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Given the new Bloom’s Taxonomy, identify whether each term and outcome belongs
to Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number.

_______________1. List
_______________2. Distinguish
_______________3. Experiment
_______________4. Inspect
_______________5. Devise
_______________6. Propose
_______________7. Construct
_______________8. Judge
_______________9. Rate
_______________10. Validate
_______________11. Persuasive Speech
_______________12. Report
_______________13. Media Product
_______________14. Song
_______________15. Definition
_______________16. Workbook
_______________17. Chart
_______________18. Graph
_______________19. Interview
_______________20. Performance

2. There are a lot of methods used in formulating learning objectives, and one of which
is the LEARNING OUTCOME =Time Frame + Student Focus + Action Verb +
Product/Process/Outcome, example of which is given below:

Learning Outcome:
“At the end of the library session, the students will be able to identify a relevant
database for their term paper research”

Applying the formula we have the following:

Time Frame: “At the end of the library session….”
Student Focus: “….student should be able to….”
Action Verb (Bloom’s Taxonomy): “….identify….”
Product/process: “….a relevant database for their term paper research”
Direction: The objectives listed below have something wrong with them. Examine each
objective and revise it so it follows proper formatting based on the abovementioned

1. The will understand how to use social science databases

Better: ______________________________________________________________
2. Student will be able to search the catalog.
Better: ______________________________________________________________
3. Students will definitely understand the nine reasons for conducting needs
Better: ________________________________________________________________
4. You guys might develop an appreciation of cultural diversity in the workplace.
Better: _________________________________________________________________
5. Learners will appreciate the contributions of great composers in music history
Better: _________________________________________________________________

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