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SPSS Workshop
Assignment 1 (10%)

Instructions: The first assignment for this workshop is intended to give you some practice in
entering, cleaning and conducting basic analysis on data in SPSS. You will be required to use the
the file you created for practice exercise 1.

Note: Students are allowed to complete this assignment individually, or in pairs. Students who
complete this assignment in larger groups will be given a zero grade. Submitting another
student’s work as your own is considered plagiarism and will also be given a zero grade.

Using the file you created from practice exercise 1, create the following three additional
variables. Be sure to enter all relevant data labels and where necessary, declare invalid
responses as missing.
Var8 Respondent's highest level of education completed (Educ)
1. Grade school
2. Some high school
3. High school graduate
4. Some College, but no degree
5. Trade or technical school
6. Associate degree
7. Bachelors degree
8. Post Graduate Degree
9. None

Var9 Income of respondents (Income)

1. Less than $10,000
2. $10,000 to less than $20,000
3. $20,000 to less than $30,000
4. $30,000 to less than $40,000
5. $40,000 to less than $50,000
6. $50,000 to less than $60,000
7. $60,000 to less than $70,000
8. $70,000 to less than $80,000
9. $80,000 to less than $100,000
10. $100,000 or more
11. Prefer not to state
Var10 Respondent's ethnicity (ETHNIC)
1. White
2. Black /African-American
3. Hispanic / Latino
4. American Indian or Alaska Native
5. Pacific Islander
6. Asian
7. Other

Educ Income Ethnicity

1 4 10 1
2 4 10 6
3 4 8 3
4 5 8 1
5 5 8 2
6 6 7 4
7 6 7 3
8 7 7 7
9 7 11 2
10 9 6 5
11 8 6 2
12 8 5 1
13 9 5 1
14 8 9 7
15 7 6 2
16 7 11 5
17 7 6 2
18 9 4 3
19 6 4 3
20 6 9 4
21 6 10 6
22 6 6 2
23 4 6 3
24 2 4 1
25 2 4 2


1. What percentage of respondents have completed high school?

2. What percentage of respondents have completed an associate degree or higher?

3. What level of education do respondents “typically” have?

4. What percentage of respondents are Black/African-American?

5. What percentage of respondents were either “unhappy” or “very unhappy”?

6. What is the average age of respondents?

7. For the income variable, report and interpret the mean, median, mode, variance, standard
deviation, minimum and maximum values.

8. Report the mode (and corresponding labels/anchors) for the “religion” variable and the
median (and corresponding labels/anchors) for the “maeduc” variable. What do the values

9. Create a pie chart showing the percentage of the sample who were male and female.

10. Create a simple bar chart showing the distribution of ethnic groups (n and %) of the sample.

1. Provide your answers to the questions (interpretation included) in full sentence format.
2. Show how you arrived at this answer by pasting ONLY the relevant output table below
your answer for each question. If you are using the same table to answer multiple
questions, the table only needs to be provided once.
3. Your full output file should be provided as an appendix. Do not print the data or
syntax files.

You are not only required to produce the desired output, but should also interpret their

Deadline: Submit in the next workshop session.

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