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Assignment # 01

Probability and Statistical Problems

Submitted To:
Sir M.Zeeshan
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Assignment Topic:
Bivariate Probability
Bivariate Probability

Let X and Y be two rrvs on probability space (,A , P). A two-dimensional random
variable (X, Y) is a function mapping (X, Y ) : ! R2, such that for any numbers x, y e R:
{! 2 | X (!) _x and Y (!) _y} 2 A
A bivariate probability is the probability that a certain event will occur there are two independent
random variables in your scenario.

Distributions of Two Discrete Random Variables:

Example 1.
Here is an excerpt of an article published in the Time and entitled Why Gen Y Loves
Restaurants – And Restaurants Love Them Even More :
“According to a new report from the research firm Technomic, 42% of millennials
say they visit “upscale casual-dining restaurants” at least once a month. That’s a higher
percentage than Gen X (33%) and Baby Boomers (24%) who go to such restaurants once or
more monthly.”
Let X and Y be two random variables defined as follows :
• X = 1 : a person between 20 and 69 visits upscale restaurants at least once a month and X = 0
• Y = 1 : a person between 20 and 69 is a millenial
• Y = 2 : a person between 20 and 69 is a Gen X
• Y = 3 : a person between 20 and 69 is a Baby Boomer
We can translate the statement of the article in the form of a contingency
table shown below :
X Y 1 2 3
0 36,337 42,732 47,003
1 26,313 21,047 24,213

Table No.1 Count Data

The probability that the couple (X, Y ) takes on particular values can be found by dividing each
cell by the total population of people between 20 and 69.

X Y 1 2 3
0 0.184 0.216 0.238
1 0.133 0.106 0.123
Table No.2 Joint Probability Mass function pxy (x,y)

Property 1.1. Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A, P) with joint pmf pXY
, then the following holds :
• pXY (x, y) _ 0, for x 2 X() and y 2 Y ()
• Px 2X(P y2Y () pXY (x, y) = 1

Property 1.2. Let X and Y be two discrete rows on probability space (,A, P)
with joint pmf pXY . Then, for any subset S _ X() × Y.

P ((X, Y ) 2 S) =X (x,y)2S pXY (x, y)

The above property tells us that in order to determine the probability of event {(X, Y ) 2 S}, you
simply sum up the probabilities of the events {X = x, Y = y} with values (x, y) in S.

Example 2.
Consider the following joint probability mass function : pXY (x, y) = xy2 13 1S(x,
y)with S = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)}
Show that pXY is a valid joint probability mass function.

The joint probability mass function of X and Y is given by the following table :

X Y 1 2

1 0.077 0.307
2 0 0.615

Hence, pXY is indeed a valid joint probability mass function. Because sum of all values is equal
to 1.

Example 3.
What is P(X + Y _ 3)?

Let us denote B the set of values such that X + Y _ 3 :
B = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)}
P(X + Y _ 3) = pXY (1, 1) + pXY (1, 2) + pXY (2, 1)

= 0.077 + 0.307 + 0
= 0.38

Example 4.
Give the marginal probability mass functions of X and Y .

The marginal probability mass function of X is given by :

pX(1) = pXY (1, 1) + pXY (1, 2)

= 0.077 + 0.307

= 0.38

pX(2) = pXY (2, 2) + pXY (2, 2)

= 0 + 0.615

= 0.615

Similarly, the marginal probability mass function of Y is given by:

pY (1) = pXY (1, 1) + pXY (2, 1)

= 0.077 + 0

= 0.077

pY (2) = pXY (1, 2) + pXY (2, 2)

= 0.307 + 0.0615

= 0.922

Example 5.
What are the expected values of X and y ?

The expected value of X is given by:

E[X] = xpXY (x, y)

= 1. 0.077 + 2.0.615
= 1.615

Example 6.
Are X and Y independent?

It is easy to see that X and Y are not independent, since,

pX(2)pY (1) = 0.615 . 0.077

= 0.047

Since 0.047 is not equal to 0 therefore it is not equal to pXY (2, 1).

The Trinomial Distribution

Suppose n = 20 students are selected at random:

• Let A be the event that a randomly selected student went to the football game on Saturday. Let
P(A) = 0.2 = p1
• Let B be the event that a randomly selected student watched the football game on TV on
Saturday. Let P(B) = 0.5 = p2
• Let C be the event that a randomly selected student completely ignored the football game on
Saturday. Let P(C) = 0.3 = 1 − p1 − p2
One possible outcome is:
That is, the first two students watched the game on TV, the third student ignored the game, the
fourth student went to the game, and so on. By independence, the probability of observing that
particular outcome is :
p41 p10 2 (1 − p1 − p2)20−4−10

Now, let us denote the three following random variables :

• X is the number in the sample who went to the football game on Saturday,
• Y is the number in the sample who watched the football game on TV on
• Z the number in the sample who completely ignored the football game Then in this case: X = 4 ,
Y = 10 and thus Z = 20 − X − Y = 6. One way of having (X = 4, Y = 10) is given by the above
outcome. Actually, there are many ways of observing (X = 4, Y = 10). We find all the possible
outcomes by giving all the permutations of the A’s, B’s and C’s of the above ordered
sequence. The number of ways we can divide 20 items into 3 distinct groups of respective sizes
4, 10 and 6 is the multinomial coefficient.
A trinomial process has the following features:
1. We repeat n 2 N_ identical trials
2. A trial can result in exactly one of three mutually exclusive and exhaustive outcomes, that is,
events E1, E2 and E3 occur with respective probabilities p1, p2 and p3 = 1 − p1 − p2. In other
words, E1,E2 and E3 form a partition of .
3. p1, p2 (thus p3) remain constant trial after trial. In this case, the process
is said to be stationary.
4. The trials are mutually independent.
(Trinomial Distribution). Let (,A, P) be a probability space.
Let E1, E2 and E3 be three mutually exclusive and exhaustive events that occur with respective
probabilities p1, p2 and p3 = 1−p1−p2. Assume n 2 N_ trials are performed according to a
trinomial process. Let X, Y and Z denote the numbers of times events E1,E2 and E3 occur
Note that the joint distribution of X and Y is exactly the same as the joint distribution of X and Z
or the joint distribution of Y and Z since X + Y + Z = n.

Distribution of Two Continuous Random Variables

(Joint probability density function). Let X and Y be two continuous rrvs on probability space (,A,
P). X and Y are said to be jointly continuous if there exists a function fXY such that, for any
Borel set on R2.
P((X, Y ) 2 B) =Z fXY (x, y) dx dy

Then function fXY is called the joint probability density function of X and Y .

Let X and Y be two continuous rrvs on probability space (,A, P) with joint pdf fXY , then the
following holds :
• fXY (x, y) _ 0, for x, y 2 R

(Marginal distributions). Let X and Y be two continuous rrvs on probability space (,A, P) with
joint pdf fXY . Then the pdf of X alone is called the marginal probability density function of X
and is defined by:
fX(x) = Z 1 −1 fXY (x, y) dy, for x 2 R

Similarly, the pdf of Y alone is called the marginal probability density function
of Y and is defined by:
fY (y) =Z 1−1 fXY (x, y) dx, for y 2 R
The Correlation Coefficient


(Covariance). Let X and Y be two rrvs on probability space (,A, P). The covariance of
X and Y , denoted by Cov(X, Y ), is defined as follows :
Cov(X, Y ) = E[(X − E[X])(Y − E[Y ])] (15)
upon existence of the above expression

• If X and Y are discrete rrv with joint pmf pXY , then the covariance of X
and Y is :
Cov(X, Y ) =Xx2X()Xy2Y ()(x − E[X])(y − E[Y ])pXY (x, y) (16)
• If X and Y are continuous rrv with joint pdf fXY , then the covariance of
X and Y is :
Cov(X, Y ) =Z 1−1Z 1−1(x − E[X])(y − E[Y ])fXY (x, y) dx dy

Let X and Y be two rrvs on probability space (,A, P). The covariance of X and Y can
be calculated as :
Cov(X, Y ) = E[XY ] − E[X]E[Y ]

Properties of Covariance
Here are some properties of the covariance. For any random variables X and Y , we have :
1. Cov(X, Y ) = Cov(Y,X)
2. Cov(X,X) = Var(X)
3. Cov(aX, Y ) = aCov(X, Y ) for a 2 R

(Correlation). Let X and Y be two rrvs on probability space (,A, P) with
respective standard deviations _X =p Var(X) and _Y =p Var(Y ).The correlation of X and Y ,
denoted by _XY.
Interpretation of Correlation:
The correlation coefficient of X and Y is interpreted
as follows:
1. If _XY = 1, then X and Y are perfectly, positively, linearly correlated.
2. If _XY = −1, then X and Y are perfectly, negatively, linearly correlated. X and Y are also said to
be perfectly linearly anti correlated
3. If _XY = 0, then X and Y are completely, linearly uncorrelated. That is, X and Y may be
perfectly correlated in some other manner, in a parabolic manner, perhaps, but not in a linear
4. If 0 < _XY < 1, then X and Y are positively, linearly correlated, but not perfectly so.
5. If −1 < _XY < 0, then X and Y are negatively, linearly correlated, but not perfectly so. X and Y
are also said to be linearly anti correlated.

Let X and Y be two rrvs on probability space (,A, P). If X and Y are independent,
Cov(X, Y ) = _XY = 0
Note, however, that the converse of the theorem is not necessarily true! That is, zero correlation
does not imply independence.

Conditional Distributions
Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A, P) with joint pmf pXY and respective
marginal pmfs pX and pY . Then, for y 2 Y (), the conditional probability mass function of X
given Y = y.
(Conditional Expectation). Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A, P). Then,
for y 2 Y (), the conditional expectation of X given Y = y.


(Linearity of conditional expectation). Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A,
P). If c1, c2 2 R and g1 : X() ! R and g2 : X() ! R are piecewise continuous functions. Then, for y
2 Y (), we have :
E[c1g1(X) + c2g2(X)|Y = y] = c1E[g1(X)|Y = y] + c2E[g2(X)|Y = y]

Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A, P). If X and Y are independent, then,
for y 2 Y (), we have : pX|Y (x|y) = pX(x) for all x 2 X() (26) Similarly, for x 2 X(), we have :
pY |X(y|x) = pY (y) for all y 2 Y ()

Let X and Y be two discrete rrvs on probability space (,A, P). If X and Y are independent, then,
for y 2 Y (), we have : E[X|Y = y] = E[X] (28)
Similarly, for x 2 X(), we have :
E[Y |X = x] = E[Y ]

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