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At the peace conference it was impossible to obey wishes of all the countries involved.


new borders in Europe, didn’t match with the areas of the national groups who lived there. At that

time many Germans lives in parts of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Romania received land with a

Hungarian majority. The Arabs were angry because they did not get independent nations in the

Middle East.

Austria and Hungary, lost most of their territory and becomes small nations. Austria, with its

German-speaking population wanted to unite with Germany but the peacemakers did not allow

this because they were afraid that Germany would become too strong.

On the side of the supporters, Britain was allowed to keep all of its overseas colonies, but the

British worried that Germany would become too weak and the new Communist movement in

Russia would become too strong.

American rejects the treaty because it fears that the newly created League of Nations would lead

the United States into more conflicts.

Germany never accepts the treaty. Its population thought it was not fair to punish a single country

so much. These conflicts led to the rise of the National Socialists under Adolf Hitler, who

promised to make Germany powerful again.

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