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, Inc.: a case study analysis
Reid M. Berryman
School of Communication
Western Michigan University

ABSTRACT: This paper is a case study analysis of, Inc. (Amazon). In this paper, I look at the business strategy of
Amazon. Special attention is given to five parts, including a historical overview, organizational structure, business operations,
financial performance, and the future outlook of Amazon. The historical overview chronologically describes landmark events of
Amazons beginnings to their current position today. The companies departmental structure is categorized and briefly commented
on in section two. An analysis is provided for Amazons operations with a breakdown of major products and services offered. A
comprehensive financial analysis of Amazon follows (section four) with matching insight that links performance to events and
business strategies. The future outlook of Amazon is discussed last, offering a topical overview of where Amazons business
interest is shifting.

KEYWORDS: Cloud computing, Computational advertising, E-book readers, Electronic commerce, Multimedia content
creation, Multimedia streaming, Personalization, Recommender systems, Tablet computers, Web services.


ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.  

In the early 1990’s, the dot-com boom drastically changed the landscape of communications, business and culture with no signs

of regression. For new businesses, effective innovation offered great potential through the World Wide Web. Growing popularity

of Internet access created an inspiring logistical niche later popularized as “E-commerce”, proving to be a successful means of

purchasing products through the Internet. Jeff Bezos, founder of, Inc. (Amazon) was the first to profitably innovate

in this emerging market, and has become the world’s largest online retailor.1 Bezos realized the opportunity presented by

the web revolution, whereas becoming an established industry leader was the only means to long-term profitability. In 1994,

Bezos left his vice-president position at D. E. Shaw, a Wall Street firm, to move forward with his business idea that would soon

become Before the end of 1994, Jeff Bezos incorporated his book e-commerce company as “Cadabra”.3 Later,

Bezos rebranded the company as Amazon for two distinct reasons: The alphabetical advantage when listed in directories and

metaphorically representing the Amazon River in terms of the company’s size. Piloted right out of Bezos’s garage, Amazon

became an instant success and soon acquired a warehouse for continued operations. Bezos planned his supply chain strategically

from day one, placing the company headquarters in Seattle near a large book distributor in Oregon.4 An illustration of his original

homepage in 1994 can be viewed in Figure 1. listed below.

Figure 1. Home Page (1994)

Source: 2014

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   1  
1.1 Early Growth & Mission

By 1995, Amazon quickly became the world’s top online book selling website. Two popular web portals (Yahoo! and Netscape)

placed it in their featured website lists.6 Two business practices correlated with Amazons immediate scalable success, it was

capable of adjusting to rapid demand of products while maintaining satisfied customers. Amazons mission statement still reflects

these core concepts today:

To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might
want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.7

Amazon created a supply chain based on wholesale relationships for inventory it did not have, acting as the middleman in the

shipping process because it still only had its Seattle warehouse. With this logistical design, Bezos was able to ship to over 50

states and 45 countries in July of 1995.8 Bezos’s bachelor degree in computer science and electrical engineering from Princeton

(1986) provided him insight to the interface, information systems and database capabilities Amazon relied on.9 Leveraging these

three technically competitive factors allowed customers to easily find the books they needed and simplified the purchasing

process. He sought balance between capability, performance and low operations cost in the selling and delivery of books. This is

supplemented by their customer-oriented culture; not just a necessary task but also a value they believe makes Amazon

profitable. According to Bezos “Customer focus is a cultural issue” and he expresses it as a differentiator for Amazon.10

When they're in the shower in the morning, they're thinking about how they're going to get ahead of one of
their top competitors…Here in the shower, we're thinking about how we are going to invent something on
behalf of a customer.11

When Amazon releases a new service, it’s directed at innovating within their current customer base or exploiting the market for

new ones. In July of 1996, they launched their “Associates” program, allowing independent websites to receive commission

revenue at 3-8% per sale. Specifically, this was performed by inline linking to Amazon titles and was one of their first vertically

integrated moves.12 The dynamic reach that individual sellers could achieve at the niche level produced a great revenue source for

Amazon. The success of this program took hold in 1997, when large companies at the time such as Yahoo! and America Online

became the top grossing associates in the program.13

1.2 Amazons IPO

Amazon became a public company in May of 1997 with an initial public offering (IPO) of three million shares of common

stock.14 The IPO provided growth funding to develop their distribution capabilities and website features. The company’s

investment activities were heavily scrutinized. Analysts were doubtful regarding the company’s ability to produce a return on

investment. Bezos explained the company’s goals in his first letter to shareholders in 1997:

Our goal remains to continue to solidify and extend our brand and customer base. This requires sustained
investment in systems and infrastructure to support outstanding customer convenience, selection, and service
while we grow.15

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   2  
By 1998, Amazon was fast becoming one of the world’s leading Internet startups. They conducted business with over one and

half million customers, reaching both the United States and 160 countries.16 This outreach made them the third largest bookseller

in the U.S. without the brick and mortar presence its competitors had (Barnes & Noble and Borders).17 Outstanding success as an

e-commerce bookseller influenced the development of new services, products and additional markets to enter. Amazon acquired

the “Internet Movie Database” (IMDB) in April of 1998, purchasing their way into the online media market.18 Bezos realized

IMDB’s capability to vertically integrate as an information asset. IMDB aligned with his vision of distributing media and

entertainment products, made evident when he promoted movie sales through it shortly after the acquisition.19 Two other

acquisitions in 1998 eliminated potential competitors in the book e-commerce industry. “Bookpages” and “Telebook” based in

the United Kingdom and Germany were acquired for a total of $55 million. This decision was Amazons first transnational

horizontal growth, adapting their business model to cultures that valued different books than their domestic consumers.20

1.3 From Growth to Regression

In 1999, Amazon hit a strategic barrier where they were unable to simply acquire the competition as in the past. “Amazon

Auctions” was released to compete with the growing consumer-to-consumer auction website “eBay”.21 Unfortunately, replicating

auction style purchasing on Amazons e-commerce platform proved ineffective. Instead, it evolved into a differentiated product

called “Amazon Marketplace” that took better advantage of Amazons platform. Amazon Marketplace allowed customers to

compete with prices Amazon offered, which developed a win-win solution.22 Jeff Bezos soon emerged as a celebrity CEO and

was titled “Time Magazine’s Person of the Year” in 1999.23 Bezos made aggressive executive decisions with positive outcomes,

which increased his individual fame and significantly shaped the culture Amazon represents today.24 As the dot-com bust

approached, it affected the stock price between 2000-2002, marking the company’s first regressive business decisions. Bezos

rationalized the short-term stock sink between these years and reassured shareholders it was a result of temporary causes. Bezos

stated with confident and now proven accuracy:

So, if the company is better positioned today than it was a year ago, why is the stock price so much lower
than it was a year ago? As the famed investor Benjamin Graham said, ‘‘in the short term, the stock market is
a voting machine; in the long term, it’s a weighing machine.’’ Clearly there was a lot of voting going on in
the boom year of ’99—and much less weighing.25

1.4 Dot-com Survival & Returning Patterns

Amazon posted a $3 million first quarter net profit in 2002, signifying the end of its internal recession. Operating as a lean cost

cutting corporate culture led to their first annual profit in 2003 at $35.3 million.26 Stable financial growth soon followed and

maintaining profitability these years rebooted Amazons business strategy of acquisitions and innovations. In 2005, the debut of

the still popularized service “Amazon Prime”, a “shipping club” arrived.27 Shipping time was a decision criterion customers used

when evaluating online ordering, and Amazon Prime wanted to close this gap, experiencing profitability with the service soon

after.28 Amazon had now expanded their product categories far beyond books, offering apparel and electronics since the early

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   3  
2000’s. Amazon was also making “heavy investments in technology” to become a differentiator in digital services, cutting its

operating margin to 4.1% in 2005.29 This worried investors in spite of Bezos’s explanations; Wall Street analysts such as Steve

Weinstein at Pacific Crest Securities reflected the concerns of many regarding Amazon’s strategy:

I was impressed with the revenue acceleration, but the margins are a sticky point. It’s just not clear they’re
getting the return on their investments.30

In alignment with Amazons technical investments, they prepared the legal side of their online video content network they hoped

to grow by purchasing distribution rights from NBC and other networks.31 Amazon then became an entrant into this new market

through their video and media digital delivery or video-on-demand (VoD) services.32 Prior investments in technical infrastructure

made Amazons charge into digital services a next step in Bezos’s vision. On August 25th 2006, Amazon publically announced

their entry into the computational services industry.33 EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) was a revolutionary service that took true

advantage of Amazons scale of operations and their geographical placement. They were the first to offer cloud computing power

in an easy to purchase, incremental model, dynamically scaling to client needs. This declared Amazons successful entry as a

technology services provider, still showing growth in 2013.

Amazon pushed investments into hardware development, an area they had yet to conquer and released their first

hardware device in 2007 called the “Kindle”, selling out almost instantly.34 Placing a handheld e-book reader in customer hands

made the purchasing process much more natural. In 2009, continued success of their e-book selection, the Kindle, and growing

exchange efficiencies led to the announcement they had sold more digital books than printed ones.35 They unveiled “Amazon

Prime Instant Video” which in 2011 became a direct competitor with Netflix and Hulu streaming services.36 Amazon also made

strategic licensing contracts between 2011-2012 with Disney-ABC, 20th Century Fox, West Discovery Communications, PBS

Distribution, and NBC-Universal Cable & New Media Distribution, positioning them well for online video delivery.37

Amazon continued expanding its distribution centers around the globe in China, France, and India continuing to grow

diversity in their product line.38 Bezos and Amazon remained fiercely competitive and innovative through an industry bust as

well as a global financial crisis. This was not by chance and instead an example of highly successful long term strategic planning

with rational reactions as unpredictable events emerged.


Amazon has developed the industry reputation for being an “everything store.”39 Their product diversity continues to grow

through acquisitions of successful competitors and innovations into new niche markets.40 Headquartered in Seattle, Washington,

Amazon operates on a global scale. Beyond the corporate offices, their fulfillment, customer service, data, and software

development centers are located in many countries. Amazon’s products, services, and divisions are vertically integrated to create

internal synergies so departmental names and structure are dynamic and change often. Table 1 displays the nine divisions that

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   4  
make up Amazon, Inc. An aggregate table from varying sources with a detailed breakdown by individual services and products

can be seen in Appendix 1.

Table 1., Inc.’s organizational chart (Oct 2013)
North  America  and   Seller  Services   Finance  and  Administration  
International  Retail  
Digital   Legal   Human  Resources  
Amazon  Web  Services   Worldwide  Operations  and   E-­‐Commerce  Platform  
Customer  Service  
Source:, Inc. 2013


3.1 Business Philosophy

Amazon communicates its business and operating philosophy through the vision of its CEO Jeff Bezos. Their mission statement

loosely defines the products and services Amazon sells, instead discussing customer service as being critical to their success.42 As

a result, it’s clear Amazon does not prefer to label itself as the seller or producer of any one product or service. First, Amazon

recognizes markets they can compete for customers in that are underserved by existing competitors. Secondly, Amazon

strategically innovates by developing new markets through improved delivery methods or synergetic combinations of other

strategic business units.43 Each market venture always ties back into their distribution and logistical capabilities, clearly

represented in their most profitable products and services.  

3.2 Aggressive Entrepreneurial Culture

Amazon takes a proactive approach to external market pressures, avoiding forced reactions to competitors and management by

crisis. Jeff Bezos states Amazon is “internally driven to improve our services”.44 Their market view is aggregated through their

own customer’s reactions and displays the entrepreneurial orientation of Amazon, “When we’re at our best, we don’t wait for

external pressures”.45 Smaller competitors in an industry can get away with mimicking competition for a profitable share; being a

successful industry leader means creating the forces others firms react to.

3.3 Current Products

While Amazon continues to grow each year, the company remains focused on the business of E-commerce. Amazon began as a

technology and database oriented company moving physical product, but has since transformed its business model as physical

products are widely converted to digital content (Book’s, DVD’s, Web Services). Amazon has consistently reinvested its profits

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   5  
in new technological development, a financial strategy that caused great concern in the early 2000’s. The negative speculation of

this strategy has been widely dropped, although Bezos refuses to leave it unaddressed:

Our heavy investments in Prime, AWS, Kindle, digital media, and customer experience in general strike
some as too generous, shareholder indifferent, or even at odds with being a for-profit company.46

Bezos wants investors to take a long-term view toward growth and development. This approach has not always been well

received by outside investors.47

3.3.1 Retail Website and E-Commerce

Amazon’s retail service focuses on “more types of products, more conveniently and at lower prices”.48 Their retail sales and

distribution vertically integrate with all other products offered (both digital and physical). Through their e-commerce platform,

they empower the consumer with tools to research and comparison shop. When the decision to purchase is made, they make the

process as easy, cost effective and satisfying for the consumer as possible.

3.3.2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) [2006]

Amazon focuses on attracting “developer customers”, through selling “cloud infrastructure services” hosted at Amazon’s data

centers50. Amazon is able to subsidize its own data and processing requirements by turning what’s normally a cost center into a

profitable division. Amazons ability to successfully scale and manage large projects has placed them as the market leader in

cloud computing services.51

3.3.3 Digital Media Delivery [2006]

Amazon offers a variety of digital content delivery services (Amazon Instant Video September 2006, Amazon MP3 September

2007, and the Kindle Store November 2007).52 Amazon Instant Video has distribution rights from three major mainstream

broadcasting networks (CBS, NBC, and FOX) in addition to agreements with smaller broadcasting networks.53 Amazon MP3

differentiates its platform from competitors by offering downloads with no Digital Rights Management (DRM).54 The Kindle

store sells content designed for the Kindle platform. E-books are the primary digital product sold, but shared content between the

aforementioned media services exist as well.

3.3.4 The Kindle [2007]

Amazon’s fulfillment of their customer centric mission was shown through the development of their Kindle e-reader in 2007,

incorporating every leading philosophy the company stands for. Amazons strategy reached beyond the product itself, stating that

“roughly breakeven prices” was their goal. 55 Profitability came from the content delivery system and purchasing ability placed in

consumer hands. Amazons vision of becoming a digital content distributor primarily evolved from the Kindles operating strategy,

disruptively innovating the e-book industry:

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   6  
We want to make money when people use our devices – not when people buy our devices 56

Many versions have existed since the original, developing into two distinct device product lines based on hardware and

operating systems. The “E-Ink” and “Android” devices fully integrate with Amazons e-book distribution services while the

Android models add additional media capabilities.57  


Amazon’s financial performance is evaluated differently than most corporations of their size. From Amazon’s perspective, the

most accurate measure for evaluating the company is a Non-GAAP measure of free cash flow.58 Improvements in free cash flow

occur by increasing operating income and managing working capital owned.59 This measure has regularly decreased from its peak

in 2009 at $2.92 billion to $395 million ending the fiscal year of 2012. 60 Amazon stated this measure is volatile to “working

capital, the timing and magnitude of capital expenditures, and our net income”.61 Table 3 is a consolidated financial statement

representing GAAP financial metrics in addition to free cash flow statements. Amazon experienced yearly increases in Net sales

from $24,509 billion in 2009 to $61,093 billion in 2012. Regular capital expenditure increases are present in each year as well,

remaining consistent with previous investment statements from Bezos.62 Amazon began reporting decreasing Net income since

2010 leading up to a loss of $39 million in 2012. Their third quarterly report in September of 2013 showed an increase from

second quarter results, going up to $34 million of Net income, reversing their downward trend.63

Table 3, Inc.’s 2012 annual report

Source:, Inc. 2013

Owners of Amazon stock have never received dividend payments, Jeff Bezos believes in keeping “all future earnings to finance

future growth”.65 Amazon is known for its thin “operating margin”, a warning indicator of profitability problems to most

financial analysts. Sustained investments in technology and capacity growth explain this thin margin, while representing the past

three years declining Net profit.66. Despite financial analyst norms, Amazon has received a steadily increasing valuation per share

reporting a high of $373.49 on November 18th 2013 up from $131.41 on November 18th 2009.67 Slate magazines economics

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   7  
correspondent Matthew Yglesias sarcastically summarizes this financial strategy:

…Amazon, as best I can tell, is a charitable organization being run by elements of the investment community
for the benefit of consumers.68

Amazon operates in two different segments, North America and International, with sales divided into Media, Electronics and

other General Merchandise, and Other.69 Representative of their Net sales increases; they show growth in both segments and in

every division. Amazon discloses their “Other” services line item as representing AWS sales.70 Table 4 displays the past three

annual financial reports by segment.

Table 4, Inc.’s 2012 annual report

Source:, Inc. 2013

Amazons history with capital purchasing and other heavy investment actions resonates through the company as justification for

lean operations. They are driven by a culture of expansion and growth, in addition to continuous innovation and lean

management of the capital they purchase. Amazon’s presence in the marketplace is a strong force felt by many firms across

multiple industries.

5.1 From Packages to Packets

Amazon continues to generate most of its revenues from the sale and distribution of retail products. Although, the Amazon Web

Services (AWS) division is experiencing faster growth in comparison to its retail counterpart. Greater development in their

computing capacity infrastructure is expected, and continued leasing of their computing infrastructure is suited to follow.

Amazon was the first company to pioneer cloud computing under a successful business model, whereas large media distributors

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   8  
such as Netflix rely on purchasing their capacity.72 This puts Amazon in a unique dichotomy, as their Prime Instant Video

service was created to enter the market of digital video delivery.73 Bezos explained the situation well at his AWS talk in 2012:

We may compete on Prime Instant Video, but we bust our butts every day for Netflix on the AWS side.74

Senior Vice President of Amazon, Andy Jassy, made it evident at the 2013 AWS re:Invent conference that much greater market

potential exists in this area of services:

Jeff is very excited about the AWS business and he believes - like the rest of the leadership team does – that
in the fullness of time- it is very possible that AWS could be the biggest business at Amazon.75

The transition from physical delivery to digital delivery is a point of change in the history of distribution and logistics. Amazon

had the advantage of being somewhere in between with its original book delivery service, competing with brick and mortar

stores. Now it aims to make the transport of processed data an even larger revenue source in the future for the company.

5.2 A Change Catalyst for the Marketplace

Amazon views its core and subsidiary businesses as constant engineering problems, where improvement from even the smallest

incremental projects is welcomed.76 Consumer behavior studies in addition to numerous patents have been filed by Amazon to

make online purchasing faster, safer and more likely to occur through them.77 This differentiated competency makes them a

change catalyst in the way consumers react to the singularity experienced between physical and digital products. This is achieved

by operating in businesses they can synergize and vertically integrate into the rest of their company. Amazon discussed numerous

services and products in their 2013 third quarter letter that displayed this strategy well. One of their services, “Kindle

MatchBook” aims to enhance Amazons already growing e-book market. The service allows consumers to buy e-books for print

books previously purchased through Amazon at a discounted rate for less than $3.78 This further represents their customer centric

model, rewarding consumers who purchased from Amazon in the past. An outlined goal is that it will convert even more of their

print book customers into Kindle users. Amazon will continue to move forward by offering the widest array of digital content,

just as it offers the largest selection of retail goods. By obtaining digital content rights from media suppliers, they plan to offer the

most diverse media selection available to customers at the lowest cost. Using backward vertical integration, Amazon even

announced the development of their own in-house original broadcasted shows.79

Amazon has shown drastic growth and differentiation since its original position as an online book retailor in terms of

the products and services they provide. Their primary strategy is to always maintain focus on customer-centricity, innovating and

adding value for registered customers. This has proven to be an effective core competency in the marketplace, knowing that once

you are a customer the relationship brings benefits long after a purchase.

Amazon faces great competitive forces in reaction to their innovation and fast growth. Patent infringement claims have

become a regular occurrence for their legal department, in addition to new potential taxation laws that could affect their overall

revenue.80 These legal and political threats become financial threats to a company that operates on thin margins. Operating lean in

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   9  
lieu of these forces calls for innovations in cost restructuring, especially because Amazon has little control on the source of these

threats and claims.

Amazon will continue to enter new markets with products and services, but also create new ones through related

diversification of subsidiaries in its highly vertically integrated structure. The future holds great potential for Amazon in

becoming the greatest distributor of digital content. How they leverage this ability could produce competitive forces previously

unheard of, especially in fragmented markets with no clear leader. Amazon announced in December of 2013 a plan to offer flying

drone delivery, enabling even more control over their value chain.81 “Gopago”, a point of sale company was also acquired,

indicating Amazon’s interest in payment processing.82 This innovation and acquisition represent their business philosophy,

closing in and controlling both ends of the value chain. In doing so, Amazon can control cost, customer experience and increase

profits through the long tail of their diverse product and service offerings.

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   10  
Appendix 1.
83, Inc.’s extended organizational chart (Oct. 2013)
Grocery,  health  and  beauty: Toys,  kids  and  baby: Movies,  music  and  games:
Grocery  and  gourmet  food Toys  and  games Movies
Wine Bay  products Blu-­‐ray
Natural  and  organic  food Clothing  (kids  and  baby) Musical  i nstruments
Health  and  personal  care  products Video  games  for  kids Video  games
Beauty  products
  Electronics  and  computers:
Sports  and  outdoors:   Home,  garden  and  tools: TVs
Exercise  and  fitness  e quipment Kitchen  and  dining Home  audio  and  theater
Outdoor  recreation   Furniture  and  decor Camera,  photo  and  video
Hunting  and  fishing Bedding  and  bath Cell  phones  and  accessories
  Appliances MP3  players  and  accessories
Athletic  and  outdoor    clothing Patio,  l awn  and  garden  e quipment Car  e lectronics  and  Global  Positioning  System
Team  sports Home  i mprovement  supplies Appliances
Golf   Power  and  hand  tools Electronic  accessories

Fan  shop
Boating  and  water  sports Lamps  and  l ight  fixtures
Kitchen  and  bath  fixtures
Laptops,  tablets  and  netbooks
Desktops  and  servers
All  sports  and  outdoors Hardware Computer  accessories  and  peripherals
Building  supplies External  drives,  mouse,  and  networking
Seller  Services
  Arts,  crafts  and  sewing Computer  parts  and  components
Web  services   Pet  supplies Software
Order  fulfillment Personal  computer  games
Marketing  and  promotional  services,  i ncluding  online  advertising Printers  and  i nk
Co-­‐branded  credit  cards Office  and  school  supplies

Finance  and  Administration Digital Legal
financial  processes  a  nd  controls Kindle  E-­‐Readers intellectual  property  and  patents
financial  reporting  and  accounting  practices Amazon  i nstant  video public  policy  i nitiatives
facilities  management   MP3  downloads business  e thics  and  compliance
administrative  functions   Game  downloads risk  management
Human  Resources   Amazon  Web  Services Worldwide  Operations  and  Customer  Service
Recruiters Amazon  Elastic  Compute  Cloud supply  chain  management
Specialists   Amazon  Simple  Storage  Service transportation
HR  Business  Partners Amazon  SimpleDB logistics
Learning  &  Development
  Amazon  Simple  Queue  Service distribution
Human  Resource  Information   Systems Amazon  Flexible  Payments  Service inventory  management
Compensation  &  Benefits Amazon  Mechanical  Turk customer  service
  Amazon  CloudFront
Publishing E-­‐Commerce  Platform Worldwide  Operations  and  Customer  Service
Amazon  Publishing   supply  chain  management
Authors   transportation
Musicians logistics
Filmmakers   distribution
App  Developers
  inventory  management
customer  service
Kindle  Direct  Publishing  
Independent  Authors

ITERA  2014,  The  12  Annual  Conference  on  Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology,  4  April  -­‐6  April  2014,  Louisville,  Kentucky.   11  

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