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Group : Date of Tutorial :

Name : Day of Tutorial :
Day of Submission :
Class : Yogyakarta,.......................... 2019
Assistant Code :
Assessment Criteria
Format :
alculation :
Analysis :
Conclusion (Assistant)



International Program

H Enter 1x

6.1 Objectives
(Explanation the objective of the tutorial Stopwatch)

6.2 Tutorial Task

(Explanation of tutorial Stopwatch)

6.3 Literature Review

Contains a literature review about the tutorial material that covers at least 3
international journals (Table attached to the journal in the following table)
Table 1. Literature Review
No. Title Methods Result Conclusion
1. Reliability and Stopwatch Both reliability We have provided
criterion- Measurement retesting was introductory
related validity found both within support for the 20-
of the 20-yard the same day yard shuttle test as
shuttle test in (intraclass a reliable and valid
competitive correlation test for use in
junior tennis coefficient [ICC] competitive junior
players. 0.95) and tennis players. The
between days ease of
(ICC 0.91). administration
Furthermore, the makes this test a
results of the practical
study show both alternative to
reliability evaluating
between physical fitness in
assessors (ICC order to optimize
International Program
No. Title Methods Result Conclusion
0.99) and validity training of athletes.
related to criteria
on both test
2. Comparative Stopwatch Seventy-nine The results of this
sensitivity of Methodology patients open-label pilot
stopwatch participated in the study show the
methodology trial. The median convergent validity
and values for pain of 3 pain-
conventional were measured assessment
pain with stopwatches methods in
assessment 84, 72, and 93 migraine, but
measures for minutes for suggest that the use
detecting early eletriptan 40 mg, of a stopwatch
response to eletriptan 80 mg, might be a more
triptans in and rizatriptan 10 sensitive method
migraine: mg, respectively for detecting
Results of a (log-rank P = differences
randomized, 0.029, eletriptan between groups.
open-label 80 mg vs.
pilot study rizatriptan 10
mg). At 90
response rates
using HPI did not
indicate any
between groups.
On the pain scale,
International Program
No. Title Methods Result Conclusion
the corresponding
mean (SD) scores
at 90 minutes are
1.6 (1.2), 1.4
(1.3), and 2.0
(1.4) (P = NS).
Pain relief was
defined (≥ 75%
pain relief) at 90
minutes did not
between the 3
treatment groups
(62%, 56%, and
48%). Early
detection (0.5 and
1 hour) is similar
to the HPI relief
and pain scale
3. Validation of Stopwatch At baseline, the This study
Stopwatch Measurement median duration provides evidence
Measurements of erection for the validity and
of Erection correlations with reliability of
Duration 5 IIEF scores on a stopwatch duration
against scale ranging to assess erections.
Responses to from 0.06 to 0.53, Our findings
the Sexual while the indicate that the
Encounter correlations with duration of
Profile and September-2 and erection is suitable
International Program
No. Title Methods Result Conclusion
International September-3 for use as a unique
Index of averages, endpoint for ED
Erectile respectively, treatment trials
Function in were 0.66 and 0, conducted for
Patients respectively. 49 phosphodiesterase
Treated with a Compared with type 5 inhibitors.
Phosphodieste other measures,
rase Type 5 mean median
Inhibitor values of erection
duration that are
less sensitive to
between placebo
and vardenafil
patients can be
treated but are
less responsive to
clinical changes
associated with
However, mean
duration of
erection showed a
good level of
coefficient =
0.72, P <0.001).

There are several similarities between those 3 journals. The first similarity is
International Program
about the method that is conducted by all 3 journals. They are using MTM as their
method to analyze the time-management that is appropriate for the workers to finish
their work. The release of the Methods Time Measurement (MTM) system was an
important step forward in predictive work measurement. It is defined as `a procedure
which analyses any manual operation or method into the basic motions required
performing it. MTM assigns to each motion a predetermined time standard which is
determined by the nature of the motion and the conditions under which it is made.
Although, this method is time consuming compared to the other method such as
worksample, advanced time study, etc. It happens since a work analyst must observe
document each movement in great detail. It is also generates large amount of data
which must be managed. All of the three journals are also agree to have other
methods conducted aside of MTM method only. The first journal is agree by directly
conducting several method to have time analysis with Advanced Time Study, Work
Sampling, Work Factor, Working Day’s Activity Study, MTM and MOST. That is
to say, the result of the first journal has been more accurate, in comparison to the
second and third journal. The second journal only said in the conclusion that the
method should be more than 1, in order to widen the spectrum of measurements. The
third journal agree to conduct other methods as well, due to the further understanding
of the time-management.
Start from those 3 journals, we would have a Tutorial to have an analysis of
Therblig Method, in order to have a Motion Study. In this method, we are classifying
the motions into 17 basic movements or element from the worker’s certain job. Most
of Therblig movements is a movement that is often encountered, especially in jobs
which are manual. Basically, Therblig classification of movements are divided into
2 main part. Those are effective movements and ineffective movements. We would
like to propose a layout and movement of assembly the Car Toy. We would like to
compare the given job layout and proposed job layout, in order to eliminate
ineffective movements.

6.4 Input
6.4.1 Subject Description
This research is about the work of assembling plugs which are still
International Program
separate parts. The related elements in this work are, Take the bottom
frame and do the assembly between iron 1 with the bottom frame, Take
the iron 2 and do the assembly with the bottom frame, Take the upper
frame (cover) and do the assembly with the bottom frame, Take The bolt
then inserts and tightens the bolt into the plug hole after that puts the steer
in place. The tools used in this study were the plug, stopwatch, and
observation sheet. This study uses one operator with self data, namely:
Name : M. Arif Naufal
jenis kelamin : Laki Laki
umur : 19 tahun

6.4.2 Summary Data

Tabel 1 Data Pengamatan Penelitian

Ele- Observasi
ment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

27,01 47,01 66,82 86,91 107,27 127,13 147,09 166,83 186,42

3 3,4 3,47 3,45 3,59 3,43 3,5 3,39 3,46 3,56

110,7 130,63 150,48 170,29 189,98

6.5 Output (Data processing)

6.5.1 Calculation of Sufficiency The Data Test and Uniformity
Test of Data (Create graphs of data uniformity)
6.5.2 Calculation of Rating Factor and Allowances
(Gives Westinghouse table calculation and allowance calculation table)
6.5.3 Calculation of Cycle Time, Normal Time, and Standard Time
(Gives calculations and formulas for each calculation of cycle time,
International Program
normal time, and
International Program
standard time)

6.6 Data Analysis

6.6.1 Analysis of Calculation of Sufficiency The Data Test and Uniformity Test of Data
(Analysis of the results of the calculation of the adequacy and uniformity of the data
along with an explanation of k and s)
6.6.2 Analysis Determination of Rating Factor and Allowances
(Analysis of the results of the calculation of determining the rating factor and
allowance used)
6.6.3 Analysis of Cycle Time, Normal Time, and Standard Time
(Analyze the results of calculation of cycle time, normal time and standard time)

6.7 Recommendation
(Give the best recommendation solution based on the analysis of cycle time, normal time
and standard time)

6.8 Conclusion
(Based on the objectives of the tutorial)
International Program

-Page Break-

(Observation sheet and Screen capture of Stopwatch)

NB :
1. Each table is no head of the table (placed on a table) and every picture there is the
head of the image (placed below the image)
2. Margin Top : 3cm, left : 3,8 cm, right : 2,5 cm. Bottom : 2,5 cm
3. Spacing : 1,5 cm, before and after paragraph : 0
4. Paragraph : Justify (average right-left)

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