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University of Santo Tomas Senior High School

Practical Research 2 and English for Academic and Professional Purposes

WRITTEN WORK: Conducting an Observation

Names: AJESTA, ARVIN C. Section: 12HUMSS-7 Date: 20-21 November 2019 Score: ___________

Remember that the purpose of a field report in the social sciences is to describe the observation of people, places, and/or events and to analyze that observation
data in order to identify and categorize common themes in relation to Spanish Colonial Architecture. The content represents your group’s interpretation of meaning
found in data that has been gathered during the tour of the Las Casas resort as an observational event. Moreover, your specific purpose in accomplishing this worksheet
is to apply your skills in scientific observation. For this purpose, you have to complete the table below during the field trip. Upload the accomplished soft copy onto
the UST Blackboard Assignment Tool under the EAPP (12-HUMSS-7, 12-HUMSS-10) account or PR2 (12-HUMSS-8, 12-HUMSS-9) account on September 22, Friday.
Submit the accomplished worksheet in a computer-printed format on 23 November 2019, Saturday.

Physical Setting Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar is a destination located in Bagac,
The characteristics of an Bataan wherein it could you a taste of what is it like to live in the
occupied space and the 18th century. Las Casas is mainly influenced by the Spaniards with
human use of the place
where the observation(s) are
various design linked to Spanish Architecture and Culture. Since
being conducted. some of the houses that were restored in Las Casas was from the
1800’s, the influence, design and structure of the houses were
indeed influenced by Spanish architecture and its culture.
Most of the houses have a prefix called “Casas” or also called
“house” in english. Most of the houses have an ample space o
distance with each other. The streets were designed for automobiles
since automobiles weren’t made available in the Philippines not
until the 1900’s.

The scenery of Las Casas in general is aesthetically pleasing. If you

walk around the resort, you can see the mountains that surrounds
the location as well as the waves coming from the sea. All in all, the
foundation of Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar was mainly the houses
inspired by Spanish Architecture. It can make have an experience
wherein you feel like you were walking amongst the likes of Rizal
and other colonial heroes we were made to known of today.
Objects and Material Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar, a large and expansive lot in Bagac,
Culture Bataan is owned by Jose “Gerry” Acuzar, owner of New San Jose
The presence, placement, Builders. The resort was able to preserve the authenticity of the
and arrangement of objects classic Filipino houses that were built during the Spanish
that impact the behavior or
actions of those being
colonization era in the Philippines. The homes were selected based
observed. If applicable, on historical, cultural, and architectural value. The majority of these
describe the cultural houses are Spanish-era and bahay na bato, built with stone
artifacts representing the foundations and wooden floors. You can find common structural
beliefs--values, ideas, characteristics among the homes, just like in the following: Casa
attitudes, and assumptions--
used by the individuals you
Ladrillo, Casa Esquina, and Casa Terraza. These houses look simple
are observing. from the outside since the color of the exterior is just plain dull,
which is of reference to the Spanish influence to the Filipino cultural
designs. But when you go inside, it features a rustic, classic, and
luxurious interior and aesthetic furniture. The floors are wooden,
and there are intricate fixtures from the ceiling to the walls. They are
a two-story casa that has shiny furniture, and it will make you feel
like royalty in the past. These houses are also filled with majestic
centerpieces and elegant lightings. These Casas are restored for
people who would like to visit and stay at the resort for nostalgic
reasons. These houses are believed to be the homes the royalties in
the Philippines in the past. Las Casas is indeed the place for someone
who seeks for nostalgic leisure or for someone who seeks for
something out of the ordinary.
Use of Language The tour guides typically speak in formal Filipino, likely because the
Don't just observe but listen target audience at the time (UST Students) understand Filipino and
to what is being said, how is also to preserve the image of being a place of Filipino culture. The
it being said, and the tone of
conversation among
signages vary in language. The signs that show the names of the
participants. houses, for instance, depict very Spanish sounding names. This is
likely in reference to the fact that the houses were originally built
during the Spanish period of the country. Most of the other signs,
such as directions to places or depictions of instructions, are in
English. This is done for the sake of making foreign tourists
understand them. Some signs depicting instructions are also in
Filipino (such as the “Pakiusap, Bawal Hawakan” shown in the
second column). It should be noted that the signs written in Filipino
are much more informally depicted than the English signs, probably
to be able to appeal more to the tourists, who are likely
responsible for bringing a lot of money into the resort.
University of Santo Tomas Senior High School
Practical Research 2 and English for Academic and Professional Purposes
WRITTEN WORK: Administering a Survey

Name: Deniela Suarez Section: 12HUMSS-7 Date: 20-21 November 2019 Score: ___________

Pinsonneault and Kraemer (1993 as cited in Glasow, 2005) defined a survey as a “means for gathering information about the characteristics, actions, or opinions of
a large group of people” (p. 77). Surveys can also be used to assess needs, evaluate demand, and examine impact (Salant & Dillman, 1994, p. 2). The term survey
instrument is often used to distinguish the survey tool from the survey research that it is designed to support.
Source: Glasow, P. (2005).Fundamentals of Survey Research Methodology. Retrieved from

Your objective in this survey is to practice administering a survey questionnaire by asking your field trip buddy or buddies to answer the following survey. Before you
administer the survey, make sure that you explain the purpose of the survey before asking them to accomplish it. You may administer this in written form or verbally.
Thank them for participating afterwards.

Upload the accomplished soft copy onto the UST Blackboard Assignment Tool under the EAPP (12-HUMSS-7, 12-HUMSS-10) account or PR2 (12-HUMSS-8, 12-HUMSS-
9) account on September 22, Friday. Submit the accomplished worksheet in a computer-printed format on 23 November 2019, Saturday.

Good day!

You are invited to participate in this survey that aims to determine visitor perspective on Las Casas Resort as a historical and cultural space.
Your responses will be collected with the rest of the Grade 12 Senior High School HUMSS strand visitors to determine your perspective on
cultural preservation. To participate, please rate the level of agreeableness by ticking the box that honestly represents your observation. The
best time to accomplish this is immediately after the tour.

Thank you!
1. The resort has preserved Filipino culture.
2. The resort is a preservation of Filipino culture.
3. The resort is an effective means of preserving Filipino culture.
4. The resort has preserved Spanish Colonial period residential architecture unique in
the Philippine landscape.
5. Knowing that the houses have been uprooted from its original location, I believe that
the resort is able to preserve Filipino culture and history.
6. Knowing that the houses have been renovated with 40-70% of its original parts, I
believe that the resort is able to preserve Filipino culture and history.


What are your favorite First is the Hotel Oriente. From the outside, it looks very simple, but when you go inside, it’s actually composed of luxurious
features or spaces in the furniture, grand staircase, and fancy interior design. And second is the bridge with supernatural creatures. I found it historical
since the materials that were used to build the bridge seems authentic filipino culture. It also looks romantic and fancy at the
resort? Please describe
same time.
these features or spaces.
Is the resort an authentic Partly, yes. It is authentic since some of the houses that were transferred inside the resort are really the original ones. The owner
representation of Filipino just fixed some parts for it to be more attractive and sturdy. Although some are replicas, they still managed to show their essence
and functions.
history and culture? Please
explain your answer.
Is the resort an effective Yes, it can be. Since they are already recognized in that field, they will surely continue their endeavors in ensuring that our
means of preserving Filipino culture and history are preserved and still taught in the future generations. It is also a resort; therefore, tourists or guests would
be able to visit it without any complications and as long as they are there, the resort will continue to emerge and improve their
history and culture? Please
explain your answer.
Would you invite your Yes, definitely. This craft makes me proud as a Filipino even deeper. Seeing the hard work of the people who’ve helped build such
foreign guests here or a remarkable area makes me wonder how is it like living in the past and cultivating such cultures. This is definitely one of the best
tourist spots in the country for it really shows the golden era of the Philippines with regards to architecture and culture
recommend this resort to
international tourists?
Please explain your answer.

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