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This post was published to Mentor & Author at 9:13:59 AM 9/30/2015

What should clients do to get their vendors click the LIKE button?
EPC Training website | Online courses

Suppliers are critical for the success of a contractor.

Vendors like prompt payment. Vendors do not like it when a client says “Please talk to so and so
person.” Vendors do not know how clients operate.

A vendor could find changes or comments inflicted on them by the client’s engineering. This develops a
hostile situation between vendor and client. In such a situation the vendor need a fast solution.

Vendors love it when a client representative metes out justice to them or sets things right.

Vendors adore clients who sanction changes orders or amend purchase order on time. Vendors do not
like it when no one responds to their communication.


Prompt Scope
payment clarity

Timely Prompt
dispatches approvals

Vendors hate is when a client levies liquidated damages on them without just cause. This happens
because finance department goes by the delivery date on the purchase order.

A client should never inflict an unjust LD. An unjust LD makes the supplier unresponsive. The vendor
might stop commissioning support or refuse to part with the operations manuals.

Everyone needs to recognize that supplier is an important link in the supply chain. The chain of supply.

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