Mine Foreman

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Previous Question Papers (Written) Examination for Mine Foreman

Certificate of Competency (Restricted to Mines Having Opencast

workings only)

Foreman 20 11

2000 tld Limestone assume your own condition method of workings

Sources of dust generation, dangers and prevention
What is code practice? Write down Standard code of practice for transportation
What is dump & Dump management
Pre splitting
Working near mine boundary
Duties of mate
Serious bodily injury
Employment of women
Drinking water
Sources of inundation and precautions

1 Write down statutory provisions
Hours of working
Duties of blaster
Working near mine boundary
Fencing in old mines
2 Short note on any two of the following
Pre splitting
Safety Committee
First aid station
3 1000 t/d production men and machine required
4 what is Danger zone and precaution for increase of activity
5 Two persons died while reversing of dumper. Investigate causes and
circumstances leading to such accident and methods of prevention to avoid future
such accident
6 Sources of inundation in old mine and precautions

Statutory provision in regard to following
Working near Boundary
Inspection after Shot firing
Precautions for approaching near machinery in operation
Sources of dust generation, dangers and prevention
Duties of the following
Magazine in charge
Statutary provisions
Initial and periodical Medical Examination
First aid station

Safety comitte functions

Sources of inundation in olc mine and precautions
Working close to village .Dangers and precautions to be taken
Statutary Provisions
Above ground
Initial and periodical Medical Examination
Working near boundary - provision
Duties of workman inspector
Permissible standards of dust, respirable limit ,methods of measurement. How to
reduce dust generation
Explain what Danger zone is. Method of blasting within 100 m precaution and
procedure in detail
Series connection and parallel connection and why series connection is
generally adopted "
b. Why stemming of charged holes is done
c. Why is primary blasting done
Types of first aid to be done for the following
Spinal cord
Fracture of finger which is bleeding
Burn due to electric shock

Provision for working near boundaries
Fatal accident, two people while charging cause and prevention
Statutary provisions
Fencing in Opencast working
Appointmet and duties of work mens inspector
4 Sources of dust generation, dangers and prevention 5 Short notes
Gradient of haul roads
Peak particle velocity
Portable fire extinguisher
6 4000 /day limestoner below ob 20 m Machine required

Foreman Questions
a 15 m ob, 10m depth Production 3000 t Lst /day , extent 2x2 km Method of
b Plans and section provisions.
2. Size of Forman District
3. Accident due to secondary blasting Describe your report as workman's
inspector and your suggestion to avoid such accidents in future
4. Precautions to be taken for deep hole blasting within 500 m
5. Use of tractor trailer for transportation of ore
6 Short note
[Rl Pressure gauges [Rl First aid station
[Rl VT center and training as per schedule

State the statutory provisions regarding working near mine boundaries

A fatal accident took place in an opencast mine killing two persons while they were
charging explosive and connecting detonators. What may be the cause of the
accident and what precautions should be taken to prevent recurrence?

Write statutory provisions regarding

Fencing in opencast regarding
Appointment and duties of ‘Workmen’s Inspector in mines
What are the sources of dust in mechanized opencast mines? Explain the measures
to prevent generation of dust. What measures would you take for dust suppression
in mines?

Write short notes on any two of the followings

Gradient of haul roads
Peak particle velocity
Portable fire extinguishers

Describe a suitable method for producing 4000 tonnes per day from a limestone
deposit, which occurs below an overburden cover of 20 m. Give details of
machineries to be deployed. Assume your own conditions

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