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Project’s Timetable

2019 2020


W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2

Commencement Start of the Business

of the Business Operations

Launch Marketing
Launch Marketing
Campaigh and Soft

Recruitment and
Training of the

Purchase of Raw

Purchase of Furniture
and Fixtures

Purchase of Supplies

Infrastructure Purchase of Property,
Plant and Equipment

Renovation of the

Obtaining the
Necessary Legal
Requirements for

Obtaining a Lease

Conducting Market
Surveys and Tallying
the Results
Conducting Market

Find/Decide on the
Business Location

Assessment of Start-up
Costs and Examination
of Financing
Conducting a
Feasibility Study

Conceptualization of
the Project

Gantt Chart
Activity: Conducting a Feasibility Study

Period: 1st Week of August 2019 – 1st Week of September 2019

This is the period where the proponents will conceptualize the project. Ideas will

be shared to each other, until they come up with at least two businesses, and the one

that will be approved will be the starter for the study. By that, start-up costs will be

allocated for the rest of the study.

Activity: Conducting Market Research

Period: 1st Week of September 2019 – 4th Week of September 2019

During this month, the proponents will start by looking for a location on where the

business will be conducted. Feasibility of the place, possible customers and competitors

will be considered in searching and deciding for a location. Surveys will be done towards

the target market to further study the possible demand and supply for the proposed


Activity: Establish Infrastructure

Period: 3rd Week of September 2019 – 4th Week of December 2019

During this period, establishing and building the business structure will be done.

This is where obtaining the necessary requirements for registering and licensing of the

business will be done. Renovation will be done in order to polish the floor plan. During the

renovation and building process, owners will start searching for suppliers of machineries
and equipment, furniture and fixtures and the raw materials needed for the making of the

product. Recruitment and training of the employees will be done as early as the first week

of November in order to prepare them for the commencement of the business operations.

Activity: Launch Marketing Campaign

Period: 3rd Week of December 2019 – 1st Week of January 2020

During this period, preparations will happen. With the help of the employees, the

team will form and come up with a strategy to promote the business and to attract and

gain customers on its opening. Testing the infrastructure will be done in order to not have

a problem during the opening of the business.

Activity: Commencement of the Business

Period: 1st Week of January 2020 – 2nd Week of January 2020

By the first week of January, the business will formally start opening its

establishment to the public.

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