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1. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?

2. What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen?

3. Another name for a tidal wave is a?

4. True or false? Dogs are herbivores.

5. What is the 7th element on the periodic table of elements?

6. What is the name of the long appendage that hangs from an elephants face?

7. True or false? DNA is the shortened form of the term ‘Deoxyribonucleic acid’?

8. The highest mountain on earth is?

9. What is the name of the closest star to the earth?

10. True or false? Frogs are cold blooded animals.

11. What is the name of the element with the chemical symbol ‘He’?

12. The fear of what animal is known as ‘arachnophobia’?

13. Pure water has a pH level of a around?

14. The molten rock that comes from a volcano after it has erupted is known as what?

15. True or false? Yogurt is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.

16. What is the name of the part of the human skeleton which protects our brain?

17. Is the compound ‘HCl’ an acid or base?

18. True or false? The fastest land animal in the world is the zebra.

19. How many bones do sharks have in their bodies?

20. What famous scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics?

General Science Quiz Answers

1. Jupiter 2. O 3. Tsunami 4. False - They are omnivores

5. Nitrogen 6. A trunk 7. True 8. Mount Everest

9. The sun 10. True 11. Helium 12. Spiders

13. 7 14. Lava 15. True 16. The skull

17. An acid (hydrochloric acid) 18. False (it is the cheetah) 19. 0 20. Albert Einstein
What is an archipelago?
An archipelago is a term for Spanish explorers. An archipelago is a large island.

An archipelago is a large collection of islands that are close together. An archipelago is a piece of
land too small to be called an island.

1. Who was the Philippines named after?

English King Phillip II

Japanese Emperor Phillip II

American President Phillip Two

Spanish King Phillip II

2. Which war gave control of the Philippines to the United States?

The Spanish American War

The Seven Years' War

World War II

World War I

1. What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines?

 6500
 7500
 8500
 9500

2. When did the Philippines become independent?

 04-Jul-76
 04-Jul-46
 14-Aug-47
 01-Jan-84

3. Which country had the Philippines as its colony from 1898 to 1946, except for some years
during World War II?
 Portugal
 UK
 Belgium

4. Which country occupied the Philppies during World War II?

 Germany
 China
 Italy
 Japan

5. What is the term of the President of the Philippines?

 Four years
 Five years
 Six years
 Seven years

6. Which country had the Philippines as its colony for more than 300 years?
 Spain
 Italy
 France
 England

7. Who of the following explorers arrived in the Philippines in 1521?

 Christopher Columbus
 Ferdinand Magellan
 Vasco da Gama
 James Cook

8. Which is the predominant religion of the Philippines?

 Christianity
 Islam
 Buddhism
 Judaism

9. Which of the following languages is indigenous to the Philippines?

 Basque
 Catalan
 Galician
 Tagalog

10. Which of the following groups has the Philippines as its member?
Question 1:

What Spanish navigator first used the name Las Islas Filipinas (The Philippine Islands)?
King Philip II

Ferdinand Magellan

Roy Lopez de Villalobos

Sebastian del Cano

Question 2:

What did Spanish invaders call Pygmies, the aborigines of the Philippines?





Question 3:

What did ancient Filipinos call the supreme being in which they believed?





Question 4:

During Spanish times Philippine foreign trade with Spain was carried out through this country.





Question 5:

Which of these was the head of the Philippine government during the Spanish period?

alcalde mayor



Question 6:

Who was known as "Prince of Filipino Printers"?

Pedro Paterno

Jose Rizal

Tomas Pinpin

Francisco Baltazar

Question 7:

What is the typical Visayan love song called?





Question 8:

What is the typical Tagalog love song called?





Question 9:

Who introduced duck breeding in the Philippines?

the Chinese

the Japanese

the Spanish

the Indonesians

Question 10:

Which of these groups in the Philippines had the most elaborate tattoos in ancient times?





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