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A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research ll (Quantitative Research)



October 2019

Rationale of the Study 1-3
Review of Related Literature 4-7
Statement of the Problem 8
Statement of Null Hypotheses 8-9
Significance of the Study 10
Research Design 11
Research Environment 11
Research Respondents 11
Research Instrument 12
Research Procedure
Data Gathering 11
Data Analysis 11-12



A 17

B 18

C.1 19

C.2 20

C.3 21



Rationale of the Study

Wine is a beverage from the alcoholic fermentation of any fruit. In the biochemical

field, it is defined as a drink from the alcoholic fermentation of fruit juice sugars by yeast.

Wine has always been linked in some way to the history of man because it is either a

beverage with its own flavor and personality or the benefits it brings to health. Important

ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans, besides the Hindus,

used wine as a medicine for the body and for the soul. Historical records show that the

medicinal use of wine by man has been a practice made for over 2000 years (Wurz,

Douglas 2019).

Drinking wine can be seen as an art or even just a relaxing activity. Wine is usually

served and consumed socially. Many colleges even offer a wine and viticulture program

to serve those students wishing to pursue a professional career in the wine industry.

Some consumers are highly educated on wine brands and varieties and are referred to

as wine connoisseurs.

While understanding consumer decisions about food choices is complex, the

nature of wines makes it even more difficult to decipher how consumers arrive at their

choices. This is because, by its nature, wine consumption is influenced by not just its

intrinsic attributes but also by extrinsic characteristics.

When marketing wine to potential customers, wine companies need to know that

different consumer groups are not all going to have the same preferences. Between

younger and older age wine drinkers some preferences and demographics have been

distinctive (Clinite, Jacob, 2013).

With the substantial increase in demand for wine, enhanced knowledge of

consumers’ preferences for wine can help give wineries an opportunity to improve sales

and bring in new marketing techniques. Over the past several years, the demand for

functional food and beverages have increased. Which is why promoting the beneficial

aspects of red wine when consumed can be a marketing tool that sets a winery apart from

its competitors.

The U.S. wine industry has been rapidly growing recently according to Wagner,

Olsen, and Thach (2011). Wine sales posted strong gains over 2011 in both the retail and

direct-to-consumer sales channels. Sales for domestic table wines at food and drug

stores grew 7% to $377 million in September (Adams, 2012). There is also a steady

increase in the demand for wine from new markets, which opens the doors for new

companies and businesses to enter the wine industry. With so many different wine

companies in the world and low barriers to entry, there tends to be an extremely

competitive playing field. This is where marketing and advertising become a key role in

order for companies to make a profit selling wine.

In wine marketing, knowing the target market and how to reach that market is

crucial. It is difficult for all wineries to be fully aware of their target market. Many of them

are tucked away on a side street or in a corner of some shopping malls and very
inconspicuous as stated by Hopkins (2009). In order for wine companies to find their

target market, they must research the wants, needs, preferences, and demographics of

the consumers. Some preferences include characteristics of wine like brand name,

production year, wine type, flavor, and price.

Review of Related Literature

As expressed by Thatch and Olsen (2006), an announcement on the sexual

orientation inclinations in wine promoting that the customers of various ages will in

general have shifting inclinations in wine. Scientists from Sonoma State University Olsen

et al (2007) looked at the advancement of wine drinking designs between ages. From that

explore, proof demonstrated that youthful grown-ups loved the lighter and better style of

wines, and after that transition to increasingly tasty or complex wines further down the


Research on social determinants of liquor drinking examples has accentuated a

few variables, among them age, and profession. Social class and financial status (SES)

have established key issues for mental the study of disease transmission since its origin

as a logical subdiscipline (Almeida-Filho, 2004, p46).

As Du (2016) clarified that there is currently more prominent thoughtfulness

regarding the social determinants of immature liquor utilization, for example, character

characteristics, parental and friend impacts, and social standards. 1-4 Financial status

(SES) is likewise viewed as a significant determinant of drinking conduct of adolescents,

which may decide the buying intensity of refreshments types and related drinking

patterns.5-7 Moreover, the routine drinking designs, which are shaped in pre-adulthood,

may endure change into adulthood. 8,9 Itemized data about drinking examples is a

noteworthy hole in arrangement making for adolescent wellbeing and its deep rooted

outcomes (p.184).
A fair perspective on liquor drinking and wellbeing ought to think about unsafe and

helpful impacts, measure of liquor, refreshment decision, and drinking designs. Mortality

has been examined as one explicit worldwide measure. Overwhelming drinking,

characterized as regular day by day admission of at least three standard-sized

beverages, conveys abundance mortality from cardiovascular and noncardiovascular

causes (1–13), probably because of both physiologic impacts of liquor and conduct

characteristics of substantial consumers. It is vague whether the decision of wine, alcohol,

or lager assumes a job in the unfavorable impacts of overwhelming liquor drinking, and

generally few examinations have analyzed this angle (Armstrong, 2003, p585).

As Atkin and Thach (2012) clarified that in the US, one of the quickest developing

wine buyer sections is the Millennial age. Much research has been directed on the kinds

of wine they like to drink, just as their inspirations for drinking wine, yet next to no

exploration has concentrated on the issues of hazard recognition and data search inside

this significant shopper section. Subsequently, the motivation behind this exploration

study was to look at the Millennial utilization of item data to decrease the danger of an

awful buy choice in contrast with more established wine purchasers. The discoveries are

valuable in that they give new experiences to Millennial wine showcasing systems (p.1).

Purchaser conduct toward wine inclinations introduces a plenty of works that mean

to clarify what characteristics intercede in the decision procedure and how statistic

components may impact these decisions. There isn't, truth be told, a one of a kind

response to this inquiry as wine, contrasted with other nourishment items, has a lot more

marks to pick between and can be passed judgment on just through "search" and

"trustworthiness" traits, as its taste may fluctuate from vintage to vintage, despite the fact
that brand and other outward characteristics stay indistinguishable. The trouble in

preparing so much item data may produce a confounded perspective in the pre-buy stage,

which adversely influences purchasers' data handling and basic leadership capacities

and can lead shoppers to settle on imperfect decisions (Casini et al, 2008, p.2).

As expressed by Grainger and Tattersall (2005), explanation on the Wine Creation

Vine Container that In the old wine-delivering nations and locales of Europe, wine has

been effectively accessible for ages and is an entrenched piece of the dietary societies

of numerous countries. In later occasions the drink has expanded its perceivability in the

weight control plans of individuals in nations not favored with an indigenous wine industry,

and the change is as yet in progress. Presently wines created in the many, and an

expanding number of, wine-delivering areas of the world are being sent out all around.

Shoppers from broadly contrasting financial gatherings can experience wine, and never

again would it be able to be thought of as the favored drink of the advantaged classes.

Wine has become an adult in the cutting edge shopper commercial center. It is something

that is delighted in by a wide range of customers, frequently to the detriment of different


It likewise creates the impression that wine shoppers' conduct is impacted by the

purchasers' age. The Wine Advertising Gathering, referenced by, Chang and Thach

(2016) recognizes four generational associates of wine customers in the US. The Swing

Age, matured 70-82 years, is included 30 million individuals. Viewed as mindful, taught

and generous, this age is drinking less wine because of wellbeing reasons. The Boomer

2 Age, matured 51-69 years, incorporates 77 million individuals. They are viewed as

idealistic and driven. Boomers are at present purchasing and drinking the most wine in
America. Gen Xers, matured 39-50 years, including around 44 million individuals, are

viewed as distrustful, individualistic, yet additionally network disapproved. This is

essentially a mixed drink age yet is currently drinking more wine. Recent college

graduates, matured 21-38 years, incorporate 70 million individuals.


Statement of the Problem

This ecological research aims to determine the level of preference on choice of

wine among oenophiles in Toledo City and to determine the difference when oenophiles

are grouped into age and profession.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age; and

b. sex?

2. What is the level of preference on choice of wine of the respondents

when group by age and by sex?

3. Is there a significant difference with the level of preference on choice

of wine among respondents when grouped by age?

4. Is there a significant difference with the level of preference on choice

of wine among respondents when grouped by sex?

Statement of Null Hypotheses

1. There is no significant difference with the choice of wine among

respondents when grouped by age.

2. There is a significant difference with the choice of wine among

respondents when grouped by sex.

Significance of the Study

This research is beneficial to the following people and entities:

Restaurateurs. They will gain more knowledge about what type of wine their

restaurant needs.

Wine Stewards. They will have an idea of what the customer wants regarding in

the choice of wine, age, and social status.

Oenophiles or Wine Lovers.They will gain more knowledge about the wine that

they love and know what other wines that they didn't encounter yet.

Food and Beverage Servicing Teachers. They will obtain more understanding

on what they will teach their students during their performance in wine serving.

Food and Beverage Servicing Students. The students will have the idea on

what is the specific wine that they need to buy and serve throughout their wine serving


Wine Entrepreneurs. They will have an idea what is the best selling wines for

their customers.

Chef or Food Processors. They will gain more knowledge about what kind of

wine that they will add in their dish.

Future Researchers. The result of this study can be beneficial to the future

researchers that will also have a related subject and this can be the basis of their future


Research Design

This research employs an ecological research design by which the researchers

take values of a variable for an entire population, the outcome from that population, and

use to draw inferences. The dependent variable to be analyzed in this study is the level

of preference on choice of wine among the group cases of age and sex of the


Research Environment

Our research was implemented at Toledo National Vocational School, the only

trade school in Toledo. The school is edifice as a vocational school and it offers classes

that focus on building concrete skills. This trade school was divided into two departments:

the Senior High Department and the Junior High Department who offers vocational

courses with different strands.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this research study will be the 66 teachers in Toledo National

Vocational School and they will also be grouped according to their age, the young adult

(19-45 years old) and adults (46 above) . Convenience sampling will be employed as the

sampling technique in choosing the respondents of this study. Whoever is available

during the data collection will be approached and will be asked to participate in the study.

The prospect respondents will not be forced to participate.

Research Instrument

The research instrument of this research is a questionnaire which has two parts.

The first part collects demographic information about the respondent which includes age

and gender. The second part is a unipolar Likert scale questionnaire where the

respondents will answer four items regarding the smell, appearance, taste, and overall

quality of a specific wine. The scale uses four (4) scaling points: I strongly dislike if the

consumer really don't like the overall quality of the wine, I don’t like if the respondents

don't like the smell, and appearance but they like the taste and vice versa, I like if the

consumer like it but it didn't reach his/her standards, and I strongly like if the respondent

like the overall quality and attain his/her level.

Research Procedure

Data Gathering

The researcher made a questionnaire before the actual data gathering in order to

accumulate data from the respondents. After the experts validated the questionnaire, the

researchers made a letter addressed to the principal of the school where the researchers

are studying to ask permission to conduct the research inside the school which will serve

as ethical clearance. The researchers will then gather information from the respondents.

They will administer the questionnaire. Once data are available, the researchers will

analyze them using appropriate statistical treatments which are discussed below.

Data Analysis
Data will be entered through Microsoft Excel and will be analyzed using Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The latter is a computer software

program that can perform various statistical tasks. The following statistical tests will be


Weighted Mean will be achieved through Microsoft Excel. It will help to determine

the preference level of the respondents on the choice of wine.

Analysis of Variance will be performed using SPSS version 21 provided that

variables meet the assumptions of parametric tests. Otherwise, the equivalent test on

non-parametric which is Kruskal-Wallis Test will be performed. This will help to analyze

the difference of the preference level of the respondents on the choice of wine as grouped

by age and by profession.


The researchers operationally defined terms used in this study so that

readers can fully understand as they read this research. These terms are as


Complex - Having parts that connect or go together in complicated ways.

Connoisseur - A person who knows a lot about something (such as

art,wine,food,etc): an expert in a particular subject.

Crucial - Extremely important.

Demographics - The qualities (such as age,sex,income) of a specific group of


Ethnicity - The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common

national or cultural tradition.

Extrinsic- Extrinsic reasons, forces, or factors exist outside the person or situation

they affect.

Inconspicuous - Not very easy to see or notice: Not conspicuous.

Oenophiles- One who appreciates, enjoys, or collects wine; a wine connoisseur.

Plethora- A plethora of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of

it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with.

Rapid - Happening in a short amount of time.

Tuck - To put (something) in a particular place usually to hide it,hold it ,or make it


Varietals - A wine bearing the name of the principle grape from which it is made.

Vary - To changes to (something) so that it is not always the same.

Vineyard - A field where grapes are grown.

Viticulture - The cultivation or culture of grapes especially for wine making.


Almeida-Filhoa, N. et al (2004). Alcohol drinking patterns by gender, ethnicity, and

social class in Bahia, Brazil Determinantes Sociais e padroes de consume de
alcool na Bahia, Brasil. Retrieved August 12, 2019 from
Armstrong, M. et al (2003). Wine, Liquor, Beer, and Mortality. Retrieved August 12,
2019 from
Atkin, T. & Thach, E. (2012). millennial wine consumers: Risk perception and
information search. Retrieved August 12, 2019 from
Casini, L. et al (2008). Consumer Preferences of Wine in Italy Applying
Best: Worst Scaling. Retrieved August 12, 2019 from
Chang, K. & Thach, L. (2016). Wine and Health Perceptions: Exploring the
Impact of Gender, Age and Ethnicity on Consumer Perceptions of Wine and
Health. Retrieved September 1, 2019 from
Clinite, J. (2013). The Preferences in Wine of Various Aged Consumers.
Retrieved September 10, 2019, from
Du, S. et al (2016). Alcoholic beverage preferences and associated drinking patterns by
socioeconomic status among high-school drinkers in three metropolises of China.
Retrieved August 12, 2019 from
Grainger, K. & Tattersall, H. (2005). Wine Production Vine Bottle. Retrieved August 12,
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Phil Atlas (2015). Toledo Province of Cebu. Retrieved September 02, 2019 from
Wagner, O., and T. (2011). Gender Preferences in Wine Marketing. Retrieved July 10,
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Wurz, D. (2019). Wine and health: A review of its benefits to human health.
Retrieved September 10, 2019 from

Transmittal Letter to the Principal



Full Name : Lucele Abatayo

Address : Media Once, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09754517359

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : December 13, 2002

Place of Birth : Media Once, Toledo City

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Edzel Abatayo

Mothers Name: Julieta Abatayo


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Media Once Elementary School

Address : Media Once Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Jerry Ann B. Colegado

Address : Bato, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09550590448

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : May 18, 2001

Place of Birth : Toledo City

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Ariesteo Colegado

Mothers Name: Lily May Colegado


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Bato National High School

Address : Bato Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Bato Elementary School

Address : Bato Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Lesly T. Caraballe

Address : Bulongan, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09233329744

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : March 23,2002

Place of Birth : Bulongan, Toledo City

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Marlon D. Caraballe

Mothers Name: Arlinda T.Caraballe


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Bulongan Elementary School

Address : Bulongan, Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Gracie Joy V. Hoyohoy

Address : Sambag Sangi, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09261346231

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : September 27,2002

Place of Birth : Toledo City Hospital

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Kevin B. Hoyohoy

Mothers Name: Perly V. Hoyohoy


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Jacinta Larosa Elementary School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Xyla Lei C. Pareja

Address : Calong-Calong, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09158781716

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : January 15,2002

Place of Birth : Maynila Hospital

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Nicasio A. Pareja

Mothers Name : Jeannabel C. Pareja


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Calong-Calong Elementary School

Address : Calong-Calong, Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Millicent Kaye S. Quimada

Address : Cabulihan I , Toledo City

Phone No. : 09665360709

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : October 1,2000

Place of Birth : Cabulihan I, Toledo City

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Arnel S. Quimada

Mothers Name: Nenita S. Quimada


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Jacinta Larosa Elementary School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Blair M. Relatado

Address : Sangi River Side, Toledo City

Phone No. : 09972167327

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : February 14,2002

Place of Birth : Balambam District Hospital

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Nilo A. Relatado

Mothers Name: Mercidita M. Relatado


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Sangi Elementary School

Address : Sangi, Toledo City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014


Full Name : Jerald S. Wahing

Address : Carmen, Toledo City

Phone No. : NONE

E-mail Add :

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Male

Religion : Roman Catholic

Date of Birth : July 30,2001

Place of Birth : Abuno Pajak, Lapu-Lapu City ,Cebu

Language : Cebuano

Fathers Name: Marcelo C. Wahing

Mothers Name: Carlota S. Wahing


Senior High School : Toledo National Vocational School

Address : Ilihan, Toledo City

Junior High School : Luray II National High School

Address : Luray II, Toledo City

Year Completed : 2017 – 2018

Elementary : Bankal Elementary School

Address : Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City

Year Graduated : 2013 – 2014

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