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Online learning (online learning / e-learning) is the result of learning delivered electronically using

computers and computer-based media. The source comes from the website, internet, CD-ROM, and
DVD. E-learning not only accesses information but also guides students to achieve specific learning
outcomes. The potential for online learning education applications has developed. Students can not
only access knowledge from textbooks, but can also access subject material from outside the school.
Teachers and students can get a lot of information, unlimited, and can be accessed from several libraries
around the world! Teachers and students can access electronic documents to enrich their knowledge.
Students can actively participate because online learning provides an interactive learning environment.
Students can link electronic information to their documents and projects, making electronic documents
"alive" with the hypertext button. Because computers have the ability to provide information with a
variety of media (including print, video, and sound recordings and music) the computer becomes an
unlimited library. Benefits of using Online Learning:

Varied media. The internet is a versatile tool that provides information to students around the world.
Internet sites contain a variety of media, including text, audio, graphics, animation, video, and
downloadable software.

Up-to-date information. With the ability to connect to resources in the community and around the
world, opening new perspectives on teaching and learning.

Navigation. The main advantage of the internet is being able to move easily in and between documents.

Exchange ideas. Students can engage in "conversations" with experts in certain fields of study. Then
they can participate in activities that make it possible to exchange ideas with other students, even those
who live in other countries.

Comfortable communication. E-mail allows people in various locations to share ideas, just like they do
on the phone now, without playing the "telephone tag" so commonly among busy people.

Low cost. The costs of hardware, software, telephone time, and telecommunications services are
nominal and declining.

1. Lack of interaction between educators and students, educators and students so that it can slow the
formation of values in the learning process
2. The tendency to ignore the academic aspects or social aspects and vice versa encourage the
emergence of business or commercial aspects

3. The learning process tends towards training rather than education

4. The change in the role of educators who originally mastered conventional learning techniques, is now
also required to know learning techniques that use ICT

5. Students who do not have high learning motivation tend to fail

6. Not all internet places are available

7. Lack of knowledge and skills related to the internet.

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