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Ge 24:22 And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden
earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold;
Ge 24:30 And it came to pass, when he saw the earring and bracelets upon his sister's hands,
and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, Thus spake the man unto me; that
he came unto the man; and, behold, he stood by the camels at the well.
Ge 24:47 And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, The daughter of
Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto him: and I put the earring upon her face, and the
bracelets upon her hands.
Job 42:11 Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had
been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned
him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also
gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.
Pr 25:12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an
obedient ear.
Pr 1:8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
Pr 6:20My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
Pr 6:21Bind them continually upon thine heart, [and] tie them about thy neck.
Pr 1:9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. {an...:
Heb. an adding}
EZEKIEL 16:9 Then washed I thee with water; yea, I throughly washed away thy blood from thee,
and I anointed thee with oil.
10 I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee
about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.
11 I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on thy
12 And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon
thine head.
Ge 35:4 And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their
earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem.
Ex 21:6 Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or
unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him
for ever.
De 15:17 Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the door, and he shall be
thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise.
Ex 32:2 And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your
wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.
Ex 32:3 And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought
them unto Aaron.
Ex 35:22 And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought
bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold: and every man that offered
offered an offering of gold unto the LORD.
Nu 31:50 We have therefore brought an oblation for the LORD, what every man hath gotten, of
jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to make an atonement for our
souls before the LORD. {gotten: Heb. found}
Jg 8:24 And Gideon said unto them, I would desire a request of you, that ye would give me every
man the earrings of his prey. (For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.)
Jg 8:25 And they answered, We will willingly give them. And they spread a garment, and did cast
therein every man the earrings of his prey.
Jg 8:26 And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was a thousand and seven
hundred shekels of gold; beside ornaments, and collars, and purple raiment that was on the kings
of Midian, and beside the chains that were about their camels' necks. {collars: or, sweet jewels}
Isa 3:20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and
the earrings, {tablets: Heb. houses of the soul}
Eze 16:12 And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown
upon thine head. {forehead: Heb. nose}
Ho 2:13 And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense to them, and
she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers, and forgat
me, saith the LORD.
E-54 Now, notice. Down there one time in Miami, there was some kind of a Duchess or
something like that. Brother Bosworth said, "Brother Branham, the Duchess of something, some
island, something wants to meet you."
I said, "Well, who's she any more than anybody else?" See?
He said, "Well, she wants to meet you. Will you wait just behind the tent?"
And I said... Well, he's the manager, so there wasn't nothing I could do. And I said, "All right."
When he stepped outside of the tent, there was a little old place there, a little--had roped off. And
here come a woman through there with just about enough clothes on to wad a musket shotgun.
She had earrings hanging plumb down like this, looked like the devil had been using her neck for
a saddle and using them for stirrups. He'd rode her all over hell anyhow. That's right.
E-35 And so when we passed through the tent that night, back in the little prayer room, here
she was standing there. Oh, brother, under-dressed and over-painted, you know. Two great big
earrings hanging down, looked like the stirrups for the devil, you know, the saddle setting right
between her neck, and riding right down. And there she set there. And she had a pair of glasses
out, she held. I'm not making fun of the woman, but not enough clothes on to wad a good musket
shotgun. And there she stood out there with these glasses on a stick like this, you know, holding it
out like that. She said, "Are you Dr. Branham?"
I said, "No, ma'am." She said... I said, "I'm Brother Branham."
She said, "Well, I am so charmed to meet you."
212 And I believe God's going to fill this church with the Holy Ghost, till you hear a scream
that'll--that'll swing out through Jeffersonville here. I'm waiting and praying every day and night,
waiting just for the crucial moment. You keep fasting, keep praying; getting the kids together, get
rid of all the sin around your home, as Jacob said, "Take off your earrings and wash your
garments." Get ready. Oh, I hear the sound of abundance of rain.
May the Lord bless you now. Look to the Lamb of God, while we bow our heads.
E-15 The next come was a little boy. He was standing there. He was a--a Zulu. They had to...
They cut their ears like this and make great, long things. They wear a lot of--of earrings, they do.
Women wear a lot of paint.
So you women that likes to put on paint, you know where it come from? It's a heathen worship.
That's exactly right. Keep it off of you. It's not becoming to Christians. [Congregation applauds--
Ed.] Thank you.
I was just wondering. When I first knowed Pentecostal people a few years ago, they didn't use
them things. But something happened somewhere. Is that right?


E-16 Now, your preachers are here to teach you this. But look, ladies, there was only one
woman in all the Bible ever put on paint. You don't put on paint to meet God. You put it on to
meet men. Jezebel did the same thing. God fed her to the dogs.
If you see a woman with a lot of paint on, say, "How you do, Miss Dog meat?" That's what God
made out of her: dog meat, give her to the dogs. That's right. Yes, sir. "Howdy do..."
And I noticed a lot of the women taking on smoking cigarettes. Oh, my. That's the littlest thing you
can do. I better keep still on that. So anyhow, the preachers will tell you that.


E-17 Now, back to this... These heathens, they get paint and put all over them, make it out of
mud. Do... Make hair manicures, ever what you call it, little mud things, put up like this and put
bones in it. Boy, the beauty operator for a woman is an old thing in Africa. They had it a long time
So anyhow, split their lips and so forth. Then make these earrings; they had some permanent
earrings. They cut the flesh and keep putting chunks of wood in it, and the rings hang down like
that, of flesh where their ears had been spread out.
This little boy was a Zulu, and they... Their diet, when they pack their dinners with them, they
have a cow. And this cow... If a man has twins, they was a man--boy and a girl, he will kill the
boy, save the girl, 'cause he can get a cow for the girl. You can buy the girl at any age. You can't
be with her as a wife until she's of age, but you--you buy her.
And then the cow, they live by the cow. They take a porcupine quill and pierce the jugular vein,
drain a little sack, a little, like a little leather sack, made out of animal skin, half full of blood, then
milk the rest of it full of milk, and then while the milk's hot and the blood's hot, they churn it with a
stick and it makes a lollipop. That's what they eat.
E-55 So they took her over there, and dressed her all up, and put earrings on her, and
everything, getting her ready for the wedding the next day. And Abimelech stretched hisself out
on the bed that night, after praying awhile, thanking the Lord for his nice bride he was going to
have the next day. And the Lord appeared to him, said, "You're just as good as a dead man."
He said, "Why?"
Said, "You got a man's wife."
He said, "Well, Lord, didn't... You know the integrity of my heart. Didn't he tell me that was his
sister? And she said, 'That's my brother.'"
"That's the reason I kept you from sinning against Me." Said, "Well, look, her husband is My
prophet." Hallelujah. What was he? Now, because you did a little something wrong, you're not
lost. Repent; come back to God.
E-62 We have time for everything else, no time for prayer meetings. The home's all butchered
up, and the girls and boys are out going around, larking around over the country, and mother's
and father's unconcerned, and yet Pentecostal. What we need tonight, is a home altar in the
house, a place where God where the Bible's read and children are taught the Word of the living
God. Yes, sir.
Run up-and-down the platform in little dresses that looks like there's so tight, the skin's on the
outside, running up and down. I'm not saying that for a joke. I'm not joking; this is the Gospel
truth. That's right. Yes, sir. Run up-and-down the platforms like that, and dancing in the spirit, and
speaking in tongues, and earrings and paint all over their faces, their hair all manicured and
bobbed up like that, and then call themselves Christians...
E-45 Here not long ago I was in a revival where Pentecostal women on the platform with a
skirt on that look like they were molded in it, and with great big, long earrings hanging down like
that, and with manicure, or ever what you call the stuff, all over their face, look like they'd been
eating raw beefsteak and blood all over their fingers and things, and call themselves filled with the
Holy Ghost? "By their fruits you shall know them." That's right. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] It's
too bad that you do that. Yes, sir.
You know, it used to be wrong for Pentecostal women to cut their hair? That was their glory. She
sure fell short of the glory somewhere. That's right. [Congregation applauds--Ed.] You know that's
the truth, brother. Now, that... Might as well admit the truth.
Now, listen, the Bible said, "It's a woman's glory." So you're sharing it with the devil. That's right.
Let your hair grow out. Amen. Be a lady; look like a Christian. Quit trying to fashion after the
world. The devil gets you in all kinds of trouble. Get that heart, get in the Shekinah Glory over
yonder with God. Move in behind the veil and let that drop behind you; shut the world off where
you can't see the things of the world: die out to self.
85 And I can prove to you that that come from the devil. I can prove to you that nothing in
the... The originate of it was heathens. And as long as you wear it, it's a mark of a heathen. Now,
I just come back from Africa, and I've been in the Hottentot jungles and found out just exactly
where earrings, where all that stuff come, and all this, a lot of jewelry wrapped your necks and
ears and everything, where that comes from. It's the heathens. And the Bible don't want a
Christian to be a heathen. And you don't want... I don't say that you are a heathen because you
do it, but you're making yourself look like one. It's because your pastor didn't tell you the truth.
The Bible said so.
E-19 And so, you know, little Jezebel had learned one thing in her home, and that was to use
paint. That's the heathen trait. Any paint, never in the world, but all painting of faces originated
with heathens is always condemned by believers. I hope this goes real far down home, just to
make you real good and sick for a few minutes. But now, don't get angry with me; I love you. But I
just want to tell you what's truth.
Remember, I've just returned from the African jungle. Every one, the tribals of heathen, on every
kind of an occasion they paint their face and wear great big earrings. The Indian savage heathen
paints his face and puts on war paint when he goes in--in the... His war is worship around his
idols. He paints.
You ashamed? See? It's a heathen sign. Too bad it ever got in the Christian church, wasn't it?
Sure was. That was a weak pulpit what brought that in. The preacher ought to be ashamed of
E-77 How could people... You mean to tell me, you women can walk out here at them little
bitty straps around you and call yourself living in a modern civilized world? When heathens is
dressed that way and get right with Christ, try to cover themselves up till they get some clothes on
them. Looks like you're going back to heathens instead of coming to civilization. Now, you know
that's the truth.
And just another little thing. I don't see it in this building, but lot of you women that wears this here
paint, and you know, and black stuff over your eyes and everything. You know where that
come from? That trait is heathen. That's exactly where it come from. They've had them great big
bones in their ears for earrings, and take mud and paint their faces and all over like that. It's a
heathen trait. Then we permit it in our churches. "Sure, it's all right."


E-78 "Oh, it ain't what you do this way; it ain't what you do that way." No, I know it ain't. But
you get right with Christ one time, and you'll wash your face. That's exactly right. You'll put on
clothes and act like a lady. And you'll throw that cigar out of your mouth if you are a deacon or
something in the church, and act like a Christian too. That's exactly right.
I know that is awful harsh, friends, but that's the truth. It takes strong medicine to do you good
sometime. It's exactly right.
E-30 A guy got after me sometime about a man I had working with me. And he said, "We
won't--can't stand for that. That boy smokes cigarettes."
I said, "He's a sinner, he just drives a truck, drove it out here."
That afternoon, a holiness church... He wanted to introduce me to his wife. I tell you; I'm not
making fun of anybody, but that poor mortal had a dress on that was so tight; and great big long
earrings, and a whole lot of paint; I said, "Is she a saint?" He said, "Yes, sir."
I said, "She looks like a 'hain't' to me." I said, "That, brother, is a long way's from being..." I don't
say that for a joke. I mean, that's the truth. Right. What we need is the Holy Ghost and Fire, and
experience in the church to clean out the dross, mold it and burn it. I don't say that for a joke.
E-34 We turned around and walked to the place where there was several thousand people
assembled together. And he... He said, "Here is my wife. I want you to meet her, Brother
Branham." And I looked, she said... "She'll be your pianist this afternoon."
And not for jokes, this is no place for a joke. That's the trouble of today, we too much Hollywood
evangelism and not enough of the old fashion conviction of the Gospel.
And that woman stood there with a dress on so tight, looked like the skin was on the outside. And
she had great big earrings on, and stuff all over her mouth, and her--blue places behind her eyes,
and real short cut hair, and it all fuzzed up like a fuzzy worm.
And she said... look at... She said, "How do you do, Dr. Branham?"
I said, "Howdy." I said, "I want to ask you something, sir?"
Said, "Yes, Brother Branham."
I said, "Is your wife a saint?"
Said, "Certainly."
I said, "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but she looks like a "hain't" to me, from the way she's
standing there like that."
E-42 Here the other night I went to a Pentecostal meeting, and the women out on the platform
with earrings, looked like the devil had done put a saddle on them and used them for a stirrup,
hanging up and down the place, and dancing, their little old dress on that looked like she'd been
poured in there, so tight the skin was on the outside; and you mean to tell me that's Christianity?
Not according to the Bible it isn't. That's right. Now, you know that's right. That's exactly right.
Something's happened.
E-39 Now, these things were our examples,... (Paul speaking. Do you believe it? It was an
example. All right.)... to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
Could you imagine a man standing that's a jockey, record spinner, and playing old, dirty rock-and-
rolls; and something happened, and got all shook up. And all those kinds of dirty old songs that
Elvis Presley and these guys play, and then come back and impersonate preaching the Gospel?
Think of it. Could you imagine a man and woman setting out, and the woman laying out in the
back yard, and the little old dirty looking, half clothes on, throwing herself before men, and then
come right back around and drink from the spiritual Rock and shout and carry on?
There's a great doctrine among the Pentecostal people of liberation of women. They're wearing
great long earrings, and--and doing all kinds of dressings. And a young fellow set in front of my
house a few days ago in a little truck, crying that his wife, Pentecostal, speak with tongues, gives
prophecy. Sure. And say it all the whole church wears shorts. And he... She goes right on the
street at eight and nine o'clock at night picking up little cigarette stumps that others has throwed
away and smoking, and still shouting, praising the Lord, and giving prophecies.
E-30 She made her decisions quick. Watch her real quick then in the meeting. Quickly, if
they're ordained to Eternal Life, they'll know it. There's something in the message that stirs them.
That's what stirred Rebekah. The message stirred her, Angel was leading her. Oh, can't you see
her picture? The Angel of the Lord leading her. Then she was stirred. And immediately when she
watered the camel, the gift went on her. He begin to take out the earrings, which means faith
cometh by hearing, (you see), put the bracelets on, the works of your hands. He got her ready. As
soon as she begin to water, give the waters of Life, testify, tell others, get the message out. Tell
them what has happened to you.


E-31 And then there was another great decision had to be made. Then after she was given,
then the parents said, "Well, I would... Just let her stay around about ten days." Let her hang
around the revival to really feel whether she has decided to do it or not. I haven't got much
confidence in a person make a decision to wait even until tomorrow.
But the message had stirred Rebekah. She was satisfied the message was from God.
So the parents said, "Oh, let her stick around awhile. She'll get over it. It's just a little excitement.
She was over to that revival, you know, and..."
But, oh, Then the--the true servant said, "Don't--don't weary us. Don't hinder me." A lot of the
servants of God has been hindered by put-off decisions. "Don't hinder me, seeing that the Lord
has sent me, seeing that he's been good to me. Don't hinder me."
Then they said, "Let her make her own decision." That's where you stand tonight. Make your own
Then they called Rebekah and said, "Will you go with this man, or do you want to stay around a
little while to see whether you really want to do it."
She said, "I will go." She was ready. Her decision was quickly made. She knowed there'd
Something been leading her. She knowed something had happened to her. And she knew that It
was God, and she was satisfied. She wanted to go quickly.
So she put on her garment. And she got all the gifts that was sent to her by the father to meet the
son. Oh, God, if the Church could only make that decision right quick. Put on all of her gifts, and
she climbed up on the camel and took out.
E-27 And when God made this covenant with Abraham, remember it was unconditionally. And
God called you, not because you was a good person, but because unconditionally He called you,
and by His grace He give you the Holy Spirit. You were a Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and
by His grace He called you and gave you His Spirit. And the only thing you have to do is maintain
in Christ, for that's where you... in the promised land. All that's in Jesus is safe, and as long as
you're in this tower of refuge in Christ, then you're safe from the things of the world. But when you
go to looking outside and flirt with the world, the first thing you know you begin to walk out of
Christ. Now, you still have the covenant, but you've lost your blessing.
They've lost the Spirit in the meeting. The piano can play, the drums can beat, and women with
their clothes tight enough--like skinned over a wiener, running up-and-down on the floor like that,
jumping up-and-down. Let the music stop and they stop too. Earrings, and all kinds of fancy
things of the world. Looks like some kind of magician, instead of a--instead of a saint.
49 Let me give you a little something on idolatry. I forget the name of the god that is the god of
the fire-walkers, but it's a huge statue with great, big, something similar to a human face, a kind of
a cameo-like face, with huge, big ears to hear all their sins and so forth. And great big rubies as
earrings in their--in his ears here, that would probably cost a half a million a piece, maybe. That
might be over-estimated; it may be underestimated. But, oh, such great costly jewels in this idol.


80-4 Now, I've been right there in India when they had the fire walkers and everything else and
know it's the truth. A great big idol there with rubies in the ears for earrings and things like that,
and they've put torments, and sticking things through their flesh, and--and beat themselves, and
sew their lips up if they've lied, and doing penitence, and run a saber through their lips here or
through their chin up through their nose and stick it out like that; take big fish hooks, with a--like
Christmas tree balls, went and filled it full of water and hook thousands of them over their body,
right through the flesh, and go over there and dance around this idol like that, and kill a goat, and
do worship like this, and walk right through red hot fire without a scorch. Some of you
Pentecostals try it.


216 I met a man here not long ago. I don't say this to be sacrilegious, please forgive me if I'm
a--thinking it's making it sacrilegious. I was at a tent meeting and, the minister, a Pentecostal
minister brought his wife over to play the piano. And when he introduced me to his wife, honestly,
I almost fainted. The woman had real short hair, curled up, and she had great, big earrings, and
enough manicure on her lips, or whatever the stuff is, fingernails painted. Looked like she was a...
It was horrible looking; great, big long claws, and like that. And sexy-looking; little, bitty, short
dress on, she couldn't even put it over her knees when she set down. Well, I stood there a little
bit, and I said, "Brother, will I hurt your feelings if I say something?"
He said, "Why, certainly not." Nice man, and she seemed to be a nice woman.
I said, "Do you say your wife is a saint?"
Said, "Yes."
I said, "Excuse the expression, but she looks like a hain't to me." I said, "You know, or something
like that." I said...
He said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?" "Oh," he said, "you're of the old school."
I said, "I'm of the school of the Scripture. That's right, the school of the Scripture." I don't believe
that a saint acts like that; I just can't do it, when the Bible so condemns it. See?

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