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I t is a saying that we do not value things until we lose them. These words echoed in my mind on my
last day at college. It was only then I realized how much I cherished the college I was going to leave. It
seemed to me as if somebody was drawing my soul out from my body. I must acknowledge that I had
spent most valuable time of my life at college and rightly call it the asset of my life

“The good time of today

Is sad thought of
Tears trickle down my cheeks as I remember my last day at college. It was the day of parting, and parting
in life is painful. I can never forget that day when I left college, it was golden period of my life but that
golden period passed away like a happy dream.

“There are two best day of college 1st and last”

It is still fresh in my memory; it was a day of mixed joy and sorrow. It was a wonderful day indeed.
Everything looked strange to me though very familiar.
A farewell party was going to be held in college, I entered college with my friends. We were given a
farewell party by our juniors. They welcomed us at college gate. Students had beautifully decorated the
college with buntings and balloons. It was such a memorable scene. I just wish that I could relive those

“Nobody gets to live backward,

look ahead that is where your
future lies”

We went to the big hall. Students took their seats. One side of hall was occupied by 1st year and other by
2nd year students. Our worthy and credible teachers were present near stage. The ceremony proceeded
with recitation of Holy Quran.
The principle was addressing a big audience. Principle gave us his blessings. He prayed for our bright
future and advised us to live a disciplined and honest life. He emphasized on importance of education
and its crucial need in present era

“A college is a lighthouse which emits radiations of education and wisdom”

1st year student had arranged different performances. Everyone was in pleasant mood. All performers
had shown great artistic skills. They proved that education does not only mean cramming of books but it
includes publishing one’s talent and enabling to be a helpful citizen

“The quality of a college is measured by the kind of

Students it turns out than the kind it takes in”

At the end of function we were served with tea, biscuits and cakes. It was a fine party. We had cameras
with us we captured all the wonderful moments. We also took autographs on our shirts from our fellow
and teachers. Then we went to vice principal’s office for acquiring our certificates. He also awarded us
with his lovely piece of advice:
“Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three alone one to sovereign power”

Then came the time to leave college. Everyone was looking sad. I had great time here with my
supportive friends and understanding teachers. Just to recall all moment I went to class room with my
friends. When we reached there, we became sad and remembered all the good and bad day spend in
that class room. One of my friends said that no matter how much you think you hate college you’ll
always miss it when you leave it.

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