Reflection Paper

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Last Saturday (May 4, 2019), the MAEd students attended the seminar about National

Research Congress with the theme: “Innovating for Collective Prosperity through

Multidisciplinary Research”. Organized by Network of Evaluators and Multidisciplinary

Professionals for Research, Extension and Development Incorporated (NEMPRED), the

event held at Century Park Hotel in Malate, Manila.

In the seminar, there are three speakers. The first speaker Dr. Josette T. Biyo, Director

of Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute. She discuss

about the strengthening STEM Human Resource in the Philippines through DOST – SEI

Programs, and how does it related to the situation of research in our country. Thru their

programs they help students from high school to graduate studies to have scholarship by

certain qualifications and in return, they will make some studies or researches that can

make help our country in the future.

The second speaker, is Dr. Racidon P. Bernarte, Managing Charirman of Asia Pacific

Consortium of Research and Educators Inc. the topic is about Exploring Multidisciplinary

Approach in Research. He discuss about what is Multidisciplinary research and its trends

of the approach that can be used in our researches.

The Third Speaker is Dr. Jackie D. Urrutia, Director of Intellectual Property Management

Office in Poltechnic University in the Philippines. He discuss about the IPR in relation in

research. A right that is had by a person or by a company to have exclusive rights to use

its own plans, ideas, or other intangible assets without the worry of competition, at least

for a specific period of time. These rights can include copyrights, patents, trademarks,
and trade secrets. These rights may be enforced by a court via a lawsuit. The reasoning

for intellectual property is to encourage innovation without the fear that a competitor will

steal the idea and / or take the credit for it.

Then after lunch, the presentation of the researchers from different schools. Different

studies have been conducted and studied, it is divided into four clusters: Cluster 1 –

Mathematics, Science, Environmental Protection, Public Health and Safety, Cluster 2 –

Technology and Engineering, Criminal Justice, Peace and Order, Cluster 3 – Teacher

Education Management, Human Resource Development and Cluster 4 – Business

Administration, Marketing Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management and Public

Administration with Governance.

Their experience made me identify with them and wanted to pursue even more a

research carrier. It made us realize that they were in the same position that we are right

now and that they took chances in order to accomplish their dreams. They told us to take

chances and give our best because that what gonna paid off later on.

The seminar forum make us grow as educator researcher and increase our knowledge in

different areas. They showed us different techniques used by them, and that will be used

by us in the near future. This way we can pass on our knowledge to future generations

and just as the speakers were, be a role model to them. As professionals they guided us,

telling us what would be better for us and how much effort it requires.
These seminars made all of us grown as a teachers in so many ways. We acquire a ton

of knowledge that would be helpful in our future. The speakers taught me that it not gonna

be essay but if work hard it will be possible. This experience made me value all the

opportunities that life offered us, specially the opportunities offered by the NEMPRED. .

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