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CHAPTER 4. Contemporary Models of Development Where-to-meet dilemma - A situation in which all

and Underdevelopment parties would be better off cooperating than competing
but lack information about how to do so. If cooperation
Economic agent - An economic actor—usually a firm,
can be achieved, there is no subsequent incentive to
worker, consumer or government official—that chooses
defect or cheat.
actions so as to maximize an objective.
Multiple equilibria - A condition in which more than
Complementarity - An action taken by one firm, worker,
one equilibrium exists. These equilibria may sometimes
or organization that increases the incentives for other
be ranked, in the sense that one is preferred to another,
agents to take similar actions. Complementarities often
but the unaided market will not move the economy to
involve investments whose return depends on other
the preferred outcome.
investments being made by other agents.
Prisoners’ dilemma - A situation in which all parties
Coordination failure - A state of affairs in which the
would be better off cooperating than competing but
inability of agents to coordinate their behavior (choices)
once cooperation has been achieved, each party would
leads to an outcome (equilibrium) that leaves all agents
gain the most by cheating, provided that others stick to
worse off than in an alternative situation that is also an
cooperative agreements— thus causing any agreement
to unravel.
Big push - A concerted, economy wide, and typically
Multiple equilibria - A condition in which more than
public policy–led effort to initiate or accelerate
one equilibrium exists. These equilibria may sometimes
economic development across a broad spectrum of new
be ranked, in the sense that one is preferred to another,
industries and skills.
but the unaided market will not move the economy to
O-ring model - An economic model in which production the preferred outcome.
functions exhibit strong complementarities among
Pareto improvement - A situation in which one or more
inputs and which has broader implications for
persons may be made better off without making anyone
impediments to achieving economic development.
worse off.
Middle-income trap - A condition in which an economy
Pecuniary externality - A positive or negative spillover
begins development to reach middle-income status but
effect on an agent’s costs or revenues.
is chronically unable to progress to high-income status.
Often related to low capacity for original innovation or Technological externality - A positive or negative
for absorption of advanced technology, and may be spillover effect on a firm’s production function through
compounded by high inequality. some means other than market exchange.

Underdevelopment trap - A poverty trap at the regional Agency costs - Costs of monitoring managers and other
or national level in which underdevelopment tends to employees and of designing and implementing schemes
perpetuate itself over time. to ensure compliance or provide incentives to follow
the wishes of the employer.
Deep intervention- A government policy that can move
the economy to a preferred equilibrium or even to a Asymmetric information - A situation in which one
higher permanent rate of growth that can then be self- party to a potential transaction (often a buyer, seller,
sustaining so that the policy need no longer be enforced lender, or borrower) has more information than
because the better equilibrium will then prevail without another party.
further intervention.

Congestion - The opposite of a complementarity; an

action taken by one agent that decreases the incentives
for other agents to take similar actions.
Linkages - Connections between firms based on sales. A Decile – A 10% portion of any numerical quantity; a
backward linkage is one in which a firm buys a good population divided into deciles would be divided into
from another firm to use as an input; a forward linkage ten equal numerical groups.
is one in which a firm sells to another firm. Such
Income inequality - The disproportionate distribution of
linkages are especially significant for industrialization
total national income among households.
strategy when one or more of the industries (product
areas) involved have increasing returns to scale that a Lorenz curve - A graph depicting the variance of the size
larger market takes advantage of. distribution of income from perfect equality.
Poverty trap – A bad equilibrium for a family, Gini coefficient - An aggregate numerical measure of
community, or nation, involving a vicious circle in which income inequality ranging from 0 (perfect equality) to 1
poverty and underdevelopment lead to more poverty (perfect inequality). It is measured graphically by
and underdevelopment, often from one generation to dividing the area between the perfect equality line and
the next. the Lorenz curve by the total area lying to the right of
the equality line in a Lorenz diagram. The higher the
O-ring production function – A production function
value of the coefficient, the higher the inequality of
with strong complementarities among inputs, based on
income distribution; the lower it is, the more equal the
the products of the input qualities.
distribution of income.
Information externality - The spillover of information—
Functional distribution of income (factor share
such as knowledge of a production process—from one
distribution of income) - The distribution of income to
agent to another, without intermediation of a market
factors of production without regard to the ownership
transaction; reflects the public good characteristic of
of the factors.
information (and susceptibility to free riding)—it is
neither fully excludable from other uses, nor non-rival Factors of production - Resources or inputs required to
(one agent’s use of information does not prevent others produce a good or a service, such as land, labor, and
from using it). capital.
Growth diagnostics – A decision tree framework for Absolute poverty - The situation of being unable or only
identifying a country’s most binding constraints on barely able to meet the subsistence essentials of food,
economic growth. clothing, and shelter.
Social returns - The profitability of an investment in Headcount index - The proportion of a country’s
which both costs and benefits are accounted for from population living below the poverty line.
the perspective of the society as a whole.
Total poverty gap (TPG) - The sum of the difference
CHAPTER 5. POVERTY, INEQUALITY AND between the poverty line and actual income levels of all
DEVELOPMENT people living below that line.
Personal distribution of income (size distribution of Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index – A class of
income) - The distribution of income according to size measures of the level of absolute poverty.
class of persons—for example, the share of total income
accruing to the poorest specific percentage or the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) - A poverty
richest specific percentage of a population— without measure that identifies the poor using dual cutoffs for
regard to the sources of that income. levels and numbers of deprivations, and then multiplies
the percentage of people living in poverty times the
Quintile - A 20% proportion of any numerical quantity. percent of weighted indicators for which poor
A population divided into quintiles would be divided households are deprived on average.
into five groups of equal size.
Kuznets curve - A graph reflecting the relationship Neoclassical price incentive model – A model whose
between a country’s income per capita and its equality main proposition is that if market prices are to influence
of income distribution. economic activities in the right direction, they must be
adjusted to remove factor price distortions by means of
Character of economic growth - The distributive
subsidies, taxes, or the like so that factor prices may
implications of economic growth as reflected in such
reflect the true opportunity cost of the resources being
factors as participation in the growth process and asset
Factor price distortions - Situations in which factors of
Disposable income - The income that is available to
production are paid prices that do not reflect their true
households for spending and saving after personal
scarcity values (i.e., their competitive market prices)
income taxes have been deducted.
because of institutional arrangements that tamper with
Asset ownership - The ownership of land, physical the free working of market forces of supply and
capital (factories, buildings, machinery, etc.), human demand.
capital, and financial resources that generate income
Elasticity of factor substitution - A measure of the
for owners.
degree of substitutability between factors of production
Redistribution policies - Policies geared to reducing in any given production process when relative factor
income inequality and expanding economic prices change.
opportunities in order to promote development,
including income tax policies, rural development
policies, and publicly financed services.
Land reform - A deliberate attempt to reorganize and
Doubling time - Period that a given population or other
transform existing agrarian systems with the intention
quantity takes to increase by its present size
of improving the distribution of agricultural incomes
and thus fostering rural development. Rate of population increase - The growth rate of a
population, calculated as the natural increase after
Progressive income tax - A tax whose rate increases
adjusting for immigration and emigration.
with increasing personal incomes.
Natural increase - The difference between the birth
Regressive tax – A tax structure in which the ratio of
rate and the death rate of a given population.
taxes to income tends to decrease as income increases.
Net international migration - The excess of persons
Indirect taxes - Taxes levied on goods ultimately
migrating into a country over those who emigrate from
purchased by consumers, including customs duties
that country.
(tariffs), excise duties, sales taxes, and export duties.
Crude birth rate - The number of children born alive
Public consumption - All current expenditures for
each year per 1,000 population (often shortened to
purchases of goods and services by all levels of
birth rate).
government, including capital expenditures on national
defense and security. Death rate - The number of deaths each year per 1,000
Subsidy - A payment by the government to producers or
distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that Total fertility rate (TFR) - The number of children that
industry, to reduce the prices of its products, or to would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end
encourage hiring. of her childbearing years and bear children in
accordance with the prevailing age-specific fertility
Workfare program - A poverty alleviation program that
requires program beneficiaries to work in exchange for
benefits, as in a food for-work program.
Life expectancy at birth - The number of years a Reproductive choice – The concept that women should
newborn child would live if subject to the mortality risks be able to determine on an equal status with their
prevailing for the population at the time of the child’s husbands and for themselves how many children they
birth. want and what methods to use to achieve their desired
family size.
Under-5 mortality rate - Deaths among children
between birth and 5 years of age per 1,000 live births.

Youth dependency ratio - The proportion of young

people under age 15 to the working population aged 16
to 64 in a country.

Hidden momentum of population growth - The

phenomenon whereby population continues to increase
even after a fall in birth rates because the large existing
youthful population expands the population’s base of
potential parents.

Population pyramid - A graphic depiction of the age

structure of the population, with age cohorts plotted on
the vertical axis and either population shares or
numbers of males and females in each cohort on the
horizontal axis.

Demographic transition - The phasing-out process of

population growth rates from a virtually stagnant
growth stage characterized by high birth rates and
death rates through a rapid-growth stage with high
birth rates and low death rates to a stable, low-growth
stage in which both birth and death rates are low.

Malthusian population trap - The threshold population

level anticipated by Thomas Malthus (1766–1834) at
which population increase was bound to stop because
life-sustaining resources, which increase at an
arithmetic rate, would be insufficient to support human
population, which increases at a geometric rate.

Microeconomic theory of fertility - The theory that

family formation has costs and benefits that determine
the size of families formed.

Family-planning programs - Public programs designed

to help parents plan and regulate their family size.

Population-poverty cycle – A theory to explain how

poverty and high population growth become

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