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BIEE 2nd Yr.

Fundamentals of Instrumentation Class Test I 2019

Answer relevant questions in the question paper itself. For the others, use sheet. Submit QP and sheet.

Q1-10 for CO1, Q11-16 for CO2 and Q17-20 for CO3. Total time 60 min.

1. A piston in a pressure gage acts as a ___________________________________ and a

____________________________________, the piston rod acts as a ________________

____________________________________ and the spring acts as a ______________-

____________________________________. 1mark

2. Which of the following actions follows what during commissioning of an instrument : calibration,

zero adjustment, full scale adjustment? Justify. 1mark

3. The accuracy in digital mode of operation is limited/unlimited since all digits are carried by

same/different size of signals. 1mark

4. In null method of measurement, balance/unbalance is detected and this is aided/opposed to obtain

zero/minimum/maximum. 1mark

5. Accuracy measures closeness to true/noisy/measured/calculated values while precision measures

closeness to true/noisy/measured/calculated values. 1mark

6. State the general relation between output O and input I of a nominal affine system with effects of

modifying and interfering inputs and system nonlinearity. 1mark

7. List any 4 methods used for correcting effects of modifying and interfering inputs. 1mark

8. State electrical, mechanical translational and fluidic equivalents for the following flow (x) and

effort (y) variables: ∫x dt, dx/dt, y, impedance, stiffness. 3marks

9. A meter o/p ranges from 1-5V with a resolution of 5mV. State its dynamic range in dB. 1mark

10. A meter measures pressure in the range 0-10bar as 4-20mA. State zero and span for both input

and output. Is live zero used in measurement? If yes, where and why? 2marks

11. State 2 standard test signals and 1 standard test signal used to obtain time and frequency

responses respectively of a system. Which signals in a signal generator provide these? 1mark

12. The bandwidth of a signal is the range of time/length/frequency for which the signal amplitude

remains within 0.33/0.50/0.71/0.95 of the true/min/half/max amplitude. This is also called

FWHM since the signal power falls below 0.33/0.50/0.71/0.95 beyond this range. For measuring

systems, BW is considered at 0.33/0.50/0.71/0.95 of the true/min/half/max amplitude. 2marks

13. The requirement for amplitude modulation of a carrier signal of frequency ωc by a modulating

signal of frequency ωm is that ωc ___ ωm. The resultant signal frequencies are at ____________

and ______________. This signal is called SBDCC/DSBSC/SSBCD signal. 1mark

14. Derive G(s)=Vo(s)/Vi(s) for a) b) 2marks

15. For a unit ramp input, derive and determine the time response of a first order system with G(s) =

K/(1+sτ). What are the transient and steady state errors in the response? 3marks

16. For a second order underdamped system, derive the expressions for peak time and maximum

overshoot. Given y(t) = K[1- {exp(-ξ ωn t)/√(1-ξ2) sin(ωn√(1-ξ2)t + sin-1√(1-ξ2))}] 2marks

17. R = ρ l/A. State 1 example each of sensors which use change in a) l, b) l,A and c) ρ as criterion

and state the variable sensed by them. 1mark

18. Draw the actual R vs. x response of a wire wound potentiometer and explain. 2marks

19. Determine the resolution of a 750 turns/inch rotary pot of 0.2 inch diameter measuring angles in

the range 0-240 degrees. 1mark

20. A potentiometer is rated as a 1/4W, 1kΩ, 0-30cm pot and is used with a 100kΩ meter. Determine

the maximum output of the device for a displacement of 12cm, the nonlinearity at this

measurement and the maximum nonlinearity. 2marks

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