Polsci Reviewer

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- activities, actions and policies that are used to gain and hold power
in a government or to influence a government.
 HAROLD LASWELL - who, gets what, when and how
 JAMES MEDISON - "if men were angels, no government would
be necessary"
 ABRAHAM LINCOLN - "Government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth"


1. CIVICS POLITICS - citizenships and its rights
2. COMPARATIVE POLITICS - domestic policies, political institutions
and conflicts of countries
3. POLITICAL BEHAVIOR - person's political views, ideology, and
levels of political participation


The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all
the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over
which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its
terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the
seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The
waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago,
regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters
of the Philippines.

* EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) - 200 Nautical Miles

*UNCLOS - United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea


Section 1. Democratic and Republican State
Section 2. Renounces war
Section 3. Civilian authorities is, at all times, supreme over the military
Section 4. Serve and protect the people
Section 5. Peace and order
Section 6. Separation of church and state
Section 7. Independent foreign policy
Section 8. Freedom from nuclear weapons
Section 9. Social Order
Section 10. Social Justice
Section 11. Human Rights
Section 12. Sanctity of family life
Section 13. Youth
Section 14. Women
Section 15. Right to health
Section 16. Ecology
Section 17. Education
Section 18. Workers and their welfare
Section 19. Independent national economy
Section 20. Private Sectors
Section 21. Rural development and agrarian reform
Section 22. Indigenous cultural communities
Section 23. Welfare of the nation
Section 24. Communication and information
Section 25. Autonomy of local governments
Section 26. Equal access of opportunities for public service and political
Section 27. Graft and Corruption
Section 28. Full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public

ARTICLE III - Bill of Rights

Section 1. Due process
* Liberty - freedom
* Due process - investigation/process
Section 2. Warrant of arrest
*Fragrante Directo - caught in the act
*Hot Pursuit
* Escaped Prisoners
Section 3. Privacy of communication
Section 4. Freedom of Speech
Section 5. Free exercise of religion
Section 6. Right to travel
Section 7. Right to information
Section 8. Unions, Associations or Societies
Section 9. Private property
Section 10. Contracts
Section 11. Free access to courts and quasi-judicial
Section 12. Right to remain silent
Section 13. Right to Bail
Section 14. Right to be innocent, until proved with due process
Section 15. Writ of Habeas Corpus
Section 16. Speedy disposition of case
Section 17. A person should not be a witness against himself
Section 18. Freedom of political beliefs and aspirations
Section 19. Excessive fines
Section 20. A person should not be imprisoned of debt of non-payment tax
Section 21. A person should not be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for
the same offense
Section 22. Bill of attainder should be enacted

- ability of a person to carry out his/her will
- in POLITICS, it refers to politicians who has authority
1. Coercive - it is to compel people; something trough threat or
punishment; force or oblige
2. Reward - benefits; give and take
3. Expert - knowledge or skills of individuals
4. Legitimate - person's position or role
5. Referent - individual's personality and ability to attract followers

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