1979 The South American Herpetofauna

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William E.


Museum of Natural History

The University of Kansas
Monof^aph No. 7

Library of the

Museum of

Comparative Zoology


Museum of Natural History


Department of Systematics and Ecology

The University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA

Number 7, pages 1^85, 172 figures in text
Issued December 28, 1979

© 1979 by The Museum of Natural History, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission
in writing from the publisher.

ISRN Number: 0-89338-008-3

Cover design by Linda Trueb



JUN 51985
to the memories of
three herpetologists who
contributed so much to our knowledge of
the South American herpetofauna:

Roberto Donoso-Barros (1922-1975)

Bertha Lutz (1894-1976)
James A. Peters (1922-1972)
This volume the result of a symposium
is obvious omissions in this volume are chapters
of the same held on 11-13 August 1977
title on the South American-North American her-
in conjunction with the joint annual meetings petofaunal relationships and the herpetofau-
of the Herpetologists' League and the Society nas of the Brasilian Highlands, the Atacama
for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles at Desert, and the caatinga and campos cerrados
Lawrence, Kansas. I originally conceived the of Brasil.
idea for such a symposium in August 1975 This volume is organized in much the same
while returning from a 15-month sojourn in way as was the symposium, except that my
South America. My interactions with many introductory chapter provides an overview of
South American biologists during that trip the South American herpetofauna. Chapter 2
had convinced me that the time was appropri- deals with the fossil record of amphibians and
ate for a thorough discussion of ideas and South America, and Chapters 3 and
reptiles in
presentation of our existing knowledge of 4 are concerned with the relationships of the
the South American heq^etofauna. The initial South American herpetofauna with those of
response from colleagues was heartening, so Africa and Australia. The Quaternary bio-
during the following year the symposium was geography of the continent is the subject of
organized. Unfortunately, owing to various Chapters 5-7. Treatments of regional herpeto-
circumstances not all subjects were covered; faunas are found in Chapters 8-15, and the

Participants in the Symposium on American Herpetofauna held in Lawrence, Kansas, 11-13

the South
August 1977. Front row (left to Alberto Veloso M., Beryl B. Simpson, Jaime E. Pefaur, Ana Maria
Baez, Jose M. Cei. Second row: Lars Brundin, Thomas E. Lovejoy, Donn E. Rosen, Jiirgen Haffer, Thomas H.
Fritts, Ramon Formas, Raymond F. Laurent. Back row: William E. Duellman, James R. Dixon, Marinus
S. Hoogmoed, John D. Lynch, W. Ronald Heyer, Michael J. Tyler, Jose M. Gallardo.
finalchapter is devoted to the conservation of
and style. Rose Etta Kurtz retyped many
the herpetofauna. pages of manuscript, and Rebecca A. Pyles
I am grateful to the contributors to this painstakingly worked on the index. To all of
volume for their scholarly efforts and for their these persons I owe a debt of gratitude for
their endeavors in behalf of this volume.
patience and understanding while it was
being produced. For their participation in Throughout the early phases of develop-
the symposium, I thank the contributors and ment and organization of the symposium, as
Lars Brundin, Thomas H. Fritts, W. Ronald well as during the production of this volume,
Heyer, Jaime E. Pefaur, Donn E. Rosen, and Philip S. Humphrey, Director of the Museum
Alberto Veloso M. Their enthusiastic partici- of Natural History, has provided advice, en-
pation contributed a high level of scholarly couragement and support. Ronald K. Cal-
interaction, as well as much good cheer. gaard. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,
During the editing of this volume I called and George R. Waggoner, Associate Vice
upon many colleagues to review manuscripts. Chancellor for International Programs, The
The quality of the papers included herein University of Kansas, gave enthusiastic sup-
benefited from reviews by Avelino Barrio, port for the symposium. Richard F. Treece
Lars Brundin, Richard Estes, Thomas H. of the Bureau of Conferences and Institutes
Fritts, Steven W. Ronald Heyer,
Gorzula, coordinated the logistics of the meetings.
Philip Humphrey,
S. Jean Lescure, Alan E. Without their interest and aid the symposium
Leviton, John D. Lynch, Larry D. Martin, and this volume would not have been pos-
Braulio Orejas-Miranda, Jaime E. Pefaur, sible.
Alan H. Savitzky, Beryl B. Simpson, Linda Financial support for bringing together
Trueb, T. van der Hammen, Alberto Veloso the participants in the symposium was gen-
M. and Richard G. Zweifel. The drawings for erously provided by the National Science
many of the papers were executed by Debra Foundation (DEB 76-16767), the World
K. Bennett, Staff Illustrator of the Museum of
Wildlife Fund (WWF-US-71) and the Office
Natural History at The University of Kansas.
of Academic Affairs, The University of Kansas.
Jaime E. Pefaur translated many of the sum-
maries and edited the Spanish of others. Lin- Support for the preparation of the index was
da Trueb 's competent editorial review of the provided by a grant from the General Re-
search Fund of The University of Kansas.
manuscripts is evident in their consistency
William E. Duelhnan
Lawrence, Kansas
September 6, 1979

1. The South American Heqjetof auna : A Panoramic View.

William E. Dnellman

2. The South American Herpetofauna: An Evaluation of the Fossil Record.

Ana Maria Bdez and Znlma B. de Gasparini 29

3. Herpetofaunal Relationships Between Africa and South America.

Baymond F. Laurent 55

4. Herpetofaunal Relations of South America with Australia.

Michael J. Tyler 73

5. Quaternary Biogeography of Tropical Lowland South America.

Jiirgen Haffer 107

6. Late Cenozoic Environmental Changes in Temperate Argentina.

Ana Maria Bdez and Gustavo Juan Scillato Yane 141

7. Quaternary Biogeography of the High Montane Regions of South America.

Beryl B. Simpson ... 157

8. The Amphibians of the Lowland Tropical Forests.

John D. Lynch 189

9. Origin and Distribution of Reptiles in Lowland Tropical Rainforests of South America.

James R. Dixon 217

10. The Herpetofauna of the Guianan Region.

Marinus S. Hoogmoed 241

11. Origin and Distribution of the Herpetofauna of the Dry Lowland Regions of
Northern South America.
Carlos Rivero-Blanco and James R. Dixon 281

12. Composition, Distribution y Origen de la Herpetofauna Chaquefia.

Jose M. Gallardo _ 299

13. The Patagonian Herpetofauna.

Jose M. Cei 309

14. La HeqDetofauna de los Bosques Temperados de Sudamerica.

/. Ramon Formas 341

15. The HeqDetofauna of the Andes: Patterns of Distribution, Origin, Differentiation and
Present Communities.
William E. Duellman 371

16. Refugia, Refuges and Minimum Critical Size: Problems in the Conservation of the
Neotropical Herpetofauna.
Thomas E. Lovejoy 461

Subject Index 465

Taxonomic Index 470

1. The South American Herpetofauna:
A Panoramic View
William E. Duellman
Museum of Natural History and
Department of Systematics and Ecology
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

A vast array of dinosaurs still inhabited So it was when Columbus "discovered"

the earth, ratite birds watched curiously as South America on his third voyage in 1498,
furry mammals experimented with new ways when Ferdinand Magellan arrived in 1520,
of reproduction, and varieties of anurans and and at the
beginning of the conquest of the
squamates set out on diverse evolutionary New World by Francisco Pizarro in 1532.
courses, while turtles continued their conser- For nearly two centuries the decimation of the
vative approach to a changing world. They native human populace (by the sword, the
witnessed the breakup of the earth as Gond- Bible, and disease) was second in importance
wanaland was split by the magma, giving only to the frenetic search for El Dorado the

birth to a new
ocean, and somewhat later the real and fabled materialistic riches of South
fracture of the land again to create a large America. With the exception of pitifully few
island continent — —
South America destined to men, no attention was given to the natural
drift in a northwestward arc for nearly fifty But in the 18th Cen-
riches of the continent.
million years before establishing a narrow tury, European naturalists began exploring
connection with a neighbor of long ago and South America, as related so eloquently by
far away —
North America. von Hagen (1948:xiii).
During that long period of isolation of For it was the explorer-naturalists who
South America, some of the archaic groups of opened South America. It was these knowl-
plants and animals became extinct; some edge-thirsting men who, because they were
dwindled in numbers leaving only a few scat- deemed harmless, were permitted entry be-
hind the Green Curtain when others were not.
tered relicts, and others prospered and gave
It was the naturalists who methodically and
rise to new and diverse kinds in the face of
systematically pushed aside the frontiers of
changing environments, for the island was not South America and dug it from its oblivion.
static. Tectonic events and climatic changes With an enthusiasm that bridged every bar-
rier, they climbed the Andes, they swept down
shaped the landscapes in an ever-changing
the dark mysterious rivers, they trekked across
scene. Great areas of the land were innun-
the deserts and struggled through the Laocoon
dated by epeiric seas, the southern end of the entanglements of its fire-fly spangled jungles.
continent cooled and desiccated as world They dispelled legends, they uncovered facts,
zonation of climates was established; the rise they rediscovered rubber, studied quinine and
the coca leaf. They measured the earth's sur-
of a gigantic mountain chain interrupted the
face, they crawled into the jungle and col-
winds and modified the climates and gave
lected plants, they studied the animals, they
birth to thousands of small streams that coa- measured the tides. ... It was the naturalists
lesced in their descents to the lowlands and who opened South America.
formed huge rivers, and cooling
Early collections reaching Europe formed
brought glaciation and fluctuations in climate substantial natural history cabinets, and some
and sea level that brought about changes in
of these were illustrated and described; the
the drainages and the biota. Late in this
scenario man entered South America and most ambitious undertaking was that by Al-
began preying upon the animals, clearing bertus Seba, who in the 1730's published his
land, cultivating plants, and building temples. classic "Thesaurus" in four volumes. The illus-

(rations in Seba's work and specimens that COMPOSITION OF THE

reached Upsala formed the basis for names of HERPETOFAUNA
South American species by Linnaeus in 1758.
In the 19th Century, some of the world's most The complex history and diverse topog-
famous naturalists worked in South America — raphy and climate of South America have
Charles Marie de La Condamine, Alexander produced an extraordinarily rich and diverse
von Humboldt, Alfred R. Wallace, Henry W. herpetofauna. Currently more than 2,200
Rates, Richard Spruce, and of course Charles species are recognized in more than 300 gen-
Darwin. These men made extensive natural era in 37 families (Tables 1:1-1:2). These
history collections, but these included few, if numbers are bound to increase with future
any, amphibians and reptiles. Plants, insects, discoveries. The rate of discovery of new
and birds were the chief goals of most of the species in South America is astonishing. As
collectors. examples, of the 313 species of hylid frogs
now known from South America, 100 have
Five European naturalists made important been named in the last two decades (1960-
contributions to the early knowledge of the
present); Peters and Donoso-Barros (1970)
South American herpetofauna in the early listed 71 species of Anolis, and 14 additional
1800's through their collections and their species have been named. Likewise, many

writings Maximillian A. P. zu Wied-Neu- new species of frogs, especially Centrolenella,
wied, Alcide D. D'Orbigny, Johann R. von Colostethus, and Eleatherodactylus, and of
Spix, Marcos X. Jimenez de la Espada, and salamanders (Bolitoglossa) are being discov-
Johann J. Tschudi. Some of the collections ered and named yearly.
made by those men, plus many small collec-
tions that reached European museums pro- A far higher percentage of the living am-
vided the basis for countless papers on South phibians of the world than of the reptiles
American amphibians and reptiles by Albert inhabits South America. In this respect am-
Giinther, Wilhelm Peters, Oskar Boettger, phibians are more like birds, whereas reptiles
Franz Steindachner, and the most prolific of are more like mammals (Table 1:3).

European herpetologists George Boulenger.
During the latter part of the 19th Century,
South American specimens reached the
Review of the Families

United States; most of these were reported on In this brief review, each family is dis-

by Edward D. Cope. cussed with respect to its

origin (Table 1:4),
temporal and geographic distribution in South
Ry the beginning of the present century
America (Table 1:5, Fig. 1:1), and differen-
several centers of biological research had
tiation and dispersal in South America. Ma-
been established inSouth America. Early
rine reptiles are not included.
pioneers in herpetological research included
Julio Koslowsky in Argentina, R. A. Philippi Plethodontidae. —Known from Pliocene
in Chile, and Alipio de Miranda-Ribeiro and and Pleistocene deposits in North America,
Adolfo Lutz in Rrasil.By the mid-20th Cen- the family is highly differentiated there (23
tury investigations on the South American genera, about 200 species). Two genera that
herpetofauna flourished. But as research on are most speciose in Central America (

amphibians and reptiles broadens to include glossa and Oedipina) also occur in South
studies on the ecology, life history, and be- America. There, Oedipina (2 species) occurs
havior, the need still remains for descriptive only in the Choco, whereas Bolitoglossa (24
morphology and systematics. Ever increasing species) inhabits the Choco, Amazonia, and
human disturbance of natural environments, the northern Andes. Plethodontid salaman-
especially the rainforests, eliminates forever ders entered South America from Central

many components of the biota before they be- America after the closure of the Panamanian
come known to science. Portal (Wake, 1966).
Table 1:1. — Taxonomic Composition of the South Table —
1:3. Comparison of Numbers of Species of
American Herpetofauna. Tetrapod Vertebrates in South America with World
° = endemic to South America) Fauna.
Genera Species
Family Total Endemic Total Endemic
Plethodontidae 2 24
Pipidae 1

Leptodactylidae 41 37
Bufonidae 7 4
Brachycephalidae" .. 2 2
Rhinodermatidae° .. 1 1
Dendrobatidae — 3
Pseudidae" 2 2
Hylidae 22 15
Centrolenidae 2 1
Ranidae 1
Microhylidae 16 13
Rhinatrematidae° .... 2 2
Typhlonectidae" .... 4 4
Caeciliidae 9 6
Pelomedusidae 1
Chelidae 7
Kinostemidae 1

Chelydridae 1
Emydidae 2
Testudinidae 1
Gekkonidae 16 7
Iguanidae 27 20
Teiidae 38 28
Scincidae 1

Anguidae 2 1

Amphisbaenidae 6 5
Anomalepidae 4 1

Leptotyphlopidae _ 1

Typhlopidae 1
Boidae 5 2
Aniliidae 1 1

Tropidophiidae 2
Colubridae 77 39
Micruridae 2 1

Viperidae 3
Crocodylidae 4

cene (Baez and Gasparini, this volume). Al- America are indicative of immigration of eleu-

though the family is unquestionably of Gond- therodactylines into Central America prior to
wanan origin, the relationships of the lepto- the establishment of the isthmian link in the
dactylids are not clear. Lynch (1971) recog- late Pliocene (Savage, 1973; Lynch,
nized the South American and Australian frogs The Ceratophryinae are widespread in Cha-

plus the South African Heleophryne as one coan, Amazonian, and Guianan lowlands. The
family, the Leptodactylidae, but he (1973) Elosiinae are restricted to the Brasilian
separated the Old World genera into the Shield. The Leptodactylinae
are widespread

Myobatrachidae. This arrangement was fol- in tropical and subtropical lowlands, with a
lowed generally by Savage (1973), Duellman primitive genus (Pleurodema) also inhabiting
(1975), Heyer (1975), and Heyer and Liem Patagonia, austral forests, and the Andes
( 1976), but
not by Tyler (this volume). Hey- (Duellman and Veloso, 1977). Physalaemus,
er ( 1975 ) suggested that leptodactylids might Pleurodema, and Leptodactylus have entered
have evolved from leiopelmatids; this idea was Central America, and the latter also is in the
elaborated upon by Lynch (1978). West Indies.
Within South America, the primitive Tel- —
Bufonidae. The earliest fossil bufonids
matobiinae are primarily distributed in tem- are from the Paleocene of Brasil (Estes and

perate regions the tribe Telmatobiini in Pat- Reig, 1973), followed by the Oligocene Neo-
agonia, austral forests, and the high Andes. procoela, which is a member of the Eurasian
More advanced telmatobiines are in temper- Bufo calamita group, according to Tihen
ate and tropical regions
—Odontophrynini in ( 1962)
and Baez and Gasparini (this volume)
the Chaco, southeastern Brasil, and nonfor- but referred to the telmatobiine leptodactylids
ested regions in eastern Brasil, Grypiscini on by Lynch ( 1971 ) By the Miocene, Bufo was

the Brasilian Shield, Eleutherodactylini most present in South America, North America,
diverse in northwestern South America but Europe, and Africa (Tihen, 1972). The ab-
also occurring on the Brasilian and Guianan sence of bufonids from the Australo-Papuan
shields and in Amazonia, and also speciose in Region (except for the introduced Bufo ma-
Middle America and the West Indies. The rinus), combined with the fossil history of the
diversity of eleutherodactyline genera and the group, strongly suggests a western Gondwana-
differentiation of Eleiitherodactyhis in Middle land origin of the family ( Blair, 1972; Savage,

Table 1:4. — Postulated Geographic Origins of Families of Amphibians and Reptiles Inhabiting South America.
(NA = North America; SA = South America; f= Extinct in South America)

Laurasia Gondwanaland Uncertain

Plethodontidae (NA) Pipidae Testudinidae
Leiopelmatidae 1
Boidae Kinosternidae (NA) Leptodactylidae Gekkonidae
Chelydridae (NA) Bufonidae Scincidae
Emydidae Brachycephalidae (SA) Amphisbaenidae
Trionychidaet Rhinodermandae (
SA ) Typhlopidae
Anguidae Pseudidae (SA) Leptotyphlopidae
Aniliidae Hylidae Colubridae
Viperidae Centrolenidae (SA) Crocodylidae
Rhinatrematidae (SA)
Typhlonectidae (SA)
Iguanidae (SA)
Teiidae (SA)
Anomalepidae ( SA )

Tropidophiidae (SA)
Micruridae (SA)
Table 1:5. — Distribution of Herpetofaunal Family Groups in Major Eco-physiographic Regions
in South America.

g 2
•c 13
o o
Family group

c c 3 s
o O < O 03 O u
Plethodonndae + + + +
+ + + +
Ceratophryinae + + + + + + +
Telmatobiinae + + + + + + + + + + +
Elosiinae + +
Leptodactylinae . + + + + + + + + + + +
Bufonidae + + + + + + + + + + + +
B rachycephalidae +
Rhinodermatidae +
Dendrobatidae + + + + + + + +
Pseudidae + + + +
Phyllomedusinae + + + + + + +
Hemiphractinae + +
Amphignathodontinae + + + + +
Hyhnae + + + + + + +
Centrolenidae + + + + +
Ranidae + + +
Microhylidae + + + + + + +
Rhinatrematidae + + + +
Typhlonectidae + + + +
Caeciliidae + + + + + +
Pelomedusidae - + + +
Chelidae + + + + +
Kinosternidae + + + + + + +
Chelydridae +
Emydidae + + + +
Testudinidae + + + + + + + +
Gekkoninae + + + + + + + +
Sphaerodactylinae + + + +
I guanines + + + + +
Basiliscines + +
Anolines + + + + + +
Tropidurines + + + + + + + +
Teiidae + + + + + + + +
Scincidae + + + + + + +
Anguidae + + + + +
Amphisbaenidae + + + + + + + +
Anomalepidae .._ + + + + + +
Leptotyphlopidae + + + + + + +
Typhlopidae + + + + +
Boidae + + + + + + +
Aniliidae + +
Tropidophiidae + +
Xenodontinae + + + + + + + +
Colubrinae + + + + + +
Micruridae + + + + + + +
Crotalinae + + + + + + +
Crocodylidae + + + + + + +
1973; Laurent, this volume). Bufo and six and thus arc American origin. Spe-
of South
other genera occur in South America, and cies of all three genera occur in lower Central
Bufo and seven other genera occur in Africa America, presumably having arrived there
(principally tropical western Africa), but after the closure of the Panamanian Portal in
Bufo and five other genera inhabit southeast- the late Pliocene.
ern Asia and adjacent islands. One genus Pseudidae. —An autochthonous South
(Crepidophryne) is endemic Central
to American family containing two genera and
America, and Bufo is widespread in the Hol- four species (Gallardo, 1961) and widely dis-
arctic Region. Differing views have been ex- tributed in tropical and subtropical cis-An-
pressed on the dispersal of Bufo ( Blair, 1972; dean lowlands, these aquatic frogs have been
Savage, 1973; Duellman, this volume; Lau- considered as relatives of the leptodactylids
rent, this volume). (Savage and Carvalho, 1953) or hylids
Bufo occurs throughout South America, (Lynch, 1973).
but only members of the Bufo spinulosus HyUdae. Although— Estes and Reig
group are present in Patagonia, the austral (
1973 ) mentioned the existence of Paleocene
forests, and the high Andes (Cei, 1968, 1972). hylid material from Brasil, these specimens
Rhamphophryne and Atelopus are primarily have not yet been described. The mid-Mio-
northern Andean; Dendrophryniscus is in cene Australobat melius from Australia has
Amazonia and the Brasilian Shield, Melano- been referred to the Hylidae by Tyler ( 1974 ) ;

phryniscus in the Chaco and adjacent areas, a presumed hylid is known from the Oligo-
and Oreophrynella in the Guiana Highlands cene of North America (Holman, 1968), and
(Trueb, 1971; McDiarmid, 1971). Hyla is known from the Miocene of Europe

Brachycephalidae. Unknown in the fossil (Noble, 1928). By far the greatest diversity
record, the two small frogs comprising this of hylids South America ( 22 genera, 313
is in
family are restricted to humid coastal low- species), as compared with Middle America
lands of southeastern Brasil (Izecksohn, (
15 genera, 129 species; Duellman, 1970). Six
1971). Although superficially resembling a Hyla, plus two endemic genera (Osteopdus
specialized bufonid, brachycephalids lack and Calyptahyla) inhabit the West Indies
Bidder's Organs (McDiarmid, 1971), an ( Trueb and Tyler, 1974 )
. The Holarctic hylid
uniquely derived character in the Bufonidae fauna depauperate, but in the Australo-

(Lynch, 1973). The phylogenetic position of Papuan Region 118 species are known in the
this endemic South American family is not genera Litoria and Nyctimystes (Duellman,
clear, but presumably it arose from a lepto- 1977; Tyler and Da vies, 1978), and nine more
dactylid-primitive bufonid stock. if Cyclorana is included in the
family (Tyler,

Rhinodermatidae. Known from two spe- et al., 1978; Tyler, this volume). Like the
cies restricted to austral forests (Formas, et leptodactylids, the Australian hylids are of
al., 1975), Rhinoderma
considered to be
is questionable relationship with the South
most closely related to the bufonids by Lynch American hylids. Savage (1973) resurrected
( 1971, 1973 ) and must be considered as of the family name Pelodryadidae for the Aus-
temperate South American origin. tralo-Papuan "hylids" and considered them to

Dendrobatidae. Lacking a fossil record be derived independently from the Neotropi-
but composed of three Recent genera, the cal hylids. Tyler (this volume) emphasized
dendrobatids are especially speciose in the the lack of evidence for such an arrangement.
northern Andes, Choco, and western Ama- In Australia, Cyclorana seems to be intermedi-
zonia, but also occur in eastern Amazonia and ate between the Australian "leptodactylids"
on the Guianan and Brasilian shields. Lynch and "hylids" and may prove to establish a
( 1971 ) demonstrated that the dendrobatids phylogenetic link between the two families on
are derived from the elosiine leptodactylids that continent. No such intermediates are
Fig. 1:1. Major eco-physiographic regions of South America. Temperate regions: Austral forests (AF),
Patagonia (PAT). Amazonia (AM), Choco (CH), Atlantic coast (AC). Tropical
Tropical evergreen forests:
and subtropical nonforests: Caribbean coastal desert (CD), Llanos (LL), Savannas (black), Caatinga (CA),
Cerrados (CE), Gran Chaco (GC), Pampas (PA), Monte (MO), Espinal (ES), Matorral (MA), Atacama
Desert (AD). Mountains (stippled): Andes (A), Guiana Highlands (G), Brasilian Highlands (B).
Regiones ecofisiograficas mayores de Sudamerica.

known in South America, and even the mon- —

Ranidae. Although no fossils are known
ophyly of the Neotropical hylids has been before those in the Oligocene of North Amer-
Maxson (1976) provided im- ica (Holman, 1968), the center of origin and
munological evidence that the phyllomedu- dispersal of ranids quite clearly is in Africa
sines were not closely related to the other (Savage, 1973), and presumably occurred af-
ter the rift of South America and Africa in
Within South America, the phyllomedusine the Cretaceous. The single South American
hylids are widespread in Amazonia, Atlantic ranid,Rana palmipes, is widespread in Cen-
forests, and the Guianan and Brasilian shields. tralAmerica and must have entered South
PhyUoinedusa is primarily South American, America after the establishment of the isth-
with only two species (one endemic) in Cen- mian link. The species is widespread in the
tral America; the Central American Agalych- tropical lowlands of South America.
nis is represented by three species in the

Microhylidae. This large and diverse
Choco and one endemic species in western family presents one of the most controversial
Amazonia. The hemiphractines are restricted anuran phylogeny and classification.
issues in
to northwestern South America with one spe- Although the family is clearly of Gondwanan
cies entering Central America (Trueb, 1974). origin, the present interpretations of phylog-
The amphignathodontines are most speciose eny and biogeography are in conflict at times.
in northwestern South America (two species Savage ( 1973 ) based his biogeography of the
enter Central America ) but with three genera
, microhylids on Starrett's ( 1973 ) interpreta-
on the Brasilian Shield and one in the Guiana tion of anuran phylogenv as demonstrated by
Highlands. Among the hylines, all of the larvae. Zweifel (1972), Lynch (1973), Sokol
South American genera are endemic to the (
1975 ) and Tyler ( this volume ) provided

continent, except one species of Phrynohyas compelling arguments based on diverse mor-
and several species groups of Hyla that enter phological, developmental, and biogeographic
Central America. Two species of the Middle evidence against the Starrett and Savage
American Smilisca enter South America. model.
All South American microhylids belong to
Assuming that at least the Neotropical
hylids arose in South America, some stocks the subfamily Microhylinae, which is shared
must have entered Central America by waif with North America, tropical southeastern
dispersal prior to the closure of the Panaman- Asia, and the Malayan Archipelago. It is most
ian Portal in the late Pliocene. These stocks logical biogeographically and phylogenetically
were the ancestors of the several genera and that the Neotropical microhylids evolved in
isolation in South America and that a stock
species groups of Hyla endemic to Middle
America. After the closure of the portal sev- that subsequently gave rise to the North
eral groups dispersed northward into Central American Ga.strophryne and Hypopachus
America (PhyUomedusa, Hemiphractus, Gas- managed to enter Central America from the
trotheca, Phrynohyas, Hyla albomarginata, south during mid-Cenozoic times; microhy-
H. boans, H. bogotensis, H. leucophyllata, and known from the Miocene
lines are of Florida
H. rubra groups) and representatives of two (Holman, 1967). The 16 genera of South
Middle American genera (Agalychnis and American microhylids occur throughout the
Smilisca) dispersed into South America. tropical and subtropical lowlands with the
Centrolenidae. —
No fossils are known. greatest diversity in the southern part of their
Two genera and 46 species inhabit cloud for- range, particularly on the Brasilian Shield.
ests in the Andes, whereas a few species occur Three genera (3 species) entered Central
on the Guianan and Brasilian shields and in America after the connection of the conti-
Amazonia, the Choco, and Central America
(Duellman, 1977). Obviously of South Amer- The monotypic Geobatrachus in the Sierra
ican origin with Late Cenozoic dispersal into Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia
Central America, the relationships of the cen- tentatively was referred to the Microhylidae
trolenids usually are thought to be with the by Lynch (1971), but Duellman (1975)
showed that this small frog has a combination
hylids, but no convincing evidence
is avail-

able. of characters that precludes its assignment to


any family as presently defined. Geobatra- South America (Eocene to Pleistocene). The
chus has not been included in the numerical seven genera endemic to South America are
account of the microhylids. widely distributed in the cis-Andean tropics,

Rhinatrematidae. Lacking fossils and en- mostly in Amazonia.
demic to South America, these primitive cae- Kinosternidae. —
Known as far back as the
cilians are a sister group of the ichthyophiids Oligocene in North America, the great ma-
(Nussbaum, 1977), a family restricted to In- jority of kinosteraids (4 genera, 19 species)
dia, tropical southeastern Asia, Malayan Arch- occur in North America and northern Central
ipelago, and the Philippines. Roth South America. Only three species of Kinosternon
American genera occur on the Guianan Shield occur in lower Central America; one of these
and one (Epicrionops) has four species on also is widespread in cis-Andean South Amer-
the forested slopes of the northern Andes. ica, and two vicariant species occur in the

Typhlonectidae. The specialized aquatic Choco. The kinosternids obviously are a post-
caecilians are autochthonous to South Amer- portal entrant into South America from the
ica, where they are distributed discontinuous- north.
ly in the Caribbean and Amazonian lowlands —
Chelydridae. The snapping turtles have
and in the Parana Rasin. an extensive fossil record throughout the
Caeciliidae. —The presence of a single fos- Cenozoic in North America, where two genera
sil from the Paleocene of Rrasil (Estes and are extant. One species of Chelydra inhabits
Wake, 1972 ) possibly referable to this family,
lower Central America, and one occurs in the
signifies a long history of caecilians in South Choco in South America. Chelydra obviously
America, where nine genera and 46 species is a recent
immigrant into South America.
now occur in the humid lowland tropics and —
Emydidae. This family has an extensive
forested slopes of the northern Andes. Four fossil record in the Holarctic Region and to-

genera inhabit Middle America; the endemism day is distributed mainly in North America
there in Dermophis and Gymnopis indicates and the Oriental Region. The genus Chry-
that a caecilian stock entered Central America semys (=Pseudemys) is speciose in North
prior to the establishment of the isthmian America and in the West Indies, occurs in
link,whereas the other two (Caecilia and Central America (same species in northern
Oscaecilia) are both widespread in South South America), and is represented by anoth-
America, and evidently dispersed into Central er species in the Parana Rasin. Two species
America after the closure of the Panamanian of the Central American Rhinoclemys occur
Portal. The presence of caeciliids in tropical in the Choco, and Rhinoclemys is known from
Africa (6 genera), India (3 genera), and the the Pleistocene of Ecuador. Possibly an early
Seychelles Islands (3 genera), as well as in Chrysemys stock waifed to South America,
South America, is indicative of a widespread but Rhinoclemys and Chrysemys scripta cer-
Gondwanan distribution prior to the Late tainly entered the continent from the north
Cretaceous. subsequent to the establishment of the isth-
Pelomednsidae. —The classical, present mian link.
Gondwanaland distribution pattern of pelo- Meiolaniidac. —This extinct family known
medusid turtles is complicated by their occur- from South America (Late Cretaceous to
rence in Cretaceous deposits in Europe and early Eocene) and Australia (Miocene to
North America and in the Eocene of Asia. Pleistocene) seems to antedate the testudi-
However, the family has an extensive fossil nids. Their fossil record suggests a Gondwa-
record beginning in the Cretaceous in both nan history similar to that of the chelids.
South America and Africa (Wood, 1970). The —
Testudinidae. This family is cosmopoli-
single South American genus, Podocnemis, is tan, except in the Australo-Papuan Region,
widely distributed in the cis-Andean tropical and possibly had its initial radiation in Lau-
lowlands. rasia (Cracraft, 1974). The genus Geoche-

Chelidae. Considered to be a derivative lone occurs today in South America, Africa,
of the Pelomedusidae (Gaffney, 1975, 1977), India, southeastern Asia, and on the Gala-
the chelids are known are fossils only from pagos Islands; it is known from the late Oligo-
Australia (early Tertiary to Pleistocene) and cene through the Pleistocene in South Amer-

where it presently occurs throughout cis-

ica, 5, and Lygodactylus —2) are most speciose in
Andean lowlands southward to northern Pata- Africa. 1 In fact, allbut one of the species of
gonia. Auffenberg ( 1971 ) suggested that the Hemidactylus in America are widespread in
South American stock probably entered the Africa and elsewhere.
continent from the north in the Oligocene; The presence of gekkonids in the Paleo-
this implies waif dispersal. cene of Brasil (Estes, 1970) suggests that

Trionychidae. Although presently wide- gekkonines may have been present in South
spread in sub-Saharan Africa and in the Ori- America prior to the separation of Africa and
ental Region, trionychids have an extensive South America in the Cretaceous ( Bons and
fossil history in the Holarctic Region, where Pasteur, 1977). Trans-Atlantic waifing could
Trionyx occurs today in North America. explain the presence in South America of Af-
Wood and Patterson (
1973 ) reported a tri- rican such as Gymnodactylus and
onychid from the late Pliocene of Venezuela; Hemidactylus, but some of the latter most
probably this was a waif, because no other likelywere transported by man.
fossil or Recent trionychids are known south Of the five genera of sphaerodactyline
of northeastern Mexico. geckos in South America, two (Coleodactylus

Gekkonidae. Although the gekkonids and Pseudogonatodes) are endemic to for-
were considered to be of uncertain geographic ested cis-Andean regions in northern South
origin by Cracraf t ( 1974 ) reevaluation of
America. Gonatodes is widespread in tropical
Kluge's (1967) phylogenetic scheme of the lowlands, and one species has dispersed north-
family suggests that the gekkonids are early
ward into Central America and the West In-
Gondwanan. The primitive eublepharines oc- dies. Lepidohlcpharis occurs in northwestern

cur in Africa, southern Asia, and North Amer- South America and has two species in Pana-
ica. The diplodactylines are dominant in ma. Sphaerodactylus is most speciose in the
Australia and have dispersed onto islands in West Indies but with a few species in Central
the southwest Pacific. Sphaerodactylines are America, two of which extend into South
restricted to tropical America. The gekko- America.
nines are pantropical, being most diverse in Iguanidae.
—This large and diverse family
the Indian, Oriental, and Ethiopian regions is first known
in the fossil record from the
but also with many representatives in Aus- Upper Cretaceous of Brasil (Estes and Price,
tralia and on Pacific islands. Of the 11 gen- 1973) and is diverse in the late Paleocene of
era of gekkonines in South America, only Brasil (Estes, 1970). The earliest North
eight are endemic to the American tropics, if American fossils are from the Eocene. Evi-
the Old World species presently assigned to dently an early iguanid stock reached North
Phyllodactyhis are not considered to be con- America prior to the separation of the conti-
generic, as suggested by Dixon and Anderson nents or waifed between the two. Informally,
(1973). Except for the speciose Phyllodac- the iguanids are divided into five major groups
tyhis in dry habitats in western and northern (Etheridge, 1964, 1967). The sceloporines dif-
South America (also Middle America, West ferentiated in North America and were paral-
Indies, and Galapagos Islands), most of the leled by an extensive radiation of tropidurines
endemic genera are represented by only one in temperate South America. The iguanines
or two species and all live in eastern South and basiliscines are primarily Middle Amer-
America, save for the monotypic Thccadacty- ican with genera of the former endemic to the
lus in western Amazonia, the Choco, Guianan Galapagos Islands (Amblyrhynchus and
Shield, Central America, and Lesser Antilles. Conolophus) and the West Indies (Cyclura);
The only genus with more than two species is one species of Iguana and three of Basiliscus
Homonota (8 species) in temperate cis-An-
dean areas; the related Garthia with two spe- 'Smith et al. (1977) recognized the South American
Lygodactylus as the sole representatives of the
cies occurs in the southern Atacaman Region.
Vanzoia, but Kluge (pers. coram.) informed me that
The other gekkonines in South America the South American species are perfectly good exam-
( Gymnodactylus
— 3 species, Hemidactylus — ples of Lygodactylus.

have entered northern South America. The 75 additional species in Africa, Madagascar,
anolines are widely distributed in the tropics southern Asia, and the Pacific islands, plus an
of South America, Middle America, and the additional two species in Central America and
West Indies.Obviously waif dispersal be- the Antilles. Tihen (1964) suggested an Eur-
tween South America and the emerging An- asian origin of the North American skinks
tilles and Central America during the Tertiary (Eumeces and Scincella), but an African ori-
accounted for some of the patterns of distribu- gin of the South American Mabmja seems to
tion, many of which have been masked by be reasonable.
more recent dispersal after the closure of the

Anguidae. Presently distributed primar-
Panamanian Portal. It certainly seems safe to ily in North America, western Eurasia, and
assume that the origin of tropidurines and southeastern Asia, the anguids have an ex-
some anolines was in South America. tensive fossil history dating from the Late
The presence of two genera of iguanids on Cretaceous in North America (Meszoely,
Madagascar has been interpreted as evidence 1970). Two genera occur in South America.
for the former occurrence of the family in Diploglossus is speciose in Central America
Africa with subsequent extinction there (per- and the West Indies, and one of the South
haps owing to competition with agamids and American species is shared with Central
chamaeleontids). The similarity of caudal America. The endemic South American Ophi-
structure of the Madagascaran iguanids to the odes (4 species) in the south-central part of
tropidurines (Etheridge, 1967) and the pres- the continent apparently evolved from an
ence of iguanids in the Cretaceous of South anguid stock that entered South America
America do not contradict that hypothesis. from the north in the Cenozoic.
The iguanine Brachylophus, endemic to Amphisbaenidae. —Numerous fossil am-
islands in the southwest Pacific, apparently is phisbaenians are known from the Paleocene
an example of long-distance rafting via the to Miocene in North America, Eocene to Plio-
Trans-Pacific Current (Cogger, 1974). cene of Europe, and Oligocene of Mongolia.
Teiidae. —
Although presumed teiids are With the exception of Bipes and the Pale-
known from the Late Cretaceous in North arctic Blanus, the amphisbaenids (sensu Ber-
America, those do not seem to be ancestral to man, 1973) are Neotropical and African 10 —
living North American teiids, whereas late genera in Africa (one ranging into Europe)
Paleocene teiids of South American resemble and six in South America (plus one endemic
extant Neotropical genera (Estes, 1970). All to Cuba). The generic and specific differen-
living teiid genera occur in South America, tiation in Africa (10 genera, 52 species) and
where they are widespread throughout the South America (6 genera, 45 species), and the
continent, except for Patagonia and the aus- possible presence of Amphisbaena in both
tral forests.Five genera have representatives Africa and South America (Gans, 1967), plus
in the West and 10 genera extend into
Indies, 10 species endemic to the West Indies and
Central America. With the exception of Cne- one South American species extending into
midophorns, which is widespread and spe- Central America, are suggestive of an African-
ciose in North America, all other teiids prob- South American amphisbaenid interchange.
ably arrived in Central America after the However, the place of origin of the amphis-
formation of the isthmian link. baenids remains problematic.

Scincidae. —Although skinks are known —

Anomalepidae. Unknown as fossils, 17 of
from the Paleocene of Rrasil and the Late the 20 species and all four genera of anoma-
Cretaceous of North America (Estes, 1976), lepids occur in South America. One species
only four genera presently occur in the Amer- each of Anomalepis, Helminthophis, and
is only a small fraction of the family
icas; this Liotyphlops occurs in Central America, and
containing at least SO genera and more than another species of Liotyphlops ranges from
1,000 species (Greer, 1970). Occurring Costa Rica into northern South America. On
throughout South America, except for the the basis of present distributions, the anoma-
Andes and cool temperate regions, are eight lepids seem to be a South American group
species of Mabuija, a genus containing about that only recently invaded Central America.

In South America the family is widespread in North America and the Eocene of Europe. A
trans-Andean and eis-Andean tropical low- Late Cretaceous snake, Dinilysia from Pata-
lands. gonia, is considered to be related to aniliids

Leptotyphlopidae. The single genus in ( Rage, 1977 and hue aniliids were reported
) ,

this family containing about 64 species is from the Eocene of Brasil by Baez and Gas-
widespread in tropical and subtropical South parini (this volume), who support Cracraft's
America, Middle America, southwestern ( 1974 ) contention that aniliids are of Laura-

United States, Africa, and southwestern Asia. sian origin. Nonetheless, entry into South
No fossils are known. On the basis of present America possibly was by way of Africa. The
distribution it is reasonable to suggest that one living South American aniliid is wide-
the leptotyphlopids had a western Gondwa- spread in cis-Andean tropical lowlands.
naland origin and subsequently spread north- —
Tropidophiidae. Structurally, the tropi-
ward into Central and North America and dophiids are intermediate between the boids
independently into Asia. and colubroid snakes. Tropidophis has three

Typhlopidae. These fossorial snakes are widely dispersed species in South America
known from two genera ( Typhlina, 33 species (northern Andes and southeastern Brasil) and
in Australia, New Guinea, Solomon and Fiji 12 species in the West Indies. Trachyboa and
islands) and Typhlops (about 114 species Ungaliophis occur in the Choco and Central
throughout tropical and subtropical parts of America. The tropidophiids are considered to
the world, except Australia). Only three spe- be of South American origin with subsequent
cies occur in South America; another five are northward dispersal.
in Central America, and 16 occur in the West

Colubridae. The poor fossil record and
Indies. Thus, with respect to the total differ- taxonomic chaos of the colubrids (sensu lato)
entiation of the family, the Neotropics are permit only the most general comments to be
poor in typhlopids. The only fossils (Eocene- made about this immense and important fam-
Miocene of Europe) are of no help in inter- ily. My use of subfamilial designations fol-
preting the paleobiogeography of the group. lows that of Dowling (1975) but eliminates
In the absence of any evidence for the occur- some apparent misapplications not especially
rence of typhlopids in North America, a west- germane to the Neotropical colubrids. A brief
ern Gondwanaland origin for the Neotropical summary of the colubrid snakes follows.
stocks might be suggested. 1. Xenodontinae: 93 genera, about 570
Boidae. —
Represented by an extensive, species. Sixty genera occur in South America;
world-wide fossil record from the Upper Cre- 22 of these are shared with Central America.
taceous through the Eocene (only Pleistocene Seven genera are endemic to the West Indies;
in Australia ) the boids seem to have been the
13 are restricted to North America (north of
dominant snakes throughout the world in the the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mex-
Early Cenozoic. Evidently they had dispersed ico), and 13 are Middle American. Included
widely before the breakup of Pangaea. The in this group of rear-fanged genera are fossor-
Early Cenozoic South American boid Madtso- ial, terrestrial, and arboreal snakes.
ia also is known from the Late Cretaceous of Most arboreal xenodontines are nocturnal, and
Madagascar, and a related boid, Wonambi, is few (Alsophis, Dromicus, Leimadophis, Ly-
known from the Pleistocene of Australia (Ty- gophis) are diurnal racer-like snakes. Most
ler, this volume). In some respects the dis- xenodontines feed on frogs, lizards, or other
tribution of these fossils parallels that of liv- snakes.

ing boines
genera in the Neotropics, Lycodontinae: 79 genera, about 285

two in Madagascar, one in New Guinea and species. These rear-fanged snakes are distrib-
islands in the southwest Pacific. Presently the uted primarily in the African and Oriental
family is widespread in tropical South Amer- regions and peripherally in northern Australia
ica and especially diverse in Amazonia. and the Palearctic Region.
Aniliidae. —These
problematic fossorial 3. 74 genera, about 440 spe-
snakes have a long history in northern conti- cies.Widespread in the Holarctic Region,
nents, dating from the Middle Cretaceous in some genera occur in the Ethiopian and Ori-

ental regions, and two genera reach Australia. vaded Central America, and some of
New World; them may have waifed to South Amer-
Thirty-two genera occur in the
South America, but only ica before the closure of the Pana-
of these, 12 are in
one of those (Drymoluber) does not occur in manian Portal in the late Pliocene.
Central America. Most of the colubrines in 5. With the closure of the Panamanian
South America Dendrophidion, Portal in the late Pliocene there was
Dn/marchon, Drymobius, Drymoluber, Lep- an interchange of South American
Masticophis, Mastigodryas, Spilotes) xenodontines northwards and Middle
are diurnal racer-like snakes that are terres- American colubrines and xenodontines
trial or arboreal. southward.
4. Natricinae: 34 genera, about 170 spe- 6. Natricines never have extended farther
cies (excluding from the Natricinae the Old south than Central America.
World snakes more appropriately referred to 7. The West Indian colubrid fauna is com-
Acrochordidae and Homalopsinae). The na- posed of xenodontines derived either
tricines are widely distributed in the Holand- from Central or South America (some
ric and Oriental regions, with a few represen- widespread colubrine species are recent
tatives in Africa and one in northern Aus- immigrants into the Lesser Antilles ) .

tralia. Nine genera of natricines occur in —

Micruridae. Formerly associated with
North America, with Thamnophis extending the Elapidae, micrurids have been shown to
to Costa Rica. be an independently derived group from Ela-
Even if these subfamilial groups are mon- pomorphus-Apostolepis xenodontines in South
ophyletic, the historical biogeography
of the America (Savitzky, 1978). An upper Miocene
colubrids still remains shrouded. It is evident fossil from Nebraska (Holman, 1977), to-
from the distributions of the subfamilies that gether with the presence of Micruroides and
centers of dispersal (and perhaps of origin) numerous species of Micrurus in Central
can be ascertained, but ancestors cannot. Ap- America, suggestive of dispersal of micru-
in South
parently the xenodontines evolved rids Central America in the Cenozoic
America and the lycodontines in the African- with additional interchange after the closure
Indian-Asian Arc and had corresponding par- of the Panamanian Portal. Micrurus has 27
allel radiations in the New World and Old endemic species in South America and ranges
World, respectively. Colubrines and natri- throughout the lowlands and moderate eleva-
cines probably are Holarctic in origin. If tions south to northern Patagonia; the mono-
these truly are the centers of origin and dis- typic Leptomicrurus is restricted to Amazonia.
persal, it is possible to make
some reasonable —
Viperidae. Although the vipers are pri-
generalizations about the South
marily an Old World group, which apparently
colubrid fauna. originated in the Palearctic Region (Marx
1. Although colubrids are known from and Rabb, 1965), one lineage the crotaline —
the Eocene (Rage, 1975a,b), they be- —
vipers may have evolved in
the Oriental Re-
came dominant in the upper Miocene gion and dispersed via Beringia to North

(Holman, 1976), when they first ap- America (Burger, 1971). The earliest North
pear in South America (Baez
and American fossil crotalines are of Miocene age
Gasparini, this volume). (Holman, 1977). The presence of the pre-
2. Xenodontines evolved in South Amer- sumably primitive crotaline Lachesis muta in
ica, where they are the dominant snakes northwestern South America and lower Cen-
today and the only colubrids in the tral America suggests that the crotaline vipers
southern part of the continent. entered South America after the establishment
3. Some xenodontine snakes were present of the isthmian link. On the other hand,
in Middle America in the Cenozoic; the presence of many species of Bothrops
these differentiated, and some of them throughout South America as far south as
Patagonia, as well as many different species
dispersed as far as northeastern North
America. in Middle America, is suggestive of an earlier
4. Colubrine stocks in North America in- dispersal into South America. Bothrops is

known as a fossil in South America only from —

nents Leptodactylidae (only one genus with
the Pleistocene of Bolivia. The presence of three species in Africa), Ranidae (only one
Bothrops in the West Indies attests to their species each in South America and Australia),
abilities of over-water dispersal. Crotalus cer- and Microhylidae (only two genera with seven
tainly is a post-Pliocene immigrant into South species in Australia). Two additional families
America, where it has spread throughout non- are shared by South America and Africa (Pi-
forested tropical areas. pidae and Bufonidae) and one (Hylidae) by

Crocodylidae. Present distributions and South America and Australia. Among the
fossil records indicate that the alligatorines nonmarine reptiles, six families are common
and Crocodyhts entered South America from to the three continents —Crocodylidae, Gek-
the north ( Sill, 1968; Baez and Gasparini, this konidae, Scincidae (only one genus with eight
volume), although Paleocene crocodylines in species in South America), Typhlopidae, Boi-
South America are suggestive of possible Afri- dae, Colubridae (only four genera with six
can derivation. Likewise, the presence of species in Australia). Five additional families
gavial-like crocodilians in South American
de- are shared by Africa and South America (Pe-
posits (Baez and Gasparini, this volume) im- lomedusidae, Testudinidae, Amphisbaenidae,
plicates at least the early crocodilians in a Leptotyphlopidae, and Viperidae). Three
Gondwanan distribution. Possibly the croco- other families are shared by Africa and Aus-
dilians presently living in South America were tralia (Agamidae, Varanidae, Elapidae),
derived from North American stocks, whereas whereas only one other (Chelidae) is shared
the ancient Gondwanan crocodilians are ex- by South America and Australia. Faunal re-
tinct in South America. Obviously, entry of semblance factors (Duellman, 1966) at the
crocodilians into South America from the family level are highest between Africa and
north prior to the formation of the isthmian Australia (0.56), followed by Africa and
link was facilitated by their abilities at tra- South America (0.54) and Australia and
versing open water. Only Caiman is wide- South America (0.40). South America has
five endemic families of amphibians plus two
spread throughout the tropical lowlands of
South America; Crocodijlus is restricted to others that have dispersed only to lower Cen-
the northern part of the continent (one spe- tral America, but no endemic families of

cies endemic to the llanos). The other two reptiles. Africa has one endemic family of
lizards (Cordylidae), one of caecilians (Sco-
genera (Melanosuchus and Paleosnchus) are
in western Amazonia. lecomorphidae), and one of frogs that has
dispersed to Madagascar and the Seychelles
Islands ( Hyperoliidae Australia has no en-

EXTRA-CONTINENTAL RELATIONSHIPS demic families, but the Pygopodidae is shared

only with New Guinea.
Elsewhere volume detailed com-
in this Examination of the amount of taxonomic
parisons of the origins of the African and diversity in anurans and lizards on each conti-
Australian herpetofaunas with respect to that nent reveals that the South American anuran
of South America have been made by Lau- fauna is much more diverse than that on the
rentand Tyler, respectively. In this section I other continents but that Africa has the most
compare the compositions and taxonomic di- species of lizards.- Analyses of diversity in-
versities of those three faunas. Furthermore, '
Data for Australia were gathered primarily from
I provide a discussion of the herpetofaunal
Cogger ( 1975); for African lizards chiefly from Mer-
relationships between South America and tens (1963, 1966), Wermuth (1965, 1967, 1968),
North America and between South America and Greer (1970, 1974); for African frogs and
and the West Indies. South American frogs and lizards from my personal
compilations. Owing to the absence of modern com-
prehensive works on African snakes, a complete com-
Herpetofaunas of Gondwanan Continents pazine analysis of snakes was not attempted. South
America has 9 families, 96 genera, and 556 species
South America contains 37 living families
of snakes, compared with 4 families, 36 genera, and
of amphibians and reptiles, Africa 26, and 104 species of nonmarine snakes in Australia. The
Australia 17. Among the amphibians only species/area values for snakes are 31.2
for South
three families are shared by the three conti- America and 13.5 for Australia.

eluded the differentiation of genera and spe- Table 1:6. —Taxonomic Diversity of Anurans and
cies on each continent and the numbers of
Lizards on Gondwanan Continents.

species per unit area (Table 1:6).

The taxonomic diversity among South
American frogs is extremely high in two fami-

lies Leptodactylidae and Hylidae; these con-
tain 64 percent of the genera and 73 percent
of the species of South American frogs. These
same two families are the dominant compo-
nents of the Australian amphibian fauna, ac-
counting for 88 percent of the genera and 95
percent of the species. The dominant African
families are Bufonidae and Ranidae, together
accounting for 44 percent of the genera and
73 percent of the species.
In South America the dominant families of
lizards are the Iguanidae and Teiidae (com-
bined, 77% of genera, 83% of species). In
Australia the Scincidae alone accounts for 37
percent of the genera and 54 percent of the
species,whereas the Gekkonidae and Agami-
dae are secondary (combined 48% of the gen-
era, 32% of species). Gekkonids and scincids
are the most diverse African families (60% of
genera, 56% of species) followed by cordylids
and lacertids ( 35% of genera, 28% of species ) .

The presence or absence of families on the

three continents relates primarily to historical
factors, whereas the diversity within families
may be dependent upon the amount of time
that the family has occupied the continent or
perhaps also the size of the area. Further-
more, ecological factors may be extremely
important in the evolutionary diversity of a
family provided that the family has been
established on the continent for a sufficient
period of time.There is no easy or objective
way measure habitat diversity within and
between the three continents.
One method is to compare the sizes of the
continents with respect to taxonomic diver-
sity. Africa is by far the largest of the con-
(30,264,000 km ) followed by South
(17,793,000 km )
America and Australia
(7,687,000 km ). Analyses of numbers of

species per unit area show that South Amer-

ica has an excessive number of frogs and
Australia an excessive number of lizards; all
other values are negative (Table 1:6).
Lizards usually are most diverse and nu-
merous in xeric areas, and the vast majority of
Australia is xeric. Likewise, most of Africa is
arid, and this is reflected in the large number
of lizards (506 species) on that continent.

sive in South America than in Australia, and Antilles, existed between nuclear Central

especially, in Africa. In South

America these America and South America in the Cretaceous
forests support rich, localized anuran faunas. and Early Tertiary (Holden and Dietz, 1972;
The comparative herpetofaunal diversity Malfait and Dinkelman, 1972); this arc moved
in the threeGondwanan continents first is the eastward, relative to the westward drift of the
American continents, through the Tertiary
result of historical components that were ei-

ther present on the continents when they

and formed the present Lesser Antilles. The
were formed or emigrated there after the region of lower Central America (Costa Rica
continents became discrete units. However, and Panama), or the isthmian link, formed as
a volcanic archipelago in the Oligocene; addi-
the taxonomic diversity is primarily a factor
tional land emerged, and the archipelago co-
of habitat diversity. In comparison with the
alesced with nuclear Central America 10-12
other continents, South America offers a much
and with South America about
more diverse landscape, climate, and vegeta- m.y.b.p. finally
5.7 m.y.b.p.
tion. The cool temperate rainforests, Patagon-
ian steppes, and high Andean punas and During the late Mesozoic (

paramos stand in marked contrast to the m.y.b.p.) South America had direct land con-
nections with Africa (Grant, 1971; Reyment
pampas, llanos, caatinga, and Atacama Desert,
which harbor distinctly different bi-
in turn and Tait, 1972; Larson and Ladd, 1973) and
otas than do the lowland and montane rain- with Australia via Antarctica until the Eocene
forests. or Oligocene («50 m.y.b.p.) (McGowran,
1973; Veevers and McElhinny, 1976).

Herpetofaunal Comparisons of Throughout the Cenozoic until the late Plio-

cene (5.7 m.y.b.p.) there was no land con-
North and South America
nection with North and Central America.
has been nearly half a century since
It Thus, for about 45 million years South Amer-
Dunn's (1931) then classic essay on the ica was isolated from other continents. How-
herpetofauna of the Americas; Dunn's ap- ever, the island arc ( proto- Antilles )
in the
proach was entirely on Matthew's
based Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary and the
(1915) hypothesis of northern origin and Central American Archipelago in the Middle
southward dispersal of mammalian orders. to Late Tertiary provided opportunities for
Savage (1966) provided a well-documented limited faunal exchange between the conti-
account of the distribution patterns of am- nents.
phibians and reptiles in Central America and Fossil evidence (albeit scanty or non-
emphasized the degree of differentiation and existent for some groups) and present pat-
endemism in that fauna by recognizing a terns of distribution and speciation provide a
Mesoamerican herpetofauna distinct from the basis for analysis of the herpetofaunal inter-
Nearctic and Neotropical faunas. Although
change between Central America and South
the patterns delineated by Savage are realistic,
America (see preceding review of families
the interpretation of the origins and times of
and Savage, 1966). Examination of the family
dispersal can now be modified by new paleon-
groups of amphibians and reptiles that have
tological and geomorphological information. entered into the exchange (Table 1:7) shows
Of primary importance to a biogeographic- two modes of entry. The first is by means of
al analysis of the Central-South American re-
dispersal across one of two archipelagos the —
gion is the history of the connection of the two early proto-Antillean island arc or the later
major continental masses. According to Dietz Central American Archipelago. The second is
and Holden (1970), after the initial breakup
by direct dispersal after the establishment of
of Pangaea in the Early Jurassic ( =T80
the isthmian link.
m.y.b.p. ) there was no direct land connection
between North America and South America My analysis shows no amphibians entering
until the Late Tertiary, although the positions South America from the north via the archi-
of the two continents converged beginning in pelago but five amphibian family groups dis-

the mid-Cretaceous. An island arc, the proto- persing northward via the island route. Pre-

Table 1:7. —
Postulated Herpetofaunal Exchange Be- America but known from the Paleocene-Oli-
tween South America and Central America. gocene of North America.
Across Via
Reptilian dispersal via the islands appar-
Family Panamanian Isthmian
Link ently was much more extensive than that of
group Portal
the amphibians. Probable dispersers via the
N^SS ->~N N -> S S -> N
— — + proto-Antillean island arc are primitive igua-
— — ~ nid lizards ( south to north ) and anguid lizards
— + +? + (north to south). Dispersal via the Middle to
— — — + Late Tertiary Central American Archipelago
Bufonidae — — + + included testudinids, iguanines, crocodylids,
Dendrobatidae — — — +
— and perhaps some colubrines and crotalines
Phyllomedusinae + + +
— — — + (
all north to south ) and gekkonines, anolines,

— — — + teiids, leptotyphlopids, typhlopids, xenodon-
— + + + tines, and perhaps sphaerodactylines and mi-
Centrolenidae — — — + crurids (all south to north). The iguanine
Ranidae — — + —
— — + dispersal is postulated for the migration of
Microhylidae +
— + + + an Ambhjrhynchus-Conolophus stock to the
Kinostemidae — — + — Galapagos Islands from the South American
— — + — mainland, but possibly this stock waifed di-
+ — — —
— — rectly from Central America ( Avery and Tan-
Gekkoninae + + ner, 1971). Colubrine southward dispersal
— + + +
— + — — probably was late in the history of the archi-
Iguanidae (primitive)
Iguanines + — + — pelago, if indeed these snakes did enter South

Basihscines — — + — America prior to the isthmian link. The evo-

Anolines — + + + lution of the alpha and beta groups of Anolis
Teiidae — + + + north and south of the isthmus bespeaks the
Scincidae — — — +
+ — + ~ separation of the two groups on the two land
— — — + masses (Etheridge, 1959; Savage, 1966). Pos-
— — — + sibly crocodilians and gekkonines also dis-

— + — — persed via the proto-Antillean island arc.
— + — —
— — — Overland dispersal after the establishment
Tropidophiidae +
— of the isthmian link involved more northward
Xenodontinae + + +
Colubrinae +? + +? than southward dispersal by amphibians, but
Micruridae — +? +? + it did permit entry into South America for the

Crotalinae +? - + +? first time of plethodontid salamanders (2 gen-

Crocodylidae + — + +
era) and ranid frogs (1 species), all wide-
spread taxa in Central America. Other groups
sumably all of these (Eleutherodactylini, moving southward were some phyllomedusine
Phyllomedusinae, Hylinae, Microhylidae, and perhaps some eleutherodactyline frogs
Caeciliidae ) dispersed northward via the Cen- that were part of the Mesoamerican fauna
tral American Archipelago, which emerged evolved from South American stocks that
in the Oligocene. However, the Hylinae may earlier had invaded Central America. Also,
have dispersed earlier via the proto-Antilles, a member of the Bufo valliceps group (B.
for hyline frogs are known from the Oligocene coniferus) invaded South America. The north-
in North America, have had an extensive radi- ern infusion of South American taxa includes
ation in North America and nuclear Central some groups that have speciated (S) and/or
America, and have dispersed into Eurasia dispersed widely (D) in Central America

(presumably via Reringia). Also, it is pos- Eleutherodactylus (SD), Leptodactylus
sible that a proto-pipid frog entered North (SD), Physalaemus (D), Bufo marinus (D),
America via the proto-Antillean arc; this frog Hyla ebraccata (D) and microcephalia (SD)
could be the ancestor of the Rhinophrynidae groups, and Centrolcnella (SD). Most of the
now restricted to Mexico and nuclear Central other South American amphibians have dis-

persed only into lower Central America and South American herpeto-
to a discussion of the

have not speciated there Pipa (eastern Pan- fauna, it is germane to this essay to ascertain
ama); Pleurodema, Bufo typhonius, Elachis- the herpetofaunal relationships of the two
tocleis,Relictivomer, Caecilia, and Oscaecilia regions inasmuch as many genera and some
(central Panama); Hemiphractus and Gastro- species are common to the two. The history
theca (western Panama); Glossostoma (Costa of the Caribbean Plate and the tectonic move-

Rica); and Bufo haematiticus (Nicaragua). ments in the Antillean-Caribbean region have
The South American Phyllomedusa buckleiji not been resolved, but Rosen (1975) sum-
group has a species endemic to lower Central marized (and extended) the existing geologi-
America (Duellman, 1970). All three genera cal data and proposed a plausible vicariance
of South American dendrobatids occur in low- model of Caribbean biogeography.
er Central America; each has undergone some Excluding introduced taxa, the herpeto-
speciation (Savage, 1968). The Atelopus vari- fauna of the West Indies ( not including Trini-
us group has invaded Central America (to dad, Tobago, Bonaire, Aruba, and Curacao)
Costa Rica) and has undergone a bewilder- consists of 505 species in 57 genera ( Schwartz

ing diversification (Savage, 1972). and Thomas, 1975 ) 476 of the species and 18

Late Tertiary and Quaternary overland of the genera are endemic to the West Indies.

dispersal amongst reptiles also was extensive. Schwartz ( 1978 ) gave a brief description of
Southward dispersal brought chelydrid and the herpetogeography of the West Indies.
kinosternid turtles, basiliscine lizards, and Twenty-two genera of reptiles are primar-
possibly colubrine and crotaline snakes into ily mainland taxa having one or two species
South America for the first time, whereas si- extending into the West Indies. Fifteen of
these are South American taxa that extend
multaneously the first Mabuija, Amphisbaena,
and anomalepid and tropidophiid snakes into the Lesser Antilles —
Phyllodactylus (also
reached Central America. Mesoamerican Greater Antilles), Thecadactylus, Iguana, Ba-
groups originally derived from South Amer- chia, Cnemidophorus, Gymnophthabnus, Kcn-
ican stocks (beta anoles, Cnemidophorus, and tropyx, Mabuya (also Greater Antilles), Boa,
many xendodontine snakes) dispersed into CoraUus, Chironius, Clelia, Mastigodryas,
South America. Many South American taxa Pseudoboa, and Bothrops. Five are Central
(Thecadactylus, alpha anoles, Ameiva, micro-
American taxa that extend into the Greater
teiids, and xenodontine and micrurid snakes) Antilles —
Gonatodes, Tretanorhinus, and
moved northward. Ctenosaura, Boa, and Coniophanes only reach-
The herpetofauna of eastern Panama con- ing Isla San Andres and/or Isla Providencia.
Three are North American taxa that reach
tains many genera that are chiefly South
American —Pipa, Hemi-

Cuba Natrix fasciata, Kinosternon bauri, and
phractus, Gastrotheca, Elachistocleis, Caeci- Crocodylus acutus; the latter also has in-
vaded the Lesser Antilles from South Amer-
lia,Geochelone, Lepidoblepharis, Enyalioides,
ica, and there is an endemic species of Croco-
Echinosaura, Amphisbaena, CoraUus, Trachy-
boa, Atractus, Diaphorolepis, and Pseudoboa. dylus on Cuba. The geckos Tarentola and
The herpetofauna of the Chocoan lowlands Hemidactylus may have arrived by waifing
of northwestern South America contains many
from any one of many sources, although the
other species of Tarentola are circum-Medi-
species that are familiar to the herpetologist
terranean. Two of the Leptodactylus and one
working in lower Central America, whereas
each of Eleuthcrodactylus and Hyla are main-
the fauna in the Amazon Basin is greatly dif-
land species. The five west Indian Chrysemys
ferent (at least at the species level); com-
pare data given by Savage (1966) with those probably stem from an invasion from North
presented by Lynch (
this volume ) and Dixon
Among the endemic or taxonomically rich
(this volume).
genera in the West Indies, the hylid genera
(Calyptaliyla, Osteopilas, and Hyla) were
Herpetofauna of the West Indies
studied by Trueb and Tyler (1974), who in-
Although the West Indies are peripheral ferred five invasions of the Greater Antilles

by separate hylid stocks, probably from South from an early sphaerodactyline invasion; if so,
America by rafting; however, it is possible the few mainland species (Central America
that the stocks for some of these were on the and Choco) are the result of dispersal of
stocks back to the mainland.
proto-Antilles and drifted part of the way
their present positions. The same might be All of the colubrid snakes ( save the North
true for the monotypic Cuban eleutherodac- American Natrix fasciata) in the West Indies
tyline Sminthillus and some of
the West In- are xenodontines. (1970) demon-
dian stocks of Eleutherodactylus. Lynch strated relationships the seven endemic
(1971) suggested that most of the West In- genera and Alsophis with diverse mainland
dian Eleutherodactylus, plus Sminthillus and xenodontines and concluded that four sepa-
the Mexican Syrrhophus and Tomodactylus rate xenodontine invasions of the West Indies
possibly represented one eleutherodactyline from either Central or South America were
lineage and that the Eleutherodactylus inop- necessary in the evolution of the West Indian
tatus group of Hispaniola and the mainland xenodontines. Presumably the tropidophiid
Eleutherodactylus formed another lineage. If stock that gave rise to the 12 species of Tropi-
these suppositions are correct, minimally two dophis in the Greater Antilles and the Ba-
eleutherodactyline invasions of the West In- hamas came from South America, perhaps via
dies are required. The nine Greater Antillean Central America.
Bufo seem to be related (Schwartz, 1972), Too little is known about the relationships
but their affinities with mainland taxa have of the Antillean Aristeltiger, amphisbaenids,
yet to be determined. Leptotyphlops, and Typhlops to speculate on
Amongst the lizards, the dominant genus their origins, except that it is unlikely that
is Anolis, represented by two groups of spe-
they invaded from North America.
cies (alpha and beta, fide Etheridge, 1959),
plustwo endemic genera (Chamaeleolis and
Chamaelinorops in Cuba and Hispaniola, re- CONTINENTAL PATTERNS
spectively). The alpha anoles inhabit the OF DISTRIBUTION
Greater and Lesser Antilles and are wide-
spread in South America, whereas the beta It is becoming increasingly evident that
anoles occur in Central and South America the patterns of climate and vegetation have
and the Greater Antilles. Williams ( 1969 and changed drastically in South America since
in Trueb and Tyler, 1974 ) required minimally the beginning of the Cretaceous. Axelrod
two invasions of the Greater Antilles by Anolis (
1972 ) argued convincingly that the interior
and two for the endemic genera. Cyclura is of the large African-American continent was
related to Ctenosaura of Middle America arid prior to the birth of the South Atlantic
(Avery and Tanner, 1971); the ancestral stock Ocean, which brought maritime and mesic
of Cyclura presumably arrived in the Greater climates to western Africa and eastern South
Antilles from Central America. This also America for the first time. Some elements of
probably is true for the ancestral xantusiid the arid-adapted west Gondwanan flora sur-
stock that gave rise to Cricosaura endemic to vived in South America (and Africa) (Sol-
Cuba (Savage, 1963) and that of Diploglossus brig, 1976; Sarmiento, 1976), while much of
represented by some Central American and the continentwas mesic. Subsequent to the
many West Indian species. Possibly an earlier Eocene, temperate South America gradually
or separate invasion was responsible for the became cooler and drier Axelrod and Bailey,

endemic Hispaniolan Wetnwrena.

anguid 1969; Wolfe, 1971; Baez and Scillato Yane,
Two of the speciose Antillean genera seem this volume). The uplift of the Andes begin-
to be of South American origin Ameiva— ning in the Miocene drastically modified wind
and Leiocephalus. Etheridge 1966 ) showed
( patterns and resulted in great changes in cli-
Leiocephalus to be a tropidurine related to mate and vegetation (Simpson, this volume),
Liolacmus temperate South
(restricted to and the formerly widespread Tertiary-Chaco
America). Sphaerodactylus, with 56 species Paleoflora (Solbrig, 1976) became fragmented
in the West Indies, may have evolved there on the Pacific slopes as the climatic effects of

the developing Humboldt Current resulted in instead I present a general picture of the di-
desiccation of the land in the Late Tertiary verse distribution patterns and give examples
of each.
(Jeannel, 1967). Pleistocene climatic fluctua-
tion effected the entire continent with cool
and warm periods in the south (Baez and Temperate Herpetofaunas
Scillato Yane, this volume), humid and dry —
Austral Forests. The cool, moist forests of
periods in the lowland tropics (Haffer, this
southern Chile and adjacent Argentina repre-
volume ) and extensive glaciation in the Andes
sent an unique biotope in South America,
(Simpson, this volume). characterized by a highly endemic herpeto-
Although the fossil record of the herpeto- fauna composed mostly of primitive lepto-
fauna in South America is still fragmentary,
sufficient material exists, when dactylid frogs ( Alsodes, Batrachyla, Caudi-
verbera, Eupsophus, Hylorina, Tehnatobufo)
placed with the better data from mammals
and the paleofloras, to give a faint impression mostly restricted to forests south of 37°S Lat
of past distributions, especially in the southern (Fig. 1:2A). The distributions of all of the
mapped by Formas
species are this volume ) .

part of the continent (Baez and Gasparini,


The herpetofauna of the austral forests mostly

this volume). It is evident that there has been
is relictual and presumably consists (at least
a northward retreat of the tropical biota, espe-
in amphibians) of remnants of groups that
cially those types requiring mesic environ-
were widespread in temperate South America
ments. Conceivably much of the present arid-
in the Early Tertiary. With few minor excep-
adapted temperate heqietofauna has evolved tions (Bufo spinidosus, Tachymenis peruvi-
rather recently in response to increasingly
xeric conditions, as postulated for xeric floras ana), none of the species extends beyond the
present limits of the region, but some species
by Axelrod ( 1967 ) Thus, the archaic frogs

of Liolaemus and Pleurodema have congeners

in the austral forests are relicts, like the forests
in adjacent regions. The Atacama Desert to
themselves Vuilleumier, 1968; Lynch, 1971).
the north and the Patagonian steppe to the
The record is especially secretive
east are effective barriers to the dispersal of
about the presently large and diverse herpeto-
fauna of the tropical forests. Presumably most groups inhabiting the austral forests.
of this fauna evolved at the generic level by

Patagonian Steppe. The cool, dry steppes
of southern Argentina interdigitate in the
the mid-Tertiary, or at least by the Pliocene.
north with the monte ( Cei, this volume ) The
Endemic Andean groups apparently evolved .

with the uplift of the Andes and probably are Patagonian herpetofauna contains some an-
cient relicts ( telmatobiine leptodactylid frogs
not older than the Pliocene. Speciation in
and some tropidurine iguanid lizards) but
many lowland tropical groups (Haffer, 1974,
also many species of Liolaemus that have dif-
this volume) and Andean groups (Simpson,
ferentiated in the Pleistocene (Cei, this vol-
1975, this volume; Duellman, this volume)
seems to have occurred in the Pleistocene. ume). Some Patagonian groups have relatives
in the adjacent monte and the pampas, or in
Thus, we are faced with
contrasting pic-
tures —presumed recent speciation and appar- the austral forests, but the major latitudinal
expansion has been northward in the Andes,
ently rapid evolutionary rates in the lowland
best exemplified by Liolaemus (Fig. 1:2B).
tropics and in the Andes, as well as in some
temperate groups adapted to xeric conditions, Tropical and Subtropical Herpetofaunas
versus the survival of many old taxa in habitat
refugia in the austral forests and also in the Herein distinction is made between two
ancient Brasilian and Guianan highlands primary biotopes, as follow: 1) Forests

(Hoogmoed, this volume). tropical evergreen forests, including rainforest
Various contributors to this volume have and cloud forest, and 2) Nonforests the de- —
analyzed distributions within certain regions ciduous, scrub or thorn forests, and savannas,
(e.g., Patagonia) or biotopes (e.g., lowland grasslands and deserts. Although each of
tropical rainforests); here I attempt to provide these categories, especially the latter, contains
a broad synthesis of patterns in the entire diverse vegetation formations, they seem to
continent. Data for many groups and/or re- have reality with respect to major patterns of
gions are inadequate for a detailed analysis; distribution of the herpetofauna.

Fig. 1:2. Distribution patterns of the South American herpetofauna: A. Batrachyla in austral forests (black);
Centrolcnclla principally in cloud forests but also entering lowland tropical rainforest (stippled). B. Liolac-
mus, an austral group entering adjacent subtropical areas and extending northward in the Andes (stippled);
Pleurodema brachijops, widespread in nonforests in northern South America (black). C. Hyla parviceps
group with vicariant species in lowland rainforests; three species are in the Amazon Basin and one each in the
other areas (stippled); Phyllopezus with disjunct populations in nonforested areas of the caatinga, cerrados, and
pampas (black) (after Vanzolini, 1974). D. Osteocephalus with species on Andean and Guianan slopes and
others in lowland rainforests. E. Tropidurus with species inhabiting diverse nonforested environments through-
out tropical South America and the Galapagos Islands. F. Pleurodema, a temperate South American genus with
vicariant species in the Andes and in nonforested environments to Panama.
Patrones de distribution de la herpetofauna sudamericana. A. Batrachyla en los bosques australes (negro);
Centrolenella principahncnte en bosques neblinos pero tambien entra las tierras bajas de la selva lluviosa tropical
(punteado). B. Liolaemus, un grupo austral entra los areas subtropicales adyacentes y se extende hacia el
norte en los Andes (punteado); Pleurodema brachyops diseminado en ambientes no forestales en el norte de Sud-
america (negro). C. Hyla parviceps con especies vicarias en las tierras bajas del bosque lluvioso, tres especies
en la Amazonia y una especie en cada una de los otros areas (punteado); Phyllopezus poblaciones disjuntas en
areas sin bosque de caatinga, cerrado y pampas (segun Vanzolini, 1974) (negro). D.
Osteocephalus con espe-
cies en las laderas andinas y guianense y otras especies en las tierras bajas del
bosque pluvial. E. Tropidurus
con especies habitando diversos ambientes no forestales atraves de Sudamerica tropical y las Islas Galapagos.
F. Pleurodema, un genero de la region templada de Sudamerica con especies vicarias en los Andes y en ambi-
entes no forestales hasta Panama.

Forests. —
The vast Amazonian rainforests and east of the Amazon Basin are the dry
and the smaller areas of rainforest in the areas of northeastern Brasil (Caatinga), the
Choco and along the southeastern coast of interior savannas (cerrados), and the Gran
Brasil contain the richest herpetofaunas in Chaco. Subtropical, cis-Andean, nonforests
South America (Lynch, this volume; Dixon, include the pampas, espinal, and monte in

this volume). Especially diverse in these for- Argentina; west of the Andes are the matorral
ests are dendrobatid and hylid frogs, anoline and the Atacama Desert (Fig. 1:1).
and teiid lizards, and xenodontine colubrid Distributions of many species of plants
snakes. The herpetofaunas of the montane and animals indicate that various combina-
rainforests or cloud forests in the Andes, Gui- tions of these nonforest environments were
ana Highlands, and the Brasilian Highlands continuous with one another in the not-too-
are primarily altitudinal extensions of the distant past. Pleistocene climatic fluctuations
lowland groups (Hoogmoed, this volume; resulted in drier periods ( interglacials ) that
Duellman, this volume). However, in the allowed for expansion of the nonforests ( Haf-
montane forests, certain groups are either en- fer, 1974; Vanzolini, 1976). Gallardo (1969,
demic or far more diverse than in the low- 1971, this volume) emphasized the faunal re-

lands frogs of the families Centrolenidae lationships among the chaco, pampas and
(Fig. 1:2A), Dendrobatidae (Colostethus), monte, and Vanzolini (1968, 1974, 1976)
and Leptodactylidae (Eleutherodactylus) demonstrated distribution patterns in the cer-
and salamanders of the genus Bolitoglossa rados and caatinga. The herpetofaunal rela-
(Andes only). tionships among the coastal deserts, llanos
Distribution patterns are highly variable and savannas of northeastern South America
(see Duellman, 1978, Fig. 197, for examples are analyzed by Rivero-Blanco and Dixon
of Amazonian distributions). A few wide- (thisvolume) and Hoogmoed (this volume).
spread species, such as Boa constrictor, in- The trans-Andean area consists of a nar-
habit all of the lowland forests, but these row coastal strip and Andean slopes to 2000-
species usually also inhabit intervening non- 3000 m, 1-37°S Lat. The dry upper Maranon
forest areas. More commonly, vicariant spe-
Valley and associated valleys in the Huanca-
cies occur in the different areas of rainforest bamba Depression are separated from the
(Fig. 1:2C). Widespread and speciose gen- trans-Andean arid zone by passes at less than
era,such as Eleutherodactylus, Hyla, and An- 3000 m. The coastal deserts and matorral
olis, are found throughout the lowland and have a small, but largely endemic, herpeto-
montane forests, but usually there are distinct fauna including three endemic genera of liz-
combinations of species at different elevations, ards —Garthia (2 species), Callopistes (2)
as shown for Eleutherodactylus by Lynch and Dicrodon The dominant groups are
and Duellman (1979). These patterns are two genera of Tropidurus Dixon and
lizards, (

more readily discernible in smaller genera, Wright, and Phylhdactylus (Dixon

such as Osteocephalus (3 Amazonian species, and Huey, 1970), both of which have repre-
1 Guianan, 2 Andean, and 1 coastal Brasilian; sentatives in the dry valleys east of the Andes
Fig. 1:2D) or Enyalioicles (2 Amazonian spe- and on the Galapagos Islands. For much of
cies, 2 Chocoan, and 3 Andean). the length of the coastal desert in northern
The differentiation of populations in Qua- Chile and southern Peni, the entire herpeto-
ternary forest refugia (Haffer, 1969, 1974) fauna composed of solely two species of
has been postulated for lizards (Vanzolini
Tropidurus and one of Phyllodactylus.
and Williams, 1970), frogs (Duellman, 1972;
The Humboldt Current sweeps the coast
Heyer, 1973; Duellman and Crump, 1974) of Chile and Peru and swings westward past
and snakes (Dixon, this volume).

Nonforests. The tropical and subtropical
the Galapagos Islands, 600 km off the coast of

nonforested biotopes are more extensive, di- Ecuador. This current has been important in
verse and fragmented than the forests. In rafting stocks of Atacaman reptiles Tropi-

northern South America are the coastal des- durus, Alsophis (=Dromi-
erts, savannas, and the extensive llanos; south cus)
the Galapagos.

Several patterns of distribution are evi- FUTURE OF THE HERPETOFAUNA

dent in the nonforested regions. Some species,
such as Pleitrodcma brachyops and Phimophis I have attempted to interpret the past and
guianensis, are widespread in the northern to describe the present; now I provide a prog-

regions (Fig. 1:2B), whereas others are re- nosis for the study of the South American
stricted to the coastal deserts or llanos. Some herpetofauna. South America has the richest
ceratophryine frogs, some snakes, and several herpetofauna of any continent, but the fauna
lizards have series of populations, subspecies is still poorly known taxonomically. Our
from the caatinga south-
or species distributed knowledge of systematic and ecological rela-
westward in the cerrados to the chaco or even tionships is even less. Human devastation of
into the monte or pampas (Fig. 1:2C). Such vast areas of forest that a few years ago were
open habitats obviously were continuous, or unexplored is eliminating forever important,
nearly the past so as to permit the dis-
so, in and in many cases unknown, aspects of the
persal of such nonforest taxa as Tropidurus, biota. Although biologists have had some in-

Cnemidophorus, and Bufo granulosus (Webb, fluence on the control of this exploitation,
1978 ) . Some of the taxa in the Atacama Des- there is little hope that we can preserve all
ert are not represented east of the Andes, that we may
wish to save. Thus, we are faced
except in the upper Mar anon Valley, but —
with two courses of action salvage collecting
Phyllodactylus also is diverse in northern and preservation of diverse natural preserves.
South America, Middle America, and the Random collecting of the biota, even in
West Indies. Tropidurus widely distributed
reasonably well known areas, commonly re-
in tropical nonforested environments on both sults in new information on distributions, tax-
sides of the Andes (Fig. 1:2E). At least one
onomy, or life histories. However, collecting
temperate group (Pleurodema) has dispersed efforts need to be intensified and planned to
northward in nonforests to northern South sample biota before they are destroyed. In the
America (Duellman and Veloso, 1977) (Fig. case of amphibians and reptiles, efforts must
1:2F). be made to obtain not only series of well-
preserved specimens but also tissues for karyo-
Montane Herpetofaunas
logical and biochemical studies, colored pho-
three major highland regions of South tographs, tape recordings of calls (of frogs),
America —
the ancient Guianan and Brasilian life history data, and extensive notes on habi-
highlands and the young Andes have little — tats and behavior. We
cannot necessarily ex-
in common herpetologically. With few excep- pect that a visit to the same region five or ten
tions, there are no isolated sister groups at years hence, or even next year, will permit
high elevations that do not have relatives at the collection of these data. The collection of
low elevations. Hylid frogs of the genera these kinds of materials and data must be
Cryptobatra chits (northern Andes) and Ste- encouraged and supported at every level inter-
fania (Guiana Highlands) and teiid lizards, nationally. The impending biological crisis
Euspondylus in the same regions, are primary has no national boundaries; responsible and
examples. Hylid frogs of the genera Gastro- effective collectors should be encouraged to
theca and Flectonotus occur in the Andes and make adequate collections throughout the
in the Brasilian Highlands, but some of these continent. Systematic collections under re-
species occur at low to moderate elevations, sponsible direction of trained biologists will
even though at present none lives in the inter- be one of the most important biological re-
vening lowlands. The herpetofaunas of the sources of the future; materials in these col-
highland regions seem to have been derived lections made available internationally to

independently from the adjacent lowlands. In qualified investigators will be the basis for not
the case of the Andes, the fauna is composed only systematic studies but much evolutionary
of a southern assemblage derived from Pata- synthesis.
gonia and a northern assemblage derived from The establishment of large natural reserves
the tropical lowlands (Duellman, this vol- in areas of high species richness and ende-
ume). mism can preserve large segments of the her-

petofauna. However, such reserves should not pielago proveo las veces de filtro entre Norte
be established strictly for conservation pur- y Sur America, el cual fue cruzado en ambas
poses. It is in these reserves that biologists direcciones por algunos grupos. El mayor in-
can undertake long-range studies of communi- tercambio entre las dos faunas se llevo a cabo
ties, population dynamics, behavior, and life una vez fue establecida la conexion entre los
history. The resulting kinds of information dos continentes. Seis familias de anfibios y 15
complement those obtained from salvage col- de reptiles son compartidas por Norte y Sur
lecting and contribute substantially to our America. Ademas cuatro familias de anfibios
totalunderstanding of the biota. y cuatro familias de reptiles sudamericanas
Actions of these kinds are necessary now; tambien se encuentran en Centro America.
a few years hence will be too late for some of Gran parte de la herpetofauna Antillana se
the regions and their herpetofaunas. Without compone de grupos neotropicales, algunos de
such actions the papers assembled in this vol- los cuales invadieron las especialmente
ume will not be the preliminary assessments las islas menores de las Antillas
as intended, but instead they might be the de Sudamerica; otros grupos invadieron las
last word on the South American herpeto- islas desde Centro America.

fauna. De las 37 familias sudamericanas, tres de

anfibios y seis de reptiles son compartidas con
Africa y Australia. Un total de cinco familias
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS de anfibios son compartidas con Africa y cu-
atro familias con Australia. Entre las familias
In the preparation of this paper I have
de reptiles, 11 son comunes con Africa y siete
drawn freely on the manuscripts submitted by con Australia. De este modo, las relaciones a
other contributors to this volume. I am in-
nivel de familias entre las herpetofaunas son
debted to Richard Etheridge and John D.
mayores entre Sudamerica y Africa que entre
Lynch for some of the data and to Juan Man-
Sudamerica y Australia. La mayor semejanza
uel Renjifo for translating the summary. An existe entre Australia y Africa. Comparado
earlier draft of themanuscript benefited from con los otros continentes que formaban Gond-
critical review by John D. Lynch, Gregory K.
wanalandia, Sudamerica tiene un numero des-
Pregill, Linda Trueb, and Margaret Davies,
proporcionadamente alto de anuros y Aus-
whose austral invectives in the pits decidedly tralia de saurios.
influenced the effectiveness of my writing.
La presencia o ausencia de las familias en
los tres continentes se debe principalmente a
RESUMEN factores historicos, mientras que la diversidad
dentro de las familias depende del tiempo que
La herpetofauna sudamericana se corn- estas hayan estado en el continente, el tamano
del area de este y su diversidad ecologica.
pone de 1,095 especies de anfibios distribuidos
en 115 generos y 15 familias, 1,115 especies de En Sudamerica herpetofauna evoluci-

reptiles en 203 generos y 22 familias (exclu- ono respondiendo a cambios de las condi-

yendo los taxa marinos). De los 318 generos ciones climaticas durante el Cenozoico; apar-
y 2,210 especies, 201 generos y 2,017 especies entemente muchas de las especies que existen
son endemicas de este continente. Entre las actualmente evolucionaron en el Quaternario.
familias de reptiles, no encontramos ninguna Las herpetofaunas de las regiones templadas
endemica en sudamerica; en cambio existen incluyen aquellas encontradas en los bosques
cinco familias endemicas de anfibios. australes y las estepas patagonicas. Los
Durante 4.5-50 millones de aiios la fauna bosques estan restringidos a zonas aisladas,
sudamericana evoluciono aislada del resto de mientras que las estepas se han dispersado
los continentes formaban Gondwanalandia, hasta el monte subtropical adyacente y hacia

solo hasta la relativamente reciente conexion el norte en los Andes.

(5.7 millones de aiios) con Norte America por Las herpetofaunas tropicales y subtropi-
la via del Lstmo de Panama. Antes del estab- cales incluyen aquellas asociadas con bosques
lecimiento de la conexion terrestre, un archi- tropicales siempre verdes y bosques montano-

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2. The South American Herpetofauna:
An Evaluation of the Fossil Record
Ana Maria Baez
Departamento de Geologia
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Univcrsidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zulma B. de Gasparini

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo

Universidad Nacional de La Plata
La Plata, Argentina

The presence
of fossil remains of amphib- in figures 2:4-7. A checklist of the material
ians and reptiles related to living taxa in recorded there and the corresponding litera-
South America has been documented since ture references appear in Appendix 2:1.
the last century. Nevertheless, examination Inspection of the fossil record reveals that
of this literature reveals that in many cases many families comprising the present South
the namesare only mentioned and the ma- American heqoetofauna have a considerable
terialhas not been studied; in many other antiquity in that continent. Their presence,
cases it is evident that a revision is badly and even that of some recent genera, extends
needed. back to the late Mesozoic and early Tertiary
Partial reviews concerning several South (Figs. 2:1-3). Thus, it is essential to con-
American countries have been carried out sider the past changes in the geographical
(Argentina: Pascual, 1970; Pascual and Odre- position of South America and its connections
man Rivas, 1971; Gasparini and Baez, 1975; with other continents, especially from the
Brasil: Paula Couto, 1970; Colombia: Hoff- Middle Mesozoic onward, for those changes
stetter, 1970a; Ecuador: Hoffstetter, 1970b; must have affected distribution patterns.
Peru: 1970c; Uruguay: Mones,
Hoffstetter, According to recent paleomagnetic data
1972; 1975). Also, Baez and Gasparini (1977) (Vilas and Valencio, 1978a), South America
critically examined the Cenozoic record of was part of Gondwanaland, which may have
amphibians and reptiles in that continent and existed up to the Late Jurassic. It was still
analyzed distributional shifts, relating them to joined to Africa during the Early Cretaceous
the Cenozoic environmental changes that oc- (Reyment and Tait, 1972; Douglas, Moullade
curred as a result of different geological and Nairn, 1973; Vilas and Valencio, 1978),
events. while faunal relations with Antarctica-Aus-
In this paper, the available paleontological tralia seem to have been possible up to the
data are summarized in an attempt to evalu- Early Tertiary (Raven and Axelrod, 1975).
ate the information that the fossil record can There is no clear evidence that a direct land

provide about the historical development of connection between North and South America
these groups in South America. The taxo- existed from the Jurassic to the end of the
nomic assignment and the geographic and Tertiary (Malfait and Dinkelman, 1972;
stratigraphic references are sometimes doubt- McKenna, 1973). Nevertheless, a discontin-
ful;questionable referrals are not considered. uous pathway along a chain of volcanic is-
Some recent finds are currently under study, lands could have been established at different
and identification of genera and species is not times (Haffer, 1970; Malfait and Dinkelman,
yet available; thus, only an analysis at the 1972 ) There is no agreement concerning the

family level is possible at present. The main time of final reconnection between both
areas that have yielded fossil amphibians and Americas. Some evidence indicates that the
reptiles referable to modern groups are shown Isthmus of Panama was established during





(Sebecidae) and eusuchian (Alligatoridae, ments and the continuous uplift of that area
Crocodylidae, Gavialidae) crocodilians, throughout the late Cenozoic made the pres-
which is explained by the presence there of ervation of remains unlikely.
an extensive lowland with local swamps and Numerous crocodilian fossils, all referable
lakes (Van Houten and Travis, 1968). All of to the suborder Eusuchia (Alligatoridae, Gav-
the families recorded from those horizons also ialidae, Nettosuchidae and probably Croco-
are represented in older deposits of more dylidae) are recorded in the upper Pliocene
southern latitudes, except gavialid crocodil- of northern Venezuela (Fig. 2:7). The
ians, whose affinities are still uncertain. exhibited by many members of these
tic size

Oligocene localities in central taxa and the appearance of the extant alli-
(Fig. 2:6) have yielded remains of the extant gatorid, Melanosuchus, is noteworthy. The
lepodactylid genera Eupsophus and Caudi- possible presence of trionychid turtles there
verbera, whose presence there was made pos- should be noted. This group is not repre-
sible by the prevalence of more mesic condi- sented in the present fauna of South America,
tions at that time. The oldest known testu- and may have reached the continent from
dinid turtle in South America, a species of the the north.
genus Geochelone related to the living G. In Pliocene times the Rio Parana consti-
chilemis (Auffenberg, 1971), is recorded in tuted, as it does today, an important pathway
the upper Oligocene of Patagonia. for the southward migration of elements of
the subtropical biota. This explains the rec-
Very rich, late Miocene faunas are known
from the upper Magdalena River Valley, Co- ord of alligatorid and gavialid crocodilians in
lombia, where the general environmental con- Pliocene deposits near the city of Parana,
ditions of Oligocene times
did not change Argentina (Fig. 2:7). Among them, Caiman
latirostris and possibly Rhamphostomopsis
significantly, although important tectonic
events took place in the Miocene were already represented Miocene
in the late
faunas of Colombia.
1971). Most of the families present there
have previous records in the continent, the Numerous remains of amphibians and rep-
tiles have been
majority being represented by extant genera reported from horizons of late
or species: Bufo marinus, Podocnemis Pliocene age in Monte Hermoso, Argentina
sa, Tupinambis cf. T. teguixin, Dracaena, Eu- (Fig. 2:7). The presence there of the living
teiidgenus Callopistes is especially significant
nectes, Caiman. Also a turtle, Geochelone
hesterna, closely related to the living G. car- considering its present range, which is on the
bonaria and G. denticulata arid Pacific lowlands of Peru and Chile.
1971) was recorded. The appearance of two
The relatively few Pleistocene sites that
families, Colubridae and Nettosuchidae, in
have yielded amphibians or reptiles are im-
the fossil record is noteworthy. The latter are portant because they document the past pres-
endemic eusuchian crocodilians seemingly re- ence of families that currently inhabit South
stricted to tropical regions from Miocene to America, and that have not been recorded in
Plio-Pleistocene times. older deposits. Among these families are emy-
The southernmost
records of Cenozoic am-
dids, viperids, and amphisbaenids. The Pleis-
tocene records also suggest that significant
phibians or reptiles on the continent come
from early to middle Miocene environmental changes occurred at that time,
deposits of
southern Patagonia (Fig. 2:6). because the distribution of some taxa is incon-
sistent with the
teiids and other lizards, turtles and snakes present distribution of their
have been found there, but all of this ma- habitats. For example, the Pleistocene faun-
ulesfrom Talara, northwestern Peru (Lemon
terial has yet to be restudied. The
post-Mio- and Churcher, 1961; Hoffstetter, 1970c) and
cene history of the Patagonian
herpetofauna from the Santa Elena Peninsula, southwestern
is not documented in the fossil record. The Ecuador (see Appendix 2:1), indicate that
increasing aridity that developed there as a more mesic environments prevailed in those
consequence of the Andean tectonic move- areas in the near past.








AMPHIBIANS the Late Cretaceous of Peru (Sige, 1968), but

that record has not been confirmed. Other

The fossil record of modern amphibian early presumed records outside of South
in South America largely restricted
is America have been discarded or questioned
to anurans. The only known caecilian fossil (Hecht, 1963; Estes, 1964, 1969; Reig, 1968;
is from the late Paleocene of Brasil; this rec- Lynch, 1971; Savage, 1973). Available evi-
ord implies that caecilians are old components dence indicates that the Leptodactylidae, in
No its restricted sense (Lynch, 1973) may have
of the South American herpetofauna.
differentiated in South America from a stock
salamander fossils are known from South
America. associated with temperate forests (Lynch,
1971; Savage, 1973; Heyer, 1975). The pro-
The considerable diversity of anuran
posed relationships to leiopelmatids (Heyer,
groups already present by the early Tertiary
1975) are significant in that the latter inhab-
in South America is noteworthy. Further-
ited Patagonia by Jurassic times (Estes and
more, their phylogenetic relationships and the
Reig, 1973). Leptodactylids must have dis-
fact that some of them were represented by
taxa similar to extant South American genera persed northward early in their history. Wide-
or species indicate that they have had a long spread occurrence of subhumid environments
in middle latitudes in the Late Jurassic and
history there. However, many families
the anuran fauna are un- Early Cretaceous might have been influential
comprise present
known as fossils.
in the development of xeric-adapted types of
leptodactylids (Baez and Gasparini, 1977).
The aquatic frogs of the family Pipidae
Telmatobiine leptodactylids, which represent
now South America and Africa; they
live in
an ancient radiation, are recorded in the Ter-
constitute an ancient, independent lineage.
tiary of Patagonia. The extant genus Caudi-
The earliest pipids are from the Early Creta- verbera appears in early Eocene, early and
ceous of Israel (Nevo, 1968), but their origin late Oligocene, and late Miocene deposits. By
probably extends back into the Jurassic. Un- the early Oligocene two other genera were
questionable pipids occur in the Cretaceous —
present the living Eupsophus and the ex-
and Tertiary of both Africa and South Amer- tinctNeoprocoela; the assignment of Neopro-
ica; strongly suggests that pipids were
coela to this family has been discussed by
components of the Gondwanan fauna. Fur- Tihen (1962, 1972) and Lynch (1971). These
thermore, remains referable to the African records furnish evidence of their former wider
genus Xenopus have been recorded from both distribution east of the Andes, and therefore
continents (Ahl, 1926; Vergnaud-Grazzini, reflect the mesic climate that prevailed in
1966; Broin et al., 1974; Estes, 1975a,b; Baez, those now arid regions (Gasparini and Baez,
1976). The fossil record indicates that differ-
1975). Ceratophryine leptodactylids, which
ent phyletic lines of pipids have existed in
some authors give familial status, are first
South America. The oldest known example recorded in the late Miocene of northern
there is Saltenia ibanezi from the Late Cre-
Patagonia, but they must have originated
taceous of northwestern Argentina. Members much The basic adaptation of this
of the extant genus Xenopus have been re- an arid environment Heyer, 1975 )
group to (

corded in the late Paleocene of Brasil and Ar- could account for the paucity of paleontologi-
gentina. No fossil taxa directly ancestral to cal evidence for its early evolution, because
the living Neotropical Pipinae are known. few fossil-bearing horizons representing those
The Leptodactylidae are another ancient environments are known, particularly in the
component of the South American fauna. The Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary. Remains
oldest known remains unquestionably refer- referable to the extant genus Ceratophrys
able to the family come from late Paleocene (specific allocation undetermined) are known
deposits in Brasil; undescribed taxa close to from the late Pliocene and middle Pleistocene
living genera and perhaps even an extant of Argentina (Baez and Gasparini, 1977).
genus are present there (Estes and Reig, The living C. ornata probably is represented
1973). This group probably is represented in in the late Pliocene of Argentina (Reig, 1958)

and late Pleistocene of Bolivia, and C. aurita tion to the biogeographical history of hylids.
is known from the latest Pleistocene in Brasil Frogs are ancient members of South Amer-
(Lynch, 1971). Records of other leptodac- ican fauna. Pipids, leptodactylids, bufonids
tylids are limited to the living genus Lepto- and hylids are old components and are the
dachjlus from Pleistocene deposits. only frog families represented in the South
The earliest known record of the cosmo- American fossil record. Other groups such as

politan bufonid toads (absent from Australia rhinodermatids and dendrobatids, differenti-
and Madagascar) is from the late Paleocene ated on that continent probably during the
of Brasil. Although this material has not yet Tertiary.On the other hand, ranids are late
been described, the presence of members of immigrants from the north.
living species groups of Bufo has been recog-
nized (Estes and Reig, 1973). This supports
the proposal that bufonids are ancient com- REPTILES
ponents of the South American fauna and that
they could have had a southern origin Pelomedusid turtles presently inhabit
(Lynch, 1971; Reig, 1972; Savage, 1973). No South America, Africa and Madagascar, but
unquestionable bufonids are known in North they were more widely distributed in Late
America prior to the early Miocene (Tihen, Mesozoic and Early Tertiary times (Romer,
1972). Moreover, assignment of specimens of 1966; Gaffney and Zangerl, 1968; Wood, 1970,

Early Tertiary age from Europe to the Bufo- 1976b; Jimenez Fuentes, 1971, 1975; Gaffney,
nidae is highly doubtful; remains referable to 1975). The earliest-known pelomedusids are
the genus Bufo are unknown there before from Early Cretaceous deposits in Africa
the middle Miocene (Tihen, 1972). Different (Broin et al., 1974), and remains of Late
evidence suggests that South America is the Cretaceous age have been reported from
most likely area of origin of Bufo (Blair,
South America, North America, Africa, and
1972). Although sparse, the fossil record in- Europe. The greater proximity of continents
dicates that considerable diversification with- at that time (Smith, Briden and
in that genus took place in South America at 1973), coupled with the presumed marine
least since the Early
Tertiary. Members of
habits of some of these turtles (Wood, 1972,
the marinus group of Bufo have been reported 1976b) could have favored such wide distri-
as far back as the bution. The majority of the South American
late Miocene, although an
earlier differentiation of that group seems fossil pelomedusids that have been described

Tihen are referred to the genus Podocnemis, which

likely. (1972) and Estes and Reig
is still present in South America and Mada-
(1973) considered Neoprocoela to be a mem-
ber of the Bufo calamita group, which is now gascar. The presence of that genus in South
confined to the Old World (also see Gal- America extends back to the Late Cretaceous,
lardo, 1962). at which time the genus was represented by a
The Hylidae is poorly represented in the species, P. elegans, noted as being "strikingly
fossil record. The earliest remains referred to modern in aspect" (Wood, 1971:27s). 1 Nu-
this family are from the late Paleocene of
merous remains have been assigned to

Brasil, but the material is still undescribed Podocnemis, but there is no general agree-
(Estes and Reig, 1973). This testifies to the
ment concerning the validity of species
early presence of hylid frogs in South Amer- (Wood and Gamero, 1971; Baez and Gaspari-
ica, and is consistent with the high degree of ni, 1977). By the late Miocene the extant P.
differentiation that they attained there
during expanse was already in existence. Remains
the time of isolation, as well as their referable to the genus Podocnemis are cited
origin on that continent (Savage, 1973). The outside of South America, from Africa and
now widespread genus Hula has been re- western Europe. Pelomedusids referable to
corded from the early Oligocene of Canada other genera have been described from the
(Holman, 196S) and the early Miocene of 1
Dr. F. de Broin (pers. coram.) considers that Po-
Florida in the United States (Tihen, 1964).
docnemis elegans may belong to the extinct pelome-
The paleontological data add little informa- dusid genus Roxochehjs, related to Podocnemis.

Cenozoic of South America. A species of the the north during the Oligocene or even
genus Taphrosphys occurs in the Eocene of earlier. It noteworthy that even though

coastal Peru. That genus, which includes ma- chelonians are known since the Late Creta-
rine forms, is also recorded from the Creta- ceous, no testudinids have been reported be-
ceous of North America and Paleocene of fore the late Oligocene, whereas their pres-
Africa (Wood, 1975). The gigantic Pliocene ence is documented frequently since the late
Stupendemys geographicus exhibits many un- Miocene. Assuming an entrance from the
usual characteristics, and its affinities are still north, this partially could result from the fact
not clear (Wood, 1976b). that most known early Tertiary reptile-bear-
The freshwater turtles of the family Cheli- ing sites are in the southern part of the conti-
dae occur today in South America, Australia nent. However, an arrival earlier than late
and NewGuinea. The geographical location Eocene times seems improbable. Geochelone
group indicates that
of fossils assigned to this gringorum is
closely related, and may be an-
they could have had an essentially similar cestral, to the living G. chilensis, which be-
former range, because the only known un- came adapted to drier conditions (Auffenberg,

questionable records come from the early Eo- 1971). Increasingly xeric environments devel-
cene of southern Argentina, middle Tertiary oped in western mid-latitudes east of the
of Australia, and Oligocene or Miocene of Andes since the Pleistocene (Baez and Scil-
Tasmania (Warren, 1969). That evidence lato Yane, thisvolume). The related Pliocene
suggests an area of dispersal that included G. gallardoi has been recorded in areas where
also Antarcticaand that the past relations a marked dry season presumably existed.
between South American and Antarctica-Aus- Geochelone hesterna from the late Miocene of
tralia (McGowran, 1973; Dalziel et al., 1973; Colombia is thought to be ancestral to the
Sclater and Fisher, 1974) could account for extant species G. carhonaria and G. denticu-
the present range. A
species of the extant lata that now live in the northern part of the
South American genus Hydro medusa is the continent (Auffenberg, 1971).
oldest member ( Eocene ) of the family re- Although emydid turtles now occur in
corded so far (Wood and Moody, 1976). South America, their presence there during
Two extinct species of the now monotvpie the Tertiary is still uncertain. The existence
genus Chelus have been described C. co- — of remains referable to the Emydidae among
lombianus from the late Miocene of Colombia the material collected from late Miocene de-
and C. leuisi from the Pliocene of Venezuela posits in Colombia was mentioned by Medem
(Wood, 1976a). Neither of these seem to (1966, 196S), but the record has not been
have been directly ancestral to the living substantiated. The extant genus Geocmyda is
species, thereby indicating that different line- known from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador.
ages evolved within the genus (Wood, No fossil records of the Chelydridae and
1976a). Kinosternidae are known in South America.
Testudinid turtles are represented in South Trionychids, old members of the North Amer-
America by the genus Geochelone, with a ican faunas, are not present today in South
world-wide distribution in the Early Tertiary. America. Their presence in northern Vene-
Fossils having similarities with an extant Asi- zuela in the late Pliocene could have resulted
atic specieshave been recorded from Eocene from waif dispersal, but their colonization
deposits in North America and Africa, and was not successful (Wood and Patterson,
also from the early Oligocene of North Amer- 1973).
ica, Asia and Western Europe (Auffenberg, In the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary,
1974 ) The
earliest representative of the genus
. a peculiar group of land turtles of uncertain
Geochelone in South America is G. gringorum affinities, the Meiolaniidae, was also part of
from the late
Oligocene of Patagonia (Simp- the herpetofauna of southern South America.
son, 1942). Auffenberg (1971) suggested that They also have been recorded in Australia,
the ancestors of the South American species, where they survived until Pleistocene times.
comprising the distinctive subgenus Cltclo- In
summary, pelomedusids are ancient
noides, probably entered that continent from components of the ehelonian faunas of South

America, being continuously represented since and resembling primitive living South Amer-
the Late Mesozoic. Podocnemis, the only liv- ican taxa have been recorded from the late
ing genus in South America, is known since Paleocene of Brasil (Estes, 1970). Their ab-
the Late Cretaceous; it has undergone con- sence in the Cretaceous is not surprising be-
siderable speciation. Chelids also are old cause continental Middle and Late Mesozoic
members of the fauna, even though no occur- faunas are still poorly known in South Amer-
rence prior to the early Eocene is known. No ica. Practically all later teiid fossils (Mio-
land turtles are known from the Late Meso- cene-Pleistocene) have been referred to the
zoic and Early Tertiary besides meiolaniids. extant South American genera Tupinambis,
Their ecological role was assumed later by Dracaena, Callopistes, and Dicrodon, al-
the testiudinid Geochelone, which entered the though differences in distributions are evident
continent probably in Eocene-Oligocene when compared with their present ranges
times. (Baez and Gasparini, 1977).
The record of the lizard family
fossil Very few fossil records of the other lizard
Iguanidae South America is fragmentary, a
in families now inhabiting South America are
situation that contrasts with its significance known from that continent. However, gek-
in the present Neotropical herpetofauna. Al- konids occur in the upper Paleocene of Brasil.
though the former presence of this group in Although this is the earliest known record of
Asia and Europe has been discarded (Hoff- the family, the origin of gekkonids could ex-
stetter, 1962; Estes, 1970), fossils referable to tend back to the Late Mesozoic, upon consid-
this family have been recorded in North eration of their relationships with some Juras-
America, but none antedates the early Eocene sic European and Asiatic taxa (Hoffstetter,
(Estes and Price, 1973). The earliest record 1964; Kluge, 1967). Living South American
of an iguanid is from the Upper Cretaceous representatives might have been derived from
of Brasil, and the family is represented by at different sources; the strong African affinities
least five species in the late Paleocene fauna of sphaerodactylines (Kluge, 1967) could be
from Itaborai, Brasil, thereby indicating an interpreted as resulting from the past connec-
early radiation in South America (Estes, tions of those continents (Estes, 1970). The
1970). Presently-known data are consistent presence of scincids in South America was
with suggested Gondwanan origin of
the extended back to the Paleocene ( Estes, 1976 ) .

iguanids (Cracraft, 1973). The group could These lizards are seemingly
already repre-
have entered North America from the south sented in the Late Cretaceous North Amer-
by waif dispersal, becoming quite diversified ican faunas (Estes, 1976).
by Miocene times ( Robinson and Van Deven- Even though the fossil record of lizards in
By the Miocene, iguanids attained
der, 1973). South America is extremely poor, it is evident
a wide distribution in South America, but that iguanids and teiids, both well repre-
little is known of the taxa present at that time sented there today, were characteristic com-
(Baez and Gasparini, 1977). Extant repre- ponents of the Cenozoic herpetofaunas of
sentatives of the family are recorded from late that continent, where they underwent consid-
Pleistocene deposits: Iguana in coastal Ecua- erable diversification. Those groups, and also
dor ( Hoffstetter, 1970b) and Leiosaurus bellii gekkonids, seem to comprise an ancient faunal
in central-western Argentina (Van Devender, element. The presence of anguids in South
1977). America has not yet been documented by the
The evolution of teiids took place primar- fossilrecord. They are present in North
ily in South America, where they are most America since the Late Cretaceous, and seem
diverse and widely distributed today. In the to have had an essentially northern dispersal
Late Cretaceous teiids were present in North (Hoffstetter, 1962; Estes, 1964; Meszoely,
America (Estes, 1964, 1969), although these 1970).
early records do not seem to be of direct sig- Snake remains have been recorded in
nificance in the establishment of the Recent South America from the Late Cretaceous
teiids there (Estes, 1970). On the other through the Pleistocene. With a few excep-
hand, fossil remains referable to the Teiidae tions, no good descriptions are available, and

much been assigned only

of the material has origin of that group (Cracraft, 1973). The
At least in the Early Tertiary the
to families. evidence, however, is still meager.
ophidian fauna was comprised mostly of
The earliest known colubrid snake in
boids. They were represented by the large South America is from late Miocene deposits
snakes of the genus Madtsoia, of the extinct in Colombia; other fossil colubrids in South

subfamily Madtsoiinae, which were recorded America are from the late Pleistocene. True
from the late Paleocene and early Eocene of colubrids appear in the late Eocene of Europe

Patagonia. Species of that genus also are (Rage, 1974). In North America their pres-
known from the Late Cretaceous of Mada- ence has been documented since the early
gascar ( Hoffstetter, 1961) and of Niger
Miocene (Holman, 1976b); they become
(Broin et al., 1974), a distribution that sug- dominant elements of snake faunas by the late
gests their derivation from a Gondwanan
Miocene (Holman, 1976a). Thus, an entry in
stock. Remains assigned to the Boidae have South America from the north during the
been cited from the late Paleocene of Brasil Miocene was suggested (Hoffstetter, 1967b;
and late Pleistocene of Bolivia. The living Hoffstetter and Rage, 1977). However, it is
South American genus Eunectes occurs in noteworthy that the relationship of some Mio-
late Miocene deposits of Colombia. Boids cene colubrids from the United States to living
Central or South American forms could indi-
probably were also represented in the early-
middle Miocene of southern Patagonia and cate that they were derived from a more
the Pliocene of Parana, Argentina, but those southern source (Tihen, 1964).
records have not been substantiated (Gas- Fossil viperids, which were referred to the
parini and Baez, 1975; Baez and Gasparini, Crotalinae, are known in South America only
1977). from late Pleistocene deposits in Bolivia. They

Aniliids, now restricted to the Oriental could be late immigrants from the north
and Neotropical regions, were represented in (Reig, 1962; Baez and Gasparini, 1977), al-

the Early Tertiary faunas of South America. though South America should
their arrival in
A snake of controversial phylogenetic position, have preceded that record. In the early Mio-
Dinilysia patagonica, was recorded from the cene, typical viperids appear in Europe
Late Cretaceous of central-western Argentina (Hoffstetter, 1962). Viperid remains, tenta-
(Smith Woodward, 1901; Huene, 1929). Its tively assigned to the Crotalinae, were re-
affinities to modern aniliids were pointed out ported from the middle Miocene of North
by Estes, Frazzeta and Williams (1970), but America ( Holman, 1976c ) All evidence indi-

it was retained in the monotypic family Dini- cates, as in the case of colubrids, that the early
lysiidae. However, Dinilysia was considered history of this group is still largely unknown.
to be closer to boids, although not ancestral to The record of snakes in South Amer-

them, by Rage 1977). True aniliids are pres-

ica is not only meager but remains practically
ent in the late Paleocene of Brasil, but the unstudied. At least during the Early Tertiary
material has not yet been described. The late henophidians predominated, although lin-
Miocene Colombophis portai from Colombia eages different from those evolving in the
more closely resembles the extant Asiatic Cy- northern continents seem to have been present
lindrophis than Anilhis, now living in South there. Available paleontological data do not
America (Hoffstetter, 1967b; Hoffstetter and give much information concerning the origin
Rage, 1977). The earliest known record of of cenophidians in the South American con-
aniliids is from the Middle-Late Cretaceous tinent. Scolecophidians are not yet recorded.
of Canada (Fox, 1975); their presence in The Crocodylidae in South America now
North America is documented from that time are restricted to the northern part of the con-
through the Early Tertiary (Estes, 1976). The tinent. However, among the early Paleocene

group also occurs in Eocene deposits of Eu- taxa assigned to that group, Necrosuchus ion-
rope (Hoffstetter, 1962; Rage, 1974). Rein- en-sis Simpson, 1937, inhabited southern Ar-

terpretation of relationships of Dinilysia and gentina. The affinities of this crocodilian have
the known fossil record of aniliids seems to be not been clearly established. Crocodylids ap-
more consistent with the postulated Laurasian pear in the fossil record in Cretaceous de-

posits of comparable age in North America, habited South America in the Tertiary. It is

Africa and Asia (Sill, 1968). Thus, it is still controversial the South American Ion-

doubtful if the ancestors of Necrosuchus came girostrine crocodilians are true gavialids or
from North America, at this time is is impos- constitute a different lineage ( Langston, 1965;
sible to determine their area of origin. From Gasparini, 1968; Sill, 1968, 1970; Hoffstetter,
the Oligocene onward, crocodylids are re- 1970a; Hecht and Malone, 1972; Baez and
corded north of the Amazonian Basin, with a Gasparini, 1977). The oldest gavialids are
latitudinal distribution similar to the present known from Eocene deposits in Egypt (Hecht
one. No fossil Crocodylus is known from and Malone, 1972). The Asiatic and South
South America, except for a doubtful record American forms could have originated from
from the Pliocene of Maranhao, coastal Brasil an African stock; their dispersal would have
(Maury, 1923). Available evidence suggests been facilitated by their capacity to swim in
that the living representatives of that genus marine waters. In South America the first
are late immigrants from the north. The rela- gavialids appear in deposits of late Oligocene-
tionships of the peculiar crocodylid, Charac- early Miocene age from the northern part of
tosuchus fieldsi Langston, 1965, from the late the continent; they became extinct by the
Miocene of Colombia are still unknown. Plio-Pleistocene. The referral of South Amer-
Alligatorid crocodilians are distributed ican forms to the genus Gavialis is doubtful,
more widely than crocodylids in South Amer- because they are different from the Asiatic
ica. The earliest known representatives in members of that genus.
that continent occur in the late Paleocene of The extinct Nettosuchidae is an endemic

Brasil, and they probably also are present in group from mesic tropical environments of the
deposits of that age from southern Argentina. northern and central part of the continent
In both cases, the material has not been from the late Miocene to the earliest Pleisto-
studied yet. The validity of the Paleocene cene.
"Notocaiman stromeri" from Patagonia, pro- Crocodilians of the more primitive and
posed as an ancestor of Caiman, has been dis- extinct suborder Mesosuchia are known in
carded (Gasparini and Baez, 1975). The South America during a large part of the Ter-
presence of alligatorids in North America ex- tiary. These forms belong
to the family Se-
tends back to the Cretaceous, and a center of becidae Sebecosuchia, Gasparini, 1972) and

origin there was suggested by Sill (1968). are known from the Paleocene through the
Nevertheless, available data are inconclusive. Miocene. They were peculiar, mostly terres-
The Eocene Eocaiman cavernensis is the old- and inhabitants of the tropical
trial crocodiles,
est member of the family described from forests (Langston, 1965; Molnar, 1969, 1977;
South America. Langston ( 1965 ) pointed out Neill, 1971; Gasparini, 1972). Sebecids seem
its modern aspect and suggested that it could tohave had a long history on the continent,
have been ancestral to Caiman, Melanosuch- where they probably originated from bauro-
us, and perhaps also to the peculiar Balanero- suchids.
dus. Kalin 1955 ) did not rule out the pos-
The great diversity of Cenozoic crocodil-
sibility that it could be referred to the extant ian faunas in South America is noteworthy.
genus Caiman. This indicates that taxa close- Species referable to five families (Sebecidae,
ly related to living South American represen- Crocodylidae, Alligatoridae, Gavialidae, Net-
tatives of this family were already present on tosuchidae) have lived there, but only two of
that continent by the Early Tertiary. In the those groups (Crocodylidae, Alligatoridae)
late Miocene of Colombia an extant genus are present now. Available evidence suggests
and probably also a species Caiman latiro-
that the differentiation of sebecids and netto-
known (Gasparini and Baez, 1975).
stris) are suchids occurred in South America. The most
The recent Caiman yacare is known from the conspicuous groups were the Sebecidae and
Pliocene of Argentina and Melanosuchus from Alligatoridae, the latter being represented
the Pliocene of Venezuela. throughout the Cenozoic and the most im-
Today, gavialids are restricted to the portant crocodilian family there today. On the
Ganges Basin, India, but they may have in- other hand, the fossil record of crocodylids is

is the late Paleocene rec-

comparatively poor; it seems likely that they important sample
never were important components of the ords from Itaborai, Brasil, the earliest assem-
South American herpetof auna. The living rep- blage which offers a broad picture of the
resentatives of this family are not related to groups already comprising the fauna of the
the earliest forms recorded from early Terti- continent. According to available data from
of the that sample, little similarity to the North
ary deposits in the southern part
continent. American assemblages of comparable age are
evident (Estes, 1976; Baez and Gasparini,
1977). Basically, the family groups recorded
DISCUSSION from the known Paleocene and Eocene sites
evolved in isolation in South America and
This review of the fossil record of amphib- comprise the present fauna. Some of them
ians and reptiles of South America discloses such as leptodactylids, bufomds, pelomedu-
how poor that record actually is and how sids, chelids, teiids, alligatorids, were already
many questions concerning the history of the represented by forms related to their living
groups still remain unanswered. The available representatives on that continent. It is evi-
paleontological data are insufficient to pro- dent that the early history in South America
vide a comprehensive picture of the evolu- of many of those groups extends back well
tionary, faunal, and distributional changes into the Mesozoic. Unfortunately, Mesozoic
that occurred in South America. It is perti- records are very scarce, and the earliest
nent to emphasize here that practically no known Tertiary samples (except that from
special techniques for fossil collecting have Itaborai, Brasil) are badly preserved and not
been applied; for the most part, the discov- diverse (Gasparini and Baez, 1975). Of the
ery of amphibians and reptiles has been hap- additional family groups recorded from Oli-
hazard. Comparison of local faunas is diffi- gocene and Miocene deposits, testudinids and
cult, for in many cases little weight can be perhaps emydids could have arrived from the
given to the differences in composition of north by overwater transport at different
known assemblages; thus, evolutionary and times. The known late Cenozoic records pro-
zoogeographic interpretations are still tenta- vide little information concerning the faunal
tive. interchange between the Americas when the
records of certain groups, such as tur- isthmian link was established.
tles crocodilians, greatly outnumber those
and Different lines of evidence indicate that in
of other groups which could be partially the the Early Tertiary a humid and warm tem-
result of the fact that most known sites that perate climate prevailed at high latitudes in
have yielded amphibian or reptile remains South America as well as in North America
represent lowland and aquatic habitats. This (Dawson, et al., 1976). In the southernmost
could also explain the absence of other groups part of South America, the known assem-
associated with different ecological condi- blages of that age are archaic, being com-
tions. In general, little is known about the prised of extinct groups that do not now exist
heqoetofaunas that inhabited the northern in the area. Tectonic events throughout the
and central part of the continent, not only in Cenozoic altered the physiographic condi-
the cratonic areas but also in the intercratonic tions, and the subsequent climatic and Holistic
basins. These regions have a considerable changes affected the composition of the local
significance from the zoogeographic point of faunas. The modification of the Patagonian
view in that they have been considered areas herpetofauna from the early Eocene onward
of origin of diverse groups. clearly illustrates this point. The subtropical
The oldest known remains referable to elements, such as crocodilians, disappeared
modern groups of amphibians and reptiles from that region. Furthermore, the gradual
occurring South America are from the Late
in desiccation of climate related to the Andean
Cretaceous deposits, except for the record of uplift presumably resulted in the confinement
leiopelmatid frogs (Vieraella and Notobatra- of taxa adapted to humid and aquatic environ-
chus) in the Jurassic of Patagonia. The next ments to the more mesic western areas. The

change of the biota in the region of the pres- La mention de anfibios y reptiles ceno-
ent upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia, in zoicos en America del Sur es relativamente
relation to the uplift of the Eastern Cordillera frecuente, sin embargo, muchas de las asigna-
and increasing aridity ( Howe, 1974 ) is an- ciones taxonomicas como las referencias geo-
other example. Many components of the rich graficas y cronoestratigraficas son dudosas.
late Miocene La Venta fauna, living on the Ello, conjuntamente con el hecho de que la
broad flood plains that prevailed there are mayoria de los hallazgos son aislados, sin
absent from that now semiarid area (Fields, formar parte de asociaciones representativas,
1959). hace que las conclusiones resulten aiin tenta-
Many fundamental aspects in the history
tivas. En general los datos disponibles per-
of the South American herpetofauna have yet miten un analisis a nivel familiar.
to be elucidated. The amount of paleontolog- El examen del registro senala la notable
ical information that has accumulated in re- antigiiedad, en America del Sur, de muchas
cent years enables us to expect that future de la familias de anfibios y reptiles que viven
studies will clarify these problems. en ese continente. Todas las familias regis-
tradas en el Terciario temprano son inte-
grantes de la herpetofauna actual sudameri-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cana, excepto las tortugas meiolanidas y los
cocodrilos sebecidos, ambos e.xtinguidos. Es
For their valuable comments and provision evidente que esas familias tienen distinto
of data, we are indebted to Drs. France de
abolengo, habiendose integrado o diferenci-
Broin, Richard Estes, J. Alan Holman, Bryan ado in situ alocronicamente, desde fines del
Patterson and Roger Wood. Special thanks Cretacico al menos. De acuerdo a las eviden-
are extended to Dr. William E. Duellman, cias paleontologicas la antigiiedad en Ameri-
who kindly revised and corrected the manu- ca del Sur de los pipidos, iguanidos, pelo-
medusidos, meiolanidos, muy probablemente
los quelidos, y posiblemente los leptodacti-

RESUMEN lidos se remonta al Mesozoico tardio. De estas

familias, los pipidos, meiolanidos y quelidos
son de origen gondwanico. La diferenciacion
En este trabajo se sintetiza la information
de los sebecidos y leptodactilidos, en sentido
disponible sobre el registro fosil de los grupos
estricto, habria tenido lugar en America del
que integran la actual herpetofauna de Amer- Sur. Los datos paleontologicos son aun in-
ica del Sur, en un intento de valorar el aporte suficientes para dilucidar el origen de otras
que el mismo brinda conocimiento del
familias ya presentes en el Terciario tem-
desarrollo historico de dichos grupos en ese
prano. En el Terciario medio y tardio se
continente. En tal sentido, se han tornado en
constata la presencia de familias no registra-
cuenta no solo los registros sudamericanos,
das en sedimentos mas viejos. Algunos de
sino tambien aquellos otros directamente rela-
esos grupos pudieron haber arribado a Ameri-
cionados y provenientes de otras partes del
ca del Sur por medios de dispersion accidental
mundo. Para integrar los resultados en un
en diferentes momentos durante su aislami-
contexto coherente se considero muy espe-
ento. Tal seria el caso de los testudinidos,
cialmente la disposition y relation de Amer-
ica del Sur con respecto a otras masas con- trioniquidos, gavialidos, crocodilidos directa-
mente relacionados a las formas actuales y tal
tinentales a partir del Mesozoico medio. Tam-
vez los emididos. Los cocodrilos nettosuqui-
bien se tomaron en cuenta los principales
eventos geologicos acaecidos desde fines del dos, actualmente e.xtinguidos, se diferenciaron
in situ. De la confrontation con la
Cretacico a la actualidad en dicho continente, herpeto-
valorando su incidencia en los cambios fisio- fauna actual se desprende que numerosas
graficos los que, evidentemente, actuaron familias no estan presentes en el registro. Al-
sobre la composition y distribution de la gunas de ellas tales como los ranidos, angui-
herpetofauna. dos, chelidridos y tal vez kinosternidos po-

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Appendix — The
fossil amphibians and reptiles recorded from the areas shown in
figures 4-7 and their cor-
responding bibliographic references are listed below; the numbers correspond to those on the maps (Figs. 4-7).
The areas have been designated by conspicuous geographic names. Taxonomic entities not recognized in re-
cent studies are excluded.

1. Alemania, Provincia de Salta, Argentina (Late Cretaceous).
anura: Pipidae: Saltcnia ibanezi Reig, 1959 (Reig, 1959; Parodi Bustos et al., 1960; Baez, 1975).
2. Laguna Umayo, Departamento de Puno, Peru (Late Cretaceous).
anura: Leptodactylidae ? (Sige, 1968).
crocodilia (Sige, 1968).
3. Mossoro, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil ( Late Cretaceous ) .

testudines: Pelomedusidae: Apodichelys lucianoi Price, 1954.

4. Vila- Vila, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia
( Late Cretaceous ) .

testudines: Pelomedusidae:
Roxochelys vilavilcmis Broin, 1971.

5. Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Estado de Sao Paulo Brasil (Late Cretaceous).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis brasilieniis Staesche, 1937 2 (Price, 1953; Arid and Vizotto, 1966;
Broin, 1971); Roxochelys wanderleyi Price, 1953; Podocnemis elegans Suarez, 1969. 2 Pieropolis, Estado
de Minas Gerais, Brasil (Late Cretaceous).
squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae: Prist iguana brasilicnsis Estes and Price, 1973.
6. Northwest of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (Late Cretaceous ?).
testudines: Meiolaniidae: Niolamia patagonica Ameghino, 1899 (Smith Woodward, 1901; Simpson

1. Golfo de San Jorge, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (early Paleocene).
testudines: (Gasparini and Baez, 1975; Baez and Gasparini, 1977).
crocodilia: Crocodylidae: Necrosuchus ionensis Simpson, 1937 (Gasparini and Baez, 1975).
2. Itaborai, Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (late Paleocene).
anura: Pipidae: Xenopus romeri Estes, 1975 (Estes, 1975a, b); Leptodactylidae (Estes, 1970); Bufoni-
dae (Estes, 1970); Hylidae (Estes, 1970).
gymnophiona: Caeciliidae: Apodops pricei Estes and Wake, 1972.
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis
(Paula Couto, 1970).sp.
squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae (Estes, 1970); Teiidae (Estes, 1970; Paula Couto, 1970); Gekkonidae
(Estes, 1970). Serpentes: Boidae (Estes, 1970; Paula Couto, 1970); Aniliidae (Estes, 1970; Hoffstetter
and Rage, 1977).
crocodilia: Sebecidae: Sebecus sp. (Paula Couto, 1970); Alligatoridae (Paula Couto, 1970).

F. de Broin ( pers. comm. ) considers the assignment of P. brasilicnsis and P. elegans to the genus Podocnemis
to be questionable.

3. Cerro Pan de Azucar, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (late Paleocene).

testudines ( Simpson, 1935).
squamata: Serpentes: Boidae: Madtsoia cf. M. bai Simpson, 1933 (Simpson, 1935; Hoffstetter, 1959).
crocodilia (Simpson, 1935).
4. Laguna del Hunco, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (late Paleocene).
anura: Pipidae: Xenopus pascuali ( Casamiquela, 1960) (Estes, 1975b; Gasparini and Baez, 1975; Baez,
testudines: Pleurodira (Gasparini and Baez, 1975).
5. Mina Aguilar, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina (late Paleocene-early Eocene).
testudines (Gasparini and Baez, 1975).
crocodilia (Gasparini and Baez, 1975).
Quebrada de Humahuaca, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina (late Paleocene-early Eocene).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis argentinensis Cattoi and Freiberg, 1958 (Gasparini and Baez,
1975; Baez and Gasparini, 1977).
6. Canadon Hondo, near Paso Niemann, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (early Eocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Caudivcrbera casamayorensis (Schaeffer, 1949) (Lynch, 1971).
testudines: Meiolaniidae :
Crossochelys corniger Simpson, 1937 (Simpson, 1937a, 1938); Chelidae: Hij-
dromcdusa sp. (Wood and Moody, 1976).
crocodilia: Sebecidae: Sebecus icaeorhinus Simpson, 1937.
7. Lago Colhue-Huapi, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina ( early Eocene ) .

crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Eocaiman caverensis Simpson, 1933b.

8. Negritos, Departamento de Piura, Peru (middle Eocene).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Taphrosphtjs olssoni (Schmidt) (Zangerl, 1947; Gaffney, 1975).
9. Divisadero Largo, Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina (late Eocene).
testudines (Simpson et ah, 1962).
squamata: Serpentes (Simpson et al., 1962).
crocodilia: Sebecidae ?: Ilchunaia parca Rusconi, 1946 (Gasparini, 1972).

1. Campo Waldo, Departamento de Santander, Colombia (Oligocene).
crocodilia: Sebecidae: Sebecus sp. (Langston, 1965); Crocodylidae ( Langston, 1965).
testudines (Stirton, 1953).
2. Scarrit Pocket, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (early Oligocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Caudiverbera caudiverbcra (Linnaeus) (Schaeffer, 1949; Lynch, 1971); Eu-
psophus sp. (Schaeffer, 1949); Neoprocoela edentatus (Schaeffer, 1949).
3. Tremembe, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil (early Oligocene).
testudines: Chelidae (Wood and Patterson, 1973).
4. South of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (late Oligocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Caudivcrbera sp. (Schaeffer, 1949; Baez, 1977).
5. Chaparral, Departamento de Tolima, Colombia (late Oligocene-early Miocene).
crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Balancrodus logimus Langston, 1965; Gavialidae (Langston, 1965).
6. Gaiman, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina (late Oligocene).
testudines: Testudinidae: Geochelonc gringorum (Simpson, 1942) (Williams, 1950; Auffenberg, 1971;
de la Fuente, pers. comm.).
7. Southern Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina (early -middle Miocene).
squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae (Ameghino, 1899; Gasparini and Baez, 1975; Baez and Gasparini, 1977);
Teiidae: Diasemosaurus occidentalis Ameghino, 1893 (Gasparini and Baez, 1975); Serpentes (Ameghino,
8. Coyaima, Departamento de Tolima, Colombia (late Miocene).
testudines: Chelidae: Chelus colombianus Wood, 1976a.
squamata: Sauria: Teiidae: cf. Tupinambis (Estes, 1961).
crocodilia: Sebecidae: Sebecus sp. (Langston, 1965); Alligatoridae (Langston, 1965); Crocodylidae
(Langston, 1965); Gavialidae: ? Gavialis colombianus Langston, 1965.
9. Carmen de Apicala, Departamento de Tolima, Colombia (late Miocene).
testudines: Pelomedusidae (Royo y Gomez, 1945-1946; Stirton (1953); Chelidae: Chelus colombianus
Wood, 1976a.
crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Eocaiman sp. (Langston, 1965); Caiman neivensis Mook, 1941 (Langston,

Tertiary amphibian and reptile bearing deposits of Colombia are assigned chronologically according to Van
Houten and Travis (1968) and Irving (1971); in an earlier paper the authors (1977) followed Stirton (1953).

10. Quebrada La Venta, Villavieja, Departamento de Huila, Colombia (late Miocene).

anura: Bufonidae: Bufo marinus Linnaeus (Estes and Wassersug, 1963).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis expansa Schvveigger, 1912) (Medem, 1966, 1968); Chelidae:

Chelus colombianus Wood, 1976a; Testudinidae: Geochelone (Chelonoides) hesterna Auffenberg, 1971; Em-
ydidae (Medem, 1968).
squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae (Estes, 1961); Teiidae: Tupinamhis cf. T. tequixin (Estes, 1961); Dra-
caena colombiana Estes, 1961; Serpentes: Aniliidae: Colombophis portai Hoffstetter and Rage, 1977; Boi-
dae: Eunectes stirtoni Hoffstetter and Rage, 1977; Colubridae ( Hoffstetter, 1967b; Hoffstetter and Rage,
crocodilia: Sebecus huilensis Langston, 1965; Scbecus sp. (Langston, 1965); Alligatoridae:
Eocaiman sp. (Langston, 1965); Caiman neivensis Mook, 1941 (Langston, 1965); Caiman cf. C. latirostris
( Daudin, 1802) (Langston, 1965; Baez and Gasparini, 1977); Crocodylidae: Charactosuchus fieldsi Lang-
ston, 1965; Nettosuchidae: Mourasuchus atopus Langston, 1965 (Langston, 1966); Gavialidae: cf. Rham-
phostomopsis (Langston, 1965).
11. North of Lago Buenos Aires, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina (late Miocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Caudiverbera caudiverbera Linnaeus Casamiquela, 1958; Lynch, 1971).

12. Barranca de los Loros, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina (late Miocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Caudiverbera caudiverbera Linnaeus (Casamiquela, 1963; Lynch, 1971).
13. Ingeniero Jacobacci, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina (late Miocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Wawelia gerholdi Casamiquela, 1963.

1. Urumaco, Estado de Falcon, Venezuela (middle Pliocene).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Stupetidemys geograpliicus Wood, 1976b; Chelidae: Chelus lewisi Wood,
1976a; Trionychidae (Wood and Patterson, 1973); Testudinidae (Wood and Patterson, 1973).
crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Melanosuchus fisheri Medina, 1976; Crocodylidae ?: Gryposuchus sp. (Pat-
terson, pers. comm.); Gavialidae: Ikanogavialis gameroi Sill, 1970; Nettosuchia: Mourasuchus amazon-
ensis Price, 1964 (Patterson, pers. comm.).
2. Valle de Santa Maria, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina ( middle Pliocene ) .

testudines: Testudinidae: Geochelone gallardoi ( Rovereto, 1914) (Auffenberg, 1974).

3. Parana, Provincia de Entre Rios, Argentina (middle-late ? Pliocene).
testudines: Testudinidae Geochelone sp. (Gasparini and Baez, 1975); Chelidae (Wieland, 1923).

squamata: Sauna: Teiidae (Ambrosetti, 1890; Ga;parini and Baez, 1975; Baez and Gasparini, 1977); Ser-
pentes: Boidae (Bravard, 1858; Burmeister, 1883, 1885).
crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802) (Gasparini and Baez, 1975); C. australis
(Burmeister, 1885); cf. C. jacare (Daudin, 1802) ( Gasparini and Baez, 1975); C. sp. (Gasparini and Baez,
1975; Baez and Gaspirini, 1977); Gavialidae: Rhamphostomopsis neogaeus (Burmeister, 1885) (Rusconi,
1933, 1935; Gasparini, 1968).
4. Monte Hermoso, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (late Pliocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Ceratophrys prisca Ameghino, 1899 (Rovereto, 1914); Bufonidae (Gasparini
and Baez, 1975).
testudines: Testudinidae: Geochelone gallardoi (Rovereto, 1914) (Auffenberg, 1974).
squamata: Sauria: Teiidae: Tupinamhis sp. (Rovereto, 1914); Callopistes bicuspidatus Chani, 1976.
5. Rio Quequen Salado, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (late Pliocene).
anura: Bufonidae: Bufo pisanoi Casamiquela, 1967.
6. Chapadmalal, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (late Pliocene).
anura: Bufonidae: Bufo pisanoi Casamiquela, 1967; Leptodactylidae: Ceratophrys sp. Reig, 1958).

7. Rio Jurua, Estado do Acre, Brasil (Plio-Pleistocene).

testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis sp. (Paula Couto, 1970); Chelidae: Chelus sp. (Paula Couto,
1970); Testudinidae: Geochelone sp. (Paula Couto, 1970).
squamata: Serpentes (Paula Couto, 1970).
crocodilia: Alligatoridae: Brachygnatosuchus brasiliensis Mook, 1921; Purussaurus sp. (Paula Couto,
1970); Crocodylidae ?: Gryposuchus (Paula Couto, 1970); Gavialidae: ? Gavialis (Paula Couto, 1970;
Baez and Gasparini, 1977); Nettosuchidae: Mourasuchus sp. (Paula Couto, 1970); Mourasuchus amazon-
ensis Price, 1964.
8. Rio Aguaytia, West of Rio Ucayali, Peru (Pliocene ?; Pleistocene ?).
testudines: Pelomedusidae: Podocnemis bassleri Williams, 1956.
9. Arroyo Perico Flaco, branch of Rio Negro, Departamento de Soriano, Uruguay (Pleistocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Leptodactylus sp. (Mones, 1975).

10. Peninsula de Santa Elena, Provincia de Guayas, Ecuador (late Pleistocene).

testudines: Testudinidae: Geoclielone sp. (Hoffstetter, 1970b); Emydidae: Geoemyda ( = Callopsis) sp.
(Hoffstetter, 1970b).
squamata: Sauria: Iguanidae: -Iguana ( Hoffstetter, 1970b); Teiidae: Dicrodon (Hoffstetter, 1970b).
crocodilia: Alligatoridae (Hoffstetter, 1970b).
11. Tarija, Departamento de Tarija, Bolivia (late Pleistocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae; Ceratophrys sp. ( Vergnaud-Grazzini, 1968); Bufonidae: Bufo cf. B. marinus
horribilis Weigmann (Vergnaud-Grazzini, 1968).
squamata: Sauria: Teiidae: Tupinambis tequixin (Hoffstetter, 1963).

12. Nuapua, near Carandaiti, Bolivia Horizon 1 (middle Pleistocene).
testudines: Testudinidae: Geoclielone sp. (Hoffstetter, 1968).

Nuapua, near Carandaiti, Bolivia Horizon 2 (late Pleistocene).
anura: Leptodactylidae: Leptodactylus cf. L. ocellatus (Linnaeus) (Vergnaud-Grazzini, 1968); Cera-
tophnjs cf. C. oiuata (Bell) (Vergnaud-Grazzini, 1968); Bufonidae: Bufo cf. B. paracnemis (Vergnaud-
Grazzini, 1968).
squamata: Sauria: Teiidae: Tupinambis tequixin (Linnaeus) (Hoffstetter, 1968); Serpentes: Boidae
(Hoffstetter, 1968); Colubridae (Hoffstetter, 1968); Viperidae (Crotalinae) (Hoffstetter, 1968).
amphisbaenia: Aiuphisbaenidae :
Leposternon ? (Hoffstetter, 1968).
3. Herpetofaunal Relationships Between
Africa and South America
Raymond F. Laurent

Investigator Titular
Fundacion Miguel Lillo
Miguel Lillo 205
4000 Tucumdn, Argentina

At the height of the Matthewsian theory much poorer than it is now. Presently, some
of continental biogeography ( Matthew, 1915; credence can be given to negative evidence,
Darlington, 1957), the very title of this paper namely, the lack of fossils, in North America
would have been almost preposterous, at least and Europe of groups that elsewhere have
in the influential herpetological centers of extensive fossil records (e.g., turtles and
North America dominated by Noble (1931), crocodilians).
Dunn (1923, 1931), and Schmidt (1946). The New evidence definitely points to the
dissident voices of Jeannel (1942), Du Toit union of Africa and South America into a sin-
(1937) and others were stifled as inconse- gle continent from at least the Late Carbonif-
quential. Africa and South America were sup- erous until the Cretaceous. Then a graben
posed to have had no relationships whatever formed a narrow gulf north and south of a
for a very long time. Indeed, the differences residual bridge between northeastern Brasil
between the Ethiopian and Neotropical her- and Nigeria. During the last half of the Tu-
petofaunas are striking and seem to support ranian, the continents were split with the birth
the idea of independent histories. Most domi- of the South Atlantic Ocean, which initially
nant groups are represented in Africa and was quite narrow. This scenario was de-
South America by pairs of adaptive equiva- scribed by Reyment ( 1975 ) and is supported
lents or vicarious groups in Simpson's (1965) by convincing geological evidence paleo-

sense (Table 3:1). magnetism ( Creer, 1973 ) fit of the continents

Faunal similarities between Africa and (

Dietz and Holden, 1970 ) sea-floor spreading

South America have been explained by ex- (Heirtzler, 1968; Francheteau, 1973), and
tinctions in the Holarctic Region. In some plate tectonics with the fitting of cratons and
cases the fossil record seems to bear out this rocks ( Hurley, 1968; Dietz and Holden, 1970;
explanation (e.g., turtles of the family Pelo- Douglas et al., 1973). The stratigraphic con-
medusidae). When such paleontological evi- cordances are especially striking (Reyment
dence was lacking, it often was implied; Dunn and Tait, 1972), as well as the structure of
1931 ) emphasized that it would not be sane the coastal basins with their immense amounts
reasoning to postulate a trans-Atlantic land of fresh water sediments (Martin, 1968),
bridge just because no fossils were known which suggest a graben phase like that of the
from the northern continents. When Dunn African Rift Valleys. The salt deposits in An-
made his statement the fossil record was gola, Gabon and Brasil are reminiscent of

Table 3:1. Family Groups of Amphibians and Rep- later phases like that of Lake Turkana or the
tiles that have Trans-Atlantic Counterparts.
Red Sea (Reyment, 1975).
Paleontological data are still more con-
South America Africa
vincing (Baez and Gasparini, this volume).
Leptodactylidae Ranidae (sensu Liem, 1970) The amphi-Atlantic distribution of the meso-
Hylidae Hyperoliidae (sensu Liem, 1970) saurians of the early Permian (Romer, 1966)
Iguanidae Agamidae + Chamaeleontidae
is strong evidence for a Gondwanan land mass
Teiidae Lacertidae
Boinae Pythonini ( Colbert, 1973 ) . The early Triassic of Argen-
Crotalinae Viperinae tina has revealed a Cynognathus fauna almost
identical to that of the upper Beaufort beds
Investigator Principal del CONICET. of South Africa (Bonaparte, 1967). Two


groups of mammals
provide evidence that the SUMMARY OF DISTRIBUTION
Atlantic was not the wide ocean of today in PATTERNS
the Eocene and Oligocene. Primates and cav-
iomorph rodents, conspicuously lacking in the The first step in a biogeographic analysis
early South American mammalian fauna, nev- must be a summary of distribution patterns
ertheless entered the continent long before or "generalized tracts" (Croizat, 1964). These
the Late Cenozoic invasion via Panama. patterns are listed below.
Classically, it was assumed that they entered 1. Gondwanan or West Gondwanan
South America by island-hopping from North —
groups. Geotry petes- Apodops, Pipi-
America (Wood, 1950; Simpson, 1965; Patter- dae, Pelomedusidae, Amphisbaenidae,
son and Pascual, 1968). However, another Typhlopidae, Lcptotyphlopidae.
hypothesis assuming an African origin and a 2. South American groups that invaded
trans-Atlantic migration has been maintained
Africa before the separation of the con-
by Lavocat (1974) and Hoffstetter (1972, tinents. —Bufonidae, Iguanidae (
1977). Krommelbein (1971) showed that the tinct in Africa but surviving in Mada-
fossil,fresh water ostracods from the coastal
basins of Reconcavo, Sergipe, Brasil, and of 3. Presumed Indian groups that invaded
Gabon are almost identical. Two different am- South America via Africa before the
monite faunas (one in the Potiguar Basin in
separation of the continents.
— Microhy-
northern Brasil and another in the Sergipe- lidae.
Alagoas Basin) existed until the lower Turan- 4. African groups that invaded South
ian. Then the African-Brasilian isthmus America after the separation of the
disappeared, and the two faunas mingled continents. —
Gavialidae (?), Gekkoni-
(Beurlen, 1961; Reyment, 1958, 1970). These nae, Scincidae, Amphisbaenidae (?),
data provide evidence for the birth of the Colubrinae (
? )

Atlantic Ocean and the separation of Africa 5. Holarctic groups tliat invaded Africa
and South America in the middle Turanian, and South America from the north. —
Testudinidae, Crocodylidae, Colubri-
about 90-95 m.y.b.p.
nae (?).
This establishes a firm basis on which to 6. African groups that recently invaded
proceed to determine which groups existed in South America by a northern route. —
both continents before their separation and Ranidae.
which emigrated from one to the other before 7. Neotropical groups absent from Afri-
or after their separation. The Hennigian sys-
ca. —
Rhinatrematidae. Dermophiinae, 1
tematists and biogeographers Caeciliidae, Typhlonectidae, Bolito-
Brundin, 1966;
Croizat, 1964; Nelson, 1973; Croizat et al., glossini, Leptodactylidae,-' Hylidae,
Centrolenidae, Pseudidae, Dendrobati-
1974) have insisted on the necessity of vi-
dae, Sphacrodactylinae, Iguanidae,
cariance events in determining generalized
Teiidae, Anguidae, Boini, Xenodonti-
tracts reconstructing biogeographic his-
nae, Micrurinae, Crotalinae.
tories. Their conclusions are in general agree-

ment with plate tectonics, mainly because

The reasons for splitting the Caeciliidae and recog-

their work has been based on these premises

nizing the Herpelinae are given by Laurent (in
rather than because they emphasize vicari- press ) .

ance at the expense of geocenters and dis- The African Heleophryninae are considered to be
members of the Myobatrachidae by Lynch (1973).
persal. (Appendix 3:1). Their approach is
The Hylidae, as well as other groups, like Disco-
applicable to the study of relationships be- glossidae, Pelobatidae, Salamandridae, and Angui-
tween the African and South American faunas. dae, are present in northern Africa. That part of
There was an old African-Brasilian (Inabre- Africa belongs to the Palaearctica Region and is not
considered to be relevant here, although the past
sian, fide Jeannel, 1942) fauna, and there also existence of some of its fauna in the Ethiopian Re-
are vicariant groups. gion cannot be ruled out entirely.

8. African and Old World groups absent Geotrypetes has as many chromosomes as

from South America. Scolecomorphi- the ichthyophiids, which also include the In-
dae, Herpelinae, Heleophryninae, Hy- dian Uraeotyphlus (Nussbaum, pers. comm. ).
peroliidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonti- Also, caecilians, like other lissamphibians,
dae, Lacertidae, Cordylidae, Varanidae, demonstrate a negative correlation between
Pythonini, Lycodontinae, Dasypeltinae, chromosome number and the number of de-
Elapidae, Viperinae. rived character states
(Laurent, press). in
9. Groups that apparently once lived in Thus, Apodops might belong to an African-
Africa but are now extinct there. Igua-
— Brasilian group of primitive caecilians, from
nidae. which the African and Neotropical caecilians
10. that icere
descended. By this reasoning, the other cae-
Groups presumably pan-
Gonduanan in the Jurassic. —Leiopel- South America
cilians are actually different in

matidae. and Africa. The South American Rhinatrema-

tidae is more primitive than the Ichthyophii-
Two patterns are more prevalent than
others —groups present in South America but
dae (Nussbaum, 1977). The aquatic South
American Typhlonectidae and the fossorial
not in Africa, and present in Africa but not
African Scolecomorphidae are
in South America. A third pattern involves
groups apparently derived from old stocks.
groups that are present in both continents. The remaining genera have been placed in
the Caeciliidae. The specialized Caecilia and
Oscaecilia should be separated from the bulk
RELATIONSHIPS OF PATTERNS TO of the family (Laurent, in press). The other
CONTINENTAL HISTORIES genera can be divided into an Old World
subfamily Herpelinae with splenial teeth (ex-
Amphibians cept in the specialized Boulengerula) and a
Caecilians. —The distribution of caecilians New World subfamily Dermophiinae without
indicates that they are a typical Gondwanan splenial teeth (except in Gymnophis, there-
fore deemed primitive ) ( Laurent, in press )
group. Estes and Wake (1972) described the

These subfamilies are most likely sister

only known fossil caecilian, Apodops, from the
Paleocene of southeastern Brasil. The fossil groups.
tends to confirm a Gondwanan distribution, —
Salamanders. All South American sala-
especially because Apodops resembles the Af- manders are members of the Plethodontidae
rican Geotrypetes and may be closely related and obvious immigrants from Central Amer-
to it. ica (Wake, 1966). However, I must stress a

Possibly Geotrypetes is more archaic than recent discovery, as interesting as it is unex-

either of the primitive families Rhinatremati- pected, of a salamander in Senonian (Upper
dae and Ichthyophiidae. It is said to have a Cretaceous) beds of Niger (de Broin et al.,
free, dentate ectopterygoid, a bone generally 1975). The genus and even the family have
lost and always edentulous in other caecilians. not been determined. The age is not fixed
Furthermore, it has two
pairs of openings in precisely, because the Senonian is a long
the (temporal and interpterygoidal )
skull . period following the Turanian (85 m.y.b.p.)
According to the Lissamphibian hypothesis, and lasting until the end of the Mesozoic
such vacuities should be primitive and their ( Maastrichian, about 65 m.y.b.p.). Salaman-
disappearance a secondary adaptation to fos- ders have been considered as exclusively Hol-
sorial habits. 4 arctic. Therefore, their presence in equatorial
Africa, perhaps quite soon after the formation
of the Atlantic Ocean, indicates the possibility
This seems more likely than the theory- of Carroll
and Currie (1975), who related the Gymnophiona of an older salamander fauna in Africa and
to microsaurians, because the loss of so many cranial perhaps in South America.
bones is more easily visualized as the result of fene-
stration than an effect of further solidification of an Archaeobatrachians. The —
only living
already continuously roofed skull. archaeobatrachians in South America are the

pipids, which apparently are an early special- rocco (Vergnaud-Grazzini, 1966)]. Xenopus
ized derivative from Jurassic frogs. The pipids presently is speciose in Africa, where the spe-
have a typical west Gondwanan distribution cialized Hijmenochirus and Pseudhymenochi-
and are now common to Africa and South rus occur in forests. Xenopus is extinct in
America. They are known from both conti- South America, but perhaps through a Sal-
nents by a number of Mesozoic and Cenozoic teniaAike stock it gave rise to the modern
fossils, beginning with the Early Cretaceous South American pipids, now restricted to for-
of Israel (Nevo, 1968). It has been argued ested regions of northern and eastern South
that the pipids might have lived in the north- America (Estes, 1975b).
ern continents and subsequently migrated in- Other archaeobatrachians have lived in
dependently into South America and Africa. South America Baez and Gasparini, this vol-

However, the family is conspicuously absent ume). Vieraella (Lower Jurassic) and Noto-
in the fossil record in the north; it is replaced batrachus (Upper Jurassic) were placed in
there by the ecologically similar palaeobatra- the Leiopelmatidae by Estes and Reig
chids, now extinct, but apparently common (
1973 ) who suggested that the leiopelmatids

from the Jurassic to the Pliocene. 5 Estes radiated during the Jurassic in Gondwana-
(1975a) reported a fossil of Xenopus from land and that Ascaphus is a remnant of a
the Paleocene of Brasil and referred the northward migration at the end of the Meso-
Eocene Shelania from Patagonia to the same zoic. Leiopelma survived in New Zealand,
genus. Therefore, there is little reason to where it is the only frog. Discovery of fossil
doubt the Inabresian origin of the family. leiopelmatids other parts of Gondwana-
Estes (1975b) synthesized the phylogeny of land, especially Africa, is expected.

the pipids. Of the two lower Cretaceous gen- —

Neobatrachians. Estes and Reig (1973)
era from Israel, Cordicephalus seems to be and Laurent ( in press ) believed that the neo-
ancestral to Xenopus, whereas Thoraciliacus batrachians are a Gondwanan group. Possibly
seems to be an early specialized derivative of the neobatrachians were derived from the
the primitive stem of the family. No other southern Discoglossoidea Leiopelmatidae )

fossil is known from

the Cretaceous before through a grade exemplified by the Australian
the separation of Africa and South America. family Myobatrachidae, which perhaps for-
In the Late Cretaceous (Senonian, 80-85 merly had a pan-Gondwanan range.
m.y.b.p. ) there is Saltenia in northwestern Among the neobatrachians, only the Bu-
Argentina and Xenopus and other pipids simi- fonidae, Microhylidae and Ranidae are pres-
lar to Pipa or Hijmenochirus in western Af- ent on both Africa and South America. Of
rica. Eoxenopoides from southwestern Africa these, the ranids are represented in South
America only by Rana pahnipes, a Central
(about the limit of the Mesozoic and Creta-
American species of recent entry. According
ceous, 65 m.y.b.p.) is a specialized derivative
to Noble (1931), the bufonids and microhy-
of Xenopus. All more recent fossils are re-

ferred to Xenopus two in South America
lids originated in the Holarctic and subse-

of southeastern quently invaded the southern continents.

[Paleocene (±60 m.y.b.p.) Blair ( 1972b suggested that Bufo originated
Brasil (Estes, 1975a) and Eocene (±50 in South America. Estes and Reig (1973) re-
m.y.b.p.) of Patagonia (Casamiquela, 1961)] ported Bufo from the Paleocene of Brasil,
and two in Africa [Miocene ( ±20 m.y.b.p) of whereas no other bufomd fossils are known
southwestern Africa (Ahl, 1926) and of Mo- before the Miocene or Oligocene (Hecht,
1963). The fossil record and the rich Neo-
According to some workers (e.g., Estes and Reig, tropical radiation of bufonids (9 genera, more
1973), the Palaeobatrachidae is related to the Pipi- than 120 species) support Blair's conclusions.
dae, but Vergnaud-Grazzini and Hoffstetter (1972) From a South American center of origin,
believed that the similarities are the result of con- three avenues of bufonid dispersal are con-
vergence. However, Estes (1975b) argued con-
vincingly that they are in the same superfaniily.
ceivable —
1) through Antarctica and Austral-
ia, 2) through Africa, and 3) through North
"The term "Inabresia" was coined by Jeannel (1942)
for the African-Brasilian continent. America. The first obviously is out of the

question, because the Australian region is de- sternal Noble (1931) sup-
pectoral girdle.
void of bufonids. The last was suggested bv ported Boulenger. Orton (1957) emphasized
Rlair (1972b). Laurent (1972, 1975) did not the apparent primitiveness of the microhylid
reject dispersal through North America but tadpoles, which are similar in many respects
proposed that bufonids also dispersed through to those of pipids. Orton believed that it was
Africa. Laurent was influenced by Estes' unlikely that such an adaptive complex of
( 1970, pers. coram. ) insistence that no bufo- features as the larval mouth in most anurans
nid entered Nortli America before the Mio- would be lost; therefore, she thought that the
cene. There is further evidence in favor of an microhylids were related to the pipids and
African dispersal route. 1) The South Amer- represented an early radiation among frogs.
ican bufonid radiation is the largest (Trueb, This contention was resisted by several herpe-
1971; McDiarmid, 1971; Cei, 1972) and the tologists beginning with Griffiths (1963).
African is next with seven genera and about The traditionalists include Griffiths and Car-
50 species (Tihen, 1960; Tandy and Keith, valho (1965), Tihen (1965), and Kluge and
1972), followed by Eurasia with only six gen- Farris (1969). The "Ortonists" include
era and about 40 species and finally North Hecht (1963), Inger (1967), and Starrett
America with one genus and some 20 species. ( 1973 ) ,
who based her opinion on a detailed
2) Few bufonids have retained an omoster- study of tadpoles. Savage (1973) enthusi-
num, a plesiomorphic character for the fam- astically based a new zoogeographic scheme
ily. These include the Bufo haematiticus on the apparent strengths of Starrett's conclu-
group in northern South America, the African sions, and even included Australia in the
genus Nectophrynoides, and possibly Wemer- original Gondwanan realm of the family ( see
ia in west Africa. 7 3) Relationships between Tyler, this volume, for contrary zoogeographic
the Neotropical and African bufonids is sup- arguments Lynch ( 1973 ) showed that such

ported by the high degree of genetic compat- an evolutionary scheme of the microhylids re-
ibility between the South American Bufo quired the independent acquisition of no less
arenarum and the African B. regularis (Blair, than 13 characters present in the ranids. In a
1972a), by the striking similarity of peculiar detailed study of tadpole structure, Sokol
species like the African B. superciliaris and (
1975 ) demonstrated that the microhylids
the Neotropical B. blombergi (Blair, 1972b), had the larval papillae, denticles, and
and by serological affinities (Cei, 1977). Such horny beaks.- Therefore, the microhylids are
evidence induced Laurent (in press) to em- related to the ranoids.
phasize the African route rather than the
Microhylids have a semirelictual distribu-
North American one. A dispersal following intermediate between the scattered pat-
the described route need not exclude a Mio- terns of some old families, such as the Disco-
cene invasion of North America from South
glossidae and Pelobatidae, and the compact
America, but the African dispersal was much
patterns of the more modern, still radiating
earlier (±90 m.y.b.p. versus ±25 m.y.b.p.) groups, like the Ranidae and Bufonidae.
and therefore much more important to the Therefore, the microhylids must be older than
evolutionary biogeography of the family. the ranids. This idea is supported by the pres-
The systematic position of the Microhyli- ence of 28 chromosomes in the microhylid
dae is the most controversial matter in the Kaloula; the number is not the result of sec-
taxonomy of frogs. Boulenger (1882) con- ondary fusions and therefore is a
sidered them (as the Engystomatidae) to be phic feature similar to the karyotype of Dk-
related to the Ranidae, because of their firmi- coglossus. The presence of a variety of micro-
hylids in South America also supports the
'Andersson (1903) mentioned the presence of a
vestigial omosternum in his description of Steno-

Blommers-Schlbsser (1975) confirmed Sokol's con-

glossa, a synonym of Wemeria, but Amiet (1976) clusionsby discovering that in the Scaphiophryninae,
said that the omosternum is absent in the genus. the most primitive subfamily of microhylids, the
Nonetheless, the species of Wemeria resemble toads tadpoles have papillae and a slightly sinistral spiracle
of the Bufo haematiticus group.
(median in other subfamilies).

antiquity of the family; the ranids barely America. The genera living in temperate
enter South America. Asia (Microhijla) and North America {Gas-
trophryne) have reduced pectoral girdles.
Assuming that the microhylids evolved, Carvalho (1954), Nelson (1966), Nelson and
like the ranoids, in the eastern part ofGond-
Cuellar ( 1968 ) questioned the affinities be-
wanaland, their radiation was around the
tween the Asiatic and American microhylines.
Indian Ocean ( tropical Asia, East Indies, and
There is a possible trans-Gondwanan path-
Madagascar). The most primitive subfamilies
and Dyscophinae) live in way from India to Madagascar to Africa to
( Scaphiophryninae
South America that is marked by a series of
Madagascar and tropical Asia. The eastern
genera having complete pectoral girdles

groups in New Guinea ( Sphenophryninae and
Kalophrynus (tropical Asia), Mclanohatra-
Asterophryinae) are not relevant here, but

the other subfamilies are Rrevicipinae, Hop-
chus (India), Scaphiophryninae and Dysco-
9 phus (Madagascar), Brevicipinae and Parho-
lophryninae and Phrynomerinae in Africa,
plophryne (Africa) and Otophryne and
Cophylinae in Madagascar, and Microhylinae Dermatonotus (South America). If such a
in Asia and America.
dispersal took place, it might have occurred
We can dismiss as improbable an Holarc- before or slightly after the birth of the At-
tic origin of the family, for the primitive sub- lantic Ocean.
families live in the tropics. Thus, only Mada- Chromosome numbers support this hypoth-
gascar and the Gondwanan part of Asia are esis ( Morescalchi, 1973; Bogart and Nelson,
likely centers of origin of the microhylids. 1976; Bogart et al., 1976). In Asia, Kaloula
Both are possible, for during its northward has 28 chromosomes, which equals the rela-
drift India apparently was connected at times
tively primitive number of Discoglossus; other
with Madagascar by garlands of islands (Mc- Asian genera ( Uperodon, Ramanella, Micro-
Kenzie and Sclater, 1973), some of which hijla ) are known to have 26 chromosomes. In
continue to exist as the Seychelles, Amirante, Africa there are 26 in Phrynomerus and 24 in
Mascarene, Maldive and Laccadive Islands Breoiceps. In America there are 26 chromo-
(Appendix 3:2). Later, contacts were with somes in the primitive genera Otophryne and
Malaysia and Indochina through the Nicobar Glossostoma, 24 in Chiasmocleis and 22 in
and Andaman islands, allowing the Indian seven genera, including the widespread Gas-
fauna to invade eastern Asia, Indonesia, and trophryne and Elachistocleis.
even the East Indies. The African invasion Considering now only those families that
likely passed through the Mozambique Chan- are present on one side of the Atlantic, we see
nel and its islands (e.g., Comores). The Af- some striking parallelisms. South American
rican groups of microhylids are now highly leptodactylids, rhinodermatids and dendro-
differentiated. batids are paralleled by the terrestrial ranids
The American microhylines are a problem. and hyperoliids in Africa; the hylids and cen-
According to the Matthewsian theory, the trolenids in South America are paralleled by

microhylines originated in tropical Asia, in- the arboreal ranids (Chiromantis) and hyper-
vaded the eastern Palaearctic Region, and oliids in Africa. Moreover, some peculiar
passed into North America by the Bering isth- adaptations in one continent have counter-
mus and into South America by island-hop-

parts in the other the aquatic South Amer-
ping well before the Pliocene. There are seri- ican pseudids (coexisting with pipids) versus
ous objections to this hypothesis. In Asia, as African pipids; the rheophilous South Ameri-
well as in America, the primitive genera hav- can telmatobiines versus African heleophry-
ing a complete pectoral girdle are in the trop- nines; atelopine bufonids and brachyecpha-
ics; these are Kalophrynus, Chaperina, Me- lids in South America versus Didynamipus in

lanobatrachus and Gastrophrynoides in Asia Africa. In some cases the resemblances are
and Otophryiie and Dermatonotus in South striking. For example, compare Physalacmus
biligonigerus in South America with Tomop-
Mclanohatrachus included in the
terna delalandii (and congeners) in Africa;
is Microhylinae
(Savage, 1973; Laurent, in press). compare the South American Leptodactylus

fuscus with African species of Ptycltadena, son, 1942), Miocene for Emydidae (Medem,
and the Hyla leucophyllata group in South 1968), a short Pliocene apparition for the Tri-
America with species of Afrixalus. On the onychidae in Venezuela (Wood and Patter-
other hand, some adaptations are unique to son, 1973). Only the Testudinidae and Tri-
one continent. Africa has nothing like the onychidae became established in Africa,
marsupial tree frogs (Amphignathodontinae); where they are known since the Miocene
South America has no frog emulating the sex- (Romer, 1966).
ual dichromatism of the tribe Hyperoliini (for
other examples, see Laurent, 1973).
Crocodilians. —The living crocodilians do
not show significant similarities between
South America and Africa. The Crocodylidae
Reptiles is present in both continents but relatively
Chelonians. —The Pelomedusidae is a clas- unimportant in South America; the Alligator-
sical case of an amphi-Atlantic distribution, idae, absent from Africa, radiated impressive-
which has been explained by Matthewsians ly in South America. However, before the
as an Holarctic origin and southward migra- formation of the Atlantic Ocean in the Creta-
tions. Others have explained the distribution ceous, the crocodilian fauna, composed ex-

by the fragmentation of a primitively Gond- clusively of mesosuchians, was much the same
wanan range. The alternatives are not clear, in South America and Africa. Thus, the Afri-

for there are northern fossils. Some very old can Libycosuchidae were small, blunt-snouted
turtles from Germany generally classified in crocodiles, very similar to the South American
other suborders are really pleurodires (de Notosuchidae (Sill, 1968; Buffetaut, 1976)."
Broin, pers. comm.). These are the Triassic
The gigantic, long-snouted pholidosaurid ge-
Proterochersis ( Proganochelydia ) and the Ju- nus Sarcosuchus was common to Brasil and
rassic Platychelys ( Amphichelydia). 10 west Africa (Buffetaut, pers. comm.). After
an array of other northern genera are known the severance of the last remnants of a bridge,
from Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene beds be- the faunas gradually became different. Al-

longing to the shores of the young Atlantic though the mesosuchians were dominant over
Ocean. According to de Broin (pers. comm.), the eusuchians until well into the Cenozoic in
the marine coastal Bothremydidae is a sister the scattered Gondwanan continents, they
family of the Pelomedusidae. The
oldest pelo- became subordinate them in Laurasia ( Buf-
medusid fossil is Platycheloides from the Low- fetaut, pers. comm.). The Dyrosauridae (Up-
er Cretaceous of Africa. Thus, the
family was
per Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic mesosuch-
in existence before the birth of the Atlantic ians), extremely long-snouted, gavial-like
Ocean. Later, the exclusively African pelo- creatures, although essentially African, also
medusines (not known before Oligocene) lived at the end of the Cretaceous on the west
were separated from the Podocneminae, side of the still trench-like Atlantic, but this
which flourished in South America, Africa, can be ascribed to their littoral habits (Buf-

Europe (Neochelys, Eocene-Oligocene), and fetaut, 1976). Other gavial-like crocodilians,

even India (Schwoeboemys, Pliocene), and now extinct, were part of the Neotropical eu-
survived in Africa until the Pleistocene, in suchian radiation in the Tertiary. Sill (1968)
South America and in Madagascar (Erymno- considered them as Gavialidae, but possibly
chelys). they are another case of parallel evolution
The Cryptodira, rather common in Laura-
(Baez and Gasparini, this volume). If they
sia in Jurassic and Cretaceous times, are pres-
are true gavialids, their dispersal through a
ent in Africa and South America; they seem
to be rather recent immigrants into South

America Oligocene for Geochelone (Simp-
Steel (1973) suggested that the groups might have
evolved in parallel, but Buffetaut (1976) and Sill
( 1968) recognized two families while admitting that
'Gaffney (1975) specifically removed Proterochersis they probably have a common ancestor. Nopsca
from the Proganochelydia, because they have a (1928) recognized them as subfamilies, but Mook
fused pelvis like the pleurodires; he explicitly in- (1936), von Huene (1956) and Romer (1956,
cluded Platychelys in the Pleurodira. 1966) did not even make that distinction.

still narrow ocean in the Eocene seems to be Vanzolini, 1968). This dispersal was easier
the only explanation of their distribution, for when the Atlantic Ocean was narrower. Other
the family is first known in the Eocene ( Hecht gekkonine stocks (e.g., Briba and Bogertia)
and Malone, 1972) of Africa. may have entered South America in the Late
Lizards. —Only the Gekkonidae and Igua- Cretaceous or Early Cenozoic. Possibly some
nidae are involved in the Afro-American sep- (e.g., Homonota) immigrated into South
aration. Other families of lizards seem to be America before the separation of the conti-
parallel radiations after the

separation Aga-
nents. Bons and Pasteur (1977) suggested an

midae and Chamaeleontidae similar to the early immigration for the two Neotropical
Iguanidae; Lacertidae, Cordylidae and Scin- species assigned to the African genus Lygo-
cidae emulating the Teiidae and some terres- dactylus.
trial iguanids; the Varanidae copied by large Estes and Price (
1973 ) believed that the
teiids, like Tiipinaml)is. Also there is the eco- Iguanidae originated in South America when
it was still united to Africa and invaded Af-
logical similarity between the numerous "mi-
croteiids" and the lygosomine skinks (Lau- rica, where they became extinct, and Mada-
rent, 1973). gascar, where they survived. Alternatively,
they could have originated in Africa, where
Although some archaic lizards were pres- the related agamids and chamaeleontids sup-
ent in the Triassic, these apparently have little
in common with Jurassic ones, which belong planted them. If the Iguanidae and Teiidae
have a common ancestor, the presence of
to the modern infraorders (Robinson, 1967;
teiids in North America in the Cretaceous,
Hoffstetter, 1955, 1967). Some of the modern
were contrasting to the absence of iguanids there
families present in the Cretaceous.
Thus, when Africa and South America drifted (Estes, 1970), is puzzling and cannot be ex-
plained with our present data.
apart, several recent families were already in
The past existence of iguanids in Africa is
existence. The iguanid, Pristiguana (Estes
and from the Cretaceous of Bra- hardly questionable, for they are still living in
Price, 1973 ) ,

silhas some characters of the Teiidae. Chrom- Madagascar. Is their extinction in Africa the
result of competition with agamids? Not
osome morphology is similar in iguanids and
teiids (Gorman, 1970). likely, because the African agamids are not
diverse and therefore unlikely to out-compete
The Gekkonidae may be the oldest family the diversified iguanids. Also, it is unlikely
of modern lizards. It existed in Brasil in the
that the chameleons out-competed the igua-
Paleocene (Estes, 1970). The Jurassic Ardeo-
nids, except for possibly some arboreal types,
sauridae presumably is ancestral to the gek-
for the chameleons are a highly specialized
konids and so similar to them (Hoffstetter,
group of lizards. Furthermore, the agamids
1964) that in a cladistic system they could be are probably relatively recent immigrants into
included in the gekkonids. Therefore, the
Africa from Eurasia. Rafting of iguanids and
presence of gekkonids in western Gondwana- teiids from South America to Africa is not
land before the formation of the Atlantic
possible now, because of the direction of the
graben is realistic.
ocean currents, but 50-80 m.y.b.p. such an
The relict and disjunct distribution of the event was more likely. In the reverse direc-
Eublepharinae is best explained by a northern
tion, the feasibility of a successful crossing has
origin. On the other hand, the Sphaerodac- been proved by Ilemidactylus (Kluge, 1969),
tylinae is likely to be a strictly Neotropical but no cases are documented for agamids,
derivative of a Gondwanan stock. Most of chamaeleontids, lacertids, or cordylids.
the South American Gekkoninae seem to have If, as indicated by Estes and Price (1973),
come from Africa by waif dispersal after the iguanids and teiids are respectively the roots
formation of the Atlantic Ocean. This is fairly of the Iguania and Scincomorpha radiations,
certain and recent for the species common to an eastern invasion of "eoteiids" is suggested.
both continents, such as Ilemidactylus hrooki Estes ( pers. comm. ) sees the teiids as an
and //. mabouia (Kluge, 1969) and hardly essentially Neotropical radiation with a lacer-
less obvious for Turentohx (Kluge, 1967; toid derivation through northern Gondwana-

land. The Scincidae have relationships be- lineage (Rage, 1977), using the Bering path-
tween the southern Atlantic continents, but way, entered Africa in the lower Miocene.
the few South American species of Mahmja Rage ( pcrs.
comm. ) contemplates three pos-
probably came from Africa long after the sep- sible origins for the Pythonini —
Africa or Aus-
aration of the continents. tralasia, both of which he considers to be

—The worm-lizards have doubtful, and Asia, a choice also favored by
a typical western Gondwanaland distribution. Underwood (1976, pers. comm.). Thus, boids
They are an old group, and their existence in supposedly migrated from North America to
the Inabresian continents is likely. Fossils are Asia via the Bering land bridge. A fourth
known from North America (Eocene to Pleis- possibility is the Indian raft (see Appendix
tocene) and belong to several extinct genera, 3:2), which may explain why boids flourish
as well as to the extant Rhincura and Lcpo- in Australasia and how they later came to

sternon, now
surviving only in South America Africa from Asia, presumably in Miocene
(Romer, 1966). The extinct Omoiotyphlops times. 13
is from the Eocene-Pliocene of Europe ( Rom- The least understood of all is the
er, 1966; Hoffstetter, Therefore the
1962). vast array of higher snakes, the caenophidians
range of the amphisbaenids underwent a con- or Colubroidea. Until recently, the fossil rec-
traction similar to that of many tropical ord of caenophidians was exclusively Holarc-
groups that lived in Europe and North Amer- tic and only back to the Miocene. New data
ica. show that caenophidians existed in Europe in
Snakes. —Among
the primitive scoleco- the lower Eocene, and the Colubridae (sensu
phidians, the Leptotyphlopidae has about the lato) is the middle Oligocene. 14
known from
same range as the amphisbaenians and pre- Rage (1975) described Nigerophis from the
sumably the same history. The Typhlopidae Paleocene of Africa; this genus seems to be
has a pantropical range, which can be deemed intermediate between the caenophidians and
pan-Gondwanan until there is
contrary evi- the Palaeophidae. Such a systematic position
suggests an aquatic origin of modern snakes
The Boidae also is considered to be a and makes their paleogeographic history even
Gondwanan group; nonetheless, the present more difficult to interpret. Rabb and Marx
distribution is the result of complex migra- (
1973 ) suggested that the group perhaps had
Primitive fossil genera have been found
tions. a tropicopolitan distribution before the Gond-
in southern continents —
Laparrcntophis in the wanan fragmentation, but Rage (1976) dis-
Lower Cretaceous of northern Africa, Dini-
agreed. The scarcity and primitiveness of the
Jysia in Patagonia (Upper Cretaceous), and few colubroids from the early Cenozoic sup-
Madtsoia in South America, Africa, and Mad-
port Rage, rather than Rabb and Marx.
agascar (Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene). The problem is compounded by the taxo-
Presently, the surviving boids in South nomic uncertainty that prevails within the
America and Africa are not closely related.
Colubridae (sensu lato). Most attempts to
The Neotropical tribe Boini may be de-
clarify the systematica have resulted in 1)
scended in situ from archaic South American
recognition of small groups that can be sep-
boids, but the African Erycinae and Pythonini
arated from the bulk of the genera, or 2 ) par-
probably came from elsewhere. Hoffstetter
tition of larger groups that are highly contro-
and Rage (1972) believed that the Erycinae,
versial(Dunn, 1928; Bogert, 1940; Bourgeois,
which may have originated in North America
from a South American boine stock, was pres- 1968; Underwood, 1967; Dowling, 1975; Smith
ent in North America in the Paleocene or et al., 1977). Dowling's (1975) classification
earlier and in Europe in the Eocene. Another

"Rage (pers. comm.) still prefers the Bering route,


The Oligocene Changlosaurus and Cnjthio-

but he does not reject the Indian hypothesis.
saurus, from Mongolia are not amphisbaenians "A record from the upper Eocene (Rage, 1974) is
(Gans, pers. comm.). doubtful (Rage, pers. comm.).

is beautifully simple, resulting in geograph- lanticOcean. The reverse migration has never
ically discrete groups, namely New World been advocated, except in the beginning of
Xenodontinae ( following Dunn's scheme ) and the Atlantic era, when the sea was very nar-
Old World Lycodontinae. This concept is in row. Now the ocean currents are favorable
agreement with the probable belated birth for westward rafting in the tropics. If this
and radiation of the family as suggested by situation prevailed for a long time, it may
the fossil record. Thus, parallel radiations in- explain why the Neotropical fauna is so obvi-
to terrestrial, aquaticand fossorial groups took ously richer than the Ethiopian fauna. South
place in South America and Africa. America might have received a sizable fau-
On the other hand, Underwood's 1967 ) nistic contribution from Africa without giving

revolutionary classification, which was severe- anything in exchange, at least for the last 50
million years.
ly criticized by others (namely, Dowling,
1975; Hoffstetter, 196S; Smith et al., 1977), Savitzky (1978) provided evidence that
implied trans-Atlantic relationships. The simi- the micrurines are a derivative of Neotropical
larities between the fossorial African Cala- rear-fanged colubrids, such as Elapomorplms,
melaps and the South American Atractus, the rather than relatives of the Old World cobras.

aquatic Limnophis (or Hydraethiops) with This removes a zoogeographic problem. Thus,
Helicops, or the terrestrial Lycophidion and Africa contributed no venomous snakes to
Oxyrhopus simply may be the result of con- South America, for the Crotalinae are absent
in Africa. The Viperidae appears in the fossil
vergence. Of course, this is the most likely
hypothesis, but rafting should not be dis- record in the lower Miocene in northern con-
missed off-handedly. tinents. Its general range suggests an open

Three adaptive types of arboreal colubrids radiation without insular or peninsular traps.

correspond to three groups distinguished by

A Laurasian origin is likely, as clearly deduct-
ible from the study of Azemiops by Liem
Bourgeois (1968), as follows: 1) large-headed
et al. (1971).
snakes with vertical pupils and slender necks
(Boiginae); 2) streamlined but rather robust
green snakes with round pupils (Philotham- CONCLUSIONS
ninae); 3) very slender snakes with round or
horizontal pupils, commonly with pointed
Presentgeological knowledge indicates
heads and venom ( Dispholidinae ) The simi-

that Africa and South America were united

between the Neotropical Leptodeira
and formed a single continent from at least
and the African Boiga-Dipsadoboa-Crotapho-
Carboniferous times, during most of the
peltis group are probably only convergence, Mesozoic until the Turonian in the Cretace-
but on the basis of Bourgeois' ( 1968 ) criteria,
ous. The final split of the continents and the
the Neotropical Oxybelis can be grouped with
birth of the Atlantic Ocean occurred 90-95
the African Thelotornis, in spite of its round
m.y.b.p. Fossil evidence shows the existence of
Likewise, genera such as Leptophis a common fauna before the Turonian mes- —
and Chironius in South America would be-
osaurians of the Permian, the Cynognathns
long to the African Philothamninae. fauna of the Triassic, and mesosuchian croco-
Because of the relatively recent develop- diles of the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Both
ment of the colubrids, it is unlikely that any
pre-Atlantic and post-Atlantic distributions
groups had an Inabresian distribution. Trans- are hypothesized for groups of amphibians
Atlantic rafting may have occurred, but prob- and reptiles (Figs. 3:1).
ably only in one direction (Africa to South
Leiopelmatid frogs existed in the Jurassic
America). Hoffstetter (1972) convincingly in South America, and pipid frogs and pelo-
argued that hystricomorph rodents and mon- medusid turtles existed in Africa in the Early
keys entered South America across the At- Cretaceous. The continents were united then,
so it is reasonable to assume that leiopelmatids

For osteological reasons, Bourgeois (1968) put

and that pipids and pelo-
also lived in Africa,
Rhamnophis and Thraso))s in the Dispholidinae,
notwithstanding their round pupils. medusids were present in South America be-

fore the birth of the Atlantic Ocean. In Late

Cretaceous beds of South America, there are
doubtful leptodactylids and iguanids. In the
Paleocene beds of Brasil there are caecilians,
leptodactylids, hylids and bufonids. In Afri-
ca there are only an unidentified salamander
in the Senonian and a primitive colubroid in
the Paleocene.
In some groups (bufonids and iguanids)
the characteristics of the fossils and the pres-
ent range of the group and its inferred phylog-
eny are suggestive of a pre-Atlantic western
Gondwanan range. In other cases, similar
conclusions can be assumed on distributional
data alone without the benefit of pertinent
paleontological data. Amphi-Atlantic ranges
of the gekkonids, amphisbaenians,
lopids and typhlopids are examples. The myo-
batrachid frogs have a doubtful fossil in Cre-
taceous beds of India. Their presence in
western Gondwanaland in Early Cretaceous
times is assumed. My hypothesis is that, ac-
cording to vicariance principles, a myobatra-
chid stock could have become leptodactylids
in western Gondwanaland (South America),
ranoids in mid-western Gondwanaland (Af-
rica), microhyloids in mid-eastern Gondwa-
naland (Madagascar, India), and pelodrya-
dids in eastern Gondwanaland
The microhylids are supposed to have radi-
ated early enough to spread to Africa and
South America just before or after the separa-
tion of the continents.
The other families generally are quite dif-
ferent in Africa and South America, suggest-
ing a post-Atlantic radiation. The Neotropical
leptodactylids, iguanids, podo-
cnemine (which must have crossed Af-
rica to reach Madagascar), teiids, anguids,

Pre-Atlantic Gondwanan
— groups A.
Fie. 3:1. distribu-
tions present South America and Africa
before the Last pre-Atlantic
separation. B. faunistic
exchanges — groups migrated from one continent
to the other just before the separation or perhaps
soon afterwards. C. Post-Atlantic distributions and
later one-way dispersals.
A. Distribuciones gondwanense preatldnticas—
grupos prescntes en Sudamerica y Africa largo tiempo
antes de la division. B. Ultimo intercambio faunistico
preatldntico —grupos que migraron de un continente
al otro, justo antes dc la division o, tal vez, pronto
despues de clla. C. Distribuciones postatldnticas y
despues dispersion "waif" unidireccional.

boids, xenodontine colubrids, micrurines and mente similares y a menudo relacionados:

crotalines are paralleled, respectively, by Ethi- Dermophiinae al oeste del Oceano y Herpe-
opian ranoids, crocodylids, agamids, chamae- linae al este, y asi en seguida, Leptodactylidae
leontids, pelomedusines, lacertids, cordylids, y Ranoidea terrestres, Hylidae y Ranoidea
scincids, pythonines, lycodontine colubrids, arboricolas, Iguanidae y Agamidae (con
elapids and viperines. Chamaeleontidae), Teiidae y Lacertidae,
Some measure of competitive exclusion Podocneminae y Pelomedusinae, Alligatoridae
cannot be ruled out completely, although defi- y Crocodylidae, Boinae y Pythoninae, Xeno-
nite misgivings have been expressed about the
dontinae y Lycodontinae.
Sin embargo, la tectonica de las placas y
universality of Gause's principle (Fryer and
otros progresos recientes de la geologia com-
lies,1972). The expansion of three important
Neotropical families outside of South America probaron sin dejar lugar a duda que Africa y
Sud America estaban unidas en un solo con-
suggests the presence of rival groups is indeed
an obstacle. The bufonids have no obvious tinente hasta el Turoniano, es decir hasta hace
mas o menos 90 millones de anos.
competitors and are nearly cosmopolitan. The
Rastros de la comunidad faunistica de esta
hylids invaded the entire Holarctic Region,
where no other tree frogs exist, but failed to epoca remota persistieron en antiguos grupos
spread into the Old World tropics, where que no dominan la escena, como los Gimno-
other groups of tree frogs occur. The lepto- fionos,Pipidae, Pelomedusidae, Gekkonidae,
dactylids, which met ranids when they were
Amphisbaenidae, Leptotyphlopidae y Typhlo-
pidae. Pero, aim en estos ejemplos, la diver-
barely out of their Neotropical stronghold,
gencia debida a su evolucion por separado
barely encroached upon southern North
America. Such an effect must be considerably durante cerca de 100 millones de anos es

magnified in colonization by rafting, because generalmente obvia.

the indigenous populations have an over- Hay tambien familias que aparentemente
whelming advantage in numbers. Colonizers despues de haber nacido en una region occi-
can succeed only if they enter an empty eco- dental o oriental del Continente de Gondwana
invadieron el resto poco antes de su frag-
logical niche or if they are superior to the
mentacion o tal vez poco despues, ya que
indigenous species.
travesias de mares estrechos como son oceanos
recien nacidos no presentan difficultades ma-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS yores. Asi, aparentemente los Bufonidae,
Iguanidae, quizas los Teiidae nacidos en Sud-
am america invadieron Africa, los primeros para
I grateful to William E. Duellman for
his critical comments and to the Consejo Na- seguir en conquista del mundo, los lagartos
cional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tec- para evolucionar en otros grupos y/o estar
nicas of Argentina and the Fundacion Miguel desplazados por ellos ultimamente ( Agamidae
Lillo,which authorized this work. I am also y Chamaeleontidae, Lacertidae, Cordylidae y
indebted to various colleagues for valuable Scincidae).

help and information F. de Rroin, E. Ruf-
Los Microhylidae, que el autor considera
fetaut, R. Estes, C. Gans, J. C. Rage, A. Sa- como un antiguo grupo de Neobatracios de
vitzky, and G. Underwood. origen Indico-Malgache hicieron, al parecer,
el ya que la selva amazonica
viaje inverso,
alberga generos bastante primitivos, como
RESUMEN Otophryne.
Aun mas tarde hay pruebas de que la
El contraste evidente entre las faunas travesia del Atlantico no fue imposible, ya
herpetologicas sudamericana y africana par- que la invasion de America por Gekkonidae
ece a primera vista apoyar las teorias zoogeo- de los generos Hemidactylus (Kluge, 1969) y

graficas de Matthew (1915) y Darlington Tarentola se hizo a fines del Cenozoico. Por
(1957). Los grupos dominantes son complet- consiguiente se puede suponer que tales mi-
amente distintos aunque en general ecologica- graciones ocurrieron durante todo el Ceno-

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val morphology, pp. 251-271 in Vial, J. L. (ed. ). noted by Duellman, 1978). Croizat and his co-
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tain Neotropical toads with the description of a for the biological species concept, that the concept is
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Vergnaud-Grazzini, C. Hoffstetter, R.
sia in the Miocene. Tire dating of the separation is
Presence de Palaeobatrachidae (Anura) dans des
gisements tertiaires francais. Caracterisation, dis- still

doubtful about 100 m.y.b.p. from Antarctica
tribution et affinites de la famille. Palaeovert. and maybe the Paleocene (60 m.y.b.p) from Mada-
5:157-177. gascar. Little attention has been given to the impact
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tion of the lungless salamanders, family Pletho- in the Tertiary. This is an unfortunate omission, not
dontidae. Mem. South. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4):1-
justified by lack of evidence. The Eocene lndo-
batrachus seems to belong to the Myobatrachidae, and
Wood, A. E. Porcupines, paleogeography and
the primitive snake family Uropeltidae survives in
parallelism. Evolution 4:87-98.
southern India and Sri Lanka. The rationale for my
Wood, R., Patterson, B. 1973. A fossil trionychid
as follows:
turtle from South America. Breviora (415): 1-10. hypothesis is

1. India broke from Madagascar and Africa dur- finally along the Nicobar and the Andaman
ing the late Cretaceous or early Tertiary. islands.
2. As a large island, it rafted away from Mada- 7. The fate of much of the Indian fauna must
gascar northwards along the Mascarene Ridge, have been extinction.
leaving behind the Seychelles, Amirante and 8. Some elements escaped early to Madagascar
finally the Laccadive and Maldive islands and Africa and proved successful in their ex-
( Laughton et al., 1973; McKenzie and Sclater, pansion (e.g., Microhylidae).
1973). 9. Other elements escaped later in northern,
3. The Indian fauna evolved in isolation for about northeastern and eastern directions (e.g., other
50 million years; evolution was enhanced by Microhylidae and perhaps Agamidae, Varani-
the changing climates. dae, Pythonini, Elapidae).
4. Some faunistic exchanges remained with Mada-
gascar and Africa through the intervening Four groups of reptiles (Agamidae, Varanidae,
islands, like the Seychelles, and possibly others Pythonini, Elapidae) have patterns of distribution
that have since disappeared. that can be explained by an Indian differentiation.
5. These small islands provided opportunities for Each has a strong Indo-Malaysian component, another
genetic drift and quantum and tachytelic evo- strong Australasian component, and a weak African
lution favoring major adaptive shifts (e.g., component, as if there had been a late invasion of
Microhylidae, Savage, 1973). Africa from Asia.
6. Perhaps other exchanges took place in front of Subsequent to writing this account, I have been
and/or on the eastern side when the Indian informed by R. Hoffstetter that recent data show that
Noah's Ark (McKenna, 1973) drew near Lau- the Indian Subcontinent collided with Laurasia not
rasia, gliding along the Ninety-east Ridge and later than the Eocene.
4. Herpetofaunal Relationships of South America
With Australia
Michael J. Tyler
Department of Zoology
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia 5001

In reviewing the extent of South American modern families could just as well have orig-
herpetofaunal relationships with Australia, inated there as on the adjacent landmasses.
while simultaneously considering South Amer- Thus any realistic concept of intercontinental
ican-African relationships (Laurent, this vol- exchange avoids reference to "journeys" along
ume), it is helpful to recognize that vast dif- "routes," and only visualizes the expansion
ferences have existed in the opportunity for and retraction of populations. Cartoons in
faunal exchange. South America and Africa an otherwise serious paper by Rich ( 1975 ) on
may be regarded as lovers who experienced the origins of the Australian nonpasserine avi-
and exploited a large zone of contact and had fauna, illustrate the errors to which some in-
considerable opportunity for interchange and vestigational philosophies may have suc-
exchange across it. In contrast, the South cumbed.
American-Australian relationship suffered The study of intercontinental herpeto-
from being in the form of an arranged engage- faunal relationships faces problems of varia-
ment of longer duration. The couple never so tion of systematic interpretation of taxa, and
much as touched one another at any time. these materially influence the degree of faunal
The only contact was via a related intermedi- similarity. For example, if the numerically
ary named Aunt Arctica, whose presence be- dominant Australian terrestrial and arboreal
tween them effectively prevented a compar- frogs are regarded as members of the Lepto-
able degree of intimacy, and who is now dactylidae and Hylidae, respectively, all anu-
outwardly cool and distinctly secretive about ran families found in Australia are shared
revealing what took place between them. with South America. Superficially at least,
The benefit of employing such an analogy the anuran relationship appears likely to
lies inemphasizing the fact that Australia and prove a close one. However, if the names
South America have always been physically Myobatrachidae and Pelodryadidae are em-
separated. This separation always has been ployed for these same groups, it is difficult to
extensive, because the intervening Antarctica avoid a bias towards a quite different inter-
is a vast continent with a surface area of
pretation. In fact it would appear that, for
1,165,500,000 km 2 , comparable in size to the purposes of intercontinental comparisons,
South America north of the Tropic of Capri- there is a mystique surrounding a family
corn, and considerably greater than Australia name that does not extend to other nomen-
(7,700,000 km ). A North to South traverse
of Antarctica involves a distance of approxi- Over the past few years there have been
mately 4,000 km. substantial contributions to the study of plate
When Antarctica was an integral com- tectonics, continental drift, palaeoclimate and
ponent of Gondwanaland, the herpetofaunal the past flora and fauna of Australia. Many of
elements shared at any one time by South these papers are highly relevant to the inter-
America and Australia also would have oc- pretation of evolutionary opportunities and
curred on Antarctica. Certainly a topography, the nature of the diversification of the herpe-
climate, and vegetation equable to the main- tofauna. Here I have attempted to bring to-
tenance of reptiles and amphibians had to gether the most recent literature as a general
exist on Antarctica, and at least some of the background before examining the evidence to



Fig. 4:1. Australia, New Guinea and adjacent landmasses.

Australia, Nueva Guinea tj iierras adijacentes.

establish the origins of the modern, non- PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL

marine Australian herpetofauna, and its af- CONSIDERATIONS
finities to the herpetofauna of South America.
A map of Australia and associated landmasses —
Onset of drifting. Previously there has
is shown in figure 4:1. been considerable variation in estimates of

the onset of the northwards drift of Australia continent whose palaeoclimatic conditions
away from east Antarctica, ranging from a have been misinterpreted. Axelrod (1960)
low of 43 m.y.b.p. (Jardine and McKenzie, envisaged deterioration throughout the Ceno-
1972) to a high of 180-100 m.y.b.p. (Fooden, zoic leading to arid to semiarid conditions by
1972; Savage, 1973). However, it is now the Miocene. There is now evidence that cen-
placed at 55-52 m.y.b.p., with most authors tral Australia bore large, permanent lakes in
favoring 53 m.y.b.p. ( McGowran, 1973; Sclat- the Miocene. Lungfishes, teleosts, turtles,
er et al., 1974; Coleman and Packham, 1976; crocodiles, lizards, and frogs shared the site
Veevers and McElhinny, 1976). McGowran's with a vast diversity of marsupials and birds.
studies of the Antarctic-Australian suture led The surrounding vegetation was dense, rang-
him to suggest that, despite the onset of drift, ing from rainforests to extensive areas of
there was no substantial barrier to the pas- grassland. Gallery forests extended along the
sage of land animals prior to the early Eocene watercourses, and the presence of Nothofagus
(49 m.y.b.p.). and Podocarpus are interpreted to be evi-
Climatic, floral and faunal changes. Be- — dence of high rainfall. There was southern
cause Nothofagus forests now occur in some communication with the sea at some stage
temperate areas, such as southeast Australia (Callen and Tedford, 1976). The records of
including Tasmania, and in New Zealand, it crocodiles and turtles at former freshwater
has been possible to deduce that Nothofagus sites in central Australia are particularly nu-
is associated classically with temperate cli- merous (see also Newsome and Rochow,
matic conditions (Axelrod, 1975). Thus, with 1964). However, these represent the most
evidence of Nothofagus occurring in the Eo- conspicuous and most readily recognized rep-
cene at several localities in southern Australia, tile fossils; the search for smaller material has
the inference might be drawn that, at the only just begun.
time of the separation of Australia from East At some stage, the area between central
Antarctica, the southern Australian fauna was Australia and the north coast also was moist.
probably cool-temperate. Certainly this as- This is demonstrated by the cabbage palms,
sumption would be valid for N. fusca and N. Livistona mariae, now restricted to a colony
menziesi, which now exist in Australia, New of 3,000 at Finke River in central Australia.
Zealand, Chile and Argentina. However, the Their nearest relatives lie 1,000 km away in the
important species is N. brassi, which now northwest of the continent ( Latz, 1975 ) Pa- .

exists in New Guinea and New Caledonia and laeontological and geomorphological evidence
clearly is a subtropical species. Formerly, its demonstrate that central Australia provided
distribution was far more extensive, being numerous niches for mesic animals until the
known in Australia and New Zealand from end of the Pleistocene Wopfner and Twidale,

the Early Cretaceous to the mid-Pliocene, in 1967; Mabbut, 1967; Twidale, 1972). Cer-
West Antarctica from the early Palaeocene to tainly deserts have featured in Australia for a
the mid-Eocene, and from Chile and Argen- long period and have had an essential role in
tina from the Early Cretaceous to the late lizard speciation (Pianka, 1972). It has been
Oligocene (Schlinger, 1974). suggested that in the Quaternary much of the
Further evidence of the southern Austral- now moist extreme southwest of the continent
ian climate being subtropical has been estab- was arid (Glassford and Killigrew, 1976).
lished by Lange (1976) from his study of However the extent of Australia affected by
microfossil epiphyllous germlings, and by aridity appears to have been exaggerated.
Christophel and Blackburn (1978) from their
The minimal morphologicaldifferentiation
of the central Australian hylid
assessment of the Eocene South Australian frog fauna is
Maslin Bay flora. The geomorphological evi- wholly consistent with aridity being a late
Pleistocene feature. Thus the species Litoria
dence of widespread subtropical conditions
caerulea and L. rubella are relicts of a much
are summarized by Bowler (1976). richer fauna, surviving because of tolerance
Central Australia is another portion of the of adults or larvae to high
temperature or

possibly for some other reason. But for the ea, and of the area to the east and west is

contrary evidence of Glassford and Killigrew extremely complex. Similarly only the broadest
1976 ) it is possible that Australia has not
of principles of the nature of the collision of
been any more arid than it is today and, to the plates has yet been established. The fol-

judge from the nature and abundance of lowing contributions provide a brief spectrum
vegetation cover now stabilizing sand dunes of opinions and are a source of many other
in some areas, a trend towards climatic ame- references Thompson ( 1967 ) Falvey and

lioration has already begun. However, the Taylor (1974), Coleman (1975), Denham
Pleistocene record is of minimal relevance to (1975), Mackenzie (1975), Taylor
this review. Tilbury (1975) and Coleman and Packham
(1976). Only recently attempts have been
made to reconstruct the nature of the plate
THE NATURE OF THE collision. Mackenzie (1975) suggested that
AUSTRALIAN-ORIENTAL COLLISION mountain ranges now on the north coast of
New Guinea represent an arc of islands that
Modern New Guinea is composed of three
persisted through to the Miocene, and became
distinct and roughly longitudinally arranged accreted during the collision of the plate
portions. The southern portion and the inter- margins (Fig. 4:2). Coleman and Packham
vening Arafura Sea originally represented the (1976:204) favored this concept: "For the
leading edge of the Australian continental moment, we accept the likelihood that north
plate. The central cordillera is predominantly coastalNew Guinea is a piece of crust, prob-
a much younger feature; uplift commenced in an arc segment, in collision with Aus-
the Miocene. Finally there is a row of iso- tralia-New Guinea." New Britain, to the east
lated mountain ranges on the north coast, each of New
Guinea, therefore represents an island
of which is composed of older volcanic rocks. of the same arc, but which did not come di-
The history of the evolution of New Guin- rectly into contact with New Guinea.


HERPETOFAUNAL ORIGINS deficiencies of Wallace's Line and of other

attempts to delineate the Oriental and

tralian faunas exist because in reality there
In very broad terms, the ancestral stocks
of the South American and Australian faunas
are three components. Hence to the recog-
were derived from two distinct centers. For nized Australian and post-collision Oriental
South America there was an initial Gondwa- colonizers, biogeographers have failed to rec-

nan source, reinforced following the drifting ognize the existence of the additional pre-
collision Oriental unit.
of Africa, followed by a later North American
infusion. For Australia there was similarly
an initial Gondwanan source followed by an ORIENTAL ELEMENTS
Oriental one.
A basic problem is to determine for each
continent which taxa are of Gondwanan an-
cestry. The recent literature
includes several The overall distribution of the Ranidae in
assessments (Keast, 1971, 1973; Cracraft, the Australian Region is wholly consistent
1973, 1974, 1973). For Aus-
1975; Savage, with the concept of entry from the adjacent
between the Gondwanan
tralia the distinction Oriental Region to the west. What is less
element and the more recent Oriental one of two
satisfactorily explained is the existence
should be distinguishable on the basis of endemic species of Platymantis in Fiji far to
morphological divergence and by the nature the east, whereas none occurs in Australia.
of geographic distribution. This is because the In terms of diversity and abundance of ranid
Australian-Oriental collision occurred in the species, New Guinea is equally anomalous,

mid-Miocene, so that animals in Australia of the extent that this component of its fauna is

Oriental origin should have distinct affinities depauperate when compared with those of
and comparable geographic distributions with smaller islands to the west and to the east.
animals in the Oriental Region. Conversely, Thus there are 20 ranids in the Philippine
such relationships should be lacking among Islands, 10 on New Guinea, but 24 on the
the Gondwanan component and there should Solomon Islands. Those anomalies are high-
be minimal geographic distribution outside lighted by the study of the genus Platymantis,
the Australian continent. Thus I propose to including species previously referred to Cor-
establish the constituents of the Gondwanan nufer (Fig. 4:3). Viewing such a distribution
element of the Australian fauna primarily by pattern has led to the assumption that the
a process of identifying, and so eliminating, distribution of Platymantis in New Guinea is
the Oriental element. relictual (Zweifel, 1969).
On an historic and biogeographic basis In support of a concept that Platymantis
the Oriental element of the Australian herpe- was formerly far more widely distributed in
tofauna will fit into one of two categories, as New Guinea than it is today, there is evidence
follows: 1) Animals that occurred within the of close phylogenetic relationships existing
northern chain prior to the mid-Miocene col- between species that are geographically iso-
lision with Australia. All of these would have lated from one another. An example is P.
entered that area from the west. They could batantae of Batanta adjacent to the Vogelkop
range from the Philippine Islands to Fiji. To Peninsula of Irian Jaya (West New Guinea),
be recognizable as pre-collision components, which Zweifel ( 1969 ) considered most closely
they should be more abundant on islands east related to P. giUiardi and P. mimicus of New
of New Guinea than in New Guinea itself. Britain about 2000 km distant.
2) Animals that have dispersed from west to punctata of northern New
Guinea and P.
east following the accretion of the chain myersi of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, with
within northern New Guinea. Such animals which it has affinities, are separated by a simi-
are likely to show a progressive west to east lar distance.Inger (1954:355) evidently drew
reduction in diversity and to be poorly repre- comparable conclusions when he suggested
sented on the islands east of New Guinea. that the closest relations of P. meyeri of the
It is worth contemplating that some of the Philippine Islands ". are not with other
. .


Islands (Fig. 4:4). The direction of second- Indonesia and the Philippines, New Guinea
demonstrable and northern Australia. The Australopapuan
ary radiations is a reflection of
affinities of the extant species. unit is the most prolific, with 13 genera and
New Britain evidently was a major source of 102 species ( Zweifel, 1972; Menzies and Tyler,
colonizing species, leading to the occurrence 1977), compared with 16 genera but only 32
of P. batantae on Batanta and P. punctata on species in South America (Walker, 1973;
Walker and Duellman, 1974; Nelson, 1975).
Waigeo Island off the Vogelkop Peninsula,
P. cheesmanac on the Cyclops Mountains, Parker (1934) was the last contributor to
and possibly P. papuensis on the Finisterre treat this family in its entirety. Subsequent
Mountains (subsequently extending through- contributions have tended to examine single
out northern New Guinea). geographic components, and the overall phy-
When the Australian continental mass col- logenetic relationships of the diverse genera
lided with the Oriental island chain, it there- remain obscure. Cracraft ( 1973 ) and Bogart
fore acquired four species (or stocks) of and Nelson ( 1976 ) outlined the principal
Platymantis (Fig. 4:4). Three of them (ba- issues, of which contention has centered on
tantae, cheesmanae and punctata) have re- interpretation of the origin of the family,
mained almost entirely within the original its relationship to the Ranidae.
confines of the islands on the north coast and In reality, the wide variety of opinions that
have not spread appreciably in New Guinea. have been offered on the origin of this family
The fourth (papuensis) has extended as far reflects the extreme morphological complexity
as the south coast in the extreme west of of the constituent members and the absence
New Guinea. This species ranges to New of a satisfactory, modern synthesis. This is

Britain and the Solomon Islands, but it is demonstrated particularly well by the varying
known to inhabit the intertidal zone and is subfamilial classifications that have been pro-
well suited to dispersal by land and by sea
(Tyler, 1976a). Nevertheless, with the
Within the context of South American-
scale available, its dispersal in New Guinea
Australian faunal studies, the contributions of
remains modest (Fig. 4:5). Perhaps this im-
com- Savage (1973) must be considered in detail.
plies the existence of an Australopapuan
Savage's conclusions differed quite strikingly
and hence an ecological, rather than a
petitor from those of Parker (1934). Whereas the
physical, barrier to dispersal. latter recognized two subfamilies occurring
The source of the stock that gave rise to within and confined to the Australopapuan
the two endemic species on Fiji is uncertain.
area (Asterophryinae and Sphenophryninae),
The intervening and florally rich New Hebri-
Savage recognized only one, to which the
des lacks Platymantis or any other endemic
name Asterophryinae was applied. Savage
species of frogs. The Australian hylid Litoria
(1973:355) considered that the only distinc-
aurea has been introduced there recently, pos- tion between the Asterophryinae and the
sibly from New Caledonia, where it was in-
Sphenophryninae was that ". the former
. .

troduced at the turn of the century (Tyler,

usually have an amphicoelous vertebra just
1976a, 1979 ) The striking success of the New

anterior to the sacrum and the other presacral

Hebrides introduction tends to eliminate any
vertebrae procoelous (diplasiocoelous), while
possibility of extinction as an explanation for the latter have all presacral vertebrae procoe-
the absence of frogs there. his argument of the
lous." Savage reinforced
Rana represents a more recent ranid ar-
inherently trivial nature of such a distinction,
rival. The number of species on the various
by pointing out that although Genyophryne
landmasses north of Australia exhibits a pro-
has uniformly procoelous vertebrae, it had
gressive reduction from west to east in accord been referred to the amphicoelous Astero-
with an Oriental origin (Fig. 4:6).
phryinae by Parker (1934).
Savage wrote without the benefit of access
Microhylidae to a contemporary study by Zweifel (1971),
Microhylids occur in South and North who reexamined the diagnostic characteristics
America, Africa, Madagascar, Asia including of both subfamilies in general and of Genyo-


Fig. 4:5. Distribution of Platymantis papuensis on New Guinea and adjacent islands. Populations on islands
east of the mainland may represent an undescribed species (R. G. Zweifel, pers. comm. ).
Distribution dc Platymantis papuensis en Nucva Guinea y islas adyacentes. Las poblaciones de las islas al
este del contincnte pudieran ser una especie no descrita (R. G. Zweifel, pers. com.).

phryne in particular. Zweifel ( 1971 ) con- musculature (Tyler, 1974a) provide addition-
cluded that, despite certain equivocal fea- al data supporting such a recognition of two

tures, Genyophryne was properly considered subfamilial units (Table 4:1).

a member of the Sphenophryninae, and he A further action by Savage ( 1973) of con-
proceeded to redefine the Asterophryinae and siderable impact was that of including within
Sphenophryninae on the basis of distinctions the Asterophryinae (sensu lato) Calluella, an
of maxillae, dentaries, vertebral column and Asian genus uniquely associated by Parker
tongue. My studies of superficial mandibular (1934) with the Malagasy Dyscophinae.

Table 4:1. — Diagnostic Characters of Australopapuan Microhylid Frogs.

(Data from Zweifel, 1971, and Tyler, 1974a)
Character Asterophryinae Sphenophryninae
Maxillae Often overlapping premaxillae, Not overlapping premaxillae
and usually in contact Never in contact medially

Dentaries In contact anteriorly Not in contact

(except in Hylophorbus)

Vertebral column Diplasiocoelous Procoelous

Tongue Subcircular, entirely adherent, often with Oval, half-free behind, lacking
a median furrow and posterior pouch median furrow and posterior pouch

Interhyoideus muscle Anteriorly underlies intermandibularis Does not underly intermandibularis

( except in Hylophorbus )



: 13



\ 1


Fig. 4:6. Distribution and numbers of species of fi ana in Australia and the adjacent Oriental Region and
Pacific area.
Distribution y numcros de especies de Rana en Australia y la adyaccnte Region Oriental y areas del Pacifico.

Unquestionably, the former union provided a tion can only be appreciated when the con-

biogeographic disjunction that was difficult to siderable diversity of scansorial, terrestrial,

interpret. Nevertheless, to associate CallueUa semi-aquatic and fossorial frogs is seen to be
with the Asterophryinae introduces new united by sharing uniformly similar ontog-
anomalies of even greater magnitude. This enies. To accommodate CallueUa in the As-
is because the Asterophryinae and Spheno- terophryinae ( sensu lato ) also has a profound
phryninae are composed exclusively of frogs biogeographic impact, extending the range of
exhibiting direct development. The inclusion the subfamily from the Australian Region to
of CallueUa among the Australopapuan spe- as far as western China. Evidence contra-
cies introduces species with a free-living dicting this step can be obtained from bio-
larval stage. The magnitude of this introduc- geographic and from morphological sources,

but it involves resurrecting and modifying view can be supported on historical, biogeo-
concepts refuted by Savage. graphic, and morphological grounds. Pro-
Few authors have contemplated the pos- vided with the evidence of the nature of the
sibility of microhylids being widely distrib-
collision of the Australian continental plate
uted in Gondwanaland in the Cretaceous. with the pre-existing chain of Oriental islands,
Admittedly, the concept of the entry of the an Oriental origin seems highly likely for the
family into Australia from Indonesia ante- Australopapuan stock. Thus, Cophixalus,
dated acceptance of continental drift and sea- Oreophyrne, and Sphenophryne were prob-
floor spreading. However such an entry has ably established within the chain at the time
been supported by many authors, of which of the collision. The absence of these genera
Laurent (1975) is the most recent. Savage in the Solomon Islands and islands farther
(1973) proposed the interesting hypothesis south, and the presence in New Britain of
that the Microhylidae was present in the trop- only a single species each of Oreophryne and
ical portions of each of the southern land Sphenophryne (Tyler, 1967) indicate that
masses prior to the fragmentation of Gond- microhylids passed eastwards after the colo-
wanaland. He further put forward an in- nization of the same areas by ranids. It fol-
genious account of a turbulent climatic his- lows that the ancestry of the Papuan micro-
tory for Australia, so as to account for the hylid fauna must be far less complicated than
family's present abundance in New Guinea an examination of the diverse modern genera
(13 genera, 95 species) and almost total ab- would indicate. The important criterion for
sence from Australia (2 genera, 7 species). their success appears to have been the in-
Savage's hypothesis demands considerable herent ability to colonize the New Guinean
mobility for the Australopapuan populations. montane environments that evolved during
In particular there is the need for extinction the rapid elevation immediately after the col-
of the Australian component, followed by di- lision.

versification in New Guinea, and the subse- Cophixalus, Oreophryne, Sphenophryne,

quent recolonization of Australia by immi- and in fact allAustralopapuan microhylids
grants from New Guinea. exhibit direct development. In this regard
The distribution of the Microhylids in they differ from all Oriental microhylids. Di-
Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent por- rect development has enormous selective ad-
tion of the Oriental Region is shown in figure vantage in situations where there is a shortage
4:7. Thefrogs are predominantly montane. of suitable aquatic breeding sites. The first
Interpretation of the origin of the Australo- step in its evolution is probably acquisition of
papuan microhylids must accommodate three macrolecithal eggs without altering the met-
important facts. 1) The highly adapted abolic demands of the embryo. The potential
montane microhylids of New Guinea are for delayed emergence from the vitelline
unlikely to be any older than the orogeny membranes would result. In terms of the
of the mountains that they inhabit. 2) The anatomical structure of the tadpole, it follows
geographically most widely distributed gen- that any deferment of the onset of larval life
era (Cophixalus, Oreophryne, and Spheno- is most likely to permit economy in the elab-
phryne) have representatives at low alti-
all oration of the vast digestive system. This re-
tudes. 3) Microhylids do not occur in any sults from the existence of increased food

part of southern Australia [therefore exclud- reserves,and of decreased demands upon the
ing geographic areas affected by the aridity use of the larval digestive apparatus.
that Savage (1973) believed to have caused
There are several Oriental microhylids
their demise].
that exhibit trends towards delayed emer-
Whereas Savage visualized the Australo- gence. Inger (1966) provided ecological
papuan microhylids as a Gondwanan element notes of species in which enlarged and un-
and thus a group whose origins involved a pigmented ova have been found. In the genus
direct ancestry to South American
frogs, I Kalophrynus the eggs of some species are pig-
subscribe to the more orthodox opinion of an mented, whereas in others such as K. pleuro-
Oriental ancestry for the Papuan stock. This stigma they are unpigmented, and the larvae


Fig. 4:7. The Australian and adjacent Oriental and Pacific areas showing the distribution of the Microhyli-
dae (broken line) and the range of the most widely distributed Australopapuan genus, Oreophryne (con-
tinuous line ) .

Distribution de Microhylidae (linea entrccortada) y el rango del mas extendido de todos los generos austral-
opapua, Oreophryne (linea continua) en Australia y las areas Oriental y Pacifico adtjacentes.

have poorly developed intestines: ". . .

only The superficial mandibular musculature of
two loops visible ventrally and appears to be South and North American microhylids ex-
full of yolk." (Inger,1966:135). hibits a progressive trend of elongation of a
origin the Asterophryinae from
of single pair of slender, supplementary elements
sphenophrynine ancestors has been consid- of the intermandibularis muscle (Emerson,
ered previously. Zweifel (1972:431) observed 1976). In many respects these structures re-
that of the asterophryine genera Hylopharbus semble those found in Papuan sphenophry-
". .differs from Cophixalus of the Spheno-
. nines, but the interhyoideus muscle is more
phryninae only in having the tongue less free, closely involved in the vocal sac, and the
and in having a diplasiocoelous rather than structure of the vocal sac is distinctive. It
procoelous vertebral column. Therefore it may forms an involuted pouch dorsal to the inter-
be that the Asterophryinae sprang from stock mandibularis in at least some of the South
much like the present-day Cophixalus." Tyler American taxa, but there is no such trend in
1974a similarly concluded that the super-
) sphenophrynines, and in the asterophryines
ficial mandibular musculature of Ihjlophorhus the interhyoideus forms a single sheet lying
is comparable to the uniform condition of ventral to the intermandibularis (Fig. 4:8).
Cophixalus and other sphenophrynines, and Variation in microhylid muscle architecture
that the various conditions in the Astero- on each of the major continents is shown in
phryinae can be derived from the generalized figure 4:9; the nature of the diversity is in-
sphenophrynine muscle pattern. dicative of complex separate radiations.

suppl compression of the tail and often referred to

the subgenus Odatria, and 2) the large, typi-
cal monitors.
Hecht (
1975 ) reviewed the fairly exten-
mand. sive history of the Varanidae, noting that the
Late Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene rec-
ords from North America, Europe, and Mon-
golia, combined with the absence of the fam-
ily in South America are indicative of a
Laurasian origin. The fossil record in Aus-
tralia suggests that varanids may have entered
Australia on two occasions. The giant Mega-
lama priscaof southeastern Australia is
known only from Pleistocene deposits. Al-
though McDowell and Rogert (1954) synony-
mized Megalania with Varanus, Hecht ( 1975)
redescribed and redefined the fossil genus
and provided adequate evidence to merit its
Fig. 4:8. Superficial mandibular musculature of
the Papuan mierohylid frog Phrynomantis stictogaster; recognition. Thus, it is possible that Mega-
ventral view with skin removed. Interhy. = inter- lania and Varanus represent separate inva-
hyoideus; inland.
intermandihularis; mand.
= man- sions of Australia. Megalania prisca is the
= = supplementary
dible; subm. submentals; suppl.
element of intermandibularis.
largest lizard known (total length up to 8 m
Musculatura mandibular superficial del batracio
and an estimated weight up to 600 kg). Fos-
sil Varanus have been
microhylido Phrynomantis stictogaster; visto desde la reported from the Mio-
cara ventral con la piel rcmovida. cene by Stirton, Tedford, and Miller (1961),
from the Pliocene by Archer and Wade
Recently, our knowledge of mierohylid (1976), and from the Pleistocene by Smith
karyotypes has been extended to many addi-
(1976) and Molnar (1978). Thus Megalania
tional species, particularly by the contri- and Varanus were contemporaneous.
butions of Rogart and Nelson ( 1976 ) and The success of the carnivorous and car-
Rlommers-Schlosser (1976). It is generally rion-consuming varanids in Australia was at-
accepted that a diploid karyotype of 26 is tributed by Storr (1964) to the absence of
primitive for several families, including the eutherian carnivores. Hecht (1975) suggested
microhylids. This number is retained in the that Megalania represented the carnivore of
three Papuan and 13 Madagascan species the Australian megafauna preying upon some
studied, but is of variable occurrence else- of the large herbivorous marsupials that were
where (Table 4:2). so abundant in the Pleistocene.
Within South America the teiid genus
Varanidae Tupinambis is the only lizard approaching
the niche filled by Varanus in Australia; Tu-
The varanid lizards constitute a group of pinambis is omnivorous.
small to large animals that are more diversi-
fied in Australia than elsewhere. The modern
distribution of the family (and sole genus,
Varanns) forms a broad arc from Africa to Throughout the world there are over 800
Australia; King and King (1975) supported species of skinks unevenly distributed among
an Asian origin. Formerly, varanids were dis- four subfamilies. The widespread distribu-
tributed far more extensively, extending far- tion of the family and varying interpretations
ther north and occupying Mongolia through of its systematics and
phylogeny are biogeo-
to Europe and to North America (McDowell graphically undesirable attributes. The major
and fiogert, 1954; Hoffstetter, 1961). The 19 systematic treatments are those of Mittleman
Australian species of Varanus are placed in (1952) and Greer (1970); I have adopted

two groups 1) small species lacking lateral Greer's scheme.



North America
South America Africa
Madagascar Madagascar
Asia New Guinea
New Guinea

New Guinea New Guinea

Fig. 4:9. Schematic representation of the orientation of supplementary muscle elements in microhylid frogs.
In each figure the muscle slip is shown on a single man dible and is viewed from the ventral surface. The sim-
plest form of this muscle is a slip at the apex of the mandibles as in figure 8. This migrates posteriorly along
the mandible as shown in A and B, or partially migrates and then divides into two slips of various forms ( C
and D).
Representation esquenuitica cle la orientation de los elementos del musculo suplementario en batrachios mi-
crohylidos. En eada figura la portion muscular sc mucs tra en una sola mandibula, y sc lo vc desde la cara ven-
tral. ha forma mas simple de este musculo cs como una porcion en la punta de las mandibulas como en la figura
8. Esto migra posteriormente a lo largo de la mandi bula como se muesira en A y B, o migra parcialmcnte
y se divide en dos porciones de varias formas (C y D).

Greer considered the Scincinae to be the gascar as well. Eumeces has a remarkably
most primitive group within a distribution disjunct distribution, with isolates ranging
that is
predominantly Laurasian but also oc- from North Africa to India, China to Vietnam,
cupies the entire African continent and Mada- and Middle to North America. Disjunctions

Table 4:2. —Microhylid Karyotypes


Carettochelyidae and Trionychidae Colubridae

The carettochelyid turtles have an unusual The colubrids occur mainly in the northern
distribution pattern, but, as yet, there is no and eastern portions of the Australian con-
evidence of their former presence in South tinent. Some of the genera, such as Stegono-
America. Known from
the Eocene of North tus, range through Australia and New Guinea
America and the late Miocene to Present of into the Oriental Region. The phylogenetic
New Guinea (Glaessner, 1942), the sole liv- affinities of Stegonotus appear to be with the

ing representative
Carettochelys insculpta Oriental Dinodon (McDowell, 1972). An
was reported from rivers of northern Aus-
first Oriental route of entry for the colubrids as
tralia by Cogger (1970), and since has been a whole seems to be unquestionable.
shown by Schodde, Mason, and Wolfe (1972)
to be distributed quite widely in the Northern Acrochordidae and Uropeltidae
Territory. This species evidently has a high
tolerance to salt water. Carettochelyids rep- Two acrochordids occur in New Guinea;
resent a relict family, but it is not necessarily in Australia they are restricted to the extreme
one of any great antiquity within the region. north of the continent. These aquatic species
They probably represent the first trionychoid are either both referred to Acrochordus, or
invasion that was followed by Pelochelys bi- one to that genus and the other to Chersydrus.

broni, which did not extend beyond New Each species is distributed extensively in In-
Guinea. Both species probably entered the donesia and farther west, and they represent
Australian Region in the Miocene. A triony- a recent Oriental invasion. The uropeltid
chid has been found in the middle Pliocene genus Cylindrophis can be included within
of Venezuela (Wood and Patterson, 1973). the fauna of the Australian Region because it
reaches the Am
Islands between Australia
and New Guinea
(McDowell, 1975). In
other respects, it is an exclusively Oriental
Within Australia and New Guinea the genus, and it has certainly entered the Aus-
elapid fauna is exceptionally diverse. Authors tralian Region very recently.
vary in the number of species and genera that
they recognize, but Cogger (1975) recog-
nized 26 genera and 61 species in Australia.
Such numbers and diversity would seem to Typhlopids occur on almost all continents.
require a great evolutionary time span. This Typhlops has a range almost equivalent to the
seems to conflict with the existence of endem- entire family, extending throughout Asia to
ism within the Solomon Islands (Salomone- New Guinea. The Australian species now are
laps and Loveridgelaps) and even as far as referred to the genus Typhlina, which resem-
Fiji (Ogmodon) (McDowell, 1970). More- bles Typhlops in external features, but differs
over, elapids extend in a slightly disjunct arc substantially in the nature of the male geni-
talia (Guibe, 1948; Robb, 1966). Cogger
through to Africa; an Oriental origin seems
likely for many of them. Whether this applies (1975) listed 22 species of Typhlina in Aus-
to all components of the Australian tralia, and McDowell (1974) listed 11 from
fauna will have to await completion of the New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Ty-
splendid work commenced by McDowell phlina extends as far south as Fiji. The nature
of the distribution pattern indicates an Orien-
(1967, 1970).
The fossil record currently con-
tal origin for the Australian component, but
elapid is

fined to a species of the date of its entry is uncertain. Its distri-

Pseudonaja differing from
P. nuchalis from the Pleistocene bution in the southwest Pacific is extensive,
deposits at
Naracoorte, South Australia, by Smith ( 1975 )
and it may be well disposed to sea dispersal.

and Pliocene vertebrae from northern Queens-

land tentatively referred to the Elapidae by Boidae
Archer and Wade (1976). The Boidae is described by Cracraft

(1973:384) as an excellent example of

". . . hibiting a slight posterior slope to the neural
Gondvvanan dispersal." However, for Aus- spine.
tralia the boids may have had a rather check- If Wonambi is correctly associated with

ered history. The distribution of Python in an the Boidae, Australia may have been colo-
almost continuous arc from Africa to Aus-

nized by the family twice an initial entry
tralia provides further evidence of origin out- antedating the drift of Australia from Antarc-
side Australia. There has been a fairly pro- tica, and a second entry, presumably in the

nounced successful radiation within Australia, Miocene. If so, when Python first appeared
attributed by Storr (1964) to the absence of in the north of the continent, Wonambi or its

the Felidae. McDowell (1975) recognized ancestors inhabited at least the southeastern
three groups among the Australian Pythoni- part.
nae, distinguished by the presence or absence
The only other fossil record of Australian
of labial scale pits and prehensile adaptations boids is the report by Archer and Wade
to the structure of the tail. The first of these (
1976 ) of three vertebrae of a very large
contains Liasis, and the second Python, More- species in the lower Pliocene Allingham For-
lia and Chondropython. McDowell consid- mation in north Queensland. These authors
ered the latter two genera to be only weakly do not associate it with a modern species, but
defined and maintained that a good case noted (op. cit: 385) that it is ". . . mor-
could be made for referring them all to phologically very similar to modern species of
Python. Such is the state of herpetological
exploration in Australia that a giant new
species of Python wasdiscovered in the GONDWANAN ELEMENTS
Northern Territory in 1975 (Gow, 1977).
However, the third group containing Aspi- As demonstrated here, the Gondvvanan
clites was defined more satisfactorily by pos- elements are predominantly anuran. The fos-
sil record is only just being assembled, and it
sessing several features not exhibited by other
genera. The Boinae is represented in New is best dealt with here rather than within the

Guinea by two species of Candoia. individual families.

Smith (1976) upset the concept of all of
the Australian boids being completely attrib- Australian Fossil Frog Record
utable to radiation from a northern entry of Until recently there were no known fossils
a Python ancestor. From the Naracoorte of frogs in the Australian Region. Tyler
Caves in the southeast of South Australia, she 1974a ) reported the discovery of an isolated
described the fossil genus and species Wo-
left ilium amongst a rich vertebrate assem-
nambi naracoortensis. She considered Wo-
blage taken at Lake Palankarinna, north of
nambi to be related most closely to Madtsoia Lake Eyre, in the northern part of South Aus-
bai ( Palaeocene-Eocene of Patagonia) and tralia. Subsequently, this ilium became the
M. madagascariensis (Cretaceous of Mada-
holotype of the new genus and species Aus-
gascar). The Naracoorte Caves provide an ex- tralohatrachus ilius, tentatively referred to the
ceptionally rich fossil fauna and although of Hylidae (Tyler, 1976). More recently, 19
only late Pleistocene age, many forms of verte- more ilia have been found in sediments from
brates recovered from them are now extinct. Lake Palankarinna (Tyler, unpublished).
Wonambi naracoortensis was described These include a number of additional speci-
from a series of vertebrae; Smith estimated mens of A. ilius, several specimens of an un-
that they were derived from a snake with a described species of the leptodactylid Limno-
body length of approximately 5 m. A frag- dynastes and also a Litoria species closely re-
ment of left maxilla associated with the verte- lated to, and possibly representing L. caeru-
brae bore teeth approximately 7 mm in length. lea. The age of the Lake Palankarinna fauna
from extant Australian boids in lack-
It differs is uncertain but is considered to be most
ing accessory processes beneath the prezy- mid-Miocene. Thus, the age coincides with
gapophyses, in possessing weak subcentral the collision of the Australopapuan and Ori-
ridges and paracotylar foramina, and in ex- ental plates.

A rich Pleistocene fauna, including 166 Tyler (1971) studied a suite of characters
frog of extant species, has
ilia been taken at associated with the superficial mandibular
two cave sites at Naracoorte in the lower musculature, and the vocal sac that it con-
southeast of South Australia (Tyler, 1977). tains, in representatives of numerous families
The fossils include Litoria ewingi, Limno- and including almost all known hylid genera.
dijnastes cf. dumerili, L. tasmaniensis, Rani- He noted that anatomical divergence occurred
della signifera, and Geocrinia cf. laevis, all of principally in association with taxonomic
which occur in that area today. Unfortunate- units recognized as genera. He demonstrated
ly, no known frog fossils of
as yet there are that the Australopapuan Hyla constituted a
an age predating the Australopapuan-Orien- single morph distinguishable from species
tal collision. However, it is noteworthy that from other parts of the world. Consequently
Limnodijnastes and Litoria were established he proposed the resurrection of Litoria Tschu-
in the Miocene at Lake Palankarinna. di to accommodate the Australopapuan spe-
cies and further considered Litoria and Nyc-

timystcs to be a unique, monophyletic group.

Hylidae Cracraft (1973) reported the above find-
Until about 1970 the confamilial status of ings without variation, but in 1974 suggested
the hylids of Australia and New Guinea only that the distinction of Asiatic and Aus-
( "Australopapuan" ) with those of South tralopapuan species had been demonstrated,
America had not been disputed, and in fact and he introduced the topic of Australo-
Hyla was applied quite uniformly to Aus- papuan-South American hylid affinities as
tralopapuan and Neotropical species (creat- though it were a new proposal. Savage ( 1973)
ing numerous problems of homonymy but ap- acknowledged some of my data in press as
evidence refuting the confamilial status of the
parently not of biogeography). The disjunct
nature of the distribution of Hyla (sensu two groups of frogs, and accordingly resur-
rected the family name Pelodryadidae Giin-
lato) was the principal area of interest long
before the homogeneity of the genus (and ther to accommodate them.
later of the family) was really questioned. Ragnara ( 1974 ) published rather conflict-
Within the framework of a concept of static ing data. From his discovery of the occur-
continents, Parker (1929) suggested that the rence of rhodomelanochrome in the skin of
Hylidae might be of North American origin, Neotropical phyllomedusines and some, but
radiating from there in several different direc- not all, Australian hylids, he made two radi-
tions, of which South America and Australia cal proposals. These were 1) that the Aus-
were the ultimate destinations of two. The tralian species of Litoria exhibiting rhodo-
major gap between the depauperate Oriental melanochrome are more closely related
Hyla and the relatively numerous Australian phylogenetically South American phyllo-
species remained a serious obstacle to ade- medusines than to sympatric congeners, and
quate explanations of dispersal, although Dar- suggested therefore, 2) that Litoria was a
lington (1957) suggested that the arboreal highly heterogeneous assemblage. More re-
rhacophorids have displaced and now replace cently, Ragnara (1976) reiterated the com-
the hylids in that intermediate area. mon origin of the phyllomedusine-L/Yon'a
The suggestion of a direct association
first component more forcefully.
between South American and Australian hylid Laurent ( 1975 ) envisaged a totally differ-
species was made by Reaufort ( 1951 ) who ,
ent origin for the Australopapuan species, sug-
visualized an Antarctic land bridge as a route gesting independent origin in situ from a for-
for entry to Australia from South America. merly world-wide leptodactylid ancestor,
During the past decade fresh interpretations which he visualized as the ancestral stock of
of the phylogeny and systematics of the hy- several families on different continents. Con-
lids of Australia and South America have far templating a wholly autochthonous origin he
exceeded the comparative faunal studies de- employed the name Nyctimystinae for the
sirable to support some of the conclusions Australopapuan fauna.
reached. In an attempt to stabilize the classification

of these and other frogs, Duellman ( 1975 ) examination of the diversity of struc-
offered a number of solutions to controversial ture render the casual observer critical of
issues. Among his actions, he continued to Australopapuan hylid systematics. Neverthe-
include Australopapuan species in the Hy- less the magnitude of diversity need be no
lidae. indication of polyphyly. Tyler ( 1971 ) pro-
In order to crystalize the current contro- posed the concept of monophyletic origin on
versy and to aid the transcontinental study of the basis of his studies of superficial mandibu-
the Hylidae, it is necessary to restate or clarify lar musculature and vocal sac structure. Sub-
the following issues: 1) the phylogenetic re- sequent karyotypic data assembled by Steph-
lationships of the Indonesian hylids ( those on enson and Stephenson (1970), Woodruff
the periphery of the Australian population ( 1972 ) Morescalchi and Ingram ( 1974 ) and
, ,

and geographically closest to the Oriental Menzies and Tippett (1976) have in no way
species); 2) whether the Australopapuan caused this concept to change. All of the
species genuinely constitute a monophyletic hylids karyotyped to date have 2n = 26, ex-
group; 3) the phylogenetic relationships of cept L. infrafrenata (2n
24), and in that
the Australian species; and 4) the phylo- instance a model for derivation from 2n = 26
genetic relationships of the Australian and has been proposed (Menzies and Tippett,
South American hylid faunal units. 1976).
The Indonesian hylid fauna. —The north- Phylogenetic relationships of Australian
western geographic limit of Litoria occurs in species.
— Tyler and Davies ( 1978a ) examined
the Indonesian islands of Timor and the Less- the morphology, osteology, myology, distri-
er Sunda Islands of Sumba, Savu and Alor. bution, and biology of 92 of the 94 species of
This latter assemblage represents the eastern Litoria currently recognized. They found that
end of an archipelago forming an intimate these species can be associated in no less than
link to the Malaysian Peninsula far to the 37 species groups. Insofar as all geographic
northwest. Therefore, the Litoria fauna of areas occupied by Hyla are concerned, this
the Timor-Lesser Sunda group is of impor- total of groups not exceptionally high. In

tance to any contemplation of entry of hylids reality the number of species per species
into Australia from the northwest. group is
remarkably similar in several geo-
The only species (L. everetti) occurring graphic areas (Table 4:3). Although more
in the relevant area is a member of the L.
concerned with the initial step of establishing
peroni group represented elsewhere in the phonetic groupings, Tyler and Davies demon-
strated that Australian hylids
Australopapuan area by five described species occupy an in-
—peroni, amboinensis, rothii and
credible gamut of niches.

darlingtoni. The total geographic range of Tyler (1970, 1972a) suggested that there
this species group is
exceptionally extensive existsa close phylogenetic relationship be-
(Tyler and Da vies, 1978a). It appears that tween Australian hylids and leptodactylids.
the group evolved in Australia or New Guinea The core of this suggestion related to the lep-
and is now radiating in several directions and todactylid genus Cyclorana. That genus as
extending its range. Thus, it is confirmed that then constituted comprised a group of squat-
the phylogenetic affinities of L. everetti are bodied and also some elongate species. Lynch
with other Australopapuan species and not ( 1971 ) regarded them an integral component
with the southernmost Oriental hylid (Hyla of the Australian leptodactylid fauna.
chinensis). (1971, 1972a) studied superficial mandibular
Monophyletic or polyphyletic origins. In- — musculature in all Australian leptodactylids
sofar as the Australopapuan fauna is con- and his conclusions differed from those of
cerned, the issue is whether the frogs referred Lynch only in his appraisal of Cyclorana, in
to the Hylidae are a monophyletic group. which he noted distinct hylid affinities. Tyler
Ecologically, at least, they are incredibly di- (1970) suggested that the similarities of the
verse, filling a spectrum of niches occupied on Australian hylids and leptodactylids implied
other continents by different families. A su- the existence of a single common ancestor.

Table 4:3. — Relationship Between Number of Species and Number of Species Groups of Selected Hylid Genera
on Different Continents.

Geographic area

grounds for an intrinsic division within the ance: "Despite the divergent nature of Acris
current concept of the Hylidae. Therefore, I with respect to other hylids, and the super-
favor recognition of a subfamily to accommo- ficial similarity of Acris to ranids, the inescap-
date Litoria, Nyctimystes and (as indicated able fact remains that Acris has procoelous
in later discussion) Cyclorana. Because all vertebrae, an arciferal pectoral girdle, inter-
family group names are of equal status for calary cartilages and claw-shaped terminal
the purposes of nomenclatural priority, Pelo- —
phalanges a combination of characters that
dryadinae (derived from Pelodryadidae seemingly inextricably ally the genus with
Giinther, 1858) takes priority over Nyctimy- the hylids."
stinae Laurent, 1975. It is equally reasonable to suggest that
It is worth noting that when Maxson and organismal evolution is unlikely to be con-
Wilson (1975) implemented Savage's concept strained along any linear path of morpho-
of the Pelodryadidae, because of results of logical divergence as assessed by human ob-
estimated mean albumin-immunological dis- servers. Hence, systematists have a quandry
tances between continental populations, they that is own making, and while the
of their
overestimated the continental divergence Hylidae remains defined as it is now, the
time. Their immunological distance of 100 Pelodryadinae remains an integral component
units equates with 60 million years, so that of it.

the existence of 100 immunological units be- Cyclorana is a problematic genus. By

tween any two taxa involves acceptance of 60 virtue of the fossorial habit of most of its

million years isolation between the popula- species and the absence of intercalary struc-
tions. Their calculation of an immunological tures it formerly has been accommodated in
distance of approximately 129 units between the Leptodactylidae (Parker, 1940; Lynch,
the relevant Australian and South American 1971). More evidence has demon-
populations can be interpreted in two ways, strated between Cyclorana and
but may well be excessive. The physical pelodryadine hylids in myology (Tyler,
separation of Australia from Antarctica is now 1972a), adrenal catecholamines (Robinson
established at 52-55 m.y.b.p. This total com- and Tyler, 1973), in larval structure and biol-
pares with 77 m.y.b.p. calculated by immu- ogy (Watson and Martin, 1973), and in
nological techniques. If the latter is the cranial osteology (Fig. 4:10). A closer exam-
period of isolation of the stocks, ecological or ination of the moqjhology of Cyclorana spe-
physical barriers on the Antarctic land mass cies resulted in the discovery of intercalary
are called for to explain the separation of structures in C. inermis, C. alboguttatus, and
populations prior to rifting. C. dahlii, and led to these species being re-
Wallace, Maxson, and Wilson (1971) ferred to the hylid genus Litoria by Straughan
found greater immunological distances exist- (1969), Tyler (1974b) and Tyler, Davies and
ing between South American and the adjacent
King (1978) respectively.
North American species, than between North In consequence of these actions and of the
American and the geographically distant sin- resurrection of one species and the descrip-
gle Australian species examined. Maxson tion of five new species (Tyler and Martin,
(1978) demonstrated a high degree of 1975, 1977), Cyclorana now is composed ex-
compatability between North American and clusively of robust fossorial frogs lacking in-
European Hyla. Maxson and Wilson (1971) tercalary structures but retaining a closer af-
noted that where discrepancies exist between finity to hylid than to leptodactylid frogs.
organismal resemblance and albumin resem- Awareness of this presumably led Heyer and
blance, it is to be attributed to differential Liem (1976) to omit Cyclorana from their
rates of organismal evolution. As an example
they cited Acris, which exhibits albumin and 1
The customary term "intercalary cartilages" is not
haemoglobin affinities to North American used because these structures are bony in 46 of 71
Hyla, and yet is strikingly different from such Australopapuan hylid species studied (Tyler and
Davies, 1978a). Ossification bears no correlation
species in anatomy, gross structure, biology, with finger length, habits or geographic distribution.
and ecology. Duellman (1970:647) accepted
However, all large or moderately large arboreal
such evidence with considerably less toler- species retain a cartilaginous state.

Cyclorana brevipes Cyclorana australis

5mm 5mm
Litoria raniformis Litoria alboguttata
Fig. 4:10. Skulls of certain species of Cyclorana and Litoria.
Crdneos de ciertas especies de Cyclorana ij Litoria.

phylogenetic analysis of the Australopapuan group may prove to be the sister group of
leptodactylidae ( Myobatrachidae ) .
Cyclorana and merit elevation to distinct ge-
Because all hylids exhibit axillary amplex- neric identity.
us and Australian leptodactylids (except Mix-
ophyes) inguinal, it follows that the embrace
of Cyclorana should be of relevance in de- Leptodactylidae (Myobatrachidae)

termining its phylogenetic relationships. I It is valid to describe the current state of

have observed amplexus in four species of nomenclature and phylogcny of Australian
Cyclorana. Initially the grasp is high in a leptodactylid frogs as distinctly unstable.
circumcervical position, as though the male Even them here as Leptodactyli-
to refer to
intends to strangle his mate. However the dae rather than Myobatrachidae is in total
grasp slides posteriorly to an inguinal position. opposition to the sincere efforts of many
Within the Hylidae, Cyclorana appears to workers. I do so now because I seek a re-
be related most closely to the Litoria aurea evaluation of the steps that led to the nomen-
species group, which now includes two spe- clatural change, and because I suspect that
cies previously referred to Cyclorana. This the examination of South American-Australian

relationships is best served by nomenclatural Tyler (

1974 ) reported that the female broods
conservatism. the larvae within her stomach.
Parker's (1940) review of Australasian Subsequently, a robust-bodied, fossorial
species brought a considerable degree of frog was found living in coastal sandhills in
nomenclature of many Aus- a remote and arid part of Western Australia.
stability to the
tralian genera. Parker recognized two sub- Named Arenophryne rotunda
Tyler by
families — Cycloraninae (which he erected) (
1976c ) ,genus has affinities with both

and the Myobatrachinae. Lynch (1971) pro- Myobatrachus and Pseudophryne. More re-
vided a splendid historical account of the cently, another new and as yet undescribed
classification of the Leptodactylidae, and in genus (Tyler et al., 1979) was discovered in
so doing, placed Parker's contribution in an the northern portion of Western Australia and
historical perspective. Following the publica- the Northern Territory. This form produces a
tion of Parker's monograph, A. R. Main and foam nest, has tadpoles with suctorial mouths
his colleagues undertook the first detailed and elongate tails, and the adult exhibits enor-

biological, herpetofaunal studies. The result

mous tympana.
of their work (and of that of their students) The subdivision of existing genera ini-

was the description numerous new species.

of tiated by Tyler (1972b) and Blake (1973)
Nevertheless, the genera recognized and sus- took a further, and more radical, step with
tained by Parker were in no way challenged. actions of Heyer and Liem ( 1976 ) who de-

Certainly Neobatrachus was resurrected from scribed three more new genera to accommo-
the synonymy of Heleioporus by Main, Lee, date —
known species Paracrinia for Crinia
and Littlejohn ( 1958 ) but in over 25 years haswelli; Australocrinia to accommodate two

only one new genus was erected Tauclac-

— southeastern species referred to Ranidella by
tyJus by Straughan and Lee ( 1966 ) At that .
Blake (1973); and KankanopJiryne for Pseu-
time it was tempting to assume that Austral- dophryne occidentalis. They also resurrected
ia's leptodactylid fauna was already reason- Platyplectron without defining it or naming
ably well established. However, as late as the constituent species.
1960, only 59 of the currently recognized total Unfortunately the data on which this study-
of 79 species had been discovered. ( Cyclo- by Heyer and Liem is based are, as
yet, un-
rana has been excluded from these totals.) published, being available only in a paper by
Close examination of some of the numerically Liem cited as "in press." Thus, it is simply
large genera then recognized (e.g., Crinia) not possible to comprehend or assess several
indicated an unsuspected heterogeneity. In of the decisions reached by these authors and
fact, because most Crinia were small species, I am unable to recognize the
genera in the
the genus had in reality become a repository following discussion.
for a great variety of frogs only sharing small In attempting to provide a brief resume
stature. It followed that closer examination of the case for the familial and subfamilial
led to the erection of some new genera and status of the Australian frogs, I must at the
the resurrection of others (Tvler, 1972b; outset put forth the evidence that has been
Blake, 1973).
provided for family distinction. Lynch ( 1973 )
Collection of Rheobatrachus silus by Liem and Savage (1973) well may be considered
(1973) represented one of the most extra- the prime initiators of the concept of the
ordinary herpetological discoveries of this Myobatrachidae as a family unit distinct from
century. In its gross morphology as an aquatic the Leptodactylidae. In their respective views
frog with profuse dermal, mucous glands, of the classification of the Anura they, and
fully webbed toes, long pointed fingers and other authors, differed in many respects, and
incredible aquatic maneuverability, the re- Duellman ( 1975 ) attempted to synthesize the
semblance to pipids such as Xenopus, and various expressed opinions and produce a
particularly to the South American lepto- classification that constituted a compromise.
dactylid Telmatobius, is
extremely striking. Duellman recognized the distinctness of the
Rheobatrachus silus was found to be even Myobatrachidae, but his brief diagnoses did
more noteworthy when Corben, Ingram, and not include a single nongeographic feature

which the majority of species of one family tylid genera and approaches some primitive
could be distinguished from those of the leptodactylids from other geographical areas
other. I draw attention to this fact not in an ( Heleophryne, the Ceratophryinae, many Tel-
all with 2n = 26).
attempt to score a point, but solely to high- matobiinae,
light the fact that the case for considering
the On gross morphological grounds, the re-
Myobatrachidae a separate family still needs semblance between some Australian and
to be substantiated. South American genera is striking. If the
Duellman (1975) was able to accommo- South American Ratrachyla should be found
date Rheobatrachas within the Myobatrachi- tomorrow in the cool, temperate forests of the
dae, arguing that neither the suite of primi- southern section of the Australian Great Di-
tive morphological character states, nor the viding Range, it would be compared with
bizarre reproductive mode should exclude it. Kyarranus and Philoria, found to be highly
Lynch (
1971 ) employed a graphic technique similar, and attract little comment.

enabling him tocompare the relative primi- Lynch (

1973 ) pointed out that there were
tiveness of a large number of nonarchaic frogs. several systematic options in any cladistic
If Rheobatrachus is added to Lynch's frog study of the leptodactyloid frogs, and he
groups and the 13 nonreproductive charac- maintained that separating the Limnodynas-
ters are scored, Rheobatrachus has a total tinae ( "Cycloraninae"
of Lynch without
score of 0. It is the bizarre reproductive state Cyclorana), Heleophryninae, and Myobatra-
that produces a positive sum. I wholly sup- chinae from the Leptodactylidae, reduced the
port Heyer and Liem's ( 1976 ) action of plac- gradation of characters within the latter fam-
ing Rheobatrachus in a separate subfamily, ily. The knowledge of each of these units
the Rheobatrachinae. Therefore, within the remains incomplete, and other more radical
Australian Region there is an enormous diver- options are still open. For example, on bio-
sity of animals in terms of the
nature of char-
geographic grounds, frogs associated with he-
acter states, and a crucial question is whether leophrynines or myobatrachines should occur
the disjunction between the Australian and among the cool temperate Austral fauna of
South American subfamilies is best reflected South America. Alternatively, other data
by regarding them as members of different might reinforce the existing myobatrachine-
families. Intrasubfamilial variation is more telmatobiine links, or the degree of distinc-
extensive among the Australian subfamilies tion between the Myobatrachinae and the
than in any other comparable units on other Limnodynastinae, thereby meriting independ-
continents, and it is this variation that renders ent family status for each of the latter. For
their definition so difficult (Lvnch, 1973:170- the present, there seems to be a good case for
171). including the Australian species in the Lep-
The South African Heleophryne forms the todactylidae while the other avenues are
Heleophryninae, which Lynch placed in the being explored.
Myobatrachidae. It would be extremely in-
teresting to test this assignment by means of Gekkonidae
the comparison of serum albumins employing
the techniques for frogs of Wallace, Maxson, In recent years the status of the higher
and Wilson (1971). Because the African con- taxa of gekkonid lizards has attracted consid-
tinent separated from Gondwanaland be- erable attention. Underwood (1954) recog-
tween the mid-Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous nized three families —Eublepharidae, Sphae-
and Gekkonidae, with two
(100-155 m.y.b.p.), but South America from rodactylidae,
Gondwanaland in the Cenozoic (25-45 subfamilies (Gekkoninae and Diplodactyli-

m.y.b.p.), the absence of myobatrachids from

nae ) Kluge ( 1967 ) recognized only one

South America is curious indeed. Morescalchi family (the Gekkonidae) containing each of
1973 ) and Morescalchi and Ingram 1974 ( )
the other four units as subfamilies. Some of
noted that Cyclorana alboguttatus (now Li- Kluge's concepts of the origins, dispersal, and
toria albo guttata) is karyologically less dif- evolutionary relationship of these subfamilies
ferentiated than many Australian leptodac- have been variously criticized by Maderson

have demon-
(1972), Moffat (1973),
and Russell (1976). karyotypic studies in Australia
strated within well-established gekkonine and
interpretation was made
1967 with
Kluge's ( )
of numer-
the assumption that continental drift was diplodactyline species the existence
ous species, none of
which has yet
neither tenable as an hypothesis, nor germane biological
to the resolution of the study. This led to
been accorded formal taxonomic status ( King,
1973, 1975, 1977; King and Rofe, 1976).
conclusions that must be reexamined within
recognized five dis-
the context of continental drift as an accept- example, King (1977)
cretely distributed and chromosomally
able hypothesis. For example, there is his
tinct populations within what is now termed
assumption that the Australian Diplodactyli- new
nae evolved from a primitive southeast Asian Diplodactylus vittatus. When all of these

Mesozoic. taxa are named, it is clear that the Australian

gekkonid stock during the Late
However, for that entire era, Australia lay far gekkonid fauna will be vast numerically.
to the south and was still united to western
Antarctica; the rift and long northwards drift
towards southeast Asia only commenced in are
Presently, the pleurodire chelonians
the early Cenozoic. Therefore, as Cracraft restricted to South America, Africa, Australia
1975) pointed
( out, the prospect of a success- and New Guinea. Of the constituent families
ful overwater dispersal of geckos from Asia to Neo-
now extant, the Chelidae occurs in the
Australia in the Mesozoic is remote indeed. whereas the
tropical and Australian Regions,
In addition to hosting the pantropical gek- Pelomedusidae occurs in Africa, Madagascar
koninae, the endemic subfamilies of South and South America. In terms of diversity and
America and Australia probably exhibit simi- radiation, the South American genera and spe-
lar historical patterns of gekkonid evolution. cies have been more labile, and study of the
Certainly a significant feature of the disjunct- extant Australian members suggests an ex-
is their absence In a phylo-
ly distributed eublepharines ceptionally conservative history.
from South America, Madagascar, and Aus- genetic study, Gaffney (1977) envisaged
tralia. Such a distribution is explained most Australian genus Pseudemydura as possibly
of an
readily by adopting Kluge's concept the sister group of all other Australian and
African or Asian site of origin. The general South American genera.
consensus of opinion is that the sphaerodac- At present, there are four recognizable
tylines of South America and
the diplodacty-
genera of extant Australian chelids
lines of Australia evolved within their present dina, Elseya, Emydura and Pseudemydura.
geographic ranges. The diplodactylines
Fossil records are becoming quite numerous,
tended to New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, but the majority of them are based upon
and New Zealand evolving in New Zealand to totally disarticulated shell fragments lacking
form an ovoviviparous group. Arrival of the sufficient detail to provide adequate diagnos-
diplodactylines in New Zealand has been sug- tic characters for generic determinations.
gested to be a Miocene event, but if the The first report of fossil chelids from Aus-
subfamily existed in Australia in the Cenozoic tralia is that of Lydekker (1889) who re-
it could have entered New Zealand via the and Emydura
ported fragments of CheJodina
Lord Howe Rise. from various localities. De Vis (1894) pro-
Many of the gekkonines are remarkably posed Trionyx australiemis for a substantial
well suited to transoceanic dispersal. Phyllo- quantity of fragments (probably chelid)
dachjlus has an incredible geographic range, taken at Darling Downs, and then (1897)
occurring in the Americas, Africa, Madagas- described one new genus and four new spe-
car, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, cies from the same or adjacent localities.
and the Galapagos Islands. However, Dixon These specimens are in urgent need of re-
and Anderson (1973) indicated that Phyllo- view. Records of Pleistocene chelids from
dactylus may be heterogeneous; species in the Queensland reported by Longman ( 1929 ) are
Eastern Hemisphere should be separated ge- fragmentary and lack diagnostic characters
nerically from PhyUodactyhis. A number of (Warren, 1969).
gekkonines are dispersed by man. Recent
Evidence of the conservative nature of the

chelid fauna was provided by Warren ( 1969 ) tal origins. The extant species of Crocodylus
who reported Emydura sp. macquari from
aff. are clearly of Oriental origin or derived from
siltstones in Tasmania. Reported to be of an Oriental stock, and are confined to the
Oligocene-Miocene age they are now con-

north of the Region C. porosus of south-
sidered somewhat older and of Early Tertiary eastern Asia, New Guinea and Australia, C.
of New Guinea and C. johnsoni
age (J. W. Warren, pers. coram.). Chelids are novaeguineae
no longer extant in Tasmania, and E. mac- of Australia.

quari is now confined to the Murray-Darling The fossil fauna is substantial both in

drainage system of the southeastern Australian quantity and diversity, and a number of
mainland. With the discovery of freshwater highly significant finds has been reported re-
turtle remains from Tasmania and also from cently. Molnar ( 1977 ) described from Chil-
various Miocene to Pleistocene deposits on the lagoe in North Queensland an incomplete
mainland (Callen and Tedford, 1976; Archer skull, with a high and laterally compressed
and Wade, 1976), it is likely that previously snout and probably xiphodont dentition. The
chelids have occupied almost all of the Aus- subsequent discoveiy of Pleistocene Palor-
tralian continent and New Guinea as well. chestes cf. P. azael at the same site was in-

Contraction of their ranges is probably a terpreted as evidence of a Pleistocene age

Pleistocene for the xiphodont (Molnar, 1978), and indi-
The intercontinental relationships of che- cated that xiphodonts had survived in Aus-
tralia long after their extinction elsewhere in
lids is, superficially at least, extremely close
the world.
(e.g., Elseya and Platemys). However, the
Lower Cretaceous Chelycarapookus arcuatus Hecht and Archer ( 1977 ) reported two
Warren (1975) (Chelycarapookidae) (previ- forms of xiphodonts from the Pleistocene of
South Australia and southeast Queensland, re-
ously identified erroneously as Emydura mac-
quari by Chapman, 1919) needs to be exam- spectively. The former is reported to compare
ined. Unfortunately, with the posterior por- favorably with the type of the sebecosuchian
tion of the plastron of that fossil missing, Sebecus icaeorhinus from the Eocene of Pata-
whether the pelvic girdle was attached or not gonia. The authors suggested that the as-
remains unknown, so that even the infra-order sumed sebechosuchian Planocrania datangen-
sisfrom the Early Tertiary of China is in
position of the family is uncertain. Warren
1975 ) noted that in Chelycarapookus neurals realityprobably an eusuchian, so that origin
of the Sebecosuchia is clearly from Gond-
probably were present between all costals,
and suggested tentatively that with loss of the wanaland.
neurals, Australian chelids could have been
derived from a chelycarapookid ancestor.
However Rhodin and Mittermeier (1977), ap-
parently without sighting the description of
Chelycarapookus, reported that neurals occur
regularly in one species of Australian chelid The legless, fossorial lizard
family Pygo-
and irregularly in several other species. Gaff- podidae the only reptilian family restricted

ney's ( 1975 ) study of the phytogeny and to the Australian Region. Kluge (1974) rec-
classification of turtles almost exclusively re- ognized eight genera and 30 species of pygo-
lied upon cranial characters, and, in common podids. Kluge's (1976) analysis of phylo-
with most Australian chelid remains, the head genetic relationships within the family led to
and neck of Chelycarapookus remain un- the recognition of only six genera. Following
known. the work of Underwood (1957), there has
been general acceptance that the pygopodid-
gekkonid relationship is extremely close, and
it follows that the most
likely origin for the
The crocodiles include two quite distinct pygopodids is within Australia directly from
a gekkonid stock.
components differing in their ancestry and arc
probably of separate Gondwanan and Orien- Many pygopodid species are restricted

either to the southwest or to the southeast of sentative of —

two other sources 1) overwater
the continent, a distribution pattern common dispersal principally from the north and north-
to numerous vertebrates and attributed to east, and 2) land communication with Aus-
tralia via the exposed Lord Howe Rise.
speciation in the Pleistocene, associated with
the glacial-interglacial climatic oscillations. Fiji and New Zealand are the most south-
Thus, the implication of the existence of such erly of the large landmasses in the Pacific and
is that speciation of these
distribution patterns merit specific mention.
same populations not of any great antiquity.
is Fiji.
— In addition to the iguanid Brachy-
Somewhat in conflict is the total absence of lophus (discussed by Cogger, 1974), Gorham
pygopodids from the southern island of Tas- ( 1965)
stated that an additional 14 lizards oc-
mania and the presence of only a single spe- cur on Fiji. These are gekkonids and scincids,
cies on Kangaroo Island. If these indicate but only one possibly is endemic. The pres-
that pygopodids occupied the adjacent main- ence of two boids, one elapid (endemic), and
land only after isolation of these islands from one typhlopid so far southeast tends to sup-
the mainland (8,000-10,000 y.b.p.), the port the hypothesis that these are all of Ori-
southern speciation pattern evidently is more ental source and not Gondwanan elements.
complex. As noted previously, the two endemic ranids
on Fiji (Platy mantis vitiensis and P. vitianus)
Western Pacific Island Faunas and
were derived from the same source route. In
Oceanic Dispersal the case of the ranids, the absence of frogs
from the intermediate potential stepping
Although South America now is separated stones of New Hebrides and New Caledonia
from Australia by the vast expanses of the remains an apparently inexplicable anomaly.
Pacific Ocean, the nature of the major oceanic Additional references dealing with the Fijian
surface currents provides a mechanism for herpetofauna are Barbour ( 1923 ) Brown and

westward dispersal of animals by rafting from Myers (1949), and Gorham (1968).
South America in the direction of Australia. —
Neic Zealand. The most well known com-
The west coast of South America is swept ponent of the New Zealand herpetofauna is
by the north flowing Humboldt Current which the rhynchocephalian reptile, the Tuatara
meets the transpacific southern equatorial cur- Sphenodon punctatus. This relic was prob-
rent at mid-latitudes. The latter current
ably quite widely distributed elsewhere in the
travels westward and eventually disperses Mesozoic, as evidenced by the extensive fos-
around all of the islands of the Pacific south sil record of
rhynchocephalians at that time.
of the Equator. The remaining terrestrial reptiles are 35 spe-
Thirty years ago Thor Heyerdahl's raft cies of lizards (almost all are endemic) of the
Kon-Tiki demonstrated the transport potential families Gekkonidae and Scincidae. The
of the southern equatorial current by travel- geckos include three endemic genera that are
ling from Peru to the Tuamotu Archipelago in unique among gekkonids in being ovovivipar-
French Polynesia south of the Marquesas ous, whereas the endemic skinks are members
Islands. Had his vessel been driven two or of genera widely distributed outside New
three degrees northwards, he woidd have Zealand.
passed between the Marquesas and the Tua- In their recent survey of New Zealand
motu Archipelago, and continued much far- vertebrates, Bull and Whittaker (1975) ac-
ther west on a longer journey terminating in
cepted Kluge's (1967) interpretations of the
Western Samoa, Fiji, or Tonga. This longer origin of the gekkonids, resulting in their
journey is probably the route of the ancestral statement (op. cit: 239): "The geckos form
stocks of the iguanids of Fiji and Tonga — part of the Malayo-Pacific element of the New
Brcichylophus fasciatus and B. brevicephalus, Zealand fauna and probably entered New
respectively. South American derivates are Zealand in the Miocene when the climate was
not evident elsewhere, and the remaining ele- warmer and the land more extensive than
ments of the herpetofauna of the islands in now." They further visualized fairly extensive
the west and southwest Pacific area are repre- oceanic dispersal by rafting from New Cale-

donia or directly from Australia. A totally dif- fected in a millenium or the subfossils repre-
ferent interpretation would result by consider- sent extinct species; in either case it seems to
ing the connection between New Zealand and be unprofitable to speculate about the char-
the Lord Howe Rise and the exceptionally acteristics of their immediate postdrift an-
close proximity of the Lord Howe Rise to cestors.
Australia in Early Cenozoic (Griffiths and Within the context of discussion of south-
Varne, 1972). west Pacific biological origins, the concepts of
New Zealand Nur and Ben-Avraham (1977) on a lost Pa-
If geckos really arrived in
no earlier than the Miocene, they have been cificcontinent (formerly lying close to the
east coast of Australia) must be considered.
evolving rapidly ever since along a unique
Nevertheless the present study of the anurans
path. Therefore, acceptance of an Early Ceno-
zoic entry avoids any concept of an explosive has not required such a landmass to explain
their origins.
radiation, and provides an adequate time span
for speciation in situ along novel lines. Kluge's
(1967) hypothesis of gekkonid evolution and CONCLUSIONS
dispersal did not accommodate continental
drift. Accordingly, it is not surprising that his
When the amphibian and reptile families
interpretations of the source of the faunal now found in Australia are examined, one by
ancestors is at variance with one incorporat-
one, to determine whether their affinities lie
ing this phenomenon. with South American or with Oriental stocks,
The endemic frog fauna of New Zealand it
rapidly becomes apparent that Oriental
is even more bizarre than the reptile fauna sources predominate, and that Australian-
and is represented by three species of Leio- South American links are few indeed. At the
pelma. Whether Leiopelma and Ascaphus of commencement of drifting in the Eocene, the
North America should be placed in a single Australian herpetofauna included the follow-
family ( Ascaphidae), or whether Leiopelma ing families shared with South America.
should constitute the Leiopelmatidae remains Gekkonidae (Diplodactylinae). The na- —
a matter of debate. However, there is no ture of the extensive radiation within Aus-
argument to the concept that these genera tralia well support the concept that the
represent relics of a fauna that was widely Gekkonidae was the only lizard family pres-
distributed. Estes and Reig (
1973 ) referred ent in Australia.
Vieraella and Notobatrachus of the Early and Boidae (P Madtsoinae). —
The presence of
Late Jurassic of Patagonia to the Ascaphidae. this family hinges upon the Pleistocene Wo-
Until recently, Leiopelma hamiltoni was nambi whose phylogenetic affinities are with
known only from a small heap of stones oc- snakes outside the Oriental Region. Extant
cupying one quarter of a hectare on the South genera certainly arrived in the Miocene.
Island. Now is known from an additional
it Chelidae. A — Gondwanan component
on the small Maud Island off
fifteen hectares probably of considerable antiquity. Within
the coast (Rull and Whitaker, 1975). Leio- Australia, fossils extending to the Early Ter-
pelma archeyi and L. hochstetteri are dis- tiary represent modern species. The origin of
tributed somewhat more widely on the North the family is uncertain, but the Lower Cre-
Island, but Bull and Whitaker (op. cit: 235) taceous Chehjcarapookus arcuatus, for which
stated that in the recent past probably (". . . Warren (1975) erected the Chelycarapooki-
within the last 1,000 years. Leiopelma
. .
.") dae, exhibits postcranial features that render
was far more widespread, being known from it a potential chelid ancestor.

five sites where it no longer occurs today. Crocodijlidac.

The first fossils of a sebe-
They described subfossil material as being cosuchian crocodile fauna have just been dis-
about twice the size of the extant species, but covered.
otherwise similar in skeletal features. Thus, Hylidae. — Previous concepts of South
the animals involved would have been as American and Australian tree frogs represent-
much as 100 mm in length. Either the mor- ing a single family do not as yet appear to
phological change to existing species was ef- have been refuted.

Leptodactylidae. Irrespective of the final typed by Mrs. J. Russell-Price. I am also
assessment of the familial disposition of the indebted to Richard G. Zweifel for permis-
Australian genera and species, the South sion to reproduce the map of New Guinea
American affinities of the Australian members upon which figure 4:5 was prepared.
are indisputable.
These six families represent the elements
of the Australian herpetofauna destined to
persist through to the Holocene. It follows
that by modern standards the total herpe- Las oportunidades para un intercambio
tofauna was incredibly depauperate, and herpetofaunistico gondwanico entre Sud
lacked many significant elements. Pygopodids America y Australia fueron muchos menores
evolved in Australia probably during the que aquellos entre Sud America y Africa,
period of isolation. debido a la expansion de la Antartica. Al
The comienzo de la separation de Australia de
serious deficiencies were remedied
from the Miocene onwards Sud America (53 m.a.a.p.) el continental su-
as Australia
the eastern outliers of the Oriental Region
reno Australiano era subtropical. Condiciones
humedas con una diversidad de anfibios y
approached one another on their collision
course. The commencement of colonization reptiles occupaban el centra de Australia hasta
el Pleistoceno superior cuando un incremento
by families such as the Scincidae probably
antedated the mid-Miocene. Others such as de la aridez elimino muchos sitios acuaticos.
the Typhlopidae, Carettochelyidae, Microhy- De todos los posibles modos de establecer
lidae, Varanidae, and Crocodylidae probably cuales segmentos de la herpetofauna australi-
were acquired at the time of the collision, ana eran compartidas con Sud America como
while the Ranidae entered then and again in resultado de un intercambio gondwanico, se
a subsequent wave. In broad terms, the Ori- ha seleccionado determinar que familias que
ental influence upon Australia probably was estan hoy presentes en Australia y Nueva
more significant than the North American in- Guinea, fueron adquiridas cuando Australia
fluence upon South America, because South coludio con la Region Oriental en el Mioceno
America had a more diverse and better estab- medio. Un analisis de tal evento demuestra
lished herpetofauna before the time of con- que un grupo de islas adheridas a lo que es
tact. la actual costa norte de Nueva Guinea. Por
ende, si estas islas estaban poblados con an-
fibios y reptiles algunos, al menos, debieron
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS haberse integrado a la heipetofauna australo-
papua a traves de esta via.
For the invitation to participate in the Se propone un modelo que involucra la
symposium "The South American Herpeto- dispersion de algunos generos a traves de las
fauna," and for the funding making this pos- Islas Orientales desde las Filipinas a Fiji en
sible, I am greatly indebted to The University el Mioceno (el
genera de batracios ranidos
of Kansas, and particularly to the convenor, La colision de tierras arego
Platy mantis).
William E. Duellman. este rana a la fauna de Nueva Guinea y los
Many of the ideas and assessment pro- actuales extremos de diversidad al Oeste y al
posed paper arose from or were stimu-
in this Este de Nueva Guinea reflejan la edad de
lated by discussions or correspondence with especiacion. En contraste otros generos arri-
many of my colleagues. For this great help I baron desde el Oeste despues de la colision,
gratefully acknowledge the contributions of resultando en una progresiva reduction del
Bob Lange, John M. Legler, Brian McGow- numero de especies desde el Oeste al Este.
ran, Allen E. Greer, Rowley Twidale and Entonces, los patrones de distribution geo-
George R. Zug. grafica de los elementos Orientales en Aus-
Margaret Davies prepared figures 4:1 and tralia varian de acuerdo con la fecha de en-
4:10,whereas figures 4:3-4:7 and 4:9 are the trada relativa a la colision de Australia. Sin
work of Debra Bennett. The manuscript was embargo, el topico mas importante es las rela-

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genera of Microhylidae (Amphibia: Anura).
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5. Quaternary Biogeography of Tropical Lowland
South America
Jiirgen Haffer

Tommesweg # 60
4300 Essen-1
West Germany

Research into the Quaternary biogeog- In this review I characterize, in a brief

raphy of the Neotropical Region has been introductory section, the climate and vegeta-
intensified during recent years as biologists tion of tropical lowland South America and
became increasingly aware of the fact that their Quaternary history as far as it is known
Pleistocene climatic-vegetational fluctuations today. The main portion of this paper is a
caused vast changes in the distribution of detailed discussion of recent research into the
forest and nonforest biotas. Comparatively Quaternary biogeography of various groups of
restricted populations of previously widely South American animals and plants. The re-
distributed plants and animals were isolated sults of these studies concern biologists in-
in remnant habitats during adverse climatic terested in the historical aspects of tropical
periods and differentiated at a varying rate biotas and should prove useful for compara-
depending upon the size of the restricted tivepurposes to students of the Neotropical
population (i.e., the size of the "refuge" herpetofauna in particular.
area), the degree of isolation, and the varying
"plasticity" of systematic groups following the
model of geographic speciation (Mayr, 1942, CLIMATE AND VEGETATION
1963). The interpretation of Quaternary for-
est and savanna fragmentation provides biol- The climate of the lowlands of tropical
ogists with a mechanism to explain extensive South America varies from wet, humid, or
recent speciation in the South American low- moist, especially near mountain ranges and in
lands, the occurrence of widely disjunct popu- the equatorial Amazon region, to dry or even
lations of related taxa and other biogeo- arid in northeastern Brasiland along the Car-
graphical phenomena that could not be ac- ibbean coast of northern Venezuela and Co-
counted for in the absence of natural barriers lombia. The northern tradewind belt moves
to interbreeding and dispersal (Meggers, southward into northern South America dur-
1977). The studies recently completed in the ing the northern winter causing a pronounced
fields ofNeotropical ornithology, herpetology, dry season. Alternating wet and dry seasons
entomology, and botany yield comparable re- occur over most of tropical South America,
sults and, hopefully, will stimulate further even to some extent in portions of the lower
investigations needed to test the model of Amazon Valley. The dry seasons are least
Quaternary differentiation proposed. Prob- pronounced and the annual rainfall corre-
ably only few Neotropical plants and animals spondingly high in the upper Amazon Valley,
have survived from the Late Tertiary until the near the Atlantic coast of northeastern and
present time without evolutionary change a — southeastern tropical South America as well
notion popular among biologists only one or as in the vicinity of the Andes,
especially in
two decades ago. It is held that speciation the Pacific Choco region of western Colombia,
events leading to extensive differentiation of and along the Caribbean slope of the Middle
faunas and floras during the Tertiary con- American mountains.
tinued into the Quaternary, possibly at a Tall evergreen forests grow in areas of
somewhat accelerated pace because of rapid high rainfall (Fig. 5:1) and grade through
environmental changes. semi-evergreen and deciduous forests into


thorn forest and scrub as the annual rainfall CLIMATIC-VEGETATIONAL HISTORY

decreases and the influence of a prolonged OF THE NEOTROPICAL LOWLAND
dry season increases. Variations are caused REGION DURING THE QUATERNARY
by local conditions of soil and topography.
Characteristic plant associations of the non- Humid tropical vegetation, perhaps some-
forest regions of interior Brasil are the cer- what drier in midlatitudes, covered most of
rado, a typical woodland savanna, and the the exposed land area of South America dur-
caatinga, an open thorn woodland rich in ing early Tertiary time (Wolfe, 1971; Solbrig,
cacti. Extensive grass savannas are found in 1976). Forests slowly retreated northward in
the north and south of the Amazon forest in the Patagonian region during the second half
areas where flooding lasts several months each of the Tertiary when the Andes were gradu-
year and alternates with a severe dry season ally uplifted and the climate became cooler
(eastern Colombian and central Venezuelan and drier, possibly in response to periodic
llanos; the savannas of eastern Bolivia and polar glaciations which began during the
the varzea campos of the lower Amazon Val- Miocene. The gained momen-
glacial phases
ley). Extensive discussions of the climate and tum with time during the Quaternary,
vegetation of South America have been pub- vast polar glaciers repeatedly advanced to-
lished by Schwerdtfeger (1976), Hueck ward lower latitudes and extensive montane
(1966), and Hueck and Seibert (1972); see glaciers covered the higher slopes of tropical
also the recent literature review by Haffer mountains. Extensive continental shelf areas
(1974). were emergent during the glacial periods of
The vast Amazonian forest covers some lowered world sea level and were submerged
6,000,000 km of central South American low-
during interglacial phases. Interglacial seas
lands from the Andes to the Atlantic coast even encroached over low lying coastal plains,
including the upper Orinoco region of south- such as northern Colombia, and covered a
ern Venezuela and the Guianas to the north- huge portion of the Amazon Valley.
east of theSolimoes-Amazon basin itself. Riv- Although temperatures in the tropical
ers bordered by characteristic vegetation zones lowlands remained "tropical" during glacial
of varying width and isolated savanna en- periods («3°C lower than today), alternating
claves interrupt the immense and superficially humid and arid climatic phases of the Quater-
uniform forests. Interspersed savannas are nary caused vast changes in the distribution
concentrated in a transverse zone of reduced of forest and nonforest vegetation. Forests
annual precipitation extending from southern broke into isolated remnants during cool dry
Venezuela across the lower Amazon River into periods (glacial phases) and expanded and
northeastern Brasil; others occur between the coalesced during warm, humid phases (inter-
upper Madeira and Purus rivers (Fig. 5:1). glacial periods). Conversely, nonforest vege-
Extensive forests in Amazonia grow on infer- tation expanded during glacials and retreated
tile leached soils of the terra firme in areas during interglacial phases. Geoscience data
where Tertiary strata and "basement" rocks are insufficient so far to map the changing
of the Guianan and Brasilian shields form the distribution of forest and nonforest vegetation
subsoil. Only rather small areas of Amazonia during the various climatic periods and, in
are underlain by fertile soil, especially along particular, to locate accurately areas of rem-
major river valleys and in the Andean fore- nant forests during arid phases which served
land. Erosive material from the Andes is as "refugia" for animal populations. From the
transported eastward into the Amazonian low- location of current rainfall maxima and the
lands and forms soils that are considerably topographic relief (which was already in
richer in nutrients than the soils of the adja- existence during most of the Pleistocene) one
cent terra firme between large river courses would tentatively conclude that several areas
(Fittkau, 1969, 1974). This simplified scheme along the northern slopes and foreland of the
is currently being modified through detailed mountains in the interior Guianas, along the
interpretation of radar images, field controls, eastern slopes and foreland of the Andes, as
and extensive mapping in Amazonia (Ham- well as along the northern margin of the
mond, 1977). Brasilian tableland remained humid and for-

Fig. 5:1. Distribution of humid tropical lowland forest and location of rainfall centers in Middle and
South America. Explanations: Shaded = humid forest, often semideciduous around savanna regions. Hatched
= areas receiving over 2500 mm of rain per year. Solid = Andean Cordilleras and Middle American
mountains of more than 2000 m elevation. Heavy dashed lines delimit the dry transverse zone of lower Ama-
zonia characterized by numerous isolated savanna enclaves. Letters designate areas of paleoecological research.
(See text for details.)
Distribution de selva humeda y position de centros de Uuvia en las tierras bajas tropicales de Centro y Sud
America. Explicaciones: Matizado = selva humeda; frecuentemente selva semidecidua alrededor de regiones
de savanas. Rayado vertical = areas recibiendo mas que 2500 mm de Uuvia anuales. Negro = Cordilleras
andinas y montafias de Centro America con alturas mayores que 2000 m. Lineas rayadas anchas delimitan la
zona seca transversal de Amazonia baja caracterizada por numerosas savanas aisladas. Las letras indican las
areas de investigaciones paleoecologicas. (Ver el texto para detalles.)

Copoera + Katiro Loguxi de Agua Suoa Loke Moreru

(Rondonia. Brasil)
(Llanos Onerrfoles .Gotomtoo ) iRupsKn. Guyana)

I0 2O3O4O5O6O7O809O KDO%



i^ Eem of tie tropical foresf

.'. ,

Maunna I

1 Savarmo elem (pnnc Gtamineae) 38301


50 100%^°

G/amneae Cyperoceoe

orel crtTier 5<Mma herOo

Oftier forest elements
Gramineae (savannas)

OTher forest etements

Fig. 5:2. Pollen diagrams from central and northern South America (after van der Hammen, 1974). Ex-
B. Scheme of the succession of
planations: A. Pollen diagram from Capoeira and Kati ia, Rondonia, Brasil.
in the
vegetation types (as reflected in the pollen diagram) during an interglacial-glacial-interglacial cycle
present coastal plain of Guyana-Surinam. C. Pollen diagrams of the late Pleistocene and
Holocene from
areas at present covered with savanna vegetation ( Llan os Orientales, Colombia; Rupununi, Guyana). Four-
digit numbers indicate years before present.
Diagramas palinologicos de la parte central y septe ntrional de Sudamerica (segun van dcr Hammen, 1974).
Explicaciones: A. Diagrama paiinologico de Capoeira y Katira, Rondonia, Brasil. B. Esquema de sucesion
la vegetation (segun diagramas palinologicos) durante un ciclo interglacial-glacial-interglatial en la planitie
costanera de Guyana-Surinam. C. Diagramas palinolo gicos del Pleistoceno tardio y Holoceno de regiones hoy
cubiertas por savanas (Llanos orientates de Colombia; Rupununi, Guyana).

ested during dry climatic periods forming iso- icalSouth America (see earlier reviews by
lated "forest refugia." Sombroek, 1966; Haffer, 1969, 1974; Vanzolini
During Quaternary periods of raised sea and Williams, 1970; Fittkau, 1974; van der
level ( interglacials ) extensive areas of the , Hammen, 1974; Gamer, 1974, 1975; Raven
central and upper Amazonian lowlands were and Axelrod, 1974; Brown, 1977a,b).
converted into shallow inland lakes. Sioli Palynological data (Figs. 5:2-3). The

(1957) and (1976) discussed certain Irion pollen contents of bore hole samples from
aspects of the history of river sedimentation Katira Creek, 120 km southeast of Porto
and erosion as related to sea level fluctuations. Velho (Rondonia, upper Rio Madeira, Brasil;
The evidence for the above generalizations O of Fig. 5:1), indicate that in this rainforest
about Pleistocene climatic-vegetational fluc- region the forest was temporarily replaced by
tuations in tropical lowland South America open savanna vegetation, presumably during
is derived from palynological, geomorpho- a late Quaternary period of drought ( van der

logical, geological, and climatological studies Hammen, 1972, 1974; Absy and van der Ham-
conducted in widely scattered parts of trop- men, 1976 ) Pollen profiles from lake deposits

Displacement of Fluctuations of
vegetation zones lake level







southern Venezuela to northeastern Brasil.

Forests reexpanded during the following hu-
mid period, which extends to the present
time, and led to the isolation of the presently
remaining savanna enclaves within the Ama-
zon forest.

Side-scanning radar images obtained

through aerial surveys reveal geomorphologi-
cal features in forested areas where frequent
cloud cover had prevented air photography.
Interpretation of surface land forms based on
radar mosaics holds promise for a compara-
tively rapid geomorphological mapping of
vast areas, especially in Amazonia, thereby
permitting regional differences in the climatic
history of extensive forest regions to be rec-
ognized. Initial results of radar interpretation
and ground checks have been published by
Tricart (1974, 1975) and Journaux (1975),
who worked in lower Amazonia. Tricart sur-
veyed the Santarem region and noted inten-
sive dissection of the surface that had oc-
curred under nonforest vegetation, probably
during part of the marine regression corre-
sponding to the last glacial period. The area
later was covered with forests upon the return
of a humid climate during the postglacial
Flandrian transgression. Journaux ( 1975 ) also
concluded that a major and relatively long
semi-arid phase had preceded the present
Fig. 5:4. Schematic cross sectionprofiles of the humid period. During the last 13,000 years,
sequence of geomorphic development in the Rio
the forest has reoccupied savanna regions to
Caroni area, southern Venezuela (after Garner,
1966). Explanations: Humid climatic periods the north and south of the lower Rio Ama-
(1,3,5,7) characterized by fluvial incision alternate zonas. By contrast, savannas apparently ad-
with arid periods (2,4,6) when extensive aggrada- vanced at the expense of forests in one study
tion occurred.
area near the border of Brasil and Surinam
Perfilcs esquemdticos demostrando el desarollo
geomorfologico de la region del Rio Caroni, Vene- (Tirios region) during postglacial time.
zuela meridional (segiin Gamer, 1966). Explicaciones: Further observations on the climatic history
Periodos humedos (1,3,5,7), caracterizados por in- of Amazonia based on geomorphological
cisionde rios, alternados con periodos dridos 2,4,6
( )
studies have been published by Bremer
cuando ocurrio agradacion extensiva.
(1973), Eden (1974), Klammer (1975), Zon-
neveld (1975), and Mousinho (1971). The
Extensive geomorphological observations
last author worked in the Manaus region of
indicate an alternation of humid and arid
central Amazonia (M of Fig. 5:1) and found
climatic periods in northern, eastern, and cen-
evidence in the Upper Quaternary strata in-
tral Brasil (B of Fig. 5:1) during the Quater-
dicating alternating dry and humid climatic
nary (Tricart, 1959; Bigarella and de An-
phases, which probably correlate with the last
drade, 1965; Bigarella, 1971; Fairbridge,
glacial and postglacial periods, respectively.
1976; Franzle, 1976). The last severe arid
The landscape development in southern
phase occurred in Brasil during the interval
4,000 and 2,500 y.b.p. and may have caused
Venezuela (Rio Caroni drainage system; C
a separation of the upper and lower Amazon of Fig. 5:1), as well as along parts of the
forests along the dry transverse zone from western and eastern slopes of the Peruvian

Andes (L and P of Fig. 5:1), during the naus region) that were deposited during the
Quaternary has been interpreted by Garner last glacialstage and in postglacial time. The
(1959, 1966, 1968) on the basis of a sequence authors did not identify indications of peri-
of alternating humid and dry periods. The odic influence of dry savanna climate in these
Caroni region in southern Venezuela was sediment cores. Possibly, fairly humid condi-
unforested repeatedly when severe planation tions and broad gallery forests persisted along
and aggradation occurred (Fig. 5:4). Forests the Amazon River and its tributaries during
have returned to this area comparatively re- (late) Pleistocene dry climatic phases. Irion
cently. Lateritic crusts, stone lines, dissected and Absy (1978) further felt that the surface
gravel deposits, settled dunes, or the morphol- land forms in central Amazonia do not favor
ogy of the landscape of parts of central and an interpretation of repeated climatic reversals
northern Brasil indicated to Barbosa (1958), in that area during the Quaternary. Hope-
Ab'Saber (1957, 1967), Cole (1960) and fully,sedimentological and palynological ma-
Hammer (1963:299, 305) that the present terial will soon become available from the
humid climate was preceded by a more arid terra firme regions between large Amazonian
climatic phase. Sarma (1974) obtained cor- rivers. These regions are more critical for
responding results in coastal Ecuador. testing the theory of Pleistocene vegetational
An interpretive map of South America by fluctuations in Amazonia than the broad river
Ab'Saber (1977) depicts the distribution of valleys where probably more or less extensive
major vegetation types during the dry climatic gallery forests remained during dry climatic
phase of the last glacial period (18,000- periods.
13,000 y.b.p. ) as reconstructed by the author —
Climatological data. Regional variation
from primarily geomorphological data (e.g., of annual rainfall in central South America is
pediments, fluvial terraces, stone lines, paleo- mainly determined by the surface relief which
sols, iron crusts) gathered over 20 years. The had originated at least in Late Tertiary time,
lowland tropical forests are shown to be re- although some uplifting of the Andes and the
stricted to a number of isolated areas that Guianan and Brasilian shields probably did
agree in size and location to refugia proposed occur later during the Quaternary. Precipi-
by several biogeographers as discussed below. tation is increased near the Atlantic coast, on

Geological data. —
The occurrence of exposed slopes of the Guianan mountains, and
arkosic sands (30-60% felspars) of Late Wis- near the Andes. By contrast, the total rain-
consin age in the shelf sediments off north- fall decreases on the leeward side of moun-

eastern South America led Damuth & Fair- tains and in a zone across lower Amazonia.

bridge (1970) to postulate that the climate Even though climatic patterns during Pleisto-
of tropical lowland South America during the cene glacial and interglacial periods probably
last glacial phase was much drier than
differed considerably from the present situa-
Milliman et al. (1975) and Irion (1976) chal- tion, appears reasonable to assume that,

lenged this conclusion and suggested the during arid phases, the forests in Amazonia
possibility of an Andean or central Ama- disappeared first from areas that presently
zonian origin of the arkosic sands, which receive the least amount of rain per year and,
would diminish their paleoclimatic signifi- conversely, survived longest in areas of heavy
cance. Further data and interpretations of rainfall. Cool dry periods occurred 20,000-

Quaternary continental shelf deposits in trop- 13,000 y.b.p., 11,000-9,500 y.b.p., and 3,500-
be of interest. Studies of
ical latitudes will 2,800 y.b.p. (van Geel and van der Hammen,
sea-bottom cores taken in the Caribbean Sea 1973; Vanzolini and Williams, 1970; Heine,
and of foraminiferal assemblages and eolian 1974 ) The last two periods probably did not

biogenic detritus indicate aridity during cause so much forest fragmentation as the
temperature minima (Bonatti and Gartner, earlier which coincided with the last
1973; Prell, 1973; Parmenter and Folger, glacial period. Zonneveld (1968) discussed
1974). the climatic changes in northern South Amer-
Irion and Absy (1978) studied lake sedi- ica.

ments from the central Amazon Valley (Ma- Paleontological data.

—Rich fossil deposits

at a number of localities in several South the origin of the large diversity of life in the
American countries, especially in Argentina, Neotropics and mainly refer to the question
southeastern Brasil, and Ecuador, indicate the of which processes led to the separation of
existence of a peculiar Neotropical mammal small populations in the vast tropical low-
fauna in forest and nonforest habitats during lands. Spatial isolation was known since the
the Tertiary and Quaternary periods (Patter- studies of Charles Darwin, Moritz Wagner
son and Pascual, 1968; Paula Couto, 1975). and Ernst Mayr ( 1942, 1963 )
as the prerequi-
This fauna had evolved in geographic isola- site of
geographic (allopatric) speciation.
tion during the Mesozoic and Tertiary from Agents causing the isolation of daughter pop-
an ancestral mammal fauna of western Gond- ulations from a previously more widespread
wanaland (Fittkau, 1969; Fooden, 1972) and parent population in tropical South America
came in direct contact with the North Amer- are thought to be 1 ) paleogeographic changes
ican mammal fauna in the Pliocene, when the in the distribution of land and sea, 2) the
Central American isthmus was closed ( review development the system of broad Ama-

by Savage, 1974; Webb, 1978). Pleistocene zonian 3) vegetational fluctuations

rivers, or

bird remains are known from northwestern under the changing climate of the past. These
Peru and western Ecuador (Campbell, 1976, three theories are discussed in some detail
1979). The famous fossil deposits in the lime-
stone caverns at Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais —
Constancy theory. No major speciation
(Brasil) may be only subrecent in age. or subspeciation occurred in the tropical low-
Despite the outstanding general scientific lands during the Quaternary, when equable
significance of the South American fossil environmental conditions were fairly constant
faunas, their contribution toward elucidating and continued unchanged from the Tertiary
biogeographical events in the tropical low- into Recent times (or, at least, climatic
lands during the Quaternary is still limited. changes were of minor importance). Extant
The notable extinction of mammals in South Neotropical species and subspecies, as well as
America during the late Pleistocene, mainly their distribution patterns, are thought to
of the larger, more specialized herbivores and have originated during the Tertiary when
their predators, has been attributed to cli- populations were repeatedly isolated and re-
matic-vegetational changes, to hunting pres- connected owing to paleogeographic changes
sure by prehistoric man, or to both (Martin in the distribution of land and sea caused by
and Wright, 1967; Axelrod, 1967). Hersh- epeirogenic and orogenic events (e.g., uplift
kovitz (1969:27) stated that ".postglacial
. . of the shield areas and the Andes, respec-
decrease in humidity, aggravated by drastic tively, or foundering of forelands off the
seasonal fluctuations, might well have been present coast lines ) Tertiary species presum-

the more important factor in the extermina- ably survived relatively unchanged until to-
tion of largerMiddle and South American day, although some impoverishment of the
mammals." However, the problem remains fauna may have occurred. This theory was
unsolved, and the discussion of late Pleisto- generally accepted during early parts of this
cene extinctions continues (MacNeish, 1976; century and, among recent authors, by Croizat
Grayson, 1977; Webb, 1978). (1958, 1976) for the Neotropical fauna, Ems-
ley (1965) for butterflies, and Hershkovitz
(1969) for certain mammals. This interpreta-
QUATERNARY BIOGEOGRAPHY OF tion may also be called the "Tertiary island
theory." According to this theory, differences

Several biogeographical theories have

been proposed to explain the origin of present- 1
A number of other theories attempt an explanation
day distribution patterns in South American of the maintenance ( as opposed to the origin ) of
animals and plants and to rationalize the his- high tropical species diversity and emphasize niche
reduction through ecological specialization under an
tory of faunal differentiation at the species
equable climate, increased competition, or the great
and subspecies level in the Neotropical low- age of tropical habitats and their stability through
lands. These theories concern the problem of time.

between the forest faunas to the west and east allied species of animals [Wallace, 1853;
of the Andes presumably originated from the Bates 1864 (for various groups of animals);
uplift of the Andes, which split a pre-existing, Sclater and Salvin, 1867; Hellmayr, 1910,
widespread lowland fauna into a trans- 1912; Snethlage, 1913; Mayr, 1942:228, and
Andean and a cis-Andean (Amazonian) por- Sick, 1967 (for birds); Hershkovitz, 1968,
tion (Chapman, 1917:89; Croizat, 1976:766). 1969 ( for monkeys ) ] However, many of these

It appears certain that the isolation of species circumvent large streams or, in the
to case of subspecies, hybridize in the head-
large populations owing Tertiary paleo-
and also water regions where the narrowing rivers
geographic climatic-vegetational
cease to be barriers to dispersal ( Haffer, 1969,
changes did play a major role in establishing
basic distributional and evolutionary patterns 1974, 1978). The distribution of numerous
of the Neotropical fauna and flora at higher other species is unaffected by Amazonian
taxonomic levels of families and genera. How- rivers. The river theory also leaves unex-

ever, the dataon Pleistocene fossils and on plained howa forest of the size, or nearly the
environmental fluctuations, reviewed above, size, of the present Amazon forest could have

indicate conspicuous changes in the composi- existed without major rivers. The develop-
tion and distribution of the Neotropical biotas ment of the great forest and of its large rivers
during the Quaternary period, probably lead- probably was one interrelated process. The
forest cannot be envisioned without the rivers
ing to extensive evolutionary changes at the
and vice versa.
species and subspecies levels in many groups
after the close of the Tertiary. This, of course, flooding of the Amazon Valley
does not exclude the possibility of members of during interglacial periods and shifting river
groups in the present fauna, espe-
less plastic courses in this region indeed may have iso-
cially among invertebrates, having survived lated some local animal populations on tem-
relatively unchanged since Tertiary times. porary islands, where they may have differen-
Because the Andes arose in the form of strings tiated as subspecies or even species (Willis,
of growing islands from a marine geosynclinal 1969:393). The same applies to islands on
basin, there was no pre-Andean, continuous the continental shelves of South America,
and widespread lowland fauna occupying which were connected with the mainland
what was later to become the Andes and their during glacial periods of lowered world sea
forelands. Moreover, the separation of trans- level and isolated during interglacial periods
and cis-Andean lowlands and their faunas was (Miiller, 1970; Vanzolini, 1973; Reboucas-
not complete; thus frequent exchanges of Spieker, 1974).
these faunas through the Caribbean lowlands —
Refuge theory. Forest and nonforest
of northern Colombia north of the Andes were biomes alternately broke into isolated blocks
possible during the Quaternary. and expanded and coalesced under the chang-
River theory. —This theory is an attempt ing humid to arid climatic conditions of the
to explain the differentiation in the rich Ama- Quaternary period. According to this theory,
zonian biota. Uniform and widespread popu- plant and animal populations isolated in the
lations areassumed to have been divided into restricted forest and nonforest refugia during
two more subpopulations and effectively
or adverse climatic phases either became extinct,
isolated by the developing network of large survived without much change or, more often,
Amazonian rivers during the Early Quater- differentiated to the level of subspecies or
nary period. The isolated subpopulations de- species before they came into secondary con-
viated to the level of subspecies and species tact with previously conspecific populations
on opposite river banks. This theory has been of other refugia during a following favorable
invoked on different occasions to explain cer- expansive phase. If a population reached
tain situations but has never been proposed sexual and ecological isolation
neigh- from its

formally or quantitatively tested. Field nat- boring allies, it could disperse widely in the
uralists observed repeatedly that the Amazon now continuous habitat before its extensive
or one of its tributaries separate for some dis- range was fragmented during the next adverse
tance the ranges of numerous subspecies of climatic phase. Rivers in Amazonia probably

were not a causal factor of speciation ( except ports of neospecies should be disregarded."
perhaps in a few cases) but merely limited Similarly, Ballmann ( 1977 ) concluded that
or modified the dispersal of populations from most of the extant avian species originated
the forest refugia. during the Pleistocene. Vuilleumier (1975:
This theory proposes that the intensive 480) summarized the current consensus stat-
earlier processes of faunal differentiation dur- ing that ". the distribution patterns of taxa
. .

at the species or genus levels, especially the

ing the Tertiary continued into the Quater-
nary. The theory was based initially on anal- diversity gradients observed at present, are
yses of distribution and speciation patterns only remotely related to Tertiary dispersal,
in several groups of Neotropical birds (Haf- but are instead the result of Pleistocene
fer, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1974,
1975), reptiles events. . much Pleistocene speciation has
. .

(Vanzolini, 1970, 1973; Vanzolini and Wil- taken place in the tropics. . . ."

liams, 1970), and vertebrates in general An analysis of forest and nonforest refugia
(Miiller, 1972, 1973 ). Subsequently, it has could be based on criteria derived from the
been corroborated by the results of studies on following evidence. 1) Direct evidence from
Amazonian Drosophila flies (Spassky et al., fossil records and from studies in various

1971;Winge, 1973), butterflies (Brown et al., other geoscience fields, such as palynology,
1974; Brown, 1976, 1977a,b), and trees pedology, and geomorphology. As shown
(Prance, 1973). The theory is essentially the above, the sparse data presently available do
refuge model developed to explain faunal dif- permit several general conclusions to be
ferentiation during the Pleistocene in northern drawn regarding vegetational fluctuations in
latitudes (Stresemann, 1919; Reinig, 1937, tropical lowland South America. However,
1938a,b). This model was applied later to it is still inadequate to map in detail the
Australia (Keast, 1959, 1961), Africa (Car- changing distribution of forest and nonforest
casson, 1964; Moreau, 1966; Kingdon, 1971) vegetation through time or to delineate accu-
and finally to the Neotropics. rately forest refugia of varying sizes that must
As to the
chronology of the speciation have existed during arid climatic phases.
process, recent authors agree that species may 2) Indirect evidence based on an historic in-
evolve under favorable conditions in geo- terpretation of biogeographical data concern-
logically short periods of time [i.e., during the ing the present flora and fauna. Because the
time span of Pleistocene climatic phases or forest and nonforest refugia are geological-
even shorter periods (Selander, 1971; Van- paleontological rather than biological phe-
zolini,1970, 1973)]. Brodkorb (1971:46 ff.) nomena, conclusions based on such indirect
stated in a paleornithological review: "The evidence alone should be formulated cau-
Quaternary was a period of almost constant tiously. 3 ) Combination of direct and indirect
change. The living species of birds arose at evidence derived from the available paleo-
various times during the Pleistocene epoch, ecological and fossil data, as well as from
.... Postglacial evolution has been mainly at extant faunas and floras. Given the present
the subspecific level. The evidence con-
. . .
state of knowledge this method appears to be
tinues to amass that the most promising today. It is reviewed in
all living species of birds
arose during the Quaternary the following section in some detail, for the
scarcely . . .

more than 13 [living species of birds] have results so far obtained readily explain many
been reported, tenuously, from the Tertiary. biogeographic phenomena observed in the
It was formerly held that neospecies Neotropical Region.
nated in the Pliocene or even earlier, but The authors who advocated the Tertiary
little evidence exists to support this theory. . . . island theory, the Quaternary river theory,
Pending critical re-evaluation, all Pliocene re- and the Quaternary refuge theory determined,
as a first step, general patterns of vicariance
Several earlier authors briefly suggested in general in the continental biotas (i.e., the patterns of
terms climatic-vegetational fluctuations as a cause
allopatric differentiation of species and sub-
of Pleistocene faunal differentiation without dis-
cussing details (Fox, 1949; Turner, 1965; Miiller, species, including phenomena of secondary
1968); see also the review by Vuilleumier (1971). contact between vicariant populations). The

species and subspecies that merely

cited authors then studied the causes of the
vicariance patterns and identified geographic- in the forest and nonforest refugia, differenti-
that led to ated in the refugia, or became extinct in the
geological or vegetational changes
the repeated appearance and disappearance refugia. The construction and comparison of
of barrier zones. This procedure of historic- cladograms for the geological units (islands,
biogeographical analysis agrees with a recent refugia) and groups of organisms of a given
recommendation by Croizat, Nelson, and region as suggested by Platnick and Nelson
Rosen (1974:269) and earlier authors. As far (1978) and Rosen (1978) may eventually
facilitate such an analysis.
as theNeotropical lowland fauna is con-
In order to avoid misunderstanding, sev-
cerned, most of the above biogeographers
eral terms used in the following discussion
probably also would agree with Croizat et al.
are defined below.
(1974:269) who emphasized the zoogeo-
Distribution center: Area inhabited by
graphical and historical importance of "... a
continuing temporal sequence of vicariant
most or all membersgroup of localized
of a

events, and .
subsequent dispersal modify-
. . species and/or subspecies with similar eco-
ing earlier vicariant patterns." The under- logic preferences; area of high endemism. A
lying causes of allopatric differentiation
in the purely descriptive term. Synonyms are core
lowlands during the Quaternary area of distribution, core area of endemism.
Mapped by superimposing the ranges of spe-
probably were processes of alternating frag-
mentation and coalescence of vegetation cies in thegroup considered and drawing con-
zones [i.e., "small-scale" vicariance events as tour lines of equal numbers of species in the

compared to major vicariance events caused group.

by changes of geography in connection with Center of evolution: Area with high en-
regional uplift/subsidence and continental demism in species and subspecies surrounded
drift during earlier geological periods (Terti- by and separated from other centers by vari-
ary, Cretaceous, etc.)]. Climatic- vegetational ously extensive belts where contact zones of
fluctuations probably caused allopatric spe- closely related parapatric species and hy-
ciation on a world-wide scale through much bridizing subspecies are clustered. This term
of the earth's Mesozoic and Cenozoic history, refers to biological phenomena and is inter-
although such fluctuations were more accen- pretive, especially if the contact zones are
tuated during the rapid climatic changes of believed to be secondary, that is, having orig-
the Quaternary. A correlation of several inated from populations expanding their
aspects of geographical differentiation pres- ranges and establishing contact with previ-
ently observed in the Neotropical lowland ously isolated neighboring populations. In
fauna with the known geographic-paleoclima- term "center of dispersal" also is
this case the

tological changes of the recent geological past used and, if is considered to be

appears to be the most parsimonious interpre- synonymous with evolution, the term "center
tation. Among the proposed theories, only of differentiation" may be applied (Miller,
that of Quaternary forest contraction and ex- 1941; Behle, 1963). These are mapped as a
pansion explains satisfactorily the recurrent combination of distribution centers and con-
distribution patterns in different groups of by contour lines, which illustrate
tact zones or
Amazonian animals and plants, such as the varying hybrid levels of populations around
clustering of contact zones in central Ama- centers of evolution.
zonia over portions of the Guianan and Bra- A restricted area within the cen-
silian shields and the overlapping (congru- ter of evolution (center of dispersal) where
ent) ranges of localized species in the upper the habitat in question presumably remained
Amazonian lowlands, which were covered by
shallow seas during most of the Tertiary. 1

The terms "nuclear area" ( Kernareal, Arealkern ) or

Additional biogeographic data on tropical "equiformal area" have been used by earlier authors
who developed the "center" concept in the Palearc-
South American animals and plants, as well as
tic region ( Hulten, 1937; Reinig, 1937, 1938a,b,
detailed comparative geological studies, are 1950; de Lattin, 1957; see review by Udvardy,
needed to evaluate the varying proportions of 1969).

more or less constant during adverse climatic and partly fused in the past. Such suture

periods thus serving as a refuge for animal

zones Remington, 1968 ) point out the former

and plant populations. This is an interpretive existence of major ecological barriers, al-

nonbiological term referring to climatological, though the barriers themselves have long
since disappeared. In several cases horizontal
pedological, palynological and other geosci-
ence phenomena. The term "refuge" is some- shifts of the contact zones may have occurred

what inappropriate as animals and plants did after contact was established. For this rea-

not actively seek shelter in the refuge. Rather, son, conclusions about the presumed location
remnant populations remained hi the remnant of former barrier zones should be based on
habitats of varying size where they did or did several or many contact zones so as to mini-
not survive under fairly constant ecological mize potential errors involved. (Steps 1 and
conditions. 2 are independent of each other and may be
A Method of Historic-Biogeographical

Step 2: Mapping of distribution centers.

Analysis Geographically restricted species (independ-
ent species or allospecies of superspecies)
In order to trace the history of differentia-
frequently inhabit similar portions of an ex-
tion of a given species, information is re- tensive and superficially uniform habitat, such
quired on 1) patterns of itsgeographic vari- as the Amazon forest, and form localized spe-
2) patterns of its abundance in space In order to these clusters of
ability, cies clusters. map
and time, and 3) details on its ecologic re- we superimpose their more or less
quirements and range limits. The latter may congruent ranges and trace contour lines of
be determined through hybridization, ecologi-
equal numbers of species in the group. Fol-
cal competition or by climatic-edaphic factors. lowing this procedure, centers of distribu-
Therefore, systematic and ecological field tion become apparent where all or most mem-
work on a large number of species is a pre- ber species coexist. In this way, peaks of
requisite to any biogeographical analysis. Ini- species numbers or areas of maximal overlap
tially sufficient data are available for repre- of breeding ranges in a group of species are
sentatives of only a few groups of Neotropical
emphasized and range boundaries
animals, such as certain birds, reptiles and are de-emphasized. The number
of sympatric
insects, and several groups of plants.
species in each group as mapped by contour
Given this information, two zoogeographi- lines decreases at varying rates away from the
cal phenomena related to the concept of allo- center. However, the total number of bird
patric speciation and the available geoscience species present between the mapped centers
data are combined in the proposed method to is more or less compensated for by species

establish patterns of vicariance in South from a neighboring cluster and by species

America and to suggest tentatively the loca- with extensive ranges in Amazonia (Haffer,
tion of restricted refugia in tropical lowland 1978). We
may envision two alternative in-
South America where animals and plants sur- terpretations of the diversity gradients around
vived adverse climatic-vegetational phases of Neotropical core areas of distribution. 1) An
the Quaternary (Fig. 5:5): historical interpretation: The dispersal dis-
Step 1: Mapping of secondary contact tance of the species from a central area of
zones. — Populations of related taxa which met survival/origin decreases away from the cen-
in the recent geologic past after a period ter mostly due to increasing competition with
of isolation either hybridized or excluded species spreading from other centers. 2) An
each other geographically without hybrid- ecological interpretation: For the species of
ization or they overlapped their ranges de- each group, ecological conditions are more
pending upon the stage they had reached in favorable in the central portion of the group
the speciation process (Mayr, 1942, 1963). area than toward the periphery; or the habitat
The zones of secondary contact between hy- quality might change (e.g., forests approach-
bridizing subspecies and parapatric species ing a savanna region), or rivers or mountains
often are clustered in fairly restricted areas or act as differential barriers.
belts indicating that entire faunas met there Step 3: Comparison of the location of

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contact zones and distribution centers. —Often

clusters of secondary contact zones fall be-
tween core areas, thereby supporting the in-
centers func-
terpretation that the distribution
tioned as centers of dispersal in the past. This
is particularly applicable in the
case of hybridizing subspecies and parapatric
species that characterize neighboring
and meet in the intervening area where other
contact zones of more wide ranging forms are
clustered as well. Recause the contact zones
and centers often involve different species, 300 KM
full complementarity between them cannot be
expected. Thus, there are many contact zones Fig. 5:6. Schematic representation of centers of
between forms whose present ranges comprise subspecies (stippled) in an extensive and
more than one distribution center. This is fairly uniform habitat (dashed outline). Explana-
tions: Superimposed ranges of "pure" subspecies
schematically indicated in the diagram (Fig.
populations and separating hybrid belts in different
5:5, no. 3), where several forms occupying the species often cluster in certain areas. Number
of dif-
entire eastern portion of the habitat with a ferentiated forms of various species superimposed is
northern and a southern center meet western indicated (n =
11 or 12). Average hybrid level of
combined species populations is mapped by contour
forms along contact zones that are not re- =
lines ( "pure" ) A barrier to gene-flow ( broad

stricted to the area between the centers.

river or mountain range) is schematically shown as
a black bar; the populations on either side of the
If biogeographical analyses are based ex-
barrier are mostly pure, as limited gene-flow takes
clusively on the population structure of sev-
place between subspecies of only a few species whose
eral widespread and geographically variable
ranges have been superimposed.
species, a patchwork of subspecies ranges sep- Diagrama esquemdtico de centros de endemismo
arated by more or less extensive hybrid zones subespecifico (puntcado) dentro de tin habitat rela-
exists. Superimposition of the various species tivamente extenso y uniforme (delimitado por una
linea entrecortada). Explicaciones: Rangos supcr-
maps may show that the ranges of pure sub- impuestos de poblaciones de subespecies "puras" y
specific populations with uniform character los cinturones de hibridizacion en varias especies

expression and the location of separating hy- muchas veces se juntan en determinadas rcgiones.
brid belts more or less coincide in the differ- El numero de jormas difcrenciadas de las especies
superpuestas estd indicado (n
= 11 6 12). El nivel
ent species (Fig. 5:6). Contour lines illustrate
promedio de hibridizacion en las poblaciones de
varying hybrid levels of populations around especies combinadas estd mapcado por tineas de con-
the centers. Analyses also may be based on lomo (0 = "puro"). Una barrera para el flujo
the population structure of a single species, genetico (un gran rio 6 una montana) estd indicada
and distribution maps of several individual esquematicamente por una faja ncgra. ha matjoria
de las poblaciones en ambos lados de la barrera son
characters may be prepared (e.g., Vanzolini
"puras"; un flujo genetico restringuido ocurrc sola-
and Williams, 1970, for the lizard Anolis chrij- mente entre unas pocas poblaciones separadas.
solepis). The character maps may then be
superimposed and contoured in a similar
center probably was a center of dispersal in
manner those of subspecies. Coinciding
as the past, we proceed to postulate the approxi-
areas of uniform characters with low variabil- mate location, size and shape of the corre-
ity often cluster in core areas that are sep-
sponding refuge area of forest or nonforest
arated by zones of high character variability
vegetation within the central portion of the
coinciding with hybrid belts between sub- center, taking into consideration all available
species ranges. geoscience data from the region, however de-
Step 4: of the refngia related to
Mapping data may be. Medium elevation
ficient these

the dispersal centers. Ideally, this can be areas with high rainfall near the base of
accomplished using geoscience data exclu- mountains or plateau regions are prime candi-
sively. Having established on the basis of dates for forest refugia whose postulated ex-
zoogeographical data that a given distribution tent during the maximum of the arid climatic

period remains highly speculative. The model probably permitted a direct connection of the
assumes that the species and subspecies char- Amazonian fauna and flora with those of the
acterizing a given center were confined to the Atlantic forest in eastern Brasil across the
postulated refuge prior to dispersal and prior central Brasilian Plateau and along the coastal
to establishing secondary contact with other region of northeastern Brasil, where scattered
forms spreading from distant centers. Obvi- forests are still preserved on isolated moun-
ously, the former existence and changing size tains (Muller, 1973; Haffer, 1974; Brown,
of the refugia ultimately can be traced only 1976, 1977b). 3) The cis- Andean and trans-
through detailed palynological, pedological, Andean forest biotas probably were connected
and geomorphological studies rather than repeatedly both north of the Andes in the
through zoogeographical analyses. After all, Caribbean lowlands of northern Colombia
the refugia are geological-paleoclimatological, and through the north Peruvian Andes from
not biological, phenomena. However, as long the upper Maranon Valley via the low Por-
as only scattered geoscience data are avail- culla Pass so as to reach the forested Pacific
able, zoogeographical analyses as outlined lowlands of Colombia from the south (Chap-
above will help our understanding of biotic man, 1926; Haffer, 1967, 1975; Muller, 1973).
differentiation in lowland tropical South 4) The relations between the Middle and
America during the Quaternary. In general, South American nonforest bird faunas
the locations of distribution centers of the are less pronounced than those of the forest
Amazonian forest biota correlate well with faunas of these two areas (Mayr, 1964).
the locations of forest refugia tentatively de- 5) There are numerous conspecific popula-
rived from rainfall, relief and geoscience data tions inhabiting the nonforest regions of
alone (p. 10S), thus strengthening an histor- northern South America and central Brasil,
ical interpretation of the biogeographical core respectively, being separated by the entire
areas (Simpson and Haffer, 1978; Brown and width of the Amazon forest. Because their
Ab'Saber, 1979). dispersal under present climatic-vegetational
Endler (1977) suggested that parapatric conditions is
highly unlikely, a rather recent
speciation occurs frequently in nature and
direct communication of nonforest faunas
that the hybrid zones in Amazonia might ac- across Amazonia during one or more arid cli-
be zones of primary intergradation matic periods seems probable. This theory
caused by strong environmental gradients. also explains the close of the
However, the geoscience data reviewed above fauna and flora of the Amazonian savanna
enclaves with those of the nonforest regions
(but not discussed by Endler) favor the inter-
to the north and south of Amazonia ( Hueck,
pretation of allopatric rather than parapatric
1966; Haffer, 1969; Muller, 1973).
speciation for the many hybridizing and non-
hybridizing populations of plants and animals The authors
of the studies reviewed below
in contact. The Amazonian forest refugia areaware of the tentative nature of the results
are geological-paleoclimatical, not biological obtained and of the suggestions made. More-
phenomena. over, the nascent theory of ecological refugia
during the Quaternary, like any theory,
cannot be proven but only disproven by the
Biogeographical Studies on the results of additional studies on the paleo-
Forest Fauna and Flora
climatology, vegetational history, and zooge-
Some of the major regional conclusions re- ography of South America. I wish to empha-
the size with Meggers (1977) that the efforts
garding Quaternary differentiation and by
dispersal of Neotropical biotas are summar- biologists and archeologists at present are not
ized, as follows: 1) Extensive speciation took more than a search for correlations and pat-
place in many groups of Neotropical animals terns useful as guides for investigation. The
and plants that were repeatedly isolated in strikingly similar results as to the basic pat-
refugia and later expanded their ranges dur- terns of differentiation in various unrelated

ing favorable expansive phases. 2) During groups of Neotropical animals tend to sup-
humid climatic periods, extensive forests port the refuge theory and justify continued

research into this field of enquiry. Biogeog-

raphers working on the Neotropical
proposed for the lowlands of Middle and
South America a total of 40 areas that are
assumed to have served as refugia for the
forest fauna at various times during the Qua-
ternary. These areas are listed and briefly
described in Appendix 5:1.
Birds. —
Numerous secondary contact
zones of avian species and subspecies pairs
are clustered in north-central Amazonia in —
southern Venezuela and in the Rio Negro
region of northern Brasil (Fig. 5:7), where
Guianan forms from the east established con-
had spread from
tact with western forms that
upper Amazonia (Haffer, 1969, 1974). These
contact zones represent range limits either of
hybridizing subspecies or of non-hybridizing
competing species; the ranges were mapped
in conjunction with studies of patterns of

geographic variation in several groups of

Amazon forest birds. South of the Rio Ama-
zonas, contact zones are scattered over a
more extensive area, where we may distin-

guish an upper Amazonian and a south-cen-

Fig. 5:7. Location of secondary contact zones
tral Amazonian suture zone. A distributional
(above) and of distribution centers in the Amazon
analysis of the Amazonian forest avifauna forest avifauna (below). Explanations: Secondary
(Haffer, 1978) indicated the existence of six contact zones (dashed) are concentrated in north-
core areas of distribution (Fig. 5:7) or local- central Amazonia (a), upper Amazonia (b), and
south-central Amazonia (c). A continuous line de-
ized species clusters, each of them composed
limits the Amazon forest (above). Fairly localized
of 10 to 50 species.The six clusters together
species clusters (each composed of 10 to 50 species)
are characterized by a total of around 150 form the distribution centers A to F (below).
species or about 25 percent of the Amazon Adapted from Haffer, 1974, Fig. 9.13 and Haffer,
forest bird fauna. Most of the remaining 1978. Additional clusters of endemic species char-
acterize the Atlantic forests of southeastern Brasil
forest birds (75%) are more widely distrib- and the trans-Andean forests of northwestern South
uted, their ranges comprising two or more America.
distribution centers. There are conspicuous Position de zonas de contacto secundario (arriba)
clusters of lower and upper Amazon forest y de centras de distribution en la avifauna de la sclva
amazonica (abajo). Explicaciones: Zonas de contacto
birds, as well as smaller groups of northern
secundario (ttneas rayadas) se encucntran en la Ama-
and southern Amazon forest birds, in addition zonia norcentral (a), en la alta Amazonia (b) y en
to those species that inhabit even larger areas la Amazonia surccntral (c). Una linea continua de-
of Amazonia and beyond (see Haffer, 1978, amazonica (arriba). Grupos de especies
limita la sclva

for more details). A number of other species hastante localizadas forman los centros de distribu-
tion (A-F; abajo) cada uno de cllos formado pot
have an irregular, spotty distribution or are It) a 50 especies. Adaptado de Haffer, 1974, Fig.
known from only a single locality. The 9.13 y Haffer, 1978. Otros grupos de especies en-
mapped contact zones in Amazonia (Fig. 5:7) demicas caracterizan la selva atldntica de Brasil meri-
are mostly located between distributional core dional y la sclva transandina de Sudamerica norocci-
areas which probably functioned as centers of
dispersal. The complementarity of contact upper and lower Amazonian centers are in
zones and distribution centers is less well de- contact within the area of the "weak" Imeri
veloped in central Amazonia, where a num- and Rondonia centers (characterized by com-
ber of birds spreading from the species-rich paratively few species).

Based on geosciencc data, Quaternary for- broad centers of dispersal but did not sug-
est refugia in Amazonia probably were lo- fest specific refugia. A comparison shows that
cated near the windward base of hilly ranges the boundaries of Miiller's centers rarely co-
and mountains, such as the northern margin incide with those of avifaunal core areas but
of the Brasilian Plateau, the eastern base of fall in the peripheral gradient of decreasing
the Andes, and the northern base of the moun- species numbers or coincide with river bar-
tains in the interior Guianas. These areas riers. Miiller (1973) did not state the criteria

correlate well with the location of the zoo- he used to delimit the various broad centers,
geographically defined distribution centers which on his maps are frequently separated
which, therefore, are assumed to indicate the only by narrow corridors.
approximate location of Quaternary forest In recent years, several herpetologists ac-
refugia. Additional refugia for the avifauna cepted the notion of a Pleistocene origin of
(Fig. 5:8) based on similar geological and numerous species and subspecies of Neo-
zoogeographical criteria have been proposed tropical frogs, lizards and snakes in forest
for the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brasil Duellman (1972, 1978), Heyer
(Miiller, 1973; Jackson, 1978) and for the (1973), Duellman and Crump (1974), and
trans-Andean forest regionin western Colom- Silverstone (1975, 1976) for certain Amazon-
bia and in Middle America (Haffer, 1967, ian and trans-Andean frogs, Gallardo ( 1965,
1969, 1974, 1975). A recent study of a com- 1972 ) and Lynch ( this volume ) for the South
plex Neotropical avian genus on the basis of American amphibian fauna generally, Dixon
the refuge concept is Fitzpatrick's ( 1976 ) (this volume) for Amazonian reptiles, Ech-
analysis of the Todirostrum flycatcher group; ternacht (1973) for Middle American lizards
also see the recent review by Dorst ( 1976 ) .
(Ameiva), Hoogmoed (1973, this volume)

Lizards and frogs. Analysing the popula- for the herpetofauna of the Guianas, Jackson
tion structure and character variation in the (1978) for two genera of eastern Brasilian
Amazonian Anolis chrysolepis group, Vanzo- iguanid lizards, and C. W. Myers (1973,
lini and Williams (1970) and Vanzolini 1974) for two genera of snakes. Dixon (this
(1970, 1973) arrived at conclusions regarding volume) and Lynch (this volume) mapped
the history of faunal differentiation during clusters of endemic reptile and amphibian
the Quaternary that are strikingly similar to species in upper and lower Amazonia. These
those reached by Haffer (1969, 1974). Sev- centers of distribution more or less coincide
eral extensive areas of uniform character ex- with similar centers established for the forest
pression (core areas) in Anolis chrysolepis avifauna. At this stage, a more quantitative
are separated by regions where complex char- treatment of available distributional data
acter variation suggests hybridization or in- would be desirable, such as the derivation of
trogression along zones of secondary contact. herpetological distribution centers by means
Vanzolini and Williams (1970) interpreted of contoured diversity maps of localized spe-
this situation as being the result of secondary cies clusters and a comparison of the location
intergradation of populations that had differ- of secondary contact zones with that of dis-
entiated in geographic isolation, and they as- persal centers and postulated refugia.
sumed changes in the distribution of forest in Insects. —The distribution and population
Amazonia during the course of climatic fluctu- structure of two groups of Neotropical insects
ations. These authors reconstructed several are relatively well known and permit initial
forest refugia around the periphery of Ama-
biogeographic analyses 1)
—Certain Dro-
zonia (Fig. 5:8), most of which coincide flies that have been collected and
closely with those proposed by Haffer ( 1969,
analysed extensively in the course of genetic
1974) for birds. Additional forest refugia and 2) butterflies of the
investigations, genus
probably determined the differentiation of Heliconius. Spassky et al. (1971) summarized
Neotropical forest reptiles and will be iden- the distribution of several semispecies and
when other species are studied in detail.
closely related species of Drosophila. These
Miiller (1972, 1973) using mostly herpetolog- authors and Winge (1973) concluded that
ical and ornithological data described several the various forms may have originated in for-

Fig. 5:8. Location of presumed Quaternary forest refugia (hatched) in tropical lowland South America.
Explanations: 1. Reconstruction based on the distribution patterns of Neotropical birds ( Haffer, 1967, 1969,
1974). 2. Reconstruction based on the population structure of Amazonian lizards (Anolis chnjsolcpis group,
Vanzolini and Williams, 1970, Vanzolini, 1970; wide hatches indicate core areas). 3. Reconstruction based
on the distribution patterns of subspecies and species of Heliconius butterflies ( Brown et al., 1974, Brown
1977a,b). 4. Reconstruction based on the distribution patterns of four families of Amazonian trees (Prance,
Position de presuntos refugios cuaternarios de selva humeda (rayado) en las Metros hajas tropicales de
Sudamerica. Explicaciones: 1. Reconstruction basada en los patrones de distribution de aves neotropicales
(Haffer, 1967, 1969, 1974). 2. Reconstruction basada en la estructura de poblaciones de lagaitos amazonicos
(grupo de Anolis chrysolepis, Vanzolini y Williams, 1970, Vanzolini, 1970; Hneas verticales indican areas nu-
clearcs). 3. Reconstruction basada en la distribution de subespicies y espeties <le mariposas del gSnero Heli-
conius (Brown et al, 1974, Brown, 1977a,b). 4. Reconstruction basada en la distribution de cuatro jamilias de
drboles amazonicos (Prance, 1973).

est refugia as proposed for the evolution of postulating the location and shape of forest
birds and reptiles. The colorful Heliconius refugia in the central portion of the centers
butterflies inhabit the entire humid Neotropi- of evolution. The majority of the 40 forest
cal Region. They are famous for their com- refugia in Middle and South America recon-
plicated Muellerian mimicry rings compris- structed from data on Heliconius species (Fig.
ing many races that are strikingly different 5:8) coincide with refugia postulated for
phenotypically. Rich material of these but- other groups. In several instances discrepan-
terflies in private and public collections per- cies exist, as expected. Brown (pers.
may be
mits fairly detailed analyses. On the basis of coram. ) currently is preparing more detailed
genetic and distributional studies of several contour maps defining core areas on the basis
species of Heliconius, Turner (1965, 1971) of superimposed species maps, which illus-
felt that climatic-vegetational fluctuations of trate by contour lines the hybrid levels of
the Pleistocene might explain the origin of local butterfly populations (Brown and
secondary range overlap of related forms and Ab'Saber, 1979).
repeated speciation, which led to the complex Plants. — D. R. Simpson (1972) supported
pattern of diverse, related and mimicking, the refuge theory, in particular for the forest
species in this genus. Additional detailed
region of eastern Peru, on evidence of genera
biogeographical studies of the genus Heli- of Rubiaceae. Parallels between the distribu-
conius and other groups involved in mimicry tion of certain Neotropical palms and birds
rings by Brown et al. (1974), Brown (1976, also exist (Moore, 1973). On the basis of a
1977a,b), Turner (1976a,b, 1977) and Shep- phytogeographic study of several genera of
pard et al. ( 1978 ) have greatly extended this Amazon forest trees in the families Chryso-
initial analysis (Fig. 5:9), see also the work
balanaceae, Dichapetalaceae, and Caryocara-
by Blandin (1977) and Descimon (1977). ceae. Prance ( 1973 also supported the theory
Conclusions are based on a revision of 162 of plant speciation in Quaternary forest re-
species of Heliconiini and Ithomiinae, family fugia of tropical South America (see also
Nymphalidae, representing a total of 905 Forere, 1976). In each of the tree genera
geographically differentiated forms. Brown studied, there are several areas of repeated
(unpubl.) analysed the distribution and dif- endemism coinciding with the refuges pro-
ferentiation of other groups of Neotropical
posed (Figs. 5:8, 5:10). Hopefully, a quan-
butterflies (Morpho, Phycoides, Callicorini, titative derivation of the postulated refugia
Anaea, Parities) and obtained results that are on the basis of contoured plant species diver-
similar to those on the species of Heliconius.
sity maps and, if available, the location of
A number of very different subspecies occupy contact zones will be published when phyto-
forest areas of varying size and are connected
geographical data on additional groups of
by zones of hybridization of varying widths. Amazon plants become available.
The method of analysis was, as follows. By
The distribution patterns of two other
comparing the location of hybrid zones and
groups of Amazon —members of
trees the
Leguminosae and Memecyleae— do not
the ranges of differentiated forms (subspe-
cies) in the various species, these entomolo-
ly support the interpretation of speciation in
gists derived centers of endemism (based on restricted refugia; yet they do not negate the
8 to 50 local differentiated forms of the
species possibility (Langenheim et al, 1973; Mor-
analysed). However, Brown (1977a,b) did ley, 1975 ). The ranges of most of these plants
not explain details of delimination of the cen- are quite extensive and, as pointed out by
ters of endemism, i.e., which criteria he used the authors cited above, expansion from re-
to determine the widely may have obscured refuge boundaries.
varying width of the fugia
areas separating the centers. However, four species of Mouriri occupy re-
Considering geo-
morphological, palynological, and climatolog- stricted ranges in northeastern Amazonia; this
ical data, Brown et al. (1974) and Brown correlates with refugia proposed by Prance
(1976, 1977a,b) continued their analysis by (1973). Nevertheless, Morley (1975) felt that

Fig. 5:9. Distribution patterns of certain butterflies (A,B), lizards (C), and frogs (D) in
tropical lowland South America. Explanations: A. Distribution of geographical races of
Heliconius crato shown by different patterns. Hybrid zones are omitted. Overlap of shading
indicates variable populations (after Brown et al., 1974). B. Distribution of geographical races
of Hypothyris ninonia shown by different symbols; distribution in Amazonia is probably con-
tinuous (after Brown, 1977b). C. Anolis chrysolepis, females; summary of geographic differ-
entiation, number of scales across snout (after Vanzolini and Williams, 1970, map 6, p. 166).
D. Distribution of several poison-arrow (or poison-dart) frogs of the genus Dendrobates :

D. D. leucomelas (2), D. tinctorius (3), D. galactonotus (4) (after Silver-

Iiistrionicus (1),
stone, 1975).
Distribution de ciertas mariposas (A,B), lagartos (C) y anuros (D) en las tiaras bajas de
Sudamerica. Explicaciones: A. Distribution de subcspccics dc Heliconius erato; zonas de
hibridizacion fueron omitidas. Simbolos superpuestos indican pohlaciones variables (segtin
Brown et al., 1974). B. Distribution de subcspccics de Hypothyris ninonia; areas en la Ama-
zonia son probablcmcutc continuas (segtin Brown. 1977b). C. Anolis chrysolepis, hembras;
niimcro de cscamas a trove's de las narinas (segtin Vanzolini y Williams, 1970, mapa 6. p. 166).
D. Distribution de varios anuros del gencro Dendrobates: D. Iiistrionicus (1), D. leucomelas
(2), D. tinctorius (3), D. galactonotus (4) (segtin Silvcrstone, 1975).

Fig. 5:10. Distribution of certain Neotropical monkeys (A), plants (B), birds (C), and
of the Ge-Pano-Carib ancestral language stock among Indian tribes (D). Explanations:
A. Distribution of tamarins, genus Saguinus: Saguinus sp. (1), S. inustus (2), S. midas (3),
S. leucopus (4), S. o. oedipus (5a), S. o. geoffroyi (5b) (after Hershkovitz, 1969). B. Distri-
bution of various species of Caryocar: C. amygdaliferum (1), C. nuciferum (2), C. gracile
(3), C. amygdaliforme (4), C. pallidum (5), C. dentatum (6), C. eduZe (7) (after Prance,
1973). C. Distribution of the Green Jacamars, Galbida galbula superspecies: G. ruficauda
melanogenia (1), also widespread in Middle America G. r. ruficauda (2), G. r. rufoviridis (3),
G. galbula (4), G. cyanescens (5), G. tombacea (6), G. pastazae (7) (after Hafter, 1974).
D. Distribution of the Ge-Pano-Carib linguistic stock (shaded) and suggested dispersal routes
of the nonforest fauna from central Brasil into and across Amazonia (after Meggers, 1977).
Distribution de ciertos memos neotropicales (A), plant as (B), aves (C) y del grupo lin-
guistico ancestral Ge-Pano-Carib cntre tribus de indios (D). Explicacioncs: A. Distribution
de monos del genero Saguinus: Saguinus sp. ( 1), S. inustus (2), S. midas (3), S. leocopus (4),
S. o. oedipus (5a), S. o. geoffroyi (5b) (segun Hershkovitz, 1969). B. Distribution de varias

especies de Caryocar: C. amygdaliferum (1), C. nuciferum (2), C. gracile (3), C. amygdali-

forme (4), C. pallidum (5), C. dentatum (6), C. edule (7) (segun Prance, 1973). C. Distri-
bution de los jacamarcs verdes, Galbula galbula supcrespecie: G. ruficauda melanogenia (1),
G. r. ruficauda (2), G. r. rufoviridis (3), G. galbula (4), G. cyanescens (5), G. tombacea (6),
G. pastazae (7) (segun Haffer, 1974). D. Distribution del grupo linguistico ancestral Ge-
Pano-Carib (matizado) y presumidas rutas de dispersion de fauna savanofila desde Brasil central
a t raves la Amazonia (segun Meggers, 1977).

the distribution of the species he studied can oedipus. A critical appraisal of the differen-
be largely accounted for on the basis of tiation patterns in these and other groups of
present conditions ( "although with some diffi- Neotropical mammals in the light of the
culty"). Clearly, numerous additional groups refuge theoiy is needed. Hershkovitz (1969,
of Neotropical plants must be studied in 1972) and Moynihan (1976) did not attach
order to gather the basic data needed for a major importance to the refuge theoiy (but
critical appraisal of the refuge theory from a see the remarks by Avila-Pires, 1974:178 and
botanical point of view. Kinzey and Gentry, 1979). In the case of

Mammals. The patterns of distribution African forest mammals, Kingdon (1971:67)
of several groups of Neotropical forest mam- stated: ". with confidence that past cli-
. .

mals and their differentiation at the subspe- matic changes, repeatedly isolating and then
cies and species level ( Hershkovitz, 196S, reuniting the forest areas of Africa have been
1969, 1972, 1978; Avila-Pires, 1974) appear to a major mechanism in the speciation of forest
be similar to patterns observed in birds and mammals. Monkeys, duikers, squirrels and
insects. Therefore, suggest for these exam-
I other rodents show morphological differences
ples of mammals an historic interpretation of that frequently coincide with the forest
differentiation on the basis of Quaternary refuges."
climatic-vegetational fluctuations. This would Prehistoric man. —
In an interesting appli-
seem to offer a fairly straight-forward expla- cation of the biogeographical model of di-
nation of speciation in cases like that of the versification to cultural distributions in
tamarin monkeys (Saguinus) (Fig. 5:10). ical lowland South America, Meggers (1977:
Several species of tamarins coexist in upper 292) stated that ". . . some of the characteris-
Amazonia. The only lower Amazonian species tics observed by biologists can be discerned,
(S. midas) may have originated in the Guiana among them heterogeneity, disjunct distribu-
refuge and later established secondary con- tions, and widespread
dispersals." Prehistoric
tact with the upper Amazonian species in the man probably arrived in South America dur-
upper Rio Negro region (S. "inustus") and ing the late Pleistocene (MacNeish, 1976)
also crossed the lower Rio Amazonas south- and witnessed
several climatic reversals.
ward. Another example is the several species Therefore, certain cultural adaptations and
of Capuchin monkeys ( Cebus albifrons super- dispersal patterns may be explained on the
species). The trans-Andean Cebus capucin- basis of vegetational fluctuations. The
us, the upper Amazonian C. albifrons and the ent distribution of the Ge-Pano-Carib ances-
Guianan C. griseus divide the Neotropical tral language stock
(Fig. 5:10) correlates
forests among themselves without geograph- closely with the routes postulated for the
ical overlap in the manner of many avian intrusion of nonforest fauna into and across
superspecies Kinzey and Gentry (1979) re- Amazonia from open habitats in central Rrasil
cently interpreted the distributional history (Meggers, 1977).
of the Amazonian titi
monkeys Callicebus Fish. —
No detailed studies of the pattern
moloch and C. torquatus on the basis of of geographic differentiation in the
Pleistocene forest refugia. vertebrate and invertebrate faunas of tropical
A number of contact zones lowland South America are available. How-
between re-
lated mammals are clustered in northwestern ever, it appears that the strong climatic-vege-
Colombia near the junction of the Panaman- tationalchanges and sea level fluctuations of
ian isthmus with the South American main- the Quaternary had numerous effects on the
land and could have been established when aquatic fauna of Neotropical rivers, as indi-
sea level fell in postglacial time and/ or cated by the comment of Lowe-McConnell
forests reoccupied this region after a post- (1975:261).
glacial or late Pleistocene period of drought— In the rivers of South America the
the tapirs Tapirus bairdii/T. terrestris, the radiations of the characoids and various catfish

spider monkeys Ateles fusciceps/A. geoffroyi, groups are as remarkable as those of the cich-
lids in the African Great Lakes. Differentia-
the howler monkeys Alouatta villosa/A. seni-
tion has proceeded much further in these
culus, the tamarins Saguinus o. geoffroyi/S. o. groups, certain families or subfamilies now

having particular feeding habits (approaching phases of the Quaternary permitting the ex-
the condition in marine fishes). The semi-
isolated conditions in tributary streams, varzea,
pansion of nonforest faunas appears to be
oxbow and marginal lakes, would appear to more realistic. In this connection, detailed
offer ideal conditions for allopatric specia- studies of the biota presently inhabiting iso-
tion. Oscillations in river levels, due to factors lated nonforest enclaves (savanna islands)
ranging in scale from sudden local downpours Amazon
of rain to long-term climatic cycles, and geo-
within the forest region would be
morphological changes leading to river cap-
particularly interesting ( e.g.. Brown and Ben-
tures, give abundant opportunities for species son, 1977 ) Short ( 1975 ) reviewed the chaco

evolved in semi-isolated communities to come avifauna of northern Argentina and Bolivia

together. Species from many areas then ac- and mapped secondary contact zones and
cumulate, as the overall extinction rate appears other zones of avian interaction (Fig. 5:11),
to be low.
also emphasizing fairly recent vegetational
Certain distributional aspects of the Neo- changes and their influence on avifauna! dis-
tropical freshwater fish fauna have been dis- tribution.
cussed by Gery (1969) and Muller and Wei-
mer (1976).
Distribution Patterns of Nonforest Birds
The refuge theory may serve as a frame-
The refuge theory is also
applicable to work for future studies on the Quaternary
an interpretation of the latest differentiation zoogeography of Middle and South America
in Neotropical nonforest biotas. However, and lead to the accumulation of additional
fewer studies have been performed on the data required to test the concepts reviewed
nonforest fauna compared to the recent work above. I discuss below several general aspects
on forest animals and plants reviewed above. of the refugia and their effect on the differen-
The most diverse Neotropical nonforest fau- tiation of isolated populations.
nas are those of the chaco, cerrado, and Location of forest refugia during succes-
caatinga regions, which form a broad diagonal sive arid phases. —
Surface relief probably was
belt across central South America, of the a major factor in determining, through local
and coastal scrub of north-
llanos grass plains rainfall maxima and favorable soil condi-
ern South America, and the fauna of the dry tions, the location of extensive remnants of
Pacific slope of Middle America. Each of humid forests during dry climatic periods
these faunas has many endemic elements of (Haffer, 1969; Vanzolini, 1970, 1973). There-
its own,
attesting to the prolonged independ- fore, the major postulated Amazonian refugia
ent history of these vegetation zones (Sick, are located near the base of the Andes, near
1965, 1966; Muller, 1973). On the other hand, mountain ranges of northeastern Amazonia,
the following examples taken from the non- and near the northern margin of the central
forest avifauna seem to support the notion of Brasilian Plateau. Because the present sur-
vegetational changes in the recent geological face relief probably originated in late Tertian-
past permitting contact of populations that time and was approximately the same as to-
are widely isolated under present climatic day during the Quaternary, favorable areas
conditions (Fig. 5:11). There are a number probably served repeatedly as forest refugia
of birds that enter Amazonian savanna en- during successive arid periods, thus enhanc-
claves from the north or from the south. In ing the differentiation of certain populations
other cases, conspecific populations or closely that were isolated repeatedly in the same
related allospecies are separated by the en- refuge ("resonance effect," Vanzolini, 1973).
tire width or length of the Amazon forest. However, owing to probable differences of
In these and many similar cases it is difficult climatic conditions during the various arid
to imagine that long-distance
dispersal could phases, many refugia probably did not oc-
have led to establishment of the isolated cupy exactly correlative locations during suc-
populations. Rather, the assumption of more cessive periods of forest retreat,
or less continuously connected nonforest habi- those Amazonian refugia unrelated to positive
tat across Amazonia during dry climatic relief. Details must remain speculative.

Fig. 5:11. Distribution of certain nonforest birds in tropical lowland South America (after Short, 1975).
Explanations: A. Ranges of the wren Campylorhynchus griseus (stippled) and the white woodpecker Mcla-
nerpes candidus (solid). Note isolated populations on Amazonian savanna enclaves; C. griseus has another
isolated population in southwestern Mexico. B. Disjunct ranges of Picazuro Pigeon (Cohtmba picazuro; 1, 2)
and its allospecies C. corensis (3). C. Ranges of Fluvicola pica (hatched) and F. nengeta (solid); southern
race of F. pica is partly migratory as indicated by arrows and dashed line. D. Range of Red-crested Finch
(Coryphospingus cucullatus, stippled) and its allospecies C. pileatus (hatched). E. Narrow range disjunc-

other extinctions in the fauna and flora would

—AsComparison of figure
illustrated in only a few large
forest refugia.
produce long lasting changes in the abundance
of butterfly species. Thus a formerly rare dis-
refugia have been proposed for vertebrates, tasteful species might become very common in
compared to more numerous and many a refuge, and hence the best protected. There
smaller refugia proposed for insects and would then be a strong tendency for other dis-
These differences may reflect either tasteful species to change their patterns to
mimic the common one. Hence disorderly ex-
different periods of isolation or, more prob- tinction will cause each refuge to differ in
ably, different survival ability of insects, the commonest and best protected butterfly
plants, birds, and mammals in refugia of pattern; this would be ample cause for the di-
varying size. vergence of the races of Heliconius, as
. . .

Differentiation of refuge populations.

— they converged to different patterns in dif-
ferent refuges."
Geographic-ecological isolation of animal "Thus adaptation to a changing biotic en-
populations in the refugia probably had at vironment is in itself a sufficient cause of race

least two effects through which genetic- formation; other causes such as founder effect
and adaptation to the physical environment do
morphological differentiation was initiated. not have to act in order that races should be
1) Interruption of gene-flow permitted local formed."
adaptations and chance deviations to develop
in short periods of time (Mayr, 1942, 1963), Rate of evolution. —
The present consensus
the amount of differentiation depending upon is few vertebrate species date back to
the degree of geographic isolation, the size of the Pliocene, most neospecies having devel-
the refuge population, and the "plasticity" of oped since the beginning of the Pleistocene
the various systematic groups. 2) If gene- 1.8 of 2 million years ago (see p. 117). In-
flow normally is unimportant in maintaining creased knowledge on the absolute age and
genetic cohesion within species such as Ama- the regionally varying effect of climatic cy-
zonian butterflies (Ehrlich & Gilbert, 1973; cles willpermit speculations on the rate of
Turner, 1976a,b), geographic isolation may Quaternary speciation in particular groups of
cause evolution through other effects. Turner animals. Models will be constructed that
1977 ) suggested disorderly extinction of assign periods of species or subspecies differ-
species in the refugia as probably responsible entiation to particular phases of forest or
for rapid deviation of refuge populations in savanna fragmentation. Thus Vanzolini and
mimetic butterflies. The species composition Ab'Saber (1968) related the dispersal and
of the floras and faunas in the refugia prob- differentiation of two species of Liolaemus,
ably came to differ through disorderly ex- southeastern Brasilian lizards, to dated cli-
tinction, even though the distribution of spe- matic-vegetational shifts. However, Miiller
cies in the original continuous forest may have and Steiniger (1977) contested their conclu-
been comparatively uniform. Turner (1977: sions on the basis of studies of the systematics
110-115) concluded: of these lizards. Turner (1976) discussed
"The on the ecosystem
effects of extinction fairly recent speciation and subspeciation in
are to be far Even if no certain Heliconius butterflies in relation to
likely reaching.
butterfly species became extinct in any refuge, late and postglacial arid climatic phases.

tions, zones of hybridization, and other zones of avian interaction involving Chacoan birds; black lines indicate
location of zones involving 5 to 12 situations and dashed lines indicate location of zones involving 3 to 4 situa-
Distribution de ciertas aves savanofilas en las tieiras bajas tropicalcs de Sudamerica (segun Short, 1975).
Explicacioncs: A. Areas de distribution del cucarache ro Campylorhynchus griseus (puntcado) y del carpintero
bianco Melanerpes candidus (negro). Notese las poblaci ones de estas cspecies aisladas en las savanas de la selva
amazonica; C. griseus tambien se encuentra en el sudo este de Mexico. B. Areas disyunctas de las palomas
Columba picazuro (1,2) tj de su alloespecie C. corensis (3). C. Areas de distribution de Fluvicola pica (raya-
das) y de F. nengeta (negras); la raza meridional de F. pica cs parcialmente migratoria lo </i«- esta indicado por
flcchas y una linca raijada. D. Areas de distribution di Coryphospingus cucullatus (punteadas) y de su allo-
especie C. pileatus (rayadas). E. Disyuncioncs cstrccli cs, zonas de hibridizacion y otras zonas de interaction
de aves de la region chaqucna. Lineas continuas ind; can la position de zonas que se refieren a 5—12 parejas
aviarias; lineas entrecortadas de zonas que se reficren a 3—1 parejas aviarias.

Such correlations remain speculative, al-

will more than three large forest refugia for the
of magnitude of the rate of entire western and central African lowland
though the order
differentiation may become apparent in well forest fauna ( besides remnant eastern African
documented groups. forests), because large portions of tropical
Forest refugia and forest reserves.
—Large Africa above 500 m
elevation have been un-
inhabitable for the tropical fauna during cold
forest areas are destroyed in South America
periods. These few African forest refugia
annually for agricultural purposes. Less hu-
more contrast with many more refugia or groups of
mid and accessible forests have suffered
than humid sections in remote regions. The refugia postulated for the Neotropical low-
land region. The greater richness of the
development plan for the Brasilian portion of
Neotropical forest fauna may result from re-
Amazonia includes an extensive road building
peated speciation in a larger number
Qua- of
program that threatens the integrity of the
largest remaining tropical forest region of the ternary forest refugia, which were smaller and
scattered over a much more extensive tropical
world (Goodland and Irwin, 1975; Prance
and Elias, 1977). Most South American coun- lowland region than in Africa (Vanzolini,
tries have established forest reserves in the 1973; Haffer, 1974).

hope of ensuring the preservation of the —

Final suggestions. In concluding this re-
protected habitat. Proposals have been made view, I list several suggestions for the con-
in Peru, Venezuela, Guyana and Brasil to tinuation of studies in the historical biogeog-
base forest preservation policies on the con- raphy of the Neotropical lowland biotas. The
results of such studies will be helpful in eval-
cept of Pleistocene forest refugia and to ad-
just the location, size and outline of specific uating various aspects of the refuge theory
forest reserves to proposed refugia and to discussed above.
recent results of applied biogeography (Wet- 1. Analyze range limits of localized spe-
terberg et 1976, for Brazil; see also Wilson
al., cies and the contact zones of parapatric
and Willis, 1975; Diamond, 1976; Lovejoy, species in uniform habitats.
this volume). It would also be of interest to 2. Analyze the population structure and
preserve the biota in certain selected inter- geographical patterns of phenotypic
refugial areas where extensive hybridization variation in widespread species leading
of refuge populations along zones of sec- to meaningful application of the sub-
ondary contact takes place. Such areas would species concept (compare comments in
be ". incomparable natural laboratories for
. . thisregard by Myers and Daly, 1976:
the study of biological diversity and eco- 200, with respect to herpetological
logical genetics. . . ." (Brown, 1977a: 157). studies )

Quaternary history of the Neotropical and 3. Analyze abundance patterns of species

Ethiopian lowland faunas compared. Cli-
— in space and time.

matic-vegetational fluctuations during the 4. Quantify distribution centers (dispersal

Quaternary have affected tropical Africa to centers) by constructing contour maps
a similar degree or possibly more than the of species diversity and of hybrid levels
lowlands of tropical South America (Moreau, of populations in secondary contact
1963, 1966; Carcasson,
Livingstone, 1964; around and between the centers.
1975). Moreau (1966:161) ". the stated: . . 5. Describe details of the delimitation of
redistribution of Kalahari sand over most of a refuge within a core area of evolu-
the present Congo forest area, towards the tion, i.e., the biogeographical and/or
end of the mid-Pleistocene indicates that the geological criteria used.
forestmust have been vastly reduced and 6. Study presently operating factors that
pushed into edges and corners, presumably might explain certain distribution pat-
with concurrent extinctions. The resultant terns (e.g., patchy occurrence of spe-
isolations of surviving populations would cies in a continuous habitat because of
have been conducive to speciation, and of ecological competition; occurrence of
course highly effective if it continued long certain species on habitat islands due
to long distance dispersal).
enough." There may have been available no

7. Study nonforest faunas which have Terciario tardio sobrevivieron en los refugios
been somewhat neglected in recent pleistocenicos sin apreciable cambio evolu-
years compared to forest faunas and cionario.
analyze the relationship of forest and Un metodopropuesto para el analisis his-
nonforest faunas (e.g., Sick, 1966; Van-
torico-biogeografico y la reconstruccion de
zolini, 1974). antiguos refugios reeomienda, primero, ma-
8. Study the processes of differentiation pear la posicion de zonas de contacto secun-
that operated in the ecological refuge dario de especies parapatricas y de subespe-
islands and evaluate the significance cies que hibridizan. Estas zonas muchas veces
and, if possible, the amount of fauna] se encuentran mas o menos supcrpuestas en
extinction during adverse climatic-vege- ciertas regiones. Estas 'zonas de sutura' in-
tational periods. dican la posicion de antiguas barreras, aiin
cuando las barreras ecologicas mismas de-

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS saparecieron hace mucho tiempo. Segundo,

se identifica a grupos de especies y sub-
especies caracteristicas con areas de distribu-
The following persons kindly advised on cion mas o menos restrictas y congruentes; se
recent publications concerning the subject
superpone estas areas de distribucion y se
matter of this article or obtained copies of
delinea el numero de especies, lo que lleva
publications unavailable to me while I was uno a la identificacion de centres de distribu-
stationed in Tehran, Iran, during 1973-1977:
cion. Tercero, se compara la posicion de estos
J. J.Rigarella, K. S. Brown, Jr., H. Descimon, centres de distribucion con la de las "zonas
E. J. Fittkau, H. F. Garner, H. Klinge, B. J.
de sutura." Las ultimas puedan encontrarse
Meggers, P. Muller, C. W. Myers, R. A. Payn- entre los centres propuestos, en esta manera
ter,G. T. Prance, P. Raven, B. B. Simpson,
permitiendo la interpretacion de los centres
R. Tuck, J. R. G. Turner, and P. E. Vanzolini.
de distribucion como centres de dispersion.
Keith Brown, Jr. (Campinas, Brasil) and
Los refugios estan reconstruidos basados sola-
Beryl Simpson (Austin, Texas) read this mente en datos geocientificos, o en la parte
manuscript and made valuable suggestions for
central de los centres zoogeograficos teniendo
certain changes. I gratefully acknowledge en cuenta todos los datos geocientificos
their advice.
disponibles (palinologicos, geomorfologicos,
etc. )
de la region.

RESUMEN Resultados de estudios biogeograficos re-

cientes sobre aves, ciertas mariposas, lagartos
Fluctuaciones del clima y de la vegeta- y plantas de las selvas neotropicales apoyan
cion durante el cuaternario causaron vastos la teoria Un total de 40 refugios
de refugios.
cambios en la distribucion de la selva y de forestales fueron propuestos para Centre y
los ambientes no-forestales en America del Sud America, existiendo mas refugios para
Sur. Poblaciones relativamente pequenas de insectos que para mamifems. Esta diferencia

plantas animales probablemente fueron

y posiblemente refleja distintas aptitudes para
sobrevivir y/o capacidades de modification
aisladas y se diferenciaron en remanentes
(refugios) de antiguos ambientes durante
de estos organismos en refugios de distintos
peiiodos de clima adverso. Estas poblaciones
tamanos. Fluctuaciones de vegetacion du-
muchas veces alcanzaron el nivel de nueva rante el cuaternario probablemente determi-

subespecie o especie antes de establecer con- naron tambien la evolution de los animales
tacto secundario con poblaciones de otros re- de ambientes no-forestales sudamericanos. Se
fugios durante peiiodos expansivos bajo un necesita pruebas directas adicionales para de-
clima favorable. Numerosas especies prob- terminar la posicion de los refugios de selva
ablemente se extinguieron durante las fluc- y savana durante el cuaternario basadas en
tuaciones pleistocenicas de la vegetacion. datos geomorfologicos, pedologicos y palinol-
Posiblemente solo unas pocas especies del ogicos.

K. S., Jr. 1976. Geographical patterns of

evolution in Neotropical Lepidoptera. Systematica
and derivation of known and new Heliconiini
Ab'Saber, A. N. 1957. Conhecimentos sobre as flu- (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae). J. Entomol. B
tuaeoes climaticas do Quatemario no Brasil. Bol. (London) 44:201-242.
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ocasiao dos periodos glaciais quaternaries. Paleo- geneticos na regiao neotropical: Padroes de dif-
climas 3:1-19. erenciacao em Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera: Nym-
Absy, M. L., van der Hammen, T. 1976.
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Vanzolini, P. E. 1974. Ecological and geographical Region postulated by several authors during the last
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ern Brazil (Sauria). Pap. Avul. Zool. (Sao Paulo) Sheppard, Turner; see compilation and table in
28:61-90. Brown, 1976:228-235; 1977a,b). These refugia prob-
Vanzolini, P. E., Ab'Sabeb, A. N. 1968. Divergence ably were viable during one or another adverse
rate in South American lizards of the genus Lio- climatic period or even repeatedly during the Qua-
laemus (Sauria, Iguanidae). Ibid. 21:205-208. ternary. Their locations are illustrated in figure 5:8.
Vanzolini, P. E., Williams, E. E. 1970. South
American anoles: The geographic differentiation Middle American Refugia
and evolution of the Anolis chrysolepis species 1. Guatemala refuge: Caribbean slope and foreland.
group (Sauria, Iguanidae). Arq. Zool. (Sao 2. Caribbean Costa Rica: Caribbean slope and fore-
Paulo) 19:1-298. land.
Vuilleumier, B. S. 1971. Pleistocene changes in 3. Pacific of southeastern
Chiriqui refuge: slopes
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Costa Rica and southwestern Panama.
173:771-780. 4. Darien refuge: Mountains of eastern Panama.
Vuilleumier, F. 1975. Zoogeography, pp. 421-496
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Peri-Andean Refugia
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Wallace, A. R. 1853. A Narrative of travels on the 5. Nechi refuge: Northern base of Colombian Cor-
Amazon and Rio Negro. Reeve and dilleras.
Co., London
Dover reprint (1972) of Ed. 2, 1889, 363 p.
6. Choco refuge: Western slope and foreland of
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Webb, S. history of savanna vertebrates
in the New World. Part II: South America and 7. Chimborazo refuge: Western base and foreland
the great interchange. Ann. Rev. Ecol. 9:
of Cordillera Occidental in Ecuador (about 1°
393-426. north to 2° south).
8. Cauca refuge: Upper Rio Cauca Valley in south-
Wetterberc, G. Jorge-Padua, M. T., Castro,
C. S. de. 1976. Uma analise de prioridades em central Colombia.
conservacao da natureza na Amazonia. Seria
9. Magdalena refuge: lower eastern slopes of Cen-
Tecnica, 8. Ministerio de Agricultura, Inst. Brasil. Cordillera of Colombia.

Desenvolvimento Florestal, Brasilia, 62 p. 10. Catatumbo refuge: eastern base of Sierra de

Wijmstra, T. A., van der Hammen, T. 1966. Paly- Perija in northwestern Venezuela and northeast-
nological data on the history of tropical savannas
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in northern South America. Leidse Geol. Meded. 11. Rancho Grande refuge: Coastal Venezuelan
38:71-83. mountains.
Willis, E. O. 1969. On the behavior of five species 12. Sucre/Trinidad refuge: Paria Peninsula and
of Rhegmatorhina, ant-following antbirds of the mountains of Trinidad.
Amazon basin. Wilson Bull. 81:363-395. 13. Apure refuge: Eastern lowlands adjacent to
Wilson, E. O., Willis, E. O. 1975. Applied bio- junction of Venezuelan Merida mountains with
geography, pp. 522-534 in Cody, M. L., Dia- Eastern Cordillera of Colombia.
mond, J. M. (eds.).Ecology and evolution of 14. Villavicencio refuge: Eastern base of Eastern
communities. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Colombian Cordillera from Villavicencio south to
545 p. behind Serrania de la Macarena.
Wince, H. 1973. Races of Drosophila willistoni 15. Putumayo refuge: Upper rios Caqueta and Putu-
sibling species: Probable origin in Quaternary Mocoa
mayo in region and north into extreme
forest refuges of South America. Genetics 74 upper Magdalena Valley, southeastern Colombia.
(suppl.): 297-298.
Wolfe, A. 1971. Tertian,' climatic
16. Abitagua refuge: Upper rios Napo and Pastaza,
J. fluctuations
above Puyo and Macas regions in eastern Ecua-
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Zonneveld, 1968.
17. Napo Lowlands of northern Peru and
J. S. Quaternary climatic changes
in Caribbean
the and N. South America. Ei- eastern Ecuador crossed by rios Caqueta, Putu-
szeitalter Ggw. 19:203-208. mayo, Napo, and lower Pastaza; often combined
with previous two refugia.
Zonneveld, J. S. 1975. Some problems of tropical
IS. Mararion refuge: Southeast and east slopes of
geomorphology. Z. Geomorphol. N.F. 19:377-
392. Andes in extreme south Ecuador and north Peru,
above junction of Rio Santiago with Rio Mara-

APPENDIX 19. Huallaga refuge: Middle and upper Huallaga

Valley from Moyobamba to above Tingo Maria,

Appendix 5:1. —Postulated Quaternary Forest

central Peru.
20. Ucayali Lower Andean
in the Neotropical Region. refuge: slopes of Rio
Pachitca Valley.
In the following list brief descriptions are given 21. Chanchamayo refuge: Upper Perene and Apuri-
of 40 Quaternary forest refugia in the Neotropical mac Rivers, in broad high-elevation valleys.

22. Inambari Eastern base and foreland of

refuge: 36. Loreto refuge: Lowlands east and west of the
Andes extreme southeastern Peru, tributaries
in middle Rio Javary, Brasil/Perii border.
of upper Rio Madre de Dios.
23. Yungas refuge: Yungas of La Paz south to area Brasilian Shield Refugia
north of Cochabamba (Bolivia), extending to 37. Araguaia refuge: Forests from Jatai, Goias, Bra-
lowland forests northwest of Santa Cruz. north along ridges to central Goias.
24. Guapore refuge: South slopes of the Sierra dos 38. Pernambuco refuge: Atlantic slope of hill country
Parecis, southwestern Brasil. in Pernambuco and Alagoas, northeastern Brasil.
39. Bahia refuge: Hills near base of mountains fac-
Guiana Shield Refugia
ing Atlantic Ocean from Bahia south to northern
25. Imataca refuge: Slopes of Sierra de Imataea Espiritu Santo, Brasil.
south of Orinoco delta. 40. Rio de Janeiro refuge: Foothills and mountain
26. Roraima refuge: Slopes of Pacaraima and Parima slopes of Serra dos Orgaos, Serra da Bocaina,
Mountains and Roraima Mountains from Mt. Serra de Itatiaia, and Serra da Cantareira.
Auyantepui to the east.
Jackson (1978) reconstructed and named several
27. Ventuari refuge: Slopes encircling Rio Ventuari,
southern Venezuela. refugia in eastern Brasil on the basis of climatic data
and his study of the geographical differentiation of a
28. Imeri refuge: Slopes and forelands of Sierra
Imeri, extreme northwestern Brasil and southern
group of forest lizards (genus Enyalius) .

Forest Remnants
29. Guiana refuge: Southern Surinam and southeast-
ern Guyana, possibly also comprising forests Remnant forests exist under present climatic con-
northwest of Manaus, northern Brasil. ditions on isolated mountains in generally dry north-
30. Oyapock refuge: Eastern, forested part of Tumuc- eastern Brasil (e.g., Serra de Ibiapaba, Serrania de
Humac Mountains on the border of Cayenne Baturite) and in central Brasil forming "minirefugia."
( French Guiana ) and Amapa, Brasil.
Amazon Basin Refugia
A. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Montane island
31. Belem refuge: Lowlands southeast of Belem to in northern Colombia. Endemic elements inhabit
western and southern Maranhao, Brasil. moderate to high elevations. Tropical species of
32. Tapajos refuge: Low hills in southwestern Para, forest along seaward and southeastern sides are
Brasil from Itaituba on the Rio Tapajos south to mostly undifferentiated, related to Nechi forms.
the Serra do Cachimbo. B. Tobago:Island near Trinidad.
33. Rondonia refuge: Hill region between Rio Jipa- C. Eastern Marajo: Scrubby forest at the eastern tip
rana and upper Rio Roosevelt, Rondonia, Brasil. of Marajo Island in the mouth of the Amazon
34. Madeira refuge: Lowlands between Rios Madei- harbors a number of differentiated forms of but-
ra and lower Purvis, north of Humaita, Brasil. terflies.
35. Tefe refuge: Lowlands between the lower Punis D. Tapani: Isolated ridges in the Amazon opposite
and Jurua rivers, south of Tefe ( =Ega), Brasil. the mouth of the Rio Tapajos ( Santarem ).
6. Late Cenozoic Environmental Changes in
Temperate Argentina
Ana Maria Baez
Departamento de Geologia
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas ij
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gustavo Juan Scillato Yane

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
La Plata, Argentina

Present temperate South America lies potamia. At the western border of the plains
mainly south of the Tropic of Capricorn are the easternmost slopes of the Sub-Andean
23°27'S ) According to the Koppen climatic
Ranges ( in the north ) and the faulted blocks
classification, based on both temperature and of the Pampean Ranges ( in the south ) West .

rainfall, temperate climates are found in a of these the Sud-Andean Region, which ex-

large area including most of Paraguay, parts tends west to the foot of the Andes. The most
of Bolivia, Brasil and Argentina, and Uru- southern region is Patagonia, with its northern
guay, as well as in a region along the Pacific limit coinciding approximately with the Rio
coast south of 38°S (Eidt, 1969). Neverthe- Colorado.
less, we also have taken into consideration In this paper we discuss the different lines
Patagonia and a strip of land lying in the of evidence concerning the environmental
rain-shadow east of the Andes, where arid changes that occurred in those regions since
climates now prevail (Eidt, 1969). Their late Miocene times. It is pertinent to point
inclusion is justified because the geological out here that particularly in this part of South
events that provoked the development of America neither the majority of the litho-
increasing xeric conditions in Patagonia and stratigrapliical units of the Cenozoic nor the
the sub-Andean area also delineated the phys- chronostratigraphical ones (especially Stages)
ical features and the basic climatic distribu- have been established formally. The latter
tion that presently exists in the other regions are the base upon which the corresponding
here considered. chronological intervals (Ages), or geochron-
From the climatic point of view an east- ological units, are differentiated according to
west change from the more humid eastern the American Code of Stratigraphical Nomen-
regions to the dry regions close to the Andes clature. On the other hand, the faunistic
overlaps a latitudinal change between the content, fundamentally mammals, of the non-
warm north and the cool temperate south. marine deposits has been comparatively well
Thus, within the extensive area under con- studied. The results of these studies have
sideration, several major regions can be rec- permitted the establishment of a sequence
ognized besides the Andean one. Those in of Provincial or Land-Mammal Ages, based
the Argentinian territory, to which we will on the characteristics of the mammal assem-
refer principally, are Mesopotamia, Chaco- blages. Tentatively, these Ages have been
Pampean Plain, Sud-Andean Region, and referred to the world-wide accepted Epochs
Patagonia (Fig. 6:1). (Simpson, 1940; Pascual et al., 1965). The
Mesopotamia is distinctly defined geo- stratigraphy and chronology of the continen-
graphically by the Rio Parana and the Rio tal Cenozoic, not only in the region consid-
Uruguay. Extensive lowlands, the Chaco- ered here, but in South America as a whole,
Pampean Plains, extend to the west of Meso- are based mainly on the sequence of mamma-


Fig. 6:1. Regions in the Argentinian territory considered in the text.

Regiones del territorio argentino consideradas en el texto.

lian faunas. The Provincial Ages assigned to mont areas of the northern Patagonian Andes,
the Pliocene and Pleistocene Epochs, as well as as in northern Patagonia.
well A pro-
as the principal lithostratigraphical units re- nounced uplift at that time is indicated by
ferred to them are shown in figures 6:2-3. No the abundance of psephitic material coming
reliable radiometric dates of the latter ages from the neighboring Andes (Pascual and
are available. Odreman Rivas, 1971 ) This is consistent with

The chronology used in this paper is the other evidence based on radiometric studies
one usually applied by South American pale- indicating an increase in Andean tectonics
Thus, the Miocene-Pliocene from the late Miocene onwards (Rutland,
10-12 Guest and Crastley, 1965 ) As a consequence
m.y.b.p. However,

boundary is placed
recent studies in the European type areas in- of those movements, the Patagonian Andes
dicate that this boundary should be placed reached sufficient elevations so as to act as a
about 5.5 m.y.b.p. This formal change im- barrier to the moisture-laden Pacific winds.
This had a profound ecological effect in the
plies the reference of the Chasicoan and
Huayquerian Ages to the Miocene. development of increasing xeric conditions in
Patagonia and the subsequent improverish-
ment of the biota. Many savanna-woodland
GENERAL CONDITIONS DURING adapted animals retreated northwards, while
THE MIOCENE others, perhaps more eurythermal ones, sur-
vived in the more humid western area or
An understanding of the environmental west of the Andes Gasparini and Baez, 1975;

changes that occurred during the late Ceno- Baez and Gasparini, 1977). Paleobotanical
zoic in temperate South America must take data also show this pattern (Menendez, 1971:
into consideration the conditions existing in 364). Possibly there was a marked lowering
geologically earlier times. To be more pre- of mean temperatures, especially in the south-
cise, the late Cenozoic changes are the cul- ernmost region. Berggren and Van Couvering
mination of processes that began in the late (1974) suggested that an extensive ice sheet
Miocene. was present in western Antarctica from 7 to
10 m.y.b.p. (early Pliocene according to the
Early and middle Miocene (Santacruzian
Age) sedimentary rocks are exposed in south- chronology used in this paper). Thus, tem-
ern Patagonia, where they extend to the aus- peratures might have been significantly cooler
tral end of the continent. A milder and more than in earlier times.
equable climate at that time should have per- A progressive climatic deterioration in
mitted the presence of a biota in latitudes up Patagonia, at least since the Miocene, is indi-
to 50°S, which has extant relatives living cated by palynological data from deep-sea
mainly in subtropical forested areas. That is cores from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
the case, for instance, of ceboid monkeys, (Groot et al., 1967). The Miocene assem-
echimyid rodents, myrmeeophagid and mega- blages have a high percentage of arboreal
therioid edentates; among the latter are the pollen and the appearance of a few xero-
Megalonychidae and Nothrotheriinae which phy tic elements ( such as Ephedra ) which are

are closely related to living tree sloths (Pas- absent in Eocene assemblages and abundant
cual, 1970; Pascual and Odreman Rivas, in the Pleistocene ones.

1971) Nevertheless, since the early Tertiary The "Paranense Sea" constituted a con-
in Patagonia the herbivorous mammals show
spicuous geographic feature in late Miocene
increasing dental adaptations indicating the times. This Atlantic transgression extended
spread of grasslands (Pascual and Odreman over most of the Chaco-Pampean region and
and Pascual, 1972).
Rivas, 1971; Patterson western Mesopotamia, from northeastern
In the late Miocene (Friasian Age) sedi- Patagonia to southern Paraguay (Camacho,
mentation predominandy occurred in pied- 1967).





o FM.


Fig. 6:2. Pliocene South American Provincial Ages and main referable mammal-bearing lithostratigraphical
units in the regions under study.
Edadcs Provinciates pliocenicas sudamcricanas tj principals unidades litoestratigrdficas mamalijeras re-
fcribles en /as regiones estudiadas.

CLIMATE-ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS between the Pliocene and Pleistocene, as they

FROM PLIOCENE TO are defined at present; thus a distinction be-
HOLOCENE TIMES tween a Tertiary and Quaternary periods is
invalid and rather artificial ( Flint, 1965; Hays
should be stressed that the fossiliferous
It and Berggren, 1971; Berggren and van Cou-
nonmarine deposits of early Paleocene to late vering, 1974). As is discussed below, in the
Miocene age are well represented in Pata- region under consideration the available data
gonia, whereas Pliocene and Pleistocene units suggest that the climatic-ecological changes
are exposed principally to the north of Pata- from Pliocene to Pleistocene times have not
gonia. Ry the late Miocene, a continuous been drastic, especially in the Pampean Plain,
regional uplift began in Patagonia; this uplift where sequences of that age are known. This
gradually created the present physiographic poses the problem of the recognition of the
features at the same time that the Pampean Plio-Pleistocene boundary (Pascual and Fi-
Plain probably came into prominence. dalgo, 1972). Nevertheless, the study of the
mammalian faunas has provided a criterion
for placing the boundary at the time of an
The Plio-Pleistocene and
Pleistocene-Holocene Roundaries
event of great zoogeographic importance the—
establishment of a direct land connection be-
On a world-wide basis no significant tween North and South America, which al-
stratigraphic or faunal discontinuity exists lowed a faunal interchange. The appearance


Nevertheless, a few elements of the mega- gonia and the advance of a postulated "great
fauna survived into Holocene times. For Somuncura glacier" extending to the sea dur-
example the ground-sloth Mylodon is known ing the youngest glaciations also have been
from deposits younger than 5394 ± 55 y.b.p. suggested by Auer (1956, 1958, 1960, 1974).
in southern Chile (Saxon, 1976). Such schemes have been mostly discarded
for recent investigations have demonstrated
Glaciations that much of the evidence of glacial action
upon which those hypothesis were based are
Very often the concept of the Quaternary the result of different geomorphological proc-
has been equated with the Ice Age and the
esses (Polanski, 1963, 1965; Methol, 1967; Fi-
base of the Pleistocene considered synchro-
nous with the onset of glaciation. But, in fact, dalgo and Riggi, 1970; Fidalgo, 1973). There
climatic deterioration to accelerate
is now general agreement that east of the
about 10 million years ago (early Pliocene) Patagonian Andes glaciation extended for a
relatively short distance, reaching the present
(Berggren and Van Couvering, 1974). Dif-
Atlantic coast only south of about 52°S (An-
ferent lines of evidence indicate the occur-
and Fidalgo,
tevs, 1929; Caldenius, 1932; Flint
rence of glaciation in polar and mountainous
areas of both hemispheres at least since Plio- 1963, 1968). On
the other hand, westward

cene times (Curry, 1966; Hays and Opdyke, flowing glaciers reached the Pacific Ocean as
far north as 43°S (Mercer, 1976). The glaci-
1967; Fleck et al., 1972; Mercer and Sander,
ated areas progressively decreased north-
1975), but this does not imply the synchro-
nous presence of lowland ice sheets in tem- wards, where they were confined mainly to
mountainous areas even during full glacial
perate regions.
times (Groeber, 1936; Frenguelli, 1957b).
The four classic Pleistocene glaciations of
Generally, three or four glaciations have
Europe (Giinz, Mindel, Riss, Wiirm) tradi- been recognized on the eastern side of the
tionally have been correlated to those of
Patagonian Andes, although the interpretation
North America ( Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinoian,
of those glacial events has differed. They
Wisconsin), but the problem is complex and have been considered either as minor episodes
has been oversimplified. Recent evidence has
roughly equivalent to the Wurm-Wisconsin
led to a complete revision of that scheme,
and perhaps also to an older event (Calden-
and accurate intercontinental correlation of
ius, 1932; Flint and Fidalgo, 1963, 1968) or
glacial events is still under debate (Berggren as different major glaciations ( Feruglio, 1949;
and Van Couvering, 1974). Widely differing
Auer, 1956, 1960, 1970). Moraine belts in the
opinions have been expressed concerning the Chilean lake district have been attributed to
number of major glacial episodes as well as
three major glaciations (Laugenie, 1971; Mer-
the extension of glaciated areas in southern
cer, 1972, 1976); the last was named the
South America.
Llanquihue Glaciation by Heusser (1974).
Four postulated major glaciations (Valli- Recently, glacial deposits in southwestern
manca, Colorado, Diamante, Atuel) on the Patagonia (about 50°S) have been dated be-
Argentinian side of the Andes have been cor- tween 1.2 and probably 1.0 m.y.b.p.; thus,
related with the classic four glaciations in the they correspond to an early Pleistocene glaci-
Northern Hemisphere by Groeber ( 1952, ation ( Mercer and Sander, 1975 ) The avail-

1954). He contended that during the first two able data permit reliable intercontinental
assumed glacial events, which were ascribed comparison of only the most recent glacial
to the "Eoquaternary," extensive ice sheets fluctuations.
covered the Andean region and Patagonia. In
northern Patagonia glaciers were supposed to
Environmental Changes from Pliocene
have reached the Atlantic Ocean south of Rio to Holocene Times
Colorado. The other two glaciations were re-
ferred to the "Neoquaternary" and were re- It is attempt a detailed ac-
premature to
stricted mainly to the Andean region. The count of the and environmental
existence of local centers of glaciation in Pata- changes in temperate South America from

Pliocene to Holocene times and their in- also could indicate a woody environment
fluence on biogeographic patterns. Many (Scillato Yane, Uliana and Pascual, 1976).
important factors and much of the evidence According to sedimentological and geomor-
for the evaluation of past climates have been phological data provided by Andreis (1965)
studied inadequately, and interpretations fre- and Volkheimer ( 1971 ) by the late Pliocene

quently are contradictory. Therefore, only an the climate at those latitudes had changed to
account of major events and general trends is drier and colder conditions.

possible. Although the general trend in this region

Few palynological, micropaleontological has been towards a drier climate as a result
or isotopic dating studies have been carried of the Andean uplift, some evidence suggests
out in this part of South America. Mainly, we more humid conditions during certain phases
have considered evidence provided by fossil of the Pleistocene. Few mammalian faunas
mammals, especially distributional shifts of of that age are known, but at least those tenta-
taxa whose ecological requirements are tively referred to the upper Pleistocene ( Ame-
known, because the record of other
fossil ghino, 1902, 1906; Parodi, 1930) support the
groups is very fragmentary. Closer attention presence of open environments.
which fossils
to the stratigraphy of deposits in The occurrence of paleargids aridisols, a
are collected and more accurate data on cor- group of soils of Pleistocene age, in southern
relations and ages of assemblages are neces- Patagonia testifies to the existence of a period

sary in order to reconstruct the climatic fluc- of more humid conditions than at the present.
tuations of such a short interval of the earth's Paleosoils from the tablelands of central and
history. northern Patagonia are being studied by J. A.
In many parts of the world, mammalian Ferrer (pers. comm.).
faunas have furnished interesting clues to Prevalence of dry conditions in eastern
possible late Cenozoic climatic fluctuations, Patagonia during Quaternary times is sug-
and the inferences based on them have been gested by palynological analysis of sea cores
supported by other kinds of evidence. Thus, from the Argentine Basin in the southwestern
a basic chronological framework of the cli- Atlantic Ocean (Groot and Groot, 1964,
matic record has been established. It is note- 1966). A two types of
cyclic alternation of
worthy that in southern South America, Pleis- pollen zones occurs with depth. Those indica-
tocene mammals have only been recorded tive of more pronounced arid environments

quite far from the glaciated area. No taxa (high percentage of Chenopodiaceae pollen)
indicative of extreme conditions have been were considered to represent "glacial stages."
recognized. Although in Pleistocene times Furthermore, certain features suggest eustatic
glaciations were mainly restricted to the lowering of sea level, an inference also sup-
mountainous areas, temperature and moisture ported by the study of diatoms (Groot et al.,
changes during glacial and interglacial inter- 1967). More humidity could account for the
vals probably caused important shifting of relative increase of the arboreal pollen in the
the biotas of the nonmountainous regions. In samples attributed to the "interglacial stages."
order to provide a better understanding of the This agrees with the climatic interpretation
Late Cenozoic environmental changes, each of the palynology of interglacial peat beds in
region is considered separately. northwestern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego

Patagonia. By the late Miocene, the de- (Auer, 1958, 1970).
velopment of increasingly xeric conditions Humid glacial ages and relatively warm
had begun in this region. Nevertheless, in and dry interglacial ages in the Andean region
northern Patagonia, especially in the area of of Argentina and central and southern Chile
influence of the pre-Colorado and pre-Negro were proposed in accordance with a pollen
rivers, a warmer and more humid climate diagram and the fluctuations of the carbonate
than that of today seems to have persisted content of a deep-sea core from the southeast-
during early and middle Pliocene. This is sug- ern Pacific Ocean (Groot and Groot, 1966).
gested by the record of a megalonychid eden- However, palynological spectra of strati-
tate of the subfamily Orthotheriinae, which graphic sections in the southern Chilean lake

district reflect more complex climatic changes (Bossi, 1969; Ramos, 1970; Caminos, 1972;
since the last interglacial, as well as drier Gordillo and Lencinas, 1972).
conditions during the Llanquihue Glaciation The regions along the eastern side of the
(Heusser, 1974). Andes, then lower and wanner than today,
Evidently, eustatic descent of sea level constituted an important pathway for migra-
caused the emersion of much of the present tion between the subtropical regions and the
continental shelf; thus, eastern Patagonia sup- more temperate southern Pampean Plain.
porting a steppe vegetation became larger. Moreover, similar ecological conditions to the
The probable connection of the Malvinas present phytogeographic Chacoan Province
Islands to the mainland could explain the (sensu Cabrera, 1971), with open xerophytic
presence there of terrestrial species with rela- woodland, apparently existed in the south-
tives on the continent, for example the canid, western part of Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Dusycion australis (Auer, 1958:223-224). The Upper Pliocene elements recorded from there,
sub-Antarctic forests, which now extend along such as cariamid birds (Tonni, 1974) myrme-
the eastern slopes of the Andes as far north cophagid anteaters ( Kraglievich, 1934), and
as about 36° (Fernandez, 1976), could have the anuran Bufo paracnemis (Gasparini and
descended to lower altitudes in glacial times Baez, 1975) now are absent in that area.
(Vuilleumier, 1971). The Sub-Andean Region was affected by
Sub-Andean Region. —The rich mamma- important tectonic events during, and subse-
lian faunas recorded in the Pliocene of this quent to, the Plio-Pleistocene. These had con-
region have a marked subtropical character, siderable physiographic and climatic conse-

thereby suggesting different environmental quences. The increasing rain-shadow effect

conditions from those existing at present. It accentuated the desiccation of climate. A
is worth mentioning the occurrence of fauna referred to the earliest Pleistocene in the
erethizontid and echimyid rodents, as well as northernmost part of the region has elements
anteaters (Rovereto, 1914), both myrmeco- indicative of relatively humid conditions, such
as a beaver (Kraglievich, 1934).
phagids and cyclopodids (Hirschfeld, 1976), By that
in areas where their living relatives are not time, a dry regime prevailed in the southern
found. Also dasypodids closely related to the areas (Polanski, 1963). The few known later
faunas denote a significant impoverishment
living tropical and subtropical Euphractus
were recorded by Scillato Yane ( 1975 ) Fos- .
in contrast to those of the Pliocene. Some
sil trunks occur in Pliocene horizons but most mammals there at present are the caviid
of them have not been identified (Boden- Microcavia, the mustelid Lyncodon, and the
bender, 1924; Frenguelli, 1937; Menendez, dasypodid Chaetophractus vcllerosus.
1962; Ramos, 1970). Those assigned to Fauna] connections with the southwestern
the leguminosid genus Acacioxylon exhibit Pampean Plain and Patagonia were enhanced
growth rings that indicate wide seasonal dif- by the development of an arid regime. The
ferences of rainfall (Menendez, 1962, 1971). dry periods that affected the former area per-
These data suggest that environments similar mitted a more eastern distribution of the
to those of the present Western Chacoan dis- xeric-adapted biota from the western regions.
trict (sensu Cabrera, 1971) could have existed Similar expansion to the east of the semi-arid
in the Subandean Region. At that time, many vegetation of the Monte during Pleistocene
of the mountain ranges that comprise the dry phases was suggested by Solbrig (1976).
eastern border of this region were not so high —
Mesopotamia. Pliocene vertebrates of
as today and consequently did not constitute this region are almost exclusively known from
an effective barrier to the humid Atlantic cliffs along the Rio Parana. Most of the re-
winds. Thus, some Chacoan species could mains of continental vertebrates have been
have ranged farther west than they do now. found in sandstones and conglomerates that
The prevalence of semiarid to arid climates constitute the so-called "Mesopotamiense."
in intermontane basins in the northern areas They overlie typical marine deposits of the
is indicated by a variety of geological data Atlantic transgression, the "Paranense Sea,"

which extended over a great part of the Sea" (Pascual and Odreman Rivas, 1971,
Chaco-Pampean Plain during the late Mio- 1973). Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphic
cene (Frenguelli, 1920; Rossi de Garcia, sequences and their paleontological content
1966). Within the "Mesopotamiense" there is are best known in the Provincia de Buenos
an evident alternation of sediments corre- Aires; therefore, our analysis will deal prin-
sponding to different environments but most cipally with that portion of the Chaco-Pam-
are fluvio-deltaic sediments. pean Plain.
Fossil remains are indicative of humid The available studies of successive faunas
subtropical conditions (Pascual and Odre- and sediments of Pliocene and Pleistocene age
man Rivas, 1971; Gasparini and Baez, 1975; have not yet furnished evidence of drastic
Baez and Gasparini, 1977). Presumably, the changes. In general there was an overall
gallery forests along the river favored the cooling trend from the more warm temperate
southward extension of the tropical biota conditions of the early Pliocene to the more
Pascual and Odreman Rivas, 1971 A south- )
. moderate present ones with colder periods
ward extension of tropical flora (Cabrera, probably occurring during the Pleistocene.
1971) and fauna (Ringuelet, 1955, 1961) is Concerning precipitation, at present the re-
evident today, but the southward penetration gion has a permanently humid climate, with
probably was greater in Pliocene times, when a change to drier conditions and some pre-
the climate was warmer. There is an abun- dominantly dry months in the western part.
dance of fossil tree trunks, turtles, large croco- This regime seems to have prevailed during
diles, megalonychid and pampatheriine eden- most of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, but an
tates, and dinomyid rodents in the Pliocene increase of xeric conditions, especially during
deposits. There is an absence of chinchillid certain intervals, is evident (see below).
and octodontid rodents and hegetotheriid Since this region came into existence, the
and mesotheriid notoungulates, which are dominant vegetation type has been grass
characteristic of open environments. steppe. However, the climatic fluctuations
The composition of these assemblages is just mentioned would have favored greater
quite different from those of about the same eastward expansion of xerophytic forest,
age in the Sub-Andean and Pampean regions. which presently borders the Pampean Plain
These differences reveal that these areas had to the west and north.
distinct ecological and biogeographical fea-
Echimyid rodents, now living in tropical
tures. and subtropical regions, are recorded from
Pleistocene deposits are widely distributed this area in the Pliocene and lower Pleisto-
in Mesopotamia, but in most cases neither cene. Also in early Pliocene times (Chasi-
their stratigraphy nor their paleontological coan Age) megalonychid and nothrotheriine
content has been studied adequately; there- tree sloths were abundant there, but they are
fore, their
chronological assignment is still inconspicuous in later ages (Scillato Yane,
uncertain. Even
so, the presence of certain 1977, 1979). These groups of rodents and
taxa is quite interesting from the paleoen- edentates are found frequently in Miocene
vironmental point of view. The record of the deposits of southern Patagonia; the north-
caviid rodent Dolichotis in the middle Pleis- ward shift of their southern limit of distribu-
tocene of northwestern Mesopotamia (Alva- tion reflects the climatic deterioration in the
rez, 1974) indicates that at certain times the south. The occurrence of large dasypodids,
climate was drier than at present; drier con- closely related to the tropical and subtropical
ditions also are indicated by sedimentological living Enphractus, in the Pliocene and of
data (Alvarez, 1974). At present Dolichotis procyonids in the middle and upper Pliocene
isrestricted to the Patagonian, Sub-Andean and lower Pleistocene is also significant. Ac-
and southwestern Pampean regions. cording to these and other faunal evidence,

Chaco-Pampean Plain. T his region it can be postulated that throughout the Plio-

started to acquire its present features after cene and early Pleistocene ( Uquian Age ) the
the regression of the late Miocene "Paranense climate was wanner than today followed by

a gradual cooling. This agrees with the more inary palynological analysis of some samples
pronounced deterioration of climatic condi- from the Argentine shelf off the mouth of the
tions in Patagonia after early Pleistocene time, Rio de la Plata also suggests more pronounced
as indicated by palynological data (Groot aridity during the glacial stages (Groot et al.,

and Groot, 1966). 1967:208).

The evidence points to a desiccation of The Pleistocene is represented in
climate during the Pliocene. The abundance this area
by the lower section of the Loberia
of sloths in the Chasicoan fauna suggests a Formation (Fig. 6:3), where the last repre-
humid regime (Scillato Yane, 1977, 1979) but sentatives of the megafauna still occur. Sedi-
contrasts with their absence in the Huayquer- mentological characteristics (sand dunes and
ian. The presence of some sub-Andean ele- loess) and geomorphological evidence (Tri-
ments in deposits assigned to the latter
age cart, 1973) indicate extremely arid conditions
also could be indicative of drier conditions at that time. This dry phase must have dis-
at that time (Bondesio et al., 1979). By the turbed the equilibrium of the biota in that
late Pliocene, at least in the southwestern reduction of grazing land affected primarily
part of the Provincia de Buenos Aires, a the large herbivores, thus contributing to the
regime characterized by seasonal differences extinction of the local megafauna.
in rainfall seems to have prevailed. An envi- The alternation of arid and humid cli-

ronment similar to that of the present Cha- mates can be explained by the changes in the
coan phytogeographic province, with open distribution of ocean currents and wind sys-
xerophytic woodlands, has been inferred there tems over the South American continent dur-
from the composition of the fossil fauna ing glacial and interglacial stages (Damuth
(Tonni, 1974; Baez and Gasparini, 1977). and Fairbridge, 1970). During glacial phases
The stratigraphical units of early Pleisto- the Chaco-Pampean Plain was under the in-
cene to Recent age, especially in the coastal fluence of the dry southwesterly winds that
area and in the northeastern part of the acted as the depositional agent for the loess.
Provincia de Buenos Aires exhibit an alterna- Even though the fossil record is rich, the
tion of subaqueous (fluvial, lacustrine, palu- available paleozoological data do not provide
dal )and aeolian deposits ( Kraglievich, 1952, clear support to the environmental fluctua-
1953; Frenguelli, 1957a). These alternations tions during the Pleistocene and Holocene, for
of continental deposits of different origins much of the material is not accurately as-
have been associated with fluctuating climatic signed to stratigraphic levels. Furthermore,
conditions, but there is no agreement as to formational units have a long time range,
what climatic condition, especially tempera- during which climatic fluctuations took place.
ture, corresponds to each of the lithological This probably explains the records of taxa
changes. The existence of alternating humid that are indicative of opposing climatic con-
and arid cycles during the late Pleistocene ditions from a single locality and formation.
and Holocene also is indicated by geomorpho- Nevertheless, significant distributional shifts
logical data (Tricart, 1973). in the biota can be attributed to Pleistocene
marine and brackish-water
Intercalated environmental changes. Drier conditions in
occur discontinuously in different areas
levels the Pampean Plain are indicated by the occur-
and have been correlated with the above rence of characteristic elements of the present
mentioned continental subaqueous deposits Sub-Andean and Patagonian regions, such as
which probably indicate humid conditions the mustelid Lijncodon and the caviids Do-
(Frenguelli, 1957a; Tricart, 1973). If the lichotis and Microcavki, in Pleistocene de-
marine levels are interpreted as resulting from posits. Dolichotis also occurs in sediments of
eustatic sea level rise, the correlation of the the same age in southern Uruguay (Calca-
humid phases with the interglacial stages fol- terra, 1972). On the other hand, more equa-
lows (Tricart, 1973). Accordingly, cold and ble climatic conditions would have allowed
arid or semiarid climates seem to have alter- procyonids and the dasypodid Euphractus to
nated with warm and humid ones. Prelim- live on the Pampean Plain.

Other regions of temperate South Amer- CONCLUSIONS

ica. data from other areas within
temperate South America do not permit us to The general trend of climatic change since
outline a sequence of the climatic and en- the Pliocene has been towards a colder and
vironmental changes that occurred during the drier regime, but this trend evidently has not
late Cenozoic. On the other hand,
many geo- been uniform, and many fluctuations took
morphological, sedimentological and phyto- place. Rain-shadow effects produced by
geographic studies have provided evidence of the rising mountains constituted an important
Quaternary fluctuations. factor leading to the change of environmental
In the states of Sao Paulo, Parana and conditions. Even though our knowledge of
Rio Grande do Sul in southeastern Brasil nu- past climates in temperate South America is
merous mammalian remains have been re- incomplete, the main environmental changes
corded from Pleistocene continental units that during the Late Cenozoic can be broadly out-
tentatively have been referred to the Lujanian lined, as follows.

Age (late Pleistocene) of Argentina (Paula

Couto, 1975). The mammalian fauna is pre- 1. Development of an increasingly arid and cold
regime began by late Miocene in Patagonia.
dominantly one of savanna taxa and has
Many forest-savanna inhabitants retreated
Pampean affinities, especially the assemblage north and west. In northern Patagonia wanner
from Rio Grande do Sul. Some taxa could and more humid conditions persisted during
be indicative of different conditions than early to middle Pliocene. In Quaternary times
those existing at present; wild llamas of the a dry and cold climate prevailed, especially in
the eastern areas although there is evidence of
genus Palaeolama are recorded from low alti- more humid phases during the Pleistocene.
tudes thus suggesting a colder climate for the
2. During Pliocene times the regions situated to
region. Paula Couto (1975) related the east- the north of Patagonia had at least a warm-
ward shift of their range to a wider extension temperate climate. Many elements of the sub-
of the glaciated areas in the Andean region tropical fauna reached a more southern dis-
tribution than they do today.
and adjacent plateaus where their close rela-
3. Plio-Pleistocene tectonic events accentuated
tives are restricted today. Also, a former the differentiation of the sub-Andean region,
wider expansion towards the east of the
which formerly had connections in its north-
"Andean forests" hasbeen postulated to ac- ern part with the Chacoan region. Subsequent
count for the presence of some Andean plant to that time an essentially dry regime was

genera in the Araucaria forests of southeast- established there.

ern Brasil (Klein, 1975). 4. During the Pleistocene, glaciations extended
over the Andean region and reached the pres-
Sedimentological and geomorphological
ent Atlantic coast only south of 52°S. In the
studies provide evidence for climatic changes
northwestern ranges of Argentina glaciers were
and fluctuations during the Quaternary in
restricted to the highest elevations and upper
southern Brasil. Distinct epochs of pedimen-
portions of fluvial valleys.
tation, during which xeric conditions pre-
5. In the middle and late Pleistocene and Holo-
vailed, have been established. These periods the climate fluctuated in the
cene, Pampean
seem to be related to times of lowered sea Plain, especially the
humidity. Dry phases
level and thus are correlated with Pleistocene favored geographic extension of xeric-adapted
glacial phases (Bigarella, 1964). The evi- species, to the east and north. Also they may
dence points to an alternation of semiarid have caused the isolation or migration of more
and humid episodes during glacial and inter- mesic types.

glacial times, respectively, with smaller cli-

6. Evidence of important Quaternary climatic

matic fluctuations within both the xeric and fluctuations in southeastern Brasil has been
humid phases 1964; Ab'Saber,
provided mainly by sedimentological, geo-
morphological, paleontological and phytogeo-
1977). These cyclic changes are also docu- studies. An alternation between
mented by phytogeographic data, although warm and humid and relatively cold and dry
the chronology is far from clear (Klein,
periods, with minor fluctuations within those
1975). phases, has been proposed.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS miento de "Edades mastozoologicas" (tenta-

tivamente referidas a las Epocas de la escala
We thank Mrs. M. Guiomar Vucetich, Drs. geocronologica mundial) lo que ha provisto,
Rosendo Pascual, Francisco Fidalgo, Eduardo para toda Sudamerica el principal criterio de
Tonni, Geol. Jose A. Ferrer (Museo de La correlation.
Estudios de diversa indole
Plata), Dr. Edgardo Romero (Facultad de (litologicos,
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Buenos Aires) geomorfologicos, paleontologicos, fitogeo-

y Prof. Guillermo del Corro (Museo Argen- graficos) han suministrado information que
tino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires) for permite esbozar un relato de la evolution
their valuable comments. Special thanks are ambiental en las regiones consideradas.
extended to Dr. Victor Ramos (Servicio Na- Hasta el Mioceno medio a tardio las con-
tional Minero Geologico, Buenos Aires), who diciones prevalecientes en Patagonia fueron
mucho mas calidas y humedas que las hoy
critically read the manuscript and provided
useful information. aliivigentes; asi lo indica el registro de nu-
merosos vertebrados cuyos parientes actuales
viven en areas intertropicales, parcialmente
RESUMEN boscosas o selvaticas. A partir del Mioceno
tardio se produjo un notable desecamiento
La actual zona templada de America del (motivado por la circunstancia de que los
Sur incluye (de acuerdo con la clasificacion Andes australes alcanzaron ya una altura
climatica de Koppen): Uruguay, la mayor suficiente como para actua como efectiva ba-
parte de Paraguay, partes de Bolivia, Brasil rrera a los vientos del Pacifico ) y una
y Argentina, asi como una portion territorial mas progresiva atemperacion (en parte coin-
a lo largo de la costa pacifica al sur de los cidente con un partial englazamiento de
38°S. Para los fines del presente estudio, se Antartida occidental). Estos cambios deter-
han considerado tambien la region subandina minaron la retraction hacia el norte y oeste
y Patagonia, donde actualmente prevalecen de muchos elementos de la biota.
climas aridos. Esto se debe a que su historia La consideracion en particular del Ceno-
paleoambiental se halla intimamente ligada a zoico tardio nos remite, primeramente, al

la de los aludidos ambitos actualmente tem- problema de los limites entre las Epocas im-
plados. plicadas (Plioceno, Pleistoceno y Holoceno).
La mayor parte de evidencias disponi-
las El limite plio-pleistocenico no ha sido aun
bles indicadoras de cambios ambientales, claramente determinado en Sudamerica;
especialmente durante el Terciario tardio, se tentativamente se lo ubica hacia el Uquiense
refieren al territorio argentino, en el
que pue- temprano (Blanquense tardio de USA). Tal
den considerarse cuatro regiones principales: incertidumbre responde tanto a la ausencia
1) Patagonia, 2) Area Subandina, 3) Meso- de un criterio unanime a nivel mundial en
potamia, y 4) Llanura Chaco-Pampeana. esta materia, como a las dificultades implicitas
Una adecuada comprension de los cam- en correlacionar las Edades locales sudameri-
bios climatico-ambientales acaecidos en Sud- canas con las de otros continentes. El limite
america templada durante el Cenozoico tardio pleisto-holocenico coincide aproximadamente
requiere inevitablemente, consideration
la con el fin de la Edad Lujanense, serialado por
de los tiempos geologicos anteriores. Los datos una extincion masiva de la megafauna.
disponibles indican un pronunciado deterioro El estudio de los eventos glaciales cuya —
de las condiciones que, aun hacia el Mioceno importancia fundamental en la evolution
medio a tardio, eran mucho mas benignas y climatica del Cenozoico tardio es universal-
uniformes que las actuates. —
mente reconocida se halla aun en Sudameri-
Cabe que en esta parte de Ameri-
seiialar ca en una etapa preliminar. No existe acuerdo
ca del Sur lamayoria de las unidades lito- en cuanto al numero y extension de las gla-
estratigraficas y cronoestratignificas del Ceno- eiaciones, pero puede desde ya desecharse el
zoico continental no han sido formalmente esquema simplista que establecia una exacta
establecidas. De hecho, ha sido el reconoci- correspondencia con las cuatro clasicamente

reconocidas en el Pleistoceno del Hemisferio tir su influencia tanto en esta region como en
Norte. En el SO de Patagonia fueron reciente- territorio uruguayo.
mente reconocidos varios cpisodios glaciales Llanura Chaco-Pampeana. —Casi toda la
que datan del Plioceno tardio y Pleistoceno documentation disponible se refiere a la
temprano. Mucho mejor documentada esta mitad austral de esta area (Pampasia). Los
la glaciacion suprapleistocenica,
groseramente estudios de las sucesivas "faunas" y sedi-
correlacionada con
Wiirm-Winsconsin del mentitas pliocenicas y pleistocenicas no han
Hemisferio Norte; pero debe remarcarse que revelado la ocurrencia de cambios drasticos.
afecto especialmente a la region andina, y No obstante, a partir del Plioceno temprano
que solo al sur de los 52°S los glaciares al- tuvo lugar una progresiva atemperacion.
canzaron la actual costa atlantica. Desde el Pleistoceno medio hasta el Holoceno
La evolucion ambiental durante el Ceno- es factible reconocer varias fluctuaciones cli-
zoic tardio en las cuatro areas del territorio maticas: lapsos relativamente calidos y hii-
argentino mencionadas precedentemente pue- medos (con frecuente depositation fluvio-
de sintetizarse asi: lacustre) alternaron con otros relativamente
—Con exception dc la region
frios y secos (en los que predomino
mas septentrional, el clima fue frio y semi- mente la sedimentation de "limos loessoides,"
arido a arido durante la mayor parte del o aun de verdaderos loess). Un analisis pre-
Plioceno. Estas condiciones parecen haberse liminar del contenido paleomastozoologico de
acentuado durante el Cuaternario, si bien las respectivas unidades
estratigraficas avala,
ciertas evidencias sugieren algunos lapsos mas en general, esta interpretation. Es muy im-
hiimedos. Los datos disponibles no indican portante seiialar que los lapsos presumible-
un extenso englazamiento. mente calidos y hiimedos parecen coincidir
Area Subandina. —Durante el Plioceno el
con ingresiones marinas, en tanto que los
numero- frios y secos corresponden a regresiones.
registro paleomastozoologico incluye
sos taxa tipicamente intertropicales, in- Estos ascensos y descensos del nivel marino
dican condiciones parcialmente boscosas y podrian ser de origen eustatico.
calidas, posiblemente algo mas humedas que
En lo que ataiie a otras areas fuera del
las actuales; de tal modo, esta area
territorio argentino, no existe information
entonccs con la chaquefia hacia el norte) suficiente sobre el Terciario tardio. En cam-
obro corao una "via de conexion" del SO de bio, hay claras evidencias de fluctuaciones
la llanura climaticas ciclicas especialmente para el Cua-
pampeana con ambitos francamente
ternario del sudeste de Brasil. De acuerdo a
subtropicales. No obstante, como consecuen-
cia de los Movimientos Andinos, existian ya datos de diversa indole, lapsos calidos y
cuencas intermontanas en la parte septentrio- hiimedos alternaron con otros relativamente
nal donde pudieron prevalecer condiciones frios y secos.
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7. Quaternary Biogeography of the
High Montane Regions
of South America
Beryl B. Simpson
Department of Botany
Smithsonian Institution
Washington. D.C. 20560

From 11°N to 55°S, the South American Simpson, 1975), the "Andes" actually consist
Andes span 66 degrees of latitude, a distance of a complex array of mountains that can be
of over S000 km (Fig. 7:1). At their widest partitioned in severalways for purposes of
point, they are about 500 km broad. Such an discussion. meaningful to discriminate
It is

enormous land mass, extending across one units of the Andes by partitioning the Cor-
hemisphere and projecting into the other, dillera into geomorphological units as done
must necessarily exhibit great diversity. Else- by Harrington (1956), Gansser (1973) and
where in South America, significantly high Simpson (1975) (Fig. 7:2). Although in this
mountains are found only in southeastern treatment, mountains often are referred to by
Brasil and along the southern edge of the the country in which they occur, the use of the
Guiana Shield (Fig. 7:1), but the area of country is merely for convenience as to lo-
these mountains above 2000 m elevation is cality; the units
being discussed are the geo-
very small. In several previous papers (Vuil- morphological units or their parts in the
leumier, 1971; Simpson, 1973, 1975), I dis- regions mentioned. A different and somewhat
cussed Pleistocene events in the Andes, but more detailed subdivision of the Cordillera
within the last few years, several studies have into "tectonic segments" was proposed by
added to the knowledge of Andean Tertiary Sillitoe (1974), Gansser (1973) and others.
and Quaternary history. In this review of the The boundaries of the major tectonic seg-
Quaternary history of the high montane re- ments correspond with the boundaries of the
gions of South America, I first review the geomorphological units (Fig. 7:2).
current information about the formation of
Perhaps the single most important aspect
the Andean Cordillera and the other montane of the geological history of all the Andean
regions. A background knowledge of the units is their recency of uplift (see Simpson,
historicalgeology of the regions is necessary 1975, Fig. 2). Although there is some dis-
because their differing ages have an im- crepancy in the exact timing of final uplift,
portant bearing on the composition and di- the last major upheaval of almost all units
versity of the floras and faunas that were was end of the Tertiary or within the
at the
affected by Quaternary climatic changes. The final uplift of the Sierra
After outlining the historical geology, I briefly Nevada de Santa Marta, the most northerly
describe the modern climate and vegetation
part of the Cordillera, has been dated toward
of these regions and then turn to a discussion the end of the Pleistocene (Gansser, 1955),
of Pleistocene biogeographical events.
although the use of late moraines as evi-
dence can be questioned. Recent studies (van
GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE der Hammen, 1974; van der Hammen et al.,
MONTANE REGIONS 1973) have continued to document that the
high elevation zones (above 2000 m) of the
The Andes eastern Andes of Colombia were produced
during the middle and later part of the
As mentioned by numerous authors (e.g., Pliocene. Garner (1975) questioned the evi-
Present address: of Botany, University
dence for late uplift of the northern moun-
of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA. tain ranges. The absence of traces of glacia-


tions before the last part of the Pleistocene, elusive evidence, because earlier moraines
used as evidence for late uplift (Herd and can be easily eliminated. Few studies ex-
Naeser, 1974), can not be considered as con- tending to the beginning of the Pleistocene

800 Kilometers

have been made, but careful examination of Cordilleras extending through Ecuador have
one important long pollen core (Fig. 7:3) received little attention in recent years, but
clearly shows that plants characteristic of a summary of previous studies in this region
high elevations were absent in the Colombian (Saner, 1971) indicated three stages of final
Andes until the beginning of the Pleistocene uplift, the last of which occurred during the
(van der Hammen et al., 1973). Limited Pleistocene. This last uplift was postulated
studies have been made in the Cordillera to have accounted for all elevations above
Occidental of Colombia, but the available 2000 m (Sauer, 1965, diagram 7). The youth-
evidence seems to suggest that they were ini- fulness of the high volcanic peaks in Ecuador
tially uplifted later than the ranges to the is attested to, in part, by still active Volcan
east (Shagam, 1975) and that they reached Cotopaxi.
their present elevations after the end of the Earlier investigations of both the Eastern
Tertiary (Burgl, 1961; Haffer, 1970a; Herd and Western Cordillera through Peru and
and Naeser, 1974). In Venezuela, geological Bolivia (Steinmann, 1930; Dollfus, 1959/1960;
investigations of the Merida Andes (Shagam, Ahlfeld, 1970) indicated Pliocene-Pleistocene
1975) show several early orogenies with the final uplifts of about 1000 to 3000 m. More
last initiated in the Oligocene and continuing recently the orogenic history of the Andes
to the present. Significantly high elevations has been interpreted in relation to plate tec-
were achieved only relatively late in the tonics (James, 1971, 1973; Gansser, 1973).
Pleistocene (Schubert, 1974a). James, in his interpretation of the uplift of
The portions of the eastern and western the Bolivian Andes (
1971 ) , envisioned an ini-

Fig. 7:1. Distribution of high elevation areas in South America. Areas above 2000 m
are shaded on
the western side of the continent. For the southeastern Brasilian Highlands and the Guiana Tablelands, areas
above 1000 are indicated. Inserts give climate diagrams showing mean monthly temperature and precipitation
regimes at several high elevation stations. The changes in annual dispersion of rainfall and yearly patterns of
temperature from north to south along the Andes as well as the aridity of the western part of the central
Andes are evident. In the inset diagrams, mean monthly values of both temperature and precipitation are con-
nected. Areas shaded with vertical bars indicate times of excess precipitation; stippled areas are times of mois-
ture deficit. The left hand, vertical axis is calibrated in units of 10°C; the right hand vertical axis is calibrated
in units of 20 mm of precipitation. The horizontal axis indicates the month of the year ( reversed in different
hemispheres). Shaded areas along the base of the diagram show the months from which freezing temperatures
have been recorded. For each of the stations with an inset, the following are given: name, latitude, longitude,
altitude, number of years from which data were recorded, mean annual temperature and mean annual precipi-
tation for this period. A. Bogota, Colombia, 4°38' N X 74 "05' W, 2556 m, 94 years, 13.°2C, 940.9 mm.
B. Riobamba, Ecuador 00°22'S X 78°34'W, 3058 m, 8 years, 11.5°C, 1361 mm. C. Cajamarca, Peru, 07°08'S
X 78°28'W, 2621 m, 9 years, 14°C, 716 mm. D. Cuzco, Peru, 13°33'S X 71°59'W, 3312 m, 17 years, 12.5°C,
750 mm. E. Arequipa, Peru, 16°19'S X 71°33'W, 2525 m, 37 years, 13.8°C, 104 mm. F. El Alto (airport,
La Paz), Bolivia, 16°30'S X 68°12'W, 4105 m, 28 years, 7.5°C, 564 mm. G. Oruro, Bolivia, 17°58'S
X 67°07'W, 3708 m, 10 years, 7.5°C, 282 mm. //. La Quiaca, Argentina, 22°06'S X 65°36'W, 3459 m,
8 years, 9.5°C, 322 mm. I. Cristo Redentor, Argentina, 32°50'S X 70°5'W, 3829 m, 27 years, -1.7°C, 354
mm. /. Itatiaia, Brasil, 22°20'S X 44°43'W, 2200 m, 20 years, 12.9°C, 2417 mm. Data for Figure insets A-I
from Schwerdtfeger 1976) and inset J from Brade (1956). Climate data for a complete year are not available

from the Guiana Highlands.

Distribution de his regiones de altura de Sudamerica. En el lado oeste del contincnte las areas por encima
de los 2000 m cstdn sombreadas. Para la region sudeste brasileho y los tablazos de la Cuayana, se indican las
areas mayores de 1000 m. Las inclusiones representan diagramas climdticos, que muestran la temperatura media
mensual y los regimenes de precipitation, para varias estaciones de altura. Los eambios en la dispersion anual
de la lluvia y los patrones anuales de temperatura del norte a sur a lo largo de los Andes asi como la aridez
del lado oeste de los Andes Centrales son evidentes. En los diagramas, los valorcs medios mensuales de la
temperatura y precipitation cstdn conectados. Areas achuradas indican tiempo con exceso de precipitation;
areas punteadas son tiempos con deficit de humedad. El eje vertical izquierdo estd calibrado en unidades de
10°C; el derecho estd calibrado en unidades de 20 mm de precipitaeion. El eje horizontal indica los rneses del
aiio (iiwersos en difcrentcs hemisferios). La linea oscura en la base de los diagramas represcnta a los meses
con registros de tempcraturas de congelation. A cada estation representada por una letra, le eorrcsponde su
nombre, latitud, longitud, elevation, numero de ahos con registros, temperatura media anual y precipitation
anual. Information para las inclusiones A-l proviene de Schwerdfeger (1976), para J de Brade (1956). Datos
climdticos de tin aiio cotnpleto no cstdn disponiblc para las Alturas Guayanensis.














tialCretaceous collision between the Nazca (Turner, 1972; Yrigoyen, 1972). Paralleling
and the South American plates (Fig. 7:2) the Principal Cordillera from about latitude
leading to the original outline of most of 14°S to about 44°S is the Coastal Cordillera
the Cordillera. He dated the final "crunch" (Fig. 7:2), which apparently was uplifted
and major upheaval as occurring at the end somewhat than most of the Andes
of the Tertiary. During this last period, the (Okada, 1971). Recent evidence (Cobbing
Altiplano was postulated to have been raised et al., Dalmayrac et al., 1977) indicates
to its present elevation of 3000 and 4500 m. that two small sections of this cordillera, one
Although James' (1971) study was directed in Peru and one in Chile, are of Precambrian
particularly at the Rolivian/Peruvian Andes, age. Cobbing et al. (1977) suggested that
his conclusions probably extend to the ma- the Arequipa Massif in Peru is a rifted por-
jority of the Andean Cordillera, because the tion of the old South American shield areas.
contact between the Nazca and South Amer- Plio-Pleistocene movements were primarily
ican plates extends from Ecuador to southern involved in altering preexisting structure
Chile. Gansser (1973) also discussed the (Dessanti, 1972).
Andean orogenies in terms of plate tectonics, Dott et al. (1977) indicated that the up-
but he included the areas of the Andes where liftof the Patagonian Cordillera of southern
the South American Plate is in contact with Chile was later than 77 to 81 million years
other plates (Fig. 7:2) and stressed the re- ago and that most orogenic movements were
cent evidence that initial movements caused
completed by the Miocene.
by contact of the plates were very early,
probably Mesozoic, in some areas. The Mountains of Southeastern Brasil
In northwestern Argentina, the Pampean
Ranges (Fig. 7:2) were raised (Simpson and In southeastern Brasil, the Serra do Mar,
Vervoorst, 1977) after final Quarternary up- Serra da Mantiqueira, and associated ranges
lift of the Principal Cordillera to the west were formed by the arching and fracturing

Fig. 7:2. Schematic drawing of the major geomorphological units of the Andean Cordillera (redrawn
from Simpson, 1975) and the principal shields of the South American continent (from Putzer, 1968). The
tectonic segments are drawn from Sillitoe (1974) and Gansser (1973). Numbers to the left of the dotted
lines refer to boundaries of tectonic segments ( transverse faults that segment the descending lithosphere ) as
numbered in Sillitoe (1974). Missing numbers were assigned to segments omitted here. Numbers included
the following: 1. Amotape Zone, the northern limit of the Central Andes. 2. Huancabamba deflection, locality
of the change in direction of the Andes from NW to NNE. 4. Pisco or Abancay deflection, a proposed divi-
sion of the Central Andes; a sharp step marks the beginning of the Coastal Cordillera. 5. Northern limit of the
Altiplano-Puno block. 6. A change in strike of the Andes from N to NW
and the narrowing of the Eastern
Cordillera (the Ichilo Fault or the Arica Elbow line). 10. The southern edge of the Puno block. 13. Boundary
of the Norte Chico and Central Chilean regions, the northern limit of the Central Valley and the southern
edge of the Precordillera and Sierra de Cordoba in Argentina. 16. Southern limit of the Cordillera Principal.
In Southeastern Brasil letters refer to tectonic belts (from de Almeida, 1966). Dashed line is the Tropic of
Dibujo esquemdtico de las unidades gcomorfologicas maijores de la Cordillera de los Andes (redibujado de
Simpson, 1975) y de los principales escudos del continente Sudamericano (de Putzer, 1968). Los segmentos
tectonicos estdn dibujados de Sillitoe (1974) y Ganscr (1973). Los numeros indican las fronteras de los seg-
mentos tectonicos: 1. Zona de Amotape, el limitc nortc de los Andes Centrales. 2. Desviacion de Huancabam-
ba, localidad del cambio de direccion de los Andes de NO a NNE. 4. Desviacion de Pisco o Abancay, una
division de la Cordillera Central propuesta; un marcado paso sehala el cc-mienzo de la Cordillera de la Costa.
5. Limite norte del bloque Altiplano-Puno. 6. Cambio direccional de los Andes de N a NO
y el cstrechamiento
de la Cordillera Oriental (la falla de Ichilo o la linea de Codo de Arica). 10. Mdrgen sureno del bloque del
Puno. 13. Separacion del Norte Chico y Region Central en Chile, limite norte del Valle Central y borde sur
de la Precordillera y la Sierra de Cordoba en Argentina. 16. Limite sur de la Cordillera Principal. En el su-
destc del Brasil, las letras indican cordones tectonicos (de de Almeida, 1966). La linea entrecortada senala al
Tropico de Capricornio.




500 000
Years Ago

of the ancient Brasilian Shield along north- The Guiana Highlands

east-southwest lines. Rubidium-Strontium
Like the mountains of southeastern Brasil,
(Rb/Sr) age determinations of rock samples
the basement of the Guiana Highlands, or
from several areas in southeastern Brasil
have yielded dates that range in age from Tepuis, appears to be very old. For many
500 to 2,000+ million years (de Almeida years, the age of the rock formations com-
prising these abrupt table mountains emerg-
et 1973). Thus, although differing some-

what in age, all of these basement rocks are ing from the Guiana Shield was disputed.
Most South American geologists tended to
essentially Precambrian in age, and the Bra-
favor an interpretation of very ancient initial
silian platform must have consolidated fol-
uplift (e.g., Oliveira and Leonardos, 1943)
lowing an Precambrian orogenic cycle, pos-
but some geologists such as Gansser (1954)
sibly about 1,800 million years ago. More
restricted orogenies apparently occurred be-
concluded that they were first raised more
tween 900 and 1,300 million years ago. A final recently, perhaps in the Cretaceous. Part of
the difficulty in interpreting the history of
Precambrian orogeny that affected 40 per
these mountains was the lack of fossils or
cent of the shield area (de Almeida et al.,
geological stratigraphic sequences that could
1973) has been dated at about 450 to 700
million years ago.
be correlated with those of known ages else-
where on the continent. Since 1960, rock
Because most of the Brasilian Shield above
1200 m is covered with Cretaceous sediments, samples from a portion of the highlands in
Guyana have been Rb/Sr dated as between
uplift to appreciable elevations must have oc-
1,500 to 2,000 million years of age (Snelling,
curred primarily during the Cenozoic. De
1963). In southern Venezuela, Rb/Sr dates
Freitas (1951) concluded that three periods
from several localities indicate rock ages of
of epeirogenic movements account for the
or higher. The first of these
1,700 to 2,100 million years (Hurley and
uplift to 1200
Rand, 1973). The moderninterpretation of
probably occurred at the end of the Creta- the geological history of the Guiana High-
ceous and the last two in the Tertiary. The lands (Lexico Estrat. Venezuela, 1970) is of
third may have extended into the Quaternary. a Precambrian basement about 3,000 to 3,100
It was during these last three phases of uplift million years old that was initially uplifted
that the Serras do Mar, Mantiqueira, Espin- about 2,000 to 2,100 million years ago. Sub-
haco and Borborema wer fully formed. sequent uplifts apparently occurred in the

Fig. 7:3. Pollen core diagrams (redrawn from van der Hammen, 1974, Figs. 3 and 5) from the high plain
of Bogota, Colombia. The base of the right hand core has been dated as older than 4 million years (Pliocene).
The uppermost ( separated ) part of the core on the left is from Fuquene, Colombia. High elevation ( subpara-
mo) elements first appear in the uppermost Pliocene. Appreciable amounts of pollen (indicating species that
are abundant) of paramo plants are found only at the beginning of the Pleistocene. In the diagrams, percent-
age of the total pollen recovered from a piece of a core that is represented by plants of a given vegetation type
is recorded from left to right. Zero percent (absence) is on the left, and 100 percent would fill the box. The
diagram also shows the times of first appearance in this area of the North American tree genera, Alnus and
Quercus which migrated into South America after the closure of the Panama Portal. During the Pleistocene,
interglacials are indicated by increases in the percentage of the total pollen that belongs to Andean forest
genera. In glacial times, pollen of paramo plants dominate. Increases in the amounts of Polylepis indicate coo]
but quite moist conditions. The dotted arrow shows the corresponding portions of two cores taken from the
high plain. On the right core, letters are designations of disjunct core segments.
Diagramas de cortes palinologicos (redibujados de van der Hammen, 1974, Figs. 3 y 5) de la Meseta de
Bogota, Colombia. La base del corte de la derecha tiene una cdad mayor que 4 millones de aiios (Plioceno).
La parte aha del corte de la izquierda es de Fequene, Colombia. Elementos de altura (subpdramo) aparecen
recien en el Plioceno tardio. Considerables cantidades de polen (indicadores de las especies mas abundantes)
de plantas del paramo se encuentran solo al comienzo del Plcistoccno. En los diagramas, el porcentaje del
total de polen cstd registrado en la base de izquierda a derecha; cero por cicnto (ausencia) estaria a la izquierda,
micntras que un 100 por cicnto llcnaria el diagrama. El diagrama tambien mucstra los tiempos de la primera
aparicion de los generos de drbolcs norteamcricanos Alnus y Quercus los cuales migraron a Sudamerica luego
de establccida la comunicacion en el 1st mo de Panama. Durante el Plcistoceno los inter glaciales estun indicados
por incrementos en el porcentaje del total de polen perteneciente a los generos forcstales andinos. En tiempos
glaciales, el polen de plantas del paramo domina. Los incrementos en la cantidad dc Polylepis indica condi-
ciones frias pero humedas. La flecha entrecortada muestra las porciones correspondientcs de los cortes tornados
en la sabana. En el corte de la derecha, las letras representan seementos de cortes disjuntos.

Mesozoic, the Paleocene, and again later in ent across the continent. Moreover, because
the Tertiary. The recent history has been one of elevations, they have added com-
of intense erosion and minor eustatic changes. plexities due to orographic effects. A brief
description of the major climatic regimes pro-
vides a background against which Pleistocene
climatic changes can be assessed. This out-
This cursory analysis of the geological line consists of climate diagrams (Fig. 7:1)
history of the high mountains of South Amer- and brief descriptions of the major tempera-
ica has pointed out that there are two very ture and precipitation regimes. A much more
distinct sets of montane areas. All of the complete description of South American cli-
Andean Cordillera, extending the length of mates and references to local meterological
the western edge of the continent is very data can be found in Schwerdtf eger ( 1976 ) .

young; in fact, it was raised above sea level Trewartha ( 1961 ) still provides one of the
only after the end of the Cretaceous, and most lucid accounts of the more complex
elevations above 2000 m
were achieved only climates.
within the last 2 to 5 million years. The
faunas and floras of these high elevations
Tropical Andes
could not have migrated into high elevation
habitats nor begun to differentiate until the Most of the Colombian Andes and the
later Pliocene or Pleistocene. Quaternary cli-
Merida Range of Venezuela lies within the
matic changes did not, for the most part, Equatorial Trough (zone over which the
modify a preexisting biota but were part of Intertropical Convergence Zone travels dur-
the actual story of the initiation and de- ing the course of a year) and receives rain-
fall during two periods each
velopment of the high Andean flora and year. The time
of the heaviest precipitation is October to
fauna. For the mountains of southeastern
Brasil and the Guiana Highlands, which are November; a second maximum occurs in April
and May (Fig. 7:1A). Throughout this area,
composed of Precambrian/ Cambrian rocks
and which were progressively uplifted precipitation is greatest at intermediate ele-
vations (500-1500 m) and decreases with
throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, the
Pleistocene was merely the latest stage of a elevation. Both the Caribbean and the Pa-
long developmental history. Prior to the cific slopes receive about 1500 to 2000 mm
was a well-developed and of rainfall annually. The very high precipita-
Pleistocene, there
established biota on which the climatic tion ( up to 14,000 mm per year )
on the Pacific
coastal lowlands decreases inland and with
changes of the Quaternary had the combined
effects of augmentation, decimation and mod-
elevation. The Cordillera Central of Colom-
bia has slightly higher amounts of annual
rainfall (up 2600
to mm
per year) than the
eastern or western Cordilleras. The major
MODERN CLIMATE inter-Andean valleys of Colombia ( Cauca and
Magdelena) are dry at low elevations, but
The Andean Cordillera, flanking the west- their slopes receive as much as 1000 to 3000

ern coast of South America, is strongly in- mm of rain (respectively) a year (Johnson,
fluenced by its proximity to the Pacific Ocean. 1976). The depth of these valleys and the
The highlands of southeastern Brasil, 10° to aridity of their floors have acted as barriers
20° longitude farther east, come under the to east-west migrations of montane forest and

influence of AtlanticOcean pressure systems. paramo elements throughout the Pleistocene

In contrast to both, the Guiana Highlands, (Fig. 7:4).
far from any ocean, exhibit continental cli- At high elevations ( >3500 m), the mean
matic patterns. When all of the high montane monthly temperatures are very constant over
areas of South America are considered, they the course of a year. However, within one
encompass most of the climatic patterns pres- day, temperatures at high elevations within

the tropics (Fig. 7:5) can exhibit a range Temperate Andes

course of a
equal to that displayed over the As one goes south of the Tropic of Capri-
areas. Maximum
year in temperate lowland corn, major changes in climate are evident.
and minimum daily temperatures can differ
Along the Pacific coast, the Pacific anticyclone
by more than 20°C with the lowest nocturnal splits and the westerlies begin to exert an
values below freezing. influence. Rainfall remains sparse between
The pattern of bimodal rainfall and con- the latitudes of 27° and 31 °S, but 90 percent
stant mean monthly temperatures is found of the moisture falls in the winter. At lati-
along the eastern slopes of the Andes tudes south of 31°S, total precipitation in-
Colombia and Venezuela to southern Ecuador creases as the summer months also begin to
(Fig. 7:1A,B). Beginning in south-central receive rainfall. At the latitude of Valdivia
Ecuador, the bimodal pattern shifts to one of (40°S), the annual rainfall is as high as 3000
unimodality. At high elevations and along mm (5000 mm
on the coast). The amount
the western slopes, a pronounced dry season, of summer precipitation increases to western
from April to August, develops (Fig. 7:1C- Tierra del Fuego, although the total amount
H). Along the eastern slopes, total per year is somewhatthan slightly farther
remains above 900 mm, although it is more north. In the southernmost regions, total pre-
or less concentrated into one season. Thus, cipitation decreases, but it falls almost con-

as one goes south along the Andes, there is stantly during the year, with 24 to 28 days
a change in the dispersion pattern in the of each month receiving some form of pre-
rainfall, a reduction in the total precipitation, cipitation (Miller, 1976).
and an increasing difference in the amount On the eastern side of the Andes south
of moisture that falls on the eastern and of the tropic (actually south of 29°S), the
western slopes. The discrepancy between the Andean slopes become dry. The moisture-
two sides of the Andes reaches its maximum laden winds of the tropical Atlantic reach
across the southern Altiplano (Fig. 7:1E,F). the eastern
only to about 29°S. In addition,
On the western slopes of southern Peru and slopes are the rain shadow flank of the Andes
northern Chile, the climate is extremely arid and are too far inland to receive any oceanic
and produces a barren desert. At the same influences. As in the case of the western
latitude on the eastern slopes of southern rainfall be-
slopes at about the same latitude,
Bolivia, enough precipitation falls to support comes bimodal
briefly and then shifts to a

upper montane cloud forest. The severe arid- winter rainfall near
pattern of predominantly
is caused by a com-
ity of the western slopes the Rio Colorado and Rio Negro (37°S)
bination of several factors— 1) the presence (Prohaska, 1976). Precipitation increases
of a cold upwelling along the coast, 2) the southward. South of 37°S, the Andean slopes
flow of a cold oceanic current parallel to intercept sufficient moisture to support
the coast, 3 ) the production of a rainshadow ciduous beech forest.
by the Eastern Cordillera, and 4) the strong From 27 °S to the southern tip of the
Pacific anticyclone that lies off the coast of
continent, the variation in the annual march
some years, the Pacific anti-
temperature becomes more and more pro-
Peru. During of
cyclone, the force of the Humboldt
nounced, and yearly effects overshadow any
and the amount of upwelling are lessened.
diurnal temperature differences. In southern
At such times, the Intertropical Convergence areas of the continent, the growing season is
Zone extends farther south than in normal restricted to a few months of the year.
in relatively heavy
years, thereby resulting
rains on the coast and coastal mountains. The
Eastern Tropical Mountains
sporadic occurrence of this phenomenon,
known as "El Nino," has led some researchers Along the coast of southeastern Brasil, 70
to postulate that a similar climatic pattern to 80 percent of the rain fallsbetween No-
was prevalent during glacial periods (see vember and April with July and August being
section on Theories of Glacial Climatology). the driest part of the year. Total precipitation

quite high (2000 mm) and is thought to
— 6°C have been recorded. Annual rainfall
be attributable to the buildup of the sub- at this elevation exceeds 2400 mm (Brade,
tropical anticyclone over the "hump" of Bra- 1956; Fig. 7:1J). Highlands farther inland
(Trewartha, 1961). At elevations above from the coast are influenced primarily by
2200 m on Itatiaia, mean monthly tempera- the flow of unstable equatorial air that an-
ture differences during a year are between nually moves across central Brasil. Here,
15°C and 27°C. Minimum temperatures of rainfall is lower than along the coast, and

Fig. 7:4. Barriers to population expansions of high elevation taxa during either glacial or interglacial
periods. 1. Lowland area of northeastern Colombia separating Sierra Nevada from the Eastern Cordillera
of Colombia. 2. Low arid area separating the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the Merida Andes of Vene-
zuela. 3. Rio Magdalena Valley separating the Cordillera Oriental from the Cordillera Central of Colombia.
4. Rio Cauca Valley separating the Cordilleras Occidental and Central of Colombia. 5. Northern Peru low area.
In all of the cases of barriers 1-5, east-west or north-south dispersal of high elevation elements is now pre-
vented by areas of unsuitable low elevation habitat. During glacial periods, the effects of these barriers would
have been less severe. 6. Upper Maranon Valley, an arid valley that was a glacial and interglacial barrier
preventing east-west exchange of elements, probably more effective in integlacial than in glacial times.
7. Eastern side of Lake Titicaca where glacial ice flowed into the lake and prevented north-south biotic ex-

change. This area is not a barrier at the present time. 8. Clacial barriers for arid elements formed by lakes
and bogs across the surface of the Altiplano during cold periods. 9. Zone of continuous aridity across the Cor-
dillera which has served as a barrier to north-south migration during glacial and interglacial times. 10. Rio
Bio-Bio. A modern and glacial barrier to north-south dispersal because of the climatic change at this lati-
tude, the presence of the river itself and the glacial ice which followed the course of the river. Asterisks indi-
cate habitats isolated on mountain peaks during interglacial periods (paramos in the north and alpine habitats
in the south). During glacial times, these habitats expanded, facilitating exchange. The letter A refers to the
area of lowland rainforest and llanos separating the Andes from the Guiana Highlands and preventing east-west
colonization. In glacial times, stepping stones of subtropical habitat may have been present in this region. Let-
ter B indicates thorn scrub ( monte/chaco ) separating the Andes from the highlands of southeastern Brasil. A
modern barrier, presumably of narrower extent in glacial times. Letter C designates the Amazon lowlands which
separate the Guiana and the southeastern Brasil highlands. An effective filter zone in both glacial and inter-
glacial times but with stepping stones possible in glacial periods formed on the low tablelands of central Brasil.
The triangles indicate arid barriers between relic woodlands on the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes. In
humid periods, presumably during glacial times, these arid areas received sufficient moisture to allow continu-
ous forest growth.
Ban-eras para la expansion de las poblacioncs de biota de altura durante los periodos glaciates o intcrglacialcs.
1. Area de tierras bajas del noreste de Colombia separando la Sierra Nevada de la Cordillera Oriental de Co-
lombia. Area drida ij baja separando la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia y los Andes de Merida de Vene-
zuela. Valle del Rio Magdalena separando la Cordillera Oriental de la Cordillera Central de Colombia.
4. Valle del Rio Cauca separando las cordilteras Occidental y Central de Colombia. 5. Areas bajas del norte
del Peru. En todos los casos de las barreras 1—5, la dispersion este-oeste o nortc-sur de los clcmentos de alturas
estd prevenido por areas de poca clcvacion. Durante los periodos glaciates, los efectos de estas barreras hab-
rian sido menos severos. 6. Valle del Alto Maranon, un valle drido en cual durante la epoca glacial c intergla-
cial fue barrcra cual evito el intercambio de etementos de este-oeste; probablemente la nuis effectiva de las
dos fue la epoca 7. Lado oriental del Lago Titicaca donde el hiclo glacial flujo y previno el inter-
cambio biotico del norte a sur. Esta area no es una barrcra al tiempo presente. 8. Barreras glaciates para
etementos dridos fonnados por lagos y pantanos en el Altiplano durante periodos frios. 9. Zona de aridez
continua a lo largo de la cordillcra que ha servido de barrcra a la migracion norte-sur durante los tiempos
glaciates e intcrglacialcs. 10. Rio Bio-Bio, una barrcra moderna y glacial para la dispersion norte-sur a causa
del cambio climdtico a esta latitude, la presencia del rio mismo y del hiclo glacial que siguio el curso del rio.
Los astcriscos indican ambicntes aislados sobrc los topes de montanas durante los periodos intcrglacialcs (paramos
en el norte y ambientes alpuws en el sur). Durante el tiempo glacial estos ambientes se expandieron facilitando
el intercambio. La letra A reficre a las areas de sclva pluvial de tierras bajas
y de llanos separando los Andes
de las Alturas Guayanesas y previmiendo la colonizacion este-oeste. En tiempos glaciates, rutas de migracioncs
cntrccortadas de ambicntes subtropieales pucden habcr estado presente en esta region. La letra B indica un
matorral espinoso (monte/chaco) separando los Andes de las alturas del sudeste del Brasil. Una barrcra mod-
erna, probablemente de extension menor en tiempos glaciates. La letra C designa las tierras bajas amazonicas
que separan la y las alturas del sudeste brasileno. Un filtro efjectivo en los tiempos glaciates e intcr-
glacialcs pero con rutas de migracioncs entrecortadas posiblcmente en periodos glaciates formadas en las mesctas
bajas del Brasil central. Los triangidos indican las barreras dridas cntre selvas relictuales sobrc las ladcras oc-
cidentates de los Andes peruanos. En periodos humedos, probablemente durante los periodos glaciates, estas
areas humedas recibidn suficicnte humedad como para permitir el crecimiento forestal continuo.

'W the majority falls in spring and summer

(September-March) with the fall and winter
(April-August) being the drier seasons. The
tropical precipitation pattern is combined
with a more temperate pattern of tempera-
ture at high elevations inland.

Interior Tropical Mountains

the summits of the Guiana Highlands,
rainfall is higher than on the surrounding
lowlands. The eastern group of these table-
lands receives about 2000 to 2500 per mm
year and the western portion about 3300 to
F MAMJJA SOND 3500 mm. At elevations above 1000 m, rain
falls almost continuously throughout the year
with slight reductions in March and Septem-
ORURO, BOLIVIA 17°S, 67°W (3703 M) ber (Maguire, 1970; Snow, 1976). Because
this area is so far removed from any oceanic
influences, it is probable that the moisture
has been derived, in part, from reevaporation
or from evapotransporation of precipitation
that previously fell as rain over the Amazon
Basin (Snow, 1976). Temperatures are cool
throughout the year, often dipping to 5°C
at night (Maguire, 1970).



In order better to understand how Pleisto-

cene changes in the climate might have af-
Fie. 7:5. Comparison of diurnal and annual tem- fected vegetation of the highlands of
South America, it is necessary to have some
perature regimes in a lowland temperate and high
elevation tropical area using thermoisopleths. In these idea of the modern dominant vegetation types
diagrams, hourly mean temperatures are recorded in the Andes and the eastern mountain ranges.
(vertical axis) throughout the year (horizontal axis)
In general, I confine my remarks to the vege-
and similar values are connected with lines. These
tation above 2000 m. Naturally, such a con-
diagrams have been somewhat simplified to make the
patterns more apparent. The total temperature range densed account must be rather general and
of the two localities is about equal, 16°C, but at somewhat The principal objec-
Oxford, England, the greatest temperature differences
occur between summer and winter. At Oruro, Bo-
tive is to present an idea of where major
livia,the greatest differences between mean maximum breaks, both altitudinal and latitudinal, occur
and mean minimum temperatures occur within one in the vegetation. In some cases, only a few
day (during the summer). Upper figure from Troll, characteristic plant genera are mentioned; in
1965, Fig. 1; lower figure from Troll, 1959, Fig. 4. others, species are given. In the latter there
Comparacion tie regimenes de temperaturas di-
urnas y anuales en tierras hajas templadas y en tierras iqual
— 16°C — en ambas loealidades pew en Oxford,
altas tropicalcs usando termoisoyetas. En estos dia- Inglaterra, las mas grandes diferendas se dan entre
gramas las temperaturas medias par hora esttin regis- oerano e inoierno, En Oruro, Bolivia, las mayores
tradas (eje vertical) a troves del aho (eje horizontal) diferendas entre la media de las mdximas y la media
y lof> valores similares estdn conectados por lima.',. de las minimus suceden en un dia (durante el oerano).
Los dibujos han sido simplificados para destacar mds La figura superior estd tornado de la figura 1 de Troll,
los patrones. El rango total de temperatura es cast 1965; la figura inferior de la figura 4 de Troll, 1959.

are often changes in species of characteristic an upper limit at a somewhat lower elevation,
genera at key biogeographical points. In usually only to 3600 m, and can be consid-
each case, a description of the physiognomy ered the true "ceja." The dominant Podo-
of the vegetation is given so as to present a carpus is P. nubigenus and the
visual aspect of the habitats. More detailed Weimnannia, W. fagaroides. Oreopanax, Al-
treatments can be found in ( 1966 ) Hueck ,
nus (Juglandaceae) and Clusia (Guttiferae)
Hueck and 1972 ) and Cabrera and
Seibert (
are also very common. South of Santa Cruz,
Willink (1973). Recause so much detail is Bolivia, and continuing into northern Argen-
lost in maps of large scale, I have not at- tina (16°S-27°S) there is a noticeable differ-

tempted to include a vegetation map. Hueck ence in the vegetation. At lower elevations,
and Seibert (1972) produced the most com- Podocarpus (P. parleteoreii) Eugenia (Myr- ,

prehensive continent-wide vegetation map. taceae) and Weinmannia remain common

along with Ilex. However, at higher eleva-
The Eastern Andes from Colombia and tions, the forest becomes a semideciduous
Venezuela to Northern Argentina woodland with Juglans (}. australis, Juglanda-
ceae), Pohjlepis australis (Rosaceae) and
All of the eastern slopes of the Andes not
Sambucus (S. peruviana, Caprifoliaceae),
hidden in valleys or obscured by a higher,
mixed with the evergreen trees and Alnus
more easterly ranges, are covered by upper The abrupt southern termination
montane forests. In some descriptions of the of the eastern montane forest coincides with
vegetation (Cabrera and Willink, 1973) this a major climatic break that drastically reduces
entire region is described simply as "humid
the rainfall on the eastern slopes (Fig. 7:1).
montane forest" or "ceja." Yet, changes in
the dominant taxa, if not in the physiognomy,
The High Elevation Habitats of Colombia,
do occur. In general, throughout the span
Venezuela and Parts of Ecuador and Pern
(10°N-27°S), there is tall, humid, evergreen
upper montane forest up to about 3500 m. Above tree line (3500-4700 m) in the
Above the forest is a band of humid low northern Andes, a low, humid, herbaceous
scrub dominated by members of the Erica- vegetation covers the high elevation areas
ceae (Gaultheria), Escalloniaceae (Escal- known as paramo ( Cuatrecasas, 1968). Scat-
lonia), and Melastomataceae (Miconia). This tered through this zone are characteristic
scrub, composed of shrubs about 0.5 to 2 m "rosette" plants, primarily of the genus Espe-
tall, gives to various supraforest vegeta-
way letia (Compositae). Most of the vegetation
tion types, described below, as one proceeds is about 0.5 to 1 m tall with the rosette
north to south. Although the upper montane frailejones (Espeletia) emergent and up to
forest is dominated throughout its length by 7 m tall. In areas of suitable microhabitat,
members of the genera Podocarpus (Podo- open woodlands of Pohjlepis (P. sericea and
carpaceae), Weimnannia (Cunoniaceae), P. cocuyensis) occur. The dominant groups
Drimys ( Winteraceae ) and various members of plants are grasses (particularly Calama-
of the Guttiferae suchnotable
as Clusia, grostis and Sicallenochloa) and Compositae
breaks do occur, and smaller, cohesive units (Espeletia, Diplostephium, Gynoxys, Lori-
can be distinguished. The first, in Colombia caria, Aster, Baccharis, Senecio). Several
and Venezuela (10°N-1°N) spans altitudes common genera such as Lupinus Legumino- (

of 2400 to 3800 m and locally ascends to sae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), and Hyperi-
4200 m. The species of Weinmannia that cum Hypericaceae ) are familiar to temper-

dominate in Venezuela are W. jahnii and ate botanists. In wet paramos, the ground
W. microphylla, along with Podocarpus olei- is often spongy with accumulated sphagnum
folius, P. montanus, and P. rospiglossii. Spe- and plant debris, and the landscape is usually
cies of Oreopanax ( Araliaceae ) Ilex (Aqui- , shrouded in mist, if not drizzle. Analyses of
foliaceae), and Brunellia (Rrunelliaceae) are the vegetation have shown that the dominant
commonly mixed with other characteristic elements have not been derived by point by
elements. From northern Ecuador to central point vertical differentiation of the upper
Bolivia (1°N-16°S), the montane forest has montane flora (Simpson, 1975). Rather, the

differentiation of the flora has primarily been shrubs have many xerophytic characteristics.
horizontal within the paramo zone, although Tightly compacted mat plants, such as Azor-
several of the characteristic genera were orig- ella (Umbelliferae), Pycnophyllum (Caryo-

inally derived from Neotropical stocks that phyllaceae) and Werneria (Compositae), are
grew at lower elevations. Many genera and common. Along the eastern side of Altiplano,
species are restricted to one or two paramos the vegetation is often termed "wet puna"
(e.g., Espeletia, Dipholostephium, and Lori- (Troll, 1959), because it is more lush than
caria) or have undergone immense radiations that in the west. In the western portions,
within this regions. Other elements belong cacti, often ground-hugging, and various
to genera common in high elevations through- Bromeliaceae (Puya, TiUandsia) are locally
out the Andes (Senecio, Baccharis, Festuca, abundant. Trees (Polylepis) are found in
Mutisia, Polylepis) or to those which migrated humid microsites up to elevations of 5200 m,
from North or Central America after the clos- but individuals are widely spaced, small, and
ing of the Panamanian portal (Lapinus). very gnarled with reduced leaves.
The southwestern altiplano of Bolivia and
The High Elevations of Ecuador and Peru adjacent regions of northern Argentina and
and Easternmost Bolivia Chile, are exceedingly dry (see Modern
Climate ) even grasses are sparse. The domi-

There has been argument for years as to nant plants are scattered Compositae (Para-
whether the area of Ecuador and Peru with
stephia,LepidophijUum and Nordophyllum) .

low, humid, herbaceous vegetation dominated Shrubs (1-1.5 m tall) of these genera, spaced
by grasses and Compositae should or should up to 6 m apart, grow with small twisted
not be called paramo, but several authors shrubs of Adesmia horrida (Leguminosae).
(Cuatrecasas, consider the paramo
1968), Cacti are sometimes found, and in southern
zone to extend from Costa Rica to Peru. The Peru, bromeliads are locally dominant. In
most conspicuous difference between the intermontane valleys at lower elevations
areas south of northern Ecuador and those
(3400 m-1000 m) in southern Bolivia and
to the north is the absence of Espeletia to
Argentina, columnar cacti (Trichocereus
the south. Weberbauer
1945 ) tended to call
T. and scrubby trees
terscheckii, pascana)
humid high elevation areas in Peru "jalca." and shrubs Prosopis ferox, Zuccagnia, Legu-
However, in Ecuador the term "paramo" minosae; Gochnatia and Baccharis; Composi-
often is used as the common name for supra-
tae) are common. This semiarid scrub vege-
forest grasslands. Many of the same grass tation becomes dominant (with different spe-
genera found in Colombia are dominant there,
cies of Prosopis) the eastern
along slopes of
and the typical high elevation Ranuncula-
the Argentine Andes south of the ceja forest
ceae, Gentianaceae, Geraniaceae, legumes
and Compositae are common. (27°S) until the latitude (36°S) where the
deciduous Nothofagus forest begins to appear.
Beginning in southwestern Ecuador and
increasing in breadth across Bolivia to Argen-
tina (4 or 5°S-27°S) the supraforest vegeta- The West Slopes of the Andes of Colombia
tion becomes (sporadically) drier and usual-
is called "puna." As in the case of the Because of peculiar climatic events (Tre-
wartha, 1961), the westernmost slopes of the
paramo, grasses and members of the Com-
Colombia Andes (extending into northern
positae dominate the vegetation. However,
the most abundant grasses here are Poa (P. Ecuador) are covered by extremely humid
montane forest, which extends narrowly in-
humilis), Stipa (S. ichu) and Festuca. The
puna extends from elevations of about 3400 m
land and to about 1500 m
elevation. Domi-

to 4400 m or even higher. Dominant Com-

nant elements include Annonaceae, Legum-
inosae, Moraceae, and palms. Above this zone
positae are Werneria, Chuquiraga, Baccha-
The aspect there is upper montane forest merging into
ris, Senecio and LepidophijUum.
of the vegetation is more coarse than that of an ericaceous zone and, finally, paramo simi-
the paramo. Grasses tend to be clumped; lar to that found on the other northern ranges.

The Western Slopes of the Andes from carpus again becomes a dominant element (P.
Ecuador to Central Chile nubigenus) as well as Drimys winteri. Coni-
fers such as Fitzroya cupressoides, and Arau-
Along the west coast from south-central caria become conspicuous. Along with these
Ecuador to northern Chile (2°S-21°S), the
stately trees are laurels, including Laurclia
vegetation becomes increasingly xerophytic and Mijrceugenella (Myrtaceae). The forest
and sparse. In southern Ecuador into Peru becomes diminished in species and lower in
to about the latitude of Lima (12°S). the stature as the Andes descend and the climate
western slopes are covered with thorn scrub becomes harsher from 40°S to the tip of
and cacti. Legumes such as Prosopis and Tierra del Fuego. The beeches, Nothofagus
Acacia, Bromeliaceae (Puya), Cactaceae
pumilio and N. antarctica, although reduced
(Trichoccreus), and Compositae such as in size, continue to Tierra del Fuego.
Proustia, and Diplostephium, are
dominant Weberbauer, 1945; Tosi, 1960).
The High Southern Andes
This scrub extends to, and merges with, the
dry puna at elevations of about 3000 m. In In the southernmost Andes (26°S to about
southern Peru, the vegetation becomes more 51°S) the area above tree line and below the
and more sparse until, west of Arequipa, only level of the glaciers is covered by humid
scattered bromeliads and a few cacti are visi- meadows similar in aspect to those of the
ble. In northern Chile, vegetation of any Alps. As would be expected, rosette herbs
prominence is virtually absent. When the are abundant, especially members of the
infrequent rains occur, ephemerals appear, Compositae (Perezia, Leucheria and Nassau-
but such periods of flowering can be decades via). Genera of families typical of the north
apart. temperate zone are common Ranunculus —
Once the latitude of about 21° to 27°S is (Ranunculaceae), Cardamine ( Crucif erae ) ,

reached, vegetation reappears along the Epilobium ( Onagraceae ) ,

Primula (Primula-
slopes and southward becomes increasingly ceae), Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae). In
dense. At first, thorn scrub appears, primarily contrast to the paramos, these plants are
around areas where streams descend from the covered by snow for much of the year and
mountains. This scrub extends elevationally flower and fruit during late southern spring
from 300 mto about 3000 m
and merges with and summer (January to March).
the southern extension of the puna. The
height of the vegetation is about 2 to 3 m and The Highlands of Southern Brasil
is quite open until it merges into the true
In the extreme southern part of Brasil, the
evergreen "matorral" below. The dominant
genera include Adesmia, Acacia and Prosopis highlands (600-1800 m) are covered with an
(Leguminosae), Cactaceae open woodland with scattered trees of genera
Eulychnia) and Bromeliaceae (Puya).

common in the Andes Araucaria (A. angus-
South of 36°, the deciduous southern tifolia), Podocarpus (P. lambertii), Drimys
beech forests begin along the Pacific slopes (D. brasiliensis) and Ilex (I. paraguariensis) .

Grasses and various perennial herbs form

with the appearance of Nothofagus obliqua
the understory. Farther north, along the ex-
and N. procera (Hueck, 1966). These same
two taxa are the most common Nothofagus treme coastal area of southeastern Brasil, at
elevations of 200 to 1800 m, is a band of ever-
on the Argentine side of the Andes. South-
ward between 38 and 40°S, the forest be- green humid forest dominated in the northern
comes more lush. At the latitude of Valdivia part by characteristic tropical legumes trees
such as Caesalpinia echinata, Apuleia fcrra,
(40°S) the species of Nothofagus (predomi-
Piptadenia peregrina, Parkia pcndula, Ma-
nantly N. betuloides and IV. dombeiji) are
chacrium and Cecropia Urticaceae), Teco-
evergreen and the association is consequently

called the evergreen rainforest or the Val- ma (Bignoniaceae), Geonoma, and other
divian Forest. In addition to the evergreen palms (Euterpe, Cocus). In the more south-
species of Nothofagus I>etuloides and Podo- ern sector, Eugenia (Myrtaceae), Roupala

( Tibouchina and Miconia (Mc-

Proteaceae ) , QUATERNARY OF THE
lastomataceae), various members of the Mal- HIGH MONTANE AREAS
pighiaceae, Cunoniaceae (Weinmannia) and OF SOUTH AMERICA
numerous Compositae are dominant. On
the uplands of the mountains ( > 1800 ) m ,
Within the last few years, several studies
grasses dominate, especially Rambusoideae have supplied new data that have altered or
(Chusquea penifolia and Cortaderia modes- refined previous conclusions about the num-
ta). Numerous shrubs, among them species of ber, extent, and duration of glacial periods in
Escallonia and Compositae (e.g., Senecio) South America and the moisture regimes dur-
are common. There is much endemism, but ing cold or warm periods. The most signifi-
some herbaceous elements, such as Perezia, cant data come from the Colombian Andes
Dasijphijllum and Trichocline (Compositae), and from the lake region of southern South
are shared with the Andes. The strange mem- America. In these and in a few additional
bers of the Vochysiaceae and Velloziaceae, areas, modern dating techniques combined
often cited as characteristic, are usually found with careful geological studies have contrib-
at lower elevations and belong, properly uted to the modification of many earlier ideas

speaking, to the Cerrado vegetation ("campos and to the resolution of some old problems.
rupestres" )
. As one might expect from the discussion
of the climate and vegetation of the different
The Guiana Highlands mountainous areas throughout the continent,
their Pleistocene histories differed consider-
The Guiana Highlands are the least bio-
ably depending on elevation, latitude, longi-
logically explored of any of the South Amer- tude and exposure. In the most general terms,
ican montane regions. Ry 1970, over 2,000 we can say that within the Pleistocene, and
plant species had been described from the
during times of world wide sea-level lowering
few explored tepuis. Maguire (1970) esti-
(glacial periods), cooler conditions existed
mated that at least 4,000 taxa eventually with or without, an absolute increase in
would be found. In contrast to the other moisture. In times of high, world-wide sea
regions described, endemism here
is extreme-
was a warming
ly high

perhaps as much as half of the flora.
climate sometimes
accompanied by in-
Certain families such as the Rapateaceae are creased precipitation.
almost confined to this area and have many
genera with species restricted to the various The Northern Andes
mountain tops. Among the other families with
especially large numbers of endemic genera As a result of 20 years of careful palyno-
and species are the Melastomaceae and the and geological work of van der Ham-
Myrtaceae. men and his colleagues, a firmly dated and
Many primitive and endemic Compositae fairly complete sequence of changes over the
also are found in this region. Most of these, last 4 million years is available for the East-

Stenopadus, Glossarion, Neblina, Chimantea, ern Andes of Colombia (van der Hammen,
Quelchia, Achropogon and Duidea belong to 1974,and references therein). The sequences
the tribe Mutisieae and are considered by shown in a representative pollen core (Fig.
some (Carlquist, 1957, 1974) to be among 7:3) indicate several things. First, high ele-
the most primitive members the family. of vation, cool-climate-adapted taxa appear only
The relationships of the flora of these high- at the very end of the Pliocene. The earliest
lands are obscure, because of the high per- of these elements includes Myrica sp. (Myri-
centage endemic genera and families.
of caceae). As the plain around Bogota, from
There are few taxa closely related to groups which these cores were made, became pro-
found in the high Andes and only slightly gressively uplifted (van der Hammen, 1974;
more show with elements
floristic similarities van der Hammen et al., 1973), more and more
in thesurrounding lowlands and mountains of plant taxa characteristic of high elevations
southeastern Rrasil (Brade, 1956; Maguire, appeared in the fossil record [e.g., Lycopodi-
1970; Carlquist, 1974). urn (Lycopodiaceae); Gunnera (Haloragida-

ceae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), GeiUiana mates (Fig. 7:3). Woodlands of Polylepis

( Gentianaceae and Lysipomia (Campa-
) covered the area about 30,000 years b.p.,
nulaceae)]. Later (Fig. 7:3), woody ele- when conditions were cold, and not exces-
ments from North America such as Alnus sively dry. The driest period seems to have
(Betulaceae at > 500,000
years b.p.) and still been about 20,000 years b.p. At that time,
later Quercus (Fagaceae at >
250,000 years traces of Polylepis disappeared altogether.
b.p. ) appeared. The arrival of these montane During the very cold dry periods, vegetation
forest trees indicates the southward migration zones were lowered about 1200 to 1500 m,
of Northern Hemisphere stocks after the clos- and the temperatures probably were about
ing of the Panamanian Portal at the end of 6 to 7°C cooler than at present. Following
the Pliocene ( ca. 5.7 million years ago, Raven this last major glaciation, there were minor
and Axelrod, 1974). A characteristic element advances and retreats; a notable advance oc-
of the high Andes that appears at more than curred about 14,000 years b.p. Since that
600,000 years b.p. is the genus Polylepis. time, the climate has been cool and moist.
This genus, a wind-pollinated member of the During glacial periods, when vegetation
Rosaceae, had a complex history in Colombia zones were lowered (and at the same time
that has been useful in interpreting changes undoubtedly compressed elevationally), mi-
in the climatic regime, because the northern grations of high elevation elements from one
species of this genus are restricted to cool and peak or range to another were facilitated.
moist habitats (Fig. 7:3). By the end of the However, as indicated in Fig. 7:4 most of
Pleistocene, the present flora had been estab- such migrations were north-south rather than
lished with 1 ) a mixture of species derived east-west, because of the orientation of the
from North American genera that migrated cordilleras and the barrier effects of the deep
southward (Berberis, Berberidaceae; Draba, inter-Andean valleys produced by the Magda-
Cruciferae; Hypericum, Hypericaceae; Genti- lena, Cauca and Atrato rivers (Fig. 7:4).
ana, Gentianaceae; Bartsia, Scrophulariaceae; Differentiation of elements or distribution
Valeriana, Valerianaceae); 2) south temper- patterns that show the effects of these bar-
ate taxa that migrated northward along the riers can be seen in Polylepis (Simpson, in
Andes as the increasing elevations provided press) and numerous other plant genera
progressively cool habitats (Muehlenbergia, (Simpson, 1975).
Gramineae; Acaena, Rosaceae; Azorella, Um- In Venezuela and in the Sierra Nevada
belliferae); and 3) a large number of en- de Santa Marta of Colombia, evidence has
demic species derived by speciation within established with certainty the existence of
the high elevation zone from original Neo- only two glacial episodes assumed to be co-
tropical stocks (Puya, Bromeliaceae; Bhizo- incident with the last two major advances
cephahim, Campanulaceae; and Espeletia, elsewhere (Shagam, 1975). Only late strati-
Diplostephium, Loricaria, Compositae; see graphic sequences have been analysed paly-
Simpson, 1975). As an analysis by Simpson nologically from Venezuela (Labouriau and
(1975) and discussions by van der Hammen Schubert, 1977), but geological evidence
( 1974 ) have indicated, this complex flora was from moraines located in the Merida Andes at
produced, in large part, by Quaternary cli- Sierra de Santo Domingo (8°48'N, 70°48'W;
matic changes. Although moraines do not Schubert, 1974a), Pico Bolivar (8°30'N,
provide evidence for glaciation in the region 71°00'W; Schubert, 1974a), and Paramo La
of the Sabana de Bogota before the penulti- Culata (8°45'N, 70°60'W; Schubert, 1974b)
mate glaciation about 250,000 years b.p., van provide documentation for only the last major
der Hammen (1974) interpreted the presence glacial advance. This means that there have
of cold-adapted species in the pollen cores been at least two periods of facilitated migra-
at earlier dates as evidence of tion into these high elevation habitats and
elsewhere. The ultimate glaciation began that these periods would have occurred dur-
about 130,000 years b.p. The
pollen-core ing the final production (uplift) of these
composition at this time indicates initial cool habitats. It should be noted in this context
and wet conditions followed by cold dry cli- that the plant species diversity of the Merida

Andes is lower than that of the Colombian 1967). Mercer and Palacios (1977) dated
Andes. It is possible that there were fewer times of ice advance during the last glaciation
opportunities for speeiation in situ (fewer in the Cordillera Vilcanota. The major ad-
times of effective glaciation) than in the vance ended between 28,000 and 14,000 years
Colombian Andes. b.p. but minor advances occurred at about
Sauer's (
1971 ) summary of the research 11,500 and between 600 and 300 years b.p.
on Ecuadorian Quaternary history indicated There is still much dispute about the
three glacial periods, the last of which re- amounts of precipitation received in Peru
duced snow line 1500 to 2000 m. According during glacial periods. Nevertheless, with
to his reconstructions (Sauer, 1971, Fig. 7:8), the exception of Nogami (1972), most authors
the Ecuadorian Andes were being continu- have come to the conclusion that there was
ously uplifted throughout the Pleistocene, and an increase in total moisture received on the
the first glacial advance had only minor ef- western slopes of the Peruvian and adjacent
fects because of the lack of appreciable land Chilean Andes at some time during the vari-
above 2000 m. By the time of the last glacia- ous glacial cycles. One or more periods of
tion, the mountains had reached their present precipitation increase were postulated by
elevation. Despite the differing intensities Garner (1959) and Dollfus (1976), and ac-
feltfrom the three glaciations in Ecuador, cepted by Gansser (1973). Mercer and Pala-
Sauer ( 1971 ) correlated them with the Min- cios ( 1977 were unable to come to con-

del, Riss and Wiirm glaciations ofEurope. clusions about ice age wetness. Possible
During the last glaciation at least, southward moisture increases on the western montane
and northward (and probably to some extent by Simpson (1975), would
flanks, as outlined
across the central valley) migrations of high have allowed southward expansion of upper
elevation taxa occurred in cooler and/ or more montane forest down the Pacific facing slopes
humid Because the high elevation
periods. (Fig. 7:4). The present occurrence of relic
areas of Ecuador are now in the form of rela- patches of upper montane forest in sheltered,
tively isolated peaks (Fig. 7:4), many taxa humid canyons along the western Andes
exhibit differentiation from mountain to prompted Koepcke (1961) to postulate that
mountain. The restriction of taxa to moun- glacial periods had been accompanied by in-
tains of certain regions canbe seen in Poly- creases in precipitation in this region. An-
lepis (Simpson, in press), numerous other thropological finds now indicate that rivers
plant genera such as Niphogeton and Arraca- flowing from the Andes to the Pacific carried
cia (Umbelliferae), Llerasia and Mutisia much more water at earlier times in the

(Compositae) (see Simpson, 1975), and in Pleistocene than at present and were able to
some avian groups such as the Atlapetes support human settlements (Gansser, 1973).
schistaceous superspecies (Paynter, 1972). In eastern Peru, which normally receives
In Peru, where more stratigraphic work a plentiful supply of rain, the depression of
has been done, researchers ( Hastenrath, 1967; snow line and the increases in moisture would

Clapperton, 1972; Dollfus, 1976; and Nogami, have been relatively less pronounced. It is

1972), have interpreted levels of moraines as doubtful that even the "arid" phases experi-
phases of the last or last two world-wide enced by the Eastern Cordillera as envisioned
glacial advances (see below), although Stein- by Garner ( 1959, Fig.
8 ) would have altered
mann (1930), postulated that there were at the habitat sufficiently so as to have created
least three (one very ancient) glaciations in a north-south migratory corridor for arid or
Peru. In any event, moraines show that snow semi-arid elements. However, during periods
line was lowered about 1000 to 1500 m in the of increased precipitation on the highest por-
east and 500 to 1000 m in the west (the drier tions of the Cordillera, it is likely that there

slope of the Andes) several times during was an exchange of mesophytic taxa from
the Quaternary. In a north-south direction east to west across the nudos of the Peruvian
across Peru, the snow line depression was Andes (Koepcke, 1961, Fig. 2). These nudos
fairly constant, despite the present decreasing are east-west extensions of the Cordilleras
annual precipitation southward (Hastenrath, Oriental and Occidental that form "bridges"

across low inter-Andean regions. The most patchy nature of suitable microhabitats and
pronounced nudos occur slightly north of drastic cutting by man. In the southern part
Lima (the Nudo de Pasco connecting the of the Altiplano near Tarija, fossil remains of
Cordillera Blanca and Negra with the Cordil- Megatherium, Scelidontherium, Macrauchen-
lera Oriental) and at about 15°S (Nudo de ia, and Equus (Ahlfeld and Branisva, 1960)

Vilcanota, connecting the Cordilleras Occiden- indicate the presence of grasslands in glacial
tal, Oriental and Auzangate). A common times. This region is now covered by desert
distribution pattern for plant taxa that indi- scrub vegetation.
cates such a migratory route is the presence In addition to humidity changes, studies
of populations in mesophytic habitats on the of moraines on the mountains to the east of
western slopes near Lima and then, disjunctly, Lake Titicaca indicate at least four significant
across the Andes on the eastern slopes in or advances of ice, some of which extended into
around the Urubamba Valley (Simpson, the lake itself. Unfortunately, no correlations
1975). of these advances have been made with ad-
Data from the entire puna surface is pri- vances elsewhere and it is uncertain whether
marily geological, although several of the they represent stages in a late glaciation or
lakes on the Altiplano eventually may prove independent major glacial advances.
to be sources of continuous pollen
reliable Northwestern Argentina and the northern
cores. The work of Kessler ( 1963 )
careful part of Chile differed in their Pleistocene his-
and the earlier work of Troll (1927), provide tory just as they now differ in their climate
a basis for interpretations about the changing and vegetation. In this area of northern
regimes and fluctuating snow lines of the Argentina, both the vegetation of the puna
Quaternary. Their findings indicate that dur- and the ceja forests reach their southernmost
ing "climax" phases of the last glaciation ( and limit. As in the case of the entire upper mon-

perhaps earlier) lake systems covered much tane forest from Colombia to this latitude,
of the Altiplano (Simpson, 1975, Fig. 20) and Pleistocene climatic changes probably had
that snow line was lowered 700 m below its little disruptive effect on the
continuity of
present level on mountains flanking the plain. the band of forest. A more significant change
Vegetational changes on the nonflooded por- that occurred during the Quaternary would
tions of the Altiplano during such periods have been the southward spread of many
may have been similar to those recorded near North American forest taxa that entered
Lago Junin in central Peru (cited in Dollfus, South America after the closing of the Pana-
1976), namely, the production of bogs, per- manian Portal. Important genera such as
haps seasonal bogs, dominated by members Alnus, Jiiglans, and Quercus merged with
of the Cyperaceae and Juncaceae. Under native tropical and subtropical taxa such as
such conditions, elements of the arid-scrub Drimys and Podocarpus as they spread south.
associations would have been restricted to Alders and walnuts are now among the most
higher, west-facing slopes of the Andes. The characteristic trees of the upper forests in
distributional ranges of xerophytic members northern Argentina. Although the addition of
of genera such as Lepidophyllum, Mutisia, these trees would not have altered the physi-
Perezia, Baccharis, Senecio (all Compositae) ognomy of the forest, the fact that they be-
and other genera, such as Cremolobus (Cru- came dominants and increased the amount of
ciferae), would have been severely frag- deciduousness would have had a pronounced
mented (see maps of present distributions effect on the insects and other animals for-
of some of these taxa in Simpson, 1975; Fig. merly associated with the montane forests.
7:4). In contrast to these taxa, elements such In the inter-Andean valleys of northern
as species of Pohjlepis, which are now re- Argentina, conditions were quite different.
stricted to river valleys and/ or cloud belt An analysis of many of the internally drained
areas, would have expanded their ranges. basins, such as the Bolson de Pipanaco
However, in the case of Pohjlepis, the exceed- (27°S), indicates that at least once in the
ingly restricted modern distribution pattern Pleistocene, presumably during glacial peri-
is a result of both the present localized, ods, some were covered by lakes (Simpson

and Verhoorst, 1977). In addition, many of Farther to the south in Chile between 27°
the higher peaks of the region such as the and 30°S, there is a poor record of Pleistocene

Nevados del Aconquija and the Sierra de conditions, although there are remnants of al-
Ambato were glaciated, with permanent snow luvial terraces in Copiapo (Paskoff, 1977).
lines reaching 500 m lower than any modern Still farther to the south
(30°-33°S), evidence
vestiges of ice. The combination of the for- of pronounced Quaternary events begin to
mation of these lakes and the increase in appear. This area, as indicated above, now is
permanent snow indicates that cold periods subject to pronounced changes resulting from
at the latitude of the tropic were accompanied latitudinal movements of the nearby atmos-
by increases in precipitation. If conditions pheric pressure system. During the Pleisto-
were appreciably wetter as well as colder, the cene, these movements must have been al-
monte vegetation now found in these valleys tered in some fashion. All of the areas above
would have been eliminated or, at least, 4000 m in this area were glaciated with ice
greatly restricted. The arid-scrub monte asso- extending to 2100 m elevation at 30°S, 2800
ciations presumably persisted farther south m at 33°S, 1700 m at 33°30'S (Maipo Valley),
on the east side of the Andes and/or in parts and to 1200 m at 34°S in the lower Central
of the modern Chaco. The depauperate na- Valley (Paskoff, 1977). This substantial in-
ture of the faunas now found in these isolated crease in the amount of ice formation indi-
northern inter-Andean valleys has been at- cates both a significant glacial depression in
tributed, in part, to the slow recolonization ambient temperature and an increase in total
of the isolated pockets, following Quaternary moisture received during the year. Terraces
periods of decimation (Mares, 1976). on the Pacific shore caused by increased pre-
On the western side of the Andes be- cipitation have been shown to correspond in
tween latitudes 18° and 27°S there is evidence time to periods of eustatic sea-level changes
of slight glaciation in the Chilean Provinces dated as glacial. The combined effect of
of Tarapaca and Antofagasta. Most of the cooler and wetter conditions in the region
evidence of Pleistocene glaciations has been would have led to an environment amenable
eroded away by modern weathering processes. to growth of southern beech forests
However, those moraines that remain indicate son, 1973; Fig. 7:6). Remnants of the Notho-
that on the Payachata Volcanos (18°10'S), fagus forest, which was pushed to the north
glaciations reached to 4500 m. Ice is now and capable of surviving in this area during
found only at elevations over 5500 m. On glacial periods, can now be seen in small
Volcan Sajama as well, ice lobes may have areas such as Fray Jorge (30°30'S), where
reached as low as 4500 m and on Yaricova woodlands with Drimys, Myrceugenia, Gun-
20°S down to 4000 m (Paskoff, 1977). Near nera, and Escallonia, still persist. Recently
the Salar de Huasco on the western edge of there has been discussion as to whether or
the Altiplano, Tricart (cited in Paskoff, 1977) not these woodlands are Pleistocene or pre-
found evidence of two, an older and a Quaternary relicts (Kummerow, et al., 1961).

younger, glaciations, both of which left mo- Geological data (Rirot, 1970) and paleon-
raines at about 4200 m. Although most gla- tological evidence ( Hoffstetter and Paskoff,
cial advances in this area remain undated, 1966) support an hypothesis of a Pleistocene
Tricart correlated these with times of high age for these woodlands. Consequently, the
shorelines (presumably equivalent to lower last time(s) forests reached these areas would
sea levels) and hence, glacial periods on a have been during cold, wet phases of the
world-wide scale. Pleistocene.
Lakes were formed during cold periods In the centralmost portion of Chile at
in Tarapaca near the Peruvian border, as about the latitude of Santiago (33°S) and
indicated by cold-water-adapted diatoms southward (to 39°S), evidence of glaciation
found fossilized in dry lake basins. The Cen- is abundant. Alpine glaciers extended down
tral Valley in the northern part of Anto- to elevations of 2800 m at Portillo and to
fagasta also was covered by a lake (Paskoff, 1600 m at Guardia Vieja (Paskoff, 1977). In
1977). the valley of the Rio Bio-Bio, a low area of


l r . i

i 5

the Cordillera (Simpson, 1973), an ice tongue occurred at 57,000 and 43,000 years b.p. Paly-
apparently reached as low as 1100 to 1200 m nological studies from cores showed that the
(Fig. 7:6). Although so postulated by Briig- coldest period was during the earliest ad-
gen ( 1950 ) there has been no recent evidence
, vance and that grasses and Compositae
in this part of Chile to support an hypothesis become dominant during all of the glacial
of an ancient glaciation. Paskoff ( 1977 ) ac- stages. Several taxa now present, including
cepted the evidence for only two, relatively some species of Nothofagus and Podocarpus,
recent, major advances in this region. Fossil disappeared from the island. However, dur-
remains of cool-habitat-adapted vertebrates ing the middle advance, other taxa, such as
(Mastodon, Mylodon, Equus) have been as- Poclocarpus andinus, now found only in the
sociated with the last of these advances Andes 1200 to 1800 m, were
at elevations of
(Casamiquela, 1969-1970, in Paskoff, 1977). present. Other high latitude herbaceous spe-
Traces of these large vertebrates disappeared cies, such as Lycopodium fuegiana and Dra-
after 11,000 years b.p. pctes muscosa (Thymelaeaceae), were found
In the southern lake region there firm in fossil associations with
Podocarpus andi-
documentation for four glaciations. Between nus. Thus, it is possible that parts of Chiloe
latitudes 39°-40°S, ice reached out from the did harbor in glacial periods plant (and ani-
Andes on several occasions westward to the mal) taxa that are normally characteristic of
base of the Coastal Cordillera. The last two higher elevations and latitudes.
of these advances have been named the Rio On the eastern side of the Andes, a wealth
Negro and El Salto, respectively. The latter of new data has been gathered and sum-
corresponds to the Llanquihue Glaciation of marized by Mercer (1976) about Pleistocene
Heusser (1974). The earlier advances have conditions of the lake region between 39°
neither been named nor dated. and 50°S. With the exception of the Sabana
South of 40°, the Pleistocene geology is de Bogota in Colombia, this area now has
simplified.Ice from the Andes flowed west- the most complete and well-dated Quaternary
ward and downward into the Pacific, virtu- sequence of any region of South America.
ally eliminating all of the biota on the western Mercer and his colleagues have dated the old-
est glacial advance with geological remains
slopes (Fig. 7:6). However, the flora and
fauna of the southern forest and bog associa- (49°28'S) at 3.5 million years. The glacial
tions persisted, because the climatic condi- advance which left the most extensive re-
tions allowed it to expand toward the Equator mains occurred 1.2 million years ago. Sub-
north of the sheet of ice (Figs. 7:6-7; see also sequent to this, several smaller advances, cul-
Vuilleumier, 1971, Fig. 2, for a more detailed minating at about 13,000 years b.p., took
map of the extent of glacial ice). place. The most extensive of this last series
For biogeographers interested in Quater- was about 56,000 years b.p. In his analysis,
Mercer (1976) concluded that the Patagonian
nary biotic changes, one area in southern
Chile has long remained controversial the — gravel, hypothesized by Auer ( 1970 ) to have
Island of Chiloe. Many authors have postu- been deposited by a piedmont glacier, is, in
fact, a composite mixture of glacial outwash
lated that the islandwas free of glacial ice
and served as a refugium for southern ele- deposited over a time span dating from the
ments at times of glacial maxima. Others mid-Pliocene.
have claimed that the island was covered by Correlation of the Argentine glacial se-
ice and could have served no such function. quences with those of the Northern Hemi-
Recent geological and palynological investi- sphere is still uncertain, but three advances
gations by Heusser and Flint (1977) settled during the Recent period (4,600-4,200 years
the debate. The northern part of the island b.p., 2,700-2,000 years b.p., and ca. 1250 AD)

was, indeed, covered by glacial ice during coincide with advances of glacial ice else-
parts of three independent advances. The
where in the world (Mercer, 1976).
first advance has not been dated, but the last Mercer's work does not include palyno-
two have been radiocarbon dated as having logical investigations but some conclusions



Fig. 7:7. Climatology of a maximum glacial (A) and interglacial (B) cycle following Fairbridge (1972)
showing the proposed ocean current, pressure systems and wind direction changes. Continental outlines and
the extent of glacial ice were drawn from Vuilleumier (1971). It is assumed in this model that during glacial
periods, the intensities of the Atlantic and Pacific anticyclones (high pressure systems) and the force of the
Humboldt Current were increased. The Amazon Basin was drier than at present because the influx of humid
air from the northeast was prevented. Dotted arrows are January wind directions, solid lines are wind direc-
tions in July.
CUmatologia de un pcriodo glacial maxima (A) y de un interglacial (B) siguicndo a Fairbridge (1972).
Se muestran las corrientes oceanicas propuestas, los sistemas de )ircsion, y los cambios de direction de los
vientos. Los limitcs continentales y la extension de los hielos glaciates fueron tornados de Vuilleumier (1971).
Se asume en cste modelo que durante los periodos glaciates, las intensidades de los anticiclones (sistemas de alto
prcsion) del Atlantico y del Pacifico, y la fuerza de la corriente de Humboldt se incrementaron. La cuenca
amazonica fue mas scca que a lo presente debido a la auscncia de los vientos humedos dcsde el noreste. Las
flcchas entrecortado.s indiean direction del viento en Enero; las flcchas continuas, la direction de los vientos en

about the effects of the long series of glacial glacial periods (Fig. 7:6). Forest elements,
advances on the biota of southeastern South in contrast, would have been shifted in distri-
America can be drawn. First, the biota obvi- bution, but their ranges would not have been
ously has been subjected to periods of intense subjected to fragmentation either during gla-
cold interspersed with periods as warm as, or cial or interglacial periods.
warmer than, the present, since the middle The investigations of Mercer (1976) also
of the Pliocene. Such fluctuations, as previ- confirm the glacial limit at the base of the
ously outlined by Simpson (1973), would Andes on the eastern flanks as first established
have caused the high elevation biota of the by Caldenius ( 1932 ) This limit of glacial ice

region to migrate northward and/or down- provides a guide to the eastern limit of the
ward several times. For elements in habitats southern beech forests during glacial periods.
above tree line, a succession of downward The tableland of Patagonia would have been
and outward migrations followed by retreat neither a solid sheet of ice nor a broad ex-
upward would have led to rapid differentia- panse of forest. Rather, it probably was a
tion of populations that were reduced in size boggy moorland periodically subjected to
and restricted in distribution durinff inter- flooding and deposition of rubble during gla-

cial periods. For further discussion of Qua- len,1970) argued that the cooling on this iso-
Patagonia, see Baez and lated mountain could not have been sufficient
ternary climates in
Yane to have causedice formations at this low
Scillato (this volume).
elevation. Consequently, the presence or
absence of an alpine glacier on Itatiaia during
Eastern Highlands
Pleistocene glacial periods still remains un-
In Eastern South America, there is poor certain.
documentation for events during the Qua- There is no doubt, however, that the high-
of est parts of Itatiaia, the rest of the Serra da
ternary and some debate as to the effects
various climatic changes. In the Serra do Mantiqueira, and other highlands in south-
Mar, Bigarella and Mousinho (1966) de- eastern Brasil were subjected to periods of
scribed a series of terraces that they ascribed cold and (at least) increased aridity relative
to changes in humidity during the Pleisto- to that of the present. In terms of the biota,
cene. Whenan arid climatic cycle occurred, the periods of cold would have led to a de-
valleys were filled with debris (from short- pression of vegetation zones accompanied by
lived stream flow) and sudden but sporadic an increase in the superficial extent of the
showers produced slope retreat at the base vegetation zones of the upper elevations. This
of mountains leading to the formation of pedi- increase in superficial distribution would have
ments. In succeeding humid phases these promoted migration to, and exchange of ele-
pediments were partially degraded (because ments with, neighboring mountains (Fig.
of continuous washing by rainfall), and the 7:4). Several authors (Brade, 1956; Smith,
debris in the valleys were partially swept and 1962; Miiller, 1968; Klein, 1975) have pointed
scoured away. A series of such climatic out the relationships of components of the
changes led to the superposition of eroded biota of the southeastern highlands with the
pediments and stream-bed patterns that these biotas of the Andes and the lowland south
authors correlated with times of low sea level temperate regions. Many genera, such as
or glacial periods. However, as Beurlen Araucaria, Poclocarpus, which show connec-
(1970) has cautioned, beach levels per se are tions with the Andes, are remnants of ancient,
not necessarily an accurate indication of gla- widely distributed temperate forests (i.e.,
cial advances. Other corroborative evidence Early Tertiary), but many of the herbaceous
of temporal correlations is needed. This evi- genera, such as Azara (Flacourtiaceae),
dence is provided, in part, by pollen se- Boopis (Calyceraceae), Escallonia (Escallon-
quences found elsewhere in South America iaceae), which are now found disjunctly in
that indicate dry phases were coincident (in the highlands of southeastern Brasil may have
tropical areas) with glacial advances in the spread to this region during cool periods of
Andes (van der Hammen, 1974). the Pleistocene. Other plant genera that are
At higher elevations, in the Serra da Man- more widely distributed in high elevation
tiqueira, there are geomorphological remains and/or temperate regions of South America
that have led some authors ( cited in Beurlen, and also occur disjunctly in the highlands of
to the formation of a perma- southeastern Brasil (e.g., Jamesonia, Gyno-
1970) postulate
nent glacier on Itatiaia during glacial times. grama, Polypodiaceae; Anemone, Clematis,
Such formations include the presence of Ranunculus, Ranunculaceae; Berberis, Ber-
and Labiatae) also
huge scattered boulders and U-shaped valleys beridaceae; Lepicliina,
may have reached these mountains during
(Ebert, 1960). However, there are no actual
moraines. It is possible, in opposition to the cold periods.
In the Guiana no
conclusion of Ebert, that the boulders and Highlands, virtually
the U-shaped valleys were products of mud Pleistocene geological studies have been con-
flows and solifluction rather than glacial ice. ducted. All of the presumed reconstructions
of Quaternary climatology have been made
Moreover, the presumed elevation of the
Itatiaia glaciation was 2100 to 2500 m, an from inferences derived from data from other
elevation lower than any Andean glaciation areas. Such data from the Andes to the west,
at similar latitudes. Odeman (cited in Beur- the southeastern Brasilian Highlands to the

south,and the Caribbean to the north (Ro- remotely related to the flora of either the
nattiand Gartner, 1973) leave little choice Andes or the surrounding lowlands.
but to assume that the Pantepui tablelands
were cooler in times of glacial advance else-
where in the tropics of South America and THEORIES OF GLACIAL
that vegetation zones of the upper elevations CLIMATOLOGY
were lowered similarly to those elsewhere.
Refore extensive studies in the Southern
As in the case of the paramos and the campos
of the Brasilian highlands, a lowering of the Hemisphere had been made, many authors
upper elevation vegetation zones on these (e.g., Budel, 1951) assumed that Pleistocene
tablelands would have slightly increased their climatic changes in both hemispheres involved
areal distribution and produced patches of simply an equatorial shift and latitudinal
subtropical forest on low mountains that are compression of the earth's climatic belts. The
now covered by tropical forest. These changes net effect of such shifts would have been to
in vegetation patterns would have fostered push high latitude climatic zones toward the
exchange among the tepuis and increased Equator and to reduce the latitudinal extent
of the mid-latitude semi-arid zones. This
exchange of some elements with the Andes
model of Quaternary climatology was based
(Mayr and Phelps, 1967; Haffer, 1970b).
Cook 1974 ) in a study of the origin of the
on European data and incorporated the ap-

avifauna of these highlands, pointed out that parent synchrony of cold and wet periods. It
there is little correlation between the areal is now clear that in
many regions portions of
extent of the modern upper
elevation zones, or glacial cycles (often the coldest part) were
the complexity of the vegetation of the vari- arid rather than wet (Hammond, 1976). In
ous tepuis, and the number of breeding bird South America, investigations have shown
taxa found on each. This lack of correlation that the Quaternary climatic picture was par-
that there is not an equilibrium as ticularly confusing, because the continent
would be expected following the predictions spans two hemispheres and is dominated by
of the model of island biogeography (Mac- exceedingly high mountain ranges. A further
Arthur and Wilson, 1967). Cook interpreted impediment to an elucidation of the Pleisto-

the lack of an equilibrium as an indication of cene climates across the entire continent has
been the lack of precise temporal correlations
the recent arrival of the avifauna. Mayr and
1967 ) also pointed out that the ma- for what appear to be actual discrepancies in
Phelps (

avian taxa on these highlands is temperature-moisture relationships. Several

jority of the
derived from Andean, and hence
young, hypotheses, not necessarily conflicting, have
stocks. been proposed to explain the different cli-
Presumably, during glacial periods,
matic regimes in various parts of the con-
many successful colonizers from the Andes
reached the Guiana Highlands and replaced tinent.

an original, ancient avifauna. Nevertheless, it Some authors (e.g., Nogami, 1972) have
is interesting that there is little floristic con- suggested that there was no major change at
nection between the tepuis and the Andes, any time in the Pleistocene in the atmospheric
despite the evidence from avian relationships. circulation pattern over western South Amer-
In contrast to the relatively low level of en- ica. On the basis of observations that the
demicity in the avifauna (10-30%), over 50 snow line in the Andes during glacial ad-

percent of the flora is estimated to be en- vances was parallel to that now found, No-
demic. Moreover, the relationships of the gami ( 1972 ) concluded that the "apparent"
flora of the Guiana Highlands, albeit distant, increase in moisture was only a reduction in
are primarily with the highlands of south- evaporation caused by lower temperatures.
eastern Brasil or even Africa rather than with However, most authors disagree, favoring in-
the Andes. In view of the presumed recency stead changes in the force and/or location
of the avifauna and its successful migration of the various high pressure systems that af-
eastward during the Pleistocene, it is puzzling fect the South American climate. Fairbridge
that the flora has remained so distinct and (
1972 ) divided, for purposes of glacial clima-

tology, cycles of climatic change (considered would have become comparatively warm, and
to be periods of 100,000 years) into four sub- glaciers would have retreated in Antarctica
—thekataglacial with a cold, wet cli- and on the Eastern Cordillera. Garner (1959)
mate; the peniglacial with a very cold, very proposed that at this time there was increased
dry climate; the anaglacial or initial inter- precipitation on the Western Cordillera and
glacial phase with a cool, diy climate changing the expansion of glaciers there (Fig. 7:8).
to mild and wet conditions; and the true Garner's hypothesis, while taking into ac-
interglacial with conditions similar to those count the complexities of the Andes and the
of the present. As this complex scheme indi- apparent nonsynchrony of glacial advances
cates, times of glacial advance would involve on the two sides of the Peruvian Andes, ap-
both arid and humid periods; Fairbridge pears to conflict with data from the Brasilian
(1972) attributed the older associations of lowlands (Haffer, 1974) that there was arid-
glacial periods and "pluvials" to interpreta- ity, rather than increased humidity, during
tions made on data from anaglacial or kata- full glacial phases. The Eastern Cordillera
glacial phases of the cycle. Fairbridge further is under the same climatic influences that
proposed that the aridity of the full glacial affect the Amazon Basin. Nevertheless, it is
phase in the low latitudes of southern conti- possible that the height of the Andes was
nents was caused by ocean-surface cooling sufficient to cause increased precipitation at
and the buildup of semi-stable high pressure high elevations when the air from the south-
areas near tropical continents (Fig. 7:7). In east that picked up moisture and caused
South America, semi-stable highs would have aridity in the lowlands reached them (see
been located off the north coast of the also Fairbridge, 1972).
Guianas, in the Atlantic Ocean off the tip of In the most recent discussion of Andean
Brasil, and off the coast of Peru (Fig. 7:7). Pleistocene climatology, Dollf us ( 1976 ) stated
Although the model proposed by Fair- that the climatic conditions on the two sides
bridge ( 1972 ) explains the climates that have of the Equator differed during glacial maxima.
been proposed for eastern tropical South North of the Equator, cold periods were asso-
America, does not account well for the com-
it ciated with dry conditions during peniglacial
plexities exhibited in the western tropical phases, as proposed by Fairbridge (1972);
Andes nor for conditions found at high lati- south of the Equator, peniglacial phases were
tudes. Garner (1959) argued that Pleistocene cold and wet. Dollfus postulated that during
glacial advances on the eastern and western major glacial advances, the equatorial high
slopes of the Peruvian Andes had been out of pressure system off western South America
phase (Fig. 7:8) and suggested that times of "weakened" and the onshore winds were re-
expansion of glacial ice on the Eastern Cordil- duced in force. The strength of the Humboldt
lera were synchronous with those in Antarc- Current was correspondingly reduced, and
tica (i.e., in phase with glacial advances in the northern Andes of Peru received increased
most areas of the world). He hypothesized moisture in the form of showers. This hypoth-
that during such periods, the southern oceans esis conflicts with that of Garner ( 1959 )

and the Humboldt Current (originating in One point emphasized by Dollfus is that local
southern waters ) would have become increas- conditions would have altered major climatic
ingly cold as the glacial cycle progressed, patterns and led to anomalies during Pleisto-
causing a general cooling of the atmosphere cene glacial periods. The aridity of the Alti-
in South America. The resulting general tem- plano, which he dated as glacial, would have
perature depression would have led to the been a result of such local phenomena. He
accumulation of ice (reduced melting) in based this conclusion on the fact that, under
areas where moisture was plentiful, such as present conditions, the Altiplano is driest
over the Eastern Cordillera. He further pro- when the Amazon Basin receives abnormally
posed that the ^Vestern Cordillera would have high amounts of rainfall. It is evident that
experienced increased aridity. During the in- Dollfus' hypothesis conflicts with the findings
terglacial cycles in the Antarctic region, the Amazon Basin
that during glacial periods the
southern oceans and the Humboldt Current was dry, not wet, and with the studies of










Fig. 7:8. Geomorphological sequences indicating Pleistocene climatic changes on the eastern and western
slopes of the Peruvian Andes after Garner (1956). The eastern sequence is from the Urubamba Valley,
Cordillera Oriental, Peru and the western sequence from southern Peru in the Cordillera Occidental west of
Arequipa. Shading indicates aggredation accumulated during times of aridity. In humid periods, strongly
flowing rivers and streams incise the rubble previously deposited in stream beds. Numbers are assigned to
level of the same presumed age. Non-synchrony of arid and humid phases on the two Cordilleras is indicated
by the divergent geomorphological processes at the same level.
Secuencias geomorfologicas indicando los cambios climdticos del Pleistoceno en las vertientes oriental y
occidental de los Andes peruanos de acuerdo a Garner (1956). La secuencia oriental corresponde al Valle de
Urubamba, Cordillera Oriental, Peru, y la sceuencia oeste corresponde al sur del Peru, en la Cordillera Occi-
dental al oeste de Arequipa. El sombreado indica deposiciones acuniuiadas durante los tiempos de aridez. En
periodos humedos, fuertes flujos fluviales y de arroyos carcomieron la coma de piedra previamente depositada
en la eorriente. Los numeros corresponden a niveles de una misma presupuesta (clad. La ausencia de sinconi-
sidad de las fuses humedos y dridas en las dos Cordilleras estd indicada por los procesos geomorfologicos diver-
gentes al misma nivel.

Kessler (1963) that showed increased pre- un levantemiento final e importante al tiempo
cipitation and lake formation across the del Plio-pleistoceno. Por el contrario, las Al-
Altiplano during glacial periods. turas Brasilenas del Sudeste y las Alturas
Obviously there is still disagreement about Guayanesas han sido masas de tierras conti-
the time of Pleistocene humid phases during nentales desde tiempos pre-Cambricos. Ele-
or after glacial cycles throughout South vaciones hasta 1000 m
o mas probablemente
America. Nevertheless, the various theories ocurrieron desde el Cretaceo. Sin embargo,
about Pleistocene climatology show the im- como una consecuencia de las diferencias
portance of taking local factors into account temporales para guarecer plantas y animales,
and the dangers of overgeneralization from las alturas del Este tienen una biota mas an-

data derived from a limited area. As empha- tigua y endemica que la de los altos Andes.
sized by Beurlen (1970), more palynological Esto es porque todos aquellos plantas y ani-
data and absolute datings are necessary be- males que viven por sobre 2000-3000 m de
fore a truly meaningful and comprehensive elevacion en los Andes han sufrido inmigra-
picture of South American Quaternary clima- cion, colonization, y diferenciaeion solo desde
tology can be drawn. el termino del Terciario. Los eventos cli-
maticos y geologicos del Cuaternario fueron,
entonces, una parte integral de la formation
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS de esta biota. En las alturas del Este, los
elementos del Cuaternario constituyeron mer-
Thanks are due J. Haffer and J. L. Neff amente una etapa mas de una larga historia
for their helpful suggestions on the manu- evolutiva.
script and to A. Tangerini and S. Yankowski Dada la extension latitudinale de la Cor-
for the excution of the drawings.
dillera de los Andes, clima y vegetation difier-
en grandamente de norte a sur. Del mismo
RESUMEN modo, los efectos de los eventos climaticos
del Cuaternario fueron diferentes de acuerdo
Las regiones altas (sobre 2000 m) de a la position latitudinal. En general, las tem-
Sudamerica ocurren principalmente en la peraturas disminuyeron a traves de la Cor-
parte oeste del continente donde la Cordil- dillera en forma sincronica con las expan-
lera de los Andes corre paralela a la costa siones mundiales de los hielos glaciales (de-

por mas de 8000 km. Otras regiones altas con nominados aqui "periodos glaciales"). A lo
elevaciones por sobre los 1000 m
se encuen- largo de los Andes, la linea de las nieves tam-
tran en el sudeste del Brasil y a lo largo de la bien bajo. El algunas areas, como en los
frontera venezolana-guayanesa-brasilera. Los Andes del norte, porciones de los ciclos gla-
areas por encima de los 2000 m
en estas dos parecen haber sido mas secos que lo

regiones, sin embargo, son bastante pequenas. que son hoy en dia. En otros areas,
Las regiones montanosas del sudeste brasileiio como en el Altiplano y en las regiones tem-
son conocidas colcctivamente como las Al- pladas del sur, las condiciones glaciales
turas Brasilenas del Sudeste, y aquellos del parecen haber sido mas humedas que al
norte comoAlturas Guayanesas. presente. El numero de ciclos de expansion
Geologicamente, el sistema andino comple- de los hielos glaciales a lo largo de la Cor-
to es muy joven, teniendo casi todas sus dillera varia desde un episodic tardio en
ciones bajo el nivel del mar hasta al final del algunos recientemente elevados picos en el

Cretaceo. Aiin cuando hay diferencias en extreme norte, masta al menos cuatro en la

detalles cronologicos, la mayoria de sus uni- region sureria chileno-argentina y donde el

dades geologicas esperimentaron pulsos de primero de los cuales ocurrio en el Pliocene
levantamiento a traves del Terciario y del En las Alturas Brasilenas del Sudeste la
Cuaternario. La mayoria de las unidades ocurreneia de una glaciacion no ha sido pro-
emergieron al final del Cretaceo o al comienzo vada ciertamente aim cuando restos geomor-
del Eoceno, experimentaron un levantamiento fologicos sugieren periodos de extremo frio.
mayor en el Mioceno y estuvieron sujetos a Datos geomorfologicos adicionales implican

con periodos de aridez.

ciclos fn'os sincronicos nente. Algunas de estas teorias explican todos
Evidencias desde areas contiguas
inferidas los cambios climaticos en terminos de una
sugieren que las Alturas Guayanesas fueron depresion de temperatura solamente. Otros
tambien mas fn'as durante los periodos gla- proponen varios cambios en la ubicacion de
ciales y probablemente experimentaron con- los sistemas de presion atmosferica. Sin em-
diciones mas secas durante partes de estos bargo, ninguna de estos hipotesis explica com-
ciclosque aquellas presentas boy. pletamente todo el panorama continental. Se
Los afectos de los ciclos glaciales sobre la necesita mas
trabajos palinologicos y geomor-
biota variaron consecuentemente en las dis- fologicoscombinados con determinaciones de
tintas regiones montanosas. En areas como edades mas precisos para ofrecer una vision
los Andes del norte donde los picos emer- completa de los cambios climaticos del Cua-
gentes contienen aisladas de ternario.
paramos y los Andes del sur donde picos
disjuntos estan cubiertos con ambientes al-
los cambios climaticos glaciales per-
miticron expansiones de los rangos de ele-
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8. The Amphibians of the Lowland Tropical Forests
John D. Lynch
School of Life Sciences
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Prior to the separation of South America estimates of approximate altitudinal distribu-
from Gondwanaland and through much of tions for the many amphibians closely asso-
the Cretaceous, most of the continent sup- ciated with the major mountain systems in
ported a lowland tropical flora with a temper- South America (Andes, Guiana Shield, Bra-
ate flora to the extreme south (Savage, 1973). silian Shield,and coastal ranges). Published
During the Cenozoic, tropical lowland floras data are especially scant for the diverse fauna
were restricted because of the emergence of of southeastern Brasil.
the Andean ranges and the expansion of arid Several previous biogeographic essays
and semiarid regions in western South Amer- (e.g., Parker, 1935; Lutz, 1972; Lescure, 1975)
ica (Axelrod, 1960). The Andes separated on the Amazonian herpetofauna have dealt
lowland forests of extreme northwestern South with members of both forested and nonfor-
America from those of central South America, ested assemblies in preliminary fashions. The
and the developing arid zones separated those current effort suffers from some of the same
of central South America from those of the limitations imposed on previous efforts, name-
southeast. ly,incomplete distributional data (but prob-
As used here, "lowland tropical forests" re- ably not so incomplete as suggested by Heyer,
fers to those forested environments from sea 1976) and indefinite phylogenetic constructs.
level to 1000 meters elevation. Amphibians The South American rainforests exist as
distributed within the savannas occurring in four or five disjunct elements (Fig. 8:1). The
forests are not considered forest elements. most southern, the Austral Forests, is tem-

Thus, the tree frogs Hyla crepitans, H. par- perate and very distinct faunistically, sharing
tialis, and H. raniceps

are ignored here, al- only one genus (Bafo) and no species with
though each occasionally invades one or more the other forests. The northern tropical for-
of the major South American rainforests. On ests are tenuously connected, chiefly by gal-
the other hand, the marine toad, Bnfo mari- lery forests and forest islands distributed
nus, is relatively common in nonforested en- through the nonforest areas separating them.
vironments in Central America and northern The Trans-Andean Forests are isolated from
South America and also is distributed through the vast Central Cis-Andean Forests by the
the northern forests penetrating even those northern Andes but are connected weakly via
aseasonal forests with very high annual pre- the Northern Forests of Colombia and Vene-
cipitation (Choco and Napo regions). zuela; the latter are not entirely discrete (ten-
Although I have not always segregated the uous connections through the forests fringing
evergreen forests from those that are season- the Merida Andes and Venezuelan llanos).
ally dry, I have pointed out the subdivision The largest of the forests ( approximately 80$
within each major forest. (The subdivisions of all tropical South American forests) is

usually are correlated with seasonal or asea- the Central Cis-Andean forest ( Amazonian or
sonal forests.)Those forests that have pro- Hijlaea) drained by the Rio Amazonas and
nounced and prolonged dry seasons are not its tributaries. The central forests become
included here. As a general rule, such forests drier southeastwardly and grade into the cer-
are inhabited by nearly the same suite of rado on the northwestern face of the Bra-
species found in adjacent nonforest environ- A less marked dry belt ( Reinke's
silian Shield.
ments (cerrado, llanos). The greatest diffi- Corridor) described by numerous, isolated

culty (and least confidence) was to extract and generally small savannas extending from



Table 8:1. —Non-endemic Amphibians of South American Forests.

Trans-Andean North Central Atlantic

Caccilia subnigricans + +
Caccilia tcntaculata + +
Siphonops annulatus — + +
Adenomera hylacdactyla + + +
Bufo marinus _ + + +
Bufo typhonius — + + + +
Centrolcnclla ftcischmanni _. + + +
Hyla albomarginata + + +
Hyla boans + +
Hyla egleri _ _ + +
Hyla gcographica
+ +
Hyla Icucophyllata ....
+ +
Hyla luteocellata + +
Hyla minuta + +
Hyla rubra + + +
Hyla senicula _.. + +
Leptodactylus bolivianus .... + +
Lcptodactylus pcutadactylus + + +
Leptodactylus poccilochilus + +
Lcptodactylus wagneri + + +
Phyllobatcs pictus +
Phyllomedusa trinitatus .. + +
Phrynohyas venulosa + + + +
Physalaemus pustulosus + +
Rana palmipes + + +
Relictivomer pearsei + +

these suggestions beyond these examples (1955), Cochran and Goin (1970), and Ri-
in part because participated in
I have vero (1961), treating southeastern Brasil, Co-
the recognition that "Eleutherodactylus con- lombia, and Venezuela, respectively. Lescure's
spicillatus (or Hijlodes gollmeri)" consisted (
1976 ) account of the frogs of French Guiana
of many species of frogs distributed through ismuch more useful. Lutz (1973) and the
the forested habitats of lowland and montane numerous and scattered works of Werner
South America (Lynch, 1975; Lynch and Bokermann are especially useful for Brasil.
Hoogmoed, 1977; 1961; Lynch and
Rivero, Taylor (1968) remains the most valuable
Myers, in prep.). I predict that within a dec- source for caecilian data, and Wake and
ade, we will find that there exist very few Lynch 1976, and references therein ) pro-

"widely distributed" species of forest amphib- vided a recent summary for salamander dis-
ians; concomitantly, distinctions among differ- tributions. The largest group of amphibians
ent forest faunas will become greater. (frogs and toads) is summarized the most
poorly. Duellman's (1977) account partially
fills a void for centrolenid, hylid, and
data, but does not provide easy reference to
primary distributional data.
Thirteen amphibian families occur in
South American lowland forests (Table 8:2)
but only one (Brachycephalidae) is endemic. (Lungless Salamanders)
The thirteen families differ in their relative The family is primarily North American
apparencies in tropical lowland forests and with one tribe radiating in the Neotropics
in their global distributions. (Wake, 1966). Bolitoglossa is well repre-
Primary distributional data are available sented in montane environments in Colombia
in the taxonomically dated works of Cochran and Venezuela (Brame and Wake, 1963,

Table 8:2.- -Amphibian Complements of the Tropical Lowland Forests of South America.
( Number of endemic species given in parenthesis. )

Family T- Andean Northern Central Atlantic Totals

Plethodontidae _. 9(9)
Rhinatrematidae .

Typhlonectidae _.
Dendrobatidae _..
Microhylidae .


Vhyllobates usually occur at elevations below in South America and lower Central America
1000 m(Savage, 1968; Silverstone, 1975, (Carvalho, 1954). The South American mi-
1976). crohylids are primarily lowland forest animals
but Glossostoma aequatorialc is Andean and
HYLIDAE Dermatonotus and Elachistocleis are non-
(Treetoads or Treefrogs) forest genera (Dunn, 1949).
Amphignathodontines, hylines, and phyllo-
medusines occur in a wide range of environ- PIPIDAE
ments along both altitudinal and moisture di- (Tongueless Frogs)
mensions, although only amphignathodontines The pipinae is restricted to South America
could be viewed as successfully venturing and adjacent Panama (Savage, 1973). Pipa
onto the high Andes (Duellman, 1977). parva is a nonforest
species but the other five
Hemiphractines are lowland forest animals re- pipines are lowland forest animals (Dunn,
stricted to northwestern South America and 1948, Izecksohn, 1976b).
Panama (Trueb, 1974). Hylines are widely
distributed outside of the Neotropics (Aus-
(Pseudid Frogs)
tralo-Papuan, Holarctic, Oriental regions);
the other three subfamilies are Neotropical. The aquatic pseudids fringe the rain-
Some primary distributional data are avail- forests of tropical South America (Cochran
able in Duellman ( 1971a, 1971b, 1972, 1973, and Goin, 1970; Gallardo, 1961; Savage,
1974), Duellman and Crump (1974), and 1973) but do not invade the wet forests. Be-
Trueb and Duellman (1971). cause their distribution is generally nonforest,
I have not included them elsewhere in this
(Leptodactylid Toads)
The family has invaded
nearly every physi-
(True Frogs)
ographic division of South America except
the extremely xeric coast of Chile and Peru This Holarctic, Ethiopian, and Oriental
(Lynch, 1971). Bufonids have only slightly family barely penetrates Neotropical regions
narrower distributions (the two families are (Savage, 1973). A single species (Rana
the most wide-ranging amphibian families in palmipes) is distributed widely over the
South America). Ceratophryines and lepto- northern half of lowland South America.
dactylines are primarily lowland frogs ranging
through xeric and mesic environments. Elo- The two dominant families of amphibians
siines and telmatobiines primarily are found in South America (Hylidae and Leptodacty-
in mesic (low and high elevations) environ- lidae) also are dominant in the lowland tropi-
ments (Odontophrynus is a nonforest low- cal forests (Table 8:3). In each of the four
land genus). Primary distributional data for forests, these two families have the greatest
leptodactylid frogs are scattered widely. numbers of species, accounting for 48 percent
Lynch (1971,and references therein) pro- (Trans-Andean), 54 percent (Northern), 61
vided summaries of distributions for all gen- percent (Central Cis-Andean), and 84 per-
era. Other primary distributional data are cent ( Atlantic ) of the areal faunas. These fam-
available in Heyer (1970, 1973). Data for ilies are the only South American
eleutherodactyline frogs represent summaries families having more than one family-group
of unpublished data accumulated from mu- (subfamilies, tribes) represented in the Neo-
seum study by the author. tropics. The two families account for 61 per-
cent of the lowland tropical forest fauna of
MICROHYLIDAE South America (327 of 530 species).
(Narrow-mouthed Frogs) The family Hylidae currently is divided
The family pantropical but invades
is into four subfamilies (Duellman, 1970, 1977),
north temperate regions (Parker, 1934). All three of which are Neotropical and essen-
South American genera are endemic or occur South American
tially ( Amphignathodonti-

Table 8:3. — Hylid and Leptodactylid Complements of the Tropical Lowland Forests of South America.
(Numbers in parentheses are endemics.)
Family-group T-Andean Northern Central Atlantic
Amphignathodontinae 3(3) 2(2) 6(6) 7(7)
Hemiphractinae KD 4(4)
Hylinae 18(15) 7(2) 66(56) 53(45)
Phyllomedusinae 6(6) 2(1) 8(7) 9(9)
Batrachylini 3(3)
Ceratophryinae KD KD KD
Eleutherodactylini 24(24) 4(4) 33(33) 15(15)
Elosiinae 16(16)
Grypiscini 13(13)
Leptodactylinae 8(3) 5(0) 20(16) 14(11)
Odontophrynini 5(5)

nae, Hemiphractinae, and Phyllomedusinae); ics at the family level are the Brachycephali-
the fourth subfamily, Hylinae, occurs in the dae, Elosiinae, and Grypiscini, because they
Australo-Papuan, Holarctic, Ethiopian (north- are not found outside of the Atlantic Forests.
ern), and Oriental regions as well. Hemi- Although the four forests may be separated
phractines occur only in Trans-Andean and and linked in various combinations on the
Central Cis- Andean Forests (Trueb, 1974). basis of family-group occurrences, generic
The family Leptodactylidae was consid- and specific distributions provide more pow-
ered to occur in the Nearctic, Neotropical, erful tools to describe and differentiate am-

Ethiopian, and Australo-Papuan regions by phibian faunas of the tropical forests.

Lynch (1971), but currently is considered to Eighty-three amphibian genera occur in
be restricted to the Nearctic and Neotropical the tropical lowland forests. The salamander
regions ( Heyer, 1975; Heyer and Liem, 1976; Ocdipina, the caecilians Dermophis and Par-
Lynch, 1973; Savage, 1973). Lynch (1971) vicaecilia, and the anurans Barijcholos, Glos-
divided the Neotropical leptodactylids into sostoma, and Smilisca occur only in Trans-
four subfamilies (Ceratophryinae, Elosiinae, Andean Forests. Glossostoma also occurs in
Leptodactylinae, and Telmatobiinae). Cera- subparamo habitats in Andean Ecuador, and

tophryinesand elosiines are restricted to Smilisca widespread in Central America in


South America (Savage, 1973). The sub- both forest and nonforest habitats.
family Telmatobiinae is divided into six Seventeen genera (3 caecilians and 14
tribes ( Batrachylini, Calyptocephalellini, anurans) occur only in Central Cis-Andean
Eleutherodactylini, Grypiscini, Odontophryn- Forests. All three caecilian genera (Brasilo-
ini, andTelmatobiini) by Lynch (1971, 1978). typhlus, Potomotyphlus, and Rhinatrema)
Two (Calyptocephalellini and Telma-
tribes apparently are restricted to lowland forest
tobiini) do not enter lowland tropical forests. habitats. Of the 14 anurans, the hylids —Allo-
The Batrachylini occur in the temperate rain- phnjne and Nyctimantis, the leptodactylids —
forests of Chile and Argentina and the trop- Dischidodactylus, Hydrolactare, Lithodytes,
ical forests of southeastern Brasil (Atlantic and Vanzolinus, and the microhylids Cteno- —
Forests). Grypiscines and odontophrynines phryne, Hamptophryne, Otophryne, Syncope,
occur in Atlantic Forests but not in the other and Synapturanus, are endemic forest genera.
tropical forests, whereas eleutherodactylines Pipa also occurs as a nonforest element in
occur in all four tropical forests. northwestern South America and Panama;
Thus, at the family-group level, the At- Edalorhina (Leptodactylidae) and Stefania
lantic Forests exhibit
pronounced endemicity (Hylidae) have upland forest species.
[Brachycephalidae, Batrachylini (shared with Twenty-one genera occur only in Atlantic
Grypiscini, and
Austral Forests), Elosiinae, forests. The Mimosiphonops, and
Odontophrynini (but shared with nonforest the anurans Arcovomer, Brachyccplialus,
environments)]. The most significant endem- Crossodactylodes, Crossodactylas, Cycloram-

phus, Dasypops, Fritziana, Hcmipipa, Hyo- the Magdalena forests, although a poison-dart
phryne, Macrogenioglottus, Mcgaclosia, Mij- frog, Dendrobates trunctatus, is restricted to
ersieUa, PsyUophryne, Scyihrophrys, Stereo- the pair of forests (Silverstone, 1975) and
cyclops, and Thoropa are lowland forest only weakly differentiated from the Chocoan
endemics. Hylodes and Zachaenus each have D. auratus. Hyla phlehodes (Hylidae), Oedi-
one upland species, Proceratophrys has at pina complex (Plethodontidae), and Smilisca
least one cerrado species, and Chthonerpeton sila (Hylidae) occur in the Nechi forests but

(if actually represented in forested environ- not in other Trans-Andean Forests in Colom-
ments; see Taylor, 1968) is primarily a non- bia but are not endemic to the Nechi forests
forest genus of the Rio Parana drainage. (Brame, 1968; Duellman, 1977). Eighty-eight
(70.4?) of the 126 Trans- Andean Forest am-
phibians are distributed in the Chocoan
THE TRANS-ANDEAN FORESTS Forests of South America and Central Amer-
ica but not in the Nechi or Magdalenan for-
The Trans-Andean occupy the
Forests ests.Fifty-six species (44.8% of the fauna)
lowlands west of the Andes in Colombia and are endemic to the South American Choco,
Ecuador (Choco lowlands) and extend into and only eight of these range the length
Central America. Also, I have included the of Choco. The northern half of the
seasonally dry forests in the area of the Rio Choco and southern half (divided at approx-
Sinii and lower rios Cauca and Magdalena,
imately Buenaventura) contain 24 endemic
and the evergreen forests of the Rio Magda-
species each (Fig. 8:3). The most diverse
lena. Haffer (1969) and Muller (1973, 1974) Trans-Andean Forest fauna is that found in
divided these Trans-Andean Forests into Cho- the Rio San Juan Drainage where the north-
coan and Nechi (Rio Sinu and Rio Cauca) ern and southern Chocoan faunas overlap.
units, and Muller (1973) separated the rain- Some of the relatively widespread species
forests of the Rio Magdalena as a distinct (Table 8:1) also occur in the Rio San Juan
distributional center. Those divisions were
Drainage, thereby heightening the diversity
accomplished largely on the basis of bird there, but these do not occur appreciably
distributions and are not supported by am- south of the drainage.
phibian distributions. The relative poverty of the Nechi and
One hundred and twenty-six amphibians Magdalena forests, as well as those in south-
occur in the Trans-Andean Forests (Appen- western Ecuador is marked. The most obvi-
dix 8:1), including most of the salamanders ous factor that potentially reduces diversity
known from lowland forests in South Amer- in these areas the seasonality of rainfall,
ica. Endemism is pronounced —
88 percent of

although the low diversity associated with

the 126 species are restricted to Trans-Andean the Magdalena Forests may be a product of
Forests. Of the 15 nonendemic amphibians, ecological insularity. Likewise, it could be
five are found in all tropical forests of South
argued that the southern forests of Ecuador
America (Table 8:1), and four others occur are depauperate because of a peninsular ef-
in all but the Atlantic forests (Table 8:1). fect; however, those southern forests harbor
Four species of frogs are shared by Trans- some amphibians distributed in drier habitats
Andean and Northern forests; these species and not extending up into the wetter forests
primarily are distributed within the Nechi (e.g., the leptodactylid frogs Ceratophrys
subunit of the Trans- Andean Forests [Lepto-
stolzmanni, Leptodactylus labrosus, and Phy-
dactylus bolivianos (also Central), L. poeci- salaemus pustulatus.
lochilus,Physalaemus pustulosus, and Rclic- Relatively few amphibians are distributed
tivomer pearsei] and do not invade the wetter
throughout the Trans-Andean Forests. Bufo
Choco forests. Bufo typhonius (Bufonidae) marinus, Phrynokyas venulosa, and Smilisca
and the caecilian Caecilia subnigricans occur
phaeota apparently occur in all subdivisions.
in wetter areas, thereby forming a different Eleutherodactylus raniformis, Hyla boans, H.
pattern (Choco and Rio Magdalena). rubra, and Leptodactylus wagneii occur in all
No frogs are endemic to the Nechi or to except the southern Choco (Fig. 8:4). Hemi-

Fie. 8:3. Endemism among Trans-Andean Forest amphibians. A. The distributions of 88 of the 126
Trans-Andean species are encompassed by the hatched area. B. 56 species are restricted to the South Amer-
ican Choco. C. Numbers of endemics in the northern and southern South American Choco (hatched ) Nechi

forests (stippled), and Magdalena forests (blank).

Endemismo de los anfibios transandinos. A. Las distribuciones de 88 dc las 126 especies transandinas estdn
rodeadas por el area lineada. B. 56 especies estdn restringklas al Choco sudamcricano. C. Numero de ende-
mismos en el norte y sur del Choco sudamerican (lineada), selvas de Nechi (achurada), y selvas de Magdalena

phractus jcisciatus occurs at lower elevations by Miiller (1973) (Santa Marta, Catatumbo,
on the Andean slopes and appears to range and Venezuelan coastal forests centers), who
throughout the forests where lower montane considered the centers not well differentiated.
habitats exist. Bufo haematiticus, Caecilia He separated them on the basis of vertebrates
thompsoni, Eleiitherodactylus fitzingeri, E. other than amphibians.
longirostris, and Leptodactyhis pentadactylus This is the smallest and least diverse of
link the Choco and the wet Magdalena For- the lowland forest units and has the lowest
ests hut do not occur in the drier Nechi amount of endemism. Only 39 species of
Forests. amphibians are found in the Northern Forests
(Appendix 8:2). Endemism is low (56.4?)
THE NORTHERN FORESTS compared to the other three forests, but com-
parable to that of the strictly Chocoan ele-

The Northern Forests include those at the ments of the Trans-Andean Forests (44.8$).
base of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Some of the endemism (Eleiitherodactylus
the forest around the Maracaibo basin, those bicumulus, E. rozei, E. terraebolivaris, Cen-
in the Falcon District of Venezuela, those trolenella sp., Phyllomedusa medinae, Gastro-
associated with the coastal range of Vene- theca williamsoni, Flcctonotus pygmaeus)
zuela, and those along the northwestern edge may nothing more than montane slope
of the Venezuelan llanos. The Northern species invading the lowland forests. If that
is the case for these 9 species, the apparent
Forests are bisected by the Sierra de Perija
and the dry Peninsula de Guaira. The assem- endemism of the northern forests is mark-
blage was treated as three separate centers edly reduced to the point of being inconse-

Although the largest unit of South American

lowland forests, the Central Cis-Andean For-
ests are not subdivided by prominent physio-

graphic features. The terrain rises gently to

the south onto the Brasilian Shield and be-
comes progressively more xeric with the
forests giving way to the cerrado and caatinga.
To the north, the Central Cis-Andean Forests
meet the Venezuelan and Colombian llanos.
Rainfall is notably variable within the
central forest (Haffer, 1969, and this
with three areas of heavy rainfall (upper
Amazon Basin in Ecuador and Peru, middle
reaches of the Rio Madeira in Brasil, and
along the Atlantic coast in the Guianas). A
prominent moderately dry band (Reinke's
Corridor) occurs inland of the Guianas and
mouth of the Amazonas. The belt is identified
easily on vegetation maps as a chain of small
to moderately large savannas. Although rain-
fall is relatively high in the Rio Madeira re-
gion, seasonal as it is in much of southern
it is

and eastern Hylaea. Those areas receiving

less than 3000 mm annual precipitation ex-
perience seasonal rainfall.
Miiller (1973) recognized four dispersal
centers (Guiana, Madeira, Napo, and Para)
based largely on endemism of birds. Midler's
Fig. 8:4. Distribution of Eleutherodactylus rani- dispersal centers generally are congruent with
formis in Colombia. Haffer's (1974) forest refugia (also largely
Distribution de Eleutherodactylus raniformis en
based on avian distributions ) Although some .

amphibian examples appear to correspond

well (Duellman, 1972; Silverstone, 1975—
quential (Atelopus cruciger, Bufo sternosig-
natus, Ceratophrys calcarata, Colostethus of Hyla rostrata group and Denclrobates, re-
the spectively), distribution patterns of amphib-
fuliginosus group, Eleutherodactylus
ians in general are described poorly using
maussi, and the poorly known caecilians and
these four or five centers and refugia.
hylids). The Northern Forests perhaps are
best viewed as transitional forests between The whole of the Central Forests are

the two well-differentiated northern faunas linked by the following amphibians (asterisks
indicate number of other forests where spe-
(Trans-Andean and Central Cis-Andean).
cies occurs )

Adcnomera andreae Hyla rubra""'

hylacdactyla°° pentadactylus"
Collectively, the Amazon Basin forests are Bufo marinus'" Lcptodactylus
termed the Central Cis-Andean forests. This Bufo typhonius"" wagncri"
Ctenophryne geaiji Osteocephalus taurinus
vast expanse of forest harbors 225 amphibian
Hydrolaetare schmidti Pipa pipa
species (Appendix 8:3) of 12 families. The Hyla hoans°
Phrynohyas venulosa*
9 '

most prominent families, in order of decreas- Hyla geographica" Phyllobates pictus'

Hyla lcucophyllata° Rana pabnipcs" °"
ing richness, are Hylidae, Leptodactylidae,
Hyla minuta" Siphonops anuulatus'
and Dendrobatidae; these three families ac-
count for 72 percent of the amphibian fauna. In addition to these species, a pair of frog

species (Hyla lanciformis and Hyla multifas-

ciata) link the eastern and western compo-
nents of the Central Forests. The two species
are closely related and possibly not distinct
(Lutz, 1973).
Several species exhibit a distribution that
I term "Amazonian Arc" (Fig. 8:5). This
distribution is most obvious in the frogs
Hamptophryne boliviano, Hyla fasicata, Lith-
odijtes lincatus, Phyllomedusa bicolor, and
Phyllomedusa vaillanti, but also may char-
acterize a series of species known essentially
from that portion of the arc above the Rio
Amazonas (Atclopus pulcher, Dendrobates
quinquevittatus, Dendrophryniscus minutus,
Eleutherodactylus lacrimosus, Hyla brevi-
frons, Phrynohyas coriacea, PhyUobates femo-
ralis, and Synapturanas mirandaribeiroi) .

Ceratophrys cornuta is displaced somewhat

Fic. 8:5. Distribution of Lithodytcs lincatus, an
from the arc, in that its northern distribution
Amazonian arc distribution.
is associated with the Rio Amazonas. The Distribution de Lithodytes lineatus, un caso de
distributions of all of the frogs cross Reinke's distribution en arco Amazonico.
Corridor and avoid the Madeira and Tapajos
drainages. The distributions of most Central crease, accentuating the species poverty of
Cis-Andean Forest species are more localized the Madeira-Tapajos Unit.
(Figs. 8:6-8). The localization of distribu- The Napo-Ucayali endemism is broad-
tions describes two areas of marked endem- based (Fig. 8:8) rather than being a product
ism. The most obvious is an area in the of a radiation of a few amphibian groups.
western portion of the Amazon Basin. The The dominant Amazonian families (Dendro-
Napo-Ucayali Subunit (drainages of the Rios batidae, Hylidae, and Leptodactylidae) con-
Huallago, Napo, and Ucayali) contains 80 tribute substantially to the endemism of the
endemic species (2 salamanders, 5 caecilians, area (2 amphignathodontine hylids, 3 bufo-
and 73 anurans). It shares several other spe- nids, 4 centrolenids, 10 dendrobatids, 22 eleu-
cies with the Bolivian Unit and the extreme 3 hemiphrac-
therodactyline leptodactylids,
western supra-Amazon Unit (the Amazonian tine hylids, 18 hyline hylids, 2 leptodactyline
fringe species, e.g., Hyla rhodopcpla). The leptodactylids, 5 microhylids, 1 pipid, 3
other area of marked endemism within Ama- phyllomedusine hylids, and 7 caecilians and
zonian forests is the Guianan Area. Its spe- salamanders).
cies endemicity is reduced by sharing several
species with the adjacent Venezuelan Guiana
and Para units. As is the case for the more THE ATLANTIC FORESTS
Amazonian amphibians,
generally distributed
endemic amphibians are poorly represented The Atlantic Forest amphibians are nearly
in the Madeira-Tapajos Area.
species The as diverse (Appendix 8:4) as those of the
Central Cis-Andean Forests but unlike the
poverty (in terms of endemics) in the supra-
Amazon Unit perhaps is explicable by the other South American tropical forests, the
Atlantic Forests exhibit a greater dominance
presence of the broad suite of species ex-
hibiting Amazonian arc and northern Ama-
of hylid and leptodactylid frogs. Although
zonian distributions. If we consider those dendrobatid frogs are a conspicuous element
more widely distributed species, the species in the other forests, they are poorly repre-
densities of Napo-Ucayali, Venezuelan
the sented in the Atlantic forests (5 species, 4 en-
Guiana, Guianan, and Para units also in- demic). At the family-group level, the At-

^v. /» C ^





Fig. 8:6. Concentration of amphibian endemics within Central Cis-Andean Forests. Guyana, Madeira-
Tapajos, Napo-Ucayali, and Para subunits are labeled. The coarse-stippled zone (3 endemics) is supra-Amazon.
The remaining subunits include the Bolivia (4 endemics) and Venezuelan Guyana (14 endemics) subunits.
Concentraciones de anfibios endemicos dentro do las selvas cisandinas centrales. Guayana, Madeira-Tapajos,
Napo-Ucayali, y Para est an indicadas. El achurado grueso indica la zona supra-Amazonica (3 endemismos).
Las rest antes subunidadcs forestalcs incluyen a Bolivia (4 endemismos) y a la Guyana oenezolana (14 ende-
mismos) subunidades.

lantic forests are obviously unique in having tylus mystacinus ranges through the forests as
batrachyline, elosiine, grypiscine, and odonto- well as widely into nonforested environments
phrynine leptodactylid frogs. Eleven families (e.g., the Chaco; W. R. Heyer, pers. comm.).
of amphibians and 183 species are known Hyla faber is the Atlantic forest replacement
from the Atlantic forests. Of the 183 species, for Hyla Loans ( Lutz, 1973 ) .

168 (91.8%) are endemic to those forests. The frogs Gastrotheca fissipcs, Hyla leu-
Relatively few amphibians link all of the cophyllata, H. rubra, Leptodactylus mystace-
Atlantic Forests (Bufo crucifer, Hyla faber, us, L. troglodytes, L. Phyllodytes
H. geographica, Leptodactylus mystacinus, L. luteolus, and Proceratophrys arecristiceps
pentadactylus, and Siphonops annulatus ap- broadly distributed through the northern por-
pear to be distributed throughout the forests ) . tion of the Atlantic forests, and Hyla fusco-
These widespread species include two (Hyla marginata, H. senicula, and Siphonops paul-
geographica and Siphonops annulatus) also ensis are widely distributed through the south-
distributed over the whole of the Central Cis- ern portions of the Atlantic Forests. West and
Andean Forests and one (Leptodactylus pen- south of Cabo Frio, one encounters a series

dactylus) widely distributed in Central Cis- of frogs distributed in the coastal band of
Andean and Trans-Andean forests. Leptodac- the southern Atlantic Forests ( Crossodactylus

Fig. 8:7. Napo-Ucayali distributions. A. Eleutherodactylus acuminatus. B. E. ockendeni. Both are eleu-
therodactyline leptodactylids.
Distribueiones en el Napo-Ucayali. A. Eleutherodactylus acuminatus. B. E. ockendeni. Amhos son lep-
todactylidos cleutherodactylinos.

dispar, Cycloramphus asper, Flectonotus fis- dactyla, Bufo typhonius, Hyla alboirwrgi-
silis, Gastrotheca viridis, Hyla catharinae, H. nata, H. H. rubra, Leptodactylus wag-
hayii, Leptodactylus sp. N., Phrynohyas imi- neri, Phrynohyas venulosa, and Rana pabn-
tatrix, Phyllomedusa fimbriate!, Procerato- ipes) and from the west (Hyla geographica,
phrys appendiculata, and P. boiei). H. leucophyllata, H. senicula, Leptodactylus
Almost a dozen species of frogs link the pentadactylus, Phyllobates pictus, and Phryn-
northern and southern (chiefly coastal) por- ohyas venulosa).
tions of the Atlantic Forests. These are Bufo Some of the distinctiveness of the Atlantic
ictericus, B.
typhonius, Eleutherodactylus Forests is reduced if one views dendrobatids
binotatus, Hyla albomarginata, Hyla microps, (abundant in Central Cis- Andean Forests)
Macrogenioglottus alipioi, Osteocephalus and elosiine leptodactylids (prominent in At-
langsdorffii,Phrynohyas mesophaea, P. venu- lantic Forests) as vicariants. Such a view is
losa (from the west in the southern Atlantic consistent with current notions of the rela-
Forests and from the north in the northern tionships of these two groups of frogs ( Lynch,
Atlantic Forests), Thoropa miliaria, and Tra- 1971). Adding these to the other sets of vi-
chycephalus nigromaculatus. cariants of these two major forests (Table
The nonendemic species can be divided 8:4) tends to lessen the impression of nearly
into —
two groups those invading the Atlantic- complete distinction of the two forests.
Forests from the north (Adenomera hylae- Muller (1973) divided the Atlantic forests

Fig. 8:8. Guianan and Napo-Ucayali distributions. A. Circles are Syncope antenori, squares represent both
Syncope carvalhoi and Euparkerella myrmecoides ( Microhylidae and eleutherodactyline leptodactylids, respec-
tively), and triangles, Eleutherodactylus chiastonotus. B. Squares, Eleutherodactylus nigrovittatus; circles, E.
Distribuciones en Guyana y Napo-Ucayali. A. Los circulos representan a Syncope antenori, los cuadrados
representan a Syncope carvalhoi y Euparkerella myrmecoides (Microhylidae y Icptodactylido eleutherodactylino ,

respectivamente), y los tridngulos representan a Eleutherodactylus chiastonotus. B. Cuadrados, Eleutherodacty-

lus nigrovittatus; circulos, E. zeuctotylus.

into three subcenters (one north of Ilheus, one Bahia subcenters requires combining the Ba-
between Ilheus and Cabo Frio, and the third hia and Espirito Santo units recognized here
encompassing what I term southern the Per- — as the Bahia Unit. By so doing, the new
nambuco, Bahia, and Paulista subcenters, re- Bahia Unit is second in endemicity only to
spectively). I divided the Atlantic Forests the Sao Paulo Unit ( 11 Bahia + 13 Espirito
into seven units and compiled species lists for Santo + 2 Bahia-Espirito Santo endemics =
each. Of the 183 species used, approximately 26 endemics). Endemicity is lowest in those
one-third are endemic to the coastal forests three subunits invaded by nonendemic taxa
between Cabo Frio and Parana (Fig. 8:9). (Pernambuco, Minas Gerias, and Parana
The other six areas exhibit low endemism, units). Some of the endemics scored for the
and all five coastal units are richer than the Sao Paulo Subunit may not occur below 1,000
two inland areas ( in endemics, as well as all m (
Ccntrolenella albotunica, C. divaricans,
amphibians). Recognizing Pernambuco and C. (labia, C. eurygnatha, and C. vanzolinii);

Table 8:4. — Vicars of Central Cis-Andean and Atlantic Tropical Forests.

Central Cis-Andean Atlantic Source
Adenomera andreae Adenomera marmorata Heyer 1973
Adenomera hylacdactyla Adenomera bokermanni Heyer 1973
Dendrobatidae Elosiinae Noble 1931; Lynch 1971
Bufo marinus Bufo ictericus Cochran 1955; Cei 1972
Ceratophrys comuta Ceratophrys aurita Cochran 1955
Eleutherodactylus (fitzingeri group) Eleutherodactylus (binotatus group) Lynch 1976
Hyla hoans Hyla faher Lutz 1973
liyla lanciformis-H. multifasciata Hyla albopunctata (nonforest) Lutz 1973
Osteocephalus taurinus Osteocephalus langsdorffii
Fhrynohyas venulosa Fhrynohyas mesophaea
Leptodactylus sp. "A" Leptodactylus mystaceus + Leptodactylus sp. "N" W. R. Heyer

Fig. 8:10. Parapatric distribution patterns. A. Bufo guttatus group (3 species): Chocoan B. blombergi,
Napoan B. glaberrimus, and Guianan B. guttatus. B. Leptodactylus fuscus group (5 species): Amazonian L.
sp. "A," Guianan L. longirostris, Pernambucan L. mystaceus, Paulistan L. sp. "N," and Chocoan L. vcntrimac-
ulatus. C. Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri group (7 species): Chocoan E. achatinus, Guianan E. chiastonotus, Na-
poan E. conspicillatus (open hatching), Madeiran E. fenestrates (fine hatching), Ucayalian E. peruvianus
(coarse stipple), Venezuelan E. terraebolivaris and supra-Amazonian E. vilarsi (fine stipple). D. Hatching
(Eleutherodactylus sulcatus group, 2 species): Napo- Ucayalian E. sulcatus; Venezuelan E. maussi. Stipple
(Dendrobates tinctorius group, 4 species): Chocoan D. auratus, Nechian D. truncatus (coarse stipple), Guia-
nan D. tinctorius, and Paran D. galactonotus. Sources: A.) Cei (1972); B.) W. R. Heyer (pers. comm.);
C.) Lynch (in prep.); D.) Lynch (1975), Silverstone (1975).
Patrones dc distribucion parapdtricas. A. Grupo de Bufo guttatus (3 especies): B. blombergi del Choco, B.
glaberrimus del Napo, B. guttatus guy ones. B. Grupo de Leptodactylus fuscus (5 especies): L. sp. "A" del
Amazonas, L. longirostris de Guyana, L. mystaceus dc Pemamhuco, L. sp. "N" Paulistano, y L. ventrimacu-
latus del Choco. C. Grupo Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri (7 especies): E. achatinus del Choco, E. chiastonotus de
Guyana, E. conspicillatus dc Napo (lincado amplio), E. fenestratus de Madeira (lineado fino), E. peruvianus del
Ucayali (achurado grueso), E. terraebolivaris de Venezuela y E. vilarsi del Alto Amazonas (achurado fino).
D. Lineado (Grupo de Eleutherodactylus sulcatus, 2 especies): Napo-Ucayali E. sulcatus; Venezuela, E.
maussi. Achurado (Grupo de Dendrobates tinctorius, 4 especies): Choco, D. auratus; Ncchi, D. truncatus
(achurado grueso): Guyana, D. tinctorius; y Para, D. galactonotus. Fuentes: A.) Cci (1972); B.) W. R. Heyer
(pers. comm.); C.) Lynch (en prep.); D) Lynch (1975), Silverstone (1975).

Table 8:5. — Distribution of Reproductive Modes Among Tropical Lowland Forest Amphibians.

Reproductive Mode
8 9 10
Plethodontidae X
B rachy cephalidae
Bufonidae X
Centrolenidae _ X
Dendrobatidae __ X
Amphignathodontinae X
Hemiphractinae X
Hylinae X
Elosiinae X 1

Odontophynini _ X
Microhylidae __ X
Pipidae _.



Fig. 8:11. Reproductive modes among rainforest anurans. Mode 9 (Pipa with direct development) and
Mode 10 amphignathodontine and hemiphractine hylids, direct development) not shown. Modes 5 and 7

involve foam nests; eggs are laid on vegetation in Mode 4 (after Crump, 1974).
Modos reproductivos de los anuros de la pluviselva. A los Modo 9 (Pipa con desarrollo directo) y 10 (hyli-
dos amphignathodontinos y hemiphractinos, desarrollo directo) no se los muestra. Modos 5 y 7 tienen nidos de
espuma; los huevos son puestos en la vegetation en el Modo 4 (de Crump, 1974).

ingly greater risks (and concomitantly, apply more to the adult than the embryos.
greater dependency) are taken by those am- Species with Mode 6 have terrestrial eggs
phibians depositing their eggs out of water which, upon hatching, yield tadpoles that
(Modes 4-8, 10). The larvae of amphibians pass some time on the parent's back but
having Modes 5 and 7 presumably secure eventually are transported to bodies of water
some protection from the foam. Those spe- for "normal'' development. Terrestrial eggs
cies employing Mode 4 (eggs on vegetation and embryos resulting in miniature replicas
over water, larvae in water) have a more of the adult produced without submersion in
obvious association with wet environments water characterize Modes 7 and 8.
(and therefore, more frequently forests) but If the asserted sequence is correct, we
also occur in nonforested habitats (llanos, should expect to discover different patterns of
scrub )
. distribution (
and patterns of endemism if

Anurans characterized by Modes 6, 7, 8, Haffer's model is real) among different re-

and 10 employ terrestrial eggs of various productive modes. Amphibians exhibiting
durations. Mode
10 constitutes a special case Mode 1 should exhibit less endemism than
in that the embryos are carried about on the those modes characterizing higher forest-
parent's back and moisture requirements may fidelity (e.g., 6 and 8). Modes less dependent



Fig. 8:12. Species densities of am phibians having various reproductive modes in South
and endemicities
American rainforest units. The first number
the rami ber of species of the group in the area; the number fol-

lowing the solidus is the number of endemic species of the group in the area. A. Mode 1, Hylinae. B. Mode
5, Leptodactylidae (except Adenomera). C. Mode 4, Centrolenidae, Hylinae, Phyllomedusinae. D. Mode 6,
Dendrobatidae ( the numbers in parentheses in southeast ern Brasil refer to Elosiinae). E. Mode 8, Eleuthero-
dactylini ( the numbers in southeastern Brasil refer to Grypiscini).
Densidad dc especies y endemismos de varios atrftb ios con diversos modos reproductivos en las selvas lluvi-
osas de Sud America. El primer numero es el numero i/c especies del grupo en el area; el numero siguiente a
la linca diagonal representa el numero de especies ende micas del grupo en el area. A. Modo 1, Hylinae. B.
Modo 5, Leptodactylidae (exccpto Adenomera). C. M
odo 4, Centrolenidae, Hylinae, Phyllomedusinae. D.
Modo 6, Dendrobatidae (los numeros cntre parentesis en el sudestc del Brasil refieren a Elosiinae). E. Modo
8, Eleuthcrodactylini (los numeros en parentesis en el sudestc del Brasil refieren a Grypiscini).

on special attributes of forest environments 8:6). As might be predicted, modes with

(high humidity) exhibit lower percentages of high-forest fidelity (6-8, 10) are collectively
endemism than do forest-adapted modes over "under-represented," whereas the modes of
the same terrain (Fig. 8:12). low-fidelity 1-5 ) are "over-represented."

Conversely, if the model is more realistic, Such "under-representation" and "over-

we ought to expect the opposite pattern representation" are also consistent with the
among the nonendemic taxa of amphibians notion that r-selected species tend to be better
found South American lowland tropical
in colonizers than K-selected species. Crump's
forests(Table 8:1). We find departure from (1974) seriation of modes tends to describe
the expected numbers of species of each re- one dimension of the r- and K-continuum; in
productive mode in that certain reproductive general, frogs of lower numbered modes are
modes are "over-represented" or "under-repre- more frequently r-selected species and those
sented" among the nonendemic taxa (Table of high numbered modes K-selected species

Table — Frequencies
8:6. of Frogs and Salamanders
of Tropical Lowland Forests Exhibiting 10 Repro-
ductive Modes Compared to Frequencies for Non-
endemic Species.

lids and centrolenid frogs (and possibly cae- Middle America prior to the Neogene uplift
ciliidand hyline stocks ) do not fall into either of thePanamanian Isthmus, but most of the
pattern. Amphignathodontines and centrolen- radiation of the group occurred in the West
ids are recent invaders of Central America Indies and in northern South America.
(Savage, 1973) but are usually found in up- The development of biogeographic con-
lifted areas (discontinuous distributions). structs (historical without
Phyllomcdusines are much better represented some defensible phylogenetic constructsis not
in Central America (Agalychnis and Pachy- science (see Rosen, 1975, for philosophy and
medusa) and are essentially replaced in methodology). Unfortunately, the sorts of
South America by Phyllomedusa; the replace-
phylogenetic input required to generate ro-
ment suggestive of geographic separation
is bust biogeographic constructs are not avail-
of the two forest stocks during much of the able for most lowland Amphibia. In spite of
Tertiary. the impressive strides made in the past decade
of these amphibian groups were iso- in tabulating systematic data for some of the
lated and radiating in Central America during larger amphibian groups in South America,
much of the Tertiary; Savage (1973) cited our knowledge of the relationships within
bufonids, hylids (hylines and phyllomedu- those groups remain regretfully nascent. This
sines), microhylids, and eleutherodactyline is less a critique of
previous work than a
leptodactylids. Savage and Wake (1972) statement of what remains to be done for
identified the Middle American caeciliids iso- most groups of tropical amphibians and rep-
lated in Central America during the same tiles. I do not believe that we have the
time period. Most of these isolates are recog- systematic data necessary to generate formu-
nizable in that the species groups or genera lations of how the tropical lowland forest
are essentially endemic to Central America amphibian groups developed in time and
and extend only into the Choco in South space.
America. Savage ( 1973 ) suggested that Eleu-
therodactijlus and some derived genera under-
went an Eocene-Miocene radiation in Middle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
America and subsequent to the uplift of the
Panamanian Portal radiated into South Amer- Most of the distributional data presented
here represents summaries of unpublished
ica. My
study of Eleutherodactylus does not
confirm such a conviction. Ancestral relicts data collected by colleagues. My thanks go
to William E. Duellman, M.
(Hylactophryne and Ischnocnema) persist at J. Fouquette, Jr.,

opposite ends of the center of Eleutherodac-

W. Ronald Heyer, Marinus S. Hoogmoed,
tylus diversity and the wealth of species are
and Jean Lescure for sharing data. Gathering
distributed in the northern Andes. The spe- distributional data for eleutherodactyline
cies groups in eastern and southeastern Brasil frogs was facilitated by provision of working
are apparently primitive stocks, as is the space by the curators at the American Mu-
Eleutherodactylus discoidalis group (distrib-
seum of Natural History, British Museum
uated along the eastern edge of the Andes (Natural History), National Museum of Na-
from northern Argentina to southern Colom- tural History, The University of Kansas Mu-

bia). The Middle American Eleutherodacty-

seum of Natural History, and The University
lus include representativestwo groups,
of of MichiganMuseum of Zoology, and finan-
the endemic alfredi group in Mexico and cialsupport from The University of Nebraska
Guatemala and the fitzingeri group, which is Research Council.
distributed nearly as widely as are mainland I owe a major debt to several colleagues

Eleutherodactylus (Mexico to Bolivia and for serving as sources of stimulation and criti-
eastern Brasil), as well as South American cism; special thanks are extended to William
groups in lower Central America (hiporcatus E. Duellman, Linda Trueb, and Charles F.
and unistrigatus groups; Lynch, 1976). Some Walker. I defer to identify the many others
eleutherodactyline frogs certainly invaded to avoid failing to recall some.

RESUMEN servada en algunos grupos. Sin embargo, los

anfibios estan pobremente representados en
Las selvas tropicales de tierras bajas (plu- algunos de los refugios propuestos. Esta baja
viselvas, bajo1000 m) de Sud America con- representation puede reflejar profundas difer-
forman cuatro unidades 1) — Las selvas encias entre selvas separadas por una esta-
transandinas (Choco, Nechi, y Magdalena); cionalidad en el regimen pluvial. A diferen-
2) Las selvas cisandinas centrales (Amazonia cia de los amniotas o vertebrados acuaticos,
o Hylaea); 3) Las selvas nortinas (Santa la mayoria de de ser ter-
los anfibios tratan
Marta, Cuenca de Maracaibo, y la costa de restrial mecanismos adecuados
sin tener los
Venezuela ) y 4 ) Las selvas atlanticas ( Este
; para conservar agua. La falta de estos me-
y sudeste del Brasil). Estas cuatro regiones canismos se hace mas notoria en las estrate-
forestales contienen 530 especies de anfibios gias reproductivas de los anfibios.

pertenecientes a 13 familias (una de salaman- La alta densidad de especies (y endemis-

dras, tresde cecilios, y nueve de anuros). mo) de los anfibios se correlaciona bien con
El endemismo es pronunciado; solo 26 las areas de una alta y bien distribuida lluvia,
especies (4.9%) son compartidas por dos o sin estacionalidad. En regiones forestales,
mas regiones. Las selvas nortinas son las mas tales lluvias proveen con una serie de micro-
pobres en especies (39) y las menos distintas habitats de elevada humedad y de larga dura-
(56% de endemismo). Las selvas atlanticas tion, ambas caracteristicas necesarias para las
contienen 183 especies (92% de endemismo), mas fragiles modalidades reproductivas pre-
las selvas centrales 225 (90% de endemismo), sentes en los anfibios ( desarrollo directo, hue-
y las selvas transandinas 126 (88% de ende- vos y larvas terrestres). Tales ambientes no
mismo). reducen necesariamente el exito de los mas
Las ranas hylidas son dominantes en las comunes modos reproductivos como son los
cuatro regiones selvaticas (atlantica, 38%, cis- huevos y larvas desarrollandose en agua.
andina central 37%, nortina 26%, y transandina La importancia de la modalidad reproduc-
25%). Los leptodactylidos de las selvas cen- tiva en sentido de proveer restricciones o
trales, nortinas, y transandinas son especial- aumentos de la capacidad de dispersion de
mente eleutherodactylinos y leptodactylinos los anfibios selvaticos esta demonstrada por
mientras que los de las selvas adanticas son la observation de que una mayor proporcion
primariamente elosiinos, grypiscinos, lepto- de especies con modo 1 y modo 5 son no-
dactylinos, y odontophryninos. Ranas den- endemicas que lo que pudiera predecirse y
drobatidas son componentes prominentes de que una menor proporcion de especies con
las selvas centrales, nortinas, y transandinas modo 6 y modo 8 son no-endemicas que lo
pero estan sustancialmente ausentes en las que pudiera predecirse si la ausencia de
selvas atlanticas. endemismo y el modo reproductivo no estu-
Cuatro areas de un marcado endemismo viasen relacionados. Si la sensibilidad a la
se —
reconocen 1) Choco sudamericano, 2) la estacionalidad de las lluvias es un indice
cuenca del Amazonas superior (drenajes del apropriado de fidelidad forestal, entones
Napo-Ucayali ) 3) las Guayanas, y 4) la costa
aquellos grupos que poseen los modos repro-
brasileira (area de Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paulo). ductivos mas sensibles adquieren importancia
Un cuarenta y cuatro por ciento (233) de para la inferencia de eventos climaticos y
todas las especies forestales de la fauna an- biogeograficos del pasado; estos incluyen a
fibia sudamericana estan restringidas a estas las salamandras bolitoglossinas, y ranas den-
cuatro regiones. drobatidads y eleutherodactylinas.
Varios grupos de anfibios presentan un Las areas de tierra altas han tenido solo
modelo congruente con la
distribucional un limitado papel en el origen y dispersion
teoria de refugios forestales de Haffer. Tal de de selvas tropicales de tierras
los anfibios
modelo consistente en oleadas de avance y bajas. Las alturas del sudeste brasileno pare-
retroceso de las selvas, puede ser utilizado cer haber servido como un islote de paso a
para explicar la alta densidad de especies ob- la radiation de leptodactylidos fuera de la

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Appendlx 8:1. —Amphibians of the Trans-Andean Forests.
Nonendemic taxa (i.e., found inone or more other tropical lowland forests) are noted by an asterisk and letters
denoting the lowland forests (T = Trans- Andean, N = Northern, C = Central Cis-Andean, A = Atlantic).
Salamanders Barchyolos pulcher Dendrobates truncatus
° NC
Oedipina complex Leptodactylus bolivianus Dendrobates viridis
Oedipina parvipes Leptodactylus melanonotus Phyllobates anihonyi
Bolitoglossa biseriata Leptodactylus pentadactylus Phyllobates aurotaenia
"" bicolor
Bolitoglossa chica Leptodactylus poccilochilus Phyllobates
Bolitoglossa medemi Leptodactylus ventrimaculatus Phyllobates boulengeri
Bolitoglossa phalarosoma Leptodactylus wagneri Phyllobates espinosai
Bolitoglossa silverstonei Physalaemus pustulosus Agalychnis calcarifer
Bolitoglossa sima Eleutherodactylus sp. "A" Agalychnis callidryas (expected)
Bolitoglossa taijlori ( expected ) Eleutherodactylus acliatinus Agalychnis litodryas
Eleutherodactylus anomalus Agalychnis spurrelli
Eleutherodactylus areolatus Phyllomcdusa sp.
Epicrionops marmoratus Eleutherodactylus biporcatus Phyllomedusa venusta
Epicrionops parkeri Eleutherodactylus bufoniformis Hemiphractus fasciatus
Caecilia antioquiaensis Eleutherodacttjlus caryopliyllaceus Gastrotheca angustifrons
Caecilia caribea Eleutherodactylus caprifer Gastrotheca cornuta
Caecilia guntheri Eleutherodactylus cruentus Gastrotheca nicefori
* NC
Caecilia leucocephala Eleutherodactylus diastema Hyla boons
Caecilia nigricans Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri Hyla boulengeri
Caecilia perdita Eleutherodactylus gaigeae Hyla ebraccata
Caecilia subnigricans "" Eleutherodactylus gularis Hyla gryllata
Caecilia tentaculata ° c Eleutherodactylus latidiscus Hyla miliaria
Caecilia tliompsoni Eleutherodactylus longirostris Hyla pellucens
Dennopliis parviceps Eleutherodactylus mow Hyla picturata
Oscaecilia och rocephala Eleutherodactylus ornatissimus Hyla phlebodes
Oscaecilia polyzona Eleutherodactylus raniformis Hyla quinquefasciata
Parvicaccilia nicefori Eleutherodactylus ridcns Hyla rosenbcrgi
Parvicaecilia pricei Eleutherodactylus roseus Hyla rubra
Typhlonectes natans Eleutherodactylus subsigillatus Hyla ruhracyla
Eleutherodactylus tacniatus Hyla subocularis
Eleutherodactylus walkeri Hyla sugillata
Atelopus balios Eleutherodactylus sp. "Z" Phrynohyas venulosa
Atclopus elegans Colostethus chocoensis Smilisca phacota
Atelopus glyphus Colostethus imbricolus Smilisca sila
Atelopus longibrachius Colostethus latinasus Trachyccphalus jordani
Atelopus longirostris Colostcthtis nubicola Centrolenclla flcischmanni * N0
Atelopus mindoensis Colostethus pratti Centrolenella ilex
Atelopus spurrelli Colostethus talamancae Centrolenclla ocetlifera
Bufo blombergi Dendrobates auratus Centrolenella prosoblcpon
Bufo coniferus Dendrobates fulguritus Centrolenella spinosa
Bufo huematiticus Dendrobates histrionicus Glossostoma aterrim um

Bnfo hypomelas Dcndrobatcs minutus Rclictivomer pearsei ""

Bufo marinus
0NC Dcndrobatcs occultator Rana palmipes *"' CA
Bufo typhonius

Appendix 8:2. — Amphibians of the Central Cis-Andean Lowland Forests.

Salamanders Eleuthcrodactylus gutturalis Hyla cruentomma

Eleuthcrodactylus inguinalis Hyla dentci
Bolitoglossa altamazonica OA
Bolitoglossa equatoriana Eleuthcrodactylus lacrimosus Hyla egleri

Bolitoglossa peruviana Eleuthcrodactylus lanthanites Hyla epacrorhina

Eleuthcrodactylus malkini Hyla fasciata
Caecilians Eleuthcrodactylus marmoratus Hyla favosa
Epicrinops nigrus Eleuthcrodactylus martiae Hyla fuentei
Rhinatrema bicolor Eleuthcrodactylus nigrovittatus Hyla funerea
Brasilotyphlus braziliensis Eleuthcrodactylus ockendeni Hyla garbei
Caccilia hokcnnanni Eleuthcrodactylus orphnolaimus Hyla geographica
Caecilia disossea Eleuthcrodactylus paululus Hyla goinorum
Caecilia dunni Eleuthcrodactylus pcruvianus Hyla grandisonac
Caecilia gracilis Eleuthcrodactylus platydactylus Hyla granosa
Caecilia pressula Eleutherodactylus pseudoacuminatus Hyla haraldschultzi
0T Hyla helenae
Caccilia tentaculata Eleuthcrodactylus quaquaversus
Microcaecilia albiceps Eleutherodactylus sulcatus Hyla hypselops
Microcaecilia rabei Eleutherodactylus t rachyblcpharis Hyla imitator
Microcaecilia unicolor Eleutherodactylus variabilis Hyla inframaculata
Oscaecilia bassleri Eleuthcrodactylus vcntrimarmoratus Hyla lanciformis
Oscaecilia zweifcli Eleutherodactylus vilarsi Hyla leucophyllata
Hyla luteocellata
Siphonops annulatus Eleutherodactylus zeuctotylus
Ncctocaccilia ladigesi Euparkerclla myrmecoides Hyla marmorata
Nectocaecilia petersi Ischnocnema quixensis Hyla minima
Potornotyphlus haupii Colostethus beebei Hyla minuta ° A
Typhlonectes compressicaudus Colostcthus brunneus Hyla multifasciata
Colostethus Hyla ornatissima
Typhlonectes obesus degranvillei
Colostcthus fuliginosus Hyla parviceps
Anurans Colostethus intermedins Hyla proboscidca
Pipa aspers Colostethus marchcsiamis Hyla punctata
Pipa arrabali Colostethus sauli Hyla rhodopcpla
Pipa snethlageae Dendrobates azureus Hyla riveroi
Pipa pipa Dcndrobatcs galactonotus Hyla rossalleni
Atelopus franciscus Dendrobates leucomelas Hyla roeschmanni
Atelopus flavescens Dendrobates quinquevittatus Hyla rubra
Atelopus palmatus Dendrobates steyermarki Hyla sarayacuensis
Atelopus pulcher Dendrobates iinctorius Hyla schubarti
Bufo ccratophrys Phyllobatcs bassleri Hyla scnicula
Bufo dapsilis Phyllobatcs bolivianus Hyla steinbachi
Bufo glaberrimus Phyllobatcs femoralis Hyla surinamensis
Bufo guttatus Phyllobatcs ingeri Hyla tintinnabulum
Bufo manicorensis Phyllobatcs parvulus Hyla triangulum
Bufo marinus Phxjllobatcs pictus Hyla tuberculosa
Bufo typhonius Phyllobatcs pulchritectus Nyctimantis rugiceps
Dcndrophryniscus minutus Phyllobatcs petersi Osteocephalus buckleyi
Rhamphopluyne festae Phyllobatcs smaragdinus Osteoccphalus leprieurii
Ceratoplirys cornuta Phyllobatcs trivittatus Osteocephalus taurinus
Adenomera andreae Phyllobatcszaparo Osteocephalus pearsoni
Adenomera hylaedactyla'^A. Agalychnis craspedopus Osteocephalus verrucigerus
Adenomera martinezi Phyllomedusa bicolor Phrynohyas coriacea
° T VV

Edalorhina perezi Phyllomedusa buckleyi Phrynohyas vcnulosa

Hydrolaetare schmidti Phyllonwdusa palliata Phyllodytes auratus
Leptodactylus sp. "A" Phyllomedusa tarsius Sphaenorhynchus carneus
* TN
Leptodactylus bolivianus Phyllomedusa tomopterna Sphaenorhynchus dorisae
Leptodactylus dantasi Phyllomedusa trinitatus Sphaenorhynchus curhostos
Leptodactylus kxmdseni Phyllomedusa vaillunti Centrolenella fleischmanni
Leptodactylus longirostris Hemiphractus bubalus Centrolenella geijskesi
Leptodactylus pentadactylus llcmiphractus johnsoni Centrolenella medemi

Leptodactylus rhodomystax Hcmiphractus proboscidcus Centrolenella midas

Leptodactylus rhodostigma Hemiph ractus scutatus Ccntrolenella munozorum
Leptodactylus rugosus Flcctonotus fitzgcraldi Centrolenella oyampiensis
Leptodactylus stenodema Gastrotheca longipes Centrolenella pulidoi
Leptodactylus vilarsi Gastrotheca testudinca Centrolenella ritae
Leptodactylus wagneri Stefania evansi Centrolenella taylori
Litlwdytes lineatus Sfefauia goini Chiasmocleis anatipes
Physalaemus pctersi Stefania marahuaquensis Chiasmocleis bassleri
Vanzolinus discodactylus Allophrync ruthveni Chiasmocleis h udsoni
Disch idodactylus duidensis Aparasphcnodon vcnezolana Chiasmocleis sh udikarensis
Elcuthcrodactyhis acuminatus Hyla alhoguttata Chiasmocleis vcntrimaculata
* NA
Elcuthcrodactyhis altamazonicus Hyla alhomarginata Ctenophrync gayi
Elcuthcrodactyhis carvalhoi Hyla haumgardneri Hamptophrync boliviano
Elcuthcrodactyhis chiastonotus Hyla henitczi Otophrync robust a
Elcuthcrodactyhis conspicillatus Hyla hifurca Syncope antenori
Elcuthcrodactyhis croccoinguinis Hyla hocscmani Syncope carvalhoi
Elcuthcrodactyhis diadematus Hyla hokennauni Synapturanus mirandaribciroi
0T N '

Elcuthcrodactyhis fencstratus Hyla boons Synapturanus rabus

Elcuthcrodactyhis granulosus Hyla brevifrons Synapturanus salscri
Hyla calcarata Rana palmipes ° TNA

Appendix 8:3. —Amphibians of the Northern Forests ( Santa Marta, M

aracaibo Basin, Falcon District, Coastal
Range, and Bases of Merida Andes )•
Caecilians °T
Leptodactylus poecilochilus Flcctonotus pygmaeus
° TCA ° CA
Caccilia flavopunctata Leptodactylus wagneri Hyla alhomarginata
Caecilia subnigricans ° Physalaemus pustulosus Hyla alemani
Nectocaccilia haydee Elcuthcrodactyhis bicumulus Hyla battcrsbyi
° TC
Typhlonectes venezuclense Elcuthcrodactyhis maussi Hyla boons
Elcuthcrodactyhis rozei Hyla luteocellata
Anurans TCA
Elcuthcrodactyhis tcrracbolivaris Hyla rubra f
Atetopus cruciger Colostcthus dunni Phrynohyas vcnulosa
° T0
Bufo marinus Colostethus hermani Centrolenella antisthenesi
Bufo stcrnosignatus Colostcthus rivcroi Centrolenella flcischmanni
Bufo typhonius Colostethus sp. Centrolenella orient alis
Ceratophrys calcarata Ph yllomedusa medinae Centrolenella orocostalis
Adenomera hylacdactyla° CA Phyllomedusa trinitatus
Relictivomer pearsci
Leptodactylus bolivianus Gastrotheca williamsoni Rana palmipes

Appendix 8:4. —Amphibia of Atlantic Forests.

Caecilians Cycloramphus elcuthcrodactyhis Hyla cuspidata

Mimosiphonops vermiculatus Cycloramphus fulginosus Hyla cymbalum
Oscaecilia h ypereu m eces Cycloramphus granulosus Hyla duartci
°c Hyla
Siphonops annulatus Cycloramphus neglcctus egleri

Siphonops confusionis Cycloramphus ohausi Hyla faber

Siphonops hardyi Scythrophrys sawayae Hyla fiavoguttata
Siphonops insulanus Zachaenus parvulus Hyla fuscomarginata
S iph onops Icucoderus Zachaenus sanctaccatharinac Hyla geographica
Siphonops paulcnsis Proceratophrys appendiculatus Hyla hayii
Proceratophrys boici Hyla humilis
Chthoncrpcton bracstrapi
Proccratoph rys cristiceps Hyla langci
Anurans "
Proceratophrys fryi Hyla leucophyllata
Hcmipipa carvalhoi Macrogenioglottus alipioi Hyla limai

Brachycephahis ephippium Elcuthcrodactyhis bilincatus Hyla marginata

Psyllophrync didactyla Elciithcrodactylus binotatus Hyla microps
Atclopus pernambucensis Elcuthcrodactyhis gualtcri Hyla minuta "'
Dcndrophryniscus brcvipollicat us Elcuthcrodactyhis gucuthcri Hyla nuhdcrvri
Elcuthcrodactyhis hensclii Hyla oliverrai
Dcndrophryniscus leucomystax
Rhamphophryne proboscideus Elcuthcrodactyhis hoehnei Hyla pachychrus
Bufo crucifcr Elcuthcrodactyhis nasutus Hyla prasina
Bufo ictericus Elcuthcrodactyhis octavioi Hyla rizibilis

" TNC ° TNr

Bufo typhonius Eleutherodactylus paulodutrai Hyla rubra
Bufo ocellatus Eleutherodactylus parvus Hyla secedem
Ceratophrys aurita Eleutherodactylus ramagii Hyla scnicula
Crossodactylus aeneus Eleutherodactylus venancioi Hyla strigilata
Crossodactylus dispar Eleutherodactylus vinhai Ostcoccphalus langsdorffii
Crossodactylus gaudichaudii Euparkcrella hrasiliensis Phyllodytes acuminatus
Crossodactylus grandis Ischnocnema verrucosa Phyllodytes lutcolus
Crossodactylus schmidti Colosteth us alagoanus Phrynohyas imitatrix
Crossodactylus trachystoma Colostcthus capixaba Phrynohyas mesophaea
Hylodcs aspera Colostcthus carioca Phrynohyas venulosa
Hylodes glabrus Colosteth us olfersioides Sphacnorhynchus bromclicola
Hylodcs latcristrigatus Phyllobates pictus Sphacnorhynchus orophilus
Hylodcs magalhaesi Phyllomedusa aspera Sphacnorhynchus palustris
Hylodcs nicrtcnsi Phyllomcdusa aycaye Sphaenorhynchus pauloalvini
Hylodcs meridionalis Phyllomedusa bahiana Sphacnorhynchus planicola
Hylodcs nasus Phyllomedusa centralis Sphacnorhynchus prasinus
Hylodcs ornata Phyllomcdusa distincta Sphacnorhynchus surdus
Hylodcs pcrplicatus Phyllomcdusa fimbriata Trachycephalus altlas
Megaclosia gocldi Phyllomcdusa guttata Trachycephalus nigromaculatus
Adenomcra bokermanni Phyllomedusa marginata Centrolcnclla albotunica
Adenomcra hylaedactyla° KC Phyllomcdusa rohdei Centrolcnella bokermanni
Adcnomcra marmorata Flectonotus fissilis Centrolcnclla divaricans
Leptodactylus mystaceus Fritziana gocldii Centrolcnclla dubia
Lcptodactylus mystacinus Fritiziana ohausi Centrolcnclla curygnatha
Leptodactylus sp. "N" Gastrotheca ernestoi Centrolcnclla lutzorum
01 Gastrotheca Centrolcnella
Lcptodactylus pentadactylus fissipes parvula
Leptodactylus troglodytes Gastrotheca microdisca Centrolcnclla pctropolitana
* TN0 Gastrotheca viridis Centrolcnclla surda
Leptodactylus wagneri
Physalacmus maculiventris Aparasphcnodon brunoi Centrolcnella uranoscopa
Physalaemus moreirae Hyla albicans Centrolcnella vanzolinii
Physalacmus nanus Hijla albofrcnata Arcovomer passarellii
Physalacmus olfersi Hyla albolincata Dasypops schirchi
eNC Chiasmoclcis
Physalacm us signiferus Hyla albomarginata albopunctata
Thoropa miliaris Hyla albosignata Chiasmoclcis bicegoi
Thoropa lutzi Hyla astartca Chiasmoclcis centralis

Thoropa pctropolitana Hyla aurata Chiasmoclcis schubarti

Crossodactylodcs pintoi Hyla ariadne Chiasmoclcis urbanae
Cycloramphus asper Hyla argyreornata Myersiclla microps
Cycloramphus boulengeri Hyla catharinae Hyophryne histrio

Cycloramph us diringshoefensi Hyla claresignata Stcreocyclops incrassatus

Cycloramphus dubuis Hyla crospedospila Rana palmipes
9. Origin and Distribution of Reptiles in Lowland Tropical
Rainforests of South America

James R. Dixon
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Texas AirM University
College Station, Texas 77843

The task of summarizing the distribution, Dixon and Soini, 1975, 1977; Rand and
natural history and evolution of approximate- Humphrey, 1968) have investigated these
ly half of the known species of reptiles of topics.
South America is a nearly futile exercise be- Vanzolini (
1967 ) discussed the problems
cause the taxonomy and distribution of many of application of ecological principles to the

important groups are poorly known. Never- Amazonian biota without having a firm under-
theless, there are some redeeming values in standing of the taxonomy and evolution of
any exercise —
in this case, a summary of the its constituent groups. Only through detailed

state of our knowledge of the distribution and taxonomic studies of various lowland tropical
ecology of the South American reptilian rainforest genera and species of reptiles (Uz-
fauna. zell, 1966; Oliver, 1948; Duellman, 1958; My-
As a matter of convenience throughout ers, 1974; Savage, 1960; Kluge, 1969; Peters,
this paper, I refer to rainforest reptiles, rather 1960; Gans, 1971; Dixon, 1973, 1974a,b; Roze,
than "tropical lowland rainforest reptiles." 1967; Ruibal, 1952) and geographic and/ or
Rainforest reptiles include those genera and ecological information ( Rand and Humphrey,
species that occur below 1000 elevationm 1968; Crump, 1971; Reebe, 1944a-c, 1945;
and within the environs of rainforest (i.e., Vanzolini, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1976; Vanzolini
yearly temperature varying between 23° and and Williams, 1970; Test, et al., 1966; Duell-
28°C; more or less continuous rainfall be- man, 1978) will the reptilian rainforest fauna
tween 150 and 600 cm annually). In the con- ever be fully understood.
text of this paper, any reptile that occurs The following information obtained for
within the conditions mentioned above quali- forest associations and their included reptile
fies as a rainforest species, although it may is only a rough estimate and, without
not be one ecologically. There are about 14 doubt, will be subject to much future revision.
genera of savanna relicts within the confines We are raising questions that cannot be
of the rainforest environment, an additional answered firmly without further studies on
22 genera are aquatic, and about 30 genera fossil histories, taxonomy, and ecology of par-
are fossorial (Table 9:1). Several genera are ticular reptile groups. Time is short, for the
wide ranging, occupying many vegetation being altered by man
rainforests are rapidly
zones, including rainforests. Therefore, the (Richards, 1973), and data concerning the
task of assigning a genus and/ or its attendant reptile fauna soon may be impossible to
species as rainforest endemics, frequently is obtain.
difficult without some basic knowledge of Without detailed natural history observa-
their ecology. tions on the majority of the species, little can
There is a limited understanding of the be accomplished concerning the relationships
evolution and distribution of rainforest rep- among rainforest reptiles. For example, the
tiles in South America because only a few
taxonomy and distribution of Anolis is so
individuals (Vanzolini, 1972, 1974, 1976; Van- poorly known (Williams, 1976) that the large
zoliniand Reboucas-Spieker, 1973; Duellman, number of described South American taxa
1978; Fitch, 1970; Myers, 1974; Crump, 1971; (80) is enough to confuse and mask the rela-


Table 9:1. —
Reptilian Genera that Contain: A) Species that Are Savanna Relicts; B) Species that Are
Aquatic or Semi-aquatic; C) Species that Are Semi-fossorial within Lowland Rainforest Situations.

Amciva Drymarchon Leptodeira Phimophis

Anolis Gymnophthalmus Mabuya Trctioscincus
Cnemidophorus Iguana Mastigodryas Tropidurus
Crotalus Kcntropyx Pscudoboa Tnpinainbis

Caiman Dracaena Kinostemon Podocncmis

Chelus Eunectes Melanosuchus Pscudocryx
Chdydra Hclicops Neusticurus Rliittoclemys
Chrysemys Hydromedusa Palcosuchus Trctanorhinus
Crocodihuus Hydrops Ph rynops
Crocodylus Hydrodynastes Plat any s

Amphisbaena Diaphorolcpis Mesobaena Stenorrhina

Anilius Elapomorphus Micrurus Synophis
Anomalepis Emmochliophis Ninia Taniilla
Apostolepis Enulius Notliopsis Typldophis
Atractus Gcophis Opliiodes Typhlops
Aulura Leposternon Rhadinaea
Bachia Lcptotyphlops Saphcnophis
Bronia Liotyphlops Sordellina

tionships of other forest genera in any zoo- HISTORY OF THE TROPICAL

geographical analyses. I estimated that there RAINFORESTS AND THEIR REPTILIAN
are 31+ species of anoles within the limits INHABITANTS
of the Chocoan rainforest (based upon all
literature available, other than Williams, The Geological Evidence
1976). Williams' (1976) list of species groups
reduces my list of Chocoan anoles to IS spe-
There are many congruent facts that imply
that the major uplift of the Andes occurred
cies, while the number of species in the
in the Late Cenozoic, thus beginning the for-
Amazon and Atlantic forests remain about
the same 17(14) and 5(5), respectively. The mation of the modern Amazon Basin. The
geologic evidence of Harrington (1962), Loh-
disparity in the number of anole species rec-
mann (1970), James (1971), Jenks (1956),
ognized in the Chocoan forest represents a
1 percent error when comparing forest reptile
Haffer (1974), Berry (1938), Herrero-Du-
cloxc (1963), Rutland, et al. (1965) suggests
species, 3 percent comparing only lizards, 9
that the older formations of the eastern
percent comparing arboreal lizards, and 33
basins were formed by the Andean uplift.
percent comparing species of Anolis.
Harrington ( 1962 ) suggested that part of the
Frequently a common and speciose genus basin was covered by as much as 700 of m
of reptiles is also poorly understood (e.g.,
Tertiary deposits. The basins in eastern Peru
Anolis, Gonatodes, Amphisbaena, Atractus,
and Ecuador accumulated fluvial sediments
Bothrops, Oxyrhopus, Micrurus, Liophis, Lei-
throughout much of the Tertiary and consist
madophis) However, some students of South

of both freshwater and brackish deposits.

American herpetology (e.g., Gans, 1962; Wil-
Several marine ingressions from the Pacific
liams, 1976; Thomas, 1976; Wiest, in prep.;
Ocean occurred through the middle of the
Peters, I960; Savage, 1960; Roze, 1966; Van-
Oligocene, followed by the union of the Ecua-
zolini, 1951, 1957, 1967; Vanzolini and Valen- dorian and Peruvian Andes (at the Huan-
cia, 1965; Oftedal, 1974) are making progress cabamba Deflection), closing the last portal
in systematic revisions of lowland rainforest
through the Andes to the Pacific ( Harrington,
reptile genera and species that eventually 1962). Occasional marine ingressions of the
will lead to an improved understanding of Atlantic Ocean into the slowly rising Amazon
the distribution of rainforest reptile species. Basin, via the portal between the Guiana and

Rrasilian shields, the Orinoco (Llanos) Basin rainforests were continuous geographically
of Venezuela, or the Parana Basin of Para- throughout much of the Early and Middle
guay, is indicated by the presence of brack- Cenozoic, subjected to disruption during the
ish and saltwater fossil deposits found in Miocene and Pliocene orogenies (Emiliani,
eastern Peru and Ecuador (Haffer, 1974). 1956; Dorf, 1959; Tanner, 1968), and severely
It has been suggested that during the Late restricted to relatively small refugia by wind,
Cenozoic the upper Amazon Basin was a temperature, and rainfall patterns during and
huge inland sea, in which sediments were following the Pleistocene (Flint, 1971; Sioli,
constantly being deposited through torrential 1975; Simpson, 1975; Raven and Axelrod,
rains upon the Andes. These runoffs created 1975; Emiliani, 1972; Haffer, 1974; Vuilleu-
vast flood plains that were crossed by numer- mier, 1971; Damuth and Fairbridge, 1970).
ous meandering streams that now form the Most modern reptilian genera with wide
major river systems of the Amazon Basin. distributions that also occur in rainforests
lack fossil records in South America (Amphis-
Although the narrow straits between the
Guiana and Brasilian shields may have been baena, Ameiva, Iguana, Mabuya, Clelia, Epi-
blocked at times (with subsequent flow crates,Erythrolamprus, Lachesis, Leptodeira,
through the Orinoco or Parana basins) an Leptophis, Mastigodryas, Spilotes, Tantilla,
almost continuous connection with the At- Tripanurgos) However, their current distri-

lantic Ocean seems likely. Haffer's (1974) butions imply that they may have evolved
review of other studies indicates that Marajo concurrently with those widespread genera
Island, at the mouth of the Amazon, is under- with recorded fossil histories in the Miocene
lain by over 4000 m of fossiliferous marine and Pliocene (Dracaena, Tupinambis, Teius,
and brackish, Cretaceous and Tertiary sedi- Diplolaemus and Crotalus). Some of these
ments. The evidence suggests that continen- genera are also xeric adapted; thus, it is im-
tal fluvial sediments were transported both possible to postulate their origins without
from east and west to the sub-Andean basin fossils or other evolutionary evidence. Estes
of the upper Amazon. Permanent, easterly and Price (1973) identified Pristiguana from
directed flow of sediments probably followed theUpper Cretaceous in Brasil as the earliest
the final major uplift of the Andes in late known iguanid and suggested a Gondwanan
Pliocene and early Pleistocene. origin of the family based on morphological,
Raven and Axelrod (1975) showed that paleontological, and zoogeographical consid-
the angiosperm flora of South America had
a definite relationship to Africa through the
Eocene, but as the plates ( continents ) drifted The Fossil Evidence
apart, each continent developed a unique The fossil history of rainforest reptiles is
flora. The process was enhanced
by the Mio- relatively good for those groups with large
cene orogenies in eastern Africa and western
skeletal features (e.g., turtles and crocodil-
South America, changes in wind and tempera-
ians) but extremely poor for amphisbaenians,
ture patterns associated with those orogenies,
lizards, and snakes. The fossil record of am-
and the influence of angiosperms from tropi-
phibians and reptiles in South America has
cal Asia thatimmigrated to the approaching been documented by Baez and Gasparini
African continent via sweepstakes dispersal.
(this volume). Only a few comments espe-
Much of the diversity of the tropical flora of
cially pertinent to rainforest groups are in-
Africa was diminished by the orogenies of the
cluded here.
eastern plateau of Africa and associated wind,
The presence of relatively modern gavials
temperature, and hydrologic pattern shifts,
(Langston, 1965) in the Rio Magdalena of
but South America apparently maintained
Colombia during the upper Oligocene and in
several centers of floral refugia (Haffer, 1974; the Pliocene in Argentina suggests that the
Vanzolini,1973; Midler, 1973; Vuilleumier, lowland tropical vegetation was extensive
1971) and thus retained a greater diversity throughout much of South America for long
of angiosperms. Historically, it seems that the periods of time. This is further enhanced by

the probable replacement of gavials as pisciv- pendemys, Trionyx and possibly Taphros-
orous carnivores by longirostrine crocodiles, phys) and fourteen genera of crocodilians
first in northern South America and later in (Gavialis, Sebecus, Charactosuchus, Rham-
the south. Langston (1965) suggested that phostomopsis, Nettosuchus, Eocaiman, Bra-
were more adaptive
longirostrine crocodiles chygnathosuchus, Gryposuchus, Proalligator,
and were probably replacing the gavials ( tak- Leptorrhamphus, Purassaunis, Ilchunaia, No-
ing over the fish-eating niche) throughout the tocaiman, Necrosuchus) The majority of the

Cenozoic Era. Langston pointed out that the species of those genera that survived the
significance of the record is that longirostrine climatic,edaphic, and hydrologic shifts of
crocodiles were assuming this role, not alli- Miocene/ Pliocene eras (Paleosuchus, Mela-
gatorids. However, the fossil record indicates nosuchus, Caiman, Crocodyhis, Podocnemis,
that the alligatorids were evolving at the Chelus, Phrynops, Kinosternon, Rhinoclem-
same time that longirostrine crocodiles pre- mys, Chrysemys, Geochelone) are those that
sumably were competing with gavials. Cli- exist today in Neotropical rainforests (Wood,
matic changes brought about by Mio-PIiocene 1976; Wood and Gamero, 1971; Wood and
orogenies may have severely limited the habi- Patterson, Romer, 1956; Auffenberg,
tatand tolerances of longirostrine crocodiles 1974; Langston, 1965; Medina, 1976).
and they in turn, were competively excluded The presence of the lizard genera Dra-
by alligatorids. The presence of modern caena, Tupinambis, and cf. Polychrus (Estes,
crocodiles occupying parapatric geographic 1961) in the Miocene deposits of the upper
ranges in South America suggests that they Rio Magdalena of Colombia strongly suggests
(C. acutus, C. intermedins) are relicts of that many contemporary lizard genera were
some ancient stock or populations that were widespread rainforest occupants. Although
excluded in earlier competition, were (or few fossil South American lizard and snake
became) salt tolerant, survived in island re- genera are currently known, many modern
fugia, and are recent invaders. Cis-Andean and Trans-Andean genera were
The fossil history of South American tur- probably well differentiated prior to the
tles is even more confusing, perhaps owing orogeny of the Andes (Estes, 1961).
to the conservative nature of the morphologies Although we have little evidence that
of the groups and the widespread distribution tropical environments have remained, in part,
of the pleurodires in South America and the from the Mesozoic to modern times, the fossil
rest of the world. Many early fossils of pleu- evidence of tropical reptiles in South America
rodires were misidentified and, only recently, suggests persistent tropical environments in
have workers (Auffenberg, 1974; Wood, 1972, most areas of South America prior to the up-
1976; Wood and Gamero, 1971) attempted to lift of the Andes (Harrington, 1962).
unravel the myriad of names assigned to fos-
sils discovered in the past two centuries. The Historical Relationships of Currently
presence of Podocnemis and Chelus in the Disjunct Rainforests
Pliocene in Estado Falcon, Venezuela, Chelus
The distribution of rainforest reptiles is
in the Miocene in the upper Rio Magdalena
dependent ultimately upon the history of en-
Valley, Colombia, Podocnemis in the Late vironmental factors that have affected the
Cretaceous in Brasil and in the Eocene/ Plio-
habitat and the reptilian gene pool. The
cene in Peru, suggests that turtles and croco-
increased vagility of one group compared
dilians were occupying similar habitats dur-
with another, the inherent, fixed attributes of
ing comparable periods of their evolution in
a particular species versus those with highly
South America.
variable attributes, the physical and ecolog-
The orogenies of the late Miocene and ical barriers between different and/or equal
throughout much of the Pliocene disrupted habitat areas through time, and diffuse com-
the general distributions of many turtle and
petition from other organisms within the
crocodile species and apparently caused the niche all and/or
hypervolume play major
demise of four genera of turtles in South minor roles in formulating the distribution of
America (Schwoeboemys, Parahijdraspis, Stu- various groups of reptiles.

The relationship of the herpetofauna of local environmental conditions were appropri-

the Chocoan Forest with those of other north- ate after the closure of the Panamanian Portal.
ern forests and the Amazon Forest is best The presentreptilian fauna of the Cho-
understood by examining a series of geolog- coan forest seems to be influenced more by
ical events. Based upon present day distribu- a Central American faunal element than by
tion of rainforest reptiles,suggest that there
I an Amazonian one. Perhaps this results from
was a more or less continuous connection be- the proximity of, and continuous connection
tween rainforests prior to the major orogeny to, the Central American faunal element after
of the Andes. Simpson (1975) summarized closure of the Panamanian Portal (Table 9:2).
several papers on the geology of the Andes This also suggests that there has been a longer
that suggested the orogeny of the Andes period of faunal interchange between the
maintained several centers of activity Chocoan Forest and Central American rain-
throughout the Cenozoic, with the Venezue- forests than between those of Amazonia and
lan Andes rising in the Paleocene, the Colom- the Choco, especially following the orogeny
bian and Ecuadorian Andes in middle Eo- of the Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes.
cene, followed by later Tertiary erosion. The This is not to deny that the Chocoan rain-
Huancabama Deflection remained open until forest probably was isolated from the Central
the upper Pliocene, when the Cordillera of American and Amazonian rainforests (espe-
Peru and Chile was uplifted further. The cially from the latter beginning in at least
Andean orogeny proceeded from east to west mid-Pliocene) for periods of time sufficient
across the South American continent. First to develop moderate amount of endemism.
the rainforests of Venezuela were isolated Connection of the Amazonian and Atlantic
from those in Colombia. Subsequently, the rainforests seems to have occurred several
Colombian rainforests were isolated from the times. Haffer (
1974 ) Damuth and Fairbridge

Amazonian rainforests, and finally, the Cho- (1970), Vuilleumier (1971), Simpson (1975)
coan rainforests were separated from the and Raven and Axelrod (1975) have garnered
Amazonian by the closure of the
forests evidence concerning the Quaternary history,
Huancabama Based on fossil and
Deflection. especially dealing with arid/ humid
present distributions of some reptiles, there ( glacial/ interglacial) phases from the Pleisto-
are indications that a lowland rainforest cor- cene to 2500 years ago. Most data place the
ridor may have existed between the Chocoan end of the Wisconsin glaciation at 10,000 to
and Amazonian forests through the Huan- 15,000 y.b.p., with two short arid cycles 4,000
cabama Deflection during the last major in- and 2,500 y.b.p. These may have caused the
terglacial period. The fossil record reveals present hiatus between the Amazon and At-
several genera that are geologically and genet- lantic forests. Three to four glacial periods

ically older than the Andes and that occur are postulated for the Andes and most other
now, or occurred in the past, on both sides regions, and there are five terrace levels along
of the mountains. The ranges of several spe- the Rio Amazonas resulting from cyclic ero-
cies of snakes
belonging to three genera sion and aggradation (Haffer, 1974, this vol-
I assume there was at least one pre-
(Chironius, Leimadophis, Leptophis) seem to ume).
have been connected recently, probably glacial period of long duration prior to the
through the Huancabama Deflection. Pleistocene, that was followed by four inter-
The water gaps between Central Amer- glacial periods of various lengths of time after
ica and South America may have been nar- each of the four major glacral periods of the
row enough to allow some interchange of Pleistocene. Because the Amazonian forest
faunas between the two continents during the is relatively young—800,000 to 1,800,000 years
Cenozoic ( Hershkovitz, 1966; Savage, 1974). and has been affected variously by flooding
Land connections (not necessarily continu- and/ or cool arid cycles, I assume that the
ous) between those regions beginning in the five, recognized terrace levels are the result
Pliocene (Haffer, 1974) certainly allowed of preglacialand interglacial flooding. If we
faunal interchange on a larger scale. Rain- assume that each arid glacial ) phase created

forest faunas probably were exchanged when broad savanna regions and restricted the rain-

Table 9:2. —
A) North and Central American and/or Endemic Reptilian Genera that Contain Lowland Trop-
ical Rainforest Species that Reach Their Southern Distributions in the Northern and Chocoan forests (
" =
Endemic to the Choco Forest). B) South American Reptilian Genera that Contain Lowland Tropical Rain-
forest Species that Reach Their Northern Limits in the Northern and Choco forests ( f Indicates a Savanna

Anomalepis Crocodylus Lampropcltis Trachyboa'

Basiliscus Diaphorolepis'' Masticophis Tretanorhinus
Chelydra Echinosaura* Scaphiodontophis Ungaliophis
Chnjsemijs Emmochliophis* Sibon
Conioplianes Enulius Sphaerodactylus
Corythophancs Ceopliis Stenorrhina

Alopoglossus Helicops Prionodactylus Tropidophis

Amphisbaena Liophis Pseudoboa] Tropidurus\
Atractus Morunasaurus Siphlophis Tupinambis\
Enyalioides Ophryoessoides Tretioscincus^
Geochelone Phimophis\ Tripanurgos

forest to relatively small refugia (Fig. 9:1), ic variation,suggesting that a large number
the union of the restricted Atlantic and Ama- of species may have reached the Atlantic
zonian rainforests may have occurred an forest during the last Amazon-Atlantic con-

equal number of times during interglacials, nection (probably 3,000-5,000 y.b.p.).

probably along the northeastern part of Bra-

A speciation model. From Wiest's (in
sil. Paleobotanic and paleoedaphic evidence prep.) work on the colubrid snake genus
( Haffer, 1974; Damuth and Fairbridge, 1974 ) Chironius, it is feasible to postulate the num-

suggests that the "Diagonal of Open Forma- ber of times this genus extended its distribu-
tions" (Vanzolini, 1963, 1974) has been pres- tion into the Atlantic forest during interglacial
ent from Late Tertiary to present with only periods with alternate glacial periods of spe-
minor alterations. Therefore, a belt of Ama- ciation in both the Amazonian and Atlantic
zonian forest may have reached the Atlantic forests.
forestas indicated above, or via the Rio In the case of Cliironius, there seems to
Madeira-Rio Parana Drainage around the be a progressive intrusion of recently-differ-
west and south sides of the Brasilian Shield. entiated Amazonian stocks resulting from the
A filter corridor through the Brasilian Shield repeated contraction of the forest into refugia
along gallery forests also may have been pos- during at least four glacial periods. Each
sible, but these routes probably were restric- interglacial expansion of the Amazonian forest
tive. Many Amazonian reptiles have reached that reached the Atlantic forest seemed to
only the northern part of the Atlantic forest carry with it the more primitive members of
(e.g., Anolis punctatus, A. ortoni, A. fusco- each evolving gene pool. Without fossil evi-
auratus, Kcntropyx calcaratus, Bothrops bi- dence, the model is purely hypothetical, but
lineatus, Chironius carinatus, Coleodactylus Wiest ( pers. comm. ) constructed an inde-
meridionalis, Polychnis marmoratus, Tripan- pendent model, and we differ only on minor
urgos compressus, Mastigochyas boddaerti, points. If we assume that the primitive stock
Dipsas indica), thereby suggesting that the of the gene pool is peripheral to the de-
former route is the most plausible. Most veloping core and the set of characters defin-
Amazonian forest species that have reached ing the primitive conditions for Chironius are
the Atlantic forest show little or no geograph- correct, the following sequence of events

Distribucion propuesta para el Plcistoceno dc los tipos de vegetation Suramericana durante los pcriodos
de maxima glacial. D= Desicrto; GI = Hielo Glacial; GL = Pastizales; = Monte; NE = Bosque de
Nothofagus; P = Paramo (Alpino); PS = Matorral semi-desertico dc Patagonia; S = Savana; TF/S =
Matonal TM = montano; TR = Bosque tropical lluvioso; TS-E/D
dc bosque espinoso; =
Bosque tropical
Bosque tropical semi-siempreverde/detiduo. La zona punteada y con Uncus diagonal cs en la cuenca ama-
zonica puede habcr sido un bosque lu'imcdo tropical.

Fie. 9:1. Proposed Pleistocene distribution of South American vegetation types during maximum glacial periods.
D = Desert;GI = Glacial Ice; GL = Grassland; M = Monte; NF = Nothofagus Forest; P = Paramo
(Alpine); PS = Patagonian (Semi-desert Scrub); S = Savanna; TF/S = Thorn Forest/Scrub; TM = Trop-
ical montane; TR = Tropical rainforest; TS-E/D = Tropical semi-evergreen/deciduous Forest. Dashed and

diagonal lined area in Amazon Basin may have been an additional isolated tropical rainforest.

should represent the various invasions of 5. The second interglacial period allowed
Chironius stock (and possibly other reptiles) a reunion of the lowland rainforests.
into the Atlantic forest. Chironius scurrulus invaded the ex-
1. Froto-Chironius stock invaded the At- panded Atlantic forest for the first time,
lantic during a pre-Pleistocene
forest while C. multiventris and exoletus did
period when the two lowland tropical so for the second time. Chironius fo-
rainforests were connected along a veatus had developed in the Atlantic
coastal corridor, from the mouth of the forest as an ecological equivalent of
Amazon eastward and southward along C. multiventris, and the two species
the northeastern part of Brasil. formed competitive populations. Chir-
2. During the first major Pleistocene gla- onius bicarinatus did not differentiate.
cial period, the forests were discontin- Previously allopatric populations of C.
uous refugia with C. multiventris and exoletus interbred along zones of con-
C. exoletus as developing taxa in Ama- tact.
zonian refugia and C. bicarinatus in 6. The third glacial period reduced the
Atlantic refugia. Two additional spe- forests to discrete refugia. Chironius
cies, C. quadricarinatus and flavolinea- exoletus, multiventris and scurrulus re-
tus, were speciating in gallery forests mained undifferentiated populations in
within savannas (the "Cerrado-Caatin- Amazonian refugia. Chironius carina-
ga Diagonal" of Vanzolini, 1963, 1974) tus became a developing biological spe-
between the two rainforests. cies from an isolated C. exoletus stock
3. The major Pleistocene interglacial
first in the Guianan Forest Refugium. Chi-
period allowed expansion of the forest ronius bicarinatus and foveatus re-
refugia and eventual reconnection of mained relatively undifferentiated in
the Atlantic and Amazonian forests. Atlantic forest refugia, while the com-
Chironius quadricarinatus and C. fla- peting Atlantic populations of C. multi-
volineatus evolved into full, biological ventris became extinct. The semi-iso-
species and extended their
ranges lated Atlantic population of C. exoletus
within the diagonal of open formations differentiated subspecifically (C. e.
in Brasil where they have remained pyrrhopogon), and an isolated Atlantic
to the present time. In Amazonia, C. population of C. scurrulus diverged into
multiventris and exoletus had devel- C. s. laevicollis.

oped into biological species and now 7. During the third interglacial period, a
invaded the Atlantic forest, coming into reunion of the two forests allowed for
contact with C. bicarinatus, a species the reinvasion of C. exoletus, multiven-
with a different diet and probably not tris, scurrulus and an initial invasion of
a competitor. C. carinatus into the Atlantic Forest.
4. The second, major glacial period again Chironius bicarinatus and foveatus re-
reduced the forests to discrete refugia. mained intact, although the latter again
The C. exoletus stock remained in the became competitive with the invading
Atlantic refugia with some contact with C. multiventris. The once isolated pop-
C. exoletus populations in Amazonia ulations of C. exoletus-scurrulus formed
along gallery forests, while the Atlantic intergrading complexes.
population of C. multiventris became 8. The fourth glacial period reduced the
isolated and formed a vicariant bio- forests into discrete refugia once more.
logical species (C. foveatus). Chiron- Chironius exoletus, scurrulus, multi-
ius bicarinatus remained undifferenti- ventris, and carinatus remained undif-
ated in Atlantic refugia while C. multi- ferentiated in Amazonian forest refugia,
ventris did likewise in the Amazonia while an isolated population of Ama-
refugia. Chironius scurrulus developed zonian C. scurrulus developed into a
into a biological species in one of the biological species (C. fuscus). The
several Amazonian forest refuges. isolated Atlantic Forest population of

C. multiventris was again outcompeted ,«sP r,ere

Re P f '/e r
by C. foveatus and became extinct.
The Atlantic populations of C. exoletus
and scurrulus became isolated from
their Amazonian parental stock and be-
came increasingly isolated reproduc-
tively into C. pyrrhopogon and laevi-
collis, respectively. The Atlantic C.
bicarinatus remained undifferentiated,
and the Atlantic population of C. cari-
natus was restricted to small pockets of
forest along the northeastern coast of
Rrasil owing to competition with C.
bicarinatus and foveatus, and may have
become extinct there at that time.
9. The fourth interglacial period (possibly
the past 10,000 years) brings us to the
current distribution of species of Chi-
ronius in the Amazonian and Atlantic
forests. Chironius exoletus, multiven-
tris, scurrulus, carinatus, and fuscus are

sympatric and/ or parapatric in Ama-

zonia. The four species may have
first Fig. 9:2. The percentage
of the 335 genera of

briefly invaded the Atlantic forest dur- reptiles in theWestern Hemisphere that are endemic
to, or shared with, each of the two major continents
ing a connection of the two forests and the Central American corridor.
somewhere between 10,000 and 4,500
El porcentaje de los 335 generos de reptiles en el
and the latter species invaded
y.b.p., Hemisferio Occidental que son endemicos para o
for the first time. Atlantic populations compartidos con cada uno de los continentcs mayores
of C. carinatus and fuscus currently are y con el corredor centroamcricano.

undifferentiated from Amazonian popu-

lations. Atlantic populations of C. scur- us to comprehend the complex ecological
rulus have differentiated into an allo- structure of reptilian communities.Any num-
race s. laevi- berI mention is subject to immediate change,
patric, recognizable (C.
whereas Atlantic populations of
and should be accepted with a broad margin
C. exoletus are weakly differentiated for error.
into a
recognized subspecies, C. e. Of approximately 1,100 species and 203
pyrrhopogon, that intergrades with the genera of mainland South American reptiles,
nominate race over a broad zone. Chi- 550 species ( 149 genera ) occur in the rain-
ronius bicarinatus and foveatus seem to forests. This represents 73.4 percent of the
be undifferentiated and distributed total number of South American reptile gen-

throughout the Atlantic Forest. era and 49.5 percent of the species. It also
represents 44.5 percent of all genera and
17.8 percent of the species in the Western
HERPETOFAUNA Hemisphere (Fig. 9:2).
Of the 149 reptile genera, 21 (14.1%) are
shared between the Choco and the Amazon;
Faunal Similarity
17 (10.7%) between the Atlantic and the Ama-
At the rate taxonomists are describing new zon; 3 (2.7%) between the Choco and the
taxa of reptiles from the Neotropics ( 10-30 Atlantic; 38 (25.5%) among all major Neo-
species per year), it will be a long time be- tropical rainforests (Fig. 9:3, Table 9:3). Of
fore we obtain sufficient knowledge to allow the 550 species, 23 (4.3%) are shared between


Amazon ;;;!; Choco Atlantic LI Shared

Amazon SS Choco Atlantic U Shared
Percentage of reptilian genera endemic
Fig. 9:3. Fie. 9:4. Percentage of reptilian species endemic
to each of the major tropical rainforests and those to each of the major tropical rainforests and those
shared between two or more of the forests. shared between two or more of the forests.
El porcentaje de generos de reptiles endemicos El porcentaje de especies de reptiles endemicos
en cada uno de los bosques humedos tropicales en cada uno de los bosques tropicales humedos
maijores ij de aquellos comunes a dos o mas bosques. mayorcs u de aqucllas comunes a dos o mds bosques.

the Choco and the Amazon; 43 (8.0%) be- cies, 284 (51.4%) are snakes, 235 (43.0%) are
tween the Atlantic and Amazon; 1 (0.02%) lizards [includes 30 (5.5%) amphisbaenids],
between the Choco and the Atlantic; 18 24 (4.4%) turtles and 6 (1.1%) crocodilians.
(3.1%) all major Neotropical forests
among Of 95 lizard and 94 snake genera in South
(Fig. 9:4,Appendix 9:1). The smaller trans- America, 63 (66.3%) and 72 (76.6%), respec-
Andean forests (Magdalena, Sinu, Nechi, tively, occur in rainforests.
Santa Marta, Maracaibo, and coastal Vene- I agree with Burt (1958) and Udvardy
zuela) show little endemism ( tian 4%) ( 1969 )
that any formula chosen to obtain
and those closest to the Choco are essentially indices for similarities or differences between
identical in their reptile faunas to the latter. faunal elements depends upon the accuracy
Each of the more isolated of these forests of the basic data set, the relative size and/or
(Santa Marta, Maracaibo, coastal Venezuela) equivalent nature of each of the faunal areas
contains one lowland rainforest endemic spe- and elements, and the taxonomic category
cies. The coastal Venezuelan Forest shows chosen for the comparison (Fig. 9:5A).
Amazon Forest, whereas
closer affinities to the Perhaps one of the best ways to compare
the Maracaibo and Santa Marta forests con- faunal elements is to obtain subsets of data
tain a number of species that are broadly from equivalent areas within any given, major
distributed in both Central and South Amer- faunal region. The investigator thus gains an
ica (see Appendix 9:1). understanding of the variation within and be-
the 149 genera of rainforest reptiles, tween geographic subsets of data. It seems

72 (48.3%) are snakes, 63 (42.3%) are lizards obvious that an increase in the number of
[includes 5 (3.4%) amphisbaenids], 10 (6.7%) species of any particular group from a given
turtles and 4 (2.7%) crocodilians; of the spe- area will decrease the faunal similarity index

Table 9:3. —Genera Shared among the Three Major Tropical Lowland Rainforests.
Amazon/ Atlantic Amazon/Choco Amazon/Choco/Atlantic
Apostolepis Alopoglossus Ameiva Mabuya
Cercosaura Bach ia Amphisbaena Mastigodryas
Coleodactylus Boa Anolis Micrurus
Colobosaura Cnemidophorus Atractus Oxyrhopus
Eny alius Corallus Bothrops Polyclinic
Hemidactylus Dendrophidion Caiman Pscudoboa
Kentropyx Drymarchon Chironius Pscustes
Lcpostcmon Drymobius Clelia Rhadinaca
Palcosuchus Enyalioidcs Dipsas Spilotcs
Pantodactylus Gonatodes Epicrates Siphlophis
Philodryas Gymnophthalmus Erythrolamprus T ant ilia
Plirynops Imantodes Geoclielone(?) Tripanurgos
Platemys Lepidoblepharis Hclicops Tropidophis( ?)
Podocnemis Morunasaurus Iguana Tupinamhis
Thamnodynastcs Ninia Kinostemon Typhlops
Tropidurus Oxybelis Lachesis Xenodon
Tupinamhis Pliocercus Leimadophis
Xenopholis Prionodactylus Leposoma
Choco/Atlantic Ptychoglossus Lcptodcira
Diploglossus Rhinobothryum Leptophis
Liotyphlops Synophis Leptotyphlops
Lygophis Thccadactylus Liophis

(FSI) value proportionally (Fig. 9:5B). It Area and Diversity

isalso obvious that combination of different
In order to appreciate the potential biotic
groups (e.g., snakes, turtles, croco-
dilians, or any other vertebrate groups) to diversity, one must first visualize the mag-
nitude of the rainforests of South America
arrive at a FSI value tends to mask the true
(Fig. 9:7). Those forests are the largest in
relationship of each of the subsets (i.e., lizards
versus lizards). Each group (species, genus,
the world, about 4.5 million sq km 2 before
modern timber harvesting techniques were
family) has its own independent history, and
only broad intei'pretations can be made when employed (Richards, 1973), as compared to
one major group (Reptilia) of one faunal area those of Asia (approximately 2.8 million km 2 )

or Africa (about 2 million km 2 ).

is compared to that of another (Fig. 9:15c-e).

Although the Amazonian and Atlantic for- The variation in size of independent rain-
ests tend to show a closer relationship to each forests does not seem to dictate the number
other than to the Choco Forest, there are 18 of silvicolous lizards. The predictors of di-
species and 38 genera that are common to all versity are the same for each forest —
1) low-
three forests. When the common species are land tropical rainforest; 2) latitudes; 3) cli-
removed from consideration and attention is mate; 4) structural heterogeneity; and 5) de-
focused upon the probable origin of the spe- gree of trophic specialization. The only in-
cies and/or genera, a more meaningful rela- dependent variable is total land area occupied
tionship can be observed between various by the rainforests. Assuming that the pre-
South American ecophysiographic regions dictors for each species in each forest are

(Fig. 9:6). basically the same, the number of silvicolous-

South American rainforests have a high food-generalist species can be predicted for a
degree of endemism among reptiles. How- given forest (e.g., Choco, 0.24; Amazon, 4.0;
Thailand, 0.5 million km ). Thus,
ever, when one considers the land area occu- Congo, 1.8;
if lizards respond to a set of environmental
pied by rainforests in South America (40%)
and the proportion of South American rep- parameters within the constraints of the phys-
tiles that are endemic to rainforests (17%), iognomy of the forest (e.g., type of bark,
it apparent that there is high endemism
is roots, branching, diameter, height, canopy,
elsewhere in South America and/ or many epiphytes), the number of species that are
widely distributed species. habitat specialists and food generalists should

Amazon (1071 Moiopon 1341

Atlantic (77)
CenlroUmin (28)

Amazon (318)

Atlantic (150)

Atlantic (62) Choco(72)

Amazon (166)

Amazon (531
Amazon 11121

Atlantic 1141

Amazon (41)
Amazon 126)

Atlantic 1111

be relatively constant, providing that the age, recourse for quality information on faunal
evolution, and environmental conditions with- relationships (Pianka, 1974). For example,
in the forests are similar. My
knowledge of the numbers of lizards inhabiting the forest
silvicolous lizards suggests that the Choco floor of the Choco, Amazon, and Atlantic, and,
contains about 38 species, Amazon 44, Congo in parentheses, those that are true leaf litter
39, and Thailand 40. Thus, the predicted inhabitants of primary rainforest are 22(18)
similarities in numbers of species between in the Choco, 43(35) in the Amazon, and
forests, regardless of size, apparently are 19(18) in the Atlantic forest. These figures
realistic. Therefore, if we have knowledge of indicate that forest size may be important
certain evolutionary and ecological parameters for terrestrial lizards; almost twice as many
concerning the habitat and its attendant spe- species of terrestrial lizards occur in the
cies, we should be able to predict the number Amazon than in the other two forests. Among
of species that may occupy that habitat re- several possible explanations for the influence
gardless of their generic or familial status or of forest size on the number of Amazonian
size of the forest. Iguanids and teiids basi- lizards are the following. 1) Various seg-
cally fill the silvicolous-food-generalist role in ments of the Amazonian forest may have had
the Choco and Amazon forests, gekkonids and different evolutionary histories owing to cli-
chamaelionids in the Congo, and gekkonids matic alterations during the Quaternary,
and agamids in Thailand. whereas the Choco and Atlantic forests may
The constraints placed upon a terrestrial have remained as single units (Fig. 9:1).
lizard are much more difficult to discern than 2 Physical attributes of the forest floor ( sand

those of a silvicolous arboreal one. Compari- hills, lowland swamps, different soil proper-
son of arboreal, eurytrophic lizards is pos- ties,slope exposure, depth of leaf litter) may
sible between rainforests of similar latitudes, have affected speciation over time. 3) A
temperatures, and general physiognomy. longer ecotone between savanna and forest
However, comparison of terrestrial lizards is affected heterogeneity. I favor the first al-
more difficult owing to the patchiness of the ternative because the distribution of reptiles
forest floor. Adequate knowledge of the coincides with postulated Quaternary refugia
habits of the animals in question is the only (Figs. 9:8-9). Why such refugia would pro-

Fig. 9:5.(A) The three tropical lowland rainforests of South America compared for reptilian faunal similar-
ities based on genera and on species. Simpson's formula (C/N,) X 100 is used because it indicates the
percentage of common taxa in the smaller of the two faunas, regardless of the size of the larger one. How-
ever, the larger fauna must also be compared to obtain similar data in the opposite direction. The solid lines
of the triangle represent the percent of the common taxa in the larger of the two faunas (direction of arrow
is from larger to smaller fauna), whereas the inner dashed line shows percentage of common taxa in the
smaller of the two faunas (direction of arrow from smaller to larger fauna). Numbers in parentheses following
names of forests represent number of taxa within that forest. (B) A Simpson formula (C/Ni) X 100 com-
parison of species of lizards and snakes from three local rainforest sites within the Iquitos region, Peru. When
faunas of equal size are compared (number of snakes between Centra Union and Mishana), then Duellman's
(1965) modified formula (2C/Ni + N = ) X 100 is used because the resulting Faunal Resemblance Factor
compares Simpson's formula in both directions with a resultant average of the two percentages. (C, D, and
E) Simpson's Formula (C/N,) X 100 comparing various reptilian species components in the three tropical
lowland rainforests of South America.
(A) Comparacion de los tres bosques tropicales de tierra baja de Sur America, en base a similaridad de la
fauna reptiliana en cuanto a generos y especies. Se uso la formula de Simpson (C/Ni) X 100 porque indica el
porcentajc de taxones coryiunes in la mas pequena de las dos faunas, sin importar el tamano de la mayor. Sin
embargo, la fauna mayor debe de ser tambien comparada para obtener datos similares en direccion opuesta.
Las lineas solidas del tridngido representan el porecntaje de laxones comunes en la mas grande de las dos
faunas (la direccion de la flecha va de la mayor a la menor fauna), mientras que la linea quebrada interior
muestra el porcentaje de taxones comunes en la mas pequena de las dos faunas (la direccion de la flecha
va de la menor a la mayor fauna). (B) Comparacion de las especies de la lagartos y serpientes de tres locali-
dades de bosque amazonico dentro de la region de Iquitos, Peru, usando la formula de taxa (como las de
Ccntro Union y Mishana), entonces, usamos la formula modifieado por Duellman (1965) (2C/N, + N : ) X 100
porque el factor de similaridad resultante compara en dmbas direcciones con una resultante de la media de
los dos porcentajes. (C, D, and E ) Comparacion de varias especies componentes de tres bosques tropicales de
tierra baja en Sur America usando la formula de Simpson.

Fie. 9:6. Percentage contribution of nonendemic reptilian species to a particular rainforest. Number
within a circle represents approximate percent of endemism of reptilian species for a particular forest.
Contribution porcentual de especies no endemicas de reptiles a un basque tropical particular. El numero
dentro del circuit) representa el porcentaje aproximado de endemismo de especies de reptiles para un bosque
en particular.


Fie. 9:8. Generalized ranges of rainforest lizards that show restricted distributions. In addition, there
are 18 species of lizards that are distributed throughout the Amazonian forest.
Distribuciones generalizadas de saurios de bosque </nc muestran distribuciones restringidas. Hay IS espe-
cies adicionales distribuidas a lo largo del valle amazonico.

Fig. 9:9. Generalized ranges of rainforest snakes that show restricted distributions. In addition, there are
46 species of snakes that are distributed throughout the Amazon Basin.
Distribuciones generalizadas de serpientes de bosque que muestran distribuciones restringidas. Hay 46
especies adicionalcs distribiiidas a lo largo del voile amazonico.

highland region of eastern Australia exhibited Therefore my opening statement of this

a habitat-specialist-food-generalist role. How- paper is also my conclusion we desperately —
ever, he also indicated that there was greater need to solve the distributional and systematic
diversity of habitat than of food. My data problems of rainforest reptiles, knowledge
suggest the opposite in South American rain- basic to the understanding of their evolu-
forests; thus, greater diversity occurs among tionary histories.
snakes than lizards. If both snakes and lizards
assumed the role of specialists in habitat
and food strata, they collectively would prob- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ably reach species densities similar to the
930 species of birds recorded from the Ama- To
Dr. Paulo E. Vanzolini, I feel that
zon by Haffer (1974). Birds are specialists merely thanking him is an injustice for the
in resource utilization( MacArthur et al. 1962;
help he has given me.
Diamond, 1973), and the number of species Colleagues have listened to my ideas
that utilize the diverse Amazonian forests is about rainforest habitats and their attendant
much greater than those of the reptiles. Some herpetofauna, and although some did not
rainforest reptilesmay be either food or habi- agree with my ideas, I salute them, one and
tat specialists or both (e.g., species of Ura- all, for producing stimulating discussions. To
centron, Dracaena, Plica, Neusticurus, Dip- Ron Heyer, I owe a
comradeship that goes be-
sas, Typhlops), but these represent relatively yond the boundaries of time. His advice will
few species. There is also the possibility that always be welcome. I graciously thank John
organisms other than reptiles may be occupy- Wiest and Robert Thomas for hours of philo-
ing roles seemingly well-suited for that group sophical discussion about snake evolution.
(Pianka, 1969). Without and express
their abilities to listen
ideas, this paper never would have reached
fruition. To all my graduate students, current
CONCLUSIONS and past, I owe a debt of gratitude.

We are not in a knowledgable position to

answer many of the questions concerning bio- RESUMEN
geography and ecology of the reptile fauna
of the rainforests, much less have a firm En la actualidad el origen de los reptiles
understanding of the systematics of the spe- de las pluviselvas tropicalessiempreverdes
cies of many common genera. Thus, a sum- del Amazonas y Orinoco (sensu stricto
mary of facts into a compendium and then Hueck and Seibert, 1972) se ubica en la
into a conclusion merely emphasizes the high antigua Gonwana Occidental. A principio y
points, producing only a small amount of light mediados del Cenozoico se desarrollo una
or slight sound in passing. fauna selvatica sui generis en el continente
We have stirred only the surface of the Sudamericano. A finales de dicha era, la co-
water and perhaps before we reach the bot- necion con el nucleo Centroamericano tuvo
tom, the facts will be lost to timber harvest- lugar. Este hecho provoco el que la fauna
ing, vegetative monoculture, alteration of en- suramericana influenciara y fuese influenciada
vironments and death of stenotopic species. por la fauna del nucleo Centroamericano.
My paper pointedly demonstrates the absence De aproximadamente 1100 especies de
of adequate knowledge of the geological, reptiles de America del Sur, 550 (50%) se en-
paleontological and ecological evidence to cuentran dentro de los limites de la pluviselva
understand the evolutionary history of all but tropical siempreverde (entre y 1000 de m
a few rainforest reptiles. While those whose elevacion), que a su vez ocupa el 42% de la
bones are well preserved may offer some in- cobertura vegetal de America del Sur. De esas
sight into their own histories, corollaries are 500 especies, unas 300 (54%) son endemicas
inaccurate because of different histories of de la pluviselva, y el 74% de todos los generos
each independent lineage. de reptiles sudamericanos estan representados

por una o mas especies en esa formacion. Choco estan intimamente asociados a la fauna
Las pluviselvas tropicalcs siempreverdes Centroamericana, mientras que la fauna de
de America del Sur han sufrido procesos de ex- reptiles del Atlantico muestra menor ende-
pansion y contraccion durante los periodos mismo, menor numero de especies, y una
glaciales e interglaciales, del Pleistoceno, y a mayor afinidad con la de la pluviselva Ama-
menudo, se han conectado entre si mediante zonica.
corredores selvaticos de variables dimen- Mientras que la teoria de refugios selva-
siones, permitiendo asi repetidas migraciones ticos durante maximas glaciales puede ex-
de reptiles amazonicos hacia las selvas de la plicar la ocurrencia de endemismos en varios
costa Atlantica del Rrasil y en menor grado segmentos de grandes porciones selvaticas, el
hacia las selvas del Choco en Colombia. Las alto numero de formas minadoras o semi-

migraciones en sentido opuesto tambien pare- minadoras endemicas puede haber evolucion-
cen haber ocurrido, pero en menor intensidad. ado a traves de cambios edaficos y climaticos
Las selvas del Atlantico y del Amazonas han independientes de la formacion de refugios.
estado en contacto con mas frecuencia, mien- Ciertamente, lo inverso parece ocurrir hoy dia
tras que la orogenesis andina ha obstaculizado en el caso de la fauna relictual de savanas
y restringido la formacion de corredores con- aisladas dentro de la pluviselva. La ausencia
tinuos que favorecieran migraciones entre las de refugios acuaticos de importancia durante
selvas del Choco y el Amazonas. las maximas glaciales puede ser la razon de
Antes de que la orogenesis andina ocu- la existencia de pocas especies endemicas de

rriese, deben de haber existido condiciones reptiles acuaticos en el area en la actualidad.

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Appendix 9:1. —
Distribution of reptilian genera and numbers of species associated with tropical rainforests
of South America. An asterisk indicates the occurrence of a savanna relict within the forest area. A question
mark indicates possible occurrence but distributional records are too general to establish exact habitat. The
Amazonian forest reptilian fauna is divided into distributional tracts —
western Amazon (western third), Eastern
Amazon (eastern third), Middle Amazon (middle third), and Widespread Amazon (those species that range
throughout the Amazonian forest). The number in parentheses following the generic name is the number
of species associated with rainforests, although some may not be ecological associates.

Eastern Western Middle Widespread Atlantic Choco Northern

Genera Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon Forest Forest Forests
Caiman (2)
Crocodylus ( 1 )

Melanosuchus 1 —
Paleosuchus (2)
( )

Chelydra (1)
Chains (1)
Geochelone (2)
Hydromcdusa (2) ...

Kinosternan (3)
Phnjnops (4)
Platemys (3)
Pseudemys (1)
Podocnemis (5) —
Rhinoclemys (2)
Amphisbaena (30) .

Aulura ( 1)
Bronia ( 1 )

Leposternon (5)
Mesobaena ( 1 )

Alopoglossus (6) 4
Amapasaurus ( 1 )

Ameiva (5)
Anadia 2 ) (

Anisolepis ( 1 )
Anolis (33-46) ..

Arthrosaura (2)
Bachia (13)
Basiliscus ( 3 )
Cnemidophorus ( 1 )

Corytlwphanes ( 1 ) .

Cercosaura (1)
Colobodactylus (4)
Colobosaura ( 1 )
Crocodihirus ( 1 )
Diploglossus (4)
Dracaena ( 1 )

Ecpleopus ( 1 )

Enyalius (8) - _.
Emjalioides (7)
Echinosaura ( 1 )
Euspondylus (2)
Gymnodactylus ( 1 ) .

Conatodes (7)
Hemidactylus (2) ...

Hetewdactylus ( 1 )

Iguana ( 1 )
Iphisa (
1 )

Kenlropyx (6)

Appendix 9:1 (continued)

Eastern Western Middle Widespread Atlantic- Choco Northern
Genera Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon Forest Forest Forests

Lepidoblepharis (7) „
Leposoma (8)
Liolaemus ( 1 ) _
Mahwja ( 7 )

Morunasaurus ( 1 )

Neusticurus (5)
Ophiodes (1)
Oph ryoessoides ( 4) .

Pantodactylus (2)
Plica (2)
Placosoma (2)
Pohjchrus (4) 1
Prionodactylus (4) __. 3
Pseudogonatodes (2)
Piijchoglossus ( 4 ) 2
Sphaerodactylus (2) .

Sfoiocercu.s ( 2 ) 2
Stcnolepis ( 1 )

Strobilurus ( 1 )

Thecadactylus ( 1 ) ...

Tropidurus (4)
Tupinambis (2)
Uraccntron (3)
Uranoscodon ( 1 )

Urostrophus ( 1 )

Anilius ( 1 )

Anomalepis ( 1 )

Apostolepis ( 5 )
Atractus (25) 10
Boa (1) _
Bothrops (21) 5
Chironius (12) 1

Cfc/ia (3) 1

Corallus (3)
Crotalus (1) .

Dendrophidion (2) .

Di;>mk (18)
Diaphorolepis ( 2 ) ...

Drepanoides ( 1 ) __
Drymarchon ( 1 )

Drymohius ( 2 )
Drymoluber ( 1 )
Epicratcs ( 1 )

Elapomorphus (3) .

Emmochliophis (1) .

Enulius (2)
Erythrolamprus (4)
Eunectes (3)
Geophis ( 1 )

Helicops (11)
Helminthophis ( 1 ) .

Hydrodynastes ( 1 ) .

Hydrops ( 2 )
Imantodes (3)
Lachesis ( 1 )

Lampropeltis ( 1 ) _.

Leimadophis (8)
Leptodeira ( 2)

Appendix 9:1 (concluded)

Eastern Western Middle Widespread Atlantic Choco Northern
Genera Amazon Amazon Amazon Amazon Forest Forest Forests

Leptophis (4) 2 .. 1 1 3 1
Leptotyphlops (12) _ 5 7 2 3 2
Liotyphlops (5) 1 4
Liophis (9) - 3 2 3
Lygophis (2) 1

Lystrophis (
1 )

Mastigodryas ( 3 )
Micrurus (23) 3
Ninia (2)
Nothopsis ( 1 )
Oxybelis ( 4 )
Oxyrhopus (5)
Philodryas (
Phimophis (1)
Pliocercus (
1 )

Pseudoboa (3)
Pseudoeryx ( 1 )
Pseustes (4) 1

Ptychophis ( 1 )
Rhadinaea (10) 5
Rhinobothyrum (2) _

Saplienophis ( 1 )

Scaphiodontophis ( 1 )

Sibon (1)
Sibynomorphus ( 1 ) _

Siphlophis (4)
Sordellina ( 1 )
Spilotes (1)
Stenorrliina ( 1 )

Sy nophis (2)
Tantilla (4)
Thamnodynastes (3)
Trachyboa (1)
Trctanorhinus ( 1 ) ....

Tripanurgos ( 1 )
Tropidodryas (2)
Tropidophis (3)
Typhlophis ( 1 )
Typhlops ( 4 )

Ungaliophis ( 1 )

Xenoboa 1 ( )

Xenodon (6)
Xenopholis ( 1 )
10. The Herpetofauna of the Guianan Region
Marinus S. Hoogmoed
Rijksmuscum van Natuurlijkc Historic
Postbus 9517
2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

Although this paper deals with a highland Guyana, several of which even at the present
fauna, it not limited to the reptiles and
is day remain unvisited. The most renowned of
amphibians that occur at elevations of more these tepuis is Roraima with an altitude of
than 1000 m. One of the main reasons for 2810 m, discovered in 1838 by Robert Schom-
this is that "highlands" above 1000 in the m burgk and climbed for the first time in 1884
Guiana area are few and occupy only a very by Im Thurn and Perkins.
small part of the total area of the Guiana The first zoological collection ever made
Shield. Another reason is that our knowledge near any tepui was assembled there in
of the herpetofauna at higher elevations in 1842 by Richard Schomburgk. Other collec-
Guiana is still very fragmentary. These facts tionswere made at the foot in the 1880's.
prompted me to deal with the herpetofauna The first herpetological specimens from the
of the entire Guiana Shield. summit were secured by Quelch and McCon-
Thecoast of the Guianas was discovered nell in 1894. In 1898 they made a second
in 1499 by Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo expedition to the summit plateau. The ma-
Vespucci. After the discovery of the so-called terial of these expeditions contained several

"Spanish Main" or "Wild Coast," numerous new species. Boulenger (1895, 1900) studied
expeditions tried to explore the interior in them and described the OreophryneUa
search of the fabulous El Dorado. Most quelchii, O. macconneUi, Otophryne robusta
famous of these adventurers was Sir Walter and Hylodes marmoratus, and the lizards
Raleigh, who undertook several expeditions Neusticurus rndis and EuspondyJas leucostic-
into the interior of Guiana. Zoologically, tus. Of these species, only the first and the
these expeditions were of no importance last came from the summit of the mountain;
whatsoever. From about the beginning of the other species were collected at the base.
the 18th Century, zoological specimens, main- The next zoological expedition, on a much
ly from Surinam, started to reach Europe, larger scale and under the auspices of the
and an important percentage of the species American Museum of Natural History, visited
of reptiles and amphibians described by Lin- Roraima in 1927-28, spending two weeks on
naeus in 1758 originated from the Guianas. the summit and about two months at the
One of the first scientific explorers of the base (Tate, 1928, 1930a,b, 1932, 1939; Chap-
interior was Von Humboldt, who in 1801 man, 1931). Among the material collected
visited the Rio Orinoco and the Cassiquiare were several reptiles and amphibians. In
Canal (Gleason, 1931). In 1835 Sir Robert 1971, 1973 and 1974 Roraima was visited
Schomburgk started his explorations in Guy- again, this time by parties with herpetologists
ana and adjacent countries in order to settle as members (Warren, 1973). Their collec-
the frontiers. During these explorations, zoo- tions contained many novelties.
logical collections were made that supplied In 1928 Mount Duida, at the western
a wealth of new data. Since Schomburgk's end was explored zoo-
of the series of tepuis,
travels, an increasing number of scientific logically. The expedition was the first that
expeditions penetrated into the interior of succeeded in climbing the mountain and
lowland Guiana and would lead us too far
spent three months at the summit. Among
astray to try to deal with them here in any the herpetological material collected were the
detail. I make an exception for the expedi- types of the teiid lizards Pantodactylus tyleri
tions exploring the tepuis in Venezuela and and Arthrosaura tatei, of the hylid frog Stef-


ania goini, and of the leptodactylid frog with the biogeographical and geographical
Elosia duidensis. In 19.37-38 Auyantepui was data (Fig. 10:1). The Serra Acarai and the
zoologically explored. From 1938 until the Tumuc Humac Mountains, forming the divide
present, considerable exploration took place between the French authors' Guiana and
in the tepui region, mostly ornithological and Amazonia apparently do form a geographical
botanical, but as a by-product many herpe- barrier for a number of endemic species
tological specimens were collected, some of (mainly frogs), but this is too small a pro-
which at the time being new to science were portion of the entire fauna to justify the
described by Roze
( 1958a,b; Auyantepui, definition of the Guiana area as they do. Far

Chimantatepui), Rivero (1961, 1965, 1966, more species are spread on both sides of
1967a,b, 1968a-d, 1970, 1971; Duida, Mara- the divide and occur both in the Orinoco and
huaca, Chimantatepui, La Escalera region Amazon Basin (Haffer, 1974; Miiller, 1973).
and other tepuis) and Lancini (1968; Cerro In a discussion of the Guiana herpetofauna
Jaua). The most recent biological explora- I think it is better to take into consideration
tion of some large tepuis were the expeditions biogeographical data of the majority of the
to Cerro Jaua and Sarisarinama in 1974 and (herpeto) fauna being studied, rather than
to Cerro Yapacana in 1978. These were some rely only on those of some endemic frogs.
of the rare expeditions in which herpetologists In that way the biogeographical definition of
participated (Nott, 1975; Orejas-Miranda and Guiana, as accepted here, agrees closely with
Quesada, 1976). The herpetological results the geographical, geological and climatolog-
of these expeditions have not yet been pub- ical data. However, there are good grounds
lished. for considering the Guiana of the French
authors as a subregion of the Guiana as here
DELIMITATION AND DESCRIPTION Geologically, this area is a unit known as
OF GUIANA the Guiana Shield (Gansser, 1954; Fittkau,
1974), of which small parts are situated west
Guiana is the area bordered by the Rio of the area as here delimited (Fig. 10:2).
Orinoco, the Cassiquiare Canal (connecting Along the edges, notably in the north, the
the Orinoco and Amazon drainages), and the east and the south, there are belts of alluvial
Rio Negro in the west, by the Rio Amazonas deposits; however, the core is made up of
in the south and by the Atlantic Ocean in the pre-Cambrian metamorphic and
north and the east. The area comprises three rocks. Together with the Brasilian Shield, it
political units in their entirety, namely, Guy- can be considered as part of the geological
ana, Surinam and French Guiana. Of Vene- foundation of South America. Since Paleozoic
zuela it comprises the Estado Bolivar and the times these shields have not been submerged.
Territorio Federal Amazonas, known under During the Mesozoic both shields were con-
the common denomer Guayana. Of Brasil nected, for the Amazon was not yet present.
it comprises the Territorio do Amapa, the During the Late Cretaceous the area was
Territorio de Roraima and those parts of slightly uplifted and the first signs of the
the states of Para and Amazonas that are present Amazon Basin became visible. In
situated north of the Rio Amazonas and Rio the Tertiary there was a further uplift ( Haffer,
Negro. Recently Lescure ( 1977 ) and Des- 1974). The higher, central parts of the Guiana
camps et
al. (1978) defined Guiana as the Shield are covered with sandstone remnants
area bordered in the west by the Rio Barama of the Roraima Formation. Deposition of this
(Venezuela) and in the southeast by the sandstone took place in Proterozoic time,
Rio Araguari (Brasil). The southern border 1600-1800 m.y.b.p., as stream and delta de-
would be formed by the watershed between posits laid down in continental to epiconti-
riversemptying directly into the Atlantic nental environments (Priem et al., 1973).
Ocean and rivers belonging to the Amazonian After uplift, this formation covered the Gui-
drainage. In my opinion, this definition of ana Shield as an extensive sandstone plateau
Guiana is artificial and not in accordance or tableland, on which the early Guianan flora

Fig. 10:1. Map of Guiana, showing the borders of the area as here defined (heavy broken line) and as
defined by Descamps et al. (1978) and by Lescure (1977) (heavy dotted line). Presumed forest refugia
are gray and indicated by numbers: 1 = Imeri Refuge, 2 = Guiana Refuge, 3 = Imataca Refuge, 4 = Tepui
Refuges. The line of fine dots (in this and the follow ing maps of Guiana) represents the 200 m contour line.
Mapa de la Guayana, mostrando los limites del terri torio definido aqui (linea cntrecortada gruesa) y el de-
finido por Descamps et al. (1978) y por Lescure (1977) (linea gruesa punteada). Supuestos refugios forestales
en gris,indicados con numeros: 1 = Refugio de Imeri, 2 = Refugio de Guayana, 3 = Refugio de Imataca,
4 = Refugios de Tepuyes. La linea punteada f\na (en este y los siguientes mapas) representa la linea de con-
torno de 200 m.

developed (Maguire, 1970). During the Cre- of Brasil and Guyana, with many isolated
taceous and Tertiary uplift of the area, ero- remnants in the western part of the Estado
sion shaped the present-day table mountains Bolivar and in the Territorio Federal Ama-
or tepuis. These mountains consist of layered, zonas and two outlying remnants in eastern
unfossiliferous, pink sandstones, with dolerite Guyana and in central Surinam (Bisschops,
dikes and sills, reaching a maximum thickness 1969; Priem et al., 1973) (Fig. 10:2). Some
of about 2400 m in Auyantepui in southeastern geologists (e.g., Priem et al., 1973:1677) are
Venezuela and decreasing to 700 m in the of the opinion that "It is impossible to decide
Tafelberg in central Surinam (Haffer, 1974). whether occurrences represent erosional rem-
At present, the Roraima Formation covers an nants of a once-continuous cover or sediments
area of about 450,000 km 2 and is spread over deposited in a number of isolated basins."
a total area of 1,200,000 km 2 in Venezuela, However, most geologists and biologists re-

Guyana, Brasil and Surinam (Priem et al., gard the present-day sandstone mountains as
1973). The
greater part of the Roraima sand- remnants of a once-continuous sandstone
stone concentrated in the Gran Sabana
is cover. Also, one could imagine a combination
region of Venezuela and the adjacent parts of the possibilities, in which the western

Fig. 10:2. Map of Guiana showing the extent of the Guiana Shield (gray area) and of the Roraima
sandstone formation (black). The white areas in the sandstone represent gabbro (after Bisschops, 1969;
Gansser, 1954; Priem et al., 1973).
Mapa de la Guayana mostrando la extension del Escudo Guayani (gris) y de la formation Roraima
(negro). Las areas blancas en el gres de Roraima representan gabbro (segiin Bisschops, 1969; Gansser, 1954;
Priem et al, 1973).

Roraima Formation once formed a continu- ing in conjunction with the Andean uplift
ous cover and the two outlying areas in De- toward the end of the Tertiary and at the
merara and Surinam could have been de- beginning of the Pleistocene" (Haffer, 1974).
posited in isolated basins. However, decisions The Guiana Shield consists of an elevated
on this subject should be reached by geolo- portion in the west, rising from sea level to
gists, although perhaps biologists may con- well over 1000 m
in relatively extensive areas.
tribute to the solution. In this paper I adhere This portion bears the sandstone tepuis of
to the view that the tepuis are remnants of which the highest attain a height of 2810 m
a once-continuous formation. It seems useful (Mount Roraima) and 3014 m (Serra de
to state that the arch of sandstone tepuis Neblina). These tepuis are mostly flattopped,
in southern Colombia, west of the Rio Orin- with perpendicular cliffs several hundred
oco, and ending quite close to the Andes in meters high separating the plateau summits
the Sierra de Macarena, is not of the same from the talus formed by the accumulation of
as the Roraima Formation (Lescure, 1977). erosional products at the base of the cliffs
This sandstone is much younger and probably (Figs. 10:3-4).
represents a deposition of erosional products The western part is separated from an
of the Roraima Formation (Haffer, 1974; eastern elevated part by a depression formed
Paba-Silva and Van der Hammen, 1960). by the river systems of the Rio Branco and
These tepuis probably arose by "Block fault- the Essequibo River, which may be connected

Fig. 10:3. The Tafelberg in Surinam, the easternmost remnant of the Roraima formation. Note the flat top,
the steep, bare upper reaches of the flanks and the sloping talus covered with forest.
La Montana Tafelberg en Surinam, el residuo mas oriental de la formaeion Roraima. Observase la cumbre
aplanada, las flancos escarpados y rasos en su parte superior y el tabid inclinado y cubierto de selva.

Fig. 10:4. View of several tepuis south of El Manteco, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela.
Vista de algunos tepuyes al sur de El Manteco, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela.

Fig. 10:5. Map of Guiana with the contour lines of 200, 1000 and 1500 m (after Mayr and Phelps, 1967).
Mapa de la Guayana con lineas de contorno de 200, 1000 y 1500 m (segi'm Mayr y Phelps, 1967).

during the rainy season when large areas are important role. In the western and north-
inundated. The eastern part is much lower western portion of the shield there are sa-
than the western one, reaching a maximum vannas more or less continuous with the llanos
height of 1280 m
(Julianatop) in central of central Venezuela. In the three Guianas
Surinam. From the divide between the Ama- there is a band of coastal savannas on white
zon Basin and rivers flowing north to the sand, reaching from Georgetown in the west
Atlantic Ocean (nowhere over 1000 m high), to Cayenne in the east. East of Cayenne and
the country gradually slopes down to sea in Amapa the white sand is absent and some
level. Thus, although the topography of east- extensive swamps in that region are dry
ern Guiana may be rather rugged, with many savannas in the dry season. In Amapa this
mountain ranges and valleys separating them, coastal belt is bordered on the west by a belt
the area hardly ever exceeds 1000 m. In of cerradrj— savanna with isolated trees. Iso-
western Guiana, the topography is more or lated, extensive savanna complexes of the cer-
less the same, but on a higher level, with the rado type are present (Hills, 1969) in south-
consequence that more extensive areas are western Guyana (Rupununi), in southeastern
over 1000 m. However, superimposed on the Venezuela (Gran Sabana) and on the border
Guiana Shield in this region are sandstone between Surinam and Brasil (Sipaliwini/Paru
tepuis that may reach elevations of almost savannas). Smaller, isolated savannas occur
3000 m (Fig. 10:5). The Guiana Highlands in Surinam and in Venezuela both on the
are also known as Pantepui. Roraima sandstone and on other substrates
The greater part of the areacovered by
is (Fig. 10:6). On the higher points, starting at
tropical rainforest, but savannas also play an about 800 to 1000 m, cloud forest occurs with

Fig. 10:6. Map of Guiana showing the distribution of forest and savannas. Forested areas white, savannas
gray, inundated savannas hatched. The zone with lower rainfall (cf. Fig. 10:7) has been indicated with heavy
broken lines (after Hills, 1969; Muller, 1973; Oldenburger et al., 1973; Prance, 1973; Romariz, 1974 and
personal field data).
Mapa de la Guayana mostrando la distribution de selva y sabana. Selva en bianco, cerrado en gris, campo
rayado. La zona menos lluviosa (cf. Fig. 10:7) se ha indicado con una linea cntrecortada gruesa (segun Hills,
1969; Muller, 1973; Oldenburger et al., 1973; Prance, 1973; Romariz, 1974 y observacioncs personales).

thick layers of mosses covering the trees, is characterized by two dry and two rainy
shrubs and the ground. This is especially so seasons per year. Their duration and the
on the talus of many of the tepuis. The pla- period of the year in which they fall are some-
teau summits of the smaller tepuis have only what variable, and at higher elevations the
a shallow layer of soil, which is insufficient to distinction between dry and rainy seasons
support forest; thus, the vegetation is low, may be hardly evident, but in general this
often savannalike. The plateau summits of the division holds true for the greater part of the
larger (more extensive) tepuis is more diver- area. Within the area a wide zone with dis-
sified,and in some places a sufficiently deep tinctly lower rainfall extends northwest-south-
layer of soil has accumulated to support mod- east connecting the llanos of Venezuela
erately high forest; however, in other places with the caatinga and cerrado region of cen-
there is only sparse vegetation (Chapman, tral Brasil (Figs. 10:6-7). Within this zone,

1931; Gleason, 1931; Maguire, 1945, 1955, which roughly covers the extreme southwest-
1970; Mayr and Phelps, 1967; Tate, 1928, ern part of Surinam, southern Guyana, south-
1930a,b, 1932, 1938a,b, 1939; Tate and Hitch- eastern Venezuela and the Guianan part of
cock, 1930). Para, the annual rainfall is 2000 mm
or less.
The climate of the region under discussion To the northeast and to the southwest the

70 60 50

H 2500- 2000 — 1500 —

>3000 3000 2500 2000

S^™s:SS^S '00 0- (1000 mountains above 2000
: 15 00

Rainfall (mm) distribution in northern South America (after Prance, 1973; Reinke, 1962).
Fig. 10:7.
Distribution dc la lluvia (mm) que cae anualmente en la parte norte de la America del Sur (segun Prance,
1973; Reinke, 1962).

annual rainfall increases, reaching maxima of restricted to refuges, mostly along its periph-
over 3000 mm
in northeastern French Guiana ery (Brown et al., 1974; Haffer, 1969, 1974,
and coastal Amapa and of some 2500 to 3000 this volume; Vanzolini, 1970a). Inversely,
mm in the upper Orinoco region (Reinke, during the wet climatic phases the rainforest
1962; Prance, 1973). Mean annual tempera- spread again from the refugia and the sa-
tures are between 24° and 27°C in the low- vanna vegetation and fauna retreated into
lands and decrease with increasing altitude. refuges. Of importance in this connection are
During the last few years it has become the Guiana, Tepui and Imeri forest refuges
increasingly clear that Pleistocene and Holo- of Haffer (1969, 1974); the Guiana (forest),
cene climatic changes had a profound influ- Pantepui (montane forest) and Roraima (sa-
ence on the vegetation of northern South vanna) centers of Midler (1973); and the
America, especially Amazonia and adjacent
in Guiana, Imataca and Imeri refuges of Prance
regions. It is presumed that during dry cli- (
1973 ) all of which are situated within the

matic phases the rainforest disappeared from limits of the area considered here (Fig. 10:1).

large stretches of the Amazon Basin and was The aforementioned belt with a lower pre-

cipitation played an important role in the mentary knowledge of these groups. Thor-
distribution of plants and animals during the ough herpetological exploration of the tepui
different climatic periods. At present, the region, starting with the now easily accessible
savanna complexes of interior Guiana are situ- La Escalera region in eastern
ated in this belt (Fig. 10:6). However, during probably will provide us with many interest-
dry climatic phases probably much larger ing finds. Because our present knowledge is
areas of it were covered with savanna, thereby so fragmentary, it is often difficult to decide

providing a dispersal route for savanna in- whether a certain species is really restricted
habitants, either to the north or to the south, to one tepui or not. The available data permit
and at the same time forming a barrier to some zoogeographical conclusions, but those
east-west dispersal of forest inhabitants. On regarding the so-called endemics certainly
the other hand, both areas with higher rain- have to be drawn with much reserve.
fall, adjacent to this dry belt, are thought to Presently a total of 408 species of reptiles
be the areas where forest refuges were situ- and amphibians is known to occur in the

ated during arid phases to the northeast the Guiana region (Table 10:1, Appendix 10:1).
Guiana refuge, to the southwest the Imeri Seventy-six species are represented by 108
refuge. During wet climatic phases, the forest subspecies, which raises the number
of spe-
spread from these refuges and invaded the cies-group taxa for the region to 440. The
savanna belt, fragmenting it into several iso- herpetofauna of Guiana can be allocated to
lated savanna complexes, as is the case today
eight groups, which in turn can be partly
(Fig. 10:6). The montane forests covering subdivided.
the slopes of the tepuis in southern Venezuela 1. Endemic Guiana region:
can be regarded as isolated occurrences of A. Highland (over 1000 m)— 18 am-
rainforest on places with favorable climatic
phibians, 9 reptiles.
conditions (high elevation, high rainfall) gen- B. Lowland (below 1000 m) —74 am-
erally having unfavorable climatic, and pos- phibians, 50 reptiles.
sibly edaphic, conditions (Gran Sabana area). 2. Amazonian:
These forests,which are different from the A. Periferal along western and northern
tropical lowland rainforests, probably were —
margin of basin 10 amphibians, 19
only connected with the lowland forests dur- reptiles.
ing very wet climatic phases. Although Mid- B. With disjunct populations in upper
ler's concept of the Guiana center is much
Amazonia and near the mouth of the
wider ( and based on several different groups ) Amazon —2 amphibians, 1 reptile.
than Haffer's, Prance's and others' Guiana C. Species of Amazon Basin occurring
refuge, I think we can synonymize the two on southern edge of Guiana and
without problems; the same is true for the
along eastern margin, where they
Pantepui center and the Tepui refuge. There may reach French Guiana 3 am- —
is no parallel in Midler's concepts of Haffer's
phibians, 11 reptiles.
and Prance's Imeri refuge. The Imataca ref- D. Widespread Amazonian, occurring
uge, which was postulated by Prance ( 1973 ) throughout greater part of Guiana

for plants only substantiated further by
39 amphibians, 62 reptiles.
data from butterflies (Brown et al., 1974)
3. Widespread species (distribution ex-
(Fig. 10:8).
tending from Mexico or Central Amer-
ica over entire cis-Andean tropical
HERPETOFAUNA South America): 12 amphibians, 35

Although since 1894 quite a substantial 4. Species reaching their eastern distribu-
number of reptiles and amphibians has been tion limit on the Guiana Shield, from
collected from the sandstone tepuis, only a Central America, northwestern South
small part of it was collected by herpetolo- America or upper Amazonia: 11 am-
gists. This partly explains our scant and frag- phibians, 17 reptiles.

haffer,i969 ,
1974 vanzolini,1970

prance.1973 brown et al.,1974

Fig. 10:8. Location of forest refugia during arid periods according to several authors; numbers as in
Fig. 10:1.
Situation de los refugios de selva durante los periodos secos segtin algunos autores; los numeros como
en la Fig. 10:1.

5. Species from southeastern or central gecko are of no importance here. It is evident

Brasil reaching Guiana, mostly not that the imported species do not need further
farther than French Guiana, some attention. Of the three species in the last

reaching Surinam or even Venezuela: group, it has not been established beyond
8 amphibians, 13 reptiles. doubt that they occur in the Guiana region.
6. Cosmopolitan species: amphibians, 6 Thus, there remain five important groups,
reptiles. totaling 177 amphibians and 217 reptiles, that
7. Species imported from the Caribbean reflect the complicated history of the Guiana

region: 1 amphibian, 4 reptiles. herpetofauna and that are dealt with in detail
8. Species with limited or uncertain dis- later.
tributions that may occur in the region: Considerable differences exist between the
amphibians, 3 reptiles. percentages of reptiles and amphibians in five
The three groups in the tabulation
different groups and subgroups (Fig. 10:9,
above are of no importance in the following Table 10:2). These groups are highland (1A)
considerations. The five cosmopolitan species and lowland (IB) endemics, disjunct (2B)
of sea turtles and one species of cosmopolitan and widespread ( 2D ) Amazonian, and wide-

Table 10:1. —Composition of the Guianan Herpeto-

fauna. The columns contain the total numbers of
species in a given family that inhabit the Guianas
and the numbers of species that are endemic to
the Guianas.

Table 10:2. Composition of the Guianan Herpetofauna.
The columns contain the totalnumber of species having a certain distribution and the percentage this group
forms of the total number of species in the Guianan Region.

cies have restricted distributions, usually con- by assuming that the genus Stefania arose

sisting only of the summit or talus slopes of from hylid stock in the Guiana Highlands,
one or a few adjacent tepuis (Figs. 10:10-11). probably prior to the Oligocene. Initially, the
As stated before, this either reflects our frag- stock split into two groups, which during the
mentary knowledge of the herpetofauna of most recent uplift of the area in Mio-Pliocene
the Guiana Highlands, or these distributions times became isolated on several tepuis and
are real and the comparable habitat on other since differentiated into the several species
tepuis is occupied by a related species. How- now composing the two species groups. The
ever, this has only been documented (and occurrence of Stefania evansi in lowland areas
poorly so) for the endemic frog genus may be regarded, as in Otophryne, as being
Stefania. secondarily, induced by the Pleistocene cli-

The bufonid genus Oreophrijnella from matic changes, which lowered the general
Roraima and Auyantepui is considered to be temperature of the area by about 3°C (Van
a specialized derivative from the general ate- der Hammen, 1974).
lopodid stock and to have evolved in isola- Species showing a slight degree of Andean
tion since the Early Tertiary or the Cretaceous relationships aremembers of the frog genera
(McDiarmid, 1971). The same is true for the Centrolenella and Eleutherodactylus, and of
microhylid frog Otophryne (not an altitudinal the colubrid snake genus Atractus; all three
endemic), composed only by O. robusta with genera probably evolved in or near the Andes,

two subspecies one restricted to high eleva- either in the foothills or in the lowlands, and
tions on Chimantatepui, the other occurring subsequently spread to the east. However,
in the greater part of interior Guiana at eleva- the endemic altitudinal species belonging to
tions of 200 to 1666 m. Like Oreophrijnella, these genera have no direct relations with
Otophryne also shows a combination of prim- Andean species and probably are altitudinal
itive, derived and unique characters. This is forms derived from lowland species. The
most easily explained by assuming that these matter is slightly different for the species
frogs were subject to a long evolution in of Euspondylus, a genus of teiid lizards of
isolation on the sandstone formation, prob- Andean origin, members of which live at
ably since the Cretaceous or Early Tertiary; medium to high altitudes in the Andes from
the invasion of tropical lowland Guiana by Peru to Venezuela; two species reached the
Otophryne may be considered as secondary. higher of the Guiana Shield, pos-

According to Lynch (pers. coram.), the lepto- sibly during a time of Pleistocene climatic
dactylid frog Hylodes duidensis belongs to an depression. The altitudinal endemics of the
undescribed genus of the tribe Eleutherodac- tree frog genus Hyla all apparently are re-
Its relations are not clear, but it
tylini. may lated to lowland species groups.
have developed on the Guiana Shield as a Riolama, a monotypic, endemic teiid lizard
highland derivative of the eleutherodaetyline genus restricted to the summit of Mount
stock. Stefania is an endemic, egg-brooding Roraima, is known only from the type speci-
hylid frog genus clearly related to the north- men. Presumably it is related to Leposoma
ern Andean Cryptohatrachus. According to and its relatives, but its history is not clear.
Rivero (1970), these frogs can be divided It may have evolved from lowland microteiids
into the Stefania goini group, with two spe- by isolation on a sandstone tableland prior
cies, and the Stefania evansi group with five to the Oligocene, aswas probably the case
species (and three undescribed ones). One The colubrid snakes Liophis and
in Stefania.
member of the goini group occurs on Mount Thamnodynastes occur in lowland Amazonia
Duida in the west, the other on Chimantatepui and Guiana, but they seem to be of southern
in the east. One member of the evansi group Brasilian origin and to have evolved into sev-
occurs on Cerro Marahuaca and the others eral altitudinal species in Guiana. The near-
on the eastern part of the Roraima Formation. est relative of the iguanid lizard, Tropidurus
The distribution of the members of these bogerti, is T. torquatus hispidus (R. Ether-
species groups can be explained most easily idge, pers. comm.), a member of a species or

Fig. 10:10. Distribution of some endemic species within Guiana.

Distribution de algunas espeties endemicas en la Guayana.
1 = Hyla mtdtifasciata. 2 = Aparasplicnodon venezolanus. 3 = Bufo nasicus, Hijla sibleszi, Hyla lemai.
4 = Hyla ornatissima. 5 = Otophryne robusta. 6
= Allophrync ruthveni. 7 = Hyla ginesi, Stefania goini,
Stcfania marahuaquensis, "Hyludes" duidensis.

species complex, which may be of southeast- fauna can be explained with the aid of the
ern Brasilian origin. The few altitudinal en- following theories.
demic subspecies have evolved by isolation
1. The Mountain Bridge Theory as pre-
at higher altitudes from lowland relatives of
sented by several authors (Todd and
different origins.
Carriker, 1922; Haas, 1957) apparently
Attempts to explain the origin of the fauna is useless, because there is no geological
of Pantcpui have been based on the distribu- evidence for a connection of southern
tion of birds (Chapman, 1931; Haffer, 1974; Venezuela with the Andes. As has been
Mayr and Phelps, 1967), mammals (Tate, pointed out, the sandstone mountains
1939), frogs (Rivero, 1965) and snails (Haas, (Sierra de Macarena) in southern Co-
1957). Because of different dispersal abilities lombia are not the remnants of such a
and different geological ages of the groups
concerned, these studies came to different con- 2. The Plateau Theory, starting from the
clusions.For instance, birds supposedly were that "a more extensive
able to reach Guiana from the Andes by tableland probably did exist on the
(simply stated) flying from one mountain Guayana shieldduring the Mesozoic
with suitable climate to the next. This pos- and Tertiary, prior to an intensive ero-
sibility doesn't exist for the other groups. The sional dissection" (Haffer, 1974:163) is
distribution of the endemic Guianan herpeto- useful to explain the presence of several

Fig. 10:11. Distribution of some endemic species within Guiana.

Distribution de algunas especies endemicas en la Guayana.
1 = Hyla proboscidea. 2 = Dcndrobatcs tinctorius. 3 = Dendrobates leucomelas. 4 = Hyla rodriguezi,
Stcfania scalac, Eleutherodactylus pulvinatus. 5 = Dendrobates azurcus. 6
= Pliyllobatcs pulchripectus, Ama-
pasaurus tetradactylus.

relicts,such as the frogs Oreophrynella than at present (Van der Hammen,

and Otophryne. A slightly modified 1974), but this was not sufficient to
version, starting with the assumption make the lowlands subtropical instead
that the Roraima Formation underwent of tropical, as had been assumed for-

orogenic movements that shaped it into merly (Chapman, 1931; Tate, 1939).
a mountain range before erosion graded However, it may have facilitated the
it into a plateau, which in turn was dispersal of certain organisms, because
uplifted and eroded into its present all life zones on mountains shifted to

shape, serves well to explain the distri- lower altitudes, thus creating suitable
bution of the genus Stefania ( Rivero, habitats for subtropical organisms in
1970). places where they were formerly ab-
The Modified Cool Climate Theory de- sent. These still widely-separated, sub-

parts from the assumption that during tropical habitats could have been of
the glacial periods of the Pleistocene, importance for birds. The distribution
the lowlands between the Andes and of amphibians and reptiles apparently
Guiana, and within the Amazonian related to Andean taxa could not have
basin had a cooler climate. This indeed gone only via those "stepping stones"
was true, the temperature of the low- but most likely through the lowlands
lands having been about 3°C lower at times of cooler temperatures.

4. The Habitat Theory assumes that

Shift to the base of the tepuis, sometimes even to
part of the fauna of Pantepuiwas de- the summit.
rived from tropical lowland elements Dendrobates steyermarki known from an
that changed their habitat preference. mountain in western Vene-
isolated sandstone
It serves to explain the distribution and zuelan Guiana is most closely related to
occurrence of the majority of the taxa Andean species of the Dendrobates minutus
living at higher elevations. They either group (Silverstone, 1975). This is the only
differentiated in situ after invasion of Guianan lowland species showing such a link
the highlands by a lowland ancestor and probably this is a relict of a formerly
(most highland endemics) or are more widespread group, which became iso-
themselves widely distributed in the lated from the main body of the group when
lowlands surrounding Pantepui and ap- temperatures increased during one of the
parently have wide ecological ampli- Pleistocene climatic phases.
Euparkerella, with recent representatives
5. The Distance Dispersal Theory, which living at low to high elevations in areas per-
assumes that the Guiana Highlands iferal to theAmazon Basin (Roraima, Andes
were colonized from distant sources by of Ecuador and Peru, southeastern Brasil),
island hopping, is of no use in explain- is represented by one endemic species. Its

ing the distribution of the herpeto- distribution may be explained by assuming

fauna, although it seems to be useful that the presently known species are the sur-
for partly explaining the distribution of vivors of a genus that once occupied a more
flying organisms (mainly vertebrates) extensive range, covering the entire Amazon
(Mayr and Phelps, 1967). region and adjacent territories. When the
Lowland endemics. —The lowland endem- range of the genus became discontinuous is
not clear, but tentatively we may place that
ics are a rather mixed group, containing spe-
event in the early Pleistocene. It was prob-
cies restricted to elevations below 1000 and m
ably caused by the evolution in the Amazon
species occurring from sea level to well above
1000 m. Several species occur from about sea
Basin of new groups of litter-adapted frogs.

level to a maximum of 2400 m. In a number There are five ( monotypic lowland en-

demic genera [AUophryne (hylid frog),

of cases [Neusticarns tatei, N. racenisi, N.
rudis (all three teiid lizards), Stefania evansi Rhinatrema (caecilian), Peltoccphalus (pelo-
medusid turtle), Amapasaurtis (teiid lizard)
(hylid frog), Otophryne robusta (microhylid
and Mesobaena (amphisbaenian)], of which
frog)] they clearly evolved on part of the
sandstone plateau and secondarily invaded only AUophryne, Rhinatrema and Peltocepha-
the tropical lowlands. Others, like Dendro- lus have more or less extensive ranges. Ama-

bates steyermarki (poison-arrow frog), Hyla pasaurtis is restricted to a small area in east-
ern Guiana and Mesobaena to western Gui-
ginesi, H. benitezi, H. kanaima, H. lemai, H.
ana. The ranges of the first four genera and
sibleszi, Stefania marahuaquensis, S. woodlcyi
(hylid frogs) and Eiiparkerella sp. "A" (lep-
of many endemic species coincide with that
of the postulated Guiana Forest Refuge Haf-
todactylid frog), have narrower elevational

distributions, occurring only from about 600

fer, 1969, 1974; Lescure, 1975, 1977) or with
to 1500 m. They also probably evolved at parts of it (Figs. 10:10-11). Therefore, it
seems possible that these genera arose in this
higher altitudes and secondarily invaded the
refuge during the early Pleistocene. The
adjacent lowlands, but apparently their eco-
same holds true for most of the other lowland
logical tolerance is not so great as that of the
endemic species, but here we might date the
species in the first group. The remaining spe-
cies occurring above 1000 m
are actually low- specific diversification as late Pleistocene.
land species, having arisen in tropical low- Endemic subspecies of species not en-
lands and from there extended their range by demic toGuiana probably arose during one
moving up onto the sandstone plateau, often of the more recent (late Pleistocene or Holo-

cene) dry or wet climatic phases occurring Depression, 32 (43%) only occur east of the
in northern South America.
depression, and 24 (32%) only occur west of
A few of the lowland endemics occurring it. Of the 50 endemic species of lowland rep-
in western Guiana, mainly around the head- tiles (Table 10:2,
Appendix 10:1) IS (36%)
waters of the Rio Orinoco, seem to strengthen occur on both sides of the
view of an Imeri forest refuge. These
Haffer's Branco Depression, 17 (34%) only occur east
endemics include one monotypic genus of the depression, and 15
(30%) only occur
(Mesobaena, amphisbaenian), eight species west of it. The picture changes
[Aparasphenodon venezolanus (tree frog), when the altitudinal endemics also are con-
Dendrobates leucomelas and D. steyermarki sidered. In that case the number of
ians restricted to the western
(poison-arrow frogs), Atractus insipidus, Hel- part of Guiana
icops hogei, Liophis canaima (all colubrid becomes 42 and the corresponding number
snakes), PhyUodactylus dixoni of reptiles 24. The
(gekkonid percentages change ac-
lizard), Crocodijlus intermedins (crocodile)] for amphibians
cordingly, respectively 18
and three subspecies [Hydrops triangularis (22%), 32 (39%) and 42 (51%); for reptiles
venezuelensis, Leptophis ahaetulla copei respectively 18 (31%), 17 (29%) and 24 (41%).
(both colubrid snakes), Micrurus surinamen- Among the widespread endemics the propor-
sis nattereri
(elapid snake)]. A similar situa- tion of reptiles is
considerably higher than
tion is known in birds, with one endemic that of amphibians; in both the western and
genus and nine endemic species (Haffer, eastern endemics the proportion of
1974). Assuming a similar divergence rate for ians is higher than that of
reptiles, reflecting
the organisms involved, this seems to the greater mobility of reptiles. When
point to only
at least three arid phases the lowland endemics are considered, the
during which the per-
forest fauna was isolated in this Imeri forest centage of amphibian species restricted to the
refuge. east is distinctly higher than that of
Different patterns of distribution exist in restricted to the west, in reptiles it is
Guiana. The endemic species are not evenly slightly This probably reflects the
distributed throughout the area. As has been greater importance of the Guiana Refuge for
noted in the section on altitudinal distribu- amphibians, as compared to the importance
of the Imeri Refuge. For reptiles, both
endemics are restricted to
tion, all altitudinal
the western part of the Guiana Shield, the refuges apparently were equally important.
area west of the Essequibo-Rio Rranco De- Why the Guiana Refuge was more important
for amphibians than for reptiles remains a
pression. The ranges of most of the species
that supposedly originated on the matter of conjecture. However, possibly it
higher parts
of the sandstone area do not extend far be- results from the greater dependence of am-

yond; only a few reach the Essequibo River phibians on water and moist habitats. Thus,
in the east. Exceptions, like the isolation in different refuges was more severe
for amphibians than for reptiles;
frog, Otophryne robusta, and the teiid lizard, reptiles re-
Neusticurus rudis, extend their ranges beyond stricted to different forest refuges
the The Essequibo-Rio came into contact earlier than the amphibians,
Essequibo River.
Rranco Depression seems to have been a bar- thus diminishing the possibilities of
rier to the eastward distribution of a number attained reproductive incompatibility. Maybe
it was
of species, mainly
Pantepui species. On the simply a matter of size, the Guiana
other hand, it was a barrier to the westward Refuge having been larger (and therefore
distribution of a number of species. The ef- possibly harboring more than the
fect of this barrierevident from the ranges
is Imeri Refuge. Perhaps both factors played a
of lowland endemics
(Fig. 10:11). Of the role.
74 endemic species of lowland amphibians The Branco Depression
(Table 10:2, Appendix 10:1) 18 (24%) occur also served as a route for lowland Amazonian
on both sides of the Essequibo-Rio Branco species invading the northern part of Guiana.

120 100 80 60 40

Distribution of species belonging to the groups 2-5 (Table 10:2, Appendix 10:1).
Fig. 10:12.
Distribution de especies pertenecientas a los grupos 2-5 (Tabla 10:2, Apendicc 10:1).
1 = Pseudopaludicola pusilla (group 4). 2 = Htjla geographica (group 2d). 3 = Lcpidoblepharis festae
(group 2b). 4 = Crocodilurus lacertinus (group 2c).

Amazonian Species caiman) and Chehis fimbriatus (the matama-

ta) apparently is the result of the rainy sea-
I do not treat the other
groups (Figs. 10: son connection between the Rio Branco and
12-13) in the detail that I have done for the the Essequibo River via the flooded Rupununi
Guiana endemics, because they are dealt with Savanna. The occurrence of these species in
by Dixon, Lynch, and Rivero-Blanco and eastern French Guiana can be explained in
Dixon (this volume). a similar way, because the extensive coastal
A few
species reach parts of Guiana be- swamps and inundated savannas in Amapa,
cause of certain hydrological features. The during the rainy season form an unbroken
occurrence in Guyana of the aquatic Ama- connection between the Amazon and the
zonian species Melanosuchus niger (the black Oyapoc, Approuague and Mahury basins. In

120 100 80 60 40

Distribution of species belong to the groups 2-5 (Table 10:2, Appendix 10:1).
Fig. 10:13.
Distribution de espccies pertenecientas a los grupos 2—5 (Tabla 10:2, Apendice 10:1).
1 = Lysapsus limellus (group 5). 2 = Lysapsus limellus laevis (group 5). 3 = Hyla senicula melan-
argyrea (group 5). 4 = Leptodactylus rhodomystax (group 2a). 5 = Phrynohyas venulosa (group 3).

Surinam no such connections occur between with areas of high rainfall (over 2500 mm)
the Corantijn or Marowijne river systems and (Fig. 10:7) and may have been caused by the
the Amazon Basin; this explains the absence most recent arid phase, which apparently
of these two species in that country. ended 2000 years ago and caused a separation
Other species of the Amazon Valley appar- of the upper and lower Amazonian forests

ently succeeded in reaching eastern French (and the animals living in them) (Haffer,
Guiana but did not penetrate farther west. 1974). A number of these species are dis-
The distribution of a few species with dis- tributed in an arciform area from Bolivia
junct populations in upper Amazonia and along the eastern foot of the Andes to the
near the mouth of the Rio Amazonas (Table Guianas. This arc can be termed the Ama-
10:2, Appendix 10:1, Fig. 10:12) is correlated zonian Arc. Lescure ( 1977 ) called the north-

ern part of this arc ( Serra do Navio to Loreto, Paru area. Fluctuation of the size of the
forests, thereby at times forming a barrier
Peru) the Roraima Arc, because he believed
that all sandstone in this region belonged to between the inland and coastal savannas, was
the Roraima Formation. As pointed out be- responsible for the isolation of the inland sa-
fore, this is not the case. However, the exist- vannas; lizards living there are distinctly dif-
ence of an arciform distribution pattern in sev- ferent from the populations of the same spe-
eral reptiles and amphibians seems to be real cies in savannas farther north (Hoogmoed,

(Fig. 10:13). For at least

one species, the 1973).
toad Bufo guttatus, this pattern apparently is
caused by its being saxicolous. It is nearly Species Reaching the Eastern Limit of
Their Distributions on the Guiana Shield
always found associated with rocks; the geo-
logicalnature of these rocks apparently is not Some of these species are of Central Amer-
important, as it may consist of either granite
ican origin, others of upper Amazonian, or
or sandstone. The absence of this species in
coastalVenezuelan origin. A number of them
central Amazonia is understandable, because are savanna inhabitants that just reach the
in that area rocks are absent; only alluvial
western part of the Guiana Shield, where the
material ispresent. A number of Guianan en-
llanos extend east of the Rio Orinoco (the
demics [Otophnjne robusta (Fig. 10:10), A
leptodactylid frog Ceratophrys calcarata).
Leptodactyhis rugosus], which formerly were few leptodactylid frogs (Tlujsalaemus pustu-
thought to be restricted to the northern part losus, Plenrodema brachyops) reach the
of the arc because of their close association
Rupununi Savanna, one leptodactylid frog
with sandstone, now have been found asso- reaches the
(Pseudopahidicola pusilla) just
ciated with other types of rocks as well. For
Sipaliwini Savanna in Surinam (Fig. 10:12),
most of the species having the periferal or and one tree frog (Hyla rostrata) so far has
Amazonian Arc distribution it is not pos-
only been found in the vicinity of El Dorado
sible toexplain simply their absence from (Venezuela) and possibly near Cayenne
central Amazonia. Possibly the presence of
(French Guiana). All of these species have
close relatives or other ecological competitors
been dealt with in other sections.
there is the most important reason.

Species From Southeastern or

Widespread Species Central Brasil Reaching Guiana

Most of the species in this group appar- Most of the species from southeastern or
ently had their origin in Amazonian South central Brasil reaching Guiana do not extend
America; from there they dispersed into farther west than French Guiana or Surinam
southern Central America (Fig. 10:13); a few (Fig. 10:13); only seven [Hyla x-signata (tree
are of Central American origin and dispersed frog), Leptodactyhis fuscus (leptodactylid
into South America. One example of this last frog), Pseudis paradoxus (pseudid frog),
subgroup is the teiid lizard Cnemidophorus 1.
Phrynops geoffroanus (chelid turtle), Liophis
lemniscatus, occurring from Honduras to the miliaris (colubrid snake), Coleodactylus mer-
mouth of the Amazon. This species occurs idionalis (gekkonid lizard), and Tropidurus
only along the coast in Guiana. The fact
torquatus (iguanid lizard)] reach Venezuela.
this species is still extending its range along The majority, if not all, of these species are
the lower Amazon (Vanzolini, 1970b) and inhabitants of savannas or open swamps, and
that it does not occur in the far interior of the their distributions are closely associated with
Guianas indicate that it is a recent immigrant those habitats. Apparently these species are
from the northwest. The presence of forests recent immigrants from the southeast that
in southern Surinam and French Guiana, either used the savanna corridor (central
was a barrier to the dispersal of C. I. lem- and northeastern Brasil to southeastern Vene-
niscatus ( a savanna inhabitant ) into the large zuela) during the last arid phase (about
inland, edaphic savannas in the Sipaliwini/
2000-3500 years ago), when the greater part

of this area was covered with a cerradohke Table 10:3. —

Comparison of Rainforest Frog Faunas
of Different Regions in Northeastern South America.
vegetation, or they used the open swampy
coastal area of Amapa. Most of these species Species in Common
have not differentiated and when they have, Brasilian
Western Eastern part
the subspecies occurring in the Guianas is „„ „
•j i- -ii ^l j t> -i
identical with the one in northeastern Brasil.
Western ^—.
... .
tft? Guiana Guiana
Guiana ...... =s
76 7-,
—— ^—
Guiana Belem
„, , , . ., ,, 7 ,
I he exceptions are the bufomd
Melanophnj- Eastern Guiana 0.51
.. 83 42 22
niscus moreirae, and the pseudid frogs, Pseu- Brasilian part Guiana 0.52 0.67 43 19
and Belem °- 28 °-40 0-58 23
dis paradoxus Lysapsus limellus, all of
which have endemic subspecies in Guiana.
The last two species may have reached Gui- TA * L * 10:4.-Comparison of Savanna Frog Faunas
j .
i. j i i ill
ana during an earlier dry phase and probably
oi Different Regions in Northeastern
^=^^=^=^=^=^=^^=^=:^^= South America.
Common Species in
along a different route (from Rio Tapajos
via Rio Negro and Rio Branco to the north).
Furthermore, PseudlS paradoxus reaches the
western part of Guiana, whereas in Guiana
Western Guiana .
Western Eastem
Guiana Guiana
3(5 23
Guiana Belem
20 13
Lysapsus limellus is only in the western part Eastern Guiana 0.69 31 19 13
/ Brasilian part Guiana 0.69 0.72 22 12
& ' 10 13)''

Belem 0.51 0.46 0.65 15

Table 10:5. —
Comparison of Rainforest Snake Faunas
ANALYSIS OF GEOGRAPHIC of Different Regions in Northern South America.
Species in

Forthree groups (frogs, lizards and Western

snakes) data are sufficient to permit an at- FRF Guiana
Western Guiana 80
tempt of comparison with localities outside the
Eastern Guiana 0.78
Guianan Region. However, data were scarce
Brasilian part Guiana 0.75
and comparisons for frogs only could be made Iquitos 0.65
with the Belem region (Crump, 1971), for
lizards with Belem (Crump, 1971; Da Cunha,
1961) and Iquitos (Dixon and Soini, 1975),
and for snakes only with Iquitos (Dixon and
Soini, 1977 ) All data have been compiled in

Tables 10:3-8. In these tables the total num-

ber of species in each locality is on the di-
agonal from upper left to lower right. The
number of species common to each combina-
tion of regions is to the right and above the
diagonal with the totals. To the left and be-
low the diagonal are the Faunal Resemblance
Factors (FRF) as computed for each com-
bination of regions, using the formula (
man, 1965, 1966):
Table 10:7. —Comparison of Rainforest Lizard Faunas of Several Regions in Northern South America.

ana. For forest-inhabiting frogs there is a open formations are found in the Iquitos area;
distinct barrier within Guiana, formed by the all of these are either associated with open
Essequibo-Rio Bianco Depression and also, aquatic or edge situations. Real savanna spe-
the forest anuran fauna is distinctly separated cies are absent, because no suitable habitat
from that to the southeast. However, these is available in the
region (Dixon and Soini,
conclusions are based only on data from four 1977). When comparing these snakes (Table
areas (three of which chosen with a certain 10:6) with the open formation species of
bias) and therefore should be treated with Guiana, it is clear that the resemblance be-
much reserve, although they do confirm the tween Iquitos and the three parts of Guiana is
picture that emerged from a first study of small. Within Guiana there is a lower
distribution maps. These findings for the of resemblance between the snake faunas of
anuran faunas can be most easily explained western Guiana and the Brasilian part of
by assuming that the Essequibo-Rio Branco Guiana, but this is caused by the presence in
Depression not only served as a connection western Guiana of several species reaching
(and dispersal route for aquatic species) their eastern distribution limits there and in
between Guiana and Amazonia, but also was the Brasilian part of Guiana of species reach-
the area that retained its savanna vegetation ing their northern distribution limits there,
longest, as still indicated by the presence of and of species that are known only from the
large savanna areas in the border region of Amazon Basin. However, the data for snakes
Guyana and Brasil and in the coastal area again are based only on four areas.
near the mouth of the Essequibo River. Thus, The lizards and amphisbaenians ("sauri-
this area formed an efficient barrier to the ans") appeared to offer the best possibilities
dispersal of forest frogs; at the same time, it for a faunal analysis, because there were sev-
formed a dispersal route for savanna frogs. eral places from which representative samples
This situation apparently lasted until fairly seemed to be present (Tables 10:7-8). How-
recently, untilunder the influence of an in- ever, upon closer examination, it soon turned
creasingly wet climate the forests in the out that the data were not very reliable. This
Guiana and Imeri refuges started to expand holds true for the forest lizards and amphis-
and met in the Essequibo-Rio Branco De- baenians of Lely Mountains, Paramaribo, and
pression. This explains why many forest spe- Alto Maraca (Amapa). When compared with
cies have their eastern or western distribution the entire region of which they are part, re-
limits at the Essequibo-Rio Branco Depres-
spectively eastern Guiana (twice) and the
sion. Several species that apparently were Brasilian part of Guiana, they show resem-
associated with one of the refuges in the re- blance factors of only 0.69, 0.59 and 0.64, re-
gion succeeded in crossing the depression, but spectively. These are hardly more, or even
this could have taken place only lower, than their respective resemblance fac-
when the savanna vegetation was substituted tors with the lizard fauna of Belem (0.62,
by forest. 0.68 and 0.57). For Cayenne the situation
Comparison of the snake and lizard faunas seems to be better; when compared with east-
of several localities gives quite a different ern Guiana it shows a resemblance factor of
picture.The data for forest-inhabiting snakes 0.73, but here we should keep in mind that
(Table 10:5) show that there is a great re- the total number of species reported from this
semblance between different parts of the locality also contains old records that pos-
Guiana Region and that the resemblance with sibly refer to specimens that were shipped
the forest snake fauna of Iquitos is fairly from Cayenne but actually did not occur
good, but distinctly lower than within Guiana. there. From the remaining data it is clear that
The data suggest a gradual transition within there is a diminishing resemblance westward
Guiana from west to east and also from Iqui- between the rainforest lizard faunas of Belem
tos to Guiana,but owing to lack of data from and Guianan areas. Within Guiana the re-
intermediate localities this last hypothesis semblance is high, and nowhere is a clear
cannot be proved. Only five snakes inhabiting break apparent. The resemblance factor be-

tween Belem and Iquitos is slightly higher distribution of a number of eastern forest
than that between Iquitos and the different species to the west and of western forest spe-
parts of Guiana. Resemblance between Iqui- cies to the east. No such function is present
tos and western Guiana is smaller than that for savanna inhabitants that, with the excep-
with the Brasilian part of Guiana. This ap- tion of local endemics, are spread throughout
parent reversal of expected resemblances is the area. There is no separation to the south-
the result of the influence of Amazonian spe- east savanna-inhabiting species, which
cies in the Brasilian part of Guiana and in consequently show a great resemblance with
eastern Guiana. Apparently there is a fairly the savanna fauna of northeastern Brasil.
well-developed barrier southwest of Guiana, The data do not present any evidence for
separating the lizard faunas of Guiana and the recognition of a Guiana Region as de-
upper Amazonia. Again, our knowledge of fined by Lescure (1977); distinct breaks be-
areas intermediate between Iquitos and Gui- tween eastern Guiana and the Brasilian part
ana is poor, and the conclusions must be of Guiana are nowhere evident.
regarded as preliminary. When comparing
the savanna lizard faunas of different regions
(Table 10:8) we get a very different picture. CONCLUSIONS
There is no resemblance with Iquitos, where
this category of lizards is
completely absent. The herpetofauna of Guiana, as it is
The agreement between Belem and the dif- known at present, is a composite fauna with
ferent Guianan areas diminishes westward, a complex history. A number of endemic spe-
and there seems to be a break between west- cies belong to old genera (endemic or with
ern Guiana on the one hand and eastern disjunct, relict distributions) that apparently
Guiana and the Brasilian part of Guiana on inhabited certain parts of the area since the
the other. Upon closer examination, this ap- Cretaceous. Other endemics probably origi-
parent break is caused completely by the nated in the region during periods of isola-
presence in western Guiana of a number of tion in forest or savanna refuges, which are
altitudinal endemics and of western species assumed to have existed during arid and wet
just reaching their eastern limits in Guiana. phases in the Pleistocene-Holocene, respec-
When thesespecies (forming 605? of the tively. The most important
forest refuge was
savanna lizard fauna) are excluded, there are the Guiana Refuge on the northern slopes of
no breaks for the remaining general savanna the Tumuc-Humac and Acarai mountains. A
lizards within Guiana, neither with Belem. lessimportant role was played by the Imeri
The only break is between Iquitos and Gui- Refuge in the region of Serra Imeri and Serra
ana, and this can be completely explained da Neblina. The species restricted to higher
by the absence of suitable savanna habitat in altitudes survived the arid phases in disjunct
upper Amazonia. As for savanna-inhabiting forests on the higher slopes of the tepuis, col-

frogs, the Essequibo-Rio Branco Depression lectively known as Tepui Refuges. During
formed no barrier to that part of the savanna arid phases of the Pleistocene and Holocene,
inhabitants that had been in the area rela- the species isolated in the refuges underwent
tively long. For a number of local savanna differentiation and, depending on the time of
endemics it seems to act as such, mainly be- their arrival in the area and also on their rates
cause those endemics did not have the chance of evolution, they differentiated into endemic
to expand their area of distribution. genera, species, or subspecies.
On the of the data presented in
basis Although some species show relationships
Tables 10:.3-8 can be concluded that for
it to Andeanspecies, these are not direct and
forest inhabitants Guiana seems to be a real only indicate that both Andean and Guianan
herpetogeographic entity, well separated from species evolved from the same or related low-
surrounding areas to the southwest and the land species. The Guianan species of Atrac-
southeast. Within the area, the Essequibo- tus (colubrid snakes), Eleutherodactylus
Rio Branco Depression forms a barrier for the ( leptodactylid frogs) and Centrolenella

The pres- 69% ) for reptiles 24 percent. From these data

(glass frogs) are in this category.

it is clear that although frogs have a high de-

ence of two species of the Andean teiid lizard
genus Euspondylus in the Guiana Highlands gree of endemism at higher elevations, the
is the only evidence for a direct link with the
amount of endemism in the lowlands is even
Andes. As these species are poorly known higher. However, part of this probably results
from only a few individuals each, their taxo- from our still scanty knowledge of this group;
nomic position remains uncertain. Therefore, of the 83 endemic frogs, 29 (35%) have yet

it would be premature to conclude on the

to be named.

basis of this meager evidence that there

would have been any invasions of Guiana ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
from the Andes.
A number of species invaded Guiana from in Surinam and Venezuela was
the south via a wide belt of cerradolike vege-
supported by grants W956-2, W87-78 and
tation, connecting central and northeastern WR87-131 from the Netherlands Foundation
Rrasil with southeastern Venezuela, during
for the Advancement of Tropical Research
the last arid phase. When the climate became
(WOTRO), and by grants from the Royal
more humid and the forests expanded, these Dutch Academy of Sciences ( Melchior Treub
species were left stranded on the
Foundation) and the Treub Society. The
savannas of Guiana, most of them in the east.
photographs were made by Mr. E. L. M. van
During this same period a number of savanna- Esch of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke His-
inhabitants from northwestern South America
toric Leiden, from color slides taken by me.
invaded the western part of Guiana, where The drawings were made by Mr. J. J. A. M.
of the
they exist today as representatives Wessendorp, also of the Rijksmuseum van
llanos fauna. Within Guiana there are dif-
Natuurlijke Historic The Spanish text was
ferences between the western part, where
checked by Dr. F. Carrasquer of the Depart-
sandstone tepuis are present, and the eastern ment of Spanish Language of the University
part, which generally has a much lower
of Leiden. Any mistakes are completely my
vation. A number of species (most of them
endemic) are restricted to the sandstone re-
gion; others (mostly invaders from southern
and central Brasil or from the Amazon Val- RESUMEN
ley) occur only in the east. Apparently Gui-
ana has been, and still is being, invaded from Limitado por el Orinoco, Brazo Cassiqui-
the northwest and from the southeast. Within are, Rio Negro, el Amazonas y el Atlantico,
Guiana the Essequibo-Rio Bianco Depression la Guayana es geologicamente uno de los
seems to have acted as a barrier to the territorios mas antiguos de America del Sur.
eastern dispersal of western elements and to a Su mayor parte viene formado por el escudo
lesser extent for the dispersal of eastern ele- guayani precambrico, cuya arenisca de Ro-
ments to the west. The notable exceptions raima cubre partes del sur de Venezuela y
are some of the species from central and de la Guyana occidental, con restos aislados
southeastern Brasil. Also this depression ( and en la Guyana oriental y en el Surinam central.
the low coastal area of Amapa) served as La altura media no pasa de los 1000 m, pero
corridors into northern Guiana for a number los restos areniscos pueden alcanzar hasta
of Amazonian species. 3000 m. Debido a su position aislada y a su
Endemism elevation relativamente considerable, estas
in the entire region is high in
amphibians (52%) but much lower in reptiles montafias (tepuyes) representan ser como
(27%). At elevations above 1000 m, only islas subtropicales en un mar o llanura tropi-

frogs, lizards and snakes occur; endemism for cal. La

exploration biologica de esta alti-
frogs there is33 percent, for reptiles 24 per- planicie guayani se emprendio a mediados
cent. Endemism for amphibians below 1000 m del siglo pasado y se prosigue aiin hoy, sin
is 47 percent (frogs only 40%, caecilians only haber explorado mas que una pequefia parte

de los tepuyes y de una manera suficiente tan tion de Riolama no queda muy clara. Los
solo su aspecto herpetologico. Dado este es- generos endemicos residuales (AUophnjne,
tado de cosas, por fuerza hemos de limitarnos Rliinatrema, Pekocephalus, Amapasaurus,
a interpretar los datos obtenidos de la herpe-
Mesobaena) son endemicos de llanura y su
tofauna de la altiplanicie de la Guayana. historial esta
probablemente asociado con el
Actualmente se conocen en la Guayana de de Guayana y de Imeri. Una
los refugios
178 especies de anfibios y 230 reptiles, totali- especie endemica de Euparkerella apunta
zando asi las 408 especies heipetologicas. No tener alguna relation con las montanas del
se conoce las salamandras. En dicho numero sudeste brasileno. La "Hylodes" duidensis
se comprenden: cinco tortugas marinas, un que hasta hace poco se creia estaba emparen-
chacon (Gekkonidae) cosmopolita, cinco tada con formas del sudeste brasileno, resulta
especies importadas de las Antillas y tres cuya ser bastante diferente y mas bien
presencia en la Guayana es de origen dudoso. una derivation de los eleutherodactylini de
El residuo puede clasificarse en cinco grandes llanura. La mayor parte de los endemicos de

endemicos (38%), amazonicos (37%), altura son derivaciones subtropicales de
de vasta extension (12%), llegando el limite entes de la llanura tropical. Los endemicos
oriental de su extension hasta el escudo gua- de altura tienen una extension limitada a uno
yani (7%) y a la Guayana del Brasil central y o varios tepuyes. El origen de la mayor
sudeste (5%). Si se consideran estos datos de los endemicos de llanura se explica prob-
aisladamente, referidos a los reptiles y a los ablemente por la formation en el pasado de
anfibios por separado, constatamos diferencias refugios forestales a traves de los cambios
importantes. De 52 porciento
los anfibios, el climaticos del periodo cuatemario. De esos
son endemicos, el 30 porciento son amazonicos supuestos refugios en region es el de la

y el 7 porciento de vasta extension; mientras Guayana el mas importante, siendo de menor

que para los reptiles tenemos los siguientes importancia el de Imeri. Estos refugios, sep-

porcentajes 27, 42 y 16, respectivamente. arados por la sabana, han procurado en su
Estas diferencias se explican por el hecho de dia una especificacion alopatrica en todo un
los anfibios necesitan territorio donde hasta hace poco se creia sin
que para su reproduc-
tion agua y esta dependencia los hace mas barreras ecologicas de importancia.
limitados que los reptiles en su capacidad de Las especies amazonicas las tratan otros
dispersion. autores en otros articulos. En todo caso se
Noventa y dos especies de anfibios y 59 dividen en cuatro subgrupos. Algunas de
de reptiles son endemicos de la Guayana, con estas especies llegan hasta la
parte septen-
una pequeiia portion fuera de los limites de trional de la Guayana por la depresion del
la region que estamos describiendo. Las
espe- Essequibo-Rio Branco, o siguiendo las forma-
cies de los otros grupos pueden formar sub- ciones abiertas del Amapa costero y de la
especies endemicas en este territorio (39 sub- Guayana francesa septentrional.
especies pertenecen a 29 especies ) La mayor . La mayor parte de las especies de vasta
parte de las especies endemicas se concentran extension son de origen sudamericano, y una
en la parte occidental de la Guayana y pueden especie de origen centroamericano refuerza
clasificarse en endemicos de llanura y de al- la de los forestales. Las
hipotesis refugios
tura, segiin se hallen por debajo o por encima especies que llegan al limite
del oriental
de los 1000 m de altitud. Aproximadamente escudo guayani son de origen mixto y vienen
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Origin and Distribution of the Herpetofauna of the Dry
Lowland Regions of Northern South America

Carlos Rivero-Blanco and James R. Dixon

Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences

Texas Ab-M University
College Station, Texas 77843

The lowland open formations of north- provided us with a list of amphibian and
eastern South America include the llanos of tilespecies for the El Manteco region of the
the Orinoco, and the Caribbean arid and southeastern llanos of Venezuela.
semi-arid lowlands (Fig. 11:1). The dry low-
lands of the Guianas, are discussed by Hoog-
moed (this volume). The area of lowland
open formations is large; the llanos of Vene-
zuela alone occupy more than 180,000 km 2 The llanos are extremely diverse and con-
(Ramia, 1967), and the Caribbean arid and tain many habitat types different forest asso-

semi-arid lowlands cover some 50,000 km2 ciations, various types of savannas, and the
(Sarmiento, 1976). ever-changing aquatic along with
These areas are geologically recent.The subtle topographic features. This diversity
llanos of Colombia and Venezuela emerged makes it difficult to understand the llanos
during the Pleistocene and developed with without collating the geologic, topographic,
the contribution of Andean sediments. The floristic, faunistic,edaphic, pyric, climatic and
coastal desert areas were highly influenced by human intervention factors. In order to better
sea level oscillations during the same period; understand such diversity and the character-
most of it is sedimentary in origin. ( Direction istics of the reptilian and
amphibian faunas
de Geologia, MMH, 1969). Although the one must refer to Beard's ( 1953 and Ramia's

topography of these areas varies, the domi- (1967) comprehensive works on the Neo-
nant flat-land physiography is
conspicuous tropical savannas.
throughout. The herpetofauna of the llanos of the
Climatic conditions vary considerably, but Orinoco and the Caribbean arid and semi-
some general trends are noted. Annual rain- arid lowlands encounters a wide range of
fall maxima vary from 1000 to 2000 mm, but environments in the form of swift gradients.
the dry periods are usually six months or The rainfall patterns vary from almost six
longer (Ewell and Madriz, 1968). Mean an- months of rain in the llanos to almost no rain
nual temperatures for the area are above 24°C in the coastal deserts. Vegetation provides
(Ewell and Madriz, 1968). abundant and (in some places) continuous
Data pertaining to amphibian and reptile shade in the llanos, but vegetation is sparse
distributionswere obtained from Cochran in the drier areas.
and Coin (1970), Dunn (1957), Medem The following description of plant com-
(1968) and Ruthven (1922) for Colombia; munities based on Ramia (1967), Sarmi-

Donoso-Barros (1968), Roze (1966), Rivero ento (1976), and our own familiarity with
(1961), and Staton and Dixon (1977) for the area. These habitat types fall within more
Venezuela. We utilized a number of publica- generalized climatic types or life zones that
tions denoting the ranges of individual spe- have been proposed for by the area by Ewell
cies, but they are too numerous to mention and Madriz (1968) and Walter and Medina
here. Gorzula and Hoogmoed (pers. comm.)


Fig. 11:1. The open savannas and hot, dry lowland regions of northern South America (after Hueck, 1966).
Stippled areas are forests and mountains; heavily dotted area is part of Panama excluded from the study. Num-
bers indicate locality zones in Appendix 11:1.
Sabanas abiertas y regiones de tierra haja seca y ca liente del Norte de Sur America. Las Areas punteadas
son bosques y montanas, y la zona con puntos gruesos es parte de Panama, que no se incluyc in el estudio.
Los numeros indican zonas de localidad in el ancxo 11:1.

Tropical Dry Forest form of almost pure stands of the "Palma

Llanera," Copernicia tectorum (Fig. 11:4).
In northern Venezuela and Colombia this
This plant forms associations with deciduous
zone extends between sea level and 400 to forests and the "espinal" (thorn thicket) or
1000 m. The mean annual rainfall is 1000 to
exists in pure, somewhat sparse stands in the
1800 mm, and the mean temperature usually
savanna or as dense stands in flood savannas.
is above 24°C. The rainfall pattern is bi- The Estero de Camaguan southern Estado
seasonal with well-marked dry and wet sea-
Guarico is almost pure stands
typical in that
sons. Generally, the rainy season occurs be- of the palm, Copernicia, can withstand both
tween April and November.
long and severe droughts and long floods with
Deciduous forest, matas and gallery for- water levels up to depths of 1 m. In these
est. —
These forests are characterized by two savannas many grasses and other plants have
stories (Fig. 11:2-3). They have rather thick seasons of only five or six months,
lower strata and an almost continuous canopy but the palm apparently is adapted to ex-
that covers about 66 percent of the surface treme changes in water levels.
area (Veillon, 1963). Three major types can Morichales. —The
dominant palm in this
be defined on the basis of physical character-
community is the Moriche palm, Mauritia
istics: 1) continuous and extensive forest — minor (Fig. 11:5). The morichal community
of secondary origin areas owing
in many associated with soils of high, per-
to human "Mara" forested
intervention; 2)
— always is

manent water content in the eastern llanos

"islands" surrounded by savanna; and 3) gal- of Venezuela and the southern llanos of Co-
lery forests —associated with a variety of lombia. The term "morichal" commonly is
waterways, where the water content of the used to describe the gallery forests of the
soil seems to be rather constant throughout eastern Venezuelan llanos, where this palm
the year. is the conspicuous species in the community.

Palmares. —The central llanos of Vene- —

Trachipogon savannas. Several species
zuela exhibit a unique physiognomy in the of Trachipogon grasses (0.5-1 m high) domi-

Fig. 11:2. Gallery forest of a tributary of the Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela, during the late wet
Bosque de galena de un tributario del Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela, en plena epoca de lluvias.

Fig. 11.3. Gallery forest of the Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela,
during the late wet season.
Bosque de galena del Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela, a finales de la epoca de lluvias.

Fig. 11:4. Pure stand of Palma Llanera, Copernicia tectorum, in the Estero de Camaguan, Estado Guarico,
Venezuela, during the dry season.
Palmar de Copernicia tectorum en el Estero de Camagudn, Estado Guarico, Venezuela, durante la esta-
cion seca.

nate these sandy savannas (Fig. 11:6). In of water level during the year increase plant
some areas there are no trees, whereas in diversity in these habitats. The Rancos are
others fire resistant trees (Curatella, Bow- the higher ground, formed by the accumula-
dichia, Byrsonima and Roupala) are common. tion of sediment along the streams and never
These well-drained grasslands are rarely covered by water in the rainy season. Some
flooded and are burned annually so as to bancos are pure savanna, whereas others are
provide fresh food for cattle. partly or completely forested (Fig. 11:4).

Paspalum savannas. During the wet sea- Rajios are covered with up to 20 cm of water
son these savannas normally are inundated, during the wet season. Esteros are the lowest
and apparently only one grass (Paspalum ground and may be covered by 1 m of water

fasciculatum) is capable of living permanent- during the rainy season. The plant species
ly in the area (Fig. 11:7). Normally, it attains composition in these savannas is constantly
a height of 2 m
and forms dense, pure stands. changing throughout the year. These changes
These savannas are more common in the wet- probably result from the rather short periods
test areas of the western llanos of Venezuela. when ideal conditions are available; a dy-
Savannas of bancos, bajios and esteros. — namic dry-wet cyclic succession occurs during
This type of savanna is more diverse in spe- a few months.
cies of grasses than the former two savannas. Medanales. —The driest sites in the llanos,
It seems as though subtle topographic and lacking both trees and grass, are sand dunes
structural variations of the soil and fluctuation in close association with Trachipogon savan-

are usually above 25°C; the mean annual

rainfall is 500 to 1000 mm. The rainfall
pattern is unimodal according to Ewell and
Madriz (1968), but Walter and Medina
1971 )
used data from several coastal sta-
tions and concluded that there are two pre-
cipitation maxima

one between June and
August and another at the end of the year.
The trees are mostly deciduous (Fig. 11:8).
Vellon (1963) observed that the "canopy
species" provided only 25 percent of the cover.
The ground usually is covered by dense
thickets of Bromelia humilis (locally called
"mayales"). Some cacti are abundant near
the coast. These forests have been greatly
disturbed by man. In some areas, human ac-
tivity has left only bare soil and extremely
eroded terrain.

There are two other vegetation communi-

ties within this forest; these were designated
as Dry Evergreen, and Deciduous, bushlands

by Sarmiento (1976). Dry Evergreen Bush-

land is distinguished by the presence of a
closed canopy of low trees, shrubs 2 to 4 m
high, sparse taller trees, and cacti up to 10 m
high emerging occasionally. Two primary
Fig. 11:5. Pure stand of Moriche Palm, Mauritia features are the absence of bare ground and
minor, in the southern llanos of Estado Anzoategui, predominance of evergreen bushes. Although
Venezuela. Deciduous Bushland is similar in structure,
Palmar de Mauritia minor en los llanos del sur,
deciduous bushes predominate.
Estado Anzoategui, Venezuela.

nas and located mainly south of the Rio Tropical Thorn Woodland
Apure. Ramia (1967) described them as dy- Sarmiento (1976) distinguished this vege-
namic systems of sand dunes.
habitats. — The
tation type as lacking a continuous canopy
Aquatic rivers, canos, la-
and having large spaces of bare soil between
goons and temporary aquatic situations, such
sparse trees and shrubs (Fig. 11:9). The
as esteros and bajios, form an important habi-
most common trees are those belonging to the
many amphibians and reptiles of eco-
tat for

nomic importance turtles of the genus Po- genera Capparis, Prosopis, Cercidium and
Pithecolobium. The Cactaceae is represented
docnemis and crocodilians. This habitat is
by MammaUaria. Melocactus, Opuntia and
unique in the llanos and, although intrinsi- Lemaireocerus. The arid climate of this zone
cally different from the terrestrial habitats, it
has an irregular precipitation pattern; how-
shares the dry-wet effects of the climate and
ever, there is a tendency for rains to increase
oscillates in size
(some disappear in the dry towards the end of the year (Walter and
season). This results in brumation of many
Medina, 1971).
fish, reptiles, and amphibians.
Dry formations common in certain inter-
Andean valleys in Venezuela (usually around
Very Dry Tropical Forest
1000 m or above) are typical rain shadows
This type of forest occurs from sea level to (Fig. 11:10). Ewell and Madriz (1968) clas-
600 m where the mean annual temperatures sified the vegetation and climate of this life

i fi

Fig. 11.6. Trachipogon savannas in Estado Anzoategui, Venezuela, with scattered Chaparro, Curatella sp.
Sabanas de Trachipogon del estado Anzoategui, Venezuela, con algunos Chaparros Curatella sp.

Fig. 11:7. Paspalum savannas of the lower Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela, with pure stands of
Paspalum fasciculatum.
Sabanas de Paspalum fasciculatum del Bajo Rio Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela.

Fig. 11:8. Very dry tropical forest in early Janu- Fig. 11:9. Tropical thorn woodland community
ary, near the Laguna Unare, Estado Anzoategui, in Estado Lara, Venezuela.
Venezuela. Comunidad de matorral espinoso tropical en el
Bosque tnuy seco tropical a principios de enero, Estado Lara, Venezuela.
cerca de la Laguna de Unare, Estado Anzoategui,

zone as Premontanc Thorn Woodland. The ORIGIN OF THE AMPHIBIAN

climateis very dry, and the temperatures AND REPTILE FAUNA
(mean annual temperature less than 24°C)
lower than those of the Tropical Thorn Wood- The geological and fossil evidence (see
land. Sarmiento ( 1976 ) suggested that these introduction and other sections of this sym-
small areas were possible dispersal routes for posium) suggests that there was a major
alteration of climate in the late Quarternary
plant communities at higher elevations be-
tween the Venezuelan Andes to the Atacama in the lowlands of northern South America.

Desert. Maritime wind shifts coupled with rain shad-

ow effects associated with the rise of the

Desert Scrub and Desert Andes, provided the necessary physical traits
to alter the climate from wet tropical to dry
The climatic regime of the desert scrub tropical, semiarid and/or arid desert regimes.
does not differ appreciably from that of the The climatic and elevational shifts eliminated
tropical thorn woodland. Floristically, it is an those less adaptive tropical species of the
impoverished thorn woodland equivalent to Magdalena and Maracaibo basins, while the
the deserts of arid temperate areas (Sarmi- Orinoco Embayment remained unchanged for
ento, 1976). The most arid areas are salt or a longer period of time. The latter region
sand deserts in the western Caribbean coast slowly filled with Andean and fluvial sedi-
of Venezuela and Colombia (Fig. 11:11). ments from the north and west from Cre-
Salt deserts are common along the coast with taceous to Recent times and is underlain by
low shrubby Chenopodiaceae, while sand some 10,000 meters of deposits (Direccion
dunes are inhabited by Acacia, Opuntia and de Geologia, MMH, 1970). The extensive
several geophytes (Sarmiento, 1976). Colombian and Venezuelan llanos are prob-



Fig. 11:10. Premontane thorn woodland community of a rain shadow desert in the vicinity of Lagunillas,
Estado Merida, Venezuela (above 1000 m, mean temperature less than 24°C).
Comunidad de matorral espinoso premontano en el vallc inter-andino dc Lagunillas, Estado Merida, Vene-
zuela (Sobre 1000 m.s.n.m. y con una tempcratura media anual por debajo de 24°C).

Fig. 11:11.Typical Medanos (sand dunes) in the desert scrub community of Estado Falcon, Venezuela.
Medanos (Dunas de Arena) en la comunidad de Maleza Desertica en el Estado Falcon, Venezuela.

ably less than one million years of age and tained by edaphic and climatic factors.
formerly may have been more patchy than Studies of the cactus flora (Sarmiento,
they are today. There is evidence that some 1976) along the coastal zones of northeastern
areas of the llanos are maintained as a fire South America suggest that endemism is low
climax vegetation, while other parts are main- and that phytogenetically, these zones are

more closely allied with similar areas in Cen- northern limit of Leptodactylus bolivianus is
tral America and the West Indies than that Costa Rica and L. pentadactylus Honduras,
of northeastern Brasil. Sarmiento (1976) sug- and both range southward to Bolivia. Lepto-
gested that the origin of the flora is hetero- dactylus fragilis and L. poecilochdus reach
geneous, with many plant species being Mexico and Costa Rica, respectively, but their
contributed from nearby and less dry plant southern limits border the Orinoco Basin.
formations. In addition, the composition of Leptodactylus fuscus, macrosternum and wag-
the vegetation is strongly influenced by cosmo- neri reach their southern limits in Brasil and
politan or western hemisphere weeds which Peru, but their northern limits are the dry
have greater numbers of species both north zones of northeastern South America, and L.
and south of the middle latitudes. The num- rugosus is restricted to the Guiana region.
bers of relictual, endemic taxa are relatively Thus, only one of the above species may be
few, and are comprised of species typical of regarded as endemic to the dry zones of
certain edaphic conditions or common forms northern South America. The four endemic
of communities, such as tropical deciduous species of amphibians are those that belong
and dry tropical forests. to rather widespread genera that occur both
Although there is a series of arid vegeta- north and south of the zone —
e.g., Hyla min-
Andes of Venezuela,
tion islands along the uscula, H. wandae, Physalaemus enesefae, and
Colombia and Peru, and many of these are Pipa parva; one crocodilian, Crocodylus inter-
only 200 to 300 km apart, the plant species medins; one turtle, Podocnemis vogli; eleven
show relationship to those of the south-
little lizards, Arwlis annectens, A. onca, Bachia bi-
ern South American deserts. Most of the flora color, B. guianensis, B. talpa, Qonatodes vit-
is more closely related to the arid floras of tatus, Hemidactylus palaichthus, Lepidoble-
Mexico, Central America and the western pharis sanctaemartae, Ophryoessoides eryth-
Caribbean. Furthermore, if we examine the rogaster, Phyllodactylus dixoni, Tretioscincus
plants and animals of the small, relictual, bijasciatus; nine snakes Bothrops lansbergi,
open formations within the present rainforests Crotalus vegrandis, Helicops danieli, H. sca-
and those of the pantanal of western Brasil, Leptotyphlops dimidiatus, Micrurus cir-
we are left with the impression that both the cinalis, M. dissoleucas, Phimophis guianensis,
flora and fauna once were connected across and Typhlops lehneri.
the Amazon Basin, probably during Pleisto- Based upon present distribution patterns,
cene glacial maxima. a number of species of amphibians and rep-
Herpetofaunal affinities of the northern tiles may have evolved within the dry zones
lowland dry zones of South America are at of northeastern South America and later
variance with Sarmiento's (1976) conclusions spread north and south into similar habitats
concerning the flora. Some of the amphibians when favorable climates and corridors were
and reptiles occurring in the dry forests in available. Among these are the following:
northern South America are more common in Bufo gramdosus, Hyla crepitans, Hyla rostra-
lowland rainforests. At least 14 of 36 species ta, Leptodactylus bolivianus, Pseudis paradox-
of amphibians and 44 of 108 reptiles that oc- us, Geochelone carbonaria, Ameiva ameiva,
cur in northern dry forests also inhabit Ama- A. bifrontata, Cnemidophorus lemniscatus,
zon forests. However, many of these species Gymnophthalmus speciosus, Tropidurus tor-
are fossorial, aquatic, or show wide tolerances quatus, Crotalus durissus, Mastigodryas pleei,
for ecological situations; thus it is difficult to Micrurus isozonus, Pseudoboa neuwiedi, Tan-
assign these species to a particular vegetation tilla scmicincta, and Thamnodynastes strigilis.
Many wide ranging species occur in the
Some species and genera have affinities to northeastern South American dry zones, but
Central America and to the dry zones of Bra- some {Bufo marinus, Hyla microcephala, H.
sil, whereas others are widely distributed rubra, Caiman crocodylus, Phrynolujas venu-
north and south of the dry zones of north- losa, Chrysemys scripta, Kinosternon scorpi-
eastern South America. For example, the oides, Iguana iguana, Eunectes murinus, Heli-

cops angulatus, Leptodeira annulata) are than a less diverse one, and that more species
present because of the abundance of surface of amphibians and reptiles are associated
water six to eight months of the year or be- with plant communities that are structurally
cause of prey associated with abundant heterogeneous. The structurally simple desert
moisture. scrub community of coastal Venezuela ap-
Other species (Ameiva ameiva, Thecadac- pears to contain only one reptile (Cnemido-
tylus rapicaiidus, Tupinambis teguixin, Boa phorus lemniscatus) and no amphibians. As
constrictor, Clelia clelia, Drymarchon corais, many as 48 species of amphibians and reptiles
Epicrates cenchria, Imantodes cenchoa, hep- occur in a structurally heterogeneous dry for-
tophis ahaetulla, Mastigodryas boddaerti, M.
est zone near the center of the llanos, and 75
bifossatus, Oxybelis aeneus, Spilotes pullatus, species in a moderate heterogeneous dry
Sibon nebulata, Tantilla melanocephala) are forest zone in the Yuruari Savanna (Appen-
dix 11:1).
adaptively plastic and survive in many harsh
environments. Amphibians more abundant where
In summary, herpetofauna of the lowland water or rainfall more constant; the same is

true for aquatic reptiles and to some extent

dry tropical zone of northern South America
arboreal species. Amphibians are more nu-
appears to be as heterogeneous as the flora.
Endemism is relatively low, probably owing
merous in gallery forests in llanos, matas and
to the relatively recent origin of the Orinoco Pasptdum savanna than in a palmares savanna.
its climate and vegetation. In somc areas re P tile species are more numer-
ous in broad contact zones between major
llanos floral communities (heterogeneous na-
DIVERSITY OF AMPHIBIANS ture of ecotone) than within one given vege-
AND REPTILES tation type. Table 11:1 indicates the relative

diversity of species of amphibians and rep-

It is obvious that a diverse plant com- tiles in particular floral communities within
munity affords a greater variety of resources the llanos of Colombia and Venezuela.
Table 11:1. —
Distribution of the Herpetofauna of the Llanos (Exclusive of the Aquatic Species) in the
Seven Basic Vegetation Communities Recognized by Venezuelan Botanists, Ecologists and by Us.

Mata, Bancos,
Deciduous Bajios &
&Gallery Trachipogon Paspalum Esteros
Species Forests Palmares Morichales Savanna Medanales Savanna Savannas

Bufo granulosus
— + — — — + +
Bufo guttatus + — — — — — +
Bufo marinus + + + + + + +
+ _

Dendrobates leucomelas
Elachistocleis ovalis — + + + — + +
Hyla crepitans + + + — — + +
+ + + — — + +

Ihjla microcephala
Hyla rostrata -j_
Hyla rubra + + + — — + +
Hyla wandae
Leptodactylus bolivianus + + + — — + +
Leptodactylus fuscus _ + + + — — + +
Leptodactylus macrosternon .... + + + — — + +
Leptodactylus fragdis _ .._ + + + — — + +
Leptodactylus wagneri _. + + + — + +
Physalaemus enesefae + + — — — — +
Physalaemus pustulosis _ + + — — — + +
Phrynohyas venulosa . + + + — — — +
Phyllotnedusa hypocondrialis „_+ —

— —

Pipa pipa ._ + -—

Pleurodema brachyops . ... ..... + + + — + +

Pscudis paradoxus — — — — — + +

Table 11:1 (Continued).

Mata, Bancos,
Deciduous Bajios &
&Gallery Trachipogon Paspalum Esteros
Amphisbaena alba
Amphisbacna fuliginosa
Anolis auratus
Cnemidophorus lemniscatus _..








Gymnophthalmus spcciosus — — + — — — + +
+ — + — — — +

Hemidactylus pdlaichthus
Iguana iguana + + + — — — +
Kentropyx striatus + — + — — + +
Phyllodactylus dixoni
— — — + — —
Phyllodactylus vcntralis
_ +
Tropidurus torquatus + + + — — — +
Tupinambis tcguixin + + + + + + +
Boa constrictor _ + + + + + + +
Chironius carinatus + + + — — — +
Corallus cnhydris + — + — — --

Crotalus durissus .... + + + + — — +

Crotalus vegrandis — — — + — — +
Imantodes cenchoa -)-_____

Leptodeira anmdata
Leimadophis melanotus
Lcimadophis reginae



Leimadophis typhlus
Leptophis ahaetulla
Lygophis lincatus
Masticophis mentovarius
Mastigodryas bifossatus


Micrurus isozonus + + + + + + +
Oxybclis aencus
Oxyrhopus petola
Phimophis guianensis
Pscudoboa neuwiedii
Spilotcs pullatus






Thamnodynastes strigilis + + + — — + +

Comparison of lizard faunas of the low- caibo Basin; Aineiva ameiva subsp., Cnemi-
land dry forests of northern South America dophorus lemniscatus subsp., Phyllodactylus
and the upper Amazon rainforest in Peru dixoni, Crotalus vegrandis, Crocodylus inter-
(Dixon and Soini, 1975), reveals 34 and 38 medins, Podocnemis vogli to the llanos; Lepi-
species, respectively. Duellman (1978) listed doblepharis sanctaemartae, Ophryoessoides
29 species of lizards from an Amazonian site erythrogaster, Helicops danieli to the Santa
(Santa Cecilia, Ecuador); 26 of these occur Marta Region; Anolis onca and Tretioscincus
at Iquitos, Peru. Owing to several physical bifasciatus to the dry coastal areas of Vene-
and/ or climatic barriers between various zuela.
vegetation zones in the llanos and dry north- The llanos and northern dry forests con-
ern forests, local endemism is greater than in tain 56 species of snakes, whereas the upper
the upper Amazon Basin, thereby resulting Amazon region has 92 species (88 at Iquitos,
in a large total number of lizard species in 53 at Santa Cecilia). Santa Cecilia and the
the former region. As examples Pipa parua, — dry zones in northern South America share
Anolis annectens are endemic to the Mara- almost 30 percent of their species of snakes.

Santa Cecilia shares 92 percent of its snake ing us the opportunity to present this paper
fauna with Iquitos, whereas Apure, Vene- on such short notice.
zuela (llanos site), shares 43 percent of its
snakes with Iquitos. At any one 10,000 km

200,000 km )
site in the llanos region (

only 14-17 species of snakes are present, a En presente contribution hemos tratado
much lower number than at given sites in the de examinar las relaciones zoogeograficas de

upper Amazon Basin. Thus the structure of la herpetofauna de las zonas bajas y secas de
the land area, complexity of vegetation com- Sur America Nor-Occidental. En area abar-
munities, and climate, seem to be limiting ca concretamente los Llanos del Orinoco y
factors for some, but not all, species. Nearly las zonas aridas y semi-aridas de las costas del
equal numbers of species of lizards occur
Caribe, mas de 300,000 km de
e incluye

varied habitats, but the number of

highly superficie que, en su mayor parte, esta for-
snakes is highly variable (see Arnold, 1972, mada por sedimentos de origen pleistoceno
for further discussion). There should be
(Fig. 1).
about equal numbers of snakes species in Unas 130 especies de anfibios y reptiles
each area if: 1) lizards and amphibians can han sido senaladas para el area y se encuen-
be considered as secondary consumers and tran en una gran variedad de habitats que
snakes as tertiary consumers (predators on van desde los bosques deciduos y de galeria
either one or both of the former); 2) the de los llanos del Orinoco hasta zonas aridas
abiotic part of the environment is coarse en las que predominan medanos arenosos,
grained (MacArthur and Levins, 1964)
pasando por diversos grados de cobertura
terms of to the structure
adaptations physical vegetal. Este gradiente de cobertura vegetal
for both the llanos and the upper Amazon; de
ejerce gran influencia in la distribution
and 3) the biotic part of the environment of lasespecies estudiadas, ya que los parametros
these two areas is coarse grained in terms of microclimaticos que se derivan de la disposi-
food resources and cover. However, the food tion de la vegetation y, ademas, las caracter-
resources and the climate of the llanos are isticas fisicasque presentan formaciones
coarse grained, whereas the food resources dan como resultado una gran diver-
and climate in the upper Amazon are fine sidad de habitats que pueden ser accesibles
grained; therefore, we expect greater diver- o no a los reptiles y anfibios que viven en la
consumers in the Amazon than
sity of tertiary zona.
in the llanos. The availability of a variety of En el gradiente de cobertura vegetal se
food resources during activity periods of a refleja la influencia de los Parametros cli-
consumer in a
tertiary relatively uniform en- maticos regionales. Los mas conspicuos,
vironment would allow for more selection and como la precipitation y la temperatura apa-
greater speciation than where food
rentan ser de gran importancia.
may be equally available but with little or
En los Llanos, el regimen de lluvias pa-
no variety and with greater fluctuations in
rece regir en gran parte los fenomenos bio-
climate (Arnold, 1972). logicos y favorece a aquellos organismos que
estan adaptados a vivir con abundancia de
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS agua durante la mitad del ano y carestia
agua durante la otra mitad. En las zonas

tremadamente aridas del literal la carestia

We are especially grateful to Marinus S.
de agua durante casi todo el ano tiene gran
Hoogmoed amphibian data from Guianan
for influencia en la diversidad vegetal y en la
Gorzula for a current list of
composition floristica de las comunidades
savannas, Steve
amphibians and reptiles from the Yuruari Sa- vegetales. Este efecto se hace
sentir tambien

vanna, and William Pyburn for information en la fauna y especialmente en los anfibios
resistir la
on anuran distribution Colombian
in the que estan pobremente dotados para
llanos. We thank William Duellman for giv- sequia prolongada.

Con el objeto de poner en claro las pre- que unas pocas son endemicas a la region.
ferencias ecologicas de las especies de anfibios Segun nuestra lista de especies y su distri-
y reptiles de la zona en estudio, hemos tratado bucion, y la diversidad de habitats accesibles
de hacer una clasificacion de habitats que esta en la zona en estudio se puede notar que el
enmarcada dentro de tipos climaticos gen- numero de especies es mayor en aquellos
erales reconocidos para la region (Ewell y habitats de mayor diversidad fisica como los
Madriz, 1968). Dentro de cada uno de los bosques, o de mayor estabilidad microclima-
tipos climaticos presentamos una lista de los tica, o donde las condiciones son mas pre-
habitats accesibles a la herpetofauna basan- decibles de ano a ario.
donos en experiencias personales y en cono- Los ciclos estacionales de gran influencia
cidas clasificaciones hechas por otros autores ecologica como el del agua en la region 11a-
(Ramia, 1967; Sarmiento, 1976). nera tienen influencia muy especial en la com-
La lista de habitats es la siguiente: I. — position faunistica, en el sentido de propor-
Bosque Seco Tropical: A) Bosques decidu- cionar un dinamismo unico que presenta un
ous, Matas y Bosques de galeria. (Figs. 11: reto para aquellas especies que no se pueden
2-11:3); B) Palmares (Fig. 11:4); C) Mori- adaptar rapidamente a situaciones extremas
chales (Fig. 11:5); D) Sabanas de Trachi- de carestia o abundancia de agua. Muchas
pogon (Fig. 11:6); E) Sabanas de Paspalum especies estan activas solo durante la parte
(Fig. 11:7); F) Sabanas de Bancos, Bajios favorable del ano y esto hace que sea dificil
y Esteros (Fig. 11:4); G) Medanales; y de observar la totalidad de las especies en un
H) Rios, cafios y lagunas. determinado periodo del ciclo de lluvias.
II. —Bosque muy Seco Tropical. Bosque En ambientes mas secos como los de las
muy seco (Fig. 11:8); Monte seco siempre- regiones xerofilas del litoral, las condiciones
verde; Monte deciduo. climaticas provocan, entre otros fenomenos,
III.— Monte Espinoso Tropical (Fig. 11: una sequia prolongada, que solo es soportada
9). por un numero escaso de reptiles y por muy
IV. — Maleza Desertica y Desierto (Fig. pocos anfibios.
11:11). La distribucion de algunos grupos, como
Presentamos una lista de anfibios y rep- largartos y serpientes, esta sujeta a diferencias
tiles en la que se seiialan las preferencias inherentes a dichos organismos en relacion a
ecologicas de las especies en relacion con los su position trofica y muy especificamente a
habitats terrestres que hemos identificado en sus requerimientos como consumidores, asi
el Bosque Seco Tropical (Tabla 11:1). El como tambien a sus requerimientos especi-
Apendice 11:1 presenta la distribucion cono- ficos en cuanto a la estructura del habitat.
cida de las especies de anfibios y reptiles con Las serpientes paracen no diferir de los
respecto a las grandes zonas consideradas en lagartos en cuanto a su adaptabilidad hacia el
el estudio. medio fisico y estructural del habitat. En
Sarmiento (1976), sugiere que el origen cambio las serpientes parecen consumi-
de la flora de las regiones secas de la costa del dores terciarios que pueden explotar de ma-
Caribe es heterogeneo. Algunas especies o nera mas especializada el alimento disponible,
grupos son cosmopolitas, otros endemicos, mientras que los lagartos son mas generali-
otros vienen del norte o del sur de America y zados en sus dietas y por ello mas propensos
la mayoria ha inmigrado a la zona en dife- a competir por el recurso disponible. Debido
rente epoca y por diferentes. a dichas caracteristicas, creemos poder ex-
Los Reptiles y Anfibios de esa region pa- plicar la existencia de casi el doble de especies
recen confirmar las conclusiones de Sarmi- de serpientes en la zona estudiada.
ento en lo que respecta al origen de la flora.
La herpetofauna muestra afinidades con gru-
pos de origen centro-americano y tambien con
las zonas mas secas de Brasil.
Algunas espe- Arnold, S. J. 1972. Species densities of predators
cies son decididamente cosmopolitas mientras and their prey. Amer. Nat. 106:220-236.

Beard, J. S. 1953. The savanna vegetation of north- patchy environment. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 51:
ern tropical America. Ecol. Monogr. 23:149-215. 1207-1210.
Cochran, D., Goin, C. J. 1970. Frogs of Colombia. Medem, F. 1968. El desarrollo de la herpetologta in
Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 288:1-655. Colombia. Rev. Acad. Colombiana Cien. Exactas
Direccion de Geologia, MMH, Venezuela. 1970. Fis. Nat. 13:149-199.
Lexico Estratigrafico de Venezuela. Bol. Geol. Ramia, M. 1967. Tipos de sabanas en los llanos de
Publ. Especial 4, 757 p. Venezuela. Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cien. Nat. 112:
Dixon, J. R„ Soini, P. 1975. The reptiles of the 264-287.
upper Amazon basin, Iquitos region, Peru I. Liz- Rivero, J. A. 1961. Salientia of Venezuela. Bull.
ards and Amphisbaenians. Milwaukee Publ. Mus. Mus. Com. Zool. Harvard Univ. (126): 1-207.
Contr. Biol. Geol. (4):l-58. Roze, J. A. 1966. La taxonomia y zoogeografia de
Dixon, J. R., Soim, P. 1977. The reptiles of the los ofidios de Venezuela. Univ. Central Vene-
upper Amazon basin, Iquitos region, Peru II. zuela, Caracas, 362 p.
Crocodilians, turtles and snakes. Ibid. ( 12 ) 1— 91. : Ruthven, A. G. 1922. The amphibians and reptiles
Donoso-Barros, R. 1968. The lizards of Venezuela of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
(Check list and key). Caribb. J. Sci. 8:105-122. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan (8): 1-69.
Duellman, W. E. 1978. The biology of an equa- Sarmiento, G. 1976. Evolution of arid vegetation in
torial herpetofauna in Amazonian Ecuador. Univ. tropical America, pp. 65-99 in Goodall, D. W.
Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Misc. Publ. 65:1-352. (ed.). Evolution of Desert Biota. Univ. Texas
Dunn, E. R. 1957. Contributions to the herpetology Press, Austin, 250 p.
Colombia 1943-1946. Privately printed, 296 p.
of Staton, M. A., Dixon, J. R. 1977. The herpeto-
Ewell, J., Madriz, A. 1968. Zonas de Vida de fauna of the central llanos of Venezuela: note-
Venezuela, Memoria explicativa sobre el Mapa worth records, a tentative checklist and ecological
Ecologico. MAC, Dir. Invest., Caracas, 265 p. notes. J. Herpetol. 11:17-24.
Holdridge, L. R. 1967. Life zone ecology tropical Veillon, J. P. 1963. Relation de ciertas caracter-
science center. San Jose, Costa Rica, 206 p. isticas de la masa forestal de unos bosques de

Hueck, K. 1966. Die Walder Sudamerikas. Gustav las zoneas bajas de Venezuela con el factor cli-
Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 422 p. matico: Humedad pluvial. Acta Cient. Venezo-
Hueck, K., Seirert, P. 1972. Vegetationskarte von lana 14:30-41.
Sudamerika. Gustav. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Walter, H., Medina, E. 1971. Caracterizacion cli-

71 p., map. matiea de Venezuela sobre la base de climadia-

MacArthur, R. H., Levins, R. 1964. Competition, gramas de estaciones particulares. Bol. Soc. Vene-
habitat selection, and character displacement in a zolana Cien. Nat. 119/120:211-240.

Appendix 11:1. —Species
amphibians and reptiles (150) recorded from savannas and dry forests of northern
South America, exclusive of Ecuador and the northern Atacama Desert. Holdridge's (1967)
vegetation zone
system was utilized in determining vegetative communities. Numbers (1-5) of locality zones correspond to
locations in figure 11:1.

Vegetation Zone Locality Zone

o ft
ft H T3 o
° g a
C/3 8.
S o «
V 0,0 bo £

£ E
c S
o -c
MO <s fci
B1//0 granulosus + + + + + + +
Bufo guttatus + +
Bufo marinus — + + + + + + +
Ceratophnjs calcarata + + +
Dcndrohatcs Icucomelas .. + +
Elachistoclcis ovalis + +
llyla albomarginata +
Hyla blairi + +
Ht/Ia crepitans + + + +
Hyla egleri + +
Hyla geographica + +
Hyla kennedyi + +
Hyla leucophyllata + +
Hyla lutcocellata + +
Hyla microcephala + + + +
Hyla minuscula + +
Hyla multifasciata + +
Hyla rostrata + +
Hyla rubra + +
Hyla wandae .. + +
Hyla x-signata + +
Leptodactylus bolivianus + + + +
Leptodactylus fragilis + + + +
Leptodactylus fuscus + + + +
Leptodactylus macrosternum + + +
Leptodactylus pentadactylus + + +
Leptodactylus poecilochilus _ + +
Leptodactylus rugosus + +
Leptodactylus wagneri + + +
Phrynohyas venulosa + + + +
Physalaemus cnescfae + + +
Physalaemus pustolosus + + + +
Phyllomcdusa lujpocondrialis + +
Pipa parva + +
Pipa pipa + +
Pleurodema brachyops + + + +
Pscudis paradoxus .. + + + +
Pscudopaludicola pusilla + + +
Pseudopaludicola sagittifcr + +
Rana palmipes +
Rclictivomer pearsei + +
Sphaenorhynchus eurhostus + +
Caiman crocodilus + + + + +
Crocodylus acutus + + +

Appendix 11:1 (Continued).

Vegetation Zone Locality Zone

H _, H
It 0) ° £

.5 o
a o O
u 4) Q £Q
t£ " 6
CO 2
JH 3!

Crocodylus intermedins +
Paleosuchus palpebrosus +
Chclus fimbriatus + +
Chrysemys scripta + + +
Geochelone carbonaria + -t-

Kinostcrnon scorpioides + +
Phry nops geoffroanus +
Podocnemis erytherocephala ... +
Podocnemis expansa +
Podocnemis nnifilis +
Podocnemis vogli +
Bhinoclemys punctularia +
Amphisbaena alba +
Amphisbaena fuliginosa _ +
Ameiva ameiva _ +
Ameiva bifrontata +
Anolis annectens +
Anolis auratus +
Anolis gaigei +
Anolis onca _ +
Bachia bicolor +
Bachia guianensis +
Bachia heteropa + +
Bachia talpa +
Basiliscus basiliscus +
Cercosaura ocellata +
Cnemidophorus lemniscatus + + + +
Gonatodes albogularis + + +
Gonatodes vittatus _ + + +
Gymnophthalmus speciosus + +
Gymnophthalmus underwoodi . +
Hemidactylus brooki .... +
Hemidactylus palaichthus +
Iguana iguana + + + +
Kentropyx borkianus +
Kentropyx striatus +
Lcpidoblcpharis sanctaemartae +
Leposoma rugiceps +
Mabuya mabouya +
Ophryoessoides crythrogaster ... +
Pliyllodactylus dixoni +
Phyllodactylus ventralis ... + + +
Polychrus marmoratus +
Pseudo gonatodes lunulatus _ +
Sphaerodactylus molei +
Thecadactylus rapicaudus + + +

Appendix 11:1 (Continued).


Appendix 11:1 (Concluded).

12. Composition, Distribution y Origen de la
Jose M. Gallardo
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Avenida Angel Gallardo 470
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Las primeras referencias sobre la herpeto- entre el este de Tucuman y la mitad de

fauna chaqueiia se tienen a traves de los re- Chaco. Cubre los departamentos de Boque-
lators y libros de los sacerdotes misioneros de ron y Olimpo de Paraguay, al oeste del Rio
la epoca colonial (Siglos XVII-XVIII). Los Paraguay. En la Argentina abarca toda la Pro-
Padres Ruiz de Montoya, Lozano, Paucke, vincia de Santiago del Estero y penetra en los
Juarez, Sanchez Labrador (vease referencias valles del este de Jujuy, el este de Catamarca
en Gallardo, 1961b) tienen descripciones y a y de La Rioja y el norte de San Luis (Fig.
veces grabados sobre diversas especies cha- 12:1). Presenta areas ecotonales o de transi-
queiias de ofidios, saurios, cocodrilos, y tor- tion con otras faunas penetrando en el Para-
tugas, con informaciones por observation guay hacia el este. En Brasil algunos elemen-
directa y otras referencias de los indigenas tos faunisticos del Chaco llegan al Mato
del "Gran Chaco Gualamba." Algunos natur- Grosso, al sudeste y al nordeste a favor del
alistas viajeros como d'Orbigny (1847) tam- Cerrado y la Caatinga; Uegando aun hasta
bien se refieren a algunos de los anfibios y las Guayanas, y algunos elementos alcanzan

reptiles de la region chaqueiia. Como he in- el Uruguay. En la Argentina se superpone

dicado en un trabajo anterior (Gallardo, —
con otras formas en el este de Formosa y
1966c), aiios despues Cope (1862) describe Chaco, el oeste de Corrientes, el noroeste de
especies colectadas por la expedition del Cap- Entre Rios y el norte de Santa Fe. Ciertos
itan T. Page; luego sucesivamente: Stein- elementos llegan a Mendoza, San Juan, La
dachner (1864), Boettger (1885), Boulenger Pampa, y Rio Negro.
(1889, 1894, 1898), Peracca (1895), Budgett La fauna chaqueiia propiamente dicha se
( 1899 ),Mehely ( 1904 ) se ocupan de la fauna extiende por la llanura chaco-bonariense en
chaqueiia. Mas recientemente deben men- su parte norte, la cual tiene una elevation
cionarse los trabajos de Miiller y Hellmich entre 100 a 500 m. Por debajo de los 100 m
(1936), Vellard (1948), Cei (1948, 1949, existe la zona de transicion faunistica con la
1950, 1955), Barrio (1965), y Gallardo (1951, fauna litoral-mesopotamica, y por arriba de
1957, 1959, 1961a, 1962, 1964a-e, 1965a, 1966 los 500 m con la fauna subandina. Algunos
a-c, 1968a,b, 1969a, 1971). elementos chaqueiios avanzan por las serran-
ias bajas del oeste. Por la presencia o ausen-
cia de rios la fauna se distribuye de acuerdo
a las limitaciones de su dispersion.
En la region chaqueiia las lluvias maximas
La region chaqueiia abarca una enorme anuales se producen en verano ( lo mismo que
area geografica, que va desde el sur de San en la region subandina); en el area litoral-

Jose de Chiquitos y las Serranias de Santiago mesopotamica se producen en primavera y

en Bolivia hasta el norte de la Provincia de otono, y en el area de transicion faunistica
Cordoba en Argentina. Posee una longitud de las epocas son intermedias. Los promedios
norte al sur de 1280 km. Su ancho maximo en anuales chaqueiios van de 550 a 760 mm (en
la Argentina, oscila entre 350-400 km, desde la Argentina); en el area de transicion son

el este de Salta hasta la mitad de Formosa, o practicamente el doble, entre 1000 a 1460


En el mapa se ha indicado el area abarcada por la herpetofauna chaqueha y la zona dc transi-

Fig. 12:1.
tion con fauna litoral-mesopotdmica. Se indican las ciudadcs capitales dentro del area y los rios principalcs.

Map showing the area occupied by the Chacoan herpetofauna and the transition zone with the Litoral-
Mesopotamian fauna. Capital cities and principal rivers are shown.

mm, y en el area subandina son menos de que chaqueno, con bosques y arboles aislados
la mitad que en la chaquena (160-325 mm). (Acacia, Prosopis, ScJtinopsis, Aspklospcrma)
De modo que existe un escalon pluviometrico en pastizales de gramineas (Setaria, Digi-
coincidente en general con el topografico. taria, Trichloris) ;
a veces se trata de palmares
En cuanto a las temperaturas anuales hay ( de matorrales espi-
Tritrinax, Copernicia ) o
diferencia entre el area ocupada por la fauna nosos ultimos, en areas
(en especial, estos
de transition y la ocupada por la litoral-meso- degradadas), otras son areas de vegetation
potamica, de la mitad de Santa Fe hacia el halofila o falta la vegetation casi totalmente
sur. Asi en la primavera hay cinco meses de en detenninados espacios. Corresponde basi-
posibles temperaturas bajo cero (entre mayo camente a la Provincia Chaquena del Dominio
y septiembre inclusive), con temperaturas Chaquerio (Cabrera, 1971), la
minimas de hasta —5° y — 6°C. En la mitad chaquena tambien puede extenderse por las
sur de Santa Fe hay seis o siete meses de provincias del Monte y del Espinal. No
posibles temperaturas bajo cero (de abril o existe,en cambio, en ambientes puramente
mayo a octubre inclusive), lo que amplia herbaceos como los del sur de Santa Fe y de
considerablemente el esquema anterior, ade- Cordoba, y la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que
mas minimas pueden alcanzar los — 10°C.
las corresponden a la llamada "Pampa humeda."
Esto se halla ligado a un cambio faunistico, Es alii donde vemos que existe una com-
que coincide con la desaparacion hacia el sur ponente climatica y fitogeografica que no
de la fauna herpetologica chaquena. favorece el avance de la herpetofauna cha-
En la region considerada domina el par- quena hacia el sur.

COMPOSICI6N HERPETOFAUN1STICA 2. Nidos de espuma flotantes. No hay

construccion de cuevas, por parte de
La herpetofauna chaquena se compone las ranas, los nidos son construidos
con cinco familias de anfibios ( 14 generos, la pareja. Esto se da en las ranas
30 especies) y 13 familias de reptiles (35 todactylus chaquensis y L. laticeps, y
generos, 49 especies). Entre los anfibios hay las especies de Physalaemus y Pleuro-
una marcada abundancia de leptodactylidos dema.
(6 generos, 16 especies) y en segundo ter- 3. Nidos en Son construidos en
las hojas.
mino los hylidos 3 generos, 7 especies ) Los
hojas ramas de arboles, sobre
saurios tienen un marcado predominio de cuerpos de agua, adonde luego caen los
iguanidos (6 generos, 7 especies) y en se- renacuajos para completar su desarrollo
gundo termino de teiidos (5 generos, 6 espe- larval. Tal sucede en las especies de

cies). De las 79 especies de anfibios y rep- PhyUomedusa, ranas arboricolas.

tiles que habitan la region chaquena, 40 —
Desarrollo larval. Varias estrategias son
especies (21 anfibios, 19 reptiles) son basica- usadas por los renacuajos.
mente endemicas de esa region (Tabla 12:1). 1. Desarrollo
rapido de unas dos semanas
de duracion, se da en las ranas con-
structoras de cuevas en el suelo y nidos
ECOLOGIA Y ADAPTACIONES de espuma (vease las especies men-
cionadas anteriormente ) .

En lasespecies de anfibios y reptiles se 2. Desarrollo lento de una duracion de

notan interesantes adaptaciones a las condi- uno o dos meses en los sapos del genero
ciones ambientales.
Bufo, algunas ranas del genero Lepto-
dactylus, y varios hylidos.
Adaptaciones de los Anfibios
Adaptaciones contra el desecamiento. —En
Las epocas de reproduction de los anfibios las epocas de receso reproductive y de falta
de varias
chaquenos se hallan en coincidencia con las lluvias, adaptaciones permiten la
epocas de lluvia, lo que resulta de vital im- supervivencia en estos meses desfavorables.
portancia en un area relativamente seca. Pero 1. Formas cavicolas. En particular las
dentro de ese contexto hay adaptaciones pro- especies de Ceratophrys, Lepidobatra-
pias de algunas especies. chus, Odontophrynus, y Pleurodema

Construction de nidos. Hay varios tipos poseen tuberculos tarsales o metatar-
de nidos. sals cavadores que facilitan su oculta-
1. Nidos de espuma en cuevas en el sue- miento bajo tierra, donde permanecen
lo. Las ranas en hasta que se produzcan las lluvias.
epocas de lluvia hacen
cuevas en el barro humedo; es el macho 2. Formas comensales. Algunas especies,
que se encarga de esta construccion y como Leptodactylus laticeps, L. cha-
el que asomado a la cueva canta Ilaman- quensis, L. bufonius, y Bufo arenarum,
do a la hembra. Esto es seguido por se han adaptado a vivir en cuevas de
el amplexo, construccion del nido de roedores, especialmente de vizcacha
espuma por puesta y fecun-
la pareja, (Lagostomus maximus), lo que les
dation; la pareja luego abandona la permite soportar largos periodos de
cueva. El desarrollo embrionario y la sequias. Otros, como Dermatonotus
primera parte de la vida larval ocurren mulleri y Elachistocleis bicolor habitan
dentro de la cueva. Una ulterior lluvia termiteros.
causa la inundation de la cueva y la 3. Acumulacion de mudas de piel. Otra
salida de los renacuajos del nido; ellos forma de defensa consiste en la accu-
completan rapidamente su desarrollo y mulation de la muda, que se da en
metamorfosis. Este comportamiento se especial en las especies de Ceratophrys
da en Leptodactylus anceps, L. bufo- (Gallardo, 1953) y Lepidobatrachus
nius, y L. gualambensis. (McClanahan, Shoemaker, y Ruibal,

Tabla 12:1. — Lista de los Anfibios y Reptiles Chaquenos y Sus Distribuciones en Regiones Ultracbaqueiias.
( + = presente;
— = ausente; X = representado por otra subespeeie;
* =
basicamente endemica de Chaco)

Litoral- Region
Especies Mesopotamica Pampas Patagonia Subandina

Ceratophrys pierotti"
Ceratophrys sp.°
Lepidobatrachus asper"
Lepidobatrachus llanensis" ._
Lepidobatrachus salinicola" ...
Leptodactylus anceps"
Leptodactylus bujonius"
Leptodactylus chaquensis" ...
Leptodactylus gualambcnsis"
Leptodactylus laticeps" .
Odontophrynus americanus ._ + +
Physalaemus albonotatus"
Physalaemus biligonigerus + +
Pleurodema borellii"
Pleurodema guayapae +
Pleurodema tucumana"
Bufo arenarum X X +
Bufo granulosus ~ X X
Bufo paracnemis _
Melanophryniscus stelzneri ... X X
Pseudis paradoxus X X
Hyla acuminata''
Hyla fuscovaria"
Hyla raniceps
Hyla x-signata
Phrynohyas venulosa —
Phyllomedusa hypocondrialis
Phyllomedusa sauvagii"
Elachistocleis bicolor
Dermatonotus mulleri"
Homonota horrida"
Phyllopezus pollicaris"
Leiosaurus paronae"
Liolaemus chacoensis"
Ophryoessoides caducus"
Pristidactylus vautieri"
Proctotretus doellojuradoi" ...

Tropidurus spinulosus
Tropidurus sp.°
Cnemidophorus Icachi"
Gymnophthalmus rubricauda"
Kentropyx lagartija"
Kcntropyx viridistriga"
Teius teyou
Tupinambis rufescens
Ophiodes intermedins +
Mabuya frenata +
Amphisbacna camura"
Anops kingii + + +
Lcpostcrnon microccphalum . + +
Leptotyphlops albipuncta" ...

Leptotypldops unguirostris +
Leptotyphlops weyrauchi"
Constrictor constrictor + + +
Epicrates cenchria _ +

Litoral- Region
E species Mesopotamica Pampas Patagonia Subandina
Eunectes notaeus 1-
Clclia clclia +
CIclia occipitolutea .

Elapomorpltus tricolor
Leimadophis sagittifer
Ltjsirophisdorhignyi _
Lystrophis semicinctus
Oxyrhopus rhombifer
Philodryas aestivus _
Philodryas baroni
Philodryas patagonicnsis ...
Philodryas psammophideus
Phimophis vittatus ...
Pseudotomodon trigonatus .

Sibynomorphus turgidus ...

Waglerophis merremii
Micrurus frontalis .
Boihrops altcrnatus
Bothrops ncuwiedii
Crotalus durissus _

Kinosternon scorpioides
Gcochelone petersi"
Caiman latirostris

Fig. 12:2. Esquema de la utilization del habitat de algunos saurios y anfisbenios en la zona norte de
Cordoba y sur de Santiago de Estero, Argentina.
Sketch of the habitat utilization by some lizards and amphisbaenians in the area north of Cordoba and south
of Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
1. Tropidurus spinulosus, Tropidurus sp., 2. Homonota horrida, 3. Leiosaurus paronae, 4. Pristidactylus
vautieri, Ophiodes intermedins, 6. Amphisbaena camura, Anops kingii, 7. Tupinambis rufescens, Teius

teyou, Cnemidophorus leachi, 8. Proctotretus docllojuradoi, 9. Liolaemus chacoensis.

ORIGEN Y RELACIONES contacto en algunos puntos o areas mas o

DE LA HERPETOFAUNA menos amplias. Aqui cabe aplicar la teoria
de los refugios, en periodos climaticos des-
Con respecto a los anfibios y en grado favorables, para luego producirse el repobla-
menor a los saurios, se nota un paralelismo o miento en los periodos favorables.
aparente repetition de faunas con especies y En cuanto a los anfibios el papel de los
subespecies vicariantes o cercanas entre si, en sistemas hidrograficos ha sido fundamental
las faunas chaquefia y litoral-mesopotamica para la distribution de las especies; esta ac-
(Tabla 12:2). tion continua tambien en nuestros dias. La
Pareceria tratarse de dos faunas de un teoria de los refugios y la de la fidelidad a
mismo origen guayano-brasileno, luego difer- los sistemas hidrograficos se complementan al
enciadas por aislamiento y nuevamente en explicar la subespeciacion de Bufo granulosus

Tabla 12:2.- -Especies y Subespecies Vicariantes o Cercanas Entre si en las Faunas Chaquefia y Litoral-
Chaqi Litoral-Mesopotamia
Ceratophrys sp. Ceratophrys ornata
Leptodactylus anceps Leptodactylus prognathus
Leptodactylus bufonius Lep todactylus m y statin us
Leptodactylus chaquensis Leptodactylus ocellatus
Leptodactylus gualambcnsis Leptodactylus gracilis
Bufo arcnarum chaguar Bufo arcnarum platensis
Bufo granulosus major Bufo granulosus fernandczac
Pseudis paradoxus occidcntalis Pseudis paradoxus platensis
Liolaemus chacoensis Liolacm us wiegmannii
Cnemidophorus leachi Cnemidophorus lacertoides
Teius teyou cyanogaster Teius teyou teyou
Tupinambis rufescens Tupinambis tequixin

y en general no responden tanto al modelo

aplicable a los anfibios y saurios. Asi de las
26 especies de ofidios citados para la fauna
chaquena, 8 tambien habitan la Provincia de
Buenos Aires; mientras que los anfibios solo
dos a tres coinciden, sobre un total de 30
especies citadas para la fauna chaquena.
Entre los saurios chaqueiios, Leiosaurus pa-
ronae tiene sus vicariantes en la fauna sub-

andina y en la Patagonia L. catamarcensis
y L. bellii, respectivamente (Gallardo, 1961a).
Otro tanto puede decirse con respecto a Lio-
laemus chacoensis y las especies subandinas
y patagonicas del genero Liolaemus y de
Homonota horrida con respecto a sus vicari-
antes H. borellii y H. darwinii. Por lo que
podemos suponer un parentesco andino-pata-
gonico para algunos saurios chaqueiios. Los
cocodrilos se han distribuido a traves de los
rios y han alcanzado localidades muy al oeste
en la region; en esto coinciden con la distri-
bucion de los peces.
Hay constancias paleontologicas de un
avance mucho mas hacia el oeste de faunas
similares a las del Rio Parana, lo que habria
coincidido con un avance de una fauna orig-
Fig. 12:3. Mapa de las areas ocupadas por las inalmente de un ambiente mas humedo, que
subespecies de Bufo granulosus, coincidentes con los dio origen a la fauna herpetologica chaquena,
llamados refugios (adaptado de Gallardo, 1965b).
Map of the areas inhabited by the subspecies of adaptada a condiciones climaticas mas rigu-
Bufo granulosus, coinciding with the so-called refuges rosas. Asi surge de los trabajos de Fernandez
(adapted from Gallardo, 1965b). (
1976 quien sefiala el hallazgo de esta fauna
) ,

1. B. g. humboldti, 2. barbouri, 3. beebei, 4.

acuatica fosil, correspondiente al Eoceno
merianae, 5. goeldi, 6. mini, 7. mirandaribeiroi,
8. lutzi, 9. granulosus, 10. major, 11. azarae, 12. (Formacion Lumbreras), en la actual puna
fernandezae, 13. pygmaeus, 14. dorbignyi. jujefia. Por otra parte el ambiente chaqueno
se habria extendido muy hacia el sur, alcan-

y de Pseudis paradoxus. Asi en dos trabajos zando el Provincia de Buenos

sudeste de la

anteriores (Gallardo, 1965b, 1969b) se de- Aires (Monte Hermoso), de acuerdo a los
scriben 14 subespecies para Bufo granulosus trabajos paleontologicos de Tonni (1974) y
(Fig. 12:3), correspondientes basicamente a de Chani (1977), pues segun dichos autores
los refugios que otros autores han asignado esto se deberia a que habria habido fluctua-
para diversas especies de animales (Haffer, ciones paleoecologicas de climas secos y
1969, 1974). Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo climas humedos entre el Plioceno superior y
esas subespecies se extienden por los sistemas la actualidad. Vease Baez y Scillato Yane
hidrograficos correspondientes; a la fauna (este volumen) para una exposition com-
chaquena corresponde Bufo granulosus major. pleta de los paleoclimas de la region.
En otro trabajo sobre Pseudis paradoxus En general se nota actualmente un em-
(Gallardo, 1961c) tambien se encuentra una pobrecimiento faunistico hacia el sur, con re-
coincidencia de este tipo, correspondiendo a specto a la fauna de anfibios del sudeste de
la fauna chaquena, Pseudis paradoxus occi- Brasil y la Provincia de Misiones, Argentina,
dentalis. en la fauna litoral-mesopotamica. Es asi como
Los ofidios son de mas amplia distribution en la Provincia de Buenos Aires de 22 especies

existentes en el nordeste de la provincia que- the conditions present on the Chaco-Bonar-

dan solamente seis en el sur. En zonas inter- iensian Plain.
medias, como Provincia de Corrientes, hay
una duplication de faunas al coexistir en
parte de la provincia las faunas chaquenas y
litoral-mesopotamia (33 anfibios sefialados
Barrio, A. Afinidades del canto nuptial de
para Corrientes). la especies del genero Lcptodactylus
(Anura, Leptodactylidae) Physis 25:401-410.

Blaylock, L. A., Ruibal, R., Platt-Aloia, K. 1976.

SUMMARY Skin structure and wiping behaviour of phyllome-
dusine frogs. Copeia 1976(2) :283-295.
The Chacoan herpetofauna occupies the Boettger, O. 1885. Liste von Reptilien und Bat-
northern part of the Chaco-Bonariensian Plain rachiern aus Paraguay. Z. Naturforsch. 58:213-
having an elevation of 100 to 500 m. Below Boulencer, G. A. 1889. On a collection of batra-
100 m
there is a transition to the Litoral-Meso- chians made by Prof. Charles Spegazzini at Co-
potamian fauna; above 500 m there is a tran- lonia Resistencia, South Chaco, Argentine Repub-
sition to the subandean fauna. In the Chaco lic. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova 7:246-249.
Boulenger, G. A. 1894. List of reptiles and batra-
the rainfall gradient generally coincides with
chians, collected by Dr. J. Bohls near Asuncion,
the topography. The vegetation principally is Paraguay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6)13:342-348.
a Chacoan park type with monte and isolated Boulenger, G. A. 1898. List of reptiles, batrachians
trees interspersed in grassland; thorn bushes and fishes collected by Cav. Guido Boggiani in
the northern Chaco. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat.
and halophytic vegetation are present locally. Genova (9)39:125-126.
Rivers influence faunal distributions. Budgett, J. S. 1899. Notes on the batrachians of
The herpetofauna is
composed of five fam- the Paraguayan Chaco, with observation upon
their breeding habits and development, especially
iliesof amphibians, five of lizards, one of
with regard Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis Cope.
amphisbaenians, five of snakes, two of tur- Also description of new genus. Q. J. Microsc. Sci.
tles, and one of crocodilians. There is a total 42:305-333.
of 52 genera and 79 species (Table 12:1). Cabrera, A. L. 1971. Fitogeografia de la Republica
The amphibians and to a lesser degree the Argentina. Bol. Soc. Argentina Bot. 14:1-42.
Cei, J. M. 1948. El ritmo estacional en los feno-
lizards have a parallel origin with the Litoral-
menos ciclicos endocrinosexuales de la rana cri-
Mesopotamian fauna. Both apparently orig- olla (Lcptodactylus ocellatus (L.)) del Norte
inated from the same Guiana-Brasilian stock, Argentino. Acta. Zool. Lilloana 6:283-331.
which differentiated later through isolation Cei, J. M. 1949. Generalidades sobre el ciclo sexual
y el predominio de la espermatogenesis anual
and reinvasion of some areas. This view fits continua en varios batracios de la region cha-
the refugia theory for survival during unfav- quena. Ibid. 7:527-544.
orable climatic periods with subsequent re- Cei, J. M. 1950. Lcptodactylus chaqucnsis n. sp. y
el valor sistemiitico real de la especie linneana
invasion of areas when favorable climates
Lcptodactylus ocellatus en la Argentina. Ibid. 9:
returned. River systems have been fundamen- 395-423.
tal to the distribution of amphibians. Snakes Cei, I. M. 1955. Chacoan batrachian in central Ar-
have broader distributions and generally do gentina. Copeia 1955(4):291-293.
not follow the patterns of amphibians and Cham, J. M. 1977. Relaciones de un nuevo Teiidae
(Lacertilia) fosil del Plioceno Superior de Ar-
lizards. Turtles and crocodilians reach farth-
gentina, Callopistes bicuspidatus n.sp. Rev. Inst.
estwest through the rivers; their distributions Miguel Lillo Publ. Espec: 133-153.
tend to coincide with those of the fish fauna. Cope, E. D. 1862. Catalogue of reptiles obtained
The Chacoan herpetofauna seems to have during the exploration of the Parana-Paraguay-
Bermejo and Uruguay rivers by Cap. Thos. J.
originated from the Parana River fauna, Page. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14:346-
which in the past extended to the west, where 359.
it subsequently adapted to the more rigorous D'Orbicny, A. 1847. Voyage dans l'Amerique Mer-
the idionale. Iere. Partie, Reptiles 5:5-12.
climatic conditions. Among species of
the Chacoan herpetofauna are several that Duellman, W. Veloso, M. A. 1977. Phylogeny
of Pleurodcma (Anura, Leptodactylidae). A bio-
show reproductive, dietary, and/ or ethologi-
geographic model. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist.
cal adaptations denoting their adjustment to Occas. Pap. 64 ) 1-46.
( :

Fernandez, J. 1976. Hallazgo de peces pulmonados ciones sobre Ios saurios de dicha provincia argen-
fosiles en la puna Ann. Soc. Cient. Argen-
jujeria. tina y del oeste de Buenos Aires. Neotropica 12:
tina 201:1.3-18. 13-29.
Gallardo, J. M. 1951. Sobre un Teiidae (Reptilia, Gallardo, J. M. 1966b. Las especies argentinas del
Sauna poco conocido para la fauna argentina.
) genero Ophiodes Wagler. Rev. Mus. Argent.
Com. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Riva- Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadavia Inst. Nac. In-
davia Nac. Invest. Cienc. Nat. Zool. 2:1-8.
Inst. vest. Cienc. Nat. Zool. 9:123-146.
Gallardo, J. M. 1953. El escuerzo como animal de Gallardo, J. M. 1966c. Zoogeografia de los anfibios
terrario. Ichthys 1:75-79. chaquenos. Physis 26:67-81.
Gallardo, J. M. 1957. Las subespecies argentinas Gallardo, M.
1968a. Relaciones zoogeograficas
de Bufo granulosus Spix. Rev. Mus. Argent. de la fauna batracologica del oeste de la Provin-
Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadavia Inst. Nac. cia de Santa Fe (Argentina). Com. Mus. Argent.
Invest. Cienc. Nat. Zool. 3:337-374. Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadavia Inst. Nac. In-
Gallardo, J. M. 1959. Sobre un Iguamdae del vest. Cienc. Nat. Ecol. 1:1-13.
noroeste argentino, Leiocephalus caducus ( Cope ) .
Gallardo, J. M. 1968b. Las especies argentinas del
Acta. Zool. Lilloana 17:485-497. genero Mabuya Fitzinger Scincidae, Sauria).

Gallardo, J. M. 1961a. Estudio zoogeografico del Rev. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nats. Bernardino Riva-
genero Lciosaurus (Reptilia, Sauria). Physis 22: davia Inst. Nac. Invest. Cienc. Nat. Zool. 9:177-
113-118. 196.
Gallardo, J. M. 1961b. Panorama zoologico argen- Gallardo, J. M. 1968c. Sobre la validez de algunas
tino: Batracios y Reptiles. Ibid. 22:171-180. especies argentinas de Pleurodcma ( Anura, Lepto-
Gallardo, J. M. 1961c. On the species of Pseudidae dactylidae). Physis 28:135-144.
(Amphibia, Anura). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Gallardo, J. M.
1969a. Especies de saurios (Rep-
Harvard Univ. 125:111-134. tilia) de Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina y

Gallardo, J. M. 1962. El genero Kentropyx (Sauria, consideraciones sobre su ecologia y zoogeografia.

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Lilloana 18:243-250. Gallardo, J. M. 1969b. La distribucion de las sub-
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sobre su distribucion geografica y ecologia. Neo- Invest. 25:406-416.
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todactylus occllatus (L.) (Amphibia, Anura) y lica Argentina. Neotropica 17:44—48.
especies aisladas. Physis 24:373-384. Haffer, J. 1969. Speciation in Amazonian forest
Gallardo, J. M. 1964c. Leptodactylus gracilis (D. birds. Science 165:131-137.
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didae (Amphibia, Anura) y algunas considera- Cocoon of a Ceratophryid Frog. Copeia 1976
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13. The Patagonian Herpetofauna
Jose M. Cei
Institute)de Biologia Animal
Universidad National de Cuyo
Casilla Correo 327
Mendoza, Argentina

The word Patagonia is derived from the longed erosion. Scattered through the region
term "Patagones," meaning big-legged men, are extensive areas of extrusive basaltic rocks.
applied to the tall Tehuelche Indians of The open landscape is dissected by transverse
southernmost South America by Ferdinand rivers descending from the snowy Andean
Magellan in 1520. Subsequently, this pic- cordillera; drainage is poor near the Atlantic
turesque name came to be applied to a con- coast. Patagonia is subjected to severe sea-
spicuous continental region and to its biota. sonal drought with about five cold winter
Biologically, Patagonia can be defined as months and a cool dry summer, infrequently
that region east of the Andes and extending
interrupted by irregular rains and floods.
southward to the Straits of Magellan and
eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. The northern
boundary is not so clear cut. Elements of the HISTORY OF THE PATAGONIAN BIOTA
Pampean biota penetrate southward along the
coast between the Rio Colorado and the Rio In contrast to the present, almost uniform
Negro (Fig. 13:1). Also, in the west Pata- steppe associations in Rio Negro, Chubut,
gonian landscapes and biota enter the vol- and Santa Cruz provinces, during Oligocene
canic regions of southern Mendoza, almost and Miocene times tropical and subtropical
reaching the Rio Atuel Basin. The Pata- vegetation occurred along with xerophytic
gonian region has a wide ecotonal zone with woodlands with luxuriant mesophytic gallery
the Chacoan region (Gallardo, this volume). forests. A
comparison of the rich Miocene
The monte vegetation (Morello, 1958) with Leufu, Rio Negro (Berry, 1938)
flora of Pichi
its several formations containing numerous with analagous associations from Mirhoja,
subtropical elements extends south to the Chubut; Valcheta, Rio Negro; and Rio Chalia,
Peninsula de Valdes; the monte enters the Santa Cruz, shows a mixture of mesic tropical
Rio Chubut drainage and extends westward elements (Ficns, Fagara, Nectandra, Tabe-
to the Rio Neuquen, Rio Agrio, and Rio buia, Mijristica, Sterculia, tree ferns, Erythro-
valleys. South of the Rio Negro, the monte xylon, Oreopanax, Maytenus), including
associations exist in a system of saline low- climbers (Buettneria, Banisteria, Bignonia,
lands (bajos) and reach irregular spurs of Cissus, Paullinia, Sapindus, Strychnos), to-
the Meseta de Somuncura, a typical Patagon- gether with nontropical genera (Araucaria,
ian environment (Cei, 1969a,b; Ruiz Leal, Azora, Berberis, Ginkgo, Laurelia, Emboth-
1972). Nevertheless, there is a general, some- rium, Fitzroya, Libocedrus, Podocarpus, Lo-
times remarkable, agreement between the matia, Peumus, Myrceugenia, Drimys). Most
phytogeographic boundaries of the Monte- of the latter are characteristic components of
Pampean and the Patagonian regions and the the present temperate Valdivian forest. Nev-
distribution patterns of their herpetofaunas. ertheless, xeric areas in the Middle Tertiary
Herein I emphasize the biota of the Cis- of Patagonia are suggested by certain paleo-
Andean steppe to the near exclusion of the floras containing Schinopsis, Schinus, and Cu-
Trans-Andean austral forest ecosystems pania. The former is a significant genus of
treated by Formas (this volume). trees in the subtropical Chacoan region.
Patagonia is a region of sedimentary rocks Nothofagus forests were widespread in
and soils, mostly tablelands subjected to pro- Patagonia in the Eocene and Oligocene, but






Greaf~Central ^V

400 KM

Miocene Patagonian
Tropical and Valdivian
Floral Remains

Temperate Austral Forest

Belt /Valdivian Flora

Present Lower Limit of

Caudiverbera (to 30° S. I at.)

Oligocene Eupsophus
and Neoprocoela
[Scarritt Pocket)

Miocene Ceratophrynid

I Patagonian Caudiverbe ra

Fig. 13:2. Paleontological records of the lower Tertiary Patagonian flora and of leptodactylid frogs.
Hallazgos paleontologicos de flora patagdnica del Terciario inferior y de anuros leptodactylidos.

these associations decreased and retreated history of tropical elements in Patagonia. The
southward and westward in the Middle and snake Dinilysia patagonica from the

Late Tertiary. Chusquea bamboo groves oc- Upper Cretaceous of Neuquen is related to
cur in Cenozoic deposits at Laguna Hunco, boids and aniliids that are widespread in trop-
Chubut. Further evidence of paleoclimatic ical South America. Furthermore, boid snakes
conditions in Patagonia is derived from the (Madtsoia), crocodilians (Necrosuchus, Se-
extensive paleo-mammal faunas ( Raez and becus, Eocaiman), and meiolaniid and pelo-
Scillato Yane, this volume) and more limited medusid turtles from Paleocene-Eocene de-
paleo-herpetofaunas (Raez and Gasparini, posits in Chubut are indicative of tropical
this volume). environments (Gasparini and Raez, 1975).
Primitive leptodactylid, ceratophrynine, Iguanid (Erichosaurus debilis) and teiid (Di-
and bufonid frogs have been recorded by asemosaurus occidentalis) lizards lived in

Schaeffer (1949), Chaffee (1952), and Casa- southern Santa Cruz in the Miocene.

miquela (1963) from the Deseadan, early

Oligocene Scarritt Pocket Formation (Can-
quel, Chubut) and from the upper Miocene
of Rio Negro (Fig. 13:2). The living Chilean
Caudiverbera caudiverbera is almost Two major faunal regions (habitats) can
same genus.
identical to the fossil frogs of the
be defined in Patagonia. These are the north-
ern or ancient region and the southern or
A frog from the Oligocene of Chubut
referred to Eupsophus by Schaeffer (1949)
Santa Cruz region; the border between these
regions is approximately at the Rio Chubut
has been considered the same as living E.
at 45°S (Fig. 13:3). These habitats corre-
roseus, a species characteristic of the Notho-
fagus forests of southern Chile (Rogart,
spond to ancient physiographic areas, the
1970). These fossils clearly establish the pres-
Patagonian Massif and the Deseado Massif,
ence of telmatobiine frogs in Patagonia in respectively (Figs. 13:4-5). These massifs
are ancient structural continental units known
the Oligocene and Miocene.
as nesocratons (Harrington, 1962). In spite
The Oligocene Neoprocoela was
provision- of its marked subpositive tendency in
ally referred to a Batrachophrynus or Telma-
tobius-like leptodactylid stock by Schaeffer
comparison with the Pampean Massif, the
whole region of the Patagonian Massif has
(1949). Tihen (1962) considered it to be a
been a site of almost uninterrupted accumu-
species of Bufo in the Palearctic Bnfo cala- lation of continental deposits. More it
mita group. The fossil was again associated
received shallow marine deposits peripherally
with the telmatobiine genera Tehnatobufo
at times of oceanic transgressions in the
and Batrachophrynus by Lynch (1971). New
Eocene-early Oligocene, middle Oligocene,
material from the same formation supports
and middle Miocene. The smaller Deseado
the inclusion of Neoprocoela in Bufo (Estcs,
Massif had a subpositive tendency even less
pers. comm. ) The placement of Neoprocoela

marked than the Patagonian Massif; accord-

in the Bufo calamita group has interesting
ingly, its relief was often depressed, and dur-
biogeographical implications. Serological evi-
ing prolonged subsidences it became a sedi-
dence (Cei, 1977) supports a relationship be-
tween the European Bufo calamita and the mentary area like the adjacent pericratonic
basins (Harrington, 1962).
small B. variegatus presently restricted to the
The northern or ancient Patagonian re-
austral Nothofagus forests of Argentina and
Chile (Gallardo, 1962). gion extends through Neuquen, Rio Negro,
and Chubut provinces (Fig. 13:6). The sub-
The presence of a ceratophrynine frog cordilleran area in Neuquen is drained by the
(Wawelia gerholdi) in the Miocene provides Rio Agrio and Rio Neuquen, which flow into
herpetological evidence for the southward ex- the Rio Limay, a tributary of the Rio Negro.
tent of tropical elements in the Middle Ter- Extra-cordilleran mesetas include the large
tiary. Reptilian remains substantiate the long Meseta de Somuncura ( 1000-1700 eleva- m


Northern or Ancient
Patagonian Major
Animal Habitat

Southern or Santa Cruz

Major Animal Habitat

500 KM

Fig. 13:3. Major herpetofaunal regions of Patagonia.

Regiones herpetojaunisticas fundamentals de Patagonia.






"x Massif



800 KM

Fig. 13:5. Location of the southern massifs and their relation to the major Patagonian herpetofaunal
Ubication de los macizos aust rales y su relation con las regiones herpctofaunisticas fundamentales

tion) and the Meseta de Canquel, plus small- Table 13:1. —

Characteristic Types of Vegetation in
er mesetas of the same lower and middle the Ancient Patagonian Region.

Tertiary age along the Andean front; their Herbs Spiny or Sclerotic Plants
small lakes are close to the last eastern patches Stipa Chuquiraga
Festuca Nassauvia
of Nothofagus and Araucaria forests. Along Poa Ephedra
the base of the Andes there is an Austral- Senecio filaginoides Styllingia
Patagonian ecotonal zone; however, it is Grindelia chilocnsis Verbena
much narrower Verbena ligustrina Pantacantlia
than the Monte-Patagonian
Acaena caesiritosa Adesmia
ecotone extending from the Rio Colorado to Shrubs Austrocactus
Valcheta, onto the northern spurs of the Me- Mulinum spinosum Hydrophyllic Plants
seta de Somuncura, and southward to near Colliguaja integerrima Juncus
Bcrbcris cuncata Carex
Bahia Camarones on the Atlantic coast (Ca-
Lijcium tenuispinosurn Ranunculus
brera, 1951). Anarthrophijllum rigidum Hi/psela
Floristically, theancient Patagonian re- Anarthrophyllum Plagioboth rys
gion is characterized by a predominantly desideratum Acaena macrostemon
Trcvoa spinifer Caltha
steppe vegetation with scattered green bushes Prosopis patagonica Cortaderia
(Mulinum spinosum), several grasses, low Larrea ameghinoi AzoreUa
herbaceous plants, some spiny plants, and a Halophyllic Plants
variety of low bushes; additional kinds of Atriplex
plants are present in saline environments and Spartina
riparian situations (Table 13:1). The most
characteristic element of the monte forma-
tions the creosote bush (Larrea), which is
is rugged southernmost Andean cordillera. The
Andes are commonly bordered by sharp-
represented by five sympatric species in the
ecotonal zone at Valcheta (Rio Negro). In edged basaltic mesetas having elevations of
1000 to 1500 m.
typical Patagonian landscapes only the low
Larrea ameghinoi is present. Phytogeographically, the Santa Cruz
The cool Patagonian steppes dominated by Faunal Region agrees with Cabrera's ( 1951 )
Mulinum and Stipa, with scattered creeping, —
Patagonian districts Patagonico Subandino,
cushionlike plants, exist in western Neuquen, Patagonico Central, and Golfo de San Jorge.
southwestern Rio Negro, and in most of Chu- The Patagonico Subandino includes the ba-
In these areas the steppes are saltic mesetas (e.g., Meseta Vizcachas, Me-
but, provinces.
seta Asador, Meseta de la Muerte, and the
commonly associated with basaltic landscapes
Meseta de Lago del Sello) and the southern
resulting from the rampant Cenozoic volcanic
The steppes are discontinuous in humid lowlands. 1
In these areas open steppe
northern Neuquen and Rio Negro provinces,
associations of Festuca monticola, Bromus
where they occur mostly at elevations of more macranthus, Hordeum cornosum, Agropyron
than 900 to 1000 m. magellanicum, Poa sp., and Dcschampsia sp.
The southern or Santa Cruz Faunal Re- predominate, but some shrubs (Bcrberis
cuncata, Nassauvia aculeata, or Mulinum spi-
gion extends from about 45°S to the Straits
of Magellan (Fig. 13:7). This region encom- nosum) are present.

passes some distinct physiographic areas. The Phytogeographic differences between the
arid valley of the Rio Deseado borders the Sub-Andean district and the central and San
northern limits of the large Altiplanicie Cen- Jorge districts are evident by the monotonous
tral, a dead volcanic landscape with scattered grasslands of Stipa humilis in the latter. The
clay basins and petrified early Cenozoic trees grasses are interrupted by the broad circular
(Auracarites). South of the great plateau the
bushes of the blackish "mata negra" (Verbena
drainage basins of the rios Chalia, Santa Cruz, 1

Coyle, and Gallegos provide more moist low- Although the Sub-Andean District is considered to
be a single physiographic unit (Fig. 13:7), for pur-
lands extending to the Straits of Magellan.
poses of herpetofaunal analysis, I distinguish the
These rivers drain the glacial valleys of the Humid Southern Lowlands.

Table 13:2. Comparison of the Herpetofaunas in Ten Districts in Patagonia.
( Numbers of species is a given district are in boldface; numbers of species in common to two districts are in
Roman, and the italics are Faunal Resemblance Factors [N, + N2 /2C (Duellman, 1966)].

400 KM


Ancient Patagonian
Steppe Climax

Western Volcanic Tablelands

with Closed Drainages

Phytogeographical Range

Austral Forest Belt


Fig. 13:6. Herpetofaunal and physiographic districts of the ancient Patagonian region.
Distritos herpetofaunisticos ij fisiogrdficos de hi region patagdnica antigua.

Fig. 13:7. Herpetofaunal and physiographic districts of the southern Patagonian region.
Distritos herpetofaunisticos y fisiograficos de la region sur-patagonica.



Fie. 13:9. Southern limits of distribution of taxa in the monte formation in northern Patagonia. Areas of
sympatry of Pleurodema bufonina and P. thaul are indicated.
Limites mcridionales de distribution de taxa en la formation del monte en el norte patagonico. Se indi-
ca las areas de simpatria de Pleurodema bufonina y P. thaul.

neuquensis from the thermal brooks on the Luan. In other ecotonal and subandean areas
sandy Meseta Lonco Luan, 1500 m elevation of Neuquen, Pleurodema thaul, Liolaemus
in Neuquen (Cei, 1976), they belong to a chilensis, and L. buergeri are found. The lat-
transitional herpetofauna of the austral-Pata- ter occurs sympatrically with the typical Pata-

gonian ecotone. Other transitional species are gonian lizards Liolaemus elongatus and L.
the frog Pleurodema thaul and two lizards, kriegi. Likewise, the characteristic lizards of
Liolaemus tenuis and Diplolaemus leopardin- rocky Patagonian communities, Phymaturus
us, all characteristic inhabitants of Araucaria palluma and P. patagonicus zapalensis occur
forests (Cei, 1970a, 1974b). On the xeric on the basaltic plateaus. Phymaturus palluma
Meseta de Lonco Luan, dead patches of extends northward in the Andes at elevations
Nothofagus and Chusquea exist near the bor- of 3000 to 3500 mto La Rioja and San Juan,
der of the Araucaria forests. Liolaemus lineo- and P. patagonicus has distinct populations
maculatus occurs on the Meseta de Lonco (P. p. payuniae and P. p. nevadoi) to the

Tentative Boundary
of So. Chacoan Province or Monte

*1 Tentative Distribution of
. Liolaemus darwlni

Tentative So. Limit of

Chelonia and Colubrid Snakes of
Patagonian Region

500 KM

Fig. 13:10. Distribution of Liolaemus darwinii, a characteristic species of the monte formation. The south-
ern edge of this formation is the southern limits of distribution of Geochelone and of colubrid snakes in north-
ern Patagonia.
Distribucion de Liolaemus darwinii, especie caracter islica dc la formation del monte. El limite meridional
de esta formacion es el limite meridional de Geochelone y de los ofidios colubridos en la Patagonia septentrional.


B Tentative Oistributio
of Di plolaemus

Fig. 13:11. Patterns of distribution of tropidurine iguanid lizards in Patagonia.

Distribution de los saurios igudnidos tropidurinos en Patagonia.

vflfcl P. pala g ontcus ssp

1 pata q onicus
2 indigtinplug
3 somuncurensis
4 2apalensis
5 pa yuniae
6 nevadoi

Tentative Distribution ot
Leiosaurus belli!

500 KM

Fig. 13:12. Patterns of distribution of tropidurine iguanid lizards in Patagonia.

Distribution de los saurios igudnidos tropidurinos en Patagonia.



Atelo q nathus pata qonicus

A nitoi

A solitarius

A reverberii

Alsodes sp

Somuncuria somuncurensis

Fig. 13:13. Distribution of extra- Andean telmatobiine frogs in northern Patagonia.

Distribution de los anuros telmatobiinos extra-andinos en la Patagonia septentrional.

north in southern Mendoza Province (Cei demic subspecies of lizards. The endemic
and Castro, 1973; Cei and Roig, 1975) (Fig. Liolaemus ruizleali inhabits rocky summits of
13:12). the meseta at 1200 to 1700 m. The two en-
Theisolated Meseta de Somuncura (150 demic, telmatobiine leptodactylid frogs have
X 80 km), with elevations to 1700 m, has unique morphological and ecological traits.
some peculiar habitats. Between 800 and The monotypic Somuncuria somuncurensis
1700 m, above the Monte-Patagonian ecotone, lives in streams at 800 to 1000 m issuing from
11 species amphibians and reptiles are
of thermal springs on the northeastern slopes
known. Six of the species are
widespread in of the meseta. Inhabiting the same streams

Patagonia Pleurodema bufonina, Homonota having a temperature of about 18°C is the
darwinii, Diplolaemus darwinii, Liolaemus endemic characid fish Gymnochacinus bergi.
bibronii, L. bendengeri, and L. rothi. Three Conversely, Atelognathus reverberii, a nearly
other species and two subspecies are endemic fossorial frog, inhabits the arid plateau at
— Phymaturus patagonicus somuncurensis and elevations of more than 1000 m
and breeds in
Liolaemus elongatus petrophilus are the en- small temporary pools.

Southern Patagonian Herpetofauna narum, and all of the genera of snakes are
more northern groups.
The distributions of the 11 lizards, one
Bufo spinidosus and Alsodes are primarily
snake, and one frog are examined with re- Andean groups. The former enters Patagonia
spect to five ecophysiographic areas (Fig. in many disjunct valleys; the species does not
13:7)—1) Altiplano Central, 2) Coastal Dis- occur on major basaltic mesetas. In Pata-
trict, 3) Humid Southern Lowlands, 4) Sub-
gonia, Alsodes occurs only in the volcanic
Andean Area, and 5) Meseta de Lago del
highlands adjacent to the Andes.
Sello. The distributions of the species and
Pleurodema is a primitive leptodactyline
subspecies of amphibians and reptiles in these that may have originated in, and dispersed
five areas are tabulated in Appendix 13:1,
from, the austral forests (Duellman and Ve-
and the distributional relationships between
loso,1977); the genus has dispersed north-
the areas are analyzed in Table 13:2. ward in nonforested habitats to the Carib-
Nine species occur in the Altiplano Cen- bean. Two species are peripheral in Pata-
tral; all but the frog Pleurodema bufonina —
gonia P. thaul in the austral forest Pata- —
also occur in the coastal district. Only six spe-
gonian steppe ecotone and P. nebulosa in the
cies occur in the humid southern lowlands; monte. Pleurodema bufonina is a widespread
the southernmost frog, Pleurodema bufonina, species endemic to Patagonian habitats. Al-
is rather rare there. The lizard Liolaemas though and bufonina are distinctive
P. thaul
magellanicus, the only herpetofaunal species in their morphology and behavior, popula-
on Tierra del Fuego, is common on the south- tions intermediate between the species exist
ern end of the mainland. Only four species in high valleys in western Neuquen.
all lizards )
occur in the sub-Andean region. Lynch (1978) provided an hypothesis for
The Meseta de Lago del Sello at 47°S is the evolution of lower telmatobiine frogs in
nearly 50 km in diameter. On the top of the Patagonia. The peculiar monotypic Somun-
plateau, low grasses (Festuca, Poa, and curia is endemic to the Meseta de Somun-
Stipa) are dominant with thorny plants or cura, whereas five species of Atelognathus
cushion plants (Benthamiella azorella. Ver- occur in isolated basaltic areas in Patagonia.
bena, Senecio, Nassauvia); lichens are abun- The only extra-Patagonian Atelognathus is
dant in rocky areas. Owing to the proximity A. grandisonae from Puerto Eden in extreme
of the great Patagonian Ice Field, cold winds southern Chile.
whip the plateau, even in summer. Only three Among the iguanid lizards, the monotypic
iguanid lizards have been found on the pla- Vilcunia has characters of both Proctotretus
teau ( 1200-1600 m ) the two species of Lio-
; and Liolaemus and is endemic to southern

laemus are widespread in southern Patagonia, Patagonia (Donoso Barros and Cei, 1971).
whereas the monotypic Vilcunia sylvanae is Diplolaemus and Phymaturus are fundamen-
endemic. No amphibians have been found tally austral genera (Figs. 13:11-12). Cten-
on the plateau; the widespread Pleurodema oblcpharis, Leiosaurus, Proctotretus, and Pris-
bufonina ascends the slopes to only 900 m. tidactijlus are widely distributed to the north
of Patagonia (Cei, 1973c,d). Two species of
Proctotretus are distributed in temperate
ORIGIN OF THE HERPETOFAUNA areas in southern Brasil, Uruguay, and cen-
tral Argentina; P. pectinatus occurs in the
The Patagonian herpetofauna is distinc- monte-Patagonian ecotone. Pristidactylus fas-
tive in the diversity of telmatobiine leptodac- ciatus is primarily Patagonian, but congeners
tylidfrogs and tropidurine iguanid lizards. occur in disjunct Andean areas (P. scapula-
Most other species inhabiting Patagonia are tus) and in isolated extra- Andean massifs of
members of groups that are mainly distrib- central Argentina —
Sierra Grande de Cordoba
uted to the north of Patagonia. Thus, Geo- (P. achalensis) and Sierra de la Ventana (P.
chelone, Cnemidophorus, Mabuya, Hornono- casuhatiensis) (Gallardo, 1964, 1968; Cei and
ta, Leptodactylus, Odontophrynus, Bufo are- Castro, 1975).

Three major points relative to the origin tered relicts, unique witnesses to some of the
and evolution of the Patagonian heipetofauna most ancient steps in the history of continental
need to be emphasized. vertebrates, whereas the Recent speciation of
1. There has been a radiation of Liolaemus attests to the continued evolu-
leptodactylid frogs, remnants of Gond- tionary activity in the region.
wanan elements. Vuilleumier (
196S )
and Lynch (1971, 1978) noted the aus-
Evolutionary Radiation of
tral center of radiation of telmatobiine
Patagonian Liolaemus
leptodactylids in Patagonia and the
austral forests; Formas (this volume) Lizards of the genus Liolaemus are wide-
discussed the biogeography and ecol- spread in temperate South America. Three

ogy of the telmatobiines of the austral species range into southern Rrasil, and several
forests —Abodes,
Batrachyla, Caudi- species occur in the Andes, two extending
verbera, Eupsophus, Hylorina, Insueto- northward to central Peru
(Duellman, this
phrynus, and Telmatobnfo, some of volume). Twenty-six taxa are Patagonian or
which also occur in Argentina (Cei, Andean-Patagonian.
1978). The limited
paleontological Four major evolutionary units can be rec-
evidence supports the austral center of ognized among the Patagonian Liolaemus as
radiation (Schaeffer, 1949; Chaffee, follows: 1) L. fitzingeri complex, 2) L. elon-
1952; Casamiquela, 1963; Estes and gatus-kriegi complex, 3) L. kingii-archeforus
Reig, 1973). complex, and 4) L. magellanicus-lineomacu-
2. An austral South American center of latus complex (Cei, 1971a, 1972a, 1973a,b
evolution and adaptive radiation of an 1974a, 1975a,b, 1975d,e Cei and Scolaro,

ancestral stock of iguanid lizards is evi- 1977; Scolaro and Cei, 1977). The lizards that
dent (Cei, 1973c,d, 1975c; Cei and are not members of these groups are pri-
Castro, 1975 ) Fourteen genera are aus-
marily peripheral to Patagonia and/ or are
tral in Argentina and Chile; seven of ecotonal elements. Some of these are mem-
these are Patagonian. There are some bers of transcordilleran —
groups Liolaemus
20 genera of iguanids in tropical South altissimus, chilensis, cyanogaster, lemniscatus,
America and another ten genera in the pictus, and tenuis; L. bibronii is related to
Sonoran region of North America. With the Chilean L. fuscus. Liolaemus boidengeri,
the exception of Anolis and Sceloporus, darwinii, and gracilis are members of the
no other iguanid genus displays such more northern monte fauna and are primarily
an impressive adaptive radiation as does peripheral in Patagonia (Fig. 13:10).
Liolaemus, the dominant lizards in any Liolaemus fitzingeri complex. This group—
Patagonian community. In most of is characterized by 1) patch of enlarged
these same communities there exist rep- scales on posterior surfaces of thighs, espe-
resentatives of the other well developed in males (Fig. 13:14);
iguanid genera —Diplolaemus,Patagonian
2) high number (52-82) of blunt, slightly
rus, Phymaturus, Pristidactylus, Procto- keeled scales around body; 3) high number
tretus, and Vilcunia. (7-11) of preanal pores; 4) stout body and
3. An impressive post-Pleistocene adaptive relatively long tail, 1.5 times length of body;
radiation has taken place in four groups 5) tendency to have black venters and dark
of Patagonian Liolaemus (see following humeral 6) predominate dorsal color
section ) .
patterns consisting of wide transverse dark
Thus, far from being a totally barren re- blotches, bordered posteriorly by white, but
gion biologically, irregularly colonized by ele- spotted erythristic, and melanistic variations
ments from neighboring biotas, Patagonia has not uncommon.
been, and apparently still is, a center of active Content: L. fitzingeri canqueli, L. fitzin-
speciation of several hcrpetofaunal elements. geri fitzingeri, L. fitzingeri melanops, L. rothi,
The old radiations are supported by the scat- ?L. ruizleali. Liolaemus f. fitzingeri is the

frtzin geri Complex


scales at the middle of the body


anal pores



Fig. 13:14. Morphological traits of lizards of the Liolaemus fitzingeri complex.

Caracteristicas morfologicas dc los saurios del confunto Liolaemus fitzingeri.


Tentative N. and S.

Boundaries Liolaemus rothi

Liolaemus ruizleali
?r£^ Endemic to Somuncura Mts.

Fig. 13:15. Distribution of the Liolaemus fitzingeri complex in Patagonia.

Distribution del conjunto Liolaemus fitzingeri en Patagonia.

southernmost member of the group, inhabit- be considered as a primitive, ecologically gen-

ing sandy Patagonian steppe in Santa Cruz eralized species of the Liolaemus fitzingeri
and Chubut; it meets L. f. canqueli in the complex. The poorly known L. ruizleali is
vicinity of Trelew and Dos Pozos on the coast morphologically close to L. rothi, except that
of Chubut (Cei and Scolaro, 1977). The latter the postfemoral enlarged scales are absent in
subspecies is characteristic of the arid vol- L. ruizleali.
canic massif of Canquel south of the Rio Enlarged scales on the posterior surfaces
Chubut. Liolaemus f. melanops is distributed of the thighs are characteristic of some other
in coastal areas north of the Rio Chubut to the extra-Patagonian Liolaemus. Such is the case
Rio Negro and thence inland through Men- in the Andean L. ornatus and L. mocquardi,
doza to San Juan and La Rioja. Liolaemus which morphologically are similar to L. dar-
rothi is endemic to nordiern Patagonia, as is winii. The character also is present in L.
L. ruizleali, known only from the Meseta de wiegmannii in southeastern Brasil, Uruguay,
Somuncura (Fig. 13:15). and the Argentine pampas, and in L. multi-
Members of the Liolaemus fitzingeri com- maculatus from the Atlantic coast of Buenos
plex are mostly stout, polymorphic lizards Aires. Because of the many differences dis-
that are psammophilous or fossorial. The played by these two lizards from one another
polychromatism in these lizards has been a and from members of the Liolaemus fitzingeri
source of confusion. Liolaemus melanops was complex, the enlarged postfemoral scales are
considered to be a color variety of L. fitzin- considered to be independently evolved char-
geri by Donoso-Barros ( 1966 ) and Peters and acters in these three lines.
Donoso-Barros ( 1970 ) and as a northern sub-
, Liolaemus elongatus-kriegi complex. This —
species of L. fitzingeri by Cei (1975d). How- group is characterized by 1) no patch of
ever, careful analyses of morphological and enlarged scales, but a row of projecting scales
serological attributes may suggest that L. on posterior surface of thigh; 2) high number
melanops probably is a distinct species. Popu- (72-120) of acuminate, keeled scales around
lations of L. f. melanops near Puerto Madryn body 13:16); 3) few (1-4) preanal
are highly variable; some individuals are mor- pores; 4) slender body with very long tail;
phologically indistinguishable from L. goet- 5) absence of ventral melanism and dark
schi (Cei, 1975a), a monomorphic lizard ex- nuchal collar; 6) dorsal pattern of blackish
tending from the Rio Colorado north to San irregular stripes, not bordered by white, and
Juan and La Rioja. Serological analysis confluent into vertebral and lateral bands.
shows that populations formerly assigned to Content: L. austromendocinus, L. buer-
L. melanops and L. goetschi are conspecific; geri, L. ceii, L. elongatus elongatus, L. elon-
thus, only one taxon (L. melanops) is rec- gatus petrophilus, L. kriegi. Liolaemus elon-
ognized (Cei and Scolaro, 1977). gatus is widespread in rocky habitats in
The serological distance between L. dar- Chubut, Rio Negro, and Neuquen, and north-
winii and members of the Liolaemus fitzin- ward in the precordillera in Mendoza (Fig.
geri complex suggests that L. darivinii di- 13:17). It is a highly variable species, and
verged early from the ancestral stock of that notable serological distances have been found
group. Although juveniles and females of L. among scattered, isolated populations (Cei,
darivinii and L. boulengeri are strikingly simi- 1974a); only the population of the Meseta de
lar, a noticeable serological distance exists Somuncura has been recognized taxonomi-
between the species, whereas L. boulengeri cally
—L. e. petrophilus. Liolaemus austro-
is serologically closer to L. /. melanops. mendocinus occurs in arid habitats below
Liolaemus rothi has
morphological char- 1500 m in volcanic regions in southern Men-
acters that ally with the Liolaemus fitzingeri
it doza and in the Rio Neuquen and Rio Colo-
group, but serologically it is not so distant rado basins. Liolaemus kriegi occupies ba-
from other Patagonian complexes of Liolae- saltic areas in Neuquen and Rio Negro, where
mus as are the other members of the Liolae- it occurs sympatrically with L. ceii. Liolae-
mus fitzingeri group. Liolaemus rothi could mus buergeri occurs sympatrically with L.

elon g atus - krie

gi Complex


scales at the middle of the body

anal pores



Fig. 13:16. Morphological traits of lizards of the Liolaemus elongatus-hriegi complex.

Caracteristicas morfologicas de los saurios del conjunto Liolaemus elongatus-kriegi.

500 KM

;•,;;:' elongatus krie qi Complex

archeforus - kin gii Complex

maoellanicus - lineomaculalus

Fie. 13:17. Distributions of three Liolacmus species complexes in Patagonia.

Distribution dc trcs conjuntos especificos de Liolaemus en Patagonia.

archeforus -kingjj Complex


scales at the middle of the body


anal pores



Fig. 13:18. Morphological traits of lizards of the Liolaemus archeforus-kingii complex.

Caracteristicas morfologicas de los saurios del conjunto Liolaemus archeforus-kingii.

elongatus or austromendodnus in Patagonian Content: L. lineomaculatus, L. magcllani-

associations in southern Mendoza and with cus. The latter occurs in the humid southern
L. elongatus or kriegi in valleys in
Neuquen. lowlands on the mainland and in isolated
Liolaemus buergeri and kriegi occur in Pata- populations on Tierra del Fuego, whereas L.
gonian habitats in Chile; presumably the lineomaculatus is found in the volcanic high-
transcordilleran migration was via Paso Pe- lands in the ancient Patagonian region, where
huenche (2500 m, 36°S). it inhabits open formations and Araucaria
Several immunological cross-reactions woodlands (Fig. 13:17). Occasional immacu-
among allopatric and sympatric populations late individuals of L. lineomaculatus are
of L. austromendocinus and elongatus show known (Cei, 1971a).
equally good specific levels of differentiation These last two complexes of Liolaemus are
as among L. elongatus, kriegi, and buergeri limited to austral Patagonia and are conserva-
(Cei, 1974a, 1975b). tive in their diversity, as compared to the
Liolaemus kingii-archeforus complex.
— Liolaemus jitzingcri and elongatus-kriegi
This group is characterized by 1) no patch complexes, both of which apparently have
of enlarged scales on the posterior surface undergone recent (post-Pleistocene) specia-
of the thigh (Fig. 13:18); 2) moderately high tion. The results of these radiations are nu-
number (58-84) of faintly keeled scales merous morphologically similar species differ-
around body; 3) high number (6-10) of pre- ing from one another biochemically and eco-
anal pores; 4) short legs and relatively short logically.
tail,only slightly longer than body; 5) ven-
ter with dark spots; absence of dark nuchal
collar; 6) a series of yellowish or whitish
transverse bars on the dark dorsal ground
In acknowledge the special interest and
effortsof William E. Duellman in rewriting
Contents: L. archeforus archcforus, L.
the original English draft of this manuscript
archcforus sarmientoi, L. kingii. This group is
and in his critical analysis of the distribu-
endemic to the southern faunal region (Fig.
tional data. I also thank John D. Lynch for
13:17). Liolaemus a. archcforus occurs on
information about his research on the mor-
the isolated Meseta de Lago del Sello; it is
phology and relationships of telmatobiine
replaced by L. a. sarmientoi at lower eleva-
tions eastward in the Patagonian steppe be- frogs in the Patagonian Region.

tween the Rio Coyle and the Rio Gallegos.

Liolaemus kingii, which lies at a moderate RESUMEN
serological distance from L. archcforus, is a
rather stout, apparent ecological generalist Riologicamente, la Patagonia se define
inhabiting ravines and open bushy habitats como la region al este de los Andes, extendi-
in most of Santa Cruz. It reaches the Atlantic endose hasta el Oceano Atlantico, hacia el sur
coast, and in the western part of its range is hasta el Estrecho de Magallanes; en el norte
broadly sympatric with L. archeforus. hay una zona de transicion entre la biota
Liolaemus magellanicus-lineomaculatus patagonica y las del norte, entre los rios

complex. This group is characterized by Negro y Colorado.
1) no patch of enlarged scales on the pos- La Patagonia cs una region de suelos de
terior surface of thigh; 2) low number (40- rocas sedimentarias y mesetas de rocas efu-
70 ) of large, mucronate, acuminate ( dorsally ) presentando severas sequias estacionales
scales around body; 3) moderate number con cinco meses de invierno frio, veranos
(3-8) of preanal pores; 4) very short limbs usualmente secos y clima fresco.
and tail (Fig. 13:19); 5) absence of ventral En contraste con las asociaciones de estepa
melanism and dark nuchal collar; 6) dorsum uniformes que cxisten alii actualmentc, una
irregularly spotted with black and having vegctacion tropical y subtropical occurio al
whitish longitudinal lines. mismo tiempo que bosques xerofiticos y bos-

ma g ellanicus - lineomaculatus Complex


scales at the middle of the body

anal pores



Fig. 13:19. Morphological traits of lizards of the Liolaemus magellanicus-lineomaculatus com-

Caracteristicas morfologicas de los saurios del conjunto Liolaemus magellanicus-lineomaculatus.

ques mesofiticos de galena durante el Oligo- En los depositos del Oligoceno y del Mio-
ceno y el Mioceno. Bosques de Nothofagus ceno telmatobidos primitivos, ceratofrinidos,
existian durante el Eoceno y el Oligoceno. y bufonidos son conocidos, asi como boideos
A mediados del Terciario los climas se vol- primitivos, cocodrilos, y tortugas meiolanidas
vieron mas secos dando lugar a la expansion y pelomedusidas estan representados en los
de la vegetation xerofitica. depositos del Cretaceo superior y del Ceno-

zoico inferior. Los fosiles existentes, la pre- Berry, E. W. 1938. Tertiary flora from the Rio Pichi
Leufu, Argentina. Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap.
serve distribucion y los patrones de especia-
cion indican que la Patagonia ha sido una Bogart, J. P. 1970. Systematic problems in the am-
region importante para la evolucion de la phibians family Leptodactylidae (Anura) as indi-
austral. cated by karyotypic analysis. Cytogenetics 9:
regiones faunisticas se reconocen en
la Patagonia —
1) la region del norte, o Pata-
Cabrera, A.
Republiea Argentina.
1951. Territorios fitogeognificos de
Bol. Soc. Argentina Bot.

gonia antigua, 2) la region del sur, o de Santa 4:21-65.

Cruz. El limite entre estas dos regiones se Casamiquela, R. M. 1963. Sobre un par de anuros
del Mioceno de Rio Negro (Patagonia). Wawelia
encuentra aproximadamente en el Rio Chu-
gerholdi n. gen. et sp. (Ceratophrydidae) y Gi-
but, 45°S (Fig. 13:3). gantobatrachus parodi (Leptodactylidae). Ame-
La herpetofauna patagonica esta ghiniana 3:141-160.
Cei, J. M. 1969a. La meseta basaltiea de Somun-
esta de 60 especies: 14 anuros, 1 tortuga, 34
cura, Rio Negro. Herpetofauna endemica y sus
saurios, 11 ofidios. Hay un grado notable de peculiares equilibrios biocenoticos. Physis 28:
endemismo. De las 60 especies, 56 ocurren 257-271.
Cei, J. M. 1969b. The Patagonian telmatobiid fauna
el laregion del norte, 13 especies en la region of the volcanic Somuncura Plateau. J. Herpetol.
del sur, y nueve especies estan representadas 3:1-18.
en ambas regiones. En la region del norte se Cei, J. M. 1970a. Fluctuaciones biocenoticas y re-
encuentra la unica tortuga y el unico am- Iictos herpetologicos de la planicie de Lonco-
Luan (Neuquen). Acta Zool. Lilloana 27:193-
phisbenido y todas las especies de ofidios y 200.
anuros, excepto una especie de rana (Plcuro- Cei, J. M.
1970b. Telmatobius solitarius n. sp., a
dema bufonina) y una especie de serpiente new telmatobiid frog from the highland
Patagonian territories ( Rio Negro, Argentina )
(Bothrops ammodijtoides) que entran en la

Herpetologica 26:18-23.
region del sur. Cei, J. M. 1971a. Herpetologia Patagonica I. Lio- —
El grado de endemismo es alto, especial- laemus del grupo magellanicus. Caracteristicas
mente en los altiplanos volcanicos, en las taxonomicas y geneticas. Physis 30:417—424.
Cei, J. M. 1971b. Herpetologia Patagonica -II. —
estribaciones de los Andes y en las mesetas
Notas sobre la distribucion geografica del genero
aisladas. Los generos monotipicos Somun- Diplolaemus. Ibid. 30:471-474.
curia y Vdcunia son endemicos de las mesetas Cei, J. M. 1972a. Herpetologia Patagonica III. Re- —
laciones de afinidad seroproteinicas y fileticas en
asi como las especies y/o subespecies de Al-
el genero Liolaemus. Ibid. 31:411-422.
sodes, Atelognathus, Liolaemus, y Phijma- Cei, J. M. 1972b. Herpetologia Patagonica V. Las —
turus. especies extracordilleranas alto-Patagonicas del

En genero Telmatobius. Ibid. 31:431-449.

Patagonia ha habido temprana ex-
Cei, J. M. 1973a. Herpetologia Patagonica VI.

pansion adaptativa de los telmatobidos de la Los Liolaemus del grupo fitzingcri en Santa Cruz
familia Leptodactylidae. La region tambien y Chubut (Sauria, Iguanidae). Ibid. 32C:447-
fue el centro de evolucion de las diversas 458.

lineas de iguanidos, y actualmente es un cen- Cei, J. M. 1973b. Herpetologia Patagonica VII. —

Notas ecologicas y morfologicas sobre Liolaemus
tro de especiaci6n de Liolaemus. Cuatro gru- bibroni y L. boulengcri. Ibid. 32C: 459-469.
pos de especies de Liolaemus tienen su centro Cei, J. M. 1973c. Comentarios sobre algunos generos
de dispersion en la Patagonia. Estos han de iguanidos: Diplolaemus, Leiosaurus, Apero-
pristis y Cupriguanus. Ibid. 32C:269-276.
sufrido especiacion post-pleistocenica y suces-
Cei, J. M. 1973d. Distribucion geografica y carac-
iva dispersion en la region, con el resultado teres de Cupriguanus fasciatus
de muchas lineas de especies afines bio- (D'Orbigny) (Sauria, Iguanidae). Ibid. 32C:
quimica y ecologicainente bien definidas.
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austral cordillerano Argentino. Physis 32C:207- laemus goetschi y el conjunto Liolaemus darwini-
213. boulengeri. Ibid. 34C: 199-202.

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Appendix 13:1. — Distribution of species and subspecies of amphibians and reptiles in ten districts of the two
major faunal regions in Patagonia.

Northern Region Southern Region

c -3
w o
-a J
2o a
Taxon G
a U 3
« X O
5o o C/3 -a
'S c
bo <
o O 3
> O t/3

Alsodcs gargola gargola ... +
Abodes gargola neuquensis
- - - + -
Atelognathus nitoi _
Atelognathus patagonicus
- - - + -
Atelognathus praebasalticus praebasalticus
- - - + -
- - - + -
Atelognathus praebasalticus agilis
- - - + -
Atelognathus praebasalticus dobeslawi
Atelognathus praebasalticus luisi
- - + -
Atelognathus reverberii
Atelognathus solitarius +

Leptodacttjlus ocellatus
Odontophnjnus occidentalis
Pleurodema bufonina
Pleurodema nebulosa
Pleurodema thaul
Somuncuria somuncuriensis
Bufo arenarum
Bufo spimdosus
Homonota darwinii ...
Homonota horrida
Ctenoblepharis donosobarrosi
Diplolacmus bibronii
Diplolacmus darwinii .. _
Diplolacmus leopardinus .

Leiosaurus bellii _ —
Liolaemus archeforus archeforus
Liolaemus archeforus sarmientoi .
Liolaemus uustromendocinus
Liolaemus bibronii
Liolaemus boulengeri
Liolaemus buergeri ._
Liolaemus ceii
Liolaemus chilensis
Liolaem us darwinii
Liolaemus elongatus elongatus
Liolaemus elongatus petrophilus ...

Liolaemus fitzingeri fitzingeri

Liolaemus fitzingeri canqueli
Liolaemus fitzingeri melanops
Liolaemus gracilis
Liolaemus kingii _ _
Liolaemus kricgi -
Liolaemus lineomaculatus
Liolaemus magellanicus
Liolaemus rothi

Appendix 13:1 (Concluded).

Northern Region Southern Region

c 0)
Taxon o

c a
o o
14. La Herpetofauna de los Bosques Temperados
de Sudamerica

J. Ramon Formas
Instituto de Zoologia
Universidad Austral de Chile
Casilla 567
Valdivia, Chile

Los bosques temperados de Sudamerica, Desde el punto de vista historico, algunos

ubicados en el extremo sur de Chile y partes anuros (Caudiverbera y Eupsophus) tienen

adyaeentes de Argentina, se caracterizan por

una antigiiedad que se remonta hasta el Ter-
tener pocos taxa de anfibios (Vellard, 1957; ciario (Shaeffer, 1949).

Cei, 1962a; Darlington, 1965; Vuilleumier, Los endemismos, la pobreza de especies,

196S) y reptiles (Heimlich, 1934, 1937; Do- la escasa diversificaeion de los generos, las
noso-Barros, 1960). Estos ambientes boscosos adaptaciones reproductivas y la antigiiedad
temperados, aislados en el norte por la estepa de algunos taxa, han sugerido diversas inter-
semiarida de Acacia caven y por este por la pretaciones sobre el origen de los batracios
estepa fria patagonica, presentan once gen- en el bosque temperado sudamericano. Dar-
eros de anuros, dos de saurios (Liolaemus y lington (1965) considera a esta batracofauna
Pristidactylus) y dos de serpientes (Alsophis como empobrecida y derivada de otras de
y Tachymenis). Entre los anuros se encuen- amplia distribucion en Sudamerica. Vellard
tran muchos endemismos ( Caudiverbera, Tel- (1957), Cei (1962a) y Vuilleumier (1968)
matobufo, Hylorina, Eupsophus, Batrachyla, proponen que la fauna de batracios australes
Insiietophrynus y Rhinoderma) y solamente esta compuesta por generos endemicos de
Alsodes, Atelognathus, Pleurodema y Bufo probable origen Terciario y otros secundaria-
exceden los limites del bosque. Existe aqui mente emigrados a la region. Para los rep-
una familia monotipica (Rhinodermatidae) y tiles, Donoso-Barros ( 1966 ) postula generos
tres generos con una sola especie (Caudiver- de origen septentrional (Liolaemus) y relictos
bera, Hylorina e Insiietophrynus). La may- de las selvas del Terciario (Pristidactylus).
oria de los generos de anfibios poseen dos o En base a los antecedentes ecologicos e
tres (Telmatobufo, Batrachyla) y
especies historicos de la region y de la sistematica,
solamente los saurios del genero Liolaemus ecologia y distribucion de la herpetofauna se
son las que presentan la mayor diversificaeion propone una hipotesis acerca del origen de
(cinco especies) en el area. los anfibios y reptiles que habitan los bosques

Algunas de las especies existentes en el temperados de Sudamerica.

bosque temperado austral muestran notables
adaptaciones a este biotopo, las cuales se ob-
servan especialmente durante la reproduction CARACTERISTICAS DEL AREA
y el desarrollo. Entre los anuros, destacan el
cuidado parenteral de Rhinoderma, las pos- Los bosques temperados de Sudamerica
turas en terreno vegetal humedo de
se ubican especialmente al suroeste de la
las espe-
Cordillera de los Andes ocupando una franja
cies de Batrachyla y los renacuajos de los
de territorio chileno comprendida entre los
arroyos de montana de Telmatobufo australis. 37° y 55°S de latitud sur ( Cerceau-Larrival,
La viviparidad aparece como la adaptation
1968). Entre los paralelos 35 y 37, el bosque
reproductiva mas frecuente entre los reptiles se desplaza levemente hacia el oriente pene-
(Liolaemus cyanogaster, L. pictus y Tachy- trando en Argentina. Desde el punto de vista
menis chilensis). ecologico, estos biotopos boscosos estan ais-


lados del resto del continente sudaniericano

por estepas aridas o semiaridas. En el Valle
Central chileno, al norte del paralelo 37, existe
una estepa de marcadas condiciones xero-
fiticas en la cual predominan los matorrales
Estepa de
de Acacia caven ( Papilonaceae ) (Mann,
Acacia caven
1960). Este ambiente semiarido es una zona
de transition entre los desiertos costeros de
Sudamerica y los bosques temperados aus-
trales. Por el oriente, los biotopos boscosos
limitan con la estepa fria de la Patagonia.
Alii predominan las asociaciones de gra-
mineas (Stipa, Poa), compuestas (Chuqui-
raga, CoIUguaja) y matorrales con plantas
del genero Trevoa (Rhamnaceae) (Solbrig,
1976). En la figura 14:1 se muestra la ubica-
cion del bosque temperado en el continente
sudaniericano y los biotopos que lo circundan.
En el sur de Chile existen tres caracteres
fisiograficos la Cordillera de los Andes, la

Cordillera de la Costa y el Valle Central.

Estos dos ultimos caracteres se aprecian mar-
cadamente hasta el paralelo 41; desde alii al <

sur tienden a desaparecer siendo reempla-

zados por una intrincada geografia compuesta
de islas, arehipielagos, peninsulas y fiordos
(Region de los Canales). En la figura 14:2
se indican las caracteristicas fisiograficas del
area cubierta por los bosques australes tem-
perados en el sur de Chile.
El factor mas relevante de los Andes de
esta region, es el vulcanismo extrusivo del
Cuaternario (Rriiggen, 1950) y las alturas
aqui predominantes son los volcanes. Estos
nunca bajan de los 2000 m
y en algunos casos
sobrepasan los 3000 m. Al sur del paralelo
37, limite norte de los bosques temperados, la
altura de la Cordillera de los Andes decrece
en relation con los sectores del centro y norte
de Chile. Es asi que en esas areas, alcanza
alturas promedios de 5000 m mientras que
en el sur nunca sube de los 3000 m. Entre
los paralelos 37 y 42 la actividad volcanica
cuaternaria origino rocas igneas tales como
basaltos, andesitas y andesitas basalticas.
Tambien se pueden encontrar alii rocas sedi-
mentarias correspondientes al Terciario y
Cretacico Jurasico Triasico y
Paleozoico (Fuenzalida, 1965a; Murioz Cris-
ti, 1973). Al sur del paralelo 42 predominan

granites, dioritas y granidioritas las cuales se

originaron a craves del vulcanismo intrusivo
(Ruiz et al., 1965). La action dc los hielos
ha sido un factor muy importance en el mo-
delado del macizo andino de esta region. Hoy
existen gran cantidad de glaciates, los cuales
en la mayoria de los casos no salen de la
Cordillera de los Andes, pero al sur de los
45°S algunos llegan hasta el nivel del mar
(San Rafael; 46°40'S) (Lliboutry, 1956).
Fuera de los glaciares existen dos grandes
masas de hielo continental dcpositadas en la
Cordillera de los Andes de las provincias de
Aysen y Magallanes. La primera de ellas se
ubica en los 47°S y la segunda de mayor
longitud cubre una distancia comprendida
entre los 48° 10' v los 52°30'S (Lliboutry,
El Valle Central, ubicado entre la Cor-
dillera de los Andes y la Cordillera de la
Costa, es un rasgo fisiografico del centro y sur
de Chile. Esta larga depresion ubicada entre
los 37° y 42°S tiene origen tectonico
y se
formo durante el Plioceno (Briiggen, 1950).
La superficie de este gran valle longitudinal,
que no alcanza mas de 250 m de altera y 90
kms de ancho promedio, ha sido rellenada
por depositos de origen glaciar, fluvial y la-
custre (Briiggen, 1950; Fuenzalida, 1965a).
El Valle Central llega por el sur hasta el
paralelo 41, alii se hunde en el mar
aparecer nuevamente en todo el sector occi-
dental de la Isla de Chiloe. Hacia el sur de
esta isla, desaparece definitivamente bajo el
oceano en la region del Archipielago de los
La Cordillera de la Costa es un caracter
fisiografico que se encuentra solamente en
el territorio de Chile. En la region de los
bosques temperados, este macizo costero ti-
ende a presentarse fragmentado no alcan-
zando alturas superiores a los 1500 m (Cor-
dillera de Nahuelbuta). Al sur de la ciudad
de Valdivia (40°S) la cordillera costera se
levanta sobre los 1000 m y constituye alii la
llamada Cordillera Pelada que envia sus cor-
dones hasta la ciudad de Maullin (41°30'S).
Fie. 14:2. Caracteres fisiogrdficos del Desde alii hacia el sur desaparece bajo el
area cubierta por los bosques australcs de
Canal de Chacao para reaparecer en la Isla
de Chiloe. El macizo costero desaparece al
Physiography of the area covered by
the austral forest of South America. sur de esta gran isla, pero sus ultimos restos

Tadla 14:1. —Temperatura Media, Humedad Relativa y Precipitaciones de Diferentes Puntos del sur de Chile
(segun Hajek y Di Castri, 1975).
Temperatura Humedad Precipita-
Media Relativa
Lugar Ubicacion °C
Punta Lavapie 37°08'S-37°35'W 13.3
Contulmo 38°02'S-73°12'W
Valdivia 39°48'S-73° 14'W
Pto. Montt 41°28'S-72°57'W
Castro 42°29'S-73°48'W
Melinka 43°54'S-73°46'W
Pto. Aysen 45°24'S-72°42'W
San Pedro 47°43'S-74°55'W
Pto. Eden 49°08'S-74°25'W
San Isidro 53°47'S-70°58'W
Navarino 55° 10'S-67°30'W

tienden a Chiloe continental, archipielago de Pisano (1956), Oberdorfer (1960), Fuenza-

los Chonos y Peninsula de Taitao. A] sur del lida (1965d) y Quintanilla (1974).
golfo de Penas (47°S) y en toda la region de El bosque valdiviano comienza en la Cor-
hasta el paralelo 53, existe una
los canales, dillera de los Andes a partir del paralelo 39,
zona de clima templado humedo de verano en de la Costa en el paralelo 40
la Cordillera
fresco o frio (Cfc). y en Valle Central en el paralelo 41. El
Los basques temperados del sur de Chile, limite sur no esta claramente dcfinido, pero
que cubren toda el area anteriormente de- se lepuede situar entre los paralelos 43 y 44.
scrita, secaracterizan por tener rasgos higro- En bosque la humedad relativa es muy
morficos. Estos se acentuan a partir del pa- alta (84%) y la temperatura promedio anual
ralelo 38 y alcanzan un maximo desarrollo en es de 10.5°C. El verano es medianamente
los Desde alii hacia el sur, hay una
45°S. calido y las lluvias tienen una distribucion
marcada tendencia al xeromorfismo debido a homogenea a traves de todo el afio. La pluvi-
las bajas temperaturas y a los vientos pre- osidad anual fluctiia entre los 2000 y 2500 mm.
dominantes del oeste. Los bosques australes La abundancia de precipitaciones, la existen-
son densos, siempre verdes y alcanzan alturas cia de suelos bien drenados con una capa
que superan los 40 m. En el, hay varios estra- freatica profunda, la gran humedad y la alta
tos vegetacionales con un tupido sotobosque temperatura en verano, permiten el desarrollo
y un piso rico en vegetacion. En este bosque de un bosque rico en especies. Los troncos
es posible encontrar arbustos con hojas an- de los arboles estan cubiertos por liquenes
chas, ya sea de tipo magnolia (Drimys) o ( Usnea ) musgos epifitos, enredaderas ( Sar-

laurel ( Lanrelia Los troncos de los grandes

. mentia y Luzuriaga) y lianas (Hydrangea y
arboles estan cubiertos de enredaderas, mus- Cissus). Aqui existe un sotobosque denso en
gos, helechos y liquenes. La abundancia de el cual hay bambues (Chusquea quila), ar-
vegetacion determina que la obscuridad sea bustos (Lomatia, Fuchsia) y helechos (Blech-
un caracter predominante dentro del bosque. num, Lophosoria). El piso del bosque es
La flora del bosque austral tiene varias rico en liquenes y helechos (Dryopteris, Adi-
especies endemicas entre las cuales destacan antum). Ties son los arboles mas caracter-
los arboles del genero Nothofagus (Faga- isticos del bosque valdiviano:
ceae). Es frecuente tambien encontrar taxa dombeyi, Eucryphia cordifolia y Aextoxicum
monotipicos, ya sea a nivel familiar o gene- punctatus. Otras especies importantes son
rico. Entre los primeros destaca la familia aqui las coniferas, entre las cuales se pueden
Aextocicaceae (Aextoxicum punctatus) y en- citar a Fitzroya, Saxogotea, Podocarpus y Pil-
tre los segundos los generos Guevina (Pro- gerodendron. Fitzroya cupressoides es el mas
teaceae), Tepitaha (Mirtaceae), Fitzroya alto do los arboles chilenos y alcanza alturas
(Cupressaceae) y Myzodemdrum (Myzoden- sobre los 55 m. Su diametro puede alcanzar a
draceae). Floristicamente los bosques tem- los 5 m y se la han calculado edades sobre
perados de Sudamerica tienen un origen los 2000 anos. Entre las especies secundarias
doble: austral y tropical (Reiche, 1937; se encuentran Laurelia serrata, Drimys tain-
Menendez, 1969). Como tipicos elementos ted, Weismania trichosperma y Persea lingue.
australes destacan
Nothofagus, Fitzroya y Al norte del bosque valdiviano existe un
Araucaria y como componentes tropicales bosque caducifolio en el cual destacan como
Drimys, Fuchsia y Chusquea. especies mas relevantes Nothofagus obliqua
A pesar que el bosque austral sudameri- y Guevina avellano. En la cordillera de Na-
cano muestra cierto grado de uniformidad, es huelbuta (Cordillera de Costa) y en los
posible encontrar ciertas variaciones locales. Andes, entre los paralelos 37 y 40, se desarro-
Entre ellas, la mas notable es el llamado llan bosques de Araucaria araucaria. Estas
"Bosque Valdiviano," el cual representa la formaciones boscosas, ubicadas entre los 1300
region mas de los bosques aus-
caracteristica y 2000 m, presentan tambien Nothofagus pu-
trales. Aqui se da una breve descripcion de milio y Nothofagus antarctica.
el en base a los trabajos de Reiche ( 1934 ) ,
Al sur del bosque valdiviano hay una selva

norpatagonica que se extiende hasta el para- fiordos de la region de los canales, se forma-
lelo 48. Alii destacan como arboles mas im- ron en gran medida por la accion del hielo
portantes Podocarpus salignus y Pilgeroden- glaciar (Briiggen, 1950; Fuenzalida, 1965a).
dron uviferum. AI oeste de estas formaciones Los bosques australes sudamericanos, con
boscosas hay pantanos, los cuales se ubican sus elementos tipicos (Nothofagus, Araucaria
especialmente en las islas. Aqui hay Perneth- y Laurelia), han existido desde el Terciario
ija (Ericaceae), Gleichnia ( Pteridofita ) pero , (Jeannelle, 1967; Cerceau-Larrival, 196S) y se
tambien Nothofagus betuloides y Nothofagus acepta que tuvieron una distribution gond-
antarctica. wanica (Couper, 1960). En el extremo sur
de Sudamerica alcanzaron un rango de exten-
sion mucho mas amplio que el que tienen hoy,
HISTORIA DEL AREA llegando hasta la actual Patagonia (Menen-
dez, 1969 ) Durante el Eoceno muchos de los

El Terciario sudamericano se caracteriza elementos de la flora tropical penetraron hacia

especialmente por el levantaniiento de la Cor- el sur y aparecen en los estratos fosiliferos de

dillera de los Andes. En el Cretacico Superior Rio Turbio, Argentina, mezclados con ele-
se hicieron sentir, en el oeste del continente, mentos australes (Menendez, 1969). Aqui
los primeros movimientos orogenicos del 11a- las capas mas inferiores muestran elementos
mado ciclo Andino (Harrington, 1962) que tipicamente surenos (Nothofagus) los cuales
originaron las diversas partes de la Cordillera son reemplazados en los estratos superiores
de los Andes. Durante el Eoceno, se aprecia por elementos tropicales (Persea, Psidun).
un aceleramiento de los procesos orogeneticos La coexistencia de una con una
flora austral

que alcanzan gran desarrollo en el Mioceno; flora tropical se explica debido a que estos
seguidos en el Plioceno de movimientos que ultimos elementos ocupaban las partes bajas
dieron origen a la forma actual del macizo (valles) y los australes las partes superiores
andino (Harrington, 1962; Haffer, 1970). de montanas (Briiggen, 1950; Menendez,

Al termino del Terciario Inferior (Eo- 1969). Durante el Mioceno y Oligoceno la

hacia el norte y simul-
flora tropical retrocedio
ceno), y posiblemente en el Oligoceno, el ter-
ritorio de Chile fue un area inestable. Du- taneamente se produjo un avance de la flora
rante el Oligoceno se produjeron procesos de austral en la misma direction, hasta los limites

deformacion y plegamiento en varias regiones actuales del bosque temperado ( Solbrig, 1976;
del pais, al final de las cuales el territorio Menendez, 1969).
adquirio las caracteristicas de una region La extincion de los bosques australes en

estable, en el que aparecieron sistemas de la actual Patagonia se debe, en gran medida,

montaiias de poco relieve (Fuenzalida, al efecto que causo la Cordillera de los Andes

1965a). Durante el Mioceno hubo una gran al impedir la pasada de los vientos frios y

transgresion marina que cubrio extensas areas humedos del oeste. Durante el Paleoceno y
del sur de Chile (Cecioni, 1970). A fines del el Eoceno el macizo andino estaba poco le-

Plioceno o comienzos de la epoca siguiente, vantado y los vientos del Pacifico llegaban
Pleistoceno, el territorio chileno fue profunda- hasta los sectores orientales del extremo sud-
mente modificado por un fuerte tectonismo. americano. Durante el Oligoceno la barrera
Este trajo como consecuencia el levantami- de los Andes llego a ser un obstaculo para
ento de la Cordillera de los Andes, de la ellos, los cuales se vieron definitivamente fre-
Cordillera de la Costa y la formacion del nados en el Mioceno. Al no haber lluvias ni
Valle Central (Briiggen, 1950; Fuenzalida, humedad en el sector oriental del macizo

1965a). Durante el Pleistoceno, ocurrieron andino, las formaeiones boscosas desaparecie-

en el extremo sur de Sudamerica fuertes pro- ron, dando origen a la estepa semiarida pata-
cesos glaciares ( Vuilleumier, 1971). La inva- gonica (Solbrig, 1976). Fuera de los cambios
sion de estas masas de hielo trajo como con- del relieve y la vegetation ocurrieron varia-
secuencia fuertes modificaciones en el clima y ciones simultaneas en las condicioncs clima-
en la fisiografia. Las islas, archipielagos y ticas que afectaron el extremo austral de Sud-

america. Durante el Paleoceno el clima del de la Costa hacen presumir que las pendientes
continente fue mas calido
que hoy (Solbrig, occidentales de este macizo costero no tu-
1976) y despues del Eoceno se aprecia un vieron influencia glaciar. Heusser (1966) e
lilies (1970) indican que la Cordillera de la
gradual enfriamiento y desecacion (Axelrod
y Bailey, 1969; Wolfe, 1971) el cual eulmina Costa permanecio fuera de la action de estas
en el Pleistoceno durante las etapas glaciares. masas de hielo.
Fuera de los cambios anteriorniente re-
que la transgresion marina
feridos, es posible
delMioceno y las glaciaciones del Pleistoceno
hayan afectado la distribucion de la heipeto-
fauna austral. La entrada miocenica del mar,
La herpetofauna de los bosques australes

afecto el sur de Chile entre los paralelos 37

esta compuesta de 28 especies, 20 de las
cuales son anuros, seis son saurios
y 41 (Briiggen, 1950; Cecioni, 1970; lilies,
1970; Auboin et al., 1973). Los estratos pro- (21.4%) y dos seqjientes (7.1%). Los anuros
dueidos por esta invasion del mar se eneuen- (sapos y ranas) pertenecen a tres familia
distintas: Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae y
tran en la region de Santiago (Navidad) y
Rhinodermatidae. Las serpientes pertenecen
hacia el sur, en las areas de Coneepcion
a la familia Colubridae y los saurios se ubi-
(Ranquil); Temuco (Pilmahue); Osorno
can en la familia Iguanidae. En la Tabla
(Cheuqueno) y Segun Briiggen
14:2 se muestra la composition herpetofaun-
1950 ) en estos estratos hay areniscas ar-

cillosas de grano fino y color gris claro que

istica de los bosques temperados de Sud-
se distinguen por tener una abundancia de
fosiles marinos. lilies (1970) indica que la
transgresion marina tuvo baja profundidad y DISTRIBUCION DE LA
que como consecuencia de ella se produjeron HERPETOFAUNA
una gran cantidad de islas y bahias que
semejan los archipielagos e islas de la costa La herpetofauna de los bosques tempera-
del extremo sur occidental de Sudamerica. dos sudamericanos presenta patrones de dis-
Durante el Pleistoceno el hielo ocupo en tribucion caracteristicos. Al norte del para-
el sur de Chile una amplia extension cubri- lelo 44 existe la mayor concentracion de gen-
endo el area comprendida entre los 41° y eros de anfibios y reptiles, los cuales a partir
55°S (Vuilleumier, 1971). Sin embargo de esta latitud comienzan a disminuir grad-
Briiggen (1948) para explicar la expansion ualmente hacia el sur. La figura 14:3 muestra
del bosque de Nothofagus, al sur de paralelo los patrones de distribucion generica de los
41, en la epoca post-glacial, propone que du- anfibios y reptiles del bosque austral.
rante los periodos glaciales quedaron refugios En region costera del area comprendida
boscosos en los faldeos de la costa del Pacifico entre los 39°30'S y los 40°20'S existe la mayor
sobre los glaciares. Condiciones parecidas a concentracion de generos de anuros. La zona
las supuestas por Briiggen se encuentran hoy con menor concentracion de anfibios es la
en el glaciar de San Rafael. Aqui se sucedi- que se encuentra al sur del paralelo 50; lle-
eron tres o cuatro glaciaciones (Briiggen, gando hasta alii solamente los anuros del
1948; 1950; Auer, I960; Vuilleumier, 1971, genera Bufo.
Simpson; este volumen) que penetraron en el Algunos de las especies de anfibios pre-
Valle Central hasta la latitud de la ciudad de sentes en el bosque tienen amplia distribucion
Santiago (Briiggen, 1950). Este autor ha de- en el. Dentro de esta categoria se pueden in-
scrito sistemas de morrenas terminales cerca cluir a Rhinoderma darwinii, Batrachyla lep-
del Rio Maipo, al sur de Santiago (33°30'S),
topus, Batrachyla taeniata, Eupsophus roseus,
al norte de Curico (35°S) y en la vecindad
Eupsophus vittatus^ CaucJiverbera caudiver-
de Puerto Montt (40°30'S). bera y Pleurodema thanl. Otras especies ocu-
La presencia de morrenas en el Valle Cen- pan rangos medianos (Hylorina sylvatica, Al-
tral y en el sector oriental de la Cordillera sodes monticola, Bufo variegatus, Bufo rubro-

Tabla 14:2. —Composicion de la Herpetofauna del Bosque Temperado de Sudamerica.

Familia Generos Espeeie y Subespecie
Leptodactylidae Alsodes monticola
Atelognathus grandisonae
Batrachyla antartandica
Caudivcrbera caudivcrbera
Eupsophus roseus
vittatus(= E. vcrtebralis)
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
Pleurodema thaul
Telmatobufo australis
venustus(= T. bullocki)
Rhinodei matidae Rhinodcrma darwinii
Bufonidae Bufo chilensis
Iguanidae Liolaemus chilensis
cyanogaster cyanogaster
cyanogaster brattstroemi
monticola villaricensis
/rictus pictus
l>ictus cliilocnsis
pictus major
pictus talcanensis
tenuis tenuis
tenuis punctatissimus
Pristidactylus torquatus(= Cupriguanus)
Colubridae Alsophis chamissonis
Tachymenis chilensis (= T. peruviana)

punctatus, Batrachyla antartandica, Rhinoder- Argentina ) y en EI Correntoso ( Puerto Montt,

ma rufum y Bufo chilensis) y unas pocas estan Chile) (Barrio, 1967a). Batrachyla taeniata
restringidas a ambitos muy pequenos (Ate- y Batrachyla leptopus viven en condiciones
lognathus grandisonae, Insuetophrynus acar- de simpatria en los alrededores de la ciudad
picus, Telmatobufo australis, Telmatobufo de Valdivia. Eupsophus vittatus y Eupsophus
venustus, Eupsophus vanzolinii y Eupsophus roseus son simpatricas en un area muy amplia
migueli). Las figuras 14:4-10 muestran los que cubre todo el rango de distribucion de
rangos de distribution de todas las especies Eupsophus vittatus.
de anuros presentes en el bosque temperado. Las figuras 14:11-15 muestran los rangos
Areas de simpatria han sido encontradas distribucionales de los reptiles del bosque
para algunas especies de batracios. Rhino- temperado de Sudamerica. Pristidactylus tor-
derma darwinii y Rhinoderma rufum super- quatus alcanza alturas que fluctuan entre los
ponen su distribucion en Chiguayante (Pro- 50 m (Catamutun, Provincia de Valdivia) y
vincia de Conception) (Formas et al., 1975). los 1400 m (Cordillera dc Nahuclbuta ) Lio- .

Silva et al. encontraron poblaciones

(1968) laemus monticola villaricensis tiene rangos
simpatricas de Bufo variegatus y Bufo rubro- de distribucion altitudinal que fluctua entre
punctatus en la Cordillera de los Andes de la los 1000 m y los 1400 m
(Hellmich. 1950).
Provincia de Llanquihue. Batrachyla lepto- Liolaemus chilensis ha sido colectada en al-
pus y Batrachyla antartandica tienen pobla- turas que varian entre los 100 m y 1200 m
ciones que se superponen en el cerro Mirador (Hellmich, 1950). Liolaemus pictus se ubica
(Cordillera Pelada, Provincia de Valdivia), entre los 100 m
y 800 in; mientras que Lio-
Puerto Blest y Lago Frias (Nahuel Huapi, laemus cyanogaster lo hace entre los 10 m y




• • •
• 1I
• •

OOO" 2

III! 4
52 SW® 5
+++ +

i 8



75 67 73 65

Fig. 14:3. Patrones de distribution latitudinal de los Renews de anfibios y reptiles. Las areas en bianco
(11) corresponden a hielo continental o regiones carentes de anfibios o reptiles. Los numeros indican la den-
sidad generica.
Latitudinal patterns of distribution of the genera of amphibians and reptiles. The white areas (11) repre-
sent ice-covered areas or areas free of amphibians or reptiles. The numbers indicate the generic density.

350 m. Ambas cspecies son simpatricas en gaster tiene una subespecie (L. c. bratt-
una amplia Liolaemus pictus presenta
area. stroemi) que se distribuye en la Isla Grande
tres subespecies (L. p. chiloensis, L. p. major de Chiloe (Donoso-Barros, 1966). Liolaemus
y L. p. talcanensis) que se distribuyen en el tenuis ocupa alturas que van desde el nivel
archipielago de Chiloe ( Donoso-Barros, 1966; del mar hasta los 1000 m y en la region co-
Urbina y Ziiniga, 1977). Liolaemus cijano- stera es reemplazada por una subespecie, la



75 75 73




Batrachy la


200 Km

Fig. Patrones de distribution del genero

Batrachyla en sur de Chile.
Distribution patterns of Batrachyla in southern

Donoso-Barros (1966) un lagarto que trepa

en los troncos de los arboles del genero No-
thofagus. Alsophis chamissonis yTachymenis
chilensis son dos serpientes
que viven en los
lugares mas secos del bosque; sin embargo
la ultima especie puede tambien ser encon-
trada en lugares con mucha humedad.
No existen antecedentes suficientes para
trazar un cuadro detallado sobrela alimenta-
tion de la herpetofauna del bosque austral.
Los pocos datos disponibles permitcn decir
solamente que no hay animales altamente
especializados en la alimentation.
Rhinoderma darwinii se alimenta de in-
sectos (Schneider, 1930)lo mismo que Tel-

matobufo venustus (Schmidt, 1952). Rybertt

y Daniel (1976) determinaron que Eupso-
phus vittatus y Eupsophus roseus se alimen-

yj I

- 37

- 37

Pnst idacty lus

rf' villaricensis

200 km

200 km
Fig. 14:13. Patrones de distribution de Liolae-
mus chilensis, L.
cyanogaster cyanogaster tj L. c.
brattstroemi en el sur de Chile.
Fic. 14:12. Patrones de distribution de Pristi-
Distribution patterns of Liolaemus chilensis, L.
dactylus torquatus y Liolaemus monticola villaricen-
cyanogaster cyanogaster and L. c. brattstroemi in
sis en el sur de Chile.
southern Chile.
Distribution patterns of Pristidactylus torquatus
and Liolaemus monticola villaricensis in southern
Chile. de la cola es afilada. Rhinodcrma darwinii
muestra un patron de desarrollo que tiene
aumento en el conocimiento del desarrollo fuertes desviaciones del esquema corriente
embrionario y larvario de sapos y ranas del presentado por los anuros (Noble, 1931).
bosque. En la Tabla 14:5 aparece la duracion Como consecuencia de ello la larva muestra
del periodo embrionario y larvario de algunos reducciones en las aletas, forma del cuerpo y
batracios del sur de Chile. La mayoria de las estructura de la boca (Jorquera, et al., 1972).
especies de anuros presentan larvas del tipo Las especies del genero Rhinoderma ( dar-
generalizado de Orton ( 1953 ) sin embargo
iviniiy rufum) muestran patrones de desarro-
existen tambien otros tipos larvarios adapt- llo unicos entre los anuros ya que algunas de

ados a ambientes especiales. Telmatobufo aus- las etapas del desarrollo transcurren en la
tralis posee un renacuajo adaptado a vivir en bolsa gutural del macho. En la figura 14:17
aguas frias y torrentosas, su boca tiene forma se muestra comparativamente los ciclos de
de ventosa y por medio de ella se adhiere a las desarrollo de las especies de Rliinodcrma.
piedras (Formas, 1972). La larva de Caudi- Los huevos de R. darwinii son depositados
verbera caudiverbera vive en grandes cuerpos en terreno vegetal hurnedo; posteriormente el
de aguas abiertas y su cuerpo esta adaptado macho toma con la boca los jovenes embri-
a estos ambientes nectonicos. Su forma es ones y los introduce en la bolsa bucal dentro
redondeada, las aletas son altas y la punta de la cual se realiza el resto del desarrollo

Tabla 14:3. — Meses del Aiio Durante los cuales los Machos de las Especies Listadas Cantan y Mucstran
Callosidades Sexuales ( O = canto, X = callosidades sexuales, A = ambos).



Cham i ssoni s


chi lensis

Liolaemus p
chi loensis Liolaemus 41

nun major

Lio laemus p.

tatcanens 200 km

Fig. 14:14. Pal rones de distribution de Liolae- I 200 km

mus pictus pictus, L. p. chiloensis, L. p. major y
L. p. talcanensis en el sur de Chile.
Distribution patterns of Liolaemus pictus pictus,
L. p. chiloensis, L. p. major and L. p. talcanensis in
southern Chile.
Fig. 14:15. Rango de distribution de Alsophis
chamissonis y Tachymenis chilensis en el sur de
la Patagonia, de las relaciones de los difer-
entes taxa y de los patrones actuales de dis-
Range of distribution of Alsophis chamissonis and
tribucion. Tachymenis chilensis in southern Chile.
Caudiverbera (Schaeffer, 1949) y algunas
formas relacionadas, tales como Gigantobat- mayorensis (Eoceno) y Caudiverbera caudi-
rachus ( Casamiqnela, 1963) y Eophractus verbera la cual se encuentra hoy en los bos-
(Schaeffer, 1949) han sido reportadas en el ques del sur de Chile y en los estratos del
Terciario Inferior de la Patagonia. Hecht Oligoceno y Mioceno de la Patagonia.
(1963) indica que Eophractus (Eoceno in- Dentro de las ranas de la familia Lep-
ferior) y Gigantobatrachus (Mioceno supe- todactylidae, Caudiverbera parece ser un
rior) son parte de una simple linea filetiea genero muy divergente y en base a sus
del genero Caudiverbera; sin embargo Lynch caracteres osteologicos Reig (1960) propuso
(1971) considera a Eophractus y Gigantoba- una nueva subfamilia (Calyptocephalellinae).
trachus como sinonimos de Caudiverbera. Cei ( 1970 ) analiza desde el punto de vista
Para este genero el autor anteriormente citado serologico las relaciones de este genero y
reconoce dos especies: Caudiverbera casa- propone una probable separation de el a par-

Alturas ( m )

S o
o 8 o o
o o
A. grandisonae
B. taeniata
B. leptopus
B. antar tandica
C. caudiverbera
P. thaul
R. darwinii
R. r uf urn

B. variegatus
B. chi lensis

B. rubropunc tat us
E. vittatus
E. roseus
E. vanzolinii
E. migueli
H. sylvatica

A. monticola
I. acarpicus
T. venu s tus
T. austra lis

Biotemperaturas (°C)
Fig. 14:16. Distribution altitudinal de los anuros del hosque austral.
Altitudinal distribution of anurans in the austral forest.

tirde un tronco prototelmatobino o protolep- zos de la familia Ceratophrynidae que de los

todactilino. Por otra parte, este autor sefiala anuros de lasubfamilia Telmatobiinae (Lep-
que Caudiverbera representa una linea evo- todactylidae). La ubicacion de Telmatobufo
lutiva aparte y su rango de tribu monotipica y Caudiverbera en una tribu conuin se basa
pareceria aceptable. Lynch (1978) crea la en gran medida en las afinidades
que estos
tribu Calyptocephalellini y en ella incluye a dos generos presentan. Schmidt (1952) su-
Caudiverbera y Telmatobufo. Heyer (1975) giere que Telmatobufo estaria muy relacio-
hace un analisis cladistico de los leptodacti- nado con Telmatobius, un genero con el cual
lidos basandose en caracteres derivados. En este autor estabamuy familiarizado. Gallardo
trescladogramas presentados por este autor, 1962a ) considera que Telmatobufo y Caudi-

Caudiverbera aparece mas cerca de los escuer- verbera estarian muy relacionados, pero no

ca c3
c c
o o
b* (-
Oj OJ 0J

So » ft ft

fc c c c
CD *o -o -o
ca ca
.5 > __^ > >
CO CD q>a;
t — t"- f w
-* —
-jfa^ro 4) OJ
<N >>
i ^h O O
» - ca ca
35 ca ca ca D OJ
3 3
s s s
i* u !-
_ o o o O O O O
O fa fa fa - _ fa

3a c 9 000 0)00 c
4) oj
"H 7tT

»° i
l/j <M CN CM "2
S £
S <<


w so


Q ?


Rhinoderma darwinii

20 di'as 34 di'as

huevos sobre el suelo saco bucal o

Rhinoderma r u f u m
7 di'as 14 di'as A meses

huevos saco a ambiente

sobre el bucal o acua'tico

Fig. 14:17. Modalidades de desarrollo de las dos especies del gencro Rhinoderma.
Modes of development in the two species of Rhinoderma.

La presencia de Caudiverbera en el Ter- original. (1970) postulo que durante el

ciario de Patagonia sugiere que estas ranas
la Mioceno hubo hacia el oeste gran cantidad de
tuvieron una distribucion pasada mas amplia islas semejantes a las que existen hoy en la
en el extremo sur del continente. Esta distri- region de los canales. Estas masas de tierra,
bucion fue probablemente restringida du- posiblemente de caracter montaiioso, podrian
rante Mioceno, cuando las condiciones que
el haber albergado especies adaptadas a ambi-
mantenian la existencia del bosque austral entes acuaticos de tipo lotico. Por lo tanto,
(vientos del oeste) desaparecieron en los las especies de Telmatobufo que muestran
sectores orientales de la Cordillera de los profundas adaptaciones a los arroyos de mon-
Andes (Solbrig, 1976). En Chile, la In- tafia podrian haber sido habitantes de estas

gresion Marina del Mioceno y las glacia- islas.

ciones del Pleistoceno deben haber afectado Las glaciaciones del Pleistoceno cubrieron
profundamente la distribucion de Caudiver- toda el area que esta al sur del paralelo 41
bera y Telmatobufo. Estos cambios actuaron ( Vuilleumier, 1971) y el Valle Central hasta
posiblemcnte de manera distinta sobre las la latitud de Santiago (Bruggen, 1950). Sin
especies de estos generos ya que ambos ocu- embargo, al sur del paralelo 41, la expansion
pan ambientes acuaticos diferentes. La en- glaciar parece no haber cubierto totalmente
trada del mar entre los 37 y 41
paralelos la region como lo indica Vuilleumier (1971).
ocupo todos los ambientes lenticos y por lo Bruggen (1948) para explicar la expansion
tanto las poblaciones de Caudiverbera alii de los bosques en los periodos postglaciales
existentes desaparecieron. Sin embargo, mas de esta region, supone la existencia de re-
alia de los limites de la Ingresion Marina fugios de Nothofagus sobre los glaciares del
deben haber permanecido poblaciones ais- Pleistoceno. A
de estos refugios bos-
ladas de Caudiverbera, las cuales despues de cosos, ubicados sobre
la capa de hielo, se
la retirada del mar reocuparon su distribucion habria producido un repoblamiento del bos-

que original cuando el hielo desaparecio. Si La tribu Calyptocephalellini es endemica

se supone que los glaciares subrieron toda la de bosques australes de Sudamerica y sus

region al sur del paralelo 41, como ha sido generos (Caudiverbera y Tcbnatobufo) pre-
indicado por Vuilleumier, es dificil entender sentan una diversidad especifica muy baja.
entonces la presencia de anuros tales como Hasta ahora se han descrito solamente dos
Hijlorina sylvatica, Batrachijla antartandica especies de Telmatobufo (venustus y austra-
(Atalah y Sielfeld, 1976) y Atelognathus lis) y dos de Caudiverbera; una viviente (C.

grandisonae (Lynch, 1975a) en las islas de la caudiverbera) que tambien se ha encontrado

region de los canales e islas del sur de Chile. en el Terciario (Oligoceno y Mioceno) y
La presencia de anuros en las regiones an- Caudiverbera casamayorensis que aparece
teriormente mencionadas, se podria explicar, solamente en los estratos del Eoceno de la
si se considera que hubo refugios boscosos de Patagonia.
Nothofagns que quedaron sobre los liielos Fuera de su antigiiedad, Caudiverbera
glaciares. Por otro Iado, si las regiones occi- presenta 26 cromosomas, mimero que ha sido
dentales de la Cordillera de la Costa, al norte considerado primitivo para la familia Lepto-
del paralelo 41 y hasta la latitud de Santiago, dactylidae (Reig, 1972). Por otro lado, Ro-
quedaron libres de la action glaciar ( lilies, gart (1973) y Morescalchi (1973) han pro-
1970 ) es posible que los bosques ubicados en
, puesto tambien que un cariotipo con 26 cro-
los faldeos occidentales de la Cordillera de la mosomas es primitivo para las familias no
Costa, hayan sido tambien refugios costeros arcaicas de anuros. Las especies de Telma-
para las herpetofaunas que existian en esa tobufo tambien son cariologicamente primi-
area. En esta situation, es posible que la ac- tivas (2n = 26) y presentan en el coxis una
cion de los hielos haya desplazado hacia el dilatacion en la parte anterior (T. venustus).
norte los bosques haciendolos llegar a una La presencia de Caudiverbera y Telmato-
latitud mayor que la que actualmente ocu- bufo en bosques que tienen una historia ter-
pan. Reiche (1934) y Auer (1960) han dado ciaria, la baja diversidad especifica de los

ejemplos de plantas que indican que el bos- generos (2 especies), la antigiiedad de Cau-
que austral tuvo una expansion mas nortena diverbera (Terciario Inferior) y la presencia
(30°S) que la que tienen actualmente. La de caracteres primitives (26 cromosomas y
presencia de Batrachijla taeniata, anuro tipico dilatacion del coxis en T. venustus) en las
del sur de Chile, en los bosques relictos de especies de ambos generos, nos hace suponer
la provincia de Valparaiso (Quintero) (Ca- que Telmatobufo y Caudiverbera son miem-
purro, 1958; Cei y Capurro, 195S) hace su- bros de una antigua radiation de leptodac-
poner tambien que algunas especies siguieron tilidos que alcanzo poca diversification en el
el avance hacia el norte del bosque austral extremo sur de Sudamerica.
durante los periodos glaciares. Schaeffer (1949) describio un Eupsophus
E nt re los mas probables habitantes de los sp. en el Oligoceno de Chubut (sur de Ar-
refugios occidentales de la Cordillera de la gentina). En esta especie los nasales estan
Costa, estan las especies del genero Telma- en aparente contacto medio, condition que
tobufo, las cuales muestran fuertes adapta- no se encuentra en las especies vivientes del
ciones a los arroyos de montaiia; sin embargo, genero. Rogart ( 1970 ) sehala que el fosil no
Caudiverbera no pudo alcanzar estos refugios es separable de Eupsophus roseus, forma vi-
costeros debido a que es un genero adaptado viente en el bosque temperado. Eupsophus
a ambientes Ienticos y es muy posible que ha sido tradicionalmcnte un genero muy con-
haya tenido que emigrar hacia el norte. Pos- fuso y mal definido, lo que ha traido como
teriormente al desaparecimiento de los gla- consecuencia falsas intcrpretaciones biogeo-
ciares, Caudiverbera reinvadio el Valle Cen- graficas. Despues de las revisiones de Cei
tral,pero no logio penetrar en la Isla de (1960, 1962b), Grandison (1961) y Lynch
Chiloe ya que la existencia del Canal de (1972, 1975) se puede apreciar una cierta
Chacao fue una barrera real para impedir la consistencia taxonomica para el genero. Eup-
dispersion hacia el sur de esta especie. sophus esta exclusivamente distribuido en el

bosque temperado de Sudamerica. Lynch genero irradio desde el sur de Chile a la Pata-
(197S) ubica a Eupsophus, Alsodes, Atelog- gonia Argentina.
natkus, Batrachophrynus, Hylorina, Insueto- Si las especies de Eupsophus realizan sus

phrynus, Limnomedusa, Somuncuria y Telma- posturas en las cercanias de los ambientes

tobius en la tribu Telmatobiini de la sub- loticos (Formas y Pugin, 1978) y las larvas
familia Telmatobiinae (Leptodactylidae). En de Alsodes monticola muestran ciertas ten-
el bosque austral solamente se encuentran los dencias adaptativas a vivir en los arroyos de
generos Abodes, Atelognathus, Eupsophiis, montaria (Formas, 1975) es posible que las
Hylorina e Instietophrymis. La presencia de especies de estos generos hayan podido so-
Eupsophiis en el Oligoceno de la Patagonia portar las glaciaciones pleistocenicas en los
nos hace suponer que el genero tuvo en el refugios costeros de la Cordillera de la Costa
Terciario una distribution mas amplia que anteriormente referidos.
la actual y que su extincion fue debida a
alii Batrachyla (Batrachylinii) es un genero
las mismas causas que restringieron los rangos exclusivo del bosque temperado; sin embargo
distribucionales de Caudiverbera. Lynch Batrachyla taeniata es posible tambien en-
1971 ) indica
que Eupsophiis esta relacio- contrarla en bosques relictos de la zona cen-
nado con Hylorina ya que ambos generos tralde Chile. Las especies de Batrachyla pre-
comparten la misma forma de los condilos oc- sentan 26 cromosomas (Bogart, 1970; Barrio y
cipitales (Tipo II de Lynch). Rinaldi de Chieri, 1971) y dos especies (B.
Barrio (1970) basandose en caracteres taeniata y B. antartandica) poseen un par
morfologicos externos, especialmente las es- acrocentrico. Fuera de los caracteres cario-
pinas nupciales, indica que Alsodes e Insue- logicamente considerados primitivos (26 cro-
tophrynus estan estrechamente relacionados. mosomas) es posible encontrar en Batrachyla
Desde el punto de vista cromosomico, Atelog- leptopus amplexus inguinal (Barrio, 1967a;
nathus, Hylorina, Alsodes e Insiietophrynus Formas, 1976), caracter etologico considerado
(Bogart, 1970; Barrio y Rinaldi de Chieri, primitivo para los anfibios anuros (Tihen,
1971; Barrio, 1973), comparten una formula 1965). Durante las glaciaciones pleistoceni-
cromosomica primitiva de 2n = 26. Eupso- cas, las especies de Batrachyla tuvieron dos
phiis,Hylorina e Insiietophrynus estan ex- alternativas emigrar hacia el norte junto con

clusivamente restringidos en su rango de dis- el bosque o refugiarse en los sectores libres

tribucion a los bosques del sur de Chile; sin de hielo en la Cordillera de la Costa, al norte
embargo Alsodes sobrepasa por el norte el del paralelo 41, o sobre los refugios boscosos
limite de este biotopo boscoso. Es asi que de Nothofagus, sobre los glaciares, al sur del
A. verrucosus, A. gargola y A. pehuenche se paralelo 41. La presencia de Batrachyla tae-
encuentran en la Cordillera de los Andes niata en los bosques relictos de la provincia
mientras que A. nodosus habita los bosques de Valparaiso y los esclerofilos costeros de la
esclerofilos de Chile Central (Cei, 1962a.b). Provincia de Aconcagua permiten confirmar
Alsodes monticola es la unica especie restrin- la primera alternativa planteada y el encuen-
gida al bosque austral. La presencia de espe- tro de Batrachyla antartandica en la Isla Vir-
cies sureiias con 26 cromosomas (A. monti- tudes (51°31'S; 74°55'W) (Atalah y Sielfeld,
cola y A. gargola) (Barrio y Rinaldi de 1976) eonfirmaria la segunda posibilidad.
Chieri, 1971) hace suponer que a partir de Los generos de las tribus Telmatobiini
ellas se hayan originado especics mas de- (Alsodes, Eupsophus, Hylorina e Instieto-
rivadas con 22 cromosomas tal como se pre- phrymis) y Batrachylini (Batrachyla) per-
senta en Alsodes nodosus ( Brum-Zorrilla y tenecerian a una radiation que alcanzo su
Saez, 1968; Kuramoto, 1972). El genero Ate- maxima diversification en Tehnatobius (30
lognathus posee una sola especie en el bosque especies) (Lynch, 1978) y su minima en
temperado austral (A. grandisonae) y cinco Insiietophrynus, Hylorina y Somuncuria (una
especies (A. nitoi, A. patagonicus, A. prae- especie). Esta radiacion parece ser antigua
basalticus y A. solitarius) en el centro-sur de como loplantea la presencia de Eupsophus
Argentina. Lynch (1978) indica que este en el Oligoceno de la Patagonia. Ademas

algunos de sus miembros poseen caracteres sur de Chile y en las regiones costeras de
cromosomicos (2n = 26) y etologicos primi- Chile Central (B. rufum) (Formas et al.,
tives (amplexus inguinal en Batrachyla lep- 1975).
topus ) . El genero Bufo esta representado en el
Pleurodema es el unico genero de la sub- bosque austral por tres especies: B. chilen-
familia Leptodactylinae presente en el bosque sis, B. rubropunctatus y B. variegatus, siendo

de Nothofagus del sur de Chile. La unica esta ultima un anuro de dificil ubicacion taxo-

especie existente aqui es Pleurodema thaul; nomica, ya que sus relaciones son oscuras y
sin embargo Lynch ( 1971 ) seriala que esta controvertidas. Cei y Espina ( 1957 ) lo con-
especie podria tener un ran go de superespe- sideran vinculado al grupo de Bufo spinu-
cie. Duellman y Veloso (1977) indican que losus; sin Silva (1959)
embargo Capurro y
al menos dentro de los que se llama Pleuro- al hacer estudio cromatografico de la secre-
dema thaul existen tres especies las cuales se cion de las parotidas hayan claras diferencias
pueden diferenciar por su amplexus y cario- entre Bufo spinulosus (=
chilensis) y Bufo
tipo. El
genero Pleurodema tiene
amplia variegatus. Gallardo
(1962b) indica que
distribucion en Sudamerica, especialmente en Bufo variegatus no tiene ninguna relation con
los ambientes temperados y semi-aridos. los Bufo sudamerioanos del grupo spinulosus

Heyer ( 1975 ) considerando la presencia o y que sus afinidades estarian con el grupo
ausencia de glandulas lumbares, insinua un calamita de la region Holoartica. Martin
probable origen difiletico para el genero. (1972) coloca a Bufo variegatus en un grupo
Lynch 1971 ) basandose en la anatomia y
( propio (grupo variegatus); sin embargo dice
configuracion del renacuajo supone que Pleu- que miebros del grupo spinu-
es similar a los
rodema es un miembro muy primitivo de la losus con los cuales
probablemente estaria
subfamilia Leptodactylinae y que el genero estrechamente relacionado. Cei ( 1977 ) de-
presentaria relaciones con Eupsophus. Ambos muestra, desdc el punto de vista inmunolog-
se diferencian claramente en la morfologia ico,que Bufo variegatus presenta mayores re-
esternal y en la biologia reproductiva. En laciones con el grupo calamita que con las
la distribucion cladistica de Heyer (1975) especies sudamericanas del grupo spinulosus.
basada en caracteres derivados, Pleurodema Ademas de de Bufo anterior-
las tres especies
esagrupado con Batrachyla, Batrachophrynus mente ha citado en el area Pro-
referidas, se (

y Eupsophus. Duellman y Veloso (1977) vincia de Llanquihue) la presencia de Bufo

aportan datos que soportan la suposicion de spinulosus (Silva et al., 1968); sin embargo
que Pleurodema podria ser considerado un estos datos necesitan ser confirmados.

leptodactilino primitivo, el cual estaria rela- Referente a la historia de los anfibios en

cionado con Eupsophus. La existencia de los bosques australes de Sudamerica se han
Eupsophus fosiles en el Oligoceno de la Pata- adelantado algunas hipotesis. Darlington
gonia es muy sugestiva ya que si existio este ( 1965 ) indica que los anfibios de los bosques
genero es posible que tambien haya estado del sur de Chile son miembros de una fauna
Pleurodema. Si esto es cierto, se puede su- depauperada, cuyos generos poco diferenci-
poner entonces que el genero se haya orig- ados pertenecen a familias ampliamente dis-
inado en los bosques australes al menos en tribuidas en Sudamerica.
el Oligoceno y que secundariamente haya Vellard (1957) refiere que los anuros de
emigrado hacia el norte del continente (Duell- los bosques temperados del sur de Chile son
man y Veloso, 1977). relictos de faunas del Terciario, las cuales
Bhinoderma es un genero de problemati- han podido vivir en el extremo sur de Sud-
cas relaciones filogeneticas dentro de la super- america separadas del continente por fuertes
familia Bufonoidea y del cual no existen evi- barreras ecologicas. Vellard (1957) y Cei
dencias fosiles. Este genero, del cual sola- ( 1962a) Uamaron la atencion sobre
la pobreza

mente se ban descrito dos especies (Bhino- de taxa existente en bosque temperado de
derma darwinii y B. rufum) esta distribuido Sudamerica, ya que muchas familias y gen-
en los bosques temperados de Nothofagus del eros tipicamente neotropicales estan ausentes

del bosque austral. Vuilleumier (1968) senala En segundo grupo faunistico se in-

que no se debe olvidar que los anuros del cluye genero Pleurodema el cual tiene

bosque del sur de Chile pertenecen a una amplia distribucion en Sudamerica, especial-
zona temperada, las cuales contrastan en gen- mente en los ambicntes semiaridos. Pleuro-
eral con las areas tropicales que son muy ricas dema es considerado un grupo originado en
en especies. el extremo sur del continente y que posterior-
Vuilleumier ( 1968) considera a la fauna de mente emigre al resto de Sudamerica, en el
anuros del bosque temperado del sur de Chile cual adquirio gran diversification (14 espe-
como compuesta de cuatro elementos fau- cies) (Duellman y Veloso, 1977). Tambien
nisticas: 1) grupos de Ieptodaetilidos autoc- en esta agrupacion se incluye a Atelognathus
tonos que no se han diversificado (Caudiver- el cual segun Lynch (1978) irradio del sur

bera, Telmatobufo, Rhinoderma) ; 2) Iepto- de Chile hacia la Patagonia.

daetilidos autoctonos que secundariamente El tercer grupo faunistico es poco defi-
emigraron al norte de Sudamerica (Eupso- nido, pues esta constituido por las especies
phus); 3) Ieptodaetilidos endemicos del bos- del genero Bufo, cuyo origen en el bosque
que temperado, pero que han derivado de austral parece ser secundario. Si Bufo varie-
Ieptodaetilidos tropicales (Batrachyla, Hylo- gatus esta realmente relacionado con los sapos
rina); 4) bufonidos y Ieptodaetilidos que del grupo calamita, de la region Holoartica,
estan ampliamente distribuidos en Sudamerica es posible que su presencia en el bosque aus-

y que tienen mas especies fuera del bosque tral sea secundaria. Segun Cei ( 1971 ) Bufo
austral que dentro de el (Pleurodema, Bnfo). chilensis y B. rubropunctatus aparecen como
De acuerdo a la discusion sobre el origen un conjunto de antiguo abolengo filetico, se-

y las relaciones de los anuros del bosque aus- guramente anterior al levantamiento andino.

tral, se proponen aqui tresgrupos faunisticos Schaeffer (1949) describio Neoprocoela eden-
para explicar la historia de los anfibios de este tata en depositos del Oligoceno inferior de
bosque. Chubut (Argentina). Esta es una forma de
El primer elemento faunistico esta com- problematica ubicacion familiar ya que se ha
puesto de Ieptodaetilidos ( Caudiverbera, Tel- considerado dentro de la familia Leptodacty-
matobufo, Hylorina, Batrachyla, Eupsophus, lidae (Schaeffer, 1949; Lynch, 1971) y Bu-
Insuetophrynus y Abodes) y rhinodermatidos fonidae (Tihen, 1962). Si Neoprocoela es un
(Rhinoderma) originados en el extremo sur miembro del genero Bufo como lo indica Ti-
de Sudamerica. Todos los generos aqui indi- hen (1962) la presencia de los anuros de este
cados son endemicos del bosque austral, en genero en el bosque austral pareceria ser muy
algunos casos tienen una antiguedad que se antigua.
remonta al Terciario Inferior y otros poseen La batracofauna austral presenta once ge-
caracteristicas muy primitivas. Es posible que neros de los cuales siete son endemicos de
los integrantes de este grupo faunistico se la region, otros (Pleurodema y Atelognathus)
haya refugiado en los sectores occidentales se han originado aqui, pero se diversificaron
de la Cordillera de la Costa durante las gla- en Sudamerica y Bufo tiene un origen pos-
ciaciones del Pleistocene La inclusion de iblemente secundario. Por lo tanto se puede
Rhinoderma, genero de enigmaticas rela- decir que la batracofauna de los bosques aus-
ciones filogeneticas, se debe principalmente a trales de Sudamerica es mayoritariamente en-
la estrictez de su distribucion dentro del demica del area.
bosque y sus adaptaciones reproductivas a Entre los reptiles existentes en los biotopos
este biotopo (cuidado de las crias en la bolsa australes se encuentran saurios del genero
del macho). La mayoria de los generos de Liolaemus, el cual segun Peters y Donoso-
este grupo tiene muy pocas especies y Eup- Barros (1970) incluye mas de 54 especies.
sophus y Alsodes parecen ser los mas diversi- Liolaemus se distribuye en el cono sur del
ficados. Esta primera agrupacion faunistica continente sudamericano, ocupando regiones
contiene la mayor cantidad de generos del tales como Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile,
bosque austral, es endemico del area y rara Paraguay, Peru y Uruguay. Las especies de
vez sus especies sobrepasan sus limites. este taxon tienen una gran versatilidad eco-

logica y se les encuentra a la orilla de la en partes altas del bosque, en la Cordillera


costa, en los desicrtos, en losbosques tropi- de losAndes. Esta especie junto con L. lo-
eales, estepas sabanas, grandes alturas de la renzmiilleri, L. schrbderi, L. nigroviridis, L.
Cordillera de los Andes y en las selvas austra- leopardinus, L. altissimus y L. buergeri repre-
les. Donoso-Barros (
1966 ) plantea que el sentan un grupo alto andino ( Hellmich, 1950 )
genero Liolaemus tiene su origen posible- y la especie que ocupa los limites mas bajos
mente en la region de Bolivia. Hellmich de los Andes es L. monticola la cual se des-
1952 ) basado en la diversification de las membra hacia el sur en varias subespecies
especies de Liolaemus, tanto al este como al (monticola chillanensis y monticola villaricen-
oeste del macizo andino, postula que la Cor- sis). De estas formas solamente Liolaemus
dillera de los Andes ha sido un elemento monticola uillaricensis penetra al bosque
diferenciador de especies, a partir de un austral.
tronco preexistente antes del levantamiento genero de iguanidos
Pristidactijlus es otro
de los Andes. Si Liolaemus se origino de un representado en bosque por una sola espe-

tronco preandino, cerca de la region de Bo- cie, Pristidactijlus torquatus. Existen dos
livia, es posible que la presencia de las espe- especies mas en Chile (Pristidactijlus alvaroi
cies del genero existente en el sur de Chile y P. valeriae) (Donoso-Barros, 1974) las cu-
haya sido un fenomeno de emigration se- ales estan en los bosques relictos del Cerro
cundario. Parece ser que la invasion de Lio- El Roble (Provincia de Valparaiso). En Ar-
laemus en el bosque austral ha sido por la gentina existen cuatro especies mas: P. sca-
Cordillera de los Andes y por el Valle Central. pulatus, P. achalensis, P. casuhatiensis y P.
A pesar de que la Patagonia es rica en rep- fasciatus. Las especies argentinas de Pristi-
tiles,no existen especies compartidas entre dactijlus muestran una distribution discon-
los dos biotopos; sin embargo se observa una tinua (Cei, 1973). Este patron sugiere que
leve invasion de especies patagonicas, en el las especies del genero se diferenciaron de un
sur del bosque austral tales como: Liolaemus tronco primitivo posiblemente antes del lev-
fitzingeri y L. bihronii (Donoso-Barros, 1960), antamiento de los Andes.
el saurioPhymaturus patagonicus (Cei y Cas- Dos especies de serpientes llegan al bos-
tro, 1973) y el anuro Pleurodema bufonina que austral: Tachymenis chilensis y Ahophis

(Cei, 1962a). La ingresion de especies pata- cliamissonis. Esta ultima especie es ovipara
gonicos, en los limites del bosque temperado, y no penetra muy al sur llegando hasta Val-
ha sido tambien referida por Cekalovic divia (Donoso-Barros, 1966). Maglio (1970)

(1974). Las especies de Liolaemus que pare- ha revisado las culcbras del genero Alsophis,
cen haber ingresado por el Valle Central seri- el cual se distribuye especialmente en las islas
an Liolaemus tenuis, Liolaemus cijanogaster, del Caribe, noroeste de Sudamerica y extremo
Liolaemus pictus y Liolaemus chilensis. L. sur de America Central. Un pequeiio grupo
chilensis ha sido incluida por Hellmich ( 1952) de especies, A. angustilincatus del Peru y A.
en su Grupo III, en el cual tambien esta L. cliamissonis, se extienden hacia el sur por el

gravenhorstii. Todo este grupo de especies oeste de Sudamerica. Maglio (1970) incluye

ocupan el Valle Central, especialmente la a estas tres especies en el grupo cantheri-

estepa de Acacia caven. La especie mas su- genus e indica que Alsophis cliamissonis mu-
rena de este grupo (Liolaemus chilensis) es cstra mucha similitud con Alsophis canthcri-
la que penetra en el limite norte del bosque genus de Cuba. Segun este autor es posible
austral. Liolaemus pictus, L. cijanogaster y que las especies de las Indias Occidentales
L. tenuis ban sido incluidas por Hellmich hayan derivado de un tronco ubicado en el
(1952) en su Grupo IV. De estas tres espe- oeste de Sudamerica en el cual se encuentran
cies, Liolaemus cijanogaster y L. pictus estan hoy A. cliamissonis, A. tachijmenoides y A.
estrictamente restringidas bosque de No-
al angustilineatus. Estas tres especies represen-
thofagus, pero Liolaemus tenuis alcanza por tarian un centra de especiacion sobre las
el norte hasta el paralelo 32. Finalmente Lio- Galapagos y Alsophis cliamissonis, segun
laemus monticola mucstra una penetration Maglio, parece ser un relicto del tronco prim-

itivo. La entrada de esta especie en el bosquc reptiles, represented by the genera Liolae-
austral seria por lo tanto secundaria, pues su mus. Pristidactylus, Alsophis, and Tachymen-
centro originario debe haber estado colocado is, there are no endemics at the generic level.

al sur del Peru o norte de Chile. In general, the anurans have a low diversity;
El genero Tachymenis posee seis especies Caudiverhera, Hylorina, and Insuetophrynus
are monotypic.
(T. affinis, T. peruviana, T. tarmensis, T. at-
tenuata y T. surinamensis) (Peters y Orejas- This small herpetofauna is mainly re-
stricted to southern Chile between 37 and
Miranda, 1970) las cuales estan en Peru, Bo-
livia, Chile y Surinam. Al no existir registros 55°S but also occurs in parts of adjacent Ar-
fosiles ni estar claras las relaciones de estas gentina. In southern Chile, three physio-

especies, es dificil tratar de establecer el ori-

graphic regions are evident 1) the Andean
gen de Tachymenis chilensis en el bosque de Cordilleras, 2) the coastal
cordillera, and
3) the central valley. Ecologically, the aus-
tral forests are isolated from the rest of the
Miiller (
1973 ) establece que el sur de
continent by arid and semiarid regions. North
Chile es un centro de dispersion faunistica
of 37°S in the central valley of Chile is a dry
en Sudamerica. Esta area, la cual el autor
llama "The Nothofagus Center," esta estable- steppe characterized by Acacia caven. East-
cida en base a los anfibios y las aves ende-
ward the austral forests are bordered by the
cold Patagonian steppe.
micas. En relation con los anuros, el centro es
definido por la distribution de Telmatohufo,
The austral forest is and
floristically rich
contains several monotypic and
Batrachyla, Hylorina, Caudiverhera y Rhino-
derma. Aqui se estima que la base del "Cen- groups, such as Eucryphia, Aextoxicum, and
tro de dispersion de Nothofagus" estaria con- Fitzroya. The Valdivian forest represents the
stituido por los anuros endemicos del sur de
maximum development of the austral forest.
This is a dense, dark, evergreen forest com-
Chile pertenecientes a los generos: Caudi-
verhera, Hylorina, Telmatohufo, Batrachyla, posed of many bushes (Lomatia, Fuchsia,
Chusquea), lianas (Hydrangea, Cissus), epi-
Eupsophus, Insuetophrynus, Alsodes y Rhino-
derma. Esta modification no altera el con- phytes (Luzuriaga, Sarmcntia), ferns (Lo-
phosoria), mosses and lichens (Usnea).
cepto de Miiller; por el contrario, lo enriquece
Among the trees, Nothofagus, Laurelia, and
al agregar nuevos ejemplos que fortaleceria
su validez. Podocarpus are conspicuous. At elevations of
more than 1000 m in the Cordilleras there are
such as Araucaria and Fitzroya.
AGRADECIMIENTOS The climate of this region is temperate
with Mediterranean and oceanic influences.
Mi sincero reconocimiento a la ayuda pres- The predominate winds come from the west,
tada por Sonia Lacrampe, quien realizo todos and they are responsible for the continuous
los graficos que ilustran este trabajo. rainy conditions of the austral forests.
During the Miocene the southern part of
Chile suffered a marine introgression that
SUMMARY isolated the western islands, which became
refuges for the exiting fauna of the area.
The South American temperate forests are The Pleistocene had three or four glacial
characterized by a low number of amphibians periods. Glaciers covered nearly all of Chile
and reptiles
—a total of 28 species. Among south of 41 °S; however, in that region some
anurans, there are seven endemic genera forested areas have been postulated as Noth-
(Caudiverhera, Telmatobufo, Hylorina, Eup- ofagus refuges. North of that latitude the
sophus, Batrachyla, Insuetophrynus, and central valley was strongly affected by gla-
Rhinoderma), plus four that extend beyond cial climates; however, all of the western
the limits of the austral forests (Alsodes, slopes of the coastal cordillera remained ice-
Atelognathus, Pleurodema, and Bufo). Among free. It is thought that these slopes were

refuges for much of the herpetofauna that group of frogs probably originated in south-
dwells today in southern Chile. ern South America and dispersed northward
The highest concentration of the herpeto- in the austral forests.
fauna occurs in the northern part of the aus- The second faunal element contains Pleu-
tral forest (37°S), whereas there is a gradual rodema and Atelognathus, which apparently
decrease in numbers towards the south. Only originated in the austral forest and secondarily
Bufo reaches 53°S. It is possible that the dispersed widely in South America. The third
declining temperature gradient is the respon- element contains the toads of the genus Bufo,
sible factor for this distribution pattern. Alti- which probably secondarily entered the aus-
tudinally, most of the amphibians reach 1000 tral forests. The reptiles had a different his-
m; Bufo and Pleurodema exceed 2000 m. tory; of
all the groups seem to be secondary
in the austral forests.
Despite the denseness of the austral for-
ests, no amphibians there have arboreal adap-
tations. The majority of anurans are restricted
to the forest floor or to lotic or lentic aquatic
environments. Occasionally Hylorina syl-
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15. The Herpetofauna Andes: Patterns of Distribution,
of the

Origin, Differentiation, and Present Communities

William E. Duellman
Museum of Natural History and
Department of Systematics and Ecology
The University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

The Andes —the longest mountain chain in the puna vegetation. In the extreme south
the world —extend nearly km along the
-8,000 the austral forests extend nearly to snow line.
northern and western edges of South America. Permanent snow and glaciers exist on the
This young mountain chain contains many higher peaks throughout the Andes, and the
active volcanoes and innumerable dormant Cordillera Real extending for about 300 km
ones. More than a dozen peaks reach heights in Bolivia and the Cordillera Blanca about
of more than 6,000 m; only the Himalayas and 400 km in length in Peru, are nearly continu-
Pamirs in Asia have peaks that are higher. ous snow-covered ranges. The melting snow
Frequent earthquakes attest to continuing and glaciers provide water for countless An-
tectonic activity. Spanning 66° of latitude dean lakes, of which are trapped in
through the tropics and southern temperate glacial cirques and reach gigantic proportions
zone and reaching to within 1,300 km of the in Lago Titicaca (177 X 56 km, 3812 m), and
Antarctic Circle, the Andes are a major fac- myriads of small streams, some of which fed
tor in the formation of climates in western by heavy precipitation on the Andean slopes,
South America. Blocking both easterly and grow and merge to form the giant tributaries
westerly moisture-laden winds, the massive of the Rio Amazonas. For more general in-
mountain range creates immense rain-sha- formation on the Andes and excellent photo-
dows west of the Andes between 5° and 35°S graphs, the reader is referred to the works by
and east of the Andes between 28° and 38°S. Morrison ( 1974,
1975 ) a real appreciation

The eastern face of the Andes in the tropics for early exploration in the Andes can be
and the western face north of the Equator gained from Whymper (1892).
and south of 37°S receive abundant rainfall. The complex topography and variety of
At high elevations daily temperatures vary as environments resulting from tectonic events
much as 20°C; in many areas freezing tem- and climatic fluctuations in the Pleistocene
peratures are a nightly occurrence. and continuing to the present provide an
Thus, the climates and environments of array of habitats for a diverse Andean fauna
the Andes are highly diverse. At lower lati- that is far richer than one might expect.
tudes, the slopes receiving moisture-laden More than 700 species of amphibians and
winds are covered with lush tropical forests, reptiles are known to inhabit the Andes. The
which give way at higher elevations to an purposes of this paper are to 1) describe the
elfin forest of stunted trees heavily laden with distributional patterns of the Andean herpe-
thick growths of mosses. Above tree line a tofauna, 2 ) determine the origin of the fauna,
variety of composites, including frailejones 3) hypothesize geological and climatic
and cushion plants are dominant life forms changes that influenced the differentiation and
in the paramos. In drier areas, vegetation dispersal of the Andean herpetofauna, and
may be nearly absent on the slopes and pres- 4) examine the existing herpetofaunal com-
ent only in valleys where bunch grasses form munities in the Andes.


METHODOLOGY Much of the distributional data used here

has not been published previously. Some of
The Andean herpetofauna never has been the data were obtained from museum collec-
reviewed or summarized in its entirety. Some tions in theUnited States, Europe, and South
faunistic studies contributed much basic data. America, but much of it is from the extensive
Thus, Ruthven's (1922) report on the herpe-
Andean collections in the Museum of Natural
tofauna of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, History at The University of Kansas. Distri-
Rivero's ( 1961 ) account of the frogs of Vene- butional data are provided for many unnamed

zuela, Cei's (1962) study of Chilean am- species that are designated solely by letters.
phibians, Rivero's (1963a) summary
of the The 727 species of amphibians and reptiles
distribution of Venezuelan Andean frogs, known to occur in the Andes were tabulated
Donoso-Barros' (1966) account of the reptiles for 1) altitudinal ranges, 2) major habitats
of Chile, Roze's (1966) summary of Venezue- occupied, and 3) physiographic regions in-
lan snakes, and Cochran and Goin's (1970) habited (Appendices 15:1-3). Only species
account of Colombian frogs have been useful occurring above 1,000 m
are included. Many
sources of information, as have been the more species primarily inhabiting lowlands, and
limited papers on the Loja Basin in Ecuador only peripherally inhabiting Andean slopes,

by Parker (1932, 1934, 1938) and on the were excluded.

Titicaca Basin by Parker (1940). The cata- The 27 physiographic regions are classified
Peters These units
logues of Neotropical squamates by and defined in six units, as follow.
and Orejas-Miranda (1970) and Peters and are arbitrary groupings and do not necessarily
Donoso-Barros (1970) were a primary source correspond to geomorphological regions.
for taxonomic literature on snakes and lizards,
as were the checklists of leptodactylid frogs A. Venezuelan Andes
by Gorham (1966), Eleutherodactijlus by 1. Serrania de Paria.—Easternmost high-
Lynch (1976b), and hylid and centrolenid lands on the Peninsula de Paria.
frogs by Duellman 1977( )

2. Serrania de —
Turumiquire. Isolated
Substantial distributional data are in-
highland mass in northeastern Vene-
corporated numerous systematic studies, as
in zuela.
follow: Brame and Wake (1963) on sala- 3. Cordillera —
de la Costa. The coastal
manders of the genus Bolitoglossa; Cei 1971,
ranges of northern Venezuela.

1973, 1974a,b), and Cei and Castro (1973) 4. —

Merida Andes. The eastern spur of
on iguanid Cei (1972) on Bufo;
lizards; the Andes in western Venezuela.
Duellman (1972) on Hyla; Duellman (1974),
and Duellman and Fritts (1972) on Gastro- B. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
theca; Duellman and Veloso ( 1977 on Pleu- )
5. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. — Iso-
rodema; Edwards (1974) on the frogs of the lated range in northern Colombia.
genus Colostethus; Fritts (1974) on lizards
of the genus Stenocercus; Lynch (1975a-c, C. Northern Andes
1976b) on frogs of the genera Eleutherodac- —
Montanucci (1973) on 6. CordilleraOccidental in Colombia.
tijlus and Phrynopus;
lizards of the genus Pholidobolus; Oftcdal The Andes west of the Rio Cauca Val-
(1974) on lizards of the genus Anadia;
and Hernandez (1976) on Colombian mon- 7.
Cordillera Central in Colombia. The —
tane bufonids; Taylor (1968) on caecilians; Andean range between the Rio Cauca
Trueb (1971, 1974, 1979) on frogs of the and Rio Magdalena valleys.
and 8. Cordillera Oriental in Colombia. The —
genera Rhamphophryne, Hemiphractus,
Uzzell 1973) on micro- Andes east of the Rio Magdalena Val-
Telmatobius; (1970,
teiid lizards;Vellard (1951-1960) on Peru- ley.

vian frogs; and Veloso and Trueb (1976) on 9. Nudo de Pasto.—The highland mass in
southern Colombia and extreme north-
frogs of the genus Telmatobius.

ern Ecuador from which the Colombian in Bolivia, southern Peru, and north-
and Ecuadorian cordilleras diverge. ern Argentina.
10. Cordillera Occidental in Ecuador. — 24. Andes in northern Argentina.
The western Andean range. ranges east of the Altiplano to 27°S
11. Cordillera Oriental in Ecuador. —The Lat.
eastern Andean
range. 25. Andes in northern Chile. —The ranges
12. Inter-Andean Basins Ecuador. —The
in west of the Altiplano to 27°S Lat.
high valleys lying between the eastern 26. —
Andes in southern Ctule. The west-
and western ranges. ern slopes of the Andes south of 27°S
D. Huancabamba Depression 27. Andes in southern —
Argentina. The
13. Huancabamba Depression. —The low eastern slopes of the Andes south of
ranges and basins in northern Peru 27°S Lat.
and southern Ecuador.
Many of the regions are definitive physio-

E. Central Andes graphically, whereas other divisions are ones

14. Cordillera Central in Perii. An- —The of

convenience for analyzing distributions.
Cordillera Central in Colombia is con-
dean range in northern Peru between tinuous with the Cordillera Oriental in Ecua-
Rio Maranon and Rio Huallaga val-
dor. The Cordillera Oriental in Peru is con-
leys. tinuous with the Cordillera Oriental in Bolivia
15. Cordillera Oriental in northern Pent.
and the Andes The
—The eastern range of the Andes to
in Argentina.
Occidental in Peru is continuous with the

the east of the Rio Huallaga and Rio

Chilean Andes, the southern ranges of which
Mantaro valleys. are solely the western slopes of the Andes of
16. Cordillera Oriental in southern Peru.
—The eastern range of the Andes east southern Argentina.
The ten habitat types are defined, as fol-
and north of the Rio Apurimac and
the Altiplano.
low (see Simpson, this volume, for more
extensive descriptions and discussion of vege-
17. Cordillera Occidental in northern
Peru. —Thewestern range of the An-
tation )

des north of Lima. 1. Arid. —Sparse, xeric-adapted vegetation

18. Cordillera Occidental in southern on the western cordilleras in Peru and
Perii. —
The western range of the An- northern and central Chile and on the
des south of Lima. eastern cordilleras in central Argentina
19. —
Maranon Valley. The upper valley of characterized locally by legumes (Aca-
the Rio Maranon between the Cordil- cia, Adesmia, Prosopis), cactus, and
lera Occidental and Cordillera Cen- terrestrial bromeliads (Puya) (Fig.
tral innorthern Peru. 15:1).
20. —
Huallaga Valley. The upper valley of 2. —
Cloud forest. The humid lush forests
the Rio Huallaga between the Cordil- on the windward slopes from Venezuela
lera Central and Cordillera Oriental to Bolivia are termed variously humid
in central Peru. montane forest, upper montane forest,
21. Mantaro- Apurimac Valleys. The in- — or ceja (Fig. 15:2). The lower limits
termontane valleys of the Rio Mantaro of this forest are usually no less than
and Rio Apurimac in central Peru. 1000 m, whereas the upper limit varies
22. Cordillera Oriental in Bolivia. —The locally from 2600 to 3800 m. Charac-
Andes north and east of the Altiplano terized by a diversity of woody plants,
in Rolivia. especially various species of Podocar-
pus, the cloud forest has many tree
F. Southern Andes ferns and epiphytes.
23. Altiplano. —The high Andean plateau 3. Dry forest.
—Xerophytic scrub forest

dominated by legumes, principally grasses are grazed by domestic herds of

Acacia and Prosopis, and a variety of sheep, llamas, and alpacas (Fig. 15:8).
cacti, is characteristic of the Andean 8. Rainforest.
—The lowland and lower
slopes in southwestern Ecuador, the montane ( < 1000 m )
rainforests are
Huancabamba Depression, some in- not part of the Andean
terior valleys in Peru, Bolivia, and notation of the occurrence of a species
northern Argentina (Fig. 15:3). in this habitat indicates that it inhabits
4. —
Nothofagus forest. This term applies rainforest in addition to some Andean
to the austral cool temperate forests in habitat, usually cloud forest.
southern Argentina and Chile domi- 9. —
Subpdramo. A localized ecotone be-
nated by various species of southern tween cloud forest and paramo occurs
beech (Nothofagus) and conifers sporadicallyat elevations of 2700 to

(Araucaria, Cupressoides, Fitzroya); 3500 m along the eastern Andean front

see Formas (this volume) for a de- from Colombia to Bolivia. Usually the
tailed discussion (Fig. 15:4). vegetation consists of stunted, closely
5. Paramo. —The vegetation above tree packed trees or bushes
line (2600-3S00 m) in the northern (Baccharis) heavily laden with mosses
Andes and Merida Andes generally is and in some areas supporting many
composed of low ( < 1 m ) herbaceous bromeliads (Fig. 15:9). The bamboo
vegetation with some woody bushes (Chusquea) usually is present.
(especially Baccharis), cushion plants 10. —
Valley vegetation. -This term is ap-
(Distichia), grasses (especially Fes- plied to the vegetation of the high
tuca), and in northern Ecuador, Co- inter-Andean valleys, which for cen-
lombia, and Venezuela the character- turies have been modified by man so
istic composites Espeletia (Fig. 15:5). that remaining grasses have been
6. —
Patagonian scrub. This cold-adapted, grazed, and fields are devoted to crops,
xerophilic vegetation formation charac- wheat and potatoes. The
teristic of Patagonia ascends the eastern numerous rock fences and irrigation
slopes of the Andes in central Argentina ditches provide suitable habitats for
to elevations of about 3500 and exists m many kinds of amphibians and reptiles
west of Andean
in local areas in Chile (Fig. 15:10).
passes (Fig. 15:6). Bushes (Mulinum, The taxonomy of many Andean amphib-
Bcrberis, and others) are mixed with ians and reptiles is known inadequately.
grasses (Festuca, Poa, Stipa), herbs Thorough taxonomic studies are needed for

(Senecio, Acaena, etc.), and some low frogs of genus Tehnatobius (currently
spiny sclerophylls (Ephedra, Adesmia, being studied by Linda Trueb), lizards of the
etc.). genus Proctoporus (currently being studied
7. Puna. —The montane habitat above tree by Thomas H. Fritts), and snakes of the genus
line that is drier than paramo and ex- Atractus. Taxonomic problems still remain in
tends from southern Ecuador to north- the large iguanid lizard genus Liolaemus and
ern Argentina is called puna. The puna the hylid frog genus Gastrotheca. Based on
is dominated by bunch grasses (Fes- the recent rate of acquisition of new species
tuca, Poa, and especially Stipa); in of frogs of the genera Centrolenella, Colo-

many extensive areas, grasses are the stethus, and Eleutheroclactylus, many more
only evident vegetation (Fig. 15:7). species remain to be discovered in unexplored

Composites, such as Baccharis, Lepi- and poorly collected ranges and valleys. At
dophyllum, and Senecio, are wide- the present time the Ecuadorian Andes, Me-
spread, whereas low trees (Polylepis) rida Andes, Cordillera de la Costa in Vene-
and cushion plants (principally the zuela, and southern Chilean Andes probably
umbellifer Azorella) are local in their are the best-known regions, whereas the Cor-
distributions. In many areas the puna dillera Central in Peru, Cordillera Oriental

"r -•i
J^*wi<irr i^>i flF
Fig. 15:1. Arid slopes on the west face of the Andes, 6 km E Lo Valdes, 2250 m, Provincia de Santiago,

Ladcras dridas en el hdo oeste de los Andes, 6 km E Lo Valdes, 2250 tn, Provincia de Santiago, Chile.

Fie. 15:2. Cloud forest in Cordillera de la Costa, Rancho Grande, 1100 m, Estado de Aragua, Venezuela.
Selva de neblina en la Cordillera de la Costa, Rancho Grande, 1100 m, Estado de Aragua, Venezuela.

Fig. 15:3. Dry forest in an eastern valley, 15 km S Quiroga, 1750 m, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Selva seca en un valle del este, 15 km S Quiroga, 1750 m, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Fig. 15:4. Nothofagus forest atLago de Huechulaf quen, 900 in, Provincia de Neuquen, Argentina.
Selvas de Nothofagus en el Lago de Huechulafquen, 9(H) m, Provincia de Neuquen, Argentina.

Fig. 15:5. Paramo dominated by Espeletia in Paramo El Angel, 14 km SW Tulcan, 3340 m, Provincia dt
Carchi, Ecuador.
Paramo dominado por Espeletia en el Paramo El Angel, 14 km SO Tulcan, 3340 m, Provincia de Carchi

Fig. 15:6. Patagonian scrub, with scattered Adesmia, on south slope of Paso El Choique, 1950 m, Provincia
de Mendoza, Argentina.
Matorral patagonico, con Adesmia dispersas, en la ladera sur del Paso El Choique, 1950 m, Provincia de
Mendoza, Argentina.


Fig. 15:7. Bunch grass puna, Pampas de Ramoscruz, 31 km W Orcos, 4120 m, Departamento de Ayacucho,
Puna con pasto en champas, Pampas de Ramoscruz, 31 km O Orcos, 4120 m, Departamento de Ayacucho,

Fie. 15:8. Rocky puna, Altiplano, 38 km W Challa,4300 m, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Puna rocosa, Altiplano, 38 km O Challa, 4300 m, Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia.

~<fr- ,


t i -W'" -' -'

Subparamo on Abra de Zamora, 2850 m, Provincia de Loja, Ecuador.

Fie. 15:9.
Subpdramo en Abra de Zamora, 2850 m, Provincia de Loja, Ecuador.

Fig. 15:10. Terraced valley at Puquina, 2900 m, Departamento de Moquegua, Peril.

Valle de andenes en Puquina, 2900 m, Departamento de Moquegua, Peru.

in northern Peru, Cordillera Oriental in Bo- Andes (Liddle, 1946); but the Cordillera de
livia, and the Andes of northern Argentina la Costa apparently was uplifted little or not

probably are the poorest-known regions. De- at all in the Quaternary. Although some
spite these limitations of the data and in- workers (e.g., Rivero, 1964) distinguish two
complete knowledge of the taxonomy, it is major physiographic regions of the Cordillera
reasonable to determine broad distributional de la Costa (Serrania del Litoral including
patterns and to interpret these patterns on the the Serrania de Paria, and Serrania del In-
basis of generalized phylogenetic relation- terior including the serranias incorporating
ships and historical events in the Andes. Fi- Cerro Turumiquire and Cerro Periquito), I
nally, an apology. I have written more about have recognized one major unit, the Cordil-
(and hopefully most accurately) the regions lera de la Costa, and two isolated small
northern Andes ) and organisms ( frogs ) with —
ranges the Serrania de Paria and Cerro Tu-
which I am most familiar. rumiquire. The Cordillera de la Costa is sep-
arated from the Merida Andes by the low
(±500 m), subhumid Depresion de Bar-
PATTERNS OF DISTRIBUTION quisimeto. The highest peak in the Cordillera
de la Costa is Pico Naiguata at 2765 m
Eachof the six major Andean units is
(Aguerrevere and Zuloaga, 1937); this and
discussed with respect to 1) historical geol- 13 other peaks more than 2000 are in the m
ogy, 2) physiography, 3) climate, and 4) littoral which rises
section of the cordillera,
herpetofauna. With the exception of the lat-
abruptly from the Caribbean coast (Fig. 15:
ter, the reader is referred to Simpson (this 11). The interior section of the Cordillera
volume) for more complete discussions. The de la Costa is broad and has few peaks ex-
distributional data on the herpetofauna are
ceeding 1000 m. Disjunct to the east is Cerro
summarized in Appendices 15:1-3.
Turumiquire (2630 m). The Depresion de
Unare separates the main part of the Cor-
Venezuelan Andes dillera de la Costa from the narrow ranges on
the peninsulas of Araya and Paria, where
The highest mountains in Venezuela are
only two peaks exceed heights of 800 m
the Merida, or Venezuelan, Andes. The com- The higher (>850 m)
(Davey, 1949).
plex ranges and intermontane valleys that northern (seaward) slopes of the cordillera
comprise these mountains have a length of support luxuriant cloud forest, which dis-
about 400 km and breadth of about 100 km
integrates into dry forest on most of the lee-
(Oppenheim, 1937). The highest elevation is
ward slopes. Cloud forest occurs at elevations
5002 m on Pico Bolivar; snow line is between above 1500 m
on Cerro Turumiquire and as
4600 and 4700 m (Jahn, 1934). The Merida low as 600 m
in the Serrania de Paria.
Andes are separated from the Cordillera Ori- In addition to the general references cited,
ental by elevations of less than 600 m in the distributional data for the Venezuelan high-
Depresion de San Cristobal, or Cucuta, at the lands were obtained from Donoso-Barros
Colombian-Venezuelan border. According to
(1968), Rivero ( 1963a,b, 1964, 1968, 1972,
Liddle (1946), the Merida Andes were dis-
1974), Rivero and Mayorga (1973), Test, Sex-
tinct from the main chain of the Andes until ton and Heatwole (1966), Williams (1974),
the end of the Eocene; the last orogeny began and Williams, et al. (1970). Published data
in the Oligocene and continues to the present
were supplemented by information provided
(Shagan, 1975). According to Schubert by Scott J. Maness and by material collected
(1974), significantly high elevations were at- by me in 1974.
tained only late in the Pleistocene. Paramo
Forty-eight amphibians and 32 reptiles oc-
habitats,which descend to 2400 m in some cur principally at elevations of more than
places, comprise only3500 sq km of area in 1000 m in the Venezuelan highlands. 1 Of
the Merida Andes (Jahn, 1931).
'Rivero ("1976" [1978]) named three additional
The Cordillera de la Costa had a similar
species of frogs (Colostethus) from the Merida
geological history of uplift as the Merida Andes.

Fig. 15:11. The Venezuelan Andes. A. Merida Andes; B. Cordillera de la Costa; C. Cerro Turumiquire;
D. Serrania de Paria.
Los Andes venezolanos. A. Los Andes de Merida. B. Cordillera de la Costa. C. Cerro de Turumiquire.
D. Serrania de Paria.

these, only six are confined to elevations of Two widespread frogs (Hyla labialis
more than 2500 m. All six occur in the Merida and CentroleneUa buckleyi) inhabit subpara-
Andes and include four frogs (Eleutherodac- mo and paramo from 2000 to 2700 m in the
tylus boconoensis, E. ginesi, E. lancinii, Atelo- Merida Andes and similar habitats at 2400 to
pus mucubajiensis) and two lizards (Anadia 3000 m (Hyla) and 2100 to 3400 m (Centro-
bitaeniata, A. brevirostris) .
Only three other leneUa) in Colombia. The other species

species exceed 2500 m — the
salamander, Bo- Gastrotheca nicefori ( 1575 )
Anolis nigro-,

Utoglossa orestes, and the frog, CentroleneUa punctatus (1200 m), Chironius monticola
buckleyi, in the Merida Andes, and the frog, (1000-1600 m), Leimadophis bimaculatus
Colostethus mandelorum, on Cerro Turumi- (1400-2500 m), and Micrurus mipartitus
quire. (800-2000 m) inhabit cloud forest on both
sides of the Depresion de San Cristobal.
Only four species are known from the
Serrania de Paria and seven from Cerro Tu- Other species in the Merida Andes have af-
finities with species in the Colombian Andes.
rumiquire, each having three and five en-
demic species, respectively. 2 Of the 46 species Atelopus oxyrhynchus and A. mucubajiensis
in the Cordillera de la Costa, 34 are endemic. are members of the Atelopus ignescens group,

Thus, in these three areas, specific endemism which is speciose in Colombia and Ecuador
is 71-75 percent. Only 18 (56%) of the 32 and occurs in the Sierra Nevada de Santa
species in the Merida Andes are endemic.
Marta (Rivero, 1963b). Hyla platydactyla is
a member of the Hyla bogotensis group con-
Despite the low (600 m) separation of the
Merida Andes from the Cordillera Oriental taining four species in the main Andean Cor-
in Colombia, seven species occur in both cor- dillera.One salamander Bolitoglossa savagei,

1000-2000 m) and one snake (Micrurus mi-

Gorzula (pers. comm. collected six additional
partitus, 1600-2000 m) occur in the Merida
S. J. )

species of frogs (2 Eleutherodacttjlus, 3 Centrole-

Andes and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
neUa, and Flectonotus) in the Serrania de Paria in
1978. in northern Colombia.

The major faunal affinities between the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia; only seven
Merida Andes and Cordillera de Costa are
la species are in common. The most speciose
among six snakes — Atractus badius, Chironius genera in the Venezuelan highlands are Eleu-
monticola, Dendrophidion percarinatus, Lam- therodactylus, Colostethus, Centrolenella,

propeltis triangulum, Leimadophis zweifeli, Anolis, Anadia, and Atractus, all of which are
and Micrurus mipartitus, all but two of which widespread and diverse in humid lowland
have lower distributional limits of less than and foothill habitats. Therefore, it seems most
1000 m. No frogs or lizards are shared by likely that the species of these genera that
the two Cordilleras. are endemic to the highlands were derived
Two species of frogs (Colostethus her- from lowland ancestral stocks. A minor per-
minae and Eleutherodactylus urichi) are centage of the fauna of the Merida Andes ap-
shared between the Cordillera de la Costa parently was derived from highland stocks in
and Cerro Turumiquire; the Eleutherodacty- the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. In the
lus also occurs in the Serrania de Paria and latter group are Bolitoglossa orestes, B. sa-
on Trinidad. According to John D. Lynch vagei, Atelopus mucubajiensis, A. oxyrhyn-
(pers. comm.), many of the Eleutherodacty- chus, Gastrotheca nicefori, Hyla labialis, Hyla
lus in the Cordillera de la Costa have affinities platydactyla, Centrolenella bucklcyi, and An-
with West Indian species rather than with olis nigropunctatus. Certainly in contrast to

those in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. the Colombian and Ecuadorian ranges of the
This faunal relationship also appears in the Andes, the fauna of the Merida Andes is
hylid frog Flectonotus pygmaeus that inhabits depauperate; this suggests that the Depresion
the Cordillera de la Costa and Isla Tobago de San Cristobal has been an effective barrier
north of Trinidad. Two other species are in- to the dispersal of most highland groups.
cluded in the genus — F. fitzgeraldi on Trini- Furthermore, the recency of elevation of the
dad and F.
in the highlands of south- Merida Andes, combined with late Pleisto-
eastern Brasil. cene glaciation of the small areas now sup-
Five inhabitants of cloud forest in the porting paramo, may be partly responsible
Venezuelan highlands (2 frogs Gastrotheca — for the few high montane species of amphib-

nicefori, Centrolenella fleischmanni;

3 snakes ians and reptiles.
—Dendrophidion percarinatus, Lampropeltis Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
triangulum, Micrurus mipartitus) also occur
in cloud forests in lower Central America. An isolated volcanic range, the Sierra
The hylid frog, Phyllomedusa medinae, be- Nevada de Santa Marta, consists of an area

longs to a group having a species in lower of only about 16,000 sq km. The highest ele-
Central America (P. lemur), one on the east- vations, such as Pico Cristobal Colon at 5775
ern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador ( P. buck- m, are perpetually covered with snow. The
leyi) and an unnamed species on the Pacific
, sierra rises abruptly from the Caribbean
slopes in Colombia (Duellman, 1970). coastal plain and is narrowly separated by
Two monotypic genera of snakes ( Umbri- arid lowlands at elevations of less than 500 m

vaga mertensi and "Urotheca" williamsi) are from the northern part of the Cordillera Ori-
endemic to the Cordillera de la Costa. No ental of the Andes; the northern part of the

species are shared with the Guiana Highlands. cordillera along the Colombian-Venezuelan
Thus, each of the
regions four of the border the Siena de Perija, which attains

Venezuelan highlands has endemic species of elevations of 3750 m. The first uplift of the

amphibians and reptiles; those of the two Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta was in the
small highland areas (Cerro Turumiquire and Miocene, but the final uplift did not occur
Serrania de Paria) seem to have been derived until the end of the Pleistocene (Gansser,

from the Cordillera de la Costa, which shares 1955). According to Carriker (1922), cloud
few species with the Merida Andes (Fig. 15: forest occurs at elevations of 1385 to 2200
12). Thirty-two species occur in the Merida
but have observed cloud forest on Cerro

Andes, as compared with 103 species in the San Lorenzo (= Cerro Kennedy) at 2700 m.



Herpetofaunal comparisons of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta with other highlands. Numbers
Fig. 15:13.
in blocks are numberof species/number of endemic species; numbers of shared species are within arrows. CC
= Cordillera de la Costa; CCC = Cordillera Central de Colombia; COcC = Cordillera Occidental de Colombia;
COrC = Cordillera Oriental de Colombia; = Merida Andes; SM = Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Comparaciones faunisticas de la herpetofauna de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta con otras tierras de
alturas. Nitnieros dcntro de bloques representan numero de especies/ numero de especies endemicas; numero
de especies en comun estdn en las flechas.

de la Costa in Venezuela, some from the dered to the northwest by the Rio Patia, to
Merida Andes, some from the Cordillera Ori- the northeast by the headwaters of the Rio
ental, and some from the surrounding low- Caqueta, and to the south by the Rio Chota.
lands (Fig. 15:13). With the exception of Much of the nudo is above 3000 m
with two
the widespread Micrurus mipartitus, no spe- peaks, Volcan Chiles and Volcan Cumbal,
cies are shared with the Central American reaching 4760 m.
highlands. Much exploration remains to be The Andes north of the Nudo de Pasto
done in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a form three distinct ranges. The western range,
region that probably has many more species the Cordillera Occidental extends for about
than known at present. Also, the geographi- 650 km between the Pacific lowlands and the
cally important but biologically unexplored valley of the Rio Cauca. The southern border
Sierra de Perija may hold the key to under- is the Rio Patia; the dry upper valley of the

standing the fauna! relationships of the Sierra river at about 1200 m separates the Cordillera
Nevada de Santa Marta. Occidental from the Nudo de Pasto. The
Cordillera Occidental is narrow ( <50 km)
Northern Andes and lacks continuous high ridges; the two
The northern Andes are comprised of five highest peaks are Cerro Tamana (4200 m)
and Pico Frontino (4080 m).
major north-south ranges diverging from the
Nudo de Pasto and a series of high intermon- The Cordillera Central extends 750 km
tane basins in Ecuador; the entire northern north from the Nudo de Pasto; this range
Andes extend for about 1800 km from the about 100 km in width is bordered on the
Caribbean lowlands at 10°50'N to the Huan- west by the valley of the Rio Cauca and on
cabamba Depression at 4°30'S. Central to the east by the valley of the Rio Magdalena.
the physiography of the northern Andes is the Extensive areas are above 3000 m, and four

high massif of the Nudo de Pasto in southern peaks with permanent snow exceed 5000 m
Colombia and northern Ecuador (Fig. 15:
— Nevado del Huila (5760 m), Nevado del
14). The Nudo de Pasto encompasses a Quindio (5400 m), Nevado del Ruiz (5400
north-south extent of about 110 km and a m), and Nevado del Tolima (5215 m).
breadth of about 130 km. The nudo is bor- The Cordillera Oriental is narrowly sep-

io° -

Fig. 15:14. The northern Andes. A. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; B. Cordillera Occidental de
Colombia; C. Cordillera Central de Colombia; D. Cordillera Oriental de Colombia; E. Nudo de Pasto;
F. Cordillera Occidental de Ecuador; G. Cordillera Oriental de Ecuador; H. Huancabamba Depres-
sion. The inter-Andean Basins lie between the Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Oriental in
Los Andes del norte. Las hoijas interandinas estdn entre la Cordillera Occidental y la Cordillera
Oriental en Ecuador.

arated from the Nudo de Pasto by the upper

Rio Caqueta Valley at about 1200 andm
extends about 1200 km north-northeastward
to about 10°50'N, where the northern part of
the Cordillera closely approximates the dis-
junct Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The
Cordillera Oriental reaches a width of 200 km
where the topography is a complex array of
ranges and basins. With the exception of the
northern one-fourth of the cordillera, there
are large areas at elevations above 3000 m;
the highest peak is the Nevado del Cocuy
( 5493 m) Lying to the east of the Cordillera

Oriental is the isolated Serrania de la Maca-

rena which reaches elevations of more than
2000 m.
South of the Nudo de Pasto, the Cordillera
Occidental of Ecuador extends southward for
about 500 km. The Cordillera Occidental is
limited in the north by the dry valley of the
Rio Chota at about 1500 m
and in the south
by the dry valley of the Rio Jubones at about
900 m. The elevation of the entire southern
two-thirds of the cordillera exceeds 3000 in.
Many volcanoes in the cordillera exceed 4500
m; the highest is the majestic Volcan Chim-
borazo (6310 m), capped with snow and gla-
ciers and the highest peak in the Andes north
of Peru.
The Ecuador is con-
Cordillera Oriental of
tinuous with the Nudo de
Pasto and extends
southward for about 620 km to the Huanca-
bamba Depression. Unlike the western cor-
dillera, thehigh elevations of the Cordillera
Oriental are interrupted by the valleys of the
Rio Pastaza, Rio Paute, and Rio Zamora.
The eastern cordillera has many volcanoes,
the highest of which, Volcan Cayambe,
reaches 5790 in; three volcanoes over 5000 m The Inter-Andean Basins of Ecuador.
Fie. 15:15.
are active —Volcan Cotopaxi, Volcan Sangay,
A. Tulcan; B. Ibarra; C. Otavalo; D. Quito; E.
and Volcan Tungurahua. Whereas the Cor- Latacunga; F. Riobamba; G. Alausi; H. Cuenca;
I. Saraguro; J. Loja. Area between 3000 and 5000
dillera Occidental drops precipitously to the m is shaded.
Pacific lowlands, the Cordillera Oriental Las hoyas interandinas de Ecuador. Las areas
much more gradually into the Amazon cntrc 3000 y 5000 m estdn sombreadas.
Basin. Three disjunct highland areas rise
from the foothills of the Cordillera Oriental — hoyas) that are separated by transverse ridges
Cerro Sumaco (3900 m), Cordillera de Cu- (mulcts) completely or partially separating
tucu (2200 m), and Cordillera del Condor the basins and in most cases connecting the

(2450 m). eastern and western Cordilleras. The basins

Between the eastern and western Cordil- have elevations ranging from 2000 to 3100 m
leras in Ecuador are 10 basins (cuencas or (Fig. 15:15).

The northern Andes have received con- based on the extensive collections in the Mu-
siderable geological study (Biirgl, 1961; Herd seum of Natural Histoiy at The University
and Naeser, 1974; Sauer, 1965, 1971; Shagam, of Kansas and in the National Museum of

1975) and intensive palynological investiga- Natural History.

tion (van der et al., 1973; van der Herpetologically, the northern Andes have
Hammen, 1974). The conclusions of these the richest fauna in the continent; 415 (57$?)
workers and Simpson (this volume) indicate of the 727 Andean species occur in this region.
that the northern Andes probably had few Of these, 345 species (837c) are endemic to
areas over 1000 m
above sea level at early the northern Andes. The taxonomic disposi-
Pliocene time. The major orogeny occurred tion of the 415 species (number of endemics
at the end of the Pliocene with the uplift of in parentheses )
is caecilians 15 (
12 ) , sala-
the eastern cordilleras taking place before that manders 11 (11), frogs 262 (225), lizards 54 :!

of the western cordilleras. The absence of (40), snakes 73 (57). Seven genera (Am-
evidence of glaciation on some high peaks phignathodon, Centrolene, Osornophryne,
suggests that their final uplift occurred after Phenacosaurus, Pholidobohis, Saphenophis,
the last major glaciation. Nonetheless, most Synophis) are endemic to the northern Andes,
areas above 3700 m
were glaciated; climatic and one (Cryptobatrachus) is endemic save
depression was in the magnitude of 6-7°C for one species in the Sierra Nevada de Santa
with a downward shift of environments of Marta.
about 1000 to 1200 m
(van der Hammen, Of the 70 species having ranges extending
1974). beyond the limits of the northern Andes, 43
The extensive areas above tree line are are the adjacent lowlands.
also present in
humid and cool with annual precipitation of Some of these also occur in the central Andes,
1000 to 2000 mm and little seasonal fluctua-
especially species that inhabit rainforest and
tion temperature, but daily variation of
in cloud forest. Thus, 15 species are shared be-
10°C or more ( Cuatrecasas, 1968). These tween the Cordillera Oriental in Ecuador and
areas paramo have grasses (Festuca),
of the Cordillera Central in Peru, and 20 are
rosette herbs (Espeletia and Senecio), cushion shared between the former and the Cordillera
plants (Distichia), and low bushes (Baccha- Oriental in Peru. Fourteen species on the
ris). The western slopes of the Cordillera Pacific slopes of the Cordillera Occidental in
Occidental and the eastern slopes of the Cor- Colombia and Ecuador, and /or the northern
dillera Oriental from the Depresion de San
parts of the Colombian cordilleras are shared
Cristobal southward support luxuriant cloud with the highlands in lower Central America;
forests. These humid montane forests also
these include six frogs (Gastrotheca nicefori,
occur locally in the Cordillera Central, espe-
Hemiphractus fasciatus, Centrolenella fleisch-
cially in the northern part. Subparamo is manni, C. griffithsi, C. prosoblepon, C. vaJ-
common but localized in the eastern and erioi), five lizards (Anolis antonii, A. chloris,
western cordilleras. The inter-Andean basins Basiliscus galeritus, Polychrus gutturosus, Pri-
in Ecuador possibly were subparamo prior to uertebralis), and three snakes
human modification into cultivated fields and
(Dendrophidion percarinatus, Micrurus mi-
grazing of livestock. partitus, Bothrops schlegeli). With
the ex-
In addition to the general publications al- of Gastrotheca and Centrole-
ception nicefori
ready cited, I have drawn information from nella griffithsi, all of these species range well
the works on anurans by Duellman ( 1972, below 1000 m. As noted previously, four
1973), Duellman and Altig (1978), Duellman
species are shared with the Sierra Nevada de
and Simmons (1977), Lynch ( 1975a,b, 1976a,
1979), Lynch and Duellman (1973, 1979),
Not included in these figures or in Appendix 15:2
Myers and Daly (1976a,b). and Peters are Atelopus carauta from 1300 m
in the Cordillera
Occidental of Colombia and Hernandez
(1973). The works Myers (1973, 1974) and

(1978) or Colostethus abditaurantius from 1450 m

Savage (1960) on colubrid snakes also were in the Cordillera Central of Colombia ( Silverstone,
used. Much of the distributional data is 1975).

Santa Marta, and seven are shared with the southernmost basin ( Loja ) is considered to be
Merida Andes. part of the Huancabamba Depression.
only those species that do not occur
If Only considering those 73 species that do
below 2500 m
are considered, 72 of the 73 not occur below 2500 m, a much different
species are endemic to the northern Andes. picture is evident (Fig. 15:17). Endemism in
The exception is the boid snake Tropidophis each region ranges from 20 percent in the
taczanowskyi, which inhabits the Cordillera Nudo de Pasto to 100 percent in the Cordil-
Oriental in Ecuador and the Cordillera Cen- lera Occidental in Colombia. Whereas the
tral in Peru. eastern cordilleras in Colombia and Ecuador
Within the northern Andes, only two spe- and the western cordilleras in Colombia and
cies, Centrolenella buckleyi (2100-3400 m Ecuador shared the greatest numbers of spe-
in subparamo and paramo) and Eleuthero- cies when the entire fauna was considered, in
1230-2800 m in cloud an analysis of only the high montane species,
dactylus w-nigrum (

forest and subparamo) occur in all seven re- they have no species in common.
The greatest species richness and highest
gions. Eleutherodactylus vertebralis (2340-
3500 m
in subparamo and paramo) occurs in percentage of endemism in the northern An-
the three Colombian cordilleras, the Nudo des is amongst the frogs (especially Colo-
de Pasto, and the Cordillera Occidental in stethus, Eleutherodactylus, and Centrole-
Ecuador. Four species of frogs (Eleuthero- nella), which form 60 percent of the entire
Andean herpetofauna, but 65 percent in the
dactylus buckleyi, E. unistrigatus, Atelopus
northern Andes and 71 percent in the Cor-
ignescens, and Gastrotheca riobambae) dis-
tributed mostly above 2500 occur in four m dillera Oriental in Ecuador. Although the
three snakes entire fauna in the equatorial cordilleras is
regions; (Chironius monticola,
Rhadinaea latehstriga, and Micrurus miparti- large, local communities are much smaller.

tus) distributed below 2000 m also occur in

Altitudinal and latitudinal changes in com-
four regions. Of the remaining 405 species in munity composition result in localized faun-

the northern Andes, 155 species occur in two ules in the cloud forest, subparamo, and par-
or three regions, and 250 are endemic to a amo, with generally decreasing numbers of
at higher altitudes. Equatorial tran-
given region, with the largest number of en- species
demics in the Cordillera Oriental in Ecuador sects in the Cordillera Occidental and Cor-
dillera Oriental reveal the presence of 62 and
(74) and the Cordillera Occidental in Ecua-
dor (65), but with the highest percent of 79 species, respectively (Fig. 15:18). On the
endemism in the Cordillera Central in Co- eastern slopes there is a dimunition of species
lombia (54%). at about 2000 m; this is especially evident

The upon examining the altitudinal distribution of

highest faunal similarities among the
individual species (Fig. 15:19). Analysis of
seven regions in the northern Andes are be-
broad latitudinal distributions of species on
tween the eastern cordilleras in Colombia and
the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental
Ecuador (45 species in common) and the
shows that even at lower elevations ( 1000-
western cordilleras in Colombia and Ecuador
1500 m) more than one-third of the species
(33 species in common) (Fig. 15:16). The have limited distributions, whereas this per-
low number of species (23) and endemics (1
lizard, in the Nudo de centage nearly doubles at elevations above
Proctoporus laevis) 2500 m (Table 15:1).
Pasto reflects a bias in the analysis; only high
elevations ( > 2500 m
were assigned to the High species richness, especially for anu-
rans, in the equatorial cordilleras can be
nudo. The herpetofauna of the inter-Andean
ascribed to the equable conditions with mod-
basins composed mostly of species also in-
erate to cool temperatures and high humidity
habiting the adjacent cordilleras. Only three constantthroughout the year.
species (2
— Pholidobolus montium,
Local endemism, especially in the Cordillera
Proctoporus occidatus; snake — Atractus leh-
1 Oriental in Ecuador, most likely is due to the
manni) are restricted to the basins. The discontinuous highlands.

Table 15:1. —

10 > < 24 >

66/29 103/36

33 45


< 15 * 10-

137/65 164/74


Fig. 15:16. Herpetofaunal comparisons of the regions of the northern Andes. Numbers in
blocks are numbers of species/number of endemic species; numbers of shared species are
within arrows. CCC = Cordillera Central de Colombia; COcC = Cordillera Occidental de
Colombia; COcE = Cordillera Occidental de Ecuador; COrC = Cordillera Oriental de
Colombia; COrE = Cordillera Oriental de Ecuador; IAB = Inter-Andean Basins; NP = Nudo
de Pasto. One species is in common between CCC and IAB.
Comparaciones faunisticas de la herpetofauna de las regimes dc los Andes del norte.
Numcros dentro de bloques rcpresentan numero de cspecies /ni'imero de cspecies cndemicas;
el numero de cspecies en comun estdn en las
flechas. Una cspecies cs compartida por CCC
y IAB.

Fig. 15:17. Herpetofaunal comparisons of the regions of the northern Andes using only
species thatdo not occur below 2500 m. Numbers and abbreviations are same as in figure 16.
Comparaciones faunisticas de la herpetofauna de las regiones de los Andes del norte,
comprendiendo solo aquellas especies que no bajan de los 2500 m. Numeros y abreviaciones
igual que en la figura 16.





Fig. 15:20. Profile of the Huancabamba Depression at 5°15'S Lat.
Perfil de la Depresion de Huancabamba a 5°15'Lat. S.






Fig. 15:22. The central Andes. A. Cordillera Occidental North; B. Upper Maranon Valley; C. Cordillera
Central; D. Upper Huallaga Valley; E. Cordillera Oriental North; F. Cordillera Occidental South; G. Man-
taro-Apurimac Valley; H. Cordillera Oriental South; I. Cordillera Oriental de Bolivia; J. Altiplano.
Los Andes centrales.







Fig. 15:23. Profile of the Cordillera Oriental in southern Peru.

Perfil de la Cordillera Oriental en el sur del Peru.

nota, and Cordillera de Carabaya) having steep slopes dissected by deep ravines are
many peaks with permanent snow, the high- known as the Yungas.
est of which is the Nevado Salcantaya (6271 Rising from the lowlands of the upper
m). Lower front ranges (Cadena de Pau- .Amazon Basin, several mountain ranges
cartambo, Cadena de Pantiacolla) do not ex- reaching above 2500 m
are isolated from the
ceed 4500 m; the deep valleys separating the main Andean cordillera. These ranges in Peru
various ranges give a relief of 2000 to 3000 m are, from north to south, Cerros de Otanahui,
to the cordillera (Fig. 15:23). The major Cordillera Azul, Cerro de la Sal, and Serrania
rivers dissecting the mountains are the Rio de Sira.

Apurimac, Rio Urubamba, and Rio Vilcanota. The major montane valleys separating the
In Bolivia the eastern cordillera consists of principal cordilleras are those of the Rio
a single range, the Cordillera Real. In the Maranon, and Rio Huallaga flowing north-
northwest and to the southeast there are two ward in northern Peru, and the Rio Mantaro

ranges the Cordillera Central separated by flowing southeastward in central Peru, and
the Rio Caipe from the outer range, the Cor- the Rio Apurimac flowing northwestward in
dillera Oriental. The highest peaks are in the southern Peru. The Mantaro and Apurimac
snow-covered Cordillera Real, where four converge to form the Rio Ene; thus, these two
peaks exceed 6000 m, and the highest is Cerro valleys are placed together for the purposes
Illimani (6460 m). The Cordillera Real drops of analysis.

precipitously into the Amazon Basin; the The initial uplift of the central Andes was

in the Miocene (Harrington, 1962; Aubodin, or 48%, —

endemic to the regions) 5 caecilians
et 1973) with final major uplift completed
al., (1), 89 frogs (52), 44 lizards (11), 21 snakes
by the end of the Pliocene and some addi- (11). One genus of frogs (Batrachophrynus)
tional elevation in the Pleistocene (Petersen, and one of lizards (Opipeuter) are endemic to
1958; Dollfus, 1960; Rutland, et al., 1965; the region. Several genera are highly speciose
Ahlfeld, 1970; James, 1971, 1973; Gansser, in the central Andes —
frogs of the genera
1973). Considerable Pleistocene and Recent Phrijnopus (Lynch, 1975a), Telmatobius
glaciation in the Peruvian Cordilleras de- (Macedo, 1960), and Gastrotheca (Duellman
pressed snow lines as much as 1500 m during and Fritts, 1972); lizards of the genera Eu-
at least two (Hastenrath, 1967;
glaciations spondylus 1973) and Stenocercus
Kinzl, 1968; Simpson, this volume); the last (Fritts,' 1974). Of the 84 species that occur
major glaciation in the Cordillera de Vilca- in the central Andes and elsewhere, 13 also
nota has been dated as 28,000 to 14,000 years inhabit tropical forests east of the Andes;
b.p. (Mercer and Palacios, 1977). some of these and some others comprise the
The Cordillera Occidental is arid through- 23 species that also occur in humid montane
out its length with low xerophytic vegetation habitats in the northern Andes. Eight species
on the high Pacific slopes and puna on the also occur on the dry Pacific lowlands, and

high eastern slopes. The eastern and northern one of these inhabits dry forest in the northern
slopes of the easternmost ranges of the eastern Andes. Eight species (including 2 of 23 noted
cordilleras support lush cloud forest, the above) occur in the central Andes and the
crests of these outer ranges have subparamo Huancabamba Depression. Only 12 species
and/or wet puna habitats. The western and are shared between the central Andes and the
southern slopes of the outer ranges are dry southern Andes (including the Altiplano);
with puna and low xerophytic vegetation. one of these also ranges into the cis-Andean
The high ridges of the interior ranges of the lowlands, two occur on the Pacific lowlands,
eastern cordilleras are drier than the outer and nine are restricted to high ( > 2500 ) m
ranges and have extensive areas of puna. The elevations in the central Andes and at least

deep valleys between the ranges are dry with in the northern parts of the southern Andes.
low sclerophytic vegetation at higher eleva- No species of amphibian or reptile occurs
tions and dry scrub forest at lower elevations. in all nine of the regions within the central
The high montane valleys are extensively Andes. The most widespread species are the
cultivated and also support puna, much of frogs Pleurodema marmorata, Telmatobius
which is grazed. marmoratus, Bufo spinulosus, the lizard Lio-
The diverse herptofauna of the central laemus multiformis, and the snake Tachy-
Andes has never been summarized. In addi- menis peruviana. These are the only species
tion to the general works cited previously, the that occur in eastern and western cordilleras
following works are pertinent to the system- and intermontane valleys. The major simi-
atics and distribution of amphibians and rep- larities inthe cordilleras are among the east-
the central Andes: Barbour and Noble
tiles of ern ranges, which individually share 9 to 14
(1920a) on southern Peruvian taxa, Dixon species, with three species occurring in all
and Huey (1970), Dixon and Wright (1975), four regions (Fig. 15:24). Only three species
Fritts (1974), and Uzzell (1969, 1970) on are shared between the northern and southern
lizards; Schmidt and Walker (1943) and parts of the Cordillera Occidental, and no
Walker (1945) on snakes; Duellman (1976, more than five species are common to any
1978a-c), Duellman and Fritts (1972), Duell- part of the Cordillera Occidental and any
man and Toft (1979), Gallardo (1961), Ma- range in the eastern cordilleras. The similari-
cedo (1960), Schmidt (1954), Silverstone ties of the eastern ranges are principally in

(1975, 1976), and Vellard (1951-1960) on those species that inhabit the cloud forests
frogs. between 1000 and 2000 m; the three species
The herpetofauna of the central Andes, as with distributions including all four regions
presently known, consists of 159 species (75, of the eastern cordilleras are forest dwellers

Fie. 15:24. Herpetofaunal comparisons of the Andean ranges in the central Andes. Numbers in blocks are
number of species/number of endemic species; numbers of shared species are within arrows. CC = Cordillera
Central; COcN = Cordillera Occidental North; COcS = Cordillera Occidental South; COrB = Cordillera Ori-
ental de Bolivia; COrN = Cordillera Oriental North; COrS = Cordillera Oriental South.
Comparaciones faunisticas de la herpetofauna de las Cordilleras andinas de los Andes centrales. Numeros
dentro de bloques representan numero de especies /numero de especies endemicas; numero de especies en comun
estdn en las flcchas.

—two lizards (Prionodactijlus argulus and P. The species richness in the southern part
manicatus) and one snake (Chironius monti- of the Cordillera Oriental reflects the
cola). The faunal list from the Cordillera topography and diverse habitats in that region
Central is unrealistic; the area has not been (Fig. 15:25). Elevational changes in one
studied adequately. inter-Andean valley result in striking differ-

o ences in habitats and changes in species com-

E position. For example, in the Rio Urubamba
Valley, three species of lizards of the genus
-4000 Amazon Proctoporus replace one another along the
Lowlands length of the valley between the Cordillera
de Vilcabamba and the Cordillera de Vil-
canota. Likewise, in the same valley and
Cordillera de Vilcanota, marsupial frogs have
essentially parapatric distributions Gastro-

theca tnarsupiata is on the valley floor, G.
2000 h ochoai inhabits bromeliads on the cliffs of
< the cordillera, and G. excubitor lives on the
high parts of the cordillera (
Duellman and
Fritts, 1972).
-I000M The high montanevalleys in Peru have a
depauperate herpetofauna with a total of 20
species (7 endemic); otherwise, the species
are shared with the neighboring cordilleras
and to a lesser extent with the other valleys.
The toad Bufo trifoliam is the only species
occurring in the Huallaga, Maranon, and
Mantaro-Apurimac valleys, and the frog, Gas-
trotheca peruana occurs in the Huallaga and
Maranon valleys. The most notable endemism
is the monotypic frog genus Batrachophrynus
restricted to Lago Junin and streams in the
upper Rio Mantaro Valley. Five species in
the Mantaro-Apurimac Valley are shared with
the Altiplano in southern Peru and Bolivia; all
of these are widespread highland species.

Southern Andes

Included in the southern Andes are the

cordilleras in Argentina and Chile and the
Altiplano from southern Peru through Bolivia
to Argentina. As noted previously, the Cor-
dillera Occidental in Peru is continuous with
the Andes of Chile and western Bolivia; the
Cordillera Central in Bolivia is continuous
Fig. 15:25. Transect from the upper Rio Vilcanota with the Andes of northern Argentina. The
Valley across the Cordillera de Vilcanota ( Abra Chilean and Argentinean ranges unite south
Huancarane), Rio Yavare Valley Paucartambo), Ca-
of the Altiplano at about 27°S Lat. (Fig.
dena de Paucartambo (Abra Acanacu), and down
the Rio Cosnipata Valley to the Amazon lowlands. 15:26).
Each line is the distribution of one species; solid lines The broadest sense, ex-
Altiplano, in its
are amphibians and broken lines are reptiles.
Transect desde el vallc del alto Rio Vilcanota
tends about 1400 km north-south; its greatest
(Abra Huancarane), vallc del Rio Yavare (Paucar- width is about 300 km in Bolivia. Elevations
tamho), Cadena de Paucartambo (Abra Acanacu), y of this high plateau range from 3400 to 4000
hacia abajo del valle del Rio Cosnipata hasta las
m; drainage is centripetal, forming lakes or
tierras bajas del Amazonas. Cada lima representa la
distribution de una especie; las Uncus continuas rep-
salt basins. Precipitation in the form of rain
resentor* a anfibios y las lineas discontinuas a reptiles. or snow is mostly in the summer and de-

exceeding 6000 m, the highest being Cerro

70 Bonete (6872 m). North- and south-flowing
rivers separate lower eastern front ranges from
the higher major cordillera which descends
westward to the Altiplano. The Andes in
northern Chile from a high main cordillera
with many snow-covered peaks exceeding
20 6000 m; the highest in the extreme north is
Cerro Parinacota (6330 m), whereas farther
south near the southern end of the Altiplano,
Nevado Ojos del Salado reaches 6880 m. The
Andean precordillera exceeds 4500 m
in most
areas and chops precipitously to the narrow,
xeric coastal strip. South of 27°S Lat. the
single Andean cordillera continues for 3000
km to the tip of the continent. Whereas many
30 peaks in the northern part of the range exceed
6000 m, including Cerro Aconcagua at 6959
m (the highest mountain in the New World),
to the south there are few peaks over 4000 m.
Equally important biologically are the eleva-
tions of passes between the eastern and west-
ern slopes; north of 31°S Lat. there are no
passes below 4000 m. Passes between 2000 and
3000 mexist between 35° and 37 S Lat., south
of which are found the only passes below
2000 m. Of course, passes at higher latitudes
1000 M are correspondingly higher biologically. Al-
though the western slopes of the Andes de-
Above 3000M scend rapidly to the Pacific coast or to the
Valle Longitudinal separated from the Pacific
by the Cordillera de la Costa, the eastern
slopes are much more complex with numerous
500 Km 50 precordilleran ranges, some of which, such as
60 the Sierra Grande and Sierra de San Luis, are

Fig. 15:26. The southern Andes. A. Northern completely separated from the principal cor-
B. C. Northern Argentina; D. dillera. In the south, the Andes descend only
Chile; Altiplano;
Southern Chile; E. Southern Argentina. to the Patagonian plateaus at 600 to 1300 m.
Los Andes del sur.
The Pacific slopes of the Andes in northern

mm Chile (south to about 27°S Lat.) are ex-

creases from about 500 annually in the
north to essentially zero in the south. The tremely arid with little vegetation, which in
some places consists of only scattered cacti;
vegetation of the northern and eastern parts
at elevations above 4000 m, puna grasses are
of the Altiplano puna dominated by bunch

but also Poa and present. In a transition area between the

grasses, principally Festuca,
of Adesmia and
desert and the austral forests (30°-38°S Lat.)
Stipa, low (<1 m) shrubs
low, sparse matorral is present on the Pacific
Parastrephia (Troll, 1959; Cabrera, 1968). To
the south and west even bunch grasses be- slopes (Simpson, this volume).
come sparse and eventually absent in exten- The Andes in northern Argentina have
sive "salares." puna at high elevations and forest at lower

The Andes of northern Argentina have ex- elevations. From north to south (about 28°S
tensive areas over 4500 m and some peaks Lat.) there is a change from cloud forest to

evergreen forest and deciduous broadleaf for- and Veloso (1977) reviewed Pleurodema, and
est. At about 26°S Lat. to 38°S Lat., the Lynch (1978b) summarized data on Alsodes.
eastern slopes of the Andes are arid with de- The iguanid lizards have been studied by Cei
ciduous forest existing in river valleys and (1971, 1973, 1974a,b), Cei and Castro
Patagonian scrub infiltrating the lower slopes (1973), and Donoso-Barros (1972).
to 2000 m ( Roig, 1972 ) the Patagonian scrub
The herpetofauna of the southern Andes
crosses the continental divide at some low consists of 64 species (30 frogs, 31 lizards, 3

passes. South of 38°S Lat. on the Pacific snakes). No genera are endemic to the
slopes and 36°S Lat. on the eastern slopes are southern Andes, but austral endemics such as
the austral forests characterized by a diversity Alsodes are shared with the lowland forests;
of Nothofagus and in places dominated by Diplolaemus and Phymaturus are shared with
Araucaria or Fitzroya (Formas, this volume). Patagonia, and Garthia is shared with the
Within tins area is the so-called lake region Pacific coastal deserts. Of the 64 species, 36
of the southern Andes where cold streams cas- are endemic. Of the 28 nonendemic species,
cade down from glaciers. 12 also occur in arid habitats east of the
The Andes and Argen-
in southern Chile Andes, principally in Patagonia (e.g., the
tina were uplifted nearly to their present iguanid lizards Diplolaemus leopardinus, Lio-
heights by the end of the Miocene (Dott, et laemus bibronii, L. elongatus). Six others oc-
al., 1977). At that time, the initial uplift of cur in lowland Nothofagus forests (e.g., frogs
the northern part of the Argentine, Chilean, such as Alsodes nodosus and Bufo variega-
and Bolivian Andes and the Altiplano took tus ) five occur on the arid Pacific lowlands

place (Petersen, 1958; Rutland, et al., 1965). (e.g., lizards such as PhyUodactylus gerrhopy-
The final, major orogeny of the Altiplano and gus and Tropidurus peruvianus) . The faunal
the principal Cordilleras in northern Argen- similaritiesbetween the central and southern
tina and Chile was completed by the end of Andes have already been discussed.
the Pliocene (Turner, 1972; Yrigoyen, 1972; Within the southern Andes, only two spe-
James, 1971, 1973), whereas at least some of cies, the toad Bufo spinulosus and the snake
the extra-cordilleran ranges in Argentina were Tachymenis peruviana, occur in all five re-
elevated later (Simpson and Vervoorst, gions. Despite the high Andean divides, the
1977), and the coastal cordillera of Chile was southern Andes of Chile and those in Argen-
uplifted earlier( Okada,
1971 ) The southern
. tina sharemore species (10) than any other
Andes were extensively glaciated during the two regions (Fig. 15:27). Most of the en-
Pleistocene, with large montane glaciers per- demics are frogs of the genera Alsodes and
sisting to the present; at the height of glacia-
Telmatobius restricted to separate stream
tion, all of the Andes south of 30°S Lat. were drainages and highland lizards of the genus
entirely glaciated (Patterson and Lanning, Liolaemus.
1967; Heusser, 1974). The distribution of amphibians and rep-
The herpetofauna of Chile has been re- tiles on either side of the Andes in relation
viewed thoroughly by Cei ( 1962 ) and to passes through the high cordillera suggests
Donoso-Barros (1966, 1970). Cei (1979) re- that available structural habitat (or perhaps
viewed the amphibians of Argentina, but the food) may limit their distributions instead of
reptiles have not been summarized. The only altitude and the associated climatic stresses.
significant paper on the Altiplano is Parker's For example, at 33°S Lat. the cordillera is
(1940). Important works dealing with frogs breached by Puerto Bermejo at 3883 m. In
are, genus Telmatobius Vellard
as follow: — the immediate vicinity of the pass two lizards,
(1946), Callardo (1962), Laurent (1970, Liolaemus altissimus and L. fxtzgeraldi, reach
1973, 1977), Veloso and Trueb (1976), and elevations of 3500 m and 2800 m, respectively,
Cei (1977); genus Gastrotheca Laurent
— and occur on both sides of the Andes (Fig.
(1967, 1969a,b, 1976); genus Bufo— Gallardo 15:28). In the same area four other species
(1967), Cei (1968, 1972). Barrio (1965) dis- of lizards occur only on the eastern slopes —
cussed the Hijla pulchella complex; Duellman Liolaemus elongatus (up to 2800 m), L. rui-

Fig. 15:27. Herpetofaunal comparisons of regions in the southern Andes. Numbers in blocks
are numbers of species/number of endemic species; numbers of shared species are within
arrows. AAN = Andes of Argentina north; AAS =Andes of Argentina south; ACN =
of Chile north; ACS = Andes of Chile south; ALT = Altiplano.
Comparaciones faunisticas de la herpetofauna de las regiones de los Andes del sur.
Numeros dentro de bloques representan numero de especies/ numero de especies endemicas;
numero de species en comun estdn en las flechas.

ball (2900 m), Phymaturus palluma (3500 other hand, farther south there is continuity
m), and Pristidachjlus scapulatus (2900 m). of habitat through much lower passes. For
Likewise, two species are restricted to the example, Patagonian scrub continues through

western slope Liolaemus leopardinus (3000 Puerto de Buta Malin (37°30'S, 1800 m) onto
m) and L. nigroviridis (3000 m). On the the western side of the cordillera to Laguna

Andes as distinct major units is not so realistic

o as the distinction of the other units.
2 the Huancabamba Depression has some en-
demics, it shares eight species with the
northern and eight with the central Andes.
^ ?; & § 1 A cluster analysis of all 727 species in 27
4000 -
regions emphasizes the close similarity be-
tween the Cordillera Occidental in southern
Peru and in northern Chile (Fig. 15:29).
3000 - This analysis also shows the relatively close
similarity of the eastern and western slopes
of the Andes in southern Argentina and Chile,
2000 the similarity between the Altiplano and the
Mantaro-Apurimac Valley and the similarity
of the Cordillera Occidental in northern Peru
CHILE ARGENTINA 1000 with the upper Maranon and Huallaga val-
Fig. 15:28. Distribution of iguanid lizards on leys. Likewise, the distinctness of the Vene-
eastern and western slopes of the Andes in the vicin- zuelan highlands. Sierra Nevada de Santa
ity of Puerto Bermejo, 33°S Lat. Marta, and Huancabamba Depression are
Distribution de saurios iguanidos en las laderas evident.
este y ocste de los Andes en la vecindad de Puerto
Bermejo, 33°Lat. S.
second analysis involved only those 147
species having distributions above 2500 m
de La Laja, where such typical Patagonian (Fig. 15:30): this analysis eliminated four re-

species as Pleuroclema bufonina, Liolaemus

gions Serrania de Paria, Cerro Turumiquire,
Cordillera de la Costa, and Sierra Nevada de
kriegi, and Plujmaturus palluma occur.
Santa Marta. The Merida Andes and the
Cordillera Occidental in Colombia are distinc-
ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTION tive in sharing no taxa with any other region.
PATTERNS The other regions of the northern Andes
cluster together and are weakly linked with
Once the major patterns of distribution in the central and southern Andes and the Huan-
the various physiographic regions of the cabamba Depression. The Andes of southern
Andes have been described and documented, Chile and southern Argentina each has two
it is desirable to analyze the total Andean endemic species and no species shared with
herpetofauna. The testing of the a priori divi- any other region; thus, each region is distinct
sion of the Andes into six major units shows from all of the others.
that the faunal resemblance factors are all less These analyses and knowledge of the
than 0.1, except between the central Andes physiography and environments of the Andes
and the Southern Andes (Table 15:2). Thus, allow a general interpretation of the kinds
the recognition of the central and southern and effectiveness of barriers to herpetofaunal

Table 15:2. — Faunal Resemblance of the Herpetofaunain Six Major Andean Regions.
Numbers of species in a given region are in boldface; numbers of species in common to two regions are in
Roman, and the faunal resemblance factors t2C/(N, + Ns) = FRF] are in italics.
Venezuelan Nevada de Northern Huancabamba Central Southern
Andes Santa Marta Andes Depression Andes Andes
Venezuelan Andes . 80 0.040 0.028 0.000 0.008 0.000
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ... __ 2 21 0.018 0.0(H) 0.000 0.000
Northern Andes 7 4 415 0.035 0.008 0.000
Huancabamba Depression 8 43 0.079 0.000
Central Andes 1 23 8 159 0.116
Southern Andes . 13 64

Serroni'a de Pana

Cerro Turumiquire

Cordillera de la Costa

Merida Andes

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Huancabamba Depression
Cordillera Occidental, Colombia

Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador

Inter-Andean Basins, Ecuador

Nudo de Pasto, Colombia

Cordillera Central, Colombia

Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

Cordillera Oriental, Ecuador

Cordillera Central, Peru

Cordillera Onental North, Peru

Cordillera Oriental South, Peru

Cordillera Occidental North, Peru

Upper Marandn Valley, Peru

Upper Huallaga Valley, Peru

Cordillera Onental, Bolivia

Andes North, Argentina

Mantaro-Apurimac Valleys, Peru


Cordillera Occidental South, Peru

£ Andes North, Chile

Andes South, Chile

-C Andes South, Argentina

00 01 0.2 0.3 04 05
Fig. 15:29. Cluster analysis of 727 species of amphibians and reptiles in 27
physiographic regions of the Andes; analysis is by the unweighted pair-group
method using arithmetic means.
Andlisis de agrupaeion de 727 especies de anfibios y reptiles en 27 regiones
fisiogrdficas de los Andes. El andlisis usa el metodo de grupos de parejas no
compensadas en sus promedios aritmeticos.

dispersal in the Andes (Fig. 15:31). The minor barriers are within major regions be- —
physiographic barriers in the northern part of tween the Merida Andes and the Cordillera
the Andes coincide with those demonstrated de la Costa, and between the Cordillera Occi-
for birds by F. Vuilleumier ( 1977 ) The ma- . dental in Colombia and the rest of the north-
jor physiographic barriers separate the major ern Andes. The major ecological barrier is

Andean regions Merida Andes, Sierra Ne- the drastic change from cloud forest to rela-
vada de Santa Marta, northern Andes and tively dry puna, which follows the upper
central Andes —
from one another, whereas reaches of the outer ranges of the eastern cor-

Menda Andes
Cordillera Occidental, Colombia

Cordillera Central, Colombia

Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

Cordillera Oriental, Ecuador

Nudo de Pasto, Colombia

Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador

Inter-Andean Basins, Ecuador

Huancabamba Depression
Cordillera Oriental North, Peru
£ Cordillera Central, Peru

Cordillera Occidental North, Peru

Upper Marafi6n Valley, Peru

Upper Huallaga Valley, Peru

Mantaro-Apunmac Valleys, Peru

Cordillera Oriental South, Peru

Cordillera Occidental South, Peru


Cordillera Oriental, Bolivia

Andes North, Chile

Andes North, Argentina

Andes South, Chile

Andes South, Argentina

00 1 0.2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Fie. 15:30. Cluster analysis of 147 species of amphibians and reptiles occurring only above 2500 in 23 m
physiographic regions of the Andes; analysis is by the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic means.
Andlisis de agrupacion de 147 especies de anfibios ij reptiles que habitan solamente por encima de los
2500 m en 23 regiones fisiogrdficas de los Andes. Metodo al igual que figura 29.

dillera in the central Andes. Comparatively It is obvious that species richness is high-
broad latitudinal transition zones exist be- est in those tropical regions supporting both
tween the cloud forest and the deciduous for- cloud forest and equable habitats above tree
ests on the eastern slopes in northern Argen- line —Cordillera Oriental in Ecuador ( 164
tina, and between the Nothofagus forests of species), Cordillera Occidental in Ecuador
the southern Andes and the arid slopes to the (137 species), Cordillera Oriental in Colom-
north. Faunal comparisons of these eight ma- bia (103 species). Between the Equator and
jor ecogeographic regions in the Andes reveal 24 °S Lat. there is a dramatic decline in spe-
that the regions separated by major geo- cies richness, most notable in amphibians;
graphical barriers or
ecological differences farther south there is little change (Fig.
have faunal resemblance factors of less than 15:32).
0.1,whereas those separated by minor physio- Endemism is as high as 76 percent in the
graphic barriers have factors greater than 0.1 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, whereas the
(Table 15:3). average percentage of endemic species in any


Fig. 15:32. Herpetofaunal species richness at dif-
ferent latitudes in the Andes. Data were accumu-
lated for species within one degree north and south
of the latitude given; only species occurring above
1000 m
are included.
Riqucza de especie de la herpetofauna a diferentes
latitudes en los Andes. Information fue acumulada
Fig. 15:31. Diagrammatic map of the Andes para las especies dentro de un grado al norte y al
showing barriers to herpetofaunal dispersal. Two solid stir de la latitud dada; solo las especies que ocurren

lines = major physiographic barriers; single solid lines por sobre los 1000 m estdn incluidas.
= minor physiographic barriers; broken lines = major
ecological barriers; shaded areas
= transition zones Mapa diagramdtico de los Andes mostrando ba-
between ecologically different regions. A. Cordillera rreras para la dispersion de la herpetofauna. Dos
de la Costa; B. Merida Andes; C. Sierra Nevada de lineas continual = barreras fisigrdficas mayores; una
Santa Marta; D. Cordillera Occidental de Colombia; linea continua = barrera fisiogrdfica menor; lineas
E. Northern Andes; F. Eastern slopes of central discontinuas = barreras ecologicas mayores; areas
Andes; G. Nonforested central and southern Andes; sombreadas = zonas de transition entre regiones
H. Forested southern Andes. diferentes ecologicamente.

Table 15:3. — Faunal Resemblance of the Herpetofauna in Eight Major Eco-geographic Regions of the Andes.
Numbers of species in a given region are in boldface; numbers of species in common to two regions are in
Roman, and the faunal resemblance factors [2C/(N, +N-) = FRF] are in italics.

u +^
13 O 9
13 o
C 3 C/3
<u 13
6 o
I J3
o o o o
O O Z fa
Cordillera de la Costa .. 46 0.129 0.030 054 0.008 0.013 0.000 0.000
Merida Andes 5 32 0.075 082 0.034 0.014 0.000 0.000
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 1 2 21 023 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cordillera Occidental, Colombia
Northern Andes
Eastern Front, Central Andes
Nonforested Cent. & S. Andes
Forested Southern Andes
7 4
1 66

one of the 27 regions is 40.9 (Table 15:4). available for most regions of the Andes. As
The apparent absence of endemics in the Cor- already discussed in the account of the north-
dillera Central of Peru probably is indicative ern Andes, a distinct middle elevation fauna
of the poor sampling of the region, whereas occurs in cloud forest and another element on
the low values for the Nudo de Pasto, inter- the high ridges; species richness is much
Andean valleys in Ecuador, and the Marafion higher in the cloud forest, and endemism is

Valley in Peru are realistic in that most spe- likely to be high in both, certainly higher
cies in these regions are shared with adjacent than in the adjacent lowlands (see especially
regions. The presence of many species of a Table 15:4 and Figs. 15:18-19).
given genus in one region is indicative of
local speciation and endemism. This is espe-
cially true of frogs of the genera Eleuthero-
dactylus, Colostethus, and Centrolenella in the
northern Andes, where the species per genus
is 3.3 to 3.9 in the eastern cordilleras of Co- Once the Andean herpetofauna has been
lombia and Ecuador and the Cordillera Occi- defined and circumscribed, it is necessary to
dental in Ecuador; this high number is ap- ascertain the relationships of the faunas of
proached only by the Cordillera Oriental in the Andes before attempting to determine the
southern Peru (2.8), where there is also great origin of the Andean herpetofauna. Primarily
differentiation of Eleutherodactylus, and the this will be done at the generic level. Eighty-
Altiplano (2.7) where there are six species of eight genera of amphibians and reptiles occur
Liolaemus (Table 15:4). However, there is at elevations of more than 1000 in the m
no direct correlation between the total per- Andes. More than half (47) of these genera
centage of endemic species and the numbers are not primarily Andean in their distribution.
of species per genus in that region; for exam- Some are represented in the Andes by lowland
ple, the genus per species value is 1.6 in the species that ascend the highlands to eleva-
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where 76 tions of more than 1000 (
13 genera ) and
percent of the species are endemic. others (23 genera) have species restricted to
Substantial data on altitudinal differences Andean slopes, although most of the species
in species richness and endemism are not occur elsewhere. The Andes are peripheral to

Table 15:4. — Genera and Species of Amphibians and Reptiles in Each of 27 Regions of the Andes.
% % Species
Northern Northern Endemic Species per
Region Genera Genera Species Species Species Endemic Genus
Serrania de Paria 3 100
Cerro Turnniiquire 5
Cordillera de la Costa .._ . 26
Merida Andes 16
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - 13
Cordillera Occidental, Colombia 27
Cordillera Central, Colombia .. — - 34
Cordillera Central, Peru 12
Cordillera Oriental, Colombia 30
Cordillera Oriental, Ecuador 42
Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador — . 41
Nudo de Pasto, Colombia __ 11
Cordillera Oriental North, Peru _ 30
Cordillera Oriental, Bolivia 21
Inter-Andean Basins, Ecuador 12
Huancabamba Depression 23
Cordillera Oriental South, Peru 28
Andes North, Argentina 9
Cordillera Occidental North, Peru _— _ 10
Mantaro-Apurimac Valleys, Peru 8
Upper Maranon Valley, Peru 4
Upper Huallaga Valley, Peru 5
Altiplano _ 6
Cordillera Occidental South, Peru 9
Andes North, Chile 10
Andes South, Chile 9
Andes South, Argentina 9

Table 15:5. —Patterns of Andean Distributions of Genera that are Principally Extra- Andean.
Lowland Species Differentiated on Peripheral to Range
on Lower Slopes Low-moderate Slopes of Genus
Leptodactylu.t Caecilia Euparkerella
Phyllobatcs Epicrionops Ischnocnema
Gonatodes Dendrohates Flectoiwtus
Polychrus Osteocephalus Phyllodactylus
Tropidums PhyUomcdusa Basiliscus
Alopoglossus Glossostoma Diplolaemus
Cercosaura Garthia Phymaturus
Neusticurus Lepidoblepharis Tropidophis
Ptychoglossus Pseudogonatodes Lampropeltis
Liotyphlops Anolis Liophis
Clelia Enyalioides Sibon
Leptoph is Pristidactylus Sibynomorphus
Micntrus Leptotyphlops
T ant ilia
Most of the species of Pbyllobates recognized by Silverstone (1976) and Appendix 15:2 have been
listed in

placed in Dendrobates by Myers et al. (1978).

Basin and Central America, each having 47 Amazon Basin.

Marsupial frogs (Gastrothc-
and 46 genera, respectively, shared with the ca) arc
represented by 33 species in the
Andes; these are followed by 42 shared with Andes and four in southeastern Brasil, but
the Choco, 36 with southeastern Brasil and the genus is unknown in central South Amer-
35 with the Guiana Shield. Thirty-three gen- ica. Two snakes also are represented in the
era are common Andes, Amazon Basin,
to the two areas. Sibynomorphus has one species in
Choco, and Central America, whereas only 20 the Andes, one in the Amazon Basin, two
are shared by those four regions and the in the Chaco, and two in southeastern Brasil."'
Guiana Shield and southeastern Brasil. The Tropidophis has one species in the Andes, one
depauperate generic differentiation in tem- in southeastern Brasil, and 12 in the West
perate South America is few
reflected in the Indies. Other genera that are represented in
number of genera shared by the Andes and two or more of the highland regions ( Andes,
Patagonia (11), the Atacama Desert (9), and Brasilian highlands, Guiana highlands) also
the austral forests (6). Only four genera are are widespread in the lowlands, although
common to all four regions, and only Bafo some genera, such as Atractus, are speciose
occurs in all of the regions delimited. in the highland regions and represented by
The occurrence of genera in the Andes few species in the intervening lowlands.
and adjacent areas, such as the Amazon Basin No strictly highland genus or species is
and Patagonia, is More shared by the Andes and the Guiana high-
expected. interesting
are distributions that are disjunct. Six Andean lands.However, two closely related hylid frog
genera also occur in southeastern Brasil, but genera are endemic to the regions Crypto- —
are either absent from the intervening area or batrachus (3 species) in the northern Andes
have about their distributions. and Stcfania (6 species) in the Guiana high-
The lands.
frogs (Flectonotus, Euparkerella, and
Thus, although the Andean herpetofauna
Ischnocnema) each have one species in the
Andes and one in southeastern Brasil; Isch- is
comprised of largely endemic species, only
nocnema also has one species in the upper "'

See footnote, p. 389.


19 genera are endemic to the Andes; the 93 petofauna, I have chosen to analyze the

species in these genera and 337 Andean spe- herpetofauna first by means of areas of con-
cies in eight other genera that are primarily gruence. Subsequent analysis of generalized
Andean account for about 60 percent of the tracks of those groups that are well known

species in the Andes. The generic

relation- phylogenetically provides corroborating evi-
of the Andean herpetofauna are primar- dence. For purposes of analysis I have used
with the adjacent lowlands and Central 41 genera and species groups that are pri-
America and not with the Brasilian and Gui- marily Andean in their distribution or at
ana highlands. least are highly speciose in the Andes. On
the bases of their distributions and known
(or presumed) phylogenetic relationships,
ORIGIN OF THE ANDEAN they have been placed in either a northern
HERPETOFAUNA assemblage or a southern assemblage (Table
The poor fossil record of most Andean Southern Herpetofauna! Assemblage.

groups of amphibians and reptiles precludes Two major areas of congruence incorporate
any kind of accurate historical assessment of six of the nine groups in this assemblage:

phylogenetic relationships and distribution 1) Austral Forests —Alsodes, Plcurodema,

patterns; see Baez and Gasparini (this vol- Bufo spinulosus group, Taehymenis; 2) Pata-
ume) for a summary of the fossil evidence. —
gonia Pleurodema, Ctenoblepharis, Liolae-
Therefore, phylogenetic relationships must be mus. The other three genera (Batrachophry-
hypothesized from systematic studies of extant nus, Tehnatobius, and Stenocercus) are de-
taxa, and past distributions must be inferred rived from southern groups (Fig. 15:33).
from existing knowledge of past geological Studies on iguanid lizards by Cei (1973,
events and evidence concerning paleocli- 1974a,b), Etheridge (1964, 1966, 1967), Paull,
mates. Our knowledge of the geology of the et al. ( 1976), and Savage ( 1958) provide sub-

Andes has been summarized by Simpson (this stantial evidence for the recognition of a

volume), who also synthesized the evidence temperate South American adaptive radiation
for Late Cenozoic and Quaternary climatic of tropidurine iguanid lizards. Although the
changes; these phenomena also have been taxonomy of the large iguanid genus Liolae-
treated in detail for tropical South America by mus is still in an alpha state, it is evident that
Haffer ( this volume ) and for temperate South there a major diversity of species groups in

America by Baez and Scillato Yane (this Patagonia and the adjacent Andean foothills
volume). Modern phylogenetic approaches and that by comparison with these regions,
using cladistics as the basis for vicariance or the Liolaemus diversity is less in the Austral
dispersal biogeography (Croizat, et al., 1974; forests,Atacama Desert, and the high Andes.
Rosen, 1975; Platnick and Nelson, 1978) are Cei (1974a, pers. comm.) considers Ctenoble-
ideal for analysis of faunal origins and sub- pharis to be derived from Liolaemus.

sequent differentiation, but in most groups of cercus seems to be a highland sister group of
Andean amphibians and reptiles, the phylo- the lowland Ophryoessoides (Fritts, 1974);
genetic relationships have yet to be deter- these genera apparently are derived from a
mined in any such refined manner. Procto-
tropidurine stock, perhaps close to
Two current methods of determining tretus (Etheridge, pers. comm.). Taehymenis
centers of dispersal (and possibly of origin) is the only genus of snakes widespread in

involve generalized tracks (Croizat, et al., the cool temperate region and the high

1974) and areas of

congruence (Miiller, Andes; it seems to be related to Philodryas,
1973). The former
based on a cladistic ap-
is which is most diverse in subtropical South
proach and the latter simply on patterns of America.
distribution. Because of the inadequate Lynch (1978b) provided a cladistic analy-
sisof the genera of telmatobiine leptodactylid
knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships
of many components of the Andean her- frogs; most of the genera are
endemic to the

Table 15:6. — Distribution of Andean Genera of Amphibians and Reptiles in Adjacent Extra-Andean Regions
and Neotropical Highlands.
* = Endemic to Andes; numbers of species are Andean/Total )
Central Amazon Guiana eastern Austral Atacama
Genus Species America Choco Basin Highlands Brasil Patagonia Forests Desert
Caecilia 12/29 +
Epicrionops 4/9
Bolitoglossa 14/63
Alsodes 6/7
Amblyphrynus" 2/2
Batrachophrynus* 2/2
Eleutherodactijlus 153/s400
Euparkerella 1/2
Ischnocnema ... 1/3
Leptodactylus 2/32
Phrynopus" 14/14
Pleurodema 4/12
Telmatobius" 30/30
Geobatrachus" 1/1
Atelopus 27/39
Bufo 20/ == 190
Osornophryne* _ 2/2
BJiamphopIiryne 3/6
Colostethus 39/64
Dendrobates 4/20
Phyllobates _ 3/20
Amphignathodon* .... 1/1
Cryptobatrachus" 3/3
Flectonotus 1/2
Gastrotheca - 33/40
Hemiphractus . 4/5
Hyla 21/=275
Osteocephalus 2/6
Phyllomedusa 4/29
Centrolene" .... _ 1/1
Centrolenella 45/64
Glossostoma 1/2
Garthia ~- 1/2
Gonatodes _ 3/17
Lepidoblepharis 1/8
Phyllodactylus 3/60
Pseudogonatodes _ 1/5
Anolis _ 18/=200
Basiliscus 1/4
Ctenoblepharis _ 5/11
Diplolaemus 1/3
Enyalioides _ 2/8
Liolaemus ._ 24/52
Phenacosaurus" 3/3
Phytnaturus 1/2
Polychroides" _ 1/1
Polychrus .__ 2/5
Pristidactylus ._ .._ 1/4
Stenocercus . 26/29
Twpidurus 2/20
Alopoglossus 1/6
Anadia .. 7/11
Cercosaura 1/3
Euspondylus 5/9
Macropholidus' 1/1
Neusticurus 3/8
Opipeuter" 1/1
Pholidobolus* 5/5

Table 15.6. (Concluded).


Austral forests. He showed that Batracho-

phrynus is a derivative of a sister group con-
taining Caudiverbera and Telmatobufo, both
of which are presently restricted to temperate
southern Chile, but Caudiverbera has an ex-
tensive fossil record extending back to the
lower Eocene of Patagonia. Lynch ( 1978b )
also demonstrated that Telmatobius and Al-
sodes are sister groups and that these are most
closely related to Eupsophus, a genus re-
stricted to Austral forests. Abodes also in-
habits Austral forests as well as Andean slopes
in central and southern Argentina and Chile,
whereas Telmatobius is diverse in the high
Andes from Argentina and Chile northward
into Ecuador.

Pleurodema is a primitive leptodactyline

(Lynch, 1971; Heyer, 1975). Duellman and
Veloso ( 1977 ) summarized morphological and
karyological evidence showing that Pleuro-
dema can be derived from an Eupsophus-Yike
stock of telmatobiines. Furthermore, Duell-
man and Veloso's (1977) cladistic analysis
revealed two phyletic lines of Pleurodema,
members of both of which occur in the Andes.
The Bufo spimdosus group with the ap-
parently primitive B. variegatus confined to
cool temperate South America, is primarily
Andean, and extends northward into the
Huancabamba Depression; some populations
occur in the Atacama Desert and in Pata-
gonia. Cei (1972) and Cei, et al. (1972) con-
cluded that the spinulosus group is distinctive
from other groups of Bufo in South America.
On the evidence from biochemical analysis of
parotoid gland secretions, Low (1972) con-
cluded that the spimdosus group is most
closely related to the boreas and alvarius
groups in North America, and Blair ( 1972 )
suggested that the spinulosus group is related
to the North American boreas group and
the Eurasian viridis group. Estes and Reig
(1973) reported Bufo from the late Paleocene
Fie. 15:33. Hypothesized origins and immigra- of Brasil, and Blair (1972) concluded that
tions into Andean region of the historical components the genus arose in South America, although
of the herpetofanna. Numbers and letters in arrows
Blair suggested that the spimdosus group ar-
correspond to those in Table 7.
Origenes e inmigraciones hipoteticos de los com- rived in South America from North America,
ponentes historicos de la fauna dentro de la Region
Andina. Los numeros y letras en las flechas cor-
a route that is entirely inconsistent with pres-
responden a aquellos en la Tabla 7. ent knowledge of Central American geologi-

cal history and the distribution of the toads Atelopus apparently is most closely related to
in question. Melanophryniscus in subtropical South Amer-
NorthernHcrpetofaunal Assemblage.
— ica (McDiarmid, 1971). Trueb (1971) of-

Thirty-two genera and species groups com- fered various alternative hypotheses for the
prise this assemblage. Some of these genera relationships of Rhamphophryne; the most
are disjunct from the major area of congru- plausible one geographically is that Rham-
ence in the Andes of southern Colombia and phophryne is related to, but not derived
Ecuador, where 22 of the groups occur. The from, Atelopus.Ruiz and Hernandez (1976)
disjunct groups are in northern Colombia demonstrated that Osornophryne is a spe-
(Cryptobatrachus, Phenacosaurus, Euspondy- cialized derivative of Atelopus.

lus, Proctoporus) Sierra Nevada de Santa

, Within the family Hylidae, Hyla is poorly
Marta (Geobatrachus), Cordillera de la represented in the Andes; three groups of
Costa (Umbrivaga, "Urotheca"), Huancabam- species are Andean — labialis, larinopygion,
ba Depression (Polychroides, Macropholi- and bogotensis groups. Only the latter is rep-
dus), and southern Peru and Bolivia (Opi- resented beyond the Andes (one species in
peuter). the Choco and one in Central America).
Within the northern herpetofaunal assem- There is no evidence to suggest that these
blage, two major groups are recognized 1)
— groups are more closely related to one another
genera or species groups- that evolved in the than any is to various lowland groups. The
Andes, and 2) genera that probably or pos- other hylid genera in the Andes (Amphig-
sibly originated elsewhereand subsequently nathodon, Gastrotheca, Cryptobatrachus, and
invaded the Andes (Table 15:7, Fig. 15:33). Hcmiphractus) are egg-brooders, a habit
For some genera (Geobatrachus, Atractus, shared with Stefania in the Guiana Highlands
Diaphorolepis, Saphcnophis, Synophis, Um- and Fritziana and Flectonotus in southeastern
brivaga, "Urotheca"), no meaningful state- Brasil; the latter also occurs in the Cordillera
ments can be made about their relationships, de la Costa and Trinidad. These seven
so they are omitted from the following dis- share specialized, umbrella-shaped gills in the
cussion. developing embryos. Hcmiphractus with its
weird morphological modifications seems to
Among those groups that apparently
evolved in the Andes, Lynch (1975a) pro- be an early vicariant from the egg-brooding
vided a careful assessment of Phrynopus, stock (Trueb, 1974). Cryptobatrachus is an
which he showed to be derived from an Eleu- obvious sister group to Stefania (Rivero,

therodactylus fitzingeri group ancestor; frogs 1970). Although Gastrotheca also occurs in
of that group are primarily lowland in distri- southeastern Brasil, the major center of differ-
entiation is in the northern Andes; Amphig-
bution, although some species (notably E.
nathodon seems to be merely a Gastrotheca
w-nigrum) inhabit the Andes. Lynch (1975b)
with mandibular teeth.
analyzed the broad-headed eleutherodactyline
frogs and showed that Amblyphrynus was Although Centrolenella is diverse in Cen-
most closely related to frogs of the Eleuthcro- tral America, southeastern and the
dactylus sulcatus group in the Amazon Basin; Guiana Highlands, it most speciose on the

he suggested that Amblyphrynus might be an Andean slopes. Members of all species groups
Andean eleutherodactyline prototype. Three of Centrolenella occur in the northern Andes,
bufonid genera occur in the northern Andes — as does the only other genus in the family,

Atelopus (ignescens group), the monotypic Centrolene.

and Rhamphophryne. Although the genus Only two iguanid genera are considered to
Atelopus is widespread in the Neotropics, the be northern Andean. The Colombian Phena-
thick-skinned, short-legged species of the cosaurus is an apparent derivative of Anolis
ignescens group are confined to the northern (Lazell, 1969; Gorman, et al, 1969). Pohj-
part of the Andes, including the Sierra Ne- chroides viewed as an upland derivative of

vada de Santa Marta and the Merida Andes; Polychrus, although Gorman, et al. (1969)

found no karyological differences and con- and the Bufo typhonius group, both of which
sidered Polychroides to be indistinguishable have species widely distributed in the low-
from Poly citrus. The other lizards are micro- lands of Central America, the Choco, and
teiids; the relationships of these have been the Amazon Basin, but which have species
partially analyzed by Presch (
1978 ) ,
who con- endemic to the Andean slopes.
sidered Prionodactylus, Proctoporus, and Opi- In summary, the Andean herpetofauna
peuter tobelong one lineage, Euspondylus
to evolved from ancestral stocks from the low-
and Pholidobolus to a second, and Anadia to lands. These are readily assignable to two
a third that also includes the genera Ecpleo- major —
Andean assemblages northern and
pus and Placosoma, which are extra-Andean. southern. The dispersal of the groups is re-
the remaining groups in the northern flected in their diminishing importance in the

herpetofaunal assemblage, the microteiid liz- faunas of regions more remote from their
ard genera Euspondylus and Prionodactylus, centers of dispersal (Table 15:4) and the
also occur in the lowlands and have related peripheral limits of their distributions (Figs.
(perhaps derived) genera in the highlands
— 15:34-35). It is evident that the central
Pholidobolus and Proctoporus, respectively. Andes in Peru are a major area of transition
The highly speciose dendrobatid genus Colo- between the northern and southern assem-
stethus has some species in the lowlands, blages.
many species on the Andean slopes, and a
few species in the high Andes; Edwards DISPERSAL AND DIFFERENTIATION
1974 ) concluded from an analysis of Colo-
stethus that most of the high Andean species By comparison with the other highland
were derived from groups on the lower slopes. regions in South America, the Andes are very
The most speciose group in the northern young. Although some uplift occurred prior
Andes is the Eleuthcrodactylus unistrigatus to the Miocene, the major tectonic events that
group. Lynch (1976b) identified the center resulted in the uplift of the Andes began only
of diversity of thegroup as the Andes of about 20 million years ago with major
Colombia and Ecuador, but numerous species orogenies occurring toward the end of the
occur in the upper Amazon Basin, on the Pliocene and through the Pleistocene all —
slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in Peru, in within the last 2.5-4.5 million years. Climatic
the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and the fluctuation during the Pleistocene is a final
Merida Andes, and in the Cordillera de la factor in the complex and geologically recent
Costa. The greatest species richness at any series of events that have molded the Andes
one site is in the cloud forests and in the and their environments into the features that

upper Amazon Basin. Those species groups we see today. Thus, the early evolution and
in the high Andes were derived from diverse dispersal of the herpetofauna must be viewed
ancestral stocks at lower elevations (Lynch, with respect to the mid-late Cenozoic events,
pers. comm.). whereas much of the dispersal and differen-
Extra-Andean Groups. —Many species in- tiation is intricately associated with Quater-

habiting the Andes are members of groups nary events.

that have their greatest diversity, and pre- In the early Tertiary, southern South
sumably their centers of origin, in extra- America was more equable than at present;
Andean regions. The outstanding example is the austral forests of Araucaria, Laurclia, and
the salamander genus Bolitoglossa, which is Nothofagus occurred northward at least to
most speciose in Central America and prob- 30°S Lat. in Chile and across Patagonia in
ably did not enter South America until the the Oligocene (Jeannel, 1967). Subsequent
late Pliocene. The Andean species are mem- to the Eocene, there was gradual cooling and
bers of diverse groups of Bolitofilossa which drying in southern South America. Associated
also include some lowland and/or Central with the rain shadows created by the rising
American species (Brame and Wake, 1971). Andes, a semideciduous xerophytic vegeta-
Other groups in this category are Caecilia tion, termed the Tertiary-Chaco Paleoflora by

Fig. 15:34. Northern limits of distribution of genera of the southern herpetofaunal assemblage.
Limites de distribution norte de los generos del con junto herpetologico surefio.

Fig. 15:35. Southern limits of distribution of genera of the northern herpetofaunal assemblage. Additional
species of Atelopus and Eleutherodactylus have entered the eastern slopes of Peru and Bolivia from the
Amazonian lowlands.
Limites de distribution sur de los ueneros del conjunto herpetoldgico norteno. Espeties adicionales de
Atelopus y Eleutherodactylus han cut rado a las laderas estes de Peru y Bolivia desde las tierras hajas del

Solbrig (1976), developed east and west of (

1971 )
summarized existing knowledge about
the Andes. Continued climatic desiccation Pleistocene climatic changes in South Amer-
along the Pacific coast resulted in the elimina- ica and provided profound interpretations of
tion or restriction of the Tertiary-Chaco Paleo- the effects of these changes on the Andean
flora, leaving disjunct distributions as far flora and fauna. F. Vuilleumier (1970) exam-
north as southern Ecuador (Jeanne], 1967). ined the paramo avifauna of the northern
The development of the extreme xeric condi- Andes in light of the theory of island biogeog-
tions of the Atacama Desert and the restric- raphy put forth by MacArthur and Wilson
tion of chaparral vegetation to central Chile (
1967 his results showed close correlations
) ;

occurred in the Pleistocene, when the Andean with predictions of numbers of species and
orogeny thrust the cordilleras to their present endemics with island ( = paramo ) size and
heights, and the cold Humboldt Current as- distance from the presumed source of immi-
sumed its present course. Prior to the present gration (see also Mauriello and Roskaski,
positioning of the Humboldt Current, more 1974), but he did not consider Pleistocene
precipitation would have fallen on the west- climatic effects to be important to the avi-
ern slopes of the Andes in Peru and northern fauna. Haffer (1970, 1974) and van der Ham-
Chile (Simpson, 1975a). Furthermore, cli- men ( 1972 ) emphasized that Pleistocene cli-
matic fluctuation during the Pleistocene pro- matic fluctuations have been a primary factor
vided at least intermittent, less xeric condi- in the expansion of ranges of the Andean
tions along the coast (Campbell, 1976, 1979). biota. Simpson ( 1975b ) performed an analy-
The lacustrine deposits in the Altiplano prob- sis of distribution of some groups of the
ably are of Pleistocene age, when the area paramo flora and found higher correlations
had an extensive lake system (Lohmann, between areas of glacial paramos, their dis-
1970). tances from source areas, and the number of
During the Middle and Late Tertiary, the species than with the modern paramo param-
northern Andes were being elevated. Differ- eters.
ent ranges had somewhat different histories Few systematic and evolutionary studies
with respect to uplift and volcanism, but the on Andean amphibians and reptiles have at-
final uplift of all of the tropical ranges oc-
tempted to explain patterns of speciation and
curred in the late Pliocene and Pleistocene distribution as the result of Pleistocene cli-

(Ahlfeld, 1970; Gansser, 1955; Sauer, 1971; matic changes (Duellman, 1972, 1974; Fritts,
van der Hammen, et al., 1973). Climatic 1974; Montanucci, 1973). It is constructive to
change was principally a cooling effect with examine selected groups of the herpetofauna
continued humid, but probably more equable, in light of Late Tertiary and Quaternary tec-
temperatures, with the exception of fluctua- tonic events and climatic changes.
tion of temperatures and precipitation corre- —
Northern Paramos. The proposed depres-
lated with glacial and interglacial stages (van sion of tree line by about 1000 m at glacial
der Hammen, et al., 1973). The structural de- maxima would have resulted in extensive
pressions between some of the principal cor- areas of paramo where now only relatively
dilleras (e.g., Cauca and Magdalena valleys small islands exist (Simpson, 1975b).
and Huancabamba Depression) became more F. Yuilleumier's (1970) and Simpson's
significant as the cordilleras were elevated ( 1975b )
results on avian and floral distribu-
(Simpson, 1975b). suggest that herpetofaunal
tions, respectively,
Early workers, such as Chapman ( 1917 ) patterns should show positive correlations be-
and Chardon (1938), attempting to explain tween the numbers of species and paramo-
the origin, speciation, and distribution of high island size and distance from areas of emigra-
Andean biotic components, were hampered by tion. One of the basic tenets of MacArthur
the then persistent ideas of the antiquity and and Wilson's ( 1967 ) theory of island biogeog-
immutability of the lowland forests and little raphy is that there is dispersal from a source
or no knowledge of the Pleistocene climatic area and that the number of immigrants that
changes in the Andes. B. S. Vuilleumier become established on a given island is pro-

portional to the size of the island and in- tion and speciation during times of climatic
versely proportional to its distance from the elevation, 4) dispersal and secondary contact
source area. An important consideration in resulting in sympatry at subsequent time of
this concept is the mode of dispersal —active climatic depression, and 5) present isolation

(birds, bats, some

reptiles, mammals, and in- on paramo islands.

sects), passive aerial (some plants and some Similar patterns are evident in the micro-
insects), and passive waiting (everything teiid lizards of the genus Pholiclobolus, five
else). With a few exceptions, amphibians species of which inhabit the Andes from 1800
and reptiles apparently reach oceanic islands to 3960 m in Ecuador; with the exception of
by rafting. However, rafting is not a means of two cases of sympatry, their distributions are
dispersal between montane islands. There- confined to particular combinations of Cor-
fore, the presence of a species of frog or dilleras and/or inter- Andean valleys (Mon-
lizard on presently isolated paramo islands tanucci, 1973). Likewise, frogs of the Eleu-
cannot be explained by direct dispersal; in- therodactyhis curtipes complex show allopat-
stead they must be considered as relictual ric distributions in the high Cordilleras in
isolates of former more widespread distribu- southern Colombia and Ecuador, as do frogs
tions. Brown ( 1971 reached the same con-
of the genus Phrynopus in paramos and sub-
clusion with respect to North American mon- paramos from Colombia to Peru ( Lynch,
tane mammals. 1975a) and members of the Gastrotheca mar-
Climatic depression of as much as 1000 m sapiata group in Peru ( Duellman and Fritts,
would have united most of the present para- 1972 ) The two species of high montane toads

mos in the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia (Osornophryne) are now isolated in separate
into one extensive paramo; the same is true paramos in the Cordillera Central of Colom-
for those in the Cordillera Central of Co- bia and the Nudo de Pasto, but climatic de-
lombia, the Nudo de and the Cordilleras
Pasto, pression of 1000 m would have united all of
in Ecuador (Fig. 15:36). There are groups of these paramos (Table 15:8).
species that are endemic to the present para- Some phyletic lineages occur at high ele-
mos in the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. vations in the Cordilleras in Colombia and
For example, the Eleutherodactylus elegans Ecuador as well as in the Merida Andes

complex of the E. unistrigatus group has three and/or the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
species (affinis, bogotensis, elegans) in the Thus, the 11 species in the Atelopus ignescens
paramos in the vicinity of Bogota, one species group are distributed principally above 2S00
(lynchi) farther north in the Paramos de m in the cordilleras of Colombia and Ecuador
Guantiva, Rusia, and Vigajual, and another (8 species), above 2350 m in the Sierra Ne-
(nicefori) still farther north in the Paramo vada de Santa Marta (1 species), and above
de Almorzadero. Only two species occur in 2010 m in the Merida Andes (2 species). As-
sympatry (bogotensis and elegans in Paramo suming that this group dispersed from the
de Choachi). All of the species currently live major northern Andean ranges, climatic de-
at elevations above 2800 m. Thus, the distri- pression would have had to have been more
bution of this species complex can be ex- than 1000 m in order to allow them to disperse
plained by 1) origin from one stock in the into the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and
Cordillera Oriental, 2) widespread dispersal the Merida Andes or at the time of dispersal
during time of climatic depression, 3) isola- the frogs were able to tolerate warmer condi-

Table 15:8. —Genera and Species Groups Endemic, or Primarily Restricted, to Regions of Major Pleistocene
Paramo- Islands.
(Letters refer to locations in fig. 36.)

Cordillera Oriental (A) Cordillera Central (B) Nudo de Pasto-Ecuador C ( )

Eleutherodactylus bogotensis group Osomophryne Eleutherodactylus curtipes group

Bolitoiilossa adspersa group Bhamphophryne Eleutherodactylus unistrigatus group
Phenacosaurus Gastrotheca aureomaculata group Gastrotheca pluiubca group




Fig. 15:36. The northern Andes showing approximate

parameters of paramo islands (heavy lines) assuming
a 1000 m climatic depression. Modified from Simpson (1975b). Letters refer to Table 8.
Los Andes del nortc mostrando parametros aproximados de las islas de paramo (tineas
gruesas), asumiendo
una depresion climdtica de 1000 m. Modificado de Simpson (1975b). Las letras
corresponden a la Tahla 8.

tions than they do now. The same is true for pus, Rhamphophryne, Gastrotheca, Hemi-

two other montane frogs Hyla labialis (pres- phractus, Hyla, and Centrolenella have close
ent range: 2000-3000 m) and Centrolenella relatives on opposite sides of the Andes ( Fig.
buckleiji (2000-3400 m). 15:38). One member of the predominately
Other groups of amphibians and reptiles lowland Elciitherodactylus fitzingeri group
in paramos and subparamos have distribu- (E. iv-nigrum) occurs at elevations of 1230-
tions that also extend down into cloud forests. 2800 m
in cloud forests on both slopes of the
Their presence as isolates in various ranges three cordilleras in Colombia and on the
in the Andes can be explained by their for- Pacificand Amazonian slopes in Ecuador, and
merly having wider distributions that in- the snake Chironius monticola ranges through
cluded now uninhabitable lowlands. As the cloud forests from Venezuela to Bolivia (Fig.
climates in the intervening lowlands became 15:39). Some of these groups also occur in
less equable, the animals became isolated in the cloud forests in the highlands of Panama.
various montane habitats. Examples are frogs —
Each of the following groups Rhampho-
of the genus Cryptobatrachus, lizards of the phryne, Gastrotheca, Hemiphractus, and the
genus Anadia, and salamanders of the genus —
Hyla bogotensis group has one representa-
Bolitoglossa (Fig. 15:37). The enigmatic frog tive there and many in the Andean cloud
Geobatrachus in the Sierra Nevada de Santa forests.
Marta presumably is a Pleistocene relict of —
Central and Southern Andes. Although
some unknown lowland ancestor. most taxonomic groups of the herpetofauna in

Cloud Forests. The montane rainforests the southern Andes are restricted to either
or cloud forests are fragmented by low val- the Patagonian or the Pacific slopes, some
leys and by high cordilleras. Presumably at groups have related species on both sides —
times of depression of vegetation zones owing Alsodes, Telmatobius, and Liolacmus. In the
to climatic factors, cloud forest extended far south, some Patagonian species follow
across some of the lower areas now supporting present continuous Patagonian scrub through
lowland tropical rainforest or dry forest. Thus, low Andean passes; thus Patagonian species
dispersal routes would have been available such as Pleurodema bufonina, Diplolacmus
between the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, leopardinus, Liolacmus kriegi, and Phymatu-
the Merida Andes, the Cordillera de la Costa, rus palluma occur on the Pacific slopes of
and the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia, Andean passes. Farther north, mostly differ-
thereby permitting dispersal of some cloud ent species occupy similar ecological niches
forest groups, such as Bolitoglossa, Eleuthero- on the two slopes, but Liolacmus fitzingeri has
dactylus, Atelopus, and Centrolenella in these populations isolated on both slopes. This
areas. Likewise, dispersal between cloud for- suggests that in the not too distant past, cli-
ests in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian cor- matic conditions were elevated sufficiently
dilleras would have been possible across the that the lizards were able to disperse across
Huancabamba Depression, where cloud for- the Andean divide.
ests exists now only on isolated ridges. Cli- The existing, continuous high montane
matic fluctuation apparently was important in habitats presently allow dispersal for such
the dispersal and speciation of stream inhabi- widespread species as Pleurodema marmo-
tants such as Colostcthus and Centrolenella, rata, Liolacmus multiformis, Tachymenis
many species of which are isolated in head- peruviana and members of the Bufo spinulo-
waters of confluent drainages but do not occur sus group; all are present on the Altiplano
now in the areas of confluence. and in the cordilleras and high inter-Andean
Trans-Andean dispersal of cloud forest in- valleys northward at least to central Peru
habitants must have occurred at times of (Fig. 15:34). The extensive and more con-
climatic elevation or when the Andes were tinuous high montane regions in the central
lower, with continuous cloud forest from the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argen-
eastern to the western slopes. Numerous spe- tina and Chile seem to have afforded few
cies of the genera Elciitherodactylus, Atelo- opportunities for isolation and differentiation



10' -\

Fig. 15:38. Distribution of the two primarily Andean species of horned frogs, genus Hemiphractus.
Distribucion de dos especies primariamentc andinas de amtros comudos, genero Hemiphractus.




Fig. 15:39. Distribution of the snake Chironius monticola, an inhabitant of Andean cloud forests; the range
extends southward into Bolivia.
Distribution de la culehra Chironius monticola, tin habitante de la selva de neblina; su rango se extiende
hacia el sut hasta Bolivia.

of high montane species during the Pleisto- the dispersal and speciation of inhabitants of
cene. The notable exception is in the eastern the Andean cloud forests. The greatest
front ranges of the Andes where paramo amount of isolation of high montane species
islands apparently persisted, expanded, and took place in the dissected northern Andes
contracted resulting in isolated populations and southward in the front ranges of the
and speciation in frogs (Phrynopus and Gas- Cordillera Oriental in Peru. Hypothesized
trotheca) and lizards (Proctoporus) . Pleistocene parameters of paramos commonly
Two genera are diverse in the central encompass the ranges of species or groups of
Andes and deserve individual consideration. closely related species now isolated on
Lizards of the genus Stenocercus primarily smaller paramo islands. Inability of high An-
live in xeric habitats below 3500 m. Fritts dean species to disperse across unsuitable
(1974) analyzed the evolutionary relation- habitats between Pleistocene paramos re-
ships of the species and showed that three sulted in major highland areas each having
phyletic lines evolved in different parts of the groups of species independently derived from
central Andes; he considered that the com- lowland stocks, or at least separate centers of
plexities of the Andean orogenies in the Plio- differentiation in these areas (Fig. 15:40).
Pleistocene and climatic fluctuation in the Thus, the results of F. Vuilleumier ( 1970) and
Pleistocene were the primary factors in spe- Simpson ( 1975b ) relating to avian and floral
ciation events in Stenocercus. The important montane island biogeography differ from
thing here is that isolation was in valleys, not those dealing with the herpetofauna. Wide-
on mountain tops. At present, 23 species of spread distributions of some high montane
the aquatic frogs, Telmatobius, are recognized species in the Altiplano and the central Andes
in the central Andes; two others occur in the are indicative of post-Pleistocene dispersal
southern Andes and five others in the Huan- through existing suitable habitats. Tectonic
cabamba Depression and Ecuador. On the
in and glacial events in the central Andes af-
Altiplano and in the Peruvian Andes most fected the dispersal and isolation of inhabi-
species occur at elevations in excess of tants of the presently xeric dry valleys and
3000 m, where they live in cold streams; in aquatic inhabitants of the high cordilleras,
many cases they are found most commonly whereas in the southern Andes, these events
in small rivulets near the crests of ridges at resulted in the isolation of populations on
more than 4500 m. Most species are allo- eastern and western Andean slopes.
patric. It seems likely that the dispersal and
subsequent isolation and speciation of these
was associated with climatic fluctuations
and actual
glaciation of the high central
Andes in the Pleistocene. The systematic rela-
tionships of the species of Telmatobius pres-
Community studies of the Andean herpe-
tofauna are limited to a few papers. Pefaur
ently are too poorly known to assess fully the
and Duellman (1977) reported on community
historicalbiogeography of the group.
The other aquatic high Andean frog, Bat- structure of the herptofauna at 10 Andean
analyses primarily were concerned
sites; their
rachophrynus, represented by two species in
central Peru, apparently is an ancient relict
with niche breadth and niche overlap with
of a group having a widespread distribution respect to structural habitat and food. Test,
southward prior to the uplift of the Andes. Sexton, and Heatwole (1966) reported on the
In summary, the patterns of dispersal and reptiles from the Rancho Grande region in
the Cordillera de la Costa in Venezuela; some
differentiation of the high Andean herpeto-
inferences about the reptile community can
fauna are intimately associated with the ele-
vation of the Andes in the late Pliocene and be gained from their paper. Lynch ( 1976a,
Pleistocene, glacial events during the Pleisto- 1979) and Lynch and Duellman (1979) com-
cene, and climatic fluctuation during the mented on eleutherodactyline frog communi-
Pleistocene. Likewise, these events influenced ties in Ecuador.

Fig. 15:40. Distributional limits of three species groups of montane marsupial frogs, genus Gastrotheca.
Limites distribucionales de ires grupos de especies de los anuros marsupiales de montana, genero Gastro-

Communities may be defined in many

ways. Here I am limiting a community to
the herpetological components of a given site
that are geographically sympatric but not
necessarily syntopic. Thus, in a cloud forest
community an arboreal Gastrotheca may be
living some 20 m above a terrestrial Bufo, but
they are considered to be members of the
same community. The actual area encom-
passed at a given site is variable, but experi-
ence has shown that all members included in
a given community can be expected to utilize
at least some of the same resources at some
stage in their life histories.
The following analysis of Andean herpeto-
faunal communities is based on data from 40 20 -"24
communities; most of the data were gathered 2V22 \
by me and my field associates in 1974 and
9 7—,.
1975, although some from sites
of the data
14 and 16 were collected in 1971 and 1972.
Sites 23 and 24 were studied in 1977, and data
from sites 19-21 were collected by Thomas \ P 34
H. Fritts in 1970. The analysis is divided into
three categories —
cloud forest (CF), paramo
and subparamo in the northern Andes (P),
and communities above tree line in the cen-
tral and southern Andes (S). In the following
list of sites, the category is given in paren-
theses; the numerical sequence refers to the
location of the site in figure 15:41. Roldface
words identify the sites in tables 15:9-14.
1. Paramo de Guantiva, 22 km SSW of
Susacon, Norte de Santander, Colom-
bia, 3000 m (P).
2. Paramo de la Rusia, Boyaca, Colom-
bia,3340 m (P).
3. Paramo de la Vigajual, Vado Hondo,
Boyaca, Colombia, 2660 m (P).
4. Paramo de Choachf, Cundinamarca,
Colombia, 3320 m (P).
5. Rio Calima, Valle, Colombia, 1230 m
1000 M
(CF) -

6. Paramo de las Hermosas, 7 km NE
of Tenerife, Valle, Colombia, 2850 m 1000 KM
7. Paramo de Purace, Cauca, Colombia,
3300 m (P). Fie. 15:41. Location of 40 herpetofaunal com-
8. Nudo de Pasto, 8 km NE of Pasto, Na- munities in the Andes. See text for sites designated
rino, Colombia, 3020 m (P).
by numbers.
Localidades para 40 comunidades herpetoldgicas
9. Nudo de Pasto, 12 km E of Pasto,
</<• losAndes. Vcr cl texto para los sitios designados
Narifio, Colombia, 3050 m (P). par numero.

10. 10.3 km W of EI Pepino, Putumayo, 37. Lo Valdes, Santiago, Chile, 2250 m

Colombia, 1430 m (CF). (S).
11. Paramo El Angel, 14 km SW of Tul- 38. Paso, EI Choique, Mendoza, Argen-
can, Carchi, Ecuador, 3350 m (P). tina, 2050 m (S).
12. 4 km NE of Dos Rios, Pichincha, 39. Laguna La Laja, Bio-Bio, Chile, 1325
Ecuador, 1140 m (CF). m(S).
13. Quebrada Zapadores, 5 km ENE of 40. Laguna Blanca, Neuquen, Argentina,
Chiriboga, Pichincha, Ecuador, 2050 1275 m (S).
m (CF).
In the following discussion of communi-
14. Rio Azuela, Napo, Ecuador, 1740 m
ties, emphasis is placed on the composition
of the communities and the utilization of
15. Rio Salado, Napo, Ecuador, 1410 m
the structural habitat.
16. Laguna de Papallacta, Napo, Ecuador,
3330 m (P).
17. Mulalo, Cotopaxi, Ecuador, 2990 m
18. Desierto de Palmira, 2.5 km S of Pal-
Seven communities in cloud forests have a
mira, Ecuador, 3110 m (P).
preponderance of anurans (68-93;
x Frogs of the genera Eleuthero-
19. Huamachuco, La Libertad, Peru, 3350 83.3%).
m dacttjlus (2,3-47; x
= 32.1%) and Centrole-
20. Huaraz, Ancash, Peru, 3250 m nella (5-26; x = 17.1%) comprise about half
21. Comas, Junin, Peru, 3220 m of the species at
any given site, although at
22. Abra Tapuna, Ayacucho, Peru, 3710 some sites Colostethus make up
13 percent of
the fauna, and at others bufonids
m(S). comprise
15 percent of the fauna (Table 15:9).
23. Abra Malaga, Cuzco, Peru, 4080 m
(S). Comparison of the species composition of
24. Abra Amparaes, Cuzco, Peru, 3750 m the different communities in cloud forests
reveals that even between
(S). closely approxi-
25. Abra Acanacu, Cuzco, Peru, 3520 m mated sites there are large differences in the
(S). component species (Table 15:10). For
26. Rio Cosnipata, Cuzco, Peru, 1700 m example, the highest coefficient (0.44) of
(CF). community isbetween the sites at the Rio
27. Abra Toccloccasa, Ayacucho, Peru, Azuela (
1740 m ) and the Rio Salado on the
3920 m (S).
eastern slopes of Ecuador; these sites are
28. Abra Soraccocha, Apurimac, Peru, about IS km (airline) apart. El Pepino (1430
4080 m (S). m) 165 km north of the Rio Azuela has co-
29. Abra Huancarane, Cuzco, Peru, 3790 efficients of 0.33 with the Rio Azuela and 0.28

m(S). with the Rio Salado. Still lower coefficients

30. Santa Rosa, Puno, Peru, 4010 m (S). exist among sites on the Pacific
slopes and
31. Puno, Puno, Peru, 3850 (S). m the lowest coefficients are between the Ecua-
32. 13 km E of Tambillo, La Paz, Rolivia, dorian-Colombian sites and the Rio Cosni-
3880 m (S). pata, some 1750 km to the southeast. These
33. Portazuelo Chapiquina, differences in species composition are to be
Chile, 4080 m (S). expected because of the extremely limited
34. 35 km W
of Chala, Cochabamba, Bo- latitudinal and altitudinal ranges of many
livia, 4380 m (S).
35. Rio Grande, Jujuy, Argentina, 3520 in "Calculated by the formula CC = 2C/(Ni + N=),
where CC = community; C = num-
coefficient of
ber of species in common; Ni = number of species
36. Quebrada del Toro, Sierra de Uspal- in first community and Ns = number of
species in
Mendoza, Argentina, 2790 m (S).
lata, second community.

Table 15:9. — Herpetofaunal Composition of Seven Communities in Andean Cloud Forest.

Group Calima Dos Rios Zapadores El Pepino Azuela Salado Cosnipata

Eleutherodactylus 7 6 9 6 10 7
Other leptodactylids - 1
Other hylids

2 3





2 11
11 3

Total Species 19 25 19 19 30 24 26

Table 15:10. Comparison of the Herpetofaunas in Seven Communities in Andean Cloud Forest.
Numbers of species in a given community are in boldface; numbers of species in common to two communities
are in Roman, and the Coefficients of Community are in italics. )

» *
r T
o T

Fig. 15:42. Three dimensional plot of the multivariate means of 28 species of frogs in a cloud forest com-
munity at theRio Azuela, Ecuador. Axis I is size, increasing from left to right; Axis II is height above ground,
increasing from bottom to top; Axis III is association with water, increasing from front to back. Solid sym-
bols are nocturnal species; open circles are diurnal ones.
Distribution tridimensional de los promedios multivariados de 28 especies de anuros en una eomunidad de
sclva dc neblina en el Rio Azuela, Ecuador. Eje I es tamano, incremcntdndosc de izquierda a derecha; Eje II
es altura sobre el suelo, incremcntdndose de abajo hacia arriba; Eje III es asociacion con ag.ua, incremcntdndosc
desde el frente hacia atrds. Simbolos llenos represcntan especies nocturnas; circulos claros represcntan especies
diu mas.

Table 15:11. — Herpetofaunal Composition of Twelve Communities in Northern Andean Paramos.

Genus « o <
3 A 3 W
o > U a* 2 5
Bolitoglossa __.. 1

Elcutherodactijlus ... 1
Phnjnopus 1
Tclmatobius -
Colostcthus 1

Atelopus ..

Osornophryne „ ..

Gastrothcca ..

Hula 1
Centrolenella ._

Stenocercus _
Anadia 1
Pholidobolus ..

Prionodactylus ._

Total Species 6

no species in common with sites in the other est adult male). The ratio of diurnal to noc-
Cordilleras (Tahle 15:12). turnal species varies from 1:3 to 5:3; all of
In the relatively simple paramo communi- the reptiles and frogs of the genera Atelopus
ties,the differential utilization of resources and Colostethus are diurnal. Using the Par-
was measured with respect to 1) distance amo de Vigajual as an example, it can be
from water, 2) utilization of rock cover, 3) seen that the seven species in the community
diel activity, and 4) snout- vent length (larg- are distributed throughout the spectrum of

Table 15:12. Comparison of the Herpetofaunas in Twelve Communities in Northern Andean Paramos.
(Numbers of species in a given community are in boldface; numbers of species in common to two communi-
ties are in Roman, and the Coefficients of Community are in italics. )


Table 15:13. — Herpetofaunal Composition of Twenty-one Communities in the Central and Southern Andes.


i— l
— — — —
i l l i l . l ! h N H lO rt O

co <* -* co co cm -**

O M M o « n N
CO CO CO CO 1(5 © >o
d O
co in

<j< co co -* r>-

CM y—| l-H
» s
io >o
CM ^H »-H
q ^ n
>o ic
i-i d d d d
CO t^ CO
© © o o © ©
co co co co
© © © d © d ©
>-i © o o o o o o
CO CO CO CM CM CM CM CM i-h •— <

° « r-l i-H 1» Ot^oOOt^c^CMO"MCM
w £•
3 CM»/5©©— !©©©l^t^
O o Irt O O Cw O O O CO CO CM o

IE >
©do© © © © © d © d d

* CM

E '2
3 3

Fig. 15:44. Three dimensional plot of the multivariate means of seven species in a high Andean community
at Santa Rosa, Peru. Axes and symbols are the same as in Figure 43.
Distribution tridimensional de los promedios multivariados de side especies en una comunidad altoandina en
Santa Rosa, Peru. Ejes y simbolos son los mismos que en la figura 43.

Fig. 15:45. Three dimensional plot of the multivariate means of ten species in a Patagonian-Andean com-
munity at Laguna Blanca, Argentina. Axes and symbols are the same as in figure 43.
Distribution tridimensional de los promedios multivariados de diez especies en una comunidad patagonico-
andina en Laguna Blanca, Argentina. Ejes y simbolos son los mismos que en la figura 43.

INFLUENCE OF MAN The high Andean herpetofauna seems to

be reasonably safe from extirpation owing to
Human occupation of the Andes has human activities, because most of the species
existed for at least 10,000 years, and densely with restricted ranges occur in areas above

populated, heavily cultivated areas have been normal human activity. Furthermore, some
in continual, or nearly continual, use for about of these isolated paramos already have been
8000 years (Engel, 1976). Although it is set aside as national parks, especially in Co-

impossible to state with any degree of cer- lombia and Venezuela. Until the last decade
tainty that human activities have not caused most of the extensive areas of cloud forest
the extirpation of any species of amphibian were subject to little human disturbance. The
or reptile, it seems as though most human steep Andean slopes mostly were accessible
disturbance in the high Andes may be bene- only on foot or with pack animals; settlements
ficialto most members of the herpetofauna. consisted only of small ranchos or tambos one
At least at the present time, man is a predator day's travel apart. However, in recent years,
only on the large frogs Tehnatobius culeus many roads are being constructed from the
and Batrachophryniis in Andean lakes. On highlands to the Amazonian and Chocoan
the other hand, some agricultural practices lowlands; following the roads are colonists
are extremely beneficial to amphibians and who quickly clear the forest. When the road
reptiles. Irrigation systems, mostly small from Papallacta to Lago Agrio, Ecuador, was
channels, provide sites for the development opened in October 1971 it was possible to
of tadpoles of Gastrotheca, Bufo, Pleurodenw, drive for many kilometers through pristine
Cetitrolenella, and Tehnatobius, as well as cloud forest. By April 1972 many of the areas
adults of the latter. The clearing of fields of of cloud forest already were gone. Certainly
rocks and placing these in piles or as fences if the
unique and diverse biota of the cloud
creates seemingly ideal habitat for some frogs forests is to be preserved, several large re-

and especially some lizards of the genera Lio- serves must be set aside in the very near fu-
laemus, Stenocercus, Pholidobolus, and Proc- ture. Although steps have been taken in Peru

toporus. Fence rows of planted Agave also with the Parque Manii and preliminary work
provide excellent shelter for Gastrotheca, in Ecuador with the Proyecto Cayambe-Coca,

Stenocercus, and Pholidobolus. Perhaps the these are insufficient, because so many cloud
most detrimental human disturbance in the forest inhabitants have restricted ranges.

high Andes results from overgrazing by sheep.

The indirect effect of overgrazing on popula-
tions of insects that are important food re- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sources for frogs and lizards has yet to be
measured. My investigations on the Andean

Whereas human-herpetofaunal interac- herpetofauna have spanned more than a dec-

tions in the high Andes do not seem to be ade; during that time many persons have
aided me in innumerable ways, especially dur-
highly detrimental to amphibians and reptiles,
man's disturbance of the cloud forest has pro- ing a year-long sojourn in 1974-1975. Thus, I

found effects on the herpetofauna. The clear- am grateful to Stephen Ayala, Jose M. Cei,

ing of the forest for agriculture and grazing

the late Roberto Donoso-Barros, Pedro Du-
not only completely destroys the habitat of rant, Ramon Formas C, Jorge Hernandez C,

many species in a given area, but the conse- Raymond F. Laurent, Bruce MacBryde, Jaime
quent deleterious effects of erosion, silting, E. Pefaur, and Alberto Veloso M. for logistic
and chemical changes influence streams below support and introduction to terrain new to
the destroyed areas. Although the clearing me. Much information utilized herein was
of cloud forests is detrimental or even devas- gathered by my field companions; for their
most some and lizards efforts I thank David C. Cannatella, Dana K.
tating to species, frogs
reach large populations in cafetales or in Duellman, Thomas H. Fritts, Stephan Halloy,
forest-edge habitats. Oscar Ochoa M., and especially John E.

Simmons and Linda Trueb. Field studies in habitan a elevaciones mayores que 1000 en m
the Andes were supported by grants from the los Andes fueron tabulados de acuerdo a sus
National Geographic Society (1304) and the distribuciones altitudinales y a los ambientes
National Science Foundation (
DEB 74-01998, ocupados en 27 regiones fisiograficas de los
DEB 76-09986). Andes (Apendices 15:1-3). Estas regiones
John D. Lynch and Jaime E. Pefaur have fueron agrupadas en seis categorias mayores
been constant sources of information and ideas para propositos de analisis de los patrones de
while I have been preparing this distribucion.
Furthermore, Pefaur has brought to my atten- Cada una de las cuatro regiones dentro de
tion much pertinent literature and translated los Andes venezolanos tiene especies endem-
the Spanish resume.Lynch generously shared icas de anfibios y/o reptiles; aquellos de las
with me knowledge of the Andes
his first-hand —
dos pequenas regiones de altura Cerro Tu-
and his unequalled knowledge of Eleuthero- rumiquire y la Serrania de Paria parecen —
dactylus. Linda Trueb and Stephen R. Ed- haber derivado de la Cordillera de la Costa,
wards attempted to answer my multitudinous la cual comparte pocas especies con los Andes
questions about Telmatobius and Colostethns, de Merida. De las 32 especies en los Andes
respectively. Jose M. Cei, Richard E. Ethe- de Merida, solo siete se encuentran el la Cor-
ridge, and Thomas H. Fritts provided insights dillera Oriental en Colombia. En la aislada
into problems related to the Andean iguanid Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 16 de las 21
lizards, and the latter tried to relieve my especies en la selva nublada y paramo son
frustrations in dealing with the Andean micro- endemicas. Cuatro de las especies no-endem-
teiid lizards. John A. Wiest, Jr., generously icas tambien ocurren en la Cordillera Orien-

provided data on Chironius, and John W. tal en Colombia, y una es

compartida con los
Wright shared with me his knowledge of the Andes de Merida.
arid Peruvian slopes and the Huancabamba Los Andes del norte, en Colombia y Ecua-
Depression. The manuscript benefited from dor, forman un complejo de montanas que
reviews by David C. Cannatella, Thomas H. irradian desde el Nudo de Pasto y se separan
Fritts, John D. Lynch, Jaime E. Pefaur, John en Colombia por profundos rios de orienta-
E. Simmons, Beryl B. Simpson, and Linda tion sur-norte, mientras que en Ecuador se
Trueb, but, of course, I assume responsibility separan por una serie de hoyas interandinas.
for any and all errors of omission, commission, De las 415 especies en los Andes del norte,
and interpretation. Debra K. Bennett exe- 345 (88%) son endemicos; los sapos y ranas,
cuted many of the illustrations. sincere My con 262 especies (225 endemicos) son el mas
thanks go to of these colleagues for their
all diverso grupo. Siete generos de anfibios y
contributions in my behalf. reptiles (Amphignathodon, Centrolene, Osor-
nophryne, Phenacosaurus, Pholidobolus, Sa-
phenophis, y Synophis) son endemicos en los
RESUMEN Andes del norte, y Cryptobatrachus es endem-
ico —
con la exception de una especie en la
Los Andes prolongan por cerca de 8000
se Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Varias (43)
km cubriendo casi 66° de latitud desde el de las 70 especies no-endemicas se comparten
tropico hasta la region temperada del sur. con las tierras bajas adyacentes. Solo 2-3 espe-
Por ende, los climas y ambientes en los Andes cies son comunes con los Andes peruanos, y
son extremadamente variados, incluyendo 14 especies con comunes con las tierras altas
desde selvas de neblina hasta paramos, puna, de Centroamerica; la mayoria de estas son
selvas secas, selvas australes y otros ambientes
especies con distribucion en baja elevaciones
de montana, donde la lluvia raramente cae. de las selvas de neblina o en las tierras bajas
Algunas areas tienen clima estable; otras tien- con selva tropical. Si unicamente las 73 espe-
en fluctuaciones diarias de hasta 20°C, y cies que no bajan de 2500 mse consideran,
todavia otras tienen periodos frios y sequias. todas menos una son endemicas; la culebra
Las 727 especies de anfibios y reptiles que Tropidophis taczanowskyi es comun con los

Andes peruanos. Dentro de los Andes del rata, Telmatobius marmoratus, Bufo spinido-
norte, 250 especies con endemicas en una de sus), una de saurios (Liolaemus multifor-
las siete regiones fisiograficas, con el mayor mis), y una culebra (Tachymenis peruviana)
numero de endemismos en la Cordillera Ori- se distribuyen ampliamente y son las unicas
ental en Ecuador (74), y en la Cordillera Oc- especies que ocurren en las cordilleras del
cidental en Ecuador (65), pero con el mayor este y del oeste. La mas alta tasa de endemis-
porcentaje de endemismo (54%) en la Cordi- mo en los Andes centrales ocurre en la parte
llera Central en Colombia. La mayor diversi- sur de la Cordillera Oriental en Peru, donde
dad y el mas alto porcentaje de endemismo 41 de las 76 especies son endemicas.
en los Andes del norte ocurre en los sapos y Los Andes del sur incluyen las cordilleras
ranas especialmente Colostethus, Eleuthero-
en Argentina y Chile y el Altiplano. Alii la
dactylus, y Centrolenella), quienes conforman herpetofauna consiste en 64 especies consti-
al 65 por ciento de la herpetofauna del area. tuidas por 30 anuros, 31 saurios y tres cu-
La herpetofauna de las hoyas interandinas lebras. Ningun genero es endemico de los

parece haber derivado principalmente de las Andes del sur, pero ciertos endemicos aus-
cordilleras adyacentes. La mas alta similari- trales como Alsodes se comparten con las
dad faunistica dentro de los Andes del norte selvas de tierras bajas, como Diplolaemus y
ocurre entre las cordilleras del este en Colom- Phymaturus con la Patagonia, y como Garthia
bia y Ecuador, pero cuando las especies de con el desierto de la costa pacifica. De las 64
sobre 2500 m se consideran unicamente, estas especies, 36 son endemicas; de las restantes
regiones no tiene especies en comun. En esta 28, 12 son comunes con la Patagonia, seis con
misma linea de analisis todas las especies las selvas australes, cinco con las tierras bajas
altoandinas de la Cordillera Occidental en aridas del Pacifico, y 12 con los Andes cen-
Colombia son endemicas. trales. La mayoria de endemicos son anu-
La Depresion de Huancabamba es la ma- ros de los generos Alsodes y Telmatobius re-

yor discontinuidad en la cadena principal de stringidos a particulares sistemas de drenaje,

los Andes; el paso mas bajo (Abra de Por- y saurios de altura del genero Liolaemus.
culla) tiene 2145 m. Aparte de la predomi- Solo Bufo spinulosus y Tachymenis peruviana
nate fauna de 43 especies de
tierras bajas, se distribuyen a lo largo de los Andes del sur.
anfibios y reptiles habitan la Depresion de Un analisis distribucional de todas las 727
Huancabamba; de ellos, 29 son endemicas a especies, y de las 147 especies distribuidas a
la region,incluyendo los
generos monotipicos alturas mayores de 2500 m
(Figs. 15:29-30)
Polychroides y Macropholidus. Seis especies provee bases para reconocer ocho regiones
ocurren en la depresion y en los Andes al ecogeograficas mayores en los Andes (Fig.
norte; dos ocurren en la depresion y en los 15:31). Estas regiones estan separadas por
Andes al sur; y dos son comunes a las tres barreras fisiograficas o ecologicas.
regiones. De los 88 generos de anfibios y reptiles que
Los Andes centrales en Peru son divididos viven a alturas mayores de 1000 en losm
(para proposito de analisis) en cinco cadenas Andes, 19 son endemicos a estas montaiias;
mayores y en tres valles intermontanos, mas estos contienen solo 94 ( 13% ) de las especies
laCordillera Oriental en Rolivia. La herpeto- andinas. Cuarenta y siete generos son pri-
fauna consiste en 159 especies (76 endemi- mariamente no-andinos; estos contienen 144
cas). Dos generos (Batrachophrynus y Opi- (20%) de las especies andinas. Los otros 22
peuter) son endemicos, y varios generos generos contienen 491 (67%) de las especies
tienen multiple numero de especies Phry- — andinas y son de distribution amplia en la
nopus, Telmatobius, Gastrotheca, Enspon- region Neotropical o bien ocurren en regiones
dylus, Proetoporus, y Stenocercus. Solo 12 extrandinas tambien. Los Andes comparten
especies son comunes con los Andes del sur 47 generos con la selva amazonica, 46 con
(incluyendo el Altiplano), y 15 especies son Centroamerica, 42 con el Choco, 36 con el
comunes con las tierras bajas del este. sureste brasileiio, 35 con el Escudo Guayanes,
Tres especies de anuros (Pleurodema marmo- 11 con la Patagonia, seis con las selvas aus-

trales, y nueve con el desierto de Atacama. algunas especies quedan agrupadas, en aque-
Las relaciones genericas de la herpetofauna llos casos, caracteristicas de comportamiento
andina se establecen primariamente con las o reproduction tienden a separar a aquellas
tierras adyacentes y no con las tierras de al- especies.
turas del Brasil o de las Guayanas. La actividad humana en los altos Andes
La herpetofauna andina se origino por in- aparentemente ha contribuido poco al detri-
vasiones separadas desde las tierras bajas.Un mento de la herpetofauna; por el contrario, la
conglomerado faunistico sureno esta compu- contraction de canales de irrigation y el apila-
esto de grupos derivados de antiguos inmi- miento de rocas y cercos ha provisto con im-
grantes a la region andina y por inniigrantes portantes ambientes para varios anfibios y
tardios de la Patagonia y selvas australes. El reptiles. El sobre pastoreo puede tener ef-
conglomerado faunistico norteno consiste en fectos negativos en los insectos que son im-
grupos derivados de antiguos y tardios inmi- portantes como alimento de la herpetofauna.
grantes de tierras bajas tropicales. Los mo- La exploration de las selvas nublados en las
delos de dispersion y especiacion de la her- laderas andinas ha tenido graves consecuen-
petofauna altoandina estan estrechamente cias sobre la herpetofauna; solo algunas espe-
asociados con los movimientos orogenicos del cies son capaces de sobrevivir en los claros

Plio-pleistoceno y con las fluctuaciones cli- resultantes. Se necesitan reservas naturales

maticas del Pleistocene .
para preservar la peculiar fauna de las selvas
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Appendices 1-3 include lists of the 727 species (462 amphibians and 265 reptiles) that
formed the data base for the analysis of geographical distributions. For each species, the
known altitudinal limits of distribution are given; the general habitat of each is coded as noted
in the captions to the tables. The species are arranged sequentially in 1) ordinal categories
(caecilians, salamanders, frogs, lizards, snakes), 2) phylogenetically by families, and 3) alpha-

betically by genus and species. Those species designated by letters

have yet to be named.
Only those species having primarily, or extensively, Andean distributions are included. Spe-
cies that are in the lowlands but ascend the Andean slopes to elevations of more
than 1000 m have been excluded.
Appendix 15:1. —
Altitudinal and geographic distribution of amphibians and reptiles in die Andes and asso-
ciated highlands of Venezuela. Habitats: C =
cloud forest, P paramo, R= rainforest, S =
X = unknown. Species noted by ° also occur in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria, also occur on Tobago
or Trinidad,
<"" >
also occur in Andes of Colombia,
also occur in Andes of Colombia and Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta.
Merida Cordillera Cerro Serrania
Species Elevation Andes de la Costa Turumiquire de Paria
Bolitoglossa borburata ... 1000-1200 C
Bolitoglossa orestes 2000-3500 SP
Bolitoglossa savagei" - 2000 S
Eleutherodactylus anotis — 950-1300 C
Eleutherodactylus bimuculus 900-1200 C
Eleutherodactylus boconoensis 2900 P
Eleutherodactylus briceni 1620 C
Eleutherodactylus ginesi 2800-1000 P
Eleutherodactylus lancinii 2800-3000 P
Eleutherodactylus mausii 100-1150 RC
Eleutherodactylus orocostalis 1900-2100 — - C
Eleutherodactylus racenisi 1900-2100 C
Eleutherodactylus reticulatus 1275 C
Eleutherodactylus rozei 1000 C
Eleutherodactylus stcnodiscus .... — 1275 C
Eleutherodactylus terraebolivaris 650-1800 RC
Eleutherodactylus turumiquirensis .... 1675 C
Eleutherodactylus urichi'"' 1000-2450 C C C
Eleutherodactylus williamsi 1900-2100 C
Atelopus cruciger . 200-1100 RC
Atelopus mucubajiensis 2900-3100
Atelopus oxyrhynchus 2010-3500 CP
Bufo stemosignatus 200-1800 RC
Colostethus alboguttatus 1600-2000 C
Colostethus bromelicola 1200 C
Colostethus collaris 1500-1600 C
Colostethus dunni 370-1650 RC
Colostethus herminae 150-1650 RC C
Colostethus mandelorum 2400-2630 C
Colostethus meridensis 1600-1700 C
Colostethus sp. "1"' 600 C
named in a manuscript by S. R. Edwards.
Species of Colostethus designated by numbers are being

Merida Cordillera Cerro Serrania

Species Elevation Andes de la Costa Turuniiquire de Paria
Colostethus riveroi 600
Flectonotus pygmaeus'" 1075-1200
Gastrotheca nicefori*™ 1575
Gastrotheca ovifera _ 1000-1800
Gastrotheca sp. "F" 650-1100
Hyla battcrsbyi 1000
Hyla labialis"' _ _ 2000
Hyla platydactyla __ 1600-2500
Phyllomcdusa medinae ... 1100
Centrolenella altitudinalis 2400
Centrolenella andina 840-1050
Centrolenella antisthenesi _ _. 240-1100
Centrolenella buckteyi*"* 2000-2700
Centrolenella estevesi 1300-2400
Centrolenella flcischmanni'
° " — 1800
Centrolenella orientalis _.
Centrolenella orocostalis 240-1200
Gonatodes ceciliae . 600
Gonatodes taniae 650-1100
Anolis 1500-1800
nigropunctatus — 1200
Anolis squamulatus
Anolis tigrinus 1100
Anadia bitaeniata 2500-3050
Anadia bhhei 1520-1830
Anadia brevifrontalis .. 2900-3600
Anadia rnarmorata 1100-2200
Euspondyhis acutirostris 1100
Proctoporus achlyens 1100
Proctoporus luctuosus 1100
Liotyphlops caracasensis 800-1100
Leptotyphlops affinis .. 1100-2000
Leptotyphlops macrolepis 200—1800
Atractus badius 400-2000
Atractus fuliginosus ± 2000
Atractus lancinii — . 1700
Atractus univittatus 800-1100
Atractus ventrimaculatus 1200-2000
Atractus vittatus 800-1800
Chironius monticola'" 1100-1600
Dendrophidion percarinatus 600-1600
Lampropeltis triangulum 1300-1600
00 1400-2500
Leimadophis bimaculatus"
Leimadophis zweifeli — 600-1700
BJiadinaea multilineata __ 800-2000
Umbrivaga mertensi .. 1000-1200
"Urotheca" williamsi .. 1400-2000
Micrurus mipartatus'""' ..._ 800-2000
Bothrops medusa 1400-2000
Total Amphibians (48)
Total Reptiles 32 ( )

Total Species (80)


Appendix 15:2. Altitudinal and geographic distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Andes of Colombia
and Ecuador, and the eastern Cordilleras of Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina; all highland species in the
Huancabamba Depression are included. Habitats: C = cloud forest, D = dry forest; P = paramo or puna,
R = rainforest, S = subparamo, X = unknown. Species noted by ' are those diat are restricted to outlying
ranges east of the Andes
— Sierra de Macarena, Cordillera de Cutucii, Cordillera del Condor, Serrania de Sira.
Species noted by
" occur in the Cordillera Occidental in northern Peni.

6 c 2
5 -3
3 E
be u
O w £ « <

Elevation TJ 5 3 £«
w "c o
^ 7. ?. *„ flj CJ f

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

5 -5 ^ -5
s £
5d u s u w ft,
d _-
cj Is 2 "3
Species Elevation t3 3 3 Js
q~ CJ OJ Qj

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

? a 3 | |
I g e||| «
| a |§ 5 | 2 g 5 ^. |
<u "(a
Q -S a 2 -2 .2 "S

Species Elevation -c 3
J J S | «
ooo 3 u

2 2 g 2


Z — a a
J52 k_o;
a s a g u
~o _*; _±! ,33

13 3 =00 1?Tooc-p
OUU ZOO U U U ~ "S 15 12 i? Til £

Eleutherodactylus lymani . 1000-2500 .... _.. __ — _ - _ D

Eleutherodactylus lynchi . ... 2460-3340 _.. _ _ SP .... _.._ .... .... _. .-
Eleutherodactylus megalops 1540-2470 C
Eleutherodactylus mendax 200-2200 _.. .... — __ — RC— . .... .... .... —
Eleutherodactylus myersi 2900-3600 . _ P .... P P _ _ ._
Eleutherodactylus necerus ... 700—1540 .... RC __ — _ _ —
Eleutherodactylus nicefori 2850-3400 .... .... .... .... P
.... _ .... .... .- _
Eleutherodactylus nigrogriseus 1150-2835 .... — — — _ CS
Eleutherodactylus nigrovittatus 300-1935 .... — _ — RC RC
. .... .... ....

Eleutherodactylus nyctophylax 1140-1540 .... C

Eleutherodactylus orcesi ... 3160-3800 — .... ... . — . .... ... . P —
Eleutherodactylus orestes 2720-2850 .... __ .... .... ... . .... S
Eleutherodactylus palmeri 800-1600 .... .... RC .... .... .... .... __ __ _ -.. —
Eleutherodactylus parcillus . 1460 .... C ... — . — — . — —
Eleutherodactylus pastazensis 1840 .... .... — . .... C __ .... — .

Eleutherodactylus pcrcultus 2800-2850 .... .... .... .... .... _ S

Eleutherodactylus peruvianas 200-1910 .... _ C C RC _

Eleutherodactylus sp. "10" 1100-1950 C .... C C ....

Eleutherodactylus pharangobates 1870-2400 .... .... _ — . .... — .... C
Eleutherodactylus phoxoccphalus 2000-2960 ... CS .... .... .... — . S
Eleutherodactylus platydactylus 1000-2600 _ .... .._ ... . ... . _ .. C ._.


Eleutherodactylus sp. "11" 1140-1490 C .... _ ....

Eleutherodactylus prolixodiscus _ 2130-2485 C .... .._ .. _ C

Eleutherodactylus proscrpens 1700-2620 .... — . _— .... — . .... C
Eleutherodactylus pugnax 1660-2540 .... _ ... . __ ... . C __ .... ... . ... . —
Eleutherodactylus pyenodermis 2600-3400 .... .... .... — . SP
Eleutherodactylus pyrrhomerus 2150-2900 .... CS
Eleutherodactylus quaquaversus 340-1830 .... .... .... .... RC
Eleutherodactylus rhahdolacmus 300-2650 .... .... ... . ... . .... — RC
Eleutherodactylus riveti ._. 2600-3400 .... .... SP _
Eleutherodactylus rubicundus 1000-1300 ... . .... __ .. C
Eleutherodactylus salaputium 1700 .... .... _ C
Eleutherodactylus sanctacmartae 1850-2870 CP — . .... .... —
Eleutherodactylus scitulus 2620 „ ... . ~ — . C
Eleutherodactylus spinosus 1700-2830 .... .... __ CS _
Eleutherodactylus surdus . _ 2500-3400 .... SP .... SP ....

Eleutherodactylus tamsitti 1400 .... __ C .... .... .... ....

Eleutherodactylus thectopternus 1840-2540 C — — .... ....

Eleutherodactylus thymelensis 3500-3860 .... P .... .... .... ~~ P ~~ _ — — . --

Eleutherodactylus thymelopsoides .... 2400-2460 . C
Eleutherodactylus trachyblepharus .. 400-1300 .... ....

Eleutherodactylus trcpidotus 3050-3650

Eleutherodactylus unistrigatus 1900-3700 .... SP
Eleutherodactylus icntrimarmoratus 1100-1300 .... ....

Eleutherodactylus cctitriiittatus 1100

Eleutherodactylus versicolor 2650-^3100
Eleutherodactylus oertebralis 2340-3500 .... P S SP P SP
Eleutherodactylus viduus 2700-3100 .... SE

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

22 .2 O
.S & 3 .g
13 d
w 3 g he
-§ -2 3 o
« w
« « U o w Oh

Species Elevation 3
'o c m
U o O o
z _QJ J1J
^ ^ ^ 3
T3 -d
O o o 3 o o o 3
O U c3 U O O U ^
Eleutherodactylus viridicans __ 2170-2680
Eleutherodactylus walked 220-1270 RC
Eleutherodactylus w-nigrum 1230-2800 CS CS CS S CS CS
Eleutherodactylus sp. "A" . __ 1850-2160 ~
Eleutherodactylus sp. "B" ._ 2100-2750 C
Eleutherodactylus sp. "C" 3200 s
Eleutherodactylus sp. "D" 3750 p
Eleutherodactylus sp. "E" . 2900-3000 s
Eleutherodactylus sp. "F" 3400 I'

Eleutherodactylus sp. "G" 1230 c

Eleutherodactylus sp. "H" 1230-2010 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "I" 1230 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "J" 1540 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "K" 1540 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "L" 1960-2150 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "M" .. ..... 1540-2010 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "N" 2400 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "O" 2010-2700 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "P" 2700 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "Q" 2700 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "R" 2700 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "S" ..... 1960-2700 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "T" 2100 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "U" _ 1460-1960 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "V" 2120 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "W" 2010-2580 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "X" 1500-2580 c
Eleutherodactylus sp. "Y" 1740
Eleutherodactylus sp. "Z" 1740-2130 D
Eleutherodactylus sp. "AA" ..... 1740-2130 D
Eleutherodactylus sp. "BB" 2130 D
Eleutherodactylus sp. "CC" _ 1890 D
Euparkcrella lochitcs" 1550 C
Ischnocnema simmonsi" 1830 C
Leptodactylus labrosus 1000-1700 C CD
Leptodactylus wagncri 200-1820 RC RC RC
Phrynopus brunncus .. 3000-3200 _ S
Phrynopus columbianus 1000-1300
Phrynopus cophites 3400-4100 I'

Phrynopus flavomaculatus 2460-3100 CS

Phrynopus laplacai .. 3400
Phrynopus nwntium 3400 S
Phrynopus nanus 2640-3400
Phrynopus parkeri" 2700-3100
Phrynopus peraccae 3100-3350 SP
Phrynopus pereger .. 2400-3700 SP
Phrynopus peruanus 3600 p
Phrynopus pcruvianus . . 2400-3700 CP

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).


Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

o 13
3 £o J=
U o
S 3 W
—f _r o u w
« O _o
a "3 oj rt ^
Species Elevation is -g c
o c
O 3
z ,i 0)
jj; ja O) 0* 0; 1* at n
a o
S o o 3 o o o 3
o o O Z O u u o O
Colostethus sp. "2"" 1100-2400
Colostethus anthracinus 2500-3500 SP
Colostethus sp. "3" _ 1410-1740 c
Colostethus sp. "4" 3700
Colostethus bolivianus 800-1200 RC
Colostethus sp. "5" 900-1190 RC
Colostethus elachyhistus .. 800-2800 S D
Colostethus sp. "6" 1800-2900 CS
Colostethus fraterdanieli 1900 C
Colostethus fuliginosus 480-1740 RC
Colostethus sp. "7" 1900-2070
Colostethus infraguttatus ... 340-1270 RC
Colostethus kingsburyi 1150-1410
Colostethus lehmanni 1900
Colostethus mertensi 2170-2680 C
Colostethus sp. "8" 1900-2350 C
Colostethus sp. "9" 2300-3500 SP
Colostethus palmatus 900-2500 RC
Colostethus sp. "10" .... 1500-1700 c
Colostethus sp. "11"" 1830 c
Colostethus ramosi 1240
Colostethus sp. "12" 1150-2790 S c
Colostethus sp. "13" 2100-3500 P s
Colostethus subpunctatus .. .. 2100-3300 SP
Colostethus sylvatica .. . 1580-2970 D
Colostethus taeniatus _ 1740-2970 cs cs
Colostethus sp. "14" ,>
1830 c
Colostethus vertebralis .. 2500-3200 P .... p
Colostethus whymperi .. 1460-2120 C
Colostethus sp. "IS" 1800
Colostethus sp. "A" .. 670-2130 DC
Dendrobates abditus 1650-1700
Dendrohates lehmanni 850-1200 C ....

Dendrobates opisthomelas 1160-2200 c c

Dendrobates viridis 200-1200 RC
PhyUobates anthonyi .. 150-1690 DC D
Phyllobates bicolor . 25-1525 RC RC
PhyUobates bolivianus 800-1200
Phyllobates tricolor _ . 1250-1770 C
Phyllobates sp. "A" _ 1300-1600
Amphignathodon guentheri 1200-2010 C
Cryptobatraehus boulengeri 1230-1700
Cryptobatraehus fuhrmanni . 1600-2550 c
Cryptobatraehus nicefori .. 1000-1200 c
Gastrotheca andaquiensis 2000 c
Gastrothcca argenteovirens 2850-3300 SP
Gastrotheca aureomaculata 2300-2700 SP SP

Species of Colostethus designated by numbers are being named in a manuscript by S. R. Edwards.


Appendix 15:2 (Continued).


Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

22 o

W 3 g
o o w
§ 2 1 O £
o O W
O i: .B x; « a «
Species Elevation
O O O s
*- *" t» hM M _
Z 2, ID <0 V V JO jp
^3 O
O 3 o o o o 3
e U z O U O
Hy/a sp. "B" 1750
Hyla sp. "C" 2300
Osteocephalus pearsoni 300-1620
Osteocephalus vcrrucigerus ... 500-1840
Phyllomedusa bakea° ___. 1280
Phyllomedusa boliviano 500-2000
Phyllomcdusa perinesos 1410-1490
Centrolene geckoideum 1920-2150 c c
Centrolenella anomala 1740
Centrolenella antioquiensis 1890-2475
Centrolcnella audax 1490-1700
Centrolenella buckleyi .. ..... 2100-3400 SP SP SP
Centrolenella cochranae . 1100-1410
Centrolenella flavopunctata 720-1800
Centrolenella fleisehmanni 200-1410 RC RC
Centrolenella grandisonae 1460-2000 C C
Centrolenella griffithsi .. 1200-2170 C C
Centrolenella johnelsi 2500
Centrolenella mariae' 1550
Centrolenella medemi .. 1100-1490
Centrolenella megacheira 1490-1740
Centrolenella ocellata .. 1200-1820
Centrolenella ocellifera 700-2300 '. RC
Centrolenella pellucida 1740
Centrolenella perkticta .. 1410-1460
Centrolenella pipilata ..... 1700-1740
Centrolenella prosoblepon 200-1410
Centrolenella siren .. 1200-1950
Centrolenella spiculata 1000-1700
Centrolenella truebae 1700
Centrolenella valeroi .. 200-1100
Centrolenella sp. "A" 1410-1490
Centrolenella sp. "B" .. 2660
Centrolenella sp. "C" .. 1140-1540
Centrolenella sp. "D" 1140
Centrolenella sp. "E" 1540
Centrolenella sp. "F" .. 1960-2150
Centrolenella sp. "G" 1960-2010
Centrolenella sp. "H" .. 1950
Centrolenella sp. "1" 1230
Centrolenella sp. "J" 1230
Centrolenella sp. "K" . 1230
Centrolenella sp. "L" 1750
Centrolenella sp. "M" 1750
Centrolenella sp. "N" 1750
Centrolenella sp. "O" 1050
Centrolenellasp. "P" 1200-1850
Glossostoma aequatoriale 2500-3615

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).


Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

Species ion

Appendix 15:2 (Continued).

2 w u -2 3-3
a 2 3
Species Elevation

Appendix 15:2 (Concluded).


§ s
Species Elevation 13


£ JJ

Appendix 15:3. — Altitudinal and geographic distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Andes of Peru,
Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile. Habitats: A = arid, C = cloud forest, N = Nothofagus forest, P = puna,
S = Patagonian scrub, V = Valley vegetation.

•S -2

Species Elevation

Appendix 15:3 (Continued).

5 £
53 o
o 2 o
Z o
'rt *rt C
1) ^z —
Species Elevation 3 2 < U
b "2
O 0000 '0


*3 'B
o o o o 2
u U u O X

Appendix 15:3 (Concluded).

"fi -s

4o -g"
Species Elevation -j £ «

V o O
-3 ^ ^
o o
u O U
16. Refugia, Refuges and Minimum Critical Size: Problems
in the Conservation of the Neotropical Herpetofauna

Thomas E. Lovejoy
World Wildlife Fund
1601 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009

I divide remarks into a consideration

my fugia, and this results in a gradient of ende-
of the contributions biogeography can make mism that decreases away from the center of
to conservation of the South American herpe- the refugium. Clearly this complicates the
tofauna and a discussion of what constitutes task of getting all of the herpetofauna into
the minimum critical size of a reptile com- reserves unless one follows contours of en-
munity such that it can maintain its structural demism as opposed to diversity. In an ex-
integrity over reasonably long periods of time. treme case one might have to draw reserve
I also note that conservation contains
ques- boundaries so large as to include the foci of
tions of intrinsic scientific interest. The term both refugia.
refuge is used in the sense of a wildlife refuge More importantly, we need to recognize
— a conservation area or whereas refugia
unit, that in refuges encompassing refugia and in
is used sensu Haffer (1969) to indicate rem- those encompassing secondary contact areas,
nant forest patches that persisted when rain or what Bemington (
1968 ) termed suture
forest was turned to a savanna-like environ- zones, we
are conserving two distinct kinds of
ment during the drier portions of the Pleisto- biological communities. To the extent we be-
cene. lieve that the fundamental purposes of con-
First, I raise the question as to whether servation include conserving future oppor-
the biogeography relevant for conservation tunities for biological research and maintain-
purposes needs to include the traditional his- ing evolutionary opportunities, it becomes
toricalcomponent? Isn't it enough just to important to conserve both.
know which species occur where? It is also important to note in setting up
If one ignores history and does not con- refuges of either sort we are in essence creat-
sider the refugia, then one could look at con- ing refugia to the extent we allow remaining
tours of endemism, although both are defined areas to become highly modified by man; and
by the same set of distributional data. Yet man then becomes a force on evolution of a
one could also consider contours of species magnitude similar to Pleistocene climatic
diversity. Taking care not to leave out any changes. This really becomes a very serious
species, one could choose the necessary num- question in terms of our own species manag-
ber of areas of high species diversity so as to ing its future without knowledge of the con-
conserve the herpetofauna. sequences, and argues more strongly than
Based on a very simple model of the ever before for development of wise land use
refugia concept in which all species are in policies.
refugia, one could argue for the approach of Weneed to recognize, too, that with all
contours of species diversity. For if one chose the best intentions and best design, reserves
the region where two refugia had come into are not immune to influences originating out-
contact, one would end up with a reserve con- side the reserves. Toxic substances immedi-
taining the species of both. But as Haffer ately come mind.
to Moreover, in an area
(this volume) showed, organisms seem to such as the Amazon, massive conversion to
have varying abilities to disperse from re- pasture and agriculture (more than one-third


of the primary forest has been cut) could Vanzolini's (1973) reptilian refugia num-
have an important drying effect on climate, 1 bered about Such differences raise inter-

an effect that climatological science seems esting questions about the size of the grain
unprepared or unable to predict. If Brasil's of the environment for different kinds of

plan to protect five percent of the Amazon organisms, and says to the extent that non-
in conservation units is thus imperiled, it well overlap merely reflects the abundance of
could mean that man's environmental effect refugia of a particular taxon, the job is merely

would be yet greater than the magnitude of to create more refuges. But suppose a taxon
the Pleistocene climatic changes. with few but large refugia, such as reptiles,
The paleoecologists to locate
failure of has a refugium which does not overlap with a
palynological evidence of the whereabouts of refugium from a second taxon with numerous,
the deciduous forests of the northern United smaller refugia. Given continued belief in
States during Pleistocene glaciations suggests the refugia hypothesis, the lack of coincidence
that this forest may not be the highly co- of refugia most likely indicates our data base
evolved unit it was for so long thought to be. is
inadequate, or may suggest interesting dif-
As a consequence we must exercise care not ferences in speciation in the different groups.
to leave government and nonscientific con- The Brasilian government has taken the
servationists with the impression that because refugia approach in its recent document "Uma
we talk of our centers of endemism as refugia Analise de Prioridades em Conservacao da
they are indeed likely to be refugia in times of Natureza na Amazonia" (Wetterberg et al.,
future climatic change. It should be force- 1977). choosing priority areas from overlays
fully pointed out that refugia, at least those of refugia for heliconian butterflies, four plant
not associated with features of geological re- families, birds, and lizards; highest priority
lief, may well have been in different places in has been assigned to areas with the greatest
different periods, and that dry periods varied coincidence of refugia. The document has
in duration and perhaps even in temperature. been included in the national development
The deciduous forest of the northeast or the plan, and further was adopted by the six
Amazonian hyalea did not necessarily move (non-Guianan) Amazonian nations at their
around as Yet with respect to the
a unit. second technical meeting on conservation in
Amazon one wonders how so many
forests Brasilia in July 1977. The Brasilian govern-
one to one relationships and intricate systems ment is to be applauded for taking biogeog-

like that of the oropendolas —

giant cowbirds raphy into account, but it is incumbent upon
— PhiJornis flies (Smith, 1969) could evolve if us to keep them aware of all refinements in
such were the case, or whether this then says our knowledge.
something interesting about evolutionary The problem of size of reserves has been
rates in the tropics. considered recently by island biogeographers
Having clearly indicated that the histor- primarily using data dealing with birds. Their
ical component of biogeography is important primary contribution to date has been to alert
to conservation, we now need to consider how us to the problem that reserves can be too
to choose conservation areas when refugia for small to maintain their original species com-
different groups do not coincide. In many position over time. We
really know very little
cases this will be because the size of centers about the subject, even though it is involved
of endemism varies with the taxon. For in- very fundamentally with the structure and
stance. Brown (1977), in a recent analysis of function of ecosystems.
Nymphalid butterflies, proposed 38 refugia Long before MacArthur and Wilson
plus an additional 20 subrefugia, whereas (1963, 1967) formally presented the theory
of island biogeography, it was known that the
Salati et al. (1978) and Villa Nova et al. (1976) number of species increases with area, and
estimated that slightly over half of the precipitation this relationship alone tells us we can make
in the Amazon basin is forest-generated. Sufficient
a conservation area too small. That there is a
forest conversion presumably could initiate a drying
trend. minimum critical size of an ecosystem is per-

haps not so apparent. However, loss of spe- size of reptilecommunities has been carried
cies from too small an area obviously is inevi- out by Rruce Wilcox, who has kindly made
table if only because low density species will his data available. His studies are primarily
occur in numbers too low to reproduce or concerned with the lizard faunas of islands
to withstand stochastic fluctuations. Undoubt- in the Gulf of California (Wilcox, 1978).

edly there are other processes involved in These land-bridge islands can be dated as to
the decay process of an ecosystem with a age of isolation on the basis of the depth of
species number too large for the area left the water separating them from the mainland
intact to date they have not been
by man, but and a knowledge of rates of sea level rises at

explored. An
important question to test is the end of the Pleistocene. Consequently,
one advanced by Lovejoy and Oren (1979), these islands provide the first time sequence
namely, whether this decay process leads to a evidence of the decay process of super-
predictable species composition of the im- saturated faunas of any sort.
poverished community. Wilcox also was able to estimate immigra-
There has been sharp controversy as to tion and extinction rates for these lizard
whether more species can be preserved by a island communities and found the former so
series of small reserves rather than a large low as to be negligible in his calculations.
one Diamond, 1975; Si'mberloff and Ameiva ameiva and Mabuya mabuija not-
Abele, 1976; Terborgh, 1976). Arguments withstanding, this would seem to make sense
that concentrate on simple numbers of species because lizards probably do not have the
can be faulted for having tended to treat all dispersal facility of birds. That the extinction
more importantly rate is lower for lizards than birds may be
species as equal, but for
reflective of a slower pulse to the
ignoring that what we really want to preserve dynamics
are functioning ecosystems, not some kind of of the poikilothermic system, or that poor dis-
glorified zoos.
Ecosystem protection will re- perses may be good persisters (Oren, pers.
areas or at least ones greater than comm. )

quire large
the minimum critical size. If immigration rates are low and oppor-
tunities for dispersal to a conservation unit
Terborgh (1974) has estimated that for
an area of about few, large areas are in order to maintain the
tropical rain forest birds,
needed in order to original lizard biota. However, Wilcox (in
1,000 square kilometers is
preparation) suggests that the lower energy
keep extinctions down to one percent of the
demands of poikilotherms should make higher
original species complement per century.
biomass and densities possible, which, all
This size is probably in the right order of
other things being equal, would indicate that
magnitude, but obviously minimum critical
the area need not be as large as for a com-
size will vary considerably with the taxon
and ecosystem concerned. parable avian community.
I am not aware of data on minimum criti-
In designing reserves with ecosystem pres-
cal size for amphibian ecosystems, although I
ervation in mind, the minimum critical size
would guess it to be yet smaller and frequent-
to be taken is that which is the largest of
ly involving special features of the environ-
those of all the taxonomic components. Yet
ment. In any case, this leaves plenty for
there may be occasions when a reserve should
herpetologists to do, as long as our species
be designed primarily for its herpetofaunal
doesn't reduce the possible future directions
community. Further, there are probably in- in which biological knowledge can grow by
teresting things to be learned by consideration
doing away with Neotropical ecosystems in
of factors relating to minimum critical size in
the name of supposed progress.
different kinds of organisms.
Almost all the work on minimum critical
This is not meant to denigrate in any fashion the

important role zoos can play in education and cap-

I acknowledge with gratitude the help of
tive propagation. Jiirgen Haffer, Philip S. Humphrey, Ghillean

T. Prance, David C. Oren, Rruce A. Wilcox, Remington, C. L. 1968. Suture-zones of hybrid in-
teraction between recently joined biotas, pp. 321-
and Richard O. Bierregaard.
428 in Dobzhansky, T., Hecht, M. K., Steere,
W. C. (eds.). Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 2.
E., Marques, J., Molion, L.-C. B. 1978.
Origem e distribucao das chuvas na Amazonia.
Gran parte de la herpetofauna asi como Interciencia 3:200-205.

otras biotas sudamericanas solo sobreviviran Simberloff, D. S., Abele, L. G. 1976. Biogeog-
raphy theory and conservation practice. Science
en parques nacionales y reservas biologicas. 191:285-286.
Las bases biogeograficas para el disefio de Smith, N. G. 1969. The importance of being para-
dichas areas se nava en base a la teoria de los sitized. Nature 219:690-694.
Terborgh, J. 1974. Preservation of natural diver-
refugios. Las reservas designadas para rep- The problem of extinction prone species.
tilesy anfibios podran ser mas pequenas que Bioscience 24:715-722.
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1979 INDEX 465

Roman numerals refer to text, italics to maps and photographs.

Adaptive types herpetofauna 347

arboreal colubrid snakes 64 origin of herpetofauna 355
austral forest amphibians 361 physiography 342, 343
lowland amphibians 203, 301 Quaternary history 178, 343, 346
lowland reptiles 303 vegetation 171, 309, 345
Africa Australia 74
faunal similarity with Australia 14 connection with New Zealand 100
faunal similarity with South America 14, 55, endemism 98
57 faunal similarity with .Africa 14
fossil record 57 faunal similarity with South America 14, 73,

herpetofauna 57 100
origin of herpetofauna 64 fossil record 88, 97
separation from South America 29, 55, 219 herpetofauna 73
species/area 15 history of continent 74
Altiplano 373, 378, 398, 399 origin of herpetofauna 77, 83, 91
climate 165 species/area 15
herpetofauna 400 Australopapuan fauna
tectonics 161, 400 distribution patterns 77, 80, 84
vegetation 170, 399 origins 90
Altitudinal distribution Avifauna
Central Andes
398 distribution patterns 122, 124, 129
Guiana Highlands 252 paramo islands 417
Northern Andes 388
Southern Andes 350, 401 Barriers 166
Andes 23, 158, 371 Andean 165, 402, 405
barriers to dispersal 165, 166, 382, 389, 402, Austral forests 360
405 Depresion de San Cristobal 382
Central Andes 373, 394 Essequibo-Rio Branco Depression 264
climate 158, 164, 387 Huancabamba Depression 389
description 23, 157, 341, 371, 380, 381, 385, inter-Andean valleys 164
398, 399 Marafion Valley 167
dispersal routes 412, 420 Beringia 17
displacement of vegetation zones 111, 172, Biogeographical theories 55, 114, 254, 417
177 Brasilian Highlands
distribution patterns 380, 387, 389, 396, 400, age 163
402, 414, 415-416, 421-423, 425, 443 climate 167
ecophvsiographic regions 402, 405 glaciation 180
endemism 381, 383, 387, 389, 404 Quaternary history 180
faunal similarities within 383, 388, 397, 401 tectonics 163
faunal similarities without 406 vegetation 171
geological history 157, 346, 387, 398
glacial climates 173 Caatinga 22, 299
glaciation 151, 172, 400 Center of evolution 1 17
habitats 373, 375-379 Centers of origin 70
herpetofaunal communities 426 Central America 16, 383, 407
human modifications 374, 434 connection with South America 16, 173
inter-Andean basins 373, 386 faunal exchange with South America 17, 221,
origin of herpetofauna 409 414
Quaternary history 416
172, radiation of amphibians 208
species richness 387, 397, 404 Central Andes 373, 394
vegetation 169, 373 herpetofauna 389
Areas of congruence 409 physiographv '
Arid Andean habitats 373, 375, 399 Cerrados 22, 299
Atacama Desert 22, 23, 417 Chaco 299, 300
Aunt Arctica 73 Chaco-Pampean Plain 141, 142, 149
Austral forests 20, 310, 341, 342, 374, 376 Chilean Archipelago 342
climate 344 Chilean Lake District 344
distribution patterns 347, 349-354, 356 Climate
endemism 363 Altiplano 165

Andes 158, 164 rainforest reptiles 230, 232, 233

Austral forests 344, 347 western Pacific islands 80, 82
Australia 75 Dry Andean forests 373, 376
Brasilian Highlands 167
Chaco 299 East Indies
Cretaceous 30 dispersal routes 80
desiccation of 20, 75, 114, 143, 151, 347 distribution patterns 77
Early Tertiary 30, 44, 143 6
Ecophysiographic regions
Guiana Highlands 168, 247 Andean 402, 405
history of 182 distribution of families in 5
Late Tertiary 20, 143
Llanos 281
Andes 381, 383, 387, 404
Patagonia 151
Atlantic forest amphibians 201
Pleistocene 20, 108, 113, 150, 172, 347, 417
Austral forests 341, 362
Postglacial 114
Australia 98
Quaternary 113, 144 Central cis-Andean amphibians 199
Tierra del Fuego 165
Guianan region 249, 265
Cloud forest
Huancabamba Depression 389
description 373, 375 lowland tropical reptiles 225
dispersal in 420
Napo-Ucayali amphibians 198
distribution in Andes 373
Patagonia 325
Colonizers 66, 77, 181, 206 trans-Andean forest amphibians 196
Communities 426
with respect to reproductive modes 206
Andean 428
cloud forest 427 Espinal 309, 310
Essequibo-Rio Branco Depression 264
Patagonian 431
rainforest 227 Evolutionary radiation
Conservation 23, 434, 461 leptodactylid frogs 207
Cordillera de la Costa Liolaemus 327
372, 381
telmatobiine frogs 327
herpetofauna 381
tropidurine lizards 327
physiography 380
Evolutionary rates 20, 116, 131
Depresion de San Cristobal 380, 382 Exploration of South America 1, 241

Depresion de Unare 380 Extra-Andean mesetas 312, 326

Dispersal center 120
Dispersal model 70 Faunal exchange
Dispersal routes Africa with South America 56, 64
Andean 412 Central America with South America 17
Guianan 257 West Indies with South America 18
Huancabamba Depression 221, 389 Faunal origins
lowland forests 202, 221 Andes 409
paramo 418 Australia 77
trans- Andean 121, 420 Central America 17
Distribution center 117, 118, 122 Chaco 304
Distribution patterns Guiana 254
Amazonian arc 198 Holarctic 56
Andes 380, 387, 396, 400, 402, 414, 415-416, India 56
421-423, 425, 443 Laurasia 64
Anolis 126 lowland forest 207, 221
Austral forests 347, 349-354, 356 Oriental 77, 100
birds 127, 130 Patagonia 326
butterflies 126 West Indies 19
Chaco 302 Faunal similarity
continental 19, 21 Africa 14, 55, 57
Dendrobates 126 Andes 407
Guianan herpetofauna 249, 254-255, 258-259 Atacama Desert 408
Huancabamba Depression 389 Australia 14, 73, 100
languages 127 Central America 14, 407
Llanos 290 Guiana 261
monkeys 127 highland regions 406
Oriental-Pacific 77, 80, 84 Huancabamba Depression 389
Patagonian 317, 321-325, 329, 332, 338 North America 16, 44
plants 125, 127 Patagonia 317, 408
rainforest amphibians 187-188, 200-201, 203 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 384
1979 INDEX 467

within Andes 383, 388, 397, 401 Human modifications in Andes 374, 37.9, 434
within tropical forests 190, 221, 229, 291 Humboldt Current 20, 22, 99, 182, 417
Fossil record
Africa 57, 61, 63 Immunological distance and continental divergence
amphisbaenians 62 93
Australia 88, 89, 97 Immunological evidence of relationships
birds 114 hylid frogs 92
caecilians 57 phyllomedusine frogs 8
crocodilians 61, 90 Inabresia 56, 58, 64
Europe 62 Insect distributions and speciation 123
frogs 89
58, Inter-Andean Basins 373, 386
Laurasia 61 herpetofauna 388
mammals 114, 146, 148, 151 physiography 386
salamanders 57 Interglacial phases
snakes 63, 89 climate 147, 150, 173, 179
South American amphibians 312, 356
South American reptiles 219, 312 Karyological evidence of relationships
South American taxa, list of 51 hylid frogs 91
turtles 61, 88, 97 leptodactylid frogs 358, 360, 362
Fossil sites 34, 34-38, 311 microhylid frogs 60, 85, 87

Galapagos Islands 17, 22, 364 Lago Titicaca 175, 371, 399
Geological interpretations Lost Pacific continent 100
Amazon Basin 113, 287 Lithostratigraphic units 144
Geomorphological interpretations 111, 183 Llanos 281, 282, 284, 286
Geomorphological units 160, 314-315
Glacial climatology, theory 181 Mammal ages 144
Glacial phases Mammal distributions and speciation
ages 113, 173, 347 Amazon Basin 128
climate 108, 113, 147, 150, 173, 179 Mandibular musculature, frogs 81, 84, 86, 91
correlation with northern 146, 174, 178 Mantaro-Apurimac Valley 373, 393
number 146, 173 Maraiion Valley 22, 373, 393
Glaciers Megafaunal extinction 114, 145
Andean 151, 172, 400 Merida Andes 372, 381
Brasilian Highlands 180 herpetofauna 382
Chilean 178, 343, 347, 359 physiography 380
Patagonian 146, 178 Mesopotamia 141, 142, 148, 299
Gondwanaland Montane rainforest 374
breakup of 29, 55, 75, 219 Monte 309, 310
distributions in 14, 56, 65
historical components of 16 Natural reserves 23, 434
Guiana Shield forest refugia 132
age 163 size 462
climate 168, 247 New Guinea 74
delimitation 242, 243-244, 246-248 connection with Australia 76
erosion 164 herpetofauna 81
geology 163, 242 New Zealand 74
herpetofauna 249 connection with Australia 100
Quaternary history 180 herpetofauna 99
vegetation 172, 247 Nonforests 22, 282
Northern Andes 372, 385
Habitats in Andes 373 herpetofauna 387
Habitat utilization physiography 384
amphibians 351 Nudo de Pasto 372, 384
lizards 304
reptiles 351 Oceanic dispersal 99
Herpetofauna, South American
geographic origins of families 4 Paleofloras
fossil record 29, 51 Maslin Bay 75
review of families 2
Patagonian 311
taxonomic composition 3 Tertiary-Chaco 19, 309, 414
Historical biogeographic analysis, method 118 Valdivian 311
Huallaga Valley 373, 393 West Gondwanan 19
Huancabamba Depression 22, 218, 221, 373, 389 Palynological interpretations 110, 163, 172

Pampas 309 Secondary contact zones 118, 122

Pampean Ranges 161 Serological evidence of relationships, Liolacmus 330
Panamanian Portal 173, 221 Serra da Mantiqueira 161
Pantepui 246 Serro do Mar 161
Paramo 377 Serrania de Paria 372, 381
distribution 170, 374 Serrania de Turumiquire 372, 381
floral composition 168 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 372, 382
fluctuation in size 418 herpetofauna 383
Paramo islands 417, 419 tectonics 157, 382
Paranense Sea 143, 149 Southern Andes 372, 399
Patagonia 141, 142, 147, 309 herpetofauna 400
distribution patterns 317, 321-325, 329, 332 physiography 398
faunal regions 312, 313, 315, 318-319 Speciation
herpetofauna 317 Andes 406, 424
physiographic districts 318-319 Chaco 304
steppe 20, 310, 316, 374, 377 forest refugia 131, 202
vegetation 316 Patagonian lizards 327
Plate tectonics Speciation model 222
Antarctica 29, 75 Species/area
Antarctic-Australian suture 75 Africa 15
Australian-Oriental Plate collision 76, 89 Australia 15
Caribbean Plate 18, 29 South America 15
Indian Plate 60, 70 tropical forest reptiles 227
Nazca-South American Plate collision 161 Species richness
opening of South Atlantic 29, 55, 219 Andes, southern Peru 397
Pleistocene-Holocene boundary 144 latitudinal gradient in Andes 404
Plio-Pleistocene boundary 144 lowland rainforests 206, 231
Prehistoric man 128 northern Andes 387
Proto- Antilles 16 Sub-Andean region 141, 142, 148, 299
Puna 378, 399 Subparamo 379
distribution 170, 374 description 374
floral 170 distribution 374
isolation of 420
Quaternary history Symposium participants vii
Andes 172, 416
Austral forests 178, 346 Taxonomic diversity
Brasilian Highlands 180 Africa 15
132 Australia 15
Ethiopian Region
Guiana Highlands 180, 248 South America 15
Neotropical Region 107, 219 West Indies 18
temperate lowlands 141, 146 Tepuis 244, 245
tropical lowlands 107, 219 Tetrapods
comparison of numbers between South
Radar images 108, 112 America and world 3
Rainfall patterns 109, 248 Tierra del Fuego
Refuges 117, 120, 461 climate 165
Refugia herpetofauna 326
forest 116, 123, 124, 132, 139, 248, 359 vegetation 171
location during arid phases 129 Trans-Atlantic migration 56, 64
natural preserves 461 Trans-Pacific migration 11,99
nonforest 116 Tropical dry forests 282, 287-288, 300
speciation in 131, 202 Tropical rainforests 20, 22, 108, J 09, 189, 190, 231,
Reinke's Corridor 189, 198, 260 374, 408
Reproductive modes, amphibians 202, 206, 301, 353 Amazonian 108, 227
amphibian faunas 190
Savanna Atlantic 190, 198
gallery forest in 282, 283 Central cis-Andean 189, 197
grassland 108, 282, 282, 286 Chocoan 327
Guianan 246, 247 distribution of 22, 109, 231
palm 282, 283 Guianan 246
relicts in 218 northern 190, 196
varsea campos 108 origin of fauna 207, 221
woodland 108 reptilian faunas 217, 225
Sea level changes, Pleistocene 110, 151 trans-Andean 190, 195
1979 INDEX 469

Valle Central de Chile 342 Vicariance model 18, 70, 117, 409
Andes 169, 374 West Indies
Austral forests 345 endemism 18
Brasilian Highlands 171 origin of herpetofauna 19
Chaco 300 origin of islands 18
Guiana Highlands 172, 246, 247 taxonomic diversity 18
Llanos 281 Western Pacific island faunas 99
northern lowlands 281 dispersal routes 80
Patagonia 316 distribution patterns 82
Pleistocene 223
vertical shifts in Andes 111, 172, 177

All scientific names of families and lower taxonomic levels are indexed, except those trivial names appearing
in appendices. Roman numbers refer to text, italics refer to figures and boldface to appendices.

Acacia 171, 287, 300, 373, 374 amciva 289, 290, 291, 463
caven 341, 342, 364 bifrontata289
Acacioxtjlon 148 Amphibolurus 87
Acaena 173, 374 Amphichelydia 61
caespitosa316 Amphignathodon 387, 410, 411, 413, 450
macrostemon 316 Amphignathodontinae 5, 8, 17, 61, 194, 204, 205,
Acantholippia seriphioides 317 208
Achropogon 172 Amphisbaena 11, 18, 218, 219, 222, 227, 238, 279,
Acontinae 87 296, 339
Acris 93 alba 291
Acrochordidae 13, 88 camura 302, 304
Acrochordus 88 fuliginosa 291
Adenomera 190, 206, 213, 214, 215, 269 Amphisbaenidae 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 32, 54, 56, 63,
andreae 197, 201 65, 251
bokermanni 201 Anadia 238, 372, 382, 407, 410, 411, 414, 420, 429,
191, 197, 200, 201
hylaedactyla 444, 453
marmorata 201 bitacniata 381
Adesmia 171, 316, 373, 374, 377, 399 brevirostris 381
horrida 170 pulchella 383
Adiantum 345 Anaea 125
Aegla 352 AnarthrophyUum
Aextoxicum punctatus 345 desideratum 316
Afrixalns 61 rigidum 316
Agahjchnis 8, 208, 212, 213 Anemone 180
Agamidae 14, 15, 55, 57, 62, 65, 66, 71, 87 Anguidae 3,4,5,11.17,32,56,65
Agave 434 Aniliidae 3, 4, 5, 12, 32, 42, 51, 53, 251
Agropyron magellanicum 316 Anilius 42, 218, 239, 274
Alligatoridae 31, 32, 33, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54, 65, Anisolcpis 238
220, 251 Anodontolujla 87
Allophryne 194, 214, 256, 270 Anolis 2, 19, 22, 218, 227, 238, 277, 278, 296, 327,
nithveni 254 382, 383, 407, 408, 410, 413, 444, 453
Alnus 163, 169, 173, 175 annectens 289, 291
jorullensis 169 antonii 387
Alopoglossus 222, 227, 238, 278, 408, 410, 453 auratus 291
Alouatta chloris 387
senicuhts 128 chrysolepis 123, 126
villosa 128 chrysolepis group 123, 124
Abodes 20, 325, 326, 327, 338, 341, 351, 361, 363, fuscoauratus 222
365, 400, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 420, 457 nigropunctatus 381, 382
gargola 361 onca 289, 291
gargola 320 ortoni 222
neuquensis 321 punctatus222
monticola 347, 348, 351, 355, 361 Anomalepidae 3, 4, 5, 11, 17, 18, 251
nodosits 361, 400 Anomalepis 11, 218, 222, 239
pehuenche 361 Anops kingii 302, 304
verrucosus 361 Aparasphcnodon 214, 215, 271
Alsophis 12, 19, 22, 341 vcnczolanus 254, 257
angustilineatus 364 Apodichelys htcianoi 51
cantherigenus 364 Apodops 56, 57
348, 350, 352, 356, 364
chamissonis /(nee! 51
tachymenoid.es 364 Aporophis 274
Amapasaurus 238, 256, 278 Apmtolepis 13, 218, 227, 239, 274
tetradactylus 255 Apuleia fcrra 171
Amblyphrynus 383, 410, 411, 413, 445 Araucarta 151, 171, 180, 309, 316, 321, 334, 345,
ingeri 316,374, 400, 11 1

Amblyrhynchus 10, 17 angustifolia 171

Amcghinoa 317 araucana 345
Ameiva 18, 19, 123, 218, 219, 227, 238, 278, 296 Arcotorner 87, 194, 215
1979 INDEX 471

Areophryne rotunda 95 «<;rtv/(7 173

Aristelliger 19 Barycholos 194. 212
Arracacia 174 Basiliscus 10, 222, 238, 296, 408, 410, 453
Arthrosaura 238, 278 galeritus 387
tatei 241 Batrachophrynus 312. 358, 361, 362, 396, 398, 409,
Ascaphus 3, 58, 100 410.411, 412, 424,434,457
Aspidites 89 brachydactylus 358
Aspidosperma 300 macrostomus 358
Aster 169 Batrachyla 20, 2i, 96, 327, 341, 351, 352, 361 362
Asterophryinae 79, 81, 82, 84 363, 365
Asterophrys 87 antartandica 348, 3.55, 358, 360, 361
Ateles leptopus 347, 348, 351, 355, 358, 361, 362
fusciceps 128 taeniata 347, 348, 355, 358, 360, 361
geoffroyi 128 Batrachylini 194, 204, 207, 361
Atehgnathus 326, 338, 341, 361, 363, 431 Berberis 173, 180, 309, 374
grandisonae 326, 348, 353, 360, 361 cuneata 316, 317
nitoi 320, 325, 361 Bignonia 309
patagonicus 320, 325, 361 Bipes 11
praebasalticus 320, 325, 361 Blanus 11
agiZis 320 Blechnum 345
dobeslawi 320 Boa 18, 227, 239, 274, 297
/nisi 320 constrictor 290, 291
praebasalticus 320 Bogertia 62
rcvcrbcrii 325 Boidae 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 31, 32, 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, 63,
320, 325, 361
solitarius 66, 88, 100, 251
Atelopus 7, 192, 212, 213, 214, 270, 407, 410, 413, Boiginae 64
416, 420, 429, 443, 449 Boiga 64
carauta 387 Boinae 55, 63
carrikcri 383 Boini 56, 63
crucigcr 197 Bolitoglossa 2, 22, 191, 212, 213, 372, 407, 410, 414,
ebenoides 428 420, 421, 429, 443, 445
ignescens 388 adspersa group 418
ignescens group 381, 411, 413, 418 orcstcs 381, 382
mucubajiensis 381, 382 savagei 381, 382, 383, 421
oxyrhynchus 381, 382 Bolitoglossini 56, 207
pulcher 198 Boopis 180
varius group 18 Bothrernydidae 61
walkcri 383 Bothrops 13, 14, 18, 218, 227, 239, 277, 297, 339,
Atlapetes schistaceous 174 407,408,411,444,456
Atrarfiis 18, 64, 218, 222, 227, 239, 253, 264, 274, altematus 303
275, 374, 382, 383, 407, 408, 411, 413, 444, ammodijtoides 317
454, 455 bilineatus 222
/jarfius lansbergi 289
insipidus ncuwiedii 303
lehmanni 388 schlegeli 387
Atriplcx 316 Boulengerula 57
AuZura 218, 238 Bowdichia 284
Auracarites 316 Brachycephalidae 3, 4, 5, 7, 30, 60, 191, 192, 194,
AustTalobatrachus 7 204, 207
ilius 89 Brachycephalus 194, 214
Australocrinia 95 Brachyclados caespitosus 317
Austrocactus 316 Brachygnathosuchus 53, 220
Azara 180 Brachylophus 11,98
Azemiops 64 brevicephalus 98
Azora 309 fasciatus 98
Azorclla 170, 173, 316, 374 Brasilotyphlus 194, 213, 273
Breviceps 87
Baccharis 169, 170, 175, 374, 387 Brifoa 62
Bac/ita 18, 218, 227, 238, 278, 296 Brevicipinae 60
/wo/or 289 Bromelia humilis 285
guiancnsis 289 Bromus macranthus 316
tafpa 289 />7r.m« 218,238,279
Balanerodus 43, 52 Brunellia 169
Baniiteria 309 Bucttncria 309

Bufo 4, 7, 39, 53, 54, 58,189, 190, 192, 212, 213, Callopistes 22, 33, 41, 53
214, 215, 270, 295, 301, 338, 341, 351, 353, Callopsis 54
362, 363, 400, 407, 410, 412, 426, 431, 434, Calhiella 81, 82
443, 449, 457 Caltha 316
arenarum 59, 301, 302, 320, 326 Calyptahyla 7, 18

chaguar 304 Calyptocephalellinae 356

platensh 304 Calyptocephalellini 194, 357, 360
blombcrgi 59, 203 Campylorhynchas griseus 130
boreas group 412 Candoia 89
calamita 312 Capparis 285
cahmita group 4, 39, 312, 362, 363 Cardamine 171
chilensis 348, 350, 355, 358, 362, 363 Caretta 273
coniferus 17 Carettochelyidae 88, 101
crucifer 199 Carettochelys insculpta 88
glaberrimus 203 Carex 316
granulosus 23, 289, 290, 302, 303, 305 Cariamidae 148
fernandezae 304, 305 Caryocar 127
major 304, 305 amygdaliferum 127
guttatus 203, 260, 290 amygdaliforme 127
guttatus group 203 dentatum 127
haematiticus 18, 196 edule 127
haenmtiticus group 59 gracile 127
ictericus 200, 201 nuciferum 127
marinus 4, 17, 33, 191, 195, 197, 201, 289, pallidum 127
290 Caryocaraceae 125
marinus group 39 Caudiverbera 20, 32, 33, 38, 52, 53, 311, 327, 341,
nasicus 254 351, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 363, 365,
paracnemis 148, 302, 303 412
regularis 59 casamayorensis 52, 356, 360
rubropunctatus 348, 362, 363 caudiverbera 52, 53, 312, 347, 348, 350, 352,
spinulosis 20, 326, 362, 396, 400, 415, 431 354, 355, 356, 358
spinulosis group 7, 407, 409, 411, 412, 420 Cebidae 143
stemosignatus 197 Cebus
superciliaris 59 albifrons128
trifolium 398 capucinus 128
hjphonius 18, 190, 191, 195, 197, 200 griseus 128
typhonius group 414 Cecropia 171
valliccps group 17 Centrolene 387, 410, 411, 413, 452
variegatm 312, 347, 348, 350, 355, 362, 363, Centrolenella 2, 17, 21, 190, 192, 196, 212, 213, 214,
400, 412 215, 253, 264, 272, 273, 374, 381, 382, 383,
viridis group 412 388, 406, 407, 410, 411, 413, 420, 427, 428,
Bufonidae 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 17, 30, 39, 44, 51, 53, 54, 434, 444, 452
56, 58, 59, 60, 65, 192, 204, 207, 251 albotunica 201
Bijrsonima 284 buckleyi 381, 382, 388, 420
divaricans 201
Caecilia 9, 18,57, 190, 192, 212, 213, 214, 273, 407, dubia 201
408, 410, 445 eurygnatha 201
thompsoni 196 fleischmanni 191, 382, 387
tentaculata 191 griffilhsi 387
subnigricans 191, 195 prosoblepon 387
Caeciliidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 17, 30, 32, 51, 56, 57, 192, valerioi 387
207, 208 vanzolinii 201
Caesalpinia echinata 171 Centrolenidae 3, 4, 5, 8, 17, 22, 30, 56, 60, 192, 204,
Caiman 14, 33, 43, 52, 53, 218, 220, 227, 238, 274, 206, 208, 251
295, 303 Ceratophryinae 4, 5, 38, 96, 193, 194, 204, 207, 357
crocodylns 289 Ceratophrys 38, 53, 54, 213, 214, 215, 269, 295, 301,
latirostris 33, 43, 303 302, 303, 304
yacare 43 aurila 39, 201
Calamagrostis 169 calcarata 197, 260
Calamelaps 64 comuta 198, 201
Callicebus ornata 38, 304
moloch 128 pierotti 302
torquatus 128 stolzmanni 195
Callicorini 125 Cereidiu m 285
1979 INDEX 473

Cercosaura 227, 238, 278, 296, 408, 410, 453 leachi 302, 304
Chaetophractus vellerosus 148 lemniscatus 289, 290, 291
Chamaeleolis 19 lemniscatus 260
Chamaeleontidae 55, 57, 62, 65, 66 Cocus 171
Chamaelinorops 19 Coleodactylus 10, 227, 277
Changlosaurus 63 meridionalis 222, 260
Chaperina 60 Colliguaja 342
Characoidae 128 integerrima 316
Charactosuchus 53, 220 Colobodactylus 238
fieldsi 43 Colobosaura 227, 238
Chelidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 31, 32, 44, 52, 53, 97, 100, Colombophis 53
251 portai 42
Chelodina 97 Colostethus 2, 22, 192, 212, 213, 214, 215, 269, 372,
Chelonia 273 374, 380, 382, 383, 388, 406, 407, 410, 411,
Cheloniidae 251 414, 420, 427, 429, 443, 444, 450
Chelonoides 40, 53 abditaurantius 387
Chelus 40, 52, 53, 218, 220, 238, 273, 296 fuliginosus group 197
colonibianus 40 lierminae 382
fimbriatus 258 mandelorum 381
lewisi 40 Colubridae 3, 4, 12, 14, 32, 33, 42, 53, 54, 63 88
Chelyearapookidae 98 228, 251
Chehjcarapookus 98 Colubrinae 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 56
arcuatus 98, 100 Columbia
Chelydra 9, 218, 222, 238 corensis 130
Chelydridae 3, 4, 5, 9, 17, 18, 31 picazuro 130
Chersydrus 88 Coniophanes 18, 222
Chiasmocleis 60, 214, 215, 273 Conolophus 10, 17
Chimantea 172 Constrictor constrictor 302
Chiromantis 60 Copernicia 282, 300
Chhonius 13, 18, 64, 220, 222, 227, 239, 275, 297, tectorum 282, 284
408,411,444,455 Cophixalus 83, 84, 87
bicarinatus 224, 225 Cophylinae 60
carinatus 222, 225, 291 Corallus 18, 227, 239, 274, 297
cxoletus 224, 225 enhydris 291
pijrrhopogon 225 Cordicephalus 58
flavolineatus224 Cordylidae 14, 15, 57, 62, 66
foveatus 224, 225 Cornufer 78
/uscus 224, 225 Cortaderia 316
monticola 381, 382, 388, 397, 420, 423 modesta 172
multivcntris 224, 225 Cori/p/jospingus
quadricarinatus 224 cucullatus 130
scurruhis 224, 225 pileatus 130
laevicollis 224, 225 Corythophanes 222, 238
Chondropython 89 Cremolobus 175
Chrysemys 9, 18, 218, 220, 222, 296 Crepidophryne 7
scripts 289 Cricetinae 145
Chrysobalanceae 125 Cricosaura 19
Chtiwnerpeton 192, 194, 214 Crinia 95
Chuquiraga 170, 316, 342 haswelli 95
aurea 317 Crocodylidae 3, 4, 5, 14, 17, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 51,
avellanedae 317 53, 56, 61, 66, 100, 101, 251
Chusquea 312, 321, 345, 374 Crocodilurus 218, 238, 278
penifolia 172 lacertinus 258
guj'Za 345 Crocodylus 14, 18, 43, 98, 218, 220, 222, 238, 274,
Cichlidae 128 295, 296
Ctssus 309, 345 acutus 18, 220
C/e/m 18, 219, 227, 239, 275, 297, 408, 411, 455 intermedins 220, 257, 289, 291
clelia 290, 303 johnsoni 98
occipitolutea 303 novaeguinae 98
Clemantis 180 porosus 98
CZuria 169 Crossochclys 52
Cnemidophorus 11, 18, 23, 218, 227, 238, 278, 296, Crossodactylodes 194, 215
326, 339 Crossodactylus 194, 215
lacertoides 304 dispar 199, 200

Crotalidae 251 Diasemosaurus 52

Crotalinae 5, 17, 18, 42, 55, 56, 65, 66 occidentalis 312
Crotalus 14, 218, 219, 239, 277, 297 Dichapetalaceae 125
durissus 289, 291, 303 Dicrodon 41, 54
vegrandis 289, 291 Didynamipus 60
Crotaphopeltis 64 Digit aria 300
Cnjtobatrachus 23, 253, 387, 408, 411, 413, 420, 450 Dinilysia 12, 42, 63
boulengeri 383 patagonica 42, 312
Cryptodira 61 Dinodon 88
C'rythiosaurus 63 Dipholostcphium 170
Ctenoblepharis 326, 338, 407, 409, 410, 411, 415, Diplodactylidae 96
458 Diplodactylinae 97, 100
Ctenophryne 194, 214, 273 Diplodactylus vittatus 97
geayi 197 Diploglossus 11, 19, 227, 238
Ctenosaura 18,19 Diplolacmus 219, 323, 326, 327, 338, 400, 408, 410,
Cupania 309 431, 458
Cuprcssoides 374 bibronii 320
Cupriguanus 348 darwinii 325, 431
Curatella 284, 286 leopardinus 321, 400, 420
Cyclagras 275 Diplostephium 169, 171, 173
Cyclorarnphus 194, 214, 215 Dipsadoboa 64
asper 200 Dipsadidae 251
Cyclorana 7, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 D/p.sas 227, 234, 239, 274, 407, 408, 411, 455
alboguttatus 93, 94, 96 indie a 233.
australis 94 Dischidodactyhts 194, 214
brevipes 94 Discoglossidae 56, 59
dahlii 93 Discoglossus 59, 60
inermis 93 Dispholidinae 64
Cycloraninae 95, 96 Distichia 374, 387
Cyclura 10, 19 Dolichotis 149, 150
Cylindrophis 42, 88 DraZ>a 173
Cynognathus 55, 64 Dracaena 33, 41, 53, 218, 219, 220, 234, 238, 278
Drapetcs muscosa 178
Dasypeltinae 57 Drepanoides 239, 275
Dasyphyllum 172 Drimi/s 169, 171, 175, 176, 309, 345
Dasypodidae 149 brasiliensis 171
Dasypops 195, 215 winteri 171, 345
Dcndrobatcs 126, 192, 197, 212, 213, 269, 295, 408, Dromicus 12, 22
410, 450 Drosophila 123
auratus 195, 203 Drymarchon 13, 218, 227, 239, 275, 297
azureus 255 corai's 290, 291
galactonotus 126, 203 Drymobius 13, 227, 239, 275, 297
histrionicus 126 Drymoluber 13, 239, 275
leucomelas 126, 255, 257, 290 Dryoptcris 345
minutus 256 Duidea 172
quinquevittatus 198 Dusycion australis 148
steyermarki 256, 257 Dyrosauridae 61
tinctorius 126, 203, 255 Dyscophinae 60, 81
tinctorius group 203 Dyscophus 60, 87
trunctatus 195, 203
Dendrobatidae 3, 5, 7, 17, 22, 30, 39, 56, 60, 192, Echimyidae 143, 148, 149
204, 206, 207, 251 Echinosaura 18, 222, 238
Dendrophidion 13, 227, 239, 275, 408, 411, 444, 455 Ecpleopus 238, 414
percarinatus 382, 387 Edalorhina 194, 213
Dendrophryniscus 7, 192, 213, 214, 270 Elachistocleis 18, 60, 87, 193, 273, 295
minutus 198 fcico/or 301, 302
Dcrmatonotus 60, 87, 193 ot'o/is 290
muZ/en 301, 302 Elapidae 14, 57, 66, 71, 88, 228, 251
Dermochelyidae 251 Elapomorphus 13, 64, 218, 239, 275, 339
Dermochelys 273 bilineatus 320
Dermophiinae 56 tricolor 303
Dermophis 9, 192, 194, 212 Eleutherodactylini 4, 17, 194, 204, 206, 207, 208
Deschampsia 316 Eleutherodactylus 2, 17, 18, 19, 22, 208, 212, 213,
Diaphorolepis 18, 218, 222, 239, 407, 411, 413, 455 214, 215, 253, 264, 269, 372, 374, 382, 383,
1979 INDEX 475

388, 389, 406, 407, 410, 416, 420, 427, 428, Eocaiman 52, 53, 220, 312
429, 443, 445, 446, 447, 448 cavernensis 43
achatinus 203 Eoxenopoides 58
acuminatum 200 Eophractus 356
affinis 418 Ephedra 143, 316, 374
alfrcdi group 208 Epicrates 219, 227, 239, 274, 297
biporcatus group 208 cenchria 290, 291, 302
bicumulus 196 Epicrionops 9, 192, 212, 213, 273, 408, 410, 445
binotatus 200 Epilobium 171
binotatus group 201 Equu.s 175, 178
boconoensis 381 Erethizontidae 148
bogotensis 418 Erctmochphjs 273
bogotensis group 418 Erichosaurus debilis 312
buckleyi 388 Erycinae 63
cajamarccnsis 389 Erymnochelys 61
carmelitae 383 Erythrolamprtis 219, 227, 239, 275
chiastonotus 201, 203 Erythroxylon 309
conspicillatus 191,203 Escallonia 169, 172, 176, 180
curtipes complex 418 Espeletia 169, 170, 173, 374, 377, 387
discoidalis 208 Eublepharidae 96
elegans 418 Eublepharinae 62
elegans complex 418 Eucryphia cordifolia 345
fenestratus 203 Eugenia 169, 171
fitzingeri 196 Eulychnia 171
fttzingeri group 201, 203, 208, 383, 413, 420 Eumeces 11, 86, 87
ginesi 381 Euncctcs 33, 42, 53, 218, 239, 274, 297
inoptatus group 19 murinus 289
insignitus 383 notaeus 303
lacrimosus 198 Euparkerella 213, 215, 256, 269, 408, 410, 448
lancinii 381 myrmecoides 201
longirostris 196 Euphorbia 317
lynchi 418 Euphractus 148, 149, 150
maussi 197, 203 Eupsophus 20, 33, 38, 52, 3ii, 312, 327, 341, 350,
nicefori 418 351, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 412
nigrovittatus 201 migueli 348
ockendeni 200 roseus 312, 347, 348, 352, 355, 358, 360
peruvianus 203 vanzolinii 348
prolixodiscus 383 vertebralis 348
pulvinatus 255 uittafus 347, 348, 352, 355, 358
ranifor mis 195, 197 Euspondylus 23, 238, 253, 265. 278, 396, 407, 410,
rozci 196 411,413,414,444,453,454
sulcatus 203 leucostictus 241
sulcatus group 203, 413 Eusuchia 31, 33, 61
terraebolivaris 196, 203 171
unistrigatus 208, 388
unistrigatus group 383, 411, 414, 418
Fagara 309
uric/ii 382
Ferfuca 170, 316, 326, 374, 387, 399
vertebraK? 388
monticola 316
t'l'/ars! 203
Feylininae 87
w-nigrum 388, 420
Ficus 309
zeuctotylus 201
Fitzroya 309, 345, 374, 400
EZosi'a duidensis 242, 253, 254
cupressoides 171, 345
Elosiinae 4, 5, 193, 194, 204, 206, 207
Fleetonotus 23, 214, 215, 381, 408, 410, 413, 444
Elseija 97, 98
fissilis 200, 382
Embothrium 309 382
Emmochliophis 218, 222, 239 pygmaeus 196, 382
Emydidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 31, 44, 53, 54, 61, 251 F/i/ui'co/a
Emijdura 97 nengeta 130
macquari 98 pica 130
Engystomatidae 59 Frankcnia 316
Emdius 218, 222, 239, 297 Franseria 171
Enyalioides 18, 22, 222, 227, 238, 408, 410, 453 Fritziana 195, 215, 413
Enyalius 227, 238 Fuchsia 345

Galbula Grindclia chilocnsis 316

cyanescens 127 Grypiscini 4, 194, 204, 206, 207
galbula 127 Gryposuchus 53, 220
melanogenia 127 Guevina 345
pastazae 127 avellano 345
mficauda 127 Gunnera 172, 176
ruficauda 127 Gymnochacinus bergi 325
rufoviridis 127 Gynmodactylus 10, 238
tombacea 127 Gymnophthalmus 18, 218, 227, 278, 296
Garthia 10, 22, 400, 408, 410, 458 rubricauda 302
Gastrophryne 8, 60, 87 speciosus 289, 291
Gastrophrynoides 60 Gymnopis 57
Gastrotheca 212, 214, 215, 372, 374, 383,
8, 18, 23, Gynograma 180
396, 400, 407, 408, 410, 411, 413, 416, 420, Gynoxi/x 169
424, 425, 426, 431, 434, 444, 450, 451
argenteovirens group 425 Hamptophryne 87, 194, 214, 273
aureomaculata group 418 boliviano 198
excubitor 398, 431 Hegetotheriidae 149
fissipes 199 Heleioporus 95
mamipiata 398, 431 Heleophryne 4, 96
marsupiata group 418, 425 Heleophryninae 56, 57, 96
nicefori 381, 382, 387 Heliconius 123, i24, 125, 131
ochoai 398 erafo i26
peruana 398 Helicops 297
64, 218, 222, 227, 239, 275,
plumbea group 418, 425 anguhtus 290
riobambae 388 rfanie/t 289, 291
viridis 200 /iogei 257
williamsi 96 scalaris 289
Gaultheria 169 Helminthophk 11,297
Gavialidae 31, 33, 43, 52, 53, 56, 61, 65 Hemidactylus 10, 18, 62, 227, 238, 277, 296
Gavialis 43, 52, 220 brooki 62
Gekkonidae 3, 4, 10, 14, 15, 32, 41, 51, 56, 62, 65, mabouia 62
96, 99, 100,251 palaichthus 289, 291
Gekkoninae 5, 17, 62, 96, 97 Hemiphractinae 5, 8, 17, 193, 194, 204, 205, 207
Gcntiana 173 Hemiphractus 8, 18, 212, 213, 214, 372, 407, 410,
Genyophrync 79, 81 411, 413, 420, 422, 451
Geobatrachus 8, 9, 410, 411, 413, 420, 449 bubalus 421
walkeri 383 fasciatus 196, 387, 42i
Geochelone 9, 18, 33, 40, 41, 52, 53, 54, 61, 220, Hemipipa 214
222, 227, 238, 296, 303, 322, 326, 339 Herpelinae 56, 57
carbonaria 33, 289 Heterodactylus 238
chilensis 33 Homalopsinae 13
denticulata 33 Homonota 62, 326, 338, 431
donosobarrosi 317, 320 fcoreZ/ii 305
gallardoi 40 darwinii 305, 320, 325, 431
gringorum 40 horrida 302, 304, 305
hesterna 33, 40 Hoplophryninae 60
petersi 303 Hordcum comosum 316
Geocrinia laevis 90 Hydracthiops 64
Geoemyda 40, 54 Hydrangea 345
Geonoma 171 Hydrodynastes 218, 239, 275
Geophis 218, 222, 239 Hydrolaetare 194, 213, 270
Geotrypetes 56, 57 schmidt i 197
Geranium 169, 173 Hydromedusa 32, 40, 52, 218, 238
Cigantobatrachus 356
Hydrops 218, 239, 275, 297
Ginkgo 309 triangularis 257
Gkichnia 346
tfy/a 7, 8, 18, 22, 39, 90, 92, 93, 190,212, 213, 214,
Glossarion 172
215, 253, 271, 272, 295, 372, 381, 407, 410,
Glossostoma 18, 60, 87, 194, 212, 408, 410, 452 444, 451
aequatoriale 193 acuminata 302
Gochnatia 170 albomarginata 8, 191, 200
Gonatodes 18, 218, 227, 238, 277, 296, 408, 410, albopunctata 201
444,453 bcnitezi 256
vittatus 289 boons 8, 191, 195, 197, 201
1979 INDEX 477

bogotensis 8, 381 Hypopachus 8, 87

bogotensis group 383, 407, 4 1 1 4 13, 420 , Hypothyris ninonia 726

brevifrons 198 llypscla 316
catharinae 200
chinensis 91 Ichthyophiidae 57
crepitans 189, 289, 290 Iguana 18, 41, 54, 218, 219, 227, 238, 278, 296
cbraccata 17 iguana 289, 291
eg/en 191, 200 Iguanidae 3, 4, 10, 15, 17, 32, 41, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,

faber 199, 201 56, 57, 62, 65, 99, 123, 228, 251
fasicata 198 Iguaninae 5, 17
fuscomarginata 199 Ikanogavialis 53
fuscovaria 302 Ilchunaia 52, 220
geographica 191, 197, 199, 200, 258 Ilex 169
ginest 254, 256 paraguariensis 171
/tayu 200 Imantodes 227, 239, 275, 297
kanaima 256 cenchoa 290, 291
/aiiafo 381, 382, 420 Indobatrachus 70
labialisgroup 411,413 Insuetophrymts 327, 341, 351, 361, 363, 365
hmciformis 198, 201 acarpicus 348, 355
larinopygkm group 407, 411, 413 Iphisa 238, 278
/cmai 254, 256 Ischnocnema 208, 213, 215, 408, 410, 448
leucophijllata 8, 191, 197, 199, 200
leucophyllata group 61 Jamesonia 180
licteocellata 191 Jtiglans 169
microcephala 17, 289, 290 australis 169
microps 200 Juncits 316
mintiscula 289
minuta 191, 197 Kalophrynus 60, 83
multifasciata 198, 201, 254 pleurostigma 83
omatissima 254 Kaloula 60, 87
pardalis 189 Kankanophryne 95
parviceps group 2i Kentropyx 18, 218, 227, 238, 278, 296
phlcbodes 195 calcaratus 222
platydactyla 381, 382 lagartija 302
proboscidea 255 striates 291
pulchella complex 400 riridistriga 302
raniceps 189, 302 Kinosternidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 17, 18, 31, 40, 251
rhodopepla 198 Kinosternon 9, 218, 220, 227, 238, 273, 296, 303
rodriguezi 255 fcauri 18
rostrata 260, 289, 290 scorpioides 289
rostrata group 197 Kyarranus 96
rubra 8, 190, 191, 195, 197, 200, 289
senicula 199, 200 Lacertidae 15, 55, 57, 62, 65, 66
mclanargyrea 259 Lachesis 219, 227, 239, 277
sibleszi 254, 256 mi/ fa 13
wandae 289, 290 Lagostomus maximus 301
x-signata 260, 302 Lampropeltis 222, 239, 408, 411, 444
Hylactophryne 208 triangulum 382
Hylidae 3, 4, 7, 14, 15,
30, 32, 39, 55, 56, 60, 65, 73, Laparrentophis 63
75, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 192, 193, 194, Larrca 316
207, 251 ameghinoi 316
Hvlinae 193, 194, 204, 206, 207,
5, 17, 208 Laurclia 171, 309, 345, 346, 414
Hylodes 195, 215, 270 serrata 345
duidensis 253, 254 Leguminosae 125
gollmeri 191 Leimadophis 12, 218, 221, 227, 239, 275, 276, 297,
marmoratus 241 339,407, 408,411,444,455
Hyhphorbus 81, 84 bimaculatm 381
Hylorina 20, 327, 341, 361, 363, 365 melanotus 291
sylvatica 347, 351, 355, 358, 360 regina 291
Hymenochirus 58 sagittifer 303
Hyophryne 195, 215 h/pWus 291
Hypericum 169, 173 zweifeli 382
Hyperoliidae 14, 55, 57, 60, 65 Leiocephatus 19
Hyperoliini 61 Lciopehna 3, 58, 100

archeyi 100 copci 257

hamiltoni 100 Leptorrhampus 220
hochstetteri 100 Leptotyphlopidae 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 17, 56, 63, 65, 251
Leiopelmatidae 3, 4, 38, 44, 57, 58, 64 Leptotyphlops 19, 218, 227, 240, 274, 297, 339, 407,
Leiosaurus 326, 327, 338 408,411,431,444,454
bcllii 41, 305, 324 albipuncta 302
catamarcensk 305 dimidiatus 289
paronae 302, 304, 305 unguirostris 302
Lemaireocerus 285 weyrauchi 302
Lepichina 180 Leucheria 171
Lepidobatrachus 301, 303 Liasis 89
asper 302 Liboccdrus 309
llanensis 302 Libycosuchidae 61
salinicola 302 Llerasia 174
Lepidoblepharis 10, 18, 227, 239, 277, 296, 408, 410, Linmodynastinae 96
453 Limnodynastes 89
ferfae 258 dumerili 90
sanctaemartac 289, 291 tasmaniensis 90
Lepidochelys 273 Limnomedusa 361
Lcpidophyllum 170, 175, 374 Limnophis 64
Leposoma 227, 239, 253, 278, 296 Liolaemus 19, 20, 21, 131, 239, 305, 326, 327, 330,
Lepostemon 54, 63, 218, 227, 238 338, 341, 350, 351, 352, 353, 363, 364, 374,
microceplialum 302 400, 406, 407, 409, 410, 411, 415, 420, 431,
Leptodactylidae 3, 14, 15, 22, 30, 31, 38, 39, 44, 51, 434, 458
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 65, 73, 90, 91, 92, 95, altissimus 327, 364, 400
96, 101, 192, 193, 194, 198, 207, 208, 251, archeforus complex 327, 332, 333, 334
361 archeforus 334
Leptodactvlinae 4, 5, 17, 193, 194, 204, 206, 207, sarmicntoi 334
362 austromendocinus 330, 334
Leptodactylus 4, 17, 18, 39, 53, 54, 190, 200, 201, bibronii 320, 325, 327, 364, 400, 431
203, 212, 213, 214, 215, 270, 295, 301, 303, boulengeri 325, 327, 330
326, 338, 408, 410, 448 buergeri 321, 330, 334, 364
anceps 301, 302, 304 ceii 320, 330
bolivianus 191, 195, 289, 290 chacoensis 302, 304, 305
bufonius 301, 302, 304 chilensis 321, 327, 348, 351, 354, 364
chaquensis 301, 302, 303, 304 cyunogaster 327, 341, 348, 349, 351, 364
fragilis 289, 290 brattstrocmi 348, 349, 354
fuscus 60, 260, 289, 290 cyanogaster 348, 354
fuscus group 203 darwinii 322, 327, 330, 431
gracilis 304 elongatus 320, 321, 327, 330, 331, 332, 334,
gualambensis 301, 302, 304 400, 431
labrosus 195 elongatus 330
laticeps 301, 302, 303 pctrophilus 325, 330
longirostris 203 fitzgcraldi 400
macrostemum 289, 290 fxtzingeri 330, 334, 363, 420
mystaceus 199, 201, 203 canqucli 320, 327, 330
mystacinus 199, 304 fitzingcri 320, 327
ocellatus 304, 320 melanops 327, 330
pentadactylus 190, 191, 196, 197, 199, 200, fitzingeri complex 327, 32S, 329, 330
289 fuscus 327
poecihchilus 191, 195, 289 goctschi 330
prognathic 304 gracilis 327
rhodomystax 259 Xraicnhorstii 364
rugosus 260, 289 /cm^ii 327, 332, 333, 334
troglodytes 199 feriegi 320, 321, 330, 334, 402, 420, 431
ventrimaculatufi 203 fcriegicomplex 327, 33J, 332, 334
wagncri 190, 191, 195, 197, 199, 200, 289, lemniscatus 327
290 leopardinus 364, 401
Leplodeira 64, 218, 219, 227, 239, 276, 297, 389 lineomaculatus 321, 334
annulata 290, 291 lineomaculatus complex 327, 332, 334, 335
Leptomicrurus 13, 277 lorenzmiilleri 364
Leptophis 13, 64, 219, 221, 227, 240, 276, 297, 408, magellanicus 326, 334
111,455 magellanicus complex 327, 332, 334, 335
ahaetulla 290, 291 melanops 330
1979 INDEX 479

mocquardi 330 Lysapsus 272

monticola 364 /ime/Zus 259, 261
chiUanensis 364 /aeui's 259
villariccnsis 348, 351, 352, 354, 364 Lysipomia 173
multiformis 396, 420 Lystrophis 240, 339
multimaculatus 330 dorbignyi 303
nigroviridis 364, 401 semicinctus 303, 320
ornatus 330
picftw 327, 341, 348, 349, 351, 364 Mabuya 11, 18, 63, 65, 218, 219, 227, 239, 278, 296,
pictus 348, 356 326, 339
chilocnsis 348, 349, 356 /rcnafa 302, 320
ma/or 348, 349, 356 mabuya 463
talcanensis 348, 349, 356 Machacrium 171
rothi 325, 327, 330 Macrauchcnia 175
ruibali 401 Macrogenioglottus 194, 214
ruizleali 325, 327, 330 a/i'pi'oi 200
schroderi 364 Macropholidus 389, 410, 411, 413, 454
tenuis 321, 327, 349, 351, 364 Madtsoia 12, 42, 52, 63, 312
tenuis 348, 353 fca/ 52, 89
punctatissimus 348, 350, 353 madagascariensis 89
wiegmannii 304, 330 Madtsoiinae 42, 100
Liop/iis 218, 222, 227, 240, 253, 276, 408, 455 Mammallaria 285
canaima 257 Mantipus 87
miliar is 260 Masticophis 13, 222, 297
Liotijphlops 11, 218, 227, 240, 274, 297, 408, 411, mcntovarius 291
444 Mastigodryas 13, 18, 218, 219, 227, 240, 276, 297,
Lithodijtcs 194, 214, 270 408, 411, 456
lineatus 198 bifossatus 290, 291
Lftoria 7, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 boddaerti 222, 290
alboguttata 93, 94, 96 ;;/eei 289
amboinensis 91 Mastodon 178
atirea 79, 92, 94 Mauritia minor 282, 2S5
caerulea 75, 89, 92 Maytenus 309
dahlii 93 Megaclosia 195, 215
darlingtoni 91 Megalania 85
everetti 91 prisca 85
ewingi 90 Megalonychidae 143, 145, 149
freycineti 92 Megatherioidae 143
inermis 93 Megatherium 175
infrafrenata 91 Meiolaniidae 4, 9, 31, 40, 51, 52
peroni 91 Melanerpes Candidas 130
pcroni group 91 Mclanobatrachus 60
raniformis 94 Melanophryniscus 7, 192, 270, 413
rothii 91 moreirae 261
rubella 75 stelzneri 302
Livistona mariae 75 Melanosuchus 14, 33, 43, 53, 218, 220, 238, 274
Lomatia 309, 345 niger 258
Lophosoria 345 Melocactus 285
Loricaria 169, 170, 173 Memecyleae 125
Loveridgchps 88 Afesofcsena 218, 238, 256, 257, 279
Lupinus 169, 170 Mesosuchia 43, 61
Luzuriaga 345 Mesotheriidae 149
Lycium Miconia 169, 172
Microcaecilia 213, 273
tenuispinosum 316
Microcavia 148, 150
Lycodontinae 12, 57, 64, 66
Lycophidion 64 Microhyla 60, 87
Lycopodium 172 Microhylidae 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 30, 56, 58, 59, 60,

fuegiana 178 65, 71, 79, 83, 84, 86, 101, 192, 193, 204,

Lygodactylus 10, 62, 65 207, 208, 251

Lygophis 12, 227, 240, 276, 297, 407 Microhylinae 60
lineatus 291 Mucruridae 3, 4, 5, 13, 17, 18
Lygosominae 62, 87 Micrurinae 56, 64, 66
Lyncodon 148, 150 Micruroides 13

Micrurus 13, 218, 227, 240, 277, 297, 303, 339, 408, /usca 75
411, 444, 456 menziesi 75
circinalis 289 obliqua 171, 345
dissoleucas 289 procera 171
frontalis 303, 320 pumilio 171, 345
isozonus 289, 291 Nothopsis 218, 240
mipartitus 381, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388 Nothrotheriinae 143, 149
surinamensis nattereri 257 Notobatrachus 3, 44, 58, 100
Mimosiphonops 194, 214 Notocaiman 220
Mixophys 94 stromeri 43
Morelia 89 Notosuchidae 61
Morpho 125 Nyctimantis 194, 213
Morunasaurus 222, 227, 239 Nyctimystes 7, 90, 93
Mourasuchus 53 Nyctimystinae 90, 93
Mouriri 125
Muehlenbergia 173 Octodon degus 352
Mulinum 316, 374 Octodontidae 149
spinosum 316 Odatria 85
Sfus musculus 352 Odontophrynini 4, 194, 204, 207
Mi/fma 170, 174, 175 Odontophrynus 193, 301, 326, 338
Myersiella 195, 215 americanus 302
Mylodon 146, 178 Oedipina 2, 192, 194, 212
Mylodontidae 145 complex 195
Myobatrachidae 56, 65, 70, 73, 94, 95, 96 Ogmodon 88
Myobatrachinae 95, 96 Omoiotyphlops 63
Myobatrachus 95 Ophiodes 11,218,239
Myrceugenella 171 intermedins 302, 304
Myrceugenia 176, 309 Ophryoessoides 222, 239, 296, 409
Myrica 172 caducus 302
Myristica 309 erythrogaster 289, 291
Myrmecophagidae 143, 148 Opipeuter 396, 410, 411, 413, 414, 454
Myzodemdrum 345 Opuntia 285, 287
Oreopanax 169, 309
Nassauvia 171, 316, 326 Oreophrync 83, 84
aculcata 316 Oreophrynella 7, 253, 255, 270
Natricinae 13 jnacconnelli 241
Mrfra fasciata 18, 19 quelchii 241
NebZfrui 172 Oscaecilia 9, 18, 57, 192, 212, 213, 214, 273
Nectocaccilia 213, 214 Osornophryne 192, 387, 410, 411, 413, 426, 418,
Necrosuchus 43, 220, 312 429, 449
tonensts 42, 51 Osteocephalus 21, 22, 213, 215, 272, 408, 410, 452
Nectandra 309 langsdorffi 200, 201
Nectophrynoides 59 taurinus 197, 201
Neobatrachus 95 Osteopilus 7, 18
Neochelys 61 Otophrync 60, 87, 194, 214, 253, 255, 273
Neoprocoela 4, 38, 39, 52, 32 i, 312, 363 rofcusfa 241, 253, 254, 256, 257, 260
edentata 363 Oxybelis 64, 227, 240, 276, 297
Nettosuchidae 31, 33, 43, 53 aenci/s 290, 291
Nettosuchus 220 Oxyrhopus 64, 218, 227, 240, 276, 297, 408, 411, 456
Neusticurus 218, 234, 239, 278, 408, 410, 454 pefo/a 291
racenisi 256 rhombifer 303
rudfa 241, 256, 257
totei 256 Pachymedusa 208
Nigerophis 63 Palacolama 151
Ninia 218, 227, 240, 276 Palaeophidae 63
Niolamia patagonica 51 Palaeobatrachidae 58
Paleosuchus 14, 218, 220, 227, 238, 274, 296
Niphogeton 174
170 Palorchestes 98
a^aeZ 98
Nothofagus 75, 170,176, 178, 223, 309, 312, 316,
Pantacantha 316
321, 345, 346, 347, 352, 359, 360, 361, 362,
364, 365, 374, 376, 400, 404, 414 Pantodactylus 227, 239
antarctica 171,345,346 (i//en 241
betuloides 171, 346 Paracophyla 87
dombeyi 171, 345 Paracrinia 95
1979 INDEX 481

Parahydraspis 220 Phyllodytes 213, 215

Parastcphia 170, 399 luteolus 199
Parlioplophrtjne 60 Phyllomedusa 190, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 272,
Parities 125 290, 295, 301, 303, 408, 410, 444, 452
Parkia pcndula 171 bicolor 198
Parvicaccilia 194, 212 buckleyi group 18
Paspahim 284, 290 fimbriata 200
fasciculatum 284, 286 hypocondrialis 302, 303
Paullinia 309 lemur 382
Pelobatidae 56, 59 medinae 196, 382
Pclochclys bibwni 88 sauvagii 302, 303
Pelodryadidae 7, 65, 73, 90, 92, 93 trinitatus 191
Pelomedusidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 31, 32, 39, 44, 51, 52, vaillanti 198
53, 56, 61, 64, 65, 66, 251 Phyllomedusinae 5, 8, 17, 90, 193, 194, 204, 206,
Pyocephalus 256, 273 208
Perezia 171, 172, 175 Phyllopezus 21
Pemethya 346 pollicaris 302
Persea 346 Phymaturus 326, 327, 339, 400, 408, 410, 431, 458
lingue 345 palluma 321, 324, 401, 402, 420
Peumus 309 patagonicus 320, 321, 324, 364, 431
Phenacosaunis 387, 410, 411, 413, 426, 418, 453 indistinctus 320, 324
Plulodryas 227, 240, 276, 339, 408, 409, 411, 431, nevadoi 321, 324
456, 459 patagonicus 320, 324
acstivus 303 payuniae 321, 324
baroni 303 somuncurensis 324, 325
patagoniensis 303, 320 zapalensis 321, 324
psammophideus 303 Physalaemus 4, 17, 190, 212, 214, 215, 270, 295, 301
simonsii 389 albonotatus 302
Philoria 96 biligonigertis 60, 302
Philornis 462 enesefae 289, 290
Philothamninae 64 pustulatus 195
Phimophis 218, 222, 240, 276, 297 pustulosis 191, 195, 260, 290
guianensis 23, 289, 291 Pilgirodendrum 345
vittatus 303 uviferurn 346
Pholidobolus 372, 387, 410, 411, 413, 426, 418, 429, Pinguicula 171
434, 454 Pijw 194, 205, 213, 269, 295
3, 18, 58,
montium 388 parwz 3, 193, 289, 291
Pholidosauridae 61 pipa 197, 290
Phrynohyas 8, 212, 213, 215, 272, 295 Pipidae 3, 4, 5, 14, 17, 30, 32, 38, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58,
coriacea 198 59, 60, 64, 65, 192, 193, 204, 207, 251
imitatrix 200 Pipinae 38, 207
mesophaea 200, 201 Piptadenia peregrina 171
oenufosa 190, 191, 195, 197, 200, 201, 259, Pithccolobium 285
289, 290, 302 Placosoma 238, 414
Phrynomantis 87 Plagiobothrys 316
stictogaster 85, 87 Planocrania datangensis 98
Phrynomerinae 60 Platemys 98, 218, 227, 238
Phrynomerus 60, 87 Platychcloides 61
Phrynops 218, 220, 227, 238, 273, 274, 296 Platychelys 61
geoffroanus 260 Platemys 274
Phrtjnopus 372, 396, 410, 411, 413, 4i6, 418, 424, Platyhyla 87
429, 431, 448, 449 Platymantis 77, 78, 79, SO
cophites 431 batantae 77, 79
Phycoides 125 cheesmanae 79
Phyllobates 190, 193, 212, 213, 215, 269, 408, 410, gilliardi 77
450 meyeri 77
femoralis 198 mimicus 77
pirti/.s 191, 197, 200 myersi 77
pulchripectus 255 papuensis 79, SI
Phyllodactylus 10, 18, 22, 23, 97, 277, 296, 389, 408, punctata 77, 79
410, 458
vitianus 98
dixoni 257, 289, 291 vitiensis 99
gerrhopygus 400 Platypelis 87
ventralis 291 Platyplectron 95

Plethodontidae 2, 4, 5, 17, 57, 191, 192, 204, 207 torquatus 348, 351, 354, 364
Pletlwdontohyla 87 valeriae 364
Pleurodema 4, 18, 20, 21, 23, 270, 295, 301, 326, vautieri 302, 304
338, 341, 362, 363, 372, 400, 407, 409, 410, Pristiguana 62, 219
411, 412, 415, 431, 434, 457 brasiliensis 51
horellii Proalligator 220
brachyops 21, 23, 260, 290 Proceratophrys 195, 214
bufonina 317, 320, 321, 325, 326, 364, 402, fcoiei' 200
420 appendicular 200
cinerea 431 cristiceps 199
guayapae 302 Proctoporus 374, 398, 411, 413, 414, 424, 429, 431
marmorata 396, 420 434, 444, 454
nebulosa 326 /aet-i's 388
thaul 321, 326, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 355, occulatus 388
358, 362 Proctotretus 323, 326, 327, 339, 409
tucumena 302 doellojuradoi 302, 304
Pleurodira 52 pectinatus 320
Pleurofora patagonica 317 Procyonidae 145
Plica 234, 239, 278 Proganochelydia 61
Pliocercus 227, 240 Prosopis 170, 171, 285, 300, 373, 374
Poa 170, 316, 326, 342, 374, 399 /crox 170
humilis 170 patagonica 316, 317
Podocarpus 75, 169, 171, 175, 178, 180, 309, 345, Proterochersis 61
373 Proustia 171
andinus 178 Pseudemydura 97
lambertii 171 Pseudemys 9, 238
montanus 169 Pseudhymenochirus 58
nubigenus 169, 171 Pseudidae 3, 4, 5, 7, 30, 56, 60, 193, 251
oleifolius 169 PseuA.s 272, 295
parleteoreii 169 paradoxus 260, 261, 289, 290, 302, 305
rospiglossii 169 occidentalis 304, 305
salignus 346 plutcnsis 304
Podocneminae 61, 65 Pseudoboa 18, 218, 222, 227, 240, 276, 297
Podocnemis 9, 31, 39, 41, 51, 53, 218, 220, 227, 238, neuwiedi 289, 291
273, 285, 296 Pseudoeryx 218, 240, 276
argentinetisis 52 Pseudogonatodes 10, 238, 277, 296, 383, 408, 453
bassleri 53 Pseudonaja 88
brasiliensis 51 nuchalis 88
elegans 39, 51 Pseudopaludicola 270, 295
expansa 33, 39 /wsiHa 25S, 260
uogfc 289, 291 Pscudophryne 95
Polychroides 389, 410, 411, 413, 414, 453 occidentalis 95
Polychrus 220, 227, 239, 278, 296, 408, 410, 413, Pseudotomodon 339
414 trigonatus 303
gutturosus 387 Pseusfcs 227, 240, 276, 298
marmoratus 222 Psidum 346
Polylepis 163, 170, 173, 174, 175, 374 Psyllophryne 195, 214
australis 169 Ptychadena 61
cocuyensis 169 Ptychoglossus 227, 239, 279, 408, 411, 454
sericea 169 Ptychophis 240
Primula 171 Purussaurus 53, 220
Potomotyphlus 194, 213, 273 Puya 170, 171, 173, 373
Prionodactylus 222, 227, 239, 279, 407, 411, 414, Pycnophyllum 170
429, 454 Pygopodidae 14, 98, 100
arguhis 397 Pi/f/ion 89
manicatus 397 Pythonini 55, 57, 63, 66, 71
vertebrate 387
Pristidactylus 326, 327, 341, 364, 408, 410, 431, 458 Quclchia 172
achalensis 323, 326, 364 Quercus 163, 173, 175
alvaroi 364
casuhatiensis 323, 326, 364 Ramanella 60, 87
fasciatus 323, 326, 364 Ranfl 79, 82, 213. 214, 215, 269, 295
pectinatus 326 palmipes 8, 58, 190, 191, 193, 197, 200
scapuhtus 323, 326, 364, 401 pipicns 190
1979 INDEX 483

Ranidae 3, 4, 5, 8, 14, 15, 17, 30, 39, 55, 56, 58, 59, Scolecomorphidae 14, 57
60, 65, 77, 78, 101, 192, 193, 204, 207, 251 Scythrophrys 195, 214
Ranidclla signifera 90 Sebecidae 31,32,33,43,51,52,53
Ranunculus 171, 180, 316 Sebecosuchia 43
Relictivomer IS, 190, 213, 214, 273, 295 Sebecus 51, 52, 53, 220, 312
pearsei 191, 195 icaeorhinus 98
Rliacophoridae 90 Senec/o 169, 170, 172, 175, 326, 374, 387
Rhadinaea 218, 227, 240, 276, 408, 411, 444, 456 filaginoides 316
lateristriga 388 Setaria 300
Rliamnophis 64 Sliclania 58
Rhamphophryne 7, 18, 192, 213, 214, 372, 407, 410, Sifcon 222, 240, 274, 298, 408, 411, 456
411,413,418,420,449 nebulata 290
Rhamphostomopsis 33, 53, 220 Sibynomorphus 240, 408, 411, 456
Rlicobatrachus 96 oneilli 389
silus 95 turgidis 303
Rhinatrema 192, 194, 213, 256, 273 Siphlophis 222, 227, 240, 276
Rhinatrematidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 56, 57, 192, 207, 251 Siphonops 190, 213, 214, 273
Rhineura 63 annulatus 191, 197, 199
Rhinobothryum 227, 240, 276, 298 paulensis 199
Rhinoclemys 9, 218, 220, 238, 273, 296 Smilisca 8, 194, 212
Rhinodcrma 7,341, 351, 354, 359, 362, 363, 365 phaeota 195
darwinii 347, 348, 352, 354, 355, 358, 362 195

rufum 348, 354, 355, 358, 362 Sminthittus 19

Rhinodermatidae 3, 4, 5, 7, 30, 39, 60, 341 Somuncuria 326, 338, 361
Rhinophrynidae 17 somuncurensis 325
Rhizocephalum 173 Sordellina 218, 240
Rhynchocephalia 99 Spartina 316
Riolama 253, 279 Sphoenorhynchus 213, 215, 272, 295
Roupahi 171, 284 Sphaerodactylidae 96
Roxoclielys 39 Sphaerodactylinae 5, 17, 56
vilavdensis 51 Sphaerodactylus 10, 19, 222, 239, 277, 296
wanderleyi 51 Sphenodon punctatus 98
Rubiaceae 125 Sphenophryne 83
Sphcnophrvninae 60, 79, 81, 82, 84
Saguinus 127, 128 Spitofes 13, 219, 227, 240, 276, 298
inustus 127, 128 pullatus 290, 291
leucopus 127 Stefania 23, 194, 214, 253, 255, 272, 408, 413
midas 127, 128 evansi 256
ocdipus euansi group 253
geoffroyi 127, 128 253
goini 242,
oedipus 127, 128 253
goini group
Salamandridae 56 marahuaguensis 254, 256
Salomonclaps 88 scalae 255
Saltenia 58 woodleiji 256
ibanczi 38, 51 Stcgonotus 88
Sambucus 169 Stenocerctw 239, 372, 389, 396, 407, 409, 410, 411,
peruviana 169 424, 429, 431, 434, 453, 458, 459
Saphenophis 218, 240, 387, 411, 413, 456 Stcnoglossa 59
Sapindus 309 Stenolepis 239
Sarcosuchus 61 Stenopadus 172
Sarmentia 345 Stenorrhina 218, 222, 240
Sajro£,'o(ea 345 Steradia 309
Scaphiodontophis 222, 240 Stcreocyclops 87, 195, 215
Scaphiophryninae 59, 60 Sti>o 170, 316, 326, 342, 374, 399
Scelidontherium 175 humilis 316
Sccloporus 327 ichu 170
Sc/nnopsts 300, 309 StrobUums 239
Schinus 309 Strychnos 309
Schwoeboemys 61, 220 Stupendemys 53, 220
Scincella 1 1 geographicm 40
Scincidae 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 17, 32, 56, 62, 66, 85, Styllingia 316
101, 251 Swallenochloa 169
Scincinae 86, 87 Synapturanus 194, 214, 273
Scincomorpha 62 mirandaribeiroi 198

Syncope 194, 214 nigromaculatus 200

carvalhoi 201 Tretanorhinus 18, 218, 222, 240
antenori 201 Tretioscincus 218, 222, 2.39, 279, 297
Synovitis 218, 227, 240, 387, 411, 413, 456 bifasciatus 289, 291
Syrrhophus 19 Treuoa 342
patagonica 317
Tabebuia 309 spinifer 316
Tachymenis 341, 365, 407, 409, 411, 415, 431, 459 Trichloris 300
affinis 365 Trichocereus 171
attenuata 365 pascana 170
chilensis 341, 348, 350, 352, 353, 356, 364, terscheckii 170
365 Trichocline 112
peruviana 20, 348, 365, 396, 400, 420 Trionychidae 4, 10, 31, 40, 53, 61, 88
surinamensis 365 Trionyx 10, 220
tarmensis 365 australiensis 97
Tantilk 218, 219, 227, 240, 276, 298, 408, 411, 456 Tripanurgos 219, 222, 227, 240, 276
melanocephala 290 compressus 222
semicincta 289 Tritrinax 300
Taphrosphys 40, 52, 220 Tropidodryas 240
Tapirus Tropidophiidae 3, 4, 5, 12, 17, 18
bairdii 128 Tropidophis 12, 19, 222, 227, 240, 408, 411, 454
terrestris 128 taczanowskyi 388, 389
Tarentola 18, 62 Tropidurinae 5
Taudactylus 95 Tropidurus 21, 22, 23, 218, 222, 227, 239, 278, 297,
Tecoma 171 302, 303, 304, 389, 408, 410, 459
Teiidae 44, 62, 65, 228, 251 bogerti 253
Teius 219 peruvianus 400
feyou 302, 304 spinulosis 302, 304
cyanogaster 304 torquatus 260, 289, 291
teyou 304 hispidus 253
Tebnatobiinae 4, 5, 38, 60, 193, 194, 357, 361 Tupinambis 33, 41, 52, 53, 54, 62, 85, 218, 219, 220,
Telmatobiini 4, 194, 361 222, 227, 239, 279, 297, 303
Telmatobius 95, 312, 357, 358, 361, 372, 374, 389, rufescens 302, 304
396, 400, 409, 410, 411, 412, 475, 420, 424, tegumn 33, 290, 291, 304
429, 431, 434, 449, 457 Typhlina 12, 88
culeus 434 Typhlonectcs 212, 213, 214, 273
marmoratus 396, 431 Typhlonectidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 56, 57, 192, 207, 251
Telmatobufo 20, 312, 327, 341, 350, 351, 357, 358, Typhlophis 218, 240
359, 360, 363, 365, 412 Typhlopidae 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 17, 56, 63, 65, 88, 101,
australis 341, 348, 354, 358, 360 251
hullocki 348 Typhlops 12, 19, 88, 218, 227, 234, 240, 274, 298
venustus 348, 352, 355, 358, 360 lehneri 289
Tepualia 345
Testudinidae 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 17, 31, 40, 44, 52, 54, 56, Umbrivaga 411,413,444
61,251 mertensi 382
Testudo 273 Ungaliophis 12, 222, 240
Thamnodynastes 227, 240, 253, 276, 298 Uperodon 60, 87
strigilis 289, 291 Uracentron 234. 239, 278
Thamnophis 13 Uraeotyphlus 57
Thecadactylus 10, 18, 227, 239, 277, 296 Uranoscodon 239, 278
rapicaudus 290 Uropeltidac 70, 88
Thelotomis 64 Urostrophus 239
Thoruciliacus 58 Urothcca 411,413,444
Thoropa 195, 207, 215 williamsi 382
miliaria 200 Usnea 345
Thrasops 64
Tibouchina 172 Valeriana 173
TilUmdsia 170 Vanzofcnus 194, 214
Todirostrum 123 Varanidae 14, 57, 62, 71, 85, 101
Tomodactylus 19 Varanus 85
Tomoptema delalandii 60 Verbena 316, 321, 326
Trachipogon 282, 284 ligustrinia 316
Trachyboa 12, 18, 222, 240 tridens 316
Trachycephalus 212, 215 Vicraella 3, 44, 58, 100
1979 INDEX 485

Vilcunia 323, 326, 327, 339 Wetmorena 19

sylvanac 326 Wonambi 12, 89, 100
Viperidae 3, 4, 13, 14, 32, 42, 54, 64, 228 naracoortensis 89
Viperinae 55, 57, 65, 66
Xcnoboa 240
Waglerophis merremii 303 Xenodon 227, 240, 277, 298
Wawelia 53,311 Xenodontinae 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 56, 64, 66
gerholdi 312 Xenopholis 227, 240
Weinmannia 169, 172 Xenopus 3, 38, 58, 95
fagaroides 169 pascuali 52
jahnii 169 romeri 51
microphylla 169
Weismania trichosperma 345 Zachaenus 195, 214
Werneria 59, 170 Zuccagnia 170
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William E. Duellman

• J. Ramon Formas
• JoseM. Gallardo

• Zulma B. de Gasparini

Jiirgen Haffer

* Marinus S. Hoogmoed

Raymond F. Laurent
• Thomas E. Lovejoy
• John D. Lynch

• Carlos Rivero-Blanco

• Gustavo Ju in Scillato Yane

Beryl B. Simpson
• Michael J. Tyler

Cover design: Linda Trueb.

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