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Christa Wiscombe

Myself as a Communication

The way I express myself shows my emotions out on my sleeve. I thought I was always really

privet about my emotions, but the truth is that my emotions show through my facial expressions. With

portraying my emotions so much I must make sure I am a good listener, so others know I am lessoning in

the conversation we are having. When communicating with others I need to work on lessening, I tend to

drift away when in a conversation. I've always been this way which has caused problems for me in an in-

class setting. A communication skill I do have is self-awareness in my communication. This is a skill that

can help me work on my listening when I'm talking with others. Listening is a big part of

communications; everyone wants to be heard and feel wanted especially if they are communicating with

you about a negative thing in their lives.

My personality in conversations shows my emotions out in the open. This is a reason why I

prefer being by myself other than being in a social setting. After taking 6 assessment tests I now see that

my emotions can get in the way of my conversations with others but also my emotions help me be there

for others and have great empathy for others. I'm very good at understanding empathy I will always make

sure I am present in conversation if someone needs me emotionally. The assessment I took for the

empathy test I scored a 34 and the test said with the score I got means I have moderately empathic and I'm

able to understand other people’s emotions, but I need to practice wich will improve my communication

skills. I think everyone should practice their conversation skills and always be aware of what you are

communicating to others.

Listening can be problematic sometimes with me not paying attention to others in

conversation. I have a hard time not thinking about other things or doing other activities when I'm in a

conversation with someone. This is an example of the bad communication I have. I've noticed over the
years that I'm not the best at being an in-class student. When having the option to take classes in a school

setting or online I will always choose online classes. When talking with me you may notice me changing

subjects or doing something else. The score I got on my Listening test told me it is something that should

be improved and worked on.

Self- awareness, self-concept, possible selves, self-image, and self-esteem are all self-concepts

(Edwards, Edwards, Wahl, Myers, 2017, p.39). A communication skill that I'm good at is having self-

awareness, I am also a people pleaser when communicating with others. Having self- awareness is when

you know what is and isn’t appropriate in a social setting when talking with others. I know how to

communicate correctly in particular settings. I know also how to act in social settings that could

potentially put me out of my comfort zone. I believe that if you are self-aware you are more capable of

having good ethics and can understand ethics.

After taking all 6 assessment tests I have concluded that I prefer being by myself and if I'm in a

social situation I would rather be a people pleaser then having a bad conversation with someone. My

lessoning skills in communications needs to improve so I can better myself and not hurt others when I'm

not actively listening to what they have to say. Being able to be comfortable with having my emotions out

on my shoulder I think shows strength in my communication skills because I can be my true self. When I

was done with the assessment tests, I saw the things that I needed to work on to improve my

communication actions and skills with others.

My needs, options, views, and concerns are going to be out in the open when I'm in

conversations. If someone was to have a conversation with me, they would like me because I would be

true and concerned with their lives. I would show empathy for people who need it and people would be

able to see that I am focused on them from the emotions I portray on my face. If the conversation is on

something other, then a subject where the person needs consoling, I may have a hard time keeping up in

conversations. The more I work on myself in my communications with others I will better grow as a


Edwards, A. Edwards, C. Wahl, S. Myers, S. (2017) The Communication Age: Connecting & Engaging 2

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