List Questionair

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List Questionair:

1. Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived Q1

benefits, and perceived web quality. (Mutaz M. Al-Debei. 2015)

Perceived web site quality: PWQ1-PWQ6 McKnight et al. (2002);

Constantinides et al. (2010)

PWQ1 Catalogue web site internal browsing meets my needs

PWQ2 The ordering process used by the catalogue web site
PWQ3 Catalogue web site web page content quickly loads
PWQ4 The catalogue web site internal search capabilities meets my needs
PWQ5 Little search effort is needed to find the needed products/information in the catalogue retailer web site
PWQ6 Overall, this web site is well-designed

E-Word of mouth: EWM1-EWM5 Ha (2004); self-developed

EWM1 I often read online recommendations to buy products from this online catalogue retailer
EWM2 I often post positive online comments about this online catalogue retailer
EWM3 I often read positive online reviews about the products of this online catalogue retailer
EWM4 My e-community frequently post online recommendations to buy from this online catalogue retailer
EWM5 When I buy a product from this online catalogue retailer, consumer’s online recommendations and reviews
make me more confident in purchasing the product

Perceived benefits: PB1-PB3 Forsythe et al. (2006)

PB1 By using this online catalogue retailer, I can shop in privacy of home
PB2 I can buy from this online catalogue retailer whenever I want
PB3 Buying from this online catalogue retailer can save me the effort of buying what I want from offline/traditional

Trust: TR1-TR4 Constantinides et al. (2010)

TR1 It is safe to pay money and perform a financial transaction on this catalogue retailer web site
TR2 The online catalogue retailer will protect my financial-related information from being leaked (hacked)
TR3 The catalogue retailer web site is secured given that it uses digital certificates
TR4 The catalogue retailers web site will not sell my personal information (e-mail, phone number, names..) to others
for commercial use

Online shopping attitudes: OSA1-OSA3 Van der Heijden et al. (2003)

OSA1 The idea of buying from this online catalogue retailer web site is a good idea
OSA2 Buying from this online catalogue retailer web site is better than buying from a real store/shop
OSA3 Buying from this online catalogue retailer web site is a pleasant thing to do
List Questionair:
2. Risk, trust, and consumer online purchasing behaviour: a Chilean perspective Q1
(Bianchi ,Constanza. 2012)

Consumer intention to purchase online Andrews et al. (2007),

I plan to continue using the internet to make purchases in the next six months
It is likely that I will continue to use the internet to make purchases in the next six months
I intend to continue using the internet to make purchases in the next six months

Consumer attitude towards online purchasing Oliver and Bearden (1985)

Overall, I believe that using the internet for purchasing is:

Is not useful/useful
Is ineffective/effective
Is very risky/not very risky
Not easy/easy

Consumer propensity to trust Cheung and Lee (2001)

It is easy for me to trust people and most things in my life

My tendency to trust people or things in my life is high
I tend to trust people and things in my life even when I have little knowledge about them

Trust in online vendor Cheung and Lee (2001)

Internet stores want to be known as vendors who keep their promises and commitments
Online retailers have more to lose than to gain by not delivering on their promises or commitments
Internet stores could not care less about servicing a person from Chile

Trust on third party assurances Cheung and Lee (2001)

There are many reliable third party certification bodies (entities) available for assuring the trustworthiness of internet stores
I think third party certification bodies (entities) such as e-trust are doing a good job
Existing third party certification bodies (entities) are adequate for the protection of internet shoppers’ interests

Cultural environment of trust Cheung and Lee (2001)

A high degree of trust exists in my family
People in my community trust each other
I live in a high trust society

Perceived online risk Andrews et al. (2007), adapted from Jarvenpaa et al. (2000)
I feel safe making purchases on the internet using my credit card [R]
I feel safe giving my personal details to an online organisation if requested [R]
Compared with other ways of making purchases, I think that using the internet is more risky
There is too much uncertainty associated with using the internet to make purchases
List Questionair:
3. Antecedents and consequences of trust in online product recommendations: An Q1
empirical study in social shopping. (Hsiao, Lun. 2010)

Perceived Ability I think . . .

PA1 the members of this virtual community have knowledge about the subject we discuss
PA2 the members of this virtual community are capable of participating in the subject we discuss
PA3 the members of this virtual community are well qualified in the subject we discuss

Perceived Benevolence/Integrity I think . . .

PBI1 the members of this virtual community are concerned about what is important to others
PBI2 the members of this virtual community will do their best to help others
PBI3 the members of this virtual community are fair toothers
PBI4 the members of this virtual community are honest with others

Perceived Critical Mass I think . . .

PCM1 there are many members in this virtual community
PCM2 the members of this virtual community interact frequently
PCM3 the members of this virtual community participate in product evaluation enthusiastically

Perceived Web Reputation I think . . .

PWR1 this website has been known for a long time
PWR2 this website is widely known for having a good reputation
PWR3 this website is very popular

Perceived Web Quality I think . . .

PWQ1 this website’s features meet my needs
PWQ2 it is easy to find the information I want on this website
PWQ3 Overall, this website is well-designed

Perceived Institution Assurance I think . . .

PIA1 there are enough safeguards for internet shopping on the website to make me feel comfortable
PIA2 legal and technological protection of internet shopping on the website makes me feel secure
PIA3 in general, the website is a robust and safe environment in which to buy

Trust in Recommendation
TrR1 I think that the product recommendations of this virtual community are credible
TrR 2 I trust the product recommendations of this virtual community
TrR 3 I believe the product recommendations of this virtual community are trustworthy

Trust in a website
TrW1 I think this website is credible
TrW2 I trust this website
TrW3 I believe that this website is trustworthy

Intention to Purchase Products With regard to the products that this virtual community recommends
IP1 I would consider buying them
IP2 I am likely to buy them
IP3 I am willing to buy them

Intention to Purchase Products from the Website When I want to buy the products that this virtual community recommends
IPW1 I would consider buying the products on this website
IPW2 I am likely to buy the products on this website
Table I. IPW3 I am willing to buy the products on this website
List Questionair:
4. Exploring consumers’ purchase intention in social commerce: An empirical study based Q2
on trust, argument quality, and social presence (Liu, Chao. 2019)

Perceived informativeness:

PI1: has relevant information about the products/services.

PI2: has complete information about the products/services.
PI3: has timely information about the products/services.

Perceived persuasiveness:

PP1: the information posted on was convincing.

PP2: the information posted on was persuasive.
PP3: the information posted on was strong.

Trust toward site members:

TTM1: members of this are in general reliable.

TTM2: members of this social commerce website are in general trustworthy.
TTM3: members of this social commerce website are in general honest.

Trust toward site:

TTS1: I believe that is consistent in quality and service.

TTS2: I believe that is keen on fulfilling my needs and wants.
TTS3: I believe that is trustworthy.
TTS4: I believe that has high integrity.

Social presence:

SP1: there is a sense of human contact on

SP2: there is a sense of sociability on
SP3: there is a sense of human warmth on this website.

Purchase intention:

PIN1: I intend to purchase products or services from whenever I need to shop.
PIN2: I plan to purchase products or services from in the future.
PIN3: I predict that I will purchase products or services on this website.
List Questionair:
5. The effects of online trust-building mechanisms on trust and repurchase Q1
intentions: An empirical study on eBay (Liu, Yi. 2018)

Perceived usefulness of SBM (PUSBM) Lowry et al. (2008), Mcknight et al. (2002).
Online customer perceptions of the navigability, esthetics, and functionality of the website, which are mainly used by
sellers to release information about themselves and their products

Perceived usefulness of EBM (PUEBM) Park et al. (2007)

Online customer perceptions of the usefulness of prior customers’ product reviews and seller evaluations

Perceived usefulness of IBM (PUIBM) Fang et al. (2014)

Online customer perceptions of the extent of protections provided by third-party safeguarding mechanisms, such as
online credit card guarantees, escrow services, and privacy protection against potential risks in the e-commerce

Trust in the e-seller Fang et al. (2014)

The customer’s beliefs that an e-seller is consistent in service and quality, and is honest

Trust in the e-marketplace Pavlou and Gefen (2004)

The customer’s beliefs that an e-marketplace will occur in a manner consistent with his/her expectations of trustworthy

Repurchase intentions Pavlou and Gefen (2004)

The customer’s intentions to engage in online exchange relationships with the same seller in an e-marketplace
List Questionair:
6. Factors influencing satisfaction and loyalty in online shopping: an integrated Q1
model (Lin, Grace. 2009)

Technology acceptance factors

1 I feel that the browse function in the shopping website can increase my shopping efficiency
2 I feel that the credit function in the shopping website can raise my shopping efficiency
3 I feel that the operations of the shopping website are easy to understand and convenient to use
4 I feel that the shopping website saves me a lot of other related shopping time

Website service quality

5 When I shop again, the same shopping website personnel or records would remember my related consumption habits
6 I am confident in buying products from the shopping website
7 I feel secure in buying products from the shopping website
8 I trust that the shopping website can provide appropriate service to me

Specific holdup cost

9 In order to understand how to use the shopping website, I have already spent time and effort to learn
10 I use this shopping website because I am already used to it
11 If I give up this shopping website and use another one, I need to spend more time and effort learning afresh
12 I have spent much time and energy to confirm that this shopping website fits with my needs and preferences

Customer e-satisfaction

13 I am satisfied with this shopping website’s related business process

14 I like the content and layout of this shopping website
15 Holistically speaking, I am satisfied with this shopping website’s service level

Customer e-loyalty

16 I will promote this shopping website to my close friends

17 In thinking about internet shopping, I first think about this shopping website
18 I can hardly consider changing to other shopping websites
19 In future years, I would still often purchase from this shopping website
List Questionair:
1. Influence of trust and perceived value on the intention to purchase travel online: Q1
Integrating the effects of assurance on trust antecedents. (Enrique Bons_on

Third-party assurance seal Cyr (2013) Kim et al. (2008)

AS1. The third-party assurance seals on this website make me feel more comfortable.
AS2. The third-party assurance seals on this website make me feel more secure in terms of privacy.
AS3. Third-party assurance seals on this website make me feel safer in terms of the transaction.
AS4. The third party assurance seals on this website make me feel this website is secure.

Purchase intention Kim et al. (2012)

BI1. The probability that I would consider to purchase a tourism product from this website is high.
BI2. If I were to purchase a tourism product, I would consider purchasing it from this website.
BI3. The likelihood of my purchasing a tourism product from this website is high.
BI4. My willingness to purchase a tourism product from this website is high.

Disposition to third-partycertification Jiang et al. (2008)

DC1. I specifically look for third-party certification symbols.
DC2. I generally have faith in third-party certification.
DC3. I generally trust third parties.

Familiarity with thewebsite Chiu, Hsu, Lai, and Chang (2012)

FA1. I am familiar with this tourism product shopping website.
FA2. I am familiar with the processes of purchasing products from this tourism product shopping website.
FA3. I am familiar with searching for products at this tourism product shopping website.

Information quality Kuan et al. (2008)

IQ1. The tourism product website provides accurate information about the tourism product that I want to
IQ2. The tourism product website provides sufficient information when I try to make a transaction.
IQ3. The tourism product website provides enough depth of information about its products.
IQ4. The information provided by tourism product website is helpful to me in purchasing tourism products.
IQ5. The information in the tourism product website is clear for me to make a purchase.
IQ6. The tourism product website provides up-to-date information.
Internet privacy concerns Ray et al. (2011)
PC1. Compared with other subjects on my mind, online privacy/security is very important.
PC2. I am concerned about threats to online privacy/security today.
PC3. The greater my interest to obtain a certain service or product from the Internet, the more I tend to
suppress my privacy/security concerns.

Perceived value Kim et al. (2012)

PV1. Considering the money I pay to purchase tourism products on this website, online shopping here is a good deal.
PV2. Considering the effort I make in shopping on this website, online shopping here is worthwhile.
PV3. Considering the risk involved in shopping on this website, online shopping here is of value.
PV4. Overall, online shopping on this website delivers me good value.

Vendor reputation Ray et al. (2011)

REP1. This company is well known.
REP2. This company has a good reputation.
REP3. This company has a good reputation in its market.

Trust Kim et al. (2011)

PT1. This tourism product website has integrity.
PT2. This tourism product website is reliable.
PT3. This tourism product website is trustworthy.

Perceived privacy Kim et al. (2008)

PP1. I am concerned that tourism product website collects too much personal information from me.
PP2. I am concerned that the tourism product website will use my personal information for other purposes
without my authorization.
PP3. I am concerned the tourism product website will share my personal information with other entities
without my authorization.
PP4. I am concerned that unauthorized persons (i.e. hackers) have access to my personal information.
PP5. I am concerned about the privacy of my personal information during a transaction.
PP6. I am concerned that the tourism product website will sell my personal information to others without my

Perceived security Kim et al. (2008)

PS1. The tourism product website implements security measures to protect users.
PS2. The tourism product website usually ensures that transactional information is protected from
accidentally being altered or destroyed during a transmission on the Internet.
PS3. I feel secure about the electronic payment system of the tourism product website.
PS4. I am willing to use my credit card on this website to make a purchase.
PS5. I feel safe in making transactions on this website.

Privacy and security policy Ray et al. (2011)

SS1. The availability of a privacy or a security statement was easily seen on the tourism product website.
SS2. This tourism product website has a policy on privacy or security.
SS3. I am aware of the details of this tourism product website's privacy or security policy.

Understanding of seals Lowry et al. (2011)

US1. Website assurance seals are designed to increase the privacy/security a customer has for a website.
US2. Websites must state how they collect and share data in order to be awarded a website assurance seal.
US3. Third-party organizations assess the business practices of a website before awarding a seal.
US4. You can click on the seal to verify that the website is entitled to display the seal.
US5. A website must display a data privacy and security statement in order to get a seal

Website investment Ray et al. (2011)

WI1. A lot of time seems to have been invested in developing this website.
WI2. A lot of effort seems to have been invested in developing this website.
WI3. A lot of money seems to have been invested in developing this website.
List Questionair:
2. The effects of trust on consumers’ continuous purchase intentions in C2C social Q1
commerce: A trust transfer perspective (Jing-Di Zhao, 2019).

Emotional support(ES)
For the customer's things, I show interest and care about them.
In the face of customers, I interact with them emotionally.
I am willing to comfort and encourage customers when they encounter difficulties.
I am willing to listen to customers expressing feelings.

Information support(IS0)
I give customers full and professional information.
I give customers information when they are facing problems.
I give them personalized advice based on the needs of customers.
I give customers quick information response and service.

I give customers price concessions and discounts.
I give customers a shopping voucher.
I give customers promotional items.
I give customers a gift when they are buying something from me.

Trust in sellers(TS)
I trust the WeChat business sellers very much.
I am willing to talk to and communicate with the seller when I encounter problems.
My relationship with the seller is very close.
I am very sincere and friendly with seller.

Brand trust(BT)
I trust the brand that sellers sells.
I recognize the quality and reliability of the products sold by sellers.
I think sellers provides reliable quality products.
I think the brand sold by sellers is very good and trustworthy

Continuous purchase intention(CPI)

I am very likely to continuous buy the product from seller.
I would consider buying the product from the seller in the future.
I intend to buy the product when I need.
List Questionair:
9. The antecedents and consequents of relationship quality in internet shopping. Q1
Ki-Han Chun (2010)

Shopping convenience
Pc1. This website is very convenient to use
Pc2. It takes a short time to shop at this website
Pc3. This website provides ease procedures of ordering
Pc4. A first time buyer can make a purchase from this website without much help

Site design
Sd1. The website is visually appealing
Sd2. This website has good selection
Sd3. The website’s appearance is professional
Sd4. It is quick and easy to complete a transaction at this website

Im1. This website provides the rich information on features and quality of the products
Im2. This website provides the accurate information on features and quality of the products
Im3. This website provides various kinds of peripheral information (payment, delivery, and return)
Im4. This website provides the good information of products

Ss1. I feel safe in my transactions with this website
Ss2. I feel like my privacy is protected at this site
Ss3. I trust this site will not misuse my personal information
Ss4. I trust that this site will not give my information to other sites without my permission

Com1. Consumers can free to say about an idea/or complaint at this site
Com2. This website has good FAQ system
Com3. Customers can actively review products of this site
Com4. This site provides free to exchange opinions between customers

Customer satisfaction
Cs1. I am satisfied with the offerings at this website
Cs2. I am satisfied with the purchases at this website
Cs3. I am satisfied with the products at this website

Et1. I trust the information that this site provides
Et2. I trust the promise that this site makes
Et3. I trust the products that this site provides
Et4. I trust the delivery of products that this site makes

Ei1. I feel this site as a friend
Ei2. I feel this site as a part of living
Ei3. I am attached to this site
Ei4. I feel a sense of belonging to this site that I transaction with

Wom1. I say positive thing about this website to other people
Wom2. I recommend this website to anyone who seeks my advice
Wom3. I say positive thing about products of this website
List Questionair:
9. The antecedents and consequents of relationship quality in internet shopping. Q1
Ki-Han Chun (2010)

Variables and items:

(1) Perceived delivery time (PDT) (with seven-point scale: 1 means very low, 7 means very high):
• on the whole, I can receive the ordered item quickly;
• overall, I feel that the online store process my order quickly; and
• generally speaking, I would be able to know my order status at any time.

(2) Web site design (WSD) (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• the online store provides in depth information;
• the online store does not waste time;
• it is easy to complete a transaction at this online store;
• this online store offers appropriate personalized services; and
• this online store has good selection.

(3) Perceived online privacy (POP) (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• I was informed what information the company would collect about me;
• the online store explained how they would use the information collected about me;
• the online store has a clear mechanism/policy to review and change incorrect personal information;
• I feel that the online store is making effort to keep my personal information out of hands of unauthorized individuals; and
• I feel that the online store will not release my personal information about me without my express permission.

(4) Perceived online security (POS) (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• I believe that the online store implements security measures to protect internet shoppers;
• I believe that the online store usually ensures that transactional information is protected from accidentally altered or destroyed
during transmission on the internet;
• I believe that the online store has a very safe online paying mechanism;
• I believe that the online store has the superior ability to handle online hijackings; and
• I believe that transactions are protected by the state-of-the-art security technique at this online store.

(5) e-Satisfaction (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• I like to purchase products from the online store;
• I am pleased with the experience of purchasing products from the online store;
• I think purchasing products from the online store is a good idea; and
• overall, I am satisfied with the experience of purchasing products from the online store.

(6) e-Trust (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• I believe that this online store honestly provides correct information;
• I believe there is no misrepresentation at this online store;
• I believe this online store makes recommendations to consumers on the basis of mutual benefit; and
• I believe that this online store would not take adverse actions against its consumers.

(7) e-Loyalty (with seven-point scale: 1 means very disagree, 7 means very agree):
• if the online store continues maintaining current service performance, I will not switch to other online stores;
• as far as the product types sold at this online store are concerned, I donot quite consider purchasing at other online stores;
• I like to utilize this online store; and
• To me, this online store is the best web site to shop clothing.
List Questionair:
10. The effect of e-service quality on Jordanian student’s e-loyalty: an empirical Q1
study in online retailing. (Rami Mohammad Al-dweeri, 2017)

Efficiency Adapted Loiacono et al. (2007), Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Li et al. (2002), Parasuraman et al. (2005), Bauer et al. (2006)
1. This site makes it easy to find what I need
2. It makes it easy to get anywhere on the site
3. It enables me to complete a transaction quickly
4. Information at this site is well organised
5. It loads its pages fast
6. This site is simple to use
7. This site is well organised

Privacy Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Parasuraman et al. (2005), Bauer et al. (2006), Collier and Bienstock (2006)
8. It protects information about my webshopping behaviour
9. It does not share my personal information with other sites
10. This site protects information about my credit card
11. Website appears symbols and messages gives a signal that the site is safe and protected

Reliability Swaid and Wigand (2009), Parasuraman et al. (2005), Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Aladwani and Palvia (2002), Bauer et al. (2006)
12. It delivers orders when promised
13. This site makes items available for delivery within a suitable time frame
14. It quickly delivers what I order
15. It sends out the items ordered
16. It is truthful about its offerings
17. It makes accurate promises about delivery of products

Emotional benefit Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Loiacono et al. (2007), Bauer et al. (2006)
18. I feel cheerful when I use the website
19. Excitement when shopping online
20. I feel happy when I use this website

Customer service Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003), Parasuraman et al. (2005), Loiacono et al. (2007)
21. This website is ready and willing to respond to customer needs
22. Customer service personnel are always willing to help you
23. Inquiries are answered promptly
24. When you have a problem, the website shows a sincere interest in solving it
25. After sale support at this site is excellent

E-satisfaction Anderson and Srinivasan (2003), Cristobal et al. (2007), Thaichon and Quach (2015).
26. I am overall very happy with this website
27. I am satisfied with my decision to be purchased on this website
28. My decision in choosing this site is correct
29. I am satisfied with the purchase experience at this website

E-trust Yoon (2002), Kim et al. (2009), Kao and Lin (2016), Ghane et al. (2011), Ribbink et al. (2004)
30. I trust what this website says about its products
31. This website is reliable
32. I trust the claims and promises this website makes about a product

Attitudinal loyalty Ho and Lee (2015), Kao and Lin (2016), Ghane et al. (2011) and Ziaullah et al. (2014)
33. I consider myself to be a loyal patron of this website
34. I would say positive things about this website to other people
35. I would recommend this website to someone who seeks my advice

Behavioural loyalty Ho and Lee (2015), Kao and Lin (2016) Kim et al. (2009), Ghane et al. (2011) and Ziaullah et al. (2014)
36. I would consider this website as my first choice to buy services/goods
37. I would do more business with this website in the next few years
38. I am willing to put in extra effort to buy from this website
List Questionair:
11. Q1
a. This website makes purchase recommendations that match my needs.
b. This website enables me to order products that are tailor-made for me.
c. The advertisements and promotions that this website sends to me are tailored to my situation.
d. This website makes me feel that I am a unique customer.
e. I believe that this website is customized to my needs.

Contact Interactivity
a. This website enables me to view the merchandise from different angles.
b. This website has a search tool that enables me to locate products.
c. This website does not have a tool that makes product comparisons easy.
d. I feel that this is a very engaging website.
e. I believe that this website is not a very dynamic one.

a. I do not receive reminders about making purchases from this website.
b. This website sends me information that is relevant to my purchases.
c. I feel that this website appreciates my business.
d. I feel that this website makes an effort to increase its share of my business.
e. This website does not proactively cultivate its relationship with me.

a. I have experienced problems with billing with respect to my earlier purchases at this website.
b. The goods that I purchased in the past from this website have been delivered on time.
c. I feel that this website is not responsive to any problems that I encounter.
d. The return policies laid out in this website are customer friendly.
e. I believe that this website takes good care of its customers.

a. Customers share experiences about the website/product online with other customers of the website.
b. The customer community supported by this website is not useful for gathering product information.
c. Customers of this website benefit from the community sponsored by the website.
d. Customers share a common bond with other members of the customer community sponsored by the
e. Customers of this website are not strongly affiliated with one another.

a. This website provides a “one-stop shop” for my shopping.
b. This website does not satisfy a majority of my online shopping needs.
c. The choice of products at this website is limited.
d. This website does not carry a wide selection of products to choose from.

a. Navigation through this website is not very intuitive.
b. A first-time buyer can make a purchase from this website without much help.
c. It takes a long time to shop at this website.
d. This website is a user-friendly site.
e. This website is very convenient to use.

a. This website design is attractive to me.
b. For me, shopping at this website is fun.
c. This website does not feel inviting to me.
d. I feel comfortable shopping at this website.
e. This website does not look appealing to me.

a. I seldom consider switching to another website.
b. As long as the present service continues, I doubt that I would switch websites.
c. I try to use the website whenever I need to make a purchase.
d. When I need to make a purchase, this website is my first choice.
e. I like using this website.
f. To me this website is the best retail website to do business with.
g. I believe that this is my favorite retail website.
a. I regularly read/watch advertisements to compare competing websites.
b. I decide on visiting competing websites for shopping on the basis of advertisements.
c. I often talk to friends about their experiences with competing websites.
d. I explored many competing websites in order to find an alternative to this site.
e. I conducted an extensive search before making a purchase at this website.

a. I say positive things about this website to other people.
b. I recommend this website to anyone who seeks my advice.
c. I do not encourage friends to do business with this website.
d. I hesitate to refer my acquaintances to this website.

Willingness to pay more

a. Will you take some of your business to a competitor that offers better prices?b
b. Will you continue to do business with this website if its prices increase somewhat?
c. Will you pay a higher price at this website relative to the competition for the same benefit?
d. Will you stop doing business with this website if its competitors’ prices decrease somewhat?

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