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Pronunciation Table
Itl means that /t/ may be dropped
Symbol Keyword
Idl means that /d/ may be dropped
i beat, feed /'/ shows main stress
i bit, did /,/ shows secondary stress
ei date, paid /</ shows stress shift
£ bet, bed
ae bat, bad
a box, odd, father
3 bought, dog
American English Sounds
ou boat, road
u book, good It/, IVI, Idl, Itl, Idl, and /nJ7
u boot, food, student
A but, mud, mother Itl The Itl in tap or sat is a voiceless sound.
3 banana, among Many Americans, however, use a voiced sound
2f shirt, murder like a quick Idl for the t in words like latter,
ai bite, cry, buy, eye party and little. The t in these words, shown in
au about, how this dictionary as It/, sounds like the d in
DI voice, boy
ladder, hardy and middle. This sound usually
ir beer
occurs between vowels (especially before an
er bare
unstressed vowel], between r and a vowel, or
ar bar
before a syllabic III.
3r door
ur tour
/t~y This symbol means that many speakers
pronounce a glottal stop in place of or togeth-
Consonants er with Itl. A glottal stop is the sound in the
Symbol Keyword
middle of the expression uh oh. For example,
pack, happy in the words button /'bAt n/ and football
b back, rubber /'fut bol/, the t does not sound the same as
t tie in the word ton IXatiI; it sounds more like a

d die short period of silence. The glottal stop usually

k came, key, quick occurs before a syllabic /n/ or a consonant
, 9 game, guest that begins the next syllable.
tj church, nature, watch
d3 judge, general, major
Itland Idl These symbols mean that these
f fan, photograph
consonants may be either pronounced or left
V van
out. For example, the t in restless /'resflis/
e thing, breath
and the d in grandfather /'graend.faoV/ are
d then, breathe
usually dropped in normal connected speech,
s sip, city, psychology
even though it is considered more correct in
z zip, please, goes
slow, careful speed IU uriJHU'unce the t and d

J ship,
in these words.
station, special,
3 measure, vision /nJ7 Many speniuj pi'unuuiiLLjhe sequence
h hot,who exampje^ttention
/nJ7 as /nt JV. For
m men, some /a'tenjan/, conscjetf^Jwrri^s/ may also be
n sun, know, pronounced asTaTxnt fan/, /'kant fas/. Only
pneumonia the pronunciation with Injl is shown.
sung, ringing
w wet, white
1 light, long
r right, wrong
y yes, use, music
t butter, bottle
r button
Long man
'S tvKO'
Pearson Education Limited
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Publishers. Pronunciation Editor
Rebecca Dauer
First edition 1 999
009 010 008 Clive Russell
ISBN 0582 33251 6 (Paperback edition) Simon Cuerdon
ISBN 0582 77643 (Cased edition)
Set in The Pen &
Eurostile by Ink Book Company, Clive McKeough
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Pronunciation Table inside front cover

What your dictionary tells you iv

How to find the word you need vi

in your dictionary

The dictionary A-Z 1-357

Color illustrations:

animals 183
sports 184
hobbies and games 185
the house 186
transportation 187
camping 188
verbs of movement 189
clothes 190
describing people 191
space 192
the shopping mall 193
prepositions 194

Irregular verbs 358

The Longman Defining Vocabulary 361
American names inside back cover

What your dictionary tells you

settle /'setl/ verb (settling, settled)
1 to begin to a new place: My son set-
live in

tled inLos Angeles.

different meanings to end an argument by agreeing to do some-

of the word thing: We settled our disagreement without a

fight. The meaning of the
to rest on something word is explained using
in a comfortable posi-
tion: settled back on the chair and relaxed.
/ simple words. Any dif-
4 settle a bill to pay the money that you owe ficult words are written
definition for something in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS

5 settle down to become calmer and less and you will always find
phrasal verbs- noisy: It took the children a while to settle down. them in the dictionary
6 settle in to become happier in a new place The examples show
or job: How are you settling in at the school? you how to use the
7 settle for something to accept something word.
that is less than what you wanted: Most of the
example - tickets were gone, so we had to settle for what
we could get.
spelling _ part of speech
settlement /'setlmant/ noun~<
an official decision or agreement that ends an
argument: The two sides have reached a set-
tlement. [=made an agreement)
and fish 2 are,
fish 1
separate even fish' mFp noun
though they have the [plural fish or fishes)
same because
spelling an animal that lives
one is a noun and the i\ water and can
other is a verb. Look swW and which peo-
at Which word? on ple ea£ as food
page vii.
pictures with labels
fish 2 verb
for clarity
1 to try to catch a

difficult past tense freeze /friz/ verb (freezing, froze, past^- This is shown when a
'S* participle frozen) verb does not add -ed
1 to become very cold and change from a liq- to form the past tense.
uid into a solid: Water freezes to become ice.

difficult This is shown when the
~TiLLiy*iless, leasts comparative and
and superlatives
1 only a small amount something: She eats
superlative is not
very little. \
I have very little money at the formed with -er and
moment. -est.

wom-an /'woman/ noun [plural women

difficult plurals- /'wimm/J This is shown when a

an adult female person » compare MAN noun does not add -s

nouns with no plural. to form the plural.

traf-fic /'traefik/ noun [U]
1 the cans and people moving on a"
The dictionary tells you
road: The city streets are full of traffic.
when a noun is
split 1 /spilt/ verb (splitting, past tense split, uncountable. They are
past participle split) not used with a or an.
2 [also split up) to divide something into parts:
We split the njoruy. between ^f. .You can find informa-
tion about which prepo-
prepositions sitions to use with a
happen /'haepan/ verb
1 to start or continue, usually without being
planned: The accident, happened outside my
2 happen to do something to do something by
chance: If you happen to see Susan, give her

this message.

There are notes to

OTE: an event occurs or happens, it is

notes -
help you to use a word
not planned: The explosion happened Friday
without making
evening. an event takes place, it is the

result of a plan or arrangement: The
wedding will take place on June 6th.

happen inj Ihaepsnin,/ noun

an e\

pronunciation. hap'pi'l^/' haepali/ adverb

irra4ta|iQyway: They were laughing happily.
Sometimes it is useful
happiness /'haepinis/ noun [U]
or interesting to know
the state of being happy or pleased: Tht
about another word
had years of happiness together.
which is like the word
happy /'haepi/ adjective (happi^ happiest] you are looking at, or
1 feeling very pleased: / am Jyappy to see you to know what the oppo-
information about, » opposite UNHAPPY site of a word is.

other words 2 Happy Birthday!, Happy New

You can find this infor-
Year! said to
someone to wish him or her good luck on a spe- mation in your dictio-
cial occasion . .
, . ,
chipped cups

.There are pictures to

help you understand
the meanings of

Remember, there are

also 1 2 color pictures
in your dictionary which
help you understand
lots of words.

potato chips computer chip

chip 1 /tj'ip/ noun

1 a small space or crack where a piece is miss-
ing from something: My cup has a chip in it.

2 a very small piece of metal or plastic used in

computers to store information and make the

computer work

Now look at the next page for more information on how to use your dictionary.
How to find the word you
need in your dictionary

This is the English alphabet: The word afternoon comes before the word
alphabet in the dictionary. These words both
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz begin with the letter a, so you must look at the
second letters (f and I) to see which one comes

The following words all begin with the same
A is the first letter in the alphabet and Z is the letters. Put them in alphabetical order and
last. then look to see if your answers are correct.

Look at the letters below and put them in the fire

correct order. fire department
ODJBQRZTNA A fireworks
fire engine,
Now look at the alphabet above to see if you furepUuce
have the right answers.

In a dictionary, the words are in the same order fire

as the letters of the alphabet (this is called
alphabetical order), so that words which start
with a are at the beginning of the dictionary and
words which start with z are at the end.

Look at these words and then put them in

alphabetical order.

In this dictionary, fire engine and fire depart-

alphabet teacher ment are in alphabetical order in the same way
aunt orange as if they were one word instead of two, so that
afternoon- computer fire department comes before fire engine
dog schooL
because d comes before e in the alphabet.
music yellow You can find phrasal verbs such as pick up and
sit down by looking at the main verb (pick up is
at pick, sit down is at sit).

Ifyou want to find an idiom or an expression in

this dictionary, look at the most important word
of the idiom ( = a word which is NOT a, the, to
etc.). For example, to find the idiom give some-
one a hand, look at hand.

Where would you look to find these

Now look in the main part of the dictionary to

see if you have the right answers. just a minute

behind someone's back
take your time

Look in the dictionary to find the answers.

Which word?

Sometimes you will find that there are two or Now look at these words and say whether
more words with the same spelling (look at each one is a noun, a verb or an adjective
love, for example). (write N, V, or A after the word).

blue A see
love 1 /1a v/ verb (loving, loved)
1 to care very much for someone, or have mother information

a strong romantic feeling for someone:

loud understand
Mothers love their children. compare »
HATE 1 dictionary boy
2 to like something very much: Maria loves
to read. Find the words in the dictionary and see if
your answers are correct. Write a sentence
love 2 noun
using each word.
1 [U] a strong romantic feeling for some-
one: Her love for her husband is real.
» compare HATE 2 HATRED ,

Finding the right part of the word

Love 1
and love 2 are separate because they are A word often has more than one meaning. Look
different types of words. Love 1 is a verb and at as below:
love 2 is a noun. If you are using the dictionary
to find information about a new word, you need
to know what type of word it is.
as /az; strong aez/ adverb, preposition
1 used to say what someone's job is, or
The sentences below have a space where a what something is used for: She works as a
word is missing. Look at the list of words and teacher. We can use this box as a table.

decide which words you can put in the first 2 when; while: We sang as we worked.
sentence. For example, you can say "Their 3 because: / can't come, as I'm too busy.
house is beautiful", so BEAUTIFUL is one of 4 as ... as used to compare two or more:
the words which can go in the first sentence. I'm not as old as you. It's just as good as

Then look at the second and third sentences the other one.
and choose suitable words. Remember that 5 as well also: Can I have some milk as
there is more than one word for each sen- well?

1 . Their house is
Which meanings of 'as' is being used in
of the
each these sentences? Write the number
2. We every day. of the meaning after each sentence.

3. I have a new She isn't as smart as her sister. 4

computer kat uwrlc I spent 6 months as a student at that

eat old beautiful college.
bicycle sleep
We watched as the car disappeared.
The words which can be used in the first sen- He lived there as a young man.
tence are all adjectives. An adjective is a word
which describes someone or something. The They used a piece of cloth as a curtain.
words which can be used in the second sen-
tence are all verbs. A verb is a word which tells
you what someone or something does. The
words which can be used in the third sentence
are all nouns. A noun is a word which is the
name of a person, place, animal, or thing.

How to say the word Do you know where the stress should be for
these words? Put a / next to the one which
Look at the phonetic symbols on the inside front is right and an A next to the one which is

cover.Now look at the words below and put the wrong. Say the words out loud to help you
right word with the right sound. decide.

cat law narrow shop father often dog hot affect aca demic accept
hand car
af feet a cademic ac cept
/ae/ cot
Where should the stress be in these words?
/a:/ Put a front of the part of the word where

the stress should be.

ex plain ex plan a tion die tion ary

Notice that different spellings may have the pur pose fire en gine
same sound.
Look in the dictionary to see if you have the
Now look at these words beginning with 'th-' right answers.
and see if you can find the pronunciation for
each word. Sometimes nouns and verbs which look the
same have different stress, for example record
this /'Giatsr/
[noun] is pronounced 'record, but the verb

though /der/
record is pronounced re'eord.

these /0o:t/ Look at these examples and say whether the

stress is the same or different.
theater /di:z/
There has been an increase in the number of
thought /dau/ students at the school.
The number of students at the school will
their /dis/
increase next year.

If you look again at the pronunciation for the- Our country exports oil.

ater (/'0i3t9r/) you can see that there is a small What are America's main exports?
mark like this '
in front of it. This is to tell you
that you must say the first part of theater a lit-
Other ways your dictionary can
tle bit louder and with a little more force than
help you
the rest of the word (THEater). Making one part
of a word more important when you say it is
Look at pages 4 and 5 to find more informa-
called stress. Stress isn't always at the begin-
tion about how this dictionary can help you.
ning of a word.
Then see if you can name the different parts
of the dictionary entry below. The first one
has already been done to help you.


class /klaes/ noun [plural classes

,1 a group of students who learn together
How many people are in your English class?
2 a group of people in a society that earn

similar amount of money: He comes from a

middle class family.

3 a group animals etc. of the same^

of plants,
kind: Cats belong to one class of animal, fish to
abortion /a'borfan/ noun

when someone ends a PREGNANCY so that the
baby is never born

about /a'baut/ adverb, preposition

1 if one thing is about something else, that is
what it describes or deals with: She gave me a
book about the local area.
2 a little more or less than a particular num-
a /a; strong ei/ ber or amount: Come at about six o'clock.

1 one or any: There's a man at the door. She 3 almost: Dinner is about ready.

was wearing a red skirt. 4 be about to do something to be going to do

2 each or every: The candy cost 75 cents a something very soon: / was about to come and
bag. He visits twice a year. see you.

5 how about, what about used when you are

NOTE: An is used instead of a before a word suggesting what to do: How about going to the
that starts with the sound of a, e, i, o, or u movies?
» look at AN above /a'bAv/ adverb, preposition
1 in or to a higher place or over something
else: The picture is on the wall above my desk.
abandon /a'baendan/ verb » compare BELOW — see color picture on page
to leave someone or something that you are
responsible for: The baby was abandoned by its
2 more than a particular number or amount:
The temperature went above 90 today.
abbreviation /a.brivi'eijan/ noun 3 above all more than anything else: / want
a short way to write a word or name: Mr. is the you to remember this above all.
abbreviation for Mister.
abroad /a'brod/ adverb
ABC's /,eibi'siz/ noun in or to a foreign country: My brother is study-
the letters of the English alphabet: She's learn- ing abroad. \
Have you ever been abroad?
ing her ABC's.
abrupt /a'brApt/ adjective
abdomen /'aebdaman/ noun sudden: There was an abrupt knock at the door.
the front part of your body between your chest
and your legs
absence /'aebsans/ noun
when someone or something is not there: Her
ability /s'bibti/ noun [plural abilities) absence was noticed by her boss. » opposite
when someone can do something successfully: PRESENCE
A teacher must have the ability to keep stu-
dents interested. She lost her ability to walk
absent /'aebsant/ adjective

not here: He was absent from class last

after a car accident.
Tuesday. » compare PRESENT 1

able /'eibal/ adjective

absent-minded '..</ adjective
if someone is able to do something, they can do
not noticing things that are happening around
it: Ishe able to swim? I won't be able to come.

you, and often forgetting things

Opposite UNABLE

aboard /a'bord/ adverb, preposition

absolute /'aebsa.lut, .aebsa'lut/ adjective
complete or exact: Are you telling me the
on or onto a ship or plane: Are all the passen-
absolute truth?
gers aboard?

abolish /a'bahJV verb

absolutely /.aebsa'lutli, 'aebsa.lutli/
tomake a law to end something: The govern-
1 very; completely: It's absolutely beautiful.
ment abolished slavery long ago. \

Are you absolutely sure?

abolition /.aeba'lifan/ noun 2 said to say that you completely agree with
when a law is made to end something or to someone: "Do you think I'm right?" "Absolutely!"
make something illegal: the abolition of slavery
in the 1860s
absorb /9b 'sorb, -'zorb/ verb
1 to take in a liquid slowly
2 to learn and understand something: I haven't 2 a way of getting to a place: There should be
absorbed all the information yet. access to the building for people in wheel-
absorbent /ab' sorb, ant, -'zor-/
able to take in liquid: You need a thick piece of
absorbent material.

absorbing /ab'sorbirj, -'zor-/ adjective

very interesting: an absorbing novel about the
Wild West

absurd /.gb'sa^d, -'za^d/ adjective

extremely silly: The story was so absurd that no
one believed it. —absurdly adverb

abundant /a'bAndant/ adjective

more than enough in quantity: We have an accident /'aeksadant, -,dent/ noun
abundant supply of water. 1 something bad, that happens by chance:
/ didn't mean to break it - it was an accident!
abuse 1
/9'byus/ noun
2 when a car, plane etc. hits something or
1 wrong or harmful use of something: We
gets damaged: a car accident in which two peo-
talked about the problem of drug abuse.
ple died The number of accidents on roads is
2 bad or cruel treatment of someone

rising every year.

3 rude and bad things that are said to some-
3 by accident if something happens by acci-
one: He shouted abuse at me.
dent, it is not planned but happens by chance:
abuse 2
verb [abusing, abused] Jill opened the letter by accident, thinking it was
1 to do cruel or violent things to someone for her.
2 to use something in a wrong or harmful way
accidental /.aeksa'denfal/ adjective
academic /.aeka'demik/ adjective not planned, but happening by chance
about or relating to work done in schools, col-
leges, or universities: The academic year
accidentally /aeks3'dent
li, -'denfgli/
begins in September.
if you do something accidentally, you do it with-
accent /'aeksent/ noun out intending to: / accidentally left my keys in

a way of speaking that shows that someone the car.

comes from a particular place: John speaks
with a southern accent. \ a French accent
accommodate /a'kama.deit/ verb
(accommodating, accommodated]
» compare DIALECT
1 to have enough space for something: The
accept /ak'sept/ verb room will accommodate fifty people.
1 something that is offered to you: Will
to take 2 to give someone a place where they can live

you accept my offer? He would not accept any

or stay
money from us.
2 to agree that something is true, right, or
accommodation /a.kama'deijan/
alsoaccommodations noun
should be done: The mayor accepted that there
a where you can
place live or stay
had been some mistakes.
Accommodation is provided for all new students.
acceptable /ak'septsbsl/ adjective accompany /a'kAmpani/ verb
of a good enough quality: It wasn't your best
(accompanying, accompanied]
work, but it was acceptable.
1 to go somewhere with someone: He accom-
acceptance /ak'septans/ noun panied me to the hospital.
when you agree to take something that is 2 to play music with someone who is singing or
offered to you, or agree that something is true playing another instrument: Maria sang, and I
or right accompanied her on the piano.

access /'ickscs/ noun accomplish /a'kumplij/ verb

1 a way of being able to
use or do something: to do something successfully: We accom-
Students need access to computers. plished a lot during the day.
accomplishment /a'kamplijmant/ accuse /a'kyuz/ verb (accusing, accused)
noun to say that someone has done something
something that you achieve or are able to do wrong: Sally accused Paul of cheating.
well: Winning the award is quite an accom-
accustomed /s'kAstamd/ adjective
be accustomed to something to think that
accord /a'kord/ noun something is normal or usual, especially
of your own accord you do something of your
if because you do it a lot or know it well: I'm not
own accord, you do it without being told or accustomed to getting out of bed this early.
asked to: She left of her own accord.
ache 1
/eik/ noun
accordingly /a'kordirjli/ adverb a continuous pain: / have a stomach ache.
in a way that is suitable for a particular situa-
tion: If you do something wrong, you'll be pun-
ache 2 verb (aching, ached)
to hurt with a continuing pain: Her head ached.
ished accordingly.

according to/.'.. J preposition

achieve /a'tjiv/ verb (achieving, achieved)
to succeed in doing something, especially by
because of what someone says or what some-
working hard: She's achieved a lot since she
thing shows: According to the map, we're very
came to this school.
close to the lake.

account 1
/s'kaunt/ noun
achievement /a'tjivmant/ noun
something that you have worked hard for and
1 an amount of money you keep in a bank: He
done well
paid the money into his bank account.
2 a story or description: Can you give us an acid /'aesid/ noun
account of what happened? a chemical substance that can burn things
3 take something into account to think about
acid rain /,..'./ noun [U]
something before you make a decision about it:
rain which damages trees and plants because it
You must take the price into account when
contains acid put into the air by factory smoke
choosing which one to buy.
4 on account of something because of some- acknowledge /ak'nulids/ verb
thing: We stayed at home on account of the (acknowledging, acknowledged]
bad weather. 1 to agree that something
is true: The hospi-

5 accounts [plural] records that deal with the acknowledged that it made a mistake.

money that a person or company spends and 2 to tell the person who sends you something
receives that you have received it: No, they didn't
answer my letter. They didn't even acknowledge
account 2
account for something to give the reason for
something: / can't account for the missing acorn /'eikorn/ noun
money. the nut of the OAK tree

accountant /g'kauntant, 3'kaunt n nt/ acquaintance /a'kwemt^ns/ noun

noun someone you know, but not very well » com-
someone whose job is to keep records of the pare FRIEND
money spent or received by a person or a com-
acquainted /a'kwemfid/ adjective
be acquainted with someone to know some-
accuracy /'aekyarasi/ noun [U] one: Are you acquainted with Mr. Smith?
the quality of being exactly right or correct
/'eikaV noun
accurate /'aekyant/ adjective a measure of land that is equal to 4,840
correct or exact: an accurate description of the square yards or 4,047 square meters
events The figures aren't very accurate.

opposite INACCURATE —accurately

acrobat /'aekra.baet/ noun
someone who performs in a CIRCUS and does
accusation /.aekya'zeijon/ noun difficult tricks with their body
a statement saying that someone has done
something wrong
across /a'kros/ adverb, preposition
1 from one side of a place to the other: They
swam across the river.
2 on the other side of something: She lives 2 a word used when you are politely telling
across the street from me. see color picture — someone that they have made a mistake:
on page 194 Actually, the class starts at 3 o'clock, not 4.
act 1
/aekt/ verb A.D. /,ei 'di/

1 to do something or behave in a particular after the birth of Christ, used in dates: The doc-
way: You're acting like an idiot. ument was dated A.D. 1471. » compare B.C.
2 to pretend to be someone else in a play or
movie: She's been acting since she was five
ad /aed/ noun
an advertisement
years old.
3 act as to do something or be used instead adapt /9'daept/ verb
of someone or something else: This room acts 1 change your behavior or ideas because of
as her office. a new
situation you are in: The children have
adapted to their new school.
act 2 noun
2 to change something so that it is suitable for
1 something you do: an act of bravery
a new situation: This kitchen is adapted for
2 one of the parts that a play is divided into
blind people.
3 something you pretend to feel or think: She
seems happy but it's just an act. adaptable /g'daeptabal/ adjective
able to change and be successful in a new situ-
acting /'aektin/ noun [U] ation
the work done by an ACTOR or ACTRESS

action /'aekfan/ noun

add /aed/ verb
1 to put something into or onto something
1 something that you do: His quick action
else: To make the cake, mix butter and sugar,
saved her life. The police say they will not be
and then add flour.

taking any further action in the matter.

2 to put numbers or amounts together to pro-
2 out of action not working or broken: My car
duce a total: If you add 3 and 4, you get 7.

is out of action.
Add up these numbers. compare SUBTRACT
active /'aektiv/ adjective 3 to say more about something
1 doing something or always ready or able to
do things: She is very active for her age. He's
addict /'aedikt/ noun
someone who cannot stop

doing something
over 80, but he's still pretty active.
harmful, especially taking drugs: a clinic for
2 an active verb is one that has one person or
treating drug and alcohol addicts
thing doing something: In the sentence, "John
kicked the ball," "kicked" is an active verb. addiction /a'dikfan/ noun
» compare PASSIVE the need to have something such as drugs
because you cannot stop taking it
activity /ask'tivoti/ noun
1 [U] when people are moving around, doing addition /a'dijan/ noun
things etc.: The classroom was full of activity. 1 when numbers or amounts are added
2 [plural activities] something you do, especially together »
to enjoy yourself: Dancing is her favorite activity. 2 someone or something that is added: She
was an important addition to the company
actor /'aektaV noun 3 in addition to something and something
someone who acts in a play or movie
else too: In addition to English, the children also
actress /'aektns/ noun [plural actresses) learn German and Spanish.
a woman who performs in a play or movie
ad-dress 1
/g'dres, 'aedres/ noun [plural
actual /'aekt/ual, 'aekjual/ adjective addresses]
real and clear: We think he stole the money, the name of the place where you live: Please
but we have no actual proof. write your name and address.

actually /'aekt/uali, -t/ali, 'aekfuoli, address 2 /a'dres/ verb

-Joli/adverb 1 tospeak to someone: The President will
1 a word used to show that you are giving real address the nation tonight.
or true information about something: / know 2 to write a name and address on something:
who he is, but I've never actually met him. Do \
She addressed the letter to Mrs. Wilson.
you actually believe that?

adequate /'aectakwit/ adjective advance 1

/sd'vaens/ verb (advancing,
enough: The information you gave us was not advanced)
adequate. »
opposite INADEQUATE 1 to move forward: The army advanced
adjec-tive /'aed3iktiv, 'aed33ktiv/ noun
toward the town. » compare RETREAT 1

a word that describes someone or something: advance 2

In the phrase, "a beautiful song, " "beautiful" is in advance before something happens or
an adjective. before you do something: You must pay in

adjust /3'd3Ast/ verb
to make a small change in something to make advanced /ad'vaenst/ adjective
it better 1 using the most modem ideas or equipment:
They sell the most advanced computers avail-
administration /9d,min9'streij3n/ able.
2 at a high or difficult level: advanced learners
the management or organization of a company,
of English
government etc.

admiral /'aedmarsl/ noun advantage /9d'vaenfid3/ noun

something that helps you: It is an advantage to
an important officer in the navy
speak several languages. » opposite DISAD-
admiration /.aedma'reijan/ noun VANTAGE
a feeling that someone or something is very
good, beautiful, intelligent etc.
adventure /ad' vent JV/ noun
an exciting thing that happens to someone
admire /ad'maiaV verb (admiring,
adventurous /ad'ventjoras/ adjective
liking excitement and adventures
1 to respect and approve of someone or
something: always admired his work.
/ ad-verb /'aedv^b/ noun
2 to look at something in an approving way: / a word that tells you how, when, or where
was just admiring your new car. something is done: In the sentence, "She spoke
loudly "loudly" is an adverb.
admission /ad'mijan/ noun "

1 when you say that you have done something advertise /'aedva^taiz/ verb
wrong or bad: an admission of guilt (advertising, advertised)
2 permission to enter a place: Admission was to use notices, photographs, movies etc. to try
free for children. to persuade people to buy, do, or use some-
thing: is illegal to advertise cigarettes on TV.
admit /ad'mit/ verb (admitting, admitted)

1 to agree or say that something bad about advertisement /.aedv^'taizmant/

yourself is She admitted that she was
true: noun
lazy. »opposite DENY a short movie, photograph, notice etc. that
2 to let someone enter a place: This ticket tries topersuade people to buy, do, or use
admits two people to the game. something

adolescent /.aedl'esant/ noun ad-vice /ad'vais/ noun

someone who is between 13 and 17 years old, a suggestion about what someone should do:
and is developing into an adult » compare Let me Can ask
give you a piece of advice. \

TEENAGER your advice about what classes to take?

adopt /a'dapt/ verb ad-vise /sd'vaiz/ verb (advising, advised)

to take someone else's child into your family and to tell someone what you think he or she should
treat him or her as if they were your own do: The doctor advised me to rest for a few
adore /9'dDr/ verb (adoring, adored)
to love someone or something very much: She aerobics /a'roubiks, e-/ noun
adored her son. \
I adore chocolate. exercise done to music, usually in a class

adult /a'dAlt, 'aedAlt/ noun aerosol /'era.sol, -,sal/ noun

a grown-up person: We were in a group of 3 a container from which a liquid can be sprayed
adults and 4 children. (SPRAY 1 )

af f air /a'fer/ noun 3 now and again sometimes, but not very
1 a sexual relationship between two people, often: My aunt visits us now and again.
especially one which secret: Her husband
against /g'genst/ preposition
was having an affair with his secretary. 1 close to or touching something: He leaned
2 something that happens: The party was a against the wall, —see color picture on page
noisy affair.
3 things connected with a particular subject:
2 not agreeing with someone or something:
government affairs
I'm against killing animals for their fur.

af f ect /g'fekt/ verb 3 competing for the other side in a

playing or

to produce a change in someone or something: game or competition: We're playing against the
The disease affected his breathing. com- » blue team.
pare EFFECT 4 in order to try to stop something happening:
a protest against the war
affection /a'fekfan/ noun [U]
5 against the law not allowed by the law: It's
the feeling of liking and caring for another per-
against the law to drive too fast.
age /eid3/ noun
affectionate /s'fekfsnit/ adjective 1 the number of years someone has lived or
showing that you like or love someone
something has existed: Pat is ten years of age.
af-ford /s'ford/ verb 2 [U] when something has existed for a long
to have enough money to buy something: We time: The wine improves with age.
can't afford a new car. 3 old age when someone is old: Who will take
care of me in my old age?
af raid /s'freid/ adjective
4 a period of time in history
frightened of something: Are you afraid of the
5 ages We talked for ages.
dark? » compare SCARED
a long time:

after /'aeftaV preposition, adverb

agency /'eid39nsi/ noun [plural agencies)
a business that provides a particular service
1 than something in time: Tomorrow is
the day after today. The watch broke three
ages /'eid3iz/ plural noun
days after I bought it! compare BEFORE 1 » a long time: It's been ages since I've seen her!
2 moving toward or behind someone or some-
aggressive /g'gresiv/ adjective
thing else: The child ran after her dog.
forceful and ready to argue with people: Your
3 used to say how many minutes past the hour child is too aggressive with others.
it is when you are telling the time: It's ten after
four. ago /a'gou/ adverb
4 be after someone to be looking for some- in the past: It happened just a few minutes ago.
one: Are the police still after him?
5 be after something to be trying to get NOTE: Ago used with the past tense of

something: / think he's after more money. verbs, but you cannot useit with past tenses

6 after all in spite of What you did or thought which are formed with have. Compare these
before: Don't worry about it. After all, it's not sentences: He arrived a month ago. He has
your fault. been here since last month. look at »
afternoon /,aeft^'nun^ / noun
the time between the middle of the day and the
evening: saw Jim yesterday afternoon.
agony /'aegsni/ noun [U]
» compare MORNING very bad pain

afterward /'aeft^w^d/ adverb [also agree /a'gri/ verb (agreeing, agreed)

afterwards) 1 to have the same opinion as someone else:

later, something else has happened: We

/agree with you. »
opposite DISAGREE

went to the dance and walked home afterward. 2 agree to something to say that you will do
or that you approve of something: He agreed to
again /a'gen/ adverb the plan.
1 one more time: Can you say that again? 3 agree with something to believe that some-
2 again and again a lot of times thing is right: / don't agree with hunting.
agreement /a'grimant/ noun air 2 verb
1 an arrangement or promise between people air your views/opinions to tell someone what
or countries: a trade agreement between the you think about something
U. S. and Japan
2 [U] having the same
opinion as someone
air conditioner/ / noun
a machine that makes the air in a room or build-
else: Are we agreement about the plan?
all in

ing stay cool

agricultural /.aegn'kAltJsrgl/
air conditioning /'..,.../ noun [U]
a system of machines that stops the air in a
building from feeling too warm
used in farming or about farming: agricultural
machinery air-craft /'erkraeft/ noun [plural aircraft)

agriculture /'aegn.kAltJV/ [U] an airplane, or another vehicle that can fly

the activity of growing crops and raising animals

air-field /'erfilaV noun
for people to eat: About 25% of the country's
a place where small airplanes from
people work in agriculture. » compare FARM-

ING air force/'. ,./ noun

ahead /a'hed/ adverb

soldiers who fight in airplanes » compare
1 in front of someone or something: / saw her
ahead of me. air-line /'erlam/ noun
2 before an event or a particular time: So far a company that carries people or goods by air-

we are ahead of schedule. plane

3 into the future: We need to plan ahead if we
are to succeed.
air-mail /'crmeil/ noun
letters and packages sent in airplanes
aid 1 /eid/ noun
help, especially in the form of money, food, airplane
equipment etc.: American aid to the earth-
guake victims

aid 2 verb
to help someone

AIDS /eidz/ noun [U]

a very serious disease which destroys the
body's ability to fight illnesses » compare HIV

aim 1
/eim/ verb
1 to plan or want to do something: We aim to
2 to get ready to throw or fire something
air-plane /'erplem/ noun

toward a person or thing: He aimed the gun at

a vehicle that flies, in which people travel —see
me. color picture on page 1 87

aim 2 noun air-port /'erport/ noun

1 something that you want to do or get: Our a place that airplanes arrive at and leave from
aim is to provide better schools for everyone. air raid /'. ,./ noun
2 take aim to put a weapon in the direction of an attack by soldiers in airplanes, especially by
someone or something dropping bombs

air 1 /er/ noun air-y /'eri/ adjective [airier, airiest)

1 [U] the gas surrounding the Earth, which having fresh air inside: We were given a nice
people breathe airy room.
2 the air the space above you: He threw his
hat into the air. aisle /ail/ noun

3 by air in a plane: We traveled by air. a long passage between rows of seats

. " "

ajar a live /a'laiv/ adjective

not dead; living: Is his grandfather still alive?
» compare DEAD 1

all /ol/ adverb, pronoun

1 the whole of something: Don't eat all the
2 every one of: Answer all twenty questions.

DD 3 completely: He was dressed all in black.

4 all over

over for you.

everywhere: I've been looking all

5 not at all not in any way: I'm not at all hun-

open ajar closed
a jar /9'd3ar/ adjective
a door that is ajar is not completely closed
allergic /a'la^ik/ adjective
if you are allergic to something, you become ill

alarm 1
/a'larm/ noun if you eat, touch, or breathe it: I'm allergic to
1 [U] a feeling of fear or danger cats.
2 something that makes a noise to wake peo-
ple up or warn them of danger: a fire alarm
allergy /'ael^d3i/ noun [plural allergies)
a condition that makes you ill when you eat,
alarm 2 verb touch, or breathe His
in a particular thing:
to worry someone or make them feel afraid breathing problems are caused by an allergy to

alarm house dust.

clock/.'. ,./ noun
a clock that makes a loud noise at the time you alley /'aeli/ noun [plural alleys]
want to wake up a narrow street between buildings or walls
album /'aelbgm/ noun alliance /a'laians/ noun
1 CD etc. with several songs on
a record, it: an agreement between countries or groups to
He bought the new Michael Jackson album. work together
2 a book with empty pages where you can put
photographs, stamps etc.
alligator /'aeta.geitaV noun
a large animal with a long body, sharp teeth and
alcohol /'aelk3,hol, -,hal/ noun [U] short legs, that lives in hot wet areas
drinks such as beer, wine etc. that affect your
brain and can make you feel drunk: We do not
a lowI /s'lau/ verb

sell alcohol to anyone under 21 to say that someone can do something: You're
not allowed to go in there. » opposite FORBID
alcoholic 1
/.aelka'holik, -'ha-/ noun
someone who cannot stop drinking too much allowance /a'laugns/ noun
alcohol: Her father is an alcoholic.
money that you are given for a special reason

all right/,, './adjective, adverb

alcoholic 2 adjective
1 good enough, but not excellent: "How is the
containing alcohol: alcoholic drinks
coffee?" "It's all right, but I've had better.
alert /a'la-t/ adjective 2 not sick or in pain: Do you feel all right?
quick to notice things 3 used to say "yes"; OK: "Can I borrow this

algebra /'aeldsabra/ noun [U] book?" "All right.

a type of MATHEMATICS in which letters are used aMy /'aelai, a'lai/ noun [plural allies)
instead of numbers someone who helps you or supports you in a

alien fight, argument, war etc.

/'eilign, 'eilyan/ noun
1 someone who lives or works in a country, but almond /'amand, noun 'aem-/
is not a citizen a flat white nut with a sweet slightly taste, or
2 a creature that some people believe comes from the tree on which these nuts grow
another world: a movie about aliens invading Earth
almost /'olmoost, ol'moust/ adverb
alike /a'laik/ adjective, adverb nearly: It's almost 9 o'clock. We're almost

the same in some way: They were all dressed there.

alike in white dresses. » compare SIMILAR
alone /a'loun/ adjective altar /'oltaV noun
1 not with other people: He lives alone. a raised table used in a religious place
» compare LONELY alter /'oltaV verb
2 only: She alone knows the truth.
to change something: We had to alter our
3 leave someone alone to stop annoying
someone: Leave me alone. I'm busy!
4 leave something alone to not touch some- alteration /.Dlto'reijan/ noun
thing: Leave that dog alone. a change to something

along /a'br)/ adverb, preposition alternate 1

/'olta^neit/ verb (alternat-
1 following the length of something; from one ing, alternated)
end of something long to another: We walked repeatingfirst one thing, then another: The
along the road. weather has been alternating between sun-
2 forward: Move along, please! shine and rain.
3 bring someone along/come along to bring
someone somewhere with you, or to go some-
alternate 2 /'olta^nit/ adjective
1 first one, then another in a regular pattern:
where with someone: Can bring my friend I
He works on (=one
alternate Saturdays.
Saturday he works, and the next Saturday he
alongside /g.brj'said/ adverb, does not work]
preposition 2 able to be used instead of something or
by the side of something someone else: Is there an alternate route to
the stadium?
a- loud /a 'laud/ adverb
in a voice that is easy to hear: She read the al«ter«na-tive 1 /ol't^n9tiv/ noun
story aloud. something you can do or use instead of some-
thing else: They were searching for any alter-
alphabet: /' noun
native to war.
the letters of a language in a particular order:
The English alphabet begins with A and ends alternative 2 adjective
with Z. different from something else: an alternative
alphabetical /.aelfa'betikal/ adjective
in the same order as the letters of the alpha- although /ol'dou/
bet: The words in this dictionary are in alpha- even if; in spite of something: Although the car
betical order. is old, it still drives well. » compare THOUGH
already /ol'redi/ adverb altogether /plta'ged^, 'Dlt9,geda7
1 before now: I've seen that movie twice adverb
already. including everyone or everything; completely:
2 by this or that time: It was already raining There are 30 people on the bus altogether. He \

when we started our trip. has quit his job altogether.

also /'olsou/ adverb always /'olweiz, -wiz, -wiz/ adverb

as well; too: The store sells mostly shoes, but 1 at all times: You should always lock your
they also sell some bags. \
We can also go to door at night.
the museum if there's time. 2 for a very long time: /'// always remember
NOTE: When there is only one verb, put also
before the verb, unless it is the verb be NOTE: When there is only one verb, put
which must have also after it: He enjoys always before the verb, unless it is the verb
football and baseball, and he also likes be which must have always after it: We
tennis. |
She likes music and she is also always enjoy our vacations. It is always nice \

interested in sports. Where there are two to see you. When there are two verbs, put
/ would
verbs, put also after the first one: always after the first one: You must always be
also likecome. It is an expensive sport
to | careful when you cross the street. She is \

which can also be dangerous. always complaining.

a.m. /,ei 'em/ amp /aemp/ noun
in the morning: / got up at 8 a.m. » compare a measure of electricity
amphibian /aem'fibian/ noun
am /m, am; strong asm/ verb an animal such as a FROG that can live on land
the part of the verb be that is used with /: Am or in the water
late for dinner? I'm am) very sorry.
I |
ample /'aempgl/ adjective
amateur /'aemstJaV adjective enough or more than enough: The car has
doing something for enjoyment, not for money ample room for five people.
amuse /3'myuz/ verb (amusing, amused]
amaze /a'meiz/ verb [amazing, amazed] tomake someone laugh or smile: He was not
to surprise someone very much: She was amused at the joke.
amazed to see so many people there.
amusement a'myuzmant/ noun
amazement /a'meizmant/ noun [U] 1 [U] enjoyment
very great surprise: We watched the show in 2 an enjoyable thing to do
amusement park ... ,./ noun
amazing /g'meizin/ adjective a place where people go to enjoy themselves by
very surprising and exciting: What amazing riding on special machines and playing games
news! » compare INCREDIBLE for small prizes

ambassador /aem'baes9d3\ am-/ noun amusing /a'myuzig/ adjective

an important person who does political work for making you laugh or smile: an amusing story
his or her government in another country » compare FUNNY

ambition /aem'bijsn/ noun an /an; strong aen/

1 a strong wish to be successful used instead of a before a word that begins
2 something you very much want to do: Her with the sound of a, e, o, or u: an apple an i, \

ambition is to be a singer. orange half an hour


ambitious /aem'bijas/ adjective

wanting very much to be successful: a young,
NOTE: You use an instead of a before words
ambitious businessman
beginning with a vowel sound, e.g. a dog, a
ambulance /'aembygtans/ noun girl,a house, but an umbrelia, an elephant,
a special vehicle for carrying people who are an object. Remember that there is
— see color picture
sick or injured. on page 1 87 sometimes a difference in the way a word is
amendment /s'mendmant/ noun spelled and the way it sounds. Use an before
words which begin with a vowel sound, but
a change, especially to the words of a law
are not spelled with a, e, i, o, or u at the
American /s'menkan/ noun beginning, e.g. It will take about an hour [=
someone from the U.S. /aua7 ] and a, not an, with words which are
spelled with a vowel at the beginning but do
ammunition /.asmya'nijan/ noun [U]
not begin with a vowel sound, e.g. a
something that you can shoot from a weapon
European (Juara'pian/ ] country.
among /a'mAr)/ preposition
1 a group
in people or things:
of nice to be It's

among » compare BETWEEN

friends. analysis g'naetasis/ noun [plural
2 in the middle of a lot of people or things: We analyses]
looked for the ball among the trees. a careful examination of something
3 between a group of people: The candy was
shared among the children. compare » analyze /'aenl.aiz/ verb (analyzing,
to look at something very carefully to find out
amount /a'maunt/ noun what it of or to understand it: He had
is made
how much of something there is, or how much his blood analyzed by a doctor.
is needed: It cost a large amount of money.
ancestor /'aen.sestaV noun 1 2th). Today is the 50th anniversary of the
someone in your family who lived a long time

before you were born » compare DESCENDANT end of the war.

date on which they were born:
A person's birthday


anchor /'aenkaV is October 20th. (=l was born on October

noun 20th)
a heavy weight
dropped down from
a ship to the bottom
announce /a'naons/ verb (announcing,
of the water to stop
to tell something to a lot of people, especially
the ship from moving
officially: The captain announced that the plane

ancient was going to land.

/'einfant/ adjective
very old: ancient
announcement /a'naunsmant/ noun
something written or spoken that tells people
buildings |
important news: / read your wedding announce-
history (=about a
ment in the newspaper.
very long time ago)

and /an, n, and; strong aend/

announcer /a'naunsaV noun
someone whose job is to give people informa-
a word used two words, phrases, or
for joining
tion on the radio, on television, during an event
parts of a sentence: / had a drink and a piece
of cake. Are John and Jill coming tonight?

anesthetic /.aenas'Oetik/ noun annoy /a'noi/ verb (annoying, annoyed]

to make someone feel angry: You're beginning
a drug that stops the feeling of pain
to annoy me!
angel /'eind33l/ noun
annoyed /a'noid/ adjective
a spirit who lives with God, usually shown in pic-
angry about something: He is getting annoyed
tures as a person with wings
with his sister.
anger /'aengaV noun [U] annual /'aenyusl/ adjective
the feeling of being very annoyed
happening every year: The flower show is an
angle /'aengal/ noun annual event. annually adverb—
the shape made when two straight lines meet
or cross each other: an angle of 90° anony-mous /a'nanamss/ adjective
not known by name: The author of the book is

angrily /'aengrali/ adverb anonymous.

in a way that shows anger: "Go away!" she
shouted angrily.
another /a'nAdaV pronoun
1 one more: Would you like another cup of cof-
angry /'aengri/ adjective (angrier, angriest] fee?
feeling very annoyed: I'm very angry at her. 2 a different one: Is there another room we

animal /'aenamal/ noun can use? »

compare OTHER
a living creature that is not a person or a plant: answer 1
/'aensaV verb
animals such as dogs, goats and lions 1 to say or write something after you have
been asked a question: "Did you see her?"
ankle /'aenkal/ noun "No, " she answered. You should answer all the

the joint at the bottom of your leg just above

guestions the test.
your foot —see picture at FOOT in

2 answer the door to open a door when

anniversary /.aena'v^sari/ noun someone knocks on it
[plural anniversaries) 3 answer the telephone to pick up a tele-
phone when it rings
NOTE: An anniversary is a day when you
answer 2 noun
remember something special or important 1 something that you say or write after you
which happened on the same date in an
have been asked a question: I'm still waiting for
earlier year: Their wedding anniversary is
an answer.
June 12th (=they got married on June
answerina machine
2 something that solves a problem: There are
no easy answers to the problem of crime. NOTE: Use any, not some, in questions and
in NEGATIVE sentences: need to buy some

answering machine noun '

... .,./
coffee. Is there any coffee?
There isn't \

a machine that answers your telephone and any coffee. But when you are asking for
records messages when you are not there something or offering something you use
ant /aent/ noun some: Would you like some coffee? Can I
a small insect that lives in groups have some coffee, please?

Antarctic /asnt'arktik, aent'artik/ noun

the Antarctic the very cold, most southern anybody /'eni,badi, -,bAdi, -badi/
part of the world —
antarctic adjective any person: Has anybody seen my pen? \

Anybody can learn to swim. »

compare SOME-
ante-lope /'aenfal.oup/ noun [plural ONE
antelope or antelopes]
a wild animal that runs very fast and has long
NOTE: Use anybody or anyone, not
horns on its head
somebody or someone, in questions and in
antenna /aen'tena/ noun NEGATIVE sentences: There was somebody
a piece of equipment that receives radio or tele- waiting outside. \
Is there anybody here? \

vision signals There wasn't anybody in the office.

antibiotic /,aenfibai'atik, .aentai-/

noun anyhow /'eni,hau/ adverb
a drug that fights illness in someone's body: another word for ANYWAY
The doctor gave me some antibiotics for my anyone /'eni,WAn, -wan/
sore throat. another word for ANYBODY: Did you tell anyone
anticipate /aen'tisa.peit/ verb about this?
(anticipating, anticipated] anything /'eni.Oin/
to expect something to happen: We anticipate 1 used in questions and sentences with "not"
that there may be a few problems. to mean Do you want anything?
"something": \

antique /aen'tik/ noun She want anything else (=any other


an object that is old and worth a lot of money: things] to eat. »

This table is an antique. antique adjective— 2 used to say that it does not matter what
thing you choose, do etc. because you could
anxiety /aen'zaiati/ noun [U] choose, do etc. any of them: My dog will eat
a feeling of worry anything.

anxious /'aerjkfas/ adjective

very worried about something NOTE: Use anything, not something, in
questions and in NEGATIVE sentences: I need
anxiously /'aegkfasli, 'aen Jssli/ adverb
to get something to drink. Do you have \

in way that shows you are very worried: They

anything to drink? I don't want anything to

waited anxiously for news of their son.


an-y 1 /'cni/ pronoun

1 used to say that it is not important which of anyway /'eni,wei/ adverb
several things you choose: Any of these restau- 1 in something else: The dress cost a
spite of
rants is fine. lot, bought it anyway.
but I

2 a word meaning "some," used in questions 2 used when you are saying something that
and sentences: Is there any ice cream left? supports what you have just said: / don't want
» compare SOME to go to the party. Anyway, I haven't been invited.

any 2
adverb 3 used when you are continuing what you are
used in questions and sentences with "not" to saying or changing the subject of what you are

mean "more," "much," "a little" etc.: don't /

saying: Anyway, where do you want to go for

know how things could get any worse. Are you lunch?

feeling any better? anywhere /'eni.wer/ adverb

in or to any place: / can't find my keys any-
where. |
Have you been anywhere else? (=to any appeal 2 noun
other places] »
compare SOMEWHERE an act of asking for something, especially
money: The Red Cross is making an appeal for
apart /a'part/ adverb medicine and blankets.
1 separated by distance or time: The two cities
are six miles apart. appear /g'pir/ verb
2 separated into many pieces: / had to take 1 to seem: She appeared to be upset.
the lamp apart to fix it. 2 to begin to be seen: Stars appeared in the
3 apart from someone or something except sky. » opposite DISAPPEAR
for someone or something: All the children like
music apart from Joe.
appearance /s'pirans/ noun
1 [U] the way someone looks to other people:
apartment /9'part n m3nt/ noun Carol is very concerned about her appearance.
a place where someone lives, usually a group of 2 when someone or something arrives at a
rooms in a large building place or begins to be seen: This is his first
appearance in court.
ape /eip/ noun
a large animal like a monkey, but with a very appetite /'aepa.tait/ noun
short tail or no tail the feeling that you want to eat: / lost my
appetite when I was sick.
apiece /a'pis/ adverb
each: The apples are 25 cents apiece. applaud /a'plod/ verb
to hit your open hands together many times to
apologize /a'pata^aiz/ verb
show that you enjoyed a play, speaker etc.
(apologizing, apologized)
to say that you are sorry about something you
» compare CLAP
have done: Billy apologized for telling a lie. applause /a'pbz/ noun [U]
the sound of people hitting their hands togeth-
apology /3'pabd3i/ noun [plural er many times to show that they liked or
enjoyed something
something that you say or write to show that
you are sorry about something you have done apple /'aepgl/ noun
a round hard juicy red or green fruit that
apostrophe /a'pastrofi/ noun white on the inside —see picture at FRUIT

the mark ('] used in writing to show that letters

have been left out, such as don't instead of "do appliance /g'plaians/ noun
not' or with the letter "s" to show that some- a machine or piece of equipment used in some-
thing belongs to someone, such as "Sarah's one's home: Bob works at a store that sells
book" kitchen appliances.

apparatus /.aepa'raetas, -'reitas/ noun application /.aepli'keijgn/ noun

[U] 1 a written paper asking for something: We
tools or other things used for a particular pur- received ten applications for the job.
pose: diving apparatus 2 a piece of computer SOFTWARE

apparent /a'paerant, a'per-/ adjective apply /a'plai/ verb (applying, applied)

easy to understand or realize: It was apparent 1 to officially ask for something: / want to apply
that he knew nothing about cars. compare » for the job.
OBVIOUS 2 to affect or be intended for someone or
something: The rules apply to everyone.
apparently /9'paer9nt n li, 9'per-/
3 to put something such as paint on a surface:
Apply the glue along the edge of the wood.
used to say that something seems to be true,
but you are not sure: Apparently she's living in appoint /a'pomt/ verb
Japan. to choose someone for a job: / appointed her as
my secretary.
appeal 1
/a'pil/ verb
1 to ask for something urgently: She appealed appointment /3'point n m3nt/ noun
to me for help. a time arranged for meeting someone: have /

2 appeal to someone to be attractive or inter- an appointment with the doctor on Monday.

esting to someone: That type of music doesn't
appeal to me.
appreciate /s'priji.eit/ verb arch /art// noun
[appreciating, appreciated) [plural arches)
to be grateful for something: / appreciate your a curved shape at the
help. top of a door,
window etc: The old
appreciation /a.pnJTeiJan, -pri-/
church had large
noun [U]
arches supporting the
something you say or do to thank someone or
weight of the roof.
show that you are grateful: / would like to
express my appreciation to everyone who
archaeologist /,areki'al9d3ist/ noun
someone who studies very old things and build-
apprentice /a'prenfis/ noun ings made by people who lived a long time ago
someone who is learning a new job
archaeology /.arki'abdsi/ noun [U]
approach 1
/9'proutJV verb the study of very old things and buildings made
to move closer to someone or something: A by people who lived a long time ago
man approached me on the street.
architect /'arka.tekt/ noun
approach 2
noun someone whose job is to plan and draw buildings
a way of doing something or dealing with a prob-
architecture /'arka.tektJaV noun [U]
1 the shape and style of buildings: / love the
appropriate /s'proupriit/ adjective architecture of Venice.
right; suitable: Visitors to the church should 2 the job of planning and drawing buildings: He
wear appropriate clothing. » opposite INAP- studies architecture.
Arctic /'arktik, -tik/ noun
approval /a'pruval/ noun [U] the Arctic the most northern part of the earth,
when you think that someone or something is including parts of Alaska and Greenland, and
good » opposite DISAPPROVAL the sea called the Arctic Ocean —arctic adjec-
approve /a'pruv/ verb (approving,
approved] lzf\ strong ar/ verb
to think that something is good: / don't approve the part of the verb be that is used with we, you

of smoking. » opposite DISAPPROVE and they: Who are you? We're (=we are]

Jane's friends. They are going to be late.

approximate /3'praks3,mit/ \

adjective area /'eria/ noun

not exact: Our approximate time of arrival is 1 a particular part of a place, city, or country:
two o'clock (=it might be just before or just after He lives in the Boston area. (=near Boston)
two). 2 the measure of a surface: The house has an
area of 2,000 square feet.
approximately /a'praksamirii/
adverb arena /a'rina/ noun
a little more or less than an exact number or a building with a large central area surrounded
amount: Approximately half of our money by raised seats, used for sports and entertain-
comes from selling books. ment
apricot /'eipn.kat, 'ae-/ noun aren't /'arant/
a round, soft, yellow fruit 1 are not: Bill and Sue aren't coming to the
April /'eipral/ noun
2 used in questions instead of not: I'm
the fourth month of the year
your best friend, aren't I?
apron /'eipran/ noun argue /'argyu/ verb (arguing, argued)
a piece of cloth that you wear on top of your
to disagree, often speaking loudly and angrily:
clothes, to keep your clothes clean when you
Mom and Dad always argue about money.

aquarium /a'kwcriam/ noun argument /'cirgyamant/ noun

a disagreement, especially an angry one: They
a large glass box in which fish live
had a big argument.

arid /'aerid/ adjective 4 not exactly; about: Come around 10 o'clock.

very dry and getting very little rain 5 in the opposite direction: Let me turn the
car around.
arise /a'raiz/ verb (arising, past tense
6 with a movement or shape like a circle: The
arose, past participle arisen]
Earth moves around the Sun.
to happen or appear: Several problems arose
when I lost my job. arrange /9'remd3/ verb (arranging,
arithmetic /g'riGma.tik/ noun 1 to make plans for something: / have arranged
the science of numbers, including addition, divi-
a meeting for tomorrow.
sion etc.
2 to put things in a particular order or posi-
arm /arm/ noun
1 tion: She arranged the flowers in a vase.
the part of your body between your shoulder
and your hand
arrangement /g'remdsmsnt/ noun
a plan or agreement that something will happen
arm 2 verb
arrest1 /a'rest/ verb
to give someone weapons
to catch someone and take him or her away
armchair /'armtjer/ noun because he or she has done something wrong:
a chair with sides on which to rest your arms Police arrested several people for fighting in the
—see picture at CHAIR street.

armed /armd/ adjective arrest 2 noun

carrying a weapon, especially a gun: The prison when a police officer arrests someone: The
had many armed guards. » opposite UNARMED police made three arrests yesterday

armed forces /,. '../plural noun ar«riv«al /s'raivgl/ noun

all the soldiers of a country when a person, airplane etc. gets to a place:

armor /'armaV After our arrival, we went to a hotel. » com-

noun [U]
a covering of metal ar-rive /a'raiv/ verb (arriving, arrived]
worn as protection to get to a place: Your letter arrived yesterday

by soldiers in the We arrived in Boston on Tuesday. opposite


arm-pit: arrow /'aerou/

/'arm,pit/ noun noun
the place under your arm where your arm joins 1 a weapon like a
your body sharp stick that is

shot from a BOW 3

arms /armz/ plural noun
2 a sign that shows
weapons such as guns and bombs: He was
direction or where
caught selling arms to the enemy.
something is

army /'armi/ noun [plural armies] art /art/ noun

the soldiers of a country that fight on land
» compare AIR FORCE, NAVY
1 [U] the skill of
drawing and painting:
arose /a'rouz/ He is studying art in school.
the PAST TENSE of the verb arise 2 drawings etc. The museum
[U] paintings,
has many works of art.
around /a'raund/ adverb, preposition
3 the skill used in making or doing something:
1 on all sides of something: We put a fence
a book about the art of cooking
around the yard. —
see color picture on page
4 the arts [plural] painting, music, literature,
movies etc.
2 in or to different places: They walked around
the town. artery /'artari/ noun [plural arteries)
3 in or near a particular place: Is there a bank one of the tubes that carry blood from your
around here? heart to the rest of your body

arthritis /ar'Graitis/ noun [U] asleep /a'slip/ adjective

a disease that makes your hands, arms, legs 1 sleeping: The baby is asleep. » compare
etc. painful and difficult to move AWAKE
2 fall asleep to begin to sleep: / fell asleep in
article /'artikal/ noun
front of the TV.
1 a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine
etc.: Did you read the article on the flood? asparagus /a'spaeragas/ noun [U]
2 a found an article of clothing by
thing: Police a long thin green vegetable shaped like a small
the road. stick
3 the words a or an [=indefinite article] or the
(=definite article)
aspect /'aespekt/ noun
one of the parts of a situation, idea, problem etc.:
ar-ti-f icial /.arta'fijsl* / adjective We are looking at several aspects of the plan.
not natural, but made by people: artificial flow-
ers an artificial leg
aspirin /'aespnn/ noun

a medicine that pain go away

artist /'artist/ noun
someone who paints pictures, writes music etc.
assassin /g'saesan/ noun
someone who kills an important person, espe-
ar t is tic /ar'tistik/ adjective cially for political reasons
having skill in an art, such as painting, music
assassinate /g'saesa.neit/ verb
(assassinating, assassinated]
as /az; strong aez/ adverb, preposition to an important person, especially
kill for politi-

1 used to say what someone's job is, or what cal reasons »

compare MURDER 1

something is used for: She works as a

teacher. We can use this box as a table.
assassination /g.saess'neijan/ noun
when someone

kills an important person, espe-

2 when; while: We sang as we worked.
cially for political reasons: the assassination of
3 because: / can't come, as I'm too busy.
President Kennedy
4 as ... as used to compare two or more: I'm
not as old as you. It's just as good as the other
assault 1
/3'sDlt/ verb
one. to attack or hit someone: he was arrested for
5 as well also: Can I have some milk as well? assaulting a neighbor.

ash /aeJV noun [plural ashes] assault 2 noun

the gray powder that is left after something has an attack on someone
been burned
assemble /a'sembal/ verb (assembling,
ashamed /g'Jeimd/ adjective assembled)
feelingbad about something you have done 1 to bring people together in a group
wrong: She felt ashamed of herself. com- » 2 to fit the parts of something together
assembly /a'sembli/ noun [plural
ashore /a'Jbr/ adverb assemblies]
onto the land: Pull the boat ashore! a meeting of a group of people for a particular
ash-tray /'aejtrei/ noun [plural ashtrays)
a small dish in which you put the ASH from a cig- as-set /'aeset/ noun
arette something that is useful in helping you succeed
or deal with problems
aside /a' said/ adverb
to the side: / stepped aside to let her pass me. assign /a'sam/ verb
to give someone a job to do: Police were
ask /aesk/ verb
assigned to watch the President.
1 to say something that is a question: "Who
are you?" she asked. assignment /s'sammant/ noun
2 to try to get help, information etc. from a job or piece of work that you must do: Did you
someone: She asked me what time it was. If \
finish your homework assignment?
you need anything, just ask.
3 to invite someone to go to a place with you:
assist o'sist verb
to help someone
John asked me to go to the dance with him.
assistance /a'sistons/ noun [U] 5 used for showing how much, how old, or
help or support how fast: He got married at twenty-one. dri- \

per hour
ving at forty miles
assistant /s'sistant/ noun 6 good/bad etc. at something able or not
someone who helps a person in their job able to do something well

associate /a'sooji.eit, -si.eit/ verb ate /eit/

(associating, associated) the PAST TENSE of the verb eat
1 to connect two things or ideas in your mind
2 associate with someone to spend time with atheist /'eiGiist/ noun
someone or be connected with him or her someone who does not believe in the existence
of God
association /s.sousi'eijan, -Ji'ei-/ noun
an organization of people with a particular pur- athlete /'aeOlit/ noun
pose or interest someone who is good at sports, especially
someone who takes part in sports competitions
as-sume /a'sum/ verb (assuming,
assumed) athletic /aeO'letik/ adjective

to think that something is true even though you able to play a sport very well

do not know that it is: / assumed that she was atlas /'aet
tas/ noun [plural atlases)
English by the way she talks.
a book of maps
assure /a'Jur/ verb (assuring, assured) ATM /,ei ti 'em/ noun
to tell someone that something is make
true to Automated Teller Machine; a machine in the
them feel less worried: / can assure you that we wall outside a bank where you can get money
are not closing the hospital.
atmosphere /

m9s,fir/ noun
asterisk /'aestansk/ noun 1 a feeling that a place or situation gives you:
the sign enjoyed the exciting atmosphere of the game.

astonish /a'staniJV verb 2 the atmosphere [U] the air that surrounds
to surprise someone very much the Earth
3 the air in a room, building etc.: a smoky
astonishment /a'stanijmsnt/ noun [U] atmosphere
when you are very surprised
atom /'aetam/ noun
astrologer /9'strabd3^/ noun the smallest part into which a substance can be
someone who studies ASTROLOGY divided

astrology /a'stratadsi/ noun [U] atomic energy/.,.. '.../ noun[U]

the study of the PLANETs and stars in the belief power produced by splitting an atom, used for
that they influence people's lives
making electricity

astronaut /'aestra.not, -,nat/ noun attach /a'taet// verb

someone who travels in space —see color pic- 1 to connect one thing to something else: This
ture on page 1 92 machine attaches labels to clothes.
astronomer /a'stronamaV noun 2 be attached to someone to like someone
someone who studies ASTRONOMY very much: Mary was very attached to her
astronomy /a'stranami/ noun [U]
the science of the study of the sun, moon, and attack 1
/a'taek/ verb

stars 1 to use violence against a person or place,

often using weapons: The army attacked with
at hi; strong aet/ preposition no warning. \
The rebels attacked the camp at
1 in a particular place: Meet me at my house
around six. She's at work. 2
to say bad things about someone or some-
2 when something happens: It gets cold at thing; criticize
night. The movie starts at seven o'clock.

3 toward someone or something: Look at me! \

attack 2
Stop shouting at the children. a violent action intended to hurt someone or
4 because of something: No one laughed at something
his joke.
attempt 1
/a 'tempt/ verb audience /'odians/ noun
to try to do something difficult the people watching a play, listening to music etc.

attempt noun 2
audio /'odiou/ adjective
when you do something difficult: At least
try to relating to recording and broadcasting
she made an attempt to speak their language.
audiovisual /,odiou'vi3U9l/
attend /a'tend/ verb adjective
to go to or be present at an event: Will you be relating to the use of recorded pictures and
attending the meeting? sound

attendance /a'tendsns/ noun [U] auditorium /.odi'tDriam/ noun

when you are present at a place: His atten- a large room, especially in a school, where peo-
dance at school is bad. (=he does not go ple sit to watch a performance
August /'agast/ noun
attendant /a'tendant/ noun the eighth month of the year
someone whose job is to take care of someone
or something
aunt /aent, ant/ noun
the sister of one of your parents, or the wife of
attention /s'tenjan/ noun [U] your uncie » compare UNCLE
1 when you look at or listen to someone or
something: May I have your attention, please?
author /'a0a7 noun
a person who writes a book, play etc.
(=will you listen to me) Sorry I wasn't paying

attention. What did you say? authority /a'Garati, a'Gar-/ noun

2 special care or interest that you give to 1 power to control people and make
[U] the
someone on something: Crime attracts a lot of them do what you want: The police have the
attention in the newspapers. Old cars need \
authority to stop the march.
more attention than new ones. 2 the authorities the people who control or
govern something
at-tic /'aetik/ noun
a space or room at the top of a house inside authorize /'aGa,raiz/ verb (authorizing,
the roof —see color picture on page 1 86 authorized)
be authorized to to have the power to do
attitude /'aete.tud/ noun something
the way you think or feel about something or
someone: a friendly attitude auto 1
/'atou/ noun
a car
attract /a'traekt/ verb
1 to make someone interested in something, auto 2 adjective
or go to see something: Disneyland attracts relating to cars: He owns an auto parts store.
many visitors every year.
2 one object attracts another, it makes that
autobiography /.atabai'agrafi/
noun [plural autobiographies)
other object move toward it: He used a magnet
a book written bysomeone about their own life
to attract the metal balls.
3 be attracted to someone to like someone
» compare BIOGRAPHY

and want to be with them autograph /'atagraef/ noun

a famous person's name, written by him or her
attraction /o'traekfan/ noun [U] » compare SIGNATURE
the feeling of liking someone or something very
much automatic /,ata'maetik< / adjective
1 automatic machines work without people
attractive /a'traektiv/ adjective
operating them, after being started: The build-
1 pretty, beautiful, or pleasant to look at: She's
ing has automatic doors. (=doors which open
a very attractive woman. an attractive cottage

and close without being touched)

2 interesting or desirable: an attractive idea
2 done without thinking —automatically
adverb: I saw it out of the corner of my eye and
:tion /'ok/an/ noun ducked automatically.
a public sale where things are sold to the per-
au-to-mo-bile/,atama'bil, 'atama.bil/ noun
son who offers the most money
a car
autumn /'otam/ noun award 2 verb
the season between summer and winter, when to give someone an award
the leaves fall off the trees
a- ware /a'wer/ adjective
available /a'veitabal/ adjective ifyou are aware of something, you know it is

able to be used or seen, used etc.: Do you have happening: / was not aware of the problem.
any rooms available on the 16th? a- way /a'wei/ adverb
avalanche /'aeva.laent/, -lantJV noun 1 to another place: Go away! \
He turned
a large amount of snow or a lot of rocks that around and ran away. —
see color picture on
fall down a mountain page 194
2 at a distance from a place or person: The
avenue /'aev9,nu/ noun nearest city is five miles away.
a street in a town or city » compare STREET 3 not at home or at work: /'// be away for a few
average 1
/'aevnd3/ adjective days.

1 usual or ordinary: The average child enjoys 4 put something away to put something in its

listening to stories. correct place: Put your toys away now.

2 calculated by adding several amounts togeth- awesome /'osam/ adjective
er and dividing the total by the number of very impressive; extremely good: His party was
amounts: The average rainfall in July is just one awesome!
aw'ful /'of al/ adjective
average 2 noun 1 very bad or unpleasant: This food tastes
the amount you get by adding several numbers awful!
together and dividing the total by the number of 2 look/feel awful to look or feel sick
amounts. For example the average of 3, 5, and

7 is 5 (3+5+7=15 15+3=5). awf ul-ly /'ofli/ adverb
very: That poor little girl looks awfully scared.
avocado /.aeva'kadou, ,a-/ noun
a green fruit shaped like a PEAR with a large a while /a'wail/ adverb
seed inside for a short period of time: Sit down awhile and
talk to me.
avoid /a'void/ verb
to stay away from a person, place, or thing: awkward /'okwa-d/ adjective
Are you trying to avoid me? 1 not able to move your body skillfully or grace-
fully: He's very awkward. He keeps dropping
a wait /a'weit/ verb
to wait for someone or something
2 not easy to hold or use: The cup is an awk-
awake /a'weik/ adjective ward shape.
not sleeping: I'm never really awake until I've 3 making you feel uncomfortable or embar-
had a cup of coffee. \
Your son has been awake rassed: an awkward silence
for hours! » opposite ASLEEP
ax (axe) /aeks/ noun [plural axes)

award 1
/a' word/ noun a tool with a metal blade on a handle, used for
a prize you get for doing something well: He cutting wood
won the award for best actor.
5 back and forth inone direction, then in the

other direction: He kept walking back and forth
across the floor.

back 3 verb
1 [also back up or back off) to move in the
direction that behind you or to make a vehicle

do this: She backed the car into the street. I \

ran up to him, but he didn't back off.

baby /'beibi/ noun [plural babies) 2 back down to accept that you were wrong
a very young child —see coloT picture on page
about something
191 3 back someone up to support someone by
agreeing that what they say is true
baby carriage /'.. ,../ noun [also baby 4 back out something to decide not
of to do
buggy] something that you had agreed to do
a small bed with wheels, used for pushing a
baby around outdoors back 4 adjective
in the back or behind something: the back door
baby-sit /'beibi.sit/ verb (babysitting, » opposite FRONT 2

to care for a child while his or her parents are
back-bone /'baskboun/ noun
away the line of bones going from your neck to your
babysitter /'beibi.sitaV noun
someone who is paid to BABYSIT a child
background /'baekgraund/ noun
1 the type of education, family etc. that you
bachelor /'baetjgl^, 'baet/W noun have: me something about your back-
a man who is not married ground. a middle-class background

back 1
2 [U] the area that is behind the main objects
or people in a picture: Here's a picture of Mary
1 the part of your body that is behind you and
with our house in the background.
goes from your neck to your legs: / lay on my
back, gazing up at the clouds. Jo said that her
3 the facts or events that have led to a partic-

ular situation: The peace talks are taking place

back is aching.
against a background of violence.
2 the part of something that is farthest from
the front: It's O. K. to write on the back of your backpack /'baekpaek/ noun
paper. \
There's a pool in back of (=behind) our a bag that you carry on your back —see picture
house. »
compare FRONT 1 at BAG and see color picture on page 1 88
3 behind someone's back if you do something
behind someone's back, you do it without them
back-up /'baekAp/ noun
a copy of something that can be used if the first
knowing and without their approval: You should-
n't talk about Helen behind her back.
one is lost or damaged: You should make a
backup of your files.
4 be on someone's back to keep telling some-
one to do something in a way that is annoying: backward 1
/'baekw^d/ adverb [also
Dad's been on my back all day about washing backwards)
the car. 1 in the direction that is behind you: He took
5 turn your back on someone to refuse to two steps backward. compare FORWARD 1 »
help or be friendly with someone: Now that he's 2 starting at the end; in the opposite way to
famous he's turned his back on his friends. what is usual. For example, if you count back-
ward from 5, you say "5, 4, 3,2, 1 0."
back 2 adverb

3 with the back part in front: He has his T-shirt
1 in the direction that is behind you:
on backward.
looked back to see if Tom was still there.
2 to the place where something or someone backward 2 adjective
was before: Put the book back on the shelf 1 in the direction that is behind you: a back-
when you've finished it. be back in an hour.
I'll ward glance »
compare FORWARD 2
3 in reply: Call me back when you can. 2 slow to learn things or to develop
4 away from the front of something: Stand
back from the fire.
back-yard /,baek'yard< / noun
the area of land behind a house

bacon /'beikan/ noun [U] bag /baeg/ noun

meat from the back or sides of a pig, that has a container made of cloth, paper, plastic, or
been salted or smoked » compare HAM leather that opens at the top, used for carrying
bacteria /baek'tiria/ plural noun
living things that are so small that you cannot bag-el /'beiggl/ noun
see them, but which can make you sick a type of bread that is shaped like a ring —see
picture at BREAD
bad /baed/ adjective (worse, worst)
1 not good or not nice: I'm afraid I have some baggage /'baegid3/ noun [U]
bad news. The weather is very bad for June. all the bags that you take with you when you
» compare LUGGAGE

» compare GOOD 1
2 not able to do something well: I'm bad at
tennis. a bad driver
baggy /'baegi/ adjective (baggier, baggiest)

baggy clothes fit very loosely

3 serious or severe: a very bad cold
4 not good to eat: The milk has gone bad. bait /beit/ noun [U]
5 be bad for someone to cause harm to food that you use to attract fish or animals so
someone: Smoking is bad for you. that you can catch them
6 too bad used to say you are sorry that
something unpleasant has happened: It's too
bake /beik/ verb (baking, baked)
to cook food in an OVEN, using dry heat: I'm bak-
bad Calvin can't come with us.
ing a cake.
7 feel bad to feel sorry or ashamed about
something: feel really bad about forgetting
/ baker /'beikaV noun
your birthday. someone whose job is making bread and cakes
8 not bad used to say that you think something
is good or acceptable
bakery /'beikari/ noun [plural bakeries)
a place where bread and cakes are made or
badge /baed3/ noun sold —see color picture on page 1 93
a small object that you wear on your clothes,
often showing your name, job etc.
balance 1
/'baetans/ verb (balancing, bal-
badger /'baed3^/ noun 1 to keep yourself or something else steady,
a wild animal with black and white fur that lives without falling to one side or the other see —
in a hole color picture on page 1 89
2 to give equal importance to two things: It is
badly /'baedli/ adverb (worse, worst)
difficult to balance the time I spend at home
1 in a way that is not satisfactory or success-
and work.
She sings very badly.

2 very much: He wanted very badly to be a balance 2 noun [U]

success. 1 the ability to stay steady without falling to one
3 severely or seriously: She was badly hurt in side or the other: / lost my balance and fell

the accident. down.

bag 2 when two things have the same importance
/'baelkani/ noun
[plural balconies)
1 a place above the
ground on the out-
side of a building
where people can sit
2 the seats upstairs
in a theater

bald /bold/ nsn^^I

bald people do not have any hair on their head
—see color picture on page 191

sports bag
ball /bol/ noun bandit /'baendit/ noun
1 a round object that you throw, kick, or hit in someone who robs or attacks people
some games
2 an object with a round shape: ball of wool
bang 1
/baen./ noun
1 a loud noise like the noise made by a gun:
3 a large important party at which people
The door slammed shut with a bang.
2 when you knock or hit yourself against some-
4 be on the ball to be able to think or act
thing: a bang on the head
quickly: You really need to be on the ball when
the teacher asks a question. bang 2
1 to make a loud noise, usually by hitting some-
ballet /bae'lei, 'baelei/ noun
thing hard: He banged on the
his fist table.
a performance in which a story is told using
2 to hurt a part of your body by hitting it
dancing and music
against something: Joe banged his head on the
balloon /bg'lun/ noun car door.
a small rubber bag that can be filled with air or
gas so that it floats
bangs /baenz/ plural noun
hair that is cut straight across your FOREHEAD
ballot /'baetat/ noun —see picture at hairstyle
a piece of paper that is used for voting
bank 1
/baegk/ noun
ball-point pen /.bolpomt" 1

'pen/ noun 1 a business that keeps your money safe or

a pen with a very small metal ball at the end lends money to you etc., or the building
that rolls ink onto the paper this business is in —see color picture on page
bamboo /.baem'bin / noun [U]
2 the raised land along the side of a lake or
a tall hard grass with hollow stems, often used
for making furniture

ban 1
/baen/ verb (banning, banned]
bank 2 verb
1 money in a bank: Where do you bank?
to put
to say officially that something must not be
2 bank on someone or something to depend
done: Smoking is banned in school. com-» on someone or something: We're banking on
you to help us.
ban 2 noun
banker /'baegkaV noun
an official order which says you must not do a
someone who has an important job in a bank
particular thing: There is a ban on having dogs
in the park. banking /'baenkig/ noun [U]
the business done by a bank
banana /ba'naena/ noun
a long curved fruit with a yellow skin —see pic- bankrupt /'baegkrApt/ adjective
ture at FRUIT not able to pay the money that you owe
band /baend/ noun banner /'baensr/ noun
1 a narrow piece of material used for holding a long piece of cloth on which something is writ-

things together: Put a rubber band around ten

these papers.
2 a group of people who play music together:
banquet /'baegkwit/ noun
a formal meal for a lot of people on a special
We want to form our own band.
3 a group of people who are together for a
particular purpose: a band of thieves bap-tis-m /'baeptizam/ noun
a CHRISTIAN religious ceremony in which some-
bandage 1
/'baendid3/ noun
one is touched or covered with water to
a long piece of cloth that is tied on to your body
become a member of a church
to cover a wound
bandage 2
verb (bandaging, bandaged]
baptize /'baeptaiz, baep'taiz/ verb
(baptizing, baptized]
to tie a BANDAGE on a part of someone's body
to perform a BAPTISM: Many people have been
Band-Aid /'baend eid/ [trademark] noun baptized in church in a ceremony performed by

a thin piece of material that you put on your skin the local priest.
to cover a wound
bar 2 an agreement to do something in return for
something else

bargain 2 verb
to discuss the price of something, especially
something that you are buying or selling

barge fbard^f noun

a large boat with a flat bottom, used for carry-
ing things

a candy bar prison bars bark 1

/bark/ verb
if a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound
bar 1
/bar/ noun
1 a place where people go to buy and drink bark 2 noun
alcohol 1 [U] the hard skin that covers the outside of
2 a solid piece of something, longer than it is a tree
wide: a bar of soap 2 the short loud sound a dog makes
3 a long piece of wood or metal across a win-
bar-ley /'barli/ noun [U]
dow or door to stop people from going in or out
a type of grass that used is for making food,
4 behind bars in prison
beer, and some other drinks
bar 2
verb [barring, barred)
barn /barn/ noun
1 to officially stop someone from doing some-
a large building on a farm in which animals and
thing or something from happening: After test-
crops are kept
ing positive, he was barred from the sport for
a year. bar-racks /'baeriks/ plural noun
2 to put a bar across a window or door to stop a group of buildings in which soldiers live

people from going in or out: She barred the

door and called the
barrel /'baeral/ noun
1 a large round container with flat ends, in

barbecue /'barbi.kyu/ noun which oil, beer etc. is kept

a meal that is cooked and eaten outside 2 the part of a gun that is a long metal tube
2 a metal frame for cooking food outside over
bar-ri-er /'baeriaV noun
1 a fence or wall that stops people from going
barbed wire /,barbd 'waiaV noun [U] through a place: The police put a barrier across
wire with short sharp points in it: a barbed wire the road.
fence 2 something such as a rule or problem that
stops you from doing something
barber /'barbaV noun
person whose job is to cut men's hair bartender /'bar.tendaV noun
someone whose job is to make and serve drinks
bare /ber/ adjective
in a BAR 1
not covered by clothing: Don't let the baby
/valkaround in her bare feet. (=without shoes base 1
/beis/ noun
nd socks] 1 the bottom of something or the part some-
2 empty: a bare room (=a room with no furni- thing stands on: We walked to the base of the
ure) cliff.

without any decoration: bare white walls 2 the main place where the work of a compa-
ny is done: The company's manufacturing base
larefoot /'berfut/ adjective, adverb
is in Illinois.
ot wearing any shoes or socks
3 a place where people in a military organiza-
)are-ly /'berli/ adverb tion live and work: the naval base in San Diego
jst;almost not: He had barely enough money
o buy food. » compare HARDLY base 2 verb (basing, based)
1 base something on something to develop
jargain 1
/'bargan/ noun something by using something else as the rea-
something that you buy for less than it usu- son or starting point: The movie is based on his
lly costs: These shoes are a bargain at only earlier book.
?70. 2 be based somewhere to have your main

home, company etc. in a particular place: basketball /'baeskit ,bol/ noun

We're based in the city, but we spend a lot of a game which two teams try to throw a ball

time in the country. through a round net which is high above the
baseball ground, or the ball used in this game see —
color picture on pages 1 84 and 1 85

bat 1
/bast/ noun
1 a long piece of wood used for hitting the ball
in baseball
2 a small animal with wings that flies at night
and hangs upside down when it sleeps

bat 2 verb (batting, batted]

to hit a ball with a bat

batch /baet J7 noun [plural batches)

a number of people or things that you deal with
together: / have a batch of papers to grade.

base-ball /'beisbol/ noun bath /baeG/ noun [plural baths /baedz, baeGs/]
a ball game which two teams of nine players
in an act of washing yourself in a bathtub: / take
try to get points by hitting a ball with a round a bath every day.
stick and then running around a specially
shaped field, or the ball used in this game see — bathe /beid/ verb (bathing, bathed]
to wash your whole body in water
color picture on page 1 84
basement /'beismsnt/ noun bathing suit /'beidirj,sut/ noun
a piece of clothing that you wear when you swim
a part of a house or building that is below the
level of the ground » compare CELLAR bath-robe /'baeGroub/ noun
a type of loose coat that you put on after you
bases /'beisiz/ noun have had a bath
the plural of the word BASIS

basic /'beisik/ adjective bath-room /'baeGrum, -rum/ noun

a room in a house where people wash their bod-
simple and forming the main or most important
part of something: People need basic skills
iesand use the toilet —see color picture on
page 186
such as reading and writing.

basically /'beisikli/ adverb

bath-tub /'baeGtAb/ noun
a large container that you fill with water and sit
said when giving the most important reason or
in to wash your body
fact about something, or an explanation of it:
Well, basically, we have to paint the wall again. batter 1
/'baetaV noun
a mixture of flour, eggs, milk etc., used for mak-
basin /'beisan/ noun
ing cakes
a large round bowl

basis /'beisis/ noun [plural bases]

batter 2 verb
to hit someone or something hard many times
1 the most important part of something, from
which something else develops: These ideas battery /'baeteri/ noun [plural batteries]
formed the basis of the plan. an object that provides electricity for a radio,
2 the way something is done, organized, or car etc.
regularly happens: We still meet for lunch on a
bat-tie noun
fairly regular basis.
1 a fight between two armies, or groups of
3 on the basis something because of a par-
fact or reason: The company hires peo-
ships or planes » compare WAR
2 a situation in which people are arguing or
ple on the basis of experience.
competing with each other, or struggling
basket /'baeskit/ noun against something: her battle against cancer
a container made of thin pieces of wood, wire
etc., used for carrying things —see picture at
bay /bei/ noun
a part of the ocean that is enclosed by a curve
in the land
B.C. /.bi'si/ beak /bik/ noun
Before Christ; used in dates to show how many the hard pointed mouth of a bird
years before the birth of Christ it happened: It
was built in 2000 B.C. » compare A.D.
beam /bim/ noun
1 a line of light shining from a bright object: A
beam of light shone through the window.
be /bi/ verb
2 a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in
present tense
building houses
singular plural
I am (I'm) We are (We're) bean /bin/ noun
You are (You're) You are (You're) 1 a seed or seed container of a plant that you
He/She/It is They are eat: green beans —see picture at VEGETABLE
(He's/She's/It's) (They're) 2 a seed of a plant used for making food or
drink: coffee beans
past tense
singular plural bear 1
fbzxl verb [past tense bore, past par-
I was We were ticiple borne)
You were You were 1 to support the weight of something: That
He/She/It was They were chair cannot bear your weight.
2 to carry something or someone somewhere
present participle being
3 to accept or deal with something bad without
past participle been
complaining: The pain was almost too much to
negative short aren't, isn't,
forms wasn't, weren't
4 to be responsible for something, or to
(you can find each of these words in its
accept the blame for something: The President
own place in the dictionary)
must bear some of the responsibility for this
1 used to describe people or things, or disaster.

give information about them: The baby's 5 can't bear someone or something to dislike
name is Peter. My mother is a teacher.
someone or something very much: can't bear /

I'm (=l am) very happy. people who complain all the time.
2 used with the -ing form of other verbs to bear 2 noun
show that something is happening now: a large strong wild animal with thick fur —see
What are you doing? \
I am painting a pic-
color picture on page 1 83
3 used with other verbs to show that beard /bird/ noun
something happens to a person or thing: hair that grows on a man's chin compare »
He was bitten by a dog. The house was \
MUSTACHE —see picture at MUSTACHE and see
built 50 years ago. color picture on page 191
4 used with other verbs to show what you beast /bist/ noun
expect to happen in the future or what must
a wild and dangerous animal
happen: We have to be at the airport by
six. / will be leaving tomorrow.
beat 1
/bit/ verb [past tense beat, past
5 there is [plural there are) used for say- participle beaten)
ing that someone or something exists, or to 1 to defeat someone in a game, or to do bet-

say where they are: Look, there's (=there ter than them: The Broncos beat the Cowboys
is) Sue! How |
many children are there in 17-10.
your class? 2 to hit someone or something many times: In

the old days, children could be beaten at

beach /bit J7 noun [plural beaches) school.
an area covered in sand or stones next to an 3 to make a regular sound or movement: Her
ocean or lake heart was beating too fast.
4 to hit against something continuously: Huge
bead /bid/ noun waves kept beating against the cliff.
1 a small ball of glass, wood etc., used for
making jewelry beat 2 noun
2 a small drop of liquid: There were beads of one of a series of regular sounds or move-
sweat on his forehead. ments: / could feel every beat of my heart.

beautician /byu'tijgn/ noun bed

someone who gives beauty treatments to your single bed double bed
face and body

beautif ul /'byutefal/ adjective

1 very attractive and nice to look at: Marilyn
was such a beautiful woman. » compare
2 very good: What a beautiful day!

NOTE: The adjectives beautiful and pretty

can be used to describe women, children
and things, but they are never used to
describe men. A man who is nice to look at
can be described as handsome.

beautif ul-ly /'byutafli/ adverb

very well; in a way that looks or sounds good:
She plays the piano beautifully.

beauty /'byuti/ noun [U]

the quality of being beautiful: / admire the beau-
bunk beds crib
ty of Bach's music.

beaver /'bivaV noun bedroom /'bedrum, -rum/ noun

aroom with a bed where you sleep — see color
an animal with thick fur, a flat tail, and sharp
picture on page 186
teeth that it uses to cut down trees

became /bi'keim/ bed-spread /'bedspred/ noun

an attractive cloth cover for a bed
the PAST TENSE of the verb become
because /bi'koz, -'kAz/ bed-time /'bedtaim/ noun
the time when you usually go to bed to sleep
1 for the reason that: / missed the bus
because I was late. bee /bi/ noun
2 because of something for this reason: We a flying insect that makes HONEY, and can sting
stayed at home because of the rain. you

become /bi'kAm/ verb (becoming, beef /bif/ noun [U]

became] the meat from a cow
1 to begin to be something: Prince Edward
became king when his father died. The days
bee-hive /'bihaiv/ [also hive] noun

a place where BEEs are kept

are becoming warmer.
2 whatever became of ...? used when asking been /bin/ verb
what has happened to someone or something: 1 the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb be: It has
Whatever became of your friend in Australia? been very cold this week.
2 have been somewhere to have visited a
bed /bed/ noun place and come back from it: Have you ever
1 a piece of furniture on which you sleep: a
been to Oregon?
double bed \
What time did you go to bed last
night? [=go to your bed to sleep) beeper /'bipaV noun
2 the ground at the bottom of a river or ocean a small machine that you can carry that makes
3 make the bed to arrange the covers on a a sound when someone telephones you
bed so that they look nice and neat
4 go to bed with someone to have sex with-
beer /bir/ noun
an alcoholic drink made from grain, or a bottle
of this drink: Can I have two beers, please?
bed-ding /'bedin,/ noun [U]
the covers that you put on a bed to keep you
beet /bit/ noun
a round red vegetable that grows under the

beetle /'bitl/ noun

an insect whose outside wings make a hard
NOTE: Remember that the past tense is

began, and the PAST PARTICIPLE is begun.

cover for its body

be-fore 1 /bi 'f or/ preposition

1 earlier than: You have to leave before 8
beginner /bi'gmaV noun
someone who is starting to do or learn some-
o'clock. |
She arrived before I did. compare » thing: a swimming class for beginners
2 ahead of someone or something: They called beginning /bi'gmirj/ noun
out Pat's name before mine. the start: We got married at the beginning of
3 in front of someone or something: He will be the year. » compare END 1

appearing before the Senate committee later

this month.
begun /bi'gAn/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb begin

NOTE: Before means "earlier than something be-half /bi'haef/ noun

else," e.g. She left before I arrived. \
Brush on behalf of someone instead of someone or
your teeth before you go to bed. Ago means for someone: / have come on behalf of my

"in the past." Look at these sentences: We brother who can't be here.
went to Florida 3 years ago. Our second visit
behave /bi'heiv/ verb
to New York was in 1998, and our first visit
1 to do or say things in a particular way: The
was 3 years before (=in 1 995). It happened |
behaved very well.
many years ago. It happened before the war. 2 behave yourself to do things in a way that other
people think is good » opposite MISBEHAVE
before 2 adverb
behavior /bi'heivyaV noun (U)
at some earlier time: / have never seen you
the way someone behaves: / need to talk to you
before. (=this is the first time have seen you)

» compare AFTER about your behavior at school.

be-fore-hand /bi'for.haend/ adverb

behind /bi'hamd/ adverb, preposition
1 at the back of something: My brother went
before something else happens: She knew was
coming, because called her beforehand.
in front and
walked behind.
I compare »
see color picture on page 1 94
beg /beg/ verb (begging, begged] 2 not as successful as someone or something
1 to ask someone for money or food because else: We're only four points behind.
you are poor 3 in the place where someone or something
2 to ask someone very strongly for something: was before: Oh, no! I left my wallet behind.
"Joe can beg for forgiveness as much as he 4 supporting a person, idea etc.: We need to
likes, because I'm never going to see him get behind the President on this issue.
again. I begged her to stay, but she wouldn't.

beg your pardon used when you did not

beige fbei^/ noun (U]
a very light brown color
hear what someone said and you want them to
say it again, or when you are sorry because of being 1

something the PRESENT PARTICIPLE of the verb be

began /bi'gaen/ being 2 noun

the PAST TENSE of the verb begin a person or living thing: Men, women, and chil-
dren are human beings. a being from another
beggar /'begaV noun planet

someone who asks people for money or food in

order to live be-lief /ba'lif/ noun

1 the feeling that something is true or exists:
begin /bi'gin/ verb [beginning, began]
She has a strong belief in God. religious belief
1 to start: The game begins at 2 o'clock. It's

2 an opinion or idea that you think is true: He


beginning to rain. » compare END 2

will never change his political beliefs.
2 to begin with used when talking about the
first part of something: / didn't like school to believable /bo'livgbol/ adjective
begin with, but now I enjoy it. able to be believed: The story in the book is very
believable. » opposite UNBELIEVABLE

believe balh fr ;believing. believed] toward the ground: She bent down to pick up a
1 re :.- -v :.-=: 5z~-=r- -g z :.-„= rz -=— zz zzz- —zzz zz z- z z:_"5 zzzz 5r " '

zz s.s s-£s c.e~ ~\T ee~r re- z-.z- : 2 to move something so that it is not straight:
2 re rr~v :-=: sz-ez-z- s re- ~g rre rr_rr r£-e ,z_- -zzz 5 ~z •

bend 2
3 believe something re rr -\ r~=r =z~er.- -g
a curve in something: a bend in the road
exists: Do you believe in ghosts?
4 believe in someone re
r ~=r sz~£-z- = = ~e beneath bi ni6 preposition
=: -= z- 5-= .-. ;_::;;: -z_ -5: zza below; under: / felt the warm sand beneath my

believer b? liver -e_- ben ef icial ben? fijal adjective

good or useful

benefit 1
benefit verb
bell' vO" to be useful or helpful to someone: The plants
benefited from (=were helped by) the rain.

benefit 2
r__ - .. r 5 -r Ez~£-r- -g r-=r
z zz ,z_ z~ z .zz .z_ =- zzz -

belly b£ :z:z £~z ~z.:s the zz -f-':f of = zzzz z-z^zs-

.- bellies'
your stomach, the front bent
part of your body md PAST PARTOPLE of the verb

berry ben ^oun [plural berries;

belong bi bn verb z = — z z:~ ~_z r~zr z
z.'.= z~ z z_e
1 belong to someone re re z.'.-ee r. sz~e-
z~f .'. ~e ezff :~5 ee=: :f :~: :z ?
>.'.~z z
be side bi said imposition

:.~z z.'.-f-"
-e-z re z- : zzz :: sz~5z-£ z- z

2 belong to something to be a member of a Come and sit beside me. —see color
group or organization: She belongs to the Gri
5ee_Z5 besides
3 to be in the right place or situation: Put the 1 a word u<
:~s - zzz- ~r-f : :;; zf .',
= zz. -z

belongings bi bgrnz/ plural noun

-: -=.e
:re zr-zs zrsz .z_ z.\- ~z-z 5 ,e_- :f: :
ings with you when you get off the plane. 2 in addition to something: Besides going to
below bi loo =~.e •eposibon
than; under: We best' . adjective [the superlative of

zzzz-z z-zz~c-s ~zz good)

- :~f zzz-:~-f-: better than anyone or anything else: He is the

: : — = ££ ZZ Z" Z Z- best player on our team.

best 2
zz.zzz :~z s__ z

1 a way that is better than any other: She's

:.f erz-^ff ;.-:/, er-e e_r.= ef the best dressed person in the room.
belt belt noun 2 most: Which dress do you Hoe best?
5 z zzz z' z zzr z- ==rre- rrsr ,z_ .-.£ =- ="_" best 3
,z_- .•.= z: — see z z:_-z z: =-="='.== 1 the best =z~ez-e or ajmetl aiy that »s bet-
bench bent J ^oun \pura benches] ter than any other: You're the best! She wants \

a long seat for two or more people her children to have the best of everything.

>:-z :zz: :~ -; =
bend 1
bend verb (past tense bent, past 2 do your best ro try as hard as you can to do
part***? bent) zz~z:z -g zzzz - : ~zrrz- ,z_ :r:
: ' '.
1 to move the top part of your body down
best man /,. './ noun [plural best men) beware /bi'wer/ verb
a male friend who helps and supports a man used to tell someone to be careful of
who is getting married » compare BRIDESMAID something because it is dangerous: Beware of
the dog!
bet; 1 /bet/ verb (betting, bet)
to risk money on the result of a game, race beyond /bi'yand/ adverb, preposition
etc.: He bet me $5 that his team would win. 1 on or to the other side of something: From
here you can see beyond the mountains.
bet 2 noun
2 more than a particular number, amount of
an agreement to risk money on the result of a
time etc.: There won't be any work for you
game, race etc. » compare GAMBLE beyond next month.
bet-ter 1
/'beta 1
/ adjective
bib /bib/ noun
1 the comparative of GOOD: This book is better
a piece of cloth that you tie under a baby's chin
than the other one. I'm trying to get a better

to keep its clothes clean it is eating

2 not as sick as before: Are you feeling better Bible /'baibsl/ noun
today? the holy book of the Christian religion
3 be better off having more money, or a bet-
bib Meal /'biblikal/ adjective
ter position or job, than you had before: I'm bet-
ter off now than I've ever been. » compare from or in the Bible

WORSE bicycle /'baisiksl/ noun

a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and
better 2 adverb
ride by moving your legs: / got a new bicycle
1 the comparative of WELL He can sing much 1

better than me.


for my birthday. —
see color picture on page
2 more: / like him better than his brother.
3 had better do something should; ought to: bid 1 /bid/ verb (bidding, bid)
You'd (=you had) better go home now. I'd \
to offer to pay a particular price for something:
(=l had) better be leaving soon. He bid $50,000 for the painting.

between /bi'twin/ adverb, preposition bid 2 noun

1 in the space in the middle of two people or an offer of an amount of money to buy some-
things: There is a fence between his yard and thing
ours. April comes between March and May.

» compare AMONG —see color picture on page big /big/ adjective (bigger, biggest)
1 large in size: They live in a big house.
2 important, serious, or successful: / have a
2 in the period between one time and another:
big test coming up today. The song was a big
open between 9 and 5

The library is
3 more than one number or amount, but less
hit. »
compare SMALL, LITTLE 1

than another number or amount: a number bike /baik/ noun

between zero and a hundred a bicycle
4 used to say how things are shared or divid-
bikini /bi'kini/ noun
ed: We can split the cost between us.
a piece of women's clothing in two parts that is
5 used to show the relationship of two people,
worn for swimming
events etc. to each other: There is very little dif-
ference between the two companies. bilingual /bai'lirjgwal/ adjective
6 joining two places: Are there any flights 1 able to speak two languages equally well:
between Boston and Buffalo? He's bilingual in French and German.
2 spoken or written in two languages: / have a
NOTE: Use between when you are talking bilingual dictionary.

about something which is done or shared by

bill /bil/ noun
two people or things. Use among when you piece of paper showing how much you
1 a
are talking about something which is done
must pay for something: How much is the
or shared by more than two people or
water bill?
things: She divided the cake between the
2 a plan for a new law: The government is con-
two children. The money was divided among
sidering the new education bill.
his brothers and sisters.
3 a piece of paper money: a five-dollar bill

bill-board bilbord/ noun bit 2 noun

a very large sign used for advertising some- 1 a small piece of something: The floor was

thing, usually next to a road covered with bits of glass.

2 a (little) bit slightly: / feel a little bit tired
billion bilyan/ [plural billion or billions]
the number 1,0X1,000,000 3 for a bit for a short time: Why don't you lie

bin bin/ noun down for a bit?

a large container for keeping things in 4 bit by bit slowly, a little at a time: Bit by bit
they discovered the truth.
bind baind verb [past tense bound, past
5 quite a bit a large amount: He's willing to
participle bound]
pay quite a bit for the car.
to tie someone or something with rope or string
bite 1
/bait/ verb (biting, past tense bit, past
bin-go /'birjgou/ noun [U]
participle bitten]
a game that you win if numbers chosen by to cut or injure something with your teeth: He
chance are the same as numbers on
a line of
bit into the apple. \
Does your dog bite?
your card
bite 2 noun
binoculars /bi'ncikyslaz, bai-/ plural noun 1 an act of biting something: Do you want a
a pair of glasses that make things that are far
bite of my cake?
away look bigger » compare TELESCOPE 2 a wound made by biting: She was covered in

biography /bai'agrafi/ noun [plural insect bites.

bitten /'bit n/
a book about someone's life written by someone the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb bite
else » compare AUTOBIOGRAPHY
bitter /'biter-/ adjective
biological /,bai3'lcid3ik9l/ adjective
1 having a very sour taste: The coffee was a
relating to BIOLOGY
little bitter.

biology /bai'atad3i/ noun [U] 2 very angry: We had a bitter argument.

the scientific study of living things 3 very cold: There's a bitter wind tonight.

bird ba-d/ noun black 1

/blaek/ adjective

an animal with wings and feathers that lays 1 of the color of the sky at night, darker than

eggs and usually can fly any other color: She was wearing a black dress.
2 having dark-colored skin: Most of the people
birth (b&QI noun who live here are black.
1 give birth to have a baby: She gave birth to
3 black coffee or tea has no milk in it: I'd like
a baby boy last night. my coffee black.
2 when a baby is born: / wanted to be there for
4 black and blue having dark marks on your
the birth of my son.
skin as a result of being hurt: Her arm was
birth control /'. .,./ noun [U] black and blue after the accident.
ways of controlling the number of children you 5 black and white containing only the colors
have black, white, and gray: an old black and white
movie a black and white photo

birth-day /'ba-Odei/ noun 6 a black eye an eye surrounded by dark

the day of the year on which someone was marks as a result of being hit: He gave the
born: My birthday is on January 6th. » com- other boy a black eye.
black 2 noun
biscuit "biskit/ noun He was dressed
1 [U] a black color: in black.
a type of bread that is baked in small round
2 someone with dark-colored skin
blackberry /' blaek, bcri/ noun [plural
bishop /'bijap/ noun blackberries]
a priest who is in charge of all the churches and
a small dark sweet fruit that grows on bushes
people in a large area —see picture at fruit

bit 1 /bit/
black-bird /'blaskbad/ noun
the PAST TENSE of the verb bite common America and Europe.
a bird that is in

The male is black and has a yellow beak.


black-board /'blaekbord/ noun blaze 2 verb (blazing, blazed]

a dark board on the wall in a school, on which to burn or shine strongly and brightly: The fire
the teacher writes was blazing through the house.

blacksmith /'blaeksmiG/ noun blazer /'bleizaV noun

someone who makes things out of iron, espe- a short coat, without matching pants
cially shoes for horses
bleach 1
/blitJV verb
blade noun
/bleid/ to make something white or lighter in color: Did
1 a flat sharp edge something such as a
of you bleach your hair?
knife or tool, that is used for cutting: The blade
bleach 2 noun [U]
of a knife needs to be sharp.
a chemical liquid or powder used to make
2 a long flat leaf of grass
things clean or lighter in color
blame 1
/bleim/ verb (blaming, blamed]
bleak /blik/ adjective
to say that someone is the cause of something
1 not cheerful or hopeful: Without a job, Jim's
bad: The police blamed Larry for causing the
future looks bleak.
accident. |
Don't try to blame this on me!
2 unpleasantly cold: It was a bleak winter's day.
blame 2 noun [U]
bleed /blid/ verb [past tense bled, past
when someone is the cause of a mistake or
participle bled]
something bad
to lose blood, especially from a wound or injury:

blank /blaenk/ adjective His nose was bleeding.

1 without any writing or sounds on it: You will
blend 1
/blend/ verb
need a blank piece of paper for this. Do you |

1 Blend the sugar and

to mix things together:
have a blank tape?
eggs together.
2 not showing any expression or interest: She
2 to look attractive or pleasant together: The
looked at him with a blank face.
colors in the room blend nicely.

blanket: /'blaerjkit/ noun

blend 2 noun
a thick heavy cover that keeps you in bed
a mixture of things together
blast; 1 /blaest/ noun
1 an explosion: Ten people were killed in the
blender /'blendaV noun
a small machine used for mixing foods or liquids
2 a sudden strong movement of wind or air: A
blast of wind blew the door open. bless /bles/ verb [past tense or past
>3 a sudden very loud noise: / heard the blast participle blessed or blest]
of a trumpet. 1 Bless you! something you say to someone
4 full blast as loudly or as fast as possible: when they SNEEZE
The television was on full blast. 2 to ask for God's favor or protection for some-
thing: The priest blessed the bread and wine.
blast 2 verb
1 to break something into pieces by causing an blew /blu/
explosion: They blasted through the rock. the PAST TENSE of the verb blow
2 to make a lot of loud noise: / can't hear any-
blind 1 /blaind/ adjective
thing with that music blasting.
not able to see: She was born blind.
3 blast off to leave the ground at the begin-
ning of a space flight blind 2 noun
a piece of material that you can pull down to
blast-off /'. noun ./

the moment when a SPACECRAFT leaves the

cover a window » compare CURTAIN
ground blind-fold 1 /'blamdfould/ verb
to coversomeone's eyes with a cloth so that he
blaze 1 /bleiz/ noun
or she cannot see
1 a very large bright fire: The small fire soon
became a blaze. blindfold 2 noun
2 a very bright light or color: The flowers were a piece of cloth used for covering someone's
a blaze of color. eyes so that he or she cannot see
blink /blirjk/ verb blot 2 noun
to open and close your eyes quickly: The bright a dirty mark made by a drop of liquid: an ink blot
light made him blink. compare WINK » blouse /blaus/ noun
blister /'blistaV noun a shirt for women or girls — see color picture
a raised area of skin, filled with liquid, usually on page 190
caused by rubbing or burning: My new shoes
blow 1
/blou/ verb [past tense blew, past
were giving me blisters.
participle blown)
blizzard /'bliz^d/ noun 1 to send out air through your mouth: She

a very bad storm with a lot of snow and wind blew on her soup to cool it.
» compare HURRICANE 2 to move something using the force of moving
air: The wind blew his hat off.
blob /blab/ noun
3 if the wind blows, it moves and makes a
a drop of thick liquid: He left blobs of paint on
noise: The wind was blowing all night.
the floor.
4 to send air into something so that it makes
block 1
/blak/ noun a sound: The guard blew his whistle to call for
1 a solid piece of wood, stone etc. with help.
straight sides: The wall was built out of stone 5 blow it spoken to not succeed in something
blocks. because you make a mistake: / had a chance to
2 the distance along a street from where one win, but I blew it!

street crosses it to the next: We live two blocks 6 blow something out to stop a flame burning
from the store. by using a movement of air: Blow out the can-
3 something that stops things moving through dles on your birthday cake!
or along something else: a road block 7 blow something up (a) to destroy something
with an explosion: The bridge was blown up in
block 2 verb
the war. (b) to something with air: Can you

1 to stop someone or something from moving

help me blow up the balloons?
through a place: A car was blocking the road.
8 blow your nose to clean your nose by mak-
2 to stop something from happening or suc-
ing air go through it
blow 2
blond /bland/ adjective
1 a hard hit with your hand or a weapon: He
blond hair is light yellow in color
received a blow on the head.
blonde /bland/ noun, informal 2 an event that makes you unhappy or shocks
a woman with BLOND hair you: Thenews of her death was a terrible blow
to us all.
blood /bUd/ noun [U]
the red liquid that flows through your body blown /bloun/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb blow
bloody /'blAdi/ adjective (bloodier,
bloodiest] blue /blu/ adjective, noun [U]

covered in blood, or involving injuries where you the color of the sky when there are no clouds:
are losing blood: / have a bloody nose. She has blue eyes. \
a blue shirt

bloom 1
/blum/ noun bluff /bUf/ verb
1 a flower to pretend that you know more about some-
2 in (full) bloom having a lot of open flowers: He said he knew all
thing than you really do:
The roses are in full bloom. about computers, but think he was bluffing.

bloom 2 verb blunt /bUnt/ adjective

to open out into flowers: Lilacs bloom in the not sharp or pointed: The knife is too blunt to
spring. cut anything, —see picture at SHARP

blossom /'blasam/ noun blush /blAjV verb

a flower on a tree or bush to become red in the face because you feel

blot 1
/blat/ verb (blotting, blotted)
to press paper or cloth onto a wet spot to dry board 1
/bord/ noun
it 1 a long thin flat piece of wood used for build-
ing something
2 a flat surface used for a special purpose: bomb 1
/bam/ noun
Put up on the board. a chess board
this notice \ a containerfull of a substance that will explode,

(=for playing CHESS on) used as a weapon: The group placed a bomb in
3 a group of people who make rules and impor- the town's main railway station. a nuclear \

tant decisions for a school, company etc. bomb

4 on board on a ship, plane, train etc.: Is

everyone on board?
bomb 2
to drop bombs on a place: The airforce
board 2
verb bombed the capital city.

1 to get onto a ship, plane, train etc.:

Passengers should board the train now.
bone /boun/ noun
one of the hard parts in the body of a person or
2 board something up to cover a window or
animal: He fell and broke a bone in his leg.
door with wooden boards

boarding school ''..,./ noun

bonf ire /'ban.faiaV noun
a big outdoor fire
a school where students live as well as study

boast; /boust/ verb

bonnet /'banit/ noun
a soft hat that you tie under your chin
to talk too proudly about yourself: He boasted
about his wealth. bony /'bouni/ adjective (bonier, boniest)
very thin, so that you can see the bones: He
boastful /boust f al/ adjective
had long bony fingers.
speaking too proudly about yourself

boat /bout/ noun boo 1

/bu/ verb
to shout "boo" at someone, especially to show
a small ship: He owns a small fishing boat.
that you did not a performance
—see color picture on page 1 87

bob /bob/ verb (bobbing, bobbed)

boo 2 noun
1 a noise made by people who did not like a
to move quickly up and down, especially on water:
performance, person etc.: There were boos
The boat bobbed up and down on the lake.
from the audience.
body /'badi/ noun [plural bodies) 2 a word you shout when you want to surprise
1 the whole of a person or animal: / want to someone who does not know that you are there
have a strong healthy body.
2 the main part of a person or animal, not the
book 1
/buk/ noun
1 a set of sheets of paper fastened together,
head, arms, or legs: She has a short body and
with writing on them that you read: What book
long legs.
,3 dead person or animal: Her body was
are you reading? \
school books —see color pic-

ture on page 185

found in the woods.
2 a set of sheets of paper held together for
boil /boil/ verb writing on: Write this in your exercise book.
1 to make a liquid so hot that it starts to pro- (=a book you do schoolwork in)

duce BUBBLES and steam: Boil some water for

the coffee.
book 2
1 to arrange to have something such as a tick-
2 to cook food in boiling water: Boil the eggs
et for an event or a room in a hotel kept for you,
for four minutes.
so that you can use it later: I've booked tickets
bold /bould/ adjective fortomorrow night's show.
not afraid to do dangerous things; confident: 2 to ARREST someone
He made a bold attempt to catch the robber.
bookcase /'buk-keis/ noun
bolt; 1 /boult/ noun a piece of furniture with shelves for books
1 a piece of metal or wood used for keeping a
door closed
book-store /'bukstor/ noun

2 a screw with no point which fastens into a

a store that sells books —see color picture on
page 193
NUT and holds two things together
bolt: 2 verb
boom /bum/ noun
a loud, deep sound
1 to close a door with a bolt
2 to run away suddenly: The horse bolted and
threw its rider to the ground.

boot /but/ noun

them, knowing that you will give it back to
a shoe that covers your foot and sometimes the
them The verb lend often has two
lower part of your leg —see color picture on

objects (to lend sth to sb) but borrow just

page 190
has one (to borrow sth): Will you lend me
booth /buG/ noun some money? Can I borrow some money?
a small place where one person can do some-
thing: a phone booth boss 1
/bos/ noun [plural bosses)

border /'bordaV noun a person who is in charge and tells other peo-
1 an edge: white plates with a blue border ple what work to do

2 the dividing line between two countries boss 2

bore 1
/bor/ verb [boring, bored] boss someone around to tell someone what to

1 to make someone feel uninterested, espe- do in an annoying way: My brother's always

cially by talking too much: He bored me all

bossing me about.
evening with his vacation photos. bossy /'bosi/ adjective (bossier, bossiest)
2 to make
deep round hole in a hard surface:
a always telling other people what to do in a way
This machine can bore through solid rock. that is annoying: My older sister's really bossy.

bore 2 noun botany /'bat n n-i/ noun [U]

an uninteresting person or thing the scientific study of plants
bore 3
both /bouO/
the PAST TENSE of the verb bear used to talk about two people or things togeth-
bored /bord/ adjective er:Hold the dish with both hands. We both |

and uninterested: She was getting

feeling tired like dancing.

bored with her job. »

compare FED UP bother 1
/'bads-/ verb

boring /'bonrj/ adjective 1 to interrupt someone and annoy him or her:

not interesting; dull: It was such a boring book Don't bother your father now — he's very busy.
that I didn't finish it. » compare INTERESTING 2 to worry someone: / always know when
something is bothering him.
NOTE: Do not confuse the adjectives boring 3 make the effort to do something: He

and bored. If something is boring, it is not didn'teven bother to say "Thank you". I'll never \

interesting, e.g. a boring class. Bored is

get the job, so why bother?
used to describe the way you feel when bother 2 noun
something is boring: The kids were bored something that annoys or upsets you
with the game and did not want to play any
more. bottle 1
/'batl/ noun
a round glass or plastic container, with a

narrow top compare JAR » see picture at —

born /born/ adjective CONTAINER
be born to come out of your mother's body or
an egg: / was born in Canada in 1976. bottle 2 verb
to put a liquid into a bottle: This is where they
borne /born/ bottle the milk. \
bottled water
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb bear
bottom /'batam/ noun
borrow /'barou, 'borou/ verb 1 the lowest part of something: Look at the
to use something which belongs to someone bottom of the page. compare TOP »
else for a short time and then give it back to 2 the flat surface on the lowest side of some-
him or her: Can I borrow your bicycle? com- » thing: The price is on the bottom of the box.
pare LEND 3 the lowest position in a class, company etc.:

He's always at the bottom of the class.

NOTE: Compare the verbs borrow and lend. 4 the part of your body that you sit on: He fell

If you lend something to a person, you let on his bottom.

them use it for a while. If you borrow
something from someone, you take it from bought /bot/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb

boulder /'bouldaV noun bow

a large rock

bounce /bauns/
verb (bouncing,
1 to throw some-
thing against some-
thing else, so that it

hits it and comes

back: He is bounc-
ing the ball against
the wall. —see color
picture on page
2 to move up and down because you are jump- bowl /boul/ noun
ing or walking on something: Stop bouncing on a deep round dish or container: Fill the bowl
the bed! with water. I ate a bowl of ice cream.

bound 1
/baund/ adjective box 1
1 be bound to do something to be certain to a container with four straight sides, usually
do something: She is so smart, she's bound to made hard paper or wood: / need three
be a success. boxes for these books. Mom bought a box of

2 tied up and not able to move: He was bound cookies.

hand and foot with a rope.
box 2
bound 2 verb to fight someone as a sport while wearing big
to jump and with a lot of energy: The
quickly leather pads on your hands
children came bounding down the stairs.
boxer /'baksaV noun
bound 3 noun someone who boxes as a sport or job
a big jump
boxing /'baksinV noun [U]
bound 4 the sport of fighting while wearing big leather
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb pads on your hands
box office /'. ,../ noun [plural box
boundary /'baundari, -dri/ noun [plural offices]
boundaries] a place in a theater where you can buy tickets
the line that divides two places: A white line
marks the boundary of the field. » compare boy /boi/ noun
BORDER a male child or a young man: He went to a
school for boys.
bow 1
/bau/ verb
to bend your head or the top part of your body boy-f riend /'boifrend/ noun

forward to show respect: Everyone bowed to a boy or man with whom you have a romantic
the king. relationship: Is Chris your boyfriend?
» compare GIRLFRIEND
bow 2
an act of bowing Boy Scouts /'boi,skauts/ plural noun
an organization for boys that teaches them
bow 3 /bou/ noun practical skills — Boy Scout noun
1 a long thin piece of wood held in a curve by
a tight string, used for shooting an ARROW bra /bra/ noun
2 a long thin piece of wood with tight strings a piece of clothing that a woman wears under
fastened along it, used for playing musical her clothes to support her breasts
instruments bracelet: /'breislit/ noun
3 a knot of cloth or string: She tied a red bow a band or chain that you wear as a decoration
in her hair.
around your wrist —
see picture at JEWELRY
braces /'breisiz/ plural noun
wires which some children have on their teeth
to make them straight
brag /braeg/ verb (bragging, bragged]
to talk too proudly about what you have done, or
what you own etc.: He is always bragging
about his new car. » compare BOAST
braid 1 /breid/ verb
to twist together three or more pieces of hair,
rope, etc.

braid 2 noun
three or more lengths of hair that are twisted
together into one piece: She wore her hair in

braids. —see picture at HAIRSTYLE

brain /brem/ noun bread /bred/ noun [U]

the part inside your head that controls how you a food made by mixing flour and water and then
think, feel, and move baking Do we need any bread from the

brake 1
/breik/ noun
the part of a bicycle, car etc. that you use to breadth /bredG, bretO/ noun [U]

slow or stop it
the distance from one side of something to the
other: The ship measured 50 feet in breadth.
brake 2
verb (braking, braked]
to make a bicycle, car etc. slow or stop using break /breik/ verb [past tense broke,

the brake: The driver braked quickly to avoid an past participle broken]
1 to separate into two or more pieces, espe-
cially by hitting or dropping something: The
branch /braentJV noun plate fell on the floor and broke. She broke her\

1 a part of a tree that grows out from the mid- leg in the accident.
dle 2 to damage something so that it does not
2 one part of something larger such as a busi- work: Be careful with the radio or you will break
ness: The bank has branches in Canada and it!

the U.S. 3 break down to stop working, used about

brand /braend/ noun large machines: My car broke down on the way
a type of product made by one company: What to work.

brand of soap do you use? 4 break in/break into to get inside a place
using force, usually to steal something:
brand-new /,braen'nu< / adjective Someone broke in through the window. (=broke
completely new; never used before: He won a the window to get inside the building)
brand-new car! 5 break the law to do something that the law
brandy /'braendi/ noun [U] says you must not do
a strong alcoholic drink made from wine 6 break a record to do something faster or
better than has ever been done before: She

brass /braes/ noun [U] broke the world record in the 100 meters.
a very hard yellow metal which shines brightly, 7 break out if something bad such as a fire or
made by mixing COPPER and ZINC war breaks out, it begins to happen: The fire
brave /breiv/ adjective broke out at two o'clock in the morning.
not afraid or not showing fear: The soldiers 8 break a promise to not do something that
were very brave in the battle. » compare FEAR- you promised to do
LESS 9 break up (with someone) to end a relation-
ship with a boy or girl friend: Sally broke up with
bravery /'breivari/ noun [U] Jack last week.
willingness to do dangerous things without feel-

ing afraid: The fireman was praised for his brav- break 2 noun
ery. » compare COURAGE 1 a period of time when you stop working: I'm
tired. Let's take a break.
2 a space between two things: / could see a 2 be brewing to be going to happen soon: It

break in the clouds. looks like a storm is brewing.

break-down /'breikdaun/ noun bribe 1 /braib/ verb (bribing, bribed]

1 the failure of a relationship or system: There to offer someone a bribe: He tried to bribe the
was a breakdown in the peace talks. police to let him go.
2 an occasion when a car stops working
bribe 2 noun
break-fast /'brckfast/ noun money or gifts that you use to try to get some-
the first meal of the day one to do something for you, usually something
that is not honest
breast /brest/ noun
1 one of the two round parts on the front of a brick /bnk/ noun
woman's body that give milk a hard block of baked clay, used for building
2 the part of the body, especially a bird's body,
bride /braid/ noun
between the neck and stomach
a woman who is about to get married, or who
breath /brcG/ noun has just married » compare GROOM
1 the air and let out through
that you take in

your nose or mouth: He took a deep breath and

bridesmaid /'braidzmeid/ noun
a girl or woman who helps a bride at her wed-
jumped into the water. / can smell beer on his

ding » compare BEST MAN

2 be out of breath to have difficulty breathing bridge /bnd3/ noun
for a while because you have been running or a structure built over something to allow people
exercising or vehicles to go from one side to the other: A
3 hold your breath to make yourself stop new bridge was built across the river.

breathing for a while, especially to swim under

bridle /'braidl/ noun
water: How long can you hold your breath?
leather bands put on a horse's head to control
4 catch your breath to begin breathing in a
its movement
normal way again after you have been running
or exercising: / had to sit down to catch my brief /brif/ adjective
breath. 1 lasting a short time: The meeting was very
breathe /brid/ verb (breathing, breathed]
2 using only a few words: He gave a brief
to take air into your body and let it out through
description of the man.
your nose or mouth
brief-case /'brifkeis/ noun
breath-less /'breGlis/ adjective
a thin flat suitcase for carrying papers or books
difficulty breathing, especially after exer-
» compare SUITCASE
bright /brait/ adjective
bred /bred/ 1 shining with a lot of light: / love the bright
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
lights of the city.
2 having a strong, clear color: She wore a
breed 1
/brid/ verb [past bred] bright yellow dress.
1 if animals breed, they have babies: Some 3 quick at learning things; intelligent: Susan is

animals will not breed in cages. a very bright child.

2 to keep animals so that they will have babies:

He breeds
bright-en /'braifn/ verb
cattle and horses.
brighten up to become more sunny or lighter
breed 2
noun and more pleasant: The weather should bright-
a type of animal: What breed is your dog? en up later.

breeze /briz/ noun brilliant /'bnlyant/ adjective

a light wind: / enjoy the cool breeze in the 1 very intelligent: He is a brilliant doctor.

evening. 2 bright and strong, often used of colors:

Mary has brilliant green eyes.
brew /bru/ verb
1 to pour very hot water over coffee or tea to bring /bnr)/ verb [past brought]
make it ready to drink 1 to take someone or something to someone
else or to a place: Bring me the ball. \
Can I
broom /brum, brum/ noun
bring Gary to the party? a brush with a long handle, used for sweeping
2 to cause a particular result, or to cause the floor
something to happen: Tourism brings a lot of
money to the area. brother /'brAdaV noun
3 bring someone up to care for and educate a boy or man with the same parents as you:

a child: She brought up three children by herself. Peter is my brother. » compare SISTER
brisk /brisk/ adjective brother- in-law /'.. . ,./ noun [plural

quick and full of energy: / had a brisk walk this brothers-in-law)

morning. » compare SLOW 1 the brother of your wife or husband

2 the husband of your sister
British 1
/'bntiJV adjective
relating to or coming from Great Britain brought /brot/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
British 2 noun bring
the British the people of Great Britain
brown /braun/ adjective, noun [U]
brittle /'britl/ adjective a dark color like coffee, wood, or earth: Have
hard, but easily broken you seen my brown shoes?
broad /brod/ adjective bruise 1
/bruz/ noun
1 He has very broad
wide: shoulders. a mark on your skin where it has been damaged
2 including many different types of things or by a hit or a fall
people: The talk covered a broad range of top-
ics. » compare NARROW bruise 2 verb (bruising, bruised)
tomark someone's skin with a bruise: She fell
broad-cast 1
/'brodkaest/ verb [past and bruised her knee.
to send out a radio or television PROGRAM: brush
Channel Six will broadcast the game at ten

broadcast 2 noun
a PROGRAM on the radio or television

broke 1
the PAST TENSE of the verb break

broke 2
completely without money: / can't go to the
movies with you. I'm broke.

broken 1
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb break


brush /brAjV noun [plural brushes)

<=?^9^ 1

an object with strong hairs on the end of a han-

dle, that you use for cleaning, painting etc.
broken 2
1 in pieces because of being hit, dropped etc. brush 2 verb
Can you fix this broken window? to something or make something look
2 not working: My watch is broken. neat using a brush: Have you brushed your
bronze /branz/ noun [U]
teeth today? She needs to brush her hair

a hard metal, made by mixing copper and tin

bubble 1
/'bAbal/ noun building /'bildin/ noun
a hollow ball of liquid containing air or gas: something with a roof and walls such as a
There are soap bubbles in the sink. house, office, or church

bubble 2 verb (bubbling, bubbled] built /bilt/

to make bubbles: The water was bubbling gen- the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
tly in the pan. build

buck /bAk/ noun bulb /bAlb/ noun [also light bulb)

1 a dollar: Can you loan me ten bucks? the glass part of an electric light that shines
2 a male deer or rabbit when it is turned on

bucket /'bAkit/ noun bulk /bAlk/ noun

a container with a handle, used for holding or the bulk of something the main or largest part
carrying water of something

buckle /'bAkal/ noun bulky /'bAlki/ adjective (bulkier, bulkiest]

a fastener used for joining the two ends of a big and heavy: The box is too bulky to lift.

belt, shoe, bag etc. — see picture at FASTENER

bull /bul/ noun
bud /bAd/ noun a male cow
a young flower or leaf before it opens — see pic-
bull-dog /'buldog/ noun
ture at ROSE 2
a short dog with a thick neck, large head, and
Buddhism /'budizam, noun [U] 'bu-/
flat nose
the religion based on the teachings of Buddha

Buddhist /'budist, 'bu-/ noun

bulldozer /'bul,douza7 noun
a powerful vehicle that moves dirt and rocks
a person who follows the teachings of Buddha
bullet /'bulit/ noun
budge /DAd3/ verb [budging, budged)
a small round piece of metal that is fired from
to move something heavy from one place to
a gun
another: This rock won't budge.
bully 1
/'buli/ noun [plural bullies)
budget 1
/'bAd3it/ noun
a person who hurts weaker people or makes
a plan of how to spend money: We have a bud-
them afraid
get of $500,000 for the new building.
bully 2 verb (bullying, bullied)
budget 2
to hurt people who are not as strong as you, or
to plan and control how much money you have
make them afraid
to spend on something

buf falo /'bAf9,loo7 noun [plural buffalo or

bump 1
/bAmp/ verb
1 to hit or knock into something by accident: /
bumped my knee on the chair.
a large animal like a cow with a large head and
2 bump into someone to meet someone by
thick hair on its neck —see color picture on
chance: bumped into John in town.
page 183

bug 1
/bAg/ noun
bump 2 noun
a round swelling on your skin where you have hit
1 a small insect
it on something: He had a bump on his head.
2 a very small living thing that can get into your
body and causes an illness: There's a flu bug bumper /'b-AmpaV noun
going around the school. a bar at the front and back of the car to protect
hits anything
bug 2
verb (bugging, bugged]
it if it

to annoy someone: Stop bugging me! bumpy /'bAmpi/ adjective (bumpier,

build /bild/ verb [past built)
not smooth; having a lot of raised parts on it:
1 to make something by putting pieces togeth-
er:The house is built of brick.
We had to drive on a bumpy road.
2 to make something develop or increase: We bun 1
/bAn/ noun
want to build on our earlier success. a small round piece of bread —see picture at

bun 2 noun burrow /'baou, 'datou/ noun

a way of arranging your hair in a small round a hole in the ground made by a small animal
shape at the back of your head —see picture at such as a rabbit
burst; /ba-st/ verb [past burst]
bunch /bAntJV noun 1 to break open or apart because of too much
several things of the same kind, or a large pressure inside: The children tried to burst the
amount of something: He gave me a bunch of balloons.
flowers. 2 be bursting to be very full of people, activity
etc.: The little town is bursting with tourists.
bun-die /'bAndl/ noun
3 burst out laughing/crying to start laughing
a group of things such as papers or clothes
or crying loudly and suddenly
that are tied together so you can carry them
4 burst into tears to start crying suddenly
bunk /bAgk/ noun bury /'beri/ verb (burying, buried]
a narrow bed which is attached to the wall on a
1 to put a dead body into the ground
ship or train
2 to cover something with something else so it

bunk beds /'. ./plural noun cannot be seen: The dog buried a bone in the
two beds that are put one on top of the other, leaves.
used especially for children to sleep in —see
picture at BED
bus /bAs/ noun [plural buses]
a large vehicle that takes people from one place
burden /'ba-dn/ noun to another: Ann got on the bus downtown.
something heavy that you have to carry —see color picture on page 1 87
burger /'ba^gaV noun bush /buJV noun
meat that is cut into very small pieces and then a short plant like a small tree —see color pic-
made into a round flat shape before it is cooked ture on page 1 88
burglar /'ba^glaV noun busily /'bizali/ adverb
a person who enters buildings, usually by force, done with a lot of activity and interest: Sharon
to steal things »
compare ROBBER, THIEF is busily planning the wedding.

burglary /'ba-glari/ noun [plural business /'biznis/ noun

burglaries] 1 a company that provides service or sells
the crime of entering a building by force and things to earn money: He has a furniture busi-
stealing things ness in town.
2 [U] making, buying, and selling things, or the
burial noun /'bcrial/
amount of money made doing this: Business is
the act or ceremony of putting a dead person
very good this year. (=we are earning a lot of
into the ground
burn 1
/ba^n/ verb [past burned /band/ or 3 mind your own business used when telling
burnt] someone in a rude way that you do not want
1 to damage or destroy something with fire: / any help or advice: "What are you doing?"
burned my hand on the fire. "Mind your own business.
2 to make heat or fire: Is the fire still burning? 4 none of your business used when telling
3 burn down/burn up to be destroyed com- someone in a rude way that you do not think he
pletely by fire: The building burned down last or she should know about something: It's none
year. of your business how she spends her money.
4 burn out to stop making heat or fire

because there is no wood, coal etc.

businessman /'biznis,maen/ noun
[plural businessmen /-men/]
burn 2 noun a man who works in business, especially one
an injury or mark on your body caused by fire or who owns a company or helps to run it

heat: He has a burn mark on his arm.

businesswoman /'biznis,woman/
burnt; /bant/ noun [plural businesswomen /-wimin/]
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb a woman who works in business, especially one
burn who owns a company or helps to run it

bus stop /'. ./ noun 2 a round object that you push to start or stop

a place at the side of a road where buses stop a machine

for people to get off and on buttonhole /'bAt^n^oul/ noun

busy /'bizi/ adjective (busier, busiest) the hole for a button to be pushed through

1 working or doing something so you do not buy /bai/ verb (buying past bought /bc:t/)
have time to do other things: He's busy writing to get something by paying money for it:

letters. / bought a new radio. » compare SELL

2 full of activity, people etc.: We live on a very
busy street. buzz /bAz/ verb

3 a telephone that is busy is being used: / tried 1 to make a noise like the sound of a BEE

calling her, but her line is busy.

2 buzz off used when telling someone in a rude
way to go away: Buzz off and leave me alone!
but /bat ; strong bAt/
a word you use when you are saying that by 1
/bai/ preposition

although one thing is true, another thing which 1 near; beside: He was standing by the win-
is opposite to it is also true: / would like to come dow. — see color picture on
page 1 94
to the party, but I can't. \
Mom liked the food, 2 past: She walked by me without saying hello.
but Dad hated it.
3 used to show who or what does something:
The house was damaged by fire. We read a \

butcher /'but/aV noun story by Mark Twain.

a person who sells meat 4 using or doing a particular thing: earned /

butter /'bAtaV noun [U] some money by delivering newspapers. Are \

a yellow food made from milk: Do you want but- you going by car?
ter on your bread? 5 no later than: Please have this ready by
butterf ly /'bAta^flai/ noun [plural 6 used for saying what part of something
butterflies) someone holds: He grabbed me by my arm.
an insect that has large wings with bright col-

ors on them » compare MOTH —see color pic- by 2 adverb

ture on page 1 83 past: One or two cars drove by.

buttock /'bAtak/ noun bye /bai/

one of the soft parts of your body that you sit
a word you say when you leave someone or

on when he or she leaves you; goodbye

button /'bAt n n/ noun bye-bye /,. '.,'. ./

1 a small round object that you push through another word for bye
a hole to fasten clothes: / lost a button on my
shirt. —see picture at FASTENER
calculator /'kaelkya.leitaV noun

a small machine that can add, subtract etc.
calendar /'kaebndaV noun
a series of pages that shows the days, weeks,
and months of the year

calf /kaef/ noun [plural calves /kaivz/)

cab /kseb/ noun 1 a young cow
1 a car with a driven who will take you some- 2 the part of the back of your leg between your
where if you pay knee and your foot
2 the part of a truck or train where the driver
call 1 /kol/ verb
1 someone:
to telephone / called my sister, but
cabbage /'kaebid3/ noun she wasn't home.
a large round vegetable with thick green or pur- 2 to ask or order someone to come to you:
ple leaves The teacher called into her room.
3 to say or shout something: to call for help
cabin /'kaebm/ noun
1 a small wooden house
4 to give someone or something a name: Her
2 a room on a ship or plane
name is Elizabeth, but we call her Liz.
5 call something off to decide that an event
cabinet /'kaebanit/ noun will not happen: The game was called off
1 a piece of furniture with shelves or drawers because of the bad weather.
2 an important group of people in a govern-
6 call someone in to ask or order someone to
ment who help the leader come and help with a difficult situation: The
cable /'keibol/ noun President called in the soldiers to deal with the
1 a tube that contains wires that carry elec- problem.
tricity or telephone calls 7 call someone back to telephone someone
2 [U] a system of television that is paid for the again: Can Mr. Wilson call you back?
person watching it
call 2 noun
3 a thick rope, usually made of metal
1 an act of talking to someone on the tele-

cactus /'kaektas/ noun [plural cacti phone: There's a call for you Teresa.

/'kaektai/ or cactuses] 2 a shout or cry: / heard a call for help.

a plant with sharp needles and a thick stem 3 a short visit for a particular reason: The
that grows in hot dry places salesman is out on a call right now.
4 be on call to be ready to go to work you if

cafe /kae'fei, ka-/ noun are needed: The doctor is on call 24 hours a
a small restaurant day.

cage /keid3/ noun calm /kam/ adjective

a box made of metal wires in which you keep 1 peaceful, not angry or upset: He was very
birds or animals calm when we told him the news.
cake /keik/ noun 2 very still, or not moving very much: We
a sweet cooked food made of flour, fat, sugar, swam in the calm water.

and eggs: My mom baked a birthday cake for calves /kaevz/

me. the plural of calf
calculate /'kaelkya.leit/ verb camcorder
(calculating, calculated)
/'kaem.kordaV noun
to use numbers to find an answer or to mea- a machine that you
sure something: /need to calculate the amount use to make VIDEO
of material I will need for the job. movies
calculation /.kaelkya'leijan/ noun came /keim/
the result of using numbers to find an answer,
the PAST TENSE of the
amount etc.
verb come
camel /'kaemal/ noun can-eel /'kaensal/ verb (cancelling,
a large animal with one or two HUMPs on its cancelling or canceling, canceled)
back that lives in the desert and carries people to stop something that you planned to do: We

and goods see color picture on page 1 83 had to cancel our trip.

camera cancer /'kaensaV noun [U]

/'kaemrs, -ara/ noun a serious illness which causes a growth to
a smallmachine for spread in the body
making photographs
—see color picture
candidate /'kaend9,deit, -dit/ noun

on page 185 a person who hopes to be chosen for a job or

a political position
camp 1
can-die noun
a place with tents where people stay for a short
a long piece of wax with a string in the middle
that you burn to give light

camp 2 verb
candy /'kaendi/ noun [plural candies]
a sweet food made of sugar or chocolate, or a
to set up a tent and stay in it for a short time
Can I have a piece of candy? see
piece of this: —
campaign /kaem'pem/ noun picture at BAR 1

a series of actions done to get a result, espe-

cially in business orThere politics: is a new
cane /kein/ noun
campaign to stop people smoking. a long thin stick that someone uses to help
them walk
camper /'kaempaV noun
1 a little house on wheels that can be pulled by
cannon /'kaenan/ noun
a large gun, usually on wheels
a car
2 someone who is staying in a tent on vacation can-not /'kaenat, ks'nat, kae-/

camping /'kaempirj/ noun [U] can not: / cannot understand why she is so
living in a tent for a short time, especially when
you are on a vacation: Do you want to go camp- canoe /ks'nu/
ing this weekend? noun
a narrow, boat
campsite /'kaempsait/ noun light

which you move

a place where people can camp — see color pic-
using a PADDLE
ture on page 1 88
—see color picture
campus /'kaempas/ noun [plural on pages 187 and
campuses) 188
the land or buildings belonging to a university or
can't /kaent/
can not: I'm sorry I can't go with you.
can 1
/k9n; strong kaen/ verb
canvas /'kaenvas/ noun [U]
to be able to do something: "Can she swim?"
strong cloth used to make tents, bags, etc.
"Yes, she can. " \
You can go when you finish
your work. cap /kaep/ noun
a soft hat with a curved part at the front
can 2
noun 1

a container made of metal: Do you have a can

—see color picture on page 1 90
of soup? » compare BOX 2 a cover for the end of a bottle or tube

canal /ka'nael/ noun

capable /'keipabal/ adjective
a long narrow river for ships to travel along, or 1 be capable of something to be able to do
something: / didn't think he was capable of
to bring water from one place to another
ca-nar-y /kg'neri/ noun [plural canaries]
2 good at something: She's a very capable
a small yellow bird that sings lawyer. » opposite INCAPABLE

capacity /ka'passati/ noun [plural or something: Does she care about her work?
capacities] 1 don't care what you do!
1 the amount that something can hold or pro- 2 care for someone to help someone who is

duce: The bottle has a capacity of two pints. Her son cared for her last summer.

2 an ability to do something: Paul has a great 3 care for something to like or want some-
capacity for hard work. thing: / don't really care for butter.

cape /keip/ noun care 2 noun

a long loose piece of clothing that you wrap 1 watching or helping someone:
[U] the act of

around your neck and shoulders Take care of your brother while I am away. Do \

you need medical care?

capital /'kaepatl/ noun
2 take care to be careful: Take care when you
1 the city in a country where the main govern- are crossing the street.
ment is
3 feelings of worry, fear, or concern
2 [also capital letter] a large letter that you
use at the beginning of a sentence: A, D, P are career /ks'rir/ noun
capital letters; a, d, p are small letters. a job that you know a lot about and want to do
for a long time: He would like to have a career
capital punishment/, '.../noun
in banking.

the punishment of killing someone for a crime careful /'kerfgl/ adjective

thinking about what you are doing so that you
cap-tain /'kaeptan/ noun
do not make a mistake: Be careful with that hot
1 someone who controls a ship or airplane pan! —
carefully adverb
2 an officer in the army or the navy
3 the
care-less /'kerbs/ adjective
leader of a team or group
not thinking about what you are doing: Careless
captive /'kaeptiv/ noun driving causes accidents. —carelessly adverb
a prisoner, especially in a war
car-go /'kargou/ noun [plural cargoes]
captivity /kaep'tivati/ noun [U] something carried on a ship, plane etc.: The
the state of being a prisoner, or being kept in a ship carries a cargo of oil.
small space: They were in captivity for a year.
carol /'kaeral/ noun
capture /'kaeptJaV verb [capturing, a Christmas song
to take someone as a prisoner: They captured
carpenter /'karpontaV noun
four enemy soldiers. a person whose job is to make things out of
car /kar/ noun
a vehicle with four wheels and an engine
car-pen-try /'karpgntri/ noun [U]

the activity or job of making things out of wood

card /kard/ noun
car-pet /'karpit/ noun [U]
1 a piece of stiff paper with a picture on the
a heavy material used for covering floors and
front and a message inside: / sent you a birth-
day card.
stairs » compare MAT, RUG
2 a small piece of plastic or stiff paper that has carriage /'kaend3/ noun
information about someone or something: Do a vehicle that is pulled by horses
you have a business card?
car-rot /'kaerat/ noun
card-board /'kardbord/ noun [U] a long orange root that is eaten as a vegetable
stiff thick paper used for making boxes — see picture at VEGETABLE

cardigan /'kurdaggn/ noun car-ry /'kaeri/ verb (carrying, carried]

a SWEATER which has buttons on the front 1 to take something somewhere: He carried
the food to the table.
care 1
/ker/ verb (caring, cared]
1 to feel interest in or concern about someone 2 carry on to continue doing something:
They carried on talking.

3 be/get carried away to be so excited that
you do not control what you do or say: Sorry castle
about that - I got carried away.
4 carry something out to do or finish some-
thing: The soldiers carried out their orders.

cart /kart/ noun

a small vehicle used for carrying things

carton /'karfn/ noun

a paper or plastic box for holding food or drinks:
Get a carton of milk for me. —see picture at

car-toon /kar'tun/ noun

a funny short movie with characters that are
drawn and not real

carve /karv/ verb (carving, carved] •a I /'kae3U9l, -331/ adjective

1 to cut wood or stone into shapes: He carved 1 relaxed and not worried about things
the figure of a woman from the wood. 2 casual clothes clothes that you wear at
2 to cut cooked meat into pieces: She carved home, not at work or school
the steak.
cat /kaet/ noun
case /keis/ noun a small animal that people often keep as a pet
1 one example of something: This is a typical
case of poor planning.
catalog /'kaetl,og, -,ag/ noun
1 a book that has pictures and information
2 a question that is decided in a court of law:
about things you can buy from a company
He is involved in a murder case.
2 a list of things in a particular order: There is
3 in case because something might happen:
a catalog of all the books in the library.
/'// take an umbrella in case it rains.

4 in that case since this is true: "It's cold. " "In catch 1
/ kaet J/ verb [past caught /kc:t/)

that case, we'll need our coats. 1 to stop something that moving through theis

5 a container that you store things in: / bought air and hold it: The dog caught the ball in its

a case of wine. mouth. —

see color picture on page 1 89
2 to take hold of someone or something after
cash 1
/ kaeJV noun [U]
chasing or hunting them: The police finally
coins and paper money: Are you paying by
caught the thief. \
How many fish did you
cash 2 verb 3 catch the bus, train etc. to get on a bus,
to get cash in return for a check: / cashed a go somewhere:
train etc. to caught the / train

check at the bank. to Boston.

4 to get an illness: Did you catch a cold?
cashier /kae'JiaV noun
who takes and
5 to be attached or stuck on something: My
a person gives out money in a
shirt caught on the fence and tore.
6 catch up to come up from behind someone
cash register /'.,.../ noun or something and get to the same place: / tried,
a machine in a store that shows how much you but I couldn't catch up with you.
catch 2 noun
cassette /ka'set/ noun the act of catching something: That was a good
a small plastic container used for playing music catch!
when put into a special machine
category /'kaete.gori/ noun [plural
castle /'kaesal/ noun categories)
house where a
a large beautiful king, queen, or a group of people or things that are like one
some other person lives another in some way

caterpillar /'kaeta^pikr-, 'kaeta-/ noun •less /'sislis/ adjective

the young form of some insects, that looks like continuing for a long time without stopping
a worm with many legs
ceiling /'silirj/ noun
cathedral /ka'Gidrsl/ noun the inside surface of the top part of a room
an important large church
celebrate /'seb,breit/ verb
Catholic /'kasOlik, -Oalik/ noun (celebrating, celebrated)
a Christian belonging to the church whose to have a special meal or party because of a
leader is the Pope —Catholic adjective particular event: We celebrated her birthday at
the restaurant.
cat-tie /'kaetl/ plural noun
large animals kept for their meat, milk, and celebration /.seb'breijan/ noun
skins a special meal or party that you have because
something good has happened: Are you coming
caught /kot/ to the New Year's celebration?
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
catch cell /sel/ noun
1 a small room where a prisoner is kept
cauli-f lower /'koli,flau3\ 'ka-/ noun
2 a very small part of a plant or animal
a white vegetable with green leaves around the
outside cellar /'sela7 noun
a room under the ground in a house, where
cause 1
koz/ verb (causing, caused)

make something happen: The heavy rain

things are stored »
compare BASEMENT
caused the flood. cello /'tjelou/ noun
a musical instrument a large VIOLIN which
cause 2 noun

you hold between your knees

1 a person or thing that makes something hap-
pen: What was the cause of the accident? cement /si'ment/ noun [U]
2 an idea you believe in or care about very a powder that becomes hard like stone when
strongly: They gave money for a good cause. mixed with water, used in building or making
caution /'kojan/ noun [U]

great care in avoiding danger: Drive with cau- cemetery /'sema.teri/ noun [plural
tion. cemeteries)
an area of land where dead people's bodies are
cautious /'kojas/ adjective put into the ground
taking care to avoid danger » compare RECK-
LESS cent /sent/ noun
a small coin used in some countries
cave /keiv/ noun
a hollow place under the ground or in the side center /'senteV noun
of a mountain 1 the middle of something: Put the flowers in

CD /,si 'di/ noun

the center of the table.
2 a place or building used for a special pur-
a type of record on which high quality sound or
pose: Have you seen the new shopping cen-
a lot of information is kept
CD player /.'.,../ noun
Centigrade /'senfa.greid/ noun [U]
a special machine used for playing a CD —see
a way of measuring how hot or cold something
color picture on page 1 85

CD-ROM /,si di 'ram/ noun

cen-ti-me-ter /'senta.mifaV noun
a CD on which a lot of information is kept to be
a measure of length: There are 100 centime-
used by a computer
ters in a meter.
cease /sis/ verb (ceasing, ceased]
central /'sentral/ adjective
to stop: Her mother never ceases talking about
1 in the middle of something
her problems.
2 the most important


century /'sentjari/ noun [plural chair /t Jer/ noun

centuries) a piece of furniture you sit on, with four legs
a period of 1 00 years: This house was built two and a back » compare SOFA, STOOL
centuries ago.
chairperson /'tjer.p^san/ noun
cereal /'sirial/ noun a person who controls a meeting
1 food made from grain, usually eaten with
chalk /tjok/ noun
milk: What's your favorite cereal?
a hard white stick that is used for writing or
2 a crop such as wheat, rice, or corn
ceremony /'ser3,mouni/ noun [plural challenge 1
/'tjaebnd3/ verb (challenging,
a group of special actions done and special
1 to offer to fight or play a game against some-
words spoken at an important public or reli-
one: We were challenged to a game of golf.
gious event: Who performed the marriage cer-
2 to test or question someone: / did not think
he was right, so challenged him. I

certain /'sa-fn/ adjective

challenge 2 noun
1 sure: / am certain he told to come at two
1 something difficult that you need skill and
o'clock. |
Are you certain about that?
ability to do: To build a bridge in a month was a
2 some: You cannot smoke in certain restau-
real challenge.
2 the act of testing or asking questions of
certainly /'sa-fnli/ adverb someone
1 without doubt: You certainly have a lot of
champagne /Jaem'pein/ noun [U]
an alcoholic drink with a lot of BUBBLES in it
2 of course: "Will you help me, please?"
"Certainly. champion /'tjaempian/ noun
certificate /sa^'tifakit/ noun
a person who is the best at something, espe-
cially a sport or game
an important written paper: Your birth certifi-

cate tells people when you were born. championship /'tjaempisn Jip/ noun
chain 1
/tjem/ noun
a competition to find who is the best at some-
thing: Our team won the swimming champion-
a group of metal rings joined together in a line:
She wore a gold chain around her neck.

chain 2 verb
chance /tjaens/ noun
1 a time that you use for doing something:
to use a chain to tie something to something
Now I finally have a chance to read my letter.
else: / chained my bicycle to the fence.
2 how possible it is that something is true or
chair that someone will succeed: There is a good
stool wheelchair chance that I will be chosen for the team.

3 a risk: He is taking a chance by driving his

car so fast.

4 something that happens without being

planned or caused: / met him by chance.
change 1
/tjemd3/ verb (changing,
1 to make something different or become dif-

ferent: This town has changed since I was a

child. |
The leaves change colors in the fall.
2 to stop having or doing one thing and start
something else instead: Would you change
seats with me?
3 change clothes, change your clothes to put
on different clothes: He changed when he
armchair chair
arrived home from school.
4 change your mind to make a new decision 2 [U] money or help given to those who need
which is different to the one before: / tvas going it: She is too proud to accept charity.
to the store, but I've changed my mind.
charm 1
/tjarm/ verb
change 2
noun to please someone very much, or make them
1 the result when something or someone think you are very attractive
becomes different: There has been a change in

our plans.
charm 2
1 [U] a pleasing, attractive quality that someone
2 [U]money that you get back when you pay
or something has: He was full of charm and
too much for something: gave him a dollar and /
everyone liked him.
he gave me 20 cents in change.
2 a thing that brings good luck
3 for a change as something different from
usual: Let's go to a different restaurant for a charming /'tjarmin,/ adjective
change. very pleasing or attractive

channel /'tjaenl/ noun chart /tjart/ noun

1 a particular television company: What's on 1 a large piece of paper with information on it

channel seven? in pictures and writing

2 water that connects two seas 2 a map, especially of the ocean or stars

chaos /'keias/ noun [U] chase 1

/tjeis/ verb (chasing, chased)
a state of no order or no control: After the to follow someone or something quickly: The
explosion, the city was in chaos. boy chased the dog.
chap-el /'t/aepsl/ noun chase 2 noun
a small church, on part of a church the act of following someone or something quick-
chapter /'tjaepta-/ noun ly: The police caught him after a long chase.

a part of a book: Open your books to Chapter 3. chat /tjaet/ verb (chatting, chatted)

character /'ksenktaV noun to talk in a friendly way: We chatted together

for a while.
1 what a person or thing is like: He has a
strong but gentle character. chatter /'tJ*aete\/' r
3N w / verb
2 a person in a book, movie, or play to talk a lot about things that are not important

charge 1
/tjard^l verb (charging, charged] cheap /t Jip/ adjective
1 to ask for money for something you are sell- 1 not expensive, costing only a little money:
ing: He charged me $5 for the book. Those black shoes are cheap.
2 to buy something, but pay for it later: /'// 2 of bad quality: The pants were made of
charge this to my credit card. cheap material. » opposite EXPENSIVE
3 to say that a person has done something
cheat 1
/t Jit/ verb
wrong: He was charged with stealing a car.
to do something which is not honest; deceive:
4 to run or hurry: The little boy charged into
He always cheats when he plays.
the room.
cheat 2 noun
charge 2 noun
a person who is not fair or honest
1 a price you pay for something: There is a
charge for the extra coffee. check 1
/tjek/ verb

2 be in charge, take charge to be in a posi- 1 to make sure that something is correct,

tion of control and responsibility: Mr. Davis is in true, or safe: Did you check the doors to see if
charge of buying the goods. they are locked?
3 a statement that a person has done wrong: 2 check in to report that you have arrived
He is in court on a murder charge. somewhere: You need to check in at the hotel
4 a hurried attack soon.

charity /'t/aerati/ noun check 2 noun

1 [plural charities) an organization that gives 1 a careful look to make sure that something

money, food etc. to those who need it

is correct, true, or safe: The police are doing a
check for drugs.
2 a piece of paper that you write on to pay for chew IX Ju/ verb
something: Can I pay by check? to break up food in your mouth with your teeth
3 a pattern of squares: The material had red
and white checks on it. —see picture at PAT- chewing gum /'.. ,./ noun [U]

TERN a sweet substance that you chew, but do not

checkers /'tjek^z/ plural noun
a game for two people using 24 round pieces chick /tjik/ noun
on a board of blackand white squares a young bird, especially a young chicken

check-out: /'t Jek-aut/ noun chick-en /'tjikan/ noun

a place in a store where you pay for goods 1 a bird that people keep for its eggs and meat
2 [U] the meat of this bird: a chicken sandwich
cheek /t Jik/ noun
the round soft part of your face under your chief 1 /tjif/ adjective

eyes —see picture at HEAD 1

most important: What is the chief cause of
cheer 1
/tjir/ verb
1 to because you are pleased:
shout The chief 2 noun
crowd cheered when the players arrived. a leader of a group or tribe: The chief of police
2 cheer (someone) up to make someone came to the meeting.
happy: tried to cheer her up by buying her a
chief ly /'tjifli/ adverb
mostly; mainly: He kept animals - chiefly cattle
cheer 2
noun and pigs.

a shout of happiness or support: Let's give

child /tjaild/ noun [plural children
three cheers for the winning team!
cheerful /'tjirfal/ adjective 1 a young person, older than a baby but not
happy and feeling good —cheerfully adverb grown
fully —
see color picture on page 191
2 a son or daughter: They have three children.
cheese /tjiz/ noun [U]
a solid food made from milk child-hood /'tjaildhud/ noun [U]
the time when you are a child
chemical 1
/'kemikal/ noun
a substance, especially one made by or used in childish /'t/aildiJV adjective
chemistry 1 behaving in a silly way: Don't be so childish!

chemical 2 adjective
2 suitable for a child

made by or used in chemistry children /'tjildran/

the plural of child
chemist /'kemist/ noun
a person who studies chemistry chime /tjaim/ verb (chiming, chimed)

chemistry /'kemastri/ noun [U] to make a sound like a bell: The clock chimed

the science which studies substances like gas,

three o'clock. » compare RING
metals, liquids, etc., what they are made of, chimney /'tjimni/ noun [plural chimneys)
and how they change a pipe that allows smoke to go up and out of a
cher-ry /'t Jeri/ noun [plural cherries)

a small round fruit with red or black skin which chimpanzee /.tjimpaen'zi/ noun
grows on trees —see picture at FRUIT an animal like a monkey but without a tail, that

chess /tjes/ noun [U] lives in Africa

a game that you play by moving different shaped chin /tjm/ noun
pieces on a board of black and white squares the part of your face below your mouth — see
chest; /tjest/ noun picture at HEAD 1

1 the front of your body between your neck and china /'tjaina/ noun [U]
your stomach a hard white substance, or the cups, plates,
2 a large box that you store things in etc. that are made from this
chip choke /tjouk/ verb (choking, choked]
chipped cups
to not be able to breathe because of something
in your throat: She choked on a piece of meat.

choose /tjuz/ verb (choosing, chose)

to decide from a group of things or people the
one you want: She chose to study chemistry

chop 1
/tjap/ verb (chopping, chopped]
to cut something with an ax or sharp knife

chop 2
a piece of meat with a bone

chorus /'koras/ noun [plural choruses)

1 a part of the song that is repeated
2 a group of singers

chose /tjbuz/
potato chips computer chip
the PAST TENSE of the verb choose

chip 1
/tjip/ noun chosen /'tjouzan/
1 where a piece
a small space or crack is the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb choose
missing from something: My cup has a chip in

christening /'krisgnirj/ noun
the religious ceremony at which a baby is given
2 a very small piece of metal or plastic used in
its name
computers to store information and make the
computer work Christian /'knstjan, 'knftjan/ noun
3 a thin dry piece of potato or other vegetable a person who follows the teachings of Jesus
that has been fried in oil: Open another bag of Christ —Christian adjective
potato chips.
Christianity /.knstji'aenati/ noun [U]
chip 2 verb (chipping, chipped] the religion based on the teachings of Jesus
to break a small piece off something hard: He Christ
chipped the plate when he hit it.
Christmas /'knsmas/ noun
chirp /tJVp/ noun December 25, the day of the year when
a short high sound made by some birds and Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
insects and people give and receive gifts

chocolate /'tjaklit/ noun chuckle /'tjAkal/ verb (chuckling,

1 [U] a sweet brown food made from COCOA chuckled)

2 a small candy covered in chocolate: He gave to laugh quietly: Karen chuckled at the funny
her a box of chocolates. story.

choice /tjois/ noun chunk /tjAnk/ n

1 the chance to choose between two or more 1 a large piece of something: a chunk of
things: I've got to make a choice between the cheese
two jobs. 2 a large part or amount of something: Having
2 the person or thing that you have chosen: to get a new car took a big chunk out of her
Her choice of dress surprised me. savings.

3 one of several things from which you can church /tJ>tJ7 noun [plural churches)
choose: The car comes in a wide choice of col-
a building in which Christians meet and pray
cigar /si'gar/ noun
choir /kwaiaV noun
a thick brown tube of tobacco leaves rolled
a number of people who sing together: The together that is smoked
school choir is going on a trip.

cigarette /,sigo'rct, 'siga.ret/ noun civil war /,..'./ noun

a thin tube made of tobacco rolled in white a war between two groups of people who live in

paper, that is smoked the same country

cir-cle 1 /'s^kal/ noun claim 1

/kleim/ verb
1 a round shape; a ring: They sat in a circle 1 to ask for something that you think belongs
around the fire. — see pictures at DIAMETER and to you: You can claim the lost ring in the office.
2 to say that something is true: He claimed to
2 a group of people who know each other and have found a cure for the disease.
like the same things: She has a large circle of
friends. claim 2 noun
1 something that you say is true: / don't believe
circle 2 verb (circling, circled)
his claim about how rich he is.
to draw a circle around something: Circle the
2 something that you ask for because you think
correct answer.
you should receive it

cir-cu-lar /'saHkyalaV adjective

clang /klaerj/ verb
round; moving around in a circle: Move your
to make the sound of one piece of metal hitting
arms in a circular motion.
another: / heard a bell clanging in the distance.
circulate /'s^kya.leit/ verb (circulating,
clap /klaep/ verb (clapping, clapped)
to make a sound by hitting your hands together
to move continuously around a place or system:
to show that you like something: When the
Blood circulates around the body.
singer finished, the audience clapped and
circulation /.s^kya'leijan/ noun [U] cheered. » compare APPLAUD
the movement of blood around your body
clash 1
/klaeJV verb
circumference /sa-'kAmfrans/ noun 1 to fight or argue with someone: The police
the distance around the outside edge of a round clashed with the angry crowd.
object —see picture at DIAMETER 2 if colors clash, they look bad together: His
red shirt clashed with his coat.
circumstances /'sa^kam.staensiz/
plural noun clash 2 noun [plural clashes)
1 in/under the circumstances because of 1 a fight or argument with someone
what has happened: In the circumstances I 2 a loud sound made by one metal object hit-
think I should stay at home. ting another one
2 in/under no circumstances never: Under
no circumstances will vote for him. I
clasp 1
/klaesp/ verb
to hold something tightly: He clasped my hand.
circus /'sa^kas/ noun » compare GRIP
a show given by people and trained animals,
often in a large tent
clasp 2 noun
a small metal object that fastens two things
citizen /'sitazan/ noun together: She has a gold clasp on her dress.
a person who lives in a particular country or city
and has special rights there class /klaes/ noun [plural classes)
1 a group of students who learn together:
cit-y /'siti/ noun [plural cities) How many people are in your English class?
a very large town 2 a group of people in a society that earn a
civilian /sa'vilyan/ noun
amount of money: He comes from a
middle class family.
a person who is not in the army, navy etc.
3 a group of plants, animals etc. of the same
civilization /,sivala'zei/an/ noun kind: Cats belong to one class of animal, fish to
a way of life in which people have laws, govern- another.
ment, and education
classic /'klaesik/ noun
civilize /'siva.laiz/ verb (civilizing, civilized) a book or movie which is very good and which
tochange the way that people live together, by people have liked for a long time: The movie
making laws and having government and edu- "Casablanca" is a classic.

classical /'klaesikal/ adjective and put them in the places they should be: Can
classical music or art is serious and important: you clear the dishes from the table?
/ prefer classical music to rock music. 2 clear up (a) to explain or deal with a compli-
cated problem or situation: think he will be
classroom /'klaesrum, -rum/ noun
able to clear up the mystery,

(b) to get better:

a room in a school where students are taught / hope the weather clears up before Sunday.
clatter /'klaeteV verb
clearly /'klirli/ adverb
to make the loud noise of a lot of hard things 1 in a way that
easy to hear, see, or under-
hitting together: The pans clattered to the floor.
stand: Please speak clearly so we can hear you.
clause /kbz/ noun 2 without any doubt: Clearly, he felt she was to
a group of words that contain
noun or a verb. a blame.
The sentence "As I was walking home, I met my clerk /kla^k/ noun
friend" contains two clauses. "As I was walking
a person who works in an office or hotel and
home" is one clause, and "I met my friend" is
deals with letters, keeps records etc.
another clause. »
compare SENTENCE
click 1 /klik/ noun
claw 1
/kb/ noun
a short sharp sound: / heard the click of a key
1 one of the hard sharp parts on the foot of a
in the lock.
bird or animal

2 the hand of a CRAB or LOBSTER click 2 verb

to make a short sharp sound: The door clicked
claw 2
to tear something using claws: The cat clawed
the chair. cli-ent /'klaisnt/ noun
someone who pays a professional person for
clay /klei/ noun [U]
help or advice
soft, sticky earth used for making pots and
bricks cliff /klif/ noun
an area of high, steep rock, often close to the
clean 1
/klin/ adjective
ocean or at the side of a mountain
1 not dirty: Are your hands clean? \
a clean
shirt climate /'klaimit/ noun
2 not yet used: a clean piece of paper the weather that a place usually has

3 not involving sex, drugs, or anything illegal climb 1

/klaim/ verb

clean 2
verb 1 to go up something: The two boys climbed
to remove dirt from something and make it the tree. —see color picture on page 1 89
clean: Have you cleaned the kitchen? Clean up \
2 to increase in number, amount, or level:

your room! Prices are climbing every day.

cleaner /'klinaV noun climb 2 noun

1 someone whose job is to clean houses, build- the action of going somewhere: a long climb up
ings etc. the hill

2 a substance that is used for cleaning things: cling /klirj/ verb [past clung)
floor cleaner to hold on tightly: The baby monkey clung to its

clear 1 /klir/ adjective mother.

1 easy to understand, hear, or see: He spoke clinic /'klinik/ noun

in a clear voice. \
Are the instructions clear? a place where people go to see a doctor
2 easy to see through
clip 1 /klip/ noun
3 not blocked or covered: The road is clear
a small metal object used for holding things
together: The letters were held together with a
4 certain; without doubt: It is clear that he is
paper clip.
to blame for the accident.
clip 2 verb (clipping, clipped)
clear 2 verb
1 to hold things together with a clip: A small
1 to take things away from a table, floor etc.
card was clipped to the letter.
2 to cut something with a sharp instrument, clothes /klouz, kloudz/ plural noun
especially to make it look neater: He is clipping things that you wear on your body: / need to buy
his fingernails. some new clothes.

cloakroom /'klouk-rum/ noun

NOTE: Cloth is NOT the singular of clothes
a room where you leave coats, hats etc.
(look at the entry for cloth above]. The word
clock /klak/ noun clothes is always plural and does not have
a machine that shows you what the time is a singular form. People usually use the
» compare WATCH name of the things they are talking about
when there is only one, e.g. a shirt, a dress
clock-wise /'klak-waiz/ adverb
moving in the same direction as the hands of a
clock » compare COUNTERCLOCKWISE
clothing /'kloudig/ noun [U]
close 1
/klouz/ adjective
clothes that people wear: warm winter clothing
1 near: / live close to the school. \
They were
standing close together. (=very near each cloud /klaud/ noun
other] a mass of very small drops of water floating in

2 close to almost: The temperature is close to the sky

90 degrees. cloudy /'klaudi/ adjective (cloudier,
3 careful: We kept a close watch on the chil- cloudiest]
having lots of clouds: It's a cloudy day.
4 liking or loving someone: Peter and John are
close friends. clown /klaun/ noun
a personwho wears funny clothes and tries to
close 2
verb (closing, closed]
make people laugh
1 to shut something: Please close the door.

2 to stop being open for business: What time

club /kUb/ noun
does the bank close? 1 group of people who meet each other
because they share an interest: / belong to a
3 close in to move nearer and try to catch
chess club.
someone or something
2 a large heavy stick, used in some sports: a
close 3 noun golf club
the end of an activity or period of time: the
close of day (=the evening]
clue /klu/ noun
something that helps you find the answer to a
closed /klouzdV adjective difficult problem: The police are looking for
shut: Keep your eyes closed. The store is \ clues to help them catch the killer.

closed on Sunday. compare OPEN »

see pic- 1
— clumsy /'klAmzi/ adjective (clumsier,
ture at AJAR
closet 1
/'klazit/ n moving an awkward way and often breaking

1 a tall cupboard that you keep your clothes in, things: He was
very clumsy and shy when he
built into the wall of a room was a boy. —
clumsily adverb
2 come out of the closet to tell people that
clung /klArj/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
closet; 2 adj cling
closet liberal/homosexual etc. someone who
clutch /kL\tJ7 verb
does not admit in public what s/he thinks or
to take hold of something tightly: She clutched
does in private
her baby in her arms.
cloth /kb0/ noun
1 [U] material made of wool, cotton etc.: She
a short way of writing CENTIMETER
bought some cloth to make a new dress.
2 a piece of material used for a particular pur- coach 1
/koutJV noun [plural coaches]
pose: He polished the surface with a soft cloth. someone who gives special lessons to a team
or person: a football coach
sh 2 verb 2 [U] the hot drink made from this powder:
to give someone special lessons: He coaches Would you like some coffee?
the tennis team.
coffin /'kofin/ noun
coal /koul/ noun [U] a box which is used to hold a dead body
a hard black material dug out of the ground and
coil 1 /koil/ verb
burned to give heat
1 to twist a rope, wire etc. around and around
coarse /kors/ adjective something
not smooth or fine; rough 2 to go around in a circle: A snake was coiled
around the tree.
coast /koust/ noun
the land next to the ocean: She lives near the coil 2 noun
Pacific coast. a length of rope or wire that has been twisted
into a round shape
coastline /'koustlam/ noun
the edge of the coast: From the ship, they coin /koin/ noun
could see the rocky coastline. a piece of money made of metal

coat /kout/ noun coincidence /kou'insgdans/ noun

1 a piece of clothing that you wear over your a situation in which two events happen togeth-
other clothes to keep you warm outdoors: Do er by chance: What a coincidence to meet you
you have a winter coat? —see color picture on here!
page 190
cold 1 /kould/ adjective
2 an animal's fur, wool, or hair 1 not warm or hot: It's cold outside! » com-
3 a covering of something spread over a sur- pare HOT
face: The wall needs a coat of paint.
2 unfriendly: She can be a very cold person.
coat hanger/ 1

. ,../ noun cold 2 noun

a curved piece of wood or plastic with a hook on 1 a common illness of the nose and throat:
top, that you can hang clothes on / have a cold.

coax /kouks/ verb 2 cold weather: Don't stand out there in the

to persuade someone to do something by talk- cold - come in! » compare HEAT 1

ing to them gently and kindly: His mother col-lapse /ks'laeps/ verb [collapsing,
coaxed him into taking the medicine. collapsed)

cobweb /'kabweb/ noun to fall down suddenly: The old man collapsed in

the street. The roof of the house collapsed.

the thin net which a SPIDER makes to catch


cocoa /'koukou/ noun [U]

1 a brown powder from the seeds of a tree,
from which chocolate is made
2 a hot drink made from this powder

co-co-nut /'kouka.nAt/ noun

a large brown nut with hard white flesh and a
hollow center filled with white juice
collar /'kalaV noun
cod /kad/ noun [plural cod) the part of a shirt or coat that goes around
an ocean fish used for food
your neck: The collar of his shirt was dirty.

code /koud/ noun 2 a leather or metal band that is put around

a way of using words, letters, numbers etc. to the neck of an animal
send secret messages: written in code
collect /ks'lekt/ verb
coffee /'kofi, 'ku-/ noun 1 tocome together or bring things together in
1 a brown powder from the seeds of the cof- the same place: A crowd collected to watch the
fee tree ceremony. \
I collect stamps from all over the
2 to get money from a lot of different people: combination /.kambs'neijan/ noun
I'm collecting for the blind.
two or more different things that are used or
collection /ka'lekfan/ noun put together: A combination of reasons led to

a set of similar things which have been brought the decision.

together: He has a large collection of old coins. combine /kam'bam/ verb (combining,
college /'kalid^/ noun combined)
a place where people study after they finish two or more things together: The
to join or mix

school two small stores combined to make one new

collide /ks'laidV verb (colliding, collided)
to hit together with a lot of force: The two
come /kAm/ verb (coming, came, past
participle come)
trucks collided on the wet road.
1 to move toward the person speaking: Come
collision /kalian/ noun here, Mary. \
Are you coming with me?
a violent crash, for example between two cars 2 come about to happen: This situation should

colon /'koutan/ noun never have come about.

the sign (:] which in this book comes before an 3 come across something to find someone or

example something by chance: came across an old /

friend hadn't seen for years.


colonel /'ka-nl/ noun

4 come from to have been born or have lived
an officer in the army a long time in a place: / come from San
colony /'katani/ noun [plural colonies) Francisco.

a country that is controlled by another country 5 come on! used when telling someone to
hurry, or to come with you: Come on, Helen, or
color 1
/'kAteV noun we are going to be late!
the quality that makes things look green, red, 6 come off to not be on something or con-
yellow, etc.: What color is her hair? \
My nected to it: A button came off my shirt.
favorite color is orange.
7 come back to return from a place: When is

James coming back from England?

NOTE: The word color is not usually used in
8 come down to become lower in price,
sentences describing the color of
amount, number etc.: When the price comes
something, e.g. Her dress is red. He has \

down a little, we will buy the computer.

brown hair.
9 come out to become known: Soon it came
out that she had been seeing another man.
'color 2 verb
to put color on to something: The little girl was
comedy /'kamadi/ noun [plural comedies)
coloring the pictures her book.
a funny play, movie etc.; something that makes
you laugh » compare TRAGEDY
colorful /'kAl^fal/ adjective
corn-fort 1 /'kAmf>t/ noun [U]
bright; having a lot of colors: She always wears
1 a feeling of being relaxed and calm, not wor-
colorful clothes.
ried or in pain: / take comfort in the fact that
column /'kabrn/ noun she loves me.
1 a large post used for supporting a part of a 2 a way of living in which you are happy and
building have all you need: He lived in comfort. (=he had
2 a long, narrow, upright shape, list etc.: Can enough money to live well)
you add up this column of numbers?
comfort 2 verb
comb 1
/koum/ noun to make someone feel less worried by being kind
a thin flat thingmade of plastic, metal, etc. that to him or her: She comforted the crying child.
you use to make your hair neat
comfortable /'kAmftabgl,
comb 2
verb 'kAmf^tebal/ adjective
tomake your hair neat using a comb: Have you 1 pleasant to wear, sit in, or be in: This is a
combed your hair? very comfortable chair.
2 with no pain or worries: We're not rich, but committee /ks'miti/ noun
we are comfortable. a group of people chosen to do something,
comic /'kamik/ adjective make decisions etc.
making people laugh; funny com-mon 1
/'kaman/ adjective
comic book /'..,./ noun 1 found everywhere; usual: Dogs are a com-
a small book for children, with pictures that tell
mon pet. » compare RARE
the story —see color picture on page 1 85 2 belonging to or shared by several people:
We are all working toward a common goal.
comma /'kams/ noun 3 common sense the ability to think about
the sign (,] used in writing to show a short things and make good decisions: It's just com-
pause mon sense to plan ahead.

command 1
/ka'maend/ verb common 2
1 to order someone to do something: / com- have something in common to have the same
mand you to attack! interests as someone else: You and I have a lot
2 to be in charge of people: A general com- in common.
mands a large number of soldiers.
communicate /ka'myuns.keit/ verb
command noun 2
(communicating, communicated)
1 an order that must be obeyed to speak or write to someone: If you speak
2 [U] power or control: The officer is in com- English, you can communicate with a lot of
mand of his men. people.

commence /ka'mens/ verb communication /ka.myuna'keijan/

to begin: The evening performance will com- noun
mence at eight o'clock. » compare START 1 [U] the act of speaking or writing to someone
comment 1
/'kament/ verb and being understood by him or her:
to give an opinion about something: The Communication between people who speak dif-
President is not commenting on the meeting. ferent languages is difficult.

2 communications [plural] the ways of sending

comment 2
noun information between places, such as radio, tele-
an opinion or remark about something: Do you phone, television etc.
have any comments about the situation?
community /ka'myunati/ noun
commentary /'kamsn.teri/ noun [plural communities)
[plural commentaries) all the people living in one place: All the children
a description of an event while it is happening, in our local community go to the same school.
especially on radio or television
commuter /ko'myutaV noun
commentator /'kaman.teitaV noun a person who travels to work each day
someone who describes an event while it is hap-
pening corn-pact disc /,kampaekr 'disk/
a CD
commerce /'kama^s/ noun [U]
the buying and selling of goods; business companion /kam'paenyan/ noun
a person you are with, often a friend: He was
commercial 1
/ka'm^Jal/ adjective my closest companion for many months.
related to the buying and selling of goods
company /'kAmpani/ noun
commercial 2 noun 1 companies) a group of people doing
an advertisement on television or on the radio business: / work for a computer company.

commit /ka'mit/ verb (committing, 2 [U] a person or people you are with: / can't
committed) talk now. We have company.
1 to use your time, money etc. to achieve
something: How much money are they willing to
comparative /kam'paerativ/
commit to the work? a word or a form of a word that shows that
2 to do something wrong or illegal: He said he something is bigger, smaller, better, worse, etc.
did not commit the crime. than something else; for example, "bigger" is
the comparative form of "big" compare »
compare /kam'per/ verb (comparing, complicated /'kampta,keitid/
compared] adjective
to decide what way things are alike or differ-
in to understand; not simple: She asked

ent: People are always comparing me to my sis- us to solve a very complicated problem.
compliment 1
/'kamptamant/ noun
comparison /kam'paerssan/ noun something nice that you say about someone
an act of saying in what way two things are alike » compare INSULT 2

or different: My shoes are small in comparison

with my brother's.
compliment 2
to saysomething nice to someone, or to praise
compartment /kam'parfmsnt/ noun someone: She complimented Mary on her
a small space inside something larger dress.

corn-pass /'kAmpos/ noun [plural compose /kam'pouz/ verb (composing,

compasses] composed]
an instrument with a metal needle that always 1 be composed of to be formed from differ-

points north ent parts: The book is composed of five parts.

corn-pel /kam'pd/ verb (compelling,

2 to put things together to form a song, piece
of art etc.
to forcesomeone to do something: The floods composer /kgm'pouzaV noun
compelled us to turn back. a person who writes music

compete /kam'pit/ verb (competing, composition /.kumpg'zijan/ noun

competed] a story, poem, piece of music etc. that you have
to try to win a race, prize etc.: Five children written
competed in the race.
corn-pound /'kampaund/ noun
competition /.kampa'tijsn/ noun a group of buildings and the land around them
a test of who is best at something: She won
first place in a piano competition.
compulsory /ksm'pAlsari/ adjective
having to be done because it is a rule or law:
competitor /kam'petgtaV noun Learning science is compulsory in our school.
a person who tries to win something
computer /kgm'pyutaV noun
corn-plain /kam'plem/ verb a machine that stores information and can
unhappy or angry with some-
to say that you are work out answers very quickly: Do you have a
thing or someone: We complained about the personal computer? —
see color picture on
bad food. page 185
conn-plaint /kom'plemt/ noun computer game /.'.. ./ noun
something you say which shows that you are a game played on a computer
unhappy or angry about something: / have had
a lot of complaints about your work.
concentrate /'kansan.treit/ verb
(concentrating, concentrated]
complete 1
/kam'plit/ adjective to think very carefully about what you are doing:
1 whole; with nothing left out: / now have a With all this noise, it is difficult to concentrate.
complete set of dishes. » opposite INCOM-
concern 1
/kan'sa^n/ noun

2 total; in every way: This is a complete waste

worry: He shows no concern for his children.

of time. concern 2

complete 2 verb (completing, completed] 1 to be about someone or something: The

to finish doing or making something: They have
story concerns a man who lived in Russia.

completed the new school building. 2 to be important or to involve someone: This

letter concerns you.
completely /kam'plirii/ adverb 3 to worry someone: Her refusal to eat con-
totally: / completely forgot about your birthday. cerns me greatly.
concerned /kan's^nd/ adjective the end of a sharp pencil -see picture at

1 anxious or worried: I'm very concerned SHAPE 1

about my mother's illness. conference /'kanfrsns/ noun
2 as far as I'm concerned in my opinion a meeting of people to find out what they think
3 involved in something or affected by it about a subject: She is at a scientific confer-

concerning /kan'sa^nin/ ence.

about: / have a question concerning the car. confess /kan'fes/ verb

con-cert; /'kans^t/ noun
to tell someone that you have done something
wrong: When the police questioned the man,
an act of playing music in public for a lot of peo-
he confessed.

con-elude /ksn'klud/ verb (concluding,

confession /ksn'fejsn/ noun
something that you say or write that shows you
have done something wrong: He made a con-
1 to finish something: The meeting concluded
with a vote on the issue.
2 to decide that something is true from the confidence /'kanfgdsns/ noun [U]
information that you have: / concluded that I a feeling that you are sure that you can do
had no choice but to accept her offer. something: She has a lot of confidence in her
ability to sing.
conclusion /k3n'klu39n/ noun
1 a decision that something is true from the confident /'kanfsdant/ adjective
information that you have: My conclusion is that feeling sure that you can do something well: /

he is telling the truth. was confident that I had passed the exam.
2 the end or final part of a book, story etc.
con-firm /kan'f^m/ verb
concrete /kan'krit, 'kankrit/ noun [U] to say for certain that something is true or will

a gray powder mixed with sand and water, happen: The doctors confirmed that she had a
which becomes hard and is used for building broken leg.

condemn /kan'dem/ verb con-fir-ma-tion /.kanf^'meijsn/ noun [U]

1 to say that you do not approve of someone something that shows that something else is

or something very strongly true or will happen

2 to give someone a punishment for a crime conflict 1

/'kan,flikt/ noun
condition /kan'dijgn/ noun a fight argument: There
or is a conflict

1 the state of someone or something: The car between the two countries.
is in very good condition. \
Weather conditions conflict 2 /kan'flikt/ verb
are bad today.
to disagree: His story conflicts with what he
2 something that must happen before some- said before.
thing else happens: One of the conditions of
having the job was that had to learn English.
con-fuse /kan'fyuz/ verb (confusing,
con-duct 1
/ksn'dAkt/ verb
1 to make it difficult for someone to know what
1 to do or organize something: He conducted to think or do: His questions really confused
a test on the computer. me.
2 to lead or guide someone: He conducted us 2 one person or thing is
to think wrongly that
on a tour of the castle. someone / confused the two
or something else:

conduct 2 /'kundAkt/ noun [U] boys because they look so much alike.

the way you behave » compare BEHAVIOR confusion /kan'fyu39n/ noun [U]
conductor /kan'dAktaV noun a state of not knowing what to think or do:
There was a lot of confusion over the new
a person who controls a group of people playing

cone /koon/ noun congratulate /kon'gr£etj3,leit/ verb

to say you are pleased about a happy event: /
a round shape that is pointed at one end, like
congratulated them on the birth of their baby.
congratulations conservation /.kans^'veijsn/ noun [U]
/kan.graetJVleifanz/ plural noun the saving and protecting of animals or plants:
an expression of happiness or admiration for He is involved in the conservation of trees.
something someone has done: Congratulations
on your new job!
conservative /kan'sa^vativ/ adjective
not liking to change things, and having tradi-
congress /'kaggns/ noun tional ideas about politics —conservative noun
the group of people chosen or elected to make
the laws in some countries
consider /kan'sidaV verb
to think about something: I'm considering
conjunction /kan^AokJan/ noun changing my job.
a word such as "and" or "but" that joins two
parts of a sentence
consideration /kan.sida'reijan/
noun [U]
connect /ka'nckt/ verb 1 thought and care for other people's feelings:
to join two or more things together: Connect You show no consideration for anyone but your-
this hose to the wall. self!

connection /ka'nekfan/ noun 2 careful thought and attention: They gave the
plan careful consideration.
1 a relationship between two or more things,
ideas etc.: What's the connection between the consist /kan'sist/ verb
two events? consist of to be made up of: The soup consists
2 the two or more things: Check the
joining of of carrots, peas, and onions.
pipes for any leaks around the connections.
consonant /'kansansnt/ noun
conquer /'kankaV verb a written letter, or the sound of a letter, which
to defeat someone in war: Long ago, the is not a, e, i, o, or u. » compare VOWEL
Romans conquered the Greeks.
constant /'kanstant/ adjective
conquest /'kankwest/ noun happening all the time: He's under constant
the defeat or control of a group of people pressure from his job. constantly adverb —
conscience /'kanfsns/ noun constitution /.kansta'tufan/ noun
a set of laws governing a country, state, club,
the feeling inside you that tells you whether
something is right or wrong: He has a guilty
conscience. (=he feels he did something wrong] constitutional /,kunsto'tuJ\->nol/
conscious /'kanfgs/ adjective
written in or concerning the set of laws govern-
awake and knowing what is happening around
ing a country or organization
you: He is badly hurt but still conscious.
» opposite UNCONSCIOUS construct /kan'strAkt/ verb
to build or make something: The city plans to
con-sent 1
/kan'sent/ verb
construct a bridge over the river.
to agree to something, or to allow it to be done:
Her father consented to her marriage. construction /kan'strAkfan/ noun [U]
the building of something: The house is under
consent 2 noun [U]
construction. (=being built)
permission for someone to do something: We
need your parents' written consent. consul /'kanssl/ noun
a person who lives in a foreign city whose job is
consequence /'kansa.kwens, to help people from his or her own country
-kwans/ noun
something that happens as a result of some- con-suit /kan'sAlt/ verb
consequences if you quit
thing else: Think of the to ask someone, or to look in a book for infor-

your job. mation: You should consult your doctor!

consequently /'kansa.kwentii, consume /kan'sum/ verb (consuming,

-kwsnt-/ adverb consumed)
happening as a result of something else to eat or use something: The country con-
sumes much more than it produces.

consumption /kan'sAmpJgn/ noun [U] continent /'kantansnt, 'kant n-3nt/

the eating or using of something: We have a noun

plan to reduce water consumption. one of the large areas of land on Earth, such as
Africa, Europe, Australia etc.
con-tact 1
/'kantaekt/ verb
to talk or write to someone: She contacted me continental /,kantan'enfl< / adjective
as soon as she arrived. relating to a larger area of land

contact 2 noun [U] continual /ksn'tmyual/ adjective

1 the act of meeting or talking to someone: happening often or all the time
We don't have much contact with other people.
continue /kan'tmyu/ verb (continuing,
2 the touching or being close to something: continued)
The fire started when two wires came into con-
1 to keep happening or doing something with-
tact. (=began to touch]
out stopping: She continued to work through
contact lens /'.. ,., ,.. './ noun [plural the night.
contact lenses) 2 to start again after stopping: The play will

a small round piece of plastic that you put in continue in 15 minutes.

your eye to help you see clearly 3 to go further in the same direction: The
road continues on to Miami from here.
con-tain /kan'tem/ verb
to have something inside: / found a box con- continuous /kan'tinyuas/ adjective
taining the letters. never stopping: This plant needs a continuous
supply of fresh water.

con-tract /'kantraekt/ noun

a writtenagreement between two people or
companies that says what each one must do
for the other

contrary 1
/'kan,treri/ noun [U]

on the contrary used for saying that the oppo-

site of what was just said is true: "You must be
tired. " "On the contrary, I feel fine.

contrary 2 adjective
from or not agreeing with something:
Many people had contrary opinions about what
to do.

contrast 1
/kan'traest/ verb
container /kan'teinaV noun to compare two things and show the differ-

something you can put things into, for example ences between them: The book contrasts dif-

a box, bottle etc. ferent ways to prepare fish.

con-tent /kan'tent/ adjective contrast 2 /'kantraest/ noun

satisfied and happy: She's content to be a a difference: There is a big contrast between
writer. the rich and poor.

contented /kan'tenfid/ adjective contribute /kan'tnbyut, -yat/ verb

(contributing, contributed)
satisfiedand happy: My father seems more
contented in his new job. to give money or help: We all contributed
money to buy Richard's present.
con-tents /'kantents/ plural noun
the things that are inside something: The con-
contribution /.kantra'byufan/ noun
tents of the box fell onto the floor. money or help that is offered or given: Do you
want to make a contribution to the church?
con-test /'kuntcst/ noun
a fight or competition

control 1
/kan'troul/ verb (controlling, cook-book /'kukbuk/ noun
controlled] a book that tells you how to prepare different
to make someone or something do what you foods
want: He could not control his children. cookie
control 2 noun [U]

1 the power or ability to make someone or

something do what you want: The car went out
of control and hit a tree.
2 the power to rule a place, company, or coun-
The army is trying to regain control of the city.

convenience /kan'vinyans/ noun [U]

the quality of being useful, helpful, or easy: I like

the convenience of living close to the city.

cookie /'kuki/ noun
a thin dry sweet cake
convenient /kan'vinyant/ adjective
useful for your needs; near and easy to get to:
cooking /'kukirj/ noun [U]
The store is a convenient place to shop. the activity of making food ready to eat
» opposite INCONVENIENT —conveniently adverb cool 1 /kul/ adjective

con-vent /'kanvent, -vant/ noun 1 said when you agree with something or like

a place where women who lead a religious life

something: Look at those cool shoes!
[NUNs] live »
compare MONASTERY 2 a little cold: The room became cool after the
sun went down.
conversation /.kanva^'seijan/ noun 3 calm and not excited
a talk between two or more people: / had a long
conversation with your teacher. cool 2 verb
1 to make or become a colder: Leave the
conversion /kan'va^an, -Jgn/ noun
cake to cool.

a change from one use to another or from one

2 cool down/cool off to become calmer after
religion to another
being angry: /'// discuss it with her again when
convert /kan'v^t/ verb she's cooled down.
to change something into something else: That
cooper-ate /kou' verb
building has been converted into a school.
(cooperating, cooperated]
convict 1
/kgn'vikt/ verb to work together with someone else to get
to decide in a law court that someone is guilty something done: If we all cooperate, we'll finish
of something: He was convicted of murder. this by five o'clock.

convict 2 /'kanvikt/ noun cooperation /kou.apa'reijan/ noun [U]

a person who has been sent to prison for doing willingness to work together: Thank you for your
something wrong cooperation.

convince /kgn'vins/ verb (convincing, cooperative /kou'aprativ/ adjective

convinced] willing to help other people
1 to make someone believe something: He
convinced me that he was
cop /kap/ noun
telling the truth.
a police officer
2 be convinced that to be completely certain
that something is true: / was convinced that I copper /'kapaV noun [U]
was doing the right thing. a red-gold metal

cook 1
/kuk/ verb copy 1
/'kapi/ verb [copying, copied]
to make food ready to eat by heating it: He's 1 to make or do something exactly the same
cooking dinner for me tonight. as something else: Can you copy this tape for

cook 2 noun
2 to write exactly the same thing as someone
a person who prepares food for eating: Sarah
else: He copied his friend's answers on the
is a very good cook.


copy 2
noun [plural copies) 2 to write to someone and receive letters from
1 something that is made to look the same as him or her
something else: Please send a copy of this let-
correspondence ^kors'spandans,
ter to Mr. Brown.
,kar-/ noun [U]
2 one magazine, book, or newspaper of the letters
many that are made: Do you have another copy
of this book? correspondent /.kora'spandant
,kar-/ noun
cord /lord/ noun 1 someone who works for a newspaper or
a piece of wire or a thin nope
television company and reports news

core /kor/ noun 2 someone who writes or receives letters

1 the central or most important part of some- corridor /'korgd^, -,dor, 'kar-/ noun
thing: Now we are getting to the core of the
a long narrow passage between two rows of
rooms: My room is at the end of the corridor.
2 the hard central part of certain fruits
cosmetics /kaz'metiks/ plural noun
cork /kork/ noun substances that you put on your skin and face
1 [U] a light substance from the outside of a
to make you look better
particular type of tree
2 a piece of this put in the top of a bottle to
cost 1
/kost/ noun
keep the liquid in 1 the money that you have to pay when you buy
or do something: The cost of the books has
corn /korn/ noun [U]
gone up.
a tall plant with yellow seeds that you can cook 2 something needed, given, or lost in order to
and eat get something else: War is never worth the ter-
corner /'kornaV noun rible cost in human life.

the place where two lines, walls, streets etc. 3 at all costs no matter what has to be given
meet each other: His house is on the corner of or lost: We need that job at all costs.

42nd Street and Rowan Road. cost 2

verb [past cost]
corn-flakes /'kornfleiks/ plural noun 1 to have a particular price: How much did
a breakfast food made from crushed corn, usu- that bag cost?
ally eaten with milk 2 cost an arm and a leg to be very expensive

corporation /.korpg'reijan/ noun costly /'kostlil adjective (costlier,

a large business costliest]

costing a lot of money: The ring was very cost-
corpse /korps/ noun » compare EXPENSIVE

a dead body
costume /'kastum/ noun
correct 1
/kg'rekt/ adjective
clothes worn for a special reason, or that rep-
right; with no mistakes: He gave a correct resent a country or time in history: The children
answer. » opposite INCORRECT wore animal costumes.
correct 2 verb
cot /kat/ noun
1 to make something right or better: These a narrow bed that folds up
glasses will help to correct your vision.
2 to fix the mistakes in something: I've cor-
cottage /'katid3/ noun
rected your homework. a small house in the country
correction /kg'rekfan/ noun cot-ton /'kat n/ noun [U]

a change that makes something right or better: 1 thread or cloth made from the cotton plant:
He made several corrections to the letter. She bought a new cotton dress.
2 a plant grown for the white threads that
correspond /.korg'spand, ,kar-/ verb
cover its seeds
1 to be like or to relate to something else:
Your name does not correspond to the one on cotton ball /'..,./ noun
my list. a small soft ball of cotton
couch /kautJV noun [plural couches) counter-clock wise
a long seat on which you can sit or lie » com- /.kaunto'klak-waiz/ adjective, adverb
pare SOFA in the opposite direction of the way the hands of
a clock move around » opposite CLOCKWISE
cough 1
/kof/ verb
to push air out from your throat and mouth with count-less /'kaunt^is/ adjective

a sudden, rough sound: She's been coughing all

too many to count: She spends countless hours
night. watching television.

cough 2 noun country /'kAntri/ noun [plural countries]

1 a nation with its land and people: France and
a sharp noise made when you cough: Billy has
Germany are European countries.
a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doc-
2 [U] the land that is outside a city or town: He
lives in the country.
could /kgd; strong kud/ verb
1 a in the past: He said
word meaning "can"
country side /'kAntri.said/ noun [U]
land outside a city or town
we could come any time.
2 used when saying what might happen: It county /'kaunri/ noun [plural counties)
could take weeks for the package to arrive. a part of a state
3 used as a polite way of asking someone couple /'kApsl/
something: Could you help me, please?
1 [U] two things, or a small number of things:

couldn't /'kudnt/ / waited for a couple of hours.

could not: / couldn't see because it was dark. 2 two people who are married, live together, or
have a close relationship: We've invited three
could've /'kudav/ other couples to dinner.
could have: He could've told me he was going to
be late.
coupon /'kupan, 'kyu-/ noun
a piece of paper that you can use to pay less
council /'kaunsal/ noun money for something
a group of people who are chosen to make laws
or decisions in a town or city: The city council
courage /'k^id3, 'kAr-/ noun [U]
willingness to do dangerous things without feel-
will decide where to plant the trees.
ing afraid: The soldier showed great courage in
count 1
/kaunt/ verb »
the battle. compare BRAVERY
1 numbers in the right order: Can you
to say
count from 1 to 10?
courageous /ka'reid33s/ adjective
brave: It takes a courageous person to do what
2 to find out how many things there are in a
she did.
group: She counted the books - there were
fourteen of them. course /kors/ noun
3 to be important or have value: He felt that 1 of course certainly: "Can I borrow your
his opinion didn't count for anything. pen?" "Of course."
4 count on someone or something to depend 2 [U] the path or direction that something
on someone or something: You can always takes: The plane had to change course in order
count on me to help. to land.
3 a class in a particular subject: What cour-
count 2 noun [U]
ses are you taking in college?
1 the total that you get when you add things
4 one part of a meal: We have three courses:
together: At the last count, I'd visited 15 coun-
soup, meat and vegetables, and fruit.
5 the way that something happens or devel-
2 lose count to forget the total of something:
ops: World War II changed the course of his-
I've lost count of how many people I invited.

counter /'kaunfaV noun court /kort/ noun

1 a narrow table in a store or bank where you
1 a place where someone is asked about a
go to get something
crime, and other people decide whether the
2 a flat surface in a kitchen where you can pre- person is guilty
pare food
2 an open space where games are played: /'//

meet you at the tennis court.

courteous /'kar-tias/ adjective 2 to make a loud noise
polite 3 crack down to become more strict when
dealing with bad behavior
courtesy /'ka-tasi/ noun [U]
polite behavior crack 2
1 a thin line on the surface of something:
courtyard /'kart n
yard/ noun There's a crack in the wall.
an open space that is surrounded by walls or 2 a very narrow space between two things:
buildings Can you squeeze through the crack?
3 a sudden loud noise: heard a crack of thun-
cousin /'kAzan/ noun /

the child of your aunt or uncle
4 [U] a form of the drug COCAINE: He was
cover 1
/'kAvaV verb caught selling crack.
1 to putsomething over something else: She
covered the table with a cloth.
cracker /'kraekaV noun
a thin hard dry piece of bread with salt on it
2 to be spread over a particular area or sur-
face: The town covers five square miles. cradle /'kreidl/ noun
3 to include or deal with something: His talk a bed for a baby, which can swing from side to
covered the subject of how to read faster side
4 cover (something) up to hide something, or
to stop mistakes from being known by other
craft /kraeft/ noun (craftier, craftiest)

people: She tried to cover up the news about

1 a job or activity that you need skill to do: He
her sister. knew the craft of making furniture.
2 a boat or plane
cover 2
1 something that you put over something else
craftsman /'kraeftsman -/ noun [plural

2 the outside of a book or magazine craftsmen /-men/

3 take cover to shelter or hide from some- someone who has a lot of skill in a particular
thing: We took cover when the shooting start- craft

craft«y /'kraefti/ adjective

cow /kau/ noun good at making other people believe things that

a large female animal that farmers keep for are not true
their milk and meat cram /kraem/ verb (cramming, crammed]
coward /'kaua-d/ noun to force people or things into a small space:

someone who is not brave and avoids danger- Lots of people were crammed into the bus.

ous situations crane /krein/ noun

cowardly /'kauaxili/ adjective a tall large machine used for lifting heavy things
showing a lot of fear, not brave » compare crash 1
noun [plural crashes)
BRAVE 1 a loud noise like something breaking or hit-

cowboy /'kaubai/ noun [plural cowboys) ting something else: The car hit the tree with a
a man who rides a horse and takes care of cat-
2 an accident in which vehicles hit each other:
He was involved in a car crash.
cozy /'kouzi/ adjective [cozier, coziest]
warm and comfortable: They have a cozy little
crash 2 verb
1 to have an accident, used for vehicles: The
car crashed into a tree.
crab /kraeb/ noun 2 if a computer crashes, it stops working
a sea animal with ten legs and a hard shell 3 to make a sudden loud noise
—see color picture on page 1 83
crash course/,. 'J noun
crack 1
/kraek/ verb classes which you learn the most important

1 to break something so that lines appear on things about a subject in a short time
the surface of it: One of the cups is cracked.
— see picture at BROKEN
crate /kreit/ noun
a big wooden box

crawl /krol/ verb crest /krest/ noun

to move along the floor on your hands and the top of a hill, mountain, or wave
knees: The baby crawled toward his father.
—see color picture on page 1 89
crew /kru/ noun
the people who work on a ship or plane
crayon /'kreian, -an/ noun
crib /knb/ noun
a soft colored pencil
a bed with high sides for a baby —see picture
crazy /'kreizi/ adjective [crazier, craziest) at BED
1 foolish; very strange: He's crazy to drive his
car so fast.
cricket /'knkit/ noun
a small brown insect that jumps and makes a
2 be crazy about to like someone or some-
loud noise at night
thing very much: He's crazy about her.
cried /kraid/
creak /krik/ verb
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
to make a long high noise when pushed,
stepped on, on sat on: The door creaked as she
opened it. cries /kraiz/
the plural of cry
cream 1
/krim/ noun [U]
1 the thick part of milk that you can eat with crime /kraim/ noun [U]
other foods: Do you take cream in your coffee? 1 an action that is wrong and can be punished
2 a thick liquid that you put on your skin: I'm by the law: Stealing is a crime.
trying a new face cream. —creamy adjective 2 commit a crime to do something wrong
that can be punished by the law
cream 2
adjective, noun [U]
a yellowish-white color criminal /'krimanal/ noun
someone who has done something very wrong
create /kri'eit/ verb (creating, created]
and is punished by the law: The prison contains
to make something new: The government
325 criminals.
wants to create more jobs.
crimson /'krimzan/ adjective, noun [U]
creation /kri'eijan/ noun a deep red color, like the color of blood
something that is made
cripple /'knpol/ verb (crippling, crippled)
creative /kri'eitiv/ adjective
to hurtsomeone so that they cannot use their
good at making new and interesting things arms or legs: She was crippled in the car acci-

creature /'kritJaV noun dent.

an animal or insect crisis /'kraisis/ noun [plural crises)

credit 1
/'kredit/ noun [U] a time when something serious, very worrying,

1 attention and approval for doing something or dangerous happens

good: / never get any credit for the work I do. crisp /knsp/ adjective
2 a way of buying things in which you pay for dry and hard; easily broken: Potato chips only
them later: We bought the furniture on credit. taste good if they are crisp.

credit 2 verb critic /'kntik/ noun

to add money to a bank account a person whose job is to say whether art,
music, movies, etc. are good or bad
credit card/'.. ,.1 noun
a small plastic card that allows you to buy critical /'kntikal/ adjective
things and pay for them later 1 looking for faults: She was very critical of my
creek /krik, krik/ noun
a small narrow river 2 very important: This item is critical to the
plan's success.
creep /krip/ verb [past crept /krept/)
to move slowly and quietly criticism /'knte.sizam/ noun
the act of saying whether someone or some-
crept /krept/ thing is good or bad: / listened to all her criti-
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb cisms in silence.

criticize /'knte.saiz/ verb (criticizing, crouch /kraut J7 verb

criticized] tomake your body come close to the ground by
to say what is wrong with something; to find bending your knees and back: She crouched
faults in something: She's always criticizing me. behind the wall to hide. see color picture on—
page 189
/'krakg.dail/ noun crow /krou/ noun
a large animal with a a large black bird with a loud cry
long body, a hard
skin, and sharp
crowd 1
/kraud/ noun
a large of people: There was a crowd of
teeth, which lives in
hot wet areas see — people waiting at the airport.

color picture on page crowd 2

183 to come together in a large group: People
crook /kruk/ noun crowded at the doors when the movie ended.
a person who is not honest crowded /'kraudidV adjective
crooked /'krukid/ adjective too full of people: We had to wait in a crowded
1 not straight; bent or curved: We drove down
a crooked road. crown /kraun/ noun
2 not honest: It sounded like a crooked deal to a special hat made of gold, beautiful stones,
me. etc., worn by a king or queen
crop /krap/ noun crucif ix /'krusa,fiks/ noun [plural
1 a plant such as wheat, corn, fruit etc. that a crucifixes]
farmer grows an small object with a figure of Jesus on it

2 an amount of wheat, fruit etc. that is cut or

gathered at one time
crude /krud/ adjective
1 in a natural or raw condition: Crude oil has
cross 1
/kros/ noun [plural crosses] to be made pure before it can be used.
1 two pieces of wood put across each other, 2 rude, especially about sex: He told a crude
or an object shaped like this: She wore a gold joke.
cross on a chain.
2 a mixture between two or more things: My
cruel /'krusl/ adjective

dog is a cross between a German shepherd hurting other people or animals or making them
feel unhappy: You should not be cruel to ani-
and a collie.
mals. » compare KIND
cross 2
1 to go over from one side of something to the
cruelty /'krualti/ noun [U]
actions that cause pain to a person or animal
other: Be carefulwhen you cross the street.
2 if you cross your arms or legs, you put one cruise 1
/kruz/ noun
over the other a trip on a large boat for pleasure over the

cross 3 adjective
angry cruise 2 verb

cross-roads /'krosroudz/ plural noun to move along slowly: / saw a boat cruising past

a place where two roads meet and cross each on the lake.

other crumb /krAm/ noun

crosswalk /'kroswok/ noun a little piece of something such as bread or
a special place where you may cross the street

crossword puzzle /'krosw^d crumble /'krAmbal/ verb (crumbling,

.pAzal/ noun
to break apart into little pieces: The walls of
a game in which you write words into a special
that old house are crumbling.
pattern of squares

crumple /'krAmpal/ verb cultivate /'kAlta.veit/ verb

to crush something and make it smaller: The [cultivating, cultivated)

front of the car crumpled when it was hit. to prepare and use land for growing crops

crunch /krAntJV verb cultivation /.kAlts'veiJan/ noun [U]

1 to crush food with your teeth and make the preparation and use of land to grow crops
2 to make a sound like something being
culture /'kAltJaV noun
crushed: The stones crunched under the car
1 the beliefs, customs, and way of life of a par-
ticular society
2 [U] art, music, and the theater: Paris is full
crush /krAjV verb of culture. cup
to press something so hard that it is damaged
or breaks: Some people were crushed by the
falling rocks.

crust /krASt/ noun

the hard part on the outside of bread

crutch /krAt J7 noun [plural crutches)

a special stick that you put under your arm to
help you walk when you have hurt your legs cup mug
cry 1
/krai/ verb [crying, past cried) cup /kAp/ noun
1 to shout something loudly: The boy cried for
1 a small round container with a handle, used
for drinking from, or the liquid it contains:
2 to produce tears from your eyes usually Would you like a cup of tea?
because you are sad on hurt: always cry at /
2 a prize, shaped like a bowl, usually made of
sad movies.
silver or gold
cry 2 noun [plural cries)
cupboard /'kAb^d/ noun
a loud shout; a call: We heard a cry for help.
a piece of furniture with shelves and a door, in

cub /kAb/ noun which you keep plates or food

a baby bear, or fox
lion, tiger,
cupcake /'kApkeik/ noun
cube /kyub/ noun a small cake for one person
a solid shape with six equal square sides —see curb /'ka-b/ noun
picture at SHAPE 1
a raised edge at the side of a street
cuckoo /'kuku/ noun cure 1
/kyuaV verb (curing, cured)
a bird that has a call which sounds like its name
to make someone better when he or she has
cucumber /'kyu.kAmbaV noun been sick: / hope the doctor can cure the pain
a long thin green vegetable which is usually in my shoulder.
eaten without cooking it —see picture at
cure 2
a medicine or treatment for making someone
cuddle /'kAdl/ verb (cuddling, cuddled) feel better: They are searching for a cure for
to put your arms around someone and hold him cancer.
or her close to you: She cuddled her little boy. curiosity /,kyuri'as9ti/ noun [U]
cuff /kAf/ noun
the desire to know something or learn about
the end of an arm of something: He is full of curiosity about the
a shirt, dress etc. world around him.

curious /'kyurias/ adjective

1 wanting to know or learn about something:
I'm very curious about our new neighbors.
2 strange or unusual: We heard a curious
noise upstairs.


curiously /'kyuriasli/ adverb custom /'kAstam/ noun

in a way that seems strange or unusual a special way of doing something by a person or
curl 1 /ka-1/ verb
1 to roll or bend something into a round or customer /'kAStamaV noun
curved shape: She curled her hair. a person who buys things from a store

2 curl up to lie or sit with your arms and legs customs /'kAStamz/ plural noun
close to your body: She curled up in front of the a place where your bags can be searched when
you leave or enter a country
curl 2 noun cut 1
/kAt/ verb (cutting, cut]
a piece of hair that hangs down in a curved 1 open something with a knife or
to divide or
shape something sharp: Cut the apple in half. He \

curl-y /'ka-li/ adjective (curlier, curliest) has cut his leg, and it is bleeding.
hanging down in a curved shape 2 to make something shorter: Could you cut
my hair for me?
cur-ren-cy /'ka-ansi, 'kAr-/ noun [plural
3 to reduce the number or amount of some-
currencies] thing: The number of students has been cut in
the money used in a country half.

cur-rent 1 /'ka^ant, 'kAr-/ adjective 4 cut down to make something fall to the

happening or being used right now: Why do you ground by cutting it: We'll have to cut down that
want to change your current job?
5 cut (something) off (a) to stop the supply of
current 2 noun something: Our water has been cut off. (b] to
a flow of water, air, or electricity: Don't swim in
separate a person or place from the other peo-
the river. The current is very fast. ple or places near them: Snow has cut us off

curse 1
/ka^-s/ verb [cursing, cursed] from the town.
1 someone or
to say or think bad things about 6 cut something up to cut something into

something: He cursed the person who stole his pieces: Could you cut up the chicken?

money. 7 cut something out to remove something by

cutting it: She cut a picture out of the news-
2 to speak angry words: / heard him curse
when he hit his head.
8 cut it out! used for telling someone to stop
curse noun 2
doing something: Cut it out you two, or I'll send
1 something you say which shows anger or you to bed!
hate, on which uses bad words
2 a word or wish that, with the help of God or
cut 2 noun
1 an opening or wound made by something
some magical power, something bad will hap-
sharp: / have a cut on my arm.
pen to someone
2 a reduction in size, number, or amount: The
cursor /'ka^saV noun government promised us a tax cut.
a mark you can move on a computer screen
that shows where you are writing
cute /kyut/ adjective
attractive and pretty: "Oh, what a cute little

cur-tain /'ka-Pn/ noun dress.

a large piece of hanging cloth that can be pulled
across a window or stage » compare BLIND 2 cyberspace /'saiba^speis/ noun [U]
all the connections between computers in dif-

curve 1
/ka^v/ noun ferent places, the place where information, pic-
a line that bends like a part of a circle: / see a tures etc. exist
curve in the road.
cy-cle /'saikal/ noun
curve 2 verb (curving, curved] a set of events that happen again and again
to bend or move in the shape of a circle: The
river curved around the hill.
cylinder /'silandaV noun
a long round shape like a tube or a pencil —see
cushion /'kufan/ noun picture at SHAPE 1

a bag filled with soft material to sit on or rest

against » compare PILLOW
2 a party for dancing: Are you going to the


dancer /'daensaV noun

a person who is dancing, or who dances as a

dandelion /'daenda.laian/ noun

a small yellow flower which grows wild

d/d/ dandruff /'daendraf/ noun [U]

1 had: He'd (=he had) eaten all the cake. very small, white pieces of dead skin in a per-
2 would: I'd (=l would) buy a new car if had theI son's hair
danger /'demd3^/ noun
dad /daed/ noun 1 [U] the chance of harm: You are not in any

father danger here. (=there is no danger)

2 something that can cause harm: Do you
daddy /'daedi/ noun [plural daddies)
know the dangers of smoking?
father, used by small children
dangerous /'demd39r9s/ adjective
daf-f o-dil /'daef3,dil/ noun likely to harm people: He is a dangerous driver.
a yellow flower which appears in the spring —dangerously adverb
daily /'deili/ adjective, adverb dare /der/ verb (daring, dared)
happening every day: Take the medicine twice 1 to be brave enough to do something: He
daily. » compare WEEKLY wouldn't dare say anything to your boss!
2 dare someone to do something to try to
dair-y /'deri/ noun [plural dairies)
make someone do something to prove they are
a place where milk is kept and foods are made
not afraid: dare you to jump off this chair.
from milk
3 don't you dare used when telling someone
daisy /'deizi/ noun [plural daisies) not to do something: Don't you dare touch that!
a small white flower with a yellow center 4 how dare you used when saying you are
angry about what someone has done or said:
dal-matian /dael'meijan/ noun
How dare you speak to me like that!
a white dog with black spots
dark 1
/dark/ adjective
dam 1
/daem/ noun 1 like night; not light or bright: It was getting
a wall built to hold back water dark, so we hurried home. » compare LIGHT 2

2 of a deep color, nearer black than white: She

dam 2
verb (damming, dammed)
has dark hair. He wore a dark suit. com- »
dam across

to build a something: There is a

pare FAIR 1 , PALE
plan to dam the river.
dam-age 1
/'dasmid3/ noun [U]
dark 2 noun [U]

the lack of light: We could not see in the dark.

harm that has been done to something

Make sure you are home before dark. (=before

damage 2 verb (damaging, damaged) it is night)

toharm something: The cars were badly dam- darkness /'darknis/ noun [U]
aged in the accident.
lack of light: The whole room was in darkness.
damp /daemp/ adjective (=was dark)
a little wet: My clothes are still damp from the
darling /'darlig/
a name you call someone you love: Come on
dance 1
/daens/ verb (dancing, danced) darling, or we'll be late.

to move to music: We danced all night at the

dart /dart/ verb
to move suddenly and quickly: A mouse darted
dance 2 noun across the floor.

1 a set of movements you do to music: / am darts /darts/ plural noun [U]

learning a new dance.
a game in which you throw small objects with day-care /'deiker/ noun [U]
sharp points at a board with numbers on it a place where children can go to play while their

dash 1
/daeJV verb
parents are at work

to run quickly: She dashed out of the room. day-dream /'deidrim/ verb
dash 2 noun [plural dashes) to imagine nice things, especially things you
would like to happen in the future
the sign (-]used in writing to separate two
parts of a sentence day-light /'deilait/ noun [U]

data /'deita, 'daete/ plural noun [U]

the light of the day: We want to travel in day-

facts and information

light. (=before it goes dark]

data processing /'deita .prasesirj,

day-time /'deitaim/ noun [U]

'daete-/ noun [U] the time when it is light » compare NIGHTTIME

the use of computers to store and change dead 1
/ded/ adjective
information, especially in a business 1 not living: My grandfather has been dead for

date 1
/deit/ noun ten years. » compare ALIVE, LIVING 1

1 the day of the month or year: "What date is

2 not working: / think the radio is dead.
your birthday?" "It's April 2nd. " \
Please write dead 2 noun
today's date.
the dead dead people: After the battle, they
2 an arrangement to meet a boy- or girlfriend: counted the dead. compare LIVING 2 »
I've got a date tonight.
3 someone you are dating: Where's your
deadly /'dedli/ adjective (deadlier,
4 a small sweet brown
likely to cause death: She drank a deadly poi-
son. » compare FATAL
date 2
verb (dating, dated]
deaf /def/ adjective
to have a romantic relationship with a boy- or
girlfriend: How long have you been dating Tina?
not able to hear: I'm deaf in my right ear.
—deafness noun [U]
daughter /'dote-/ noun
deal 1 /dil/ noun
your female child: They have three daughters
and one son.
1 a business arrangement: We have a deal
with them to build cars.
daughter-in-law /'.. . ,./ noun [plural 2 a good deal, a great deal a lot: There's a
daughters-in-law] good deal of work to do.
the wife of your son
deal 2 verb [past dealt /delt/)
dawn /don/ noun 1 deal with someone to do business with
the start of the day when the sun rises someone: We have been dealing with them for
» compare DAYBREAK years.
2 deal with something to do what is neces-
day /dei/ noun sary for something: / will deal with any ques-
1 the timewhen The days get longer
it is light:
tions now. (=answer them)
in the summer. »
compare NIGHT
3 to buy or sell illegal drugs
2 24 hours: Wait three days before calling.
3 a period of work in a 24-hour period: She dealer /'dilaV noun
works an eight-hour day. a person who buys and sells a certain thing: He
4 one day, some day at some time in the works as a car dealer.
future: Some day I'll be rich.
5 the other day a few days ago: / went to the
dealt /ddt/

movies the other day. the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb

6 these days at the present time: Everyone deal

seems so busy these days. dear 1

/dir/ adjective

day-break /'deibreik/ noun [U]

1 muchloved: She is a very dear friend.
2 used at the start of a letter to someone:
the start of the day when the light first appears
Dear Sue, Thank you for your gift.
» compare DAWN
dear 2 declaration /.dekta'reij^n/ noun
a word you say when you are surprised, an official statement: The country made a dec-
annoyed or upset: Oh, dear! I forgot to call my laration of war.
declare /di'kler/ verb (declaring,
death /dcG/ noun declared]
the state of being dead, or the act of dying: The to say in public what you think or decide: The
death of his father was very sad for us all. judge declared him to be not guilty.

debate 1
/di'beit/ noun decline 1
/di'klam/ verb (declining,
a public talk at which people give opinions about declined]
a subject to become less in number or quality: House
sales are declining this year.
debate 2 verb (debating, debated)
to talk about something so you can make a deci- decline 2 noun
sion: We are debating about which person to a decrease in the number or quality of some-
choose. thin
9 decorate
debt /det/ noun
money that you owe: / don't have enough money
to pay my debts.

decade /'dekeid/ noun

a period of ten years
de-cay 1 /di'kei/ verb (decaying, decayed]
to be destroyed slowly; to become bad » com-
pare ROT

decay 2 noun [U]

the state or process of decaying

deceit /di'sit/ noun [U] decorate /' verb (decorating,

behavior that makes someone believe some- decorated]
thing that is not true to make something look more attractive by
adding things to it: / need to decorate the cake.
deceive /di'siv/ verb (deceiving, deceived]
to make someone believe something that is not decoration /.deka'reijan/ noun
true: He tried to deceive us all. an attractive thing that is added to something
to improve its appearance
December /di'sembaV noun
the 1 2th month of the year decorator /'deka.reitaV noun
a person whose job is to choose furniture, paint
de-cent /'disant/ adjective
etc. for a place
good, or acceptable: Make sure you eat a
decent breakfast. —decently adverb de-crease 1
/di'kris/ verb (decreasing,
decide /di'said/ verb (deciding, decided]
The number of stu-
to become less or fewer:
tochoose what to do: / decided to go home.
the school has decreased this year.

dents in
She could not decide which dress to buy.
» opposite INCREASE 1

decimal /'desamal/ noun

a number less than one that is shown by a point
decrease 2 /'dikris/ noun
the process of having less or fewer of some-
followed by numbers, such as 0.1237
thing » opposite INCREASE 2

de-cision /di's^an/ noun

a choice: We have to make a decision by next
deed /did/ noun
an action: Did you do a good deed? (=do some-
thing to help someone]
deck /dek/ noun
1 a part of a ship where you can sit or stand
deep /dip/ adjective
1 going down a long way: How deep is the
2 a set of cards that you play with
river? He has a deep cut on his leg.
3 a flat wooden area next to a house where \

you can sit outdoors

deep freeze
2 having a low sound: John has a deep voice. 2 an official piece of paper that says someone
3 strong or dark in color: / love her deep blue has completed their studies at a university: /
eyes. have a degree in history.
4 felt strongly: She feels a deep love for her de-lay 1 /di'lei/ noun [plural delays)
a time of waiting before something happens:
deep freeze/, ./ noun We are sorry for the delay.

a FREEZER delay 2 verb (delaying, delayed]

deeply /'dipli/ adverb 1 to wait until later to do something: Don't
very strongly: / am deeply in love with her. delay; call her now!
2 to make something late: The plane has been
deer /dir/ noun [plural deer)
delayed by bad weather.
a wild animal that can run fast. The male usu-
ally has horns. delete /di'lit/ verb (deleting, deleted]
to remove a piece of information from a com-
de-feat 1
/di'fit/ verb
to beat an opponent in a war, game etc.
deliberate /di'libnt, -bant/ adjective
defeat; 2 noun planned or done on purpose
an experience or event in which you do not win
or succeed: The football team suffered a deliberately /di'libnt n li/ adverb
defeat. »
opposite VICTORY on purpose: / didn't do it deliberately - it was an
de-fend /di'fend/ verb
to someone or something from an
protect delicate /'delikit/ adjective

attack: You should learn to defend yourself. easily harmed, damaged, or broken: Be careful
» compare ATTACK 1 with the glass. It is delicate.

defense /di'fens/ noun [U] delicatessen /.dehka'tcsan/ noun

protecting someone or something from an a small store that sells cheese, meats, breads
attack: The weapons are for the defense of our etc. —see color picture on page 193
delicious /di'lijas/ adjective

de-f iant /di'faiant/ adjective good to eat: The cake is delicious.

not obeying someone, and showing him or her

de-light 1
/di'lait/ noun [U]
no respect
great happiness or pleasure: She laughed with
def -i-nite /'dcfsnit/ adjective delight.

clear; sure: Let's choose a definite time for the

delight 2 verb
next meeting.
to give someone a feeling of happiness
definite article '.../noun
delighted /di'laitid/ adjective
the word the
very pleased or happy: We are delighted to
def -i-nite-ly /'defonitli/ adverb hear the good news.
certainly; without any doubt: I'm definitely going n
delightful /di'lait fal/ adjective
to come.
very nice or attractive: We had a delightful day
def-i-ni-tion /.dcfs'ni Jan/ noun in the park.
an explanation of what a word means, which deliver /di'livaV verb
you find in a dictionary
1 to something to a particular place:
de-fy /di'fai/ verb (defying, defied] Have you delivered the package yet?
to refuse to obey someone and show no 2 deliver a baby to help a baby come out of its
respect for him or her: He defied his parents' mother's body
wishes and went to the party anyway.
de-liv-er-y /di'livari/ noun [plural deliveries]

degree /di'gri/ noun the act of taking something to a particular place

measurement used temperatures or
1 a
angles: The temperature
is 45 degrees. (=45°)
demand 1
/di'maend/ verb
to ask for something in a way that is very strong

and firm: "Give me the book right now," she deodorant /di'oudarant/ noun
demanded. a substance that people put under their arms,

demand 2
noun to stop their body from smelling bad
1 a very strong request: The workers made a depart /di'part/ verb
demand for more money. to leave; to go away: When does the next flight
2 in demand wanted by a lot of people
to » opposite ARRIVE
Boston depart?
democracy /di'makrasi/ noun [plural department /di'part n m3nt/ noun
a part of a business, college, government etc.
a government or country where everyone has
an equal right to vote and choose the leaders department store/... ,./ noun
—democratic adjective a large store that sells many different kinds of

demolish /di'maliJV verb

goods —see color picture on page 1 93

to destroysomething completely: The houses departure /di'part J>/ noun

were demolished in a few days. an act of leaving a place: Try to be here an hour

demolition /.dema'lijan/ noun [U] »

before your departure. opposite ARRIVAL

the act of destroying a building completely depend /di'pend/ verb

1 it depends said when you are not sure about
demonstrate /'deman.streit/ verb something, or you cannot decide: "How long will
(demonstrating, demonstrated)
the trip take?" "I don't know - it depends.
1 to show how to do something: He demon- 2 depend on to need the help of someone or
strated how the new machine works. something
2 to meet with other people in public to sup-
port or show you are angry about something
dependent 1
/di 'pendant/ adjective

needing someone or something to help or sup-

demonstration /.deman'streijan/ port you » opposite INDEPENDENT
1 the act of showing how to do something:
dependent 2 noun
She gave a demonstration to our class. a person, especially a child, who depends on
2 an event in which people meet in public to someone for money, food etc.

support or show that they are angry about deposit 1

/di'pazit/ verb
to put money into a bank account
den /den/ noun deposit 2 noun
a place in which a wild animal lives
1 part of the cost of something that you pay at
denim /'denam/ noun [U] once so that it will not be sold to someone else

a strong cloth, usually blue in color, which is

2 money that is added to a bank account
used to make JEANS depress /di'pres/ verb
dense /dens/ adjective to make someone feel sad
thick, or very close together: She was found in de-pressed /di'prest/ adjective
a dense forest. (=a lot of trees) —densely very sad: She feels depressed.
adverb: a densely populated area (=with a lot of

people) depressing /di'presirj/ adjective

making you feel sad: / heard some depressing

dentist /'denfist/ noun
a person whose job is to clean and fix people's
teeth depression /di'prejan/ noun [U]
a feeling of great sadness
dentures /'dentJVz/ plural noun
false teeth worn by people who have lost their depth /dep0/ noun
real teeth the distance from the top to the bottom of
something: The river has a depth of 50 feet.
deny /di'nai/ verb [denying, denied)
to say that something someone has said about deputy /'depyati/ noun [plural deputies)
you is not true »
opposite ADMIT a person who is second in importance in a busi-
ness, the police etc.
descend /di'send/ verb desperate /'despnt, -pant/ adjective
to go down wanting or needing something very much: / was
desperate for a job.
descendant /di'scndant/ noun
someone who is related to a person who lived a despise /di'spaiz/ verb (despising,
long time ago » compare ANCESTOR despised)
to hate someone or something very much
de-scribe /di'skraib/ verb (describing,
described] de-spite /di'spait/ preposition
to say what someone or something is like: Can although something is true: Despite the bad
you describe the man? weather, we enjoyed our trip.

description /di'sknpjan/ noun dessert /di'za-t/ noun

an account of what someone or something is a sweet food that you eat at the end of a meal
destination /.dests'neijan/ noun
desert /'deza-t/ noun the place you are going to: What is your desti-
a large empty area of land where it is hot and nation?
destroy /di'stroi/ verb (destroying,
deserted /di'z^tid/ adjective destroyed)
empty of people: At night the streets are to break or damage something completely: The
deserted. building was destroyed by fire.
de-serve /di'za^v/ verb (deserving, destruction /di'strAkfan/ noun [U]
deserved) the act of breaking or damaging something
to be worthy of something: You deserve a rest completely
after your hard work.
de-tail /'diteil, di'teil/ noun
de-sign 1 /di'zam/ noun 1 one fact or piece of information about some-
1 a pattern: The chair has a design of blue thing: Tell me the details of the plan.
flowers. 2 in detail thoroughly; using a lot of facts: We
2 a drawing of how to make something: Have talked about the problem in detail.

you seen the designs for the new house?

detect /di'tckt/ verb
design 2 verb to discover or notice something
to make a drawing as a plan for something: He
is trying to design a new car.
detective /di'tektiv/ noun
a sp ecial police officer who tries to discover
designer /di'zamaV noun wno has done a crime
a person whose job is to think of ideas for mak-
ing things and then draw them
detergent /di'ta^gnt/ noun
soap in the form of powder or liquid for wash-
de-sire 1 /di'zaiaV noun ing clothes, dishes etc.
a strong wish: He has a strong desire to suc-
deteriorate /di' verb (dete-
riorating, deteriorated)
desire 2 verb (desiring, desired) to become worse: Her health is deteriorating
to want something very much —desirable quickly.

de-ter-mi-na-tion /di^ma'nei/an/
desk /desk/ noun noun [U]

a table that you can sit at to write and work a strong desire to succeed even when it is diffi-

despair 1
/di'sper/ noun [U]

a feeling of being very sad and having no hope determined /di't^mmd/ adjective
having a strong desire to do something even if
despair 2 verb
it is difficult: She is a very determined woman.
to feel that there is no hope
de-test /di'test/ verb
to hate someone or something very much


develop /di'vetap/ verb area in a different way than it is in another area

1 to grow or change into something: The fight-
» compare
ing could develop into a war. \
This insect devel-
ops wings.
2 to make something successful by working on circle
it: We have plans to develop industry in the
3 to begin to happen or exist: Clouds are
developing in the distance.
4 to make pictures out of the film in a camera
developed /di'vetapt/ adjective
1 larger, stronger, or more improved: He has
well developed muscles.
2 developed country a rich country that has a
lot of industry
diameter /dai'aemstaV noun
development /di'vebpmant/ noun a straight line that divides a circle in half

1 a new event or change that makes some-

thing different or better
diamond /'daim3nd, 'dai9-/ noun
2 [U] growth: Good food is necessary for a a very hard, bright, clear stone that is worth a
child's development. lot of money and is used in jewelry

de-vice /di'vais/ noun di-a-per /'daipa\ -'daia/ noun

a piece of cloth that is put between a baby's
a thing that you use for a particular purpose:
He made a device for opening wine bottles. legs and fastened at the waist

devil /'deval/ noun diarrhea /.dais'ria/ noun [U]

an evil spirit who some people believe causes an illness in which a person's waste is like water
bad things in the world and comes out often

de-vote /di'vout/ verb (devoting, devoted) diary /'daiari/ noun [plural diaries)

devote yourself to something to do all you can a book which you write about the things that

do to achieve something: She devoted herself happen to you each day

to helping others.
dice /dais/
dew/ /du/ noun [U] the plural of DIE 2
small drops of water that form on the ground
dictate /'dikteit, dik'teit/ verb
or on plants during the night
[dictating, dictated)

diagonal /dai'aeganal/ noun to say words for someone else to write down:
a line that goes from one corner of a square to / dictated a letter to my secretary.
the opposite corner, dividing it into two parts dictation /dik'teijgn/ noun
diagram /'daia.graem/ noun words that a teacher says, that you must write
drawn to explain an
a plan or picture idea, or to without making mistakes
show how something works dictator /'dikteitaV noun
dial 1
/'daial/ noun a strong leader who is not fair and often uses
a round part of a machine or instrument, often soldiers to control people
with numbers on it
diction-ar-y /'dikfg.neri/ noun [plural

dial 2 verb dictionaries)

to turn the DIAL 1 or press the numbers of a tele- a book that tells you what words mean and how
phone to make a call: Dial this number if you to spell them
need me.
did /did, d; strong did/
dialect /'dai3,lekt/ noun the PAST TENSE of the verb do: "Did you go
a form of one language that is spoken in one there?" "Yes, I did.

did-n't/'didnt/ dignity /'dignati/ noun [U]

did not: / didn't enjoy the movie. Did you? calm serious behavior that makes people
respect you
die 1 /dai/ verb (dying, died)
1 to stop living: He died of cancer last year. dim /dim/ adjective
2 to disappear or stop existing: My love for you not very bright: The room was very dim. —dimly
will never die. adverb
3 be dying to do something to want to do dime /daim/ noun
something very much: I'm dying to meet her.
a coin that is worth ten cents
die 2 noun [plural dice]
din /din/ noun [U]
a small square block with a different number of
loud continuous noise
spots on each side (from 1 through 6], which
is used in games diner /'damaV noun
1 a small restaurant that serves inexpensive
diet /'daiat/ noun
1 the food that you eat: She has a healthy diet.
2 someone who is eating in a restaurant
(=she usually eats good food)
2 a plan to eat less food or a particular type of dining room /'..,./ noun
food: Are you on a diet? (=trying to eat less a room with a table where you eat meals
dinner /'dmaV noun
difference /'difrans/ noun the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the
1 a way in which things are not the same: evening »
compare LUNCH
There is not much difference in price between
the two books. » compare SIMILARITY dinosaur /'daina.sor/ noun
an animal that lived a long time ago and no
2 make a difference to have a good effect on
longer exists
something or someone: Exercise can make a
big difference in how you feel. dip /dip/ verb (dipping, dipped]
3 make no difference to have no importance to put something into a liquid and then take it

or effect: It makes no difference to me what out again: She dipped her foot in the water.
you do.
diploma /di'plouma/ noun
dif f erent /'difrant/ adjective a piece ofpaper given to someone to show that
not the same: / don't like that dress. I want a he or she has completed a course of study
different one. » compare SAME direct 1
/da'rekt, dai-/ adjective
dif f i cult /'difa.kAlt/ adjective 1 going straight from one place to another:
not easy to do or understand: He asked a diffi- We took a direct flight to Paris.

cult question. » compare EASY 2 saying exactly what you mean in an honest
way: It is better to be direct with people if you
diff iculty /'difi.kAlti/ noun [plural

a problem: He is having difficulty finding a new job. direct 2 verb

dig /dig/ verb (digging, dug /dug/)

to tell someone the way to go or what to do: /

directed him to the hotel.

to make a hole in the ground by moving earth:
She likes digging in the sand. direction /do'rekfan, dai-/ noun

digest /darkest, 1 the way that someone or something is mov-

di-/ verb
ing or pointing: Which direction are you going,
to change food in your stomach so that your
north or south?
body can use it —digestionnoun [U] —diges- 2 control or advice: She followed the direc-
tive adjective: the digestive system
tionson the package to bake the cake. The \

digital /'did3itl/ adjective company has done well under his direction.
giving information in the form of numbers
directly /da'rekfli, dai-/ adverb
dig ni f ied /'digns.faid/ adjective 1 involving only the people or action necessary:
calm, serious, and proud You must speak to her directly.
2 straight from one place to another: We are disapproval /.disa'pruval/ noun [U]
going directly to New York. the feeling or opinion that someone or some-
director /cta'rekt3\ dai-/ noun thing is bad or wrong » opposite APPROVAL
a person who makes movies and tells the disapprove /.disa'pruv/ verb
actors and other people what to do (disapproving, disapproved]

directory /da'rektari, dai-/ noun [plur-

to think that someone or something is bad or
al directories]
wrong: My mother disapproves of my friends.

a book or list that tells you the names of peo-

» opposite APPROVE
ple, events etc. disaster /di'zaestaV noun
dirt /da-t/ noun [U]
a sudden event that happens to a lot of people
and causes much damage or harm
anything such as dust or soil that makes things
not clean: He had dirt all over his face. discipline /'disaplm/ noun [U]

dirt-y /'da^ti/ adjective (dirtier, dirtiest) a way of training your body and mind so that you

not clean: My shoes are dirty. » compare

control your actions and thoughts: Soldiers
have to learn discipline in the army.

disabled /dis'eibsld/ adjective

discount /'diskaunt/ noun
an amount of money taken away from the price
not being able to move or use a part of your
body well
of something: / got a $5 discount on the tickets.

disadvantage /,dis3d'vaen£id3/ noun discourage /di'sk^id3 -'skAr-/ verb

(discouraging, discouraged]
something that makes things more difficult for
to try to stop someone doing something: His
you: It is a disadvantage not having a car.
» opposite ADVANTAGE father tried to discourage him from buying the
car. » opposite ENCOURAGE
disagree /.disa'gri/ verb [past disagreed]
not to agree with someone; to have different
discover /di'skAvaV verb
to find something that was hidden, or to learn
opinions: I'm afraid I disagree with you.
» opposite AGREE about something for the first time:
covered gold in the mountains.
They dis-

disagreement /.disa'grimant/ noun discovery /di'skAvri, -vari/ noun [plur-

an argument, or having a different opinion from
al discoveries)
someone: We had a disagreement over money.
» opposite AGREEMENT a fact or answer to a question that someone
finds or learns about: te this a new discovery in
disappear /.diso'pir/ verb medical science?
to go out of sight suddenly: The boy disap-
» opposite discrimination /disknma'neijan/
peared around the corner. APPEAR
noun [U]
— disappearance noun
unfair treatment of some people because of the
disappoint /.disa'pomt/ verb color of their skin, where they come from etc.
to be less interesting or not as good as you
expected, and so make you sad
discuss /di'skAs/ verb
to talk about something: / want to discuss your
disappointed /.disa'pomfid/ adjective work with you.
sad because something is not as good as you
discussion /di'skAjan/ noun
expected: We were disappointed with the meal.
a talk about something: We had a discussion
disappointing /.disa'pomfir)/ about sex.
disease /di'ziz/ noun
not as good as you expected: / had a disap-
an illness or unhealthy condition: The doctor
pointing score on the test.
said he has heart disease.
disappointment /,dis3'pomt n m9nt/ disgrace /dis'greis, di'skreis/ noun [U]
something that makes people feel ashamed or
a feeling of sadness because something is not
lose their good opinion of you
as good as you expected

disgraceful /dis'greisfal/ adjective dislike 1

/dis'laik/ verb (disliking, disliked)
very bad and wrong: Your attitude is disgrace- not to like someone or something

disguise 1 NOTE: The verb dislike is not often used in

/dis'gaiz, di'skaiz/ verb
ordinary conversation because it is fairly
(disguising, disguised]
formal. People usually say that they don't
to make yourself look like someone else so that
like something, rather than saying that they
people do not know who you are
dislike it, e.g. / don't like her. \
He doesn't
disguise 2 noun like swimming.
something that you wear to make you look like
someone else so that people do not know who dislike 2 noun
you are
a feeling of not liking someone or something
disgust 1
/dis'gASt, di'skASt/ verb
disloyal /dis'bial/ adjective
to make you that something very bad or
unpleasant: The smell disgusted me.
not faithful or true to someone » opposite
disgust 2 noun (U)
dismay /dis'mei/ noun [U]
a strong feeling of not liking something or find-
a feeling of being disappointed and not happy
ing it unpleasant

disgusting /dis'gAStirj/ adjective dismiss /dis'mis/ verb

1 to send someone away: Class is dismissed.
very bad and unpleasant: The medicine tasted
2 to refuse to think about someone's idea or
dish /diJV noun [plural dishes) 3 to remove someone from their job
a container used for cooking or holding food:
Have you washed the dishes?
disobedience /disa'bidians/ noun [U]
the act of refusing to obey someone » oppo-
dishonest /dis'anist/ adjective site OBEDIENCE
not honest —dishonestly adverb disobedient /.disa'bidisnt/ adjective
dish-towel /'di ftausl/ noun not willing to obey someone: He is a disobedi-
a cloth used for drying dishes ent child. » opposite OBEDIENT
dishwasher /'di r,wafa7 noun disobey /.disg'bei/ verb (disobeying, dis-

1 a machine that washes dirty dishes obeyed]

2 someone whose job is to wash dirty dishes not to do what someone tells you to do: You
in a restaurant should never disobey your parents. opposite »
disinfectant /.dism'fektant/ noun
a chemical that cleans things thoroughly disorganized /dis'orgs.naizd/ adjective
disk /disk/
not planned or arranged well » opposite ORGA-
1 a flat piece of ^^
plastic used for display 1
/di'splei/ verb (displaying,

storing information displayed]

on a computer to show something so that many people can
2 a round flat see it: The children's pictures are displayed on
object in the shape the wall.

of a circle
display 2 noun [plural displays)

disk drive /'. ./ noun 1 a show or performance for people: We saw

a piece ofequipment in a computer that stores a display of students' paintings.
or gets information from a disk 2 on display in a public place for many people
to see
disk jockey ,../ noun
[also DJ; plural disk jockeys) a person whose disposal /di'spoozal/ noun [U]
job is to play music on the radio or at a party the act of getting rid of something

dispose /di'spouz/ verb distress 1

/di'stres/ noun [U]

dispose of something to get rid of something: a feeling of sadness, pain, or worry

How did he dispose of the body?
distress 2 verb
dispute /di'spyut/ noun to make someone sad or upset
an argument or disagreement: They are having
distressing /di'strcsig/ adjective
a legal dispute. (=an argument about the law)
making you feel sad or upset
dis satisf ied /di'saetis,faid/ adjective
distribute /di'stribyat/ verb
not content or pleased with something: We
(distributing, distributed)
were very dissatisfied with the food at the
restaurant. » opposite SATISFIED to give or send something to different people or
places: They are distributing food to the people.
—distribution noun [U]

district /'distnkt/ noun

1Z> .4*5.. *.•
a part of a county, city etc.

disturb /di'st^b/ verb

1 to interrupt someone by making a noise, ask-
ing a question etc.: Please don't disturb me
while I'm working.
2 to make someone feel worried or upset: We
dissolve /di'zalv/ verb (dissolving, were very disturbed by the news.
disturbance /di'st^bans/ noun
to mix completely with a liquid: Sugar dissolves
1 something that interrupts you and stops you
in water.
from working: / can't think with all these distur-
distance /'distans/ noun bances.
1 the amount
space between two places:
of 2 a situation in which people fight or cause

What's the distance between Boston and New trouble: There has been a disturbance in the
York? street.

2 in the distance far away: That is my house

ditch /ditJV noun [plural ditches)
in the distance.
a long narrow place for water to go along, espe-
distant /'distant/ adjective cially at the side of a road or field
far away: She traveled to a distant country.
dive /daiv/ verb
distinct /di'stirjkt/ adjective (diving, dived or
1 different; separate: There are several dis- dove]
tinct languages in the country. to jump into water
2 easy to see, hear, or understand; clear: This with your head and
apple has a distinct taste. arms going in first:

He dived into the

distinctly /di'stinkfli/ adverb pool.
very clearly: / distinctly remember telling you to
go to the store.
diver /'daivaV
distinguish /di'stingwiJV verb a person who swims
1 to see the difference between two things: under water and wears special equipment to
You are old enough to distinguish between help him or her breathe
good and bad.
divide /da'vaid/ verb (dividing, divided)
2 to be able to see, hear, or taste something
1 to separate into pieces or parts: The class
even if it is difficult: It was dark, but I could just
divided into groups.
distinguish their faces.
2 to share something: We divided up the
distinguished /di'stirjgwijt/ adjective money between us.
famous and respected by many people: Her 3 to find how many times a number will go into
mother is a distinguished scientist. a bigger number: 10 divided by 5 is 2.

di-vine /da'vain/ adjective

4 do away with something to get rid of
from a god, or like a god
something: Some people want to do away
diving board /'..,./ noun with the program.

a board that you stand on before jumping into 5 could do with to want or need some-
the water thing: / could do with some sleep.

6 have to do with something to be about

division /dd'vi^nf noun
or concerning someone or something: The
1 [U] the process of finding how many times a
book has to do with studying the stars.
number will go into a bigger number
7 How do you do? said as a polite greet-
2 a part of something: Which division of the
ing when you meet someone for the first
company do you work for?
divorce 1
/da'vors/ verb (divorcing, 8 What do you do? What is your job?
divorced] 9 do something over to do something
to arrange by law for a marriage to end: They again, especially because you did it wrong
are getting divorced. the first time: If there are mistakes, the
teacher makes you do it over.
divorce 2 noun
10 do without (something) to live or con-
the ending of a marriage according to the law
tinue without a particular thing: With no
dizzy /'dizi/ adjective (dizzier, dizziest) money for shoes, we had to do without.
feeling as if you are going to fall and as if things 11 What you do with ... said when
are moving when they are not: / feel dizzy when asking where someone has put something:
I look out of a high window. What did you do with my socks?
J /'di

d3ei/ noun
12 do as you are
one, especially a parent,
told to do
what some-
you to do

do 1
/da; strong du/ verb
NOTE: Compare the verbs do and make.
present tense
Use do when you are talking about an action
singular plural
or activity, e.g. to do some work, to do the
I do We do grocery shopping. Use make when you are
You do You do
talking about producing something or
He/She/It does They do
causing a result, e.g. to make a cake, to
past tense make a when you are talking about
noise, or
singular plural plans or decisions: to make a plan, to make
I did We did a choice, to make an appointment.
You did You did
He/She/It did They did

present participle doing

past participle done do 2 verb

negative short don't, doesn't

1 used with NOT before another verb to
say that something is not so: / do not
forms didn't
agree with you. He doesn't (=does not)

(You can find each of these words in its

have a car.
own place in the dictionary]
2 used with another verb, to ask a ques-
1 perform an action or job: / have to
to tion: Do you like dancing? Did you find the
do some work. What are you doing?
Have you done your homework?
3 used with not, to tell someone not to do
2 do well to be a success: He has done something: Do not lean out of the window. \

well in school this year.

Don't (=do not) do that!
3 do someone good to make someone 4 used to make the meaning of another
better or more healthy: Some exercise
verb stronger: You do believe me, don't
will do you good. you?
dock 1
/dak/ noun dominoes /'dama.nouz/ plural noun
a place where a boat or ship can stop and peo- a game played with small flat pieces of wood
ple can go on and off with different numbers of spots on them

dock 2 verb donate /'douneit, dou'neit/ verb

to come into a dock, used about a ship (donating, donated]

doctor /'daktaV noun to give something to a person or organization

a person whose job is to take care of people that needs help: We want to donate money to
who are sick the hospital.

document /'dakyamant/ noun donation /dou'neijsn/ noun

a piece of paper with official information on it a gift made to a person or organization that
needs help: Please make a donation today.
documentary /.dakys'mcntri,
-'menteri/ noun [plural documentaries] done 1
a movie giving information and facts about the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb do
done 2 adjective
dodge /dad3/ verb (dodging, dodged] finished: The work is almost done.
1 to move quickly to one side to avoid some-
don-key /'darjki, 'dAn,-, 'dor)-/ noun
[plural donkeys]
2 to avoid doing something that you should do:
He tried to dodge the question. (=not answer it]
an animal like a small horse with long ears

does /daz, z, s; strong dAz/ verb donor /'dounaV noun

the part of the verb do that is used with he, she someone who gives something: She is a blood
and it: Does she have a job? donor. (=she gives her blood to be used in a
doesn't /'dAzant/
does not: She doesn't like school. don't /dount/
do not: don't want to go. Don't touch that!
dog /dog/ noun / \

an animal with four legs and a tail, that is often do-nut /'dounAt/ noun
kept as a pet and used for protecting buildings a DOUGHNUT
doll /dal/ noun door /dor/ noun
a toy that looks like a small person 1 the flat piece of wood or metal that you push

dollar /'dateV noun or pull to go into a room: Please open the door
'the money used in the U.S. and some other for me.
countries 2 the entrance to a building or room: You go
through this door and turn to the left.
dolphin /'dalfm,
3 answer the door to open the door to see
'dol-/ noun
who is there
a gray sea animal with
a long pointed nose
4 door to door going from one house or build-
ing to another: / sold candy door to door.
dome /doum/ noun 5 next door to in the building or room next to
a round curved roof a place: He lives next door to my parents. (=in
on a room or building the house next to theirs]
domestic 6 at the door waiting at the door for someone
/d9 ' mc s 1 1 k/ adjective toopen it: Is someone at the door?
1 in one country and not involving other coun- door-bell /'dorbel/ noun
a button by a door that you push to make a
2 in the home or about the home sound so that someone inside knows you are
dominate /'dama.neit/ verb there
(dominating, dominated] door-knob /'dornab/ noun
to have power and control over someone or
a handle on a door that you turn to open it
doormat /'dormaet/ noun doubt-less /'daut n hs/ adverb
a thick piece of material outside a door for you certainly; without a doubt: He will doubtless try
to clean your shoes on to change her mind.

door-step /'dorstep/ noun dough /dou/ noun [U]

1 a step in front of the door of a house a soft mixture of flour, water, and fat that is

2 on your doorstep very near to where you cooked to make bread, cookies etc.

dough-nut /'dounAt/ noun
doorway /'dorwei/ noun [plural a small round sweet cake
dove 1
/dAv/ noun
an opening where there is a door: He stood in
a small white bird, often used as a sign of
the doorway.
dorm noun
dove 2 /dauv/
a large building where students live
dormitory /'dorma.tori/ noun [plural dive
down 1
/daun/ adverb, preposition
1 in or to a lower place: Sit down, please. \

dose /dous/ noun The children ran down the hill. » opposite UP
an amount of a medicine that you take at one — see color picture on page 1 94
time: The dose is two spoonfuls every four 2 to a lower level or number: Our sales are
hours. down this year. » opposite UP
3 written on paper: Write this down so you
dot /dot/ noun
don't forget.
a small round mark: On the map, towns were
marked by a red dot.
4 along or toward the far end of something:
We walked down the beach.
double 1
/'dAbal/ adjective, adverb 5 in or toward the south: We drove down to
1 twice as much: /'// pay you double if you fin- Texas.
ish the work quickly.

2 made two people: Our room has a dou-

down 2

ble bed. —see picture at BED

1 sad: Why are you so down?
2 not working properly: The computers are
3 having two parts that are the same: We
still down.
went through the double doors into the room.
4 on the double very quickly: / need that downhill /,daun'hil/ adjective, adverb
report on the double! toward the bottom of a hill: The ball rolled

double 2 verb (doubling, doubled]

downhill. » opposite UPHILL
1 to become twice as big or twice as much: down-stairs / ,daun'sterz/ adjective,
The value of our house has almost doubled. adverb
2 to make something twice as big or twice as on or toward a lower part of a house: The bath-
much as before: My new job will double my pay room is downstairs. » opposite UPSTAIRS
doubt 1
/daut/ verb down-town /,daun'taun/ adverb
something may not be true or may
to think that in or to the center of a town or city, where

not happen: / doubt that she will pass the test. there are many businesses: We went down-
town to do some shopping.
doubt 2
1 the feeling of not being sure about some- down-ward /'daunwa^d/ adverb
thing: / have doubts about whether he is the from a higher place or level to a lower one
best man for the job. » opposite UPWARD
2 no doubt almost certainly: He is no doubt
doze /douz/ verb (dozing, dozed]
1 to sleep for a short time
doubtful /'daurfal/ adjective 2 doze off to go to sleep when you do not
not likely: It's doubtful whether she'll succeed. intend to: / dozed off in front of the television.
dozen /'dAzan/ noun 6 draw up to prepare a written document:

1 twelve: / need a dozen eggs.

Draw up an agreement, and I will sign it.

7 draw the curtains to open or close the cur-

2 dozens very many: There were dozens of
tains on a window
people there.

Qr /'daktaV drawer /dror/ noun

a part of a piece of furniture, used for keeping
the short way of writing the word "doctor" when
things in, which can be pulled out or pushed in
you are writing someone's name
draft /draeft/ noun
drawing /'dro-irj/ noun
1 [U] the making of pictures with a pencil or
air blowing into a room: / felt a cold draft under
the door.
pen: Are you good at drawing?
2 a picture you make with a pen or pencil: She
drag /draeg/ verb (dragging, dragged) showed me a drawing of her mother.
to pull something heavy along behind you
drawn /dron/
drag-on the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb draw
/'draeg an/ noun
a fierce animal in
dream 1
/drim/ verb (dreaming, past

stories that has

dreamed or dreamt /dremt/)
wings and can 1 to imagine things while you are asleep:

breathe out fire / dreamed about you last night.

2 to think about something nice that you want

drain 1
to do: He dreamed of becoming rich and
a hole something such as a bathtub, con-

nected to a pipe that takes dirty water away dream 2

1 something that you imagine while you are
drain 2 verb
asleep: / had a strange dream last night.
to flow away, or to make water flow away: The
2 something nice that you have wanted to do:
water drained away slowly.
It is her dream to visit Australia.

drama /'drams, 'draema/ noun [U]

dreamt /drcmt/
1 acting and plays: She's studying drama.
2 excitement: / like the drama of a big game. dream
dramatic /dra'maetik/ adjective dreary /'dnri/ adjective (drearier,
1 sudden and noticeable: There was a dra- dreariest)
matic change in the temperature. very dull, and making you feel sad: It was a long
2 exciting: He told a dramatic story. and dreary day.
—dramatically adverb
drench /drentJV verb
drank /draerjk/ to make someone or something completely wet:
the PAST TENSE of the verb drink / was drenched in the storm.
draw /dro/ verb [past tense drew, past dress 1
/dres/ verb
participle drawn) 1 to put clothes on someone or on yourself:
1 to make a picture using a pencil or pen: / like She got up, dressed quickly, and went to work.
drawing. Can you draw a dog?
2 to wear a particular type of clothes: Dress
2 to take something from its place: He drew a warmly - it is cold outside!
gun from his bag. 3 be dressed to be wearing clothes: They
3 draw back to move away from someone or arrived before I was dressed.
something 4 get dressed to put on clothes: Hurry up
4 draw a conclusion to decide that something and get dressed.
is true or false after thinking about it
5 dress up (a) to put on special clothes for an
5 to attract or interest people: The movie is important occasion (b) to wear special clothes,
drawing big crowds. shoes etc. for fun or as a game
dress 2
noun drink 2 noun
1 dresses] a piece of clothing covering
[plural a liquid that you can swallow: Can have a
I drink
the body and legs of a woman or girl: Do you of water?
like my new dress? —see color picture on page

190 drip /drip/ verb

2 [U] clothes of a particular type or for a par- (dripping, dripped)
ticular purpose: You must wear formal dress to 1 to fall in small
the party. drops: Sweat was
dripping from his

2 to produce small
drops of liquid: Is the
pipe still dripping?

drive 1
verb (driving, drove
/dreuv/, past participle driven)
to make a vehicle move in the direction you

want: Can you drive? \

I drove to town yester-

drive 2 noun
dresser /'dress-/ noun a trip in a car: It is a short drive to the city.
a piece of furniture with drawers in which you
keep clothes driven /'drivgn/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb drive
dressing /'dresirj/ noun [U]

a liquid made with oil that you pour over food driv-er /'draivaV noun
a person who drives, sometimes as a job
dressmaker /'dres,meik^/ noun
a person whose job is to make clothes for driver's license /'..,../ noun
women an official piece of paper that shows you are
allowed to drive a car
drew /dm/
the PAST TENSE of the verb draw drive-through/ 1

. J adjective
able to be used without getting out of your car:
dried /draid/
We got our food at the drive-through window.
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
dry driveway /'draivwei/ noun [plural
drift /drift/ verb
a short road that leads to one house only: The
to move slowly on water or through the air:
car is parked in the driveway.
/ saw a boat drifting down the river.
droop /drup/ verb
drill 1 /dnl/ verb
to hang or bend down: The flowers are starting
to make a hole something with a drill:
in / drilled to droop.
a hole in the wall to put up the shelf.
drop 1
/drap/ verb (dropping, dropped)
drill 2 noun
1 to fall or let something fall: She dropped the
a machine for making holes plate. — see color picture on page 1 89
drink 1 /drirjk/ verb (drinking, drank 2 to go down in level or amount: The price of
/draerjk/, past participle drunk) gas is dropping.
1 to pour liquid into your mouth and swallow it: 3 drop in on someone to visit someone when
Would you like something to drink? He drinks \
he or she is not expecting you
too much coffee.
drop 2
2 to drink alcohol, especially too much: You
a small amount of liquid: Drops of rain ran
should never drink and drive.
down the window.
drought /draut/ noun dry 2 verb (drying, past dried)
a time when no rain falls and the land becomes 1 to become dry: The clothes dried quickly out-
very dry side.

2 dry out to dry completely

drove /drouv/
the PAST TENSE of the verb drive
3 dry up to have no water in it

drown /draun/ verb dry cleaners/,. '.., '.

,../ noun
a place that cleans clothes in a special way with-
to die under water because you cannot breathe
out using water . .

drowsy /'drauzi/ adjective (drowsier,

tired and wanting to sleep: The medicine made
me feel drowsy.

drug /drAg/ noun

1 something that people take to change the
way they feel or behave. Many drugs are not
allowed: Do you think he is on drugs?
2 a medicine duck duckling
drug-store /'drAgstor/ noun
a store where you can buy medicines and some duck 1
/dAk/ noun

small things for the house a bird that swims on water and is used for its

eggs, meat, and feathers

drum duck 2 verb
to suddenly move your head or body down so
you are not hit by something or seen by some-

duck-ling /'dAklirj/ noun

a young duck

due /du/ adjective

1 be due to be expected to happen or arrive at
drum 1
/drAm/ noun flight is due at 5 o'clock.
a particular time: The \

1 a musical instrument made of a round hollow When is the baby due? (=expected to be born]
*box with a skin stretched over it which you hit 2 needing to be paid: The rent is due at the
to make a sound end of the month.
2 a large metal container for oil, gas etc. 3 owed to someone, or deserved by someone:
She never gets the credit she is due.
drum 2
verb (drumming, drummed)
4 due to because of: His success is due to
to hit the surface of something again and again
hard work.
drunk 1
/drAnk/ adjective 5 in due course at a more suitable time in the
having had too much alcohol so you do not con- future
trol your behavior: think he's drunk!
duet /du'et/ noun
drunk 2
a song or piece of music for two people
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb drink
dug /dAg/
drunken /'drAnksn/ adjective the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
caused by too much alcohol dig

dry 1
/drai/ adjective (drier, driest) dull /dAl/ adjective
1 having no water in or on it; not wet: This 1 not bright or light: It was a dull, cloudy day.
coat will keep you dry in the rain. 2 not interesting or exciting: What a dull
2 without any rain: It has been a very dry sum- party!
mer. » opposite WET 1
3 not sharp: This knife is too dull.
dumb Id Ami adjective dustpan /'dAStpaen/ noun
stupid: That was a dumb thing to say. a flat container for taking away the dust after
you sweep the floor
dump 1
/d.Amp/ verb
to drop or put something somewhere: We dusty /'dASti/ adjective [dustier, dustiest]
dumped our bags on the floor. covered in dust

dump 2
noun duty /'duti/ noun [plural duties)
a place where waste can be taken and left 1 something you must do because it is right or
part of your job: You have a duty to look after
dune /dun/ noun your family.
a hill of sand
2 off duty not working, or not at your job: The
dungeon /'dAnd33n/ noun nurses are off duty.
a dark PRISON under a castle 3 on duty working, or at your job

during /'dunn/ preposition dwarf /dworf/ noun [plural dwarves or

1 all the time that something is happening: dwarfs]
They swim every day during the summer. a person, plant, or animal that is much smaller
2 some time while something
at else is hap- than usual
pening: He died during the night.
dye 1
/dai/ verb (dyeing, dyed)
dusk /dAsk/ noun [U] to give a different color to something: She dyed
the time in the evening when the sun has just her hair black.

gone down
dye 2 noun
dust; 1 /dASt/ noun [U] a liquid or powder that is used to change the
very small pieces of dirt like a dry powder color of something

dust 2 verb dynamite /'dama.mait/ noun [U]

to clean dust from something: She dusted the a substance used to make explosions
2 the substance on the ground in which plants
can grow; dirt: She planted the seeds in the
wet earth.

earth-quake /'a^kweik/ noun

a strong and sudden shaking of the ground

ease 1
/iz/ noun [U]

1 with ease very easy for you to do: He

;h /it J/
passed the test with ease.
1 every single one: Each child has an exercise
2 at ease feeling comfortable and sure of your-
self: He was very friendly and made her feel at
book. The tickets are $10 each.

2 each other used for showing that each of
two people do something to the other person: ease 2 verb (easing, eased)
Karen and Mark kissed each other. 1 to make something better: The medicine
eased the pain.
•ger /'iga7 adjective
having a strong desire to do something:
2 to move very slowly and with care: She
eased herself out of bed.
girl was eager to show me her photographs.
—eagerly adverb easel /'izsl/ noun
a frame to hold a picture that is being painted
-gle /'igal/ noun
a large bird that lives
— see color picture on page 1 85
in mountain areas easily /'izali/ adverb
and eats small ani- without difficulty: / can easily be there by tomor-
mals row.

ear /ir/ noun east: /ist/ noun, adjective, adverb

1 one of the parts the direction from which the sun comes up in
of your body with the morning: Our house faces east. » com-
which you hear —
see picture at HEAD 1 pare WEST
2 the part of a plant where the seed is: / ate
an ear of corn.
Easter /'istaV noun
a special Sunday in March or April when
earache /'ireik/ noun Christians remember Christ's death and his
a pain inside your ear return to life

ear-ly /'a4i/ adjective, adverb (earlier, Easter egg/'.. ../noun

earliest) an egg that is colored for Easter, and hidden as
before the usual or expected time: The plane a game for children
landed ten minutes early.

2 near the beginning of the day or a period of

eastern /'ista-n/ adjective
in or from the east
time: It often rains in the early morning. \
you get up early? » compare LATE east-ward /'istwad/ adverb
earn Izt-nl verb
toward the east
to get money for work you do: She earns a easy /'izi/ adjective (easier, easiest)
lot of money on her job. not difficult; done with no trouble: / need a book
2 to get something that you deserve by work- that is easy to read. » opposite DIFFICULT,
ing hard: You've earned a good rest. HARD 1

•ring /'inrj/ noun eat /it/ verb [past tense ate, past participle
a piece of jewelry you wear on your ear —see eaten]
picture at JEWELRY 1 to put food into your mouth and swallow it:

earth Iz&l noun [U] Have you eaten breakfast yet?

1 the world in which we live: The Earth goes
2 to have a meal: What time do you eat?
around the sun once a year. —see color picture eaten /'it
on page 192 the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb eat
echo 1
/'ekou/ verb eel Ml noun
if sound echoes, you hear
a it again: Our voices a long fish that looks like a snake
echoed in the empty room.
effect /I'fekt/ noun
echo 2 noun [plural echoes] a result: Eating too much candy can have a bad
a sound that you hear again effect on your health. » compare AFFECT
eclipse A'klips/ noun ef fective A'fektiv/ adjective
a short time when you cannot see the sun or getting the result you want: These pills are an
moon because it is blocked by the moon or effective cure for a headache.
Earth — see color picture on page 1 92
eff i-cient /I'fijant/ adjective
economic /.eka'namik, ,i-/ adjective working well, quickly, and without waste: She is

and business: The country's

relating to industry a very efficient worker.
economic problems can be solved.
ef-fort /'ef>t/ noun
economical /.eks'namikal, ,i-/ adjec- the physical or mental energy needed to do
tive something: With great effort, he pushed open
using time, money etc. without wasting any; the door.
cheap: We want an economical way to produce
EFL /,i ef 'el/ noun [U]
English as a Foreign Language; English classes
economy /I'kanami/ noun [plural for people who live in a country where most
economies) people do not speak English
the system by which a country's industry and
e.g. /,i 'd3i/
money is organized: The new tax laws will help
a short way of writing or saying "for example":
the economy.
You can try many different sports here, e.g.

edge /ed3/ noun sailing, tennis, and swimming.

1 the outside end of something; the part which
is farthest from the center: The edge of the
plate is painted red.
2 the sharp cutting part of a knife or tool
3 on edge nervous and worried
edition /I'dijan/ noun
a book or newspaper brought out at a particu-
lar time

editor /'edataV noun

a person who prepares books or newspapers
for printing
egg /eg/ noun
a round object with a hard shell that contains a
educate /'ed39,keit/ verb (educating, baby bird, snake, fish, or insect; eggs are often
educated) used as food: We had eggs for breakfast, —see
to teach someone, especially in a school or a picture at NEST
college: Every child deserves the chance to be
egg-plant /'egplaent/ noun
a large vegetable with a dark purple skin
educated /'ed39,keited/ adjective eight /eit/ adjective, noun
knowing a lot of information after studying and
the number 8
eight-een /,ei'tin< / adjective, noun
education /,ed39'keij9n/ noun the number 18
teaching and learning: It is important to get a
good education. eighth /eitO/ adjective, noun
educational /,ed33'keij9n3l/
adjective eighty /'eiti/ adjective, noun
1 relating to teaching or learning the number 80
2 helping you to learn: He has a new educa-
tional toy.

either /'ida% 'ai-/ elementary /,ela'mcntri, -'menfari/
1 one or the other of two people or things: You adjective
can have either tea or coffee. simple and easy: Here is a book of elementary
2 used in sentences with "not," to say that exercises for math.
something else is also true: / haven't been to
compare NEI- » elementary school noun
Canada, or to Mexico either.
a school for children who are about 6 to 12
years old
elaborate /I'laebnt/ adjective elephant /'elafant/ noun
having a lot of details, or a large number of
a very large gray animal with a long nose and
big ears, which lives in hot countries
elastic /i'laestik/ adjective
able to be stretched and then go back to its
/'ela.veitaV noun
usual shape: Rubber is an elastic substance.
a machine in a build-
elbow /'elbou/ noun ing that takes people
the middle part of your arm which bends from one level to
elderly /'eldali/ adjective
old: / spoke with an elderly woman with white eleven /I'levan/
hair. adjective, noun
the number 1
elect /i'lekt/ verb
to choose someone for an official position, usu- elf /elf/ noun
ally by voting: Clinton was elected President in [plural elves /elvz/)
1996. a small imaginary person with pointed ears

election Mekfan/ noun else /els/ adverb

a time when you vote to choose someone for an 1 other; different; instead: If you don't like

official position: When is the next election? eggs, I can cook something else. \
She was
wearing someone else's coat.
electric A'lektrik/ adjective
2 more; also: Is there anything else I can get
needing electricity to work: / forgot my electric
for you?
3 or else used when saying what the result will
electrical A'lektnkal/ adjective be if you do not do something: He has to pay,
relating to or using electricity or else he will be in trouble.

jelectrician /i,lek'tnjan, i-/ noun elsewhere /'elswer/ adverb

a person whose job is to connect and repair in or to some other place: They left the restau-
electrical equipment rant and went elsewhere.

electricity /i,lek'tnsati, i-/ noun [U] elves /elvz/ noun

power that is sent through wires and
used for is the plural of elf

lighting, heating, and making machines work

e-mail /'i meil/ noun
electronics /i.lek'traniks/ noun [U] a system for sending letters from one comput-
the study of making equipment that uses elec- er to another, or a letter that is sent from one
tricity, such as televisions and computers computer to another: / sent Jill an e-mail yes-
—electronic adjective —e-mail verb

elegant /'elagant/ adjective embarrass /im'baeras/ verb

very beautiful and graceful: She is a tall, elegant to make someone feel nervous or uncomfort-
woman in a black dress. able in front of other people: I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to embarrass you.
l-e-ment /'clamant/ noun
1 a simple substance from which everything is embarrassed /im'baerast/ adjective
made: Gold and oxygen are elements. nervous or uncomfortable in front of other peo-
2 one part of a whole: Being honest is an ple: / feel so embarrassed when I think about
important element of the job. what I said. » compare ASHAMED

NOTE: 1 People feel embarrassed about

emerald /'emarald/ noun
a valuable bright green stone
small things that they have done which
make them appear silly to other people, emerge /i '1113^3/ verb [emerging,
such as forgetting someone's name, or emerged]
going to a party in the wrong type of to appear from somewhere after being hidden:
clothes. If someone is sorry because they The baby birds emerged from their eggs.
have done something very bad and
important, they feel ashamed, not
emergency /i'm^d39nsi/ noun [plural
embarrassed. 2 Do not confuse
an unexpected and dangerous situation that you
embarrassed [=feeling uncomfortable and
must deal with immediately: Call an ambulance!
nervous] and embarrassing [=making
This is an emergency! —emergency adjective:
someone feel like this]: It was an
an emergency exit
embarrassing mistake. We all felt very
embarrassed. emergency room /.'...,./ noun
a part of a hospital where people with very seri-
ous injuries or illnesses can be helped quickly
embarrassing /im'baerasir)/
adjective emigrant /'emigrant/ noun
making you feel nervous or uncomfortable: He a person who leaves their own country to live in

asked a lot of embarrassing questions. another country » compare IMMIGRANT

embarrassment /im'baerasmant/ emigrate /'ema.greit/ verb

noun [U] (emigrating, emigrated]
the feeling of being nervous or uncomfortable in to leave your own country to go and live in

front of other people another country: Her family emigrated to

embassy /'cmbasi/ noun [plural Australia. » compare IMMIGRATE

embassies] emigration /.ema'greifan/ noun [U]

a place where people work for their government the act of leaving your own country to go and
to represent their own country in another coun- live in another country » compare IMMIGRATION
emotion /I'moufgn/ noun
embrace 1
/im'breis/ verb (embracing, a strong feeling: Anger and love are emotions.
to put your arms around someone to show that
emotional /I'moufanal/ adjective
having strong feelings that you show, some-
you love him or her: The couple reached out to
times by crying
embrace each other.

embrace 2
emperor /'emparaV noun
a ruler of a big country or several countries
the act of holding someone in your arms as a
sign of love
embroidery emphasize /'emfs.saiz/ verb
[emphasizing, emphasized]
to show that something is important: He
emphasized the need for hard work.
» compare STRESS 2
empire /'empaiaV noun
a group of countries ruled by one government

employ /im'pbi/ verb (employing,

to paysomeone to work for you: The business
employs hundreds of people.

employee /im'pbi-i, .impbi'i, ,em-/

embroidery /im'broidri, -dgri/ noun [U] noun
beautiful patterns that yousew on cloth: She a person who works for someone else: There
has a dress covered with embroidery. are ten employees in his firm.
em-ploy-er /im'pbiaV noun end 1
/end/ noun
a person or group that pays people to work for 1 the point where something finishes: When
them you get to the end of this street, turn right.
» com-

We had to wait until the end of August.

employment Am'pbimant/ noun [U] pare BEGINNING
work that you do to get money: She's looking for
2 the end at last: We walked for hours, but

the end we found the house.

empress /'empns/ noun end 2 verb
a female ruler of a country or several countries;
1 to finish: The party ended at midnight.
the wife of an EMPEROR
empty » compare BEGIN
2 end up to be in a particular situation that
you did not expect or intend: Our car didn't
start, so we ended up taking the bus.

ending /'endin/ noun

the end of a story, movie, or play: The movie
has a happy ending.

end-less /'cndlis/ adjective

continuing for a long time, seeming never to
full empty
end: With children in the house, the work is

empty 1
/'empti/ adjective endless.
having nothing The cup empty.
» compare FULL
inside: is
enemy /'enami/ noun [plural enemies)
a person or country that is not friendly to you or
empty 2
verb (emptying, emptied) wants to harm or fight you: He's made a lot of
to take everything out of something: He emp- enemies at work.
tied the bottle. » compare FILL energetic /.ensr^etik/ adjective
erva-ble /i'neib9l/ verb (enabling, enabled] very active: My kids are very energetic.
to make someone able to do something: The
new machines enable us to work very fast.
energy /'ens^i/ noun [U]
1 the ability to be active and to do a lot without
en-close /in'klouz/ verb (enclosing, feeling tired: / have no energy left after working
enclosed) all day.
1 to put something an envelope with a
in let- 2 the power that makes machines work or
ter: / enclosed a picture of the baby with my let- gives heat: Coal provides energy for the city.


2 to surround something completely: The foot-

en-gaged /m'geid3d/ adjective
having promised to marry someone: My broth-
ball field is enclosed by a fence.
er is engaged to Anne. They will get married
encourage /in'k^id3, -'kAr-/ verb next year.
(encouraging, encouraged)
to give praise and support to someone so that
engagement /m'geidsmant/ noun
1 an agreement to marry someone: William
he or she will do something: encouraged her
told everyone about his engagement to Linda.
to start playing tennis. opposite DISCOURAGE
2 an arrangement to meet someone: I'm not
encouragement /in'k^id3ni3nt, able to come this evening. I have another
-'kAr-/ noun [U] engagement.
praise and support given to someone so that he
or she will do something: Her parents gave her
engine /'end3in/ noun
a machine that uses oil, gas, electricity, or
lots of encouragement.
steam and makes things work or move: The
encouraging /m'k^id3in/ adjective car has a problem with its engine. see picture —
making you feel hopeful and confident: The doc- at AIRPLANE
tor gave us some encouraging news.
engineer /,end33'nir/ noun
encyclopedia /m.saikb'pidb/ noun 1 a person who plans the way machines,
a book that has a lot of facts about many sub- roads etc. are built
jects 2 a person who drives a train

engineering /,end39'ninr)/ noun [U] enter /'enfaV verb

the science or job of an engineer 1 to go or come in to a particular place: He
entered the room quietly.
English /'iggliJV noun
2 to become part of a profession or organiza-
1 [U] the language that is spoken in the U.S.,
tion: He decided to enter college.
Canada, Great Britain,and many other coun-
3 to start to take part in an activity: She
tries: Carlos is learning English. Do you speak

entered the race and won.

4 to write down information or put it into a
2 the English [plural] the people of England
—English adjective
computer: Please enter your name on the first

enjoy /m'd3Di/ verb (enjoying, enjoyed)

entertain /.ento'tem/ verb
1 to get pleasure and happiness from some-
1 to do something to amuse or interest peo-
thing: / enjoy listening to music.
ple: He entertained us with stories about life in
2 enjoy yourself to have a good time: Did you
enjoy yourself at the wedding?
2 to give food and drink to guests
enjoyable /m'd3Di3b9l/ adjective entertainer /.ente-'temaV noun
giving pleasure or happiness: We had an enjoy-
someone whose job is to amuse people, for
able weekend at the beach.
example by telling jokes
enjoyment /m'd30im3nt/ noun [U] entertaining /.en/Vtemir)/ adjective
pleasure: / get a lot of enjoyment from my job.
amusing and interesting
enlarge /in'lard3/ verb (enlarging,
entertainment /.enf^'temmsnt/
noun [U]
to make something bigger: / want to enlarge
activities which amuse or interest people: For
this photograph.
entertainment, we usually watch television.
enormous /I'normas/ adjective
very large: Their house enormous! is » com- enthusiasm /m'Guzi.aezam/ noun [U]
a strong feeling of being interested some- in
thing or wanting to do something: He is full of
enormously /I'normasli/ adverb enthusiasm for his job.
very much: The movie was enormously popular.
enthusiastic /m.Ouzi'aestik/
enough adjective
showing a lot of interest or excitement about

en-tire /m'taiaV adjective

whole; complete: The entire class will be there.

entirely adverb
completely: / agree with you entirely.

en-trance /'entrans/ noun

1 a place where you go in to a building:
Where's the entrance to the hospital?
2 the arrival of a person, or the right to enter
a place: The music played for the entrance of
the dancers.

en-try /'entri/ noun [plural entries]

enough /i'nAf/ adjective, adverb 1 [U] the right to enter a building or country:
as much as is needed: There is enough food for They were not allowed entry to the U.S.
three people. \
This bag isn't big enough for my 2 a person or thing in a race or competition:
books. The winning entry was a beautiful picture.
envelope equator /I'kweitaV noun
an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth

equip A'kwip/ verb (equipping, equipped]

to give someone things that are needed for
doing something: Our school is equipped with
new computers.
equipment /I'kwipmant/ noun [U]
the things that you need for a particular activi-

ty: / want to buy some camera equipment.

erase /r'reis/
verb (erasing,
to remove something
that is written or
envelope /'envg.loup, 'an-/ noun recorded so it can-
the paper cover in which you put a letter
not be seen or
envious /'envigs/ adjective heard: Erase any
wishing you had something that belongs to words that are not
someone else: He was envious of my success. spelled correctly.
» compare JEALOUS e-ras-er /I'reisaV noun
environment /m'vai^nmant/ noun a piece of rubber used for getting rid of pencil

1 the world of land, sea, and air that you live

in: Cutting down too many trees harms the erect 1
A'rekt/ adjective
environment. standing straight; upright: All the soldiers are
2 the conditions of the society around you: standing erect.
Children need a happy home environment.
erect 2 verb
en-vy 1 /'envi/ noun [U]
to put something together and make it stand
the feeling of wanting something that someone up: They erected the tent quickly.
else has: She looked with envy at his new car.
» compare JEALOUSY errand /'erand/ noun
a short trip you make to do or to buy something
envy2 verb (envying, envied]
towant what someone else has: / envy John - error /'eraV noun
he seems so happy. a mistake: The doctor said that he made an
epidemic /.epa'demik/ noun
an illness that spreads quickly to a lot of people erupt /I'rApt/ verb
to explode and send out fire and smoke, used
equal 1
/'ikwal/ adjective about a VOLCANO
the same in size, number, or value: Divide the escalator
cake into four equal parts. Women want equal

pay with men.

equal 2 verb (equalling, equalled]

1 same as something else in number or
to be the
amount: Three plus five equals eight. (3 + 5 = 8)
2 to be as good as someone or something else

equal 3 noun
a person who has thesame ability and rights as
someone else: All people should be treated as
equals by the law.

equality /i'kwabti/ noun [U]

having the same ability and rights: Women
want equality with men.


escalator /'esks.leitaV noun European 1

/.yuro'pian/ adjective
a set of moving stairs that can take you up or coming from or related to a country in Europe
down so that you do not have to walk
European 2
escape 1
A'skeip/ verb (escaping, escaped) a person from a country in Europe
to get out of a place, especially when someone
is trying to stop you: He escaped from prison.
evacuate /i'vaekyu,eit/ verb
(evacuating, evacuated)
escape 2 noun to move people from a dangerous place to a
the act of escaping: The prisoner made his safer place
escape at night.
eve /iv/ noun
escort 1
/i'skort, 'eskort/ verb the night or day before a religious day or holi-

to go with someone, especially to protect him day: Where will you be on Christmas Eve?
or her: Soldiers escorted the President.
even 1
/'ivan/ adjective
escort 2 /'eskort/ noun 1 flat, level, or smooth: The table has an even
people, cars, planes etc. that travel with some- surface. » opposite UNEVEN
one, especially for protection: She traveled with 2 not changing much: Try to keep the oven at
a police escort. an even temperature.
3 even number a number that can be divided
ESL 'el/ noun [U]
/,i es
by two, for example 2, 4, and 6 compare »
English as a Second Language; English classes
for people who live in a country where most do
4 be even to no longer owe someone money:
not speak English
Here's your $10 - now we're even.
especially /I'spejoli/ adverb
even 2 adverb
1 very; more than usual: She is especially
1 used for showing when something is sur-
good at science.
prising or unusual: Even Peter helped us, and
2 most of all: Everyone is excited about our
he usually never helps!
trip, especially Sam.
2 used when you are comparing two things, to
essay /'esei/ noun [plural essays] make the second seem more important:
a short piece of writing on a subject: She wrote Yesterday it rained hard, and today it's raining
an essay on "My Family. even harder.

essential /I'senfal/ adjective even 3 verb

necessary; very important: Good food is essen- even out/even up to become equal or the
tial for good health. same as something else
establish /I'staeblif/ verb evening /'ivnin/ noun
to start a company, system, The situation, etc.: the end of the day and the early part of the
company was established in 1985. We have \
night: / have a class on Monday evening.
established contact with another school in
e-ven-ly /'ivgnli/ adverb
equally: Divide the money evenly among the
estate /i'steit/ noun men. (=give the same amount to each man]
a large piece of land, usually with a large house
on it
event /i'vent/ noun
something that happens, often something
estimate 1
/'esta.meit/ verb (estimating, important or unusual: What events do you
estimated) remember from the last ten years?
to make a guess about the size or amount of
e-ven-tu-al-ly /i'vent Jali, -tjuali/ adverb
something: They estimated that the house cost
at last; after a long time: / looked everywhere
$2 million.
formy glasses, and eventually, I found them
estimate 2 /'estamit/ noun under my chair.
a guess about the size or amount of something
ever /'eva7 adverb
etc /et 'setra, -tero/ 1 at any time: Have you ever been to the
and so on: There are lots of things to buy - Bahamas? Nothing \
ever makes Carol angry.
milk, sugar, bread etc. 2 ever since since a particular time: / have
lived here ever since I was a child.


every /'evri/ ex-am /ig'zaem/ noun

1 each one: / have read every book he has an official test of knowledge in a subject, usual-
written. ly at the end of a course: When do you take
2 used forshowing how often something hap- your history exam?
pens: We go to Florida every year or so.
examination /ig.zaema'neifgn/ noun
everybody /'evri.badi, -,DAdi/ a careful look at someone or something: An
every person: Everybody wants to watch the examination of the metal proved that it was
movie. |
She likes everybody in her class. gold.

NOTE: Remember that everybody and

examine /ig'zaemm/ verb (examining,
everyone are singular words, like he or she,
1 someone or something closely and
to look at
so you must use them with a singular verb
The doctor examined my ears.
ending: Everyone knows that sugar is bad
2 to ask someone questions to test his or her
for your teeth.

everyday /'evri,dei/ adjective exam-pie /ig'zaempal/ noun

1 one thing that you mention to show what
usual or ordinary: Problems are a part of every-
other things are like: Can anyone give me an
day life.
example of a verb? This painting is a good

everyone /'cvri.wAn/ example of African art.

every person: Everyone is welcome to the party. 2 for example used for giving an example of
something which makes what you say easier to
everything /evri,0in/
understand: Prices are going up. For example,
1 all things, or each thing: / got everything I
gas costs a lot more now.
needed at the store.
2 used when you are talking about something exasperate /ig' verb
in general: So, how is everything with you? (exasperating, exasperated]
to annoy someone or to make him or her angry
everywhere /'evri.wer/ adverb
in or to every place: / looked everywhere for my exceed /ik'sid/ verb
watch, but I couldn't find it. » compare to be more than a particular amount: The total
NOWHERE cost should not exceed $100.

evidence /'evsdsns/ noun [U] excellent /'eksabnt/ adjective

words or facts that prove something: Police very good: This is excellent work, Peter.
have evidence that the killer is a woman.
except /ik'sept/
evident /'cvadant/ adjective not including; apart from: / have washed all the
easy to notice or understand: It was evident clothes except your shirt.
that she was not telling the truth.
exception /ik'sepfan/ noun
e«vil /'ival/ adjective 1 someone or something that is different, or is

very cruel and causing harm: In the story, the not included in something: It has been cold, but
good queen saves her from an evil man. today is an exception. (=today it is not cold]
2 with the exception of not including; apart
ex-act /ig'zaekt/ adjective
from: They'd all been there before with the
completely correct: Can you tell me the exact
exception of Jim.

exactly /ig'zaekfli/ adverb exceptional /ik'sepjsnal/ adjective

1 unusually good: She is an exceptional stu-
1 with complete correctness: Where exactly
do you live?
2 unusual and not happening often: We've had
2 said when you agree with someone: "So you
an exceptional number of rainy days this month.
think we should wait until later?" "Exactly.
exaggerate /ig'zaed39,reit/ verb exceptionally /ik'sepfanali/ adverb
unusually or especially: This has been an excep-
(exaggerating, exaggerated]
tionally cold winter.
to make something seem bigger, better, worse
etc. than it really is: He exaggerated when he
said the dog was the size of a horse.
ex-cess /'ekses, ik'ses/ noun, adjective excluding /ik'skludin/ preposition
[plural excesses) not including: The store is open every day,
more than is usual or allowed: You have to pay excluding Sundays. » opposite INCLUDING
extra for excess luggage.
excursion /ik'ska^an/ noun
ex-change /iks'tjemd3/ verb1
a short trip made for pleasure: We went on an
(exchanging, exchanged) excursion down the Nile river.
to give something to someone who gives you
something else: This skirt is too small. Can I
excuse 1
/ik'skyuz/ verb (excusing, excused)
1 excuse me said to get someone's attention,
exchange it for a larger one?
to leave a group of people, or to say you are
exchange 2
noun sorry for doing something rude: Excuse me, but
1 the act of giving something to someone who do you know what time it is? Oh, excuse me. I |

gives you something else: The two countries didn't mean to step on your foot.
are planning an exchange of prisoners. 2 to forgive someone: Please excuse this
2 in exchange for in the place of something messy house.
that you give to someone: / gave him the book 3 to give someone permission not to do some-
in exchange for a CD. thing or to leave a place: The teacher excused
her from class.
exchange rate /.'.,./ noun
the value of the money of one country com- excuse 2 /ik'skyus/ noun
pared to that of another country a reason that you give to say why you did some-
thing bad or wrong: What was his excuse for
ex-cite /ik'sait/ verb (exciting, excited)
being late?
tomake someone feel happy or eager to do
something: Thegames excited the children and execute /'eksi.kyut/ verb (executing,
made them laugh. executed)
to kill someone as a punishment decided by law
excited /ik'saitid/ adjective
having strong feelings of happiness or pleasure; execution /.eksi'kyufsn/ noun
not calm: Everyone is excited about our trip to a killing which is a punishment decided by law
New York.
exercise 1
/'eks^saiz/ noun
excitement /ik'sait^msnt/ noun [U] 1 activity for your body which you do again and
the feeling of being excited: The excitement of again to stay strong and healthy: Running is

the crowd grew when the singers arrived. good exercise. \

Have you done your leg exer-
cises yet?
exciting /ik'saitirj/ adjective
2 a set of questions to test your knowledge or
making you feel very happy or interested:
ability: Please do exercises 3 and 4.
/ heard the exciting news about your baby.

exercise 2
verb (exercising, exercised)
ex-claim /ik'skleim/ verb
to do activity for your body again and again to
to say something loudlyand suddenly because
stay strong and healthy: The doctor told him to
you are surprised: "Look - Sarah is on TV,"
exercise more.
exclaimed Peter.

exclamation /.ekskta'meijan/ noun exhaust 1

/ig'zost/ verb
to make someone very tired: The long walk
words showing a sudden, strong feeling
exhausted her.

exclamation mark /..'..,./ noun exhaust 2 noun

the sign "!"
used in writing to show a strong feel-
1 gas that is made when a machine works
ing like surprise, or when calling someone:
2 a pipe that lets waste gas come out the back
Come here! |
/ don't believe it!
of a car
exclude /ik'skludV verb (excluding, excluded)
exhausted /ig'zDstid/ adjective
1 to stop someone or something from doing
very tired: I'm exhausted from not getting
something, or from entering a place: Women
enough sleep.
were excluded from the meeting.
2 to not include someone or something: Some exhausting /ig'zostig/ adjective
test scores are excluded from the total. making you feel very tired: Taking care of babies
» opposite INCLUDE can be exhausting.

exhibit 1
/ig'zibit/ verb expense /ik'spens/ noun
to show things in public: She exhibited her the amount of money you spend on something:
paintings at our school. We built the house at our own expense.
exhibit 2
noun expensive /ik'spensiv/ adjective
a public show of objects such as paintings, pho- costing a lot of money: It is expensive to travel
tographs etc.: We went to an art exhibit. by plane. » compare CHEAP
ex-ile 1 noun
/'egzail, 'eksail/ experience 1
/ik'spirians/ noun
1 in away from your own country as a
exile 1 something that happens to you: The acci-
punishment: After the revolution, they had to dent was an experience she will never forget.
live in exile in Europe. 2 [U] knowledge or skill that you get from doing
2 a person who is not allowed to live in his or a job: She is a teacher with 5 years of experience.
her own country as a punishment, often for
political reasons
experience 2 verb (experiencing,
exile 2 verb [exiling, exiled] to be influenced or affected by something that
to send a person away from their own country happens to you: We are experiencing some
as a punishment problems with our computers.

exist /ig'zist/ verb experienced /ik'spirianst/ adjective

to be real or alive: Do you believe that God good at something because you have done it

exists? before: He is an experienced heart doctor.

existence /ig'zistans/ noun [U] experiment 1

/ik'speramant/ noun
the state of being real or alive: The elephant is a careful test you do to see whether something
the largest land animal in existence. is true: He did a scientific experiment for the
class. —experimental adjective
exit /'egzit, 'eksit/ noun
the way out of a place: Where is the exit? experiment 2
to do a careful test to see something true:
expand /ik'spaend/ verb We will not experiment on animals


to become larger or make something larger:
these products.
The business has expanded from one office to
four. ex-pert 1 /'ekspW noun
a person with special skill or knowledge in a sub-
expansion /ik'spaenfan/ noun [U] ject: Paul is an expert in modern art.
an increase in size, number, or amount

expect /ik'spekt/ verb expert 2

having special skill or knowledge of something:
1 to think that something will Do you
/ need some expert advice.
expect to win the race? \
The car cost more
than I expected. ex-plain /ik'splem/ verb
2 be expecting someone or something to feel to make something easy to understand, or to
sure that someone or something will arrive, give the reason for something: Can you explain
often because you have arranged it: We're what this word means? I explained to him why \

expecting the Johnsons for lunch. I was mad.

3 to ask strongly for someone to do a particu-
lar thing: Visitors to the hospital are expected
explanation /.ekspta'neijan/ noun
something that makes something easy to
not to smoke.
understand, or gives the reason for it: / don't
4 be expecting (a baby) to be going to have a
know why he did it, but he had better have a
good explanation.
expedition /.ekspg'dijan/ noun explode /ik'sploud/ verb (exploding,
a long difficult trip, especially to a dangerous
place: They are planning an expedition to the
to burst into small pieces with a loud noise and
North Pole.
a lot of force: A bomb exploded there last night.
ex-pel /ik'spcl/ verb (expelling, expelled]
to force someone to leave a school, group, or
exploration /.ekspta'reijan/ noun
a trip to a place to learn about it: / read a book
country: The students were expelled for stealing.
about space exploration.

ex-plore /ik'spbr/ verb (exploring, explored) 2 one of many telephone lines in a large com-
1 to find out about a place by traveling through it pany: What's your extension number?
2 to study or examine something carefully
extensive /ik'stensiv/ adjective
ex-plor-er /ik'spbraV noun 1 very large in size or amount: The fire spread
someone who travels into an unknown area to over an extensive area.
find out about it 2 having a lot of details, facts etc.: He did an
extensive study on the disease.
explosion /ik'splou39n/ noun
a sudden loud noise caused, for example, by a ex-tent /ik' stent/ noun
bomb: The explosion damaged three houses. the size or limit of something: What is the
extent of the damage?
explosive /ik'splouziv/ adjective
that can burst with a loud noise and a lot of exterior 1
/ik'stiriaV adjective
force like a bomb on the outside of something: We painted the

ex-port 1
/ik'sport, 'eksport/ verb
exterior walls of the house. » opposite INTERI-
OR 2
to send goods out of the country to be sold
abroad: Japan exports cars. compare » exterior 2 noun
IMPORT 1 the outside part of something: The exterior of

export 2
/'eksport/ noun
the building is glass. » compare INTERIOR 1

something that is sold and sent to another external /ik'st^nl/ adjective

country: Fruit is one of our main exports. outside a place, person, or thing: He had no
» compare IMPORT 2 external signs of injury. » opposite INTERNAL

ex-pose /ik'spouz/ verb (exposing, exposed] extinguish /ik'stirjgwijy verb

to show something that is usually covered: You to make a fire stop burning
should not expose your skin to the sun.
extinguisher Zik'stirjgwiJaV noun
ex-press 1
/ik'spres/ verb a FIRE EXTINGUISHER
to say or do something to let other people know
ex-tra 1 /'ekstra/ adjective, adverb
what you think or feel: Itcan be difficult to
more than usual, necessary, or expected: /

express how you feel about someone.

want a large pizza with extra cheese. The car \

express 2
adjective costs extra if you want air conditioning.
going or sent quickly: We are taking the
extra 2 noun
express train from Boston to Chicago.
something that is added to a product and usu-
expression /ik'sprejsn/ noun ally costs more: The computer was very expen-

1 a word or words with a particular meaning: sive with all these extras.

You should not use that expression - it's not

extraordinary /ik'strordn.eri/
2 the look on someone's face: She had a sad heard an
very unusual or strange: / extra-
ordinary story the other day.
exquisite /ik'skwizit, 'ekskwi-/
extravagance /ik'straevagans/ noun
the act of spending too much money
very beautiful or delicate: Mary wore an exquis-
ite piece of jewelry. extravagant /ik'straevagant/
ex-tend /ik'stend/ verb
spending too much money on things: She's very
1 to reach or stretch over an area: The yard
extravagant - she spends all her money on
extends all the way to the fence.
2 to make something larger or longer: They
extended their visit for two more days. extreme /ik'strim/ adjective
1 very great: Sometimes the police are in
extension /ik'stcnfgn/ noun extreme danger on their job.
1 a part that is added to something to make it
2 extreme actions, opinions etc. are not
longer or bigger: They're building an extension
acceptable because they are unusual or not
to the subway line.
extremely /ik'strimli/ adverb eye-brow /'aibrau/ noun
very: / am extremely grateful for your help. the line of short hairs above your eye —see pic-
ture at HEAD 1

eye /ai/ noun

1 the part of your head with which you see: eye-lash /'ailasJV noun
/ have green eyes. —
see picture at HEAD 1 one of the small hairs that grow on your eyelid
2 keep an eye on to watch people or things to — see picture at HEAD 1
make sure that they are safe: Can you keep an
eye-lid /'ai.lid/ noun
eye on my house while I'm gone?
a piece of skin which covers your eye when it is
3 in someone's eyes in someone's opinion: In
closed —see picture at HEAD 1

her eyes, he's perfect.

4 see eye to eye to agree with someone com- eye-sight /'aisait/ noun [U]
pletely: My father and I have never seen eye to your ability to see: / thinkshe is losing her eye-
eye. sight.
5 a small hole in a needle through which you
put thread
Fahr-en-heit /'faeran.hait/ noun [U]
a way measure temperature (=how hot
something is]: Water freezes at 32 degrees

Fahrenheit. (=32 °F]


on time.

The crops have

I failed
not to succeed, or not to do what

my math
test. |

because of lack of
Our flight failed to

another way of writing FAHRENHEIT: It is 32°F. 2 if a bank or company fails, it stops working
(=32 degrees Fahrenheit] because it has no money compare SUCCEED »
fable /'feibal/ noun failure noun /'feilyaV

a story that teaches a lesson about how to

someone or something that does not succeed:
behave The plan was a failure. compare SUCCESS »
fabric /'faebrik/ noun
faint 1 /feint/ adjective

clothused for making clothes etc. » compare not strong or not easy to see, hear, or smell: /

MATERIAL heard a faint sound from the room. \

There is a
faint hope that she is still alive.
fabulous /'faebyabs/ adjective
very good or nice: You look fabulous tonight. faint 2 verb

» compare WONDERFUL to suddenly become unconscious for a short time

face 1
/feis/ noun fair 1
/fer/ adjective

1 the front part of your head, with your eyes,

1 equal for everyone: / try tobe fair to all my
nose, and mouth —see picture at HEAD 1 children.] It's not fair - I want one too! oppo- »
2 the part of a clock or watch that has num- site UNFAIR

bers on it
2 played or done according to the rules:
Everyone wants to have a fair election.
face 2
verb (facing, faced) 3 good, but not very good; average: His writ-
1 toward or to look toward some-
to be turned ing is very good, but his reading is only fair.

thing: Our house faces the park. He turned to \

4 light in color; pale: She had blue eyes and
face me. fair hair. » compare DARK 1

2 to deal with a difficult situation, or someone

you want to avoid: / could not face him. You \
fair 2 noun
must face the fact that you are sick. a place where people, especially children, ride
on special machines and play games to win
f a cil i ties noun
/fa'sibtiz/ plural prizes
rooms, equipment used for a particular
purpose: 7"ne university has very good sports
fair-ly /'ferli/ adverb

facilities. (=places and equipment for sports]

1 a little bit, but not very: He speaks French
fairly well.
fact /faekt/ noun 2 in a way that is honest and reasonable:
1 something that you know is true, or some- / expect to be treated fairly.

thing that you know has happened: The book

contains a lot of facts about plants.
fair«y /'feri/ noun [plural fairies)
a small imaginary person with wings who can
2 in fact used when you add information to
something you have said, or to emphasize that do magic things in stories

something is true: / don't know him very well. In fairy tale /'.. ,. / noun
fact, I've only met him once. a story for children about magic people or
faC'to«ry /' noun [plural factories]
faekt ari/
a place where goods are made: Harry works in faith /feiG/ noun
a car factory. (=a place where cars are made] 1 [U] a strong belief in something or someone:
have faith in your judgment.
fade /feid/ verb (fading, faded]

2 [U] belief and trust in God

to become less bright or to have less color: If

you leave that dress in the sun, it will fade.

3 a religion: He is a member of the Jewish
faithf ul /'feiGfal/ adjective familiar /fa'milyaV adjective
able to be trusted, showing loyalty: He is a faith- 1 easy for you to recognize because you have
ful friend. I would trust him with anything. seen or heard it before: This song sounds famil-
fake /feik/ adjective
2 be familiar with to know something well:
not real, but made to look like a real object in
Are you familiar with this story?
order to deceive people

falP /fol/ verb

family /'faemli, -mali/ noun [plural
[past tense fell /fel/,
a group of people who are related to each
past participle fallen
other, especially a father, mother, and their chil-
dren: / come from a family of four. (=with four
1 to move or drop
people in it)
to the ground: The
leaves are falling family tree /,.. './noun
from the trees. |
a drawing that shows how all the people in a
Rain was falling. |
family are related to each other
She fell down the
stairs. Be careful, or you will fall off the ladder.
famine /'faemm/ noun
when there

a time not enough food for peo-

—see color picture on page 189
ple to eat

2 to become less in amount; to decrease:

House prices are falling. The temperature \
famous /'feimgs/ adjective
could below zero tonight.
fall known about and admired by a lot of people:
3 fall apart to break into pieces: These old This town is famous for its wine. \
She is a
shoes are falling apart. famous writer.
4 fall asleep to start to sleep: / fell asleep in

front of the fire.

fan 1
/faen/ noun
1 an instrument for moving the air around you
5 fall in love to begin to love someone: We fell
tomake you cooler
in love in Paris.
2 someone who likes a particular person or
6 to happen, especially at a particular time:
thing very much: I'm a big fan of his music.
Christmas falls on a Monday this year.
7 fall out if a tooth or your hair falls out, it fan 2 verb [fanning, fanned)
drops from the place where it was to make the air around you move: She fanned
8 fall for something to be tricked into thinking herself with a newspaper to cool her face.
that something is true: / can't believe she fell
for that old story.
fancy /'faensi/ adjective
not ordinary, plain, or simple: We stayed in a
9 to be a part of a particular group: The exam-
fancy hotel.
ples fall into two different groups.

fall 2 noun
fantastic /faen'taestik/ adjective
very good or attractive: You look fantastic in
1 the act of falling to the ground: He had a bad
that dress. That is a fantastic idea.
fall and hurt himself.

2 the season before winter, when the leaves fantasy /'faentesi, -zi/ noun
fall off the trees in cool countries an imagined situation that is not real
3 a decrease in the level, price etc. of some-
far 1 /far/ adverb [farther, farthest or
There was a sudden
thing: fall in house prices.
further, furthest)
fall-en /'fobn/ 1 a long distance from a place: How far away
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb fall isyour house from here? I don't want to drive \

too far. Let's see who can jump the farthest.

false /fols/ adjective

1 not true or correct: Is this statement true or

» compare NEAR
» compare TRUE 2 very much: I'm far too tired to go out. \
I saw
a plane above the clouds.
flying far
2 not real: He has a set of false teeth.
3 go too far to do something too much so that
fame /feim/ noun [U] you annoy or upset someone: / know he likes
the state of being known and admired by a lot jokes, but this time he has gone too far!
of people 4 so far until now: We have not had any prob-
lems so far.

5 so far, so good said when things have been fast 1 /faest/ adjective
successful until now: "How is your new job?" 1 quick; not slow: He is a fast runner. \
"So far, so good. is the fastest way to get to the airport?
2 showing a time that is later than the real
NOTE: Use far in questions, in NEGATIVE time: think my watch is fast.
/ compare »
sentences and after too, as and so: How SLOW
far is it to your house? It isn't far. It's too far
fast 2 adverb
to walk. We drove as far as the next town.
1 quickly: He likes driving fast.
We didn't want to walk so far. In other types
2 in a short time: You are learning fast.
of sentence, use a long way: We
walked a
3 fast asleep sleeping very well
long way. It's a long way from the school to
4 firmly; tightly: The boat is stuck fast in the
my house.

far 2 adjective
fast 3 verb
to eat no food, usually for religious reasons
not near; distant: left the car on the far side
of the parking lot.

» compare NEAR
» compare STARVE
fare /fer/ noun
fas-ten /'faesan/ verb
to join or tie together two sides of something so
the money that you pay to travel on a bus, train,
that it is closed: Fasten your seat belt when you
plane etc.
get into the car.
farm /farm/ noun
land on which people grow food or keep animals

f arm-er /'farmaV noun

a person who owns or works on a farm

farmhouse /'farmhaus/ noun

the house on a farm where the farmer lives

farming /'farmirj/ noun [U]

the job of growing food or keeping animals
farmyard /'farmyard/ noun
the area next to farm buildings
zipper button buckle
far-ther /'fardaV
the comparative of far
fastener /'faesanaV noun
something used to join or tie things together
farthest /'fardist/
the superlative of far
fast food /,. './ noun[\J]
food, such as HAMBURGERS, that is made and
fascinate /'faesa.neit/ verb (fascinating, served quickly
someone very much
fat 1 /fact/ adjective
to interest
1 weighing too much: She worries a lot about
fascination /.faesa'neijan/ noun [U] getting fat.

very strong interest in something 2 thick or wide: / had to read a big fat book for

fash-ion /'faefan/ noun

his class. » opposite THIN
1 the way of dressing or doing something that fat 2 noun
is liked by a lot of people at a particular time: 1 an substance
oily in some foods: / buy meat
She always buys the newest fashions. that low in fat.

2 in fashion liked by many people now: Short 2 a substance that is under the skin of people
skirts are in fashion this year. and animals
3 out of fashion no longer liked by many people
fatal /'feitl/ adjective

fashionable /'faejansbal/ adjective causing someone to die: She was involved in a

liked by many people at a particular time: fash- fatal car accident. » compare DEADLY —fatally
ionable suits » opposite UNFASHIONABLE adverb: He was fatally injured.
fate noun
/feit/ fear 1
/fir/ noun
1 [U] a power which some people believe con- 1 the feeling of being afraid: He was shaking
trols what happens to you during your life: / with fear. \
I have a fear of snakes.
believe fate brought us together. 2 [U] the feeling of being worried because you
2 the things that happen to someone: The fate think something bad will happen: You cannot
of the children is unknown. live in fear.

f ather /'fadaV noun fear 2 verb

your male parent 1 to be afraid of someone or something: What
do you fear most of all?
father-in-law /'.. . ,./ noun [plural
2 to worry because you think that something
bad will happen: Many parents fear for their
the father of your wife or husband
children's safety.
faucet noun
f earf ul /'firfal/ adjective
a piece of equipment that you turn on and off to
causing fear; afraid: Everyone is fearful of get-
control the flow of water from a pipe — see ting the disease.
picture at DRIP
fear-less /'firlis/ adjective
fault /folt/ noun
not afraid of anything: He is a fearless soldier.
1 responsibility for a mistake: I'm sorry -
my fault.
it's all
» compare BRAVE
2 a problem with something that stops it from feast 1
/fist/ noun
working: There is a fault in the engine. a large meal for a lot of people for a special rea-
faultless /'foltlis/ adjective
having no faults; perfect: He gave a faultless feast 2 verb
performance. to eat and drink a lot to celebrate something

faulty /'folti/ adjective feather /'fedaV noun

not working correctly: We have a faulty wire in one of the soft things that cover a bird's body
the telephone.
feature /'fitja7noun
fa«vor /'feivaV noun 1 one part of something that you
1 something you do for someone to help or be because it is important or interesting
kind to him or her: Can I ask you a favor? Will \
2 a part of your face, especially your eyes,
you do me a favor and help me lift this? nose, or mouth
2 be in favor of to choose one plan or idea
instead of another: Are you in favor of changing
February /'febyu.eri, 'febru.eri/ noun
the second month of the year
the law?
fed /fed/
favorable /'feivarabal/ adjective
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
1 making people like on approve of someone or
something: I've heard some favorable reports

about your work. federal /'fedaral/ adjective

2 good and likely to help something succeed: relating to the central government of a country
We need favorable weather to take the boat that controls a group of states
out. —
favorably adverb
fed up /,. 'J adjective
fa-vor»ite 1 /'feivrit, -vant/ adjective annoyed or bored and wanting something to
liked more than others: Orange is my favorite change: I'm fed up with staying at home all day.
fee /fi/ noun
favorite 2 noun money that you pay for a service or to do some-
someone or something that you like more than thing
any others: Which book is your favorite?
feeble /'fibal/ adjective
fax /faeks/ noun very weak: His voice sounded feeble.
a machine, joined to a telephone, with which
you can send a copy of a letter or a picture to
feed /fid/ verb (feeding, fed /fed/]
to give food to a person or an animal: Have you
another place
fed the cat?
feel /fil/ verb (feeling, felt /felt/) fence /fens/ noun
1 to have a particular feeling or emotion: / feel a wooden or metal wall around a piece of land
very happy for you. Do you feel cold? \
—see color picture on page 1 88
2 to touch something with your fingers to
see what it is like: Feel this cloth - it's so
fender /'fendaV noun
1 the part of a car that covers the wheels
2 a curved piece of metal that covers the
3 to notice something touching you: / felt a bug
wheel on a bicycle
on my arm.
4 to have an opinion because of your feelings fern /f>n/ noun
rather than facts: / feel sure that she will agree. a green plant that has no flowers
5 feel like to want something: / feel like getting
something to eat.
ferocious /fa'roufas/ adjective
very fierce or violent: He had a ferocious dog in
6 feel for someone to have sympathy for
the back yard.
someone: She is very unhappy and I feel for
her. f er-ry /'feri/ noun [plural ferries)
a boat that takes people or things across a nar-
feeling /'filin/ noun
row area of water
1 something that you feel in your mind or body:
You have to deal with your feelings of anger. fertile /'f>tl/ adjective

2 a or opinion about something: / have a

belief able to grow a lot of plants very well: His farm
she is not being honest with me.
feeling is on fertile land.

3 hurt someone's feelings to upset someone

fertilizer /'f^tl.aizaV noun
feet /fit/ a substance put on soil to help crops grow
1 the plural of foot
festival /'festsval/ noun
2 on your feet standing up: I've been on my
1 a set of special events of a particular type:
feet all day.
We went to a music festival.
3 put your feet up to rest and relax
2 a time of public celebration, especially for a
fell /fel/ religious event
the PAST TENSE of the verb fall
fetch /fetJV verb
fellow1 /'felou/ noun to go and get something and bring it back with
a man you: The dog fetched the stick that I threw.

fellow 2 adjective fete /feit/ noun

like you or from the same place as you: He likes an event to celebrate something
his fellow students.
fever /'fivaV noun
felt /felt/ an which causes an increase in how hot

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb your body is: am sick and have a fever.

few /fyu/
felt tip pen /,. . 'J noun 1 a few a small number
Can I ask you a few of:

a thick colored pen questions? \

few more minutes.
We'll wait a
2 not many: He has few friends. Few people
female 1
/'fimeil/ adjective
would agree with you. compare MANY »

belonging to the sex that gives birth to babies

3 quite a few a large number of: There were
» compare MALE 1

quite a few people at the party.

female 2 noun
fiance /,fian'sei, fi'ansei/ noun
a girl or woman; an animal of the sex that gives
a man who is to marry a particular woman
birth to babies » compare MALE 2

feminine fiancee /,fian'sei, fi'ansei/ noun

/'femanin/ adjective
a woman who to marry a particular man
like a woman or typical of a woman » compare is

MASCULINE fib /fib/ noun

a not the truth: Are you telling a fib?
feminism /'fema.nizam/ noun [U]

the belief that women should have the same f i-ber /'faibaV noun
rights and opportunities as men a thin thread used for making cloth
f iction /'fikfan/ noun [U] fill /fil/ verb
books and stories about imaginary people and 1 to become full, or make something full: /

events —fictional adjective: They're just fiction- filled the glass with water. The room was filled

al characters. with smoke.

2 fill something in to write information on an
field /fild/ noun
official piece of paper: Fill in the answers to
a piece of ground used for a particular purpose:
these questions.
/ see a field of wheat. Meet me at the football

something up to put enough of some-

field. — see colour picture on page 188

thing in a container to make it full: Did you fill

fierce /firs/ adjective up the car with gas?

very angry, violent, or ready to attack: Some 4 to put something in a hole or crack to make
fierce dogs guarded the house. a smooth surface » compare EMPTY 2

f if •'teen /,fif tin</ adjective, noun fill ing /'fihrj/ noun

the number 1 5 a substance that is put in a hole in your tooth
to preserve the tooth
fifth /fifO/ adjective, noun
1 5th film 1 /film/ noun
2 one of five equal parts 1 the object you put in a camera which makes
f if-ty /'fifti/ adjective, noun
2 a movie
the number 50
film 2 verb
fig /fig/ noun
to use a camera to make a movie: The movie
a sweet fruit which is full of small seeds — see was filmed in Mexico.
picture at FRUIT
f il-ter 1 /'filtaV noun
fight 1 /fait/ verb (fighting, fought]
something that gas or liquid is put through to
1 weapons, guns etc. to try to hurt or
to use
remove unwanted substances: a water filter
kill someone: He fought in the war.

2 to argue with someone: The kids are fighting filter 2 verb

again. 1 to clean a liquid or gas using a FILTER:
filtered drinking water
fight noun 2
2 if people filter somewhere, they gradually
1 an act of fighting; argument: The two boys
move in that direction through a door, hall etc.:
had a fight.
The audience began to filter into the hall.
2 a battle between two armies
3 if information filters somewhere, people
f igure /'figyaV noun gradually hear about it: The news slowly filtered
a shape, especially the shape of a human body: through to everyone in the office.
/ saw a tall figure near the door. She has a \
4 if light or sound filters into a place, it can be
great figure. (=her body is very attractive). seen or heard only slightly: Sunshine filtered
through the curtains.
file 1 /fail/ noun
1 a box or paper cover for keeping papers f ilth-y /'filOi/ adjective (filthier, filthiest)

organized very dirty: His clothes are filthy.

2 a collection of information in a computer that

fin /fin/ noun
is kept in a particular place
a thin body part on a fish that helps it to swim
3 a tool with a rough edge that you use for
making things smooth
—see picture at FISH 1

f i-nal 1 /'faml/ adjective

file 2 verb (filing, filed)
1 coming at the end; last: Did you read the
1 to put papers into a file: Can you file these
final part of the story?
reports, please?
2 not able to be changed: That is my decision,
2 make something smooth using a special tool
and it is final!
3 to walk in a line of people, one behind the
other: The children filed into the classroom. final 2 noun
the last and most important game in a compe-
file cabinet /'. ,.../ noun
a tall, narrow piece of furniture with drawers
where you put important papers


f inally /'faml-i/ adverb f ingertip /'firjga^tip/ noun

1 after a long time: We finally left after waiting the end of a finger
for two hours.
f in-ish 1 /'fmiJV noun
2 a word you use when you come to the last
thing you want to say about something: Finally,
the end of something » compare START 2

I want to thank Betty for all her help. finish 2

1 to end or to be complete: The game finished
finance 1
noun [U]
/fa'naens, 'famaens/
at four o'clock.
the controlling of large amounts of money,
2 to eat or drink the rest of something: Finish
especially by a bank, company, or government
your dinner, and then you can watch television.
finance 2 verb (financing, financed] 3 finish something off to use or eat all of
to give money for something: The government something: I'm just finishing off the last of the
will finance the building of the new roads. cake.

f inancial /fa'naenfal, fai-/ adjective finished /'finiJV adjective

related to money: Do you need any financial be finished to not be doing or using something
advice? —financially adverb any more, because it is complete or because
you do not need it any more: Are you finished
find /faind/ verb [past found /faunaV)
with the scissors?
1 to see or get something after you have been
looking for it: / can't find my keys. Have you \
fir li&l noun
found a job yet? compare LOSE » a tree with leaves shaped like needles that do
2 to learn or discover something: / want to not fall off in winter
find the answer to her question.
fire 1 noun
3 find someone guilty to say that someone is
1 and flames made when something
[U] heat
guilty of a crime: The court found him guilty of
burns: The fire destroyed our house.
2 burning wood or coal that provides heat:
4 find something out to discover the facts
/ like to sit in front of the fire.
about something: She will find out the truth
3 catch fire to begin to burn
sooner or later.
4 on fire burning: The house is on fire.
5 be found to live or exist somewhere: This
5 set fire to something to make something
type of bear is found only in China.
fine 1 /fain/ adjective 6 [U] shooting by guns: The soldiers came
1 very nice or of high quality: He owns a store under fire. (=were being shot at)
that sells fine wines.
fire 2 verb
2 good enough; all right: "How is your meal?"
1 to shoot with a gun
"Fine, thanks."
2 to make someone leave his or her job: Four
3 very well, happy, or healthy: "How do you
people were fired last week.
feel?" "Fine.
4 very thin: The painting has fine lines of blue fire alarm /'. .,./ noun
in it. a bell that makes a loud noise to warn you when
a building starts to burn
fine noun 2

money that you pay as a punishment for doing fire department /'. .,../ noun
something wrong a group of people whose job is to stop danger-
ous fires
fine 3 verb (fining, fined)

to make someone pay money as a punishment: fire engine /'. ,../ noun
Robert was fined $50 for driving too fast. a large vehicle which has water and special
equipment for stopping fires from burning
f inger /'firjgaV noun
—see color picture on page 187
one of the five long parts on your hand

f ingernail /'figga^neil/ noun

fire escape /'. .,./ noun
a set of stairs on the outside of a building, that
one of the hard, flat parts that covers the top
you can use in getting away from a fire
end of your finger
fire extinguisher /'. .,.../ noun
fingerprint /'figga^pnnt/ noun
a metal container with water or chemicals in it,
mark made by the lines on the end of your fingers
used for stopping fires
f ire-f ight-er /'fai^.faite*/ noun 3 at first at the start of something: At first I

someone whose job is to stop dangerous fires didn't enjoy my job, but now I like it.

fireman /'fai^mon/ noun [plural firemen first aid /,. 'J noun [U]
/-men/] simple help that you give to someone who is

a man whose job is to stop dangerous fires sick or injured before the doctor comes
fire-place /'fai^pleis/ noun first aid kit /,. '. .1 noun
an open place in a wall of a room where you a box containing medicines to give to someone
have a fire who is sick or injured

fire station /'. ,../ noun first-class /,f>s£'klaes</ adjective

the building where people and equipment stay using the best or most expensive type: He
until they are needed to stop a fire bought a first-class plane ticket.

fire-wood /'fai^wud/ noun [U] f irst-ly /'f>stli/ adverb

wood that you burn in a fire used when telling someone the first or most
important thing: Firstly, let me thank everyone
for coming here this evening. compare »

NOTE: Firstly does NOT mean "in the

beginning." Use at first instead: At first I
didn't like my new job, but then I started to
enjoy it.

first name /'. .1 noun

thename or names that come before your fam-
ilyname: "What is your first name, Mrs.
Jones?" "It's Anne. I'm Mrs. Anne Jones."

f ire-works /'fai^wa^ks/ plural noun

» compare LAST NAME
explosives which make a lot of bright light and fish 1
/fiJV noun ,

color in the air and are burned to celebrate a [plural fish or fishes) O
special day an animal that lives °
in water and can
firm 1
/farm/ adjective
swim, and which peo-
1 not need a firm bed to sleep on.
soft: /
ple eat as food
2 having strong control; not weak: The gov-
ernment kept firm control over the military. fish 2 verb
3 a firm grip, a firm hold a tight strong hold 1 to try to catch a
on something fish

2 go fishing to go to a place to try and catch

firm 2 noun
a fish
a group of people who work together in a busi-
ness; a small company: a law firm fisherman /'fiJVman/ noun [plural
fishermen /-men/)
f irm-ly /'f>mli/ adverb
a person who catches fish for sport or as a job
in a way that shows strong control: She told
him he must wait.
firmly that f ish-ing /'fi/inV noun [U]

first /f>st/
the sport or job of catching fish: We went fish-
ing on Saturday
1 coming before anyone or anything else: It's
his first year at school.Who wants to go first? |
fishing rod /'.. ,
J noun
» compare LAST 1 a long stick with a long string at the end used
2 first of all (a) before doing anything else: for catching fish
First of all, can you tell me your name? (b) used
fist /fist/ noun
when telling the first or most important thing in
a hand with the fingers closed tightly together:
a list: First of all we had dinner, then we went
He hit me with his fist.
to a movie, and then we went home.
fit 1 /fit/ verb (fitting, fit) flap 2 noun
1 to be the right size or shape for someone or a piece of something that hangs down and cov-
something: The pants don't fit him - they are ers an opening: / tore the flap on my shirt pock-
too small. et.

2 to find space to put someone or something:

flash 1 /flaeJV noun
We any more people in the car.
can't fit
1 a sudden bright light: We saw a flash of
3 fit in to be accepted by other people in a
group: The new students had a difficult time fit-
2 a on a camera that you use when you
ting in.
take a photograph where it is dark

fit 2 adjective 3 in a flash very quickly: We'll be there in a

1 not sick; healthy and strong: / want to get flash.

physically fit.
flash 2 verb
2 good enough, or suitable for something: This
to shine brightly for a moment
food is not fit for people.
flash-light /'flaejlait/ noun
fit 3 noun
a small electric light that you carry in your hand
have a fit, throw a become very angry
and shout a lot
fit to
—see picture at LAMP
flat 1 /flaet/ adjective
five /faiv/ adjective, noun
1 smooth and level; without any raised places:
the number 5
The house has a flat roof.
fix /fiks/ verb 2 not having enough air inside: We have a flat
1 to repair something: Can you fix my bicycle? tire.

2 to prepare a meal or drinks: / will fix dinner

flat 2 adverb
for us tonight.
in a straight position; not raised: / have to lie
3 to arrange something: We have fixed a date
flat on my back to sleep.
for the meeting.
4 fix up to make a place look better by doing flat-ten /'flaet n/ verb
repairs, decorating it etc. to make something flat: The heavy rain flat-

tened the corn.

fizz /fiz/ noun [U]
the BUBBLES of gas in some types of drink, or f latter /'flaetaV verb
the sound they make: The soda in the fridge to say nice things to someone because you are
has lost its fizz. — fizz verb — fizzy adjective trying to please him or her

flag /flaeg/ noun f lattery /'flaeteri/ noun [U]

a piece of cloth with nice things that you say to someone because
a special pattern on you are trying to please him or her
it, used as the sign
f la-vor /'fleivaV noun
of a country or
a taste of a food or drink: They have 39 flavors
of ice cream!
flag-pole flea /fli/ noun
/'flaegpoul/ noun
a very small jumping insect that drinks blood
a tall pole at the top of which you put a
from animals and people
flake /fleik/ noun
flee /fli/ verb (fleeing, fled)
a small thin piece of something that has broken
to run away quickly; to escape
off a larger piece
fleece /f lis/ noun
flame /fleim/ noun
the wool of a sheep
1 a bright piece of burning gas that you see in

a fire fleet /flit/ noun

2 in flames burning: The house was in flames. a lot of ships or boats together: A fleet of ships
sailed into the sea.
flap 1 /flaep/ verb (flapping, flapped]
to move up and down: The bird flapped its flesh /fie// noun [U]

wings. the soft part of your body that covers your

bones » compare SKIN
flew /flu/ floor /fbr/ noun
the PAST TENSE of the verb fly 1 the flat room on which you walk:
part of a
The room has a wooden floor.
flight /flait/ noun
2 all the rooms on the same level of a building:
1 a trip on a plane: When is the next flight to
We live on the third floor. (=above the ground]
New York?
2 a flight of stairs a set of stairs from one floor-board /'fbrbord/ noun
level to another a long, narrow piece of wood used to make
flight attendant /'. .,../ noun
a person whose job is to take care of the pas- floppy disk /,.. 'J noun
sengers on a plane and give them food and a piece of plastic that you can put into a com-
drinks puter and on which information can be stored

fling /flirj/ verb

» compare HARD DISK

to throw or move something with force: She florist /'florist, 'flar-/ noun
flung her arms around his neck. a person who sells flowers in a store

flip /flip/ verb flour /flauaV noun [U]

(flipping, flipped] fine powder made from wheat, used for making
1 to turn something bread, cake etc.
over or put it in a dif-
flourish 'fUnJ/ verb
ferent position with a
to grow well: The plant is flourishing in the
quick movement:
warm sun.
Can you flip that
switch for me? flow 1
/flou/ verb
2 to throw some- if a liquid flows, it moves slowly along: The river
thing flat like a coin flows by our hotel.
so that it turns over
f low 2 noun [U]
in the air
a smooth continuous movement: The flow of
f lip per /'flipaV noun cars through the city never stops.
1 a flat part on the body ofsome sea animals
which helps them to swim
f lower /'flauaV noun
the part of a plant which has the seeds and is
2 a large flat plastic shoe that you wear to help
you swim faster
brightly colored — see picture at ROSE 2 and see
color picture on page 1 88
flirt /fla-t/ verb
f lower-bed /'flau^.bcd/ noun
to behave as if you are attracted to someone in
an area of earth with flowers growing in it
a sexual way: He flirts with all the women.
float /flout/ verb
flowerpot /'flau^.pat/ noun
a container in which you grow plants
to stay on the surface of a liquid: A boat floats
on water. » compare SINK 1 flown /floun/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb fly
flock /flak/ noun
a group of sheep, goats, or birds » compare flu /flu/ noun
the flu a disease like a bad cold but more seri-
flood 1
/fUd/ noun
a great amount of water that covers a place f luent /'fluant/ adjective
that is usually dry: The floods destroyed many able to speak or write a language very well: He
homes. speaks fluent English.

flood 2 verb fluff /flAf/ noun [U]

to cover or fill a place with water: The river soft light pieces that come off wool, fur, feath-
flooded the fields. ers etc.

flood light /'fUdlait/ noun f lu-id 1 /'fluid/ noun

a very bright light used at night to light the out- a liquid
side of buildings, or at sports events
fluid 2 adjective f older /'fouldaV noun
able to flow or move like a liquid a large piece of hard paper that is folded so you
can keep papers in
flush /f\AJ/ verb

1 to clean a toilet by making water go down it folk /fouk/ adjective

2 to become red in the face because you are typical of the ordinary people of a particular
embarrassed or angry: His face flushed with country or area: / like folk music.
folks /fouks/ plural noun
flute /flut/ noun your parents or family: Have you met my folks?
a musical instrument like a pipe that you hold
across your lips and blow
f ol low /'falou/ verb
1 to come or go after someone or something:
f lutter /'flAta-/ verb He left the room and I followed. \
Follow me. I

to move or wave in the air quickly: / saw the flag show you where she is.

fluttering in the wind. 2 to go in the same direction as a road, river

etc.: Follow the road as far as the church.
fly 1 /flai/ verb [flying, flew /flu:/; past partici-
3 to go behind someone to watch or find out
ple flown)
1 to move through the air: Birds were flying
where he or she is going: / think I am being fol-

above the trees. \
The plane flew from Paris to
4 to happen immediately after something else:
/heard a shout followed by a loud crash.
2 to move quickly: She flew (=ran) out of the
5 to understand something: I'm sorry I don't
follow you.
3 to be the pilot of a plane: Kathy is learning
6 what someone tells you to do: Did you
to do
to fly.
on the box?
follow the instructions
fly 2 noun [plural flies] 7 follow in someone's footsteps to do some-
a small flying insect thing that someone else did before you: He fol-
lowed in his father's footsteps and became a
flying saucer /,..'../ noun
a space vehicle which some people think carries
creatures from another world f ol low ing /'falouirj/ adjective
the following day, week, year etc. the next day,
foal /foul/ noun
week, year etc.: We leave on Friday and return
a very young horse
the following Monday.
foam /foum/ noun [U]
fond /fand/ adjective
the white substance that you sometimes see on
be fond of to like someone or something: I'm
top of water
very fond of you.
fog /fag, fog/ noun [U]
thick cloud close to the ground that is difficult
food /fuaV noun [U]

» compare MIST things that you eat: He had no food for two
for you to see through
fog-gy /'fagi, 'fogi/ adjective (foggier, foggiest)
not easy to see through because of FOG: It's a
fool 1 /ful/ noun
very foggy morning. » compare MISTY
1 a stupid person » compare IDIOT
2 make a fool of yourself to do something
fold 1 /fould/ verb embarrassing in front of other people
1 to bend a piece of paper or cloth so that one
part covers another: She folded her shirts and
fool 2 verb
1 someone: He fooled me
to trick or deceive
put them away.
into givinghim money.
2 fold your arms to bend your arms so they
2 fool around (a) to behave in a silly way: Stop
are resting across your chest
fooling around! (b) to do something you enjoy:
3 to make something smaller by bending or
Today I fooled around at the beach.
closing it: Fold up the ironing board when you
are finished. foolish /'full// adjective

fold 2 noun
not reasonable or wise; stupid —foolishly
a line made in paper or cloth when you bend
one part of it over another
foot: 10 in order to help someone: She did some

work for her father.

11 used for showing who a feeling is about:
I'm very happy for you.

for-bid /fVbidV verb (forbidding,

forbade/f^'beid/, past participle forbidden)
to someone they must not do something:
tell /

forbid you to go there again! » compare


force 1
/fors/ verb [forcing, forced]
1 make someone do something he or she
does not want to do: Bad health forced me to
foot; /fut/ noun [plural feet /fi:t/) quit my job.
1 the part of your body that you stand on 2 use your strength to make something
2 the bottom of something: We waited at the move: He had to force the door open. (=make it
foot of the hill. open by pushing or pulling)
3 a measure of length equal to 12 inches:
Mike is six feet tall.
force 2 noun
1 [U] power or strength: The force of the explo-
4 on foot walking: They made their way into
sion threw me to the ground.
town on foot.
2 a group of people like the army or police who
foot-ball /'fut n bol/ noun are trained to fight together: Both of her sons
1 [U] a game in which two teams carry, kick, are in the police force.
or throw a ball into an area at the end of the 3 [U] violent physical action used for getting
field to win points —
see color picture on what you want
fore-cast /'forkaest/ noun
2 a ball used in this game
something that says what is likely to happen in
foot-print /'fut ,pnnt/ noun the future: Did you see the weather forecast?
the mark left by a person's foot: / saw a cat's
footprints in the snow.
fore-head /'forhed, 'fond, 'fand/ noun
the top part of your face, above your eyes and
foot-step /'futstep/ noun below your hair — see picture at HEAD 1

the sound of someone walking: / heard foot-

steps behind me.
foreign /'farm, 'form/ adjective
from a country that is not your country: Can
for /fas strong for/ you speak a foreign language? I like foreign \

1 meant to be given to or used by someone or cars.

something: Here's a letter for you. I'm making
some curtains for the bedroom.

She goes to
foreigner /'far3na\ 'for-/ noun
who comes from

a person a country that is not

a school for girls.
your country
2 meant to be used in this way: Do you have a
knife for cutting bread? foreman /'formon/ noun [plural foremen]
3 showing how far or how long: She has lived a man who is the leader of a group of workers
here for many years. / waited for three hours.
» compare SINCE

forest /'fonst, 'far-/ noun

4 toward a place: / was leaving for church

an area where there is a lot of trees —see
color picture on page 188
when you called.
5 at a price of: She bought the dress for $50. forever /fa'rev3\ fo-/ adverb
6 with the meaning of: What is the word for always; for all time in the future: / will love you
"tree" in Korean? forever.
7 in favor of someone or something; agreeing
with: The government is for the plan.
forgave /f>r'geiv/
the PAST TENSE of the verb forgive
8 by or at a particular time: We'll be home for
Christmas. forge /ford3/ verb (forging, forged)
9 because showing the reason: He won a
of; to make a copy of something in order to make
prize for singing. They were punished for their
people think it is real: The police think the
bad behavior. money is forged.

forgery /'foreman/ noun form a circle. (=stand together in the shape of

1 [U] the crime of making a copy of something a circle)
in a way that is not legal: She went to prison for 3 We want
to start an organization or group:
forgery. to form a computer club at school.
2 [plural forgeries] a copy which is intended 4 to make or produce something: You form
to make people think it is real the adverb of the word "quick" by adding "-ly" to
the end.
forget /fa^'get/ verb [forgetting, forgot
/fa^'gat/,past participle forgotten /f^'gat^n/] formal /'formal/ adjective
1 not to remember something: / have forgot- suitable for an official or important occasion: /

ten her name. Don't forget that Chuck's birth-

received a formal letter from her office.

day is Friday. »
compare REMEMBER » opposite INFORMAL
2 to stop thinking or worrying about someone
former /'farmaV noun 1
or something: You have to forget about your
the former the first of two people or things that
problems for a while.
you are mentioning: Our company has agree-
ments with both Acme and General, but its
NOTE: If you want to say where you have left
agreement with the former (=Acme) will end
soon. » compare LATTER
something, use leave, not forget e.g. Oh,
no - 1 forgot my bag! compared with / left my
bag on the bus. former 2 adjective
at an earlier time but not any more: The former
U. S. President was at the meeting.
forgetful /fa-'getfal/ adjective
often forgetting things: Bill is getting forgetful in for-meMy /'farma^li/ adverb
his old age. in the past: The house was formerly owned by
his family.
forgive /fa^'giv/ verb [forgiving, forgave,
past participle forgiven] formula /'farmyala/ noun [plural
to not be angry atsomeone, even though he or formulas or formulae /farmjuli/)
she has done something wrong: Please forgive a list of the substances used to make some-
me - I didn't mean to do it. thing: He developed a new formula for the drug.

forgot /fa-'gat/ fort /fart/ noun

the PAST TENSE of the verb forget a strong building used by soldiers to defend an
important place
forgotten /f^'gafn/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb forget fortunate /'fart Janit/ adjective
lucky » opposite UNFORTUNATE
fork 1 /fork/ noun
1 an instrument with a handle and two or fortunately /'fart Janitli/ adverb
more points at one end, used for picking up happening because of good luck: Fortunately,

food to eat we arrived in time to help. » opposite UNFOR-

2 a place where a road or a river divides into TUNATELY
two parts: Turn left at the fork in the road.
fortune /'fart Jan/ noun

fork 2 verb 1 [U] luck: / had the good fortune (=l was lucky)

if a road or river forks, it divides into two parts to get a job.

2 a very large amount of money: He made a
form 1
/form/ noun
fortune by selling houses.
1 a type of something: The country has a new
3 tell someone's fortune to tell someone what
form of government. them in the future
is going to happen to
2 a shape: She had a birthday cake in the form
of the number 18. for-ty /'farti/ adjective, noun
3 an official piece of paper with spaces where the number 40
you write information
for-ward 1
/'farwa^d/ adverb [also
form 2
verb forwards]
1 to start to appear or exist; develop: Ice was 1 in the direction that is in front of you: /

forming on the roads. leaned forward to hear what she was saying.
2 to make a particular shape: Now children, » compare BACKWARD 1
2 toward the future: / am looking forward to f rag-He /'fr£ed39l/ adjective
meeting your parents. (=1am excited that will I
easy to break or damage
meet them]
fragment /'fraegmant/ noun
forward 2
adjective a small piece that has broken off something:
in the direction that is in front of you: We sat in Fragments of glass lay on the floor.
the forward part of the plane. » compare
BACKWARD 2 fragrance /'freigrans/ noun
a sweet or pleasant smell: The fragrance of
fought /fat/ flowers filled the air.

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb

fragrant /'freigrant/ adjective
having a pleasant smell
foul /faul/ adjective
frail /'freil/ adjective
very dirty and unpleasant: A foul smell was
coming from the room. thin and weak; not healthy

found 1
frame 1
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
1 the bars around
which a building, car
found 2 verb etc. is made: My
to start: The school was founded in 1884. bicycle frame was
foundation /faun'deijgn/ noun
damaged in the acci-
the solid base that is under the ground and sup-
ports a building
2 a piece of wood or
metal around the
fountain edges of a picture, window etc.
/'faunt n/ noun 3 the part of a pair of glasses which
a structure that ji holds the glass —
see picture at GLASSES
sends water high
into the air, built for
frame 2 verb (framing, framed)

to put a wood or metal frame around the edges
of a picture
four /for/ adjec-
tive, noun frank /fraenk/ adjective
honest and not afraid to say what you think:
the number 4
Mark and I have always been frank with each
fourteen other.
/,for'tin< / adjective, noun
f rank-ly /'fraerjkli/ adverb
the number 14
1 used when saying what you really think about
fourth /forO/ adjective, noun something: Frankly, I think you are wasting your
4th time.

fowl /faul/noun 2 in an honest way: They talked frankly about

their problems.
a bird, especially one that is kept for food

fox /faks/ noun [plural foxes]

fraud /frod/ noun
the crime of deceiving people in order to get
a wild animal like a dog, with dark red fur and a
thick tail

fraction /'fraekfan/ noun

fray /frei/ verb (fraying, frayed)

a division or part of a number such as if a cloth or rope frays, its threads become
!4, Vi
loose at the edges
fracture 1
/'fraektJV/ verb (fracturing,
freak /frik/ noun
a person or animal that is very strange
to crack or break something hard: / fractured
my leg skating. f reck»le /'frekal/ noun
fracture 2 noun a small brown spot on someone's skin —see
color picture on page 191
a crack or break in something hard
free 1 /fri/ adjective freshman /'frejman/ noun [plural
1 able to do what you like: You are free to freshmen)
leave at any time. a student in the first year of high school or col-
2 not costing any money: / have a free ticket to lege
the play.
Fri-day /'fraidi, -dei/ noun
3 not working or busy: Are you free this
the sixth day of the week
4 not being used at this time: Excuse me. Is fridge /fnd3/ noun
this seat free? a REFRIGERATOR
5 feel free used when telling someone that he
fried 1 /fraid/
or she is allowed to do something: Feel free to
the PAST TENSE of the verb fry
ask any questions after class.
6 set someone free to allow someone to leave fried 2 adjective
a prison cooked in hot oil or fat: We had fried eggs for
free 2
verb [past freed]
to let a person or an animal leave a place where friend /frend/ noun
they have been kept as a prisoner: They freed 1 a person who you like and trust very much:
the birds from the cages. He is a friend of mine. \
Lee and I are best
free 3 adverb
2 make friends with to start to know some-
1 without having to pay any money: You can
one as a friend
visit the museum for free.
2 not controlled by someone or held in a par- f riendly /'frendli/ adjective (friendlier,

ticular position: He held my arm, but I pulled friendliest)

free. behaving in a nice way like a friend » opposite
freedom /'fridam/ noun [U]
the state of being free and able to do what you f riendship /'frendfip/ noun
want the state of being friends: Our friendship began
in college.
freeze /friz/ verb (freezing, froze, past
participle frozen) fries /f raiz/ plural noun
1 to become very cold and change from a liq- potatoes cut into thin long pieces and cooked in

uid into a solid: Water freezes to become ice. hot oil: Do you want fries with that?
2 be freezing to feel very cold: It's freezing out-
fright /frait/ noun [U]
a feeling of fear
freezer /'frizaV noun
f righten n
/'frait n/ verb
a machine that keeps food very cold, so you can
to make someone feel afraid: The noise fright-
keep it for a long time
ened me.
French fries /'frentj fraiz/ plural noun
f rightened /'frait
no7 adjective
long thin pieces of potato cooked in oil
feeling afraid: / was too frightened to sleep.
frequent /'frikwant/ adjective
f rightening /'frait
nir)/ adjective
happening often: They make frequent trips to
—frequently adverb making you feel afraid: We had a frightening
New York.
experience last night.
fresh /fre// adjective
fro /frou/ adverb
1 good condition because of being picked,
to and fro moving in one direction and then
prepared etc. a short time ago: / bought some
back again: He was walking to and fro in front
fresh fish at the store.
of the house.
2 adding to orwhat was there
before: Would you like a fresh cup of coffee? frog noun
/frog, frag/
3 fresh air pleasant, cool air from outside, not a small brown or green animal that lives in

in a building: I'm going for a walk to get some water and has long legs for jumping
fresh air.

4 a new way of doing something: He has some

fresh ideas for the business.
frog frost /frost/ noun [U]
ice that covers things that are outside when it

is very cold: The trees were white with frost.

frosting /'frostirj/ noun [U]

a mixture of sugar and butter that you put on

frown /fraun/ verb

to look as if you are angry or unhappy by mov-
ing your EYEBROWS together so that lines

from /fram; strong frAm/ preposition appear at the top of your face

1 starting at or coming out of a place: He is

froze /frouz/
from Spain. drove all the way from California.
the PAST TENSE of the verb freeze
2 given or sent by someone: This letter is from
my uncle.
frozen 1

3 used show how far away something is:

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb freeze

The town is 10 miles from here. frozen 2 adjective

4 from now on starting now and going on into 1 preserved by being kept very cold: Buy a bag
the future: From now on, you will do as you are of frozen peas.
told! 2 turned into ice because of the cold: The lake
5 used showing that someone or some-
for is frozen.
thing is moved, separated, or taken away: Her fruit
children were taken from her.
6 made of something: Bread is made from

something: She was crying from

7 because of
the pain.

front 1
/frAnt/ noun
1 the side opposite the back of something: /

am sitting at the front of the class. » compare strawberries


2 in front of something near something in the

direction that it faces or moves: /'// meet you in

front of the theater. — see color picture on page

3 in front of someone ahead of someone:
How many people are in front of us? »
pare BEHIND fruit /frut/ noun
front 2 adjective the part of a plant that has the seeds and is

at or in the front of something: He got in the often sweet and good to eat: Apples are my
front seat of the car. She ran out the front favorite fruit.

door. » compare BACK 2 fry /frai/ verb [frying, fried]

fron-tier /frAn'tir/ noun to cook something in hot oil: Can you fry an
an area of land where people are just beginning egg?
to live
frying pan
fry-ing pan /'.. ,./ noun leaves and grows in wet places
a wide, flat pan used for cooking food in hot oil
funnel /'fAnl/ noun
or fat —see picture at PAN a tube with a wide top and a narrow bottom,
ft used for pouring things into a container
another way of writing foot or feet, used as a
fun-ny /'fAni/ adjective [funnier, funniest]
measurement: He's 6ft. (=6 feet] tall.
1 making you laugh: / heard a funny joke. \

fuel /'fyusl, fyul/ noun What's so funny? »

compare AMUSING
a substance that burns to give heat, light, or 2 strange; unusual: / smell something funny.
power: Gas and coal are fuels.
fur lizt-l noun [U]
fulfill /ful'fil/ verb the soft hair on some animals such as cats and
to do what you have promised, or what is rabbits, sometimes used to make clothes
expected: He wants to fulfill his promise to cut
furious /'fyurias/ adjective
very angry: Dad will be furious with us if we are
full /ful/ adjective late.

1 containing as much as possible: My cup is

furnace /'fa^nis/ noun
full. » compare EMPTY 1
— see picture at
a large container with a hot fire inside for heating

metals or producing heat in a house or building

2 having had as much as you want to eat:
/ couldn't eat any more. I'm full. furnish /'f>niJV verb
3 complete or whole: What is your full name to put furniture in a place: It costs a lot of
and address? Do I have your full support?
money to furnish a house.
4 be full of something to contain a lot of
furniture /'f>nitj>/ noun [U]
something: The streets were full of people.
things used in a house such as beds, tables,
5 as large, fast, strong etc. as possible: He is
and chairs
running at full speed.
f ur-py /'fai/ adjective (furrier, furriest]
full-time taim/ adjective
covered with fur: She had a furry little rabbit.
lasting for the whole day: She has a full-time
» compare HAIRY
job. — full-time adverb: He works full-time.
further 1
fun 1
noun [U]
1 the comparative of far 1
1 amusement, enjoyment, or pleasure: Did
2 more than before: Do you have anything fur-
you have fun (=enjoy yourself] at the party?
ther to say?
2 make fun of someone to laugh at someone
3 a longer way in space or time: My house is
in a cruel way, or to make others do this
further down this road.

fun 2 adjective
further 2 adjective
enjoyable: Swimming is a fun thing to do.
additional: Are there any further questions?
f unction 1
/'fAnkfan/ noun
furthest /f^dist/
the purpose of something, or the job that some-
the superlative of far 1
one does
f u-ry /'fyuri/ noun [U]
function 2 verb
very great anger
to work: How does the new system function?
fuss 1
/f as/ noun [U]
fund /f And/ noun
1 worry or excitement that makes something
an amount of money collected for a particular
seem more important than it is: What's all the
purpose: We have a fund to build the new
fuss about? (=why is everyone so excited, upset

funeral /'fyunaral/ noun 2 make a fuss to complain or become angry

a ceremony which the body of a dead person
in about something
is burned or put into the ground 3 make a fuss over someone to give too much
attention to someone
fungus /'fAijgas/ noun [plural fungi
/'fAijgai, -d3ai/ or funguses] fuss 2 verb
a plant such as a MUSHROOM which has no 1 to complain or become upset

2 fuss over to give too much attention to Europe in the near future. (=very soon] » com-
someone or something pare PAST 1

fussy /'f Asi/ adjective (fussier, fussiest] future tense /,.. 'J noun
thinking or worrying too much about things that the form of a verb that you use when you are
are not important talking about the future; in English "I will go" is

in the future tense

future /'fyutJaV noun [U]
1 the future time that will come; things that f uzz-y /'f Azi/ adjective (fuzzier, fuzziest]
have not happened yet: What are your plans for 1 having a lot of soft thin hairs

the future? 2 not having very clear details: Some of the

2 in the future after now: We hope to go to photographs are a little fuzzy.
2 one of the parts of a competition such as
tennis: He is ahead five games to four.
3 play games to behave in a way that is not
honest so you can trick someone
4 games [plural] sports played at a large
event: The Olympic Games are very exciting.
5 [U] wild animals or birds that people hunt for
food or sport

game show /'. ./ noun

a short way of writing the word gram or grams a television program on which people play

gadget /'gaed3it/ noun games to win things or money

a machine or tool that is small but useful: Here gang 1
/gaerj/ noun
is an interesting gadget for cleaning glass. 1 a group of young people who cause trouble

gain /gem/ verb and fight other groups: Two members of the
gang were killed.
1 to get something important or useful: What
did you gain from your computer course? She 2 a group of people such as prisoners who

is gaining good experience in her job. work together

2 gain weight to increase in weight: The baby gang 2 verb
is gaining weight quickly. » compare LOSE gang up on someone to joina group to criti-
cize or attack someone: The older children
gale /geil/ noun
a very strong wind
ganged up on him.

gal-ler-y /'gaslgri/ noun [plural galleries)

gap /gaep/ n
1 an empty space between two things or two
a building or a large long room where people
parts of something: Diana has a really big gap
can look at paintings, photographs etc.: / went
to the art gallery today.
between her two front teeth. a gap in the \

gal-Ion /'gasbn/ noun 2 a difference between two situations, groups,
a measure of liquid equal to eight PINTs amounts etc.: a group trying to bridge the gap
gallop 1 between college students and the local citizens
/'gaetap/ verb
(=reduce the importance of the differences
if a horse gallops, it runs very fast
between them) a large age gap between

gallop 2 noun [U] Jorge and his sister

the fastest speed that a horse can run 3 something that is missing that stops some-
thing else from being good or complete: No
gamble 1
/'gaembal/ verb (gambling,
new producers have yet filled the gap in the
1 to try to win money on card games, horse market. \
His death left a gap in my life. |
a gap

races etc. : He lost a lot of money by gambling.

in her memory
» compare BET 1 4 a period of time in which nothing happens or

nothing is said: an uncomfortable gap in the

2 to take a risk because you hope to get some-
5 a low place between two higher parts of a
gamble2 noun mountain
an action or plan in which you take a risk
because you hope to get something: The doc-
garage /g9'ra3, ga'rad3/ noun

tors say the operation is a gamble, but it may

1 a place where a car, bus etc. is kept —see
color picture on page 1 86
2 a place where a car is repaired
gambler /'gaemblaV noun
a person who tries to win money on card
garbage /'garbid3/ noun
[U] waste material such as old food, dirty paper
games, horse races etc.
etc. , or the container in which you put this
game /geim/ noun
garbage can /'.. ,./ noun
1 an activity or sport that you play for fun or to
a large container in which you put waste, usu-
defeat another person or team: Football is a
ally kept outside
team game. \
Do you like card games?


garbage man /'.. ,./ noun [plural gathering /'gaedannV noun

garbage men) a meeting or group of people who are together
a man whose job is to take away the things for a particular purpose
inside garbage cans
gauge /geid3/ noun
garbage truck noun /'.. ,./ an instrument that measures the amount of
a large vehicle that carries away GARBAGE something: A gas gauge shows you how much
gas is left in the car.
gar-den /'gardn/ noun
where flowers or vegetables are
a piece of land gave /geiv/
grown around a house or in a public place the PAST TENSE of the verb give

gardener /'gardnaV noun gay /gei/ adjective

a person whose job is to work in a garden 1 sexually attracted to people of the same sex;
gardening /'gardn-in7 noun [U]
2 bright and attractive
work in a garden: He enjoys gardening.

gar-lie /'garlik/ noun [U]

gaze /geiz/ verb (gazing, gazed)
to look at someone or something for a long
a plant an onion used in cooking to give a
time: The child gazed at the toys in the store

strong taste see picture at VEGETABLE
garment /'garmant/ noun gear /gir/ noun
a piece of clothing: This garment should be
1 the equipmentin a vehicle that turns power
washed by hand.
from the engine into movement
gas /gaes/ noun [U] 2 [U) the special clothes or things you need for
1 [also gasoline) a liquid that you put in a car, a particular activity: We are getting some new
bus etc. to go make it camping gear.
2 a clear substance like air that is burned for
heating and cooking: She cooks with gas.
gee /d5i/
something you say when you feel surprised or
gasoline /.gaeso'lin/ noun [U] excited: Gee, what a nice car!
a liquid that you put in a car, bus etc. to make
it go
geese /gis/
the plural of goose
gasp 1
/gaesp/ verb
gel /d3cl/ noun
to take quick, short breaths: / climbed out of
a thick liquid that you can put into your hair or
the water, gasping for air.
on your body
gasp 2
gem /d^cmJ noun
the sound of a quick, short breath
a jewel that is cut into a particular shape
gas station /'. ,../ noun
gender /'d3cnda7 noun
a place where you buy gas for your car
the fact of being male or female
gate /geit/ noun
gene /d3in/ noun
1 the part of a wall
a part of a cell that controls the development of
or fence that you can rwro
open like a door ." m s/ a quality that is passed to a living thing from its

2 the part of an air- / 3" -

port that you walk !•' S general 1

/^enaral/ adjective
through to get on a I- - 1 concerning the whole of something, rather
plane than its parts or details: The general condition
of the car is good, but it needs to be painted.
gather /'gaedaV verb
We had a general introduction to computers.

1 to come together in a group: A crowd soon

2 in general in most cases; usually: In gen-
gathered around to see what had happened.
eral, like the people
I work with. I
2 to collect things into one place or pile: The
3 concerning most people or places: This drug
animals were gathering nuts to eat.
is available for general use. (=most people can
use it)
4 the general public the ordinary people in a geology /d3i'abd3i/ noun [U]
society the study of rocks and how they were made
general 2 noun
— geological adjective

a very important officer in the army geometry /d3i'am3tri/ noun [U]

the study of the form of shapes, curves
generally /'d^cndrdlif adverb

1 usually: Children generally start school when

etc. —geometric adjective
they are five or six. germ /d^2rmJ noun
2 considering something as a whole: Generally, a very small living thing that grows in dirty
his homework is very good. places and can make you sick

generate /'d3en9,reit/ verb gesture 1

/'d3estja\ 'd3eftj>/ noun
[generating, generated] a movement of your hands, head, or arms that
to produce or make something such as heat or shows what you mean or how you feel
power: Coal is used for generating electricity.
gesture 2
verb [gesturing, gestured]
generation /,d3en9'reij9n/ noun to someone something by moving your

all the people who are about the same age: My head, hands, or arms: He gestured for me to
parents and I belong to different generations. come over.

generator /'d3en9,reit37 noun get /get/ verb [getting, got /gat/, past
a machine that makes electricity n
participle gotten /'gat n/]
to obtain or buy something: have to get a
generosity /,d3en9'ras9ti/ noun [U]
1 /

the willingness to give money, help, or time to

birthday present for my mother. Can |
I get four

bananas for a dollar?

someone: Thank you for your generosity.
2 to receive or be given something: The boy
generous /'d3enar9s/ adjective got a bicycle from his aunt. |
Did you get any
willing to give money, help, or time to someone: mail?
It is very generous of you to offer to help. 3 to become: She got really mad at me. \
weather is getting colder.
genius /'d3inyas/ noun [plural geniuses)
4 someone something, or take some-
to bring
someone who has a lot of intelligence or ability
thing place: She went to get the kids
from a
gentle /'d3ental/ adjective from school. Can get you a drink?

1 careful in the way you behave; kind and calm: 5 to reach a particular place or position: Did
Be gentle with the baby. you ever get to the end of the book?
2 not rough, loud, or forceful: She has a gen- 6 get away to leave a place, or escape: Four
tle voice. prisoners got away.
7 get back to return: When did you get back
gentleman /'dsentalman/ noun
from your trip?
[plural gentlemen /-men/]
8 get along with someone to have a friendly
1 a man who is polite and behaves well toward
relationship with someone: / get along well with
other people
2 a polite word for a man whose name you do
9 get off to finish working: What time do you
not know: Show this gentleman to his seat.
get off?
gently /'d3entli/ adverb 10 get away with something to not be seen
in a kind, calm way, without being loud or rough: or punished for doing something wrong: He lied
She gently lifted the child. to me - and he thinks he is going to get away
genuine /'d3enyum/ adjective

1 1 get up to rise from a lying or sitting posi-

real and true: He has a genuine concern for
tion, especially from your bed after sleeping:
other people, —genuinely adverb: She genuine-
What time do you get up on Sundays?
ly loves- him.
12 get through something to deal with a bad
geography /d3i'agr3fi/ noun [U] experience until it ends: It will be hard to get
the study of the countries of the world and through the funeral.
things like oceans, mountains, and weather 1 3 get by to have just enough money to buy the
—geographical adjective things you need, but not more: Some families
don't have enough to get by.
ghetto /'getouV noun the book to her. \
Give me your coat and I will

a part of a city that is very poor and has a lot put it away.
of people 2 to provide someone with something, or to let
someone do something: Who did they give the
ghost /goust/

job to? He gave me a bicycle for Christmas.
noun |

3 to perform an action: Sharon gave her

the spirit of a dead h^ t#
grandmother a big kiss. Give me a call (tele-
person, that some

phone me) when you can.

people believe can be
4 to tell someone something: Will you give her
a message from me? Let me give you some \

giant 1
/'d3aiant/ advice.
noun 5 give something away to let someone have
a very tall strong man something of yours, instead of selling it: I'm giv-
in children's stories ing away all my clothes that are too small.
6 give something back to return something to
giant 2 adjective
someone who owns it: /'// give your book back
very large
next week.
gift noun
/gift/ 7 give in agree to do something that you
1 something that you give to someone you like were not do before: He kept asking
willing to

or want to thank her for money, and she finally gave in.
2 a special ability to do something: He has a 8 give something out to give something to
gift for learning languages. each of several people: The teacher gave out
copies of the paper.
gigantic /d3ai'gaenfik/ adjective
9 give something up to stop doing or having
very big » compare ENORMOUS
something: She's trying to give up smoking.
giggle /'giggl/ verb (giggling, giggled) 10 givesomething off to produce a smell, heat
to laugh in a quiet way: The girls were giggling etc. : The factory smoke gives off a bad smell.
in class. —giggle noun given 1
/'givan/ adjective
gills /gilz/ plural noun 1 any/a given ... any particular time, idea, on
the part of a fish, near its head, through which thing that is being used as an example: In any
it breathes —see picture at FISH 1 given year, over half of all accidents happen in

the home.
gin-ger /'d3ind3a7 noun [U]
2 a given time, date etc. is one that has been
a plant with a root that can be used in cooking
fixed or agreed on: How much electricity is

gi-raff e /d3a'raef/ noun [plural giraffe or used in any given period?

given 2 preposition
a tall animal with a very long neck and large
you consider: Given the number of people we
brown spots on its fur, that lives in Africa —see if

invited, I'm surprised that so few came.

color picture on page 1 83
given 3 verb
girl noun
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb give
a female child: She has two children, a girl and
a boy. given 4 noun
a given a basic fact that you accept as the truth
girlfriend /'g^lfrend/ noun
1 a girl or woman with whom you have a glacier /'gleij>/ noun
romantic relationship » compare BOYFRIEND a very large area of ice that moves slowly over
2 a girl woman who
or is the friend of another the ground
girl or woman glad /glaed/ adjective
Girl Scouts /'ga^l skauts/ plural noun pleased and happy: / am glad to see you.
an organization for girls that teaches them
gladly /'glasdli/adverb
practical skills — Girl Scout noun
willingly: / gladly accepted his offer.

give /giv/ verb (giving, gave /geiv/, past

glance 1
/glaens/ verb (glancing, glanced)
participle given /'givan/)
to look quickly at someone or something: She
1 to put something in someone's hand: / gave
glanced at her watch.

glance 2 noun glimpse 2 verb (glimpsing, glimpsed)

a quick short look to look at someone or something quickly

glare 1
/gler/ verb (glaring, glared) glisten /'glisan/ verb
1 to shine with a very bright light so that it to shine as if wet: Her eyes glistened with
hurts your eyes: The sun glared down on them. tears.
2 to look at someone in an angry way: She
glared at me and then walked away.
globe /gloub/ noun
1 the globe the world: She's traveled all over
glare 2 noun the globe.
1 a very bright light: The glare of the sun made 2 a ball with a map of the world on it

her eyes hurt.

2 an angry look
gloomy /'glumi/ adjective (gloomier,
glass 1 dark: It was cold and gloomy all day.
2 sad and not having a lot of hope: He had a
gloomy expression on his face.

glorious /'glorias/ adjective

1 deserving praise and honor
2 very pleasant or nice

glory /'gbri/ noun [U]

fame and respect that is given to someone who
has done something great

gloss /gbs/ noun [U]

a shiny surface on something

glass /glaes/ noun glove /gUv/ noun

1 [U] a clear hard substance used for making a piece of clothing that you wear on your hand,
windows and bottles with separate parts for all your fingers — see
2 [plural glasses) a cup made of glass, without color picture on page 1 90
a handle
glow 1
/glou/ verb
to shine with a steady light: The fire glowed in

the dark.

glow 2
a soft steady light: An orange glow filled the sky.

glue 1 /glu/ noun [U]

a substance used for sticking two things togeth-
er: She stuck the handle onto the cup with glue.

glasses /'glsesiz/ plural noun glue 2 verb (gluing, glued)

two round pieces of glass that you wear in front to stick two things together using glue: She
of your eyes to help you see better —see color glued the pieces together.
picture on page 191
gnaw /no/ verb
gleam /glim/ verb to continue biting something for a long time:
to shine: The river gleamed in the moonlight. The dog is gnawing on a bone.

glide /glaid/ verb (gliding, glided) go 1

/gou/ verb [past tense went, past
to move forward smoothly and quietly participle gone)
1 to move toward a place, or for a particular
glim-mer /'glimaV verb
distance: She went into the kitchen. Where \

to shine with a light that is not very bright

are you going?
— glimmer noun 2 to leave a place: wanted to go, but she /

glimpse 1
/glimps/ noun wanted to stay. She has gone away for a

a very quick look: / only caught a glimpse of the while. Are you going out tonight?

man's face. 3 to visit a place, then leave it: We are going

to Florida this summer.
lood afternoon

4 to become: His hair is going gray. gold-en /'gouldan/ adjective

5 to happen in a particular way: Everything like gold or made of gold: The little girl had gold-
went wrong from the start. en hair.
6 to work in the right way: The car won't go.
7 be going to do something used for saying
gold-fish /'gould.f iJ7 noun [plural goldfish)
a small orange fish often kept as a pet
that something will happen in the future: think /

it's going to snow. \

I'm going to buy that bicy- golf /galf ,
golf/ noun [U]
cle. a game which you hit a small hard ball
in into a
8 go off to explode: The bomb went off sud- hole in the ground using a special stick — see
denly. color picture on page 1 84
9 go up to increase: Prices have really gone
up this year.
gone /gon, gan/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb go
10 go by to pass: Several days went by before
he called.
11 go on to continue without changing: We NOTE: Look at the difference between been
cannot go on fighting like this! and gone. If you have been to a place, you
have traveled there and returned. If you
go 2 noun
have gone to a place, you have traveled
1 on the go very busy all the time: Steve is there and have not yet returned: Liz has
always on the go! gone to Spain. [=she is in Spain now] Liz has
2 make a go of to try and make something a been to Spain. (=she went there and now
success she has returned)
goal /goul/ noun
1 something you want to do in the future: My good 1
/gud/ adjective
goal is to go to college. 1 standard or quality: You did a good
of a high
2 a point that you win in a sportwhen the ball job. She has a very good memory.

goes into a special area: Our team won by » compare BAD, BETTER BEST 1

three goals to one. 2 pleasant or enjoyable: Have a good time. \

3 the area into which you try to put the ball to It's good to see you again!

win a point 3 smart or successful at something: She's

very good at languages. He's good with
goalie /'gouli/ noun \

4 useful or suitable for a particular purpose:
goalkeeper /'goul.kipaV noun This music is good for dancing.
the player on a sports team who tries to stop 5 behaving in a way that is acceptable: Sit
the ball before it goes into the GOAL here and be a good girl.
6 kind and helpful: He's been very good to me.
goat /gout/ noun
7 healthy: Too much candy is not good for you.
a farm animal with horns and long hair under its
8 as good as almost: The job is as good as
god /gad/ noun 9 good luck said when you hope someone is

1 [U] the being who you pray to, especially in successful

the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish religions 10 Good for you! said when you are pleased
2 a male being who is believed to control the with what someone has done
world, or part of it
good 2 noun
goddess /'gadis/ noun 1 something that improves a situation, or gives
a female god you an advantage: What's the good of having a
car if you can't drive?
goggles /'gagglz/ plural noun
a piece equipment with two large round
2 for good always; for a very long time: She
pieces of glass with an edge that fits against
has left her job for good.
your skin to keep your eyes safe
3 do no good to not be of any use, or to have
no effect on something: You can talk to her, but
gold /gould/ noun [U] it will not do any good.

1 a yellow metal used for making jewelry, coins

good afternoon /. ,..'./

2 the color of this metal

used for saying hello to someone in the afternoon

goodbye /gud'bai, gad'bai/ got /gat/

said when you leave someone or someone the PAST TENSE of the verb get » compare
leaves you » compare HELLO HAVE

good evening /. '../ gotten /'gat n/


used for saying hello to someone in the evening the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb get

Good Fri'day /,. '../noun govern /'gAv^n/ verb

the Friday before EASTER, a Christian religious to control and rule a country and its people:
holiday The army governed the country for five years.

good-looking /,. '..</ adjective government /'gAvamant,

attractive, used about a person: He's very 'gAvanmant/ noun
good-looking. the people who control what happens in a coun-
good morning /. '../

used for saying hello to someone in the morn- governor /'gAvana\ -vW noun
ing the person who controls a U.S. state

goodness /'gudnis/ noun gown /gaun/ noun

1 said when you are surprised or annoyed: My a long dress for a woman: She wore a beauti-
goodness, you look tired! ful evening gown.
2 [U] kindness, the quality of being good
grab /graeb/ verb (grabbing, grabbed]
good night /. './ to take hold of something quickly and roughly:
saidwhen you are going home at night, or to The man grabbed my bag and ran.
someone who is leaving you at night
grace /greis/ noun [U]
goods /gudz/ plural noun 1 an attractive way of moving: She dances with
things like food or clothes that are bought and such grace.
sold 2 a short prayer before a meal: Who is going
to say grace?
goose /gus/ noun [plural geese /gi:s/)
a large white bird that looks like a duck and graceful /'greisfal/ adjective
makes a loud noise moving in an attractive and smooth way

gorgeous /'gord33s/ adjective grade 1

/greid/ noun
very beautiful or pleasant: Linda looks gorgeous 1 one of the 1 2 years you are in school in the
in that dress. U.S.: Our son goes into the fourth grade this
gorilla /ga'nta/ noun
2 a letter or number that shows how well you
a very large strong animal that looks like a mon-
did school: My grades were mostly B's and
key — see color picture on page 1 83

gosh /gof/ 3 a level, size, or quality that a product has:

said when you are surprised: Gosh! What are We always buy Grade A eggs.
you doing here?
grade 2
verb (grading, graded)
gospel /'gaspal/ noun 1 to decide how good a piece of school work
1 one of the stories about Christ's life in the is: / grade papers all day.
Bible 2 to put things into groups according to size,
2 [U] a type of Christian religious music, that quality etc.: The farmers graded the apples into
people sing loudly two sizes.

gossip 1
/'gasap/ noun gradual /'gradual/ adjective
1 about someone's private life that is
[U] talk happening or changing slowly: / have seen a
not nice: You should not listen to gossip. gradual improvement in his work. gradually —
2 someone who likes to talk about other peo- adverb
ple's private lives
graduate 1
/'graed3ueit/ verb
gossip 2 verb (graduating, graduated]
to talk about other people's private lives in a way to finish your education and receive your
that is not nice degree: She graduated from Yale.

graduate 2 /'graed3uit/ noun particular purpose: The government gave us a

someone who has finished their studies at a grant to study the disease.
school or university
grape /greip/ noun
grain /grein/ noun a small round green or red fruit that is used for
1 seeds of a crop such as wheat, rice,
[U] the making wine — see picture at FRUIT
or corn used as food: Grain is used for making
grape-fruit /'greipfrut/ noun
a large round yellow fruit with thick skin like an
2 a very small piece of something such as salt
orange, but not as sweet
or sand graph
gram /graem/ noun
a measure of weight; there are 1 ,000 grams in

a kilogram

grammar /'graemaV noun [U]

the rules of a language: We are learning
English grammar.

grammatical /gro'maetikgl/ adjective

correct according to the rules of language:
Saying "I are not" is not grammatical. — gram-
matically adverb

grand /graend/ adjective graph /graef/ noun

better or higher in rank than others: / won the a picture or drawing that shows information:
grand prize! The graph shows how the population changed
over ten years.
grand-child /'graentjaild/ noun [plural
grandchildren /'graentjildren/] graphics /'graefiks/ plural noun
the child of your son or daughter the activity of drawing pictures, or the pictures
granddaughter /'graen.doteV noun
the daughter of your son or daughter grasp /graesp/ verb
1 to and hold something firmly: He
grandfather /'graend.fadaV noun
grasped the rope and pulled himself up.
the father of one of your parents
2 to understand something: / could not grasp
grand-ma /'graendma, 'graema/ noun what the teacher said.
your grandmother
grass /graes/ noun [U]
grandmother /'graend.mAdaV noun a common plant with thin green leaves that cov-
the mother of one of your parents ers fields and yards: We sat on the grass and

grand-pa /'graendpa 'graempa/ noun

read our books. —see color picture on page
your grandfather

grandparent /'graen.perant. -,paer-/

grasshopper /'graes.hapaV noun
an insect that jumps with its long back legs and
the parent of your mother or father

makes loud noises see color picture on page
grand-son /'graendsAn/ noun
grassy /'graesi/ adjective (grassier,
the son of your son or daughter
grant 1
/graent/ verb covered with grass
1 take something for granted to think that
grate 1
/greit/ noun
something is true without making sure: / took it
a metal frame over a hole in the street or in
for granted that she would be successful.
front of a window
2 to give or allow someone something, espe-
cially in an official way: She was granted per- grate 2
verb (grating, grated)
mission to enter the country. to rub food such as cheese against a rough sur-
face to break it into small pieces
grant 2 noun
an amount of money given to someone for a

grateful /'greitfal/ adjective 6 great-grandfather, great-grandmother the

feeling that you want to thank someone: / am father or mother of one of your
grateful to you for helping me.
greatly /'greitli/ adverb
gratitude /'graete.tud/ noun [U] very much: She greatly admired his courage.
the feeling of wanting to thank someone: He
greed /grid/ noun [U]
expressed his gratitude to all the workers.
a strong desire to have more food, money, or
grave 1
/greiv/ power than you need
a hole the ground where a dead body buried
in is
greedy /'gridi/ adjective (greedier,

grave 2 adjective greediest]

very serious or worrying: She had grave doubts wanting too much of something: That greedy
whether we would succeed. boy ate all the cake.

gravel /'graeval/ noun [U] green 1

/grin/ adjective
small stones and sand used for making the sur- 1 the color of grass: She has green eyes.
faces of roads 2 covered with grass and trees: Cities need
more green areas.
grave-stone /'greivstoun/ noun
a stone on a grave with the name of the dead green 2 noun [U]

person and the dates of his or her birth and the color of grass: She was dressed in green.
green card /'. ./ noun
grav-i-ty /'graevati/ noun [U] a special card with your name and picture on it,

the force that makes things fall to the ground that allows you to live and work in the U.S.
when they are dropped green-house /'grinhaus/ noun
gra-vy /'greivi/ noun [U] a glass building in which you grow plants
a food that is made from meat juice, flour, and
greet /grit/ verb
someone or welcome him
to say hello to or her:
gray /grei/ adjective, noun He greeted her with a smile.
the color of rain clouds; a mixture of black and
greeting /'gritin/ noun
white: She wore a gray dress. something you say or do when you meet some-
graze /greiz/ verb (grazing, grazed] one, or send him or her a message
were grazing the
1 to eat grass: Cattle in field.
grew /gru/
2 something while passing it, often
to touch
the PAST TENSE of the verb grow
causing damage: The bullet grazed his arm.
grey /grei/ adjective, noun [U]
grease 1
/gris/ noun [U]
oil or fat: Put some grease on the engine and
it will run smoother. grief /grif/ noun [U]
great sadness: The death of her son caused
grease 2 verb (greasing, greased]
her much grief.
to put oil or fat on something
grieve /griv/ verb
greasy /'grisi, -zi/ adjective (greasier,
to feel very sad, because someone you love has
covered with oil or fat
grill 1 /gnl/ verb
great /greit/ adjective
tocook meat, fish etc. over a fire
1 very good: It was a great party. |
/ feel great.
2 useful or suitable for something: This soap is grill noun
great for removing stains. a metal frame over a fire so you can cook things
3 large in size or amount: He has a great big on it

grim /grim/ adjective (grimmer, grimmest]
4 important or famous: Browning is one of our
1 making you feel sad or unhappy: The news of
greatest poets.
her death was grim.
5 great-granddaughter, great-grandson the 2 not pleasant or attractive, used about a
daughter or son of your GRANDCHILD place
grin 1 /grin/ verb (grinning, grinned) group /grup/ noun
showing your teeth: He grinned at
to smile, me 1 a number of things or people together:
from across the room. A group of girls waited by the school.
2 a small number of people who sing and play
grin 2 noun
popular music together
a big smile: She had a grin on her face.
grow/ /grou/ verb [past tense grew /gru:/,
grind /gramd/ verb [past ground /graund/)
past participle grown)
to crush something into small pieces or pow-
1 to get bigger, taller, longer etc.; develop: My
der: First, we grind the coffee beans.
son has grown two inches this year. Are you \

grip 1 /grip/ verb (gripping, gripped] growing a beard?

to hold something very tightly: She gripped his 2 to care for plants and help them to grow:
hand in fear. The farmer is growing potatoes.
3 to increase in size, amount, or degree: We
grip 2 noun
have a growing business.
a tight hold on something: She kept a firm grip
4 to become: My uncle is growing old.
on the rope.
5 grow out of something to become too big or
groan /groun/ verb too old for something: My daughter has grown
to make a long deep noise because you are in out of all her dresses.
He groaned
pain or are not happy: with pain. 6 grow up to change from being a child to
—groan noun » compare MOAN being a man or a woman: He grew up in China.

groceries /'grousariz, 'groufriz/ plural growl /graul/ verb

noun to make a low angry sound: The dog growled at
foods like sugar, coffee, and rice which you can me. —growl noun
grown /groun/
grocery store /'grousri ,stor, -Jri/ noun the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb grow
a store where you can buy foods sugar, cof-
fee, and rice
grownup /'../ noun
an adult, not a child
groom /grum/ noun
grown-up /,. '.«./ adjective
a man who is getting married: The groom wore
oldenough to be an adult, not a Her
a dark blue suit. » compare BRIDE
dren are all grown-up now.
child: chil-

grope /group/ verb (groping, groped)

growth /grouB/ noun [U]
to try to find something that you cannot see
an increase in size, quality, amount, or impor-
using your hands: He groped for his matches in
tance: The growth of the company is impres-
the dark.
sive. |
We are studying population growth.
ground 1
/graund/ noun
grumble /'grAmbal/ verb (grumbling,
1 [U] the surface of the earth: An apple fell to
the ground.
to complain in a quiet, but slightly angry way:
2 [U] soil or land: The ground is too hard to
She grumbled about having to wait for so long.
plant crops now.

ground 2
grumpy /'grAmpi/ adjective (grumpier,
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
having a bad temper and wanting to complain

ground beef /,.'./ noun [U] grunt /grAnt/ verb

to make a short low sound like a pig makes
meat that used to make HAMBURGERS
—grunt noun
ground floor /,. '.</ noun
guarantee 1
/.gaeran'ti/ noun
the part of a building on the same level as the
1 a promise that something willhappen or be
done: There is no guarantee that your car will

grounds /graundz/ plural noun be ready today.

the land around a large building 2 a written promise to repair a product if the
one you buy has a problem: The watch has a
two-year guarantee.
guarantee 2 verb [past guaranteed] 2 a book that teaches you about something:
1 to promise that something happen or be will She gave me a guide for new parents.
done: He guaranteed that he would do it today.
2 to promise to repair a product if the one you
guide-book /'gaidbuk/ noun
a book that gives information about a place and
buy has a problem: My radio is guaranteed for
its history
three years.
guilt; /gilt/ noun [U]
guard 1
/gard/ verb
1 the feeling of shame and sadness you have
1 to keep someone or something safe from
when you have done something wrong: / felt a
danger by watching it carefully: A dog guards
sense of guilt honest with her.
for not being
their house.
2 the fact of having broken the law: The court
2 to watch a prisoner so that he or she does
not escape
was sure of his guilt. »
guilty /'gilti/ adjective
guard 2 noun
1 feeling shame
or sadness because you have
1 someone who watches over someone or
done something wrong: Do you feel guilty about
something to prevent danger or escape: He
not returning the money?
works as a prison guard.
2 having broken a law: He was guilty of steal-
2 be on guard, stand guard to be ready to
protect someone or something: Two police offi-
ing the car. »
compare INNOCENT
cers were on guard outside. guinea pig /'gmi ,pig/ noun
a small animal like a rat with fur and no tail,
guardian /'gardian/ noun
often kept as a pet
a person who takes care of someone or some-
thing, especially a child guitar /gi'tar/ noun
a musical instrument with six strings, a long
guerrilla /ga'nta/ noun
a person who fights against a government or an
neck, and a wooden or plastic body —see color
picture on page 1 85
army, and often makes surprise attacks
gulf /gAlf/ noun
guess 1
/ges/ verb
an area of ocean with land on three sides of it:
1 to give ananswer that you think may be right
We sailed into the Persian Gulf.
although you do not know the facts: didn't /

know where she lived, but could guess. Can I |

gulp 1
/gAlp/ verb
you guess my age? 1 [also gulp down] to swallow food or drink
2 guess said when you think something may
I quickly: He gulped down the water.
be true or likely: He's not here. I guess he went 2 [also gulp in] to breathe in air quickly
on without us.
gulp 2 noun
guess 2
noun [plural guesses] an act of swallowing something quickly: He
an answer that you think is right, although you drank the milk in one gulp.
do not know for sure: If you don't know the
answer, take a guess.
gum /gAm/ noun
1 [U] a sweet candy that you put in your mouth
guest /gcst/ noun and bite with your teeth but do not swallow
1 someone who is visiting someone else's 2 gums [plural] the pink part of your mouth
house: We
have three guests for dinner. that holds your teeth
2 a person who pays to stay in a hotel
gun /gAn/ noun
guidance /'gaidns/ noun [U] a weapon that sends out bullets and is used for
help and advice: With my teacher's guidance, I hurting or killing animals or people: Soldiers
finished the work. carry guns.

guide 1
/gaid/ verb [guiding, guided] gun-man /'gAnman/ noun [plural gunmen
to lead or show someone the way to a place: /-men/)
He guided us around the city. a criminal who uses a gun

guide 2 noun gunpowder /'gAn.paudaV noun [U]

1 someone who shows you the way to a place, a substance that explodes easily and is used in

sometimes as a job: How much does it cost to bullets

have a guide?
gun-shot /'gAnfat/ noun guy /gai/ noun [plural guys)
the sound that is made when someone uses a 1 man: What a nice guy!
gun: / heard three gunshots. 2 you guys you people, used for men or
women: What do you guys want to do today?
gush /gAjV verb
to flow quickly in large quantities: Blood gushed gym /d^imf noun
from the cut in his leg. 1 a large room where you do exercises or
gust /gASt/ noun 2 [U] exercises done indoors, especially in
a sudden strong wind: A gust of wind blew the
school: Do you like gym class?
tent down.

gutter noun
gymnast /'d3imnaest, -nast/ noun
someone who does GYMNASTICS as a sport
an open pipe along the edge of a roof, or a low
place on the side of the road which carries gymnastics /d3im'naestiks/ plural noun
away rain water a sport doing exercises for your body using skill

and control —see color picture on page 1 84


it /'haebit/ noun
something that you always do, often without
thinking about it: She has a habit of always
being late. Don't play with your hair - that's a

bad habit.
had /d, sd, had; strong haed/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
hair-style /'herstail/ noun
the style in which your hair is cut or arranged:
hadn't /'haednt/ Is that a new hairstyle? — see color picture on
had not: / hadn't finished making dinner when page 191
everyone arrived.
hair-y /'heri/ adjective (hairier, hairiest]
hail 1 /heil/ noun [U] having a lot of hair: His arms are very hairy
drops of hard frozen rain: We had a hail storm » compare FURRY
half 1 /haef/ noun [plural halves /haevz/)
hail 2 verb 1 one of the two equal parts of something: /

1 to rain with hard frozen drops had half the apple and my brother had the
2 to call out to someone to get his or her other half.

attention 2 in half into two equal pieces: / cut the pie in

hair /her/ noun
3 half an hour 30 minutes: / will be there in
1 one of the thin threads that grow on the
half an hour.
head and skin of people and animals: There's a
4 half a dozen six
hair in my soup!
2 [U] the things threads that grow on
like thin half 2 adverb
your head: / need to get my hair cut. see pic- — 1 There were two
partly but not completely:
ture at HEAD 1 halfempty cups of tea on the table.
2 not half bad said when something you
hair-brush /'herbrAjV noun [plural
expected to be bad is good instead: This food
isn't half bad.
a brush you use to keep your hair neat — see
picture at BRUSH 1 half-brother /'. ,../ noun
a brother who is the child of only one of your
haircut /'herkAt/ noun
1 the act of having your hair cut: / am getting
a haircut today. half-sister /'. ,../ noun
2 the style in which your hair is cut: / like your a sister who is the child of only one of your
new haircut. parents

hairdresser /'her.drcsaV noun half-time ./ noun [U]


someone whose job is to wash, cut, and a time of rest between two parts of a game
arrange your hair
half way /,haef wen / adverb
hair-dryer /'her.draiaV noun 1 in the middle between two places or things:
a machine that you use to dry your hair He threw the ball halfway across the field.

2 in the middle of a period of time or an event:

hair-spray /'../ noun
/ fell asleep halfway through the movie.
a liquid that you put on your hair to make it keep
its shape

hall /hoi/ noun 5 on hand close and ready to be used: We

1 a passage in a house that goes to other always keep some glue on hand.
rooms 6 get out of hand to not be possible to con-
2 a large room or public building used for trol: The party was beginning to get out of
important events hand.
7 the part of a clock that moves to show the
Hal-low-een /,haelo'win, ,ha-/ noun
a holiday on October 31 when children dress in

special clothes and visit people's houses to ask hand 2 verb

for candy 1 to give something to someone using your
hands: Hand me that plate. She handed the

hall-way /'holwei/ noun

letter to John.
a passage in a building that goes to other
2 hand something in to give something to
rooms —
see color picture on page 1 86
someone in authority such as a teacher: You
halt 1 /holt/ verb can hand in your papers now.

to stop: The police halted all the traffic. 3 hand something out to give something to
each person in a group: Please hand out the
halt 2 noun
a stop: All the cars came to a halt.
hand-cuffs /'haendkAfs/ plural noun
ham /haem/ noun [U]
two metal rings joined by a chain, used for hold-
meat from a pig's leg that has had salt added
ing a prisoner's wrists together
to keep » compare BACON
it fresh
handful /'haendful/ noun
hamburger /'haem,b^g^/ noun 1 a handful of something a small number or
1 a flat round piece of cooked meat eaten
amount of something: Only a handful of people
between two pieces of bread
came to the meeting.
2 [U] meat that is used to make hamburgers 2 an amount that you can hold in your hand:
ham-mer 1
/'haemaV noun He took a handful of candy.
a tool with a metal head and a wooden handle,
hand-gun /'haendgAn/ noun
used for hitting nails into wood one hand
a small gun that you can hold in

hammer 2 verb
handicap /'haendi.kaep/ noun
to hit something with a hammer something that makes you unable to use a part
hamster /'haemstaV noun of your body or mind because it is damaged

a small animal a mouse with soft fur and no

handicapped /'haendi.kaept/ adjective
tail, often kept as a pet
hand not able to use a part of your body or mind
thumb because itis damaged: He goes to a school for
physically handicapped children.

handkerchief /'haenk^tjif, -,tjif/

a square piece of cloth for drying your nose or
e V es

hand 1
/haend/ noun
1 the part of your body at the end of your arm,
with which you hold things
2 by hand by a person, not by machine: This
toy was made by hand.
3 a hand help: Will you give me a hand with this
box? Do you need a hand with the cooking?
handle 1
/'haendl/ noun
4 hand in hand holding each other by the the part of a tool or instrument that you hold in

hand: They were walking hand in hand. your hand

handle 2 verb (handling, handled) 2 happen to do something to do something by
1 to hold or touch something: Handle the chance: If you happen to see Susan, give her

package with care. this message.

2 to control or deal with someone or some-
thing: / can't handle the children by myself. NOTE: If an event occurs or happens, it is

not planned: The explosion happened Friday

handlebars /'haendl.barz/ plural noun
evening. an event takes place, it is the
the parts of a bicycle that you hold when you
result of plan or arrangement: The
ride it
wedding will take place on June 6th.
handsome /'haenssm/ adjective
attractive, usually used about a man » com- happening /'hsepaninV noun
an event
handwriting /'hsend.raitinV noun [U]
happily /"haepali/ adverb
the way someone writes with his or her hand:
in a happy way: They were laughing happily.
He has very neat handwriting.

handy /'haendi/ adjective (handier, handiest]

happiness /'haepinis/ noun [U]
the state of being happy or pleased: They've
1 useful: A second car comes in handy some-
had years of happiness together.
2 near: Keep the medicine handy in case we hap-py /'haepi/ adjective (happier, happiest]
need it. hang 1 feeling very pleased: / am happy to see you
again. » opposite
2 Happy Birthday!, Happy New Year! said to
someone to wish him or her good luck on a spe-
cial occasion

harass /ha'raes, 'haeras/ verb

to annoy someone by treating him or her in a
way that is not nice —harassment noun [U]
harbor /'harbaV noun
He hung the clothes out to dry.
an area of water next to land where it is safe to
hang /haerj/ verb leave ships
1 [past hung /hAn./] to fasten something at the
top so that the bottom part is free to move: /
hard 1
/hard/ adjective
1 firm and
stiff; difficult to break or cut: The
hung up my coat in the closet.
2 [past hanged] to kill someone by holding him
ground is too hard to dig into. compare SOFT »
2 difficult to do or understand: Math is the
or her above the ground with a rope around his
or her neck
hardest class I have. compare EASY »
3 involving a lot of effort or work: / had a hard
3 hang around one place and do
to stay in
day on the job.
nothing, or to wait around for someone: He
was hanging around outside my house. hard 2
4 hang on to hold something tightly: Hang on using a lot of effort or force; very much: It's

to your hat, it's very windy. raining hard. \

Are you working hard?
5 hang out to stay in one place and not do very
much: We usually hang out at Jill's house after
hard disk /,. './ noun
a part of a computer on which you can store infor-
6 hang up to finish speaking to someone on
mation permanently » compare FLOPPY DISK
the telephone by putting the telephone down hard-en /'hardn/ verb
to become firm or stiff
hanger /'haenaV noun
a curved piece of wire or wood that you hang hardly /'hardli/ adverb
clothes on almost not at all: It was so dark that I could
hardly see. He hardly ever (=almost never]
happen /'haepan/ verb
» compare BARELY
eats meat.

1 to start or continue, usually without being

planned: The accident happened outside my hardware /'hardwer/ noun [U]
house. 1 . tools that you use to build and repair things
2 computer machinery and equipment hate 1
/heit/ verb [hating, hated]
» compare SOFTWARE not to like someone or something at all: / hate

hare /her/ noun

snakes. » compare LOVE 1

an animal like a large rabbit but with longer hate 2 noun [U]
ears and longer back legs an angry feeling of wanting to hurt someone you

harm 1
/harm/ noun [U]
do not like »
compare LOVE 2
1 damage or injury hatred /'heitnd/ noun [U]
2 there's no harm in doing something said hate » compare LOVE 2
when it may be useful or helpful to do some-
thing: There's no harm in asking him for a job.
haul /hoi/ verb
to carry or pull something heavy: They hauled
harm 2 verb the boat up onto the shore.
to hurt someone or something: Too much sun
can harm your skin.
haunt /hont, hant/ verb
if the dead person haunts a place,
spirit of a it

harm-f ul /'harmfal/ adjective appears there: People say that the old house is
dangerous or causing harm: Smoking is harm- haunted.
ful to your health.

harmless /'harmlis/ adjective have /v, av, hav; strong haev/ verb
not dangerous and not likely to cause harm: present tense
Don't worry the dog is harmless. singular plural
I have [I've] We have
harsh /harJV adjective [We've]
very unpleasant; cruel: He said some harsh You have [You've] You have
things to her. (You've]

harvest 1
/'harvist/ noun He/She/It has They have
1 the time when crops are gathered from the [He's/She's/It's] [They've]

past tense
2 the size or quality of the crops: The corn
harvest was good this year. singular plural
Ihad [I'd] We had [We'd]
harvest: 2 verb You had [You'd] You had [You'd]
to gather crops from the fields He/She/It had They had
has /z, s, 9z, hgz; strong haez/ (They'd]

the part of the verb have that we use with he, (He'd/She'd/lt'd)

she and it: She has three children. present participle having
hasn't /'haezant/ past participle had
has not: Hasn't he been here before? negative short haven't, hasn't
forms hadn't
hassle /'haesal/ noun [U]
something that annoys you because it is difficult
For the pronunciation of all these words,
or causes problems: Driving in the city is such find them at their place in the dictionary
a hassle! 1 a word that helps another word to say
that something happened in the past: We
haste /heist/ noun [U] have been to the store. When I arrived,

quick movement or action: In my haste I forgot she had already gone away.
my coat. 2 used for saying what someone or some-
hast-y /'heisti/ adjective [hastier, hastiest] thing is like: He has red hair. Japan has a |

done in a hurry: / made a hasty decision. large population.

3 to own or be able to use something: Do
hat /haet/ noun you have a car? I do not have any money.

a piece of clothing that you wear on your head 4 to do something: / have my breakfast at
—see color picture on page 1 90 8 o'clock. |
We had fun at the party.

hatch /haet J/ verb 5 to put or keep something in a particular

to come out of an egg: The chickens hatched place: He has his eyes closed.

this morning.

2 your mind: His head is full of ideas.

6 to become sick or injured: She has a 3 the most important part of something: She
headache. sat at the head of the table.
7 to receive somethi ig: You have a tele-
4 someone who is in charge of a group of peo-
phone call. ple: He is the head of a large company.

5 the top or the front of something: We stood

haven't /'haevant/ at the head of the line.
have not: / haven't seen that film. 6 use your head to think about something in a
careful way so you can do it
have to /'haevta/ verb [also have got to)
7 keep your head to stay calm in a difficult
must: We have to leave now, so we can catch
the bus. |
/ have got to talk to him.

8 lose your head to do things without think-

hawk /hok/ noun ing, or to become angry in a difficult situation
a large bird that eats small animals and birds
head 2 verb
hay /hei/ noun [U] 1 in a particular direction: Where are
to go
dry grass that is fed to cattle you heading? The car was headed for a wall.

2 to be in charge of a group, government etc.

hazard /'haez^d/ noun
danger or problem: Drinking water may 3 to be at the top or front of something
a this
be a health hazard. headache /'hedeik/ noun
a pain your head: have a headache.
hazardous /'haeza-das/ adjective
in /

dangerous heading /'hedir)/ noun

something written at the top of a piece of writing
haze /heiz/ noun [U]
smoke or dust in the air which is difficult to see head-light /'hedlait/ noun
through one of the large lights at the front of a car

hazelnut /'heizal.nAt/ noun head-line /'hedlam/ noun

a sweet round nut words printed in large letters at the top of a
newspaper story
hazy /heizi/ adjective [hazier, haziest)
not clear: On a hazy day you cannot see the head-phones /'hedfounz/ plural noun
mountains. a piece of equipment you wean over your ears

he /i; strong hi/

to listen to music —
see picture at HEAR

the male person or animal that the sentence is headquarters /'hcd,kwot^z/ noun
about: remember John. He lives in New
/ York. \
the main office of a business or other group
Watch out for that dog. He bites.
heal /hil/ verb
head 1
/hcd/ noun to make something healthy again or become
1 the top part of your body where your mouth, healthy again: The wound on my arm has
eyes, and ears are healed.
hair health /hclG/ noun [U]
how well your body is: You should take better
forehead, care of your health.

eyebrow. healthy /'helGi/ adjective (healthier,

eyelash, 1 strong and well in your body: She had a
nose healthy baby girl.

2 good for your body or mind: It is healthy to

eat a lot of fruit. » opposite UNHEALTHY

heap /hip/ noun


teeth a messy pile of things: A heap of

large old

mouth clothes was on the floor.

heap 2 verb
to. put a lot of things on top of each other: He
heaped his plate with food.
Her music was so heat 1
/hit/ noun
loud that she couldn't headphones
1 [U] hotness or warmth: Heat from the sun is
hear the phone.
fit used for making energy compare COLD 2 »
2 the heat (a) hot weather: / hate the heat, (b)
a system that keeps a place warm: Can you
turn the heat off?
3 a part of a competition in which those who
win go on to the next part

heat 2 verb
to make something warm or hot: We could
heat up some soup to eat.

hear heard /h^d/)

/hir/ verb [past
heater /'hitaV noun
a machine that heats air or water
1 sounds using your ears: / heard
to listen to
the rain on the roof. Did you hear their new
\ heave /hiv/ verb [heaving, heaved)
song? to lift pull something with a lot
or of effort:
2 to be given information about something: / heaved the boxes onto the truck.
/ heard that he was sick.

3 hear from someone to get news or infor- heaven /'hevan/ noun [U]

mation from someone: Have you heard from

where people think God or the gods live,
a place
and where good people will go after they die
John lately?
4 have heard of someone/something to know
» compare HELL
about someone or something: I've never heard heav-y /'hevi/ adjective (heavier, heaviest)
of her. 1 lot: This bag is too heavy to carry.
weighing a
2 large amount: We had a heavy rain
hearing /'hinrj/ noun [U]

today. Traffic is heavy on Fridays.

your ability to hear: My hearing is not very good. |

3 a heavy sleeper someone who does not

heart; /hart/ noun wake up easily
1 the part of your body in your chest that 4 a heavy smoker, a heavy drinker someone
pumps blood around your body who smokes a lot, or drinks too much alcohol
2 the part of you that feels strong emotions:
/ know in my heart that love her. I
heavy metal /,.. '../ noun[U]
a type of loud music played on electric instru-
3 a shape like a heart representing love
ments and drums
4 the heart of something [a] the middle of
something: Our hotel was in the heart of the he'd /id; strong hid/
city, (b) the most important part of something: 1 he had: He'd met her before.
We need to get to the heart of the problem. 2 he would: He said he'd tell me tomorrow.
5 break someone's heart to make someone
very unhappy
hedge /hed3/ noun
a row of bushes around a yard or between
6 by heart so well that you can remember it
easily: know this song by heart.

7 lose heart to have less courage and hope: heel /hil/ noun
We are losing heart that they are still alive. 1 the back part of your footsee picture at —
8 take heart to be encouraged and more FOOT
hopeful about something 2 the part of a shoe or sock under your heel
9 at heart what someone is really like: He
seems serious, but he is a boy at heart.
height /hait/ noun
10 with a heavy heart sadly
how tall or far from the ground something is:

The boys are about the same height. see pic- —
heart-beat; /'hart bit/ noun ture at LENGTH and see color picture on page
the movement or sound of someone's heart 191
heartbroken n
/'hart ,brouk3n/ adjective heir /er/ noun
very sad a person who gets money or goods when some-
heart-less one dies
/'hartlis/ adjective
not kind; cruel
held /held/ herb /a-b/ noun
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb a plant used for medicine or for giving more
hold taste to food

helicopter /'heh.kaptaV noun herd 1

/ha-d/ noun
an aircraft with blades on top of it which spin a group of animals of the same kind: He owns
very fast —
see color picture on page 1 87 a herd of cattle. » compare FLOCK

he'll /il, il, hil; strong hil/ herd 2

he will: He'll be here soon. to make a number of people or animals move
together as a group
hell noun [U]
a place where some people think bad people will here /hir/ adverb
go after they die »
compare HEAVEN 1 in or to this place: Come here and sit by
me. How far is your house from here?
hello /ha'lou, he'lou, 'helou/

» compare THERE 1

said when you meet someone or talk on the

2 here you are said when you are giving some-
telephone: Hello, is Jane there? » compare
one something that he or she wants
3 here and there in different places: There
helmet /'helmit/ noun were a lot of boats here and there on the water.
a hard hat that covers and protects your head
hero /'hirou/ noun [plural heroes)
help 1
/help/ verb 1 someone who you admire very much for
1 to do something for someone: Could you doing something good
help me move this table? 2 a man who is a character in a book or movie
2 can't help, couldn't help said when you are
heroic /hi'rouik/ adjective
not able to stop doing something: / couldn't help
very brave
laughing when I saw his hat.
3 help yourself take as much as you want: heroine /'heroum/ noun
Help yourself to some milk. a woman who is a character in a book or movie
4 help! said when you are in danger, especially
hers /ha-z/
to get someone's attention
something belonging to a woman or girl: My
help 2 noun [U] hand touched hers.
the action of helping someone: If you want any
herself /a^'self; strong ha^' self/ [plural
help, just ask.
helpful /'helpfal/ adjective 1 the same girlor woman as the subject of a
1 useful: This map is not very helpful. sentence: She made herself a cup of coffee.
2 willing to help: She's so kind and helpful. 2 used for giving the word "she" a stronger
—helpfully adverb meaning: She gave me the money herself.
3 by herself alone; without help: She went for
helping /'helpir)/ noun
a walk by herself. She made dinner all by her-

the amount on a of food plate: Would you like

another helping of pie?
he's /iz; strong hiz/
help-less /'helplis/ adjective
1 he is: He's a doctor.
not able to take cane of or protect yourself
2 he has: He's lost his keys again.
—helplessness noun [U]
hesitate /'heza,teit/ verb (hesitating,
hem /hem/ noun
the bottom edge of a skirt, shirt etc.
to pause before you do or say something
hen /hen/ noun because you are not sure what to do: He hesi-
a female chicken tated before answering the question.

her /a\ \\2r; strong ha7 hesitation /'heza.teijan/ noun [U]

1 a woman or girl: Give her the book. \
I had a pause before you do or say something
a letter from her. because you are not sure what to do
2 belonging to a woman or girl: Her baby is
hi /hai/
sleeping in her arms.
a friendly way of saying "hello"

hiccups /'hikAps/ plural noun hijack /'haid3aek/ verb
sudden loud sounds in your throat caused by to take control of a plane etc. illegally
eating or drinking too fast
hijacker /'haid3aek^/ noun
hide 1 /haid/ verb [hiding, hid /hid/, past someone who takes control of a plane etc. ille-

participle hidden /'hidn/) gally

1 to put something in a place where no one
hike /'haik/ verb [present participle hiking
can see it or find it: Where did you hide the
past hiked)
to take a long walk in the country or in the
2 to go to a place where no one can see or
find you: / hid behind the door.
3 to not show your feelings or tell someone hill /hil/ noun
about something: She hid her feelings from her an area of high land; a small mountain see —
family. picture at MOUNTAIN and see color picture on
page 188
hide 2 noun
the skin of an animal him /im; strong him/
a man or boy: Give him the book. I had a let-
hide-and-seek /,. .noun [U]
ter from him.

a children's game in which one child shuts his

or her eyes while other children hide, then the him-self /im'self; strong him 'self/ [plural
one child tries to find them themselves)
1 the same man or boy as the subject of the
high /hai/ adjective
sentence: Peter bought himself a new car.
1 tall, or far from the ground: The highest
2 used for giving the word "he" a stronger
mountain in Asia is Mount Everest. » compare meaning: He told me so himself.
3 by himself alone; without help: He stayed at
2 a high number, amount, or level is greater
home by himself. \
He repaired the roof all by
than usual: The clothes are selling at high
prices. High winds knocked down the trees.

» compare: LOW hinder /'hmda^/ verb

3 having an important position or job: She has to make it difficult for someone to do something
a high position in the government.
4 very good: The teacher has a high opinion of
Hinduism /'hmdu.izam/ noun [U]

my work.
the main religion in India Hindu — adjective,
5 near the top range of sounds that you
of a
can hear: You need a high voice to sing this hinge /hmd3/ noun
song. a piece of metal that joins two things together
so that one of them can swing open and shut:
high-lands /.haitandz/ plural noun
an area with a lot of hills or mountains
We need a new hinge for the door.
hint 1 /hint/ verb
highly /'haili/ adverb
to say something that helps someone guess what
1 very: We had a highly successful meeting.
you want: He hinted that he wants a bicycle.
2 to a high level or amount
hint 2 noun
Highness /'hamis/ noun
1 something that you say that helps someone
a title for certain royal people
guess what you want: She said she was tired,
high school /'. J noun but it was a hint for us to go.
a school in the U.S. for students over the age of 1 2 a piece of useful advice: / have a book full of
decorating hints.
high-tech /,. '.< I adjective
using the most modern machines information, hip /hip/ noun
etc.: / bought a new high-tech camera. the part of your body where your legs join your
high tide /,. './ noun
the timewhen the sea is at its highest level hippopotamus /.hipg'patemas/
» compare LOW TIDE noun [plural hippopotamuses or hippopotami)
a large animal in Africa with short legs, a fat
high-way /'haiwei/ noun
body, and thick hairless skin, that lives near rivers
a wide fast road between cities

hire /haiaV verb [hiring, hired) hoard 2 noun

to pay someone to work for you: / got hired by a large amount of something that is hidden to
the new company. keep it safe

his /iz; strong hiz/ hoarse /hors/ adjective

1 belonging to a man or boy: He sat drinking having a voice that sounds rough because your
his coffee. throat is sore and dry: He was hoarse after
2 something belonging to a man or boy: My talking for an hour.

hand touched his. hobble /'habal/ verb (hobbling, hobbled)

Hispanic /hi'spaenik/ adjective to walk slowly and with difficulty, usually because
from or relating to a country where people you are injured
speak Spanish Hispanic noun — hobby /'habi/ noun [plural hobbies)

hiss 1 /his/ verb an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time:
to make a sound like "ssss": Steam was hissing / collect old coins as a hobby.
from the pipe.
hockey /'haki/ noun [U]

hiss 2 noun [plural hisses) a sport played on ice by two teams who use
a sound like "ssss" curved sticks to hit a flat hard object into a GOAL
— see color picture on page 1 84
historic /hi'stonk, -'star-/ adjective
important as a part of history: It was a historic hoe /hou/ noun
meeting between the two leaders. a tool with a long handle, used for making the
soil loose
historical /hi'stonkal, -'star-/ adjective
relating to the past: / found some historical doc- hoist /hoist/ verb
uments relating to the war. to lift or raise something using ropes or a spe-
cial machine
his-to-ry /'histgri/ noun [U]
1 all the things that happened in the past hold 1 /hould/ verb [past held /held/)
2 the study of things that happened in the 1 to have something in your hand or arms: The
past: Our class is on the history of Rome. little girl held the doll. \
I held her in my arms.
2 to keep something in a particular position:
hit 1 /hit/ verb (hitting, hit)
Can you hold the picture up for us?
to touch something suddenly and with a lot of
3 to have space for an amount of something:
force: He hit me on the face. \
The car hit a The bottle holds one gallon.
wall. |
She was hit in arm by a
the bullet. —see 4 to arrange and make something happen:
color picture on page 189 The meeting will be held on Tuesday.
hit 2 noun 5 to keep or contain something: All the infor-
1 a song or movie that is popular and suc- mation is held in our computer.
cessful: That song a big hit.
is 6 to have a particular position or job: He holds
2 an act of touching something suddenly and an important position at the bank.
with a lot of force 7 to wait for a short time until the person you
telephone is ready to talk with you: / have
hitch-hike /'hitjhaik/ verb (hitchhiking, another call. Can you hold?
hitchhiked) 8 hold back to control something or make it
to travel by asking for free rides in other peo- stay in one place: The police tried to hold the
ple's cars crowd back.
HIV/,eitJai 'vi/noun[U] 9 hold a conversation to talk to someone
a type of infection that enters the body through 10 hold your breath to breathe in, close your

the blood or sexual activity, and can cause AIDS mouth, and keep the air in your lungs: You have
to hold your breath under water.
hive /haiv/ noun 1 hold on said when you want someone to wait
[also beehive) a place where BEEs live
or stop talking: Can you hold on? see if he's in. I'll

hoard 1
/hord/ verb hold 2 noun
to in large amounts and hide
collect things
1 the action of taking something in your hand
them keep them safe: The people were
and holding it: Take hold of the rope and we will
hoarding food and water because of the war. pull you up.
2 the place on a ship where goods are stored homework /'houmw^k/ noun
3 get hold of to find someone or something: work for school that you do at home: We have
/wanted to get hold of Mark before he left. to do a lot of homework every night.
4 on hold waiting on a telephone to speak to
someone: They have put me on hold.
homosexual /.houma'sckfual/
hold-up /'houldAp/ noun sexually attracted to people of the same sex
1 a delay: Sorry I'm late. There was a holdup
near the bridge.
honest /'anist/ adjective

2 an attempt to rob someone, especially using

not likely to lie, steal, or cheat; truthful » oppo-
a gun

hole /houl/ noun

honestly /'anistli/ adverb
1 without telling lies, stealing, or cheating: If I
an empty space or opening in something: The
can't get the money honestly, I'll have to do
dog is digging a hole in the yard.
something else.
holiday /'hata.dei/ noun 2 said when you want to make someone
a day when you do not have to go to school or believe what you are saying: / honestly don't
work: Next Friday is a holiday. mind working late tonight.

hollow /'halou/ adjective honesty /'anasti/ noun [U]

having an empty space inside: The old tree is behavior in which you tell the truth, and do not
hollow on the inside. » compare SOLID 1
lie, steal, or cheat: He was praised for his hon-
esty when he returned the money.
holly /'hali/ noun [U]
a small tree with dark green pointed leaves and honey /'hAni/ noun [U]
small red fruits sweet, sticky liquid that is made by BEEs, used
for food
ho-ly /'houli/ adjective (holier, holiest]
1 relating to God or religion: / visited the holy honeymoon /'hAni.mun/ noun
city of Mecca. a vacation taken by two people who have just
2 very good and pure; religious: a holy man been married
home 1
/houm/ noun honor /'ana-/ noun [U]
1 the place where you live: She is not at home 1 great respect
now. 2 in honor of done to show respect for some-
2 a place where a particular group of people one: There is a ceremony in honor of those who
are cared for: He lives in a children's home. died.

home 2 adjective hood /hud/ noun

1 relating to or belonging to your home or 1 the part of a coat that you can pull up to
family: Whatyour home address?
is cover your head
2 playing on your own sports field rather than 2 the metal cover over the engine on a car
another one: The home team won the game!
hoof /huf/ noun [plural hooves /hu:vz/ or
home 3 adverb hoofs)
to or at your own house: Let's go home. \
Hello, the foot of a horse, cow, sheep, or goat
I'm home.
hook /hok/ noun
homeless /'houmlis/ adjective 1 a curved object for hanging something on:
not having a place to live You can hang your coat on the hook.

home-made 2 a curved piece of metal with a sharp point

/,houm'eid< / adjective
used for catching fish
made at home, not in a store: homemade bread
3 off the hook having the part of the telephone
home page /'. ./ noun you speak into lifted so that the telephone will
a place on the INTERNET where you can find not ring
information about a person, company etc.
hoop /hup/ noun
homesick /'houm,sik/ adjective a round piece of wood, plastic, or metal — see
feeling sad because you are away from home: picture at NET
/ felt homesick living in Paris by myself.
hooray /hu'rei/ horn /horn/ noun
a shout of joy or approval: Hooray! We've won! 1 hard pointed part that grows from the
heads of some animals
hoot; 1 /hut/ verb
2 an instrument on a car, bus etc. that gives a
to make a loud noise like a car's horn or an OWL
short, loud sound as a warning: The taxi blew
hoot; 2 noun its horn.
the sound made by a car's horn or an OWL 3 a musical instrument that you blow into

hooves /huvz, huvz/ noun hor ri-ble /'horabal, 'har-/ adjective

the plural of hoof very unpleasant: / saw a horrible accident yes-

hop 1
/hap/ verb (hopping, hopped)
terday. » compare TERRIBLE —horribly adverb
1 to move by making short quick jumps: / saw horrif ied /'hora.faid, 'har-/ adjective
a rabbit hopping across the yard. —see color feeling very shocked or upset: / was horrified by
picture on page 1 89 the news.
2 to get into or out of a vehicle: Hop in and
give you a ride.
horror /'hor3\ 'hara7 noun [U]
great fear and shock: / watched in horror as
hop 2
noun the cars crashed into each other.
1 a short jump
2 a short trip by plane: It is a short hop from
horse /hors/ noun
a large animal that people ride on and use for
Chicago to Detroit.
pulling heavy things — see color picture on page
hope 1
/houp/ verb (hoping, hoped] 183
to want something to happen or be true: / hope
to go to college next year. "Will you be at the
horseback /'horsbaek/ noun

on horseback riding on a horse

party?" "
I hope so!"
horse-back riding /'horsbaek
hope 2
,raidir)/ noun [U]
1 [U] the feeling that something good will hap-
the activity of riding horses
pen: You must never lose hope. (=stop hoping] |

The new medicine will give hope to many peo- horse-shoe /'horj-ju, 'hors-/ noun
ple. a curved piece of iron which is put on the bot-
2 something that you hope will happen: / had tom of a horse's foot to protect it

hopes of finishing early and going home.

hose /houz/ noun
hopeful /'houpfal/ adjective a long tube that bends easily, used for getting
believing that what you want is likely to happen: water, air etc. from one place to another
/ am hopeful that she will get better soon. hos-pi-tal /'haspitl/ noun
— hopefulness noun [U]
a building where people who are sick or injured
hopef ully /'houpfali/ adverb are cared for: Amy is in the hospital.
1 in a hopeful way: "Can we go to the movies?"
hospitality /.haspa'taetati/ noun [U]
he said hopefully.
nice attention given to visitors: Thank you for
2 used for saying what you hope will happen:
your hospitality.
Hopefully, we'll be there by dinnertime.

hope-less /'houp-hs/ adjective

host /houst/ noun
the person who invites other people to his or
1 without any chance of success: The country
her house
is in a hopeless situation.
2 very bad, or unable to do something: / am hostage /'hastid3/ noun
hopeless at science. — hopelessly adverb someone who is taken and kept as a prisoner
by an enemy so other people will do what the
horizon /ha'raizan/ noun
enemy wants
the between the land or sea and the
line sky:

/ can see a ship on the horizon. host-ess /'houst is/ noun

a woman who invites people to her house
horizontal /.hora'zantel, ,har-/
adjective hostile /'hastl, 'hastail/ adjective
flat and level to the ground » compare VERTI- angry and ready to attack; not friendly: The hos-
CAL — horizontally adverb tile crowd began to throw rocks.
hot /hat/ adjective housework /'hauswa^k/ noun [U]
1 having a lot of heat: The sun is very hot. \
the work you do to take care of a house
Here is some hot coffee for you. compare » hover /'hAvaV verb

to stay in the air in one place: The large bird

2 having a burning taste: Pepper makes food
hovered in the air.
» compare
taste hot. MILD

hot dog how /haoV adverb

1 used for asking about something, or explain-
/'. ./ noun
ing how to do something: How do you open this
a long piece of
box? How do you spell your name?

2 used in questions about time, amount, or
like a tube,
size: How much money did you pay? How \

eaten in a long
many children do you have? How old are you? \

piece of bread
3 used for asking about someone's health:
hotel How is your mother? How are you? \

/hou'tel/ noun 4 used to make something you say stronger:

a building where people pay to stay for a short / can't tell you how boring the movie was!

time: We stayed in a hotel near the airport. 5 How do you do? said when you meet some-
one for the first time
hound /haund/noun
6 how about? used when making a suggestion
a dog used for hunting
about what to do: / can't come today. How
hour /aua7 noun about tomorrow instead?
a measure of time; 60 minutes: There are
24 hours in one day. I'll be home in an hour.
however /hau'evaV adverb

1 but: / don't think we can do it; however, we

2 a particular time of day or night: The subway
will try.
doesn't run at this hour of the night.
2 in whatever way; it does not matter: She
3 a time when you usually do a particular thing:
goes swimming every day, however cold it is. I
We are open between the hours of 9 and 5. \

want that car, however much it costs.

4 for hours for a long time: I've been waiting
here for hours. howl /haul/ verb
5 on the hour one o'clock, two
exactly at to make a long, loud crying sound like a dog: My
o'clock etc.: The buses leave on the hour. dog is howling at the moon. — howl noun
6 after hours when a place is closed: No one
is allowed in after hours.
huddle /'hAdl/ verb (huddling, huddled]
to move close to the other people in a small
hourly /'aua^li/ adverb, adjective group: We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
happening or done every hour, or once an hour:
The planes arrive hourly.
hug 1
/hAg/ verb (hugging, hugged)
to put your arms around someone and hold him
house /haus/ noun or her to show love or friendship: He hugged
1 a building that you live in, especially with a his daughter.
2 all the people who live in a house: Be quiet
hug 2
an act of holding someone close to you in your
or you will wake the whole house.
arms: He gave her a big hug.
house-hold /'haushould, 'hausouldV
huge /hyud3/ adjective
very large: He ate a huge amount of food.
the people who a house together
all live in
» compare ENORMOUS
housekeeper /'haus.kipaV noun
hum /hAm/ verb (humming, hummed]
someone whose job is to clean, cook etc. in a
1 to make a low steady noise like a BEE
house or hotel
2 to sing with your lips closed
housewife /'hauswaif/ noun [plural
human /'hyuman/ adjective
belonging to or relating to people: 777/s com-
a married woman who works at home for her
puter records the human voice. — human noun
human being

human being /,.. '../noun hurl /ha-l/ verb

a man, woman, or child; not an animal to throw something with force: He hurled the
brick through the window.
humble /'hAmbgl/ adjective
1 thinking that you are not better or more hurricane /'hsn.kem, 'hAr-/ noun
important than other people; not proud: He is a storm with very strong fast winds
a humble man with many friends.
2 simple or poor: She came from a humble
hurry 1
/'han, 'hAri/ verb (hurrying, hurried)
1 move or do something quickly: We have to
hurry or we will be late!
hu-mid /'hyumid/ adjective 2 hurry up to do something more quickly:
air that is humid feels warm and wet / wish you would hurry up and get dressed!

humor /'hyumaV noun [U] hurry 2 noun

the ability to laugh at things or to make others be in a hurry to try to do things quickly because
laugh: He doesn't have a sense of humor. you do not have much time: / can't talk now. I'm
[=does not know when something is funny) in a hurry.

humorous /'hyumaras/ adjective hurt 1

/ha-t/ verb [past hurt)
funny; making you laugh: / read a humorous 1 to injure yourself or someone else: / fell over
book about his life. and hurt my knee.
2 to feel pain or cause pain: My feet hurt after
hump /hAmp/ noun
all that walking.
1 a round shape that rises above a surface
3 to make someone feel unhappy or upset:
2 a raised part on the back of an animal or
/ didn't mean to hurt your feelings. » compare
hundred /'hAndnd/ noun
hurt 2 adjective
1 hundred) the number 100: The
1 injured or feeling pain: No one was hurt in
school was built one hundred years ago. Three \

the accident.
hundred people were killed in the flood.
2 unhappy or upset: She is hurt because of
2 hundreds of a very large number of some-
what you said.
thing: We receive hundreds of letters each
week. husband /'hAzband/ noun

hundredth /'hAndridG/ adjective, noun

the man to whom a woman is married » com-
pare WIFE

hung /hAn/
hush 1
/hAjV verb
said when telling someone to be quiet or to stop
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb

hunger /'hAggaV noun [U]

hush 2
noun [U]
a peaceful silence
the feeling that you want or need to eat » com-
pare THIRST hut /hAt/ noun
a small building with only one or two rooms
hun«gry /'hAijgri/ adjective (hungrier,
hungriest) hyena /hai'ins/ noun
wanting or needing to eat: I'm hungry when are a wild animal like a large dog that makes a
we going to eat? »
compare THIRSTY sound like a loud laugh — see color picture on
page 183
hunt /hAnt/ verb
1 to chase and kill animals for food on sport hymn /him/ noun
2 to look for something or someone very care- a song of praise to God
hunted everywhere for that book.
fully: /
hyphen /'haifan/ noun
hunter /'h.Ante7 noun the mark (-) used to join two words or parts of

a person or animal who chases and kills ani- words: We have a two-car garage.
mals, usually for food
icing /'aisin/ noun [U]
a mixture of sugar and water put on top of

icon /'aikan/ noun

computer screen that you
a small picture on a
can choose to make the computer do some-

ic-y /'aisi/ adjective (icier, iciest)

I /ai/ 1 very cold: / felt an icy wind.
the person who is speaking: / want to go 2 covered with ice: You can't drive on an icy
home. |
My friend and Iwent to the movies. \ road.
I'm(=1 am] very glad to see you. I've (=1 have) \

been waiting a long time. I'll (=1 will] wait a lit-

I'd /aid/

1 had: I'd already left by the time she arrived.

tle longer. \
I thought I'd [=1 had) missed the bus. I

2 I would: I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

idea /ai'dia/ noun

1 a thought or plan that you think of: I've got
an idea. Why don't we have a party? \
What a
good idea!
2 have no idea not to know something: / had
no idea that you had a brother.

ideal /ai'dial/ adjective

the best that something can be: This book is an
ideal Christmas gift.

ice /ais/ noun [U] identical /ai'denfikal, \-l adjective

water that has frozen and become hard: He put exactly the same: Your dress is identical to
some ice in his drink. There is ice on the \
identification /ai.dentefa'keijan,
ice-berg i-/ noun [U]
/'aisba^g/ noun official documents that show who you are: Do
a very large piece of you have any identification with you?
ice floating in the sea
identify /ai'dente.fai, i-/ verb
ice cream /'. ./
(identifying, identified)
noun [U] to say who someone is or what something is:

a sweet food made Can you identify the man in the picture?
from frozen milk: /
want a bowl of identity /ai'denfati, i-/ noun [plural

chocolate ice cream. identities)

who someone is or what something is: The
ice cube /'. ./ noun identity of the dead man is still unknown.
a small square piece of ice that you put in a
idiom /'idiam/ noun
a group of words which have a special meaning
ice skate 1
noun /'. ./
when they are used together: To "have cold feet
a special shoe that you wear for moving on ice about something" is an English idiom which
ice skate 2
verb (ice skating, ice skated] means to be worried or nervous about doing
to move across ice wearing special shoes: Do something.
you want to go ice skating? see color picture — idiot /'idiat/ noun
on page 1 84 a stupid person » compare FOOL 1

icicle /'aisikal/ noun i-dle /'aidl/ adjective

a long thin piece of ice that hangs down from 1 not working or being used: The machines
something: There are icicles hanging from the are sitting idle in the factory.
roof, —see picture at ICE 2 lazy
i-dol /'aidl/ noun illustrate /'ita.streit/ verb (illustrating,
1 a famous person who you admire very much illustrated)
2 an image or object that people pray to as a 1 to explain something by giving an example
god 2 to add pictures to a book or magazine: The
book was illustrated with color drawings.
i.e. /,ai 'i/

a short way
to write that you want to explain illustration /.ib'streijan/ noun
what you mean by something: The movie is for a picture in a book or magazine
adults only, i.e. people over the age of 18.
I'm /aim/
if /if; weak df/ I am: I'm very pleased to meet you.
1 used for saying what might happen: If you
want to catch the bus, you should go now. If it
image /'imid3/ noun

1 the way a person or organization appears to

snows, we will come tomorrow.
other people: The company wants to change its
2 whether: / don't know if he will come or not.
3 whenever: / always visit them if I go to the
2 a picture you see through a camera, on tele-
vision, or in a mirror
4 as used when you are describing some-
3 a picture of something that you have in your
thing: It looks as if it is going to rain. He talks \

to me as if I'm stupid.
5 if were you said when you are giving advice
I imaginary /i'maed39,neri/ adjective
to someone: If I were you, I'd buy a bigger car. not real; existing only in your mind: He wrote a
6 do you mind if a polite way of asking some- story about an imaginary world.
one if you can do something: Do you mind if I
imagination /i,maed39'neij3n/ noun [U]
the form pictures or ideas in your
ability to
ignorance /'ignarans/ noun [U] mind: You didn't really see it. It was only your
the state of being without knowledge or educa- imagination.
imagine /I'max^m/ verb (imagining,
ignorant /'ignargnt/ adjective imagined)
not knowing very much; not educated: Students 1 to form pictures and ideas in your mind:
can be ignorant about other countries. Imagine what you would do if you had a lot of
ignore /ig'nor/ verb (ignoring, ignored)
2 to have a false or wrong idea about some-
to not pay any attention to someone or some-
thing: John thinks that we don't like him, but he
thing: She ignored me at the party.
is just imagining things.
I'll /ail/

I will; I shall: /'// come with you.

imitate /'ima.teit/ verb (imitating,
ill /il/ adjective to do something in the same way as someone
1 not feeling healthy; sick: She can't go to or something else: He always tries to imitate
work because she is ill. Elvis.

2 at ease nervous or embarrassed: He

imitation /.ima'teijan/ noun
seems to be at ease with me. ill
a copy of something: This isn't a real gun. It's

illegal /I'ligsl/ adjective an imitation.

not allowed by law: is illegal to steal things.
» opposite LEGAL —

illegally adverb
immature /.ima'tjur, -'tur/ adjective
not behaving in a way that is suitable for your
illegible /i'l£d39b3l/ adjective age: Don't be so immature! »
not able to be read: His writing is illegible. MATURE 1

» opposite LEGIBLE immediate /I'midiit/ adjective

illiterate /I'litant/ adjective happening or done at once: Our immediate con-
not able to read or write cern was to stop the fire.

illness /'ilnis/ noun [plural illnesses) immediately /I'midiitli/ adverb

a disease of the body or mind: He suffers from now and with no delay: / need to see you imme-
mental illness. diately.
immense /I'mens/ adjective 1 very useful or valuable: We had an impor-
very large: The size of the house was immense. tant meeting today.
» compare ENORMOUS 2 having power or influence: She is an impor-
tant person in the company. —importantly
immensely /I'mensli/ adverb
very much: / enjoyed the concert immensely.
impossible /im'pasabsl/ adjective
immigrant /'imagrant/ noun
not possible; not able to be done or happen: It
someone from another country who comes to
is impossible to sleep with the noise.
your country to
live compare EMIGRANT » » opposite POSSIBLE

—impossibly adverb
immigrate /'imsgreit/ verb
impress /im'pres/ verb
to come to live in another country: Juan immi-
to make someone feel admiration and respect:
grated to the U.S. last year. » compare
/ was very impressed by your work.

immigration impression /im'prejan/ noun

/.ima'greijan/ noun [U]
1 the opinion or feeling that you have about
the act of going to live in another country: The
someone or something: It is important to make
government wants to control immigration.
a good impression on people.
» compare EMIGRATION
2 be under the impression that to think that
immoral /I'moral, i'mar-/ adjective something is true when it is not: i/i/as under /

bad or wicked and not acceptable to other peo- the impression that he was from Germany.
impressive /im'presiv/ adjective
immunize /'imya.naiz/ verb very good and causing admiration: He gave an
(immunizing, immunized) impressive performance.
to protect someone from a disease by giving
him or her a weak form of the disease using a
imprison /im'pnzsn/ verb
to put someone in prison: He was imprisoned
special needle —
immunization noun [U]
for two years.
impatient /im'peijant/ adjective
imprisonment /im'prizanmsnt/
annoyed because you want something to hap-
noun [U]
pen now so you do not have to wait: With the
the state of being in prison: He was given two
delay, everyone was beginning to get impatient.
years' imprisonment.
» opposite PATIENT 1

imperative /im'perstiv/ noun, improve /im'pruv/ verb (improving,

the form of a verb that you use when you tell
to become better, or make something better:
someone to do something: In the sentence
My tennis is improving.
"Come here!", "come" is in the imperative.
impolite /.impg'lait/ adjective
improvement /im'pruvmsnt/ noun
1 a change which shows that something is
not polite; rude: It would be impolite not to call
becoming better: Her health is showing signs
her back. » opposite POLITE of improvement.
import 1
/im'port/ verb 2 a change which makes something better:
to bring goods into a country to be sold or We want to make some home improvements.
used: We import oil from other countries.
» impulse /'impAls/ noun
compare EXPORT 1
a sudden desire to do something: She had an
import 2 /'import/ noun impulse to buy a new dress.
something that is brought into a country to be
impulsive Am'pAlsiv/ adjective
sold or used: Machinery is one of our main
doing things without thinking about the results:
imports. » compare EXPORT 2
/ do not want to make an impulsive decision.
importance /im'port^ns, -portns/
in weaken, n/ preposition
noun [U]
1 for showing where someone or something is:
great value or power: / understand the impor-
They were sitting in the kitchen. He once lived \

tance of a good education.

in Mexico. —see color picture on page 1 94
important /im'port n nt, -'portnt/ 2 surrounded by something: We took a walk in

adjective the rain. I dropped my keys

in the water.
3 using: She spoke in a quiet voice. The \ including /in'kludig/ preposition
words were written in pencil. \
They were used for showing that someone or something is
speaking in French. part of a larger group: The whole family is
4 during a period of time: The house was built going, including the children. (=they are going
in the 1 950s. \
His birthday is in June. too] » opposite EXCLUDING
5 after a period of time: be ready in a few

minutes. She will

be home in an hour.
income /'mkArn, 'irj-/ noun
6 inside a building where you live or work: Mrs.
all the money you earn: What is your present
Jones is not in right now.
7 working at a particular job: She is in sales. income tax /'.. ,./ noun
8 wearing: Who's the woman in the black money taken by the government from what you
dress? earn
9 in all in total: There were twenty of us in all.
incomplete /.mkam'plit/ adjective
inaccurate /m'aekyant/ adjective not finished; not having all its parts: The work
not correct; having mistakes in it: He gave us is incomplete. \
He wrote an incomplete sen-
an inaccurate description of the car. oppo- » tence. » opposite COMPLETE 1

inconvenience 1 /.mkan'vinysns/
inadequate /m'aedgkwit/ adjective noun
not good enough for something: The medical something that causes you problems or difficul-
care we received was inadequate. opposite » ty: hope the delay won't cause any inconve-

ADEQUATE nience.

inappropriate /jna'proupriit/ adjective inconvenience 2 verb (inconveniencing,

not suitable or correct for a particular purpose: inconvenienced]
Those clothes are inappropriate for work. to cause problems or difficulties for someone:
» opposite APPROPRIATE Am inconveniencing you by staying here?

incapable /in'keipsbsl/ adjective inconvenient /.mkan'vinyant/ adjective

not able to do something: Since the accident causing problems or difficulty: Is this an incon-
she has been incapable of moving her legs. venient time for me to visit? » opposite CON-

inch /intJV noun [plural inches] incorrect /.inka'rekt/ adjective

a measure of length, 2.45 centime-
equal to not right; wrong: The answer is incorrect.
ters: There are 12 inches (=12 in.] in one foot. » opposite CORRECT 1

incident /'msadant/ noun increase 1

/m'kris/ verb (increasing,
an event or something that happens increased]
1 to become more in amount or number:
incidentally /jnsa'dentli/ adverb
Prices have increased this year.
used when you are giving more information, or
2 to make something more in amount or num-
when you begin talking about a new subject: /
ber: Smoking increases your chance of getting
saw Peter today. Incidentally, he wants us to
come for lunch next week.
cancer. » opposite DECREASE 1

inclined /m'klamd/ adjective

increase 2 /'inkris/ noun
to be inclined to do something to be likely to do
a rise in number or amount: We have seen an

something, or to want to do something: He is

increase in crime. » opposite DECREASE 2

inclined to get angry when someone does not increasingly /m'krisigli/ adverb
agree with him. more and more: It's becoming increasingly diffi-

cult to find work.

include /m'klud/ verb (including, included]
1 to have something as part of a whole: The in credible /m'kredabal/ adjective
price of the trip includes food. The group \ 1 very good: The food here is incredible!
included several women. »
opposite EXCLUDE 2 very large in amount or impressive: He won
2 to make someone or something part of a an incredible amount of money.
larger group: / included my uncle on my list of 3 very strange or difficult to believe: She told
people to invite. us an incredible story. incredibly adverb —
» compare AMAZING
indeed /m'did/ adverb dent was an indirect result of the heavy rain. |

1 used for emphasizing a word, statement, or She made some indirect criticism of students'
question: "Did he really say that?" "He did work.
indeed. " He claims that the payments have
2 not using the shortest or straightest way to
indeed been made. get to a place: We took an indirect route to
2 used for giving more information to what you avoid the traffic. » opposite DIRECT 1 — indi-

have said: / do not know where Sam is; indeed, rectly adverb
I haven't seen him for weeks.
individual 1
/.inda'vidsusl/ noun
indefinite /m'defanit/ adjective a person, not a group: The rights of the indi-

not clear or definite: / will be away for an indef- vidual must be protected.
inite period of time. [=\ do not know how long I

individual 2 adjective
will be away]
for one person: The children had individual
independence /.indi'pendans/ noun [U] desks. Students need individual attention.


1 the freedom to take care of yourself without individually adverb

needing other people: Older people want to
in-door /'mdor/ adjective
keep their independence.
inside a building: The school has an indoor
2 political freedom from the control of another
country: America declared its independence in
swimming pool. » opposite OUTDOOR
1776. indoors /,m'dorz/ adverb
into or inside a building: Let's stay indoors
Independence Day /..'..,./ noun
today. » opposite OUTDOORS
a national holiday on July 4 in the U.S., when
Americans celebrate their country's indepen- industrial /m'dAStrisl/ adjective
dence from Britain relating to industry, or having a lot of industries:
We have a plan for getting rid of industrial waste.
independent /.mdi'pendsnt* / adjective
1 able to take care of yourself without needing industry /'mdastri/ noun [plural
other people: Although she is young, she is very industries]
independent. » opposite DEPENDENT 1 the making of goods in factories: What are the
2 free and not controlled by another country: important industries in the town?
India became independent from Britain in
— independently adverb infant /'infant/ noun
a baby
in«dex /'indeks/ noun [plural indexes or
in feet /m'fekt/ verb
indices /'indisiz/)
someone a disease: spoke
to give / to a man
a list at the end of a book which tells you what
who was infected with the disease.
can be found in the book, and on what page
infection /m'fekfgn/ noun
index finger /'.. ,../ noun
a disease or sickness: My son has an ear infec-
the finger next to your thumb

indicate /'mda.keit/ verb (indicating,

infectious /m'fekfas/ adjective
an infectious disease can be passed from one
1 to show that something is likely to be true:
person to another
Our studies indicate that men will buy the big-
ger model. in-fe-ri-or /m'firiaV adjective
2 to point at something: Please indicate which worse than other things; very bad » compare
one you have chosen. SUPERIOR

indication /.mda'keijan/ noun infinite /'mfanit/ adjective

a sign that something exists or may be true: very large or great and having no limits: Some
Did he give you any indication that he was people believe the universe is infinite.

in-f i-nite-ly /'mfanitli/ adverb
indices /'mda.siz/ very much: / feel infinitely better today.
the plural of index
inf initive /m'finativ/ noun
indirect /,md3'rekt, -dai-/ adjective the part of a verb which is used with the word
1 not directly relating to something: The acci- to: In the sentence "I want " "to go" is an
to go,

inf late /m'fleit/ verb (inflating, inflated] initial 1 noun

to something with air so that it becomes
fill lar- the name, used to represent th
first letter of a
ger: / need a pump to inflate the tire. name: His name is John Smith, so his initial
are J.S.
influence 1
/'influgns/ noun
1 the power to affect the way someone or initial 2 adjective
something behaves, thinks, or develops: Her first; at the beginning: The initial plan was t<

parents have a strong influence on her. build a new hospital.

2 be a bad influence, be a good influence to
initially /I'nijali/ adverb
make someone behave badly, or behave in a
at first: Initially, my new job seemed strange.
better way, because of how you behave
3 be under the influence of something to be inject /m'd3ekt/ verb
drunk or feeling the effects of drugs to put a liquid medicine into your body using
special needle
influence 2 verb (influencing, influenced]
to have an effect on the way someone or some- injection /in'dsekfan/ noun
thing behaves, thinks, or develops: / do not an act medicine into your bod
of putting liquid
want to influence your decision. using a special needle: The nurse gave me ai
inf luential /.mflu'enjal/ adjective
important and having the power to change injure /'md3a7 verb (injuring, injured]
someone or something: She is an influential to harm or wound a person or animal: Two pec
politician in this city. pie were injured in the accident. \
I injurec

influenza myself playing football. » compare HURT

/,mflu'enz9/ noun [U] — injured adjective
the FLU
in«ju«ry /'md39ri/ noun [plural injuries)
inform /m'form/ verb
a wound: The accident caused serious injuries
to tell someone about something: Our teacher
informed us that the school will be closed on injustice /m'd3AStis/ noun [U]
Monday. a situation where you are not treated fairly: H<
is determined to fight injustice in the goverr
in-for-mal /in 'formal/ adjective
easy, relaxed, and friendly: We had an informal
ment. »
opposite JUSTICE

meeting at my house. » opposite FORMAL ink /irjk/ noun

a colored liquid used for writing or printing
information /.mf^'meijan/ noun [U]
facts; knowledge: Can you give me some infor- inn /in/ noun
mation about this machine? He told us an \
a small hotel, usually not in a city

important piece of information about the plan.

inner /'ma-/ adjective
ingredient /m'gridiant/ noun on the inside, or in the middle: / have a problen
something that you add when you are making with my inner ear. (=the part inside my head
something, especially in cooking: Flour, milk, » compare OUTER
and eggs are the main ingredients.
innocence /'masans/ noun [U]
inhabit /m'haebit/ verb the fact of not being guilty of a crime: He hac
to live in a place: The country is inhabited by 20 to prove his innocence. » compare GUILT
million people.
innocent /'inasant/ adjective
inhabitant /in'haebatant/ noun not guilty of a crime: No one believed that sht
someone who lives in a place: The town has was innocent. » compare GUILTY
only 250 inhabitants.
inquire /in'kwaiaV verb (inquiring,
inherit /in'hent/ verb inquired)
to receive something from someone when he or to ask for information about something: / an

she dies: He inherited the farm from his par- writing to inquire about the price of the house
inquir-y /m'kwaiori, 'irjkwari/ noun [plur-

inheritance /in'hcntens/noun al inquiries)

money or other things that you receive from a question you ask for information: People art
someone after he or she has died making inquiries about the job.

i-quis-i-tive /m'kwizativ/ adjective install /in'stol/ verb

iterested many different
in things and wanting to put in new machinery so it can be used: We
know more about them installed a new computer system in the office.

isane /m'sem/ adjective

— installation noun [U]

ompletely crazy, stupid or dangerous: He must installment /m'stslmsnt/ noun

e insane to drive his car so fast. » opposite 1 one of the regular payments that you make
ANE for something until you pay all the money that
you owe: She is paying for her car in install-
i-sect /'msekt/ noun
very small creature such as a fly, that has six
2 one of the parts of a long stony in a maga-
zine, newspapen etc.
nsert /m's^t/ verb
instance /'mstans/ noun
d put something into something else: Insert
for instance fon example: She has a lot of
4e key in the lock and turn it to the right.
friends. For instance, 30 people came to her
rvside 1 /'insaid/ noun party.
the inside the inner part of something: The
utside of an orange is bitten but the inside is
instant 1
/'mstgnt/ adjective
1 happening on wonking with no delay: The new
weet. Have you seen the inside of the house?
movie was an instant success.

> compare OUTSIDE 1

2 veny quick to pnepane: / only have instant coffee.

inside out with the inside part of something
n the outside: You have your shirt on inside instant 2 noun
ut. a moment: He waited an instant before answer-
ing the question.
side 2 /m'said/ adverb, preposition
or onto something: Don't stand there in the instantly /'mstantli/ adverb
ain - come on inside. She put the money
\ with no delay; immediately: He was killed

iside her bag. » compare OUTSIDE 2 instantly.

nside 3 /'insaid/ adjective instead /m'stcd/ adverb

n the inside of something, on contained by in place of someone on something else: / don't
omething: The inside walls of the house are have a pen, so I used a pencil instead. Can you |

ainted white. » compare OUTSIDE 3 come on Saturday instead of Sunday?

nsist /m'sist/ verb instinct /'mstirjkt/ noun
to say firmly that something is true, espe- a natunal ability to behave in a panticulan way
ially when other people think it is not: He without having to think about it on leann it: Cats
isists that he is right. have the instinct to hunt for food.
something that must happen or be
to say
one: She insisted on seeing the manager.
institute /'mst9,tut/ noun
an onganization that studies a panticulan thing
rvspect /m'spekt/ verb such as science on education
d something carefully, to see if there is
look at
nything wrong: Inspect the car before you buy
institution /.msta'tufan/ noun
a lange onganization such as a school, hospital,
on bank
n spec t ion /m'spekfan/ noun
careful look to see if there is anything wrong
instruct /m'strAkt/ verb
1 someone something
to teach
i/ith something
2 instruct someone to do something to tell
nspector /m'spektaV noun someone that he on she must do something:
an official whose job is to visit places and see I've been instructed to wait here.
there is anything wrong with them: A health
ispector visited our restaurant.
instruction /in'strAkfgn/ noun
infonmation on advice that tells you how to do
a police officer
something: Read the instructions on the box.
rvspire /in'spaiaV verb [inspiring,
instructor /m'strAktaV noun
someone who teaches a skill on an activity: She
d make someone want to do something: He
is a swimming instructor.
ispired us to think for ourselves.
instrument /'mstramant/ noun interest 2 verb
1 Are these
a tool for doing a particular thing: to make someone want to know more about
his medical instruments? something: Her story interested me.
2 an object used for making music: A piano is interested /'mtnstid, 'mte.restid/
a musical instrument.
instrumental /.mstra'menfl/ wanting to do something or know more about
adjective something: He is very interested in history.
1 be instrumental in something to be impor- interesting /'mtristirj, 'infs.restir)/
tantin making something happen: Her support
was instrumental in passing the law. unusual or exciting so that you pay attention:
2 instrumental music only uses musical instru- That is an interesting idea. »
compare BORING
ments with no human voices
in-ter-fere /.inf^'fir/ verb (interfering,
insult 1
/m'sAlt/ verb
to be impolite to someone and offend him or
1 to get involved in a situation when you are
not wanted or needed: Just go away and stop
insult 2 /'insAlt/ noun interfering!

an impolite remark or action that offends some- 2 interfere with to prevent something from
one: He shouted insults at the police. com- » happening: The rain interfered with our plans
pare COMPLIMENT 1 to go out.

insurance /m'Jurans/ noun [U] in'te«ri'Or 1 /m'tiriaV noun

money paid to a company that then agrees to the inside of something: His car has a brown
pay an amount of money if something bad hap- leather interior. » compare: EXTERIOR 2
pens to you or your property: Do you have car interior 2 adjective
insurance? on the inside of something: The interior walls of
insure /m'Jur/ verb (insuring, insured] the house were white. » compare EXTERIOR 2

to pay money for INSURANCE: The house is

intermediate /,inf^'midiit/ adjective
insured against fire.
on the middle level between two others: / have
intelligence /m'tetad33ns/ noun [U] a class in intermediate Spanish.
the ability to learn and understand things: She internal /in't^nl/ adjective
is a child of high intelligence. of or on the inside: She has an internal injury

intelligent /in'tetad^ant/ adjective from the accident. » compare EXTERNAL

able to learn and understand things quickly international /.inf^'naejanal/ adjective

intend /in'tend/ verb for or many countries: An international

to plan to do something: Do you intend to agreement was signed by the countries.
marry him? » compare NATIONAL

in-tense /in 'tens/ adjective ln«ter«net /'internet/ noun [also the Net]
having a very strong or serious effect on some- the Internet a system in which computers
one: His intense love for her caused the argu- around the world are connected and can
ment. exchange information: Are you on the Internet?

intention /m'tenfan/ noun interpret /m't^pnt/ verb

something that you plan to do: / have no inten- to put the words spoken in one language into

tion of going there. the words of another language: He is able to

interpret from French into English. » compare
interactive /.mte'raektiv/ adjective TRANSLATE
involving communication between a computer
or other machine and the person using it
interpretation /m.t^pra'teijan/ noun
an explanation for an event or what someone
interest 1
/'intnst/ has done
1 [U] a desire to know more about something:
We both have an interest in music. in-ter*pret-er /in'ta^prataV noun
2 something you do or study because you enjoy someone whose job is to put the words spoken
it: What are her interests? inone language into the words of another lan-


interracial /.mter'reijal* / adjective "When he had finished, he sat down, " "finished"

between different races of people: The pro- and "sat down" are intransitive verbs. » com-
gram talked about interracial marriage. pare TRANSITIVE

interrupt /.mte'rApt/ verb introduce /,mtr9'dus/ verb

to say something when someone else is already [introducing, introduced)

speaking and cause him or her to stop: / didn't 1 to cause two people to meet each other for
mean to interrupt you. the first time, and tell each person the name of
the other person: He introduced his friend to
interruption /.mfs'rApJan/ noun me.
something that stops you from continuing what 2 to make something happen for the first time:
you are doing for a short time: There are too The government is introducing a new law.
many interruptions at work.
introduction /.intra'dAkfsn/ noun
intersection /'into.sekfan, .mter'sek 1 the act of making something happen for the
Jan/ noun first time: The introduction of computers into
a place where two streets meet and cross each the school is a good idea.
other 2 a piece of writing at the beginning of a book

interstate 1
/'mte-.steit/ noun that tells you what the rest of the book is about
a long road that goes between states invade /m'veid/ verb [invading, invaded]
interstate 2 adjective to attack and enter a country or place with an

between or involving different states in the U.S. army: The army invaded the city.

interval noun
/'interval/ invalid /'invalid/ noun
1 between two events or activ-
a time or space someone who needs to be taken care of

ities: The theater opened again after an inter-

because he or she is very old, sick, or injured

val of two years. invasion /m'vei33n/ noun

2 at intervals with a particular amount of time the act of an army attacking and entering a
or space between: Water your plants at regu- country or place
lar intervals.
invent /m'vent/ verb
in-ter-view 1 /'mt^.vyu/ noun to think of an idea, or to make something for
1 a meeting to decide if someone is good the first time: Who invented the telephone?
enough for a job: When is your job interview?
2 an occasion when a famous person is asked invention /m'venfan/ noun
questions about his or her life, opinions etc. 1 the act of thinking of an idea, or of making
something for the first time
interview 2 verb 2 something completely new that is made for
1 to ask someone questions to see if he or she the first time: This machine is their latest inven-
is good enough for a job tion.
2 to ask a famous person questions about his
or her life, opinions etc. inventor /m'vcnfaV noun
someone who thinks of and makes something
into /'inta; before vowels 'into; strong completely new
'intu/ preposition
1 so as to be inside or in something: They invest /m'vest/ verb
went into the house. He fell into the water. to give money to a bank, business etc. so that
— investment noun

—see color picture on page 1 94 you can get a profit later

2 involved in an activity: want to go
into busi-
investigate /m'vesta.geit/ verb
ness for myself. (investigating, investigated]
3 in a different form: She made the material to search for information about something by
into a dress. He rolled the dough into a ball.
looking, asking questions etc.: The police are
4 used when dividing one number by another investigating the crime.
number: Five goes into twenty four times.
investigation /m.vestg'geijan/ noun
intransitive /m'traenzstiv/ adjective, a search for information about something such
noun as a crime or problem: There will be an inves-
not having an object; where the action is not tigation into the cause of the accident.
done to a person or thing: In the sentence,

invisible /m'vizabal/ adjective iron

not able to be seen: Air is invisible. » opposite

invitation /.mva'teijgn/ noun

an offer, in words or writing, of a chance to do
something or to go somewhere: Did you get an
invitation to the party?

invite /m'vait/ verb (inviting, invited)

to ask someone to come
to a party, meal etc.:
She invited us to her house for lunch.

NOTE: People do not use the verb invite

when they are asking you you want to go if

somewhere or do something. Instead they iron 3 adjective

say things like, "Would you like to come to made of iron: The gate has iron bars.
dinner at my house?"
"Do you want to or,
ironing /'ai^nirj/ noun [U]
come to a party tonight?" (NOTE never say, the activity of making clothes smooth using a
"I invite you ..."]
hot iron

ironing board/' /noun

involve /m'valv/ verb (involving, involved]
a narrow board on which you make your clothes
1 to include or affect someone or something:
smooth using a hot iron
/ saw an accident involving four cars.
2 to include something as a necessary part of irregular /I'regyala-/ adjective

something else: The job will involve a lot of hard 1 not happening or being repeated at the
work. same times: He was in the hospital because of
an irregular heartbeat.
involved /m'valvd/ adjective 2 an irregular noun or verb does not change
be involved in something to take part in some- its form in the same way as most nouns or
thing: She is involved in politics.
verbs: "Child" and "person" are irregular nouns
inward 1
/'inward/ adjective [also inwards] » opposite REGULAR
1 on or toward the inside of something irrigate /'ira.geit/ verb (irrigating,
» compare OUTWARD 1
2 not shown to other people: / had an inward to make water flow to dry land or crops
feeling of happiness.
irrigation /.ira'geijan/ noun [U]
inward 2 adverb the act of making water flow to dry land or
toward the inside of something: The door crops
swings inward. »
compare OUTWARD 2
irritate /'ira.teit/ verb (irritating,
IOU /,ai ou'yu/ noun irritated]
a short way to write "I owe you"; a piece of
1 to make someone angry or annoyed: The
paper that you sign to show that you owe some- noise of the children was irritating me.
one money 2 to make a part of your body painful: The sun
IQ /,ai 'kyu/ noun irritates my eyes.

Intelligence, Quotient; someone's

the level of
IRS /,ai ar 'es/ noun
intelligence, with 100 being the average
the IRS Internal Revenue Service; the govern-
i-ron 1 /'ai^n/ noun ment organization in the U.S. that deals with
1 an object that is heated and pressed on taxes
clothes to make them smooth is /z, s, az; strong iz/ verb
2 [U] a hard heavy metal used for making steel the part of the verb be that you use with he,
iron 2 verb she and it: She is Peter's sister. He's (=he is] \

to make your clothes smooth using a hot iron: her brother. That boy's (=boy is) in my class.

Do you want me to iron your shirt? She isn't (=is not) very smart.
" "

Islam /'izlam, iz'lam, 'islam/ noun itch 1 /it J/ verb

the religion started by Muhammed to have an unpleasant feeling that makes you
want to rub your skin: The insect bite itched all
island /'aitand/ noun
a piece of land surrounded by water
itch 2 noun
is-n't /'izsnt/
an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes
is not: She isn't coming. It's a great day, isn't
you want to rub it: I've got an itch on my back.

itch-y /'it Ji/ adjective (itchier, itchiest)
isolate /'aisa.leit/ verb (isolating,
having an unpleasant feeling on your skin that
makes you want to rub it
to make or keep one person or thing away from
other people or things: The sick man was iso- it'd /'itad/
lated to stop the disease from spreading. 1 it would: It'd be lovely to see you.
2 it had: It'd taken us two hours to get there.
isolated /'ais3,leitid/ adjective
far away from other things: He lives on an iso- item /'aitem/ noun
lated farm. a single thing a group: On the desk there

were two books, a pen, and some other items.

issue 1
/'ifu/ verb (issuing, issued)
1 to make an official statement: The govern- it'll /'itl/

ment issued a warning about the water. it will: It'll soon be time to go.
2 to supply something to someone: The team
it's /its/
was issued with new shoes.
1 it is: It's raining outside.
issue 2 noun 2 it has: It's stopped raining.
1 a subject or problem that people think is
its /its/ adjective
important: We will raise the issue (=begin talk-
of it; belonging to it: She gave the cat its food.
ingabout it] with them. \

The tree has lost all its leaves.

2 a magazine or newspaper that is printed on
a particular day,month etc.: Do you have the
NOTE: Do not confuse its (=belonging to it)
newest issue of Newsweek?
with it's (=it is or it has) which is spelled
it /it/ pronoun with a '.

1 the thing, animal, or person that the sen-

tence is about: / lost my book, and I can't find it
it-self /it 'self/ pronoun [plural themselves]
anywhere. It was an interesting book.

the thing or animal as the one that the

2 used when talking about the weather, time,
sentence is about: Your body will try to defend
and dates: It is very hot today It's almost four

itself against disease.

o'clock. |
It is Thursday.
3 used when about a fact or something
talking I've /aiv/
that happens: a long way to town. "What's
It's |
I have: I've got two sisters.
that noise?" "It's a car.
4 used when giving the name of a person or
ivory /'aivari/ noun [U]
the hard, white substance taken from the long
thing that is not already known: "Who is it?" "It's
tooth of an ELEPHANT
me, Peter. " "What's that?" "It is a vegetable.
janV noun
1 [U] a sweet food made of fruit and sugar,
usually eaten on bread
2 a lot of people or things in a small space so
nothing can move: We were stuck in a traffic

jangle /'d3aeng3l/ verb (jangling, jangled)

to make a noise like metal hitting metal: She
jangled her keys in her pocket.
jab 1
/d3aeb/ verb [jabbing, jabbed)
to push something pointed into or toward some- janitor /'d3aen3ta7 noun
thing else: I jabbed the needle into my arm. He \
someone who cleans a building and repairs
kept jabbing his finger into my back until I things in it

turned around.
January /^aenyu.eri/ noun
jab 2 noun the first month of the year
a short quick movement into or toward some-
jar /d3ar/ noun
thing else: / hit him with a jab.
a round glass container with a lid, used for stor-
jack ing food — see picture at CONTAINER

jav-e-lin /'d3aev3lm, -vim/ noun

a long pointed stick which is thrown as a sport

jaw /d3o/ noun

one of the two bones in your mouth that hold
your teeth

/d3aez/ noun [U]

a car jack a phone jack a type of music with a strong beat: Do you like

jack /d3aek/ noun listening to jazz?

a piece of equipment used for lifting something

jealous /'d3ebs/ adjective
heavy such as a car
1 feeling unhappy or angry because you want
jacket /'d3aekit/ noun what someone else has: / was very jealous of
a short light coat Sarah's new shoes. » compare ENVIOUS
2 feeling angry because someone you love is
jack-o'-lantern /'d3aek 9 .laenta-n/
paying too much attention to someone else: Her
noun husband gets jealous if she talks to other men.
a PUMPKIN with holes cut into it to make it look
like a face, used as a decoration at HALLOWEEN jealousy /'d^cldsil noun [U]
1 the feeling you havewhen you want some-
jagged /'d3aegid/ adjective thing that someone compare ENVY
else has » 1

having a rough uneven edge with many sharp

2 the feeling of being angry because someone
points: He fell onto the jagged rocks.
you love is paying too much attention to some-
jaguar /'d3aegwar7 noun one else
a large wild cat with black spots
jeans /d3inz/ plural noun
jail /d3eil/ noun a type of pants made of a strong cotton cloth,

a prison: The man was sent to jail. usually blue —see color picture on page 1 90

jam 1
/d3aem/ verb (jamming, jammed) Jeep /d3ip/ (trademark] noun
1 to push someone or something together into a car that can travel over rough roads
a small space: / jammed the letters into my jeer /d3ir/ verb
in a way that is not nice or shout at
to laugh
2 to fill a place with people or things so noth-
someone you do not like: The crowd jeered at
ing can move: The streets were jammed with
the speaker
3 to become stuck and unable to move: The jel-ly /'d3eli/ noun [U]
printer is jammed again. a sweet soft food made with fruit and sugar,
usually eaten on bread
jelly-fish /'d3£li,fiJ7 noun [plural jellyfish job /d3ab/ noun
or jellyfishes] 1 work that you do to earn money: "What is
a soft sea creature that is almost transparent your job?" "I'm a teacher." compare WORK 2 »
and has long things hanging down from its body 2 a piece of work or a duty that you do: My job
is to take the dog for a walk.
jerk 1 /d3^k/ verb
3 on the job at work or doing work: How long
1 something suddenly and
to pull quickly: She
has he been on the job?
jerked the door open.
2 to move with a quick movement: Her head jockey /'d3aki/ noun [plural jockeys)
jerked when she woke up. someone who rides a horse in a race

jerk 2 noun jog 1 /d3ag/ verb (jogging, jogged)

1 a quick hard pull or sudden movement: He to run slowly, usually for exercise: She jogs
pulled the cord with a jerk. every morning.
2 a person who you think is not nice: Jared's a
jog 2 noun [U]
real jerk.
a slow, steady run, usually for exercise: Let's go
jer-sey I'd^zr-zil noun [plural jerseys) for a jog.
a shirt worn as part of a sports uniform
jogger /'d3aga7 noun
Jesus /'dsizas/ noun [also Jesus Christ) someone who runs slowly for exercise
the man on whose life and teachings
join /d30in/ verb
Christianity is based
1 [also join in) to begin to take part in an activ-

jet /d3ct/ noun ity or game that other people are doing: I joined
1 a narrow stream of gas, air, or liquid that in the singing. \
We are going to play. Do you
comes out of a small hole: Jets of steam came want to join us?
from the ground. 2 to connect together; meet: The pipes join
2 a fast plane with a special engine under the bathtub.
3 to go and do something together with some-
jewel /'d3U9l/ noun
one else: Will you join me for dinner?
a valuable stone that you wear as a decoration:
4 to become a member of an organization or
She had beautiful jewels around her neck.
group: He joined the army.
5 join hands to hold each other's hands: We
all joined hands in a circle.

joint 1 Anoint/ noun

bracelet 1 a part of your body where two bones meet
2 a place where two things are joined together

joint 2 adjective
involvingtwo or more people or groups: They
wrote it together; it was a joint effort. We \

have a joint bank account.

joke 1
/d30uk/ noun
1 something funny that you say or do to make
jewelry /'d3U3lri/ noun [U] someone laugh: My dad is always telling jokes.
things such as rings, gold etc. that you wear on 2 so stupid or silly that you
a situation that is

your body for decoration become annoyed: The meeting was a complete
Jewish /'d3UiJ7 adjective
belonging to a group of people whose religion is joke 2 verb (joking, joked)
Judaism to say things to make people laugh: He knew
that was only joking.
jigsaw/ puzzle /'d3igso .pAzal/ noun

a picture cut into many small pieces that you jo My /'d3ali/ adjective (jollier, jolliest)

put together happy and nice

jingle /'d3iijg3l/ verb (jingling, jingled) jolt 1 /d30ult/ noun

to make a noise by shaking small metal objects 1 a sudden shake or movement: The train
together: The coins jingled in his pocket. started with a jolt.
2 a sudden shock or surprise: A jolt of elec- competition: Who is judging the poetry compe-
tricity hit him. tition?

jolt 2 verb judgment /'d3Ad3mant/ noun

tomove suddenly or roughly: The truck jolted to 1 an opinion that you have after thinking about
a stop. something carefully: You will have to make your
own judgment about what to do.
jot /d3dt/ verb (jotting, jotted)
2 the official decision made by a judge in a
jot something down to write something quickly:
/ jotted down her address on my newspaper.

journal /'d3^nl/ noun

judo /'d3udou/ noun [U]
a fighting sport which you try to throw the
1 a newspaper or magazine for a particular
subject: A medical journal is missing from the
other person to the ground see color picture —
on page 184

2 a written record of the things you do each jug /d3Ag/ noun

day a container with a small opening, for holding
journalism /'d3^nl,iz3m/ noun [U] juggle
the job of writing for a newspaper, magazine,
television, or radio

journalist /'d3^nl-ist/ noun

someone who writes for a newspaper, maga-
zine, television, or radio

journey /'chja-ni/ noun [plural journeys]

a trip, usually a long one: He is on a journey
across Africa.

joy /d30i/ noun

1 [U] great happiness or pleasure: She was
full of joy when the baby was born.
2 something that gives great hap-
[plural joys]
juggle /'d3Ag3l/ verb (juggling, juggled)
moving through the air by
to keep several things
piness: Her child is a joy to her.
throwing and catching them quickly —juggler
joyful /'d30if3l/ adjective noun
very happy: Her birthday was a joyful occasion.
juice /d3us/ noun
joy-stick /'d3oi,stik/ noun the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables:
a handle that you use to control something in a Can I have a glass of orange juice?
computer game
juicy /'d3usi/ adjective (juicier, juiciest)
•Jr. noun having a lot of juice: Here is a juicy orange.
a short way to write the word JUNIOR
July /d3u'lai, d33-/ noun
Judaism /'d3udi,iz9m, -dei-, -da-/ the seventh month of the year
noun [U]
the Jewish religion
jumble /'d3Amb3l/ noun [U]

a lot mixed together in a

of things that are
judge 1
/d3Ad3/ noun messy way: There was a jumble of clothes on
1 the person in a law court who decides
official the floor.

how someone is punished: The judge sent the

man to prison for two years.
jumble 2 verb (jumbling, jumbled]
to mix things together in a messy way
2 someone who decides who is the winner of a
competition jumbo /'d3Ambou/ adjective
larger than others of the same type: We flew
judge 2 verb (judging, judged]
on a jumbo jet.
1 form an opinion about someone, especial-
ly after you have thought about it carefully: How jump 1
/d3Amp/ verb
can you judge which dictionary to buy? 1 to push yourself up into the air or over some-
2 to decide who or what is the winner of a thing using your legs: The children jumped up

and down with excitement. \

The horse jumped between 1 2 and 1 4 or 15 years old
over the fence. —see color picture on page
junk /d3Agk/ noun [U]
old things that you do not want or cannot use:
2 to move suddenly because of fear or sur-
That room is full of junk.
prise: The loud noise made me jump.
3 to let yourself drop from a place above the ju«ry /'d3uri/ noun [plural juries)
ground: She jumped out of the window to a group of people in a court who decide if some-
escape the fire. one is guilty or not: The jury listened carefully to
4 to increase suddenly in price or amount: The the case.
price of gas jumped last week.
just 1 /d3ASt/ adverb
jump 2 noun 1 a very short time ago: I just got home. \
the act of pushing yourself up into the air or just missed the bus.
over something using your legs: He got over the 2 only: / play tennis just for fun. \
It happened
fence in one jump. just a few days ago.
3 exactly: You look just like your mother.
June /d3un/ noun have just enough money to buy a stamp.
I \

the sixth month of the year

4 at the moment; now: / am just making some
jungle /'d3Ang3l/ noun coffee. Do you want some?
a thick forest with large plants that grow close 5 just about almost: She walks to school just
together about every day. I am just about finished.

6 just a minute, just a second said when ask-

Junior /'dsunyaV adjective ing someone to wait for a short time: Just a
used after the name of a man who has the
» compare SENIOR minute, I can't find my keys.
same name as his father
7 used for emphasizing
something you are say-
jun-ior 1 adjective ing: Just sit down and shut up!
1 lower in importance or position: He is a 8 used for. asking or telling someone some-
junior member of the company. compare » thing in a polite way: Could you just lift your cup
SENIOR 1 for a second?
2 younger: He married a woman ten years his
just 2 adjective
fair and right: He received a just punishment.
junior 2 noun
a student in the third year of high school or col-
justice /'d3AStis/ noun [U]
1 treatment of people is fair and right:
She is fighting for freedom and justice. oppo- »
junior high school /,.. '.
,./ site INJUSTICE
a school in the U.S. for children who are 2 the system of law in a country
key 1
/ki/ noun [plural keys]

1 ashaped piece of metal that you put into a
lock to open it: Where are my car keys?
2 a button on a computer or musical instru-
ment that you press to make it work
3 the key the most important part of a plan or
action: Exercise is the key to a healthy body.

key 2 adjective

kangaroo /.kaerjgg'ru/ noun very important and necessary for success:

an animal in Australia that has large back legs Jobs are the key issue in the election.

for jumping and keeps its young in a special key-board /'kibord/ noun
pocket of skin —see color picture on page 1 83 a row or several rows of keys on a computer or
karate /ka'rati/ noun [U] piano that you press to make it work
a fighting sport in which you use your hands and key-hole /'kihoul/ noun
feet to hit and kick the part of a lock that a key goes into

keen /kin/ adjective key ring /'. ./ noun

eager to do something; having a strong inter- a metal ring on which you keep keys
est: He was keen to do the job well.
keep /kip/ verb [past tense kept, past par- a short way to write the word KILOGRAM
ticiple kept)
1 to have something and not give it back to the
khaki /'kaeki/ adjective, noun [U]
a green-brown color, or the cloth of this color
person who had it before: You can keep the
book. I don't need it now. kick 1 /kik/ verb
2 to continue to have something and not get 1 to hit someone or something using your foot:
rid of it: her letters through the years.
/ kept all He kicked over the boxes, —see color picture
3 to make someone or something stay in a on page 189
place or condition: They kept her in the hospital 2 to move your legs strongly: The baby is kick-
for a week. This blanket will keep you warm.
ing his legs.
4 keep doing something to continue doing 3 kick off to start, or make an event start
something: keep making the same mistakes.
4 kick someone out to make someone leave a
5 to delay someone or stop someone from place: They kicked Dan out of the club.
doing something: What's keeping her? Keep \

your dog out of my yard! kick 2 noun

6 keep a secret to not tell a secret 1 the act of hitting someone or something
using your foot: If the door won't open, give it a
7 keep someone up to make someone stay
awake: The loud music is keeping me up.
8 keep up to move as fast as someone else: 2 a feeling of pleasure or excitement: / get a
kick out of ice skating.
Slow down. I can't keep up!
9 Keep out! used on signs to tell people that kid 1 /kid/ noun
they are not allowed to go into a place 1 a child: How many kids do you have?
kennel /'kenl/ noun 2 a young goat
a place where a dog is taken care of while its kid 2 verb (kidding, kidded]
owner is away to say something to someone as a joke: / didn't

kept: /kept/
mean that. I was just kidding.

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb kid-nap /'kidnaep/ verb (kidnapping, kidnapped)
keep to take someone away by force and ask for

ketchup /'ketjgp, noun [U]

money for bringing him or her back safely

a thick red liquid made from TOMATOes kidnapper /'kidnaepaV noun

kettle noun /'ketl/
someone who KIDNAPs someone
a metal container used for boiling and pouring kidney /'kidni/ noun [plural kidneys)
water one of the two parts inside your body that
removes waste liquid from your blood
kill /kil/ verb kiss 2 noun [plural kisses)
to make a plant, animal, or person die: Ten peo- the action of touching someone with your lips as
ple were killed in the car crash. |
The cat killed a sign of love or greeting: He gave his daughter
the bird. » compare MURDER 1
a kiss.

killer /'kiteV noun kit /kit/ noun

a person, animal, or thing that kills: Police are 1 a set of tools or equipment used for a par-
searching for the killer. » compare MURDERER ticular purpose: Do you have a tool kit?
2 a set of small pieces from which you make
kilobyte /'kib,bait/ noun
something: We made a model plane from a kit.
a unit for measuring computer information

kilogram /'kita.graem/ noun kitchen /'kitjgn/ noun

a measure of weight, egual to 1 ,000 grams
a room where you prepare and cook food —see
color picture on page 1 86

kilometer /ki'lamst^, 'kita.mitaV noun

kite /kait/ noun
a measure of length, equal to 1 ,000 meters
a toy with a light
kin /km/ noun [U] frame covered with
people in your family: His next of kin (=his clos- plastic or paper that
est relative) was told about his death. you fly in the air on
the end of a long
kind 1 /kamd/ noun
1 a type or sort of person or thing: What kind
of car does he have? \
We sell all kinds of food. kitten /kit n n/
» compare TYPE 1
2 kind of slightly; in some way: / am kind of a young cat
sad that I didn't win.
kitty /'kiti/ noun [plural kitties)
a child's word for a young cat
NOTE: Remember that if you use the
singular of kind 1 it must be followed by a Kleenex /'klineks/ (trademark) noun
singular noun, and the plural kinds must be a piece of soft thin paper, used especially for
followed by a plural noun, e.g. this kind of cleaning your nose
these kinds of cars.
a short way to write the word KILOMETER
kind 2 adjective
helpful, friendly, and nice to other people: It's
knead /nid/ verb
to press a mixture of flour and water with your
very kind of you to help me. opposite UNKIND » hands so that it is ready to cook
kind-hearted /,. '..< / adjective
knee /ni/ noun
caring and nice
the joint that bends in the middle of your leg
kindly /'kamdli/ adverb
in a kind or generous way: She kindly offered to
knee-cap /'nikaep/ noun
the bone at the front of your knee
drive me home.

kindness /'kamdnis/ noun knee-deep /,. '..« / adjective

deep enough to reach your knees: He was
kind behavior or a kind action: Thank you very
standing knee-deep in water.
much for your kindness.

king /kin./ noun

kneel /nil/ verb [past tense and past
participle knelt /nelt/ or kneeled)
a male ruler of a country, especially one from a
[also kneel down) to bend your legs and rest on
royal family: / saw the King of Spain. » com- your knees: She knelt down to pray. — see color
pare QUEEN
picture on page 1 89
kingdom /'kirjdam/ noun knew /mi/
a country ruled by a king or queen
the PAST TENSE of the verb know
kiss 1 /kis/ verb
knife /naif/ noun [plural knives /naivz/
to touch someone with your lips, as a sign of
a metal blade with a handle, used for cutting
love or greeting: He kissed his wife goodbye.
something or as a weapon

knight /nait/ noun know /nou/ verb [past tense knew /nu/,
a soldier in the Middle Ages trained to fight on past participle known /noun/]
his horse 1 to have information or facts about some-
thing in your mind: Do you know the answer?
knit /nit/ verb [past tense and past \

1 don't know your address.

participle knit or knitted]
2 to be sure about something: He knew she
to make clothes by joining wool or thick thread
didn't like him. / know that I am right.

together using long needles: is knitting

3 to understand something: / know exactly
some clothes for the baby. » compare SEW how you feel. You know what I am going

knit-ting /'nitin/ noun [U] through.

something that is being made, that you KNIT 4 to be familiar with a person or a place: /
have known Mary since she was a child. How
knitting needle /'..,../ noun \

well do you know Denver?

a long thin stick that you use to KNIT something
5 know said when you agree with someone:
—see picture at NEEDLE I

"It's a bad idea. " "I know.

knob /nab/ noun 6 you know said when you want to explain
a round handle that you pull or turn to open a something more clearly: That one is my car, you
door, turn on a radio etc. know, the red one.
7 know better to be old enough or wise
knock 1
/nak/ verb
enough not to make a mistake: He should have
1 to hit something hard and make a noise:
known better than to lie to me.
/ knocked on the door.
2 to hit something hard so that it moves or
NOTE: Compare know, learn and teach. If
falls down: He knocked the glass off the table. \

you know something, you already

The boy was knocked down by a car.
have the facts or information about it: She
3 knock someone out to make someone
knows a lot about computers. If you
become unconscious, especially by hitting him
learn something, you discover facts about
or her
something or discover how to do some-
4 Knock it off! said when telling someone to
thing, either on your own or with a teacher.
stop doing something that is annoying you: Hey,
He's learning to drive. The kids are learning
knock it off, I'm on the phone!

math in school. If you teach someone

5 knock something down, knock something
something, you make them learn something
off to reduce the price of something: He
by giving them help and information: He is
knocked $50 off the price of the suit.
teaching me to drive. \
She teaches math to
knock 2
noun the kids in school.
the sound made by hitting something hard:
heard a knock on the door.
knowledge /'nahd3/ noun [U]
knockout /'nak-aut/ noun understanding or information that you have in

an act of hitting your opponent in BOXING so that your mind: His knowledge of languages is excel-
he or she does not get up again lent.

knot /nat/ noun

1 knowledgeable 'nulid3obol/
1 a place where two adjective
ends of string or having a lot of information or knowing a lot: She
rope are tied togeth- is very knowledgeable about horses.
er: She tied the rope
in a knot.
known /noun/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb know
2 a place where
some of your hairs knuckle /'nAkal/ noun
are twisted together: My hair is full of knots. one of the joints in your fingers
3 a measure of the speed of a ship, equal to
koala /kou'ula/ noun [also koala bear)
6,080 feet or 1 ,853 meters per hour
an animal in Australia like a small bear
knot 2 verb (knotting, knotted]
Koran /ka'raen, -'ran/
to tie something with a knot
the holy book of the Muslim religion
lace 2 verb (lacing, laced]
lace something up to tie something with a lace:
Lace your boots up.

lack 1 /laek/ verb

to not have enough of something: He lacks the
courage to tell her the truth.

lack 2 noun
the state of not having something or not having
lab /laeb/ noun enough of it: The plan failed because of a lack
a LABORATORY label of money.
ladder /'laedaV
a piece of equipment
with two long pieces
of wood or metal
connected by steps,
used for climbing up
to a high place: /

need a ladder to
label 1 /'leibal/ noun reach the roof.
a piece of paper attached to something, that
lad-en /'leidn/ adjective
has information on it: Read the label on the
carrying a lot of something: The truck was
wine bottle before you buy it.
laden with boxes of fruit.

label 2 verb
to put a LABEL on something: Label the boxes
ladies' room /'.. ,./ noun
a room in a public place with toilets for women
so we will remember what is in them.
ladle /'leidl/ noun
labor 1
/'leibaV noun [U]
a deep spoon with a long handle
1 hard work that you do with your hands:
Many years of labor went into building the boat. lady /'leidi/ noun [plural ladies)
2 the workers in a country or industry 1 a polite word for a woman: Good afternoon,
labor 2 verb
when speaking woman whose name
2 said to a
to work very hard: The farmers labored in the
you do not know, often in an impolite way: Hey
lady hurry up!
laboratory /'laebra.tori/ noun [plural
laid /leid/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
[also lab] a room or building in which a scientist
lain /lein/
Labor Day /'.. ,./ noun
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb lie » compare
a holiday in September that shows support for

laborer noun
lake /leik/ noun
a large area of water with land all around it
someone who does hard work with his or her
hands »
compare WORKER
» compare POND —see color picture on page
labor union /'.. ,../ noun
an organization that represents workers in a
lamb /laem/ noun
a young sheep
particular job

lace 1 /leis/ noun [U]

lame /leim/ adjective (lamer, lamest]
not able to walk easily because your leg or
a type of cloth with many small holes in it, made
from fine thread: My dress has lace around the
foot is injured: My horse is lame so I can't ride
lamp ing: We are studying the English language. Do
lamp \

you speak any foreign languages?

Ian-tern /'laenf^n/ noun

a lamp in a glass antl metal frame with a han-
dle so you can carry it


lamp /laemp/ noun

an object that produces light using electricity,
gas etc.: / need a desk lamp.

lamp shade /'laempjeid/ noun

a cover put over a lamp to make the light less The cat lapped up The cat was sleeping
bright the milk. on her lap.
land 1 /laend/ noun lap 1 /laep/ noun
1 [U] ground that people own or that is used 1 the upper parts of your legs when you are
for farming: Farmers own most of the land sitting down: Her little girl sat on her lap.
around here. 2 the distance once around a track, or
2 [U] the dry part of the Earth not covered by between two ends of a pool
water: They reached land after six weeks.
3 a country or place: He wants to travel to lap 2 verb [lapping, lapped]

foreign lands.
to drink liquid with the tongue, like a dog: The
dog lapped up the water.
land 2 verb
to arrive somewhere in a plane or boat: We lapse /laeps/ noun
landed in Seattle at six in the evening.
a short period of time when you forget some-
thing, or do not do something that you should
landing /'laendirj/ noun do
1 the floor at the top of a set of stairs laptop
2 the action of a plane or boat arriving on land:
The plane made a safe landing.

landlady /' laend, leidi/ noun [plural

a woman who owns a building and rents it to
other people

land-lord /'laenc/brd/ noun

someone who owns a building and rents it to
other people
laptop /'laeptap/ noun
a small computer that you can carry with you
land-scape /'laendskeip/ noun
a view of an area of land: The trees and moun-
lard /lard/ noun [U]
thick white fat from pigs, used in cooking
tains made a beautiful landscape.

lane /lein/ noun

large /lard3/ adjective

1 one of the parts that a main road is divided

big: / would like a large pizza. \
What is the

into by painted lines

largest type of cat? » compare SMALL
2 a narrow road: We drove along a country largely /'lard3li/ adverb
lane. mostly or mainly: Our success was largely due
to her good work.
language /'lcengwid3/ noun
the words that people use in speaking and writ- laser /'leizaV noun
a very strong and narrow beam of light used in

some machines or in medical operations: / have later 1

/'leitaV adverb
a laser printer. \
He needs laser surgery on his 1 / can't do it now.
after the present time: I'll

eye. do it later. \
you later? I talk to
2 later on after something else: Your plan may
lash /laeJV noun [plural lashes]
cause more problems later on.
later 2 adjective
lasso noun
1 continuing into the future; after something
a rope with one end tied in a circle, used for
else: A decision will be made at a later date.
catching cattle and horses
2 more recent: The later models of this com-
last 1 /laest/ adjective puter are much faster.
1 at the end; after all others: Mary is the last
girl on the bus. This is my last chance.
latest /'leitist/ adjective

» compare

the most recent or newest: Have you heard the

latest news?
2 happening just before this time; most
recent: saw my friend last week.
/ |
The last Latin /'laefn/ noun [U]
time we played tennis, you won. an old language, used in science and medicine:
Most doctors have to study Latin.
last 2 verb
1 happen for a period of time:
to continue to latitude /'laete.tud/ noun
Our vacation lasted for ten days. the distance north or south of the middle of the
2 to stay in good condition or continue to be Earth » compare LONGITUDE
useful: Good shoes last longer. The batteries
will last a long time.

latter /'laetaV noun

the latter the second of two people or things
last 3 adverb that have been mentioned: You can use glass
1 after everything or everyone else: / am going or plastic, but the latter [= plastic) is cheaper.
to go last. » compare FORMER 1

2 most recently before now: When I last saw

him, he was just a boy.
laugh 1
/laef/ verb
1 to make a sound that shows that you are
lasting /'laestii)/ adjective happy or think something is funny: It was so

continuing for a long time: We want to have a funny we couldn't stop laughing.
lasting relationship. 2 laugh at someone or something to make
unkind remarks about someone or something
lastly /'laestii/ adverb
or to tell jokes about them: All the kids at
said when telling someone the last thing you
school are laughing at me!
have to say: Lastly, I would like to thank those
who have made the school such a success. laugh 2 noun
» compare FIRSTLY the sound you make when you laugh: We had a
good laugh at his story.
last name 'J noun /,.

your family's name, which comes after your laughter /'laeftaV noun [U]
other names in English compare FIRST NAME » the action or sound of laughing

latch /laetJV noun [plural latches) launch /bntj, lant// verb

a small metal object that fastens a door, gate, 1 to start something new such as an activity
or window or a product: The company is launching a new
late /leit/ adjective, adverb
2 to put a ship into the water, or to send a
1 after the usual or expected time: She was
space vehicle into space
late for school. \
I may not be home until late.
» compare EARLY laundromat /'bndra.maet, 'Ian-/ noun
2 near the end of a period of time: He began a placewhere you pay to wash your clothes in
the work in late May. \
The house was built in a machine
the late 19th century.
laundry /'bndri, 'Ian-/ noun [U]
late-ly /'leitli/ adverb clothes and sheets that need to be washed or
recently: Have you seen him lately? » compare have just been washed: Did you do the laundry?
lava /'lavs, 'lsevs/ noun [U] lay-er /'leiaV noun
very hot liquid rock that comes out of the top of an amount of something that covers a surface:
a mountain There is a layer of dust on the furniture.

lavatory /'laeva.tori/ noun [plural lazy /'leizi/ adjective (lazier, laziest)

lavatories) not wanting to work: He does not want a job.
a room with a toilet, in a public building He's too lazy to work.

law /b/ noun lb.

1 a rule made by the government that all peo- [plural lbs.) a short way to write the word
ple must obey: There is a law against driving pound
too fast.
lead 1 /lid/ verb [past tense led /led/, past
2 the law (a) the system of rules in a country:
participle led)
Driving without a seat belt on is against the
1 to show someone the way to a place, usual-
law. (=not allowed by law) (b) the police: Is he in
ly by going in front: You lead, and we'll follow.
trouble with the law? \

He led his horse to the barn.

lawful /'bfal/ adjective 2 to go to a place: This road leads to
allowed by the law » compare LEGAL Springfield.
3 to go in front of a group of people or vehi-
lawn /Ion/ noun
cles: He's going to lead the climb up Mount
an area of grass outside a house or in a park
lawn mower /'bn .mouaV noun 4 to be winning a game or competition: We
a machine that you use to cut the grass are leading 21-0 with ten minutes to play.
5 to be more successful than others at some-
law-suit /'bsut/ noun
thing: Our company leads the world in making
a problem that someone brings to a count of
law to be settled
6 lead to something to make something hap-
lawyer /'byaV noun pen: The new factory has led to a lot of new
someone whose job is to advise people about jobs.
the law, and speak for them in court 7 lead a ... life to have a particular kind of life:

She led a very lonely life.

lay 1
/lei/ verb (laying, past tense laid /leidV,
past participle laid) lead 2 noun
1 someone or something in a particular
to put 1 a position in front of others: The runner is

place: She laid her coat over a chair. He laid |

still in the lead.
the baby on the bed. compare LIE» 1
2 the distance or number of points by which
2 to put or attach something in the correct you are ahead of someone else: We have a
place: We are laying carpet in the living room. lead of ten points.
3 to make eggs come out of the body: The hen
lead 3 /led/ noun
laid an egg.
1 [U] a heavy soft gray metal: The old house
has lead pipes.
NOTE: Do not confuse the verb lay (PAST
2 the part inside a pencil that makes a mark
TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE laid) with the verb
when you write

Lay 1 means "to put something down" and is leader /'lidaV noun
ALWAYS used with an object: She laid the someone who leads or controls other people:
clothes on the bed. Lie means "to have your The leaders of the world's richest nations are at
body flat on something" and is NEVER used the meeting.
with an object: She lay on her bed. There is
leadership /'lida\ Jip/ noun [U]
another verb lie (PAST TENSE and PAST
1 the quality of being good at leading a team,
PARTICIPLE lied) which means "to say
organization etc.: The company needs strong
something which is not true" and is also
used without an object.
2 the position of being the leader

leading /'lidig/ adjective

lay 2 We
most important or most successful: are
the PAST TENSE of the verb lie
the world's leading producer of oil.

leaf /lif/ noun [plural leaves /livz/) 2 to know something very well so it is easy to
one green parts of a plant or tree
of the flat remember: She learned the poem and said it in
that grow out of branches or a stem: It is beau- front of the class. compare KNOW »
tiful when the leaves on the trees change col-
learning /'l^nirj/ noun [U]
ors, —see picture at ROSE 2
knowledge you get through reading or studying
leaf-let: /'liflit/ noun
lease /lis/ noun
a piece of paper with an advertisement or infor-
a legal agreement that allows you to live in a
mation printed on it
building for a particular period of time
league /lig/ noun
leash /liJV noun
1 a group of people or teams that play against
a piece of rope, leather etc. used for controlling
each other in a competition: How many teams
an animal: Please keep your dog on a leash.
are in the National Football League?
2 a group of people or countries who have least; pronoun, adverb

joined together to work for a special aim 1 less than anything or anyone else: Which
one is the least expensive? They arrived when
leak 1
/lik/ noun
least expected it. (= when

1 did not expect I

a hole or crack through which liquid or gas

flows out: The pipe has a leak.
them) » compare MOST
2 at least (a) not less than: He will be going
leak 2 verb away for at least a week. [=a week or longer) (b)
if a liquid or gas leaks, it goes through a hole or said when you want to change something you
crack: The roof is leaking. just said: His name is Paul, at least I think it is.

3 least of all especially not: / don't like any of

leaky /'liki/ adjective (leakier, leakiest)
them, least of all John!
having a hole or crack so liquid or gas goes out
4 not the least not at all: I'm not
in in the least
of it
interested in what she says.
lean 1 /lin/ verb 5 the smallest number or amount: Even the
1 to bend your body in a particular position: least amount of poison can hurt you.
She leaned forward to kiss him.
leather /'ledaV noun [U]
2 to put something against something else to
animal skins used for making things such as
support it: He leaned the ladder against the
shoes and belts

3 to rest your body against something: / saw leave 1 /liv/ verb (leaving, left /left/)

him leaning against my car. 1 to go away from a person or place: The train
leaves in five minutes. He left his wife.
lean 2 adjective

2 to forget to take something with you when

1 thin, in a healthy or attractive way: His body
you go: / think I left my books at home.
was lean and muscular.
3 to let something stay in a particular place or
2 not having a lot of fat: / want to buy some
position: Why did you leave the windows open?
lean meat.
4 to put something in a place for someone:
leap 1
/lip/ verb [past tense and past Please leave a message for her.
participle leaped or leapt /lept/) 5 leave someone alone to stop worrying or
to jump into the air, or to jump over something: annoying someone: Go away and leave me
The dog leaped over the fence. alone!
6 leave something alone used for telling
leap 2 noun
someone to stop touching or moving some-
a big jump up into the air or over something:
thing: Leave those glasses alone or you will
With one leap, she crossed the stream.
break them.
leap year /'. ./ noun 7 leave someone or something out to not
a year, once every four years, in which February include someone or something in a group, list
has 29 days instead of 28 days etc.: Has anyone been left out?
8 to give something to someone after you die:
learn /la-n/ verb
My aunt left me some money.
1 to get knowledge of something or the ability
9 to remain after everything else is taken
to do something: Have you learned how to
away: Is there any coffee left?
swim? |
/ am learning to speak German.
leave 2 noun [U] legible /'Icd^bdl! adjective
a period of time away from your work: He has clear enough to read: His writing is not very leg-
taken one week's sick leave. ible. » opposite ILLEGIBLE
leaves /livz/ lei-sure /'li3^/ noun [U]
the plural of leaf the time when you are not working and can do
lecture1 /'lektJaV noun things that you enjoy: What do you do in your
a talk to a group of people about a particular leisure time?
subject: / went to a lecture on modern art. lemon /'lemsn/ noun
lecture 2 verb (lecturing, lectured] a yellow fruit with a sour taste see picture at

to talk to a group of people about a particular FRUIT

subject: He lectures on American politics. lemonade /.lema'neid/ noun [U]

led /led/
a sweet drink made from LEMONs
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb lend /lend/ verb [past tense lent /lent/,
lead past participle lent)

ledge /\cd^/ noun 1 to let someone use or have something for a

a narrow flat surface such as the one at the time, after which he or she gives it back: Can
bottom of a window you lend me your book? compare BORROW»
2 if a bank lends you money, you must pay the
lefti /left/ money back with an additional amount included
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
leave length /lenkG, length h?;
lenG/ noun
left 2 noun [U] the distance from
the side opposite to the one with which most one end of some-
people write: The school is on the left. » com- thing to the other; £
pare RIGHT 2 how long something 55

is: He caught a fish

left 3 adjective
that was ten feet in
on or toward the left side: / hurt my left leg.

» compare RIGHT 1 length.

left 4 adverb length-en /'lerjkBan/ verb

toward the left side: Turn left here. » compare to make something longer: need / to lengthen

RIGHT3 this dress. »

compare SHORTEN

left-handed /,. '..< / adjective

length-y adjective (lengthier, lengthiest)

using your hand more than your

left right hand continuing for a long time: He gave a lengthy
» compare RIGHT-HANDED speech.

leftovers /'left.ouv^z/ plural noun lens /lenz/ noun [plural lenses]

a curved piece of glass used for making things
food that remains at the end of a meal that you
can keep and eat later
look bigger, smaller, or clearer —see picture at
leg /leg/ noun
1 one of the two parts of your body on which lent /lent/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
you stand or walk: Dogs have four legs.
2 one of the parts on which a chair or table
stands: The chair has a broken leg. lentil /'lental/ noun
a small round seed like a bean that you can
legal /'liggl/ adjective
allowed by the law: Voting is legal in the U.S. for
cook and eat
those over the age of 18. » opposite ILLEGAL leopard /'lepa-d/ noun
a large wild cat in Africa and Asia that has yel-
leg-end /'led3and/ noun
low fur with black spots
1 an about people and the things they
old story
did in the past,which may not be true lesbian /'lezbian/ noun
2 a very famous person: Elvis Presley was a a woman who is sexually attracted to other
legend in rock music, —legendary adjective women; HOMOSEXUAL
less /les/ adverb 2 the height or position of something: Check
1 not so much; smaller: / am trying to eat the water level in the swimming pool.
less. There is a less expensive seat near the

level 3 verb
back. He has less
time to be with his family.
tomake something flat: The explosion leveled
» compare MORE the building.
2 less and less continuing to become smaller
in amount: It seems like we have less and less lever /'lcv3\ ' li-/ noun
money every week. 1 a metal stick that you use to lift something
heavy by putting one end under the object and
less-en /'lcsan/ verb
pushing down on the other end
to become less, or make something become 2 a handle on a machine that you push or pull
less: Slowly the pain lessened.
tomake the machine work
lesson /'leson/ noun liable /'laiabal/ adjective
a time when you learn something or how to do
be liable to do something to be likely to do
something: / am taking piano lessons.
something: He's liable to get angry if you do not
let /let/ verb (letting, past tense let, past agree with him.
participle let)
li-ar /'laiaV noun
1 someone to do something
to allow or to have
someone who tells lies
something: My mother wouldn't let me go to
the movie. |
/ let her have $10. liberal /'libral, -baral/ adjective

2 let's said when you ask someone to do willing to understand and accept the different
something with you: Let's go swimming. I'm \
behavior or ideas of other people
hungry Let's eat! liberty /'lib^ti/ noun [U]
3 let go to stop holding something: He let go the freedom to do what you want without hav-
of the dog and it ran away.
ing to ask permission
4 someone know to tell someone some-
thing: Let me know what time you'll be arriving. librarian /lai'brerian/ noun
5 let someone down to make someone feel someone who works in a library
disappointed when you do not do what you
li«brar«y /'lai.breri/ noun [plural libraries)
should do: thought she was coming, but she
a room or building that has books that you can
let me down.
read or borrow: When does the library open?
6 let someone go to allow someone to be free
after keeping him or her somewhere: The lice /la is/

police let him go after asking him some ques- the plural of LOUSE

license 1
/'laissns/ noun
letter /'letaV noun an official piece of paper that allows you to own
1 one of the signs that you use to write words: or do something: He wants to see my driver's

A, B, and C are the first three letters in the license.

English alphabet.
license 2 verb (licensing, licensed)
2 a written message that you put into an enve-
to give official permission for someone to own
lope and send to someone: wrote a letter to
or do something: He is licensed to carry a gun.
my friend in Texas. — see picture at ENVELOPE
license plate ,./ noun /'..
lettuce /'letis/ noun
and back of a
a sign at the front car, truck etc.
a round green vegetable with large thin leaves
that has numbers and letters on it
that you can eat —see picture at VEGETABLE
lick /lik/ verb
lev-el 1 /'leval/ adjective
to move your tongue across something: She
1 flat; with no area that is higher or lower: The
licked the stamp and put it on the envelope.
floor of the house is not level.

2 the same height as something else; equal lid /lid/ noun

a cover for a box, pot, or other container
level noun 2

1 the amount or number of something, com- lie 1 /lai/ verb (lying, past tense lay /lei/, past
pared to another amount or number: There are participle lain /lein/)
high levels (= more than the usual amount) of to have your body flat on something, or to get
lead in the water. into this position: He was lying on the bed. \
lay down on the floor. \
Lie down and rest for a lift 1 /lift/ verb
while. »
compare LAY 1
to take something in your hands and raise it
higher: Can you lift the other end of the table?
lie 2 verb (lying, past tense lied, past \

"Lift me up so I can see," said the little girl.

participle lied)
to tell someone something that is not true: She
— see color picture on page 1 89
lied to him about her age. lift 2 noun

lie 3 noun [plural lies]

give someone a to take someone some-

something you say that

where in a vehicle: Sometimes he gives me a lift
is not true: Did he tell
to school.
her a lie?
lift-off /'. noun
lieutenant /lu'tenant/ noun

an officer of middle rank in the army or the navy

the moment when a space vehicle leaves the
ground and rises up into the air
life /laif/ noun [plural lives]
1 the period of time during which someone is
light 1
/lait/ noun
1 energy from the sun or a lamp, that
[U] the
alive: She lived in Korea all her life.
allows you to see things: There's more light
2 [U] all the experiences and activities some-
near the window.
one has during his or her life: Life in the city is
2 a thing that produces light: Turn off the
lights when you go to bed.
3 [U] activity or movement: There were no
3 one of the red, yellow, or green lights used
signs of life in the house.
for telling cars when they can stop and go: Turn
4 [U] living things such as people, animals, and
left at the lights.
plants: No life was found on Mars.
life-boat /'laifbout/ noun
light 2 adjective
1 not dark in color; pale: She wore a light blue
a boat used for helping people who are in dan-
ger on the ocean
dress. » compare DARK 1

2 easy to lift; not heavy: The box is very light.

life-guard /'laifgard/ noun » compare HEAVY
someone whose job is to help people who are in 3 not having much force or power: / felt a light
danger while swimming wind on my face.

jacket 4 small in amount or degree: Traffic is very

life /'. ,../ noun
light this evening.
a special piece of equipment that you wear
around your chest to make you float in water light 3 verb [past tense and past participle
lit /lit/ or lighted)
life-less /'laiflis/ adjective
to make a lamp, fire, or cigarette burn or give
1 dead, or seeming to be dead: We pulled her
out light: Will you light the fire for me? The
lifeless body from the water. |

room was lit by two small lamps.

2 not exciting or interesting: What a lifeless

party! light bulb /'. ./ noun

the glass part of a lamp that gives out light
life-like /'laiflaik/ adjective
very much like a real person: It is a very lifelike light-en /'lait n/ verb
sculpture. to make something less heavy, or less dark in

color: took some boxes out of the car to light-

life sentence /,. '../ noun
en the

the punishment of sending someone to prison
for the rest of his or her life light-er /'laitaV noun
an object that makes a small flame so you can
life-style /'. J noun
light a cigarette
the way which you live, including your job,

what you own, and what you do: My lifestyle light-house /'taithaos/ noun [plural light-
changed when I went to college. houses)
a tall building near the ocean with a powerful
life-time /'laiftaim/ noun
light at the top that warns ships of danger
the time which someone
in is alive: / never
thought that would happen in my lifetime. lighting /'laitinV noun [U]
the system that gives light to a place: We need
more lighting in the office.
lightly /'laitli/ adverb thatis allowed or is possible: There is a 30 mile

with only a small amount of weight or force: per hour speed limit here.
She touched me lightly on the arm. 2 the edge or border of something: The fence
marks the limits of the field.
lightning /'lait nir)/ noun [U]
a bright flash of light in the sky that happens limit 2 verb
during a storm to number, amount etc. from going
stop a
beyond a point or level: The government limits
likable /'laikgbal/ adjective
the amount of money you can take out of the
nice and easy to like: He is a likable sort of man.
like 1
/laik/ verb (liking, liked)
limp 1 /limp/ adjective
1 to enjoy something, or think that someone or His body went limp as he
not firm or stiff: fell
something is pleasant: / like bananas. Do you \

like to dance? never liked her brother.

2 used when saying something in a polite way: limp 2 verb

Would you like some more coffee? I would like \
to walk with difficulty because one leg or foot is

to know how to get to Main Street. hurt: He limped off the football field.

like 2 preposition limp 3 noun

1 same or similar to something else: The
the a way of walking when one leg or foot is hurt:

bread was round like a ball. He looks like his |

With an injured knee, I walked with a limp.

2 typical of a person or thing: It is not like

Nancy to be late. [= she is usually never late)

3 as if: He acts like he's the most important
person here.

likely /'laikli/ adjective

probably, or almost certainly: It is likely to rain

tomorrow. \
She is the one who is most likely to
win. » opposite UNLIKELY

like wise /'laik-waiz/ adverb

in the same way: We respect his wishes, and
we hope you will do likewise.
line 1 /lam/ noun
lik ing noun
1 a long thin mark on something: Do not write
have a liking for something to like or enjoy
below this line.
something: He has a liking for fast cars.
2 a group of people or things one after the
lilac /'lailak, -laek, -tak/ noun other; a row: / stood in line for the tickets.
1 a small tree with pale purple and white flow- 3 a long piece of string or rope: Did you put
ers the clothes on the line?
2 [U] a pale purple color — lilac adjective
line 2 verb (lining, lined)

lil-y /'lili/ noun [plural lilies) 1 toform a line or row: People lined the
a plant with large white flowers streets to see the President. The class lined \

up at the front of the room.

limb /lim/ noun
2 to cover the inside of something with anoth-
1 a large branch of a tree
er material: The box was lined with soft paper.
2 an arm or leg
linen /'lman/ noun [U]
lime /laim/ noun
sheets and coverings for tables, or the cloth
1 a green fruit with a sour taste, or the tree
used for making some of these
on which this grows
2 [U] a white substance used for making lin-er /'lamaV noun
CEMENT a large ship used for carrying many people

lim-it 1 noun
/'limit/ lining /'lamirj/ noun
1 the greatest amount, number, or distance the cloth covering the inside of a coat, box etc.:
The lining of my coat is red.
link 1 /link/ noun lit 2 adjective
1 something that connects two events, people, having light or burning: He threw a lit cigarette
or ideas: There is a link between smoking and into the garbage.

lung cancer.
liter /'liteV noun
2 one of the rings in a chain
a of liquid: The bottle holds two liters

link 2 verb of Coke.

two things or places together: The two
to join
literature /'litarat/a-, 'litra-/ noun [U]
towns are linked by a highway. good books and writing, including plays and
lint /lint/ noun [U] poetry: She's studying French literature in col-
soft light pieces of thread or cloth that come off lege.

cotton and other material

litter /'ln>/ noun [U]
li-on /'laian/ noun waste paper and other things that people leave
a large wild animal in Africa and Asia like a big on the ground in public: There was litter every-
cat —see color picture on page 1 83 where on the streets of the town.

lioness /'laianis/ noun [plural lionesses] lit tie 1

/'litl/ adjective
a female lion 1 small: It's only a
little house. The mother \

was carrying her little girl. compare BIG »

lip /lip/ noun
2 a little bit a small amount; not very much:
one of the two edges of your mouth: He kissed Can have a little bit of sugar?

her on the lips. —

see picture at HEAD 1

3 short in time or distance: will wait a little /

lip-stick /'lip.stik/ noun while, and then call her again.

a colored substance that women put on their little 2 (less, least]

lips, or the tube containing this: Do you use lip-
1 only a small amount of something: She eats
very little. |
/ have very little money at the
liquid 1 /'likwid/ noun moment.
a substance like water that can be poured; not 2 a little some, but not much: feel a / little bet-

a solid or a gas ter today. She knows a little English.


liquid 2 adjective live 1 /liv/ verb (living, lived]

in the form of a liquid: a bottle of liquid soap. 1 to be alive, or stay alive; to not be dead: Is
your grandmother still living?
liquor /'likaV noun [U]
2 to have your home in a place: / live in Detroit.
strong alcoholic drink 3 to keep alive by eating a particular thing or
list 1 /list/ noun by doing something: Cows live on grass.
a set of names
or things to do that you write 4 live with someone to live with another per-
one below the other so you will remember son, especially in a sexual relationship without

them: / have to make a shopping list. being married

5 live up to something to do something as well,
list 2 verb or to be as good as someone expects: She
to write or say things as a list: / listed all the
couldn't live up to her parents' expectations.
things I needed to buy.
live 2 /laiv/ adjective
Ms-ten /'lisan/ verb
1 not dead: The company does not test prod-
to pay attention to what someone is saying; to
ucts on live animals.
hear: Are you listening to me? \
I told him not 2 done or performed for people who are
to do it,but he wouldn't listen. watching:The restaurant has live music on
NOTE: Remember to use to after listen: 3 shown on television at the same time as it

Listen to me! We were listening to the happens

live-ly /'laivli/ adjective (livelier, liveliest]

very active and exciting: It was a lively party.

lit /lit/

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb liv-er /'liva7 noun
light 1 a large part inside your body which cleans
your blood

2 [U] a part from inside an animal's body, lobster /'labstaV noun

eaten as meat a sea animal with a shell, a tail, and eight legs,
or the meat of this animal
lives /laivz/
the plural of life local /'loukal/ adjective
in the area near a place; near where you live:
living 1


She has no
living relatives » compare
My children go to the local school. — locally

living 2 noun located /'loukeitid/ adjective

be located to be in a particular place: The hotel
1 [U] the way that you earn money: What does
is located near the airport.
he do for a living?
2 the living all the people who are alive location /lou'keijan/ noun

living room /'. noun

a particular place or position: The map shows
the location of the church.
the main room in a house where people sit,

watch television etc —see color picture on lock 1

/lak/ noun
page 186 an object that keeps a door, gate, or drawer
shut, and that can only be opened with a key
lizard /'lizard/

noun lock 2 verb

an animal that has 1 to close a door, gate, or drawer using a lock:
four short legs, a Did you remember to lock the door? »
long tail,and skin UNLOCK
like a snake 2 lock up to make a building safe by closing all

the doors with a lock: Don't forget to lock up

'II /l, 91/ verb when you leave.
will: She'll do it

tomorrow. locker /'laka*/ noun

a small cupboard, often with a lock, in which

load 1 /loud/ noun you keep things: Everyone has a locker at

a large amount of something that is carried by school.
a person or vehicle: The truck is carrying a load
of bananas.
locksmith /'lak,smi0/ noun
someone who makes and repairs locks
load 2 verb
locust /'louksst/ noun
,1 to put things on or into a vehicle: We loaded
an insect that flies in large groups and eats
the car with boxes.
crops in fields
2 to put bullets in a gun, or film into a camera
loaf /louf/ noun [plural loaves /louvz/]
lodge /lad3/ verb (lodging, lodged]
to become stuck somewhere: He has a bone
a large piece of bread that can be cut into
lodged in his throat.
smaller pieces: Please buy a loaf of bread at
the store. — see picture at BREAD loft /loft/ noun
a raised area above a room or inside a BARN
loan 1 /loun/ noun
an amount of money that you borrow from a log 1
/log, lag/ noun
person or bank: / want to take out a loan for a a large piece of wood cut from a tree: Put
new car. another log on the fire.

loan 2 verb log 2 verb (logging, logged)

to lend someone something, especially money 1 log on, log in to start using a computer by
writing a special word
loaves /louvz/
2 log off, log out to stop using a computer by
the plural of loaf
writing a special word
lobby /'labi/ noun [plural lobbies]
lollipop noun
a large room inside the entrance of a building:
a hard candy attached to a small stick
Wait for me in the hotel lobby.
lone-ly /'lounli/ adjective (lonelier, loneliest) care of someone or something: She looked
unhappy because you are alone: He is lonely after our house while we were away.
without his wife. —
loneliness noun [U] 6 look for someone or something to try to find
long someone or something: I'm looking for my keys.
7 look forward to something to be happy or
excitedbecause you are going to do something:
We're looking forward to going to the party.
8 look ahead to think about what will happen in
the future: It is time to look ahead to next year.
9 look something up to find a piece of infor-
mation in a book: Did you look up that word in
the dictionary?
10 look out to pay attention to what is hap-
short long
pening around you: Look out! The ball almost hit
long 1
/log/ adjective
measuring a great distance, length, or time: look 2 noun
Julie has long hair. It takes a long time to walk
1 an act of looking at something: Take a look
to school. There was a long line at the bank.
at this book.

» compare SHORT 2 the way something appears: / don't like the

look of the weather. (=l think it is bad]
long 2 adverb
3 the expression on someone's face: He gave
1 for a long time: Have you been waiting long?
me an angry look.
2 long before, long after a long time before or
after a particular event: He died long before you looks /luks/ plural noun
were born. how beautiful or attractive someone is: She is

3 as long as, so long as if: You can go out as always worried about her looks.
long as you are back by 9 o'clock.
loom /lum/ noun
long 3 verb a machine for weaving cloth
towant something very much: She longed to go
loop /lup/ noun
home. on something that
a shape like a curve or circle,

long-distance /,. '..< / adjective has this shape

between places that are a long way from each
loose /lus/ adjective (looser, loosest]
other: Can I make a long-distance phone call?
1 not firmly attached to something: My shirt

longing /'bnirj/ noun [U] button is loose.

a strong feeling of wanting something 2 loose clothes are big and do not fit tightly:
These pants are loose.
longitude /' lances ,tud/ noun 3 free from control: Don't let your dog run
a position on the Earth shown on maps as the loose on the beach.
distance east or west of a line that goes from
the top of the Earth to the bottom » compare loosen /'lusan/ verb
LATITUDE to become less tight, or make something do
this: He loosened the tie around his neck.
look 1 /luk/ verb
» compare TIGHTEN
1 to turn your eyes toward something so that
you can see it: She looked at me angrily. He |
Lord /brd/ noun
sat and looked out of the window. » compare the Lord God or Jesus Christ
WATCH 2 lose /luz/ verb (losing, lost /bst/)
2 to seem to be something: That dog looks
1 not have something any more, or not
dangerous. You look like you are tired.

know where it is: / think I lost my watch. He \

3 Look! said when you are annoyed or want

lost his job last week. » compare FIND
someone to notice something: Look, I don't feel
2 to not win a game, argument, war etc.: Our
like arguing with you!
team lost the match. Did Harris lose the elec-

4 look as if, look like to seem probable: It

tion? »
compare WIN 1

looks as if we're going to miss the plane.

3 to have less of something than before: She
5 look after someone or something to take
has lost a lot of weight. compare GAIN »
low tide
4 lose your sight, lose your hearing etc. to lovable /'lAvabal/ adjective
stop being able to see, hear etc. very nice and easy to love
5 lose your temper to become angry
love 1 /1a v/ verb (loving, loved)
loser noun
/'luzaV 1 to care very much for someone, or have a
someone who does not win strong romantic feeling for someone: Mothers

loss /los/ noun [plural losses)

love their children. »
compare HATE 1

1 the act of losing something, or something

2 to like something very much: Maria loves to
that you have lost: His death was a great loss

to us. The loss of her job was a shock.

| love 2 noun
2 money that is lost by a company, person 1 [U] a strongromantic feeling for someone:
etc.: The company had big losses this year. Her her husband is real.
love for compare »
lost 1 /lost/

2 something that you like very much: Music is

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
one of his great loves.
3 love written at the end of a letter to a friend
lost; 2 adjective or someone in your family
not knowing where you are: / went for a walk 4 fall in love to begin to love someone: He fell

and got lost. in love with her.

lost-and-found /,. .
'./ noun [U] love affair /'. .,./ noun
a place used for keeping things that people have a romantic or sexual relationship between two
lost, until they can get them again people

lot noun
/lot/ lovely /'IavH/ adjective
1 amount or number: picked lots of
a large / very nice or enjoyable: / had a lovely evening!
flowers. A lot of people do not like him.

» compare MUCH
/'lAvaV noun
2 an area of land in a town or city: There's an
1 someone with whom you have a romantic or
sexual relationship
empty lot next to our house.
2 someone who enjoys something: He is an
lotion /'loujsn/ noun art lover.
a liquid that you put on your skin to make it soft
or protect it: Put this lotion on to stop the sun
loving /'Lwin./ adjective
showing that you love someone: He gave her a
from burning you.
loving kiss.
'lot'ter-y /'latari/ noun [plural lotteries)
a game in which you buy a ticket to try and win
low /lou/ adjective

money 1 not high; near to the ground: He threw the

ball too low. » compare HIGH
loud /laud/ adjective 2 small in number or amount: Their prices are
making a lot of noise: Your music is too loud! very low.
» compare QUIET — loudly adverb 1
3 bad, or not of good quality: / have a low opin-
ion of his work.
loudspeaker /'laud.spikaV noun
a piece of equipment that makes your voice
4 not high in sound: He has a low voice.

sound louder: The police spoke to him using a lower /'louaV verb
loudspeaker. 1 to become less in amount or degree: Can
you lower your voice, please. (=speak less
lounge /laund3/ noun
a public room in an airport or hotel where you
loudly) » compare RAISE 1

can sit and relax

2 to move something down: It is time to lower
the flag.
louse /laus/ noun [plural lice /lais/)
a small insect that lives on the skin and hair of
lower case /,.. '.«/ noun [U]
letters written in their small form, such as a, b,
people and animals
d, g, j etc. » compare UPPER CASE
lousy /'lauzi/ adjective (lousier, lousiest)
very bad: What a lousy day!
low tide /,. './ noun
the time when the ocean is very low and far
from the shore »
compare HIGH TIDE
loyal /'bigl/ adjective lumpy /'Umpi/ adjective (lumpier,
faithful; not changing your beliefs or opinions: lumpiest]
She is a loyal friend. » opposite DISLOYAL having LUMPs; not smooth: The bed is lumpy

loyalty /'bialti/ noun [U] lunatic /'luna.tik/ noun

the quality of being faithful: His loyalty to his someone who behaves in a crazy or stupid way:
country is strong. She must be a lunatic to drive her car so fast.

LP /,el 'pi/ noun lunch /lAntJV noun [plural lunches)

a record that plays for about 25 minutes on the meal that you eat in the middle of the day
each side » compare DINNER
luck /Uk/ noun [U] lunch-time /'lAntJtaim/ noun
the good and bad things that happen to you by the time in the middle of the day when you eat
chance: Have you had any luck finding a job? \

lung /L\rj/ noun

Good luck! I hope you win the game!
one of the two parts inside your body used for
luck-y /'Lvki/ adjective (luckier, luckiest) breathing
having or bringing good luck: He is lucky to still
lust /Ust/ noun
be alive. » opposite UNLUCKY a strong feeling of sexual desire
luggage /'L\gid3/ noun [U]
luxurious /L\g'3uri3s, Lvk'Ju-/
the bags, containers, and other things you
carry with you when you travel » compare BAG- very comfortable and expensive
lux-u-ry /'lAkfari, 'lAg33ri/ noun [plural lux-
lukewarm /,luk'worm< / adjective
not very warm, but not cold
something expensive that you want but do not
lumber /'UmbaV noun [U] really need: A new car is a luxury we cannot
wood that is used for building afford.

lump /Ump/ noun lying /'lai-irj/

1 a piece of something that does not have a the PRESENT PARTICIPLE of the verb lie

particular shape: A lump of clay was on the

lyr-ics /'links/ plural noun
the words of a popular song
2 a swelling on someone's body: I've got a
lump on my arm where I hit it.
magic /'maed3ik/ noun [U]

I am:
I ml verb
I'm hungry
m 1

2 the



was a magical
power used

thread into gold using magic.


of doing tricks
story he


/'maed3ik3l/ adjective
very enjoyable and exciting
2 done using magic: He claimed
gical powers.
making strange

turned the

to amuse

a strange way:

to have ma-

m magi-cian /m3'd3ij9n/ noun

a short way to write the word meter or meters
someone who does strange tricks to amuse
ma'am /maem/ noun people
a polite way to speak to a woman whose name
you do not know: Can I help you, ma'am? magnet
/'maegnit/ noun
machine /ma'Jm/ noun a piece of iron that
a piece ofequipment made up of many parts makes other pieces of
that uses power to do a job: / have a new iron move toward it
sewing machine.
machine gun /.'. ,./ noun /maeg'netik/ adjective
a gun that fires a lot of bullets very quickly

having the power of a

machinery /ms'Jmari/ noun [U] MAGNET

machines, or the parts inside a machine: The
machinery is controlled by computers.
/maeg'nifasant/ adjective
mad /maed/ adjective very big or beautiful: What a magnificent paint-
1 very angry: She was mad at me for being ing!

2 crazy; mentally ill: We thought he might be

magnify /'maegna.fai/ verb (magnifying,
going mad.
3 like mad very hard or fast: If you run like
to make something look larger than it really is

mad, you might catch the train. magnifying glass /'.... ,./ noun
4 very stupid or dangerous: You would have to a round piece of glass with a handle, that
be mad to try to climb that alone. makes something appear larger than it really is

madam /'maedgm/ noun maid /meid/ noun

a politeway to write to a woman whose name a female servant
you do not know
maiden name /,.. './ noun
made /meid/1
the family name of a woman before she marries
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb and begins using her husband's name
mail 1 /meil/ noun
made 2
adjective 1 the mail the system of sending and receiving
be made of something to be built from or con- letters and packages: / put the letters in the
sist of: My shirt is made of silk. mail this morning.

madly /'maedli/ adverb

2 [U] the letters and packages that you send
or receive using this system: Is there any mail
1 in a wild or uncontrolled way: She rushed
madly from room to room. for me?
2 madly in love very much in love mail 2 verb

magazine /.msega'zin, 'maegg.zin/ noun to send a letter or package to someone: / will

a thin book with a picture on the cover, that has mail this to you soon.

stories and pictures in it, which you can buy

weekly or monthly
mail-box /'meilbaks/ noun [plural
mailboxes) make /meik/ verb (making, made
1 a special box near the street or a POST OFFICE /meid/)
where you put letters 1 to do something: We need to make a
2 a box outside your house where your letters decision. \
I'll make some coffee. |
Do you
are delivered want to make a phone call?
2 to produce or build something: He made
/'meilmaen, -mgn/
a model plane out of wood. » compare
DO 1

3 to cause something to happen: What he
a man who delivers
said made me mad!
mail to people's nous-
4 to force someone to do something: /

don't like milk, but shemade me drink it.

main /mein/ 5 to earn: don't / make enough money.

adjective 6 to be a particular number or amount:
more important or Two and two make four.
bigger than some- 7 make it to arrive somewhere: We just
thing else: / want to made it to the hospital in time.
take the main road into town. 8 make the bed to make a bed look neat
by pulling the sheets and covers straight
mainly /'memli/ adverb
9 make sure to be certain: Make sure
mostly; true most of the time: That hospital is
you lock the door.
mainly for older people.
10 make something out to be able to
maintain /mem'tem/ verb see, hear, or understand something: Can
to keep something in good condition, or make you make out what the sign says?
it continue in the same way as before: It is 1 1 make something up to think of and tell

expensive to maintain a large house. \

We want other people a story that He is not true:
to maintain a good relationship with our made up an excuse about why he was
workers. late.

12 make up your mind to decide some-

maintenance /'memt n n-3ns/ noun [U]
made up my mind
thing: I've to go to Spain
the action of keeping something in good condi-
this summer.
tion: Car maintenance is important.
13 make of to have an opinion of: What
majestic /m3'd3£Stik/ adjective do you make of his idea?
very big, important, or impressive: We had a 14 make believe to pretend that some-
majestic view of the mountains. thing is true, especially as a game
major 1
/'meid3a7 adjective
very large or important: Our car needs major make-up /'meik-Ap/ noun [U]
repairs. » compare MINOR 1 special powders and creams that people put on
their faces
major 2
1 the main subject that you study in a college malaria /ma'lerio/ noun [U]
or university an illness in which someone has a high fever,

2 an officer who has a middle rank in the caused by the bite of a MOSQUITO
male 1
/meil/ adjective
major 3 verb belonging to the sex that does not have babies:
major in sth to study something as your main The male bird is brightly-colored. » compare
subject at a college or university: I'm majoring FEMALE 1

in biology.
male 2
majority /ma'dsorgti, -'d3ar-/ noun [U] a person or animal that does not have babies,
most of the people or things in a group: The such as a man or boy » compare FEMALE 2

majority of children in our class have dark hair.

mall /mol/ noun
» compare MINORITY a very large building with a lot of stores inside it
mammal /'maemal/ noun manufacture 1
/.maenya'faektJaV verb
an animal that drinks its mother's milk when it (manufacturing, manufactured)
is young, for example a cow, lion, or human to use machines to make things in large num-
man /maen/ noun
1 [plural men) a fully grown human male manufacture 2
noun [U]
» compare WOMAN the making of goods in large numbers
2 people: Man uses animals many
[U] all in
many /'meni/ (more, most)
1 a lot; a large number of: Many of the chil-

manage /'maenid3/ verb (managing, dren cannot read. \

I have eaten too many
managed] chocolates. »
compare FEW
1 succeed in doing something: He managed
to 2 how many used for asking about the number
to avoid an accident. of people or things: How many people were
2 to control or direct a business or activity: He there? map
manages the hotel.
management /'maenid3m9nt/ noun [U]

1 the control or organization of something

such as a business or money: / studied busi-
ness management.
2 the people who control a business: We're
meeting the management tomorrow

manager /'maenid3a7 noun

someone who controls a business, store,
sports team etc.

mane /mem/ noun

the long hair on the neck of a horse or lion map /maep/ noun
a drawing of a country or an area: Do you have
man-kind /.maen'kaind/ noun [U] a map of Florida?
all humans
marble /'marbal/ noun
man-made /,. '.« / adjective
1 [U] a hard white rock that can be made
made by people, not grown or produced by the smooth and shiny and is used in building things
earth: Plastic is a man-made material. 2 a small glass ball used in a game: Do you like
, manner /'maenaV noun to play marbles?

the wayin which something is done or happens: March /mart// noun

The problem can be solved in this manner. the third month of the year
manners /'maensrz/ plural noun
march 1
/mart// verb
ways to behave or speak: You must learn
to walk with regular steps
1 like a soldier
good manners. 2 to walk somewhere quickly: She marched
mansion /'maen Jan/ noun out of the room in anger.
a very large house
march 2 noun [plural marches)
mantel /'maenfl/ noun an event in which many people walk together to
a shelf above a FIREPLACE protest about something

manual 1
/'maenyusl/ adjective margarine /'mard33rm/ noun [U]

done with your hands, not with a machine: He a soft yellow food like butter
does manual work. manually adverb — mar-gin /'mard3in/ noun
manual 2
noun the empty space at each side of a page, with-
how to do something such
a book that tells you out writing or printing
as use a machine: Be sure to read the manual mark 1
/mark/ noun
before you start.
1 a spot or dirty area that spoils the appear-
ance of something: You have a black mark on
your shirt.
2 a small area on someone or something that mask
is damaged: He had teeth marks on his arm.

mark 2
1 to put words or a sign on something to give
information about it: The door was marked
2 to show where something is: A bridge marks
the place where the battle was fought.
3 to put a spot or line on something which
damages it: His black shoes marked the floor.
4 mark something down to make the price of
something lower: These shoes were marked
down to $10.
market /'markit/ noun
1 where people buy and sell goods
a place
2 on the market for sale: Their house has mass noun [plural masses)
been on the market for months. a large amount or quantity of something:
Before the rain, the sky was a mass of clouds.
marriage /'maend3/ noun
1 the occasion when a man and a woman massacre /'maesakaV verb (massacring
become husband and wife: The marriage took /'maesgkrin/, massacred)
placein church. »
compare WEDDING to kill a lot of people in a violent and cruel way
2 the relationship between two people who are —massacre noun
married: They have had a long and happy mar-
massive /'massiv/ adjective
very large, heavy, or powerful: / saw a massive
married /'maerid/ adjective ship on the ocean. » compare HUGE, ENORMOUS
having a husband or wife: He is a married man.
mass media /,. "... I plural noun
marry /'maeri/ verb (marrying, married) all the people that give news and information to
1 to become someone's husband or wife: / am the public
going to marry John. \
When are you going to
mast /maest/ noun
get married? hung
a tall pole on which the sails of a ship are
2 to perform the ceremony in which two peo-
ple become husband and wife: They were mar- master 1
/'maestaV noun
ried by a priest. 1 a man in control of people or animals: The
dog obeyed his master.
marsh /marf/ noun [plural marshes)
2 someone who has a lot of skill or ability: The
an area of low, wet, soft ground
painting is the work of a master.
marvelous /'marvabs/ adjective
master 2 verb
very good or wonderful: / read a marvelous howsomething very well: takes
to learn to do It
book by him. » compare GREAT, FANTASTIC
a long time to master a new language.
masculine /'masskyalm/ adjective
mat /maet/ noun
like a man or typical of a man » compare FEM- a small piece of thick material that covers part
of a floor » compare CARPET, RUG
mash /maeJV verb match 1
/maet J/ noun [plural matches)
to crush something to make it soft: Mash the
1 a short stick of wood that produces a flame
potatoes with a fork. when you rub it against a rough surface: / need
mask /maesk/ noun a box of matches.
something that covers all or part of your face: 2 a game or sports event: We have a tennis
The bank robbers both wore masks. match today.

Mass /maes/ noun match 2 verb

a ceremony in the Roman
religious Catholic to be like something else in size, shape, color
church: She goes to Mass every day. etc.: The shoes do not match my dress.
" "

mate 1
/meit/ verb (mating, mated] maximum 1
/'maeksomam/ noun
if birds or animals mate, they have sex to pro- the largest amount, number, or size that is pos-
duce babies: Birds mate in the spring. sible: / can swim a maximum of 1 mile. » com-
pare MINIMUM 1

mate 2 noun
one of a pair of animals or birds maximum adjective 2

biggest; largest: What the is car's maximum

material /mg'tirial/ noun
speed? » compare MINIMUM 2
1 anything from which something can be
made: Building materials are expensive. May /mei/ noun
2 cloth: / used cotton material to make the the fifth month of the year
curtains. » compare FABRIC may /mei/ verb
math /maeG/ noun [U] 1 used for saying that something is possible: He
the study or science of numbers and the mea- may come tonight, or he may come tomorrow.
surement of shapes 2 used for asking if you can do or have some-
thing: May use your pen?
mathematical /maeG'mastiksl/
3 used in

order to allow someone to do some-

thing: You may begin writing now.
relating to MATH
mathematics /,mae0'maetiks,
may-be /'meibi/ adverb
used for saying something may be true or may
,mae09-/ noun [U]
happen; perhaps: "Are you coming?" "Maybe. I
don't know yet.

matinee /,maetn'ei/ noun

mayor noun
a performance of a play or movie in the after-
someone who is elected to lead the government
of a city or town
matter 1
/'maetaV noun
me /mi/
1 an important event or subject that you must
1 the person who is speaking: She handed the
talk about or think about: / have an important
book to me. Can you see me? \

matter to discuss with you.

2 me too said when you agree with someone:
2 what's the matter? used for asking some-
"I'm cold!" "Me too!"
one why he or she is angry or upset: What's
the matter with you? Why are you crying? meal /mil/ noun
3 [U] the material that things are made of, the food that you eat at one time, or the time it

which you can see and touch is eaten: / always enjoy my evening meal.
»4 no matter said when a situation will not
change: We'll finish the job, no matter how long
mean 1
/min/ verb [past meant /ment/]
1 to have a particular meaning: What does
it takes. No matter how hard I pulled, the door
word mean

this in English? \
The red light
would not open.
means "stop.
5 as a matter of fact in fact: As a matter of
2 mean to do something to plan or want to do
fact I'm only thirty-five, so don't say I'm old.
something: / meant to give you a book, but I forgot.

matter 2 verb 3 mean a someone to be very important

lot to
to be important: Money is all that matters to to someone: His work means a lot to him.
mean 2 adjective
mattress /'maetns/ noun [plural not nice; cruel: Don't be mean to your little sis-

mattresses] ter.

the large soft part of a bed on which you sleep

meaning /'minin./ noun
mature 1
/mg'tjur, ma'tur/ adjective the information or idea that a word or sign has:
behaving in a responsible way like an adult: If you don't understand the meaning of a word,
She's a very mature girl. » opposite IMMATURE look it up in a dictionary.

mature 2
verb (maturing, matured] means /minz/ plural noun
1 to become fully grown or developed 1 a method, object etc. that is used for doing
2 to begin to behave in a responsible way like something: He climbed the tree by means of
an adult (=using] a ladder.
; e :

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mend /mend/ verb 2 mess around to play instead of working; to
to repair or fix a piece of clothing that is dam- be silly: Stop messing around and finish your
aged: Did you mend the hole in your shirt? work.
» compare REPAIR 1

message /'mesid3/ noun

mental /'menfal/ adjective a piece of information that you send to some-
1 relating to the mind: A lot of mental effort one: / have a message for you.
went into solving the problem.
messenger /'mes3nd3a7 noun
2 relating to an illness of the mind: He is in a
someone who takes messages to other people
mental hospital.

messy /'mesi/ adjective (messier,
/'menfan/ verb messiest)
to speak or write about something in a few
1 dirty, or not arranged in a neat way: What a
words: He mentioned to me that he had been
messy room! » compare NEAT
2 unpleasant or difficult to deal with: They had
menu /'menyu/ noun a messy divorce.
you can eat a restaurant
1 a list of food that in

shown on com-
met /met/
2 a list of different choices a
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
meow /mi'ao/ verb metal /'metl/ noun
to make the sound that a cat makes — meow a hard substance such as iron, gold, or steel
metallic /mo'taelik/ adjective
mercy /'ma^si/ noun [U] made of metal or like metal
kindness or pity shown to other people: The
man asked for mercy from the judge. meter /'mitaV noun
1 a measure of length equal to 100 centime-
merely adverb
only: Don't get mad at me. I was merely mak-
2 a machine that measures the amount of
ing a suggestion.
something you use: Where is your water
merit /'merit/ noun meter?
one the good qualities of something
method /'meGad/ noun
mermaid /'m^meid/ noun away of doing something: What method of pay-
a woman in children's stories who has a fish's ment do you use?
instead of legs
metric /'metnk/ adjective
merry /'meri/ adjective (merrier, using system of measuring
the based on
merriest] meters, grams, and liters
happy, and having fun: Have a merry Christ-
mice /mais/
the plural of mouse
merry-go-round noun /'.. . ,./
microphone /'maikra.foun/ noun
a machine that turns around and around and
a piece of equipment that makes your voice
has places where children can sit and ride
sound louder
mess 1
/mes/ noun
1 a place or group of things that is not orga-
nized in a neat way: Your room is in a mess.
2 a situation in which there are a lot of prob-
an instrument that
lems: My life is a real mess.
helps you to see very
mess 2 verb small things by mak-
1 mess up to make something dirty, or to ing them look much
make something go wrong: just cleaned the / bigger: She looked at
floor, and now you've messed it up again! the drop of water
under a microscope.

microwave /'maikra.weiv/ noun miM-tar-y 1 /'mib,teri/ adjective
a type of OVEN that cooks food very quickly relating to soldiers or war: He is at a military
midday /'mid-dei/ noun [U]
the middle of the day, around 1 2 o'clock: She military 2 noun
arrived just before midday. » compare NOON the military the army, navy etc. of a country:

middle 1
My dad is in the military.
/'midl/ noun
the center of something: Please stand in the milk 1 /milk/ noun [U]
middle of the room. / woke up in the middle of
the white liquid that comes from female animals
the night. and is used as food for their babies

middle 2
adjective milk 2 verb
in the center: / sat in the middle seat. to get milk from an animal: The farmer is going
to milk the cows.
middle-aged /,midl'eid3d/ adjective
being between 40 and 60 years old —see color mill noun
picture on page 191 1 a largemachine that crushes corn, grain
etc. into powder
middle school /'.. ,./ noun
2 a building where things are made by machin-
a school for students between the ages of 1
ery: She works in a cotton mill.
and 14

midnight /'midnait/ noun [U]

millennium /ma'lcnigm/ noun
a period of time equal to 1 ,000 years, or the
1 2 o'clock at night
time when a new 1 ,000 year period begins
might 1
/mait/ verb
millimeter /'mita.mitaV noun
1 the PAST TENSE of the verb may:
/ asked if I
a measure of length equal to 1/1000 of a
might borrow the book.
2 used for saying that something is possible:
/ might come and see you tomorrow. million /'milyan/ noun
1 number 1 ,000,000
[plural million] the
might 2 noun [U]
2 [also millions] a very large number: / have
strength and power: He tried with all his might
heard that song millions of times.
to save her.
millionaire /.milya'ner/ noun
mighty /'maiti/ adjective (mightier, mightiest]
someone who is very rich
strong and powerful: He gave the door a mighty
push and it opened. mime 1
/maim/ verb (miming, mimed]
to use actions and movements instead of words
migrate /'maigreit/ verb (migrating,
to entertain someone
1 to move from one place to another to live or mime 2 noun
find work »
compare EMIGRATE an actor who uses actions and movements
2 if birds or animals migrate, they travel at the instead of words to entertain someone
same time every year from one part of the
minrvic 1 /'mimik/ verb (mimicking,
world to another
migration /mai'greijan/ noun to copy the way someone speaks or moves in
the act of moving from one place to another: order to make people laugh: He mimicked the
Many people study the migration of birds. teacher's voice.

mild /maild/ adjective mimic 2 noun

1 have a mild cold.
not too severe or serious: / someone who is good at copying the way some-

2 not tasting too hot or strong: This food is one speaks or moves
very mild. » compare HOT, SPICY
mince /mins/ verb (mincing, minced]
3 not too cold, wet, or hot: It's very mild today.
— mildly adverb to cut food into very small pieces

mile /mail/ noun

mind 1
/mamd/ noun
1 your thoughts; your way of thinking: What's
a measure of length equal to 1,760 yards or
on your mind? (= what are you thinking about]
1 .6 kilometers
2 change your mind to change your opinion or
o .Spirts
Hobbies and Games
The House

t\ vLMGrtn©s
Describing People
wH-myw #




OvS*"' o^-
yr -^O'

The Shopping Mail
__ bank post office __— bakery

iwmK BnmEHT

jewelry store clothing


M2% .


spartment store shoe store pet store


decision about something: / was going to go mine' 1
tomorrow, but I changed my mind. 1 a deep hole in the ground from which coal,
3 make up your mind to decide something: iron, gold etc. is dug
/ can't make up my mind which movie to see. 2 a kind of bomb that is put under the ground
4 take your mind off something to make you or in the ocean and explodes when it is touched
stop thinking about something: / need a vaca-
tion to take my mind off all my problems.
mine 3 verb (mining, mined]
1 to dig into the ground for coal, iron, gold
5 out of your mind crazy
etc.:They were mining for silver.
mind 2
verb 2 to put bombs under the ground or in the
1 to feel annoyed or angry about something: ocean
Do you mind if smoke? I
min-er /'mamaV noun
2 do you mind ..., would you mind ... a polite
someone who digs into the ground for coal,
way of asking someone to do something: Do
iron, gold etc.
you mind if I use the phone? Would you mind \

moving your car? mineral /'mmaral/ noun

3 never mind said when telling someone that a natural substance like iron, coal, or salt that
something is not important, or that you do not is found in the ground
want to say something again: "What did you
say?" "Never mind.
mineral water
/'... ,../ noun [U]

water that comes from under the ground and

4 I wouldn't mind doing something said when
has MINERALS in it
you would like to do something: / wouldn't mind
moving to Arizona. miniature /'mmiatJV, 'minitJV/
mine 1
very small: She has a miniature doll house.
something that belongs to the person speaking:
That bicycle is mine. I bought it yesterday.


1 . The child is sitting on a branch above 14. The driver is getting into his car.
her friend.
15. There is a woman standing near the
2. The boy is jumping across the stream. parking lot.

3. There is a man leaning against a tree. 16 The women are sitting next to each
4. The children are running around the
flowerbed. 17. The boy is jumping off the tree trunk.

5. The woman is walking away from the 18. There are lilies on the lake.
19. The men are climbing onto the pickup
6. There is a boy hiding behind the tree. truck.

7. There is a boy standing below the 20. The children are standing across from
branch. each other.

8. The man is standing beside his son. 21. The man is getting out of the car.

9. The child is standing between its 22. The girl is walking over the bridge.
23. The girl is skating past the tree.
10. The mother is standing by the slide.
24. The boy is running through the grass.
1 1 . There is a child going down the slide.
25. The child is running toward its mother.
12. The man is sitting in the car.
26. The dog is sitting under the park bench.
13. The man is standing in front of the
27. The child is climbing up the slide.
minimum 1
/'mmamam/ noun not think was possible: It was a miracle you
the smallest possible amount, number, or size: weren't killed!

You must pay a minimum of $40 every month. 2 an action or event that people believe is

» compare MAXIMUM 1 caused by God

minimum adjective 2 miraculous /mi'raekyabs/ adjective

smallest amount that is possible or needed:
in surprising and unexpected: Her recovery from
The minimum price he would accept was the illness was miraculous.
$ 1 OOO.
, »
compare MAXIMUM 2
mirror /'miraV noun
minister /'mmsstaV noun a flat piece of glass that you can look at and see
a religious leader yourself in: She looked at her hair in the mirror.

min-is-try /'minsstri/ noun [U] misbehave /,misbi'heiv/ verb

the work done by a religious leader: Her son [misbehaving, misbehaved]
joined the ministry. [=became a minister] to behave badly: / was angry because the chil-

dren were misbehaving.

minor 1 /'mainaV adjective
smaller; not very important: He has a minor ill- mischief /'mistjif/ noun [U]
ness. » compare MAJOR 1 bad behavior, especially by children: He is

always getting into mischief.

minor 2 verb
minor in to study a second main subject as part mischievous /'mist/avas/ adjective
of your college degree: I'm minoring in African wanting to do things which other people think
studies. are bad or silly

mi-nori-ty /ma'norsti, mai-, -'nar-/ noun miserable /'mizsrabal/ adjective

[plural minorities] 1 very unhappy: / feel miserable about what
1 a group of people of a different race or reli- happened.
gion than most people in a country: Are you a 2 very bad in quality: What miserable weather!
member of a minority?
miS'er«y /'mizsri/ noun [U]
2 [U] a small part of a larger group: Only a
great unhappiness: He told us about the misery
minority of the children were noisy. Most were
of life in prison.
quiet. » compare MAJORITY
mis-for'tune /mis'fort Jan/ noun
mint /mint/ noun
bad something bad that happens to you:
1 a candy with a strong fresh taste
He had the misfortune of losing his job.
2 [U] a plant with a strong fresh taste, used in

food and medicine miss 1

/mis/ verb
1 somewhere or do something: / will
to not go
minus /'mamas/ preposition miss the meeting tomorrow.
less: 10 minus 2 is 8. (1 - 2 = 8] » compare 2 to arrive too late to get on a bus, train etc.:
Hurry or we'll miss the train.
minute 1
/'mmit/ noun 3 to feel sad when someone is not there: We
1 a measure of time equal to 60 seconds. will miss you when you go away.

There are 60 minutes in one hour: The train 4 to not hit or catch something: He threw the
arrives in ten minutes. ball to me, but I missed it.

2 in a minute very soon: /'// be ready in a 5 to not see, hear, or notice something: Did
minute. you hear what he said? I missed it.
3 just a minute wait for a short period of time: 6 miss out to not have the chance to do some-
Just a minute - I'll get some money. thing that you enjoy: You will miss out if you
4 this minute now; immediately: Come here don't come to our party.
this minute!
miss 2 noun

minute 2
/mai'nut/ adjective 1 Miss the title of a girl or a woman who is not
very small: His writing is minute. » compare married: Have you seen Miss Johnson?
TINY » compare MRS., MS.
2 [plural misses] an action in which you try to
miracle /'mirakal/ noun
hit or catch something, but do not
1 something lucky that happens that you did
missile /'misal/ noun mm
a weapon that can fly over a long distance and the short way to write the word MILLIMETER or
explode when it hits something MILLIMETERS

missing /'misig/ adjective moan /moun/ verb

not in the correct place and not able to be to make a low sound of pain or sadness: The
found: Police are searching for the missing child was moaning quietly. — moan noun
child. » compare GROAN

missionary /'mija.neri/ noun [plural mobile home /.moubsl 'houm/ noun

missionaries] a type of house made of metal that can be
someone who goes to another country to teach pulled by a vehicle and moved to another place
others about his or her religion
mock /mak/ verb
mist /mist/ noun [U] to laugh at someone in a way that is not nice:

a light cloud low over the ground: We couldn't You shouldn't mock the way he talks.
see through the mist. » compare FOG mod-el 1
/'madl/ noun
mistake 1
/mi'steik/ noun 1 a small copy of something: We built a model
1 something which is not correct: You have of the train.
made a mistake here; this 3 should be a 5. 2 someone whose job is to wear new clothes
2 by mistake without intending to do some- at special shows so people will see them and
thing: / took your pen by mistake. want to buy the clothes

mistake 2 verb (mistaking, mistook, past model 2

participle mistaken) 1 in which you wear new clothes
to have a job
1 to think that something is correct when it is at special shows so people will see them and
not: was mistaken when
/ said I she was a want to buy them
teacher.She is a doctor. 2 to make small objects from substances such
2 mistake someone for someone else to think as clay and wood
that someone is someone else: am / sorry, I
model 3 adjective
mistook you for someone know. I
a very small copy of something: He is playing
misty /'misti/ adjective with a model car.

having a
lot of light

was a misty morning.

cloud low over the ground:
» compare FOGGY
modem /'moudam/ noun
a piece of electronic equipment that sends
mitten /'mifn/ noun information from one computer along the tele-
»a piece of clothing that you wear on your hand, phone wire to another computer
with one part for your four fingers together
moderate /'madsnt/ adjective
—see color picture on page 1 90 neither high nor low, fast nor slow, large
mix /miks/ verb nor small: The train traveled at a moderate
1 to put different speed.
things together to
modern /'mada^n/ adjective
make something new; belonging to the present time: Do you like
new; join together:
modern art? »
Mix the butter and
flour together. \
Oil modest /'madist/ adjective
and water don't mix. not talking too much about your abilities or the
2 mix someone up things that you do well: She is very modest
with to think that about her success. — modesty noun [U]
someone is someone else: It's easy to mix him moist /moist/ adjective
up with his brother.
a little wet; not dry: His eyes were moist with
3 mix something up to change the way things tears.
are arranged so that there is no order: Someone
mixed up my papers. — mixed adjective moisture /'moist Ja7 noun [U]
small drops of water: / can see the moisture on
mixture /'mikst/aV noun
the window.
a substance made by mixing two or more differ-
ent things together: Pour the mixture into a pan.
mold 1
/mould/ verb 2 what you earn by working: He makes a lot of
to make something into a particular shape: We money selling clothes.
molded the clay with our fingers. 3 wealth: Money isn't everything.

mold 2 noun monk /mArjk/ noun

1 a hollow container that you pour a liquid into, one in a group of religious men who live togeth-
so when it becomes solid it has the shape of the er in a special building » compare NUN
2 [U] grows on
a green substance that old
monkey /'mArjki/ noun [plural monkeys)
an animal that has a long tail and uses its
food and on things that are warm and wet
hands to climb trees see color picture on —
mold-y /'mouldi/ adjective (moldier, page 183
covered with MOLD: The bread is all moldy.
monotonous /m3'nat n n-9s/ adjective
boring because it is always the same: My job is

mole /moul/ noun very monotonous.

1 a
small animal that lives in holes in the
monsoon /man'sun/ noun
the heavy rain which falls at a particular time of
2 a small dark brown spot on someone's skin
parts of Asia
year in

molecule /'mata.kyul/ noun

monster /'monster/ noun
the smallest part into which a substance can be
an imaginary creature that is frightening: Do
divided without changing its form
you believe in monsters?
mom /mam/ noun month /mAnO/ noun
mother which a year
one of the 12 periods of time into

moment /'moumant/ noun is divided

a very short period of time: be back a

1 /'// in
monthly /'mAnGli/ adjective, adverb
moment. happening every month or once a month: We
2 a particular time: He might come back at have a monthly meeting.
any moment.
3 at the moment now: At the moment, we are monument /'manyamant/ noun
living in Tampa. something that is built to help people to remem-
4 in a moment very soon: The doctor will see ber an important person or event

for the
a moment.
moment happening now but maybe
moo /mu/ noun
the sound that a cow makes -moo verb
not in the future: The rain has stopped for the
moment. mood /mud/ noun
the way you feel at any one time: Why are you
mom-my /'mami/ noun [plural mommies] in such a bad mood?
a word for mother, used by a child

monarch /'mana^k, 'manark/ noun

moon /mun/ noun
the large round object that shines in the sky at
night » compare SUN — see
a king or queen color picture on

monarchy /'man^ki/ noun [plural page 192

monarchies) moonlight /'munlait/ noun [U]
a country that is ruled by a king or queen
the light from the moon
monas-tery /'manas.teri/ noun [plural
mop 1
/map/ noun
a long stick with thick threads on the end that
a place where MONKs live
you use to wash the floor
Monday /'mAndi, -dei/ noun
mop 2 verb (mopping, mopped)
the second day of the week wash the floor using a wet MOP

money /'mAni/ noun [U] moped /'mooped/ noun

1 coins and pieces of paper with their value with two wheels and a small engine
a vehicle
printed on them: How much money do you
have? moral 1
/'moral, 'moral/ adjective
relating to the ideas of what is right and wrong:
/do not eat meat for moral reasons, —morally 5 for the most part usually; most of the time:
adverb Our students, for the most part, do very well.

moral 2
NOTE: Use most when you are talking
a lesson about and wrong that you
what is right
about people or things Mostin general:
learn from a story or an event: The moral of
kids like candy. Most people have a TV.
the story was that we should be honest.

Use most of when you are talking about a

morals /'moralz, 'mar-/ plural noun particular group of people or things: Most
the set of ideas about what is right and wrong of the people he works with are friendly. \

that you use to decide how to live your life I've read most of her books.

more /mor/ adverb

1 a larger amount or number: We spend more mostly /'mousfli/ adverb
of our money on food these days. » compare 1 usually; most of the time: When go I to the
LESS city, it's mostly on business.
2 in addition to what you have already another 2 almost all: The people at the party were
thing or amount: Would you like some more mostly women.
3 more and more continuing to become
motel /mou'tel/ noun
a hotel for people who travel by car, with a place
greater in amount: He got more and more
for the car near the room
4 more or less about; almost: The trip will moth /moG/ noun
cost us $500 more or less. an insect like a BUTTERFLY which flies at night
5 once more again: Read the sentence once
more, please.
mother /'mAdaV noun
a female parent: Her mother is a teacher.
morning /'mornin./ noun
mother-in-law /'.. . ,./ noun [plural
the time from when the sun rises until the mid-
dle part of the day »
the mother of your wife or husband
Morse code /,mors 'koud/ noun [U]
motion /'moufan/ noun
a way of sending messages using short and
the process of moving, or the way something
long signals of light or sound
Moslem /'maztam, 'mas-/ noun
motionless /'moufanlis/ adjective
not moving: The cat sat motionless.
mosque /mask/ noun motive /'moutiv/ noun
a building in which Muslims worship
a reason for doing something: Police think he
mosquito /ms'skitou/ noun [plural had a motive for killing the man.
a flying insect that drinks blood from people or
motor /'moutaV noun
an engine that makes things move or work
animals and can spread disease from one per-
son to another motorbike /'mout^.baik/ noun
moss /mos/ noun [U]
a flat green plant that grows on wet ground, motorcycle /'mouta^saikal/ noun
trees, and rocks a fast vehicle with two wheels and an engine

most /moust/ adverb

— see color picture on page 187

1 the largest amount or number: Most people motorist /'moutenst/ noun

travel in July and August. » compare LEAST someone who drives a car
2 more than anything else: Of course the coat
I liked cost the most.
mound /maund/ noun
a small hill: Your dog is digging in a mound of
3 at most, at the most not more than: It will
take an hour at the most.
4 make the most of something to use some- mount 1
/maunt/ verb
thing in the best way possible: We only have 1 [also mount up) to become larger in size or
two days here, so let's make the most of it! amount

2 to get on a horse or bicycle 4 move in to start to live in a new home: We

should be able to move next week.
mount 2
5 move out to leave the place where you are

a mountain: Mount Everest is the highest

living and live somewhere else: Mr. Smith
mountain in the world.
mountain moved out last week.

mountain move 2 noun

something you decide to do in order to achieve
something: Buying the house was a good move.

movement /'muvmant/ noun

a change in position from one place to another:
/ saw a movement behind the curtain.

movie /'muvi/ noun

a stony that is told using sound and moving pic-

tures: Do you want to go to the movies? (=to

the theater to see a movie]

mountain /'maunt n n/ noun movie star /'.. ,./ noun

a very high hill: Have you ever climbed a moun- a famous movie actor or actress
tain? —
see color picture on page 1 88
mow /mou/ verb (mowing, mowed, past
mountain bike /'.. ,./ noun participle mown]
a strong bicycle with wide thick tires to cut grass with a machine
mourn /morn/ verb mower /'mouaV noun
to feel very sad because someone has died: a machine that you use to cut the grass
She mourned for her dead child.
Mr. /'mistaV noun
mourning /'mornin,/ noun [U] a word put before a man's name: This is Mr.
great sadness because someone has died: She Brown.
is in mourning [=feeling very sad] for her son.
Mrs. /'misiz/ noun
mouse /maus/ noun a word put before the name of a woman who is

1 [plural mice] a small animal with a long tail, married: This is Mrs. Brown. » compare
which lives in buildings or fields » compare RAT MISS 2 MS.

2 a small object connected to a computer that

you can move and use to make the computer Ms. /miz/ noun

work a word put before the name of a woman who

does not want to call herself "Miss" or "Mrs."
mouth /mauG/ noun
much /mAtJV
1 the part of your face that you put food into
or use for speaking —see picture at HEAD 1 1 a lot; a large amount of: Did you pay much
2 keep your mouth shut to not say anything:
for your bicycle? \
Was there much traffic?

/was very angry but kept my mouth shut.

» compare LOT
2 very much, so much used for emphasizing
3 an opening, entrance, or a way out: Our
something you are saying: Thank you very much
town is near the mouth of the river.
for your help. \
I feel so much better today!
mouthful /'mauOful/ noun 3 not much [a] only a little or to a small
the amount of food or drink that you put into degree: She is not much older than I am. (b]
your mouth at one time used for saying that something is not important
or interesting: "What have you been doing late-
move 1
/muv/ verb [moving, moved]
ly?" "Oh, not much.
1 to go to a new place to live, work etc.:

/ moved to New York.

4 how much used for asking about the amount
or cost of something: How much milk is left?
2 to change the position of something, or to \

Can Iwonder how much that shirt costs.

take something from one place to another:
move my 5 too much more than you need or want:
you move your car, please? |
/ can't
/ have too much work to do.
3 make someone
to feel a strong emotion: His
6 as much as the same amount as: We don't

story moved me.

have as much money as the Browns.

NOTE: Much (1) is used in questions and in

museum /myu'ziam/ noun
a building where you can see old, interesting, or
NEGATIVE sentences, e.g. How much does
beautiful things: went to the Museum of
it cost? It doesn't cost much. For other

types of sentence, use a lot of instead: It

cost a lot of money. \

He has a lot of work mushroom /'mA/rum/ noun
to do. a plant with no leaves, a short stem, and a
round top, some of which can be eaten

mud /m\d/ noun [U] music /'myuzik/ noun [U]

wet earth that is soft and sticky 1 the pleasant sounds made by voices or by

muddy /'mAdi/ adjective (muddier, instruments: What kind of music do you like?
2 a set of written marks representing music:
covered with mud: Take those muddy boots off!
/ am looking for a sheet of music.

muff in /'mAfon/ noun

musical /'myuzikal/ adjective
1 relating to music or consisting of music: The
a small sweet type of bread, often with fruit in
store sells musical instruments.
2 good at playing or singing music: She is very
mug /mAg/ noun musical.
a large cup with straight sides and a handle
—see picture at CUP musician /myu'zijan/ noun
someone who plays a musical instrument very
mule /myul/ noun well or as a job
an animal which is half horse and half DONKEY
Muslim /'mAztam, 'muz-, 'mus-/ noun
multiply /'mAlta.plai/ verb (multiplying, someone whose religion is based on the Koran
to add a number to itself a particular number of
must /mast; strong mASt/ verb
1 used with another verb to show what is nec-
times: 2 multiplied by 3 is 63 = (2 x 6).
essary or what has to be done: must go or
» compare DIVIDE — multiplication noun [U]
be late.
/ I'll

mumble /'mAmbal/ verb (mumbling, 2 used to show that you think something is
mumbled] very likely or certain: It is very late; it must be
to say something that is difficult for someone to nearly 12 o'clock. I can't open the door.

hear or understand Someone must have locked it.

mumps /mAmps/ noun [U]
'an illness that causes fever and swelling in your mustache
/'mAStaef, ma'staeJV
murder 1
Pmzrd&l verb hair that grows on a
to someone on purpose and when it is
kill man's upper lip » com-
against the law »
compare KILL, ASSASSINATE pare BEARD —see color beard
picture on page 191
murder 2 noun
the crime of someone on purpose
mustard /'mASt^d/ noun [U]
murderer /ma-dara-/ noun a yellow powder made from the seeds of a
someone who kills a person on purpose and plant, which is mixed with water to give a hot
when it is against the law compare KILLER » taste to food

murmur 1
/'ma-maV verb mustn't /'niAsant/
to say something in a soft quiet voice must not: You mustn't be late for school.

murmur 2 noun must've /'mAstav/

a soft quiet sound made by someone's voice: must have: Jane isn't here. She must've left.

heard the murmur of voices the

/ in hall.
mutter /'mAtaV verb
muscle /'mAS9l/ noun to speak in a quiet voice which is difficult to
one of the parts of your body under your skin hear: He's always muttering to himself.
which make you strong and help you to move
mutton n
/'mAt n/ noun [U] mysterious /mi'stirias/ adjective
meat from a sheep eaten as food very strange, and difficult to explain or under-
stand: He died suddenly of a mysterious
my /mai/ illness.

belonging to the person speaking: / hurt my mystery /'mistari/ noun [plural

knee when I fell off my bicycle. mysteries]
something that is difficult to explain or under-
my-self /mai'self/
stand: The location of the money remains a
1 the same person as the one who is speak-
ing: / looked at myself in the mirror.
2 used to give the word "I" a stronger mean-
ing: / made this shirt myself.



nag /naeg/ verb (nagging, nagged]

to complain to someone because you want him
or her to do something: Stop nagging me to fix

the door!
3rrow wide
nail 1 /neil/ noun
1 a thin pointed piece of metal with one flat •ty /'naesti/ adjective (nastier, nastiest]

end that you push into a piece of wood using a 1 not pleasant to see, taste, smell etc.: The
hammer » compare SCREW 1
medicine has a nasty taste.
2 one of the hard flat pants at the end of your 2 not nice in behavior: Don't be so nasty to
fingers and toes your sister!

nail 2 verb nation /'neijan/ noun

to fasten something to something else using a all in one country and living under
the people
nail: Will you nail the sign on the door? one government: The whole nation supported
the decision.
naked /'neikid/ adjective
not wearing any clothes: A naked body was national /'naejanl/ adjective
found in the bushes. » compare NUDE relating to a country: Is today a national holi-

name /neim/ noun

day?» compare INTERNATIONAL
1 the word that you call someone or some- national anthem '../noun /, ...

thing: My name is Jane Smith. |

What is the the official song of a nation, sung on special
name of this town? days and occasions
2 someone who is famous: She is a big name nationality noun
in fashion.
[plural nationalities)
name 2 verb (naming, named) the legal right of belonging to a particular coun-
to give a name to someone or something: They try: / have British nationality.

named the baby Ann.

na-tive 1
/'neitiv/ noun
namely /'neimli/ adverb a native of something someone born in a par-
that There is only one problem, namely,
is: how ticular place: Mary is a native of Australia.
to get more money.
native 2 adjective
nanny /'naeni/ noun [plural nannies] relating to the place where you were born: Her
a woman whose job is to take care of a family's native language is Spanish.
natural /'naetjaral/ adjective
nap /naep/ noun 1 not made by people or machines: Cotton is

a short sleep during the day: He always takes a natural material.

a nap in the afternoon. 2 usual or expected: It's natural to feel nervous

nap-kin /'naepkm/ noun

before your wedding. » compare NORMAL
a small piece of cloth or paper you use to keep naturally /'naetJYali/ adverb
your hands and mouth clean when you eat 1 way that you would expect; usually: You
in a
naturally make mistakes when speaking anoth-
narrow /'naerou/ adjective er language.
small in distance from one side to the other:
2 not made or caused by anyone: Her hair is
The gate is too narrow for cars to go through.
naturally curly.
» compare WIDE 1

3 of course: "Are you excited to be home?"


nature /'neitJV/ noun [U] necessary /'ncsa.seri/ adjective

1 the world and everything in it which people needed for you to do or have something: Good
have not made, such as animals, weather, food is necessary for your health. opposite »
plants etc.: These mountains are one of UNNECESSARY
nature's most beautiful sights.
2 the character of someone or something:
necessity /na'sesati/ noun [plural
Peter is trusting by nature.
something that you need to have or that must
naughty /'noti/ adjective (naughtier, happen: A car is a necessity for this job.
a naughty child behaves badly and is not nice to
neck /nek/ noun
1 the part of your body between your head and
your shoulders —
see picture at HEAD 1
naval /'neival/ adjective 2 the narrow part at the end of something:
relating to the navy: He wrote a book about The neck of the bottle is long and thin.
naval battles. 3 be up to your neck in something to be in a
very difficult situation: He is up to his neck in
navigate /'naeva.geit/ verb (navigating,
way to a place, especially using a
to find the neck-lace /'nek-lis/ noun
map: He navigated the ship across the ocean. a piece of jewelry that you wear around your
navigation /.naeva'geijan/ noun [U]
neck —see picture at JEWELRY

the planning and directions about the way you need 1

/nid/ noun
get to a place: Navigation on the river is difficult 1 a situation in which something must be done
because of the rocks. to make the situation better: There is a need to
improve our schools.
navigator /'naev9,geit37 noun
2 something that you want or must have: The
someone on a ship or plane who plans the way
needs of a baby are simple.
it should go
3 in need not having enough food or money:
na-vy /'neivi/ noun [plural navies] We're collecting money for children in need. \

the ships of a country used for fighting a war, The country is in need of more doctors.
and the people of these ships: My son is in the
navy. » compare ARMY, AIR FORCE need 2
1 to want something that is necessary: / need
navy blue /,.. '.</ adjective, noun [U] a hammer to take this nail out.
a very dark blue 2 need to do something to have to do some-
need to see a doctor as soon as you
thing: You
near /nir/ adverb, preposition
1 not far; close, or only a short distance away:
My aunt lives near here. » compare FAR 1
—see picture on page 1 94
2 close in time to an event: The work on the
house is near completion.

near-by /,nir'bai</ adjective, adverb

close, not far away: We swim in a nearby river. \

Is the school nearby?

nearly /'nirli/ adverb

1 almost: We are nearly finished.
2 not nearly not at all: don't have nearly /

enough money to buy that book.

needle /'nidi/ noun
neat /nit/ adjective
1 a thin piece of pointed metal with a hole at
1 clean and well arranged: She always keeps
the end for thread, used for sewing
her room neat. »
compare MESSY
2 a thin, sharp, hollow piece of metal used for
2 very good or pleasant: The movie was neat!
putting medicine directly into your body
—neatly adverb —neatness noun [U]
3 a long, thin, pointed piece of plastic or metal
you use to KNIT something


need-less /'nid-lis/ adjective nerve /n^v/ noun

needless to say of course: Needless to say, it 1 the abilityto stay calm in a dangerous or dif-

rained the day we left. ficult situation: It takes a lot of nerve to speak
in front of people.
negative 1
/'negativ/ adjective
2 a very small part of your body like a thread
1 having a bad or harmful effect: This decision
that controls your movements and carries mes-
will have a negative effect on the economy.
sages to and from your brain
2 saying or meaning "no": He gave a negative
answer. (=he said "no"] nerves /n^vz/ plural noun
1 the feeling of being worried, nervous, or
negative 2
excited: She is a bundle of nerves before a
a piece of film from which a photograph is made
neglect 1
/ni'glekt/ verb 2 get on someone's nerves to annoy some-
to not pay enough attention to or to not take one: The loud music is beginning to get on my
care of someone or something: The animals nerves.
were sick because they had been neglected.
nervous /Wvas/ adjective
neglect 2 noun [U] 1 worried or afraid: She is nervous about
failure to take care of someone or something traveling alone.
well: His family suffered from neglect. 2 relating to the nerves in your body: He has a
disease of the nervous system.
neglected /ni'glekt id/ adjective
not well taken care of

neigh /nei/ noun

the loud sound that a horse makes
neighbor /'neibaV noun
1 someone who lives near you: He is my next-
door neighbor.
2 someone who is sitting next to you: Don't
copy the answers from your neighbor's
nest /nest/ noun
neighborhood /'neiba^hud/ noun a place made by a bird, insect, or small animal
the small area of a town and the people who live to live in: The bird laid three eggs in the nest.
there: There are several good restaurants in net
the neighborhood. tennis net

neighboring /'neibann/ adjective

near to a place: The flood affected the neigh-
boring towns.

neither /'nida\ 'nai-/ adjective

1 not one and not the other of two people or
things: Neither boy could swim, but they both
wanted to learn. »
compare EITHER
2 used for agreeing with a negative statement:
"I don't like smoking. " "Neither do I.

3 neither ... nor ... used when two state-

ments or facts are not true or possible: Neither
his father nor his mother is tall.
fishing net
nephew /'nefyu/ noun
the son of your brother or sister » compare net /net/ noun
NIECE 1 material with open spaces between thread,
string, or wire: He hit the ball into the net.
nerd /n&d/ noun
someone who is boring, wears stupid clothes,
and does not know how to behave correctly net*tle /'netl/ noun
a wild plant with rough leaves that sting you
net-work /'nefwa-k/ noun nibble /'nibgl/ verb (nibbling, nibbled]
1 a group of radio or television companies that to eat little bites of food: She was nibbling on a
show programs piece of bread.
2 a large group of lines, wires, roads etc.
which cross or meet each other
nice /nais/ adjective (nicer, nicest)
1 pleasant, good, or attractive: Have a nice
never /'neva7 adverb time at the party. |
You look nice!
not at any time; not ever: I've never been to 2 kind and friendly: What a nice person!
Europe. My brother never lets me ride his

bicycle. » compare ALWAYS a coin used
in the U.S. that is worth 5 cents
new /nu/ adjective nickname /'nikneim/ noun
1 recently made, built, or bought: We have a
a name given to someone which not their real
new car. » compare OLD name: John's nickname is "Tiny"

because he is
2 not seen, used, known, or experienced
very small.
before: I'm learning a new language.

newcomer /'nu.kAmaV noun niece /nis/ noun

someone who has recently arrived or started a

the daughter of your brother or sister » com-
new activity: He is a newcomer to the city.

newly adverb/'nuli/
night /nait/ noun
1 the time when it is dark and the sun cannot
very recently: They are a newly married couple.
be seen: It rained during the night. |
Some nur-
news /nuz/ noun [U] ses have to work at night. » compare DAY
information about something that has just hap- 2 the evening: We're going to a play Saturday
pened: We
watch the news on television. \
Have night.
you heard any news about Terry? 3 the time when most people are sleeping:
The baby cries all night long.
newspaper /'nuz.peipaV noun
4 the other night a few nights ago
a set of sheets of paper containing news and
5 night and day all the time
advertisements, which is sold every day or
week: / buy the local newspaper. night-gown /'nairgaun/ noun
a piece of loose clothing that women wear in
news-stand /'nuzstaend/ noun
a place on a street where newspapers are sold

New Year's Day 'J noun

nightingale /'nait^n.geil, 'naitin-/
/,. .

January 1
a bird that sings a beautiful song, especially at
New Year's Eve /,. .
'./ noun night
December 31
nightmare /'nait
mer/ noun
next 1
/nekst/ adjective a dream which makes you very afraid
1 coming or happening after the present one:
/'// see you next week. When does the next
nighttime /'nait-taim/ noun [U]

the time during the night when the sky is dark


2 nearest: Music is coming from the next

» compare DAYTIME

room. nine /nam/ adjective, noun

the number 9
next 2
1 just after something: What did he do next? nine-teen /,nam'tin< / adjective, noun
2 next to beside: Come and sit next to me. the number 19
—see color picture on page 1 94
nine-ty /'nainti/ adjective, noun
3 next to nothing very little in amount: / paid
the number 90
next to nothing for the shoes.
ninth /nainG/ adjective, noun
next-door /,. '.< / adjective
in the next room or building: Did you meet the
next-door neighbors? nip /nip/ verb (nipping, nipped)
to bite someone with a small bite: The dog
nipped my leg.
" "

no /nou/ adverb no one /'. ./

1 said to refuse something, to show that [also nobody] nobody

something is not true, or to not agree with
something: "Would you like some coffee?" "No,
nope /noup/ adverb
no: "Are you hungry?" "Nope, not yet.
thanks. " \
I asked him for a dollar, but he said
no. » compare YES nor /n^; strong nor/
2 not any; not at all: There are no children in a word used between two choices to show that
the classroom. neither is true: Neither Anna nor Maria likes to

3 no way! a way of saying "no" very strongly: cook.

"Are you going to help?" "No way!"
normal /'normal/ adjective
noble /'noubol/ adjective [nobler, noblest] usual or expected: It's normal to feel tired after
1 good or generous to others working hard. » compare NATURAL
2 belonging to one of the old important families
in some countries
normally /'normoli/ adverb
usually: Normally, I get up at seven o'clock.
nobody /'nou.DAdi, -,badi/ north /norG/ noun, adjective, adverb
[alsono one] not anybody; no person: / knocked
the direction that on the left when you look
on the door but nobody answered. \
toward the rising The window faces
liked him.
north. |
Which way is north?
nod /nad/ verb [nodding, nodded]
northeast /.norO'ist/ noun, adjective,
to move your head up and down to show that
you agree with someone, or to greet someone:
the direction which is between north and east
She nodded when asked she liked the movie.
— nod noun
I if
— northeastern adjective

noise /noiz/ noun

northern /'nord&nf adjective
in or from the north
a sound that is loud or unpleasant: Planes
make a lot of noise. » compare SOUND 1
North Pole /,. './ noun
the North Pole the most northern point of the
nois-y /'noizi/ adjective (noisier, noisiest]
making a lot of noise: The class was filled with
noisy children. » compare QUIET 1
north-ward /'norOwa-d/ adverb
toward the north
no-mad /'noumaed/ noun
someone who travels from place to place, espe- north-west /,nor0'wcst/ noun,
cially as a member of a tribe — nomadic adjec- adjective, adverb
tive the direction which is between north and west

none /nAn/
— northwestern adjective

not one; not any: None of my friends has a nose /nouz/ noun
car. |
/ ate all the bread. There's none left. 1 the part of your face through which you

non-sense /'nansens, -S9ns/ noun [U]

breathe and with which you smell — see picture
at HEAD 1

1 ideas or opinions that are not true or seem

2 turn up your nose at something to not
stupid: "I look fat in this dress. " "Nonsense. You
accept something because you think it is not
look fine.
good enough for you
2 behavior that is stupid or annoying: Stop
3 under someone's nose near to or in front of
that nonsense right now!
someone: The pen I was looking for was under
nonstop /,nan'stap-» / adjective, adverb my nose the whole time!
without stopping: We went on a nonstop flight
nostril /'nastrol/ noun
to Los Angeles. \
We worked nonstop for two
one two holes in your nose through which
of the
you breathe —
see picture at HEAD 1
noon /nun/ noun [U]
nos-y /'nouzi/ adjective [nosier, nosiest]
the middle of the day; 1 2 o'clock: At noon, the
always trying to find out information about other
sun is high in the sky. » compare MIDDAY people
not /nat/ adverb a stone at the dog," "boy," "stone," and "dog"
a word that gives the opposite meaning to are all nouns.
another word or a sentence: I'm not going novel /'naval/ noun
home The flower
now. |
is red, not pink. \
Is the a book that tells a long story about someone or
story true or not? something
note 1
/nout/ noun novelist /'navalist/ noun
1 a short written message: /'// write a note to someone who writes a NOVEL
thank her for helping.
2 something you write down to help you November /nou'vemba^, na-/ noun
remember something: Did you make a note of the 11 th month of the year

my new address? now /nau/ adverb

3 sound in music, or the sign for
a particular 1 at this time: Tokyo isnow one of the largest
this sound cities in the world. She should have been

4 take note of something to pay careful atten- home by now.

tion to something 2 used for getting someone's attention, or to

note 2
verb (noting, noted] start talking about something else: Now, chil-

to pay attention to something, or notice it: dren, open your books to page 6.
Please note that the store is closed on Sunday. 3 for now for a short time: Jim will be working
here for now.
note-book /'nout^buk/ noun
a book with plain pages in which you write your
nowhere /'nouwer/ adverb
school work not any place: The birds on the island are found
nowhere else. » compare EVERYWHERE
note-paper /'nour.peipaV noun [U]
paper that you can write notes on nuclear /'nukliaV adjective
relating to or using the very great power made
notes /nouts/ plural noun by dividing an atom or
atoms: Our elec-
information that a student writes down from a tricity comes from nuclear power.
class or book: Did you take any notes?
nucleus /'nuklias/ noun [plural nuclei
nothing /'nAOirj/ /njuikliai/)
1 not anything; no thing: There is nothing in the central part of an atom
this box. She said nothing about the accident.

2 for nothing (a) for no money: Buy the table, /nud/ adjective
and I'll give you the chairs for nothing, (b) for no not wearing any clothes » compare NAKED
purpose, or for no good reason: / did all that nudge /nAd3/ verb (nudging, nudged)
work for nothing. to push someone in a gentle way, using your
notice 1
/'noutis/ noun elbow: She nudged me when it was time to go.

a written or printed paper that gives informa-

—nudge noun
tion oris a warning to people: The notice on the nugget /'nAgit/ noun
door said the library was closed. a small rough piece of something such as
metal: a gold nugget
notice 2 verb (noticing, noticed)
to see, hear, or smell something: Did you notice nuisance /'nusans/ noun
a strange smell in the room? someone something that annoys you or

noticeable /'noutisabal/ adjective causes problems: Don't make a nuisance of

easy to notice: Your work is showing a notice-
able improvement. numb Maiti/ adjective

notorious /nou'torias/ adjective not able to feel anything: My feet are numb
famous for doing something bad: She is a noto- from the cold.

rious criminal. number /'nAmbaV noun


2, 3 etc.
such as
noun /naun/ noun 1 a figure 1 ,

a word that is the name of a person, place, ani-

2 a set of numbers that you use to telephone
mal, or thing: In the sentence, "The boy threw someone: Can you give me her number? I \

dialed the wrong number.


3 an amount of something that you can count: nurs«er-y /Wsari/ noun [plural nurseries]
A large number of tigers were in the cage. 1 a place where plants and trees are grown
4 a sign that shows the position of something: and sold
Look at question number four. \
What is his 2 a room for a very young child
room number? 3 a place where children are taken care of
while their parents are at work or shopping
number 2 verb
to give a figure or number to something: nursery rhyme / ... ,./ noun
Number the pages from 1 to 100. a short, well-known song for children

numeral /'numaral, 'numral/ noun nursery school /'... ,./ noun

a sign that represents a number: 3, 22, and a school for young children between three and
185 are numerals. five years old

numerous /'numaras/ adjective nut /nAt/ noun

many: We met on numerous occasions. 1 a large seed that you can eat

nun /nAn/ noun

2 someone who is crazy or behaves in a
strange way
one of a group of religious women who live

together in a special building » compare MONK 3 a small piece of metal with a hole in it which
is used with a BOLT to fasten things together
nurse 1
/na^s/ noun
someone who is trained to help doctors and
nutrition /nu'tnfan/ noun [U]
the process of eating the right kinds of food in
take care of people who are sick or injured: She
order to be healthy: Exercise and good nutrition
works as a nurse in a hospital.
are important.
nurse 2
verb (nursing, nursed]
to take care of people who are sick or injured:
nylon /'nailan/ noun [U]

She nursed her mother when she was sick.

a strong material used for making plastic, cloth,
rope etc.
objection /ab^ekfan/ noun

a reason you give for not
liking or agreeing with

something: She had strong objections to work-

ing on Sundays.

obligation /.abte'geijgn/ noun

something you must do because it is your duty

oblige /a'blaid3/ verb (obliging, obliged)

to make necessary for someone to do some-

/ou/ thing: / obliged to tell her the truth.

used for saying the number zero: She is in » compare FORCE 1

room 203. (=two o three)

oblong /'abbrj/ adjective
oak /ouk/ noun having a shape that is longer than it is wide
a large tree, or the hard wood of this tree » compare RECTANGLE
oar /or/ noun observation /.abz^'veijsn, -sW
a long pole with a flat blade at the end, used for noun
making a boat move through the water 1 [U] the act of carefully watching someone or

oasis /ou'eisis/ noun [plural oases something: He is under observation in the hos-
a place in the desert with water and trees
2 a remark about something you have noticed:
She made several observations about the way
oath /ouG/ noun [plural oaths /oudz, ouOs/) people treated her.
a very serious promise: She took an oath to tell

the truth in court.

observe /ab'zanV verb (observing,
oatmeal n
/'out mil/ noun [U] to watch someone or something carefully:
a hot breakfast food made by boiling grain in Children learn to do things by observing other
water until it is very soft people.

oats /outs/ plural noun obstacle /'abstikol/ noun

a grain that is used as food something that makes it difficult for you to suc-

obedience /o'bidians, ou-/ noun [U]

behavior in which you do what you are told to obstruct /sb'strAkt/ verb
do: He acted in obedience to the law. oppo- » to block a road, path, or someone's view: The
site DISOBEDIENCE building obstructs our view of the beach.
obedient /o'bidisnt, ou-/ adjective obstruction /sb'strAkfan/ noun
willing to do what someone tells you to do: He something that blocks the way: The accident
is an obedient child. opposite DISOBEDIENT » caused an obstruction in the road.
obey /a'bei, ou-/ verb (obeying, obeyed) obtain /ab'tem/ verb
to do what someone tells you to do: You should to get something: Information about the dis-
obey your teacher. » opposite DISOBEY ease is difficult to obtain.

object 1
/'abd3ikt, 'abd3£kt/ noun obvious /'abvias/ adjective
1 a thing that you can see, hold, or touch: easy to see or understand: It is obvious that
What is that object there? she is lying. » compare APPARENT
2 the purpose of a plan or activity: The object
of this game is to roll the ball into the hole.
occasion /a'kei39n/ noun
1 a time when something happens:
/ spoke to
3 a word used in grammar to describe the per-
him on several occasions.
son or thing that is affected by the verb in a
sentence: In the sentence, "Jane bought the
2 a special event: We are saving the wine for
a special occasion.
bread, " "bread" is the object.

object 2
/ab'd3ekt/ verb
occasional /9'kei39nl/ adjective

to say that you do not like or do not agree with

happening sometimes but not often —occa-
something: She objected to our plan.
sionally adverb: We occasionally go to the
occupation /.akya'peijgn/ noun 3 used showing that someone or some-

a job: "What is your occupation?" "I am a doc- thing is part of a larger group: Here
is one of
tor. the books from his library.
4 used for showing that one thing contains
occupy /'akyo.pai/ verb (occupying, something else: / bought a carton of milk.
5 used for showing an amount or measure-
1 to live in a place: Two families occupy the
ment: want a cup of coffee.
/ The house has \

plenty of space inside.
2 to fill a particular position or space: His pic-
6 used for giving the name of something: / like
tures occupy the entire wall.
the game of chess.
3 to keep someone busy: The game will keep
7 used for giving the reason or cause of some-
the kids occupied.
thing: He is dying of cancer.
occur /g'kaV verb (occurring, occurred) 8 used in dates: He was born on the 12th of
1 to happen: The accident occurred at five June.
o'clock. 9 used for showing direction or distance: She
2 occur to someone to suddenly come into lives north of the city.

someone's mind: The idea had never occurred off 1 hil adverb, preposition
to me before.
1 away from something: Can you pull this lid
ocean /'oufan/ noun off? One of my buttons fell off. He got off the
| \

a very large area of water: We sailed across bus. »

compare ON see color picture on

the Atlantic Ocean. page 194
2 not on something, not touching something:
o'clock /s'klak/ adverb
Get your feet off the bed!
a word used for saying what time it is: It's four
3 turn something off to make something stop
working: Turn the lights off when you leave.
October /ak'toubaV noun 4 far in distance or long in time: He drove off. \

the 1 0th month of the year Summer is a long way off.

5 not working: He's off for three days.
octopus /'aktapas/ noun [plural
6 lower in price: Their computers are 25% off.
octopuses or octopi]
a soft sea creature with eight long arms —see off 2 adjective
color picture on page 183 1 removed or not connected: The lights in the
house were all off.
odd /ad/ adjective
2 not happening: Their wedding is off.
1 strange or unusual: It's odd that he hasn't
called me. of *fend /a' fend/ verb
2 odd number a number that cannot be divid- to make someone angry or upset: / offended
ed by two: 3, 7, and 15 are odd numbers. him by not answering his letter. » compare UP-
» compare EVEN 1 SET 1

odds /adz/ plural noun offense /a'fens/ noun

how likely it is that something will happen: What 1 something that wrong; a crime: It is an

are the odds of our success? and drive a car.

offense to drink alcohol
2 take offense to feel angry or upset about
odds and ends /,. .
./ plural noun
something someone says to you: She took
various small things which are not very impor-
offense when I asked how old she was.
tant or useful: / have a box full of odds and
ends. offensive /a'fensiv/ adjective
very impolite and likely to make people very
odor /'oudaV noun upset: He made some offensive comments to
a smell, especially a bad one: Where is that
the waitress.
odor coming from?
of-fer 1 /'of 3% 'af>/ verb
of /3V, strong av/ preposition
1 to show that you are willing to give some-
1 part of something; belonging to something:
thing to someone: / offered James some of my
The streets of New York are crowded.
2 used for showing a quality or relationship of
2 to say that you are willing to do something:
someone or something: / like the color of her
She offered to help me carry the boxes.
hair. The size of the building was huge!
" "

offer 2 noun 2 not sick, injured, or unhappy: "How is your

1 a statement that you are happy to help with mother?" "She's OK.
something: Thank you for your offer of help.
2 the amount of money that you are willing to
okay /ou'kei/
another way to write OK
pay for something: They made us an offer on
the house. old /ould/ adjective

of -f ice
1 having lived a long time: My grandmother is
a room or
/'ofis, 'a-/
building where you do your work: She
very old. » compare YOUNG —see color picture 1

on page 191
works in an office.
2 having a particular age: "How old are you?"
off icer /'ofas3\ 'a-/ noun "I am eleven years old.

1 someone in the army, navy etc. who has a 3 having been used for a long time: What do
position of authority you do with your old clothes?
2 someone who has an important position in 4 an old friend a friend you have known for a
an organization, the police etc. long time

off icial 1
/o'fijol/ adjective old-fashioned /,. '..< / adjective
approved by someone in authority: / received an not modern or popular: He has old-fashioned
official letter from the government. ideas about women. compare MODERN, OUT- »
official 2 noun
someone who has an important job in the gov- olive /'aliv/ noun
ernment or an organization a small green or black fruit eaten as food or
used for making oil
of •'ten /'ofon, 'oft on/ adverb
many times: / often go to bed early \
How often Olympic Games /o.hmpik 'geimz,
does it rain here? ou-/ plural noun
the Olympic Games [also the Olympics] an
oh /ou/
international sports competition which takes
said when you are surprised, happy, annoyed
place every four years
etc.: Oh, no! I missed the bus!

oil 1 /oil/ noun [U]

omelette /'amlit/ noun [also omelet)
a mixture of eggs beaten together and cooked,
thick dark liquid that comes from under the
often with other foods
ground, used for cooking, burning, or making
machines work smoothly: The company is o-mit /ou'mit, o-/ verb (omitting, omitted)
drilling for oil. to not include something; to leave something
out: My name was omitted from the list.
oil 2 verb
to put oil on or into something on 1
/on, an/ adverb, preposition
1 touching or hanging from something: The
oil painting /'. ,../ noun
glass is on the shelf. I have mud on my shoes.

a picture painted with paint that has oil in it

» compare OFF 1 —see color picture on page
oil rig noun
/'oil rig/ 194
a large piece of machinery used for digging in 2 in a particular place: The picture is on page
the ground or under the ocean to find oil 40. |
/ grew up on a farm.
3 continuing without stopping: We drove on to
oil well /'. ./ noun
the next city.
a deep hole in the ground from which oil is taken
4 at a particular time or date: The party is on
oil-y /'oili/ adjective (oilier, oiliest) March 12th.
covered with oil, or containing a lot of oil 5 being shown on television: / saw the movie
on television.
ointment /'oint
mont/ noun
6 forward or ahead: We were tired, but we
a substance that you rub into your skin as a
needed to move on.
medical treatment
7 covering a part of your body: Put your coat
OK /.ou'kei/ adjective, adverb on.
1 said when you agree with someone, or when 8 in a vehicle: saw Jane on the bus.

saying that someone can do something: go "I'll 9 used for saying what has been used for
first. " "OK " Is it OK if
leave? I doing something: drew this on a computer.

10 in a particular direction: She sat on my right. 3 in one way or for one reason: She is only
doing this because she is angry.
on 2 adjective
4 an only child a child with no brothers or sis-
1 being shown on television: What's on
2 working, or ready to use: Is the oven on? only 2
except that; but: / want to come with you, only
once /wAns/ adverb
I have to stay home and help my mom.
1 one time: / have been to America once. We \

go shopping once a week. onto /before consonants 'onta, 'an-;

2 in the past, but not now: My grandmother before vowels and strong 'Dntu, 'an-/ preposi-
was a teacher once. tion
3 from the time that something happens: It is in or on a particular place: He climbed onto the
easy, once you learn how to do it. —see color picture on page 94
roof. 1

4 (every) once in a while sometimes, but not

often: We go fishing every once in a while.
onward /'onw^d, 'an-/ adverb
forward in time or space: They hurried
5 at once (a) at the same time: You can't do
onward. We studied history from 1900
two things at once, (b) now; immediately: We

must go at once!
6 once more one more time: Try calling her ooze /uz/ verb (oozing, oozed)
once more. to move or flow slowly: Blood oozed from his
7 all at once suddenly: All at once everyone knee.
stopped talking.
8 once upon a time a phrase used at the
open 1
/'oopan/ adjective
1 not shut or closed: Who left the window
beginning of children's stories, meaning "a long
open? I'm so tired can't keep my eyes open.
time ago"
» compare CLOSED —
see picture at AJAR
one /wAn/ 2 ready for business: Is the bank open yet?
1 number 1
the » compare CLOSED
2 a single thing or person: She only has one 3 not surrounded or covered by other things:
shoe on. We drove through open country.
3 one o'clock: / have a meeting at one. 4 available to anyone: Many jobs are open to
4 a particular time in the past: One week last women now.
December it snowed. 5 willing to listen to other people: Are you open
5 a time in the future: We should go to the to suggestions?
movies one day.
6 only: My one goal is to do better in school.
open 2
1 to make something open,or become open:
7 someone or something that has been men-
Open your books to page three. The door \

tioned or is known about: "Which one do you

opened and came in. I
want?" "That one.
2 to begin to do business: When does the
one-way /,. '.</ adjective store open?
moving or allowing movement only in one direc- 3 to make something available to someone:
tion: He lives on a one-way street. The building opened to the public this year.

onion /'Anyan/ noun opener /'oupanaV noun

a round white vegetable with many layers and a an instrument for opening things: Do you have
strong taste —see picture at VEGETABLE a bottle opener?

on-line /,. '.</ adjective opening /'oupgnirj/ noun

connected to other computers that are on the 1 a hole or space in something: / see an open-
INTERNET: Is your school on-line? ing in the fence.
2 a job that is available: Are there any open-
on'ly 1 /'ounli/ adjective, adverb
ings at the factory?
1 being the one person or thing of a particular
kind: She is the only girl in her family. opera /'apr9, 'apsra/ noun
2 and nothing more; and no one else: You can a play that has songs and music instead of spo-
only have one piece of cake. |
This room is for ken words
teachers only.
operate /' verb [operating, option /'apjon/ noun
operated] a choice; the power to choose: What are our
1 to work or to make something work: Do you options?
know how to operate this machine?
2 open someone's body to remove or
to cut
optional /'apjonl/ adjective
not needed by you, but able to be chosen or
repair a part that is damaged: The doctors
done if you want: Red paint is optional on this
operated on her stomach.
operation /.apo'reijon/ noun
optometrist /ap'tamotrist/ noun
the process of cutting open someone's body to
someone who tests your eyes and makes
remove or repair a part that is damaged: He
needs to have an operation on his back.
or/a strong or/

operator /'apo.reitoV noun


used when giving a choice: Do you want tea

1 someone who controls the telephone calls
or coffee?
made to or from a place
2 not one thing and not the other: / don't like
2 someone who controls a machine or piece of
lemons or oranges.
3 used for giving a warning or the reason for
opinion /o'pmyon/ noun something: Hurry or you will be late!
your ideas or beliefs about something: In my
o-ral /'oral/ adjective
opinion [=\ think), you're wrong. What's your

spoken, not written: We had an oral test.

opinion on this subject?

opponent /o'pounont/ noun

orange /'ormd3, 'ar-/ noun
1 a round sweet juicy fruit with a thick skin
someone who tries to defeat someone else a
game or competition
—see picture at FRUIT
2 the color of this fruit —orange adjective
opportunity /.ap^'tunoti/ noun orbit
[plural opportunities]
a chance or time to do something: / have an
opportunity to travel to Asia.

oppose /o'pouz/ verb (opposing,

to not agree with something: My mother oppos-
es the idea of me getting married. opposed —

opposite 1
/'apozit, -sit/ adjective, orbit 1
/'orbit/ noun
preposition the path of one thing moving around another in

1 as different as possible: The buses went in space

opposite directions. One went south and the
orbit 2 verb
other went north.
to move a circle around something
in in space:
2 facing something or across from something:
The space vehicle orbited the moon.
The library is on the opposite side of the road
from the school. orchard /'ortJ>d/ noun
a place where fruit trees are grown
opposite 2 noun
someone or something that is as different as orchestra /'orkistro/ noun
possible from someone or something else: Hot a large group of people who play musical instru-
is the opposite of cold. ments together

optimist /'apt3,mist/ noun order 1 /'ordoV noun

someone who always believes that good things 1 order to do something so that something

will happen »
compare PESSIMIST can happen, or someone can do something: He
stood on the chair in order to reach the light.
optimistic /.apto'mistik/ adjective
2 the way that things are arranged or put on a
believing that good things will happen: I'm optimistic
The words are in alphabetical order.
that we'll win the game. » compare PESSIMISTIC

(=startmg at A and finishing at Z]

ought to
3 a request for goods from a company, or the origin /'or9d3in, 'ar-/ noun
goods that are asked for: Can take your order? I the place or situation from which something
4 [U] a situation in which other people obey comes: What is the origin of the custom?
rules and authority: Police want to keep law
and order in the town. original /o'nd3onl/ adjective

5 a command; something you must do:

1 first; earliest: Who was the original owner of
the house?
Soldiers must obey orders.
6 out of order not working: The telephone is 2 new and different: He has an original idea
for a new game.
out of order.
3 not copied: This is the original painting.
order 2
1 to someone to do something: He
originally /o'nd3onl-i/ adverb

ordered the soldiers to attack.

in the beginning: My family originally came from
2 to ask for goods or services: / ordered a
new table for the office. Who ordered the pie?
\ ornament /'ornamgnt/ noun
3 to arrange something in a particular way: an object that is beautiful, but not useful and is
Their society is ordered by family groups. used to decorate something: We hung the
ordinarily /.ordn'erali/ adverb
ornaments on the Christmas tree.
usually: Ordinarily I would drive, but I don't feel orphan /'orfan/ noun
well. a child whose mother and father are dead

or-di-nar«y /'ordn.eri/ adjective orphanage /'orf9nid3/ noun

1 usual; not special or different: It was just an a home for children whose parents are dead
ordinary day today.
2 out of the ordinary very unusual or different:
Did you notice anything out of the ordinary at
/'astntj, 'd-/ noun
[plural ostriches]
school today?
a very large bird
ore /or/ noun with long legs which
rock or earth in which metal is found runs fast, but can-

organ /'organ/ noun

not fly

1 a part of an animal or a plant that has a spe- other /'Ada7

cial purpose: The eyes are your organs of sight. 1 not the same;
2 a large musical instrument like a piano with different one: My
long pipes that make sounds brother sleeps in the

organic /or'gaenik/ adjective

other room. »
compare ANOTHER
grown without using dangerous chemicals:
2 the remaining thing or person: can take

Peter and Mary, but all the others have to

organic fruit and vegetables
take the bus. \
Where is my other sock?
organization /.organa'zeijan/ noun 3 the other day on a recent day; not many
1 a group of people with a special purpose days ago: / saw John the other day.
such as a club or business 4 other than except: / don't know much about
2 [U] the way in which something is organized him, other than he likes to fish.
or planned: Good organization makes your work
easier. —organizational adjective
otherwise /'Ada^waiz/ adverb
1 if You should buy the tickets now,
organize /'orgo.naiz/ verb (organizing, otherwise you may not get any
organized) 2 except for what is mentioned: It wasn't very
to plan or arrange something: Did you organize sunny, otherwise the day was fine.
the wedding by yourself? |
/ need to organize my 3 differently: We were going to buy the house,
business records. then we decided otherwise. (= not to buy it)

organized /'orgg.naizd/ adjective ouch /autJV

1 planned or arranged carefully: Her desk is said when you feel sudden pain
always very organized. » opposite DISORGAN-IZED ought to /'ota; strong 'otu/ verb
2 arranged and done by many people: The
used for saying what you think someone should
he is involved in organized crime.
police think
do: She really ought to eat less.

ounce /auns/ noun out-grow /aut~"grou/ verb [past tense
a measure of weight equal to 28.35 grams; outgrew /aut n, gru7, past participle outgrown
there are 16 ounces in one pound /aut 'groun/)
togrow too big for something: Jack has out-
our /ar; strong aua7 adjective
grown his coat.
belonging to us: We put our books in our bags.

ours /aua^z, arz/

outing /'autirj/ noun

something that belongs to us: "Whose car is

a short trip for enjoyment: We went on an out-
ing to the beach.
that?" "It's ours.
out-let /'aut let, -lit/ noun
ourselves /auVsdvz, ar-/
a place where electricity comes out of the wall
1 the same people as we or us in a sentence:
We could see ourselves in the mirror. \
We out-line /'aut lain/ noun
bought a lot of things for ourselves. 1 a line around the edge of something that
2 by ourselves [a] without help from anyone: shows its shape: He drew the outline of a house.
We painted the bedroom by ourselves, (b) 2 the main facts or ideas about something
alone, without anyone else: Dad never lets us
out-side 1
/.aut'said, 'aut said/ noun
go to the store by ourselves.
the outer part or surface of something: The
out /aut/ adverb, adjective outside of the house was painted white.
1 away from a place; not in a place: Close the » compare INSIDE 1

gate, or thedog will get out.

2 not at home, or not at work: My father is out
outside 2 adverb
out of a room or building: He opened the door
right now.
and went outside. |
They were standing outside
3 not on, or not working: The lights were out
and the house was dark.
the school. » compare INSIDE 2

4 out from a particular place or time: She

of outside 3 adjective
took the keys out of her bag. see color pic- — on the outside of something, or containing
ture on page 1 94 something: The outside walls are in bad condi-
5 not in a room or building; outside: Why don't tion. » compare INSIDE 3
you go out and play?
out-skirts /'autsk^ts/ plural noun
6 completely or carefully: Clean out the car
the parts of a town that are far away from the
before you go. I am worn out. [=very tired)

center: We live on the outskirts of the town.

outdated /,aut
deitid</ adjective
outstanding /aut'staendirj/ adjective
old; no longer useful: No one can use outdated
very good; excellent: She an outstanding student.
information. » compare OLD-FASHIONED is

out-door /'aotdor/ adjective

outward 1 n
/'aut w^d/ adjective
1 relating to how someone seems to be:
happening outside; used outside: We have an
There were no outward signs that she was
outdoor swimming pool. compare INDOOR » upset.
out-doors /aut'dorz/ adverb 2 going away from a place » compare
[also out of doors) outside; not inside a build- INWARD 1

a nice
ing: It's day, let's play outdoors. » com- outward 2 adverb
toward the outside; away from the middle: The
outer /'autaV adjective top of the box opens outward. compare »
on the outside of something; far from the mid- INWARD 2
dle: The outer walls of the house are made of
oval /'ooval/ noun
brick. »
compare INNER
a shape like an egg —oval adjective pic-

out-fit /'aut,fit/ noun ture at SHAPE 1

a set of clothes that you wear together: Is that
ov-en /'Avan/ noun
a new outfit?
a box that becomes hot so you can cook food
inside it

over 1
/'oovaV adverb
1 .down to a lying position: He knocked the
glass over and it broke. \
She fell over.
2 used showing where someone or some-
for overhear /,ouva^'hir/ verb [past
thing sit over here, and you sit over
is: /'//
overheard /.ouv^'ha^d/)
there. There is a chair over in the corner.
\ to hear what other people are saying when they
3 to or in a particular place: We went over to do not know you are listening: / overheard them
her house. talking about me.
4 again: / made a mistake and had to start
over. She sings the same song over and over.
overlook /.ouv^'luk/ verb
1 to not see or notice something: You over-
5 think something over to think carefully about
looked several mistakes your writing.
something: Think it over and give me your deci-
sion tomorrow.
2 to have a view of something from above: Our
house overlooks the valley.
6 so that another side is showing: He rolled
over and went to sleep. overnight /.ouv^'naiW adjective,
7 above: It is very loud when the planes fly adverb
over. for the whole night: We stayed overnight with

over 2 preposition
my sister.
1 above or higher than something else: The overpass /'ouva^paes/ noun
lamp is hanging over the table. I leaned over \ a part of a road that goes up and crosses over
the desk. —
see color picture on page 1 94 another road
2 moving across the top; from one side to the
other: He jumped over the wall.
overseas /,ouvaJ siz< / adverb, adjective

3 covering something; on top of something:

to or in a place across the sea from your own
Put this blanket over him.
country: My brother lives overseas.

4 more than an amount or number: Children oversleep /.ouva^'slip/ verb [past

over the age of 12 cannot come to this school. overslept /,ouv^slept/)
5 during: / visited her over the summer. to sleep for longer than you wanted to: / was
6 all over in every part; everywhere: He has late for school because I overslept.
traveled all over the world.
overweight /.ouva^'weitW adjective
over 3 adjective too fat: The doctor told her she was over-
finished: The game is over. weight. —see color picture on page 191
overall /.ouv^'ok / adverb, adjective owe /ou/ verb (owing, owed)
including everything: Overall, the situation is 1 to have to give money to someone later
very good. because he or she has allowed you to borrow
overalls some: / otve John $10 for my ticket.
/'ouva-.olz/ plural noun
heavy pants with a top part that you wear over 2 to feel grateful to someone for something:

your chest, held up by two pieces of cloth that

Peter owes me a favor.

go over your shoulders see color picture on — owing to /'.. J preposition

page 190 because of: They arrived late, owing to the
overboard /'ouva^bord/ adverb

over the side of a boat into the water: He fell owl /aol/ noun
overboard. a large bird that hunts at night and has large
overcoat /'ouva^kout/ noun

a long thick warm coat own 1

overdose /'ouv^.dous/ noun
1 belonging to a particular person: / want my
too much of a drug taken at one time: He died
own room. |
You must make your own deci-

of a drug overdose. overdose verb — sions.

2 on your own alone, with no one else helping
overflow /.ouva^'flou/ verb you: was on my own all day. Did you write this
/ \

to flow over the edge of something: The river story on your own?
overflowed its sides.
own 2 verb
overhead /,ouv^'hcdW adverb, to have something that belongs to you: Their
adjective family owns two restaurants.
over or above your head: The plane flew over-
owrver /'ounaV noun oyster /'oista-/ noun
someone who owns something: Who is the a small ocean animal that has a hard shell and
owner of this car? can produce a PEARL

ox /aks/ noun oz.

a male cow that has had part of its sex organs a short way to write the word ounce or ounces
ozone layer /'ouzoun.leiaV noun [U]
oxygen /'aksid33n/ noun [U] a layr of gases which protects the Earth from
a gas in the air that all plants and animals need the bad effects of the sun
in order to live

packed /paekt/ adjective

full of people or things

packet /'paekit/ noun

a small container for something: / bought two
packets of tomato seeds.

packing /'paekinV noun [U]

the action of putting things into cases or boxes:
/ do my packing the night before I leave.
pace 1
/peis/ noun [U]
the speed at which you move forward, espe- pact /paekt/ noun
cially when walking: They walk at a very fast an important agreement between two countries
pace. pad 1
/paed/ noun
a thick piece of soft material used for pro-
pace 2 verb (pacing, paced] 1

to walk in one direction and then the other,

tecting a part of your body, or for making some-
especially when you are waiting or worried
thingmore comfortable
about something 2 a number of sheets of paper fastened
together at one edge: / need a writing pad.
pacif ier /'paesa.faisr/ noun
a small rubber object that a baby sucks on so
pad 2 verb (padding, padded]
to fill or cover something with soft material in
that he or she does not cry
pack order to protect it make it more comfort-
able: The jacket is padded at the shoulders.
pad-die 1
/'paedl/ noun
a piece of wood with a wide flat end used for
moving a boat through water

paddle 2 verb (paddling, paddled]

to move a boat through water using a PADDLE

pad-dy /'paedi/ noun

[also rice paddy; plural paddies) a field for
growing rice
pack 1
/paek/ verb
1 [also pack up] to put things in a box, bag etc. pad-lock /'paedlak/

to take them somewhere: She packed her bags

a small lock that you
and left.
2 if a crowd packs a place, there are a lot of can put on a door, bicy-
cle etc.
people there so it is very full

pack 2
noun page /peid3/ noun
1 a small container that holds a set of some- one of the sheets of
thing: Do you want a pack of cigarettes? —see paper in a book or
picture at CONTAINER
newspaper: The book has 120 pages. |
2 several things put or tied together to make story is on the front page? (=first page)

them easy to sell, carry, or send: / bought a six- pageant /'paed33nt/ noun
pack of beer. (=six beers) a competition for women in which their beauty
3 a group of wild animals that hunt together is judged
paid /peid/
pack-age the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
/'paekid3/ noun pay
1 the bag or box that
something is put into pail /peil/ noun
for selling: / want to get a BUCKET

a package of cookies. pain /pern/ noun

2 something wrap- 1 the feeling have when a part of your body
ped in paper so that you can put it into the mail hurts: I've got a pain in my leg.
2 a pain, a pain in the neck a very annoying pale /peil/ adjective
person or thing: He's a real pain when he's 1 having a light color: Her dress is pale green.
tired. 2 lighterthan the usual color: She was very
3 [U] suffering in your mind or your emotions: pale after her illness. »
compare DARK 1
Divorce causes great pain for children.
4 take pains to do something make a special
pa Inn /pam/ noun
1 a tall tropical tree with pointed leaves, that
effort to do something
grows near a beach
painful /'pemfal/ adjective 2 the flat part inside your hand: He held the
1 causing pain: / have a painful cut on my leg. insect in the palm of his hand. see picture at —
» opposite PAINLESS HAND 1

2 making you feel unhappy: / have painful mem-

ories of the war.
pamphlet /'paemflit/ noun
a thin book with a paper cover, which gives
painkiller /'pem.kiterV noun information about something pan
a medicine which helps to stop pain

pain-less /'pemlis/ adjective

causing no pain » opposite PAINFUL
paint; /pemt/ noun
a thick liquid that you put on a wall, house etc.
to make it a particular color: The wall needs
another coat of paint. (=another layer of paint)

paint; 2 verb saucepan frying pan

1 to put paint on a surface: They painted the pan /paen/ noun
house white. a round metal container, usually with a long han-
2 to make a picture of someone or something dle, in which you cook things
using paint: She loves painting the mountains.
pan-cake /'paenkeik/ noun
paint-brush /'pemt n brAj/ noun [plural a thin flat cake cooked in a pan
a special brush that you use for painting —see pan-da /'paenda/ noun
a large black and white animal like a bear that
picture at BRUSH 1

lives in China — see color picture on page 183

painter /'pemteV noun
1 someone who paints something as a job
pane /pein/ noun
2 someone who paints pictures compare » a single piece of glass in a window: Who broke
the pane of glass?

painting /'pemfirj/ noun

pan-el /'paenl/ noun
1 a flat piece of wood used in a door or on a
a painted picture: / saw a painting of a boat.
pair /per/ noun 2 a group of people who answer questions,
1 two things of the same kind that are used discuss something, or decide something
together: / need a pair of socks.
2 something made of two parts joined and
panic 1
/'paenik/ noun [U]
a sudden feeling of great fear that makes you
used together: Here is a pair of scissors.
do things quickly and without thinking: There
3 two people who are doing something togeth-
was panic when the fire started.
er: Everyone is dancing in pairs.

pajamas /po'dsamaz -'d3ae/ plural noun panic 2 verb (panicking, panicked)

to feel asudden fear which makes you do things
a loose shirt and pants that you wear in bed
quickly without thinking: The crowd panicked at
pal /pael/ noun the sound of guns.
a friend
panic-stricken /'.. ,../ adjective
pal-ace /'paelis/ noun very afraid and not able to think clearly
a large beautiful building where a king or queen
pant /paent/ verb
to .breathe hard and quickly, especially after you

exercise or because it is very hot: He was pant- paragraph /'paera.graef/ noun
ing when he reached the top of the hill. a group of several sentences that has one par-
ticular idea
panties /'paenfiz/ plural noun
a piece of underwear for girls or women parallel /'paera.lcl/ adjective
two are parallel are side by side, and
lines that
pantry /'pasntri/ noun [plural pantries]
a small room where food or dishes are kept
are always the same distance apart: The side-
walk runs parallel to the street. see picture —
pants /paents/ plural noun at SHAPE 1

a piece of clothing that covers your legs from

your waist to your feet: / need a new pair of
paralysis /pg'raetasis/ noun [U]

—see color picture on not being able to move or feel a part of your
pants. page 1 90
pantyhose /'paenfi.houz/ plural noun
a very thin, tight piece of clothing, which women paralyze /'paera.laiz/ verb (paralyzing,
wear to cover their feet, legs, and the lower
part of their body
to make someone lose the ability to move or
feel a part of his or her body: He was paralyzed
paper /'peipaV noun in a fall and couldn't walk. — paralyzed adjective
1 sheets that you can write or draw
[U] thin
on, or wrap things in: I do not have any writing
par-don 1
/'pardn/ noun [U]

used for asking someone to say something
again: "It's four o'clock." "Pardon?" "I said it's
2 a newspaper: Here's today's paper.
four o'clock.
3 a piece of writing that you do for a class:
Have you finished your English paper? pardon 2
pardon me (a) excuse me; am sorry: Pardon
paperback /'peipa\baek/ noun I

a book with a
me. I didn't mean to upset you. (b) said for get-
stiff paper cover
ting someone's attention: Pardon me, what
paper clip/'.. J noun time is it?
a small curved piece of wire used for holding
sheets of paper together
parent /'perant, 'paer-/ noun
a father or mother: My parents live near here.
papers /'peip^z/ plural noun
official pieces of paper that give information about
parentheses /pa'renGgsiz/ plural noun
who you are and what you the signs ( ). In the sentence "Do you want any
are allowed to do
(more) fruit?", (more) is in parentheses.

parachute park 1
/park/ noun
/'paerajut/ noun a large area in a town with grass and trees,
a large piece of cloth where you can walk, play games etc.
that is attached to
your back and allows
park 2 verb
to put a car in a particular place for a period of
you to through the

air slowly when you

time: She parked the car near the bank.
jump from an aircraft parking /'parkirj/ noun [U]

parade 1 1 the act of putting a car in a particular place

for a period of time
/pa'reid/ noun
a public celebration in which people walk or
2 No parking a phrase used on a sign to show
that you are not allowed to put your car there
march in a long line down the street

parade 2
verb (parading, paraded)
parking lot /'..,./ noun
an open area where you can put your car
to walk or march together to celebrate some-
thing: The people paraded through the town. parking meter /'..,../ noun
paradise /'paero.dais, -,daiz/ noun
a machine that you put money into so you can
put your car next to it
1 a place that is beautiful and pleasant: For
me, paradise is lying on the beach all day. parliament /'partamant/ noun
2 HEAVEN a group of people chosen by the people of a
country to make laws

parochial school

parochial school /pa'roukial skul/ particular /p^'tikyalaV adjective

noun 1 special or important: Did you have a partic-
a school that is run by or connected with a ular reason for choosing this book?
church 2 this one and not any other: On that particu-
lar day wasn't feeling well.
parrot 3 in

particular special or specific: Is there any-

/'paerat/ noun
thing in particular I can help you with?
a brightly-colored
tropical bird with a particularly /p^'tikyatali, -'tikygli/
curved beak adverb
especially: It is particularly hot today.
/'parsli/ noun [U] partly /'partli/ adverb
a small plant with not completely: The accident was partly my
strong-tasting leaves, often used in cooking fault.

part 1
/part/ noun partner /'part n na7 noun
1 a piece of an object, area etc., but not all of 1 someone with whom you do an activity such
it:Which part of the town do you live in? The \
as dancing, tennis etc.
front part of the bus was damaged. 2 one of the owners of a business
2 one of the pieces that something is made of: 3 someone to whom you are married, or with
/need a new part for my car. whom you live

3 the words and actions of a character in a

part-time /,. \< I adjective, adverb
play or movie: James played the part of the sol-
working or studying during only a part of the
usual time: / work part-time at the library.
4 take part in something to do an activity
with other people: He took part in the race. party /'parti/ noun [plural parties]
5 in part to some degree, but not completely: 1 a meeting at which people enjoy themselves,
Her success was due in part to good luck. Are you coming to my birthday
eat, drink etc.:
part 2 verb
2 a group of people with the same political
1 two sides of something apart: He
to pull
opinions: Are you a member of a political party?
parted the curtains and looked out the window.
2 part with something to give away something pass 1
/paes/ verb
although you do not want to: She hates parting 1 [also pass by] to go past someone or some-
with her old clothes. thing: She waved at me as she passed my
3 to divide the hair on your head into two parts house.
with a comb so that it makes a line 2 to take something and put it in someone's
hand: Pass the salt, please.
partial /'parjal/ adjective
3 to kick, throw, or hit a ball to someone on
not complete: The meeting was only a partial
your own team during a game
4 if time passes, it goes by: 77me passes very
partial-ly /'parfali/ adverb slowly when you're waiting.
not completely: She is only partially to blame for 5 to succeed in a test or class: Did you pass
the problem. your driving test?
6 to accept a law, especially by voting: The law
participant /par'tisapsnt, pW noun passed easily.
someone who does an activity
7 pass away to die: was sorry to hear that

participate /par'tisa.peit, pW verb Larry had passed away.

(participating, participated] 8 pass out to suddenly become unconscious:
to do a particular activity: Most students par- He passed out when he saw the blood.
ticipated in the program. 9 pass something on to tell someone informa-
tion that someone told you: will pass the mes- /
participle /'parte.sipal/ noun sage on to her.
one of two forms of a verb: The past participle
of "sing" is "sung" and the present participle is pass 2 noun [plural passes]
"singing. 1 the act of kicking, throwing, or hitting the
ball to someone on your team in a game

2 an official piece of paper that allows you to Do you drive past the school? She walked past|

go somewhere or do something me and didn't say anything! —

see color picture
3 a road through a place that is difficult to trav- on page 1 94
el through 2 after a particular time: It's just past four
pas-sage /'paesid3/ noun
1 a narrow place in a building that connects pasta /'pasta/ noun [U]
one room to another: The bathroom is at the an Italian food made from flour and water, and
end of the passage. often eaten with a SAUCE
2 a short piece of writing or music: He read a
passage from the book.
paste 1
/peist/ noun
1 a thick glue used for sticking things together
passenger /'paes9nd3^/ noun 2 a soft wet mixture that can be spread over
someone who travels in a car, bus, train etc. something
but does not drive it: There are ten passengers
on the bus.
paste 2 verb [pasting, pasted]
to stick something on to something else using
passerby /.pos^'bai/ noun [plural PASTE
someone who is walking past a place by
past participle /,.'..../ noun
the form of a verb used for showing an action
chance: A passerby stopped to help me.
done or happening in the past: "Done" and
passing /'paesirj/ adjective "walked" are the past participles of the verbs
going past: Sometimes I watch the passing "do" and "walk".
pas*try /'peistri/ noun
passion /'paejan/ noun 1 sweet cake
[plural pastries] a small
a very strong feeling such as love, hate, or 2 [U] a mixture of flour, fat, and water which
anger: She spoke with passion about feeding makes the outer part of a PIE
the poor.
past tense /,. './ noun
passionate /'paejsnit/ adjective the form of a verb which shows past time: The
showing very strong feelings: She is passionate past tense of the verb "go" is "went.
about caring for animals. — passionately
pasture /'paest/aV noun
land covered with grass, used for cattle and
passive /'paesiv/ adjective sheep to feed on
having the action done by someone else: In the
sentence "The ball was kicked by John, " "was
pat /paet/ verb (patting, patted]
to touch something lightly again and again with
kicked" is a passive verb. compare ACTIVE » your hand: She patted the dog on the head.
passport /'paesport/ noun — pat noun
a small book which has your photograph and
facts about you, and which you must have to
patch 1
/paet J"/ noun [plural patches]
1 a piece of material used for covering a hole
leave your country and go to another one
in something
past; 1 /paest/ noun [U] 2 a small area that looks different from the
1 all the time that existed before now: area around it: can see wet patches on the

Traveling is much easier now than it was in the wall.

past. »
compare FUTURE
patch 2 verb
2 someone's life before now: / don't know any-
to put a piece of material over a hole to cover
thing about his past.
it: / patched the bicycle tire with a piece of rub-
past 2
path /paeG/ noun paths /paedz/]
having happened or existed before now: I've
a narrow road you can walk on: There is a
been sick for the past two weeks. » compare narrow path through the forest. see color pic- —
ture on page 1 88
past 3 adverb, preposition
patience /'peijans/ noun [U]
1 up to and beyond someone or something:
the ability to deal with a problem, or wait for

something without getting angry or upset: You There was a pause in the conversation when
need a lot of patience to be a teacher. Mary came in.

patient 1
/'peijant/ adjective pause 2
verb [pausing, paused]
able to deal with a problem or wait for some- to stop doing something for a short time:
thing without getting angry or upset: Try to be When he reached the top of the hill, he paused
patient with the children. » opposite IMPATIENT to rest.

patient 2 noun pave /peiv/ verb (paving, paved]

someone who is getting medical treatment: to cover a road with a hard level surface such

There are 150 patients in the hospital. as CONCRETE

patio /'paeti,ou/ noun pavement /'peivmant/ noun [U]

an outside area with a hard surface near a the hard surface of a road
house where you can sit, eat, relax etc. paw /pa/ noun
patriotic /,peitri'atik/ adjective the foot of an animal such as a dog or cat
showing great love for your country
pay 1
/pei/ verb (paying, paid /peidV)

patrol 1
/pa'troul/ noun 1 to give money to someone so you can buy
1 a small group of police or soldiers who are in something, or for work that he or she has done
an area to prevent problems or crime for you: She paid for the coffee and left. \
2 on patrol moving around in an area to pre- gets paid $10 an hour.

vent problems or crime: Four police were on 2 pay attention to listen or watch something
patrol outside the building. Pay attention to the story,
carefully: children.
3 pay someone back to return the money you
patrol 2 verb [patrolling, patrolled]
owe someone: pay you back next
/'// week.
to be an area to prevent problems or crime:
4 pay something off to pay all the money you
Every hour the police patrol our street. owe for something: We paid off our house this
patter /'pacta 1
/ noun year!
the sound of something a hard sur-
light hitting
pay 2 noun [U]
face: / heard the patter of rain on the roof.
the money that you receive for work that you
have done: You will get your pay on Friday.
paycheck /'peitjek/ noun
a small piece of paper that you receive as pay
for work that you have done

payment /'peimant/ noun

1 [U] the act of paying: This money is in pay-
ment for your work.
2 an amount of money that you pay: How
much are your car payments?
pay phone/'. ./

a public telephone
you can use by
putting a coin or a
card into it

pat-tern /'paetan/ noun

1 the regular way that something happens or
pea /pi/ noun
a very small round
is done: There a pattern to the crimes.
green vegetable
2 an arrangement of shapes, lines, or colors:
The dress has a pattern of flowers on it. peace /pis/ noun [U]
3 a shape that you copy onto cloth or paper to 1 a time when there is no war or fighting: We
make something, especially clothing are working for world peace.
2 quietness and calm: Go away and leave me
pause 1
/paz/ noun
in peace.
a short time when you stop doing something:

peaceful /'pisfal/ adjective pedal 2 verb

1 quiet and calm: / had a peaceful day at the to move a bicycle by pushing the PEDALs with
beach. your feet
2 not violent or fighting: A peaceful crowd pedestrian /pa'destrign/ noun
marched to the city.
someone who is walking: This bridge is for

peach /pit J/ noun [plural peaches] pedestrians only.

a juicy fruit with a large seed and a soft skin peel

that feels FUZZY
/'pikak/ noun
a large bird with long
brightly-colored tail

feathers that spread

out —see color pic-
ture on page 183
peak /pik/ noun peel 1
/pil/ noun [U]
1 the time when someone or something is the the outside part of a fruit or vegetable: Apples
most successful, biggest etc.: He is at the have red or green peel.
peak of his career.
2 the pointed top of a hill or mountain peel 2 verb
to take off the outside part of a vegetable or
peal /pil/ noun fruit: Can you peel this banana?
the long loud sound that a bell makes
peep 1
/pip/ verb
peanut /'pinAt/ noun to look at something quickly and secretly: /

a small nut that you can eat, that has a soft

peeped through the window to see if she was
brown shell
there. »
compare GLANCE 1

peanut: butter /'.. ,../ noun [U]

peep 2
a soft food made from PEANUTs, that you eat on
a quick or secret look at something: He took a
peep in the back of the book to see how the
pear /per/ noun story ends.
a sweet juicy fruit with a wide bottom and nar-
peer /pir/ verb
row top — see picture at FRUIT
to look very carefully at something, especially
pearl /p^l/ noun because you cannot see it well

a small round white object, found an OYSTER,

peg /peg/ noun
used for making jewelry
a wooden or metal hook fastened to a wall, on
peas-ant /'pezant/ noun which you can hang clothes
someone who is poor and does farm work on a pen /pen/ noun
small piece of land
1 a long narrow object used for writing or
pebble /'pebal/ noun drawing in ink » compare PENCIL
a small stone 2 a small area of land surrounded by a fence,
in which farm animals are kept
pecan /pa'kan, -'kaen/ noun
a long brown sweet nut pen-al-ty /'penlti/ noun [plural penalties)
1 a punishment for not obeying a law or rule:
peck /pek/ verb
What is the penalty for speeding?
if a bird pecks something, it takes a quick bite 2 a punishment given to a player or a team for
of it
not obeying the rules of a game or sport
peculiar /pi'kyulyaV adjective pencil /'pensal/ noun
strange or unusual: A peculiar smell is coming a long narrow object made of wood and filled
from the room. »
compare ODD with a black substance, used for writing or
pedal 1
/'pedl/ noun drawing » compare PEN
a part of a machine that you move with your foot
penetrate /'pena.treit/ verb 2 without any mistakes or problems: She
[penetrating, penetrated] speaks perfect French.
to go into or through something, especially 3 exactly right for a particular purpose: This
when that is difficult: The sun penetrated rug is perfect for the living room.
through the thick clouds.
perfect 2 /pa-'fekt/ verb
penguin /'perjgwm/ noun to make something very good or perfect: They
a large blackand white Antarctic sea bird, that worked very hard to perfect their dancing.
cannot fly but uses its wings for swimming
perfect 3 noun
— see color picture on page 1 83
the PRESENT PERFECT form of a verb
pen-knife /'pen-naif/ noun [plural
perfection /p^'fekfan/ noun [U]
penknives /-naivz/)
the quality of being perfect
per-f ectly /'p^fikfli/ adverb
penny /'peni/ noun [plural pennies) 1 completely or very: She is perfectly happy
a coin worth one cent; there are 100 pennies
in one dollar
2 without any mistakes or problems: He is

pen pal /'. ./ noun always perfectly dressed.

someone in another country to whom you write

letters, even though you may never meet him or

perform /p^'form/ verb
1 to do something to amuse people: They are
performing a new play tonight.
pension /'pen/an/ noun 2 to work well: The car performs well in wet
money given to someone regularly by a compa- weather.
ny when he or she has stopped working
performance /p^'formans/ noun
people /'pipal/ noun 1 an act of doing something to amuse people:
the plural of person: / like the people I work / saw an excellent performance of the opera.
with. 2 [U] your ability to do something well: Her
performance on the test was very good.
pepper /'pcpaV noun
1 [U] a powder made from the seeds of a par- per-form-er /p^'formaV noun
ticular plant and used for giving a hot taste to an actor or singer who does something to
food amuse people
2 a hollow red or green that you can eat
perfume /'pafyum, p^'fyum/ noun [U]
raw or use in cooking — see picture at VEG-
1 a liquid with a strong pleasant smell that you
put on your skin: What perfume are you wear-
peppermint /'pepa^mint/ noun ing?
1 [U] oil from a plant with a special strong taste 2 a sweet or pleasant smell
used candy, tea, medicine, or TOOTHPASTE
perhaps /p^'haeps/ adverb
2 a candy with this taste
» com-
possibly: Perhaps our team will win.

per /pa7 preposition pare MAYBE

for each; during each: How much do you earn
pe-ri-od /'piriad/ noun
per week? |
The fruit costs 75 cents per pound.
1 a length of time: There were long periods
percent /p^'sent/ noun when we didn't hear from him.
an amount out of every hundred: "Sixty per cent 2 a particular time in history or in someone's
(=60%) of the students are boys" means that life: This is a difficult period of life for her.

out of every hundred students, sixty are boys. 3 the mark (.) used in writing to show the end
of a sentence, or after the short form of a word
perch /p^tjy verb
such as Mr., ft., or Dr.
to sit on something: Birds perched on the
4 when blood comes
a time out of a woman's
body once a month
per feet 1
/'p^fekt/ adjective
perish /'pen// verb
1 of the best possible type: They seem to have
to die: The crops perished in the heat.
a perfect marriage.
perky /'pa4u/ adjective (perkier, perkiest] thing: Personally I don't like him, but many peo-
very happy and having a lot of energy ple trust him.

perm /'pa-m/ noun persuade /pa^'sweid/ verb (persuading,

a treatment with chemicals that puts curls in persuaded]
your hair to make someone decide to do something by
givinghim or her good reasons: He persuaded
permanent /'p^manant/ adjective her to agree with him.
continuing for a long time or for all time: She
has a permanent job. » compare TEMPORARY persuasion /pa^'swe^n/ noun [U]
the act of persuading someone to do some-
permission /pa^'mijan/ noun [U] thing: After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to
the act of allowingsomeone to do something:
Did you ask permission to use her computer?
pessimist /'pesamist/ noun
per-mit 1 /psr'mit/ verb (permitting,
someone who always thinks that something bad
to allow someone to do something, or some-
will happen »
compare OPTIMIST

thing to happen: You are not permitted to bring pessimistic /.pesa'mistik/ adjective
food into the library. always believing that something bad will happen

permit 2 /pa^-mit/ noun

» compare OPTIMISTIC
an official piece of paper that allows you to do pest /pest/ noun
something 1 an animal or insect that is harmful to crops
or is annoying
per -son /'pa^san/ noun [plural people
2 someone who annoys you or makes you
/'pipal/ or persons)
1 a human being; a man, woman, or child:
She's a nice person. \
You're just the person I pester /'pestaV verb
want to talk to. to annoy someone by asking him or her for
2 in person done when you are in a place, not something again and again: Stop pestering me,
using a letter or the telephone: / wanted to see I'll clean up my room tomorrow!

her in person.
pet 1
/pet/ noun
an animal that you take care of and keep at your
NOTE: 1The usual plural of person is house: She has two cats as pets.
people. Persons is very formal and is used
only in official notices and ANNOUNCEMENTS, pet 2 verb (petting, petted)
e.g. The persons responsible for this crime to move your hand over an animal's fur to show
must be caught. 2 Do NOT say "all people." that you like it: Can I pet your dog?
Use everyone or everybody instead. petal /'petl/ noun
one of the brightly-colored parts of a flower
personal /'pa^sanal/ adjective — see picture at ROSE 2
belonging to or relating to you: These are my petition /pa'tijan/ noun
personal letters.
a piece of paper signed by a lot of people and
personal comput-er/,... .'.J noun sent to someone in authority to ask for some-
[also PC) thing or to complain about something
a small computer which you use at work or at
petroleum /pa'trouliam/ noun [U]
oil from beneath the ground, used for making
personality /.pa^sa'naelati/ noun [plur- GASOLINE
al personalities)
pet-ty /'peti/ adjective
1 the character of someone and how he or
not important or serious: Don't bother me with
she behaves toward other people: She has a
petty details!
nice personality.
2 someone who is well-known: He is a televi- pew /pyu/ noun
sion personality. a long wooden seat in a church

personally /'pa^sanali/ adverb phantom /'faentem/ noun

used for giving your own opinion about some- a GHOST

pharmacist /'farmasist/ noun photocopy 2

verb (photocopying,
someone who prepares and sells medicines photocopied)
to make a copy of a piece of writing on a spe-
pharmacy /'farmasi/ noun [plural phar- cial machine
a store that sells medicine photograph 1
/'fouta,graef/ verb
to make a picture of someone or something
phase /feiz/ noun using a camera: He has photographed many
one part of the process by which something
famous people.
develops: We are in the last phase of the pro-
ject. photograph 2
a picture made using a camera
philosopher /fi'lasafaV noun
someone who studies PHILOSOPHY photographer /fa'tagrafaV noun
someone who makes pictures using a camera,
philosophy /fi'lasafi/ noun [U] especially as a job
the study of life and what it means, how we
should live, or what knowledge is photography /fa'tagrafi/ noun [U]
the art or business of making pictures using a
phone 1
/foun/ noun
camera: She was enjoying her photography
[also telephone) a piece of equipment you use
to speak to someone in another place: Can I
use the phone? phrasal verb /,freizal 'vab / noun
a verb that contains more than one word and
phone 2 verb (phoning, phoned)
has a special meaning, such as "look something
[also telephone) to speak to someone using a
up" or "show off"
telephone: / phoned my parents to tell them the
news. phrase /freiz/ noun
a group of words that is not a complete sen-
phone book/ noun

. .1
tence: "Later that day" and "on the way home"
a book that has the names, addresses, and
are phrases.
telephone numbers of the people living in a par-
ticular area physical /'fizikal/ adjective
1 relating to the body, not the mind or soul: /

phone booth/ 1

. .1 noun
need to get more physical exercise. » com-
a small structure that has a telephone that you
— see color picture on page
can use 1 93 2 relating to things that you can see, touch,
phone number noun /'.,../ smell, feel, or taste —physically adverb
a set of numbers that you press on a telephone
physician /fi'zijan/ noun
when you call someone: What's your phone
a doctor
physics /'fiziks/ plural noun
phonetic /fa'netik/ adjective the study of natural forces, such as heat, light,
relating to the sounds you make when you
and movement
speak: This dictionary uses a phonetic alphabet
to show you how to pronounce words. pianist /pi'aenist, 'pianist/ noun
someone who plays the piano
phonetics /fa'netiks/ plural noun
the study of the sounds you make when you piano /pi'aenou/ noun
speak a large musical instrument that you play by
using your fingers to press small black and
phony /'founi/ adjective white BARS
false or not real; FAKE: He gave the police a
phony address. pick 1
/pik/ verb
1 to choose something or someone: The child
photo /'foutou/ noun picked the biggest toy.
a photograph: She took a photo of the children.
2 to pull a flower or a fruit from a plant or tree:
photocopy 1
/'foota,kapi/ noun [plural She picked an apple from the tree.
photocopies) 3 pick a fight to begin an argument or a fight
a copy of a piece of writing made on a special with someone
machine: Here's a photocopy of the letter.

4 pick on someone to treat someone in an piece

unfair or unkind way: He's always picking on
other children.
5 pick something up to hold something and lift
it up from a surface: Pick up your toys and put
them away.
6 pick someone up to go somewhere and get
someone: pick you up at the hotel.

7 pick someone's pocket to steal something

from someone's pocket
8 pick your nose to remove small pieces from
inside your nose with your fingers

pick 2 noun [U] pierce /pirs/ verb (piercing, pierced)

choice: You can take your pick [=choose one] to make a hole in something: She is having her
of these cakes. ears pierced.

picket /'pikit/ noun [also picket line] piercing /'pirsinV adjective

a group of people who stand in front of a store very loud and unpleasant: a piercing scream
or factory to protest something, or to stop peo-
pig /pig/ noun
ple from going in to work
1 a fat pink farm animal kept for its meat
pickle /'pikal/ noun 2 someone who eats too much or is very dirty
a CUCUMBER (=vegetable] with a sour taste, or
a piece of this
pigeon /'pid33n/
pickpocket /'pik,pakit/ noun a gray bird with short
someone who steals something from some- legs that is common
one's pocket in cities

pick-up /'pikAp/ noun [also pickup truck] piglet /'pight/

a vehicle with an open part at the back, used noun
for carrying things —
see color picture on page a young pig
pig-pen /'pigpen/
picnic /'piknik/ noun noun [also pigsty]
an occasion when you take food and eat it out- a place on a farm where pigs are kept
doors: We had a picnic by the lake. During the \

pig-tails /'pigteilz/ plural noun

weekend the whole family set out for a picnic in
hair that is tied together at the sides of your
the countryside.
head: She wore her hair in pigtails. —see pic-
picture 1
/'piktj>/ noun ture at HAIRSTYLE
1 a drawing, painting, or photograph: She
pile 1 /pail/ noun
drew a picture of me.
1 a number of things put on top of each other:
2 take a picture to take a photograph of
A neat pile of books was on the floor.
someone or something: He took a picture of his
2 a large group of similar things that are
girlfriend and put it in a frame.
together: / saw a pile of papers on my desk.
picture 2 verb (picturing, pictured]
pile 2 verb (piling, piled]
to imagine something: She pictured herself as
[also pile up] to put things together in a pile:
a beautiful queen.
She piled the boxes in the room.
pie /pai/ noun
pill /pil/ noun
a food made with fruit cooked and covered with
a small, hard piece of medicine that you swal-
PASTRY: love apple pie!
low » compare TABLET
piece noun
pillar /'pilaV noun
a part of something which has been separated
a strong solid post, used for supporting a build-
or broken off from a larger object: He took a
ing: The roof of the church is supported by
piece of cake. need a piece of paper.
stone pillars.

piMow /'pilou/ noun pioneer /.paia'nir/ noun

a cloth bag filled with soft material to put your someone who goes somewhere or does some-
head on when you sleep » compare CUSHION thing before other people: He was one of the
pioneers who first came to this area.
pillowcase /'pilou,keiz/ noun
a cloth cover that you put on a pillow to keep it pipe 1
/paip/ noun
clean 1 a tube for carrying water or gas
2 a small tube with a round bowl at one end
pilot /'paitat/ noun
used for smoking tobacco
someone who flies an aircraft
pipe 2 verb
pimple /'pimpal/ noun to send a liquid or gas through a pipe: The oil
a small raised red spot on your skin
is piped in from Alaska.
pin 1 /pin/ noun
pi-rate 1 /'paint/ noun
a short pointed piece of metal used for fasten-
someone who sails on the ocean attacking and
ing pieces of cloth together
stealing from other ships
pin 2 verb (pinning, pinned]
pirate 2 verb
to fasten or join things together with a pin: Will
to copy and sell other people's work in a way
you pin this notice to the board?
that is not legal
pinch 1
/pint// verb
pistol /'pistl/ noun
to take something between your thumb and fin-
a small gun
ger and press it: She pinched my arm.
pit noun
pinch 2 noun [plural pinches)
1 deep hole in the ground
1 a very small amount: Put a pinch of salt in
2 a large hard seed in some fruits
the soup.
2 an act of pressing something tightly between pitch 1
/pit J7 verb
your thumb and finger 1 to throw something somewhere: He pitched
the letters into the fire.
pine /pain/ noun
2 pitch a tent to set up a tent: We pitched our
a tree that has thin leaves like needles
tent near the river.
pineapple /'pam.aepsl/ noun pitch 2 noun [plural pitches)
a large yellow tropical fruit with a hard skin and
1 how high or low a sound She has a high-
pointed leaves on top —see picture at FRUIT pitched voice.

ping-pong 2 a throw of the ball in a game such as base-


pitcher /'pitj>/ noun

1 a container used for holding or pouring liq-

2 someone who throws the ball in baseball

pit«y 1
/'piti/ noun [U]
1 the sadness that you feel when someone
else is hurt or unhappy: / feel pity for people
who have nowhere to live.

2 a pity a sad or unfortunate situation: What

ping-pong /'pinpan, -pon,/ noun [U]
a pity you can't come with us!
a game in which two or four people hit a small
ball over a net on a table pity 2 verb (pitying, pitied)
to feel for someone else because he or
pink /pink/ adjective, noun [U]
she is hurt or unhappy: pity anyone who has to
the color made by mixing red and white —pink work in such bad conditions.

pizza /'pitsa/ noun
pint: /paint/ noun
a round, of bread covered with
flat piece
a measure of liquid, equal to 0.47 litres; there
cheese and other foods and then baked
are eight pints in one gallon
place 1 /pleis/ noun planet /'plaenit/ noun
1 a particular area, building, city, or country: one of the large objects in space like the Earth
This is the place where I first saw her. \
He trav- that moves around a star such as the sun
eled to places all over the world.
plank /plaen k/ noun
2 the right or usual position for something:
a long flat piece of wood used for building some-
Please put the book back in its place.
3 the importance or position that someone or
something has: No one can ever take his place. plant 1
/plaent/ noun
[=be as important as he was) 1 something living that is not an animal, but
4 a seat: Is this place taken? has leaves and roots: 7rees and vegetables are
5 your house or home: The party will be at plants.
Amy's place. 2 a factory and all its equipment: He works at
6 take place to happen: When will the cere- the car plant.
mony take place? compare HAPPEN » plant 2 verb
7 in place of instead of: / am trying this in
to put plants or seeds in the ground to grow:
place of butter.
Spring is the best time to plant flowers.
place 2 verb (placing, placed]
plantation /plaen 'teijgn/ noun
1 to put something somewhere: She placed
a large farm on which tea, sugar, cotton etc. is
her head on the pillow.
2 to decide that someone or something is

important or valuable: He placed his trust in plaster 1

/'plaestaV noun [U]
her. a soft white substance covering walls to make
3 place an order to ask a store or business them smooth
for some goods
plaster 2 verb
plaid n [C,U]
/plaed/ to cover a surface with something: Papers
a pattern of squares and lines, originally from were plastered all over the wall.
Scotland and used especially on material for
— plastic /'plaestik/ noun
clothing plaid adj: a plaid work shirt
a strong substance made from chemicals and
plain 1 /plem/ adjective used for making containers, toys etc.: The
1 simple; without a pattern on it: He wore a blocks are made of plastic. —
plastic adjective:
plain blue suit. She drank from a plastic cup.
2 easy to see, hear, or understand: He made
» plate /pleit/ noun
it plain that he did not like me. compare
a flat, usually round, dish from which you eat or
serve food: Here is a dinner plate for you.
plain 2 noun » compare BOWL
a large area of flat land
plat f orm /'plaetform/ noun
plainly /'plemli/ adverb 1 a raised structure on which you stand or
in a way that is easy to see, hear, or under- work: The teacher stood on a platform to speak
stand: Let me speak plainly. to us.
2 the part of a train station where you get on
plan 1 /plaen/ noun
and off a train
1 something you have decided to do: Do you
have any plans for the weekend? play 1 /plei/ verb (playing, played)
2 a drawing showing all the parts of a building, 1 to do something you enjoy, especially using
machine, room etc. toys: The little girl is playing with a doll.

2 to take part in a game or sport: He plays

plan 2 verb (planning, planned]
football every Sunday.
to think about something that you want to do
3 to make sounds on a musical instrument:
and about how to do it: We plan to build a
She plays the drums.
bridge over the river.
4 to act as a character in a play or movie:
plane /plem/ noun Who does he play in the movie?
a vehicle that flies using wings and an engine: 5 play with something to continue to touch or
What time does the plane land? (=arrive) move something: Stop playing with that glass.

play 2 noun [plural plays) plot 1 /plat/ noun

1 a story performed by people in a theater, on 1 the story of a book, movie, or play: The
the radio etc.: She is in a new play about a movie had an exciting plot.
famous singer. 2 a secret plan to do something wrong
2 the actions of someone in a game or sport: 3 a small piece of land
He made a great play!
plot 2 verb [plotting, plotted)
3 [U] activity done for fun by children: Children
to make a secret plan to do something wrong:
learn a lot through play.
They are plotting to kill the king.
player /'pleiaV noun plow 1
/plau/ noun
someone who plays a game, sport, or musical
1 a piece of farming eguipment for cutting up
instrument: She is a tennis player.
the ground so seeds can be planted
playful /'pleifal/ adjective 2 a piece of eguipment on a truck for moving
fun, and not serious: They had a playful little snow off streets and roads
plow 2
play-ground /'pleigraund/ noun to break the ground with a PLOW: The land
a small area of land where children can play must be plowed in the spring.

plead /plid/ verb pluck /pUk/ verb

1 ask for something that you want very
to to pull something guickly to remove it from its

much; BEG: He pleaded with her to listen to place

plug 1 /pUg/ noun
2 to say officially in whether you
a court of law
1 a small object at the end of an electrical
are guilty of a crime: The woman pleaded not
wire, which you put into special holes in a wall
to get electricity
pleas-ant /'plezsnt/ adjective 2 a round piece of rubber used for blocking a
We spent a pleasant
nice or enjoyable: day in hole in a bathtub or SINK 2
the country — pleasantly adverb » opposite
plug 2 verb
(plugging, plugged)
please 1
/pliz/ 1 to block or fill a
a word added to a guestion or reguest, to make hole with something
it more polite: Please bring your book to me. \
2 plug something in

Could I have a glass of water, please? to connect an electri-

cal machine to a sup-
please 2 verb (pleasing, pleased)
ply of electricity: You
to make someone feel happy or satisfied: You
need to plug in the lamp.
cannot please everyone.

pleased /plizd/ adjective

plum /pi Am/ noun
a sweet juicy red or purple fruit with a large
happy or satisfied: I'm so pleased to see you.
seed — see picture at FRUIT
pleasure /'pk^aV noun [U] plumber /'plAmaV noun
the feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or enjoy-
someone whose job is to repair water pipes, toi-
ment you get from doing something: / like read-
lets etc.
ing for pleasure.

plen-ti-f ul /'pknfifal/ adjective

plumbing /'plAmin/ noun [U]
all the water pipes in a house or building
more than enough in amount or number: Fruit
is plentiful this summer. plump /plAmp/ adjective
round and fat: The baby has plump little arms.
plenty /'plenfi/
a lot; a large amount: We have plenty of time plunge /pL\nd3/ verb (plunging, plunged)
to get to the school. \
There is plenty of bread. to fall down suddenly, or to push something
down: He plunged his hand into the water.
pliers /'plaia^z/ plural noun
a tool like a pair of strong scissors, used for plural /'plural/ adjective, noun
cutting or bending wire more than one: "Dogs" is the plural of "dog."
> compare SINGULAR

plus 1 /pi as/ preposition point 2 verb
added to; and: Four plus two is six. (4 + 2 = 6) to show someone something by holding your fin-

ger out toward it: He pointed to the building

plus 2
and said, "That's where I work.
and also: He works all week, plus he has two
children at home. pointed /'poinfid/ adjective
having a sharp point at the end
p.m. /,pi'em/
in the afternoon or evening: It is 4 p.m. pointless /'pomtlis/ adjective
» compare A.M. with no purpose or meaning: The meeting was
completely pointless!
P.O. box /,pi 'ou ,baks/ noun [plural P.O.
boxes] poison 1
/'poizan/ noun
a numbered box in a post office where you can a substance that kills or harms you if it gets into
receive mail, instead of at your home your body

pocket /'pakit/ noun poison 2 verb

a piece of material sewn onto clothes to make to kill or harm someone or an animal using poi-
a little bag for you to keep things in: He put his son: The farmer poisoned the rats.
hands in his pockets.
poisonous /'pDizanas/ adjective
pocket knife /'pakit ,naif/ noun containing poison: This is a poisonous plant.
a small knife with a blade that you can fold into
its handle
poke /pouk/ verb (poking, poked)
to push a pointed object such as your finger or
pod /pad/ noun a stick into someone or something: He poked
a long narrow part of some plants, in which the fire with a stick. —poke noun
seeds grow
poker /'poukaV noun [U]
poem /'pouam/ noun a card game that you usually play for money
a piece of writing that uses a pattern of lines
po-lar /'pouteV adjective
and sounds to express ideas, emotions etc.: He
relating to the North Pole or the South Pole: He
wrote a poem about love.
is studying the polar winter.
poet /'pouit/ noun polar bear/'.. ,./ noun
someone who writes poems
a large white bear that lives near the North
poetry /'pouatri/ noun [U] Pole —see color picture on page 1 83
poems: She gave me a book of poetry.
pole /poul/ noun
point 1
/point/ noun 1 a long stick or post: He has a new fishing
1 the most important idea, fact, or opinion: pole.
Stop talking so much and get to the point! \
2 the most northern or southern area of the
What is your point? Earth
2 a particular moment or time: At the point
police /pa'lis/ plural noun
when left, the teacher was reading a story.
the group of people whose job is to protect peo-
3 an exact position or place: The accident hap-
pleand property and to make sure that every-
pened at the point where the two roads cross.
one obeys the law: The police are searching for
4 [U] the aim or purpose of doing something:
the thief.
/ don't see the point of fixing a car this old.
5 number that you win in a game or sport:
a policeman /pa'lisman/ noun [plural
Our team won by 15 points. policemen /-men/)
6 a sign (.) used to separate a whole number a male police officer
from the DECIMALS that follow it: Prices rose
police of 'fl'Cer /.'.,.../ noun
5.5%. (=five point five percent)
someone who works for the police
7 the sharp end of something: / cut my finger
on the point of a nail. police station /.'.,../ noun
8 up to a point partly, but not completely: an office or building used by the police
/ believed what he said up to a point.

9 point of view a belief or opinion about some-

policewoman /pa'lis.wuman/ noun
[plural policewomen /-wimm/)
thing: Try to see it from my point of view.
a female police officer
policy /'pabsi/ noun [plural policies) pony /'pouni/ noun [plural ponies]
a plan that agreed to by a political party, gov-
is a small horse
ernment, or company: The policy of the gov-
pony-tail /'pouni,teil/ noun
ernment is to improve education.
hair tied together at the back of your head
polish 1
/'paliJV verb — see picture at HAIRSTLYLE
to rub something so that it shines: / need to
polish my shoes.
pool /pul/ noun
1 a structure that is filled with water for people
polish 2 noun [U] to swim in: / like swimming in the indoor pool.
a liquid substance that you rub on something to 2 [U] an indoor game played on a table on
make it shine which you hit balls into holes using a long stick
3 a small area of liquid on a surface: He lay in
polite /pg'lait/ adjective
a pool of blood.
behaving or speaking in a nice and respectful
way; not rude: A polite person always says poor /pur, por/ adjective
thank you. » compare IMPOLITE, RUDE 1 much money: She comes
not having very

political /pa'litikal/ adjective

from a poor family. »
2 not as good as it could be: Your writing is
relating to the government or politics of a coun-
poor. He is in poor health.
try: How many political parties are there?

3 making you feel pity for someone or some-

— politically adverb
thing: The poor animal was in pain.
politician /.pata'tijgn/ noun
someone who works in the government or poli-
poorly /'purli/ adverb
badly: The room was poorly lit.

politics /'pata.tiks/ noun [U]

pop 1
/pap/ noun
1 modern music that many young people
1 activities or opinions concerned with how
likeand dance to
power is used in the government of a country:
2 a sudden noise like a small explosion: heard /
Are you interested in city politics?
the pop of a gun.
2 the job of being a politician: He wants to go
into politics. pop 2 verb (popping, popped]
to burst something and make a sound like a
pollute /pa'lut/ verb (polluting, polluted]
small explosion: He popped the balloon.
to make the air, water, or soil dirty or danger-
ous by adding harmful substances: The lake is pop-corn /'papkorn/ noun [U]
polluted by chemicals. a kind of corn that bursts open and becomes
light and white when it is heated
pollution /pa'lufon/ noun [U]
1 the process of making the air, water, or soil Pope /poup/ noun
dirty and dangerous: What are the causes of the leader of the Roman Catholic church
water pollution?
2 a substance that makes the air, water, or
popular /'papyglaV adjective
liked by many people: She is popular at school.
soil dirty or dangerous: The air in big cities is

This dance is popular with young people.

full of pollution. pond » opposite UNPOPULAR
popularity /.papya'laeroti/ noun [U]
the quality of being liked by a lot of people

population /.papya'leijan/ noun

the number of people living in a place: What is

the population of this city?

porch /port// noun

a structure with a floor and roof built outside a
pond /pand/ noun house's front or back door
an area of water, smaller than a lake: There's a
small pond on our farm. compare LAKE, » pork /pork/ noun [U]
meat from pigs

port /port/ noun likely; perhaps: "Can you come tomorrow?"
1 a where ships can load or unload
place "Possibly.

goods; HARBOR
post 1
/poust/ noun
2 a town or city with a HARBOR
1 a thick piece of wood, metal, or stone fixed
portable /'portabal/ adjective in the ground: The fence is held up by wooden
small, light, and easy to canny with you: / want posts.
to buy a portable computer. 2 an important job: The new posts are all in

porter /'porta-/ noun
someone whose job is to canny things fon peo- post 2 verb
ple at ainponts, hotels etc. to put a notice about something on a wall, com-
puter etc.
porthole /'porthoul/ noun
a small window on the side of a ship on ainplane post-age /'poustid3/ noun [U]
the money that you pay to send something by
portion /'porfan/ noun mail
a part on shane of something: She only eats a
small portion of her food. post-card /'pousfkard/ noun
a card, often with a picture on the front, that
portrait /'portnt/ noun
you send in the mail without an envelope
a painting, drawing, on photognaph of someone:
He painted a portrait of his daughter. post-er /'poustaV noun
a large printed notice or picture, used for
position /pa'zijan/ noun advertising something or as a decoration see —
1 the way someone sits, stands, or lies:
color picture on page 1 85
/ could not find a comfortable position to sit in.
2 the condition or situation that someone is in: post of-fice/'. ,../ noun
/ have been in a difficult position since I lost my a place where you can buy stamps, send letters
job. etc. — see color picture on page 193
3 a job: He has an important position at the
post of-fice box/'. .. ,./ noun [also
P.O. box)
4 where someone or something is:
a place
a numbered box in a post office where you can
Our seats were in a good position to hear the
receive mail, instead of at your home
post-pone /pousf'poun/ verb
positive /'pazativ/ adjective
[postponing, postponed)
1 sure that something is tnue on night: / am tochange the time of an event to a later time:
positive that I gave you his address. » corn- The game was postponed because of rain.
2 seeing the good qualities of a situation, pen-
» compare DELAY 2

son etc.: She has a positive attitude toward pot /pat/ noun
work. a round container, used for cooking, pouring liq-

uids etc.: I've made a big pot of soup. Where

possess /pa'zes/ verb is the coffee pot? \
The plant needs a bigger

to have on own something

possession /pa'zefan/ noun potato /pa'teitou, -pj noun [plural
something that you own: He lost most of his
possessions in the fire.
a round white vegetable that grows under the
possibility /.pasa'bilati/ noun [plural ground, that you can cook and eat —see pic-

possibilities) ture at VEGETABLE

something that might happen on be tnue:
There's a possibility of rain today.
potato chip/. 1

.. ,./ noun
a thin hard piece of potato cooked in oil and
possible /'pasabal/ adjective sold in packages —see picture at CHIP 1
able to be done, happen, on exist: Is it possible to
get to the city by train? »
pottery /'patari/ noun [U]
1 plates, cups, and other objects made from clay
possibly /'pasabli/ adverb 2 the activity of making objects from clay
used fon saying something may be true or

poultry /'poultri/ noun [U] 2 sensible and likely to succeed or be effective:

birds kept on a farm for their eggs or meat We have to be practical and not spend too
much money.
pounce /pauns/ verb (pouncing, pounced)
to jump on something suddenly: The cat practical joke /,... './ noun
pounced on the bird. a trick that surprises someone and makes
other people laugh
pound 1
/paundV noun
a measure of weight equal to 16 OUNCES or practically /'praektikli/ adverb
454 grams: / lost two pounds (=l weigh two almost: I'm practically finished; I'll be there in a
pounds less] this week! minute.

pound 2
verb practice 1
/'praektis/ noun
something hard many times: He pounded
to hit 1 [U] a regular activity that you do to improve
on the door in anger. your skill or ability: You need practice in order

to play the piano well.

pour /par/ verb 2 something that you do in a particular way
1 to make a liquid or because it is usual; CUSTOM: It is a practice in
other substance flow her country to kiss people when you meet
into or out of a con- them.
tainer: She poured 3 out of practice not able to do something well
some sugar into a because you have not done it for a long time
bowl. |
Will you pour
me some more cof-
practice 2 verb (practicing, practiced]
fee? to do something regularly to improve your skill
2 to rain hard and or ability: You have to practice to become a

steadily: It's been good singer.

pouring all day. prairie /'preri/ noun

poverty /'pav^ti/ noun [U] a large open area of land that is covered in

the state of being poor: She has lived in pover- wheat or long grass

ty all her life.

praise 1 /preiz/ verb (praising, praised]

powder /'paudaV noun to say that you admiresomeone or something:

a dry substance in the form of small grains, like
She praised her daughter's hard work.
dust: / put some powder on the baby's bottom. praise 2 noun [U]
power /'pauaV noun words that you say to praise someone: Her
1 [U] control over people or events: He works new book received a lot of praise.

in politics because of his love for power. prawn /pron/ noun

2 [U] energy that is used to make a machine an ocean animal like a large SHRIMP, that is
work: Our electricity is produced by nuclear often eaten in restaurants
3 the right or authority to do something: Police
pray /prei/ verb (praying, prayed)

have the power to arrest you. to speak to a god or gods to ask for help or to
give thanks
powerful /'pau^fal/ adjective
very strong or having a lot of power: The car prayer /prer/ noun
1 [U] the act of praying
has a powerful engine.
2 words that you say when you pray: They said
powerless /'paua^hs/ adjective a prayer for the soldiers in the war.
with no power or strength: / was powerless to
help her. preach /pritj/ verb
to give a speech about a religious subject, usu-
power plant/'.. ,./ noun ally in a church
a building where electricity is made
preacher /'prit/aV noun
practical /'praektikol/ adjective someone who gives a religious speech, usually
1 relating to real things or events: He has a lot in a church
of practical experience in fixing cars.
precaution /pri'kDfan/ noun
something that you do to stop something bad or

dangerous from happening: He took the pre- prejudice /'pred39dis/ noun
caution of locking his door before leaving. an unfair opinion about someone that is not
precious /'pre/as/ adjective based on facts or reason: You have a prejudice
1 very valuable or expensive: Water is pre- against women drivers.
cious in the desert. prejudiced /'pred33dist/ adjective
2 very important or special to you: / have pre- having an unfair opinion about someone that is
cious memories of her birth. not based on facts or reason: are you so Why
pre-cip-i-ta-tion /pn.sipa'teijan/ noun prejudiced against people from other coun-
[U] tries?

rain or snow that falls to the ground preparation preps re i Jan/ noun
/, '

precise /pn'sais/ adjective 1 [U] the act of getting something ready:

exact and correct: Your instructions need to be Teachers have to do a lot of preparation before
more precise. each class.
2 preparations [pluraf] arrangements for
precisely /pn'saisli/ adverb something that is going to happen: She's very
1 exactly: / don't remember precisely what busy with preparations for the wedding.
2 used for agreeing with what someone has pre*pare/pn'pcr/ verb (preparing, prepared)
said: "So you think he was wrong?" "Precisely." tomake something ready: prepared the food /

for the party. |

We're preparing to go on vaca-
predict /pn'dikt/ verb tion.
to saywhat is going to happen before it hap-
pens: The newspapers are predicting a close prepared /pn'perd/ adjective
election. 1 ready to do something; ready to be used:
Are you prepared for your new job?
prediction /pn'dikfsn/ noun 2 be prepared to do something to be willing to
a statement that something is going to happen do something: Are you prepared to accept our
before it happens: Your prediction about the offer?
weather was wrong. It didn't rain at all!
preposition /.prepa'zijsn/ noun
pre«fer /pn'faV verb (preferring, a word such as to, for, on, by, etc. which is put
preferred] infront of a noun to show where, when, or how:
to like one thing more than another: Which of
In the sentences, "She sat by the fire" and
these two dresses do you prefer? "They went to town", "by" and "to" are preposi-
preferable /'prefarabal/ adjective tions.

better or more suitable: We accept credit prescribe /pn'skraib/ verb (prescribing,

cards, but cash is preferable. prescribed)
preference /'prefrans, -farsns/ noun to say what medicine or treatment someone
the state of liking one thing more than another: should have
We have a preference for flying rather than dri-
prescription /pn'sknpjan/ noun
a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what
pref ix /'pri.fiks/ noun [plural prefixes) medicine someone needs, or the medicine
a group of letters added to the beginning of a itself: The doctor wrote me a prescription for
word to make a new word: If we add the prefix the pills.

"un" to the word "happy", we make the word presence /'prezans/ noun
"unhappy 1 present in a particular
[U] the state of being

pregnancy /'pregnansi/ noun [plural place: We

are looking for the presence of
pregnancies) chemical weapons. »
compare ABSENCE
the condition of having a baby developing in your 2 in someone's presence in the same place as
body: You should not smoke during your preg- someone: Everyone was afraid to talk in her
nancy presence.

pregnant /'pregngnt/ adjective present 1

/'prczant/ adjective
having a baby developing in your body: She is 1 be present to be in a particular place: There
four months pregnant. \ She wanted to get are twenty children present. » opposite ABSENT
pregnant. 2 existing now: What is your present job?
present; 2 noun press 2
1 something that you give someone; GIFT: He the press [U] all newspapers and magazines,
gave her a birthday present. and the people who work for them: Members
2 at present at this time; now: He's away at of the press were waiting outside.
pressing /'presir)/ adjective
present 3
/pn'zcnt/ verb needing to be dealt with soon: Crime is a press-
to give something to someone, especially at an ing problem in our city.
official ceremony: He presented the gold cup to

the winner.
pressure /'prej>/ noun
1 an attempt to make someone do some-
presentation /.prizan'tei/gn, ,pre-/ arguments etc.: The
thing by using influence,
noun company is under pressure to change its prod-
the act of giving something to someone, espe- ucts.
cially at an official ceremony: The presentation 2 the conditions ofyour life that may cause
of the prizes is tonight. problems for you: The pressures of his job are
presently /'prezantli/ adverb 3 the force caused by the weight of one thing
at this time; now: Presently he does not have a
being put on top of another

present participle V noun

pretend /pn'tend/ verb
to do something to make someone believe that
the form of a verb which ends in -ing and is
something is true when it is not: She pretend-
used for showing continuous action, or as an
ed to be asleep.
adjective: In the sentences, "The child is sleep-
ing" and "I woke the sleeping child, " "sleeping" is pret-ty 1
/'pnti/ adjective (prettier,
a present participle. prettiest]
attractive and nice to look at: She is a very pret-
present perfect /,..'../ noun ty girl. What a pretty dress! » compare BEAU-

the form of a verb by adding the verb

"have" to the PAST PARTICIPLE of a verb: In the
sentence, "I have eaten the cake, " "have eaten" pretty 2 adverb
is in the present perfect. fairly; very: It was a pretty serious accident. \

Dad was pretty mad at us.

present tense/,.. noun 'J
the tense of a verb that shows what exists or pretzel /'pretsol/ noun
happens now a salty type of bread, baked in the shape of a

preservation /.prez^'veijan/ noun [U] loose knot — see picture at BREAD

the act of keeping something unharmed or pre- vent /pn'vent/ verb

unchanged: We are working for the preserva- to stop something from happening, or someone
tion of the forest. from doing something: He was trying to prevent
a fight. I wanted to prevent her from leaving.
preserve /pn'za^v/ verb [preserving, \

preserved] prevention /pn'venfan/ noun [U]

to keep something from being harmed or dam- the act of stopping something from happening:
aged: You can preserve fish in salt. The prevention of crime is an important issue
for us.
president /'prezadgnt/ noun
1 the leader of the government in a country previous /'privias/ adjective
that does not have a king or queen: The happening before the present time: In my pre-
President of the U. S. coming to our country.
is vious job, I had to travel a lot.
2 the leader of a company, organization, col-
previously /'priviasli/ adverb
lege etc.
before now: Previously, I worked in a restau-
press 1
/pres/ verb rant.
1 to push something with your finger: He
prey /prei/ noun [U]
pressed the doorbell.
an animal that is hunted and eaten by another
2 to push against something firmly: The chil-
dren pressed their faces against the window.

price /prais/ noun print«er /'prmfaV noun
the money that you pay to buy something: The 1 machine connected to a computer that
price of the house is very high. prints documents from the computer onto
priceless /'praislis/ adjective
2 someone whose job is to print books, maga-
very valuable: He owns a priceless painting.
zines etc.
prick /pnk/ verb
to make a small hole something with a sharp
prison /'pnzan/ noun
where people are kept as a pun-
a large building
object: / pricked my finger on a needle.
ishment for a crime: He was sent to prison for
pride /praid/ noun [U] ten years. » compare JAIL
the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you
pris«on«er /'pnzanaV noun
have because of something good that you have:
someone who is kept in a prison
She showed us her new home with great pride.

priest /prist/ noun

private 1
/'praivit/ adjective
1 only for one particular person or group, not
someone whose job is to perform religious cer-
for everyone: This is my private telephone.
emonies and duties
2 secret, not shared with other people: / don't
pri'imar-y /'prai.meri, -mari/ adjective talk about my private life at work.
most important; main 3 quiet and without other people listening or
seeing: Is there a private place where we can
prime mirvis'ter /,.'.../ noun
the leader of a government in many countries

primitive /'pnmativ/ adjective

private 2 noun [U]
in private without other people listening or see-
early in human history: Primitive people lived in
ing: / need to speak to you in private.

prince /prms/ private school /,.'./ noun

1 the son of a king or queen
a school that you must pay for » compare PUB-
2 the ruler of a country

princess /'prinsis, privilege /'pnvlid3, -V3lid3/ noun

-ses/ noun
a special advantage given only to one person or
the daughter of a king or queen, or the wife of
a prince
prize /praiz/ noun
principal 1
/'pnnsapal/ adjective
something that you win in a game, race, or
most important; main: What is your principal
reason for taking the job? —principally adverb competition: / won first prize in the race.

principal 2 noun
probable /'prababal/ adjective
likely to happen or be true: The probable cause
someone who is in charge of a school
of the accident may be the leaking gas.
principle /'prmsapal/ noun
a rule or idea that you believe is right and that
probably /'prababli/ adverb
makes you behave in a particular way: It is a
likely to happen or be true: We will probably go
to the show tomorrow.
principle of mine to treat everyone egually.

print 1
/print/ verb
problem /'prabtam/ noun
1 a difficult situation or person that you must
1 to put words or pictures on paper or clothes
deal with: / have been having some problems
using a machine: The books are printed in Hong
with my car.
2 no problem used for saying that you are will-
2 to write words without joining the letters
ing do something:
to "Can you come over
together: Please print your name clearly.
later?" "No problem.
print 2 noun
1 [U] words printed on a page: The print is too
proceed /pra'sid, prou-/ verb
to continue to do something that has already
small for me to read.
been started: Our plans are proceeding
2 a mark made on a surface or in something
process /'prases, 'prou-/ noun [plural prof it /'profit/ noun
processes] money that you gain for selling something for
1 a series of actions that you do to get a par- more than you paid for it: / sold the house for a
ticular result: Learning to read is a slow $10,000 profit.
prof it-able /'prafitebal/ adjective
2 a set of changes or developments that hap-
making a profit: The business is not very prof-
pen naturally: She is studying the aging process
in women.
procession /pra'sefan/ noun program 1
/'prougraem, -gram/ noun
1 computer uses to
a set of instructions that a
a line of people or vehicles following one anoth-
do a particular job
er as part of a ceremony: They watched the
2 a show on television or radio: What's your
procession go past.
favorite program?
produce 1
/pra'dus/ verb [producing, pro- 3 a printed description of what will happen at

duced) a play etc.: Do you want to buy a program?

1 to make something happen or have a partic- 4 a set of planned activities with a specific pur-
ular effect: The drug produces bad effects in pose
some people.
2 grow or make something naturally: Trees
program 2
verb [programming,
produce oxygen.
to give a computer the instructions it needs to
3 to make something using machines: The fac-
do a particular job
tory produces 1 ,000 cars every week.
4 to control the preparation of a play or movie, programmer /'prou,graem3\ -gramaV
and show it to the public noun
someone whose job is to write instructions that
produce 2
/'pradus, 'prou-/ noun [U]
make a computer do a particular job
food that is grown, especially fruits and vegeta-
bles: / only buy fresh produce. progress 1
/'pragras, -gres/ noun [U]
1 continuous improvement in something: You
producer /pra'dusaV noun have made good progress with your English.
1 a person, company, or country that makes
2 movement toward a place
or grows food, goods, or material
2 someone who prepares a play or movie progress 2 /pra'gres/ verb
1 to improve or develop over a period of time:
product /'pradAkt/ noun Work on the building is progressing slowly.
something that is made in a factory: The com-
2 to move forward
pany makes plastic products.
prohibit /prou'hibit, pra-/ verb
production /pra'dAkfan/ noun to not allow something by law: Smoking is pro-
1 [U] the process of making something, or the
hibited in this building. —prohibition
amount that is made
2 something made with skill, such as a play or
/proua'bijan/ noun [U] » compare BAN 1

movie proj-ect /'prad3ekt, -d3ikt/ noun

a plan to do something: There is a city project
profession /pra'fefan/ noun to build a new road.
a job for which you need special education and
training: He is a doctor by profession. (=as his projector /pra'dsektaV noun
job) a machine that can show a movie of pictures on
a wall
professional /pra'fefgnl/ adjective
1 relating to a job for which you need special prominent /'pramanant/ adjective
education and training: Get some professional 1 large and easy to notice
advice from your doctor. 2 important or famous: She is a prominent
2 doing something for money, rather than for politician.

pleasure: He is a professional football player.

» compare AMATEUR promise 1
/'pmmis/ verb (promising,
professor /pra'fesaV noun to say that you will definitely do something: She
a teacher at a university promised her brother she would write to him.


promise 2 noun prophecy /'prafasi/ noun [plural

something you have said that you will definitely prophecies)
do: She made a promise to come and see him. a statement that tells what will happen in the
promote /pra'mout/ verb (promoting,
promoted) prophet /'profit/ noun
1 to help something develop and be success- 1 someone who says what will happen in the
ful: The company is promoting its new prod- future
ucts. 2 someone who teaches people about religion

2 someone a better position

to give at work:
He was promoted to manager.
proportion /pra'porfan/ noun
the amount of something compared to some-
promotion /pra'moufan/ noun thing else: The proportion of girls to boys in the
a move to a better position at work school is two to one.

prompt /prompt/ adjective proposal /pra'pouzal/ noun

done quickly and without delay: He gave a 1 a plan or suggestion: A proposal to build a
prompt answer to a letter. new school is being considered.
2 the act of asking someone to marry you
pro-noun /'prounaun/ noun
a word like he, she, it, they, etc., which is used propose /pra'pouz/ verb (proposing,
instead of using a noun again: Instead of saying proposed)
"Peter went to school, " we can use a pronoun 1 to suggest that something be done: He pro-
and say, "He went to school. posed that we build another factory.
2 to ask someone to marry you: He proposed
pronounce /pra'nauns/ verb
to her, and she accepted.
(pronouncing, pronounced)
to make the sounds of a word: How do you pro- prosper /'praspaV verb
nounce your name? to be successful and become rich: His compa-
ny is prospering.
pronunciation /pra.nAnsi'eiJan/
noun prosperity /pra'sperati/ noun [U]
the way in which a word or language is spoken success and wealth

proof /pruf/ noun [U] prosperous /'praspsras/ adjective

facts that prove that something is true: Do you rich and successful: She has a prosperous
have any proof that he took the money? business.

prop /prop/ verb (propping, propped) prostitute /'prasta.tut/ noun

to support something or keep it in a particular someone who has sex with people to earn
position: / propped my bicycle against the wall. —
money prostitution noun [U]
propeller /prg'pebV noun protect /pra'tekt/ verb
a piece of equipment that has two or more to prevent someone or something from being
blades that spin quickly to make a ship or air- harmed or damaged: The fence is to protect
craft move the farmer's cattle.

proper /'prapa7 adjective protection /pra'tekfan/ noun [U]

correct or suitable: Put the book back in its the act of keeping a person or thing safe from
proper place. »
compare RIGHT 1 harm or damage: Her thin coat gave her no
protection against the cold.
prop-er-ly /'prap^li/ adverb
in a correct or suitable way: You didn't do the pro-test 1
/'proutest, pra'test/ verb
job properly. to say strongly that you do not agree with some-
thing: The group is protesting against the war.
prop-er-ty /'prapa-ti/ noun
1 [U] something that someone owns: Their job protest 2 /'proutest/ noun
is to protect the property of the school. a strong public complaint about something:
2 [plural properties) land or buildings: This is Many people joined the protest against govern-
private property. (=not for the public) ment plans.
Protestant /'pratastsnt/ adjective publisher /'pAbhJ>/ noun
relating to the Christian church that is not the a person or company that prints and sells
Roman Catholic church books, newspapers, or magazines

proud /praud/ adjective pud-ding /'pudin/ noun

1 feeling pleased about your actions, family, a thick sweet food that is eaten cold
country etc. because you think they are very
pud-die /'pAdl/ noun
good: He is proud of his daughter's success.
a small amount of water on the ground or road
2 thinking that you are better or more impor-
tant than other people: She is too proud to puff 1 /pAf/ verb
accept help from him. to breathe quickly, usually after physical activity:
/ was puffing after climbing the stairs.
prove /pruv/ verb (proving, proved)
to show that something is definitely true: Can puff 2 noun
you prove that he is guilty? a sudden short movement of air, smoke, or
wind: A puff of wind blew the papers off the
proverb /'prava^b/ noun table.
a short statement that most people know
pull 1 /pul/ verb
pro-vide /pra'vaid/ verb (providing,
1 to move something or someone toward your-
self: He pulled the door open. Stop pulling my
to give something to someone: We provide
» compare PUSH 1

food for hungry children.
2 to make something move along behind you:
provided /pra'vaidid/ The horses are pulling a cart. see picture at —
if and only if: /'// go to see her, provided you PUSH 1

come too. 3 to remove something from its place, espe-

cially using force: had to have a tooth pulled.
province /'pravms/ noun /

one of the large areas into which some coun- pull noun 2

tries are divided the act of pulling something: He gave a pull on

the rope.
provoke /pra'vouk/ verb (provoking,
provoked) pulse /pAls/ noun
to annoy someone so that he or she becomes the regular beat that you can feel as your heart
angry moves blood in your body

prowl /praul/ verb pump 1

/pAmp/ noun
to move around quietly, especially to hunt a machine that makes liquid or gas go into or
out of something
psalm /sam/ noun
a religious song or poem pump 2 verb
to make a liquid or gas move in a particular
pub-lie 1
/'pAblik/ adjective
direction using a pump: / need to pump up the
1 for anyone to use and see: We have a new
tire. (=fill it with air]
public library.
2 relating to people in general: Public opinion pump-kin /'pAmpkin, 'pAnkin/ noun
is now against the government. a very large round orange fruit that grows on
the ground
public 2 noun [U]
1 the public all the people in an area: The pool punch 1
/pAntJV verb
is open to the public. 1 to someone or something with your

2 in public in a place where anyone can see or closed hand: punched him in the nose.

hear » compare SLAP see color picture on 1

page 189
public school /,.. 'J noun
2 to make a hole in something: He punched a
a school that all children can go to, without hav-
hole in the wall.
ing to pay

publish /'pAbliJV verb

punch noun 2

1 punches) a strong
[plural hit made with your
to print and sell a book, newspaper, or maga-
closed hand
zine: The company publishes children's books.
2 [U] a drink made from fruit juice, sugar, and doing what you do: She broke the cup on pur-
water pose.

punctuate /'pArjkt/u.eit/ verb purposely /'pa-pasli/ adverb

(punctuating, punctuated] deliberately; with the intention of doing what you
to divide up a piece of writing into sentences, do
phrases etc. by using special marks like , ; . :

purr /pa7 verb

and ?
if a cat purrs, it makes a soft low sound in its

punctuation /.pAgktJu'eiJan/ noun [U] throat

signs such as and ? used for dividing a
, ; . :

piece of writing into sentences, phrases etc.

purse /pa^s/ noun
a small bag used by women to carry money and
puncture /'pAijktJaV verb (puncturing, other things
make a small hole something so that or
pur-sue /pa^'su/ verb (pursuing, pursued)
to in air
to chase or follow someone to catch him or her
liquid can get out
punish /'pAniJV verb
to make someone suffer because he or she has
done something wrong: Kellywas punished for
telling a lie.

punishment /'pAni/mant/ noun

the act of making someone suffer because he
or she has done something wrong: The punish-
ment for their crime was severe.

pupil /'pyupal/ noun

a person being taught in a school

pup-pet /'pApit/ noun push 1

/puf/ verb
1 to move someone or something away from
a small figure of a person or animal that you
you using your hands: They pushed the door
can move by pulling the strings on it, or by
open and rushed in. He pushed me off the

putting your hand inside it

chair. »
compare PULL 1

puppy /'pApi/ noun [plural puppies) 2 to press a button to make a machine work:
a young dog Just push this button for the elevator.

purchase 1
/'pa-tjss/ noun push 2 noun
1 the act of buying something: She made sev- the act of pushing something: Give the door a
eral purchases. hard push and it will open.
2 something you have bought
put /put/ verb (putting, put)
purchase 2 verb (purchasing, purchased] 1 to place ormove something into a particular
to buy something position: Put the books on the shelf. Where |

did I put my keys?

pure /pyur/ adjective 2 put something off to delay something, or to
1 not mixed with anything else: The ring is
delay doing something: The meeting has been
made of pure gold.
put off until next week.
2 clean, without anything harmful: The water is
3 put something on (a) to put clothes onto
pure, so you can drink it.
your body: She put on her coat and went out.
purely /'pyurli/ adverb (b) to make a piece of equipment begin working:

only: She did it purely for selfish reasons. Why don't you put some music on?
4 put something out (a) to stop a fire etc.
purple /'palpal/ adjective, noun [U]
from burning: It took three hours to put the fire
the dark color made by mixing red and blue
out. (b) to produce something such as a book,
purpose /'pa-pas/ noun movie etc.
1 a reason for doing something; aim: The pur- 5 put something up to build something such
pose of this activity is to improve your writing. as a wall or building: They plan to put up some
2 on purpose deliberately; with the intention of houses over there.
6 put up with something to accept a bad sit-
puzzle 2 verb (puzzling, puzzled)
uation without complaining: / don't know how to make someone feel confused or not able to
she manages to put up with those children! understand something: The computer puzzled
puzzle me until Sarah showed me how it works.

puzzle 1
/'pAzal/ noun pyramid /'piramid/ noun
1 a game or toy that is difficult to do or solve a solid shape with a flat base and three sides
2 something that is difficult to understand or that form a point at the top — see picture at
explain SHAPE 1
2 one of the four periods of 1 5 minutes into
which one hour is divided: Will you be ready in
a quarter of an hour? (=15 minutes] It is a |

quarter after five. (=15 minutes after five

3 a coin worth 25 cents, or 14 of a dollar

quarterly /'kwortsrli/ adjective, adverb

every three months, or four times a year: Do
you get a quarterly report card?
quack /kwaek/ verb
to make the sound that a duck usually makes quay /kei, ki/ noun
—quack noun a place where boats can be tied up or loaded
quake /kweik/ verb (quaking, quaked) queen /kwin/ noun
to shake because you are afraid: She was quak- 1 the female ruler of a country, especially the
ing with fear. daughter of the former ruler » compare KING
qualif ication 2 the wife of a king
/.kwabfa'keijon/ noun
a skill, experience etc. that makes you suitable quench /kwcntJV verb
to do a particular job quench your thirst to drink something so that
you stop being thirsty
qualif ied /'kwab,faid/ adjective
having the right knowledge or skills to do some- question 1
/'kwcstjan, 'kweft Jan/ noun
thing: She is well-qualified for the job. 1 something you ask someone: You didn't
qualify /'kwab.fai/ verb (qualifying,
answer my question.
2 a problem to be talked about and dealt with:
The question of whether to cut taxes must be
to pass an examination or have the skills you
need to do a particular job: A high school diplo-
ma will qualify you for a lot of jobs. question 2 verb

quality 1 toask someone something: Police ques-

/'kwatati/ noun [plural qualities)
tioned him about the crime.
1 how good something is: We only sell cloth of
the finest quality.
2 to start to have doubts about something:
2 the good parts of someone's character: Her
Are you questioning my honesty?
best qualities are courage and honesty. question mark /'.. noun J
the mark "?,"
used in writing at the end
quantity /'kwantati/ noun [plural of a
question: Where are you going?
an amount of something: He ate a small quan- quick /kwik/ adjective
tity of rice. done or happening in a short time: We had a
quick meal and returned to work. This is the
quarrel 1
/'kworsl, kwarsl/ noun
—quickly adverb

an angry argument: We had a quarrel about quickest way to get to school.

» compare SOON

quarrel 2 verb
quiet 1
/'kwaiat/ adjective
1 not making a lot of noise: The streets are
to have an angry argument: The children are
always quarreling over something. quiet at night. \
He has a quiet voice. » com-
quarry /'kwori, 'kwari/ noun [plural 2 not busy, without a lot of activity: / had a
quarries) quiet day at home. —
quietly adverb
a large hole in the ground where stone or sand
is dug out quiet 2 noun [U]
the state of being quiet: / love the peace and
quart /kwort/ noun quiet of the morning.
a measure of liquid equal to 0.95 liters; there
are two PlNTs in one quart quilt /kwilt/ noun
a soft thick cover for a bed
quarter /'kwortaV noun
1 one of four equal parts of something; %: We
divided the pie into quarters and ate it.
quit /kwit/ verb [quitting, quit) 2 a competition in which you try to answer
to stop doing something: / quit smoking ciga- questions
rettes last year. quotation /kwou'teijan/ noun
quite /kwait/ adverb words from a book, speech etc. that you repeat
in your own speech or writing
1 very, but not extremely: The instructions
were quite clear. quotation marks /.'.. ,./ plural noun
2 not quite not completely, or not exactly: / am the marks ("..."). used in writing to show what
not quite sure how this works. someone says
quiver /'kwivaV verb quote /kwout/ verb (quoting, quoted)
to shake a little because you are angry, upset to say or write exactly what someone else has
etc.: The little girl quivered with fear. said or written

quiz /kwiz/ noun [plural quizzes)

1 a small test
radiation noun [U]
a form of energy that is very dangerous to living

things if there is too much of it

radiator /'reidi,eita7 noun

1 a flat which hot water
metal object on a wall,
passes through to heat a room
2 a part of a car that keeps the engine cool

radio /'reidi.ou/ noun
1 a piece of electrical equipment that you use
to listen to music, news etc.: / like listening to
the radio.
2 [U] the sending out or receiving of messages
by electrical waves: Ships send messages to
each other by radio.
3 [U] the activity of making programs that can
be heard on the radio: He wants to get a job in

radius /'reidias/ noun [plural radii

rabbit: /'raebit/ noun /'reidiai/]
a small animal with long ears that lives in the the distance from the center of a circle to the
ground edge —see picture at DIAMETER
race 1
/reis/ noun raft /raeft/ noun
1 who can run, drive,
a competition to find 1 a large flat structure used as a boat
swim etc. the fastest: Who won the race? 2 a small rubber boat filled with air
2 a group of humans that is different from
other groups in shape, skin color, size etc.
rag /raeg/ noun
1 a small piece of old cloth: He cleaned the
race 2 verb [racing, raced) machine with an oily rag.
to compete in a race: Paul raced John to the 2 in rags wearing torn old clothes: The man
house. was dressed in rags.
racial /'reijal/ adjective rage /reid3/ noun
1 related to someone's race very strong anger: My father flew into a rage
2 between different races of people and hit me.

racism /'reisizam/ noun [U] raid 1 /reid/ noun

1 the belief that some races of people are bet- a sudden attack on a place: The city was dam-
ter than others aged in an air raid.
2 the unfair treatment of people because of
raid 2 verb
their race
to attack a place: The soldiers raided the village.

racist /'reisist/ noun

rail /reil/ noun
someone who believes that some races of peo-
1 a long piece of metal that is fixed along or
ple are better than others
around something to keep you from falling: Do
rack /raek/ noun not lean on the rail.
a frame for holding things: You can put that on 2 one of the two long metal bars on which a
the towel rack. train moves
racket /'raekit/ noun railing /'reilirj/ noun
1 loud noise: Where's that racket coming a fence that keeps people from falling over an
from? edge on helps support them going up stairs
2 an instrument used to hit the ball -fn games
railroad /'reilroud/ noun
such as tennis
all the tracks, equipment etc. used by trains
radar /'reidar/ noun [U]
rain 1 /rein/ verb
a way and speed
of finding the position of ships
if it rains, drops of water fall from the sky: It
and planes by using radio waves
rained last night.
rain 2 noun [U] ranch /raentJVnoun
water that falls from the sky: There was a lot of a large farm where cattle, horses etc. are kept
rain in the night.
rang /rasrj/
rain-bow the PAST TENSE of the verb ring
/'rembou/ noun
a large curve of dif-
range /remd3/ noun
ferent colors
1 a group of things that are different but
in the
belong to the same general type: They sell a
sky that can appear
wide range of shoes.
after it rains
2 the limits within which amounts, ages etc.
rain-coat: can vary: The house is out of our price range.
/'remkout/ noun (=it is too expensive)
a coat that you wear 3 the distance that something can reach or
to keep you dry in the travel:The airplane has a range of 500 miles.
rain —
see color pic- 4 a line of mountains or hills
ture on page 1 90
rank 1
/raenk/ noun
rainfall /'reinfol/ noun the position or level someone has in a group or
that amount of rain that falls in a particular organization: A general is an army officer with
area a very high rank.
rain forest /'. ,../ noun rank 2
a wet tropical area where trees grow very close to put into a particular order: The players are
together ranked in order of ability.

rain-y /'remi/ adjective (rainier, rainiest] ransom /'rsensgm/ noun

having a lot of rain: It has been a rainy day. money that is paid to free someone who is

raise 1
/reiz/ verb (raising, raised]
being held as a prisoner: The rich man paid a

1 move or lift something up to a higher posi-

high ransom for his daughter.

tion:He raised his arms above his head. rap /raep/ noun
» compare LOWER a type of popular music in which words are spo-
2 to increase a number or amount: There is a ken in time with the music
plan to raise taxes.
3 to take care of children, animals, or crops: rape 1
/reip/ noun
She raised three sons on her own.
the crime of using violence to make someone
have sex
raise 2
an increase in the amount of money you rape 2 verb

received in your job: She asked her boss for a to use violence to make someone have sex
raise. rap-id /'raepid/ adjective
quick, or done very quickly —rapidly adverb
rai-sin /'reizan/ noun
a small dried GRAPE rare /rer/ adjective (rarer, rarest]
not happening or seen very often: That bird is
rake 1
/reik/ noun
a tool that you use to gather leaves that are on
very rare in this country. » compare COMMON 1

the ground rare-ly /'rerli/ adverb

not very often: She rarely goes out.
rake 2 verb (raking, raked]
to pull a rake over a piece of ground rash 1
/raeJV adjective
done too quickly without thinking carefully: She
ram /raem/ verb (ramming, rammed]
made a rash decision.
to run or drive into something using a lot of force

ramp /raemp/ noun

rash 2 noun
red spots on your skin: With some illnesses you
1 a road that goes on or off a main road
get a rash.
2 a slope that connects two different levels

ran /raen/
rat /raet/ noun
an animal like a large mouse with a long tail
the PAST TENSE of the verb run

rate /reit/ noun to touch something: The cup is within easy

1 the numbertimes something happens in a
of reach. (=near enough to touch)
period of time: The crime rate in this area is
re-act /ri'aekt/ verb
to behave in a particular way because of what
2 a charge or payment that is set according to
someone has said or done to you: How did your
a scale: She is paid at the rate of $6 an hour.
mother react to the news?
3 the speed at which something happens: She
reads at a fast rate. reaction /ri'aekfan/ noun
the way you behave because of what someone
rather /'raedaV
has said or done to you: What was his reaction
1 rather than instead of: We decided to leave
to the question?
on Friday rather than Monday.
2 would rather do something would prefer to read /rid/ verb (reading, read /red/)
do one thing more than another: / think I would 1 to look at words and understand them: She
rather stay home tonight. read the newspaper. I like to read. \

2 to say written words for other people to

rat-tie 1 /'raetl/ verb [rattling, rattled]
hear: He read his son a story.
to shake something, making a knocking sound:
She rattled some coins in the box. readily /'redl-i/ adverb
easily and quickly: The information is readily
rattle 2 noun
available on the computer.
a toy that a baby shakes to make a noise
ready /'redi/ adjective
raw Irol adjective 1 prepared or able to do something: Are you
not cooked: The dog ate raw meat. ready to go? Breakfast will be ready soon.

ray /rei/ noun 2 willing or likely to do something: I'm always

a narrow beam of light: The sun's rays warmed ready to help.
the water. „=,„„., re- a I frill adjective
1 not imaginary: There is a real danger that
the fire will spread.
2 true and not pretended: What is the real
reason you were late?

real estate /'. .,./ noun [U]

property such as houses or land: Real estate
prices are going up.

real estate agent /'... ,../ noun

razor /'reizaV noun someone whose job is to sell houses and land
a sharp instrument for removing hair from your
reality /ri'aebti/ noun [U]
what is true or actually happens
razor blade /'.. ,./ noun
realization /.riata'zeijan/ noun [U]
a thin flat piece of metal with a sharp edge,
the act of understanding or knowing something
used in some razors
that you did not know before: We came to the
Rd. realization that the business was failing.

a short way to write road in an address

realize /'ria.laiz/ verb (realizing, realized)
're l&l toknow or understand something that you did not

are: We're late. know before: didn't realize that it was so

/ late.

reach 1
/ritJV verb il'ly /'rili/ adverb
1 to arrive at a particular place: It took sever- 1 in fact or very much: / am really worried
aldays for the letter to reach me. about my work. He is a really nice guy.

2 to stretch out your hand to touch or hold 2 really? said when you are interested in or
something: / could not reach the top shelf. surprised by what someone has said: "Ann is
going to have a baby. " "Really?"
reach 2 noun [U]
3 not really used for saying "no": "Do you want
the distance that you can stretch out your arm
to go out?" "Oh, not really.

realtor /'riltaV noun re-cent /'risant/ adjective

someone whose job is to sell houses and land happening a short time ago: On a recent visit to
the city, we saw a play.
rear 1
/nr/ noun
the rear at the back: The rear of the car is recently /'risantli/ adverb
damaged. » compare FRONT 1 not long ago: / traveled to Japan recently.

rear 2 adjective
» compare LATELY

relating to the back of something: We went in reception /n'sepjgn/ noun

the rear entrance. » compare FRONT 1 a large formal party: / went to the wedding
reason /'rizan/ noun
1 the cause why something is done or hap- recipe /'resapi/ noun
pens: Did she give any reason for quitting? a set of instructions that tell you how to cook
2 [U] the ability to think or understand some- something: Do you have a recipe for chocolate
thing cake?

reasonable /'riznabal, -zan-/ adjective reck-less /'reklis/ adjective

1 fair and sensible: He is asking a reasonable careless and dangerous: His reckless driving
price for the car. caused an accident, —recklessly adverb
2 having understanding or good sense: The » compare CAREFUL
teacher is a very reasonable person. » oppo- recognition /.rekag'nijsn/ noun [U]
the act of knowing someone or something when
reasonably /'riznabli/ adverb you see it: She hoped to avoid recognition by
1 in a fair and sensible way: He behaved rea- wearing dark glasses.
2 fairly but not completely: / did reasonably
recognize /'rekag.naiz/ verb
(recognizing, recognized]
well on the test.
to know someone or something when you see
re-as-sure /.ria'Jur/ verb (reassuring, it: / recognized Peter from his photograph.
to make someone calm and less worried
recommend /.reka'mend/ verb
to tell someone someone or something is
about something: His mother reassured him.
good for a particular purpose: She recom-
rebel 1
/n'bel/ verb (rebelling, rebelled) mended that I try the soup.
to fight against a leader or government: The
soldiers rebelled against the government.
recommendation /.rekgmsn
'dei Jan/ noun
rebel 2 /'rebal/ noun the action of saying that someone or something
someone who fights against a leader or gov- is good for a particular purpose: / went to the
ernment hotel on your recommendation.

rebellion /n'belyan/ noun re-cord 1 /n'kord/ verb

the act of fighting against a leader or govern- 1 to write information so that you can look at
ment it later: 7"ne statements are recorded on com-
re-call /n'kol/ verb
2 to copy a television show so that you can
toremember information or an event from the
watch it later
past: / don't recall what she said.
3 to store music or sounds so that you can lis-
receipt noun /ri'sit/ ten to it later: He recorded a CD this year.
shows that you have paid
a piece of paper that
money or bought goods
record 2
/'rek^d/ noun
1 information that is written down so you can

receive /n'siv/ verb (receiving, received) look at it later: / need a copy of your medical
to get something or be given something: Did records.
you receive my letter? 2 something done faster, higher etc. than any-
one has ever done it before: He holds the world
receiver /n'sivaV noun
record for the high jump.
the part of a telephone that you hold next to
3 a round flat piece of plastic on which music
your mouth and ear
is stored
recording /n'kDrdin/ noun reel Iv'xM noun
a piece of music or speech that has been a round object on which something such as film
recorded: / heard the group's latest recording. is wound
record player /'.. ,../ noun re-fer /n'faV verb (referring, referred]
a machine on which you play music records refer to someone or something (a] to look at a
book, map Refer to a
etc. to get information:
recover /n'kAvaV verb
dictionary you don't know what the word
to get better again after an illness or injury:
means, (b] to speak about someone or some-
Have you recovered from your cold?
thing: He referred to Jack in his letter.
recovery /n'kAvari/ noun [plural
referee /.refg'ri/ noun
someone who watches a game in sports to
the process of getting better after an illness or
make sure that the rules are obeyed
injury: She made a quick recovery after her
accident. reference /'refrans/ noun
1 the act of looking at something for informa-
recreation /.rekri'eijan/ noun
tion: / keep the dictionary on my desk for refer-
an activity that you do for pleasure or fun: What
do you do for recreation?
2 a letter about your character and ability
re-cruit 1 /n'krut/ noun which is sent to someone who may give you a
someone who joins an organization, company job
reference book /'-.. ,./ noun
recruit 2 verb a book such as a dictionary that you look at to
to find new people for an organization, compa- find information
ny etc.: We need to recruit new police officers.
re-fill 1 /ri'fil/ verb
rectangle /'rek.taerjgal/ noun to something again: Could you
fill refill the glass-
a shape with four straight sides two of
flat es, please? —
refillable adjective
which are longer than the other two com- » refill 2 noun
pare OBLONG —
see picture at SHAPE 1
1 a container

filled with a particular substance

rectangular /rek'taerjgy'abV adjective that you use to REFILL something: refills for an
having a shape like a RECTANGLE ink pen
2 another drink to REFILL your glass: Would
re-cy-cle /ri'saikal/ verb (recycling,
you like a refill?
to use something again instead of throwing it ref lect /n'flekt/ verb
away: Glass bottles can be recycled. — recycled 1 to throw back light, heat, a picture etc.: The
adjective: Many newspapers used recycled mountains were reflected in the lake.
paper. 2 to show or be a sign of a particular idea or
feeling: His attitude is reflected in his behavior.
red /red/ adjective, noun [U]
3 to think carefully
having the color of blood

reduce /n'dus/ verb [reducing, reduced]

reflection reflection.

/n'flekfan/ noun
to make something smaller or less in size or
1 careful thought:
amount: The price is reduced from $50 to
The book is a collec-
tion of his reflections
reduction /n'dAkfan/ noun on American life.
the act of making something smaller or less in 2 what you see in a
size or amount mirror or water: We
looked at our reflec-
reed /rid/ noun
tions in the mirror.
a tall plant like grass that grows in or near
reform 1
/n'form/ verb
reef /rif/ noun to improve an organization or system by making
a sharp rocks or a raised area
line of of sand changes to it: There are plans to reform the tax
near the surface of the ocean laws.
reform 2 noun regiment /'red33m9nt/ noun
a change that improves an organization or sys- a large group of soldiers who are part of an
tem army
refresh /n'freJV verb region /'rid33n/ noun
to make someone less hot or tired a large area: This is a farming region. — region-
refreshed /n'frejt/ adjective

less hot or tired: / feel refreshed after a hot register 1

/'red33St37 noun
shower. a book containing an official list or record of
refreshing /n'frejir)/ adjective
making you feel less hot or tired: / had a register 2 verb
refreshing drink. to have a name, details etc. put on an official

refreshments /n'frejmants/ plural

list: The car is registered in my sister's name.
noun registration /,red33'streij3n/ noun [U]
food and drinks that are provided at an event, the act of having a name, details etc. put on an
meeting etc.: Refreshments will be served at official list
seven o'clock.
regret 1
/n'gret/ verb (regretting,
re«frig«er-a-tor /n'ind^jeit^/ noun regretted)
[also fridge] a large piece of kitchen to be sorry about something: / regret spending
used for keeping food cold and fresh: Put the so much money on the car.
milk in the refrigerator.
regret 2 noun
refuge /'refyud3/ noun a feeling of being sorry or sad
a safe place
regular /'regyalaV adjective
refugee /,refyu'd3i< / noun 1 happening or being repeated at the same
someone who has to leave his or her own coun- times: His heartbeat is strong and regular. \

try, especially because of a war We have a regular meeting every Monday.

refusal 2 ordinary; usual: Is he your regular doctor?
/n'fyuzal/ noun
3 a regular noun or verb changes its form in
the act of not accepting something or saying
the same way as most nouns and verbs: The
that you will not do something: Her refusal to
verb "walk" is regular, but the verb "be" is not.
help made me angry.
» opposite IRREGULAR
re-fuse /n'fyuz/ verb (refusing, refused)
to say that you will not do or accept something:
regularity /.regyg'laerati/ noun [U]
the state which something happens or
in is
She refused to marry me.
repeated at the same times
re-gard 1 /n'gardV verb
reg-u-lar-ly /'regygla^li, 'regy^li/ adverb
to think about someone in a particular way: We
same time; often: Take the medicine reg-
at the
always regarded him as our friend.
ularly three times a day.
regard 2
noun [U]
respect for someone or something: You have
regulation /.regya'leijan/ noun
an official rule
no regard for my feelings.

regarding /n'gardir)/ preposition

rehearsal /n'h^sal/ noun
a practice of a performance before it is shown
about: / wrote you a letter regarding my daugh-
to the public: Anyone can come to the
ter's illness. » compare CONCERNING
regardless /n'gardlis/ adverb
rehearse /n'ha^s/ verb (rehearsing,
in spite of: He says whatever he wants, regard-
less of what other people think.
to do or say something again and again, before
regards /n'gardz/ plural noun showing it to the public: He rehearsed his
good wishes: Give my regards to your parents. speech last night.

reggae noun [U]

/'regei/ reign 1
/rem/ verb
a type of popular music from Jamaica to be the king or queen of a country
reign* noun re-lax /n'laeks/ verb
the time when a king or queen rules a country: 1 to become less worried or angry and more
during the reign of King George IV calm: Don't worry about Just try to relax.

rein /rem/ noun

2 to become less tight or stiff: He relaxed his
grip on the rope.
a long narrow piece of leather that you put
around a horse's head to control it: If you pull relaxation /.rilaek'seijan/ noun
the reins, the horse will stop. the state of being less worried, or less stiff in

your body
reject; /n'd3ekt/ verb
to decide that you do not want something or relaxed /n'laekst/ adjective
someone: We rejected his idea. calm and not worried » compare TENSE 1

rejection /l-i'd^ck/an/ noun re-lease 1

/n'lis/ verb (releasing, released)
the act of not wanting or accepting someone or someone or something go free: released
to let I

something the horse and it ran away. Four prisoners |

were released.
rejoice /n'd30is/ verb (rejoicing, rejoiced)
to feel or be very happy release 2 noun
re-late /n'leit/ verb (relating, related)
the act of letting someone or something go

1 to have or show a connection between two

free: After their release, the men came home.
ideas or subjects: The movie relates to what we reliable /n'laiabal/ adjective
read earlier. able to be trusted: He is a very reliable person,
2 to tell a story and he will do what he says. » opposite UNRE-
related /n'leitid/ adjective
1 of the same family: I'm related to him. He's relief /n'lif/ noun [U]
my uncle. a feeling of happiness because something bad
2 connected by similar ideas: The book is did not happen or is finished: It was a relief to
about farming and related subjects. know that she was safe.

relation /n'leijan/ noun relieve /n'liv/ verb (relieving, relieved)

1 in relation to used for comparing two to make pain or trouble less severe: The medi-
things: The land is small in relation to the pop- cine relieved his headache.
2 a member of a family: Some of my relations relieved /ri'livd/ adjective
happy because something bad did not happen
live in Canada.
or is finished: Your mother will be relieved to
relations /n'leijanz/ plural noun hear that you are doing well.
the way people, countries etc. behave toward
each other: Relations between the two coun-
religion /n'lid33n/ noun
1 [U] belief in one or more gods: Almost every
tries are not good.
country has some form of religion.
relationship /n'lei/anjip/ noun 2 a particular set of beliefs in one or more
1 a situation which two people have roman-
in gods: Hinduism and Buddhism are Eastern reli-
tic or sexual feelings for each other: She is gions.
involved in a relationship with an older man.
2 the way in which people, countries etc. religious /n'lid39s/ adjective

behave toward each other

1 relating to religion: She has strong religious
relative 1
/'relativ/ noun 2 showing a belief in religion and obeying its
a member of your family rules: He comes from a very religious family.

relative 2 adjective reluctant /n'lAktant/ adjective

having a particular quality when compared with not willing to do something: The child was reluc-
something else: The last few years have been a tant to ask for help.
time of relative peace.
re-ly /n'lai/ verb (relying, relied)
relatively adverb
/'rebtivli/ to trust someone or something: You can rely on
when compared with something else: Traveling me to help.
by train is relatively expensive.
remain /n'mem/ verb renew /n'nu/ verb
1 to continue in the same state or condition: 1 to arrange for an official document to con-
We remained friends for years. tinue to be useful: We need to renew our insur-
2 to stay in the same place: / left, but my ance.
brother remained at home. 2 to begin to do something again: The soldiers
renewed their attack on the town.
remainder /n'memdaV noun
the rest of something: /'// go with you; the rent 1
/rent/ noun
remainder of the group can wait here. money that you pay for the use of a house,

remains /n'meinz/ plural noun

office etc. that belongs to someone else: How
much do you pay for rent?
parts of something that are left: We visited the
remains of an ancient city. rent 2 verb
1 to pay money for the use of a house, office
remark 1
/n'mark/ noun
etc. that belongs to someone else: / rent an
something that you say: He made a rude
office in the city.
remark about the woman.
2 rent something out to let someone else live

remark 2 verb in a house, apartment, etc. that you own, for

to say something: 'That's where Jane lives," money: She rents out the basement apartment
she remarked. to students.

remarkable /n'markabgl/ adjective repaid /ri'peid/

unusual, usually good way remarkably
in a — the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
adverb: The food was remarkably good. repay

rem-e-dy /'remsdi/ noun [plural remedies] re-pair 1 /n'per/ verb

1 an answer to a problem to fix is broken or damaged: Did
something that
2 a medicine that cures pain or illness you repair the chair yet? compare MEND»
remember /n'membaV verb repair noun 2

to have something or someone in your mind: something that you do to fix something that is

Did you remember to feed the cat? \

He sud- broken or damaged: My car is in for repair.
denly remembered that he had left the lights
» compare FORGET re-pay /ri'pei/ verb [repaying, repaid
remind /n'maind/ verb to pay back money that you have borrowed: Did
1 make someone remember something that
to you repay the loan?
he or she must do: Remind me to write to my
re-peat /n'pit/ verb
uncle. That smell reminds me of the seaside.

to say or do something again: Can you repeat

2 remind you of someone to be like someone
the question?
else: He reminds me of Charlie Chaplin.

remote /n'mout/ adjective

repeated /n'pitid/ adjective
done again and again: She made repeated
far away in distance: They have a remote farm
attempts to escape.
in the hills.

repetition /.repg'tijgn/ noun [U]

remote control /.,. .'./noun
the act of saying or doing something again
a piece of equipment that you use to control a
television, radio etc. without touching it re-place /n'pleis/ verb (replacing, replaced]
1 to put something back in its place
remotely /n'moutli/ adverb
2 to use a new or different thing instead of
not remotely not in any way: He is not remote-
something else: Can we afford to replace the
ly like me.
removal /n'muval/ noun
replacement /n'pleismant/ noun
the act of taking something away from a place
something new or different that is used instead
remove /n'muv/ verb (removing, of something else
re-play /'riplei/ noun [plural replays]
to something away from where
take it is:
an action in sports that you see on television
Please remove your books from my desk.
that is immediately shown again
re-ply 1 /n'plai/ verb (replying, replied) reputation /.repya'teijan/ noun
to give an answer to someone: "I didn't do it," the opinion that people have about someone or
she replied. Has anyone replied to your ques-
something because what has happened
of in

tion? the past: This hotel has a good reputation.

reply 2 noun [plural replies) re-quest 1

/n'kwcst/ verb
an answer: Did you receive a reply to your let- to ask for something in a polite way: We
ter? request that visitors remain quiet in the hospi-
re-port 1 /n'port/ verb
1 to tell people about something, especially in request 2 noun
a newspaper or on television: The accident was the act of asking for something in a polite way:
reported on the radio. She made a request for help.
2 to tell someone in authority that something
re-quire /n'kwaiaV verb (requiring,
has happened: She reported the crime to the
to need something: Roses require a lot of light.

report 2 noun
re-quire-ment /n'kwai^mant/ noun
facts about something that give people infor-
something that is needed: The agreement
mation: We read a report of the accident.
meets all our requirements.
report card /.'. ,./ noun rescue
a written document giving a student's grades

reporter /n'pomV noun

someone whose job is to write or tell about
events in a newspaper, on television, or on radio

rep-re-sent /.repn'zent/ verb

1 to act officially for someone else: He repre-
sented his company at the meeting.
2 to be a sign of something else: The sign "&"
represents the word "and".

representative /.repn'zentetiv/
someone who acts officially for someone else:
res-cue 1
/'reskyu/ verb (rescuing, res-
They sent a representative to the meeting.
to save someone from danger: He rescued the
reproach /n'proutJV verb boy from the river.
to say something to someone to try to make
him or her sorry for doing something rescue" noun
the act saving someone from
of danger:
reproduce /.ripra'dus/ verb Another boat came to our rescue.
(reproducing, reproduced)
1 to produce young plants or animals
re-search 1
/'ris^tj, n's^tJV noun [U]

2 to make a copy of something: The paintings

careful study, especially to find out new facts

are all reproduced in the book. about something: She is doing medical
research into the disease.
reproduction /.ripra'dAkJan/ noun
1 [U] the act of producing young plants or ani-
research 2 verb

mals: He wrote a book on human reproduction.

to study something to find out new facts about it

2 a copy of something resemblance /n'zembbns/ noun

rep-tile /'reptail, 'reptl/ noun a way which two people or things look like

an animal such as a blood snake whose each other: There is no resemblance between
changes temperature according to the temper- the two brothers.

ature around it resemble /n'zembal/ verb (resembling,

republic /n'pAblik/ noun resembled)
to look like another person or thing: She resem-
a country whose leader is a president, not a
bles her mother in many ways.
resent /n'zent/ verb 3 to try hard not to do something that you
to feel angry about something that someone want to do: / couldn't resist laughing at him.
has said or done to you: He resents his father 4 to not be changed or harmed by something:
for leaving the family. Vitamins will help you resist disease.

resentment /n'zcnt^mant/ noun [U] resistance /n'zistans/ noun [U]

the feeling of being angry about something that the act of fighting against someone or some-
someone has said or done to you thing

reservation /.rez^'veijan/ noun solution /.reza'lufan/ noun

1 an arrangement you make so that some- a promise that you make to yourself to do
thing is kept for you to use: Did you make a something: Did you make any resolutions this
reservation at the hotel? year?
2 an area of land that is kept separate for
re-solve /n'zalv/ verb (resolving,
Native Americans to live on
re'Serve1 /n'z&v/ verb (reserving, reserved] to decide to do something: / resolved to try
to arrange for something to be kept for you to harder at school.
use: have reserved a table for us at the
re-sort /n'zort/ noun
a place where people go for a vacation: We
reserve 2 noun went to a beach resort.
1 an amount of something that is kept to be
resource /'risors, ri'sors/ noun
used in the future: We have large reserves of
something such as land, minerals, oil etc. that
exists in a country
2 an area of land where wild animals live and
are protected: Africa has many wildlife resources /'ri.sorsiz/ plural noun
reserves. all the money, skills etc. that you have available
to use
reservoir /'reza.vwar, -z?r-, -,vwor/
noun respect 1
/n'spekt/ noun
a place where a lot of water is stored 1 good opinion or admiration for some-
[U] a
one: He has great respect for his parents.
residence /'rezsdsns/ noun
2 in some respects in some ways: In some
the place where you live: Where is the
respects, he is like his father.
President's official residence?
respect 2 verb
resident /'rezsdgnt/ noun
to admire someone's good qualities: The chil-
someone who lives in a place: Residents of this
dren respect their teacher.
area are angry about the new prison.
respectable /n'spektabal/ adjective
residential /.reza'denfal/ adjective
being good or honest so that people admire
relating towhere people live instead of where He
you: is a respectable young man.
they work: The plane crashed in a residential
area. respond /n'spand/ verb
to answer: How did she respond to your ques-
re-sign /n'zam/ verb
to leave your job: He resigned from the company.
response /n' spans/ noun
resignation /.rczig'neijan/ noun
an answer: / haven't had any response to my
1 the act of leaving your job, or a letter saying
this: / handed in my resignation last week.
2 [U] the feeling of accepting something responsibility /n.spansa'bilati/
unpleasant that you cannot change noun [plural responsibilities]
something that you have a duty to do or take
re-si st /n'zist/ verb
care of: My children are my responsibility.
1 to fight against someone or something: They
resisted the enemy attack. responsible /n'spansabal/ adjective
2 to not accept changes, or to try to stop a 1 taking care of someone or something: She is

change from happening: The government responsible for the children.

resisted all efforts to make peace.
2 taking the blame for doing something bad: re-tire /n'taiaV verb (retiring, retired)
The man is responsible for several murders. to stop working because of old age: He retired

rest 1
/rest/ noun
when he was 65. — retired adjective

1 a period of time when you relax or sleep: retirement /n'tai^msnt/ noun

/had an hour's rest after work. the period of time after someone has stopped
2 the rest what is left after everything else has working because of old age: She plans to spend
been used, eaten etc.: We'll eat the rest of the her retirement traveling.
cake tomorrow.
re-treat 1
/n'trit/ verb
rest 2 verb to go back or move away from something or
1 to stop doing something and relax or sleep someone: The soldiers retreated as the enemy
for a period of time: / rested after work. advanced. »
compare ADVANCE 1
2 to put something on or against something
else: / rested my elbows on the table.
retreat 2 noun
a movement back or away from someone or
restaurant /'rest.rant, 'resta.rant, something
'restarsnt/ noun
a place where you can buy and eat food re-turn 1 /n'ta^n/ verb
1 come back or go back
to to a place: He
restful /'resffal/ adjective returned to his own country
peaceful and quiet 2 to give something back: Will you return the
books to the library?
rest-less /'resflis/ adjective
not able to keep still: The children are becom-
3 to be in a previous state or condition again:
Soon everything will return to normal.
ing restless. — restlessness noun [U]
re-store /n'stor/ verb (restoring,
return 2 noun
1 the act of coming or going back to a place:
make something as good as On my return, I saw that the door was open.
to it was before:
He wants to restore the old car. 2 the act of giving something back, or putting
something back in its place
re-strain /n'strem/ verb
to stop or hold back something: She couldn't
re- veal /ri'vil/ verb

restrain her tears.

to say or show something that was secret or
re-strict /n'stnkt/ verb
to keep something within a particular limit:
revenge /n'vend3/ noun [U]
something bad that you do to someone who has
,Swimming is restricted to this part of the river.
done something bad to you: The bombing was
restriction /n'strikfan/ noun in revenge for an earlier attack.
a There is a restriction on
limit: how many tick-

ets you can buy.

Reverend /'revrand, -grand/ noun
a title for a Christian priest
rest-room /'restrum, -rum/ noun
a room in a public building with toilets in it —see re-verse /ri'va^s/ verb (reversing,
color picture on page 1 93
to change something so that it is the opposite
result noun
/n'zAlt/ of what it was before: The judge reversed his
something that happens or exists because of decision.
something else: As a result of the snow, school
is closed today.
re-view 1
/n'vyu/ noun
a piece of writing that gives an opinion about a
result 2 verb new book, movie etc.
tohappen or exist because of something else:
The accident resulted in three people being
review 2 verb
1 to prepare for a test by studying things
my math test.
again: I'm reviewing for
resume /n'zum/ verb (resuming, 2 to look at a new book, movie etc. and say
resumed) what you think about them
something again:
to start doing We will resume
our work soon.

re- vise /ri'vaiz/ verb [revising, revised) 2 a short poem or song that uses words that
tochange your opinions, plans etc. because of end with the same sound
new information or facts: He revised the
manuscript of his book before sending it to the
rhyme 2 verb
(rhyming, rhymed)
words rhyme, they end with the same sound:
"Weigh" rhymes with "play.
re-vive /n'vaiv/ verb [reviving, revived)
to become conscious again or make someone
rhythm /'ridam/ noun
a regular sound like a drum in music: / like to
do this: She revived him with cold water.
dance to music with a good rhythm. African \

re- volt 1 /n'voult/ verb drum music has an exciting rhythm that can
to not obey a government, leader etc., often keep you dancing all night.
using violence: The soldiers revolted against
rib /rib/ noun
the government.
one of the narrow bones that go around your
revolt 2 noun chest —see picture at SKELETON
an event in which people fight against their lead-
ribbon /'ribsn/ noun
ers or government
a narrow piece of cloth used for tying
revolting /n'voult in/ adjective things and making them look pretty: She has a
very unpleasant: What a revolting smell! ribbon in her hair.
» compare DISGUSTING
rice /rais/ noun [U]
revolution /.rcva'lujan/ noun a white or brown grain grown in a wet field and
a time of great change in a country, especially eaten as food
when violence is used for making the change
rich /ritJV adjective
revolutionary /.revg'luj^neri/ 1 having a lot of money » compare POOR
adjective 2 rich foods contain a lot of oil, sugar, butter
1 relating to a political REVOLUTION etc.and make you feel full very quickly —rich-
2 completely new and different: Computers ness noun (U)
have had a revolutionary effect on business.
riches /'ntjiz/ plural noun
revolve /n'vaiv/ verb (revolving, money and goods: She gave away all her rich-
revolved) es. |
All the riches of the world could not com-
to spin around a central point: The Earth pare with his love for his family.
revolves around the sun.
rid /rid/
revolver /n' valval noun get rid of something to throw away or remove
a small gun » compare PISTOL something or someone you do not want: He got
rid of his old shirts.
re* ward
/n'word/ noun
something that is given for doing good work, rid-den /'ndn/
giving information etc.: The police offered a the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb ride
reward for information about the crime.
riddle /'ridl/ noun
reward 2
verb an amusing question that you must guess the
to give something to someone for doing some- answer to, often making people laugh
thing good: How can I reward you for all your
ride 1 /raid/ verb (riding, past tense rode
/rood/, past participle ridden /'ndn/)
rhinoceros /rai'nassras/ noun [plural to sit or travel in a vehicle or on an animal: She
rhinoceroses) is her
riding bicycle. \
They rode horses on the
a large wild animal with a thick hard skin and mountain.
one or two horns on its nose —see color pic-
ride 2 noun
ture on page 1 83
a trip in a vehicle or on an animal, often for
rhyme 1
/raim/ noun pleasure: We gave him a ride to work. \
Do you
1 word that ends with the same sound as
a want to go for a ride?
another word

rid-er /'raidaV noun right-handed /,. '..< / adjective

someone who rides a using your right hand for things such as writing
horse, bicycle etc.: » opposite LEFT-HANDED
The rider was thrown
rig-id /'nd3id/ adjective
off his horse.
1 stiff and not easy to bend: / need a box with
ridge /nd3/ noun rigid sides.
a long narrow raised 2 not easy to change; strict: He has rigid ideas
part of something about what women can do.
such as the top of a
rim /rim/ noun
the outside edge of something: She broke the
ridiculous /n'dikyabs/ adjective rim of her glasses.
very silly: What a ridiculous thing to say! rind /raind/ noun

ri-f le /'raifgl/ noun the hard outer skin of fruit, cheese etc.

a long gun that you hold up against your shoul- ring 1

/nrj/ noun
der to shoot 1 wear on your fin-
a piece of jewelry that you

right 1 /rait/ adjective

ger: She has a gold wedding ring. see picture —
1 correct or true: Do you know the right at JEWELRY

time? She was right to tell the police.

com- » 2 a circle: There was a ring of fire around the
pare WRONG 1 house.
2 on the right side, that is, the hand with 3 the sound made by a bell

which most people write: Take the next right ring 2 verb [past tense rang, past participle
turn. He broke his right arm.
compare » rung]
LEFT 3 to make a bell make a sound: / heard the tele-
3 used for saying that you agree with some- phone ringing.
one, or for asking if someone agrees with you:
You wanted coffee, right? rinse /rms/ verb (rinsing, rinsed]
to use water to remove soap, dirt etc. from
right 2 noun something: / rinsed the sand off my feet.
1 [U] behavior that is,fair and good: You must

learn the difference between right and wrong. ri«ot 1 /'raiat/ noun
» compare WRONG 3 a violent fight by an angry crowd of people:
2 what is or should be allowed by law: We News of the leader's death caused riots in the
must work for equal rights for everyone. streets.

3 [U] the side of your body that has the hand riot 2 verb
with which most people write: The school is on if a crowd of people riots, they fight in a violent
the left of the street, and his house is on the way
right. » compare LEFT 2
rip /rip/ verb [ripping, ripped]
right 3 adverb to tear something: / ripped my pants on a nail.
1 exactly in a particular position or place:
That's our house right there. He's right \
ripe /raip/ adjective

behind you! ready to be eaten: This fruit isn't ripe yet.

2 immediately; happening now: /'// be right

there. I need the report right away.

3 correctly: Did they spell your name right?

» compare WRONG 2
4 toward the right side: Turn right at the cor-
ner. » compare LEFT 4
5 completely; all the way: / read right to the end
of the book.

right angle /,. '../noun

the shape made when two sides of a square
meet at a corner; there are 90 degrees in a rip-pie 1 /'npsl/ noun
right angle a small wave on the surface of a liquid

ripple 2 verb roar 2 noun

[rippling, rippled] a deep loud noise: You could hear the roar of
to move in small waves: / can hear the water the crowd.
rippling over the rocks.
roast 1
/roust/ verb
rise 1 /raiz/ verb to cook food over a fire or in an OVEN
(rising, past tense rose /rouz/, past participle
risen /'nzan/)
roast 2 adjective
cooked over a fire or in an OVEN: Do you like
1 to increase in number, value etc.: Oil prices
roast chicken?
are rising. » compare FALL 1
2 to go up: Smoke rose from the chimney. rob /rab/ verb (robbing, robbed]
3 to stand up: He rose to his feet. » com- to take something from a person, bank etc.
pare SIT that is not yours: They planned to rob the bank.
4 to appear in the sky: The sun rose at seven
o'clock. » compare SET 2
NOTE: Compare rob and steal. Someone
5 become more important or
to powerful: robs a person or an organization, but
When did he rise to power? steals things such as money: I've been
robbed! He was sent to prison for robbing a
rise 2 noun
bank. Someone stole my bag. She stole
an increase in number, amount etc.: We had a
the money.
rise in prices. » compare FALL 2

risen /'nzan/ robber /'rabaV noun

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb rise someone who steals something from a person,
risk 1 /risk/ verb bank etc.

to put something in a situation where it could be

rob-ber-y /'rabari/ noun [plural robberies)
lost, damaged, or harmed: He risked his life in the crime of stealing something from a person,
saving the child. \
You risk losing all your money. bank etc.: He was charged with armed robbery
risk 2 noun (=using a gun).

the chance that something bad will happen: He robe /roub/ noun
took a risk in buying the old car. a long loose piece of clothing that covers most
ri-val /'raival/ noun of your body
a person, company etc. that tries to do better rob-in /'rabm/ noun
than someone else: She is his business rival. acommon wild bird with a red chest

ri-vahry /'raivalri/ noun [plural rivalries) robot /'roubat, -b\tl noun

a competition between people, companies etc.
a machine that moves and works instead of a
who want to do better than each other person
riv-er /'nva-/ noun rock 1
/rak/ noun
a continuous flow of water that goes into the 1 [U] stone that forms part of the Earth's sur-
ocean or a lake:The longest river in Africa is
the Nile. — see color picture on page 1 88 2 a large piece of stone: The ship hit a rock

road /roud/ noun during the storm.

1 a hard wide surface on which vehicles can 3 [U] a type of popular modern music with a

travel: Where's the best place to cross the strong beat, played on electric instruments
road? » compare STREET —see color picture rock 2 verb
on page 188 to move gently from one side to the other:
2 on the road traveling for a long distance: Susan is rocking the baby to sleep.
We've been on the road since this morning.
rocket /'rakit/ noun
roam /roum/ verb 1 a machine used for carrying something from
to walk or travel in a place: Bears roamed the ground into space —see color picture on
through the woods. page 192
roar 1
/ror/ verb rocket /'rakit/ noun
to make a deep loud noise, like a lion
1 a machine used for carrying something from
rocket: roll 2 noun
1 something rolled up into a long round shape
like a tube: A roll of coins fell off the table.
2 a small round piece of bread
3 an official list of people's names
Roller-blade /'roula^bleid/ [trademark)
a special boot with a row of wheels attached
under it

roller coaster /'.. ,../ noun

a long track with steep slopes and curves on
which people ride in special cars

roller skate /'..

J noun
a boot with four wheels attached under it

the ground into space —see color picture on Roman Catholic /.roumsn 'kaeGlik/
page 192 adjective
2 an explosive that goes high into the air and relating to the church whose leader is the Pope
explodes into many bright colors
romance /'roumaens, rou'maens/ noun
rocking chair /'.. ,./ noun 1 a relationship between two people who love
a chair with two pieces of curved wood under it, each other
so that it moves gently backward and forward 2 a story about love between two people

rock*y /'raki/ adjective (rockier, rockiest] romantic /rou'maenfik/ adjective

covered with rocks: The beach is rocky and wet. showing strong feelings of love — romantically
rod /rad/ noun
a long thin pole or stick: / bought a new fishing roof /ruf ruf/
, noun
rod. the top surface of a building, car etc.: There's
a cat on our roof.
rode /rouaV
the PAST TENSE of the verb ride room /rum, rum/ noun
1 one of the parts of a building that has walls
rodeo /'roudi,ou, rou'deiou/ noun
and doors: The house has six rooms.
a competition in which people ride wild horses,
2 [U] enough space: There isn't enough room
»and catch cattle with ropes
for anyone else in the car.
role /roul/ noun
1 the position or job that someone has in a sit-
room-mate /'rum-meit/ noun
someone who shares a room or house with
uation or activity: The country plays a major
someone else
role in keeping the peace.
2 a character in a play or movie: He played roomy /'rumi, 'rumi/ adjective (roomier,
the role of the old king in our play. roomiest]
with plenty of space
roll 1 /roul/ verb
1 to move by turning over and over, or on rooster /'rustaV noun
wheels: A ball rolled under the table. \
The car a male chicken
rolled backward.
2 [also roll up) to make a round shape by turn-
root /rut, rut/ noun
the part of a plant that grows under the ground
ing something over and over: Roll up the carpet
so we can carry it. Roll the string into a ball.
rope /roup/ noun
3 [also roll out] to make something flat and a strong thick string
straight: Roll out your sleeping bag on the floor.
4 roll over to turn your body so you are lying in
rose 1
the PAST TENSE of the verb rise
a different position: Roll over. You're crowding
me! rose 2 noun
a beautiful flower with a sweet smell
round-trip /,. '.< / adjective
a round-trip ticket is for taking a trip from one
place to another, then going back again

route /rut, raut/ noun

the way from one place to another, especially on
a map: What's the shortest route from here to

routine /ru'tin/ noun

the normal or usual way of doing things: / don't
thorn like anything that upsets my daily routine.
row 1
/rou/ noun
a line of things or people: / walked past a row

rot /rat/ verb {rotting, rotted) of houses. |

She sat in the front row. (=the first
to go bad and soft because of being old, wet line of seats)
etc. : The began to rot. Sugar will rot your

teeth. » compare DECAY 1

2 verb
to make a boat move through the water using
rotate /'routeit/ verb (rotating, rotated) OARs (=long sticks with a flat end)
to go around like a wheel: Rotate the handle to
the left.
row-boat /'roubout/ noun
a small boat that you move through the water
rotation /rou'teijgn/ noun using OARs Hong sticks with a flat end) — see
a movement around and around like a wheel color picture on page 1 87
rotten n
/'rat n/ adjective roy-al /'roial/ adjective
1 bad and soft because old or wet; decayed: relating to or belonging to a king or queen: Did
The rotten fish smelled terrible! you see the royal family?
2 very bad or unpleasant: The way he treated
her was really rotten. royalty /'roialti/ noun [U]
members of the family of a king or queen
rough /taV adjective
1 not even or smooth: Can your car travel
rub /rAb/ verb (rubbing, rubbed)

over a rough road? » compare SMOOTH to move your hand, a cloth etc. over a surface

2 using force or violence; not gentle: The sea while pressing against it: She rubbed cream
was rough because of the storm. into her hands. \
Can you rub my back? It's
3 not exact: Do you have a rough idea of when
you will leave? rubber /'rAbaV noun [U]

roughly /'rAfli/ adverb a soft substance that comes from a tree and is

1 about; not exactly: We sailed roughly twenty

used for making boots, tires etc.

miles. » compare APPROXIMATELY rubber band /,.. '., '.. ,./ noun
2 not gently or carefully a thin piece of rubber like a circle that is used
for keeping things together
round 1
/raund/ adjective
like a ring or circle: They sat at a large round ru-by /'rubi/ noun [plural rubies)
table. a dark red jewel, or the color of this jewel

round 2 noun rude /rud/ adjective

1 a number of events that are related: The lat- saying or doing bad things that are not polite or
est round of meetings went very well. nice: Don't be so rude to your father.
2 one of the parts or periods of time in a » compare POLITE
sports competition: The boxing match is ten
rounds long.
rug /rAg/ noun
a thick cloth that you put on the floor as a dec-
round 3 verb » compare CARPET
to go around something such as the corner of
a building: The car rounded the corner going
rugged /'rAg id/ adjective
rough, uneven and full of rocks
too fast.
ru-in 1 /'rum/ verb 7 to take people from one place to another:
to destroy or spoil something: / spilled ink on my The trains run every hour.
dress and ruined it. 8 to flow: Who left the water running?
9 run away to go away from a place because
ruin 2 noun
you are unhappy: He ran away from home
1 [U] a situation in which something is dam-
when he was thirteen.
aged or destroyed: The company faces financial
10 run someone down to hit or injure a person
or an animal with a car
2 ruins the part of a building that is left after
1 1 run into someone or something (a) to hit
the rest has been destroyed: We saw the ruins
someone or something with a car or other vehi-
of the old church.
cle: / ran into a tree, (b) to meet someone by

rule 1 /rul/ verb (ruling, ruled) chance: / didn't think I would run into you here.
1 power in a country and to control it:
to have 12 run off to run away from a place or person
The country is ruled by a king. when you are not supposed to: Our dog keeps
2 to make an official decision about something: running off.

The judge ruled that he was guilty. 13 run out of something to use all of some-
thing so there is none left: The car has run out
rule 2 noun
of gas.
1 a law; something that tells you what you can
or cannot do: It's against the rules to pick up run 2 noun
the ball. 1 an act of running: / always go for a run
2 [U] the government of a country by a partic- before breakfast.
ular group: The city is under military rule. 2 a point in a baseball game
3 in the long run from now until a time far into
rul-er /'rulaV noun
the future: In the long run, I think our plan will
1 someone who controls a country
2 a piece of wood or plastic with a straight
4 on the run trying to hide or escape from
edge used for measuring things and for draw-
someone, especially the police: He has been on
ing straight lines
the run for a year.
rum /rAm/ noun [U]
run-away /'rAna.wei/ noun [plural
a strong alcoholic drink made from sugar
rumble /'rAmbal/ verb (rumbling, someone, especially a child, who has left the
rumbled) home where he or she is supposed to be
to make a long low noise —rumble noun rung 1

rumor /'rumaV noun the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb ring
something that people tell each other but that
may not be true: Have you heard the rumor
rung 2
one of the steps on a ladder
about John?
run«ner /'rAna7 noun
run 1
/rAn/ verb (running, past tense ran
someone who runs, especially as a sport or for
/raen/, past participle run)
1 to move very quickly using your legs: He ran
across the road. running 1
/'rAnirj/ noun [U]
2 to control or operate a business, company the activity of running as a sport or for exer-
etc. : There is not enough money to run the hos- cise: How often do you go running?
pital. She runs a clothing store in the city.
3 to

work or be working: He left the engine

running 2 adjective
running water water that comes from a pipe in
running. The radio runs on batteries.

your home
4 to go somewhere quickly, either walking or in
a car: / need to run into town to get some runny /'rAni/ adjective (runnier, runniest)
things. \
Can you run to the store for me? 1 not solid or thick enough: This paint is too
5 to be in a particular place or continue in a runny to use. compare THICK»
particular direction: The road runs along the 2 a runny nose has liquid coming out of it

river bank. \
A path runs between the houses. because you are sick
6 to try to get elected: She is running for
rural /'rural/ adjective rust 2 verb
relating to the country, not the city: Farm ani- to become covered with RUST: The lock is rust-

mals are kept in rural areas. » compare ed shut.

URBAN rus-tle 1
/'tassI/ verb (rustling, rustled]

rush 1
/rAjV verb if leaves or papers rustle, they make a light
to move or do something quickly: She rushed sound as they rub together: The leaves rustled
into the room to tell us the news. in the wind.

rush 2 noun [U] rustle 2 noun [U]

a sudden fast movement of people or things: a light sound made when something RUSTLES
Everyone made a rush for the door. rusty /'rASti/ adjective (rustier, rustiest)

rush hour /'. ./ noun covered with RUST: / found a box of rusty nails.

the time of day when there are a lot of vehicles

rut noun
on the road because people are going to or 1 a deep narrow track made by a wheel in soft
from work ground
rust 1
/rASt/ noun [U] 2 in a rut living or working in a situation that
a red-brown substance that forms on iron when does not change and is boring
it has been wet: The old car has a lot of rust.
2 not likely to cause injury or harm: Is it safe
to swim here? —
safely adverb

safe 2 noun
a strong metal box or cupboard with a lock on
it, where you keep money and important things

safety /'seifti/ noun [U]

the state of being safe from danger or harm:
Some parents are concerned about safety at
's /z, s, iz/ the school.
1 is: What's your name?
safety pin /'.. ,./ noun
2 has: She's been here before.
a bent metal pin with a cover that its point fits
3 us: Let's go, or we will be late.
into, so that it cannot hurt you
4 used for showing who owns something:
Those are Tom's books. (=those books belong sag /saeg/ verb (sagging, sagged)
to Tom) to hang or bend down away from the usual posi-
tion: The bookshelf sagged in the middle.

NOTE: When there is more than one owner,

said /sed/
writes', not's: the boy's books [=1 boy), the
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
boys' books [=several boys).

sail 1 /seil/ noun

sack /saek/ noun
a large cloth fastened to a boat so that the wind
a large bag made of thick strong material: The
will push the boat
truck carried sacks of rice.

sacred /'seiknd/ adjective

relating to a god or religion: A church is a
sacred building.

sacrif ice 1
/'saekrg.fais/ noun
1 something that you decide not to have or do
so that you can have something more impor-
tant: Her parents made a lot of sacrifices so
that she could go to college.
2 an object or animal that is offered to a god sail 2 verb
1 to travel on water in a boat or ship: His ship
sacrifice 2 verb (sacrificing, sacrificed)
sails today
1 to not have or do something so that you can
2 to direct the movement of a boat or ship:
have something more important: She sacrificed
She sailed the boat without any help.
her job to take care of her children.
2 to offer something to a god: They sacrificed sailor /'seilaV noun
a goat. 1 someone who works on a ship
2 someone who is in the navy
sad /saed/ adjective (sadder, saddest)
unhappy: She looks very sad. I was sad to saint /semt/ noun
—sadly adverb

leave my job. someone who has lived a very good and reli-

gious life
sad-die /'saedl/ noun
1 a seat made of leather that you put on a sake /seik/ noun
horse's back 1 someone's sake in order to help or
2 a seat on a bicycle or MOTORCYCLE please someone: Please be nice to your sister,
for my sake.
safari /sa'fari/ noun
2 for goodness' sake said when you are
a trip through a place to look at wild animals
annoyed or surprised: Oh, for goodness' sake,
safe 1
/seif/ adjective hurry up!
1 not danger of being harmed or destroyed:
salad noun
This town is very safe at night. Do you feel \

a mixture of raw vegetables

safe driving home alone?
salad dressin

salad dressing /'.. ,../ noun sample 1

/'saempal/ noun
a mixture of liquids that you put on a SALAD to a small part of something that shows what the
give it a special taste whole thing is like: / need to see a sample of his
salary /'saetari/ noun [plural salaries)
money that you receive as payment for the job sample 2 verb (sampling, sampled]
you do » compare PAY 2 to taste a food or drink to see if you like it:

/ sampled several different ice creams.

sale /seil/ noun
1 the act of giving something to someone for sand /saend/ noun [U]
money: The sale of cigarettes is controlled by very small grains of rock, often found next to
the law. the ocean and in deserts
2 a time when stores sell things at lower
prices:They are having a sale this week.
sandal /'saendl/ noun
an open shoe that you wear in warm weather
3 for sale available to be bought: Is this table
for sale? sandwich /'saendwitJV noun [plural
sales clerk /'. ./ noun
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat etc.
someone whose job is to sell things in a store
between them: / had a chicken sandwich for
salesman /'seilzman/ noun [plural lunch.
a man whose job is to sell things
sandy /'saendi/ adjective (sandier,
salesperson /'^san/ noun covered with sand: We walked on the sandy
someone whose job is to sell things beach.

saleswoman /'seilz.wumsn/ noun /sem/ adjective

[plural saleswomen] able to think in a normal and reasonable way

a woman whose job is to sell things » opposite INSANE

salmon /'saeman/ noun [plural salmon) sang /saeg/
a large river and ocean fish that you can eat the PAST TENSE of the verb sing

salt /solt/ noun [U] sank /saegk/

a white mineral that is added to food to make it the PAST TENSE of the verb sink
taste better
Santa Claus /'saenfa ,kbz/ noun
salty /'solti/ adjective (saltier, saltiest] [also Santa)
tasting like salt, or containing salt an old man with red clothes and white hair who
children believe brings them presents at
salute 1
/sa'lut/ verb (saluting, saluted)
to hold your right hand to your head to show
respect to someone in the military: The soldier sap /saep/ noun [U]
saluted the officer. the liquid inside a plant that carries food
through it
salute 2 noun
an act of holding your right hand to your head sapphire /'saefaiaV noun
to show respect to someone in the military a bright blue jewel

same /seim/ adjective, pronoun sarcastic /sar'kaestik/ adjective

1 the same (a) like each other in one or many using an unkind way to show that you
words in

ways: Your pen is the same as mine. They all \

are annoyed: Don't be so sarcastic!
look the same to me. (b) one particular thing,
sardine /sur'din/ noun
and not a different one: We go to the same
a small fish that is eaten as food
place every year for vacation. » compare DIF-

FERENT sat /sit't/

2 used for saying that a particular person or the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
thing does not change: The machine kept play- sit

ing the same song.

Satan /'seit
n/ noun
the devil; an evil spirit considered to be the
main evil power in the world
satanic /sg'taenik, sei-/ adjective sausage /'sosid3/ noun
relating to Satan or the devil, or treating the a mixture of meat cooked inside a skin shaped
devil like a god like a tube
savage /'saevid3/ adjective
wild and violent: The lion can be a savage ani-

save /seiv/ verb (saving, saved]

1 to make someone
or something safe from
danger or harm: / saved the animals from the
flood. Peter saved my life.

2 [also save up] to keep money so that you can

use it later: How much did you save this
satellite noun
month? She is saving up to buy a car.

1 an object sent space to receive signals

3 to use less of something so that you do not
from one part of the world and send them to
waste it: We'll save time if we take this road.
another: The television broadcast came from
4 to make a computer keep the work that you
Europe by satellite, —see color picture on page
have done on it: Did you save your file?
2 a moon that moves around a PLANET: The savings /'seivirjz/ plural noun
moon is a satellite of the Earth. all the money that you have saved, especially in

a bank: He used his savings to buy a car.

satisfaction noun [U]
a feeling of pleasure because you have done savior /'seivyaV noun
something or got what you wanted: get great / someone or something that saves you from dif-

satisfaction from working with children. ficulty or danger

satisfactory /.saetis'faektsri, -tri/ saw 1

adjective the PAST TENSE of the verb see
good enough: Are the students making satis-
factory progress? »
saw 2
a tool with a flat blade with sharp metal points,
sat is fied /'saetis.faid/ adjective used for cutting wood
pleased because something has happened
the way that you want: am satisfied with my
saw 3 verb [past tense sawed, past participle
sawn /son/ or sawed]
test results. We want everyone to be a satis-
SAW: He sawed the

to cut something using a

fied customer. » opposite DISSATISFIED
wood into three pieces.
sat-is-fy /'saetis.fai/ verb [satisfying,
saxophone /'saeksa.foun/ noun [also sax)
a metal musical instrument that you play by
to make someone happy by giving what he or
blowing into it and pressing buttons on it
she wants or needs: It is very difficult to satisfy
my boss. adjective say 1
/sei/ verb (saying, past tense said
/sed/, past participle said)
Saturday /'saeta^di, -,dei/ noun
1 speak words: He said that he wanted to
the seventh day of the week
go to town. I didn't understand what she was

sauce noun
/sos/ saying. »
compare SPEAK
a liquid that you add to food to give it a particu- 2 to give information in writing, pictures, or
lar taste numbers: What time does the clock say?

sauce-pan /'sos-paen/ noun

NOTE: Compare say and tell in these
a deep round metal container with a handle,
sentences: She said something. She told
used for cooking —see picture at PAN me something. He said he was busy. He
saucer /'sosaV noun told me he was busy. Say never has a
a small plate on which you put a cup person as its object (to say sth to sb], but
tell often has a person as its object (to tell
sauna /'sons/ noun
sb sth).
a room in which you sit, that is filled with steam
to make it very hot
say 2 noun (U) scarcely /'skersli/ adverb
the right to help decide something or give your almost not at all: She scarcely said a word all
opinion about something: It is important to evening.
have a say in your child's education.
scare 1
/sker/ verb (scaring, scared)
saying noun /'sei-inV tomake someone feel afraid: The strange noise
a statement that most people believe is true scared me. » compare FRIGHTEN
and wise
scare 2 noun
scab /skaeb/ noun a sudden feeling of fear: You gave me a scare
a hard layer of skin that grows over a cut or last night.
scaffold /'skaefald, -fould/ noun /'skcrkrou/ noun
a structure built next to a building for people to an object that looks
stand on while they work on the building like a person, that
you put into a field to
scald /skold/ verb
keep birds away
to burn yourself with steam or hot liquid: She
scalded her tongue on the hot coffee. scared /skerd/
scale /skeil/ noun
feeling afraid or ner-
1 a machine for weighing someone or some-
thing: Put the bananas on the scale.
vous some-
2 [U] the size or level of something, especially
thing: was scared

that something bad

when compared to what is usual: The large
scale of the project surprised me.
would happen to her. » compare AFRAID
3 marks on an instrument used for
a set of scarf /skarf/ noun [plural scarves or scarfs)
measuring something: / need a ruler with a a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck
metric scale. or head to keep warm or as a decoration —see
4 the relationship between the size of a map or color picture on page 1 90
drawing and the size of the actual place: The
scale of this map is one inch to the mile. (=one
scarlet /'skarlit/ adjective, noun [U]
a very bright red color
inch equals one mile]
5 a series of musical notes going higher or scary /'skeri/ adjective (scarier, scariest)
lower in order very frightening: / hate scary movies!
6 one of the flat hard pieces of skin that cover
the body of a fish, snake etc.
scatter /'skaetaV verb
1 to move or be made to move in different
scalp /skaelp/ noun directions: The crowd scattered into the
the skin on the top of your head streets.

scandal /'skaendl/ noun 2 to throw or drop things over a wide area: My

clothes were scattered all over the floor.
something that has happened that people think
is very bad or shocking: The scandal involved /sin/ noun
several politicians. 1 a view of a place as you see it, or as it
appears in a picture: He painted a lovely coun-
scanner /'sksenaV noun
try scene with trees and a river.
a piece ofcomputer equipment that copies a pic-
2 the place where something happens: Police
ture or words from paper onto the computer
arrived quickly at the scene of the accident.
scar 1
/skur/ noun 3 a part of a play or movie in which the action
a mark left on your skin by a wound or cut happens in one place or at one time: This play
is divided into three acts, and each act has
scar 2 verb (scarring, scarred)
three scenes.
to have a mark on your skin from a wound or cut:
His face was badly scarred after the accident. inery /'sinan/ noun [U]
1 the natural things that you can see a place
scarce /skcrs/ adjective

such as trees, mountains etc.: The scenery

if something is scarce, there is not enough of it:
here is very beautiful.
Food becomes scarce during a war.
2 the painted pictures at the back of a theater scissors
stage /'siza-z/ plural noun
an instrument with
scent /sent/ noun
two sharp blades
1 a pleasant smell: The scent of flowers filled
joined together used
the room.
for cutting paper,
2 the smell left behind by a person or animal:
cloth etc.: Hand me
The dogs picked up his scent.
a pair of scissors,
schedule /'sked33l, -d3ul/ noun please.
1 a plan of what you will do and when you will

do it: My schedule is very busy this week. scold /skould/ verb

2 a list of times when buses, trains etc. arrive to tell a child in an angry way that he or she has
or leave a place done something wrong: My mother scolded me
for dropping the plates.
scheme 1
/skim/ noun
a plan, especially to do something that is not scoop 1
/skup/ verb
honest: He thought of a scheme to get some to pick up something with your hands, a spoon
money. etc.: She scooped some flour out of the bag.

scheme 2
verb (scheming, schemed] scoop 2 noun

to make plans, especially to do something that a big spoon for picking up food such as flour

is not honest: They are scheming to steal and ICE CREAM

money from the bank.
scooter /'skutaV
scholar noun /'skateV noun
1 someone who knows a lot about a particular 1 a light small MOTOR-
subject CYCLE
2 a student who has been given money to 2 a board with two small
study at a college wheels and a handle that
children ride by standing
scholarship /'skcuVJip/ noun
on it with one foot while
money given to a student to pay for his or her
the other foot pushes
education: She won a scholarship to Harvard.
against the ground
school noun /skul/
score 1
/skor/ noun
1 where children go to learn: Which
a place
1 the number you get
of points that in a game
school do you go to? I'm learning Spanish in

or test: The final score was 35- 1 7.

2 keep score to write down how many points
2 [U] the time someone is at school: What are each person or team has in a game
you doing after school?
score 2 verb [scoring, scored]
science /'saians/noun
1 to win points in a game or test: How many
the study of nature and the way things in the
points did you score?
world are made or behave, or the knowledge
2 to give a particular number of points in a
gained by this
game or test
science fiction /,.. '../ noun[U]
scorpion /'skorpian/ noun
[also sci-fi] books and stories about imaginary
a small creature that stings with its tail
things in science such as space travel
scowl 1
/skaul/ verb
scientific /.saian'tifik/ adjective
to look at someone in an angry way: She
relating to science: He is doing a scientific
scowled at me because I was late.
study on tigers.
scowl 2
scientist noun
an angry look on someone's face
someone who studies or works in science:
Scientists were discussing the problem of glob- scramble /'skraembal/ verb (scrambling,
al warming during an international conference scrambled]
on the environment. to move over something quickly but with difficul-
ty: The children scrambled up the hill.
scrambled eggs /.skrsembsld 'egz/ 2 to fasten or close something by turning it:

plural noun Screw the lid on tightly.

eggs that have had their white and yellow parts
mixed together and then cooked screwdriver
scrap /skraep/ noun
a small piece of paper, cloth etc.: There were
scraps of paper on the floor.

scrap-book /'skraepbuk/ noun

a book of empty pages in which you can put pic-

tures and pieces of writing that you want to


scrape /skreip/ verb (scraping, scraped]

to remove something using the edge of a knife, screwdriver /'skru,draiva7 noun
stick etc.: Scrape the mud off your boots.
a tool with a long thin metal end used for turn-

scratch 1
/skraet J7 verb ing screws
1 to rub a body with your
part of your scribble /'sknbal/ verb (scribbling,
FINGERNAILS: Can you scratch my back? scribbled]
2 to make a small cut on a surface using to write quickly and carelessly: /'// scribble a
something sharp: The cat scratched the chair. note to say when we'll come home.
scratch 2 noun [plural scratches] scripture /'sknptJaV noun
a small cut or mark made by something sharp: 1 the holy writings of a particular religion
She has a scratch on her hand. 2 [also the Holy Scripture) the Bible

scream 1
/skrim/ verb scroll /skroul/ verb
to make a loud, high noise with your voice to move information up or down a computer
because of fear or excitement: "Look out!" she screen to read it

scrub /skrAb/ verb (scrubbing, scrubbed]
scream 2 noun to rub something hard to clean it, especially
a loud, high noise that you make with your voice using a brush
when you are afraid, injured etc.
sculptor /'skAlptaV noun
screech /skritJV verb an artist who makes shapes and objects from
to make a loud, high, unpleasant sound: The wood, stone, or metal
car screeched around the corner. screech —
noun sculpture /'skAlptJ>/ noun
1 objects made from wood, stone, or metal
screen /skrin/ noun 2 [U] the art of making objects from wood,
1 a flat square glass part of a television or stone, or metal
2 a large flat white surface on which movies sea /si/ noun
are shown 1 a large area of salty water that is smaller

3 a piece of material on a frame used for divid-

than an ocean: We sailed the Mediterranean

ing one part of a room from another: The doc- Sea.

tor asked him to undress behind the screen. 2 another name for the ocean: The ship was
heading out to sea.
screw 1
/skru/ noun
a small pointed piece of metal that you push seafood /'sifud/ noun [U]

and turn to fasten pieces of wood together ocean animals that can be eaten: We eat a lot

—see picture at SCREWDRIVER of seafood.

screw/ 2 verb •gull /'sigAl/ noun

1 two objects together with a screw
to fasten a common bird that lives near the ocean and
using a screwdriver: He screwed the mirror to has a loud cry
the wall.

seal 1 /sil/ noun

second 2
1 an animal that
a very short period of time; there are 60 sec-
onds in one minute
has smooth fur, eats
fish, and lives near secondary school /'.... ,./ noun
the ocean a school for children over 11 or 1 2 years old
2 an official mark after ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
that is put on a doc-
ument to prove that
secret 1
/'siknt/ noun
an idea, plan you do not tell other peo-
etc. that
it is real
ple about: Don'tanyone about this. It's a

seal 2 verb secret. \

Can you keep a secret? (=not tell any-
[also seal up) to one else)
close something tightly: She sealed the enve-
lope and put a stamp on it.
secret 2 adjective
not known about by other people: There is a
/sim/ noun secret plan to attack the country. — secretly
a line where two pieces of cloth are joined adverb
•pe-tar-y /'sckra.tcri/ noun [plural
search 1
/sa-tJV verb secretaries)
to look carefully in a place because you want to 1 someone whose job is to answer the tele-

find something: Police searched the house. \

phone, write letters etc. in an office
I've searched everywhere for my keys. 2 a government official

search 2
noun [plural searches] section /'sekfan/ noun
an attempt to find something: After a long one of the parts of something: One section of
search, they found the lost child. the bookcase had records on it. |
The machine
was built in sections.
sea shell /'sijel/ noun
the hard shell that covers some ocean creatures secure /si'kyur/ adjective
1 not likely to change; safe: She has a secure
•shore /'si/or/ noun [U]
job with the bank.
the land along the edge of the ocean
2 fastened firmly so it will not move or be
sea-sick /'si.sik/ adjective harmed: The boat will be secure here.
because of the movement of a boat
feeling sick
on the water: / felt seasick because the ocean
security /si'kyurgti/ noun [U]
the state of being safe and protected: The gov-
was very rough.
ernment is responsible for the security of the
sea-son /'sizan/ noun country.
1 one of the four parts of the year; spring,
/si/ verb [past tense saw /so/, past par-
summer, fall, or winter: Summer is the hottest
ticiple seen /sin/)
1 to use your eyes to notice something: / can't
2 a time of the year during which something
see without my glasses. Have you seen the \

usually happens or is done: The football season

new movie?
begins soon.
2 to understand something: Do you see what I
seat: /sit/ noun mean? / could see that she didn't like me.

1 a place to sit, or a thing to sit on: / could not 3 to meet or visit someone: see you out- /'//

finda seat on the bus. side. You should see a doctor.


2 take a seat, have a seat to sit down: 4 to find out information on a fact: Go and see
Please, come in and take a seat. how many people have arrived. see if any- |

one wants a cup of coffee.

seat belt /'. ./ noun
5 to experience something: / have seen a lot of
a belt attached to a seat in a car or airplane,
things in my life.
that you fasten around yourself for protection in
6 see you, see you later used for saying good-
an accident
bye to someone: "Goodbye, Bill." "See you later,

second 1
/'sekand/ adjective, adverb Terry.
2nd; after the first one: 777/s is the second time 7 let's see said when you are thinking about
I have met him. \
I came in second in the race. something, or trying to remember something:

Let's see. How many people are coming? selfish /'selfiJV adjective
8 see to something to deal with something or caring only about yourself and not other people:
make sure that it happens: / will see to it that Don't be so selfish with your toys!
she gets home safely.

9 I'll see, we'll see said when you want to think self-service /,. '..</ adjective

getting things for yourself,rather than being

about something before making a decision:
served by someone: self-service gas stations
"Can I use the car this Saturday?" "We'll see.

seed /sid/ noun [plural seed or seeds]

sell /sel/ verb [past tense sold /sould/, past
participle sold]
a small grain from which a new plant grows
1 to give something in exchange for money:
seek /sik/ verb [past tense sought /sot/, She sold her bicycle to me. Do you sell milk? |

past participle sought] » compare BUY

to try to find or get something: We sought a 2 sell out to sell all of something so that there
peaceful answer to the problem. is none left: We've sold out of newspapers.
seem /sim/ verb semester /so'mestaV noun
toappear to be: Your sister seems very nice. \
one of two periods of time into which a year at
There seems to be a problem with the car. college is divided

seen /sin/ semicircle /' noun

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb see half a circle

seesaw /'siso/ noun semicolon /'semi.koutan/ noun

a long piece of wood balanced in the middle, so the mark ";" used in writing to separate parts of
thatwhen one end goes up the other end a sentence: It was a long walk; I'm very tired.
comes down, for children to play on
semifinal /'semi,faml, 'semai-,
seize /siz/ verb [seizing, seized] .semi'faml/ noun
to take hold of something quickly and firmly: A one of two games whose winners then compete
woman seized his arm. against each other to decide who wins the
whole competition
seldom /'seldom/ adverb
only a few times; not often: Bill seldom eats sen-ate noun [also Senate]
lunch. » compare RARELY one of the groups a government that make

select /si'lekt/ verb

the laws in some countries such as the U.S.
to choose something or someone: / was select- senator /'senotaV noun
ed for the team. a member of a SENATE

selection /si'lekfan/ noun send /send/ verb [past tense sent /sent/,
the act of choosing someone or something, or past participle sent]
the person or thing that you choose: Did you 1 to cause a thing to go or be taken some-
make a selection? where: She sent me a present. Did you send \

him a letter?
self /self/ noun [plural selves /selvz/)
2 to make someone go somewhere: They sent
the type of person you are, especially your char-
acter, abilities etc.: Caroline seemed like her
their children to school in Massachusetts. We |

had to send in the soldiers to stop the fighting.

old self today. (=seemed normal again]
3 send for someone to ask someone to come
self-confident /,. '.../adjective to you: She is sick, so her mother sent for the
being confident about your appearance or abili- doctor.
ties, not shy or nervous —self-confidence noun Senior /'sinyaV adjective
used after the name of a man who has the
self-control /,. .'./ noun [U] same name as his son compare JUNIOR »
the ability to control your feelings and behavior
even when you are angry or upset
senior 1
1 older: She teaches a senior class. » com-
self-defense /,. .'./ noun [U] pare JUNIOR 2
the use of force to protect yourself from attack 2 higher in position or importance: She is now
or harm a senior officer in the army
senior noun separate 2
/'sepa,reit/ verb (separating,
a student who is in the last year of high school separated)
or college 1 to move people or things apart: The teacher
separated the class into four groups.
senior cit-i-zen /,.. '.../noun
2 to be between two things and keep them
an old person
apart: A fence separated the cows from the
sensation /sen'seijan/ noun —
pigs. separation noun
1 the ability to feel, or a feeling that you have:
She felt a burning sensation on the back of her
September /sep'temba7 noun
the ninth month of the year
2 excitement or a lot of interest: The new sequence /'sikwans/ noun
show caused a sensation. a series of related events or actions that have
a particular result: A sequence of events led to
sense 1
/sens/ noun
the murder.
1 [U]good understanding and judgment: She
has enough sense to call us if she needs to. sergeant /'sard3ant/ noun
2 a feeling about something: / felt a strong an officer in the army or the police
sense of pride when I won the race.
se-ri-al /'sirial/ noun
3 one of the five natural abilities to hear, see,
a story that is told or written in parts
taste, feel, or smell: He has a good sense of
smell. se-ries /'siriz/ noun [plural series)
4 make sense to have a meaning that you can a group of events or actions that happen one
understand: Does this sentence make sense to after the other: There has been a series of
you? accidents on this road.

sense 2
verb [sensing, sensed] serious /'sirias/ adjective
to feel that something is true without being told: 1 thinking carefully about what you say or do:
The dog sensed that I was afraid. He is serious about finding a new job.
2 very bad or dangerous and making you
sense-less /'senslis/ adjective
1 happening or done for no good reason or
worry: My father has a serious illness.

3 important and deserving your attention: We

purpose: The crime was completely senseless.
had a serious conversation about our future.
2 not conscious: The punch knocked him
senseless. seriously /'siriasli/ adverb

1 in a bad or dangerous way that makes you

sensible /'scnsabal/ adjective
worry: He is seriously ill.
having or showing good sense; reasonable:
2 take something seriously to think that
Tom is a sensible man. I think we made a sen-

something is important: The police are taking

sible decision.
the threats seriously.
sensitive /'sensativ/ adjective
able to understand the feelings or problems of
sermon /'sa^man/ noun
a talk about a religious subject given in a church
other people: You need to be sensitive to your
wife's needs. servant /'savant/ noun
someone whose job is to work for someone in
sent /sent/
his or her house
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
send serve /sa-v/ verb (serving, served]
1 to give someone food or drinks as part of a
sentence n
/'sent ns, -tans/ noun
meal: Dinner will be served at eight o'clock.
a group of words that makes a statement or
2 work or do a particular job: He served
asks a question »
compare CLAUSE
for 1 5 years.
the army
separate 1
/'sepnt/ adjective 3 to be used for a particular purpose: This
1 not touching each other or connected to sofa also serves as an extra bed.
each other; apart: They have gone to separate 4 to provide someone with something that is
places. We sleep in separate beds.
| useful or necessary: The food from the farm
2 different: The word has three separate serves our needs.
meanings. 5 it serves you right said when you think
someone deserves the bad thing that has hap-
pened to him or her: He didn't do well on the 2 ready to do something: If everyone is set,

test, but it serves him right for not studying. we'll begin.

service /'sa-vis/ noun set-tie /'setl/ verb (settling, settled)

1 [U] the help that people who work in a 1 to begin to a new place: My son set-
live in

restaurant or store give to you: The service in tled inLos Angeles.

the new restaurant is very slow. 2 to end an argument by agreeing to do some-
2 the work that you do for someone else: She thing: We settled our disagreement without a
retired after twenty-five years of service. fight.

3 something useful that the publiccan use to 3 to rest on something in a comfortable posi-
help them: Is there a regular bus service from tion: / settled back on the chair and relaxed.
here? 4 settle a bill to pay the money that you owe
4 a religious ceremony, usually in a church: for something
We went to the morning service. 5 settle down to become calmer and less
noisy: It took the children a while to settle down.
session /'sefan/ noun
6 settle in to become happier in a new place
a meeting for a particular purpose: Court is
or job: How are you settling in at the school?
now in session. (=beginning the meeting)
7 settle for something to accept something
set 1
/set/ noun that is less than what you wanted: Most of the

1 a group of things that belong together: She tickets were gone, so we had to settle for what
has a beautiful set of dishes. we could get.
2 a television or radio: We have a color TV set.
3 the place where a movie or television pro-
settlement /'sctlmant/ noun
an official decision or agreement that ends an
gram is acted and filmed
argument: The two sides have reached a set-
set 2 verb (setting, past set) tlement. (=made an agreement)
1 to put something somewhere carefully: She
set the flowers on the table.
seven /'sevan/ adjective, noun
the number 7
2 when the sun sets, it goes down in the sky
until you cannot see it: The sun is setting. seventeen /,s£V9n'tin< / adjective, noun
» compare RISE 1
the number 17
3 a movie or story is set in a place, the

events happen there or at that time

seventh /'scvanO/ adjective, noun
4 set an example to behave in a way that you
want other people to behave: Parents should seventy /'sevgnti/ adjective, noun
set a good example for their children. the number 70
5 set fire to something, set something on
fire to make something start to burn
several /'sevrgl/ adjective
more than two, but not many: She has several
6 set someone free to let a prisoner go free
friends in the town. \
I've talked to Pam several
7 set the table to put plates, knives etc. on
the table so they can be used
times on the phone. » compare FEW

8 set up (a) to start a company, organization severe /sa'vir/ adjective (severe,

etc.: The government has set up a special pro- severest)
gram for young mothers, (b) to build something 1 very bad or serious: He has severe head
or put it somewhere: Police set up a roadblock injuries.

to stop traffic. 2 not kind or friendly: The criticism of her work

9 set off to make something start happening: was severe.
When he came into the building, he set off an
sew /sou/ verb [past tense sewed, past
participle sewn /soon/ or sewed)
10 set out to do something to start doing
to join pieces of cloth together or attach
something: He set out to make a movie about
thing to a piece of cloth using a needle and
the war.
thread: He sewed a button on his shirt.

set 3 adjective » compare KNIT

1 a set time, price etc. has been arranged and
cannot be changed: We meet at a set time
sewing /sooirj/ noun [U]
the activity of joining pieces of cloth together or
each week.
attaching something to a piece of cloth using a
needle and thread: My sister is very good at a surface and the light: The sun behind us cast
sewing. our shadows on the wall.

sewing machine /'.. ,../ noun shady /'Jeidi/ adjective (shadier, shadiest]
a machine used for sewing pieces of cloth protected from the sun: It's cool and shady
together under the tree.

sex /seks/ noun shake /Jeik/ verb (shaking, past tense

1 [U] the activity that a male and female do shook, past participle shaken]
together to produce children or for pleasure 1 to move quickly from side to side, or up and
2 [C] being male or female: What sex is your down: My hands were shaking from the cold. \

cat? She shook the rug to remove the dirt.

2 shake hands to hold someone's hand in
sex-ism /'sek.sizgm/ noun [U]
yours and move it up and down when you meet
the belief that one sex is weaker, less intelligent,
him or her
or less important than the other
3 shake your head to move your head from
sexist /'seksist/ adjective side to side to say "no"
relating to SEXISM: The book is full of sexist opin-
shall /Jgl; strong Jael/ verb
used with I and we in questions when asking or
sexual /'sekfual/ adjective suggesting something: Shall I help you with
relating to sex: The movie examines sexual that?
attraction. —sexually adverb
shallow /'Jaelou/ adjective
sexy /'seksi/ adjective [sexier, sexiest] going down only a short distance from the top
sexually exciting or sexually attractive or surface of something; not deep: The swim-

shabby /'Jaebi/ adjective (shabbier,

ming pool is shallow here. » compare DEEP

shabbiest] shame /Jeim/ noun [U]

and in bad condition:
old, dirty, A man in shab- 1 the feeling of being guilty or embarrassed
by clothes got on the bus. when you have done something wrong: The
shade argument left me with a deep sense of shame.
2 what a shame, it's a shame said when
something is sad or disappointing, and you wish
it were different: What a shame that Mary
could not be here!
3 shame on you said when telling someone
that he or she should be ashamed for doing
something: Shame on you for not helping him.

shampoo /Jaem'pu/ noun

a liquid soap used for washing your hair

shade 1
/Jeid/ noun rectangle
1 an area that is cooler and darker
because it is away from sun: They sat in the
shade of the tree.
2 a cover that you pull across a window to
block the light: Can you close the shades,
3 a particular type of a color: / want a darker
shade of blue.

shade 2 verb (shading, shaded)

to protect something from the sun or light:

/ shaded my eyes with my hand.

shadow /'Jaedou/ noun pyramid cylinder cube

a dark shape made when something is between
shape 1
/Jeip/ noun shatter /'Jaeta7 verb
1 the form of something: She made a cake in to break suddenly into small pieces: The glass
the shape of a heart. fell to the floor and shattered.
2 the condition or health of something: Our
car is not in good shape. / want to get back
shave 1
/Jew/ verb (shaving, shaved]

from your face,

to cut off hair very close legs,
in shape. (=become more healthy)
or body: My father shaves every day.
shape 2 verb (shaping, shaped]
shave 2 noun
to make something have a particular form: He
an act of shaving: / need a shave.
shaped the clay into a pot.

share 1
/Jer/ verb (sharing, shared)
shaver /'JeivaV noun
a tool used for removing hair from your face,
1 have or use something together with
legs, or body
other people: / share a house with two other
girls. she I Jil pronoun
2 to divide something between two or more the female person or animal that the sentence
people: We shared the cookies with them. is about: My sister's name is Lora, and she is

nine years old.

share 2
the part of something that is owned, done, or shear I Jul verb [past tense sheared, past

used by you: What happened to my share of participleshorn or sheared]

the money? to cut the wool off a sheep

shark /Jark/ noun shears IJirzl plural noun

a large sea fish with a lot of sharp teeth a tool like a large pair of scissors
she'd //id/
1 she had: / went to her house, but she'd
blunt already left.

2 she would: She'd like to meet you.

shed 1
/Jed/ noun
a small building in which you keep things

shed 2 verb (shedding, past tense shed,

past participle shed)
to allow something to fall off, usually as part of
sharp /Jarp/ adjective
a natural process: Snakes shed their skin.
1 having an edge that can cut things easily:
You need a sharp knife to cut the vegetables. sheep IJ'vol noun [plural sheep)

» compare DULL a farm animal that is kept for its meat and wool
2 having a thin point: My pencil is not sharp.
3 a sharp change is very sudden and big:
sheer /Jir/ adjective
1 sheer sheer luck etc. joy, luck etc. with
There was a sharp increase in oil prices.
no other feeling mixed with it: The people were
4 able to think and understand things quickly:
singing with sheer joy
He is a very sharp student.
2 very steep: The ocean was a sheer drop
5 able to see or hear things that are far away:
from where we stood.
An eagle has sharp eyes to help it find food.
6 wearing good, clean clothes: You look sharp sheet /Jit/ noun
today. 1 a thin flat piece of something: / need a sheet
of paper to write on.
sharp-en /'Jarpan/ verb
2 a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a
to make something sharp: Sharpening a knife
takes time.
shelf noun [plural shelves /Jelvz/)
sharpener /'JarpanaV noun
a long board attached to a wall, on which
a tool or machine that makes knives, pencils
you put or store things: He took a cup from the
etc. sharp

sharply adverb
she'll /Jil, Jil/
changing suddenly: Prices have risen sharply.
she will: She'll be here at ten o'clock.
shell /fel/ noun ship 1
/Jip/ noun
the hard outer covering of a nut, egg, animal a large boat that carries things on the ocean
etc. —see color picture on page 1 87
shelter 1
/'JeltaV noun ship 2 verb (shipping, shipped)
a place that protects you from bad weather or to deliver goods to a place: We can ship this
danger, or the protection that is given to you: anywhere in the country.
We took shelter in the basement from the
shipment /'Jipmant/ noun
a load of goods being delivered, or the act of
shelter 2 verb sending them
to protect someone or something from bad
shirt /fa-t/ noun
weather or danger, or to stay in such a place:
a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of
The wall sheltered us from the wind.
your body and your arms, and has buttons
shepherd /'Jep^d/ noun down the front —see color picture on page 1 90
someone who takes care of sheep
shiver /'JivaV verb
sheriff /'Jenf/ noun to shake because you are cold or afraid: A dog
the chief police officer in a COUNTY shivered in the cold.

she's /Jiz/ shock 1

/fak/ noun
1 she is: She's very tall. 1 an unpleasant event that makes you very
2 she has: She's got a new car. upset: It was a great shock for him when his
wife died.
shield 1
/fild/ noun
2 [U] the feeling of surprise or worry that you
something that protects someone or something
have when something unpleasant happens:
from danger or harm: The police carried large
Everyone was in shock at the news of the flood.
metal shields.
3 a painful feeling caused by electricity passing
shield 2 verb through your body: The bad wires gave me a
to protect someone or something from being shock.
hurt or damaged: He shielded his eyes from
the sun.
shock 2 verb
to make someone feel very surprised or upset:
shift 1 /Jift/ verb / was shocked when heard about your accident.

to move something or to change your body's

position: She shifted in her chair.
shocking /'Jakin/ adjective
very upsetting and wrong: We read about the
shift 2 noun shocking crime in the newspaper.
1 one day in which people are
of the periods in a
at work: I'mon the night shift at the hospital.
shoe /Ju/ noun
something you wear to cover your foot: She
2 a change in the way people think about
something: A shift in public opinion surprised
gave me a pair of brown leather shoes. see —
color picture on page 1 90
the government.
shoe-lace /'Juleis/ noun
shin /Jin/ noun
a long piece of string that you use to make your
the front part of your leg between your knee
shoes fit tightly on your feet
and your foot

shine /Jain/ verb (shining, past tense

shone /Joun/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
shone /Jan/, past participle shone)
1 produce light: The sun is shining.
2 to look bright and smooth: The water shone shook /Juk/
in the moonlight. the PAST TENSE of the verb shake
3 to point a light toward a particular place or
direction: Shine the light over here so I can see.
shoot 1
/Jut/ verb [past tense shot /Jat/,
past participle shot)
shin-y /'Jaini/ adjective (shinier, shiniest) 1 to kill or injure someone or something with a
bright and smooth looking: He wore a pair of gun: Four people were shot in the attack.
shiny black boots. 2 to fire a weapon at something or someone:
They were shooting into the crowd.
3 to move quickly, or make something do this: shot 1
A severe pain shot through my leg. \
The ball the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
shot past my head. shoot
shoot 2
noun shot 2 noun
a new part of a plant that is just starting to 1 the act of firing a gun: / heard two shots in
grow the street.

shooting 2 the act of putting medicine into your body

/'Jutin/ noun
using a needle: Did you get your flu shot?
the act in which someone is killed or injured by
a gun
3 a photograph: He took a shot of the sunset.
4 the act of throwing, hitting, or kicking a ball
shop 1
/Jap/ noun toward the place where you get a point in a
a small store that sells a particular type of game: That was a good shot.
shot-gun /'Jat
gAn/ noun
shop 2
verb [shopping, shopped) a long gun, used for shooting animals and birds
to go to stores to buy things: We often shop at
the mall.
should /Jod; strong Jud/ verb
1 used when saying what your opinion is, or for
shop-ping /'Japirj/ noun [U] asking for advice: You should call him now. |

the activity of going to stores to buy things: / like Should I buy this bag?
shopping for clothes. 2 used for saying what you think will happen or
what you think is true: They should arrive
shopping mall /'..
J noun soon. It should be a good movie.
a very large building with a lot of stores inside it

3 used in sentences like if to say what may

shore /J'or/ noun happen: Should you buy the house, we can help
the land at the edge of a large area of water: you pay for it.
We walked along the shore.
shoulder /'JouldaV noun
short: /Jort/ adjective one two parts of your body on each side
of the
1 not long, a small distance from one end to of your neck where your arm is connected: She
the other: He has short black hair compare » put her head on his shoulder.

see picture at LONG 1

shoulder bag /'.. ,./ noun

2 happening for only a little time, or for less
a small bag that hangs from your shoulder
time than usual: The meeting was very short.
3 not as tall as most people: She's the short- shouldn't /'Judnt/
est girl in the class. compare TALL see » — should not: You shouldn't eat so much chocolate.
color picture on page 191
4 be short of something to not have enough should've /'Judov/

of something: I'm short of money right now.

should have: You should've told me that you
would be late.
short-age /'Jbrtid3/ noun
a which there is not enough of
situation in
shout 1
/Jaut/ verb
1 to say something in a loud voice: "Help!
something: The war led to a food shortage.
Help!, he shouted.

short cut /'. ./ noun 2 shout at someone to say something in a

a quicker way to do something or go some- loud voice to someone because you are angry:
where: / know a short cut to the store. Stop shouting at the children!

short-en /'/ort^n/ verb shout 2 noun

to become shorter, or make something short- a loud cry or call: / heard a shout from the next
er: Do you want to shorten this dress? room.
» compare LENGTHEN
shove /Jav/ verb
shortly adverb /'Jortli/ to push someone or something using your
very soon: They should be here shortly. hands: He shoved the little girl and she fell over.

shorts /forts/ plural noun shovel 1

/'jAval/ noun
pants that end at or above the knee —see color a tool with a long handle and a wide end, used
picture on page 190 for digging or moving earth
shovel 2 verb shrank /JYaegk/
to dig or move earth using a shovel the PAST TENSE of the verb shrink

show 1
/Jbu/ verb [past participle shown shred /JYed/ noun
/Joun/) a small piece thatis cut or torn off something:
1 to let someone see something: He showed Michael tore the letter to shreds. [=into small
me his new computer. pieces)
2 to make it clear that something is true by giv-

ing facts or information: The report shows that shrewd /JYud/ adjective

crime is rising.
good at understanding people and situations, so
3 to tell someone how to do something: Can that you can get advantages for yourself

you show me how to play the game? shriek /Jrik/ verb

4 to go with someone and guide them to a to make a high, loud sound because you are
place or around a place: Thank you for showing afraid, excited, or angry: The crowd shrieked
us around the museum. with delight. — shriek noun
5 if something shows, it can be seen or is easy
to notice: Don't worry, the stain on your dress
shrill /JYil/ adjective

doesn't show. unpleasant because it is too loud and high: The

6 to let other people notice something, for teacher had rather a shrill voice.

example your feeling or your knowledge: Men shrimp /fnmp/ noun

aren't supposed show their feelings.
to a small pink sea animal that you can eat
7 show off to try to make people notice or
admire you: No one likes him very much shrine //ram/ noun
because he's always showing off. a holy place

8 show up to arrive at a place where someone shrink /Jrink/ verb [past tense shrank,
is waiting for you: She showed up late for the
past participle shrunk]
game. tobecome smaller, or make something do this:
9 show something off to make people notice You shouldn't wash the dress in hot water. It'll
something you have, especially because you are shrink.
proud of it: He drove to school to show off his
new car.
shrub /JrAb/ noun
a small bush
show 2
1 a performance in a theater or on television
shrug /JrAg/ verb (shrugging, shrugged)

that people watch: This is my favorite TV show. to move your shoulders up and downto show

2 a lot of things gathered together for people

that you do notknow something or do not care
to see: Many people went to the flower show. about something: When I asked Katie if she
liked her new school, she just shrugged her
3 for show you do something for show you

do it in order to impress other people shoulders.

shower /'JauaV noun shrunk /JrArjk/

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb shrink
1 when you wash yourself while standing under
running water: He's taking a shower. shudder /'JaoV/ verb
2 a thing that you stand under to wash your- when you shake especially because you are
self in running water, or the place where you get frightened, or cold: The thought of going back
washed in this way: The phone always rings there again made him shudder.
when I'm in the shower.
3 a short period of rain: We may have some shut; //At/ verb [shutting, past tense shut,
showers today. —
shower verb: She showered past participle shut)
1 to close something, or to become closed:
and had breakfast.
Please shut the door. The little boy shut his

/Joun/ eyes and went to sleep. »

compare OPEN 2
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb show 2 shut up! a rude way of telling someone to
show-off /'. ./ noun stop talking: Shut up! I'm trying to think!

someone who tries to make people notice or

3 shut (something) down to stop working or
operating, or make something stop working or
admire them: He seemed only interested in
operating: A lot of factories have had to shut
impressing other people - even some of his
friends now regard him as a show-off.


shutter /' fAta /

noun side-ways /'saidweiz/ adverb
one of a pair of covers on the outside of a 1 toward one side: He stepped sideways to let
window me pass.
2 if something is facing sideways, the side is at
shut-tie /'Ja|1/ noun
a vehicle that can
the front: We turned the table sideways for
1 space and return
fly into
more room.
to Earth, and can be used more than once
2 an airplane on bus that makes regular short sigh /sai/ verb
trips between two places to breathe out loudly and slowly because you

shy /Jai/ adjective (shier, shiest)

are tired, sad etc. —sigh noun

nervous and embarrassed about talking to sight /sait/ noun

other people: The child was shy and hid behind 1 [U] the ability to see: My grandmother is los-
his mother. ing her sight.
2 [U] when you see something: / can't stand
sick /sik/ adjective
the sight of blood.
1 not healthy; having a disease: My father got
3 something that is interesting to see because
sick last night.
it is beautiful, large, unusual etc.: The Space
2 be sick to make food come up from your
Needle is one of the most famous sights in
stomach and out of your mouth; VOMIT: She
was sick all over the floor.
4 catch sight ofsomeone/something to sud-
3 feel sick to feel that food might start coming
denly see someone or something: She caught
up from your stomach and out through your
sight of him as she was walking past a restau-
mouth: When the ship started to move I sud-
denly felt sick.

4 be sick of something to be angry about sightseeing /'sait.siin/ noun [U]

something that has been happening for a long the activity of going to see famous or interest-
time: I'm sick of having to clean up after him! ing places when you are visiting somewhere on
5 make someone sick to make someone feel vacation
very angry and annoyed: You make me sick! I
hate you!
sign 1 /sain/ noun
1 a piece of paper, metal etc. with words or
sickness /'siknis/ noun [U] pictures on it in a public place, that gives you
the condition of being or feeling sick: The peo- information or instructions: The sign said, "No
ple suffered from hunger and sickness. Smoking. " \
He ignored the "stop" sign.
2 a picture or shape that has a particular
side /said/ noun
meaning: A dollar sign looks like "$.
1 one of the two parts that something is divid-
3 something that shows that something exists,
ed into: the left side of the brain \
They live on
is starting to happen etc.: Scientists believe
the other side of the town.
they may have found signs of life on Mars.
2 the part of something that is not its front,
back, top, or bottom: He walked around to the sign 2 verb
side of the house. to write your name, for example at the end of a
3 one of the flat surfaces of something: Write letter
on both sides of the paper. A cube has six

signal 1
/'signal/ noun
a sound, action, or movement that tells you to
4 the part of your body from your shoulder to
do something: Don't start until I give the signal.
the top of your leg: / have a pain in my side.

5 one two people, teams, countries etc. in

of signal 2 verb
a game, argument, war etc.: Neither side to make a movement or sound that tells some-
wants to give in. one to do something
6 by the side of next to something: She lives
by the side of a big lake.
signature /'signat/aV noun
your name written in the way that you usually
7 side by side next to each other: We sat side write it, for example on a letter, check etc.
by side the car.
» compare AUTOGRAPH
side walk /'saidwok/ noun
significance /sig'nifakans/ noun
a hard surface or path that you walk on next to
the meaning or importance of something: an
a street: Don't ride your bike on the sidewalk.

event of great political significance (=very simplify /'simpta,fai/ verb (simplifying,

important] simplified]

significant to make something easier to understand or do:

/sig'nifakant/ adjective
a simplified version of the book
noticeable and important: There's been a sig-
nificant change in people's attitudes to mar- simply /'simpli/ adverb
riage, —significantly adverb 1 / simply wanted to help.
only; just:

sign language 2 used when you want to emphasize what you

/'. ,../ noun [U]
are saying; really: What she said simply isn't
a language that useshand movements instead
of spoken words, used by people who cannot
3 in a way that is easy to understand: Let me
explain it simply.
/'sainpoust/ noun
sin /sin/ noun
something that you should not do especially
a road sign that says
because it is against religious rules
which direction a
place is in, or how since /sins/ adverb, preposition
far it is at or in the past until now: I've been
from a time
silence here since six o'clock. She arrived in 1991

/'saltans/ noun [U]

and has lived here ever since. compare AGO, »
when there is no
sound and everything
is completely quiet: They worked in silence.
NOTE: Compare for and since. Use for
when you are talking about a period of time
si* lent /'saitant/ adjective such as a week, a month, a year, etc.: I've
not saying anything or not making any sound: been studying English for 3 years. I lived
Simon was silent for a moment. —silently there for 6 months (but don't live there any

adverb more). Use since when you are talking

silk /silk/ noun [U]

about the exact moment in the past when
a soft shiny cloth made from thin threads: a silk
something began: I've been studying
English since 1998. Since always refers to
something which began in the past but
silly /'sili/ adjective (sillier, silliest) continues until now, so you must use it with
not serious or sensible: What a silly question! \ the PRESENT PERFECT tense, not the past
Don't pay attention to her She's just being silly. tense: I've lived here since October. (=l came
» compare STUPID to live here in October and am still living I

silver /'silvaV noun [U]
1 a soft shiny white metal used for rings, jew-
elry etc. sincere /sm'sir/ adjective
2 the color of this metal honest and meaning what you
really say: Do you
think he was being sincere?
similar /'simalaV adjective
almost the same, but not exactly the same: Our sincerely /sm'sirli/ adverb
dresses are similar. His interests are similar
\ 1 in a true and honest way: / sincerely hope
to mine. » compare ALIKE that you succeed.

sim-i-lar-i-ty /.sima'laerati/ noun [plural

2 Sincerely, something you write at the end of

a formal letter before you write your name
something that is the same about two people or sing /sin/ verb [past tense sang /saen/, past
things: There are many similarities between participle sung /sAn/)
English and German. compare DIFFERENCE » to make musical sounds with your voice: She
sang a song. I can hear the birds singing.
sinrvple /'simpal/ adjective [simpler, simplest] \

1 easy to understand: The instructions are singer /'sinaV noun

very simple. » compare DIFFICULT someone who sings: an opera singer
2 not having a lot of decoration; plain: She
wore a simple blue dress.
single 1
/'sin gal/ adjective
1 only one: We lost the game by a single point.
2 not married: Are you married or single? such as a chair after you have been standing
3 for one person only: a single room up: Would you like to sit down?
» compare DOUBLE see picture at BED 1
— 3 sit up to move into a sitting position after
4 in single file in a line with one person behind you have been lying down: / sat up in bed when
the other: Walk in single file, please. Iheard the noise.
4 sit around to rest for a long time and not do
single 2 noun
anything useful: He just sits around the house
a record with one song on each side: Michael
and does nothing.
Jackson's latest single
site /sait/ noun
singular /'siggyalaV noun
1 a place where something important or inter-
the singular the form of a word for only one
esting happened: the site of the battle
person or thing: "Dog" is the singular of "dogs".
2 a place where a building being or
» compare PLURAL be built: a construction site
is built will

sink 1 /sirjk/ verb [past tense sank, past

participle sank or sunk)
situated /'sitju.eitid/ adjective
be situated to be in a particular place: The
1 if a ship or an object sinks, it moves down
hotel is situated next to the airport.
below the surface of the water toward the bot-
tom: The ship is sinking. » compare FLOAT situation /.sitju'eijsn/ noun
2 to move to a lower level: The sun sank the things that are happening at a particular
behind the mountain. time and place: The political situation in the
country is very dangerous.
sink 2 noun
a container in a kitchen or bathroom that you fill six /siks/ adjective, noun
with water in which you wash dishes the number 6
sip 1 /sip/ verb (sipping, sipped] six-teen /.sik'stim / adjective, noun
to drink something slowly in small amounts: She the number 16
sipped her hot tea.
sixth /siksG/ adjective, noun
sip noun 2 1 6th
a very small amount of a drink 2 one of six equal parts

sir /sa7 noun six-ty /'siksti/ adjective, noun

1 a polite way to speak to a man whose name the number 60
you do not know: Can I help you, sir?
sizable /'saizabal/ adjective [also sizeable]
2 Dear Sir used at the beginning of a formal
fairly large: A sizable crowd turned up for the
letter to a man whose name you do not know
sir en /'sairan/ noun
size /saiz/ noun
a thing that makes a loud warning sound, used
how big or small something or someone is: His
on police cars, fire trucks etc.
room is the same size as mine. \
Do you have
sister /'sista-/ noun any shoes in a size 5?
1 a girl who has the same parents as you: My
sister's much taller than am. » compare I
skate 1
/skeit/ verb (skating, skated)
to move smoothly over ice or over ground wear-
ing SKATEs: She skated over the ice toward us.
2 a NUN
sister- in-law /'.. noun [plural
skate 2
. ,./
a special shoe with wheels or a blade fixed
under it: roller skates \
ice skates
1 the sister of your husband or wife
2 the wife of your brother skate-board /'skeit^bord/ noun
a short board with wheels under it that you
sit /sit/ verb (sitting, past tense sat, past
stand on and ride along the ground for fun
participle sat)
1 to rest your body on something such as a
— see color picture on page 1 85

chair: Come and sit here. \

The children sat skating /'skeitig/ noun [U]
around her in a circle. compare RISE » 1
the activity or sport of moving over ice or over
2 sit down to rest your body on something the ground wearing SKATEs: Do you want to go
skating with us? —see color picture on page 1 84

skeleton foot to the other: The two girls were skipping

/'sketat n/
noun down the street. —see color picture on page
all the bones in an 189
animal or person 2 to not do something that you should do: Let's
skip that question and go on to the next one.
sketch 1
noun [plural
skirt /sk^t/ noun

woman's clothing that hangs down
a piece of a
from her waist and covens part of her legs
a quick drawing that
does not have a lot of
»compare DRESS 2 —
see color picture on
page 190

sketch 2 verb the human skeleton skull /skAl/ noun

to draw a picture quickly and without a lot of
the bones of a person's or animal's head —see
picture at SKELETON

ski 1 /ski/ noun [plural skis)

sky /skai/ noun [plural skies)
the space above the Earth where the sun,
one of a pair of long, wood or
narrow pieces of
plastic that you wear on your boots to move
moon, and stars are: The sky is blue.
easily over snow
ski 2
verb (skiing, past tense skied, past
participle skied)
to move over snow on SKIs: We're going skiing
on Saturday.

skid /skid/ verb (skidding, skidded)

to slide sideways suddenly on a wet surface:
The car skidded on the ice.

skiing /ski-in/ noun [U]

the activity or sport of moving over snow on
SKIs:Do you like skiing? —see color picture on skyscraper /'skai.skreip^/ noun
page 184 a very tall building in a city

skill /skil/ noun slab /slaeb/ noun

an ability to do something very well, especially a large flat piece of something hard: a concrete
because you have learned it: Everyone should slab
have some basic computer skills.
slack /slaek/ adjective
skilled /skild/ adjective 1 loosely: The rope around the horse's
having the knowledge or training to do some- neck was slack. »
compare TIGHT 1
thing well: skilled workers 2 not busy: We're having a slack period at
skill f ul /'skilfal/ adjective
good at doing something well: a skillful driver slam /slaem/ verb (slamming, slammed)
— skillfully adverb to shut a door or window with a loud noise, or

skin /skin/ noun

to become shut: He slammed the door angrily. \

the outer covering of a person, animal, veg-

I heard the door slam.
The drums are made from
etable, or fruit: ani- slang /slaerj/ noun [U]
mal skins. She has pale skin. a banana
| \
skin informal spoken words used especially by a par-
» compare FLESH ticular group of people, for example young peo-

skin-ny ple or people in the army

/'skmi/ adjective (skinnier,
skinniest) slant 1 /slaent/ verb
very thin or too thin: Larry was very skinny as a to slope to one side
child. » compare SLIM
slant 2 noun
skip /skip/ verb (skipping, skipped) a sloping position or angle: The house sits on a
1 to move forward with quick jumps from one slant.
slap 1 /slaep/ verb (slapping, slapped] sleet /slit/ noun [U]
to hitsomeone or something with the flat inside a mixture of rain and snow
part of your hand » compare PUNCH 1

sleeve /sliv/ noun

slap 2 noun the part of a piece of clothing that covers your
a quick hit with the flat inside part of your hand: arm: shirts with short sleeves
She gave him a slap on his face.
sleigh /slei/ noun
slash /slaeJV verb a large vehicle pulled by animals, used for mov-
to cut something violently: He slashed her ing over snow
throat with a knife.
slender /'slendaV adjective
slaughter 1
/'slDtaV noun [U] thin in an attractive way: long, slender arms
1 when a lot of people are killed in a cruel way
2 when animals are killed for food
slept /slept/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
slaughter 2 verb sleep
1 to kill a lot of people in a cruel way
slice 1 /slais/ noun
2 to kill an animal for food
a flat piece or bread, meat etc. cut from a lar-

slave 1
/sleiv/ noun ger piece: a thin slice of cheese
someone who is owned by another person and
slice 2 verb (slicing, sliced]
is not allowed to be free: Millions of Africans
[also slice up] to cut something into thin flat
were taken to America as slaves.
pieces: / sliced the bread.
slave 2 verb
slick /slik/ adjective
to work very hard: / spent all day slaving in the
1 good at persuading people, often in a way
that is a little dishonest: a slick salesperson
slavery /'sleivari/ noun [U] 2 smooth and slippery: The roads are slick
when people are kept as slaves and are not with ice.
allowed to be free: laws against slavery
slide 1 /slaidV verb (sliding, past tense slid
sled /sled/ noun past participle slid)

a small vehicle used, especially by children, to to move smoothly over a surface: She slid
slide over snow across the ice.

sleep /slip/ verb [past tense slept /slept/,

slide 2 noun
past participle slept] 1 a tall structure with a slope for children to
1 to rest with your eyes closed: Did you sleep slide down
well last night? —
see also ASLEEP 2 a small piece of film in a frame that shows a
2 sleep together, sleep with someone to have picture on a screen when you shine a light

sex with someone you are not married to: Are through it

you sure they are sleeping together?

slight /slait/ adjective
sleep 2 noun small and not very important or serious: There
1 when you are resting with your eyes closed: will be a slight delay. \
a slight problem
/ need to get some sleep. Sometimes he talks

slightly /'slaitli/ adverb

in his sleep. (=while he is sleeping]
a little: He moved his head slightly.
2 go/get to sleep to start sleeping: It took me
a long time to get to sleep. slim /slim/ adjective (slimmer, slimmest)
1 thin in an attractive way: / wish I was as slim
sleeping bag /'.. ,./ noun
as Jackie. —see colour picture on page 191
a large warm bag for sleeping in, especially in a
2 very small: We have a slim chance of suc-
tent. —see color picture on page 1 88
sleep-less /'sliplis/ adjective
slime /slaim/ noun [U]
sleepless night a night when you cannot sleep
a thick slippery substance that looks or smells
because you are worried
sleepy /'slipi/ adjective (sleepier, sleepiest]
sling /slig/ noun
tired and wanting to sleep: / felt sleepy all day
a piece of cloth tied around your neck to sup-
port your arm when it is injured: His arm has slot machine /'. .,./ noun
been in a sling for two weeks. a machine inwhich you put a coin in order to
slip 1 /slip/ verb (slipping, slipped) play a game on it
1 to accidentally slide so that you fall: He slow/ /slou/ adjective
slipped on the ice and fell.
1 not moving or happening quickly: The bus
2 to slide out of the correct position, or out of travels at a slow speed. » compare FAST 1
your hand: The knife slipped and cut her finger.
2 a clock or watch that is slow shows a time
3 to put something somewhere quickly and that is earlier than the correct time: My watch
without people seeing it: He slipped the money is five minutes slow.
into his pocket.
4 slip out/in/off etc. to move somewhere slow down /.slou 'daun/ verb

quickly or quietly: Casey slipped out of the room to go less fast than before: Slow down. You're
when no one was looking. driving too fast!

5 slip up to make a mistake: Someone slipped slowly /'slouli/ adverb

up and gave him the wrong medicine. at a slow speed: He writes very slowly.
slip 2 noun slug /sL\g/ noun
1 a small piece of paper: / have a slip of paper a small creature with a soft body and no legs,
with her phone number on it.
like a SNAIL —see picture at SNAIL
2 a piece of clothing that you wear under a
dress or skirt sluggish /'slAgiJV adjective
moving or working more slowly than usual
slipper /'slipaV noun
a soft shoe that you wear inside your house: a slum /slAm/ noun
pair of slippers an area of a city with old buildings in bad condi-
tion and many poor people
slippery /'slipari/ adjective
smooth or wet and difficult to walk on or hold: slump /sUmp/ verb
Be careful! The floor is very slippery. to be sitting with the top part of your body lean-
ing forward: He slumped in the corner and
slit 1 noun
a narrow cut in something
slur /sla7 verb (slurring, slurred)
slit 2 verb (slitting, past tense slit, past to speak in a way that is not clear: He was
participle slit]
drunk and slurred his words.
to make a narrow cut in something: / slit open
the letter with a knife. sly /slai/ adjective (slier, sliest]
good at deceiving people to get what you want
slogan /'slougan/ noun
a short phrase that is easy to remember, used smack /smaek/ verb
in advertisements and in politics
to hit someone with your open hand, especially
as a punishment: Be quiet or I'll smack you!
slope 1
/sloup/ noun —smack noun » compare SLAP 1

a surface that is higher at one end than the

other: a ski slope small /smol/ adjective
1 in size or amount; little: He lives on
not large
slope 2
verb (sloping, sloped] a small farm. T"n/s bag is too small.
com- »
if a surface slopes, it is higher at one end than pare BIG, LARGE
the other: The hill slopes down to the road. 2 not important or serious: There is a small
sloppy /'slapi/ adjective (sloppier, problem with the tire.
sloppiest] 3 small children are very young —see color pic-

1 not careful or neat enough: Her writing is

ture on page 191
very sloppy and hard to read. smart /smart/ adjective
2 very loose and not looking neat: Wayne likes intelligent; able to make good decisions: He is a
wearing big sloppy shirts.
smart politician.

slot /slat/ noun smash /smaeJV verb

a long narrow hole in something: Put the coins 1 to break into small pieces, or make some-
in this slot.
thing do this: The plate smashed to the floor. |
The crowd smashed the windows of the store. smooth /smud/ adjective
2 to hit something in a violent way: He 1 having a flat even surface: She has very
smashed his fist against the door. smooth skin. » compare ROUGH
smear 1
/smir/ verb
2 without problems or difficulties: We had a
to spread something
smooth trip all the way.
sticky, dirty, or oily on
something else: The child's face was smeared smoothly /'smudli/ adverb
with chocolate. well and without problems or difficulties:
Everything went smoothly at work.
smear 2 noun
a mark that is left when a substance is spread smother /'smAdaV verb
on something: He had a black smear on his 1 to stop someone from breathing by putting
pants. something on his or her face
smell 1 /smel/ verb
2 to put a large amount of something on
something else: The cake was smothered in
1 to have a particular smell: The food smells
good. |
It smells like cigarettes in here.
2 nose to notice something: He
to use your smudge 1
/smAd3/ noun
smelled the flowers. I can smell gas. \ a dirty mark —smudgy adjective
smell 2 noun smudge 2 verb
something that you notice using your nose: if a substance such as ink or paint smudges or
There's a bad smell in here. I like the smell of \ is smudged, it becomes messy or unclear
fresh bread. because someone has touched or rubbed it:
smel y I /'smeli/ adjective (smellier,
Now look, you've smudged my drawing! \
lipstick is smudged.
having a bad smell smuggle /'sniAgal/ verb (smuggling,
smile 1 /smail/ verb (smiling, smiled]
to take something secretly and illegally from one
to show that you are happy or pleased by mak-
place to another, especially into another coun-
ing the corners of your mouth turn up: The
try: They were trying to smuggle cocaine into
baby smiled at me.
the U.S.
smile 2 noun
an expression of happiness on your face
smuggler /'smAgtaV noun
someone who SMUGGLES something: Police
smoke 1
/smouk/ noun [U] caught the drug smugglers.
the white or black gas made by something burn-
snack 1
/snaek/ noun
a small amount of food that you eat between
smoke 2 verb (smoking, smoked] meals: During the long journey the children ate
1 to breathe in smoke from a cigarette or PIPE: so many snacks, that they lost their appetite
Do you smoke? even for desserts.
2 to make smoke: The fire is still smoking.
snack 2 verb
smoker /'smoukaV noun to eat a small amount of food between meals:
someone who smokes cigarettes or a PIPE: This You'll get fat if you snack on cookies all the time.
part of the restaurant is for smokers.
snack bar /'. ./ noun
smoking /'smoukig/ noun [U] a place where you can buy SNACKs
the activity of using cigarettes or a PIPE:
Smoking is not allowed in school.
snag /snaeg/ noun
a small difficulty or problem: It's a great car, but
smoky /'smouki/ adjective (smokier, the snag is, I can't afford it right now.
full of smoke: We sat in a smoky room.
snail /sneil/ noun
a small creature with a soft body and no legs,
smolder /'smouldaV verb that has a round shell on its back
to burn slowly without a flame but with some
snail sniff /snif/ verb
1 nose in short breaths
to take air into your
because you are sick or have been crying: Stop
sniffing and blow your nose!
2 to smell something by taking air into your
nose: The dog sniffed the bone.

snob /snab/ noun

someone who thinks he or she is better than
other people who are not as rich or important

snooze 1
/snuz/ verb (snoozing, snoozed)
to sleep for a short time; DOZE: Dad was snooz-
snake /sneik/ noun ing in front of the fire.

a long thin animal with no legs that slides

across the ground —see color picture on page
snooze 2 noun
a short, light sleep
snap 1
/snaep/ verb (snapping, snapped)
snore /snor/ verb (snoring, snored)

1 to break with a short loud noise: The branch

to make a loud noise each time you breathe
snapped under his foot. when you are sleeping
2 to suddenly speak to someone in an angry snow 1
/snou/ noun [U]
way: am sorry that snapped at you.
/ I soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from
3 a dog snaps at you, it tries to bite you
if the sky when it is cold

snap 2 noun snow 2 verb

a short loud noise of something breaking: if snows, snow
it falls from the sky: Look, it's

/ heard a snap, and the tree fell over. snowing!

snarl /snarl/ verb snow/ball /'snoubol/ noun

1 an animal snarls, it makes a low angry
if a small ball made out of snow: The children
sound and shows its teeth: The two dogs were throwing snowballs at each other.
snarled at each other, and then started fight-
snowboarding /'snou.bordirj/ noun [U]
a sport which you travel on snow with your
2 to say something in an angry way
feet on a wide board. see color picture on—
snatch /snaetJV verb page 184
to take something away from someone quickly
and using force: She snatched the book from
snow-flake /'snoufleik/ noun
a soft white piece of frozen water that falls from
my hands.
the sky
sneak /snik/ verb [past tense and past
sneaked or snuck)
to go somewhere quietly because you do not
want people to see or hear you: The boys
sneaked out of school and went to the park.

sneaker /'snikaV noun

a kind of light soft shoe used for sports — see
color picture on page 1 90
sneer /snir/ verb
to smile or talk aboutsomeone in a way that
shows you have no respect for them: She
sneered at the mention of his name.
snowman /'snoumaen/ noun [plural
/sniz/ verb (sneezing, sneezed) a figure like a man made out of snow
to suddenly make come out of your nose and
mouth, for example when you have a cold
snow-y /'snoui/ adjective (snowier, snowiest)

» compare COUGH 2 —sneeze noun snowing, or having a lot of snow: The snowy
weather will continue.
" "

snug /snAg/ adjective 2 to rise quickly to a high level: Prices are
warm and comfortable soaring again.

so /sou/ adverb, adjective sob /sab/ verb (sobbing, sobbed]

1 used to emphasize what you are saying: The to cry while breathing in short sudden breaths
party was so boring! You have been so nice to \

sober /'soubaV adjective

not drinking too much alcohol; not drunk
2 also: Ann was there, and so was Mary. » compare DRUNK 1

3 therefore: was very hungry, so ate the

/ I

cake. •cer /'sakaV noun

4 order to do something or make something
in a game which two teams of eleven players try

happen: We got up early so we could go swim- to kick a ball between two posts at either end of
ming. a field. —
see color picture on page 184
5 used for showing agreement: "Look, it's rain-
sociable /'soufabal/ adjective
ing!" "So it is.
someone who is sociable is friendly and enjoys
6 used when you are going to ask someone a being with other people
question, or when you want to get someone's
attention: So, when did you move to Denver? social /'soufal/ adjective
7 so ... that used to emphasize something and 1 relating to the people who live in a place and
say that is the reason for something else: was / the way they live together: Social problems
so tired that I fell asleep on the bus. such as crime and jobs are not easy to solve.
8 or so used when you are not giving an exact 2 relating to the things that you do with other
number or amount: The trip takes an hour or people for fun: He has a lot of friends and a
so. She left a week or so ago.
good social life, —socially adverb
9 say so/tell someone so used to say that socialize /'soufa.laiz/ verb (socializing,
this is what someone says: "How do you know?"
"Peter told me so.
to spend time with other people in a friendly way
10 so long used to say goodbye: So long,
John, see you next week.
Social Security /,.. .'.../ noun [U]

1 1 and so on used after a list to say that there money paid by thegovernment to people who
are other things that you have not mentioned: are old or who cannot work
My husband does all the cooking, cleaning and
society /sa'saisti/ noun [plural societies)
so on.
who together and
a large group of people live

soak /souk/ verb share the same laws, religions, ways of doing

1 something in a liquid: She soaked

to leave things etc.: We're living in a multi-racial society.

the dirty clothes in water

sock /sak/ noun
2 to make something very wet: The rain a soft piece of clothing you wear on your foot
soaked through our coats. inside your shoe » compare SHOE —see color
soaked /soukt/ adjective picture on page 1 90
very wet: / am absolutely soaked!
socket /'sakit/ noun
soaking /'soukirj/ [also soaking wet) a place in the wall where you connect a piece of
adjective equipment to the electricity

very wet: My clothes are soaking wet.

sofa /'soufa/ noun
soap /soup/ noun [U] a long comfortable chair on which two or more
a substance that you use with water to wash people sit

yourself: She washed her hands with a bar of

soft /soft/ adjective
1 not hard or firm, but easy to press: The bed
soap opera /'. ,../ noun is nice and soft. a soft cushion
compare »
a story on television about the lives and prob- HARD 1
lems of a group of people 2 smooth and pleasant to touch: She has very
soft skin.
soar /sor/ verb
3 quiet and pleasant: He played some soft
1 to fly high in the air
music on the guitar.
4 not too bright: need a dress with soft colors.
soft-ball /'sDf fbol/ noun [U] solid 2 noun
a game similar to baseball, but played with a a substance that is hard, not a liquid or gas
larger and softer ball
solo /'soulou/ adjective
soft drink noun /'. ./ done alone, without anyone else helping you
a sweet drink that has BUBBLES in it but no alco-
solution /sa'lufan/ noun
the answer to a problem or question: Has any-

soft-en /'sofsn/ verb one found a solution to the problem?

to become softer, or make something do this:
solve /salv/ verb (solving, solved]
This lotion will soften your skin.
to find the answer to something: Police are

soft-ly /'sof tlil adverb working to solve the crime. (=to find out who did

quietly; not too loud: She spoke softly to him. it]

soft-ware noun [U]

/'soff-wer/ some /sam; strong saiti/ pronoun, adverb
computer what
a set of instructions that tells a 1 an amount or number of something. Use
to do: What type of software do you use? "some" when you do not need to say exactly
» compare HARDWARE how much of something there is: She opened
the candy and gave me some. Would you
soggy /'sagi/ adjective [soggier, soggiest]
like some coffee? » compare ANY

very wet and soft in a way that seems unpleas-

2 a few of the people or things in a group:
ant: The ground was very soggy.
Some girls are dancing; others are talking. \

soil /soil/ noun [U] Some of my friends liked the movie.

the earth in which plants grow 3 a little more or a little less than a particular
amount or number: The fire spread some twen-
solar /'soulaV adjective
ty miles in two days.
relating to the sun or the sun's power: The
building is heated using solar energy. somebody /'sAm.badi, -,bAdi/ pronoun
another word for SOMEONE
solar system /'.. ,../ noun
the Earth and all the moons and PLANETs that some-how /'sAmhau/ adverb
move around the sun 1 in some way, although you do not know how:
We get the money somehow.
sold /sould/
2 for some reason that you do not understand:
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
Somehow, I do not trust him.
some-one /'sAmwAn/ pronoun
.soldier /'sould3a7 noun
1 used to mention a person, without saying
someone in the army
who the person is: Be careful! Someone could
sole 1 /soul/ noun get hurt.
the bottom of your foot or shoe 2 someone else a different person: / thought
that was Gary, but it was someone else.
sole 2 adjective
» compare ANYBODY
only:She is the sole owner of the company. somersault

John was the sole survivor of the accident.

solely /'souli/ adverb

only; not involving anyone else: / am solely
responsible for the mistake.

solemn /'satam/ adjective

very serious or sad: The funeral was a solemn
event. —solemnly adverb
sol-id 1 /'solid/ adjective
1 hard and firm with no holes: We had to dig
through solid rock. compare HOLLOW » somersault /'sAma^solt/ noun
2 made of one material all the way through:
when you turn your body in the air so that your
The ring is solid gold.
feet go over your head and then touch the
ground — see color picture on page 1 89

something /'sAmBirj/ pronoun soot /sut/ noun [U]
a word you use to talk about a thing without say- the black powder left by smoke when something
ing its name, or without saying exactly what it burns
is: There is something in my eye. She bought
something to eat. compare ANYTHING »

soothe /sud/ verb (soothing, soothed)

1 to make someone feel less worried or angry:
sometime /'sAmtaim/ adverb She did her best to soothe their fears.
at some time in the past or the future: / hope 2 to make something less painful: The medi-
I'll see you again sometime. cine will soothe a sore throat.

sometimes /'sAmtaimz/ adverb sophisticated /ss'fista.keitid/

at some times, but not always: Sometimes I adjective
help my mother clean the house. designed in a skillful and often complicated way:
sophisticated weapons
somewhere /'sAmwer/ adverb
in we found somewhere
or to a place: At last to sophomore /'safmDr/ noun
park the car. \
Ellen's looking for to a student in the second year of high school or
live. » compare ANYWHERE college

son /saii/ noun sore 1

/sor/ adjective
your male child: / have a son and a daughter. painful: My feet are sore.

sore 2 noun
NOTE: The word son is used when you are
a painful place on your skin, especially one
talkingabout a male child only. Compare the
caused by a disease
questions: Do you have any sons? (=do you
have any male children] and Do you have any sorry /'sari, 'sori/ adjective (sorrier,
children? (=do you have any sons or sorriest]
daughters) 1 used when you feel ashamed or unhappy
about something bad that you have done: I'm
sorry that lied to you.
song /sorj/ noun

2 used when you have touched or interrupted

a piece of music: What's your favorite song?
someone by mistake: I'm sorry, did I step on
son-in-law /'. . ,./ noun [plural your foot?
sons-in-law) 3 disappointed about something, or wishing
the husband of your daughter that something had not happened: I'm sorry
that you can't come to the party.
soon /sun/ adverb
4 feel sorry for someone to feel pity for some-
1 in a short time from now:Dinner will be
one because he or she is in a bad situation: /
ready soon. Come and see me soon.

couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

2 as soon as immediately after something has
happened: / called as soon as I heard the news. \
sort 1
/sort/ noun
She came as soon as she had finished work. 1 a type of person or thing etc. : What sort of
3 as soon as possible as quickly as possible: material is it made of?
/'// get the car fixed as soon as possible. 2 sort of a little; slightly: / feel sort of tired
4 sooner or later said when you think some- today.
thing will definitely happen: Sooner or later, he
will find out the truth.
sort 2 verb
1 to put things in a particular order or group:
5 too soon too early: It's too soon to know if
Letters are sorted according to where they are
she will get better.
being sent.
2 sort something out (a) to find an answer to
NOTE: Compare these sentences: / should
a problem: We have a few problems to sort
go to bed soon (=in a short time from now).
out. (b) to organize something that is messy or
/ should go to bed early (=before the usual

in the wrong order

time). Compare also soon and quickly: Do it
soon (=do it in a short time from now). Do so-so /'. ./ adjective, adverb
it quickly (=do it fast). neither very good nor very bad: "Did you like the
book?" "So-so.
sought /sot/ southern /'sAda-n/ adjective
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb in or from the south part of an area, country
etc.: southern California \
Do you like southern
soul /soul/ noun
the part of a person that contains their deepest South Pole /,. './ noun
thoughts and feelings, which many people the South Pole the place that is the most
believe continues to exist after death southern point in the world, where it is very cold

sound 1
/saund/ noun southwest /,sau9'west< / noun,
something that you hear: the sound of birds adjective, adverb
singing » compare NOISE the direction that is between south and west:

The town is southwest of here. southwestern —

NOTE: Sound is the general word for adjective
anything that you hear, e.g. the sound of
music, the sound of a baby crying. A noise
souvenir /,suv9'nir, 'suv9,nir/ noun
something that you buy or keep to help you
is usually something which is loud and not
remember a place or an event
nice: Stop making that terrible noise!
sow /sou/ verb [past participle sown /soun/ or
sound 2
1 seem: That sounds like a good idea.
to It
to put seeds in the ground so that they will grow

into plants
sounds like you are upset.
2 to make a sound: The bells sounded. space noun

sound 3 adjective
1 empty area away from the Earth,
[U] the

1 practical and based on good judgment: a

where the sun and stars are
sound decision 2 an empty area that can be used for some-
thing: There is not enough space for more fur-
2 in good condition: The floor of the old house
niture. / need to find a parking space for the
was perfectly sound. |

sound 4 adverb
sound asleep completely asleep: The baby is
space-craft /'speis-kraeft/

sound asleep. [also spaceship) noun

a vehicle that can travel in space
ound-ly /'saundli/ adverb
sleep soundly to sleep well without waking up space shut-tie noun /'. ,../

a type of space vehicle that can carry people

oup /sup/ noun into space and then return to the Earth to be
a hot liquid food with pieces of meat, fish, or used again
vegetables in it
spacious /'speijss/ adjective
sour /saua7 adjective having a lot of space for you to use: The car is
having a strong taste like LEMON or VINEGAR big and spacious.
2 not fresh, having a bad smell: The milk has
gone sour. spade /speid/ noun
a tool with a short handle and a flat metal end
source noun /sots/ used for digging
the person, place etc. where something comes
from: The river is the source of all our water. \
spaghetti /sps'geti/ noun [U]

Her book is a good source of information. an Italian food that consists of long thin pieces
of food, which look like strings
outh /sauO/ noun, adjective, adverb
the direction that is opposite of north: Mexico span 1
/spaen/ noun
is south of the U. S. We live on the south side the amount of time during which something

of the city. \
South America exists or happens: The library was built over a
span of two years.
south-east /,sau9'ist< / noun, adjective,
adverb span 2 verb (spanning, spanned)

she direction that between south and east:

to include all of a particular period of time: Her
The wind is coming from the southeast. singing career spanned the 1970s.
—southeastern adjective
spank /spaenk/ verb specialist: /'spefalist/ noun
to hit a child on the BUTTOCKS with an open hand someone who knows a lot about a particular
subject: a heart specialist
spare 1
/sper/ adjective
1 a spare key, tire, room
an extra one etc. is specialize /'spefa.laiz/ verb
that you keep or have in case you need it: a (specializing, specialized]
spare tire You can stay in the spare bedroom.
to limit your study, business etc. to one partic-
2 something that is spare is not being used ular type of thing, so that you know a lot about
and is another person to use: Are
available for it: She specializes in children's diseases.
there any spare seats?
3 spare time time when you are not working
specially /'spejali/ adverb
1 for one purpose: Tine car is specially made
or busy: He paints pictures in his spare time.
to carry a lot of weight.
spare 2 verb (sparing, spared) 2 more than usual; especially: / wanted to go
to be able to give or lend something: Can you there specially for you.
spare me ten dollars?
species /'spijiz, -siz/ noun [plural
spark /spark/ noun species]
a very small piece of fire that comes from a a group of plants or animals of the same type
larger fire
specific /spi'sifik/ adjective
sparkle /'sparkal/ verb (sparkling, 1 a particular type of person or thing: What
sparkled] are the specific issues we need to discuss?
to shine with bright points of light: The diamond 2 saying clearly and exactly what you mean:
sparkled in the light. Can you be more specific about your plans?

spar-row /'spaerou/ noun spe cif ically /spi'sifikli/ adverb

a small common brown bird 1 for a particular type of person or thing: The
movie is specifically for children.
spat; /spaet/
2 clearly and exactly: / specifically told you not
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
to do that.

speak /spik/ verb [past tense spoke

specimen /'spesaman/ noun
a smallamount of something used as an that is
/spouk/, past participle spoken /spoukan/)
example of what the whole like: The thing is
1 to say someone: / need to speak to
words to
doctor took a specimen of blood from her arm.
you about something. She could hardly speak.

2 to be able to talk in a particular language: He speck /spek/ noun

speaks English and German. a very small piece of something: / have a speck
3 speak up to say something more loudly: of dust in my eye.
Could you speak up, please?
spectacular /spck'taskyalaV adjective
speaker /'spikaV noun very impressive or exciting: There's a spectac-
1 someone whotalks to a large group of peo- ular view of the mountains.
ple about something: Most of the speakers at
the meeting were women.
spectator /'spekteitaV noun
someone who watches a game, event etc.
2 the part of a radio, television etc. where the
sound comes out sped /sped/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
spear /spir/ noun
a long thin weapon with a pointed end, which
you throw speech /spit J7 noun
1 speeches] a talk given to a group of
special /'spejal/ adjective
people: The President gave a speech to
1 better or more important than ordinary
things: She wants to go someplace special on
2 [U] the ability to speak, or the way someone
her birthday.
speaks: She lost the power of speech. (=she
2 from what is usual, and intended
became unable to speak)
for a particular purpose or person: a special
3 freedom speech/free speech the
of right to
school for deaf children
say or write what you want
speed 1
/spid/ noun spider
how fast something moves: The car was trav-
eling at a high speed. (=very fast)

speed 2
verb [past tense and past participle
speeded or sped /sped/]
1 to move quickly: The car sped off into the dis-
2 speed up to move or happen faster: We had
to speed up to pass the slower cars.
3 be speeding to be driving a vehicle faster
than the legal limit spied /spaid/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
speed-boat /'spidbout/ noun
a small boat that can go very fast
spike /spaik/ noun
speed limit /'. ,../ noun
a thin sharp piece of metal: The fence has
the fastest speed that you are allowed to travel
spikes on the top.
on a particular road: There is a 40 mile an
hour speed limit here. spill /spil/ verb
if a liquid spills or you spill it, it goes over the
spell 1 /spel/ verb [past tense spelled or
edge of a container: / spilled coffee all over my
spelt /spelt/]
to say or write the letters of a word in the cor-
rect order: How do you spell "embarrassed"? spin /spin/ verb (spinning, spun /spAn/]
1 to turn around very fast: The wheels were
spell 2 noun
spinning around.
a set of magic words used for making some-
2 to make thread by twisting cotton, wool etc.
thing happen
spelling /'spelin/ noun
spinach /'spmitJV noun [U]
1 the ability to spell words correctly: My a vegetable with large dark green leaves
spelling's terrible. (=l am very bad at it]

2 the correct way of writing a word: The spine /spam/ noun

American spelling is different from the British the bones of your back —spinal adjective
spinning wheel /'.. ,./ noun
spend /spend/ verb [past tense spent, past a wheel used in past times to make thread from
'participle spent /spent/] wool
1 to use your money to buy or pay for some-
spiral /'spairsl/ noun
thing: How much money do you spend each
a shape that goes around and around as it goes
2 to use time doing something: / spent an hour
writing this letter. spirit /'spirit/ noun
1 aperson's mind, including attitudes,
sphere noun
thoughts and feelings: I'm 85, but I still feel
a solid round shape like a ball
young in spirit.
spice /spais/ noun 2 spirits a strong alcoholic drink such as
a seed, root, powder etc. from a used for
plant, WHISKEY
giving a strong or hot taste to food: The sauce 3 a thing like a person which does not have a
had lots of spices in it. » compare HERB physical body, for example a ghost: the spirits
of the dead
spicy /'spaisi/ adjective [spicier, spiciest]
having a strong, hot taste: / don't like spicy spiritual /'spintjual, -tjsl/ adjective
food. » compare MILD relating to the spirit and not the body or mind

spider /'spaidaV noun spit /spit/ verb (spitting, past tense spat or
a creature with eight legs, that uses
small spit, past participle spat /spaet/)
threads from its body to make a WEB (=a kind to force a small amount of liquid or food out of
of net for catching other insects] your mouth: He spat on the floor.
spite /spait/ noun [U] spool /spul/ noun
1 in spite of something although something an object like a small wheel around which you
else is happening or is true: We went out in put thread, wire etc.
spite of the rain.
2 the feeling of wanting to hurt or annoy some-
spoon /spun/ noun
an instrument with a handle and a round end
one: She refused to see him out of spite.
used for eating liquids, cooking etc.: You eat
splash 1
/splaeJV noun [plural splashes] soup with a spoon.
the sound made by something falling into or hit-

ting water: She jumped into the river with a big

spoonful /'spunful/ noun [plural
spoonsful or spoonfuls)
the amount that a spoon holds: You must take
splash 2 verb two spoonfuls of medicine.
tomove or hit water in a noisy way and make
someone or something wet: The children were
sport /sport/ noun
a game in which you use your
or competition
splashing each other in the pool.
body, such as tennis or baseball: What is your
splendid /'splendid/ adjective favorite sport? I'm no good at sports.

excellent or impressive: We have a splendid

view from our window.
sports car /'. ./ noun
a fast car, often with a roof that can open
splirvter /'splmraV noun
a small sharp piece of wood, glass, or metal: /
spot 1
/spat/ noun
1 a small mark on something: / see spots of
have a splinter in my finger.
paint on the floor.

split 1 /split/ verb (splitting, past tense split, 2 a small round area of color: Our dog is

past participle split) brown with black spots.

1 to tear or break something, especially from 3 a place: It's a very pretty vacation spot.
one end to the other: We split the wood into
thin pieces. My pants split when I sat down.
spot 2 verb (spotting, spotted]

to see or notice or something: / spot-

2 [also split up) to divide something into parts:
ted you at the party.
We split the money between us.
spot-less /'spatlis/ adjective
split 2 noun
completely clean: She keeps her room spotless.
a long straight hole in something: / have a split

in my dress. spout /spaut/ noun

an opening in a container through which liquid
spoil /spoil/ verb
comes out
1 to damage something so that it is less use-
ful or enjoyable: His actions spoiled our evening. sprain /sprein/ verb
2 to be too kind to a child him or her and give to damage a part of your body by turning it sud-
too much attention so that he or she behaves denly: He sprained his ankle when he fell.
badly: You should not spoil the children.
sprang /spraerj/
spoiled /spoild/ adjective the PAST TENSE of the verb spring
rude and behaving badly because of being given
too much money, attention etc.: Tim is a very
spray 1
verb (spraying,
spoiled boy.
spoke /spouk/ 1
to make a liquid

the PAST TENSE of the verb speak come out of some-

thing in very small
spoke 2
drops: He sprayed
one of the thin metal pieces that join the outer
water on the flowers.
ring of a wheel to the center

spoken /'spoukan/
spray 2 noun
[plural sprays]
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb speak
liquid that comes out
sponge /spAnd3/ noun of a container in sma drops: Can I use your
a soft sea animal, or a substance like it used for hair spray?
washing something

spread /spred/ verb (spreading, spread) square 2


1 [alsospread out) to open something so that having four straight sides of equal length: The
it covers a wide area: Spread out the map on window was square.
the table. squash 1
/skwaf, skwoJV noun
2 to get bigger by having an effect on a larger
1 a large fruit such as a PUMPKIN, eaten like a
area: The disease spread through the town.
3 to make something known to a lot of people:
2 [U] an indoor game played with a ball and
The news of her death spread quickly. RACKETS
4 to cover something thinly: She spread butter
on the bread. squash 2 verb
to press something flat, often causing damage:
spring 1
noun /sprig/
The fruit at the bottom had been squashed.
1 the season between winter and summer,
when plants start to grow again: The show squeak /skwik/ verb
opens in the spring. to make a short high noise: My chair is squeak-
2 a place where water comes up from the ing. —squeak noun
ground squeal 1 /skwil/ verb
3 a twisted piece of metal wire that will return to make a long loud cry or sound: Pigs squeal.
to its usual shape after it is pressed
squeal 2 noun
spring 2 verb [past tense sprang /spraerj/,
a long loud cry: She gave a squeal of surprise.
past participle sprung /sprArj/)
to jump suddenly: The cat sprang out of the squeeze /skwiz/ verb (squeezing,
chair. squeezed]
1 to press something firmly, especially with
sprinkle /'spnnkal/ verb (sprinkling, your hand: He squeezed an orange to get the
juice out.
to let small drops or pieces fall on the surface
2 to try to make a person or thing fit into a
of something: She sprinkled sugar on the cake.
small space: We can squeeze one more person
sprout 1
/spraut/ verb into the car. —squeeze noun
to start to grow: The seeds are beginning to squid /skwid/ noun
a sea creature with a long soft body and ten
sprout; 2 noun arms
a new growth on a plant squirrel /'skwa^l, 'skwAral/ noun
sprung /sprArj/ a small gray or brown animal with a thick hairy

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb spring tail, that lives in trees and eats nuts

pun /spAn/ squirt /skw^t/ verb

the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb to make a liquid come out of a narrow hole
spin quickly: He squirted the sauce from a bottle.

py 1
/spai/ noun [plural spies) St.
someone whose job watch people secretly
is to 1 a short way to write the word SAINT
in order to discover facts or information about 2 a short way to write the word street
them: Everyone was surprised to find there was stab /staeb/ verb (stabbing, stabbed)
a spy among them. to push a sharp object into someone or some-
spy 2 verb (spying, spied) thing using force: He stabbed her with a knife.
to watch people secretly in order to discover stable 1
/'steibal/ noun
facts or information about them: She's been a building where horses are kept
spying on the neighbors.
stable 2 adjective
square 1
/skwer/ noun not likely to move or change; steady: Is the lad-
1 a shape with four straight sides of equal der stable? We need a stable government.
length —see picture at SHAPE 1

2 an open place in a town with buildings all stack 1

/staek/ noun
around it
a neat pile of things: A stack of books is by the
stack 2
verb 2 an instrument that you press onto paper to
to put things into a neat pile: Stack the dishes make a mark, or the mark that is made
in the sink.
stamp 2 verb
stadium /'steidiam/ noun 1 to your foot and put it down hard on

a large outdoor sports field with many rows of something: He stamped on the insect.
seats around it: Have you seen the football sta- 2 to put a word or sign on something using a
dium? special tool

staff /staef/ noun stand 1

/staend/ verb [past stood /stud/)
a group of people who work together for an 1 to be upright on your
feet: had / to stand all

organization: All the staff members of the theway home on the bus.
school came to the meeting. 2 to move so that you are on your feet: All the
children stood up. Please stand for the read-
stage /steid3/ noun

1 a particular time or state in a long process:

3 to be in a certain place: The house stands at
The next stage is getting the book to the print-
the top of the hill.
er. The disease is still in its early stages.

to not change, to remain in a particular

2 the part of a theater where the actors stand
state or condition: We are standing firm in our
and perform
stagger /'staegaV verb 5 to be able to accept and deal with something
to walk an unsteady way, as if you are going
in difficult: / can't stand the pain.
to fall: The old man staggered down the street. 6 stand back, stand aside to stand farther
away from something: She stood back to let me
stain 1 /stein/ verb
to make a mark on something that is difficult to
7 can't stand to dislike something or someone
remove: The coffee stained his shirt.
very much: / can't stand getting up early. |
stain 2 noun can't stand him!
a mark on something that is difficult to remove: 8 stand by (a) to do nothing to help someone
/ have grass stains on my pants. or to stop something unpleasant from happen-
ing: Most people stood by and watched the
staircase /'sterkeis/ noun
attack, (b) to be ready to help someone needs if
a set of stairs inside a building: She sat at the
you: Doctors are now standing by.
top of the staircase.
9 stand for something to be a short form of a
stairs noun
/sterz/ plural word or phrase: What does PLO stand for?
a set of steps that go from one level of a build- 10 stand up for someone or something to say
ing to another: He ran up the stairs. that someone or something is good or right:
You should always stand up for yourself.
stale /steil/ adjective
not fresh, tasting old and dry: No one eats stale stand 2 noun
bread. a small piece of furniture used for supporting
something: Where is my music stand?
stalk /stok/ noun
the tall, main part of a plant -see picture at standard 1
/'staend^d/ noun
ROSE 2 1 a level of quality or skill that is considered
acceptable: Your work must be of a high stan-
stall /stol/ noun
a small enclosed area in a room, for washing or
2 the idea of what is normal, used for making
using the toilet
comparisons to something else: By American
stammer /'staemaV verb standards, this is a small house.
to repeat the first sound of a word because you
speak with difficulty: "Th-th-thank you, " he stam-
standard 2 adjective
usual or normal: Is this a standard practice?
mered. »
compare STUTTER
stamp 1
/staemp/ noun
stank stcuijk
the PAST TENSE of the verb stink
1 a small piece of paper that you stick on an
envelope or a package to show how much you staple 1
/'steipal/ noun
have paid to send it —see picture at ENVELOPE a small thin piece of metal with ends that bend
around, used to hold pieces of paper together
staple 2 verb statesman /'steitsman/ noun [plural
to fasten papers together with a STAPLE statesmen /-men/)
an important leader a government
star 1
/star/ noun in

1 a bright point of light that you can see in the station /'steijan/ noun
sky at night —see color picture on page 1 92 1 a place where buses or trains stop: /'// meet
2 a shape with five or six points, used as a sign you at the bus station.
3 a famous actor, singer etc.: want to be a / 2 a building for a particular type of work:
movie star. T"nere is always someone at a police station.

star 2 verb (starring, starred) stationary /'steijs.neri/ adjective

to act as the most important person in a movie not moving; The car was stationary when

etc.: We saw a movie starring Charlie Chaplin. the accident happened.

stare /ster/ verb (staring, stared) stationery /'steija.neri/ noun [U]

to look at someone or something for a long time paper that is used for writing letters
without moving your eyes: Are you staring at
me? statue /'staetju/ noun
a shape of a person or animal made of stone,
start 1
/start/ verb metal, or wood
1 to begin doing something: If you are ready,
you can start your work. The children started |
stay /stei/ verb (staying, stayed)

singing. »
compare FINISH STOP 1 1
1 to continue to be in a particular place, state,

2 start over to begin doing something again job etc.: Stay here. I'll be right back. \
It stayed
cold all night.
from the beginning so you can correct what you
did wrong the first time
2 to live in a place as a guest for a short time:
They're staying at a hotel.
start 2 noun
the beginning of an activity, event, or situation:
steadily /'stedili/ adverb

/ don't want to miss the start of the show. at speed or level that does not change
very much: We drove steadily at 30 miles an
startle /'startl/ verb (startling, startled) hour.
to make someone suddenly surprised or
shocked: You startled me when you shouted.
steady /'stedi/ adjective, adverb
(steadier, steadiest)
starvation /star'veijan/ noun [U] 1 firmly one place; not moving: Hold the
death or feeling very weak caused by not having chair steady while I stand on it.

enough to eat 2 staying at the same level, speed etc. over a

period of time: He has a steady job.
starve /starv/ verb (starving, starved)
1 to die or suffer because you do not have steak /steik/ noun
enough to eat » compare FAST3 a thick flat piece of meat or fish
2 be starving to be very hungry: I'm starving!
When is dinner?
steal /stil/ verb [past tense stole /stoul/,
past participle stolen /'stouten/)
state 1
/steit/ noun to take something that does not belong to you,
1 the condition of something; how good, bad without asking for it: Who stole my money?
etc. it is: He's in a state of shock.
2 one of the areas of a country that has a gov- steam 1
/stim/ noun [U]

ernment: 7"here are 50 states in the U.S.

the gas that water becomes when it boils:
There was steam coming from the engine.
3 a country or its government: The heads of
state will meet tomorrow. steam
state 2 verb (stating, stated)
to say something in a formal way or on a formal

occasion: He stated that he had never seen the

woman before.

statement /'steit
m3nt/ noun
something that is said in a formal way or on a
formal occasion: The man made a statement
to the police.
steam 2 verb stew 2 verb
1 to send out steam to cook food slowly in liquid

2 to cook something using steam

stewardess /'stu^dis/ noun
steel /stil/ noun [U] a woman who takes care of passengers on a
a strong hard metal made from iron, used for ship or plane
knives, machines etc.
stick 1 /stik/ noun
steep /stip/ adjective 1 a long thin piece of wood
having a slope that is high and difficult to go up: 2 a thin piece of wood or metal used for a par-
The car rolled down a steep hill. ticular purpose: Can borrow your hockey stick?

steeple /'stipal/ noun stick 2 verb [past stuck /stAk/)

a tall pointed tower on a church 1 to attach something to something else using
a sticky substance like GLUE: / stuck a stamp on
steer /stir/ verb
the letter.
to direct or guide a vehicle: He steered the car
2 to put something pointed into something
carefully into the garage.
else: She stuck her fork into her food.
steering wheel /'.. ,./ noun 3 to become or stay firmly in one place and dif-

the wheel that you turn to make a vehicle move ficult move: The car is stuck in the mud.
to the left or right 4 to put something somewhere: Just stick
that in the corner until we need it.
stem /stem/ noun
5 stick by someone to continue to support
the long thin part of a plant from which the
someone: She has always stuck by me.
leaves or flowers grow —see picture at ROSE 2
6 stick something out to make something
step 1
/step/ verb (stepping, stepped) come forward or out: She stuck her foot out
to move one foot up and put it down in front of and caused him to fall.
the other: He stepped over the dog. What did

stick-y /'stiki/ adjective (stickier, stickiest)

you step in?
covered with or containing something that
step 2
noun sticks to surfaces: My hands are sticky.

1 the act of moving one foot up and putting it

stiff /stif/ adjective
down in front of the other: He took a step
not easy to move or bend: The cards are made
toward the door.
of stiff paper. \
My leg muscle is stiff.
2 one action in a series that you do to get a
particular result: The first step in an accident is still 1 /stil/ adverb

to call for help. 1 up to a particular point in time: Do you still

3 one part of a set of stairs: She sat on a step play tennis?

and waited. 2 even more than something else, or even
4 the sound you make when you take a step: longer than you expect: The weather is still

/ heard steps outside. colder than last week.

3 in spite of someone or something else: It
step-by-step /,. '.</ adverb

was raining, but she still went out.

carefully; doing one thing at a time: He showed
us how to repair the car step-by-step. still 2 adjective
1 not moving: Sit still while I comb your hair.
stepfather /'step,fada7 noun
2 quiet: The ocean was calm and still.
a man who marries your mother, but is not your
father sting 1 /stir)/ verb [past stung /sturj/)

1 to hurt someone using a sharp point: The bee

stepmother /'step.mAdaV noun
stung her leg.
a woman who marries your father, but is not
2 to feel a sharp pain: My eyes are stinging
your mother
because of the smoke.
stereo /'steri.ou, 'stir-/ noun
sting 2 noun
a machine for playing records, CDs, etc., that
a pain or wound made when something stings you
produces music
stink 1
/stirjk/ verb [past tense stank
stew/ 1
/stu/ noun
past participle stunk /stArjk/)
food made of meat and vegetables, cooked
to have a very unpleasant smell
slowly in liquid

stink 2 noun stoop /stup/ verb

a very bad smell — stinky adjective to bend your body over forward and down: He
had to stoop to get through the door.
stir /sta7 verb (stirring, stirred]
1 to mix a liquid or food by moving a spoon stop 1
/stop/ verb (stopping, stopped)
around in it: He put sugar in his coffee and 1 to end an activity, event, movement etc.: We
stirred it. stopped eating. \
The rain has stopped.
2 to move a little: The leaves stirred in the » compare START 1

wind. 2 to prevent someone from

doing something:
They stopped me from going out of the door.
stitch 1
/stitJV noun [plural stitches)
1 one of the small lines of thread where you
3 to pause during an activity, trip etc. so you
can do something: We had to stop for gas.
sew a cloth: The dress was sewn with small
4 stop it, stop that said when you want to tell
2 a small circle of wool that you make while
someone not to annoy or upset you: Stop it.
That hurts!

stitch 2 verb
stop 2
1 an action of stopping or being stopped: 7~ne
to sew something
car came to a stop.
stock 1
/stak/ noun 2 a place where a bus or train stops for peo-
1 a supply of something in a store: We have ple: We waited at the bus stop.
large stocks of canned goods.
2 in stock ready for sale in a store: Are there
stoplight /'staplait/ noun
a set of red, yellow, and green lights that tell
any more boots in stock?
3 out of stock not in the store or not ready for cars when they can go and when they must
sale: Red boots are out of stock.

stock 2
store 1
/'stor/ noun
to have something for sale in a store: Do you a large room or building where goods are sold:
I'm going to the grocery store.
stock any fishing equipment?

stocking /'stakirj/ noun

store 2 verb (storing, stored)
to put something away or keep it so you can use
a very thin piece of clothing that women wear
on their legs and feet
it later: My old clothes are stored in those
stole /stool/
the PAST TENSE of the verb steal
storm /storm/ noun
a time of bad weather when there is a lot of
stolen /'stoubn/ wind and rain
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb steal
storm-y /'stormi/ adjective (stormier,
stomach /'stAmak/ noun stormiest)
the part of your body where food goes when you full of rain, wind, or snow: The stormy weather
swallow it will continue.

stomachache /'stAmak.eik/ noun story /'stori/ noun [plural stories)

a pain in your stomach: / have a stomachache. 1 a description of an event that can be real or
imaginary: Please read us a story! Did you see
stone /stoun/ noun \

the story in the newspaper?

1 a piece of rock: The boys threw stones into
2 [also storey) a floor or level in a building: She
the lake.
lives on the third story.
2 [U] rock: The walls are made of stone.
3 a piece of colored rock of great value; a jewel stove /stouv/ noun
a piece of equipment in the kitchen, on which
stood /'stud/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
you cook food —
see color picture on page 1 88

stand straight 1
/streit/ adjective

stool /stul/ noun

1 not bending or curved: My sister has
a chair without a back or sides —see picture at straight hair. \
Can you draw a straight line?

2 level or upright; not leaning: The picture isn't
straight. Move the left side up.
3 honest: Give me a straight answer. straw /stro/ noun
4 one after the other: We won three straight 1 [U] the dry stems of wheat or other plants
games! used for making something: Do you like my
straw hat?
straight; 2 adverb
1 in a line which does not bend or curve: The
2 a thin tube used for sucking liquid from a
bottle: He drank the milk through a straw.
car went straight down the road.
2 immediately and directly; without any delay: 3 a single dry stem of wheat or other plants
He went straight to his friend to ask for help. strawberry /'stro.beri/ noun [plural
3 happening one after the other: was work- / strawberries)
ing for four days straight. a sweet red fruit —see picture at FRUIT
straight-en /'streit n/ verb stray 1
/strei/ adjective
1 to become straight, or make something a stray animal is lost and has no home
straight: She straightened the picture on the
stray 2 verb (straying, strayed)

2 [also straighten up) to clean something that

to move away from a safe place without intend-
is messy: Straighten up your room now!
ing to: She strayed from the road and got lost.

strain /strein/ verb

streak /strik/ noun
a long thin line of color: There is a streak of
1 to injure a part of your body by stretching it
paint on the wall.
too much: / strained my back when I lifted the
box. stream /strim/ noun
2 to use a lot of effort to do something: She 1 a small river —see color picture on page 1 88
was straining to hear me. 2 a long line of people, vehicles, events etc.:
3 to take out solid things from a liquid by pour- A stream of cars came down the road.
ing it through a cloth or other object
street /strit/ noun
strait /streit/ noun a road town or city with buildings next to it:
in a
a narrow piece of water that joins two larger The is across the
library street from the
areas of water school. Robert lives on Main Street.

strand /straend/ noun

» compare AVENUE, ROAD
a long thin piece of thread, hair, wire etc. street-light /'strit-lait/ noun
a light on a pole that next to the street
stranded /'straendid/ adjective
tall is

needing help because you cannot move from a strength /strerjkG, strenG/ noun [U]
particular place: / was stranded after the car 1 the power or ability to move heavy things: He
broke down. didn't have the strength to get up.
2 the power of an organization, country, rela-
strange /stremd3/ adjective (stranger,
tionship etc. The country wants to build its mil-

itary strength.
1 unusual, surprising, or difficult to under-
stand: / heard a strange noise from the next strength-en /'strenkGan, 'strenGan/ verb
room. to make someone or something stronger:
2 not what you expect; not familiar: We visited Exercise will strengthen your arms.
a strange city.
stress 1
/stres/ noun
stranger /'stremd3a7 noun 1 [U] the feeling of being worried because of
someone you do not know difficulties in your life: He is under a lot of
stress at work.
strangle /'straeggal/ verb (strangling,
2 [U] special attention or importance given to
an idea, activity etc.
to kill someone by tightly pressing his or her
3 [plural stresses) the force that you use
throat with your hands or a rope
when you say a word or part of a word
strap /straep/ noun
a narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that is
stress 2 verb
1 to give special attention or importance to a
attached to something so that it does not fall
fact, idea etc.: / must stress that we don't have
down or fall off
much time.
2 to say a word or part of a word with more strip 2 verb (stripping, stripped)
force » compare EMPHASIZE 1 remove the outer covering of something:
He stripped the paper off the wall.
stressful /'stresfal/ adjective
2 to take off your clothes: John stripped off his
making you worry a lot: She has a very stress-
ful job.

stretch /stretJV verb

stripe /straip/ noun
a long thin line of color: A tiger has dark
1 to become larger or longer by pulling, or
make something do She stretched the

rope between the two poles. Rubber stretch- | striped /straipt, 'straipid/ adjective
es easily. having long thin lines of color: He wore a
2 to reach out your arms or legs to their full striped shirt. —see picture at PATTERN
length: He stretched his legs out in front of him.
—see color picture on page 1 89 stroke 1
/strouk/ noun
1 a sudden illness in your brain: She had a
3 to spread out or cover a large area: The for-
stroke last year.
est stretched for miles.
2 a movement with your arms when you are
stretcher /'stretja7 noun swimming
a frame on which you carry someone who is 3 a single movement of a pen or brush, or a
sick or injured line made by this

strict /stnkt/ adjective stroke 2 verb (stroking, stroked)

making sure that rules are obeyed: She is very to move your hand over something gently: He
strict with her children. stroked her hair gently.

strictly /stnkfli/ adverb stroll 1 /stroul/ verb

1 exactly and correctly: What he says is not to walk slowly: We strolled through the park.
strictly true.
2 in a way that must be obeyed: Smoking is
stroll 2 noun
strictly illegal in this building.
a slow walk for pleasure: We went for a stroll
in the evening.
strike1 /straik/ verb (striking, struck /strAk/,
past participle struck or stricken /'stnkan/)
stroller /'stroulaV noun
a small chair on wheels, in which you can push
1 to hit someone or something: The car was
a small child
struck by a tree.
2 to stop working, usually because you want strong /strorj/ adjective
more money 1 having a lot of power or force: He is a strong
3 to suddenly have a particular thought or man. \
She is a strong swimmer. » compare
idea: He struck me as being a very nice man. WEAK
4 if a clock strikes, it makes a sound to show 2 not easy to break or damage: / need a
what time it is: The clock struck three. (=3 strong rope.
o'clock) 3 having a lot of power or influence: Is he a
5 to attack quickly and suddenly: When will the strong leader?
killer strike again? 4 strong feelings, ideas etc. are very impor-
tant to you
strike 2 noun
5 a strong smell, taste, color etc. is easy to
a time when people stop working, usually
because they want more money: The workers
notice —strongly adverb
are on strike. struck /strAk/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
string /stnrj/ noun
1 a which you can tie
strong thread with
things: / around the box.
tied a string structure /'strAktJV/ noun
2 a long thin piece of wire used in some musi- 1 a building, or something that is being built:
cal instruments, such as a VIOLIN The bridge is a very tall structure.
2 the way in which something is arranged: The
strip 1 /strip/ noun
structure of the company will not change.
a long narrow piece of cloth, paper etc.

struggle 1
/'strAgal/ verb (struggling, stump /stAmp/ noun
struggled) a part that is left when the rest is cut off: He
1 to fight someone: / struggled to get free. sat on a tree stump.
2 to try to do something that is difficult: He
struggled to learn English.
stung /stAg/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
struggle 2 noun sting
a fight: The men were involved in a struggle.
stunk /stArjk/
stubborn /'stAba-n/ adjective the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
not willing to change your ideas easily: She stink
never listens. She's just being stubborn.
st up id /'stupid/ adjective
stuck /stAk/ not having good sense; not intelligent: How
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb could you be so stupid?
stupidity /stu'pidati/ noun [U]
student /'studnt/ noun behavior that shows that someone does not
someone who studies in a school or college have good sense or is not intelligent

studio /'studi.ou/ noun sturdy /'standi/ adjective (sturdier,

1 a place in which movies, or radio and televi- sturdiest)
sionshows are made strong and not likely to break: a sturdy table
2 a room in which a painter or photographer
stutter /'stAtaV verb
to speak with difficulty, repeating the first sound
study 1
/'stAdi/ verb (studying, studied] of a word or phrase: "I ca-ca-can't help it, "she
1 to learn about something by reading, going stuttered. »
compare STAMMER
to classes etc.: / am studying art. Brad needs

style /stail/ noun

to study for his English test.
1 a particular way of behaving, working, or
2 to look at something carefully: Before we go,
doing something: / like his style of writing.
we'll have to study the map.
2 a way of dressing, painting etc. that every-
study 2 noun [plural studies) one likes at a particular time: Her dresses are
1 the activity of studying, or a piece of work always in style.
about this: He is doing a study on crime in the
subject /'sAbd3ikt/ noun
1 something that you study at a school:
2 a room in which you work or study
English is one my favorite subjects.
stuff 1 /stAf/ noun [U] 2 something that you talk or write about: Don't
any substance or material: There's some white try to change the subject. (=talk about some-
stuff on the floor. thing else)
3 the person or thing that does the action of a
stuff 2 verb
verb; the noun that usually goes in front of the
1 to fill something with a substance: The bed
verb: In the sentence, "Jane bought the bread",
was stuffed with cotton.
2 to push something into something else quick-
"Jane" is the subject. » compare OBJECT 1

ly: She stuffed the letter into her pocket.

stuffing /'stAfin/ noun [U]

material that is put inside something

stuff y /'stAfi/ adjective (stuffier, stuffiest]

not having enough clean air: Open a window.
The room is stuffy.

stumble /'stAmbal/ verb (stumbling,

to almost fall down while you are walking: She submarine /'sAbma.rin, .SAbma'rin/ noun
stumbled coming out of the door. a ship that can travel under water —see color
picture on page 187

substance /'sAbstans/ noun sudden /'sAdn/ adjective

a liquid, solid, or powder that you can touch: 1 done or happening quickly or without being
There is a poisonous substance in the water. expected: Her death was a sudden shock.
2 all of a sudden quickly and with no warning:
substitute 1
/'sAbsta.tut/ noun
All of a sudden, the lights went out.
someone who does someone else's job while he
or she is away, sick etc.: We had a substitute suddenly /'sAdnli/ adverb
teacher today. quicklyand without being expected: Suddenly,
everyone ran out of the room.
substitute 2 verb
to use something new or different instead of sue /su/ verb
something else: You can substitute margarine to try to make someone pay you money in a
for butter in the recipe. court of law, because they have harmed you in

some way
subtract /sab'traekt/ verb
to take one number from a larger one: If you suede /sweid/ noun [U]
subtract 3 from 5, you get 2. compare ADD » soft leather with a slightly rough surface

subtraction /sab'traekfan/ noun suffer /'sAf>/ verb

the taking of one number from a larger one to be in pain or trouble: She suffers from
» compare ADDITION headaches.

suburb /'sAberb/ noun suffering /'sAf>in/ noun

an area away from the center of a city: He lives great pain or trouble that you experience:
in a suburb of Houston. suburban adjective — Suffering is a part of life.

subway /'sAbwei/ noun [plural subways) suf-f i-cient /sa'fijant/ adjective

a railroad that is under the ground in a city: enough: The amount of food is sufficient to feed
Sally rides the subway to work. four people.

succeed /sak'sid/ verb suf-f ix /'sAfiks/ noun [plural suffixes)

1 to do well, to do what you tried to do: If you add to the end of a word to
letters that you
try hard, you'll succeed. » compare FAIL make a new word, such as adding "ness" to the
2 to have the result or effect something is word "kind" to get "kindness" » compare PRE-
intended to have: He succeeded in selling his FIX

sugar /'Juga*/ noun [U]
success noun /ssk'ses/ a substance made from some plants, used for
1 [U] the act of doing what you tried to do or making food sweet
want to do: Have you had any success in find-
ing her? »
compare FAILURE
suggest /s3g'd3cst, safest/ verb
to tell someone that something is a good idea:
2 [plural successes) someone or something
/ suggested that we meet for lunch.
that pleases people or does very well: Her party
was a big success. suggestion /sag^estjan, sa'd3cs-/
successful /sak'sesfgl/ adjective
an idea or plan that you mention: Can I make a
having done well or pleased people: She has a
successful business. —successfully adverb

» opposite UNSUCCESSFUL suicide /'sus.said/ noun

the act of killing yourself: Alan's brother com-
such /sAtJV mitted suicide.
1 like the one you have just mentioned: What
would you do in such a situation? suit 1
/sut/ verb
2 used for making what you say stronger: It's to be right or acceptable for someone: "Can
such a lovely day. compare SO » you come tomorrow?" "That suits me fine.

3 such as for example: / like sports, such as

suit 2 noun
1 a set of clothes made from the same mate-
suck /sAk/ verb rial, including a short coat and pants or a skirt:

to pull liquid into your mouth with your lips: The /want a dark gray suit, —see color picture on
baby is sucking milk from the bottle. page 190

2 a problem that someone brings to a court of sunny /'sAni/ adjective (sunnier, sunniest)
law to be settled full of bright light from the sun: The day was
suitable bright and sunny
/'sutabal/ adjective
right or acceptable for a particular purpose: sun-rise /'sAnraiz/ noun
This toy is not suitable for young children. the time in the morning when the sun first
—suitably adverb » opposite UNSUITABLE appears

suitcase n
/'sut keis/ noun sun-set /'sAnset/ noun
a large bag with a handle, in which you carry the time when the sun disappears and night
clothes » compare BRIEFCASE begins

sum /sAm/ noun sun-shine /'sAnfam/ noun [U]

1 an amount of money: We spent a large sum the light and heat from the sun: / enjoy walking
of money on the computer. in the sunshine.
2 the sum of the total when you add numbers:
The sum of 5 and 5 is 10.
sun-tan /'sAntaen/ noun
[also tan) skin that isbrown because of spend-
summer /'sAmaV noun ing a lot of time in the sun »
compare SUN-
the season between spring and fall, when it is BURN
warmest: What are you doing this summer?
» compare WINTER
super /'supaV adjective
very good or nice: We had a super time on
summit /'sAmit/ noun vacation.
the top of a mountain
superb /su'p^b/ adjective
summon /'sAman/ verb very good or fine; excellent: The food here is
to order someone to come to a place: They superb.
were summoned to the governor's office.
superior /s3'piri3\ su-/ adjective
sun /sAn/ noun better than other things; extremely good
1 the large ball of fire in the sky that gives us » compare INFERIOR
light and heat » compare MOON —see color
picture on page 1 92
superlative /s3'pavbtiv, su-/ noun,
2 [U] the light and heat from the sun: We went
a word or a form of a word that shows that
to the beach to lie in the sun.
something is the best, worst, biggest, smallest
sunbathe /'sAnbeid/ verb (sunbathing, etc.; "fastest" is the superlative form of "fast"
sunbathed) » compare COMPARATIVE
to lie in the sun to make your skin brown
supermarket /'supa^markit/ noun
sun-burn /'sAnban/ noun [U] a large store that sells food and things that peo-
the condition of having sore, red skin from pleneed for the house —see color picture on
spending too much time in the sun —sun- page 193
burned adjective » compare SUNTAN
supersonic /,sup^'sanik< / adjective
Sunday /'sAndi, -dei/ noun faster than the speed of sound
the first day of the week
superstition /.sup^'stijan/ noun
sung /sAg/ a belief that some things are lucky and some
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb sing are not: It is only a superstition that the num-
sunglasses /'sAn,glaesiz/ plural noun
ber 13 is unlucky —superstitious adjective
dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes supervise /'super, vaiz/ verb
when the sun is bright (supervising, supervised)
to watch people to make sure that they do the
sunk /sAgk/
right things while they
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
sink supervision /,sup^'vi33n/ noun [U]
the activity of watching people to make sure
sun-light /'sAnlait/ noun [U]
that they do the right things while they work:
natural light from the sun: Plants need sunlight
to grow.
We were under her supervision.
supervisor /'supa^vaizaV noun 2 make sure (a) to be certain that something
someone who watches other people while they is true or has been done: /'// make sure that the
work to make sure they do the right things car is locked, (b) to do something so that you
are certain something will happen: We'll make
supper /'sApaV noun
sure that we get there early
an evening meal » compare DINNER
sure 2 adverb
sup-plies /sa'plaiz/ plural noun
1 used for saying yes to someone: "Will you
things that you need for daily life: Supplies are
come to the party?" "Sure!"
difficult to find in the desert.
2 used for adding force to something you are
supply 1
/sa'plai/ noun [plural supplies] saying: It sure is cold today!
an amount of something that you can use when
surely /'Jurli, 'J>li/ adverb
it is needed: The country has a large supply of
used for saying that you think something must
be true: Surely you're not serious!
supply 2 verb (supplying, supplied]
surf 1
/sa-f/ noun [U]
to give or sell something to someone who
white waves that come onto the beach
needs it: We supply paper to the company.
support 1
/sa'port/ verb
1 to hold something so that it does not fall:
These poles support the roof.
2 to say that you agree with an idea, person
etc. and you want them to succeed: Which
political group do you support?
3 to give money, food etc. for someone to live:
She supports her family by working two jobs.

support 2 noun

1 [U] encouragement and help: Thank you for

your support. surf 2 verb
2 something that holds something else so that to ride on ocean waves while being on a special
it does not fall board

sup-pose 1
/sa'pouz/ verb (supposing, surface /"sa-fas/ noun
supposed] the outside or top part of something: Don't
1 be supposed to do something used for say- scratch the surface of the table.
ing what someone should do, or what should
happen: You are supposed to stop at a red
surf -board /'sa^fbard/ noun
a long narrow piece of wood or plastic on which
light. When is the movie supposed to start?

you lie or stand to ride ocean waves

2 be supposed to be something to be believed
to be true or real: It's supposed to be a good surfing /'sa-firj/ noun [U]
book. the activity or sport of riding on ocean waves on
3 to think that something is probably true or a special board
that it might happen: / suppose that he went
home. |
He'll come with us, I suppose.
surgeon /'sa^an/ noun
a doctor who cuts open someone's body to fix

suppose 2
or replace something inside
used for saying what might happen: Suppose
someone found out about our plan. What would surgery /'safari/ noun [U]
the act of cutting open someone's body to fix or
you do?
replace something inside: Beth had surgery on
supreme /sa'prim, su-/ adjective her knee.
highest, best, or most important: The most
important court in the country is called the
surprise 1
/ssr'praiz, sa'praiz/ noun
1 something that is not expected or usual:
Supreme Court.
What a surprise to see you here!
sure 1
/Jur, Jar-/ adjective 2 [U] the feeling that you have when something
1 certain about something: / am sure that I unexpected or unusual happens: / could see the
put the money in the bank. surprise in her eyes.

3 take someone by surprise to happen in an suspicion /sa'spijsn/ noun

unexpected way: When he offered me the job, a feeling or belief that something may be true:
it took me completely by surprise. I'm not sure who did it, but I have my suspi-
surprise 2 verb (surprising, surprised]
to make someone have a feeling of surprise: suspicious /sa'spijas/ adjective
His gift surprised me. I didn't expect anything 1 not willing to trust someone or something:
from him. / am suspicious of her plans.

surrender /sg'rendaV verb

2 making you think that something bad or
wrong is happening: The man in the corner
to stop fighting because you know that you can-
looks suspicious.
not win

surround /sa'raund/ verb

swallow 1
/'swalou/ verb

to be or go around something: The school

all is
to make food or drink go down your throat: She
swallowed some milk.
surrounded by a fence.

surroundings /ss'raundinz/ plural

swallow 2 noun
a small bird with a tail that has two points
all the things that are around you: How do you swam /swaem/
like your new surroundings? the PAST TENSE of the verb swim
survival /s^'vaival/ noun [U] swamp /swamp, swDmp/ noun
the state of continuing to live after a difficult or land that is always soft and very wet —swampy
dangerous time: His chances of survival are adjective
not good.
swan /swan/ noun
survive /sa^'vaiv/ verb (surviving, a large white water bird with a long curved neck
live after an accident, illness etc.:
to continue to
swap /swap/ verb (swapping, swapped]
Three people survived the car accident. sur- — to exchange something you have for something
that someone else has: Can I swap seats with

you? swap noun
suspect 1
/sg'spekt/ verb
1 to think that someone may be guilty of a
swarm 1
/sworm/ noun
crime: She
suspected of murder.
a large group of insects: A swarm of bees lives
in the tree.
2 to think that something is true, especially
something that is bad: / suspect that he is not swarm 2 verb
telling the truth. to move in a large group: The crowd swarmed
into the building.
suspect 2 /'sAspekt/ noun
someone who may be guilty of a crime: The sway /swei/ verb (swaying, swayed)
police have the suspect now. to move slowly from one side to the other: The
trees swayed in the wind.
suspend /sa'spend/ verb
1 something from continuing:
to stop or delay swear /swer/ verb [past tense swore
The weather caused the airport to suspend /swor/, past participle sworn /sworn/)
travel. 1 to say very bad words: Don't swear in front
2 hang something from something else: The
to of the children.
lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 2 to make a serious promise or threat: Do you
swear to tell the truth? I swear kill him!
suspenders /sa'spendsrz/ plural noun \

two cloth bands that go over your shoulders sweat 1

/swet/ noun [U]
and are attached to your pants to hold them up water which comes out of your skin when you
— see color picture on page 1 90 are hot or afraid: Sweat poured down his face
suspense /sa'spens/ noun [U]
as he ran. —sweaty adjective
a feeling of not knowing what is going to happen sweat 2 verb
next: Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what to have water coming out through your skin
happened! because you are hot or afraid: She was sweat-
ing when she reached the top of the hill.
sweater /'swetaV noun swimming /'swimin/ noun [U]
a piece of clothing, usually made of wool, that the activity of moving through the water using
covers the top part of your body —see color pic- your arms and legs: Swimming is my favorite
ture on page 1 90 exercise. —see color picture on page 1 84
sweats /swets/ plural noun swimming pool /'
./ noun
1 a set of clothes made of thick soft cotton, a POOL
usually for playing sports
—see swim-suit /'swimsut/ noun
2 pants of this type color picture on
a piece of clothing that you wear for swimming
page 190

sweatshirt /'swetj>t/ noun

swing /swig/ verb [past swung /swAn/)

to move backward and forward while hanging

a soft thick shirt, usually worn for playing sports
from a particular point: The boy swung on the
sweep /swip/ verb [past swept /swept/) rope tied to a tree. The door is swinging
in the
1 to clean the dirt from something using a wind. —
see color picture on page 1 89
brush: / swept the floor. swing
2 to move quickly: The crowd swept through
the gates.

sweet /swit/ adjective

1 containing or tasting like sugar: / don't like

sweet foods.
2 pleasant, kind, and friendly: What a sweet
smile she has! —sweetly adverb
sweetheart /'swithart/ noun
someone that you love

swell /swell verb [past participle swollen

swing* noun
to become larger: / injured my hand and it is
a seat hanging from ropes or chains, on which
swelling up. \
After the rain, the river swelled.
children swing
swelling /'swelin/ noun
a place on your body that is larger than usual
switch 1
/swit J/ noun [plural switches)
the part of a machine that you press or turn to
because of injury or sickness: / have pain and
make it start or stop working
swelling in my knee.

swept /swept/
switch 2 verb
1 to change from one thing to another: / stud-
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
ied English, but then switched to history. I
2 switch something off, switch something on
swerve /swa^v/ verb (swerving, swerved] to make a machine stop or start working by
to turn suddenly to one side when you are moving pressing or turning part of it: Switch off (=turn
quickly: The car swerved to avoid hitting the dog. off) the lights. Can you switch the television

on? (=turn it on)

swift /swift/ adjective
happening or moving very fast: She is a swift swollen /'swoutan/
runner. the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb swell

swim 1
/swim/ verb (swimming, swam swoop /swup/ verb
/swaem/, past participle swum /swAm/) tomove downward through the air very quickly:
to move through the water by using your legs The bird swooped down to catch a fish.
and arms: He swam across the river.
sword /sord/ noun
swim 2
noun a weapon that you hold in your hand, with a long
an act or time when you swim: Would you like sharp blade like a long knife
to go for a swim after work?
swore /swot/
swimmer /'swimaV noun the PAST TENSE of the verb swear
someone who swims: Gina is a good swimmer.

sworn /sworn/ symptom /'simptam/ noun
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb swear a sign of something, especially a disease: Fever
a symptom of many
swum /swAm/ is diseases.

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb swim synagogue /'sino.gag/ noun

a building where Jewish people go for religious
swung /swArj/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
swing synonym /'sina.nim/noun
a word with the same meaning as another
syllable /'sitabal/ noun
word: "Mad" and "angry" are synonyms.
a part of a word that contains one vowel sound:
There are two syllables in "window": "win" and synthetic /sm'Oetik/ adjective
"dow. not natural; made by people in a factory: My
sweater is made of synthetic material.
symbol /'simbal/ noun
a picture, letter, or sign that means or shows syringe /s9'rmd3/ noun
something else: The symbol for a church on the a hollow tube and needle used for giving people
map is a cross. medicine through their skin —see picture at
sympathetic /.simpa'Getik/ adjective
nice and understanding about someone else's syrup /'sa-gp, 'sirop/ noun [U]
hurt or sadness: She is a very sympathetic a thick liquid made from sugar
system /'sistam/ noun
sym-pa*thy /'simpaGi/ noun [plural a group of things that work together for a par-
sympathies] ticular purpose: We have a large system of
a feeling understanding and support for
of highways. \
The company needs a new comput-
someone's hurt or sadness: / have a lot of sym- er system.
pathy for people who have sick children.
2 used for showing that something is being
done: Can you take a picture for me? \
I need
to take a shower. (=have a shower)
3 to accept or receive something: Are you
going to take the job? Will the store take a |

4 to need something in order for something
else to happen: The trip to Boston takes three

table /'teibal/ noun

hours. What kind of gas does the car take?

1 a piece of furniture with a flat top and three

5 to steal something: They took all her jewelry.
or four legs: The family is sitting at the kitchen
6 to study a particular subject: / took four

years of Spanish. \
She wants to take some gui-
tar classes.
2 set the table to put plates, spoons, etc. on
the table before a meal
7 to swallow medicine: / took some medicine
for my cough.
tablecloth /'teibal.kbG/ noun 8 to remove something from a place: Take the
a cloth used for covering a table meat out of the oven.

tablespoon 9 to travel in a vehicle or on a particular road:

/'teibal.spun/ noun
/ took the bus home. Take the first right.
a large spoon used for serving food \

10 /'// take two piz-

to decide to buy something:
tab-let /'taeblit/ noun zas with extra cheese. He gave me a good \

a small round piece of medicine that you swal- price on the car, so I said Id take it.
low » compare PILL 11 take something off to remove something:
table tennis /'.. noun [U]
He took his coat off. My name was taken off \

the list.
12 take off to leave the ground and rise into
tackle /'taekal/ verb [tackling, tackled] the The plane takes off in an hour.
1 to begin to work on a difficult problem: 13 take place to happen: The accident took
/ must tackle that report this evening. place on Saturday night.
2 to try to stop someone from running in a 14 take something back to return something
sports game: He was tackled on the play. to the store where you bought it: If the dress
doesn't take back.
tact f ul /'taektl9l/ adjective
fit, it

careful not to say or do something that will

1 5 take someone out to go with someone to

upset or embarrass someone: He gave a tact-

a restaurant, movie etc.: / am taking Sharon
out tonight.

ful response to her question.

16 take up something to begin doing an activ-
tad-pole /'taedpoul/ noun ity or job: We've taken up painting this year.
a small creature that lives in the water and 1 7 take after someone to look or behave like
becomes a FROG or TOAD someone else: He takes after his father.

tag /taeg/ noun taken /'teikan/

a small piece of paper, plastic etc. that is put on the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb take
something and gives information about it: Is
there a price tag on this?
take-out /'teik-aut/ noun
1 a meal that you buy from a restaurant and
tail /teil/ noun eat somewhere else
the part at the back of an animal that can 2 a place that sells this food
move: The dog is wagging its tail.
tale /teil/ noun
tailor /'teller/ noun a story about events that are not real
someone whose job is to make suits, coats,
talent /'taetant/ noun
the ability to do something well: My sister has
take /teik/ verb (taking, took /tuk/, past a talent for singing.
participle taken /'teikan/]
1 to move someone or something to another
talented /'taebntid/ adjective

place: /'// take you to the hospital. He is taking

able to do something well: He is a talented

some work home with him.
talk 1 /tok/ verb tap dancing /'. ,../ noun [U]
1 to say things to someone; speak: The baby a type of dancing which you wear special

is just starting to talk. I talked to Janet today.

shoes that make a sound when you dance
2 talk back to someone to say rude things to
someone: Don't talk back to your father!
tape 1
/teip/ noun
1 a long thin band
of plastic inside a small
talk 2 noun case, on which you can record sound or pic-
1 a conversation: We had a long talk. tures: Which tape (=of music) should we listen
2 a speech to a group of people: She is giving to next?
a talk on how to find a job. 2 a thin narrow band of sticky material, used
for sticking things together
talkative /'tokgtiv/ adjective
liking to talk a lot tape 2 verb (taping, taped)
1 to recordmusic or a movie on a TAPE: If we
tall /tol/ adjective
tape the movie, we can watch it later.
1 higher than other people or things: James is
2 to stick something onto something else
the tallest boy in our class.
using TAPE: She closed the box and taped it.
2 having a particular height: He is 6 feet tall.

How tall are you? —see color picture on page tape recorder /'. .,../ noun
191 a machine which records and plays music and
other sounds
tame 1
/teim/ adjective (tamer, tamest)
a tame animal is trained to live with people: She tar /tar/ noun [U]
has a tame monkey for a pet. » compare WILD a thick black sticky substance that is used in

making roads
tame 2
verb (taming, tamed)
to train a wild animal to live with people tar-get /'targit/ noun
an object, person, or place that you attack or
tan 1
/taen/ noun
shoot at
[also suntan) the darker skin that you get when
you have been out in the sun: / want to get a task noun
tan this summer. work that must be done: He
a job or piece of
has the dangerous task of trying to stop the
tan 2
fire. »
compare JOB
pale brown in color: He was wearing a tan jacket.

tangerine /,taend33'rin/noun
taste 1
/teist/ noun
1 the feeling is produced when your
a sweet fruit like a small orange
tongue touches a particular food or drink: My
tangled /'taengald/ adjective sense of taste isn't very good; I have a cold. \

twisted together into knots: The poor girl has Chocolate has a sweet taste.
tangled hair. 2 the particular type of clothes, music etc.
that someone likes: / do not share her taste in
tank /taerjk/ noun
1 a large container for holding liquid or gas:
3 a small amount of food or drink that you eat
Our car's gas tank leaks.
to find out what it is like: Here, have a taste of
2 a heavy military vehicle with guns on it, used
this soup.
in battle

tanker /'taenkaV noun

taste 2 verb (tasting, tasted)
1 to put a small amount of food or drink into
a very large ship that carries oil or other liquids
your mouth to find out what it is like: Can I taste
tap 1
/taep/ verb (tapping, tapped) your drink?
to hit your finger or foot against something gen- 2 to have a particular taste in your mouth:
tly: She tapped me on the shoulder. |
I'm tap- This wine tastes sweet.
ping my foot in time to the music.
tasty /'teisti/ adjective (tastier, tastiest)
tap 2
noun having a good taste: We had some tasty fish
1 an act of hitting something gently: / felt a tap for lunch.
on my arm.
tat-too noun
a piece of equipment at the end of a pipe
a picture or word that is put on someone's skin
that controls the flow of water, beer etc.
using a needle and colored ink
taught: /tot/ 2 to remove something roughly from a place:
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb Did the wind tear the door off?
teach 3 tear something up to destroy something
such as paper by pulling it into little pieces: She
tax 1
/taeks/ noun [plural taxes)
tore up the letter.
money that you must pay the government from
4 tear something down to destroy a building:
the money that you earn
They tore the old school down a year ago.
tax 2 verb 5 tear someone apart to make someone feel
tomake someone pay a particular amount of very upset a/id unhappy: It is tearing me apart
money to the government to see her suffer.

taxi /'taeksi/ noun tease /tiz/ verb [teasing, teased]

a car with a driver whom you pay to take you to annoy or embarrass someone by making
somewhere: take a /'// taxi home. —see color jokes about him or her: You shouldn't tease
picture on page 187 your little sister.

tea /ti/ noun tea-spoon /'tispun/ noun

1 [U] a drink made by pouring boiling water a small spoon used for mixing sugar or milk in

onto dry leaves: Will you make a pot of tea? coffee, tea etc.
2 dry leaves or flowers used for making a hot
technical /'teknikol/ adjective
She likes mint tea.
relating to the skill or knowledge used in a par-
teach /tit J/ verb (past taught /tot/) ticular science or machine
1 to give lessons a subject a school or col-
in in
technician /tek'nijon/ noun
lege: Mr. Jones teaches history.
someone whose uses skill or knowledge
2 to show someone how to do something:
about a particular science or machine: Anne is
Who taught you to ride a bicycle?
training to be a medical technician.
teacher /'titj>/ noun
technique /tek'nik/ noun
someone whose job is to teach
a special way of doing something: He wants to
teacher's pet /,.. 'J noun try some new teaching techniques.
a name for a student that the teacher likes a
lot, especially one that the other students do
technology /tek'nabd3i/ noun [U]
all the knowledge and equipment used in sci-
not like
ence, the making of machines etc.: Modern
team /tim/ noun technology has made many jobs easier.

1 a group of people who play a sport or game teddy bear /'tedi ,ber/ noun
against other groups: Mike is on the tennis
a soft toy that looks like a bear
2 a group of people who work together to do teenager /'ti,neid3o7 noun
something: A team of writers wrote the words someone who is between 1 3 and 1 9 years old
for the movie. » compare ADOLESCENT see color picture on —
page 191
tea-pot /'tipat/ noun
a pot used for pouring tea teens /tinz/ plural noun
the period of time when you are between 13
tear 1
and 1 9 years old: She got married in her teens.
a drop of water that comes from your eyes
when you cry
—see picture at HEAD 1

teeth /tie/
tear 2 /ter/ noun
the plural of tooth
a hole in something where it has torn: / have a
tear in my pants. telecommunications
/.tdoko.myuno'keijonz/ noun [U]
tear 3
verb [past tense tore /tor/, past par-
the activity or business of sending and receiving
ticiple torn /torn/)
information by telephone, radio etc.
1 to put a hole in something by pulling it very
hard or touching it with something sharp: She telephone 1
/'teb.foun/ noun
tore her dress on the chair. \
I tore the enve- PHONE
lope open.
telephone 2 verb (telephoning, temporerily /.tempa'rerali/ adverb
telephoned] for a short time only: The school is temporarily
PHONE closed.

telephone number /'... ./ noun temporary /'tempa.reri/ adjective

PHONE NUMBER existing or happening for a short time only: This

telescope is only a temporary job. » compare PERMANENT

/'teta.skoup/ noun tempt /tempt/ verb
an object that you 1 to make someone want
to do or have some-
look through to see thing even wrong or bad: Can tempt you
if it is I

things that are very with another piece of cake?

small or far » 2 be tempted to do something to think about
compare BINOCULARS doing something that may not be a good idea:

television /was tempted to sell my car for the money.

/'teb,vi39n/ noun temptation /temp'teijan/ noun
[also TV] a strong desire to have or do something even if

1 amachine shaped like a box on which you it is wrong or bad

can watch pictures and hear sound: Turn the
television on. —
see color picture on page 1 87
ten /ten/ adjective, noun
the number 10
2 [U] the pictures and sounds that you can
watch and listen to on a television: We are ten-ant /'tenant/ noun
watching television. someone who pays money to live in a house or
3 on television shown on the television: room
What's on television tonight?
tend /tend/ verb
tell /tel/ verb [past told /tould/) tend to do something to be likely to do some-
1 to speak to someone and give facts or infor- thing: She tends to cry at weddings.
mation about something: Tell me what hap-
pened. »
compare SAY 1
tendency /'tendsnsi/ noun [plural
2 to say that someone must do something: /
something that usually happens: Chuck has a
told him to see a doctor about the pain. \
tendency to talk too much.
told me to be home by 10 o'clock.
3 to be able to recognize or judge something tender /'tendaV adjective
correctly: / can always tellwhen he is lying. 1 easy to cut and eat: The meat was nice and
4 tell someone off to talk to someone in an tender. » compare TOUGH
angry way because he or she did something 2 kind and gentle: He has a tender look on his
wrong: My mother told me off for swearing. face.
5 told you so said when someone does

something that you warned him or her not to do

tennis /'tenis/ noun [U]
a game played by two or four people in which
temper /'tempaV noun you hit a ball over a net using a RACKET —see
1 the way you feel, especially when you are color picture on page 1 84
angry: He is not able to control his temper.
2 lose your temper to become very angry sud-
tennis shoe /'.. ,./ noun
a light shoe used for sports

temperature /'tempratJV/ noun

tense 1
/tens/ adjective
1 nervous and worried: You seem tense. Is
1 how hot or cold something is: Water freezes
at a low temperature.
anything wrong? » compare RELAXED
2 tight and stiff, not able to relax: The muscles
2 have a temperature to have a higher body
temperature than usual, especially because you
in my back are tense.

are sick tense 2 noun

the form of a verb that shows whether the
temple /'tempal/ noun
action of the verb happens in the past, now, or
1 a holy building
2 the flat part of your head between your eye
in the future: "I am looking" is in the present
tense, "I looked" is in the past tense, and "I will
and your ear
look" is in the future tense.


tent /tent/ noun terrorist /'tera.nst/ noun

a shelter made of thick cloth supported by poles someone who uses violence to try to make a
—see color picture on page 1 88 government do something

tenth /tenG/ adjective, noun test 1

/test/ verb
1 10th 1 to look at something to see what it is like or
2 one of ten equal parts to find out something: The weapons will be test-
ed by the army.
term /ta-m/ noun
2 to ask someone questions to see he or she if
1 word or expression that has a particular
knows the answers: We will be tested on
meaning: What is the correct term for a baby
American history.
2 a period of time, especially in politics or a test 2 noun
school: There are three terms in our school how
a set of questions used for measuring
year. much someone knows about something: How
well did you do on the math test?
terminal /'ta^manal/ noun
a place where you can get on a bus, plane, or test tube /'. .1 noun
ship a small glass container like a tube that is used
in scientific tests
termite /'tamait/ noun
an insect that eats wood from a tree or building text /tekst/ noun [U]
the writing in a book
terms /ta-mz/ plural noun
the things that you must agree to or accept, text-book /'teksfbuk/ noun
especially in a contract a book that contains information about a par-
ticular subject
terrace /'tens/ noun
1 a flat area cut out of the side of a hill texture /'tekst Ja7 noun
2 a flat area outside a house where you can the way that a surface or material feels when
eat, relax etc. you touch it

terrible /'terabal/ adjective than /dan, den; strong daen/

1 very serious and causing harm or damage: used when you are comparing two things: My
They were in a terrible accident. brother is older than me. Mary sings better \

2 very bad: Your writing is terrible. than anyone else in the class.

terribly /'terabli/ adverb thank /Gaenk/ verb

• 1 very; extremely: I'm terribly sorry to hear 1 to tell someone that you are pleased or
about your loss. grateful: thanked her for the gift.

2 very badly: We played terribly and lost the 2 thank you [also thanks] said to someone to
game. show you are grateful for something: Thank you
for helping us. "Would you like another cup of
ter-rif-ic /ta'nfik/

coffee?" "No, thank you.
very good; enjoyable: What a terrific party!
thankful /'Gasnkfal/ adjective
ter-ri-fy /'tera.fai/ verb (terrifying,
very glad: / was thankful that the children were
to make someone very afraid: / was terrified by
safe. —thankfully adverb
the storm. thanks /Gaerjks/ plural noun
1 the things you say to show that you are
ter-ri-to-ry /'tera.tori/ noun [plural
grateful: He sent a letter of thanks to everyone
who came.
1 land that is controlled by a government: This
2 thanks to someone because of: Thanks to
island is British territory.
Peter, we won the game. We missed the train,
2 an area of land of a

particular type: Wild ani-

thanks to you.
mals will protect their territory.

terror /'teraV noun [U]

Thanksgiving /.Gaenks'givin/ noun [U]
a holiday November when
in families have a
great fear, or something that causes this: She
large meal together, to show their thanks for
ran away in terror.
food, health, families etc.

that /daet/ 2 the act of stealing something: We told the

1 those /douz/) the one oven there; the
[plural police about the theft of our bags.
one farther away than this one: They don't live
their /d^; strong der/
in this house; they live in that one.
belonging to the people or things that have
2 used when about something that has
been mentioned: The children carried their
been mentioned: Did you bring that picture I
bags to school.
wanted? \
I called her, and we met for lunch
later that day. theirs /derz/
3 (/59t/; strong /daet/) used instead of who, something that belongs to people or things that
whom, which: He's the man that sold me the have been mentioned: They looked at our pic-
bicycle. tures, but they didn't show us theirs.

4 (/dat/; strong /daet/] used for joining two

them /dam, am; strong dem/
parts of a sentence: / think that it will rain
the people or things that have been mentioned:
tomorrow. Did you get the letter that sent to
We gave them some food. \
I can't find my
you? shoes; have you seen them?
5 so; very: / can't walk that fast! \
I really don't
care that much. theme /Gim/ noun
6 that is used for giving more information the main idea or subject in a book, movie,
about something, or for correcting something: speech etc.

Paul said his family can come; that is, his wife
themselves /dam'selvz, dem-/
and two kids can come. 1 the same people, animals, or things that the
7 that's that said when something is finished, sentence is about; the same people as "they" in
or when a decision will not be changed: You're
the sentence: The tigers washed themselves in
not going to the party and that's that!
the river.They bought themselves a new car.

thaw /Ga/ verb 2 used they a stronger meaning:

for giving

to become soft or liquid, after having been They painted the house themselves.
frozen: The ice began to thaw. 3 by themselves (a) without help from anyone
else: The children did the drawing by them-
the /da; before a vowel di; strong di/
selves, [b] alone: They spent the day by them-
1 used before another word to show that you
are talking about a particular person or thing:
4 to themselves for their own use: They had
That is the dress that I want. Hand me the red \

the pool to themselves.

2 used in front of the names of some things: then /den/ adverb
We flew over the Mediterranean Sea. \
He lives 1 something has happened; next:
after We
in the United States. watched a movie and then went to bed.
3 used in front of the name for a class or 2 in the past or future: He
at a particular time
group of people: The rich (=rich people] should another city back then.
lived in

help the poor. (=poor people) The library pro- |

3 if one thing is true, the other is also true: "I
vides books for the blind. (=people who cannot lost my ticket." "Then you must get another

see) one.
4 used when talkingabout a particular time or
theory /'Giari, 'Giri/ noun [plural
date: Today is Tuesday, the fifth of May. They \

were popular back in the '50s. (=the 1 950s) an idea that tries to explain something, but it

5 used instead of "each" or "every": Our car may not be true

gets 30 miles to the gallon. (=for each gallon of
gas) there 1
/der/ adverb
6 used for saying that something is important in or near a particular place: Don't sit there by
or famous: It is the movie to see this year. the door; come and sit here. \
Look at that man
over there. » compare HERE
theater /'GiataV noun
a building in which plays are performed, or there 2
where movies are shown there is, there are used for showing that
someone or something exists or that something
theft /0cft/ noun happens: There is a letter for you. \
Are there
1 [U] the crime of stealing: He was. put in
any questions?
prison for car theft.
thereof ore /'derfor/ adverb 3 having a lot of water in it so that it flows
for that reason that has been mentioned: He easily
broke his leg, and therefore he cannot walk.
thing /Gig/ noun
thep-mom-e-ter /G^'mamataV noun 1 an object: What is that thing you are carry-
an instrument that measures heat and cold: ing?
The doctor used a thermometer to find out my 2 an act, idea, action or event: That was a silly
temperature. thing to do. \
A funny thing happened last week.

Thermos /'G^mas/ [trademark] noun things /Gigz/ plural noun

a special type of bottle that keeps hot drinks 1 life in general, and the way it affects some-
hot, or cold drinks cold one: How are things with you? \
Things can be
hard living on your own.
these /diz/
2 the objects that you own, or that you are
the ones here; the ones nearer than that one:
carrying: They lost all their things in the fire. |

/ don't like these books; those are better.

Just put your things there for now.
they /dei/
think /Girjk/ verb [past thought /Got/)
the people, animals, or things that have been
1 to use your mind to decide something, have
mentioned: My friends are coming, and they
ideas, or solve problems: Think carefully before
want you to comestopped at their
too. I

you decide. What are you thinking about?


house, but they were not home.

2 to have an opinion or belief about something:
they'd /deid/ Do you think it will rain? I think that is a good

1 they had: They'd already left the house. idea.

2 they would: They said they'd help. 3 think of something, think up something to
have a new idea, plan, or suggestion: We need
they'll /deil, del/
to think of a way to earn more money. He \

they will: They'll probably arrive tomorrow.

thought up another answer to the problem.
they're /da-; strong der/ 4 think something over to consider something
they are: They're very nice people. carefully before making a decision: Have you
had enough time to think over our offer?
they've /deiv/
5 think back to remember something from the
they have: They've been shopping.
past: Think back to the time you were a boy
thick /Oik/ adjective
thinly /'Gmli/ adverb
1 having a large distance between one side
in a way that
leaves a small distance between
and the other: The house is surrounded by
one side and the other: Spread the butter thin-
thick walls. » compare THIN ly on the bread.
2 filling the air and difficult to see through:
/ couldn't see them through the thick smoke. third /QzrdJ
3 not having a lot of water in it: This soup is 1 3rd
too thick. 2 one of three equal parts
4 growing very close together so there is not
thirst /G^st/ noun [U]
much space in between: She has thick black
the feeling of wanting or needing to drink some-
thing » compare HUNGER
thief /6if/ noun [plural thieves /9ivz/)
thirsty /'Ga-sti/ adjective (thirstier,
someone who steals something: The car thief
was sent to prison. compare ROBBER» feeling that you want to drink something: Can I

thigh /Gai/ noun have some water? I'm very thirsty. » compare
the top part of your leg above your knee HUNGRY

thin /9m/ adjective (thinner, thinnest) thirteen /.Ga^'tin^ / adjective, noun

1 having a small distance between one side the number 13
and the other; narrow: She gave me a thin slice
thir-ty /'Ga^ti/ adjective, noun
of cheese. » compare THICK the number 30
2 not having much fat on your body: You
should eat more; you're too thin. compare » this /dis/ [plural these /diz/)
FAT 1 —
see color picture on page 191 1 the one here; the one nearer than that one:

This is my bowl; that bowl is yours. \

He gave thread 1
/Gred/ noun
me this ring. a long single piece of cotton, silk, or other
2 used when about something that has
talking material that you use to sew clothes
been mentioned: This is the third time I've
called. We took these pictures on our vaca-
thread 2 verb
to put a thread through a hole: Can you thread
this needle for me?
3 so; very: expect it to be this expen-
/ didn't
sive. We never stayed up this late before.
| threat /Grct/ noun
4 nearest to the present time: Should we go a warning that someone will hurt you if you do
there this Friday? not do what he or she wants: He made a threat

thistle noun
against my family.
a wild plant with leaves that have sharp points threat-en /'Gret n/ verb
to say that you hurt another person
will he or
thorn /Gorn/ noun
she does not do what you want

a sharp point that grows on a plant —see pic-

ture at ROSE 2 three /Gri/ adjective, noun

the number 3
thorough /'03^ou, 'Gatou/ adjective
complete and careful, including every detail: threw /Gru/
The police made a thorough search of the the PAST TENSE of the verb throw
house. —
thoroughly adverb
thrill 1 /Gnl/ verb
those /douz/ to make someone feel strong excitement and
the ones over there; the ones farther away pleasure: David thrilled us with his stories.
than this or these ones: Should we give them
thrill 2 noun
these cards, or those that John is holding?
a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure
though /dou/
thrilled /Gnld/ adjective
1 even in spite of: Though he was poor, he
very excited, pleased, or happy
was happy.
2 but: bought it here, though it is probably
/ thrilling /'Orilirj/ adjective
cheaper somewhere else. compare » exciting and interesting: It was a thrilling game!
3 as though as She looked as though she
throat /Grout/ noun
1 the part at the back of your mouth, where
had been crying.
you swallow: / can't speak. I have a sore throat.
thought 1
/Got/ 2 the front outside part of your neck: He
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb grabbed me by the throat.
throne /Groun/ noun
thought 2 noun the chair on which a king or queen sits
1 [U] the act of thinking: After much thought,
he decided not to buy the car.
through 1
/Gru/ preposition
1 one side or end of something and out
2 an idea or opinion that you think of: She's
the other end or side: The nail went through the
very quiet and doesn't share her thoughts.
wood. |
He climbed
through the window.

thought'f ul /'Gotfal/ adjective — see color picture on

page 1 94
serious and because you are thinking
quiet 2 by means of, or because of someone or
about something: He has a
thoughtful look on something: We solved the problem through dis-
his face. — thoughtfully adverb thoughtful- — cussion.
ness noun [U] 3 during and to the end of a period of time:
She slept through the night.
thousand /'Gauzand/ adjective, noun
1 the number 1 ,000: She lived over one thou- through 2 adjective
sand years ago. be through with something to have finished
2 thousands of something a lot of: There using something: Are you through with the
were thousands of people at the game. phone?
thousandth /'GauzandB/ adjective, noun
1 ,000th

through-out /Gru'aut/ preposition ticket /'tikit/ noun

1 in every part of something: He is famous a small piece of paper that shows that you have
throughout the world. paid to do something: Do you have your plane
2 during all of a period of time: It rained ticket?
throughout the night.
tickle /'tikal/ verb (tickling, tickled)
throw 1
/Grou/ verb (throwing, threw /Gru/, to move your fingers lightly on someone's body
past participle thrown) and make him or her laugh: / tickled her under

1 to send something through the air by moving her arms.

your arm and pushing the thing out of your
tic-tac-toe /,tik taek 'tou/ noun [U]
hand: He threw the ball to me, and I caught it.
a game which two players draw the letters X
— see color picture on page 1 89
and in

a pattern of nine squares

2 throw something away to get rid of some-
thing you do not want or need: Did you throw tide /taid/ noun
the newspaper away? the rise and fall of the level of the ocean
3 throw something out to get rid of some-
tidy /'taidi/ adj
thing you do not want or need
4 throw someone out to force someone to
leave a place: He was thrown out of the restau- tie 1 /tai/ verb (tying, tied)
rant for being drunk. 1 to fasten something with a string or rope:
She tied the dog to the fence.
throw 2 noun
2 to make a knot in a rope or string: Can you
an act of throwing something such as a ball
tie your shoes?

thrown /Groun/ 3 be tied to have the same number of points

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb throw in a game: The score is tied.

4 tie something up to fasten something using

thrust /GrASt/ verb [past thrust)
a string or rope: Tie the package up with some
to push something somewhere suddenly and
hard: He thrust his hands into his pockets.
tie 2 noun
thud /GaoV noun
1 a narrow piece of cloth that you wear around
a low sound made by something heavy hitting
your neck, tied in a knot outside your shirt
something else: He and landed with a thud.
—see color picture onpage 1 90
thug /GAg/ noun 2 the result of a game in which no one wins
a violent person because both sides have the same number of
thumb /Gaoi/ noun
the short, thick finger on your hand that helps tiger /'taigaV noun
you hold things —see picture at HAND 1
a large strong wild cat that has yellow fur with

thumbtack /'GAmtaek/ noun

black lines — see color picture on page 183

a short pin with a round, flat top used for tight 1

/tait/ adjective
attaching papers to a wall 1 pulled or stretched closely together: Make
thunder /'GAndaV noun [U]
the knot very tight. » compare SLACK
2 fitting part of your body very closely: These
the loud sound that you hear in the sky during a
shoes are too tight. » compare LOOSE
tight 2 adverb
thunderstorm /'GAnda^, storm/ noun
very firmly or closely: Hold on tight and don't let
a storm with heavy rain, loud noises, and bright
go of my hand.
flashes of light
tight-en /'tait n/ verb
Thursday /'Ga^zdi, -dei/ noun
to close or fasten something firmly: / need to
the day of the week
tighten this screw. It's very loose. » compare
tick 1 /tik/ noun LOOSEN
the short sound made by a watch or clock
tightly /'taitli/ adverb
tick 2 verb firmly: Tie the string tightly.
if a clock ticks, it makes a short sound
tile /tail/ noun 1 8 from time to time sometimes, but not very
a flat thin piece of baked clay used for covering often: We go to the theater from time to time.
floors or walls
time 2 verb (timing, timed]
till 1 /til, tl/ 1 to do something or arrange for something to
until: / was up till 1 :00 a.m. studying for my happen at a particular time: The bomb was
test. timed to go off at 4 o'clock.
2 to measure how long it takes to do some-
till 2
/til/ noun
time off /,. './ noun [U]
timber /'timbaV noun [U]
time when you are allowed not to be at work
trees that are cut down and used for building
things times /taimz/ preposition
multiplied by: 2 times 2 is 4.
time 1
/taim/ noun
1 [U] something that is measured in minutes, timid /'timid/ adjective
hours, days, years etc.: How do your spend not brave; shy
your time at home? tin /tin/ noun [U]
2 [U] a particular point in time shown on a
a soft white metal used for making cans
clock in hours and minutes: What time is it?

3 an occasion when something happens: We'll ti-ny /'tami/ adjective (tinier, tiniest]

go by car next time. When was the last time \

very small
you saw your sister?
tip 1 /tip/ verb (tipping, tipped)
4 [U] the amount of time that you need to do
1 [also tip over] to fall or turn over, or make
something: It takes a long time to learn a new something do this: / tipped the box over and the
language. I don't have time to stop now.
papers fell out.
5 used for showing how often something hap- 2 to lean at an angle, or to make something do
pens: / go swimming three times a week. One \

this: / tipped the table and the glasses fell off.

time (=once) we went to Australia.
3 to give a small amount of money to someone
6 a particular period in history: This road was for his or her service: How much did you tip
built during the time of the Romans.
7 on time at the right time; not early, not late:
The train arrived on time. tip 2 noun
8 in time early or soon enough to do some- 1 the pointed end of something: / cut the tip of
thing: We arrived in time to see her sing. my finger.

9 it's time, it's about time said when you think 2 a small amount of money that you give to
something should be done or should happen someone for his or her service: Did you leave a
soon: She said it was time to go. tip?

10 all the time continuously; often: It rained 3 a useful piece of advice: He gave me some
all the time in Portland. I used to play tennis \
tips on choosing a good car.

all the time.

tip-toe 1 /'tiptou/
11 at a time in one group; together: She can
verb (tiptoeing, tip-
only have two visitors at a time.
12 at times sometimes: / hated my job at
to walk on your toes,
especially when you
13 in no time soon or quickly: We will be there
do not want to make
in no time. any noise: / tiptoed
14 for the time being for now; for a short past the sleeping
while: You can live with us for the time being.
1 5 have a good time to enjoy yourself: Have a
good time at the party. tiptoe 2 noun
16 ahead of time before an event, or before on tiptoe standing on your toes, with the rest
you need to do something: We should arrive of your foot off the ground: Let's walk on tiptoe

ahead of time to get a good seat. so they don't hear us.

1 7 take your time to do something slowly and

tire 1 /taia7 noun
carefully without hurrying: There's no hurry. around
a thick round piece of rubber that fits
Take your time.
the-wheel of a car, bicycle etc.
tire 2 verb (tiring, tired] to-day /ta'dei/ noun, adverb
to feel that you need to rest, or to make some- 1 is happening now:
the day that Today is
one feel this: Even a short walk would tire her Monday.
out. 2 the present time: Many of today's students
use computers at school.
tired /tai^d/ adjective
1 feeling that you need to rest or sleep: / felt toe /tou/ noun
tired after work. one of the five parts on the end of your foot
2 be something to be bored with
tired of — see picture at FOOT
something or annoyed by it: / am tired of listen-
toenail /'touneil/ noun
ing to her stories.
the hard flat part that covers the top end of
3 be tired out to be completely tired
your toe
tissue /'tiju/noun
toffee /'tofi, ' noun
a thin soft piece of paper used for blowing your
a sticky brown candy made from sugar and but-
ter, or a piece of this
ti-tle /'taitl/ noun
1 the name of a story, book, movie etc.
together /ta'gedaV adverb
1 forming a single group, mixture, or object:
2 a word used in front of someone's name:
Can you add these numbers together? \
I stuck
Doctors have the title "Dr. " in front of their
the two pieces of paper together.
2 at the same time: The two letters arrived
to ltd, before vowels tu; strong tu/ adverb, together.
preposition 3 with or next to each other: We went to
1 in the direction of; toward: He ran to the school together.
door. |
We are driving to town.
toilet /'toilit/ noun
2 in order to be in a particular state, place
a container that you sit on to get rid of waste
etc.: / couldn't get to sleep last night. |
Are you
from your body
going to the wedding?
3 used for showing the position of something: toilet paper /'.. ,../ noun [U]
The water came up to our knees. thin soft paper which you use to clean yourself
4 used for showing who receives or owns after you get rid of waste from your body
something: Give the book to her. The ring
belongs to her mother.

token /'touksn/ noun

1 a piece of metal like a coin that you use in
5 used for showing why you do something: She
some machines
, worked hard to earn some money.
2 something that represents a feeling, event,
6 used after a verb to show the INFINITIVE:
We shook hands as a token of our
fact etc.:
Does anyone want to go?
7 used for saying how many minutes there are
until the next hour: It's ten to nine. (=10 min- told /tould/
utes before 9 o'clock] the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
8 from something to something starting with tell

one thing or place and ending with another: /

toll 1 /toul/ noun
can count from 1 to 100. It's twenty miles \

1 the number of people killed or injured at a

from here to the city.
particular time: The death toll has risen to 83.
toad /toud/ noun 2 take its toll (on) to have a bad effect on
an animal like a large FROG someone or something over a long period of
time: Smoking has taken its toll on his health.
toast /toust/ noun [U]
3 the money you have to pay to use a particu-
bread that is heated until it is brown and hard:
lar road, bridge etc.
/ had a piece of toast for breakfast.

toll 2 verb
toaster /'toustaV noun
if a bell tolls, or you toll it, it keeps ringing slowly
a machine that is used for making TOAST

tobacco /ta'baekou/ noun [U]

tomato /ta'meitou/ noun [plural tomatoes]
a soft round red fruit that you can eat raw or
the dried leaves of a plant that are smoked
cooked —see picture at FRUIT
tomb /turn/ noun tooth-ache /'tuGeik/ noun
a grave above the ground in which a dead per- a pain in a tooth
son is put
tooth-brush /'tuGbrAjV noun
tomboy /'tamboi/ noun [plural tomboys) a small brush for cleaning your teeth —see pic-
a girl who likes to play the same games as boys ture at BRUSH 1

tomorrow /to'marou, -'mor-/ noun, tooth-paste /'tuGpeist/ noun [U]

adverb a substance used for cleaning your teeth
1 The day after today: It's too late to do it now.
» compare YESTERDAY tooth-pick /'tuG.pik/ noun
Let's do it tomorrow.
a small pointed piece of wood used
for remov-
2 the future: We are building the computer of
ing pieces of food from between your teeth

ton /tAn/ noun

top 1
/tap/ noun
1 the highest part of something: He climbed to
1 a measure of weight equal to 2,000 pounds
2 a very large amount or weight: We ate tons
the top of the hill. » compare BOTTOM
2 the flat upper surface or cover of something:
of food! This box weighs a ton!

My table has a glass top. He took the top off


tone /toun/ noun the box.

1 the way your voice sounds that shows how 3 clothing that you wear on the upper part of
you are feeling: / could tell that she was angry your body: / need a new top to wear with this
by the tone of her voice. skirt.

2 the sound of a musical instrument

top 2 adjective
tongs /tarjz, togz/ plural noun 1 highest: Put it in the top drawer.
a tool made
two narrow pieces of metal
of 2 best or most successful: It was the top
joined at one end, used for picking things up: movie of the week!
He picked up the hot metal with a pair of tongs.
top 3 verb [topping, topped)
tongue /tAnV noun to be higher, better, or more than something:
1 the part inside your mouth that moves when Our sales topped $1,000,000 this year!
you speak
2 hold your tongue, bite your tongue not to
topic /'tapik/ noun
something to talk or write about
speak:/ wanted to shout at him, but I had to
bite my tongue. torch /tort// noun [plural torches)
a long stick that you burn at one end for a light
to-night /to'nait/ adverb, noun
the night or the evening at the end of today: We tore /tor/
are going to a party tonight. the PAST TENSE of the verb tear

too /tu/ adverb torn /torn/

1 also: / want to come too. \
"I'm hungry. " "I am the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb tear
2 more than is needed or wanted: He drives
tornado /tor'neidou/ noun [plural
tornadoes or tornados)
too fast. She drinks too much.

a storm with strong winds that spin very fast

3 very: You shouldn't have to wait too long for
the bus. torpedo /tor'pidou/ noun [plural
took /tuk/
a weapon that is fired under the surface of the
the PAST TENSE of the verb take
ocean from one ship at another
tool /tul/ noun
something that helps you build or repair things
tortoise /'tortos/ noun
a land animal that moves very slowly, with a
tooth /tuG/ noun [plural teeth /tiG/) hard shell covering its body
1 one of the white hard objects in your mouth
that you use to bite your food: You should brush
torture 1
/'tort faV verb (torturing,
your teeth after every meal.
to make someone suffer pain so that he or she
2 one of the sharp pointed pants on a comb or
will give information

torture 2 noun tourism /'tunzam/ noun [U]
the act of making someone suffer pain so that the business of having places for people to stay
he or she will give information and things for them to do while on vacation

toss /tos/ verb tourist /'turist/ noun

1 to throw something: They tossed the ball to someone who travels for pleasure
each other.
2 toss something out to get rid of something:
tournament /'turnamant, 'tW noun
a sports competition
"Where's the newspaper?" "I tossed it out.

total 1
/'toutl/ noun
tow /tou/ verb
to pull a vehicle or ship using a rope or chain:
the final number after everything has been
added together: Add up these numbers and tell
We towed the car to the garage.

me the total. toward /tord, ta'word/ [also towards)

total 2 adjective
1 in the direction of: She walked toward me.
complete; including everything: The total cost |

of the building is not yet known.

The storm was moving toward the city. He |

lives down toward San Diego. see color pic- —

totally /'toutl-i/ adverb ture on page 1 94
completely: / totally agree with you. 2 just before a particular time: / felt tired
toward the end of the day
touch 1
/tAtJV verb
1 to put your finger, hand etc. on something so
3 concerning someone or something: How do
you feel toward her?
that you feel it: Don't touch the paint. It's still

wet. towel /'taual/ noun

2 two things are touching, there is no space
if a piece of cloth used for drying something
between them: Are the wires touching?
tower /'taua-/ noun
touch 2 noun a tall narrow building or part of a building
1 the action of putting your finger, hand etc. on
something: / felt the touch of his hand.
town /taun/ noun
a place with many houses and stores where
2 sense that you use to feel something
[U] the
by putting your finger, hand etc. on it
people live and work »
compare CITY
3 get in touch to write to someone or to tele- town hall /,. './noun
phone him or her: I've been trying to get in a building used for a town's local government
touch with you all day.
A keep in touch, stay in touch to speak or toy /t di/ noun [plural toys)

write to someone regularly: Do you still keep in

an object made for children to play with

touch with John? trace 1

a small sign thatshows that someone or some-
tough /tAf/ adjective
thing has been in a place: We found no trace
1 difficult and needing a lot of effort: She has
of them in the building.
a tough job. Moving here was a tough deci-

sion. trace 2 verb [tracing, traced)

2 not easy to cut or bite; hand: This meat is 1 to copy a picture, plan etc. by putting a piece
tough. »
compare TENDER of paper over it and drawing the lines that you
3 very strict: There are tough laws against can see
smoking. 2 to try to find someone or something by look-
ing carefully: They are trying to trace the miss-
tour 1
/tur/ noun
ing child.
1 a trip during which you visit different places:
They have gone on a tour of Egypt. track /traek/ noun
2 a short trip through a place to see the things 1 a road or path with a rough surface
in it: We went on a tour of the museum. 2 the two metal lines along which a train rolls:

tour 2 verb
We walked across the railroad tracks.

to visit a place during a trip: We toured a candy

3 tracks [plural] a series of marks made on
the ground by an animal, person, or vehicle:
The hunter followed the animal's tracks.
track and field

4 keep track of to know where something is tragedy /'traed39di/ noun [plural

and what is happening: It is hard to keep track tragedies)
of everyone's names. 1 an event that causes a lot of sadness: Her
5 lose track of to not know where something son's death was a great tragedy.
is, or not know what is happening: I've lost 2 a serious play with a sad ending
track of when the meeting is.
tragic /'traed3ik/ adjective
track and field /,. .
'./ noun [U] very sad: She had a tragic accident.
all the sports that involve running races, jump-
trail noun
ing,and throwing things —see colon picture on 1
a series ofmarks on the ground that show
page 184
where someone or something has been: The
tractor /'traektaV noun man left a trail of blood on the floor.
a large vehicle used for pulling farm equipment 2 a path across open country, or through
—see color picture on page 187 mountains or woods
trade 1
/treid/ noun trailer /'treilaV noun
1 [U] the activity of buying and selling goods: a vehicle that can be pulled by a car —see color
Trade with other countries is important. picture on page 187
2 an exchange of one thing for another:
/ made a trade for his baseball.
train 1
/trem/ noun

3 a particular job: She's a dressmaker by

1 a number of railroad cars pulled by an

ENGINE —see color picture on page 1 87
2 by train on a train: We traveled by train.
trade 2
verb (trading, traded)
1 to buy and sell goods: We trade with other
train 2 verb

1 to teach someone or be taught to do a par-

2 to exchange one thing for another: /'// trade

ticular job or activity: She is training to become
a nurse.
my candy for your book.
2 to prepare for a sports event by exercising:
trademark /'treidmark/ noun / am training for the Olympics.
a special name or mark on a product that
shows that it is made by a particular company
trainee /trei'ni/ noun
someone who is being taught how to do a job
trader noun /'treidaV
someone who buys and sells goods
training /'tremir)/ noun [U]
1 the process of being taught how to do a par-
tradition /tra'dijan/ noun ticular job: Do you have any training in comput-
a belief or custom that has existed for a long ers?
time: Telling stories at Christmas is an old fam- 2 special activities or exercises that you do for
ily tradition. a sport

traditional /tra'dijanl/ adjective traitor /'treitaV noun

being done in a particular way for a long time: someone who is not loyal to his or her friends
We sing a traditional song at family birthdays. or country: The traitor was sent to prison.
—traditionally adverb transfer 1
/'traensfa\ traens'faV verb
traf-f ic /'traefik/ noun [U] (transferring, transferred)
1 the cars and people moving on a particular tomove from one place or job to another: His
road: The city streets are full of traffic. company transferred him to another office. I \

2 the movement of airplanes, ships, or trains want to transfer some money into my bank
from one place to another account.

traffic jam /'.. ,./ noun transfer 2 noun

a long line of vehicles that cannot move, or that the act of moving someone or something from
move slowly on a road one place to another
traffic lights /'.. ,./ plural noun transform /traens'fDrm/ verb
lights that change color to direct the movement to change the appearance or character of
of traffic something or someone completely: The country
transformed itself into a world power.
tran-si-tive /'traen.zstiv/ noun, adjective trash can /'. ./ noun
a transitive verb has an object: In the sentence GARBAGE CAN
I gave the book to Jane, "gave" is a transitive
» compare travel 1
/'traeval/ verb
1 to make a trip from one place to another:
translate /'traenzleit, ,traenz'leit/ verb / want to travel around the world.
[translating, translated) 2 to move at a particular speed, or go a par-
to give the meaning of words
one language in
of ticular distance: What speed is he traveling? |

another language: He translated the speech We traveled 200 miles today.

from Spanish into English. —
translator noun
» compare INTERPRET travel 2 noun [U]
the activity of traveling: The rain is making trav-
translation noun
/traenz'leijan/ el difficult.

1 something that has been changed from one

language into another
travel agency /'.. ,.../ noun [plural
travel agencies]
2 [U] the activity or job of changing the words
a business that arranges travel and vacations
of one language into another

transparent /traens'paerant, -'per-/

travel agent /'.. ,../ noun
someone who works in a TRAVEL AGENCY
clear and easy to see through: Glass is trans- traveler /'traevoteV noun
parent. someone who is on a trip

trans-plant /traens'plaent/ verb traveler's check /'... ,./ noun

to move something from one place to another a special check that you take to another coun-
try to get money in that country
trans-port /traens'port/ verb
to move or carry goods or people from one tray /trei/ noun [plural trays]
place to another: The coal was transported by a flat piece of wood, metal, or plastic that is

train. used for carrying food, plates etc.

transportation /.traenspa^'teijan/ treasure /'tn^aV noun [U]

noun [U] gold, silver, jewels, money etc.: They found the
the process or business of moving people or treasure buried under a tree.
goods from one place to another: Buses are an
important form of public transportation.
treat 1
/trit/ verb
1 to behave toward someone in a particular
trap 1
/traep/ noun way: He treats his dog very badly. At work she \

*l a piece of equip- treats everyone the same.

ment for catching an 2 to consider something in a particular way:
animal: Did you buy a The subject of crime must be treated carefully.
mouse trap? 3 to give someone medical attention for an
2 a plan to catch injury or sickness: The children were treated
someone: The police for burn injuries.
set a trap for the 4 to give someone something special: I'm
thieves. going to treat my mother to a new hat.

trap 2 verb treat 2

[trapping, trapped] something special that you give to someone or
1 be trapped to not be able to escape from a do for someone: As a treat, I bought her some
dangerous or unpleasant place: She was ice cream.
trapped in the burning house.
2 to catch an animal in a trap: He is trapping
treatment n
/'trit m9nt/ noun

1 a waymaking someone who is sick or

injured better: The hospital is trying a new
trash /traeJV noun treatment for bone disease.
waste material such as old food and dirty paper, 2 [U] the way you behave towards someone:
or the container that this is put into: Throw this He did not receive any special treatment.
in the trash for me.

treaty noun [plural treaties]

/'triti/ 2 a set of actions done to entertain people:
a formal writtenagreement between two or /can do magic tricks.
more countries: Both countries signed the 3 play a trick on someone to surprise some-
peace treaty. one and make other people laugh: She played a
trick on her brother.
tree /tri/ noun
a large plant with branches, leaves, and a thick trick 2 verb
TRUNK (=main stem) to deceive or cheat someone: He tricked me
into giving him my money.
tremble /'trembal/ verb (trembling,
trembled) trickle /'tnkal/ verb (trickling, trickled)
to shake because you are afraid, upset, or if a liquid trickles, it flows in drops or a thin
angry: Her lips are trembling with fear. stream: Blood trickled from the wound.

tremendous /tn'mendss/ adjective tricky /'tnki/ adjective (trickier, trickiest)

1 very great in size, amount, or power: A difficult to deal with: This is a tricky job.
tremendous explosion destroyed the building.
tri-cyde /'traisikal/ noun
2 very good or wonderful: The plan was a small vehicle with one wheel at the front and
a tremendous success. tremendously — two at the back, usually for children
tried /traidV
trench /trentJV noun [plural trenches)
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
a long narrow hole that is dug in the earth
trend /trend/ noun
trig«ger /'tngaV noun
the way that a situation develops or changes
a small part of a gun that you press with your
trespass /'trespass/ verb finger to fire it

to go onto someone else's land without permis-

trim /trim/ verb (trimming, trimmed)
to make something neater by cutting a small
trespasser /'trespaesa\ -'pasaV noun amount off it: She trimmed his hair.

someone who goes onto someone else's land

trip 1 /trip/ noun
without permission
an occasion when you go from one place to
trial /'traial/ noun another: She is on a business trip to New York.
1 the process which a court of law decides
trip 2 verb (tripping, tripped)
whether someone is guilty of a crime: The trial
to hit your foot against something so that you fall
lasted a month. She is on trial for murder. Be careful! Don't trip over that box.

or nearly fall:
2 a test to know if something is good or bad:
The trials for the new drug are going well. triumph /'traiamf/ noun
a victory or a success: Winning the race is a
tri-an-gle /'trai.aerjgsl/ noun
great triumph for our team.
a flat shape with three straight sides and three
angles —triangular adjective —see picture at troMey /'trali/ noun [plural trolleys)

SHAPE 1 a vehicle that carries people along the street on

metal tracks
tribal /'traibal/ adjective
relating to a tribe: / collect tribal art. troops /trups/ plural noun
groups of soldiers
tribe /train/ noun
a group of people of the same race, language, tro-phy /'troofi/ noun [plural trophies)

customs etc. that live in one place a prize given to someone for winning a game or
tribute /'tnbyut/ noun
something that you say, do, or give to show tropical /'trapikal/ adjective

your respect or admiration for someone: The 1 coming from or existing in the hottest parts
movie is a tribute to their courage. of the world: The coconut is a tropical plant.
2 very hot: / am not used to tropical weather.
trick 1 /tnk/ noun
1 something that you do to deceive someone: tropics /'trapiks/ plural noun
He got the money from me by a trick. the tropics the hottest wettest parts of the
trouble 1
/'trAbal/ noun trunks /trArjks/ plural noun
1 [U]problems that make something difficult: a piece of ciothing like short pants, that men
I'm having some trouble with the car. wear when they swim
2 [U] a difficult or dangerous situation: Visitors
trust 1
/trASt/ verb
to the country could be in trouble.
1 to believe that someone is honest and good
3 [U] a problem that you have with your health:
and will not hurt you: / don't trust her since she
He has heart trouble.
lied to me.
4 a situation in which someone is angry with
2 to depend on something: You can trust him
you and wants to punish you: Is she in trouble
to do his best.
with the police again?
5 the effort and time that is needed to do trust 2 noun [U]
something: He took the trouble to explain it to the belief that someone is good and honest and
me. |
It's no trouble (=no difficulty] to help you. will not hurt you: You have to be careful who you
6 a situation in which people argue or fight put your trust in.

with each other

7 the trouble with someone or something
trustworthy /'trASf.w^di/ adjective
able to be trusted or depended on: Let Paul
used when saying what is not good about some-
have the money; he's trustworthy.
one or something: The trouble with her is she
always criticizes people. truth /truG/ noun [U]
what is true; the correct facts: You should
trouble 2 verb (troubling, troubled)
always tell the truth. » compare LIE 2
to ask someone to do something for you, espe-
cially when it is difficult: not trouble you again.
/'// fcruthf ul /'truOfsl/ adjective
giving the true facts about something: The
troubled /'trAbald/ adjective
statement is truthful. —truthfully adverb
having many emotional problems
try 1
/trai/ verb (trying, tried)
trough noun /trof/
1 attempt to do something: He tried to
a long narrow open container that holds food or
climb the tree, but he could not. Please try not |

water for animals

to be late.
truck /trAk/ noun 2 to do something or test something to find
a large vehicle used for carrying heavy loads out if it is suitable or good: Try another match
—see color picture on page 1 87 to see if it lights. Are you going to try out your

new radio? I want to try another piece of cake.

true /tru/ adjective (truer, truest)

3 to examine and judge someone in a court of

1 correct, real, and based on facts: / will tell
law: He being tried for the crime.
you a true story » compare FALSE, UNTRUE

4 trysomething on to put on a piece of cloth-

2 come true dreams or wishes come true,
ing to see if it fits you: Can I try this shirt on?
they happen: His wish of writing a book finally

came true. try 2 noun [plural tries)

an attempt to do something: If you can't open
truly /'truli/ adverb
the box, let me have a try.
really; in a way that is true: / am truly grateful
for all your help. T-shirt /'ti JVt/ noun

trumpet /'trAmpit/ noun

a light shirt with short sleeves —see color pic-
ture on page 190
a musical instrument that you blow into, shaped
like a bent metal tube that is wide at one end tub /tAb/ noun
1 a bathtub
trunk /trArjk/ noun
2 a round container used for holding things:
1 the thick wooden stem of a tree
A tub of ice sat outside.
2 an enclosed space at the back of a car in

which you can carry tools, bags etc. tube /tub/ noun
3 a large box in which you carry or store 1 a hollow pipe made of metal, plastic, glass,
clothes or rubber
4 the long nose of an ELEPHANT 2 a long round container for a soft substance:
5 the human body without the head, arms, or We need to buy a tube of toothpaste, —see pic-
legs ture at CONTAINER
tuck IX\VJ verb tunnel
1 push the edge of a piece of clothing into
something else: Tuck your shirt into your pants.
2 tuck someone in to make someone comfort-
able in bed by pulling the covers over him or her
3 to put something into a small space or a
safe place: She tucked the money into her

Tuesday /'tuzdi, -dei/ noun

tunnel 1
/'tAnl/ noun
the third day of the week
a passage through a mountain or under the
tug 1
/tAg/ verb (tugging, tugged) ground, for cars or trains
to pull something hard: The child tugged at my tunnel 2 verb
to dig apassage through a mountain or under
tug 2
noun the ground
a sudden strong gave the rope a
1 pull: / tug.
turban /'ta^ban/ noun
2 [also tug boat] a small powerful boat used
a long piece of cloth that is worn around the top
for pulling ships to or from a place
of your head
tug-of-war /,. .
'./ noun
turkey /'ta-ki/ noun [plural turkeys)
a competition which two groupsin of people pull
1 a large farm bird that is used for food
on opposite ends of a rope
2 [U] the meat of this bird: We had roast
tulip /'tulip/ noun turkey for dinner.
a brightly colored flower shaped like a cup
turn 1
/tan/ verb
tumble /'tAmbal/ verb (tumbling, 1 tomove so that you are looking in a new
tumbled) direction: She turned to look behind her. |
to fall or roll suddenly: She tumbled down the turned over in the bed.
stairs. 2 to go in a new direction, or make something
do this: She turned end of the road.
left at the
tumbler /'tAmblaV noun
3 to go around and around, or make some-
a glass with a flat bottom and straight sides
thing do this: The wheels are turning. \
Turn the
tummy /'t Ami/ noun [plural tummies) wheel to the right.

your stomach: Mommy, I have a tummy ache. 4 to become a particular age: He just turned
40. When does she turn 21?
tuna /'tuns/ noun
5 to

move an object so that it is facing a new

a large common ocean fish, or the meat from direction: / turned the box over to see the bot-
this fish, usually sold in cans
tune 1
/tun/ noun 6 turn something down (a) to make a machine
a series of musical notes that are pleasant to produce less sound, heat etc.: Turn the televi-
listen to: The song has a happy tune. » com- sion down. It's too loud, (b) [also turn someone
pare SONG down) to say no to an offer or request: He
turned down the new job.
tune 2 verb (tuning, tuned)
7 turn something off to make something stop
1 to make small changes to the strings of a
working: Turn the radio off.
musical instrument so that it gives the correct
8 turn something on to make something start
sound: When was the last time the piano was
working: Turn the heater on.
9 turn up (a) to make a machine produce
2 tune watch or listen to a particular tele-
in to
more sound, heat etc.: Please turn up the TV. I

vision or radio program: Millions of people

can't hear it! (b) to arrive at a place: He turned
tuned in to watch the game.
up late.

tune-up /'. ./ noun 10 turn a page to move a page so that you

an occasion when someone fixes and cleans can see the next one
your car's engine 1 1 turn something out if you turn out a light,
you push a button to make it stop shining
12 turn something over to give someone the TV /,. './ noun
right toown something or be responsible for 1 a television: Turn on the TV.
something: He turned the business over to his 2 on TV shown on the television: There's a
children. good movie on TV tonight.
1 3 turn to to try to get help from someone or
something: He turned to his parents for advice.
tweezers /'twiz^z/ plural noun

14 turn out to happen in a particular way, or

a small tool made
of two thin pieces of metal
joined at one end, used for pulling out single
have a particular result: How did the meeting
turn out?
1 5 turn something into something to become twelfth /twelfO/ adjective, noun
something different, or make something do 12th
this: She turned her bedroom into an office.

16 turn someone against someone or some- twelve /twelv/ adjective, noun

thing to make someone stop liking or agreeing the number 12

with someone or something: My bad experi- twen-ty /'twenri/ adjective, noun
ences turned me against the job. the number 20
turn 2
noun twice /twais/ adverb
1 the time when it is your chance to do some- two times: You've asked me that question twice.
thing: It's my turn to choose a movie.
2 take turns to do something that a group of
twig /twig/ noun
a very small branch on a tree
people are doing, one after the other: We took
turns driving the children to school. twin /twin/ noun
3 the act of moving an object or your body so one of two children who are born to the same
that it faces a different direction: Give the mother at the same time
wheel another turn.
4 a change in the direction you are moving: twin bed /,. './ noun
a bed for one person
Make a right turn at the end of the road.
5 a place where a road joins another road: We twinkle /'twigkal/ verb [twinkling,
missed our turn and had to stop the car. twinkled]

turn signal /'. ,../ noun

to shine while changing from bright to dark: The
stars twinkled in the sky.
one of the two lights on a car that are used for
showing that the car is going to turn left or twist 1
/twist/ verb
right 1 to turn something together or around some-
turtle /'ta-tl/ noun thing else: She twisted her hair around her fin-
an animal with a hard shell over its body, that
lives mainly in the water see color picture on — 2 to turn around or bend a part of your body:

page 183 / twisted my ankle when I fell.

3 to have a lot of curves and change direc-

tusk /tAsk/ noun tions: The path twisted up the hill.
one of two very long
pointed teeth that
twist 2 noun
grows out of the
1 a shape made by twisting something: There
are several twists in the rope.
mouth an animal
such as an ELEPHANT 2 a sudden change in a story or situation: Her
information put a new twist on things.
tutor 1
/'tutaV 3 a bend in a road or river
someone who teach- twitch /twit JV verb

es only one or a few

to move suddenly and quickly without control:

students in a particular subject Her French The cat's tail twitched several times. —twitch
tutor teaches her at home.

tutor 2
two /tu/ adjective, noun
to teach someone a particular subject: He the number 2
tutored me in English. ty-ing /'tai-in./

the PRESENT PARTICIPLE of the verb tie

type 1
/taip/ noun person, or thing: A typical day at work goes by
a particular kind of person or thing: A rose is a very slowly.
type of flower. » compare KIND 1

typically /'tipikli/ adverb

type 2 verb [typing, typed) in theway that something usually happens:
to writesomething using a machine such as a Prices typically fall when there is too much of a
computer: Are you finished typing the letter? product.

typewriter /'taip.raitaV noun typing /'taipir)/ noun [U]

a machine used for writing letters onto paper the activity of writing using a machine such as
a computer or TYPEWRITER
typ-i-cal /'tipikal/ adjective
having the usual qualities of a particular group,
uncertain what to buy for her. \
Our plans are

still uncertain.

uncle /'Agksl/ noun

the brother of one of your parents, or the hus-
band of the sister of one of your parents
» compare AUNT
unclear /,An'klir< / adjective
difficult to understand or be sure about: Her
UFO /,yu ef 'ou/ noun instructions were unclear.
an object in the sky that you do not recognize;
some people think it might be a space vehicle
uncomfortable /An'kAmftabgl,
An'kAmfotsbal/ adjective
from another world — see color picture on page 1 not feeling relaxed, or not pleasant to sit on,
lie on, or wear: The large chair was uncom-
ugly /'Agli/ adjective [uglier, ugliest] fortable.
very unpleasant to look at: The little dog has an 2 embarrassed or worried; not happy: / feel
ugly face. uncomfortable talking about my personal life.

umbrella /Am'breb/ noun uncommon /An'kaman/ adjective

a piece of plastic stretched over a frame, that » compare RARE
rare or unusual
you can hold over your head to protect you from
the rain
unconscious /.An'kanfss* / adjective
not able to see, hear, or move because you are
umpire /'AmpaiaV noun not conscious: The fall knocked her unconscious
someone who makes sure that the rules are for several minutes. » opposite CONSCIOUS
obeyed in a sports game
uncontrollable /.Ankan'troutabal/
unable /An'eibal/ adjective adjective
not able to do something: She was unable to not able to be stopped or controlled: He was in
attend the meeting because she was sick. a state of uncontrollable anger.
» opposite ABLE
uncover /An'kAvaV verb
unacceptable /.Anak'septabal/ 1 to remove a cover from on top of something
adjective else: He uncovered the dish and showed us the
so wrong or bad that it should not continue: food.
Your behavior is totally unacceptable! 2 to discover a fact, event etc. that was secret
The police uncovered their plan to
unanimous /yu'naenamas/ adjective
or hidden:
steal the money.
a unanimous decision is one on which everyone

agrees under /'AndaV preposition, adverb

or to a lower place that below some-
unarmed /,An'armd< / adjective
1 in

She sat the shade under a tree.


not carrying a gun or other weapon » opposite thing: in \

shoes are under the bed. see color picture on —
page 194
unattractive /,An3'traektiv< / 2 less than a particular number, age, amount
adjective etc.: The ticket was under ten dollars. (=cost
not beautiful or attractive: The company is in an less than $10) All the children are under

unattractive area of the city. » opposite twelve years old.

ATTRACTIVE 3 controlled or governed by a system, govern-
ment etc.: The country is under military rule.
unbearable /.An'berabal/ adjective
4 having a lower position in a job, company
too painful or unpleasant for you to be able to
etc.: She has three people under her at work.
deal with it: The pain in my leg is unbearable.
5 under way happening or being done: The pro-
unbelievable /.Anbi'livabal/ adjective ject is already under way.
very surprising: It's unbelievable how strong she
is. » opposite BELIEVABLE
undergo /.Anda^'gou/ verb
[present participle undergoing, past tense
uncertain /An'sa-t^n/ adjective underwent /.Anda^'went/, past participle
not sure or certain about something: He was undergone /.Anda^'gan/)
to experience something that is unpleasant or 1 to start to do something such as a piece of
hard to deal with: He underwent two operations work: He has undertaken the job of writing the
on his foot. report.
2 undertake to do something to promise or
undergraduate /,And^'graed3uit/
agree to do something: She undertook to pay
the money back before July.
a student in the first four years of college
underground /'And^graund/ adjective o o° °c
under the ground; under the earth's surface:
There is an underground tunnel to the house.

underline /'Anda-.lam, .And^'lain/ verb

(underlining, underlined)
to draw a line under a word or words: This sen-
tence is underlined.

underneath /.And^'niG/ adverb, prepo-

sition underwater /.Andar'wota^ , -'wa-/
below or under something: We turned the rock adjective
over to see what was underneath. below the surface of the water: Can you swim
underwater? I have an underwater camera.
underpants /'Anda^paents/ plural noun

a short piece of underwear that you wear on underwear /'Anda^wer/ noun [U]
the lower part of your body clothes that you wear next
to your body under
your other clothes: You should change your
underpass /'Anda\paes/ noun
underwear (=put on clean underwear) every
a road that goes under another road
undershirt /'And^,J>t/ noun
underwent /,And^'went/
a piece of underwear that you wear under a
the PAST TENSE of the verb undergo

understand /,And^'staend/ verb

undid /An'did/
the PAST TENSE of the verb undo
(understanding, understood /.And^'stud/)
1 to know the meaning of words or ideas: Do undo A\n'du/ verb [present participle undo-
you understand what I am saying? She under-
ing, past tense undid /An'did/, past participle
stands Japanese. undone /An'dAn/)
2 know how someone feels and why he or
to to try toremove the bad effects of something:
she behaves the way he or she does: Michael You won't be able to undo your mistakes.
just doesn't understand me. Believe me,
understand how you feel.
undone /,An'dAn</ adjective
1 not finished or completed: The work on the
understanding 1
/.And^'staendin/ bridge is still undone.
noun [U] 2 not tied or closed: My shirt button is

1 knowledge about something: He has a good undone.

understanding of English.
2 sympathy or pity for someone: / appreciate
undress Aui'dres/ verb
to take your clothes off, or take someone else's
your understanding.
clothes The doctor asked me to undress.
off: \

understanding 2
adjective She undressed the baby. »
opposite DRESS 1

showing sympathy and pity for someone: She

was very understanding when I told her my
undressed /An'drest/ adjective
not wearing any clothes: / got undressed and
went to bed.
understood /.And^'stud/
uneasy /,An'izi«/ adjective (uneasier,
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
feeling anxious, afraid, or embarrassed in a sit-

undertake /,And^'teik/ verb [present uation: had an uneasy

/ feeling that someone
participle undertaking, past tense undertook, was watching me.
past participle undertaken)
unemployed /,Anim'pbid< / adjective unfortunately /An'fortjonitli/
without a job: He was unemployed for two adverb
months. used when you are sorry or disappointed about
something: Unfortunately, I can't come to your
unemployment /.Anim'pbimant/ party. »
noun [U]
1 the condition of not having a job: The city has unf riendly /An'frendli/ adjective
high unemployment. (=a lot of people do not [unfriendlier, unfriendliest)
have jobs] » opposite EMPLOYMENT not nice or pleasant » opposite FRIENDLY
2 money that the government pays to people
who do not have jobs: My brother is drawing
unhappy /An'haepi/ adjective (unhappier,
unemployment. [=receiving money)
sad or worried; not happy: She felt unhappy
uneven /An'ivan/ adjective about her marriage. opposite HAPPY »
not level, flat, or smooth: It is difficult to run
across uneven ground. » opposite EVEN 1
unhealthy /An'helGi/ adjective
(unhealthier, unhealthiest]
unexpected /,Anik'spektid</ 1 not in good health; not physically healthy:
adjective The child is thin and unhealthy. » opposite
not what you think will happen; surprising: We HEALTHY
had an unexpected visitor. 2 likely to cause bad health or harm: It's

unhealthy to eat so much fat.

unfair /,An'fer< / adjective
not treating people equally; not right or fair: It's unhelpful /An'helpfal/ adjective
unfair to pay me less than her. » opposite not helping someone else; not helpful
uniform /'yuno.form/ noun
un faith ful /An'feiOfgl/ adjective special clothing that you wear for a job, at a
having a sexual relationship with someone who school etc. : The police wear dark blue uniforms.
not your usual partner
unimportant / 1
Anim'p3rt n nt< /

unfamiliar /.Anfa'milyaV adjective adjective

not what is known to you; strange: / am unfa- not causing you to worry; not important: All
miliar with her writing. these small details are unimportant.

unfashionable /An'faejsnabal/ uninteresting /An'intnstinV

adjective adjective
not popular at the present time » opposite not interesting » compare DULL, BORING
union /'yunyan/ noun
unfavorable /An'feivargbal/ adjective 1 group of workers who
[also labor union] a
unfavorable events or conditions are not as have joined together to protect their pay and
good as you want them to be: We wanted to go working conditions: Have you joined the union?
to the beach, but the weather was unfavorable. 2 the act of joining two or more things togeth-
er: The country was formed by a union of
unf inished /An'fmijt/ adjective
not complete yet; not finished: / am working on
an unfinished painting. unique /yu'nik/ adjective
1 the only one of its type: Her collection of
unf it /An'fit/ adjective
ancient coins is unique.
not suitable or not good enough to be used for
2 very special and good: / have a unique oppor-
something: The food is unfit for small children.
tunity to hear him perform in person.
» opposite FIT 2

unfold unit /'yunit/ noun

/An'fould/ verb
1 someone or something that
is a whole part
to open something that was folded: She unfold-
of something larger: The family is a basic social
ed the letter carefully.
unit. She works in the emergency unit at the

unfortunate /An ' adjective hospital.

having bad luck; unlucky: He had an unfortunate 2 an amount or quantity used as a standard of
accident. » opposite FORTUNATE measurement: The dollar is the unit of money
in the U.S.

unite /yu'nait/ verb [uniting, united) unlucky /.An'UkH / adjective (unluckier,

to join together with other people and act as unluckiest]
one group: The threat of an attack united the having bad luck; not lucky: Some people think
country. that 13 is an unlucky number. was unlucky \
I to
have missed the bus. » opposite LUCKY
United Nations /.,..'../ noun
the United Nations [also UN) an organization unmarried /,An'maerid< / adjective
of countries that tries to find solutions to world not married; SINGLE
unnatural /.An'naetjargl/ adjective
universal /.yuna'v^sal* / adjective not what is usual, expected, or normal; not nat-
concerning all the people in a group or the ural: It's unnatural for a child to be so quiet.
world: We want to start universal health care.
unnecessary /.An'nesa.seri/
universe /'yuns.v^s/ noun adjective
the universe all the space, stars etc. that exist not needed: He made a lot of unnecessary

u-ni-ver-si-ty /.yung'v^sgti/ noun [plural

changes to the plans. » opposite NECESSARY

universities) unpack /An'paek/ verb

a school at the highest level, where you study to take things out of a suitcase or box: I'm
for a DEGREE: Which university did you go to? going to unpack my suitcase. » opposite PACK
» compare COLLEGE unpleasant /An'plezant/ adjective
unkind /,An'kamd< / adjective not nice or enjoyable: There's an unpleasant
cruel or not nice: She made some unkind smell in the house. » opposite PLEASANT
remarks about me. » opposite KIND 2
unplug /An'pLvg/ verb (unplugging,
unknown /.An'noun* / adjective unplugged)
not known about by most people: The cause of to remove a PLUG from the wall and stop a
the disease is unknown. piece of electrical equipment from working

unleaded /,An'ledid< / adjective unpopular /An'papyglaV adjective

unleaded gas does not contain any LEAD not liked by most people » opposite POPULAR

unless /snies, An-/ unreal / t

An'ril< / adjective
used for saying what will happen or be true if very strange; not relating to real situations on
something else does not happen: Unless you experiences: The whole trip seems so unreal.
leave now, you'll be late.
unreasonable /An'rizgnabal/ adjective
unlike /,An'laik< / adjective, preposition wrong, or not fair and acceptable: He's making
1 different from someone or something else: unreasonable demands on our time. oppo- »
I've never known two brothers to be so unlike site REASONABLE
one another.
2 not typical of someone: It is unlike John to be
unrelated /,Ann'leitid</ adjective
not connected with something else
so violent.

unreliable /.Ann'laiabal* / adjective
/,An'laikli< / adjective
not able to be trusted or depended on: The
not to happen: The plane unlikely to

leave in this weather. » opposite


information that I have is unreliable. » opposite
unload /An'loud/ verb
unroll /An'roul/ verb
1 to take goods off of a vehicle: He quickly
to open something that is curled into a tube and
unloaded the truck. » opposite LOAD
make it flat: He unrolled the blanket and sat
2 to take film out of a camera, or bullets out of
down on it.
a gun

unlock /An'luk/ verb

unruly /An'ruli/ adjective
behaving in an uncontrolled or violent way: The
to open a lock on a door, box etc.: She unlocked
unruly crowd began to shout.
the door and went in. » opposite LOCK
unsafe Mn'seif/ adjective
dangerous; not safe
unsatisfactory /.Ansaetis'faektari/ wrapped around something: She unwound the
adjective yarn from the ball.

not good enough: Your written work is unsatis-

unwise /,An'waiz< / adjective
not reasonable or wise: The company has
unscrew /An'skru/ verb made some unwise decisions.
to open or undo something by twisting
bulb and put in this one.
unwound /An'waund/
Unscrew the light
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
unsteady /Mi'stedi/ adjective unwind
shaking when you move; not firm, and likely to
unwrap /An'raep/ verb [unwrapping,
fall: My legs are unsteady.
unsuccessful /.Ansak'sesfal* / adjective to remove the covering off something: She
not doing what you wanted to achieve: He is an unwrapped her presents. » opposite WRAP
unsuccessful writer. » opposite SUCCESSFUL
unzip Mn'zip/ verb (unzipping, unzipped)
unsuitable /An'sutebal/ adjective to open a piece of clothing that had been fas-
not good for a particular purpose or person: tened with a ZIPPER: She unzipped her jacket.
The movie unsuitable for young children.
» opposite SUITABLE
up l\pl adverb, preposition, adjective
1 toward or in a higher place or position: She
unsure /,An'JurW adjective climbed up the tree. Go up the hill and turn

not certain about something, or about what you right. »

compare DOWN see color picture 1

have to do: / am unsure about the rules of the on page 194
game. 2 increasing in loudness, strength, heat etc.:
Turn up the TV, please. \
Sales are up this year.
un-tie Mn'tai/ verb [untying, untied)
3 awake or out of bed: Are you up yet?
to take apart a knot or something that is tied:
4 near or toward someone or something: He
She untied her shoes and took them off.
came up to me and asked my name.
until /an' til, An-/ preposition 5 into an upright or raised position: The hair

up to the time when something happens: We on my neck stood up. He sat up and talked to

can't go until Thursday. / couldn't read until I

was six years old. 6 completely: The car is full up. Eat your food \

untrue Mn'tru/ adjective
7 above and including a particular number:
not correct or true; false » opposite TRUE The program is for children aged 10 and up.
unused /,An'yuzd< / adjective 8 up and down [a) higher and lower: The kids
not being used: The old houses sit dark and were jumping up and down on the bed. (b) in
unused. one direction and then in the opposite direction:
She walked up and down the street looking for
unusual /An'yu3ugl, -39I/ adjective
the house.
not usual or ordinary; strange: / have an unusu-
9 be up to something (a) to be doing some-
al request.
thing, oftensomething secret: / think he is up
unusually /An'yu3U9li, -39li/ adverb to something, [b) to be good enough or well
more than usual: It was an unusually hot day. enough to do something: Are you up to a walk
along the beach?
unwell /An'wel/ adjective
10 up to as much or as many as: The room
not well; sick
can hold up to 200 people.
unwilling /An'wihn/ adjective 11 what's up? used for greeting someone, or
not wanting to do something: He is unwilling to for asking if there is a problem: Hi Bill, what's
start over. up?
12 be up against something to have to deal
unwind /An'wamd/ verb [past unwound
with a difficult problem or Our com- situation:
pany is up against some strong competitors.
1 to relax, not be anxious or worried: A hot
bath will help you unwind. upcoming /'Ap,kAmin/ adjective
2 to undo something that is twisted or happening soon: Are you voting in the upcom-
ing election?
up-date /'Apdeit, .Ap'deit/ verb upward /'Apwa-aV adverb
(updating, updated) 1 from a lower place or position to a higher
to add new information to something: We need one: The plane moved gently upward.
to update our computer files. » compare DOWNWARD
2 increasing to a higher level or amount: The
up-grade /'Apgreid, ,Ap'greid/ verb
cost of the project is moving upward.
(upgrading, upgraded]
to improve something, or change it for some- urban /'a^ban/ adjective
thing better: My ticket was upgraded to first relating to a town or city: Most people live in

class for the flight. urban areas. » compare RURAL

up-hill /,Ap'hil< / adverb urge 1

/v-d^/ verb (urging, urged]
toward the top of a hill: It is difficult walking to try very hard to persuade someone to do
» compare DOWNHILL
uphill. something: He urged her to find another job.

upon /a'pan, 9'pon/ preposition urge 2 noun

on: The village stands upon a hill. a strong wish or need: She suddenly had an
urge to go back to New York.
upper /'ApaV adjective
1 in a higher position; near the top: He had urgent /'a^ant/ adjective
burns on the upper part of his body. The upper \
very important and needing to be done without
floors in the building are more expensive. delay: / have an urgent message for you.
2 more important or higher in rank: She works
in upper management.
U.S. yu / p
'es/ noun
a short way to write or say the United States:
upper case /,.. '.«/ noun [U] He is moving back to the U.S.
letters written in their large form, such as A, B,
D, G, J etc. » compare LOWER CASE
us /as; strong as/
the person who is speaking and some other
upper class /,.. '.« / noun person or people: The teacher told us (=me and
the group of people in the highest and richest the other students) to be quiet. Give us anoth- \

social class er chance.

up-right /'Ap-rait/ adjective us-age /'yusid3/ noun [U]

straight up: Stand the bottle upright on the the way that something is used, or the amount
table. that is used

up-set 1 /,Ap'set< / adjective 5

/yuz/ verb (using, used]
unhappy or worried about something:
feeling 1 to do something with something or put it into
She was upset because he wouldn't talk to her. action:What do you use this for? \
Do you
know how to use a sewing machine?
upset 2
verb (upsetting, upset]
2 [also use something up] to take something
1 make someone feel unhappy or worried: It
until it all gone:
isYou used all the toothpaste
upset me when found out how sick she was.
up. My car uses a lot of oil.
» compare OFFEND |

2 to change a plan and cause problems: The use 2

/yus/ noun
bad weather upset our plans for a party. 1 the act of using something: Do you approve
of the use of force? The machine is now ready
up-side down /,Apsaid 'daun/ adverb
for use.

in a position with the top at the bottom and the

2 a way in which something is used, or the pur-
bottom at the top
pose for which it is used: The computer has
upstairs /,Ap'sterz< / adjective, adverb many educational uses.
on an upper floor in a building, or going toward 3 [U] the right to use something: He gave me
the upper floor of a building: Our office is the use of his car.

upstairs. |
The upstairs bathroom is very small. 4 no use said when you stop doing some-

» compare DOWNSTAIRS thing because you do not think it will be suc-

cessful: It's no use. I can't fix it.
up-to-date /,. .
'.< / adjective
modern and new: Are your records up-to-date? used /yuzd/ adjective
used cars, clothes etc. are not new and have
already had an owner
used to 1
/'yusta; final or before a vowel user /'yuza7 noun
'yustu/ adjective someone who uses a product, service etc.:
be used to something be familiar with some- Prices are falling for telephone users.
thing or someone so that does not seem
strange, unusual, or difficult:

He's used to traf-

usual /'yu3U9l, -39I/ adjective
1 done or happening most often, or as expect-
fic because he drives all the time.
ed: We
had lunch at the usual place.
used to 2
verb 2 as usual in the way that happens most of
used with another verb to show that something the time: As usual, he arrived late.

was done often in the past, but is not done now:

He used to play football every Saturday She
usually /'yu3U9li, -3sli/ adverb
used when describing what happens most of

never used to smoke.

the time; generally: I'm usually at school early,
but today I was late.
NOTE: The NEGATIVE used to is didn't use
to or used not to: used not to like fish. I
/ utensil /yu'tensgl/ noun
didn't use to like fish. The question form of a tool or object with a particular use: He
used to is did you/he/she use to ...?: Did bought some new kitchen utensils.

you use to go there often?

util-i-ty /yu'tibti/ noun [plural utilities]
a service such as water, electricity, or gas that
useful /'yusfal/ adjective is provided for people to use: How much do you
helping you do or get what you want: She gave pay for utilities?
me some useful information.
U-turn /'yu t^n/ noun
use-less /'yuslis/ adjective a turn that you make in a vehicle in which you
not helpful or useful: This knife is useless. The go back in the opposite direction: He made a
handle's broken! U-turn in the middle of the highway.

gives a card, flowers, or candy to someone that

he or she loves

valid /'vaelid/ adjective

officially legal and acceptable: Do you have a
valid passport?

valley /'vaeli/ noun [plural valleys]

an area of lower land between two lines of hills
or mountains —see color picture on page 1 88
vacancy /'veikansi/ noun [plural valuable /'vaelyabal, -yuabgl/ adjective
1 worth a lot of money: Is the ring valuable?
1 aroom in a hotel or house that is not being
2 very useful: Your help has been very valu-
used: saw a sign that said, "No vacancies.

2 a job that is available for someone: They are
advertising a vacancy for a driver. value 1
/'vaelyu/ noun
the amount money that something
vacant /'veikant/ adjective
1 of is

1 empty and available tobe used or lived in:

worth: What is the value of your house?
2 [U] the importance or usefulness of some-
We looked all over town for a vacant room.
thing: Your advice has been of great value to
2 a vacant job is available for someone to do
vacation /vei'keijan, va-/ noun
a time away from work and school when you
value 2 verb (valuing, valued]
1 to think that something is important or use-
can relax: We are on vacation for the next five
ful to you: / value your friendship.
2 to say how much something is worth: The
vaccinate /'vaeks3,neit/ verb book was valued at $1,000.
(vaccinating, vaccinated]
to put a substance into someone's body to pro-
values /'vaelyuz/ plural noun
tect him or her from a disease
principles about what is right, wrong, or impor-
tant: / believe in having strong family values.
vaccination /.vaeksa'neijsn/ noun
a substance put intosomeone's body to protect
valve /vaelv/ noun
him or her from a disease
a part of a pipe that opens and closes to con-
trol the flow of liquid,air, or gas passing
vacuum 1
/'vaekyum/ noun through it

1 a space thatempty is of all gas or air

vampire /'vaempai37 noun
an imaginary creature that looks like a person
vacuum 2
verb and sucks the blood from someone's neck
to clean a floor using a VACUUM CLEANER: Are
you finished with the vacuuming?
van /vaen/ noun
a vehicle like a small truck with an enclosed
vacuum cleaner /'.. ,../ noun back, used for carrying goods
a machine that cleans a floor by sucking up the
dirt from it
vandal /'vaendl/ noun
someone who damages or destroys public prop-
vague /veig/ adjective (vaguer, vaguest] erty intentionally
not clean in your mind because of not having
enough details: / have only a vague idea where
vandalism /'vaendl, izam/ noun [U]
the crime of intentionally damaging public prop-
the house is.
vaguely /'veigli/ adverb
slightly; a little: She looks vaguely familiar.
vandalize /'vaendl, aiz/ verb (vandalizing,
valentine /'vaetan.tam/ noun to damage or destroy public property intention-
a card that you give to someone on VALENTINE'S ally: All the public telephones had been vandal-
DAY ized.

Valentine's Day / ... ,./ noun vanilla /va'nila/ noun [U]

a holiday on February 14, on which someone a sweet liquid from the bean of a plant, that is
added to foods: Do you like vanilla ice cream?
vanish /'vaeniJV verb 've /v, ev/
to disappear suddenly in a way that cannot be have: I've never felt better! \
So we've decided
explained easily: Police said that the man van- to sell the car
ished into thin air.
veal /vil/ noun [U]
vanity /'vaensti/ noun [U] meat from a young cow
being too proud of yourself, especially your vegetable
appearance or abilities carrot

vapor /'veipaV noun

a lot of small drops of liquid that float in the air:

Steam is nothing more than water vapor.

va*ri-e-ty /va'raisti/ noun

1 [U] the differences within something that
make it interesting: You need some variety in
your life.

2 [U] a lot of things of the same type that are

different from each other in some way: These
shirts come in a variety of colors.
3 [plural varieties] a type of something that is
different from others in the same group: He is
growing a new variety of beans. peppers lettuce

various /'verias, 'vaer-/ adjective

vegetable /'vEdstabal/ noun
different: There are various colors to choose
a plant such as corn or potatoes, that is grown
to be eaten
var-nish 1 /'varniJV noun [plural varnishes)
vegetarian /,vEd33't£ri9n/ noun
a clear liquid that is put onto wood to give it a
someone who does not eat meat or fish
shiny surface
vehicle /'viikal/ noun
varnish 2 verb
something such as a bicycle, car, or bus that is
to put a clear liquid on wood to give it a shiny
used for carrying people or goods
veil /veil/ noun
vary /'veri, 'vaeri/ verb [varying, varied]
a thin piece of material that covers a woman's
1 to change often: The weather varies from
''day to day.
2 to be different from others of the same type: vein /vein/ noun
The wines vary in quality. one of the tubes in your body that carry blood
to your heart
vase /veis, veiz, vaz/ noun
a container used for decoration or for holding velvet /'vElvit/ noun [U]
flowers a type of cloth with a soft surface

vast; /vaest/ adjective vending machine /'vendin majin/

extremely large: The middle of the country is noun
covered in vast deserts. » compare HUGE, a machine from which you can buy candy,
ENORMOUS drinks, cigarettes etc.

vault /volt/ noun vent /vEnt/ noun

1 a room with thick walls where money, jewels a hole or pipe through which air, gas, smoke
etc. are kept for safety etc. can go in or out
2 a room where people are buried
ventilate /'vsnfl.eit/ verb (ventilating,
VCR /,vi si 'ar/ noun ventilated]
a machine that is used for recording television to let fresh air into a room or building
programs or watching a VIDEOTAPE. While we
were away the VCR had recorded Louise's
veranda /va'raenda/ noun
favorite movie.
verb Ivzrbl noun veteran /'veteran/ noun
a word that describes an action, experience, or someone who has been a soldier in a war
state: In the sentence, "She wrote a letter",
"wrote" is a verb; it is the past tense of the verb
vet-eri-narian /,vetera'nerian,
,vetra-, ,vet n-/ noun
a doctor who takes care of sick animals
verbal /'va-bgl/ adjective
veto /'vitou/ verb
spoken: We had a verbal agreement.
to refuse officially to allow something to happen,
verdict /'v^dikt/ noun especially in a government: The President
an official decision made by a court of law: Has vetoed the plan.
the jury reached a verdict? (=made a decision]
vi-a /'vaia, 'via/ preposition
verge noun /vzrd?,/ traveling through a place to another place:
be on the verge of something to be about to / flew from New York to Miami via Washington.
do something: She was on the verge of tears.
vi-brate /'vaibreit/ verb (vibrating,
(=about to cry]
verse /v^s/ noun to shake quickly with small movements: The
1 [U] words that have a musical beat and a house was vibrating with the music.
2 a set of lines that forms one part of a poem
vibration /vai'breijan/ noun
a continuous slight shaky movement: Touch the
or song
engine and you'll feel the vibration.
version /'va^gn/ noun
vice /vais/ noun
1 a copy of something that has been slightly
1 crime that involves sex or drugs
changed: / have the latest version of the soft-
2 a bad habit: Smoking is my only vice.
2 a story that is told by one person: Is that vice president /,. '...</ noun
your version of what happened? the person who is next in rank to the president
in a government or company
versus /'va-sas/ preposition
against each other in a sports competition or vicinity /va'smati/ noun [U]
court case: should be a great game. It's the
It the area around a place: The boy was found in
Bulls versus the Lakers. The case I am refer-
the vicinity of (=near] the park.
ring to is Brown versus the State of Florida.
vicious /'vijas/ adjective
vertical /'va-tikgl/ adjective dangerous and violent and likely to hurt people:
pointing straight up; upright: A vertical line is He suffered a vicious attack last night.
drawn up and down. » compare HORIZONTAL
victim /'viktim/ noun
very adverb
/'veri/ someone who has been hurt or killed by some-
1 used for emphasizing another word: It's very one or something: She was the victim of a car
hot in this room. Open the box very carefully.
2 not very used before another word to mean
vic-to«ry /'viktari/ noun [plural victories]
the opposite of that word: She is not very
the act of winning a battle, game etc.: Our
happy. (=she is sad or angry] He is not very |

party is hoping for victory in the next election.

(=he short]
tall. is

3 very much a lot: The book didn't cost very

» compare DEFEAT2
much. Thank you very much for your help.
video /'vidiou/ noun
1 a copy of a movie or television program that
vest /vest/ noun
is on a VIDEOTAPE: We have a video of the wed-
1 a piece of clothing with no SLEEVEs, that you
wear over a shirt
2 a VIDEOTAPE: Do you have a blank video I can
2 special clothing with no SLEEVEs, that you
wear to protect your body see color picture —
on page 190 video cassette recorder
/,... .'. .,../ noun
vet /vet/ noun
* <


i/ideo game /'... ,./ noun violet 2 adjective

a game inwhich you press buttons to move having a color that is a mixture of blue and red

special pictures on a screen

violin /,vai3'lm/
videotape 1
/'vidiou.teip/ noun noun
3 long narrow band of material in a plastic con- a musical instrument
;aineron which movies and television programs with four strings,
;an be recorded that you play by
pulling a special stick
/ideotape 2
verb (videotaping,
across the strings
,o record something on a VIDEOTAPE violinist
/.vaia'lmist/ noun
/iew /vyu/ noun
someone who plays
I an opinion or belief about something: What's the violin
'our view on school prayer?
I the ability to see something from a particu- virgin /'va^m/ noun
ar place: The tall man blocked my view of the someone who has never had sex
virtual re-aM-ty /,... .'.../ noun [U]
I the things that you can see from a particular
an environment produced by a computer that
)lace: The view from the top of the hill was lovely.
looks and sounds real
/iewer /'vyuaV noun
virtue /'va-tju/ noun
someone who watches television someone's character: Honesty
a good quality of

/igorous /'vigaras/ adjective is a virtue.

'ery active or strong: She enjoys vigorous exer-

virus /'vairas/ noun
1 a very small living thing that causes illness-

sillage /'vilid3/ noun es, or the illness caused by this

i very small town 2 a dangerous set of instructions secretly put

into a computer to damage the information
/il-lain /'vilan/ noun
stored in the computer
I the bad character in a movie or play
I a bad person; criminal visa /'viza/ noun
an official mark put into a PASSPORT giving
/ine /vain/ noun
someone permission to enter, pass through, or
i plant with long stems that climb on other
leave a country: Do Americans need a visa to
)tents, buildings etc.
visit Canada?

L/inegar /'vmigaV noun [U]

vis-i-ble /'vizabal/ adjective
3 very sour liquid made from wine, used in
able to be seen: The smoke from the fire was
Dreparing food
visible from the road. » compare INVISIBLE
/ineyard /'vinya-d/ noun
vision /'V13311/ noun
3 piece of land where vines are grown for pro-
1 [U] sight; the ability to see: She has good
ducing wine

violence /'vaisbns/ noun [U] 2 something that you imagine could happen: /

1 behavior that hurts someone in a physical have a vision of a better future for my children.
vay: There is too much violence on television.
visit 1
/'vizit/ verb
I very great force: The violence of the storm
1 to go and see a person or place: We visited
vas surprising.
our friends in town.
/i-o-lent /'vaiatant/ adjective 2 to talk to someone in a friendly way: / visited

I using force to hurt someone: He is a violent with Kathy for an hour.

nan who attacked his wife.
visit 2 noun
I having great force: a violent earthquake
the act of going and seeing a person or place:
ri-o-let 1 /'vaialit/ noun We had a visit from your teacher.
a small purple flower with a sweet smell

vis-i-tor /'vizataV noun

! the color of the violet; purple
someone who goes and sees a person or place

visual /'vi3U9l/ adjective 2 [U] the amount of sound that something

relating to seeing or your sight produces: She turned down the volume on the
vital /'vaitl/ adjective
3 a book, especially one of a set of books
very important or necessary: The information is

vital for our success. voluntary /'valan.tcri/ adjective

done willingly, without being forced or paid:
vitamin /'vaitemm/ noun
She's a voluntary worker at the hospital.
a chemical substance in food that is important
—voluntarily adverb
for growth and good health: Oranges contain
vitamin C. volunteer 1
/,vatan'tir/ noun
someone who offers to do something without
viv-id /'vivid/ adjective
expecting to be paid: We need volunteers to
1 producing clear pictures in your mind: She
deliver food to people's homes.
gave a vivid description of the accident.
2 vivid colors are very bright and strong volunteer 2 verb
to offer to do something without expecting to be
vocabulary /vou'kaebya.leri, va-/
paid: / volunteered to help out at the camp.
noun [plural vocabularies]
1 all the words you know and use: He has a vomit /'vamit/ verb
very large vocabulary. [=he knows a lot of to bring food up from your stomach: The child
words] vomited after eating the bad meat.
2 [U] the words a particular language:
all in
vote 1
/vout/ verb [voting, voted)
We learned some new vocabulary today.
to mark a piece of paper or raise your hand to
vocal /'voukal/ adjective show who you want to elect or which plan you
relating to the voice: He is doing vocal exer- support: Who did you vote for? Most people \

cises. voted against the plan.

voice /vois/ noun vote 2

1 the sound that you make when you speak or a choice or decision that you make by voting:
sing: We could hear the children's voices in the There were seven votes for the plan and three
garden. She spoke in a loud voice.
votes against it.
2 raise your voice to speak in a loud angry way
vot-er /'voutaV noun
3 lose your voice to not be able to speak someone who votes or has the right to vote
voice mail /'. ./ noun [U]
vow /vau/ noun
a system that records telephone calls so that
a serious promise: We wrote our own marriage
you can listen to them later
volcano /val'kemou/ noun [plural
vowel /'vausl/ noun
volcanoes or volcanos] and
one of the written letters a, e, i, o, or u,
a mountain with a hole at the top from which
sometimes y » compare CONSONANT
come burning rock and fire
voyage /'voi-id3/ noun
volleyball noun
a long trip, especially by ship or in a space vehi-
1 [U] a game in which two teams hit a ball
across a net with their hands and try to not let
it touch the ground vs. /'va*sas/

2 the ball used in this game a short way to write the word versus

volt /voolt/ noun vulgar /'vAlgaV adjective

a measure of electricity vulgar language or behavior is rude and offen-
sive, often relating to sex
volume /'valyam, -yum/ noun
1 [U] the amount of space that something con- vulture /'vAlt/aV noun
tains or fills: What is the volume of this bottle? a large wild bird that eats dead animals

a thick
/wad/ noun
pile of

lar bills in his pocket.

something: He had a wad of dol-

a room
a doctor

a woman who
or something happens:
wait for the train.

man who

/'weitaV noun
serves food



/'weitns/ noun [plural

serves food in

a restaurant

,./ noun
which people wait, for example to see
had a long

a restaurant

wade /weid/ verb (wading, waded)

wake /weik/ verb (waking, past tense woke
/wouk/, past participle woken /woukan/)
to walk through water that is not very deep: We
1 [also wake up) to stop sleeping, or make
waded across the stream.
someone stop sleeping: / woke early this morn-
waff le /'wafal/ noun ing. |
Don't wake the baby!
a flat bread with a pattern of square holes in it, 2 wake up to start paying attention to some-
eaten for breakfast Hey wake up when I'm
thing: talking to you!

wag /waeg/ verb (wagging, wagged]

3 wake up to something to start to realize a

tomove something from side to side: The dog

danger, or understand an idea: Our company is

waking up to the fact that it is losing money.

wagged its tail.
wage /weid3/ noun
walk 1
/wok/ verb
the amount of money that you earn for doing a
1 to move forward by putting one foot in front

job; usually you are paid for each hour that you
of the other: We walk to school each day.

What 2 walk away from something to leave a situa-

work: is your hourly wage?
what happens: You can't just
tion without caring
wages /'weid3iz/ plural noun walk away from your problems!
the money that you get each day, week, or 3 walk in on someone to go to a place and
month for doing a job interrupt someone when he or she did not
expect you: accidentally walked in on her while
wag-on /'waeggn/ noun

she was dressing.

1 a vehicle with four wheels, usually pulled by
horses walk 2
2 a small vehicle with four wheels and a long the time or the distance that you travel when
handle, pulled by children as a toy you walk: Do you want to go for a walk? \
store is a ten minute walk from here.
wail /weil/ verb
to cry with a long loud sound because you are walker /'wokaV noun
sad or in pain a metal frame used for helping old or sick peo-
ple to walk
waist; /weist/ noun
the narrow part around the middle of your body: walkie-talkie /,woki toki/ noun
Ann has a slim waist. a small radio that you carry and use to speak to

wait 1
/weit/ verb
someone else who has the same type of radio

1 to not do something until someone comes or Walkman

something happens: Wait here until I come /'wokman/ (trade-
back. We're waiting around for his plane to
| mark) noun
arrive. was waiting
/ for the bus. a small machine that
2 wait on someone to serve food to some- you can carry, that
one's table at a restaurant: Have you been wait- plays music and has
ed on? special equipment
3 wait up for someone to stay awake until that you wear over
someone returns: Don't wait up for me, be
I'll late. your ears —see color
wait 2 noun picture on page 185
a time when you do nothing until someone
wall /wol/ noun wardrobe /'wordroub/ noun
1 one of the sides of a room or building: We the clothes that someone has
painted all the walls white.
2 a structure made of bricks or stones that
ware-house /'werhaus/ noun [plural
warehouses /-hauziz/]
divides one area from another: A high wall sur-
a large building used for storing things
rounds the prison.

wallet /'walit, 'wo-/ noun

wares /werz/ plural noun
things that you can buy: The man spread his
a small flat case for cards or paper money, usu-
wares on the table.
ally carried in a pocket

wallpaper /'wol,peipo7 noun [U]

war-fare /'worfer/ noun [U]
the fighting that happens in a war
paper used as a decoration to cover the walls
of a room warm 1
/worm/ adjective
1 slightly hot, but not too hot: The water was
wall-to-wall /,. .
.4 f adjective
nice and warm.
covering all the floor: The house has wall-to-wall
2 able to keep in heat and keep out cold:
/need some warm clothes.
walnut /'wolnAt/ noun 3 friendly: She always greets you with a warm
a large light brown nut, or the tree on which smile.
warm 2 verb
waltz /wolts/ noun [plural waltzes) 1 [also warm up) to make or become hotter:
a slow dance with a pattern of three beats, or The hot drink warmed him. \
Warm yourself by
the music for this dance waltz verb — the fire.

2 warm up to do gentle exercises before doing

wander /'wandoV verb
a more difficult activity: He is warming up
1 move or travel with no particular purpose:
before the race.
They wandered around the shopping mall all day.
2 [also wander off] to move away from where warmth /wormG/ noun [U]
you are supposed to be or stay: Don't wander 1 the feeling of being warm: The warmth of
off alone. the sun felt wonderful!
2 friendliness: the warmth of her welcome
want /wAnt, want, wont/ verb

1 to have a desire or need for something: / warn /worn/ verb

want a bicycle for my birthday. He wants you \
to someone about something bad so that he

to call him. or she can avoid She warned me about walk-


2 you want if you would

if like that: / can pick ing home alone.
you up later if you want.
warning /'wornin/ noun
want 2
noun [U] something that tells you about something bad
something that you desire or need but do not so that you can avoid it: Cigarette packs have a
have: The children were in want of food. warning printed on the side.

want ad /'. ./ noun war-rant /'woront, 'wa-/ noun

an advertisement ina newspaper for a job or an official paper that allows the police to do
something to sell something: The police have a warrant for his
war /wor/ noun
1 a time of fighting between countries: Did war-ran-ty /'woronti, 'wa-/ noun [plural
your father fight in the war? »
compare BATTLE warranties)
2 at war fighting: The two countries have been a written promise that a company will fix some-
at war for years. thing if it breaks after you buy it

3 declare war to start a war: One country

declared war on another.
war-ship /'worjip/ noun
a large ship used for war
4 go to war to begin fighting: The country is

preparing to go to war. was /woz; strong waz, waz/ verb

the PAST TENSE of the verb be that we use with
war-den /'wordn/ noun
I, he, she, and it: / was angry.
someone who is in charge of a prison

wash 1
/waj\ woJV verb 3 keep a watch on something to keep looking
1 to make something clean using water and at something carefully: Police kept a close
soap: Did you wash your hands? watch on the house.
2 to flow over or against something: The
waves washed against the shore.
watch 2 verb
1 to look at something and pay attention to it:
3 wash up to clean your hands: Be sure to » compare
Do you watch a lot of television?
wash up before supper.
4 wash off a substance washes off, it can be
2 to take care of someone or something: Will
removed from something else
you watch the baby? The older kids watch over

wash 2 noun the younger ones.

1 [U] clothing, sheets etc. that have been or 3 to be careful about something, or about how
need to be cleaned: Hang the wash out when it you use it: / am trying to watch my weight. [=be
is finished. careful not to get fat] Watch your language! |

2 the wash being washed or waiting to be

in (=be careful about what you say]
washed: Your shirt is in the wash. 4 watch out to be careful and pay attention to
what you are doing: Watch out for the cars
washcloth /'wafkbG/ noun
when you cross the street.
a cloth with which you wash yourself
5 watch for something to look for something
washer /'wafaV noun so that you will be ready to deal with it: Doctors
a washing machine are watching for any signs of the disease.

washing machine /'.. .,./ noun

NOTE: Compare watch, see and look at.
a machine used for washing clothes
See is the general word for what you do

wasn't /'wAzant, 'wazant/ with you eyes: / can't see - it's too dark. \

was not: / wasn't in school yesterday. We saw them standing outside the school.
you look at something, you move your eyes
wasp /wasp,

toward it because you want to see it: Look

wosp/ noun
at me! They were looking at the pictures.
a flying insect that
you watch something, you move your eyes
stings like a BEE
toward it and pay attention to it for a long
waste 1
/weist/ time. Use watch when you are talking
verb (wasting, about something such as a TV program or
wasted] sports event where things are changing or
to use something in moving: We watched a movie on TV. He \

a way that is not effective, or to use too much goes to watch a football game every
of it: / waste a lot of my time on the phone. Saturday

waste noun [U] 2

1 the use of something in a way that is not watchman /'wat /man/ noun [plural
effective or sensible: The meeting was a com- watchmen /-men/)
plete waste of time. someone whose job is to guard a place
2 things that are left after something has been water 1
/'wota\ 'wa-/ noun [U]
used, or things that you do not want: There are
the clear liquid in rivers, lakes, and oceans, or
laws for getting rid of nuclear waste.
that falls as rain: Would you likea glass of
waste-basket /'weisf.baeskit/ noun water?
a container into which you put paper and other
water 2 verb
things that you want to get rid of
to pour water on a plant or seeds in the ground
wasted /'weistid/ adjective
water-color /'wot^.kAlaV noun
useless: All my time working with him was just
a paint mixed with water, or a painting made
wasted effort.
with this paint
watch 1
/wat J, wot JV noun [plural watches)
waterfall /'wot^.fol/ noun
1 a small clock that you wear on your wrist
water that falls down over rocks or from a high
2 keep watch to look out for danger: You keep
watch for now, and I'll sleep.
mountain' —see color picture on page 188
water fountain
water fountain /'.. ,../ noun 8 No way! said when you will not do some-
a piece ofequipment in a public place that pro- thing, or when you are very surprised by some-
duces water that you can drink thing: "Will you help me clean my room?" "No
way!" "She said she likes you!" "No way!"
watermelon /'wot^.mebn/ noun

the way in a position that stops you from

a large round green fruit with red juicy flesh and
going somewhere: / can't drive through there.
black seeds
The bus is in the way.
water-proof /'wota\pruf/ adjective 10 on the way, on my way while going some-
not allowing water to go through: She has a where: / can drop you off at the store. It's on
new waterproof jacket. my way.
1 1 out of the way not in a position that stops
watt /wat/ noun
you going somewhere: Get out of my way!
a measure of electrical power: Do you have a (= move to the side)
60 watt light bulb?
12 under way happening or moving: Our plan
wave 1
/weiv/ noun isunder way.
1 an area of raised water that moves on the 13 way around in a particular position or
surface of the ocean place: Which way around does this skirt go?
2 a movement of your hand from side to side: 14 way to go! said to someone who has done
She gave a wave as she left the house. something very well or very good: "I passed my
3 a sudden increase in an activity, emotion etc.: science test!" "Way to go!"
What is the cause of the recent crime wave? we /wi/ pronoun
wave 2 verb (waving, waved] the person who is speaking and one or more
1 move your hand from side to side as a sig-
to other people: We go to the same school.
nal or greeting: We waved goodbye to them.
weak /wik/ adjective
2 to move or cause to move from side to side 1 not strong in body: She was weak after her
or up and down: The flag waved in the wind.
illness. \ He has a weak heart. » compare
wavy /'weivi/ adjective (wavier, waviest) STRONG
having waves or curved shapes in it: She has 2 not strong in character: He is a weak leader.
beautiful wavy blond hair. 3 containing a lot of water, or not having much
taste: / don't like weak tea.
wax 1
/waeks/ noun [U]
the hard substance that candles are made of weak-en /'wikgn/ verb
to become less strong, or make someone or
wax 2
something do this: The disease weakened her
to put WAX on something, especially to polish it

way /wei/ noun [plural ways) weakness /'wiknis/ noun [plural

1 a road or path:Can you tell me the way to weaknesses)
the school? Which way should we go?
1 a fault in someone's character, a company, a

2 a particular direction: Look both ways before

plan etc.: Spending too much money is her
you cross the street. Take two steps this way.

3 a method of doing something: Is there any 2 [U] the state of lacking strength in your body
way to solve this problem? He has a funny way

of talking. wealth AvelG/ noun [U]

4 the distance or time between two places or a large amount of money, land etc. that some-
events: We
have to go a long way to get there. one owns: She passed on the family's wealth to
5 in a way, in some ways used for saying that her children.
something is partly true: In some ways, I would-
wealth-y /'welGi/ adjective (wealthier,
n't mind working there.
6 have your way, get your way to do what you having a lot of money; very rich » compare
want, especially if someone else wants to do
something different: She always gets her own
way! weapon /'wepan/ noun
7 by the way said when you want to talk about something that you use to fight with, such as a
a new subject: Oh, by the way, your Mom called gun or knife
wear 1
Aver/ verb [past tense wore /wor/, Wednesday /'wenzdi, -dei/ noun
past participle worn /worn/) the fourth day of the week
1 to have something on your body, especially
clothes: She wore a pretty dress.
weed 1
/wid/ noun
a wild plant that grows where you do not want
2 to weaken or damage something because of
continued use: You've worn a hole in your sock.
3 to have your hair in a particular style: He weed 2 verb
wears his hair short. to remove WEEDs from a place: / am busy
4 wear well to remain good condition after
in weeding the garden.
a period of time: These shoes have worn well.
They still look new.
week Avik/ noun
1 a period of time equal to seven days, espe-
5 wear off to become less and less: The effect
cially from Sunday through Saturday: / play ten-
of the drug is wearing off.
nis twice a week. Will you come and see us
6 wear out to become weak, broken, or not

next week?
good enough to use: The batteries are worn out.
2 [also work week) the part of a week when
7 wear down to become smaller or weaker
you work on a job, usually from Monday to
because of being used: The heels on my shoes
Friday: / don't have much free time during the
are worn down.
wear 2
noun [U]
weekday /'wikdei/ noun [plural
normal damage cause by continued use of
something: The tires are showing signs of wear.
any day except Saturday or Sunday
wearily /'wirali/ adverb
weekend /'wikend/ noun
in a tired way: "I can't help you any more, " she
Saturday and Sunday: What did you do over the
said wearily.
weary /'wiri/ adjective (wearier, weariest]
week-ly /'wikli/ adjective, adverb
very tired: / felt weary after working all day.
happening once a week, or every week: The
weather /'weda7 noun [U] weekly newspaper is printed on Fridays.
the temperature and the state of the wind, rain, » compare DAILY
sun etc.: / don't like cold weather. The weath-

week-night /'wiknait/ noun

er has been dry this week.
any night except Saturday or Sunday
weave Aviv/ verb (weaving, past tense
weep /wip/ verb [past tense wept /wept/,
wove Avouv/, past participle woven /'wouvan/)
past participle wept)
to make threads into cloth, by moving one
to cry: She wept when she heard the news.
thread over and under another on a special
machine weigh Avei/ verb
1 to measure how heavy something He
weaving /'wivin/ noun [U]
weighed the apples.

the activity of making cloth

2 to have a particular weight: The fish weighed
web /web/ noun two pounds.
1 a net of sticky thin threads made by a SPIDER 3 to consider something carefully: You should
2 the Web the WORLD WIDE WEB weigh all the options before deciding.

web-site /'websait/ noun weight; /weit/ noun [U]

a program on a computer that gives informa- 1 how heavy something is: The baby's weight
tion about a product or subject on the INTERNET was ten pounds.
2 the fact of being heavy, or something that is
we'd /wid/
heavy: / can't lift heavy weights with my bad
1 we would: / thought we'd never get here.
2 we had: We didn't go because we'd seen the
movie before. weird Avird/ adjective
strange and unusual: had a weird feeling
wed ding /'wedin/ noun
day. » compare ODD
I've all

a ceremony in which a man and a woman get

married: I've been invited to their wedding. welcome 1
/'welkam/ adjective
» compare MARRIAGE 1 wanted; happy to be accepted: You are

always welcome in my home. She made \
a wel- well-off /,. '.< / adjective
come suggestion. having enough money to live in comfort
2 you're welcome said as a polite reply to
someone who has thanked you for something:
went; /went/
the PAST TENSE of the verb go
"Thanks for the coffee. " "You're welcome.

welcome 2 verb (welcoming, welcomed]

wept: /wept/
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
1 to say someone who has just
hello to
arrived: He welcomed everyone at the door. weep
2 to accept an idea or suggestion:
gladly we're /wit/
/ would welcome your comments on the plan. we are: We're in the same class in school.

welcome 3 noun were /wa7 verb

a greeting that you give to someone when he or the PAST TENSE of the verb be, that is used with
she arrives: We were given a warm welcome. you, we, and they: Where were you born?
we If are /'welfer/ noun [U] weren't: /wa^nt, 'wa^nt/
1 money that government to
is given by the were not: You weren't here yesterday were
poor people: They can't afford a car because you?
they are on welfare.
2 your health, comfort, and happiness: We're
west: /west/ noun, adjective, adverb
1 in or toward the direction where the sun
all concerned about your welfare.
goes down: We traveled west for two days.
we'll /wil; strong will » compare EAST
we will: We'll see Jane tomorrow. 2 the West the countries in North America

and the western part of Europe

well /wel/ adverb
(better, best]
3 the west the western part of a state, coun-
1 ingood or satisfactory way: Mary can read
try etc.
very well. Did you sleep well last night?

2 completely; thoroughly: Mix the paint well western /'westan/ adjective

before you begin. 1 in or from the west
3 as well also: I'd like a cup of coffee and some 2 Western in or from the countries in North
cake as well. America and the western part of Europe
4 as well as and also; in addition to: I'm learn-
ing French as well as German.
west-ward /'westward/ adverb, adjective
toward the west: The ship sailed westward to
well 2 adjective (better, best] Hawaii.
in good health: Call me when you're well enough
to go out.
wet 1
/wet/ adjective (wetter, wettest]
1 covered with or containing liquid: My hair is

well 3 wet. » compare DRY 1

1 used for pausing before you say something, 2 rainy: It looks like another wet day.
or toshow surprise: Well, I suppose we should 3 not yet dry: Don't touch the wet paint.
go now. Well, I never thought she would admit
to the crime!

wet 2
verb (wetting, wet or wetted]
to make something wet » compare DRY2
2 when you accept a situa-
[also oh, well) said
tion even though it is not a good one: Oh, well, we've /wiv/
there's nothing we can do about it. we have: We've
missed our flight!
well 4 noun
a deep hole in the ground from which water or whale /weil/
oil is taken noun
a very large animal
well-being /,. '../ noun [U]
that lives in the
a feeling of being comfortable, happy, and
ocean and breathes
through a hole in the
well-known /,. '.</ adjective top of its head: A
known by a lot of people: A well-known writer whale was seen
lives here. ahead of the ship.
" "

what /wAt, wat; weak wot/ pronoun where Aver/ adverb
1 used when asking about something that you 1 in Where do you live? Do
or to what place: \

do not know: What is your name? What time \

you know where Brenda is?
is it? 2 used for asking or talking about the state of
2 said when you did not hear what someone something: Where do you go from here? \

has said: 7s it hot?" "What?" "I said, is it hot?" Where will it all end?
3 used for talking about things or for giving
information: She told me what to do. \
I didn't
wherever /wer'evaV adverb
at or to any place: / will drive you wherever you
know what happened.
want to go. Sit wherever you like.
4 used showing surprise or for emphasiz-

ing what you are saying: What a stupid thing to whether /'wedaV
do! What a great guy!
if: / don't know whether he'll come or not.
5 what for used for asking the reason for
something; why: What do you use this for?
which /wit J/ pronoun

1 what person or thing: Which of you is big-

"Can I have this?" "What for?"
ger: Mary or Jane? Which one of these do
6 what about ...? said when you want to sug-

you want?
gest something: What about trying some new
2 used for adding more information to a sen-
tence: We went to Piano, which is just outside
whatever /wat'evaV pronoun Dallas. »
compare THAT
1 any or all of the things that are needed or
while 1 /wail/
wanted: Take whatever you need.
1 during the time that something is happening:
2 no matter what: Whatever I do, it's going to
/ met her while I was in college. \
While I ate din-
be wrong.
ner, I watched the game on TV.
3 said when it does not matter what happens:
2 in spite of the fact; though: While she
"Do you want a pizza?" "Oh, whatever.
seemed like a nice person, I just didn't trust her.
wheat /wit/ noun [U]
while 2 noun
a plant with grain that is made into flour
a while a period of time, usually short: After a
wheel /wil/ noun while she fell asleep. \
I'll be back in a little while.
1 one of the round things under a vehicle that
turns around and around and allows it to move
whimper /'wimpaV verb
to make low crying sounds: The dog whimpered
in the corner.
wheel-bar-row noun
whine 1
/wain/ verb [whining, whined)
an object with one wheel at the front and two
1 something in an annoying
to complain about
handles at the back, used for carrying things
voice: Stop whining, or we'll turn around and go
wheel-chair /'wil-tjer/ noun back!
a chair with wheels, used by people who cannot 2 to make a long high sound because of sad-
—see picture at CHAIR
walk ness or pain: A dog was whining at the door.

when /wen/ adverb whine 2

1 at what time: When will the bus come? a long high sound: The whine of the engine was
2 at a particular time: lived in this house / very loud.
when was a boy.

3 used for saying what was happening when

whip 1
/wip/ noun
a long piece of leather or rope with a handle,
another event happened: When the phone
used for hitting animals or people
rang, was in the shower.

whenever /we'nev3\ wa-/ adverb

whip 2
verb (whipping, whipped)
1 to hit a person or an animal with a whip: He
1 at any time; every time: Please come to see
whipped the horse to make it run faster.
me whenever you can. Whenever see I him, I
2 to defeat someone easily: We were whipped

talk to him.
2 used for saying that it does not matter when
3 to move something suddenly: He whipped a
something happens: "What time should I
gun out of his pocket.
arrive?" "Oh, whenever. I'll be there all day.
4 to quickly mix cream or the clear part of an
egg until it becomes stiff
whirl /wa-1/ verb who-ev-er /hu'evaV pronoun
to spin around very fast, or make something do 1 used for talking about someone whose name
this: The wind whirled the leaves into the air. you do not know: Whoever those people are, I
don't want to see them.
whisker /'wiska7 noun
2 used for saying that it does not matter which
one of the long stiff hairs that grow near the
person does something: Whoever arrives first
mouth of a dog, cat etc.
can get the tickets.
whiskers /'wiska-z/ plural noun
whole 1
/houl/ adjective
the hair that grows on a man's face
1 all of something;
total: They told me the
whiskey /'wiski/ noun [plural whiskeys) whole story.
a strong alcoholic drink made from grain, or a 2 the whole thing everything about a situation:
glass of this drink The whole thing just makes me mad!

whis-per 1
/'wispaV noun whole 2
a very quiet voice: She spoke in a whisper. 1 complete amount or thing: Two halves make
a whole.
whisper 2
2 the whole of something all of something: He
tospeak very quietly: What are you whispering
spent the whole of the morning cleaning the
whistle 1
/'wisal/ noun 3 on the whole in general: On the whole, I

1 a small object that makessound when

a high agree with you.
you blow into it: The teacher blew a whistle to 4 as a whole considering all the parts of some-
start the race. thing: / think that, as a whole, the plan is a
2 a high sound made blowing air through your good one.
lips: When he gave a whistle, his dog ran to
whole-sale /'houlseil/ adjective
relating to selling goods in large amounts to
white 1
/wait/ adjective stores and people who then sell the goods to
1 having a color like snow, clouds, or the paper other people
in this book
who'll /hul/
2 with lightly colored skin: Some of the chil-
who will: Who'll be here tomorrow?
dren were white, and others were black.

white 2
whom /hum/ pronoun
what person or people, used when it is the
1 [U] a white color: She was dressed in white.
object of a verb: Whom did you see?
2 someone who has lightly colored skin
3 the white part of your eye, or of an egg who's /huz/
—see picture at EGG 1 who is: Who's coming to the party?
2 who has: Who's eaten my apple?
White House /'. .1 noun
1 the official home in Washington, D.C. of the whose /huz/ pronoun
President of the U.S. 1 used for asking which person or people
2 [U] the President of the U.S. , and the people something belongs to: Whose coat is that?
who advise him or her: The White House has 2 used for showing the relationship between a
no comment on the issue. person and something that belongs to that per-
son: That is the woman whose house burned
who /hu/ pronoun
1 used for asking about a person or group of
people: Who gave you that book? Who are \
who've /huv/
those people? who have: There are some people who've
2 used for adding information about someone: already left.

The man who lives there my uncle.

why /wai/ adverb
who'd /hud/ 1 for what reason: Why is she crying? No \

1 who had: She asked who'd seen the film. one knows why the plan did not work.
2 who would: He wanted to know who'd be 2 why not? (a) used for asking someone why
able to help him. he or she has not done something: "I'm not fin-
ished yet. " "Why not?" (b) used for agreeing to

do something: "Do you want to come with us?" wild-life /'waildlaif/ noun [U]
"OK, why not?" animals and plants in their natural condition

wicked /'wikid/ adjective will 1 Aval, si, 1; strong wil/ verb

very bad; evil: The story was about a wicked 1 used with other verbs to say that something
witch. is going to happen: It will probably rain tomor-
wide 1
/waid/ adjective (wider, widest]
1 measuring a large distance from side to
2 used when asking someone to do some-
thing: Will you help me, please?
side; broad: The flood affected a wide area.
» compare NARROW —see picture at NARROW 3 used for saying that you are willing to do

2 from many people: The news story received something: do whatever you want.
/ will

wide attention.
4 used for showing what is possible: This car
will seat six people.
3 a wide range of something a large variety of
something: The store offers a wide range of will 2 noun
shoes. 1 [U] the power to do exactly what you have
wide 2
decided to do: He has lost the will to live.

1 completely: The door was wide open. I am

2 a legal document that says to whom you

want to give your money and property after you

wide awake. His legs were wide apart.

2 away from the place at which you were aim-

die: The man left his farm to his son in his will.

ing: My shot went wide to the left. willing /'wilin/ adjective

1 ready to do something: Are you to
widely /'waidli/ adverb

1 in a lot of different places or by a lot of peo-
ple: His books are widely read. The product
2 eager or wanting to do something

widely available. win 1

/win/ verb (winning, past tense won
2 to a large degree; a lot: Taxes vary widely /wAn/, past participle won]
from state to state. 1 to be first or do best in a competition, race,

widow /'widou/ noun or fight: Who won the race? compare LOSE »
2 to earn something at a race or competition:
a woman whose husband is dead
He won $500 at the race track.
widower /'widouaV noun
win 2 noun
a man whose wifeis dead
a victory or success, especially in a sport
width /widG, witO/ noun
the distance from one side of something to the
wind 1
/wind/ noun

other; how wide something is: The window has

air that moves quickly: The wind blew the leaves
a width of five feet. » compare LENGTH see — off the trees.

picture at LENGTH wind 2 verb [past tense wound /waund/, past

participle wound]
wife /waif/ noun [plural wives /waivz/)
1 [also wind up] to turn a handle around and
the woman to whom a man is married » com-
around to make a machine, toy etc. work: Can
you wind the clock for me?
wig /wig/ noun 2 to turn or twist something around something
a cover for your head, made from people's hair else: She wound the string into a ball.

wild /waild/ adjective

3 to bend and curve many times: The path
1 not trained to live with people: We saw some wound along the side of the river.
wild horses. » compare TAME 1 4 wind down to become slower or less active:
The party is winding down.
2 living in its natural condition: We picked the
wild flowers on the hill.
5 wind up (a) to do something or become
involved in something: Most of the men wound
3 showing a lot of emotion such as anger or
up without jobs, (b) to end an activity or meet-
excitement: She has a wild look in her eyes.
ing: It's about time to wind things up.
4 exciting, interesting, or unusual: We went to
a wild party! wind-mill /'wmdmil/ noun
wilderness /'wild^nis/ noun [U]
a tall building with sails that are turned around
a large natural area of land where there have by the wind, used for producing power or crush-
ing grain
never been buildings or farms
wirvdow /'wmdou/ noun 2 able to make good decisions and give good
an opening with glass across it in the wall of a advice: He is a wise leader.
building or vehicle, used for allowing light and
wish 1
/wiJV verb
air to enter
1 to want or hope for something, even though
window-sill /'wmdou.sil/ noun it is not likely to happen: / wish I had a million

a flat shelf at the bottom of a window dollars.

2 wish someone something to hope that
windshield /'wmdfild/ noun
someone has something: We wish you success
the piece of glass across the front of a car, bus,
in your new job. Wish me luck! \

or airplane
wish 2 noun [plural wishes]
windshield wiper /'.. ,../ noun
1 the act of hoping for or wanting something:
a long thin piece of metal with a rubber edge,
She had a wish to be a famous singer.
used for removing water from a WINDSHIELD
2 something that you hope for or want: Did
windy /'windi/ adjective (windier, windiest) you get your wish?
with a lot of wind blowing
wit /wit/ noun [U]
wine /wain/ noun [U] the ability to say things that are funny or inter-
an alcoholic drink made from fruit such as na witch

wing /win/ noun

1 the part of a bird's or insect's body used for

2 one of the two flat parts on the side of an air-

plane that help it fly —see picture at AIRPLANE

wink /wink/ verb
to close and open one eye quickly: He winked at
me. —wink noun » compare BLINK
witch /wit J/ noun [plural witches]
winner /'wmaV noun a woman who is believed to have magic powers
someone who wins a competition, race, or fight
with /wi0, wid/ preposition
winter /'wmteV 1 together or near each other: She walks to
the season between fall and spring, when the school with her sister.

weather is coldest » compare SUMMER 2 using something: He opened the door with
his key. Steve ate the soup with a spoon.
wipe /waip/ verb (wiping, wiped]

3 having a particular quality: She has a white

1 to remove dirt, water etc. from something
dress with red stripes.
with a cloth or your hand: She wiped the tears
4 because of something: They smiled with
from her eyes.
pleasure. The room was bright with light.

2 to clean something by rubbing it: Wipe your

5 including: The computer comes with free
shoes before coming in.
3 wipe something out to remove or destroy what covers or fills some-
6 used for saying
someone or something completely: Fire wiped thing: His hands were covered with blood.
out most of the city.
7 relating to someone or something: What's
wire /waiaV noun wrong with the TV?
1 [U] thick metal thread: I put up a wire fence. 8 against someone: He always fights with his
2 a piece of thin metal used for carrying elec- sister.

withdraw /wiG'drs, wid-/ verb [past
wisdom /'wizdam/ noun [U] tense withdrew /wiO'dru/, past participle
good judgment and knowledge gained through withdrawn /wiG'dron/)
experience 1 to take money out of a bank account: She
withdrew all her money from the bank.
wise /waiz/ adjective
2 to stop being involved in something, or to
1 based on good judgment and experience: make someone do this: He had to withdraw
/ want to make a wise decision.
from the race with an injury.
3 to move out of a place, or to make someone won /wAn/
do this: The soldiers decided to withdraw. the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
withdrawal AviO'draal/ noun
the action of taking money out of your bank wonder 1
/'wAndaV verb
account: I'd like to make a withdrawal, please. 1 to think about something and to want to
with«er /'widaV verb
know what is true about it: / wonder if she ever

thinks about me.

tobecome drier and smaller, and then to die:
The plants withered in the heat.
2 to be surprised by something: We wondered
why she waited for so long.
with-in /wi'dm, wi'Om/ adverb, preposition
1 during a particular period of time: He wonder 2 noun
1 and admiration: The
[U] a feeling of surprise
learned to speak English within six months!
music filled us with wonder.
2 inside a particular area or distance: Within
the old walls, there was once a town. 2 no wonder it is no surprise: No wonder he's
not hungry He only ate an hour ago.
3 inside an organization, company, or group:
We are looking for a new leader from within our
3 someone or something that makes you feel
great admiration: The wonders of modern med-
own team.
icine are amazing.
without: /wi'daut, wi'Gaut/ adverb,
wonderful /'wAndatfal/ adjective
very good: The birth of your son is wonderful
1 not having or doing something: / can't see
anything without my glasses. |
He left without
saying goodbye. won't /wount/
2 not being with someone or not having some- will not: We won't be late home.
one to help you: We can't leave without the chil-

wood /wud/ noun [U]
the material of which the trunks and branches
3 go without something, do without some-
thing to not have something that you need or
of trees are made
want: / had to go without food for three days. wood -en /'wudn/ adjective
witness /'wit
ms/ noun [plural
made from wood: He sat on a wooden box.

witnesses] woods /wudz/ plural noun

someone who sees something happen: She a small forest: We took a walk in the woods.
was a witness to the accident. —see color picture on page 1 88
witty /'witi/ adjective (wittier, wittiest] wool 1
/wul/ noun [U]
using words in a funny or interesting way: She 1 the soft thick hair of sheep
is a very witty person. 2 the thread or material made from the hair of
sheep: The dress was made of wool.
wives /waivz/
the plural of wife wool 2 adjective [also woolen)

wizard /'wizard/ noun

made from wool: / saw a wool blanket on the
a man who is believed to have magic powers

wobble /'wabal/ verb (wobbling, wobbled]

word /wa-d/ noun
1 a letter or letters, used for making phrases
to move in an unsteady way: The table wobbles.
and sentences: What's the French word for
woke /wouk/ "cheese"? I wrote a 1,000 word paper.

the PAST TENSE of the verb wake 2 [U] a promise: / give you my word that I will
woken /'woukan/

the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb wake 3 something that you say or write: / didn't
hear a word she said. won't say a word \

wolf /wulf/ noun [plural wolves /wulvz/] about what happened.

a wild animal similar to a dog 4 a short important statement or discussion:
woman /'wuman/ noun [plural women Peter, could I have a word with you?
5 [U] information, news, or a message: Send
an adult female person » compare MAN me word as soon as you get home.

6 in other words a phrase you use before you 4 the things that an artist makes while doing
repeat the same thing using different words something: The museum has great works of
7 in your own words saying what you think, art.
not repeating what someone else has said: Tell 5 at work doing a job or activity
me what happened in your own words. 6 out of work with no job but wanting a job:
8 take someone's word for it to believe what I've been out of work for 6 months.

someone says about something 7 set to work, get to work to start doing
9 word for word said or written with exactly something: They set to work on the building.
the same words in the same order
worker /'w^kaV noun
word processor /'. ,.../ noun someone who does a particular job: There were
a computer used for writing letters and storing several workers who lost their jobs. » com-
information pare LABORER

wore /worV working /'w^kinV adjective

the PAST TENSE of the verb wear 1 having a job: Working mothers have to bal-
ance their jobs and family.
work 1
/wa-k/ verb
2 relating to work or used for work: The work-
1 to do a job: He works for a shoe company. \

ing conditions at the factory are very poor

Where does your mom work?
2 tomake a machine do something: Can you workman /'w^kman/ noun [plural
work The radio isn't working.
the printer? \
workmen /-men/)
3 to do an activity using time and effort: I've a man who works with his hands, especially
been working to improve my cooking. building or repairing things
4 to be effective or successful: It looks like
your plan is going to work.
workout /'wa^k-aut/ noun
a period of time when you do a lot of exercise,
5 work out [a] if a problem works out, it stops
especially for a sport
being a problem: I'm sure everything will work
out in the end. (b) to do a set of exercises for world /wa^ld/ noun
your body regularly: / work out with weights 1 the Earth on which we live: They went on a
twice a week. trip around the world.
6 work something out to find an answer to a 2 all people or countries on the Earth: The
problem: She worked the problem out for her- world is working for peace.
self. 3 in the world used for emphasizing some-
7 work on something to try to repair, com- thing that you are saying: You're the best dad in

plete, or improve something: He's still working the whole world. \

What in the world were you
on his degree. thinking?

world-wide /,wa4d'waid< / adjective,

NOTE: Compare work and job. Job is a noun
which has a plural (=jobs). Work has the
everywhere in the world, or within the whole
same meaning, but has no plural: He is
world: The company has 500 stores worldwide.
trying to find a job. He's trying to find some
work. Work
can be used as a general word World Wide Web /,.,.'./ noun [also
when you are talking about several different the Web)
jobs. If you say, "I've got a lot of work to do," a system that makes it easy for you to see ano
it could mean either that you have one big use information on the INTERNET
job to do, or lots of different jobs.
worm /warn/ noun
a long thin creature with a soft body and no
work 2 noun legs, that lives in the ground
[U] an that uses a lot of time and
Dad's doing some work on the car.
worn /worn/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb wear
2 [U] a job or the place where you do your job:
Sometimes it is difficult to arrive at work on worn out /,. '.« / adjective
time. 1 very tired: / am worn out after work.
3 [U] the things that you produce while study- 2 too old or damaged to be useful: My shoes
ing, writing etc.: The teacher is pleased with my are worn out.
worried /'waid, 'wArid/ adjective 2 good enough or useful enough for some-
unhappy or anxious because you are worrying The book is really worth reading.

about something: He seems worried about worth 2 noun [U]

something. She has a worried look on her
an amount of something based on how much it
face. cost or how much time you use it: / bought $20
worry 1
/'wan, 'wah/ verb (worrying, wor- worth of food. He won a year's worth of gas.

ried] worth-less /'waOlis/ adjective

to feel unhappy, upset, or anxious when thinking not valuable, important, or useful
about someone or something: My parents
worry about me if I come home late.
worth-while /,wa£'wail< / adjective
worth all the effort, money, or time needed to
worry 2 noun get something
1 [U] the feeling of being unhappy or anxious
about something: The worry showed on her wor-thy /'wa^di/ adjective (worthier,

face. worthiest]

2 [plural worries] a problem or bad situation good enough to deserve respect or admiration:
that makes you feel anxious: My father has a lot He is worthy of our trust.
of worries. would /wad, ad, d; strong wud/ verb
worse 1
/wa^s/ adjective, adverb 1 used for will when saying what someone has
more unpleasant: Traffic is said: They said they would play on Saturday.
1 not as good;
worse on Fridays.» compare BETTER 1 2 used for saying that you expect something to
2 sicker, in a less good condition: She was not happen or be true: / thought she would be
feeling well, and now she's worse. happy for me, but she wasn't.
3 in a more severe way than before: The pain 3 Would you? used as a polite way of asking
feels worse. someone something: Would you like some
4 not as well, less successful: He draws even help?
worse than I do. 4 used for saying that something happened
regularly in the past: Edward would come over
worse 2 noun [U] to play games with us.
something worse: The new job was a change
for the worse. wouldn't /wudnt/
would not: / knew she wouldn't come.
worsen /'wa^san/ verb
to become worse, or make something do this:
would've /'wudav/
His condition worsened over the weekend. would have: / would've come if I'd had time.

worship 1
/"wa\T/ip/ verb (worshipping, wound 1
worshipped) the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb

to show great respect to a god, especially by wind

praying wound 2 /wund/ verb
worship 2 noun [U] to injure or hurt someone: Was he badly

a strong feeling of love and respect for some- wounded?

one, especially a god wound 3 /wund/ noun
worst /wa-st/ adjective, adverb, noun an injuryon your body, especially caused by a
1 worse than anything else: That was the knife or gun

worst movie I've ever seen! »

compare BEST 1 wove /wouv/
2 worst of all, the worst someone or some- the PAST TENSE of the verb weave
thing that is worse than other people, results
etc.: Four people were in the accident, but she
woven /'wouvan/
was injured worst of all. the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb weave
3 at worst as bad as something can be: It'll wrap /raep/ verb (wrapping, wrapped)
cost $200 at worst to replace the tires. 1 [also wrap something up] to fold paper,

worth 1
/wa£/ adjective cloth around something to cover it: /

1 having a particular value: How much is this

haven't wrapped your birthday gift yet. oppo- »
ring worth? Each question
is worth ten points. site UNWRAP
2 wrap your arms around someone to hold wring /nn,/ verb [past tense wrung /rr)/,
someone or something by putting your arms past participle wrung]
around him, her, or it [also wring out) to twist wet clothes to remove
3 be wrapped up in something to pay too water from them
much attention to someone or something: He is
too wrapped up in his work to notice her.
wrinkle /'ngkal/ noun
1 a line in cloth caused by crushing or folding
wrapper /'raepaV noun it: Can you iron the wrinkles out of this shirt?
the paper, plastic etc. that covers something, 2 a line on your skin, especially when you are
especially food: Where is your bubble gum old —see color picture on page 1 91
wrist /nst/ noun
wreath noun/riG/ the joint between your hand and your arm —see
a decoration made from flowers or plants, picture at HAND 1

shaped like a circle

wrist- watch /'nsf-watJV noun
wreck 1
/rek/ noun a watch that you wear around your wrist
1 is so damaged
a ship, car, plane etc. that
that cannot be used
write /rait/ verb (writing, past tense wrote
/rout/, past participle written /'nt^n/)
2 a bad accident involving vehicles or planes:
He was in a car wreck. 1 to make words on paper, using a
letters or
pen or The children are learning to
wreck 2
verb write. Write your name here.

to destroy or ruin something: The ship was 2 to produce a letter and send it to someone:
wrecked on the rocks. \
He ended up wrecking He writes to me every day.
their marriage. 3 to produce a new book, play, song etc.:
She's written several books.
wreck-age /'rckid3/ noun [U]
the broken parts of a car, plane, building etc.:
4 write back to answer a letter by sending one
to whoever sent one to you
Two people were recovered from the wreckage.
5 write something down to put information on
wrench 1
/rent JV noun a piece of paper so you do not forget it: Did you
a metal tool with a round end used for turning write down her phone number?
things that are tight
writ-er /'raitaV noun
wrench 2 verb someone who writes books, especially as a job
to pull or turn something suddenly and with
force: He wrenched the door open.
writing /'raitirj/ noun [U]
1 the activity or job of writing books or stories,
wrestle /'resal/ verb (wrestling, or the books and stories that are written: /

wrestled] enjoy the humorous writing of Mark Twain.

to fight by holding someone and trying to push 2 words that are written or printed, or the
or pull him or her to the ground style in which this is done: What beautiful writ-
ing! can't read your writing.
wrestler /'reslaV noun |

3 in writing a promise, agreement etc. that is

someone who WRESTLES as a sport
written and official: Can I have that promise in
wrestling /'reslirj/ noun [U] writing?
a sport in which you try to push or pull some- n
one to the ground
writ-ten /'nt n/
the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb write
wriggle /'ngal/ verb (wriggling, wriggled]
from side to side with small quick move-
to twist
wrong 1
/rorj/ adjective

1 not good or acceptable; bad: Telling lies is

ments: The snake wriggled through the grass.
wring 2 not correct: / gave the wrong answer.
» compare RIGHT 1
3 not suitable: This is the wrong time to visit
4 what's wrong? (a) said when asking some-

one what the problem is: What's wrong? Aren't

you feeling well? (b] said when asking someone

why something is not working: Hey, John,

what's wrong with the TV?

wrong 2 adverb
1 not in the correct way: You spelled the word
wrong. »
compare RIGHT3
2 get something wrong to make a mistake or
not get the correct answer
3 go wrong to have problems and not be suc-
cessful: If anything goes wrong, we'll fix it for
yacht /yat/ noun
a large expensive boat, used for sailing or
wrong 3 noun [U] racing
behavior that or unaccept-
able: Some

bad, incorrect,
do not know the difference
yam /yaem/ noun
between right and wrong. » compare RIGHT 2
yank /yaerjk/ verb
wrote /rout/
to pull something quickly and with force: The
the PAST TENSE of the verb write
little boy yanked my hair.

wrung /rArj/
yard /yard/ noun
the PAST TENSE and PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb
1 the land around a house, usually covered
with grass: We have a swimming pool in the
WWW back yard.
2 a measure
the short way to write WORLD WIDE WEB of length, equal to three feet or
0.9 meters

yard sale /'. ./ noun
a sale of old clothes, furniture, toys etc. in

someone's yard

yarn /yarn/ noun

a thick thread used by someone to KNIT some-

Xmas /'knsmas, 'eksmas/ noun [U] yawn 1

/yon/ verb
a short way to write the word CHRISTMAS to open your mouth
wide and breathe
x-ray deeply because you
are tired or bored: /

felt so sleepy, I could-

n't stop yawning. VJ\ /^fciS^^W
yawn 2
an act of YAWNing

yd. noun
a short way to write
the word yard used as a measurement

yeah /yea/
used for saying "yes": "Do you like ice cream?"
x-ray 1 /'eks-rei/ noun [plural x-rays] "Yeah!"

a photograph of the inside of your body, taken year /yir/ noun

with a special light that cannot be seen, used by 1 365 days or 1
a period of time equal to
a doctor to see an injury: The x-ray showed two months, beginning on January 1 and ending on
broken bones. December 31: She is seven years old. The \

x-ray 2 verb [x-raying, x-rayed) agreement is good for another year.

to photograph a part of someone's body using
an X-RAY

2 years, in years, for years many years; a yield /yild/ verb
long period of time: / haven't seen her in years. \
1 to be persuaded to do
allow yourself to
It's been years since I rode a horse. something: The government yielded to public
demands for lower taxes.
year-book /'yirbuk/ noun
2 to allow the cars from another road to go
a book printed once a year by a high school or
college, about its students, sports events, clubs
3 to produce fruit, vegetables etc.: The trees
etc. during that year
yielded a large crop of fruit.

year-ly /'yirli/ adjective, adverb

happening or done every year or once a year

YMCA /,wai em si 'ei/ noun
an organization, especially in large cities, that
yeast /yist/ noun [U] provides places to stay and sports activities for
a living substance used for making bread rise young people
and for producing alcohol
yogurt /'yougzrt/ noun [U]
yell /yel/ verb a thick liquid food made from milk, that has a
to shout or say something very loudly slightly sour taste

yellow /'yelou/ adjective, noun yolk /youk/ noun

having the color of the sun, or the middle part the yellow part in the center of an egg — see
of an egg: The park was full of yellow flowers. picture at EGG

Yellow Pages /,.. \J (trademark) you /ya, yu; strong yu/ pronoun
plural noun 1 the person or people that someone is talking
a book that has the telephone numbers of the to: You can swim fast. |
/ can't hear you.
businesses in a particular area 2 people in general: You can't believe anyone
these days. not good for you to smoke.
yes /yes/ adverb

1 said when giving a positive reply to a ques- you'd /yad, yud; strong yud/
tion: "Will you call me tomorrow?" "Yes, I will." 1 you had: You'd already left when I called.
» compare NO 2 you would: If you brushed your hair, you'd
2 said when agreeing with a statement: "It is a look better.
beautiful day. " "Yes, it is.
you'll /yal, yul; strong yul/
3 said when you do not agree completely with
you will: You'll get it tomorrow.
a statement: "He doesn't love me any more."
"Yes he does!" young 1
/yArj/ adjective
4 said when you are excited about something: not old; not having lived very long: She was with
Yes! Yes! Yes! We won! a young child. » compare OLD —see color pic-

ture on page 191

yesterday /'yesta^di, -,dei/ adverb, noun
the day before today: It was very hot yesterday. young 2
plural noun
» compare TOMORROW 1 the young young people as a group: The
music is directed at the young.
yet /yet/ adverb
2 young animals: Animals protect their young.
1 used in questions and negative statements
to say whether something that you expect to your /y&; strong yur, yor/
happen has happened: Did he come yet? I \ belonging to the person or people you are
don't think she is awake yet. speaking to: Put your books on your desks. Is \

2 at some time in the future; still: She may that your mother?
come yet.
3 in addition to what you have already done or
you're ly&; strong yur, yor/
you are: You're late again!
gotten: / made yet another mistake. \
I will try
to help her yet again. yours /yorz, yorz/
1 something belonging or relating to you: Are
NOTE: Use yet in questions and NEGATIVE these pencils yours? Is he a friend of yours? \

sentences: Are you finished yet? I'm not 2 yours, yours sincerely a phrase you write at
ready yet. In other types of sentence, use the end of a letter before you sign your name
already: / am already finished.
your-self /ya^'self/ [plural yourselves
1 the same person as
the one that someone
is Look at yourself in the mirror.
talking to: \

Make yourself at home.

2 used for emphasizing the word "you": You
told me the story yourself.
3 by yourself (a] without help: You can't lift

that by yourself! (b) alone: Do you live by your-

4 to yourself for your own use: You will have
the house to yourself this week. zebra
youth /yu0/ noun
1 [U] the time when someone is young: In his

youth, he was a singer.

2 [plural youths] a young man: Two youths
were involved in the accident.
3 [plural] young people in general: The youth of
the country suffered the most.

you've /yav, yuv; strong yuv/

you have: You've forgotten your coat. zebra /'zibra/ noun
yo-yo /'youyou/ noun a wild animal in Africa like a horse, that has
a toy that you hold in your hand, and make it go black and white lines on its body — see color pic-

up and down on a string ture on page 1 83

yuppie /'yApi/ noun zero /'zirou, 'zirou/ noun [plural zeros or

someone who is only interested in earning a lot zeroes)
of money and buying a lot of expensive things the number
zig-zag /'zigzaeg/ noun
a pattern like a long line of Z's joined together
—see picture at PATTERN
zip /zip/ verb (zipping, zipped)
[also zip up) to fasten something using a ZIPPER:
She zipped up her dress.

zip code /'. ./ noun

a number that you write below the address on
an envelope so that it can be delivered quickly

zipper /'zipa7 noun

a fastener on clothes, bags etc. that has two
lines of metal or plastic teeth and a sliding piece
that joins the lines together —see picture at

zodiac /'zoudi.aek/ noun

the zodiac an imaginary circle in space that the
sun, moon, and PLANETs follow as a path, which
some people believe influences people's lives

zone /zoun/ noun

part of an area used for a particular purpose:
This is a no-parking zone.

zoo /zu/ noun

a place where many
different animals are kept
so that people can look at them
.. .

Irregular verbs
Here are a few simple rules to help you find dry — She's drying her hair.
the correct ending for different verbs: hurry — He's hurrying to work.
fry — She's frying an egg.
A. Verbs which end in a consonant
and a silent "e", such as like, hope, C. Verbs which double the
create, advise, amuse consonant
1 In the present tense, you add "s" to the 1 If a verb has one syllable and ends in a sin-
he, she, or it forms: gle vowel and a consonant, such as hit, clap,
She likes cheese. plan, pin, the consonant is usually doubled:
He loves her. clap — She clapped her hands,
2. In the past tense, you add "d" to all forms: plan — I'm planning to go home tomor-
She created a terrible noise. row.
They liked the movie. 2. If a verb has more than one syllable, but
He hoped to win a prize. ends in a single vowel and a consonant, and
3. In the continuous tenses, you take away has the stress on the last syllable, the conso-
the "e" and add "ing." nant is usually doubled:

She's hoping to pass the test. begin — I'm beginning to understand,

I was just admiring your new car. upset — She's really upsetting me.

3. If a verb has more than one syllable and

B. Verbs which end in "y" (NOT the stress is not on the last syllable, the last
verbs which end in -ay, -oy, -uy, -ey) consonant is not usually doubled:

1 In the present or past tenses, you change offer — She offered me some coffee,
"y" into "ie." open — He opened the door.
cry — The baby cries a lot. 4. If the last vowel sound of a verb is written
She cried all night, with two letters, you do not double the final

worry — It worries me. consonant:

He worried his mother. heat I'm heating the soup.
2. In thecontinuous tenses, you do not cook He cooked our dinner.

change the "y". You a dd "ing" to the "y."

Table of irregular verbs

verb present past tense past verb present past tense past
participle participle participle participle

arise arising arose arisen breed breeding bred bred

be being was been bring bringing brought brought
bear bearing bore borne broadcast broadcasting broadcast broadcast
beat beating beat beaten build building built built

become becoming became become burn burning burned burned

begin beginning began begun buy buying bought bought
bend bending bent bent catch catching caught caught
bet betting bet bet choose choosing chose chosen
bind binding bound bound cling clinging clung clung
bite biting bit bitten come coming came come
bleed bleeding bled bled cost costing cost cost
blow blowing blew blown creep creeping crept crept
break breaking broke broken cut cutting cut cut
verb present past tense past verb present past tense past
participle participle participle participle

deal dealing dealt dealt panic panicking panicked panicked

die dying died died pay paying paid paid
dig digging dug dug picnic picnicking picnicked picnicked
do doing did done put putting put put
draw drawing drew drawn quit quitting quit quit
dream dreaming dreamed or dreamed or read reading read read
dreamt dreamt repay repaying repaid repaid
drink drinking drank drunk ride riding rode ridden
drive driving drove driven ring ringing rang rung
eat eating ate eaten rise rising rose risen
fall falling fell fallen run running ran run
feed feeding fed fed saw sawing sawed sawn
feel feeling felt felt say saying said said
fight fighting fought fought see seeing saw seen
find finding found found seek seeking sought sought
fly flying flew flown sell selling sold sold
forbid forbidding forbade forbidden send sending sent sent
forget forgetting forgot forgotten set setting set set
freeze freezing froze frozen sew sewing sewed sewn
get getting got gotten shake shaking shook shaken
give giving gave given shear shearing sheared shorn
go going went gone shed shedding shed shed
grind grinding ground ground shine shining shone shone
grow growing grew grown shoot shooting shot shot
hang hanging hung or hung or show showing showed shown
hanged hanged shrink shrinking shrank shrunk
have having had had shut shutting shut shut
hear hearing heard heard sing singing sang sung
hide hiding hid hidden sink sinking sank sunk
hit hitting hit hit sit sitting sat sat
hold holding held held sleep sleeping slept slept
hurt hurting hurt hurt slide sliding slid slid

keep keeping kept kept sling slinging slung slung

kneel kneeling knelt knelt slit slitting slit slit

know knowing knew known sow sowing sowed sown

lay laying laid laid speak speaking spoke spoken
lead leading led led speed speeding sped or sped or
leave leaving left left speeded speeded
lend lending lent lent spend spending spent spent
let letting let let spin spinning spun spun
Iie1 lying lay lain spit spitting spit or spat spat
Iie2 lying lied lied split splitting split split

lose losing lost lost spring springing sprang sprung

make making made made stand standing stood stood
mean meaning meant meant steal stealing stole stolen
meet meeting met met stick sticking stuck stuck
mistake mistaking mistook mistaken sting stinging stung stung
mow mowing mowed mowed or stink stinking stank stunk
mown stride striding strode stridden
outgrow outgrowing outgrew outgrown strike striking struck struck
overhear overhearing overheard overheard swear swearing swore sworn
oversleep oversleeping overslept overslept sweep sweeping swept swept
overtake overtaking overtook overtook swell swelling swelled swollen
verb present past tense past verb present past tense past
participle participle participle participle

swim swimming swam swum unwind unwinding unwound unwound

swing swinging swung swung upset upsetting upset upset
take taking took taken wake waking woke woken
teach teaching taught taught wear wearing wore worn
tear tearing tore torn weave weaving wove woven
tell telling told told weep weeping wept wept
think thinking thought thought wet wetting wet or wet or
throw throwing threw thrown wetted wetted
thrust thrusting thrust thrust win winning won won
tie tying tied tied wind winding wound wound
undergo undergoing underwent undergone withdraw withdrawing withdrew withdrawn
understand understanding understood understood wring wringing wrung wrung
undertake ! undertaking undertook undertaken write writing wrote written
undo undoing undid undone
The Longman Compound words
Defining Definitions occasionally include compound
Vocabulary words formed from words in the Defining
Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning
Words used in the definitions in is completely clear. For example, the word
this dictionary businessman (formed from business and
man) is used in some definitions.
All in this dictionary have been
the definitions
written using the words on this list. If a defini- Prefixes and suffixes
tion includes a word that is not on the list,
that word is shown in small capital letters.
The main list is followed by a list of common
prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to

The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully words in the main list to form derived words,
provided the meaning is completely clear. For
chosen after a thorough study of all the well-
example, the word walking (formed by adding
known frequency lists of English words.
-ing to walk] is used in some definitions.
Furthermore, only the most common and
"central" meanings of the words on the list
Phrasal verbs
have actually been used in definitions. We
have also used a special computer program Phrasal verbs formed by combining words in

that checks every entry to ensure that words the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up
from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not with something] are NOT used in definitions in

appear in definitions. the dictionary, except in a very small number

of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely
Word class restrictions common and there is no common equivalent.
So, for example, give something up (as in give
For some words in the list, a word class label
up smoking] and take off (as in the plane took
such as n or adj shown. This means that
off] are occasionally used.
this particular word is used in definitions only
in the word class shown. So age, for exam-
Proper nouns
ple, is used only as a noun and not as a verb.

But if no word class is shown for a word, it The Defining Vocabulary does not include the
can be used in any of its most common word names of actual places, nationalities, religions,
classes: answer, for example, is used in defini- and so on, which are occasionally mentioned
tions both as a noun and as a verb. in definitions.

A actor, actress after adv, conj, prep along

a actual afternoon alphabet
abbreviation add afterward already
ability addition again also
able address against although
about adjective age n always
above adv, prep admiration ago among
abroad admire agree amount n
absence admit agreement amuse
absent adj adult ahead amusement
accept advanced aim amusing
acceptable advantage air n an
accident adventure aircraft ancient
according (to) adverb airport and
account n advertise alcohol anger n
achieve advertisement alive angle
acid advice all adv, determiner, angry
across advise predeterminer, animal
act affair pron announce
action affect allow announcement
active afford almost annoy
activity afraid alone another
answer band n boat candy
anxiety bank n body cap n
anxious bar n boil capital
any barely bomb car
anymore base n, v bone card
anyone baseball book n care
anything basic boot n careful
anywhere basket border careless
apartapartment basketball bored carriage
appear bath boring carry
appearance bathtub born case n
apple battle n borrow castle
appropriate be both cat
approval beach bottle catch v
approve beak bottom n cattle
area beam n bowl n cause
argue bean box n ceiling
argument bear boy celebrate
arm beard brain cell
army beat branch cent
around beautiful brave center n
arrange beauty bread centimeter
arrangement because break v central
arrival become breakfast century
arrive bed breast ceremony
art beer breath certain
article before breathe chain
artificial begin breed chair
artist beginning brick chance
as behave bridge n change
ash behavior bright character
ashamed behind adv, prep bring charge
ask belief broad adj chase v
asleep believe broadcast cheap
association bell brother cheat v
at belong brown adj, n check
atom below adv, prep brush cheek
attach belt n bucket cheerful
attack bend build v cheese
attempt beneath building chemical
attend berry bullet chemistry
attention beside(s] bunch n chest
attitude best adj, adv, n burn chicken
attract better adj, adv burst chief
attractive between bury child, children
authority beyond adv, prep bus n chin
available bicycle n bush chocolate
average adj, n big business choice
avoid bill n busy choose
awake bird but conj church
away birth butter n cigarette
awkward bite button n circle n
bitter buy v circular
B black by citizen
baby blade city
back adj, adv, n blame C claim
background bleed cake class
backward(s) adv blind calculate clay
bad block call clean
bag n blood calm clear
bake blow camera clerk
balance blue camp clever
ball board can' n, v cliff
climb v corner n defense dress
clock correct adj defend drink
close cost definite drive
cloth cotton degree drop
clothes, clothing cough delay drug
cloud could deliberate drum n
club council delicate drunk past particif
coal country deliver adj
coast n courage demand dry
coat course department duck n
coffee court depend dull
coin cover dependent during
cold cow depth dust n
collar crack describe duty
collect v crash description
college crazy desert E
color cream deserve each
comb creature design eager
combination crime desirable ear
combine v criminal desire early
come criticism desk earn
comfort criticize destroy earth
comfortable crop n destruction east
command cross n, v detail n eastern
committee crowd n determination easy
common cruel determined eat
communicate crush v develop economic
communication cry dictionary edge
company cup die v educate
compare cupboard difference educated
comparison cure different education
compete curl difficult effect
competition current n difficulty effective
competitor curtain dig effort
complain curve dinner egg
complaint customer dip 1/ eight
complete cut direct eighth
compound n direction either
computer D dirt elbow
concern v daily adj, adv dirty elect
concerning damage disappoint election
concert dance discover electric
condition n danger discovery electricity
confidence dangerous discuss electronic
confident dark discussion else
confuse date n disease embarrass
connect daughter dish emotion
connection day dismiss emphasize
conscious dead distance n employ
consider deal n distant employer
consist deal with divide v employment
container death do empty
continue debt doctor enclose
continuous decay document encourage
contract n deceit dog end
control deceive dollar enemy
convenient decide door energy
conversation decision double adj, v engine
cook decorate doubt engineer
cookie decoration down adv, prep enjoy
cool decrease draw v enjoyable
copy deep drawer enjoyment
corn defeat dream enough
enter famous foot n gold
entertain far football good
entertainment farm for prep goodbye
entrance farmer forbid goods
envelope farther force govern
environment farthest foreign government
equal fashion forest graceful
equipment fashionable forever grade
escape fast adj, adv forget gradual
especially fasten forgive grain
establish fat fork gram
even adj, adv father form grammar
evening fault n formal grand adj
event favorable former grandfather
ever favorite fortunate grandmother
every fear forward(s) adv grandparent
everyone feather four(th) grass
everything feature frame n grateful
everywhere feed v free grave n
evil feel v freedom gray adj, n
exact feeling[s) freeze great
examination female frequent adj green
examine fence fresh greet
example fever friend greeting
excellent few friendly ground
except conj, prep field n frighten group n
exchange fierce frightening grow
excite fifth from growth
excited fight front adj, n guard v
exciting figure n fruit guess v
excuse fill V full guest
exercise film fun guide
exist final adj funeral guilty
existence finally funny gun
expect financial fur
expensive find v furniture H
experience find out further habit
explain fine adj future hair
explanation finger half
explode finish G hall
explosion fire gain hammer n
explosive firm adj, n gallon hand n
express v first adv, determiner game handle
expression fish garage hang
extreme fit adj, v garden happen
eye five gas happy
eyelid fix gasoline hard
flag gate hardly
F flame gather harm
face flash general harmful
fact flat generally hat
factory flesh generous hate v
fail flight gentle hatred
failure float get have
faint adj, v flood gift he
fair adj floor girl head n
fairly flour give health
faith flow glad healthy
faithful flower glass hear
fall fly glue heart
false fold go heat
familiar follow goat heaven
family food god; God heavy
heel important judge library
height impressive judgment lid

hello improve juice lie

help improvement jump lie down

helpful in adv, prep just adv life

her(s) inch justice lift

here include light

herself including K like prep, v
hide v income keep v likely
high increase key n limit
high school independent kick line n
hill indoor(s) kill lion
him industrial kilogram lip

himself industry kilometer liquid

his infect kind list n
historical infection king listen
history infectious kiss literature
hit v influence kitchen liter
hold inform knee little

hole information kneel live v

holiday injure knife load
hollow adj injury knock loaf n
holy ink knot local
home adv, n inner know v lock
honest insect knowledge lonely
honor n inside long
hook n instead L look
hope institution lack look for
hopeful instruction lady loose
horn instrument lake lose
horse n insult v lamb loss
hospital insurance lamp lot
host insure land loud
hot intelligence language love
hotel intelligent last adv, determiner low adj
hour intend late lower v
house n intention lately loyal
how interest laugh loyalty
human interesting laughter luck
humorous international law lucky
humor interrupt lawyer lung
hundred(th) into lay
hungry introduce layer n M
hunt v introduction lazy machine
hurry invent lead v machinery
hurt invitation leaf magazine
husband invite lean magic
involve learn mail
1 inward[s) least main
ice n iron adj, n leather make
idea island leave make into
if it left make up
ignore its leg male
ill itself legal man
illegal lend manage
illness J length manager
image jaw less manner
imaginary jewel lesson many
imagination jewelry let map
imagine job let go of march
immediate join let out mark n
immediately joint letter market n
importance joke level adj, n marriage
married move v nowhere p
marry movement number n pack v
match much nurse package
material mud nut page n
mathematics multiply
matter murder painful
may muscle obey paint
me music object n painting
meal musician obtain pair n
mean v must occasion pale
meaning my ocean pan
means mysterious o'clock pants
measure mystery odd paper
meat of parallel
medical N off adv, prep parent
medicine nail offense park
meet name offend part n
meeting narrow offensive adj particular
melt nasty offer partly
member nation office partner
memory national officer party n
mental natural official pass v
mention v nature often passage
mess navy oil n passenger
message near adj, adv, prep old past
messy nearly old-fashioned path
metal neat on adv, prep patience
method necessary once patient adj
meter neck one pattern n
middle adj, n need onion pause
might v needle only pay
mile negative onto payment
military adj neither open adj, v peace
milk nerve operate peaceful
millionth] nervous operation pen
mind nest opinion pencil
mine n, pron net opponent people
mineral network opportunity pepper
minister never oppose per
minute n new as opposed to perfect adj
mirror news opposite perform
miss newspaper opposition performance
mist next or perhaps
mistake nice orange period
mix v night order permanent
mixture nine ordinary permission
model n ninth organ person
modern no adv, determiner organize personal
moment noise organization persuade
money none origin pet n
monkey nonsense original photograph
month no one other phrase
monthly nor ought physical
moon normal our(s) piano
moral adj north out adj, adv pick v
more northern outdoor(s) pick up
morning nose outer picture n
most not outside piece n
mother note over adv, prep P'9
motor nothing owe pile n
mountain notice own determiner pilot n
mouse noun owner pin
mouth now oxygen pink
pressure n radio rich
pretend railroad rid
pretty adj rain ride
prevent raise v right
previous range n ring
previously rank n ripe
price n rapid rise
priest rare risk
prince rat river
principle rate n road
print rather rob
prison raw rock n
prisoner reach roll v
private adj react romantic adj
prize n reaction roof
probably read v room
problem ready root
process n real rope
produce v realize rose
product really rough
production reason round adj
profession reasonable row
profit n receive royal
program recent rub
progress n recently rubber
promise recognize rude
pronounce record n, v ruin
pronunciation red rule
proof reduce ruler
property reduction run
proposal refusal rush v
protect refuse v
protection regard v S
protective regular sad
protest related safe adj
proud relative safety
prove relation sail
provide relationship salary
public relax sale
publicly religion salt
pull religious same
pump remain sand n
punish remark n satisfaction
punishment remember satisfactory
pure remind satisfy
purple remove save
purpose rent say v
push repair scale n
put repeat v scatter
reply scene
Q report school
quality represent science
quantity representative n scientific
quarrel request n scientist
quarter n respect scissors
queen responsible screen
question rest screw
quick restaurant sea
quiet adj, n restrict search
result season n
R return seat
rabbit reward second adv, deter-
race rice miner, n
secrecy sign sore adj stream n
secret signal sorrow street
secretary silence n sorry strength
see silent sort n stretch
seed silk soul strict
seem silly sound n, v strike v
seize silver soup string n
sell similar sour strong
send similarity south structure n
sensation simple southern struggle
sense since space n student
sensible sincere spade study
sensitive sing speak stupid
sentence single special adj style n
separate singular specific .subject n
serious sink v speech substance
seriously sister speed n subtract
servant sit spell v succeed
serve situation spend success
service sixfth] spin v successful
set size n spirit such
settle skill in spite of suck
seven(th) skillful split sudden
several skin spoil suffer
severe skirt spoon sugar
sew sky sport(s) suggest
sex slave spot n suit
sexual sleep spread v suitable
shade slide v spring suitcase
shadow slight square sum
shake slip v stage n summer
shame n slippery stair sun
shape slope stamp supper
share slow stand v supply
sharp small standard support
she smart star n suppose
sheep smell start sure
sheet smile state surface
shelf smoke statement surprise
shell n smooth station surround
shelter snake stay swallow v
shine v snow steady swear
shiny so steal sweep
ship n soap steam sweet
shirt social steel swell
shock society steep swim
shoe sock stem swing
shoot soft step sword
shop soil stick sympathetic
shore soldier sticky sympathy
short solid stiff system
shot solution still

should solve sting T

shoulder some determiner, stitch table
shout pron stomach tail

show somehow stone take

shut someone stop take care of
shy something store talk
sick sometimes storm n tall

sickness somewhere story taste

side son straight tax
sideways song strange taxi
sight n soon stranger tea
toe universal weather
together universe weave
toilet university wedding
tomorrow unless week
tongue until weekly
tonight up weigh
too upper weight
tool upright welcome
tooth upset v, adj well
top adj, n upside down west
total adj, n upstairs western adj
touch urgent wet
tour us what
tourist use whatever
toward useful wheat
tower useless wheel
town usual when
toy whenever
track V where
trade n vacation whether
tradition valley which
traditional valuable whichever
traffic value n while conj
train variety whip
training various whisper
translate vegetable whistle
transparent vehicle white
trap verb who
travel very whole
treat v victory whose
treatment view n why
tree violence wide
tribe violent width
trick visit wife
trip n voice wild adj, adv
tropical vote will

trouble vowel willing

truck win v
true W wind n, v
trunk wages window
trust waist wine
truth wait v wing
try v wake winter
tube walk wire
tune n wall wisdom
turn wander wise
twice want wish
twist war with
two warm within prep
type n warmth without prep
typical warn witness n
warning woman
U wash wood
ugly waste wooden
uncle watch wool
under prep water word n
understand wave work
underwear way world
undo we worm
uniform n weak worry
union wealth worse
unit weapon worst
unite wea n worth
would 1

wound Prefixes and suffixes -ess

wrap v that can be used -ful -ment 1
wrist with words in the -ible mid- 1
Defining Vocabulary -ic mis- 1
wrong adj, adv, n
-ical -ness 1

-able im- non-

yard -al in- -or

year -an -ing -ous

yearly -a nee -ion re-
yellow -ar ir- -ry
yesterday -ate -ish self-
-ation -ist -ship
[dis- -ity -th
-ed -ive un-
yourself -en -ization -ward[s]
-ence -ize -work
Z -er -less -y
zero -ery -like
American names
female names male names
Amanda (Man dy) /s'maenda/ /'maendi/ Aaron /'aeran/

Amy /'eimi/
Adam /'aedam/

Andrea /'aendrig/ Alexander (Alex) /,aelag'zaenda7 /,aelaks/

A-lan /'aelan/
Angela (Angie) /'aend39ta/ /'aend3i/
Ann, Anne /'aen/
Andrew (Andy) /'aendru/ /'aendi/

Ashley /'aejli/
Anthony (Tony) /'aenOani/ /'touni/

Barbara (Barb) /'barbrs/ /barb/

Benjamin (Ben) /'bcnd33mm/
Caitlin /'keirbn/
Brandon /'braendan/
Caroline /'kaerahn/ Brian /'braian/
Catherine (Cathy), /'kaeOran/ Charles (Chuck, Charlie) /tjarlz/ /tjAk/
Kathe rine (Ka thy) /'kaeGi/
Christine /'knstin/ Christopher (Chris) /'knstafaV /kris/

Christina (Chris) /kn'stina/ /kns/ Daniel /'daenyal/

Courtney /'kort n ni/ Darren /'daeran/

Cynthia (Cindy) /'sinGis/ /'smdi/ David (Dave) /'divid/ /'deiv/

Deborah (Debbie) /'debrs/ /'debi/ Edward (Ed, Eddie) /'edwaxi/ /'ed/ /'edi/

Elizabeth (Liz) /a'lizabiG/ /liz/

Eric /'erik/

Emily /'emgli/
Gary /'gaeri/
Erica /'enks/
Gregory (Greg) /'greari/ /grcg/
Heath er /'hedaV James (Jim, Jimmy, Jamie) /'d3eimz/
/d3imi/ /'d3imi/ /'d3eimi/
Jacqueline (Jackie) /'d3aekalm/ /'d3aeki/
Jane Id$ein/ Jason /'d3eis3n/
Jeff rey (Jeff) /'d3efri/ /d3ef/
Jennifer (Jenny) /'d3£nafa7 /'d3cni/
Jessica /'d3esik9/
Jeremy /'d3erami/

Julie, Julia /'d3uli/ /'d3ulia/

John (Jack) /'d3an/ /d3aek/
Karen /'kaeran/
Jonathan /'d3ana9an/
Katie /'keiti/
Joshua (Josh) /'d3ajua/ /'d3aJ7

Justin /'d3ASt3n/
Keith /'ki0/
Kimberley (Kim) /'kimba^li/ /kim/
Kris-ten /'knstan/
Kenneth (Ken, Kenny) /'keniB/ /ken /'keni/

Laura /'lara, 'lara/

Kevin /'kevan/
Kyle /'kail/
Linda /'lmda/
Li-sa /'lisa/
Mark /mark/
Lynn /lin/
Matthew (Matt) /'maeOyu/ /maet/

Mary /'meri/ Michael (Mike) /'maikal/

Megan /'meig9n/ Nathan (Nate) /'neGan/ /neit/

Melissa (Missy) /ma'lisa/ /'misi/

Nicholas /'nikalas/ /nik/
Patrick (Pat) /'paetnk/ /past/
Michelle /mi'Jel/
Paul /pal/
Nicole /ni'kol/
Pamela (Pam) /'paemala/ /'paem/ Peter (Pete) /'pita-/

Philip (Phil) /'filap/ /fil/

Patricia (Pat, Patty) /pa'tn Ja/ /past/ /'paet/

Rachel /'reijal/
Richard (Rick, Dick) /'ntj>d/ /ntj/ /dik/

Rebecca (Becky) /ra'beka/ /'beki/ Robert (Bob, Rob) /'raba-t/ /bab/ /rub/

Samantha /sa'maenBa/ Ryan /'raian/

Sandra (Sandy) /'sandra/ /'saendi/ Scott /'skat/

Sarah /'saera/ Sean /'Jon/

Stephanie /'stcfani/ Steven, Stephen (Steve) /'stivan/ /'stivan/

Susan, Suzanne (Sue) /'suzan/ /su'zaen/ /su/
Tracy /'treisi/
Thomas (Tom) /'tamas/ /tarn/
Timothy (Tim) /'timaGi/ /tim/
Todd /'tad/
Tyler /'tailaV
William (Bill, Billy, Will) /'wilyam/ /bil/


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