Solving of The Problems Related To Animal and Feed Production

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College of Agriculture and Veterinary

Departement of Animal Science

Title: Solving of the Problems Related to Animal and feed Production

in Blida Kebele, Manna Woreda, Jimma Zone, Oromiya Region,


Prepared by Group three members of students

Submitted: To CBTP Coordinator of Animal Science

Advisor: Jemal Mohammed (MSC.)

May, 2019
Jimma, Ethiopia
(CBTP Phase II) Community Based Training Program In Mana districts of Billida

CBTP Phase II Report Paper

Prepared by Group: 3 members
Group name ID Numbers
Bonsa Kusha RU 3222\10
Addis Acham RU 3226\10
Azazh Awoke RU 3181\10
Zabiba A\Gumbul RU 3542\10
Mirukie Siraw RU 3104\10
Wubet Dagnaw RU 3519\10
Seblework Gizachew RU 3450\10
Atena Demeke RU 3176\10

Alebel Mesfin RU 3240\10

Getalem Dessie RU 3295\10

Birke Melelo RU 4378\10



Abbreviations………………………………………………………..… I



1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………..1

1.1. Background of CBTP……………….…………………....1

1.2. Statement of the problem……………………………...…1
2. OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………....2
 General objectives…………………………………………....2
 Specific objectives……………………………………………2
3. Significance of CBTP phase Two………………………………......2
3.1The significance of CBTP phase -2 involves……….………..2
4. Methods and materials……………………………………….…..…2
4.1 Material used in CBTP Phase II…………………………..…2
4.2 Area description……………………………………………...3
5. Major problem identified during CBTP phase I.................................4
6. Problem identification and periodization………………………...…4
7. Poultry Production System……………………………………….5
7.1. Management aspect of Chickens………………………………..5
7.2. Feeds of Poultry……………………………………………………5
7.3. Marketing System of Poultry in the Community……………………5
8. Constraints for intervention with respect to problems……………....6

9. Action Plan…………………………………………...……………...5

10.Review literatures…………………………………………………….6

11. Summary and Conclusion……………………….………..………..7

12. Recommendation…………………………………………………...8

13. REFERENCES……………………………………………………..9

JUCAVM Jimma University College of Agricultures and veterinary


CBTP Community Based Training Program

CBE Community Based Education

NGO Nongovernmental organization

HHH House Hold Head

EW Extension Worker

Km kilometer
First of all we would like to thanks our GOD who help us in any case in doing this work. Next
we are intellectually pleased thanks to Jimma University for designing such a nice program for
us and to apply our theoretical knowledge to a practical work. Our grateful thanks are also
extended to JUCAVM for his provision in arrangement & implementation of this program in
given time bound for us to apply in community. We are pleased hopefully to appreciate
Department of Animal Science for provision of advisors, and transport services to facilitate this
nice innovation. Thanks also to our Instructor Fire Sanbat, and Arse Gebeyo for help their
suggestion, advice, comment, encouragement and all sided support during this work. We would
like to extend our thanks to Blida farmers for their respect come on time when giving
information during interview.

During this CBTP phase II the major basic problem of the society of Bilida kebele that can be
identified during CBTP phase I were solved. The society of this kebele can also express their
major problem in their mother tongue language (Afaan Oromoo) and discussed within students
on the solution. Depending on the problems identified and prioritized the source of the problem
can be observed by asking the respondents and seeing their homestead at CBTP phase I the
solution could also given to each problem. This training of farmers have been already finished
within only two days because of lack of enough time for trainers. Additional training on
awareness of people in poultry and management system and way of forage establishment on
alfalfa grass (medicago sativa) was also given to the farmers by selected randomly during this
CBTP phase II.

1.1 Background of CBTP

CBTP is the term stands for community based training program. It is educational philosophy which
only given in Jimma University to involve students with practical knowledge. It was started in
2005 G.C (1997 E.C). CBTP encourages students’ on learning activities in communities of rural
kebeles and it helps the student to gain a practical knowledge other than the academic one, So
Community Based Training Program (CBTP) is a program designed to benefit both the society
and the student.

Identification by which a group of student CBTP has two phases in which the first phase (phase 1)
involved problem approaches a given community or society in respectful manner and interview
about their general background, culture, resource and endowment, productivity and major resource
problem that the society is facing. Accordingly this CBTP phase 1 was carried out at Jimma zone,
Mana wored, Billida kebele at first semester of this year. These phases broadly involve activities
like interviewing, observing, analyzing, organizing, presentation, documentation and preparing an
action plan for future work.

The second phase is referred to as implementation evaluation or intervention phase which is also
takes place in Billida kebele. It involve in a given a possible solution to that had been collected
and analyzed in phase I. The second phase of CBTP is also sometimes known as evaluation phase
of implementation. It involves giving and implementation of possible solution for identified

1.2. Statement of the problem

The problem identified and prioritized during CBTP phase I was interviewed with the farmers
based on the questionnaires papers prepared in (JUCAVM) Jimma University College of
Agricultures and Veterinary Medicine by Department of Animal Sciences is solved under this
CBTP phase II. According to the major problems identified and ranked, CBTP phase II is solve
this problems of society by supply hen and forage productions by the students.
2.1. General objective
 Solving the problem related to livestock production, feed resources and feeding system,
husbandry system and others.
2.2. Specific objectives
 To overcome problem related to poultry production and show how to feeding ,and
management systems of their poultry in Billida kebele
 To give advice for farmers how to manage animal disease and management
 To encourage students about how to plan, design and implement applied research in the
 To solve problems related to animal production of Billida kebele.
 To solve the economic problems related to animal products, poultry production in Billida
 Recommend possible solutions based on the result of phase I.
3. Significance of CBTP phase Two
3.1 The significance of CBTP phase -2 involves:-
 It helps the community
 To solve community problem
 To get scientific knowledge from students in addition to their indigenous knowledge
on livestock productions.
 It helps the student
 To obtain good knowledge through practical in addition to theoretical.
 Show the way to finding the possible solution for the identified problems
 The student will able to be a good communicator
 They will try to solve the farmer’s problem and develop confidence
4. Methods and Materials
Techniques and materials used to gather information is direct interview with house hold
communicating directly with the farmer by selected students who speaks Afaan Oromo. Group
members were assigned by those students who fluently speak Afaan Oromo to let the farmer easily
understand the subject and title for which they were given, awareness, promotion and
demonstration. The farmers were made free and open to participate in each topic to generate their
idea and understand it. The farmers were participating by freely giving their idea and asking
question without any frustration (fear).
4.1 Materials used in CBTP phase Two (CBTP II)
The materials that we used during this CBTP phase two is:
 Notebook
 Computer
 Pen
 Pencil
 Mobile camera
 Plastic yellow cage

4.2 Area description

Geographically location is found in Ethiopia South West Oromia region in Jimma zone of Mana
Woreda. Mana is bordered on the south by Seka Chekorsa, on the west by Gomma, on the north
by Limmu Kosa, and on the east by Kersa. The administrative center of this woreda is Yebu. The
study was made in Billida kebele. The landscape of Mana includes mountains, high forests and
plain divided by valleys. Mountains include Weshi and Bebella. The land in this woreda was
arable or cultivable land was under annual crops, pasture, forest, and the remaining is considered
swampy, degraded or otherwise unusable. Khat is an important cash crop. Coffee is also another
important cash crop for this woreda; The majority of land hectares are planted with this crop. From
the total population for this woreda some of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of
the inhabitants were Moslem, with the most of the population they observed this belief, while the
remain of the other population were Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and other were Protestant.
Oromiffa was spoken as a first language of the kebele. According to the secondary data collected
fromkebele offices the total populations of kebele people is 6782 , from those male is 3187, female
is 3495 , husband 1154. Bilida is distance away 20km from the center and its boundary north by
somodo, south borderd by kenteri, west borderd by hunda qanai, east borderd by urgeyi and have
two elementary school and one high school.
Table: 1 total land and grazing land system

Land description of the kebele

Farm land coffe land forest land grazing land land for infrastructure totaly
560ha 694ha 94ha 565ha 85ha 1998ha
28.02% 34.7% 4.7% 28.3% 4.3% 100%
Grazing land
Private grazing communal grazing total grazing land
12.5ha 44ha 56.5
22.1% 77.9% 100%
Sources of information gathered is from (EA) Extension Agent of the kebele and total data collected from the
kebele office.

5. Major problem identified during CBTP phase I

Lack of productive breed use
Lack of forage species
Shortage of grazing land
Absences of veterinary services especially poultry disease
Lack of knowledge (awareness)
Lack of water availability

6.0 Problem identification and prioritization during CBTP phase I

i. Lack of productive breed use

ii. Shortage of forage productions
iii. Problem of animal disease
iv. Lack of water availability
v. Lack of awareness
vi. Lack of house construction
7. Poultry Production System

Improving the productivity of village chicken through breeding and improved managements will
result in increasing opportunities of equitable distribution of food and income for the households
of rural areas.

As poultry farming has already proven to be lucrative business, so you may be willing to start a
farm for your new source of income. Poultry production is one of the segment of livestock
production system that contribute to socio-economic circumstances of rural community.

7.1. Management aspect of Chickens

The constructions of the poultry house should be separate from house hold and proper cleaning
and sanitations of inside the house should be kept. The spaces for each hen should be 0.02 square
meters. The feeding poultry of the kebele should be made from local available feeds, don’t buy
from market because reduces the cost of incomes. In orders to protect the chickens from diseases
to provide cure mix with water or feed, but after infected by disease separate from the others in
order to prevent disease transmitted to others. The poultry should be protected from environmental
predators by kept under constructions house to provide all requirements so in order to do
understand all this the students aware the farmers that do not have separate house for their chickens
because of lack of knowledge (awareness). The production poultry is very low in the kebele due
to environmental affects, presence of predators and additionally lack of breed uses.

7.2. Feeds of Poultry

Balanced diet is necessary for optimal growth and production. If the hen is get enough feed daily
it produce high number and quality of egg. The sources of this feed mostly from own produced
and local available feed that are cheap and easy to get without pay any income. As a most cultural
practices the chicken are feed by own searching from the wastes material. This is not enough feed
for hen because some of the feed is mix and left under the soil without Consumed by hen. When
provide feed for hen give on cleaning floor or on feeder and drinker that present in house don’t
used for human food. So in order to avoid such practices students are aware the farmers how to
feed hen more than the indigenous knowledge previous
7.3. Marketing System of Poultry in the Community
Poultry is one the most important sources of incomes that provide additional benefits of for
farmers. Most of the farmer in the kebele sell their chickens in local market in their neighborhood
and in their woreda’s market. When produced more number of hen or egg production to provide
for market on time to reduce the costs of incomes in order to get good. According to selected
householders the demand of poultry and poultry product in their market is low. So students
recognize such problems to provide the solutions for farmers.

8. Constraints for intervention with respect to problems

 Geographical status of the Keble
 Transportation problem, especially road constructions is not facilitated for transportations.
 Unavailability of social service such as networks.
8.1. Major problems which have not solved
In this implementation phase, a numbers of problems were solved by participants in Billida Keble.
But due to some factors there are also problems exist which has not solved. The major of these
problems were:
 Shortage of grazing land
 Fattening and dairy productions systems
 Beekeeping and honeybee productions systems
 Livestock disease
9. Action Plan
A problem that can be solved together with community and students by identified source of
problem, shortage of feed and lack of awareness toward the technology is the most and that could
be solved through creation and motivation of the farmers by students.
According to identified problem students are able to give the following support:
Technical support on forage development strategies on how to conserve the feed and its
utilization, how to manage their livestock for better production.
Supply 30 hens and aware the community how to use poultry production and its
management systems
How to prevent disease that affect the livestock, and poultry production
10. Review literatures
The problems identified Related to Animal and feed Production in Blida Kebele, Manna Woreda,
Jimma Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia is solved by under this two phases. The first phase is
identify the main problems of society’s by interviewed with the farmers and rank those problems
that solved in short time by drawing action plan. The second phase is implementation phase that
solve problems prioritized in phase I, if the problem is not solved under this CBE ,it is solved by
others organs such as NGOs or government body’s or it is solved by JUCAVM itself in the
coming community based training program.
11. Summary and Conclusion
The Community Based Training Program (CBTP) is a program designed for the benefit of both
the community and the student. The community can be benefit by training and demonstration given
by the students on different activities and practice to change their skills and the students benefited
by the practical and problem identifying and solving skills they developed during training program
at the time of CBTP phase one, the problem identified and prioritized during phase one have solved
by used different techniques and training to some extent. Generally, we developed practical skills
to problem identification, prioritization and intervention, making harmonious relationship with
12. Recommendation
 The government should provide social services related agricultural input like improved
breed, and veterinary services, to the community on a time
 Government supporting the kebele in different strategies of infrastructure by inviting of
NGOS for motivation of farmers through preparation of demonstration area.
 The CBTP program should also continue to identify, prioritizing and solving a community
problem at the same time to enhance student knowledge.
 The community must show participations to solve the problems which are faced on that
local area.
 The problems that are not solved in this year must be solved for future
 The farmers should have construct strong house to protect their animal like, poultry and
other domestic animal life from accident
 The government should provide adequate extension services
 Billida Kebele’s offices bureau data collected in, 2018

 Sample CBTP phase two, from previous year students

 CBTP phase one documented in phase one

 Orientation from advisors and instructors of Animal science department

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