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1 The Steelcase workplace index studied the types of work related activates that
Americans did while on vacation. Among the other things, 40% read work
related material. 34% checked in with the boss. Suppose that of those who read
work related material, 78% checked in with the boss. One of these survey is
randomly selected
a) What is the probability that while on vacation this respondent checked in
with boss and read work related material
b) What is probability that while on vacation this respondent read work
related material given that the respondent checked in with the boss?

2 You are required to choose a four digit personal identification number (PIN) for
a new debit card. Each digit is selected from 0, 1, . . . , 9. How many choices do
you have?

3 How many ways can a company select 4 candidates to interview from a short list
of 12 construction engineers?

4 In how many different ways can 3 of 18 Transportation engineers be chosen for

a team to develop a new ceramic diesel engine?

5 A small independent physician practice has three doctors. Dr Sarbia see 41% of
patients. Dr Tran sees 32% and Dr Jackson sees the rest. Dr Sarbia requests
blood test on 5% of her patients, Dr Tran requests blood test on 6% of his
patents. An auditor randomly selects a patient from the past week and
discovers that the patient had blood test. Knowing this information, what is the
probability that the patient saw Dr Sarbia?

6 The probability that a turbine will have a defective coil is 0.10, the probability
that it will have defective blades is 0.15, and the probability that it will have
both defects is 0.04.
(a) What is the probability that a turbine will have one of these defects?
(b) What is the probability that a turbine will have neither of these defects?

7 Explain why there must be a mistake in each of the following statements:

(a) The probability that a mineral sample will contain silver is 0.38 and the
probability that it will not contain silver is 0.52.
(b) The probability that a drilling operation will be a success is 0.34 and the
probability that it will not be a success is −0.66.
(c) An air-conditioning repair person claims that the probability is 0.82 that the
compressor is all right, 0.64 that the fan motor is all right, and 0.41 that they
are both all right.

8 The probability that a construction company will get the tender for constructing
a flyover is 0.33, the probability that it will get the tender for constructing an
underpass is 0.28, and the probability that it will get both tenders is 0.13.
(a) What is the probability that it will get at least one tender?
(b) What is the probability that it will get neither tender?

9 The probability that a turbine will have a defective coil is 0.10, the probability
that it will have defective blades is 0.15, and the probability that it will have
both defects is 0.04.
(a) What is the probability that a turbine will have one of these defects?
(b) What is the probability that a turbine will have neither of these defects?
10. The US energy department states that 60% of all US households have ceiling
fans. In addition 29% of all the US households have an outdoor grill. Suppose
13% of all US households have both. A US household is randomly selected.
a) What is the probability household has ceiling fan or an outdoor grill
b) What is the probability that the household does not have ceiling fan and
does have outdoor grill

11. A large firm has 85% of its service calls made by a contractor and 10% of these
calls result in customer complaints. The other 15% of the service calls are made
by their own employees, and these calls have a 5% complaint rate. Find the
(a) Probability of receiving a complaint.
(b) Probability that the complaint was from a customer Serviced by the

12. Companies provide training to employees for many different reasons. Among
them are employee loyalty, employee retention and quality of employee work.
Suppose 65% of companies give some training to their employees but that this
figures varies by company size. Suppose further that 18% of all companies that
do not use training are small companies. A company is randomly selected
without regard size. What is the revised probability?

13. A Civil Engineering consulting firm rents equipments from three agencies, 20%
from agency X, 20% from agency Y and 60% from agency Z. if 10% of the
equipments from X, 12% from Y and 4% from F have problem, what is the
probability that the firm will get problem?

14. State Binomial distribution and its characteristics

15. If the probability is 0.40 that steam will condense in a thin-walled aluminum
tube at 10 atm pressure, use the formula for the binomial distribution to find
the probability that, under the stated conditions, steam will condense in 4 of 12
such tubes.

16. The probability that the noise level of a wide-band amplifier will exceed 2 dB is
0.05. Find the probabilities that among 12 such amplifiers the noise level of
(a) One will exceed 2 dB;
(b) At most two will exceed 2 dB;
(c) Two or more will exceed 2 dB.

17. During the assembly of an exhaust valve, sufficient distance must be maintained
between the valve tip and the cylinder wall. If 85% of valve assemblies have the
required distance, find the probabilities that among 20 such valves:
(a) At least 15 will have the required distance;
(b) At most 10 will have the required distance;
(c) Exactly 18 will have the required distance

18. Organic Pollution: Each sample of water has a 10% chance of containing a particular organic
Pollutant. Assume that the samples are independent with regard to the presence of the
pollutant. Find the probability that in the next 18 samples, exactly 2 contain the pollutant.
19. Samples of rejuvenated mitochondria are mutated (defective) in 1% of cases. Suppose that 15
samples are studied and can be considered to be independent for mutation. Determine
the following probabilities
(a) No samples are mutated.
(b) At most one sample is mutated.
(c) More than half the samples are mutated

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