sorry for
responding late..)"},"576497579748229132":{"u":8,"t":1557518133819,"m":"Quite
intresting"},"576767243824791553":{"u":1,"t":1557582426745,"m":"Gift - She quite
strong."},"576768905893117962":{"u":0,"t":1557582823013,"m":"Riley: Let's see how
she'll take a gunlance shell to the face.\n\n_Riley puts her main weapon, the
Dustcalibur back into its sheath before summoning the Divine Breaker gunlance from
her right hand. With the gunlance summoned she raised it high and slammed the blade
down full force at Cinder's arms. Disrupting her attack, but also severely damaging
the gunlance in the progress._\n\n_Ruby, now forced to rely on ranged attacks kept
up her sniper fire at Cinder only to have the projectiles deflected or absorbed
into her body, now reduced to her shield Pyrrha resorted to using her semblance to
draw metal debris from fallen jets and sending them crashing down upon
Cinder._\n\n_But as she moved in for the attack, Cinder unclipped a Dust canister,
lit it up and threw it high in the air before launching a massive fireball at it.
Detonating the canister and causing an explosion so large it could be seen from
the bottom of the Beacon tower._"},"576769224177876993":
{"u":1,"t":1557582898898,"m":"Gift - Ah!! How can we beat
{"u":0,"t":1557583215732,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I can't get a shot!
Riley's down too!\n\n_Ruby continues to fire
at Cinder's general direction only to have her shots completely absorbed and
nullified._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Pathetic..\n\n_Tired of being hit with
shells from the Crescent Rose, Cinder returned fire with a fire stream at Ruby,
depleting her aura completely and knocking her out of the fight. Gift got up to his
feet only to be sent flying at a pillar, he struck the pillar head-on and is
rendered unconscious._\n\n_The only combatants left now are Cinder and Pyrrha, now
locked in a battle where the lives of the people of Vale are at stake._\n\n_The
memory fragmented again and brought Gift to the moment he, Ruby, and Riley
activated their silver eyes all at once._"},"576770728028798992":
{"u":1,"t":1557583257444,"m":"Gift - AH!!!!!!"},"576772767052201993":
{"u":0,"t":1557583743585,"m":"_As the three activated their silver eyes, Cinder is
sent flying down the tower as the initial blast detonated. The Wyvern orbiting the
tower, not expecting to go against such massive energy discharge finds itself
frozen from the blast._\n\n_With Riley having exhausted her infused Theotize
particles remaining within her body, she fell down the tower, crashing into a
mezzanine before finally landing right in front of Neptune. Ruby and Gift remained
at the top of the tower, their bodies unconscious._\n\n_The memory fragments then
faded away before reforming into a transparent crystal ball. The ball explodes,
sending shards of fragmented memories up the intraneural space within his rendition
of the mind world. The shards then attached themselves to his core memories before
warping back into the real world._\n\n_He finds himself sitting next to Cinder,
recalling stories of his past as he gave her pats on her
back._"},"576774851822485524":{"u":1,"t":1557584240633,"m":"(In Gift's mind)\nHanzo
(Scorpion) - Gift.\nGift - Hanzo!\nHanzo - I have seen your skill have improve, do
you think so, Sub zero?\nKuai Lang (Sub zero) - I think so Hanzo.\nGift - Kuai
Lang!\nKuai Lang - You know already that you have a long way to go.\nGift - Yes,
with your power.\nRaiden - And also my power.\nGift - Lord Raiden.\nRaiden - Your
skill have upgrade much and more than i thought.\nGift - I always improve my skill
from every battle.\nRaiden - Very well, then.\nHanzo/Kuai Lang - Don't stop to
improve yout skill because we don't know which enemy do you gonna fight.\nGift - I
got it.\nRaiden - May the Elder gods protect you."},"576775266961981479":
{"u":0,"t":1557584339610,"m":"_Now outside his mind, Cinder slowly pushed his hand
away from her right shoulder. She got up and grabbed him by the arm before pulling
him into a hug._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Gift, thank
you.."},"576775983731048461":{"u":1,"t":1557584510501,"m":"Gift - I know you can be
a better person.\n(inside Gift's mind)\nHanzo - Let me talk to her.\nSuddenly Gift
voice change to Hanzo's voice but Cinder don't know that Hanzo is talking to
her.\nHanzo - You can be good person, Trust me, I speak from
{"u":0,"t":1557584705638,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> After all these years of
living in pain, finally. I've someone to listen to what I have in my mind..\n\n_She
wipes her tears away, still standing at attention before Gift. After having wiped
the tears, she raised her right hand to a salute._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009>
I'll be better, I'm going to leave my painful past behind... and start
anew."},"576777500760342559":{"u":1,"t":1557584872189,"m":"Hanzo - You can do
it.\nAnd then voice have change back to Gift's voice.\nGift - Cinder someone who
talk with you is not me, he is Hanzo Hasashi."},"576778237947150336":
{"u":0,"t":1557585047948,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Gift, it doesn't matter
who, or what I just talked to. All that matters now...\n\n_She walks out of the
interrogation room, now fully dressed thanks to Riley secretly \"copying\" her full
set of abilities into her._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Is how we're going to
stop Salem."},"576778458131202065":{"u":1,"t":1557585100444,"m":"Gift - You can't
do this alone, we will do together."},"576779144566800388":
{"u":0,"t":1557585264103,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Right... you got uh, any
squad or... any team that can take me in?\n\n_Ruby, having seen how Gift's words
and Riley's newfound ability to create pocket dimensions on the fly have changed
her grabbed her arm and thrusted her battalion's patch into her
hands._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You can stay with us.
{"u":1,"t":1557585309184,"m":"Gift - Yes, in my team."},"576779589314150400":
{"u":0,"t":1557585370139,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Great. When's our new
deployment?\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Now you're getting too eager, get to
your quarters. We have nothing big on our hands yet."},"576779908328718359":
{"u":1,"t":1557585446198,"m":"Gift - This make me remind some thing since after
fall of beacon for 1 or 2 days when i wake up at Ruby's
{"u":0,"t":1557585554945,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> And what's that? Sorry,
all the poundings from orbital drops have been messing with my head
lately.."},"576780935865958425":{"u":1,"t":1557585691182,"m":"Gift - After i'm fall
from beacon tower and......\n(Flashback at Rose family House)\nGift - Ah! My head
huh?! Rose house? What going on?"},"576781637141004321":
{"u":0,"t":1557585858379,"m":"<:Penny:501481416085995530> General! Stay calm. Stay.
Calm. You'll be alright. Alita and I found you in a field hospital three miles
outside of this house.\n\nAlita: You had me worried, Gift. I thought you were not
going to wake up.."},"576781915412234254":{"u":1,"t":1557585924724,"m":"Gift -
RUBY!! What about Ruby?"},"576782775957454892":{"u":0,"t":1557586129894,"m":"Alita:
She's stabilized. Upper bedroom, second floor.\n\n_She got up from the couch, still
munching on a bar of chocolate she looted from a dead KVA trooper and walked out of
the house and boarded a Little Bird. It took off the moment she sat down on one of
the seats, now on her way to Mistral._"},"576782955993759774":
{"u":1,"t":1557586172818,"m":"Gift - I must go for Ruby."},"576783436560334848":
{"u":0,"t":1557586287394,"m":"_Summer stepped down the stairs, her face still
covered in dried blood seeping from her wounds._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625>
Qrow's talking to her. Bur feel free to eavesdrop or crash the convo any time you
like.."},"576783738982236171":{"u":1,"t":1557586359497,"m":"Gift - Now Ruby is not
only teammate, She is like my sister."},"576784123990114330":
{"u":0,"t":1557586451290,"m":"Qrow: Heh, never thought you'd say this. Do watch out
for Tai, he might knock you flat for saying that."},"576784711394000927":
{"u":1,"t":1557586591338,"m":"Gift - I have take care Ruby and her teammate at
first i do by duty but after that i take care them better like they are my real
sisters."},"576784943779151892":{"u":0,"t":1557586646743,"m":"Qrow: Right then,
I'll leave you be. Got some matters at Mistral that needs my sober presence there
anyway."},"576785094921158687":{"u":1,"t":1557586682778,"m":"Gift - Good luck
Qrow."},"576785157294653461":{"u":0,"t":1557586697649,"m":"Qrow: Thanks,
Gift."},"576785761437876245":{"u":0,"t":1557586841688,"m":"_He leaves the room,
closing the door as he does so. After waiting for Ruby to collect herself, she
broke her gaze outside at the woods surrounding the house and looked straight into
Gift's eyes._\n\n_From there, the conversation all went about how she survived the
fall and what her attacks had caused and other things._"},"576786519998857246":
{"u":1,"t":1557587022543,"m":"Gift - Yeah you can but i'm
{"u":0,"t":1557587094965,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You have those eyes, too!
Gift! They're silver! You did what Uncle Qrow just told me of what _I_
did!"},"576787126079848461":{"u":0,"t":1557587167044,"m":"_Frustrated, Ruby got up
from her bed and headed straight for the bathroom, not wishing to prolong the
conversation and finally getting to try out her recently reissued combat
suit._"},"576787151757246468":{"u":1,"t":1557587173166,"m":"Gift - Ruby i want to
tell this since we are at beacon but now i need to tell
{"u":0,"t":1557587198048,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _muffled, from the
bathroom._ What is it?!"},"576787780793794580":{"u":1,"t":1557587323140,"m":"Gift's
heartbeat is faster and then....\nGift - All the time i here i um..... i see you
and Yang are sister as you know i'm soldier i don't have someone to stand by my
side like sister."},"576788809140666369":{"u":0,"t":1557587568317,"m":"_Suddenly,
the bathroom door bursted open as Ruby literally jumped on him and gave him her
biggest hug she ever could._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Well, I'm happy to have
you by my side, as a brother! Though we're not related, ech... but still, a
brother's a brother!"},"576789199882158092":{"u":1,"t":1557587661477,"m":"Gift - I
also happy to have you by my side, as a little sister."},"576789656801247244":
{"u":0,"t":1557587770415,"m":"_She lets go of him and landed on the wooden floor
with a loud thud. From there she turned herself around, allowing Gift to gaze upon
her newly issued combat suit._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> New suit, same old
me!"},"576789948058042389":{"u":1,"t":1557587839856,"m":"Gift - You look nice and
Ah!! (He feel pain on his chest)"},"576790194330796032":
{"u":0,"t":1557587898572,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Guessed it, Gift. This
_isn't_ the _first_ time you've done this... Penny! We got a man down over
{"u":0,"t":1557587914470,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Coming,
Rubes!"},"576790726931644450":{"u":1,"t":1557588025554,"m":"Gift - This pain isn't
from that falling, but it's from your cute Ruby."},"575704216618926090":
{"u":0,"t":1557328981309,"m":"_As he arrived, Agent Summer
approached him before saluting him as per protocol._"},"575704417307983882":
{"u":0,"t":1557329029157,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Agent Summer Rose,
Remnant Central Intelligence Agency at your service. You must be Captain Gift, I've
been waiting for you since I heard news of your eventual
{"u":1,"t":1557329127490,"m":"Gift - It like a normal day in the
{"u":0,"t":1557329351967,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Now then, I'll take you
to Beacon Academy, General Oz wants to see us both."},"575706059415486464":
{"u":1,"t":1557329420666,"m":"Gift - Okey let's go."},"575707452696297487":
{"u":0,"t":1557329752850,"m":"_After three hours of flying on a Warbird, the two
arrive at Ozpin's office located at the top of Beacon's \"spire\", they then enter
his office through a ceiling access shaft commonly used for emergency evacuation.
From there they stood before him as they waited for Oz to finish his 6th cup of
coffee he had._"},"575707922659672084":{"u":1,"t":1557329864898,"m":"And then Gift
see his left hand have ice and right hand have fire."},"575708411971502109":
{"u":0,"t":1557330017331,"m":"_Surprised, he nearly spat his coffee through his
nose after having seen what happened to Gift's hands. Having collected himself, he
greets the two._"},"575708809876602880":
{"u":0,"t":1557330076427,"m":"<:Ozpin:511649520199925760> Welcome to Remnant, Gift.
And Summer, please debrief what you have found from your last deployment at
IntelCom. A group of officers are waiting."},"575709611089461272":
{"u":1,"t":1557330267451,"m":"Gift - Thanks for welcome us. (inside Gift's mind)
What happened with me?"},"575710216360820767":{"u":0,"t":1557330411759,"m":"_As he
looked down at his hands, his memories fragmented, blurring his vision. The
memories then reformed, returning his vision. He now finds himself standing in the
middle of a battlefield during thr White Fang's Siege of Signal
Academy._"},"575710442371022859":{"u":1,"t":1557330465644,"m":"Gift - Is everyone
out from here?"},"575711318984622081":{"u":0,"t":1557330674645,"m":"Soldeier: No,
sir. Outer defenses are lost! We're moving to evacuate as many people as we
can!"},"575711497536405565":{"u":1,"t":1557330717215,"m":"Gift - Is there any
building that have someone stuck inside?"},"575711646903697428":
{"u":0,"t":1557330752827,"m":"Pvt. Allins: Negative, sir. All buildings have been
evacuated before the attack.","te":1557331309618},"575711892534853633":
{"u":0,"t":1557330811390,"m":"_The soldier was about to run for cover when his
radio came to life, Gift overheard the chatter and found out that there is still a
group of students stuck in the Cafeteria and are running low on
ammunition._"},"575712043982782484":{"u":0,"t":1557330847498,"m":"Sgt. Caldwell:
Sir, Cafeteria's got a group of students dug in. They need help, fast. Follow me,
sir!","te":1557331321497},"575712118414901249":{"u":1,"t":1557330865244,"m":"Gift -
Roger, lead the way."},"575712649220980776":{"u":0,"t":1557330991798,"m":"_The
soldier boost-jumped his way across the piles of rubble and unclipped his EM1
directed-energy rifle before landing at the main entrance to the inner sections of
Signal, from there he grouped up with Team Charlie as they made their way into the
building towards the cafeteria. Gunfire is heard echoing down the hallways along
with incoherent yellings from students, gallantly fighting to keep the rest of
their fellow students alive for rescue._"},"575712818595102730":
{"u":1,"t":1557331032180,"m":"Gift - I will go, cover me!"},"575712887067115537":
{"u":0,"t":1557331048505,"m":"Signal Student: If you can hear me, we need help!
Right now! Follow the flares! We're three man down and low on
everything!"},"575713283215196170":{"u":0,"t":1557331142954,"m":"_Gift sprang from
his cover behind a locker and ran for a White Fang soldier firing away at a cover.
He yanks the gun away from the unfortunate grunt, pushed him down on the ground and
stomped his head flat sendng brain matter and blood all over the floor. He spots
three grunts moving in and withdrew his M4 rifle and fired at the grunts. Killing
them._"},"575713326881832966":{"u":0,"t":1557331153365,"m":"Pvt. Decker: Move,
move! Cover the captain!","te":1557331297878},"575713455219146782":
{"u":1,"t":1557331183963,"m":"Gift - Follow the flare, Cover
me."},"575713677966180373":{"u":0,"t":1557331237070,"m":"_The soldiers provided
Gift cover fire as he moved closer to the students' cover. He continues to take out
hostiles until the cafeteria is finally cleared of
hostiles._"},"575713785839616000":{"u":0,"t":1557331262789,"m":"Cpt. Lund: Hall
clear! Cap, you're clear to get the kids."},"575713926415646750":
{"u":1,"t":1557331296305,"m":"Gift - Hold this position, i will get
inside."},"575714119517339713":{"u":0,"t":1557331342344,"m":"Pvt. Decker:
Copy."},"575714393749192725":{"u":0,"t":1557331407726,"m":"_With Decker now
covering the vast area of what used to be the cafeteria, Gift slowly pried away the
makeshift cover that the students have crafted. With the cover cleared, a student
aimed her pistol at his head, forcing him to stop._"},"575714481653547019":
{"u":0,"t":1557331428684,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Stop, if you want to live.
Tell me who you are, or you're gone.","te":1557331447130},"575714917240537128":
{"u":1,"t":1557331532536,"m":"Gift - (He see white fang's rebel) Enemy! (Use
Scorpion's Spear) Come here!!"},"575715121834229760":
{"u":0,"t":1557331581315,"m":"_With the enemy killed, Gift pressed Ruby's pistol
down slowly as he lowered his mask. Upon seeing his mask, she jumped on him and
gave him a hug._"},"575715179766218762":
{"u":0,"t":1557331595127,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I thought we'd be gone by
the time you got here, Gift!"},"575715450089111573":
{"u":1,"t":1557331659577,"m":"Gift - We must get out from here.\n(i'm gonna rest
{"u":1,"t":1557499533898,"m":"Gift - Follow me and stay
Copy."},"576420525866352640":{"u":0,"t":1557499762742,"m":"_Having finished
rounding up the students she'd found along her way to the cafeteria she ordered
them to stay close to Gift and his team as they made their way out to the airstrip.
At the airstrip the sky above them is filled with fighter jets, transport helis and
Grimm. The fighters desperately attacking the Grimm to keep them away from the
helos._\n\nPvt. Decker: Sir, a transport is ready to get you to Beacon. We'll stay
behind and take care of these suckers.\n\n_Decker then ushered the students, along
with Gift inside a gutted-out ER-700 AWACS aircraft, now turned into a makeshift
transport jet for the survivors._"},"576420965064638466":
{"u":1,"t":1557499867455,"m":"Gift - F-15 Fighter Jet, I will take this this jet
with this red riding hood."},"576421839958573056":
{"u":0,"t":1557500076046,"m":"Pvt. Decker: Roger, sir. An F-15 is waiting for you
on the runway. Be advised that Ruby is now on the WSO's
seat."},"576422139226226688":{"u":0,"t":1557500147397,"m":"_An F-15 painted bright
red rolled in behind the ER-700, its canopy open. Gift boost-jumped inside the
cockpit as the canopy shuts tightly before autonomously moving to a cleared
runway._"},"576422242414624788":{"u":1,"t":1557500171999,"m":"Gift - Roger Decker,
Your glory will not forgotten."},"576423287588913153":
{"u":1,"t":1557500421188,"m":"Gift is get on F-15\nGift - I have been train to
drive this fighter jet since i was in the US Air force 7th Fighter Jet Strike
team."},"576423886304968724":{"u":0,"t":1557500563933,"m":"Pvt. Decker: Copy, your
runway is clear at this time sir. \n\n_Gift pushes the throttle stick forward to
afterburners, sending the jet rocketing up the darkened sky. Filled with stray
rounds and missiles._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, I've set course for
Beacon. But what about those soldiers down there?\n\n_She looks down at the
soldiers making their last stand against the incoming Grimm and White Fang forces.
Concerned._"},"576424247358914560":{"u":1,"t":1557500650015,"m":"Gift - He and his
team is fight and ready to die with soldier's honor and
{"u":0,"t":1557500870804,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Right then... Turn now,
260.\n\n_As the jet passes through a waypoint, Ruby wipes away her tears and
ordered Gift to turn his jet, anticipating for the turn point they're going to pass
through. The sky before them is now clear of hostiles as friendly jets surrounded
his along with a multitude of transport planes._\n\nJester 1-1: This is 1-1 to the
incoming F-15, state your callsign and authorization sqawk. Or you'll be regarded
as hostile.\n\n_Three X-06SD Peregrine Falcon space-interdiction fighters then
closed in, surrounding Gift's jet._"},"576426207336333312":
{"u":1,"t":1557501117310,"m":"Gift - Jester 1-1 This is Bravo 6 from SAS and US
army ranger, I have escape out from Signal academy because Enemy are too many and
we can't fight them so we evacuated Student and civilian, we need runway to take
civilians to safety location, Over."},"576427530505158656":
{"u":0,"t":1557501432778,"m":"Jester 1-1: Roger, Bravo. You are to land at Beacon
right away. I've uploaded you a new waypoint.\n\n_As Gift was about to pushe the
throttle, the memory fragmented itself again. This time, at the Fall of Beacon. He
finds himself standing next to Ruby, before him lies the remains of Penny
Polendina. Killed by accident thanks to Pyrrha's use of polarity._\n\n_As he
reached for Ruby, Price and his team ran in along with Team Metal, Riley, and a
multitude of soldiers from Space United's Coalition
Forces. Among the running crowd is General Shepherd, brandishing his signature
revolver, taking command of his men fighting outside of Amity Arena._\n\nPrice:
Gift, we've got all evacuees out of the arena and now the city needs our help.
Beacon is now sending out students to assist the soldiers but they're losing,
fast."},"575686105060474930":{"u":0,"t":1557324663177,"m":"(It's been quite a while
since we last made progress here.)"},"575686243829153793":
{"u":1,"t":1557324696262,"m":"(Yeah i think so, so i have time, let's do
this.)"},"575686317808025612":{"u":0,"t":1557324713900,"m":"(Rock 'n'
Load!)"},"575686472686895124":{"u":1,"t":1557324750826,"m":"(And maybe check out
Non RWBY 2)"},"575686721308459008":
{"u":1,"t":1557324840261,"m":"(That can be my flashback on this
{"u":0,"t":1557324871515,"m":"(Let's begin!)"},"575687794333057054":
{"u":0,"t":1557325065931,"m":"_Upon hearing Kratos' words, Gift's memories began
flashing back to the moment when he first signed up for deployment on Remnant. From
his quarters in the SAS HQ in Credenhill, a call came through from his
intercom._"},"575688054082371594":{"u":0,"t":1557325127860,"m":"Intercom: Captain
Gift, please report to Comms Headquarters, a message for you has
arrived."},"575688593402494978":{"u":1,"t":1557325256444,"m":"Gift - Copy intercom,
What's about in message?"},"575688971905138698":
{"u":0,"t":1557325346686,"m":"Intercom: It's a flash secret message, sir. Came
straight from USCENTCOM. We need you at the Booth, sir."},"575689209931628566":
{"u":1,"t":1557325403436,"m":"Gift - Roger, I'm on my way."},"575689390664187906":
{"u":0,"t":1557325446526,"m":"_The officer hangs up as he got up from his 'booth'
and grabbed two envelopes from his fellow officer. The envelopes read \"FLASH
SECRET\" prompting him to drop it on the table before leaving it be. Not wanting to
tamper with its contents. Gift got up from his bunk and ran for the Comms HQ, eager
to find out what the message is for._"},"575689646080786434":
{"u":1,"t":1557325507422,"m":"Gift - I'm here, What's is it in this
{"u":0,"t":1557325631502,"m":"Intercom Officer: Sir, you're gonna have to read it
on this one. Can't transcribe it unless you want the entire base to know about
it."},"575690259761725520":{"u":0,"t":1557325653735,"m":"_He hands him the
envelopes, now opened and ready to have its contents read._"},"575690407296499712":
{"u":1,"t":1557325688910,"m":"Gift - Alright let's see."},"575690833060167702":
{"u":0,"t":1557325790420,"m":"_Gift took the envelopes and produced two message
cards. The first being typed in gibberish with the second being typed in plain
English. He throws the first card away and read the latter. The message
says \"URGENT DEPLOYMENT REQUEST - USCENTCOM\"_"},"575691052560810008":
{"u":1,"t":1557325842753,"m":"Gift - Sound like i have a new
mission."},"575691448767217674":{"u":0,"t":1557325937216,"m":"_The message
{"u":1,"t":1557325982562,"m":"Gift - i have to pack up."},"575691672890114051":
{"u":0,"t":1557325990651,"m":"_As he finished reading the message, the officer rips
the card away from his hands and threw the card into a burn bag before promptly
escorting Gift out to the airstrip._"},"575691836614639636":
{"u":0,"t":1557326029686,"m":"Officer: No need, sir. Your items have been packed up
the moment you finished reading that card."},"575692077447381044":
{"u":1,"t":1557326087105,"m":"Gift - Thanks, this mission is maybe hard but i will
do it."},"575693039432106016":{"u":0,"t":1557326316460,"m":"_As he sat on one of
the empty seats aboard the Gulfstream, the pilot turned around, gave him a thumbs-
up before pushing the throttle. Taking off from the airstrip. After nearly fourteen
hours he finally landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base where he finds himself among a
massive battalion of soldiers being escorted into a massive spaceship, designated
by his HUD as the Retribution Alpha. One of Earth's largest space warship ever
built by the Space United._"},"575693166439563265":{"u":0,"t":1557326346741,"m":"_A
female soldier greeted him and escorted him aboard the ship, introducing herself
along the way._"},"575693317564530708":{"u":1,"t":1557326382772,"m":"Gift - After
14 hours from SAS base to here."},"575693759266947082":
{"u":0,"t":1557326488082,"m":"Unknown Soldier: Must've been a long flight. Anyways,
I'm Lieutenant Riley Andersen, United States Space Command, 31st Space Interdiction
Squadron. I take it that you are Captain Gift,
sir?","te":1557326543897},"575694196099252244":{"u":1,"t":1557326592231,"m":"Gift -
Yes i'm Captain Gift, SAS specialist."},"575694469769199646":
{"u":0,"t":1557326657479,"m":"Lt. Riley: Nice to meet you, sir. You are to go
straight to the ship's bridge where Captain Reyes will fill you in of what your
deployment on Remnant would be.","te":1557326714816},"575694894455062529":
{"u":0,"t":1557326758732,"m":"_Having escorted Gift to the ship's accommodation
deck, she took off for the flight deck, leaving him at the bridge's entrance. With
his authorization codes being assigned, he unlocks the door and stepped inside the
bridge, bustling with officers and crew members
{"u":1,"t":1557327167501,"m":"Gift - If i get down there, What i needed for
this?"},"575696728527994892":{"u":0,"t":1557327196009,"m":"_Out of nowhere, Captain
Reyes tapped him on the shoulders, startling Gift._"},"575696834681372692":
{"u":0,"t":1557327221318,"m":"Reyes: Good to see you up here, Gift. Get in my
office, we need to talk. Now."},"575696937337225227":
{"u":1,"t":1557327245793,"m":"Gift - About mission?"},"575696974230323225":
{"u":0,"t":1557327254589,"m":"Reyes: Yes."},"575697374995939348":
{"u":0,"t":1557327350139,"m":"_Now inside the office, Reyes presented him three
folders. All of them labeled \"Current Situation on Remnant - Emerging Risks to
Earth and Remnant's Stability\" He then proceded to conclude the contents of all
three folders, amassing to almost 1500 pages into one simple
sentence._"},"575697533473390602":{"u":1,"t":1557327387923,"m":"Gift - That's big
problem."},"575697838240169987":{"u":0,"t":1557327460585,"m":"Reyes: It's not
simple, but in time we'll get it done. What happens is, we get down there, find the
relics, unite their people, stop whatever it is that tries to stop ours and their
progress towards killing a HVT labeled \"Salem\" and use that planet as a forward
operation base for Space United and Earth forces."},"575698976548847627":
{"u":1,"t":1557327853570,"m":"Gift - Copy that, i will complete this
mission."},"575699858820694036":{"u":0,"t":1557327942329,"m":"Reyes: You'll be
getting the fast-track to Remnant, we'll stop at the Moon and resupply while you,
and your task force will be sent there first for recon and gathering
intel."},"575700056288788501":{"u":1,"t":1557327989409,"m":"Gift - Copy, but which
area that i landing for this?"},"575700589565181979":
{"u":0,"t":1557328116552,"m":"Reyes: Patch. You'll link up with Agent Summer, she's
leading the operation there on her local theater."},"575700728354439189":
{"u":1,"t":1557328149642,"m":"Gift - Roger, Beginning
mission."},"575702327051288594":{"u":1,"t":1557328530801,"m":"Gift - Alright let's
do this."},"575702791876509716":{"u":0,"t":1557328641624,"m":"_After being dragged
through processes after processes and even changing into his new gear, he finds
himself teleported straight to Patch's offshore naval
platform._"},"575703808076677130":{"u":1,"t":1557328883905,"m":"Gift - Okey i
arrive, maybe it nice when i look but inside is not because inside is
{"u":0,"t":1556640144178,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I don't know, but she kept
mentioning Neo. Told me to have her come here and do the
talking."},"572815238722748416":{"u":1,"t":1556640195304,"m":"Gift - Ruby last
night my heart is almost melt because your cute."},"572815713442463744":
{"u":0,"t":1556640308486,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, but if you can. Go
get Neo."},"572815836868247552":{"u":1,"t":1556640337913,"m":"Gift - Sure my sweet
heart."},"572817152768344070":{"u":0,"t":1556640651648,"m":"_Before he left the
room Neo barged in, still in her nightgown._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Heard you
were looking for me? \n\nRiley: Neo, sorry I woke you up. But this time we need
your help."},"572817427503644682":{"u":0,"t":1556640717150,"m":"_Neo nodded as she
snapped her finger, changing her nightgown into her combat suit instantly as she
opened the door leading to the main interrogation room. She slided the door close
and sat down before her._"},"572817627899101185":{"u":1,"t":1556640764928,"m":"Gift
- This gonna be work, i guess.\nSargent Gift - I think so."},"572820379853389849":
{"u":0,"t":1556641421045,"m":"_Settled in hee seat, she begins her
interrogation._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Hello, Cinder. Remember me?\n\n_Upon
hearing Neo's voice, Cinder stuttered amd gasped. Shocked. She tries to reach for
her but her restraints kept het pinned at her confinement within the
chair._\n\n_Neo simply shrugged before removing her hat and brandished a balisong
befote stabbing it down on the screen. Shattering it._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407>
Don't be surprised. Cinder, the moment you ordered me to hunt Ruby down was when I
knew something was off. You were told by Salem to not kill her or even get close to
her, yet you made me do your dirty work just for you.\n\nSure, I worked for you
before. But with Torchie's
death, I changed my mind. At first I went after her just like you did, but when
that man told me his death was simply accidental I accepted my fate that he really
is gone. And that's when I changed, and started giving these people whatever I can
get out of you when you started going out of your way..."},"572820404368965636":
{"u":1,"t":1556641426890,"m":"(i'm gonna rest now)"},"572820549932417037":
{"u":1,"t":1556721365638,"m":"Gift - This might be helpful."},"573156839043235856":
{"u":0,"t":1556721639167,"m":"_Cinder, enraged and in total disbelief slammed her
cuffed hands onto the table, shattering the glass.
_\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You... you fucking betrayed me! You
fucker!\n\n_Despite the glass being shattered, Neo did not flinch. Instead she
brandished a stun baton, twisted the power setting knob to the max, struck the
probe against Cinder's arm and activated it in full power. Sending a jolt of
electricity at her. Stunning her._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> This is just a
warning, the next hit will send you to the morgue. Now, I want you to
confess\neverything you've done."},"573157316602626069":
{"u":1,"t":1556721753026,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! Wanna play MK11?\nGift -
Sure!\nSargent Gift - I just buy Nintendo Switch for 2 days ago.\nGift - Let play
it."},"573158975223365632":{"u":0,"t":1556722148472,"m":"_While waiting for Cinder
to confess, Gift breaks out his Switch, opened MK11 and played it. Waiting for the
results..._\n\n_In the interrogation room, Cinder, after being shocked with 100M+
volts of electricity went limp on her seat. Broken, she breaks down in tears before
forcing herself to face Neo, who is now pointing the stun baton at her
face._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Confess, and I'll let you live. If you won't,
then someone will go through your mind amd scour it clean of whatever things you
have that will help them then leave you rotting in a ditch. I'm sure that you
wanted to live, so why don't you confess? \n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I have
nothing to confess, not after how you betrayed me this way. I want to leave,
now.\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Sadly, your position negates you any chances of
negotiation. Comply, and you'll live. Refuse, and you'll
die."},"573159499519492106":{"u":1,"t":1556722273474,"m":"Gift - Ha ha! Brutality I
win.\nSargent Gift - Another Match?\nGift - Sure!"},"573161608151302165":
{"u":0,"t":1556722776211,"m":"_Cinder remained silent as Neo kept the stun rod
fixed in place before her. Slowly moving it in closer the longer she
hesitated._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> See the sparks? That's 100M+ volts of
electricity. More than enough to put your heart to a stop in an instant. Don't make
me shock you again, confess!\n\n_Cinder sinply stared at her defiantly. Prompting
Neo to shock her again. This time keeping her thumb on the switch a few seconds
longer. Cinder twictched and seized in her seat before collasping to the floor.
Weak and near death. Riley pushed the door open, pushed Neo aside and placed her
right palm onto Cinder's forehead as she forced her way through into her mind.
Extracting whatever bit of information she needed. Eventually, she lets go of her
hand as she dropped Cinder onto the floor. Satisfied, she leaves the room but not
before turning around and healing Cinder back to
normal._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Well... wished she'd done that sooner.
Hmph.\n\n_She helped Cinder up and walked her out of the room and sent her to a
guard standing just outside the room. From there she snatched Gift's Switch out of
his hand and kept it in her pocket._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Riley took care
of the interrogation. Eyes up, General."},"573162332428173322":
{"u":1,"t":1556722948892,"m":"Gift - Hey! Before i chose character i watch
{"u":0,"t":1556723107876,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> Sure you did, your eyes
were locked on the Switch the whole time. Don't lie to me.\n\n_She give him the
Switch back and walked away. Riley approaches him and presented a data chip labeled
\"Cinder's Confessions\" and handed him a copy of the chip._\n\nRiley: Turns out,
behind the defiant facade lies a Damsel in Distress, or in this case. A power-
hungry maniac in need of help. I got the data, will debrief all of you in ten. Meet
me at the assembly hall."},"573163217195630592":{"u":1,"t":1556723159837,"m":"Gift
- I'll be there."},"573166391708876820":{"u":0,"t":1556723916700,"m":"_Now at the
assembly hall, devoid of people but Team RWBY, Task Force 141 operators and
Ironwood himself. Riley begins her presentation of all the information she had
extracted out of Cinder's mind._\n\n_She points to the first data node
labeled \"Allied Hostile Factions Partnered With The White Fang\" and listed out
three organizations marked as the priority targets._\n\nRiley: With the KVA down,
Salem has formed up three additional branches of her forces as backip when the
White Fang falls. Shown here are the Black Kings, the Order, and the Red Falcon.
Our priority target of opportunity is the Red Falcon for they are remnants of the
recently fallen KVA.\n\n_She opens another data node labeled \"Additional Units
Captured From Failed Operations\" and marked the Horus units, captured Atlesian,
Valerian, and Vacuan battleships and a multitude of repurposed armed vehicles
captured by the Red Falcon as potential threats before moving onto the
last._\n\n_She then ponts to a data node labeled \"The Potential Collapse of the
Atlesian Government\" and ruled out three main causes. One being the paranoia of
the High Council members, the second being the fear-mongering propaganda the
Atlesian Army has been mass-producing and the lack of new recruits._\n\nRiley: So
there you have it. This time we have more work on our hands than we once had when
Beacon fell."},"573167532014567425":{"u":1,"t":1556724188570,"m":"Suddenly there
two people come, It Bill and Lance From Contra Force.\nBill - About Red falcon we
have know some, Right Lance?\nLance - Yes, We have fight Red falcon and Nice to
see you again Gift.\nGift - Long time no see Bill,Lance."},"573168700564307992":
{"u":0,"t":1556724467174,"m":"Riley: As expected. The experts have
returned...\n\n_Riley gave the two men a handshake before returning to her post and
debriefing them of everything that has happened on Remnant. They, too are a part of
Space United's Intrauniversal Peacekeeping Coalition Force, Milky Way
sector._\n\nBill: If I may ask, when and where are my forces will be
deployed?\n\nRiley: The two of you will be deployed in Area Sierra-3-Echo, close to
the entry gate of the Domain of Darkness along with your forces. If you need
additional support we will be there. Godspeed.\n\nLance; About damn time, c'mon
Bill. Let's kick Red Falcon's ass!"},"573168970354393101":
{"u":1,"t":1556724531497,"m":"Gift - Good luck mate."},"573170307557490721":
{"u":0,"t":1556724850311,"m":"_Bill and Lance left the room as they make their way
to Arsenal Bird Atlantis, a recently built Marauder-class aerial fire-support
platform built with the Arsenal Bird's chassis. Its engine roar filled the hall as
it flew close to the hall before gaining altitude. Leaving contrails
behind._\n\nRiley: Now, with that settled. We need to figure out what to do with
Cinder, now that I've dug up what I needed from her without injuring her
brain....\n\n_Riley took off for the dormitories, where she has learned that Cinder
has been moved there after being sent to the OR and implanted a direct neural
interface._"},"573170512658956289":{"u":1,"t":1556724899211,"m":"Gift - That
information is much important for us."},"573172451853205523":
{"u":0,"t":1556725361551,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> What's more important is
how exactly we're going to deal with Cinder...\n\n_They arrive at her room and
opened the door as a sickly sweet odor assaulted the group. On the bed lies Cinder
crying her eyes out on the bed. Mumbling incomprehensible phrases and occasionally
uttering \"I just wanted to be respected\" on
repeat._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'll handle this, she's
powerless."},"573172731554562068":{"u":1,"t":1556725428237,"m":"Gift - Wait!
Ruby ..... Be carful my sweet heart."},"573173526912303115":
{"u":1,"t":1556725617865,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now.)"},"573876034605416478":
{"u":0,"t":1556893108751,"m":"_Ruby approaches Cinder, still sobbing into a pillow
she'd been hugging on for hours after her release from the interrogation quarters.
She sits on the bed next to her and placed her hand onto the stub where the Grimm
arm used to be. Stopping her cries._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> What the
hell....?"},"573876687339520001":{"u":1,"t":1556893264375,"m":"Gift - I worry if
she have plan to backstabbing us.\nSargent Gift - If she have (Prepare Shotgun)
there will have no mercy for her anymore."},"573877743788228630":
{"u":0,"t":1556893516252,"m":"_Paying no attention to Sarge, Ruby kept her soft,
yet firm grip on the stub where the arm used to be and slowly pulled Cinder to a
hug._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Sometimes, it's better to just give up and
accept your fate. \n\n_Upon hearing what Ruby has said. She pushed her away and
jumped off the bed, turning away and facing the
window._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> No, I won't. Not until everyone on this
planet bows to me.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Even if you get out of here, what
good could you do?! You will be shot on sight the moment you break your way out of
here!"},"573878130763366400":{"u":1,"t":1556893608514,"m":"Gift - Prepare better
than fix.\nCaptain Gift - I agree with that."},"573878984962736158":
{"u":0,"t":1556893812171,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I don't give a damn what
your men will do to me! Without that power you and your... your... damnit!\n\n_She
kicks the bedside table over, causing it to spill out most of
its contents and breaking it in half._"},"573880091898019862":
{"u":1,"t":1556894076085,"m":"Gift - Hey! try to do some intro in MK11.\nSargent
Gift - Let's try it.\nGift - Our clan must unite against evil.\nSargent Gift -
Why?\nGift - I'll ask again, after you cool down."},"573883496263843841":
{"u":0,"t":1556894887749,"m":"_Having broke the bedside table, Ruby instinctively
drawed her pistol out and fired three shots at her. Sending over 250M+ volts
directly into her body, shocking her and draining away most of her
aura._"},"573883904101187615":{"u":1,"t":1556894984985,"m":"Gift - Woah! That's
might be stronger than my lighting power.\nSargent Gift - Seem
{"u":0,"t":1556895221451,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> That's the X-REP rounds in
action. Designed in-house by me.\n\n_She hauls an unconscious Cinder up and puts
her back on the bed. Ruby then waved everyone but Riley and Gift away. But before
sending off her teammates she made the order to bring Kratos
in._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Maybe he could help...."},"573885389190856724":
{"u":1,"t":1556895339058,"m":"Gift - Maybe...."},"573888680234713129":
{"u":0,"t":1556896123704,"m":"_After waiting for nearly an hour for Cinder to come
back to her senses. Kratos opened the door, following him are the same group of
people Ruby ordered out earlier. Confused, Ruby got up and was about to ask until
Riley ordered her to stand down._\n\nRiley: I ordered them in here for a reason.
Rubes.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> But Alita? Why her?\n\nRiley: She's been down
the same path as Cinder, but not as destructive and reckless as she is.\n\n_With
everyone in the room, Riley teleports them all to the Domain of Light. Directly at
the root of the Yggdrasil before using her newly-made Bifrost given to her by
Kratos to send them all to the top of the tree itself._\n\nRiley: Now that we're
here, let's get this done...\n\n_Riley then placed her palm on Cinder's head as she
began projecting the memories of her life before removing it and snapping her
finger twice. Waking her up._\n\nRiley: Now then, let's see what we have
here.\n\n_The memories all begab projecting at once. Firstly the moment of her
birth, somewhere in a hospital. An unknown woman called her name twice befote
sighing in relief. Riley swipes the memory away and brought the next one up.
Cinder, now an adolescent. Fragmented pieces of moments playing on repeat, a mam
calling her names and abusing her. Another fragment reveals her eventual transfer
to a foster home..._\n\nKratos: She lived a life of pain and
{"u":1,"t":1556896226647,"m":"Gift - That's mean something bad happened with her
before?"},"573891379927711744":{"u":0,"t":1556896767361,"m":"Kratos: Keep watching,
Gift.\n\n_The memory fragments fades away as Riley brought a new one up. Cinder,
now living in a foster home. Constantly under abuse by her fellow housemates and
caretakers. In one particular fragment, she is seen pinned down on a floor, inside
a bathroom stall. A caretaker sits his full weight onto her back. Making repetitive
movements._\n\n\nSandman: Oh god.... no wonder why she wanted revenge...\n\n_Unable
to watch the gruesome memory he turned away. Price and his squad all irradiate pure
hatred directed at the man within the memory. Riley brings up another memory
showing Cinder's transfer into Haven Academy's care. Safe from the hell she has
lived in._\n\n_The memory then all became a blur until it reappears as an
apparition. The apparition fades away and turned into a memory. Cinder, now an
experienced huntress-in-training escapes from Haven, she pulls out her Scroll and
contacted a number labeled \"November\"._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
November?\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> RPTO Phonetics for
Neo."},"573891839128764416":{"u":1,"t":1556896876843,"m":"Gift - BT do you have
intel about number labeled \"November\"?"},"573892040941764611":
{"u":0,"t":1556896924959,"m":"BT: It's Neo's contact. Alias trace leads to Roman
Torchwick."},"573892265874030597":{"u":1,"t":1556896978587,"m":"Gift - That's why i
see Cinder that time."},"573893902915076150":{"u":0,"t":1556897368888,"m":"_As the
memories faded away, Riley steps away. Leaving Cinder to revel in the fields of
recalled memories she had been repressing._\n\nKratos: It is better for you to
forget not what happened to you, but to keep them as a reminder to keep yourself
from being the person you've become now..."},"573894108880437258":
{"u":1,"t":1556897417994,"m":"(i'm gonna rest)"},"573894149925896212":
{"u":0,"t":1556550183048,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> Please, just... just say
it. We gotta rest...\n\n_She yawned, got up from her desk and slopped onto the bed.
Falling asleep the instant her head touched the soft bed._"},"572437864386789376":
{"u":1,"t":1556550222251,"m":"Gift - Um.... like we are a family
{"u":0,"t":1556550328662,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Guessed it. Tell ya what,
when all this is over, we can form up a team and help those in need... together, as
a family!\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> You do realize you just repeated what he
said, right?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Yes, yes I have. And I loved every
second of it. Now, shoo! Go sleep!"},"572438565028495362":
{"u":1,"t":1556550389297,"m":"Gift - Alright, Rest well my sweet
heart."},"572439917494272022":{"u":1,"t":1556550711750,"m":"(i'm gonna rest
now)"},"572440094099636225":{"u":0,"t":1556550753856,"m":"_Before Gift could get to
his bed, Ruby's bedside phone rings. Causing her to groan in frustration and
yanking the receiver, nearly snapping the wire off._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
_drowsy voice_ Who the heck is this...? If you're going to drop a message do it
right after this beep...\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> It's me, Rubes. Just wanna
let you know that you earned your well-deserved reward at the hall. It's the Merit
of Hope. And also, you and the rest of your group are now promoted to the rank of
Huntresses. \n\n_With the mention of the word \"huntress\" the three girls all
woke up in unison._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Mom, are you
kiddi-\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Nope. It's official, the Coalition Force
Governing Council of Space United just sent out an order to make you guys an
official part of Remnant's armed forces. Now sleep. You have a long day waiting
ahead of you.\n\n(Okies!)"},"572789452292751381":{"u":1,"t":1556634047340,"m":"Gift
- Ruby and team have promoted My sweet heart have promoted, I need to tell my
gang."},"572790296618860544":{"u":1,"t":1556634248643,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! Gift
you seem happy, what's going on?\nGift - My four sweet heart have
promoted.\nCaptain Gift - Oh! Congratulations!\nCommander Gift - Because your
sister have did well in every mission.\nGift - I think so."},"572790346485071873":
{"u":0,"t":1556634260532,"m":"Riley: Meet me at the mess hall, Gift. We're all
ears!"},"572790773318418442":{"u":0,"t":1556634362297,"m":"_Riley called him from
the mess hall, her table filled with enough food for her group and those joining
the celebration._"},"572791295924502528":{"u":1,"t":1556634486896,"m":"Gift - Hey!
Gang as we know my four sweet heart have promoted.\nCaptain Gift - So why we have
celebration."},"572792386812641290":{"u":0,"t":1556634746984,"m":"Nikolai: I knew
it was going to happen, your girl is one hell of a fighter, and a leader.
\n\nPrice: She earned it well, Gift!\n\n_The moment Gift announced Ruby's promotion
along with her teammates. Members of the task force all cheered, some screaming in
incomprehensible phrases thanks to them getting intoxicated._\n\n_From the hall
entrance, Dante, Nero,V, and more soldiers and officers alike poured in from it.
All of them carrying gifts and other camaraderie._"},"572793147252539412":
{"u":1,"t":1556634928287,"m":"Gift - Congratulations Ruby, Brother is proud to you,
and i think i'm going to start a new road with you, Road to be Huntsman, i can't
let you walk this way alone so i will walk with you."},"572794568685387798":
{"u":0,"t":1556635267183,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> You already are, Gift!
\n\nRiley: The moment we all set foot on Remnant, we, are all Hunters and
Huntresses.\n\n_Ironwood then stood on a makeshift podium made from pallets and a
tablet computer stand. From there, he straightened his tie and keyed the
microphone. Getting started on his speech._\n\nIronwood: We all gather here, as a
formidable force of warriors to congratulate this particular occasion. Last night,
an order from Space United's Coalition Forces Governing Council have ordered the
immediate promotion of all of you here, including Team RWBY as Hunters and
Huntresses. And I would like to thank all of you for your service and everything
you have done to our planet. \n\n_He raises a glass of wine, his right hand still
keying the mic._\n\nIronwood: And now, let us all drink. For Team RWBY, and for all
of you."},"572794839729569802":{"u":1,"t":1556635331805,"m":"Gift - Wait! Something
happen with my blades."},"572796186545750026":
{"u":0,"t":1556635652911,"m":"_Kratos, having silently observed Gift's blade took
it from his back before rubbing a Light Energy crystal on it. He rubbed the shard a
couple more times before giving it back to him._\n\nKratos: I'll have Brok explain
to you what I did to your blades.\n\n_He took the blades from Gift's hands again
and passed it on to Brok._\n\nBrok: This magic happening 'ere are the Maiden powers
reacting to whatever's happening outside. Now? It's trying to say something along
the line of \"congrats to your sister\" or whatever the fuck that
means. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got meself some more drinkin' 'a
do."},"572796601857474571":{"u":1,"t":1556635751929,"m":"Gift - So maybe.... today
might have a hard party huh?"},"572797542505644033":
{"u":0,"t":1556635976197,"m":"Dante: Yep! Nico's taking the helm on this one. Also,
Vergil might crash the party, give her some words of compliment and leave. Do watch
out though, dude's unstable. Don't trust him.\n\n_At the table, Nero is seen
challenging Team RWBY into a dance battle using his signature song, Devil
Trigger._\n\nNero: C'mon! Let's do some dancing, Rubes. Me versus all of you. Who's
going to win?\n\nNico: I call dibs on Yang! She's gonna love my new kits I got in
stash for 'er!\n\nV: I'm sure either Ruby or Weiss would win. \n\nDante: Dance,
dance! People! Dance!"},"572798145306689536":{"u":1,"t":1556636119916,"m":"Gift -
Alright this song make me wanna play this game.\nTV - Devil may cry V.\nGift - This
gonna be fun."},"572798470784811021":{"u":0,"t":1556636197516,"m":"_But before Gift
could get the game started, Summmer yanked the controller away and pulled him
up._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Gift, Rubes' gonna win! Go
watch!"},"572798711982194717":{"u":1,"t":1556636255022,"m":"Gift - Alright, Sarge
play it for a while.\nSargent Gift - Sure!"},"572800006998982676":
{"u":0,"t":1556636563778,"m":"_At the makeshift stage, Ruby is seen cartwheeling
and using her speed to her advantage. Moving in sync with Nero, who desperately
tries to out-dance her by bringing his fight moves into the dance. He first jumped
upwards and began spinning in mid-air while twirling his blade._\n\n_Ruby responds
by jumping up at him in return and slashed her scythe in at close range before
landing. From there she began breakdancing into the tune while Weiss, Blake, and
Yang are now out of the game. Tired._\n\n_Eventually, Ruby surpassed Nero's final
moveset by transforming herself into a cloud of rose petals and taking him by
surprise. Reforming and swiping her foot close to his face as the song
{"u":1,"t":1556636611263,"m":"Captain/Commander/General Gift -
{"u":0,"t":1556636896295,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Bang, bang, bang!
Nero...\n\n_Ruby pointed finger guns at him before sitting down on the floor.
Exhausted. Nico, having watched her the whole time yelled at the top of her lungs
and tossed her an upgrade kit. Having tossed the kit she resumes smoking what's
lefr of her cigarette._\n\n_As she laid there, the mess hall's entrance door opens
up as Vergil, dressed in his \"casual summertime\" suit being a pair of swimming
shorts, a tank top, a pair of Supreme flipflops and an
aviator._"},"572801831311507489":{"u":1,"t":1556636998728,"m":"Gift - Okey this
gonna be long so we gonna CUT!"},"572803096028250142":
{"u":0,"t":1556637300260,"m":"_Time passed by as the day went well. Vergil, after
being talked into staying by Summer agreed to stay in one of the dorm rooms made to
accommodate guests. Ruby stands next to him, indulging herself in enjoying the view
of the starry sky._\n\nVergil: So, what's it like to live your life as Grimm
hunters? Do you guys just sign up and become a hunter or that you guys get trained
until you're ready?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> For me, I was given a fast-track.
I was just getting started in mission deployments until I was relocated to Beacon
along with my sister Yang. But the rest of my teammates have to train, first they
enter combat schools, then they get their qualifications and continue their
training at Academies."},"572803434152067103":{"u":1,"t":1556637380875,"m":"Gift -
Cut to this time like i'm breaking the 4th wall.\nSargent Gift - Hm... Sure it
is."},"572803591363100712":{"u":0,"t":1556637418357,"m":"Nero: C'mon, it's obvious.
Also, it looks like my dad's... interested in Rubes."},"572803745927397386":
{"u":1,"t":1556637455208,"m":"Gift - My sweet heart? Seem
yes."},"572803765644558357":{"u":0,"t":1556637459909,"m":"_He kept his gaze locked
at Vergil, now facing Ruby as she gave him more explanations to his
questions._"},"572804162534768661":{"u":0,"t":1556637554535,"m":"_After talking for
almost an hour, he excusrd himself before jumping his way back to Gift, still
standing at the courtyard._\n\nVergil: I hate to say this, but, your sister's got
- You know my sweet heart is always like that, since first time i met
her."},"572805730130984989":{"u":0,"t":1556637928279,"m":"Vergil: That's nice to
know, by the way. I can't promise I really could stay here forever, I've got things
to settle in other places...\n\n_Riley suddenly appears next to him, almost causing
him to drop his katana._\n\nRiley: Then, maybe you can stay with us for just a day
or longer? This place needs new people coming in, and we're lacking. \n\nVergil:
Hmph, fine. But I can't promise I can stay here permanently like you
do."},"572806003519913985":{"u":1,"t":1556637993460,"m":"Gift - Have anything to do
Vergil?"},"572806215118094342":{"u":0,"t":1556638043909,"m":"Vergil: Got Grimm
around here? I could use some to hone my demon-slashing
skills."},"572806483863928865":{"u":1,"t":1556638107983,"m":"Gift - Yes, at the
forest near this base."},"572807685880283139":{"u":0,"t":1556638394566,"m":"Vergil:
Good, thank you. Gift.\n\n_He slashed a cross with the Yamato, his signature blade
before jumping into it. It snaps shut the moment he stepped inside it and
vanished._"},"572807972745510966":{"u":1,"t":1556638462960,"m":"Gift - Good luck
Vergil."},"572808324551147521":{"u":0,"t":1556638546837,"m":"_Tired from all the
activities he teleported himself onto his bed at Ruby's quarters. Falling asleep
instantly._"},"572808612980719636":{"u":1,"t":1556638615604,"m":"Gift - Aw... My
sweet heart is so cute, my heart getting melt."},"572809158240370688":
{"u":0,"t":1556638745604,"m":"_He blacks out, his energy completely depleted. But
not before glancing at Ruby and reaching out to her cheek and rubbing
it._"},"572810125534953492":{"u":1,"t":1556638976225,"m":"Gift - Um.... I'm week
because you Ruby."},"572810649650987008":{"u":0,"t":1556639101184,"m":"_In the
morning, he finds himself awake as the sounds of an alarm clock disturbed his
slumber. Frustrated he smashed it before chucking it down a trash
{"u":0,"t":1556639173449,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> Rise and shine, Gift. I
just got a call from the Tank. They want you and Ruby there. Cinder's interrogation
is about to begin."},"572811216485875723":{"u":1,"t":1556639236328,"m":"Gift - Ah!
My heart is hurt, maybe is Ruby's cute."},"572812273706336286":
{"u":1,"t":1556639488389,"m":"Gift - Ruby always make me weak specially when she
sleep, Alright i'm on my way."},"572812851241156610":
{"u":0,"t":1556639626084,"m":"_After running his way to the Tank, he finds Ruby
inside an interrogation room._"},"572813338925334538":
{"u":1,"t":1556639742357,"m":"Sargent Gift - Gift what happen?\nGift - i feel hurt
on my chest.\nSargent Gift - Need morphine?\nGift - No
thanks."},"572814452764704797":{"u":0,"t":1556640007917,"m":"_Inside the room,
Cinder, despite being slapped in the face several times remains
unresponsive._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Say something,
goddamnit!\n\n_Frustrated, Ruby slams her hands down the table before leaving the
room._"},"572814853996150784":{"u":1,"t":1556640103578,"m":"Gift - She didn't tell
anything, do you know what she afraid most?"},"572076516058595333":
{"u":0,"t":1556464070096,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I know, but let's get out
of here and go back to Atlas.\n\nRiley: I'll get the others. All units, form up on
me! We're leaving!\n\n_As Riley ordered her men to board their airships, she
carried Cinder's unconscious body up the Liberty Delta before setting her down
inside a medbay. From there she joins Team RWBY on the cockpit as they took off for
{"u":1,"t":1556464589517,"m":"Gift - Let get back to our command center, if this
end i think i'm gonna build our house and we will stay
{"u":0,"t":1556464647497,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's still a long way to
go, though. But we'll get through this. All of us."},"572079160227266561":
{"u":1,"t":1556464700515,"m":"Gift - Yes, me and my four sweet
{"u":0,"t":1556464847286,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Amen to that.\n\n_As the
Liberty Delta flies off into the night, the crew of the ship all headed to their
quarters, save for a few. One of them being Riley and Summer. Now sitting on guard
at the cockpit._"},"572080468384808980":{"u":1,"t":1556465012404,"m":"(inside
Ruby's room)\nGift - Now is night, and we got a long way from here to our command
center."},"572080863085461506":{"u":0,"t":1556465106508,"m":"_He plops himself down
on the bed as he slpped into slumber..._\n\n_However, at the medbay things are
getting rough as Jaune took it to his duty to constantly keep Cinder awake by
shocking her with electricity the moment she slips into
sleep._"},"572081306133856276":{"u":1,"t":1556465212139,"m":"Sargent Gift -
Unleashing your vengeance, Jaune?"},"572082874350567454":
{"u":0,"t":1556465586031,"m":"_Saying nothing, Jaune simply switched off the
shocker unit and threw it at a trashcan before leaving the infirmary. Pyrrha
however is still on guard, sitting next to the medbay wide awake. Sarge looked
closer and noticed that she hasn't been sleeping for days._"},"572084084839415809":
{"u":1,"t":1556465874634,"m":"Sargent Gift - Take rest, seem you didn't rest for a
{"u":0,"t":1556465964090,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Not until I get to
Atlas. Not now, no...\n\n_She gets up, but fainted the moment she tried to walk
away from him, prompting Sarge to
hold her up._"},"572086443275714561":{"u":1,"t":1556466436929,"m":"Commander Gift
- Don't push yourself too hard.\nCaptain Gift - I mean if anything happen we will
call you and everyone in our ship."},"572087212045500416":
{"u":0,"t":1556466620218,"m":"_Sarge then carried Pyrrha off to her
quarters._"},"572087816385724439":{"u":1,"t":1556466764304,"m":"(inside Ruby's
room)\nGift - How cute of my little sweet heart."},"572088553618800640":
{"u":0,"t":1556466940074,"m":"\"The Fallen Maiden\"\nGeneral Gift - Task Force
141\nJuly 22nd, 2090."},"572090599616937991":{"u":0,"t":1556467427878,"m":"_After
flying for roughly fourteen hours, the Liberty Delta finally lands in Deacon Air
Force Base, located fifteen miles outside the Mansion FOB._\n\nRiley: Rise and
shine, Gift! Still dreaming about Rubes?\n\n_She helps him up from his bunk as the
crew of Liberty Delta departed from their ship into crew rest. Now outside the
airship they headed to the Mansion, now rebuilt and armed to the teeth with the
most advanced weaponry the machines of Aloy could design during her time at the
base._\n\nWinter: Welcome back! The base just got renovated right after the
remainders of the KVA troops attempted their last assault. They're all gone except
the group that surrendered. Now all that remains in our path is just the White
Fang, but they've gone stronger. Anyways, I heard you guys took down a rogue
Maiden, where is she?\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I'm right here...\n\n_A Raven
transport ship lands as four escorts dragged Cinder out of the ship before forcing
her to kneel before Winter, who pulled her up to her feet._\n\nWinter: Better be
glad these guys didn't kill you, you're too valuable to be killed anyway. Guards,
chop her a room. Make it a decent one.\n\n_One of Cinder's escort, Private Powell
then ushered her away to a holding cell built within the mansion._\n\nPvt. Powell:
Roger, alright. This way, ma'am."},"572090993348968453":
{"u":1,"t":1556467521751,"m":"Gift - 14 hours from battlefield to command
center."},"572091376691314688":{"u":0,"t":1556467613147,"m":"BT: Quite the usual,
Gift. Considering how _large_ and _heavy_ the Arsenal Bird is... I mean, a flying
wing that weight almost 25k tons that has a fusion reactor and electric props as
engines..."},"572091571478986762":{"u":1,"t":1556467659588,"m":"Gift - I know that
a long time BT."},"572092143263416329":{"u":0,"t":1556467795912,"m":"BT: Amen to
that, by the way, I just got word from Beacon that Cinder's interrogation is
scheduled to be done in three hours from now. And that we're all relieved into crew
rest for the day. Ruby's already at the mall with her crew, Alita, Team Metal and
your team."},"572092364487917569":{"u":1,"t":1556467848656,"m":"Gift - Okey i'm
gonna go for her.\n(I'm gonna rest now)"},"572092442548109342":
{"u":0,"t":1556467867267,"m":"(Roger. Rest well!)"},"572419463161315340":
{"u":1,"t":1556545942962,"m":"Gift - My blades of chaos have change but i think it
not name blades of chaos, what name that i should give to my blades
{"u":0,"t":1556545989058,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Hmmm... considering how it
has all four powers in it. Why don't you call it the Chaos of
Remnant?"},"572420387070148649":{"u":1,"t":1556546055334,"m":"Gift - Good name my
sweet heart, Now this blades is Chaos of Remnant."},"572421313168408585":
{"u":0,"t":1556546276133,"m":"Kratos: The blades shall be worthy of use against
Salem. \n\n_Kratos then picked up the blades and took a close look at it. He slowly
felt the blades, running his finger down the edge before giving it back tp
Gift._\n\nKratos: They will serve you well. \n\n_He walks away, on his way to his
place within the mansion_"},"572421494601416714":{"u":1,"t":1556546319390,"m":"Gift
- Sure it is, Kratos."},"572423065406013460":{"u":0,"t":1556546693899,"m":"_Gift
walks to the shooting range. From there he watched his task force train in a
simulated high-threat environment. Seen in the field is Ruby, taking the lead as
she brings her team to the offensive, charging the \"hill\" and taking out a
simulated Grimm with a blow to the head. Killing
it._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Move, move! Up the hill! Blake, toss a threat
grenade downrange!\n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Roger, popping now! \n\n_Blake
unclips a threat grenade from her belt pouch, snapped the fuse off and threw it
down the hill. Marking the area down below with targets. Yang and Weiss charged
down the hill and began taking the hostiles down. Beating and stabbing them to
death while Team Metal and Price's squad picked off the
stragglers._"},"572423810725445632":{"u":0,"t":1556546871597,"m":"_From a building
across the range, Jaune and Pyrrha both equipped their AWM-X1 electromagnetically-
boosted sniper rifles and fired rounds downrange at Team RWBY, playing their
assigned role as the opposing force._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Pin them
down, don't let them take this hill! Nora, Ren! Get down there and keep them
away!"},"572423896582848523":{"u":1,"t":1556546892067,"m":"Gift - Very impressive
my four sweet heart and Good job Team"},"572425044593082378":
{"u":0,"t":1556547165774,"m":"Ironwood: That right there is what I'd love to see my
men do when they're on the field.\n\n_From the dome, Jaune's position is eventually
overran as Weiss summoned the Arma Gigas and piloted it, tearing the building down
and taking out Pyrrha in the process. Sending her back to the \"lobby\", the
vernacular for the simulation hall's armory._\n\n_Ren, Jaune, and Nora then called
in for reinforcements but soon found themselves surrounded by Team RWBY, Metal,
Price's Squad and a multitude of friendly units, Earthborne and Remnnetians
alike._"},"572425372029681665":{"u":1,"t":1556547243841,"m":"Gift - Yeah! Specially
my four sweet heart, look like they have training hard."},"572426729944121344":
{"u":0,"t":1556547567593,"m":"_The remainders of Team JNPR are now surrounded.
Leaving them no chance of escape._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Get down on your
knees, now!\n\n_Ruby switched the Crescent Rose back to its rifle form as she kept
her aim at Jaune. Forcing him to surrender his weapons and kneel down followed by
Nora and Ren. With the three down on their knees the simulation hall deactivates
the immersion system as the massive holographic projection ceiling screens
announced the end of the simulation_\n\nSim. Hall: End of simulation profile 11315-
Bravo. Team RWBY, please report to the armory for debriefing. OpFor units are to
remain in the arena and clean up the hall."},"572426962530861056":
{"u":1,"t":1556547623046,"m":"Gift - (slowly clap) Very impressive my sweet
heart."},"572427271751860224":{"u":0,"t":1556547696770,"m":"_The spectators all
clapped as they leave the hall, back to their assigned tasks for the day. Summer
opened the door to the observation deck behind him and rushed in, sweat dripping
down her gace and onto the floor._"},"572427494834044930":
{"u":1,"t":1556547749957,"m":"Gift - What happened?"},"572428332592005120":
{"u":0,"t":1556547949694,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> It's Cinder, she's
breaking. The guys down in the Think Tank locked her in an isolation chamber and
she's about to snap, fast!\n\n_She grabs him by the arm and pulled him as she ran
down the hallway to the Think Tank and pushed him into a tram before piloting it,
gunning the engines and sending it driving at breakneck
speed._"},"572428801850736640":{"u":1,"t":1556548061574,"m":"Gift - Damn that
shouldn't be happen.\nSargent Gift - (on Hammerhead Chopper) But it already
happen."},"572430551907303433":{"u":0,"t":1556548478820,"m":"_Summer hit the brakes
as she pulled the tram to a stop before pushing Gift out of the tram and dragging
him into Isolation Chamber C3, surrounding the chamber is a group of technicians
trying to disable the pod's tactile sensation deprivation units but to no
avail._\n\n_Inside the pod, Cinder is seen trying to break free from her
restraints, her muffled screams loud enough to be heard as the last bits of her
sanity slipped away. Finally going into despair. Summer pushed the technicians
away before slamming her hand on the emergency override button causing the harness
to snap away. Freeing her from her confinement. Her tactile sensation deprivation
kits still strapped on her tightly._\n\n_She ran around the room, still screaming
incomprehensible phrases before being tackled to the floor by Riley. Who then
proceeded to rip away her sensation deprivation kits, injecting a bolus of
Neurostabil, a drug designed to bring those who have gone insane back to nornal.
With the first vial injected she tries to inject the second one only to have Cinder
kick it away with her bare feet._\n\nRiley: Hold still, damnit! I need some help
over here!"},"572431694762737667":{"u":1,"t":1556548751298,"m":"Gift - Maybe this
make her down. (Hit Cinder with M4A1 Gunstock)"},"572432374479192096":
{"u":0,"t":1556548913355,"m":"_Gift knocks her out with his rifle before propping
Cinder up in a chair, still naked._\n\nRiley: Next time you inject three more
Neurostabil doses. She still have her semblance and aura in full load.
\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'll take her to a room, she'll be there until
she's ready."},"572432625474469899":{"u":1,"t":1556548973197,"m":"Gift - Sarge
Everything clear.\nSargent Gift - Roger that."},"572434417180606464":
{"u":0,"t":1556549400373,"m":"_Summer carried Cinder to a holding cell as she laid
her down on the bed before covering her bare body with a blanket and left for her
quarters._\n\n_Gift glanced at his watch, the time reads 2345HRS. Damn, it's been
this late already? He thought as he left the Think Tank for his quarters, now
relocated into Team RWBY's. As he walked down the street he saw Riley and her
recently returned partner, identified from his Focus as Captain
Hiro Hamada of the Valerian Air Force. 57th Fighter Squadron. Both embracing one
another on a bench._\n\n_He walked past a streetlight only to see Cossette kissing
Trigger passionately. Unnoticed. Not wishing to interrupt their private time he
kept his path straight to Ruby's dorm._"},"572434881796112384":
{"u":1,"t":1556549511146,"m":"Gift - Sleep already? How cute of my little sweet
{"u":0,"t":1556549782402,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Hate to break it to you,
Gift. But if we were to fight without her in that hall we'd be dead with the first
fifteen seconds.","te":1556549792546},"572437096120320002":
{"u":0,"t":1556550080582,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> She kicked their asses out
there and got us to victory, these Atlesian vets won't stsnd a
chance."},"572437403201961996":{"u":1,"t":1556550112296,"m":"Gift - Anyways we are
um..... Should i say it?"},"571703033428312115":
{"u":0,"t":1556375024898,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Spread out, scan for
hostiles! Squad, on me!\n\n_Ruby, having landed first took it to her duty to lead
the group to Camp Bravo, their primary objective. While moving around the area they
encounter a multitude of friendly Faunus Militia grunts along the way until they
reach the Camp._\n\n<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> See those guys up there?
They're KVA, guarding the transmitter. The only way to bring chaos into the fight
is to confuse them from within. I'll sneak in with Alita. Rubes, cover us.
\n\n_Blake, having formed a plan popped from her cover with Alita. The two ran for
the entrance door in an unguarded spot, breachdd it and went inside. Three flashes
of light came through on Ruby's scope, indicating that the transmitter is
clear._\n\nRiley: Radio's ours, move!"},"571703300337041428":
{"u":1,"t":1556375088534,"m":"Gift - (Use Scorpion's spear) COME
HERE!!!"},"571704305187553310":{"u":0,"t":1556375328109,"m":"_As the team ran for
the transmitter within the camp, a squad of KVA grunts popped from their cover and
fired upon the team. Riley engages a force field, nullifying the gunfire as Ruby,
Weiss and Yang engaged the hostiles before them. One of the members of the squad
tried to run away only to be dragged back by Gift's Scorpion combat form and killed
by Weiss, stabbing her rapier down his head._"},"571704541087531008":
{"u":1,"t":1556375384352,"m":"Gift - Nice shot Weiss."},"571705274696728597":
{"u":0,"t":1556375559258,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Thanks, Gift. 1-3, I need
status on the transmitter now.\n\nAlita: 4-6 here, transmitter is on full power and
broadcasting false info. That should be enough to bring their morale down to
zero.\n\n_With the transmitter under their control, the deafening whistle of mortar
rounds is heard._\n\nRiley: Incoming mortar! Get out of this zone now! Move,
move!"},"571705621381120000":{"u":1,"t":1556375641914,"m":"Gift - (Use Sub zero's
power to create ice shield)\nUse this!"},"571706026961928194":
{"u":0,"t":1556375738612,"m":"Riley: Gift, are you out of your mind?! It's a red
zone! Move your ass!\n\n_From afar, Team RWBY have already made their way out of
the red zone and onto the path to Paradise Resort, designated as the command hub of
the KVA troops operating within Menagerie._"},"571706354012651550":
{"u":1,"t":1556375816587,"m":"Gift - (Use ice shield to skate out from red zone)\nI
mean use like this."},"571706423738892332":{"u":0,"t":1556375833211,"m":"Riley:
Oh..."},"571706965814673408":{"u":0,"t":1556375962452,"m":"_From their radio, their
objectives have updated and they are now to hold their ground at Paradise Resort
until the rest of the Task Force are finished with rounding up the remaining KVA
troops within Sanhok._\n\nPrice: Gift, the KVA are retreating to Paradise, we've
cut down half of their men here. We're coming to you once we're done rounding up
POWs. Out"},"571709040837787649":{"u":1,"t":1556376457176,"m":"Gift - Roger that
Uncle Price."},"571711325563125771":{"u":0,"t":1556377001897,"m":"_Gift and Riley
eventually reached Team RWBY's location at the Paradise. Firing away at the
hostiles rushing up at their position._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We gotta hold
this place until exfil arrives! Word just got out from BeacomCentCom that the
Atlesian armed forces left us here, now its just us, Team Metal, Sentinel, the
Strangereal Coalition Forces and the SCARs!"},"571711898605715456":
{"u":0,"t":1556377138521,"m":"Alita: Don't forget us, Rubes. We're
here."},"571711901789323265":{"u":1,"t":1556377139280,"m":"Gift - I think this will
slow them down. (Use Sub zero's power to create Snow storm) Use thermal sight, Ruby
here thermal scope."},"571713432907415552":
{"u":0,"t":1556377504327,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, Gift! I owe you
one!\n\n_She attached the thermal projection unit onto her rifle's scope before
continuing her engagement against the incoming enemies. Weiss, having exhausted her
Dust canisters switched to her SMLE MkIII-X, an upgraded version of the infamous
SMLE bolt-action rifle._\n\n_Yang, now blinded from the snowstorm fired a flare up
into the sky before using her Focus to an advantage. Taking the KVA troops by
surprise. From one by one they fell until all that remained when the storm finally
clears was... Cinder._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hello again, Gift. \n\n_She
gave him a slow clap, mocking him as she kicked away the corpse of a fallen KVA
soldier._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Congrats on taking down the KVA by the
way, you've just made our job a lot easier. While you are out here fighting grunts,
I was busy sending out command to Earth to call for the withdrawal of friendly
forces. But don't worry, I didn't send them all back, I just happened to leave them
in the form of casualties.","te":1556377607039},"571713939336069120":
{"u":1,"t":1556377625069,"m":"Gift - Ha! Maybe you might want to meet your old
{"u":0,"t":1556377841527,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> And who am I supposed to
meet? After all, I'm just here for Little Red."},"571715047047561242":
{"u":1,"t":1556377889168,"m":"Gift - Someone who have fight with you before not me
and her."},"571715997774643220":{"u":0,"t":1556378115839,"m":"_A stream of red
Corruption waves flew through the air before reforming into a ball of Corruption
energy in front of Cinder. The ball flickered and vanished as Pyrrha emerged from
the red mist, startling Cinder._"},"571716311911104523":
{"u":1,"t":1556378190735,"m":"Gift - leave her to me. (Equip Blades of Chaos fusion
with Scorpion and Sub zero)"},"571717829469143082":
{"u":0,"t":1556378552549,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> No, I'll handle this.
She's the one who took my life, and this time, she...\n\n_Pyrrha, determined to
fight Cinder chambered s round into her rebuilt Milo and Akuo, the shield activates
its hidden downsized electeomagnetic launcher while the rifle itself light up
brightly as the barrel began channeling more plasma energy into
it._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Won't take anyone
else's."},"571718803994574850":{"u":1,"t":1556378784894,"m":"BT - Sir! Your rage
mode have update now it call Rampage of Silver eyes Warrior.\nGift - That's mean if
i use rage mode.....\nBT - Silver eyes will activate when you use rage mode.\nGift
- Thank for detail.\nBT - Anytime sir!"},"571719443026280448":
{"u":0,"t":1556378937251,"m":"_Pyrrha, still taking her fighting stance awaited for
Cinder to begin her attack. After waiting for a moment, she starts the battle by
reverting Milo back into its electromagnetically-boosted rifle format and pumped
six sub-light rounds into Cinder's torso, catching her off-
guard._"},"571720093554180148":{"u":1,"t":1556379092349,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey!
you forget one power.\nGift - Lighting of Raiden, Thanks Sarge.\nSargent Gift -
Anytime."},"571722112927006725":{"u":0,"t":1556379573805,"m":"_Cinder retaliates by
summoning three fireballs before launching them straight at Pyrrha only to have
them intercepted by the shield and launched as a hailstorm of missiles back at her.
Breaking down her defenses, still seeing another attack window Pyrrha switched Milo
into its spear con figuration and repeatedly slashed it against Cinder's chest,
further weakening her defenses and siphoning some of her Maiden powera back into
Pyrrha in the progress._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You will NOT defeat me!
Pyrrha!\n\n_Enraged, Cinder summoned an armor identical to that of an Arma Gigas.
Dante, having watched the fight from afar knew what was happening to Cinder and
teleported his way to Gift._\n\nDante:! How did she even... That's an
Angelo armor she summoned!\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Now, I shall transcend
into this newfound power! \n\n_The Angelo Armor encased Cinder completely before
transforming her into Pyro Angelo, Cinder, driven by her desire for power, now a
demon... not. The suit merely provided her additional protection as electrical
wirings can be seen protuding from it._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Metal? Not
a good idea. Not good..\n\n_Pyrrha then amplified her polarity to her limits as she
tore the Pyro Angelo's armor away. Starting from the
{"u":1,"t":1556379667450,"m":"Gift - Let me deal with her."},"571722765258981378":
{"u":1,"t":1556379729333,"m":"There is no future for you to achieve your plan.
(This word from mortal kombat 11 story mode chapter 4)"},"571724551596015619":
{"u":0,"t":1556380155229,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> No, I can still fight,
after all... she killed me. And I will return that favor.\n\n_With the armor pieces
she pulled now crumpled into a massive ball Pyrrha made no hesitation and began
repeatedly slamming it full force into Cinder, pinning her down on the ground as
orange streams of energy channeled into Pyrrha the more she
Take this, you bitch!\n\n_Before she could land a hit, Cinder blocked the attack
with her sword before slashing a tear on Pyrrha's armor, causing her to lose some
power she siphoned off of Cinder._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ugh, she got me.
Gift, Rubes, Riles. I need your help, when she attack, she's leaving multiple
strike windows. Use that and take her
- i know that will happen. (Stand in Sub zero battle stand in
{"u":0,"t":1556380696748,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You. Will. Pay!
Pyrrha!\n\n_Cinder blindly attacked Pyrrha in a fit of rage, slashing away at her
defenses. Although some moves were successfully intercepted most of then went
through and managed to substantially damage Pyrrha's armor until Ruby joined the
fray with Gift._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I got your back, Pyrrha! Activating
Rail-Boost!\n\n_Ruby engages her rifle into its scythe form before taking aim and
firing onto Cinder's back, disrupting her attacks and drawing her attention to her
instead. Fron cover, Jaune is seen amplifying Gift, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Riley's
semblance and aura. Giving them the upper hand in the fight._\n\n_Gift began his
attack by punching her in the face as ice shards stabbed through her
aura._"},"571727134285103114":{"u":1,"t":1556380770990,"m":"Gift - TAKE THIS! (Use
Sub zero's fatal blow)"},"571727775157977091":{"u":0,"t":1556380923786,"m":"_Gift's
fatal blow proved to be more than enough combined with Ruby's presence and her
silver eyes dealing damage to Cinder's Grimm limb and enhancements. Distracted and
overwhelmed she tried her best to intercept attacks from all direction only to be
attacked ravenously by the four heroes._"},"571727836537290782":
{"u":1,"t":1556380938420,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"571727999909494784":
{"u":0,"t":1556380986822,"m":"(Rest well!)"},"571736070216089600":
{"u":8,"t":1556382901482,"m":"Quite intresting"},"572058674961580034":
{"u":0,"t":1556459816447,"m":"<@481693633951694848> (You
up?)"},"572061716796538882":{"u":1,"t":1556460541677,"m":"Gift - That's you should
{"u":0,"t":1556461155125,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> No, this can't be
happening!\n\n_Overwhelmed and weakened, she now goes on the defensive, blocking
attacks whenever possible. Ruby, having found her weak spot fired three sub-light
rounds into her back. Sending her sprawling on the
floor._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> No, no!\n\n_With her powers slowly fading
away, she resorts to stabbing a light energy crystal shard into her heart. Causing
a massive explosion blowing Gift and his team away from her._\n\n_The shard melted
into her body as it began making repairs on her damaged body parts. Healing the
wounds back to normal and even regenerating her Maiden powers. Pyrrha gets back on
her feet, injured but determined to fight until her last moments._\n\n_With the
shard now fully absorbed, Cinder slowly walks towards Pyrrh, her hands engulfed in
flames._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> So, care to try again? \n\n_Pyrrha said
nothing and responded with a point-blank shot to her head, sending her flying at
chain link wall, tearing a sizeable hole into it. From there she ran to Ruby's help
as Riley helped Gift up._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Bad news here, she used a
light energy shard and it worked. Now she has her powers back and can beat us if
we're not careful.\n\n_From his cover Jaune took to his feet and ran for Pyrrha,
grabbing a fistful of Light Energy canisters before tossing it to her. She grabbed
it and promptly used one. Charging herself full of Light
Energy._"},"572064644043243530":{"u":1,"t":1556461239587,"m":"Gift - Sweet heart
should i use my rage?"},"572065578941153290":
{"u":0,"t":1556461462484,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Do whatever you can to
help me stop her, but we'll need her alive. Too valuable to be
killed.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm ready to let it rip, P-money! And I mean
it.\n\n_Ruby reloads her rifle with a fresh magazine before taking a fighting
stance. Weiss stands next to her, her Myrtenaster now formed itself into an energy
blade._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> If you need more Light Energy canisters,
just holler. I'll get them up and ready in no time! \n\n_As the two stands ready,
the rest of Task Force 141 joins them along with the friendly Faunus Militia
units._\n\nPrice: We'll stop her, and end this fight. Oorah?!\n\nTask Force
soldiers: OORAH!"},"572066019846389760":{"u":1,"t":1556461567604,"m":"Gift - Okey
let's do this AHHH!!! (Activate Rampage of silver eyes
{"u":0,"t":1556462185893,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Let's do this, bring it
on! Cinder! \n\n_Ruby activates her silver eyes and charged into battle, Riley and
Gift follows suit while most of the Task Force 141 members set up positions and
prepared to give Gift and his group every support they needed._\n\n_Pyrrha switches
to her hyperspectral vision projector as the light from Ruby, Gift, and Riley's
eyes blinded her vision. The light clears away as she lands a hit on Cinder's head
using her shield. Gift follows suit by using his newly reformed blades to slash
away her aura and siphoning it back to the blades._\n\nRiley: She's breaking, keep
hitting her!\n\n_Cinder at first managed to block the attacks but soon found her
Grimm parts slowing her down thanks to Ruby, Gift, and Riley's eyes still activated
in full power. Riley switched from her sword-rifleto her twin hand cannons and sent
shots after shots at her until Cinder is now rendered powerless._\n\n_With Cinder
now rendered powerless and close to her defeat, Pyrrha and Gift both landed their
final hits with Gift sending her flying into the air and Pyrrha dragging a metal
debris from a Warbird and hitting her with it._\n\n_Close to death, Cinder went
limp as Gift slams her down on the ground creating a large crater as he does so.
Her rampage finally put to an end._\n\n_All she could do was to watch Pyrrha kneel
down next to her and plunge a Light Energy canister's probe into her right arm
before losing consciousness..._"},"572069215650054146":
{"u":1,"t":1556462329543,"m":"Gift - (Change to Scorpion's power) Now you will go
to Nether Realm, Cinder."},"572070051750871040":
{"u":0,"t":1556462528885,"m":"_Before Gift could finish her off Pyrrha swatted his
hands away._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> No, she's weak. Broken, not worth
killing. We'll take her into custody, bring her to full health and extract whatever
information she had about Salem and what she has been doing, then
we...\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> We send her off somewhere in Vacuo or that we
keep her locked in Atlas. \n\n_As the three watched over Cinder, Ruby spotted a
multitude of KVA soldiers coming towards them. From her scope she called the
soldiers out._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Eyes up! KVA incoming! Wait,
they're... surrendering?"},"572071021880803349":{"u":1,"t":1556462760182,"m":"Gift
- (What is this? Like i have seen in Call of duty WW2.)"},"572072583877492766":
{"u":0,"t":1556463132591,"m":"_The soldiers, now having reached their position all
laid down their weapons and knelt down before keeping their hands on their heads.
Some can be heard crying in fear._\n\n_From the crowd of surrendering soldiers
emerged a KVA buck sergeant. He stood up, discarded all his gear and slowly walked
towards Ruby. As he gets closer, Gift raised his pistol only to havs Ruby push it
back into its holster._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Don't, they're surrendering.
I'll handle this.\n\n_The sergeant approaches Ruby as he stopped and saluted her.
She returns the salute before stowing the Crescent Rose in its compact
form._\n\nKVA Sergeant: I am Staff Sergeant Armin Radek, First Platoon, 33rd
Infantry. I, and the rest of my men assume that we are prisoners of war and not
combatants. Should we violate any of your regulations, we shall have our actions
prosecuted under your decisions.","te":1556463635477},"572072988912910345":
{"u":1,"t":1556463229159,"m":"Gift - What are we gonna do now, my sweet
heart."},"572074466746564609":{"u":0,"t":1556463581502,"m":"_Not replying to Gift,
she handcuffed Radek before replying back to him._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Thank you for your cooperation, Sergeant Radek. From now on you will be escorted to
the Atlesian Military Prison Complex and will be detained there. \n\nYour treatment
will fal under the Ironwood Accords and you shall receive proper care during the
period of your detainment. Once your forces have been eliminated from Menagerie you
wll be released. Our forces will escort your men to transport and you will be on
your way to Atlas, where I'm sure that you will be treated properly.\n\n_Ruby turns
to Gift before giving him a hug._","te":1556463619378},"572075895657857037":
{"u":1,"t":1556463922181,"m":"Gift - (Hug and kiss Ruby)\nI know you love me, me
too my sweet heart."},"571012402267815956":{"u":1,"t":1556210365598,"m":"Gift - You
request for this.\n(Equip Blades of Chaos)"},"571013745501798400":
{"u":0,"t":1556210685850,"m":"_Gift responded by swinging his blades as an act of
intimidation. Neo remained in her fitting stance until Truck stepped in and yanked
Neo's sword away._\n\nTruck: If you cut her up, you're going to be court-martialed.
You think Roman'd like to see you that way? His death wasn't her fault! He was
eaten alive while Ruby happened to be there! On that fucking ship, now, make a
choice. Help us or be court-martialed and executed. Your call.\n\n_Neo slowly
removes Roman's fedora as she kept it stowed on her belt before inhaling deeply.
She tried to vocalize a phrase but failed to do so until Kratos himself stepped
in._\n\nKratos: Stand down, soldier. I will handle
- Truck, if she try to kill my sweet heart she must pass me
first."},"571015147812945937":{"u":0,"t":1556211020187,"m":"_Not saying a word,
Kratos knelt down before her as he rested his right hand on her shoulder.
Surprising her and everyone around him_\n\nKratos: Close your heart to it, for it
was simply not your fault for not saving him in time. You still have your good side
left in you, now it is up to you whether if you will follow your destructive path
or... become better than who you are
now.","te":1556211040474},"571015729151868938":{"u":1,"t":1556211158789,"m":"Gift -
Yes, it not your fault, i know that hard to forget because this was happened to me
before."},"571017972512981002":{"u":0,"t":1556211693648,"m":"_Struck by a flashback
of her final moments with him. She lets a tear run down her fsce before finally
breaking into a crying fit. Though no sounds were made, but her tears kept flowing
strong, the memories continue to flash through her mind before finally slowing down
to a halt._\n\n_Roman, beating Ruby down, incapacitating her. The Griffon, flying
just above his head, Roman moving closer to Ruby giving his final speech before
said Griffon swooped down and tore his upper torso away while the lower half is
blown overboard...._\n\n_Having recalled the final moments she wiped away her tears
and stood up. She inhaled deeply again, controlling her emotions. Truck promply
gave her parasol back as she reinserted the bladed handle back into its scabbard,
the parasol itself._\n\nTruck: Now don't go around slashing people again, Neo.
\n\n_He leaves for his transport as Neo regained her
bearings.._"},"571018173839573006":{"u":1,"t":1556211741648,"m":"(I'm tried let's
continue tomorrow)"},"571018296640536597":
{"u":1,"t":1556291850398,"m":"After that Ruby see Blades of Chaos on Gift's back,
That's make her remind that first time she met with him."},"571354797270368257":
{"u":0,"t":1556291998928,"m":"_The scene flashes back to Gift's first deployment on
the surface of Remnant, meeting the locals. From there it changes to when he first
met the Rose family at Beacon Academy, formerly known back then as Beacon Tactical
Training Facility. It abruptly changes to when he first met Ruby and continues to
flash through until this very moment. The time where he managed to save her and her
sister from death's hands just in time..._"},"571355041265352719":
{"u":1,"t":1556292057101,"m":"(Flashback)\nGift - I got you
two."},"571355485052338187":{"u":0,"t":1556292162908,"m":"Riley: Roger, I'll clear
your path up ahead!"},"571355688056651776":{"u":0,"t":1556292211308,"m":"_Riley,
still hiding behind her tree jumped out of her cover, brandishing her twin
revolvers before firing at the Beowolf swiping at Gift. Desperate to catch its
prey._"},"571355999781388288":{"u":1,"t":1556292285629,"m":"Gift - Riley! take
those two to that cover, i want some warm up. (Equip Blades of
Chaos)"},"571356130215854080":{"u":0,"t":1556292316727,"m":"Riley: Copy, gotcha
covered! Go!"},"571356580042375211":{"u":0,"t":1556292423974,"m":"_As she jumps
over him she deployed her gravity sling, locked them on the girls and dragged them
away from Gift's back before landing behind a boulder. With the girls safe from
danger she deploys a Trophy active defense system, covering their hiding spot with
an impenetrable energy shield before staying at her position, calming the two girls
down._"},"571356820837498880":{"u":1,"t":1556292481384,"m":"Gift - Alright
AH!!!!!!!!! (Activate Spartan Rage)"},"571357569163984896":
{"u":0,"t":1556292659799,"m":"_Gift, having activated his Spartan Rage lunged
forward at the Beowolf pack ahead of him, punching and ripping his way through the
pack until only the last one remains. Fueled by his profound hatred for Grimm he
stomped the pack leader's head until it is reduced to an unrecognizable
mess._"},"571357974283681813":{"u":1,"t":1556292756387,"m":"Gift - Don't mess with
me if you not strong enough. (Deactivate Spartan Rage)"},"571358438651723786":
{"u":0,"t":1556292867101,"m":"_As he kicked the pack leader's headless corpse away,
Riley joins him with the two girls she yanked right off his back and set them
down._"},"571358549175959562":{"u":0,"t":1556292893452,"m":"Riley: The girls are
fine, but they're scared to death.."},"571358706411896832":
{"u":1,"t":1556292930940,"m":"Gift - The area is clear, but we must go to
chopper."},"571359072620642317":{"u":0,"t":1556293018251,"m":"_As the chopper
lands, a man approaches them, identified by their HUD as Lieutenant Qrow Branwen,
member of Fireteam STRQ._\n\nQrow: Where'd you find them?"},"571359292658024449":
{"u":1,"t":1556293070712,"m":"Gift - I see they are in
danger."},"571360106445537310":{"u":0,"t":1556293264734,"m":"Qrow: More of them
will follow soon, get the girls in the chopper and get yourselves out of
here."},"571360219620311040":{"u":1,"t":1556293291717,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"571361457032265739":{"u":0,"t":1556293586739,"m":"_Gift, Riley, and the
girls clambered their way onto the chopper. With the group now settled in Riley
closes the door before ordering the pilot to take off for Beacon. The scene changes
to the interior of Site Charlie Echo where he is now. Still staring at
Neo._"},"571361788247932949":{"u":1,"t":1556293665707,"m":"Gift - Wait! What happen
with my blades? (Look at Blades of Chaos)"},"571363057255841802":
{"u":0,"t":1556293968262,"m":"_The blades began to glow in different colours,
changing between colors until it finally stopped at the colours of the four Maidens
of Remnant._\n\n_From one color they changed, Winger, Spring, Summer, then Fall...
The blades then instantly returned to their scabbards on his
back._"},"571363394028830750":{"u":1,"t":1556294048555,"m":"Gift's left hand have
ice power and right hand have fire power."},"571364175096446976":
{"u":0,"t":1556294234776,"m":"_The powers then form themselves into streams of fire
and ice, then leaves and light. They all re-joined the blades until they glowed
brightly before transforming into two blades identical to the Blades of Chaos. The
only differences are the slightly elongated handle and the four gems etched into
the handles._"},"571364605855793155":{"u":1,"t":1556294337477,"m":"Gift - What
power is this?"},"571366185342468097":{"u":0,"t":1556294714056,"m":"_A voice is
heard, at first they appear as unintelligible phrases until the silhouettes of the
four Maidens showed up. From the silhouettes they form themselves into the
Maidens._\n\n_The Four Maidens all spoke at once, describing their powers to Gift
before finally saying one phrase in unision._\n\nThe Maidens: Embrace this now
power we bestow upon you, they will be enough to stop Salem's path of destruction
but will never destroy her. After all, only the powers of a Silver-Eyed warrior can
truly stop her, and the power of the woman you fight with can, destroy her but her
destruction will bring even more chaos upon Remnant. \n\nYou will need to stop her,
then strip her of her powers. But if all else fails, her death may seem to be the
only solution. You may be ready to face her, but to face her alone is suicidal
despite your combat prowess and powers. You must form up a formidable force of
warriors, and from there we will join you. Until next time, Gift...\n\n_The Four
Maidens then fade away from existence as the environment around Gift changed back
to the reception lounge of Site Charlie Echo._"},"571366841339871242":
{"u":1,"t":1556294870458,"m":"Gift - (Eye turn to Silver) I must prepare my army to
this battle."},"571367156013465640":{"u":1,"t":1556294945482,"m":"(I'm gonna rest,
if i have a chance we will continue it)"},"571367242680500234":
{"u":0,"t":1556294966145,"m":"(Sure thing! I can always
wait.)"},"571695235420258306":{"u":1,"t":1556373165708,"m":"Gift - Seem my blades
are change much."},"571695595878875137":{"u":0,"t":1556373251648,"m":"Riley: They
have, anyways, if you're done talking to the Maidens do look after Neo, I don't
trust her, the fact that she voluntarily showed up here tells me something's up
with her."},"571695744403374080":{"u":1,"t":1556373287059,"m":"Gift -
Sure."},"571695982719401994":{"u":0,"t":1556373343878,"m":"_As he makes his way out
of Site Charlie Echo, he meets Neo standing at the checkpoint. Reading news on her
Focus unit._\n\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Hey there,
Gift..."},"571696465500569629":{"u":1,"t":1556373458982,"m":"Gift - I think this is
first time i see you talk."},"571697039747055639":
{"u":0,"t":1556373595893,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> I had to thank Riley for
that. I lost my ability to speak years ago, long before I even meet Torchie. He was
the one who brought me up, trust me, I don't want to be part in any of the killing
he's done, but I had to to what I have to do to survive."},"571697367599022110":
{"u":1,"t":1556373674059,"m":"Gift - I know you don't want to do that but now you
have a chance to do the right thing."},"571698400555302922":
{"u":0,"t":1556373920335,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> And that's why I'm here, to
atone for my sins...\n\n_She switched her Focus off before walking to a UH-60 Black
Hawk, she climbs her way on board and manned her position on the gun turret as it
flies away, on its course to Menagerie._"},"571699375189917696":
{"u":0,"t":1556374152706,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift! You coming? We're
going to Menagerie! C'mon!\n\n_Ruby runs to his side before dragging him to the
Warbird dropship before helping him up. Now inside the dropship he sits on one of
the empty seats next to Riley, Alita, Price and the others. _\n\nAlita: Welcome
abord the Trans-Atlesian Vomit Comet, Gift. The moment we enter Menagerian airspace
there's going to be a welcome party of SAMs, AA fire and other stuff like Dust-
based ammo. You ready?"},"571699642094321665":{"u":1,"t":1556374216341,"m":"Gift -
I always ready for action."},"571699921200349204":
We're up! Full team, we're up!\n\nPilot: Roger, Romeo. Lifting off.\n\n_The
dropship lifts off, now on its way to Menagerie._"},"571700132509122572":
{"u":1,"t":1556374333265,"m":"Gift - I didn't do this for a long time, JUMP LIKE
PUBG!!!!"},"571701594106757147":{"u":0,"t":1556374681737,"m":"_The dropship, having
traveled four hours into the flight reaches Combaf Zone Sierra, known to the locals
of Menagerie as Sanhok. Ruby jumps off the ship first followed by Weiss, Blake, and
Yang. Riley and Gift then took off after them, falling into a formation. On the
ground, V used one of his Familiars to mark a landing zone for the team still in
the air._\n\n_After falling for almost three whole minutes their parachutes snapped
away as they touched down safely. Boots on the ground, they spread out and began
searching for hostiles, KVA and White Fang alike._"},"571701833265840128":
{"u":1,"t":1556374738757,"m":"Gift - i will flank them."},"570633504149471235":
{"u":1,"t":1556120029247,"m":"Gift - There it is My MCV mk.
7 \"Clawer\""},"570634343211335700":{"u":0,"t":1556120229295,"m":"Riley:
Nevermind... we're just a few blocks away. C'mon!\nDante: Welcome to Argus, or
what's left of it. Gift. Enjoy your stay!\nNero: They're not far, but Ruby's hurt.
Took the shot for Weiss...\nV: We must hurry at once, for they will need every help
we can give them."},"570634979374268424":{"u":0,"t":1556120380968,"m":"_The team
moved forward with the MCV as their mobile cover, after fighting their way through
a multitude of soldiers and Grimm alike they finally arrive at Ruby's position.
Heavily injured as Weiss, Blake and Yang helped her the best they could with
whatever supplies they have left._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Over here! She
need help, now!"},"570635522372927492":{"u":1,"t":1556120510429,"m":"Gift - Ruby My
sweet heart, I'm here for you."},"570637015058481152":
{"u":0,"t":1556120866313,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Gift! Glad you're here,
we just helped send Argus' last group of survivors to the Naval Base and fought our
way up here. We're supposed to get to the radar site and use it to transmit a
jamming signal at the White Fang's 33rd Carrier Strike Group just 250 klicks
outside of Argus, in the open sea. But they got the site destroyed before we got
there. \n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> We went to Central and restocked there for a
while. And that's where we found a group of gun nuts who just happened to be there
to \"live out their last moments\" dying for Atlas. They're safe at the naval base
now.\n\n_The two continued to tell Gift how they madr their way up to the Arc
Family House until Ruby raised a hand. Silencing
them._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm, ugh... I'm thirsty... really
thirsty..\n\n_A medic from the MCV noticed that Ruby is profusely bleeding from a
recently cauterized wound of what's left of both of her legs._\n\nMedic: She's
going into shock, you two! Patch her up and get her inside our vehicle
now!","te":1556120993631},"570637789624926223":{"u":1,"t":1556121050984,"m":"Gift -
Cap, AST suit?\nCaptain Gift - Here!\n(Gift wear AST )\nGift - I will cover you my
sweet heart,These bastard are mine."},"570639204917313578":
{"u":0,"t":1556121388416,"m":"Riley: We got incoming! Grimm! Twelve o'clocl on the
building in front of us, second floor!\n\n_She switches her sword's mode to the
rifle mode, firing away at the beowolves ahead while Weiss and Blake helped Ruby up
the vehicle. Yang rushed in headfirst as she instantly pulverized an Alpha Beowolf
with her \"Solar Flare\" arm prosthetic. Having used up all of its ammunition she
discarded it before summonning a new one._\n\nNero: I like her.\n\nDante: Hey, get
focused! We need to get those freaks off of the fancy tank behind
us!\n\nV: ..."},"570640168818704405":{"u":1,"t":1556121618228,"m":"Gift - I will
never break my promise that i give to my sweet heart,Cap tell Commander to send
offensive Clawer.\nCaptain Gift - Got it."},"570640881837670401":
{"u":0,"t":1556121788225,"m":"_As Cap is about to call in another Clawer. Gift,
Riley and the trio are dragged into the Clawer they hitched a ride by
Weiss._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> They got Ruby in the infirmary, she's
stable. We're good to go! Yang's already manning the gunner's
station."},"570641183966101534":{"u":1,"t":1556121860258,"m":"Gift - (out from AST)
What are we gonna do next Sweet heart?"},"570642174731878413":
{"u":0,"t":1556122096475,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> We go back to Atlas, just
like the usual. The Government Countil has finally permitted us access to the Relic
of Creation. But with us fighting one another we won't be able to make
peace...\n\n_Suddenly, the group find themselves standing in a field of golden
grass. A man with golden antlers then approaches them before reintroducing himself
to the team._\n\nGod of Light: And here we meet again, Gift. And Riley. I trust you
that you have all remained well, except our dear Miss Rose. Injured, but not on the
brink of death."},"570642610595561503":{"u":1,"t":1556122200393,"m":"Gift - But
that doesn't mean i can't cure her.\n(Use healing power)"},"570644935787675672":
{"u":0,"t":1556122754762,"m":"God of Light: Riley has already done that. Now
listen, from now on, you will be on your own. I've helped you enough, it is time
that you now continue to fight on your own, in your own path, your own destiny. And
aside from that, we have decided that should humanity be reunited without
instigating more conflict, we shall no longer live among you, but to exist as
statues amd other mememtos that will remind you of our existence and our work in
building the planet of Remnant.\n\nYou already have access to the two relics, now
it is up to you and your kind to find the other two, use it to recreate the only
weapon that can truly put a stop to Salem's curse, our curse, of
immortality.\n\n_He prepares to leave, but stopped in his track and gave him the
Emblem of the Light. A single, tear-shaped Dust crystal necklsde._\n\nGod of Light:
Take this, and remember us. Goodbye...\n\n_He slowly faded away into nothingness as
the environment around him now changed to the interior of the
Clawer._"},"570645426009538588":{"u":1,"t":1556122871640,"m":"Gift - I can do it
with my four sweet heart."},"570646774352576519":{"u":0,"t":1556123193110,"m":"_He
finds himself sitting next to Ruby's patient bed. Her legs now regrown. Riley sits
on the other side of the bed, completely exhausted but still
awake._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> So, he won't be with us anymore...\nRiley:
Hope he really meant what he was saying though, the fact that we've met him is
weird enough. \n\nNow we meet him again and this time he's leaving Salem behind for
us to deal with... God damnit, I'm not a fucking walking weapon, we all aren't.
We're just people with powers, powers strong enough to only slow her down. Now, if
you'll excuse me, I need a moment to myself.\n\n_She produces a vape pen filled
with THC-based solution before leaving the infirmary._"},"570647219611500544":
{"u":1,"t":1556123299268,"m":"Gift - (hug Ruby) specially you Ruby my sweet heart,
if i lost her i don't know what to do now."},"570647809720844288":
{"u":0,"t":1556123439961,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> If anything happens to
her...\n\n_She cracked her knuckles as puffs of steam poured out of holes on the
Solar Flare prosthetic arm. She kept cracking her knuckles until the arm cools down
before sending it to standard use
mode._\n\n:<<:Yang:501508636879749121>502209217395163136> They're gonna
pay."},"570648088386076682":{"u":1,"t":1556123506400,"m":"Gift - I know she also
your sweet heart Yang, and you also my sweet heart."},"570648790810361859":
{"u":0,"t":1556123673871,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> We're getting to the
Mansion, of what used to be the Mansion...\n\n_From the window, the Schnee Mansion
has taken extensive damage with most of the outer \"Miracle Mile\" defense lines
breached while the Menhir inner rings were extensively damaged. Four Horus units
are seen scaling the mansion, fixing it._"},"570649187780263937":
{"u":1,"t":1556123768516,"m":"Gift - Outer Defence line got heavy damage but inner
take less than outer."},"570649438976999445":
{"u":0,"t":1556123828406,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> That's because those on
the outer rings are penal units. Prisoners turned soldiers, they'd left the post
the moment we left them behind.."},"570649855450546177":
{"u":1,"t":1556123927701,"m":"Gift - If outer defence still take damage like this
maybe they will know how to break all of our defence."},"570650193951850507":
{"u":0,"t":1556124008406,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> That's what happens you
put prisoners, con artists, theives, drug dealers, gang bangers and just crooks in
general in a makeshift base, gave them bad gear and expect them to fight like
heroes."},"570650362919518236":{"u":1,"t":1556124048691,"m":"Gift - That's what we
gonna upgrade."},"570650425787940874":{"u":1,"t":1556124063680,"m":"To make that
better."},"570650573993541642":{"u":0,"t":1556124099015,"m":"Clawer Pilot: We're
going to land. Got no landing gear too.. brace for landing!"},"570650773147353090":
{"u":1,"t":1556124146497,"m":"Gift - Switch to hovercraft
{"u":0,"t":1556124368329,"m":"Pilot: Roger. Gonna hover over the entrsnce so you
guys can go.\n\n_The cargo door opens as Ruby stepped outside first followed by
Weiss, Blake, and Yang. Riley, as per usual made her way to her office before
logging in and beginning her latest report._"},"570651915268915200":
{"u":1,"t":1556124418800,"m":"Gift - Hold on a second, i will get
weapon."},"570652515109044234":{"u":0,"t":1556124561813,"m":"_Gift makes his way to
the armory as a Jackson, the quartermaster promptly gave him a large supply
box._\n\nJackson: Enjoy looking through the items and throwing away most of the
junk, sir!"},"570652792772100096":{"u":1,"t":1556124628013,"m":"Gift
- (Get Blades of Chaos) Miss me sweet heart?"},"570653297807982592":
{"u":0,"t":1556124748423,"m":"_The blades glowed bright orange in response nefote
adhering themselves on his uniform. Satisfied he kept the blades there and gave the
Lomg Range Strategic Strike Group's office a visit. After that he went for his
training and spent most of the day resting and overseeing base
operations._"},"570653708661293076":{"u":1,"t":1556124846378,"m":"Gift - From that
day, it been so long since first time i'm here, i don't know why this feeling is
back."},"570654096705716284":{"u":0,"t":1556124938895,"m":"Kratos: The past can
never be forgotten, for it id made to be there to remind us of what we were, and
who we are now.\n\n_Kratos rested his right hand on Gift's left shoulder. Showing a
sign of respect before walking back to his quarters._"},"570654600403615744":
{"u":1,"t":1556125058986,"m":"Gift - (Gift's eyes turn to silver) I'm General Gift,
I'm a chosen warrior and soldier."},"570656410891714564":
{"u":0,"t":1556125490640,"m":"Freya: And now, we will finish this.
Together."},"570656514487091212":{"u":1,"t":1556125515339,"m":"Gift - To the
end."},"570656729046712350":{"u":0,"t":1556125566494,"m":"Freya: Now rest, there
are things that have yet to be done..."},"570656877319290910":
{"u":1,"t":1556125601845,"m":"Gift - I will go for my sweet heart
Ruby."},"570657993050554389":{"u":0,"t":1556125867856,"m":"(Gonna wrap this up for
now, let's continue later. Rest well, General!)"},"570996870298599505":
{"u":1,"t":1556206794344,"m":"Sargent Gift - Woah! what a nice weapon.\nGift - I
have use it before and now i'm gonna go for Ruby my little sweet heart.\nSargent
Gift - I hope you will use this weapon in the battle.\nGift - Sure! i will use
it."},"570997731267575808":{"u":0,"t":1556206867759,"m":"_As Gift goes into crew
rest, Riley and her entire wing is immediately summoned for an emergency meeting at
The Ring of Fire, a vernacular for the recently refurbished Atlesian Continuity of
Govetnment facility buried deep underneath the Schnee
Mansion._"},"570998898072748041":{"u":0,"t":1556207145947,"m":"Comms Officer:
BeaconCentCom just chopped us a message. Not a Top Cat but a Black
Quartz..\n\n_Another officer relays the information datalink to the rest of
Remnant's government councils as they all linked into Site Charlie Echo, Atlas'
designated Continuity of Government facility built as a part of Remnant's 'Zero
Dawn' global terraformation system-turned-global defense system._\n\n_As he is
about to reach the door to Ruby's room, Gift finds himself dragged literally by
Ruby herself.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> BeaconCentCom just sent us all a Black
Quartz message. It's an urgent one, we gotra be at Site Charlie Echo
now."},"570999225316540436":{"u":1,"t":1556207223968,"m":"Gift - Sound like we
gonna have a hard work again."},"571001496699928606":
{"u":0,"t":1556207765508,"m":"_After three whole minutes of constant dragging, they
arrived at Site Charlie Echo's entrance nested deep within Arklay Heights. The gate
hissed loudly as it depressurizes before opening. Revealing the barren, yet well-
maintained internals of the repurposed Zero Dawn Project Facility now filled with
people._\n\nAloy: Finally! There you are, I thought you wouldn't be here. Right
when Atlas revealed to you that you guys now have permission to use the Relic of
Creation my fleet of machines went rogue and ate about half of Mistral's natural
resources, Grimm included. Luckily GAIA took over before the bots all went rogue
and are now re-seeding Mistral again. \n\nYou guys missed out on the juicy intel
we just got but most of everything that happened here is a total load of bullcrap.
Just pure bureaucratic B.S. and some drama involving monkeys trapped in a cage as a
lure for Grimm.\n\n_She guides the two to the reception lounge where they find the
entirety of Task Force 141 enjoying themselves to whatever the servitors of Site
Charlie Echo has to offer._\n\nSoap: Oi, Gift! Where the hell've you been? You just
missed out on when the reps of Atlas and Vale beat the crap out of one another.
Here, have a smoke.\n\n_He tosses Gift a lit cigar before returning to his seat.
Enjoying himself to some of Kratos' share of Lemnos' finest
wine._"},"571001954944155668":{"u":1,"t":1556207874762,"m":"Gift - Thanks Soap
(Grab Blades of Chaos) i hope my skill of this still same."},"571003543579000864":
{"u":0,"t":1556208253522,"m":"Price: Son, now ain't the time to be showing blades
to folks around here. Keep it and listen to this. The High Council of Menagerie
just reported that there is a civil war going on there and that we're all going to
be sent there to stop the fight. But, with the KVA breathing on our asses with
Cinder leading it, it ain't happening until- wait...\n\n_His Focus updates with the
official confirmation of the change of the KVA'S current leader to a Commander
Akeel. Later identified as Commander Akeel Min Riah Jr. The son of the notorious
Akeel Min Riah of the Settlement Defense Front._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Commander Akeel Min Riah Jr?...\n\n_As the group tuned in on their Focuses, Reyes
stepped in_\n\nReyes: I know the guy, he now leads the KVA while Cinder returns to
sabotaging things with Watts. Good news is that we now have a new member, and
she... is joining you guys.\n\n_From the facility gate is seen a small, petite
woman in her early years walking through the checkpoints with three escorts. She
waved the escorts away before apporaching Ruby. Upon taking a closer look Gift
finally realizes who the woman is. Neo... he thought as he stared her
down._"},"571005846746693672":{"u":0,"t":1556208802640,"m":"_Neo, after thoroughly
staring both Gift and Ruby down. Unsheathed her umbrella handle, revealing a blade
attached to it and swiped it across Ruby's face. Missing her left eye by mere
?"},"569902438103121920":{"u":0,"t":1555945729519,"m":"_But deep within the
mansion's basement rooms lies Watts, now working his way to sabotage the launch
mechanisms of the Arsenal Birds currently stored within one of
Atlas' \"subterranean\" airbases built into the lower depths of the flying
city._\n\nWatts: Just a few more code blocks and I'll be done with
this.\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> There isn't enough time, the longer you stay
the more exposed you become in their network.\n\n_As he continues to work on
hacking into Atlas' defense net a pop-up message shows up on his Focus. \"ATLAS
shuts down his Focus' Hacking Module before running for the exit._\n\nWatts: We're
done here, now let's get back to Salem."},"569902884175740938":
{"u":1,"t":1555945835871,"m":"Gift - i think i have hide in some corner that never
have anyone seen, All i need to do is wait."},"569903811603333140":
{"u":0,"t":1555946056987,"m":"_While Gift hides in a corner on Ruby's quarters,
from his view she is seen reading a novel he couldn't make out the title. She gets
up and checked her bedside table before picking out a brightly colored envelope,
curious, she rips it open and read the note inside
it._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Aww, well... I love you too, as a brother!
\n\n_She turns around to the corner as she used her Focus to locate Gift's
position. Having found hid hiding spot she turns it off before literally dragging
him out._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gotcha, hehe!"},"569904645120720908":
{"u":1,"t":1555946255713,"m":"Gift - Hm... Seem i can't hide from you
huh?"},"569905001166798879":{"u":0,"t":1555946340601,"m":"_In all of a sudden, Ruby
gave him a light kiss on the lips._"},"569905489694031898":
{"u":1,"t":1555946457075,"m":"Gift - (Hug Ruby) As you see in that letter, I will
take care you till my last breath, I love you my little
{"u":0,"t":1555946729780,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Love you too,
Gift!\n\n_She hugs him again before wishing him good
night._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's getting late now, better hit the bunk
and be ready for tomorrow. I'll be on guard tonight, Weiss had her right arm
snapped by a Corrupter, still in the sick bay."},"569907687265927168":
{"u":1,"t":1555946981017,"m":"Gift - Okey but wait..... Every time i always take
care of you but why tonight you're take care of me? or have anything
{"u":0,"t":1555947172447,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Just trying to keep on
doing what mom does best, taking care of people. Now go, I gotta get to the
airfield quick."},"569909574316851231":{"u":1,"t":1555947430925,"m":"Gift - Alright
i better take some rest but before i go (Kiss Ruby on the lips)\nI can't sleep if
i'm not kiss my little sister before i sleep, because if i don't i will not have
anything to warm my heart before i sleep."},"569909729065959464":
{"u":0,"t":1555947467820,"m":"_From Ruby's Focus are multiple messages listed as
Code Blacks._"},"569911194392068111":{"u":1,"t":1555947817181,"m":"Gift - Sarge!
Are you alright to be guard tonight?\nSargent Gift - Sure! I will do with
Commander.\nGift - Okey if have anything happen tell Cap, Copy?\nSargent Gift -
Copy that.\nGift - (in his mind) I can't believe this did she kiss me on my lips?
Maybe she love me so much."},"569912267051761665":{"u":0,"t":1555948072923,"m":"_As
he was about to return to his room, Cossette approaches him with a Senata M3 PDW,
still in her nightgown with Riley and her Dustcalibur._\n\nCossette: Gift, Ruby
just reported a security breach in Olara Air Force Base. Code Black, the agents
left before she could apprehend them but she's in bad shape.
C'mon!"},"569912497365319710":{"u":1,"t":1555948127834,"m":"Gift - Got it! Cap on
me.\nCaptain Gift - Roger."},"569913522709069844":
team, along with a platoon of soldiers still in their boxers arrive at the airbase
to find Ruby sitting on a bench while three medics surround her, treating her burn
injuries. One of the medicd approaches Gift, still grabbing a piece of Ruby's burnt
combat suit. The medic is then identified from his Focus as Zussman._\n\nZussman:
General, those bastards got into Atlas's defense net but Ruby managed to hold them
off, but the net still remains breached. She's stabilized, seems like whatever
Riley gave her saved her..."},"569914229428322306":
{"u":1,"t":1555948540790,"m":"Gift - Thanks to her, I'm glad you alright little
sis, i worry did you got any injured, let me take care of you
{"u":0,"t":1555948701647,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Those bastards... _cough_,
they got the net down along with the Birds. They ran away before I could get them,
but Cinder got me real good, fought me in a combat suit reeking with The
Corruption....\n\n_Ruby gave him a piece of Cinder's combat suit, still sparkling
with Metalburn and red dust residues. Streams of Corruption, a result of mixing
Metalburn with raw red dust slowly emanates from it._"},"569915721954492417":
{"u":1,"t":1555948896636,"m":"Gift - Take some rest i will with you tonight little
sis, Daniel Check all area i will take my little sister to
rest."},"569915982844526592":{"u":0,"t":1555948958837,"m":"Daniels: Roger, Riley,
Zuss, Pierson, and I will check for tangos. But Ironwood wants to see you now, he's
already at the Mansion waiting for you."},"569916416468320267":
{"u":1,"t":1555949062221,"m":"Gift - Thanks Daniel, Come on little sis, maybe
(Suddenly he carry Ruby)\nI will take care you, always."},"569918163630948382":
{"u":0,"t":1555949478777,"m":"_Gift then carries Ruby back to the Mansion. After
having sent her to the infirmary he meets Ironwood at his office._\n\nIronwood:
Glad to have you here, Gift. The sabotage attempts were caught up in the secondary
network we have been using currently, the network they've cracked was the defunct
one used as a decoy network to lure potential hackers, and here we are... a traitor
within our doorsteps trapped inside a network they can never get out
of."},"569918513569988609":{"u":1,"t":1555949562209,"m":"Gift - And they hurt my
little sister, she said she seen Cinder."},"569919027087015946":
{"u":0,"t":1555949684641,"m":"Ironwood: She was here, and managed to singlehandedly
take down a Horus unit trying to intercept and capture her. \n\n_As the two talked,
gunshots can be heard from the distance as civil warning sirens began to power up.
Blaring warning tones from their speakers._"},"569919225326600203":
{"u":1,"t":1555949731905,"m":"Gift - Daniel, What happen?"},"569921325544767488":
{"u":0,"t":1555950232636,"m":"Daniels: Got White Fang troops trying to take the
airfield. Aloy's Stormbirds and Glinthawks took care of those fuckers and scared
them shitless, General. They've never seen those before."},"569922051926786058":
{"u":1,"t":1555950405819,"m":"Gift - You're right Daniel, They never seen before
Sarge will patrol the base, i have to take care my sweet
Roger."},"569923746782117889":{"u":1,"t":1555950809904,"m":"Gift - Take rest Ruby
my sweet heart and you will be alright soon."},"569925460473937930":
{"u":0,"t":1555951218480,"m":"(I'm getting a bit tired, let's continue later... and
sorry...)"},"569925706889428995":{"u":1,"t":1555951277230,"m":"(I understand Good
night Commander)"},"570618261922775070":{"u":1,"t":1556116395217,"m":"In the
morning Ruby wake up and see her brother sleep next to her."},"570620621009059850":
{"u":0,"t":1556116957667,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Huh, first the midnight
kiss, now this...\n\n_She thought, slowly getting up from her bunk trying not to
wake Gift up. She began her morning routine until 0800hrs where she promptly
received a Sky Caster message._\n\n_She then returned to her quarters as she woke
him up by poking her finger at his cheek._"},"570620898479046667":
{"u":1,"t":1556117023821,"m":"Gift - Huh? Get up already, my sweet
{"u":0,"t":1556117230865,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yup, time to get to work,
as usual.\n\n_She hands him a copy of the message she'd taken from the comms
officer before leaving for the main hall, situated in the Mansion's reception
hall._"},"570622535406977035":{"u":1,"t":1556117414095,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey!
Gift have some thing romance with Ruby again?\nGift - Hey! Sarge i um.... always do
it and i'm call her \"Sweet heart\" now.\nSargent Gift - Um.... i see so get up, we
have work to do.\nGift - Got it Sarge."},"570623154016354314":
{"u":0,"t":1556117561583,"m":"_As the two walked into the main hall, they find
themselves standing in tbe midst of soldiers and officers alike scrambling to their
posts. Confused, Gift apporaches one of the soldiers identified by his Focus as
Private Foulke._\n\n_The private stops dead in his track, dropping his box of 30mm
ammunition in the process before saluting the general._"},"570623233032847360":
{"u":0,"t":1556117580422,"m":"Pvt. Foulke: General!"},"570623361814888451":
{"u":1,"t":1556117611126,"m":"Gift - Greeting Private, Have anything
update?"},"570623916851068963":{"u":0,"t":1556117743457,"m":"Pvt. Foulke: Sir,
we've just received a message from BeaconCentCom, the situation now is at DEFCON
Two. Fast Pace, sir. We're prepping for another KVA-White Fang coalition force
invasion. And that Argus has been hit hard,
sir.","te":1556117756547},"570624395622481922":{"u":1,"t":1556117857605,"m":"Gift -
Is there have any place in Argus that we didn't build
defence?"},"570625111116349455":{"u":0,"t":1556118028192,"m":"Pvt. Foulke: Cinder's
attempts in breaking through our defence net were redirected to Argus' instead.
Sir, they're down to their last men and that they're now strongpointing the Vincent
Tiedemann Naval Base as their last stand.\n\n_A sharp explosion is heard outside,
interrupting their conversation. A whistle is heard sounding an attack as a
multitude of soldiers rushed out to their positions within the Mansion. Manning
their designated defensive lines._"},"570625320223506470":
{"u":1,"t":1556118078047,"m":"Gift - Recon 4 What happen
{"u":0,"t":1556118394458,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> _coughing_ Gift! They've
got Menhir Six! Two, Four, One, and Ten are still holding but they won't last long!
Nora took a shot to the head, she's still in rec. I'm here with Pyrrha and Ren on
Menhir One! Need support now!\n\n_From his video feed, Jaune is seen fending off a
swarm of mass-producex KVA general infantry bots while Pyrrha lay waste to the
oncoming swarm attacking Menhir Four with her polarity manipulation. Crumpling them
into a giant wrecking ball before sending it flying to a rogue
{"u":1,"t":1556118641400,"m":"Gift - Sarge,Cap We need to support them ASAP,
Commander time to try Our MCV Mark VII \"Clawer\".\nCommander Gift - Which class do
you want this time?\nGift - Defence Clawer.\nCommander Gift - Got it, Clawer's Drop
pot will arrive when you get to the area.\nGift - Thanks
Commander."},"570629878907404298":{"u":0,"t":1556119164922,"m":"_While Gift deploys
his new fleet of mobile construction vehicles against the hostiles, in Argus, Team
RWBY is seen escorting a band of survivors to the Tidemann Naval Base for
evacuation._\n\n_Along their way to the base they encounter the Grimm and WF/KVA
troops alike. Taking cover behind a pillar lies Ruby, having took a round to the
stomach, injured. She discards her Crescent Rose and switched to her pistol. The
Crescent Rose now having dematerialized into fine dust, returning to her
experimental Advanced Field Weapons Storage and Resupply System integrated as a
part of her newly issued armor kit._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Weiss, pop us a
shield and use it to give those survivors some cover.
\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> On it, Rubes. You sure you're good? That shot
almost tore a hole through you..\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Just do it, Weiss.
I'll be fine, now get the shield up!","te":1556119227336},"570630430248927283":
{"u":1,"t":1556119296372,"m":"Gift - Sarge Give me Minigun.\nSargent Gift - Got
it!\nGift - (Get minigun) I'm coming My Sweet heart."},"570630991199076369":
{"u":0,"t":1556119430113,"m":"_As he ran for his vertibird, Riley stops
him._\n\nRiley: You ain't going to Argus, Gift. I'm sorry. This time we need to
split up, Atlas itself has been taking too many hits and half of their government
council personnel are either dead or evacuated to the Arklay Heights. I'll get them
back here, Gift. I promise. But this time Atlas needed someone who could leat their
military to victory... not just easy wins.\n\n_She furtively wiped away a tear
before taking to the sky, on her way to
{"u":1,"t":1556119547732,"m":"Gift - No I can't left my sweet heart there, Sarge
stay here.\nSargent Gift - What are you doing?\nGift - The thing that brother
should do."},"570632312971329546":{"u":0,"t":1556119745248,"m":"_Sarge, not wishing
to stop him escorted him to his jet. Joining Riley in the sky, now on his way to
Argus._\n\n_He lands on top of the ruins of Argus Central, now turned into an
ammunitiom stockpile. Determined to find Team RWBY he began his journey to Grid
GRG-P0015, labeled as Arc Family Home on his Focus._\n\n_Soon enough he finds Riley
fighting off Grimm with Dante, Nero, and V at Pyrrha's statue, miraculously spared
from the ballistic missile strikes that decimated much of Argus._\n\nRiley: Gift, I
told you to stay back! What the hell are you doing
- Commander, Where's my MCV?\n(MCV Drop pot drop in front of Gift)\nGDI's EVA
- Deployment successful General, Waiting for next command."},"566336386861367306":
{"u":1,"t":1555095516649,"m":"Gift - That is my relationship between me and Ruby,
Like i'm her brother."},"566337606527221760":{"u":0,"t":1555095807440,"m":"Riley:
Get a room, Gift! And, uh, I gotta go. Have to finish this AAR and have it sent to
BeacomCentCom or else my ass is gonna get sacked to solitary.\n\n_Riley teasingly
pinched at Gift's suit before making her way back to her quarters, leaving Jacob,
Gift, Aloy, and Ruby behind._"},"566338069863727203":
{"u":1,"t":1555095917908,"m":"Gift - Maybe i will take some rest after
this."},"566338352283123722":{"u":9,"t":1555095985242,"m":"Jacob: I ought to move
on outta here, I don't wanna be a burden on you any more than I already
have.\n\n*He picked up his staff and his pack and got himself ready to
leave*"},"566338772027834378":{"u":1,"t":1555096085317,"m":"Gift - Hey! Jacob, if
you going to leave, take care yourself and be careful out
there."},"566339453388324874":{"u":0,"t":1555096247766,"m":"_Riley suddenly
appeared in front of him as she handed him her trusty weapon as a parting
gift._\n\nRiley: Are you sure you're not staying with us? Well, if you're not, theb
take this. I built it myself, still has the blueprints for
it."},"566340648094138399":{"u":1,"t":1555096532606,"m":"(Outside locker
room)\nSargent Gift - Why did he take so long?\nCaptain Gift - Maybe Gift have
some thing romance with Ruby.\nCommander Gift - Oh! Come on! You know he always do
this with her since he is at Beacon.\nCaptain Gift - Seem like their relationship
is better.\nSargent Gift - Yeah! that's right.\nCommander Gift - Do you think he is
going back to his room?\nCaptain Gift - I think yes because he seem tried.\nSargent
Gift - Seem yes."},"566341017440354336":{"u":9,"t":1555096620665,"m":"Jacob: You
want me to stay?\n\n**He looked a little confused as to how Riley had got in front
of him so fast**"},"566341276086042645":{"u":1,"t":1555096682331,"m":"Gift - I
think yes."},"566341504763822090":{"u":0,"t":1555096736852,"m":"Riley: Well, if you
wanted to... I'm not forcing you to stay, though."},"566341781533360139":
{"u":9,"t":1555096802839,"m":"Jacob: As much as I'd love to, it's always just been
me and.... My.... Team.... \n\n**He broke down, staring at the tags in his
hand**"},"566341981643735040":{"u":1,"t":1555096850549,"m":"Gift - What's happen
with them?"},"566342295155245086":{"u":0,"t":1555096925296,"m":"Riley: Hey, I know
how it feels, I've lost those who I fought with, trained with. And even my lover.
C'mere.\n\n_She embraced Jacob as she holds him tightly in her
arms._"},"566342370749055007":{"u":9,"t":1555096943319,"m":"Jacob: Thanks... You're
a real help..."},"566343208527855616":{"u":0,"t":1555097143061,"m":"Riley: I'm
happy to help, after all, it's my... no, wait. Our duty to help those in need,
including you.\n\n_She gives him a small pendant bearing the Andersen Family
emblem, in the shape of a shield._\n\nRiley: Here, this may not be much, but the
powers this pendant holds can save you when you needed it most. Until we meet
again, Jacob. Now go, do what you need to do."},"566343402396844038":
{"u":1,"t":1555097189283,"m":"Gift - We will not anyone behind, Right
Riley?"},"566343555925278750":{"u":0,"t":1555097225887,"m":"Aloy: I've prepped
escorts, three Corruptors, two Deathbringers and a Horus. Should be
enough."},"566343652889198592":{"u":0,"t":1555097249005,"m":"Riley: No, we won't,
Gift. We never will."},"566344918851649537":{"u":9,"t":1555097550834,"m":"Jacob:
Then, I want to help you. I don't know how I can, but I want to. After all, it's
what they would have wanted."},"566345152483033090":
{"u":0,"t":1555097606536,"m":"Riley: Right then... follow me, it's time I introduce
you to the people you'll be fighting alongside in a mission to save this
planet."},"566345741728219136":{"u":0,"t":1555097747023,"m":"_She gestured for
Jacob to follow her as she started walking her way down the airstrip to one of the
outposts built within Mansion grounds. A sign hung above the door says \"Task Force
141, Valean Special Force Operational Detachment Delta 'Wreckin' Red' Commanding
Outpost Sigma\"_","te":1571340707453},"566346092388679684":
{"u":9,"t":1555097830627,"m":"*He followed her quietly, weapon clanking on his
back*"},"566346811841970176":{"u":0,"t":1555098002158,"m":"_Riley then opened the
door as Captain Price ordered him to come inside._\n\nPrice: You must be that guy
who fought one of the Mimics, come on in. Time to introduce you to the finest, and
deadliest combat force to ever exist. The Task Force One-Four-
hate to say this, but I gotta go...)"},"566347286838509601":
{"u":9,"t":1555098115406,"m":"Jacob: It's a pleasure to meet you all, well,
considering the situation anyway.\n(OK, see ya)"},"566347350407249936":
{"u":0,"t":1555167053238,"m":"<@481693633951694848> you up?"},"567000992717996033":
{"u":1,"t":1555253971033,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey! I heard you have some romance
with Ruby.\nGift - Oh! Come on! Just Um.... Alright you
right."},"567001499545370627":{"u":0,"t":1555254091870,"m":"_While Price continues
to introduce Jacob to his unit, Riley, wishing to finish her After-action Report
retreated to her office. Upon entering her office she finds Yang, completely
covered in green goo._"},"567002125616545804":{"u":1,"t":1555254241137,"m":"Gift -
You know that's the thing that brother should do.\nSargent Gift - But you do like
she is your wife.\nGift - Hey! Don't even talk about that, i just too much worry i
can't live without Ruby."},"567002481066901504":
{"u":0,"t":1555254325883,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Considering how you've
been closely, and I quote, _closely_ observing her during trainings and such. I
belive that you're getting more... attached to her. Gift. No
{"u":1,"t":1555254454537,"m":"Gift - Not just only Ruby, You,Blake and Yang, If i
don't have you four i can't live.","te":1555254476032},"567003847546109972":
{"u":0,"t":1555254651677,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> And that's exactly why
we'll never let you down.\n\n_She embraces him as Blake went to her quarters along
with Ruby, getting their well-earned rest. Back in Riley's office, she finally
finishes cleanimg Yang of the nano-haze eating away at her suit._\n\nRiley: How
come you'd gotten yourself covered in N-Blaze?\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> It's a
dare, Riley. The person who could last 24 hours in N-Blaze wins fifteen thousand
Lien.."},"567004658485297153":{"u":1,"t":1555254845020,"m":"Gift - Woah! This room
is so cold, My heart is getting freeze, What should i do
{"u":0,"t":1555255099499,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I'll... I'll leave that
to your discretion, gotta go for The Pit. \n\n_She leaves for The Pit, wishing to
practice her skills. Gift then left for his quarters
afterwards._"},"567006809060147200":{"u":0,"t":1555255357757,"m":"_Now at his
quarters, Gift begins to work on his report while the rest of his team breaks off
for their respective quarters. Halfway through the report he receives a call from
BeaconCentCom, labeled as \"Priority Class: Top Cat
Bravo.\"_"},"567007830088089621":{"u":1,"t":1555255601189,"m":"Gift - Um.. maybe
Weiss is practice hard for her skill after that time, I wish Ruby is come and hug
behind me."},"567008474475659265":{"u":0,"t":1555255754823,"m":"_The notification
continues to ring, however the caller ID changes quickly to Ruby's profile picture
as a message appears on the screen._\n\n_\"BeaconCentCom sent you a message in the
Comms Terminal, come pick it up! It's a Top Cat Bravo, so make it quick! Love,
Rubes.\" It reads._"},"567009106674712582":{"u":1,"t":1555255905551,"m":"Gift - How
cute is my little sister, Alright i'm coming for ya."},"567011130916995115":
{"u":0,"t":1555256388168,"m":"_As he makes his way to the Communications Terminal,
he finds groups after groups of personnel manning their respective consoles in
specific sections._\n\n_One of the section's signs reads \"Earth-Remnant
Communication Terminal Node - Tau.\" A personnel immediately tossed Gift a folder,
as he picked it up, the folder's cover reads \"FLASH SECRET: DISPOSE IMMEDIATELY
ONCE READ\"_\n\nComm Personnel: General! There you are, Baseplate relayed this
message just for you. I won't be spilling the beans out for you but the message
meant real trouble. Have a look, sir."},"567011361620492288":
{"u":1,"t":1555256443172,"m":"Gift - Alright, let see what's
write."},"567013531665563650":{"u":0,"t":1555256960551,"m":"_The message
immediately shows up on his newly issued Focus unit._\n\n_\"MSG/DT:
XX00121X1\"_\n_\"MSG: To General Gift, and Task Force One-Four-One, this is an
emergency message sent from an automated message relay system. Information in
regards with Salem and her continued research in the integration of captured Human
and Machine war assets have lead to speculations that she may have been in contact
with a number of WHITE FANG sleeper agents deployed within the ranks of the
Atlesian Armed Forces._\n\n_Recommend immediate internal investigation and
elimination of such agents. If possible, extract information in regards of WHITE
FANG sleeper cell locations within Atlas._\n\n_As of now, no new WHITE FANG attacks
have been recorded although troop movements within Vacuo and Vale is on the rise.
Recommend immediate deployment of spy agents on two of the continents._\n\n_Should
there be any further updates, do not hesitate to make direct contact with the
United Nations Space Alliance's Interplanetary Peacekeeping Division. Agent Summer
Rose, out.\"_\n\n_MSG ENDS HERE, DISPOSE AT
- Sound we got a trouble."},"567014659371040778":
{"u":0,"t":1555257229417,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Sounds like they're
getting desperate, troop movements within Vacuo? That place is filled to the brim
with bandits and crooks. They wouldn't even make it through the continent, but
Vale? They'd be decimated...\n\n_Aloy barges into the office as she brings in
another report, this time reading it out for everyone within the Terminal to listen
to._\n\nAloy: Special report, Agent Summer Rose is en route to Atlas. Expected time
to arrival is... fifteen mikes max."},"567016563169951784":
{"u":1,"t":1555257945857,"m":"Gift - Roger that, Sarge get in position.\nSargent
Gift - Copy."},"567020289334968340":
{"u":1,"t":1555261219750,"m":"Gift - Dear Ruby my little sister i have some hard
day but i don't give up because i have you and your friend no we're a family now
that they always keep me fighting and complete a mission, i always take care you
all as i'm your brother Love, Gift Your Nice brother."},"569900186495746049":
{"u":1,"t":1555945192694,"m":"Gift - And Alright, maybe she will read all i need to
do is get this letter to Ruby's table and hide, i think that easy than i
thought."},"569900501634646047":{"u":0,"t":1555945267829,"m":"_Gift, having
finished writing the letter placed it on her bedside table before leaving to his
quarters._"},"566317506134933544":{"u":1,"t":1555091015133,"m":"Gift - some running
away? Not today FEEL THE SUN!!(Fire Arrow from very long
range)"},"566318237080354826":{"u":0,"t":1555091189404,"m":"_Riley, having spotted
the lone warrior standing his ground against the few remaining members immediately
rushes to his side with Ruby, Aloy, and Weiss. Ruby takes on the lead Mimic while
Aloy and Weiss tagteamed the other two. Riley then dragged the warrior back to
safety within the defense line as Gift joins the fray._\n\nRiley: I need a medic
over here, right now!\nZussman: Coming, Commander! Got some fresh frozen plasma
ready for use.\n\n_Riley sets the warrior down on a stretcher as she begins to
administer him Light Energy solutions into his body before focusing her vitakinesis
powers onto him while Zussman tends to his wounds._"},"566318443909873666":
{"u":9,"t":1555091238716,"m":"???: who....who are you
people?...."},"566318564840177665":{"u":1,"t":1555091267548,"m":"Gift - Identify
yourself."},"566318813319266304":{"u":9,"t":1555091326790,"m":"???: I'm...
Jacob...."},"566319596370657302":{"u":0,"t":1555091513484,"m":"Riley: You're going
to be safe, you hold your ground against the beasts. That's one hell of a feat to
achieve... Just rest, we'll patch you up.\n\n_Riley continues to administer her
vitakinesis powers onto him until Zussman finishes suturing the last of Jacob's
lacerations before putting him to rest, administering him a light dose of
anesthetics._\n\nZussman: You'll be fine, Jacob. Daniels! Stiles! Some help here,
will ya?!\n\nStiles: Coming, Zuss.\n\n_Zussman, Daniels, Stiles, and Aiello then
carry Jacob to the infirmary while soldiers rush to the defense lines, preparing
for another potential invasion._"},"566319910976880650":
{"u":9,"t":1555091588492,"m":"Jacob: I can't stop now... I can still
fight..."},"566319967075827744":{"u":1,"t":1555091601867,"m":"Gift - Okey maybe
(Activate Spartan's Rage) I will clear them."},"566319996591144981":
{"u":9,"t":1555091608904,"m":"*His missing arm said otherwise, but he didn't seem
to care*"},"566320307313442816":{"u":1,"t":1555091682986,"m":"Commander Gift -
Reinforcement have arrive.\nSargent Gift - Thanks Commander.\nCommander Gift -
Anytime Sarge."},"566321597678616587":{"u":0,"t":1555091990633,"m":"_\"Just rest,
dude. Can't fight without an arm missing and a million cuts all over your body.\"
Zussman administers Jacob another plasma dose as he is now placed on a patient's
bed, with Jacob now on the bed, medics surrounded him as they tend to his injuries
the best they can._\n\n_Outside the infirmary, Gift continues to fight the
remainders of the horde, now reduced only to mere beasts. The fight ends as the
last of the Mimics are killed and turned to fuel by a friendly
fiercely, but bleeding even more so, he admitted defeat and let the medics do their
work*"},"566322490847002625":{"u":1,"t":1555092203581,"m":"Gift - All
clear?\nCaptain Gift - Seem yes.\nGift - Regroup at my position, Turner report the
damage of our base."},"566324920208982026":{"u":0,"t":1555092782786,"m":"_Zussman,
having finished tending to Jacob's injuries leaves the infirmary and made a beeline
for the barracks. Back on the defense lines, Riley regrouped her squad as they all
made their way back inside the mansion, completely exhausted from the fighting
they've done._\n\nRiley: How much longer until Atlas finally allows us to secure
the Relic they stored in the Academy?\n\nIronwood: For now, the Relic in question
has been transferred to Rover-Pierson Peaks, the Atlesian Army's final stronghold
against the Grimm should we lose Atlas in the event of a city breach. A false copy
of the relic has been put in place as a deception to fool Salem into believing that
the false relic is the real one.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> So you have it
planned all along...\n\nIronwood: Precisely, Ruby. The Mimics that invaded is a
result of her lashing out in
{"u":9,"t":1555093033897,"m":"*A short while later, Jacob left the infirmary,
searching for anyone that remained of his old battlegroup. After a few hours, and a
string of dogtags, he gave in.*","te":1555093043015},"566326361505923093":
{"u":0,"t":1555093126418,"m":"_\"Looking for something, Jacob? You're supposed to
be on that bed, the solution I gave you is still in effect.\" Riley, still tending
to her sword-rifle hybrid spoke to him, nearly causing Jacob to drop the dogtags on
his hands._"},"566326636270583838":{"u":9,"t":1555093191927,"m":"Jacob: They're all
gone... Everyone gone..."},"566326692100964352":{"u":1,"t":1555093205238,"m":"Gift
- (Deactivate Devil Form) We must hold this position for a while.\nSargent Gift -
That's right.\nCaptain Gift - And we don't know how long.\nCommander Gift - Anyways
We must hold this position."},"566326913023475713":
{"u":1,"t":1555093257910,"m":"Gift - What does it mean Jacob? Your
{"u":0,"t":1555093341903,"m":"_Ruby enters the locker room, completely oblivious to
the situation. Upon seeing Jacob she stood still, trying to figure out who he
is._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Uh, I don't mean to be rude... but, who are
you?"},"566327423189254154":{"u":9,"t":1555093379543,"m":"Jacob: Names... Jacob....
You must be the famous Miss Rose"},"566327818452074514":
{"u":0,"t":1555093473781,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yes, sir. I'm Ruby, Ruby
Rose. In the flesh."},"566327936232194053":{"u":1,"t":1555093501862,"m":"(Outside
locker room) Gift - Cap,Commander wait here, I and Sarge will go for Ruby.\n(Inside
locker room)\nSargent Gift - That's hard mission.\nGift - That's just beginning
Sarge."},"566328198997082113":{"u":9,"t":1555093564510,"m":"Jacob: I don't mean to
joke, but do any of you know where the rest of my forearm
is?"},"566328580884267024":{"u":1,"t":1555093655559,"m":"Gift - Anyways Get ready
for incoming mission, i will go for my little sister.\nSargent Gift - Got it
mate."},"566328719921381376":{"u":0,"t":1555093688708,"m":"_Riley, not surprised by
the question revealed a box labeled \"HUMAN ORGAN, DO NOT THAW\" and placed it down
on the desk before opening the seal, revealing an intact human arm inside
it._\n\nRiley: Here's your arm, Jacob. But I don't know how you're going to attach
it back yourself, I can help you with that."},"566329271631740950":
{"u":9,"t":1555093820246,"m":"Jacob: Actually, it gives me a good excuse for an
upgrade. I've been tinkering with something for months but never knew what to do
with it. *He slung his pack to the ground and brought out a wooden box engraved
with E. E. Inside was a prosthetic arm that had been considerably modified from its
original form.*"},"566329396450033690":{"u":1,"t":1555093850005,"m":"Gift - Ruby,
Brother is back from the battlefield."},"566329642123001856":
{"u":0,"t":1555093908578,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift! It's so nice to see
you!\n\n_She hugs him, before diverting her attention to Jacob's prosthetic
arm._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Woah, that's SO cool..."},"566329855256297499":
{"u":0,"t":1555093959393,"m":"Riley: Wow, that's... impressive. Actually, it really
is."},"566330048823427082":{"u":1,"t":1555094005543,"m":"Gift - Seem like Nero's
Devil Breaker."},"566330382153285637":{"u":9,"t":1555094085015,"m":"Jacob: Thanks,
it's taken a while to get it to a stage where I can consider it combat ready,
especially after I sliced it in two during tests.\n*he pulled out a few tools and a
strange looking adapter*\nOnce I link this up to my nerves and merge it into my
biological body, I can attach the main arm through a very strong electromagnetic
coupling."},"566330640778264577":{"u":0,"t":1555094146676,"m":"Nero: That's just
like how my arm works, though it's a bit more science-y while mine's a bit...
devilish."},"566330741022261249":{"u":1,"t":1555094170576,"m":"Gift - That's right
Nero."},"566330884631035914":{"u":9,"t":1555094204815,"m":"Jacob: Yours sounds
interesting to say the least. *He said, running a scalpel along his
arm.*"},"566330975211094036":{"u":0,"t":1555094226411,"m":"_Nero then picks up one
of the tools and inspected it closely before placing it down._\n\nNero: A 511
Connector? Mine always use the 511 connector, but yours is... eh,
different."},"566331087475965973":{"u":0,"t":1555094253177,"m":"Riley: Woah, what
hell are you doing?! \n\nAloy: Can't watch this..."},"566331284482162690":
{"u":9,"t":1555094300147,"m":"*He draws out one of the nerve endings and clamps it
into one of the adaptor plates* Jacob: Sorry, this is a bit
gruesome..."},"566331638339076107":{"u":0,"t":1555094384513,"m":"Aloy: Ugh, oh
god...\n\n_Unable to bear the sight any further, she grabbed a trashcan and
promptly vomited into it. Riley and Nero continues to watch Jacob attach nerve
endings to his prosthetic arm._\n\nRiley: That's alright, just... just do your
thing."},"566331677450960896":{"u":1,"t":1555094393838,"m":"Gift - Ruby, i have see
some movement that i never seen before, your skill have improve much as i thought,
i impress."},"566331824880484352":
{"u":0,"t":1555094428988,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I gotta thank Aloy and
Riley for that, Gift."},"566332166116737034":{"u":1,"t":1555094510345,"m":"Gift -
Hm You need their help, this moment you're so cute Ruby and...
{"u":0,"t":1555094626501,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yeah, I know..\n\n_She
continues to watch Jacob reattach his prosthetic arm back in its place despite her
disgust._"},"566333233835278352":{"u":9,"t":1555094764909,"m":"*He finished with
the nerves and injected himself with some strange liquid, then holding the adapter
in place, watched as it welded itself into him, and his flesh grew around its
base*"},"566333265279975491":{"u":1,"t":1555094772406,"m":"Gift - Ruby, I didn't
get damage from bullet but i got damage from your cute manner, that damage is
{"u":0,"t":1555094888579,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oh, stop it, you-\n\n_She
blushes, never expecting her brother to prsise her beauty this
way._"},"566334309800214531":{"u":0,"t":1555095021439,"m":"Riley: Woah...\n\n_She
watches in awe as his arm began welding itself back in position, reminding her of
how she has relied on her ability to manifest imaginations and wishes to regrow her
limbs back when injured._\n\nRiley: Y'know, this reminded me of how I'd just regrow
my limbs back whenever they get blown or cut off. Vitakinesis saved my ass all the
time."},"566334745147867156":{"u":9,"t":1555095125234,"m":"*Jacob picked up the
main arm, and it snapped into place on the base, fizzing and clunking a little,
then going nearly silent*\n Jacob: Well, let's give this metal monstrosity a field
test, huh? \n*He scanned the ground, picking up a rock with the prosthetic. He then
proceeded to crush it into dust.*\n
- Ruby, I'm strong when i'm in battle, but my week point is you
{"u":9,"t":1555095442856,"m":"Jacob: Aww, that's lovely, excuse me while I go throw
up *he chuckled*"},"561961332853702686":{"u":0,"t":1554052422489,"m":"(Rest well,
{"u":1,"t":1555084381438,"m":"(Sorry i'm late, let's go.)
{"u":1,"t":1555084967960,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! Get up, We have mission to
do.\nGift - Hey! Sarge how did you get here?\nSargent Gift - i have mission to
defend USA with Sargent Foley and his crews so i came late.\nGift - Never mind
Sarge, Anyway thanks you're here.\nSargent Gift - I always stay on your side
{"u":0,"t":1555085097492,"m":"Riley: Welcome to Remnant, Sarge. Enjoy your
stay."},"566292930709553152":{"u":0,"t":1555085155895,"m":"_Riley clears her
longsword-rifle hybrid before walking out of the mansion lounge. Arranging for a
Relic Recovery and Extraction team to arrive._"},"566293394234802176":
{"u":1,"t":1555085266408,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hey! i heard you guy have a hard
operation.\nCaptain Gift - Not quite Sarge.\nGift - I got many interesting weapon,
but i will show in a battlefield.\nSargent Gift - Okey i will see
them."},"566294021224529930":{"u":0,"t":1555085415894,"m":"Riley: Weiss, show
Sergeant the way to the Armory, will you?\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> On it,
Riles.\n\n_Weiss then leads Sergeant Gift to the armory, ftom there lies weapons
stacked om racks after racks placed behind rows of shooting booths. Further down
the hall is the \"Tactical Close-Combat Simulation Chamber\". Currently occupied by
Jaune, Nora and Ren._"},"566294632867168256":{"u":1,"t":1555085561721,"m":"Sargent
Gift - And i heard from Ramirez that you are Gift's sister
{"u":0,"t":1555085719809,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Uh, yes. Yes, sir. I am.
Although not genetically related, anyways, feel free to observe the members of the
newly reformed Team JNPR training in The Pit if you like to, sir.\n\n_She hands him
his signature weapon, the M4A1 assault rifle before walking for the research
labs._"},"566296422635536385":{"u":1,"t":1555085988435,"m":"Sargent Gift - Hm...
Seem she's nice.\n(in radio) Gift - Hey! Did you see anything interested?\nSargent
Gift - Yeah so many, and i have met one of your sister.\nGift - Seem Ramirez have
told you that already Right?\nSargent Gift - Yes mate, he tell me before i come to
you.\nGift - Okey, And your code in mission is Bravo 6-4.\nSargent Gift -
Roger."},"566297972304904222":{"u":0,"t":1555086357905,"m":"_Before he could try
out his weapon, an alarm is heard throughout the mansion, prompting security guards
and soldiers alike to scramble to their positions while shouting incomprehensible
codes into their radioes. Sergeant Gift continued to listen in on the radio chatter
until he heard the phrase \"One-zero, niner, niner, Alpha\"._\n\n_As he stood at
his spot on the firing range trying to figure out what the code meant, he is
dragged out of the range by Pyrrha, her body armor riddled with burn marks and
bullet impacts._\n\n<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> Sarge! Get to the mansion
entrance,we have incoming hostiles!"},"566298364145041428":
{"u":1,"t":1555086451327,"m":"Sargent Gift - Enemy attack?\nGift - Yes, Get to my
position Now!\nSargent Gift - On my way."},"566299079748091914":
{"u":0,"t":1555086621940,"m":"_As he ran, the wall flaking his right side blows
itself apart as a new type of Grimm smashed it effortlessly to pieces._\n\n_Before
Pyrrha could aim for a clear shot, Sarge withdrew his Desert Eagle and pumped five
rounds into its head, killing it._"},"566299611376123937":
{"u":1,"t":1555086748690,"m":"Gift - Maybe I can clear the area with this (Activate
Devil Form) This should be easier to clear this area."},"566299974330089482":
{"u":0,"t":1555086835225,"m":"_Gift then engages his Devil Trigger form as he
rushed headfirst into the battle below. He grabbed a Grimm, tagged by his HUD as a
Mimic before tearing its head off._"},"566300704961200149":
{"u":1,"t":1555087009421,"m":"Gift in Devil Form - Sarge go to support Cap, i don't
know how long can we hold.\nSargent Gift - Got it.\nCaptain Gift - This is Bravo 6-
2, I need more fire support.\nSargent Gift - This is Bravo 6-4, On my
way."},"566300875690344448":{"u":0,"t":1555087050126,"m":"_Ruby joins fight as she
used her scythe to sweep the Mimics on their tentacles before rapidly spinning them
around, tossing them up the air and finally obliterating them using her new \"Shock
Slam\" attack._"},"566302608977821696":{"u":0,"t":1555087463374,"m":"_Sarge, having
dispatched the Grimm joins Cap in holding the defense line blocking the main road
leading to the Mansion's entrance gate. From there he saw a multitude of friendly
war machines created by three friendly BOR-7 Horus Forward Mobile Machine Infantry
Support Units._\n\n_As he runs closer to Cap's position, he finds himself
surrounded by Deathbringers, a special class of war machines built with lethality
and endurance in mind blasting their way through the Mimic hordes while the
Scarab \"Corruptors\" picked up the decaying remains and turned them to fuel for
their fellow machines. Seen riding atop a Deathbringer is identified from his Holo-
Projector as Master Sergeant Aloy, serving under the command of the 127th Armored
Machine Support Battalion._"},"566303129021186069":
{"u":1,"t":1555087587362,"m":"Sargent Gift - What are we gonna do?\nCaptain Gift -
Hey you wanna fun? Take this (Give Rapid launcher)\nSargent Gift - Thanks
Cap."},"566304080851501068":{"u":0,"t":1555087814296,"m":"Riley: Cap, Sarge! If you
can, relay to Aloy thay Defense Line Delta and Sierra are taking heavy damage from
the Mimics!\n\n_Riley, still firing from her cover ordered Cap and Sarge to relay
her message to Aloy. Back at team RWBY and JNPR, they are seen providing support to
Defense Line Alpha, killing most of the Mimic horde with ease with the last Mimic
being taken down by Blake._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Stealing my kill again,
Blake...\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> If you were faster you'd gotten that kill.
Now let's move to Aloy's position, we're all low on
everything."},"566304476089024527":{"u":9,"t":1555087908528,"m":"(this is good to
just read, let alone actually join in)","te":1555087917518},"566304600001478666":
{"u":0,"t":1555087955483,"m":"(this whole rp thing is likr RWBY on
steroids)"},"566304827487813632":{"u":0,"t":1555087992308,"m":"(Yeetus, also
ty)"},"566306804443643906":{"u":1,"t":1555088463651,"m":"Gift - Is that all of
them?"},"566307579920121859":{"u":0,"t":1555088648539,"m":"Aloy: No, Defense Line
November, Delta and Sierra are still taking hits. We gotta get there, fast! Hop
in!\n\n_She opens the cockpit hatch for one of the Corruptor units as Gifr climbed
in. With him now seated in the pilot seat the hatch locks itself shut. Aloy then
tuned in on his comms as his screen
lights up with instructions._\n\nAloy: This Corruptor unit comes with CM-511V
Corruptor missiles and a Gatling cannon pod. The clawa are to be used when a Mimic
gets close, clear?"},"566307938726051855":{"u":1,"t":1555088734085,"m":"Gift -
Clear, Wait i see someone, Is that Daniel, Zussman and his
team?"},"566308742853820429":{"u":9,"t":1555088925804,"m":"(If I see an appropriate
moment, can I introduce a character or would you rather keep this between just the
two of you?)"},"566308774936051723":{"u":0,"t":1555088933453,"m":"Aloy: Confirm,
they're one of us. We're getting close to the defense lines!\n\n_As Aloy continue
to lead her army of war machines to the defense lines ahead of her, she is greeted
by explosive projectiles sent from the Mimic horde, having spotted her Horus
unit._"},"566308875624513536":{"u":0,"t":1555088957459,"m":"(You can join when the
right moment comes.)"},"566309103832530984":{"u":9,"t":1555089011868,"m":"(Thanks,
I'll be incredibly careful)"},"566309256848998401":
{"u":0,"t":1555089048350,"m":"(No worries! When this \"combat segment\" is over you
can introduce your character and we'll allow you a moment to do
so.)"},"566309478727942155":{"u":1,"t":1555089101250,"m":"Gift - There's too many
of them, Bravo 6-4 Report status.\nSargent Gift - I don't know how long can we hold
but they're keep coming.\nGift - Roger that Sarge."},"566309562454376460":
{"u":9,"t":1555089121212,"m":"(Actually, I'll wait. I have an idea in mind that
could make them a little more interesting)"},"566309610424893441":
{"u":0,"t":1555089132649,"m":"(Okies, we can wait.)"},"566310327361470495":
{"u":1,"t":1555089303580,"m":"Gift - Let's do this GUNSLINGER (Change style to
Gunslinger)"},"566311070000480256":{"u":0,"t":1555089480639,"m":"Aloy: This is
Paladin Two-Four to Bravo Six, we're taking fire from the Mimics, ETA 30 seconds.
Gift, get Team RWBY up for support now!\n\nDaniels: Don't worry, Iron Lady! We the
cavalries are coming for these suckers!\n\n_Daniels' squad eventually catches up
with Gift as they both opened fire on Aloy's position killing much of the Grimm
surrounding them. The Corruptor units however are now focused on devouring the
Mimics while Gift and Daniels continue to lay waste to the monsters._\n\n_Yang,
having never witnessed these machines braced herself against them as a Corruptor
comes close by, avoiding her and rushing against a Nevermore as it began tearing
chunks of Grimm flesh before stuffing them down its \"mouth\" with its
claw._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Just... what the hell kinda machine does
- Perez We need tank support."},"566312824943542293":
{"u":0,"t":1555089899050,"m":"Perez: Roger, Dagwood White! Fire support is on its
way.\n\n_As Aloy contines to advance to the defense lines, Perez, along with his
fellow friendly Sherman-As opened fire on the Mimic swarm engulfing the damaged
Horus unit. As rounds struck through the fleshy layer covering the Horus, one of
its tentacle breaks free and broke out its blades as it tore its way through the
Mimic horde swarming Defense Line November, with Delta and Sierra now safe from
most of the Mimics._"},"566313257053454357":{"u":1,"t":1555090002073,"m":"Sargent
Gift - I have wait for this moment.\nGift - This just started, From this that's a
true fun."},"566314173630251008":{"u":0,"t":1555090220602,"m":"Nero: Where'd all
those freaks go?! \nDante: The Iron Lady did more than enough to scare them away,
heh. \n\n_Dante then readies his Devil Sword as he braced for the last swarm to
arrive as Aloy brought her machines down to a halt at Defense Line
November._"},"566314433593475083":{"u":1,"t":1555090282582,"m":"Gift - Keep
Firing!"},"566315714185789451":{"u":0,"t":1555090587899,"m":"Nero: Burn, burn,
burn! Fuckers! Burn!\n\n_Nero, Gift, and Team RWBY then formed up a final
devastating blow against the horde as Ruby engages her Silver Eyes, this time
bringing them to full power. Decimating most of the horde save for a few that
managed to resist the massive energy blast._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> The
Alphas are still alive! Everyone, on me!"},"566315954020024329":
{"u":9,"t":1555090645080,"m":"(This is a good opportunity, do you
mind?)"},"566316179245891624":{"u":0,"t":1555090698778,"m":"(Go on!
l"},"566316266583883807":{"u":1,"t":1555090719601,"m":"Gift - As you will little
sis (Activate Devil Form) I will never miss this."},"566317001874735104":
{"u":9,"t":1555090894908,"m":"*The few remaining members of the horde weren't
giving in, but neither it seemed, was a lone warrior, a stump of an arm bleeding
like crazy as he screamed his warcry and fought back against a monster that was
bearing down upon them*"},"561935737638092801":
{"u":0,"t":1554046320114,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> They're the Vacuans
and... Eruseans.\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> We got incoming! Three o'clock,
high!\n\n_Before she could alert Gift of the impending threat, bullets rained down
the command deck as four unknown fighters bearing Salem's mark made strafing runs
on the deck. Ruby dived for cover, pulling Weiss down as she does
so._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Get down!"},"561936276849164318":
{"u":1,"t":1554046448672,"m":"Gift - Commander build AA Gun.\nCommander Gift - Got
it.\nSoviet's EVA - Ten AA Gun Construction Complete."},"561936675786457091":
{"u":0,"t":1554046543786,"m":"_As the CIWS turrets began constructing, a radio call
came through Gift's channel as he continued to tend to Ruby's wound, having taken a
hit from a shrapnel._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hello again,
{"u":1,"t":1554047275347,"m":"Gift - You! (Equip Devil Sword Dante) Aren't you
dead?"},"561942049935458314":{"u":1,"t":1554047825083,"m":"Commander Gift - Gift!
What's happen?\nGift - It's Cinder.\nCommander Gift - I thought she get
freeze.\nCaptain Gift - Also that's make ice cream.\nGift - Great joke
{"u":0,"t":1554047931337,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I should've been dead,
General, but it seems like Raven's forgotten that I've got hold of Riley's
precious gemstones."},"561942917925568512":{"u":0,"t":1554048032028,"m":"Riley: God
damnit, now I knew who Roderick had his men sell the crystals to. It's to Cinder!
She's turning my crystals to Genetize!"},"561943021122224138":
{"u":1,"t":1554048056632,"m":"Gift - Cap, You do like Dante.\nCaptain Gift - Come
on! don't be serious.\nCommander Gift - That's help....for a
{"u":0,"t":1554048071982,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> CIWS turrets coming
online! Locking on!"},"561943204602183687":{"u":1,"t":1554048100377,"m":"Gift -
Fire at will."},"561943734678454283":
{"u":0,"t":1554048226757,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger, firing.\n\n_The
turrets opened fire on Cinder's jet as she begins pulling her fighter to its limits
dodging bullets left and right. Eventually, her craft is engaged by Trigger, now
sitting comfortably in his newly issued X-06FS Falcon._\n\nTrigger: Bandit in
sight, engaging! Count, take her wingman. Strider, mop up the rest.\n\nCount:
Righto."},"561944269636763649":{"u":1,"t":1554048354301,"m":"Gift - Alright time
over for joking, Let's get to work.\nCaptain Gift - Got it.\nCommander Gift - Back
to battlefield."},"561945014742155274":{"u":0,"t":1554048531948,"m":"Trigger: I got
Cinder, wing's toasted. She's falling, literally.\n\n_As his missiles connected, it
flew close to Cinder's SU-30SM and detonated its proximty fuze. Sending shrapnel at
the engines and wings._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm getting reports that the
Atlesian Navy is now ceasing fire while the Vacuans are retreating to defensive
{"u":0,"t":1554048589125,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> And that more KVA is
coming, three battallions worth of men, mechanized infantry, and
Grimm...\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Then let's give them a warm
welcome."},"561945438652203038":{"u":1,"t":1554048633016,"m":"Gift - Very warm with
my new weapon Flame Cannon."},"561945664796229644":
{"u":0,"t":1554048686933,"m":"Riley: The KVA are pounding on Menhir Four,
requesting immediate support! Gift, haul ass and get Team RWBY up here
now!"},"561945959353942019":{"u":1,"t":1554048757161,"m":"Gift - Surprise
motherfu*ker"},"561946102396616725":{"u":1,"t":1554048791265,"m":"Gift - Maybe i
can sink KVA boat in one shot."},"561946661761318932":
{"u":0,"t":1554048924628,"m":"_Gift then ramps up his flame cannon with four
thermite loads, he then aimed for a hostile KVA landing craft designated the Ardent
Whisper. He aims down the sight and launched a full load at the craft's engines,
melting the fuel tanks and eventually igniting the fuel causing the entire craft to
explode. Destroying much of the KVA reinforcements including captured
Grimm._"},"561946895023341599":{"u":1,"t":1554048980242,"m":"Gift - Left one boat
for me i will do one thing."},"561947488983056384":
{"u":0,"t":1554049121853,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> What's
that?"},"561947771037548574":{"u":1,"t":1554049189100,"m":"Gift - Watch this (Equip
Ivory and Ebony) Jackpot! (fire Ivory and Ebony together)"},"561948792883118185":
{"u":0,"t":1554049432727,"m":"_The bullets weaved through the debris sent from the
landing craft and impacted on the second ship's navigation package. Sending it
adrift and eventually exploding as it gets itself onto the path of a friendly
Yuktobanian fighter squadron._\n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Woah...\n\n_Ruby runs
at him, her face covered in blood. She hands him a blood-stained report before
running for the shoreline, cleaning her face with seawater._\n\n_As he read through
the report, he finds that half of the report has been burnt and that what he was
reading is only the first half of it. Confused, he turns around and
gave Riley the half-burnt report._"},"561949496787861504":
{"u":1,"t":1554049600551,"m":"Gift - Come on little sis, let me clean your
face.\nCaptain Gift - Maybe this report have burn before we come or burn while Ruby
i sending to you.\nCommander Gift - Maybe that's possible."},"561950804466991104":
{"u":0,"t":1554049912326,"m":"Riley: Gift, the report's total garbage, it's just a
supply listing of items they have on the landing cra- wait, why the hell is
Manticore-B listed?\n\n_She continues to read through the lines describing
Manticore-B until she reached the burnt section._\n\nRiley: Gift, the KVA planned
to bombard the Vacuan shorelines with Manticore-B but most of their Manticore
payload just went down when you took the first and second landing crafts out, nice
work!"},"561951451849687082":{"u":1,"t":1554050066674,"m":"Gift - I know what is on
their ship.\nCommander Gift - Because i have hack for their information, and know
the have load that weapon on that ship."},"561952223605555211":
{"u":0,"t":1554050250675,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> And now it's gone. Gift,
Atlesian and Vacuan forces have agreed on a ceasefire treaty, we should RTB and get
to the mansion."},"561952634911719434":{"u":1,"t":1554050348738,"m":"Gift - Okey,
Commander we will left this base to be outpost.\nCommander Gift - Got it.\nCaptain
Gift - Let back to headquarter."},"561953343023480848":
{"u":0,"t":1554050517565,"m":"_The team then board the Starfire Fury, an Assault
variant of the Arsenal Bird as their ride home. They arrive at Atlas only to find
the city even more damaged, the mansion having taken up hits from long-range
missile strikes._"},"561953572791648276":{"u":1,"t":1554050572346,"m":"Gift - What
the mess is this?"},"561954277497765892":{"u":0,"t":1554050740361,"m":"Baseplate:
The KVA, in a desperate attempt to take down the city assaulted the mansion. Though
their entire force is decimated with the help of Price, Gift. He led the battle and
pitted our forces against them in a fierce battle. And now, he's won and saved the
city. Also, the Atlesian Government Council agreed to permit your team access to
their Relic chamber. But for now they want you to bring the Relic of Knowledge to
safekeeping under their protection."},"561954688183042049":
{"u":1,"t":1554050838276,"m":"Gift - Roger Baseplate, Come on little sis let go,
and Cap you also come with me.\nCaptain Gift - Got it."},"561955080362917893":
{"u":0,"t":1554050931779,"m":"_At the base's main hall lies the captured KVA
soldiers being herded into cells. Riley made a beeline to the latrine while Ruby
and her teammates headed back to their quarters, finally resting after a long day.
Gift returns to his quarters as he prepped the Relic for
transfer._"},"561955542235349034":{"u":1,"t":1554051041898,"m":"Gift - Now we got
an access to relic storage.\nCaptain Gift - So relic is safe right?\nGift - Yes but
i'm not sure."},"561955594379067418":{"u":1,"t":1554051054330,"m":"Gift - Now we
got an access to relic storage.\nCaptain Gift - So relic is safe right?\nGift - Yes
but i'm not sure."},"561955830182838274":{"u":0,"t":1554051110550,"m":"Ironwood:
The Relic of Knowledge is safe for now, although the entity withun the relic has
chosen to remove herself from the relic so she could provide your team with
support."},"561956233062514719":{"u":1,"t":1554051206604,"m":"Gift - That's good
news, I'm gonna take back for Ruby.\nCaptain Gift - Right, Stay safe
mate."},"561956782507819018":{"u":0,"t":1554051337602,"m":"_Jinn then appears
within Gift's side, complete in her armor and weaponry._"},"561957174419390515":
{"u":0,"t":1554051431041,"m":"Jinn: Well, it's time for me to break some boundaries
the God of Light has put me into. I will, at times, directly assist you in battle.
But I shall remain outside from the relic only to provide you and your men what
they seek to know, and only what they want to know, nothing
else."},"561957601508720642":{"u":0,"t":1554051532867,"m":"Ironwood: I suggest you
get yourself some rest, Gift. I'll take over while you
rest."},"561957922951790592":{"u":1,"t":1554051609505,"m":"Gift - Right because
i've tried after mission.\n(Inside Ruby's room)\nGift - Hm?? Sleep
already?"},"561959054562295808":{"u":0,"t":1554051879302,"m":"Riley: She's fast
asleep, Gift. Went down the moment her head touched the pillows.\n\n_She yawns,
before getting on her bed as she turned on the bedside lamp and set it to the
lowest brightness possible._\n\nRiley: You should get yourself some rest too, Gift.
Can't beat Salem when you're tired and in need if rest."},"561959336449146880":
{"u":1,"t":1554051946509,"m":"Gift - Okey, Hm.... Ruby is so
cute."},"561959912259715092":{"u":0,"t":1554052083793,"m":"Cossette: She really is,
Gift. \n\n_She then turned off Riley's bedside lamp before climbing onto her
bed._\n\nCossette: Now, get some rest, Gift!"},"561960358810746891":
{"u":1,"t":1554052190259,"m":"Gift - Okey rest well Cossette (pat on Ruby's head)
Every time my little sis is so cute. ( kiss
then headed for his room after kissing Ruby on the forehead, he closed the door and
prepared to climb on his bed until he saw an apparition appearing before
him._"},"561961262104313856":{"u":0,"t":1554052405621,"m":"(gonna rest
now)"},"561961285730828299":{"u":1,"t":1554052411254,"m":"Gift - It been a many
years, Right?\nCaptain Gift - Yes, many years.\nCommander Gift - It's long time
that we stay on Remnant.\nGift - Anyways we have mission to do
it)"},"561566453128626183":{"u":0,"t":1553958275826,"m":"_Ruby and her team then
set up camp in one of the Mansion's guest houses, using it as their current base of
operations._\n\n_Riley and Alita are seen in the city clearing out contaminated
areas with Alita being the spotter and Riley as the one-man cleanup
crew._\n\n_Gift, now satisfied at how prepared the base is despite the damage it's
taken, personally chose Jacques' office as his personal
quarters._"},"561566765008551940":{"u":1,"t":1553958350184,"m":"Gift - Maybe this
room can be my personal quarter."},"561567775315722241":
{"u":0,"t":1553958591060,"m":"Klein: This room's all yours,
Gift."},"561568485482692639":{"u":1,"t":1553958760377,"m":"Commander Gift - Hey
Gift!\nGift - Hey Commander!\nCommander Gift - Long time no see, What about
Cap?\nGift - He is prepare for build our quarter.\nCommander Gift - Hey i gonna
help.\nCaptain Gift - Okey ready?\nGift - Let's do this."},"561569644129812481":
{"u":0,"t":1553959036620,"m":"_After spending days reworking the interiors of the
Schnee Mansion to accommodate Atlesian and friendly Task Force 141 forces. The
Mansion's size has expanded as more civilians enlisted in the Atlesian Civilian
Corps, later reformed as Joint Task Force._\n\nRiley: It's been days since I've
tried getting Ironwood to allow us access to their Relic Storage, but he's
constantly denying the request..."},"561569877312143411":
{"u":1,"t":1553959092215,"m":"Gift - Should i ask him?"},"561569919695847434":
{"u":1,"t":1553959102320,"m":"Gift - Again?"},"561571315950026754":
{"u":0,"t":1553959435213,"m":"Riley: As of now, the Atlesian Government Council is
denying every request in regards with their Relic. Let's keep things in check and
find our chance to get the council members to work with us. For now they want their
people to be helped so, let's help their people first."},"561571501837385728":
{"u":1,"t":1553959479532,"m":"Gift - Got it."},"561571942390431755":
{"u":0,"t":1553959584568,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Guys, we have a major
problem..."},"561572044764872714":{"u":1,"t":1553959608976,"m":"Gift - What is it
{"u":0,"t":1553959706523,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> The Atlesian Navy just
ordered a major invasion on Vacuan soil. All other efforts in stopping their
assault have failed, sixteen Erusean Arsenal Birds are deployed to stop the
onslaught, they have taken down four carrier strike groups and one super-
{"u":0,"t":1553959751708,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Also, I've received
encrypted messages from an anonymous sender whose name is simply the Pi
symbol..."},"561574512588750857":{"u":1,"t":1553960197351,"m":"Gift - Lemme
see."},"561575551265931265":{"u":0,"t":1553960444991,"m":"_At the main hall,
soldiers are seen frantically running for room after rooms handing out reports and
carrying ammunition. On the telescreen are the Erusean Arsenal Birds, commanded by
Cossette herself laying waste to the Atlesian Navy's Strategic Heavy Strike Group,
sinking pne ship after another with their nose-mounted
plasmacasters._\n\n<:Nora:501530069282586646> This is what I was talking about,
Gift! \n\n_While Gift is watching the screen, on his right shoulder came the sound
of a hand laying on it. He turns around to face a masked wanderer._\n\nWanderer:
You must be General Gift! I've been searching the city for you. Now, come, I want
to talk to you in private.","te":1553960483782},"561575944989704194":
{"u":1,"t":1553960538862,"m":"Gift - Okey what propose that you need to talk with
me?"},"561576332233015353":{"u":0,"t":1553960631188,"m":"_The wanderer slowly
pulled her mask away, revealing her true identity to
him._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Gift, it's me.
Pyrrha."},"561577474559967233":{"u":1,"t":1553960903540,"m":"Gift - Wait! Pyrrha?
How? How did you survive ?"},"561578293690892308":
{"u":0,"t":1553961098836,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I don't know, when
Cinder killed me with the bow, all I saw after that was nothing but whiteness and
the sounds of a man telling me to \"fulfill my destinity\" and then, I woke up in a
ghost town outside of Vacuo and found my way up to here."},"561578673979916298":
{"u":1,"t":1553961189504,"m":"Gift - If you don't know That's alright, And
I will tell something about Jaune after the fall of
{"u":0,"t":1553961262243,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Jaune? No, don't. I met
him while he was in Argus, my hometown but I left before you found
me."},"561579423548309504":{"u":0,"t":1553961368215,"m":"_As Gift mentioned Jaune,
Pyrrha furtively wiped a tear from her right eye before taking a sip from her
canteen._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> About Jaune, he'd told me what happened
right after the Fall and how he fought his way to Argus along with you and other
things I'd wish I hadn't listened..."},"561580267412783105":
{"u":1,"t":1553961569408,"m":"Gift - That's alright, i know you can't left him from
your sight like me, i can't left my sight from Ruby because she's my sister and i'm
her brother.","te":1554099727046},"561580958575493121":
{"u":0,"t":1553961734194,"m":"_Not saying a word, she begins to cry as she buried
her face away from Gift's sight with her hands._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I
wish... I really wished I'd be there for him when he knew he needed me most... I
really do..."},"561581407668011019":{"u":1,"t":1553961841266,"m":"Gift - Like i do
with Weiss,Blake and Yang, I send Cap and Commander to take care them, They also me
but from another time line."},"561583009375977483":
{"u":0,"t":1553962223143,"m":"_Having cried for a moment, she calms down as she
slowly wiped away her tears with her gloved hands._\n\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
Well... yeah. I never knew that before, but anyways. Do you know where the rest of
my team is?"},"561583187508330507":{"u":1,"t":1553962265613,"m":"Gift - I know,
follow me."},"561583522364653589":
{"u":0,"t":1553962345449,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Sure!\n\n_The two then
ran down the main hall to the deployment area._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
{"u":1,"t":1553962430007,"m":"Gift - That's remind me when i'm stay with
Ruby."},"561585569893842978":{"u":0,"t":1553962833618,"m":"_Before he could finish
his sentence, Jaune and Pyrrha are already embracing one another, drawing attention
from the soldiers awaiting deployment._\n\n_On one of the Atlesian warship lies
Watts, hacking into the Vacuan Naval Force's satellite network as he spoofed their
network's IFF systems. Sparking chaos amongst the defending Vacuan ships as they
fired at one another in confusion._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Watts, their
forces are already in disarray. We should move out if we don't want to end up being
hit by one of the supercarriers flying above us.\n\nWatts; Alright, there we go.
They should be infighting until the Atlesian Navy knows what their drone ships are
doing. The Arsenal Birds will destroy them anyway.\n\n_The two disappears as they
dived into the deep._"},"561586203728674824":{"u":1,"t":1553962984736,"m":"Gift -
Alright i will you two stay with each other, i will go for
Ruby."},"561586912951926795":{"u":0,"t":1553963153828,"m":"_He returns to his
quarters as he discarded unwanted gear before meeting Ruby at her quarters located
deep within the mansion._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift! You're just in time,
we just got order from BeaconCentCom to assist the Vacuan Army in repelling a Grimm
onslaught."},"561587302728466453":{"u":1,"t":1553963246758,"m":"Gift - I remember
there have a Soviet base, I must open my battle control."},"561587435709136897":
{"u":0,"t":1553963278463,"m":"<:Rubyapproved:519720463123873806> Get to it, I'm to
deploy now. See you in Vacuo!"},"561587521952415797":
{"u":0,"t":1553963299025,"m":"(I'm going to pause here for
now)"},"561587550352048149":{"u":0,"t":1553963305796,"m":"(Rest well,
General!)"},"561587604001259540":{"u":1,"t":1553963318587,"m":"(You too,
Commander)"},"561925452722077696":{"u":1,"t":1554043867999,"m":"Commander Gift - I
will control the command interface, You go with Ruby.\nGift - Okey, Good luck in
the battlefield.\nCommander Gift - Yeah, you too."},"561926767967862804":
{"u":0,"t":1554044181578,"m":"_The airlifter deploys as it flies towards Mistralian
airspace. After flying for hours, it finally arrives in Vacuo, seen before Gift and
Team RWBY is the chaotic scene of gunfire, sunken ships and combat-ready ships
firing at one another while the fleet of Arsenal Birds lay waste to both the
Atlesian Navy's ship's and the Vacuan Naval Force's._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Woah, what's up with the ships shooting one another?\n\nCossette: It's Belkan
technology, the Vacuans bought the IFF spoofing systems to use them against the
White Fang, but now it's used against them by the
{"u":1,"t":1554044266169,"m":"(from Command interface)\nCommander Gift -
Reinforcement have arrive."},"561927786969825301":{"u":0,"t":1554044424527,"m":"_As
Ruby watches in awe, the airlifter lands at the Admiral Andersen, a sea-based
supercarrier spacecraft designed with endurance and striking power in mind. Now
shored after having its engines driven to its limits._\n\nTabloid: Alright, Team
RWBY! Have fun killing the bad guys, don't shoot the ones with Erusean and Vacuan
emblems on them, they're friendles!\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Let's do this!
Get off this plane, go!"},"561928271344697354":{"u":1,"t":1554044540011,"m":"Gift -
Roger that, Commander wait until i can find the place that we can build our
base.\nCommander Gift - Copy."},"561929434211418135":
{"u":0,"t":1554044817260,"m":"_As Ruby and her team ran down the ship's ramp, they
are greeted with a hail of bullets fired from two pillboxes guarding the entry
path._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Contact, contact! Weiss, return
fire!\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Copy, activating Electro-Storm!\n\n_Weiss
switches her dust load on the Myrtenaster to Lightning as she summoned ten glyphs,
all of them sparkling with electricity. She swiped the weapon downward as the
glyphs discharged their electricity down on the pillboxes, destroying them and
electrocuting the hostiles within them. Gift then picked off the stragglers with
his M4 rifle while Riley, Cossette and Alita moved forward to scout out the area
ahead._\n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Hostiles out of action!
Move!"},"561929855848022042":{"u":1,"t":1554044917786,"m":"Gift - You call for this
GUNSLINGER ( Change style to Gunslinger) Present coming for
ya!"},"561930650425491458":{"u":0,"t":1554045107228,"m":"_As three hostiles tried
to ambush Gift by fastroping from a gunship, he swiftly takes them out with the
Ebony and Ivory, killing them._\n\n_Riley and Team RWBY finally reaches the
Scinfaxi, an Atlesian destroyer now shored and stuck on a sea-based industrial
complex. She scales the ship as Ruby boosted Weiss, Blake and Yang up by using her
semblance. Bringing them up._"},"561930934287466517":
{"u":1,"t":1554045174906,"m":"Gift - Clear the area for Commander to build the
{"u":0,"t":1554045369537,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Roger, Bravo Six! We're
getting the ship cleared of hostiles as fast as we can!\n\n_She then breaches thr
Scinfaxi's command deck as Yang covered the room with gunfire from her gauntlets,
tearing the soldiers to bits and covering the wall with gore._\n\n_The deck finally
clears as Blake threw a KVA grunt overboard._\n\n<:Rubyapproved:519720463123873806>
Bravo Six, be advised, Scinfaxi is now under 141 control!"},"561933148838035468":
{"u":1,"t":1554045702896,"m":"Gift - Got it little sis, Commander Deploy our
base.\nCommander Gift - Roger.\nSoviet's EVA - New construction
option."},"561934606132051969":{"u":0,"t":1554046050342,"m":"_The Scinfaxi then
turns itself into a massive FOB, as fortresses and barracks sprung from the ground
up, startling the troops below. One Vacuan Sergeant saw the base appearing and
immediately began rallying his men towards the base, hoping to resupply their
meager resources._\n\nVacuan Sergeant: The Task Force has arrived! All units, fall
back to the Scinfaxi! Move, move!\n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Gift, we're
picking up movements along the Miracle Line, the friendly 14th Airborne and 21th
Hunters are now approaching our base, they're closing fast!"},"561935006021451776":
{"u":1,"t":1554046145683,"m":"Gift - Blake are they Vacuan
Forces?"},"560498989024149504":{"u":0,"t":1553703772551,"m":"Jules: Okay, thing is,
my unit was getting tired of all tje fighting they've done in Vacuo and the
ourskirts of Vale. Morale was low, real low, we fought our way to Atlas where we
heard that _Liberty Delta_ has landed and is now resupplying. I was on guard,
watching over the ship when one of my men gave me a vial of this weird sparkling
crystal to me.\n\n_He then points to a buck sergeant, identified by Gift's AI
companion BT as staff sergeant Roderick._\n\nJules: He gave me the crystal and
requested me to sell it to someone called Joseph but I refused and told him to
return it to Commander Riley, but he refused and the next thing I knew is that he'd
jumped off of the ship. I'm being honest here, I
- Roderick, he done this right?"},"560500306878660610":
{"u":0,"t":1553704086752,"m":"_Now out of options, Roderick raised his hands and
confessed._\n\nRoderick: Yes, I did sold the crystals. Why? Because I'm tired of
fighting, I'm tired of being sent on a planet and having to fight an enemh we
barely knew off and now we're told she's immortal?! Fuck this, man. I don't wanna
fight no more, send me to solitary, dump my ass overboard, I don't care. I'm just
done, man. I'm done.\n\nRiley: Then, we're done talking.\n\n_Riley then aimed her
pistol at his head before ruthlessly shooting him point-blank. Killing
him._"},"560500523120459777":{"u":1,"t":1553704138308,"m":"Gift - Hey Riley you
forgot one word."},"560500598903144448":{"u":0,"t":1553704156376,"m":"Riley: What
is it?"},"560501157638963230":{"u":1,"t":1553704289589,"m":"Gift
- Dante, You know what it is right?"},"560501231559245854":
{"u":0,"t":1553704307213,"m":"Dante: Jackpot, pft."},"560501327277457423":
{"u":1,"t":1553704330034,"m":"Gift - Yes, That's right
Dante."},"560502299496022027":{"u":0,"t":1553704561829,"m":"_Dante spat a glob of
spittle on Roderick's lifeless body as V's Familiars carried it away. Now back at
the cockpit, Mantle's view came through clear as Liberty Delta flies closer to it
before establishing an orbit. Pulling itself into a left-hand pylon
turn._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Welcome to Atlas, or what's left of
it...\n\n_The view of Atlas itself clarifies as the fog clears. Revealing Atlas's
true nature as a massive flying city, Alita pressed her face against the glass as
she gawked over the striking similarity of Atlas and a place she was meant to
destroy in the world she'd left behind._\n\nAlita:
Zalem...\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Uh, what?"},"560502581529673728":
{"u":0,"t":1553704629071,"m":"Alita: This place... looks just like Zalem, the
flying city I was destined to destroy in my homeworld. But that's just the matter
of the past now."},"560502792653897729":{"u":1,"t":1553704679407,"m":"Gift - So
form that day you can't forget it, right? (Deactivate Devil
{"u":0,"t":1553704914233,"m":"Alita: Yes, and it pains me every time I think of it,
but wait... is that gunfire down at the surface?!\n\n_Alita then grabbed a pair of
binoculars and looked into the view below. Sporadic gunfire and tracer rounds fly
everywhere as the combatants identified by the IFF designator module aboard Liberty
Delta identified them as Strangereal Coalition Forces and White Fang forces. The
fighting eventually reaches Airstrip Bravo, the Liberty Delta's designated landing
site as missiles impacted the ship._\n\nCossette: Warning, missile impact! Right
wing, subpropeller four, two and six are down! Deploying drones! Gunners, scramble
to the turrets now!"},"560503963212972038":{"u":0,"t":1553704958490,"m":"(I'll stop
for now, let's continue tomorrow. General.)"},"560504006204719104":
{"u":1,"t":1553704968740,"m":"(Roger that)"},"561548905075179521":
{"u":0,"t":1553954221438,"m":"Cossette: All units, scramble fighters and begin
counterattack, now!","te":1553954232006},"561549465790578698":
{"u":1,"t":1553954225729,"m":"Gift - Uh! Gimme a break! (Equip
Ivory&Ebony)"},"561549831584350208":{"u":0,"t":1553954312941,"m":"_Riley and
Cossette then scramble to their respective fighters as they took to the sky, going
toe-to-toe against ground-launched QAAMs._"},"561549995392630798":
{"u":0,"t":1553954351996,"m":"Price: Gift, I saved you a gunner's position on the
left wing. Go!"},"561550094910881798":{"u":1,"t":1553954375723,"m":"Gift - Time for
fun!"},"561550428462907402":{"u":0,"t":1553954455248,"m":"_As he sits in the turret
seat, it locks him in as the gun pods swivels around before locking onto a
missile._\n\nPod AI: Target lock. Gun ready to fire."},"561550596088266762":
{"u":1,"t":1553954495213,"m":"Gift - Chew this bullet!"},"561552242780405801":
{"u":0,"t":1553954887815,"m":"_Gift opens fire as streams of bullets exited the
four gun pods, tearing the incoming missiles to pieces. Ruby and her team are
stationed in the cockpit providing the drone pilots their much-needed tactical
information._"},"561552877638647839":{"u":1,"t":1553955039177,"m":"Gift - Cap
control the turret, i will take out of it by my own. (Equip
Ivory&Ebony)"},"561552931237658631":{"u":1,"t":1553955051956,"m":"Captain Gift -
Got it!"},"561553580373311496":{"u":0,"t":1553955206722,"m":"_Cap then takes
control of the turret as Gift headed topside. Gusts of wind struck his face as he
exited the internal halls of the Arsenal Bird, seen before him is the sight of the
drones giving chase after Atlesian fighters and anti-aircraft
missiles._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, once you're topside you can take on
the fighters and missiles with your Double Kalina Ann!"},"561553862557958154":
{"u":1,"t":1553955274000,"m":"Gift - It's rocket time.(Equip Double Kalina
Ann)"},"561554410824663060":{"u":1,"t":1553955404717,"m":"Gift - And GUNSLINGER
(Change to Gunslinger style)"},"561555518968037396":
{"u":0,"t":1553955668919,"m":"_As Gift is about to begin his onslaught, the gunfire
above him stops as he is immediately pulled back inside the
ship._"},"561556299507171338":{"u":1,"t":1553955855014,"m":"Gift - Alright they
fire at me but um..... Oh! i know how to do. ROYAL GUARD!\n(Change to Royal Guard
style)"},"561556386480390186":{"u":0,"t":1553955875750,"m":"Atlesian ATC: THIS IS
TASK FORCE ONE FOUR ONE!"},"561556563370835988":{"u":1,"t":1553955917924,"m":"Gift
- Yeah i think you guy forget me soldier."},"561556648901214218":
{"u":0,"t":1553955938316,"m":"_From his radio came a frantic call from Airstrip
Bravo, calling for all units to cease fire as the fighters returned to their
respective airbase._"},"561556980053966858":{"u":0,"t":1553956017269,"m":"Bravo
ATC: Anyways, with that settled. Liberty Delta, you are permitted landing on Runway
Three-One Left.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Copy, three-one, Left. \n\n_Gift then
rush to her side as he takes over the ship's flight
controls._"},"561557139999424542":{"u":1,"t":1553956055403,"m":"Gift - Got it
little sis."},"561557810861703180":
{"u":0,"t":1553956215349,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We're landing now, Gift!
Time to get to the mansion and help fix what they can't.\n\n_The aerial carrier
lands on one of the special airstrip built to receive spacecraft's and oversized
aircrafts. The cargo bay door opens as the crew of Liberty Delta unloaded their
cargo onto the barren airstrip._\n\n_Winter, having witnessed the carnage in the
sky ran her way from her post to the airship._"},"561558095893889034":
{"u":1,"t":1553956283306,"m":"Gift - Hey Winter it's been a long
time."},"561558708681834506":{"u":0,"t":1553956429406,"m":"Winter: Indeed, Gift.
Sorry about the shitshow up there, heard one of your aces took down five of our
stupid drones before the fight stopped. Anyways, you're to go right to the mansion,
a few hours earlier the White Fang's KVA branch launched another assault on the
mansion. We lost half of our finest special forces soldiers in defending it sooo,
yeah. Just go there and fix it, I'll be there ASAP."},"561559151122055169":
{"u":1,"t":1553956534892,"m":"Gift - Yeah let's go but first SWORD MASTER! (Change
style to Sword Master)"},"561559782650281991":{"u":0,"t":1553956685460,"m":"Winter:
..."},"561559927097917441":{"u":0,"t":1553956719899,"m":"_She watches in awe as
Gift demonstrated his attack style before her._"},"561560270498037770":
{"u":1,"t":1553956801772,"m":"Gift - That's for close
combat."},"561561398455566346":{"u":0,"t":1553957070698,"m":"Winter: That's...
good. Get your gear and fly to the mansion ASAP, Gift. I'll wait
there."},"561561544467415041":{"u":1,"t":1553957105510,"m":"Gift - Come on Team
let's move!"},"561562855082557440":{"u":0,"t":1553957417985,"m":"_As Gift prepares
his team, a squad of Atlesian soldiers escorted him to his plane while another
squad deals with the rest of Liberty Delta's crew. Now on an airlifter with Ruby,
her teammates, Riley, and the rest of her group. He falls asleep._\n\n_Sometime
later, the plane lands at the Mansion's rooftop, now turned into a makeshift
landing pad for VTOLs._\n\nRiley: Rise and shine, Gift, get up! We got work to
do!"},"561563196234661912":{"u":1,"t":1553957499322,"m":"Gift - You know i didn't
sleep last night because i drink coffee."},"561563398941179946":
{"u":0,"t":1553957547651,"m":"Alita: Correct, and you do _stink_ of
coffee..."},"561564323021848587":{"u":0,"t":1553957767969,"m":"_She turns away
before running after a rogue MRVN not hassling a group of civilians airlifted to
safety within the mansion. Winter then opened the access door, her face covered
with a breather kit. She hands him one of the kits as she adjusted
hers._\n\nWinter: Gift, put this on. The KVA bombarded most of Atlas's urban areas
with Manticore-B, a chemical weapon designed to cause major irritation and severe
burns on the skin, and the lungs. Those bastards got a portion of the mansion
covered in that green goo they'd launched up from Mantle."},"561564515766894622":
{"u":1,"t":1553957813923,"m":"Gift - Got it."},"560145937775984652":
{"u":0,"t":1553619598574,"m":"Dante: Evidently.\n\n_Dante brushes the ashes off of
his coat as people of Argus began celebratin in rejoice. Atlesian soldiers then
came to the group's aid as they are brought into the massive submersed section of
the naval base._\n\nAtlesian Soldier: Hang tight, General. We'll patch you up and
send you off to Mantle once we finish dealing with your men
here..."},"560147195119271970":{"u":1,"t":1553619898348,"m":"Gift - (Transform back to normal and fall
{"u":0,"t":1553620170081,"m":"_Fifteen hours later..._\n\nBase Medic: General, can
you hear me? General? \n\n_The medic wakes him up by nudging at his cheek
repeatedly with his pen. Waking him up. Standing next to his bed is Ruby and Riley,
awake, alert and ready to get to Mantle._\n\n_Back in the Realm of Darkness, all
Salem could do was to watch in awe as one of her most formidable Grimm is easily
defeated by the three. She turns to her aide, a Seer as she whispered phrases into
it. The ball glowed momentarily before dissipating into thin air and appearing next
to Gift's bed._\n\nNero: What in the fuck is this?"},"560148618997399573":
{"u":1,"t":1553620237827,"m":"Gift - Ah! What's happen
{"u":0,"t":1553620411317,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> It's Salem...\n\n_The
fluid becomes clear as Salem is seen standing in front of the wreckage of the
Olympus Mons. One of Remnant Task Force's largest ship in service._\n\nSalem:
Hello, General."},"560149755158855690":{"u":1,"t":1553620508709,"m":"Captain Gift -
What do you want?"},"560151688242266112":{"u":0,"t":1553620969592,"m":"Salem: See
that wreckage behind me? That's _Olympus Mons,_ one of your largest ship in
service now destroyed. Behind me are the survivors of the crash, and hopefully I
know that you realize what their eventual fate would be... \n\n_The Seer
then \"zooms\" in onto the cages holding the survivors inside. With one survivor in
particular being Summer herself, as it gets closer she got up from her feet and
rabidly banged at the cage using a makeshift battering ram she'd found from
scavenging the wreckage of the ship._\n\nSummer: If you're seeing this, send help,
fast! Coordinates follow: Romeo Delta Zero-Six-Five-Two-Niner-One-Zero! Send help,
fa- Ugh!\n\n_The Seer knocks her out by slapping her in the face with a rebar. The
feed then switched back to Salem, who is now grabbing her hair and constantly
jerking her head up for the Seer, and Ruby, now awake, to
see._"},"560151875790438401":{"u":0,"t":1553621014307,"m":"Salem: Tell your little
girl to surrender, for I will spare her mother's life and send her away to safety.
But if she won't, then I will end her life."},"560152122931544067":
{"u":1,"t":1553621073230,"m":"Captain Gift - If you want to kill her, Sorry she not
there now look again."},"560153123306471425":{"u":0,"t":1553621311738,"m":"_Salem
turned around only to find herself hokding the corpse of a crewmember. Standing
right behind Ruby is Summer, in the flesh. She grabbed the Seer, brought it closer
to her fand spat on it._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Sorry, but that day won't
come sooner. We will continue to fight you from inside and outside your fading
reign of terror, your pawns will surrender. We will not fail, Remnant
Aeternum.\n\n_Finished, she angrily smashed the Seer's ball as caustic fluid
dripped down the floor. The Seer turns into dust as it
dies._"},"560153787457732608":{"u":1,"t":1553621470084,"m":"Gift - 555 Nice plan
Cap.\nCaptain Gift - Thanks.\nCommander Gift - 555 I don't believe that Cap have
that plan.\nCaptain Gift - I know that will happen.\nGift - 555
{"u":0,"t":1553621558975,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Cap, Commander, and
Gift. Nice work out there. And I gotta give some credit to my little girl Ruby
right here!\n\n_She gives Ruby a light kiss on the
forehead._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> _Mwah!_"},"560154428167028761":
{"u":1,"t":1553621622841,"m":"Gift - You know Summer, when you not here i take care
Ruby as a Brother."},"560155022805958657":
{"u":0,"t":1553621764614,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Wow, that's... wow, I
didn't think you'd even go _that_ far, but thanks for that.. \n\n_She then notices
Nico and her crew resting next to a gunship._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625>
Anyways, Gift. Who exactly are these guys? I've never seen them
anywhere."},"560155328767983646":{"u":1,"t":1553621837561,"m":"Gift - Oh! That's my
friends Dante,Nero,V and Nico."},"560155942503841810":
{"u":0,"t":1553621983887,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> Nice! More fighters to
add to the roster! Anyways, Cossette just got word that her ship has landed and is
standing by, sooooo let's pack our things and go to Mantle!\n\n_Summer then turns
to the groups of soldiers sitting within the
infurmary_\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Alright, people! Bird's landed! Double
time, get your things and double time it to Liberty Delta! Go!
Move!"},"560156228354048031":{"u":1,"t":1553622052039,"m":"Gift - Where are we
gonna build a base?"},"560156771130540059":{"u":0,"t":1553622181447,"m":"Winter:
The Schnee Mansion.\n\n_Winter pings his radio as it comes to life while boarding
the airship._"},"560156976768745484":{"u":1,"t":1553622230475,"m":"Gift - Long time
no see Winter."},"560157263361212436":{"u":0,"t":1553622298804,"m":"Winter: Same to
you, Gift. I take it that Cordovin almost killed your sister. I got her sent to
solitary confinement and up for court martial."},"560157749980299267":
{"u":1,"t":1553622414823,"m":"Gift - Hey! You don't know one thing, everyone in
Team RWBY i have take care them as i'm Brother, and yes Weiss
{"u":0,"t":1553622507727,"m":"Winter: Good, by the way. I've cleared a special
flight path just for you. Be here ASAP, Winter out."},"560158499498229761":
{"u":1,"t":1553622593522,"m":"Gift - Roger that, Alright team listen up Winter have
clear a Special flight path for us."},"560158590493523968":
{"u":1,"t":1553622615217,"m":"Gift - We will go on that
path."},"560159639006871580":{"u":6,"t":1553622865202,"m":"*is on radio* attention
DiEnd does anybody here me?"},"560487354947862528":
{"u":1,"t":1553700998771,"m":"Gift - Alright team, listen up we found the area that
we can build our base."},"560487814895108097":{"u":0,"t":1553701108431,"m":"_The
entirety of the Task Force combatants then eagerly listened, droping everything
they're doing ._\n\nTask Force Soldier #1: If I may ask, sir. How the hell are we
gonna build an FOB out of a mansion? Wouldn't the Atlesian Government Council
ordrer us to turn around and leave lile what they did to the
- Remember Soldier, if this operation is risk, We'll take it, No matter how much it
is."},"560488881930240000":{"u":0,"t":1553701362832,"m":"Task Force Soldier: Oorah,
sir!\n\n_He runs off with his fireteam as they board an APC, heading off to rescue
more people. Riley then fired a flare up the sky, signalling the landing location
for Liberty Delta. Now approaching Argus._"},"560489522559844371":
{"u":1,"t":1553701515570,"m":"Gift - Hey Cap,Commander we will pass this together,
right?\nCaptain/Commander Gift - Yes, We will pass this.\nCaptain Gift - And what
are we gonna do after this operation?\nGift - I gonna build house at
patch.\nCommander Gift - Sound Good."},"560490224615030786":
{"u":0,"t":1553701682953,"m":"Cossette: Someone said house? \n\n_Cossette then
lands next to him as she handed Gift a photo of a sprawling military complex built
right in the middle of Patch itself._\n\nCossette: I knew you'd want to live here
forever, and that's what we all intend to so I went on ahead and built that base
while I was busy getting my trusty bird re-armed."},"560490564097671197":
{"u":1,"t":1553701763892,"m":"Gift - Yeah i want to stay with my sisters, as long
until i have die.","te":1553789472871},"560491512509628424":
{"u":0,"t":1553701990011,"m":"Riley: There's no need to worry about death, for
every member of Task Force 141 are already immortal. Gift. I'll explain more when
we're on the airship.\n\n_Riley then boarded the dropship as Ruby went in first
followed by her teammates. Dante and his team have already flown to the airship
using their respective Devil Trigger forms excpet V, carried away by his gang of
Familiars._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> My mom can make it more simpler if you
want to.\n\n_She straps in on her seat as Gift sat next to her. After getting
strapped in the dropship took off, fifteen minutes into the flight it arrives and
docked with the Arsenal Bird._"},"560492180439957525":
{"u":1,"t":1553702149258,"m":"Gift - When i going to finish the enemy i will use
one of Dante's word before i shot it.\nCaptain Gift - What is it?\nGift -
Jackpot!"},"560492714546692107":{"u":0,"t":1553702276599,"m":"Dante: Never gets
old, right, Gift?\n\n_Dante playfully swinged his sword around, nearly slashing
Riley in the back. She gave him a death glare shortly before returning to her
businesses, as Gift sorted out his belongings in his quarters. The door opens as
Riley, Summer, and Price came in and promptly locked the door._\n\nPrice: Lad,
you're nor going to like this but we do need to talk."},"560492930750480417":
{"u":1,"t":1553702328146,"m":"Gift - What's happen Uncle
Price?"},"560493580104237088":{"u":0,"t":1553702482964,"m":"Price: Riley just told
me about the true nature of our task force, and it's not looking great. You know
why everyone in this task force becomes invincible to hits, right? That's because
Riley forced them to undergo a transformation process called \"Light
Infusion\"\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> And someone has been ratting us out and
selling this information to who? The _White Fang
themselves._"},"560493905137893399":{"u":1,"t":1553702560458,"m":"Captain Gift -
Are you gonna tell us is someone sell this information?"},"560494464733413396":
{"u":0,"t":1553702693876,"m":"Price: That's true, the Light Infusion process as
Riley told me is completely harmless. No deaths, but that it's one of our branch of
the task force that got a hold of Riley's sample of Light Energy crystals,
replicated it in perfect condition and sold it to Joseph Brycewicz, the White
Fang's current de facto leader."},"560494712293949450":
{"u":1,"t":1553702752899,"m":"Commander Gift - What are we gonna do
{"u":0,"t":1553702757726,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> And luckily I managed to
find that operational branch, have them locked up and sent here in this ship. Ready
for interrogation, Ruby will be watching this too."},"560495025805590549":
{"u":0,"t":1553702827646,"m":"Riley: The samples they got will never work unless
they turn it to _Genetize,_ an impure and broken down variant of Light Energy. Once
applied on a person, mortality rate is at minimum of 80
{"u":1,"t":1553702866510,"m":"Gift - Do you think they know how to
use?"},"560495696768270347":{"u":0,"t":1553702987616,"m":"Riley: As of now? No,
they're completely clueless. But one of their newly established clandestine
research unit deployed in Vacuo have
been pumping out \"prototypes\" of what they call the Faunus Legions, a mishmash
group of White Fang troops turned superfaunuses."},"560495792578756627":
{"u":0,"t":1553703010459,"m":"<:Summer:537356851113754625> The interrogation will
start soon, wanna tag along?"},"560496014725742593":
{"u":1,"t":1553703063423,"m":"Gift - Should we go?\nGeneral/Captain/Commander Gift
- Let's go."},"560497075188531210":{"u":0,"t":1553703316257,"m":"_At the
interrogation room, Summer is seen punching away at the face of Lieutenant Jules, a
former penal squadron leader._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> I'm giving you one
last chance. Why did you sell those fuckers the crystals?! Answer me!\n\n_She then
pressed a combat knife against his neck._\n\n<:Summer:537356851113754625> Do you
feel the blade of this knife on your throat? If you answer you'll get to live in
solitary confinement, if not, you die.","te":1553703427943},"560497599883378717":
{"u":1,"t":1553703441354,"m":"Captain Gift - He not answer this easily.\nGift -
Don't worry (Activate Devil Form and equip Devil Sword Dante)\nMaybe this will
work.\nCommander Gift - I hope that's work."},"560497780800487434":
{"u":0,"t":1553703484488,"m":"Jules: Wait, wait! Let the knife go and I'll answer,
just don't kill me! Please!"},"560497967744811049":
{"u":1,"t":1553703529059,"m":"Gift - Then Answer our
question."},"560124402184749057":{"u":1,"t":1553614464089,"m":"Gift - Alright
Dante,Nero,V Ready?"},"560124474117062676":{"u":6,"t":1553614481239,"m":"*falls in
the water*","te":1553614502330},"560124866657910806":
{"u":0,"t":1553614574828,"m":"Trigger: Gift! Atlas scrambled fighters on us and the
Bird will need at least an hour to come to our position! We're taking heavy losses,
three crafts down! \n\nBlake: To anyone on this frequency, this is Romeo 1-3,
request immediate support at Radar Site Alpha!"},"560125159747616768":
{"u":1,"t":1553614644706,"m":"Gift - Dante hold here, i will help
Blake."},"560125184451936258":{"u":6,"t":1553614650596,"m":"*comes out of the water
as a giant and starts fighting the mach*","a":
help them I will deal with the old hag"},"560125477076074496":
{"u":1,"t":1553614720363,"m":"Gift - Blake is also my sister, I will never left my
sisters."},"560125680008953858":{"u":0,"t":1553614768746,"m":"Cordovin: My, my...
General, how smart of you to think that you'll be able to use counterfeit IFF
protocols to trick us into thinking that your group of... delinquent brats can get
through the might of the Atlesian Army! I shall show you the true might of this
here Jaeger right this-\n\nDante: Shut up, old hag!\n\n_Dante transforms into his
Sin Devil Trigger form as Nero and V let loose a stream of heavy attacks on the
Colossus while Ruby keeps up fire support with the Crescent Rose. Gifr immediately
rushes to Blake's aid as she is involved in a fight against
Adam._"},"560125840269115396":{"u":6,"t":1553614806955,"m":"*punches the head of
the mach*"},"560126083588947989":{"u":1,"t":1553614864967,"m":"Gift - You, this for
what you done Adam."},"560126537278554112":
{"u":0,"t":1553614973135,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Lady, Claire. Now!\n\n_As
Gift jumps into the fight, Lady, Yang and Claire opened fire with everything
they've got at Adam. Overloading his semblance's limits and causing him to stagger
momentarily. Allowing Gift and Blake an opening for a duo
attack._"},"560127042004320266":{"u":1,"t":1553615093471,"m":"Gift - Adam You not
different from Vergil, Plan to get everything be your own, destroy everything that
on your way, That's same as Vergil."},"560128543955222539":
{"u":0,"t":1553615451564,"m":"Adam: Who's Vergil?! Who-\n\n_Before he could finish
his sentence, Blake spammed her light attack using her time-dilation grenade as she
sends slashes after slash at him. Tearing away at his aura, with the grenade's
effects fading away, Yang punches him clear in the head as Gift follwoed through
using his Devil Trigger, rocketing him up hight before slamming him full-force down
on the ground. Depleting his aura._\n\n_Back at Riley, however, her situation is
bleak as she keeps up her attack on the mech to no avail._\n\nRiley: Attack has no
effect on target! The more we hit the shield, the more powerful her attacks gets.
Anyone got ideas?\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I can take out the missile
launcher, just you wait Cordovin. I'll show you how it feels to be hit by one of
these suckers!\n\n_Ruby then locks onto the missile launcher attached onto the
Colossus' main gun before firing. The launcher retracts ad the round gets close but
thanks to the proximity fuse built into the rounds. The bullet tip detonates,
sending shards of explosive red dust at the launcher._"},"560128703409946644":
{"u":0,"t":1553615489581,"m":"V: Good, I'll keep up the attack. Ruby, you go get
your team and have them get on the ship. Now!"},"560128893407854594":
{"u":6,"t":1553615534880,"m":"I will keep it busy"},"560128902144720938":
{"u":1,"t":1553615536963,"m":"Captain Gift - Don't start party without me. (Firing
Rapid launcher)"},"560128941449543700":{"u":6,"t":1553615546334,"m":"Go
now!"},"560129241841139722":{"u":6,"t":1553615617953,"m":"\"Final attack ride J!\"
*fist starts to glow and punches the mach breaking it's
shield*"},"560129535497076757":{"u":1,"t":1553615687966,"m":"Commander Gift - Hey
Cap me also. (Using Scorpion's Fireball)"},"560129630401462272":
{"u":0,"t":1553615710593,"m":"_Captain then rained missiles after missiles at the
Jaeger's main shield while Dante, Nero, V, and Sci savagely tore away at the
Jaeger's main shield. The shield eventually gives into the damage and breaks down.
Angering Cordovin._\n\nCordovin: Ugh, fine. I'll show you this!\n\n_The main gun
then switches to its railgun form ad Cordovin fired wildly at the group below,
Dante and Nero managed to avoid the shots but unfortunately Ruby is caught in the
shockwave of a shot. Knocking her off of a cliff. She uses her rifle to keep her
hanging on the cliff as V and Cap rushes to her
{"u":0,"t":1553615752468,"m":"Riley: Sci! Get to the city and keep people away from
the barriers, now!"},"560129938821349381":{"u":6,"t":1553615784126,"m":"Little busy
here! *pushes the mach into the water*"},"560130066072469504":
{"u":0,"t":1553615814465,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Gift, go get Ruby! I'll
hold her off! Go, now!","te":1553615832563},"560130214227607552":
{"u":1,"t":1553615849788,"m":"Captain Gift - Got it. (Grab Ruby's hand)
Gotcha!"},"560130263942823939":{"u":6,"t":1553615861641,"m":"*tries to rip the main
gun arm off*"},"560130485997797376":
{"u":0,"t":1553615914583,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, Gift!\n\n_Weiss,
now manning a gun turret lets loose on one of the exposed shield generators on the
Jaeger's back. Finally destroying it._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Shield is
down, I say again. Shield is down!"},"560130574556200960":
{"u":6,"t":1553615942797,"m":"Let's finish this"},"560130666860249089":
{"u":1,"t":1553615957704,"m":"Captain Gift - I hope Gift is still
fine."},"560131142242533382":{"u":1,"t":1553616071044,"m":"Captain Gift - Hey
Commander let's end this.\n(Sorry if i use bad word but it can explain the
anger)\nCaptain/Commander Gift - FUCK YOU!!! (Activate Devil
Form)"},"560131485651304468":{"u":0,"t":1553616152919,"m":"Adam: Fine, bring it on!
\n\n_Adam rushes in for his final attack as Cap and Commander both rushed in head-
on. Cap and Commander landed their hits on Adam, finally sealing his fate as he is
blown away and sent down a ravine. Never to be seen again._"},"560132163199041567":
{"u":1,"t":1553616314459,"m":"Gift - Thanks Cap,Commander.\nCaptain Gift - Hey Good
soldier will never left teammate behind.\nGift - And also my sister.\nCommander
Gift - Anyway the Jaeger is going down.\nGift - I'm not gonna miss
this."},"560133347481878528":{"u":0,"t":1553616596814,"m":"_Back at Ruby, after
being helped up by V finds herself standing against Cordovin. The main gun aimed
directly at her._\n\nCordovin: Surrender, or die, Ruby. Your
choice.\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'd rather die a hero, than live my life a
prisoner.\n\n_Without hesitation, she activates her semblance as she flies directly
into the railgun's barrel. Shocking every member of the team including Cordovin,
inside the barrel, Ruby keeps her steady speed before slamming herself against a
charge capacitor unit but not before swallowing a shard of Light Energy crystal as
the railgun explodes into oblivion._\n\nRiley/Gift/V: RUBY!\n\n_Flying outwards and
away from the explosion is Ruby, now unconscious from the massive shockwave
endured. Riley takes to the sky as she pulled her away from the explosion and
promptlh landed her next to Jaune._","te":1557332547212},"560134263043915802":
{"u":1,"t":1553616815101,"m":"General/Captain/Commander Gift - FUCK YOU CORDOVIN
THIS FROM WHAT YOU TRY TO KILL MY SISTER!!!!\nGift - Even i die as hero and Ruby's
Brother I WILL END YOU CORDOVIN !!!! (Activate Ultimate Devil
Form)"},"560135878249283596":{"u":0,"t":1553617200196,"m":"_But before he could
advance any further, Gift finds himself being pushed away by Nero in his Devil
form._\n\nNero: Cool it, Gift. She's not dead and that lump of shit is out of
action.\n\n_Nero then lands him down next to Ruby, now fully healed by Riley and
Nico. V then rushed to Gift, startled._\n\nV: I, sense an evil presence coming
towards the city. Whatever it is, it's coming because of Cordovin, every move she
makes is terrifying the people of Argus and now, comes... the notorious
Leviathan.\n\n_The seas then breaks apart as the sky is filled with swarms of
Nevermores, Griffons and Wyverns. From the sea came a
gigactig Grimm, dubbed by Dante as \"Big Daddy Leviathan\"_\n\nDante: Looks like
we got yourself more cake to cut and share for everyone. Anyone want some of the
cut?\n\n_He transform into his Sin Devil Trigger form ince again as Riley engages
her \"Catalyst\" Final Form. Her sword glowing with Light Energy. The rest of the
team, including Maria are now making their way to the city. Leaving Gift and Ruby
behind._"},"560136414067425292":{"u":1,"t":1553617327945,"m":"Gift - I know she not
die, But she important to me, She make me know how to be a good brother, I must
protect and take care of her."},"560136677473910787":
{"u":1,"t":1553617390746,"m":"Gift - Even........ Even i die, I will always your
brother Ruby, I always."},"560137327687761922":
{"u":0,"t":1553617545769,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I know, Gift, I know. But
let's get to the city before anyone gets hurt.\n\n_The two then board the airship
and flew to the city. Dodging fireballs, feathers and other flying debris until
they finally land at the entrance to the naval base. From the sky, five Arsenal
Birds are seen entering Argus airspace as they began purging the sky free of Grimm.
But before they reach the Leviathan they broke off. Surprising
Gift._"},"560137582135214080":{"u":1,"t":1553617606434,"m":"Gift - What is
that?"},"560139037864624130":{"u":0,"t":1553617953507,"m":"Dante: Big Daddy
Leviathan, think you can use those precious pair of eyes you got to kill it?
Rubes?\n\n_Dante jokingly nudged the tip of his sword at Ruby's cloak as she
swatted it away before rallying her team together._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Trust me, I'm always ready. Team RWBY, ASSEMBLE!\n\n_Weiss, Blake and Yang then
landed next to her as Riley and her squad grouped togethet next to Yang. Jaune,
Nora and Ren are also standing next to Riley as everyone stood in line, all of them
facing the Levianthan._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> On my count! Three, two, one.
Now!\n\n_Ruby begins her attack as she pushes herself to the limits, attacking at
every single spot of wound inflicted by the Atlesian fighters and some stray
missile shots sent from the Arsenal Birds, Jaune then boosted his team's semblances
including himself. Gift took part along with Dante amd his crew by going straight
for the head._\n\nRiley: Give everything you've got!"},"560139429604229120":
{"u":1,"t":1553618046905,"m":"Gift - Dante, let me do the thing that i should
do."},"560140562242732064":{"u":0,"t":1553618316947,"m":"Dante: You got it, Nero!
V! Break off and let Guft do what he does best!\n\nNero/V: Fine...\n\n_Riley, Ruby
and the rest of their respective teams continue their attack until in all of a
sudden, the Leviathan unleashed a shockwave at the team, sending them down the
ground and destroying most of the buildings surrounding the naval base._\n\n_Ruby,
being the last to go down finds herself against the Leviathan. But this time she's
not alone as Riley and Gift comes to her aid._\n\nRiley: Let's do this together,
just the three of us, right Gift?"},"560140877700530186":
{"u":1,"t":1553618392158,"m":"Gift - Yes, But what happen if i combine silver eyes
and Devil trigger?"},"560141351816265734":{"u":0,"t":1553618505196,"m":"Dante: A
power so great it could conquer worlds in the snap of a finger! Just kidding, it's
just going to give a little more juice to your form, and your attacks will be more
powerful with each successfull hits. One mistake and you'll have to start
{"u":0,"t":1553618532081,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, you ready? Riley's
charging up."},"560141660697395207":{"u":1,"t":1553618578839,"m":"Gift - Alright
little sis, Let do this.(Activate Devil Form)"},"560143693693321254":
{"u":0,"t":1553619063543,"m":"_Ruby then activates her Silver Eyes as she begins to
enter a trance, recalling her memories from the moment of her birth, flashbacks
after flashbacks. Her eyes grew brighter and brighter, Riley undergoes the same
state as she prepares herself to unleash the full capabilities of Light Energy
while Gift charged his Final Attack. His sword shining even brighter._\n\n_The
Leviathan roars as it senses an imminent threat. Jinn observes in silence from her
confinement in the relic as she simply smiled. Wishing for Ruby to pull this
through._\n\n_Dante, Nero and V all watched in awe as they are simply blown away by
the show of such immense power._\n\n_Ruby finishes powering up and awaited until
Riley and Gift are ready. From then, she asks..._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Gift, you ready?"},"560143891643236355":{"u":1,"t":1553619110738,"m":"Gift - I'm
ready my little sis."},"560144653631094803":{"u":0,"t":1553619292410,"m":"_Saying
nothing, she engages her Silver Eyes as light begins to cover the entirety of Atlas
itself. Riley unleashes her power by launching herself at the Leviathan before
exploding into a massive omnidirectional wave of pure Light Energy as Gift finishes
the attack by stabbing his sword full force onto its head._\n\n_After a few
moments, the light fades away as the Leviathan turns into ashes and disintegrates
into nothingness... The three fell down the sky, completely
exhausted._"},"560144849823727636":{"u":1,"t":1553619339186,"m":"Gift - Did
we......make it?"},"560107754329604106":{"u":1,"t":1553610494931,"m":"Gift - (Sword
appear on Gift's hand) Devil Sword?"},"560108280618156042":
{"u":6,"t":1553610620408,"m":"*pulls out card*"},"560108371978485762":
60/agito1-1.jpg"}]},"560108523191664659":{"u":0,"t":1553610678242,"m":"_Gift looks
to his back as the sword he currently uses transforms into its new form. Dubbed the
Devil Sword Dante._"},"560108637708877825":{"u":6,"t":1553610705545,"m":"*pulls out
the card behind it*"},"560108775189774352":{"u":6,"t":1553610738323,"a":
{"u":1,"t":1553610766904,"m":"Gift - Hey! When the battle is
battle?"},"560109165436076033":{"u":1,"t":1553610831365,"m":"Gift - I don't know
but i want to try my new weapon."},"560109517472268299":
{"u":6,"t":1553610915297,"m":"Well let's try my new power then *form ride agito
{"u":6,"t":1553610972063,"m":"Let's begin in the court yard"},"560110075008516108":
{"u":1,"t":1553611048224,"m":"Gift - If you also want to try (Activate Devil form)
let's try it. (Equip Devil Sword Dante)"},"560110229983985670":
{"u":0,"t":1553611085173,"m":"_As everyone breaks off to their businesses, Jaune,
wishing to apologise and make up to his mistakes rallies everyone to the main
room_"},"560110437866405888":{"u":6,"t":1553611134736,"m":"*heads to the court
yard*"},"560110610470141952":{"u":1,"t":1553611175888,"m":"Gift - I don't know what
is this sword can do but let's try it."},"560110933171634178":
{"u":0,"t":1553611252826,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ahem, uh, everyone? Can I
have your attention?"},"560111138961096734":{"u":1,"t":1553611301890,"m":"Gift -
Hey Scifi It's seem they have rally, maybe this is
important."},"560111199136645131":{"u":6,"t":1553611316237,"m":"*turns around* what
is it jaune"},"560111327968886815":{"u":1,"t":1553611346953,"m":"(Deactivate Devil
form)\nGift - What is it?"},"560112054678323201":{"u":1,"t":1553611520214,"m":"Gift
- He's seem so calm, Have you forget that thing?"},"560112802493366275":
{"u":6,"t":1553611698507,"m":"No I haven't"},"560112895862505493":
{"u":1,"t":1553611720768,"m":"Gift - I mean Jaune"},"560113003144675358":
{"u":0,"t":1553611746346,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I just want to let you
guys know that I'm sorry for what I did to Oscar and for my irrational actions. And
that I've came up with a plan."},"560113139828523018":
{"u":1,"t":1553611778934,"m":"Gift - What's the plan Jaune?"},"560113485175062538":
{"u":0,"t":1553611861271,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Since Atlas is keeping us
locked in, why don't we have Cossette call in her Arsenal Bird, use it to get past
the giant robot called the Colossus that Cordovin has in store in one of the secret
Jaeger hangars she's built here and use that Arsenal Bird to fight our way through?
Or that we can steal an Atlesian airship, put it on stealth and gun it to
{"u":0,"t":1553611908001,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I know that these plans
sound crazy but it's what Nora and I could come up with, I need you guys to vote
though."},"560113916668018688":{"u":1,"t":1553611964147,"m":"Gift - Seem good plan
(Transform to Atlesian Soldier) So lucky i have this form."},"560114897891885056":
{"u":0,"t":1553612198089,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I can use my ID as a lure
while you guys get an airship. Cossette called and told me she'd provide cover for
the rest of our trip.\n\n_In all of a sudden, Qrow busts into the room and angrily
swiped away the holographic projections before smashing the projector to
bits._\n\nQrow: Don't you realize that they have us all locked in and that stealing
an Atlesian military asset means death penalty?! I suggest we stay in and
wait-\n\n_Ruby, out of frustration yelled at her uncle before unsheathing her rifle
in its scythe form before slamming the stock on the floor. The blade reflecting the
room's light brightly._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's either we make a move or
we end up being the ones to blame for doing nothing, uncle Qrow! Are you with us,
or are you going against us?"},"560115233268695060":
{"u":1,"t":1553612278049,"m":"Gift - (Activate Devil Form) It's only one way or
maybe."},"560116000280805387":{"u":6,"t":1553612460919,"m":"I could detract the
- No SciFi, This mission is stealth no assault."},"560116221861953536":
{"u":0,"t":1553612513748,"m":"Dante: I'm with you, Rubes. Either we go, or we end
up in solitary.\n\nTrigger: How did you know-\n\nDante: Shut up. \n\n_Dante
unsheated his devil sword before resting the blade on Ruby's left shoulder as Riley
followed suit with her Dustcalibur. The rest of the team presented their weapons,
all ready for action, rendering Qrow speechless._\n\nQrow: Fine, I'll help. I knew
people who can deal with spoofing Atlesian IFF codes, I can have Trigger and his
squadron pose as Atlesian jets while you steal an airship, but, you'll have to get
rid of the Surface-to-Air Phased Array radar station mounted at Arklay Heights.
Blake, you will disable the tower along with Avril.\n\nRiley: Scifi, I need you to
scout out the location of the Colossus and disable whatever it has in its ordnance
should Cordovin use it to attack. Can you do
{"u":6,"t":1553612559800,"m":"\"Attack ride invisible\" *turns
invisible*"},"560116554247831572":{"u":1,"t":1553612592995,"m":"Gift - What's plan
for this mission? Assault or stealth?"},"560116658660835328":
{"u":0,"t":1553612617889,"m":"Riley: We go in stealth, but if things go south we go
all out with the Arsenal Bird."},"560117325844578332":
{"u":1,"t":1553612776958,"m":"Gift - Same as i think if we assault it's not
work."},"560117896416854026":{"u":0,"t":1553612912993,"m":"Alita: I can use my
berserker cells to clear out Grimm should they intervene.\n\n_Riley then leaves the
house along with Blake and Scifi to the Phased Array radar station while the rest
of the team rested and prepared for their new mission._\n\nJune 14th,
2089\n\"Mantle or Bust\"\nGeneral Gift - Remnant Task Force
141"},"560118197781790720":{"u":1,"t":1553612984844,"m":"Gift - Alright long time i
didn't do mission."},"560119302385041410":{"u":0,"t":1553613248202,"m":"Riley: It
is, Blake and Scifi are taking up positions at the radar station with Claire and
her team. All is well.\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> This is Romeo 1-2 to Bravo 6,
request sitrep, over.\n\n_Weiss is seen making her way inside the naval base as the
two guards escorted her to the floating artificial platform airfields where the
fighters and most of Argus' aerial assets are kept and maintained. Ruby reports her
situation in as she remains at the \"Miracle Line\" within Argus'
airspace._"},"560119542332784645":{"u":1,"t":1553613305410,"m":"Gift - Roger
{"u":0,"t":1553613644612,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I'm now inside one of the
hangars, boarding now. Strider squadron, go now.\n\nTrigger: Copy, 1-2.
Deploying.\n\n_As she boards the airship, Trigger immediately scrambled his
squadron to deploy full ECMs, spoofing the Phased Array radar with Atlesian IFF
codes. At the radar, Blake is seen ripping away a signal modulator unit when Leon
yelled from down below that someone is coming._\n\nLeon: Blake, someone's coming,
real fast!\n\n_Back at Ruby, after having finished loading her rifle full of DB-
32MS \"Devil Breaker\" Multimode ammunition, she readies her rifle before going
back to hiding in an abandoned cabin, oblivious to the situation ongoing at the
radar site._\n_"},"560121435293745186":{"u":1,"t":1553613756727,"m":"Gift - Ruby
you know, that modifies i have build by my own, only for you little
{"u":0,"t":1553613835542,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks, Gift. I owe you
one! Anyways, here's Weiss! She's coming!\n\n_Ruby then launches a green flare,
revealing her position to Weiss and Maria who are now commamdeering the airship
after having knocked out and dumped the pilots
{"u":1,"t":1553613878408,"m":"Gift - Okey there they are."},"560123600909107220":
{"u":1,"t":1553614273050,"m":"Gift - What the next plan?"},"560123606303244299":
{"u":0,"t":1553614274336,"m":"_The airship lands as the side door ramps opened as
Oscar climbed his way up._"},"560123759718301700":
{"u":1,"t":1553614310913,"m":"Gift - Okey Phase 1 clear time for Phase
2."},"560124176002711553":{"u":0,"t":1553614410163,"m":"Oscar: Now, we get the rest
of the team and, wait- Something's coming!\n\n_He turns around only to find out
that the Colossus has been activated, the gigantic Jaeger stands tall over the
airship as its shadow covered most of the spot its standing on. Through its
loudspeakers came Cordovin's voice blaring through._"},"560124371222396928":
{"u":6,"t":1553614456707,"m":"*drives off the cliff in my motorbike*
{"u":0,"t":1553353952659,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> DIDN'T YOU HEAR? HE LIED
TO US!"},"559031892196851723":{"u":6,"t":1553353989410,"m":"*looks to Ruby* can u
plz explain ruby"},"559031984761077780":{"u":1,"t":1553354011479,"m":"Gift -
(Activate Devil Form) I know he lied but calm down Jaune."},"559032960884539417":
{"u":0,"t":1553354244205,"m":"_Jaune finaly calms himself down before stomping his
way back to his room on the second floor. Ren, not wishing to escalate the tension
any further breaks down the tension by simply leaving a pack of Pax vaping pods on
the coffee table._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Maybe it's best that we... have a
little moment to ourselves. Those pods in the package are free to use for anyone
who have a PaxStix."},"559033094921781271":{"u":0,"t":1553354276162,"m":"_He leaves
the house with Nora, slowly shutting the door as he solemnly looks at Scifi, Riley
and Gift._"},"559033235720503303":{"u":6,"t":1553354309731,"m":"*let's go of
Jaune*"},"559033466520600595":{"u":1,"t":1553354364758,"m":"Gift - Scifi let him
clam down by himself, Hey Dante look at this pod."},"559033628135522314":
{"u":0,"t":1553354435704,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> He's right, it's better
off that way. If you need me I'll be in the courtyard!\n\n_She grabs two Pax pods
before leaving for the courtyard. Dante kept his gaze at the pods longingly,
wanting to get himself one._\n\nDante: Damn, haven't had any of those in
years..."},"559034119053639738":{"u":6,"t":1553354520334,"m":"*pulls out a blank
card And heads out to the court yard*"},"559034146471804978":
{"u":1,"t":1553354526871,"m":"Gift - (at courtyard) Hey Ruby, As i'm brother i
don't know how long can i hold them."},"559034811000422421":
{"u":0,"t":1553354685307,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's tough, I know.
Anyways, here's Maria! \n\nMaria: Well, that certainly was uncalled for from a
young man like Jaune, but it's not exactly unexpected either. I've seen worse, but
what's really important is how to get Miss Rubles here to have more... control over
her gift."},"559035002537639947":{"u":6,"t":1553354730973,"m":"*watches out the
window*"},"559035419761836032":{"u":0,"t":1553354830447,"m":"_Ruby then begins her
set of training with Maria, standing in the living room is Riley and Alita, now
engrossed in a match in Remnant Royale as Cossette slept on the couch. Tired from
the non-stop action._"},"559035486128046081":{"u":1,"t":1553354846270,"m":"Gift - I
will Maria i'm Ruby's Brother after all but i'm also Weiss, Blake and yang Brother,
I will take care of them."},"559035690357096478":
{"u":0,"t":1553354894962,"m":"Maria: You should, as long as you're still
here."},"559035808493993996":{"u":6,"t":1553354923128,"m":"*observes ruby training
And looks at the card*"},"559035888491954177":{"u":1,"t":1553354942201,"m":"Gift -
I always Maria always take care them."},"559036740761813042":
{"u":6,"t":1553355145398,"m":"*heads outside thought the front door and decides to
take a walk*"},"559037180815867924":{"u":0,"t":1553355250315,"m":"_Time passed by
as the day went on and on, Ruby gets progressively more skilled in controlling how
her eyes will function in the event of activation, including the manipulation of
the light itself to enhance her striking power and even transforming her into a
highly enhanced version of herself. Dubbed the \"Angel Form\" by Nero and V, while
Alita observes in silence and simply mouthed \"Ruby's always the best
girl\"._\n\n_Until one day, Jaune wakes up and finds the bed next to his, belonging
to Oscar to be missing of all of his properties but the Broom Hc pistol Oscar
looted off of the corpse of a White Fang operator._\n\n_Shocked, he rushed
downstairs before calling everyone to gather
around._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Guys, we have an emergency. Oscar's
{"u":0,"t":1553355295754,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> He ran off the day Jaune
gave him a new one, sad to say but... I can't get him on my trackers. We need to
get on foot and find him."},"559037768731459586":
{"u":6,"t":1553355390485,"m":"*knocks on the door*"},"559038232185274370":
{"u":0,"t":1553355500981,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> You're here just in time,
Sci. We're looking for Oscar, wanna join?"},"559038759346372640":
{"u":6,"t":1553355626666,"m":"I think I can help seems like u need a tracker
*pulls out card*","a":
{"u":1,"t":1553355691959,"m":"Gift - Dante did you find
him?"},"559039228361572385":{"u":0,"t":1553355738488,"m":"Dante: No luck, but I did
find Jaune. He's at the Nikos Memorial Avenue."},"559039344258580505":
{"u":6,"t":1553355766120,"m":"*pulls out driver And it wraps around my waist*
Henshin *opens the driver and puts the card in*","a":
{"u":6,"t":1553355800090,"m":"\"Kamen ride Amazon\" *transforms* let's go","a":
- Nero Did you found Oscar?"},"559040264652455957":
{"u":0,"t":1553355985559,"m":"Nero: No, but he did called me and told me he's at
the house."},"559040417581236225":{"u":1,"t":1553356022020,"m":"Gift -
Good."},"559040759836311555":{"u":6,"t":1553356103620,"m":"Does this place have any
secret doors?"},"559041053307568148":{"u":0,"t":1553356173589,"m":"Nero: No the
fuck it doesn't, now let's get back to the house."},"559041406925012993":
{"u":1,"t":1553356257898,"m":"Gift - What are we gonna do
now?"},"559041544032616495":{"u":6,"t":1553356290587,"m":"Is there an a is there an
attic?"},"559041950137843733":{"u":1,"t":1553356387410,"m":"(I going to rest
{"u":1,"t":1553609364414,"m":"Gift - Damn! I can't find
him."},"560103305632808961":{"u":0,"t":1553609434279,"m":"Nero: Get your ass back
to the house, Gift. He's there."},"560103391125176351":
{"u":1,"t":1553609454662,"m":"Gift - Got it Nero."},"560104502246637569":
{"u":0,"t":1553609719574,"m":"_After hanging uo the phone, he returned to the house
only to find Qrow lying on the staircase intoxicated yet again. This time Riley and
Alita got to their feet and helped him up._\n\n_The door opens as Oscar surprised
the team. Nora reacts by glomping him full force, nearly knocking him
unconscious._"},"560104931793567756":{"u":1,"t":1553609821986,"m":"Gift - I have
question in my mind. I have silver eyes and then Devil trigger and Devil
form?"},"560105197372702750":{"u":0,"t":1553609885305,"m":"Dante: I dunno, it's
quite... complicated. Maybe someone up there, the man with the golden horns wants
you to have what I have? It's possible."},"560105414231064576":
{"u":1,"t":1553609937008,"m":"Gift - Yeah, maybe that's
{"u":0,"t":1553610255020,"m":"_After getting Nora off of him, Oscar turns to the
group. Presenting them his new outfit and his recently upgraded cane, now modified
with a contact-firing plasmacaster unit._\n\nOscar: I'm going to be honest here,
I'm... I'm really sorry for scaring you all that way, but now that I've got myself
a new outfit and made some changes, I decided to make you all a casserole as a way
to say sorry.\n\n_As he introduced everyone his new outfit and weaponry, the smell
of burnt food came through as a smoke detector comes to life blaring alerts at full
volume._\n\nOscar: Oh, no. The casserole!\n\n_He runs off to the kitchen as Saphron
shook her head and laughed._"},"560107039049646090":
{"u":1,"t":1553610324395,"m":"Gift - Dante, What happen with my hand? Am i getting
a new weapon?"},"560107203508305935":{"u":0,"t":1553610363605,"m":"Nero: Guessed
it, it's the Devil Breaker, dude. Just deal with it."},"560107379094454273":
{"u":1,"t":1553610405468,"m":"Gift - No it's a sword."},"560107492235935765":
{"u":6,"t":1553610432443,"m":"*card starts to glow* what
the"},"558681258817749002":{"u":1,"t":1553270391898,"m":"(I gonna take rest, I know
you have something to do, is that why you respond lately? I
understand)"},"558682155597692929":{"u":0,"t":1553270605707,"m":"(Yeah, I'm sorry.
Rest well...)"},"559017785754124288":{"u":0,"t":1553350626172,"m":"_The first guard
spoke coarsely as his voice echoed throughout the clearing, the second guard stood
still with his left hand gripping the holster tightly._\n\nRiley: Look, we're a
part of Remnant Peacekeeping Task Force 141. Special Operational Detachment Delta.
We need to speak to your commanding officer."},"559018156866142218":
{"u":1,"t":1553350714652,"m":"Gift - Yes, This my ID
#1: Presenting your ID card in open space is a violation of the Atlesian Military
Wartime Regulation Code of Conduct 61-B-6613, General. Keep it and wait until we
can contact our commanding officer.","te":1553350900739},"559019018183376908":
{"u":1,"t":1553350920006,"m":"Gift - Thanks."},"559019124093747200":
{"u":0,"t":1553350945257,"m":"Dante: How long do we have to wait for the fancy man
to come down here and have a little chat?"},"559019181995982850":
{"u":0,"t":1553350959062,"m":"V: This is absurd..."},"559019336572862474":
{"u":1,"t":1553350995916,"m":"Gift - I don't know how long can we
wait."},"559019506903810058":{"u":0,"t":1553351036526,"m":"_As they waited, a call
came through the Guards' intercom unit as they stood down and opened the gate.
_"},"559019676537978892":{"u":0,"t":1553351076970,"m":"Guard #1: Sorry for the
wait, sir. But our commanding officer has been dealing with a special guest. Here
she comes."},"559019923406454804":{"u":0,"t":1553351135828,"m":"_They stepped aside
as a small woman, aged in her mid 50s strided her way down the main entrance to the
main gate. Surprising most of the team save for one person,
Maria._"},"559020413599088641":{"u":0,"t":1553351252699,"m":"_The woman then
revealed her badge and identification node. Showing on Gift's HUD indicates she is
the commanding officer of the naval base. She apporached him before pushing him
aside, surprising him. She then stopped in front of Maria._"},"559020616322121751":
{"u":0,"t":1553351301032,"m":"Cordovin: This is Fleet Admiral Carolina Cordovin,
commanding officer of the Vincent A. Tiedemann Naval Base, what brings you here to
our base?"},"559021255366541333":{"u":1,"t":1553351453392,"m":"Gift - Why i can't
get my MCV to Argus?"},"559021477962317844":{"u":0,"t":1553351506463,"m":"Cordovin:
Bringing an unauthorized military asset directly into Atlesian soil is a major
violation of our sovereignty, General! I will not abide by this and allow you
to-"},"559021734234292257":{"u":0,"t":1553351567563,"m":"Riley: Cut the bullshit,
Cordovin. Haven't you heard of what happened to Haven?! The assault on the academy,
our encounters with Cinder, and how we've managed to bring the White Fang down to
their knees? What about-"},"559021832498577408":
{"u":0,"t":1553351590991,"m":"_Riley gets cut off by Maria, who is now close to
Cordovin, real close..._"},"559022294488449025":{"u":1,"t":1553351701138,"m":"Gift
- I have lost my base there at Beacon, and almost lost at Haven, I left there for
outpost and now i have to setup my third base,but you won't
allow?"},"559022662265995285":{"u":0,"t":1553351788823,"m":"Cordovin: General, I've
heard of what happened to Beacon and how you and your... students have fought
gallantly there. But I will not allow you, or any of your members to cross through
Argus without proper Atlesian permission. This discussion is over, General. Go back
to where you've came from."},"559022966663282698":
{"u":1,"t":1553351861397,"m":"Gift - Fine, Baseplate this is Bravo 6 we got a
trouble now."},"559023933169598476":{"u":0,"t":1553352091830,"m":"Baseplate: Copy,
Bravo. We've got problems here too, thing is, the Russians are pulling people off
of Remnant and that applies to most of the countries on the Eastern European
section. The United States are still sending help to Beacon but they're cut down to
fifty percent manpower thanks to them being hit by a Grimm invasion sent by Salem
as retaliation to what you've done at Haven. Also, from now on you are to remain in
Argus for the time being until we can finally convince Atlas to get their heads out
of their asses and get you to Mantle."},"559024313186123776":
{"u":1,"t":1553352182433,"m":"Gift - Copy, My problem is we can't get our MCV
inside Argus."},"559024775964524554":{"u":0,"t":1553352292768,"m":"Baseplate:
That's exactly what we've been trying to, Gift. But they simply won't cooperate
even though their defenses are... measly and vastly underpowered. For now you are
to remain in Argus, but if you can, find a way to get past Cordovin and go to
Mantle. Baseplate out.","te":1553352301721},"559025113245286402":
{"u":1,"t":1553352373182,"m":"Gift - Copy Uncle Mac, Bravo 6
{"u":0,"t":1553352654787,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Guessed it, she just
won't let us through."},"559026386111823874":
{"u":0,"t":1553352676657,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Let's get back to the
house and think of our next move.."},"559026531851173948":
{"u":1,"t":1553352711404,"m":"Gift - We can't pass but i think i have someone that
i can call.","te":1553352725300},"559026629255364611":
{"u":6,"t":1553352734627,"m":"(Can I join?)"},"559027023503294464":
{"u":0,"t":1553352828623,"m":"(C'mon in!)"},"559027756835536912":
{"u":0,"t":1553353003463,"m":"_The team then regroups at the Arc family house, as
others are resting. Oscar, out of the blue called everyone into the living room,
with everyone settled he begins reporting on what he had discovered during his
encounter with Jinn and what she had informed them of. During the elaboration,
Jaune, trembling with anger asks for Oscar to stop before snapping into a fit of
rage as he punched at a wall and grabbed him by the neck before pinning him onto a
wall._"},"559028198675841045":{"u":1,"t":1553353108806,"m":"Gift - (on phone)
Ironwood did you hear me?"},"559028587227775017":
{"u":6,"t":1553353201444,"m":"*standing by a wall near
hope I'm not interrupting something"},"559028745856614430":
{"u":0,"t":1553353239264,"m":"Ironwood: I hear you, loud and clear. Cordovin again,
right? Well I've got no good news here, only bad ones. The Military Committee wants
you to stay in Argus until they've come up with how to get you guys to Mantle
without detection by a sub-group of the White Fang, the
KVA."},"559029096416411651":{"u":1,"t":1553353322844,"m":"Gift - Got it, Thanks for
detail, James."},"559029568133005312":{"u":6,"t":1553353435310,"m":"I am not sure
if u guys really remember me *walks by everyone and sits down on the
couch*"},"559029728338509856":{"u":1,"t":1553353473506,"m":"Gift - It a long time
good to see u too Gift"},"559030383618818049":{"u":0,"t":1553353629737,"m":"_As
the two talked, Jaune's yelling is loud enough to get their attention. The two
finds him beating up Oscar as Ruby tries her best to pry him off, but to no
{"u":0,"t":1553353646176,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I can't get him off,
someone stop him!"},"559030529878654986":{"u":6,"t":1553353664608,"m":"*gets up and
helps ruby restrain jaune*"},"559030554649952266":
{"u":1,"t":1553353670514,"m":"Gift - I'm on it."},"559030605971718145":
{"u":6,"t":1553353682750,"m":"Jaune calm down"},"559030689106886675":
{"u":1,"t":1553353702571,"m":"Gift - Why did you do that?"},"559030957592805376":
{"u":0,"t":1553353766583,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> He lied to us, he lied to
us and we're supposed to believe him?!"},"559031184710041610":
{"u":6,"t":1553353820732,"m":"What happened Exactly?"},"559031247133736977":
{"u":6,"t":1553353835615,"m":"*keeps holding him back*"},"559031547844493334":
{"u":0,"t":1553353907310,"m":"_Jaune, still trying to reach Oscar yelled at the top
of his lungs._"},"559031598524268584":{"u":1,"t":1553353919393,"m":"Gift - Scifi
That's our problem, they have know the truth and i don't know how long can i get
them together."},"558299891751714816":
{"u":0,"t":1553179466904,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oh, it's
you..."},"558299984303357970":{"u":0,"t":1553179488970,"m":"_She gives him a hug
after Gift deactivated his Devil Form._"},"558300432024469505":
{"u":1,"t":1553179595715,"m":"Gift - (hug Ruby) I'm sorry to scare you little sis.
(Kiss Ruby)"},"558300967934623765":
{"u":0,"t":1553179723486,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> It's alright, just don't
do that again."},"558301047123214348":{"u":0,"t":1553179742366,"m":"_She gives him
a light kiss on his left cheek before leaving for the commanding
deck._"},"558301129843408917":{"u":1,"t":1553179762088,"m":"Gift - You don't know
that i have kiss you?","te":1553179789579},"558302070516613141":
{"u":0,"t":1553179986362,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> (through intercom) I'm at
the commanding deck, expected time to Argus is around an hour or so. Come! The
view's beautiful from here!"},"558302444795330570":
{"u":1,"t":1553180075597,"m":"Gift - It a nice view and...(Suddenly he hug Ruby) We
will watch this two of us."},"558303590733840396":
{"u":0,"t":1553180348810,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Yeah, just the two of
us..."},"558303716873207818":{"u":1,"t":1553180378884,"m":"Gift - I'm also can warm
your heart."},"558304040535064609":{"u":0,"t":1553180456051,"m":"_Time passed by as
the view gradually changes, after traveling for another hour due to a data relay
error, the MCV finally arrives at one of Argus' largest intercontinental exchange
hub to ever exist, the Vincent Tiedemann Interccontinental Transit
Hub._"},"558304226586001418":{"u":1,"t":1553180500409,"m":"Gift - Hey little sis,
Seem we have arrive."},"558305085369614357":
{"u":0,"t":1553180705159,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oh, we're here
already?...\n\n_She yawns after falling asleep on one of the empty piloting
seats._"},"558305290777264140":{"u":1,"t":1553180754132,"m":"Gift - Come on, let's
go."},"558306307099197450":{"u":0,"t":1553180996442,"m":"_The partt departs the MCV
as it returns to a docking station. Greeting them are Jaune, Nora and Ren. All of
them showing up with bags after bags of gifts they'd bought as a welcoming
gift._"},"558306773942140960":{"u":1,"t":1553181107746,"m":"Gift - I'm glad to see
you three."},"558307055425945600":
{"u":0,"t":1553181174857,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Hey!\n\n_In all of a
sudden, she jumps on Oscar as she riddled his face with kiss after kiss. Jaune and
Ren then turn to greet the others that have arrived. Including
Gift._"},"558307438089076766":{"u":1,"t":1553181266091,"m":"Gift - Hey Dante have
you ever seen anyplace that have a nice view?"},"558308041301164043":
{"u":0,"t":1553181409908,"m":"Dante: Never, not even once..\n\n_He furtively wipes
his left eye as he gazed at the sky, now tainted orange from the sun
setting._\n\n:<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well, uh, everyone. Since you're all
here, I'd like you to meet the person who managed to get the MCVs to you guys in
time. Meet Saphron, my sister!","te":1553181670054},"558308195630710805":
{"u":10,"t":1553181461403,"m":"(Sorry to interrupt, I'm just impressed with how
detailed you guys are)"},"558308396760301568":{"u":1,"t":1553181494656,"m":"(Oh
thanks Andrew)"},"558308666776748042":
{"u":0,"t":1553181559033,"m":"<@540713727234801664> (This whole \"mission\" thing
we're doing here is pretty much a mishmash of stuff we both could cone up with
(Seriously though, it looks awesome and to be honest kinda fun but I don't want to
bother you guys)"},"558308863561170945":
{"u":10,"t":1553181605950,"m":"<@412222248192049162> (Cool, I just assumed it was
based around Vol. 6)"},"558308889943343114":{"u":0,"t":1553181612240,"m":"(It's
okay lol, you can pop in and join if you want to.)
{"u":0,"t":1553181623594,"m":"<@540713727234801664> (Yup)"},"558309108063797248":
{"u":10,"t":1553181664244,"m":"<@412222248192049162> (Are you sure? I'm not really
sure how I'd come in, should I just make up a character or
{"u":0,"t":1553181734629,"m":"<@540713727234801664> (It could be any character you
wish to RP as. And if you don't mind, we're about to
continue.)"},"558309503515492402":{"u":1,"t":1553181758527,"m":"Gift - Oh i see and
hey Cap.\nCaptain Gift - Hey Gift long time no see.\nGift - Yeah long
time."},"558310364543057926":{"u":0,"t":1553181963812,"m":"_Walking her way towards
the group is Saphron and her spouse, Terra. The two then introduced themselves to
the party, causing Ruby to nearly have a mental breakdown in the progress thanks to
her assumption of Jaune having sisters becoming a reality. After meeting and
greeting, the party are then invited to stay at the Arc family house by
Saphron._\n\nSaphron: Well, I'm sure my house has a lot of room to spare for you
guys here. You're welcome to stay here as long as you wish
to."},"558310674959302687":{"u":1,"t":1553182037821,"m":"Gift - Yeah for long and
have some time to control Devil trigger and Devil Form."},"558310830781759489":
{"u":0,"t":1553182074972,"m":"Terra: So, what are you waiting for? Pack up and
let's get going!"},"558311215890169863":{"u":1,"t":1553182166789,"m":"Gift -
Alright time for relax and training my new skill."},"558313736847360001":
{"u":0,"t":1553182767832,"m":"_During their stay in Argus, Gift begins his training
along with Dante, Nero and V while Riley makes improvements to Argus itself using
her Godlike powers obtained from directly fusing herself with Light Energy, a form
of energy discovered on Earth that has the ability to turn a person into a Godlike
being as long as they are willing to protect and maintain peace and
order._\n\n_Ruby begins her routine training of mastering her newfound power along
with Cossette with Maria as their coach. However, back in Mistral someone is
brokering a deal that may lead to an all-out war..._"},"558314188498272287":
{"u":1,"t":1553182875514,"m":"(I'm going to rest, let's continue
tomorrow)"},"558314241103233057":{"u":0,"t":1553182888056,"m":"(Roger, roger. Rest
well!)"},"558315493786779679":{"u":10,"t":1553183186719,"m":"(Sorry I didn't do
much, I'll figure out some way to jump in)"},"558319245415546889":
{"u":0,"t":1553184081177,"m":"(It's okay)"},"558674181764415498":
{"u":1,"t":1553268704597,"m":"Gift - Hey Dante,Nero,V thanks for
help."},"558674420332232745":{"u":0,"t":1553268761476,"m":"Dante: No problemo,
partner. We're always ready."},"558674601157066772":
{"u":1,"t":1553268804588,"m":"Gift - I'm gonna check out my little
sister."},"558674831684665365":{"u":0,"t":1553268859550,"m":"_Ruby barges her way
into the living room, her face drenched in sweat._"},"558675157498068995":
{"u":0,"t":1553268937230,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> No luck, Atlas won't allow
military convoys to pass through or enter their borders for
now..."},"558675582553030687":{"u":1,"t":1553269038571,"m":"Gift - That isn't good,
we can't build our base. (Then Ruby see Devil Sword Sparda on Gift's
{"u":0,"t":1553269162593,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Maybe I can try
negotiating with them since I came from there.."},"558676291180822574":
{"u":1,"t":1553269207521,"m":"Gift - Okey let's try it."},"558677928926511107":
{"u":0,"t":1553269597990,"m":"_The team then arrives at the V. Tiedemann Naval
Base, Argus' sole fortress guarding the seas surrounding the city from Grimm. As
they arrive they find the main entrance gate locked shut._\n\nNero: Bureaucratic
bullshit again..."},"558679131047460915":{"u":1,"t":1553269884598,"m":"Gift -
(Equip Devil Sword Sparda) I think time for battle,Right
Dante?"},"558681007855894540":{"u":0,"t":1553270332064,"m":"_Suddenly, two guards
emerged from their respective pillbox and walked their way to the gate. The sound
of boots clapping against the ground can be heard across the entrance as the two
guards exaggerated their walking style._\n\nGuard #1: Unknown units, please state
your intention and issue."},"557578454619652097":
{"u":0,"t":1553007462888,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> (from radio: Gift, I've
found a trailer cart that can be jerryrigged and attached to Bumblebee.\n\n_She
then brings out the cart effortlessly by using the gravity sling fired from her
right prosthetic arm._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> With the cart retrived, now we
can weld ir attached.\n\nOscar: I'll do it."},"557578650023624723":
{"u":1,"t":1553007509476,"m":"Gift - Um.... is anyone see
{"u":0,"t":1553007726408,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I'm
here...\n\n_She walks slowly towards the group, visibly tired. Riley trailed after
her along with Alita, both of them slowed down to a crawl. Not paying attention to
the group they slowly made their way back inside the house._\n\nRiley: Where the
hell's Ruby? And why are you guys standing here like oddly-dressed
{"u":1,"t":1553007830043,"m":"Gift - Dante do you know what's happen to
them?"},"557580279900799008":{"u":0,"t":1553007898069,"m":"Dante: Fuck me, I knew
this was gonna happen! It's the Apathy, they're slowing us all
down..."},"557580411681767454":{"u":1,"t":1553007929488,"m":"Gift - But i'm still
normal."},"557580869666209798":{"u":0,"t":1553008038680,"m":"_As Dante struggled to
reach for his sword, Gift saw Ruby dropping the Relic of Knowledge down into the
well before snapping out of her trance. After realizing what she had done she
screamed in terror. Prompting Gift, Riley, Alita and the rest of the party to
finally snap out of the trance they're entrapped in._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117>
Wait- No! No, no, no! I didn't mean to do that!"},"557581022733008896":
{"u":1,"t":1553008075174,"m":"Gift - We must take it back."},"557581240816107520":
{"u":1,"t":1553008127169,"m":"(I'm going to rest now because i'm so
{"u":1,"t":1553092650611,"m":"Gift - I will try to use drone to see what
inside."},"557936106767777797":{"u":0,"t":1553092733805,"m":"Nero: Screw this,
let's just get down there, grab that lamp, kill the freaks down there and
go."},"557936235109154845":{"u":1,"t":1553092764404,"m":"Gift - Nero we don't know
what is this Grimm can do.","te":1553092774382},"557936252343681027":
{"u":0,"t":1553092768513,"m":"_Nero jumps down the well as others followed suit,
Gift went in last after securing the well's hatch and jumping
down._"},"557936347646525440":{"u":1,"t":1553092791235,"m":"Gift - Alright i have
no choice."},"557936649443606538":{"u":0,"t":1553092863189,"m":"_The party lands on
the \"intersection\" of the vast underground tunnel, Nico being the geek she is
deploys a microdrone as it tracks Ruby down._\n\nNico: Follow her, she knows where
the Relic is."},"557936787989725194":{"u":1,"t":1553092896221,"m":"Gift - I hope my
little sister is alright."},"557936930864627712":{"u":1,"t":1553092930285,"m":"Gift
- Let's go."},"557937792873791498":{"u":0,"t":1553093135804,"m":"Riley: Go, move!
Move!\n\n_She shouts, her voice echoing through the tunnels, after crossing through
intersections, junctions and stumbling across piles of animal skeletons and human
carcass, they finally reach the relic, glowing bright blue deep under a
puddle._"},"557937922259812371":{"u":1,"t":1553093166652,"m":"Gift - I got
it."},"557939496478441472":{"u":0,"t":1553093541975,"m":"_But as he strapped the
relic on his suit, Ruby screamed in terror as hordes of Apathy emerged from an
unlit section of the tunnel system. Riley opened fire from her newly issued
greatsword-railgun hybrid at one of the Grimm, but to no effect. Sensing an immense
amount of psychological manipulation energy building up from the emaciated
abominations she turned around and ran._\n\nRiley: Go, get out of here. It's going
to attack!\n\nDante: I don't see shit, Riles! How's it gonna hit us?!\n\n_One of
the Grimm raised its arm as a massive wave of psychic blast overwhelmed the group,
weakening them down._"},"557939691354325012":{"u":1,"t":1553093588437,"m":"Gift - I
don't know how long can i resist."},"557940893840179251":
{"u":0,"t":1553093875132,"m":"_Nero picks him up as he pulled Gift into a fireman's
carry as he run for the nearest exit. Riley and Ruby are now engrossed in keeping
the abominations away as they stood their ground. After realizing that their shots
are ineffective, they fall back until they reached the barricaded exit. Yang
scrambles to get the barricades removed as the rest of her team covered her. But as
she is about to remove the final piece, the horde of Apathy unleashed another
psychic blast, this time stronger than the previous blast knocking most of the team
out of action. Only Riley, Ruby, Alita, Maria, Gift ,and Nero are left
standing._"},"557941160551907368":{"u":1,"t":1553093938721,"m":"Gift - This is
stronger than last time."},"557942321904091172":
{"u":0,"t":1553094215609,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> I can't do this... I
can't-\n\n_Yang finally gave in as the psychic blast got to her, Riley and her
group are now severely weakened as Riley screamed in pain and anguish, her mind
fiercely fighting against the blast. Blake tripped over a plank of wood and fell
down before the horde. Ruby, upon seeing Blake defenseless, activates her Silver
Eyes, eliminating the first wave. As the light disappeared came the second wave,
ferociously sending out blasts after blasts. After struggling to fight back, Riley
gave in as she collapsed along with her group. Nero being the last man to go
down._"},"557942780438118415":{"u":1,"t":1553094324932,"m":"Gift - I WILL NOT FAIL
(activate Devil trigger)"},"557943176128626688":
{"u":0,"t":1553094419272,"m":"Maria: Gift, settle down and come to me. \n\n_Maria
ordered Gift to deactivate his Devil Trigger as she knelt down beside
Ruby._\n\nMaria: Have you ever feel the pure desire to protect those you've fought
together? Even in desperate times like this?"},"557943585287176212":
{"u":1,"t":1553094516823,"m":"Gift - I know but i have to protect them and i think
now i'm only one that can stand fight them."},"557944013932724235":
{"u":0,"t":1553094619020,"m":"Maria: I know, but now I want you to close your eyes,
and think of the ones you love most. And that, includes Riley too. She's awake, and
still kicking.\n\n_Riley crawls her way to Gift, after reaching him she laid her
right hand on Ruby's stomach, opening her eyes as it glowed with white
light._"},"557944690851315770":{"u":1,"t":1553094780410,"m":"Gift - I love you
Ruby.(He touch on ruby and Gift's eyes turn to silver)\nI have promise you that i
never left you, and i never break the promise."},"557945556173979693":
{"u":0,"t":1553094986719,"m":"Maria: Now listen to me.... Life, is beautiful. And
it must be protected.\n\n_As Maria spoke the words, Riley, Ruby and Gift
simultaneously activated their silver eyes as the entiee tunnel system is covered
in blinding light as it blasted away the Grimm approaching the group._\n\n_The
light fades away as the Apathy hordes before them are disintegrated into dust, with
the horde now eliminated, Nero jumped on his feet as he singlehandedly blasted the
barricaded door away with his revolver._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> The door's
open, go! Go!"},"557946045179494401":{"u":1,"t":1553095103307,"m":"Gift - (Activate
Devil trigger and hold ruby hand) Little sis hold on."},"557947177817866240":
{"u":0,"t":1553095373349,"m":"_Ruby swats his hand away as she sprung up on her
feet._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I'm doing okay, Gift. I'll cover Nico and
Alita.\n\n_She engaged the Crescent Rose in its rifle form as she fired away at the
incoming third wave using a special ammunition she'd taken from Nero and Dante.
Effortlessly blasting the Grimm away. Gift then ran for the main hall as he joined
Cossette and the rest of the group._\n\n_With the horde cleared Ruby finally leaves
the cellar with Yang, Blake and Weiss. The team makes their way up the cellar and
emerged in the wine room as they ran forward. Ignoring most of the liquor kept.
They stumble upon Qrow, intoxicated and oblivious to the situation. Ruby snaps and
drags him out of the table before pulling him up to a fireman's carry._\n\nQrow:
What the- Put me down, put me down!"},"557947610300940298":
{"u":1,"t":1553095476461,"m":"Gift - Hey Ruby look this (Activate Devil Form)\nI
will get up there now."},"557948091844657153":
{"u":0,"t":1553095591270,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Now's not the time, Gift!
Get topside! Weiss, light up the wine bottles and slow them
down!\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> On it!\n\n_Ruby continues to run and carry her
uncle to safety as Weiss threw bottles after bottles of wine down the cellar before
igniting them with her Myrtenaster. With the room ablaze she ran for safety,
yelling for Oscar as she does so._"},"557948292747493377":
{"u":1,"t":1553095639169,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now)"},"557948416076808194":
{"u":1,"t":1553177944589,"m":"Gift - That not enough. (Use hellfire ability) I
think that alright now. (Fly up to topside)"},"558293828432429057":
{"u":0,"t":1553178021296,"m":"Riley: Gift, say position! I'm seeing three GDI MCVs
coming towards the barn!"},"558293959835648000":{"u":1,"t":1553178052625,"m":"Gift
- Got it. (Activate Devil Form)"},"558294548644888589":
{"u":0,"t":1553178193008,"m":"_Ruby and Weiss finally got themselves outisde the
barn when three MCVs came out of nowhere, one of the MCVs crashed itself at the
main house before self-destroying, blowing the main house to bits, the other MCV
then digs itself underground before erecting a transmission tower unit from the
ground up. The lead MCV parks before the party as Long Caster himself emerged from
the vehicle with a sandwich in his left hand._"},"558294678324117505":
{"u":0,"t":1553178223926,"m":"Long Caster: Heard you guys had some trouble here in
Brunswick so we'd stopped by, what in God's name happened here,
Gift?!"},"558295229816373250":{"u":1,"t":1553178355412,"m":"Gift - Hold on. (Use
Demon wall)\nIt can hold for long, Hey Dante i think not only you and Nero have a
Devil Form."},"558295747674636288":{"u":0,"t":1553178478879,"m":"Dante: I knew you
would have that power, you sly freak. Now let's hop in this fancy truck and get to
Argus!"},"558296190102274049":{"u":1,"t":1553178584362,"m":"Gift - That's call MCV,
Anyway let's go."},"558297173964619777":{"u":0,"t":1553178818933,"m":"_Dante
hops into the MCV head-first as the rest of the party follows suit. The hatch
locks itself shut once the members of the team filled the airlock. The vehicle then
takes for the sky as it flies towards Argus._"},"558297538571272228":
{"u":1,"t":1553178905862,"m":"Gift - Ruby Are you alright? (Gift don't know he's
still in Devil Form)"},"558298782060642315":
Agh!"},"558298884795793458":{"u":0,"t":1553179226827,"m":"_She screams as Gift,
still in his devil form approaches her._"},"558299233611153419":
{"u":1,"t":1553179309991,"m":"Gift - Oh I forgot (Deactivate Devil Form)\nI'm sorry
little sis i forgot to transform back to normal."},"556873015753965568":
{"u":1,"t":1552839273156,"m":"Gift - V i see one over
there."},"556873472735838211":{"u":1,"t":1552839382109,"m":"Gift - We can rest
there, Come on."},"556874013570367489":{"u":0,"t":1552839511054,"m":"_The group
then makes their way to a small settlement, the sign above the gate
reads \"Brunswick Farm\" as they walked through. The closer they reach the main
house, the louder the sounds of EDM songs can be heard._\n\nNero: Sounds like Nico
made herself a home for herself, hope she's did it for us
too..."},"556874733606535200":{"u":1,"t":1552839682724,"m":"Gift - Yeah i think so,
i will going to rest with my little sister now if have a trouble call
me."},"556875176550203392":{"u":0,"t":1552839788330,"m":"Nico: Welcome to Brunswick
Farm, people! Get inside unless you wanna go skinny dipping out there in the
freezing cold like how Russians do it when wintertime
comes!"},"556875488078069771":{"u":1,"t":1552839862604,"m":"Gift - You guy always
funny, i'm gonna go to my little sister now."},"556875603849248778":
{"u":0,"t":1552839890206,"m":"Alita: This place gives me the creeps, I'll run a
sweep of the upper floors, you guys get some rest.\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630>
I'll join you, Alita."},"556875983148285973":{"u":0,"t":1552839980638,"m":"_Alita
and Weiss then began searching the upper floors as Nico turns the music off,
popping open a can of Remnant's Finest before pouring the contents out and
jerryrigging a bong from it._\n\n_After a while, a scream can be heard from the
second floor as Alita rushes downstairs, her sword covered in black
goo._"},"556876281640255489":{"u":1,"t":1552840051804,"m":"(In Gift and Ruby
room)\nGift - Um that's warm but my heart didn't get warm, What should i
I can give you a hug, 'cause after all you're gonna need all the hugs I can
give!\n\n_Before Ruby could hug him, Alita busts the door open, her face as pale as
a sheet of paper as she reports her current situation._\n\nAlita: Gift, we haveva
situation. Come with me!"},"556877067086725130":{"u":1,"t":1552840239069,"m":"Gift
- Right right right What's happen?"},"556877287644069888":
{"u":0,"t":1552840291654,"m":"Alita: It's Weiss, we found a body in one of the
rooms, Nico and Nero are in there."},"556877311845335041":
{"u":9,"t":1552840319220,"m":"I was touched inappropriately by an atlesian
(let's continue!)"},"556878602004856853":
{"u":1,"t":1552840605022,"m":"<@412222248192049162> (Alright let's
go)"},"556878888517632020":{"u":0,"t":1552840673332,"m":"_Nico and Nero then hauled
the bodies out of that room before disposing them in a bonfire outside the main
house while Alita and Ruby calms Weiss down._"},"556879096122966017":
{"u":1,"t":1552840722829,"m":"Gift - (hug Weiss) Alright sis clam down clam
down."},"556879284120322062":{"u":1,"t":1552840767651,"m":"Gift - Nero did you know
what's happen?"},"556879511740743683":{"u":0,"t":1552840821920,"m":"Nero: She was
searching through rooms with Alita until they came across that goddann room. Shit
stank like rotten bacon and grease traps. These people have been sucked dry,
literally."},"556879819669897239":{"u":1,"t":1552840895336,"m":"Gift - And she
found this?\n(keep hug Weiss) It okey Weiss, brother is
here."},"556880153414991872":{"u":0,"t":1552840974907,"m":"Nero: Yup, they found
the bodies, Weiss was the unlucky one. She opened the room, tried to look for where
the smell came from, popped open the blanked and boom, a couple sucked off to
death."},"556880222683922453":{"u":0,"t":1552840991422,"m":"(Gotta rest now, let's
continue tomorrow. Gift.)"},"556880306351898635":{"u":1,"t":1552841011370,"m":"(Got
it, Rest well)"},"556880387180068884":{"u":9,"t":1552841030641,"m":"(time to kick
the door in and kill some f***ers)"},"557558329371656203":
{"u":0,"t":1553002664655,"m":"<@481693633951694848> oi"},"557558781626679317":
{"u":6,"t":1553002772481,"m":"(Anybody want to rp)"},"557566617836453888":
{"u":1,"t":1553004640779,"m":"<@412222248192049162> I'm
ready"},"557566893695959040":{"u":1,"t":1553004706549,"m":"Gift - Okey i and ruby
will bring Weiss to my room for clam down, Nero If have anything update tell
Sure thing."},"557568188758491166":{"u":0,"t":1553005015316,"m":"_Nero leaves the
three to themselves as he went down the basement._"},"557568561267212288":
{"u":0,"t":1553005104129,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Dante just called, said
he's found food down in the basement."},"557570213315346434":
{"u":1,"t":1553005498008,"m":"Gift - Tell him store it in our food supply, i want
to make sure Weiss is calm down already."},"557570267941961728":
{"u":0,"t":1553005511032,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> On
it!"},"557571080299216920":{"u":0,"t":1553005704713,"m":"_She calls Dante,
confirming that the supplies he's found is stored properly, after making the call.
She gathered everyone around the main room as they discussed their next
moves._\n\nRiley: With all due respect, Qrow. It is imperatibe we leave this place
as soon as we can.\n\nQrow: The storm hasn't settled yet, I believe we should give
it some time to die down. Once the storm is gone, we move.\n\n_Nico, Nero and the
rest of her crew remained silent throughout the gathering. After an hour,the party
finally comes to an agreement that they will leave once the storm has settled down
to avoid being swept away and possibly captured by local
Grimm._"},"557571301150162944":{"u":1,"t":1553005757368,"m":"Gift - Weiss are you
{"u":0,"t":1553005890713,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I'm alright. Thanks,
Gift. \n\n_She gives Gift a light kiss on his forehead before heading off to bed as
Riley, Alita, V, and Cossette remained on watch duty. Watching over the party like
a hawk. Soon enough, the watch party finds themselves sleeping without any apparent
cause. Time passed by as the party overslept until Monday
morning..._"},"557572102580862997":{"u":0,"t":1553005948444,"m":"Nero: Goddamn,
_yawns_ such a long sleep we had... Wait, where'd Trigger and his gang of pilots
go?!"},"557572203378638849":{"u":1,"t":1553005972476,"m":"Gift - (yawn) I don't
know."},"557572308798275605":{"u":1,"t":1553005997610,"m":"Gift - Hey little sis
time to wake up.(Kiss ruby)"},"557573255414677531":
{"u":0,"t":1553006223301,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _yawns_ Ah, well... the
storm's gone!\n\n_She stared at the window, from there the storm has passed and the
sky cleared. But despite the sky being seemingly clear, the distant roars of jet
fighters can be heard._\n\nCossette: Trigger and his squadron took to the skies
once they've received an order to return to my ship and bring it over to Argus.
\n\n_Cossette covers her nose with a mask before pointing at Qrow, now heavily
intoxicated._\n\nCossette: Rubes, your uncle seems to be sleeping quite...
peacefully. Mind waking him up?","te":1553006245400},"557573731711713291":
{"u":1,"t":1553006336859,"m":"Gift - I have something, fake grenade, have only
sound and don't tell him i do this okey?"},"557574614532751382":
{"u":0,"t":1553006547340,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> No, I'll wake him
up.\n\n_Ruby walked closer to him before whispering into his right ear, after
getting no response she tries again. But to no avail, frustrated, she grabs one of
the bottles and threw it forcefully against the wall next to
him._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ugh, Uncle Qrow! Wake
up!"},"557574941172826122":{"u":0,"t":1553006625217,"m":"Qrow: Ngh! Wha- what the,
oh....\n\nCossette: Time you finally wake up, Special Operative Branwen. We're
leaving this place soon, but not until we've sweeped this place for a viable
vehicle."},"557575182454095890":{"u":1,"t":1553006682743,"m":"Gift - Alright I and
Ruby i will clean bedroom."},"557575511224614922":
{"u":0,"t":1553006761128,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> Yang and I can search for
vehicles."},"557575639197286400":{"u":1,"t":1553006791639,"m":"Gift - If found
anything tell me."},"557576049144233994":
{"u":0,"t":1553006889378,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Roger,
roger..."},"557576799161155615":{"u":0,"t":1553007068196,"m":"_As she walks away,
Gift noticed that her usual self has been substituted by that of a hopeless
individual's. As he turned around, he finds Ruby already heading up the second
floor to gather her belongings. He then makes his way outside to meet Nero and his
team. From the radio, Riley has reported that she'd found multiple diary entries
regarding a being called \"The Apathy\" along with attached images of decayed
skeletons dumped in the tunnels beneath the farm._\n\nDante: Goddamn, these poor
saps must've been on one hell of a diet. Ain't that right,
Gift?"},"557577167173713920":{"u":1,"t":1553007155937,"m":"Gift - I not sure but we
must be careful."},"556861105495081021":{"u":1,"t":1552836433529,"m":"Gift - And
that's mean....."},"556861168925409311":{"u":0,"t":1552836448652,"m":"_He kicks a
Dust canister in frustration as he raised his pistol, scanning
his sector for threats. Nero, Dante, and V showed up, covered in
snow._"},"556861340174778379":{"u":0,"t":1552836489481,"m":"Nero: That means we're
fucked, Gift. We are smacked right in the Mistralian-Atlesian Demilitarized Zone,
that means no military interdiction of all sorts."},"556861511562428445":
{"u":0,"t":1552836530343,"m":"Dante: No Arsenal Carriers, no big tanks, no big
mechas with guns that fire bullets at the speed of
light. ..."},"556861566222598185":{"u":0,"t":1552836543375,"m":"Cossette: They're
Arsenal Birds..."},"556861600863092740":{"u":1,"t":1552836551634,"m":"Gift - Give
me some second, Ruby Weiss Yang Blake Where are you?"},"556861776709550081":
{"u":0,"t":1552836593559,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We're fifty meters nearby,
just follow the beacon. We've also found another survivor, name's
Maria."},"556861894343000064":{"u":1,"t":1552836621605,"m":"Gift - Got it, Come on
guy."},"556862144478576651":{"u":0,"t":1552836681242,"m":"Dante: Let's haul ass to
Ms. Red Riding Hood, people. Unless you want to turn yourself into Ms. Schnee
sitting by that fire over there covered in snow."},"556862338389639203":
{"u":1,"t":1552836727474,"m":"Gift - They're my sister Dante, My
sister."},"556862413518143499":{"u":0,"t":1552836745386,"m":"_Gift and the three
then makes their way to Ruby's position as Long Caster sets up a temporary camp
using what's left of his camping supplies he managed to jerryrig from the remains
of what used to be a sleeper car._"},"556862448397975565":
{"u":0,"t":1552836753702,"m":"Dante: Yeah, sorry."},"556862673946542111":
{"u":0,"t":1552836807477,"m":"Qrow: Come sit by the fire, get yourseves warmed up.
'Cause Ruby's got something to show you for you three
newcomers."},"556862676563918869":{"u":1,"t":1552836808101,"m":"Gift - Hey i found
someone, ARTHUR JOHN IS THAT YOU?"},"556862795531026433":
{"u":0,"t":1552836836465,"m":"Arthur/John: Yup, it's us. Here we meet again,
partner."},"556862943858262016":{"u":1,"t":1552836871829,"m":"Gift - Yeah me
too."},"556863629513850892":{"u":0,"t":1552837035302,"m":"_As everyone gathered by
the fire, Yang forcibly yanks the Relic of Knowledge out of Ruby's hands before
whispering an apology back at her. From there, she raised the relic up high.
Breathing heavily._"},"556863859126960168":
{"u":0,"t":1552837090046,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> First, the Manticores, now
we're stuck here in the middle of nowhere! What's with the Grimm and their desire
for this... this goddamn piece of crap we have here?!"},"556863863035920384":
{"u":1,"t":1552837090978,"m":"Gift - Little sis What's
{"u":0,"t":1552837139640,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> I want to know why the
hell is Ozpin not telling us that the Grimm is attracted to the relic, especially
this one we have here."},"556864236291358741":{"u":1,"t":1552837179969,"m":"Gift -
We will find the answer Yang, we will find it."},"556864366058668072":
{"u":0,"t":1552837210908,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> NO! Someone has to tell us
what the hell is up with them and why they're fucking hunting
us!"},"556864609131298817":{"u":0,"t":1552837268861,"m":"_Yang, out of frustration
kicked one of Long Caster's thermos flask over, luckily the contents have all been
drank. Oscar is then promptly dragged upright by Nero, who is now
agitated._"},"556864763645132821":{"u":0,"t":1552837305700,"m":"Nero: Maybe this
little farmboy could tell us why, heard he's carrying the soul of a man who lived
through ages long enough to tell the tales."},"556864936006123531":
{"u":0,"t":1552837346794,"m":"Alita: Nero's right, someone needs to tell us why
they're after us. And why we're sent here..."},"556865024614989824":
{"u":1,"t":1552837367920,"m":"Scorpion - Gift.\nGift - Scorpion.\nScorpion - I know
you need to find some answer about this, i can help you.\nGift - How?\nScorpion -
In relic, it have someone who can answer your question.\nGift - Thanks
Scorpion."},"556865590476931072":{"u":0,"t":1552837502832,"m":"_Ruby then takes the
relic away from Yang as she prepares to activate it by saying the name of the
apparition living inside of it. Oscar however struggles to reach Ruby as Nero pins
him down._"},"556865746773475355":{"u":0,"t":1552837540096,"m":"Nero: Not a chance,
farmboy, you better make that Ozpin dude inside your head answer our questions or I
will slice your fucking head off!"},"556865883553923104":
{"u":1,"t":1552837572707,"m":"Gift - Little sis, inside the relic there is someone
who can answer our question."},"556865920996212740":
{"u":0,"t":1552837581634,"m":"Oscar: No, don't!"},"556866342343540737":
{"u":1,"t":1552837682091,"m":"Gift - Nero, we have another way, We must open the
relic to talk with someone inside it."},"556866722930622496":
{"u":0,"t":1552837772830,"m":"_Cossette, not wishing to endure the madness ongoing
around her any longer fired three shots from her revolver before walking around the
group, raising it above her head. Its barrel reflecting the light from the small
fire burning on a pit._"},"556866952421703681":
{"u":0,"t":1552837827545,"m":"Cossette: ENOUGH! Ruby, activate the relic. If any of
you every try to speak, I WILL pump your head full of lead!"},"556867085007847444":
{"u":1,"t":1552837859156,"m":"Gift - Dante, i think it's not a good time to play
{"u":0,"t":1552838028553,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> What is Ozpin hiding from
us? \n\n_As she spoke, the relic activates as the surroundings around everyone
changes to pure whiteness. An apparition appears as it slowly formed itself into
the shape of a woman._"},"556867889383211009":{"u":0,"t":1552838050934,"m":"Jinn:
Your question shall be answered, now..."},"556867985697013760":
{"u":1,"t":1552838073897,"m":"Gift - Yang, Answer is
coming."},"556869865592455188":{"u":0,"t":1552838522099,"m":"_From there, Jinn
begins her explanation on the origins of how Salem and Ozma found one another, as
she narrates the scene, Nero is caught in a trance. Taking in as much information
as he could, as Jinn moved on the scenery changed to the moment Ozma died from
sickness..._\n\n_After having finished the explanation, she moves on to the matter
regarding Salem's refusal to accept the death of Ozma, her attempts in convincing
the monarchs of Remnant to rebel against the Gods and the eventual destruction of
humanity by the God of Darkness._\n\n_All the party could do was to watch in awe as
Jinn begins her elaboration on how Ozma reincarnated and found his way to Salem and
the matter of their reunion. She move on to how the two eventually sparked a war
against one another as Ozma revealed his true nature to Salem, causing a fight that
took his life and started his endless cycles of reincarnation as he fought against
Salem for time after time._\n\n_Finally, she reaches the conclusion that Salem
simply cannot be destroyed for she is made immortal, but can be stopped and have
her powers forcibly taken from her by people whose powers matched
hers._"},"556870174041571328":{"u":0,"t":1552838595639,"m":"_Long Caster was the
first to speak after having listened through the whole
ordeal._"},"556870418968084503":{"u":0,"t":1552838654034,"m":"Long Caster: So, no
matter what we throw at her, Remnant-made or not, she can't be killed. The LRSSG
isn't going to like this at all..."},"556870671536488459":
{"u":1,"t":1552838714251,"m":"Gift - But i think it have a power that can do damage
to her."},"556870982153928709":{"u":0,"t":1552838788308,"m":"_Yang shrieks in
frustration as she stormed off, Qrow remained silent, clenching his trembling fists
before losing it and punching Oscar clean on the jaw, knocking him
out._"},"556871426116943882":{"u":0,"t":1552838894157,"m":"Qrow: For years I've
trusted you, I gave my life on the line just for you... and now, you did
this....\n\n_Not saying a word, he leaves the tent as he chugged liquor from his
bottle._"},"556871689687007232":{"u":1,"t":1552838956997,"m":"Gift - We will clear
this tomorrow but now it's dark already."},"556871939990487051":
{"u":0,"t":1552839016674,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> So, this means that we
can't do anything to her?!\n\n_Confused, she gets up as she tends for Oscar with
Ruby and Nero. Dante and V remains silent as they process what they'd just
listened, Cossette breaks down into tears, but still keeping her cries silent as
Riley comforts her. Alita ran for the nearest tree and began punching it with her
bare hands, letting off steam._"},"556872202558111746":
{"u":1,"t":1552839079275,"m":"Gift - It have but i don't know what the name of that
power."},"556872203321212929":{"u":0,"t":1552839079457,"m":"_As the party's morale
decreases, Maria shouts loudly at the group, attracting everyone's
attention._"},"556872515818094602":{"u":0,"t":1552839153962,"m":"Maria: Now listen
up, this is not the time to grief. Sure, she can't be killed but I won't allow
myself to die of the cold out here while you crazies weep your day away! We need to
find shelter, and this little tent isn't going to cut it!"},"556872650421698570":
{"u":1,"t":1552839186054,"m":"Gift - Or we build outpost."},"556872869238407180":
{"u":0,"t":1552839238224,"m":"V: No, we're in a demilitarized zone. That means no
military structures, not even outposts. We need to find shelter, Maria is leading
the way, c'mon."},"556848423274283010":{"u":1,"t":1552833409852,"m":"Gift - You
know, Dante is a pro demon hunter, that's no need to ask why they so
fast"},"556848825244057641":{"u":1,"t":1552833505689,"m":"Gift - (Aiming Crescent
Rose) Ruby! Behind you! (Shot down Grimm)"},"556849658610188290":
Copy!"},"556850287315386369":{"u":0,"t":1552833854274,"m":"_She dives, dodging the
blow as Nero finished off with his MAX-Act move, disintegrating the unfortunate
Grimm before rushing to Weiss' help. As he gets close, Weiss summons a time-
dilation glyph as Dante and
V combined their attacking moves together and landed a fatal blow at a horde of
flying Manticores. Killing them,_"},"556850731945295883":
{"u":1,"t":1552833960282,"m":"Gift - Weiss, not only you and V can summon.(Summon
Ice and fire Warrior)","te":1552833970934},"556850992260579330":
{"u":0,"t":1552834022346,"m":"V: Such powers... Amazing."},"556851024229564426":
{"u":0,"t":1552834029968,"m":"Nero: Incoming!"},"556851366618726410":
{"u":0,"t":1552834111600,"m":"_Nero shouts as the train approaches a cave, Rosa
then uses her gravity manipulation abilities to drag the team to safety in a nearby
cabin as the train runs through it._"},"556851557174345729":
{"u":1,"t":1552834157032,"m":"Gift - Woah!! That's too
close."},"556852243408879616":{"u":1,"t":1552834320643,"m":"Gift - Dante,Nero,V
I'm glad you guy have come on time."},"556853221822562304":
{"u":0,"t":1552834553915,"m":"Dante: Thank that girl who saved us from being turned
to tomato paste there, Gift."},"556853364856586257":
{"u":1,"t":1552834588017,"m":"Gift - You always have joke
Dante."},"556853740888391680":{"u":0,"t":1552834677670,"m":"Dante: Always like
that, Gift. By the way, Nico's brewed up something for Riley but she's waiting at
somewhere called Brunswick, I think..."},"556853883704705043":
{"u":0,"t":1552834711720,"m":"Alita: We're exiting the tunnel, I see three large
tangos up ahead. It's approaching the train, fast!"},"556854072377081856":
{"u":1,"t":1552834756703,"m":"Gift - Alright Dante, Keep your joke playing after we
kill those demon."},"556854932192624640":{"u":0,"t":1552834961699,"m":"Dante: Heh,
wilco."},"556855089705385986":{"u":0,"t":1552834999253,"m":"_The train exits the
tunnel as three Manticores flew in as it is about to ram the
train._"},"556855165588602890":{"u":0,"t":1552835017345,"m":"Alita: They're coming
in too fast, we can't fight it!"},"556855260522741768":
{"u":0,"t":1552835039979,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> I've got an idea, Jaune,
boost me!"},"556855363090251788":{"u":1,"t":1552835064433,"m":"Gift - (Transform to
Sub zero) i have another idea i will slow them down."},"556855818226761728":
{"u":0,"t":1552835172946,"m":":Jaune: Do whatever you have to,
Gift!"},"556856134078562348":{"u":1,"t":1552835248251,"m":"Gift - I hope this will
work Ice Storm."},"556856328304459776":{"u":0,"t":1552835294558,"m":"_Jaune then
boosts Ren's aura and semblance as he masks the entire train, making it invisible
to the Manticores flying otside, Ruby and her team then began ushering people to
move to the middle sections as they prepare for a head-on collision. With the
people now moved, Gift uses his Ice Storm ability, freezing the three Manticores,
but they began falling down on the train with the lead Manticore smashing away the
armor plating._"},"556856390279233536":
{"u":0,"t":1552835309334,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Move, move! Get to the
cargo trains! Move!"},"556856665581027333":{"u":1,"t":1552835374971,"m":"Gift -
Ah!!! I almost fell from the train, i can't hold longer."},"556856748141576192":
{"u":0,"t":1552835394655,"m":"Alita: Gotcha!"},"556856814327693346":
{"u":1,"t":1552835410435,"m":"Gift - Thanks."},"556857488801136661":
{"u":0,"t":1552835571242,"m":"_Alita fires her internal grappling hook at Gift as
she dragged him up and tossed him down the aisle. From there he gets up and ran for
the cargo trains along with Riley and Rosa. After dodging debris along the way and
other falling paraphernalia he finally reaches the main cargo train. Ruby drags him
in as Alita jumped across the gap along with Riley. Now safe inside the cargo
train, she shuts the hatch as a video feed from Nora came in through everyone's
HUD._"},"556857845560115269":{"u":1,"t":1552835656300,"m":"Gift - Alright no time
for playing.(Transform to Hellfire Scorpion)"},"556858101710585877":
{"u":0,"t":1552835717371,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Gift, the main engine
unit has taken damage but is still operational, but we'll have to detach your cargo
train to conserve what's left of the remaining
{"u":1,"t":1552835762971,"m":"Gift - (Equip Repair gun) I will try to fix
{"u":0,"t":1552835773492,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> If you can, get
yourselves to Argus as soon as you can!"},"556858532558012428":
{"u":1,"t":1552835820093,"m":"Gift - I hope this will work, Speed
Up."},"556858609921949708":{"u":0,"t":1552835838538,"m":"_Ruby then drags Gift back
inside as a rebar on the connecting unit falls dow on him, nearly missing him by
mere inches._"},"556858673209540608":
{"u":0,"t":1552835853627,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Almost got you hit back
there."},"556858826792632321":{"u":0,"t":1552835890244,"m":"_Riley radioes Jaune as
she confirmed the detachment order before lowering the bogey emergency radio
unit._"},"556858868504985620":{"u":1,"t":1552835900189,"m":"Gift - Thanks little
sis, We almost there arrive in 3 2 1."},"556858920426274826":
{"u":0,"t":1552835912568,"m":"Riley: Copy that, Jaune. Initiate
detac-"},"556859098650640415":{"u":0,"t":1552835955060,"m":"_Before she could
finish, one of the surviving Manticores crashed itself on the wheels, causing the
bogey to derail._"},"556859144066302006":{"u":1,"t":1552835965888,"m":"Gift -
What's happen? Nero what's happen?"},"556859281979473949":
{"u":0,"t":1552835998769,"m":"Nero: It's your bogey! It's detached! You're going
off course, same as us!"},"556859439043444747":{"u":1,"t":1552836036216,"m":"Gift -
Nero Do you have a plan?"},"556859573194063897":{"u":0,"t":1552836068200,"m":"Nero:
No time, we're already crashed. The main engine unit took off and left
us."},"556859676227141632":{"u":0,"t":1552836092765,"m":"V: I suggest you leave the
bogey, for the Manticore chasing you will have already decimated your
team."},"556859768254234625":{"u":1,"t":1552836114706,"m":"Gift - Good idea
Gift, the engine left us when you were busy with the Repair Gun, on my count!
Three, two, one, jump!"},"556860239463448576":{"u":1,"t":1552836227051,"m":"Gift -
Here we go."},"556860311202824222":{"u":0,"t":1552836244155,"m":"_Ruby then jumps
off of the train as Weiss, Yang and Blake follows suit. Gift then took off as
Alita, Cossette, Avril and the rest of Strider Squadron, including Long Caster
followed him. The bogey ran amok as it crashes onto barricades before exploding
into bits of metal and other inconceivable debris._"},"556860511648743436":
{"u":1,"t":1552836291945,"m":"Gift - Are we arrive to
Argus?"},"556860931905159180":{"u":0,"t":1552836392142,"m":"Trigger: No, we're
around twenty miles off the course. Damnit!"},"556505967550922782":
{"u":1,"t":1552751762045,"m":"Gift - Seem tried huh? let me take you to the
bed."},"556506526974738464":{"u":0,"t":1552751895422,"m":"Trigger: I knew I
shouldn't allow her to get into the local fridge, but hey, it's her birthday
already and she took too much than she can handle. Sorry if I didn't tell you
earlier...\n\n_Trigger walks in, still drinking the liquor he'd gotten from Long
Caster. He then tossed the empty can down the bedside bin as he helps Ruby uo on
the bed with Gift._","te":1552751912032},"556506960384622612":
{"u":1,"t":1552751998755,"m":"Gift - I will take care her, and i will tell happy
birthday her later."},"556507721302540308":{"u":0,"t":1552752180172,"m":"Champ: Do
it while you still can, General, cause we're going to part ways once we get to the
Hub.\n\n_Champ, and the rest of his squadron walks into the room as they all
gathered around Gift. Full Band then begins the first verse of 'Happy Birthday' as
his squadmates follows suit. After singing down to the last verse, Trigger finishes
the song as he popped open a can of confetti flakes, from there they all gathered
and rested in the room until morning comes..._"},"556507957802565643":
{"u":1,"t":1552752236558,"m":"Gift - Happy birthday my little
{"u":0,"t":1552752442112,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _yawns_ Thanks, Gift...
and uh, are we at the Hub yet?"},"556509194518396934":
{"u":0,"t":1552752531414,"m":"_Ruby wakes up, propping herself upright with her
arms. She finds herself standing amongst a group of wasted pilots all laying down
before her in a peculiar fashion with Trigger somehow having his pilot helmet stuck
on his right arm and High Roller having three cans of Remnant's Finest stuffed down
his crotch._"},"556509401893306409":{"u":1,"t":1552752580856,"m":"Gift - I think
almost there and i need to tell you something, um..... You always cute ruby that's
why i always love you."},"556509674682187778":
{"u":0,"t":1552752645894,"m":"<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> _gasps_ Oh
my-"},"556509756445949962":{"u":0,"t":1552752665388,"m":"Full Band: _drunkenly_
CALLED IT!","te":1552752674824},"556510088358002689":
{"u":0,"t":1552752744522,"m":"_Out of the blue, Ruby hugs Gift full-force, nearly
sending him crashing down on the floor._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> I love you
too! As a... brother!"},"556510144922517506":
{"u":0,"t":1552752758008,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> ech... maybe that was too
loud...."},"556510278498517002":{"u":1,"t":1552752789855,"m":"Gift - Never mind,
You always my little sister."},"556510876509667329":
{"u":0,"t":1552752932432,"m":"_As the two are embracing one another, a call from
Nagase came in on the intercom._\n\nNagase: This is Officer Nagase to all Arsenal
Bird officers. Report to the main commanding hall immediately, we have a Code Blue
situation ongoing. Over."},"556511368338210826":{"u":1,"t":1552753049693,"m":"Gift
- What's happen Nagase?"},"556512064189890562":
{"u":0,"t":1552753215597,"m":"Nagase: Someone at Mistral Control is trying to bring
us off the course and onto the flight path of... oh my god... It's the Retribution!
\n\n_Nagase then expanded the holographic map, showing their current location,
path and their surroundings as the big red dot representing the recentlg rebuilt
UNSA Retribution, Riley's former flagship is approaching fast._\n\nCossette: I got
the comms, hailing the Retribution! Riley, go prep the drop pods, we might need
them in the case of a full-on impact."},"556512310399860747":
{"u":1,"t":1552753274298,"m":"Gift - Come on little sis, We have mission to
do."},"556513167753084938":{"u":0,"t":1552753478707,"m":"Nagase: Hold on, the
Retribution is responding!\n\n_The hall goes silent as the crew stands by for the
Retribution to respond._\n\nRetribution: This is Captain Reyes transmitting in the
blind. If you are listening on this frequency, please respond. We have taken battle
damage and require immediate emergency
{"u":0,"t":1552753653379,"m":"_As Reyes responded, the Arsenal Bird then banks to
the left as the ship returns back to its original flight path. Startling the entire
navigation crew._\n\nNav Officer: What the... Retribution has no visible battle
damage and now they're pulling us back on track!"},"556514175342477342":
{"u":1,"t":1552753718935,"m":"Gift - Seem radar is broken so we go wrong way, I
guess."},"556514861446594579":{"u":0,"t":1552753882515,"m":"Reyes: Yup, you guys
were flying in the blind literally. The Atlesian Government have been sending out
escorts to find you but they all RTB'd after they were forced to fly back. Damn
Atlesians... Anyways, you are already flying over the Hub."},"556515055185690624":
{"u":1,"t":1552753928706,"m":"Gift - That's mean we have
arrive?"},"556515671945510932":{"u":0,"t":1552754075753,"m":"Reyes: Yep, your ship
took some hits in the nose cones damaging the navigation packages. I'm bringing you
down now.\n\n_Reyes then uses his ship's gravity tethers to bring the Arsenal Bird
down to land as the ship's crew began unloading and transferring cargo onto
awaiting jet transporters. As the crew unloaded, Gift and his team walked towards
the nearest train and boarded with High Roller coming in last. Reyes remained on
his ship and returned to Vale._"},"556515968403111937":
{"u":1,"t":1552754146434,"m":"Gift - Seem we have a long adventure right little
{"u":0,"t":1552754248018,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> We sure did, and didn't
Count tell us he was about to leave?"},"556516718479015940":
{"u":1,"t":1552754325266,"m":"Gift - If we take our airship there we might be shot
down, so we need to take train."},"556516819087654924":
{"u":0,"t":1552754349253,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Right
then..."},"556517056799965184":{"u":1,"t":1552754405928,"m":"Gift - Don't worry
little sis i always with you and i never leave you."},"556517817730465794":
{"u":0,"t":1552754587348,"m":"_Time passed by as the train leaves the depot, two
days into the trip the train finds itself stuck between the Mistralian-Atlesian
Transit Tunnels situated on the recently discovered Novoskraya Mountains, a frost
mountains surrounded by tundra and miles after miles of
trees._"},"556518068071825438":{"u":1,"t":1552754647034,"m":"Gift - Hey little sis,
are you cold?"},"556518308829069342":{"u":0,"t":1552754704435,"m":"Weiss:
Considerng how the power for our bogey han out, I'm saying that she's almost
freezing..."},"556518667089608749":{"u":1,"t":1552754789851,"m":"Gift - Hey Ruby
get my jacket, i hope this will make you warm."},"556521838591606807":
{"u":0,"t":1552755545996,"m":"(Gotta rest now, let's continue
it)"},"556844659285164057":{"u":1,"t":1552832512447,"m":"Gift - Okey my little sis
got jacket but i forgot one thing."},"556844846501855235":
Hm?"},"556845018527039499":{"u":1,"t":1552832598097,"m":"Gift - (hug Ruby) I forgot
to warm your heart."},"556845094280495104":
Aw-"},"556845420031246336":{"u":0,"t":1552832693823,"m":"_As the two embraced one
another aboard the train, an explosion is heard from the cargo trains. Startled,
she lets him go as she withdrew the Crescent Rose from its newly built
holster._"},"556845564751380490":{"u":1,"t":1552832728327,"m":"Gift - Uncle Price,
what's happen?"},"556846436571152384":{"u":1,"t":1552832936185,"m":"Gift - Seem
have a trouble."},"556846798472347649":{"u":0,"t":1552833022469,"m":"Price: Gift,
if you can, get your team to the cargo trains right away! The Grimm breached the
trains!"},"556847210227302401":{"u":1,"t":1552833120639,"m":"Gift - (Equip Crescent
Rose) This weapon i will use it for my little sis."},"556847460421468195":
{"u":0,"t":1552833180290,"m":"Riley: Let's go! Team RWBY lead the
way!"},"556847602541264898":{"u":1,"t":1552833214174,"m":"Gift - Hey Riley, i have
call someone to help us."},"556847661697859605":
{"u":0,"t":1552833228278,"m":"Riley: Who?"},"556847790249213953":
{"u":1,"t":1552833258927,"m":"Gift - Dante,Nero and V."},"556847941919309844":
{"u":0,"t":1552833295088,"m":"_The team then makes their way towards the cargo
trains, after breaching an access hatch open they get topside on top of the cargo
train roofs only to meet the three men standing just outside, fighting Grimm
effortlessly with their weapons._"},"556847994583121923":
{"u":0,"t":1552833307644,"m":"Riley: Woah, you called those guys down here?! I
heard they were busy fighting demons on Earth, how come they get here so
{"u":0,"t":1552833399304,"m":"_She asks as she unsheathed her new weapon, the Dust
Calibur, a fusion between a rapid-firing electromagnetic railgun and a greatsword
before sending a charged shot down at a Grimm running its way towards Qrow and
Oscar._"},"555070514188779536":{"u":1,"t":1552409523294,"m":"Gift - It seem this
power you can't use anymore so i will get it.(Equip Chaos of Remnant and absorb
Cinder Fall maiden's power)"},"555070926518222878":
{"u":0,"t":1552409621601,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> No! Don't-\n\n_Cinder,
now weakened had her Fall Maiden powers and abilities absorbed back into the Chaos
of Remnant blades as Raven finished her off by freezing her body before kicking her
down the ravine. Never to be seen again..._"},"555071204046798848":
{"u":1,"t":1552409687769,"m":"Gift - That's what you got."},"555071811948249098":
{"u":0,"t":1552409832704,"m":"<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> She didn't really
deserved the power, but since it was forcibly taken from Pyrrha and Amber, there's
a possibility that she might regain the power should her body thaw from the ice
attack. Anyways, you're here for the Relic, aren't you?"},"555072273866948608":
{"u":0,"t":1552409942834,"m":"(I'm going to watch Alita: Battle Angel soon, let's
continue tomorrow)"},"555072355316138016":
{"u":1,"t":1552487314721,"m":"Gift - Yes, I'm here for
{"u":0,"t":1552487445584,"m":"<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Good, the chamber is
open. Now go, get the Relic and get topside. Adam and his men are on their
way."},"555397525985820692":{"u":1,"t":1552487488982,"m":"Gift - I got it Uncle
Price."},"555397646978646027":{"u":0,"t":1552487517829,"m":"_The Relic chamber
access gate opens as light floods the massive cave. Inside the chamber is the Relic
of Knowledge itself perched on top of a stand. Gift takes it before handing it over
to Riley as he teleports himself topside joining the
battle._"},"555397817917505536":{"u":1,"t":1552487558584,"m":"Gift - Hey Uncle
Price I got it."},"555397946385104906":{"u":0,"t":1552487589213,"m":"Price: Good,
say location, Bravo."},"555398074629881878":{"u":1,"t":1552487619789,"m":"Gift - I
will get back to topside."},"555398658858811402":
{"u":0,"t":1552487759080,"m":"_Gift reaches the topside as gunfire roared from
every direction. Seen before him is the sight of the Faunus Militia engaging White
Fang troops all over the courtyard. Riley runs to his side, her weapon ready for
action._\n\nRiley: Those guys are not going to last long without our help. Let's
go!"},"555399110115590174":{"u":1,"t":1552487866668,"m":"Gift - Cap,Commander go
ahead, i need to get back to ruby, i have promise something with her.\nCaptain Gift
- We will keep update status."},"555399735612145684":
{"u":0,"t":1552488015798,"m":"_Riley then runs for Alita, who is now teaming up
with a Militia rifleman fighting against a rogue Centurion mech. The two easily
defeats the mech as Alita disabled its reactor before allowing Riley to finish it
off with a consecutive machine gun fire, tearing it apart._"},"555400029637050373":
{"u":1,"t":1552488085899,"m":"Captain Gift - Alright Commander, Light them
up.\nCommander Gift - Got it."},"555400250190200837":
{"u":0,"t":1552488138483,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> This is Romeo One-One
transmitting in the blind! Requesting immediate fire support at sector Bravo-Five-
Tango, over!"},"555400484551131139":{"u":1,"t":1552488194359,"m":"Gift - Hey little
sis, No need to call because backup is here."},"555401996933398559":
{"u":0,"t":1552488554939,"m":"_Ruby then looks up to the sky as three Arsenal Birds
flew in, deploying hundreds of MQ-101 drones and firing a multitude of Helios
missiles at the ground below, decimating most of the White Fang combat elements
below as the drones picked off survivors. Adam, shocked at the sight of the flying
fortresses runs for Blake, mistaking her for the Arsenal Birds' joint tactical air
controller._\n\n<:Blake:502209248571162646> Your ass again?!\n\n_Enraged, she
unsheathes her weapon in its sword form as she engages Adam in a one-on-one fight.
The two exchanged blows as the combat around them begins to die down as the drones
continue to pick off the stragglers. One such drone, piloted by Yang herself
swooped down on the two as it strafed Adam, nearly missing Blake by
inches._\n\n_The drone
breaks off the attack as Adam lies injured from its attacks._\n\nAdam: How did
you... where in the hell did you get those damn
{"u":1,"t":1552488618100,"m":"Gift - You no need to know."},"555403127726145578":
{"u":0,"t":1552488824541,"m":"_Alita, having finished eliminating the rest of the
White Fang soldiers and imprisoning them on dropships crouched down next to Adam.
Her sword pointed at his neck. Ready to land the killing blow._\n\nAlita: I'm
giving you one last chance, surrender, or die like the rest of your men.\n\nAdam:
Never!\n\n_With the push of a button on his shotgun, he detonated an electric smoke
grenade. Causing Alita, Gift, and Blake to jump away from the electrified cloud.
His body nowhere to be seen once the smoke
{"u":1,"t":1552488924707,"m":"Gift - He can escape, For now he will be suffer in
the nether realm.","te":1552489274192},"555403632196059166":
{"u":0,"t":1552488944816,"m":"Alita: Uh, the what now?
Nether?"},"555403856549511178":{"u":1,"t":1552488998306,"m":"Gift - I don't know
but rally first."},"555404052414857226":{"u":1,"t":1552489045004,"m":"Cap,Commander
regroup at my position.\nCaptain/Commander Gift - Got it."},"555404625792991243":
{"u":0,"t":1552489181708,"m":"Riley: Let's go! Team Strider has Lionheart held as a
POW. \n\n_The team then regroups at the main academy hall as each member of the
team rested and re-armed. Riley, Gift, Cossette, and Alita however is busy
interrogating Lionheart when a Faunus Militia grunt banged the door open._\n\nFM
Grunt: Perimeter search completed sir, no signs of Emerald, Mercury and
- That's mean they have escape."},"555405467497529390":
{"u":0,"t":1552489382386,"m":"FM Grunt: And.. sir, Baseplate has a priority message
for you. \n\n_Baseplate then tunes in on the radio._\n\nBaseplate: This is
Baseplate to all units, your mission now is to maintain the safety of the three
renaining Relics. And Gift, you are to head to the city of Argus along with your
squad and get to mainland Atlas as soon as possible. Baseplate
out."},"555406238184112128":{"u":1,"t":1552489566132,"m":"Gift - Alright Team
listen up, We have new location to build our base, At
{"u":0,"t":1552489906645,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Great...\n\n_She groans,
but not before finishing packing her belongings in a Go-Kit and strapping it on her
shoulders. Ruby, Yang, and Blake followed suit as local Mistralian Armed Force
soldiers moved in to secure Haven Academy. After exchanging goodbyes, they boarded
the dropship stationed on a makeshift runway. It takes off for Liberty Delta. Now
on its way to the Mistral-Argus International Exchange Transport
Hub._"},"555407907017981972":{"u":1,"t":1552489964013,"m":"Gift - So is anyone know
about argus?"},"555408028313190400":{"u":1,"t":1552489992932,"m":"Or have anything
interesting?"},"555409084002861056":{"u":0,"t":1552490244628,"m":"Cossette: Great
food, relaxing beaches and a place for one of Remnant's largest space elevator ever
built. What else could you ask more from Argus?"},"555409164373852190":
{"u":0,"t":1552490263790,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _is snoring
loudly_"},"555409460441382942":{"u":1,"t":1552490334378,"m":"Gift - (patting on
ruby's head) Come on little sis, you always
{"u":0,"t":1552490456236,"m":"Riley: _yawns_ I'm gonna get myself some sleep, it'll
be hours until we reach the exchange hub, and from there we'll have to take the
train to avoid having Liberty Delta shot down by Atlesian
Radicals."},"555410244906385415":{"u":1,"t":1552490521409,"m":"Gift - I will guard
here to take care my sister, you get some rest Riley."},"555412135975583775":
{"u":0,"t":1552490972275,"m":"Riley: Roger roger..\n\nCossette: I'll set the
hallway lights to nighttime mode so you guys can still look around the ship for
nighttime snacks should you need one. I'll have Avril take over, need me some crew
rest...\n\n_She yawned loudly before covering her mouth with her hands,
embarrassed._\n\nCossette: Ech... Sorry. Avril, please take over piloting the ship.
I'm going to get some rest, and uh, Alita can take over if you need one
too.\n\n_She then leaves for her quarters, but as Gift and Avril watched, instead
of running for her room she runs off for Riley's room. Having guessed the following
events, Avril chuckled as she sits on the Captain's seat._\n\nAvril: Gift, I'll bet
you a thousand Lien that Riley and Cossette are definitely going to get wild in
that room of theirs."},"555412585403514883":{"u":1,"t":1552491079427,"m":"Gift - I
think that but when i talk about this with Riley, she seem don't want me to know
this."},"555412852815429632":{"u":0,"t":1552491143183,"m":"Bandog: Gift, the real
reason why she's kept it away from you is because _she loves her and that Cossette
loves her too._"},"555412971799576586":{"u":1,"t":1552491171551,"m":"(I going to
rest now, let continue tomorrow)"},"555413141857632257":
{"u":0,"t":1552491212096,"m":"(Okay!)\n\n_Long Caster then walked in with his hands
covering his ears, face contorted into a pure expression of disgust and
awkwardness._\n\nLong Caster: My god, these gals are
_loud..._"},"556503477308620861":{"u":1,"t":1552751168325,"m":"Gift - Hey don't
think i'm didn't trust but just don't have any thing to
confirm."},"556503740069445635":{"u":0,"t":1552751230972,"m":"_Confused, Nagase
stood from her seat and turned around, facing Gift._\n\nNagase: What is it that
concerns you most?"},"556504114708611073":{"u":1,"t":1552751320293,"m":"Gift - um..
Forget about it, one thing that i always care is my sister."},"556504652175114252":
{"u":0,"t":1552751448435,"m":"_Nagase then sits down back on her spot, resuming
control of a pulse laser turret._\n\nNagase: Well then, I've got good news. We're
apporaching the Exchange Hub, but Mistral Control keeps giving us false vectors
that leads to nowhere, we're now fifteen miles off the original course and is in
close range of a lightning storm."},"556504894253563923":
{"u":1,"t":1552751506151,"m":"Gift - Keep update, I'm going to check my
sister."},"556504989669916704":{"u":0,"t":1552751528900,"m":"Nagase: Roger,
General."},"556505599563792414":{"u":0,"t":1552751674310,"m":"_Gift then walks down
the crewed compartment hallways down to Section 3F, as he walked by Riley's room,
unintelligible moans can be heard from inside. Not wishing to interrupt the two's
'fun time' he ignores the sounds and made his way to Ruby's quarters. As he opened
the door, seen before him is the sight of Ruby lying on the floor with an empty
canister labeled \"Remnant's Finest\" shown in his HUD as one of Remnant's finest
Dust-based liquor ever made._"},"555038082345336862":
{"u":0,"t":1552401790940,"m":"Riley: I'll stand by with Alita, if anything happens
let me know, okay?\n\n_Riley and Gift then part ways to their groups. He reaches
the inner chambers and find Ruby resting with Jaune, Nora and Ren. Yang and Weiss
are also resting next to the group, Weiss however is engrossed in getting a victory
in Remnant Royale. Muttering curses as she plays._"},"555038461875322920":
{"u":1,"t":1552401881427,"m":"Gift - Congrat Weiss, it seem you have play better, i
remember last time you almost got the 1st place."},"555038696852684800":
{"u":0,"t":1552401937450,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Almost, third place
thanks to a horrible machine gunner.\n\n_She lands the final shot, winning the
game._"},"555038884551983104":{"u":1,"t":1552401982201,"m":"Gift - And
{"u":0,"t":1552402386439,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Winner winner, chicken
dinner. Heh, that was easy.\n\n_She then folds the scroll back to its compact form,
but as she is putting it back into her hip pouch, an alarm rang throughout the
base. Alerting everyone. Confused, Weiss tunes in on her radio in hopes of finding
an AWACS or a person in command. Soon enough, Long Caster's voice came through loud
and clear on the radio._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to all units!
Attention! Babel, babel, babel!"},"555041929943973911":
{"u":1,"t":1552402708279,"m":"Gift - What's happened Long
caster?"},"555042003801604116":{"u":0,"t":1552402725888,"m":"_As his call came
through, gunfire and explosions erupted outside Haven as White Fang troops rained
down from drop pods deployed from stolen Atlesian airships, intercepted radio
chatters began filling with orders as White Fang troops engaged with the Faunus
Militia and Task Force 141 soldiers._"},"555042174098472990":
{"u":0,"t":1552402766490,"m":"Long Caster: Incoming hostiles, repeat! Incoming
hostiles!"},"555042454420586496":{"u":1,"t":1552402833324,"m":"Gift - Alright all
unit, Time for battle.\nCaptain/Commander Gift - We wait for this
time."},"555042646297411584":{"u":0,"t":1552402879071,"m":"Riley: Gift, let's
Gift - Let's go!"},"555043200314900480":{"u":0,"t":1552403011159,"m":"_Riley, Gift
and the rest of the team then joins the battle. As she kicked the door open, she is
greeted with stray bullets as enemy troops take notice of their presence, from
there she opened fire using her newly issued GR-7X Grimm Reaper light machine gun-
scythe hybrid at the hostiles ahead._"},"555043637285617675":
{"u":1,"t":1552403115341,"m":"Gift - I see the hole on the wall, they might breach
though here, Soap i need sniper support."},"555044590386675722":
{"u":0,"t":1552403342578,"m":"Soap: On it.\n\n_Soap opens fire at the troops below,
picking them off one after another. Riley and Alita teamed up as they fight their
way through the troops until they reached the inner perimeters. From there the two
noticed that the fighting has intensified as
White Fang combat engineers scramble to get the bombs rigged onto the towers
surrounding the main academy hall._\n\nAlita: This is callsign November Niner-Niner
to Bravo Six, be advised that White Fang combat engineers are preparing to destroy
the facility with tactical low-yield nuclear devices, over!"},"555045040095887371":
{"u":1,"t":1552403449797,"m":"Gift - Not today. (Open EMP)"},"555045856529743882":
{"u":0,"t":1552403644450,"m":"_Gift then activates his EMP detonator as its blast
destroys every single electronic devices around his vicinity. From there, the
fighting has slowed down to a halt as White Fang troops lose their optics and
tactical data network. But before Gift could return to battle, Long Caster pings
his radio again._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to Special Detachment
Delta, Bravo Six. Get your men back into the academy hall. We have a new situation,
Cinder and her crew have arrived!"},"555046182796394507":
{"u":1,"t":1552403722238,"m":"Gift - Hey Riley do you think is Cinder confuses if
she see three of me?","te":1552403738761},"555046283560222750":
{"u":0,"t":1552403746262,"m":"Riley: I'm sure she will, have them sent to the front
lines."},"555046483330596885":{"u":1,"t":1552403793891,"m":"Gift - i think so, but
let's go to academy hall."},"555047444036059158":{"u":0,"t":1552404022941,"m":"_As
the fighting comes down to a halt, Gift and his team makes their way into the maim
academy hall as Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and Hazel stood in the center of the hall
defiantly._"},"555047626215653387":{"u":1,"t":1552404066376,"m":"Gift - You seem
wait for long huh?"},"555049014643654666":
{"u":0,"t":1552404397403,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Actually, it wasn't
really that long. Considering how your men have paved our path for us already. By
the way, how's... your little sister has been holding up? Because, I've got myself
a little matter to settle with Little Red...\n\n_She raised her right hand before
summoning a flaming sword from it, with the sword summoned she keeps it stowed on
her belt scabbard. Taunting Gift and staring down the rest of his team._\n\nRiley:
If you're talking about Ruby, I dare you to cross over our dead bodies for her.
\n\n_Alita then stands by Ruby's side as she brandishes another Damascus blade she
had found earlier._"},"555049247377195038":{"u":1,"t":1552404452891,"m":"Gift -
Alright Cap,Commander prepare for battle."},"555049322929192972":
{"u":1,"t":1552404470904,"m":"Captain/Commander Gift - Got
it."},"555051252690583554":{"u":0,"t":1552404930995,"m":"_Hazel then raised both of
his hands up, clearly not wanting to fight. But as he does so, Jaune, Nora and Ren
emerged from their cover. All three of them brandishing their weapons, ready for
battle. Upon noticing Cinder, Jaune then trembles with rage as he gripped his sword
handle tightly, eager to slice her head off of her shoulders clean. Oscar then
approaches Hazel as Ozpin takes over._\n\nOscar: We're to maintain the safety of
the Relic of Knowledge. Should you remain in our way, we have no other choice but
to kill you.\n\n_He then activated the baton mode of his cane, sparkling with
plasma energy. Ready to fight. Hazel, upon hearing what Oscar had said breaks into
a laughing fit before roaring out of rage. Cinder then raised her lefr hand,
signalling for him to stop and wait for the right moment. Enraged, he stands
down._\n\n_Jaune however is overtaken by his rage and desire to avenge for Pyrrha's
death. Now enraged, he unsheathed his sword and screamed as he raised his sword at
Cinder, the sword sparkling bright blue with plasma
energy._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'm going to make you pay for what you did,
do you hear me?! For all you've done to her!\n\n_Cinder merely smirked at him as
she toyed with her sword. Staring him down._\n\nCinder: Who are you again?
Hm?"},"555051827364757529":{"u":1,"t":1552405068008,"m":"Gift - Alright Transform
now.\n(Gift transform to Raiden, Captain Gift transform to Scorpion and Commander
Gift transform to Sub zero)"},"555052554547888165":
{"u":0,"t":1552405241382,"m":"_Without hesitation, Jaune engaged Cinder as he
swinged his sword blindly at her, hoping to land a hit. He fails to do so and is
countered by Cinder striking him in the chest plate and stomping him once on the
chest before pinning him down. Riley, Ruby, Alita and the rest of the team then
engaged head-on against Cinder's party._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You think
that you can simply defeat a Fall Maiden with just a sword and a shield?! You're
just a failure with a death wish."},"555052812191399959":
{"u":1,"t":1552405302809,"m":"Raiden - But i is not."},"555054028233637928":
{"u":0,"t":1552405592736,"m":"_Raiden then moves in with his katana raised high, he
then slashed at Cinder's torso only to have his blow deflected away, to his right.
Riley, Alita and Nora are teaming up against Hazel as then try to draw his
attention away from Oscar, who is now firing plasmacaster shots from his newly
modified cane. Weiss is seen engaging with Vernal as the two exchanged blow after
blow, as time passed by into the fight the team finds themselves slowly weakened.
With Hazel having knocked Ren out of the fight with a lightning dust discharge. The
attention now turns to Ruby and Emerald as the two exchanged blow after
blow._\n\n_Weiss, however struggles to keep up with Vernal as she calls for
backup._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I can't take Vernal head-on, requesting
backup!"},"555054364067364874":{"u":1,"t":1552405672805,"m":"Commander Gift - The
cold will slow Vernal down."},"555054985549840384":
{"u":0,"t":1552405820978,"m":"_Vernal then intercepted Sub-Zero's ice attacks by
using her gunblades to deflect the projectile away before resuming her relentless
attack on Weiss. In desperation, Weiss attempts to boost her aura before summoning
the Arma Gigas to assist her. But before she could do so, Vernal uses both of her
gunblades to strike her at her torso using her special aura-depletion rounds.
Instantly knocking Weiss down._"},"555055447401562112":
{"u":1,"t":1552405931092,"m":"(Entering mortal kombat mode)(Intro dialogue)
\nCommander Gift - I think you are on the same
{"u":0,"t":1552406338227,"m":"_Before Gift and Vernal could fight, Cinder breaks
off her attack on Ruby befote summoning a flaming spear before throwing it full-
force into Weiss' torso, impaling her and pinning her to the floor._\n\n_With Weiss
now seriously injured, all fighting within the hall ceased as all eyes focused on
Cinder, who is now raising her twin swords high, challenging others. Riley and
Alita, angered, charges in at Cinder along with Gift in his Raiden
form._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Nooooo!\n\n_Ruby's eyes light up as she
engages her Silver Eyes, covering the entire hall in light and instantly hurting
Cinder to the point she is almost unable to fight. Emerald intervenes and knocks
Ruby unconscious using her weapon before leaving her._"},"555058414510800896":
{"u":1,"t":1552406706891,"m":"Gift - Cap NOW!!\nCaptain Gift - Got it.(Use
scorpion's fatal blow)"},"555059533689520129":{"u":0,"t":1552406905339,"m":"_Cap
then drags Cinder towards him using his fatal blow but before he could execute the
blow, she vanished before his eyes. From there, Long Caster's voice came through
the radio as he alerts them that the fighting outside the Academy has
resumed._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to all units, be advised that
combat engagements on the outer base perimeters has resumed. Bravo Six, we are now
tracking Cinder's location, continue your engagement on Emerald and Hazel, do NOT
engage Vernal! Repeat, do NOT engage Vernal! Out."},"555060558760771586":
{"u":1,"t":1552407149735,"m":"Gift - Commander are you alright?\nCommander Gift -
Yes so lucky i have create ice clone to block that fire spear.\nGift - Weiss is she
okey?\nCommander Gift - She's alright but she's unconscious.\nGift - Phew That's
alright."},"555060757939748885":{"u":0,"t":1552407197223,"m":"Alita: Gift, she
needs your help!"},"555061255967080449":{"u":0,"t":1552407315962,"m":"_As Alita,
Riley, Gift and Jaune tends to Weiss and Ren. Claire and her team rushes in as she
tossed Alita a package of prepared Arklay Herbal Mix before jumping down the Relic
Chamber Access Shaft._\n\nClaire: We got a pin on Cinder, in pursuit! Alita, use
that herbal package on the two!"},"555062236582903808":
{"u":1,"t":1552407549759,"m":"Gift - Do you think Cinder confuse about me that
have three?"},"555063519192547328":{"u":0,"t":1552407855557,"m":"Vernal: She is,
but she's too egomaniacal to even notice it. Anyways, let me help with the herbal
pack.\n\n_Vernal then approaches Alita before grabbing the package and ripping the
relase tube away, with the tube released she squeezed the solution out and
slathered them onto the wound where the spear entered Weiss' body. The wound slowly
heals as the herb begins to heal it slowly._\n\nVernal: That should do the trick,
anyways, your men have Emerald, Hazel and Mercury caught and locked up. Adam is
still on standby and waiting for... Blake. He'll be here once you guys got the
relic. Now go get that bitch.\n\n_She then jumps down down the shaft. Outside the
academy hall the fighting had once again came to a stop as White Fang troops begin
to fall back to defensive positions as the Faunus Milita goes after
them._"},"555064446712807424":{"u":1,"t":1552408076695,"m":"Gift - RUBY what's
about Ruby?"},"555065113078398995":
{"u":0,"t":1552408235569,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Ow, my head...\n\n_She
gets up slowly using the Crescent Rose to supporr herself as Cossette comes to her
aid. Sitting down on a stretcher._\n\nCossette: She'll be fine, Gift! Go after
Cinder!"},"555065877180186626":{"u":1,"t":1552408417745,"m":"Gift - (Transform back
to normal) Got it, Ruby i will complete this mission and i will come back for you,
Brother promise."},"555066138531201040":{"u":0,"t":1552408480056,"m":"Alita: Gift,
Riley and the others are down there. Let's join them! \n\nPrice: Come along, Gift.
You're missing out on the fun, Raven's beating the shit out of
Cinder!"},"555066767609823245":{"u":1,"t":1552408630040,"m":"Gift - (Transform to
Sub Zero) I will not miss this Uncle Price."},"555068390985695243":
{"u":0,"t":1552409017083,"m":"_The party then jumps down the shaft, at the bottom
they are greeted with stray arrow bolts and dust waves as Raven and Cinder battled
against one another, Raven momentarily gains the upper hand and striked Cinder with
an ice attack. Knocking her down. Cinder, having taken notice of Gift and Alita,
stands up before staring them down smugly._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Here
for the fun again? I won't have mercy on you this time.\n\n_Enraged, Alita engages
her twin Damascus Blades before taking a combat stance. Her twin swords glowing
bright blue with plasma energy._\n\nAlita: FUCK YOUR MERCY!\n\n_She then attacks
Cinder head-on as she sent blows after blows at Cinder at a speed so fast she fails
to keep up and is eventually struck on the torso with one of the blades. Injured
and insulted, Cinder breaks into a fit of rage as she sends indiscriminate
firebeams at Alita who effortlessly dodged the beams before slamming her right leg
full force onto her left shoulder, breaking her aura
momentarily._"},"555068841756065803":{"u":1,"t":1552409124555,"m":"Gift - You're no
match for Lin kuei."},"555069557732016167":{"u":1,"t":1552409295257,"m":"Gift - For
the Lin kuei.\nCaptain Gift - For the Shirai Ryu."},"555070091541086218":
{"u":0,"t":1552409422527,"m":"_Gift then switches to his Lin Kuei combat form
before attacking Cinder along with Riley, Price, and Team Metal. The power of their
combined saturation attack is proven to be more than enough as Cinder's defenses
breaks down._\n\n<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Come on then, come on! Bring it o-
Ugh!\n\n_As Cinder taunts the team, she is punched clean in the face by Riley and
then caught in a rapid combo attack as she slashed away at her. Alkta continues her
vicious attacks using her Panzer Kunst martial combat skills to further weaken
{"u":1,"t":1552056218332,"m":"Captain Gift - Check this area,every
corner."},"553589871349071882":{"u":0,"t":1552056510532,"m":"Sergeant Ram: Copy,
squad, move out!"},"553590199003906058":{"u":0,"t":1552056588651,"m":"_From the sky
comes the Arsenal Bird, designated as Vindictive Vengeance coming in for landing
at one of Menagerie's sea-based airstrip._\n\nVindictive Vengeance Pilot: This is
Viper 2, coming in for exfil."},"553590495969017866":
{"u":1,"t":1552056659453,"m":"Captain Gift - Roger that Viper 2, Where is this
plane go?"},"553591074136915981":{"u":0,"t":1552056797299,"m":"Viper: To Haven,
sir. Get the Militia onboard and we'll fly there."},"553591248678682654":
{"u":1,"t":1552056838913,"m":"Captain Gift - Good that i can meet with General
Gift."},"553593731467706368":{"u":0,"t":1552057430856,"m":"_Three hours passed by
as the Militia members, Team Metal and Gift board the airship. Niw on their way to
Haven for their next mission._"},"553593756222488576":
{"u":1,"t":1552057436758,"m":"(Radio) Captain Gift - Hey Gift i'm going to haven
with team metal and Blake.\nGift - Good, did Blake got any injured?\nCaptain Gift -
No, she alright,I will send this phone to Blake i think she is miss you so
much."},"553594022971834381":{"u":1,"t":1552057500356,"m":"Captain Gift - Blake,
someone want to talk with you."},"553594818056683520":
{"u":0,"t":1552057689919,"m":"<:blushblake:501525844682866699> Who is it?\n\n_She
grabs the phone before putting it next to her ear, eager to know who's on the other
end._"},"553594979331735553":{"u":1,"t":1552057728370,"m":"Gift - Hey Blake, did
you miss me?"},"553595495000440844":
{"u":0,"t":1552057851315,"m":"<:blushblake:501525844682866699> Gift! God... it's
been such a long time! Where've you been?"},"553595745563967508":
{"u":0,"t":1552057911054,"m":"_Excited, she jumped from her seat before running to
an observation window before opening it to full exposure. Allowing sunlight to
enter her room aboard the Arsenal Bird._"},"553595948002050051":
{"u":1,"t":1552057959319,"m":"Gift - I'm with Ruby and team now i'm heading to
haven, I hope Cap have told you that."},"553598139198603276":
{"u":0,"t":1552058481741,"m":"_As she stays on the line, Long Caster's voice came
through as he interrupts the line. Updating the mission directive to all Militia
units._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to the Faunus Militia, once you
have arrived at Mistral, you are to establish a forward operation base three klicks
outside of Haven and prepare for a possible White Fang ambush as Gift's Team will
attempt to recover the Relic of Knowledge. Should a breach appear, all units are to
respond with deadly force... and show no mercy. This is Long Caster, over and
out."},"553598625003864065":{"u":1,"t":1552058597566,"m":"Gift - Hey Cap, i don't
know what happen with Commander and team Sentinel.\nCaptain Gift - I hope they
still safe."},"553599666038505482":{"u":0,"t":1552058845768,"m":"_The view then
changes to the Branwen Tribe compound, gunfire and chaos ensued as Grimm continue
to raid the compound in an attempt to take down Team Sentinel. Hiding behind the
recently summoned Arma Gigas remains Team Sentinel and Yang, getting ready to
fight._\n\nCormack: Got any ideas, Weiss?!\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Just
one...\n\n_Weiss, now inside the Arma Gigas' \"cockpit\", summons the Legion Titan
combat kit as the sword transformed into an autocannon. With the cannon summoned
she gripped the trigger, sending hundred of 30mm multimode Dust rounds at a horde
of Griffons swarming an APC using her Power Shot
ability._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Now's your chance, go loud! I'll cover
{"u":1,"t":1552058918119,"m":"Commander Gift - Open fire!"},"553600923553890335":
{"u":0,"t":1552059145583,"m":"_As the team moves forward, Knox finds himself
fighting against a mutant Ursa, the Ursa roared defiantly before charging at him
only to be ripped to shreds by Weiss' Arma Gigas Acolyte Pod, the missile turning
the unfortunate Grimm into a black mess._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Got you,
now move! The GDI's MCV will be here soon!\n\n_Ilona, Cormack, Knox, Gideon and
Mitchell then ran for the gate as Gift and Yang stays behind with Weiss, rodeoing
on top of the gigantic mech's \"head\", he locks onto a flying Nevermore with his
electromagnetic launcher before firing at it, cutting the Grimm in
- Is someone want to out from here? Come on.\nCommander Gift - You come on
time.\nGift - I will never left my teammate
{"u":0,"t":1552059458286,"m":"_The GDI's MCV then crashed through the gate as Team
Sentinel boarded it before providung cover fire with their onboard machineguns.
Weiss continues to press forward, firing the autocannon in every direction
possible. Now close to the MCV she grabs Gift and Yang before tossing them at the
MCV as she \"disengages\" the Arma Gigas, disintegrating into dust. She jumps from
its shoulder before using the Myrtenaster to summon a gravity glyph to launch
herself at the MCV._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I'm topside, Gift, tell the
pilot to gun it! Now!"},"553602563652714496":
{"u":1,"t":1552059536613,"m":"Commander Gift - Alright Gift, Gun it.\nGift - Got it
Commander."},"553603547992817674":{"u":0,"t":1552059771298,"m":"_The MCV then
engaged its internal Chronosphere jump drive as it departs for a safehouse in
Haven._"},"553603981247512606":{"u":1,"t":1552059874594,"m":"Gift - We
arrive.\nCommander Gift - Thanks for help.\nGift - Hey we must help each other
right?\nCommander Gift - Yeah, let get in to the safehouse."},"553604992544800768":
{"u":0,"t":1552060115706,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Finally, shower
time!\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> I definitely need myself a dose of anesthetics...
I'm tired...\n\n_As the team unpacked, Gift headed outside and immediately made his
way to Team RNJR's safehouse._"},"553605089521303563":
{"u":1,"t":1552060138827,"m":"(i going to rest now)"},"553605144038735896":
{"u":0,"t":1552060157976,"m":"(Rest well!)"},"553938275371450368":
{"u":1,"t":1552139576524,"m":"Gift - Hey little sis, i'm
{"u":0,"t":1552139616307,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift! \n\n_She jumps on
him, hugging him tightly and nearly knocking him out._"},"553938783146475520":
{"u":1,"t":1552139697587,"m":"Gift - Still do this huh, i know you love me so
{"u":0,"t":1552139805846,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Oh, I WILL do this every
time you're here until we're world's apart!\n\n_Ruby, still hugging him notices a
woman standing next to him. Curious, she lets him go before approaching the
woman._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Who are you?"},"553939617192083478":
{"u":1,"t":1552139896439,"m":"Captain Gift - um, did i miss something?\nCommander
Gift - Um i think not."},"553940152762761227":{"u":0,"t":1552140024129,"m":"_As
Ruby approaches the woman, the door opens as Yang and Weiss entered the room. Both
of them happy to finally meet their team leader. Ruby, shocked at the sight of her
sister and her teammate breaks down to a crying mess as she pulls them into a hug,
apologising to them for \"abandoning\" them and causing
worry._"},"553940373375025163":{"u":1,"t":1552140076727,"m":"Gift - No Cap,
Commander you come on time."},"553941190085574656":
{"u":0,"t":1552140271446,"m":"_Days passed
by as more and more team members arrive at the safehouse, exchanging information,
tranining and preparing for their new mission at Haven Academy. One day, as Gift is
training Ruby and Alita in close-combat, Weiss runs at him with a phone in
hand._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Got a call from Long Caster and Baseplate,
says it's an urgent one.\n\n_Gift, always willing to accept and finish any tasks at
hand takes the phone before replying._","te":1552140301052},"553941560652333068":
{"u":1,"t":1552140359796,"m":"Gift - OK Weiss, Baseplate this is Bravo 6 what
happened? any update?","te":1552140422642},"553941980074213396":
{"u":0,"t":1552140459794,"m":"Baseplate: Bravo 6, have you arrived at the
safehouse?"},"553942059971772438":{"u":1,"t":1552140478843,"m":"Gift - Yes we have
arrive."},"553943209257205811":{"u":0,"t":1552140752854,"m":"Baseplate: Good, your
mission will remain as ordered. But your primary objective will be the extraction
of the Relic of Knowledge as Salem is targeting Haven Academy. In two days' time,
the White Fang and their new organization, the KVA will launch an assault as Cinder
amd her team will attempt to take the Relic by force. Once you have prepared, get
to the Academy and set up defenses as fast as you could. Baseplate
out."},"553943485854646282":{"u":1,"t":1552140818800,"m":"Gift - Roger that
Baseplate, Alright Cap,Commander time for setup the base."},"553943616742096927":
{"u":1,"t":1552140850006,"m":"Captain/Commander Gift - Got
it."},"553947518682005507":{"u":0,"t":1552141780301,"m":"_As time passed by, the
team upgraded Haven's defenses the best they could until one particular
night..._\n\nRiley: I have a bad feeling about this..."},"553947690334027787":
{"u":1,"t":1552141821226,"m":"Captain Gift - I also feel like
that."},"553953230825062401":{"u":0,"t":1552143142182,"m":"(Sorry, but I have to
go. Let's continue this tomorrow.)"},"553953355924242446":
{"u":1,"t":1552143172008,"m":"(Roger that, Rest well)"},"555036385371881473":
{"u":1,"t":1552401444846,"m":"Gift - Cap is every thing ready?\nCaptain Gift - Yes,
it ready."},"555036985748619294":{"u":0,"t":1552401529491,"m":"Riley: Outer
perimeter defenses are go."},"555037463991549967":
{"u":1,"t":1552401643513,"m":"Gift - Good, Cap&commander keep check the system, i
want to have some time with my sisters.\nCaptain/Commander Gift - If it have any
thing wrong, we will tell you."},"553208104721055754":
{"u":1,"t":1551965490275,"m":"Gift - Everyone Alright?\nCommander Gift - You came
on time, i prepare weapon for you guy.\nCaptain Gift - Thanks Commander.\nCommander
Gift - Anytime Cap."},"553208816305438732":{"u":0,"t":1551965659930,"m":"Riley:
Ugh, I'm hit! I need some help over here, right now!\n\n_Seen from the airlifter's
ramp is Riley, struggling to shake off the Nuckelavee's arms from her suit. Gift
then mans the minigun before firing wildly at the Nuckelavee. Injured, it lets its
right arm loose before retracting it back as rounds after rounds penetrate its
flesh._\n\n_Having sustained heavy injury, it lets go of its grip on Riley before
running off leaving trails of Grimm flesh behind._"},"553209152676036628":
{"u":1,"t":1551965740127,"m":"Gift - Cap, Med kit.\nCaptain Gift - Got
it.\nCommander Gift - We're on it."},"553209787156791296":
{"u":0,"t":1551965891399,"m":"_Riley then launched the girl using her gyrokinetic
ability at the airlifter before ejecting herself out of her suit. The airlifter's
ramp then locks itself shut as it takes off for Beacon. Never to
return._"},"553210290519670784":{"u":1,"t":1551966011410,"m":"Commander Gift - Come
on, Get up.\nGift/Captain Gift - Thanks.\nCommander Gift - You know we are
same.\nGift - But different time line.\nCaptain Gift - Yes."},"553210365773611028":
{"u":1,"t":1551966029352,"m":"Commander Gift - Let head to
beacon."},"553211144941076490":{"u":0,"t":1551966215120,"m":"_The scene then
changes to the current timeline, the devastated scenery of the city comes into view
as Gift snapped out of his trance along with Riley. Both scanning their sectors for
threats._\n\n_The two MCVs began deploying their troops after having received
orders from Alita as they spread out, taking defensive positions and bracing for
the impending Grimm onslaught. Team RNJR however remained at the town square,
unsure of what to do next._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Gift, what's the
plan?"},"553211433345875978":{"u":1,"t":1551966283881,"m":"Gift - I don't know sis,
but keep your eyes open."},"553212298156834816":{"u":0,"t":1551966490068,"m":"_Long
Caster then tunes in on the radio as the team prepares for combat. Despite being
out of range, he continues to update the team with mission directives and
sitreps._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to all units, Grimm onslaught
is imminent. Repeat, onslaught is imminent!"},"553212511969738783":
{"u":1,"t":1551966541045,"m":"Gift - Nuckelavee?"},"553213031820165120":
{"u":0,"t":1551966664987,"m":"Long Caster: Affirmative, it's the Nuckelavee! It's
coming for your team!"},"553213171771637771":{"u":1,"t":1551966698354,"m":"Gift -
Get to the battle station."},"553214071261102080":
{"u":0,"t":1551966912809,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> This is Juliet 2-2, need
immediate fire support now!"},"553214715229110284":
{"u":1,"t":1551967066343,"m":"Gift - Fire support on the
way."},"553214910134222851":{"u":0,"t":1551967112812,"m":"Alita: Support's on the
way!\n\n_From Jaune's position, a swarm of Lancers swooped in as Alita sprang up
high before slashing away the Lancers into bits. She then threw her sword at a lone
Ursa at its head, killing it instantly and saving a GDI mecha operator. Ruby,
having found herself the hight ground on top of a building takes aim and fired at
the Nuckelavee, drawing its attention towards her._"},"553215296811433985":
{"u":1,"t":1551967205003,"m":"Gift - Hey Nuckelavee, last time we met you strong
but this time we will let you away."},"553216451780018196":
{"u":0,"t":1551967480369,"m":"_As Gift faces the Nuckelavee, Team RNJR, Riley,
Claire, Leon, Ada, and Alita then came to his side, all of them brandishing their
weapons. The Nuckelavee stared them down before roaring as loud as it could,
stunning the team._\n\n_Ren, enraged from the sight of the beast that fell his
father, opened fire at the Nuckelavee. Sending rounds after rounds into its human
torso. Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and the rest of the team then attacked with their own
weapons as Riley inflicted the first major wound by slashing its horse body with
Alita punching its head in return._\n\n_Ruby got close enough and slammed her
scythe down on the enraged Grimm only to have the blow parried with its
arms._"},"553217585840259103":{"u":0,"t":1551967750750,"m":"_Leon and Claire,
having found an opening let loose with their weapons as Leon sent missile after
missile at the Nuckelavee while Claire fired away with her Minigun._\n\n_Ada then
fired the Spark Shot at its head before detonating the needles, stunning it
allowing Nora to attack with her weapon, slamming the hammer full force onto its
body before converting it back to the grenade launcher form and lobbing grenades at
it. Dealing heavy damage. The Nuckelavee roars again as it began tossing debris at
everything it sees._\n\n_Alita, having found herself on the path of a massive I-bar
flung at her dodged it with her internal boosters to safety beforr scanning her
next attack opportunity. Riley, still taking the beast head-on with Ruby gets a
faceful of rocks and are thrown back.
{"u":1,"t":1551967839506,"m":"Gift - Alright let do this. (Use Raiden's Fatal
blow)"},"553219511445094410":{"u":0,"t":1551968209850,"m":"_As the team continues
to battle the beast, Long Caster tuned in on the radio. Warning them of an attack
opportunity._\n\nLong Caster: All units, circle around the beast and unload your
weapons! Now!\n\n_Gift, having used his fatal blow switched back to his standard
conbat form, firing away at the Nuckelavee using his M4 assault rifle. Price, Soap
and Yuri then come to his aid as they opened fire while running around the beast in
a circular pattern._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Keep moving, keep moving! Open
fire!\n\n_After taking enough damage, the Nucklelavee then began flailing its arms
at the team before spinning counter-clockwise. Striking everyone with its clawed
hands and knocking them out of the fight._\n\nRiley: Its anticipating our move!
Take cau- Agh!\n\n_Riley founds herself being flung at Alita, the two then crashed
against one another as they are grabbed by the beast and thrown at a house. Nearly
knocking Riley out. Ruby's aura is depleted as she attempted to stand her ground
against the beast head-on with Jaune. The support soldiers then find themselves
locked in a battle against countless Grimm while Gift's team is faced against a
nigh-invincible beast._"},"553219855159918592":{"u":1,"t":1551968291798,"m":"Gift -
We must hold it's hands stick to ground."},"553221945185927169":
{"u":0,"t":1551968790099,"m":"_Before Gift could take any action, he is grabbed by
the beast and slammed against the ground before being thrown at Ruby. Distressed,
Long Caster immediately called in for support._\n\nLong Caster: This is Long Caster
to any units om station, requesting immediate support at grid GRG Mike-Two-
Niner!\n\n_Ruby, still injured tries to get up as Claire comes to her aid, healing
her wounds with the herbs she'd prepared. Riley slowly regains her health from her
regenerative internal biocomponents as she and Alita took to their feet. Ready to
fight._\n\n_Ren, now in a blind rage fired his pistols wildly at the Nuckelavee
beforr finding himself thrown at a church. Nora then drags him off to safety as
they take cover within the ruins of a bar._"},"553222282336796683":
{"u":1,"t":1551968870482,"m":"Gift - (cough) Try
to hold it's hands to the ground."},"553222536394047489":
{"u":1,"t":1551968931054,"m":"(Drone coming)\nCaptain Gift - Hey Gift i send drone
to help, come on let me heal you."},"553224225574486026":
{"u":0,"t":1551969333786,"m":"_As the team remains injured, the ground shakes as an
Arsenal Bird flew in low altitude, launching a multitude of Helios missiles before
regaining altitudr and sweeping the battlegrounds clear of Grimm with its nose
mounted plasma cannons._\n\nCossette: This is Liberty Delta, coming in to
assist!\n\n_As the Arsenal Bird swooped in for a second strafing run, Jaune takes
to his feet before stabbing his sword full force at the Nuckelavee's right arm,
pinning it to the ground._\n\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I got him! Use your
weapons to keep this bastard down!\n\n_Alita follows suit as she stabbed her
Damascus blade at its left arm, pinning it down as Riley and Claire used rebars to
pin it down further. The beast writhes in pain as it bled Grimm flesh from its
wounds._\n\n_Ren, having come to his absolution of not allowing himself to be
consumed by anger, unsheathed his knife, given to him by his father before he was
rescued by Gift._"},"553224676768481280":{"u":1,"t":1551969441359,"m":"Gift - I
will take another arm. (Use Sub zero's Frost blade)\nNOW!!"},"553225028934696960":
{"u":0,"t":1551969525322,"m":"_Gift then pins down the beast fully as he stabbed
the Frost Blade down its horse body, now locked and unable to fight. It
{"u":0,"t":1551969753995,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> For my mother...\n\n_He
slashes away its left arm, taking a deep breath before doing so. With its left arm
torn away, he takes another deep breathe before raising his knife high in the air,
ready to slash away its right arm._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> For my
father...\n\n_He mercilessly cuts away its right arm as the beast howled and yelped
in pain, leaking Grimm blood all over his clothes. Ready to end the beast, he
grabbed the knife with both of his hands and raised it high above the beast's
head._\n\n<:ren:519719201699790870> And, for myself!\n\n_He rams the entirety of
the blade's length down its head as the beast dies, rapidly decomposing into fine
dust. Relieved, he puts the knife back into its sheath before walking
away._"},"553226342586646529":{"u":1,"t":1551969838521,"m":"Gift - Ha! we make
it."},"553226892778536980":{"u":0,"t":1551969969697,"m":"Long Caster: Now, he'd
just made one hell of a Grimm barbecue. Anyways... This is AWACS Long Caster to all
units, say status. Over.\n\n_Long Caster, finally relaxing in his seat after
watching over his men fight in a seemingly losing battle tunes in on the radio as
the Arsenal Bird lands before Gift, its gigantic dropship docking bay wide open and
ready to receive the ground units._"},"553227265081868298":
{"u":1,"t":1551970058461,"m":"Gift - Alright let go to
Haven."},"553228099106373632":{"u":0,"t":1551970257308,"m":"_Ruby, having taken
heavy injuries allows herself to bear the pain, crying softly as she does so. She
runs to Gift and the rest of her teammates before hugging them._\n\n_Gift, having
hugged her already lets her go as she jumped on Riley and Alita. Nearly throwing
them down on the ground. Jaune, Nora and Ren then scrambled their way aboard the
humongous airborne carrier as they are escorted to the infirmary._\n\n_With the men
now onboard, it takes for the sky on its way to Haven._"},"553228525109248001":
{"u":1,"t":1551970358875,"m":"Gift - I don't know how Cap
scene then changes to Menagerie as Team Metal is engaged in a firefight against
White Fang memebers storming the Belladonnas house._"},"553228950395158528":
{"u":1,"t":1551970460271,"m":"Captain Gift - Sandman, have any
plan?"},"553230543748071425":{"u":0,"t":1551970840156,"m":"Sandman: The Fennec
Brothers have breached the inner floors and is taking Ghira and Blake! Get to them!
\n\n_Sandman then points at a guard._\n\nSandman: You! Use that LMG and keep the
gate covered!\n\nGuard: Roger! Suppressive fire!"},"553230770412584971":
{"u":1,"t":1551970894197,"m":"Captain Gift - I will not let my sister got any
injured."},"553231594635132958":{"u":0,"t":1551971090707,"m":"_Gift and Team Metal
then blasted their way through the house until they've reached the main study, from
there they immediately spread out as Gift takes Corsac and Ilia head on while
Sandman and his men assist Ghira._\n\n_Sandman then switches his riflr into its
railgun form before firing at Fennec, sending him flying at Corsac who reacted
promptly with launching three fireballs from his dust-infused dagger. Grinch then
intercepted the blow as he tossed a trashcan at it before taking aim and firing at
Ilia._"},"553231791641853962":{"u":1,"t":1551971137677,"m":"(I'm gonna rest now,
let continue tomorrow.)"},"553231843357491201":
{"u":1,"t":1552053868091,"m":"Captain Gift - Blake where are
{"u":0,"t":1552054033452,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Over here! On the
balcony!\n\n_Blake, now engaged in a one-on-one fight against Ilia tries her best
to avoid being hit by yhe stun whip, blocking and deflecting blows with the Gambol
Shroud. As Ilia raised her whip, ready for anothet blow, Sandman takes aim and
fired a fully charged railgun shot at her, blasting her away from the balcony and
sending her flying outside the house._\n\nSandman: Gotcha."},"553580152622284800":
{"u":1,"t":1552054193407,"m":"Captain Gift - Nice shot sandman.\n(Radio) Gift - Hey
Cap did you hear me?\nCaptain Gift - Yeah loud and clear.\nGift - I send you Allied
and Soviet MCV, I hope this will help you.\nCaptain Gift - Thanks Gift.\nGift -
Anytime Cap."},"553581011750092801":{"u":1,"t":1552054398239,"m":"Allied MCV driver
- Reinforcement have arrive Captain."},"553581499329282058":
{"u":0,"t":1552054514487,"m":"_The fight presses on as the Albain Brothers try
their best to defeat the team, as Fennec continues to summon fireballs after
fireballs anf launching it at Ghira, he is pounced on as Ghira slashed at his chest
with his claws before slamming his head against the ground. Killing
him._\n\nCorsac: No, brother!\n\n_His judgement now tainted with rage, Corsac
roared as he sent four fireballs om the balcony before fleeing the fight by jumping
through a hole in the wall. Blake tries her best to keep balance, but with the
balcony severely damaged, it breaks apart as she falls down on the floor.
Unconscious._\n\nTruck: That platform's gonna crash on her, Frost, Sandman, Gift.
Help me get her out!"},"553582484022099968":{"u":1,"t":1552054749256,"m":"Captain
Gift - Got it. (Use Sub zero's power to hold platform)\nGotcha my sis let get out
from here."},"553584573095739393":{"u":0,"t":1552055247330,"m":"Ghira: I can't hold
this platform any longer, drag her out and let's go!\n\n_Unable to bear the weight
any longer, he slowly brings it down before allowing it to crash down. The team
then makes their way to the courtyard as members of the local Faunus Militia
gathered around, awaiting commands._"},"553585173669871616":
{"u":1,"t":1552055390518,"m":"Allied GI - What happened Captain?\nCaptain Gift -
Got ambush, but we alright.\nAllied GI - We wait for your order.\nSoviet Conscript
- Da, We waiting for order."},"553587781629247498":
{"u":1,"t":1552056012304,"m":"Captain Gift - Hold this position and wait for my
mark.\nAllied GI - Roger.\nSoviet Conscript - Da."},"553588252624551936":
{"u":0,"t":1552056124598,"m":"_A Faunus Militia rifleman then approaches Gift. His
rifle strapped on haphazardly at his suit harness, he saluted him before standing
at attention as he reports himself and his squad ready for action._\n\nFaunus
Militia Rifleman: This is Sergeant Ram of the 41st Rifleman Battalion reporting for
duty, sir! My unit is ready for deployment and is standing by for your
command."},"551449547398971412":{"u":1,"t":1551546217537,"m":"Gift - We must rest
here for a white before we head to the next town."},"551449851674493006":
{"u":0,"t":1551546290082,"m":"Trigger (from radio): Sleep is all we need after all,
Longcaster saw you guys fought and ordered my squadron to watch you guys right
away.\n\nTo be damn honest though, your sister put up one hell of a fight
- She have improve much than i thought."},"551451297233240079":
{"u":0,"t":1551546634730,"m":"Longcaster: Sorru for interrupting but I've got an
urgent message from Baseplate himself."},"551451423007834148":
{"u":1,"t":1551546664717,"m":"Gift - What did he say?"},"551452750941126666":
{"u":0,"t":1551546981321,"m":"Long Caster: Initiating playback:\n\n\"This is
Baseplate to Bravo 6, from now on, the armed forces of Strangereal will now be
joining the war effort against Salem and the Grimm. The armed forces will integrate
themselves as part of the task force but their names and insignias will remain
unchanged to avoid confusion. Your mission directive will remain unchanged.
Over.\""},"551453043296698397":{"u":1,"t":1551547051024,"m":"Gift - I know this
mission is not over easily."},"551453826763325470":
{"u":0,"t":1551547237817,"m":"Long Caster: It's not over until we get rid of her
like how I get rid of excessive fats on my cuts kf steak. \n\nSorry, after staying
on the air for hours, I need a meal to keep me up and running. I'll be landing on
the Nod's MCV so if you hear me banging on your door, that's me right
{"u":0,"t":1551547280223,"m":"Trigger: Gonna land soon and get me some crew rest so
I'll be off the air for now. Rest well, General."},"551454182721323029":
{"u":1,"t":1551547322684,"m":"Gift - Rest well everyone, Good night my little
You too! \n_Ruby then gives Gift a light smooch on his forehead. After that, she
falls into deep slumber._"},"551454466659057665":
{"u":0,"t":1551547390380,"m":"(I'll rest for now, see ya
soon!)"},"551454746435649546":{"u":1,"t":1551547457084,"m":"(Yeah, See
ya.)"},"552130707862847489":{"u":1,"t":1551708618847,"m":"\"Keep going\"\nGeneral
Gift \"Bravo 6\"\nOn way to Kuroyuri"},"552159537852055552":
{"u":0,"t":1551715492452,"m":"(Sorry for replying late-)"},"552160024844304394":
{"u":0,"t":1551715608560,"m":"_The General and Riley find themselves awaken by the
sounds of a man rapidly banging on the door to their respective quarters. Still
banging, he screams into the intercom._\n\nLongcaster: _drunk screams and
KUROYURIIIII!"},"552488116414578689":{"u":1,"t":1551793831686,"m":"Gift - Alright
everyone get up, we have mission to do."},"552873419847499776":
{"u":1,"t":1551885695183,"m":"(10 minute later)\nGift - Alright we must move from
this point to kuroyuri, but i don't know what going on
with \"Cap\"."},"552873566048223254":
Who's \"Cap\"?"},"552873948354838559":{"u":1,"t":1551885821189,"m":"Gift - He is
same like me but he come from another timeline, His code is Bravo 6-
Sandman!"},"552874712540119050":{"u":0,"t":1551886003385,"m":"_As the team
continues their journey, Long Caster's voice came through their respective radio
units._\n\nLong Caster: This is AWACS Long Caster to all friendly air and ground
units, radio check."},"552874855381598208":{"u":1,"t":1551886037441,"m":"Gift -
This is Bravo 6, hear you loud and clear."},"552875192574148619":
{"u":0,"t":1551886117834,"m":"Long Caster: Copy, Bravo 6. Be advised that a new
member of your unit will rendezvous with you shortly, her name is Alita. A special
cyborg unit sent in from one of Earth's military forces."},"552875353866240000":
{"u":1,"t":1551886156289,"m":"Gift - Copy that Long caster."},"552875371272339468":
{"u":0,"t":1551886160439,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Everyone,
look!"},"552876151446568961":{"u":0,"t":1551886346447,"m":"_Nora points to the sky
as the sound of a drop pod's retrothrusters is heard. The drop pod breaks apart as
a person emerged from it in a landing brace. After falling down for a moment, she
lands before the team, disengaging her helmet and brandishing her sword._\n\nAlita:
Unit Number 99 callsign Alpha Two-One reporting for duty as requested, sir!\n\n_She
then keeps the sword in its scabbard before saluting the General and his team as
him, Riley and the team does so in return._"},"552876550597509130":
{"u":1,"t":1551886441612,"m":"Gift - I'm glad you have come for assist
us."},"552877029008343044":{"u":0,"t":1551886555674,"m":"Alita: Respectfully, sir.
I'm more than happy. \n\n_She then walks alongside him, enjoying the view of the
forest surrounding her._\n\nAlita: Anyways, I'm Alita. And I take it that you are
General Gift, am I correct?"},"552877356927287307":
{"u":1,"t":1551886633856,"m":"Gift - Correct Alita and yes now our mission is head
to haven for build the second base."},"552878589754736660":
{"u":0,"t":1551886927785,"m":"_Alita said nothing as she records and updates her
current mission directives, from the sky is the sight of Liberty Delta deploying
drones to scout out the area ahead of the team's position. From his radio came
Cossette's call._\n\nCossette: Gift, I got good news and bad news here. The good
news is that Qrow is cured to full health and will be joining you at Kuroyuri, and
the bad news is that Liberty Delta is running low on reactor fuel and needs to
return to Beacon for immediate refit and rearm. The drones will still patrol and
assist you in combat but some will be called back tp guard the Arsenal
Bird."},"552878829694091284":{"u":1,"t":1551886984991,"m":"Gift - Copy
Cossette."},"552879885299744779":{"u":0,"t":1551887236667,"m":"_After having
traveled for hours, the team finally arrives at Kuroyuri, seen before them is the
common sight of death, destruction and devastation._\n\nAlita: Woah, what happened
to this place?"},"552880160764985345":{"u":1,"t":1551887302343,"m":"Gift - I don't
know but i just remember something."},"552880350263640074":
{"u":0,"t":1551887347523,"m":"_Standing next to one of the pillars supporting a
derelict house is Qrow, drinking out of his flask as usual. From Gift's point of
view, he recalls one particular memory of a deployment he was assigned at this city
with Riley._"},"552880536855511041":{"u":1,"t":1551887392010,"m":"(Flashback)\nGift
- This is it Kuroyuri."},"552881078541746177":{"u":0,"t":1551887521158,"m":"Riley:
No wonder why people would love to live in Mistral... just look at the place! So
lifelike and close to nature as it could.\n\n_Riley then loads her battle rifle,
cocking the charging handle as she chambered a round into it. Ready for combat.
With the rifle loaded she looked into her binoculars, scanning the perimiter for
Grimm._\n\nRiley: Still clear, damn..."},"552881405399662597":
{"u":1,"t":1551887599087,"m":"Gift - For now.... So let get in someone wait for us,
and keep weapons down."},"552882415165505548":{"u":0,"t":1551887839834,"m":"_The
two then walks into a bar as the bartender welcomes them. Having found a table of
their own they both ordered their drinks as Riley prepped her fly drone for action,
having prepped the drone she deploys it as it flew out of the bar and into the
streets of Kuroyuri._"},"552883065224167424":{"u":1,"t":1551887994820,"m":"Captain
Gift - Hey guy!\nGift - Hey Cap come and take sit.\nCaptain Gift - Long time no
see, what going on?\nGift - I come to scout around here for
operation."},"552883712262537246":{"u":0,"t":1551888149086,"m":"_Riley then taps
Gift on his left shoulder as she shows him the drone feed._\n\nRiley: Got something
lurkin' 'round the town out skirts. Looks like a real nasty Grimm
too."},"552883961882345482":{"u":1,"t":1551888208600,"m":"Captain Gift - Bad
news?\nGift - it seem yes."},"552884651690295318":
{"u":0,"t":1551888373063,"m":"Riley: Real bad news, because it's getting closer to
the town...\n\n_From the feed, the unknowm Grimm moves closer to the town's walls.
Having reached the wall it scales the wall using its human torso attached onto its
horse body. It then lands on top of an abandoned house before roaring as loud as it
could, startling the town's populations. From another feed, a boy is seen with his
father fending him off from a beowolf. It then switches to another drone as a girl
is seen hiding in a building._\n\nRiley: I knew this was gonna happen, Gift. You
get the boy, I'll find the girl!","te":1551888452516},"552885032235302912":
{"u":1,"t":1551888463792,"m":"Gift - Got it, Come on Cap\nCaptain Gift - Got
it."},"552885696197689345":{"u":0,"t":1551888622093,"m":"_Riley, having planned her
path kicks the door open as she slashed the Beowolf standing in front of the door
with her combat knife before firing five rounds into its chest. Killing it, after
that she aims for the head of a Rapier wasp before sending three rounds into its
thorax, killing it. She then runs to the recently abandoned building, fighting
Grimm along the way._\n\n_Gift and Cap then makes their way to the boy as a
Symphony airlifter comes into view, firing its onboard guns at the Grimm down
below._"},"552885837281493012":{"u":1,"t":1551888655730,"m":"(I going to sleep now,
let's continue this tomorrow)"},"552885892763877387":
{"u":1,"t":1551965100595,"m":"Captain Gift - Over here!\nGift - Hold on, I'm
coming."},"553207002025951233":{"u":0,"t":1551965227372,"m":"Riley: Gift, I got the
girl. On my way to you!"},"553207545020416000":{"u":0,"t":1551965356832,"m":"_With
the girl strapped to her back, Riley blasted the barricaded door of the building
open before firing at a pack of Beowolves, with the pack out of the way she headed
for the airlifter as the Nuckelavee reached out at her with one of its
arms._"},"551428909615546389":{"u":1,"t":1551541297106,"m":"Gift - Alright Talk
time over.(Transform to Scorpion)","te":1551541319484},"551430176001622016":
{"u":0,"t":1551541599036,"m":"_As Gift transformed into his combat form, Tyrian the
shifted his attention to Ren, spamming his light attack from the machineguns before
pulling into a mash heavy by trying to slash his way into him again, only to have
his hits deflected blow by blow. Finally finding an attack opportinuty, Nora
charged up her hammer before slamming it full force into his tail with Gift now
finally moving in for the attack._\n\n_As the group continues to battle Tyrian, the
mighty roar of an Arsenal Bird is heard._"},"551430588331196437":
{"u":1,"t":1551541697343,"m":"Gift - Ah!!!! (Use Scorpion's X-ray
move)"},"551431257574211604":{"u":0,"t":1551541856903,"m":"_Having found another
opportunity of attack, Jaune moves in, using his shield to block away the dust
projectiles fired from Tyrian's wrist-mounted guns, his right hand gripping at the
sword tightly, ready to strike._\n\n_Gift then uses his abilities to deal massive
damage into Tyrian before Qrow intervenes, hitting him at point-blank range with
his scythe in its shotgun form before radioing Cossette to send in an MQ-101B
drone._"},"551431691508514836":{"u":1,"t":1551541960361,"m":"Gift - If you want
more, with pressure.(Use Scorpion's Fatal blow)"},"551432017984749575":
{"u":0,"t":1551542038199,"m":"Qrow: Cossette, send in one of your
drones!\nCossette: Roger, I'm on it."},"551432916090093568":
{"u":0,"t":1551542252324,"m":"_Having finished his command, he joins the fight
againn this time transforming his scythe from its shotgun form into its full form
as he landed blow after blow with it. Tyrian, wanting to fulfill his mission
continues the fight, this time targeting
Riley. But before he could attack her, she raised her rifle up as she fired rounds
after rounds, striking his chest. Finally knocking him out of the
fight._"},"551433165282213899":{"u":1,"t":1551542311736,"m":"Gift - He's down.
(Transform back to normal)"},"551433884450160642":
{"u":0,"t":1551542483199,"m":"_Tyrian, his aura now exhausted from the fight
remains still on the ground, injured._\n\nTyrian: This... this isn't over!\n\n_He
then unclips an electric smoke grenade before tossing it at Riley. The grenade
detonates as it released a cloud of conductive gas, sparking full of lethal jolts
of localized lightning forcing the group to retreat. As the smoke dissipates, he is
nowhere to be seen._"},"551434049047101441":{"u":1,"t":1551542522442,"m":"Gift - He
can get away for now."},"551434986008608784":{"u":1,"t":1551542745831,"m":"Gift -
But this mission is not over."},"551435057924145160":
{"u":0,"t":1551542762977,"m":"Avril: Damnit, thought I was gonna get me a piece of
this asshole..."},"551435316360380437":{"u":0,"t":1551542824593,"m":"Cossette:
Everybody good?"},"551435481628409857":{"u":1,"t":1551542863996,"m":"Gift - Yes, I
am alright, How about you little sis?","te":1551542875249},"551436098409201694":
{"u":0,"t":1551543011048,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Still alive, might need a
medkit or something..."},"551436139173773332":{"u":0,"t":1551543020767,"m":"Claire:
Someone said medkit?"},"551436306006409225":{"u":1,"t":1551543060543,"m":"Gift -
Yes, my little sister need it."},"551437016760451074":
{"u":0,"t":1551543230000,"m":"_As Gift was about to toss Ruby a medkit, Claire
reached into her hip pouch, pulling out three different branches of herbs she'd
grown in her little compartment aboard Liberty Delta._\n\nClaire: This righr here
is what I'd like to call \"The Good 'Ol Arklay Herbal Mixture!\" Works every
time.\n\n_She then crunched up the branches before mixing them in a paper bag, she
poured in some water from her canteen before shaking the bag. After shaking the
bag, she slathered her hands with the mixture before applying it onto Ruby's
wounds._"},"551437190497042443":{"u":1,"t":1551543271422,"m":"Gift - RGB
Right?"},"551437576972533773":{"u":0,"t":1551543363565,"m":"Claire: Correct. But I
mixed some green dust into it to enhance the healing effect, gravity for retention
of herbs and fire dust for quick action."},"551437852471197698":
{"u":0,"t":1551543429249,"m":"Ada: We should move on, to- Wait... someone's
coming!"},"551437928283504652":{"u":0,"t":1551543447324,"m":"Leon: Behind you,
Riley!"},"551437954493710336":{"u":1,"t":1551543453573,"m":"Gift - I will handle
this."},"551438454920183809":{"u":0,"t":1551543572884,"m":"_Despite having
seemingly fled the battle, Tyrian returns, this time using his heaviest attacks to
knock Riley out of the fight. Defeated, she remained motionless as Tyrian depleted
her Aura by stabbing her in the chest with an Aura Collector Device._\n\nTyrian:
Hahaha! I'm coming back for more! And this time Little Red will be
mine!"},"551438671866363905":{"u":1,"t":1551543624608,"m":"Gift - Never, if you
want you must pass me first."},"551439007591038976":
{"u":0,"t":1551543704651,"m":"_He then moves in for the attack, targeting Gift. He
raised both of his hands up high before slamming the blades down on him. Dealing
damage to his suit, Claire, Ada and Leon then came to his aid, all three of them
brandishing their super weapons with Claire using the Minigun, Leon with his rocket
launcher and Ada with the Spark Shot._","te":1551543720211},"551439500824543232":
{"u":1,"t":1551543822247,"m":"Gift - Ha!!! It's seem you must give up this time, if
you attack, we also attack you."},"551440605591633920":
{"u":0,"t":1551544085644,"m":"_Ruby, despite her injuries joins in on the attack,
ignoring Qrow's warnings. Gift namaged to block Tyrian's blows before parrying with
a consecutive heavy chain attack using his Scorpion combat form._\n\n_With Ruby
rushing in, Tyrian shifted his attention to her but before he could reach her, Ruby
teleported herself onto the roof of a building as she fired rounds after rounds
of .50 equivalent standard dust rounds at him. Still incapacitated, Jaune, Nora and
Ren rush to Riley's aid as they try their best to remove thr device and heal her
with the herbal mixture Claire had prepared earlier._"},"551440977076813835":
{"u":1,"t":1551544174213,"m":"Gift - You fast for now, after this you will slow or
freeze.(Transform to Sub zero)"},"551443069849829387":
{"u":0,"t":1551544673169,"m":"_With Gift having changed his combat form to Sub-
Zero's, Tyrian goes after Qrow instead, he begins by using his blades to strike
away at him only to be met by similar blows beint made to his weapons. With Ruby
still remaining her position \non the roof and the trio helping Riley, she fires
wildly at Tyrian, hoping to land some shots on him. One particular shot lands on
his tail, shifting his attention to her instead._\n\n_With Ruby being his priority
target, he dumped all of his remaining machinegub ammunition before reloading and
firing again, tyring his besy to overwhelm Ruby's defenses. With his guns
overheating, he lands three consecutive blows at her torso, draining her Aura
completely once again before poisoning Qrow with his tail._"},"551443341829603332":
{"u":1,"t":1551544738014,"m":"Gift - Ha!!! (Use Sub zero's Fatal
blow)"},"551444014918795264":{"u":0,"t":1551544898491,"m":"_Ruby, having seen her
uncle injured before her, gets up using her scythe to support herself before
brutally tearing away Tyrian's tail using her scythe. Causing him to scream in
agony._\n\nTyrian: You.. you fucking bitch! I'll get you for this! Ugh!\n\n_Having
vowed his revenge, he runs off despite his injuries, leaving trails of blood and
poison behind._","te":1551544918370},"551444287728910354":
{"u":1,"t":1551544963534,"m":"Gift - You will not go anywhere because i have freeze
you."},"551444542306385941":{"u":0,"t":1551545024230,"m":"Cossette: Gift, stand
down. Qrow needs help."},"551444696027627548":{"u":1,"t":1551545060880,"m":"Gift -
Got it, Claire i need RGB."},"551445058474344468":
{"u":0,"t":1551545147294,"m":"_She then drags him to Qrow, now suffering from the
poison Tyrian injected him earlier._\n\nClaire: I don't think the herbs would heal
him to full health, they can only stabilise him long enough until we get him to a
safe location...\n\nCossette: How about my Arsenal Bird? I've got an infirmary
there but once I bring him there it will have to leave Mistralian airspace
immediately to avoid ambush."},"551445486511325194":
{"u":1,"t":1551545249346,"m":"GDI Rifle squad - Is someone got injured? We have
come to help."},"551445711229550595":{"u":0,"t":1551545302923,"m":"Qrow: Nah, it's
just a flesh wound. I'll- _cough_, I'll be fine..."},"551445851629682699":
{"u":0,"t":1551545336397,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _to GDI RIfle Squad_ I
need you guys to cone along."},"551446269323902981":
{"u":1,"t":1551545435983,"m":"GDI Rifle squad - We know that General is in trouble,
so did we come on time?\nGift - Yes, you come on a right
time."},"551446639597060097":{"u":0,"t":1551545524263,"m":"_After the battle, the
group finds refuge in an area carved out by the GDI Rifle Squad. The Arsenal Bird
then airdropped some supplies before finally departing, leaving the group
behind._"},"551446783335858186":{"u":1,"t":1551545558533,"m":"Mr.X - Hey let me
join your battle."},"551447249759109143":
{"u":0,"t":1551545669737,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Tag along Mr...
Who is this big guy and why is he armed with TWO rocket
launchers?!"},"551447496077869108":{"u":1,"t":1551545728464,"m":"Tyrant - Just call
me Tyrant, I come to help."},"551448064066453519":
{"u":0,"t":1551545863883,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ooh, Tyrant it is!
\n_yawns_"},"551448217988890629":{"u":0,"t":1551545900581,"m":"Riley: Guys, it's
time we settle down, grab some chow and then sleep. Cossette just chopped us an
MCV."},"551448413397450772":{"u":1,"t":1551545947170,"m":"Gift - I have add GDI and
Nod's MCV."},"551449049644138496":
{"u":0,"t":1551546098863,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Great, even more techy
stuff."},"551449367580508173":{"u":0,"t":1551546174665,"m":"_The group then boards
a GDI MCV as the Nod MCV stays on guard. After tending to their own needs and
gathering at the hall for a prayer, they all part ways to their respective bunks.
Getting the much-needed sleep they deserve._"},"548883278967341056":
{"u":1,"t":1550934371464,"m":"Gift - Bravo 6-2 report your status.\nGift \"Bravo 6-
2\" - Still fine but Sun got injured.\nGift - i see, keep update.\nGift \"Bravo 6-
2\" - Roger, Bravo 6-2 out."},"548884311055794176":
{"u":0,"t":1550934617533,"m":"_As the group makes their way into Oniyuri, Ruby
deploys an assault drone before setting it on sentry mode, allowing it to fly
around the team wherever they go._"},"548884418899607571":
{"u":0,"t":1550934643245,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> This place reminds me of
Mountain Glenn..."},"548884521836216320":
{"u":0,"t":1550934667787,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> It does, in fact Oniyuri
could be considered the Mt. Glenn of Mistral."},"548884656267984896":
{"u":1,"t":1550934699838,"m":"Gift - This place remind me
something."},"548884878133952516":{"u":0,"t":1550934752735,"m":"Riley: Just like
Mt. Glenn..."},"548885282255274035":{"u":1,"t":1550934849085,"m":"Gift - Many years
ago before i met you i have come here before.\n(Flashback)\nGift - Riley, I'm in
position."},"548885570416279562":{"u":0,"t":1550934917788,"m":"Riley: Copy, what's
the game plan?"},"548885820929605633":{"u":1,"t":1550934977515,"m":"Gift - We come
here to scout before our real operation."},"548885900893880340":
{"u":0,"t":1550934996580,"m":"(Sorry, but I gotta go. Can we continue this
we can and i always wait for it.)"},"548886125909901322":
{"u":0,"t":1550935050228,"m":"(Okay, thanks.)"},"548886144197328926":
{"u":0,"t":1550935054588,"m":"(Rest well!)"},"551415846745145356":
{"u":1,"t":1551538182675,"m":"\"Flashback (2 years ago)\"\nGeneral Gift \"Bravo
6\"\nArea Unknown"},"551416105768452114":{"u":0,"t":1551538244431,"m":"Riley:
What's the gameplan, Gift?"},"551416284403990540":
{"u":0,"t":1551538287021,"m":"_Riley scans her area for hostiles as Gift stood by,
the two standing in a vast area filled with Gravity Dust
shards._"},"551416332365856781":{"u":1,"t":1551538298456,"m":"Gift - I think we
will come here soon, so we must scout the area."},"551416533193326593":
{"u":0,"t":1551538346337,"m":"Riley: Right then, Baseplate ordered us to scout an
area marked as Area M8B, that's Mike-Eight-Bravo. Should be something
interesting..."},"551416740433625098":{"u":1,"t":1551538395747,"m":"Gift - I hear
there is a city on that area, Should we go for it?"},"551416881278484520":
{"u":0,"t":1551538429327,"m":"Riley: Since we're already here so... why
not?"},"551417056898318366":{"u":1,"t":1551538471198,"m":"Gift - Alright, let go
and keep our weapon down."},"551417505533526037":
{"u":0,"t":1551538578161,"m":"Riley: Copy.\n\n_With that, she puts her assault
rifle back onto its strap and set foot for the area. Three hours later, the two
arrives to find the area completely deserted._"},"551417642208985088":
{"u":0,"t":1551538610747,"m":"Baseplate: This is Baseplate to Bravo 6, do you read?
Have you reached the area?","te":1551538625234},"551417800518795294":
{"u":1,"t":1551538648491,"m":"Gift - This is Bravo 6 hear you loud and clear, and
yes we have arrive."},"551418223921463297":{"u":0,"t":1551538749438,"m":"Baseplate:
Good, to save you two the hassle I've gathered enough information in regards with
the area. Your presence there may attract the Grimm and the White Fang, proceed to
Checkpoint Phi and establish contact with the rest of your unit.
Over."},"551418398832197632":{"u":1,"t":1551538791140,"m":"Gift - Copy Baseplate,
we on our way."},"551419009585905665":{"u":0,"t":1551538936755,"m":"_Before the two
could move, three drones bearing the mark of the White Fang swooped in on their
position. Riley, reacted by tossing an EMP grenade at the drones disabling them
befote they could identify the two._"},"551419440781066241":
{"u":1,"t":1551539039560,"m":"Gift - I think our squad are rally in the city name
Kuroyuri."},"551419895489757184":{"u":0,"t":1551539147971,"m":"Riley: They are, and
things there aren't looking so good..."},"551420498093801473":
{"u":1,"t":1551539291643,"m":"Gift - Yes, i guess but we must see by our
eyes."},"551420912855941135":{"u":0,"t":1551539390530,"m":"_Before the two could
proceed any further, their surroundings changed as they are brought back to the
current times. Back to Oniyuri..._"},"551421103378006040":
{"u":1,"t":1551539435954,"m":"\"Danger close\"\nGeneral Gift \"Bravo
6\"\nOniyuri"},"551421417002893312":{"u":1,"t":1551539510728,"m":"Gift - So Leon
when did you arrive to this place?"},"551421638080724994":
{"u":0,"t":1551539563437,"m":"Leon: Just... moments ago, we came here to mark
waypoints to get you guys to Haven but we were ambushed by a swarm of
Lancers."},"551421887280840735":{"u":1,"t":1551539622851,"m":"Gift - I see it, You
alright after that ambush?"},"551422836829323284":
{"u":0,"t":1551539849241,"m":"Leon: Took some hits, but I'm good. Look, whatever
you do here you do it quick. Salem's got an agent down here waiting.\n\n_Having
warned Gift, he took off for the next waypoint marked by Claire. The group now
finds themselves standing in the town's square surrounded by ruins of pillaged
buildings._"},"551423085270532117":{"u":1,"t":1551539908474,"m":"Gift - Alright i
feel bad about this."},"551423485327704064":{"u":1,"t":1551540003855,"m":"Gift -
Like someone is watching us."},"551423716018356224":
{"u":0,"t":1551540058856,"m":"Cossette: I have a bad feeling about
this..."},"551423850907435028":{"u":1,"t":1551540091016,"m":"Gift - Same like me
Cossette."},"551424173403275326":{"u":0,"t":1551540167905,"m":"_As the group moved
cautiously through the square, the ruins of a house then creaked loudly before the
sounds of wood breaking is heard as a figure jumps out of it, firing his wrist-
mounted machinegun-blade at them._"},"551424292450074624":
{"u":1,"t":1551540196288,"m":"Gift - Take cover."},"551424912032792597":
{"u":0,"t":1551540344008,"m":"_The figure then ceased his attacks before brushing
away the dust covering his face. With the dust now brushed away, he cackled
maniacally. The group then spreads out as they take positions, ready for a
saturation attack should they need one._"},"551425072368189444":
{"u":0,"t":1551540382235,"m":"Tyrian: Well, well... look what we have here! A bunch
of people... and, children..."},"551425146288734218":
{"u":0,"t":1551540399859,"m":"Riley: Who the hell are you?!"},"551425549516406784":
{"u":1,"t":1551540495996,"m":"Gift - I must do something if i have Allied and
Soviet so who left, Yes GDI and Nod i got their technology
maybe...."},"551426325542338563":{"u":0,"t":1551540681015,"m":"_Before Gift could
bring up his screen, Tyrian shoots away the screen before incapacitating him with a
neurotoxin._\n\nTyrian: Not so fast, General! And who I am isn't important, after
all... I'm here for Little Red.\n\n_He then points one of his weapons at Ruby, then
pointing it at the rest of the group. Prompting Riley to arm her rifle for action,
with her group members doing so. Gift's suit began injecting him with an anti-
neurotoxin, slowly bringing him back to action._"},"551426455934861317":
{"u":1,"t":1551540712103,"m":"Gift - What do you want?"},"551426581625831450":
{"u":1,"t":1551540742070,"m":"Gift - Ruby stay behind me
sis."},"551428254158946304":{"u":0,"t":1551541140833,"m":"_Before neither of the
group's members could react, Tyrian began his assault by striking Ruby on the
chest, luckily her fast reactions saved her as she raised her scythe up high,
deflecting the blow. From then he rapidly attacked her as fast as he could, with
Ren firing at him with his pistols from afar before joining in on the
fray._\n\nRiley: All units, move in! Go, go!\n\n_Riley, not hesitating any further,
jumps in as she transformed her battle rifle into its scythe form before slashing
it full force onto Tyrian's back only to have the blow intercepted by his tail. He
then kicks Riley away, sending her flying at a barn before resuming his attacks on
Ruby, after slashing his way through her defences, his left blade strikes her on
the chest, nearly depleting her Aura in the process._"},"548869436669558824":
{"u":0,"t":1550931071203,"m":"Gunship Pilot: Welcome aboard the _Archelon._ I'm
Full Band, and this is my copilot Wiseman."},"548869506194472992":
{"u":0,"t":1550931087779,"m":"Wiseman: Everything is green, we are go for
flight."},"548869774591918080":{"u":1,"t":1550931151770,"m":"Gift - Good, now let
move.\n(in Gift mind)\nThanks Leon for this pistol."},"548870102192357379":
{"u":0,"t":1550931229876,"m":"_As the team boards the gunship, the view changes
back to Team RNJR, currently staying at Shion._"},"548870190490845214":
{"u":1,"t":1550931250928,"m":"Gift - Finally we arrive."},"548871227050295297":
{"u":0,"t":1550931498063,"m":"_As the group arrives at the village, all that
surrounded them was nothing but destruction, death, and chaos. Visibly disgusted by
the sight of macerated corpses, Cossette dry heaved momentarily before vomiting
what remains of her breakfast and turning away. Unable to bear the sight and
{"u":0,"t":1550931516662,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> What the hell happened
here?"},"548871384495816725":{"u":0,"t":1550931535601,"m":"Riley: Must've been the
bandits."},"548871531887853568":{"u":1,"t":1550931570742,"m":"Gift - I don't know
but i think see someone, LEON LEON IS THAT YOU?"},"548873571854712852":
{"u":0,"t":1550932057108,"m":"_Seen on the distance is Leon and his group tending
to an injured man. Upon hearing Gift's voice, he shouts._"},"548873665396342796":
{"u":0,"t":1550932079410,"m":"Leon: Over here! We have a casualty
{"u":0,"t":1550932095138,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Let's
go!"},"548873941112848390":{"u":1,"t":1550932145146,"m":"Gift - Leon, What happen
here?"},"548874191752003595":{"u":0,"t":1550932204903,"m":"Ada: Bandits and Grimm.
Took the entire village by storm, supplies raided, people killed. The rest of the
survivors were captured."},"548874351118909441":{"u":1,"t":1550932242899,"m":"Gift
- Do you know which group they are?"},"548874642111332352":
{"u":0,"t":1550932312277,"m":"_Ada, still tending to the man's injuries replies
while administerin gthe man an Arklay medicinal herb extract into his wounds. But
before she could finish, the man swatted away her arms before uttering his last
words._"},"548874894805434369":{"u":0,"t":1550932372524,"m":"Injured Man: The...
Br- *coughs* It's the Branwen tribe... Grimm came along when they assaulted,
please... get yourselves out of here..."},"548875188541063168":
{"u":0,"t":1550932442556,"m":"_Having said his last words, the man
dies._"},"548875259013496832":{"u":1,"t":1550932459358,"m":"Gift - Take rest
Huntsman."},"548875399820607488":{"u":0,"t":1550932492929,"m":"_As Leon and Claire
carried away the man's body, Ada turns towards the group._"},"548875493781536774":
{"u":0,"t":1550932515331,"m":"Ada: So, what's next? Onward to
Correct."},"548875918894956559":{"u":1,"t":1550932616686,"m":"Gift - Yes little
sis, Claire if you search for your brother, he is with team Metal and my
clone."},"548876111862562857":{"u":0,"t":1550932662693,"m":"Claire: Already got in
touch with him, Gift. But thanks for reminding me of him
- I think he always tell me what happen and i don't know what happen with them
now."},"548876670149459979":{"u":0,"t":1550932795799,"m":"_After spending the rest
of their day traveling, the party finally finds refuge in an abandoned barn. tired
and in need of rest, one by one, they fall into ther long-awaited slumber... But in
Menagerie, things seem to bee a bit... ablaze. Literally_"},"548876992812941312":
{"u":1,"t":1550932872728,"m":"Gift - Hey Sandman is something
wrong?"},"548877134178025472":{"u":0,"t":1550932906432,"m":"Sandman: Feels like
someone's been watching my ass all day.."},"548877363849461800":
{"u":0,"t":1550932961190,"m":"_As Sandman and Gift talked, then came Sun's
incoherent screams of a White Fang agent infiltrating the
{"u":0,"t":1550933000180,"m":"<:sun:517179592516042772> We got an agent over here!
Or at least a glimpse of her..."},"548877608830500874":
{"u":1,"t":1550933019598,"m":"Gift - Okey let's see."},"548878032446947338":
{"u":0,"t":1550933120596,"m":"_As the two walks into the house's study, Sun shows
the rest of the group a blurry, yet enhanced image of the silhouette of a person
standin just outside of the house._"},"548878235761508392":
{"u":0,"t":1550933169070,"m":"<:sun:517179592516042772> Okay, I was just strolling
around the house until I saw this! Just... look at it! That right there is a White
Fang agent!"},"548878407023198208":{"u":0,"t":1550933209902,"m":"_Frustrated, Blake
furiously yanks the Scroll out of his hand before chucking it full force into a
trash can._"},"548878448169582603":{"u":1,"t":1550933219712,"m":"Gift - Chris, what
are we gonna do now?"},"548878474820059166":
{"u":0,"t":1550933226066,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> Enough of this,
Sun!"},"548878703451570213":{"u":0,"t":1550933280576,"m":"_But as she was about to
push him out, she notices the similar silhouette moving outside the house. From
there, she whipped out her weapon and ran after the
silhouette._"},"548878952362672148":{"u":1,"t":1550933339921,"m":"Gift - Chris,
hold this position, I will go after her."},"548879193660719125":
{"u":0,"t":1550933397451,"m":"Chris: Copy."},"548879660633686016":
{"u":0,"t":1550933508786,"m":"_From there, Gift, Sun, and Blake gave chase after
the moving shadow. From roof to roof they jumped and dashed their way until finally
stopping at the roof of an abandoned warehouse. Realizing that she is surrounded,
the masked intruder whips out her revolver before turning it into a stun
whip._"},"548879842326609932":{"u":1,"t":1550933552105,"m":"Gift - Identify
yourself."},"548880061424730112":{"u":0,"t":1550933604342,"m":"_The masked intruder
said nothing but chose to pull her mask down, revealing her face to the three.
Having saw enough, Blake gasps in
Ilia..."},"548880596898676736":{"u":1,"t":1550933732009,"m":"Gift - Huh? Did you
know her?"},"548881070540587029":{"u":0,"t":1550933844934,"m":"_Blake, still
shocked by the sudden reveal is still in a state of shock and disbelief. Sun
however tries to apprehend Ilia, only to be injured by her stun-whip. Having struck
Sun in the torso, she jumps her way to safety leaving the three
behind._"},"548881504294535194":{"u":1,"t":1550933948349,"m":"Gift - Chris, report
status."},"548881924123525130":{"u":0,"t":1550934048444,"m":"Chris: House is still
clear, get Sun back here now."},"548882018491170830":
{"u":1,"t":1550934070943,"m":"Gift - Got it."},"548882469680578593":
{"u":0,"t":1550934178515,"m":"_Thirty minutes later, the three finally makes it
back to the Belladonnas' house as Sun is carried away by Frost and Sandman to an
infirmary._"},"548882639357083650":{"u":0,"t":1550934218969,"m":"_The view then
switches again to Team RNJR, now on their way to
Oniyuri..._"},"548857473671495680":{"u":0,"t":1550928219002,"m":"Dave\" Got it,
boss."},"548857575936884772":{"u":1,"t":1550928243384,"m":"Gift - Come on, Let's
move."},"548858250657923085":{"u":0,"t":1550928404250,"m":"_After gearing up at the
dropship, it detaches itself. Falling down the sky at breakneck speed before coming
down to land at a designated landing site marked by Avril. With the dropship
landed, Team RNJR and the rest of the units departed from the dropship as some
friendly members complained of the
{"u":0,"t":1550928437392,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> And onward to... Shion we
go!"},"548858618028752896":{"u":1,"t":1550928491838,"m":"Gift - Right little
sis."},"548859319660314624":{"u":0,"t":1550928659120,"m":"_As the group begins
their jourmey towards Shion, distant sounds of burning buildings and explosions are
heard. From Gift's suit came BT's alert._"},"548859433569222667":
{"u":0,"t":1550928686278,"m":"BT: General, Shion seems to be in distress.
Imperative we investigate the situation."},"548859566037794816":
{"u":1,"t":1550928717861,"m":"Gift - We must, to know what
{"u":0,"t":1550928833522,"m":"_The camera view then switches to Atlas, zooming
straight into Gideon's helmet camera. Now deployed right outside of the Schnee
Mansion along with the rest of his
{"u":1,"t":1550928902723,"m":"Bravo 6-3 - Hey Gideon why are we
here?"},"548860686978252802":{"u":0,"t":1550928985114,"m":"Gideon: You forgot what
Kingpin told us? We break in, escort our girl and send her off to
Mistral."},"548860853752037378":{"u":1,"t":1550929024876,"m":"Bravo 6-3 - I know my
sis, Right?"},"548860975344910347":{"u":0,"t":1550929053866,"m":"_He then chambers
a round into his special Bal-27R longsword-assault rifle hybrid before running
straight for one of the mansion's entrances._"},"548861049080774674":
{"u":0,"t":1550929071446,"m":"Ilona: Weiss, yup. We're here for
her."},"548861358054178817":{"u":1,"t":1550929145111,"m":"(Suddenly Bravo 6-3 low
his mask and they see Gift's face.)\nGift - I worry that is anything happen to
her."},"548861635046014976":{"u":0,"t":1550929211151,"m":"Mitchell: Weiss gettin'
hurt? Never gonna happen, also, toss me a mute charge."},"548861841762287658":
{"u":0,"t":1550929260436,"m":"_As the group reaches the entrance, Gideon deploys a
breaching charge on the gate as Mitchell waits for Gift to toss him a mute
charge._"},"548861982879776775":{"u":1,"t":1550929294081,"m":"Gift - On three, 1 2
3!!!"},"548862596196073486":{"u":0,"t":1550929440307,"m":"_Gift detonates his mute
charge as Gideon blows the gate apart. From then the group ran their way into the
gate. Now deep inside the mansion's subterranean level Ilona deploys her micro-
drone as it illuminates the path up to Weiss' room, located on the first
floor._"},"548862667868209173":{"u":0,"t":1550929457395,"m":"Ilona: Drone deployed,
go."},"548862758121242624":{"u":0,"t":1550929478913,"m":"Cormack: Move up, Gift.
Mitch, Knox, and the rest of us will cover."},"548862931396460576":
{"u":1,"t":1550929520225,"m":"Gift - Okey, Ilona is this
room?"},"548863093409841152":{"u":1,"t":1550929558852,"m":"I need a few second to
prepare my Sub zero's power."},"548863380694237190":
{"u":0,"t":1550929627346,"m":"_Ilona then checks in on her drone before confirming
that the door Gift is stacking up on is the correct access
door._"},"548863415657955343":{"u":0,"t":1550929635682,"m":"Ilona: Confirmed, go
loud."},"548863578745208835":{"u":1,"t":1550929674565,"m":"Gift - I'm coming for
you Weiss."},"548863839173607429":{"u":0,"t":1550929736656,"m":"_As Gift shattered
the door by using his skills, the rest of his team moves into the hallway already
cloaked. From there came the sounds of two men arguing from an office located on
the mezzanine above them._"},"548864023425187840":
{"u":0,"t":1550929780585,"m":"Knox: Got something, sounds like two men arguing.
Cormack and I will check them out, the rest of you, go after
Weiss."},"548864091272380419":{"u":1,"t":1550929796761,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"548864498111348736":{"u":0,"t":1550929893759,"m":"_As the team part ways,
Gideon radioed Gift. Alerting him of his current position._"},"548864638767464449":
{"u":0,"t":1550929927294,"m":"Gideon: Gift, get to my section now, use your
{"u":1,"t":1550930012325,"m":"Gift - Okey i open it ETA 30
second."},"548865266675744792":{"u":0,"t":1550930076999,"m":"Gideon: Copy, be
advised that Ilona and the rest of our team is headed for the hangar and are now
prepping for evac."},"548865497110675467":{"u":1,"t":1550930131939,"m":"Gift -
Okey, i will meet you there, but is anyone see Weiss?"},"548865573463916574":
{"u":0,"t":1550930150143,"m":"_Gideon then taps on Weiss' door in a series of tap
codes, after waiting for a moment came her reply in tap codes. He then slowly opens
the door before gesturing at Gift to hurry and get inside._"},"548865646113587213":
{"u":0,"t":1550930167464,"m":"Mitchell: Gideon's got the door open! Get your ass in
here!"},"548865740128649226":{"u":1,"t":1550930189879,"m":"Gift - I'm on my
way."},"548866404292755456":{"u":0,"t":1550930348228,"m":"_As Gift makes his way
down the hall, Ilona pinged him through the radio as a video feed appears on his
hud. Shown on the feed is a gunship designated as an AC-65 Calamity Multirole Close
Support Aircraft. From the feed, Ilona is seen talking to the gunship's crew
members of their flight to Mistral and their chance to cross ways with Team
RNJR._"},"548866912269107200":{"u":1,"t":1550930469339,"m":"Gift -Alright i see the
airship for evacuation."},"548867118284800011":{"u":0,"t":1550930518457,"m":"_As
Gift reached the open door, Mitchell forcefully pulled him in before slamming the
door shut as he disables his cloak._"},"548867277379076106":
{"u":0,"t":1550930556388,"m":"Mitchell: Took you long enough, Gift. Meet Klein,
he's one of us. Remmant Central Intelligence
Agency, Fourth Division."},"548867499639439370":
{"u":0,"t":1550930609379,"m":"_Seen before him are Gideon, Weiss, and Klein sitting
on the bed, their gear still strapped in and ready for
combat._"},"548867613816782849":{"u":1,"t":1550930636601,"m":"Gift - Hey Mitch i
got something here."},"548867975885750312":{"u":0,"t":1550930722925,"m":"Mitchell:
What's it? Don't tell me it's another junk sent from
Vacuo..."},"548868196594089985":{"u":1,"t":1550930775546,"m":"Gift - No it's seem
my friend Leon have sent me a pistol Albert-01."},"548868578842247168":
{"u":0,"t":1550930866681,"m":"_As Mitchell and Gift chatted, Klein coughed before
staring the two of them down. _"},"548868706449489920":
{"u":0,"t":1550930897105,"m":"Klein: Sorry to interrupt your little chit-chat but I
believe it's time to go. The pilots and your men are ready."},"548868817552539669":
{"u":1,"t":1550930923594,"m":"Gift - We don't have much time, let's
move."},"548869185581875202":{"u":0,"t":1550931011339,"m":"_Before finally
departing, Weiss gave Klein her last hug before being escorted out of her shelter
into an underground passage, leadin the group straight into the cargo hold of the
gunship. From there, they are greeted by the crew members._"},"548869351005224981":
{"u":1,"t":1550931050779,"m":"Gift - Is everything ready?"},"546006010918076436":
{"u":1,"t":1550248377304,"m":"Gift - So what are we gonna do
now?"},"546006626277261363":{"u":0,"t":1550248524017,"m":"_Before either Kali or
Blake could speak. Ghira then took it to his duty to warn Frost of the
danger._\n\nGhira: Just be ready, I believe someone could be trying to spy on
us..."},"546006978686746635":{"u":1,"t":1550248608038,"m":"Gift - I also think that
but whoever they are i have prepared myself."},"546007078955778129":
{"u":0,"t":1550248631944,"m":"Ghira: Good. For now you should rest as much as you
can."},"546007183926493205":{"u":1,"t":1550248656971,"m":"Gift - Got
it."},"546007274947084298":{"u":0,"t":1550248678672,"m":"(I'm going to pause this
for now, let's continue later. Rest well, General.)"},"546007365762285569":
{"u":1,"t":1550248700324,"m":"(You too Commander)"},"546704504498683904":
{"u":0,"t":1550414911151,"m":"<@481693633951694848> Standing by for
deployment"},"547053202625921024":{"u":1,"t":1550498047263,"m":"\"Visit deer
sister\"\nGeneral Gift \"Bravo 6-2\"\nMenagerie island"},"547056010385293312":
{"u":0,"t":1550498716685,"m":"_With Team Metal currently deployed in Menagerie,
they are tasked with guarding the Belladonnas and provide assistance to the local
Faunus Milita_\n\nSandman: Man, all this training and stuff is really beating down
on us...\n\n_He complains, kicking away at the sand on the beach he's standing on.
His right hand remained close to his pistol, ready to use._"},"547056321753645065":
{"u":1,"t":1550498790921,"m":"Gift - Frost Create my clone.\nFrost - Got
it."},"547057361873928203":{"u":0,"t":1550499038905,"m":"_Before Sandman could
reach for a small pebble he'd kept inside one of his belt pouches, an identical
clone of Gift suddenly appears next to him. Used with the sudden appearances of
the courageous general himself, he threw the pebble as hard as he could at the
turquoise waters._\n\nSandman: Never thought you'd showed up, how're your girls
doing? Or... Team RNJR, to be exact."},"547057754565509120":
{"u":1,"t":1550499132530,"m":"Gift - They alright, I want to visit Blake, because i
worry about her when she didn't on my sight."},"547058078873550858":
{"u":0,"t":1550499209851,"m":"Sandman: Oh, Blake? She's doing fine with her
parents. She's out here with her new friend Sun trying to round up more people for
the Faunus Militia to deploy to Haven. But so far... they're not getting any
progress."},"547058244384849920":{"u":0,"t":1550499249312,"m":"_Frost then notices
Sun and Blake walking towards the group, both tired and
exhausted._"},"547058588934209547":{"u":1,"t":1550499331459,"m":"Gift - I see it, i
think this is harder than i thought to ...."},"547058713765347358":
{"u":0,"t":1550499361221,"m":"<:sun:517179592516042772> No progress at all... none!
\n_He kicks a bottle in frustration as Blake crumpled the rest of the pamphlets
before throwing them in a bin nearby._"},"547059595990794270":
{"u":1,"t":1550499571560,"m":"Gift - Listen Sandman, This is my clone the real is
on the ways to Heaven, but the feeling is connected so i know what
happened."},"547060795784167426":{"u":0,"t":1550499857613,"m":"Sandman: Uh, it's
Haven by the way, and yes. I know exactly what goes on when you do your thing. Now
please, tell me how your... sister, Ruby is doing."},"547061239176626227":
{"u":1,"t":1550499963326,"m":"Gift - She is fine and she have met with
{"u":0,"t":1550500140792,"m":"_Before Sandman could reply, he is immediately called
to return to the Belladonnas' house along with the rest of his men._\n\nSandman:
Look, I just got a call from Kali, gotta go."},"547062142759600128":
{"u":1,"t":1550500178757,"m":"Gift - Wait! I will go with
Tag along!"},"547062345453797416":{"u":1,"t":1550500227083,"m":"Gift - Let's
go!"},"547063958457286671":{"u":0,"t":1550500611653,"m":"_After three whole hours
venturing across Kuo Kuana, the group finally arrives at the massive compound.
Stood in front of the massive gate are the Albains. Showing in Team Metal's HUDs as
representatives of the White Fang._"},"547064237097222147":
{"u":1,"t":1550500678086,"m":"Gift - Is anyone know what
happened?"},"547064674013806602":{"u":0,"t":1550500782255,"m":"_The Albains then
promptly turned themselves at the group before saluting them. One of the Albains,
identified as Corsac broke the silence._\n\nCorsac: Hello, General...\nFennec: What
brings you all here to this very house of the Belladonnas?"},"547064958618304523":
{"u":1,"t":1550500850110,"m":"Gift - What about you 2, What are you doing
here?"},"547065564405956629":{"u":0,"t":1550500994541,"m":"Corsac: We are here to
discuss the matter of the presence of the American military here at
Menagerie."},"547065873953849346":{"u":0,"t":1550501068343,"m":"_Before Fennec
could chime in, Grinch raised his rifle at the two. Frustrated._\n\nGrinch: Cut the
bullshit. We know you two are part of the White Fang, how about YOU tell us what
the hell are you doing here?!"},"547066605641793538":
{"u":1,"t":1550501242791,"m":"Gift - Yes Tell us."},"547067581304143872":
{"u":0,"t":1550501475407,"m":"_Corsac, startled by Grinch aiming his rifle at him
tries his best to de-escalate the tension._\n\nCorsac: As I have told Chieftain
Ghira, I am here to discuss the matter of the presence of the American military.
But if you do not wish to elaborate, I do not mind. \n\nFennec: I hope we can
continue our... discussion soon.\n\n_The pair then leaves, Grinch still keeping his
aim locked onto them. Ghira promptly stepped in and pushed his rifle
down._\n\nGhira: Mr. Grinch, please stand down."},"547067832781766666":
{"u":1,"t":1550501535364,"m":"Gift - Ghira! What's going on
here?"},"547068452968464395":{"u":0,"t":1550501683228,"m":"Ghira: These two have
been... trying to convince the Militia to drive away your military for months
before you arrived. I've also heard news in regards of the deployment of one of
their special agent here."},"547068789917876224":{"u":1,"t":1550501763563,"m":"Gift
- I see , Your plan will be destroy Corsac & Fennec."},"547069382925352960":
{"u":0,"t":1550501904947,"m":"_With Gift suggesting the elimination of the Albains,
Frost intervenes, wishing to keep an eye on the two and spy on them as much as he
could before finally getting rid of them._\n\nFrost: I have a better idea, why
don't we... spy back at them? I mean, we've got fly drones, listening devices and
stuff. We could spy on them that way and when we finally have the info we need to
bring their organization down to their knees, we get rid of
them."},"547069677281738752":{"u":1,"t":1550501975127,"m":"Gift - I have send that
before and a got an intel, so let's see."},"547072037043175424":
{"u":0,"t":1550502537738,"m":"_As Gift is about to present his intel, Kali calls
the group inside._\n\nKali: Please, come in. It'd be awkward to share confidential
information there."},"547072281650659329":{"u":1,"t":1550502596057,"m":"Gift -
Let's get in, Anyway you the same idea Kali."},"547073552915103805":
{"u":0,"t":1550502899150,"m":"_With the group now resting inside the main hall of
the massive house, three hours passed by as members of Team Metal, Blake, Sun, and
Gift all shared stories of their lives after the fall of Beacon._\n\nSandman:
_laughing_ And I don't even know what the hell Frost got himseld into to have his
ass chased around by a buncha thugs!\n\nFrost: Tell that again and I'll skin you
alive, Sandyman."},"547075898864828436":{"u":1,"t":1550503458468,"m":"Gift - Yeah
and don't forget that time i almost die but Jester is come in time, After that i
have see only Ruby and then Yang and Weiss, Finally i have see you Blake, I really
miss you after the day that i see you gone but i can feel that you are
{"u":0,"t":1550503683704,"m":"<:seriousblake:501528354424356864> At least Jester
got to you in time, Gift. Or else you wouldn't be here. I wonder how's Trigger
doing with Strider though, heard he's been providing cover for _Liberty
Delta..._\n\n_The scene then suddenly changes to Team RNJR, currently stopping at
Shion. The massive Arsenal Bird still flying at high altitudr providing aerial
support for the team._","te":1550845372995},"547077004764250145":
{"u":1,"t":1550503722135,"m":"(I need to rest now, Let continue
{"u":1,"t":1550844013709,"m":"\"Liberty Delta\"\nGeneral Gift \"Bravo
- How long that we arrive to Haven?","te":1550928033605},"548666776305664002":
{"u":1,"t":1550882753207,"m":"Mitchell - I don't know, but i know something gonna
happen."},"548856831368495104":{"u":0,"t":1550928065865,"m":"_Suddenly, the Arsenal
Bird's pilot Dave emerged from the main commanding hall carrying bags of supplies
he'd gathered from his \"special stash\" he kept hidden on the massive airborne
carrier_"},"548857238157262869":{"u":0,"t":1550928162851,"m":"Dave: You guys are
not gonna like this, but one of our Herky Bird's engines is busted. I'll drop you
down five klicks outside of Shion and from there you'll have to walk your way to
Haven. Don't worry, as soon as I can get my bird fixed I'll bring it back for
you."},"548857406679941120":{"u":1,"t":1550928203030,"m":"Gift - Alright Dave, if
ready call me."},"544924226851700738":{"u":0,"t":1549990459884,"m":"(Gift, I'll
rest for now. We can continue tomorrow, okay?)"},"544924319172657202":
{"u":1,"t":1549990481895,"m":"(Okey Commander)"},"544924374067576832":
{"u":0,"t":1549990494983,"m":"(Rest well!)"},"545613421253492768":
{"u":0,"t":1550154792418,"m":"Time to pick up where we left
course."},"545613834325590028":{"u":0,"t":1550154875118,"m":"_Entering Chapter
Selection..._"},"545614062927478784":{"u":1,"t":1550154929621,"m":"Gift in
Mitchell's body - Gideon i found someone."},"545614185850077185":
{"u":0,"t":1550154958928,"m":"Gideon: Roger, planting harmonic
pulse."},"545614418902515713":{"u":1,"t":1550155014492,"m":"Gift in Mitchell's body
- Hold on Weiss, Brother is coming to help."},"545614460161622016":
{"u":0,"t":1550155024329,"m":"_Gideon then slaps a new block of Harmonic Pulse
module on the interior wall of the fallen Arsenal Bird. Two seconds later, a
hologram showing five people behind the wall is shown. Marked in
green._"},"545614545259855873":{"u":0,"t":1550155044618,"m":"Gideon: Use
tranquilizers, we don't want any corpses to be seen."},"545614647005544449":
{"u":1,"t":1550155068876,"m":"Gift in Mitchell's body - Got
it."},"545614793608790043":{"u":0,"t":1550155103829,"m":"_Gideon then readies up
his LE5-A2 submachinegun-machete hybrid, loading it with tranquilizer rounds before
taking aim._\n\nGideon: On you, Mitchell."},"545615141526568969":
{"u":1,"t":1550155186779,"m":"Gift in Mitchell's body - Okey they're 5 you took 2
on left the rest are mine, On my mark.","te":1550155200808},"545615924493942794":
{"u":0,"t":1550155373453,"m":"Gideon: Copy, hit them.\n\n_Gideon then takes two of
the men in front of him down as Mitchell clears up the rest of the men inside. With
the men now knocked out cold with the rounds used, the duo pressed on running down
the massive hallway leading to Weiss' position. Trapped deep inside a recently
emptied Helios missile magazine._\n\n_As the two is about to reach the magazine,
Mitchell spotted three tangos walking down their path, completely intoxicated. He
hides behind a supporting pillar as Gideon activates
{"u":1,"t":1550155513908,"m":"(Suddenly Mitchell's voice turn to Gift's voice) Look
like they are scouting around this area.","te":1550155532152},"545616917482700810":
{"u":0,"t":1550155610200,"m":"Gideon: No, you smell the alcohol? They're drunk on
their arse.\n\n_Gideon took aim before sending the three drunkards to sleep with
the tranquilizer rounds before resuming running down the
hallway._"},"545617125398806536":{"u":1,"t":1550155659771,"m":"Gift - Okey clear,
let's move."},"545618914529509377":{"u":0,"t":1550156086333,"m":"_As the duo
reaches the mangled magazine, Weiss began rapidly tapping at the metal with her
fingers, the taps loud enough to be heard by the duo themselves. Gideon raisrd his
right hand, fingers curled up into a fist, signalling for Mitchell to
stop._\n\nGideon: Hold here, Mitch. She's saying
something..."},"545619139449061406":{"u":1,"t":1550156139958,"m":"Gift - Okey, let
see."},"545619798642393128":{"u":0,"t":1550156297122,"m":"_After listening to the
taps, he realized that she is talking to him in a series of tap codes she'd learned
during her time at Beacon. Gideon slowly combined the transmitted letter into a
comprehensible phrase before telling it to Micthell._\n\nGideon: She said: \"The
Branwen tribe shot this plane down by luring a swarm of enhanced Griffons that
overwhelmed the drones and the air-to-air missiles.\" And she told us to get her
out quickly .","te":1550156415582},"545629450361110531":
{"u":1,"t":1550187704742,"m":"(Sorry i have lost
{"u":1,"t":1550241811797,"m":"<@412222248192049162> Ready to
sister\"\nGeneral Gift ' Bravo 6-2 '\nBranwen tribe's Base"},"545985648578920478":
{"u":0,"t":1550243522544,"m":"_With the message given to Micthell, he reaches for a
safety release handle originally used to release stowrd missiles during maintenance
and yanked it down, causing the entire magazine to dump all of its missiles down
with one particular missile pod bearing the crudely welded mark of the Schnee Dust
Company._\n\nGideon: She's in the pod, let's get her out
fast."},"545987640181391360":{"u":1,"t":1550243997379,"m":"Gift - Got it,Clear the
way to that pod."},"545988227631153165":{"u":0,"t":1550244137438,"m":"_Gideon then
plants a threat grenade before detonating it. The entire hall flashrd red
momentarily before revealing three hostiles located directly above them. The
hostiles however have taken no notice of the group nor the detached
pod._\n\nGideon: Got three hostiles up above. They seem uninterested and are still
drunk on their arse, Mitchell. Get her out of that pod."},"545988403263569920":
{"u":1,"t":1550244179312,"m":"Gift - Got it, Come on Come
on."},"545988690023940113":{"u":1,"t":1550244247681,"m":"Ah! Pod is
open."},"545994487126687764":{"u":0,"t":1550245629818,"m":"_With rhe pod fully
opened, Gideon grabbed at the manual warhead release button, caus8ng the crude
harness holding Weiss in place to snap away and retract into
stowage._\n\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> _coughs_\nWhat
the..."},"545994832791732224":{"u":1,"t":1550245712231,"m":"Gift - Weiss! I'm glad
you're safe, come on we have to move."},"545995778963931156":
{"u":0,"t":1550245937816,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> How did you guys even get
this far inside the ship?!\n\n_Confused, she questiined the duo, still gawking at
the massive interior of the Arsenal Bird. A loud metallic clang is heard as
multiple hostiles moved in, surrounding the group._\n\nBranwen Tribe Member: On
your goddamn knees, now! Put your hands on your head and don't
move!"},"545996121474859011":{"u":1,"t":1550246019477,"m":"Gift - You challenge
with the wrong person.\n(Use Sub zero's power to freeze
them)"},"545996455022821377":{"u":0,"t":1550246099001,"m":"_But before Mitchell's
powers could harm any of the men. Raven herseld walked in, her mask
removed._\n\nRaven: Stand down, Gift. I know it's you."},"545996880035971072":
{"u":1,"t":1550246200332,"m":"Gift - I remember you when i arrive at Remnant, Raven
is that you?"},"545997369364185133":
{"u":0,"t":1550246316997,"m":"<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> Raven Branwen, in the
flesh. Yes, it's me. What brings you here to our land? Is it because of... this
girl you've been trying to free for the past minutes here?\n\n_Raven then unsheated
her sword before teasingly pointing it at Weiss and returning it to its
sheath._"},"545997652903329803":{"u":1,"t":1550246384598,"m":"Gift - Hold on Raven,
She is my sister."},"545998648727699459":{"u":0,"t":1550246622021,"m":"_Before
Raven could speak, multiple loud explosions are heard outside of the wreckage of
the Arsenal Bird, causing the tribe memebers including Raven and the others to turn
their heads at the source._\n\n_From the entrance gate, the sound of a motorbike is
heard, slowly increasing in intensity before finally crashing through the gate. Its
driver slows herself down to a stop at the entrance to the hall where the group is
in._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> And, she's also my
teammate."},"545998831637102603":{"u":1,"t":1550246665630,"m":"Gift - Yang! I glad
to see you."},"545999309980696627":
{"u":0,"t":1550246779676,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Glad to see you too,
Gift!\n\n_Mitchell and Gideon, still having their guns aimed at Raven, lowered
their guns down before slowly making their way outside the wreckage._\n\n_After
having hugged Gift, Yang lets go of him before walking her way close to Raven. Now
up close and personal, she spoke._\n\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> We...need to talk.
Now.","te":1550246860745},"546000265963241493":{"u":1,"t":1550247007600,"m":"Gift -
Alright i have to get Mitchell's body back to his control i need to check out
Blake, maybe she have a reason to do that, Anyway I'm glad to see you
passed by as the group remained at the Arsenal Bird's cockpit, discussing their
plans. Yang finally departs with Weiss, both headed for Mistral._\n\n_Mitchell and
Gideon then joins the rest of Team Sentinel along with Team RNJR and the rest of
the crew of Arsenal Bird Liberty Delta, now on their way to
{"u":1,"t":1550247308191,"m":"Gift - Frost, May i use your body to see
Blake?\nFrost - Of course General.\n(Gift have control Frost's
body)"},"546001899426545686":{"u":0,"t":1550247397048,"m":"_At Menagerie, Frost
finds himself staring at Sun. Causing Sandman to give him a slap on the
head._\n\nSandman: Frost, 'the hell are you on? Get switched
on!"},"546002063763439630":{"u":1,"t":1550247436229,"m":"Gift - Got it Uncle
Also, stop calling me \"Uncle\", it gives me the creeps.\n\n_Sandman, having
finished his cup of tea got up and left with Truck and Grinch. Both heading for
Lancaster Square. Leaving Frost behind with the Belladonnas and Sun. Kali then
breaks the awkward silence by giving Frost one of the latest reports of White Fang
activity on Menagerie._\n\nKali: Psst, Frost. Check out this report, last night
Ghira maanaged to get his hands on classified information with one being info
regarding one of the White Fang's agents being deployed right here on Menagerie
itself. Might be worth the read!"},"546003878978781204":
{"u":1,"t":1550247869010,"m":"Gift - That's might be an important
detail."},"546005654276669452":{"u":0,"t":1550248292274,"m":"Kali: It
is."},"544898285173866506":{"u":1,"t":1549984274906,"m":"BT get back to front line,
I will handle this area."},"544898644214677519":{"u":0,"t":1549984360508,"m":"BT:
Got it, boss. Stay safe."},"544898931423707136":{"u":1,"t":1549984428984,"m":"Uncle
Price, what is status?"},"544899190556459008":{"u":0,"t":1549984490766,"m":"Price:
SNAFU, but holding. Three man down including one android. Penny. What's
{"u":1,"t":1549984535301,"m":"Roman down and i got Albert-
01."},"544899765536686090":{"u":0,"t":1549984627852,"m":"Price: Good. Be advised
that the transfer process has failed and that Cinder is now in full posession of
the Fall Maiden's power and Ozpin is KIA."},"544899915361419277":
{"u":1,"t":1549984663573,"m":"She didn't get all of it."},"544899948718718977":
{"u":0,"t":1549984671526,"m":"Soap: Price! Grimm incoming!"},"544900837604982784":
{"u":0,"t":1549984883453,"m":"_From then, what Gift and every single person saw on
the courtyard was the sight of a Wyvern\nIts roar shaking the Earth as it spawned
more Grimm onto the city, causing troops within the city to start taking increasing
casualties._\n\nSierra 4-3: This is four-three! I'm pinned down ay Victory Street,
need fire support no- AGH!- _radio silence._"},"544901227612209158":
{"u":1,"t":1549984976438,"m":"If Cinder think she got full power of this, she is
wrong."},"544901500560998401":{"u":0,"t":1549985041514,"m":"And that's why we need
to stop her, fast.\n\n_Riley then lands next to Gift along with Cossette Now out of
her flight suit and into her battle armor instead. She brandishes her new weapon,
the GR-7A \"Grimm Reaper\" machinegun-scythe hybrid recently given to her by
Sierra4-4 as a \"parting gift\". Cossette said nothing but engaged the \"Liberty
Delta\" arm-mounted plasmacaster-chainsword hybrid and prepared to jump for the
must do this fast."},"544903293844062228":{"u":0,"t":1549985469066,"m":"_With
Cinder now on top of the tower, engaged in a fight against Pyrrha. Jaune radioes
Gift, begging for him to get her out of the fight._\n\nJaune: If you can, Gift...
please.. just bring her out of the fight...\n\n_Riley then prepares to launch
herself up to the top of the tower, but before that she notices Ruby rushing up the
top running on Weiss' glyphs. From there she pointed at the glyphs and rallied her
teammates to follow her._\n\nRiley: Gift, Weiss just made us a path up the tower.
Let's use it and get up there, c'mon!"},"544903508474855433":
{"u":1,"t":1549985520238,"m":"Got it!"},"544904610993799178":
{"u":0,"t":1549985783099,"m":"_From there, the trio ran their way up the tower with
Gift reaching it first then followed by Riley and Cossette. Cinder, still engrossed
in the fight, continues to take on Pyrrha. Intent on stealing the last bit of the
power she had sought after._\n\n_Without further ado, the trio joins Ruby in
teaming up against Cinder with Riley landing a massive blow onto her back with her
machinegun in its scythe form. Cossette then unloaded both her plasmacasters before
switching to the chainswords and continuing the chain attack. Pyrrha saw the chance
and picked up an enormous gear with her semblance before slamming it down on
Cinder. Ruby follows up with her sniper support, firing as fast as she could to
keep the damage going._"},"544904789126021120":{"u":1,"t":1549985825569,"m":"Keep
firing!!"},"544906022888800268":{"u":0,"t":1549986119721,"m":"_Cinder, having
absorbed enough damage retaliated by striking Riley's theocrystal gem in the chest
with her fireballs, knocking her out of the fight._\n\n_She then anticipated
Cossette's moves before frying her suit's internay circuitry to crisp by blasting
her at point-blank range with a beam of fire. Gift kept on firing, but his shots
are rendered ineffective as it is simply absorbed into her left hand._\n\n_Pyrrha
tries again to bring Cinder down by pulling her into a chokehold with her weapon
only to have it melted and snapped away simply by her. Ruby is simply knocked down
by a piece of debris from Pyrrha's weapon hitting her on the
Albert-01, It time."},"544907226054393887":
{"u":0,"t":1549986406578,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Not so fast,
General.\n\n_She then blasted him with another fire beam, knocking him down and
causing his exosuit to scream errors after errors at him._\n\n_With Gift finally
out of the fight, Cinder then refocused on Pyrrha. This time summoning her bow and
firing bolts after bolts rapidly at her. Pyrrha manages to block away most of the
bow, before moving in close enough to swat away the bow, but before she could land
the blow. The bow simply dissipates into dust as Cinder returned the blow at her
shield. Knocking her away._"},"544907630079115275":
{"u":1,"t":1549986502905,"m":"Come on RGB RGB RGB."},"544909522272124928":
{"u":0,"t":1549986954039,"m":"_As Gift desperately tries to heal himself back into
normal. Cinder launched a piece of concrete at his head. Knocking him
unconscious._\n\n_Enraged, Pyrrha raised her shield up, shouted her oath of honor
before rushing in for the attack. Not caring if she'd be injured or even killed,
all she wanted was to fight her until her last breath._\n\n_Not saying a word,
Cinder re-summoned her bow before launching a bolt at Pyrrha, with the bolt in her
full view Pyrrha tossed her shield at the bolt. Hoping to smash it away, but the
bolt simply vanished before reforming and finally hitting Pyrrha right in the
chest. Bringing her down on her knees._\n\n_From there, the only sounds heard was
Pyrrha struggling to breathe as the bolt penetrated her chest clear, its bloody tip
jutting grossly out from her back._"},"544909949260791819":
{"u":1,"t":1549987055841,"m":"YOU (ACTIVE SPARTAN'S RAGE AND EQUIP LEVIATHAN
{"u":0,"t":1549987486390,"m":"_Ruby, finally regaining consciousness, saw Pyrrha
struggling for her life before her. Sickened and enraged, she sobbed terribly as
others, Including Riley comes to._ \n\n_Disgusted and shocked, both Riley and
Cossette's eyes glowed with white light as they stood up. Both staring at Cinder
right in her eyes._\n\n<:Ruby:501502749070852117> PYRRHA!\n\n_Ruby, now filled with
rage continued to sob before finally standing up and unleashing a devastating blast
of white light along with Riley and Cossette._\n\n_Before Gift could rush in and
strike, he finds himself unleashing the power as his vision turns white in an
instant. From there, it's nothing but whiteness as the light covered everything it
touches, blasting Grimm into dust and freezing the Wyvern stuck on the
{"u":1,"t":1549987564647,"m":"(After Gift fell from the tower)Ah!!!
STAR!!!!"},"544912464668524565":{"u":0,"t":1549987655561,"m":"Jester 2-1:
Gotcha!\n\n_Jester beings his plane right onto Gift's path and allowed him to land
on the right wing. He puts the jet on VTOL mode before dragging him onto the co-
pilot's seat._"},"544912613650333706":{"u":1,"t":1549987691081,"m":"I need healing
spray."},"544913333971714059":{"u":0,"t":1549987862819,"m":"Jester: Here you
go!\n\n_Jester tosses him an \"RGB\" healing spray as he brings the jet into flight
mode, flying towards Beacon's extended airbase._\n\nJester: Heard you guys did some
magic back at the tower. Comms have been down since the detonation of a Super
Helios and the network is down with that tower destroyed."},"544913721647169556":
{"u":1,"t":1549987955248,"m":"My stamina is running low,i need some rest, Can you
bring me to Patch island Jester?"},"544914256232054785":
{"u":0,"t":1549988082703,"m":"Jester: Roger, anyways. If you're wondering where
your team went. Here's the rundown, Blake took off for Menagerie, Weiss is picked
up by her asshole of a father, Yang sustained serious injuries and is sent to Patch
along with Atlas 6-1 and 6-2. 6-2's Cossette."},"544914463447318538":
{"u":1,"t":1549988132107,"m":"Alright, Thanks for update
Jester."},"544915372717899795":{"u":0,"t":1549988348894,"m":"_After three hours of
flight, Jester finally lands at Patch as he escorted Gifr into the house before
leaving. Waving him goodbye as he flies away._\n\n_Tai then opened the door for
Gift as he walks in, on the couch lies Riley and Cossette, both still unconscious
with Penny standing guard._\n\n<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Stand fast!
Identify yourself!\n\n_Penny, mistaking Gift for a White Fang soldier transformed
her right arm into an autocannon before aiming it at his
hey hey Penny hold on, It's me Gift Code name Bravo 6."},"544916394131849227":
{"u":0,"t":1549988592418,"m":"<:smilepenny:501515033709379595> Ah, General Gift!
Thank you for your cooperation! And pardon me for my... mistake. My IFF chip has
been damaged during the fight against Pyrrha but thanks to my mimetic polyalloy
shell. I survived the fatal blow!\n\n_She salutes shyly before
returning to her position._\n\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> And uh, if you're
wondering where Ruby is, she's in the room upstairs!"},"544916560599449601":
{"u":0,"t":1549988860105,"m":"_A few days passed by as Gift and the rest of his
partners rested before departing for their missions. However, in Atlas. A ragtag
team of soldiers belonging to Task Force 141 is about to commit what has never been
done before in their history as a team of special force
operators..._"},"544918091478597638":{"u":1,"t":1549988997097,"m":"(At 6 AM) hah? 6
AM that's enough for rest."},"544919277778501652":{"u":0,"t":1549989279933,"m":"BT:
It's more than enough actually. Team Metal and Sentinel just called, they are
deployed in Atlas and Menagerie."},"544919445231894530":
{"u":1,"t":1549989319857,"m":"That's following my plan."},"544919821687586826":
{"u":0,"t":1549989409611,"m":"BT: Also, Team Sentinel managed to extract Weiss and
send her on an Arsenal Bird piloted by Cossette herself, but unfortunately that
Arsenal Bird wws shot down and Weiss is captured as a POW by the Branwen
tribe."},"544920175795896331":{"u":1,"t":1549989494037,"m":"But so lucky Mitchell
and his friend are survive."},"544920515769270272":
{"u":0,"t":1549989575093,"m":"BT: They survived, and are planning to rescue her but
ever since that Arsenal Bird was shot down. They've took over the wreckage and used
it as a new home. Even managed to get some drones to work
too."},"544920878371176463":{"u":1,"t":1549989661544,"m":"I will help her not use
my own body but i will use Mitchell's body, but i must tell him
first."},"544921169707663370":{"u":0,"t":1549989731004,"m":"Mitchell: Gift, just do
what you have to do."},"544921391678619668":{"u":1,"t":1549989783926,"m":"Alright.
(Gift's mind transfer to Mitchell's body)"},"544921621769617418":
{"u":1,"t":1549989838784,"m":"Gift in Mitchell's body - Don't worry sis, brother is
coming."},"544922039937400864":{"u":0,"t":1549989938483,"m":"_Gideon then readies
his HBR-a3 longsword-battle rifle hybrid as he activates cloak. Sneaking his way
into a massive impact crater on one of the fallen Arsenal Bird's flight
surface._"},"544922367894224897":{"u":1,"t":1549990016674,"m":"Gift in Mitchell's
body - Hey Gideon Report your status."},"544922998151446529":
{"u":0,"t":1549990166939,"m":"Gideon: Hall clear, she's three hundred meters deep,
locked inside a cargo hold. In a Helios missile magazine, to be exact.\n\n_The
sounds of people can be heard as the duo moves in. Still oblivious to their
presence._"},"544923404839419904":{"u":1,"t":1549990263901,"m":"Hold on i see
someone,I'm trying to listen what are they
{"u":0,"t":1549990428667,"m":"Gideon: Here's a harmonic pulse. The last of
it.\n\n_Gideon then tosses Mitchell a l harmonic pulse device before tracking their
heartbeat and listening to their discussion. Despite their language, he managed to
understand some of the phrase, one being \"send her head to Atlas!\" Followed
by \"We're not fucking savages, you drunk
{"u":6,"t":1549727107929,"m":"Copy *walks Awacs 6*"},"543820609847820301":
{"u":0,"t":1549727337086,"m":"_From there, the three Arsenal Birds deployed their
drones and sent them towards the two Levianthans heading towards the shoreline. The
drones swarmed around the giant Grimm and unloaded their weapons and ordances at
them as the three Arsenal Birds charged their nose mounted electromagnetic
launchers and opened fire. Furthur damaging the two Grimm swatting away at the
drones._"},"543821332358496287":{"u":3,"t":1549727509346,"m":"**as then three Moby
Dicks also enter the atmosphere as the reaper and three strikes launched an assault
on the Grimm while using hyper advanced super weapons upon the Grimm** This is
AWACS 6 confirm the damage on the target"},"543821677784727563":
{"u":0,"t":1549727591702,"m":"Arsenal Bird _Vengeance_, target hit confirmed.
Charging plasmacasters."},"543821957104140289":{"u":0,"t":1549727658297,"m":"_The
lead Arsenal Bird's nose then opened up, revealing three massive IJX-16A
plasmacaster cannons glowing bright blue. Ready to send in the final
blow._"},"543822168828674060":{"u":3,"t":1549727708776,"m":"This is AWACS 6!
Emergency mission ETA 20 seconds!! **suddenly the earth began to
all of a sudden, a massive surge of ground-based Grimm began pouring down on the
battle zone as Valerian and Atlesian soldiers scramble to their respective
positions, firing away at them. Inside the lead Arsenal Bird lies Team RWBY and
their \"supervisors\" CDR. Riley and General Gift, both ready for action wairing
for deplpyment inside the belly-mounted
{"u":3,"t":1549727851669,"m":"**the earth it self cracked open and a huge heat
pressure disagrated the Grimm on top of it and it revealed a much larger Dragon
Grimm within it.... It soon disorder and alter the reality around it and its mere
roared shook the skies**","a":
48/images_37.jpg"}]},"543822938558955540":{"u":3,"t":1549727892294,"m":"**on of the
pilots was terrified** what the hell?! All these grimm and then that that big
asshole?!"},"543823278821605389":{"u":0,"t":1549727973419,"m":"\"Now that... is
what I'd call massive.\" Said Ruby, gripping her sniper-scythe rifle hybrid
tightly. \n\n\"Dropship Bravo, this is the captain speaking. Detaching dropship
now.\" Said Vengeance's captain as the dropship detached. Flying at the giant Grimm
head on.","te":1549727985172},"543823594849828875":
{"u":3,"t":1549728048766,"m":"**The Dragon shot a simple beam at one of the Arsenal
Birds complety destroying it as it got slightly bigger in
size**"},"543824642884894757":{"u":0,"t":1549728298637,"m":"\"Arsenal Bird Justice
is down! Someone man that satellite laser target unit and ram a THOR ordnance on
it!\" Rosa shouted from her captain's position on Liberty Delta, an experimental
stealth Arsenal Bird flying right above the Giant Grimm's head undetected. From the
ground came team RWBY's video feed.\n\n\"This is Romeo ome-one, engaging!\" Came
Ruby's voice as she engaged Grimm after Grimm alongside her
teammates."},"543825384370864129":{"u":0,"t":1549728475421,"m":"\"One-three to
Liberty Delta, I have the designator. Targeting now.\" Blake's voice blared into
the ears of every friendly units around her as she took aim with the device before
pulling the trigger. \n\nTwo seconds after pulling the trigger, the thundering roar
of the THOR orbital strike projectile is heard as three massive rods plummeted down
from the sky. Penetrating Remnant's atmosphere before impacting the tail of the
Giant Grimm, the force of the impact strong enough to send it flying in the air
towards Liberty Delta.","te":1549728534195},"543825954007416842":
{"u":3,"t":1549728611233,"m":"**the giant grimm roared loudly and started to crash
into the sea as the Moby Dicks bombarded it with Helios
missiles**"},"543826566589710396":{"u":0,"t":1549728757284,"m":"\"THOR One
confirmed hit, Two and Three are on route to target. One-three, keep the designator
sighted. One-one, one-two, one-four. Provide cover.\" Again, Rosa barked orders for
Team RWBY as Blake kept her designator locked onto the Giant Grimm as Ruby, Weiss
and Yang stood around her firing their weapons at any Grimm getting
close."},"543828207703556096":{"u":3,"t":1549729148556,"m":"This is AWACS 6 we have
a confirmed definition of the Grimm all forces retreat immediately! **soon the
large grimm began to shine in multiple bright beams of
light**"},"543828858265272363":{"u":0,"t":1549729303662,"m":"\"THOR Two and Three
now on autonomous targeting! Team RWBY, disengage and fall back to defensive
positions!\" Came Rosa's orders through the radio as the team struggles to fight
their way out of the battle zone.\n\nIn all of a sudden, the team stood in their
tracks as their \"supervisor\" Riley lands down next to them. Her eyes shining
brightly, emanating fine white particles from
{"u":0,"t":1549729404679,"m":"\"Time to show that big bastard of what we're made
of. Long Caster, link up with the Moby Dicks and have them stand by for a
saturation attack. Tell Trigger and his squadron to RTB and land at one of the Moby
Dicks."},"543829694513152000":{"u":3,"t":1549729503039,"m":"**soon the the aircraft
with the three strikes and the reaper land at their nearest Moby dick while the
Grimm vigorously roared and shot more laser beams into the sky actually killing the
grimm around it in its sheer presence from the radiaton off of
it**"},"543829818513293312":{"u":3,"t":1549729532603,"m":"This is AWACS long caster
sending in Trigger as we speak"},"543830382638923832":
{"u":0,"t":1549729667101,"m":"\"Copy, Long Caster. I need an immediate course of
action in dealing with the unknown Grimm.\"\n\nWeiss then takes over and
broadcasted into Long Caster's channel, her left hand holding onto the Myrtenaster
tightly as the Giant Grimm continied to emit more light from its
body."},"543830599975174149":{"u":3,"t":1549729718918,"m":"This is long caster,
evade the Grimm for now its too dangerous to continue"},"543830764014534656":
{"u":3,"t":1549729758028,"m":"**soon both The Pilot code name trigger and reaper
met up with team Rwby**","te":1549729808296},"543831040842792970":
{"u":0,"t":1549729824029,"m":"But befor the team could move, Ruby stood still,
standing her ground.\n\n\"What the hell do you think you're doing?!\" Asks Trigger,
confused. \n\n\"I'm doing what I've never done before\" came her
reply"},"543831177254010920":{"u":3,"t":1549729856552,"m":"**Reaper stood silent in
their arguments**"},"543831750673956864":{"u":0,"t":1549729993266,"m":"Soon,
both Riley and Ruby's eyes shines brightly, as blasts after blasts of white light
began covering the entire battlezone, disintegrating every Grimm surrounding the
Giant Grimm.\n\nFrom there, the duo, followed by the General himself took to the
skies in the form of balls of white light before transforming into a newer form of
themselves. Brandishing their super-enhanced weapons, all of them emanating white
light."},"543832161472479238":{"u":3,"t":1549730091208,"m":"**Reaper was extremely
confused what was going on. After all he was just here for the paycheck. He had
never seen such magic before but nonetheless he knew they needed any kind of edge
they could get**","te":1549730109289},"543832813238222859":
{"u":0,"t":1549730246601,"m":"From there, Ruby screamed into the bleak sky.
\n\n\"Unleash everything you've got!\" She screams before flying at the Giant Grimm
head-on with her scythe raised up high along with Riley. The General however began
slashing away at the Grimm with his chainswords.\n\nWith the order given, the two
remaining Arsenal Birds along with the Moby Dicks all unleashed every single
ordnance available on board at the
{"u":3,"t":1549730340125,"m":"**after all the attacks placed on it the Grimm
disapated into nothingness and the other Grimm around it began to retreat it
finally seemed as the battle was over**"},"543833761343864864":
{"u":0,"t":1549730472647,"m":"After the battle, Team RWBY were escorted straight
into Atlas for crew rest and resupply. \n\nRuby, still unconscious from overusing
her abilities lies still on the floor of the Arsenal Bird. Riley however is still
seen running around the ship helping out the injured
soldiers."},"543834634467803147":{"u":3,"t":1549730680816,"m":"**Trigger was in the
skies returninto to his base, it seemed Reaper was the only one who wondered what
the hell a teenager was laying unconscious on the ground so he took Ruby to his
Plane and flew her to the nearest media bay on one of the Moby dicks** Teenagers
these days.... Shooting white lights out of their eyes. **he glanced his own
infinity symbol on his plane. For once he fed useless in a battle, he never had to
fight monsters before. Only people and machines**"},"544167154904203264":
{"u":6,"t":1549809959866,"m":"anybody want to rp?"},"544879086435041298":
{"u":0,"t":1549980691188,"m":"<@481693633951694848> \n_Entering Mission Selection
Screen........_"},"544885657026428929":{"u":1,"t":1549981264121,"m":"Yuri - Look
like they have begin to attack, Where are you Gift?\nGift - I'm on Roman's airship,
in storage room.\nYuri - Good, try to get on top of this airship.\nGift - Got
it."},"544885930339598346":{"u":0,"t":1549981329284,"m":"Riley: Copy, Bravo be
advised. Enemies are on the airship! Arsenal Bird _Justice_ has entered Vale
airspace and is now deploying students!"},"544886124443860995":
{"u":1,"t":1549981375562,"m":"Roger that."},"544886958862762006":
{"u":0,"t":1549981574503,"m":"_As Gift continues to fight his way into the airship,
on the ground. Riley, along with Cossette and her teammates are now left behind on
the arena, fending off Grimm as they try their best to escort the last of the
audiences in the Amity Arena._"},"544887207438188544":
{"u":1,"t":1549981633768,"m":"I got something, it's Albert-
01."},"544888154822541312":{"u":0,"t":1549981859642,"m":"_Within the ship's cargo
hold, Gift took aim with his pistol and fired at the soldiers standing guard at the
gate. With the soldiers eliminated, he moves up until he reaches the ship's
cockpit, in front of him was Ruby, fighting against Roman and Neo._\n\nBT: Gift,
get out there and help her! I'll get fire support going!"},"544888399606054932":
{"u":1,"t":1549981918003,"m":"Got it. (Open Dead eyes and shoot at
Neo)"},"544889611747459086":{"u":0,"t":1549982207000,"m":"_As Gift opened fire at
the two, Roman saw the shots coming at him and promptly deflected the projectiles
before returning fire, attracting his attention towards Gift instead of Ruby. Neo
presses on, still locked in a fight against Ruby as the two returned hits at one
another. From his radio, another friendly Arsenal Bird is commencing missile
bombardment on one of Vale's fallen sectors._\n\nValerian Arsenal Bird: This is AB-
Gyges, commencing missile run at GRG 0-4-0. Drone deployment ar maximum
capacity.\n\nBeacon Command: Copy, Gyges. Initiate missile run. \n\nValerian
Arsenal Bird: Copy.","te":1549982352695},"544891072590118924":
{"u":1,"t":1549982555292,"m":"Time over Roman. (Use Scorpion's Fatal
{"u":0,"t":1549983047123,"m":"_Roman, now ensnared with Gift's ability is dragged
towards him before being flung at the wreck of a dropship. After having crashrd
there, he stood up, his cane raised up high as he fired flare after flare at Gift.
Hoping to at least weaken him._\n\n_But before Gift could react, he heard a scream
coming from the other side of the ship. Ruby, her defenses weakened, is now nearly
thrown overboard as she hanged on the side of the ship, the Crescent Rose's
Rubinium blade dug deep into the hull. With Ruby hanging for her life, Roman taunts
Gift as he is bombarded with the flares fired earlier, blasting away portions of
his aura._\n\nRoman: Well, well... I guess you'll have to choose now. Will you kill
me, or will you let me go and then save your precious little... \"sister\" as you
loved to call her that way? Make a choice. \n\n_Ruby, still hanging on the barrel
of her rifle, tightened her grip on it as Neo continued to observe her from above.
Radio chatter continued to fill her ears with information regarding Grimm movements
and Arsenal Bird bombing runs, but she didn't care. All she hoped for was someone
to save her..._","te":1549983100759},"544893615109963776":
{"u":1,"t":1549983161476,"m":"STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!! AH!!!!!!(Use Scorpion's
hell spear)\nGET OVER HERE!"},"544894488179507231":
{"u":0,"t":1549983369632,"m":"_Neo, startled from Gift's scream turned around only
to be met by the sight of a massive flaming spear flying towards her at breakneck
speed, she intercepted the blow with her parasol but despite the attempt to block
it. The force of the impact is strong enough to throw her overboard as she falls
down the bleak sky of Vale. Her parasol opened as a makeshift
parachute._"},"544894854245646347":{"u":1,"t":1549983456909,"m":"NOW IS YOUR TURN
ROMAN, FEEL THE POWER OF THE HELLFIRE!!!"},"544896611709353986":
{"u":0,"t":1549983875921,"m":"_Roman, still standing tall despite his injuries,
challenged Gift by spreading his arms wide, his cane still pointing at the wreckage
he was thrown at earlier. He laughed maniacally before taunting Gift yet
again._\n\nRoman: You want to be a hero? Then play the part and die like every
other Huntsman and soldiers you keep throwing down here! As for me, I'll do what I
do best: lie, steal, cheat and survi-\n\n_Before he could finish his speech, an MQ-
101 drone flew past him as its right wing-tip dragged him off of the ship sending
him plummeting down on the city. With Roman eliminated, Gift rushes to Ruby's help
as he pulls her up. From then, BT called him through radio, flying straight at the
airship._\n\nBT: Hey, Gift. The guys down below said they got the city under
control for the now. I'll drop in, get you guys to Beacon and return to the front
lines. Also, Pyrrha is about to begin her transfer process and Penny is nowhere to
be seen."},"544897011040649237":{"u":1,"t":1549983971129,"m":"Got it BT, Come on
little sis let's go to Beacon."},"544897988426727435":
{"u":0,"t":1549984204156,"m":"_Gift and Rubg climbs on one of BT's hands as he took
off, passing over the buildings of Vale. Some buildings are armed with anti-
aircraft artillery firing wildly at the seemingly limitless amount of Nevermores
and Griffons. After roughly two minutes of flight the three finally lands at the
courtyard, startling most of the students there._"},"543065954821734430":
{"u":3,"t":1549547431988,"m":"That's booty"},"543072397104906261":
{"u":6,"t":1549549480941,"m":"nvm *shoots u*"},"543076653899972630":
{"u":6,"t":1549549964166,"m":"anybody else?"},"543084199402274817":
{"u":1,"t":1549551763154,"m":"This is not the last time for you to hurt
anyone."},"543084580542873610":{"u":0,"t":1549551854025,"m":"Bravo 6, this is Atlas
6, sitrep."},"543084795513536513":{"u":1,"t":1549551905278,"m":"Roger that. (Using
Scorpion's power)"},"543085030742818818":{"u":0,"t":1549551961361,"m":"Bravo, be
advised. Friendly Arsenal Birds will be entering the airspace, recommend you clear
the landing site for the dropships."},"543085327678439424":
{"u":1,"t":1549552032156,"m":"Copy, this time our enemy will feel the power of
hellfire."},"543085844962213930":{"u":0,"t":1549552155486,"m":"_As the Arsenal
Birds fly into view, the camera instantly switches to Team Sentinel. Under heavy
fire from WF ground units._"},"543086109400498177":
{"u":1,"t":1549552218533,"m":"Roger that. (Change into Hellfire
Scorpion)"},"543086395409956874":{"u":0,"t":1549552286723,"m":"Gideon (yelling
through his radio): To all units, this is Sentinel two-one transmitting in the
blind! We need help now!"},"543086833064476683":{"u":1,"t":1549552391068,"m":"Don't
worry Gideon it will clear for a minute (Firing Chain Rocket at enemy's
force)"},"543087399241252871":{"u":0,"t":1549552526055,"m":"Gideon: If someone
could lend a hand to Recon six-one, that'd be great. She's taking heavy
fire!"},"543087802288570380":{"u":0,"t":1549552622149,"m":"_As Gideon barked
orders, he realizes that soon Recon six-one will be overwhelmed by the sheer number
of troops rushing into the courtyard
of Haven. From then he boosted himself up high in the air before landing next to
her. Only to he met by the sight of mortar shells raining down on their
spot._"},"543088026520125452":{"u":1,"t":1549552675610,"m":"Recon 6-1 This is Bravo
6 Please respond."},"543088899669491791":{"u":0,"t":1549552883785,"m":"Recon 6-1:
(coughing) This is Recon si- *inaudible* One, taking heavy fire. I'm injured, need
help... now-"},"543089073657741330":{"u":0,"t":1549552925267,"m":"Gideon (through
radio): I got her, you keep the path clear of whatever that comes in it,
Micthell!"},"543089458845712404":{"u":0,"t":1549553017103,"m":"_Ignoring Bravo's
call, Gideon rushed himself along with Recon 6-1 to the dropship awaiting them with
Mitchell following behind. The dropship then takes off to the skies as the rest of
Team Sentinel manned their respective machine guns. Fending off
drones._"},"543090472181301248":{"u":1,"t":1549553258701,"m":"Is she
around*"},"543643431495532544":{"u":7,"t":1549685094475,"m":"*I wite I my diary day
89 of trying to get raven's sweet walls*"},"543643725704855649":
{"u":7,"t":1549685164620,"m":"*still no luck*"},"543764952737906699":
{"u":3,"t":1549714067397,"m":"<@412222248192049162> This is Awacs HQ 6 now sending
in both Strifer Squadron and Reaper Squadron to location via arsenal birds ETA 20
minutes think you guys can handle that long?"},"543814446636728355":
{"u":1,"t":1549725867662,"m":"This is Bravo 6 i can handle it for
long."},"543815597335773184":{"u":3,"t":1549726142010,"m":"Incoming emergency
mission from HQ ETA 15 minutes Bravo six, I hope you have some strong forces radar
is picking up something big, we will dispatch two more Squadrons Mage Squadron and
441th Squadron along with the others. Seems like you boys have a fight ahead of you
Awacs 6 out"},"543816138916888577":{"u":0,"t":1549726271133,"m":"To all friendly
units, this is callsign Atlas 6, Task Force 141 Regional Air Force Commander.
Requesting immediate support on sector Bravo-Seven-Romeo and sector Romeo-Eight-
Whiskey."},"543816287894110214":{"u":6,"t":1549726306652,"m":"(Can i
in!)"},"543816580425973772":{"u":6,"t":1549726376397,"m":"This is Diend I am on my
way to ur loction eta 4 minutes"},"543816717873446912":
{"u":0,"t":1549726409167,"m":"Atlas 6 copies all, be here
quick."},"543817493454782496":{"u":6,"t":1549726594080,"m":"*Stops at Atlas 6'
{"u":3,"t":1549726608107,"m":"**soon after a few minutes the squadrons made it to
their locations with two aircraft in the lead on with three scratches on its tails
and one with the reaper emblem**"},"543817621167144971":
{"u":6,"t":1549726624529,"m":"Atlas 6 where r u"},"543817705191636992":
{"u":3,"t":1549726644562,"m":"This is Awacs 6 confirm the target locations for air
support"},"543818058892836869":{"u":6,"t":1549726728891,"m":"Atlas 6 plz respond
*gets off of my bike and pulls out driver*"},"543818217886318592":
{"u":3,"t":1549726766798,"m":"Atlas 6 confirm location for
{"u":3,"t":1549726839486,"m":"(Oi I'm so confused I thought were doing ace combat
rp)"},"543818650130317312":{"u":0,"t":1549726869853,"m":"(Seems like someone needs
a moment in solitary...)"},"543818679608016896":
{"u":0,"t":1549726876881,"m":"_SOLITARY, NOW!_"},"543818754362966037":
{"u":6,"t":1549726894704,"m":"(Oh i didnt know what rp we were doing Im
sorry)"},"543818791646265344":{"u":0,"t":1549726903593,"m":"(Its okay
lol)"},"543818944461668393":{"u":3,"t":1549726940027,"m":"this is Awacs 6 please
establish communication"},"543819027861209098":{"u":3,"t":1549726959911,"m":"We
have two very large bogies heading your way"},"543819150091616277":
{"u":0,"t":1549726989053,"m":"_As AWACS 6 tries to establish comms, three
additional Arsenal Birds bearing Beacon's emblem enters the
airspace_"},"543819480795578371":{"u":0,"t":1549727067899,"m":"_This is Commander
Riley Andersen of Task Force 141's 116th Regional Air Intertiction Force Commander.
En route to target, ETA two minutes._"},"540528396602572800":
{"u":3,"t":1548942412282,"m":"Gogeta: which ever is closest"},"540528826804076544":
{"u":11,"t":1548942514850,"m":"Winter: beacon academy is closer. It should be a 30
minute ride on my personal jet."},"540529092609703940":
{"u":3,"t":1548942578223,"m":"Gogeta: didn't you say you wanted to fly? I'll help
you out!"},"540529271844896768":{"u":11,"t":1548942620956,"m":"Winter: You can fly
me over? Or your going to teach me how to fly?"},"540529627303641108":
{"u":3,"t":1548942705704,"m":"Gogeta: I don't sense any ki within you so
unfortunately I can't teach you... But I can fly you
{"u":11,"t":1548942828468,"m":"Winter: Aw alright fly me their. Just go east until
you see a destroyed town with hordes of Grimm gathering."},"540530422380101635":
{"u":3,"t":1548942895265,"m":"Gogeta: got it! **picks her up and flies to beacon
academy** you said it took 30 minutes to get there right? We'll be there in
5!"},"540530809791315978":{"u":11,"t":1548942987631,"m":"Winter: **Winter braced
herself as she was having trouble breathing due to their flying speed** G-
great"},"540531428555751435":{"u":3,"t":1548943135156,"m":"Gogeta: **he noticed her
breathing so he put up a ki shield to keep in some oxygen and to keep the wind from
blowing in her face**"},"540532750898167830":{"u":11,"t":1548943450427,"m":"Winter:
**She smiled** thank you. I was having trouble breathing
their."},"540533397458780180":{"u":3,"t":1548943604579,"m":"Gogeta: yeah no problem
**he flies over beacon and sees the the large amount of Grimm and
destruction**"},"540534963926466560":{"u":11,"t":1548943978054,"m":"Winter: let’s
head for beacon tower. That’s where the dragon should be. Hopefully it’s still
frozen."},"540559653730385943":{"u":3,"t":1548949864562,"m":"Gogeta: **he looks at
the top of beacon tower only to find the Grimm dragon evolved and surrounded by a
threshold**"},"540560661600534528":{"u":1,"t":1548950104857,"m":"Gift - Our clan
must fight against evil.\nYuri - Why?\nGift - I'll ask again, after you cool
down.\nYuri - Okey i think that alright.\nGift - Yeah, that's
right."},"540561941828206605":{"u":3,"t":1548950410087,"m":"What you
doing"},"540562248050016281":{"u":1,"t":1548950483096,"m":"So Let try this. (Use
Scorpion's spear)\nGET OVER HERE!!"},"540562393529319445":
{"u":3,"t":1548950517781,"m":"Oooo **watches**"},"540563035551694858":
{"u":1,"t":1548950670851,"m":"I think i have some combo like this. (Create ice
clone) (Use Scorpion's spear)\nCOME HERE!!!\nGift - And enemy got freeze also i can
so chain combo."},"540564271495643136":
{"u":1,"t":1548951102803,"m":"Arthur Morgan - Hey it's been along time.\nGift - Hey
Arthur long time no see.\nArthur Morgan - I didn't have anything to do, so i come
to visit you.\nGift - That's great."},"542865475684794377":
{"u":3,"t":1549499615356,"m":"<@499052730514669581> do it! Do the
thing"},"542865633495220255":{"u":3,"t":1549499652981,"m":"The \"Genius
thing\""},"542865684573716480":{"u":12,"t":1549499665159,"m":"I don't
{"u":0,"t":1549506042563,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> _I wanna testify, scream
in the holy light. You bring me back to life and it's all in the name of love!
{"u":3,"t":1549511109733,"m":"<@412222248192049162> KINGDOM HEARTS IS
yeah! \n*summons their personal keyblade*\nI don't know what's going on but that's
never stopped me before"},"542917521506828317":{"u":3,"t":1549512024047,"m":"Man I
wish I had a sword that opened doors"},"542921332720009227":
{"u":15,"t":1549512932711,"m":"I've got breaching charges... if anyone wants
shotgun**\nSomeone said breaching charges?"},"542921979150336001":
{"u":6,"t":1549544070673,"m":"*u see me there with an ion cannon* hi there *starts
shooting at u guys*"},"543053143034822657":{"u":3,"t":1549544358739,"m":"**fires a
big bang kamehameha back**"},"543053357443448832":
{"u":6,"t":1549544409858,"m":"*falls flat on my back*U punk *tries to get
up*"},"543053456957505576":{"u":3,"t":1549544433584,"m":"Oof I hope I didn't use
too much power now"},"543053545759309834":{"u":6,"t":1549544454756,"m":"*shoots at
ur leg*"},"543053851146584074":{"u":3,"t":1549544527566,"m":"**the bullet bounces
off and leaves a mark** ow! Hey what's your problem"},"543053920474234880":
{"u":6,"t":1549544544095,"m":"Ur trespassing"},"543054400688488458":
{"u":3,"t":1549544658587,"m":"No- you are"},"543055162340802561":
{"u":6,"t":1549544840179,"m":"*pulls out the paperwork*"},"543057740478808075":
{"u":3,"t":1549545454855,"m":"**burns it**"},"543057890563457034":
{"u":6,"t":1549545490638,"m":"I still have copies *points gun at
{"u":3,"t":1549545623756,"m":"How did you know I was ZI-O"},"543058534473138179":
{"u":6,"t":1549545644158,"m":"Ur username"},"543058563132555284":
don't really know what was going on with the others. I lost my scroll before I
could even warn them..."},"536622915878125571":{"u":17,"t":1548011273117,"m":"It’s
gone? I’m amused the cat can keep a track of her books but not her
scroll~"},"536624116380336128":{"u":16,"t":1548011559339,"m":"I was kinda busy
trying to stay alive at that time"},"536624253626220569":
{"u":17,"t":1548011592061,"m":"I know, but have you not found it
after?"},"536627505105469450":{"u":16,"t":1548012367274,"m":"Yes...Broken to the
point of no repair... I should get a new one"},"536629050811219984":
{"u":17,"t":1548012735799,"m":"No worries Blake, I’ll get it repaired for
can?"},"536629564755935290":{"u":17,"t":1548012858333,"m":"Yes Blake, I’m in the
military for a reason"},"536630293361065984":{"u":16,"t":1548013032046,"m":"True...
Are you sure it won't be a trouble?"},"536630524073082900":
{"u":17,"t":1548013087052,"m":"No, it won’t nothing a hundred lien couldn’t
fix"},"536631258034470942":{"u":16,"t":1548013262042,"m":"Well I don't have a
problem spending lien on fixing or buying a new one so I will gladly
agree"},"536631850852941841":{"u":17,"t":1548013403381,"m":"Oh, no for you it’s
like three hundred, for me to repair it, it’s one
hundred..."},"536636179051970611":{"u":16,"t":1548014435304,"m":"Well then if you
think it won't bother you\n_She hold takes out her broken
{"u":18,"t":1548015099411,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ren's been singing Barry
Manilow songs all afternoon."},"536641273990217741":
{"u":17,"t":1548015650032,"m":"*She grabs it and sighs*\nHmm... Not too bad.. but
still needs a professional, I’ll ship it to you guys as soon as I
can"},"536644180919844864":{"u":17,"t":1548016343098,"m":"//Time to have a bit of
fun :L"},"536646905372082196":{"u":17,"t":1548016992658,"m":"*Terra held onto the
broken scroll as she walked through the base, knowing she held onto one of the
criminal's scroll that the Atlas military would fully well love to enjoy digging
and tearing apart as they hunted for information, she made her way towards her
technical building. The doors opened and shut with Atlesian grace and modern
swiftness.* \"Ah, Officer Terra, I see you're here!\" *Caroline would grin showing
a sudden and great intrigue with the Officer.* \"Ah... Specialist Cordovin... Why
the smirk..?\" *Terra tensed as she watched the elder specialist walk around by
her. She was slightly worried almost fearful she'd lose the scroll if the
specialist spotted her.* \"Smirk..? Oh! You mean my joyful smile to see you in here
instead of wasting away not supporting the truly great and powerful Atlesian
Military!\""},"536646961256726539":{"u":7,"t":1548017005982,"m":"*pukes up my guts
and comes from the alley way wobbling while holding an empty bottle of dust a
stal*"},"536647396608966676":{"u":7,"t":1548017109778,"m":"Damn...this is
good"},"536651466765762571":{"u":16,"t":1548018080179,"m":"*Blake leans against the
wall waiting right where Terra left her*"},"536651814452461597":
{"u":8,"t":1548018163074,"m":"The fuck"},"536653899730386981":
{"u":17,"t":1548018660243,"m":"*Terra immediately rolls her eyes, avoiding the
shorter woman's gaze as she moves past her,* \"I need this repaired Thomas... And
quickly...\" *Cordovin realizing the ignorance of Terra turns her head, trying to
peer around and notice the scroll.* \"Yes Mrs Arc... I'll have it immediately taken
care of..\" *Terra sighs, blocking Cordovin's gaze as much as she could to avoid
her making connections to the scroll as she pays the repair costs.* \"Hmph... I
expect you to be in the office after you're done Terra... And DO NOT be late this
time...\" *Terra grumbles under her breath as she awaited for the repairs to be
completed.* \"Yes Ma'am...\""},"536668223660359700":
{"u":18,"t":1548022075334,"m":"<:Weiss:501472096858275841> What
{"u":18,"t":1548024980226,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hello,
Kali."},"536680964684906498":{"u":16,"t":1548025113031,"m":"\"Terra...? Are you
okay? You seem shaken, did anything happen?\"\n*Blake slowly walks over to her
confused but mostly worried*"},"536681063779532811":
{"u":18,"t":1548025136657,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Is everything
{"u":0,"t":1548049838690,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Waiting for a light that
never comes!"},"536957249671921674":
{"u":7,"t":1548090984505,"m":"<@414922437407277059> this..alcohol is
*accidentally pukes on pyrrha's shoes* I'm ...sorry"},"536959967694159882":
{"u":3,"t":1548941289728,"m":"Gogeta: mind if I call a
friend?"},"540523788857507855":{"u":11,"t":1548941313710,"m":"Winter: Not at all.
Go ahead."},"540523927013949450":{"u":3,"t":1548941346649,"m":"Gogeta: k I'll be
back **instant transmissions away**"},"540524007410106379":
{"u":11,"t":1548941365817,"m":"Winter:**waits patiently**"},"540525377362198528":
{"u":3,"t":1548941692439,"m":"Gogeta: **comes back with some chalk and a bunch of
stuff** so your like one of those crazy summoners right?"},"540526008613470228":
{"u":11,"t":1548941842941,"m":"Winter: I can summon my defeated enemies to help me
in battle yes."},"540526188569952266":{"u":3,"t":1548941885846,"m":"Gogeta: damn-
well. Do you think you can try something new?"},"540526274876014604":
{"u":11,"t":1548941906423,"m":"Winter: something new?"},"540526965543927829":
{"u":3,"t":1548942071091,"m":"Gogeta: do you think you can try summoning this
monster? **takes out a card**","a":
{"u":11,"t":1548942115203,"m":"Winter: I don’t think I can summon such a creature
at my current level of summoning."},"540527419963211778":
{"u":3,"t":1548942179433,"m":"Gogeta: aw man. Well I guess I'll have to do it the
old fashion way.... Have you defeated a dragon before?"},"540527597944045589":
{"u":11,"t":1548942221867,"m":"Winter: Not yet but I’m willing to
try."},"540527782711787530":{"u":3,"t":1548942265919,"m":"Gogeta: I'll help you
winter! Just tell me where they are"},"540528266256056330":
{"u":11,"t":1548942381205,"m":"Winter: the dragon? Well theirs one in beacon
academy. And I’ve heard some rumors that their could be one sleeping under
*is loopy from medicine* I'm not wearing any underwear~"},"535928061217079296":
{"u":17,"t":1547845606856,"m":"No... Bad"},"536033298410110976":
{"u":0,"t":1547870697358,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> Penny, what's one
trilion raised to the tenth power?"},"536033538550661143":
{"u":0,"t":1547870754612,"m":"<:Penny:501481416085995530> One trillion raised to
the tenth power is one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
{"u":0,"t":1547870790199,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> _plays beats with pens
and pencils_"},"536034101296103444":
{"u":0,"t":1547870937839,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> _throws pens away_\nI'm
supposed to be writing reports, not this..."},"536034448836263946":
{"u":18,"t":1547870971641,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Word to your
mother. ...I heard that on the radio
{"u":0,"t":1547871000895,"m":"<:glynda:501544327403667462> I'm sorry,
{"u":18,"t":1547871862256,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Sorry. I was rapping.
Had to finish it off somehow."},"536598315425595412":
{"u":16,"t":1548005407912,"m":"Nice save Jaune."},"536598496393035797":
{"u":17,"t":1548005451058,"m":"Huh, look at who joined in on the fun, Blake is
here...."},"536599154839781377":{"u":16,"t":1548005608044,"m":"Well I heard rapping
and got confused.\n\n(Thought I could actually drop back to rping after like... sht
its been long.)"},"536603966478352441":{"u":17,"t":1548006755228,"m":"Well Jaune...
tried, but it could get better..\n\n//Hehe, how cute"},"536604738066710539":
{"u":16,"t":1548006939189,"m":"In class? I am surprised Ms Goodwitch didn't throw
him out again.\n\n(I feel weird to be honest ^-^\" as if I forgot how it was to rp
with many people. )"},"536604998960807963":
{"u":17,"t":1548007001391,"m":"//Dooolt~\n\nI’m pretty sure Goodwitch... is too
distracted by Ozpin to be bothered..."},"536605382546685962":
{"u":16,"t":1548007092845,"m":"Professor Ozpin? Well this is... weird.\n\n(I am >_<
)"},"536606083645702145":{"u":17,"t":1548007260000,"m":"//Hehe~ ^3^ also I might be
pulling this from somewhere else-\n\nNot exactly, seems like Ozpin and Glynda have
been closer as of late...."},"536606600622899204":
{"u":16,"t":1548007383257,"m":"Now that's good for Jaune I
guess"},"536606771343785984":{"u":17,"t":1548007423960,"m":"Yep... Though him and..
Well ehhh you kids have been doing alright, right?"},"536607426389082115":
{"u":16,"t":1548007580135,"m":"Him and what? We have been doing alright you could
say. How about you?"},"536607975813414932":{"u":17,"t":1548007711128,"m":"Of course
I’m alright, Adrian is too... Though, Saphron... She might have gone a bit crazy
when she realized Jaune grew up much
quicker than before...\n\n*Terra giggles softly and sighs*\n\nJust like a mom
would react over seeing her child, Saphron was going on and on about Jaune’s baby
days."},"536609229260455936":{"u":16,"t":1548008009973,"m":"She must really care
about him. Of course they are siblings but you know what I mean... Big sisters feel
like moms with younger of the family."},"536609762717073429":
{"u":17,"t":1548008137159,"m":"She does, hehe.... She didn’t want to say anything
to Jaune about it out of fear of embarrassing him, she really was acting like full
mom mode when she helped you guys secure transportation though.... You almost cost
me my job!"},"536610047296536576":{"u":16,"t":1548008205008,"m":"Yeah about
that...\n_she smiles awkwardly rubbing her neck_\nSorry that things took that
chuckles softly and waves it off*\nNo worries.... You all will make it to Atlas,
that will be fine... Good job on taking care of Adam however, he.... He deserved
it..."},"536610626219540500":{"u":16,"t":1548008343034,"m":"_Her ears drop at the
sound of his name_\nYeah... I would prefer not to talk about that... I am sorry
it's just... hard."},"536610945468858429":{"u":17,"t":1548008419149,"m":"*She sighs
and reaches over, patting Blake’s shoulder*\nYou do know... he forced his way into
power within the White Fang before then right..?"},"536611462563758080":
{"u":16,"t":1548008542434,"m":"I think I've always known... I just didn't really
want to believe it... There was a time when he was actually a really nice guy
but... Life had other plans for him."},"536611829003321344":
{"u":17,"t":1548008629800,"m":"Blake... You seem to be missing the point... People
like him... They’re one’s who... Once they lose everything, there are no bounds and
means that will keep them from completing their goal.... What if Yang died that
day... He would have won..."},"536612226535129098":{"u":16,"t":1548008724579,"m":"I
know... I also knew what should be done I just hopped he would at least be...
smarter you could say. Things didn't have to be like this."},"536612698931331092":
{"u":17,"t":1548008837207,"m":"It’s common.... The moment they lose it all, they
lose their intelligence haha..."},"536612982181068810":
{"u":16,"t":1548008904739,"m":"Yeah... I guess.\n_She sighs softly_\nAt least... I
am glad Ilia wasn't so far gone..."},"536613298620334115":
{"u":17,"t":1548008980184,"m":"*She smiles softly, pulling her slightly
closer*\nYou know... Ilia was looking at you quite a bit..."},"536615048941010964":
{"u":16,"t":1548009397493,"m":"I noticed... She told me some stuff that night...
which I really can't believe I didn't noticed."},"536615256206868520":
{"u":17,"t":1548009446909,"m":"*She chuckled and pulled Blake into a soft hug*\nThe
signs are always there, people just sometimes fall short of noticing them all the
time."},"536616270393507862":{"u":16,"t":1548009688710,"m":"Heh, I guess you know
better I bet that happened with you and Saphron."},"536616462664597505":
{"u":17,"t":1548009734551,"m":"*She smirks and cups Blake’s cheek, tilting it
upwards*\nActually... No, I flirted with her and made her knees
buckle~"},"536617930943627264":{"u":16,"t":1548010084616,"m":"_Her ears press back
on her head as she stares at her_\nI... Oh. Heh... Well... Considering you ended up
together I guess it worked."},"536618366874419200":
{"u":17,"t":1548010188550,"m":"*She giggles and lets it go*\nYep! And she loved me
since~"},"536618580863746049":{"u":16,"t":1548010239569,"m":"And then you adopted
Adrian?"},"536619157047738388":{"u":17,"t":1548010376942,"m":"Mmhmm~ He was found
in a refugee camp... Luckily the doctors saved him..."},"536620162233925656":
{"u":16,"t":1548010616597,"m":"Poor kid... He is still really young so I can only
imagine how old he was back then..."},"536620346070007813":
{"u":17,"t":1548010660427,"m":"Barely 3..."},"536620722127110155":
{"u":16,"t":1548010750086,"m":"He was lucky to get in such a nice family you two
are perfect parents for him."},"536621078185771029":
{"u":17,"t":1548010834977,"m":"Hehe... We’re trying... I just hope Saphron doesn’t
do anything crazy and baby him"},"536621464624037888":
{"u":16,"t":1548010927111,"m":"I bet she will be a silly mommy watching him grow
\n_She giggles_"},"536621612578111518":{"u":17,"t":1548010962386,"m":"Yes I’m sure
she will be.. Hehe~..."},"536621790500487168":{"u":16,"t":1548011004806,"m":"But
what about you... How come you didn't lose your job?"},"536622435844489230":
{"u":17,"t":1548011158668,"m":"Mm, let’s just say a certain commander might be on
her wits end if it was discovered she almost killed the heiress of the SDC
hahaha..."},"535494513469161561":{"u":17,"t":1547742241018,"m":"Oh god it’s too
{"u":7,"t":1547744059774,"m":"<@456226577798135808> can you please take me
home"},"535502202018594837":{"u":17,"t":1547744074111,"m":"Fine... But no more
{"u":7,"t":1547744091573,"m":"<@456226577798135808> o-
{"u":17,"t":1547744125715,"m":"Raven, what are you doing..?"},"535502477085245472":
{"u":8,"t":1547744139692,"m":"Nothing just watching"},"535502613974876170":
{"u":7,"t":1547744172329,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *kali gets in the hospital
given wheelchair*"},"535502683398864906":
{"u":17,"t":1547744188881,"m":"Alllright....\n*smiles softly*\nLet’s get you home
Kali...."},"535502774343827466":{"u":8,"t":1547744210564,"m":"You better keep your
hands to yourself Kali."},"535502889901096981":
{"u":7,"t":1547744238115,"m":"<@437316011621089290> I've done
thanks s-snowflake"},"535503074651799593":{"u":17,"t":1547744282163,"m":"What?
{"u":7,"t":1547744320422,"m":"<@456226577798135808> s-sorry"},"535503443629047808":
{"u":17,"t":1547744370134,"m":"Eh... Whatever, let’s get you
home"},"535503694691565589":{"u":7,"t":1547744429992,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *we
get back to the Belladonna residence and Bill's are
everywhere*"},"535503810853077012":{"u":17,"t":1547744457687,"m":"*She sighs and
looks around* Jeez..."},"535504304325394454":
{"u":7,"t":1547744575340,"m":"<@456226577798135808> oh
{"u":7,"t":1547744700452,"m":"<@456226577798135808> I usually have all this done
these are all the experiences for the village"},"535504901929959424":
{"u":17,"t":1547744717820,"m":"//expenses* :p"},"535505032926461952":
{"u":17,"t":1547744749052,"m":"Ah... Well, time to... wait isn’t the minister of
economics normally handling that..."},"535505345259372546":
{"u":7,"t":1547744823518,"m":"<@456226577798135808> she quit that...who he was
cheating on me with"},"535505356919668736":
{"u":17,"t":1547744857635,"m":".... You know maybe if you started looking at the
women he hired you’d realize that—"},"535506090864148492":
{"u":7,"t":1547745001284,"m":"<@456226577798135808>...please don't yell
I'll be a good girl...*I look away in fear*"},"535506171881062411":
{"u":17,"t":1547745020600,"m":"What— Kali..."},"535506177694629918":
{"u":8,"t":1547745021986,"m":"Your a bad girl"},"535506241368096768":
{"u":8,"t":1547745037167,"m":"Also don't get comfortable with my
You only show up at the most inopportune times..."},"535506626791079966":
{"u":7,"t":1547745129059,"m":"Weiss saved me"},"535506745104269313":
{"u":8,"t":1547745157267,"m":"Good for you"},"535506843410104334":
{"u":7,"t":1547745180705,"m":"She took to the hospital...and stayed even
when..she did have said you'd always be there for me....
Both of you go fuck—"},"535507013417959444":
{"u":17,"t":1547745244360,"m":"//besides that I actually gotta head off to work
anyways soooo adios for now"},"535507168624115715":
{"u":7,"t":1547745258242,"m":"(Zee ya <@456226577798135808>"},"535507305534586890":
{"u":7,"t":1547745290884,"m":"<@437316011621089290> ~~dms if you
{"u":0,"t":1547781081922,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> WHO'S SHITTIN'
{"u":7,"t":1547836920867,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *hugs*"},"535892205139787778":
<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> ..."},"535892546447081481":
{"u":17,"t":1547845365663,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> *carefully hugs
back*"},"535219418905706497":{"u":17,"t":1547676653363,"m":"Nope... Nope nope, bad
Kali...\n*she grabs the Gin and pulls it away*"},"535219463491026956":
{"u":7,"t":1547676684459,"m":"<@456226577798135808> nuu"},"535219579434041345":
{"u":7,"t":1547676738300,"m":"Alcohol did put me in the hospital again it was
nora"},"535219948532793344":{"u":17,"t":1547676779636,"m":"You’re still a
":"<@456226577798135808> cute when being responsible"},"535220725041332228":
{"u":17,"t":1547676964770,"m":"I’m not cute—"},"535220794884751360":
{"u":7,"t":1547676981422,"m":"Your hella"},"535220837108809730":
{"u":7,"t":1547677819015,"m":"Man these hospital medicine has me
{"u":0,"t":1547692739673,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _inhales
{"u":0,"t":1547692776525,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _inhales deeply,
{"u":19,"t":1547692807130,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> she's becoming the
legendary Super Silver-warrior"},"535287286242213918":
{"u":7,"t":1547692834197,"m":"<@412222248192049162> *puts on
{"u":0,"t":1547692840965,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _screaming as loud as she
could_\nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH-\n_voice cracks_"},"535287511547772928":
{"u":0,"t":1547692887914,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _coughs_\nActually, that
was my take on perfoming Dick Higgins' _Danger Music #17._"},"535287563536171020":
{"u":0,"t":1547692923994,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _inhales as deep as she
could_\nHere goes-"},"535287890595282955":
{"u":0,"t":1547692978286,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _before she could scream
any further, her eyes bursted into beams of light, blinding the entire
{"u":7,"t":1547693014367,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *is wondering when Weiss is
going to take me home*"},"535288111345696769":
{"u":7,"t":1547693030917,"m":"<@443559887348432917> sun
{"u":0,"t":1547693038024,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _deactivates Silver
that's good"},"535288525713702922":
{"u":0,"t":1547693129710,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _laughs nervously_\nSorry,
I'm not supposed to use it but... yep. It happened."},"535288670589157378":
{"u":7,"t":1547693164251,"m":"<@412222248192049162> *bonks on head with news
<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Ow! Ugh, I'm sorry!"},"535288826868924427":
{"u":7,"t":1547693201511,"m":"<@412222248192049162> I'll get this spray bottle
next time"},"535288926991024138":
{"u":0,"t":1547693225382,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _rubs forehead, wincing in
pain_\nPlease don't...","te":1547693238380},"535289168407035904":
{"u":7,"t":1547693282940,"m":"<@412222248192049162> good"},"535289386464575499":
{"u":0,"t":1547693334929,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> I hate Atlas Telecom
{"u":0,"t":1547693402418,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> They removed my X-
Band radar and gave me an S-Band when I already have THREE S-Band radars built into
my system!"},"535290263237689355":
{"u":0,"t":1547693543968,"m":"<:angrypenny:501512238637645824> Ugh, I'm so done
with ATS...."},"535290333773430804":{"u":7,"t":1547693560785,"m":"We all are
{"u":0,"t":1547693611741,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> My Scroll broke down and
somehow deleted all of my songs, but luckily I have it backed up on
{"u":0,"t":1547693628036,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Down with Atlas
—"},"535450889691856916":{"u":7,"t":1547731840299,"m":"<@456226577798135808> we
dont kow"},"535471216832806953":
{"u":18,"t":1547736686667,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> It's a
313826965834563584> You’re awake!"},"534598701977436172":
{"u":7,"t":1547528662915,"m":"<@456226577798135808> yeah...ya miss
313826965834563584> .... Uhhh... Well it’s good you’re awake at
I still can't move... please help"},"534599293638672384":
{"u":17,"t":1547528803978,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> Su.. Sure Kali.. *She walks
over, reaching out her hand as she gets down to help*"},"534599566993915918":
{"u":7,"t":1547528869151,"m":"<@456226577798135808> * you see the bella booty poke
out from the hospital gown*"},"534599853397901317":
{"u":17,"t":1547528937435,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> K..
*my breast is about to pop out*"},"534600749888307233":
{"u":17,"t":1547529151175,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> ... Kali.... Your
{"u":7,"t":1547529187031,"m":"<@456226577798135808> come...on I don't bite..unless
you like that~"},"534601320456388618":{"u":17,"t":1547529287209,"m":"<@!
313826965834563584> oh come on! *She blushes madly*"},"534601417466445846":
{"u":7,"t":1547529310338,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *the nurses come
you get rest!"},"534602270743199756":
{"u":7,"t":1547529513775,"m":"<@456226577798135808>\nNurse: your girlfriend brought
you here 2 months ago you should consider your self lucky she walked you her
\nKali: she's... *I get cut off*\nNurse 2: dont be shy well leave you to lovers
{"u":7,"t":1547529595587,"m":"<@456226577798135808> ...well that was
awkward"},"534602667780210688":{"u":7,"t":1547529608436,"m":"*I blush bright
Y.. Y.. You know what... Nice.... ~~DM’s... If you
{"u":7,"t":1547588219129,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *and hour after things
happened*"},"534848981856157697":{"u":17,"t":1547588334288,"m":"~~Blah blah blah—
\n(How)"},"534849214459674644":{"u":17,"t":1547588389745,"m":"Alright... I’m going
to... head off, be safe..."},"534849238983639050":
{"u":17,"t":1547588395592,"m":"~~Double it~~"},"534849330050367519":
{"u":7,"t":1547588417304,"m":"<@456226577798135808> stay with
{"u":7,"t":1547588455864,"m":"~~this one~~"},"534849556798636035":
{"u":17,"t":1547588471365,"m":"But I have to take care of
w-when can I s-see you a-agin"},"535210197619310603":
{"u":8,"t":1547674475096,"m":"So you like Weiss?"},"535210370156068875":
{"u":17,"t":1547674495973,"m":"I... I’ll be back as soon as I can
—"},"535210374236995594":{"u":7,"t":1547674496946,"m":"<@437316011621089290> oh
raven I didn't see you"},"535210444319752192":{"u":8,"t":1547674513655,"m":"Do you
like her?"},"535210445192036402":
{"u":7,"t":1547674513863,"m":"<@456226577798135808> g-got
it"},"535210610930221096":{"u":7,"t":1547674553378,"m":"<@437316011621089290> pshh
t-thats Preposterous"},"535210647227596801":{"u":8,"t":1547674562032,"m":"Stay
what do you mean"},"535211033330188288":{"u":8,"t":1547674654086,"m":"You love her
don't you"},"535211474663112721":
{"u":7,"t":1547674759308,"m":"<@437316011621089290> ehy are you giving me thinly
valed warnings"},"535211534155120669":
{"u":17,"t":1547674784677,"m":"Y’all need"},"535211594083467275":
{"u":17,"t":1547674787780,"m":"To chill-"},"535211621115756544":
{"u":8,"t":1547674794225,"m":"Fine Weiss.."},"535211685837799426":
{"u":7,"t":1547676628776,"m":"*cracks of pin a bottle of ice dust
gin*"},"534590717960650753":{"u":7,"t":1547526759377,"m":"I don't
remember"},"534590917160730632":{"u":7,"t":1547526806870,"m":"All I remember is
hitting my head very very very hard"},"534590934579413022":
{"u":18,"t":1547526811023,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> I think you'd get along
well with Qrow."},"534591147280957460":
{"u":7,"t":1547526861735,"m":"<@414922437407277059> howd the wedding go with
nora"},"534591448012685342":{"u":7,"t":1547526933435,"m":"<@456226577798135808> but
this divorce has been hard on me to only find out that he was cheating on me for
years with a white fang guard"},"534591618247032842":
{"u":18,"t":1547526974022,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Really well,
{"u":7,"t":1547527026257,"m":"<@414922437407277059> it's good you didn't invite me
I'd have probably ruined the whole thing"},"534592769994391562":
{"u":18,"t":1547527248620,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> ***DONKEY
Are you okay, Nora?"},"534592996407115786":
{"u":7,"t":1547527302601,"m":"<@414922437407277059> what"},"534593128842133521":
{"u":18,"t":1547527334176,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> *starts pulling barrels
out of nowhere and throwing them*"},"534593330261262396":
{"u":18,"t":1547527382198,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> She does this whenever
she's unable to sleep..."},"534593429275934720":
{"u":7,"t":1547527405805,"m":"<@414922437407277059> *gets hit by a barrel very very
hard* owwww"},"534593435093696532":{"u":17,"t":1547527407192,"m":"<@!
313826965834563584> Uhh... Kali... Don’t... worry about it..? *She pats her back
{"u":7,"t":1547527447448,"m":"<@456226577798135808> <@414922437407277059>"},"534593746826952708":
{"u":18,"t":1547527481515,"m":"<:velvet2:501551929235865600> I'll call an
ambulance..."},"534593899394498590":{"u":7,"t":1547527517890,"m":"*there are
sprinters in my face and the baller is pinned on top of me*"},"534594081104461844":
{"u":18,"t":1547527561213,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> It's very concerning,
actually. What made her think in the first place that shouting \"Donkey Kong\" and
throwing barrels was a good thing to do when suffering insomnia? More importantly,
how does she get those barrels out of seemingly nowhere?"},"534594126218526730":
{"u":17,"t":1547527571969,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> *She pushes the Barrel off
and sighs, adjusting her dress before getting onto her knees* Hold on
ahhhh p..pain"},"534594513726078997":{"u":17,"t":1547527664358,"m":"Shh.. Don’t
{"u":18,"t":1547527676537,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ya know, make a
very good point. Sorry, Kali. Force of habit."},"534594715295809557":
{"u":7,"t":1547527712416,"m":"<@414922437407277059> am I...still beautiful *I have
a broken tooth, a black eye, bloody nose, and tone of splinters in my
313826965834563584> .... You’re still beautiful Kali...."},"534594859789582336":
{"u":7,"t":1547527746866,"m":"<@456226577798135808> I ...can feel my
{"u":18,"t":1547527755699,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Weiss, take Mrs.
Belladonna to the emergency room. I'll take care of Nora."},"534594909773234178":
{"u":17,"t":1547527758783,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> Donnn’t move... Hold
on..."},"534595057504878612":{"u":7,"t":1547527794005,"m":"My....dreams of
313826965834563584> Kali, you’ll be able to dance.... Just not right now... For a
week max"},"534595445364752403":{"u":7,"t":1547527886478,"m":"<@456226577798135808>
I can...move my legs.."},"534595544639864832":
{"u":18,"t":1547527910147,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Well, good
313826965834563584> Yes you can... Now just come on... *She lifts the woman’s body
up slowly and carefully*"},"534595945107685376":
{"u":7,"t":1547528005626,"m":"<@456226577798135808> kid.. ahhh...its over for
Funny for you to call me kid— dolt..."},"534596210791546890":
{"u":7,"t":1547528068970,"m":"<@456226577798135808> ...your cute...when
if olny..."},"534596344996691978":{"u":17,"t":1547528100967,"m":"<@!
313826965834563584> ... Okay thank you... *She blushes softly and rolls her eyes*
But let’s... Get you somewhere better"},"534596417587773450":
{"u":7,"t":1547528118274,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *I pass
313826965834563584> ... Much easier... *She grumbles and carries the faunus off to
the hospital*"},"534596694814359562":
{"u":7,"t":1547528184370,"m":"<@456226577798135808> *I wake up in a hospital
<@414922437407277059> )\n\n<@!313826965834563584> *She’s sleeping softly in a chair
awww she took me hear"},"534597343383650304":
{"u":7,"t":1547528351953,"m":"If I was younger"},"534597403748073474":
{"u":17,"t":1547528353393,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> *She’s snoring softly and
my legs feel better *I try to stand and you hear fall while the machine monitoring
my heart rate make the flatline nose because its accidentally disconnected
Huh?! Wha.. What the?! *She stands up, blinking repeatedly as she wakes up
hey"},"534586750736138240":{"u":7,"t":1547525813517,"m":"Hmmm it's very salty
kinda how do you say"},"534586938695352320":
{"u":0,"t":1547525858330,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Actually, it's diluted
saltwater mixed with NutriGel."},"534587020136415253":
{"u":1,"t":1547525877747,"m":"Yuri - Hey Gift i can't pass this boss in Shadow
fight 2, Can you pass it for me?\nGift - For my friend i can do it.\nYuri - Thanks
{"u":18,"t":1547525894052,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Oh, whew, I thought it
was something completely different."},"534587160523964416":
{"u":0,"t":1547525911218,"m":"<@481693633951694848> <:Ruby:501500050040684565>
{"u":18,"t":1547525946863,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I know what you're
going to say, Ruby. \"Silly Pyrrha, get your mind outta the
{"u":7,"t":1547525948653,"m":"<@414922437407277059> <@412222248192049162>
ah"},"534587377977393155":{"u":7,"t":1547525963063,"m":"But is ally sticky over my
clothes"},"534587440875438087":{"u":7,"t":1547525978059,"m":"*I look very
<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Guessed it!"},"534587513097027584":
{"u":7,"t":1547525995278,"m":"Eww it's In my hair"},"534587604272939008":
{"u":0,"t":1547526017016,"m":"<@313826965834563584> <:Ruby:501500050040684565> Are
you... slathering it on your clothes?"},"534587713924366347":
{"u":7,"t":1547526043159,"m":"<@412222248192049162> oh wait that's not from the
drink"},"534587756626706452":{"u":1,"t":1547526053340,"m":"Yeah! I pass it.\nYuri -
Thanks again mate now i can go to chapter 5.\nGift - Congrat
{"u":18,"t":1547526068675,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I just remembered I
need to go to the store."},"534587917948026880":{"u":7,"t":1547526091802,"m":"I was
seeing jaune"},"534587946658037760":
{"u":0,"t":1547526098647,"m":"<@313826965834563584> <:Ruby:501500050040684565> Oh,
{"u":18,"t":1547526105927,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Wait,
{"u":0,"t":1547526132994,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> _spits water through her
nose_\nYou did WHAT?!","te":1547526139938},"534588255467733023":
{"u":7,"t":1547526172273,"m":"Well every thing when dark after I drank this water
he gave me"},"534588288741408768":
{"u":18,"t":1547526180206,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I have absolutely no
memory of this whatsoever, I swear.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I believe you,
Jaune. I know you'd never lie to me."},"534588368038920193":
{"u":7,"t":1547526199112,"m":"I woke up with this white goo all over
*shows un edited security footage*"},"534588953039208448":
{"u":18,"t":1547526338587,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Pyrrha...I'm so
sorry...I didn't even have a say in this...\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Jaune,
it's okay. I understand. I believe you. *kisses him* Now, then...let's just go
home, get some rest, and never speak of this again.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
{"u":18,"t":1547526368378,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I thought we agreed
never to speak of it again."},"534589127015006238":
{"u":7,"t":1547526380066,"m":"<@456226577798135808> it's not like i
{"u":18,"t":1547526388221,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> NEITHER DID
I!"},"534589244606251010":{"u":7,"t":1547526408102,"m":"<@414922437407277059> you
gave me 5he water"},"534589297223794688":
{"u":18,"t":1547526420647,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> CAN YOU JUST STOP
ALREADY!!"},"534589396502970379":{"u":17,"t":1547526444317,"m":".... WHAT THE
BLOODY F*CK IS GOING ON?!"},"534589455445524480":
{"u":18,"t":1547526458370,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Kali, if you don't stop
this immediately, I'm going to launch you to the moon!"},"534589547770544138":
{"u":7,"t":1547526480382,"m":"*kali erases this time line*"},"534589593677201430":
{"u":1,"t":1547526491327,"m":"If you want i have V4 Rocket
launcher."},"534589656222924821":{"u":17,"t":1547526506239,"m":"*Weiss pouts* stop
taking control of my Time line controller Kali—"},"534589756588294146":
{"u":7,"t":1547526530168,"m":"<@456226577798135808> this conversation never
{"u":18,"t":1547526532420,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Whatever! C'mon, Pyrrha,
let's go home.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Of course,
honey.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> And a good night to all of you! Except
you, Kali. I hope you learn your lesson one of these days."},"534589821751132162":
{"u":17,"t":1547526545704,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> You say that but you and I
both know—"},"534589936981245975":
Jaune…\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, fine, a good night to Kali too. But not
as good a night as everyone else."},"534589941762490378":
{"u":7,"t":1547526574317,"m":"<@456226577798135808> I need to stop drinking so
much"},"534590014881923093":{"u":7,"t":1547526591750,"m":"<@414922437407277059> you
don't have to talk to me"},"534590195178405888":
<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> *they walk off together in a sort of \"screw-this-
we're-outta-here\" type of manner*"},"534590210496004124":
{"u":17,"t":1547526638388,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> pssh, this is why... Well,
you control the cocktail you make"},"534590323800670239":
{"u":7,"t":1547526665402,"m":"<@456226577798135808> well I told you I'm not really
responsible after the divorce"},"534590494043537408":
{"u":17,"t":1547526705991,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> .... Is that like.... a bad
joke or something or do you need help... *She shows slight
you remember the times that I've fallen off the balcony only for you to catch
me"},"534590636926435338":{"u":17,"t":1547526740057,"m":"<@!313826965834563584> ...
That was your daughter..."},"534590690709995520":
{"u":7,"t":1547526752880,"m":"<@456226577798135808> ehhh"},"524791046622674945":
{"u":18,"t":1545190335661,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Crossovers. Only certain
ones can be so crazy and yet make so much sense."},"525291274681712641":
{"u":0,"t":1545309599324,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hi, welcome to
<:Ravencup:511649317988335619> <:Ravencup:511649317988335619>
{"u":18,"t":1545611042745,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Man, I can't wait! Two
{"u":0,"t":1545611091629,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Two more days until
Christmas starts banging on our doors, can't wait!"},"526555986463424525":
{"u":18,"t":1545611130110,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ruby, any ideas on what
I should get Pyrrha?"},"526556511867109390":
{"u":0,"t":1545611255376,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Hmm.... How about one of
those matching t-shirts I stumbled upon while shopping with
{"u":0,"t":1545611299015,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> It's on sale in a store
called \"Hot Stuff\""},"526557533238984725":
{"u":18,"t":1545611498890,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Great
{"u":0,"t":1545611642356,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> They have lots of matching
t-shirts and I found one that says \"He's a Dum-Dum\" and another one with an arrow
pointing to the same shirt with the text \"But, he's MY Dum-
{"u":0,"t":1545611788814,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Also, there's another pair
that says \"This guy has the best wife\" and \"This girl has the best
{"u":0,"t":1545611826870,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> And even better, if you
didn't like any of the t-shirts made, you can order a custom made
{"u":18,"t":1545612745311,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> That last one is
{"u":0,"t":1545613779668,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> It
{"u":18,"t":1545752970328,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Merry
Christmas!"},"527152083275874304":{"u":7,"t":1545753250665,"m":"I was on a bender
for that long"},"530884531490783240":{"u":17,"t":1546643135665,"m":"*runs around,
dressed like a King George immitation singing songs from Hamilton*\n\n~~AM I A
MUSICAL GENIUS YET!? Lol~~"},"530884626911330341":
Weiss...why?"},"530884735086624809":{"u":17,"t":1546643184206,"m":"Hamilton’s got
me~\n\n~~So didn’t get a ticket to watch Hamilton~~"},"530886385586929665":
{"u":18,"t":1546643577716,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Dah da dah dat dah, yat
da da dah die yah dah da dah dat dat die yah dah...\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281>
You okay, darling?\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oh, just singing Hamilton
songs..."},"530886495293145088":{"u":17,"t":1546643603872,"m":"See Jaune sadly gets
it too-"},"530889128137457666":
{"u":18,"t":1546644231591,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Well, if you can't beat
'em, join 'em."},"530889356022513685":{"u":17,"t":1546644285923,"m":"*continues to
mainly act like King George of Hamilton*"},"530894215895580695":
{"u":20,"t":1546645444607,"m":"~~never thought I'd find Hamilton fans in a RWBY
{"u":18,"t":1546957797745,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hey, Pyrrha! Happy
anniversary!\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Happy anniversary,
{"u":0,"t":1546960828115,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _slamming table with her
fists_\nMath is math, MATH. IS. MATH."},"532217832092729346":
{"u":21,"t":1546961019300,"m":"~~chase the
{"u":17,"t":1546966735913,"m":"Ruby... what"},"532242001412751371":
{"u":18,"t":1546966781715,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> She accidentally drank
some of Qrow's stuff."},"532243629356613642":{"u":17,"t":1546967169847,"m":"...
Oh..."},"534120251151876096":{"u":7,"t":1547414591349,"m":"*I'm dressed as Angelica
Skyler while satisfied plays*"},"534154914444738561":
{"u":17,"t":1547422855722,"m":"~~Kali I swear to god I hate I missed
this~~\n\n*smiles brightly and watches Kali sing*"},"534176138537467924":
{"u":18,"t":1547427915940,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I don't have anything
funny to say."},"534554926240628738":{"u":0,"t":1547518225966,"m":"_drinking
Friendship Milk._"},"534585159895220234":
{"u":7,"t":1547525434231,"m":"<@456226577798135808> I remember that right I might
just rewind"},"534585348878106644":
{"u":18,"t":1547525479288,"m":"<@412222248192049162> <:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I
don't even wanna know what's in that stuff."},"534585402800078848":
{"u":7,"t":1547525492144,"m":"<@412222248192049162> let me get
_tosses you a can of Friendship Milk._\nHere!"},"534585753410469899":
{"u":7,"t":1547525575736,"m":"<@412222248192049162> *I pop the top it's highly
{"u":0,"t":1547525612305,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> How's the
{"u":18,"t":1547525612814,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> That...doesn't look
very healthy...just saying."},"534586151042809857":
{"u":0,"t":1547525670539,"m":"<@414922437407277059> <:Ruby:501500050040684565>
_whispering_ it's not even milk."},"534586188279840839":
{"u":18,"t":1547525679417,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I figured that
{"u":18,"t":1547525703436,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I'm on a diet anyway,
so..."},"534586483391201283":{"u":7,"t":1547525749777,"m":"*I take a huge drink and
white milk runs down my chin and chest inappropriately*
<@412222248192049162>"},"534586533932564491":{"u":17,"t":1547525761827,"m":"Kali I
swear— You’re gonna kill me lmao"},"534586555197685871":
{"u":18,"t":1545188145479,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Ruby, are you okay? You
look like you just saw Bigfoot or something."},"524782745122242570":
{"u":0,"t":1545188374689,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Neo... can..
{"u":18,"t":1545188396549,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> Well, I can
{"u":0,"t":1545188415368,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> OHMYGOSH YOUR VOICE IS
SOOOO ADORABLE"},"524783085280165888":
{"u":18,"t":1545188437529,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> Anyway, what's going on
here? Why is everyone crowded around Cinder?"},"524783199906168832":
{"u":0,"t":1545188464858,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Well, we're trying to
convince her to turn her back against Salem for her own
{"u":0,"t":1545188497810,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Yeah, that's what these
people have been doing for the past few minutes here.
{"u":18,"t":1545188603757,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> I mean, it's not that
hard, actually. Torchie and I barely escaped her
wrath.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> What's with these little nicknames you use for
him? \"Torchie?\" \"Wickipedia?\" \"Roma Tomato?\"\n<:Neo:501457937420517407>
*blushing* Eep! It's...nothing important..."},"524783991023337492":
{"u":0,"t":1545188653475,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Well, Neo. I'm glad
you've got your voice back."},"524784112628662281":
{"u":18,"t":1545188682468,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> You barely escaped
Salem's wrath when you left her?\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> Yep. Only thing that
got damaged was a few of the castle walls."},"524784187534999552":
{"u":0,"t":1545188700327,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Anyways, I can feel my
limbs dying so if you could tell Ruby to defrost me, that would be
{"u":18,"t":1545188719619,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> You heard the woman,
{"u":0,"t":1545188773164,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Right then! \n\n_With
Cinder's request, Ruby deactivated her
power, freeing Cinder from her spot._\n\nThere!"},"524784611545579550":
{"u":0,"t":1545188801419,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _gasps for air_ Thank
you, Miss Rose."},"524784990970707979":
{"u":18,"t":1545188891881,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> So now what do we
{"u":0,"t":1545188924397,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Well, I try to escape
Salem's wrath and try to redeem myself in whatever ways I
{"u":18,"t":1545188978126,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> How about we speed things
along with a montage!"},"524785404981805056":
{"u":0,"t":1545188990589,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Okay, if you say
{"u":18,"t":1545189103387,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Wow, you were right, Neo,
that montage really moved things along."},"524786009636995083":
{"u":0,"t":1545189134750,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It worked
{"u":18,"t":1545189196923,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> It sure is a shame none
of this will ever be canon..."},"524786354010193930":
{"u":18,"t":1545189216855,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> What are you talking
about? It's canon here!"},"524786447723528203":
{"u":0,"t":1545189239198,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Yeah, in the series, I'd
still be as evil as a Beringel, or Kevin the Grimm Dragon."},"524786685192568862":
{"u":18,"t":1545189295815,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> In other word's you'd
be...(suddenly singing)...still a mean one, Cinder Fall."},"524786761121923077":
{"u":18,"t":1545189313918,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Yang. Not
{"u":0,"t":1545189330720,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It's fine, Ren! It's
{"u":18,"t":1545189340486,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Ruby sure seems to be
amused by it."},"524787184587505704":
{"u":18,"t":1545189424595,"m":"<:Penny:501481416085995530> Sal-u-tations,
{"u":0,"t":1545189448271,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> What's this robot girl
doing here?"},"524787409330765836":
{"u":18,"t":1545189468463,"m":"<:Penny:501481416085995530> Sorry to interrupt
{"u":0,"t":1545189494914,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> It's alright,
{"u":18,"t":1545189603833,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> So, Penny. Heard ya
hooked up with this Rock Light fella. Sounds like a nice guy. Is it true it's a
crossover ship?\n<:Penny:501481416085995530> Yes. In fact, you might know him
better as Mega Man."},"524788069065555979":
{"u":0,"t":1545189625756,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> Wait, Mega
{"u":18,"t":1545189693784,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Got a perfect name for
this cross-ship. Stone Coin."},"524788453766987785":
{"u":0,"t":1545189717476,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> That sounds
{"u":0,"t":1545189783067,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Anyways, I've been
thinking of what to do after having decided to betray Salem for my own good. And, I
might take up a job as an intelligence officer for Beacon."},"524788795292385328":
{"u":18,"t":1545189798902,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I was thinking maybe
you could work at Subway."},"524788899461988393":
{"u":0,"t":1545189823738,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Subway? Hmmm... I'll
think about it."},"524788994484207628":
{"u":0,"t":1545189846393,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Okay, Subway it
(to Jaune) 2 for 50 at Subway.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422>
Huh?\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> It's an inside joke. You wouldn't get
{"u":0,"t":1545190093909,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _scroll buzzes_ Guys,
Watts just called, gotta go-"},"524790182847840256":
{"u":18,"t":1545190129721,"m":"<:Neo:501457937420517407> Okay. Gotta get to work on
directing my next big film."},"524790372023533589":
{"u":0,"t":1545190174824,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> And I'll get back on
beating Raven in _Remnant Royale!_"},"524790862513700865":
{"u":18,"t":1545190291766,"m":"<:Blake:502209248571162646> I still can't believe
Penny is in a relationship with Mega Man. Like, THE Mega
{"u":0,"t":1545185277962,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Please, elaborate your
feelings for Cinder."},"524770537176825877":
{"u":18,"t":1545185445828,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> I mean, think about it.
She was an orphan throughout her entire childhood...bullied pretty much every our
of her one ever adopted her, either...escaping from the orphanage in her
20s, and now as ruthless as she is...ya think about it, it's hard not to feel sorry
for her. Worse yet, it shows just how easily Salem can manipulate anyone she
{"u":0,"t":1545185493650,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> That makes
{"u":0,"t":1545185527440,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> If only there's a way for
her to redeem herself..."},"524770942358913024":
{"u":18,"t":1545185542431,"m":"<:Weiss:501472096858275841> Not
{"u":18,"t":1545185605479,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> It's funny how easily I
forgive the woman who literally killed me. And for what
{"u":0,"t":1545185683098,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> And with that being said,
there's no way for her to redeem herself without being hunted down by
{"u":0,"t":1545185822383,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Who says that I'm being
hunted down? You're dead wrong. _You_ are desperate enough to even try and stop me
in the first place!"},"524772263925645312":
{"u":18,"t":1545185857517,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> You're the one who
killed me! And for what reason? FOR WHAT REASON?"},"524772664603312129":
{"u":0,"t":1545185953046,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Well, you did stole a
part of what I have sought after for years. Pyrrha. Think about
{"u":18,"t":1545186034274,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Salem has been
manipulating you to think in such ways as this."},"524773279945326593":
{"u":0,"t":1545186099755,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> If you're trying to
convince me to turn my back against her, I'd rather advice you to
{"u":0,"t":1545186135796,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You can't convince me,
and neither could Ruby or your little friends"},"524773541703319572":
{"u":18,"t":1545186162163,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> And the next time you see
Salem, send her this message from Superteam RWBYJNPR: \"Begone! You don't belong in
this world, monster!\""},"524773810873040896":
{"u":0,"t":1545186226338,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Hmph,
{"u":0,"t":1545186293677,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> And by the way, even if
you manage to round up the world's best hunters and huntresses, it still wouldn't
be enough."},"524774255422865408":
{"u":18,"t":1545186332327,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Maybe not, but we will
attain all four relics."},"524774617622118400":
{"u":0,"t":1545186418682,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> And I will make it my
duty to hamper your progress."},"524775220293271574":
{"u":18,"t":1545186562370,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Cinder. You don't have
to be this way. There's definitely still some good in you. I can feel
{"u":0,"t":1545186605047,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> You can't convince me,
Pyrrha. I've come too far into this, and now, I will finish what I have
{"u":18,"t":1545186632593,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I'd like to see you try,
Cinder Fail."},"524775543976230914":
{"u":0,"t":1545186639542,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> If I ever dare to turn
my back against her, I might as well end up dead and rotting in a
{"u":0,"t":1545186655803,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Excuse me? What was
{"u":18,"t":1545186678154,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Yeah, you heard
{"u":0,"t":1545186739707,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I'd love to see you try
and keep you and your team safe, Vomit Boy."},"524776004116545537":
{"u":18,"t":1545186749248,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> You were real scary at
first, I'll admit. But now you've just kinda
{"u":18,"t":1545186779183,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> This is not going the
way I hoped...Ruby, I could use your help..."},"524776184555503626":
{"u":0,"t":1545186792268,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _having heard Jaune's
retort, her right eye lights up as flame spews out of it._ \n\nTry me,
{"u":0,"t":1545186840631,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Uh, silver eyes? The
usual? Since she's part human, part Grimm.
{"u":18,"t":1545186883212,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I don't know if that
will help her see the light in the sense I was hoping for,
{"u":0,"t":1545186986925,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _without further
hesitation, Ruby activates her silver eyes again, covering the entire area with
light, however,
the light does not harm Cinder, but simply puts her to rest. Knocking her
{"u":18,"t":1545187060517,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> So are we
something? Knowing Pyrrha she's gonna keep trying her pacifist approach...which
still doesn't seem to be workin'."},"524777616071458816":
{"u":0,"t":1545187133568,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I could try to convince
her though, Cinder's still awake, but she's frozen."},"524777702599819274":
{"u":0,"t":1545187154198,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> Wha.. What did you do to
me? WHAT DID YOU DO?!"},"524777952550846466":
{"u":18,"t":1545187213791,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What do I say now? I
got nothing."},"524778028539052044":
{"u":0,"t":1545187231908,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I can handle
{"u":18,"t":1545187267591,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> If you say
_With Cinder frozen, Ruby begins her attempt in convincing her to stop, for her own
{"u":0,"t":1545187388624,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Cinder, I understand, all
those years of abuse, negligence, and bullying have put you up to this, but. That
doesn't mean that you can no longer redeem yourself for your own
{"u":0,"t":1545187410855,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> What... what are you
trying to tell me?"},"524778978985115666":
{"u":18,"t":1545187458512,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Yeah, take a look at some
of your colleagues...for lack of a better word. Neo is out there making movies. And
Roman, he's a doctor of child psychology!"},"524779443466797077":
{"u":0,"t":1545187569253,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> I know that you wanted
revenge, and that you wanted to instigate fear and dominace into the minds of those
you came across. But, it doesn't have to be that way."},"524779567064285194":
{"u":0,"t":1545187598721,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> What does all this have
to do with me?"},"524779870396612618":
{"u":18,"t":1545187671041,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> What it has to do with
you is, the live you've been leading has made your heart two sizes two small.
Y'know, like the Grinch?"},"524780105529032726":
{"u":0,"t":1545187727101,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I know, but. If I turn
my back against her she'll kill me. She'll want me dead! I don't wanna
{"u":18,"t":1545187795852,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> You don't have to die.
You'll have people like us to help you through. We can all make a difference
together if we work together and try hard enough."},"524780449005043732":
{"u":0,"t":1545187808992,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I didn't even want this!
I just wanted to live..."},"524781254671859722":
{"u":18,"t":1545188001078,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I think what you really
want is for people to legitimately care about you. Oh, hey, here comes Neo. She
might be able to help us through this.\n<:Neo:501457937420517407> *speaking for the
first time in her life ever* Hey, what's up? Got some new vocal cords. It's crazy
what sort of wonders can be worked with surgery. Oh, hey, I see Cinder's
{"u":18,"t":1545188060551,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> ...Didn't see that
Ugh-"},"524627380875034624":{"u":8,"t":1545151314706,"m":"Cinder burned down
another hotel..."},"524627450164936724":
{"u":18,"t":1545151331226,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Raven Branwen, ladies
and gentlemen. The Goddess of Trolling."},"524627471186788383":
{"u":0,"t":1545151344870,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _slow
claps_"},"524627596290293761":{"u":8,"t":1545151366065,"m":"Summer is great in
I'm sure Tai would agree on that..."},"524627790310539284":
Oh-"},"524627821516161026":{"u":8,"t":1545151419763,"m":"Fuck Tai i only had sex
with him to get a daughter thats all."},"524627868257484812":
Ren!!!\n<:ren:519719201699790870> I mean, nothing."},"524627918777876480":
{"u":8,"t":1545151442952,"m":"I'm into women noy guys and Sunny knows
{"u":0,"t":1545151448019,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Well, he _did_ had a
chance to experience _that._ After all..."},"524628004358586369":
{"u":8,"t":1545151463356,"m":"Hes a good punching bag"},"524628193458520084":
{"u":8,"t":1545151508441,"m":"Anyway adiu I have some gaming to
<:Nora:501530069282586646> <:pyrrha:501538547858145281> <:ren:519719201699790870>
THANK. GOODNESS."},"524628364368019456":
{"u":0,"t":1545151549189,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Okies,
adios!"},"524628551887224843":{"u":8,"t":1545151593897,"m":"Vomit boy you still
need to tell Nikos how you ended up with the Blowjob Princess
{"u":0,"t":1545151600340,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _muttering to herself_
\n\nI'll make sure she loses every match she goes on any game she
kick your ass Rudy your pathetic compared to me scrub."},"524628781332299776":
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> <:screampyrrha:501523633483808778>
{"u":0,"t":1545151706992,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> How about YOU try to beat
me in _Remnant Royale_?!?!"},"524629642766843927":
{"u":18,"t":1545151853983,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oooh, Iike where this is
going.\n<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Let me guess: Final Destination, 1-on-1, no
items, Fox Only?"},"524629768193310750":
{"u":0,"t":1545151883887,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> That's the
{"u":18,"t":1545151912645,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> I don't know, I think
Smash Balls should be on."},"524630001065132043":
{"u":0,"t":1545151939408,"m":"<:surprisedruby:501515534375059456> Wait, Smash
{"u":18,"t":1545151958846,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Wrong fighting game,
Nora."},"524630093977354250":{"u":8,"t":1545151961560,"m":"Summer was right your
{"u":0,"t":1545182958760,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _confused
screaming_"},"524760219939635211":{"u":1,"t":1545182986007,"m":"What's going on
{"u":0,"t":1545183065345,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> We did a lot of stuff
here, Raven challenged me to a duel, I sang Bohemian Rhapsody with Jaune, Ren,
Nora, Blake, and Weiss!"},"524760651680448514":
{"u":0,"t":1545183088942,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Also, we did what I'd like
to call \"Pun Wars\""},"524760746286907425":
{"u":0,"t":1545183111498,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Basically, it's just
exchanging puns over and over."},"524760809877012490":
{"u":0,"t":1545183126659,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Great times, I'm telling
you!"},"524762676254081035":{"u":1,"t":1545183571638,"m":"Why i listen about pun
war but i think about pan war in PUBG?"},"524763099702493194":
Pfft"},"524763243437228042":{"u":1,"t":1545183706865,"m":"Maybe i play PUBG too
{"u":0,"t":1545183779888,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> It sounds similar, but
it's not."},"524763581829349389":
{"u":0,"t":1545184207867,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Anyways, how're your
buddies doing?"},"524767832635080704":
{"u":18,"t":1545184801015,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Ruby, you forgot the
part where we all went and got fast food."},"524768692681179136":
{"u":1,"t":1545185006066,"m":"My buddies? Oh! my uncle is checking my weapons
Mactavish and Yuri still training for next operation."},"524769287685013504":
{"u":0,"t":1545185147926,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> That's
{"u":18,"t":1545185247213,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Ya know...I honestly feel
bad for Cinder..."},"524465506355249172":
{"u":0,"t":1545112720813,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Pfft,
{"u":0,"t":1545112744963,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _laughs
That's something he would do..."},"524465658747027456":
{"u":0,"t":1545112757146,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I
{"u":18,"t":1545112851473,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> You know what type of
masonry I really could have used in my fight during the Fall of Beacon? Wait for
it...a Cinder Block."},"524466251448188928":
{"u":0,"t":1545112898457,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _yelling from across the
street_ Don't talk to me that way!"},"524466458181238805":
{"u":18,"t":1545112947746,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> No
{"u":0,"t":1545113006579,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _still yelling from her
spot_ I can hear you from down here! Pyrrha!"},"524467416403804160":
{"u":18,"t":1545113176204,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Well, curse you too,
Cinder! I do have hope that you'll turn good, though!"},"524467951840002068":
{"u":0,"t":1545113303862,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _still yelling as she
gets dragged away by Emerald and Mercury_\n\n I will find you! I will hunt you
down! Mark my words, Pyrrha!","te":1545113321314},"524468269487489025":
{"u":18,"t":1545113379595,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> *very quietly and
sarcastically* Yeah, good luck with that, Cinder Fallen."},"524468465466343434":
{"u":18,"t":1545113426320,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Or is it Cinder
{"u":0,"t":1545113434605,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> _as she gets dragged
away by her subordinates, her cries and curses can still be heard until she is
pushed into a cab and driven away._","te":1545113508669},"524468568134254592":
{"u":0,"t":1545113450798,"m":"<:Cinder:501457188414292009> I will find
{"u":18,"t":1545113504739,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Honestly? \"Cinder Fail\"
is more clever."},"524468862792630273":
{"u":0,"t":1545113521050,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I
{"u":18,"t":1545113555599,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Well, good night
{"u":0,"t":1545113604869,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Right then, have a great
night, Pyrrha!"},"524621797417811969":
{"u":18,"t":1545149983506,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Pyrrha...I had a bad
dream last night...\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Oh, did you? Tell me about
it.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well, I dreamed that I was burned at the
stake...\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Oh, that's terrible! Sorry to hear
that.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> I think it might be a vision of the
future...\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Jaune, I can assure you that you'll be safe
throughout the show's run."},"524623165675012126":
Yes?"},"524623414887972874":{"u":8,"t":1545150369141,"m":"I leaked some photos of
{"u":18,"t":1545150398305,"m":"<:screampyrrha:501523633483808778> You did
WHAT?!?!"},"524623580097413124":{"u":8,"t":1545150408530,"m":"I leaked some photos
of you"},"524623595461279744":
{"u":0,"t":1545150412193,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> That's not
good..."},"524623683143204875":{"u":8,"t":1545150433098,"m":"The view was
impressive Nikos"},"524623771261468682":
{"u":0,"t":1545150454107,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Now, THAT'S not
{"u":18,"t":1545150477034,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Why would you DO that to
my wife?!"},"524623901305733121":{"u":8,"t":1545150485112,"m":"I was
<:Ruby:501500050040684565> You could've done anything that's a million times better
than leaking her nudes-"},"524625264748265483":{"u":8,"t":1545150810182,"m":"They
were nice also I leaked them to your scroll as well Rose"},"524625405790126100":
{"u":0,"t":1545150843809,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _blushes_
Ruby.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> For the sake of
everyone.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> <:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Delete them.
{"u":0,"t":1545150960275,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _furiously deletes the
leaked photos_"},"524625976630575119":
{"u":0,"t":1545150979908,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> There,
<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Thank. You."},"524626220084625442":
{"u":0,"t":1545151037952,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> My pleasure! I'm going to
scan the internet if they'd made it there."},"524626269023764510":
{"u":18,"t":1545151049620,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I guess it could be
worse."},"524626269279617054":{"u":8,"t":1545151049681,"m":"You do realize I leaked
them to everyone on beacon."},"524626362779041793":
{"u":18,"t":1545151071973,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, it could be MUCH
worse."},"524626506199334934":{"u":8,"t":1545151106167,"m":"Qrow had a nosebleed
this morning."},"524626593755168768":
{"u":0,"t":1545151127042,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I have it all under
control! Using one of Cinder's virus source codes I managed to back-door from one
such personnel. I created the filter that will scour the web for leaked photos and
delete them!"},"524626698910695428":
_winks_"},"524626714312048660":{"u":8,"t":1545151155785,"m":"Your an idiot
{"u":18,"t":1545151162751,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Hey, at least it's not
leaked footage of the both of us.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Yeah, that would be
a million times worse..."},"524626822374359070":
{"u":0,"t":1545151181549,"m":"<@437316011621089290> <:Ruby:501500050040684565> How
though?"},"524626851507863552":{"u":8,"t":1545151188495,"m":"True but Nikos was
nude so it's still bad"},"524627000036556811":
{"u":8,"t":1545151275100,"m":"Well bye now"},"524449954929049634":
{"u":18,"t":1545109034083,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Well, that was fun.
Who's up for some fast food?"},"524450207312773129":
{"u":0,"t":1545109073237,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Me! I'm
{"u":18,"t":1545109166103,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Just as long as Nora
doesn't take so long to order. Last time, she spent two whole minutes going, \"I'll
take uhhh…\" before finally deciding on something."},"524450868880474123":
{"u":0,"t":1545109230967,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> And that's why we should
read the menu beforehand!"},"524451678615896067":
{"u":18,"t":1545109424023,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> I know exactly what I'll
order for all of us, I got this. *talking into the drive-thru* We'll have two
number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s,
one with cheese, and a large soda."},"524451789588660225":
{"u":0,"t":1545109450481,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Oh boy, that's a large
{"u":18,"t":1545109585196,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Sure
{"u":18,"t":1545109685582,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> I sure hope we've got
enough Lien to pay for all that..."},"524453170043420672":
{"u":0,"t":1545109779607,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _checks the Lien balance
in one of my cards_ I got enough to pay for half the menu on this
{"u":18,"t":1545109835552,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Dang, that's a lot,
{"u":0,"t":1545109926878,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I've been saving up by
{"u":18,"t":1545109943419,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> What kind of
{"u":0,"t":1545109965909,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Being a bouncer for one of
the clubs here-"},"524454030294908938":
{"u":18,"t":1545109984707,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> You mean the one Qrow goes
to on a regular basis?"},"524454114487435271":
{"u":0,"t":1545110004780,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Yeah, most of the time I
end up pulling my uncle out of fights..."},"524456471493083166":
{"u":18,"t":1545110566734,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> He seems to get extra
rowdy on Monday nights..."},"524456785676075028":
{"u":0,"t":1545110641641,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> He HATES
{"u":0,"t":1545110676948,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I remember him telling
every student on my first day at Signal that he won't be teaching every Monday
since he hates it."},"524457116237561856":
{"u":0,"t":1545110720453,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> And, to my surprise, he
actually struck a deal with one of the teachers to take his place every
{"u":18,"t":1545110843844,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Who doesn't like Fridays,
though, am I right?"},"524457774323728385":
{"u":0,"t":1545110877353,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> What kind of people do you
have to be to hate Fridays?!"},"524457890438971392":
{"u":0,"t":1545110905037,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Unless that you have to
work every weekends."},"524458202847248404":
{"u":18,"t":1545111051287,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Oh, by the way, Pyrrha
and I like to joke that being a ghost was an \"out-of-body\" experience for
{"u":18,"t":1545111132227,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Get
it? \"Out-of-body?\""},"524459604953006113":
{"u":18,"t":1545111367355,"m":"<:Yang:502209217395163136> I approve this
{"u":0,"t":1545111515869,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Well, someone I know said
that he used to be a banker, but then he'd lost interest."},"524460726534930440":
{"u":18,"t":1545111581215,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> It's like the guy who used
to work at a bakery, but just didn't make enough dough, right,
{"u":0,"t":1545111612719,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Good one,
{"u":18,"t":1545111793163,"m":"<:Blake:501507066595246101> Sun told me once that he
apparently knew someone once who gave up his medical license because too often he'd
lose his patience/patients.\n(Awkward silence)\n<:Yang:501508636879749121> Blake.
That one crossed the line."},"524462520480694273":
{"u":0,"t":1545112008925,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Oh,
{"u":0,"t":1545112058685,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> My dad has a few jokes
about unemployed people, but it doesn't matter; none of them
{"u":18,"t":1545112157660,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> What do you call a fake
noodle? An impasta!"},"524463190675816499":
{"u":0,"t":1545112187688,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> That one right there,
Jaune. That's a ten."},"524463637394620416":
{"u":18,"t":1545112275218,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> A little person with
psychic powers escaped from prison once. The news headlines read that there was a
small medium at large."},"524463744781254656":
{"u":18,"t":1545112340357,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Pyrrha, that was so
funny I could have choked on my fries!"},"524464281102581770":
{"u":18,"t":1545112428690,"m":"<:Yang:501498243943759873> *performing the heimlich
{"u":0,"t":1545112467826,"m":"<:Ruby:501502749070852117> Thanks,
{"u":18,"t":1545112511722,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> That was Yang, actually.
But you're still welcome."},"524464714558865415":
{"u":0,"t":1545112561489,"m":"<:Yang:501508636879749121> Does anyone knows a king’s
favorite kind of precipitation?\n\nIt's
{"u":18,"t":1545112665997,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> I remember this one time
Qrow got so drunk he stumbled into the bar holding, like, a sheet of gravel,
saying, \"A martini, please. And one for the road.\""},"521179552932954127":
{"u":7,"t":1544329288467,"m":"*takes out my electric guitar* I'm taking song
requests love"},"524252700637003776":
{"u":0,"t":1545061983976,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _aggressive cookie
munching intensifies_"},"524257380351868940":
{"u":18,"t":1545063099707,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Honey, have you seen my
blender?\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> I think it's in the top right cabinet next
to the snow cone maker.\n<:jaune:501524524148326422> Okay, thanks, because I was
planning to make banana smoothies this morning. I found a sweet recipe
online.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> You're welcome. (Playing holiday music on her
ukulele)"},"524274844083159050":{"u":8,"t":1545067263385,"m":"What the
{"u":18,"t":1545067299528,"m":"<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> What, you didn't know I
could play the ukulele?"},"524275292982738949":
{"u":18,"t":1545067370411,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Probably because you
never asked. But seriously, it's apparently a girlhood hobby of
hers.\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Yeah. What Jaune said."},"524275435916492810":
{"u":0,"t":1545100094766,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Scaramouche, Scaramouche,
will you do the Fandango?"},"524412672272498689":
{"u":0,"t":1545100124186,"m":"<:Nora:501530069282586646> Thunderbolt and lightning,
very, very fright'ning me!"},"524434923482775554":
Galileo\n<:ren:519719201699790870> Galileo\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Galileo, that song is so catchy..."},"524435430418939908":
{"u":0,"t":1545105569055,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> I'm just a poor boy,
nobody loves me."},"524435602381209642":
<:ren:519719201699790870> He's just a poor boy from a poor family, spare him his
life from this monstrosity!"},"524435681033060353":
<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Easy come, easy go, will you let me
{"u":18,"t":1545105701857,"m":"<:Blake:501495281511301140> Bismillah, no! We will
not let you go! Let him go!\n<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> Bismillah, we will not
let you go! Let him go!"},"524437135953231873":
{"u":18,"t":1545105956782,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Beelzebub has a devil
put aside for me, for me, for
{"u":0,"t":1545108727237,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> _plays the solo
{"u":0,"t":1545108831940,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> So you think you can stone
me and spit in my eye?"},"524449279251709952":
<:pyrrha:501538547858145281> So you think you can love me and leave me to
{"u":0,"t":1545108874165,"m":"<:Ruby:501500050040684565> Ohhhhh, baby! Can't do
this to me, baby!"},"524449493719056384":
{"u":18,"t":1545108903103,"m":"<:ren:519719201699790870> Just gotta get out, just
gotta get right outta here!"},"524449653094219776":
{"u":0,"t":1545108941101,"m":"<:Weiss:502209216946372630> Ooh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah,
{"u":18,"t":1545108990879,"m":"<:jaune:501524524148326422> Nothing really matters,
anyone can see...nothing really matters...nothing really matters to
me...\n(everyone) Any way the wind blows."}}}}

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