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I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. A customer who is already in queue will leave the queue in anticipating of larger waiting time []
a) Jockeying b) Reneging c) Boarding d) Balking

2. A Doctor rushing to an emergency case, leaving his regular service is said to be []

a) Pre-emptive Queue discipline b) Non Pre-emptive Queue discipline
c) Reneging d) Balking

3. A Poisson arrival, exponential service by single server to limited queue selected randomly is represented by [ ]
a) (M/M/C) : (GD/∞/∞) b) (M/M/1) : (GD/∞/∞)
c) (M/M/1) : (GD/N/N) d) (M/M/C) : (GD/N/N)

4. The formula for EOQ when shortage is allowed and constant demand and instantaneous replenishment
is given by

5. The most suitable analysis for spare parts in engines and machinery, which are vital []
a) A B C Analysis b) F S N Analysis c) V E D Analysis d) None

6. The inventory system design for petrol tank of a two wheeler is []

a) P-System b) Q-System c) Stochastic System d) Poisson Model

7. The material stored to safe guard, the production chain in the event of machine breakdown []
a) Buffer stock b) De-coupling Inventory
c) Lost wise Inventory d) None

8. The principle of optimality is given by []

a) Kimball b) Dantzig c) Richard Bellman d) None

9. An LPP solved by using DPP method assuming the variables as []

a) Recursion b) Return Function c) Stages d) None

10. Observance of the behavior of the real system under as many operations and configurations
as possible to get an insight is a called []
a) Computer simulation b) identity simulation
c) Laboratory simulation d) none
Code No: 57022 :2: Set No. 1

II Fill in the Blanks:

11. The customer move from one queue will be tempted to join an other queue because of its smaller size is known as
12. A lottery system follows __________________ queue discipline.
13. The quality kept in stock to safe guard the product in the event of excess consumption or unusual demand
fluctuation is called __________________
14. __________________ is a mathematical technique dealing with the optimization of multi stage decision problem.
15. The optimality principle given by __________________
16. The objective is to find the shortest distance and the path from source node to destination node in a give distance
net work is __________________ problem.
17. The imitationof reality which may be the physical form or in the mathematical equations may be called
18. The simulation language GPSS stands for __________________
19. The technique used random numbers and used to make decision under un-certainty where mathematical
formulation is possible is __________________ simulation.
20. General electric equipment that can be increased by providing optimal number of standby unit to each of the
component in the series is __________________ problem in DPP.


I Choose the correct alternative:

1. The characteristics of queue model are independent of []
(a) Service pattern (b) Number of service points (c) Limit of queue (d) Queue discipline

2. A customer leaving the queue thinking that he may not get service due to the lengthy queue is called []
(a) Balker (b) Reneger (c) Jockeyer (d) Dissatisfied

3. In the case of inventory model with shortages, the optimal amount of back order units []

4. If the total investment in stock is limited, the best order quantity for each item is []
(a) equal to EOQ (b) greater than EOQ (c) less than EOQ (d) either greater or less than EOQ

5. Simulation where changes in the state of the system occur instantaneously at random points
in a given time, is called []
(a) Continuous simulation (b) Discrete event simulation
(c) Deterministic simulation (d) Random number
6. The queue discipline usually followed to plan Backlogs is []
(a) LIFO (b) SIRO (c) Pre-emptive (d) non-pre-emptive

7. Taxes and insurance are included in []

(a) Ordering cost (b) Shortage costs (c) Purchase cost (d) Carrying costs

8. Dealer sells a TV set at Rs. 9000 and makes 80% profit on his investment. If he can sell it at Rs. 2000 more, his
profit as percentage of investment will be []
(a) 100% (b) 120% (c) 160% (d) 180%

9. How many objective functions will a DPP have? []

(a) no objective function (b) equal to that of no. of stages
(c) only one objective functions (d) infinite objective functions

10. In the word "Monte Carlo Simulation", Monte Carlo is the name of []
(a) Scientist (b) Car (c) Place (d) Mountain
Code No: A107410301 :2: Set No. 1

II Fill in the blanks

11. At a gas filling station, mean arrival rate is Poisson at 3 per hr and mean filling time is distributed exponentially at
10 min. Then the expected number of units in the system is _____________
12. A doctor attending to a patient completes his present treatment before pertmitting a medical representative to meet
in between a queue of patients is said to be _________ discipline.
13. For a simple queue (M/M/1), in terms of mean arrival rate (λ) and mean service rate (μ), the Fraction of Busy
Period (ρ) = __________
14. The inventory maintained to meet expected demand fluctuations is called _________
15. The optimality principle (to solve DPP) is given by the scientist ______________
16. If small orders are placed frequently instead of placing large orders infrequently, then total inventory cost
17. If average unit carrying cost is equal to order cost per order and demand is 200 units/year then EOQ is
18. If EOQ = Demand, then the number of orders placed in the inventory horizon of one year is ______.
2 2 2
19. Consider the LPP Max. Z = y + y +y subject to y + y + y ≥15 y , y , y ≥ 0. If this problem is solved in
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

dynamic programming, the number of stages we will have is________.

20. The equation that converts all the stages of the DPP is known as _______ function

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. A customer who is already in queue will leave the queue in anticipating of larger waiting time. []
(A) Jockeying (B) Reneging (C) Boarding (D) Balking

2. Queuing theory is associated with []

(A) Sales (B) Inspection time (C) Waiting time (D) Production time

3. Length (or size) of the queue depends upon the operational situation such as []
(A) Physical Space (B) Legal Restrictions (C) Attitude of customers (D) All the above

4. The quantity of material to be ordered at a time should be determined by taking _________ factor into
consideration []
(A) Acquisition cost (B) cost of processing material (C) Both A & B (D) None

5. ABC analysis is known as []

(A)Always Better Control (B) Control by Importance and Exception
(C) Proportional Value (D) All the above
6. Kendall’s notation can be expressed as (a/b/c): (d/e/f) where ‘a’ is []
(A)Arrival distribution (B) Departure distribution
(C) Number of parallel service channels (D) Calling source
7. An LPP solved by using DPP method assuming the variables as []
(A) Recursion (B) Return Function (C) Stages (D) None

8. A Probabilistic Dynamic Programming (PDP) decision makers goal is to ____ the expected reward
over a given time horizon []
(A)Maximize (B) Minimize (C) Both A & B (D) None

9. Simulation model which represents a system at a particular point in time is known as []

(A)Static (B) Dynamic (C) Both A & B (D) None

10. Simulation techniques are used in []

(A) Queuing (B) Inventory (C) Budgeting (D) All the above

II Fill in the Blanks:

11. Sum of safety stock and average demand during lead time is equal to _____________________
12. If single order is placed in the total inventory period, then EOQ = ______________________
13. The arithmetic mean of maximum and minimum levels of inventory is called ________________
14. The time gap between the moment of placing an order and actually receiving the order is _________
15. The optimality principle is given by the scientist ____________________
16. General electric equipment that can be increased by providing optimal number of standby units to
each of the components in the series is ____________________ problem in DPP.
17. In dynamic programming each stage has a number of _________________ associated with it.
18. The simulation language GPSS stands for __________________________
19. A markov decision process is described by _________________ types of information.
20. The technique used random numbers and used to make decisions under un-certainty where
mathematical formulation is possible is _____________________ simulation.

December 2011
I Choose the correct alternative:
1. Waiting line problems arise either because []
A) Too much demand B) Too less demand C) A & B, D) None

2. A Queuing model is called multiserver model if the system has number of parallel channels each with
one server []
A) 1 B) 0 C) > 1 D) None

3. Stock level at which fresh order should be placed is known as []

A) Out of Stock B) Surplus C) Re Order Level D) None

4. ABC Analysis is known as []

A) Always Better Control B) Control by Importance and exception C) Proportional Value D) All

5. What are commonly used periodic review system []

A) Fixed order system B) SS System C) Fixed order & SS System D) Q & Two bin System
6. A probabilistic dynamic programming (PDP) decision makers goal is to ___the expected reward over
a given time horizon []
A) Maximize B) Minimize C) A & B, D) None

7. A periodic review model in which each products demand is known at beginning of the problem is
A) Dynamic Lot Size B) Static Lot Size C) A&B D) None

8. Simulation model which represent a system at particular point in time is known as []

A) Static B) Dynamic C) A&B D) None

9. A System in which state variables change only at points in time is known as []

A) Discrete B) Continuous C) Exponential D) None

10. A markov Decission process is described by how many types of Information []

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

II Fill in the blanks:

11. The period between two successive arrivals is called ___________________

12. Service distribution represents the ____________________in which the number of customers leaves the
13. If the resource involved is Material the Inventory is also called as __________________
14. The time interval between placement of order and its receipt in stock is known as _________ time.
15. The model which deal with situations in which demand is assumed to be fixed and completely known as
_____________ Model
16. In dynamic programming each stage has a number of ___________ associated with it
17. _________________ is defined as a technique that imitates the operation of a real world system as it
evolves over time.
18. Optimality principle implies that wrong decision taken at one stage does not prevent from taking
of_____________ decision for remaining stage
19. The variable which specify the condition of decision process and summaries the current status of the
system are called____________ Variable
20. The efficiency of programming and execution of a simulation project depends upon the--------Language.
October 2015
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. A customer behavior in which he moves from one queue to another in multiple channel situation is
a) Balking b) reneging c) jockeying d) alternating

2. Which of the following relation is not true []

3. In inventory control the Economic Order Quantity is []

a) Average level of inventory b) optimum lot size
c) lot size corresponding to break even analysis d) capacity of ware house

4. A dealer sells radio set for RS. 900 and makes 80% profit on his investment. If he can sell it at
Rs. 200 more his profit percentage of investment will be []
a) 160 b)180 c)100 d)120

5. Which can vary with order quantity []

a) Unit Cost only b) Re-order cost c) Holding Cost d) All the above

6. The return function in Dynamic programming model depends on []

a) stages b) states c) alternatives d) all the above

7. A transition function is expressed as []

a) b) c) d) all the above

8. Which of the following is not the special purpose simulation language []


9. To make simulation more popular, we need to avoid []

a) large cost over runs b) prolonged delays
c) user dissatisfaction with simulation results d) all of above

10. A simulation is not an analytic model therefore the result of the simulation must be []
a) un realistic b) exact c) approximation d) simplified

II Fill in the Blanks:

11. Expected length of a nonempty queue is ………………………..

12. Customers arrive at counter randomly at theatre of 6 customers/hour. The service provided at the counter
by a server. The mean time of server is 4 minutes/customer. The service is exponentially distributed what
is the probability that newly arrived customer has to wait…………………..
13. Arrival rate is 3 per hour; service rate is 5 per hour. Then the probability that there are more than or equal
to 10 customers in the system is…………………………...
14. Purchase cost= price per unit x……………………
15. If the total investment in stock is limited, then the best order for each item will be ……………………..
16. State Bellman’s optimality principle …………………………………………………
17. The return function to optimal subdivide the quantity b into n parts is written as ……………………….
18. Dynamic programming approach optimizes …………………………………………
19. A random numbers generated by a computer software are uniformly distributed fractions
between…………………. and ……………….
20. Using simulation for queuing problem would be approximate if the ……………………………………
follows Poisson distribution.

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