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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus, Roxas City

Final Demonstration
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Technology II

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:
1. Define asteroids and comets.
2. Differentiate asteroid and comets by giving characteristics.
3. Describe how impact craters are formed when a comet or asteroid hits Earth based
on a simulation.
4. Present observations on simulation a comet or asteroid impact using drawings.
II. Learning Task
A. Subject Matter
Activity 1 – What happens when a comet or an asteroid hits Earth?
B. Science Concepts
1. Comets and asteroids are referred to by astronomers as Near Earth Objects
2. Comets are icy bodies or objects while asteroids are rocky fragments.
3. Comets and asteroids have irregular shapes and varied sizes.
4. Comets usually come from Oort Cloud which is beyond our Solar System, and a
few from Kuiper Belt which is just beyond Neptune’s orbit.
5. Asteroids originate from the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
6. The orbit of an asteroid is more rounded and less elliptical than the orbit of a
7. Asteroid has a shorter orbital period than the comets.
C. Values Integration
Open-mindedness, groupwork/teamwork
D. Teaching Aids and Devices
PowerPoint presentation, pictures
III. Teaching Strategies

Teachers Activity Students Activity Teachers Note

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance

B. Review
1. Are you familiar with
comets and asteroids?
2. Ask them to describe
the comet and the

C. Motivation
1. Divide the class into
two groups.
2. Give each group an
envelope. The envelope The group members will After 5 minutes, ask for
contains a picture. identify (comet/asteroid) and representative from each
describe the picture in just (5) group to post their work on
D. Presentation minutes the board and discuss
 The study of Near
Earth Objects (NEO)
provides more clues
about the origins of our
Solar System. Over the
past years, astronomers
have discovered several
NEO’s came close to
 This morning, I will be
discussing what are
these Near Earth
Objects (NEO) that had
came close to Earth.

E. Lesson Proper
1. Unlocking of
 What are comets? Comets are referred to as Neo
and it is an icy object,
basically a big ball of ice and

 What are asteroids? Asteroids are also referred

as NEO and it is a rocky
2. Activity fragment or object
a. Pre-laboratory
1. Presenting the title
2. Distributing of
Materials and
Activity Sheets
3. Read and explain
the procedure.
b. Activity Proper The students are performing The teacher guides the
their activity students in performing the
c. Post Activity activity
1. Presentation of The student will present their
Output work and answers to the
2. Discussion The teacher further discuss
and explain the results of the
3. Generalization activity
1. What is a comet? Comets are referred to as
NEO and it is an icy object,
basically a big ball of ice and

2. What is an They are also referred to as

asteroid? NEO and it is a rocky
fragment or an object

3. Differentiate comet Students answer may vary

and asteroid.
4. What happened to The plants and animals living
the plants and in that area are most likely
animals living in have died on impact.
the area where the
comet or asteroid
5. Describe the Students answer may vary
appearance of the
area where the
comet or asteroid

F. Application
 The teacher will The student will post the
post the characteristics to the
characteristics of corresponding column
comets and

E. Evaluation

Direction: Choose the correct answer to the question from the given choices.

1. ___________ are basically an icy object or a big ball of ice and rock.
a. asteroid b. comets c. NEO d. Earth
2. The following are the characteristics of an asteroid, EXCEPT
a. Its orbit is more rounded.
b. Its chemical composition is with silicates.
c. Its origin was Kuiper Belt.
d. It has a varied and irregular shapes.
3. Comets usually came from Oort Cloud which is beyond the ___________.
a. Earth b. Solar System c. Pluto d. asteroids
4. Kuiper Belt’s orbit is found just beyond ___________ orbit.
a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Neptune
5. The orbit of an asteroid is __________ than the orbit of a comet.
a. highly elliptical c. more rounded
b. less rounded d. more elliptical

Answer Key:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. c

IV. Assignment
1. What is meteor?
2. What is a meteoroid?
3. What is a meteorite?
4. How are these three related?

 Science 8 – Learners Guide
pp. 160 – 164
Prepared by:

Student Intern


Cooperating Teacher



Head Teacher I, Science Dept.

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