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Dr. C. Bauza Street Bagumbayan South Navotas City

First Periodical Examination in Philippine Politics and Governance

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. The following are the manifestations of human development except one.

a. Maturity
b. Human Relations
c. Character
d. Immaturity
2. It is the self that you aspire to be.
a. Ideal Self
b. Self-knowledge
c. Actual Self
d. Self-image
3. Is the one you actually see.
a. Ideal Self
b. Self-knowledge
c. Actual Self
d. Self-image
4. It refers to awareness of yourself.
a. Self-Concept
b. Self-Knowledge
c. Self-Confidence
d. Self-image
5. It exists between the two selves which is complex because the numerous exchanges of the ideal self and actual
a. Self-Concept
b. Actual Self
c. Self-knowledge
d. Negotiation
6. It allows you to focus on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important things or
spontaneous desire
a. Self-Confidence
b. Managing stress
c. Persistence
d. Determination
7. It appears in the process of personal development, as a result of getting aware of yourself, your action and their
a. Self-Confidence
b. Managing stress
c. Persistence
d. Determination
8. The statement “I am ugly”, when others say she is charming depicts a situation known as _____________
a. Actual Self
b. Ideal Self
c. Negotiation
d. Self-Knowledge
9. It allows you to find extra ordinary ways to carry out the specific action that no one has tried to use.
a. Creativity
b. Managing stress
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Persistence
10. They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack of experience
a. Creativity
b. Managing stress
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Persistence
11. It makes you to keep moving forward regardless of the emerging obstacles-problems, laziness and bad emotional
a. Persistence
b. Managing stress
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Creativity
12. It helps you achieve your goals using new, original, unconventional ideas
a. Persistence
b. Generating ideas
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Creativity
13. This person does not only watch and she does not only act but she actually creates the entire movie from her
a. Script writer
b. Actor
c. Movie goer
d. Problem-solving skills
14. This person watches movie of their lives, admires some parts and criticizes others
a. Script writer
b. Actor
c. Movie goer
d. Problem-solving skills
15. Most failures emanate from ____________ that are not recognized or maybe recognized by not giving appropriate
attention or remedy
a. Managing stress
b. Weakness
c. Problem
d. Emotion
16. The age level which tends to be mood reachable is that of ________.
a. Infancy
b. Childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Adulthood
17. Most Filipino parents have the tendency to be over protective about their children. In this tendency goes way
beyond the reasonable level, the children could _________.
a. Become dependent
b. Have a sense of shame and doubt
c. Have a feeling of incompetent
d. Become more active than passive
18. Which of the following is not included in moral development?
a. adopt societal values
b. problem solving
c. concerned about social issues
d. develop their perspective
19. How would you handle your peers who clings to immature behavior?
a. put him back to their house
b. seek the assistance of the school psychologists
c. help him meet his needs in a manner appropriate to his age
d. advise his parents to let him stop until he becomes more mature
20. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of adolescents who are 18-21 years old?
a. less worried about their body as puberty ends
b. identity crisis
c. physiological development is generally complete
d. greater emotional stability has also been gained
21. Most girls have completed the physiological changes related to puberty, and most boys are still in the process of
maturing. This defines the ________________
a. Moral development
b. Physical development
c. Cognitive development
d. Social Development
22. He elaborated on the Developmental Task Theory in the most systematic and extensive manner.
a. Albert Einstein
b. Robert Havighurst
c. Jean Piaget
d. James Sanchez
23. It refers to those complications that individuals normally face at different stages throughout life.
a. body image
b. relationship
c. developmental tasks
d. sexuality
24. Which stage of development is a challenging period for both children and parents?
a. Early Childhood
b. Early Adolescence
c. Middle Adolescence
d. Late Adolescence
25. Which stage of adolescent development shows the physiological changes related with puberty?
a. Cognitive development
b. Social development
c. Moral development
d. Physical development
26. Gelai is 6 years old. She is in the stage of development of _______?
a. Late Childhood
b. Early Childhood
c. Middle Childhood
d. Childhood
27. Ralph sees to it that he makes use all of his personal resources, skills, energy and time to achieve his life goals. He
a. Personal Effectiveness
b. Creativity
c. Ideal Self
d. Self-Confidence
28. This is considered as the key ingredient for improving one’s relationship with others.
a. Self-Confidence
b. Learning
c. Encouragement
d. Beauty
29. It is the aspect of self-development that focuses on one’s nourishment such as food he eats and hygiene he does.
a. Physical Self
b. Nutritional Self
c. Spiritual Self
d. Contextual Self
30. Yeye sees to it that she exercises her mind by acquiring general amount of knowledge through problem-solving and
creativity. What specific of self-development does Yeye strengthen?
a. Intellectual Self
b. Emotional Self
c. Spiritual Self
d. Contextual Self
31. Ludy knows that she has a problem in anger management. Therefore, she must improve her _____________.
a. Intellectual Self
b. Emotional Self
c. Spiritual Self
d. Contextual Self
32. According to the three kinds of people in this world, the _____ is the happy bunch and enjoy some level of control
in his/her life
a. good wolf
b. movie goer
c. positive attitude
d. actor
33. The following are the reasons to maintain a journal except for one
a. It is cost-efficient and available.
b. It is creative and productive.
c. It is preventive and pro-active.
d. It is effortless and splendid.
34. Which of the following is the part of the aspects of oneself?
a. Yourself
b. self-confidence
c. physical
d. relationship
35. It focuses on human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual,
perceptual, personality and emotional growth.
a. Aspects of self
b. Development
c. Holistic Development
d. Human Development
36. It is a transition stage when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced and encompasses the
age of 40 to retirement.
a. Middle age
b. Old age
c. Adolescence
d. Pre-natal
37. It is a stage when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features, both external and internal are
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Pre-natal
d. Late Childhood
38. Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills, school skills, and play are developed
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Pre-natal
d. Late Childhood
39. Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development occur resulting
to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Late Childhood
40. Pre-gang age, exploratory, and questioning. Language and Elementary reasoning are acquired and initial
socialization is experienced.
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Late Childhood

For items 41 – 50: Identify the following the passage of adulthood. Answer A for Physical Development, B for Emotional
Development, C for Social Development and D for Mental Development

41. Most girls have completed the physical changes related to puberty by age 15. A
42. Has a better understanding of complex problems and issues. D
43. May complain that parents prevent him or her from doing things independently. B
44. Starts to have more intellectual interests. C
45. Boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, and height and are completing the development of sexual
traits. A
46. Starts to want both physical and emotional intimacy in relationships. B
47. The experience of intimate partnerships B
48. Explores romantic and sexual behaviors with others. C
49. Becomes better able to set goals and think in terms of the future. D
50. Shifts in relationship with parents from dependency and subordination to one that reflects the adolescent’s
increasing maturity and responsibilities in the family and the community. C

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher I

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