Lec 6 2

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CME 341

Heat Transfer
Lecture 6_2

Dr. Hameed Muhamad

Chemical Engineering Department

College of Engineering

Abu Dhabi University

Example 2
Apply the conduction equation to the situation illustrated in Figure 1.1, but let k = a + bT,
where a and b are constants.

Integrating once gives:

The variables can now be separated and a second integration performed. Substituting for
k, we have:

It is seen that in this case of variable k, the temperature profile is not linear across the
the temperature varies linearly across the solid. The constants of integration can be
found by applying the boundary conditions:

From the first boundary condition we get

From the second boundary condition we get

the heat flow is found using Fourier’s law:

Instead, when k cannot be assumed constant, is used with an average value of k.

Thus, taking the arithmetic average of the conductivities at the two sides of the
Using this value of k in Equation (1.1) yields:
Example 3
The block shown in the diagram below is insulated on the top, bottom, front, back,
and the side at x = B. The side at x = 0 is maintained at a fixed temperature, T1. Heat
is generated within the block at a rate per unit volume given by:

Where are constants. Find the maximum steady-state temperature in the

block. Data are as follows:
The first step is to find the temperature profile in the block by solving the heat
conduction equation.

The applicable conditions are:

1. Steady state
2. Conduction only in x-direction
3. Constant thermal conductivity

The appropriate form of the heat conduction equation is then:

Integrating once gives:

A second integration yields:

The boundary conditions are:

The second boundary condition results from assuming zero heat flow through the
insulated boundary (perfect insulation). Thus, at x = B:
This condition is applied using the equation for dT/dx resulting from the first


Applying the first boundary condition to the equation for T:


With the above values for C1 and C2, the temperature profile becomes:
Now at steady state, all the heat generated in the block must flow out through the un-
insulated side at x = 0.
Hence, the maximum temperature must occur at the insulated boundary, i.e., at x = B.

Thus, setting x = B in the last equation gives:

Finally, the solution is obtained by substituting the numerical values of the parameters:

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