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Standard IX

Action Research Project

Topic for 2019–20
Environmental Education For Sustainability (EEFS):
Current Trends, Issues and Recommendations
To Enhance EEFS in High Schools
Introduction sustainable development. Appropriate education
There is no compulsion for practicing and public participation were recognized as one
sustainability and there is no punishment for of the pillars of sustainability.
damaging environment. The Supreme Court has given verdict
This is leading to more and more environment regarding the subject Environment Education.
destruction. Making communities realize the At present environmental education is a
benefits of sustainability has become one of the compulsory part of the new syllabus. Now it is
biggest challenges of education. We may not be considered as an integral part and is introduced
able to change the mindset of present generation as integrated and interdisciplinary course in all
of adults. But we can educate and mould the the subjects.
young minds of the future generation. Environmentalism is “not an option like
This action research project is an attempt choosing one’s religion or political affiliation, but
to achieve this purpose by means of reviewing a fundamental value.” (Saylan and Blumstein)
the current trends in environmental education
for sustainability (EEFS), issues and suggesting Definitions
remedial measures to enhance sustainability. Environment Education: Is a process that allows
It is through environmental education that individuals to explore  environmental  issues,
the future environmental advocates, problem engage in problem-solving, and take action
solvers and leaders are created. to improve the  environment. As a result,
individuals develop a deeper understanding
Background of  environmental  issues and have the skills to
Subtle shifts from environmental education make informed and responsible decisions.
to education for sustainability began during l Trend: State/Condition/Situation.
the 1980s and got more momentum in the l Issues: Problems.
1990s. The concern of sustainability eventually l Recommendation: Advice.
percolated in the field of education. Education l Sustainability: The quality of not being
was always seen as the main agent to bring about harmful to the environment or depleting
change and to educate the people. The Earth natural resources, thereby supporting long-
Summit in 1992 (UNESCO), Agenda 21, called term ecological balance.
for governments around the world to educate l Enhance:
 Elevate, Improve.
for sustainability with the objective to achieve l C onservation: Official supervision of natural
environmental and ethical awareness, values and resources in order to preserve and protect
attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with them through prudent management.

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Some aspects/parameters l A
n issue-based approach: The first step would
relevant to EEFS be towards identifying ‘issues’, investigation
l E
 xpectations from the EEFS programme and of the issue, looking for solutions, connect
whether it is in sync with the changing needs possible actions to it.
of the times l A holistic approach: Based on social, historical,

l T he suitability of the content with respect aesthetic, creative, linguistic, literature,

to the local needs and the background of mathematical, moral, physical, scientific, and
students, students’ age group technological areas. All traditional subject
l A pproach, methodology, objectives, teachers should be prompted to think about
presentation, teaching-learning process of the way they are teaching their contents.
EEFS Example:
l The place in the curriculum The craft teacher uses eco-friendly material
l Time allotted instead of plastic. Language teacher uses internet
l A vailability of study material for communication instead of paper.
l Inclusion of activities and life skill education l T raining in life skills:  By giving projects,
l Follow-up pattern experience of field visits, by conducting
l T he extent to which EEFS programme is at practical sessions outside the laboratories.
par with the programme of other places like l Education in stress management: By making
urban/rural/states/educational boards etc. EEFS interesting and child-centred.
l V alue education: Enhancing eco-friendly
Some essentials of the EEFS programme attitude, preserving environment for the
l F
ocus should be on attitude formation rather future.
than knowledge expansion l Education to enable students to face the
l T
 he outcome of EEFS has to be eco-friendly
challenges of: Liberalisation, privatisation and
globalisation. Making them self-reliant by self-
l S
tudents should be encouraged to study EEFS
study, project work and community work.
by making it useful and interesting
l C reating consumer awareness: Making them
l T
 hinking, feeling and doing is important -
heart, heads and hands have to be involved knowledgeable regarding resource audit.
l N ew areas of environment care: Via project
l W
 hat the student is going to learn is more
important than what the teacher is going to work and learning innovations in environmental
teach. Therefore, EEFS should be application sciences.
and action-based. Activities, projects, self-
study lessons, field experience should be given What students have to do?
to students l R
 eview the current need of EEFS with
l C
 onservation has to be acted upon more than respect to the society and the immediate
talked aboutneed to experience the nature environment
rather than read about it in books l R eview the current trends in environment
l E
 EFS is to be related to socio-economic and education curriculum and EEFS given to V
cultural aspects. to X grade students of your school/any other
school with prior permission of the concerned
Some recommendations based on the authorities. Use various data collection
following objectives of techniques.
environmental education l A nalyse the observations and draw conclusions
l U
 sing constructive approach:  By giving life from your review
experiences to extend knowledge. l Identify the issues

154 Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Competition | Standard IX | English Medium

l S
uggest remedial measures / solutions / l W
 hat challenges/issues do you face while
activities / practices to enhance EEFS giving EEFS?
l Implement the measures / solutions
l E valuate the effect of implementing the Some challenges for EEFS in schools:
remedial measures l E
 EFS cannot be effectively implemented
l Improve your recommendations / solutions without discussion amongst all involved
if required about the goals, purposes, and meanings of
l W rite a report. EEFS for local contexts
l O ther issues can be availability of professionals
Note: Use your discretion as per your to enhance knowledge, the provision of
requirement to carry on your work. You may resources, time availability, planning,
focus on one aspect/grade/school/solution action execution and funding, overcrowded
etc and work in depth or several aspects in curriculum and the non-mandatory status of
several groups. Try to do some splendid work EEFS
by eradicating ignorance about sustainability l Support from the school, principal, senior
wherever it prevails. management for smooth execution of EEFS
Some examples
Sample questions for students: Examples of some measures
l I
s studying EEFS essential for survival? to enhance EEFS
How? Setting a nature conservation education centre
l D
 o you feel that EEFS should be made with the following objectives:
compulsory for everyone in your society? l I
nitiate Nature Conservation Drive
Why? l P
 rotect some agricultural or forest land and
l W
 hat do you do to exhibit your love for enrich the biodiversity
nature? l P
 reserve this land for city students to
l D
 o you feel that the nature trips and field experience the feel of natural surroundings /
trips should be made compulsory for EEFS? habitat
Why? l C
 ultivate botanical garden
l D
 o you/your family members practice l P
 rovide a common camping ground for
sustainability? How? educational purpose
l A
 t which all places have you noticed ignorance l P
 rovide a field area for experiments in
about sustainability? Explain. How can you sustainability
overcome it? l P
 rovide a base camp location to explore the
surrounding area
Sample questions for teachers: l E
 nsure child-centred education.
l W
 hat measures are being taken to make your
school a green school? Starting Eco Friends’ Club:
l D
 o you involve the PTA/society/street Like Science Club and Nature Club schools
children/rural areas/tribal areas in EEFS? can start ‘Eco Friends’ Club’ to enhance
l C
 an the programme be completed as per sustainability. The objectives can be spreading
schedule? How do you plan it? environment awareness, promote involvement
l I
s it based on work experience and activities? of people in environment betterment, conduct
Give some examples! nature activities to promote belongingness

Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Competition | Standard IX | English Medium 155

towards nature, conduct competitions to
promote research in sustainably, provide Some other measures to enhance EEFS:
platform for communication by forming groups l S
et a new trend of partial distance learning.
like WhatsApp. Prepare e-learning programmes/study
materials/ banners etc. for remote areas/
Some projects for society upliftment: tribal areas/rural areas etc.
l T
 he youth energy can be channelized by way l Implement measures to make EEFS
of adopting an area in the society for clean interesting.
and green drives and sustainability, taking l T o enhance EEFS start activities for
care of the plants, animals, stray animals students like segregation of waste at school/
from the locality surrounding areas/markets etc, resource
l A
 wareness drives/workshops / competitions conservation practices, competitions for eco-
/ activities can be arranged to promote friends, nature camps, awareness drives,
action. afforestation and related programmes, social
forestry, stray animal care, biodiversity
Suggesting some topics for sustainability preservation, etc.
curriculum: l C ompare the syllabi of different educational
 onservation science: Spreading up-to-date
l C boards like HSC, ICSE, CBSE, etc. to include
knowledge about local, regional, national additional concepts in the EEFS given at the
and global conservation issues and the ways school.
to tackle them. l D evelop study/activity programmes for
 wareness of population control: Because it
l A various grades from V to X and society
is the root cause of all imbalances in nature, members.
pollution, environment degradation, etc. l C orrelate EEFS with other subjects like
ustainable lifestyle: This will include causing
l S environmental physics, environmental
minimum impact on the nature by simple chemistry, environmental statistics,
food, using local products, biological pest environmental history, etc.
control, resource audit of the goods, using l P ublish news-letters to provide platform for
green resources, preserving biodiversity, etc. news and views to enhance EEFS.
 ature activities: There is no better book
l N Note
than nature itself to know the intricacies While suggesting measures, consider
of nature. Here, attitude formation is more the views / needs of the students, teachers,
important than imparting knowledge. The parents, school administration, education
nature activities bring up adults who are policies, syllabus, need of the society, need of
eco-friendly and will nurture nature in the the environmental factors, feasibility etc.
future. Example: Social forestry, nature
camps, etc., Bibliography
 eproduction biology: It  is an important
l R l h
ttp:// and
aspect. Propagation of useful plants and
control of weeds, vasectomy, tubectomy of l D
 r. Meharoo Bengalee – Facing Modern
stray animals to keep their population in Educational Challenges
control, eradication of malaria by controlling l N
mosquito breeding grounds, etc. should be education2010-1-728
explained to students.

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