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 Spiritually, values are fundamental beliefs about God and the cosmos, society and cultures, nature

and ecology, time and eternity, space and sky, life and destiny that influence and affect our daily
lives and journey.
 Human values are those benefits and principles that bring meaning and fulfillment in our lives,
both individually and socially. Such values include honesty, integrity, compassion, authenticity,
transparency, courage, audacity, trust, responsibility, patriotism, respect and fairness.

We are not explicitly including all values in the definition of ethics as such. For some people,
values are very relative and personal: e.g., to obtain a degree, to get a job, to make money, to hoard
wealth, to buy a home, to own an expensive car, to marry, to go abroad, and so on. But ethics is a
science of principled moral values and principled moral behavior. The value and behavior should stem
from certain well established moral principles, standards and rules, or from the moral judgments of
people whom we call wise and honest. That is, values are values when certain universal moral principles
back them. Values derive value from these moral principles, and not vice versa. The power of moral
principles is that they are universal, timeless truths. When we apply them and live by them, we generate
values and best practices. Such principles deal with meaning and truth, honesty and integrity, and not
any specific religion necessarily.

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