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Bahan UAS EL4120

Tahun ajaran 2018/2019 Semester 1

1 Bab 5 Layer Network ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Bab 6 Layer Transport ........................................................................................................................... 4
3 Bab 7 Layer Aplikasi .............................................................................................................................. 4
4 Bab 8 Network Security......................................................................................................................... 5

1 Bab 5 Layer Network

 Store & Forward

 Connectionless service (datagram)
 Connection Oriented service (virtual circuit)
 Shortest Path Algorithm
 Flooding
 Distance Vector Routing (RIP)
 Count to infinity problem
 Link State Routing (OSPF)
 Hierarchical Routing
 Multicast, Broadcast, Unicast
 Traffic Shaping (token bucket, leaky bucket)
 Internetworking
 Tunneling
 Packet Fragmentation
 IPv4
 IPv4 Address
 IPv4 subnet, broadcast address
 IPv4 aggregation
 IPv4 NAT
Cara kerja datagram network / connectionless service

Cara kerja virtual circuit network / connection-oriented service

Cara kerja routing pada datagram

Cara kerja routing pada virtual circuit

Menghitung shortest path

Cara kerja flooding

Manfaat flooding

Cara kerja distance vector routing

Cara kerja link state routing

Congestion control pada network layer: network provisioning, traffic aware routing, admission control,
traffic throttling, load shedding

Cara kerja leaky bucket

Cara kerja token bucket

Pengalamatan IPv4

Cara kerja NAT

Address Resolution Protocol


Mengubah diagram LAN menjadi graph untuk perhitungan routing

Pertanyaan filosofis (dari textbook):

4. Assuming that all routers and hosts are working properly and that all software in both
is free of all errors, is there any chance, however small, that a packet will be delivered
to the wrong destination?

33. A router has the following (CIDR) entries in its routing table:
For each of the following IP addresses, what does the router do if a packet with that
address arrives?

34. Many companies have a policy of having two (or more) routers connecting the company
to the Internet to provide some redundancy in case one of them goes down. Is
this policy still possible with NAT? Explain your answer.

2 Bab 6 Layer Transport

Cara kerja UDP

Cara kerja TCP

Fungsi nomor port pada UDP

Fungsi nomor port pada TCP

Congestion control pada layer Transport


AIMD & wireless

3 Bab 7 Layer Aplikasi

Cara kerja DNS

Cara kerja Electronic Mail

Cara kerja WWW

Static Web page

Dynamic web page

Server side scripting

Client side scripting

Multimedia: JPG Compression

4 Bab 8 Network Security

Kriptografi simetrik –key

Kriptografi asimetrik –key

Digital Signature dengan public-key

Cryptography hash



Secure email (PGP)

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