People Today Take Material Comfort For Granted

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People today take material comfort for granted

It is nothing new if it is said that money today start up the world and people. Everything
that happens is done under the stimulation of money. Money is the reason why we look
for another job, why we study something that we do not like. Life is constantly
demanding that we fight for something.

Because of that everybody today is struggling to take ,,the best possible position’’ in
order to have that ,,easier and better life’’. Money, that piece of paper has become to
many people life focus, or worse the criterion based on which they choose friends, life
partners and associates. So I started wondering myself are they really happy. As time
went by, I stopped wondering if reacher people were happier. I knew they were not. I
think that money can be the cause of great happiness in two cases. First one, to solve
an important health problem. For example, paid for the services of a doctor. Second
case is when it came as a result of hard labor in which a lot of effort and time is
invested. Another phenomenon is that mobile phones and computers have long
overcame their usefulness and are purchased with a large percentage of people to
serve as a status symbol. We all know some people who buy the well known IPhones
and do not need them in fact. That is sad. Somehow it seems to me that people no
longer know how to set priorities. Do not misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong
with having a lot of material things. It is bad if you have them and do not use it, and you
are only buying them just to other people know that you have it. We become addicts of
material things, they shape our lives.We let our material things determine who we are,
what we are, our place in society. We forgot what it means to be a man, we judge
people how much they have in their pocket and not what they carry in the heart.
Insufficient people know that quality is often more important than quantity, and I am
sorry about that. I look some people who buy a ton of things and they think they are
going to be saved. I know from my life that shopping solves the problem only
temporarly. But it all depends on the person, the upbringing, there are at least a few
who realize that not everything is in material matters, that it is much easier when you
have a family and friends beside yourself because that's something that is stronger than
money and money can not buy that.

Problems can not be solved by a new bag but by a concrete action.. I find that material
things are not what will bring you happiness or what will fill the empty space that you
possibly have in you, although it can at first act in such way.

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