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Human Value Development and the System of Public Law

Value Development
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
– Survival or Physiological
– Safety
– Belonging and Love
– Prestige and Esteem
– Self-actualization
• World view or value system
– An inner subjective set of feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions
• Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral Reasoning
– Preconventional (Age 3-7)
– Punishment/Obedience
– Egotism (satisfy one’s desires)
– Conventional (Age 7-12)
– Please others
– Respect rules
• Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral Reasoning
• Postconventional (12 and above)
– Social contract
– Personal conscience
• Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral Reasoning
• Carol Gilligan
– Kohlberg’s research methods flawed and gender biased
– Separate value development pathway results in different highest values for
each sex
– Confirmed by profile developed by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs
• Generational Theory
• Morris Massey
• Historical time period in which individual is born shapes development
of their world view
• Value systems formed in first decade by families, friends, communities,
significant events
• Generational Theory
• Traditionalist (born 1929-1945)
– Great Depression and World War II
– Conformity, stability, security
• Baby Boomers (born 1946-1960s)
– Civil rights, moon landings, freedom riders, calls for change
– Personal and social expression, idealism, health, and wellness
• Generational Theory
• Generation X (born 1968-1989)
– Programmed in an era of social change
– Free agency, independence, cynicism, strive for balance in their lives
• Millennials (born mid 1980s-2000)
– Defined by events immediately following Cold War
– Collaboration, social activism, tolerance for diversity, globally aware
• Generational Theory
• Generation Z (late 1990s-2025)
– Foreign wars, September 11th and other terrorist attacks, both overseas and
on homeland
– Masters at multitasking, techno-savvy, personally tolerant regarding social
and ethnic diversity, thrive on instant gratification, fiscally pragmatic

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