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Biology for S.3
21/2 hours
Attempt all questions in section A and B and any two in section C

SECTION A (15 marks)

1. Which one of the following is not categorized as a dry indehiscent fruit?
A. Achene C. samara
B. Cypsela D. schizocarp
2. Which of the following confirms that a maize grain is a fruit?
A. It has two scars C. it contains a plumule and a radicle
B. It has a cotyledon D. the food is stored in the endosperm
3. What causes the production of corpus quantities of dilute urine by a mammal?
A. Production of ADH C. Drinking too much water.
B. Production of less insulin D. Production of less vasopressin.
4. Which one of the following aids heat loss from the skin of a man on a hot dry day.
A. Hair C. Sebaceous gland
B. Sub dermal fat D. Dermal blood vessels.
5. Which of the following is produced in the lymph nodes.
A. Fibrinogen C. Red blood cells.
B. Blood platelets D. some white blood cells.
6. In which one of the following gut sections is a villus found?
A. Liver C. Stomach
B. Ileum D. large intestine.
7. Which one of the following is the correct list of the taxonomic units in descending order?
A. Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum.
B. Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
C. Class, phylum, order, family, genus, species.
D. Genus, species, family, order, class, phylum.
8. Which one of the following terms includes all others in the list?
A. Starch C. Disaccharide.
B. Carbohydrate D. Monosaccharide.
9. Which one of the following is an example of tactic response?
A. Rolling up of leaves on a sunny day. C. Withdrawal of blow fly larvae from light.
B. Withdrawal of a hand from a hot object. D. Bending of a plant shoot towards light.
10. The following events results into air being expelled out of the mammalian lungs, EXCEPT
A. External intercostal muscles relax. C. Diaphragm becomes dome shaped.
B. Internal intercostal muscles relax. D. Thoracic volume increases.
11. Which of the following substances are secreted in mammalian sweat?
A. Urea, ammonia, water C. Urea, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride.
B. Urea, water, sodium chloride D. Urea, carbon dioxide, water.

12. Which one of the following pairs consists of only cells without nuclei when mature?
A. Sieve tube cells and companion cells. C. Erythrocytes and leucocytes.
B. Sieve tube cells and erythrocytes. D. Companion cells and leucocytes.
13. Which one of the following organisms is not a heterotroph?
A. Mushroom C. Tick
B. Alga D. Grass hopper
14. The structure in insects that serve as respiratory surfaces for gaseous exchange are.
A. Trachea C. Tracheoles
B. Bronchioles D. Spiracles.
15. Which one of the following responses is a directional growth movements?
A. Taxis C. Tropism.
B. Reflex D. Nastism

SECTION B (20 marks)

16. (a) Complete the table below by filling in the examples of physical digestion, the part of
alimentary canal where it takes place and one importance of the physical digestion mention in the
human body. (4 marks)

Example of physical digestion Part of alimentary canal Importance




(b) State three ways in which the ileum is adapted for

i) Digestion of food substances. (03 marks)

ii) Absorption of food substances. (03 marks)


17. In an experiment set up, a seedling was placed horizontally as shown below. Study the
diagram and use it to answer the questions that follow;

a) Name the parts labeled A and B (01 mark)

i. A………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. B………………………………………………………………………………………
b) If the seedling is left for three days describe the shape and position of A and B in terms of
auxins concentrations. (07 marks)

c) Name the tropic response shown by A and B as a result of your description in (b) above.
(02 marks)
i. A………………………………………………………………………………………..
ii. B………………………………………………………………………………………..

SECTION C (30 marks)

18. (a) Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in a cockroach. (10 marks)
(b) Outline the adaptations of the trachea system for gaseous exchange. (5 marks)
19. (a) What is photosynthesis? (2 marks)
(b) Describe an experiment to show that sun light is necessary for photosynthesis. (08
(c) Describe how leaves are adapted to absorption of sunlight energy. (05 marks)
20. (a) What is tropism? (02 marks)
(b) Describe the importance of any three types of tropisms in plants. (03 marks)
(c) Describe an experiment to show phototropism in plant shoots. (10 marks)

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